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Topic- Doctrine of Sustainable Development

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Mohit Kumar Dr. Seema Siddiqui
BA-LLB Assistant professor
7th semester, 4rd year (Faculty of law)
Enrollment no.: - 2000102048
Roll no.: - 2001155029
Subject: - Value Added Course

Faculty of law
Integral University, Lucknow
I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher
Dr. Seema Siddiqui who gave me the opportunity to do
this wonderful assignment on the topic Doctrine of
Sustainable Development. The assignment helped me
learn how to do proper Research and I learned about
many new things while doing the assignment.

Mohit Kumar
The alarming magnitude of climate change has been an imperative sign to think and prepare
better for the future. The era of the 21st century calls for an immediate and reasonable debate
upon what the future further demands of us. The perspective can be in respect of changes in
the global environment, development and economy, and their relation of cause and effect. The
progress of the global economy taking a toll on the environment needs to be addressed. The
development needs to be environmentally efficient and sustainable with a people-centred

Sustainable human development or people-centred development has gained increasing

acceptance over the last few years based on its balanced approach between economic
development and sustainability of the environment. There are various unprecedented
challenges waiting to be dealt with due to the rapid urbanization and globalization. With cities
becoming focal points of major developments and mighty opportunities, they act as strong
magnets attracting huge populations which are greatly complimented with tremendous
challenges like worsening pollution, vivacious use of natural resources and mass exploitation
of energy sources.

The advent of the term and its necessity

In 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment took place in Stockholm
which highlighted the concerns for preventing pollution and enhancing biodiversity and
environment to ensure the rights of humans to a healthy and progressive environment.

In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development issued the
Brundtland Report which emphasized three fundamental components of sustainable
development: environmental protection, economic growth and social equity.

The term sustainable development was defined as a way of development where the needs of
the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. It was coined by Doctor Gro Harlem in the Brundtland Report. The concept of needs in
the definition refers to the essential needs of the world’s poor which should be given ultimate
priority. There also needs to be an idea of limitation imposed on the environment’s ability to
be able to meet present and future needs.
The necessity of sustainable development and its implementation was realized when imperative
changes in the functioning and effects of environment were noticed. The changes followed by
disasters acted as an alarm to what the future could behold, the understanding of which led to
the foundation of concept of sustainable development and living. It was argued that if humans
keep acting independently towards pursuing their individual interests, then it won’t be long
before all the resources exhaust due to over exploitation. It was thereby felt that mankind
needed to change its ways and means and diverge to a sustainable development track.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development goals were adopted in 2015 by all member nations of the United
Nations as a universal action to end poverty and pollution, thereby protecting the planet and
providing peace and prosperity to everybody by the advent of 2030. They represent the post
2015 development agenda and are a set of 17 goals consisting of 169 targets globally set to be
the blueprint towards a better and more sustainable future for all.

The three primary objectives of sustainable development goals are:

• Economic growth.

• Environmental protection.

• Social inclusion.
The sustainable development goals have succeeded over millennial development goals in
content and applicability. The previous goals were being criticized for being too narrow in
description and superficial in implementation. The millennial development goals focused more
on world development through relations between countries and their support towards
development of other countries. The newly drafted sustainable development goals were far
wider in context and provided a much more inclusive perspective and framework towards
development without depending on the relation between the countries. They were more
globally applicable and were created by the largest United Nations program thereby providing
a firm foundation.

The sustainable development goals are:

1. No Poverty: By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere.

2. Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition by 2030.
3. Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
at all ages by 2030.

4. Quality Education: Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and
quality primary and secondary education by 2030.

5. Gender Equality: To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure availability and sustainable management of

water and sanitation for all by 2030.

7. Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and
modern energy for all by 2030.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth.

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote

inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation by 2030.

10. Reduced Inequality: Reduce inequality within and among countries by 2030.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive,
safe, resilient and sustainable.

12. Responsible Consumption and Production: Ensure sustainable consumption and

production patterns.

13. Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

14. Life below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable development.

15. Life on Land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
combat desertification and halt biodiversity loss.

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
sustainable development; provide access to justice for all.

17. Partnerships to achieve goals: Strengthen the means of implementation and

revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Environmental programs and movements
UNECE: The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe was established in 1947 in
order to promote integration among its member nations. It supports the countries in
implementation of the sustainable development goals as it provides a platform for various
governments to engage and cooperate with standards and conventions acting in place. It has a
multispectral approach which makes it possible to tackle inter connected challenges in a better
integrated manner.

Human Development Index: The Human Development Index, introduced in 1980 is a statistical
tool to measure a country’s economic and social progress and achievements. It encapsulates
dimensions like health, education, sanitation, economy, security and environmental aspects.
The Human Development Index is also a measure of ecological footprint. An ecological
footprint represents the maximum limit of consumption per person according to Earth’s
ecological capacity. Minimum HDI guarantees satisfaction of human needs while anything
beyond it represents over consumption of resources thereby making way for compromise for
future generations.

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: It was a four years long investigation started by the United
Nations in 2001. Over 1200 researchers had the task to assess the consequences that
ecosystems’ changes had on human wellbeing. The main findings of the research summarized
that evolution of ecosystems have caused large and irreversible biodiversity loss which further
aided climate change and more risk of nonlinear changes occurring due to the same.

Elen MacArthur Foundation: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK registered charity

which aims to inspire a generation to re-think, re-design & build a positive future through the
framework of a circular economy. A circular economy is based on principles of keeping
products and materials in use, reducing waste and regenerating natural systems. They aim to
reduce waste and pollution by bringing changes to the root level of the products like the
manufacturing process and the designing factors. They profess that the materials and products
used by the economy should be reusable and repairable thereby preventing their existence in
the landfills. They believe that with protecting we should also actively improve and upgrade
the environment. Thereby in its latest reports in 2016, the foundation strongly recommended
implementation of circular economy within the country.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: This is an intergovernmental body of the United
Nations which is delegated with the task of providing the world with objective and related
scientific information for better understanding of human induced climate change and it’s all
possible natural, political and economic risks and effects. The agency has been successfully
delivering reported data and analysis through regular, annually and special reports. The latest
reports, in 2018 and 2019, consisted of analysis on temperature rise, land degradation and
changes in cryosphere and oceans. The analysis pointed that immediate actions need to be taken
in order to prevent the average temperature from rising beyond two degrees Celsius and its
devastating impacts. It requires quickening the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

India’s involvement
India has a major contribution in the framing of the sustainable development goals. It was the
only country to argue for initiation and adoption of nationally determined contributions to
measure and map the progress of sustainable development goals. India has also demonstrated
bold commitment to provide funding to the United Nations trust for the institution of SDGs. It
was one of the few countries to begin effective planning for the achievement of SDGs even
before their final crystallization. India became one of the foremost countries to participate in
Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) where various surveys are used to measure and graph the
progress of ascertained goals, thereby promoting the inculcation of the sustainable
development goals.

India’s role is a long lineage based on three parameters- ideation, diplomacy and institutional.
The country has been largely associated with formulation and implementation of international
norms which have also been accepted by all member nations with complete harmony. In
diplomacy, India has worked with the G77 nations to help them collaborate better with the
norms put forth and has worked towards bringing the nations to consensus agreements reaping
benefits for all. Institutionally, India’s endeavour has always been to strengthen the purview
and aim of the United Nations in economic, political and environmental matters. Even the
agreements not pertaining to the UN have been persuaded to follow similar principles and
guidelines by active participation and promotion by India.
Advent of sustainability in India
The doctrine of sustainable development in India was introduced by the case of Vellore Citizen
Welfare Forum v. Union of India. It was held in this case that precautionary principle and
polluter pays principle are the basis of sustainability. In the case of Narmada Bachao v. Union
of India, it was stated that development should be of the extent that can be sustained by nature
with no or little mitigation. On similar lines it was held, in the case of Indian Council for Enviro
Legal Action v. Union of India, that while economic development should not be done at the
cost of ecological destruction, the same should not be hampering economic development. It
was stated that economic and ecological developments should be well balanced with
effectiveness of both intact.

Related laws and implementations in India

There are several laws which have been passed which include

• The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974

• The Forest (Conservation) Act of 1980

• The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981

• The Environment (Protection) Act of 1986

National Green Tribunal: The legislature enacted the National Green Tribunal Act in 2010
after attending all major environmental conferences around the world. The tribunal aims at
effective and quick disposal of cases involving multi corporal issues related to the environment.
NGT is empowered to hear all matters related to environment and has furthered the crusade of
environment protection aiming for better and effective implementation of sustainable
development goals. The tribunal is not bound by Code of Civil Procedure 1908, instead is
supposed to follow the principles of natural justice. In the case of Prafulla Samantray v. Union
of India, the tribunal ordered suspension of the POSCO ( South Korean steel-making
company) steel plant in Odisha with the opinion that though there is need for industrial
development, it should be within the parameters of sustainable development and should keep
in check all related environmental concerns.
The phrase of the present government “Sbka Saath Sbka Vikas” which translates to ‘collective
effort, inclusive development’ is being stated as the countries national development agenda.
Several of the government’s programs would directly contribute to advancement of the SDG
agenda.These include Swachh Bharat mission, Beti Bacho Beti Padhao, Pradhan Mantri
AwasYojana, Smart Cities, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram
Jyoti Yojana and Pradhan Mantri UjjwalaYojana, among others.

The Namami Gange Mission: This integrated conservation mission was introduced in 2014
with the twin objective of rejuvenation and preservation of the national river ganga. The
mission encompasses the development and maintenance of sewage treatment infrastructure and
also factory effluents handling. It also takes into account public awareness, effective
afforestation and riverfront development and cleaning procedures.

National Clean Air Programme in 2019: India formally joined the climate and clean air
coalition for effective implementation of the national clean air programme which is a
comprehensive plan to reduce air pollution, keep it in check and simultaneously improve the
Air Quality Index. This was done in consideration to the recent massive dropping of the quality
of air in the northern region of the country.

Undeniably, adhering to the sustainable development goals is the need of the hour. It is time that
each one of us adopt an ‘energy-efficient and green’ mind-set and use the natural resources
available equitably, judiciously and save them for our future generations, as the best way to predict
the future is to create it.

Hence, India needs to hustle towards the attainment of its sustainable development goals by means
of proper planning, coordination and implementation of practices and policies which aid in the
formation and maintenance of a self-sustainable and developed country.

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