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Use this import template to create new line items.

This template cannot be used for updating any existing line items.

Use the "Import Data Template" sheet to create line items.

The system will only process the data in the "Import Data Template" sheet. Do not rename this sheet.

"Import Data Template" must always be the second worksheet in this file. Do not change the sequence of this worksheet.

Tips for Entering Valid Values

Do not change the column structure in the "Import Data Template" sheet.

The "D" row in the template file lists all the fields from the Detail Forms of all the line item tabs. Each line item must begin with a
line item in the business process. For multiple tabs, you must enter appropriate tab name in the Tab Name column.

The "CA" row in the template file lists all the cost allocation fields and can be used to breakdown the cost related information en

To create 5 line items, use 5 "D" rows.

Use "D" and "CA" rows to create line items along with the cost allocation. For example, to create a line item with 5 costed lines,

Unit Cost value must be entered either in the "D" or "CA" row. Both the rows cannot have a value for this field. Variable unit cos
unit cost in the "CA" row.

All required fields are indicated with a * and must be entered for a successful import. Required fields for line items are indicated

The underlying cell value is always imported and all cell formatting is ignored. For example, if a cell is formatted to display a cur

Currency values should be entered as numbers without a currency symbol. If a record has a transaction currency, then enter th
transaction currency field to set the right currency.

Dates must be entered as a value that is recognized and formatted as a date by Excel.

Line Items can be created with attachments. For Line Item attachments, enter the file names separated by a ':' in the column af

Additional Information
While creating line items in bulk, for performance reasons, do not import data for more than 2000 rows at a time. The total row
both line item and cost allocation information.
Any data entered in a field that has Unifier Data Entry type as Formula, will be ignored. For example, if Amount is set as "Unit P
any data entered in the Amount column will be ignored.

If data is entered in a field that has Unifier Data Entry type as Auto-Populate, the system will import the value specified in the co
value will not be overridden with the value existing in the auto-population source.

Note that the time taken to process the template data will vary based on the number of macros and functions used in the impor
Line Item Tabs along with the respective detail form fields
Summary Items Cost Line Item Type

Enter data below

D Tab Name
CA Cost Code
Short Description* Spend Category Item Quantity* Unit of Measure Item Unit Cost*

Cost Line Item Type Short Description Spend Category Item Quantity Unit of Measure
Short Description Quantity Unit Price Amount
Test Currency Total Costs Description Item

Item Unit Cost Test Currency Total Costs Description Item

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