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J. D. van Manen
P. van Oossanen Propulsion

Section 1
Powering of Ships

1.1 Historical. A moving ship experiences resist- rine engineer's point of view, they were too slow-run-
ing forces from the water and air which must be over- ning, involving the use of large, heavy engines.
come by a thrust supplied by some thrust-producing Because of the slow rate of turning they were rea-
mechanism. In the earliest days this consisted of man- sonably efficient as a propulsive device, but their other
ually-operated oars, which gave place in turn to sails operational weaknesses ensured their rapid decline
and then mechanical devices such as jets, paddle- from popularity once the screw propeller was proved
wheels and propellers of many different forms (Todd, to be an acceptable alternative. They have had a useful
1946).1 field among pleasure steamers and tugs plying in riv-
The earliest propulsive device to use mechanical ers and other protected waters. In such craft the draft
power seems to have been of the jet type, using a does not change much and restrictions of draft due to
prime-mover and a pump, patents for which were shallow water prohibit the use of large screw propel-
granted to Toogood and Hayes in Great Britain in 1661. lers. Side paddles also give good maneuvering char-
Water is drawn in by the pump and delivered stern- acteristics, but these latter can now be obtained by
wards as a jet at a higher velocity, the reaction pro- other means of propulsion which do not suffer from
viding the thrust. At the speeds so far attained by the drawbacks of paddle-wheels.
ships, the jet is materially less efficient than other Paddles have also been fitted at the sterns of many
forms of propellers, and its use has been restricted to ships, as in the well-known river boats on the Missis-
special types of craft. sippi and other American rivers. Such "stern-wheel-
In 1801 there appeared the first steam-driven side- ers" are still in use, mainly as passenger carriers.
paddle ship, the Charlotte Dundas; built by Syming- The first proposal to use a screw propeller appears
ton for service on the Forth-Clyde Canal in Scotland. to have been made in England by Hooke in 1680, and
Six years later came the famous Clermont, con- its first actual use is generally attributed to Colonel
structed by Robert Fulton for passenger service on Stevens in a steam-driven boat at New York in 1804.
the Hudson River in New York. In 1828 a vessel 18 m (60 ft) long was successfully
The period from this time until about 1850 was the propelled by a screw propeller designed by Ressel, of
heyday of the paddle steamers. The first of them to Trieste, obtaining a speed of 6 knots, but this success
cross the Atlantic was the American Savannah in was not followed by the Trieste engineers or ship-
1819—a full-rigged ship with auxiliary steam power— owners (Baker, 1944). The first practical applications
and then followed a line of familiar names, including came in 1836 by Ericsson in the U.S. and Pettit Smith
the Canadian Royal William, the famous first Cun- in England.
arder Britannia in 1840, culminating in the last Cun- The screw propeller has many advantages over the
ard liner to be driven by paddles, the Scotia, in 1861. paddle-wheel. It is not materially affected by normal
These side paddle-wheels were far from ideal for changes in service draft, it is well protected from dam-
sea-going ships. The immersion varied with ship dis- age either by seas or collision, it does not increase the
placement, the wheels came out of the water when the overall width of the ship, and it can be made to run
ship rolled, causing erratic course-keeping, and they much faster than paddles and still retain as good or
better efficiency so that smaller, lighter, faster-running
engines can be used. It rapidly superseded the paddle-
Complete references are listed at end of chapter. wheel for all ocean-going ships, the first screw-pro-

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pelled steamer to make the Atlantic crossing being the advantages have resulted in many applications to river
Great Britain in 1845. steamers, tugs, and ferries. The vertical axis propeller
From that time the screw propeller has reigned su- is discussed further in Section 10.5.
preme in the realm of marine propulsion. It has proved 1.2 Types of Ship Machinery. In selecting the pro-
extraordinarily adaptable in meeting the incessant pelling machinery for a given vessel, many factors
quest for propellers to deliver more and more thrust must be taken into consideration, such as the weight,
under increasingly arduous conditions. While other de- the space occupied, its first cost, reliability, length of
vices have been adopted for certain particular types life, flexibility and quietness of operation, cost of up-
of ships and kinds of service, the screw propeller still keep, cost of fuel consumed and last, but not least, its
has no real rival in the field of ship propulsion. suitability for the type of propeller to be used. It is
Among the more common variants of the propeller, beyond the scope of this text to consider all the various
the use of a shroud ring or nozzle has been shown to drives which have been developed to meet these fac-
have considerable advantages in heavily loaded pro- tors, but a brief review of their advantages and dis-
pellers, the ring or nozzle being shaped so as to deliver advantages will not be out of place.
a forward thrust to the hull. The principal advantage The reciprocating steam engine with two, three, or
is found in tugs, where the pull at the bollard for a four cylinders dominated the field of ship propulsion
given horsepower may be increased by as much as 40 until about 1910. Since then it has been almost entirely
percent or more as compared with that given by an superseded by the steam turbine in the very high and
open propeller. At low towing speeds, a considerable intermediate-power ranges, and by the diesel engine
advantage is still found, but this disappears with in- in intermediate and low ranges.
creasing speed, and when free-running the drag of the The steam reciprocating engine has exceptional con-
nozzle results in a loss of speed. In ships other than trollability at all loads, is easily reversed (an important
tugs, the advantage can be extended to higher speeds consideration in ships) and its most efficient range of
by using thinner nozzles, with some loss of thrust at revolutions per minute (RPM) matches that of the
the low speeds, and such arrangements in association screw propeller. On the other hand, the complete plant
with special forms of stern lines have been claimed to is relatively heavy, occupies much space, and the out-
give good propulsive efficiencies. Good maneuverabil- put of power per cylinder is limited. Also, the steam
ity can be obtained in such craft by arranging for the cannot be expanded effectively to the low pressures
nozzle to swivel, and so act as a very efficient rudder obtainable in modern condensing apparatus, so that
by controlling the direction of the propeller race. the fuel consumption is rather high, an average figure
Another type of propeller was used in the USS for a triple-expansion engine utilizing superheated
Alarm as long ago as 1874 (Goldsworthy, 1939). This steam being about 0.70 kg of oil per kWhr (1.15 lb per
ship carried a fixed bow gun and had to be turned to hphr).
aim the gun. To keep the ship steady in a tideway, The first marine turbine was installed by Sir Charles
where a rudder would be useless, a feathering paddle- Parsons in the Turbinia in 1894, a torpedo boat which
wheel rotating about a vertical axis, invented by Fow- attained a speed of 34 knots. Thereafter turbines made
ler in Great Britain in 1870, was fitted at the stern, rapid progress and by 1906 were used to power the
completely submerged (White, 1882). It was quite suc- epoch-making battleship HMS Dreadnought and the
cessful as a means of maneuvering the ship, but its famous Atlantic liner Mauretania.
propulsive efficiency was low. The modern version of The turbine delivers a uniform turning effort, is em-
this propeller consists of a large disk set flush with inently suitable for large-unit power output, and can
the lower surface of a flat counter and carrying a utilize very high-pressure inlet steam over a wide
number of projecting vertical blades rather resembling range of power to exhaust at very low pressures. The
spade rudders. As the disk revolves about a vertical thermal efficiency is consequently reasonably high and
axis, each of these blades turns about its own vertical the fuel consumption of large turbines is as low as
axis, being so adjusted to the flow that the total thrust 0.30 kg of oil per kWhr (0.49 lb per hphr). Under over-
from all the blades is concentrated in one direction. load conditions a turbine delivers approximately con-
This resultant "thrust-direction" can be controlled by stant power for a given throttle setting.
varying the blade motions, so as to drive the ship On the other hand, the turbine is nonreversible and
ahead, astern or sideways. The device therefore lends its rotational speed for best economy is far in excess
itself essentially to craft which need to have great of the most efficient rpm of usual propeller types.
ability to maneuver. It also enables the equivalent of These drawbacks make it necessary to install separate
a large diameter, orthodox propeller to be fitted to reversing turbines and to insert gears between the
ships which have to operate in shallow water, and the turbines and the propeller shaft to reduce the speed
propeller can be driven through gearing by relatively of the latter to values more suitable to the propeller.
light, high-speed diesel engines. Although its efficiency The mechanical geared drive has been used most
is not as high as that of the orthodox propeller, and widely up to the present. It permits the operation of
its maintenance is probably more costly, the foregoing engine and propeller at their most economical speeds

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with a power loss in the gears of only 2 to 4 percent. load on the prime mover will increase to maintain the
A separate astern turbine is still required, which adds same speed. This requires the designer to select the
to cost, complexity, and power loss. adequate propeller particulars (such as pitch) so that
The reduction in RPM between turbine and propeller later, in the life of the vessel, the engine does not
shaft can also be attained by electrical means. The become overloaded or that it never produces its full
turbine in such an installation is directly coupled to a capabilities, see Kresic et al (1983).
generator, both running at the same high speed for More recently, gas turbines have been developed in
efficient operation. The generator supplies a motor di- which the fuel is burned in compressed air and the
rectly mounted on the propeller shaft, driving the lat- resulting hot gases passed through the turbine. The
ter at the RPM most desirable for high propeller gas turbine originated in aeronautical applications, and
efficiency. This system eliminates any direct shafting its progress has depended mostly upon the develop-
between turbines and propeller, and so gives the naval ment of metals which could withstand the high pres-
architect greater freedom in laying out the general sures and temperatures. It has the advantages of
arrangement of the ship to best advantage. In twin- dispensing with boilers, being light in weight and giv-
screw ships fitted with two sets of turboalternators, ing a smooth, continuous drive. It is expensive in the
considerable economy can be achieved when using half quantity of fuel burned. One good operational char-
power, such as when a passenger ship is cruising, by acteristic is that it can quickly be brought on to full
supplying both propulsion motors from one turbine. load without a long, warming-up period, some 15 min
The turboelectric drive also eliminates the reversing usually being sufficient after the warning to "raise
turbine, gives great flexibility and rapidity of maneu- steam" from cold. Marine gas turbines were fitted to
vering, and prevents racing of the propeller. a small number of merchant ships. But they are now
These advantages are gained, however, at the ex- frequently used in naval ships, sometimes associated
pense of rather high first cost and somewhat greater with a diesel, steam turbine or smaller gas turbine.
transmission losses. The latter are used for general cruising purposes, and
Internal-combustion engines used for ship propul- the gas turbine is available at little or no notice when
sion are generally reciprocating engines operating on there is a demand for full power, both plants being
the diesel2 principle (compression ignition) which have connected to a common propeller shaft by clutches and
taken their name from the man who first developed gearing. The principal marine application so far has
them for practical use. They are built in all sizes, from been to small and large destroyers and frigates and
those fitted in small pleasure boats to the very large to smaller, high-speed craft, such as patrol craft and
types fitted in modern supertankers and passenger hydrofoils.
liners. The engines in the latter ships develop over Nuclear reactors have been installed on many naval
2500 kW per cylinder, giving output as high as 30,000 ships and in a few merchant ships and ice breakers.
kW in 12 cylinders (40,200 hp). They are directly re- They replace the boilers being used, through a heat
versible, occupy relatively little space, and have a very exchanger, to raise steam which is then passed to a
low fuel consumption, an average figure being around turbine in the normal way. They-also eliminate most
0.20 kg of oil per kWhr (0.328 lb per hphr). They are of the weight and volume of fuel oil. The reactor can
used in large single units directly coupled to the pro- operate at full load indefinitely during the life of the
peller or in sets of small units driving the propeller charge of nuclear fuel, which enables the ship to main-
through electric or gear transmissions. Opposed to tain high speed at sea without carrying a large quan-
these advantages are the facts that diesel engines are tity of consumable fuel. The weight saved, however,
usually heavier and more expensive, both in first cost cannot as a rule be devoted to increase dead-weight
and in upkeep than steam plants of corresponding size. earning capacity, for the weight of reactor and shield-
The torque produced by a diesel engine is limited by ing will equal or exceed that of the boilers and fuel
the maximum pressure that may be developed in each for the normal ship.
cylinder. Therefore, when the engine is producing max- 1.3 Definition of Power. The various types of ma-
imum torque, it produces maximum power only at max- rine engines are not all rated on the same basis, in-
imum rpm. Consequently a diesel may produce a power asmuch as it is inconvenient or impossible to measure
directly proportional to the RPM for any throttle set- their power output in exactly the same manner. Steam
ting. reciprocating engines are usually rated in terms of
This limitation leads to the problem of matching a indicated power (P1), internal-combustion engines in
diesel engine and a propeller. The resistance will in- terms of indicated power or brake power and
crease with time because of fouling and the propeller turbine in shaft power The term horsepower is
thrust decreases for the same reason. Therefore the still sometimes used, where 1 hp = 0.7457 kW. In
English units 1 hp = 550 ft-lb per sec.
Indicated power is measured in the cylinders by
means of an instrument (an indicator) which records
After Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer (1858-1913). continuously the steam or gas pressure throughout

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the length of the piston travel. From the resultant and in any shaft tunnel bearings between the stern
indicator card the mean effective pressure is measured tube and the site of the torsionmeter. The power ac-
and P1 is calculated for top end and bottom end sep- tually delivered to the propeller is therefore somewhat
arately: less than that measured by the torsionmeter. This de-
livered power is given the symbol
As the propeller advances through the water at a
where speed of advance it delivers a thrust T, and
the thrust power is

Finally, the effective power is

The total of the engine is found by adding those

calculated separately for all the cylinders. 1.4 Propulsive Efficiency. The efficiency of an en-
Brake power is the power measured at the crank- gineering operation is generally defined as the ratio
shaft coupling by means of a mechanical, hydraulic or of the useful work or power obtained to that expended
electrical brake. It is determined by a shop test and is in carrying out the operation.
calculated by the formula In the case of a ship the useful power obtained is
that used in overcoming the resistance to motion at a
certain speed, which is represented by the effective
where power
The power put in to achieve this result is not so
Q is brake torque, kN-m n easily defined. In a ship with reciprocating engines, it
is revolutions per sec can be measured by the power developed in the cyl-
Shaft power is the power transmitted through the inders themselves as given by the indicated power, P1.
shaft to the propeller. It is usually measured aboard The overall propulsive efficiency in this case would be
ship as close to the propeller as possible by means of expressed by the ratio
a torsionmeter. This instrument measures the angle In the case of turbines it is usual to measure the
of twist between two sections of the shaft, which angle power in terms of the shaft power delivered to the
is directly proportional to the torque transmitted. For shafting abaft the gearing, and the overall propulsive
a solid, circular shaft the shaft power is given by efficiency is
Since mechanical efficiencies, gear losses and shaft-
transmission losses all vary from ship to ship, accord-
ing to the type of machinery and general layout, and
even in a given ship with the load at which the ma-
where chinery is operating at a particular time, it is difficult
to define the hydrodynamic efficiency of a hull-propel-
ler combination in terms of such an overall propulsive
A much more meaningful measure of efficiency of
propulsion is the ratio of the useful power obtained,
to the power actually delivered to the propeller,
This ratio has been given the name quasi-pro-
pulsive coefficient, and is defined as
The shear modulus G for steel shafts is usually taken
For exact results, particularly with bored shafting, (1)
it is customary to calibrate the shaft by setting up the
length of shafting on which the torsionmeter is to be The shaft power is taken as the power delivered to the
used, subjecting it to known torques and measuring shaft by the main engines aft of the gearing and thrust
the angles of twist, and determining the calibration block, so that the difference
constant can then be calculated di- between and represents the power lost in
rectly from any observed angle of twist and revolu- friction in the shaft bearings and stern tube. The
tions per second as ratio is called the shaft
transmission efficiency.
In this text, the propulsive efficiency is defined as
There is some power lost in the stern tube bearing Propulsive efficiency = quasi-propulsive coefficient
times shaft transmission efficiency or

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of the meter along the shaft. To approach as closely

as possible to the power delivered to the propeller, it
or should be as near to the stern tube as circumstances
permit. It is often assumed that = 1.0.
(2) The necessary brake power or indicated power in
The shaft transmission loss is usually taken as about the turbines, diesel or steam-reciprocating engine, as
2 percent for ships with machinery aft and 3 percent the case may be, can be estimated in a particular design
for those with machinery amidships, but no very exact from the proper values of gear efficiency, mechanical
information exists on this point. It must be remem- efficiency and load factors. Values of these will be
bered also that when using the power measured by found in textbooks, handbooks and papers on marine
torsionmeter, the answer will depend on the position engineering.

Section 2

Theory of Propeller Action

2.1 Momentum Principle. Propellers derive their
propulsive thrust by accelerating the fluid in which Hence in the case of a constant force the change in
they work. This action is in accordance with Newton's momentum in unit time is equal to the force which
laws of motion, which state that force is required to produced it.
alter the existing state of motion of any material body Momentum and impulse are vector quantities, and
in magnitude or direction, and that the action of any to determine the direction and magnitude of the final
two bodies upon one another is equal and opposite. velocity when the direction and magnitude to the force
Newton's first law is expressed by the equation and of the initial velocity are given, the rules of vector
composition must be applied.
(3) 2.2 General Discussion of Propeller Theories. The
physical explanation of propeller action can be stated
where in rather simple terms, as shown in the preceding sec-
tion, but the precise mathematical analysis presents
F = force exerted on body considerable difficulties. As a result a satisfactory pro-
m = mass of body peller theory which could explain all the observed facts
and be useful for practical calculations was not de-
= resulting acceleration of body veloped until comparatively recent times.
The early propeller theories followed two indepen-
Integrating between 0 and t seconds, dent lines of thought. In the first of these, the mo-
mentum theories, the production of thrust was
we get explained entirely by momentum changes taking place
in the fluid. In the second, the blade-element theories,
the propeller thrust was obtained by analyzing the
(4) forces acting on the various sections of the blades and
then integrating these over the propeller radius.
where v1 and v2 are the velocities at the beginning and The momentum theories were based on correct fun-
end of the time interval. The expression damental principles, but gave no indication of the pro-
peller form which would produce the calculated thrust.
The propeller was idealized as an "actuator disk" or
some similar conception, which could cause an instan-
is called the impulse of the force in the time interval taneous increase in pressure in the fluid passing
zero to t, and the product of mass and velocity is called through it. They led, however, to the important con-
the momentum. The equation states that the impulse clusion that the efficiency of an ideal propeller has an
of the force in a given time interval is equal to the upper limit which varies with the loading. The blade
whole change in momentum produced by the force element theories, on the other hand, were capable of
during this interval. In the special case when F is predicting the effects of various changes in propeller
constant during the time interval, Equation (4) reduces form, but led to the incorrect result that the efficiency
to of an ideal propeller was unity.
The difference between the two groups of theories
was not dispelled until the circulation theory developed
Furthermore, when the time interval is 1 sec,

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