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Chapter : Marks : 45

1)Reproduction in Angiosperms Time : 2hr 54

2)Human Reproduction Negative Marks : 0.25

1) When seeds develop without meiosis and syngamy, the phenomenon is:
A) parthenogenesis B) parthenocarpy C) agamospermy D) apogamy.

2) If an endosperm cell of an angiosperm contains 24 chromosomes, the number of

chromosome in each cell of the root will be:
A) 8 B) 4 C) 16 D) 24

3) After fertilization synergids and antipodal cells form:

A) embryo B) oospore C) endosperm D) None of the above.

4) 256 microspores will be formed as a result of reduction division in how many

microspore mother cells:
A) 512 B) 128 C) 64 D) 32

5) After fertilization, the outer integument forms

A) Testa B) Tegmen C) Perisperm D) Pericarp

6) Triploid plants can be obtained from the culture of:

A) pollen B) endosperm C) megaspore D) ovule.

7) Emasculation is achieved by:

A) removal of anthers B) removal of stigma C) removal of gynoecium
D) removal of calyx and corolla.

8) Type of pollination in commelina is

A) Chasmogamy B) Geitonogamy C) Xenogamy D) Cleistogamy

9) Ovule is ategenic in:

A) Helianthus B) Pea C) Santalum D) Brassica.

10) 512 microspores will be formed following meiosis of how many spores?
A) 16 B) 64 C) 128 D) 256
11) In a bisexual flower when the gynoecium matures earlier than anther, it is called as:
A) protandry B) protogyny C) herkogyny D) None of the above.

12) Grafting is attempted in those plants which show:

A) adventitious roots B) buds C) folliage leaves and herbaceous stems
D) secondary growth.

13) In angiosperms normally after fertilization:

A) the zygote divides earlier than the primary endosperm nucleus
B) the primary endosperm nucleus divides earlier than the zygote
C) both the zygote and primary endosperm nuclei divide simultaneously
D) both the zygote and primary endosperm nuclei undergo a resting period.

14) Parthenium or carrot grass is imported with

A) Wheat B) Grass C) Rice D) Maize

15) Identify the type of ovary in diagram

A) Multicarpellary apocarpous B) Multicarpellary syncarpous

C) Multicarpellary pistillate D) Monocarpellary apocarpous

16) The portion of the sperm known as its power house is the:
A) head B) neck C) middle piece D) tail.

17) Mark the odd one :

A) Endometrium B) Corpus luteum C) Acrosome D) Graafian follicle

18) Extraembryonic membranes, chorion and amnion are formed by

A) Inner mass cells B) Trophoblast C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of these

19) Embryo at 8 to 16 cell stage is called

A) Blastula B) Morula C) Trophoblast D) All of these

20) The egg of frog is

A) Telolecithal B) Microlecithal C) Alecithal D) centrolecithal

21) Vaginal orifice, urethral orifice are open in

A) Vulva B) Labia majora C) Labia minora D) Cervix

22) Mixing up of chromosome of male and female nucleus is called

A) Karyogamy B) Amphimixis C) Both (a) or (b) D) None of the above

23) Most mammals have their testis sac called scrotal sac which is for
A) Protection B) Ova formation C) Sperm formation D) Temperature regulation

24) The embryonic membrane involved in the formation of placenta in human is

A) Yolk sac B) Allantois C) Amnion D) Chorion

25) Which hormone is produced throughout the menstrual cycle?

A) FSH B) Oestrogen C) LH D) Progesterone

26) Enlarged end of penis (called the glans penis) is covered by the skin called
A) Foreskin B) Prepuce C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of the above

27) Identical twins are

A) Monozygotic B) Isozygotic C) Bizygotic D) All of these

28) Sertoli’s cells found in testis. These cells are

A) Nurse cells B) Reproductive cells C) Receptor cells D) None of the above

29) Second meiotic division in ovum leads to the formation of

A) Haploid ovum B) Second polar body C) Tertiary polar body D) Both (a) and (b)

30) Regeneration of tail in lizards is an example of

A) Epimorphosis B) Morphollaxis C) Heteromorphosis D) parthenogenesis

31) The female structures that corresponds (homologous) to the scrotum of the male are
A) Labia Minora B) Labia majora C) Clitoris D) Urethral folds

32) Middle piece of sperm contains

A) Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, centriole B) Axial filament, centriole, axial filament
C) Mitochondria, centriole, axial filament D) Golgi bodies, axial filament, centriole

33) Given a diagram showing a portion of a seminiferous tubule. Identify the marked
A) A-Sertoli cells, B-Spermatogonium, C-Primary spermatocyte, D-Secondary
spermatocyte, E-Spermatids, F-Leydig cell
B) A- Leydig cells, B- Primary spermatocyte, C- Spermatogonium, D-Secondary
spermatocyte, E-Spermatids, F- Sertoli cells
C) A- Leydig cells, B-Spermatogonium, C-Primary spermatocyte, D-Secondary
spermatocyte, E-Spermatozoa, F- Sertoli cell
D) A- Leydig cells, B-Spermatogonium, C-Primary spermatocyte, D-Secondary
spermatocyte, E-Spermatids, F- Sertoli cell

34) Cauda epididymis lead to

A) Vas efferens B) Vas deferens C) Ejaculatory duct D) Rete testis

35) Which part of the sperm is motile?

A) Head B) Neck C) Middle D) Tail

36) Inner mass of cell or embryoblast give rise to

A) Foetal part B) Embryo C) Notochord D) Nourishment cell

37) The maximum growth rate occurs in

A) Stationary phase B) Senescence phase C) Lag phase D) Exponential phase

38) Cleavage forms 2-4-6-8-16 cells. These cells are called

A) Blastocysts B) Blastomeres C) Morula D) Trophoblast

39) Corpus spongiosum is found in

A) Ovary B) Penis C) Testis D) Uterine wall

40) In the beginning of menstruation what will happen?

A) Ovulation takes place B) Corpus luteum degenerates
C) Levels of LH and FSH increases D) Progesterone and oestrogen land increase

41) In human lining of gastrointestinal tract, lining of lungs, thymus thyroid, tonsils,
kidney duct and bladder are derived from
A) Ectoderm B) Mesoderm C) Endoderm D) Both (b) and (c)

42) Ovulatory phase lasts for

A) 1 day B) 2 day C) 3 day D) 4 day

43) Grey crescent is the area

A) At the point of entry of sperm into ovum
B) Just opposite to the site of entry of sperm into ovum C) At the animal pole
D) At the vegetal pole

44) During embryonic development, endoskeleton and muscle develop from which
germinal layer?
A) Ectoderm B) Endoderm C) Mesoderm D) Blastopore
45) Trophoblast gives ….. to embryo
A) Nourishment B) Development C) Extra cells D) Movements

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