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A Consecrated Vessel Fitted for the Master's Use.

2 TIM. II. 21.

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto

honour, sanctified and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every
good work.

_THE great Apostle of the Gentiles is giving many excellent directions,

earnest exhortations, and solemn cautions and charges unto his son Timothy,
in this as well as the fore|going epistle, in order to his faith|ful, acceptable
and successful discharge of his e|vangelical office.

And among other things, in some of the verses of the preceeding context, he
cautions him parti|cularly against profane and vain babblings; that is in general
against all vain, empty, and impertinent discourses in the discharge of the
ministerial office, &c. More especially, it is a caution against his delivering
any false doctrines, and spreading any errors in and by his Sermons; which
instead of promoting true re|ligion, would only serve to increase unto more
ungod|liness; and fill the world with corrupt principles, and false notions, to
the destroying their virtue rather than to the promoting of it.

Page 2 And here the Apostle to back his caution, instances in two that
probably were teachers in the church, viz. Hymeneus and Philetus, who had
erred from the truth, and were for teaching their error to others, which was
this, viz. that the resurrection was pass'd al|ready, as at our Saviour's
resurrection; or by turning all that was said concerning the resurrection into
meer allegory, making it intend only our regeneration, or our being raised to
newness of life; or that the resurrection is only in procreation whereby the
species is continued.

And now such erroneous doctrines, and such false teachers, the apostle
exhorts Timothy to shun & avoid, if he would be a good minister of Jesus
Christ. But upon it observes, That it was no great wonder, if there were
some such hereticks and false teachers in the church; for it was no more
than we should meet with in any great house, vessels, or utensils of different
kinds, some to honour and some to dishonour; as in the verse preceeding my
text: In a great house (says he) there are not only vessels of gold, and of silver, but
also of wood, and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. And then
comes in the words of my text, If a man therefore purge himself from these; (that
is from these hereticks & false teachers; espe|cially from their errors and
corruptions that he spake of in the 16th & 17th verses; or any other false
doc|trines and corrupt practices that would subvert the fundamental
doctrines of christianity,) he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for
the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

Here the apostle carries on the metaphor he had begun in the foregoing
verses; representing the church of God under the similitude of a great house,
and Christ as the master of it; and the members, especi|ally the ministers of
the gospel, as vessels in it; which if they would be vessels unto honour,
sanctified and fitted for the master's use, and prepared to every good work,
must be throughly purged and cleansed.

Page 3 It must needs be a desireable thing to be vessels unto honour, to be

imployed in the high and honour|able services of that great house, which is
the church of the living God. And they are vessels unto honour indeed, who
are not only sanctified, set apart and consecrated to that holy service, but are
also fitted for the master's use, even prepared, qualified and dis|posed to
every good work that he shall set them about. But now in order to this, a
man must be purged and cleansed: if a man purge himself from these he shall be
a vessel unto honour, &c.

This may suffice to introduce the scheme of my present discourse: And as

for a fuller explication of the words, it shall be under the several observati|
ons which I shall be obliged to speak very briefly to.

I. Obs. The church of God is as it were a great house, of which Christ is the
head and master.

II. Obs. Ministers are as vessels and instruments for the use and service of
this house.

III. Obs. Some of these are unto honour, and some unto dishonour.

IV. Obs. The vessels unto honour, are such as be|ing sanctified and set
apart, are fitted for the master's use, even prepared unto every good work.

V. Obs. In order to their being such vessels unto honour, they must be
purged & freed from many things.

I. Obs. The church of God is as it were a great house, of which Christ is the head
and master.

The apostle makes a comparison between the church and a house, in the
foregoing verse, and carries on the metaphor in my text, speaking of the
vessels and the master of the horse. And it is not unusual for the Holy Ghost
to represent the church of Christ un|der that similitude. Sometimes the
church is consi|dered as a building it self. Thus (says the apostle to the
church of Corinth) Ye are God's building, 1 Cor. 3.9. And particular saints are
called lively stones, that make up the building, 1 Pet. 2 5. Ye also as lively
stones, are built up a spiritual house. And so the Page 4 happy union of
christians in the principles and prac|tice of faith and holiness, love and
charity, is repre|sented as the several parts of a building that are fram|ed
with great exactness, so as to come together every piece to its proper place.
Eph. 2.21. In whom all the building fitly framed together, groweth into an holy
temple in the Lord.

But then at other times the church, when it is re|presented under the
metaphor of an house, intends not the building it self, but those that live in,
and belong to the house; even the family or houshold. Thus we read of the
house of Cloe, 1 Cor. 1.11. of the house of Onesiphorus, 2 Tim. 1.16. which
intend those that belong to the house, even the houshold. And thus the church
is called the houshold of God, Eph. 2.19. and the houshold of faith, Gal. 6.10.
So that we may indifferently consider the church of Christ either as the
house it self, or as the houshold, even those that make up the family of

And considering the church as an house in one sense or other, Christ is the
owner, head and master of it. Heb. 3.6. But Christ as a son over his own house,
whose house are we, that is we christians, if we hold fast the confidence and the
rejoycing of the hope firm unto the end. So that the church of Christ is his house:
He is the master, the owner and the governour of it. It be|longs to him by all
imaginable right whatsoever.

This spiritual house, the church of God, is Christ's by gift; for it is made up
of those whom the father hath given unto him, Joh. 17.2.

They are also his by purchase; for the church of God is what he has
purchased with his own blood, Acts 20.28.

They are his also by conquest; for it is by his al|mighty power and grace that
they are rescued out of the hands of their spiritual enemies, bro't out of the
kingdom of satan into the kingdom of the Son of God.

And then lastly; He is the owner & master hereof by free compact and
agreement; for every one that Page 5 comes in to make a part of this
spiritual house, or to be one of the houshold of faith, freely surrenders up
himself to him, as to his prince and ruler, as well as saviour. They publickly
own and profess him for their lord and master, and promise obedience to his

So accordingly Christ acts as the head & master of this great houshold. He
looks upon them as his particu|lar care and charge, and gives his orders,
directions and commands to them, even all the laws, statutes and ordinances
of the Gospel. He sets them their service, and gives every one his work to
do. And then as a good housholder he makes provision for his church; not
only for their bodily, but for their spiritual sup|port and comfort. He takes
care that they be fed with the bread of life. They eat and drink at his table,
and are cloathed with his righteousness, as well as fed by his grace, and he
takes care that every one has his portion in due season.

II. Obs. The Ministers of the Gospel may be and are considered as vessels or
instruments in this house.

I say vessels or instruments, because the word used in my text for vessels,
signifies also any instrument, as Criticks observe; especially any
instruments or uten|sils of a family, as well as those excavated ones that do
more strictly go under the name of vessels.

The ministers of Christ are set forth under various characters, and their
office represented by very diffe|rent metaphors; some importing the honour,
others the labour, and others the usefulness of their office. They are
represented sometimes as angels, Rev. 1.20. sometimes as stars, Rev. 2.1.
sometimes as embassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5.20. sometimes as messengers of
the Lord of hosts. Mal. 2.7. sometimes stewards of the mysteries of God, 1
Cor. 4.1. sometimes over|seers of the flock or family of Christ, Act. 20.28.
sometimes as labourers in the harvest, Matth. 9.38. sometimes as watchmen,
and at other times as servants: And in our text they are represented only as
vessels Page 6 or utensils in the house, for the convenience and ser+vice of
the houshold.

And this is not the only place where ministers are represented under this
humbling metaphor: For thus says the apostle, 2 Cor. 4.7. We have this
treasure in earthen vessels, (that is the treasure of the gospel,) that the
excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. And the apostle Paul
might well make use of this metaphor, because the Lord himself de|clares of
him in particular, that he was a chosen vessel unto him to bear his name
before the gentiles, Acts 9.15. So that ministers may be looked upon, and
ought, in order to keep themselves humble, to look upon themselves but as
vessels in the house: And they may well be looked upon as such; for they
are but as vessels or instruments that the great master of the houshold makes
use of, for the benefit of his church.

They are vessels as they are of God's forming and not of their own; and all
formed and fashioned as he pleases; some of larger and some of smaller size
and capacity, just as seems good in his sight, and will best answer the
several uses they are to be put to in his church.
Moreover, they are vessels, as whatever is con|tain'd in them is not their
own, but what they re|ceive: If they are filled with knowledge and wisdom,
with gifts and graces, it is not from themselves any more than any empty
vessel can fill itself. A vessel is capable of receiving, and that is all that can
be said of us; for what have we that we did not re|ceive? 1 Cor 4.7. All
ministerial accomplishments are given to ministers: Every good gift, and every
perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, Jam 1 17.

Again, they are vessels as they not only are made to receive and contain, but
also to pour out again, to convey and dispense to others. This is the use of
vessels, not only to receive and contain, but to pour out again as there is
occasion. Thus mini|sters Page 7 have the treasures of the gospel
committed to them, and are filled with gifts and graces, that they might
convey & dispense the same to others. Their business is to deliver as well as
receive. I delivered unto you that which I received of the Lord, says the a|postle, 1
Cor 11.23. Paul was a chosen vessel to bear Christ's name, and to convey his
gospel, and the way to salvation by him to the Gentiles. And this is the
business of every chosen vessel, to convey the knowledge of Christ, to
dispense his gospel, and his ordinances unto the people, according as they
have received them; every one according to his capacity, and the measure he
has received.

Furthermore, ministers are vessels as they are of no use, nor are they
imployed any farther than Christ, the great housholder, sees cause to make
use of them. The vessels or instruments of a house can make no use of
themselves, nor are they of use any further than the master of the family
sees cause to occupy and improve them: so ministers are serviceable in the
church no fur|ther than Christ sees cause to improve them in his ser|vice;
and some he makes more use of, than others; and the more service he puts
them to, the more honour he confers upon them.

Again, they are vessels as they are only the means and instruments of any
real saving benefit flowing to the church by them. They are not the efficient
cau|ses, but only the instruments of the conversion of sin|ners. They can't
beget faith in any, nor bestow sav|ing grace upon them, but are only
instruments in God's hands, by which God works such a gracious change in
them. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but mi|nisters by whom ye believed? 1
Cor. 3.5

Lastly, Ministers are vessels as they like other vessels are liable to be
broken, or in time to decay & wear away. No vessel, let it be made of gold
or silver, of brass or iron, and much more of wood or stone, but what
〈…〉 cusualty or other is broken to piece, or by 〈◊〉 usage in time
wears out, so as to be fit for no 〈◊〉Page 8 service. And this is the case
with the choicest vessels that God has among his ministers: if they are
suffered to continue, yet according to the common course of nature, in a few
years they wear out, dissolve to dust, and are laid aside in the place of
silence and inactivity. But how much more common is it for them by some
violent distemper, or some sudden stroke of the divine hand, to be dashed in
pieces like a potter's vessel before that time?

III. Obs. Among the ministers of the Gospel some are vessels unto honour, and some
unto dishonour.

As in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also
of wood and of earth, and some to honour and some to dishonour, so it is in
the church of Christ, with respect unto the ministers of it.

Here let me say,

1. Some are vessels unto honour.

Some there are that for the exquisite frame & con|stitution of their natures,
the brightness of their natu|ral parts, their improvements by education, and
above all for their refinements by divine grace, may well be compared to
vessels of gold and of silver, exceeding precious and valuable, as well as
useful & serviceable.

And these vessels, these ministers are unto honour,—

1. Unto the honour of Christ the master.

Vessels of gold and silver in a house are to the ho|nour of the master of the
house, as they set forth his rich estate: so these vessels of gold and silver in
the church of Christ are unto His honour, as they serve to set forth the riches
and the glory of Christ. Such ministers by their doctrines and by their lives
do much to display the honour of Christ: They set forth the glory of his
person, the glory of his offices as our re|deemer, the glory of his wisdom, of
his power, and especially of his grace in the redemption of sinners. Hence
the apostle says of such golden vessels, 2 Cor. 8.23. They are the glory of

2 They are unto the honour of the holy religion they receive, and dispense to others.

Page 9 A silver or a golden vessel serves to recommend the liquor or

whatever is contained therein, especially if otherwise it be good in its nature
and kind. And nothing tends more to do a proper bottom to religion, and
recommend it to the esteem, the choice, the love and practice of a People,
than its being brought to them in such golden vessels, that is, able ministers
of the new testament, who are not only able by acceptable words to set forth
the excellency of it, but also recommend it by their own example. Such
ministers by their shining gifts and graces reflect a very plea|sing lustre
upon religion, and adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things.

3. They are vessels unto honour, as they are such on whom God will confer special
marks of honour.

Vessels of gold and silver are unto honour, as the master and owner of them
puts honour upon them, by taking particular care of them that they be not
lost or abused, and by providing more honourable shelves and closets for
them in the house. Thus God sets a great value upon those ministers that are
as vessels of gold and silver; he has a higher esteem of them, and sets his
love more upon them, and delights to ho|nour them. Them that honour me I will
honour, says God, 1 Sam. 2.30. He will put marks of honour upon them
whilst they live, and afterwards he will crown them with glory and honour.
Now he will cause them to shine like bright vessels of gold and silver, but
then he will cause them to shine as the bright|ness of the firmament, and as
the stars for ever & ever.

2. Among the ministers of the gospel, some are vessels unto dishonour.

In this great house of the church there are vessels of wood and of earth; men
of a course and a heavy mold, of inferior powers and small abilities, dull
life|less souls, without any vigour or activity, uncultiva|ted and unrefined,
gross & ignorant in their thoughts and apprehension of things, fit only for
the mean and ordinary business of life, and no way suitable for the Page 10
high and honourable services of the sanctuary.

But by vessels of earth and of wood we may under|stand men of earthly

souls, men whose souls cleave unto the dust, and that mind earthly things,
that are carnal, earthly and sensual, having their affections ingrossed by the
world, and the things of sense, filled with some filthy lust or other, which
hinders them from receiving, much more from conveying any thing that is
of a sublime & spiritual nature, and so utterly un|fit for, and indisposed to
the holy and spiritual servi|ces of the sanctuary.

And now these are vessels unto dishonour; these are a dishonour to Christ, a
dishonour to the faithful ministers of Christ, a discredit to the church and to
themselves: or if they should pass without any re|markable disgrace here,
yet depend upon it, they will be covered with shame & everlasting contempt

IV. Obs. Vessels unto honour are such as being sancti|fied and set apart, are fited
for the master's use, even pre|pared unto every good work.
Here is the character or account that the apostle gives of a good faithful
minister, a vessel unto honour; that he is sanctified, separated and set apart
to that service; and not only so, but fit for the master's use, and that is to be
prepared unto every good work. So that a minister who is a vessel unto
honour is,

1. One that is sanctified, consecrated and set apart to that office.

2. He is also one that is fit for the master's use.

And this

3. Is to be prepared unto every good work.

1. A minister that is a vessel unto honour is one that is sanctified, consecrated or set
apart for that holy office.

A vessel unto honour sanctified.— A vessel that is unto honour must be

sanctified. This doubtless has reference to the vessels of the altar and
tabernacle, that were all to be sanctified before they were made use of for
the service of the sanctuary, Exod. 30.29, 44. Page 11 were sanctified as
they were set apart purely for that use, separate from all common &
ordinary uses.

So the Priests and Levites of old were set apart and sanctified to the holy
services of the altar and taber|nacle. And a great deal of ceremony and
solemnity was used in the consecrating the priests, and separa|ting them to
their holy office. And altho' these bur|densome ceremonies of consecration
under the law are abolished; yet even now ministers of the gospel are to be
sanctified, and set apart to their holy office, and in solemn manner
introduced into that sacred function. They are to be separated unto the
Gospel of God, as the apostle says he was, Rom. 1.1. which was agrea|ble to
the direction of the Holy Ghost, Act. 13.2. Separate me Barnabas and Saul for
the work where|unto I have called them.

And now the manner they took for the separation of them was fasting, &
prayer, and laying their hands on them, as in the following verse.
Accordingly this became an apostolical practice to sanctify or se|parate to
the ministerial office, by fasting & prayer, and laying on of the hands of the
Presbytery, accom|panied with a solemn charge in the name of the Lord
Jesus, that they take heed to their ministry, that they fulfil it. So that the
solemn ordination of ministers is their sanctification or consecration or
separation to the sacred office of the ministry: It is the regular intro|duction
and solemn investiture of them in their office. So that every one that is thus
solemnly ordained may be said to be a vessel sanctified or consecrated.
But then this external sanctification supposes some|thing that is internal and
real. It signifies that God approves of them; that he sets them apart, and
owns them for his ministers. And then that they separate themselves to that
office, and devote and give up themselves to that service; that they separate
them|selves from the other business of life, and give them|selves wholly to
these things.

And now one whom the Lord approves, and does Page 12 thus sincerely
give himself up to the service of Christ in the gospel ministry, and is
solemnly separated by fasting and prayer, and the laying on of the hands of
the Presbytery, he is a vessel sanctified to all intents and purposes under the

2 But if he would be a vessel unto honour, he must not only be sanctified;

but fit or meet for the master's use.

It is not sufficient to be sanctified and separated, unless we are fit for the use
and service we are se|parated unto. What will it signify to be ordained and
inducted into that holy office of the ministry, and yet not fit for the use; not
capable of answering the ends and designs of it? Therefore if such would be
vessels to honour, they must be meet for the master's use. The vessels of the
sanctuary that were conse|crated, were made fit for their several uses
designed for them; so must ministers be fit for the use which Christ the
master has for us, if we would be vessels unto honour. The word translated
fit is in other places profitable; it signifies very profitable; it sig|nifies that

they must be very profitable for the master's use, that would be vessels of
honour. They must be in all respects fit for the service of Christ. They must
have that knowledge, that wisdom, and that grace that is necessary to make
them fit for Christ to imploy, and to render them capable of performing the
service he calls them unto. The master's use of ministers, or the business
that he has occasion to use or imploy them in, is to bear his name, to make
him known to the people, and the way to salvation by him, as it is laid down
in the gospel. Their business is to shew men the way to Salvation; to turn
men from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God. And
now ministers must be fit for this use and business.

Page 13 They must have that knowledge of God & Christ, and such an
acquaintance with the holy Scriptures, and with the doctrines and duties
contained therein, as will make them able ministers of the new Testa|ment.
And must have that principle of love and obedience reigning in their souls,
as will prompt and put them upon the faithful discharge of the trust re|posed
in them, and of answering all the good ends and purposes of their office.
Without this it is im|possible we should be fit for the master's use. For how
can a man answer the end of enlightening and instructing others that is
ignorant and in the dark himself? And what is there that will put a man up|
on the faithful discharge of the ministerial office, but a principle of love and
obedience to Christ? But with such a principle, the man will be fit for the
master's use; for such a principle reigning in the soul, will carry the man
forth to every kind of service that the master shall call him to. And this
leads me to say

3. That they are even prepared unto every good work.

This explains the former head; for to be fit for the master's use, is to be
prepared to every good work. For what is the use the master has for his
ministers? Why, it is for every good work; sometimes one good work, and
sometimes another: And he that is not prepared unto every good work, is
not entirely fitted for the master's use.

Sometimes the master has occasion to use us, in such a work, and
sometimes another; and therefore the minister must be prepared for every
good work. But now what a vast variety of work is there in the ministerial
office, that the master does constantly, or may occasionally call us unto?
There is the daily work and business of the study; giving our atten|dance to
reading, meditation and prayer, and com|posing discourses for the publick
instruction of the flock. And then there are the ministrations of God's house,
such as being the mouth of the people in offer|ing their prayers and praises
to God, and bringing the Page 14 oracles of God opened and applyed to
them: The administration of the sacraments, and the consures of the church;
visiting the sick; hearing the difficul|ties and distresses that one and another
may be la|bouring under; clearing up their doubts, removing their ignorance,
leading them out of their errors, scattering their fears, taking away their
scruples, and leading them in the paths of righteousness and peace.

And besides these ordinary and common services of the minister, there are
other services of a more difficult nature, that he may be called unto. Some|
times there are dreadful divisions and contentions to be healed. Sometimes
there are gross and danger|ous errors to be refuted, and the truths of the
gospel to be supported and defended. Sometimes gross dis|orders to be
reformed, & growing wickedness couragi|ously and stedfastly to be
opposed. And to men|tion no more, sometimes they may be called, not only
to bear testimony to the truth; but to seal it with their blood. These are some
of the uses, that the master may have occasion to put these vessels of the
sanctuary unto: And if they would be vessels unto honour, and fit for the
master's use, they must be prepared for these, and every other good work.

Quest. But now, What is it to be prepared unto every good work?

1. Their being qualified and capacitated for it.

And then

2. Their being constantly inclined and disposed to any and every good work,
the master shall at any time set them about.

1. To be prepared for every good work, supposes our be|ing qualified and
accomplished for it.

It supposes that we have those natural capacities, and those acquired

accomplishments, as are in some proportion to the use and service the
master calls us unto The word in the original is observed by Dr. Preston, to
have a reference to the fashioning of a vessel: And therefore a man's being
prepared for every good Page 15 work, intends his being fashioned as a
vessel, that may serve every use. It supposes such an one, in his very make,
to have good natural powers and capa|cities, and that these be inlarged, and
improved and refined by education and study. To be prepared for every good
work, supposes a man of superior accom|plishments, a quick apprehension,
solid judgment, and an inlarged thought, able to comprehend a great deal of
knowledge, to see far & wide, and reach deep into things. It supposes him
also stored with a great deal of knowledge of various kinds, but especially
that he be mighty in the scriptures: that he understands the doctrines of the
gospel, and the arguments to support them: that he be aware of the errors
crept into the church, and able to detect the false foundations up|on which
they are built: that he be well acquainted with the duties of the christian life,
with the reasons and motives to inforce them: that he be apt to teach, able to
convey his tho'ts and ideas of things to others, in a way that shall both
enlighten their minds and affect their hearts: in a word, he must be a ready
scribe, well instructed in affairs relating to the king|dom of heaven, and
furnished for every kind of ser|vice, that the ministerial office is concerned

2. But then this being prepared for every good work, intends that there be a constant
readiness & willingness to every service the master may call us unto.

He that is prepared to every good work is not idle and slothful, he is not
backward to any service that his master calls him unto. He will be diligent
in his master's business, and will go on with chearfulness. He won't engage
in the business he is called to by constraint, but willingly, and of a ready
mind. He won't excuse himself from labour & service thro' sloth and
indolence, or because of the difficulty of the service; neither will he suffer
himself to be so en|cumbred with other business, as not to be able to at|tend
the work that Christ has for him to do. He will look upon himself devoted to
the service of Christ, Page 16 and will lay aside every thing that shall clog
& hinder him in any part of the ministerial calling.—In a word here, for I
may not enlarge; He loves his master, and loves his work, and esteems his
wages infinitely beyond the utmost service he can possibly do, nay and that
the very service carries a reward with it; and therefore from a principle of
love and gratitude, as well as that of obedience, he readily engages in every
service he is set about; and rejoyces that he is counted worthy to be
imployed in any service for the honour of Christ: And therefore he sticks at
no work that Christ calls him to, let it be never so difficult; but if his master
enquires, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? he will (like the prophet
Isaiah when his lips were touched with a coal from the altar) answer, Here
am I, send me, Isai. 6.8.

V. Obs. There are certain things that ministers must be purged and cleansed from,
in order to their being vessels unto honour, fitted for the master's use.

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, &c.
implying that there are some things cleaving naturally to them, or which
they are incident unto, that must be taken away in order to their being
vessels unto honour. An unclean filthy ves|sel can't be a vessel unto honour,
till it be purify'd and cleansed; and we are all such in our natural state: for
who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. In our state of nature we
are defiled with sin, and are altogether an unclean thing; and therefore must
be cleansed in order to become vessels of honour. The vessels of the
sanctuary were to be clean, so were they that were to bear them, Isai. 52.11.
And or|der was expresly given concerning the Levites, that were to attend
the service of the tabernacle, that they should be taken from among the
children of Israel and cleansed, Numb. 8.6. And there is the same reason that
all who minister in holy things, and before a holy God, should be purged &
cleansed from all their filthiness.

The prophet Isaiah was so sensible of this, and of Page 17 the danger of
entering upon holy services, without be|ing purged and cleansed, that he
cries out, Wo is me for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips; and
immediately there flies a Seraph with a live coal from off the altar to touch
his lips, and so his iniquity was taken away, and his sin purged. And surely
every one that would be meet for the master's use, must have a live coal to
touch him; he must have the influences of the Holy Ghost to purge &
cleanse him. Isai. 6 5, 6.

Quest. But what are the things that such must be purged from, that they might be
vessels unto honour &c?

Ans. In general, from errors in doctrines, and cor|ruptions in heart and life.

1. They must be purged from errors, and false notions in religion.

These are particularly referred to in my text; if a man therefore purge himself
from these, that is from the persons, or rather the errors of those false
teachers, Hymeneus & Philetus, who had imbibed, and were set|ting forth a
most dangerous doctrine, that began to spread like a gangrene, and had
overthrown the faith of some. And now as ministers were to be purged from
that gross error, so the reason will hold the same for their being purged from
all other dangerous and destructive errors, as well as that particular one, in
order to their being fitted for the master's use. Christ was full of truth, as
well as grace, yea he was truth it self, and he came to teach and preach and
bear wit|ness to the truth: And it is highly necessary, that every vessel fit for
his use, must receive the truth as it is in Jesus. How can that vessel be fit for
Christ's use (which is to convey the truth) that is already full of error, in
matters of religion, both as to the doct|rines and duties of it? How can that
man be fit to teach the truth to others, that is himself given up to strong
delusions, and made to believe lies? How can that man be fit to teach others
the way to salvation, that is mistaken in the way himself? I would not be
understood here as if a man's having some mistaken Page 18 notions in
some particular points of religion utterly un|fits for the service of Christ; if
so, I know not who would be fit for his use. For, I may venture to say, that
there is not a man upon earth, but what labours under some mistakes or
other; and many who have by education or prejudice imbib'd false notions
in some lesser points, have been vessels unto honour. But what I refer to
more especially, are fundamental er|rors: errors in the essential parts of
religion, and that are inconsistent with a principle of saving grace with|in.
And as to these, I shall not pretend to enumerate them; not that I think them
so many, as the gene|rality of people imagine.

But these, men must be purged from, that would engage in the service of
Christ; for they disqualify persons for that sacred office. So that it highly
con|cerns every man, designing for, and engaging in this service, to take all
possible care that he be found in the faith, and that his principles be well
established and confirmed by the oracles of God. And he must earnestly
pray that the Spirit of truth would lead him into all truth, and keep him from
all errors. And if we set our selves to a diligent and impartial search after
truth in the holy scriptures, we may hope to be saved from any mistake that
will be hurtful unto our selves, or that will unfit us for the master's use.

2. We must be purged from our lusts and corruptions, if we would be vessels unto

Nothing does so universally and effectually disqua|lify for the service of

Christ, as the prevailing of our lusts and corruptions. Accordingly this is the
di|rection to Timothy immediately after my text, that he free all youthful lusts;
intimating hereby that it was absolutely necessary to his being a vessel unto
honour, fit for the master's use. And so it is, for every one that would be a
good minister of Jesus Christ; he must flee all manner of lusts, and get them
all subdued and mortified. One lust reigning in the soul, and breaking forth
in the life, pollutes & dishonours the vessel, and Page 19 makes us unmeet
for the holy service of Christ.

Here therefore let me say,

1. Such must be purged from all fleshy lusts.

For as these war against the soul, so they war a|gainst Christ; and how
unmeet then, must they ren|der the man for his use? The man that is under
the government of fleshly lusts, is in a state of enmity and rebellion against
Christ, and all that is holy. And how is such an one prepared unto every
good work, when he is inclined to evil, and only evil? How can any be
vessels unto honour, unless they know how (as the apostle says, 1 Thes.
4.8.) to pos|sess their vessels in sanctification and honour? Surely if any would be
vessels unto honour, they must cru|cify the flesh with the affections and
lusts, and mor|tify their members upon the earth; fornication and all
uncleanness, let it not be named among them.

In a word, ministers must be sober and temperate in all things, suppressing

their irregular appetites, and keeping their bodies under. The apostle was so
sen|sible of the necessity of this, that he looked upon himself in hazard not
only of losing the success of his ministry, but of losing himself for ever; and
his words ought seriously to be considered, 1 Cor. 9.27. I keep under my body
and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I
my self should be a cast-away.

2. Such must be purged from worldly lusts.

That is, they must get rid of an inordinate love to the world, and the things
that are in the world. For where there is such a love prevailing, there can't be
that love to Christ, that is necessary for his use and service. For as our
Saviour plainly tells us, Matt. 6.24. No man can serve two masters; for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Whilst men's hearts are full of the
world, how can they be full of Christ? Our love to Christ is necessary to our
feeding his flock, and there|fore Page 20 does he demand so often of Peter,
Lovest thou me? Lovest thou me more than these? For as he says Mat. 10 37. He
that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me: He that loveth son or
daugh|ter more than me, is not worthy of me.

3. Spiritual lusts must be purged away, in order to men's being vessels unto honour.

Such as unbelief, pride, envy, malice, and the like, which are so contrary to
Christ, and to the design of his gospel kingdom, that it is impossible for
such, who have these lusts reigning in them, to be any way vessels of
honour, meet for the master's use.

What can be more improper, than for one that has an evil heart of unbelief
(whereby he departs from the living God continually) to be imployed in con|
veying the doctrines of the gospel to others, and be an instrument to
perswade them to believe, what he does not believe himself?

What is more absurd than for one that has the lust of pride reigning in him,
to be imployed in bringing a meek and lowly Jesus to the world, and recom|
mending the imitation of him? What more incon|gruous, than for one that is
full of hatred, malice and envy, to be imployed in representing Christ, and
setting forth his infinite love & good will to the world?

I don't say but that God may suffer such instru|ments to be imployed, and
knows how to get glory to himself by them, and so to answer his own
purposes: But according to the natural tendency of things, such men are the
most likely instruments the devil can have to oppose the interest of Christ,
and cause a revolt over to his own kingdom. And it is most cer|tain that such
ministers as have been under the pow|er of their lusts, have done the most of
any men in the world to dishonour Christ, and hurt his interest in the world,
and to overthrow the faith of christians. Which shows that ministers must be
purged from these, if they would in any measure be fit for the master's use
and service.

Page 21

1. Inf. Is Christ the head and master of that house, which is the church of the living
God, hence his dominion and authority is to be duly acknowledged & submitted to.

He is not only head of that great family the church, but head over all things
unto the church; so that he has the sole absolute government of all things in,
or any way relating to his church & kingdom. He has the ordering &
disposing of every thing in his house; he makes what provision for it he sees
cause, he makes use of what vessels and instruments in the house he
pleases, and as long as he pleases, and then lays them aside as seemeth good
in his sight, and his sovereign hand is to be acknowledged herein. He
prescribes rules & orders for his house, which are carefully to be regarded
by all the houshold; and these he has given us in his word, which we must
carefully observe, and not presume to set up any of our own that are not a|
greable herewith. This master as Moses was faithful in his house, & has
given rules sufficient for his church. We must therefore carefully adhere to
his institutions, without presuming to impose any inventions of our own.
2. Inf. Are ministers but as vessels in the house, this should give them an
humble sense of themselves, and keep them low in their own minds.

Whatever high and honourable uses they are put to, they must remember
they are only as vessels and instruments, not as efficient causes.

If they are made use of in the conversion of sinners, it is only as instruments

in the hand of the Spirit; and they must take no other glory to themselves
there|in. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed?
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that
giveth the increase. Ministers are only the vessels that bring Christ and his
gospel, with all the gracious offers thereof to the soul; they can't compel or
perswade men to accept there|of; nor can they apply it to their souls and
consciences. Page 22 We only bring it to them: It is the almighty Spirit that
applies whenever it becomes effectual.

3. Inf. How should every minister be filled with fear & holy jealousy, lest he ne found
among the vessels unto dishonour.

In this great house there are vessels of wood & of earth, as well as of gold &
of silver; some unto disho|nour, as well as some unto honour. And now
every minister is one or other of these; ministers therefore should be jealous
of themselves, whether they don't by their sloth and negligence, by their
carnal & earthly affections, give reason to fear that they are but vessels of
wood and of earth. And are there not so many lusts and corruptions working
in them, as may make them fear whether they are not vessels unto
dishonour, and unfit for the master's use? And when we see how
unprepared, how unqualified, how backward, how in|disposed to many a
good work, we are, we may well be suspicious of our selves. But oh, with
what fear and trembling should this fill our souls! For such as are vessels
unto dishonour, what are they but vessels of wrath? And such as are unmeet
for the master's use, are fitted for destruction.

4. Inf. Here is a rule to judge whether we are vessels unto honour or no, viz. our
being fit for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work

5. Inf. How great a blessing are colleges and schools of learning, that may serve to
fit men for the master's use, and prepare them for the ministerial work.

These are the means that God makes use of to fit them for his service. Here
it is, that of vessels of wood and stone, he so refines them, that he makes
them vessels of gold and silver. Here it is that he in|larges these vessels, &
then fills them with knowledge, by which he fits them for service. Such
nurseries then are to be esteemed the great blessings of our land, and what
ought always to be cherished & encouraged by us.
6. Inf. We learn what is to be looked at, in choosing and separating any to the work
of the ministry, viz. their being fitted for the master's use.

Page 23 This is what a people are to look at in the choice of a minister; and
what ministers are to look at in separating or setting apart any to that sacred
office. It is the master that is to use and improve them. And unless they are
fit for his use, to what purpose are they chosen and ordained to that service.
The rule given to Timothy was, that he should commit this work to faithful men,
who should be able to teach others also, 2 v. of the context. And therefore it
would be an hor|rible betraying of our trust, to commit this work to unskilful
and unfaithful men. Accordingly that must needs be a very good rule of
prudence, which the same apostle gives, 1 Tim. 5.22. Lay hands suddenly on
no man; that is, not till we have some good grounds to think that they are
free from gross errors and corruptions; that they are like to answer the good
ends of their ministry, & prove vessels unto honour.

7. Inf. We learn what such as are entring on the mi|nistry, must find something of in
themselves, and make it their highest ambition to be obtaining more and more of
continually, namely, a fitness for the master's use.

For men to desire to be put in the priest's office for a piece of bread, meerly to
get a living, without taking any care to be fit for the master's use, would be
da|ring presumption. And it is very doubtful whether such would ever come
to be vessels unto honour. A man entering upon such a sacred service as
this, must examine himself as to his qualifications and accom|plishments for
it. I don't mean that a man must find himself equal to the service he is
engaging in; for alas! who is sufficient for these things? But every man must
see some degree of fitness, before he undertakes: So much knowledge, so
much grace, so much readi|ness to Christ's service, as may give him good
grounds to hope, he may answer the end of his office.

And now, all that remains is to apply what has been said, to the solemn
occasions of this day.

And in the first place, I will address my self to you, dear Sir, who I trust
have been applying the Page 24 several things that have been offer'd, as
they relate to your present case.

And here you see, that God is calling you, by his providence, and we trust
by his Spirit, to be a vessel in his house; and you are now to be introduced,
sanctified & consecrated to that holy service. And we trust (or else we dare
not lay our hands upon you) that you will be a vessel unto honour, and that
you are in a good measure fitted for the master's use. We trust that you are
free from every error that would be dangerous or hurtful to your master's
inte|rest, and from those lusts and corruptions that would pollute the vessel,
and render it unfit for the service of Christ. We hope that you who are by
nature un|clean, have been so powerfully touched by the holy Ghost, as with
a live coal from off the altar, that has taken away your iniquity, and purged
your sin, and sanctified you throughout in spirit, soul and body. And if you
find any comfortable tokens hereof, you may make an acceptable surrender
of your self unto the service of Jesus Christ.

And here I would take notice with thankfulness, that we have so much
reason to hope that you are a chosen vessel, well formed and fitted by Christ
to bear his name among the Gentiles, even the ignorant heathen, to whom he
is now sending you; and that there is such a hopeful prospect of success
among them, by the readiness there appears in so many or them to receive
the glad tydings of salvation.

The gospel ministry has it's dangers and it's difficul|ties in every place, but
the place assigned you in the house of God has it's peculiar difficulties: and
it re|quires a vessel peculiarly formed, to be fitted for this part of the
master's use. And such an one we trust you are; and rejoyce that God is
inclining and spi|riting you to that difficult service, even to go to a people of
a strange speech, and of an hard language, whose words thou canst not, at present,

You are now to be a consecrated vessel in the Page 25 house of the Lord
(altho' in a dark part of it). And this imports that your office will be to
convey all the treasures of a glorious gospel to the people, and to bring back
the several conditions, necessities & desires of the people to God. And what
does this imply but that you your self must be filled with these treasures in
order to your dispensing the same unto them. Oh labour then to be filled
with all that speculative, spi|ritual and experimental knowledge of God &
Christ that you can; and that you may be filled even with all the fulness of
God. Go to the fountain head, to Christ, in whom it has pleased the father
that all ful|ness should dwell: go to him by faith and prayer, and by diligent
attendance on reading, meditation and study; and he will fill you after such
a manner, as that you will come to them, in the fulness of the blessing of the
gospel of Christ.

And as you will be frequently pouring forth, and dispensing to the people,
so frequently repair to the fountain for a supply. Remember that you are but
a vessel, and so may soon be exhausted without recruits. And as you return
to God to be replenished, don't forget to come laden with the wants and
desires of your poor people. Remember to pour out your prayers to God for
them, as you pour out or dispense the grace of God to them. And thus
endeavour to be full going and coming. And by being thus con|tinually
imployed in carrying what Christ the master has to send to the people, and
bringing back requests with thanksgivings upon their account, you will be
found a vessel unto praise and honour and glory.

For altho' the use that the master puts you to in his house, may appear mean
and contemptible to the men of the world, who have their hearts set upon
the gaiety and granduer of it, and can think of no|thing but ease and
pleasure; and altho' but few of those who are consecrated vessels in the
house of the Lord, will submit unto it; yet it is a most glorious service in the
eyes of Christ the master, & of all the Page 26 angels in heaven, that are
beholding your solemn consecration: for those ministring spirits think it
their honour to be sent, and do with pleasure go forth to minister unto them
who shall be the heirs of salvation. And oh what an honour, what a plea|sure
must it needs be to every one that has a love to Christ and a compassion for
souls, to turn men from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto
God; to convert them from the error of their ways, and to save their souls
from death!

Wherefore, to carry on the metaphor, don't be ashamed of the outward

meanness of the apartment the master has assigned you in his house; and
don't be discouraged at the difficulties you may have the prospect of; but let
those gracious words of Christ, LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, be a
comfort to you: and the tokens you have had already of Christ's presence
with you, in the success of your labours hitherto, may well encourage your
further dependance upon him. Go forth therefore in the name & strength of
the Lord Jesus, & we trust that he will never leave nor forsake you, and that
his grace shall be sufficient for you. And let me assure you, that if you be
wise and faithful in this work, you shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of
your father; and when the chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive an
unfading crown of glory.

And now I would turn my self to the Houssatonnoc Indians, who are at this
time to have a minister sent unto them.

Behold the man, the messenger of the Lord of hosts, that is coming unto
you. This is a vessel God has made choice of, to bring Christ, and in him the
glad tydings of salvation to you. This is the man that is to shew you the way
to salvation; to direct you how you may escape the damnation of hell; and
how you may obtain the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
See then that you love him, and that you steem him very highly in love for
his works sake; Page 27 and that you come to him to be instructed by him:
that you hearken to his counsels, and observe his di|rections, and follow his
example wherein he follows Christ. And this is the way for you to be happy
here, and for ever hereafter; for godliness hath the promise of the life that
now is, & of that which is to come.
To conclude, How earnestly should we all pray, that there might be numbers
of chosen vessels, persons fitted and disposed to carry the everlasting gospel
to the heathen nations that are about us: to convey to them the knowledge of
God, and of Jesus Christ, whom to know is life eternal. How should we pity
them when we see them perishing for lack of vision? And how should we be
doing our utmost to encourage per|sons to go forth and carry the gospel to
them? And how highly proper would it be for the Government to take
effectual care to support and encourage such as God may raise up from time
to time, to go forth into such difficult service? And since many of our nation
at home have expressed such a tender concern for the propagating the
gospel among the Indian natives of this Land, at so great a distance from
them, by their charitable and pious donations for that purpose, it must needs
be highly reasonable that we who live among them, and possess their
country, should readily expend of our estates, for that which will be of the
greatest ad|vantage to them. This is a way of honouring the Lord with our
substance, which doubtless God expects from us.

But to have done, Let us be careful to recommend christianity to them, by

our own sincere practice of it. Let us make it manifest to them, in all our
trea|ties, and in all our commerce, and conversation with them, that we are
under the influences of the Spirit of Christ. In a word, let us adorn the
doctrine of God our Saviour in all things, & cause our lights so to shine
before them, that they seeing our good works, may be moved also to glorify
our father which is in heaven.

The End of the SERMON.

A Consecrated Vessel Fitted for the Master's Use.

2 TIM. II. 21.

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto

honour, sanctified and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every
good work.

_THE great Apostle of the Gentiles is giving many excellent directions,

earnest exhortations, and solemn cautions and charges unto his son Timothy,
in this as well as the fore|going epistle, in order to his faith|ful, acceptable
and successful discharge of his e|vangelical office.

And among other things, in some of the verses of the preceeding context, he
cautions him parti|cularly against profane and vain babblings; that is in general
against all vain, empty, and impertinent discourses in the discharge of the
ministerial office, &c. More especially, it is a caution against his delivering
any false doctrines, and spreading any errors in and by his Sermons; which
instead of promoting true re|ligion, would only serve to increase unto more
ungod|liness; and fill the world with corrupt principles, and false notions, to
the destroying their virtue rather than to the promoting of it.

Page 2 And here the Apostle to back his caution, instances in two that
probably were teachers in the church, viz. Hymeneus and Philetus, who had
erred from the truth, and were for teaching their error to others, which was
this, viz. that the resurrection was pass'd al|ready, as at our Saviour's
resurrection; or by turning all that was said concerning the resurrection into
meer allegory, making it intend only our regeneration, or our being raised to
newness of life; or that the resurrection is only in procreation whereby the
species is continued.

And now such erroneous doctrines, and such false teachers, the apostle
exhorts Timothy to shun & avoid, if he would be a good minister of Jesus
Christ. But upon it observes, That it was no great wonder, if there were
some such hereticks and false teachers in the church; for it was no more
than we should meet with in any great house, vessels, or utensils of different
kinds, some to honour and some to dishonour; as in the verse preceeding my
text: In a great house (says he) there are not only vessels of gold, and of silver, but
also of wood, and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. And then
comes in the words of my text, If a man therefore purge himself from these; (that
is from these hereticks & false teachers; espe|cially from their errors and
corruptions that he spake of in the 16th & 17th verses; or any other false
doc|trines and corrupt practices that would subvert the fundamental
doctrines of christianity,) he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for
the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

Here the apostle carries on the metaphor he had begun in the foregoing
verses; representing the church of God under the similitude of a great house,
and Christ as the master of it; and the members, especi|ally the ministers of
the gospel, as vessels in it; which if they would be vessels unto honour,
sanctified and fitted for the master's use, and prepared to every good work,
must be throughly purged and cleansed.

Page 3 It must needs be a desireable thing to be vessels unto honour, to be

imployed in the high and honour|able services of that great house, which is
the church of the living God. And they are vessels unto honour indeed, who
are not only sanctified, set apart and consecrated to that holy service, but are
also fitted for the master's use, even prepared, qualified and dis|posed to
every good work that he shall set them about. But now in order to this, a
man must be purged and cleansed: if a man purge himself from these he shall be
a vessel unto honour, &c.
This may suffice to introduce the scheme of my present discourse: And as
for a fuller explication of the words, it shall be under the several observati|
ons which I shall be obliged to speak very briefly to.

I. Obs. The church of God is as it were a great house, of which Christ is the
head and master.

II. Obs. Ministers are as vessels and instruments for the use and service of
this house.

III. Obs. Some of these are unto honour, and some unto dishonour.

IV. Obs. The vessels unto honour, are such as be|ing sanctified and set
apart, are fitted for the master's use, even prepared unto every good work.

V. Obs. In order to their being such vessels unto honour, they must be
purged & freed from many things.

I. Obs. The church of God is as it were a great house, of which Christ is the head
and master.

The apostle makes a comparison between the church and a house, in the
foregoing verse, and carries on the metaphor in my text, speaking of the
vessels and the master of the horse. And it is not unusual for the Holy Ghost
to represent the church of Christ un|der that similitude. Sometimes the
church is consi|dered as a building it self. Thus (says the apostle to the
church of Corinth) Ye are God's building, 1 Cor. 3.9. And particular saints are
called lively stones, that make up the building, 1 Pet. 2 5. Ye also as lively
stones, are built up a spiritual house. And so the Page 4 happy union of
christians in the principles and prac|tice of faith and holiness, love and
charity, is repre|sented as the several parts of a building that are fram|ed
with great exactness, so as to come together every piece to its proper place.
Eph. 2.21. In whom all the building fitly framed together, groweth into an holy
temple in the Lord.

But then at other times the church, when it is re|presented under the
metaphor of an house, intends not the building it self, but those that live in,
and belong to the house; even the family or houshold. Thus we read of the
house of Cloe, 1 Cor. 1.11. of the house of Onesiphorus, 2 Tim. 1.16. which
intend those that belong to the house, even the houshold. And thus the church
is called the houshold of God, Eph. 2.19. and the houshold of faith, Gal. 6.10.
So that we may indifferently consider the church of Christ either as the
house it self, or as the houshold, even those that make up the family of
And considering the church as an house in one sense or other, Christ is the
owner, head and master of it. Heb. 3.6. But Christ as a son over his own house,
whose house are we, that is we christians, if we hold fast the confidence and the
rejoycing of the hope firm unto the end. So that the church of Christ is his house:
He is the master, the owner and the governour of it. It be|longs to him by all
imaginable right whatsoever.

This spiritual house, the church of God, is Christ's by gift; for it is made up
of those whom the father hath given unto him, Joh. 17.2.

They are also his by purchase; for the church of God is what he has
purchased with his own blood, Acts 20.28.

They are his also by conquest; for it is by his al|mighty power and grace that
they are rescued out of the hands of their spiritual enemies, bro't out of the
kingdom of satan into the kingdom of the Son of God.

And then lastly; He is the owner & master hereof by free compact and
agreement; for every one that Page 5 comes in to make a part of this
spiritual house, or to be one of the houshold of faith, freely surrenders up
himself to him, as to his prince and ruler, as well as saviour. They publickly
own and profess him for their lord and master, and promise obedience to his

So accordingly Christ acts as the head & master of this great houshold. He
looks upon them as his particu|lar care and charge, and gives his orders,
directions and commands to them, even all the laws, statutes and ordinances
of the Gospel. He sets them their service, and gives every one his work to
do. And then as a good housholder he makes provision for his church; not
only for their bodily, but for their spiritual sup|port and comfort. He takes
care that they be fed with the bread of life. They eat and drink at his table,
and are cloathed with his righteousness, as well as fed by his grace, and he
takes care that every one has his portion in due season.

II. Obs. The Ministers of the Gospel may be and are considered as vessels or
instruments in this house.

I say vessels or instruments, because the word used in my text for vessels,
signifies also any instrument, as Criticks observe; especially any
instruments or uten|sils of a family, as well as those excavated ones that do
more strictly go under the name of vessels.

The ministers of Christ are set forth under various characters, and their
office represented by very diffe|rent metaphors; some importing the honour,
others the labour, and others the usefulness of their office. They are
represented sometimes as angels, Rev. 1.20. sometimes as stars, Rev. 2.1.
sometimes as embassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5.20. sometimes as messengers of
the Lord of hosts. Mal. 2.7. sometimes stewards of the mysteries of God, 1
Cor. 4.1. sometimes over|seers of the flock or family of Christ, Act. 20.28.
sometimes as labourers in the harvest, Matth. 9.38. sometimes as watchmen,
and at other times as servants: And in our text they are represented only as
vessels Page 6 or utensils in the house, for the convenience and ser+vice of
the houshold.

And this is not the only place where ministers are represented under this
humbling metaphor: For thus says the apostle, 2 Cor. 4.7. We have this
treasure in earthen vessels, (that is the treasure of the gospel,) that the
excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. And the apostle Paul
might well make use of this metaphor, because the Lord himself de|clares of
him in particular, that he was a chosen vessel unto him to bear his name
before the gentiles, Acts 9.15. So that ministers may be looked upon, and
ought, in order to keep themselves humble, to look upon themselves but as
vessels in the house: And they may well be looked upon as such; for they
are but as vessels or instruments that the great master of the houshold makes
use of, for the benefit of his church.

They are vessels as they are of God's forming and not of their own; and all
formed and fashioned as he pleases; some of larger and some of smaller size
and capacity, just as seems good in his sight, and will best answer the
several uses they are to be put to in his church.

Moreover, they are vessels, as whatever is con|tain'd in them is not their

own, but what they re|ceive: If they are filled with knowledge and wisdom,
with gifts and graces, it is not from themselves any more than any empty
vessel can fill itself. A vessel is capable of receiving, and that is all that can
be said of us; for what have we that we did not re|ceive? 1 Cor 4.7. All
ministerial accomplishments are given to ministers: Every good gift, and every
perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, Jam 1 17.

Again, they are vessels as they not only are made to receive and contain, but
also to pour out again, to convey and dispense to others. This is the use of
vessels, not only to receive and contain, but to pour out again as there is
occasion. Thus mini|sters Page 7 have the treasures of the gospel
committed to them, and are filled with gifts and graces, that they might
convey & dispense the same to others. Their business is to deliver as well as
receive. I delivered unto you that which I received of the Lord, says the a|postle, 1
Cor 11.23. Paul was a chosen vessel to bear Christ's name, and to convey his
gospel, and the way to salvation by him to the Gentiles. And this is the
business of every chosen vessel, to convey the knowledge of Christ, to
dispense his gospel, and his ordinances unto the people, according as they
have received them; every one according to his capacity, and the measure he
has received.

Furthermore, ministers are vessels as they are of no use, nor are they
imployed any farther than Christ, the great housholder, sees cause to make
use of them. The vessels or instruments of a house can make no use of
themselves, nor are they of use any further than the master of the family
sees cause to occupy and improve them: so ministers are serviceable in the
church no fur|ther than Christ sees cause to improve them in his ser|vice;
and some he makes more use of, than others; and the more service he puts
them to, the more honour he confers upon them.

Again, they are vessels as they are only the means and instruments of any
real saving benefit flowing to the church by them. They are not the efficient
cau|ses, but only the instruments of the conversion of sin|ners. They can't
beget faith in any, nor bestow sav|ing grace upon them, but are only
instruments in God's hands, by which God works such a gracious change in
them. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but mi|nisters by whom ye believed? 1
Cor. 3.5

Lastly, Ministers are vessels as they like other vessels are liable to be
broken, or in time to decay & wear away. No vessel, let it be made of gold
or silver, of brass or iron, and much more of wood or stone, but what
〈…〉 cusualty or other is broken to piece, or by 〈◊〉 usage in time
wears out, so as to be fit for no 〈◊〉Page 8 service. And this is the case
with the choicest vessels that God has among his ministers: if they are
suffered to continue, yet according to the common course of nature, in a few
years they wear out, dissolve to dust, and are laid aside in the place of
silence and inactivity. But how much more common is it for them by some
violent distemper, or some sudden stroke of the divine hand, to be dashed in
pieces like a potter's vessel before that time?

III. Obs. Among the ministers of the Gospel some are vessels unto honour, and some
unto dishonour.

As in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also
of wood and of earth, and some to honour and some to dishonour, so it is in
the church of Christ, with respect unto the ministers of it.

Here let me say,

1. Some are vessels unto honour.

Some there are that for the exquisite frame & con|stitution of their natures,
the brightness of their natu|ral parts, their improvements by education, and
above all for their refinements by divine grace, may well be compared to
vessels of gold and of silver, exceeding precious and valuable, as well as
useful & serviceable.

And these vessels, these ministers are unto honour,—

1. Unto the honour of Christ the master.

Vessels of gold and silver in a house are to the ho|nour of the master of the
house, as they set forth his rich estate: so these vessels of gold and silver in
the church of Christ are unto His honour, as they serve to set forth the riches
and the glory of Christ. Such ministers by their doctrines and by their lives
do much to display the honour of Christ: They set forth the glory of his
person, the glory of his offices as our re|deemer, the glory of his wisdom, of
his power, and especially of his grace in the redemption of sinners. Hence
the apostle says of such golden vessels, 2 Cor. 8.23. They are the glory of

2 They are unto the honour of the holy religion they receive, and dispense to others.

Page 9 A silver or a golden vessel serves to recommend the liquor or

whatever is contained therein, especially if otherwise it be good in its nature
and kind. And nothing tends more to do a proper bottom to religion, and
recommend it to the esteem, the choice, the love and practice of a People,
than its being brought to them in such golden vessels, that is, able ministers
of the new testament, who are not only able by acceptable words to set forth
the excellency of it, but also recommend it by their own example. Such
ministers by their shining gifts and graces reflect a very plea|sing lustre
upon religion, and adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things.

3. They are vessels unto honour, as they are such on whom God will confer special
marks of honour.

Vessels of gold and silver are unto honour, as the master and owner of them
puts honour upon them, by taking particular care of them that they be not
lost or abused, and by providing more honourable shelves and closets for
them in the house. Thus God sets a great value upon those ministers that are
as vessels of gold and silver; he has a higher esteem of them, and sets his
love more upon them, and delights to ho|nour them. Them that honour me I will
honour, says God, 1 Sam. 2.30. He will put marks of honour upon them
whilst they live, and afterwards he will crown them with glory and honour.
Now he will cause them to shine like bright vessels of gold and silver, but
then he will cause them to shine as the bright|ness of the firmament, and as
the stars for ever & ever.
2. Among the ministers of the gospel, some are vessels unto dishonour.

In this great house of the church there are vessels of wood and of earth; men
of a course and a heavy mold, of inferior powers and small abilities, dull
life|less souls, without any vigour or activity, uncultiva|ted and unrefined,
gross & ignorant in their thoughts and apprehension of things, fit only for
the mean and ordinary business of life, and no way suitable for the Page 10
high and honourable services of the sanctuary.

But by vessels of earth and of wood we may under|stand men of earthly

souls, men whose souls cleave unto the dust, and that mind earthly things,
that are carnal, earthly and sensual, having their affections ingrossed by the
world, and the things of sense, filled with some filthy lust or other, which
hinders them from receiving, much more from conveying any thing that is
of a sublime & spiritual nature, and so utterly un|fit for, and indisposed to
the holy and spiritual servi|ces of the sanctuary.

And now these are vessels unto dishonour; these are a dishonour to Christ, a
dishonour to the faithful ministers of Christ, a discredit to the church and to
themselves: or if they should pass without any re|markable disgrace here,
yet depend upon it, they will be covered with shame & everlasting contempt

IV. Obs. Vessels unto honour are such as being sancti|fied and set apart, are fited
for the master's use, even pre|pared unto every good work.

Here is the character or account that the apostle gives of a good faithful
minister, a vessel unto honour; that he is sanctified, separated and set apart
to that service; and not only so, but fit for the master's use, and that is to be
prepared unto every good work. So that a minister who is a vessel unto
honour is,

1. One that is sanctified, consecrated and set apart to that office.

2. He is also one that is fit for the master's use.

And this

3. Is to be prepared unto every good work.

1. A minister that is a vessel unto honour is one that is sanctified, consecrated or set
apart for that holy office.

A vessel unto honour sanctified.— A vessel that is unto honour must be

sanctified. This doubtless has reference to the vessels of the altar and
tabernacle, that were all to be sanctified before they were made use of for
the service of the sanctuary, Exod. 30.29, 44. Page 11 were sanctified as
they were set apart purely for that use, separate from all common &
ordinary uses.

So the Priests and Levites of old were set apart and sanctified to the holy
services of the altar and taber|nacle. And a great deal of ceremony and
solemnity was used in the consecrating the priests, and separa|ting them to
their holy office. And altho' these bur|densome ceremonies of consecration
under the law are abolished; yet even now ministers of the gospel are to be
sanctified, and set apart to their holy office, and in solemn manner
introduced into that sacred function. They are to be separated unto the
Gospel of God, as the apostle says he was, Rom. 1.1. which was agrea|ble to
the direction of the Holy Ghost, Act. 13.2. Separate me Barnabas and Saul for
the work where|unto I have called them.

And now the manner they took for the separation of them was fasting, &
prayer, and laying their hands on them, as in the following verse.
Accordingly this became an apostolical practice to sanctify or se|parate to
the ministerial office, by fasting & prayer, and laying on of the hands of the
Presbytery, accom|panied with a solemn charge in the name of the Lord
Jesus, that they take heed to their ministry, that they fulfil it. So that the
solemn ordination of ministers is their sanctification or consecration or
separation to the sacred office of the ministry: It is the regular intro|duction
and solemn investiture of them in their office. So that every one that is thus
solemnly ordained may be said to be a vessel sanctified or consecrated.

But then this external sanctification supposes some|thing that is internal and
real. It signifies that God approves of them; that he sets them apart, and
owns them for his ministers. And then that they separate themselves to that
office, and devote and give up themselves to that service; that they separate
them|selves from the other business of life, and give them|selves wholly to
these things.

And now one whom the Lord approves, and does Page 12 thus sincerely
give himself up to the service of Christ in the gospel ministry, and is
solemnly separated by fasting and prayer, and the laying on of the hands of
the Presbytery, he is a vessel sanctified to all intents and purposes under the

2 But if he would be a vessel unto honour, he must not only be sanctified;

but fit or meet for the master's use.

It is not sufficient to be sanctified and separated, unless we are fit for the use
and service we are se|parated unto. What will it signify to be ordained and
inducted into that holy office of the ministry, and yet not fit for the use; not
capable of answering the ends and designs of it? Therefore if such would be
vessels to honour, they must be meet for the master's use. The vessels of the
sanctuary that were conse|crated, were made fit for their several uses
designed for them; so must ministers be fit for the use which Christ the
master has for us, if we would be vessels unto honour. The word translated
fit is in other places profitable; it signifies very profitable; it sig|nifies that

they must be very profitable for the master's use, that would be vessels of
honour. They must be in all respects fit for the service of Christ. They must
have that knowledge, that wisdom, and that grace that is necessary to make
them fit for Christ to imploy, and to render them capable of performing the
service he calls them unto. The master's use of ministers, or the business
that he has occasion to use or imploy them in, is to bear his name, to make
him known to the people, and the way to salvation by him, as it is laid down
in the gospel. Their business is to shew men the way to Salvation; to turn
men from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God. And
now ministers must be fit for this use and business.

Page 13 They must have that knowledge of God & Christ, and such an
acquaintance with the holy Scriptures, and with the doctrines and duties
contained therein, as will make them able ministers of the new Testa|ment.
And must have that principle of love and obedience reigning in their souls,
as will prompt and put them upon the faithful discharge of the trust re|posed
in them, and of answering all the good ends and purposes of their office.
Without this it is im|possible we should be fit for the master's use. For how
can a man answer the end of enlightening and instructing others that is
ignorant and in the dark himself? And what is there that will put a man up|
on the faithful discharge of the ministerial office, but a principle of love and
obedience to Christ? But with such a principle, the man will be fit for the
master's use; for such a principle reigning in the soul, will carry the man
forth to every kind of service that the master shall call him to. And this
leads me to say

3. That they are even prepared unto every good work.

This explains the former head; for to be fit for the master's use, is to be
prepared to every good work. For what is the use the master has for his
ministers? Why, it is for every good work; sometimes one good work, and
sometimes another: And he that is not prepared unto every good work, is
not entirely fitted for the master's use.

Sometimes the master has occasion to use us, in such a work, and
sometimes another; and therefore the minister must be prepared for every
good work. But now what a vast variety of work is there in the ministerial
office, that the master does constantly, or may occasionally call us unto?
There is the daily work and business of the study; giving our atten|dance to
reading, meditation and prayer, and com|posing discourses for the publick
instruction of the flock. And then there are the ministrations of God's house,
such as being the mouth of the people in offer|ing their prayers and praises
to God, and bringing the Page 14 oracles of God opened and applyed to
them: The administration of the sacraments, and the consures of the church;
visiting the sick; hearing the difficul|ties and distresses that one and another
may be la|bouring under; clearing up their doubts, removing their ignorance,
leading them out of their errors, scattering their fears, taking away their
scruples, and leading them in the paths of righteousness and peace.

And besides these ordinary and common services of the minister, there are
other services of a more difficult nature, that he may be called unto. Some|
times there are dreadful divisions and contentions to be healed. Sometimes
there are gross and danger|ous errors to be refuted, and the truths of the
gospel to be supported and defended. Sometimes gross dis|orders to be
reformed, & growing wickedness couragi|ously and stedfastly to be
opposed. And to men|tion no more, sometimes they may be called, not only
to bear testimony to the truth; but to seal it with their blood. These are some
of the uses, that the master may have occasion to put these vessels of the
sanctuary unto: And if they would be vessels unto honour, and fit for the
master's use, they must be prepared for these, and every other good work.

Quest. But now, What is it to be prepared unto every good work?

1. Their being qualified and capacitated for it.

And then

2. Their being constantly inclined and disposed to any and every good work,
the master shall at any time set them about.

1. To be prepared for every good work, supposes our be|ing qualified and
accomplished for it.

It supposes that we have those natural capacities, and those acquired

accomplishments, as are in some proportion to the use and service the
master calls us unto The word in the original is observed by Dr. Preston, to
have a reference to the fashioning of a vessel: And therefore a man's being
prepared for every good Page 15 work, intends his being fashioned as a
vessel, that may serve every use. It supposes such an one, in his very make,
to have good natural powers and capa|cities, and that these be inlarged, and
improved and refined by education and study. To be prepared for every good
work, supposes a man of superior accom|plishments, a quick apprehension,
solid judgment, and an inlarged thought, able to comprehend a great deal of
knowledge, to see far & wide, and reach deep into things. It supposes him
also stored with a great deal of knowledge of various kinds, but especially
that he be mighty in the scriptures: that he understands the doctrines of the
gospel, and the arguments to support them: that he be aware of the errors
crept into the church, and able to detect the false foundations up|on which
they are built: that he be well acquainted with the duties of the christian life,
with the reasons and motives to inforce them: that he be apt to teach, able to
convey his tho'ts and ideas of things to others, in a way that shall both
enlighten their minds and affect their hearts: in a word, he must be a ready
scribe, well instructed in affairs relating to the king|dom of heaven, and
furnished for every kind of ser|vice, that the ministerial office is concerned

2. But then this being prepared for every good work, intends that there be a constant
readiness & willingness to every service the master may call us unto.

He that is prepared to every good work is not idle and slothful, he is not
backward to any service that his master calls him unto. He will be diligent
in his master's business, and will go on with chearfulness. He won't engage
in the business he is called to by constraint, but willingly, and of a ready
mind. He won't excuse himself from labour & service thro' sloth and
indolence, or because of the difficulty of the service; neither will he suffer
himself to be so en|cumbred with other business, as not to be able to at|tend
the work that Christ has for him to do. He will look upon himself devoted to
the service of Christ, Page 16 and will lay aside every thing that shall clog
& hinder him in any part of the ministerial calling.—In a word here, for I
may not enlarge; He loves his master, and loves his work, and esteems his
wages infinitely beyond the utmost service he can possibly do, nay and that
the very service carries a reward with it; and therefore from a principle of
love and gratitude, as well as that of obedience, he readily engages in every
service he is set about; and rejoyces that he is counted worthy to be
imployed in any service for the honour of Christ: And therefore he sticks at
no work that Christ calls him to, let it be never so difficult; but if his master
enquires, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? he will (like the prophet
Isaiah when his lips were touched with a coal from the altar) answer, Here
am I, send me, Isai. 6.8.

V. Obs. There are certain things that ministers must be purged and cleansed from,
in order to their being vessels unto honour, fitted for the master's use.

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, &c.
implying that there are some things cleaving naturally to them, or which
they are incident unto, that must be taken away in order to their being
vessels unto honour. An unclean filthy ves|sel can't be a vessel unto honour,
till it be purify'd and cleansed; and we are all such in our natural state: for
who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. In our state of nature we
are defiled with sin, and are altogether an unclean thing; and therefore must
be cleansed in order to become vessels of honour. The vessels of the
sanctuary were to be clean, so were they that were to bear them, Isai. 52.11.
And or|der was expresly given concerning the Levites, that were to attend
the service of the tabernacle, that they should be taken from among the
children of Israel and cleansed, Numb. 8.6. And there is the same reason that
all who minister in holy things, and before a holy God, should be purged &
cleansed from all their filthiness.

The prophet Isaiah was so sensible of this, and of Page 17 the danger of
entering upon holy services, without be|ing purged and cleansed, that he
cries out, Wo is me for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips; and
immediately there flies a Seraph with a live coal from off the altar to touch
his lips, and so his iniquity was taken away, and his sin purged. And surely
every one that would be meet for the master's use, must have a live coal to
touch him; he must have the influences of the Holy Ghost to purge &
cleanse him. Isai. 6 5, 6.

Quest. But what are the things that such must be purged from, that they might be
vessels unto honour &c?

Ans. In general, from errors in doctrines, and cor|ruptions in heart and life.

1. They must be purged from errors, and false notions in religion.

These are particularly referred to in my text; if a man therefore purge himself

from these, that is from the persons, or rather the errors of those false
teachers, Hymeneus & Philetus, who had imbibed, and were set|ting forth a
most dangerous doctrine, that began to spread like a gangrene, and had
overthrown the faith of some. And now as ministers were to be purged from
that gross error, so the reason will hold the same for their being purged from
all other dangerous and destructive errors, as well as that particular one, in
order to their being fitted for the master's use. Christ was full of truth, as
well as grace, yea he was truth it self, and he came to teach and preach and
bear wit|ness to the truth: And it is highly necessary, that every vessel fit for
his use, must receive the truth as it is in Jesus. How can that vessel be fit for
Christ's use (which is to convey the truth) that is already full of error, in
matters of religion, both as to the doct|rines and duties of it? How can that
man be fit to teach the truth to others, that is himself given up to strong
delusions, and made to believe lies? How can that man be fit to teach others
the way to salvation, that is mistaken in the way himself? I would not be
understood here as if a man's having some mistaken Page 18 notions in
some particular points of religion utterly un|fits for the service of Christ; if
so, I know not who would be fit for his use. For, I may venture to say, that
there is not a man upon earth, but what labours under some mistakes or
other; and many who have by education or prejudice imbib'd false notions
in some lesser points, have been vessels unto honour. But what I refer to
more especially, are fundamental er|rors: errors in the essential parts of
religion, and that are inconsistent with a principle of saving grace with|in.
And as to these, I shall not pretend to enumerate them; not that I think them
so many, as the gene|rality of people imagine.

But these, men must be purged from, that would engage in the service of
Christ; for they disqualify persons for that sacred office. So that it highly
con|cerns every man, designing for, and engaging in this service, to take all
possible care that he be found in the faith, and that his principles be well
established and confirmed by the oracles of God. And he must earnestly
pray that the Spirit of truth would lead him into all truth, and keep him from
all errors. And if we set our selves to a diligent and impartial search after
truth in the holy scriptures, we may hope to be saved from any mistake that
will be hurtful unto our selves, or that will unfit us for the master's use.

2. We must be purged from our lusts and corruptions, if we would be vessels unto

Nothing does so universally and effectually disqua|lify for the service of

Christ, as the prevailing of our lusts and corruptions. Accordingly this is the
di|rection to Timothy immediately after my text, that he free all youthful lusts;
intimating hereby that it was absolutely necessary to his being a vessel unto
honour, fit for the master's use. And so it is, for every one that would be a
good minister of Jesus Christ; he must flee all manner of lusts, and get them
all subdued and mortified. One lust reigning in the soul, and breaking forth
in the life, pollutes & dishonours the vessel, and Page 19 makes us unmeet
for the holy service of Christ.

Here therefore let me say,

1. Such must be purged from all fleshy lusts.

For as these war against the soul, so they war a|gainst Christ; and how
unmeet then, must they ren|der the man for his use? The man that is under
the government of fleshly lusts, is in a state of enmity and rebellion against
Christ, and all that is holy. And how is such an one prepared unto every
good work, when he is inclined to evil, and only evil? How can any be
vessels unto honour, unless they know how (as the apostle says, 1 Thes.
4.8.) to pos|sess their vessels in sanctification and honour? Surely if any would be
vessels unto honour, they must cru|cify the flesh with the affections and
lusts, and mor|tify their members upon the earth; fornication and all
uncleanness, let it not be named among them.
In a word, ministers must be sober and temperate in all things, suppressing
their irregular appetites, and keeping their bodies under. The apostle was so
sen|sible of the necessity of this, that he looked upon himself in hazard not
only of losing the success of his ministry, but of losing himself for ever; and
his words ought seriously to be considered, 1 Cor. 9.27. I keep under my body
and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I
my self should be a cast-away.

2. Such must be purged from worldly lusts.

That is, they must get rid of an inordinate love to the world, and the things
that are in the world. For where there is such a love prevailing, there can't be
that love to Christ, that is necessary for his use and service. For as our
Saviour plainly tells us, Matt. 6.24. No man can serve two masters; for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Whilst men's hearts are full of the
world, how can they be full of Christ? Our love to Christ is necessary to our
feeding his flock, and there|fore Page 20 does he demand so often of Peter,
Lovest thou me? Lovest thou me more than these? For as he says Mat. 10 37. He
that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me: He that loveth son or
daugh|ter more than me, is not worthy of me.

3. Spiritual lusts must be purged away, in order to men's being vessels unto honour.

Such as unbelief, pride, envy, malice, and the like, which are so contrary to
Christ, and to the design of his gospel kingdom, that it is impossible for
such, who have these lusts reigning in them, to be any way vessels of
honour, meet for the master's use.

What can be more improper, than for one that has an evil heart of unbelief
(whereby he departs from the living God continually) to be imployed in con|
veying the doctrines of the gospel to others, and be an instrument to
perswade them to believe, what he does not believe himself?

What is more absurd than for one that has the lust of pride reigning in him,
to be imployed in bringing a meek and lowly Jesus to the world, and recom|
mending the imitation of him? What more incon|gruous, than for one that is
full of hatred, malice and envy, to be imployed in representing Christ, and
setting forth his infinite love & good will to the world?

I don't say but that God may suffer such instru|ments to be imployed, and
knows how to get glory to himself by them, and so to answer his own
purposes: But according to the natural tendency of things, such men are the
most likely instruments the devil can have to oppose the interest of Christ,
and cause a revolt over to his own kingdom. And it is most cer|tain that such
ministers as have been under the pow|er of their lusts, have done the most of
any men in the world to dishonour Christ, and hurt his interest in the world,
and to overthrow the faith of christians. Which shows that ministers must be
purged from these, if they would in any measure be fit for the master's use
and service.

Page 21

1. Inf. Is Christ the head and master of that house, which is the church of the living
God, hence his dominion and authority is to be duly acknowledged & submitted to.

He is not only head of that great family the church, but head over all things
unto the church; so that he has the sole absolute government of all things in,
or any way relating to his church & kingdom. He has the ordering &
disposing of every thing in his house; he makes what provision for it he sees
cause, he makes use of what vessels and instruments in the house he
pleases, and as long as he pleases, and then lays them aside as seemeth good
in his sight, and his sovereign hand is to be acknowledged herein. He
prescribes rules & orders for his house, which are carefully to be regarded
by all the houshold; and these he has given us in his word, which we must
carefully observe, and not presume to set up any of our own that are not a|
greable herewith. This master as Moses was faithful in his house, & has
given rules sufficient for his church. We must therefore carefully adhere to
his institutions, without presuming to impose any inventions of our own.

2. Inf. Are ministers but as vessels in the house, this should give them an
humble sense of themselves, and keep them low in their own minds.

Whatever high and honourable uses they are put to, they must remember
they are only as vessels and instruments, not as efficient causes.

If they are made use of in the conversion of sinners, it is only as instruments

in the hand of the Spirit; and they must take no other glory to themselves
there|in. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed?
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that
giveth the increase. Ministers are only the vessels that bring Christ and his
gospel, with all the gracious offers thereof to the soul; they can't compel or
perswade men to accept there|of; nor can they apply it to their souls and
consciences. Page 22 We only bring it to them: It is the almighty Spirit that
applies whenever it becomes effectual.

3. Inf. How should every minister be filled with fear & holy jealousy, lest he ne found
among the vessels unto dishonour.
In this great house there are vessels of wood & of earth, as well as of gold &
of silver; some unto disho|nour, as well as some unto honour. And now
every minister is one or other of these; ministers therefore should be jealous
of themselves, whether they don't by their sloth and negligence, by their
carnal & earthly affections, give reason to fear that they are but vessels of
wood and of earth. And are there not so many lusts and corruptions working
in them, as may make them fear whether they are not vessels unto
dishonour, and unfit for the master's use? And when we see how
unprepared, how unqualified, how backward, how in|disposed to many a
good work, we are, we may well be suspicious of our selves. But oh, with
what fear and trembling should this fill our souls! For such as are vessels
unto dishonour, what are they but vessels of wrath? And such as are unmeet
for the master's use, are fitted for destruction.

4. Inf. Here is a rule to judge whether we are vessels unto honour or no, viz. our
being fit for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work

5. Inf. How great a blessing are colleges and schools of learning, that may serve to
fit men for the master's use, and prepare them for the ministerial work.

These are the means that God makes use of to fit them for his service. Here
it is, that of vessels of wood and stone, he so refines them, that he makes
them vessels of gold and silver. Here it is that he in|larges these vessels, &
then fills them with knowledge, by which he fits them for service. Such
nurseries then are to be esteemed the great blessings of our land, and what
ought always to be cherished & encouraged by us.

6. Inf. We learn what is to be looked at, in choosing and separating any to the work
of the ministry, viz. their being fitted for the master's use.

Page 23 This is what a people are to look at in the choice of a minister; and
what ministers are to look at in separating or setting apart any to that sacred
office. It is the master that is to use and improve them. And unless they are
fit for his use, to what purpose are they chosen and ordained to that service.
The rule given to Timothy was, that he should commit this work to faithful men,
who should be able to teach others also, 2 v. of the context. And therefore it
would be an hor|rible betraying of our trust, to commit this work to unskilful
and unfaithful men. Accordingly that must needs be a very good rule of
prudence, which the same apostle gives, 1 Tim. 5.22. Lay hands suddenly on
no man; that is, not till we have some good grounds to think that they are
free from gross errors and corruptions; that they are like to answer the good
ends of their ministry, & prove vessels unto honour.
7. Inf. We learn what such as are entring on the mi|nistry, must find something of in
themselves, and make it their highest ambition to be obtaining more and more of
continually, namely, a fitness for the master's use.

For men to desire to be put in the priest's office for a piece of bread, meerly to
get a living, without taking any care to be fit for the master's use, would be
da|ring presumption. And it is very doubtful whether such would ever come
to be vessels unto honour. A man entering upon such a sacred service as
this, must examine himself as to his qualifications and accom|plishments for
it. I don't mean that a man must find himself equal to the service he is
engaging in; for alas! who is sufficient for these things? But every man must
see some degree of fitness, before he undertakes: So much knowledge, so
much grace, so much readi|ness to Christ's service, as may give him good
grounds to hope, he may answer the end of his office.

And now, all that remains is to apply what has been said, to the solemn
occasions of this day.

And in the first place, I will address my self to you, dear Sir, who I trust
have been applying the Page 24 several things that have been offer'd, as
they relate to your present case.

And here you see, that God is calling you, by his providence, and we trust
by his Spirit, to be a vessel in his house; and you are now to be introduced,
sanctified & consecrated to that holy service. And we trust (or else we dare
not lay our hands upon you) that you will be a vessel unto honour, and that
you are in a good measure fitted for the master's use. We trust that you are
free from every error that would be dangerous or hurtful to your master's
inte|rest, and from those lusts and corruptions that would pollute the vessel,
and render it unfit for the service of Christ. We hope that you who are by
nature un|clean, have been so powerfully touched by the holy Ghost, as with
a live coal from off the altar, that has taken away your iniquity, and purged
your sin, and sanctified you throughout in spirit, soul and body. And if you
find any comfortable tokens hereof, you may make an acceptable surrender
of your self unto the service of Jesus Christ.

And here I would take notice with thankfulness, that we have so much
reason to hope that you are a chosen vessel, well formed and fitted by Christ
to bear his name among the Gentiles, even the ignorant heathen, to whom he
is now sending you; and that there is such a hopeful prospect of success
among them, by the readiness there appears in so many or them to receive
the glad tydings of salvation.

The gospel ministry has it's dangers and it's difficul|ties in every place, but
the place assigned you in the house of God has it's peculiar difficulties: and
it re|quires a vessel peculiarly formed, to be fitted for this part of the
master's use. And such an one we trust you are; and rejoyce that God is
inclining and spi|riting you to that difficult service, even to go to a people of
a strange speech, and of an hard language, whose words thou canst not, at present,

You are now to be a consecrated vessel in the Page 25 house of the Lord
(altho' in a dark part of it). And this imports that your office will be to
convey all the treasures of a glorious gospel to the people, and to bring back
the several conditions, necessities & desires of the people to God. And what
does this imply but that you your self must be filled with these treasures in
order to your dispensing the same unto them. Oh labour then to be filled
with all that speculative, spi|ritual and experimental knowledge of God &
Christ that you can; and that you may be filled even with all the fulness of
God. Go to the fountain head, to Christ, in whom it has pleased the father
that all ful|ness should dwell: go to him by faith and prayer, and by diligent
attendance on reading, meditation and study; and he will fill you after such
a manner, as that you will come to them, in the fulness of the blessing of the
gospel of Christ.

And as you will be frequently pouring forth, and dispensing to the people,
so frequently repair to the fountain for a supply. Remember that you are but
a vessel, and so may soon be exhausted without recruits. And as you return
to God to be replenished, don't forget to come laden with the wants and
desires of your poor people. Remember to pour out your prayers to God for
them, as you pour out or dispense the grace of God to them. And thus
endeavour to be full going and coming. And by being thus con|tinually
imployed in carrying what Christ the master has to send to the people, and
bringing back requests with thanksgivings upon their account, you will be
found a vessel unto praise and honour and glory.

For altho' the use that the master puts you to in his house, may appear mean
and contemptible to the men of the world, who have their hearts set upon
the gaiety and granduer of it, and can think of no|thing but ease and
pleasure; and altho' but few of those who are consecrated vessels in the
house of the Lord, will submit unto it; yet it is a most glorious service in the
eyes of Christ the master, & of all the Page 26 angels in heaven, that are
beholding your solemn consecration: for those ministring spirits think it
their honour to be sent, and do with pleasure go forth to minister unto them
who shall be the heirs of salvation. And oh what an honour, what a plea|sure
must it needs be to every one that has a love to Christ and a compassion for
souls, to turn men from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto
God; to convert them from the error of their ways, and to save their souls
from death!
Wherefore, to carry on the metaphor, don't be ashamed of the outward
meanness of the apartment the master has assigned you in his house; and
don't be discouraged at the difficulties you may have the prospect of; but let
those gracious words of Christ, LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, be a
comfort to you: and the tokens you have had already of Christ's presence
with you, in the success of your labours hitherto, may well encourage your
further dependance upon him. Go forth therefore in the name & strength of
the Lord Jesus, & we trust that he will never leave nor forsake you, and that
his grace shall be sufficient for you. And let me assure you, that if you be
wise and faithful in this work, you shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of
your father; and when the chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive an
unfading crown of glory.

And now I would turn my self to the Houssatonnoc Indians, who are at this
time to have a minister sent unto them.

Behold the man, the messenger of the Lord of hosts, that is coming unto
you. This is a vessel God has made choice of, to bring Christ, and in him the
glad tydings of salvation to you. This is the man that is to shew you the way
to salvation; to direct you how you may escape the damnation of hell; and
how you may obtain the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
See then that you love him, and that you steem him very highly in love for
his works sake; Page 27 and that you come to him to be instructed by him:
that you hearken to his counsels, and observe his di|rections, and follow his
example wherein he follows Christ. And this is the way for you to be happy
here, and for ever hereafter; for godliness hath the promise of the life that
now is, & of that which is to come.

To conclude, How earnestly should we all pray, that there might be numbers
of chosen vessels, persons fitted and disposed to carry the everlasting gospel
to the heathen nations that are about us: to convey to them the knowledge of
God, and of Jesus Christ, whom to know is life eternal. How should we pity
them when we see them perishing for lack of vision? And how should we be
doing our utmost to encourage per|sons to go forth and carry the gospel to
them? And how highly proper would it be for the Government to take
effectual care to support and encourage such as God may raise up from time
to time, to go forth into such difficult service? And since many of our nation
at home have expressed such a tender concern for the propagating the
gospel among the Indian natives of this Land, at so great a distance from
them, by their charitable and pious donations for that purpose, it must needs
be highly reasonable that we who live among them, and possess their
country, should readily expend of our estates, for that which will be of the
greatest ad|vantage to them. This is a way of honouring the Lord with our
substance, which doubtless God expects from us.
But to have done, Let us be careful to recommend christianity to them, by
our own sincere practice of it. Let us make it manifest to them, in all our
trea|ties, and in all our commerce, and conversation with them, that we are
under the influences of the Spirit of Christ. In a word, let us adorn the
doctrine of God our Saviour in all things, & cause our lights so to shine
before them, that they seeing our good works, may be moved also to glorify
our father which is in heaven.

The End of the SERMON.

Brian Thiessen
Sermon • Submitted 13 years ago
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Vessels of Honour

Text: II Timothy 2:20-26

Place Preached - (Mississauga International Baptist Church)

Date Preached - (04/22/01)



The well known chorus states…

To be used of God

To sing, to speak, to pray.

To be used of God

To show someone the way.

I long so much to feel

The touch of His consuming fire,

To be used of God is my desire.

I. The Illustration of a sanctified vessel. Vs.20

The illustration of a vessel is a fitting one for the Christian life.

Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make
one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency
of the power may be of God, and not of us.

The illustration here is of a large house, belonging to an affluent family, with many
occupants and containing many rooms and furnishings.
The house represents the household of all believers.

The vessels represent individual believers.

VESSELS – Skeuos – used of a variety of domestic implements.

Ie. Utensils, tools, furniture. etc

Vessels of Gold & Silver = Honor

Vessels of Wood & Earth = Dishonor

A. Honor and dishonor do not refer to true and false Christians.

There are some other NT Types that distinguish the difference between true and
false believers.

Wheat & Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)

Sheep & Goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

B. Honor and dishonor are not speaking of the God-given difference among

Those differences are seen in the talents (Parable of the Talents) and spiritual
giftedness of believers (See Rom 12 & I Cor. 12)

C. The honorable vessels represent believers who are useful and faithful to
the Lord as opposed to those who are defiled and unfit for use.

This refers to the ways in which we are found useful to the Lord.

All believers should be vessels of honour. Unfortunately, this is not always true.

II. Characteristics of the sanctified Christian life vs.21-26

There are nine characteristics that mark the life of a faithful believer, who is a vessel
of honour.

A. A cleansed life vs.21A

CLEANSE – to clean out thoroughly, to completely purge.

A vessel for honor cannot remain pure apart from pure fellowship.

Proverbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of
fools shall be destroyed.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Sin is Contagious!!

Therefore we must avoid…..

Fellowship with the world.

Fellowship with ungodly believers.

1 Timothy 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's
sins: keep thyself pure.

Fellowship with the works of darkness

B. A sanctified soul vs.21B

SANCTIFIED – set apart (Two aspects = from sin & unto God).

An honorable vessel is kept pure.

ILLUS: We would not alternate the use of a vessel for food served to guests on one
occasion and vile waste on another.

1. Sanctified by means of a right relationship to God.

2. Sanctified by means of growth in righteousness.

1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto

C. Useful to God vs.21C

Meet (or fit) for the master's use

An honorable vessel belongs to God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy
Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your
spirit, which are God's.

We do not want to be an unfit vessel or a castaway.

1 Corinthians 9:26-27 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one

that beateth the air:

27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means,
when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

D. Prepared for every good work vs.21D

An honorable vessel is willing, ready and eager to serve God.

We must be genuine and unreserved in our desire to submit to His Holy Spirit.

E. A pure heart vs.22

Here are two characteristics of a pure heart.

1. Purity on account of what we flee from

Flee = GK. Phugeo (Eng. Fugitive)

Refers to a person continually on the run in order to escape capture.

Youthful Lusts = inordinate desires

Speaks of sin characteristic of young people.

Sexual sin, party life, covetousness, pride.

It is not only the young who battle youthful lusts.

2. Purity on account of what we follow after

Here is the positive side of the pure life. It is the put off/put on principle once again.
We are to run from sin and toward….

RIGHTEOUSNESS – faithful pursuit of and obedience to the truth of Scripture.

FAITH – faithfulness, integrity, loyalty, trustworthiness.

LOVE – agape love.

PEACE – not absence of warfare, but harmony in relationships.

Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

F. A discerning mind vs.23

The discerning mind is the opposite of an unguarded mind.

(ILLUS: The various filters on a vehicle)

If left unattended and unguarded (unfiltered) the mind will eventually become
spiritually and morally corrupted.

It will eventually produce all kinds of trouble.

ILLUS: The retention of the mind. Everything the brain registers it retains. It’s like a
computer (Businesses have discovered employees who have used the internet for
vile purposes because of records left on the hard drive).

Our mind is to be a treasure house not a garbage dump.

1. The discerning mind knows what to avoid

FOOLISH – mentally dull (moros = moron)

UNLEARNED – ignorant & untrained.

QUESTIONS – speculations, controversial and disputed with no certain basis in


Not referring to responsible discussion of Scripture and theology, but to intellectual

recklessness with the truth.
2. The discerning mind knows the result of undisciplined controversies.

They are worthless and fruitless, producing quarrels and needless strife.

Those who persist in this way must be disciplined.

3. The discerning mind knows that its only protection is God’s truth and

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there
be any praise, think on these things.

G. A gentle manner vs.24

Not primarily concerned with vindicating himself, but with serving the Lord.

Doulos – bondslave.


2 Corinthians 10:1 Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and
gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am
bold toward you:

1 Thessalonians 2:7 But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth
her children:

APT TO TEACH – capable, gifted, highly skilled.

PATIENT (when wronged)

H. A humble spirit vs.25A

Meekness is not weakness, but power under willing control.

In Greek culture – used of colts broken for riding.

Focus is upon the Lord and others not self.

Talks of His Lord, not of himself.

I. A restorative desire vs.25B-26

Restoration is always the desire of a humble and compassionate heart

Correction is necessary in the church.

Correction must be done in the right spirit.

Correction has a view to repentance and restoration.

2 Corinthians 7:9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed
to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive
damage by us in nothing.

Correction is based on acknowledging of the truth.

Correction based on truth will release one from the snare of Satan.

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to
man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;
but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear

2 Peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to
reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

A Vessel for Noble Purposes

2 Timothy 2:14-26
(February 17, 2002)


We are going to spend the next few weeks before Palm Sunday and Easter looking at the
issue of holiness.

We will look at a number of areas of holiness, such as our speech, our actions, and what
have you. I think you will find the messages challenging and practical, so plan to be here,

Today, I want to look at the issue of holiness in the life of Timothy, and the lessons we can
learn from Paul as he addresses his young protégé.

To do that, I want us to look at a portion of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, as he addresses

holiness in terms of clean and unclean vessels.

Please turn with me to 2 Timothy 2:14-26. If you’re using the Bibles in the seats, this can be
found on page 842.

Please follow along as I read:

14 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about
words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself
to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly
handles the word of truth. 16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will
become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them
are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18 who have wandered away from the truth. They say that the
resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. 19 Nevertheless,
God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who
are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from

20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay;
some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. 21 If a man cleanses himself from the
latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and
prepared to do any good work.

22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with
those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and
stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24 And the Lord’s servant must
not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Those who
oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading
them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from
the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

In this passage we see Paul’s desire that young Timothy be a man set apart for God’s work.

My purpose today is to encourage you to that same standard of holiness, and also direction
on how to come to that kind of a life of holiness.

I’m anticipating that the Holy Spirit is going to move during this time, and I hope you will be
anticipating it as well.

So let’s get started, shall we? First, I want to look at the…

I. Purposes of a vessel.
There are two main types of uses for a vessel. There are more to be sure, but generally I
think they can be broken down into two main purposes, and they are described back in verse

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay;
some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.

I’m going to reverse Paul’s order here and talk first about the type that is made for…

A. Ignoble purposes.

Ignoble basically means the opposite of noble. Ignoble purposes of a vessels could best be
illustrated by thinking of things like bedpans, spittoons, or…

(uncover the toilet)

…this here toilet.

What do you think of when you see a toilet? Flowers, monuments, holiness?

No, you think of filth, or anything unworthy to be kept around.

The purpose of a toilet is ignoble. It has no honor. It’s meant to keep us from being
contaminated with its contents.

Get the idea? That’s the first purpose or type of vessel. The next type are those vessels that

B. Noble purposes.

Noble purposes, as I’ve just alluded to, are those that are good and honorable. These types
of vessels are sometimes made just for a specific special purpose to give honor to a person
or special occasion.

I have an example of a vessel used for noble purposes. I’m sure you will recognize it.

(bring up the communion bread holder)

When you see this, you don’t think of garbage or filth, do you?
No, the very presence of this vessel brings to mind the reverence involved when we
celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and the reverence of remembering the sacrifice of the cross.

We wouldn’t think of using this vessel for a bedpan or wastebasket, would we? Why, it’d be
sacrilege, right?

And the reason we would think that is because this vessel was made for a specific purpose.
It’s not just any ol’ plate with bread in it.
This vessel has been separated for service. Noble service.

Now, you know where I’m going with this, don’t you?

I want to invite you to be a vessel used for noble purposes.

But to be a vessel used for noble purposes, something has to happen. Our Scripture
passage today tells us in verse 21:

If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made
holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

We need to get rid of those things that make us unclean, and get hold those things that
reflect a clean life.

So let’s take a look at what a clean vessel looks like, as it describes a person of God.

II. Attributes of a clean vessel.

In your outline you will see space for two items, both of which are described in more detail in
our passage.

The first is…

A. Clean speech.

Listen to some of the words Paul uses here in talking about our use of speech:

Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those
who listen.

Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene.


We are told to stay away from foolish arguments and to gently instruct those who oppose us.

Why? So we can show them up with our fancy linguistic grasp of all things theological?

No. We gently instruct them, as verse 25 says, in the hope that God would grant them
repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth.

There is no place in the kingdom for religious one-upmanship. When I meet with someone
involved with a cult, my goal in talking isn’t necessarily to prove my point, although that is
involved, the idea is that I want God to move in the life of that person so he can recognize

Quarreling and godless chatter are obviously not things that characterize Christian

Speaking of character, that’s the next thing we need to be a clean vessel.

B. Clean character.

The keys to a clean character are laid out by Paul in statements like these:

15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need
to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

And this one:

22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with
those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Timothy was leading a growing church in Ephesus, and he had to be careful that his
character was beyond reproach.

It was extremely important that people saw that Timothy was living a life that pleased God
and brought honor to His name.

But what about those of us who aren’t in such high profile situations? Are we exempt from
the need for a clean character? I don’t think so. It’s every bit as important.

Clean character is a necessity no matter what our station in life.

We need to move on, because we have a bit farther to go before we shut it down this
morning, okay?

So we know the difference between vessels with noble purposes and ignoble. And we have
an idea of what a clean vessel looks like in the life of a Christian. So then we have to ask…

III. How do I become a clean vessel?

For the rest of this message, I am going to assume that you would like to be clean vessels.

And I’m also going to assume that while some of us here today are that type of vessel, some
here are not.
That’s just the way it is in churches, so don’t think I’m picking on anybody in particular, okay?

Well, the first thing that needs to happen in order to be a clean vessel is that you need to…

A. Be saved.
You need to have trusted Christ as your Savior, receiving the forgiveness of sins and the
salvation He bought with His own blood at Calvary.

You do that by first admitting your need for forgiveness and turning from your sins with God’s
help. The Bible says that all have sinned; that means me, and yes, that means you.

Believe that Christ died for you and rose from the grave, and call on Him for forgiveness and
eternal life.

If you’re serious, He’ll do it. And you will walk out of here knowing that your sins are forgiven
and you will spend eternity in heaven when you die.

If you don’t have that assurance this morning, I want to lead you in a prayer right now so you
can invite Christ into your life to give you a new birth and a new life in Him.


Next, in order to be a clean vessel, you need to…

B. Be sanctified.

What does sanctified mean? To be sanctified means to be set apart. In the Scriptures it
specifically means being set apart for God.

Jesus said in John 17 that He desired that His followers would be sanctified by the word of
truth from the Father.
Paul prays in 1 Thessalonians that the believers there would be sanctified through and

We are initially set apart and sanctified when we came to Christ, and that continues as we
grow in Him.

But there comes a time in a believers life when we come to a point where we need to decide
who we are really going to live for: ourselves or God.

God has been speaking to us, and we see that He wants to do a work in us and through us,
but we need to be willing to submit everything to Him.

It takes a major adjustment in our attitude to God and our relationship with Him.

He wants to set us apart entirely for His work and purpose, perfecting our hearts in love for
Him, and giving us the power of the Holy Spirit to say no to willful sin.
There are two parts to this wonderful work we call “entire sanctification.”

The first part is…

1. Our part: consecration.

Consecration basically means that you are committing everything to God, endeavoring to
love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, which Jesus says is the first and
greatest commandment.

You are placing your whole life on the altar, dedicating your entire being to God.

In practical terms, that means that you’re deciding to live your life purposefully to glorify God
in all aspects of your life.

You will do your job for His glory. You will relate to your family for His glory. You will worship
for His glory. You will do everything possible to enhance your relationship with Him.

You are consecrating yourself for Him and His glory.

That’s your part. Then there’s…

2. God’s part: sanctification.

When you consecrate yourself to God entirely, the Holy Spirit fills you entirely, setting you
apart and empowering you to live the life you have committed to living.

Because you see, you can’t do it on your own. You need the Spirit to give you the motivation
and the ability to live for Him.

As I mentioned before, He cleanses you, making you a vessel fit for noble purposes. He
gives you the power to walk away from temptation and to run to Him.

If you are running around in defeat, it may be that you need to let the Holy Spirit do this
wonderful work in your life.

Let Him have His way with you. Believe me, His ways are ultimately better than yours and

Allow the Spirit’s sanctifying power to live in you starting today.


There is another type of vessel that I haven’t mentioned. It’s a vessel that can be used for
good or bad, it generally doesn’t care.

Here it is: a grocery bag.

In my house a grocery bag brings in the groceries, then gets put aside for use in a

It doesn’t care. Unfortunately, a lot of people who call themselves Christians are like that
grocery bag.
Let me encourage you to separate yourself for noble purposes, by asking God to separate
you for His work and His glory.

Remember, your part isn’t to make you noble. That’s God’s part. Allow Him to make you a
vessel fit for noble purposes.

Let Him cleanse you and perfect your heart in love to Him, and to empower you to His

I want to address something that I’ve wondered a time or two before I started getting a
handle on this whole issue of vessels and sanctification.

What if you were a clean vessel once, set aside for noble purposes, but you allowed yourself
to become a vessel for ignoble purposes?

Maybe you’ve allowed sin to pollute you and dirty you so that you feel unworthy to be used
for noble purposes.

Let me assure that forgiveness and cleansing are available for you, just as it is for me and
anybody else who wants it.

The Bible says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins.
And that’s not all. That verse goes on to say that not only does God forgive, He purifies us
from all unrighteousness.

He purifies. Now that’s good news, amen?

Let Him do that for you today, won’t you? You are never so dirty that God can’t clean you up.

I’m going to ask Dixie to come to the piano and begin playing our closing chorus as I wrap
this up.

And as she’s playing, I want to invite anybody who would like to consecrate themselves to
God entirely today to pray along with me.

We are going to pray. And after we pray, I want every head to remain bowed, and every eye
to remain closed for just a couple more minutes, okay?

Just keep playing, Dixie, as I pray.

"Vessels for Honor"

2 Timothy 2:20-21
Theme: We're exhorted to become "vessels for honor" in the "great house" of God.
(Delivered Sunday, August 15, 1999 at Bethany Bible Church; reprinted for
Sunday, December 8, 2002. All scripture quotes, unless otherwise noted, are from
the New American Standard Version, updated edition.)


I'm excited about our getting to talk about God's exhortation to us from this
passage today. I believe that, for some of us, it will be a turning point. I'm even
daring to believe that some of us will remember this passage for the rest of our
lives; and will be grateful to God that He called us to listen to it and do what it

"Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of
wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if
anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified,
useful to the Master, prepared for every good work."


Note, first, a very basic principle that's found in this passage; that ...


I had the opportunity to visit the Armory, a museum in the Kremlin complex in
Moscow. The Armory displays many of the beautiful household articles of gold
and silver that were used throughout the centuries by the Russian aristocracy.
Occasionally, you'd see common household articles; but most of what was on
display were "vessels of honor" -- that is, bowls and plates and dinnerware that
were used for elegant dinners and ceremonies. The same royal households,
however, also used items for common, everyday purposes, such as garbage pails
and dirty clothes containers -- even though you didn't see them in a display case. It
should come as no surprise to us that vessels of honor, made of gold and silver,
would be found together with vessels of dishonor, made of wood and clay, in the
same "great house". In fact, the greater the house, the more we should expect to
find both types of vessels.

Similarly, in God's "great house" -- that is, the Church -- we shouldn't be surprised
to find vessels of honor together with vessels of dishonor. Paul says, "But in a great
house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some
for honor and some for dishonor."

The Greek word for "vessel", basically means "a thing"; and it usually refers to any
sort of item that's meant to contain something else. In a literal sense, it's used to
describe a household container of some sort, such as a bushel (Luke 8:16), pottery
(Rev. 2:27), keep-sake boxes (Rev. 18:12), or even sheets of cloth that are used to
hold and carry other items (Acts 10:11, 16, 11:5). But in a more figurative sense,
it's used to describe people. It can be used to describe a person's body, for the
godly use of which they are held responsible (2 Cor. 4:7; 1 Thess. 4:4; 1 Peter 3:7).
In this sense, the body is being described as a "container" of a spiritual life that is
precious in the sight of God. The word can also be used to describe the whole
person in a moral sense. In this sense, a person can be called a 'vessel' in that God
had called them to fulfill a specific task or purpose -- like Paul, whom Jesus called
"a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children
of Israel" (Acts 9:15); or, it can refer to a person's ultimate destiny, such as when
Paul says that God "endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared
for destruction" so "that He might make known the riches of His glory on the
vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory" (Rom. 9:22-24).

When Paul says that, in a great house, there are different vessels, he's using the
word 'vessel' in the sense of people in a figurative/moral way. In God's "great
house", the Church on earth, one can expect to find both types of people -- people
who are "vessels of honor", and people who are "vessels of dishonor."

Jesus told a couple of parables to illustrate the fact that we would find both vessels
of honor and vessels of dishonor within his church so long as it's on earth. In
Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus taught one of His many parables about the Kingdom. In
it, He said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his
field; but while the man slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat
and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the
tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did
you not sow good seed in your field? How then then does it have tares?' He said to
them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to
go and gather them up?' But he said, 'No, lest while you gather up the tares you
also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at
the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind
them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.'" You can see
that a separation between them will be made eventually -- at the "harvest"; but until
then, the master farmer allowed both wheat and tares to grow together.

He taught the same truth through a similar parable about catching fish in Matthew
13:47-50. "Again," Jesus said, "the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was
cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which, when it was full, they
drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the
bad away. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate
the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will
be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Again, there was to be an eventual separation;
but until then, both useful fish and unuseful fish were found in the same dragnet.

Sometimes, people who profess to be followers of Jesus will avoid gathering

together with others of His people in a church, because they find both godly people
and ungodly people in it. "The church is full of hypocrites," they'll say; and to a
certain measure, they're right. Sometimes, a church is literally full of ungodly,
unholy, dishonorable "vessels". In other cases, it may be that there are very few
such vessels. But we should understand that, to some degree, until Jesus returns,
both vessels of honor and of dishonor are found together in God's "great house".
God hasn't rejected His "great house" because of this, though. In fact, based on the
testimony of our Lord Himself, we can see that He expects this to be the case; and
will see that a separation is made on the great day of His just judgment. He will not
confuse the final purpose of either vessels of honor or vessels of dishonor. We
need to remember that, as Paul says, "Nevertheless the solid foundation of God
stands, having this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and, 'Let everyone
who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity'" (v. 19).

Everyone, then, is a vessel. Either one is a vessel of gold or silver -- a vessel for
honorable use; or a vessel of wood and clay -- a vessel for dishonorable use.
There's no middle ground; we are either one or the other.


Now; you'll notice that this "seal of God" has two sides to it. On the one hand,
while we may not know with absolute certainty those who truly belongs to the
Lord, He does. It's not for us to be going about labeling one another either vessels
of honor or of dishonor. That's for the Lord alone to do.

But this same seal also displays something of our own human responsibility in that
it says, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." This
leads us to the next point; that ...



Many have speculated from this that our salvation is a matter of our own choice --
that in an ultimate sense, we can choose to purify ourselves and make ourselves a
vessel that God is obligated to use for honorable purposes on the basis of our free
choice -- apart from God's sovereign decree. But this isn't saying that at all.

For one thing, the Bible teaches that the salvation of God's "vessels of honor" is a
matter that He has settled long before the creation of the world. Paul says, in
Ephesians 1:4, that God "chose us in [Christ] before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love". How could anyone
claim responsibility for that which God had decreed before the foundation of the
world -- let alone before they were even created?

For another thing, even our becoming "cleansed" is a matter of God's elective grace
and not of our own free will. Peter says that God's people are "elect according to
the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience
and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:2).
This verse isn't saying that our salvation is dependent upon our choice as opposed
to God's sovereign election. The command to cleanse ourselves is a matter, not of
the proof of our ability to save ourselves, but of the proof of God's having saved us
being displayed through the evidence of our obedience. What this verse is telling
us is that it's our responsibility to cleanse ourselves as is fitting vessels of honor;
and that in doing so, we prove in actual practice to be what God chose us to be
from the beginning. If we are numbered among "everyone who names the name of
Christ" and who gives evidence to that claim to His name by departing "from
iniquity", then we can be sure that we are also among those that "the Lord knows"
to be "His".

And so, given that understanding, God holds us responsible for choosing which
sort of vessel we will be. And the good news is that, even if we've lived the life of
a vessel of dishonor in the past -- or even if we're living the life of a vessel of
dishonor now -- we can repent of our sin and, by God's help, thoroughly and
progressively cleanse ourselves for His honorable use. Doing so, we, in the end,
prove ourselves to have been chosen by God to be the recipients of the riches of
His glory as "vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory"
(Rom. 9:23). "Therefore", Paul says, "if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he
will be a vessel for honor ..."

Notice, first, how we're to cleanse ourselves. The word Paul uses literally means
"to clean out" or "to clean completely." Think again with me of some of the articles
on display in the Armory. Suppose that a bowl had been used by a member of the
Russian aristocracy as a spittoon (which, I'm sure you'll agree, would constitute a
dishonorable use for a bowl). But suppose that, a generation or so later, someone
else in the royal family found that, in reality, this dried up, crusty old spittoon was
a beautifully designed, ornate, elegant, silver gravy bowl. It belongs on the Czar's
dinner table, not on the floor next to someone's boots full of tobacco juice. How
would you clean such a bowl? Think of that; and that will give you an idea of the
thoroughness of cleaning intended in this word -- a "clean out completely" sort of

That's the sort of thoroughness God expects from us. He will gladly welcome us if
we desire to be a vessel of honor on His Son's banquet table. But there must come
with that desire a willingness to be thoroughly cleansed of every remnant of
dishonor in us. He has vessels of honor in His house, and vessels of dishonor; but
He won't accept a vessel on His table that is committed to being both at the same
time. That's why he urges Timothy, "Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue
righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure
heart" (v. 22).

And notice, second, from what it is that we're to be cleansed. Literally, Paul says,
"if anyone cleanses himself from these"; and in this context, the "these" he speaks
of are the vessels of dishonor -- that is, people whose moral lives constitute
spiritual dishonor. Paul specifically urges Timothy to remind the people under his

"Of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no
profit, to the ruin of the hearers. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a
worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But
shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. And
their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort,
who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already
past; and they overthrow the faith of some" (vv. 14-18).

Or, as he says in 2 Cor. 6:15-17;

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has
righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an
unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the
temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell with them and walk among
them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from
among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I
will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and
daughters, says the LORD Almighty" (2 Cor. 6:15-17).

When Paul tells us to "cleanse ourselves" from people who constitute vessels of
dishonor, it may sound judgmental and harsh. But these are words given to us
under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; and behind them is the motive that God's
people be made presentable to Him as vessels of honor, fit for His use. A devotion
to God for honor demands a separation from dishonor.

This doesn't mean becoming "separatists", in the sense that we remove ourselves
from all meaningful contact with unsaved people. If we were to do so, we'd
essentially destroy our ability to be used by God to reach the lost. The believers in
Corinth thought that Paul meant that they were to be separatists. But he told them

I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet
I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the
covetous, or extortioners, or idolators, since then you would need to go out of the
world. but now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a
brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolator, or a reviler, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner -- not even to eat with such a person. For what have I
to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are
inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore "put away from
yourselves the evil person" (1 Cor. 5:9-13).
And so, "cleansing ourselves from vessels of dishonor" doesn't mean avoiding
contact with sinful people altogether. It means disassociating ourselves from
someone who professes to be a vessel of honor, but is committed to persistent
dishonor in their lifestyle.

But another thing that's not meant by such "cleansing" is that we avoid our
responsibility to confront and rebuke sin in each other's lives. Paul told Timothy

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in
humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them
repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their
senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do
his will (vv. 24-26).

We need to remember that each one of us is a vessel. We're either a vessel for
honorable purposes, or a vessel for dishonorable purposes. When we're being
called upon to "cleanse ourselves" from "dishonorable vessels", it's a means to an
end. The end that God is calling us to in such "cleansing" isn't so that we could
pursue a merely pietistic separateness as a goal in and of itself. Rather, the end
we're being called to is "honor". God, here, is inviting us to become vessels that
have been washed and cleansed for His honorable use.

The Spirit of God has led Paul to state this matter in the form of a conditional
statement: "If this one thing is true, then this other thing will be the consequence."
If someone cleanses himself or herself from vessels of dishonor, then he or she will
be a vessel for honor.


And this leads us finally to our last point: the benefits that come with being a
vessel for honor; that ...


The first blessing is that of being "sanctified." The Greek word here translated
"sanctified" refers to the state of being 'set apart for special use.' The NIV
translates it "made holy"; and the RSV translates it "consecrated". We have objects
in our own homes that we consider "common." They're things that we use for
everyday uses. But then, we also have things in our home that are "set apart" from
common use. You wouldn't use a fine crystal goblet to hold your toothbrushes on
the bathroom counter; nor would you set a silver chalice on your desk to hold your
pencils. You'd reserve these objects for the finest uses. We even have some objects
in our homes that, under ordinary circumstances, would be considered common;
but because they have come to mean something special to us, we set them apart for
special uses. That's the idea behind the word "sanctified" -- set apart by God for
special use.

The man or woman who sets themselves apart from dishonorable things will be set
apart by God for honorable use. What could be a greater blessing than sinners such
as you or I -- formerly devoted to unholy and unrighteous things -- to become "set
apart" by God for His honorable and holy purposes?

The second blessing is that of being "useful for the Master." It's not just a matter of
being set apart for something special that makes being a "vessel for honor" such a
blessing; it's who we're being set apart for! Jesus is the Master of His "great
house"; and when we cleanse ourselves from dishonorable things, we become set
apart in His great house for Him!

And it's not just a matter of being set apart for Him; but we also become set apart
for Him as useful to Him! He has no interest in using sinful, unholy, vessels of
dishonor. And because He uses vessels that have been thoroughly cleansed for
honorable purposes; then, in a very real sense, we are as useful to Him at this very
moment as we choose to be. What a blessing to be useful to Him! What an honor it
will be to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

The third blessing is that of being "prepared for every good work". It's a great
matter of God's grace that we don't have to go out and prepare good works for
ourselves to do and to present to God. It's not our responsibility to create good
works for ourselves. That's the job of our Father. The Bible tells us, in Ephesians
2:10, that "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." God has good works,
already pre-planned and pre-arranged, that He has already prepared in advance for
us. As we walk along in fellowship with His Son, He brings us into encounter with
them one by one.

The great issue for us, then, isn't to prepare good works for ourselves, but rather to
be prepared for the good works that God has already prepared for us! And the man
or woman who has cleansed himself or herself from dishonorable things becomes a
vessel for honor, "prepared for every good work".


To be "set apart" for Christ; to be "useful" to Him; to become prepared for "every
good work" -- the blessings that come from being a "vessel for honor" in Christ's
"great house" are wonderful! And they're available to you and me.

God gives us a great invitation in these two verses. In His great house, there are
only two sorts of vessels -- vessels for honorable purposes, or vessels for
dishonorable purposes; and you and I cannot be anything else but one of the two.
Right this moment, you are either one or the other. God calls you to make the
choice which one you'll be.

Let's be vessels for Christ's honorable purposes. By His help, let's thoroughly
cleanse ourselves from that which is dishonorable. Let's allow the Spirit of God to
search out in us anything that remains of sin and moral impurity. Let's devote
ourselves to Christ -- in word, in deed, in thought, in attitude, in associations -- and
become His vessels for His honorable uses. And may He be pleased with us as a

Vessels of Honor

2 Timothy 2:20-26

This is the final letter from Paul’s pen. He is writing to his young son in the faith,
Timothy. Paul has been arrested again and knows that the time of
his departure has come. Everything has changed in the Roman Empire. Where once
he could speak freely of the gospel, he has now been arrested as a criminal.
The infamous Emperor Nero has systematically begun to arrest Christians; many
were killed, many were tortured.

Paul writes to Timothy to be bold in his faith. “Don’t be ashamed of the gospel and
don’t be ashamed of me,” Paul wrote, “God has not given us a spirit
of fear, but of love and power and a sound mind.”

The tide is also turning today. For many years the church has enjoyed tremendous
freedom. I’m not sure that we’ve taken full advantage of the opportunity,
but this much is certain, the tide is turning against us. The days are getting more
dangerous as we speak. There should be a sense of urgency in our
faith as well.

What do you say when you know you don’t have much time left? Everything takes on
a greater sense of priority everything changes in perspective.

In these verses Paul gets very personal with Timothy. He wants him to think about
his own life and the value and treasure of what has been entrusted to
him. As an illustration, he uses the various vessels in a house. There are cups,
vases, bowls, serving dishes, decorative pieces, bins for trash, and
not too long ago, people had spittoons and buckets for food waste. We had one and
affectionately called it our slop bucket. And don’t forget the porcelain
vessel also known as a toilet.

Some are vessels of honor and others are vessels of dishonor. In a similar way, we
should also consider the value and treasure that God is given us and
decide that we want our lives to be vessels of honor. What is the value of what God
has given you? We are called to live as vessels of honor unto God.

I. It’s an Honor for God to Use You

 There are few things as rewarding as being used of God for godly purpose in
someone’s life; to lead someone to faith, to comfort someone who’s in need,
to change the direction of someone’s life.
 Maybe we can say that it’s ‘an honor’ for God to use you in some way, for His

Illus – I mentioned on Wednesday that my wife and I have been with many
people as they were on their deathbed, breathing their last. What an honor it is
to pray with them, to sing over them, to encourage their faith as they turn their
heart toward home.

 God wants us to see the value and the honor of being useful to the Lord.

Isaiah 6:8, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who
will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

A. Don’t to be a vessel of dishonor

 God uses whomever he wishes for His purposes and that includes those who
resist God’s purpose in their lives and those who may not even believe in
 Though He uses vessels of dishonor, is it not better to be a vessel of honor?

Illus – We know Moses was used of God, but Pharaoh was also used of God –
that His name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.

Romans 9:17, For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I
raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, that My name might be
proclaimed throughout the whole earth.”

Illus – The evil Assyrian king, Sennacharib, was used of the Lord to discipline
the nation of Israel, but his arrogance cost him dearly.

 The question is not whether God can use you, He can use whomever He
wishes, the question is whether He will use you as a vessel of honor or of

Illus – Every house has both vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor.
Vessels of dishonor are like the garbage cans we hide under the sink or like
the slop bucket we used to put in the corner. But vessels of honor we cherish.

I have a favorite coffee mug that someone gave me and it brings pleasure to
my day as it fulfills its purpose. One of our glasses at home has Christmas
decorations on it and our grandkids want to drink from that special glass.

B. Choose to be a vessel of honor

 There’s a big difference between you and a special coffee mug – you have a
choice. You can choose to be a vessel of honor, and God in His faithfulness
will use you for His glory; it’s an honor to be used by God.
Illus – When Israel was held captive in Babylon, it came about that the
Babylonians themselves were defeated and the king of Persia came into
power. It was at that time also that a conspiracy arose against the Jews,
crafted by a certain official named Haman who had long held a grudge against
the people of Israel. He had deceived the King into issuing an edict that the
people of Israel were to be killed and all their possessions confiscated.

But it just so happened that a young Jewish woman named Esther was Queen.
Her uncle Mordechai asked her to intervene, to appeal to the king in behalf of
the Jews. But she was afraid, for anyone appearing before the king without
being summoned could be put to death unless the king held out his golden
scepter. Mordechai responded…

Esther 4:14, “If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise
from the Jews from another place… but who knows whether you have not
attained royalty for such a time as this?”

 If you choose not to do what God is calling you to do, He will find another way,
but what an honor to be useful to the king.
 Verse 21 – “If a man cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel
for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
 That’s an interesting phrase, how does a person cleanse himself from these

The idea in the Greek is to cleanse by throwing out something, but the application
here is to cleanse by getting yourself out, or away from, polluting

 Paul had just warned Timothy to stay away from worldly and empty people
whose polluting influence spread like gangrene.
 Verse 22 – now flee from youthful lusts, Paul also wrote. It’s the same idea,
get yourself out of those things and away from those things
which are polluting influences, then you will be a vessel of honor.
 Are there things in your life you need to get away from that are polluting
influences? Are there things keeping you from being a vessel of honor?

II. Make Yourself Useful

 Paul calls Timothy to cleanse himself from these polluting influences and to
flee from youthful lusts, but he also tells him what to pursue.
 Get away from polluting influences, flee from youthful lusts, you have a
choice. And you also have a choice in what you pursue.
 In other words, you make yourself useful as a vessel of honor by the things
you pursue. Fleeing polluting influences is not enough, you must also pursue.

A. Pursue righteousness, faith and love

 Everyone should have goals that they are longing for and working toward, and
there is great treasure in pursuing those things which have eternal value.
 We have a tendency to obtain the things we truly desire, long for, and pursue.
 Pursue these things, Paul wrote, along with those who call upon the Lord from
a pure heart. In other words, it’s the sincere, genuine heart that desires
these things.
 Notice that you should pursue these things – along with – those who call
upon the Lord from a pure heart. In other words,
you will become like the people you choose to hang around with, the people
you choose to be part of.

Illus – If you choose to be with those who party, you will become a person that
also parties. If you choose to be with those who faithfully go to the gym, you
will find yourself doing the same things. If you choose to be with those who
honor God and who love to worship, you will find yourself wanting to honor
God and worshiping Him all the more.

B. Pursue peace

 Verse 24 – the Lord’s bondservant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to

all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who
are in opposition,
Paul wrote.
 Pursue peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. In other
words, stay away from quarrelsome and contentious people.

Illus – “Never wrestle a pig,” as the saying goes, “he has way too much fun
and you get way too dirty.”

Romans 14:19, Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the
building up of one another.

 Make yourself useful as a vessel of honor by pursuing peace and the building
up of one another.

 There is no honor in being contentious and argumentative and it’s certainly

not useful to the Lord.
 Controversies and conflict are part of life; but we can have controversy and
conflict and still maintain the character of God and be a vessel of honor.

Colossians 3:8, But now you also, put them all aside; anger, wrath, malice,
slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.

 Some people think that the only way to be an effective leader is to be bossy
and authoritarian over those under them. But Jesus had something to say
about that.

Matthew 20:25, Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the
rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority
over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great
among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you
shall be your servant; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
C. Be zealous in the word

 Several times in these chapters Paul calls Timothy to be diligent in the word,
like a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling
the word of truth.
 If you want to be a vessel of honor, useful to the Master, prepared for every
good work, then you will want to be zealous in the word.
 In fact, in the very next chapter he gives one of the most famously quoted
verses that every good student of the word takes to heart.

2 Timothy 3:16-17, All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God
may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

 God gives His word for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness…

Illus – When I was a student at Multnomah University, a professor ‘reproved’

me in front of the class, but the Lord used it in his life as well as in mine and
bonded us together.

 God gives His word for teaching us about His heart for us, His character, what
He has done for us in Christ and to give the principles and
wisdom to guide our lives.
 But the only way to truly learn from the instruction of His word is to live what
we learn. In other words, to make them part of our living.

Illus – The only way to truly learn a language is to actually use it in daily life. I
wanted to learn French and was making great progress while I was in the area
of Africa where French is spoken daily, but coming back home I have forgotten
almost all of it.

When we adopted our two boys from Russia, it became a necessity. When you
live what you learn, you learn it in a completely different way.

 When you put God’s word into your life and live what you’re learning, it
blesses His heart.

Illus – One day I had lunch with our Iranian pastor, Kaveh, and when I sat down
I spoke all the words to him that he had taught me in Farsi. When I looked at
him I saw that he was beginning to cry. I said, “What’s wrong?” He said, “You
don’t know how much it means to me to hear someone I love speak to me in
my own mother tongue.”

 What a blessing it is when God’s word resides in our heart and we live
according to it; it’s like speaking to God in the language of His heart.

Useful To The Master
2 Timothy 2:20-26
In 2 Timothy 2:21, there is an expression that I think drives this entire passage. It is the
expression, “useful to the Master.” If there is one thing I want to be, it is “useful to the Master.”
How about you? Is there anybody else here who wants to be useful? I think of the Lord’s work in
this world as so wonderful, and important, and significant, that I can’t think of anything else that
could ever come close to having God use you to accomplish His great eternal purposes.

If you look back to vs. 14, Paul speaks of those who wrangle about words, which is useless, and
leads to the ruin of the hearers. So, there are those who are useful in the kingdom of God, and
there are those who are useless. In 2 Timothy 4:11, Paul tells Timothy to pick up Mark, and bring
him with you, for he is useful to me for service.” There was a time when Paul viewed Mark as
useless for service, because he deserted the missionary team and went home. However, things
have changed. Mark has changed, and now he has become useful for service.

So, how can we be useful to the Master? Paul teaches us how by introducing two final pictures.
Chapter 2 is full of illustrations. There are 3 in the first half of the chapter: soldier, athlete,
farmer. Then there are three in the last half of the chapter: workman, vessel, servant. We have
already examined the illustration of the workman last week. So, today we will focus on the last
two metaphors: a clean vessel, and a kind servant. If we want to be useful to the Master, we
must be a clean vessel, and a kind servant.

1. A Clean Vessel

In verse 19 Paul has told us that in spite of the false teachers and their damnable teaching, the
firm foundation of God stands having two seals. One of those seals is invisible, and the other is
visible. One seal speaks of our eternal free election, and the other of our diligent pursuit of
holiness. However, don’t lose sight of the fact that he has been speaking about a foundation. A
building rests on a foundation. The building Paul is describing is the visible Church. In 1 Cor. 3:9
Paul tells the Corinthians that they are God’s field, God’s building. In Eph. 2:19-22, Paul says,
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and
are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ
Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is
growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling
of God in the Spirit.” Peter also tells us in his first letter that we are living stones, being built up as
a spiritual house” (1 Pet. 2:5).

So, it is clear that the house Paul is describing in 2 Tim. 2:20 is the Church. Well, what do we find
in this house? We find vessels to honor, and vessels to dishonor. The vessels to honor are the
gold and silver vessels. These would include those beautiful exquisite vases placed on the
mantle for all the visitors to see, and the beautiful dishes to serve food from. The vessels to
dishonor would be trash cans and spittoons. In this passage Paul is not contrasting different
kinds of Christians, but different kinds of teachers. Since 2:14, he has been showing the
destructive effects of false teaching in a congregation. Thus, the vessels to dishonor are the false
teachers who are leading to the ruin of the hearers, further ungodliness, and overturning the faith
of some. The vessels to honor are those like Paul and Timothy who are diligent workman who
accurately handle the word of truth.

Let’s look first of all at the way we can be clean vessels, and then we will look at the result of
being clean vessels.


Cleanse Yourself From The False Teachers: When Paul says “if a man cleanses himself
from these things,” he is referring back to the corrupting influence of the false teachers in
Ephesus. He is telling Timothy he must separate himself from the vessels of dishonor in order to
be a vessel to honor. So, what exactly must Timothy cleanse himself of? He must not wrangle
about words (2:14), or participate in worldly and empty chatter (2:16), go astray from the truth
(2:18) or get involved in foolish and ignorant speculations (2:23). He must not lead to the ruin of
his hearers (2:14), or to ungodliness (2:16), or spread evil teaching like gangrene in the church
(2:17), or upset the faith of some in the Church (2:18) or produce quarrels in the Church (2:23).
He must, rather, spread sound doctrine which will lead to the salvation and spiritual maturity of
his hearers (1 Tim. 4:16). Timothy must not follow the example of men like Hymenaeus and
Philetus and Alexander who have made shipwreck of their faith. He must stand for the truth, and
teach that truth accurately with all diligence.

Flee From Youthful Lusts: In verse 22, Paul tells Timothy there is something he must run from,
and other things he must run to. The word “flee”, has the meaning of running for your life to
escape from danger. It is the word used when John the Baptist told his hearers to “flee from the
wrath to come” (Mt. 3:7), or when Jesus asked the Pharisees, “how shall you escape the
sentence of hell?” (Mt. 23:33). It’s Joseph leaving his garment in the hand of Potiphar’s wife
when she sought to seduce him, and fleeing naked that he might not sin against God.

The Scripture tells us we are to run from sin as though our lives depended on it, because it does!
It is only the man who perseveres to the end that will be saved. In Romans 8:13 Paul tells us, “if
by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body you will live.” The truly converted
person puts to death the deeds of the body. If you decide that you are tired of fighting with sin,
and settle down and live with your sins, you are only giving proof that you are unconverted. Flee!
Flee! Don’t dabble in sin. Don’t toy with it. Don’t fondle with it, as Eve did the forbidden fruit. Don’t
get as close to it as you can without crossing the line. Run from it! As John Owen said, “Be killing
sin, or sin will be killing you.” The wisest thing we can do is to flee from sin, just as you would flee
from a murderer who was out to kill you, or a lion who was hunting you.

What are we to flee from? Youthful lusts. This would of course include all sexual lusts and
temptations. We need to be on our guard against sexual lust, and there are temptations
everywhere – TV, the internet, magazines, books, billboards, and immodestly dressed women.
So, how do we flee from these lusts? Do what you need to in order to prevent yourself from being
drawn into these lusts. Put a filter on your computer, avoid certain books and magazines, have a
game plan for what you will allow yourself to watch on TV, or better yet, don’t watch TV! Jesus
taught us that if our eye causes us to sin to pluck it out, for it is better to go to heaven with one
eye than to hell with two.

“Youthful lusts” probably have a wider range of meaning than just sexual lusts. It would also
apply to lust for money and possessions, covetousness, and materialism. It would apply to lust
for power and position and prestige. It might include lust for popularity and esteem among others.
Whatever your particular “youthful lust” is, flee from it!

Pursue Godliness: The word “pursue” means “to run after, to chase down, to persecute.” It
describes what the apostle Paul did before his conversion when he would from town to town
searching looking for any Christians whom he might have arrested and brought to Jerusalem to
be tried. So, if we are not to run after youthful lusts, but instead, flee from them, what are we to
be running towards and chasing down?

Righteousness: This word describes the person who lives a life in conformity with God’s revealed
will. Jesus taught us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mt. 6:33). It should
be a main concern of ours that every day we are seeking as first priority to live a life which is
righteous in the sight of God. Are you daily pursuing righteousness?

Faith: The clean vessel who can be useful to the Master, must be a person of faith. He must be
pursuing greater faith. We must not be content with having enough faith to be saved. We should
be pursuing greater faith to believe every bit of God’s Word, and every promise He has made.
We should be like Abraham, who didn’t waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to
God, being fully assured that what He had promised He was able also to perform (Rom. 4:20-
21). Are you daily pursuing faith?

Love: Along with faith, love is the great indispensable mark of God’s elect. Jesus taught us that
the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our
neighbor as ourselves. This would be especially important for Timothy, in that he must love even
those false teachers, and others who were opposing the truth. Are you daily pursuing love?

Peace: Since there was so much turmoil, arguing, bickering, and quarreling going on in the
church at Ephesus, Timothy must be an example of a man who was pursuing peace. He must
take to heart Paul’s admonition, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all
men” (Rom. 12:18). He must be willing to lay down any desire for revenge and become a
peacemaker in the Church. Are you daily pursuing peace?
With Those Who Call On The Lord From A Pure Heart: What does this designation refer to? It’s
talking about genuine believers. “Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved”
(Rom. 10:13). Notice, they call on the Lord from a pure heart. There is no impure motive in their
calling on the Lord. These people are true and sincere. Folks, you and I need each other in order
to grow in holiness and cultivate the graces of the Spirit! If you want to make advances in
holiness and fruitfulness, don’t expect it to happen if you are unwilling to commit yourself to living
life with a local body of believers. This is why the men meet for prayer at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesdays,
and again Thursdays at 6:00 a.m. for study in the Word. That’s why we meet with our Missional
Communities each week. That’s why we gather here on Sunday mornings. In fact, the Bible tells
us that the reason we gather is to stimulate one another to love and good deeds. This is why we
have a time of body ministry every Sunday where you can share what God is doing in your life.
As different ones share Scripture they are memorizing, or stories of folks they have witnessed to,
or passages they have studied, it provokes and stimulates others to emulate them! By all means
pursue godliness, but don’t do it solo – do it with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
Everyone wins!


Honor: “Therefore, if a man cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor” (2
Tim. 2:21). Every person in the world is a vessel. Some people are vessels to honor. Others are
vessels to dishonor. Every kind of vessel serves a purpose doesn’t it? A spittoon, an ashtray, and
a garbage can all serve valuable purposes. So too, even lost people will serve a purpose to God.
What purpose? Well, turn over to Romans 9:21-23, where Paul speaks about vessels for honor
and dishonor in another setting. “Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from
the same lump one vessel for honorable use, and another for common use? What if God,
although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much
patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so in order that He might make
known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory.”
Did you notice in this text that again there are two kinds of vessels – vessels of wrath and
vessels of glory. The vessels of glory are the vessels for honorable use. The vessels of wrath are
vessels for common use. But, what possible use could God have for vessels of wrath? The text
speaks of God demonstrating His wrath and making His power known through them. What use
could God have for vessels of honor? He makes known the riches of His glory in bestowing
mercy upon them. Both kinds of vessels give God the opportunity to make something known
about Himself, which is what God loves to do. God loves to display His perfections to His
creation. So, vessels to dishonor give God an opportunity to display the perfections of His wrath
and power. Vessels to honor give God an opportunity to display the perfection of His mercy.
Proverbs 16:4 says, “The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the
day of evil.”

My friend, are you a vessel to honor? Will God exalt you, lift you up, speak approvingly of you,
and show you honor on that great Judgment Day we are all headed toward? Jesus taught, “If
anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him” (Jn.12:26). 1 Sam. 2:30 says, “For those who
honor Me I will honor, and those that despise Me will be lightly esteemed.” Do you want to shine
like the sun in the kingdom of your Father? Do you want to hear Him say, “You are to be in
authority over ten cities”? Then you must be a clean vessel! “Cleanse yourself from every
defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor. 7:1). Fight sin with
every fiber of your being. Wherever you see sin rising in your life, kill it. Don’t spare it. Bring out
the sharp knife and slit its throat.
Sanctified: The word “sanctified” means to be set apart. If we will set ourselves apart from sin
and wickedness, we will be sanctified. Hebrews 12:14 tells us that “without sanctification, no one
will see the Lord.” A life of holiness is what sets apart one person from another. My friend, are
you sanctified? Have you set yourself apart from sin and worldliness to be wholly the Lord’s? It is
a great blessing to be counted among those who are sanctified. Only a sanctified man is a vessel
for honor. Only a sanctified man has an inheritance. Listen to the words of Paul to the Ephesian
elders in Acts 20:32, “And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is
able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” Oh,
brothers and sisters, set yourself apart from the world, and ungodly pursuits, and give yourself
completely to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Useful To The Master: Did you notice the flow of thought? It is only as a man cleanses himself
and is thus sanctified, that he is then useful to the Master. Therefore, if you want to be useful to
the Master, you must be a clean vessel. Why? Well, think of it this way. Tomorrow morning when
you get up and amble into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, are you going to choose a dirty cup
that has been sitting in the sink for a couple of days, or are you going to get a clean cup out of
the cupboard? Well, if you will only use a clean cup to drink from, do you think God is going to
use dirty cups to do His will? Absolutely not. If we desire to be used of God, we must pursue

Prepared For Every Good Work: An unholy man will mar and stain every good work he strives
to perform. It’s like a man who has just tromped through the mud, coming into the house to do
the good work of vacuuming the house. He’s trying to do something good, but his muddy shoes
are just getting the carpet more and more filthy. In 2 Tim. 3:17 Paul tells us that Scripture
enables the man of God to be adequate, equipped for every good work. In Titus 2:14 Paul tells
us we are to be zealous for good deeds. Well, if that is the case, we must cleanse ourselves, and
chase after holiness! Robert Murray McCheyene once made this great statement, “Do not forget
the culture of the inner man– I mean of the heart. How diligently the cavalry officer keeps his
sabre clean and sharp; every stain he rubs off with the greatest care. Remember you are God’s
sword, his instrument– I trust, a chosen vessel unto Him to bear His name. In great measure,
according to the purity and perfection of the instrument, will be the success. It is not great talents
God blesses so much as likeness to Jesus. A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of
God.” And by the word “awful” McCheyene didn’t mean terrible, but great and awesome. Bridge
folks, flee from sin and pursue godliness that you might be useful to the Master.

2. A Kind Servant

In verses 23-26, Paul switches metaphors from the vessel to the servant. In order to be useful to
the Master, not only must we be a clean vessel, but we must also be a kind servant. Paul first
tells us the way the Lord’s servant must live, and then the result of him living this way.


Not Quarrelsome: 2:23-24. The false teachers were quarrelsome. They were wrangling about
words. They were involved in foolish and ignorant speculations. But the Lord’s bond-servant
must be different. In fact, the qualifications for an elder in Titus 1 list “not quick-tempered, not
pugnacious, and self-controlled” among others. In the list in 1 Timothy 3 one of the qualifications
is that he must be “uncontentious.” Paul knows that Timothy must deal with a bunch of hot-
heads, revilers, and dogmatic windbags. He must resist the temptation to lose his temper, get
into heated arguments, or become dogmatic over incidental issues. He can’t be quarrelsome.

Kind To All: In addition to refusing to be quarrelsome, he must be kind to everyone. He must be

a person who sees the needs of others, is moved by compassion, and goes out of his way to
seek to meet those needs. He must even seek the best interests of the troublemakers in the
church at Ephesus.

Able To Teach: This is the only skill that is mentioned in this section. The Lord’s servant must
be able to teach. Just as he must be a workman that does not need to be ashamed, handling
accurately the word of truth, so he must be able to communicate the truth of the Word which he
has an accurate grasp of. In the list of qualifications of Elders, the only skill that is mentioned is
this one – able to teach. If Timothy is to solve the problems of bickering and false teaching he
must be able to gently, and humbly teach these bullheaded individuals God’s word.

Patient When Wronged: Paul knows Timothy has been and will be wronged by these men.
How must he respond? Patiently. This word does not mean that he is able to wait a long time. It
has the meaning of “longsuffering.” Timothy must suffer long with people who continue to
provoke him without lashing out in anger or frustration. When you are in ministry, there will be
many times when you will need the grace of longsuffering.

Gently Correcting: The Lord’s servant must be able to teach because he needs to correct the
gainsayers with the truth, but he must do it gently. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns
away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” If you want to bring about a good and blessed
change in others, you have to be able to teach gently. If you want to convince someone that they
are wrong, you’re not likely to do it if you become angry and harsh with him. He will just react in
self-defense and entrench himself all the more in his own false views. We must win the person’s
heart first, and then gently and patiently show him the truth as kindly as possible, and thus we
may win him to the truth. Those of us who are passionate about sound doctrine need to be just
as passionate about the people we are trying to win to the Lord. Will I bend over backward to
display kindness, gentleness and patience to those who oppose me? That’s the real question.


Perhaps God May Grant Repentance: Notice two words in this phrase – “perhaps” and “grant.”
The word “grant” teaches us that repentance is a gift of God. We do not muster up repentance in
our own strength. It comes down to us as a gift of His grace. The word “perhaps” tells us that
God may or may not give this gift. He is sovereign in bestowing it. We can’t twist God’s arm, or
do anything to make him our debtor. God is free in bestowing His gifts. He does not act under
compulsion. Again, we are brought face to face with the truth of God’s absolute sovereignty in
the matter of salvation (1:9; 2:10; 2:19). Friends, do you know someone who you long to come to
know the Lord but is not repentant? Know this – only God can bring that man to repentance! You
and I must get on our knees and cry to God to grant repentance or he will never repent.

Leading To The Knowledge Of The Truth: When God gives the gift of repentance, it leads to
the knowledge of the truth. As long as we won’t turn from sin, we are blinded to the truth. As
soon as God enables us to turn from sin, we begin to see the truth more and more clearly. If a
sinner is to be saved, he must gain the knowledge of the truth. In 2 Thess. 2:10 Paul says that
certain ones did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.

They May Come To Their Senses: This phrase has to do with someone who is drunk and
starts to sober up, or someone who is awakened from a deep sleep, and slowly becomes alert.
When people live in sin, they are drunk in sin and asleep to the truth. They must be sobered up.
We must wake them up. But in the end, only God can begin this process by granting repentance.
If God begins the work, they will go on to the knowledge of the truth, and begin to come to their
senses. They will see the foolishness of living for this world when it is all going to burn one day.
They will see the preciousness and beauty of Jesus Christ, and the folly of neglecting Him day
after day.

They May Escape From The Snare Of The Devil: What is the condition of the lost man?
According to verse 26, he is held captive by the devil to do his will. The devil has the sinner in
chains and shackles. The devil has them exactly where he wants them, and they don’t even
know it. They think they are doing their own will, but in reality, they are doing the devil’s will! So,
is the sinner free? Well, in one sense “Yes.” He is free to choose whatever sin he wants. He is
free to choose whatever options the devil lays before him. But in another sense he is not free. He
is chained, held captive, a slave to the devil. But if God moves in that person’s life, He can break
the fetters and release him from bondage! “If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be
free indeed” (Jn. 8:36). Folks, there is hope for the worst and the vilest of sinners. Nothing is
impossible with the Lord. There is not a proud stubborn heart in this world that God cannot bring
down and humble in the dust and bring as a trophy of grace to His Son. Don’t lose heart about
people you love! Keep praying for them and speaking to them. Perhaps God may grant

Life Application

Again, let me ask you, “Do you want to be useful to the Master?” Then pursue holiness with all
your might! Seek to be a clean vessel, sanctified, prepared for every good work. Also, be a kind,
gentle servant of the Lord, not reacting in anger or harshness, but in gentleness and kindness to
As a pastor or church leader, I know you want to be used by God. As a leader of
leaders, I know you want to help others to be usable by God.

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose
hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV).

The Bible teaches five requirements for being used by God.

1. Keep your life clean.

The first step to being used by God is always personal examination. When you
find someone whom God is using in a great way, they’ve dealt with the personal
sin in their lives by confessing it to God. God uses small vessels, plain vessels,
and even broken vessels. But he will not use a dirty vessel. Matthew 23:26
says, “Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside
also will be clean” (NIV).

2. Keep your eyes open.

One of the most misunderstood words in leadership circles is the word vision.
We think of vision as predicting the future, but none of us can know the future
the way God does. Vision is seeing God at work in your present situation and
moving with him. It’s about getting in on what God is doing in the world and
being a part of it where he has placed you. If your vision isn’t in alignment with
what God is doing, you are off-course. As David said, “Keep your eyes open for
God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence” (Psalm 105:4 The

3. Keep your heart grateful.

God uses grateful people. Thankfulness is also one of the keys to longevity in
ministry. Thankful people endure longer because they focus on God’s provision
more than their problems. Doctors refer to gratitude as the healthiest of all
emotions because of its physical and psychological benefits. If you don’t stay
grateful, you’ll become cynical. Paul said, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your
spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11 NIV). We need to constantly
remind ourselves what a privilege it is to serve Jesus. Never take for granted the
things that God does in, through, and around us entirely because of his grace.

4. Keep your purpose firm.

You were planned for God’s pleasure, formed for God’s family, created to
become like Christ, shaped for service, and made for a mission. These are the
purposes for which God made you! One of my life verses is Acts 13:36: “David
served God’s purpose in his own generation” (CEB). I want to serve God’s purpose
for my life, and I know you do too.

5. Keep your mind on Jesus.

Meditate on this verse, “Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this
race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was
headed – he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And
now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God” (Hebrews 12:2 The
Message). God’s purpose for your life is far greater than your problems. Don’t
give up when it gets tough. Go to Jesus. Keep your mind on Him!

anctified for Miracles-

In the Book of Acts, the Lord says that the Apostle Paul was a “chosen vessel” unto Him.
“But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear
my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:” (Acts 9:15)

Jesus said that “many are called, but few are chosen.”
“So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”
(Mat. 20:16)

The Bible tells us what God requires of those who desire to be a “chosen vessel” for
the Lord and His glory.

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth
them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from
iniquity.” (2Tim. 2:19)

“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood
and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor.” (2Tim. 2:20)

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor,
sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.
(2Ti 2:21)

If we are to be a vessel unto honor then we must be “sanctified”.

Here the word “sanctified” literally means to “make holy, purify, or consecrate”. It also
means to be “separated” unto God.

Sanctification means that we have consecrated our lives to Christ or that we have
separated ourselves unto God.

It does not mean to separate ourselves from the world, from the very people that God
has called us to reach out to and show the love of God.
We are to be sanctified to the Lord, not separated from the world. We are,
however, called to be separated from the love of the world.
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the
world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1John 2:15)

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth
away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.” (1John

The people who are consecrated to God and separated from the love of the
world are the people that God will use to be “chosen vessels”, sanctified and
“fit for the Master’s use”, prepared unto every good work.

These are the people who have prepared themselves to behold and be part of
the miracles created by God.

One good example of this is the story of the Prophet Elijah and Elisha in the Old

Elijah was one of the greatest prophets of God in the Old Testament. We can read of the
great works and miracles that God did through him in the Books of First and Second

The time came towards the end of Elijah’s ministry that the Lord instructed him to find a
man by the name of Elisha and anoint him to take his place as the prophet of God.

“So he departed thence, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with
twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed by him,
and cast his mantle upon him.” (1Ki. 19:19)

“And he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and said, Let me, I pray thee, kiss my
father and my mother, and then I will follow thee. And he said unto him, Go back
again: for what have I done to thee?” (1Ki. 19:20)

“And he returned back from him, and took a yoke of oxen, and slew them, and
boiled their flesh with the instruments of the oxen, and gave unto the people,
and they did eat. Then he arose, and went after Elijah, and ministered unto
him.” (1Ki. 19:21)

The mantle in the Old Testament represented the anointing of the prophet. When Elijah
cast his mantle on Elisha, Elisha understood what it meant.

This was Elijah’s way of saying, “Come and follow me. Be my apprentice and be a partaker of the
anointing and call that’s upon my life.”
Perhaps this was a sudden surprise to Elisha, or perhaps the Lord had already prepared
his heart. Nevertheless, Elisha knew that this meant leaving home and family behind and
so he wanted to go and kiss his parents “good-by”, possibly to explain to them where he
was going.

Elijah told him to “go back again”, in other words “forget it, never mind”, but then he
said, “What have I done to thee?”
Elisha knew exactly who Elijah was and what this meant.
The whole nation of Israel knew about this great prophet who would stand and rebuke
kings, who could raise the dead, call fire down from God, who could shut the heavens to
stop the rain, then pray again and the rain would fall.

Sometimes we have to decide what’s more important.

“And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)

Jesus said,

“He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth
son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Mat. 10:37)

Elisha had to make a choice. How important was the call? Should he commit himself to it? It might never
come again.
Elisha went back to the field that he was plowing. He broke up the plow and built a fire
with the pieces. He slaughtered the oxen to cook and feed the people.

The other workers might have asked, “What are you doing Elisha? Why are you breaking
up your plow and killing your oxen?”

His answer might have been, “Because I’m never coming back.”

Elisha provided himself no place to ever come back to. He totally consecrated and
sanctified himself to the call that Elijah had placed upon him.

Later, after years of faithful ministry, the time came for God to take Elijah up to heaven.
Elisha asked one thing of Elijah before he was to go. He asked if he could receive a
double portion of the anointing that was upon Elijah.

Elijah told his servant that if he saw him taken up, then his request would be granted. In
other words, if you are still consecrated to me and haven’t left my side, then God will
give it to you.

Elisha continued to follow Elijah as they went, and when Elijah was caught up to heaven
by a whirlwind and his mantle fell to the ground, Elisha seeing the sight picked up the
mantle knowing that the promise was his.

He struck the waters of the Jordan River with the mantle of Elijah and said, “Where is the
God of Elijah?” and the waters parted so that he could walk across on dry ground.
Elisha had received the reward for the consecration he had committed himself to so long
ago when Elijah had first thrown his mantle upon him.

The story of Elisha’s consecration to Elijah (if you see me when I go, if you’re still by my side, if we’re
still step-by-step together) is a physical representation of the spiritual consecration we are to have to the
Lord if we are to be a chosen vessel.
Many people erroneously believe that Elijah was taken up to heaven by a chariot of fire.
This is not so. The Bible says that Elijah was caught up to heaven in a whirlwind.
“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared
a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went
up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2Ki. 2:11)

Elisha was so consecrated, sanctified, and close to Elijah that the Lord had to send a chariot and horses of
fire to separate the two.
The horses and chariot approached, Elisha jumped one way and Elijah jumped the other, and God was
able to take up Elijah with the whirlwind into heaven and leave Elisha behind to finish the work of the
“And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the
horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and
rent them in two pieces.” (2Ki. 2:12)

“He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the
bank of Jordan;” (2Ki. 2:13)

“And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said,
Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted
hither and thither: and Elisha went over.” (2Ki. 2:14)

Elisha had determined in his heart that nothing was going to keep him from
obeying God and receiving the anointing of the prophet.

He had decided that neither family, nor job, nor friends, nor anything else was going to
get between him and the prophet to separate them.

Elisha was totally sanctified and consecrated to Elijah.

This is the type of sanctification, consecration, and dedication that God requires of us if
we are going to be a “chosen vessel” fit for His use.

Not physically as it was with Elisha, but spiritually.

We need to determine that no hidden sin, no habit, no wrong attitude, no area

of our life or mind that we have not submitted to Christ will get between us and
the anointing of God.

We must determine that nothing in our heart or mind will hinder us from being
a vessel fit for His use. We must determine to hold nothing back from God.

This is the life of sanctification and consecration to the Lord that will be one of
the keys to opening the door of faith and beholding miracles from God.

Seek To Be a Vessel, Sanctified and Useful For God

Written by : Zac PoonenCategories : Disciples Devotion to Christ
One of the characteristic of a true servant of God is that he must be a holy vessel, a vessel
who cleanses himself (2 Tim. 2:20, 21).There are two cleansings spoken of in the New
Testament. One is the cleansing that God does:"The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. If
we confess our sin He is faithful and righteous to cleanse us" ( 1 John. 1:7, 9). God cleanses
us from the guilt of sin. We can't do that. Only the blood of Jesus can do that. The second
cleansing is something that we have to do ourselves ("If a man cleanses himself" - 2 Tim. 2:
21). These are like two sides of a coin. God cleanses away our past sin and we cleanse
ourselves from the wrong things we see in our lives.
Maybe you have the habit of cracking jokes that hurt others - something that Jesus would
never do. Don't ask God to cleanse it away. Say, "Lord, I am going to cleanse myself. I am
going to give up this bad habit, with Your help." Or perhaps you have a curiosity that makes
you a busybody in other people's matters. You must cleanse yourself from being interested in
matters that do not concern you in any way. If a man cleanses himself thus, he can be a vessel
sanctified and useful to the Master.
The passion of my life for many years has been to be a vessel useful to God for every good
work that He can do through me in my one earthly life. We may live at the most 80 or 90
years on this earth. Every year of our lives must count for God. If you want to live such a life,
cleanse yourself daily. Ask the Lord to show you the things that are useless - and cleanse
them away. Let your life be one of continuous cleansing. If you are serious about this, you
will be a vessel useful to the Master. There are many vessels in the church that are useless.
Paul compares Christians to different types of vessels in a house."In a wealthy home there
are dishes made of gold and silver as well as some made from wood and clay. The expensive
dishes are used for guests, and the cheap ones are used in the kitchen or to put garbage in. If
you stay away from sin you will be like one of these dishes made of purest gold - the very best
in the house - so that Christ himself can use you for his highest purposes" ( 2 Tim. 2:20,21 -
But don't think of usefulness alone. Many people are happy to know that God is using them.
In a house, people use wooden boxes more than their golden vessels. But which vessel has
more value? Are you concerned about your usefulness or your spiritual value? Your spiritual
value is far more important to God than your usefulness in His work. God uses many people
to do His work - even the devil. The devil once sent a thorn as a messenger into Paul's flesh -
and God used it to keep Paul humble. God used Balaam. God used Solomon even to write
Scripture; but he went to hell after that. So don't ever glory in the fact that God is using you.
Many who prophesied and did miracles in Jesus' Name will be rejected in the final day (Matt.
7:22, 23). So being used by God is not the main thing. What is your intrinsic worth? Are you
a golden vessel?
When there is a fire in a house, people rush to remove their gold and silver vessels - not their
earthen jars. So will it also be, when the world is on fire. "They shall be Mine, says the Lord
Almighty, in that day when I make up My jewels. Then you will see the difference between
those who serve God and those who don't" (Malachi 3:17, 18 - Living). If you are only a
cheap earthen vessel at present, you can become a golden vessel by cleansing yourself from
everything that you see as un-Christlike in your life.
If you decide to cleanse yourself, one of the first things you must run away from is youthful
lusts (2 Tim. 2:22). Even a man like Timothy who was about 45 years old at this time, had to
run away from youthful lusts. Paul tells this wholehearted brother Timothy that the only way
he could escape sinning in this area was by running away from temptation. He was not to
imagine that he was too old to be tempted in this area. Don't imagine that because you are 45
years old you won't be tempted. Don't allow such sins to drag you down and destroy your
"Pursue after righteousness with those who call upon the name of the Lord with a pure heart"
(2 Tim. 2:22). In other words, we must seek for fellowship primarily with those who seek for
purity. That will help us to flee from sin. Our best friends on earth must be those who desire
purity with all their hearts. Many believers have lower standards and are not interested in
godliness. But we must spend most of our time with those who are seeking to live a holy life.
How can we know if someone has a pure heart? Jesus said that people speak out of that which
fills their hearts (Matt. 12:34). We know what is filling a man's heart by the things he loves
to speak about. If he is always talking about money and material things, it is because his heart
is filled with thoughts of money. On the other hand, when a man wants to talk mostly about
the Lord, you know that's what is filling his heart. I want to fellowship with those who long
to be like Jesus. When we love the Lord we love to talk about Him. This is the secret of
effective service for the Lord.
By Godson Ezenwajiofor on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord knoweth them that are his,
and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not
only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour and some to dishonor.
If a Man purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour sanctified and meet for the master’s
use, and prepared unto every good work. We are talking about vessels of honour for royal service. The
word royal qualifies the type of service the Lord requires from us. The word royal means majestic, noble,
magnificent, and splendid. And the type of vessel that will render such service must be vessel unto honour.
There are different types of vessel that the bible talks about. (1) The bible talks about vessels unto
dishonor. 2Timothy.2:20. This is the vessel that is defiled by sin and unrighteousness. (2) It talks about
broken vessels. Ps.31:12. This is the vessel that is broken and cannot hold anointing anymore. It is broken
because of backsliding. (3) It talks about marred vessels. Jer.18:4. This is talking about the vessel that is
marred because of wickedness and evil habits. (4) It talks about vessels wherein there is no pleasure.
Jer.22:28. This is talking about the vessel that God has no pleasure and delight in because it is unworthy
and unfit for holy service. (5) It talks about empty vessels. Jer.51:34. This is talking about the vessel that
makes lots of noise but have nothing inside, no grace and power. (6) It talks about earthen vessels.
Lev.6:28. This vessel is earthly and carnal easily broken and have no heavenly value. (7) It talks about
wooden vessels. Lev.15:12. The end of such vessel that is wooden is fire. (8) Silver vessel. Josh.6:19. This
is vessel to serve holy things and is preserved and pure. (9) Golden vessel. 2Samuel.8:10. This is a godly
and holy vessel for glory. (10) Pleasant vessels. Jer.25:34. This is the vessel that is pleasant in the sight of
God and the angels. (11) Clean vessels. Isaiah.66:20. This is the vessel that is totally cleansed by the blood
of Jesus and is worthy for heavenly ministry. (12) Sanctified vessels. 2Timothy.2:21. This vessel has been
purged of all unrighteousness and carnality of the human nature. (13) Holy vessels. 1Chro.22:19. This is
the vessel that is made holy by the grace of God and washed whiter than snow through the blood of Jesus.
(14) Vessels unto honor. 2Timothy.2:21-22. THE QUESTION IS WHAT TYPE OF VESSEL ARE YOU?

VESSELS UNTO HONOUR7th of October, 2016

Let us lift up our hands to the Almighty God and just worship Him.
Give him glory; give Him honour, give Him adoration.
He is worthy; He is worthy to be praised.
Yes, go ahead, worship Him.
Worship Him.
Yes, give Him the glory; give Him the glory; give Him the honour, give Him the adoration.
Go ahead worship Him.
He is worthy.
He is worthy.
Lord we bless Your holy name.
Blessed, blessed, blessed be Your name.
Thank You Lord.
Thank You Father.
Yes, thank You Father.
Thank You Lord
We thank You Lord
We thank You Lord

Thank You Lord

We thank You Lord
We thank You Lord.

Thank You Lord

We thank You Lord
We thank You Lord.

Thank You Lord

I thank You Lord
I thank You Lord.

Thank You Lord

I thank You Lord
I thank You Lord.

Thank You Lord

I thank You Lord
I thank You Lord.

Almighty God we thank You. Ancient of days we bless Your name. The Father of all fathers, the One who have
been before the mountains were brought forth; in whose eyes we are but children, we worship You, we give
You glory; we give You honour, we give You adoration – Father accept our worship in Jesus’ name.
Thank You for the wonderful testimonies. Thank You because You will never put your own people to shame.
Thank You because You still answer prayers. Please accept our worship in Jesus’ name.
Father, we commit all the youth – all the Young Adults, those who are here and those who are listening to us all
over the world in all the various viewing centers, we commit them into Your hands, bless them, protect them,
promote them, let them be greater than their parents; make them mighty vessels unto honour; use them for Your
glory; use them to win the world to Yourself.
Father, we prayer tonight that You will save souls; You will heal the sick; You will set the captives free.
In all the nations that have been battered by one hurricane or the other, please at this difficult moment visit
them, support them, strengthen them, comfort them.
And once again father we cry unto You, have mercy on Nigeria. Father, please remember Your promise that
before this year ends, things will begin to improve; Father, fulfill Your promise in Jesus’ name.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah.
Well, let us be seated.
Our brothers have already done a lot of work.
I will be brief but within this short period of time (about an hour or so), as usual, I am going to be calling on you
to pray.
They have defined for us…, most of them read from 2Timothy chapter 2 from verse 19 to 22.
So, maybe I don’t need to bother reading to you again since they have read it to you again and again.
Maybe I need to highlight verse 19 there.
“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And,
Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
There are those who will tell you that: once you are born again, you have nothing more to do to get to heaven.
That is not true.
This passage says, if you are naming the name of the Lord, you have an assignment… what is that first
Depart from iniquity!
You cannot say because you are born again, you will continue in sin. If you continue in sin, you will go to
Let me assure you, there are a lot of preachers who are not going to heaven; but I will see you in heaven.
I did not hear your amen.
…because you are going to face your own responsibility and depart from iniquity
Then, He says, but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of
earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
And then He says, If a man therefore purge himself (who is to purge man? I cannot hear you) ….
“If a man purges himself”! You have responsibilities my sons and daughters
Thank God for the grace that saved us.
Oh! It is by grace we are saved; but after we have been saved, washed clean in the blood of the Lamb, we are
not to just seat down and fold our arms and continue to live a careless life and expect to be in heaven – it is not
The Almighty God expects you to demonstrate the appreciation from His grace by departing from iniquity; by
purging yourself of things that are contrary to His will.
Now, these wonderful children have defined vessels.
Somebody gave us a dictionary definition to vessel.
He gave us definition from marine point of view.
He gave us definition from biological point of view.
I was even waiting for him to give us a definition from engineering point of view; etcetera, etcetera.
Wonderful children
But, briefly, a vessel is just an object that transfers a product or products from the source to the final
For example, 2Chronicles chapter 2, you can read it from verse 1 to 16 (2Chronicles 2 verse 1 to 16); when
Solomon wanted to build a house of God, the king of Tyre said to him (in verse 16 there), he said, we will cut
wood out of Lebanon, and send it to there in floats by sea to Joppa; then, you will get men to carry the wood
from Joppa to Jerusalem.
The wood was in Lebanon; the wood was need in Jerusalem; some men cut the wood down in Lebanon; they
send it by floats to Joppa - the Floats were the vessels; and some men carry the wool from Joppa to Jerusalem –
men can also be vessels.
There are two kinds of vessels mentioned:
· Vessels unto honour, and
· Vessels unto dishonour
Let us talk in practical sense of the world; in every house we have all these vessels.
One of the vessels for example that we find in every house is a dust-bin – it is a vessel, but a vessel
unto dishonour: it is a vessels that carries the refuse from the house to dunghill or to wherever you are going to
deal with it.
And that one should tell you one thing straight away –“you must not be a dust-bin”.
Because several years ago, we had a house-help: it does not matter who ate, whatever is left over, she will help
you consume.
So, my children, and you know children can be funny, the children named her Dustbin.
What is a dustbin?
A dustbin is that which is always receiving – always receiving, never giving.
Tell your neighbour, don’t be a dustbin.
And then, of course, we can look at other kind of vessels: you have cutleries; you have drinking cup; you have
forks; and so on and so forth.
A fork is a vessel unto honour – it picks the food from the plate and transfers it to the mouth where the food is
A cup is a vessel unto honour – it takes the water or the tea from where it is produced and takes it to the mouth
where it will be send down into the stomach.
Now, they said, in the great house, there are many vessels, that tells you one thing straight away: many are
called but few are chosen.
Matthew 22 verse 14, many are called (we are many here), but when it comes to vessels unto honour, may you
be counted among them in Jesus’ name.
And then to be chosen in the text, they said the priority is cleanliness – the vessel must be clean.
Thank God the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sins 1John chapter 1 verse 7.
But the passages tell us that the cleanliness they are talking about must be beyond the ordinary; a man must
purge himself – to purge means to cleanse within.
Whatever is inside that should not be there, must be vomited out – that is the meaning of purge.
In other words, the vessels that the Master is going to use will not only be clean on the outside, it must be clean
inside also.
Clean inside; clean outside – it is cleanliness beyond ordinary: clean in words, clean in thoughts not just clean in
deeds because it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks -Absolutely clean.
The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 27 that Christ is coming back for a church without spot, without
wrinkle, with blemish; completely clean. And He said, ready for good works; ready for good works.
A vessel is an object that serves, it does not serve himself, he serves the Master.
When you go to through all the vessels, you will find that they all at one time or the other served.
Samuel served Eli.
Moses served Jethro.
Joshua served Moses.
Elisha served Elijah.
David served King Saul.
Philip served as a Deacon, serving tables.
One major characters of a vessel unto honour is that it must have a servant spirit.
The greatest vessel unto honour of all is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He said, I have not come to be served but to
A vessel unto honour must serve.
So, if you want to be a vessel unto honour and you don’t want to be a servant, you don’t want to serve, you are
far from being one.
Now, let me quickly then go unto, the benefits of being a vessel unto honour; because my children have
covered almost all the grounds and some of them mentioned some of these benefits; so, I just want to highlight
them; just emphasized some of them; and to help us to pray.
If you consider the table is set, the Master is seated, the vessels unto honour are on the table: the cup, the knife,
the forks; but of course you know we are talking about human beings like one of our boys pointed out, because
that passages said “if a man purge himself”, so, the vessels unto honour we are talking about is a human
being; the Master we are referring to is the Almighty God.
The table is set; the vessels unto honour are there on the table, what is the first thing – what is the first benefit of
being a vessel unto honour?
The number one benefit is that the vessel unto honour hears the conversation of the Master.
He is seating down there quietly on the table; is a cup or a plate or a knife and the Master is seating down –
maybe He is talking to the Angel or …, and he is hearing.
Vessels unto honour do hear the words of the Master.
Exodus 3 for example, verse 1 to 8 (Exodus 3 verse 1 to 8), long before Israel knew what was happening, God
has spoken to Moses: Moses, I have seen the suffering of my people, I Am about to do something concerning it.
In Joshua chapter 1 verse 1 to 8, Joshua was alone when God was speaking to him: Joshua, the work that Moses
did not finish, you are the one who will finish it.
1Kings chapter 18 verse 1, when there had been no rain for years, God spoke to Elijah and said, alright now, I
Am about to send rain to the earth.
2Kings chapter 7 verse 1 to 11, situations were horrible in Samaria: women were already eating their children;
God spoke to Elisha and said, alright, within twenty-four hours the tide will turn.
And I believe that is a message for Nigeria in Jesus’ name.
At the point is that God is always speaking, it is only vessels unto honour who can hear Him. Because when He
speaks, He speaks in small still voice.
I remembered the first time I attended a fellowship meeting at the University of Lagos: we have been
worshiping God, everything was going fine and then all of a sudden everything became silent and then, one
brother began to prophesy –‘thus saith the Lord…’ and he went on and on
And I notched the man who took me there; I said when did God say that?
I say I didn’t hear anything.
He said, shut up, God is speaking.
God was speaking, one man was hearing; and I was there I wasn’t hearing anything at all.
Vessels unto honour, they hear from God.
Bible says, God would not do a thing without telling His servant, the Prophet.
I pray that God will open your ears and you will begin to hear from Him.
One of my son, he is here tonight, and I am happy that he is here, Bishop Francis Wale Oke, he is here with us.
Way back in 1979, December 24, 2:00pm in the afternoon, God spoke to him and gave him a word of prophesy
for me and he wrote it down – he just wrote it down as God told him – and he brought it to me.
1979, you know how young he must be then, so, those of you who are young-adults; I think he was in his
twenties, because he is only 60 now.
Then, he brought it to me.
As soon as I saw it, I knew it is from God.
As soon as I read through, I knew this is from God.
So, I sat down, I broke it down into piece. As a mathematician I love to analyze.
And I saw in that message that he brought to me twenty-eight promises of God for my future.
Do you know that today, out of the twenty-eight; twenty-seven out them had been fulfilled.
That was what I am talking about when I say hearing from God.
So, I am not talking about those prophets who will stand up and say, hey, thus saith the Lord, it will rain
Haa! it is raining season.
I don’t have to be a prophet if I look into the sky and I see the cloud, I know rain is coming.
I am talking about hearing deep secrets of God.
I give you another example.
Some years ago, there were two people contesting to be president of Nigeria: Abiola and Tofa; and we held a
meeting – we held a meeting of Pentecostal Preachers somewhere in Lagos; and they were all saying: now we
have two Muslims contesting; which of the two are we going to vote for?
Finally, they turn to me, you are not saying anything?
I said, well, I want to hear from you the elders.
They said okay, what is it that you have to say?
I said, neither of them will be President.
They looked at me; what kind of prophecy is that!
I mean when you throw a coin up, it has to be either head or tail – there are only two of them – one must be…;
but I heard from God.
And I have heard from God tonight that it is going to be well with somebody here.
Thank You Father.
Thank You Father.
The Lord ask me to tell somebody here, He said before the end of the year, you will know that I have not
forgotten you.
So, I want you to stand on your feet; you are going to pray a prayer now; lift your voice to Him and say: Father,
I will be a vessel unto honour, please open my ears.
Open my ears O Lord; open my ears; I want to be hearing from You; I want to be hearing from You. Open my
ears Lord so that I can be hearing from You. Open my ears Lord so that I can be hearing from You. Open my
ears, open my ears. I will be a vessel unto honour Lord, just please open my ears so that I too can hear from
You. Open my ears Lord. Open my ears. Open my ears so that I can be hearing from You, I too want to be
hearing from You; so that nobody will be able to deceive me; no fake prophet will be able to deceive me. Open
my ears Lord, I will also be a vessel unto honour, I want to be hearing from You; I want to be hearing from
You. Open my ears Daddy, I will be a vessel unto honour, I will be a vessel unto honour. Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be in Jesus’ name.
Please let us be seated.
The second benefit of being a vessel unto honour is that every vessel unto honour will from time to time
feel the Master touch.
If the Master is going to drink water from the cup, He has to carry the cup before He can drink from it - the
touch of the Master.
And you know from scripture that whenever God touches anything at all, a miracle will happen.
When He touched five loaves of bread and two fish – what happen? - Tremendous multiplication.
When He touches the incurable; the incurable will became cured.
Mathew chapter 8 verse 1 to 4, the Leper came unto Him and say, I know You can make clean if You are
He touched him and became completely whole.
In Mathew 8 verse 14 to 15, the Bible said, Jesus came into Peter’s house and saw the mother-in-law sick of
fever, the moment He touched her, she was completely heal.
And then, see what happen, as soon as she was healed, she began to minister to Jesus Christ – vessel unto
Probably, one of the major reasons why some people have not been healed is that God is wondering; If I heal
you, of what use will it be?
May be if you make up your mind tonight that God from now on, I will serve You; your healing we come,
because He will touch you and He does not need the hand of human been to do it.
Even while you are seating down there, He can come and touch you.
I have shared my testimony with you before.
Before I became born again, I had malaria every two two weeks – it was regular; and it was very very painful to
me because I was a sport man.
So, when I became born again, my first cry to Him is, God, heal me and I will serve You; and He heal me
immediately; and I am talking about more than forty years now.
I have had two challenge of also since then but it has nothing to do with fever.
I never had fever since I prayed that prayer: ‘heal me and I will serve you’; and He healed me; and today by the
grace of God at seventy-four, I am as strong as I was at forty.
You don’t believe me, ask those young men who try to go on a walk with.
Usually they will wait for; I say, when you are returning, I will be waiting here for you.
On the average, I do eight kilometers a day – that is on the average.
When I have real opportunity to really stretch out, I can go sixteen kilometer; I can go more – at seventy-four,
that is not bad.
I want you stand on your feet and say: Father, touch me today and just make me completely whole.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
I will be a vessel unto honour, touch me Lord. Touch me, touch me today. Touch me and make me completely
whole. Everything that is not of God in me, flush it out. Every ache, every pain, just make me completely whole.
Touch me O Lord. Touch me Lord and make me completely whole. Touch me and make me completely,
completely whole. Touch me and make me completely whole. Touch me Father and make me completely
whole. Thank You Father. Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be in Jesus mighty name.
Please be seated.
When I was 60years old, one of my daughters who is an Optician said daddy by now come into my office let me
test your eyes so that I can give you glasses.
I smiled.
Please don’t misunderstand me; there is nothing wrong with using glasses.
I am sure God knew in advance that some people will need glasses; that is why He position two ears to carry the
He knew in advance, so, there is nothing wrong in using glasses, don’t misunderstand me; all I am saying is
that: when I say touch me, way back in 1970-something, He did not just touch me to heal me of malaria; He
touched my entire body.
That is why by the grace of God, I am seventy-four and I am still reading without glasses; and I am going to be
like this till I see Him in glory.
He will touch you tonight.
Let me hear your amen loud and clear.
Thank You Father.
How I wish I am younger; because Daddy says, one of the greatest sons of Africa will be conceived this
I heard the testimony of that sister, she said, haa! just when God restore my menses, they ask my husband to
come to the village, to come and bury…
She said, what kind of joke is this.
She said, husband, come back joor
After that prophesy, if I were younger, I would have said to my wife, how now?
Let somebody shout hallelujah.
Oh, thank You Father.
The Lord said Joseph had just one breakthrough that fulfills all his dreams. He said there is someone
here tonight; He is going to give you one breakthrough that will fulfill all your dreams.
Now, let me continue.
I said,
One) a vessel unto honour hears the voice of the Master.
Two) a vessel unto honour feels the touch of the Master.
Do you know that some of the vessels unto honour even touch the mouth of the Master – they get a kiss
from the Master
In Numbers chapter 12 verse 6 to verse, God said, if there is any prophet among you, I may talk to him in
dreams and visions of the night; He said but my servant Moses is not like that, I talk to him mouth to mouth.
You will say what are you saying Daddy?
Are you saying it is possible for man to kiss God?
I don’t want to go to too much detail now.
I have told you before that there are testimonies that are I don’t even have to share.
Because if I share them, you won’t believe me anyway; so, let us just forget that.
But, a Kiss is a show of exceptional love.
In John chapter 13 verse 21 to 26; the Bible says, the disciples were with the Lord during the last super…
Oh thank You Father.
Daddy ask me to tell someone, He said, relax; I Am the Almighty God I will take care of you.
Well! The boys have done the preaching; a day will come, (I have told you before) a day will come, the boys
will do the preaching and I will just come: prophecy once or twice; pray for you and we will go home.
Maybe God is getting us ready for that time.
Because the Lord asks me to tell someone here, He said, the pain is gone; and it won’t return in the
mighty name of Jesus.
Now, in John 13 verses 21 to 26, the Lord was eating with His disciples and Jesus said one of you will betray
me; and they were all asking which of us? which of us?
There were 12 of them with the Lord; but even among them, they knew that yes we are all close to Him but
somebody is closer than others.
Peter beckon to John and said, ask Him.
If he won’t tell anybody else, He will tell you.
Exceptional Love!
Well, Jesus said, don’t let me mention the name of the fellow.
I will take a bit of bread, put it in the stew and I will put it in the traitor’s mouth.
The Lord was seating with twelve of His disciples and Himself; and just one, there were talking in codes –
exceptional love.
I know if I say God loves me more than you, you will retaliate and say, no sir, He loves me more than you.
No problem, don’t let us argue; but God knows who are His favorites.
How many favorites of God are here?
Well, let your hallelujah show that you are a favorite of God.
And I will tell you are story. This one is easy to believe – there are some that are difficult to believe.
I went to Canada for the first time in my life way back in 1970-something to attend world conference of Applied
And then during our break time one evening, they took us to Government farm to go and show us how big their
cows are and so on.
And then, they did a barbeque for us; and the farm was beautiful.
The weather was fairly nice.
The sun was shining but it was still a bit cold.
And I took my food and I walk into the field.
The field was green and I wanted to seat down and just enjoy a quiet time.
And there was this white man who had been there when I gave my own paper, when I presented my paper; and
he followed me.
So, when I got there, I bend down and I touched the grass I wanted to seat.
But it was very cold.
Haa! so, I quickly change my mind about seating down.
And this white man turned to me and said you want to seat?
I said yes but the grass is cold.
And he removed his jacket, spread it on the floor and said, seat down.
I said, no sir.
And I heard God speak, my son, seat down – you are a son of the Most High.
White man! Removed his jacket! Spread it on the floor! For a black man to seat on! and God was watching
while that was happening!
God loves somebody more than other people.
Stand on your feet, lift your voice to Him and say: Father, make me Your favorite.
Open your mouth and cry unto Him.
Make me Your favorite; I want You to love me with an exceptional love. Make me Your favorite. Make me
Your favorite. Make me Your favorite Lord, I will love to feel Your kiss; I will love to enjoy your exceptional
love; I don’t just want to be an ordinary vessel unto honour, I want to be Your favorite O Lord; I want to be
Your favorite; I want You to treat me special; I want You to treat me special, special Lord, special Lord. I want
You to treat me as special, I want to be Your favorite. Thank You my Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be in Jesus’ name.
Please be seated.
Now, the forth thing about a vessel unto honour (the benefits) is special protection.
Like one of my boy mention that one.
You see, even in my own little family, I have my own plate that is reserved for me.
I have my own drinking cup; I have my knife; I have my fork.
I can eat with anything but nobody can eat with my own.
Special protection – not anybody can just come and grab my fork, and grab my knife…; eh en! this is for daddy.
I pray that from tonight onwards, the devil will know, this fellow is for God.
The elders have a saying.
They said, the reason you don’t toil with the albino is because he is consider special to the deity.
That is the rough translation I can give it in English.
In Yoruba, they said, ‘o wo orisa ni a ‘nbu fun afin’ .
When you see an albino, you will say hey hey…
Witches don’t touch albino because they said this on belongs to the deity.
I pray that from today onward, demons will see you and say, this one belong to God.
Special protection!
I will just give you one more example quickly because of time.
2Kings chapter 6 verse 8 to 17; a King sent an army to go and arrest Elisha – a whole army to arrest just one
man – vessels are different from vessels.
And when the servant of the man of God woke up in the morning and came out and saw that they were
surrounded by an army.
He came back and said my master what shall we do? We are in trouble.
The master said, relax men; those who are with us are more than those who are with them.
The young boy said sir; maybe you don’t know what I am talking about.
They are only two of us, it does not matter the way I do the counting, either: one, two or two, one; just two of
us; outside there, there is an army.
The man of God said, God please open his eyes.
And when God opened his eye; he saw that Elisha was surrounded by horses and chariots of fire.
He could go out there and say: you want to fight, come.
I am praying for all of you will become a vessel unto honour that horses of fire, chariots of fire will
surround you.
Special protection
I just returned from the US where we went to hold some Holy Ghost service – and am I sure they are all
listening to me now.
And I heard a testimony: we finished in one town, we are going to the other town.
And where we are holding the Holy Ghost service in the second town; they brought the testimony of what
happen in the first town.
One of the boys who was at the Holy Ghost service there, travelled shortly after that in a bus –they were going
to play in another town.
And they got to a place where they got down to rest and so.
And then, by the time they were to go back to the bus, somebody had gone to seat where he was seating beside
the driver.
So, he came in and said haha, why are you taking my seat, go back to your seat.
That one said, don’t bother me, this is where I am going to seat.
And if you know boys, they can fight over something like that.
But this boy is my boy.
He knows is father is a gentle man; so, rather than fight, he picked his bag and went to go and seat at the back.
Few minutes later, the bus had an accident; and the driver and the boy who took his seat, died instantly – Special
When you are a vessel unto honour; when God see danger coming, He will relocate you.
Stand on your feet.
Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, keep me save forever.
Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.
Special protection; special security; for those who are vessels unto honour. Special, special, special protection;
special security, Father, just keep me save forever. I will be a vessel unto honour; that is what I want to be. I
want to be a vessel unto honour. I want to serve you all the days of my life. I want to be a vessel unto honour.
Thank You Father. Keep me save. Relocate me so that evil will not be able to touch me; just move me out of the
way of trouble. Lord, move me out of the way of trouble. I will be a vessel unto honour. I will serve you all the
days of my life. Thank You forever. Blessed be Your holy name. Thank You Lord.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be Jesus’ name.
Please be seated.
I am about to round up now.
And the fifth thing (which I am sure of the boys also mentioned) because of this special protection, the vessel
unto honour get divine preservation.
Because not just anything can touch a vessel unto honour; a vessel unto honour is preserved.
Deuteronomy 34 verse 7 says that even at the age of one hundred and twenty, Moses was still vigorously alive –
even at one hundred and twenty.
Joshua 14 verse 6 to 13, the Bible tells us that at eighty-five, Caleb was still saying to Joshua, give me this
mountain – that is preservation – at eighty five, he was still strong.
2Kings chapter 2 verse 9 to 12, Elijah even did not taste death because he such a valuable vessel unto honour in
God’s hand.
God just sent His chariot to take him home – Preservation.
Many of you know papa, Papa Oke Owo.
I met him shortly after he became born again; he came to see me here at the camp.
He said son, I am going to be eighty-four in two weeks’ time; and I met a prophet forty years ago who told me
everything that will happen to me in detail.
How many house I will built; what job I will do to prosper; etcetera
But then, he told me that at the age of eighty-four I will die.
Everything he said have come to pass.
So, I am going to be eighty-four in two weeks’ time; I have come to this holy ground; I want to finish it here; I
just want you to pray for me to prepare me for heaven.
I laughed.
I said, sir, you are born again now?
He said yes.
Are you ready to serve God?
He said of course, I have committed my life to serving Him.
I said then you are not going to die.
He said, haha! You don’t know this prophet.
He said this prophet really knew what he was talking about.
I said, Papa, by the grace of God, there is a greater prophet here.
You are ready to serve my God, He will preserve you.
That was when he was going to be eighty-four.
When Papa was almost a hundred, he send for me and said, I have done enough, I want to go now, release me.
If God knows that you are determined to be vessel unto honour; you have determined to serve Him with all you
have, with all you are, with your influence, with your connection, with everything, He will preserve you.
Vessels unto honour don’t die before their time.
Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, I will be a vessel unto honour, preserve me,
preserve me; preserve me.
Open your mouth and talk to the Almighty God.
Preserve me O Lord. Preserve me. Preserve me. O yes Father, preserve me. Preserve, I will be a vessel unto
honour; I will be a vessel unto honour, preserve me Lord. Keep death away from me. Keep sickness away from
me. Preserve me O Lord, keep accident away from me. Preserve my Father and my God. I will be a vessel unto
honour, preserve me my Father and my God. Preserve me; preserve me; preserve me. I will be a vessel unto
honour, preserve me. Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be in Jesus’ name.
Please be seated; let me conclude.
Thank You Father.
The Lord says there is someone here, as the message has been going on, you are contemplating doing
something for God. He asked me to tell you that you should go ahead and do it and I will reward you
seven fold.
Thank You Father.
Let me say amen to this before I tell you because the Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said, as the
season is changing, new doors will begin to open unto you.
The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He said between now and December, He is going to give you
five major breakthroughs and He said the purpose is for the work of His kingdom – so, He is going to
share it with you fifty-fifty as you go along (take note of that, that is important)
Now, …
Listen to this very carefully; I know is for someone very special to God.
The Almighty God says, I have reversed the irreversible before, and I am going to do it again specifically
for you.
I want to conclude and He is speaking, what can I do
The Lord says, Elisha was a vessel unto honour, he woke up one morning and he was an object of mockery, his
colleagues were mocking him: do you know your master is going today?
Daddy son; daddy son; do you know that that is going to end today.
But before the day was over, all those who are mocking him are bowing down before him.
The Lord asks me to tell someone, your day of rejoicing is at hand.
Now, let us conclude.
Like we said at the very beginning, the number one qualification of a vessel unto honour is that it must be clean
– clean inside; clean outside.
Clean! Absolutely clean!
So, if you are here and you are not yet born again, you cannot be a vessel unto honour, covered in sin.
You cannot be a backslider and be a vessel unto honour, it is not going to happen; God does not use dirty things.
And I have shared this story with you, with some of you before.
There is this young lady at the University of Lagos who had been praying: God use me; use me for your glory.
Lord used me. I want to be used to heal the sick, to cast out demons. I want to be used…; and the God did not
say a word.
Then, one day the girl was feeling highly pressed, she wanted to use the toilet.
And at that time for one reason or the other, there was acute water shortage at the campus; so, all the toilets were
piled up (if you know what I mean).
And she was pressed and wanted to use the toilet.
She opened the first one; oh God! she close the door.
Second one – it was worst – quickly close the door.
Finally, she left the toilet.
And then God spoke to her, my daughter, haa, yes Lord.
I thought you want to use the toilet?
Yes Lord.
Why are you not using the toilet?
O! it is too dirty Lord.
And the Lord said, I too want to use you, but you are too dirty.
If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, come now.
There is power in the blood to wash you clean.
The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin.
I am going to count from one (some of you are very far away), from one to fifteen.
Before I say fifteen make sure you are already standing before me.
You cannot be used if you are still in sin.
So, if you want to be clean, so that you can become a vessel unto honour; come quickly now as I am counting.
One, two…, and as you come begin to pray; begin to cry to the Almighty God; say, I am coming for salvation, I
want you to wash me clean; I want to free from all my sins, so that I can become a vessel unto honour.
Three…; thank you for those vessels unto honour who are clapping for Jesus. Keep clapping; He will keep on
using your hands for His glory.
Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen…
Those of you who are already in from talk to the Almighty; ask Him to have mercy on you; ask Him to forgive
all your sin.
Tell Him I have come to surrender my life to You, I want to be clean so that I can become a vessel unto honour.
The rest of you who are on the way, hurry up and continue to pray even as you come.
Please the rest of us let us stretch forth our hands towards these our brothers and sisters and intercede for them,
that the One who saved our soul will save their own souls also.
Let us pray for them.
Let us pray that the Almighty God will wash them clean and save their souls completely, completely;
completely. And let the counselors come quickly, there are quiet a crowd here, so, come and meet them here.
Let us intercede for them brethren and pray that every one of them would receive genuine salvation today. That
the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses from all sins we wash them clean, absolutely clean tonight.
Pray for them.
And one or two of you might still be one the way – come; come and be save. Thank You Father. Hurry up those
of you who are still on the way. I will wait ten seconds more for you and then I will pray. Just make sure you get
here before I finish praying.
Thank You Father. Thank You Saviour.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Saviour I want to bless Your name; I want to give You all glory and honour for Your word that has gone forth
too night, please accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Father, please remember your promise that whosoever will
come unto You, You will in no wise cast out, these people have come to You now Father, receive them in Jesus’
name. Please save their souls tonight. Let You blood wash away their sins. Please write their names in the Book
of Life. And from now on Father, let them serve You alone; don’t let them go back into sin; and anytime they
cry unto You from now please answer them by fire.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Those of you in front let me hear you shout hallelujah.
Congratulations, I am rejoicing with you because from now by the grace of God I will be praying for you.
So, I am going to need your names, your address and your prayer request.
The counselors will give you some cards now which I want you to fill very quickly, so that you will return it
back to them; and I promise you I will be praying for you.
Glory be to God.
Now, we have present here with us tonight the entire Legal team of the Redeemed Christian Church of God –
the Lawyers in our Legal team – they are all here from all over the country; and I will want them to come to the
altar and I will pray for them.
Let all the members of our legal team begin to come to the altar now.
Let us give the Lord a big round over applause for Lawyers who are vessels unto honour – a vessel unto honour
in God’s hand.
Thank You Father.
Thank You Father
Brethren, will you kindly rise on your feet and stretch hands towards these vessels unto honour and just wish
them well; pray for them. They are the one serving God true the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Legal
matter; please pray for them that they will succeed; pray for them that they won’t fail. Pray for them that God
will keep them secure; that He protect them from all evil; that He will preserve them; that the Almighty God
who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him who reward them much more than any human being can do.
Pray for them. Pray that all their needs will be met. Pray that this day will mark a turning point for their better –
for their profession; in their family, everything that has to do with them. Pray that they will never lack. Pray that
they will be healthy; they will be strong; that God will keep evil far away from them.
Please intercede for them.
For just one more minute, intercede for all of them.
Thank You Father.
Glory be to God.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Father, I just want to bless Your holy name; I want to bless Your holy name for making me a Blessed man.
Look at sons and daughters who are Lawyers; who are quietly lifting up our hands in their own ways; serving
you Lord God Almighty so that we will suffer no harm; I thank You on their behalf; I thank You on my own
behalf; thank You on behalf of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, I say Father, accept our thanks in Jesus’
Father, I joined my voice to the voices of all the members of the congregation and I say concerning anyone of
you here in the Legal department, it shall be well with you. Receive anointing for success. You will never know
failure again; you won’t know sorrow; you will not know disappointment. You will excel. My Father will
promote you. He will protect you. He will keep evil far away from you. There will only be shout of joy coming
from your home and you will serve God till the end. Everything you need to make your joy full, receive it right
now. Even before the end of this month, in all your home, there will be shout of joy. And in the kingdom of God
you will not be missing. So shall it be.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Praise the Lord.
God bless you gentlemen and lenient ladies.
It will be well with you.
Keep the flag flying and God will continue to protect you and bless you.
Let me hear you shout a big halleluja


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