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Great Line Av. Marginal No. 48, Bidau Lecidere, Nain Feto
Dili, Timor-Leste
Phone: +670 3310014/ +670 3310014


I. Introduction

2WJ Great Line is under the Company of Incanto Weste Group as a private
company and as a national Entrepreneurship that has been established on
September 01st, 2017 by the Timorese youth who have completed their studies in
higher education (University) in Timor-Leste, and have good knowledge,
experience and skills, creative, and possess initiative to work hard to contribute
to the development of Timor-Leste through providing qualified services and
managing. The company was formed by using a variety of preparation, organizing
and coordination as the basis of its development.
Agency 2WJ Great Line is a form of Service Agency that is prepared professionally
with the support of experts of various disciplines that are able to produce the
best quality of services and managing that we can provide.

II. Vision, Mission Statement and Service Values

1. Vision
a. Our goal is constantly to provide the most superior and unrivalled
knowledge and experience services for our clients;
b. To be an important and independent organ with innovative thinking
and creative to support and contribute future development of Timor-
2. Mission statement
The business has started with a simple ethos to enable people with a
genuine interest in the future partnership. And the fundamental belief
remains at the heart of everything we do at 2WJ Great Line’s goals and
staying true that has been pivotal to our success.
3. Service Values
The vision of 2WJ Great Line to delivering an unparallel experience of the
services and managing to our clients, helps maintain and great a loyal
community, contributing towards optimal returns for our clients and
increasing long-term value partnership with all stakeholders by National
and Internationally.

As well as offering competitive services and capabilities managerial that

our clients desire. We continue to strive to ensure that our clients see us
as the most trusted and recommended provider services and managing
agency through excellence of client services.

2WJ Great Line’s goals continues to place the utmost importance on client
service and the continuous delivery of an unrivalled experience to our
clients through our behavior, image, product innovation and internal
culture. With this client-centric vision at the core of our business we
continue to strive to ensure that 2WJ Agency will become the Great
Agency of choice in all of our Partners and customer in Timor-Leste.
We measure how well we are doing on our service promise through client
feedback and, where independent studies exist, our Net Promoter Score

III.Company Commitment

Supported by young professionals who are competent in their field, 2WJ

Great Line has a great commitment to provide a high quality of service for its
clients and the stakeholders. We are dedicated to delivering expected custom
based on customers’ expectation.

IV. Company Area of Services

2WJ Great Line as an Agencies of service provider and its management has 2
(two) main activities which has performed since its establishment until now.


A. Office Administrative and Support Activities

2WJ Great Line provide support to administration and its activities.

Regular services of 2WJ Great Line, such as:
 Manage company licenses, business activity permits, company and
individual TIN from SERVE;
 Process monthly and annual taxes online and conduct tax payments
at the Bank;
 Managing Company Dividends at the Finance Office.

 Managing Medical record from the Hospital and the Criminal record
from the Ministry of Justice.
 Managing work permit and the extension at SEFOPE;
 Managing Tourist Visa, work visas, temporary residence permit and its
extensions at the Immigration Office.

B. Laboure Management

1. Domestic Workforce Management

2WJ Great Line as an
agency has its another
main Business activity
such as Laboure
management to organize,
prepare and provide to
national and international
company and agencies
which are requiring man
power. As a labor management, 2WJ Great Line has responsibility
such as:
a. Conducting Recruitment Process


The recruitment process handled by Administration and Human
Resources Department as following steps:
 Planning and finalized the vacancies which are required;
 Type of workers such like: No-skill, Skill and Professional;
 Job vacancy announcements and Receiving applications;
 Document selection and short-listed candidate;
 Writing test, Interview and another test which are required;
 Announce successful candidate, sign Contract and issue ID

b. Induction
As a worker or labor to
carry out their duties
and responsibilities
properly and performing
daily tasks according to
the existing rules and
regulations, to carry out
their duties and responsibilities properly and carry out their daily
tasks according to the existing rules and regulations. Therefore, it
is very necessary to have an initial induction before carrying out
the duties and responsibilities that will be given, such as:
 Induction of work condition and safety;
 Rules and regulations that must be followed during perform
work activities, workers' rights etc.
c. Monitoring and Supervising
As a labor management, 2WJ Great Line and his team composed
Site Admin Assistant and Site Supervisor to work cooperate
directly with supervisor of each sub-Project at the field to conduct
monitoring and supervising:
 Morning daily activities of workers;
 Induction safety to the workers;


 Coordinate with direct supervisor to ensure all workers follow
rule and regulation;
 Find solutions and solving serious problems faced by project

2. Overseas workforce management

2WJ Great Line is a

labor management
agency that also
recruits Timorese
people who wish to go
Based on the
Government of Timor-
Leste’s participation to the Expo 2020 Dubai has given promotion and
marketing of selling points, namely seeking market opportunities and
investment in tourism and hospitality, agriculture and fisheries,
transportation, communication and logistics, oil and mining.

One of the results of Expo 2020 Dubai, UAE, 2WJ Great Line as an
Agency behalf of 2WJ Great Line has signed a Contract with Jobs
Global–Arabian Centers Employments Services on the Supply of
Manpower from Timor-Leste to work in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar,
Kuwait and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries, as well
as other business cooperation opportunities.

a. Cooperation between Incanto Weste Group and Jobsglobal-

Arabian Centers Employment Services
Incanto Weste Group is very grateful to Dubai, UAE for giving
Timor-Leste the opportunity to participate in Expo 2020 Dubai,
with the result that agency 2WJ Great Line behalf of Incanto Weste
Group as a Timor-Leste national company is the first to sign a
cooperation contract with Jobs global-Arabian in February 2022 to


opens opportunities for professional workers from Timor-Leste to
work in Dubai and in GCC countries with a quota of approximately

Based on that Incanto Weste Group through agency 2WJ Great

Line have sent professional workers from Timor-Leste to work in
Dubai, Qatar and Kuwait since in July 2022 until now and will
continue to send in accordance with the agreed mechanism and

b. Partners with Jobs global and Companies in UAE

Jobs global as an Arabian Centers Employment Services has
cooperated with giant Companies in UAE-Middle Orient to recruit
Timorese. Based on the Cooperation agreement, agency 2WJ Great
Line as a representative in Timor-Leste with responsibility to
coordinate and facility the recruitment process such like:
a. Announce Job Vacancy through Jobs Global Timor-Leste in FB
b. Receive CV of applicants;
c. Coordinate Zoom interview between Candidate and Jobs Global
Main Office in Dubai;
d. Coordinate Zoom interview between Candidate and the
Company Companies that will accept applicant;
e. Coordinate Medical clearance, Ticket and others relevant tasks,

The giant Companies in Middle Orient which has committed

partner with Jobs global-Arabian Centers Employment Services to
recruit Timorese, such as:
1. Americana UAE, Americana Qatar and Americana Kuwait
2. Sultan Center Kuwait, and
3. Kout Food Group (KFG) Kuwait.


c. Timorese works has been Deployed
As above mentioned, since on July 2022 until now, Incato Weste
Group through 2WJ Great Line has recruited 54 of Timorese
workers are working in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Kuwait.
For details information as following table:

Be deployed:
No. Company Place Total
Male Female
1 Americana UAE 0 19 19
Sultan Center,
2 Kuwait 28 7 35
KFG & Americana
TOTAL 28 26 54

Visa Ready:
No. Company Place Total
Male Female
1 KFG Kuwait 11 2 13
TOTAL 11 2 13

Visa on Process:
No. Company Place Total
Male Female
1 Sultan Center Kuwait 5 0 5
2 KFG Kuwait 8 2 10
TOTAL 13 2 15


Signed Over Letter:
No. Company Place Total
Male Female
1 Americana Qatar 11 8 19
TOTAL 11 8 19

V. Admin HR and Finance

Agency 2WJ Great Line has its own Finance HR and finance department with
the aim of carrying out administration, Hunan Resources and financial tasks
and daily functions according to the needs of the Incanto Weste Group and
agency, such as Administration Management, Recruitment Processing,
Accounting, purchasing, process payroll and payments, tax processes and

VI. Staff Management

2WJ Great Line has experience and competitive in managing and services. We
recruited qualified staff with maximum educational background and
experience for the management of administration, finance and accounting,
marketing, logistics and the other operational staff according to each area of
2WJ Great Line has a great experience, discipline, dedication and responsible
staff in serving its clients. Our staffs are prepared to serve its clients in a
friendly, courteous, fair and honest manner. And we are ready to compete in
serving our clients quickly, precisely and effectively.




Board of Director

Audit Committee

Managing Director

General Manager

Manager of
Manager of Site
Administration Manager of Finance
Support Office
& HR

Assistant Assistant Site Supervisor


Key Personnel Management

Managing Director, Mr. Joanico Jeronimo

Mr. Nico is Timorese from Lautem-Iliomar who attained a

Diploma of Forestry in Bandung- Indonesia during
Indonesian occupation and being completed a bachelor
degree of Agricultural Industry in 2019 in Timor Leste.

Experience & Skill

Mr. Nico has broad array of experience and skill in business

and cooperate management. He has worked for diverse
International Organization including Care, GTG, and Marcy Corps prior to
starting his own Company.
In his experience over decade, Mr. Nico decided to run his own business in 2014
and has undertaken over USD 45 Millions as of 2021 in acquisition and
management of various projects including coconut-oil Industry, supplier and
trainer of various Fire Fighting Vehicles to Government of Timor Leste, Quarry
and blasting services to TIBAR PORT in Timor Leste, Gallery and Furniture
Premium business class, Restaurant including coffee and bar, travel agent and
finally labour management services.
He has over 15 years of experience both in NGO and business management. Mr.
Nico is proud to lead a loyal and committed team. He is working alongside his
team on daily basis which inspires and motivates the team being the Timorese
employees. Mr. Nico has successfully managed a number GoTL project which
involved multi millions project value. The most invaluable successes were
delivering the complete set of fire truck for International Airport of Nicolau
Lobato, Comoro, Dili Timor-Leste and the subcontractor for Quarry and Blasting
for TIBAR PORT including labour management services in partnership with China
Harbour Timor Lda.


Mr. Nico’s experience in contract management for firefighting industry and Tibar
Port has assisted him in creating a culture that builds strong relationship
between government, project team, Clients and broader Stakeholders.

General Manager, Mr. José Ferreira

Mr. Jose is from Iliomar-Lautem, he went to Universitas

Timor Timur then later transform to Universidade
Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) now and being graduated
his Bachelor degree in Science Governments (L.CG) of
Social and Political Science. He then continued his
Magister degree for the Rural Community Development
(M.I.P) in 2018 in Special Region of Yogyakarta Indonesia.

Experience & Skill

Mr. Jose Ferreira has broad array of experience, skill and professional in diverse
International Organization, Agencies and National Organization and Institution,
including United Nations Organization (UN Peace Keeping Mission in Timor-
Leste). He then attached with United Nations Volunteers in the United
Peacekeeping Mission in Republic Democratic of Congo-Africa (MONUC/
MONUSCO) 2005-2011. After completed 6 years and 4 Month contract as UNV
Logistics Assistant MONUC/ MONUSCO in Republic Democratic of Congo (DRC),
back to Timor-Leste in 2012 he then joined with United Nations World Food
Program as a Field Monitoring and Evaluation. He also lectured at Oriental
University of Timor Lorosa’e in Dili 2014-2019 and finally joint with Incanto
Weste since September 2019 till present as a General Manager with the role to
manage and control all task related to the general administration, including
project administration and Operations services, human resources and finance.

He has over 20 years of experience in diverse areas, both national and

international in Management of administration, Human resources, International
cooperation, leadership, Management of Logistics Operations Support to the


civilian and Military deployment and Operations, monitoring & Evaluation,
Procurement and quality control.

Manager of Human Resources, Ms. Francisca Sousa Brites

Ms. Qnha is from Dili, she has completed her study at

Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta-Indonesia, and
graduated from Economic Management in 2014.

Experience & Skill

Ms. Qnha has an experience at administration and Finance. She worked at NGO
(Non-Government Organization) Timor Aid as an Administration and Finance
Manager since 2015-2018.
In 2020-2021 she was working with Betfred (Betting Shop) at Oxford-United
Kingdom as a Sales Assistant Manager (ASM). She then joined with Incanto
Weste Group and deployed to the agency 2WJ Great Line since March 2022 until
now as a Recruitment Officer for JobsGlobal Timor-Leste. Hers duty and
responsibility is to manage the correspondence with Main Office of Jobs Global in
Dubai, Recruiter and interviewer new candidates, selection the document, Update
to General Manager about the process, make a payment and make an annual

Recruitment Assistant, Ms. Sandra Da Silva Hamid

Ms. Sandra Is from Hatulia-Ermera Municipality, she has

completed her Study at Academy Management Informatic and
Computer, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia and Graduated in 2006.

Experience & Skill

Ms. Sandra has an experience in Marketing and

Administration. She was working at Minister of Solidarity and
Social as a Administration since 2007-2012.


In 2012-2015 she worked at Grafica Patria (Printing Company) as a Marketing,
and then joined with Incanto Weste Group since Marc 2022 up to now, she has
assigned with agency 2WJ Great Line as a Recruitment Assistant for JobsGlobal
Timor Leste. Her duty is to convince and briefing the candidates, helping for
interview and prepare the documents and follow up all the process and update to
Recruitment Officer.

Manager of Finance, Ms. Sofia Fernandes Xavier

Mrs. Jofy is from Moro-Lautem, she completed her study at
Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) and graduated her degree
for Agribusiness Management in 2013.

Experience & Skill

Mrs. Sofy has a great experience, skill and professional in
Finance administration. She has worked with Incanto Weste
Gallery Furniture as a finance assistant since 2014-2016
nevertheless leave temporarily due to family reason. After
several years being home for taken care of his family, she has returned back to
Incanto Weste Company since 2019 till now as a finance officer. Her duty is to
manage and perform overall daily financial operation including petty cash, salary
payment, Monthly and Annual Tax payment, purchasing, arranging and
monitoring Company and Debt Certificate, and all other things related to finance
for the company. Accordingly, she is very passionate about her work in finance
and committed to perform in an unparallel way.

Administration Officer: Maria Bernardete Pinto

Ms. Maria Bernadete Pinto, was born in 1983, she

completed her study at Senior High School at Secondary
School of St. Petrus Dili. She went to Universitas Tribuana
Tuga Dewi Malang-Indonesia and graduated her degree in
Chemistry in 20012.
Mss. Maria has a great experience, skill and professional in
administration finance. She has worked as an


Administration Assistant at Oriental University of Timor Lorosa’e since 2017-
Ms. Maria has been joining to 2WJ Great Line since 2019 till now as
Administration Officer to responsible for Working Permit & visa to run all the
process and issues related working permit and visa, local contract, and other
services are required by clients. She always controls his data base to aware the
expire date of AT and Visa of the client. She has experience, skill and professional
of attending client and the authorities of government.
Manager of Site Support Office

Mr. Sebastião Pereira, was born in 1992 has experience and management to
managing and organizing all sites supervisors to coordinate and supervise daily
activities in the site. He has joint to 2WJ Great Line since 2019 till now, he has
gained valuable experience to liaise, coordinate and communicate all staff of
Agency with worker agency and Chine Horbour Timor (CHT) to identify issues,
problems and obstacle which are interfaced on the project’s activities to gain the
final objective according to the plan and the target has been concluded.
The site support office consists by Site manager, Site Administration Assistant,
and the site supervisors.


VII. Jobs Global-Arabian Centers Employment Services Representative Office
In Dili, Timor-Leste
Jobs Global and Incanto
Weste Group in presence
of senior representation
of Ministry of Labor,
Ministry of Tourism,
Ministry of Foreign
affairs sign the
agreement to Establish
Jobs Global offices and
training centers in Timor-Leste offering opportunities to 1000's of Timorese
as a results of Dubai expo 2020
Based on agreement between Incanto Weste Group and Jobs global-Arabian
Centers in Dubai-UAE, the agency 2WJ Great Line as representative of Jobs
Global in Timor-Leste to coordinate and facility all recruitment process.

Agency 2WJ Great Line as a representative to coordinate and facility all

recruitment processes until departure of all successful candidate, so far 2WJ
Great Line has coordinated with all parties, especially with competent of
Government Institutions that has supported 2WJ Great Line to carrying out
its duties and responsibilities properly.

Site Visit


A site visit delegation consists from representant of Incanto Weste Group,
Authority of
representant of
SEFOPE, Mr. Paul
Alves, General
Timor-Leste for
Expo Dubai, Dr.
Manuel Vong,
PhD, Arabian
Centers Employment Services in Dubai-UAE, Dr. Samer Salibi, PhD and
Business Partners in Dubai, on April 04th, 2022

President Director of Incanto Weste

Group Mr. Nico and Mr. DR. Samer
Salibi, PhD, signed a Cooperation
agreement Contract was participated
by the General Coordinator Timor-
Leste for Expo 2020 Dubai, Mr. DR.
Manuel Vong, PhD.

State Secretary of SEFOPE, Mr. Alarico and his General Director, Mr. Paul
Alves welcoming President of Jobs Global, Mr. Dr. Samer Salibi, PhD and
President Director of Incanto Weste Group, Mr. Joanico Jerónimo.


Meeting with H.E President of National Parliament of Timor-

President of Jobs
Global, Mr. Dr.
accompanied with
President Director
of Incanto Weste
Group, Mr. Joanico
Jerónimo and the
Coordinator of Expo 2020 Dubai, Mr. Dr. Manuel Vong met President of
Parliament of Timor-Leste, H. E. Dr. Aniceto Guterres.
During the meeting, the President Director of Incanto Weste Group, Mr.
Nico introduced Mr. Dr. Samer as President of Jobs Global, one of the
entrepreneurs in Dubai to H.E. Mr. President of National Parliament that
Jobs Global is interesting to recruit Timorese to work in Dubai, Qatar and
Kuwait, especially in area Hospitality, Hospitality and Supermarket.

Meeting with H.E

President of Republic
of Timor-Leste

The President of Jobs

Global- Arabian Center


Employment Services, Mr. Samer Salibi met with the H. E. Mr. President of
the Republic of Timor-Leste, DR. José Ramos Horta to discuss the prospect
of sending Timorese worker to Dubai.
In this meeting, H.E. Mr. President was so much supportive of the initiative
of sending Timorese workers abroad to help build the economy of Timor-
Leste. Mr. Samer said that the Government of UAE has set laws to protect
and ensure the safeness of the foreign workers in UAE. For instance, 90% of
the population living in UAE are foreign workers and they are protected.

President Jobs Global met MTCI on 19 May 2022

The President Jobs
Global expressed
his gratitude to the
Government of
especially MTCI.
Through the
National Authority
for Expo Dubai
(ANED-TL) at Expo 2020 Dubai providing opportunities for both Jobs Global
and Incanto Weste Group to carry out Business to Business (B2B) activities
together to develop Human Resources of Timor-Leste to the Global Labor
Jobs Global views that job opportunities in Dubai, Qatar and Kuwait are
not just about money, but more important is being able to get the
opportunity to learn more to increase their knowledge, abilities, and change
their attitude from the place where they work and the industry in which
they carry out their duties every day, so that one day when return to Timor-
Leste, they could able to do their own business to increase their income
individually, family and GDP of the country.


The other part, H. E.
Minister of Tourism, Trade
and Industry, José Lucas do
Carmo da Silva on behalf of
MTCI and the Government
of TL expressed his
appreciation to Dr. Samer
Lilini who came with the
aim of investing in and
developing HR TL according to Global Jobs Standards by providing Timor-
Leste workers with opportunities to work in Dubai.
H. E. Minister also supports the idea and initiative of collaboration of
Incanto Weste Group and Jobs Global to recruit Timorese youth to work in
Dubai, Qatar and Kuwait. This is a brilliant initiative to help the lives of
Timorese youth people to build their lives and their families.
Therefore, MTCI works together with SEFOPE and the others Government
Institution to support cooperation between private sectors, especially
Incanto Weste Group with Jobs Global through diplomatic and competent
channels based on the laws in Timor-Leste and in the UAE.
In the same time, Mr.
Samer’s visit to Timor-Leste,
he met also H. E.
Coordinating Minister for
Economic Affairs, Mr.
Joaquim Amaral on 27 May
In this meeting Mr. Samer
expressed his interest that Jobs Global interest to invest in hospitality
sector in Timor-Leste.


On the other hand,
the General
Coordinator of Expo
Dubai, DR. Manuel
Vong said that Expo
2020 Dubai has
promoted Timor-
Leste in the Middle East and the world, and it has provided investment
opportunities for the private sector from both Dubai and Timor-Leste, to
develop economic of Timor-Leste. For example, that Mr. Samer as President
of Jobs global-Arabian Centers in Dubai-UAE and Mr. Nico as the President
Director of the Incanto Weste Group has signed a memorandum of
understanding to recruit Timorese youths to work in Dubai.


The Recruitment Process
Pre-screening to
applicants before
direct zoom
interview from
Jobs Global main
Office in Dubai.
The process was
conducted locally
by agency 2WJ
Great Line as Jobs Global representative Office in Dili then shorted list the
applicant who is qualify for next zoom interview.

Online Briefing by Ms. Alice in Dubai

Applicants who have passed
the document selection and
zoom interview with Human
Resource Officer from Jobs
Global Main Office in Dubai
were being briefed direct by
Ms. Alice from Dubai before
conducting direct zoom
interview with the company
that will recruit them (employers).


Zoom Interview
Applicants who have successfully
passed the local screening, then step
into the zoom interview.
The process of zoom is done directly
from Jobs global main Office in
Dubai and the company which
employ Timorese who meet their

So, this recruitment process is

fair, honest and transparent,
without intervention that leads
to the collusion and nepotism.
This is because of the principal
factor is all applicants should
speak English.


Pre-Departure Briefing to 1st Batch of Timorese Workers to
On July 23rd, 2022 Incanto
Weste Group through 2WJ
Great Line as
representative Office of
Jobs Global in Timor-Leste
organized a meeting was
held in Suai Conference
Room at Timor-Plaza.

As a Pre-
departure brief
for candidates
who have passed
the selection.
They have signed
the offer letter
and work visa as
well as the ticket.
The important
issues and information be conveyed to the candidates are obedience to the
rules and regulations in the place where they will work, adapting themselves
to the culture in Dubai
and Middle Orient as an
Islamic majority country.
At the Pre-Departure
brief, the candidate's
parents were also present
to hear directly the


process and legality of the Timorese People to work in Dubai, they will be
protected by labor law in Dubai.
However, the most
important thing at
the pre-departure
brief was the
presence of
especially the
General Director of
SEFOPE, ANED-TL and Director of Immigration giving all parents and
families confidence that their children go to work in Dubai through a legal
process and are supported by the government.


Departure of 1st Batch Timorese Worker to Dubai

On July 29th, 2022

departure from
International Airport
President Nicolau Lobatu
Comor-Dili via Denpasar
Bali and arrived at
International Airport in
Doha Qatar on July 31st,
2022 awaiting flight to
They are 4 Timorese
young women, who are
always courageous to
seek new challenges,
determined, capable,
professional, and always willing to learn new things. They are waiting their
last flight from Doha to Dubai as a final destination.

By next day on
August 01st, 2022,
these 4 Timorese
young women
arrived at
Airport in Dubai-
UAE. They were
welcoming by the


team of Jobs Global in Dubai and team of Americana as Employer Company
as well as the President Director of Incanto Weste Group Mr. Nico was in
Dubai to organize and facility 1st Batch of Timorese workers arrival in Dubai.

The Next Batch Deployment

After success of the

first deployment, the
Incanto Waste Group
through the Agency
2WJ Great Line
continues to coordinate
and facilitate Timorese
who interest to work in
Dubai-Middle East, not only
because of getting a salary
every month, but more
advantage is to gain more
knowledge and experience in
the field where they work, so
that one day when they return
to Timor-Leste they can implement it, because the majority of them are still
young between 20-30 years old.

The next batch deployment

to Dubai which was
accompanied by the officers
of agency 2WJ Great Line,
Ms. Qnha and Ms. Sanda.
The objective was to ensure


that all processes from recruitment until departure have been coordinated
properly and safely.
While transit in Bali, they met with the President
Director of Incanto Weste Group, Mr. Nico who
was returning from London at that time.
When they arrived in Dubai, Ms. Qnha and Ms.
Sandra met Mr. Andrew in Head Office of Jobs
Global in Dubai.

Three of Timorese
young women who works in Dubai, they are Avelinda, Maguida and Jenifer
are currently working at Pizza Hut, the American company.
Pizza Hut is an Americana multinational Restaurant chain and International
franchise founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas by Dan and Frank Carney.


Assignment for Sultan Center Kuwait

On March of 05th, 2023, another group of Timorese departure from

Nicolau Lobato
with final
destination is to
Kuwait. They
have signed an
offer letter to
work in Sultan Center in Kuwait.
The Sultan Center is the leading Kuwaiti-owned grocery retailer.
The Sultan legacy proudly spans over 40 years, when it first launched its
Kuwait flagship store in
The company operates
supermarkets in
Kuwait, Bahrain,
Oman, and Jordan with
a network spanning
over 70 stores in the
Middle East.


VIII. Experience of 2WJ Great Line
2WJ Great Line was founded in 2017, with the following service experiences:

No. Subjects Owner

Services Working Permit and visa,

1 EDS Enterprise 2019
Company License and Tourist Visa

Services working Permit and visa,

2 Grafica Patria 2019-2021
Company License and Tourist Visa

Services working Permit and visa,

3 Integra 2019
Company License and Tourist Visa

Services working Permit and visa,

4 Golden Sun 2019
Company License and Tourist Visa

Services working Permit and visa, PT. Watsila

5 2019-2020
Company License and Tourist Visa Indonesia

Services working Permit and visa,

6 Company License & CRC, Tourist Visa 2019-2022
Unipessoal. Lda
and Local contract

Services working Permit and visa,

D. Lekibo 2019-
7 Company License & CRC and Local
Unipessoal. Lda Present

Services working Permit and visa, Klean Gas

8 2019-2022
Company License and Tourist Visa Unipessoal. Lda

Services working Permit and visa, Oito

9 Company License & CRC, Tourist Visa, Supermarket.
Debt Certificate, Local Contract Lda

Services working Permit and visa, International

10 Company License & CRC, Tourist Visa Supply Service &
and Local contract Source. Lda

Services working Permit and visa,

11 Timor Organic 2019
Company License and Tourist Visa


Services working Permit and visa, Assisting Chine
Company License and Local contract for Harbour
12 2019
more than 400 staffs of Chine Harbour Engineering
Timor (CHT) Company

Chine Harbour
Managing 500 Labors for the Project of
Engineering 2018-
13 New Port Construction in Tibar Timor-
Company (CHEC) present
Timor. Lda

Managing documents and organizing

Cammer PC, 2019-
14 Timorese to England, Republic of Ireland
Unipessoal. Lda Present
and Portugal

Managing Car documents and Driving 2019-

15 Moby’s Hotel Dili
License to the DNTT Present

Services working Permit and visa, renew

16 Tourist Visa, Residence Permit for Individual 2019
Intermarriage with Timorese citizens

Services working Permit and visa for Will be

Contract with
foreign workers, Company License and started in
17 Heineken Timor.
Local contract and Business license for January
Trading Investment. 2021

Agreement with Arabian Center

Employment Service to recruit skill and
18 qualify workers of Timor-Leste to work in JOBS GLOBAL 2022-2027
different company and type of Jobs in
Dubai, Kuwait and Qatar.

Further Information

Our Company is dedicated to providing the highest standard of service that you,
our valued customers and Stakeholders consider most appropriate for your
Please do not hesitate to be in contact with us should you require more detailed
information and assistance.

Your attention and cooperation are highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours,


Joanico Jeronimo
President Director


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