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A PREFIX : is a letter or combination of letters which is added before a word root to change its meaning .

A SUFFIX : is a letter or combination of letters which is added to the end of a word to change its meaning and
category (noun/verb/adjective/adverb).Here are the most recurrent 2 Bac word formations :

1. educate a. Education
2. communicate b. Communication
3. participate c. Participation
4. contribute d. Contribution
5. promote e. Promotion
6. discriminate f. Descrimination
7. integrate g. Integration
8. create h. Creation
9. emigrate i. Emigration
10. graduate j. Graduation
11. pollute k. Pollution
12. invent l. Invention
13. protect m. Protection
14. prevent n. Prevention
15. predict o. Prediction
16. react p. Reaction
17. destroy q. Destruction
18. consume r. Consumption
19. organize s. Organization
20. preserve t. Preservation
21. inform u. Information
22. explain v. Explaination
23. apply w. Application

1. develop a. Development
2. improve b. Improvemet
3. achieve c. Achievement
4. invest d. Investment
5. involve e. Involvement
6. manage f. Management
7. treat g. Treatment
8. agree h. Agreement
9. engage i. Engagement
10. employ j. Employment
11. establish k. Establishment
12. arrange l. Arrangement
13. govern m. Government

1. Accept a. Acceptance
2. Perform b. Performance
3. Resist c. Resistance
4. Assist d. Assistance
5. Appear e. Appearance
6. Disturb f. Disturbance
7. Attend g. Attendance
8. Ignore h. Ignorance
9. Tolerate i. Tolerance

10. Differ j. Difference

11. Depend k. Dependence

12. Grow l. Growth

13. Know m. Knowledge

14. Behave n. Behaviour

1. Culture a. Cultural
2. Nature b. Natural
3. Medicine c. Medical
4. Occasion d. Occasional
5. Universe e. Universal
6. Environment f. Environmental
7. Nation g. National
8. Person h. Personal
9. Profession i. Professional
10. Tradition j. Traditional
11. Society k. Social
12. Politics l. Political
13. Ecology m. Ecological
14. Technology n. Technological

1. Finance a. Financial
2. Industry b. Industrial
3. Commerce c. Commercial
4. Editor d. Editorial
5. Ceremony e. Ceremonial

1. Economy a. Economic
2. Comedy b. Comic
3. Science c. Scientific
4. Romance d. Romantic
5. Energy e. Energetic

Noun Adjective
1. Health a. Healthy
2. Wealth b. Wealthy
3. Risk c. Risky
4. Wind d. Windy
5. Sleep e. Sleepy

1. Danger a. Dangerous
2. Hasard b. Hasardous
3. Disaster c. Disasterous
4. Humour d. Humourous
5. Pioson e. Piosonous
6. Ambition f. Ambitionous

1. Happiness a. Happy
2. Politeness b. Polite
3. Sadness c. Sad
4. Illness d. Ill
5. Kindness e. Kind
6. Conciousness f. Concious
7. Awareness g. Aware

1. Success a. Successful
2. Harm b. Harmful / harmless
3. Use c. Useful / useless
4. Peace d. Peaceful
5. Care e. Careful / careless
6. Help f. Helpful
7. beauty g. beautiful

1. Literacy a. Literate
2. Illiteracy b. Illiterate
3. Responsibility c. Responsible
4. Popularity d. Popular
5. Creativity e. Creative
6. Activity f. Active

1. Poverty a. Poor

Other formations :

. Citizen citizenship .addict addiction

. king kingdom . cooperate cooperation

. Relation relationship .unemploy unemployment

. Member membership .volunteer voluntary.


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