ATP 106 Legal Practice Management Project work 2024-ALL CLASSES

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2024/2025 Academic Year


• All Firms should have distinctly different work even though the question is similar.
• This is a participatory course work and every member must comply with meeting attendance
requirement (minutes from online meetings should be accompanied by the meeting attendance
log including the meeting ID and duration.)
• The purpose of this course is to learn and test your understanding of the course hence you are
free to consult the subject lecturers and seek any support you may need to execute the
• Introduction - cover page (see details in the Project Work guidelines 2024), list of names of
firm members and signature against each name, title declaration, acknowledgment and table
of contents.

Briten Sayun a promising student at the Kenya School of Law, has been sending out his resume to
various law firms and legal departments in various parts of the country for pupillage placement. To
his pleasant surprise, a day ago he received an email from Mountains & Valleys LLP(MVL), the
busiest law firm in Nairobi City inviting him for an interview. Considering the good reputation of
the law firm and the competitive stipend and other benefits that they offer their pupils, the
interview process at MVL is always extremely competitive such that a candidate has to undertake
an aptitude test and if successful, one has to undergo a rigorous physical interview before a panel of
senior partners in the law firm who are experts in different specializations of legal practice.

On the day of his aptitude test, Mr. Sayun like other punctual interviewees was ushered into the
main boardroom of the law firm. First, they were offered tea prepared by Delicious Cooks Ltd, an
external company offering catering services to the law firm. Secondly, they were taken around the
office spaces occupying the seven-storey building just to help them acclimatize with the test
Finally, the Talent Acquisition Team took them through the rules for the test. Other interviewees
who were late joined them just before they began the test. Due to panic, some of these late

candidates accidentally spilled tea on the table and were unable to have it cleaned since they were
rushing into the test room as the test was just starting. A few days after the aptitude test, Mr. Sayun
received a call from MVL front office informing him that he was successful in the aptitude test and
that he was to attend the physical interview two days later from 7.00 A.M

1 a) Prepare a suitable response to the email inviting Breten for an interview with MVL, confirming
attendance and availability (1mark)

b) Identify four factors that would show that MVL’s offices are properly and safely designed and
laid-out (2 marks)

c) Explain four factors that would indicate to the interviewees that MVL has a suitable culture (2

2 a) Note that MLV procured the services of Delicious Cooks Ltd. which is an external entity. In
light of this, is the Public Procurement & Assets Disposal Act, 2015 applicable to MVL? If not,
explain how MVL should procure its services (1 Mark)

b)Prepare questions and answers that MVL senior partners may use to determine if Mr. Sayun is a
suitable candidate during the interview (4 marks)

3. Due to good performance during the physical interviews, MVL has appointed Mr. Sayun in the
Labour & Employment Department as a pupil for a period of six months with an option of
renewal, for a further six months for holding-over based on availability of funds, discipline and
good performance. How will MVL measure Mr. Sayun’s performance? (2 marks)

4. Once placed, Mr. Sayun has noted that MVL is missing Standard Operating Procedures and his
department is missing a departmental strategic plan. He highlights this gap to the partners who
task him with the responsibility of preparing the templates. Mr. Sayun has approached you to
aid him in preparing drafts of:
i) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
ii) Abridged version of the Departmental Strategic Plan

Prepare the documents (8 marks)

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