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Chapter : Marks : 160

1)Reproduction in Angiosperms Time : 2hr 48

2)Human Reproduction Negative Marks : 0.25

1) Match the column.

Column1 Column2
1. Zoophily a) Pollination by birds
2. Ornithophily b) Pollination by insects
3. Entomophily c) Pollination by bats
4. Chiropterophily d) Pollination by animal
A)1:b;2:c;3:d;4:a B)1:d;2:a;3:b;4:c C)1:c;2:b;3:a;4:d D)1:a;2:c;3:d;4:b

2) Match the column.

Column1 Column2
1. Calyx a) Stamen
2. Corolla b) Petal
3. Androecium c) Sepal
4. Gynoecium d) Carpel
A)1:c;2:b;3:a;4:d B)1:b;2:a;3:c;4:d C)1:a;2:d;3:b;4:c D)1:a;2:d;3:c;4:b

3) I. Antipodal cell II. Egg cell III. Synergid cell IV. Polar nuclei V. Male gamete VI. Nuclear cell IV. Chalazal cell Out of
the seven names given above, find out haploid cells
A) I, II, IV, V B) II, IV, VI, VII C) I, II, III, V D) II, IV, III, I

4) Match the column.

Column1 Column2
1. OVule a) Endosperm
2. Funiculus b) Aril
3. Nucellus c) Seed
4. Polar nuclei d) perisperm
A)1:a;2:d;3:b;4:c B)1:d;2:c;3:b;4:a C)1:c;2:b;3:d;4:a D)1:c;2:d;3:b;4:a

5) Identify the characters with reference to the plant in which eight nucleated embryo sac was first studied by
strasburger. I.Micropyle, chalaza and funiculus are arranged in the same vertical line In the ovule. II. presence of
both unisexual and bisexual flowers in the same plant. III.Filiform apparatus helps in conduction of food materials
from Endosperm to egg apparatus. IV. Long funiculus coils like a watch spring around the ovule.
A) I and IV B) II and III C) I and II D) III and IV

6) Match the column.

Column1 Column2
1. Calyx a) Female gamete
2. Corolla b) Protection
3. Stamen c) Attraction
4. Carpel d) Male gamete
A)1:a;2:b;3:c;4:d B)1:b;2:c;3:d;4:a C)1:c;2:a;3:d;4:b D)1:a;2:b;3:d;4:c

7) Match the column.

Column1 Column2
1. Gemmules a) Agave
2. Leaf-buds b) Penicillium
3. Bulbil c) Water hyacinth
4. Offset d) Sponges
5. Conidia e) Bryophyllum
A)1:c;2:a;3:e;4:b;5:d B)1:d;2:e;3:a;4:c;5:b C)1:b;2:a;3:e;4:d;5:c D)1:e;2:b;3:a;4:c;5:d

8) Match the column

Column1 Column2
1. Funiculus a) Hilum
2. Scar of ovule b) Tegmen
3. Zygote c) Testa
4. Inner integuments d) Stalk of seed
e) Embryo
A)1:b;2:d;3:a;4:e B)1:b;2:a;3:e;4:d C)1:e;2:d;3:a;4:b D)1:d;2:a;3:e;4:b

9) Match the column.

Column1 Column2
1. Ophioglossum a) 23
2. Rice b) 24
3. Potato c) 12
4. Man d) 630
A)1:a;2:b;3:c;4:d B)1:b;2:a;3:d;4:c C)1:b;2:c;3:d;4:a D)1:b;2:d;3:a;4:c

10) In angiosperm functional megaspore develops into

A) Embryo sac B) Ovule C) Endosperm D) Pollan sac

11) Male gamete in angiosperm is produced by

A) Generative cell B) Microspore cell C) Vegetative cell D) Tube cell

12) In some plants, anthers and stigmas grow and mature at same time. This phenomenon is called
A) Homogamy B) Syngamy C) Allogamy D) Fusion

13) In wind pollination the pollens are feathery, whether it is

A) True B) False C) Sometimes (a) and sometimes (b) D) Neither (a) nor (b)

14) 60% of the angiosperms shed their pollens at the

A) 2-celled stage B) 3-celled stage C) 4-celled stage D) 1-celled stage
15) In this figure find out F and G

A) F-Radicle; G-Root cap B) F-Root cap; G-Coleorhiza C) F-Epiblema; G-Radicle D) F-Root cap; G-Epiblema

16) Tapetum is found in

A) Anther B) Microspore C) Male gametophyte D) Female gametophyte

17) Give the of name the cell division type at A,B,C and D

A) A-Meiosis-I, B-Mitosis, C-Mitosis, D-Meiosis B) A- Meiosis-I, B- Meiosis-II, C-No division, D- Mitosis

C) A- Mitosis, B-No division, C- Meiosis-II, D- Meiosis-I D) A- Mitosis, B- Mitosis, C- Meiosis-I, D- Meiosis-I

18) In some organisms, karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis as a result of which, multinucleate condition arises
leading to the formation of syncytium. The perfect example for this is
A) Appearance of a furrow in cell membrane B) Liquid endosperm in coconut C) Sexual reproduction
D) Fertilization

19) The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigmatic surface with the help of water is called
A) Anemophily B) Zoophily C) Hydrophily D) Ornithophily

20) Tallest flower is Amorphophallus. It is

A) True B) False C) Sometimes (A) and sometimes (b) D) Neither (a) nor (b)

21) Statement 1: Due to fragmentation in Planaria each part develops the remaining body parts and becomes a
complete animal. Statement 2: Differentiated tissue present in each broken part of Planaria undergoes
dedifferentaition and then differentiation for regeneration
A) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1
B) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1
C) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False D) Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True

22) Match the following column

Column1 Column2
1. Perimetrium a) Inner glandular layer of uterus
2. Endometrium b) External thin membrane of uterus
3. Myometrium c) Middle thick membrane of uterus
A)1:b;2:c;3:a B)1:a;2:c;3:b C)1:c;2:a;3:b D)1:b;2:a;3:c

23) In frog , chromosome number is reduced to half

A) When 2nd polar body is separated B) When 2nd polar body is divided C) When 3rd polar body is separated
D) When 1st polar body is separated

24) Match the following columns

Column1 Column2
1. Acrosome a) Rudimentary tissue
2. Endometrium b) Uterus
3. Polar body c) Oogenesis
4. Clitoris d) Spermatozoa
A)1:a;2:b;3:d;4:c B)1:b;2:c;3:d;4:a C)1:b;2:c;3:a;4:d D)1:d;2:b;3:c;4:a

25) Ejaculation is the …A… response. Erection is a …B… response. Here, A and B refers to
A) A-parasympathetic, B-sympathetic B) A-parasympathetic, B-parasympathetic
C) A-sympathetic, B-parasympathetic D) A-sympathetic, B-sympathetic

26) The following is a diagram of the just spawned frog’s egg; with the parts labelled from A to E. identify the
parts and choose the correct option from those given figure

A) A –cytoplasm, B-plasma membrane, C-vitelline membrane, D-yolk, E-jelly coat

B) A –cytoplasm, B- vitelline membrane, C- plasma membrane, D-yolk, E-jelly coat
C) A -yolk, B- plasma membrane, C- vitelline membrane, D- cytoplasm, E- jelly coat
D) A - yolk, B-jelly coat, C- vitelline membrane, D-cytoplasm, E-plasma membrane

27) Statement 1: In humans, the gamete contributed by the male determines whether the child produced will be male
or female Statement 2: Sex in humans is a polygenic trait, depending upon a cumulative effect of some genes on X-
A) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1
B) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1
C) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False D) Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True

28) Study the following sentences. I. Testosterone influences the male secondary sexual characters. II. Gestation period
in rabbit is approximately 276 days. III. Bulbourethral glands secrete a vaginal lubricant. IV. Placenta secretes
oestrogen Identify the correct statements.
A) I and IV B) II and III C) III and IV D) I and II

29) hCG (Human Chorionic Gonado trophin) and hPL (Human Placental Lactogen) are released
A) Before pregnancy B) During pregnancy C) At parturition D) During lactating stage

30) ZIFT is
A) Transfer of zygote into the fallopian tube B) Transfer of embryo into the uterus
C) Transfer of mixture of sperms and ova into the fallopian tube
D) Transfer of mixture of sperms and ova into the uterus

31) Which one of the following statements with regard to embryonic development in humans is correct?
A) Cleavage divisions bring about considerable increase in the mass of protoplasm
B) In the second cleavage division, one of the two blastomeres usually divides a little sooner than the second
C) With more cleavage divisions, the resultant blastomeres become larger and larger
D) Cleavage division results in a hollow ball of cells called morula

32) The edges of infundibulum possess finger-like projection called …A… which helps in the collection of ovum. The
infundibulum leads to wider part of the oviduct called …B… . Last part of oviduct, …C…. has narrow lumen and
joins to uterus. A, B and C in the above statement refers to
A) A-fimbriae; B-ampulla; C-isthmus B) A-fimbriae; B-isthmus; C-ampulla C) A- isthmus; B- fimbriae; C-ampulla
D) A- isthmus; B- ampulla; C- fimbriae
33) Statement 1: Holoblastic cleavage with almost equal sized blastomeres is a characteristic of placental animals.
Statement 2: Eggs of most mammals, including human, are of centrolecithal type.
A) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement1
B) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1
C) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False D) Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True

34) …A… completely surrounds the embryo and protect it. It also take part in formation of ….B… . A and B here refers
A) A-Chorion; B-Placenta B) A-Ammion; B-Amniotic cavity C) A-Allantois; B-Endoderm
D) A-Yolk sack; B-Endoderm

35) Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

A) Rabbit – Microlecithal, isolecithal B) Frog – Mesolecithal, telolecithal C) Human – Mesolecithal, centrolecithal
D) Birds – Macrolecithal, telolecithal

36) Correct statement with reference to a test tube bay is

A) The fertilized egg is placed in the womb of the mother where the gastrula period is completed
B) Unfertilized egg is placed in the womb and allowed to grow parthenogenetically
C) A prematurely born baby is reared in an incubator
D) Fertilized egg is taken out and grown in a large test tube

37) Soon after implantation, the inner cell mass differentiation into outer ….A…. and inner …B… occurs ….C…. soon
appears between ectoderm and mesoderm. A, B and C in the above sentence are
A) A-mesoderm, B-ectoderm, C-endoderm B) A-ectoderm, B-mesoderm, C-endoderm
C) A-ectoderm, B-endoderm, C-mesoderm D) A-mesoderm, B-endoderm, C-ectoderm

38) Match the hormone in column I with their function in column II. Choose the answer, which gives the correct
combination of the two columns.
Column1 Column2
1. FSH a) Prepares endometrium for implantation
2. LH b) Develops female secondary sexual characters
3. Progesterone c) Contraction of uterine wall
4. Oestrogen d) Development of corpus luteum
e) Maturation of Graafian follicle
A)1:d;2:e;3:a;4:b B)1:d;2:e;3:b;4:a C)1:d;2:a;3:e;4:b D)1:e;2:d;3:a;4:b

39) Read the graph and correlate the uterine events that takes place according to the hormonal levels on A. 6-
15 days B. 16-25 days C. 26-28 days (if the ovum is not fertilized)

A) A-Degeneration of endometrium, B-Myometrium thickens, becomes vascularized ready to receive and implant
embryo, C-Regeneration of endometrium
B) A-Degeneration of endometrium, B-Endometrium thickens, becomes vascularized, ready to receive and
implant embryo, C-Regeneration of endometrium
C) A-Degeneration of endometrium, B- Endometrium thicknes, becomes vascularized, ready to receive and
implant embryo, C-Regeneration of endometrium
D) A-Regeneration of endometrium, B- Endometrium thickens, becomes vascularized ready to receive and
implant embryo, C-Degeneration of endometrium

40) In the given diagram find out, A, B and C

A) A-Plug of mucous in cervix, B-Placement villi, C-Umbilical cord

B) A-Umbilical cord, B-Placement villi, C- Plug of mucous in cervix
C) A-Umbilical cord, B- Plug of mucous in cervix, C-Placement villi
D) A-Placement villi, B- Plug of mucous in cervix, C-Umbilical cord

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