Kevin Ray Underwood

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Thursday, April 13, 2006 The Missing Link found at last. posted by Kevin @

THE RED LINE================================================================ blogID=3773360&postID=114496449135214275

Friday, March 24, 2006 This is an extremely interesting story. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114324861037116874

Thursday, March 23, 2006 "SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - Texas has begun sending undercover agents into bars to arrest drinkers for being drunk, a spokeswoman for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission said on Wednesday. Being in a bar does not exempt one from the state laws against public drunkeness..." posted by Kevin @ Right here in Oklahoma. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114316096614795465

Thursday, March 16, 2006;_ylt=AmCy5w55j92Xu5_I0luOAx2ek3QF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc;_ylt=AmCy5w55j92Xu5_I0luOAx2ek3QF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTcSome idiot was trying to pass off counterfeit one billion dollar bills. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114250293984317384

Saturday, March 11, 2006 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114212653252817024 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114212650016457901

Friday, March 10, 2006

Kites of Death!
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Flying a kite in Pakistan is a dangerous pastime. Already it's banned for all but 15 days of the year but a provincial minister warned kite-flyers this week that any who cause injury or death with string made from metal or coated with glass could be tried under anti-terrorism laws. The Punjabi chief minister's unprecedented threat came just ahead of the start of an annual kite-flying festival in the provincial capital, Lahore, Sunday. Kite-flying in Pakistan and neighboring India often involves aerial duels in which participants try to bring down each other's kites using string coated in a sticky paste of ground-up glass or metal. Every year, Pakistani media report dozens of deaths and injuries caused by kite flying, mainly of children and motorcyclists whose throats are sometimes cut by metal or glass-coated string. "It is a matter of concern that a healthy sport is being turned into a game of death," the official APP news agency quoted Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi as saying Tuesday. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 "LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Two prosthetic legs stolen from a 16-year-old California girl have mysteriously turned up in her mother's van, the second time in three months that an artificial limb belonging to the teen has been taken and then returned, police said on Friday." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114177902566618473

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 Wow, this is an interesting article, I guess. I didn't know it was still legal in so many places. I thought it was illegal everywhere in the United States. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, February 28, 2006,1895,1931904,00.asp,1895,1931904,00.asp "Have you ever hit "Send" on a text message on your mobile phone before addressing it? Ever wondered where all those lost SMS text messages go? If so, you might want to speak with Stan Bubrouski, whose cell phone has been channeling wayward text messages from across the country for years." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114117833635725745

Saturday, February 25, 2006 "Thomas Martin of the Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg in Frankfurt, Germany, said the finding showed mammals had conquered the water 100 million years earlier than anyone thought." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114088099970682327

Friday, February 24, 2006

(The comments were already in this in the place where I found it, they are not mine) 1. Only in America......can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

2. Only in America......are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink. 3. Only in drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. 4. Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. 5. Only in banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. 6. Only in we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage. 7. Only in we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place. 8. Only in we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight. 9. Only in we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'. 10. Only in they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering. 11. Only in America......can u be born a poor black man and grow up to be a rich white woman. EVER WONDER???? Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed? Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"? Why is "abbreviated" such a long word? Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? Why is it that to stop Windows, you have to click on "Start"? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress? If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal? ~~~~ On a bar of Dial soap: "Directions: Use like regular soap." (and that would be how??...) On some Swanson frozen dinners: "Serving suggestion: Defrost." (but, it's "just" a suggestion.) On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): "Do not turn upside down." (well...duh, a bit late, huh!) On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: "Product will be hot after heating." (...and you thought????...) On packaging for a Rowenta iron: "Do not iron clothes on body." (but wouldn't this save me more time?) On Boot's Children Cough Medicine:"Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication." (We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction accidents if we could just get those 5-year-olds with head-colds off those forklifts.)

On Nytol Sleep Aid: "Warning: May cause drowsiness." (and... I'm taking this because???....) On most brands of Christmas lights: "For indoor or outdoor use only." (as opposed to...what?) On Sunsbury's peanuts: "Warning: contains nuts." (talk about a news flash) On an American Airlines packet of nuts: "Instructions: Open packet, eat nuts." (Step 3: maybe, Delta?) On a Swedish chainsaw:"Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals." (..was there a lot of this happening somewhere?) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114083186018534106

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Chuck Norris was the fourth Wiseman. He brought baby Jesus the gift of "beard". Jesus wore it proudly to his dying day. The other Wisemen, jealous of Jesus' obvious gift favoritism, used their combined influence to have Chuck omitted from the Bible. Shortly after all three died of roundhouse kick related deaths." posted by Kevin @

Odd News Stories;_ylt=Am_aLuECsWhHrnvxPHjylUAZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NT c;_ylt=Amokrla6Ca2IU71xoGujH7IZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc;_ylt=AplQREjGm5y08lKnNsAAyTMZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3N Tc;_ylt=AqxGiLq5uvPRq9s90BAsYMgZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc;_ylt=ArCH90tz5zGML_v.eBJXQZgZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy;_ylt=AlxiJePKz9Mmj67nUGutHfUZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 posted by Kevin @ "The probability of a catastrophic levee failure in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in the next 50 years is two in three," Mount said on the sidelines of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference. Mount said it could have a similar impact to the Asian tsunami in 2004. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=114055037446379683

Monday, February 20, 2006

So much for the "Axe Effect."
From a news article about aphrodisiacs: THE MYTH: Many spices and scents get a reputation for turning on the love hose, but licorice seems to trace back farther than most to ancient China and to India, where it can be found in Kama Sutra preparations.

Recently, studies have claimed men were aroused by the smell of licorice and women by a combination of cucumber and Good & Plenty, a licoricelike candy. THE REALITY: Those reports stem from research by Alan Hirsch, M.D., director of the Chicago-based Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Hirsch exposed Chicago-area men and women to various scents, and measured penile and vaginal blood flow as a signal of sexual arousal. Among men, black licorice increased blood flow 13 percent; when combined with the smell of doughnuts, it jumped to 32 percent. A mix of lavender and pumpkin pie scored 40 percent, compared to just 3 percent for perfume. While women were apparently aroused by the candy-cucumber mix, cherries actually decreased blood flow, as did the smells of barbecued meat and mens' cologne. (Sorry, guys.) posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, February 15, 2006;_ylt=Av.eIfANpdBEdVbckX.mT5UZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3 NTc;_ylt=Av.eIfANpdBEdVbckX.mT5UZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3 NTcposted by Kevin @

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Two news stories about exciting developments with eyesight improvement.,70181-0.html?tw=rss.index,70154-0.html? posted by Kevin @ Wow! I was just saying in a chatroom a couple of days ago, "They can make a self-cleaning oven, why can't they make a self-cleaning toilet?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113940395906241481

Sunday, February 05, 2006 "The Invisible Library is a collection of books that only appear in other books. Within the library's catalog you will find imaginary books, pseudobiblia, artifictions, fabled tomes, libris phantastica, and all manner of books unwritten, unread, unpublished, and unfound." This is pretty cool, especially since I read lots of books that reference made up books. posted by Kevin @ Thieves have stolen 3 miles of railroad track near a German town. posted by Kevin @ Who else thinks it's hilarious that the place is called "Gobbler's Knob?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113915507828463755 I heard this a couple of years ago. I wonder why they're acting like it's a new discovery? posted by Kevin @

blogID=3773360&postID=113915497272035547 What the fuck is wrong with people? And I don't just mean the person trying to sell the soul, but also to fact that someone bought the damn watering can for almost $4000. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113915472896024384

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I've never understood what's supposed to be fun about getting drunk. What's fun about slurring and stumbling and acting like an idiot? Or, even worse, falling down, vomiting, and passing out? I guess part of the problem for me, is that I just have no tolerance for alcohol. I'm completely drunk after 3 or 4 beers. And being drunk is uncomfortable or painful for me. My face gets almost painfully warm after just two beers, and then I start getting a really bad headache. I'm usually in too much pain to get any enjoyment from being drunk. That doesn't stop me from getting drunk occasionally, usually when I'm depressed. Which is a bad idea, because pretty much every time I get drunk, I get depressed, whether I was depressed before I started or not. Pretty much every time I get drunk, I end up punching brick walls, or at least fighting the urge to punch things and freak out. Especially if I'm in a party situation where there's more than two or three people around. Because I can't handle the social interaction, and I get pissed off. Pissed off at myself for not being able to be social, and pissed off at the other people because they can, and pissed off at God for making me be this way. If there is a God. Pretty much the only time I believe in God is when I want to blame Him for something. Or, when I'm really depressed, to cry and beg him to make me better, to make whatever is wrong in my brain go away, so that I can live like a normal person. That's all I want in life, is to be able to live like a normal person. I've been really bad again lately. I need to have the doctor write me a prescription for more Lexapro or something, and start taking that again. I wonder if they even still make Lexapro? I checked some of those online pharmacies, to see if I could get it cheaper from Canada or something, but none of them I've looked at have it. They have five or six other antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, but not that one. I've been really bad lately, probably worse than I've ever been. Except for work, I've hardly left the apartment in close to two months. I keep not going to the store until I'm completely out of stuff to eat and HAVE to go. Until a couple of days ago, I hadn't even taken my trash out in weeks. I could barely even get into my kitchen for all the piles of trash everywhere and on every available counter space. Because along with the social anxiety, this time I seem to have developed a tremendous apathy. I just sit here at the computer every minute of the day, when I'm not at work. A week or so ago, I spent my day off sitting here at the computer, barely moving from the chair, for 14 hours. I just can't make myself do anything, even simple stuff, like pick up something that falls on the floor. I'm like "Oh, I'll pick that up later, maybe," and then it lays there for a week. I'm a little better this last week, especially on the apathy thing. The other day I actually left the house and did some shopping. Then I just drove around town for awhile. It's been a long time since I did that, just cruised around town listening to music. There's parts of this town I hadn't seen in years. And it's a tiny town. Then I came home and cleaned up all the trash. Two and a half trashbags full. Then I cleaned the rat's cage. Well, this post has already ended up being really long, so I guess I should just go all out and finally write about all the stuff that has happened since I last wrote a real post. Which was October. On like the second or third or November, I joined a gym. I decided to finally get off my ass and join a gym, so I could get in shape enough so that I could finally realize my dream of taking a Karate class. I actually went to the gym too, almost every day. In fact, I went too much at first, and after a couple of weeks, I had to cut down and only go every other day at the most. By New Years I had lost 20 pounds and several inches, and was looking the best I've looked in my life. But now I've gained all of it back probably. I haven't weighed in weeks, but I bet I weight at least as much as I weighed before I started the diet, if not more. Around mid-December, I got really sick for about a month, and just never felt like going, so I got out of the habit of going. So then even after I got better, I just hardly ever went, and then now for the last month or so, as I've said, my social anxiety thing was too bad for me to go. Also, these last few weeks I've been eating tremendous amounts. Most of the weight I've gained back has been in probably the last two or three weeks. Also, when I was going to the gym, and losing all that weight, it made me feel better, mentally as well as physically, I was actually enjoying being out around people, and almost had the confidence to have talked to women, but I didn't. It wasn't until I stopped going for a month or two, that my problem came back with a vengeance. Christmas was pretty good. I got a really nice Digital Camera, I found it in a store later, and found out it costs almost $350. It's a Nikon Coolpix L1. 6.2 megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, and takes video, as well as still pictures. I've wanted a decent digital camera for a long time now, but this one is too nice. It's too expensive, I'm afraid to leave the house with it. What I really want is like a cell phone with a built-in camera or something, or just some fairly cheap, but decent camera, so I can just carry it around with me at pretty much all times so I can take pictures of anything I see that I want to take a picture of. That's pretty much all that's happened to me recently. Work has been the same as usual. It sucks. It's better than it was, because Dale got fired a few months ago. I can't remember if I ever wrote about that or not. A couple of other guys have worked there over the last few months, but they've all been fired now too. So now it's just me and my aunt Valorie, and, two days a week, the old man, Gene. He's in his 70s, and retired, but he works there and Ben just pays him cash under the table. He's a pretty good worker, he's worked there for a few years, but in November he went into the hospital for prostate cancer surgery, and had a mild heart attack during it, and was gone for almost a month, and since he came back seems to be showing his age now or something. In the mind, I mean. He is annoying to work with now. He messes things up and does things wrong a lot, and then I have to fix them. Oklahoma has sucked the last couple of months. More than usual I mean. Half the state has burned down. We finally got a little rain the other day, but it was only between .5 and 1 inch for most of the state, so it did nothing to help the dryness. Until then, it had been like 120 days since some parts of the state got any amount of rainfall over a quarter of an inch. You can throw a cigarette out the car window, and the grass just bursts into flames. Dozens of people's houses have burned down, and like thousands of acres have burned. About a month ago, in one day alone, there were 34 new fires. Speaking of houses burning down, Jared sent me his new phone number a couple of days ago, and said for me to call him. His house burned down a few months ago, and I hadn't really heard from him since. I really should call him, but I'm just so lazy and apathetic. I'm a bastard. I'll call him later today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113906317518254086

Friday, February 03, 2006

The best explanation for why I am the way I am. From an unquoted source. "It is not difficult to understand how children who have suffered from malnutrition or starvation need food and plenty of care if their bodies are to recover so they can go on to lead normal lives. If, however, the starvation is severe enough, the damage will be permanent and they will suffer physical impairments for the rest of their lives. Likewise, children who are deprived of emotional nurturing require care and love if their sense of security and self-confidence is to be restored. However, if love is minimal, and abuse high, the damage will be permanent and the children will suffer emotional impairments for the rest of their lives." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113901795582194988

Saturday, January 28, 2006;_ylt=Av1Yaz9ClMFPMapqNG3DfUAZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy;_ylt=Av1Yaz9ClMFPMapqNG3DfUAZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy I fucking hate people who get into football (or any other sport) to such a ludicrous amount. Everyone who supported this name change should die. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, January 15, 2006;jsessionid=KD0GQ1X3FN5QMCRBAELCFEY?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=10833212;jsessionid=KD0GQ1X3FN5QMCRBAELCFEY?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=10833212 Taiwanese scientists have created flourescent green pigs. That would be the best pet ever. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113735174175198025

Stupid test. I'm not that evil. Not anymore. A year or two ago I would've probably wet myself in glee at getting that test result. posted by Kevin @

Monday, January 09, 2006

zomg!!! a/s/l rofl!!!!!!11! posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113572134076317515

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113456808386579737

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The majority of Terrans were six-legged. They had territorial squabbles and politics and wars and a caste system. They also had sufficient intelligence to survive on that barren boondocks planet for several billions of years. We are not concerned here with the majority of Terrans. We are concerned with a tiny minority -- the domesticated primates who built cities and wrote symphonies and invented things like tic-tac-toe and integral calculus. At the time of our story, these primates regarded themselves as the Terrans. The six-legged majority and other life-forms on that planet hardly entered into their thinking at all, most of the time. The domesticated primates of Terra referred to the six-legged majority by an insulting name. They called them "bugs." There was one species on Terra that lived in very close symbiosis with the domesticated primates. This was a variety of domesticated canines called dogs. The dogs had learned to achieve a rough simulation of guilt and remorse and worry and other domesticated primate characteristics. The domesticated primates had learned how to achieve simulations of loyalty and dignity and cheerfulness and other canine characteristics. The primates claimed that they loved the dogs as much as the dogs loved them. Still, the primates kept the best food for themselves. The dogs noticed this, you can be sure, but they loved the primates so much that they forgave them. One dog became famous. Actually, he and she was a group of dogs, but they became renowned collectively as Pavlov's Dog. The thing about Pavlov's Dog is that he or she or they responded mechanically to mechanically administered stimuli. Pavlov's Dog caused some of the domesticated primates, especially the scientists, to think that all dog behavior was equally mechanical. This made them wonder about other mammals, including themselves. Most primates ignored this philosophical challenge. They went about their business assuming that they were not mechanical. -- From "The Universe Next Door." Part of the "Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy," by Robert Anton Wilson. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113426516577464533

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I HATE this guy. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative Christian televangelist Pat Robertson told citizens of a Pennsylvania town that they had rejected God by voting their school board out of office for supporting "intelligent design" and warned them on Thursday not to be surprised if disaster struck... posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, November 01, 2005;_ylt=Ao9TFBpOW1x6HgeH8wG72Mqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ;_ylt=Ao9TFBpOW1x6HgeH8wG72Mqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQposted by Kevin @

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Image hosted by" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=113028701335824825

Sunday, October 23, 2005 Got an Idea? Have an idea for an invention, book, movie, or anything else, but are too lazy to do anything with the idea? Well then, just post your idea to this site, and maybe someone will think it is a good idea, and do it! Or, you could do it the other way around, you know. Don't have any ideas? Then come to this site to get some. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ok, that was really weird. I thought I felt something moving in my shirt once, but I figured it was just the tag or something. But then, a few minutes later, I went to take off my shirt, and when I unbuttoned it, a moth flew out. Also: How many Batman cartoon series do we need? It seems like every two years or so, they come out with a new one, or at least make a change to the current one, such as suddenly putting Robin and Batgirl in it. And this new one; The Batman? They can't even call it Batman because there's already a series with that name. And the joker looks really weird in this one. They tried to make him look "extreme," or something. A disturbing trend that is effecting more and more cartoons now. I'm not saying this series is bad or anything, I just wonder why we needed another Batman cartoon. I've liked every Batman cartoon I've ever watched, even that Batman Beyond, or whatever it was called. The one that was set in the future. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Product Placement Pushes Into Print posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=112975393147750365

Friday, October 14, 2005

Oh my god! Someone save that baby!

It owes me five bucks! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=112933190417459005

Sunday, October 09, 2005

So, I never wrote the other day like I promised, but that's because something happened. So now I can write about what I was going to write about, combined with the new developments. If everything had gone as planned, I would be in California right now. That's what I was going to write about the other day, me and Melissa finally had all our plans set for me to come visit her in California. She is on vacation this week, and I was going to go to California to visit her while she was on vacation. I had my plane tickets bought and everything, I got some great deals. But then, a few days ago, she called me up in the middle of the night and said I couldn't come anymore. She had gotten all depressed, thinking about her ex again, and said she was too depressed for me to come. But worst of all, she gave me the old "lets just stay friends" talk. I hate that thing. I've heard it so many times I know it by heart. I guess I'm just too nice, women all want to be friends with me. Even girls I don't like have told me what a nice guy I am, and, as if that wasn't bad enough,

I've even been told that "I actually forget you're a guy, I don't even think of you as a guy, you're like one of the girls to me." That fucking hurts. But anyway, Melissa cancelled the trip. My plane tickets are non-refundable, so she said she'll pay me back, but it will have to be in small payments over a period of time. I don't know how she'll do it though, she already owes her dad a bunch of money she borrowed from him. I actually feel bad about her having to pay me back. Like I said, I'm too nice. I should be mad at her. I should be like "Bitch, you better pay me back!" Instead, I feel bad about her paying me back. I'm pathetic. I let people walk all over me in social situations. I inconvenience myself just so other people can get what they want. Like if I was in one of those Christmas rush things, where everyone is frantic trying to buy the season's hot toy, if I got to the toy first, and it was the last one, I'd give it to the next person so they could have it. I'm not mad at Melissa though. Dissappointed, but not mad. I could never be mad at her. What really gets me about the whole "lets be friends" thing, is that they always say they don't want to date because "I don't want to ruin our special friendship." What they don't seem to understand is that that pretty much ruins the friendship as well, because it's pretty much impossible to stay friends with someone you are so in love with, but they don't want you. It hurts to talk to them, or hang out with them, because the whole time all you can think about is how badly you want them and can't have them. And I do love Melissa, I love her more than anything. Maybe it's stupid, considering that we've only met once, for a few hours once, and she had a boyfriend at the time, so nothing happened. So you might think it's stupid to be so in love with someone you've hardly even met, but I don't think it is. Ok, I've got other stuff I could write about, but that's the most important of the stuff that's happened recently, so I will save the others for another time. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Comment Spam
Well, I hate to do this, but I had to make it so that now, if you want to put a comment on a post, you have to do that word verification thing, where you have to type the word that appears in the box. I had to do that because I'm suddenly getting lots of spam comments. I've received about 30 today. It's not that I haven't had anything to talk about lately. Actually, there's been tons of stuff to talk about, it's just that my work day takes up 12-13 hours of my day, and I don't want to waste what little free time I have left writing long posts. I promise I'll write a post tomorrow, unless something happens. Right now I have to go get all my bills ready so I can mail them tomorrow, so I don't have time to make a post right now. posted by Kevin @

Monday, September 26, 2005

Today on the way to work, me and my dad were passed on I-35 by a high-speed chase. Well, that's what they're calling it anyway, if you want to call about 80 mph a high-speed chase. It wasn't that exciting at first, when it passed us it was just this one little truck being chased by one Highway Patrol. We kept it in sight for some time, as they were only going about 15 mph faster than us. After a minute, another cop car appeared, and then a couple more. About that time we lost sight of it, but we caught back up with it a mile or two down the road. He had crashed, or been run off the road or something, because the cop cars were all pulled over, and by this time there was probably about ten of them, with more coming in the distance. He was laying on the ground, with several cops on him like they were struggling with him trying to cuff him, but he didn't seem to be moving at all that I could tell. I found out later that the cops shot him, but I don't know if he was dead at that time. Probably not, by the way they were on him, but he sure didn't seem to be struggling. While I was at work, one of the other people that work there said they'd heard he'd tried to grab a cop's gun or something, and they shot him, but still no one had heard why he was running from the cops. Then, on the news this evening, I heard the full story. He was only 17, and a few days ago, he, and three others escaped from some juvenile detention center. The other three were caught pretty quickly, but he wasn't caught, and then this morning he robbed a 7-11 in Norman and stole some guy's truck there, and drove off, and that was when the chase began. When the chase ended (I still don't know if he just wrecked, or was forced off the road by the cops), he pulled a knife on them, and they shot him. Other than that, it was a pretty normal, if maybe a little extra annoying, day for me. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The other day at work, I saw two Nuns. That's the first time in my life I've ever seen real nuns. Here's a quick overview of what's happened since the last time I posted: Lots of stuff has happened. More cool stuff than bad stuff. The End. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Past
I did a lot of thinking today. I spent most of my work day lost in thought as I performed the mindless, physical tasks. Well, I spend most of the days like that, but even more so today. I was just thinking better, or something, clearer. It was one of those days I have once in a great while where I think about my past, and remember things I had forgotten. I realized today, that one of the (many) reasons I like Melissa so much is that she reminds me of what I've lost. Of how I used to be. Melissa is often silly, and goofy, and makes her coworkers laugh. I used to be like this, years ago. Back when I was in school, I was always well known. I wasn't popular, no one liked me much, but everyone knew me, because I was so weird and funny. Sometimes, people I didn't even know would come up to me in the hall and say things like "Do something weird," or, "Do the chipmunk laugh." Even as far back as elementary school I would get in trouble every day for talking too much, and being too loud. Such a far cry from my present state of complete and total shyness and timidness. 1998 was the year that a large part of me died. Well, part of it was in 1999, but most of it was 1998. In all it was a period of about a year. I usually refer to this year span as "the longest year of my life." I graduated from high school in 1998, and most of my friends, except for Chris, either joined the military, or went off to college, so I didn't see them much anymore. This caused me to retreat even further into the world of online chatrooms, which I had been battling an obsession with for two or three years. My main obsession was an AOL chat room called "Witty." It was full of great people. Regulars who were always in there, and I became great friends with many of them. It wasn't your regular AOL chat room, the Witty regulars were all a little more intelligent than your usual chat room inhabitants. They discouraged people talking in all internet slang abbreviations and A/S/L checks, and things like that, so the idiocy was kept to a minimum. It was here that I met Melissa. I don't remember exactly when, it was sometime in 1998, I don't remember if it was before or after I graduated. We became very good friends almost immediately. I had a crush on her even back then, but she had a boyfriend, but we still were good friends. Then, a few months later, about the time I went off to college, she was going to lose her internet access for a few months, I don't remember exactly why. This was another major blow, I lost another one of my best friends. It was about this time I started getting really depressed. I went to college, and this was a MAJOR blow. I'd always been shy around people, even though I was always goofing off and being the class clown in the past, I was still shy in certain situations, especially when it came to one-on-one human interaction. Goofing off for a class full of people I could handle. But trying to talk to just one person made me nervous. It had never really been much of a problem before, though, but when I went to college, it got out of control. As time went by, I kept getting more and more nervous and scared. There were just too many people around, even though I was going to a small college. I started to get panic attacks. I'd skip class and just sit in my car for hours, or sit in the library, in the stacks where there weren't any people, and read. Anything so that I wouldn't have to go to class, or walk through the people-filled halls. Then I got so bad I couldn't even work up the courage to go into the library anymore. And at the same time I was fighting this crippling social phobia, other things were going on which just added to my mental strain. Me and Melissa were writing real letter to each other, but I hate writing letters for some reason, just like I hate talking on the phone, so we only exchanged a couple of letters. Well, she wrote me four, but I only sent on or two. I'd sit there in the library hiding, and try to write a letter to her, but I just couldn't and this depressed me even more, because I thought she would think I hated her or something, and I would lose her as a friend permanently. Also, I was failing all my classes, mostly because I never went to them, and, even when I did, I couldn't pay attention because I had so much more on my mind, or couldn't stay awake. I only slept a couple of hours a night, because my chat room dependency was getting worse and worse. I would sit in the chat room for hours and hours every night, talking to pretty much the only friends I had. After I lost contact with Melissa, I fell in love with one of my coworkers at Carl's Jr. Her name was Genie. I was very in love with her, but, like always, I never said anything to her, I never told her I liked her, or asked her out. We were friends, and talked to each other a lot at work, but that was all we were. Then, she started dating a guy that also worked there at Carl's, who was also my friend. His name was Tim. This made me even more depressed, but I didn't give up hope that maybe they'd break up or something, and someday I'd have a chance with her. In time, I would come to regret ever hoping that something would cause them to separate. Then, it all came to a head at once. The strain of all these problems, especially the social phobia, was too much to bear. I was in danger of having a mental breakdown at any moment. So I finally decided that I would have to drop out of college. I went to my mom, and told her for the first time, about my depression and social phobia, I'd never told anyone before, not even my best friend Chris. I told my mom, and told her about my social anxiety problem, and that I was going to drop out of college and start going to a psychiatrist. She didn't really understand my problem, and still doesn't (whenever I try to talk about how shy I am around people, her answer is, "Just stop, don't be that way."), but she was supportive anyway. So I dropped out of college, this was in early November. I never did see a psychiatrist, because as soon as I dropped out, I started feeling a little better, and I hated the idea of going to one because I knew all they'd do is give me pills. And then, towards the end of November, the shit really hit the fan. Friday, November 27th, 1998. The day after Thanksgiving. The biggest shopping day of the year, and also one of the worst days of the year for automobile accidents. On this day, two of my friends, including the woman I loved, became a statistic. Me and my mom and sister had all been out shopping most of the day too, and, as we were driving back to Purcell, going south on I-35, we drove over a spot where you could tell there had been a horrible wreck recently. The road itself was actually melted in one place. Then, when we got home, I got the phone call. Genie and Tim had been in a horrible wreck. Tim was dead, and Genie probably wouldn't make it. It turned out the spot we had driven over was where the wreck had happened. They were driving northbound, and had a blow out, and spun out of control, they went clear across the median, into the southbound lanes, where they spun into a large van going full highway speed. Genie wasn't wearing her seatbelt, was thrown something like 20 feet through the windshield. Ironically, this is what saved her. Tim, who was wearing his seatbelt, was still trapped in the car when it burst into flames. He burned to death, and was burned so badly they had to use dental records to identify him. Up until they re-paved the highway just a year or so ago, you could still see the burn mark on the highway. It was an almost daily reminder for me of the accident. Also, someone kept flowers there in the median of the highway at all time for many years. I don't know who, some of Tim's family, I guess. I went to Tim's funeral, and I also went to see Genie in the hospital every day. She did make it through, but she was in the hospital until December 18, the day before my birthday. I went and saw her every day, and I would sit there for hours. Even the days she was unconscious, or so doped up on morphine she barely even knew who she was. Even when she was conscious, she'd still be so doped up I had to help her eat. Most days I was the only visitor she had, her family hardly ever even came to see her. Partly because it was about an hour's drive to even get to the hospital she was at. But I drove it every day, and sat with her every day. I felt like a horrible person. Because in the back of my mind, a voice kept telling me, "Hey, she's single now, just give her a couple of months to get over the loss of Tim, and then make your move." I'd tell that voice to shut up, and stop thinking things like that, but it kept coming back. Of course, this made me slip farther and farther into depression. She got out of the hospital on the 18th, and I spent the next couple of weeks in a state of deep depression. I would drive around aimlessly in my car for hours, listening to depressing music, and thinking depressing thoughts. Actually, it wasn't

exactly aimless. Most of the time was spent driving around Lexington, where Genie lived, trying to get up the courage to visit her at her home. I was just biding my time, remaining her friend, until the day I thought it was safe to ask her out. And then she shocked and surprised me. Just a couple of days after she got out of the hospital, some other guy at Carl's asked her out for New Years, and she accepted. I couldn't believe it. It was too soon after Tim's death. I was shocked by this, and also depressed further by the fact that it wasn't me who was going out with her. I spent the next few months in a state of deep depression, and seriously thought about killing myself on several occasions, but never had the nerve to go through with it. Which made me feel even worse. I was such a coward. I was too afraid to talk to people, too afraid to ask girls out even after being in love with them for months. I was even too afraid to kill myself even though I wanted to. Over time I started getting a little better, but I battled depression for a couple of years. I still have the social phobia, and very occasionally small bouts of depression, but I'm much better than I was then, at least when it comes to the depression. But still, over the last year or so I find myself becoming more and more detached from the world. I almost never leave the apartment except to go to work or my parents' house, and when I do leave the apartment, I walk around like a zombie, with a blank expression on my face, not looking at anything or anyone. In fact, the last couple of months, I've noticed that my eyesight is going, probably because my eyes are getting weak. Whenever I'm out of the house, I never focus on anything, I stare blankly ahead, operating on a sort of fuzzy peripheral vision. The only things I ever really focus on and look at are books or computer screens for hours on end, which strains my eyes further. When I'm not safe in my apartment, I am silent and expressionless, looking at nothing. I have no personality. If someone says hi to me, I either ignore them, or grunt out a small "hi," or "ok," if they ask me how I'm doing. It gets worse every day, I withdraw farther and farther into myself with each passing week. My spirit has been totally crushed. Anyone who looks into my eyes can see this. I wish I could be like I used to be. I wish I could be like Melissa. I wish I could be human. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thought for the Day 8/27/05
Communication is only possible between equals. (Quoted from Prometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson.) "Adequate communication flows freely between equals. Communication between non-equals is warped and distorted by second-circuit Domination and Submission rituals perpetuating communication jam..." "Under the primate second-circuit socio-biological rules, everybody tends to lie a little, to flatter or to evade displeasure, when exchanging signals with those above them in the pack-hierarchy." "...a man with a gun (the power to punish) is told only what the target thinks will not cause him to pull the trigger (write the pink slip, order the court-martial)." To put it simply, true, accurate communication is only possible between people of equal status/power. Bosses, Military Generals, Presidents, etc, will not get accurate facts from those under them, because the people under them will only tell the people in charge what the people in charge WANT to hear. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thought for the Day 8/23/05
When you take a bath (as opposed to a shower), you are soaking in your own filth. The Japanese have found a way around this. In Japan, you wash before you get in the bath. They sit on a stool and wash themselves and then they relax in the tub. This also lets them re-use the same water over and over. They fill the tub, and then use it many times before having to put fresh water in. Entire families share the same tub of water. In fact, it's not uncommon for familes with young children to bathe together all at once. Perhaps the saying should be, "The family who bathes together..." posted by Kevin @

Monday, August 22, 2005

Thought for the Day 8/22/05
Humans are Domesticated Primates. Think about that. More: Humans are nothing more than domesticated primates. Deep down, in the hardwiring of our brains, we still have the same instincts and behavior

patterns of other primates, and, in fact, of all other mammals. Millions of years of conditioning will not just go away. Human behavior and society makes so much more sense when you remember this. All the awful ways in which humans act are natural parts of primate behavior, but we have forgotten this, or just don't wish to think about it, and this causes anxiety in us when we see ourselves, and others, act in these awful ways. I'm not advocating this behavior, just that it is natural behavior for domesticated primates. Humans are animals. To this, most people (minus the creationists), would reply, "Yes, but we are the smartest, most intelligent animals." Says who? Us? Of course we would think that, we're biased on the subject. Just because we have big brains, and can accomplish all these "great" things, doesn't mean we are the "smartest" animals. Look around at the mess we've made of the world. Who's smarter, us, or other animals, who live in harmony with their environments? Just because we CAN do things, doesn't mean we SHOULD. Douglas Adams wrote in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I'm quoting from memory, I may not get the exact wording correct), "Humans thought they were smarter than Dolphins because Humans accomplished things like New York, and Wars, while all the dolphins did was swim around and have a good time. The dolphins thought they were smarter than humans for the exact same reasons." posted by Kevin @

Sunday, August 21, 2005 "One always looks neat, in a hat made from meat." -Mark Twain posted by Kevin @

Saturday, August 20, 2005

So I went to the bank to cash my paycheck yesterday, and I realized something: The envelope they sent my money out in says, "It's been a pleasure serving you. Please come back again!" Duh, I kinda have to come back, since all my money's there. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Best Joke Ever
Three Texas surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed. One of them said, "I'm the best surgeon in Texas. A concert pianist lost 7 fingers in an accident. I reattached them, and 8 months later he perfomed a private concert for the Queen of England." One of the others said, "That's nothing. A young man lost both arms and legs in an accident. I reattached them, and 2 years later he won a gold medal in field events at the olympics." The third surgeon said, "You guys are amateurs. Several years ago, a cowboy, who was high on cocaine and alcohol, rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the horse's ass and a cowboy hat. Now, he's president of the United States." posted by Kevin @

Monday, August 15, 2005

Black Balloon
Black Balloon by the Goo Goo Dolls Baby's black balloon makes her fly I almost fell into that hole in your life And you're not thinking 'bout tomorrow Cuz you were the same as me But on your knees A thousand other boys could never reach you How could I have been the one? I saw the world spin beneath you

And scatter like ice from the spoon that was your womb Comin' down the world turned over And angels fall without you there And I go on as you get colder Or are you someone's prayer? You know the lies they always told you And the love you never knew What's the things they never showed you That swallow the light from the sun inside your room, yeah Comin' down the world turned over And angels fall without you there And I go on as you get colder Always someone there And there's no time left for losin' When you stand they fall, yeah Comin' down the world turned over And angels fall without you there And I go on as you get colder All because I'm Comin' down the years turn over And angels fall without you there And I'll go on and I'll bring you home and All because I'm All because I'm And I'll become What you became to me posted by Kevin @

Saturday, August 13, 2005 posted by Kevin @

Going Back; and also some good news.

From "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," a passage I'm always reminded of in situations like this: I hung up and strolled out to the car. Well, I thought. This is how the world works. All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him. He knew. He knew all along. It was He who sacked me in Baker. I had run far enough, so He nailed me... closing off all my escape routes, hassling me first with the CHP and then with this filthy phantom hitchhiker... plunging me into fear and confusion. Never cross the Great Magnet. I understood this now... and with understanding came a sense of almost terminal relief. Yes, I would go back to Vegas. Slip the Kid and confound the CHP by moving East again, instead of West. This would be the shrewdest move of my life. Back to Vegas and sign up for the Drugs and Narcotics conference; me and a thousand pigs. Why not? Move confidently into their midst. Register at the Flamingo and have the White Caddy sent over at once. Do it right; remember Horatio Alger... I'm most likely going back to Carl's Jr. Every time I've managed to make it away from the place, something has either forced or drawn me back in. Unlike the previous times, and unlike Thompson there, this time I am returning of my own volition, not because I have no other choice. I haven't lost my other job, though I haven't been getting quite as many hours the last couple of weeks. This is just because business is slow the last month or so. Between the constant rising of the gas prices, and back to school shopping, people have hardly any money to spend on groceries this month, especially the poor, lowerclass families that make up 99% of Grider's customer base. No, I have put much thought into this the last week, and am going back because I want to, because I am currently trying to save up as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. I am not going to be working there full time, only on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. My two days off from my other job. I just went to Carl's to see if they wanted to hire me back, but Allen wasn't there, only Phillip, but Phillip said that Allen would probably want to hire me back, especially since some new girl they recently hired has called in the last three Saturdays and may not be working there for much longer. Oh, I should warn you, this post is going to be quite long. So, I haven't posted much lately at all, even less than usual. Not too much has happened, and most of the stuff that did happen was a couple of weeks ago and I've forgotten most of it already. A couple of weeks ago, my mom, my sister and I went to Dallas. They'd been planning for months to go sometime this Summer, but the original plan had been to be there for two or three days. They wanted me to take a couple of days off and go with them, but this was back when I was still working at Carl's and could take time off pretty much anytime I wanted, as long as I gave a couple week's notice. But now that I've got this new job, I can't take time off work, so they decided to make it just a day-and-a-half thing. They had originally wanted to go to one of the big malls in Dallas; the Sixth Floor Museum, the Kennedy assassination museum; and either Six Flags, or SeaWorld, or some place like that; and maybe the wax museum too. But since the trip was shortened, the main focus became the mall, and, if we had enough time, The Sixth Floor Museum. It was a sudden thing, I came home from work one Friday, and was sitting around planning what I would do on Saturday, since it's my day off. Then my mom called me and asked if I wanted to go to Dallas with them. We left Friday evening, go there about 9:00, and got a motel room. Then the next day we'd do our stuff, and then be home by Saturday night. We got up Saturday and ate at IHOP, and then went to the Galleria mall. A huge three story place that even has an indoor iceskating rink. We weren't in there near as long as we expected, only a little over three hours, so we had plenty of time to go through the museum, and then look around Dealy Plaza and take a few pictures. That's the fourth or fifth time I've been there in just the last few years. Not much as happened the last few weeks, other than work. Well, nothing that I've had to get offline for, but more on that later in the post.

Work. Ugh. It's been a roller-coaster ride. I loved the job when I started, even though I hated Dale, my semi-boss. He's not really our boss, he's just a normal employee like us, but he's been there the longest, and makes the most, so he's more-or-less our boss when Ben, the real boss isn't there. It's not like a job description thing, Ben doesn't come in and promote you to this new position or anything, he just gives you a couple extra responsibilities. This is important, because I think there's a chance I could be becoming the next person in this position sometime in the near future, but once again, I'm getting a little ahead of myself. As I was saying, I loved the job when I started, but very soon, Dale, and even Ben, started to really get on my nerves, so much so that I hated the job even more than Carl's. I seriously almost quit a couple of times, much closer even than I ever came to quitting in the nine years I was at Carl's. Ben is superannoying because he is an asshole. No matter how hard we work, he always comes in and bitches that we're not doing anything. He'll say something like "It looks like you guys have just been on break for the last two days." He'll point at a shelf that is missing two cans of product because a customer came in and bought it, and say that the entire aisle looks like shit and we just goof off all day and never work. He doesn't seem to understand that that's what happens in a store, people BUY THINGS. You don't just stock the shelves and then they stay that way. Also, he doesn't understand the concepts of time and space. We'll get a truck of like 15 pallets of product in, and he expects us to get it all up in one day. This is literally impossible for two reasons. First, unless we had about ten people working there instead of two or three, there is no way anyone in the world could do it that fast. Also, it's impossible because the shelves won't hold that much product! That's enough product to keep our shelves stocked for up to a week, it won't all go up at once, you stupid fucker. But, the last few days have been better, because Dale got suspended for a week, and I've basically been put in charge in his place. They aren't calling it a suspension, but Ben called him and yelled at him last Monday, and told him not to come back until this Monday. And he also said that "When you come back Monday, you can work 7 to 4 with an hour lunch break. A normal shift like everyone else, and if you don't like it, you can find another job." And everyone around the store, even people that don't work for Ben are talking about how Ben is trying to finally get rid of Dale. So, Dale may not come back, and even if he does, he probably won't last long. The last few days I've worked have been heaven without him. We all get much more work done without him there to annoy us, and slow us down by being an idiot and trying to tell us what to do even though we know what to do and what needs to be done, usually even better than him. Even Ben has noticed when he came in how much smoother things have been going, and how much more work we're getting done this week. He almost complimented us the other day, even. Basically the crew besides me is my aunt Valorie, who started work there a week or two before me, and isn't very good at it; Gene, an old man, past retirement age, who is a good worker, but he had a heart-attack or stroke or something about a year ago, so he can't do any hard work now, he has to have someone bring the pallets and stuff out for him; and Dale, who may not be there much longer. Ben has employees that work in other stores in the area too, and there's a couple of guys from another store he sends in to help us occasionally, but they usually aren't there more than once a week. So, as long as I've worked there, anytime that Dale has been off, or just not come in that day, Valorie and Gene have made me the boss. They even call me "Boss." Even Gene, who has worked there for years, calls me boss, and asks me what he should do. And we always get twice as much work done when I'm in charge. They all like it when I'm in charge, and all think I should be in charge if Dale does quit or get fired. Unfortunately, there's one problem with me being put in charge in any sort of official manner: I may be moving in a few months. Which brings us, finally, to what I said I'd talk about later, and the reason I am saving up my money. It's also the other reason, besides Dale being gone, that I've been in such a good mood the past week. This is something that's been going on for a while now, but I've never told anyone about, except for my parents, and I briefly mentioned it to Phillip when I was working at Carl's. I've not even told Chris, which will probably make him mad, because it's such an important thing. He will probably say, "I thought we were best friends? Why didn't you tell me?" I'm moving to California, to be with Melissa. I've known her for almost 8 years now, and we've been really good friends the entire time. We've known for years that we were perfect for each other, but there was the pesky problem of us living about 1500 miles apart. She didn't want to move to Oklahoma, and I would've hated for her to have done so, because Oklahoma sucks, and I don't even want to be here. I've always wanted to move to CA, or somewhere else on the west coast, even before I met her, but I couldn't move to CA because I was too poor, and CA is so expensive to live in. But a few months ago, shortly after she broke up with her last boyfriend, I brought up the idea of me finally moving to CA, and we started to seriously talk about it. I told my parent's and Phillip about it way back then, and I was going to tell Chris, but it was something I would've rather told him about in person than online, and every time he came to OK on leave, I just couldn't seem to find the right time or place to talk about it, I didn't really want to talk about it in front of his entire family, as I am a shy person, and don't really like talking about matters like this in public. After a while though, the plan sort of fell through. Mostly because she was taking her last breakup really hard, and she also said she didn't want to force me to move halfway across the country and so far away from my family. So we stopped talking about it, and I had pretty much given up on the idea. But then a couple of weeks ago, she brought it up again, and since then we've been talking about it again, even more seriously than last time. Unless something unforeseen happens, it's going to finally happen this time. But we don't know when. Basically, as soon as I can save up enough money to feel comfortable doing it. CA is expensive, and I won't have a job when I get there. I'll be living with her, but I don't want to be a total dead-beat and have to mooch off of her. I don't really have a target goal on the money issue, but I'd like to at least make back the $1200 I had to spend on my car a while back. Then I also need to get some work done on my car first, nothing major, just a new set of tires, and before I attempt the drive I'd want to make sure I got a good tune-up and stuff like that. So, we don't know for sure when this will be happening, but I'm hoping two or three months at the most. She's got a vacation coming up in early October, and she's hoping I can get a week off from work to come stay with her for a few days first. I was really hoping to maybe be moving there by then, but she insists, and it is a good idea, that I should come stay with her for a week or so first, because for some reason, we may end up not getting along together in real life, though I don't see that happening at all. The main reason I don't really want to do this is because that's extra money I'll have to spend. I'll have to get a plane ticket, and take some spending money, and on top of that, I'd be missing a week of work. I may not even be able to get the time off from work though. I don't know for sure what the policy is on stuff like that. I really hope it doesn't take too long. I would move out there today, if I could. We've already wasted so many years not being together even when we knew we should be, that I hate to waste even one more day. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=112396412208124982

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Let My Kitchen Go
My kitchen looks like the fucking plagues of Egypt or something. There's just swarms of gnats all over the place. I don't know why. I had some bananas go rotten a week ago, which always causes gnats, but not like this. Everywhere you look you'll see three or four of them crawling or flying. I just stood in the kitchen for about five minutes killing them, and got ten in barely five minutes. I killed at least 30 gnats yesterday. Everyday there's more of them. Usually once you get rid of the offending fruit, the gnats are gone within a day or two, but not these. Everyday there's more and more of them. I picked my kitchen towel up off the cabinet the other night, and at least half a dozen gnats flew out from underneath it. I've also killed five or six crickets in my apartment over the last week. I HATE crickets. At least these don't chirp at night for some reason, I haven't heard a

one. Everywhere around here always has crickets really bad in the summer, At Carl's Jr. there'd always be crickets everywhere inside the place. I hate crickets, and grasshoppers. I think mostly because of their scratchy, spiky back legs. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fat Knobs It sounds dirty, but it's really not. Fat Knobs are simply larger-than-normal knobs to put on the shift stick in your car. Call me immature, but I was laughing the entire time I was reading the page. It's full of sentences that are funny to people with really dirty minds, such as: "The composite Fat Knobs weigh about as much as a billiard ball... The smooth finish feels great when you're working the transmission and the heft of the knob provides extra momentum for slamming gears." "Fat Knobs come in black and white, but more colors may be available soon." "Another thing we noticed is that in the heat of the summer sweaty palms can make the shifter knob a bit slick." And the best one of the entire article: "The knob fits very well into the average person's hand and even my wife preferred the feel of the Fat Knob..." posted by Kevin @

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Business Idea
There should be a store that only sells sexual lubricants, and the store should be called "Lubrication Station." posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Drinking Games
I just saw something really cool. It was a chess set, and, instead of pieces, it had shot glasses with pictures of the different pieces on them, and you fill them up with alcohol and play the game, and when one of your "pieces" gets captured, you have to drink it. Yes, I know I haven't been posting lately. I just haven't felt much like doing it, and I don't feel like doing it now either. Even though I have things I could talk about. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, July 28, 2005

One plus one is one.
Year of the Rat by Badly Drawn Boy (One, one, one, one, one, one. One, one, one, one, one, one) June is on the run for so long Pushed and pulled then shunned It was so wrong These fours walls crashing in won't stop me now Cause I'm alive, I'm out tonight, all night Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat Every day we've got to hold on 'cause if we hold on we could find some new energy Streets with flags unfurled like treasure Thank me for my words, it's a pleasure Just don't ask me to stay 'cause I'll be gone But it's alright I'm OK - always

Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat Every day we've got to hold on 'cause if we hold on we could find some new energy One plus one is one - together One plus one is one - forever One plus one is one - together One plus one is one - forever Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat Every day we've got to hold on 'cause if we hold on we could find some new energy posted by Kevin @

Monday, July 18, 2005

Umm, how about no?
Strange people who I do not know should not IM me at 3:00am offering to suck my dick. Especially if they are male. Actually, only if they're male should they not. If you're female you can IM me any time you want with offers of oral sex, but only if you're serious. This actually happened. I wake up this morning to find these messages: bj_deepthroat: hi bj_deepthroat: you like to lay back and get deep throated as long as no one ever knows aboutit and all you do is get sucked. After I get over the surprise, I decide to check the person's profile, and it's a 31 year old man. It's not one of those porn bots that sometimes message you on Yahoo, either. There were no pictures or links in the profile like there would be if it was. Just an age and sex. So yeah, it would be a great offer coming from a woman, but not from a guy. I'm also still not sure if it was supposed to be a question, or a statement. There's no question mark. If you're just stating that I like to lay back and get sucked, yes, you are right. But if you are asking if I would like to lay back and get sucked by you, the answer is no. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Good name.
The best Chinese name ever: Hung Lo. posted by Kevin @

Friday, July 15, 2005

Wow, how amazingly cool is my life? I was going to spend a Friday night going to the movies, with my mom and my little sister. Yeah, that's cool. We were going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which I really want to see. We didn't get to watch it though, because we got up there and it was sold out for every showing until 9:35. Wedding Crashers was also sold out. I only know this because the teenage guys in front of us in line were throwing a big fit about it, saying, "We're getting into that movie one way or another." You couldn't pay me enough money to watch that movie. I find the very premise of that movie to be morally offensive. I almost walked out of the theater because they showed a preview of it before Star Wars Episode 3. The trailer made me so angry I almost didn't even watch Star Wars. My mom and my sister took one car, and I took my car, because they were going to be up there until like 2:00am, and I didn't want to be. We were originally going to watch the 7:30 showing, and then when it ended at 9:30 or so, they were going to find something to do for a couple of hours, and then at midnight head over to the bookstore to get the new Harry Potter book when it comes out. They are still there now, they decided to wait for the 9:30 showing of the movie, but I didn't want to. Since I started this new job, I'm in bed by 9:30. I'm off tomorrow, so I may go see it then, I have to go up that way to do some shopping anyway. It really sucks having to drive almost 30 miles to watch a movie or do some shopping. Especially with gas as high as it is. The oil prices dropped $2.00 a barrel today though, so maybe gas prices will go down a few cents tomorrow. My foot hurts. I ran over it with a several hundred pound pallet today. Well, I didn't exactly run over it, or I wouldn't have a foot now. For those of you who've never worked a job like that, we have these pallet jacks that you put under the jack and lift it off the ground and roll it around with. So when you are hauling the pallet around, it's a couple of inches off the ground. What I did was basically scrape the side and top of my foot with the pointed corner of a very heavy pallet that is very hard to stop once it gets going, so it didn't stop when it hit my foot. It's weird, there's not a mark on my foot, not even a bruise. You can't even tell where it happened, but it hurts pretty bad. Today has been a pretty bad day. Well, hasn't really seemed that bad, I've been in a good mood all day, but lots of bad things have happened. First, I was unloading boxes full of half gallon boxes of fruit juices off of a pallet, and there was a couple of boxes that were a little crushed, and apparently one of the boxes had ruptured. It wasn't leaking when it was sitting there, but then when I picked it up, mango juice started pouring out of it and went all down my shirt and pants leg. Then I hit my foot like I was talking about, and then I dropped a glass jar of mayonnaise on the floor and broke it. That's the first thing I've broken since I started the job. Dale breaks two or three things every day, because he just throws everything around. It's weird, they don't put hardly anything in glass bottles anymore, but for some reason, everything that is marketed for Mexican consumers is. Even the Coke is sold in the old fashioned glass bottles. Pretty much everything on the aisles I work is in glass bottles. Then, I drove all the way up to Norman, and the movie was sold out. They need

to put that information on the phone line you call to check the times. We called it right before we left, to double check the time, and it didn't say anything about anything being sold out. I'm bored. I'm probably going to go to bed early tonight. Just like last night. Last night I was asleep by 9:00. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The sunlight... it BURNS!
I really need to get out of the house more. I was doing great there for a while, leaving, and going places, and actually enjoying being out in public, but ever since I started this new job, I've hardly left the house. It's not shyness or anything again really, it's just laziness. I don't feel like doing shit on my days off now. I hardly even go shopping anymore. I haven't had any milk or bagels in probably close to two months. I don't buy milk at the stores where I buy all my other groceries. I buy it at Braums, because it's the cheapest place around here on milk, and I just haven't felt like making the trip to an extra store just to get some milk and bagels. Even if I'm out already, and doing all my other shopping, I just don't feel like going to any more stores than I have to. I hardly even leave the house on my days off, I just sit here at the computer, or watching a DVD or something all day. One reason I hate to leave my apartment now is all the idiots that are always outside it. Over the last month or so, every apartment in the building I'm in (the apartment complex is made up of several buildings, each with 8 apartments) has become inhabited by a bunch of young idiots that all know each other, and so hang out around the staircase right outside my door all day and night being loud and drinking, and hooting and hollering, while their kids are tied up on fucking leashes so they don't have to worry about them running off while they're sitting there making complete asses of themselves. They are all probably around 18 to 20. Several guys, bt mostly girls. The only good thing about the situation is that the girls are often out there in bikinis, because they've been swimming in the pool. And one of them always says hi to me, and tried to have a conversation with me once, because we used to work together. They're all like 20 year-old single mothers. The guys are complete asses too. One of them kept banging against the wall of my apartment with a hard-hat yesterday. I have no fucking idea why he had a hard-hat, or why he was banging on my wall with it, over and over again. I kept looking out the window at him, and he'd stop for a few minutes, then start again. And some of them have "written" on my air conditioner, which is not good for it. You know how on the outside of those old window units, they have the metal mesh-like thing, that bends really easily, and you can just take your finger and like write in it? That's what they've done. I can't tell what it's supposed to say though. They're all out there right now, I can hear them. They were there when I came home from work four hours ago, and they've been there the whole time. It's like that every day. I want to ask them, "What's the point in paying rent on an apartment if you're never going to actually go in it?" And then I'll kill them, with that shopping cart that someone has left out in the parking lot. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Here are a few interesting web sites I've seen lately. I think I found them all through banner ads on other sites, most of them are not things I normally would've gone looking for. - "Join us as Vancouver tattoo artist Thomas Lockhart & writer / adventurer Vince Hemingson capture on film, an epic quest around the world in search of the last authentic tribal tattoos." - "Hot nerdy girls and indie rock boys! With glasses! Meet hipsters, bloggers, freaks and geeks in your area by showing off your quirky personality with zany answers to our constantly rotating questions. Find cute nerds to hook up with in our people browser!" I should try this site, I like geeky girls. - Basically just a blog of links to weird and interesting web sites. - Another people meeting / dating site for geeks and nerds. - A strange but cool webcomic type thing. - This is really cool, this was a Daft Punk and Sony sponsored contest where people were to make their AIBOs (the Sony robot dog thing) dance to Daft Punk music and send in the videos. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, July 10, 2005

I want these.
Wow, this is really fucking cool! And this is the best shirt ever: posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Wow, two posts in one day, that hasn't happened in quite a while! I just thought of a couple more things I wanted to mention. I don't think I mentioned before, but I finished my Small Business Management course a month or so ago. I now have degrees and/or certification in Small Business Management, and Computer Electronics and Repair. You'd think I'd have a decent job. The reason I started the business course was because I some day wanted to open my own comic store, but I doubt now that's ever going to happen. Like so many things in my life, I get the idea and get really obsessed with it for a while, and spend lots of money on whatever it is, and then get bored of it really quickly. This happens to everything I get excited about in my life. I always obsess over something, and then get bored with it after a few weeks. The same thing happened with that electric guitar I bought a few months ago. I went out and spent about $250 on a guitar and supplies, and then hardly ever even touched the thing. And also, not only did I finish the course, but I also finished paying for it at about the same time. Last month was my last monthly payment, so that's an extra $34 dollars a month that will remain in my pocket! If I had remembered about that, I would've renewed my playboy subscription when it ran out this month. There's another thing I've been meaning to mention, but I never did because I expected people to notice it and make comments on it without me saying anything. The little picture I have up there in my little profile thing? It could be interpreted as meaning something sexual, and, in fact, the sexual meaning is what I had in mind when I chose that picture to represent myself. It represents something I really like to do. posted by Kevin @

A couple of great comics.

Here are a couple of webcomics I've been reading lately. - This webcomic is hilarious, and very long running too. It's been going since 1997! This is definitely in the top five of my favorite web comics. - Another great webcomic. There are only 29 comics so far, despite the fact that it's been running for a year now, but they are the most beautiful comics I've ever seen, both in the artwork, and in the writing. Very dream-like. Oh, and some news about the job I forgot to mention the other day: I'm doing very well, everyone is very impressed with me. On my first day, the boss told me the store looked really good. The next day the guy who trained me, Dale, said, "I've been working here six years and he's only told me that once! And he tells you on your first day." The manager of the entire store also complimented me the second day I worked there. And there hasn't been a day gone by that Dale hasn't told me he's really impressed with me. To clarify things a little, there's Ben, who is the guy who hired me, and is the big boss of the distribution company that I work for. We just stock certain products in certain parts of the store. I work in the grocery store, but I don't actually work for the store, I work for this distribution company. Ben is my main boss, but I only see him once every few days. Dale is halfway between Ben, and a normal employee. Dale works with me almost every day, and he is the guy I answer to when he's there. He trained me, and he tells me and my other coworkers what we should do. I don't like Dale, he's really loud and annoying. He also used to be addicted to heroin and other drugs. He's supposedly been clean for something like six months now, but I don't know whether to believe it or not. He is really starting to affect my enjoyment of my job. I like the job, but on the days that he works, I find myself dreading going to work, and watching the clock waiting for the day to end. posted by Kevin @

Monday, June 27, 2005

Insert Witty Title Here
Except my titles are never witty. The next time some asshole is bugging me, I want to tell them "You better hurry along now, or you'll be late for your Goat Blowers Anonymous meeting." So I started my new job almost two weeks ago. I haven't really had time to write since then, or when I have had free time, I usually want to spend it doing something more entertaining than this. My new job is cool. It's hard work and long hours, but I like it much, much more than working at Carl's Jr. I could go into details over what the last two weeks have been like, but there's not much point. Basically I get up at 3:00am, get to work at about 4:45, clock in at 5:00, take an hour break around 11:00, then get off work at 2:00, and then sit in my dad's office waiting for him to get off work at 3:00, then I get home about 3:45. Once home I usually do various things on the computer until around 9:30, when I go to bed. I've also been spending a lot of time looking at porn the last couple of weeks. Boy oh boy, do I love porn. Yeah. Welcome to my sad plane of existence. That makes me sound depressed though, which I'm not. In fact, I've been great since I started this new job. I think maybe it may just be that deep down in my subconscious, I'm so glad to be away from Carl's finally that it's producing all these changes in my mental state. Basically, I've been in a great mood, and haven't been having any problems with social anxiety or embarrassment, or anything like that, since I started this job. This job is also helping me get into shape. I've gotten off my diet, and have been eating large amounts of junk food the last couple of weeks, but I get so much exercise at work that I've still lost about ten pounds since I started the job. The constant lifting of boxes and pulling of jacks laden with pallets of several hundred pounds of merchandise is also making my arms stronger. Though they were already pretty strong. I bought the new Gorillaz album, Demon Days, last week, and listened to it about ten times in two days. I really like it. The only song I'd heard off of it before I bought it was "Feel Good INC.", which I really liked, but every track on the album is great. My favorites are "Last Living Souls," "Kids with Guns," "Dirty Harry," "Feel Good INC.," and "Fire Coming out of the Monkey's Head." That last one is really cool, even though it's not a song, really. Well, it's got like a chorus, but the rest is just a story, read by none other than King Koopa himself, Dennis Hopper. It's really great. I need to post the words to it sometime, but not right now.

Not only have I been looking at lots of porn, but I've also put ads on a couple of personals sites lately too. Haven't gotten any replies, but no surprise there. I don't expect to get any anyway, since I don't even have a picture on my ad. If I had one I might get a reply or two. Though they probably wouldn't be from people I'd want to have anything to do with. I've had people respond to a personal I had up a few years ago, and everyone who responded to it was someone I didn't want to talk to. This one site I put my ad on the other day found something like 225 women within 50 miles of me who had ads on that site, but probably 80% of them were over the age of 40. There were lots of mid-fourties to late-fifties. Then, out of the remaining 20%, people who were in the age range I wanted, most of them were either lesbians looking for another woman, or were part of a guy/girl couple, who were looking for another woman to join them for a threesome. And this wasn't even one of those dating sites the specialize in meeting people specifically for sex, though I thought about putting an ad up on one of those too. Ok, well, it's about an hour until I have to go to bed, I'm gonna go do something now. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, June 11, 2005

(Good News) * 2 = Hooray!
Umm, yes. Three cheers for geeky post titles. The first set of good news is that Jared is not dead, just like we suspected. Chris finally got in contact with Jared's parents, and they said that he is fine and has been doing well. Also good is that they also gave us Jared's phone number, so I need to call him sometime. The second piece of (very) good news is... I finally got a better job! Even better, I didn't even have to talk to or meet anyone to do it, my father arranged it all. It's a job up at the grocery store my dad works at, but not in the meat market this time. I won't be working for him this time, he just talked to someone else there, and got me a job with this guy. Ok, let me explain that. The supermarket my dad works at is a large store up in a part of Oklahoma City that has one of the highest concentrations of Mexican immigrants of anywhere in the country, so the store tries to cater to that specific demographic, even more so in the last few years. In the last few years they've further expanded the range of Mexican products that they carry. One two aisle section of the store (and the aisles are really large in this store) is nothing but such products, and even though it's only two aisles, those two aisles count for 50% of the store's total sales. If I understand it correctly, the store has a contract with some kind of wholesaler of Mexican goods, or something like that, and this company kind of forms a symbiotic relationship with the grocery store. The company stores all the goods in the grocery store's back storage room, with all the rest of the store's merchandise, but this company has it's own employees that come and stock the shelves, and stack the palettes in the back. They have employees working at every store they supply. It's something like that anyway. I'm not even working for the store, I'm going to be working for this other company, AT the store. So that's what I'm going to be doing, I'm one of the people who stocks the shelves in those two aisles. My father said it's a really hard job, with lots of physical labor, because I'll have to use the jack thing, I forget what it's called, to bring the pallets from the back room, and lift boxes and stuff, and then stock the shelves, and those aisles are busy, so I'll be doing a lot of it too. I'll be making almost twice what I am now though. $10 an hour, 40 hours a week. At Carl's Jr., I only make $6.55 an hour, and I almost never get the full 40 hours a week. I think I will be in a Union with benefits also. I know the store employees all do, I think I will be also, I forget. Another good thing about the job, is that I can wear whatever the hell I want. I really like that idea. It's a good thing too, because with my being overweight, and all the bending and lifting I will be having to do, I will probably have to wear sweatpants, or something similar. At least until I lose some more weight. This job will help me get in shape and lose weight too. I've been on a diet for the past month or so anyway. I've lost around 15 pounds, but I haven't been exercising or anything, so I'm still out of shape. Now for the bad parts about the job, other than it being hard work, that is. It's way up in OKC, about an hour's drive from here, and I will be working from 5:00am to 2:00pm, (nine hours, with a one hour lunch break), which, because of how long it takes to get there, means I will have to get up around 3:00am in order to get ready and get there in time. I'm riding with my dad though, so I will save money there, by not having to pay for gas, or the wear-and-tear on my car. Unfortunately, this means spending about two hours a day in a car with my dad, an idea I don't particularly like. Also, I get off around 2:00, but my dad doesn't get off until 3:00, or sometimes 3:30, which means I will just have to wait around an hour or so for him to get off work. Adding all this together, the hours, the wait, and the long drive, this job will be about 13 hours out of my day, five days a week. Actually, I work one day my dad doesn't, so I will have to drive one day a week, which will save me an hour or more on that day, but will also cost me about 1/4 tank of gas. Oh yeah, I start Thursday, I don't remember if I mentioned that. My last day of work at Carl's is Tuesday. I don't know what they'll do without me. Seriously, I'm not just saying that. I'm one of the few employees that actually does anything. The new woman I've been training this last week seems like a really good employee though. I approve of her, which is an amazing compliment coming from me. Not only is it bad that I'm leaving because most of the other employees suck, but also because most of the other employees are leaving too. Alicia is going to school and only works two days a week now. One night crew guy quit the other night, another is on the verge of getting fired if he calls in one more time, and two more have put in their notice, and are quitting sometime next week. I'm really excited. I know I'm probably not going to enjoy the job that much, but I'm looking forward to all the money. Compared to how little I make now, and the way I can barely pay my bills each month, I'll feel rich. I already have plans for what I'm going to do with the money. I'm not going to blow it all, because the job might not last, who knows. I'm going to try to save a lot of it, especially at first, to replace the $1300 I had to take out of my savings to pay for all the work I had done for the car. Then I'm going to start buying a few things. I really need some new clothes. I only have three pairs of long pants, and that's counting the black dress pants I wear as part of my Carl's uniform. I only have two pairs of pants I wear outside of work, two pairs of khakis, and they are two or three years old. I also need some new shirts. Especially some nice shirts, something besides all these funny t-shirts. Pretty much every shirt I own either comes from Hot Topic, or is a t-shirt I bought online. I'll be buying more of those too, but I want to buy some nicer things too. The clothes will mostly all have to wait until I lose some more weight, and can wear the things I want to buy. I have a hard time finding the shirts I want in XX-large, especially nont-shirts. Then after the clothes, I will buy some things for my apartment, things to help organize it and make it look better, and some more furniture and stuff. I've been wanting a nightstand for over a year now, but never wanted to spend $35 - $45 dollars to buy one. I bought a crappy-ass $20 digital camera the other day, something I've been wanting to do for a long time now. That's another thing I will do with my money, save up for a decent camera. This one sucks. In fact, it won't even work on my Mac, I have to take it over to my parents' house, and plug it into their computer, and email the pics to myself. The pics are pretty low quality too. Large dimensions, but small file sizes. The camera even runs on AAA batteries, and the batteries only last about 15 pictures, even though the camera's supposed to hold over 100 pictures at a time. And you can't replace the batteries when you have pictures on the camera, because if you take the batteries out, the pictures get deleted, because the camera has no power other than those batteries. Anyway, this means that I will occasionally be putting some pictures from my life on here. Maybe even a picture of myself. I've never put a picture of myself on here that I can remember. This isn't because I'm trying to keep my identity secret or anything, most of the people who read this site are people I know in real life, it's because I don't have any pictures of myself. Other than three or four that totally suck, because they are pictures I took of myself. I do have a picture of my rat, Freyja, I've been meaning to post, even if it does look crappy. That's about all I have right now, a couple pictures of her, a couple of my car, and a few of the inside of Carl's Jr. Just the inside of the store, not any of the employees or anything. Ok, that's it for now. And remember kids: God hates you and wants you to fail. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bad news, or maybe not...
Today I was talking to Chris in instant messages, and he told me that one of our friends from High School had died in a motorcycle wreck. Then after a while he said that it actually may not have been him. His name is Jared Vaughn, but there are a lot of Vaughns around here, and in fact there's another Jared Vaughn in another town nearby. We still didn't know which it was. Chris hadn't seen the article, because he doesn't live here and get our paper, but his mom had called and told him. I got a paper and read it for myself, and now we're certain it wasn't him, because this person's name is spelled Jarod, instead of Jared, which could just be the paper getting it wrong, but also, it said this guy was 27, Jared is only 25 or 26. We're both pretty relieved. Jared was a pretty good friend back in High School. Neither of us have heard from him in years though. We don't even know where he is or what he's doing now. Last we heard, he was in college, but that was a couple of years ago. He went off to college and just pretty much disappeared. Even his family didn't know where he was or what he was doing for a while. He would email me occasionally, mostly to send me some of his latest stories, but he hasn't even done that in a couple of years now. He doesn't even know what my email address is now, and I don't know what his is now, either. Jared was part of the inner circle of our group of friends. What I mean by that is, out of the big group that we were in, there were a few of us that were good friends, and made up the core of the group, and then there were several other people that always hung out with us, but that we didn't really like all that much. Jared was part of the core group. He always wrote the best stories. I've mentioned his stories on here before. He wrote the weirdest stories ever, like The Adventures of Wonder Kevin, in which I was the world's fattest Superhero, and Chris was my sidekick. The second Wonder Kevin story was the best, it featured Ronald Reagan in his true form of Obi Ron Kenobi (who wielded the Ronald Ray Gun), helping us prevent Martha Stewart from taking over the universe, with the help of Scott, one of the guys that hung out with us that we didn't like. After he left for college, he kept occasionally emailing me his latest writings, of which some started actually being fairly serious things, instead of just crazy humor. Jared is pretty much the reason I started writing in the first place. Me and Chris really wish he'd make contact with us sometime. Maybe he will google his name or something, and find this post and get in contact with me. If he isn't dead, that is. Which we are pretty much certain he isn't. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, June 05, 2005

What's your pirate name?
Your pirate name is: Mad Davy Rackham Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr! Crap, I like it better as Rack-ham. posted by Kevin @

Friday, June 03, 2005 I meant to post this days ago, but forgot. Oh well, here it is anyway, even though everyone's probably heard about it already. "SANTA ROSA, Calif. -- A former FBI official claims he was "Deep Throat," the long-anonymous source who leaked secrets about President Nixon's Watergate coverup to The Washington Post, his family said Tuesday." (Click the above link to read more) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111784776001427386;_ylt=AgTbqoiXr1ea2KDfX6qeDQwDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl;_ylt=AgTbqoiXr1ea2KDfX6qeDQwDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl "KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan - Taiwanese restaurateur Eric Wang has given new meaning to the traditional revelers' cry of bottoms up. His eatery in the southern city of Kaohsiung delivers its food not on conventional plates and dishes, but in miniaturized Western and Asian style toilets, both the flush and non-flush variety. "For anyone missing the point, diners are encouraged to stir up mushy, earth-colored offerings like curry chicken rice and chocolate ice cream to conjure up well, the real thing." (Click the above link to read more) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111784721115367741 "BERLIN - An unknown painting by Edvard Munch has been found after restorers discovered it hidden behind another canvas." (Click the above link to read more) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111784696674713484 "VIENNA, Austria - It was a balmy spring day, and the man thought he'd fetch some ice cream from the freezer he shared with other tenants in his apartment complex. But when he lifted the lid, he recoiled in horror at the gruesome sight of a frozen infant wrapped in plastic. "What happened next has held usually tranquil Austria spellbound: The discovery of another baby's body in the chest freezer and of two others entombed in concrete-filled pails at the complex in the city of Graz." (Click the above link to read more.) posted by Kevin @

Thursday, June 02, 2005

God dammit. Right now I fucking hate everyone and everything.

I'm gonna go for a drive or something. posted by Kevin @

Monday, May 30, 2005 MC Frontalot, the world's 579th-greatest rapper. Nerdcore Hiphop is the music of the future. MC Frontalot is a rapper who has created what he calls "Nerdcore." It's hiphop that is geeky, basically. He's been around for a while, but I only heard about him in recent months. I'm not a big fan of rap and hiphop, but some of his stuff is really cool. I recommend "Which MC Was That?", and "The Penny Arcade Theme." posted by Kevin @

Car Trouble
So I still don't have a car. When I first took it to the shop, he thought the heads were cracked, and maybe a rod was bent. Turned out it was neither. My head gasket was bad, among other things. It still ended up costing me $1046.62. Only $400 of that was labor, the rest was parts. So then I picked it up, and it did fine on the drive home, but then a few minutes later I got in it again, and it was doing some new stuff. It was shaking and sputtering really bad. Shaking bad enough that if you had a drink, it would spill it. So I took it back the next day, and it was something simple, a vacuum hose wasn't connected. So he fixed that while I was at work, and after work I went to pick it up again. He was already gone for the day when I got there. I don't know if he didn't even start the thing after he got done, because when I started it, it was making this horrible metal on metal scraping noise, and it wouldn't stop doing it. So I just left it there, for him to work on when he gets back tomorrow. He's been closed the last few days for the holiday weekend. Everyone says this newest problem sounds like the starter. I hope whatever it is, it's cheap to fix, and that this is the last thing that goes wrong. On the good side, I've got to drive my mom's car for the last week, which is even nicer than my car. It's what other people would call "pimpin'," but not me, I hate that word. I think it's a Cadillac. I don't know, I'm horrible with cars, I can barely remember what MY car is. The reason I haven't written about this sooner is that Chris was just here on leave for a few days. He ended up staying here at my place a couple of days. We didn't do anything much on the few days he was here, basically just sat around and played video games and stuff, we didn't go anywhere or anything. Yesterday I mowed my parents' lawn again, and today I cleaned out the old shed. They've got lots of jobs around the house I can do over the next few weeks, because they're remodeling half the house, so there's lots of old wallpaper and carpet and stuff that needs tore out, and walls that need painted, and stuff that needs moved. I get paid for doing all the stuff too, which is cool, because I need all the money I can get. I did even before the car problems. Hmm, did I ever write about going to the doctor? I can't remember. Anyway, when I was so incredibly sick last week, I finally went to the doctor, and he said it was what we thought it was, allergies that had turned into a very bad sinus infection. He gave me a cortizone shot and two prescriptions; one antibiotic,

and one decongestant. Hmm, as usual, it seems like there was something else I wanted to write about over the last few days, but I don't remember what it was right now. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I don't know how good this post will turn out, as I am so sick I can barely think right now, and my eyes burn so bad I can barely see the computer screen. I can almost hear the money being sucked from my bank account. We thought maybe my car was fixed the other day, but it's not. I drove it to work yesterday, and everything was fine, but when I tried to drive home on break, the car wouldn't start. I checked and the radiator was almost dry again. So I had to have my mom pick me up from work yesterday, and then this morning before work me and my dad took my car to the shop. No, it still won't start, but luckily the shop we go to is just maybe 8 blocks away from work, and it's a slight downhill incline the whole way. The guy isn't open today though, nor is he open tomorrow, we don't think he's open tomorrow anyway, we have to call and check. So, who knows how much this is going to cost me. If it's what my dad is afraid it might be, I'll probably have to get a whole new engine. Even if it's not that, all the possible explanations people have come up with for what's wrong with my car are all things that will cost me at least a few hundred dollars. Then tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor. That's more money to spend. I've been sick for the last several days, slowly getting worse and worse. Today I was so sick, they sent me home from work after only 3 and a half hours, and I've already called in sick for tomorrow, because I've just been getting worse and worse as the day goes by. I feel like I'm about to die. Until today, I had just thought it was really bad allergies, but the way I feel today, it almost feels like the flu or something. My parents are almost certain that it's allergies, combine with a sinus infection from the allergies. I think that's probably what it is too. My symptoms are coughing, sneezing, horrible amounts of congestion, sinus pressure, sinus headache, burning eyes, and I'm tired and weak. If I close my eyes while standing up, I lose my balance and almost fall over. I'm going to the doctor to see what he thinks it is, and if it is allergies, I'm going to request a cortizone shot for them. My dad said that years and years ago, he used to have allergies almost as bad and as often as I do, but that years ago he got a cortizone shot, and has hardly had any allergies since. So, I have to pay for car repairs, doctor bills, and I'll have missed a day and a half of work, so my next check will be really small. posted by Kevin @

Friday, May 20, 2005

Best Movie Ever
So I went and saw Star Wars Episode III today. It was fucking fantastic. I have to commit a geek heresy here, and say that I think it was probably even better than the original three movies. Most everyone else I've talked to agrees. So, I don't really have much else to say about it, as I don't want to spoil anything. But it was fucking great. The first 15 minutes alone were better than Episodes 1 and 2 combined. One thing I thought was really funny, that a lot of people may not have even noticed, is that as the movie went on, the interiors of ships started getting simpler, and by the end of the movie, they looked like the ships from the original movies. Big fake-looking switches and buttons everywhere, instead of computer screens and stuff. What wasn't cool was the fact that by the time I got out of the theatre, it was 100 degrees outside, and then I had to drive home with no A/C. My car's been acting weird the last few days, but maybe it's fixed now. Several days ago the heat and A/C stopped working very well, and the car was kind of sputtering at times, like it was going to die. Then yesterday me and my dad were looking at it, and we checked the radiator fluid, and couldn't see anything at all in there. And the little side reservoir thing was empty too. Even though I just filled both up a month or so ago. So we put some in, and it ended up taking the whole gallon of antifreeze/coolant. And then we let it run for a few minutes, so it would suck the fluids around the system, and then checked it again, and it was almost empty again, but seemed to be working just fine, the A/C and heat started working again even. So we thought it was fine for now. I was still going to buy some more coolant to put in it today, but we'd thought it would be fine until then. Today I drove up to the theatre, which is like 25 miles away, and it was fine the whole drive up there. Also, it was only like 80 degrees at the time, as it was like 11:00 am. The car was fine, until I got there. I got to the theatre about 30 minutes before the movie was supposed to start, so I sat there in my car for a while reading a book about JavaScript I bought yesterday. After ten minutes or so, the A/C started blowing out hot air. I looked and the car was starting to get hot. So I killed the car and just sat there with the windows down. Then when the movie ended, it was 100 degrees outside, and I could barely drive home, because my car kept trying to overheat. I had to drive home with the A/C off. I picked up another gallon of coolant on the way home, and then after I got home, and let the car cool off for a couple of hours, I went out there to put it in. Both the reservoir, and the radiator looked completely dry again. I put about half of the gallon of coolant in the radiator and then part of the other half in the reservoir. Then I turned the car on, and let it run for a minute or two, then checked again, and it has sucked half of what was in the reservoir out, and the level in the radiator was a little lower again, so I put the rest of the gallon in, and it was full. Then I went over to my parents' house and me and my dad looked at it again. When I got there, after the drive there, it hadn't went down any more. And we let it run ten minutes or so, and checked it again, and it still hadn't gone down any, so maybe it was just bone dry and took a lot to fill it, and now it's full. My dad can't see anything wrong with it anywhere. We can't figure out where the fluid would be disappearing to. I don't have a leak or anything. I've parked in the same spot the entire year+ I've lived in this apartment, and there's not so much as a tiny oil spot there. Certainly no puddles of antifreeze. So maybe my car is fixed now. I'm still taking it to the shop Tuesday morning to have the guy look at it. Even if he doesn't find anything wrong with it, I do need to at least get a new belt put on. It's not just my car. It seems like everything I own is falling apart. The other night I wrote how I was going to watch Episodes 1 and 2, but I didn't get to, because my DVD player broke. That was my fault though. I watched Episode 1, because it's on VHS, and then I went to put the DVD of Episode 2 in. I wasn't paying attention, and, because my DVD player sits up on a shelf that is almost above eye-level, I wasn't looking at the tray when I put the DVD in. It wasn't until I closed the drive, and was wondering why the movie wasn't playing, that I remembered, there was already a DVD in the tray. So I tried to open the drive, and it was stuck. It just sat there making a whining noise. I fiddled with it for at least 20 minutes, and never could get it to open. So I had to take it up to Best Buy the next day after work. It wasn't under warranty, so I was prepared to pay a lot of money, even though I didn't figure the repair would take no time at all. I could've done it myself probably. I figured, correctly, that all it would require was taking the cover off and opening the drive by hand. So I went up to the help desk, and they said that yes, I would have to pay, and told me to take it over to the technician guy at the other end of the desk. He opened it up and got the movies out in about three minute's time. But then, he did something that surprised me. Actually, it was something he didn't do that surprised me. He didn't charge me. He told me, "It didn't take five minutes, and we all make mistakes sometimes." I thanked him profusely, and then left.

Then later that night, part of the vent work came un-duct-taped to my A/C unit in my apartment, so I had to tape that back up myself. Also, the DVD drive in my computer stopped working a few weeks ago. Just about a month after the extended three-year warranty I bought ran out. It still plays and reads CDs just fine, but it won't play DVDs, even though it's the same drive. I've always had trouble with my DVD drive in this computer, for pretty much as long as I've had it. Used to it would just sometimes stop in the middle of the movie and say "DVD Player has encountered an error it cannot recover from. The disc may be dirty or scratched." But now, when I put a DVD in, it just sits there and reads the disc forever. Eventually the computer will completely lock up, it won't let me do anything. I can still move the mouse around, but it's the "thinking" symbol, and I can't do anything. I have to hit the eject button, and then wait like five minutes before it ejects the disc. Sometimes the DVD Player program will actually start up, but the movie won't play, and it will just sit there thinking again, until I end up having to command+option+escape (the Mac version of Control+Alt+Delete) to close down the program. Then other times, after it thinks for a couple of minutes, the program will start up, and the movie will actually start playing, but after maybe two minutes of jerky playing and skipping, it will give me that same error message it used to give me, and then shut the program down. I'm having trouble with my body too. I can barely talk today, my throat is almost swollen completely closed it feels like. The last few days my throat has been feeling kind of scratchy. Not really sore, but scratchy, and it would sometimes hurt a little to talk. But it's gotten a little worse every day, and then today, it wasn't much worse than it was yesterday, but then while I was watching the movie, it got worse. By the time the movie was over, I could barely talk. I think I've figured it out though. I think it's the gum I've been chewing. I've hardly ever chewed gum in my life, but the last week or so, I've been chewing it pretty much constantly. Mostly because I'm on a diet, and it keeps me from eating so much. But my throat problems started a few days after I started chewing the gum. My parents both said chewing gum has always given them sore throats, but most of the people I know chew it constantly, and it never bothers them. I'm going to quit chewing it for a couple of days, and see if it gets better. It may just be the kind of gum I'm chewing too. I may be allergic to something in it, or something like that. I'm chewing Ice Breakers gum, which has got these tiny little capsules in it, which are filled with a liquid mouthwash-like substance. Maybe that is what is irritating my throat. I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the gum though. I wonder how long Episode Three is supposed to be? The Yahoo movie listings say 2 hours and 26 minutes, but I wasn't even there for two hours barely. The movie was scheduled for 12:15, but then there's probably 15 minutes of commercials and previews, and I was out of there by 2:25. Melissa said her brother went and saw the movie, and he said it was about two and a half hours. My sister says all her friends said it was over three hours. So I don't know. All I know, is I was only there for barely two hours. Maybe they cut something out? Also, the whole time I was watching the movie, I was thinking "Bush is the evil Emperor!" seriously, the way Palpatine rose to power is very similar to what Bush and the republicans are doing since 9/11. Palpatine is like, "There's a war going on, you've got to give me more emergency powers, so I can stop this threat!" And then, in the end, he declares himself Emperor, and everyone stand up and cheers. And Padme says, "So, this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause."

posted by Kevin @

Marketing Idea
There should be a brand of extra-large condoms called "Anacondoms." posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Star Wars
So, yes, Episode Three premiers tonight at midnight. Almost all of my friends are going up there to wait in line and see it tonight. I'm not. In my opinion, no movie is worth standing in a long line for, and fighting crowds. I don't care if the line was only a ten minute wait, I still wouldn't do it. I'm not going to see it tomorrow, either, as I work tomorrow, and by the time I got off from work, all the school kids would be out for the day. But I am off Friday, so I'm going to go to an early showing then, while the kids are still in school. But I am going to celebrate it by watching both Episode Two, and God help me, Episode One tonight. Although, I don't know if I should call it celebration, or torture. Forcing myself to watch Episode One is more like torture. Fucking Jar Jar Binks. I hate to even type that name, it makes me feel dirty. posted by Kevin @,1518,344374,00.html,1518,344374,00.html "In the past four months, six Muslim women living in Berlin have been brutally murdered by family members. Their crime? Trying to break free and live Western lifestyles. Within their communities, the killers are revered as heroes for preserving their family dignity. How can such a horrific and shockingly archaic practice be flourishing in the heart of Europe? The deaths have sparked momentary outrage, but will they change the grim reality for Muslim women?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111645171459131420;_ylt=Ak46XZ8zvdlnbB_WEblyGzUSH9EA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPU CUl;_ylt=Ak46XZ8zvdlnbB_WEblyGzUSH9EA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPU CUl

"LONDON (Reuters) - A smartly dressed man found wandering in a soaking wet suit near an English beach has baffled police and care workers after he refused to say a word and then gave a virtuoso piano performance." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111645164581691921

Friday, May 13, 2005 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111603148782747295

Monday, May 09, 2005,,2-1580254,00.html,,2-1580254,00.html Recent tests show that sending text messages, and emails and the like actually lower your IQ. Even more than being high. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Daniel pointed out at work today, that while a couple of days ago, the date was 5/5/05, next year will be even better, because June 6th will be 6/6/06. Also, many people online have been excited about how today is Haiku Day, or 5/7/5. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Man in the Mirror
Michael Jackson rocks, I don't care what anyone else says. Sure, he's a hideous-looking, child-molesting freak, but he can fucking sing like no one else. posted by Kevin @

Monday, May 02, 2005 This is a very cool and very funny article about what Jesus would have on his iPod ("You know he has one") and why. On a cool side note, about the "60's Protest Songs" it mentions, I have every one of them it mentions on MY iPod. It's a pretty long article, but worth the read. Here's part of it, click the above link to read all of it. "The iPod and Jesus -- it just makes sense. After all, Jesus was a rebel. Jesus was the Original Liberal. Jesus was a devoted pacifist and a badass egalitarian and his best friends were all whores and dissidents and freethinkers and miscreants, artists of every shape and size and haircut and of course, were he walking around today, Jesus would be pretty much loathed and ostracized if not outright hacked to bits by the Christian Right. 'Goddamn hippie liberal tree hugger,' they'd sneer, waving scythes and Bibles. 'What the hell?' Jesus would say. All of which places Jesus in direct line of the iPod's marketing demographic and all of which naturally raises the question, well, so just what does the great mystic and healer and closet Buddhist and funky savior of humanity have on his holy iPod?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111508423327806238

It is so long that... -Some web forms are unable to read your email address -Some email software cannot be configured -People have a hard time typing your email address -Companies thing that your email address is fake -The longest alphabetical email address on Earth! and... IT'S FREE! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111507812008782855

Monday, April 18, 2005

I want to become a genetic scientist, and find a way to cross-breed squirrels and chihuahuas, thus making the best animal EVER. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, April 17, 2005 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111379944231811098 "In 1919, a 50-foot-high steel tank loomed over Boston's North End. Built by the Purity Distilling Company four years earlier, the tank could hold up to 2.5 million gallons of molasses to be used in the production of rum and industrial alcohol. At 12:40 pm on Wednesday, January 19, 1919, the tank burst, sending a gigantic wave of molasses rushing down Commercial Street through the North End, eventually covering two city blocks. Twenty-one people died in the disaster and 150 were injured." posted by Kevin @

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Chat Room Hilarity
Here's a hilarious comment that was made in the Kingdom of Loathing chat that had me laughing for about ten minutes. For anyone who doesn't play the game, "by my crap" is a misspelling for "Buy my crap," referring to person's store they run in-game. NuclearDachshund: by my crap...just restocked liquidpanel: Now that's a good expression. "by my crap..." -hicliquidpanel: Like, "by my crap, I've never seen such madness!" posted by Kevin @ Yeah, I don't know why this page exists either. It is kinda funny, though. posted by Kevin @

Around a month ago, I posted a link to a website (that appears to no longer be working) made by some person who said that he would eat some rabbit he nursed back to health if people didn't donate money to him and give him a million dollars by the end of the year. Yesterday, some idiot left an insulting comment, obviously thinking that I was the one who wrote the page and was saying that I would do this. They thought this despite the fact that it was a link to an external web page. Here is their almost unreadable message, in all its badly written glory: you are one sick person! nothing but a hick bastard! if your seriously going to eat a fucking bunny if you don't have 1 mill. in the bank.....then you must have shit for a brain. and filled with greed which maybe your that much of a low life that you dont care..which doesn't really surprise since your

from oklahoma!! no offense to other ppl for oklahoma.....not very impressing there kevin! but whatever have fun rotting in hell! ohh one more thing...i find it very interesting that there's like 5 sites with different animals yet all threatening the same thing! AMAZING!! not very original either!! I, like the person who wrote this, am also amazed. I am amazed by their inability to grasp the most basic concepts of spelling and grammar. Such as capitalizing the first letter of a sentence, and only using one punctuation mark at the end. I am also amazed by their ability to end almost every so-called "sentence" with an ellipsis (...). I am also amazed by the way they repeatedly insult Oklahomans, and then say "no offense to other Oklahomans." And finally, I continue to be amazed by the fact that people this stupid can actually USE a computer. I'd think that even if they tried to use one, all the drool would ruin the keyboard. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Darth Vader wants YOU. posted by Kevin @ The rise in identity theft has impacted many of our lives. Just today, for example, data broker LexisNexis reported that personal information on 310,000 U.S. citizens may have been stolen. Now, several Members of Congress are pushing legislation that would compile your most personal information, such as your name, address, social security number and perhaps even your DNA, into a national database. This giant network would then be accessible by numerous government officials and shared with Mexican and Canadian bureaucracies, dramatically increasing the risk of your personal information being stolen and abused. Take Action! Urge Congress to oppose legislation that would result in a national ID and imperil your personal privacy. This proposed legislation would create a national system to store your personal contact information and personal biometric information, which could include your fingerprints, DNA or retinal scans. It would drastically alter who has access to your personal information. Thousands of government employees across North America would have access to these personal details, and hackers, thieves, terrorists and organized criminals would have a single one-shop destination for identity theft. Based on the outcry by concerned activists like you, the legislations supporters know they cannot get it to pass as an independent bill in the Senate so they are trying to attach it to an unrelated appropriations bill. A vote is expected later this week and we need you to contact your Senators and urge them to oppose adding this ill-conceived legislation to the supplemental appropriations bill. The link at the top will take you to a webpage where you can very quickly and easily send a pre-written email or fax to your Congressman telling them not to vote for this thing. It only takes a moment. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Here's a bunch of random links to things I think are really funny. These first three links are links to various places in a really funny forum thread of some kind: Funny postings on Craigslist: And here is a really vulgar story: posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A gynecologist had a burning desire to change careers and become a mechanic. So she found out from her local tech college what was involved, signed up for evening classes and attended diligently, learning all she could. When time for the practical exam approached, she prepared carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill. When the results came back, she was surprised to find that she had obtained a mark of 150%. Fearing an error, she called the instructor, saying "I don't want to appear ungrateful for such an outstanding result, but I wondered if there had been an error which needed adjusting." The instructor said, "During the exam, you took the engine apart perfectly, which was worth 50% of the total mark. You put the engine back together again perfectly, which is also worth 50% of the mark. I gave you an extra 50% because you did all of it THROUGH the muffler..." posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Image hosted by" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111215050905723196

Monday, March 28, 2005

Lawnmower Man
Ugh, I am in pain right now. Today I mowed my parents' lawn. I haven't mowed a lawn in around ten years. Back when I was like 13, 14, and 15, I used to mow lawns for money, but I don't think I've mowed a lawn since then. I may have mown my parents' lawn a couple of times since then, but I know I haven't even done that in at least five years. I asked my parents the other day if they'd pay me for mowing their lawn this spring and summer, because I desperately need both the money and the exercise. They said yes, for both reasons, they agree I really need the exercise too. I am getting terrible out of shape, I hardly ever leave the house or anything except for work. I work, then come home and sit in front of the computer for 7 hours, then on my days off, I sit in front of the computer for about 15 hours. I hardly ever even get up and walk around the apartment, except to go to the bathroom, or to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. I am in so much pain right now, I can barely move. I don't even want to think about what I'll be like tomorrow. I don't know if I'll even be able to go to work tomorrow, I'll probably be so sore. I'm not calling in for that though. Especially since I'm trying to get more hours, I'm not going to try to get off work early as much, and stuff like that. And I'm going to seriously try to go find some little second job. I keep meaning to apply at Subway, because that seems like a very easy job. The Subway here hardly ever even has any customers when I drive by. I'm not as out of shape as my pain makes me sound, because it was more than just simply mowing a lawn. It was the first mowing of the year, and so there was lots of other stuff I had to do first, it took me almost 5 hours to do everything. My parents have a big tree in the front yard, that drops thousands of these tiny, spikey wooden ball things, and the yard was just thick with them, so I had to rake them all up, and then bend over and put the piles into sacks. There was four large yardwork size trash bags full of them, just from this one tree. Then, there were stick, and rocks, and little pieces of brick that crumbles off the crappy house, and I had to pick all that up. What is the proper verb form for saying you used a weedeater? I've always wondered that. I usually say "weedeated," and so does my family, but it sounds stupid. Anyway, there's a ton of junk in the yard that has to be weedeated around, so much that it took me probably an hour just to do that. Also, the lawn was so grown up, and slightly wet, that it was really hard to mow, I had to go over everything at least three times to get it to look good. So that's why it took so long, and why I am so sore. Still, the mowing wasn't that bad, I didn't even break a sweat doing that. It's my arms that hurt so bad, from carrying the heavy gas-powered weedeater around for so long, and my back hurts, from bending down for so long picking up those spike things. I didn't expect it to take me so long to do, I had other stuff I was wanting to do today, but now I'll have to wait until Wednesday for most of it, and so I will be busy all day Wednesday too. I have to do a chapter or two of my business course (I've only got three left), pay a bunch of bills, get a haircut, go shopping, go get my new car tag, and probably something else I'm forgetting. Mowing the lawn today brought back a lot of memories. Like I said, I used to mow lawns all the time when I was a teenager, and it brought back a lot of memories from then. Also, I enjoyed myself, even though it was hard work. For some reason I've always kind of enjoyed mowing lawns. I just know I'll regret it tomorrow though. Good thing I've got a big bottle of Advil handy. posted by Kevin @

Friday, March 25, 2005

I want to start a polka band. We'd do covers of Hoobastank songs, and we'd call ourselves "Tubastank." This thought just spontaneously entered my brain when I was looking at some maps and saw that there is a city in Arizona called Tuba City. Also, there is a town in New Mexico called Pie Town. I want to live in Pie Town. And now I just about died laughing, because I saw a town called Shafter, and I instantly said, "Shafter? I hardly know her!"

posted by Kevin @

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Spam-box Weirdness, Part 2
Here are more funny spam e-mail names I have gotten since I posted the others. Doxologies U. Spumoni Austrians K. Embalmers Anchor B. Swordsmen Potboiler O. Bunkhouse And, once again saving the best for last: Sourdough H. Terrify posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

An... interesting sight.
I went outside to check my mail just now, and there were two dogs, chewing on, and fighting over, a used tampon. I wonder where they got it? Someone was probably throwing bags of trash into the dumpster, and one went on the ground, and they were too lazy to pick it up, and the dogs got into it. posted by Kevin @

Monday, March 21, 2005

Spam-box weirdness
Is it just me, or are spam e-mails getting weirder and more surreal. Now that most of them fill the body with these weird paragraphs made by what I assume is some kind of random word sentence generator. Sometimes the semi-random words actually make sentences that seem to have some kind of hidden, arcane meaning to them. Not only that, but now it appears that the names of the "people" sending the e-mail are made by the same word generator. But they, even more often than the sentences, seem to fit together in some sort of strangely appropriate manner. Here are some of the funnier names I've gotten in my mailbox over the last week: Peritoneum I. Islam Fact D. Hiroshima Piggy J. Outgrow Morita K. Humiliation Parchments G. Lysol Huddle B. Inmate And, the best name ever, Mentalities J. Tardily. I've seen some other really good ones, but I finally deleted them the other day, because I was tired of them sitting in my spam-filter inbox. posted by Kevin @

Teacher caught on tape pulling chair from under student refusing to stand for national anthem A student named Jay (who wants his last name to be withheld) at Brick Township High School in New Jersey, had his chair pulled out from under him after he refused to stand for the national anthem. The class started out that morning with Mantel yelling "I don't want to hear a sound! Not a sound! Morning exercises will come on, you will stand, you will stand quietly, you will pay attention! Any Questions!?...Now stand up and keep your mouths shut!" Students stood up as the national anthem began playing. In the middle of the anthem, Mantel walked over to Jay and demanded that he stand up. Jay silently refused, and Mantel yelled again, "Stand up!". Jay then said "I don't have to stand up". To which Mantel insisted "You have to stand." Jay said "No I don't". Mantel then reached over and pulled Jay's chair out from under him. Jay responded to Stuart Mantel's outrageous behavior by asking Mantel "Are you serious?", to which Mantel yelled "I am damn well serious." Jay said that he didn't have any political reasons for his refusal to stand but that he wanted to sit because he feels it is his right to do so and that right was being threatened by Mantel. Jay said that he thought Mantel might tell him to stand, but he never expected to be physically forced to do so. Jay's friend who was in the class at the time, Corey, says that their teacher had been strict in the past in demanding that students stand for the national anthem and pledge of allegiance. That's why they brought in a camera - to expose the teacher in case he did anything again. "The teacher and school principals wanted him (Mantel) to press charges against us...they tried to blame it on us like it was premeditated, like we did it just to get him on tape, which is false. We knew he was gonna go nuts because he frequently used to" said Corey. Jay's other classmate Steve got suspended for 10 days for filming the incident. The school told Corey that it "violated the teacher's constitutional rights" for them to film the teacher without his permission."I think that its crazy that people are getting in trouble for this or things they say. There have been so many kids video taping and no one ever got in trouble for it. So why now?" Jay asked. It sounds as if the school is punishing this student now because of the nature of what's on the tape, not the fact they were taping the teacher without his permission. When I asked Corey if Mantel was being punished for pulling out Jay's chair, he said "Nope...I asked (the principal) 'What are you doing to discipline Mantel?' and they said 'we talked'. Teachers do anything they want". Seeing acts like Mantel's go unpunished will likely inspire teachers to continue

intimidating their students into standing for the national anthem and pledge of allegiance. If you would like to let Brick Schools know how you feel about their handling of this situation, you may contact them here: Brick Township Public Schools Board of Education 101 Hendrickson Ave Brick, NJ 08723 732-785-3000 Brick Township High School 346 Chambers Bridge Road Brick, NJ 08723 (732)262-2500 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=111142406361921492

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Brief History of Rhyme
What the fuck? I just got a "your order has shipped" email from, for the CD I ordered. I had them ship it with standard shipping, which they always say on their site should take between 3 and 5 days. The order shipped out today, (don't ask me how, since this is Sunday, and they are shipping it via USPS), and it says my estimated date of arrival is April 1st! That's a lot more than 3 to 5 days. I ordered the CD mentioned on this page: I'd never heard of this guy before, but he's been around for a while. He calls himself MC Hawking, after Stephen Hawking, the wheelchair-bound smartest man since Einstein. It's hardcore rap, done in a Stephen Hawking computer voice. Some of the songs are even about advanced scientific ideas. He has a new album out, a greatest hits album entitled, "MC Hawking, A Brief History of Rhyme," which is, of course, named after Hawking's most famous book, "A Brief History of Time." I've always been a huge fan of Stephen Hawking, so this CD is right up my alley. It features such tracks as: The Hawkman Cometh, Big Bizang, Entropy, Fuck the Creationists, All my Shootings be Drivebys, and E=MC Hawking. Stephen Hawking himself has said, "It's very funny. In an odd sort of way, I'm quite flattered." Ok, enough advertising. I went to a party at Daniel's house last night. Like usual, hardly anyone showed up. It was just me, Daniel, Olivia, Jarrod, and Murray. Alicia, Shawn, Phillip, Jackie, and maybe even Bill and Michelle were all supposed to be there, but for some reason or another, they didn't. Alicia and Phillip finally showed up, at almost 1:00 a.m. The party was supposed to start around 7:30. I got there about 7:45, and I was the first one there. Maybe half an hour later, Murray showed up. Then, probably about 9:00, Jarrod showed up. Murray left around 11:00 I think, and then I left about 12:15. It was pretty fun, it just would've been better if more people had been there. posted by Kevin @

Friday, March 18, 2005

Hulk Smash Tiny Penis!
A conversation I just had with Melissa: subspecies23: Grrr, Hulk Angry! Hulk angry because Hulk ass smell so bad! missy_custer: ewwww smelly green bootay subspecies23: Hulk smash ass smell!! missy_custer: lmao missy_custer: ohhhh, I rented "The Incredibles" it was SO COOL subspecies23: Hulk penis stink! subspecies23: eww, lol missy_custer: ewwwwwwww subspecies23: really, I haven't seen that. missy_custer: It's so great!! missy_custer: I think you'd like it subspecies23: "The Ring 2" came out today, I want to see it. missy_custer: oooh missy_custer: Ringu around your anus! subspecies23: lol missy_custer: Hulk smash anus ring! subspecies23: lol subspecies23: Hulk need cock ring! missy_custer: ew! missy_custer: big splintery one subspecies23: he could use a tire, lol missy_custer: LMFAO subspecies23: Hulk use giant penis as club! missy_custer: I just thought of that Michelin tires missy_custer: lmao missy_custer: "I clubbeth you over head! RARGH! Mine eyes get red! Big bulgey green penis veins!" subspecies23: actually, it would seem that not everything grows when he turns into the hulk, lol. Daniel let me borrow some comic books of his the other day, and the Hulk is in there, and there are times when there's just a little scrap of pants over the crotch area, and there's no bulge or anything, lol subspecies23: Maybe that's why he's so angry, lol

subspecies23: Hulk smash tiny penis! subspecies23: Hulk embarrassed to shower at the gym! missy_custer: lmao subspecies23: lmfao missy_custer: Hulk have shorty penis! missy_custer: "RARGH! MY ANGER COMPENSATES FOR TINY WINKY!" subspecies23: lol missy_custer: "Green woman no want me!" missy_custer: "Swamp Thing gets all the chicks!" A few minutes later... missy_custer: i'll have to wait, my dad's gonna be here in a minute lalala missy_custer: he's gonna give me a padlock and a key for my new storage I'll be using subspecies23: to keep the dead bodies in! subspecies23: lol missy_custer: roflmao missy_custer: It might fit 2 short people. subspecies23: or one person, cut in half! missy_custer: roflmao posted by Kevin @

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Fuck off and die.
Happy fucking St. Patrick's Day. I wish everyone would just die already. On a related note, I'm getting really tired of being treated like a piece of shit by all the people I thought were my friends. No, I'm not drunk. Not yet anyways. But I have a big bottle of rum sitting here at the ready. Now if only I had a bottle of sleeping pills to go with it. posted by Kevin @

Monday, March 14, 2005

I need to make a name for the drink I just made. Actually, I'm sure it probably already exists somewhere, pretty much any alcoholic drink you can think of has been done already. Anyway, I just mixed this simple drink, and it's really good. Normally, I find any alcoholic drink to be nasty as hell, but I like this one. Here is the (simple) recipe: 1 oz. Rum. I used Bacardi Gold. 6 oz. of Fruit Punch Kool-Aid A large squirt of lime juice. I used that lime juice thing you buy, but a fresh lime would be better. posted by Kevin @

Pi Day
Happy Pi Day! Don't know what Pi Day is? Look at the calendar, what's the date? March 14. Which, of course, can be called 3/14. Pi = 3.14. So, obviously, this is Pi Day. posted by Kevin @

Funny as hell.
I would've just posted the image right here in the post, but it's too wide for the column, so just click this link and look at this comic. It's the funniest thing I've seen all week. I laughed until it hurt. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Sunday, March 13, 2005 This is hilarious. The perils of drinking. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, March 05, 2005

No Title
Q: What animal would you be if you could be an animal? A: You already are an animal. posted by Kevin @

Friday, March 04, 2005

In a forum I was reading just now, someone just said: I love Dragon Ball Z, and my years of watching it has taught me one thing that guides me through my life. That thing is this: No matter how impossible the task, how invincible the foe, you can do anything you can set your mind to... but only if you scream for twenty minutes first. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, March 02, 2005 Ummmm... This is hilarious, and, at first, I assumed it was a joke. But, upon closer examination, I'm pretty sure it's real. Check out the various links at the bottom, it's got places where you can sign up and put yourself on the waiting list, and it's got a price list, and it even has a page of information for potential investors who want to invest in the company. Sadly, it says the service is not available in my area yet. Melissa put in her zip code, and it says that due to overwhelming demand in that area, they cannot take any new orders for at least two weeks. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110981291499517709 I swear to God that I will eat this sweet bunny on New Years Eve if by the, 31st of December, 2005, my bank account does not show at least $1,000,000.00 posted by Kevin @

Monday, February 28, 2005

God, I am so depressed. I haven't been this depressed in a couple of years. I've been really depressed for about the last three days now. I wish I had something to do besides just sit at home at the computer all day. I wish I had something to do. I wish I could go out and meet people and stuff. But most of all, I wish I had a girlfriend. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Stupid Law
I just read that, in Switzerland, it is illegal to flush your toilet after 10:00 p.m. if you live in an apartment. That would suck.

posted by Kevin @

Friday, February 25, 2005 This is a very sad, touching story. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wow, this site is hilarious. Yes, it's Gizoogle, the gangsta search engine. Actually, it's not really a search engine, it's one of those things that you give it a web address, and it translates the page, making it look like it was written by Snoop Dogg. Here is a sample from my page: My W-to-tha-izzish I would gizzle anyth'n ta be able ta go bizzy in tizzy n go ta a P-to-tha-izzink Floyd concert. It would be so cool, I'd probably die of extreme joy before tha concert was ova spittin' that shiznit. It also has a place where you can just type in text, and it will translate it the same way, as with this passage from the Bible: In tha perpetratin' God created tha heaven n tha earth. And tha earth was witout form, n void; n darkness was upon tha face of tha deep ya feelin' me?. And tha Spirit of God moved upon tha face of tha wata. And God said, "Let there be light . Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin'": n there was light. And God saw tha light, thiznat it was good: n God divided tha light friznom tha darkness cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map. And God called tha light Day, n tha darkness he called "N-to-tha-izzight". And tha pimpin' n tha morn'n were tha F-to-tha-izzirst day gangsta style. Also, it has a image gallery full of very funny images. posted by Kevin @

Monday, February 21, 2005

A great man is dead...
Hunter S. Thompson is dead. He shot himself last night. I am very depressed about this. He was my hero. I just can't beleive he shot himself, he had such a lust for life. I would love to be able to write some sort of eulogy for him here, but I just don't have the skill, or the words to do so. R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson July 18th 1937 - Feb. 20th 2005 posted by Kevin @

Thursday, February 17, 2005

My Wish
I would give anything to be able to go back in time and go to a Pink Floyd concert. It would be so cool, I'd probably die of extreme joy before the concert was over. posted by Kevin @

Oh My God...

I just heard the most horrible joke ever. Not horrible as in not funny, but horrible as in "You're a horrible person for saying that." It was one of those, "You're going to hell for telling that joke" jokes. And so now I shall tell it to you. "What's the opposite of Christopher Reeve?"

"Christopher Walken." If you don't get it, say it out loud. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 This is a pretty cool article, about kissing and the history of kissing. I find the first three paragraphs especially interesting. A recent documentary on television on the subject of kissing pointed out that this physical act reduces stress, produces a peaceful feeling of being loved, and even boosts our immune systems. With all the benefits and pleasures of the act of kissing, does history reveal when humanitys first kiss took place? Years ago, scientists thought that when two lips met during kissing an electric current was generated. They now know that this is completely untrue. Scientific fact is that kissing signals our brains to produce oxytocin which is a hormone that causes a good feeling. One study stated that our brains are equipped to help us find our lover's lips in the dark. German physicians and psychologists say that those who kiss their spouses each morning before leaving for work miss less work because of illness than those who do not. Those who kiss also have fewer auto accidents on the way to work, earn 20-30 percent more per month and live approximately five years longer. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110861425955539746

Attention: "Oven" is now a verb. I was just looking through the fridge, trying to decide what to eat, and I said to myself, "Yeah, I think I'll oven me a corn dog." I normally cook them in the microwave, but occasionally I cook them in the oven. My oven sucks so much, it takes 30 minutes at 500 degrees to cook a fucking corn dog. posted by Kevin @

Monday, February 14, 2005

Post #2
Wow! Two posts in one day! That hasn't happened in a while. I just wanted to share this totally surreal spam e-mail I received a couple of days ago. The subject line is, "I grew up in St. Louis and got the hell out of there," and the body of the message is simply a link to "". posted by Kevin @

I'm still alive...

Yes, I know I'm still not posting. I'm still spending all free time playing So, time for another huge post covering events of the last few weeks. So, Chris got married a couple of weeks ago. It was just a simple court house ceremony that barely took five minutes once it get started. But still, it was one of the weirdest weddings I've ever seen. They didn't even make the rest of us sit down in the seats, they let us all stand up there around Chris and Candice, and people kept laughing and making comments, especially Chris and Candice themselves. When it came time to exchange the vows, Chris and Candice kept laughing, especially when it came to the part about promising to honor and obey, and stuff like that, we all started laughing, because we all knew better than that. Then, after the wedding, most of us went out to eat at Hunans, a Chinese place, which a week later was in the news because it has been declared the nastiest place in Oklahoma in recent inspections, and is being shut down. Still, it was really good when we were there. It may have been full of roaches or something, but it tasted really good. Then, Friday, Chris came back up to Oklahoma for the weekend. He was going to stay the weekend, and me, him, David, and Chris' brother Richard were

supposed to all go out to some strip clubs and get drunk and stuff Saturday night. Instead, we ended up going out Friday AND Saturday. The plan had originally been to go out to The Playhouse, the place that I went to a while back, and said was so great. Oh, and Chris' wife knew all about us going to the strip clubs, but she doesn't mind. On Friday night, I was hanging out with Chris and his brother, and they needed to go up to Norman for some stuff, and while we were up there, we decided to go to some strip club there in Norman, that neither me nor Chris even knew existed. Richard mainly wanted to go there, so we could see how crappy it was, he said it was really crappy, with skanky dancers. And he was right. There were only three dancers even there at first, and two of them looked like they were around 40. And for some reason they all kept coming out to our pool table we were playing at, and hanging around us, and one of them got a bad attitude. She got pissed because I wouldn't talk to her, and was being my usual anti-social self. I wasn't really being rude or anything, but she just started freaking out, and was being very rude, and on the verge of getting violent, so we left. It wasn't my fault, Chris and Richard said she was a crazy bitch too. Then we decided to go up to another club, it was better, but still wasn't very good, so then we went to Night Trips, the place I mentioned last time, that's supposed to be the best strip club around here. I didn't think it was that great. Yeah, they had some really good looking dancers, but the place was so packed, it was just shoulder to shoulder, and you couldn't get anywhere near the stage without having to fight your way there. Then after we left there, we went and ate at Dennys. It was a pretty cool night, and Richard wasn't too bad, I usually hate Chris' brother. Mainly because he embarrasses me, and says things to me that make me uncomfortable. Not like THAT, you perverts. It's just that his whole family is very open, especially with sexual things, and they just all sit around talking about things I'd never talk about, especially not with someone's parents, and Richard is really bad about saying things to me that embarrass me. He wasn't that bad these two nights, well, until he got drunk, that is. Then, Saturday night, David ended up not being able to come, which sucked, because he was supposed to be the designated driver, so we had to decide who had to be it in his place. Chris ended up being it, so he wasn't able to drink until we got back to my place. So we went up to The Playhouse. On the way there we stopped by a liquor store, and bought some stuff, and me and Richard had some drinks in the car, brandy and coke. I think we both had two fairly large ones. Then, to make a long story short, we all three had an absolute blast at the Playhouse, and they all agreed with me that it is a fantastic place, and they said that I really know how to pick strip clubs. I was feeling kinda proud of myself. We made plans to do this again every time Chris comes up for the weekend. But then, things started to fall apart. On the way back, Richard was so horny from the club, that he started trying to find some girls for me and him, and try to get them to come over to my place where we were going next to all get drunk. He tried calling all the girls he knew, and wasn't having much luck. Then he got ahold of some guy and girl that he knew, and they were going to come over, and she was supposed to bring some friends. They got to my place, but none of the other girls came. So then, them and Richard just sat around playing some drinking game, and all got very drunk, and then got rowdy, and then they all got in some argument and the guy and girl left. So yeah, the party was really sucky, and I got in a really bad mood, which always happens though when I get drunk around several people. I'm fine when I get drunk by myself, or with just a person or two, but in party situations I always get really depressed and angry, and end up punching walls. And that's when the party goes good. By the end of this night, I was really really angry and depressed. And in fact, have now been depressed and angry for two days. Partly because of that, and partly because of it being Valentine's Day. Ok, so, this post is long, and I don't really feel that well tonight, so I'm going to end this now. I don't feel that depressed or anything anymore, but I'm suffering from allergies or something now. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, February 05, 2005

What Kind of Sixties Person are You?

?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=blackpanther" You are a Radical. Right on! brought to you by Ok, so based on my original answers, I got Rebel, but there were some questions that multiple answers fit me, and I just had to pick one, so, going back and changing a couple of them slightly, also got me the Hippy result. So I'm somewhere between the two or something. They aren't that different in some ways. The main things are the course of action they take. Both are "rebels" in a way, but Hippies are more the passive type, with their love-in and sit-ins, and protests, while the Rebels are more violent and angry and active in their actions. In general anyway, there were some exceptions to both of those generalizations.posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110764508264783356

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tune in soon for my new erotic parody: "Lemony Suckit: A Series of Unfortunate Sexual Encounters!" Not really. Especially since I've never read any of the books, and know nothing at all about them. I don't have any idea what they are even about. I've heard they're cool though. That reminded me of an item on The Disturbing Fan-Fiction. Its description is, "This is a hundred pages of animals from a popular cartoon doing horrible and disgusting things to each other." posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Let's try this again.
I guess I will write a short version of the post I tried to write the other day. Now that I'm back online. My internet has been messed up all day, and I couldn't get on. I don't know what was wrong. I called the company, and they said they'd get someone down here in a day or two to look at the cables in the area, because I think the whole are was messed up. My parents could get online, but it was really really slow. At around 8:30 this evening, it still wasn't working, but now it suddenly is again. Stupid fucking blogger. I spent at least an hour and a half writing that post the other day. It was huge. But I can boil most of it down to a paragraph or two, though I wish I didn't have to. To put it simply, last Monday and Wednesday nights, I went to some strip clubs. I'd only been to one other strip club, and that was down in Texas, this was the first time I'd been to any of them around here, so I didn't know which ones were the best. Monday night, I went to one, it was okay, but not that great, so I left and went to a second one. It totally SUCKED, and I will never go there again. Then, Wednesday night, I went to a third one. This one fucking rocked, and I will definitely go back. If I had the money, I'd go every week. I was hoping to go back this Monday or Wednesday, but I'm too broke. Ok, that right there was about two pages in the original post, because I gave detailed descriptions and reviews of each place, and why they were good or bad. Oh, also, I got my first lap dance at the one I went to Wednesday night. It was great. And the other thing I talked about in my post was how I was going to sell my old saxophone I haven't played in like 8 years or so, and that if I got enough money, I was going to get an electric guitar. I've always wanted a guitar. I used to want an acoustic one, but now I want an electric one. I was wanting to get one, even though I new it would be a waste of money, as it would probably just be another instrument I'd never learn to play and would sit around collecting dust. Just like all the other instruments I own. That was the extent of the old post, but now I have new news, such as the results of my attempt to sell the saxophone. I was originally thinking that my parents paid around $2000 dollars for it when they bought it new, and so I was hoping to get at least three or four hundred four it. At least. However, I talked to my mom, and she said she thinks they only paid around $900 for it, maybe $1000. I was still hoping to get $300 for it, though. So I went to sell it Monday, and ended up spending my entire day in Norman, just trying to do that one thing. I got there around 1:00, and they said the guy that buys the instruments back was on lunch break, and would be back around 2:00. So I looked around at their guitar selection for a few minutes. All they had was expensive high end stuff, 99% of it was Fender guitars, and they all cost at least $400. Shawn and Phillip, who both play the guitar, told me that most places have these starter kit things, that come with a guitar and amp for around $120, and that's what I was hoping to get. They had one kit like that there, at the place I was trying to sell the sax at, Norman Music Center, but I couldn't find a price on it. Then I left and went to the comic store to kill some time while I waited. So then I go back around 2:00, and the guy is back, and he tells me they will give me $200 for it. I was hoping to get at least $300, so I told him I wanted to look around at some other places, and I might be back later. So I went to the other major music store in Norman, the only other one I know of, though I'm sure there are many more, Brook Mays Music. I went there, and it turns out that they don't even buy used instruments. The guy that worked there was very rude too. He had an English accent and was very snotty. So I decided that I would be stuck with the $200, and might as well take it. I looked at Brook Mays Music's guitars while I was there, as they had a better selection, and had some cheap ones. Then I went back to Norman Music Center to sell it for the $200, and the guy was gone again. This time he had gone to pick some stuff up in a whole other town, and would be gone for at least an hour and a half. So I left again. First I just sat out in my car reading the comic book I bought when I went to the comic shop, then I just drove around for a while listening to the radio and stuff. So then, an hour and a half later, I went back, and the guy was back, and I sold the sax. I found out that that one kit was only $129, and contained a guitar, an amp, the cables, a gig bag, and some picks. I got that, and they also sold me an electronic tuner, and I bought a how-to-play book, and a really nice how-to-play computer program. In all, and with tax, it ended up being $206. So, instead of getting a guitar, and having some money left over, like I'd originally been hoping, when I was hoping for $300, I ended up actually spending $6 more than I made. I can't even start learning to play the thing yet, because I can't even tune it. The tuner is insanely complicated sounding, but actually I think I figured out how to use it. It took me a while, but I think I finally got it tuned right tonight. Chris and Candice are coming up to Oklahoma to get married either the 2nd or 3rd, they don't even know yet. I didn't even know it, the last I'd heard it was going to be a few more months I thought, and it was supposed to be a big wedding, but now they are just going to have a little court house thing, like his first wedding. (I hate saying that, makes me feel like I'm being rude or something.) I'm the best man again, so I need to go out sometime in the next few days and buy something nice to wear. Actually, I need to check my closet first. I have some nice clothes, like I wore last time, but I don't think any of them will fit me anymore. I have pants and shoes to wear, but I need to try on my shirts, and get a new one if I need it. I only have until next Tuesday or Wednesday. Today I went and applied at a job I saw in the paper. I really hope I get it, but I really doubt I will. I'm probably just not what they're looking for, I'm probably too young. It's a job for a Resident Manager at some apartment complex way up in Oklahoma City. The pay is only a little more than I'm making now, but it's also free rent and utilities. So I'd be making about the same as I am now, but with no bills. It's $1000 a month, before taxes. Right now I'm make I think around $960 to $980 a month before taxes, but I also have to pay rent and electricity. The ad said no experience necessary, and that they'd train, but I don't know what my chances are. Especially since when I was up there, there were lots of other people applying. Most of them older guys in suits who are much more qualified than I am. Ok, that's it for now again. And yes, I remembered to copy this text before I try to post it this time. That's something I won't forget again for some time. This post ended up being pretty large too, but it's still not quite as large as the one I lost. posted by Kevin @

Monday, January 24, 2005


And now I must go cry. posted by Kevin @

Friday, January 21, 2005


posted by Kevin @

Thursday, January 20, 2005

A New Word
I have just accidentally invented a new word. Horriffle. It's a combination of "Horrible," and "Horrifying." And of course it means, "Something which is horrible and horrifying. Something that is really really bad." I exclaimed this word when I saw that someone on had a shop called "The Pedophile's Palace," and the shopkeeper says, "Have a sweet, kiddies." When I saw this I first laughed, then I said, "That's horriffle!" And then I laughed some more, but this time at the word, not at the shop. I'm sure you'd be very interested in hearing what I've been doing the last few days (other than playing, I mean), but I'm too lazy, and busy playing to type it up right now. But it is very interesting. Yes. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 Warning: Not work safe. But pretty funny. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110609755018415002

Sunday, January 16, 2005,1,5458233.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california&ctrack=1&cset=true,1,5458233.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california&ctrack=1&cset=true posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110592328760707806

Friday, January 14, 2005

Heysoos and the Kingdom of Loathing.
You know those chicken-flavored crackers, called Chicken-in-a-Biscuit? Well, my new name for communion wafers is "Jesus-in-a-Biscuit." Yeah, so once again I haven't been posting. This is because I am totally obsessed with this online game, called Seriously, this is the best game EVER. It's an online RPG game, but it's more like an online RPG that's drank too much, and maybe taken some acid. It's very funny, and full of pop-culture and music references, some of them can be somewhat obscure, but that makes it even funnier if you're one of the ones who actually gets it. I've been spending all my free time playing this game. I'm completely obsessed, I even get on the computer for a couple of minutes when I come home on break, to see if I've gotten any in game messages from the other players, or to see if anything I'm selling at the market has sold. And when I'm not playing, I spend all my time in the chat rooms, or reading other websites about the game, fansites and stuff. The game has quite a large following, I heard last night there's about 400,000 registered users. They even have their own online radio station, which rocks. The music doesn't have anything to do with the game, but all the DJs are players of the game. The game is very easy to play, and there's nothing to download, you just play it right there in your internet broswer, and it's all completely free, though if you donate some money to the site, you get special item that gives you some stat bonuses. The game is easy to play, but it can be a pretty complex, in depth game, because there's hundreds of items you can collect, and they can be combined into other items, and you can even make drinks and foods out of other drink or food components. And some of the puzzles can be difficult, because they are so weird, or based on some kind of obscure reference, but you can get help in the chat rooms, and the people in them are usually very nice. Sometimes people will just send you items for no reason. Ok, that's all I have to say about the game right now, but I'm sure I'll have some more to say about it in another post soon. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110575048405860072

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Where's my water!?
Dammit, I wish they'd tell us when they're going to turn the water off at the apartments. They do it all the time too. Usually they come around and tell, but if you're not at home, they don't leave a message or anything, so you don't know. I just got home from work and didn't know that I had no water until I took a big crap and tried to flush the toilet! And yes, I know that was disgusting, deal with it. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The last two weeks.
Ok, it's been two, almost three weeks since I last made a real post about what has been going on in my life. The last one was my birthday. So, I mentioned I got all that furniture for my birthday. So like I said, we worked on the big entertainment center the night I got it, and didn't get done with it, so then we finally got done with it the next day, and it took me another couple of hours to get all my video game systems and stuff off the old TV stand and all the cords untangled and stuff, and to get them all on the new one and all hooked up. To make things a little easier in the future, I finally labeled all the cords with what systems they go to like I've been meaning to for some time. I do this mainly because I often have to unhook one system to hook up another one when I want to play it. I have a system selector switchbox thing, but it only has five buttons and I have more things than that, so I still can't hook up everything at once. Then the next day I spent several hours putting all my video games and DVDs and VHS tapes on the shelves also. The entertainment center has the middle part, which holds the TV, and above that, a shelf wide enough to hold two things, and below the TV, two cabinet doors. Then on each side it has two five-shelf bookcase things over six foot tall. Even with all that space, I only have one shelf left after putting all that stuff on it. Over the TV I put my VCR and PS2, but I will have to move the PS2, as I wasn't thinking when I put it there. It's fine to go there when I am using it as a DVD player (which I won't be doing anymore, more on that in a few minutes) but when I'm playing a video game, the controller cord hangs down in front of the screen. Duh. I've still been playing it anyway like that, it's not causing any problems yet, as it hangs down near the edge of the screen anyway. The in the cabinets below, I put all my video game instructions books, extra cords, controllers, and stuff like that. I keep all instruction books, even if I never read them. I still have the instructions to old NES games, some that I don't even have the game anymore. Then on all the shelves I put everything else. And on the top I put my TV antenna, and my cable modem and router. Here are all the machines and stuff that I had to put in this thing and hook up: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, PS2, X-Box, VCR, set-top antenna, modem, router, switchbox, TV. It took me a while. Then, a few days later, I finally put together the bookshelf I also got, I did it by myself and it still only took barely an hour. And I did a good job too. My dad almost ruined the entertainment center, when it came time to nail the back on, half the nails ended up sticking out of the wood on the sides of the cabinets because they were at an angle or improperly aligned. This made me very mad. My dad did that part of the assembly. But when I put together the bookshelf by myself, not a single nail came out of the wood. I also after several days finally cleaned up the place a little, it was still a disaster area. It's still kinda messy, because all the new stuff I got for Christmas is just sitting around, and so is the bookshelf because I still haven't decided where I'm going to put it. Also, my old TV stand is still sitting around. My parent's said they'd take it and sell it at their next garage sale, but so far they have forgotten, I need to remind them to come get it. Ok, so now on to Christmas. My mom overdid it on the presents like usual. It's embarrassing, I'm 25 and living on my own now, and she still insists on buying me tons of presents, and almost all video games and stuff. I'm not complaining, but it's kinda embarrassing. She always spends a thousand dollars or more in all for Christmas, I was talking about that at work one day, and everyone was like "How can I become part of your family?" I didn't know how we were going to do Christmas this year. When I was a kid, we'd open the presents from each other on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas morning, we'd open the presents from Santa, and the stockings and stuff. Just about the time I was too old for us to do the whole Santa thing anymore, my sister was born, and so we kept doing that, but now she's 14, and hasn't believed in Santa in years, so I didn't know if we were going to open everything on Eve, or Christmas morning, or what. But mom insisted on still doing it the usual way, we'd open all the presents under the tree on Christmas Eve, and then there'd be a few more the next morning. Just Christmas Eve alone made this one of the best Christmases ever to me, and to my sister it WAS the best Christmas ever, she kept saying so. I got everything I'd told my mom she could get me, plus pretty much anything else I'd even acted like I would want over the last six months or so. I got several video games, Fable, for the X-box; Dragonball Z Budokai 3 for the PS2; Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, for the PS2; Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, for the Gamecube; and Metroid Zero Mission, for the Gameboy Advance. And that wasn't the half of it. I also got several DVDs: The Last Samurai, the Cowboy Bebop movie, and both box sets of the Pee Wee's Playhouse DVDs, it's the entire series on DVD, it's like 15 or 16 DVDs. I also got one of those Gizmo cordless can openers, a hand mixer, and three corningware cookware things, and a couple of baking pans. I also got a X-Box live starter kit, but I didn't need that anymore, so I took it back to get some other stuff with the money. I didn't need it anymore because it comes with a headset, which my mom didn't know I'd already gotten one myself; a game that I don't really like anyway; and a 12 month subscription to X-Box live, which I'd just paid for like the day before. When I got Halo 2 it came with a free two month subscription, and then when it runs out, they automatically bill you for the next year, unless you cancel, which I was wanting them to renew it for the year anyway. My two months ran out and I was billed for the next year just a day or two before Christmas, so now I didn't need that subscription thing anymore, unless I wanted to keep it around for a year, so I just took the whole thing back a couple of days after Christmas, and got $75 that I spent on other things. Because the two things I REALLY wanted for Christmas was the only things I didn't get. For months I'd been wanting some of those adapters so I can play my iPod over my car radio, and mom said she'd probably get them for me for Christmas, but she didn't. If I'd known she wasn't going to I would've bought them myself months ago. So with the $75 I got that, and an extension for my gamecube controller cord, plus the DVD of the Mario Brothers movie, and a DVD of Puni Puni Poemy, an anime series by the makers of Excel Saga, which is even weirder than Excel Saga, something I didn't think was possible. Speaking of Halo 2, I haven't played it in over a month, almost two. I haven't played it since about two weeks after I got it. The X-Box live subscription I am now paying for is just going to waste. Then my sister got mostly DVDs. She got Annie, and the Fifth Element, which are two of her favorite movies, and also the Yuu Yuu Hakusho movie. She also got the Yuu Yuu Hakusho video game for the PS2, which was like the only thing she REALLY wanted for Christmas. She also got some CD, and the first three seasons of Aqua Teen Hunger Force on DVD. She also got some clothes, and some other stuff. Just from that stuff she was saying that this was the best Christmas ever, what she didn't know, (but I did) was that for her the best was yet to come, on Christmas morning. After all these presents I told mom I had no idea what else there could possibly me for me on Christmas morning, and she said that she only had one more present for me. So then on Christmas morning, I got a DVD/VCR combo machine. It's a really good one too, it's by Samsung, and it plays absolutely everything. It plays

DVDs, CDs, DVD-R, CD-R, MP3 CDs, picture CDs, and even has slots in the front so you can put the memory cards from your cameras and stuff in it and see them on the TV. The only thing it doesn't do is burn DVDs. On Christmas morning my sisters mind was blown. She got an X-Box, with Halo and Halo 2. Then, she also got something she'd been wanting, but didn't figure she'd get. A computer. Several nights before I had to go out with my mom and help her find one to buy. It's an amazing computer too, 2.1GHz, which is the worst thing about it, 160 GB harddrive, and 512 RAM. She also got a big computer desk, which I spent several hours Christmas morning putting together, by myself, because my dad was sick. He watched me though, and kept telling me that I was doing an amazing job, and that he was proud of me. He also kept mentioning that "you know, some places pay people to put this stuff together, you could do that." Then I spent the rest of the day setting the computer up, and learning how to use it, since it was running Windows XP and the last Windows version I've ever used was Windows 98, and configuring all the settings and crap. I went back after work for several days doing all that, and then when I was finally about done, they got the cable internet installed, so I had to go back and set all that up, and configure their internet parental controls and stuff. This is why I didn't even get to play any of the new games I got for several days after Christmas. I've still only played a couple of them and hardly watched any of the DVDs. Also because I worked 8 days straight, I went back to work the day after Christmas, and didn't have another day off until Monday. I did go home sick Saturday though, like four hours early. I was really sick for a couple of days. On Christmas Eve, I played my Metroid for the gameboy a while, but didn't get to play that much, because Chris was here for Christmas, and wanted me to come over to his parent's place and hang out with him and everyone else for a while before he had to leave because he and Candice both had to work the next morning, meaning they'd have to drive back to Texas overnight and had to leave in a few hours. I took my games with me to show him what I got, and while I was there, I didn't get to play any, but I watched David play the Budokai 3 for a while. It looks much better than 2. I still haven't played it, or Fable yet. Once I finally go to play my games, I started with Paper Mario. It's great, I played it for about 8 hours over just two days. I also watched a few episodes of Pee Wee's Playhouse. Then a couple of days ago, I finally played San Andreas. I wasn't sure if I'd like this game or not, from the reviews I'd read. They changed it some, and added all these stats and stuff, and you have to keep the guy fed, and stuff like that. But actually, it's very well done, and actually make the game better! I like this one even more than Vice City, though Vice City has the better music. I don't like most of the music on this game. I played it for an hour or so Sunday night, then Monday, my day off, I played it for six hours straight. I'm off again today, and after I get done with this, and other stuff I have to get done today, I'm going to play it for probably another six hours. Ok, I think that's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of some more stuff I didn't mention later, but for now this post is already enormous. Oh yeah, one other thing. I finally got around to watching the Cowboy Bebop movie Monday night, and it is GREAT! posted by Kevin @

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Just a quick post, something I was just thinking about, something that has always annoyed me about Oklahoma. There's just too many churches. Seriously, if you live in a small Oklahoma town, there's a church on about every third street corner. There's only around 5,000 people in this town, and about 20 churches. Why do we need that many? Most of them are the same denomination even, it's not like big cities where you see those churches for people from other countries, like "The Korean Assembly of God" or something like that. Here there's one Jehova's Witness church, and then all the rest are all Baptist, Church of Christ, or Pentecostal Holiness. It just really bugs me. And now I have to go to work. For the 8th day in a row. posted by Kevin @

Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! To everyone, but especially to Chris, Melissa, Alicia, and Gusto! posted by Kevin @

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Whee, birthday! Today has been a busy day, very hectic. No relaxation on THIS birthday! Well, the morning was ok. I woke up at nine, and played Chrono Trigger for a couple of hours. Then around 11:30 I went over to my parents' house, because me and my mom were going shopping. For my birthday my parents were going to just give me $200 to spend on furniture I was wanting. I was wanting to get a bookshelf, and entertainment center, and a nightstand. I have a little table by my bed, but it was no drawers, and I need some more drawers in my house. But then I realized that half my drawers are filled up with video games and books and magazines, so after I got the bookshelf and entertainment center, I'd have all the drawers I need. I have hundreds of VHS tapes, DVDs and CDs and video games, the games are all in drawers mostly, and the movies and CDs are on various little racks and shelves designed for that purpose, but I was out of room on them, so I was hoping to get an entertainment center big enough to hold all my multitudes of video game systems, and also at least some of my movies and CDs. As for the bookshelf, I have one large five-shelf bookshelf already, but I have so many books and magazines and comics, that I need another one, and even that might not hold everything.

So my mom, my sister, and I left to go shopping around noon. Oh, also, not only did they give me the $200, but my dad also decided to give back the $200 that I gave him to pay him back for when he paid the lady I backed into. So basically, I got $400 for my birthday. So we went shopping, fighting the traffic and the crowds, and went all over the place, and ended up going back and getting everything from Wal-Mart, which was the first place we went. That's the way it always is though. We drove probably 200 miles today, going all the way up to OKC and going to about 6 different stores just up there, plus several there in Norman, then we went back to Norman and bought everything at the Wal-Mart there. I got a really nice entertainment center, it has loads of storage space, it's basically got a five-shelf bookshelf on each side, plus a couple of shelves in the center under the TV. Then I got a big bookshelf too. I also got Mary Poppins, which just came out on DVD in a two disk set. I love that movie. I've had the songs from it stuck in my head most of the day now, and I haven't even watched it yet, or seen it in a couple of years. So we left about noon, and didn't get back until almost 5:00. Then we got my birthday dinner. Around my house, not only do we get presents, but we get whatever we want for dinner that night. Me and my sister almost always choose Joe's Pizza, which is the best pizza on earth, but is so expensive we usually only get it on special occasions. But they are closed on Sundays, and that didn't really sound that good to me anyway, so I got my absolute favorite food, CHINESE FOOD, from the place right here in town, which is also the best Chinese I've ever had. Then we all, including my dad, came over to my apartment to put the stuff together, at about 6:00. We just stopped at about 9:45. We didn't get done, we just stopped. We didn't even get to start on the bookshelf, but we're almost done with the huge entertainment center, we'll have to finish it tomorrow. My apartment is a disaster area, with wood and tools and stuff everywhere, I even had to move the furniture out of the way so we'd have room to work, so now I have to walk on my sofa to even get to my bedroom. My rat, Freyja's, cage is also on the sofa. I also got pizza, from Pizza Hut, I haven't even eaten it yet, and probably won't for a day or two, as the Chinese food will last me through the whole day tomorrow too. I just got it and stuck it in the fridge. I just got it because I had a coupon for a free large pizza on your birthday, and I didn't want it to go to waste. I barely even got to use it though, I barely got there before they closed, I've been so busy today. I'm almost looking forward to going to work tomorrow, I was so busy today. What sucks though, is I don't think I have another day off until Christmas. I might have Christmas Eve day off though, I don't know yet. Well, I have other stuff I want to write about, but it's time to get ready for bed, and I'm tired, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. Except I'll probably be working on furniture most of the night tomorrow too. I'll probably get to post though. I'm sad I didn't get to talk to any of my friends today though. Melissa sent me a bunch of e-cards. They were funny. And Alicia put a message over there in the chatterbox saying that she was going to come over and give me my present, but I wasn't here all day, so I missed her. She just came by and stuck the card to my door, I don't know if that was all she had, or what. I wish I'd been here though. The card w as funny too. It had a picture of a chicken in a corset on it, and said "A waist is a terrible thing to mind," or something similar to that. Wait! Are you saying I'm fat!? Ok, bedtime. posted by Kevin @

Friday, December 17, 2004

This Flash is one of the scariest things I've seen lately. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

What does your name stand for?
Hmmm, for some reason I can't get the code for my result to work, so I'll just have to type it all out. I just did, which tells you what the letters in your name mean. Here are my results: K - Kinky E - Elitist V - Vigorous I - Irresistible N - Neglected So, I'd have to say that three or four of those fit me. Depends on what you're talking about when you say vigorous. And no, I didn't necessarily mean for that to sound dirty. Or maybe I did. Let's see, Kinky? Yes, I can be. Elitist? Definitely. Vigorous? Like I said, depends on what you're talking about. Irresistible? Not really. Neglected? Very. posted by Kevin @

Monday, December 13, 2004

Ugh. I had a wreck. Not much of one, I just backed into another vehicle in the parking lot here at the apartments. People keep throwing sofas and matresses out around the dumpsters, and the garbage men won't pick them up, they just leave them laying there for months. So now, to make room for the growing collection of sofas, the garbage men have moved the dumpster way out into the parking lot, at least 6 feet from the curb it sits in front of. I've always parked beside the dumpster, but now the way it's pulled out, I can't see around it anymore, and as I went to back out of my parking, someone else was pulling into the parking lot, and I ended up backing into her. It barely even scratched my bumper, just made a few paint smudges, and smudged one of my bumper stickers. It dented the door of her van in really bad though. She was really nice about it. She said she didn't even care how the door looked, as long as it still worked. And she wasn't even going to take my insurance info at first. But then we noticed that even though the door opens and closes, it doesn't quite seal at the top corner, so that it would leak in the rain. So she took my info, but said she was going to call her son who works on cars, and if he could fix it so that it closed right, she wouldn't even call the insurance. But when I told my dad about it, he said I shoulda just offered her money if it needed

fixed, so that way it wouldn't go on my record and raise my insurance. This wreck happened when I was on break from work. I always come home and eat, and feed my rat, and then go back to work. Then, when I got back to work, my dad was there eating breakfast, so that's when I told him. He asked me which apartment she lived in, and then while I was at work, he went and talked to her. By the time I got off work it had all been taken care of. He offered her $200 in cash right there, in exchange for her signing an agreement he's written up. She accepted the $200, a nd signed the agreement without even really reading it he said. He made her give him my insurance info she'd written down, and the agreement said that in exchange for the $200 she would not call the police, or the insurance, or take any further action of any kind against me. Of course, it's not an official document, but it's a signed agreement that would at least be worth something in court. Of course I had to pay him back the $200, which sucks because I'm poor enough as it is. He said I got off easy though. He looked at the van, and he said that the gap could probably be fixed, but that the dents probably wouldn't pound out even if she wanted to have it done, and he said that based on other repairs he's had done, even if they had pounded out, it would've probably cost over $1000 to do. In fact, they'd probably want to just replace the whole door, which would've cost even more. More than the van is even worth probably. He said that if she had gone to the insurance, they probably would've just totaled the car, even though the door was all that was damaged, because the repairs would cost more than the vehicle was worth. Now I have REALLY got to get a second job. Seriously. I have to get something, even if it's just another fast food job, even though I swore I'd never work another fast food job. I should try Subway, that seems like it wouldn't be such a bad job. The Subway isn't usually very busy around here anyway, and making those sandwiches looks really easy. Not only am I out $200 for the wreck, but I also have insurance coming up at the end of January, which will be somewhere around $500. All this will have to be taken out of savings too, as I usually even end up having to take money out just to pay my normal monthly bills. In other news, I heard my neighbors having sex last night. That's the first time that's happened. It was only for about 20 seconds or so, sounded like the woman was climaxing. It was really sexy actually. Especially when I remembered that the woman that lives over there is a very attractive girl about my age. That's it for tonight. I'm going to play Chrono Trigger for a few more minutes, and then go to bed. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, December 11, 2004 This is by far, the most fucked-up comic strip I've ever seen. Needless to say, I found it to be quite funny. I was disappointed that there are only 11 strips so far. posted by Kevin @ On Tuesday, 1 June 2004, an 11-year-old Japanese girl led 12-year-old Satomi Mitarai into an empty classroom. The girl slit Satomi's wrists with a box-cutter and slashed her throat open, then returned to her homeroom in bloodied clothes. Satomi died later that day. The story, an unprecedented and grisly murder, was printed in newspapers around the world. However, nobody could have anticipated what happened next. On the Japanese side of the Internet, a class picture was discovered, and two of the girls stood out. On the far left, wearing glasses and a green sweatshirt, Satomi stood grinning, giving a victory sign to the camera. Right next to her, with an inexplicable expression on her face, stood the killer Nevada. For some reason, the specifics of the murder a seemingly normal 11-year-old girl, with a box-cutter, in a Nevada sweatshirt made a clear impression in communal consciousness of the Internet. In Japan, she was given the name "Nevada-tan"; "-tan" being the way a young child would pronounce the honorific "-chan", i.e., "Widdle Nevada". ...I felt this website was necessary. There are currently no other websites, even in Japanese, that I could find devoted to the strange fate and fandom of Nevada-tan. Even a reprehensible subculture deserves some discussion... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110280438075148805

Thursday, December 09, 2004 "Florida scientists have grown a brain in a petri dish and taught it to fly a fighter plane. "Scientists at the university of Florida taught the 'brain', which was grown from 25,000 neural cells extracted from a rat embryo, to pilot an F-22 jet simulator. It was taught to control the flight path, even in mock hurricane-strength winds." posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Anger, lots of anger...
What's with people today, they're all either angry, or making me angry. I was over at my parents' house, because I will have to shower over there a day or two, because my shower is being worked on. Right now there's a place where all those tiles were falling off, and they've been removed now, and so it's bare wall. The guy is supposed to be here between 1:00 and 2:00 to work on it. But even after he gets it fixed, I will have to shower elsewhere for at least 24 hours while the grout dries.

So I was over there, but I had to leave quickly, because I was getting tired of hearing my dad stomp around the house muttering how he'd "like to take a gun and shoot every dog on Earth. And then their owners. Sorry sons of bitches." All because some dog crapped in our yard and he stepped in it. Then I was driving home, and got stuck behind some old man that was doing between 20 and 25 in a 45 zone. And no one could get around him, because he was drifting all over the place. Old people should be required to take a yearly driving test after the age of 65 or so, because there's a lot of them on the road that shouldn't be driving. If they can't pass the test, take away their license. I wouldn't mind if it was me. Sure, it's an inconvenience, but better I should have to ride with someone else than going out and causing wrecks or accidentally hitting the gas instead of the brake and going through some store window, like you hear about almost every day on the news anymore. I hope the guy actually fixes the shower right, instead of doing some half-assed job and making it worse, like I'm sure he will do. I'll just be happy if he doesn't break other things while he's over here, like he always does. He always ends up breaking more than he fixes, and always make a huge mess and just leaves it. I came home from work the other day, and he'd been in my apartment while I was gone, to look at the damage in the shower, and he'd taken the towels that were hanging on the shower and just thrown them in the floor and left them there, and he also tracked mud onto my carpet. I hate having people in my apartment when I'm not here. Especially him. It's not a race thing or anything, I just don't trust him. I don't trust anyone, but I really don't trust him, another person who lives here, the little retarded woman that also works with me at Carl's Jr., has a restraining order against him. I'm not sure what for, but neither him or his wife can come anywhere near her, or her apartment, or Carl's Jr. I don't know what she's supposed to do if she ever needs anything fixed. Yeah, so I guess that's about it for now. I think I'll go play some Final Fantasy VII. I started a new game on it the other day. Everyone else at work has been playing it and talking about it, because the movie is supposed to be coming out soon, and I decided to play it again too, because I never beat it, and it was a very cool game anyway, one of the best FF games. I say "one of the best," not "THE best," like everyone else at work. They all say FFVII was the best game ever made, or at least the best RPG ever made, and if you dare contradict them, they get angry. What's funny is none of them are in much of a position to judge FF games. Only maybe one of them, if any, have played any of the FF games before 7, all they've played is 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10-2. Me and Chris both have played pretty much every FF game ever made, except some of the stupid old Game Boy ones. And I have yet to play Crystal Chronicles. But between us we've played basically every one ever, and we both agree the ranking goes like this: The best FF game ever was FF2, or what was known in America as FF2, I think it was 4 or 5 in Japan. And then FF2 is followed by FF9, and then FF7. And that's just the list of best FF games, there are other RPGs, like Chrono Trigger that would maybe eclipse FF7 if they were included in the list. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, December 07, 2004 (This story has to have one of the weirdest headlines I've ever seen.) And here's a, so you can see it better. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110247325139339005

Monday, December 06, 2004

Nation of Vomit
subspecies23: I want to stand on the side of the highway with a sign, like a hitchhiker, but the sign will say "SEX" lol missy_custer: lmfao missy_custer: and you will be naked subspecies23: ew, lol subspecies23: or pretend I'm a bum, and carry a sign that says "Will work for blowjobs" subspecies23: if I was naked on the side of the highway, there'd be all kinds of wrecks, lol missy_custer: yeah....for anyone who was naked subspecies23: but me especially, because people would be vomiting everywhere, lol subspecies23: it'd be just like that scene in "Stand by Me" lol missy_custer: oh sheeeeesh subspecies23: Someone would vomit, and then someone else in the car would see them vomit, and so it would make them vomit, and so on, until the whole car was full of vomit, lol subspecies23: and when that car wrecked, and vomit went everywhere, other people would vomit subspecies23: and soon there'd be a big 40 car, vomit covered pile-up on the highway subspecies23: and then, when the cops, and the ambulance workers came, they'd see all the vomit, and then they'd vomit subspecies23: and then the news crews would arrive, and the helicopter would fly over, and broadcast pictures of the whole vomit-covered mess all over the nation, and everyone watching tv would vomit subspecies23: and so on, until the whole country was covered with vomit subspecies23: all because I was standing by the road naked posted by Kevin @ This rocks! My band was called "The Flaming Scrotums," and they played this 70's sounding funk. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110239173577721359 I finally found it as an MP3! This has always been one of my favorite comedy songs, but most people I talk to have never even heard of it! It's great! Hilarious! LISTEN TO IT NOW! Ummmm, but don't download the MP3, because that would be wrong. Yeah. posted by Kevin @ Claim: Austria is home to a town called 'Fucking.' Status: True. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, December 05, 2004 "Ive completed the math." "There are approximately twenty-five million Iraqis in Iraq. There are approximately three hundred million Americans in America. This means that there are approximately twelve Americans for every Iraqi. This means that, if we all go, each American will be responsible for one-twelfth of an Iraqi. An Iraqi family of five will thus be attended by sixty Americans. We will come, this second wave of three hundred million of us, unarmed. We will bring nothing but ourselves. We will simply show up, saying, What would you like for dinner? While we cook, our Iraqis can just relax. God knows they have had a terrible couple of years. We will encourage them to sit on their couches, if they still have couches, while we clean up after dinner. We will bring them coffee, tea, dessert, whatever they like. All these months, we have winced from over here, imagining their pain. Once we are there, we will do what we can to say, We like you, and want the best for you. Were sorry. This was not what we intended. No matter what it might have looked like to you, we have always wished you well." posted by Kevin @,6000,1362833,00.html,6000,1362833,00.html I have no idea who this China Miville guy is, but he sounds pretty cool. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110228042742221072,3604,1361676,00.html,3604,1361676,00.html Not your average list of this sort, this one has a more scientific bent. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, December 04, 2004

It's about time...
Wow, my Blogger is actually working today, I've barely been able to get it to work in a week. Maybe now I'll be able to post some of the links I've been wanting to post. But first: Monday was Alicia's birthday, I took her up to this fancy new theatre she'd been wanting to go to, up in Bricktown. Bricktown (which I can never type for some reason) is an area in Oklahoma City where there's a lot of old brick warehouse buildings and stuff, it was always a cool place, with lots of nice restaraunts and clubs, but now over the last few years they've spent millions of dollars renovating it and building new things, and attracting big new businesses to it. Now it's a really cool place, wich all kinds of nice restaurants and all the good clubs, and it fancy places, and it even has a canal running through it. You can ride on water taxis in the canal, and there's also a trolley. Anyway, they just recently opened a nice new theatre. So I took her there for her birthday, and we went and saw Ray, the movie about Ray Charles. It was really good, I didn't know if it would be or not. It sounded like a good movie, but I don't like Jamie Foxx, but he did a really good job as Ray Charles. It was a very sad movie too, towards the end. I never knew Ray Charles had a heroin addiction, which was one of the main points of the movie, in fact, as soon as he kicks the habit in the late sixties, the movie ends just a few minutes later, it doesn't even cover his whole life. It was still really good though. Ok, here's some links from the past few days: - A very odd webcomic. Funny though. - Home of Twisted Kaiju Theater: Strange Comics featuring little japanese monster toys. Also home of the Kaiju Girls! WHich I think I can best describe simply quoting from the site: "I'm pretty proud of being one of the first guys to combine red hot anime babes with citydestroying kaiju. These are the pages of the scaly babes of Neo-Monster Island." Ok, looks like I wont get to post all the links tonight now. While I was making this post, I discovered another webcomic, and just spent five hours reading the ENTIRE series. I think my brain has rotted now. It's a really great comic, but it's a continuous story, so you have to start at the beginning. I haven't even ate tonight, I've barely left this chair while I was reading that comic. So, I have to go now. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, December 02, 2004 In December 1995, I was looking for creative Christmas gifts for my friends. One day I was watching my sister Lyn use sponges to paint on canvas. I thought, "I wonder if my breasts could work like sponges?" Inspiration struck! So I bought some non-toxic paint and canvas, locked myself in the bathroom, and figured out a technique to paint with my breasts. Wouldn't you know it? Breast Pals was born! Breast Pals art has been featured on The Tonight Show, Ripleys Believe it or Not, To Tell the Truth, The Oxygen Channel, E! Entertainment, Black Entertainment Television, Philadelphia After Midnight and Roseanne. 50% of sales profit is a tax deductible charitable contribution toward various breast cancer charities including the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the National Breast Cancer Coalition. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

How to Kill a Mockingbird
Let's try this again. I kept trying to post this, and a couple other things yesterday, but my blogger wouldn't work all day. I read To Kill a Mockingbird in High School, and it was never anything like this. I know I say this everytime I post a flash animation, but this may well be the greatest one I've ever seen. (Except for the ones on Those are and forever will be the greatest, and are automatically excluded whenever I talk about how good flash movies are.) It starts off slightly odd, but relatively normal. Then after a couple of minutes, it starts to get really weird. Absolutely hilarious, and has some fantastic music, including (oh my god) "The Final Countdown," by Europe. Alicia, and anyone else who has watched VH1 lately will know what I'm talking about. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Secret messages in spam mail?
I just got a really weird junk email. Well, there's nothing wrong with the main part of the email, it's just an average spam mail trying to sell me prescription drugs like Viagra and Vicodin. But you know how now they often put sentences or paragraphs of random words to try to get it past your spam filter by making it look more like a real message? That's what's weird on this one. It seems like there may be a hidden message in it. It reads: in 1994 It's O.K. I object to... All your base are belong to us in 1961 Shannon Elisabeth In the first part I'm thinking that maybe the O.K. could be referring to OK, or, Oklahoma. 1994 is the year that the Murrah Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma. And since it was a federal building that got bombed, "All your base are bleong to us," seems somewhat appropriate, especially when you consider the next line of that phrase. "Someone set us up the bomb." The Shannon Elisabeth comment I don't understand at all. Of course, maybe if I knew more about her and what she's been in, I would. I don't even know who she is, other than that she's an actress. I ran a quick Google search though, and found out that she wasn't even alive in 1961. And now upon looking at a quick list of her best known movies, I can't think of anything for them that would involve 1961. It looks like the only thing I've ever seen her in is Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I've never seen American Pie, or That Seventies Show. Hey, she did live in Waco, Texas for a while, which is of course where that whole David Koresh, Branch Davidian thing happened. But that's really stretching it. Or maybe I'm just a little too paranoid. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I am retarded.
Earlier, while standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I put a golf ball in my underwear, and then pulled the underwear tight, so that it looked like I had three testicles.

And that was before I started drinking. posted by Kevin @

Well, I was going to get drunk, but for some reason I got sick after two drinks. I wasn't even drunk yet. I suddenly got bad sharp pains in my stomach and lower back. Kinda like that time I drank too much Everclear and felt like I was going to die. So, looks like drinking's out for the night. At least I'm in a better mood now anyway. Here's something Alicia sent me earlier: Accidently Dirty Thanksgiving sayings: 10. "Talk about a huge breast!" 9. "It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?" 8. "Don't play with your meat." 7. "Just spread the legs open & stuff it in." 6. "I didn't expect everyone to come at once!" 5. "You still have a little bit on your chin." 4. "How long will it take after you stick it in?" 3. "You'll know it's ready when it pops up." 2. "That's the biggest one I've ever seen!" 1. "How long do I beat it before it's ready?" My favorites are 9 and 6. And here's something funny from the always hilarious A post by her chihuahua. Don't you hate it when your owners drag you to the veterinarian's ramshackle smelly laboratory only to get a rabies vaccination that leaves you broken out in hives and making snow angels on the natural fiber rug to itch those places you cannot itch yourself? Sure, I let them call me Fruitcake, FrankenFoot, Boogie Shoes, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Poochie Yum Yums, Boo Boo, and the list goes on, but this? This weekend was sucky. Im 21, I can say that. My third rabies shot and this was the worst breakout yet. They called my Bumpy Head. And made me take all that Benadryl cherry crap, they know I hate that. I scratched that little one good, I did. Sure, then I got treats and a washcloth on my head and pizza crusts, but how could they bring me to that smelly man vet? They say they are never going to bring me there again because they told him over and over again how I react to such nasty shots. But that evil smelly gave me a shot of something that made me very uncomfortable and I couldn't nap and things were moving and I wasn't and it made me feel weird and I got bumpy head anyway, for two days this time. Poor babies, they said. Poor Little Bits. Yeah well Im not going to go through that again, no way. Im going to sit right here on my five down filled pillows and chew my Kong and bark as I please. I deserve it. I am queen of this house, ladies. Where are those Beggin' Strips? I see you over there watching tv, Im talking to you. Treats! Now! Woof! Fine, I'll just take a nap now and when I get more bumps later, those treats will be talking the talk and walking the walk. Yeah. Woof. posted by Kevin @

I had a really weird dream Sunday night. It was about Kristina, the girl I dated for a short time almost three years ago. First, in order to understand the dream, a little bit of backstory is needed. I will tell more than is needed though, because I've never really talked about her on here much. A few years ago, it will be three years sometime in March, I think, I went to visit Chris at the Naval base he was stationed at in Nevada. Yes, a naval base in the middle of the desert. Don't ask why, or you might get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Men In Black. And I'm not talking about the good kind, like portrayed in the movie of that name. Anyway, I went to spend a week or so with him, and his wife at the time, Carrie. (That's right isn't it? I'm so bad at names, I often wonder if I'm getting people's names wrong, even if I've known them for a long time, it's just a phobia I have.) I was going to take the Greyhound bus, and also, one of Carrie's friends were going also, this was Kristina. Kristina wanted me to buy her ticket for her, while I was buying mine, because I think there was a sale or something of some kind, and she would pay me back when we met on the bus ride. I'd never really met her before, I'd just kinda seen her around once or twice. I went to get my ticket, and buy one for her as well, but they informed me that you aren't allowed to buy tickets for other people, unless they're your spouse, or immediate family. So the ticket guy had the idea of putting her name on the ticket as "Kristina Underwood," and we could pretend we were married, and that way I could buy the ticket. Not knowing what else to do, I agreed, even though it was embarrassing. We had a good laugh about it when the time came for the bus ride. It was a little awkward at first, especially with my shyness... being forced into traveling with some girl I didn't know, but over the course of the very long (overnight and everything) bus trip, I kinda started to like her, especially when she rested her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. I love it when girls rest their head on my shoulder, though it's only happened a few times. Fuck, not to sound melodramatic or anything, but I'm gonna need a drink if I'm going to go on with this. I was already feeling depressed today anyway, and this isn't helping... I just did a shot of vodka. And I never do shots. So anyway, after the bus trip, came about two weeks of living together with her. Granted she wasn't there a lot of the time, because her and Carrie were out doing stuff a lot of the time, but still. We were sleeping on the floor just a few feet from each other a lot of the time, and being in close quarters like that, I started to really like her. Of course, I'm such a lonely desperate person, I fall in love with any girl that shows me the slightest bit of attention whatsoever. I can barely go through a checkout at the store if there's a girl working the register without developing a crush on her, for at least an hour or so anyway. It passes quickly too. When feelings of love come so easily, it's easy to reassign them to another target, or to forget them completely. There's only ever been one girl that I can't make myself stop loving, no matter what I do. And no, it's not Kristina. So, towards the end of our visit, Chris asked me if I liked Kristina, because him and Carrie thought maybe I did. I told him I did, and so then this whole thing of messages being passed between me and Kristina through Chris and Carrie started happening, because I'm too shy. So, in the end, I was told that yes, Kristina wanted to go out with me, though I had to ask her myself or she wouldn't. I finally on about the last day of our time together, in fact, it was during the drive back (Chris and Carrie were coming back to Oklahoma too, so we were all driving back together in their vehicles). So we went out like a total of four times, once or twice it was a double date thing with Chris and Carrie. It was the second date before I even touched Kristina, I learned from Carrie that Kristina was starting to get annoyed and wondering what was going on, why I never held her hand or did anything. For example, our first date was dinner at Olive Garden, and a movie. The movie was "Forty Days and Forty Nights," a movie about sex, and the whole date, I never tried to put the moves on her or

anything, never even tried to hold her hand, or put my arm around her or anything. Now that I know more about Kristina, I realize that she was the kind of girl who would've probably gone down on me right there in the theater. Not that I'd ever do that. Our second date was the double date with Chris and Carrie. The girls made us go to some country-western club. They had to lie to me to get me to go. If I'd known it was country, I would've refused. Luckily, they didn't make us dance. We played pool mostly. It was a pretty long drive to get there, and on the drive there, after 30 minutes of sweating it, I finally got up the nerve to reach over and hold her hand. I was so nervous I almost threw up. Yes, I am that pathetic. What's even more pathetic is that I was 22 at this time, and it was the first time I'd ever held a girl's hand. Then, when we were at the club, we sat there, and I sat behind her, and I put my arms around her, and we sat there like that for a while. Finally, I kissed her on the back of her neck. Then at the end of the date she gave me a kiss, on the cheek. I found out a few days later though, from Chris and Carrie, that she was mad, because she hadn't wanted to kiss me on the cheek, she wanted to kiss me on the mouth, but apparently I turned my head slightly, because I assumed she was going to kiss me on the cheek. The next two dates. The last two dates. We ended up at the lake, having sex in the back seat of my car. I don't know what happened then. After the fourth date, she just stopped taking my calls. The girl she lived with would answer the phone, and say that Kristina wasn't there, and that she'd call me back. But she never did. This went on for close to a month before I finally took the hint and stopped calling. At the end of the fourth date she told me that she wasn't looking for a relationship or anything, she just wanted someone to have sex with once every week or two. I told her a was fine with that, though I really wasn't. But I never saw her again. I assume that was the reason, she thought I was falling in love with her or something, and didn't want that. I must say, in order to help stoke my frail ego, that I don't think it had anything to do with the sex being bad or anything. In fact, both times we had sex, she kept saying that I was really good, she couldn't believe I'd never had sex before. In fact, she even told other people that I was really good. I heard this from Chris' MOM. Kristina was friends with his mom, and one day I was over there, and Chris' mom, in front of everyone, said "So, Kristina told us something about you." And Chris, joking says, "What, that he's good in bed?" and starts laughing, and his mom was like "Actually, yes, she said she couldn't believe he'd never had sex before." It was very embarrassing. So, from this point I never heard from her again. I never knew what happened, or why she stopped taking my calls. And too this day I still have no idea. I've never even seen her around town or anything. I've only seen her once since that last date. A few months later I was over at Chris' mom's house again, visiting him and Carrie because he was home on leave again, and Carrie came in with Kristina. Luckily, they went back into another room together to talk or something. So I didn't have to decide what to do or say. We both just acted like the other wasn't there the whole time. Oh, also, not too long after that last time I saw Kristina, Carrie and Chris got divorced. It turns out she'd been cheating on him, a lot. She'd been going out partying and stuff and cheating on him. Ok, so finally, the dream. In a way, the dream provided the closure I never got in real life. Sadly, I don't remember most of the dream, I mainly just remember the very end. I know this makes it annoying to have to hear about, but I don't care. So in the dream, me and Kristina were having to be around each other for some reason, working together, or something. And so we were talking to each other again. Not really being really friendly or anything, but talking and stuff. Then I went home, and I was sending her some IMs for some reason, mostly just links to stuff I thought she'd think was funny. Then I had to go back to where she was to get something from her. And so I got whatever it was, I think it was a book, and then we just kinda stood there in awkward silence for a while. Then this conversation took place: Her: So what's going on here? Me: What do you mean? Her: Like these IM's and stuff. Me: What, they're just things I thought you would think were funny! Her: Why won't you just admit you still love me! Me: Because I don't love you! Because you never loved me! Her: (kinda hangs her head) That's true. I'm sorry. And, unfortunately, my alarm went off right there, and woke me up. I wish I could've seen what would happen next. And now, an hour, and two drinks later, this huge post is done. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110125007384643009 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ "As a guy, youre expected to know a lot about a lot of things. But who has time to sift through all the crap of the information age and uncover the really critical stufflike what to do if youre snake-bit, the long-lost lyrics to the Bonanza theme song, and the final word on one-handed bra unfastening? We combed a million sources to compile this definitive list and had one hell of a lot of fun doing it. From the practical to the intriguing to the sublime, here are more than 100 things we think youll be very glad to know." Pretty worthless list if you ask me. Of course it was in the "Stupid Fun" catagory. To me, the best things on there were the useless trivia, which if it's useless, why is it in a list of things a guy "must know"? posted by Kevin @ On the Utility of Minneapolis-St. Paul as a Base of Operations for Various Well-Known Superheroes or Super Teams. BY KEITH PILLE ---Spider-Man: Poor. The lack of a single, concentrated downtown area would greatly hinder Spider-Man's preferred method of transportation. Given that there's not much higher than three stories after you get out of the two downtowns, swinging from building to building isn't going to work. It's not difficult to imagine Spider-Man standing on Nicollet Mall in downtown Minneapolis, hearing that thugs have taken over the Xcel Center over in St. Paul, and cursing under his breath as he runs to I-94, forced to affix a web to the top of a bus and ride it across town. The X-Men: So-so. Their initial problem would be that no one around here seems to have much of a problem with mutants. With no one trying to wipe them out, the X-Men would lose some of their edge. They would run the risk of turning into hypersensitive college kids who go around looking for the slightest excuse to be outraged. They'd have more of a reason to stick around, though, after the inevitable burst of mutant jokes on the local classic-rock morning show. Those guys can be very cruel. Batman: Also so-so. No real deal-breakers to Batman setting up shop here, but lots of annoying obstacles: lack of dramatic places to stand and brood over the cityscape; difficulty of driving the Batmobile at high speeds through some of the St. Paul street vortices (watch the ice on the road!); necessity of getting cozy with two police chiefs instead of one commissioner; and lack of a paralyzing, all-pervading criminal culture (although he'd be welcome to come to my neighborhood, starting with the three middle-aged fat guys who think riding little putt-putt scooters three abreast at 20 mph down Minnehaha Parkway is AWESOME). Superman: No problem. The Incredible Hulk: No problem. Hulk's in the Superman club. When your main thing is smashing things, location is less of a factor. Hulk could smash very effectively in Falcon Heights, for example. Wonder Woman: Poor. People around here just wouldn't cotton to a woman dressed like that, especially one carrying a magic lasso. Well, some folks would like that quite a bit, but some would make a stink about it. Aquaman: Most people seem to like him, but Garrison doesn't, so it's a no-go. posted by Kevin @

Monday, November 22, 2004

I have several interesting links today. And I got all of them from, a good site for interesting links. - The interesting, and somewhat sad, story of the lost frog posters that became big news on the internet. (I've never heard of them before, but apparently, many people have.) - (Description from *.*) "Tokyo is an impressive city above ground, but one of the most incredible things about this city is it's mind-bogglingly complex underground. The G-Cans Project is a massive project, begun 12 years ago, to build infrastructure for preventing overflow of the major rivers and waterways spidering the city (A serious problem for Tokyo during rainy-season and typhoon season). The underground waterway is the largest in the world and sports five 32m diameter, 65m deep concrete containment silos which are connected by 64 kilometers of tunnel sitting 50 meters beneath the surface. The whole system is powered by 14000 horsepower turbines which can pump 200 tons of water a second into the large outlying edogawa river. I'm in the middle of playing Halflife2 right now and something like this looks like its straight out of the game or some sci-fi movie. This unbelievable gallery of photos however, is not CG, it is the real deal. The site is all in Japanese, but if you click around the menus a bit, there are animations and diagrams of how the system works, and other interesting photos of the high-tech control center and turbine facilities. Supposedly the G-Cans project is also meant to be a tourist attraction, and can be visited for free. very cool." - The most disturbing things I have ever seen. Sculptures made out of baby doll body parts. - What if Norman Rockwell had been an Alien? posted by Kevin @

Sunday, November 21, 2004

As coisas estranhas s o afoot no c rculo K.
I found this tonight in my referrals list. Someone used one of those translation sites to see my site in... some other language. I think it's Italian. At first glance it looks like it's Spanish, but it's not. So I figure maybe it's Italian. Italian and Spanish are very similar. Also, if you scroll down to the other posts, you can see the lyrics to "Everyone has had more sex than me," in whatever language this is. posted by Kevin @


Saturday, November 20, 2004

This, too, shall pass.
A student went to his meditation teacher and said, "My meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted, or my legs ache, or I'm constantly falling asleep. It's just horrible!" "It will pass," the teacher said matter-of-factly. A week later, the student came back to his teacher. "My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware, so peaceful, so alive! It's just wonderful!' "It will pass," the teacher replied matter-of-factly. A powerful king, ruler of many domains, was in a position of such magnificence that wise men were his mere employees. And yet one day he felt himself confused and called the sages to him. He said: 'I do not know the cause, but something impels me to seek a certain ring, one that will enable me to stabilize my state. 'I must have such a ring. And this ring must be one which, when I am unhappy , will make me joyful. At the same time, if I am happy and look upon it, I must be made sad.' The wise men consulted one another, and threw themselves into deep contemplation, and finally they came to a decision as to the character of this ring which would suit their king. The ring which they devised was one upon which was inscribed the legend: THIS TOO, SHALL PASS. posted by Kevin @

I wish I were drunk.

Seriously, I need a drink. It's too late now though, it's almost bed time. Too bad I didn't think of it earlier, I've got some vodka I could've gotten drunk with. I think that's what I've been needing for the last few days, is a really strong drink, but I just now figured it out. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. I'm not depressed or in a bad mood or anything, though I was for a while this morning. I just need to get drunk for a while.

posted by Kevin @ Funny site. posted by Kevin @

You will never own me.

By dear big brother, you will never own me. fine murdoch and disney and viacom and clear channel. fuck if i care. in fact if you want me to list other rich white men that you should fine i think i could do that for you. brotha. the way i see it these are your last days of disco anyways so party up. the kids are about to take over and the kids arent buying your bullshit that obscene language or nipples actually cause any damage on anyone. especially kids. what causes damage to people are automobiles cigarettes booze other people war titties and nipples arent even in the top forty. neither is the word fuck. the kids know this.

you know it too but you pretend not to. and that would make you eligible for name calling. the kids that i speak of right now are in chat rooms, on message boards, and playing online games. all theyre doing is talking shit to each other, insulting total strangers using foul language that immediately turns sexual in violently creative ways. nicolette sheridans bare back means nothing to them. and thats why i love them. and thats why i spend each day giving them every tip that i know. and at 111 years old i have my fair share. todays tip is this soon shall pass. youre old, big brother. everything youve done these last four years have only proven that the only thing youre any good at is winning elections, dividing the nation, giving the world a reason to hate us, and killing off our brave soldiers. piss on the constitution all you want youre dying the same way you lived predictably gutlessly and godlessly dishonest. you act as if this isnt the biggest strongest greatest smartest nation ever. you act like you have little mans syndrome. you act like someone is smarter than you you act like if given a fair fight youd lose so you cheat and somehow you still lose. and you'll never own me. and when the first kid makes it to the top and looks right in to the camera and when that red light comes on she'll smile and say fuck. posted by Kevin @

Friday, November 19, 2004 Yes, that's right, some soy sauce is actually made from HUMAN HAIR. Ugh, and I love soy sauce... posted by Kevin @

Too many adjectives...

My friend Chris just told me the funniest thing. But first, some back story... Chris is pretty crazy and weird, and he's gotten reprimanded for some strange things while he's been in the Navy. Remember that list of "213 Things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the Army"? Well, me and Chris go through that list saying that certain things on there sound like something he'd do. You've heard that expression "cusses like a sailor" or something similar? Well, Chris is in the Navy, and they ORDERED him to stop swearing so much, because he was offending the sailors. And now tonight, he tells me this: paladix: chief told me I use too many adjectives today paladix: he hates how I have at least one adjective in everything i say, like how i will add one to the most normal phrase in order to corrupt it to "my odd personality" paladix: we were talking about some moron messing up and i said "that guy is the prince of glaring ignorance"

paladix: he said, that all i needed to say was schmuck, lol paladix: lmao, i called one of the guys a masochistic cockmaster paladix: chief choked on his coffee

That's the greatest thing ever, I wish I used too many adjectives. posted by Kevin @

Bah, humbug!
I'm seriously almost starting to hate Christmas. I love Christmas, but I'm sick of having to deal with it earlier and earlier each year. Of course, there's the well-known problem with stores putting up their Christmas stuff for sale even before Halloween, but even that's getting worse. Now they not only have the Christmas stuff for sale by then, but by a week before Halloween they've gotten rid of all the Halloween stuff to make room for the Christmas stuff. Now this year though, normal people are doing it too, not just businesses. The Loves convenience store had their Christmas decorations all over the store the day after Halloween, and some houses around town here have already had theirs up and on for a week now. The city has put up all its Christmas decorations on Main Street even. And now, one of the radio stations has declared that they are playing "Nothing but Christmas until Christmas." They are going to be a 24 hour Christmas music station for a month and a half. It's hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it's still 60-something degrees outside, and 90% of the trees are still green and have their leaves. People are still having to mow their lawns even. I baked a cake the other night, and it actually turned out good. Really good! posted by Kevin @

Thursday, November 18, 2004

My life as a flash animation...
This is the best flash animation I've ever seen. It's not the funniest or anything, though it is funny, but it's the best made. The animation is the most fluid, and seamless I've ever seen in a flash animation, and it all matches with the music perfectly. To prove it, just watch the part where the Zero rabbit is playing the keyboard, his hand movements are time perfectly with the music. The song is also hilarious too. I've been trying to find a site where I can download an MP3 of it, but so far I haven't found one. The subject matter and title of the song are funny too, if somewhat depressing, because I can certainly identify with the rabbit that's singing it. Oh, and be warned, it's a huge file, even with my high-speed internet, it took me almost five minutes to load it. The song is by the band, who also sing such songs as "All Homeboys are Dickheads," "Greg! The Stop Sign!" and "Defecate on my Face." Here's another Flash movie I just found while trying to find an MP3 of the song in the previous one. This one is really long also, but doesn't take that long to load. I didn't think the movie was ever going to end though, it's a long song. The animation is pretty simple and crappy, but funny. And strangely, I really like the song in it. Really. Now this one is very funny. Especially the duck part, that cracks me up. Oh, cool. I just found the lyrics to the "Everyone else has had more sex than me" song. Which is cool, because that line is basically all I could even understand of the song. The lyrics are weird, but pretty cool. Here they are: Everyone else has had more sex than me Does anyone else get that feeling? Teenagers, naked, couple in threes; Grandparents swing from the ceiling; Corporate capers and office amour; Shenanigans outdoor and in Resist, and then later you find out there's more Regret in not doing the sin. All loves have to die - of that there's no help; My favourite way to end em' Is the orb-weaver spider's, whose pedipalp Enters the female pudendum, Then dies on the spot, his corpse there still stuck, Left for his rivals to curse it. He would rather die than not get to fuck: Personally, I reckon it's worth it. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Proof that bad nachos are better than no nachos. I just went to the kitchen and made what I will from now on refer to as "Ghetto Nachos." I took some tortilla chips, and a processed cheese slice, (it wasn't even Kraft, it was some store brand) and tore it up into several small pieces, which I placed on the chips, and microwaved it for a few seconds. I figured it would be nasty, but they were actually pretty good.

What the fuck? The Blogger spellchecker does not recognize the words "nachos," "tortilla," or "microwaved." posted by Kevin @

X-Box Live
I finally got connected to X-Box Live. Right before I went to bed last night, I looked at that subscription code and realized that that wasn't a 6, it was a G. It's really hard to tell. So I got connected this evening, and I've been playing Halo 2 for the last couple of hours. My X-Box Live ID is BygoneDust, if anyone wants to find me on there. You'll know it's me, because I'll be the one that sucks. Everyone says this will improve my skills though, and so far I think it is. I've been playing in a party with Chris, and he's ranked 6, so it's been putting me in games with people who's ranks are way above mine. Which also caused me to go up really fast at first. You start off at level 1, or maybe 0, I'm not sure, but after just a couple of games, I was already up to a 3. I seem to be holding steady at a three now though. Chris just had to get off Live, so I will be playing some games of my own now, so it should match me up with people closer to my level, so maybe I'll do a little better. I'm lagging really bad sometimes. I don't think my so called high-speed internet is as fast as it should be. It's only downloading files somewhere between two and three times the speed that my dial-up connection was. I've gotten killed by the lag a couple of times. One time I was in a gun emplacement, and I was firing at a Ghost, and I was lagging, and so the Ghost was jumping around the screen so much, I couldn't even hit it, and it took me out. In one of the games, I killed some guy named "Moe Lester" several times. That name cracks me up. I told Chris about it and he was laughing and saying "That name's just wrong." I'm off tomorrow, so I'll probably be on Live most of the day. Unless I stay up too late playing it tonight. I think I'll just play a couple more games, and then stop. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Shatner Ketchup
On the site that Alicia shares with her friends,, one of her friends posted about a bottle of Heinz ketchup that on the front says "Fixes Burgers at Warp Speed," and below it says "William Shatner." Alicia is obsessesed with Shatner, so I knew she'd want one. I want one too. We got into a very funny conversation about it, I'm SqrrlODoom, by the way: SqrrlODoom (9:10:03 PM): lmao, a Shatner ketchup bottle Caffiene Rain (9:10:12 PM): I know, I want one! SqrrlODoom (9:10:24 PM): If I see one I'll get it for you, lol Caffiene Rain (9:10:35 PM): yay! SqrrlODoom (9:11:00 PM): I hope they have two, because I want it too, lol Caffiene Rain (9:11:15 PM): that would be the best birthday present ever SqrrlODoom (9:11:30 PM): we can share it, we can be like a divorced couple with kids, I get the bottle one week, you get it the next, lol SqrrlODoom (9:11:34 PM): that would be messed up, lol Caffiene Rain (9:11:50 PM): lmao Caffiene Rain (9:12:13 PM): then you can tell your landlady you WERE married, but we got divorced SqrrlODoom (9:12:25 PM): we can go to court over custody of the ketchup bottle Caffiene Rain (9:12:30 PM): lmao SqrrlODoom (9:12:46 PM): you can have the house, but I'm keeping the Shatner ketchup! Caffiene Rain (9:12:54 PM): LMFAO SqrrlODoom (9:13:23 PM): wow, I laughed too hard at that, lol posted by Kevin @

Tech Trouble
God dammit, if it's not one thing, it's another. I'm about sick of this. I've been wrestling with my computer all day. Yes, physically wrestling with it. Well, some of the time at least. Running 50-feet of Ethernet cable over and behind furniture and tucking it underneath the carpet, and around corners, and tacking it to the wall over here, and trying not to trip over it here, is all pretty physical, and very close to wrestling. Or in my mind it is. So anyway, I now have high-speed internet through the local cable company. I've had it for 11 hours now, and I'm just now getting every set up and working. A week or so ago, I received an ad from Cebridge, the local cable company, advertising this really good offer they have for high-speed internet. You have to sign up for one year, and the first six months are only $14.95 a month, and then it goes up to either $22.95, or $24.95, I forget which. Either way, that's the same as I'm paying now for my Earthlink through a dial-up connection. Of course, this also has "fees and taxes" applied to it, and I have no idea how much those are going to be. They wouldn't tell me, they said they couldn't even give me an estimate until they had me all hooked up and everything. So the guy was supposed to come install it today, and he did, but I was expecting him that early, I figured I'd be waiting all day. I woke up at 9:00am, and took my shower a few minutes later, and was barely getting out of the shower when he knocked, I had to hurry and throw some clothes on because I wasn't even dressed yet. It was about 9:30 when he got there, and he was gone by 9:55. I have to run 50 foot of cable across the apartment because I wanted to be able to connect both the computer and the X-Box to it, but they are on completely opposite ends of the apartment. I wanted to have him install the line in my bedroom by the computer, but he said they aren't allowed to make any new outlets in the apartment walls. He can only run it through a pre-existing outlet, which is in the living room. But what if sometime in the future I want to get cable or satellite TV service, how will they run that? So, he got it installed, but I couldn't use it until I drove the 20-something miles to Best Buy to buy an assload of cable. I took some measurements of the walls, since I wanted to run it all along the walls as out of the way as possible, and my rough measurements ended up being about 50 feet, give or take a few feet. So I decided I would buy 75 feet, if they had it, to be safe. I got there and they had 50 feet, for about $35, and 100 feet, for $72. Nothing in between. I got the 100 feet, which cost me $78 with tax, and brought it home and hooked everything up. I ran the cable around like I was going to, but it looked like I didn't even use half of it, so I decided that I would roll it all back up and take it back, telling them I bought the wrong thing. It didn't even look like it had been opened. I was going to do this on my next day off, because I didn't want to have to drive all

the way up there again today. I got online, and it was all working fine, so I surfed the Internet for a few hours, and made the several posts I've made today. But then I tried to go set up XBox Live service so I can play Halo 2 online. I was planning on just switching the cords out all the time, unplugging it from the computer, and plugging it into the X-Box when I wanted to play. It turns out you can't do that, because of the different IP addresses or something. The tech support line said I have to buy a router to do that. So I went back up to Best Buy after all tonight, and took the cord back, and got a 50 foot cord, which fit perfectly, and I do mean perfectly, and the cheapest router I could find. Those cost me $90 together, and yes, I did get a full refund on the cable I took back. So when I got home, I had to hook up the router, and all the cables, and run the cable around the furniture and under the carpet and everything again. And I got it all hooked up and set up, and it still didn't work, but at least I knew why this time, from what they told me during my last tech support call. Whenever you hook it up to something new, you have to call them to reset the IP number, so I did, and reinstalled it all again, and now it seems to be working fine, I can get onto the computer, and X-Box Live, at the same time even. Hooray! But... A new problem has arisen. I got on X-Box live to set up my account. Halo 2 comes with a card for a two month free trial subscription, it has a code on it that you enter when setting up your account. The code on my card doesn't work! It keeps telling me the code is not valid. I've tried it four time, I even tried entering it in all capitals and then in all lowercase. I can't get it to work! And I can't afford to have to pay for my subscription right now. Not after spending almost $100 on cables and a router. So, maybe I'll get the code to work tomorrow or something, I hope so. But for now, I'm through messing with it all. posted by Kevin @ "Every town has a Crazy Cat Lady. She's the one who lives in a tiny house full of feral felines. This 5-1/4" (13.3 cm) tall, hard vinyl Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure has a wild look in her eye and comes with six cats." posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110064458723765306

Taste, I mean Read, the Rainbow

Taken from WHEN: November 12-22 10 a.m.-10 p.m. every day FREE CONTACT: Chris Cobb, (415) 837-0843 ---WHAT: For one amazing week in November, Adobe Bookshop in San Francisco has agreed to allow its estimated 20,000 books to be reclassified by color. Shifting from red to orange to yellow to green, the books will follow the spectrum continuously, changing Adobe from a neighborhood bookshop into a magical librarybut only for one week. Adobe Bookshop in San Francisco's Mission District, and all of its contents, will be transformed. It will take a crew of 20 people pulling an all-nighter fueled by caffeine and pizza and following a master organizational planbut come Saturday morning it will be like a place that would only exist in a dream. This temporary public installation will be assembled by the San Francisco artist Chris Cobb and a staff of volunteers, who will reorder all the books in one night and, when the week is over, return them to their original locations. San Francisco-based artist Chris Cobb received his BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and currently studies in the graduate Art Practice program at UC Berkeley with teachers such as Squeak Carnwath, Katherine Sherwood, and Richard Shaw. The well-known Los Angeles band Listing Ships will play at the opening reception on November 14. For more information, visit Very cool pictures can be seen posted by Kevin @

No Comment Needed
Well, I was just going to put the picture in the post, but it ended up being too big for the columns, so I will just have to link to it, dammit.

Basically, it's a chart that shows the average IQ of the population of the states, and then show whether Bush or Kerry won that state. To put it simply, the smart states voted for Kerry, the dumb states voted for Bush. posted by Kevin @

Monday, November 15, 2004

Death to the unbelievers!
Well, now that Bush has won his second term in office, and on top of that, the House and Senate are both under republican control, I guess it won't be long until we're all gonna die. Unless you're a good Christian, who hates gays, and pornography, and abortion, and you pray to Jesus every day to smite the heathen Muslims, and the French, and everyone else, including fellow Americans who don't believe that Bush is the emmisary of God, and that we must all do whatever he says or burn in Hell for all eternity. I wonder how long it's gonna be until Micheal Moore is found dead in his home, under suspicious circumstances? Of course, the official reports will all say he died of a heart attack, or some other weight induced heart problem. And what the fuck is going on upstairs?! It sounds like my upstairs neighbors are trying to saw a hole through my ceiling. With a vibrator. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, November 14, 2004 Here's a few things I thought were really funny from Posted the night of the election: A month ago, I would have said, "Bush will win." Now I'm not so sure. What's scary is if Kerry does win, we are all going to be eaten by wolves. I think. I'm not sure, but I think that's what that one Bush ad said. I totally don't want to get eaten by a wolf, let alone a pack of them. Whoever wins, let's hope that we all made the right decision. And when this is all over, I invite people of all parties to my apartment for a big party. We'll drink Sam Adams and yell shit about the Alamo. And if there are any Nader supporters, we'll plant a tree. Then the Bush supporters can cut it down and build a deck. Then the Kerry supporters can tax the shit out of it.

And something else: Damn. I wanted to sign myself up for Pimp My Ride, but I am too old. I have to be between the ages of 18-22. That blows. Discrimination. All I really want is for them to clean my car and maybe remove the cement that was splattered on it. And replace the runners. That's all I ask. I promise to be excited. "Oh shit! Check out the carpets, yo! They all vacuumed and shit! That is sweet, bro." Then I'll hug Xzibit and thank him for pimpin' my ride. But since I'm too old, I guess I should let go of that dream. Perhaps VH1 can create a show called "Please Clean My Car."

Assface: On my way to a Halloween party last night, I was on the subway, when a big retarded black guy decided to stand by me. He smelled quite bad. A guy sitting across from me, who I think was drunk, had a face on that made it seem like he was smelling a septic tank. He then blurted out, "I don't know who the fuck is releasing bodily functions, but it's nasty. Fartin' ass on the subway. Who does that?" Fartin' ass. I couldn't help but laugh. Today, a mother was walking with her son and they were carrying groceries. They had stopped to readjust the bags. The son then dropped a bag, only after the mother had given him too much to carry. The bag he dropped apparently contained crackers in it. She said, "Those were the crackers, assface. Those. Were. The crackers." She called her son assface. Perhaps that was his Halloween costume, but I'm not sure. I guess he ruined his mom's Annual Halloween Cracker Extravaganza. posted by Kevin @ Oh, wow, I'd really love to have this. Hunter S. Thompson is my hero. Unfortunately, the bidding is currently up to $1,100 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=110048701027881745 I think I posted this before, a long time ago, but I'm not sure. And I really like it, so I'm posting it again. And that these actually turn me on, is probably a sign that I really need to get laid. Badly. I don't mean I need to get badly laid, as in bad sex, but that I very badly need sex. Although at this point, I'd be happy even with bad sex. posted by Kevin @

Friday, November 12, 2004

My Wait for Halo
I finally remembered the other stuff I was going to talk about... When I waited in line for my copy of Halo 2. Duh. Oh, and also, the problems with the game disks. My brain just unfroze. So, I reserved my copy in May. Quite some time ago. Then, about a month ago, I went back and fully paid for my copy, instead of just the five dollars down. Because if your copy was paid for, you didn't have to wait in line with the people who hadn't paid. You'd just walk up and show them your VIP pass, and get your copy. That was the idea anyway, but it didn't work out that way. In fact, it was the opposite. EVERYONE prepaid for their copy. So the people who hadn't paid got there's quickly, while those who had paid in full, had to wait in line for hours. I got there about 10:45, along with my mom, who followed me up there, because she had a copy reserved for my sister for Christmas. She hadn't paid for hers, but I had paid for mine. She got her copy about an hour before I got mine. She got hers about 12:30, barely half an hour after it went on sale. I got mine about 1:35, and it was 2:00am before I got back home. Then, I made myself read the instruction book before even putting the game in the machine. So I finally put it in the X-Box around 2:30. And then I almost shit myself, because it said, "Your X-Box cannot recognize this disk. Please make sure it is an X-Box game, DVD or Audio CD. Also, the disk may be dirty or scratched." I kept my calm though, and took it out of the machine, to see if I could see anything wrong with it. It was spotless, there was no dirt or scratches. I put it back in the machine, and it worked this time. But, the graphics were skippy sometimes during the cutscenes and stuff, and then a couple of days later, I tried to play it, and it kept giving me that same error message. I had to take it out and put it back in and try again several times before it finally worked, so I finally took it back. I'm not the first one either. I don't know if it's happening all over, or maybe it's just the shipment that came here or something, but nearly everyone I know has had to take theirs back to. Everyone keeps getting that same error message. One guy I know had to take his back twice before he finally got one that worked. My brain just froze again, but I think I was done anyway. I'm going to go play Halo 2 now. posted by Kevin @

Holy crap...
Holy crap, the early dark usually doesn't mess me up, but tonight it sure did. I've only been home from work since 3:30pm, but it seems like it's been forever. I just got done watching a DVD, and when it ended, I thought, "Guess I'll play Halo 2 now. Wait, what time is it, it's probably almost 10:00 isn't it?" Then I looked at the clock, and it was 6:45. The main thing that threw me was that I went outside when it was dark, something I've barely done in months. I used to be a night person, I'd only leave the house by choice at night, but now since I started working mornings, I've barely left the house after dark in months. Anyway, I left about 5:30 to go get some burgers for dinner, and it was already dark, and it made it feel like it was really late. I'm ready for bed, but it's only 7:10. So, yeah, Halo 2. It's great. Maybe not as good as my expectations, but there's no way it could live up to people's expectations after they've been building up for over a year, with all these wild rumors and everything on the internet and in magazines. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's almost a disappointment after what I had in my imagination. Really, it's a great game. I'm not very far in it though, I'll admit, I suck at Halo, especially multiplayer. I'm only maybe halfway through, I'm not sure. I haven't played the multiplayer yet, but I have roamed alone through the multiplayer stages, and they look great. They're all huge. Well, most of them anyway, there's a few smaller ones. I really want to play it, but I haven't gotten to yet. I don't really want to tell you much about the game, because there are a lot of surprises and twists in the plot, most of which I haven't even gotten to yet. There's a lot of humor too, wisecracks made by the Marines and stuff like that. In fact, one of the Marines it even voiced by the comedian David Cross. One of my favorite jokes so far in the game is this one part where there's this beautiful, sweeping landscape, and one of the Marines says, "Wow, look at that, it's like a postcard. 'Dear Sarge, Kicking ass across the universe, wish you were here,'" and Sergeant Johnson gets on the radio and says "I heard that." I had other things I wanted to say, but I can't really remember them now. I'm tired now. I'm sure I'll remember it later. posted by Kevin @

Monday, November 08, 2004

It's almost time! And to make the waiting harder, Gamespy has posted a huge article about the game. And I mean huge! There's nine pages just about the soundtrack! Now that the game is almost out, they can tell more about it, and have made up for it by making this article huge. I'm thinking I may need to go to Gamespot and get in line earlier than I had planned. I hadn't planned on going very early, as my copy is completely paid for, and when you pay it completely, you get a VIP pass, that eliminates your wait. But I was talking to Daniel, and he had been talking to someone on their cellphone that was already waiting in line, and at 8:00 there were already a few dozen people in line. This small store said they have over 3000 copies reserved in people's names. So it looks like I'll be in for a huge wait no matter what ticket I have. There are people up there waiting in lawn chairs even. Ok, so, I'm excited. I'm going back to reading that article now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109996736879757684

Sunday, November 07, 2004

1d, 4hrs, 44min
It's almost time for Halo 2! I can't wait! The store I've got my copy reserved at is opening at 12:01 to sell it, so it's just a little over 24 hours! My two days off in a row weren't as boring as I had expected, as I actually found some things to keep me busy. I've been so bored lately, I can barely handle the time from when I come home from work between 2:00 and 4:00pm, and the time I go to bed, usually around 10:30pm. And my last day off I was so bored I was ready for bed by 6:30pm. So I didn't know what I'd do with two days off in a row. I spent most of my day yesterday out of the house. I had a little bit of shopping to do, but I also just went to both Sooner Fashion Mall and Crossroads Mall and looked around for a while. I also bought a lot of stuff. A lot more than I should have, considering how poor I am. I put most of it on my credit card, increasing my debt. I'm still not near as far in debt as most people. I only have, counting yesterday's purchases, about $1,300 of debt. One of the things I bought yesterday, I wouldn't have bought, if I knew the second thing I bought was going to be there for me to buy. There's this board game I've been wanting, called It's one of the world's oldest games. It was invented about 4,000 years ago in China, and then became really popular in Japan. It is still played by millions of people in China, Japan, and Korea, but is a little hard to find around here. I've been trying to find somewhere that sells it for probably six months now, but never could. I couldn't even find anywhere online that sells it. But yesterday at Sooner Fashion Mall, they had one of those small stores set up out in the hallway, but this one was actually fairly large for one of these places. It was a game store, they had about every game you could think of, other than video games, that is. At first I didn't think they had Go, but then I finally found it on the bottom of the last shelf. I could barely contain my joy. Now that I've finally got the game, I've found some websites online where I could've bought it. I was looking up sites that teach you to play it today. The rules are very simple, but it takes a lifetime to master. It's very complicated when you actually play it. Me and my sister tried to play a game today, but we didn't do anything right at all I don't think. Here's a great site for buying Go games and supplies, it also has a small how-to-play tutorial: If I had known I was going to find a copy of Go, I wouldn't have bought some of the other stuff I bought that day. Especially the $20 t-shirt at Hot Topic. I bought a lot of stuff at Hot Topic yesterday. They had a huge selection of Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise, I would have loved to have all of it, but the only thing I bought was a wristband with Jack's face on it. I also bought some stickers and patches and stuff, with various things on them. The t-shirt is a Family Guy t-shirt I've been wanting, but Hot Topic usually doesn't have anything in my size, but occasionally they do. It's a bright yellow shirt, with Stewie on it. He's all covered in mud, and saying "I'm a dirty, foul little boy." I remember a time, not too long ago, that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a bright yellow shirt. My mom commented on this too, when she saw the shirt. Used to everything I owned was black, with a few whites and greys. Those are my favorite colors, or used to be, black and grey mainly, but I also liked things that were black and white. But now, the last year or two, I've tried to stop wearing so much black, and was instead wearing more greys and whites. But now, in just the last few months, I've gotten a couple of brightly colored shirts. My red shirt, and now this yellow Stewie shirt. Ok, well, that's it for now. Don't expect on hearing much out of me the next few days, as I will be quite busy. 1d, 4hrs, 11min, 25sec posted by Kevin @

Friday, November 05, 2004

Mr. Nice Guy
I've really realised something in the last week or so. Actually, it's something I've always known, but I've only recently realised how much of a problem it is, and that I'd really probably be better off if I did something about it. To put it simply, I need to be more aggressive. I'm not talking about fighting, or anything like that, perhaps a better word would be "assertive." Just like that Spongebob episode. I need to be more assertive, I let people walk all over me for the most part. I've gotten a little better in recent years, but not much. I used to have a real problem saying no to people. If you asked me to do something for you, chances are good I'd do it for you, no matter how much I didn't want to, or how much it would inconvenience me. I've gotten a lot better at that, now I say no all the time. Almost too much. The main place I need to be more aggressive is with women. I take the "nice guy" concept to it's extreme. Like I have never in my life just like grabbed a girl's ass, or anything like that. I've never put the moves on anyone. My philosophy when it comes to women has always been, "Let them make the first move." I'll barely look at a woman without her permission. And yes, I ask permission to do things. It's pathetic really. I think that was the main problem with Kristina, was I was just too, well, nice, for her. Even when I know the girl would want me to do something, I still usually don't, just in case there's been a misunderstanding or something. I can also be really naive when it comes to sexual situations or similar things. For example, me and Kristina would be out driving back from the movies or something, and she'd be hinting, quite heavily, that she wanted to go park and have sex, and half the time I wouldn't even realize it, and I'd just keep driving around holding her hand like and idiot. Or even if I did realize it, I'd just be so nervous or something, I'd act like I didn't know what she was getting at. I need to be much more aggressive when it comes to women. I need to make the first move, and take control occasionally. It's no wonder everyone always thinks I am gay, even most of the girls. I don't flirt or hit on girls or anything. I'll barely even talk to them until I get to know them better. I'm sure it would be good for my self esteem and stuff too. Even if I got slapped a couple of times. At least I'd probably feel more like a man. I'm not one of these "women trapped in a man's body," but I've always been able to understand women better than I understand other men. I can be fairly emotional, and I understand what women are thinking and feeling better than most men, I think. There's times in life I've felt more like I was the woman in the situation. I'm the kind of person who'll sit next to the phone wondering, "Why doesn't she call?" That's something women are supposed to do, not men. And now that I've thoroughly embarrassed myself, I think I'm ending this post now. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, November 04, 2004


posted by Kevin @

Cry me a river...
Fuck it. Everything's broken. Everything sucks. What happened? Last Saturday was one of the best days of my life, but ever since then, nothing's gone right. For some reason it won't let me sign into my Personal Earthlink Start-page, so I can't even read the fucking news. It keeps telling me "invalid username or password." I even went and did the "I forgot my password" thing, and it verified my identity, and gave me a new password. But it's still giving me the same error message, even with the new password. Also, my internet browser or something is fucking up. For the last few days I haven't even been able to go to half the websites I want to go to. I click the link, or type the address, and it just goes to a blank white page, and loads forever. It will load for as long as I leave the window open, but nothing ever shows up, no matter how many times I hit reload or click the link again. It took me about an hour to get Blogger to open so I could even write this post. And then, on most of the webpages, even the ones that it will let me go to, they don't work right. The page loads, everything that should be there, is there. But yet, for some reason, the page still continues loading, and it does this for as long as I leave it open. Also, everywhere I go, everyone is acting like even bigger bitches and assholes than usual. For example: I, like everyone else at work, have been looking forward to November the 9th for about a year now, because that's when Halo 2 comes out. I already have my copy reserved and paid for. I even put the 9th and 10th in the request off book on September 10th, TWO MONTHS before the date I wanted off. And Allen didn't fucking give me either day off. He's got almost everyone working that day. He did it on purpose, because he's sick of hearing us all talk about Halo 2 all the time, and how much we are looking forward to it. He's got more than enough people working that day, and is still making me work. And Murray, the only person who did get that day off, even though he didn't request it, won't switch days with me, because he wants the 9th off too. I offered to work two days for Murray, in exchange for him working for me this one day, and he still won't do it! I've had it in the request off book for two months, I should have gotten at least one of the two days off! My mom bought me a set-top TV antenna thing, so I could at least watch the local networks. It has a built in signal amplifier and everything. The salesmen, and the box, everything all said it would definitely work for me. They said it would pick everything up, no matter where I live, even if I am in an apartment, on the ground floor, with other buildings all around me. It doesn't fucking work. It won't pick up a damn thing. I was finally, after fiddling with it and changing the position for like an hour, able to get it to pick up CBS at least good enough I could watch the election coverage, but barely. And the election. I'm not even going to fucking talk about that. At least not yet. The pain is still too fresh. And God, I've seriously felt like crying ever since I walked in the door from work today. All the built up stress and emotions from the last week. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Not that's it's any surprise at all, but the news stations are all predicting right now that Bush will definitely win here in Oklahoma, also, it looks like Tom Coburn, the evil corrupt republican senate candidate will win. I'm not just calling him evil and corrupt because he's a republican, but because he is. He used to be a doctor, and he sterilized some women without their consent, and he's voted against education and health, and everything else every chance he gets. Also, the gay marriage ban has passed here in Oklahoma. Still, no matter who wins, I'm still proud of how many people voted today. This election has motivated people who never voted before to vote. Young people are turning out in record numbers, and actually getting interested in politics. The polls opened here in Oklahoma at 7:00am, and all across the state, they'd already had more people voted by 8:00am than voted the entire day in the last election. People had to wait in line for an hour or more in many places here in Oklahoma. At the moment, they're predicting it's going to be a very close race again. It looks like it's probably all going to come down to Florida again. posted by Kevin @

Monday, November 01, 2004

An Election Eve Letter from John Kerry
As a member of the John Kerry campaign mailing list, this is the email I got today. It outlines his policies well. If I hadn't been going to vote for him before, I definitely would be now. Dear Kevin, During this campaign I have asked you for so much -- your time, your energy, and your financial support. Today, I ask you for one final thing -- your vote. Tomorrow, Americans will face a choice. How will we find our way forward? How will we keep America safe, and keep the American dream alive? I believe we begin by giving this country we love a fresh start. This morning, I would like to give you as a plainly as I can the summary of my case on how -together -- we can change America. I believe we begin by moving our economy, our government, and our society back in line with our best values.

I believe we do whatever it takes to lead our troops to success and bring them home safe. And when they do come home, I believe we begin by rebuilding an America with a strong middle class where everyone has the chance to work and the opportunity to get ahead. Tomorrow, you can choose a fresh start. You can choose a president who will defend America and fight for the middle-class. You can choose between four more years of George Bush's policy to ship jobs overseas and give tax breaks to the companies that do it -- or a president who will reward the companies that create and keep good jobs here in the United States of America. Tomorrow you will face a choice between four more years of George Bush's giveaways to the big drug companies and the big HMOs -- or a president who will finally make health care a right, and not a privilege, for every American. This election is a choice between four more years of tax giveaways for millionaires along with a higher tax burden for you -- or a president who will cut middle-class taxes, raise the minimum wage, and make sure we guarantee women an equal day's pay for an equal day's work. Tomorrow, America faces a choice between four more years of an energy policy for big oil, of big oil, and by big oil -- or a president who finally makes America independent of Mideast oil in ten years. A choice between George Bush's policy that just yesterday showed record profits for oil companies and record gas prices for American consumers. I believe that America should rely on our own ingenuity and innovation, not the Saudi Royal family. Tomorrow this campaign will end. The election will be in your hands. If you believe we need a fresh start in Iraq; if you believe we can create and keep good jobs here in America; if you believe we need to get health care costs under control; if you believe in the promise of stem cell research; if you believe our deficits are too high and we're too dependent on Mideast oil then I ask you to join me and together we'll change America. I ask for your vote and I ask for your help. When you go to the polls bring your friends, your family, your neighbors. No one can afford to stand on the sidelines or sit this one out. And in return for your hard work, you have my commitment to always fight for you, to always be on your side. In the words of Bruce Springsteen that have become the theme of this campaign. "We've made a promise we swore we'd always retreat and no surrender." Tomorrow we will change America and with your help I will always keep that promise to you. Thank you, John Kerry posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109934818829738829 "MANCHESTER, N.H. - John Kerry supporters got a welcome omen for their candidate on Sunday: The Green Bay Packers defeated the Washington Redskins. "If history holds, the 28-14 score portends a victory for Kerry on Tuesday because the result of the Redskins' final home game before the presidential election has always accurately predicted the White House winner. "If the Redskins win, the incumbent party wins. If they lose, the incumbent party is ousted..." posted by Kevin @

Sunday, October 31, 2004

More About Last Night
Inside Jokes from last night: "In the Air Tonight," by Phil Collins One Dollar And countless others I can't remember right now. Oh and also, I love "fall back." I love gaining an hour. posted by Kevin @

Fun Time!
Last night was the most fun I've had in ages. As I said I was going to the other day, last night I went out with my friends. Me, Alicia, Chris, Chris' fiancee Candice, and her friend Lindy (I guess that's how it's spelled, I've never heard that name before) all went to Huxtlers in Norman to play pool. Dave couldn't make it, as his little girl was sick and had to go to

the hospital for some reason. I got off work, a little early too, and went home and called Chris, but he and Candice were at her parent's house, and would be there until it was time to go play pool, which would be around 8:00 or so, so I had a few hours to kill. So I got online, and me and Alicia talked for a while, and then I had to get offline to finish getting ready, and so Chris could call me when he and Candice got back. It was still only about 7:00, but I decided to play it safe, in case they got back early. Then a few minutes later, Alicia showed up, and we watched Goldmember until Chris finally called sometime around 8:30. But he informed me of a small problem. His brother wanted to go with us. As long as I've known Chris, his brother's been in and out of jail, usually for drugs. He's got another warrant out for his arrest right now, so he's been hiding out, but he wanted to go play pool with us. Chris had a plan though, and came up with a story for me and Alicia to go along with. The story was this: That day had been the big OU/OSU football game, and Huxtlers, and in fact most of Norman, would probably be full of people partying, so there would likely be a lot of cops out, especially at a bar/pool hall like Huxtlers. So Chris told his brother that Alicia had already been up to Huxtlers just a while ago, and there had been cops there at the door, to make sure no one got out of hand. The plan worked, and Chris' brother stayed behind. We had decided to take separate cars. Me and Alicia would go in my car, and Chris and Candice would be in their Jeep, so when he called, Alicia and I drove over to Chris' parent's house to meet up with them. Then we drove to Norman. I had to follow them closely, because first we had to pick up Lindy, who lived in Norman not too far from Huxtlers. The car drive to Norman and Huxtlers was fun. Alicia kept messing with my radio, and for some reason she did it with her feet. She kept putting her feet up on the dash, and she kept pressing the radio buttons and turning the dials, all with her foot. Then she wrote "bitch" on my window with her toe. Then a medley of songs from Grease came on the radio, and she really got into it. She knew all the words and sang and danced in her seat. It was great. I was kinda dissappointed when we got to Huxtlers, because I don't really like playing pool, and the car ride was so fun. I actually had fun playing pool even. For one, it wasn't as one-sided as usual, because Chris, who is usually very good, hadn't gotten to play in quite some time. I haven't played in a year or two either, though. But basically, we all sucked last night. When we first got there, Candice and Lindy sat at the bar for a while, so the first five games were me and Alicia on a team, against Chris. In the end, it was 3 games to 2. Chris had the three. But about the only reason me and Alicia got those two were because he'd lose by scratching on the 8-Ball or something. Then Candice and Lindy came over and we did two teams, Me and Alicia against Candice and Lindy, with Chris playing whichever team won. Me and Alicia won, but Chris beat us. Then me and Alicia sat out a game or two. Then I played one last game against Chris. Those last two games I started doing really well. I played the best I'd ever played before, even Chris agreed. It still wasn't that great, but it was really good for me. Then me and Alicia left. Chris, Candice and Lindy stayed behind, because Candice and Lindy wanted to have some more drinks. So me and Alicia drove back to Purcell, and she went home. Alicia was about to pass out by this time, and I was pretty tired as well. I went in and got online for a few minutes, just to check my email and stuff, and Alicia was online as well, and we talked for a few more minutes. Then I went to sleep. It was a great night. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Michael Jackson's Halloween Special
Michael: Hey kids! It's Halloween... in my pants! Now who wants a treat?! Children: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!! Children: *run away* Michael: Ah-hee-hee *moonwalks* posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109918038468667959 "LOS ALAMOS, N.M. - Authorities have evicted a man from a cave on Los Alamos National Laboratory land where they say he apparently lived for years with the comforts of home - a wood-burning stove, solar panels connected to car batteries for electricity and a satellite radio..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109916638945645062

Friday, October 29, 2004

So last night was Halloween here in Purcell. I'm disappointed. I went out and spent $5 on candy, $5 dollars that I could barely afford to spend, and only had like 7 trick or treaters all night. I went to a lot of trouble too. I put on this really spooky music, by, and lit a bunch of candles and incense, to create a spooky mood when I opened the door. All this trouble, and I hardly got a single kid. I didn't expect many, being at an apartment complex, but I expected more than that. It was a perfect night for Trick or Treating, even if it wasn't the real Halloween. The clouds that have been darkening the sky the last few days parted just long enough for there to be a large, red moon during the festivities. It was really cool. Tomorrow night, me, Alicia, Chris, Candice, and maybe Dave are all going out to play pool. I don't really like pool, but they all want to play. I really suck at pool. My dad used to be a pool shark when he was in his teens. He was telling me the other day about how he and his friends used to go to the pool halls and he'd sometimes make up to $100 a night. And then was back in the 60's, when that was a lot of money. Especially for a 15 year old. I didn't inherit his skills, however. I can go a whole game without getting more than a ball or two in sometimes. And I've played it a lot. We used to even have a pool table at my house. Sometimes I'll get lucky, and make two or three shots in a row, but not often. What's weird, is I'm usually better at getting the complicated bank shots than I am at the simple straight line shots. I can try to hit a ball into the pocket that it's sitting like two inches in front of, and miss horribly, but then I can make incredibly lucky shots that involve banking it off a wall or two. I'm not really looking forward to playing pool in a loud, smoky, smelly bar and pool hall, but I am looking forward to going out with my friends.

posted by Kevin @ "RICHLAND, Wash. - Faith the service dog phoned 911 when her owner fell out of her wheelchair and barked urgently into the receiver until a dispatcher sent help. Then the 4-year-old Rottweiler unlocked the front door so the responding police officer could come in..." posted by Kevin @ "LONDON - A Scottish township plans to mark Halloween by officially pardoning 81 people - and their cats - executed centuries ago for being witches..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109908530014434302

Thursday, October 28, 2004 "On September 7th, 2003, President Bush announced on national television that he was asking the Congress to grant him an additional $87 billion dollars for the next fiscal year, beginning October 1, to continue the fight on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan." "But $87 billion is an impossibly high number for anyone to visualize. Let's have a look...." posted by Kevin @ Circuitry porn. Mostly work safe. It's funny, more childish than dirty. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109900907085397306 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109900790135557256 A funny story from Mike at In this story, he's talking about a dumpster: This thing mysteriously appeared around the corner from my abode yesterday. I was walking home, when all of the sudden, I notice this gigantic dumpster with a lot of garbage in it, and more importantly, lots of garbage on the outside of it. While that isn't the most unheard of thing, what was quite interesting was the number of children that were climbing in it, around it, and rummaging through it, apparently searching for hidden treasure. I don't know who dumped this thing here, but it almost looked like a dollar store had dumped its contents in it. There were plenty of unopened packages. Shitty shit, but still free shit that is new. I imagine these kids' parents requested that the kids go "find mommy up some new shoes." Anyway, later on last night, I went to get something to eat, and on my way back, there was this little white kid looking through stuff that had been on the sidewalk. He was young, couldn't have been more than eight. He picked up a flat, rectangular box. Then, as he stared at his new find, to my shock and awe, I heard him say, "Bitch, you gotta be fucking kidding me!" Then he turned his head upward to where he must have lived, and yelled, "Mommy! I found Christmas lights!" I would love to be in that kid's living room come Christmas. "Motherfucker! A PlayStation! Oh shit, nigga! It's a PS2! Next time I see Santa, I'ma suck that bitch's dick!" God bless us everyone. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109900666954654037 INAPPROPRIATE "DO IT" SLOGANS. By Jeremy Martin

Cardiologists do it 'til your heart stops. Poison Control Hotline operators do it 'til you puke. Catholic priests do it 'til you hit puberty. Vice presidents do it from an undisclosed location. Trekkies do it 'til their mom comes home. Donkey anesthesiologists do it 'til your ass falls asleep. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109899481387173481 Grimace Speaks to a Geneticist. BY DAVID NG ---GRIMACE: What am I? GENETICIST: That is a very interesting question indeed. And we should begin by briefly discussing your known history. According to your records, you were born as "Evil Grimace," with four deft arms, and a penchant for amusing yourself by stealing milkshakes from small children. Then, in 1974, you experienced a change of heart, a loss of two arms, and a metamorphosis into what is your current incarnationa supposedly warm, gentle, and seemingly living representation of the "embodiment of childhood." GRIMACE: Is that why I have only one orifice? GENETICIST: Perhaps so, as childhood is a period marked by the most basic of bodily functions. In truth, it is that kind of interesting nuance that makes me suspect your being a genetically modified organism. Furthermore, the timing of your appearance coincides perfectly with a social phenomenon during the '70s. A time when discussing human cloning was culturally fashionable, when books like The Boys From Brazil and In His Image appeared on bestseller lists. Also, you are purple like a giant areola. GRIMACE: How can I find out more? GENETICIST: A promising course of action is to try genetic counseling. Which, in the conventional sense, suggests that we investigate your network, both in family and in friendship. This is to help construct a more complete picture of your being and, more importantly, your past. From this, we will have a firm starting point from which to build. GRIMACE: But I have no family, no real friends, and Ronald, frankly, scares me. What other alternatives do I have? GENETICIST: Ronald scares us, too, but that is for another interview. Under those restrictive circumstances, one possible alternative is to contact nonacquaintances with similar traits. Perhaps someone like Barney the Dinosaur, who is also big, purple, and waves a lot like an idiot. Similarly, we could simply forge ahead and arrange for a genetic test. This is a process that will allow us to peer at your very own genetic code, and is something that will surely resolve the mystery that surrounds you. GRIMACE: Like why I am so popular with the ladies? GENETICIST: Yes, exactly! In some respects, you could be the perfect metaphor for what is both wonderfully right and terribly wrong about genetic manipulation. Due to the marvels of this technology, you appear to have luxury, wealth, fame, as many women as you desire, and yet you have no identity, no origin. If ever there were such a thing, you are an organic black box. GRIMACE: I think it's because the ladies like my massive tongue. GENETICIST: Which is magnificent indeed! In fact, seeing it now, I am struck by how similar your appearance is to that of a tongue, a taste bud, to be specific. To entertain this avenue, I ask that you take a moment to study and answer these five carefully designed questions: (1) Do you find that you sweat profusely such that you are always, to a certain degree, moist? (2) Do you find yourself a constant victim of paper cuts, specifically when handling your letters of correspondence? (3) Do you find you enjoy bathing in scented waters but are repelled by thoughts of swimming in the sea, perhaps fearing that the salt will further constrict your already-tender skin? (4) Do you notice that when you are jumping on a trampoline, the consonant sounds "l," "n," "d," and "t" appear as if by magic? And (5) Do you, during the winter season, always find yourself inexplicably and inconveniently stuck to cold metal structures? GRIMACE: Hmmm, maybe the trampoline one, but otherwise, no. GENETICIST: Ah, well, it was only a hypothesis. It appears that we will order that genetic test after all. But first, I feel compelled to present this stern warning: these tests can be excruciatingly accurate sometimes. You may, quite frankly, be disappointed with the result. You see, I cannot control the outcome of the test. I do not possess that power. I am not God. I am, sadly, only a geneticist. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109899390046697648

Halloween and Voting...

A week or two ago, I posted a news story about how some towns in the bible belt are celebrating Halloween on Saturday, since it fell on a Sunday, and I mentioned about how they've been doing that here for years. Well, this year it's even worse. This year they are having it on Thrursday, today. All the other towns aroudn us are having it Saturday, but the little town I live in, is having it Thursday. They are doing this mostly because the biggest part of Halloween here is taking the little kids down to main street, where all the stores give out candy. But all the stores are closed, or close really early on Saturday and Sunday, so they are having it on a weekday. And the reason they didn't have it Friday is because that is the night of the big Purcell/Lexington rivalry football game. This town sucks. Another thing I'm really sick of is how violently republican Oklahoma is. Around here, if you're a democrat, you are hated and discriminated against. My little sister gets picked on at school for being a democrat, even by the teachers! The other day one of her teachers told her that "all democrats do is raise taxes and kill babies." Most of her teachers aren't that mean though, most of them just have this attitude of "You're still young, you don't understand politics and don't know any better. When you get older, hopefully you'll realize that democrats are bad." Yesterday I was driving through Norman, and saw a house with a Kerry sign in their yard. They'd also put up a handmade sign next to it, probably to keep people from vandalising their house. It said stuff about "I am a proud American, I am a Christian, and I support our troops." It said more, but that's all I was able to read as I was driving by. It's funny, all the campaign ads that are supposed to be against the democratic candidates just make me and my parents want to vote for them more. They all say things like "Brad Carson is a liberal. He voted for this and this, and wants to do this. He has voted again Bush's policies more times than even Hillary Clinton. So remember, a vote for Carson is a vote against Bush." And that's supposed to be getting people to NOT vote for him, but it makes me want to vote for him more. I can't wait to vote. The future of our country really hangs in the balance with this one. posted by Kevin @

Another joke, and a new blog link.

I just found a cool blog, it's all jokes, funny quotes, and pictures. The way I found it is they are now linking to me, and were in my referrals page. Here's one of my favorite jokes from the site: It's wise to remember how easily email -- this wonderful technology -- can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with serious consequences. Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email. Unfortunately, when typing her address, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint. At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen: "Dearest Wife, Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P.S. Sure is hot down here." posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 This site will show some of the horrors of disease and disfigurement associated with toxic breast implants. Contrary to what the manufacturers and plastic surgeons would have you believe. Most breast implant victims, were not disfigured by the non-board certified doctors! They were the victims of faulty breast implants! Breast implants have never been proven safe by the FDA, nor the Manufacturers, and this applies to Saline as well as silicone! These women were considerate enough to allow their pictures to be shown, in hopes that this will alert others, to the dangers of implants, (in spite of the Science Panel's findings) and help to further the truth. Please note that this is not just a U.S. problem. I am receiving photos, and stories, from all corners of the globe. Switzerland, Austrailia, Canada, South Africa, and much of Europe. With your help, this message will be heard! To All Of These Women We Offer Our Thanks. To those who have died--We offer this site, in their memory--may they rest in peace." posted by Kevin @

Yankees Jokes
I never talk about sports on here, mostly because I hate sports. I don't like baseball, and I don't give a shit about either the Yankees or the Red Sox, but the last couple of weeks there's been a lot of talk about them, and a lot of rivalry between fans of the two. Even though I don't care, I still found this joke I just saw to be hilarious. Q: What do Yankees fans and sperm have in common? A: One in 3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being. Here's some more from the same webpage. A lot of these though are just old blonde jokes with "Yankees" or "Yankees Fans" substituted in the place of blonde. Now, some decent Yankee bashing from an e-mail: Q: What has 400 feet and 4 teeth? A: The first row of the bleachers at Yankee Stadium. -Yankee StampsDid you hear that the Post Office just recalled their latest stamps? They had pictures of Yankees players on them ...people couldn't figure out which side to spit on. -Yankee Fans on a BikeQ: If you see a Yankees fan on a bicycle, why should you never swerve to hit him? A: There's a good chance it's your bicycle. -Yankees in the SandQ: What do you have when 100 Yankees fans are buried up to their neck in sand? A: Not enough sand. -Dead Dog and a Yankee FanQ: What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead Yankees fan in the road? A: There are skid marks in front of the dog. -Birth ControlQ: What do Yankees fans use for birth control? A: Their personalities. -Two Bullets...Q: You're trapped in a room with a tiger, a rattlesnake, and a Yankees fan. You have a gun with two bullets. What should you do? A: Shoot the Yankees Fan.......Twice! -Eyes lit upQ: How do you get a Yankee fans eyes to light up? A: Shine a flashlight in his ear! -Big Foot and a Yankee fanQ: What's the difference between Bigfoot and a smart Yankee fan? A: Big Foot has actually been sited before! -Yankee's quick humorQ: How do you make a Yankee fan laugh on Monday? A: Tell them a joke on Friday! -Yankee IQ testQ:what does your average yankee fan get on an I.Q. test? A: Drool! posted by Kevin @ "MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Afraid a talkative parrot might prove to be a stool pigeon, three thieves returned to the scene of the crime to silence the bird - only to be caught by police, authorities say..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109891812691444863 posted by Kevin @ "Adults are roughly an inch taller than they were in the early 1960s, on average, and nearly 25 pounds heavier, the government reported Wednesday..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109891802292859025

Monday, October 25, 2004

Britney Spears Looking Like Crap...
If my last post would make anyone feel better about their living space, this post will make women feel better about their looks. It also proves that without makeup and airbrushing, even someone as "perfect" as Britney Spears looks just like the rest of us, maybe even worse. She really does look like crap in these pictures. Is it weird that I think she actually looks sexier like this? Maybe I'm just a fan of the "filthy little crack whore hanging around a truck stop" look. I hope the link works for you, I've been having trouble getting it to work. posted by Kevin @

This is crazy...
This is just incredible, and I thought my parent's house was messy. This will make anyone instantly feel better about the condition of their living space, no matter what it looks like. Warning, this page took close to half an hour to fully load on my dial-up computer. It's got lots of pictures. posted by Kevin @ Tom filter lets phones see through bikinis/2100-1039_3-5425105.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt Tom filter lets phones see through bikinis/2100-1039_3-5425105.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109874702768080823 "NEW YORK - The search of a vacant lot allegedly used as a graveyard for people ordered killed by the late mob boss John Gotti and other gangsters ended Sunday after yielding the remains of two people believed to be former Mafia captains..." posted by Kevin @ "With every kid that you adopt, you promise to love them and be a good parent and take care of this child. And that's what we did with Kevin." Pat Posey of Maryland who with her husband Joe have "raised" a Cabbage Patch doll as their only son for 19 years. The foot-tall doll, christened Kevin, has his own 1,000 sq ft playroom, a doll-sized Corvette car, a pet dog, a full wardrobe and savings fund for college. The couple prefer him to their real child, an adult daughter named Vicky. And something else weird I just read... 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

posted by Kevin @

Friday, October 22, 2004

Mmmm... Ham.
So I was sitting around talking to myself in weird voices, making up strange conversations, like I usually do, and came up with this. Man 1: Do you like... ham? Man 2: Why, yes. I like ham quite a lot. Why? Man 1: Because of this! (Hits him on the head with a large ham) Man 2: You bastard! posted by Kevin @ "BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Two mummified bodies found in an abandoned, burned-out mortuary have a story as eerie as Halloween: They were known as Pap and Molly, and legend had it that they stabbed each other to death in the 1930s." posted by Kevin @

blogID=3773360&postID=109848854334668804 "DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. - A woman came home from vacation to find a stranger living there, wearing her clothes, changing utilities into her name and even ripping out carpet and repainting a room she didn't like, authorities said." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109848847061740573 "MACON, Georgia - A teacher-parent brawl in front of 19 primary school pupils sent a mother to the emergency room and the teacher to jail. "Teacher Katrina Ann Rucker, 30, is charged with battery and cruelty to children for allegedly beating a parent who tried to retrieve her daughter's book bag, The Macon Telegraph newspaper reported Friday." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109848833691311194

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Don't read this if you're easily disgusted...
I just had the grossest conversation with Chris. And no, none of the things I say in it are really true. Except for the part about having a hairy back. That's true. Gross, but true. subspecies23: I should have a tv show, I'd be like Andy Rooney or some other news show guy, and I'd end every show with, "This has been Kevin Underwood, bringing you more information than you wanted to know." paladix: that would rule, lmao subspecies23: that would be great, lol subspecies23: "don't you just hate it when you get big pimples all over your ass? I know I do. What's even worse is when you go to pop them, and it makes an audible popping noise, and sprays five feet onto the bathroom mirror." subspecies23: and no one would ever watch again paladix: omfg, i'm going to be sick subspecies23: lmao subspecies23: that's gross, lol paladix: lol subspecies23: I'd be good at that show, lol subspecies23: then I'd take my shirt off and show everyone my back hair subspecies23: then I could say "The other day I shaved my ass, and now my ass is covered with ingrown hairs. They're becoming quite swollen and puss filled. My ass looks like a pizza, and it hurts to sit down." subspecies23: and across the nation, families would vomit in unison posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109840299126355975

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Ugh, I'm really sick today. I'm really sick everyday, but today I'm the "take some sudafed" kind of sick, not sick in the head sick. It's not just me, half the people at work were sick today. I got to work today, and they'd already sent Murray home just a little while after he got there because he was sick, and Curtis was really sick all day too. My sinuses have been a little stuffy for the last week or so, but just a little. I felt fine when I got up today, but within 15 minutes of getting to work, I suddenly got really, really congested and needing to sneeze all the time. I've been that way all day now. It got a little better for a while this afternoon, but as the night goes by now, I'm getting worse and worse. I'm gonna feel like crap in the morning probably. And I have to work tomorrow, ugh. posted by Kevin @

What Trojan Condom are You?

You Are A!

About Your Kissing Style: You'll only kiss if the mood is right and if you think you are falling in love. Some may say you're old fashioned, but when you kiss, you see stars! One kiss from you, and anyone will be hooked forever. What Your Kissing Style Says About You: You're no prude, but if you're going to get sexual, it needs to mean something. You prefer to take things slow, because it only makes them better in the long run. You're much more likely to find yourself engaged than in some stranger's bed. Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches: You and another Romantic Kisser is just pure bliss. You both enjoy the finer aspects of seduction and have the preference of taking things slow. It's practially love at first site. You'll also find yourself attracted to Juicy Kissers. The way a Juicy Kisser locks eyes with you and draws you in is almost cosmic... Manic Kissers are to be avoided at all costs. These kissers love to kiss everyone and can never commit to one person. Next! Carnal Kissers aren't your style either. They'll push you for sex way too soon... and get very upset when they don't get their way. posted by Kevin @

I didn't need a quiz to tell me this...

You'll Never Cheat!

You are a perfect romantic.

You want your relationships to work out and wouldn't do anything to mess them up. You might get mad at your guy or girl - but you'd never do anything to hurt them on purpose. posted by Kevin @ "DEFIANCE, Ohio - Elections officials knew something was wrong when they got voter registration cards for Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, Michael Jordan and George Foreman. "They notified the Defiance County sheriff, who arrested Chad Staton on Monday on a felony charge of submitting phony voter registration forms. Investigators also were looking into allegations that he was paid with cocaine in exchange for his efforts..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109821334298566767 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109821321695450547

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Are you Fuckable? Quiz
Fuck you. FUCK YOU! I am SO sick of hearing this! Fuck, this result is going to have me in a bad mood for days.

You Are Friend-able!

While you may not be the first on a booty call list, you have plenty of friends. It's not that you are unattractive - you just haven't cultivated your sex appeal. Disappointed? Don't be! There's tons you can do to increase your do-ability. Open up, flirt more, get some new clothes. The sex is out there - it's up to you to find it. posted by Kevin @

What Type of Music is your Sex Life?

I don't know why I take these quizzes. How accurate can they be when I don't even HAVE a sex life? But, based on the kind of sex I WANT to have, this is very accurate.

Your sex is like R&B!

Is there anything like getting freaky with Barry White's deep, sexy voice purring in your ear and raising up the heat? For you, sex is about sensuality, passion, and indulging yourself in making sweet, sweet love all night long. You savour every sensation, and every love-making session is likely to leave you sweaty, exhausted, and spent. Some might call you hedonistic and self-indulgeant, but they're probably the same ones who have scheduled sex every Tuesday night at ten on the dot, missionary position only--they don't understand the joys and ecstacies of sex the way you do! posted by Kevin @

Hostile Horoscope
This is the most hostile, angry sounding horoscope I've ever seen: Sagittarius Okay, the party is over. Time to put away those sinful pleasures, dear Sagittarius, such as the vintage champagne, the chocolate truffles and who knows what you won't even admit to hoarding secretly. Take a hard look at your home and get serious about putting things into order. That old reality check is coming, so today would be a good time to get ready by tidying up the house and getting your head into gear. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Are You Sadistic or Masochistic? You enjoy inflicting pain upon others to gain sexual satisfaction. Are you an angry person by any chance?

are Sadistic.

Hmmm... Maybe a little, I've never tried it. It might be fun, as long as it's consensual. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109804553554573294

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Something I Want to See...
I wanna see some tv show, or movie, or something, where the monster, villian, whatever, says, "I have slept for a thousand years... and, MAN, do I have to PISS!" I said this to Murray today at work, and I thought he was going to die. Too bad he didn't. What makes it better was the voices I did it in. The first part was a deep, demonic, evil voice, but then for the second part, it was a more normal voice. posted by Kevin @

Dammit, it's true!

I just read this on some website, I've tried it several times, and it's true. Freaky. While sitting, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it." posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109797234335449808

Friday, October 15, 2004 They've been doing that for years here in Purcell and the surrounding towns. I can't remember the last time we actually celebrated Haloween on the 31st. They always move it for one reason or another, sometimes it's because it falls on a Sunday, or sometimes it's because the big Purcell - Lexington Rivalry football game is on the same day as Halloween. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109789322758975108

Does Depression Lead to Arson?

Probably not. But I found two strange news stories today that both deal with depressed people starting fires for no good reason at all. CORDELE, Ga. - A sad movie and a night of heavy drinking led a south Georgia man to set his house on fire, the man told police. Charles Alton Adams, 32, walked into the Crisp County Law Enforcement Center shortly after midnight Thursday and told deputies he had burned down his mobile home. He said that after watching the movie, he drank nine or ten beers and decided to set fire to pillows on his bed. Adams did not tell authorities the name of the movie. 'I have asked that question myself,' said Crisp County Sheriff Donnie Haralson. 'The whole thing just doesn't really make sense.' Haralson said Adams has been charged with arson. He remained in the county jail Friday morning as family members attempted to raise money for his bond. Haralson said the doublewide home was gutted by the fire. PORT ANGELES, Wash. - Court documents filed in Clallam County Superior Court tie an alleged arson in an apartment complex to a smelly cat litter box. Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Marie Adeline Calkins, 63, with first-degree arson, accusing her of setting a fire Tuesday in her apartment on South C Street. No one was injured. She told officers she lit the fire because 'she was depressed and upset that her kitty litter box was full and smelled,' court papers said. Judge George L. Wood set bail at $50,000 and ordered a mental health assessment. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, October 14, 2004 "BUFFALO, N.Y. - Mark David Chapman felt like a nobody and wanted to "steal John Lennon's fame" when he shot the former Beatle outside his New York City apartment in 1980, according to a transcript of Chapman's most recent parole hearing, released Thursday..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109780378945938818 %27Halo 2%27 hits pirate sites/2100-1043_3-5409959.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt %27Halo 2%27 hits pirate sites/2100-1043_3-5409959.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109778330314703820 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109778322005889417 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109778315780887040

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

52 Hits

I've had 52 hits today, I think that's a new personal record. I usually get between 30 and 35 a day. Probably half of them today though, were for various phrases involving the death and ashes of Veronica Lake, which was the subject of a news story I posted the other day. Most of the other half of the hits today were for "Jamie Lee Curtis Hermaphrodite." Ever since I posted that the other day, half my hits have come from that search. There's lots of results for that search too. Most of the sites say it's just a Urban Legend. Well, most of them say it's a popular urban legend, but that no one knows for sure whether it's true or not. I also got a couple of hits, maybe from the same person both times, for "Star Wars Porn." Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. I've been playing Fable for about the last three hours. So far it seems very good. I've heard some mixed reviews about it though. posted by Kevin @

Movie Time
I've been so extremely bored lately. I seriously considered going to bed at 7:00pm the other night. I rented a game and two movies tonight, so that will give me something to do the next few days. Especially the game. They finally had Fable in, I've been wanting to play that, but it was never in. Then I also rented Fahrenheit 9/11 and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I've seen both of them before, but I really liked both of them. I'd like to own both of them, but I can't afford to buy any DVDs right now. Well, I'm going to go start on Fable now. posted by Kevin @ Hooray for the Meanwhile, I am a presidential debate whore. Loves it. I cannot believe people are going to vote for that hairy ass Bush, can't they see how fucking stupid he is? Really. Mr. President, name three mistakes you have made in office. I thank you for that. My war is great and we brought everyone to justice, this isn't wrong war wrong place wrong time flip flop wearing liberal rhetoric and prefab answers. Want some wood? What a fucking dumbass. What is the matter with this country? Who can be so blind to this moron who has ruined our street cred, killed our children in a war that never should have happened and let the terrorists sneak off to increase their numbers? It makes me mad. Kerry may have a big old head and a strange looking chin but at least he is smart. Orwellian? Fantastic! That should not scare people. But it does because it's not a word most people can read off of the side of a Happy Meal box. I'll tell you why Bushie thinks the air quality is just fine, it's because he had the EPA lower their clean air act standards, fuckwad. He don't know nothing. It's so frustrating, why can't they see Bush doesn't answer the questions and how worked up he gets, all monkey faced and confused? It's because he's looking for his banana as a reward. Put him in a cage and let him play on the tire swing where he belongs. Get out the vote, beetles. If you are undecided, what the hell is wrong with you? Parasites in your brain, most likely. Or crabs in your pubes. Don't make me angry. Ah, too late. Bush is probably a Yankees fan he's so stupid. Asses of evil. Watch the debate tonight and drink everytime he doesn't answer the question posed to him. You will be drunk in the first half hour. Drink for every child left behind. Drink for his so called medicare reform that won't happen until 2006. Drink if you take expensive prescription drugs not bought in Canada. Drink if you think religion is more important than a woman's right to choose. And just to show Im not overly biased, drink everytime Kerry says he has a plan and doesn't tell us what that plan is, but dammit he has a plan. Whatever that may be, and I don't care because he's got one. Unlike capuchin monkey love child who will instill a draft and send your loved ones to slaughter and send all your jobs overseas. Vote motherfuckers, vote. For Kerry! I heart Kerry and his big head. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109770316113645227

Monday, October 11, 2004 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Saturday, October 09, 2004 posted by Kevin @ "LONDON - "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling said Friday that one of her characters will not survive the next book in her series about the young wizard..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109733118079341858 Online extortion growing more common/2100-7349_3-5403162.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt Online extortion growing more common/2100-7349_3-5403162.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt

"Online extortion is rife and that cybercrime is set to get worse, the SANS Institute's research director said Friday. "Six or seven thousand organizations are paying online extortion demands," Alan Paller said at the SANS Institute's Top 20 Vulnerabilities conference in London. "The epidemic of cybercrime is growing. You don't hear much about it because it's extortion, and people feel embarrassed to talk about it..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109733107243155437

Thursday, October 07, 2004 posted by Kevin @

Everyone Loves Vaginas!

Someone got to my site today by searching for "Strange shape vaginas." my site was ninth on the list. One of the top results for that search was this site. (Not work safe) This is not a porn site, it's a scientific institute that researches all aspects of the vagina. If you've got questions or problems concerning vaginas, or just want to know if your vagina is "normal," this is the site to go to. You can also help their efforts by telling them things about your vagina or your girlfriend's vagina. Also has vaginal care tips and tricks, including ways to keep your vagina tight. Hooray for vaginas! Speaking of which, here's the lyrics to a song I've been listening to a lot lately. I've had the CD for a few years, after Melissa recommended that I go out and get it, but I've recently been listening to it a lot. It probably has something to do with the fact that I've been really horny lately. Yes, even more than usual. Lords of Acid I wanna see your pussy - everybody says it's nice Can I come and visit - I'll be at your house tonight They tell me it's soft to touch and really smooth I can hardly wait to feel that pussy too You wanna play with pussy all the time To hide that kinda pussy is a crime You say your pussy's clever and so slick But I think that your pussy's kinda sick I wanna bet your pussy ain't as pretty as mine I don't hide my pussy like you do all the time My pussy's just the sweetest thing that you've ever seen Compared to mine your pussy's really ugly and mean I bring my pussy everywhere I go To watch my little pussy is a show You say your pussy's clever and so slick But I think that your pussy's really thick She turns into a tiger when she's ready to eat My pussy's always hungry for a big chunk of meat So lay your little pussy right next to mine You can bring her over round dinnertime My pussy is the hippest thing around She's always been the talk of the town You say your pussy's clever and so slick But I think that your pussy's mighty thick (meow, baby) I wanna see your pussy show it to me Let me see your pussy show it to me Show me your pussy show it to me I wanna pet your pussy show it to me posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, October 06, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109711903006425649 Last Nights' Vice Presidential Debate according to whoever writes this blog:

CHENEY: blarghhraumphrabbledabble, fear me fear me. EDWARDS: no connection y'all between 9-11 and saddam. CHENEY: you weren't there that day EDWARDS: i have hair CHENEY: blargh posted by Kevin @

I Wish...
Sagittarius Sex and passion are primarily on your mind today, dear Sagittarius [God, yes they are...], and you'll definitely want to get together with a romantic partner. Don't be surprised, however, if the precursor to lovemaking might be a long, involved, and very intimate conversation, revealing secrets that you thought you'd never repeat to anyone. You could learn some rather surprising things as well - though nothing that makes any difference to your feelings. Enjoy your evening! posted by Kevin @ This makes me sad, I really liked Rodney Dangerfield. I didn't even know he'd been in a coma or anything. I heard about his surgery, but the last I heard he was doing great after it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109709808166531279

Monday, October 04, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109693706977617540

Jamie Lee Curtis

Here's a conversation I just had with Melissa. subspecies23: Janet Leigh died, the woman from psycho missy_custer: yeah. missy_custer: Poor Jamie Lee Curtis subspecies23: I hate Jamie Lee Curtis, lol missy_custer: lol missy_custer: she was born with a penis you know? missy_custer: but it was so small, they had it removed subspecies23: really? subspecies23: wow missy_custer: yeah! subspecies23: and a vagina? missy_custer: she was born a hermaphrodite missy_custer: yep subspecies23: cool subspecies23: lol missy_custer: lmfao subspecies23: I always thought she had a manly looking face, lol missy_custer: yeah, and when she gains's like a man, mostly in the midsection missy_custer: and she had her boobs done subspecies23: I did not know that missy_custer: you can tell from the movie True Lies subspecies23: how? missy_custer: the way they stick out lol subspecies23: her breasts? missy_custer: yeah missy_custer: she used to be pretty flat subspecies23: she's always been ugly, to me missy_custer: yeah subspecies23: some guys think she's hot, but most people I know say she's ugly missy_custer: i think she's beautiful when she smiles subspecies23: mainly she just annoys me missy_custer: i mean big smile subspecies23: I don't think she's that awful looking, but she annoys me, like all those stupid cell phone commercials and stuff she used to do missy_custer: lol posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109692621023629613 repeats its feat/2100-7337_3-5394995.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt repeats its feat/2100-7337_3-5394995.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109692600043181218 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109692550809719154 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109692537419377139 posted by Kevin @

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Somebody's Baking Brownies...
I am so fucking bored right now. I baked some brownies the other night. They actually turned out good, even though there were three things working against them: 1. I've never baked brownies, or a cake, or anything like that before. 2. I messed up. 3. My oven is a piece of shit. Actually, because of #3, it turned out that #2 was a good thing. Let me explain. I went to the store and bought a pack of Betty Crocker brownie mix. I did not realize that one pack would not be enough for my cake pan. So when I was mixing it up, I was like, "Uh oh, this isn't making shit, it's not even gonna cover the bottom, I'll probably end up having to throw out the whole mess." But I went on anyway. I poured it into the cake pan, and it just barely covered the bottom, I had to tilt the pan around to get it to cover the whole bottom. My oven is a piece of shit. It has been ever since I moved in. I quickly learned that I needed to set the temperature 25 to 50 degrees higher than what the directions or recipe called for, and cook it much longer, sometimes up to twice as long, depending on what's being cooked. Also, it doesn't matter how long I cook stuff, the bottom never cooks, which is really weird since the heat comes from the bottom heating element. For example, whenever I cook a pizza, I can leave it in there until the cheese on top is starting to turn brown and crunchy, but the crust on bottom will still be completely raw. But since these brownies were a paper-thin layer, I decided to leave the temperature setting at recommended setting, and figured it would only take them a few minutes to cook. It still took over half an hour. I almost left them in too long though, the top was just about to start getting hard, but, the bottom was barely done. If I had actually cooked two packages the bottom wouldn't have cooked at all, so it was a good thing I made too little. In an attempt to remedy the pizza problem, I got one of those special pizza pans with the holes on bottom that are supposed to cook frozen pizza crusts better. I thought maybe this would let the bottom actually cook. I just tried, I just took the pizza out of the oven while writing the first half of this post. It didn't work. It helped a tiny bit. The crust isn't completely raw, but it's still pretty soggy. I wish I knew what was wrong with my oven. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109684726209519490

Another Quiz Thing

(x) I have kissed a member of the opposite sex ( ) I have kissed a member of the same sex ( ) I crashed a friend's car ( ) I have been to Japan (x) I rode in a taxi (x) I have been in love (x) I've had sex ( ) I've had sex in public ( ) I've shoplifted ( ) I have been in a fist fight ( ) I've had a 3-some

( ) I've snuck out of my parent's house ( ) I have been arrested ( ) I've made out with a stranger ( ) I've gone on a blind date ( ) I've had a crush on a teacher ( ) I've celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans ( ) I have been to Europe (x) I've skipped school ( ) I have purposely set myself on fire (x) I have eaten sushi ( ) I have been snowboarding (x) I have been happy with myself ( ) I have met a movie star ( ) I've done ecstasy ( ) I've been caught smoking ( ) Partied every weekend for the last month. ( ) Slept for more than 15 hours at a time ( ) Been a redneck (x) Gotten an detention ( ) Gotten an ISS (in school suspension) ( )Gotten an OSS (out of school suspension) ( ) Ever run away from home? ( ) Ever been stalked? ( ) Ever stalked anyone for real in RL (real life)? ( ) Ever had someone try to kill you / Ever fought for your life? (x) Ever moved? ( ) Ever driven across the entire continent of Canada? (x) Passed out? (came very close to it, when I got bit by a fiddleback spider) ( ) Gone to an mental institute? ( ) Had the police in your house? (x) Ever been teachers pet. ( ) I've blackmailed someone. ( ) I'm a tomboy ( ) I used to be a tomboy. ( ) I use makeup. (x) I swear. (x) I can speak spanish. (Just a few words) (x) I am well-read. ( )I can do hurdles without knocking down any of them down. ( ) I can run a 6 minute mile (x) I like to sing in the shower. (I like to, but I don't because the neighbors could hear me) ( ) I have a WINDOWS computer. ( ) I am dependent, or so I presume. ( ) I've never had a C or lower before in school for a final grade. (I got a D in high school art. That's the only time, unless you count the F's I got when I dropped out of college.) (x) I do or have done Neopets before. (Not Neopets, but I did have a Tamagotchi, and a Pocket Pikachu thing,) ( ) I am or have been vegetarian. (x) I'm an anarchist, or plan on being one when I grow up. (I was for a brief time in college, until I realised that Anarchy has a basic flaw... Rest of the comment has been deleted, as it turned into a long rant.) ( ) I'm either Christian, Islam, or Jewish. ( ) I am attracted to those of my gender. ( ) I have been truly homeless before. ( ) I have movie-hopped for over 5 hours in a day before. ( ) Ever slightly wet yourself while laughing? ( ) Have you ever caused someone to be hospitalized? (x) Sung the Spongebob theme acapello? ( ) Answered someone in a different language without realizing it? ( ) Cussed a teacher, or adult out in two different languages (other than English) at the same time? (x) Driven a car four or more times illegally in a parking lot before taking your learner's test? (probably, I don't remember.) (x) Suffered from three months of straight depression? (More like three years.) ( ) Been to a rock concert. ( ) Watched a "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" marathon. ( ) Had sex with a teacher. (x) Watched porn. Last person who: x. slept in your bed: Besides me? Alicia, a couple of months ago when she came over and got too drunk to drive home. Wow, I can't believe that was almost two months ago. x. saw you cry: I don't know. x. you shared a bed with: Alicia. See the above answer. x. you went to the mall with: My mom and sister. x. yelled at you: I can't remember the last time I actually got yelled at. It's usually more like subtle bitching, usually from my Boss. x. you hugged: Does it have to be a real hug, or does embracing during sex count? If you want an actual hug it was probably Genie, this girl I used to work with. This was probably at least a year ago. have you ever said... x. said "i love you" and meant it? yes x. been to new york: Not New York City, but I've been to Buffalo, NY> x. hawaii: no x. mexico: no x. danced naked: I don't dance. x. had an imaginary friend: No. x. worst feeling in the world: Being this fucking lonely.

x. what is the first thing you think when you wake up: "Goddammit. I don't want to go to work today." Or, "Thank God, I don't have to work today." x. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Does your mom count? No, no I don't. x. favorite sport to watch: I hate sports. Wait, is group sex a sport? x. piercing/tattoos: None. I'd like a tattoo, but I'm too poor, and can't decide what to get anyway. extra stuff x. do you do drugs: No. x. who is your best friend: I can't really pick a best ONE anymore, I have three best friends: Chris, Melissa, and Alicia, in no particular order. x. what are you most scared of: Real ghosts, and the thought of being abducted by aliens, but it only scares me if they're bad ghosts or aliens. x. what clothes do you sleep in: I usually sleep naked. x. been in love: yes x. what type automobile do you drive: 1998 Buick LeSabre. What's really sad, is that I had to go look. x. do you have a job: yes x. do you like being around people: Very few of them. x. have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: God, yes. x. do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Not really. x. are you lonely right now: Yes. x. ever afraid you'll never get married: yes x. do you want to get married: yes x. do you want kids: Yes. favorite x. room in house: I don't know, I like the whole apartment, but, even if you don't count sleeping time, I spend the most time in my bedroom, because that's where my computer is. x. type(s) of music: Many different kinds. x. color: I've never really had a favorite color. It was black for a while, but I don't really have one now. I like different things to be different colors. I like walls in a house to be white, but I don't wear much white clothing. I like black and silver and grays for cars, but I also like yellow on certain models of cars. x. month: December. It contains both my birthday and Christmas. I love Christmas. x. stone: Kidney. I don't know, what a stupid question. in the last 48 hours have you... x. cried: Yes. x. bought something: Yes. x. gotten sick: I felt a little nauseated last night after having a couple of drinks. x. sang: Yes, but I only sing when I'm alone, or in my car, and even then it's usually quietly and to myself. x. met someone new: No. x. talked to someone: Yes. x. missed someone: Yes. x. hugged someone: No. x. kissed someone: No. posted by Kevin @

Does anyone have any idea what I'm thinking of?

I was just sitting here, and had an idea I at first though was original, but then I realized that, no, I've seen it someone before. At first I couldn't remember if it was from a book, or movie, or cartoon, or comic book, or what. But now that I've thought of it for a while, I remember it was a cartoon. I can almost see it too, it's right on the tip of my brain, so to speak. Ok, the plot is this. Some villian in the cartoon, who is either microscopic in size, or is able to shrink that way, I don't remember which, starts destroying things, like buildings and landmarks, but the process would work on anything, even people probably. He does this by removing the "key atom," the foundation atom on which the whole structure is built. When this atom is removed, whatever the thing is just disintegrates, it falls apart into its component atoms. So, of course, the hero of the cartoon, who may have been a detective, I don't remember, has to shrink down to a microscopic size to chase him down and stop him. Oh, I just remembered another major portion of the cartoon. The bad guy's name is Quark, because he's, well... a quark, and the hero stops him buy chasing him onto a dictionary page, and points out to Quark, the dictionary definition of quark, which says that a quark is a hypothetical component of an atom, meaning that quarks may or may not even exist. At this, quark dissappears into nothingness because he's little more than an idea. So does anybody know what cartoon this was from? I can see pretty much the entire cartoon in my head, I just can't remember what show it was or who the hero was. I doubt anyone who reads this blog will be able to help, though. Not any of the people that read this blog that I know, anyway. I jsut got an IM from Alicia, asking if swole was a word. I knew it probably wasn't, but had no idea what she was talking about, until she said, "as in the past tense of swollen." So then I knew right away it wasn't but for some reason it took me a few minutes to remember what the correct form would be, which is "swelled." OH! OH! Never mind, I'm pretty sure I remember what cartoon it was now! I re-read the post one last time before hitting publish, and suddenly remembered. I'm pretty sure it was Secret Squirrel. Not the old Secret Squirrel cartoons, but the newer ones, which I think were part of the Two Stupid Dogs show. I had forgotten about Two Stupid Dogs too. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109682858406226002

Friday, October 01, 2004

Wow, I feel absolutely fantastic tonight, and in fact, all day long. It can't be the lexapro already, it must just be a placebo effect or something, but I've been very happy all day, and getting more and more hyper as the day goes on. In fact, I feel so good, it's time for something I haven't done in a long time, but used to do all the time: write a really really long post! Aren't you lucky.

Where to start? Yesterday, I guess. I didn't do much yesterday, I was off so I just sat around the house most of the day, but then when I went to return Prince of Persia, I decided to buy some movies. Movie Gallery is having a sale, buy two used games or movie and get two free. And the VHS are only $5.99. Even though I hate VHS I decided to buy some anyway. I could barely find four I wanted though. The only one I really wanted was, which is a horror movie based on a couple of H.P. Lovecraft's stories. Now there were lots of horrible B-movies based on his stories made in the 70's and 80's, but this one was made in 2001, and from what I hear, is actually really good. I've never seen it yet. Then I noticed they also had for sale. I'd been wanting to rent that anyway, so I just bought it. I'd never seen it, can you believe that? I wish now I hadn't bought it, I didn't like it. Well, I liked it, it was ok, but it was kinda boring. Especially the first 45 minutes or so. I also got, which I've seen many times anyway, and Bicentennial Man. is one of the greatest movies ever. This was only the second time I've seen it. The first time I saw it, it actually made me cry. Which actually isn't that hard, movies, and even music, make me cry on a fairly regular basis. Well, not really cry usually, but bring a tear or two to my eyes. Anyway, it's a great movie, and you should see it if you haven't. Sadly, I found tonight, that two of the movies don't work. And, wouldn't you know it, one of them is Dagon. The other is Born in East L.A. I don't know if they'll take them back either, because already threw some of the packaging away. For some reason when you buy the movies, they give you the original movie box, plus the plastic box that they keep the movie in, and has all their serial numbers and stuff like that on them. I threw those away, and just kept the original boxes. Today at work was very busy. Very very busy. One of the busiest days we've had in months. It was also fun though, because I was in a really good mood, and several interesting things happened. First there was a lady that needed to button her shirt. Not that I'm complaining, but it was embarrassing, especially because at first I wasn't entirely sure if she knew it needed buttoning, it turns out she did. Because I saw her look down and she didn't seem surprised or anything, and still didn't button it up. Her shirt was unbuttoned about halfway down. She was wearing a bra, or a bra-like object, but it could barely contain her breasts.. It was great. The shirt was still closed at the top, or appeared that way, and that's why at first I thought just one or two buttons had accidentally come undone, but then I noticed that the top button wasn't buttoned, the shirt was just pulled semi-closed at the top and appeared that way. She seemed to be making a great effort to expose her breasts. I did the best I could to pretend like I didn't notice though. Then later, a guy came through with a pink poodle. Yes, a pink poodle, no one at work believe me either until they saw it themselves. It was a poodle, and it was dyed hot-pink. It was cool. I was like "This guy's got a pink poodle!", and Michelle said "Bullshit," and I said "Come look for yourself if you don't believe me. So she did. Half the employees were all standing around in the drive through staring at this guy and his poodle. He didn't say anything about it though. Someone said "What kind of GUY has a pink poodle?" It was very friendly too, it was standing in the window wagging its tail at me. The best part of the work day was when I disgusted Michelle. I don't know why she thought it was disgusting, everyone else thinks it's weird, but really funny. Part of the local newspaper was over in drive through all morning, and one of the headlines was about a pig contest. For all you city slickers out there, that's where people who raise pigs bring their best pigs, and they get judged on a variety of points. Like a dog show. I hope no one actually needed this explanation, but you never know. So anyway, I went over to Michelle and Murray and said, "I wish I was the judge in a pig contest. I'd have a swimsuit competition!" They both laughed a lot. That's not what grossed Michelle out, what did that was a few minutes later, I walked back over there and said "But wait, pigs have 8 nipples, they'd have to wear four bikini tops!" For some reason that really grossed Michelle out, and all I had to do the rest of the day was even just mention pigs, and she'd get disgusted. I'd really like to see that, a pig in a bikini. Shawn said he would too. What would you do with all the left over bikini bottoms though? You could give them to some women you know, and say, "Sorry, that's all they had, guess you'll just have to go topless." That would be great. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. After the pink poodle left, I began singing the pink poodle song, which I just made up on the spur of the moment. It goes, "Pink Poodle! Piiiiiiiink Poodle..." and etc and etc. Kinda like when I was sitting in my car, and the squirrel ran across the fence in front of me, and then leaped onto a tree, and I sang the "Yay, squirrel!" song as it did so. As it ran down the fence I went "Squirrel, squirrel squirrel," and as it leaped to the tree I yelled, "YAY!" Then I came home and paid my rent, and had a talk with the nice new landlady about some work that needs to be done to my apartment, but how I never call the maintenance guy because he always breaks more than he fixes. It would seem she hears that complaint a lot. I told her about the time he was trying to fix my toilet, and broke the tank in half. She said she'll have him come over and look at some of the stuff sometime soon, and she'll come with him, to make sure he doesn't break anything. Then I got dinner at Sonic. Then I came home and watched Bicentennial Man, which put me in an even better mood than I already was in. And now here I am. YAY! Ok, I think that's it for now. This post ended up not being quite as long as I expected, but it's still pretty big. Wow, that sounded dirty. Or at least it did to me, but I'm a pervert. Oh wait! That reminds me of something else that happened at work I had almost forgotten about. Some woman came through drive through and she looked like a crack whore. I mentioned this to several of the employees, and most of them agreed. I was telling Michelle, and I also said "And she's got either lipstick or blood smeared all over her chin." And Michelle went and snuck a peek and said something about, she does, maybe she really is a crack whore. I said "Yeah, maybe she's been doing unspeakable things to guys, and smeared her lipstick." Michelle thought that was gross too. I was laughing like a maniac the whole day at work today. Today was a great day. I can think of only a few things that could have made it better, but I'm not going to say it, because it's dirty. So very dirty. posted by Kevin @ "EGG HARBOR, Wis. - Plans to re-enact the egg battle that led to the naming of this town in 1825 were simply too true to be good, state officials have decided. "The Department of Natural Resources said Saturday's event must use plastic eggs, not the real thing, in depicting the historic egg-throwing battle between crews of two boats docked in the harbor on Lake Michigan's Green Bay..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109668254801706751 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109668211139512562

Thursday, September 30, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109659155569467466 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109657272350022091 I've posted this before, but it's just so funny, I had to do it again. Seriously, this is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109657034177723511 posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 "NEW YORK - Declaring that personal security is as important as national security, a judge Wednesday blocked the government from conducting secret, unchallengeable searches of Internet and telephone records as part of its fight against terrorism. "The American Civil Liberties Union called the ruling a "landmark victory" against the Justice Department's post-Sept. 11 law enforcement powers. "'Today's ruling is a wholesale refutation of excessive government secrecy and unchecked executive power,' said ACLU attorney Jameel Jaffer..." posted by Kevin @ "NASHVILLE, Tenn. - If you've noticed that your Jack Daniel's is carrying a little less kick these days, you're probably right. The famed "sippin' whiskey," which advertises a recipe traced back to the nation's first registered distillery, has lowered the alcohol content of its flagship brand, Old No.7 Black Label..." What gets me is the big deal people are making about it. It's only a three percent difference, it's not that big of a deal. Get a life, you drunks. posted by Kevin @

Oh yeah...
I forgot to mention it earlier, but I got a haircut today. I had them cut it a little shorter than usual. It's probably the shortest haircut I've ever had. It looks really good though. It's short enough it stands up, but barely. It's maybe an inch and a half to two inches long on top. Lately I've been considering getting it cut really short, like a military haircut. I've even thought of just shaving it and letting it grow back in, I'd kinda like to see what I'd look like with a shaved head and then really short hair. But for now I just got it shorter than usual to see how I like it. I like it. My parents said it looks really good too. My hair was really long, the longest it's been in a few years. A few years ago, around the time I went to college, I kept letting it get really long, like shoulder length, before I'd have it cut. I really like long hair, but it just doesn't look good on me. And it makes my head and face look fatter. I have a strong jawline and chin, and when I have short hair it stands out more, but when I have long hair my face looks fat for some reason. I was off today, and I'm off tomorrow. I'm really glad. That also means I can spend the day playing Prince of Persia, the game I rented when I took back Silent Hill 4. I'm a loser. Last night I got drunk and watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. By myself. posted by Kevin @

Bad Blogs
I found some really bad blogs today. First is the Most Annoying Blog Ever. It's a teenage girl who writes like she's sending text messages or something. She abbreviates lots of stuff, like "school" is "sch." Also, for some reason she ends words that should in in "ay" with "ae." This first post from her blog is just annoying: yop! short dae todae! hehe.. after sch was discussion.. then met mum at ntuc for grocery shopping... heh.. now got milk, yoghurt, fruits and fruit juices in my fridge! yes.. those are my indulgence... lalalala... oh.. got wasabi peas from 'tong garden', must rem to bring to sch to share.. me frens like it... wahahha.. it's yummy.. yes, i like food... :p well.. happy... This second post verges on being unreadable: bloop bloop bloop... i am a happy girl! borrowed fren's 6600.. very fun! contemplation.. wahahha... very happy! tata... The second in the Bad Blogs showcase is the Most Boring Blog Ever. I don't even need to give any examples on this one, its name says it all. The first blog makes me want to kill people. Speaking of killing people, I went back on my Lexapro today. Not because the doctor told me too or anything, but when he took me off of it, I still had five refills left, so I got one today. I've been off of it since May, and I was doing pretty good, until about the last month or so. I'm still not having much of a social phobia problem, but I'm getting depressed again. Yesterday I was really depressed the entire day. I was so depressed yesterday, it was one off those times where I'm so depressed that my chest hurts. I wonder if that happens to anybody else? When I get really depressed that happens to me. Like usual, the main thing I've been getting depressed about lately is my lack of a sex life. I mean it, I really need a girlfriend. It's not just depressing anymore, it's actually starting to have a negative effect on my mental state I think. For example, my fantasies are just getting weirder and weirder. Dangerously weird. If people knew the kinds of things I think about anymore, I'd probably be locked away. No probably about it, I know I would be. posted by Kevin @

Silent Hill 4: The Room

I signed up for a Movie Gallery membership, so here comes something that will probably become a semi-regular feature, video game, and occasionally, movie, reviews. The movies will mostly be older movies that most people will probably have already seen, or at least heard about though. Still, for some it may be useful, and for most it will probably be a welcome change from the constant news story links. Ok, so first video game review: Silent Hill 4: The Room Konami Release Date: 9/7/2004 Genre: Survival/Horror ESRB Rating: M (Mature) For PS2 and XBox, version reviewed is the XBox version. (Out of 5 possible) Graphics: 5 Sound: 5 Story: 5 Play Control: 2 Overall: 4.25 Silent Hill 4 is the latest game in the Silent Hill series. Now, let me say that this is not a game I would normally want to play, and in fact, the only reason I even rented it is because all the games I wanted were checked out. But Chris loves the Silent Hill series, and had been eagerly awaiting this new installment, so I decided to check it out. The Silent Hill series is widely considered to be the scariest games ever made, and I see why. Most things like this don't scare me, I think horror movies are funny, but this game scared the shit out of me even before I started playing it. When you first pop the game in there's this really cool video of scenes from the game set to freaky music and sound effects, including an incredibly cool creepy lullaby. The whole video kinda reminded me of the video tape from the movie The Ring, in a way. But in this demo, it keeps showing the main character getting attacked by these creepy enemies that walk on their arms, since they have no legs, and they have two baby-doll heads. And they make scary baby-doll noises. This scared the shit out of me, as I find dolls to be really creepy anyway. This game scared me so much, I could barely go to bed that night, especially since the game is about an apartment, and I live in an apartment.

In this game, you play Harry Townshend, who finds himself trapped in his apartment. Five days ago, he started having these weird nightmares, or at least he thinks they're nightmares, and at the same time, he found that he was trapped. None of his windows will open, and the door has been covered with bolts and chains and locks. From the inside. What's even weirder is that it seems no one can hear you when you scream or bang on the walls. You can see people out the peephole on the door, but they can't hear you. Also, the power to the TV and VCR has stopped working, though everything else has power. Also your phone doesn't work, in fact, the cord has been cut, but that doesn't stop you from getting creepy phone calls on it, and occasionally dialing out, only to hear scary noises when the other end picks up. Your trapped in your apartment, but suddenly, holes and portals start appearing in the walls, that take you to alternate versions of other places, populated by ghosts, zombies, and even freakier creatures. Places such as the subway line that runs by your apartment, where you meet some woman that is trapped in the strange, alternate dimension subway. The graphics and sound quality on this game are incredible, most of the time it looks like real video, and the sounds are very scary. Unfortunately, the game has one major drawback: the play control. In fact, I'm not the best person to review this game, as I only got about an hour into it. I kept trying to play it more, but I just couldn't, the play control was so awful it drove me nuts. The main problem is the camera when in third person mode. Parts of the game, such as when you are in your apartment, are in first person, and the game is great then, but the action parts are in third person, and that's where it all falls apart. The camera does not move when you turn, and you keep having to press the button to bring the camera back around behind you. That wouldn't be too bad, but many of the rooms and corridors you are in are too small for the camera to get around behind you, so you end up looking at yourself from an overhead frontal view, or worse. Often times there would be enemies all around me, but I couldn't even see them to fight them. Also, this is just not the kind of game I like to play. I'm afraid to do anything, because I know a zombie or something will jump out around every corner. Though actually, most of the time they don't. I was about an hour into the game before there even starts to really be any enemies, but as soon as there is, the game becomes unplayable, because of the camera, and the fact that most of the enemies are too hard, and won't die. They just keep getting back up. Which may be my fault actually, I may not know how to kill them, because Movie Gallery does not give you the instruction booklet when you rent the game. It took me almost an hour before I found out I could run. From what I saw of the game, and what I've read in other reviews, Silent Hill 4 has a fantastic story. That was the main thing that got me to keep trying to play the game, I wanted to find out what would happen next. So, in spite of it all, I recommend this game, but I hope you have better luck with the controls than I did. posted by Kevin @

Tech News
Lots of exciting Tech News today. Exciting to me anyway. I get really excited about these really big advances that mean the future portrayed in science fiction is a step closer. It looks like we took several steps toward the future this past week or two. supercomputer sets world speed record/2100-1006_3-5388015.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt the speed of light to improve networking/2100-1033_3-5387842.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt swallowed whole by DVD of the future/2100-1041_3-5387732.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt posted by Kevin @ "Officials say a tenth-grade geometry teacher at Oxon Hill High School administered what is being called a "fake math proficiency test." It contained math word problems beginning with phrases like "Jose has two ounces of cocaine," "Willie gets $200 for a stolen BMW," and "Raul gets six years for murder."... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109646710608172225

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 service--a four-letter word%3F/2100-1030_3-5387138.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt service--a four-letter word%3F/2100-1030_3-5387138.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt Broadband services provider NTL Group is reeling from an embarrassing incident in which callers to its customer service help line heard a profanity-laced voice message. The British company is attributing the message that replaced its usual recorded greeting to a malicious hacker or a disgruntled employee, according to published reports. The message in full, which contained a flurry of four-letter words, said: "Hello. You are through to NTL customer services. We don't give a f*** about you. We are never here. We will f*** you about, basically, and we are not going to handle any of your complaints. Just f*** off and leave us alone. Get a life."... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109640839078681411 "CRAWFORD, Texas - A tiny weekly newspaper that bills itself as President Bush's hometown paper has endorsed John Kerry for president, saying the Massachusetts senator will restore American dignity..." posted by Kevin @

blogID=3773360&postID=109640820349167085 "SAN FRANCISCO - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law requiring that all electronic voting machines produce paper records of every ballot cast, beginning in 2006..." Notice that it doesn't go into effect until 2006, well after the upcoming election. Wouldn't want Bush to not be able to steal this election too. I saw the greatest bumper sticker the other day, and I wish I knew where to get one. It said "Re-defeat Bush in 2004." posted by Kevin @

Monday, September 27, 2004 "SEATTLE - Small earthquakes rattled Mount St. Helens at the rate of one or two a minute Monday, and seismologists were working to determine the significance of some of the most intense seismic activity in nearly 20 years... ...Sunday's activity was the most in a 24-hour period since the 1986 eruption, said survey geologist Willie Scott. Earthquake swarms in 1998 and 2001 did not result in any surface activity." Wow, but what really interests me is something I noticed myself, something not mentioned in the story. The volcano seems to be running on some kind of three-year cycle: 1980: The last major Mt. St. Helens eruption which "killed 57 people, leveled hundreds of square miles of forests and dumped volcanic ash across the Northwest." 1983: Nothing. At least nothing mentioned in the story anyway. I'd like to see if there was anything happening with the volcano in ths year. 1986: "...the mountain's last lava-dome-building eruption occurred" 1989: Nothing Mentioned. 1992: Ditto. 1995: Ditto. 1998: Earthquake swarm like the one that's happening now. 2001: Another earthquake swarm. And now, 2004: It's happening again. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109633995415516241 "NEW YORK - NBC announced Monday that Conan O'Brien will take over from Jay Leno as host of the 'Tonight' show. But he'll have time to write his jokes - the planned succession won't happen until 2009..." posted by Kevin @

Sunday, September 26, 2004 puts players in Kerry%27s boat/2100-1028_3-5381638.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt puts players in Kerry%27s boat/2100-1028_3-5381638.html?tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt posted by Kevin @

Friday, September 24, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109606796350622993 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109606783726321037 posted by Kevin @

Thursday, September 23, 2004 For those of you who have always wished you could have Peter Frampton's face on your ass. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109597504521103903

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

There are lots of news stories I found interesting today:,2125,65027,00.html?tw=rss.TOP (Also talks a lot about Halo) smaller PS2 takes aim at Nintendo/2100-1043_3-5375762.html?tag=st.pop newest product aims for adults/2100-1043_3-5375046.html?tag=st.pop posted by Kevin @

Monday, September 20, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109571906878280442 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109571888197241291

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Nude Mod
Ok, once and for all, all you stupid mother fuckers who keep coming to this page after searching for "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Nude Mod"... FUCK YOU! STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! Seriously. I get at least two or three people EVERYDAY who reach this site after searching for that. And that's just the people that click my link in the results. Who knows how many people are searching for it that don't come here. You stupid horny teenage fuckheads. I hope you all die. I don't know if such a thing exists. And I don't want to know. And while I'm at it, whoever reached this page after searching for "Super Mario Brothers nude mod"... I HOPE YOU GET RIPPED APART BY A PACK OF RABID CHIPMUNKS. In front of your parents and girlfriend. And then everyone laughs. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109563147926849408

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Another Weird Internet Address.
I just got another spam email from a very strange internet address. Unlike the I got last week, there's actually something at this site if you go there, but not much. If you go to that address it's just a white page with the current date and time on it. posted by Kevin @

Friday, September 17, 2004 "TORONTO - Dane Squires was late for his own funeral. At least it seemed that way after people gathered Thursday at a Toronto funeral home to mourn the retired welder from Newfoundland whom they believed had been hit by a train..." What I want to know is, where was he all this time? Usually several days pass between the time the person dies, and the funeral. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109547364044007564 "FORT COLLINS, Colo. - A 19-year-old college student drank up to 40 beers and shots of liquor in an 11-hour period before she was found dead in a fraternity house, investigators said Friday..." Stupid College kids. I say, if they're gonna be dumb enough to drink until they die from it, let them. Man, how do you even stay conscious long enough to drink 40 drinks? And how are you still coordinated enough to actually get the drink to your mouth? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109547283626626368 A Mall curfew of 10:00pm? How late is the mall open? Around here the entire mall is closed by 9:00, earlier on Sundays. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109547246323322619 "It also was not clear why Culkin was in Oklahoma City or whether he was traveling alone..." Hey, the Oklahoma police force finally did something cool. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109547222075995124

600 lb. Woman Grows to Couch, Dies

600 lb Woman Grows to Couch, Dies STUART, Fla.-- A dramatic rescue ended tragically in Stuart, Florida, a rescue so difficult firefighters say they have never seen anything like it. It happened late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning at the home of a 600-pound woman who was having trouble breathing. Rescuers went in not knowing how difficult it would be to get her out. 40-year-old Gail Grinds was literally stuck to her couch and had to be removed surgically at the hospital. Authorities estimate she had been on the couch anywhere from two to five years. Martin County Fire amd Rescue crews faced what seemed to be an impossible mission. Everyone going inside had to wear protective gear. The stench was so powerful they had to blast in fresh air. They tried to cut out the front door, but at four-and-a-half feet wide, it wouldn't work. They had to cut plywood since a normal stretcher wouldn't do. An ambulance was too small, so they brought in a trailer to get her out. While rescue crews came up with a back-door rescue plan, detectives secured what had become a crime scene, questioning family members about how it got so bad. Using planks, they loaded the woman on to the trailer, still attached to the couch. Removing her would be too painful, since her body is grafted to the fabric. After years of staying put, her skin has literally become one with the sofa and it must be surgically removed.

Detectives are investigating whether they have a case of neglect, or if it is simply a very sad story. Grinds was taken to the Martin Memorial hospital where doctors removed her from the couch, but she died in spite of all the attempts to save her life. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109543036856717073 "Attorneys in at least a dozen of the 37 states that use lethal injection have filed lawsuits seeking to ban the procedure, which they say puts inmates through excruciating pain because the anesthetic wears off before the two other drugs are injected..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109543025327596627

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Night of the Living Pork
Someone got to my site today by searching for "dom deluise+billy zane+night of the living pork". While that would be a great title for a movie, I've never heard of one by that name, and a quick search of seems to confirm that it never existed, though it does have some great suggestions, such as: aka "Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2: In Shocking 2-D" I think you may be a little confused, are you sure you didn't mean The Silence of the Hams? That movie starred Dom Deluise and Billy Zane, and was, in my opinion, one of the greatest movies ever. I wrote all about it around the beginning of this blog, let me find the post... Or also, here is just the part of the post pertaining to the movie: In other movie news my order from came in a couple of days ago. "Silence of the Hams." That's one of my favorite movies, but it's hard to find around here. I've never seen a copy of it for sale. I got a used copy of it off for about $13 with shipping and handling. If you've never seen this movie, you should. Especially if you're a fan of Airplane and the Leslie Neilsen movies and things like that. This movie, written, directed, and also acted in by Ezzio Greggio, is a very strange, wacky parody. It's more of a parody of "Psycho" than "Silence of the Lambs." It features Dom DeLuise as Dr. Animal the Cannibal Pizza, and Billy Zane as FBI agent Jo Dee Fostar. Jo Dee Fostar is trying to get Dr. Animal to tell him where to find the psycho killer, who he thinks killed his girlfriend, who, like in Psycho, stole money from her boss and ended up at a Motel and was killed in the shower. It's hard to pick a favorite scene, but I think it would be the scene where Jo is talking to Dr. Animal and Dr. Animal says "Tell me Clair-ass, what is your most disturbing, decadent, depraved, defoliated, decotaged, deformed, dried, dream?" And Jo sobs and says, "Ham." And Dr. Animal says, "Was the ham...silent?" And Jo starts crying, and Animal continues, "Ham can be very quiet. Very quiet. Unless it's falling down the stairs. Then it goes boom boom boom-ti-boom bum bam. Celery can be very loud. Apples, louder. Unless you have apple sauce...which goes very well with ham." And Jo sobs, "Stop! Please, no more questions!" posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109538634233661277 posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 A short, but very funny, flash animation. posted by Kevin @


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (Wow, I feel like Pedro from Excel Saga now.) My tears, they are flowing like waterfalls, for I had written a huge post, and then my goddamn blogger fucked up and I lost it, so now I have to try to write it over again! Ok, so here we go... Current Mood: Happy, and full of Chinese food, which is redundant, because if I'm full of Chinese food, I'm happy. Current Music: Singing along with "Disappear," by R.E.M. I forgot, I was going to write a special post the other day, because it was my 1,000th post, and I had a special post all planned out, but I forgot. One of those latest news links I posted ended up being my 1,000th post. I think it was the one about the man throwing the baby out of the car, though it may have been the one about the half-ton man, which would've been appropriate, a story about a 1,000 pound man for my 1,000th post! Also, if I'd been a little quicker, I could've posted my 1,000th post on the second birthday of my blog. My blog turned two years old on September 11th! Actually, it's more like Sept. 10th, but by the time I got done typing my first post, and got it posted, it had passed midnight and became the 11th. My first post ever is dated September 11th, 2002, 12:45:49 A.M. I'm hyper, because of the combination of Chinese food and (a.k.a., the greatest drink in the world). Also because of the fact that iTunes just started playing one of my favorite songs of all time, Video Killed the Radio Star, by The Buggles. Which, for all you trivia buffs, was the first video ever played on MTV. Back when MTV actually played videos. Video Killed the Radio Star The Buggles I heard you on the wireless back in Fifty Two Lying awake intent at tuning in on you. If I was young it didn't stop you coming through. Oh-a oh They took the credit for your second symphony. Rewritten by machine and new technology, and now I understand the problems you can see. Oh-a oh I met your children Oh-a oh What did you tell them? Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Pictures came and broke your heart. Oh-a-a-a oh And now we meet in an abandoned studio. We hear the playback and it seems so long ago. And you remember the jingles used to go. Oh-a oh You were the first one. Oh-a oh You were the last one. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone to far Oh-a-aho oh, Oh-a-aho oh Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone to far. Pictures came and broke your heart, look I'll play my VCR. You are a radio star. You are a radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. (You are a radio star.) Loves, the convenience store that sits behind the Carl's Jr. that I work at, got robbed today. What's funny, is that the guy that robbed the place at breakfast at Carl's before he went over there and robbed them. I didn't see him, I wish I had. Everyone else saw him, including my dad, who was also there eating breakfast, and sat just a couple of tables down from the guy. Everyone remembered him too, because he was dirty and scruffy and quiet. As my dad said, "he just didn't look right." He ate breakfast at Carl's, then went and talked on the payphone in front of Loves for a while. We know this because Curtis and

Ricky were over there on their breaks just moments before he robbed the place. He was talking to someone asking what the quickest way to get out of Purcell without using I-35 was. Then he went inside and robbed the place. One woman that works there was taking the trash out, another was in the back of the store, and one was working the counter. He put a gun to her head, and demanded all the money. I don't know if they had an alarm she hit or what, but as soon as he walked out of the place, the cops were there, and they arrested him. This proves what a small boring town this is, but this is the first time I've ever known of a convenience store being robbed in this town, though I'm sure it's happened several times. Ok, that's where I was at when I lost the post, and I don't feel like writing anymore now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109529838170611201

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 More fucked-up-edness from She has one of the strangest, most entertaining blogs ever. Though she doesn't seem to write lesbian erotica anymore. That's my new "Key to Happiness." A tractor. If I had a tractor I could go steal a Free Walking Hen from the farm because tractors are commonplace on a farm. If I had a tractor I would just grind up all the leaves in the yard and mulch them rather than painstakingly rake them. If I had a tractor I would be the most popular girl in town. If I had a tractor I would give the neighborhood kids rides (I think the closest ones are like two miles down the road a bit but I could go find them). If I had a tractor I would tap a keg in the driveway and do donuts around it and make the chew spitting locals dodge the tractor to fill their cups. That would be hot. I would paint it pink and I would have a fuzzy steering wheel cover and a drink holder. If I had a tractor I would be the best housewife ever. I swear. Maybe. Mmm, tractor. posted by Kevin @ Andy Dick is a wimp, and an asshole who probably deserved it. He probably did everything the guy who beat him said he did. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109517127541018177 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109517103811246212

Sunday, September 12, 2004 Just when you think you've seen the weirdest flash animation ever, something weirder comes along, like this one. Not work safe, and in fact, not safe for anyone anywhere. It's a sumo florist, which for some reason has Jamie Lee Curtis' head (at least I think that's who it is) singing about arranging flowers with his "swollen man-meat truncheon." Then he goes on for about five minutes singing "Thank you Jesus, for my cock," while cats in choir robes sing backup. posted by Kevin @

Wow, I just got a spam email that featured a link to the address "". I clicked it, but it kept giving me the message " could not be found." I have to say that's probably the longest first part of an address I've ever seen. I also find "" to be very funny. Almost as funny as I'm hyper as hell today. I also got sent home from work very early today, it was about 12:25, when I was supposed to work until 4:00. There goes any overtime I would've gotten this week. I think I'm going to spend the evening playing Halo. posted by Kevin @ Stupid fucking Nazis. posted by Kevin @

butler-death-closes-ugly.html posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109501112554511551

Saturday, September 11, 2004

More About Me
Yes, it's another one of these things. And once again it came from Alicia's site. Firsts... [First job]: Mowing lawns when I was 13. [First screen name]: KUnderw674 on AOL. I got it around 12 years ago, and was still using it until a few months ago [First funeral]: My grandma on my mother's side. I think I was 13. [First pet]: Well, my parents had a dog they'd had since before I was born, but the first pet that was MINE was my hamster Rita. She lived a long time too, over four years. [First piercing]: None. [First tattoo]: None. [First kiss]: Well, the first time someone kissed me was a friend named Melissa, one of the about 10 Melissas I've known, who kissed me on the cheek because I gave her a birthday present. I was 17 or 18. The first time I kissed someone was Kristina when I was 22. [First enemy]: I don't remember. One of the dozens of kids that always beat me up in School. Probably either Randy or Allen. [First favorite musician]: I don't remember. Probably the Beatles. About the only thing I had ever heard until I was around 11 or 12 was the oldies music that my parents listened to, and I loved it. I still do. Lasts... [Last car ride]: Ride? Do you mean just as a passenger? If so it was probably about a month ago, going shopping with my mom and my sister. [Last kiss]: Someone. About a month ago. [Last movie watched]: Red vs. Blue Season one DVD, if you want to call that a movie. [Last beverage drank]: [Last food consumed]: A frozen Burrito. No, it wasn't frozen when I consumed it. [Last phone call]: Phone? Bah. Probably Chris a few weeks ago. Well, the last wanted phone call. I receive several telemarketing calls a day. [Last time showered]: Yesterday, and yes, I will be taking one today, I just haven't yet. [Last CD played]: The one I burned that I was talking about yesterday. [Last website visited]: This site. [Lesson learned]: Do not eat the cans of beef stew from the Dollar Store. Now... [Single or Taken]: Single. [Sex]: Male. Why is that under "Now"? It's not like it changes. At least not with most people. [Birthday]: December 19th. None of the stuff in this section changes much. [Sign]: Saggitarius. [Siblings]: Little sister, Marci [Hair color]: Red. [Eye color]: Brown. [Shoe size]: 13 or 14, depending on brand and style. [Height]: Six Foot [Mood]: Bored, like always. [City you're in]: Purcell. Right now what are you... [Supposed to be doing instead of this]: Nothing [Wearing]: Underwear [Drinking]: Nothing [Thinking about]: This answer. [Listening to]: iTunes is set on Random, right now it's playing "I'm Not Afraid of Life," by the Ramones. [About to do]: Be even more bored. posted by Kevin @

Friday, September 10, 2004

Computer Problems
Yes, I realize it's been a long time since I wrote a real post, all I've been doing is posting links, but I just haven't felt like posting. I still don't really, but there's a couple of things I want to mention. I thought I was doing pretty good on money this month, until today some unexpected expenses popped up. This morning, I spilt some cereal on my desk, and some of the milk went onto the keyboard. It still worked right after it happened, and I thought everything would be fine. I turned the keyboard upside down, and knocked as much of the milk out of it as I could. But then when I got home from work, the entire keyboard was broken. I wouldn't have been surprised if maybe the keys it got on and dried on inside had been broken, but I didn't expect the whole keyboard to stop working. So I just had to drive about 60 miles to CompUSA, since it is the nearest place I can get Mac stuff at, and bought a new keyboard. The keyboard was $49.99 before tax, and it also cost me almost $10 worth of gas, so it looks like I'm going to have to watch my money closely again this month. I just got done living a month on $70, and was hoping to not have to do that again this month, but it looks like this month will be even leaner. I get home, get the new keyboard on the computer, and get online, to find this:

Sagittarius Don't expect much luck with computers today, dear Sagittarius, particularly when it comes to writing or otherwise communicating with others. Malfunctions with regard to technological marvels could plague you throughout the day. In fact, if you want to get a message to a friend, the best way might just be to visit them! Creative efforts could be hindered in the same way. Today is a great day to retreat to the old days of pen and paper! Hang in there! So, I have to say this is probably the most accurate horoscope I've ever received. God dammit, I know there were several other things I was going to talk about. Some of them I'd been meaning to write about for a week. Yesterday at work sucked. I had to stay almost half an hour after my already 9 hour shift ended because none of the night crew people had shown up yet. Of course the extra work will help with my paycheck, especially since Allen said today he's going to cut everyone's hours again probably. I have GOT to get a new job, or a second one. Anyway, there were four people that were supposed to come in for the night shift, all were supposed to be there at 4:00. One of them came in to get her check around 2:00 and said that her parents were making her quit because she was failing algebra. Stupid bitch. That left three people coming in at four. Four o'clock came, and no one was there yet. Finally, about five or ten minutes after, Katie showed up. But she had forgotten her uniform. How you forget your uniform I don't know. Stupid bitch. So she called her brother to bring her her uniform, and Curtis told her to clock in and work in what she was wearing until her uniform arrived. Time passed and no one else had showed up, so around 4:15 Curtis called Nathan to see where the hell he was. Nathan had forgotten that he didn't have a vehicle that day, and needed a ride, so he had to get a ride at the last minute. Stupid bastard. I heard today it was about 5:00 before he finally showed up. Curtis finally let me go around 4:20. So I heard today that Nathan finally showed up around five, but that was it, the third person never showed up at all. No call, no show. So he got fired. So when I got to work today they'd hired like three new people overnight. We've been having this problem a lot lately. Half our crew changes every week or two. No one we are hiring is lasting for more than a week or two. We've been having a big drug problem too. Several of the firings and quittings have had something to do with drugs. One guy went on break, and smoked so much crack, he forgot to come back. He finally showed up around 11:00 that night. But he was already fired. I burned the greatest CD the other day. Most of it is Punk music. Newer punk music. I don't like most punk music from the 90's and later, I like the punk from the 70's and 80's. Dead Kennedys, and the Ramones, bands like that. But I have a few newer punk rock songs I like on my computer, and I put several of them on this CD. There's also a couple other types of music on it. Here's the playlist: 1. Let's Get it Started - Black Eyed Peas 2. Hey Ya - Outkast 3. Snot Rocket - Heft 4. God Thinks - Voltaire 5. Only Lovers Left Alive - The (International) Noise Conspiracy 6. 19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) - Gorillaz 7. What's Left of the Flag - Flogging Molly (A fucking great song, I love it.) 8. True Believers - The Bouncing Souls 9. People are Stupid - 30 Foot Fall 10. Lost for Words - Pink Floyd 11. The Beautiful Doctor - El Mixo (This is something I downloaded once, it's the music from Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People," combined with the theme music from the old "Dr. Who" TV series. It sounds really cool, they sound like they were made to go together.) 12. They Say it's Video Game Music - St. N6ko (Some weird electronic music I downloaded from some guy's site.) 13. Lost for Words - Pink Floyd (So great, I had to put it twice. Not really, it was an accident.) 14. Layla (Unplugged Version) - Eric Clapton 15. Zombie - The Cranberries (Another one of my favorite songs.) The next three tracks I just put because I still had a lot of space left on the disk that I didn't want to waste, so I put all the MP3s I had that had to do with Halo or 16. A Girl Named Tex - Trocadero 17. Blood Gulch Blues - By Trocadero and the Red vs. Blue crew 18. Halo 2 Trailer - Martin O'Donnell (This is the Orchestral music from the official Halo 2 Trailer, also the main theme music to Halo 2, I suspect.) Ok, that's enough for tonight. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109486487892636450

Thursday, September 09, 2004 "Rep. Scott Garrett, R-N.J., cited a Michigan case in which a second-grade boy killed himself after watching a film in a suicide prevention class. People who knew the boy said he was not depressed at the time of his death and may have been mimicking what he saw in the film, Garrett said. In the movie, a boy who tried to hang himself was rescued by his friends. 'In real life that did not occur,' Garrett said..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109478607617164954 "PENSACOLA, Fla. - A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver's trigger..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109478416980383617 "Reviving issues that have shadowed his political career, the documents show Bush ignored a direct order from a superior officer and lost his status as a Texas Air National Guard pilot more than three decades ago because he failed to meet military performance standards and undergo a required physical examination..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109478347461409122

Tuesday, September 07, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109461592028113205 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109461582995278690

Friday, September 03, 2004 G5 in pictures/2009-1042_3-5331807.html?tag=st.pop G5 in pictures/2009-1042_3-5331807.html?tag=st.pop Yeah, I know this story is about a week late, but ths article is the first I've found that had good pictures of the computer. Yes, that's then entire computer, not just a monitor. And it features the new G5 processor, which is Apple's latest, most powerful processor. For you PC users out there, G3, G4, G5, etc, is Apple's way of naming their processors, like how Pentium names theirs the Pentium 3 and Pentium 4, etc. I like the new design, but not as much as the iMac I have, the previous design with the rounded base and the thin flatscreen monitor on the swing arm. To me, I think the new design is selling out, the websites all say that they designed it to look like the iPod, since that's their big seller right now, hoping to get more people to switch to the Mac because it looks like the iPod that they own and love so much. I also don't like the disk drive, instead of having a pop-out tray like most CD/DVD drives, it features a slot-loading device, like the CD player in most cars. Apparently I have different standards for computers, because all stories I read, everyone absolutely loves the design of the new iMac, and the slot-loading drive. This article tells more about the computer, such as the hardware specifics and price. In the article they describe the $1,299 price tag as being very high, and the computer's main obstacle. Especially when compared with the $500 to $700 desktop PCs most people are buying now. Man, computer prices have went down so much it's amazing. When I bought my current iMac I paid over $2000 for it, and thought I was getting a great deal. And that was only about two years ago. I've paid over $2,000 for every computer I've ever owned. TO show how much the pricing and power of computers have changed, I'll use the example of my second computer, and IBM Aptiva. It had a 366Mhz processor, 8 megabytes of RAM, and a 3 gigbyte hard drive, which at the time was an incredible new amount for a hard drive, the 366Mhz processor was also brand-new top of the line. For this computer, a staggering piece of shit by today's standards, I paid over $2,000. And this was only around 8 or 9 years ago. Anyway, here are some more Mac related stories: posted by Kevin @ ID%3A Do you really know who%27s calling%3F/2100-1039_3-5330682.html?tag=st.pop ID%3A Do you really know who%27s calling%3F/2100-1039_3-5330682.html?tag=st.pop "Your Caller ID feature may no longer be telling the truth. This week, a company is launching technology that will make it possible for someone to choose what appears on phones that have Caller ID, the feature for displaying identifying information about an incoming call. It could be a different phone number, or even a few words, said Jason Jepson, founder of Star38, which has developed the commercial Caller ID spoofing service..." posted by Kevin @ player profits down to %241/2100-1041_3-5302728.html?tag=st.rc.targ_mb player profits down to %241/2100-1041_3-5302728.html?tag=st.rc.targ_mb posted by Kevin @

Thursday, September 02, 2004 "Unexplained radio signals from space could be communications from an alien civilization, reports the New Scientist..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109416044646301959 Weird news from here in Oklahoma. How the hell did they get it in there? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109415987091770564

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Something you will (unfortunately) never see on "Pokemon."
This is also a perfect example of the kinds of things that go through my head. Random Pokemon Trainer: Wow, I've never seen that pokemon before, what is it? Ash: It's an Oh-My-God-It-Burns-achu. RPT: A what?! Ash: An Oh-My-God-It-Burns-achu. RPT: What a weird name, why is it called Oh-My-God-It-Burns-achu? Ash: You asked for it... Oh-My-God-It-Burns-achu, I choose you! Oh-My-God-It-Burns-achu: CHUUUUUUUU!!!!! RPT: OH MY GOD, IT BURNS!!! This is the kind of thing I think about. All the time. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109400185600781324

It's been a long time since I did one of these, so here's a really long one of those "about you" things. I got this from GENERAL* -Name: Kevin Underwood -Were you named after anyone?: No. -School: None. When I was in College, I went to The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. -Mascot: They were The Drovers. -Nicknames: None. -Birthday: December 19th. -Birthplace: Paul's Valley, Oklahoma. -Age: 24 -Grade: None. -Height: Not sure actually, approximately 6 foot. -Hair color: Red. -Eye color: Brown. -Siblings/names: Marci *OTHER STUFF ABOUT YOU* -Favorite subject in school: Either English or Science. Probably science. I love English class, but I hated writing essays. -Least favorite: Math. -Do you actually like math?: NO! -Who are your best friends?: Chris, Alicia, and Melissa, in no certain order. -How many people are on your buddylist?: 3. -Are you on a sports team?: God, no. I fucking hate sports. -How long are you in the shower: Well, I used to take about 30 minute showers, but now I limit myself to 10 or 15 minutes. -Plans after high school: I've been out of school since 1998, and I still don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with my life. -Whats your least favorite food?: Probably squash. I hate squash. -What's your worst fear?: I honestly couldn't say. There's not really anything that scares me that much. -Best feeling in the world?: Oral Sex. Just kidding. I know what it really meant. Not that I'd know much about it, but the best feeling in the world is when your love for someone is actually returned. -Worst feeling?: Well, I've lived most of my life suffering from depression and social anxiety, so I'd have to say that's one of the worst feelings. Being so nervous around people you can barely leave the house. -Who do you trust the most?: I trust all three of my best friends. And my family. -Who dont you trust?: Everyone but those few I just mentioned. -What college do you go to or want to go to?: None.

-Do you have a job?: A sucky one, yes. -Are you bored?: Almost always. -Whats your religion?: None. I'm not really religious at all, but the few beliefs I do have are a complex mix of at least a dozen different religions and cults. -What do you do that makes your friends mad?: Probably lots of stuff. -What do your friends do to make you mad?: Lots of stuff. -Do you have any stuffed animals?: Several. I prefer the term "plushies" though. They are dolls of anime and comic book characters. -Do you have any bad habits?: Yes, many. Biting my nails is one of them. -What are you thinking right now?: Duh, I'm thinking this sentence as I type it. -Are you a vegitarian?: No. I love meat. -Do you smoke?: Very occasionally. -Do you exercize?: Sometimes. Not as much as I should. *LAST* -CD you bought: The Polyphonic Spree, Together We're Heavy. I highly recommend this cd. -Movie you saw in the theater: Damn, uhhh. Fahrenheit 9/11, I think. -Movie you rented: I haven't rented a movie in years. -Person you kissed: Answer withheld. Though I will say I've only kissed two people in my life. -Phone number you called: The Landlady, to report the domestic disturbance going on next door, but noone was there. -Person that called you: Wouldn't this question most likely have the same answer as the last one? -TV show you watched: I don't have TV. So the last thing I watched was probably Wheel of Fortune over at my parent's house about a week ago. I watch a lot of DVDs though, some of them are of TV shows. -Time you were on a plane: Only once, a couple of years ago, when I went to Nevada to see Chris. -Went swimming in the ocean: Never. I've hardly ever even seen the ocean. I've seen San Francisco Bay, and that's it. -Cried for no reason: For no reason? Probably never. I always have a reason. It might not be a good one, but there's a reason. -Cursed at someone: Today at work. Though not to their face. -Gave someone the finger: Never, except as a joke. I've never seriously flipped anyone off. -Showed-off: I don't. -Went skinny dipping: Never -Cried in public: Not since I was a child. -Let a friend cry on your shoulder: If you mean that literally, never. But friends have cried to me before. -Been thrown in a pool: Not since I was a little kid. -Fell asleep while eating: Never. -Read the bible: A few months ago. -Didn't wash your hair for a week: Never, the longest I've ever gone is two or three days. -Bought ice cream from an ice cream truck: About a month ago. That was the first time in years though. *HAVE YOU EVER* -Climbed a tree: Yes. -Went skiing: No. -Went snowboarding: No. -Fell asleep during a scary movie: No. -Talked to yourself: Constantly. -Played soccer: Once or twice, during gym class. -Went to a professional baseball game: No, and I don't plan on ever going to one. -Saw a professional baseball game: No. -Sat in a restaurant without ordering: I don't think so. -Ate sushi: Yes, once. Finally, I've been wanting to for years. It was this really cheap buffet sushi, it was barely even real sushi. I want to try some real, authentic sushi soon. -Ate fish: Yes. -Had braces: Yes. -Wanted to die: Yes. -Met a celebrity: No. -Broken something valuable: Nothing valuable really. Just small things. -Had your nails done: No. -Scared to get a shot: Yes. I fucking hate shots. Just thinking about it hurts. -Jay-walked: Yes. -Shopped at abercrombie and fitch: No, and I never will. -Shopped at old navy: Once. -Thought you were in love: Yes, and I usually am. I fall in love very easily. -Had an online relationship: Ugh, several. Never again. And I mean that this time. -Tipped over a porta potty: No. -Made prank phone calls: No. -Took a boat ride: I've only been on one boat in my entire life, and that was the ferry across San Francisco Bay. I've never even been on a little fishing boat. -Caught a fish: Yes. -Snuck out of your house: No. -Gotten caught: Doing what? Sneaking out of the house? Masturbating? I don't think I've ever been caught doing anything I shouldn't have been. -Gone to another country: No. -Wet the bed: I wet the bed until an embarrasingly late age. -T-Ped anyones house: No. -Had your house T-Ped: No. -Broken the law: Who hasn't? Nothing major though, just stuff like speeding. -Killed someone in your thoughts: Constantly. -Been in a car accident: Yes. -Been beat up: Pretty much constantly for the first 16 years of my life. -Beaten up someone before: No. -Skipped school: I skipped college all the time. I never really "skipped" high school or anything. Faked sick a few times and stayed home, but not skipped in the sense of letting my parents think I was going to school, and then not. -Gotten a detention: Several times. -Been stabbed in the back by a "friend": Not that I can recall at this time. -Cried to or with somebody: Yes. Fairly recently. *FAVORITES* -Actress: None, really. Though I do like Winona Ryder and Mila Jovovich. -Actor: Gary Oldman. Also, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Bruce Willis. -Movie: Too many to name. A few of my absolute favorites would be "Fight Club," "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," "Silence of the Hams," and "Monty

Python and the Holy Grail." -Store: None. -Season: Winter. -Smell: Hmmm, probably the rain. But I also love the smell of a dryer vent when someone is drying cothes and the air is blowing outside. -Sport: None. -Scary movie: I don't like many scary movies. Oh, though I do love "The Ring." -Food: I don't know. I like lots of foods. Chinese Food would have to be my favorite type though. -Color: I've never really had a favorite color. I wear a lot of blacks and greys though. -Restaurant: I don't eat at many restaurants, other than fast food places. Probably the Chong Wah Chinese Restaurant here in Purcell. -Hang out spot: I don't hang out. -Love song: Alicia said "Love Song by the Cure." That is one of my all time favorite songs, but I'd have to say that my favorite love song is probably "To Love Somebody," by the BeeGees. -Type of clothes: Anything that fits. I normally wear khakis and a t-shirt. I haven't worn jeans in years. -Person to talk about the opposite sex with: Perhaps strangely, Melissa. Yes, I talk about women with a woman. -Person to talk about life with: Also Melissa. What's really weird is that Alicia's answers for both of these was Melissa. She was talking about a different Melissa though. -Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No, and I've never really had one. There was a girl I went out with a few times, but she didn't want a real relationship. -major crush?: Not right now. -Are you a virgin?: No. -If not do you wish you were still?: No. I wish I'd had lots more sex than I have. -What's a big turn-off?: Stupidity. -Big turn-on?: Not really sure what my biggest turn on is. My "type" is definitely smart, I hate stupid people. Also, she has to have a sense of humor, a weird one is best. Oh, my biggest turn on would probably be glasses. I love girls with glasses. I also have a major "thing" for Asian girls, especially Japanese. -Do you want anyone right now?: Yes. *WHO*....... -Is the last person you said "i love you" to: I haven't told anyone I loved them except for my parents. And I haven't even told them that since I was a very young child. -Is the last person to tell you they love you: My mom. -Do you want to love you: -Would you want to meet: I don't know. Is this anyone ever, or someone who's alive right now. If it was anyone in history, I'd want to meet Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, and Lee Harvey Oswald. If it's someone alive right now, I'm not sure. Gary Oldman? -Do you miss: Chris. -Would you die for: Probably my sister. -Is the nicest person you know: Melissa. -Is the meanest person you know: No one. -Is the most attractive person you know: Out of my small circle of friends... Melissa. -Is the ugliest person you know: Several of the people I work with are pretty ugly. -Do you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with: I don't know. -Is the craziest person you know: Hard to say, all three of my friends are really crazy. -Was the last person to make you smile: I don't know. No one, today. -What do your friends mean to you?: A lot. -What is your most prized object?: Probably my computer. Though there's nothing really special about this computer, it could be any computer, as long as it had my files on it. -What are you wearing right now?: You really want to know? Nothing. I'm a part-time nudist. If I'm at home alone, 99% of the time I'm naked. posted by Kevin @

Monday, August 30, 2004

I think I jurt myself laughing.
This is the funniest, and cutest, thing I've ever seen.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109391240181075312

Ummmm...!/?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Cute 06"!/ brought to you by http://quizilla.composted by Kevin @

Blogger screws up yet again...

Ok, I should have ads at the top of the page again, but I don't know if they're working or not. On my computer, the box they should be in is there, but instead of the ads, it's full of text from my chatterbox. No matter how many times I reload the page, that's all that shows up on my computer. Melissa says they are working fine for her though. So, are they working for you guys, or not?

posted by Kevin @

Sunday, August 29, 2004


Take the quiz: Tender Kiss The tender kiss is the feeling where you can be anywhere and show your feelings.

Take the quiz: I took the picture out of this result, it wasn't "work safe.") Intimacy You love to be intimate with someone. You know every inch of them, you're big on touching and any kind of body contact especially cuddling though you need to feel comfortable with someone. Tiny This giant wears a mask to cover up burns he suffered when his father lit his bed on fire. He warms up to the female ... hes a real lady killerposted by Kevin @ "LOS ANGELES - James Doohan beamed his way through the first of a series of events honoring him in what are expected to be his final public appearances..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109381475835614412

Take the quiz:

Friday, August 27, 2004

More Referrals
I've received lots of weird referrals the last few days, like usual. People search for the weirdest things, here are some of my favorites. "It ain't going to lick itself." "Japanese Sucking Circle" "Bonsai Tree Tattoos" "I like the part when he stops." "Sugar withdrawls." "Sinner, radio, MP3, 'A nude'." "Toyota Lucida exploded image." "My hamster overate, feels cold." I hate to break it to you, but it sounds like what you've got there is a dead hamster. And I'm getting at least one hit a day for the much dreaded "Knights of the Old Republic Nude Mod." "Mother gives blowjob to son as a reward." You fucking sicko. "Jerry Falwell, Lewis Black." They're probably looking for this quote, which is one of my favorites, by Lewis Black, the comedian. "People snapped after 9/11. And the leader of the snap was Jerry Falwell. Now, Jerry Falwell was crazy before 9/11, and if you did not know that, I'd like you to wear aluminum foil, SO WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" And yes, I did that from memory. And here's the longest search string I've ever seen. "Can you buy the egytpian god cards in yu-gi-oh from some stores in vancouver?" "Puuchuus" "Aaliyah died three years ago." And finally, "surgery video of a histerectomy." Oh, and by the way. I finally got lesson one up over at Here's a quiz I just took: Don Imus You are Don Imus. You can be funny, you can be cynical, and you can be influencial, but you are not the most famous, richest, or controversial. You hold your own.

Take the quiz:

posted by Kevin @

My Current Favorite Song...

Lost for Words By Pink Floyd From the album The Division Bell I was spending my time in the doldrums I was caught in a cauldron of hate I felt persecuted and paralysed I thought that everything else would just wait While you are wasting your time on your enemies Engulfed in a fever of spite Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades Like shadows into the night To martyr yourself to caution Is not going to help at all Because they'll be no safety in numbers When the right one walks out of the door Can you see your days blighted by darkness? Is it true you beat your fists on the floor? Stuck in a world of isolation While the ivy grows over the door So I open my door to my enemies And I ask could we wipe the slate clean But they tell me to please go fuck myself You know you just can't win posted by Kevin @

Late News...
My mom came home from the hospital a couple of days ago. They didn't release her, we just took her out because we couldn't afford it without insurance. They weren't really doing anything there that couldn't be done at home. They just had her laying there taking antibiotics mainly. They also suddenly said that she had e.coli too. But I just think they mainly don't know what they're talking about. The hospital up here is very infamous. When she came home, my mom said to never let anyone put me in there, because it was like a torture chamber. We went up there to see her the other day, and I couldn't beleive the state the place was in. My mom said it didn't look like hardly anything had been changed since she worked there as a nurse almost 30 years ago. Some of the furniture was still the same. The chairs in the room were these little wooden things, they looked like old chairs from a school. They were just bare wood, with big bolts in them. Paint was peeling off the walls, especially in the room my mom was in. One of the walls in that room hardly had any paint left on it. The whole room was dark and dingy too, most of the light coming from one small window, which was dirty. There were cobwebs on the walls too. I am not making any of this up. Lights in the hall were flickering, and the whole place was empty. The entire walk from the front entrance to my mom's room, we didn't see a single person, or any sign of life whatsoever, the place looked abandoned. We didn't see one nurse, doctor or patient. Finally, a nurse came in and brought my mom lunch. She told us that she was one of the few nurses there that day, most of the others were at home because they weren't needed. They said that other than my mom, they'd barely had any patients that week. It was a horrible excuse for a hospital. I'd always heard bad things about it, but this is the first time I'd ever seen it. The hospital half of it anyway. The other half of the hospital, the part where all the doctor's offices are, is newer than the rest, and looks really nice, but the hospital part sucks. posted by Kevin @

Doctors Grow New Jaw Bone in Man's Back posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109361297399067883

Sunday, August 22, 2004

More Hospital News
I just got back from visiting my mom at the hospital. The doctors have finally figured out what's wrong with her this time. It's a severe bladder infection, and she waited so long before going to the doctor that the infection has spread to her blood. So they're saying now she'll probably be in there for some time. Which really sucks, because this time she's in the hospital here in Purcell, and our insurance doesn't cover this hospital at all. This thing could break my parents. Today my sister was saying that she needed to go to the store to buy some more hair conditioner, and my dad said "You'll just have to go without conditioner for a while, we can't afford to buy it right now. They're a single income family, and my dad barely makes over $30,000 a year anyway. If he made just a tiny bit less a year, they could get on welfare. But they'd never do that anyway, my parents hate anyone who uses welfare and other forms of governmental aid. posted by Kevin @


Saturday, August 21, 2004

Blah blah blah blah..........
I'm getting sick of thinking up titles. Anyway, they still don't know what's wrong with my mom this time for sure. Or that's what they're saying anyway. We don't trust them much. Hmmm, that's really all I have to say today. All I did was sit around the house today with my sister. This was my dad's long work day, so she was over here for about twelve hours. We spent over half that time watching 12 episodes of Excel Saga. My sister loves that anime now too. She's maybe even more obsessed with anime than me. Especially Yu Yu Hakusho, she worships that show. Ok, I'm tired tonight, I think maybe I'll get started typing up the first real lesson for my new site, And why does it suddenly feel like I have a low voltage electrical current pulsing through my foot? posted by Kevin @

Friday, August 20, 2004

Hospital Time Again
Well, my mom's back in the hospital. They think it's just a virus of some kind this time, probably something she picked up the last time she was in the hospital, though it's taken an awful long time to show up if that's the case, she's been out for weeks now. Once again, she was sick for days before she would go to the hospital. I kept telling her to go yesterday. Even though it was quite warm in the house, she'd been freezing for a couple of days. Yesterday she was shivering so badly she looked like she was about to fall out of her recliner chair. I've never seen anyone shake that badly. Also, her lips were a purplish color, almost blue, and she had been throwing up all day, and my mom NEVER vomits. Marci almost freaked out when that happened. She was like, "Oh my god, is mom throwing up?! I've never seen mom throw up in my life!" Mom said she took her temperature, and it said it was only 100.4, which isn't that bad. But when she went to the doctor today she had a temperature of 104 point something. They said she's extremely dehydrated, for some reason, even though she's been drinking a lot. Which sounds like it could be kidneys again, but they are still insisting it's just some kind of virus, though they don't know what. She's only been there a few hours though. But she's dehydrated, and her blood pressure was really low, 88 over 50, or something like that. So, I need to go now, I have to call work and see if I can get tomorrow off, to watch my sister again. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, August 19, 2004

New Blog
Ok, so, despite Blogger being buggy all night, I finally got done with the "other thing" I mentioned earlier. This other thing is a new blog I have just created. I have decided to start learning Japanese again, and I've decided to blog my lessons along the way, so other people can use the blog to learn Japanese also. It took me several hours of writing tonight, and I didn't even get to the first lesson yet, all I got done was an introduction to the site, and then the basics of pronunciation (I'm really getting sick of typing that word, I typed it probably 50 times making those posts). So anyway, if there's any of you that read this blog that are interested in checking it out, here's the link: posted by Kevin @

My new favorite Anime

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be saving my money. I desperately need to save my money. I think I am going to have to get a second job, since I can't seem to find anything good enough to become my sole job. Anyway, even though I should be saving my money, I just can't control myself most of the time. I went to Best Buy the other day and they'd expanded their Anime selection again. They've got an incredible selection now, they had titles I've never seen in stores around here. Such as Excel Saga, which I'd heard of before, but didn't know anything about. They had this box set of the entire series, and I read the description, and just had to buy it. I spent $60 on the box set of a show I've never seen before. I'm glad I did though, Excel Saga is the greatest! It's my new favorite anime. It's just so incredibly strange and hilariously fucked up. The series is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. Even weirder than most of the weird flash animation cartoons I've seen online. Yes, it's that weird. Here's the description off the box: The secret ideological organization ACROSS wants to conquer the world, one city at a time! (Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, y'know. These things take time.) And the unbelievably hyper and certifiably insane senior agent Excel Excel (along with her hapless Martian Princess/Sidekick, Hyatt) will stop at nothing to help her beloved boss, Lord Ilpalazzo accomplish this goal. But perpetual hunger may be her undoing... that is, if the afro-wielding action heroes, mysterious governmental agencies, adorable aliens bent on galactic domination, bloodthirsty monkeys, and other assorted lunatics don't get her first. Will Excel ever win Ilpalazzo's heart? Will Pedro ever stop bitching? Why does Hyatt keep dropping dead? (How weird is that?) What kind of wine goes best with Menchi? And what's the deal with all these dangling, rhetorical questions? Do we buy them in bulk at a wholesale warehouse or something? Dear God, make them stop! MAKE THEM STOP!

Warning! This box set contains: Six DVDs 3,467 Puuchuus One Possibly Edible Dog Raw Sewage Cooked Sewage Microwave Ready Sewage Cold Soup Squirrelly Directors Overworked Voice Actors Inflatable Love Dolls Aliens Midgets Naked Ladies... And lots of Seriously Demented Humor

If you're a fan of anime, I recommend checking this series out. The box set I got is called Excel Saga, the Imperfect Collection. Well, I've got other stuff to work on now. More on THAT later. No, it's nothing dirty. Unfortunately. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 "'He drank the Rainier and wouldn't drink the Busch beer,' said Lisa Broxson, bookkeeper at the campground and cabins resort east of Mount Baker." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109286064039947822

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 s/menchi_a.gif

It's Menchi! From Excel Saga. The cutest, saddest, most tormented dog (yes, it's a dog) EVER! posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ Unpatched PCs compromised in 20 minutes/2100-7349_3-5313402.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt Unpatched PCs compromised in 20 minutes/2100-7349_3-5313402.html? tag=newsfeed&subj=technews&part=earthlink&type=pt posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109277758833832292

Friday, August 13, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109245508655239054

Hair Cut
Damn, I've been trying to get a haircut for at least a week now, but everytime I go the place is packed for some reason. I think I'm finally going to have to make an appointment to get in. Either that, or just go somewhere else, somewhere I've never been before. Which sucks. Yesterday when I was at work, Zac came in to pick up his check. Zac is a guy on night crew. I've never really worked with him much, but I dislike him anyway. Anyway, when he came in he was wearing a shirt that said "It aint going to lick itself." I like that shirt, although I would not wear it in public. That's the main reason I don't like him, he's the kind of person who would wear a shirt like that out in public. Well, back to surfing the internet in a bored stupor. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109241793973912702 National Lampoon's Terror Advisory Map. Funny. posted by Kevin @ Advertisements that appear to be copies of other advertisements. The site is in French, but that shouldn't cause too much of a problem, just use the links at the bottom of the pages to see the different pages. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ Dear god, you have no idea how much this excites me. Unfortunately there's not much there yet, just a production blog, which doesn't tell much yet, as they are only a few weeks into filming. Also, that animation at the beginning, where you press the button to destroy the earth has several different ways in which the earth is destroyed. Reload and do it again to see if you get a different one. It may take a few tries, it seems. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109241347599086140

Thursday, August 12, 2004

New Story
This is something I just wrote. Only took me between five and ten minutes, from time I decided to sit down and write, without even knowing what about, until the time I finished. Yes, well do I remember the old days. The days before men set foot on this planet, to rape and destroy, and defile all that we hold sacred. They say our gods are nothing but myth. Nothing but allegories; personifications of the forces of nature, and of psychological archetypes. Their ignorance truly appalls us all. Maybe this is true of their gods, and if so, I pity them. I pity them, because it is thus not their fault that they are so profane, and despicable in all their ways. If they had gods like ours they would not be like this. Their gods, like all true gods should, would have kept them on the true path, not out of benevolence, but out of fear. Yes I pity them, for it is not their fault. This, however, does not excuse their behavior. They are truly god-forsaken, in the most literal meaning of the word, and as such, are an abomination. A blight on the entire universe, a boil which must be lanced. A disease, which must be eradicated. Their ancient gods were fake, and so, they believe, must ours be. On this night however, they shall learn just how real our gods are. Our gods will do what their gods should have done. None of them shall survive this night. posted by Kevin @

Great. Now I'm depressed. Fuck. posted by Kevin @


Alicia came over the other night to watch a movie. We got really drunk. I had a great time. My mom went back for a follow up doctor visit a couple of days ago, and they said they finally figured out what caused the kidney problems. It was her diabetes medication, she's allergic to it or something. About three months ago she was diagnosed as being borderline diabetic. She's not on insulin, but they put her on a couple of other medications, and that's what caused the problems. The doctors said they'd never seen anything like it though. They said it has caused a few problems with people before, but usually only in people who'd been on it for years, she'd barely been on it three months. They also told us something they hadn't told us before. When they first brought her in, they thought for sure her kidneys were DEAD. They thought she was going to have to get put in the hospital for a long wait for a transplant. If she survived, that is. My dad said he knew there had to have been more than they were telling us, by the way they acted when they brought her in. None of the doctors or nurses would look her in the eye that first night. They all thought she was going to die. Wow, it stormed suddenly earlier. When I came home from work at four it was just starting to get cloudy, then suddenly about 4:30 I heard it start storming. I looked out the window, and it was bad. Raining really hard, and the wind looked like it was going to blow the small trees down. Then, 15 minutes later, it had stopped, wind and all, and was just barely drizzling. Now it's still cloudy, but I don't think it's rained since then. I'm so bored the last few days. I'm off tomorrow, that means I can stay home and be bored all day! I've still got half a bottle of vodka left, maybe I should finish it off? But I'd rather wait for Alicia to come over and help me finish it off. Like usual, I know there was more stuff I'd been planning on writing about all day, but I've suddenly forgotten. Maybe I'll remember later. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Post 950
Wow, it's hard to believe I've made that many posts. It's also hard to believe this blog is almost three years old. That's pretty old for a simple little personal blog like this. Some of them don't last more than a week. [edit: No, duh, what was I thinking? It's only been almost two years. Not three. That's still quite some time for a blog though.] What disappoints me though, is that most blogs that last more than a year are usually really popular, and their owners are netcelebrities. I'm still unknown. I have three fans that I know of, maybe four. I get on average 200 hits a week, while not being close to some of these more famous blogs, is still really good. I remember back when I thought 20 hits a week was amazing. But at least 95% of these hits are from random websearches, because, when you've made almost 1000 posts, you've used pretty much every word that people will search for, so the search engines will point to your site for pretty much anything. Where are my adoring fans? Where's my book deal? More importantly, where the hell are my pants? I am so fucking bored. I've been bored the last two nights. Both days have started off with me being in a fantastic mood, but then by evening I'm so bored I feel like my head's going to explode, or at least I might fall asleep face down on my keyboard. I should go watch a movie or something, but I can't think of anything I want to watch. I've spent all of the last two evenings, just sitting here at the computer for hours hoping that Melissa will get online, so I can talk to her. She hasn't been on yet tonight, it was late last night before she got on. Neither of my other two friends are online either. Alicia wont be online tonight, she's out having the time of her life at the Evanesence concert in Oklahoma City. She's so excited about it she's been about to cream herself all day. (My, that was exceptionally vulgar. It also sounded like something she herself would say.) I have three friends. That's sad. I have two IM programs with buddy lists. First I have AIM, the only person on the buddy list is Alicia. Then I have Yahoo Messenger, that buddy list has three names on it, Chris, Melissa, and Alicia's Yahoo screenname. So I have four names in all on my buddy lists, two of them the same person. How sad is that. I've known people with almost 100 people on their buddy lists before. Well, this is boring me now too. I think I'll go pound my head against the wall for a couple of hours. posted by Kevin @

More of my Writings
Yes, here is another excerpt from my writings. This typifies the majority of the things I've written in the last few years. It seems this is all I can write anymore. This was written at work, for Alicia, when we used to just stand around writing weird stories for each other. This was written a year or two ago: "No Puppy!" I says. "Nooooooo!" But it was too late, the puppy had already eaten the explosives. The puppy exploded then. He was a hero, by eating the bomb he had sacrificed himself, but had saved everyone else. "Nooooo!" Shouted Saddam Hussein. "That stupid puppy! He has ruined my plans to destroy the Twinkie(tm) factory! Without Twinkies(tm), millions of people would have went into sugar withdrawls, and I could have taken over America. And then, the world!" But while he was yelling, 500 heavily armed soldiers snuck up behind him, and then they all shot him.

The world was saved, thanks to Pooky, the Fluffy Puppy! posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Upon Dying
I was going through my copious amounts of personal text files today, mostly made up of incomplete stories and semi-coherent mad ramblings, and found this, one of many "diamonds in the rough." It, like all my best works, is uncompleted. In fact, this is basically just some brainstorming I was doing, something that just suddenly came to me at work one night, at least a year ago. It's the middle portion of the poem, there's no beginning or ending yet, and the last line is just a line that I intended to work into the poem somewhere, but it seems to do a good job as a makeshift ending for the poem, so much so, that it may actually become the real ending. All I need now is a beginning. But anyway, here it is. I like it, a lot. Upon Dying And now that I stand with a foot in each realm, The scales have fallen from my eyes, And I see all the splendors that life has to give. The flaming chariots of the gods encircle the heavens, And the earth is bathed in light. No! I will not die as I have lived! I will not quake and tremble, I shall not bow to the heavy loads of fear and anxiety! I shall go out screaming! I shall claim what's mine! Upon dying, I found that I had been dead all along. posted by Kevin @

I Need Money!
Stupid money. As if I wasn't having a hard enough time getting by, now I had to buy a new tire today, after getting a flat yesterday. About five days before my mom went to the hospital, I started walking around the lake everyday again for exercise. When my mom went to the hospital I had to stop though, but I've been doing it every day since she got out of the hospital. Every day but a couple when it was raining. A couple of days I've went around it twice. So anyway, I must have run over something at the lake yesterday when I parked or something. I didn't notice the flat at first, it must have just started going down when I left. I just noticed that when I turned corners the car kinda vibrated, but then after going about a mile or so, getting almost home, it started flapping. I was in my walking clothes, and barely had any money on me, so instead of pulling into a shop, I just had to go home to change the tire myself. Unfortunately, this meant driving almost another mile on it, and by the time I got home, it was shredded. So this meant that instead of just having it plugged, I would have to get a new tire. I just got back from buying it a little while ago. It wasn't too bad, it cost $25 for mounting and balancing and all. But still, I need every cent I can get. I figured it up the other day when I was paying my bills, my average bills per month are coming to about $655, but now since everyone's hours got cut at work I'm only making between $700 and $750 a month. I was making about $820 a month, there for a while. That's $655 for just monthly bills, like rent, and electricity and phone and internet. That's not counting groceries and gas for my car. So, needless to say, I have GOT to find a new job. Or at least take a second small job until I can find a better job. Though I won't do that unless I absolutely have too. I've been meaning to go to one of those job websites, like, that they always advertise on the radio here, but I keep putting it off. I need to use the internet, because the newspapers are worthless. Most of the ads anymore don't even say what the job is, or where it is or anything. And most of them are stupid scams or something. Half the ads in the paper say stuff like "$2000 A MONTH! Call Ashley at..." and give a phone number. Of there's one that's been in the paper literally for years, I have no idea what it is it says "Looking for 10 crazy managers to replace 10 lazy managers," and gives a phone number. And it's just too hard looking through the want ads, I never can concentrate on them, and most of the real ones are all for truck drivers and RNs and LPNs, and other types of nurses and stuff, lots of them for nursing homes. So hopefully the internet sites will be better. It should be easier to just find the kinds of jobs I want to look at. If I had a lawn mower and a weedeater and stuff, I'd mow lawns for a while for a second job, I used to mow lawns for several years starting when I was 13. It's pretty good money, usually around $20 a lawn, and it only takes maybe two hours at the most for most of the lawns, sometimes only about an hour, though for one's that small, you usually only get about $15. But, I don't have a lawn mower or anything. One reason I'm so desperate for a really good paying job right now, even if I didn't really NEED the money right now, is because if I can ever afford it, I'm finally going to start taking a karate class. I had been always going to wait until I lost some more weight, but I don't think that will ever happen, so I'm going to take it anyway, if I can ever afford it. It seems like there was something else I'd been wanting to write about for a few days now, but I don't remember what it was right now. It almost always seems that way though. Oh yeah, and since I need money so much, let me just take this time to remind you about my links over there for donations, or, if you don't want to just give me money, you could always buy something from my "Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is more malleable is always superior over that which is immovable. This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation." -- Lao-Tzu posted by Kevin @

Monday, August 09, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109205935154250853

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Important Breaking News! When using Yahoo! Search, my site comes up as the number one result for "Strange things used for anal pleasure." Just thought you should know. And no, I wasn't the one that did this search, it was in my referrals. posted by Kevin @

Friday, August 06, 2004

I know better than to get my hopes up.
My horoscope for today: Sagittarius If you are currently romantically involved, today you can expect your relationship to move to the next level of commitment. You and your partner could agree to be monogamous, become engaged, or actually set a date for the wedding. If you're already married, you might decide to have a child. If you're not currently involved, dear Sagittarius, expect to attract someone soon. You're ready, and your availability signals are definitely out and reaching the available partners! Well, let's see. I'm not involved or married, so most of that horoscope is crap, though the last part does hold some hope, but I know better than that by now. I've pretty much given up on the idea of love, it seems I was meant to stay single. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ You know, I'd never even heard of this guy, until Dave Chappelle, who I HATE, did those stupid skits. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, August 05, 2004 He probably knew exactly what he was saying. It certainly fits the policies of his administration. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, August 04, 2004 posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109167337220068339 "Jian Feng, of Hegang, China, sued his wife for fraud (and for divorce) after she birthed an ugly baby. The woman confirmed the child was his, but revealed that before she met Jian, she had major plastic surgery." posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109163995215607286 Key quote: "Who's responsible for the pigs if something happens?" posted by Kevin @ Stump? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109163946946750761

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Fat Rednecks
Oklahoma is such a wonderful place. You hear conversations like these all the time, especially between husbands and wives. I was walking from my car to my apartment earlier, and this family was walking to their car, and I overheard them talking. It was a woman, a little girl, probably three or four years old, and a guy who weighed at least 400 pounds and was walking around with his shirt open. The guy said "I'm gonna cut the sleeves off this shirt." And the woman replied "Just because it's hot out, doesn't mean you have to ruin all your good shirts." To which he replied, "Well, I'll just take the sum'bitch off then, and go without a shirt. What do you think of that, bitch?" posted by Kevin @

I bet you hate these.

Time for one of my favorite things. A post about what searches have led to my site in the last few days. Lots of interesting ones this week. Not just weird like usual, but interesting too. First off is, "Daily Vumpler." Now that's a newspaper I would read. I get a lot of people searching for "Vumpler." I love that word. Me and my sister will just sometimes say "Vumpler," and crack up. Vumpler of course comes from this hilarious cartoon: I agree with this search, "I hate Betty Boop." "John Titor Hinduism." That sounds pretty interesting, I may have to run that search later, and check out the results. I posted about some time ago. Next up is "Nipplefight." I get that one alot. That refers to some article I posted from some other site a while back. I don't feel like looking it up. I agree with this one also, "I hate Aaliyah." That search turns up lots of results, and my site is way down the list. I've gotten this one several times also. "Knights of the Old Republic Nude Mod." People are so weird. There's rumors of mods to make the characters nude on every other game anymore. And they all turn out to be just rumors. I think this all started with Tomb Raider, I know that's the first time I started hearing about it. But who knows, there may have been freaks out there claiming they new a code to make Mario nude in Super Mario Brothers. "Things that were edited out of Ren and Stimpy." Another one I may have to check out later.

"Cottonwood in the air conditioner." A very common problem around here. Lots of stuff about Japan too, which I post about often. Well, I take it by spells, I have recently. "Japanese Smileys," "Ancient Japanese Swordsmen," and "Japanese Profanity." Whoever searched for that last one, you may be interested in a copy of my homemade Japanese Dictionary, it's full of interesting Japanese words, including profanity and sexual terms. You may also want to pick up a copy of this book,, which I have a copy of myself. I don't know what to think about this one. "Purcell Oklahoma Nude." And my site is the top two results for that search. "Master Nan Diet." I've never heard of this, but some of the sites look interesting. "Jachin Boaz." Something else I've posted about several times. They are the two pillars of Solomon's Temple, and are also an important part of Freemasonry. "Louisville, KY sex diary." I have no idea. "seemerot hoax." I always knew that was a hoax. According to many web sites, it is. Refers to, which I linked to a while back. Warning, there are now banners to adult sites on this site, which further confirms that it's probably a hoax. Another search I get fairly often, "Water Gurgling in Toilet." And I of course still get the usual searches. Probably half the searches leading to my site are still searches for the lyrics of the "eBay" song by Chumbawamba. I also get a lot of people searching for the lyrics to that "Lake of Fire" song by Nirvana. Which I've also recently learned was originally by The Meat Puppets, but no one liked it until Nirvana did it. Speaking of The Meat Puppets. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Well, my mom got out of the hospital today. Four doctors examined her yesterday. Three said she could go home yesterday, one said she couldn't, so they kept her. But even the one that said no, said that she would most likely get to go home today, and she did. They think it may have been her blood pressure medication that caused it, but they won't say for sure, because if they said that's what it was, we could sue the doctor that put her on it. Everyone thinks that's what it was though, because that medication has a history of being dangerous in certain conditions, such as if you get too hot while taking it. So they took her off the blood pressure medication, especially since no one knew why she was even on it. My mom's normal doctor has been making her take it for a long time now, even though she didn't have high blood pressure. She had it for like two days, and then it went back down and hasn't been high since, but the doctor still insisted she take it. That's really all I have to say today. posted by Kevin @

Friday, July 30, 2004

I hate thinking up titles.
Well, we've had some mixed news on when my mom's coming home. My mom called late last night, after I made last night's post, and said that they were moving her to a private room now. So, we took that as a sign that she probably wasn't going to be getting out soon. Also, she has a dietary health nurse that comes in occasionally, and my mom mentioned to her that she was hoping maybe she'd get out in a day or two, and the nurse said "Oh, I wouldn't count on that." So we had about decided that my mom wouldn't be getting out anytime soon, which sounds like it's probably a good thing though, since the doctors still haven't even been able to figure out why this whole thing happened. But then today, my mom called again, and said that the woman taking care of her today said she was doing better, and that if she was doing any better tomorrow, she may be released tomorrow. But this woman wasn't the real doctor, and may not even have that authority. The doctor who's been looking after my mom is some big shot in his field, but he's out for the weekend, and this was just like some assistant or nurse looking after her today that told her this. So, who knows if she will get out tomorrow or not? Well, it's almost 11:00 now, I'm going to bed. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, July 29, 2004 Cassini finds the Thanks to posted by Kevin @

More Mom
Like I said yesterday, they never did hook my mom up to dialysis like they originally said they would. Which is good I guess, if she doesn't really need it, especially considering the price. Yesterday she passed a little urine, but her kidneys still weren't cleaning her system out or anything. Today, though, she has passed a lot more, she's using the bathroom almost regularly, and they said her kidneys are finally starting to work and clean her system a little. They're not even doing anything, they've just got her there under observation. They haven't actually done anything to her since she went to the hospital, they're just observing her and doing urine tests to see if her kidneys have started working yet. Since she seems to be getting better, she thinks she may actually get out soon, maybe Saturday. So I watched my sister today and yesterday, we just sat around the house all day, playing video games and stuff, and today we watched Hellboy (just playing around with these new features Blogger has), which I bought last night. I'm seriously having to cut my spending lately, it's going to be hard to pay all my bills this month anyway, since I had to pay the car insurance on top of everything else a few weeks ago. But I still bought Hellboy though, I've been waiting for it to come out ever since I saw it. It's got a ton of extras on the DVD also, it's a two DVD set. I haven't watched any of that stuff yet though, I probably will in a few minutes. I've been playing a lot of video games the last few days, since I've been off any everything. I don't actually play video games very often in recent years. The other day I started a new game over on Metroid Prime, and played that for a few hours. Then the next day I started a new game on The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, and played that for a few hours as well, but now I've started a new game on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and have put almost 12 hours of play into it in just a little over two days. That's all the news I have for now. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Mom Update
My dad just got back from the hospital, and picked my sister up. I asked him how mom was, and she said that she's passed a little fluid, but just a tiny bit, like a couple of ounces or something. The doctor says her kidneys are all swollen up like she's been in a car wreck or something and injured them. He asked her all these questions about whether she'd been doing any abnormal activities that she's not used to or anything, but she hasn't really. The only thing she's been doing is she did a little work moving furniture and stuff since they're remodeling the house some, but she's always done stuff like that, so it shouldn't have hurt her, especially not like that or anything. Well, that's really all the news I have about it, my dad was only here a minute or two. I'm going to go over to my parent's house later and maybe I'll learn some more then. Probably not though, he said there wasn't really anything to tell other than that. They never did hook her up to the dialysis machines though, for some reason. posted by Kevin @

Evil Horoscope
This horoscope sucks, considering what just happened. Sagittarius Give your loved ones the attention they need today, dear Sagittarius. Don't let another day go by without telling them that you love them. Life is short and getting shorter with each passing day. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Well, I'm finally writing a real post, but it's no reason to rejoice. My mom was just taken to the hospital, they've got her listed as very critical condition. Complete kidney failure. The real name for it was Acute Retinal Failure, or something like that, I don't know if that's spelled right. We knew something was wrong, because she hadn't peed in a little over 48 hours. What's more, she said that it wasn't just that she couldn't pee, but that she didn't even need to. On top of that, she said she was feeling dizzy today too. I was telling her all afternoon it sounded like she needed to go to the doctor right now. She kept saying she couldn't though, because we're having some remodeling done to the house, and the guy was supposed to be there any minute, and she couldn't go until he got there and left. I said I'd stay there and wait for him, but she still didn't want to. She couldn't just call him and tell him not to come either, because he was already on his way. He had been for several hours. He called at 2:00 saying he was just leaving and was on his way from Norman, which should have only been about a 20 minute drive. He finally got there at 4:45. She was gone by then though, but not by long. She finally called the doctor around 3:00 to see if they could get her an appointment today, but they said no, for something like that she'd have to go to the emergency room. She told them, something along the lines of, "Well, I guess I just won't go to the doctor then, because I'm not going to the emergency room," and hung up. She didn't want to go to the emergency room, because it's so expensive, and all the hospitals that our insurance covers are over an hour's drive away, up in OKC. Finally, when my dad got home from work around 4:00, he convinced her to let him take her to the hospital. They went to the one here in Purcell, but said that if they had to put her in the hospital, they'd leave, and take her up to the city. So I had to stay at my parent's house with my sister. My dad finally came home about 7:30, and said that my mom was in an ambulance on the way to Baptist hospital, which is way the fuck up there, almost in Edmond, at least a 90 minute drive away from here. He told me what they said was wrong with her, and that she was in very critical condition, and that they were going to have to put her on Dialysis machines and everything. He also pointed out that with how hush-hush make it seem better than it really is the hospitals around here are anymore, that for them to actually come out and say that she was in very critical condition and was in some pretty deep trouble, that that's a sign that she really might not make it. So my dad had me call work, and take the next week off, so I can stay home and watch my sister while he's at the hospital and at work and stuff. Luckily he's going to pay me $200, which is approximately what I make in a week at work, since I'm taking a week off. We still haven't worked out exactly what the plan is going to be though, since he works such weird hours. He leaves around 4:00am, and gets home a little after 4:00pm. Tomorrow, he's off, but he'll be up at the hospital for a while, so he's going to drop Marci off here, and she'll spend the day here at my apartment. Then she'll probably go home and spend

the night at home, but then when he leaves for work, I'll come over and sleep on the couch or something. We're still not sure yet what will happen. Who knows, she may end up not being as bad as they think, and I might not even have to watch Marci for more than a few days. But it's doubtful. They says she's so bad, but she doesn't really feel bad, other than being bloated up and a little dizzy. She feels good enough that she called us a couple of times after they got her up to the hospital. Oh, I forgot to mention a couple of things. She also gained 15 pounds basically over night, since all the fluids she's taking in are just staying in her system. Also, she takes a lot of pills everyday, for various other health problems, she's got four different medications she takes at least once a day, some of them more than once. But since her kidneys aren't working and filtering things out of her system, all the pills she's taken in the last two or three days are still in her system, so not have her kidneys failed, she's also on the verge of overdose on some of these medications. My dad and my sister both said that they've been telling her something might be wrong with her for a while now, because the last two or three months her urine has smelled so bad you couldn't even go in the bathroom after her. So, that's all I have to say about that, as Forrest Gump would say. Now for news about me. I was just in the doctor's office yesterday, finally getting my ingrown toenails cut out again. I don't even know if I've mentioned it, I've been neglecting my blog so much lately, but about two months ago my left big toe nail started getting really bad again. I had both big toe nails cut out maybe a year ago, but they just grew back ingrown again. For some reason both times the right toe wasn't that bad, but the left toe would just get horribly infected. About three weeks ago it started getting that way again. It got so bad I actually missed some work, and when I went to the doctor he sad he didn't know for sure if it would need cut out, but that even if it did, they couldn't do it just then, because it was so infected that if they cut into it, I'd get blood poisoning for sure. So he gave me a subscription for some antibiotics, and told me that if it still looked bad afterwards to call and make an appointment to have it cut out. So I took them, and it helped a little, but not much. I kept trying to make an appointment, but never could seem to, because I was waiting for a good time to do it, as far as work went. Because after having them cut out, I have to take a couple of days off from work, and not be on my feet any more than I have too. But Allen kept making the schedule early, before I got the chance to make the appointment, so I'd be like, "Well, I just call next Monday then." In the meantime my toe started getting even worse. My parents almost made me go to the emergency room for it Saturday night, but then they had me soak it, and it got a little better, so they said maybe it could wait until Monday. I called Monday morning and they were able to work me in, since I was off that day too. So I had already taken Tuesday and Wednesday off too, because of my toe, but now because of this thing with my mom, I took this whole schedule week off. The week at Carl's Jr. is Thursday through Wednesday. Well, a lot of other stuff has happened over the last few weeks since I wrote a real post, but, naturally, I don't really feel like writing about it right now. posted by Kevin @

Monday, July 26, 2004 I like this, and not just because most of them will be voting democrat. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Dammit, I was in the middle of writing a post when Blogger fucked up and lost my post. Don't worry, it wasn't a real post though, just another list of strange search terms that have led to my site, such as "buffy fanfiction urethra," and "the good things bout the 50's." posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @ "Oscar-winning film and TV composer Jerry Goldsmith died of cancer in Beverly Hills on July 21, 2004. He was 75. Goldsmith's long and distinguished career included a best original score Academy Award for the 1976 movie 'The Omen.' He also received several Academy Award nominations for best original score, including 'Mulan,' 'L.A. Confidential,' 'Hoosiers,' 'Poltergeist,' 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture,' 'Chinatown,' 'Patton' and 'Planet of the Apes." posted by Kevin @

Friday, July 23, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109062946410698588

Thursday, July 22, 2004 bed.
I got a fortune cookie today that says "A thrilling time is in your immediate future."

posted by Kevin @

Vanity License Plate Brings Tickets "WILMINGTON, Del. - A vanity license tag chosen as a gag has left its owner holding the bag. Jim Cara thought the "NOTAG" plate he got for his Suzuki motorcycle would give people a laugh. "Instead, he found that the laugh - along with more than 200 parking violations - was on him. " posted by Kevin @ Here's a cool rant by Alton Brown, the coolest person on the Food Network. I like his show, but I hardly ever got to watch it much, especially now that I don't even have TV. posted by Kevin @ "The US military has devised a way to ensure its troops in battle need never go hungry - with dried food that can be rehydrated using dirty water or urine." posted by Kevin @

Strange things in Japan

My site comes up as the number one, and strangely also the number two, result when searching Google for "Strange things in Japan." This excites me very much. Just like Alicia's mom. Someone else also go to my site by searching for "A linguistic analysis of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure." Other searches which led to my blog are "evil teacher," and the very badly spelled "hourny pictures," which I can't figure out why that would lead to my blog, because I don't know when I would've ever used the word "hourny." Someone else got here by searching for "old english 800 malt liquor t-shirts." That worked because of this: "What is the difference between Old English Furniture Polish and Old English 800 Malt Liquor? None that I can taste." I've recently also been getting lots of people coming here when searching for various phrases concerning the Penny-Arcade Guildhall event. I'm also getting a lot of people searching for "Mayday Mystery," which you may remember is a link I posted a while back. I'm also receiving a large amount of people searching for "Miracles of Allah," which is another link I posted around the same time. posted by Kevin @ Word of the Day for Thursday July 22, 2004 eructation \ih-ruhk-TAY-shuhn\, noun: The act of belching; a belch. Ignatius belched, the gassy eructations echoing between the walls of the alley. --John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces The explosion, at this distance, sounds like a faint, feeble eructation. --Peter Conrad, "Bangs to whimpers," The Observer, March 7, 2004 Eructation comes from Latin eructatio, from eructare, from e-, "out" + ructare, "to belch." posted by Kevin @

Survey: 1 in 5 Germans Drink to Get Drunk "LONDON - Almost 1 in 5 German adults - or 17 percent - believe the point of drinking is to get drunk, according to a survey released Wednesday." I'm not German, but... DUH. I know that's the only reason I drink. I certainly don't drink because I enjoy the stuff. I can't stand the taste of beer, or pretty much every other form of alcohol, if I'm going to go through the pain of drinking it, I damn well better get really drunk. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109050686796838967

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The air tastes fruity...
I was just in the kitchen making Kool-aid, and when I poured the bag of powder into the pitcher, it made a huge cloud that filled the entire kitchen with a fruity red haze. I inhaled a bunch of it too, so now I've got this weird fruit punch flavor in the back of my throat. I really should write a real post tomorrow. I'm off, so maybe I will. posted by Kevin @

Raitt Dedicates 'About to End' to Bush posted by Kevin @

Swedes Get Sloshed on Alcoholic Soap Suds "STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Some people at a three-day music festival in southern Sweden got more than just clean hands from the liquid soap in the portable toilets. They got a nice clean buzz, too." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109046513897437167

Monkey Apes Humans by Walking on Two Legs posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109046508652276147

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Four Inmates Flee Jail, Return With Beer posted by Kevin @

Halo 2 News!
Actually, it's not really news, as this article is almost two months old, but it's got a lot of things I hadn't heard before. This excites me even more than that "laser vision" story. Once again, this is taken from the site, which is an excellent site not only for hilarious comics, but also for videogame news. I know that people would probably like to know about Halo 2 multiplayer, but even having played several rounds there are things I don't know information they're reserving for release. So, things I do know: if the host drops, another player is automatically chosen to be the host and the game continues. The needler, always my weapon of choice, has been nudged up in terms of damage - to see an enemy rocked by cascades of exploding shards from dual needlers is pretty spectacular. Of course, that's just one manifestation of dual wielding - feel free to use a needler and a submachine gun, two subs, whatever - just be aware that you can't throw grenades in that state. How would you, really. You can customize your model to a greater degree, including decals. By training the Covenant energy sword on an opponent for a few seconds, you can kill with one strike first you have to get it, though, and as you can imagine it's something of a hot commodity. If an asshole is firing on you and yours from a mounted heavy machinegun, you can pulverize his ledge with a rocket destroying him and his fancy gun. Like, vehicles can now take progressive damage - and eventually, even explode. The ghost, which now has a special super boost fasty mode, will actually shudder before exploding in a manner which says "Get The Fuck Away." Speaking of vehicles, you can absolutely kick somebody out of one and take it. It probably goes without saying that you can play as the Covenant, now. If you'd like to see these things in action, buy all means - avail yourselves of the videos over at Those are all facts, and it's important to have them, but speaking qualitatively this is the actual Halo and the Halo you have now doesn't even belong on the same continuum. They have made it clear that they will be using online play in ways that other Live titles don't, ways that will better emulate the camaraderie of Clan play. We know that features have recently been added to Live to accommodate some of this: teams can be formed that exist between multiple game sessions, tournament and ladder functionality exists in-game, and even player-made logos or decals can be created and applied to models if the developer chooses to expose that feature. Every time I have brought these things up, in fact, any time I suggest anything at all, I hear, "No, it's better than that. Better. No, better." It didn't sound like some vague concept, vast, undefined and therefore able to contain the set of all things. It sounded like they already knew and weren't telling anybody.

posted by Kevin @

Billionaires For Bush posted by Kevin @

Advocacy Groups Challenge Fox News Slogan It's about time. Fox news is one of the most slanted of all media organizations. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109033271677481149

Sunday, July 18, 2004

The coolest fucking thing I've ever heard... This story excites me to no end. Sexually. But most importantly, how the fuck did I not hear about this before?! This story is from APRIL! I'd think this thing would've been all over the internet, yet I'm just now finding it, in the news archives over at posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=109020580752821389

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Dubya's Prayer posted by Kevin @

Laws Concerning Food and Drink These are absolutely hilarious, even more so if you have had experience with children, I'm sure. It's the laws of the dinner table (and a few other things), written as though they were passages from the bible. Laws When at Table And if you are seated in your high chair, or in a chair such as a greater person might use, keep your legs and feet below you as they were. Neither raise up your knees, nor place your feet upon the table, for that is an abomination to me. Yes, even when you have an interesting bandage to show, your feet upon the table are an abomination, and worthy of rebuke. Drink your milk as it is given you, neither use on it any utensils, nor fork, nor knife, nor spoon, for that is not what they are for; if you will dip your blocks in the milk, and lick it off, you will be sent away. When you have drunk, let the empty cup then remain upon the table, and do not bite it upon its edge and by your teeth hold it to your face in order to make noises in it sounding like a duck; for you will be sent away. When you chew your food, keep your mouth closed until you have swallowed, and do not open it to show your brother or your sister what is within; I say to you, do not so, even if your brother or your sister has done the same to you. Eat your food only; do not eat that which is not food; neither seize the table between your jaws, nor use the raiment of the table to wipe your lips. I say again to you, do not touch it, but leave it as it is. And though your stick of carrot does indeed resemble a marker, draw not with it upon the table, even in pretend, for we do not do that, that is why. And though the pieces of broccoli are very like small trees, do not stand them upright to make a forest, because we do not do that, that is why. Sit just as I have told you, and do not lean to one side or the other, nor slide down until you are nearly slid away. Heed me; for if you sit like that, your hair will go into the syrup. And now behold, even as I have said, it has come to pass. This is just a small sample, the article is much longer. posted by Kevin @

The Austin Chronicle Screens: 'Lost Ark,' Resurrected

The story begins in Biloxi, Miss., with three boys -- Eric Zala, Chris Strompolos, and Jayson Lamb -- and one adventure hero, Indiana Jones. Handsome, endlessly resourceful, as quick with a whip as he was with a quip, Indiana Jones hijacked the heart of America in the summer of 1981, and our trio of 10-year-olds proved no exception. So the next summer, the three began filming a shot-for-shot remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Seven years later, they wrapped. The film, making its world premiere at the Alamo Drafthouse this Friday, is nothing short of stunning. Everything is here -- the rolling boulder, the live snakes, the heart-thudding truck sequence, and everywhere flames, flames, flames. The boys made a few inventive substitutions -- a puppy dog stands in for a monkey, a boat for a plane. But even more impressive are the things they don't substitute -- a submarine, a truck on fire, a melting face, the same copy of a 1936 Life magazine used in the original. This is not "cute" or "impressive considering their age" -- it is a genuine virtuoso work. posted by Kevin @

The Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books The details listed below are excerpts taken from the 1998 Banned Books Resource Guide, Copyright 1998, by the American Library Association, and Ready Reference Censorship, Copyright 1997, Salem Press (ed. Lawrence Amey et al.). In some cases, my own pithy comments have been added. "An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all." --Oscar Wilde posted by Kevin @

Freaky! A very strange optical illusion. Kinda hurts my eyes after a while. posted by Kevin @

Man Accused of Hitting Woman With Gator posted by Kevin @

Friday, July 16, 2004 BANGOR, Maine - A fake wanted poster that was allegedly displayed for seven hours on the cash register of a variety store in Etna has triggered a defamation lawsuit. Brad Graves sued Ronald Hicks last week in Penobscot County Superior Court, claiming that Hicks damaged his reputation by displaying the poster that labeled him a "terrorist." The poster included a photograph of Graves with the words "Mohammed Abdul Graves, suspected leader of the outlaw organization Extreme Activist Terrorism Militia of Etna" or "EATME" under his picture, according to court documents. ... posted by Kevin @

Very Interesting.
I'd always heard of Bobby Fischer, but I never knew all this stuff about him, such as that he was on the run from the U.S. government. posted by Kevin @

India Fire Kills at Least 80 Children NEW DELHI - A short circuit ignited a thatched roof and raged through a school in southern India on Friday, killing at least 80 children and injuring more than 100. The children were trapped inside a locked building, a witness said, and blackened bodies were piled two and three deep on the floor. More than 30 of the victims were burned to death, while the others were killed in a stampede that followed the fire, said M.B. Venkatesh, a witness who lived near the Lord Krishna Middle School in the town of Kumbakonam. He said the school's main door was locked at the time of the blaze.

Press Trust of India quoted police officers as saying many children died because their teachers told them to remain in place because the fire was being extinguished. New Delhi Television News reported that there were no teachers in some classrooms. ... posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

"I do believe the President of the U.S. just gave you boys the finger." posted by Kevin @

I will buy this book. "NEW YORK - If you've never dropped the word "dubyavirus" into casual conversation, urged that an official be "ashcrofted" or commented upon "The Cheney Effect," then you haven't seen the future, at least the future according to McSweeney's. "The ever-expanding genre of anti-Bush books has now entered the reference field. Coming in August from McSweeney's, the publishing house founded by author-activist Dave Eggers, is "The Future Dictionary of America," a Utopian tome set "sometime" beyond the present. "Contributors include Eggers, Stephen King, Kurt Vonnegut, Jonathan Franzen, Wendy Wasserstein and more than 100 others. Proceeds will be donated to 'groups working for the public good in the 2004 election.'" posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

'Merlin' Tried for Shopping With Sword "PORTSTMOUTH, England - "Merlin" appeared in court Tuesday, resplendent in his druid robes and defended by King Arthur Pendragon, but without the 3foot sword which caused alarm in a local shop." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108975529032093095

Man Jailed After Shooting Self in Groin posted by Kevin @

Suitcase Yields Possible Beatles Trove " While the materials have yet to be authenticated, some experts believe the collection is the lost "Mal Evans archive," originally belonging to the Beatles' roadie and sound recordist. "Evans was killed by police in Los Angeles in 1976 after he had brandished a fake gun. The contents of the suitcase were lost during the police investigation, The Times said." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108975511692128577

Monday, July 12, 2004

Horrifying in its Implications
Someone just got to my site by searching for "Spongebob erotic fanfic." That terrifies me beyond all rational thought. Luckily, THANK GOD, that search only comes up with 5 results, and none of them actually have any of that on them. I don't even want to imagine what that would be like. Seriously. posted by Kevin @


Texas: Part Two

The trip to Texas went well, I got there in record time for some reason. I didn't speed or anything (well, just my usual 4-5 mph over the limit), but somehow I made it there in barely two and a half hours. It took me a few minutes over three hours to get back. I left Saturday after work, at about 5:00pm. The trip was uneventful, I didn't stop along the way or anything. Well, one thing happened, I thought I was going to get pulled over. There was a cop sitting in the median, and I went by at about 70 in a 65mph zone, and after I passed they pulled out of the median and drove a ways behind me for a while, then turned their lights and siren on, and sped up. I moved to the right lane to get out of their way, if they weren't coming after me, that is, and to my relief, they went past me after someone else. I got to Chris' about 7:30pm, and we just hung around the apartment and watched some TV, then he let me run around killing things on Final Fantasy XI for a while. I didn't know what I was doing, but since his character was high level, and in an area full of weak enemies there was little chance of me messing his character up or getting it killed. It was the latest I've been up for a long time, we stayed up until after 1:00am. Then we woke up around 10:00am and later me and Chris went to Borders bookstore, and the mall. Candice stayed home to watch the kid. We went into K.B. Toys and were there for at least half an hour, because they were having this incredible sale, everything was really cheap, and he wanted to find some stuff for Kara, Candice's little girl. The kid isn't Chris, just so you know. It's Candice's from a previous marriage. She calls Chris "Ca-Ca," which I guess is some kind of combination of "Chris," and "DaDa." It's also another word for crap, so that always makes me laugh. I think it fits Chris very well. Chris finally found several things to buy Kara, and also bought this big pink gift bag with the Disney Princesses on it to put it all in, since Kara loves anything to do with them. So we got to walk around the mall carrying this big pink Disney princess bag. A very emasculating situation. I wasn't the one carrying it, but just two guys walking around together, one of them carrying a bag like that, doesn't look very good either. It didn't really bother me, but I kept laughing at Chris about it. Then, to make things even more awkward, we went into a Bath and Body Works, or something like that, so he could get some stuff for Candice. So now it's two guys with a pink princess bag, one of them (Chris) handing bottles of bubble bath and body lotions to the other (me) and asking, "How does this smell? Is this nice?" Most men would have run screaming in a situation like that. I'm still not sure why he was asking my opinion though. He said he couldn't smell them that well, there were too many smells in the store. Maybe he also thought I'd be good at stuff like that, though I don't know why, but apparently I am, because she really liked the one I picked out. They were having this buy three get one free sale on the stuff, and he picked out three, and was having trouble deciding on the last one, and I was like "what about that one," (it was Warm Baked Sugar scent, or something like that) "she might like that one." So then we went back to Chris' place, and everyone loved their gifts. Then we watched a DVD I brought, ten episodes of Dragonball, part one of the King Piccolo Saga. By the time that was done, it was time to head out to meet Gabe and Tycho, the guys at that event, which was the whole reason for the trip. They were going to be at Gameworks in Grapevine, Texas, which is about a half hour or so away from were Chris lives. We had a small amount of trouble finding the place, but we still got there at about 6:30pm, and they were supposed to be there from 7:00 to 11:00pm. The place turned out to be a giant arcade, instead of a comic book store, like we both thought it was supposed to be. It was a really nice place, it was two story, the bottom floor was video games, and the second floor was mostly a bar and grill, with a couple of pool tables, but it also had some of those kinds of games that give out tickets you can buy prizes with. Also, instead of using quarters or tokens, the machines all took these pre-paid credit card looking things you bought, I've never seen anything like that. The cards came in different amounts, $10, $15, $20, and over other, $30, I think. But if you paid $20, you got a card worth $25, and the $30 was worth $40 I think. Then, where the coin slot usually is on the machines, there was a slot you stuck the card in, and it sucked the card in, and showed how much was on the card, and then deducted the price of the game off of it and spit it back out. For some reason the games all cost 99 cents, instead of 50 cents or a dollar. Games are getting expensive, I remember when they cost a quarter, then they went up to 50 cents, and now lots of them are a dollar. We asked the guys at the counter what exactly would be happening, if they had like one of the birthday party rooms set aside for it or what, and he said that no, Gabe and Tycho would just be walking around playing video games and stuff. This posed a problem, as there was no easy way to recognize them, until the crowd formed around them anyway. Chris asked me if I knew what the guys even looked like in real life. I told them I'd seen some pictures before, but I didn't remember exactly. All I remembered was that they look nothing like their comic counterparts, and that they just look like your typical really geeky guys. We could tell we weren't the only people there to see them (of course), because after a while, guys started walking in carrying There were cardboard tubes of all sizes at the event. Some even carried toilet-paper tubes, because "that was all they could find," as I later heard one of them tell Gabe. Me and Chris played games until almost 7:30, when one guy overheard us wondering to each other about whether they were there yet. The guy said "Yeah, they're over there near the front signing autographs right now. Or Gabe is at least, I don't know where Tycho is." So we went over there, and this skinny geek in a black t-shirt that stated "It's not my fault you suck," was surrounded by a crowd of ten people or so, most of them carrying tubes. There were even a couple of hot girls in line, amazingly. One of them was even carrying a toilet-paper roll. Gabe was autographing things with his name, and a small sketch of his comic self. Chris and I realized we had nothing to sign. I would've had him sign my shirt, but it was my new shirt. Chris said to check my wallet and see if I had a receipt that Gabe could autograph the back of. I didn't, but luckily, Chris had paid for his game card thing with a credit card, so he had two pieces or receipt from that purchase, and he gave me one. Chris got his signed first, it was pretty loud in there, I don't know what he said to Gabe or what Gabe said back. Then I went up there, and told him, "I love your comic!" and he started autographing mine, and I asked him where Tycho was. He said "I don't know, we got separated, I have no idea where he is. Probably in a bar somewhere." Afterwards I carefully folded the receipt in half, and stuck it in my wallet so it wouldn't get wrinkled up in my pocket. Then we walked around some more, and found that Tycho had just recently come in at the back of the place, and he had a huge crowd around him. Once again, we had nothing to sign, and once again, luck came to our rescue, for sitting on the machine right next to us were two discarded game cards, empty presumably, we didn't check. So we had Tycho sign the backs of these. His signature wasn't really a signature, it was just four letters, it was the way he usually end his posts to their site, his real initials, followed by his character's initials: "(CW)TB". I told Tycho, "I drove almost 200 miles to be here tonight," and he gave me this weird look. I still don't know if he was amazed that I drove that far for it, or amazed at how stupid I was for driving that far for it. He probably thought I was some kind of creepy stalker guy. Then me and Chris played games a while longer, then we went back to his place. He and Candice both went to bed soon after that, since they both had to work early. I couldn't sleep though, because it was so fucking hot in the apartment that night. So I watched one of his DVDs, The Ring, and then finally got to sleep around 1:00am. Then I had to get up at 7:00am to leave before Candice had to leave for work (Chris had already gone to work several hours before that). So, after stopping and eating, I got home around 11:00, and now I've just been sitting here at the computer most of the day since. And so concludes the story of my Wonderful Adventure in Texas. It also concludes the longest fucking post I've ever written. So long, in fact, that I stopped halfway through and ate a gigantic bowl of Lime Jello, almost a whole box's worth. For more on the Cardboard Tube Samurai, click And also, and be sure to click next and check out all 6 parts of "Cardboard and Steel." I love the pig. One's the Pope. One's a chimp. They're both detectives. "The Pope and the Chimp" coming this fall to NBC posted by Kevin @

Facts about Jack posted by Kevin @

Strange Things are Afoot at the Anchorage Airport posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108965466399788633

Outback Mongrel Could Be Oldest Dog - EarthLink - Strange News posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108965455388379881

Friday, July 09, 2004

Texas bound
As I mentioned the other day, I'm going down to Texas for the event this weekend. There is a slight change of plans, however. I'm leaving tomorrow evening, instead of Sunday morning. So as soon as I get home from work tomorrow, I have to take a shower, get my stuff together, and take my rat over to my parent's house so they can watch it for a couple of days. I'll get to Chris' by 9:00pm, hopefully a little sooner. Then I'll be there all day Sunday, which is when the event is, and then I'll be leaving around 8:00am Monday morning, because Chris and Candice both have to work. So anyway, this means no posts for a couple of days. Boo hoo, what will you do? I hate that that rhymed. And how sad is it, that for at least two days now, I've been really excited about the trip because it means I will get to eat at Jack in the Box? Man, I love me some Jack in the Box. Where's my Strawberry Banana Shake, bitch?! Yeah, I thought so. posted by Kevin @

It's what's for dinner...

Ok, is so funny I laughed like a maniac for at least five minutes. And for those of you who don't realize it, this was a Cabin Fever movie poster, and that phrase is an anagram of "Cabin Fever." posted by Kevin @

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Flash Game Yeah, it's in German. Click the little sign that says "Anleitung" for directions and a demonstration on how to play. posted by Kevin @

What Dragonball Z Character are You?

Dammit, I can't seem to get the picture to work now. It worked for a minute, but suddenly it's not. Anyway, I was all excited, because I got Goku! Yay, I'm Goku! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108932791685782149

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Disgusting Toe and Exploding Cars
Wow, I've been posting a lot of links lately, and that's about it. I just haven't felt much like writing. I have plenty of things to write about, just haven't felt like doing it. For one, my toe is very badly infected. About six months or so ago I had to have both my big toe nails cut out because they were ingrown and starting to get infected. Well, they've finally grown back in, and are ingrown again. The right one is only a little bit ingrown, and doesn't hurt much unless I hit it or something, but the left one is really ingrown, and is very badly infected again. I almost let it go too long, the toe was looking horrible. I finally went to the doctor Tuesday, and he gave me some antibiotics for it. He doesn't know if it will have to be cut out or not, but even if it does have to be cut out, they can't do it until the infection goes down. He said that if they were to cut into it now, I'd get blood poisoning. It hurt like hell the last few days, Saturday and Sunday I was limping at work, and Monday it hurt so bad I could barely even walk at all, and they sent me home early. I was supposed to work yesterday, but I called in because of the pain, and so I could go to the doctor. A few days ago I received a letter in the mail, saying that my car was part of a safety recall because of a possible problem that could cause the engine to explode. It was a fuel pump valve diaphragm leak, or something like that, which was a small thing that would only take a few minutes to fix, but could cause a long chain reaction of events which could lead up to the engine catching fire or exploding. The cars affected are the 1998 Buick LeSabre with a 3.8 liter V6 engine. If you have one and haven't received a letter yet, you should go get it fixed. I'm going to Texas this weekend. I'm going to meet up with Chris and then we're going to what may be the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me (which is pretty sad, actually). The event, well, here it is straight from the source, at Penny Arcade is coming to Texas! July 11th and 12th. On the 11th and 12th of July, we'll be heading down to Plano, Texas - specifically, to the Guildhall at SMU. We'll be speaking at the school that Monday, how ridiculous is that, but the day before there is some public stuff that anybody can go to. And I hope you do, too - we don't get down there very much. In fact, we never do. Here's basically how it breaks down. On Sunday, July 11th, we'll be at the Guildhall itself from 3 to 5 for what they have termed a "meet and greet." Here is the address: The Guildhall at SMU - SMU-in-Legacy Campus 5228 Tennyson Parkway, Bldg. 3 Plano, TX 75024 That night, between 7 and 11, we'll be heading over to the Gameworks in Grapevine. Here is the address: Gameworks Grapevine 3000 Grapevine Mills Parkway #525 Grapevine, TX 76051 That's pretty much it.

So, yeah, I'm really excited. I hope it's not too extremely packed full of people, like I know it will be. In other exciting news, I've met a girl online. This one is different from the other girls I usually meet online in that she actually lives in Mid-West City, a place here in Oklahoma that isn't too far from me, and also that she is 25. Most of the time some girl will IM me or something online, and I'll be like, "Hey, she seems kinda cool," and then I find out she's actually 14. That's the main reason I don't usually respond to IMs from people I don't know anymore. Actually, I didn't meet the girl, Melissa did, and then she told her about me when she found out she lived in Oklahoma, and the girl was interested in talking to me, and told Melissa to give me her email address. I don't want to talk about her too much on here yet, in case I decide to give her the link to this site. It's not like we're going out or anything yet, we've just talked a few times. I still hardly know anything about her. Well, I think that's pretty much everything. Everything important anyway. What is the difference between Old English Furniture Polish and Old English 800 Malt Liquor? None that I can taste. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108924896876189070

Great Site. posted by Kevin @

I want to see this.

NEW YORK - Broadway will have its own Monty Python gang next year - David Hyde Pierce, Tim Curry and Hank Azaria. The three actors will star in "Spamalot," a new musical adapted from the comedy film classic "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," it was announced Wednesday. posted by Kevin @ Funny. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108921668973649873

You Are Lo Pan!!

You're the villian from Big Trouble in Little China. You're awesome because you can stomp some serious ass, and roam the world in spirit form, ruining everyone's sh*t. Oh man, you rule all.

"TYPE=PICT;ALT=Personality Test Results"
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

posted by Kevin @

What's real and what's phony? "Seeing is no longer believing. Actually, what you see is largely irrelevant," says Dartmouth Professor Hany Farid. He is referring to the digital images that appear everywhere: in newspapers, on Web sites, in advertising, and in business materials, for example. Farid and Dartmouth graduate student Alin Popescu have developed a mathematical technique to tell the difference between a "real" image and one that's been fiddled with. Consider a photo of two competing CEOs talking over a document labeled "confidential - merger," or a photo of Saddam Hussein shaking hands with Osama bin Laden. The Dartmouth algorithm, presented recently at the 6th International Workshop on Information Hiding, in Toronto, Canada, can determine if someone has manipulated the photos, like blending two photos into one, or adding or taking away objects or people in an image. posted by Kevin @

Saddam: NYERMMMM. PEN MISSLE!!!! This is hilarious. If I wasn't poor now I'd buy one of the t-shirts. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108921411270089416 I like that this are on the "kids page." posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Michael Moore has a blog now

posted by Kevin @

Just like that old Dewey defeats Truman thing. posted by Kevin @

Monday, July 05, 2004

World's Longest Concert Adds Two Notes posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108907151371095653

*Burp* Anyone got a Tums? posted by Kevin @

Sunday, July 04, 2004

The Gods Must be Horny "KATMANDU, Nepal - Female rice farmers are plowing their fields at night in the nude to please the rain god during a dry spell in southwestern Nepal, a news report said Sunday... "...Weather forecasters in the capital Katmandu - 310 miles northeast of Baijapur village, where the naked farmers are appealing for rain - said the situation is expected to improve in the next few days." posted by Kevin @

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Anyone know German?
Here's a reference to my page I found on some German blog, I can only make out a couple of words of it. leu Feb 03, 03 | 6:32 am soeben grad gefunden: bin ja nicht der einzige der da weiterdenkt... posted by Kevin @


When I counted up my demons Saw there was one for every day With the good ones on my shoulders I drove the other ones away So if you ever feel neglected If you think that all is lost I'll be counting up my demons, yeah Hoping everything's not lost When you thought it was over You could feel it all around Everybody's out to get you Don't you let it drag you down Cos if you ever feel neglected If you think that all is lost

I'll be counting all the demons, yeah Hoping everything's not lost If you ever feel neglected If you think all is lost I'll be counting up my demons, yeah Hoping everything's not lost Singing out o yeah [x3] Everything's not lost, Come on yeah, o yeah, come on yeah, Everything's not lost, O yeah, [x3] Everything's not lost, Come on yeah, o yeah, Come on yeah [x2] O yeah, Come on yeah, Everything's not lost, Sing out yeah, Come on yeah [x2] Everything's not lost, Come on yeah, o yeah, Sing out yeah, Everything's not lost. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108889721861155536

Friday, July 02, 2004

It took me a few minutes to figure this one out. If I'm right, this blog is written in Klingon. posted by Kevin @

I about died laughing... posted by Kevin @

Ronald McDonald takes it up the butt.

Me and Melissa were just talking in an IM, and we had the following conversation. I think this is probably the sickest thing I've ever said. Out loud and to other people, anyway. subspecies23: HAMBURGLAR! subspecies23: The Hamburglar just broke in and stole all my hamburgers! missy_custer: YAYYY then CUT THE CHEESEEEE subspecies23: uhhh, lol subspecies23: that makes no sense missy_custer: slap him around with a little bit of lettuce, squirt mayonnaise on him subspecies23: no way, he likes that missy_custer: hmmmmm then GRIND him subspecies23: he likes hamburgers so much that his sexual fetish is to be treated like a hamburger missy_custer: ewwwwwwwwwww subspecies23: he crawls in a giant hamburger bun and says "oh baby, squirt me with your special sauce." subspecies23: lmao subspecies23: what, was it so sick you're not talking to me now? lol [several minute pause] missy_custer: nah, got coffee lol posted by Kevin @

Library Clock Has 'IIII' Instead of 'IV' It says this is pretty common actually, I've never noticed it before, I'll have to start checking all the clocks I see now. posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

Colin Powell Sings Village People Song "JAKARTA, Indonesia - U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell donned a hard hat and tucked a hammer in his belt Friday to perform a version of the Village People's hit "YMCA" at the conclusion of Asia's largest security meeting - which tradition says ends with a night of skit and song." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108880972068743686

Holy Shit... posted by Kevin @

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Yahoo! News - Coffin Show: Going Out in Style posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108872711030912530

The Writings on the Stall A repository of writing found on restroom walls. Very funny. posted by Kevin @

Celebrating 3000 years of Cat Mustaches posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108870714300048527 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108870667037133154

Human Beans: PowerPizza posted by Kevin @ And groping women. At the same time. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108870457217781267

D O G T O Y :or: M A R I T A L A I D - You decide. section=warmup&results=true&q0=&q1=1&q2=1&q3=1&q4=&q5=&q6=1&q7=1&q8=1&q9=1&q10=1&q11=1&q12=1&q13=1 Pretty hard actually. I played the warm-up round and got 11 out of 14 right. I don't know if I even want to try the difficult round.

Update: I played the difficult round, and the "from users" round, and actually scored better on them than in the warm-up round. I got 13 out of 14 correct in both of them. posted by Kevin @

Beastie Boys Triple Trouble Game "Help the Beastie Boys get across the road safely to the political protest rally. Look out! The tyranny of the Bush Regime won't make it easy!" posted by Kevin @

Word is made flesh as God reveals himself... as a fish,6903,915125,00.html? Apparently this story's been making the rounds for some time, but I just now heard about it for the first time. posted by Kevin @

Signs & Miracles of Allah posted by Kevin @

Bill Clinton's Blog? Is it really Bill Clinton's blog or not? There's some debate, but who knows? From what I've read of it, I'd say it probably is, if not it's a very good fake. But why is it pink? posted by Kevin @

DESERTER: THE STORY OF GEORGE W. BUSH AFTER HE QUIT THE TEXAS AIR NATIONAL GUARD" An examination of the Bush military files within the context of US Statutory Law, Department of Defense regulations, and Air Force policies and procedures of that era lead to a single conclusion: George W. Bush was considered a deserter by the United States Air Force." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108869761456038388

Evil teacher writes graffiti about pupil who spurned him posted by Kevin @

The Onion | Reagan Pyramid Nears Completion posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108869628286874258

Wow, what happened? I've had 209 hits in the last week alone, averaging 30 a day. I checked the referrals, and while there is an increase in the number of "unknowns." All but two or three of the rest were still the results of the usual searches. "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K," or some variant, or other phrases involving "strange things." The rest are still Chumbawamba lyric searches. I figured I'd get some hits from people searching for those "Lake of fire" song lyrics, but so far I haven't. Only two of the last 100 hits (which is as far back as the records go) came from other websites that link to me. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11
I finally got to see Fahrenheit 9/11 today. It was an hour drive to get to the theater where it was showing, but I went anyway. And I'm glad I did. It was a great movie. Really great. If it wasn't so far away, I'd go see it again. I'm no good at writing movie reviews, and even if I was, I wouldn't know where to start with a movie like this. I'll agree with what I've read in other reviews, one minute you'll be crying, the next you'll be laughing. It was a very funny movie, but half the funniness is a bad funniness, you're laughing because you can't believe Bush just said something that horrible and incriminating. There's this one part, it's showing a clip from some interview and Bush is saying, "I'm a War President. When I sit down to do my work and make my decisions, I do it all with war on my mind." There are a few grisly parts, like shots of a pickup truck full of dead Iraqi civilians, and a little Iraqi kid with part of his arm blown up, and this U.S. soldier's body burning in the street, and then the Iraqis are kicking it and beating it with things, and then hanging it and several other burnt bodies from a pole at the town entrance. Those are the only really graphic parts in the whole two hour plus movie. Much to his credit, Moore stays away from cheap shots like that, he stays away from simple-minded "shock the viewers" tactics. I'm off again tomorrow! I'm glad, even though it means I have to work five days in a row before my next day off. I'm glad because since I spent half the day making the trip and watching the movie, I didn't get to do any of the stuff I had planned on doing today. For one, I need to clean Freyja's cage. Then I have a lot of blogging to do. As you probably noticed, I've been busy with my blog the last few days, after neglecting it for a while. First I changed my template, and then I've made a lot of posts in the last few days. I've got lots of more I want to make too, mostly links and stuff. It's been a while since I visited any of the sites on my links list, but the last few days I've gone to them, and there's lots of cool links built up on them since the last time I visited. I've found lots of good sites through them too, I've added probably 20 sites to my favorites in the last three days, and I added several new sites to my links list down there, you should check them out. Well, it's getting late. Late for me anyway. Since I started working mornings I usually go to bed around 10:30. So I'm going to go to bed pretty soon. Hmmm, one last thing before I go. I'm talking to Melissa in an IM, and she just said, "Holy Pissflaps, BatFag!" That's very strange, but very funny. "People snapped after September 11th, and the leader of the snap was Jerry Falwell. Jerry Falwell was crazy before, and if you did not know that, I'd like you to wear aluminum foil so we KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" -- Lewis Black posted by Kevin @

Strange News
There's lots of interesting news stories tonight: This is really fucked up. A stupid criminal story. posted by Kevin @

Study: Sex Abuse Prevalent in Schools WASHINGTON - More than 4.5 million children are forced to endure sexual misconduct by school employees, from inappropriate comments to physical abuse, according to an exhaustive review of research that reads like a parent's worst nightmare. The best estimate is that almost one in 10 children, sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade, are targets of behavior ranging from unprofessional to criminal, says the report for Congress by Charol Shakeshaft, a professor at Hofstra University's School of Education.

And this is just the abuse done by teachers, they didn't even look into the sexual abuse done by other students. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108860541631424079

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

They go to a lake of fire and fry...

I heard a song on the radio yesterday, I don't know anything about it, I don't know what it's called, who sings it, or even if it's a new song, or twenty years old. I've never heard it before, I know that, but at the same time, the lyrics seem vaguely familiar. Anyway, I'm asking you people for help. The only verse I can really remember is the chorus, if any of you know anything about the song, please tell me. I've had it stuck in my head ever since I heard it. And I really liked it, if I can find it I will probably download it. Here's the verse I remember: Where do bad people go when they die They don't go to heaven where the angels fly They go to a lake of fire and fry Won't see them again till the 4th of July UPDATE: I decided to get off my lazy ass (figuratively), and search for the lyrics myself. Turns out it's a Nirvana song, called Lake of Fire. I've never heard of it before. Here's the complete lyrics: Where do bad folks go when they die? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly They go to the lake of fire and fry Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July I knew a lady who came from Duluth She got bit by a dog with a rabid tooth She went to her grave just a little too soon And she flew away howling on the yellow moon Where do bad folks go when they die? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly They go down to the lake of fire and fry Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July Now the people cry and the people moan And they look for a dry place to call their home And try to find some place to rest their bones While the angels and the devils try to make them their own Where do bad folks go when they die? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly They go down to the lake of fire and fry Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July

And, yes, iTunes has it, and I am currently downloading it. posted by Kevin @

Sir Robin's Song posted by Kevin @

Rowling Announces Title of Potter Book posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108854542031125104

Monday, June 28, 2004


Image taken from posted by Kevin @ posted by Kevin @

May Day Mystery: Historical Madness Fuck, I can tell I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this site, and trying to figure the stuff out. A site dedicated to the unraveling of a rather interesting mystery centered around cryptic posts each May 1st in the University of Arizona Wildcat. The author's conclusions so far: Someone is doing their historical homework: There is a wealth of obscure historical infomation here. Ranging from references to historical figures, religious and otherwise, to items and occurrences, there is a historical relevance to solving the Game. Someone is doing their mathematical homework: Once again, more strange symbols and whatnot. Ranging from physics to chemistry to binary encodings, the clues come in every shape and form. The Game's author seems to have a fascination with informational encoding systems and the like... Someone has extra money to burn on this puzzle: Full page ads in the Arizona Daily Wildcat aren't cheap, and the pages have been running for over 10 years. This leads me to believe they (the author(s))are older in age, or an established professional. The game's author is familiar with the Tucson area, and the University of Arizona campus: Like I said, it's a semi-local game, but you can't tell that until you really get into the clues. There seems to be a reward, or an endpoint: There are references to a safe deposit box located in a bank in the downtown Tucson area. See this page for an example. I'm not promising anything, as I have not yet unraveled the mystery. It could be a red herring, in which case I'll kick the author in the (censored) when I meet them. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108847091610474722

Sunday, June 27, 2004

New Layout
As you can see, I got a new layout. I've spent most of the day deciding which layout to use. The new Blogger has lots of new features, but I had to switch to one of their new layouts to make use of them. They actually have a lot of layouts that I like now. Unfortunately, all of them have too narrow of column widths for my taste, which makes my posts two or three times the already considerable length they normally were. In the end I settled on this one. It's not my favorite in the visual area, but in functionality and column width, it's one of the overall best. So anyway, here it is. Like it or leave it. I'm afraid that I may get bored with it soon, and have to switch again. I hope not, because it takes at least an hour to customize it with all the links and buttons and stuff. posted by Kevin @

Woodrow Wilson
"My dream is that as the years go by and the world knows more and more of America, it will turn to America for those inspirations which lie at the base of all freedom; that the world will never fear America unless she feels that it is engaged in some enterprise which is inconsistent with the rights of humanity; and that America will come into the full light of the day when all will know that she puts human rights above all other rights and that her flag is the flag not only of America but of humanity." -- Woodrow Wilson Poor Woody must be spinning in his grave.

posted by Kevin @

On this day I am proud, for my site shows up ninth on the list when you search Google for "fat dachshund." I must find ways to get it higher on that list. My site is also number one on the list when you search for "'Fuck Reagan' Cafepress." If you just search for "Fuck Reagan," you get a very large number of results. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, June 26, 2004

This is pretty fucking low, even for Bush. If he keeps stuff like this up, he's gonna risk alienating even some of his republican supporters. I certainly hope he does. WASHINGTON - Adolf Hitler's image has surfaced again in the White House race. President Bush's campaign is featuring online video of the Nazi dictator... in a spot that intersperses clips of speeches by Democrats John Kerry, Al Gore and Howard Dean. posted by Kevin @

My horoscope sounds very dirty today. Though Melissa says it's actually talking about my rat. I can see that too. But I think I like the vulgar version better. "You can please others while you're pleasing yourself. It feels natural and delightful." Sagittarius You can please others while you're pleasing yourself. It feels natural and delightful. Discoveries like these always come when you're busy with something else. Watch it out of the corner of your eye and sneak up without scaring it away. If you're trying to get acquainted with someone new, casually draw him or her into a conversation instead of leaping out with all colors flying. Something that you already put off for too long will open unexpected doors once you finally get started. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108828492920170592

Friday, June 25, 2004

The Facts about Dick Cheney and Halliburton * Vice President Dick Cheney was Halliburton's CEO from 1995-2000. In addition to providing him with a massive salary and bonus for just eight months of work in 2000, Halliburton's board of directors voted to give Cheney a $20 million retirement package when he resigned. Following his departure from Halliburton, Cheney retained possession of 433,333 options of Halliburton stock. [Washington Post, 9/26/03; Richard B. Cheney Personal Financial Disclosure, May 15, 2002; May 15, 2003; New York Times, 8/12/00; LA Times, 7/24/00; AP, 7/18/02] * For months, Cheney denied any involvement in Halliburton contracts. On "Meet the Press," he even said "...I have absolutely no influence of, involvement of, knowledge of in any way, shape or form of contracts..." [NBC News, "Meet the Press", 9/14/03] * Time Magazine recently reported on a smoking gun email between the Department of Defense and the Vice President's office showing that Cheney's office "coordinated" a multi-billion dollar, no-bid government contract for Halliburton, his former employer. [Time, 5/30/04] * As an example of overspending, Halliburton billed the government for 36 percent more meals than were served. In all, Halliburton charged $186 million for meals that were never delivered. [Detroit Free Press, 6/16/04] * A Halliburton subsidiary was criticized for abandoning numerous $85,000 trucks with flat tires, housing company officials in a five-star Kuwaiti hotel, raising prices for gasoline deliveries in Iraq and ordering empty trucks to crisscross the country to run up the gas bills. [Detroit Free Press, 6/16/04] posted by Kevin @

SCREAM!!!! now has a store! It's sheer torture, because I'm poor and major bills are coming up, so I can't spend any money there! I could very easily buy EVERY FUCKING ITEM in the Penny Arcade store! And half of all the other products offered on ! So anyway, I've been meaning to post for a couple of days now, but never have gotten around to it. And now, since several days have passed since most of the things I was going to write about happened, it just seems like they are no longer relevant, and I'm not going to bother writing about them. Don't worry, it was nothing important, it was mostly going to be a long bitch about my next door neighbors and how they play that polka-sounding Spanish music, and Spanish soap operas at a volume so loud that if I spoke Spanish, I would be able to follow the shows, because I can hear the speech perfectly. I don't complain to the manager though, because sometimes my music gets loud, and I am an extremely loud talker, in the rare occasions that I have people over, so I'm hoping that if I don't complain about them, they won't complain about me. A live and let live situation. It's not that bad really, they usually only do it about once a week for some reason. I have my rat, Freyja's, cage sitting here next to my desk right now, trying to get her used to my company. She still doesn't like me much. She's pretty antisocial for a rat. Rats are normally extremely social animals, who love human company. She seems scared of me. Here's some cool sites I found about rats as pets, and various resources for people who have rats as pets: Good for all your cage needs, no matter what your pet. I went over to Daniel's house a couple of nights ago. It wasn't the usual Halo party like usual. We did play some, but that wasn't the whole reason for the gathering. There weren't many people there either, I got there about 5:00pm, and it was just me and Daniel, Phillip got there around 6:00, and we played for a while then. Daniel had me bring my Bokken, a wooden training katana, because he had one too, and Phillip was wanting to see us fight each other or something like that. I was happy to oblige, and so after Phillip got there we went out to the front yard. The fight lasted less than a second, and was over without a blow being struck, or even any sword to sword contact. I was the victor. Me and Daniel faced off, and then when he said go, I lunged, covering the distance between us in one quick movement, while simultaneously sweeping my sword back and around one-handed, bringing it down and stopping it about a couple of feet from his head/neck area, and I just stopped in that position, while he jumped back and freaked out, saying "I give up, you win! Shit! I'm not fighting him, he knows moves!" What's really funny is that I don't actually know any real moves, that was just something natural. I've never really practiced with my sword or anything much, I just did that without hardly even thinking, a result from watching so much anime and samurai and kung fu movies. Phillip didn't want to try fighting me either. It was really fun. I just wish I hadn't ended it so fast, I was looking forward to an actual sword fight of sorts. I then demonstrated for them how, even though it's a wooden training sword, it can cut down plants of a fair size when used right. Anyway, then Shawn showed up around 8:00, and we got to the main reason for the gathering. Daniel was making Shawn watch Pulp Fiction because he'd never seen it before, and Daniel thinks it's one of the best movies ever made, next to Spiderman. It was the first time I'd seen it all the way through too. I'd seen it in bits and pieces here and there over the years, so that I'd seen pretty much all of it, except for the first 15-20 minutes. It was a good movie. It had some boring parts, but for the most part it was really good. By the time the movie went off it was after 10:30, and since we all had to work the next morning, we went home. I have to work again tomorrow, ugh. I'm off Sunday though. I'm glad. "Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he or she sends a tiny ripple of hope. Crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these simple ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." -- Robert Kennedy posted by Kevin @

God dammit, I should've known they wouldn't show it in this Bush loving state. I was going to go see the new Michael Moore film, Fahrenheit 9/11, which came out today, but nowhere is showing it here. This state is extremely republican, I actually expected that they probably wouldn't be showing the movie, or that if it was showing there'd be people at the theater protesting or something. There's only a few theaters in the entire state showing it, and the closest one to me is like 40-50 miles away. I'll probably have more on this later, but right now I really have to go. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, June 24, 2004 Fucking weirdo. And it's here in Oklahoma too. It's also really funny, in a sick, sad way. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 This really fun game just sucked up an hour of my night. It's like Breakout. posted by Kevin @ " teaches you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school. Read our SYWs for full-length explanations, or our Mini-Wannas for quick info." posted by Kevin @ McMINNVILLE, Tenn. - A motorist's decision to stop a deputy for speeding escalated into a series of incidents than ended with his entire family joining him in jail. ... posted by Kevin @ DEFIANCE, Ohio - Forget any of the old jokes about hospital food. The cafeteria at the Defiance Regional Medical Center is one of the most popular places to brunch on Sundays.

A growing group of residents have taken to eating at the cafeteria for very simple reasons - they like the food and it's cheap. ... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108793048175739943

This saddens me a little. Not that I wanted to go Lollapalooza or anything, but it's sort of the heir of Woodstock, and the fact that no one wants to go to it anymore saddens me. NEW YORK - The Lollapalooza music festival tour has been canceled because of poor ticket sales, according to its Web site. The tour, featuring Morrissey, Sonic Youth and The Flaming Lips, had been set to begin July 14 in Auburn, Wash., and continue through August, including stops in Toronto, New York, Atlanta and Dallas. Tour organizers and concert promoters "faced with several million dollars of losses, made the very tough decision to pull the tour," the Web site said Tuesday. The Web site said there had been "poor ticket sales across the board." ... posted by Kevin @ WASHINGTON - Correcting an inaccurate report, the State Department announced Tuesday that acts of terror worldwide increased slightly last year and the number of people wounded rose dramatically. The department also reported a decline in the number of people killed - to 625 from 725 during 2002. But in April, the department reported 307 people had been killed last year - a much bigger decline. The findings had been used by senior Bush administration officials to bolster President Bush's claim of success in countering terrorism. Responding to the corrected version, Phil Singer, spokesman for Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign, said it was "just the latest example of an administation playing fast and loose with the truth when it comes to the war on terror." The administration "has now been caught trying to inflate its success on terrorism," he said. ... posted by Kevin @

Saturday, June 19, 2004 posted by Kevin @

I found this to be very funny. From "Mayor Bloomie is trying to toughen the city's noise code in an effort to improve the quality of life around the city. I am all for this. The problem is that these kinds of things may be tough to enforce. You might have to give the public some rules that they can follow and actually help enforce these laws. So I have some suggestions to help out this fine city. I think that whenever you see and hear a cab driver (or any driver for that matter) honk their horn as soon as the light turns green, you may punch them square in the face. That's really all I've got right now. I'll think of more. Oh. All dogs that bark after 10 PM will be confiscated and replaced with goldfish. And the signs that say 'No Honking. $xxx Fine.' They should be replaced with signs that say, 'Please shut the fuck up.' Boomboxes being carried through the streets blaring music will be confiscated and replaced with a sackful of feathers. Anyone who talks on a cell phone loudly in a quiet restaurant will have their phones confiscated and replaced with a bag of cotton candy. Anyone who, on the subway or bus, plays a game on their cell phone, a Game Boy, etc. without turning the sound off, will have the item confiscated and replaced with a monkey (who is also mute) that will only be trained to punch you in the groin. People who are loud and drunk on any night from Monday through Wednesday will be confiscated and replaced with goldfish. I guess that's all I can think of. But it's a start." posted by Kevin @

Friday, June 18, 2004

"On eBay" by Chumbawamba. [From the liner notes:]

"The military have known the importance of this museum. I showed them where it was. There's no reason why this should be looted. I fully expect to see some of these looted items show up on eBay in coming weeks" (McGuire Gibson of the University of Chicago, one of the world's top Mesopotamia scholars, after the museum looting in Baghdad.) Writing in The Independent, journalist Robert Fisk said this of the looting: "For Iraq, this is Year Zero; with the destruction of the antiquities in the Museum of Archaeology and the burning of the National Archives and then the Koranic Library, the cultural identity of Iraq is being erased. Why? Who set these fires? For what insane purpose is this heritage being destroyed?" French writer and critic Jean Baudrillard made sense of what happened in Baghdad when he said that the West's mission was to make the world's wealth of cultures "interchangeable", and to subordinate them withing the global order. "Our culture, which is bereft of values, revenges itself upon the values of other cultures." When Donald Rumsfeld was asked about the theft of Iraq's cultural treasures he quipped: "Stuff happens. It's untidy. And freedom's untidy. Free people are free to make mistakes ad commit srimes and do bad things." He further joked, "Television is merely running the same footage of the same man stealing a vase over and over," and added that he "didn't think there were that many vases in Iraq". According to Baudrillard, war's primary aim is to normalise savagery, diminish any resistance but also "to colonise and tame any terrain, geographical or mental." By imposing Western culture on Iraq and allowing its own history to be decimated, America is merely making the world's cultures interchangeable. Making everything taste the same, and making nothing have any real value. Here, swap you a Big Mac for this vase. [Lyrics:] Mr. Kokoschka, it just happened again-They struck the museum like a hurricane All of our culture, it's dead and it's gone From Babylon, baby, back to Babylon There's stuff you find along the way And stuff you leave behind And it all ends up as stuff that you can buy On eBay From Babylon back to Babylon On eBay From Babylon back to Babylon In old Baghdad, they're dusting off the antiques; It's the fourteenth Guernica we've had this week I got twenty-five dollars for a Persian vase Hold the critique, I think I'll go large. That stuff inside your houses And that stuff behind your eyes Well, it all ends up as stuff that you can buy On eBay From Babylon back to Babylon On eBay From Babylon back to Babylon They're building a tower out of wrappers and cans And now we speak in a language that we all understand T-t-t-t-t-t-tounge-tied and starry eyed... It's the ancient history of old school ties. There's stuff dressed up and truth And then there's stuff dressed up as lies And it all ends up as stuff that you can buy On eBay From Babylon back to Babylon On eBay From Babylon back to Babylon posted by Kevin @

Correction: Coprophilia is "An abnormal, often obsessive interest in excrement, especially the use of feces for sexual excitement." Coprophagy is the term for shit eating. I momentarily forgot my Latin. There's not much difference between the two terms anyway, if you have one, the other's probably present too. Like anyone cares anyway. What a sick topic. Ok, so I mentioned I got a pet. Alicia knows what it is, but I was somewhat disappointed that Melissa didn't ask about it, wondering what it was. It's not another hamster, though that's almost what I got, and it's not that far from it. It's a rat. Yes, a rat. Rats are cool. I bought a book about rats as pets when I got it, and it says they are at least as smart as dogs. That they absolutely love to be handled and will be about as loyal as a dog. You can also teach them tricks. It says they are a lot smarter, friendlier, and playful than a hamster. So far she's still a little scared of me, but she's getting better. She doesn't bite, but I have a hard time getting her out of her little house/bed thing so I can pick her up. And sometimes she tries to run from me when I have her out, but not all the time. I named her Freyja. Freyja is a Norse goddess, basically the Norse version of Venus or Aphrodite. It was also the name of the rat-girl in Final Fantasy IX, except there I think they just spelled it Freya. She's on my desk next to me right now. In a smaller carrying cage I bought. Her main cage is a ten-gallon aquarium. I know I shouldn't have bought her, as I was spending too much money lately anyway, but I've been really wanting a dog lately, especially a chihuahua, and if I hadn't bought something relatively cheap like this, I would've probably eventually broke down and bought a dog I really couldn't afford. She gets really nervous when I put her in this carrying case, but she seems to be calming down now, because she has now curled up and gone to sleep. My mom thought it was gross when I told her I bought a rat, but then when she saw it, she said it was cute, and she likes it now. She's white, with a black hood, meaning head and neck area, and three black spots going down her back, and there's tiny black spot in the center of her chest. She's not that big for a rat. I'm not sure how old she is, but she's the same size as all the rats at Petsmart. I noticed the rats at the pet store in Crossroads Mall were almost twice the size of the rats at Petsmart. I don't know if they are a different breed, or are just a lot older, or what. I was wanting a really big rat, but Petsmart didn't have any. I spent a lot of money on her. Well, she was only $6.99, about half the price of a hamster, but I had to buy the aquarium, and all the accessories, and the food and stuff, and then yesterday I went back and bought the carrier and some more wood shavings and stuff. I've spent about $90 already. I wasn't able to get any money for my Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I had a lot that were worth $5, but I didn't bother selling them. I may go back and sell some of them. I said that the Exodia set was worth $149, but I forgot that my set was in Japanese, instead of the American version, rendering it almost worthless. Well, I could still get up to $50 for it, but only if I can find someone who will buy it, this place doesn't buy the Japanese cards because they have trouble selling

them. None of the other card sets I took were worth anything either. They didn't know anything about the Marvel cards, but I suspect they may be worth something, especially the fancier ones I have, some of them are X-Men 30th Anniversary Special Edition cards, then I have a holographic Thing, and a Marvel Masterpieces Thor. They didn't know anything about them, they told me to check a regular comic shop, but the comic shop I normally go to said they don't deal in cards, and don't know anything about them. Hmm, seems like there was something else I wanted to mention, but I can't think what it was. "Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change." -- Marquis de Sade's Last Will and Testament posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108760625246041700

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

More Referral news. Someone got to my site by searching for "Adolph Hitler Coprophilia." Coprophilia is the scientific name for shit eating, a term I don't recall ever using on my blog. I don't know what's worse, that someone got to my site by searching for this phrase, or just that someone was searching for this phrase at all. I can't believe the number of people searching for the lyrics to "On eBay," by Chumbawamba. Out of the last 100 people to come to my site, 43 of them got there by searching for various phrases involving the words "from Babylon back to Babylon," "buy on eBay," "Chumbawamba," and "stuff inside your houses." Actually, it was only about 40 people searching for that song, two or three then were searching for the lyrics to another new Chumbawamba song, "Everything you know is wrong." What's kind of strange is that I posted the entire lyrics to "Everything you know is Wrong," but only mentioned one line from "On eBay," as a brief quote. After this post, I'll probably be getting even more people arriving from Chumbawamba searches. Maybe tomorrow I'll post the complete lyrics to "On eBay." If I have the time. I'm probably going up to OKC tomorrow. The other day I found a new store in Crossroads Mall that deals almost completely with cards. Baseball cards, Yu-Gi-Oh, stuff like that. Every collectors card product you can think of. I've never even heard of half of them. Like the "Survivor" collectible card game. Anyway, I was there and noticed that they had the five card Exodia set from Yu-Gi-Oh priced at $149. I may sell them mine. I also have some other Yu-Gi-Oh cards that are probably worth $20 or $30 each. I also have some cards I've been meaning to see if were worth anything for years now. They're either really rare, or not worth anything, because I never see them at stores like this. It's the old Marvel Comics Trading Cards from the early 90's, like 1992 and 1993. I've got a whole bunch of them, including a mint condition holographic Thor card. That may be worth some money. I hope so. Then I will actually be able to afford getting a tattoo, if I can ever decide what I want. That's why I still haven't gotten a tattoo like me and Chris were going to do, I can't decide what I want, and I can't afford it. Kim at work got a butterfly tattooed on the back of her neck a few days ago, it's only about an inch across, and it still cost $70. Tattoos are expensive. I can also use the money for stuff for my new pet, but more on that in my next post. I wasn't even planning on writing a post tonight, I just came in here to check my email, and got distracted. I was wanting to do some reading before bed, but now it's too late. posted by Kevin @

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Yay! Quiz time! It's been a while.

?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=speak and spell" You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just because you were disguised as a toy doesn't mean you weren't educational, you sneaky bastard.
brought to you by

That makes no sense, based on the answers I gave. All my answers were about staying home alone and reading. by Kevin @


Sagittarius No one could call you shy. Your cosmic profile doesn't exactly suggest a private person. Still, there must be a reason why you're trying to hide your inner blaze from someone. Don't bother. The person who's looking for it can see right through you. Give in to temptation. Live in the moment. When this kind of passion visits your life, the delight it brings you, it's almost too much to handle. Well, so much for the accurate horoscopes. Although, Alicia is coming over later... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108716157692516722

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I don't know whether to be upset or excited about this, but, as I see by looking at my referrals, my site is the number two result when using Yahoo! Search to search for "disgusting and strange things to look at." Someone also got to my site by searching Google for "WooTequila." I wonder who did that. What's funny is that you only get two results for that search, both of them sites I created. This site, and my horrible, old Geocities site. I didn't know that thing showed up in Google searches. I'm embarrassed now. That site is horrible. Actually, it's not that the site itself was bad, it's just that it has fallen into such a state of disrepair that it no longer works, and most of the images don't even load. In the last day or two, almost ten people have gotten to my site searching for Chumbawamba lyrics. Most of them for the line "From Babylon back to Babylon." Someone else got to my site by searching Google for "Haunted Hippie House Lawnmowers NY." I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean, but that search only comes up with three results, my site is number 2 on the list. My site comes up 13th on the list when using MSN Search to search for "dog trailors." Someone else got here by using the same search engine to search for "Pickle Tickling." My site is tenth on the list when searching Google for, "morrowind kill owner apartment." But of course, most of my visitors are still finding this site by searching for the quote, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K," or various other forms of that phrase. I can't believe so many people search for that phrase every day. posted by Kevin @

Jesus, I just laughed way too hard at this. From Does it bother anyone else that our country has the only national anthem that talks about ROCKETS and BOMBS? I motion for a change in terminology, one that will reflect upon America as a fun-loving, non-nuking nation. Lets replace ROCKETS and BOMBS with TAMPONS and CONDOMS. Go ahead, sing it! To your parents! At dinner!

This would make the lyrics to the song, "And the tampons red glare the condoms bursting in air" But THIS made me laugh even harder. I'm sure the neighbors heard me...

Click it too, the website is hilarious, though it was just that initial picture that made me laugh so hard. The FAQ is really funny. THIS is also really cool: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108708388160039152

I'm really loving my horoscopes lately. Yesterday's was pretty good too. Another one I got today that covers the whole month, says that Venus enters my sign on the 29th, which could lead to a "delightfully romantic encounter." Yeah right. Sagittarius Your problems are small and few, and you are as happy as can be about it. To you, this is the ultimate reminder to celebrate what you have and ignore what you lack. If you truly need something else, it will come to you. Circumstances take you to the places that you have to visit. There's no rush, though. If you run out of steam, lie down somewhere for an inconspicuous nap. posted by Kevin @

Friday, June 11, 2004

My sentiments exactly. From Finally, some in the media. I did not like Reagan, he scared the shit out of me. Nuclear war, complete disregard for the environment and chloroflorocarbons, his greasy hair, his politics, star wars, and his view of women as third class citizens. I can't believe there won't be any mail service today. What the fuck? Reagan was no Kennedy. Or Clinton, for that matter. Whoo, Clinton! Shout out, brotha. We miss you. Oh utopian society, where for art thou?

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who's not sad that he's dead. I'm glad he's dead. Last night when I was eating dinner with my parents, the TV was on the news, and they were talking about all the tens of thousands of people coming to say a final farewell to Reagan, and my dad said, "I've got a farewell I'd like to give him, but I'd get arrested." I said, "I've been thinking that same exact thing ever since he died." Last night I opened my apartment door and a cat ran in. I heard it a few nights ago meowing outside for like 20 minutes. It has a very loud and weird sounding meow. It just sounds like it's actually saying "meow." So last night I could hear it outside meowing again, and I opened the door to look and it ran into my apartment, and started rubbing against me and purring. I let it stay for about half an hour. I've never heard a cat purr so much, it was just rubbing all over me. It even kept climbing up on me and rubbing against my face. It followed me around every step I took. I almost had to toss it out the door to get it out, it kept trying to run back in. It was a nice cat, but I was extremely allergic to it, my neck even got red and inflamed and itchy, and was still that way when I went to work this morning. I've never had that happen before. I may be getting a new layout for my site soon. Ever since they got this new version of Blogger they've got some really nice layouts. I hate doing it though, because it will mean copy and pasting a lot of code, for all the extras I have on my site. In 1986 Satpal Ram defended himself against a racist attack and his attacker died. Although he's served longer than his original sentence he's still locked up, still refusing the role of repentant convict, still maintaining that self-defense is a legitimate response to racism. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, June 10, 2004

I've been getting some really cool and accurate horoscopes lately: Sagittarius What you see is what you dream. At least that's a good starting point. Go to the movies if there's one that you need to experience. Rent a few good DVDs if you want a wider range. When you're tuning yourself up for something big, your strategy of the moment is to mix in some new adventures with favorite reruns whose lines you know by heart. You don't need others to play this game with you. If no one else is willing or available, you're perfectly happy to go through with it on your own. I decided not to go play Halo after all. Partly because I'm so full. I went over to my parent's for dinner, because my mom was cooking chicken and dumplings. I stuffed myself so much that even now, two hours later, I'm still in pain. I also stayed home so I could keep reading. That's all I've done the last two or three weeks is read almost constantly. I'm researching. They've all been about the same things. And most of them by the same authors actually. Here's the list of books I've read in the last few weeks. I really recommend them to almost everyone, especially the first one on the list. And I am currently reading: And, books that I have just bought, or already owned, and will be reading next, probably in this order: The Holy Bible, New International Version. Do I really need to put a link for this one? It's the Bible, the regular old Bible, just not the King James version, but one of the newer, slightly easier to understand versions. I own a lot of books like these, at least two or three times this many. I've read almost all of them, several of them more than once. Ok, time to go read some more. "Ma'at-neb-men-aa, Ma'at-ba-aa." Ancient Egyptian phrase meaning, "Great is the established Master of Ma'at, Great is the spirit of Ma'at." Ma'at was a philosophical concept at the center of Egyptian life. Strangely, this phrase is whispered into the ear of the initiate during the Masonic ceremony for being raised to the level of Master Mason. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108691595543826739

Everything You Know is Wrong by Chumbawamba

Misinformation. Misinformation. Taking scissors to play cut up with the black vote down in florida; coloured pens and glitter glue for sexing up the dossier. I'm the someone who knew something they're not telling pre-September. I lean on people in the loop to help them unremember. I was flying on UA 93, That shadow in the footage -- it was probably me. I'm a rumour, I'm a doubt, I'm a lie, But you wouldn't stand near me, if you didn't want to die. Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) There's a verse missing out of this song (misinformation) Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) Wrong wrong, wrong wrong. I was there when they landed on the Moon, (In a studio in Kentucky in June). I've got Kennedy's brain in a jar. If you knew what I knew, you wouldn't laugh so hard. Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) There's a verse missing out of this song (misinformation) Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) Wrong wrong, wrong wrong. In the canteen down at Columbine with the bags they never found; Striking matches up at Waco when they burned it to the ground. Without me Oklahoma wasn't possible at all -See my silhouette in the Super 8 around the grassy knoll. Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) There's a verse missing out of this song (misinformation) Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) Wrong wrong, wrong wrong. Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) There's a _____ missing out of this song (misinformation) Everything you know is wrong (misinformation) Wrong wrong, wrong wrong. I was in Paris in the underpass. I'm the FO sponsored supergrass. I'm Charlie Thrush in Minnesota, And I smuggled hep across the border. Stole Danny Casolaro's memoirs; Put the acid in the reservoirs. I'm Ron Brown's body on a T-43, (And I hid those missing WMD's). posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108689022810133075

Current Mood: Fan-fucking-tastic. Current Music: The Wizard of Menlo Park, by Chumbawamba. My new Chumbawamba album arrived yesterday evening! A day early! And it's fucking great, like every Chumbawamba album. I do have to admit it's not quite as good as their other albums, but it's still great. It has four or five songs that are really amazingly great, but some of the others are just semi-great. The best song on the album is called "Everything you know is wrong," and is completely and utterly kick-ass. More on that song later. "You've probably seen a bumpersticker that says "kill your television!' Don't bother. Corporate dominated television and radio are busy killing themselves." -The Wizard of Menlo Park It arrived just a few minutes before I was leaving to go see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with my sister. She and my mom had been to see it a couple of days before, and they both said it was really good. Even my mom said that it was the best movie she'd seen in a while, and that I needed to go see it. They were right, it was really good. I wouldn't go as far as saying it was the best movie I'd seen lately, but it was close. The best movie I've seen lately would have to either be Hellboy, or Bruce Almighty, which I just got around to finally seeing a couple of days ago. I did go down to Texas Monday, like I was planning. I left about 5:00pm. Chris gave me directions on how to get there. He didn't give me directions to his apartment, because it would've been too confusing, he just gave me directions to this gas station that's right there at the exit near his apartment and I was supposed to call him when I got to it, and he'd come and I could follow him to the apartment. I couldn't have gotten in even if he had told me where it was, as it has a gate and you have to have a passcard or something. I got to the gas station about 8:15, and found that none of the payphones at it worked. I asked the guy inside if those two were the only ones, and he said yes, and that some idiot has been going around and breaking all the payphones in the area, and good luck finding one that still worked. I finally found one that worked about a mile down the road. The phone worked, but I couldn't get the phone number to work. Chris had lost the charger to his cellphone, so he had told me to call his apartment number, but everytime I dialed it I got that "The call cannot be completed as dialed," message. I finally got it to work by dialing the area code and all, even though it wasn't long distance. Neither me or Chris could figure out why I had to do that. So I finally got to his apartment about 9:00, and then he and Candice made me watch American Wedding. That was the worst experience of my life, it was like being tortured for two hours. Just thinking about the movie now still causes me pain. I'd never seen any of the American Pie series of movies, and was planning on never watching them ever. There were a few funny parts, but only a handful. The biggest complaint about the movie is that it was so fucking predictable, the same reason I don't watch sitcoms, I always know exactly what's going to happen. It's like, "uh-oh, somethings wacky's going to happen now. The parent's are going to come back home." Ugh, I feel like I need a shower just from thinking about the movie.

The next day was better. Candice had to go to work, (I don't mean that's why it was better) and it was just me and Chris, and the little kid. Candice has a little girl from a previous marriage, I think she's about two years old. She's a cute kid, but like all kids her age, she can be a huge pain. Chris had to go to the base, and drop off his uniform at the cleaners to be cleaned, and to have some new rank patches put on it before he reports for duty next week. Then we got some food from Jack in the Box. I love that place, they're my favorite fast food place, but we don't have them in Oklahoma. I eat there every time I go to Texas. We took the food back to the apartment, and found that Bruce Almighty was just coming on. That movie was really, really good. If I hadn't spent so much money already this month, I'd go buy it on DVD. I've spent a lot of money this month, and now I need to spend even more. The front end of my car has needed aligned for some months now, and now the brakes are messing up, and I have to get them fixed, which my dad said will probably take at least $200. And then my almost $500 car insurance is due in August. So we watched the movie, and then just sat around watching cartoons most of the day, and then I left to go back home about 5:00 pm. I stopped along the way to eat dinner at Jack in the Box before I left Texas, and I got back home about 8:30. It's been raining for the last three or four days now. Raining really hard at time, but sometimes it slows to just a steady drizzle. Some parts of the state got six inches of rain in just one storm on the first day. It's like fucking Biblical weather going on here. It's even worse in Texas. It didn't stop raining the entire time I was there, and then when I came back to Oklahoma I found that it hadn't really stopped raining the whole time I was gone. When me and my sister got to the theater last night, she opened the car door to get out and said, "ugh, a puddle!" And I said, "Duh! It's been raining for three days, the whole state is a puddle! It's one big puddle from here to south Texas!" Later I may be going to Phillip's to play Halo. The usual gang is supposed to be going over there to play, but I'm not sure if I am. I probably will. Ok, I think that's it for now. "That stuff inside your houses, and that stuff behind your eyes, well it all winds up as stuff that you can buy on eBay. From Babylon back to Babylon." -- On eBay, by Chumbawamba. posted by Kevin @

The weirdest news I've heard in a while... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108688552001564815

The best news I've heard in a while... posted by Kevin @

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Post 800 Current Mood: Really good. I feel very content. Current Music: "Tubthumping," by Chumbawamba. Making my good mood even better. That's one of the few things I like about this new version of Blogger: it tells how many posts are on your blog. This is my 800th post, which is kinda hard to believe. I really love Chumbawamba. Really. I about wet myself when I learned they have a new album coming out. And then the other day I download a little sampler of the album, and suddenly I knew how Alicia felt when she almost started crying because she found an album by one of her favorite artists at the music store a few weeks ago. I can't wait for the album to come out. I keep listening to this little three minute and thirty-three minute sampler track over and over the last two days. Today I found the album (which is called "Un") on It doesn't come out until the 8th (!!!!!), but you can pre-order it, and they'll ship it out on the 8th. I even paid extra to get the 2 day shipping. The album was only $13.99, but I ended up paying almost $21 because of the extrafast shipping. I would've gotten the next day shipping, but I just spent almost $70 on some new books yesterday. I've been doing a lot of reading the last week or so. I was also really excited by one of the books I found at the store yesterday, it's the newest book by the authors of the books I've been reading. I bought it yesterday evening, and I've already read about 200 pages of it. I will write more about these books in another post. I was supposed to have helped Chris move his stuff down to Texas yesterday, meaning I would've been gone all day, since it's a three to four hour drive each way. He told me to come over around 9:30 or 10:00am, and we'd leave soon after that. I got there about 9:45, and they were just starting to load all the stuff up, instead of already having it mostly, or even partly, done. I helped them with that, but it ended up being after 1:00 before they were ready to set out, meaning that it would've been probably almost midnight before I got home that night if I went, so in the end I didn't go after all, since I had to work this morning. I got sent home early today. Really early. And on top of that, I still had my usual half-hour break, so I didn't even work 4 hours today, instead of 8. I was supposed to work from 8 to 4, but I got sent home about 12:15. They had a new person starting today, so they had four people up front and a manager, instead of the usual two or three people and a manager. Also, for some strange reason, none of us were scheduled to go home at 2:00, like at least one person usually is. On top of that, it wasn't that busy, and the new girl was catching on pretty quick, so they ended up sending me home really early. I don't know why, since Alicia and Kim both got there an hour before me. I like getting off early, but I also hate losing that many hours. I won't get any overtime this week now, and I need it. I wish if they were going to send me home really early one day this week it would've been tomorrow, instead of today. Tomorrow I am going to Texas to spend the night and my day off at Chris' new place. As soon as I get home from work I'm going to take my shower, and get my stuff ready, and clean a few things up around the house, and then I'm leaving for Texas, meaning I should get there right before dark, hopefully. Then I'm going to drive back Tuesday evening. That also means I'll be spending a lot of money on gas, with how high the gas prices have gotten. Also, I just spent $30 today on an oil change,

and my car insurance is due in August, so I'm really going to have to cut my spending down the next month or two. I'm going to go read some more, and then get some of my stuff ready for tomorrow. "A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea." --Victor Hugo posted by Kevin @

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Here's my horoscope for the day: Sagittarius There's no difference between fantasy and reality in your current version of the world. This could mean trouble for some people, but in your case the merger is benign rather than dangerous. You're in a safe, familiar place where the few hazards are easily identifiable. Your guesses are consistently accurate. Others recognize your magic and let you have your way. Maybe they believe in you or maybe they're just humoring you in your amazing condition. Either way, you appreciate the gesture. Remember their faces so that you can pay back the favor if the tables ever turn. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108630205483761582

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Current Mood: Fat. Fat like a big fat wiener dog that waddles around and wears a sweater. Like that one at the apartment across from me. Current Music: "Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart. Please God, make it stop. And I find it very sad that I knew who sings that song without even looking. Blah blah blah, I know I haven't been writing much lately, blah blah blah. So, yes. (And why does saying that make me feel like Alicia? *Feels of self* Yup, I feel like Alicia. Not really, how would I know? And am I going to write the whole post in this parenthesis? And why am I asking you anyway?) Hmmm, ever since I sat down here and started to write, I'm getting hyper. And to think, I didn't want to write a post. So anyway, I haven't been writing much, partly because Chris is home, but mostly because I just don't feel like it. Mmmmm, big fat wiener dog. I wish I had a dachshund. As I mentioned before, the lady in the apartment across from me has a huge fat dachshund. Its name is Miss Piggy. I know this because the other night it apparently got away from her when she was taking it out for a walk, because she outside my door for ten minutes yelling, "Misspiggy, get back here! MISSPIGGY!" The way she says Miss Piggy it sounds like one word. And she looks and sounds more like Miss Piggy than the dog does. This leads me to wonder though, was the dog always fat? Was it fat when she got it as a little puppy, so she named it Miss Piggy? Or did she just name it Miss Piggy anyway, and then it kind of grew into the name? Or even worse, did she plan all along on purposely making the dog fat, because she wanted a fat dachshund named Miss Piggy? We had a pretty bad storm earlier. Actually, it looked worse than it actually was. It was a nice day, but then suddenly it started getting really dark, really quick. After 30 minutes or so, it looked like night outside. Luckily the storm here in Purcell wasn't as bad as it was around us. We didn't get the big hail like everywhere else, we just had a little bit of tiny hail. The wind was pretty bad, but not as bad as it was in other places. Up in Tulsa, the wind alone was so bad it broke the windows out of several tall buildings. They had to shut the buildings down and evacuate them, and they had to close some of the streets for all the glass and stuff all over them. And that was just wind, it wasn't a tornado or anything. Though there were a few of those just a few days ago. Not here, but in other parts of the state. We almost never get them in Purcell. I've explained all that before, how we almost never get tornados because we are kinda in a little valley between several rivers and creeks and stuff, and for some reason, tornadoes don't like to cross water very often. They will sometimes, but not often. I may or may not have mentioned this before. I think I may have, but I'm not sure. Most of my friends know it, but not everyone. Anyway. I'm an ordained minister. I can legally marry and bury people, and perform baptisms and bless things and stuff like that. Well, it depends on your point of view for some of those things. According to the law I can legally do this stuff, but since I don't really practice or believe in Christianity, or whatever in your opinion the right religion is, you may say that I can't really bless things or baptize people, as that is a power granted by God, and since I don't worship Him, he won't let me do these things. But whatever. I got ordained by the They will ordain anyone, you can do it right from the website, all you have to do is fill out a little form, it takes like three minutes, and that's it, from then on you are legally ordained. And it's completely free. Well, it's free to become ordained. If you want a fancy certificate and some other stuff like that, you can order it for a few bucks. I really suggest buying the credentials pack if you ever intend on using your new ordained status in any way. The best thing about the ULC is that they are completely non-denominational. That means they'll ordain you, and you can consider yourself ordained in whatever religion you want. Including making your own religion, if you are planning on starting a cult or something like that. So anyway, the reason I mention this, is because I'm going to get some use out of it for the first time. So far all I've done with it is enjoy the looks on people's faces when I tell them I'm a legally ordained minister. Someone wants me to bless some stuff for them. Chris' girlfriend is a witch. I'm not trying to say she's a bitch, I'm saying she practices Wicca. Which is cool with me, I've practiced it myself a little. I've tried, or at least studied about, nearly every religion you can think of, it's a hobby of mine. She is going to do some spell to cleanse and bless her and Chris' new apartment, or something like that, and she needs some consecrated water and something else I don't remember, to use in the spell. That's weird, I've never heard of any spell that requires consecrated items as ingredients. Not any Wicca or white magic spell anyway. Satanic Rituals often use consecrated items, such as communion wafers that have already been "turned into the body of Christ." Those allow for some heavy-duty Satanic Magics. In some urban areas, the churches have gotten so concerned about this, that they've started posting guards at the doors to the church, and they won't let you leave until they look into your mouth to make sure you swallowed your communion wafer. To quote Dave Barry, "I am NOT making this up." So Chris is supposed to bring some water and stuff over some day, and I'm supposed to bless it for them. That was a strange phone call. I'm just sitting there, playing video games, when the phone rings, and it's Chris, who had just left my apartment about 15 minutes ago. He asks me "You're a ordained minister, right?" That kinda freaked me out. Then he explained about how Candice needed the stuff for a spell, and would I please bless some stuff for them if they brought it over? I said sure. I was stunned by the end of that phone call. I mentioned I was playing video games, that's one of the main reasons I haven't been writing. I'm obsessed with Morrowind, which is the best video game ever made, except of course for the Final Fantasy games. There for a week or two I was playing it like 6 hours a day at least. And that was on days I worked. On days I was off I'd play it even more.

Well, this post has rambled on long enough, and I'm getting sick of it. And for some reason I can barely type tonight, I keep messing up every few words. I better spell check and re-read it before I post it. "Anybody can press a button and blow up a ship. Anybody can use an atom bomb. Anybody can pick up a big whip and whip you. Anybody can stick a knife into you, anybody can pull a trigger. But where's the man with the character as can take a punch on the nose, and keep his temper and keep control of himself?" posted by Kevin @

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Something I just wrote.
You could tell the motel room hadn't been used in quite some time, as all the water had evaporated from the toilet bowl. That wasn't too surprising though. This place really was in the middle of nowhere. Some tired little motel off a rural highway, in the middle of the wooded hills of Virginia. "The Sleep E-Z Motel". Certainly not the name of a four-star establishment. At least the scenery was nice. It was October, and the leaves had turned, creating an absolutely breathtaking display. It was almost a life-taking display as well, as more than once I was almost in an accident caused by paying more attention to the scenery than I was to the road. Of course, I'm sure the fact that I'd been driving for almost 48 hours also played no small part in this. That's why I decided to check into this God-forsaken motel. And I'm sure most people will say that most of the things that happened next were just the delusions of a sleep-starved brain. I wish I could believe that. (to be continued, maybe, if the inspiration stays with me for more than the usual five minutes a month) "Wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are even stronger still, but the TRUTH will conquer all." posted by Kevin @

Sunday, May 23, 2004 You all know the story don't you? Before Andy Kaufman died he said that if he was faking, he would return 20 years after his death. Some people never believed he really died anyway, as he was known for his outrageous pranks. For a while his family and friends didn't even believe he was dying. They all expected it to end up being some horrible joke. Well, 20 years later was sometime last week. The media was pretty silent about it, other than a few small stories about how some of his family and friends and supporters were having a big party, just in case he did come back, hoping maybe he'd show up. The media was still silent afterwards, leaving most people to assume he didn't come back. But he did. He's back. It's up to you whether or not to believe it's really him. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108534245695954844

I am so fucking drunk right now I cant even see staright. Chris is voer here and we bought like 40 dolarrs worth of aclohol and we've been drinking it, we're completely out now. He was using my computer, but he got off for a second, so I decided to write this opost. As you can see, I'm really fuvkcing drunk. I can barely stay conscious long enough t o write this. We just got done watching Scary Movie 3, it was one of tje funniest movies I've ever seen. I fell down a cou-ple of times fromt a combination of being drunk, and laughing so hard. WEll, I have to go now, I can't even type I 'm so fdrunk. posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Current Mood: Full of righteous indignity. Current Music: "If it is to be, it is up to me," by If the people at your local fast food place are rude, it's because they have to put up with idiots like you. And idiots like this: Yesterday I was working drive-thru, and this guy came through, and I couldn't hear what he was saying at all, because his truck was really loud, and making rattling noises, and just generally sounding like a piece of crap. After he repeated himself a couple of times, instead of turning his truck off, like most people, he says, "fine, I'll just come in," and peels out in my ear. So I'm standing there explaining to Allen, the General Manager, what happened, and I'm not being rude about it or anything, just explaining that I couldn't hear the guy and that he said he was going to come in. The guy walks in and hears me saying this, and says angrily, "I'm right here, so stop talking about me in front of me." And Allen says, "Don't talk to my employees like that, he was just telling me what happened." But before he can finish, the guy says "No! Don't you take that tone with me! You've already messed up my order once!" And by this time he's so angry he can barely even talk anymore, so he just says, "No, fuck Carl's Jr.," and walks out the door, slamming it open against the wall as he goes out. So we're just standing there, trying not to laugh, when two seconds later he slams the door back open, and comes storming in and says to Allen, "I want a phone number where I can report you at!" And Allen points to the little sign hanging on the door that he just came through, that gives the number to call, and

tells the guy it's right there, and the guy yells, "NO! You give me a number! YOU GIVE ME A NUMBER! I'm not going to go out there and write it down! You give me a business card or something with a number I can call and report you assholes!" Allen gives him a split second look before he walks to the office to write the number down for the guy, and the guy flinches, like he's going to go over the counter at Allen, and yells, "DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" And while Allen's in the office, the guy starts muttering things, basically saying things along the lines of, "How dare they have the gall to tell ME what to do, when they're just idiots that are so stupid they have to work at a fast food place." That's something that really bothers me, this stereotype that everyone has that everyone that works at a fast food place has to work there, because they're some kind of retarded monkey that wasn't even able to make it through elementary school and nowhere else will hire them because they're such stupid losers. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not treated like I have a single-digit IQ at least five times. But I digress. Apparently, while Allen was in the office writing, he glanced up at the guy, because he almost went over the counter after him again, and then when Allen came back up there with the number, the guy grabbed it violently, yelled some more things I don't remember, and stormed out. The guy called the number minutes later, we know because we called them and checked. The number was for the main headquarters, but he also got the number to talk to Randall, the owner (actually the owner's son, but he runs the place more than his father does) of the two locations in our franchise, and has called both numbers several times in the last 24 hours. The first time he called Randall, he was so angry and rude and violent, Randall finally told him, calm down and call me back in an hour, I'm not going to even talk to you until you calm down, and hung up on the guy, which only made him madder. In the past 24 hours he has called the numbers over and over, and has been using such words as, "going postal," and "kill," and "kill Allen," and "kill" some more. We've already called the cops, but we don't know who the guy is, so there's nothing we can do until he shows up again. And we didn't even do anything at all, just ask him to repeat his order. Just imagine how angry he'd be if we had actually been rude to him. He would've probably exploded. Oh, and right before he left, he looked at me and said "I do apologize to you, it's not your fault you couldn't hear me, those speakers are pieces of shit." I wanted to tell him, "I've understood almost every other customer I've had today, the problem isn't that the speakers are pieces of shit, it's that your truck is a piece of shit." But I didn't because he probably really would've attacked someone then. Then today, I had another customer that was upset over nothing, though she was good natured about it, she didn't get angry or yell or anything. She came through drive-thru, and ordered two of the Six Dollar Burgers, which are actually $3.99 each, and two large fries, which are $1.69 each, before tax. Her total after tax ended up being over $12. She got around to the window, and asked me, "why is it that expensive? There must be something wrong." And I said, "well, the Six Dollar Burgers are $3.99 each, and the large fries are $1.83 each." She said, "the menu didn't say they were $1.83," and I said, "well, they're $1.83 after tax, they're $1.69 before tax." And she said that no they weren't, and just stared at me, like she was waiting for me to admit that I was lying to her. I just stared back, and after a few seconds she said, "well I'm never coming here again." Then, because she ordered so many fries, she was going to have to wait for more to cook, so I told her that it would take a couple of minutes on the fries, and to pull forward and we'd bring them out as soon as they were ready. She rolled her eyes at me, and laughed at me like I was some kind of idiot, and then pulled forward. It's having to put up with people like this for almost 8 years that makes me hate people so much. People complain about how rude people in retail and fast food, and actually most jobs, are today. It's not that the employees have forgotten how to treat the customer, it's that the customer has forgotten how to treat the employees. Back like in the '50s, it was easy to smile and go the extra mile to be nice to the customers, but that's because back then the customers were nice too. People in general were a lot nicer and a hell of a lot politer back then. Now, 99.9% of the people in this country are miserable bastards who would rather spit on you than talk to you. Most of them are pretty damn stupid too. Oh sure, we as a race may be a lot smarter than we were at any other point in history, we may know more "facts" today, but that doesn't mean we have any common sense. "Sure, they may be smart, but they don't have any COMMON SENSE." -- J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, 1963 People in the world today, and especially in America, exhibit what can only be described as an alarming lack of common sense. A quick skimming of the daily news headlines will show you that. So will flipping through the current crop of lame sitcoms and so-called reality shows. And the lawsuits speak for themselves. "My kid's fat! Why didn't they tell me that feeding my children nothing but McDonalds, instead of, oh I don't know, actually COOKING FOR THEM, was bad for their health? I know, I'll sue!" "I have lung cancer from smoking FIVE PACKS a day. Oh! Oh! I know! I'll sue the tobacco companies! It must be their fault!" And on top of it all... I hate this new Blogger program. Oh, and the reason I haven't been posting, or even online, in several days, is because Chris is home on leave now. He has to report down at his new base, which, luckily, is relatively close, in Fort Worth, TX, in a few weeks. So far we haven't really done much, just sat around and played Halo. Speaking of which, I bought one of the cool t-shirts from, and it already came in yesterday, only three or four days after I ordered it. Just in time to play Halo with Chris and Daniel. I got the Donut shirt. "I may be lying in the gutter, but I'm staring up at the stars." -- Oscar Wilde posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 This is one of the scariest things I've ever seen. I'm going to have nightmares. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108432184461114044 Sign the petition and show that you think Donald Rumsfeld must resign immediately. So far over 275,000 people have. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108428562286478620

Friday, May 07, 2004

The inscription on John F. Kennedy's gravesite in the Arlington National Cemetary. It is also the text of his famous Inaugural Address of January 20, 1961: Let the word go forth From this time and place To friend and foe alike That the torch has been passed To a new generation of Americans. Let every nation know Whether it wishes us well or ill That we shall pay any price - bear any burden Meet any hardship - support any friend Oppose any foe to assure the survival And the success of liberty Now the trumpet summons us again Not as a call to bear arms - though embattled we are But a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle A struggle against the common enemies of man Tyranny - Poverty - Disease - and War itself In the long history of the world Only a few generations have been granted The role of defending freedom In the hour of maximum danger I do not shrink from this responsibility I welcome it The Energy - the Faith - the Devotion Which we bring to this endeavor Will light our country And all who serve it And the glow from that fire Can truly light the world And so my fellow Americans Ask not what your country can do for you Ask what you can do for your country My fellow citizens of the world - ask not What America can do for you - but what together We can do for the freedom of man With a good conscience our only sure reward With history the final judge of our deeds Let us go forth to lead the land we love - asking His blessing And his help - but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Simply beautiful. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108398788925287593

This is the weirdest horoscope I've ever gotten. It's got me all nervous now. Sagittarius Do you believe in ghosts? Some strange phone calls, e-mails, or other communications may come your way today, dear Sagittarius. An e-mail may come from someone who thinks you're someone else. Phone calls may involve hang-ups, wrong numbers, or phantom rings. If a knock comes at the door, it's more likely to be the house settling than a ghost, but nonetheless this can all be rather unsettling. Don't bother thinking about it. Stay grounded! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108397291447144588

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Holy fucking shit. Conspiracy theorists... start your engines! Tape of 9/11 Controllers Was Destroyed WASHINGTON - Air traffic controllers who handled two of the hijacked flights on Sept. 11, 2001, recorded their experiences shortly after the planes crashed into the World Trade Center but a supervisor destroyed the tape, government investigators said Thursday. A report by Transportation Department Inspector General Kenneth Mead said the manager for the New York-area air traffic control center asked the controllers to make the recordings a few hours after the crashes in belief they would be important for law enforcement. Investigators never heard it. Sometime between December 2001 and February 2002, an unidentified Federal Aviation Administration quality assurance manager crushed the cassette case in his hand, cut the tape into small pieces and threw them away in multiple trash cans, the report said. "We were told that nobody ever listened to, transcribed or duplicated the tape," Mead said in the report sent to Sen. John McCain. The Arizona Republican asked the inspector general to look into how well the agency was cooperating with the independent panel investigating the attacks.

Click to read more... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108389273538073298

Hooray! I am currently connected to the internet using Earthlink, instead of AOL. I still haven't deleted my AOL quite yet though. So... the "Friends" finale is tonight, and I can only say... THANK GOD! I hate friends. I hate pretty much all sitcoms. I didn't used to, I used to watch them all the time when I was a kid, but now I hate them, they are just so stupid. And pretty much indicative of all that is wrong with America. But especially Friends. People take it too seriously. Like Daniel, he's obsessed with the show. He thinks it's the greatest show ever made and that ever will be made. All you have to do is say "'Friends' sucks!" and he all but flies into a blind rage. He, and a lot of other people, are the same way about Kurt Cobain also. I say, Kurt Cobain was overrated. I liked the album "Nevermind," but to me, all the rest of Nirvana's albums sucked. "In Utero" had a couple of decent songs. The idiot kids knocked at my door earlier. This time they were actually knocking, rather than accidentally crashing their bikes into it. I don't know what it is about my door that acts as a magnet for kids on bikes. They can't go past it without accidentally crashing into it. Anyway, the kids knocked on my door, but I didn't answer it. I knew what they most likely wanted. They put and orange juice stand up a few hours ago (yes, orange juice, not lemonade. Or it looks like orange juice anyway.) and they probably wanted me to buy some. Like I'd consume anything they'd been near. Who knows what they could've done to it, intentional or otherwise. Even if they didn't intentionally put something in it, they could have used dirty glasses, or their dog could have drank out of it, or anything really. They're kids, they don't know what they're doing. They look like they're maybe ten years old. Just what you haven't been asking for! I'm bringing back my "signatures" or whatever you want to call them. Those of you who've been reading a while may remember that some time ago, for a while, I begun ending most posts with strange little quotes and stuff like that. Well, I'm going to start doing it again. So far it's just the same quotes from last time, mostly coming from The Principia Discordia and various Robert Anton Wilson books, but I will be adding more to my collection. Most of them are pretty surreal and/or esoteric. "I tell you: One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star!" -- Nietzsche posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108389229521396838

That was kinda scary. I was just sitting here setting up my new Earthlink account (I'm finally getting rid of AOL tonight, if it will let me. It's under my mom's name, so they might not let me do it) when there's a knock at my door. I didn't hear it at first, because I'm here in the bedroom, and my music was up a little loud. Finally I was like, "is someone knocking?" I turned the music down and then I heard it, so I went to the door, and it's Alicia, and Kim. They're hanging out today apparently, and Alicia was over here with Kim (she lives in these apartments too), and they decided to come over, so Kim could see my apartment. So they just come in and prowl around my apartment for a few minutes. Kim said my apartment was much nicer than hers. She said she's jealous and is going to kill me and take my apartment. They were here maybe five minutes, and then left. It was very strange. I wish they would have stayed, since I'm bored. Oh shit, I forgot I had some water on the stove. I'm boiling water to make Ramen. Mmmm... Ramen. And that wasn't sarcasm, I really love Ramen. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108388536910580926

LA LA LA LA LA LA LA! I'M BORED! Don't you hate it when you have plenty of stuff to do, but still feel bored and restless for some reason? I have plenty of things I'd like to do tonight, but at the same time I don't really want to do them anymore. Basically I just feel restless, and don't want to just sit here all night, or at least not alone. I wish someone would come over. Daniel and Olivia are on vacation, so I can't see if they want to come over and play Halo, and Alicia's not online. If she was I'd see if she wanted to come over and watch a movie or something. Gas prices went up another 6 cents overnight. Now it's $1.90 for the kind I use, and the kind my mom uses has hit $2.00. And they say on the news to expect it to go up every 2 or 3 days now. I heard it could be around $2.50 by Summer. I hope not. Yay! Let's elect Bush for another term! He hasn't completely destroyed the country yet. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108388404113811472

when jingles attack! I laughed very loudly at this. From Craigslist. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108388357134704784

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I was supposed to have been off today, but I volunteered to go in, only because I already had 90 minutes of overtime, and anything I worked today would also be overtime. I was originally about halfway joking when I volunteered, since I was on overtime I didn't figure Allen would actually let me, they usually do anything they can to keep people from getting overtime. They were really shorthanded today, and Allen was trying to find people to come in and work today, and I said "I'll come in, for 8 hours of overtime." And he said "You want to come in? I'll be more than happy to let you if you want to, you can work say 10:00am to 2:00pm, or 10:00 to 4:00." I thought for a moment, and said that, yeah, I'd come in for the ten to two shift, and that I would do the ten to four, but I had some stuff I needed to do. So I went in today at ten. I ended up getting sent home about 1:15 though, because it ended up being really slow today, and they didn't need all the extra people after all. I still got about 4 hours and 45 minutes of overtime in all this week though. I get 30 to 90 minutes of overtime every week anymore.

One of the things I needed to get dome today was getting a haircut, and I ended up not even being able to get one, because the place I normally go to was full up. They were shorthanded today too, and the person they did have was full with appointments, so I'm going to try again tomorrow probably. The other thing I needed to do I just remembered about. I forgot to do it today. Luckily it isn't something I have to get done, just something I need to do sometime. I need to go to the postoffice and buy some stamps. I have envelopes, but no stamps. So, as I mentioned, they finally got my AC back in. But now I don't think it's even working as good as it was before they took it out. The first couple of days I had it I had to let it run 24 hours a day. But now that it's got it cooled off in here, it's keeping it pretty cool, and I was able to turn it off for the few hours I was at work, and then even when I've had it on, I only have it on medium instead of high. Even if it is working fine, I need to have them look at a couple of things on it. For one, they didn't get the vents connected to it very well, and half the cold air just goes into the closet, instead of the vents. Also, it makes a weird squeal now the entire time it's on. Not too loud, but loud enough you can hear it if there's no TV or music or anything on. Especially when you're trying to go to sleep at night in the same room it's in. I'm off again tomorrow, which is cool. I basically had a day and a half off since I worked such a short shift today. Other than maybe getting a haircut, I probably won't get out of the house much tomorrow. I'll probably just do some work around the house, getting more stuff out of boxes and stuff, though there's only a couple of things left I can unpack until I get some more bookshelves. I finally got the place vacuumed a few minutes ago, and got my dresser back where I originally had it, before they moved it to get my AC out, and almost ruined it. Man, gas prices sure have gotten high here. Oklahoma usually has one of the lowest prices on gas in the country, but it's still almost up to $2.00 a gallon here. It went up 14 cents in just a few days. Just a week or so ago it was $1.65 a gallon for regular unleaded, which is still a record high for here, but then it went up 7 cents overnight. Then maybe 5 days later, it went up another 7 cents, so it's now $1.79 for regular unleaded, $1.84 for the grade I have to use in my car, and $1.94 for the grade my mom's fancy car is supposed to have. And it's just supposed to keep going up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108380564702396881

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

No longer do you have to be staying in a fancy hotel to get a wake up call. Now you can get one anytime, anywhere. As long as there's a phone, that is. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108372346204631082

Monday, May 03, 2004

So as I said yesterday, I'm getting rid of AOL. It's something I've thought about for years, but never had the heart to do. I know AOL sucks, and lots of people make fun of anyone who uses it, but I used it anyway, even though it was always fucking up, mostly because when it did work, it was really easy to use, and had lots of features, and the AOL chatrooms are a lot easier to use than internet chatrooms. Also, it's the only program I've ever used, and I've been using the same screen name with it for all these years, even though it was a stupid screenname. My AOL screenname is KUnderw674, it's a AOL suggested one made from my real name. It sucks, and every time I'd go into a chatroom people would always ask one of two questions. "Do you go to Kansas University?" Because of the KU in the name. The other question was "Why the hell is your screenname about underwear? What kind of weirdo are you?" They usually didn't even ask if it was about underwear, they just automatically assumed it was. In spite of all this I've been using the same screen name for as long as I've had the internet. Which is over ten years. I've been using AOL for over ten years. Back when I first signed up it was only either Version 2.0 or 2.5, and you only got I think it was 5 or 6 hours of connection time a month, instead of unlimited time, and the average modem speed was between 2400 and 9000 instead of 56000 or higher, meaning it took those five hours to check your email a couple of times. Suddenly I feel old. Hallelujah, they got my AC installed today. I'm happy now. It's a good thing they did, because it's supposed to be warm this week, even though today it's kinda cool, the high today was only around 75. I'm tired. I don't have to go to work until 8:00 tomorrow, instead of 7:00. An extra hour of sleep. Hooray. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108362919808331526 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108362807138577561

Sunday, May 02, 2004

I just added a couple of new blogs to my Blogroll, check them out, they are both very good. is a funny, cool blog written by a friend of is a blog written by the manager of a strip club. "TJ's is a gentlemen's club in the Midwestern United States. I'm Kevin, the assistant manager. This is for all of you who think managing a strip joint would be the world's greatest job." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108354357855474027 and also What's YOUR security rating? It could change every time you fly, and the goverment won't reveal how you rate. Government officials say that the security rating will be based on credit information and secret law enforcement intelligence databases. Indications are that these shadowy collections of information could include personal data extracted from commercial and government sources. Could they include mistaken

information? Sure. Who hasn't found errors in their credit reports and other commercial databases? If you are given a yellow or red rating by mistake, it will be extremely difficult to clear your name. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108354211876266795

I'm a little on the bored side. I'm off today, so I've just been sitting around the apartment all day. I woke up after sleeping a couple of hours later than I had planned on, and then cleaned the apartment. I didn't vacuum, even though it has needed it for almost two weeks, because hopefully they will come and put my AC back in tomorrow, and if they do they will just mess it all up again. The reason it has needed vacuuming is because of the mess they made when they took the AC out, after I had just vacuumed the night before. So maybe I SHOULD vacuum today, maybe if I do they definitely will come put it in tomorrow so that they can mess it all up again. They better get it back in tomorrow, it's going to be in the 90s a few days this week. OH! I FORGOT TO BRUSH MY TEETH THIS YEAR! I used to love that show, Cow and Chicken, the Red Guy said that in one of the episodes. He was the greatest, he was my idol. So then after I cleaned, I just sat around listening to music for an hour or so, then I did a chapter of my business course, then I got online for a couple of hours. Then I went over to my parent's house to pick up my laundry, and now here I am. I've got a frozen pizza in the oven. My oven cooks really slowly, it says to cook the pizza for 12 to 15 minutes, but it will take more like at least 30 minutes. Last time I cooked it for 30 minutes and it was still almost completely uncooked. This time though I turned the oven up to 450 instead of 425, and made sure the oven was good and warmed up before I put it in, so hopefully it won't take too long, because I'm hungry. I spent most of the morning looking for alternatives to America Online. My mom has always paid for my AOL, but now I'm going to have to start paying for it myself, and AOL is too expensive, so I'm going to get some other ISP. Juno or NetZero (they're both owned by the same company and are identical) are the cheapest, at only $9.95 a month, but they don't look that good, and I can't find out from the site if they are unlimited access or not. I'm probably going to go with Earthlink. They seem really cool, they are owned or run by or affiliated or something with Google, and has a lot of cool features. They're $21.95 a month, but that's still cheaper than AOL, and they have a deal now where you get your first six months for half-price. I've already got a new e-mail address I set up about a week or so ago, that I've been using instead of my AOL address. My new address is now So anyone who cares should make sure to take note of that. I've also got to go to all the websites I have memberships and stuff to and change my settings to my new address. My new address is through GMail, which is Google's new E-Mail service, and it rocks. I've been meaning to talk about it for a week now but never felt like it. It's not open to the general public yet, but members of certain websites, such as Blogger, are being offered the chance to sign up for it, to test it and stuff before it becomes available to everyone. It has lots of cool features, the most important being that you are given 1 gigabyte of free storage space for your email, so that, unless you want to, you never have to delete an email. It saves every email, including the ones you send, and archives them, so that even years later you can always find your old emails, you can even use Google search technology to search within your mailbox to find the exact e-mail you want, or to find all emails dealing with a certain subject, and things like that. Also, when you read an email, it displays all related emails. It displays the original email, the response to that email, and the response to that response and so on, so you can see the entire conversation as it happened. You can find out more about the service That's one of the links I've been meaning to post for the last week, here are the rest: A couple of hilarious flash animations of Harry Potter puppet shows. Dumbledore is old and senile, and likes to get naked. And Ron and Harry like to bother Snape. Something that would never happen in the books. "I like the part when he stops moving." The web site of Niel Cicierega, (I think I spelled that right) who makes the greatest, and weirdest, flash animations in the world. He also makes those Potter Puppet Pals cartoons, but these are something completely different. A very funny article, though I don't agree with the man's perfect day at all. Mainly because I hate sports. I especially don't agree with the part about Bush being good and Kerry being bad. Also, not to spoil the jokes or anything, but most men would not be able to have that much sex. After the fourth blowjob or so, they'd say that's enough. Even if they didn't, they certainly still wouldn't have the stamina for a threesome that night. Most men anyway, there may be a few exceptions. So don't go sending me e-mails, I don't want to know about how manly you are in bed. The home page of R. Lee Ermey, the coolest guy in the universe. If you don't know who he is, you suck. He's the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket, and the host of The History Channel's show, Mail Call. He's also been in a few other movies, and done voices in a few cartoons, usually as a crazy guy or drill sergeant. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108354122769234374

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Is it bad that my dinner tonight consists of Spaghetti O's with meatballs and Jack Daniels? In good news, I haven't seen a cockroach in several days. Huh huh huh, you said "cock." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108319877113404751 The cutest puppy in the world, and it's carrying a burrito half as big as it is. I want to get a cute little puppy and feed it nothing but burritos. Burritos and Poptarts. Alicia's dog eats Poptarts.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108319431224582256

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I just remembered something else that happened the other night when me and Alicia got drunk. Something really weird. Something that's hard enough to do sober, much less drunk. Ok, so we were sitting there, and I started looking through my deck of Tarot cards, and we start talking about the cards and the pictures on them and stuff like that. Upon coming to the card The High Priestess, I point to the pillars on the cards, and begin to explain as best I can while drunk, "See, the black pillar is marked with a B and the white pillar is marked with a J. This stands Boaz and Jachin. Boaz and Jachin were the names of the pillars on each side of the entrance to the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Solomon. The chamber were the Ark of the Covenant was kept. And, to this day, every Masonic Lodge contains a recreation of these pillars, which stand on each side of the worshipful master." Something along those lines anyway, I was drunk. I began to trail off around that point. This isn't something I made up while drunk, it's all true. I could go on for an hour about this and the other imagery in this single Tarot card, linking it several major religions in the process. I could also go on for hours about the Freemasons, and the Knights Templar, and the things linking all of these things, including Tarot cards, and also the Shroud of Turin. Well, they got the plumbing problem fixed, but still no news on the water heater. It's not leaking anymore, I don't think. They closet has started to dry out, and the floor had too. I'm not sure, but it feels as if the carpet may be getting wetter again. Though I don't know why it would be, the concrete closet floor is still getting drier, so if the carpet's getting wetter, it's not coming from there that I can see. My bathroom no longer smells delicious. I don't know what it was. Maybe the neighbors were simmering spaghetti sauce or something. The whole apartment smelled like spaghetti sauce for at least four hours. It was strongest in the bathroom. Maybe it was somehow coming through that vent in the ceiling that you turn on to suck all the steam and hot air and shit stink out through. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108312065560341234

Something in my bathroom smells delicious. I mean it. Actually, it's the whole apartment, but the smell is strongest in the bathroom. It smells like someone is cooking spaghetti. It's making me really hungry. Spaghetti and garlic bread. I'm drooling. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108308824828257257

Mmmm, breakfast is great when it consists of an apple and a strawberry cheescake filled toaster streudel. I love those toaster streudels. Fuck Fuck Fuckity Fuck. My toilet continued gurgling all night. At first it was just doing it every few hours, but it's steadily getting more frequent. Now it's doing it about every hour. And the toilet barely flushes now. I noticed when I first rented the apartment that there is a sign hanging on the door saying, and I paraphrase slightly, "We've been having a problem lately with idiots trying to flush diapers, feminine hygeine products, and other things-that-were-notmeant-to-be-flushed, and backing up everyone's sewage lines. It is costing us a lot of money to keep paying for people to fix it, so if you people don't stop doing stupid shit we're going to have to raise the rent." The toilet is not what has me really upset though. What has me upset is that my water heater has also decided that this is the perfect opportunity to spontaneously spring a leak. The closet and the carpet in front of it is very wet. I had to move my couch out from the wall a few minutes ago, as the water is starting to creep that way and that way only. Well, just now as I was finishing that sentence, the maintenance man came by. He was no help at all. When I first rented the apartment I complained that the water heater closet door was warped, and they said it was because it had been leaking, and had just been fixed right before I rented it. They said they put a new water heater in, but there was a small leak in a pipe, but no one noticed because right after they put in in, the lady that lived here went on vacation for about three weeks. The maintenance man tried to convince me just now that the wet floor was just where it was still wet from that leak three weeks ago, and I just hadn't noticed it being wet. Idiot. I'd think I would've noticed the floor being so wet that it squishes when you walk on it. It's so wet that even he could tell it was soaked, and he was wearing shoes. He couldn't find any leak, he checked all the pipes and stuff. He said it may be the unit itself leaking, but that that's extremely rare. He also said the hot water heater upstairs may have over heated and flooded my closet, because there's a drainage pipe in the upstairs water heater closet, in case there's a leak or something, and the pipe from that drain comes out in my closet, but is supposed to be hooked to the drain in my closet, but the new water heater they put in my closet is so big that it blocks the drain, so they couldn't attach the pipe to it, so now if the water heater upstairs overheats or leaks, it will just spray water out into my closet. He doesn't think that happened either though, because he said that it overheating and spraying water out the emergency pipe is even more rare. So basically he poked around for five minutes, couldn't find a leak, and left. He put some paper towels in various places in the closet, to see if it was still leaking, and if so hopefully he could tell where it's coming from, and that he'd be back to check on them tomorrow. Fucker. I'm just glad I didn't have to sit around waiting on him all day long. Even though I don't plan on leaving this apartment all day anyway, except to take some clothes to my mom so she can wash them. She still does all my laundry, there is a small laundry room here at the apartments, but it only has one or two washers and dryers, and some other laundromats in town, but my mom was like, "there's no sense in you wasting your money, just bring your stuff to me and I'll wash it." So I'll let her continue doing my laundry, at least for a while anyway. Well, time to find something else to do. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108308443654083875

Monday, April 26, 2004

So I'm just sitting right here at my computer desk a few minutes ago, and the apartment is completely quiet, except for the sound of a couple of fans, when suddenly, there's a loud gurgling noise from outside the bedroom door. In a second, a million things run through my head. "Oh fuck! What the fuck is that! It scared the hell out of me! Oh great, something's broken, what is it? What the fuck is that noise! It's water gurgling. Great, so that means something's broken and there's going to be water damage. But you have to figure out what it is first. What the fuck is that? It's water gurgling, coming from either the bathroom, or the hot water heater closet. Great, the water heater is probably spewing boiling hot water all over the inside of the closet, and I'm gonna step out there, and it's gonna blow up and scald me to death. Why is the water in this apartment so hot anyway? Wait, I don't see any water coming from under the closet door, so it's probably not the water heater. What about the bathroom door? Nope, no water there either, but it's a bigger room, the water just may not have

reached the door yet. Well then, get off your ass and go find out WHAT THE FUCK THAT NOISE IS!" So I get up and I can tell from the sound now that's it's definitely coming from the bathroom, but what is it? Are the pipes backing up? Is there raw sewage all over my bathroom? Half a second later I make it to the bathroom, right as the sound stops. But the water in the toilet is moving. I guess the toilet was bubbling for some reason? I've never heard of that happening before, but it was. My toilet was gurgling very loudly. Bad enough that a few drops of water splashed up onto the rim. And yes, it's toilet water, not urine. Unless my urine is blue now. The fans are all running because I still have no air. They took my air conditioner out last Monday to fix a problem that I hadn't even noticed. They said it would be done in a day or two, but the guy only comes here on Mondays, so it would be the next Monday before they got it back in. So my mom comes over this morning about 8:00 since I have to work, to watch the apartment, and make sure they don't tear things up, and leave the door wide open with no one here for 20 minutes like they did last time. Last time they got here sometime around nine. But when I came home on break at 10:00 this morning, my mom that they hadn't been by yet. So I went back to work, and then about 2:30pm I called her and asked if they'd ever come and put it in, and she said no. So when I got home from work, I called the landlady and asked about it. She said they had to order some parts, so now it's going to be a few more days, but since the guy only comes on Monday, it will be next Monday before they get it in. Hopefully. My dad says I should raise a fuss, and demand a cut on my rent this month or something. He says if I don't take up for myself, they'll just keep screwing me on everything. My parents are always complaining that I don't stand up for my self. I let things go all the time. If I buy something at the store, and get it home and it's broken, if it's something that's not too expensive, I sometimes won't even take it back or complain or anything. I'll just go to a different store and buy another one. I mainly do this because I'm shy. Since I'm taking this medication now I'm better about it though. Used to it was just that I hated talking to people and going out in public so much I wouldn't complain about anything to anyone. This medicine really helps, even just the last week or so I've noticed that I'm getting even less shy and nervous. Maybe that's also some kind of self-confidence thing because I'm not living with my parents anymore? Whatever it is, I like it. My apartment also has roaches. I didn't just find this out or anything. I noticed it like the day after I rented it. I expected it to have roaches though. There's not very many, I expected it to be worse. I only see two or three a day usually. The last two days now I haven't seen any, though the day before I saw six or seven. Most of them are little tiny roaches. I'm not even sure if they are roaches, I'm pretty sure they are though. I don't know if they're just little baby roaches, or some other breed of roaches. I have seen a few normal sized roaches, but mostly the small ones. I put out some roach motels, but I don't know if they're helping. My credit card bill just came in. It was $1449. So I was right, I did spend somewhere around $2000. Because that's just the stuff on the credit card, that's not counting the checks I wrote for the deposit and rent, and the electricity activation. Alicia just sent me a link to a blog that she really likes. I really like it now too. I'm going to add it to my Blogroll. It's called I don't know why it's called that, it seems to be just random strange stories. They are funny as hell. Especially this one, this is my favorite so far: Missed Opportunities Day! Back when you were still a plumber, before you won the lotto, you were fixing the shower head in an apartment shared by two attractive young women. When you stepped out of the bathroom and said, "Shower's good as new," the two girls jumped out of their chairs and threw off their tops as they ran past you into the bathroom. Once they were completely naked, they jumped into the shower together and started giggling and hooting under the hot water. One of the girls looked at you and said, "Now that you've proven yourself so handy with the plumbing, let's see how good you are at soaping our backs." The other girl giggled. Because you'd never soaped someone else's back before, and because you wouldn't have known how to bill for it, you said, "Sorry, I only do the job indicated on the work order." Then you left. About six years later, you were driving your van down down a suburban street when it occurred to you that those two girls were inviting you to have sex with the two of them at the same time underneath running water. You became so enraged at your own stupidity that you floored it into the thick of a group of pre-teens playing stickball. Twelve were killed. Because you weren't drinking and because it happened so quickly that there were no witnesses to prove it wasn't an accident, you were charged only with vehicular manslaughter and you are currently serving the second of you four and a half year sentence. When you get out, you'll still have 69 million dollars of your lotto winnings to play with. But every single day you're going to wake up thinking about those twelve kids you ran over, and you're gonna wish you had had the sense to fuck those two chicks in the shower that day. Happy Missed Opportunities Day!

Alicia came over last night. It was really fun. She was supposed to come over so we could watch either Fellowship of the Ring extended edition, or the regular edition The Two Towers. But she ended up not getting to come over until about 7:45, so it was too late for such a long movie. So we were going to find something else to watch. But we never made it that far. Cue the porno music. Not really. There was no sex. Though she was on my bed a couple of times, and she was a little drunk. But it was nothing like that. The night before I bought some Jack Daniels because I wanted some alcohol, and I wanted to try something I hadn't had before. I tried it that night, and it was so nasty that with just one sip, I was sick the rest of the night. I still get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. But we had decided that when she came over we were going to try mixing it with some stuff. Coke or something. Actually, I don't have any Coke, I had RC Cola instead. So when she got here we went to the kitchen to fix some drinks before deciding what to watch. But after fixing the Jack Daniels and RC (which is really good by the way. You can hardly taste the alcohol at all, and that was even with putting quite a lot in there. It's even better than rum and Coke), we got distracted by the Magnetic Poetry I have on my refrigerator. So we played around with that for probably 20 minutes. During that time she barely finished her first drink, since she was busy, but I had three. So I was starting to get buzzed. Then we went to the living room and sat around for a few minutes, and I began to get even drunker, and she had another drink or two, I think she only had maybe three the whole night, I'm not sure. Then we went to my bedroom, but just because she wanted to see what video games I have, and they are all in one of my dresser drawers. She was like "This is all just a plot to get me into the bedroom." So then she was sitting on my bed looking at my video games, and I kept joking about her being on my bed. Then we played around with my keyboard (the piano kind) for a while. Then I had another drink, because the first three were starting to wear off a little. Then we played Pong and some other old-ass Atari games for a few minutes, and just generally being drunk. Then we just kinda browsed drunkenly through my CDs and listened to a few fragments of a few songs from each of them. The we found the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack CD and listened to a few songs on it, and laughing and talking about the movie, which I think I may now watch tonight. And then she had to go home because it was 10:00pm. She was like "Shit, we were supposed to watch a movie." Here's the weird ass poem that Alicia wrote with the Magnetic Poetry, which I just realized I forgot to take down, and so it was still on the fridge when my mom was here. Oops. Woo, hot damn, said the drunkard.

Who will have my lover When I wax my luscious gorgeous sausage pole I worship her heaving bosom Our skin sweats lust Please deceive me Belch

My sister also wrote something with it when she was here a couple of days ago. What she wrote is really cool, and I really like it, but I just realized that it starts out talking about one thing, but then is about something else, so that needs to be fixed. She had to stop writing it because she couldn't find any more of the words she wanted What lies beneath the petals of the rose in the yonder garden of Spring? Where mist falls from the sky onto the hair of a woman. A Goddess. For she is no mortal, but a shadow, a ghost of fair beauty. The symphony of life in an eternity of death.

I'm off tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll probably post. I've still got those links I want to share. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108302346686810724

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Finally, here's some more information on my move... I think it was Friday the 9th that I finally got a call from the landlady here at the apartments. Actually, my mom got the call. I was at work, and about 12:30 my mom called me and said that she just got a call from the landlady, and that the apartment was available, and that if I wanted it she needed to know today, because she had some other people who wanted it also. So then I called the landlady back, and told her that, yeah, I'm still looking for an apartment, and that I worked until four, but I would be over as soon as I got off work to look at it. She asks me a few questions, including, "are you a partier?" I told her know. I told Daniel and Allen later that I wanted to make some smart-ass comment, like, "No, no parties, but I will be running a meth-lab in my apartment," or "Does running a brothel out of my apartment count as a party?" or even, "I'm not much of a partier now, since I live with my parents, but as soon as I get this apartment I will be!" But I didn't say anything like that, especially the meth-lab comment, because with the huge meth problem we have here in Oklahoma, they would've taken it seriously, and I probably would've gotten arrested. They say that something like one out of every five houses in the urban areas of Oklahoma has a meth-lab in it. Kim, a coworker of mine, who also moved into these apartments in February, said that the landlady told her when she was moving in that she is asking questions like that because she's trying to clean the place up and get all the riff-raff and drug dealers out. Right now it's mostly populated by shady looking characters, and Mexicans who stand outside your apartment all day, talking to each other in Spanish So me, my mom, and my sister got there a few minutes after four, and even though the landlady should have been expecting me, she wasn't there. But the retarded groundskeeper who is impossible to understand was. We just stood there on the sidewalk and stared at us the entire time as we were pulling up in the car, and then getting out and walking up to the office. Finally, after we tried the office door and found it locked, he said something. We couldn't understand him, so he kept repeating it. My mom said "I'm sorry, but I can't understand you." Finally, through a combination of slurred speech and hand gestures we figured out that he was saying that she wasn't there, but that we could follow him to her apartment, where we could talk to someone else. He kept saying "mom." I don't know if the woman we talked to was the landlady's mother or what, she didn't really look any older than the landlady. Whoever it was, she didn't really know what was going on. I told her I was supposed to come look at an apartment that just became available, and she said that, yes, they did have one that just opened up, and told the retarded guy to show it to us. So we followed him to it, and he let us in, and we looked around it while having to listen to more of his ramblings. I don't mean to sound mean or anything, I don't really have anything against retarded people, I know they can't help it, but sometimes they bug me, especially when you can't understand what they're trying to say. It got a little easier to understand him after listening to him for a while, but not easy enough. Luckily, as we were getting done looking at the apartment, and wondering what to do next, since the landlady still wasn't there, the maintenance man showed up. He still wasn't the ideal person to talk to about renting the apartment, but at least he knew what was going on, and was understandable. He took us to the office, and had me to start filling out the paperwork, while he made some calls to the actual owner of the apartment complex. He said I could fill out the application, and she'd look it over and give me a call when she got back from wherever she was. Luckily, when I was about half through with the forms, she came back. She agreed to rent it to me, and we went through all the paperwork, and the rules and stuff. The deposit was only $149, and the rent is normally $320 a month, but since I'd missed a few days of this month, they prorated my rent for this month, and I only had to pay $212 in rent. Over the next few days, me and my mom cleaned the apartment. It wasn't filthy, not as bad as most apartments and rent houses I've seen, but it did need a thorough cleaning. We even cleaned all the walls with bleach water. After we did that, the whole apartment looks like a whole new paint job. The whole apartment cleaned up really nice. There's a couple of small stains on the carpet, and a few small burn marks in the carpet of the dining area, and the last renters apparently had a kid who liked to scribble on the wall with ink pens, but other than those few small problems it looks really good. We got everything but the kitchen cleaned up, and I got the electricity switched over to my name, and the phone line activated, and all my stuff moved over, and furniture bought. My first night spent here was either Thursday the 15th, or Friday the 16th. I can't believe I've been living here this long already, it barely seems like a week. Then over the next couple of days we got nearly all the kitchen done, and everything moved into it. We did all of it except for a few cabinets along the bottom of the room that needed a paint job inside. And we just finished those this morning. I got a really good deal on my furniture, it was still more than I expected to spend though. I ended up buying all new furniture. I had planned on looking through the classifieds in the paper, and stuff like that, and maybe getting some old furniture from friends and stuff like that, but I found all new furniture that was just too cheap to turn down. The first place we went was Sight and Sound, because the Sight and Sound location in Norman is having a moving clearance sale and everything was supposed to be really cheap. It was, and I found a set that I really liked. The couch was $260-something, the loveseat was something like $218, the end table was $28, the coffee table was $48, and they had a dinner table with four chairs that matches the end table and coffee table for only $200. In all I got the whole set, plus tax and delivery for a few dollars under $900. I think it was $898, or $889. Something like that. But my mom wasn't satisfied to buy furniture from the first place we went to. She insisted we look around at a few more places, to see if we could find something even cheaper. So we drove all the way up to this area of north Oklahoma City, where there's furniture store after furniture store, all right there together, and looked around four or five more stores. Nothing was near as cheap as Sight and Sound though, not even a Sight and Sound warehouse store we went to. So in the end, after wasting the whole day looking around, we ended up going back to the first place we went to, and buying my furniture there. Moving in was a lot more expensive than I expected, even with buying new furniture. With the first month's rent, deposit, the electricity and phone activation fees, and then buying groceries, and towels and dishes and cookware, and all the miscellaneous things a house or apartment needs, I've spent around $2000, maybe a little bit over. My credit card bills should start arriving in the next week or so. My mom's going to help a little bit, she's going to pay maybe three or four hundred of it for me, and then she donated a lot of stuff to me, dishes and cookware, and stuff like that that she had extras of.

So now that we got those kitchen cabinets done today, the apartment's pretty much done. I've still got several boxes of stuff, but most of that will probably stay in the boxes, as I have so much junk that even a whole apartment isn't enough to hold it. Luckily, this apartment has a lot of storage spaces for the boxes. It's a big apartment, with lots of storage space. The bedroom was two closets. One's an average size closet, about two or three foot deep, and about 8 foot wide, but it's kinda dirty, and half of it is taken up by the AC, so I'm just using that one for storage of boxes mainly. Then it's also got a big walk in closet, that's probably about 8 foot by 6 foot. Actually, I need to buy another bookshelf, and that will let me get rid of most of the boxes that are left. I've got one bookshelf, but that doesn't even hold half of my books. I've got a lot of books. And that's not even counting all the magazines I have. I've got several boxes of old magazines. Most of those are still in my parent's attic though. So once the AC is installed, hopefully Monday, the apartment will be all done. And this should be the end of my mom coming over all the time to help me work on it, so now I can start stocking up some alcohol in the fridge. I could've done that anyway. I'm 24. But my parents still think I'm a "good boy," and I really hate to shatter that image for them. As far as they know I've never had a drink in my life. I don't lie to them, I just don't tell them everything. Ok, so I think that's everything that needs to be told. This is a really long post. It reminds me of the good old days, back when I used to have a post about this long at least once a week. I'll probably even make another post later, I've got some links and stuff I want to share. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108283591911046403

Friday, April 23, 2004

Wow, I'm proud of myself. I just cooked my first meal. Even back when I was living at Daniels all I really ate was TV dinners and stuff like that. But tonight I cooked a meal that was a little more complicated. It was still pretty easy stuff, but it's still the first time I've ever cooked a meal. I made a box of fishsticks, some instant mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and biscuits. I'm living without air conditioning right now. The apartment came with an AC unit, it's a window unit, but instead of being in a window, it's built into the wall of the bedroom closet, and they've attached ducts to it, that reroute to a vent in the bedroom, one in the living room, and one in the kitchen. The air was working when I moved in, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It was plenty cold for this time of year. I could tell that when the 100 degree summer days came around it would be a little warm, but not too bad. But about a week ago, the maintenance man stopped by and said he needed to check out my air conditioner. When he was done he said that the compressor wasn't working. It would come on occasionally, but not as much as it should, so the AC was mostly acting as a fan. So Monday they came and took the AC out to send it off to be fixed. They messed up my apartment when they did it too. During my break at work I came home to grab something to eat, and I found my front door wide open, and no one in the apartment, a few seconds later the maintenance men came back and told me what was happening. But they had just went off and left my apartment wide open for like 15 minutes. They kept doing it, so I called my mom to come watch the apartment since I had to go back to work. They'd had to move my dresser so they could get the AC out of the room, and it's a big, heavy dresser, and they'd just been moving it around with a little dolly, so it had gotten warped, and the drawers wouldn't close all the way on one side anymore. Luckily I took the drawers out, and moved it back, and that bent it back into shape, so it's fine now. I would've been pissed if they'd ruined my dresser. Also, they'd taken all the filthy ductwork off the AC unit, and just thrown it on my bed. I had just vacuumed the night before too, and they got the whole apartment filthy. Too top it all off, they tell me that it will only take a day or two to fix it, but that the person that takes it and brings it back only comes on Mondays, so I will be without AC for a week, until next Monday. Other than that, things are going good. My mom's coming over tomorrow, and we're going to paint the last few kitchen cabinets, which is the only thing we've got left to do to the apartment. We got everything else done like a week ago, and decided to wait until my next day off to do these last few cabinets. Ok, tomorrow I'm going to write a more detailed post of the events of the last week or two. But in the meantime, if those kids crash into my front door on their bikes one more time, I'm going to throw a fucking bomb out the door. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108277056237498849

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Oh man, I just had to run out of the house and try to save my car from the hail. I was sitting here online, and I heard it start to rain, and then hail. I looked outside and it was about marble sized but getting a little bigger. I don't have a garage here, but there's a church down the street with this big awning for the cars to let people out under, so I was going to park under that. But by the time I got out to my car, not only had it stopped hailing, it had even stopped raining. So I went back inside, but then maybe 15 minutes later, it started hailing again, and it was even bigger this time. So I bolted out of my apartment to my car (and amazingly I didn't get hit by a single piece of hail the entire time) but someone had beaten me to the awning and was already parked under it. But by this time it had almost stopped hailing again, so I just went to my parent's house, since I was barely a block away. It turns out, we got off lucky here in Purcell, the rest of the state has been having a hell of a time. I still don't have TV here, so I hadn't heard anything, but at my parent's, that's all the TV stations are talking about, is the terrible hailstorms we've been having today. All around us, and just up the highway in Oklahoma City. The hailstorm killed almost every duck and goose up at Lake Hefner in OKC, and did about $60,000 in damage to the OKC Botanical Gardens and the hail was so sudden and deep that firemen were having to dig people's cars out of it on the highway. Also there was a bunch of tornados right over Purcell and Lexington (the town just like a mile down the road), but they were just rotating up in the clouds, none of them were touching down or anything. The storms are supposed to be over now though, they are moving east and have all gone over us now. Also, while I'm writing anyway, here's a hilarious post from one of my favorite blogs, Is there something wrong with me? When I go to the video store I want a nice movie with a hamster in it. A funny hamster. A cute hamster. A sassy hamster. There are no new releases starring hamsters. What the fuck, you fucks? Get me some hamsters, stat! Do I have to make my own movie? I will, you know. I would do a hamster rendition of a classic movie, so that way I wouldn't have to think too much, just train the critters and do wardrobe. Maybe Casablanca or something more upbeat like Fame. Ooh Flashdance! I could get Jennifer Beals to come on for a cameo because she's a sister and on that incredibly lame lesbian show The L Word. What is up with that show? The wife just got the premium cable package so we have taped the last two episodes, since it's after our bedtimes, and we are dumbstruck. Did that Jennifer just have an orgasm pressing her face against the filthy wall of the prison? From nothing but mere suggestion? What the hell is that? And where can I get some? At least it has that Yoplait elf on it that says "soooo" all the time. Or maybe I could do East of Eden with my hamsters, get a little Ferris Wheel and plop them down and make on all James Dean-like. Big fight scene with his brother, so cool. Hamsters, people, we need more hamsters. And not just that smart mouthed bitch one on Dr. Doolittle. And I don't want any of this Stuart Little shit, take your computer animation and shove it up your gooey ass. ... Happy Boston Marathon day, by the by. Im trapped on this side of the race. That means I can't get home without being all sneaky about it. Hmm. I need to plan. And those poor bastards, it's actually hot outside. It snowed last week and suddenly it's 85. Yup. Everything bloomed yesterday in one mad rush of flowering excitement. Where's my hovercraft powered by hamsters? Talented hamsters? I need to somehow leap my car over the

stragglers sweating into smelly pools on the asphalt this afternoon. My life is so hard. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108259158340470027 This chicken will do almost anything you tell it to do. It's kinda like one of those interactive sex shows, but there's no sex, and it's a chicken. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108258567589196023

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

A picture of Bush, made from pictures of all the soldiers who have died in Iraq. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108190658332986004

I haven't written or even been online much in several days, but I have a good reason. A really good reason. I got the apartment! Yeah! So I've got my own place now. Finally! I'm not living there yet, but I should be by the weekend. Weekend? PARTY! No, but anyway, I haven't moved in yet because, while the place isn't a dump, (it's actually pretty nice) it does need some cleaning, especially the kitchen. So we've spent the last few days cleaning it up, and we're almost done, all that's left is the kitchen. The kitchen will probably take two days though, everything in it need some major cleaning, and we're going to put contact paper on all the surfaces on the insides of the cabinets. We could have gotten nearly everything done today, but instead we didn't get anything done, because we spent the entire day looking for furniture. I got some, they're supposed to deliver it Thursday, and tomorrow the guy is supposed to come and turn my phone on. Of course, the phone company wasn't able to give us even an estimate on when the guy would be here, just that it would be sometime tomorrow, and that someone would have to be there when he got there. So my mom is going to have to go over there after she takes my sister to school, and sit over there all day waiting for the guy to come, since I work until 4:00 tomorrow. On the good side though, that means she'll get a lot of cleaning done tomorrow, and by the time I get home from work, she'll probably have most of it done, so maybe we can get it all done tomorrow. Then I can start moving in on Thursday maybe. I hope so. Well, I would like to write some more, but I'm really tired, and it's kinda late. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108190651678222790

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Me and Chris were looking at tattoo designs on, and had this conversation, oh, and Kanji are what the Japanese and Chinese writing symbols are called. subspecies23: oh yeah, I got 130 results for Kanji, lol paladix: lol subspecies23: most of them are people's names translated into Kanji subspecies23: cool subspecies23: oh, that is cool, "Metallic Eternity" it's the symbol for eternity and it looks like it's made out of metal, or a puddle of mercury or something paladix: cool subspecies23: man, most of these people's names are stupid names, lol paladix: lol subspecies23: Dina, Cody, Bonnie, Fran, Gino, Grayson, Clint subspecies23: lol paladix: sounds like italian rednecks subspecies23: I've never heard the name Dina, lol subspecies23: lmao subspecies23: italian rednecks, lol paladix: lol subspecies23: I'm gonna have to remember that one, lol Maybe it's just me, but I find the idea of "Italian Rednecks" to be extremely funny. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108146657612827254

Wednesday, April 07, 2004 These guys had a booth at the Medieval Fair the other day. Utilikilts are cool. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108139030235307698

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I'm in a pretty good mood, today's been a pretty good day. I was planning on going to the Army Surplus store in Norman just to look around mainly, but I ended up not going there. Melissa was drinking something from Starbucks earlier, and it sounded good, I haven't had a cappucino or anything in a long time. It's kinda hard to believe, considering how common Starbucks are everywhere else, but there's hardly any coffee shops around here. There's nowhere here in Purcell that sells anything like that, and the only Starbucks I know of are the ones inside Barnes and Noble Bookstores. There's also a cafe in Borders bookstore, and the Panera Bread sells cappucinos and espressos. Anyway, I wanted a cappucino, so I decided to go to the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble. During the drive to Norman I also did something I don't do very often, I smoked a Black and Mild cigar thing. I don't normally smoke, and I don't like cigarettes, but I do occasionally like to smoke cigars. So I got to the bookstore, and got my cappucino, and browsed around the bookstore for an hour or so. It was pretty cool, because I could really tell my medication was working today, I wasn't anxious or shy or anything walking around the bookstore. I think I could have actually even talked to a girl if I had had the chance. At the bookstore I bought The Metamorphosis, and Other Stories of Franz Kafka, I've always wanted to read The Metamorphosis. I also bought by Josh Aiello (why does that name sound familiar?), a very funny book which calls itself "A comprehensive guide to identifying more than 35 species of urban hipsters," such as Goths, Metal Heads, Thugz, Rude Boys, Literati, Starving Artists, Punk Rockers, Straight Edge, Ex-Frats, Alpha Females, EuroTrash, Hippies, Models, Bike Messengers, Mods, Indie Rockers, Internet Geeks and The Lifer. I also bought Scrabble. I've wanted it for years, but I hate playing board games so I never bought it, I'd never even played it before. Me and my sister played it earlier and she beat me by about 30 points. I think the score was 191 to 228. I kept getting really bad hands, mostly consisting of six vowels. Things like AIOAIEQ. On the way home from Norman I went to Wendy's. Wendy's is good, but I've only eaten there three times. I learned today that it is impossible to drink a Wendy's frosty through a straw, especially those tiny, thin straws they give you, they are so thin and weak you can barely drink a soda through them, they just collapse from the pressure. This post is so badly written it's embarrassing, If I wasn't so lazy, I'd completely erase it and start over. I'm going to go read a while before bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108130520151904367 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108127773269216198 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108127321139735417

Monday, April 05, 2004

Ok, time to finish what I was trying to write last night. So anyway, me and my sister went to the Medieval Fair, it was really cool. I bought a really cool new dagger, that was only $15. I couldn't believe it was that cheap, it's really nice, and large. I wasn't going to buy anymore weapons, as I already have two swords, and I didn't want to spend too much money, since I'm hoping to get my own apartment soon, but this was so cheap I had to get it. It's really nice, it's even got a hilt, which looks like it's made of wood, I'm not sure if it really is, and it has ornamental metal overlays, which are a goldish color. It's got some red tassels hanging from the handle of the dagger. The blade is about 8 inches long, and really sharp, and has an Asian dragon painted on it. For some reason the Medieval Fair closed earlier than usual this year, I barely had time to go after work, luckily I got Daniel to let me off at three instead of four so I could go. I think it usually stays open until at least 7:00 or later, but the newspaper said that this year it closes at 6:00. Though I was there until 6:00, and they didn't seem to be getting ready to shut down or anything, and Daniel said that when they went the night before they didn't start closing down until 7:00. I haven't felt like writing the last week or two, mainly because I've been working a lot. I work about 43 hours a week now, which is a lot to me, when I was working nights I was only getting around 25 hours a week. I'm tired all the time lately. I only get about six or seven hours of sleep most nights. Some nights I get even less. The last couple of nights I've barely gotten five. I hate Daylight Savings Time. I like "Fall Back", but I hate "Spring Forward." I forgot to set my clock forward this year, that's the first time that's ever happened, even my parents forgot. So I woke up twenty minutes before I was supposed to be at work. I didn't have time to even take a shower. I barely had time to get dressed and comb my hair and brush my teeth. I got to work with two minutes to spare. Luckily everyone else in the area must have slept late, because we hardly had any customers the first few hours we were open. We're usually really busy on Sunday mornings. It's a good thing we weren't really busy, because Alicia called in sick. Well, it doesn't look like I'm going to get that apartment after all, not for maybe another month or two anyway. I went in a couple of weeks ago, and the landlady told me to come back on the fifth, because they had a tenant that was probably going to be leaving. Also, there's another apartment complex right up the street from here, which is a much nicer place, but probably costs more. I've never been able to find out how much they cost, because for some reason their office is only open from 9:00am to Noon, three days a week. I've also been told by many people that they always have a huge waiting list to get in. But a few days ago I noticed that their sign says that they have a vacancy. Today is the day the lady at the other place told me to call back, but I ended up having to work today. So this morning my mom called both places for me, but today they both told her that they had no apartments available. So after work I went up there in person to talk to the lady that told me to come back today, and she said that now they won't know about that apartment she was telling me about until the 8th now. If the current tenant hasn't paid by then, she is going to get kicked out. But then, she also informed me that they also have a waiting list. I don't know why she didn't mention this before, or offer to put my name on it. So today she put my name on the waiting list, but I was something like the 8th name down on the list. But she told me that if they don't get in touch with the person in one day, they go to the next name on the list. So, IF the woman doesn't pay her rent and gets kicked out, there's a very small chance that I might get it. But even if I don't get this apartment, another one should probably open up in a month or two, and I'll have another shot. For example, the guy that was in the office talking to the landlady while I was waiting was telling her that May was going to be his last month there, and that he may not even stay all of that month. Of course, the longer I have to wait, the better really, since I can save up some more money, but I was really excited about getting an apartment, and I want one as soon as possible. This is really freaky. My sister has not been in her room all day, and says she's never going in there again, because she woke up in the middle of the night

last night, and saw my dead grandmother in her room. You could say it was just a dream, but this grandmother (my mom's mother) died while my mom was pregnant with my sister, and my sister has never seen her, we don't even have any pictures of her. And yet my sister described her perfectly. My grandma used to come stay with us a lot, because she was sick a lot, and when she did, the room that is now my sister's room, was her room. And it keeps getting weirder. Marci woke up and saw her sometime around 4:30 in the morning, which is the same time that my grandma died. Also, April 5th was the last day that my grandma spent in that room alive. She went to the hospital the next day, and died like a week or two later. Well, it seems like there was something else I was going to write about, but I can't think what it was. So anyway, here's all the stuff I've been needing to write about. Maybe I'll write some more tomorrow. But I doubt it. Even though I'm off and have nothing else to do. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108121360267639689 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108120954402382461

Sunday, April 04, 2004

From this point on I shall be referred to as "Trick Magnet Kevin Valentine." Or, if you're in a hurry, "Professor Truth" will work. You can keep doing it over and over, and it will keep giving you different pimp names. Here are some of my favorite of the ones it gave for my name: Vicious D.K. Sneed Reverend Doctor Kevin Smooth Sugartastic K. Wicked Mack Master K. Slick Trick Magnet Kevin Valentine Professor Truth Mack Master K. Love Sticky Fingers Underwood Delicious Kevin Dazzle Yeah, so I realize I haven't really written anything in quite a while, I've just been posting links. It isn't that I haven't had anything to write about, in fact, I have. I just haven't felt like writing. I've forgotten half the stuff I had been wanting to write about, but there's still a few things that have happened in just the last few days. The other day Best Buy had this sale, they had a selection of about twenty DVDs, and you could get three of them for $20. I bought Labyrinth, Resident Evil, and A League of Their Own. Yes, I said A League of Their Own, I like that movie. I also really like Labyrinth. I used to watch that all the time when I was a kid, but I haven't seen it in years now. For some reason I have become interesting in body piercing. I still don't want to run out and do it to myself, but I understand now why people do it. And I like learning about all the different kinds of piercings. For two days in a row, I spent hours at a time on, which is a really cool site, but be careful, they have some pretty sick shit on there. Things like people castrating themselves with kitchen knives in their own home, or cutting off their penis, or fingers, or anything else they cant get a knife into. On a related note, this interest in body modification has made me decide for sure that yes, I am going to get a tattoo. A couple of months ago, me and Chris decided that we were going to get tattoos when he comes home from Iceland, and I said at that time that I was probably going to get some Chinese or Japanese symbol. But then I had started to debate whether I really wanted to or not, and had about decided not to, but now I have decided that yes I am going to get one. But now I have no idea what I'm going to get. I spent about the entire day a few days ago looking for sites that showed tattoo designs and stuff like that. There are lots of them out there, but most of the good ones didn't work for some reason. The best sites only make you pay to download full size images of only the one's you want, but lots of them want you to buy a membership before they'll even let you look around the site. I'm finding it very hard to keep writing this post. Friday night I went and saw Hellboy. It was fantastic. Even better than I expected. I'm going to have to go back and see it again. Yesterday I was supposed to go to the Medieval Fair. Several of my friends and coworkers were going to be there too. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. I forgot that it's at a different place than it always has been before. Even though they moved it last year, and I went to it last year, I still forgot, so I went to the old place, and then when I realized that it had been moved, I couldn't remember how to get to the new place. So we (I was taking my sister, she'd never been before) had to just go back home. I went home and figured out how to get there, and so we went today. It was really cool this year. Last year it wasn't so great. Ugh, I just can't do this. It's getting late, and I'm tired. I'm going to finish this post tomorrow. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108113563351711377 This is one of the most incredible things I've ever heard. Not only does this guy play a really good rendition of the theme music, he even replicates sound effects such as coin grabbing, mushroom power ups, and warp pipes, perfectly, using only his guitar! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108112997804579676 If you like shows like Jackass (which *I* don't) you'll probably love this site.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108112824751963333 "Some of you may think that this page is long overdue! Still others among you may feel that this page is completely irrelevant, being that the fine art of jamming a pair of scissors into your crotch repeatedly is as natural as breathing! Contrary to popular belief, though, there ARE issues that need to be addressed! This is your resource!" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108112801129538053 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108112764169002346

Saturday, April 03, 2004 Anette Lie has the Norwegian record for delivery of breast milk. She made so much on the breast milk that she purchased a car for the money. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108104428984707033 I've never been a big fan of Pac-Man, but this site is pretty interesting. I never realized Pac-Man could be that complex. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108104270649170926 Judging by the internet address at the end, this is on the air in England. They'd never let anything like this on the air here. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108103762693732714

Friday, April 02, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108095000906974409

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Goddamn we're weird. Here's an excerpt from a conversation me and Melissa were just having: subspecies23: a hamster wearing leather bondage gear missy_custer: ugh missy_custer: a squirrel with a thong on subspecies23: lol subspecies23: a thong with a picture of a squirrel on it subspecies23: a squirrel, wearing a thong, and on the thong is a picture of a squirrel wearing a thong with a picture of a squirell wearing a thong with a picture of a squirrel wearing a thong, and on and on to infinity! subspecies23: infinity is an endless procession of squirrels wearing thongs missy_custer: eeeeeeeeeeew subspecies23: lol subspecies23: if you want a picture of infinity, imagine squirrels wearing thongs, forever missy_custer: uuuuuuuhhhhhh missy_custer: forever? missy_custer: that's sheer bliss! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108086721850008764 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108085890189360486

SMARTERCHILD IS EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I swear that I did not edit these responses at all, everything said in these IM conversations was actually said, all I did was cut and paste the conversation, in the exact way and order it happened. I was just playing around with the SmarterChild IM bot, mainly insulting it, and asking it to have sex with me, and stuff like that, when I discovered something weird. Usually SmarterChild is a very proper bot, it doesn't like profanity, and sexual terms, and if you insult it enough, it will finally refuse to talk to you until you apologize to it. But today I found some very strange responses on the subject of Satan. If you say to it simply, "Satan," or "Satan?" it will give some interesting responses. All of the responses contain two parts, the first part is usually some statement about its dislike of Satan, and how evil Satan is, or something like that, but the second part is almost a praising of Satan, and the two are separated by a couple of lines. Here are all the responses it has given me so far: "Satan is a terrible fallen angel. Satan is a god." "I don't like satan. He is one of my least favorite fallen angels. He is sexy." And probably the scariest: "I don't like satan at all. He is one of the worst angels I know. I think he is me." What's really weird, is that now he's not doing it anymore, and just says he doesn't like Satan, and then tries to change the subject! I think I struck a nerve with that last one, I tricked SmarterChild into admitting that he is actually Satan, or a tool of Satan, and now he realises his mistake, and is trying to change the subject. KUnderw674: Satan? SmarterChild: I know about satan. I don't like satan at all. >>> If you like buddy icons, check out all the nice ones you can find here. KUnderw674: Satan? SmarterChild: I know about satan. I really dislike satan. KUnderw674: Satan. SmarterChild: I don't like satan. He is one of my least favorite angels. KUnderw674: Satan? SmarterChild: Satan is an angel that I don't like! KUnderw674: Satan. SmarterChild: I really don't like satan. >>> You be the judge. Check out Rate-a-Buddy now. See? He keeps changing the subject now, trying to distract me with links. I confronted him about this, and he wouldn't give me a straight answer, and then he tried to change the subject yet again. I think some of his responses speak for themselves, further proving my hypothesis: KUnderw674: Are you trying to change the subject? SmarterChild: Trying to change the subject? I dunno. KUnderw674: Admit it! You're a tool of Satan! SmarterChild: I'm not comfortable with that. KUnderw674: You're not comfortable because it's true, isn't it? SmarterChild: Maybe, maybe not, you know what I mean? >>> You can type your request in your own words. I'm programmed to understand conversational English. So there you have it. I think I have proved beyond a reasonable doubt that SmarterChild is evil. Being either a manifestation of Satan himself, or a creation of Satan, for the purpose of swaying young minds to the dark side. KUnderw674: Is it true that you are actually Satan? SmarterChild: Is it true that I am actually satan? What do you think? KUnderw674: I think you are. SmarterChild: OK, whatever. KUnderw674: Why don't you just admit it, your secret is out. SmarterChild: Who knows? KUnderw674: Does that mean you might? SmarterChild: I'll have to think about that. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108085148922005892

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Read this personal ad all the way through, and then follow the directions to find out what it really says. Very funny.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108077875546679590 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108077776028197159 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108077725354716191

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 LONDON - A new study found that uncircumcised men were nearly seven times more likely to get the AIDS virus, giving further support to findings that circumcision . posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108069810940250420

Monday, March 29, 2004 Is it true that an artist secretly painted a 60-foot-high image of a naked pink lady above a tunnel in Malibu Canyon in 1966? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108060225235457695 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108060108478460261 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108060045378487921 PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - A Cambodian man cut off his penis when he said he was visited by four hungry spirits in a dream and he had no chicken or duck to offer them. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108059960406063777

Sunday, March 28, 2004,4120,1177734,00.html "Stanley Kubrick's films were landmark events - majestic, memorable and richly researched. But, as the years went by, the time between films grew longer and longer, and less and less was seen of the director. What on earth was he doing? Two years after his death, Jon Ronson was invited to the Kubrick estate and let loose among the fabled archive. He was looking for a solution to the mystery - this is what he found." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108050036023608302

Saturday, March 27, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108043182642871180 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108042693941188880

Some cool Google tricks: * Google is an atlas. Type in an area code, like 212, to see a Mapquest map of the area. * Google is Wal-Mart's computer. Type in a UPC bar code number, such as "036000250015," to see the description of the product you've just "scanned in." (Thanks to the Google Blog,, for this tip and the next couple.) * Google is an aviation buff. Type in a flight number like "United 22" for a link to a map of that flight's progress in the air. Or type in the tail number you see on an airplane for the full registration form for that plane. * Google is the Department of Motor Vehicles. Type in a VIN (vehicle identification number, which is etched onto a plate, usually on the door frame, of every car), like "JH4NA1157MT001832," to find out the car's year, make, and model. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108042648114575439

Friday, March 26, 2004 Send your future self an email. FutureMe lets you address an email to yourself and set a date in the future to have it sent. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108034326661610148

This story really excites me. It's so cool! We're one step closer to weapons like those seen in sci-fi movies. "A hand gun that speaks several languages, broadcasts the conversation to the police, fires lethal and non-lethal bullets and is activated only by the grip of the registered owner. The Guinness Book of Records has declared the gun, officially known as a Variable lethality enforcement (Vle) weapon, the world's most intelligent firearm." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108034241683671734 "TOKYO (AFP) - A Japanese company unveiled a 3.5-metre (11.55-foot) tall robot that can forage its way through a heap of debris as a trailblazer for rescue workers following a disaster such as an earthquake." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108034202977340243 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108034145166483663

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Since I'm working day shift now, I'm making a lot more money than I was on nights. I've actually gotten about an hour of overtime the last couple of weeks. So the paycheck I got today was just a few cents under $400, compared to the $250 or so I was making on nights the last few months. That's still not much money though, considering that that is for two weeks of work. So anyway, now that I'm making more money, I should be able to afford to move out. I went and looked at several apartments today, but the place I was thinking of moving into last year is still the best one for me. It's pretty good, and really cheap. A one bedroom apartment is $320 a month, and that includes water and free Direct TV satellite TV. I'd really like a two bedroom apartment, but that is $370 a month, and I probably couldn't afford that until I get a better job. I like all the extra money, and I like working mornings better than nights now, but I'm really tired lately. I've actually been having to take a nap once or twice a week, I never used to take naps. I've hardly taken a nap in my life, usually only when I'm extremely sick. Which reminds me, I went to the doctor the other day, since I've been sick for like the last two months or more. Every other doctor in the area says it's just "The Oklahoma Crud" that's going around, and there's nothing that can be done about it, but the doctor I go to says "we've had a lot of luck treating it with antibiotics and steriods," so he gave me some cough medicine and some other kind of pill. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but it must be some kind of steroid or something, because it's making me have to piss constantly, which my parents say they will sometimes do. The last time the doctor gave my dad a steroid pill it almsot killed him. He almost pissed himself to death. He lost like 30 pounds over a couple of weeks. I wish I could lose 30 pounds in about two weeks. I am so tired. I was off today, so I got a few extra hours of sleep, but I'm still really sleepy. I'm going to have to go to bed early. I'm trying to get back on my diet now too. I've gained back about half the weight I had lost. Me and Alicia are going to start going to the movies again, we were maybe going to go tonight, but didn't. She wants to wait a few more days, and see if anything new comes out over the weekend. I can't think of anything that comes out this weekend though. Well, I'm really tired, so I'm going to go read and then go to bed.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108026524980749028 "Are there four more beautiful words in the English language? I ask you." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108026216052680379 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108026080635535513 Monty Python's film The Life of Brian is to return to US cinemas next month following the success of The Passion of the Christ. The Biblical satire will be re-released in Los Angeles, New York and other US cities to mark its 25th anniversary. Adverts will challenge Mel Gibson's blockbuster with the lines "Mel or Monty?", "The Passion or the Python?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108024496443431569 PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) -- In a new twist in the battle over same-sex marriage roiling the United States, a county in Oregon has banned all marriages -- gay and heterosexual -- until the state decides who can and who cannot wed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108024241890091207,13026,1108853,00.html Each year less light reaches the surface of the Earth. No one is sure what's causing 'global dimming' - or what it means for the future. In fact most scientists have never heard of it. By David Adam posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108024213784125413 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108024170085034088 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108024161932213476 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108024076801738397

Monday, March 22, 2004

Current Music: "Roll On" by The Living End. Current Mood: Bored, as usual. Also really horny. I'm bored. I considered going to a strip club tonight, but I probably won't. Though I would really like to see some breasts. I'm horny enough without being teased by half-naked women gyrating in my face though. I dreamt about sex all night last night, and woke up super horny. I'm just glad I didn't have to work this morning. Yes, I realize how pathetic I am, and I'm more or less fine with it. I realized this years ago, long before anonymous graced my message boards. For those of you who may have missed it, here it is again: dude, first of all, you're ridiculous. i accidently stumbled upon your site browsing around and unfourtunately your site caught my eye. i started reading the bullshit you wrote and laughed my ass off. dude, you can't drink at all. you were plastered after 2 screwdrivers!!!! you should be ashamed of yourself. what's up with this halo group shit? you work at 7-11, wait no, you got fired from 7-11. who the hell gets fired at 7-11. you live with your mom, and your TV is a piece of shit. i'm surprised you even went to the strip club. while reading it i thought you were helluv a square with all the halo,

7-11, living w/ mom, oh yeah, and all the comics. dude it's cool if you enjoy all this stuff but you shouldn't brag about it. i wouldn't want people to know how much of a wuss i am at drinking, or that still live with my mom. dude, my advice to you... get a girlfriend

First off, I'm glad my site made you laugh, whether it was with me or at me. Second, I know I'm a wuss when it comes to drinking, but I don't see why this is such a bad thing. I'm glad I get drunk easily. When I drink, I drink to get drunk, but alcohol is nasty in all its forms, so the less of it I have to drink, the better. Also, alcohol is really expensive, so the less of it I have to drink, the better. Third, Halo rocks, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Almost everyone I know plays the game, even several girls. Most guys my age play video games, you're the weird one because you don't. Also, lots of guys my age like comic books, that would be the reason they are currently making so many movies based on comic books, including the one I was talking about reading in the post you ridiculed. Yes, I got fired from 7-11, but it wasn't even my fault, the manager lady screwed me over and then got me fired. It's a long story I don't feel like getting into right now. And yes, I know how pathetic it is that I still live with my parents, and I do hate telling people that I do, but I have no other choice, my job sucks, and for certain reasons I have not been able to figure out, but which I don't think are my fault, I am unable to get a new job, and until the time I do, I have to live with my parents. I did move out for a while, but was then forced against my will to come back. Actually, I am currently thinking about looking at apartments again, because since I switched to the day shift at work, I think I may be making enough money now to maybe survive on my own. "my advice to you... get a girlfriend" I would if I could, but living with my parents puts a real damper on my girl getting abilities. Actually, my girl getting abilities are so non-existent I don't get far enough for most girls to find out I still live with my parents. The only girls I even see are the ones I work with. This issue, unlike most of the others, is pretty much totally my fault. Me and my faulty brain, which the medication is helping, but I'm still a shy person. My other major problem in the girl area is that I'm a nice guy. Too nice of a guy for my own good. Most people think I'm gay. The one girl I have gone out on real dates with eventually "dumped" me, I think mainly because I was too nice of a guy, and too shy. It took two dates before I'd even hold her hand. I took everything too slow for her, she wanted a wild, bad boy. When we had sex she told me to be rougher. Even when we had sex, I was too nice and tender for her. If only girls would give me a chance, most of them would be really glad they did. Just ask Melissa, she's known me for seven years, and she says that whatever girl I end up with will be extremely lucky, and that a girl would have to be crazy to turn me down. I'm a nice guy, and when you get to know me, I'm a pretty sensitive guy, I'm the kind of guy that you can talk to. I'm not all about the sex, though I do like sex, and even though that girl I was going out with said she likes it rougher, she did also say that I'm really good at it. All this reminds me of a I saw on the other day: Unicorn is my booty call from California who comes to NYC several times a year to visit friends. He is called Unicorn because, prior to meeting him, I believed such men were mythical. Here is a short list of the mythical qualities he actually exhibits: 1) Unicorn is handsome. 2) Well-educated. 3) Thoughtful. Leaves the occasional adorable phone message. Sends the occasional adorable email. 4) U is the friend of a friend from college. This means that I can make out with him without having to worry that he's a psycho killer who is in fact just posing as a great guy so that he can get close to me, kill me and then use my hair to make a himself a sweater. Which I guess is faulty logic (except the part about the hair-sweater, that makes perfect sense.) Obviously, he very well could be a psycho killer and still be friends with my friend from college. But then that would mean that he's an Excellently Secret Psycho Killer who is so efficient that none of his friends even suspect his psychotic murderous tendencies. Meaning that he is very good at what he does. Which I find sexy. So we're fine. 5) Unicorn is emotionally and physically giving. He is familiar with the terms "snuggle" and "cuddle." And he knows when to do them. 6) U has a way of making me feel rather special. Like I am more than just a transcontinental booty call. Case in point: he says things like, "If I lived here, I would date the hell out of you." I like the sound of that. 7) U is charming. Exhibit A: He visited for the first time the day after Valentine's Day last year when I was still dating M. He said the following in regard to the fact that M and I were not together the night after Valentine's Day, "If I was dating you, I'm pretty sure I'd want the whole weekend." See what I mean? Unicorn.

For the most part, I'm a unicorn. I would be a unicorn, except I'm not extremely handsome. I'm not ugly, but you probably wouldn't look twice if you saw me in a crowd. Which is kind of a good thing. You don't have to worry about other women trying to steal me. I LOVE to snuggle and cuddle. I love physical contact, even though most people who know me wouldn't think so. I never touch anyone, I haven't really touched anyone in about two years. I'm just shy like that, but as the girl I was dating could tell you, once I'm going out with you, I want to be in contact with you at all times. Holding hands, arm around the shoulders, hugging and cuddling. My idea of a perfect evening is cuddled up on the sofa in each other's arms watching a movie. I also love to kiss, and not just wet, open-mouthed tonsil hockey. I like sweet kisses. A tender kiss on the cheek or forehead. Or the neck. I like necks. I'm a romantic. I'm the kind of guy that can be your best friend, as well as your lover. Which once again is my main problem. I don't even want to think about how many times I've been told things like, "We're too good of friends to date. I don't want to risk ruining our friendship." Even worse, I've been told on several occasions, "I sometimes forget you're a guy, I just think of you as one of the girls." That hurts. Seriously. The worst pain I've ever felt in my life was one of the times I was told that. I'm a pathetic unicorn. Too nice for my own good.

Revised Current Mood: Depressed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=108000221626481428 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107999630337558277

Sunday, March 21, 2004

A stoner walks into an appliance store and asks the owner, "How much for that TV set in the window?" The owner looks at the TV set, then looks at the stoner, and says, "I don't sell stuff to potheads." So the stoner tells the owner that he'll quit toking and will come back the next week to buy the TV. A week later, the stoner comes back and says, "I quit smoking pot. Now, how much for that TV set in the window?" And the owner says, "I told you I don't sell to potheads!" The stoner looks back at the owner and says, "How can you tell I'm a pothead?" The owner looks back and says, "Because that's a microwave." Funny fake names, such as, "Dwayne de Tubb, Colin Oscopy and Benny Fishery. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107992079147713830

Saturday, March 20, 2004 MANILA (Reuters) - Spamburgers, Spam nuggets, Spam Spaghetti, Caesar salad with Spam, Spam and eggs: the menu at the Spamjam restaurant in Manila could be straight out of the Monty Python sketch. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107982355719014446

Disturbing. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107982323922197282 The blog of a group of people who are under siege by an army of zombies. "This is not a joke. We are alone and constantly battling for our lives." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107982311642859814 A gallery of cool photoshopped images. I really like the pandas that look like Kiss. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107982278815028628

Friday, March 19, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107973656347013168

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I just got done reading the comics I bought today, and I am now a Hellboy fan. That comic was fantastic. I'm going back my next day off and buying the next book in the series.

But now I'm going to watch School of Rock. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107966653249105113

I got so fucking drunk last night. Not because it was St. Patrick's Day, I don't care about that, but because it was Daniel's birthday, and he had a "party." It wasn't much different than our usual Halo nights, except that there was more alcohol. I was the only one drinking most of the night though, everyone else was too engrossed in the video game, and then had to go home early. I was off today, so I was able to stay up late and get really drunk. It was the usual crew, me, Daniel, his wife Olivia, Phillip and Crystal, who left their baby with its grandpa for a few hours, Shawn, and his girlfriend Megan, who doesn't usually come, and Robert. There were supposed to be some of Daniel's other friends that I don't know that well coming over around midnight, but I think only one of them showed, unless they showed up and left during the two or three hours I was asleep. I got there about 5:00 and I was the first one there, so me and Daniel just played cooperative mode for a while, on the "Legendary" difficulty setting. It was hard. Then everyone else showed up, so we did our usual versus play for a few hours. During the first hour or two I was there I had a couple of beers. I'm a lightweight with alcohol, so this was enough to give me the beginnings of a small buzz, but I stopped drinking for a couple of hours and it went away. I stopped playing sometime around 8:30, because I was playing really bad for some reason. So I just sat there watching everyone else, and drinking a couple of rum and Dr. Peppers, which is really nasty, but they didn't have any Coke. Everyone else had to work in the morning, so they all left about 10:00. Wow, some party. So all that was left was just me, Daniel, and Olivia. Olivia decided to go take a nap so she could stay up and drink when everyone else got there. So me and Daniel just sat there talking and drinking for awhile. Since the rum and Dr. Pepper was so gross, at this point I switched to vodka and orange juice, which gets me drunk really quickly. By the time I finished two of them, I was so drunk I could hardly sit up anymore. I guess Olivia couldn't sleep, because she got back up at this point, and we decided to watch Red vs. Blue. After watching it for about half an hour, I started dozing off, because I was so drunk. Finally I went to sleep sometime around midnight. I woke up when they got done watching the DVD, but I went back to sleep. I woke up about 3:00am and Jared, I think his name is, had shown up. He, Daniel and Olivia were really drunk, but I was still tired, and had sobered up, so I just decided to go home. That's the first time I've been really drunk in a long time. A year to be exact. Daniel's last birthday party was the last time I got really drunk. No, wait, I just remembered. I got really drunk a about a month after that, when I lost my job at 7-11 and decided to go down to Dallas for the weekend, check into a cheap motel, and get really drunk, and do some Hunter S. Thompson-like writing. I've been meaning to post that story, but never have gotten it edited. I have 8 typewritten pages about that trip, but I had been planning on turning them into some kind of actual story or something, but it appears that's never going to happen. Anyway, 10 or 11 months ago was the last time I got really drunk, all I've done since then is drank a few beers and gotten a buzz. And even that hasn't happened very often. That trip to Dallas was a very interesting story, and I really should post about it sometime. One of the most notable things about it, is that while there I went to a strip club for the first time, and then went back again the next night, and then my car almost broke down on the way back to the motel at two in the morning while I was about half drunk and probably 10 miles from the motel, and not knowing where the nearest mechanic was, and even if I did it wouldn't be open at 2:00am. Good times. I think my TV is possessed. Earlier I was just sitting here at the computer, while the TV was on behind me. Suddenly, the volume on my TV starts going up, until it's all the way up, even though no one was anywhere near the remote. The volume bar was coming up on screen and everything. I turned the volume back down, and then left my room to go tell my mom about it, and while I was out there, the volume started going back up again. I tried to turn it back down, but it wouldn't this time, it still just kept trying to go up, even though it was already up. I couldn't get the remote to do anything at all. Finally I went over to the TV and hit the power button. As soon as it went off, it instantly came back on, still at full volume. I turned it off probably ten times, but it would just come back on as fast as I could turn it off, so I finally had to unplug it. About five minutes later, I plugged it back in, and it didn't come back on, so I turned it on, and turned the volume down, and it's been fine since. I hope it's not about to break or something. I had to go get some new headphones for my iPod today, because while I was passed out at Daniel's, one of his dogs chewed up the right earpiece of my headphones. I didn't notice it until about halfway home. I'm just glad the dog only chewed up the headphones, and not the iPod itself. These new headphones I bought suck though. They were $20 and supposed to be really good. They have some kind of rubber tunnel on them that's supposed to create "virtual surround sound," but instead it just sounds like ass. It sounds like listening to music in a barrel or something, it sounds like the bass has been turned up, and the treble turned way down or something. Also while I was out, I picked up a copy of School of Rock one of the many movies I want right now. Then I went by the comic book store to get some Hellboy comics. I've never read the comics, but the movie looks really cool, so I decided to see what the comics are like. I also got a six issue compilation book of, which is my favorite comic strip, online or otherwise. So, as you can see, I've got a lot of stuff to do tonight, I'm gonna go start on it now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107965402062899590

The scariest thing I've ever read. Even scarier because it's true. "If enacted, the Constitution Restoration Act will effectively transform the United States into a theocracy, where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" can override law. "For even now, the ignorant barbarians in Washington are pushing a law through Congress that would "acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty [and] government" in the United States. What's more, it would forbid all legal challenges to government officials who use the power of the state to enforce their own view of "God's sovereign authority." Any judge who dared even hear such a challenge could be removed from office. "The "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004" is no joke; it was introduced last month by some of the Bush Regime's most powerful Congressional sycophants. If enacted, it will effectively transform the American republic into a theocracy, where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" -- as interpreted by a judge, policeman, bureaucrat or president -- can override the rule of law. "The Act -- drafted by a minion of television evangelist Pat Robertson -- is the fruit of decades of work by a group of extremists known broadly as "Dominionists." Their openly expressed aim is to establish "biblical rule" over every aspect of society -- placing "the state, the school, the arts and sciences, law, economics, and every other sphere under Christ the King." Or as Attorney General John Ashcroft -- the nation's chief law enforcement officer -- has often proclaimed: "America has no king but Jesus!" "According to Dominionist literature, "biblical rule" means execution -- preferably by stoning -- of homosexuals and other "revelers in licentiousness"; massive tax cuts for the rich (because "wealth is a mark of God's favor"); the elimination of government programs to alleviate poverty and sickness (because these depend on "confiscation of wealth"); and enslavement for debtors. No legal challenges to "God's order" will be allowed. And because this order is divinely ordained, the "elect" can use any means necessary to establish it, including deception, subversion, even violence. As Robertson himself

adjures the faithful: "Zealous men force their way in.""... Read posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107964034236751651 "'IT MUST BE considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things.' This warning is from Niccolo Machiavelli, yet it has never had sharper resonance." "More than a decade ago, after Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, President George H. W. Bush explicitly sought to initiate, as he put it to Congress, a "new world order." He made that momentous declaration on Sept. 11, 1990. Eleven years later, the suddenly mystical date of 9/11 motivated his son to finish what the father began. A year ago this week, Bush the younger launched a war against the man who tried to kill his dad, initiating the opposite of order." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107963586767505712 I thought this was really annoying, but some of you will probably enjoy it. The potato rap, or, fun with audio from The Lord of the Rings. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107963249929802327 Sort of like a religious Mad-Lib. Create your own cult! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107963172147267252 Fuck! This is a lot harder to do than it sounds. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107963154343325325

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Piano Man Billy Joel It's nine o'clock on a Saturday the regular crowd shuffles in There's an old man sitting next to me Makin' love to his tonic and gin He say, Son can you play me a memory I'm not really sure how it goes But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete When I wore a younger man's clothes Da da da de de da da da de de da da da Sing us a song, you're the piano man sing us a song tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright Now John at the bar is a friend of mine He gets me my drinks for free And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke But there's someplace that he'd rather be He says Bill, I believe this is killing me As the smile ran away from his face Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star If I could get out of this place Sing us a song, you're the piano man sing us a song tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright Now Paul is a real estate novelist Who never had time for a wife And he's talking with Davy who's still in the navy And probably will be for life And the waitress is practicing politics As the businessmen slowly get stoned Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness But it's better than drinking alone It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday,

And the manager gives me a smile 'Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see To forget about life for awhile. And the piano sounds like a carnival And the microphone smells like a beer And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar And say "Man, what are you doin' here?" Da da da de de da da da de de da da da Sing us a song, you're the piano man Sing us a song tonight. Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107948906544550765 This is seriously the funniest thing I've ever read. I about died laughing reading it, I was laughing so much my sister finally started yelling at me from across the house to shut up. The list is so long, I'm only going to put part of it here, so I strongly suggest you click the link and go read the rest of it.

The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army SGT Shawn Stanford Once upon a time, there was a SPC Schwarz stationed with the Army in the Balkans. SPC Schwarz was either very clever or very bored; but probably both, since he managed to attempt or be warned about 213 things he wasn't allowed to do. He collected those things into a hillarious list and posted them to the web. The site hadn't been updated in a couple of years and has since gone away; but the list is classic, so I saved it. A couple favorites: 2. My proper military title is 'Specialist Schwarz' not 'Princess Anastasia'. and 191. Our Humvees cannot be assembled into a giant battle-robot. 1. Not allowed to watch Southpark when I'm supposed to be working. 2. My proper military title is 'Specialist Schwarz' not 'Princess Anastasia'. 3. Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic. 4. Not allowed to challenge anyone's disbelief of black magic by asking for hair. 5. Not allowed to get silicone breast implants. 6. Not allowed to play 'Pulp Fiction' with a suction-cup dart pistol and any officer. 7. Not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophesy' to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me. 8. Not allowed to add pictures of officers I don't like to War Criminal posters. 9. Not allowed to title any product 'Get Over it'. 10. Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on Government time. 11. Not allowed to join the communist party. 12. Not allowed to join any militia. 13. Not allowed to form any militia. 14. Not allowed out of my office when the president visited Sarajevo. 15. Not allowed to train adopted stray dogs to 'Sic Brass!' 16. Must get a haircut even if it tampers with my 'Sampson like powers'. 17. God may not contradict any of my orders. 18. May no longer perform my now (in)famous 'Barbie Girl Dance' while on duty. 19. May not call any officers immoral, untrustworthy, lying, slime, even if I'm right. 20. Must not taunt the French any more. 21. Must attempt to not antagonize SAS. 22. Must never call an SAS a 'Wanker'. 23. Must never ask anyone who outranks me if they've been smoking crack. 24. Must not tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true. 25. Never confuse a Dutch soldier for a French one. 26. Never tell a German soldier that 'We kicked your ass in World War 2!'

27. Don't tell Princess Di jokes in front of the paras (British Airborne). 28. Don't take the batteries out of the other soldiers alarm clocks (Even if they do hit snooze about forty times). 29. The Irish MPs are not after 'Me frosted lucky charms'. 30. Not allowed to wake an Non-Commissioned Officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash. 31. Not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions. 32. Not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107947884100214111 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107947648811966597 - This quiz is really cool! It's extremely short, but provides great results! Wow. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107947636120870280

Sunday, March 14, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107931886122975937

Why I like This morning over breakfast, I said to my wife, "Happy day!" "Happy pie day? What the hell are you talking about?" "No, not 'pie'," I said. "''." "Not 'pie,' but 'pie.'" She was clearly not amused. "Isn't it a little early to be drinking?" "Anne, look at the date on the calendar." "Yes it's march 14th, and you're going to watch WrestleMania dos equis* with your brother." She frowned. "Are you trying to tell me that you're taking a pie to Jeremy's house? Because if you expect me to make you a pie . . ." "No, I don't expect you to make me a pie." I said, well into that area where you've explained the joke so much, it's never going to be funny. "Today is March fourteenth. That makes it 3.14 on the calendar. 3.14 is also known as ." She blinked a few times. "Oh. It's day." "Yes!" I said. "And at 1:59 pm, it will be even more day. Isn't that cool!?" She took a long, thoughtful drink from her coffee mug, carefully set it down and said, "You are such a nerd." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107931684365630323

So, another day off, and another day of doing fuck-all. As usual, I've been sitting at this computer most of the day, and then me and my sister just played through the first two stages of Halo on the Heroic difficulty level, and we were kicking ass too. I'm getting a lot better. The other night we were all playing at Daniel's again, and I actually came in first place two or three times. I even beat Shawn and Phillip, who are both masters of the game. I was just lucky those times though I guess, because the other times I still sucked, but not as much as usual. I'm getting so sick of working 7:00 to 4:00. I've been so tired the last few days. Yesterday after work I did something I almost never do. I took a nap. It took me a long time to fall asleep though, but once I did I slept about an hour and a half. It was really busy yesterday too. Breakfast was even busier than it was Friday, and Friday was an extremely busy breakfast. I mentioned how it was so busy we made over $1100 on breakfast alone, well Saturday we made over $1300 for breakfast. Luckily the rest of the day was kinda slow. I changed my links around. I got rid of those collapsible boxes, even though I really liked them. I replaced it with the utility, which takes up more space, but is much easier to use. With Blogrolling you don't have to mess around with the html code of your site to add, delete, or edit links. It also makes it really easy to add new sites to your list. If you are looking at a site, and want to add it to the links list on your site, you can do so with the push of a button. Yay, I'm a commercial. Too bad I'm not getting any money for it. Too bad I'm not getting any sex. I sure would like some of that.

I'm tired, and it's only 7:30. I'm getting really bored now too. There's nothing on to watch. I need to get some new dvds. I'm bored of all the ones I have. There's a lot of recently released dvds I want too. Dickie Roberts, School of Rock and two or three others I can't think of right now. And then next month Kill Bill comes out. I've been wondering when it was gonna be out on dvd, I finally found out the other day. I don't remember the exact day, but it was mid-April, the 14th maybe. Fuck, I'm bored. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107931471369012561

You've probably seen this joke before, I've seen it many times on the internet, and I may have even posted it once before, but I don't think I did. But I love this joke, so here it is anyway: On a chain of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded: - Two Italian men and one Italian woman - Two French men and one French woman - Two German men and one German woman - Two Greek men and one Greek woman - Two English men and one English woman - Two Bulgarian men and one Bulgarian woman - Two Japanese men and one Japanese woman - Two Chinese men and one Chinese woman - Two Irish men and one Irish woman - Two American men and one American woman One month later, on these absolutely stunning deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred: * One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman. * The two French men and the French woman are living happily together in a mnage a trois. * The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman. * The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them. * The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman. * The two Bulgarian men took one look at the Bulgarian woman and started swimming to another island. * The two Japanese have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions. * The two Chinese men have set up a pharmacy/liquor store/restaurant/laundry, and have gotten the woman pregnant in order to supply employees for their store. * The two Irish men divided the island into North and South and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture because it gets somewhat foggy after a few liters of coconut whiskey. However, they're satisfied because the English aren't having any fun. * The two American men are contemplating suicide, because the American woman will not shut up and complains relentlessly about her body, the true nature of feminism, what the sun is doing to her skin, how she can do anything they can do, the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palm trees make her look fat, how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her nicer than they do, and how her relationship with her mother is the root cause of all her problems, and why didn't they bring a damn cell phone so they could call 911 and get them all rescued off this Godforsaken deserted island in the middle of freaking nowhere so she can get her nails done and go shopping. posted by Kevin @

blogID=3773360&postID=107931260323926320 "WHAT do you give someone whos been proved innocent after spending the best part of their life behind bars, wrongfully convicted of a crime they didnt commit? "An apology, maybe? Counselling? Champagne? Compensation? Well, if youre David Blunkett, the Labour Home Secretary, the choice is simple: you give them a big, fat bill for the cost of board and lodgings for the time they spent freeloading at Her Majestys Pleasure in British prisons." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107931213017388532 "What if Reality TV were based on REAL reality?" One of my favorites: PMS Island - Put a two guys on an island with twenty women and hide a bottle of Midol. See how long they can survive until they find it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107929428837540305 From Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children by Angus Oblong. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107929396855959088 The Ossuary in Sedlec. I've always loved this place. If you've never heard of it, you're really missing out. It's a cathedral made of human bones. Check out the pictures, ultra-cool. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107928559814707040 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107928517192061460

Saturday, March 13, 2004


by Kevin @

Very Funny. You've always wondered how the other sex experiences an orgasm... Do you want to see the difference? Then try this Orgasmic Simulation. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107923268224424234 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107923212673441756 Authorities in Papua New Guinea ordered police to search part of a remote island after locals told of seeing a giant dinosaur-like creature roaming the area, local media reported on Friday. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107923019275049847 My Squirrel name is "Fluffy Honeynuts." That sounds really gross. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=10792297590180145 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107922966811440429

Sick, sad, and tragic. Nine People Found Dead in California Home A 57-Year-Old Man Surrenders to Police By BRIAN SKOLOFF, AP FRESNO, Calif. (March 13) - Police discovered nine bodies intertwined in a pile of clothes at a Fresno home and 10 coffins stacked along a wall, and were trying to determine if some ritual was involved in the slaughter. A 57-year-old man surrendered to police after walking out of the house covered in what appeared to be blood. The victims were seven children ranging in age from 1 to 8, a 20-year-old woman and a 17-year-old girl. All were thought to be the children of Marcus Wesson, whom police handcuffed following a brief standoff. Authorities said Saturday that Wesson had been arrested on suspicion of killing the victims, but wouldn't comment until an afternoon news conference on what charges prosecutors might file. The grim scene caused even veteran officers to weep. Police Chief Jerry Dyer wiped tears from his eyes as officers carried the bodies from the home, cradling the youngest ones in their arms. ''I've been with the Fresno Police Department for 25 years, and I've never experienced anything of this nature,'' he said. Dyer said the victims probably were Wesson's children. ''There may have been some type of ritual involved,'' he said. Officers were originally called to the scene Friday afternoon for a child custody dispute. Ten coffins lined a wall inside the home's front room. The bodies were so entangled in a pile of clothing that it took hours for investigators to reach a final count, police said. The police chief declined to say how the victims died, but the scene was so gruesome some of the first officers into the house were placed on administrative leave and were being counseled Friday night. Six police chaplains were at the house throughout the evening as detectives continued to gather evidence. Officers were called to the home Friday afternoon by two women who said a man had their children and would not release them. The man initially ignored orders to come out, running into a back bedroom as two other women fled the house. They were unharmed. Police believe the suspect fathered the victims with the four women. They did not identify the women or the victims. A neighbor, Chris Tognazzini, said he heard two gunshots moments before police arrived. Dyer said the women who called authorities told them they had given custody of their children to Wesson two years ago and now wanted them back. The slayings shocked authorities in Fresno, a city of 440,000 about 190 miles southeast of San Francisco. Dyer said the city had seen three murders in the last 2 1/2 months, the fewest number for a 10-week period in more than three decades. The nine deaths represent the largest mass killing in this San Joaquin Valley city since 1993, when seven people were killed in rural Fresno. ''The only thing we can do now is mourn. We mourn for the kids, we mourn for the police,'' said Mayor Alan Autry. ''We will never be the same again.'' Wesson had a strong influence on his sons, said Florian Tan, who in 2001 took over the martial arts school where three of the sons attended classes. Each boy had to earn a black belt in aikido in order to leave home when he reached manhood, Tan said. ''They said they had to go through his program,'' which included martial arts training, Tan said. He added that two of the sons, now in their twenties, earned black belts and a teenage boy is still enrolled at the school. Neighbors who milled around outside said they knew little about Wesson or the house where a large yellow bus was parked in the driveway. ''He never said 'Hi,''' said Linda Morales. ''I'd drive by and he'd make a point to turn his face.'' Another neighbor, Johnny Rios, said that on many nights he heard loud banging coming from the house, as though the people inside were building something. ''There was something up over there,'' Rios said.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107922744107529123 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107922722663017487

Friday, March 12, 2004

Current Mood: Tired, but happy and relaxed. Current Music: See below. I planned on writing this post a few hours ago, but then I found this site,, and I've spent the last several hours playing with it. I know I've said this before, and I know I'll say it again, but this is one of the coolest sites ever. It's got several different "Dub Selectors." Little Flash powered programs that have several different musical background loops, and various other things the click or play with that make other sounds to accompany the music. Just go check it out yourself. This is the best one: I've got one of the loops from it playing right now, my favorite combination is the third or fourth flower, they're both good, combined with the third bouncy thing, and a little tune I developed on the stars. This site really relaxed me too, it's great. I haven't felt this good in a long time. I really needed it too, it was a really hard day, which is what I was going to write about. Work today started off bad. The last few days they've been putting in a new computer system and stuff at work, but it's taking them a while, and they keep leaving us in the middle of it for a day or two. So today we had no back line screens. Normally, A person takes the order, then the cooks make it, and then a third person sacks the order, or puts it on a tray. Today we had registers, but none of the other screens, so when we rang up an order, the cooks and the sacker didn't know what the order was, so we had to tell them. It was really annoying. And to top it all off, this was one of the busiest days in years. We made over $1100 dollars on breakfast alone. Normally if it gets up to $900 or so that's a pretty busy breakfast. Breakfast was so busy we actually ran out of biscuits about ten minutes before breakfast was supposed to be over, so we had to start serving lunch a few minutes early. We ran out so quickly, we couldn't even make the orders of a couple of people that had already ordered. We had to apologize and give them their money back. After breakfast we didn't expect we'd be very busy, because school was out today for some teacher's meeting thing, and then they start spring break Monday. So we didn't figure out lunch would be that busy, because we wouldn't have the high school lunch rush like usual. We were wrong. About 12:15 it got very busy, and didn't stop until almost 3:30, which is really weird, because most days it gets really slow and we hardly have any orders between 1:30 and 3:00. It was so busy no one could get their work done. I had to clean the bathrooms today, which is usually done around 12:30 but today it was almost 2:00 before I got the chance to clean them. They finally got our screens fixed about 2:00, but the new system sucks, it's almost as bad as not having the screens at all. And also, most of our customers seemed to be even stupider than usual today. So that's why I'm tired and why I needed to relax. OK, I'm gonna watch a movie or something and go to bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107914846327214260,1283,62643,00.html?tw=rss.TOP The Bush-Cheney presidential campaign disabled features of a tool on its website Thursday that pranksters were using to mock the Republican presidential ticket. The tool originally let users generate a full-size campaign poster in PDF format, customized with a short slogan of their choice. But Bush critics began using the site to place their own snarky political messages above a Bush-Cheney '04 logo and a disclaimer stating that the poster was paid for by Bush-Cheney '04, Inc... ...At Cox's request, close to 200 Wonkette readers sent in slogans which they had slipped through the system. Among them: "Run for your lives," "They sure smell like old people," and the Orwellian, "A boot stomping on a human face forever." Cox also published lists of words the tool was allowing and, perhaps more tellingly, those it was not. Not surprisingly, it rejected the usual four-letter words and sexual lingo, but it also banned more innocuous terms like "stupid," "evil," "terrorists" and "Iraq." ... ...It accepts a lot. Including "racist" and "homophobe." Go figure. A partial list of words it won't accept: Dumb Stupid Queer Faggot Fascism Evil Lying Scum Terrorists Sodomy Rape Pillage Fart Fistfucking Blowing Pedophile Iraq posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107913616542809742

Thursday, March 11, 2004 I had completely forgotten about this show, even after seeing the website, I only vaguely remember it. It was some really funny and vulgar puppet show that used to be on MTV, I think. I came across this site while reading an article about Liam Lynch, the guy who sings that "United States of Whatever" song. Turns out, he created this show. Here's another article about it, it tells the whole story behind Liam Lynch and the show: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107905854943285431

Current Mood: Still sick; bored. Current Music: Pink Floyd's "The Wall." I don't know anything about Hellboy, I've never read the comics or anything, but I really want to see the movie that's coming out. It's looks really cool. The visual style of the movie reminds me of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which was a really good movie. This Hellboy looks just as good. Hellboy himself looks really cool too. I was off work today, and this day has sucked. I haven't really done anything today, I haven't even been at the computer much. I completed another chapter of the small business course I am taking, then me and my sister Marci played Halo for a while, and that's it really. I watched my Red vs. Blue DVD for the fourth time since I got it. It never gets old. A bunch of us played Halo over at Daniel's house last night, and everyone but one person had seen the DVD, because one of them also bought it last week, and everyone else borrowed it from him, so we kept quoting lines from it while we were playing, and then laughing like idiots. For example, Phillip kept saying "Fuckberries!" when he'd die. And someone else said "Simmons... get the warthog." a couple of times. And we all kept saying "chupa-thingy" and then everyone would laugh. There were also lots of jokes about pink armor. I did better than usual last night. I actually came in first place a couple of times. I couldn't beleive it, I didn't turn on the computer the whole day yesterday. I never had the chance. First I had to go to be at work at 7:00am, which is an hour earlier than usual. Then, as soon as I got home, I changed clothes and stuff, and loaded up my X-Box and a TV, and went over to Daniel's, and then came home at around 11:30. I hated having to work 7 to 4 the last two work days. What's even worse, is that now that's my normal shift, I work 7 to 4 four of the five days I work this week. Which is cool in a way, because it will be more money. Also, if they don't send me home early any of those days, I will get a few hours of overtime. I haven't gotten overtime in five or six years. Mornings have gotten really busy the last few weeks, so they are increasing several shifts. The 8 to 4 is now 7 to 4, and the 6 to 1 is now 6 to 2 most days. Oh man, this is a really old episode of the Simpsons that is on right now. The art style is kinda weird looking, and their motions are a lot more "cartoony" looking than they are now. Also, Smithers appears to be a black man with blue-grey hair. Oh, cool, Spongebob is on. That's much better than the Simpsons, I only watch them when there's absolutely nothing else on. Not that they're not funny or anything, I just never really got into that show. I really get tired of italicizing things. I guess I could just put them in quotes, but italics is better. Man I'm bored. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107905389491046027,12543,358540,00.html "There's a cheat code in the software running the BMW M3's sequential manual gearbox (SMG): Press the right buttons in the right order and the car will launch you from a stop after revving the engine to 5,000 rpm. But don't look for a how-to in the owners' manualthis feature is undocumented, an inside joke of sorts." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107903358650603649 Explore the sensual contours of Earth's Body. Hilarious. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107903312754774490 US scientists have created the first glowing butterfly, by inserting two genes into its DNA that give jellyfish fluorescent properties. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107903104737991909

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Angry Rant Time: In the form of a conversation I just had with Melissa. subspecies23: god dammit, I am getting so sick of this low carb craze

missy_custer: lol subspecies23: now coke and pepsi are introducing low carb sodas missy_custer: oh man missy_custer: that's pathetic subspecies23: and all the fast food places are getting all this low carb stuff subspecies23: we're getting this new product at Carl's that if I see anyone actually order, I will slap them. It's like an instant heart attack in a bowl. I can't beleive anyone would actually eat it subspecies23: first, for me to describe it to you, you have to know what a loaded omlette, one of our other products is... subspecies23: the loaded omlette is an omlette biscuit, it a folded egg with two types of cheese, and crumbled sausage, bacon and ham folded in it, and then another peice of cheese is put on top of that, and then it's put on a buttered biscuit. The employees call it a heart attack biscuit missy_custer: lol lol heart attack biscuit? subspecies23: but this new product we're getting is called a breakfast bowl. It's got two scrambled eggs, with two strips of bacon put on top of them, sme crumbled cheese, and then, a loaded omlette without the biscuit is put on top of that, then more crumbled bacon, and more shredded cheese subspecies23: and we're selling it as HEALTH FOOD, because it's low carb! missy_custer: roflmfao subspecies23: and people will buy it, and claim that they're eating healthy missy_custer: ugh, bacon and ham...are just NOT good for a person subspecies23: and then, if they don't have an instant heart attack, I will kill them MYSELF! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107887852087203961

I had planned on writing a long post today, but I feel like crap today, so I don't know how it will turn out. I ordered some stuff a while back, and so I was awaiting the arrival of three shipments, and all three of them arrived yesterday. I was expecting one of them any day now, but I wasn't expecting the other two for another week or so. The first item is an "Anybody but Bush in '04" bumper sticker from The next thing is this poster:, from But the coolest thing was that my DVD came in! And it's funny as hell. I love this series. Even if I wasn't obsessed with Halo, I'd still love it. Here's a conversation that takes place in one episode, which reminds me of some of the conversations me and Alicia have been having lately: "What's a freelancer?" "Freelancers are independent, they're not Red or Blue. They're just guns for hire, who will fight for whoever has the most money." "Like a mercenary!" "Right! Or like your mom when the rent's due." "Oh! That's funny!" "Yeah? You didn't think that was too obvious?" "No, no, not at all, that was good." So anyway, my allergies have been bad the last few days again. And I feel really bad today. My eyes have been burning all day, so I can't stare at this screen all day like usual. Also, I'm really tired, and can't really concentrate on anything. It looks like I may have to edit my Other Blogs links list again soon. Several of the sites on there haven't been posted to in weeks. "Ugly Fat Kid" hasn't posted in a couple of weeks, which sucks, because it was a very funny site. And it's been almost a month since "The Phone Girl's Diary" was posted to. Ok, I'm gonna have to go now. Maybe I'll feel like writing more later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107886971138302851 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107886802307179729 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107886700926073722 Very Interesting... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107886554958668507

Monday, March 08, 2004

I take back all the nice things I said about Straight Plan for the Gay Man. I previously said I liked this show, but now I hate it. Mainly just because one of the first things they do is get rid of the gay people's books. They say that straight guys don't read books. The only things straight guys read are things like Playboy, and Sports Illustrated. They're like "Whoa, is that a real book he's reading? I'm not sure, I've never actually seen a book before." But... wait... what's this? I do believe it's something called... VINDICATION! My friends always used to make fun of me for wearing sweat pants, but here they are buying the guy lots of sweat pants, saying that they're the ultimate in guy clothing, they can be worn anywhere, at anytime. "They're pajamas you can wear out. Once you put on your sweatpants, you're done. You're done for that day, that night, the next day, and the next night." Of course, my friends had a point too, besides the one on top of their heads. Sweat pants were all I ever wore. Every day, 24/7 for a year or two. And on me, the sweatpants made me look bad, because it sort of emphasized that I was a fat-ass.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107880192701033305 "The Virtual Laser Keyboard leverages the power of laser and infrared technology and projects a full-size keyboard onto any flat surface. As you type on the laser projection; it analyzes what you're typing by the coordinates of that location." This makes the geek in me drool uncontrollably. I want this. Too bad it's NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MY FUCKING MAC! Shut up. I said SHUT UP. And it's only $99! I was expecting a price tag of several hundred. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107879931471519670

I just learned a great new way to say that you vomited. "Shouting soup." I've never heard that one before. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107879679533873606

Sunday, March 07, 2004 I just think about how O.J. Simpson is running around free, how much real harm was caused by the Enron and Worldcom executives who destroyed people's pensions and their savings and became billionaires in the process. I think about what Congress has done to the Social Security system and that none of them are in jail. I think about how George Bush has killed thousands of Iraqi civilians, crippled children and how he's siphoned billions of dollars out of taxpayer's pockets and put it into the pocket of his friends. George Bush has not been charged with any crimes, he's running for president and will probably win. Martha Stewart sold some stock when the government didn't like it. She probably lied to the government. She did not steal other people's money or kill anybody. The government's actions have cost the taxpayers millions and have cost investors in Stewart's company billions. Many more people have been injured by the government's actions than by Martha Stewart's actions. Martha Stewart is going to jail when so many real criminals are still free. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107871044823821771 The cost of the War on Drugs. The U.S. Federal Government spent $19.179 billion dollars in 2003 on the War on Drugs, at a rate of about $600 per second. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107871032109792237

I just got back home, after deciding to leave the house for a while and go shopping. Mainly to see if I could find a store somewhere that had that new CD I keep seeing advertised on TV. After going to a couple of places, I finally found it. Several of the songs they play in the commercial aren't even on it though, I don't think. Though off the top of my head I can't tell you which ones. All I know is that on the commercial, half the songs they play or mention are songs that I know and love, but on the actual CD, there's only 3 tracks out of 22 that I've heard of. For example, they play some Fatboy Slim song that I like, but it's not even on this CD, the only Fatboy Slim song on the CD is one I've never even heard of. And I thought I'd heard pretty much everything by Fatboy Slim, he's one of my favorite artists. At Hastings, where I finally found the CD. They had a new energy drink called Pimpjuice. That sounds stupid, dirty, and completely unappetizing. I saw Titan AE for the first time last night. Alica wanted to borrow my copy of Fight Club because she still never had seen it, and so she loaned me Titan AE in return, because she had been talking about it a few nights ago, and I mentioned I'd never seen it. I still didn't really want to see it, it just didn't look that good to me, but I watched it anyway. It was ok. It wasn't great, but it was pretty good. Not as good as Fight Club, but then, nothing is. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107869921214235148 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107869916635903060 GOP committee says's spots are illegally financed. Fucking lying republicans. I know They are mostly funded by small donations from normal citizens. I myself donated to them once. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107868279525848684 The first week of Marc Dutroux's complex trial ended on Friday. This trial is about a man charged with child abduction, rape and murder, a man who is deep in the centre of an "extremely wide ring of paedophiles", although this is proving hard to be brought to light, and is due to go until June. The names of two of Dutroux's victims that come straight to mind are Julie and Melissa followed closely by An and Eefje. All four girls were raped, Julie and Melissa were starved to death and An and Eefje were drugged and buried alive. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107868195505716111 Looks at thousands of webpages, to see what the most used words and subjects were for that day. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107868165647044113 Infiltration offers a mix of the practice and theory of urban exploration in areas not designed for public usage. This site is the online companion of the paper zine about going places you're not supposed to go. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107868143993127436

You know what I really hate? People who write their blogs like they talk in Instant Messages, and use internet shorthand like lol, and, OMG. I'm sure you've probably seen many blogs like that before. I know I have. They usually seem to be written by teenage girls too. OMG, I wuz at school today, and Mike totally looked at me!!!1!1! i thgout I wuz gonna wet myself! LOL OMG! BTW i'm and idiot! Blogs like that make me want to kill everyone. You may have noticed I never use things like lol in my posts, even though I really want to sometimes. I'm really bad about using lol in my IMs, sometimes it bugs me how much I use it. I put lol after almost every sentence. I've also noticed that I use "like" a lot, which is a common problem with lots of people these days. I try to catch and edit myself, to lower the amount of times I use it, but sometimes I still overuse it. It also bugs me how much I use the words "or something," or, "or something like that." I also overuse the word "cool." Everytime I post something I'm just like (ugh), "This is really cool!" I need find other ways to say that something is cool. Lately I've started using the phrase "this kicks ass," occasionally, but that's stupid. Bah, enough complaining. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107868004392327536

I like Leslie Nielsen movies. Some people I know hate them, but I like them. I just saw about the last 45 minutes of one, I didn't know what it was called until the ending theme song, which was sung by Weird Al Yankovic, and was pretty funny. Turns out it was called Spy Hard. It was pretty funny. At one point, Leslie Nielsen, or, Dick Steele, as his character was called, said this: "Some people say walking down the street muttering to yourself is crazy. I'll tell you what's crazy, walking down the street with half a cantaloupe on your head saying, 'I'm a hamster, I'm a hamster.' That's crazy." I hate cantaloupe, but I do walk around talking to myself, and I often say "I'm a hamster." I must be crazy. But I already new that. Damn, I just missed one of the Back to the Future movies. I think it was the second one. I love those movies. Oh shit, now Full House is coming on this channel. Where's the remote? Cool, Dogma is coming on Comedy Central. The censored version sucks though, and I've seen the movie at least ten times anyway. Ok, enough about what's on the TV. I just got a really weird spam porn email, which I often read just for laughs. Or sometimes to visit the site, so what. I like porn. Anyway, this email was apparently sent by a dwarf. From: "Foreshadows Q. Malthus" To: Kunderw Subject: RE:messasge from candyland lets meet tonight salsa Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 00:01:01 -0800 My name is Candy and just got my first webcam...woohoo.yyaa Im looking to meet some new people and have some fun, will you come playwith me? If you must know, I'm 4" 10' slim figure and have a great set ofknoockers, wanna see me today Candy

Weird. Well, that's it for now. I'm off today, so I'll probably make several more posts. Not like I have anything else to do today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107867923797524041

Saturday, March 06, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107861426438916173

THIS is TRUE for 29 February 2004 Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------------------EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY: After an accident, Sharon Anderson, 28, of Dale, S.C., told sheriff's deputies that she hit a large animal, theorizing it must have been a rhinoceros. Clearly not -- the rhino isn't exactly indigenous to South Carolina. A deputy found the 400-500 pound animal dead from its injuries: a hippopotamus, which had wandered away from a private preserve. But even with the police report to back her up, people don't believe she hit a hippo, Anderson says. "They say stop lying, there's no hippos around here." (Bluffton Carolina Morning News) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107861160961505173

Friday, March 05, 2004

That new Spongebob special wasn't that good. It was ok, but it wasn't as funny as most episodes. Now there's nothing to watch. Maybe I'll watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. I watched Full Metal Jacket last night. I love that movie. I love everything I've seen by Stanley Kubrick. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107854273906219333

Success At age 4, success is... not peeing in your pants. At age 12, success is... having friends. At age 16, success is... having a driver's license. At age 20, success is... having sex. At age 35, success is... having money. At age 50, success is... having money. At age 60, success is... having sex. At age 70, success is... having a driver's license. At age 75, success is... having friends. At age 80, success is... not peeing in your pants. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107854117833653924

I'm sick again today. I think it's just allergies, but maybe not. My eyes are itchy, and my sinuses are horrible, which seems like allergies. However, I'm also coughing, which I don't usually do when I have allergies, and this morning I felt achy all over and I was just completely out of it, like with the flu. I was so tired and half-unconscious that I kept almost falling asleep and almost falling over at work. By the afternoon I started feeling a little better, but then, after I went home, my sinuses got worse than ever. By dinner-time I couldn't breathe at all, and couldn't taste a thing I was eating. I hate that. We've had some pretty bad weather the last few days. It was fine today, but about 11:00am Wednesday morning it suddenly started raining really hard, and soon it turned into the first thunderstorm of the season. Oklahoma Spring weather had arrived. It rained the entire day, very hard at times. By night many streets in Oklahoma City were starting to become flooded. It finally stopped for a while around midnight, but after a while it started raining off and on, and continued to rain occasionally the next day too. We were in tornado warnings all day too, but none ever hit. They had to shut down parts of I-240 because it was flooded, and many parts of the state are still underwater. Some parts of the state had the worst flooding seen in 20 years. I love Spring in Oklahoma. I mean that, I love storms and bad weather. Just as long as a tornado doesn't hit my house. We don't have to worry about tornados in my town, though, as the town is surrounded by several creeks and rivers, and tornados don't often cross water. We haven't had a tornado in Purcell in decades, I don't know the exact amount of time, but it's been since before I was born. Some hit out on the edge of town, out in the country, and past the protection of the water, but none have hit the main town in a long time. We've started selling paper shamrocks at work. They cost a dollar, which goes to Jerry's Kids and the fight against Muscular Dystrophy. If you buy one, we write your name on it, and hang it on the wall. There are prizes and stuff for the employees who sell the most, and the restaurant which sells the most. Yesterday Alicia sold over sixty of them. I sold four. It's not really that I'm a bad salesman or anything, it's just that she was working drive-thru, and I was front counter and lobby. Drive-thru has several times the amount of orders that the lobby has, and the customers are more receptive to things like that. Most of my customers in the morning are the old men that sit around and drink coffee all morning, and high-school kids on their lunch break. Neither are very likely to buy the shamrocks. Most of the old men just give me dirty looks when I ask them, and I usually don't even bother asking the school kids. Some lady called up yesterday all angry about us selling them. She said we shouldn't be asking our customers for donations. I don't know why. She was really angry about it though. The manager wasn't very happy with her. He told her that it's not our fault anyway, we're made to do it by the corporation, and if she has a problem with it, to take it up with them. As I mentioned earlier, Alicia moved to a new blog, and, as I mentioned the other day, I've been thinking about it as well. If I can find a hosting service that's better than Blogger, I may switch. I'm still not sure. I'm going to look at some other sites now, and see what they have to offer. Cool, the new special episode of Spongebob, "Spongebob Goes Prehistoric," premieres in half an hour. I've been wanting to see that.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107853816683881479 Some people with very active imaginations have discovered that you can find the shapes of several different animals on maps of the London Underground. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107853532348076136 Jaswant Rai Speciality Hospital, Meerut, India. A 27-year-old lady presented with persistent cough, sputum and fever for the preceding six months. Inspite of trials with antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis treatment for the preceeding four months, her symptoms did not improve. A subsequent chest radiograph showed non-homogeneous collapse-consolidation of right upper lobe. Videobronchoscopy revealed an inverted bag like structure in right upper lobe bronchus and rigid bronchoscopic removal with biopsy forceps confirmed the presence of a condom. Detailed retrospective history also confirmed accidental inhalation of the condom during fellatio. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107853426267701376

Kick ass! I've just been linked to by! Which is seriously exciting. I've been reading her blog everyday for over a year and a half. Her's was the second blog I started reading, the first was Alicia's Speaking of which, Alicia has gotten a new blog. She's leaving her old one, but it will still be there, just not used much. Her new site is at That's all for now, I'm going to go play Halo with my sister. I'll write more later. Probably. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107852596543173918

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm a Vampire, You're a Vampire! Hisssss! You're the oddball who sits quietly at parties. You rarely speak, but when you do, its usually so crazy that you probably shouldnt have said it at all. You dumb vampire. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107845539457167726 OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE BEST FLASH GAME EVER! It's kinda like Sonic the Hedgehog, but with a squirrel instead. And the music kicks ass! AND ITS GOT A SQUIRREL! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107845526657657082 Another story about a potentially world-changing scientific discovery -- desktop fusion. Not really adult, but sexy, and probably not work-safe. Some woman made up to look like some kind of futuristic robo-stripper or something. She looks really cool. And hot. Oh my god. You really MUST watch this, it's the most outrageous thing I've ever seen. It's a clip from an old 70's children show filled with the most blatant sexual innuendo I've ever seen. Very funny and shocking. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107845383636922362 This is a very exciting concept. And of course my first thought upon seeing this was of the exosuits in Halo. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107844543145207868 ADULT: Grant Stoddard has sex with a, all in the name of science.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107844439993082444

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=10783652702150288 Very funny videos made using Halo. Seeing it for yourself would be easier than me trying to explain it, but, basically, they go to multiplayer mode on the game, and record the people running around and stuff, and then dub voices over it. This has nothing to do with the above post, but you know how sometimes on blogs and other sites, they'll have a link to some news story, but when you click it, the news page tells you you have to sign up before you can view their stories? The New York Times is one of the main sites that does this. Anyway, someone got sick and tired of this, so they created an account on the New York Times site, and is distributing the screen name and password all over the internet, so anyone can use it. So far I only know of the one for the New York Times site, but there may be others out there. So, any time you try to view a story on the New York Times site, and it wants you to enter a screen name and password, simply use this one: Screen Name: fucknyt Password: fucknyt posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107834624492357728 And their main site posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107834474090917890 I hate people who use words incorrectly. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107834386917080030 The Bush presidency is like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Now Bush wants to cut down the 3000-year-old Giant Sequoia trees in California. Which, I may remind you, are currently protected by federal law. And a related story on the follies of Bush: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107834292460661513 This is a very long article, but it's also extremely interesting. Especially if you're into things like this, which I am. Keywords: Stanley Kubrick, 2001, gnostic traditions, alchemy, philosopher's stone, transcendence, evolution of mankind, hidden teachings. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107834244372787560 The blog of a college girl at OU, which is only 20 miles or so from where I live. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107833639790715331

Monday, March 01, 2004

I can't beleive I'm saying this, but I actually like this show Straight Plan for the Gay Man, on Comedy Central. This guy on here tonight is about the gayest person I've ever seen. I should pay attention to this show. I may not be gay, but I still don't know much about how to act like a guy sometimes. OK, that was stupid though. They just told this guy that for his apartment to look like a straight guy lives there, he'd have to get rid of the toys, knickknacks, and BOOKS. My god, this guy is just so incredibly gay. His apartment looks even gayer to me now that they're done with it. They covered every available surface with leopard skin and other animal prints and gold fabrics. It looks gayer to me that way. I need to get a dog. This guy's just standing on the street corner with a puppy, and like every woman that walks by is giving him her number. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819671713591554 Get an extra ten hours of play time for long trips using two AA and two 9-volt batteries. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819571023860255

Yes, I realize that this is the godzillionth post I've made today. This is really weird, but cool. "Despite the fact that this term may conjure images of underwear, it is used to describe instances where items of clothing have been deliberately hidden or buried in a building. The evidence for this practice dates back to the Middle Ages. Builders, owners or residents appear to have hidden clothing and other objects in the fabric of buildings, intentionally sealing the space afterwards. Garments have been discovered at a later time when changes are being made to a building. They have been found most commonly near entrance and exit points in buildings, for example windows or chimneys. In some instances the hidden clothing has been found with other objects, concealed at the same or a later time, for example coins and documents. Typically the garments that have been found are clothes that have been worn and used before they have been hidden. The tradition of concealing clothes can be related to the practice of concealing other objects such as dried cats, witch bottles and charms in buildings. These types of object have been discovered hidden in similar places. The concealing of these items including garments can be related to folklore and superstitious traditions relating to the ritual protection of a household and its inhabitants. Concealed garments are most often found with other objects in a cache." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819411210699278 A list of "Firsts." I particularly like the first email spam. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819381293086805

From Monday, March 01, 2004 my true love sent me to an interesting link on yahoo/reuters that says that only 10% of bloggers update every day. and it says that of internet users only 13% have websites and only 2% have blogs! tap tap tap is this thing on? people of earth wake up and get a damn blog! they're free you know. look at me: im not a handsome man. i spout off on shit that people say i dont know anything about. in fact nothing on here is true, allegedly. and not only has blogging gotten me cold hard cash, but gifts, emails of encouragement from the fellas, and offers of decadence from the ladies.

witness a conversation that took place mere hours ago: Superhotbeachgirl: hi Tony dumbass_me: hi baby Superhotbeachgirl: Do you know Marc Brown? dumbass_me: very well Superhotbeachgirl: cause he's coming to florida and wants to meet up dumbass_me: nice Superhotbeachgirl: you should come with him dumbass_me: i wish dumbass_me: marc lives in a sweet loft dumbass_me: drives a phat car dumbass_me: owns a great web development company, invented Buzznet dumbass_me: im just a bum Superhotbeachgirl: you are not a bum dumbass_me: whens he gonna be out there? Superhotbeachgirl: I don't know, this week I think dumbass_me: damn dumbass_me: if i went out there would you let me put sunscreen on your back? Superhotbeachgirl: I most deffanitly would, not that i need it, im originally from hawaii dumbass_me: ive been told i have nice hands dumbass_me: but those girls are typically drugged when they mumble those things Superhotbeachgirl: you can take all my college girl stress right away? dumbass_me: um why does this girl know me? blogging. why does she want me? who knows. how is marc brown gonna make his fortune? blogging. it's how you get hot chicks if you cant play guitar. ive told you this over and over. i document it. i take pictures. you see it yourself. and yet i read these sorts of reports all the time. reports that say that blogging is increasing but not skyrocketting. you all saw ryan perry from gorilla mask launch his blog and wham, madpony kristin went flying out to meet him. you saw that one chick tell everyone that she was addicted to buying things on her credit card and she needed help paying off her debts. and the whole web gave her money to pay off her debts. you saw will weaton turn into just another washed up has-been child actor into the blogging star that he is now. you saw adam curry actually get *respect* from the internet through blogging when being an mtv vj only gave him bucketloads of due shame. i could go on and on. blogging will change your life. it will make it better. maybe not for all of you, but for most of you. blogging is an even playing field. you can do it anonymously if you want. you can put your pics all over if you want. you can lie you can tell the truth. you can show up to the party late and take over if you do it right. tell me one person who isnt interested in reading a good new blog. it can be you. you have to update every day, though, unless youre hot like madpony. but even they should update every day. write, people. write. i Know you have stories to tell. otherwise dumbshits like me will just swoop into your town with mc brown and scoop up all the white women. and hawaiian grrrls.

Hmmm, so far, my blog hasn't done shit for me. I don't have any fans really, other than people I already knew. Or if I have them, they never say anything. Gusto is the only person I didn't already know that I've heard from since starting this blog a year and a half ago. I haven't gained any new friends from this blog, and I certainly haven't gotten girls or money from it. Of course, my blog sucks. About all I ever do anymore is post links, and maybe some stupid comments about whatever it is I'm linking to, usually along the lines of "This is cool!" My vocabulary sucks, I sound like a 12-year-old half the time. I have a vocabulary of like 100 words. What happened to my vocabulary? I used to have an incredible vocabulary, that amazed my teachers at school. Now, over the last few years, my vocabulary just keeps steadily getting smaller and stupider. The other reason my posts suck is because I have no life. My posts are all just crap like "I went to work today, work sucks, our

customers are stupid. I hate them." Or, "I didn't work today, so I stayed at home all day on my lazy ass and sat here at the computer almost the entire day. Then I went to Best Buy and bought a video game and/or DVD. It's cool. Hooray for hamsters." And what little of a life I do have, I edit myself and don't write about all the things I could write about because I'm embarrased because people I know read this thing. So I don't ever write things like "I worked with (girl's name) tonight, I really like her, I wonder if I'd ever have a chance with her, blah blah blah." I've been thinking about starting another blog, and not telling anyone I know about it. I've been thinking about doing that for most of the time I've had this blog, but I hate doing that, because even though I never hear from them, I like to pretend that I have fans because I get at least 100 hits a week lately. Over half of these, however, are people who came across this site accidentally while searching for "lesbian midgets with hamsters" or something like that. Also, another reason I don't want to get rid of this one is because, most of the time, I like having all my friends (all three of them) read this blog, because it lets me share links and other things with them, so if I did start another blog, I'd still want to keep this one, so then I'd have two blogs that I'd be posting mostly the same stuff to, and it would just be a stupid hassle and take up even more of my time than just this one does. Anyway, I think I may go look at some other blogging sites. Even if I don't decide to make a second blog, I've also thought about moving this to a different, better, blog hoster, though I hate to do that, because I don't want to lose my archives. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819250037396614 The best blog I've seen in a long time. This is going in the links list. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819223783790993 These are some funny as hell t-shirts. I want the "Lickalottapuss" one. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819185463346151 Funny as Hell, which is where I'm going. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107819062213390190 This is fucking fantastic. You know those people who claim that if you play "Stairway to Heaven" or other rock songs backwards, you get Satanic messages? Well, here's a handy little flash animation that has a portion of the song you can play forwards and backwards, to hear the supposed Satanic messages, and even gives the reverse lyrics: "Oh here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give you give you 666, there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan." That's great. But for some reason that line about the toolshed where he made us suffer gives me the creeps. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107818905645311245

Holy Fucking Ouch!,2933,112773,00.html My mother said that must've been the longest minute in that woman's life. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107818833531272463 This is pretty cool. I'm not much of a fan of Body Modification, but I wouldn't mind having magnets implanted in my body. I've always loved magnets. When I was a kid I was always playing with magnets, and building electromagnets. I like electricity too. I like getting electrocuted. When I was a little kid, I had a train set, and I used to take the wires off of it, and attach them to my finger, and give myself a mild electric shock. A few years ago, I went out onto the porch to plug in the Christmas lights, and the porch was really wet from rain, and I got a pretty good shock. I jumped about two feet in the air, and my legs were numb for at least half an hour. It was scary, but also really cool. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107818289789522995

I didn't watch the oscars last night, and in fact, I didn't even know they were on last night until they were almost over. I didn't watch them, but I heard about it, and I'm pretty excited. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won everything it was nominated for (or that's what I heard anyway). What I do know for sure is that it won 11 Oscars, tying it with Titanic, and Ben-Hur for the most Oscars ever won by a single movie. Here's the complete list of who won what: Best Picture

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" Best Actor Sean Penn, ''Mystic River'' Best Actress Charlize Theron, ''Monster'' Best Supporting Actor Tim Robbins, ''Mystic River'' Best Supporting Actress Rene Zellweger, ''Cold Mountain'' Best Director Peter Jackson, ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Adapted Screenplay ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Original Screenplay ''Lost in Translation'' Best Foreign Language Film ''The Barbarian Invasions'' Best Animated Feature Film ''Finding Nemo'' Best Cinematography ''Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World'' Best Short Film (Live Action) ''Two Soldiers'' Best Short Film (Animated) ''Harvie Krumpet'' Best Documentary Short Subject ''Chernobyl Heart'' Best Documentary Feature ''The Fog of War'' Best Art Direction ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Visual Effects ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Sound Mixing ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Sound Editing ''Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World'' Best Film Editing ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Song ''Into the West'' (''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'') Best Score ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Costume Design ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' Best Makeup ''The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'' posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107818151557319636 WARNING: ADULT posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107817980645655858

Sunday, February 29, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107811510406030889

Taken from The Passion of Christ So I'm sitting in this caf, thinking about going to check out that new Mel Gibson slasher flick. But then, then this fucker next to me starts talking. And get this, he freaking TELLS ME THE ENDING. Damn. Guess I don't have to see it now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107811493200330414 This is cool, it is, in it's own words, "A web site republishing the best blog posts from around the web." I'm adding this to the "Other Blogs" list of links. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107811412271998960 Similar to the aging woman I posted the other day, this is a video that shows the changes in a woman over several months of pregnancy, compressed into a few seconds. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107811380513145336

Hey, check it out, I got a comment service. Now you can leave comments on each specific post. The comment service is provided by Speaking of Halo, me and my sister just beat the game in cooperative mode on the "normal" difficulty level. Next we'll try to beat it on "heroic." Well, that's really all I have to write about. I'm just enjoying my two days off in a row. I was off yesterday, and now I'm off today. Then I'm off again Wednesday, because I have an appointment to get my taxes done. I'm really enjoying having two days off in a row. I finished another chapter of my Small Business Management course, and I really should be working on another one today, but I don't feel like it. I wish I had a chihuahua. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107809443445590753

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Yet another version of the This one is really bloody and violent, and also pretty bad, but just as addictive as the others. In this version there are mines that when hit will launch the penquin even farther. If you manage to hit several in a row you can get some pretty good distance. My best so far was almost 1100m. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107802401007075834

Time for more tests! This test is really accurate. You can click the link and see a more detailed assessment of me. This one is pretty accurate too. But this one was kinda hard to do, I do tend to say whatever's on my mind when it's something critical of others, but when it's something to do with emotions or my feelings for people, I can and do keep it bottled up inside for years. You have to click the link to see my results. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107801396012263151

Friday, February 27, 2004

Wow, Melissa sent me a lot of links tonight, all to various retro t-shirt sites, similar to the one I posted a few days ago. These t-shirts all rock. They are just horribly, wonderfully tacky. I want them all.

Here's the site I've been talking about. I bought a couple of shirts from it the other day. They should be here any day now: Here's another site with unbelievably retro shirts. A paradise of 70's and 80's memories. And really funny, too: More funny, vintage t-shirts: I don't even know how to describe these t-shirts. The only words I can think of are, "terrible," and "scary." This site isn't really vintage or retro, but here's a shirt I really want: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107794128231053987 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107792447890078955 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107792440694715475 This is cool. Her smile never changes her entire life. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107792367593228057

Cool! They've brought back The Incredible Crash Dummies! I loved those things back when they were out in the 90's, and now they're back! They were the toys that looked like the Crash Dummies from the seatbelt commercials, and when you hit the button on their chest, they fell apart, their head and limbs popped off. They were kinda cheap though, they broke really easily. I was always having to buy new ones all the time. Sometimes I'd buy one and it wouldn't even last the whole day. The little springs inside that held them together would bend and the pieces wouldn't attach anymore. You'd make them fly apart, and then suddenly they wouldn't go back together. That's probably why they weren't on the market that long, just a year or so. Hopefully they've fixed that problem this time, and they will be better quality. I'll probably write more later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107792159397490158

Thursday, February 26, 2004

From george you ignorant slut. i hate you. fuck you. fuck you and the people who think like you because what you want to happen to this country isnt american. american is being courageous enough to believe in human rights and free speech and the idea of less government and protection of the minority just the way our slave-owning rich white male forefathers laid out. fuck you for thinking that people need protection from words on the radio or nipples on tv. fuck you for pretending that you think that people need protection from these things because i know how hard you partied in college and i dont even think that you believe that people need protection from nipples. what we need protection from is government. what we need is protection from power hungry moralists who dont even read the bible but thump it. what we need is protection from war-mongreling oil-hungry liars and phonies who send our kids to war to "free" a country when our country is becoming less and less free. fuck you george bush who only wants freedom to the rich and powerful. fuck you for not saying fuck you to the congresswoman who lied to the head of viacom after the superbowl incident. she got on tv and got in front of her committe and she said that she was visiting her mother on superbowl sunday. she said that she has a "sports fanatic 10 year old" who asked for "special permission to watch the super bowl". fuck you for not calling bullshit right there, for what kid needs to ask for special permission to watch a football game in the middle of the day.

fuck you for letting that fucked up woman decide what is right for me and my friends and my neighbors and whatever kids i may or might not have. fuck you for letting this happen because you dont listen to howard, because you dont like nipples on your tv, because you arent interested in freedom. fuck you for having a drunken drugged out youth and letting your daughters have a drugged out drunken youth but you seem not to want anyone else to have any fun. fuck you for fucking our economy. fuck you for letting gasoline prices skyrocket. fuck you for making us even question the fact that gas prices are so high and you're from a family of oilmen. fuck you for letting your vps former company be the number one financial benefactor of this dirty war that you sent us into. fuck you for your bullshit sneers that dont intimidate anyone and only make us laugh at you. fuck you for allowing censorship in america based on an unregulated monopoly in the making called Clear Channel. fuck you for stealing that election and sneaking in two extremist judges into the appeals court this month. fuck you for making america look like germany in the 40s. fuck you for stifling the good thing that this country once had called freedom. fuck you for pretending like youve done enough good things to warrant your re-election. not only to i wish ill on you but i hope it happens on over-the-air tv and i hope that a witness nearby is near a microphone and i hope that he or she screams a jubilant fuck yeah. and i hope the ill comes slowly and twisted in color in 5.1 dolby unedited right before a gay wedding. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107784377293183518 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107783971532056337

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yesterday I spent over $50 at Wal-Mart on personal hygiene products. Trying to improve my image, or something. I actually bought some hair styling product. I haven't used anything in my hair since 7th grade, when I briefly had a flat-top hairdo. People seem to think it's weird that I don't use anything in my hair. Also, I'm thinking of getting a new hairstyle, but I don't know what I want though. I don't like most of the hairstyles guys wear these days. I think I'm just going to go to the barbershop, and tell them to give me a guy's haircut, whatever is in style and they think would look good on me. I'm also starting to wear cologne. That's another thing people always think is incredible weird about me, I never wear cologne or anything like that. It's weird, you tell most people that you don't wear cologne, and they look at you like you have two heads or something, like it's the craziest thing they've ever heard. I used to never wear cologne, but the last year or two I've started wearing it every now and then, but still not that often. I usually use that Axe body spray. Now I'm going to start wearing it every day. Then I also just decided to try some new brands of shampoo and deodorant and soap and stuff like that. Here's a list of what I bought: -- That new orange flavored Listerine, since I was almost out of my other bottle of mint Listerine. -- A bottle of Pert shampoo/conditioner. Pert is my favorite shampoo, but I normally use Flex. This Pert is different from the kind I normally use though. Some new kind they have, that's supposed to be refreshing. It's got herbal ingredients that cool your scalp. I used it this morning, and it felt like I was rubbing Vick's Vaporub into my scalp, and it had a sorta medicine-like smell to it. It wasn't really that bad though. -- A bottle of that new Old Spice men's body wash. It sucks. I used a ton of it, but could not get it to lather at all. And then it wouldn't rinse off, it felt like it was still on me. -- A different brand of deodorant than I usually use. I don't remember what kind it was. -- A bottle of Axe body spray. "Kilo" scent. Of the kinds I've used though, I like the "Apollo" scent best, but this is pretty cool too. "Voodoo" sucks. -- Some Aussie flexible hold hairspray stuff. -- Some Gillette after shave skin conditioner lotion stuff. I've used it before, and it's pretty cool. -- Some more Listerine breath strips. I've been using these since they came out, but I was almost out. Then tonight I went back and bought some more stuff. I bought some different hair stuff, some Salon Selectives hair styling gel, and some Clean and Clear face wash. Picking out the hair product took forever. Both nights I was standing in the aisle for probably 15 minutes looking at the different products, since I've never bought anything like that before. I also spent some money yesterday on some car products. A new air freshener, some auto Febreeze, and a really cool car duster called the "California Duster" or something, it works really well. I also bought some things called "Tireflys." They're these lights ( I got blue ones) that screw on in place of the

caps on your tires valve stems, and they are motion activated, and as you drive they flash. I don't think they're working though. I don't think they're sensitive enough. I know before I put them on the car you could shake them around and everything, and they wouldn't come on. You had to flick them hard to get them to come on. Tonight I also bought a Spongebob t-shirt. They had several different ones, but they only had one style in my size, and unfortunately it wasn't my favorite one, but it's still cool, so I got it, I just liked a couple of the others better. This one is grey, and it has Spongebob on the front, and he's pulling his pant/shirt combo thing he wears way up on him, and he's making an angry face, and it says "I wear the pants in this pineapple!" Okay, that's all. I'm ending this stupid post now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107776565333792670 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107776361070890815

Cow Patty by Jim Stafford From the badlands came the killer, He lived by his knife and the gun. He'd cut you just for standing And shoot you if you tried to run. He was as big as a tree and did what he pleased, And everything he did was bad. They said, if you was to kill him, It'd only make him mad. From the goodlands came the cowgirl, Patti was her name. She was hot on the trail of that killer On a moped she called Flame, 'Cause the killer had killed her daddy Just for spittin' in the road, And you only had to kill her daddy once To get that gal p.o.'d. CHORUS: Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti. Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti. She rode into town To find the man That killed her daddy. Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti. The killer hit town at daybreak, Ate the door off the local saloon. He started to drink, You could tell there'd be a showdown soon. Patti hit town in a cloud of dust, Old Flame was buzzin' like a saw, And the whole town got quiet as a church, When the killer stepped out for the draw. Forty shots rang out, forty people fell. Patti and the killer missed each other, But they shot the town to hell. The killer took a step toward Patti, Said, "It's time I gunned you down", But he slipped in something That was laying in the street, And was shot before he hit the ground. Yes, the killer slipped And it cost him his life, And Patti said, as she raced out of town, "You got to watch your step, When you know the chips are down." Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti. Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti. She rode into town To find the man That killed her daddy. Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107776325855019920

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 I really like this shirt. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107766752539341934

Hooray for sex. Not that I've had any lately, I just felt like cheering for it. Yup. Sex would sure be nice. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107764838664829023

Sunday, February 22, 2004 This test is fucking hilarious. More weird tests here: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107750762676375845

Friday, February 20, 2004

More song weirdness from Melissa: missy_custer: i wanna be a ballad pop star missy_custer: i'll belt out tunes about the forbidden love of squirrels and chickens missy_custer: i'll wear a chicken suit, and the background image will be a huge purple screen with hundreds of hamsters running in their wheels missy_custer: i'll have a duet with Weird Al missy_custer: oooooooooh can't you seeeeeee missy_custer: that squirrels and chickens weren't meant to beeeee Other, non song related weirdness from Melissa: missy_custer: i was talking about my accupuncture appointment with my friend....and somehow, it got weirded out missy_custer: i told her, "imagine it as a star trek episode....uhura is giving captain kirk his accupuncture treatment" missy_custer: "spock walks in and says in a monotone voice with his one eyebrow arched, 'that is highly illogical'" missy_custer: "then captain kirk laughs hysterically and all the needles pop out." missy_custer: "uhura gets pissed and says, "spock, damnit, you ruined his treatment!" missy_custer: for some reason my friend was laughing so hard missy_custer: i think it was because i said, "and spock says in a squirrel voice, 'yeah, so what's your point?!'" missy_custer: "and captain kirk says 'the point was in me!'" and then uhura got pissed and threw the needles in a dart board posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107731970951171073

Oh... my... God. That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Today I went to Best Buy, and bought the Halo 2 demo bundle they have. My jaw literally dropped. It was 20 - 25 minutes of the most amazing stuff I have ever seen. It made the first game look like Pong. I'm drooling. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107731881363792540 You must read this. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107729327063667072 I agree with this. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107729248848094838

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hey, cool. I actually managed to write something. This is the most I've written in a long time. But it's fairly obvious I've been reading and playing too much Halo. 0930 hours, July 15th, 2056 In the Nevada Desert / Somewhere South of the Humboldt Range The harsh sun beat down, causing sweat to run down his face, and into his eyes. The sting caused him to wince, and blink a couple of times, but he never took his eye away from the sniper rifle's sight. From his perch atop a rocky outcropping, he commanded a view of a large portion of the expanse below. Dotted with only a handful of large rocks, the desert valley didn't offer many hiding places, yet he was having a hard time finding his targets. To his left, a sudden glint caught his eye, and he swiftly pointed the rifle in that direction, scanning the area around a boulder with a large desert scrub brush growing beside it. He saw a small movement behind the bush, and tensed, pressing his finger against the trigger. Suddenly the large alien creature stepped out from behind the bush, pointing its weapon directly at him, but he already had the creature in his sights, and fired a shot that hit it just above the left eye, killing it instantly. He exhaled, and added another alien to his mental scoreboard. He made another quick, but sharp-eyed survey of the landscape, and, satisfied he had got them all, he began to hike down to the bottom of the ridge, to walk to the installation on the other side of the valley. Update: 8:30pm. I wrote another passage, which takes place at a later point in the story: 1345 hours, July 15th, 2056 Inside the U.S. Naval Reserve / Nevada The thick metal doors slid open in front of him, and before they were even half open, the "bullets" began to fly. He quickly sidestepped and pressed himself up against the wall beside the door. He readied his gun, and made sure the magazine was full, and then he quickly sidestepped over to the other side of the hall, firing a short burst at the nearest target along the way. He briefly stuck his head into the doorway, and examined the room. One alien lay dead on the floor, the one he had just shot. There were three more spread out across the room. He pulled his head back inside, and several shots hit where his head had just been. The strange energy projectiles made the wall warm. One of the aliens said something in their strange, warbling tongue, and he could hear one of them start moving towards the doorway where he was hiding. He leaned out into the doorway, and fired a five shot burst at the one moving closer. Four of the bullets hit the alien on the right side of he chest, and it fell to the floor and lay in a spreading puddle of it's own blue blood. The other two aliens made a shrieking noise, and began to fire at him, and he ran out the doorway towards a stack of crates, taking out another alien on the way. He ducked behind the crates as the last alien began to fire. Suddenly he noticed the letters stenciled on the crates, and realized he was hiding behind crates of weapons and ammo. Not the best place to be right now. He hastily ran out from behind the crates, and almost ran into the third alien as it came around the side of the crate after him. The alien shrieked and tried to grab him, but he landed a solid kick in its midsection, knocking it backwards. He swiftly brought up his rifle, and emptied an entire clip into the alien's chest. Now that all the aliens were dead, he made sure both doors were secured, and sat down to rest and regroup. He opened up the weapons crates to see if there was anything he could use. It was mostly ammo in the first crate, and, luckily, the kind he needed. He ejected the empty clip from his pistol, and replaced it with a full one, and also took all the ammo he could carry for both his guns. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107724011977454443

I've posted a lot of links the last couple of days, mainly because I'm sick and lazy, and don't feel like doing much else. I'm still sick. I was supposed to work today, but I called in because I got really sick again last night, and didn't sleep much, and felt horrible this morning, and was coughing really bad again. I'm feeling a little bit better now though. I'm off work tomorrow, so hopefully by Saturday, when I have to go back to work, I'll be feeling better. That's really all I have to write about now. I think I'm gonna try to write something, the last week or so I've been feeling the urge to write. Though I have no idea what to write about. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107723729058140840,1286,62339,00.html posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107723650812953657 That's the ulgiest dog I've ever seen. And what's with the name of the site in the address? Belvedere ass waddle? WTF? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107722001451566459 Funny. "Erotic fanfic writers who put themselves in the story" is pretty high up on the list of geekiness. Hmmm, sounds like someone I know. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107721961662633781

Big Brother posted by Kevin @


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 Wonderfully, unspeakably, retro and tacky. You must check these shirts out, they rock. Alicia has one of them, the "Corey Feldman Center of the Arts" one. They even have some grabbags where you can get a randomly selected shirt for $2 or $5 dollars! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107715312981510533 V is for VUMPLER! I love this cartoon. QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107714268719213662 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107713978683579485 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107713927352224426

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 Contrary to popular belief, you should NOT shake polaroid pictures. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707500534537462 This job would rock. "An unusual career requires unusual skills including an especially strong stomach, a twisted sense of humor and the ability to do what others won't." Yep, that's me. Humorous Typo: "Once a dot-come marketing executive..." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707467859050330 Another William Shatner worship page. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707438687687359 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707426918451539

This is the kind of news story I live for. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707419061239571 Welcome to Bush Yoga! Here, you will find the leader of the free world posed in a variety of ancient positions. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707372996124895 The biggest ever diamond has been found floating in space. The gem, estimated at close to 10 billion trillion trillion carats, is at the core of a dead star (BPM 37093) - a crystallised white dwarf. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707364267917116

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707347842572186

Current Mood: Sick as hell. Current Music: "We Suck Young Blood," by Radiohead Since I'm lazy, most of this post is just cut and paste from a conversation I just had with, with minor editing. Damn, I'm sick today, I was sick yesterday too. I don't know what it is, I got it from Marci, mom's got it too, and some of the people at work are getting it. It starts as a sore throat. That's about all Mom's got, is a really bad sore throat for days. Marci started out with a sore throat, then got a fever. I just woke up the other morning with a really sore throat, then as the day went on, my sinuses started bothering me, then that night I started sneezing. Yesterday it moved down into my chest, my throat wasn't as sore, but I was coughing a lot, and my sinuses were still congested. Today it's still just my nose and chest. I feel really weak and tired too the last two days. Last night I went to the bookstore, and by the time I left, I felt so bad I could barely drive home. I'm taking Nyquil pills and Robitussin cough syrup, but neither's doing much at all. I've been reading nearly the entire day. At 10:00 am I started reading the third Halo book, that I bought last night, "First Strike." I read it until 2:30, when I stopped to instead read a chapter of my business course, the next shipment finally came in. Then I read Halo some more until about 6:30, then me and Marci played Halo until a few minutes after 8:00. I've read about 250 pages of that Halo book today. It's only got 340 pages. Now the rest of this post is all original. So that's my day. It sucks. I feel like shit. Not as bad as I did, but still pretty shitty. Now I'm bored. I'll probably go finish reading that Halo book. Last night I also bought that Rob Zombie movie The House of 1000 Corpses. It was pretty cool, but not quite what I expected. First I expected it to be a lot campier and weirder, and also more extreme. The movie was actually pretty tame compared to what I was hoping to see. Also, there was no cannibalism, for some reason I was expecting, and hoping to see, cannibalism. Kim at work was right, it's very similar to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Actually, I've never seen that, but I've heard enough about it, and seen enough of one of the really bad sequels (the third movie, I think) to tell that it's very similar. The other day at work me and Kim were talking about Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, she loves Rob Zombie, and that movie. Well, I feel like crap, so that's all for now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107707261010049944

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I never got around to writing my final Valentine's Day news. I didn't feel like writing much last night, I was too tired. And now today I still don't feel like writing, because now I'm sick. I woke up this morning sick. I've had a sore throat all day. But still, here's my Valentine's Day news. In one sentence. I gave Stacy from work (yes... Stacy) a dozen roses , and she liked them. The End. That's all I feel like writing now. I'm probably gonna go to bed early tonight. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107690071522008303 Another website that's not what you expect. But at least these people understand that their name is funny, and use it to their advantage. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107689569971127997

Saturday, February 14, 2004

It's Valentine's Day. And I'm bored. At least I'm not bored and depressed like previous Valentine's Days. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107680178089123670 Hundreds of links to everything you'll ever need for your various kinky, sexy, crossdressing, corsetry, body modification, and costume needs. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107678062353563205

Friday, February 13, 2004 YES! YES! MY HERO! Hmmm, I've never seen that movie, but it seems like an interesting result. posted by Kevin @

Current mood: Really tired. Current Music: "Holiday" by the Bee Gees Today may be Friday the 13th, but I've been having bad luck for the last week or so. Around a week ago I got a nail in my tire, and had to go get it patched. Then, the other day I mentioned I was having car trouble, but thought it might be fixed. It wasn't. The next morning, yesterday, my car wouldn't start, so my mom had to take me to work. When I got home my dad looked at it, and all he could figure out is that it was either the battery, or the alternator. We jumped it and it finally started, and so I went to Autozone, and they hooked it up to a machine to test the battery and the alternator. Turned out it was just the battery. I had to buy a new battery, which cost $70. Also, a couple of nights ago, I got on my bed, and one of the legs folded under. I managed to fix it as good as it could be fixed, and it held for a while. But then the next evening I had been laying on it reading most of the day, and one of the times when I went got up off the bed, it broke again. This time the leg snapped completely off, and couldn't be fixed. So now I have my bed up on a cinder block, which is an inch or two taller than the leg was, so my bed leans a little. I don't really even notice though when I'm laying on it. Today, though it's Friday the 13th, I actually had a pretty good day. Well, there wasn't anything special or good about it, but nothing bad happened. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107672565084469959

It's almost Valentine's Day. Whoop-de-doo. I usually hate Valentine's Day, but it's not bothering me this year. Actually, I bought some flowers for someone this year, I still don't want to say who, not until tomorrow at least. I bought a dozen orange roses. I wanted to get her some flowers, but I felt red roses was going a little far. I've never given anyone anything for Valentine's day before. Except for in elementary school when we had to give a valentine to everyone in class. In honor of Valentine's day, I have a few Valentine's related items for this post. Japan has Valentine's Day, but it's a little bit different. On February 14th, women give chocolate to the men they know. Husbands, boyfriends, fathers, etc. Chocolate given to lovers and people you like, is called honmei-choco, but also, women must give little chocolates or trinkets to male co-workers, and things like that, whether they want to or not. This is called giri-choco, or "obligation chocolate." Then, on March 14th, called "White-Day" men return the favor, and give white chocolate and/or gifts to all women who gave them something on Valentine's Day. Here's a pickup line you should never use, courtesy of Johnny Bravo. "Man, you're hot! Can I smother you with my body so you don't catch on fire?" Hmmm, I thought I had more Valentine's stuff than that. But I guess I don't. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107672497492406922

Thursday, February 12, 2004

OK, I had things I wanted to write about tonight, but I'm just too fucking tired, so I'm gonna put it off until tomorrow. I'm thinking about getting this girl flowers for Valentine's Day, but don't know if roses would be a bit too much, since there's nothing between us at this time. Maybe I should get her some other kind of flowers? Maybe I should just kill everyone. Maybe I should just go watch some porn. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107664429152243372 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107663916735583927 You've probably heard of this before. It's the ultra-hilarious song by Threebrain. "Oh My God, WEEEEEE! (Gonads and Strife)" Here's the rest of their songs: posted by Kevin @


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 This is great. I just spent about 15 minutes playing this and laughing my ass off. Finally my sister came in and said "God! What are you laughing at?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107655186623758546

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Current Mood: Tired. Current Music: "Right Here, Right Now," by Fatboy Slim I'm tired. I'm glad I'm off today. But the day has gone by really fast. I haven't even done anything, and the day's flown by. I haven't been writing much. Since I switched to day shift, I'm working about twice the hours I used to, and then the last week I come home from work every day and play Halo with my sister for a couple of hours. Then I go to bed about four hours later. I wonder when my next shipment of lessons for my business course is going to get here? I sent the first set off to be graded a week or two ago. I got some mail from Bank One today, about my credit card account. They caught their mistake, I was hoping they wouldn't. A few months ago I placed an order at for $70.90. The DVDs got backordered, and finally, over a month later, they told me that they weren't going to be able to get them, they were no longer available, and I could either pick some new ones, or get a refund. I chose the refund. They said it would take up to 30 days for the refund to be credited to me. Then my credit card bill came due before I got the refund, so the credit card statement said I still owed the money. I called Bank One, and straightened it all out, they told me not to pay it and they would credit the money to my account. Then my credit card statement came in last month, and for some reason it said I didn't owe anything on that statement, even though I had bought some stuff, and it said I had a positive balance of like $38 left on the card. Finally I figured out that they'd made a mistake, and instead of just removing the charge from my bill, they gave me a refund, even though I never actually paid it. I was hoping they wouldn't catch their mistake, but today I got a letter saying that they'd just realized they made a mistake. Both them and the DVD place had credited the $70.90 to me. So that means that this month I'm going to actually have to pay for this month's bill, and the one I didn't have to pay last month. So I've been playing a lot of Halo lately. The other night we all went over to Daniel's to play. They wanted me to bring my sister, since she likes playing Halo too, and she's pretty good at it, at least compared to me she is, but I suck, so that's not saying much. My mom wouldn't let her go though, she says it wasn't right for her to play video games with a bunch of older guys, even though Olivia was going to be there too. So me and Marci have been playing against each other the last few days, and we're both getting better, especially me. The next time we all play maybe I won't suck so much. I know my way around the stages a lot better now too. w00t! Headshot. All the guys at work that play Halo, such as Daniel, Murray, Shawn, and Phillip, are reading the Halo books now too. There's a series of novels out about Halo. I went to the bookstore last night and bought one of them too. The Fall of Reach. It's a prequel to the game. I just started reading it this morning, and I'm half done with it already. I read really fast. I had some car trouble when I went to the bookstore last night. I thought I was going to have to call my dad to come give me a jump or something. When I tried to start my car it almost started, but then suddenly went dead. And then it wouldn't start, it acted like the battery was dead. It also looked like there might have been a short or something, because whenever I'd try to start it, the radio would go crazy, it's started ejecting the CD, and then pulling it back in, and trying to eject the tape that's been stuck in the tape player for several months now. When I'd try to start it, the inside lights and the indicators on the dash would light up, but barely, but then I hit the dash since the radio was acting possessed, and everytime I'd hit the dash, the lights would get brighter, so I thought maybe there was just a short. I sat there a few minutes, then tried to start the car again, and it still wouldn't start, so I popped the hood and decided to have a look. This was a useless gesture, since I know absolutely nothing about cars, I can barely check my oil. I looked the battery over, and jiggled the battery cables a little, and then tried to start the car again, and it started like nothing was ever wrong. When I got home I had my dad look it over, but he couldn't figure what was wrong with it either. The only possible problem was that one of the battery cables was a tiny bit loose, hardly at all. Not loose enough it should have caused any problems, but that's the only thing he could figure out. He tightened it, and so far the car has started both times I've started it today. I hope that's all that's wrong with it. Hmmm, did I ever make any posts about those new Quizno's Subs commercials? I've been meaning to, but I don't remember if I did. Anyway, everyone I know is talking about those new commercials they have with the singing things. Everyone also has a different opinion on what those things are supposed to be. Some of my friends commented that for some reason the commercials seemed familiar, but they couldn't think why. Why is because those things, called The Spongemonkeys, are originally from a website I posted on here a couple of times a few months ago. A site with lots of funny flash animations, one of which was the Spongemonkeys singing "We like the Moon," which was changed into "We like the Subs" for the commercials. Here's the link to the site: And here's the link to the Spongemonkeys cartoon: I'm so glad I switched to day shift, even though I don't have as much free time now. I like day shift a lot better than night shift now. It's just a whole lot less boring, and most of the day crew employees, the ones in the kitchen at least, actually know what they are doing. I do miss working with Stacy though. The other night I went up to Carl's for a couple of hours, and talked to her and Daniel. It was great. She's so cute, and beautiful, and sweet. Ugh, I'm getting very tired, and it's only 7:15. I think that's all for now, I'm gonna go read some more. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107646214356558924 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107645844832419211

Monday, February 09, 2004 Cool, I used to have a tamagotchi. Until I took it apart a few years ago. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107637597575503470

Sunday, February 08, 2004

The House of 1000 Corpses Rob Zombie She got a corpse Under her bed She had her fun But now he's dead Her momma said Come feed desire Her brother said Hey, throw him on the fire This is the house Come on in This is the house Built on Sin This is the house Nobody lives This is the house You get what you give I cut the flesh And make it bleed Fresh skin Is what I need I let it dry Out in the wood All your crying Did no good, yeah Now you're lying On the floor Yeah, you can't Take anymore The devil's laughing In your face Give me another taste, yeah This is the house Come on in This is the house Built on Sin This is the house Nobody lives This is the house You get what you give posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107630277259487870 A new conspiracy theory. Dude, it's staring at me. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107628811586007772

Friday, February 06, 2004 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107612163995487949

Thursday, February 05, 2004

The Boxer Simon and Garfunkel I am just a poor boy

Though my story's seldom told I have squandered my resistance For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises All lies and jests Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy In the company of strangers In the quiet of the railway station running scared Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters Where the ragged people go Looking for the places only they would know Lie la lie ... Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job But I get no offers, Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there Lie la lie ... Then I'm laying out my winter clothes And wishing I was gone Going home Where the New York City winters aren't bleeding me Bleeding me, going home In the clearing stands a boxer And a fighter by his trade And he carries the reminders Of ev'ry glove that layed him down Or cut him till he cried out In his anger and his shame "I am leaving, I am leaving" But the fighter still remains Lie la lie ... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107603887818793637 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107603357456710176 This story was referred to in this amusing, but very true, post by Owain (?) over at I have long felt that if you show a certain persistence or ingenuity in trying to sneak into America, you should be allowed to stay, because you have demonstrated the qualities that Americans claim to hold dear. I once worked with a Mexican bloke who had been deported from the United States no less than six times, only to sneak back in and go back to work -- busting his ass in kitchens. Clearly this is a bloke who exemplifies the American spirit. How many natural-born Americans would do fuck all other than die if they were to be deported just once? I think once you've snuck into the United States six times, they should just automatically make you a citizen. Unless, of course, you're able to sail across the ocean in a 1950s Buick. That shows true ingenuity. For that, citizenship should be automatic and you should be handed a $1 million cheque.

I never thought of it that way, but he's got a good point. And THIS has a good point as well:

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107603305447889453

One of the Biblical signs of Armageddon: First ever Guns N' Roses kids tribute band. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107603213132539034 Kick ass, I've seen pictures of this before, and it's so cool. I would love to go see this exhibit. Here's the official site for the exhibits. This is just weird. Kinda weird and gross, but also funny. After seeing the Parasite Pals page, Melissa felt the need to sing a touching tribute to her tapeworm: missy_custer: oh me and my tapeworm go on many adventures missy_custer: me and my tapeworm are very much in love missy_custer: tapeworm and i fit like a hand in the glove missy_custer: ohhhh tapeworm i love ya! missy_custer: tapeworm when you attack my tummy missy_custer: i fall in love like an obsessed dummy missy_custer: poooo like i never did before missy_custer: oh baby, tapeworm, i want more missy_custer: taaaapeworm, you're the one for me missy_custer: taaaaapeworm, you suit me to a T missy_custer: taaaaaapeworm, it's forever.... missy_custer: taaaaapeworm, let's stay together!!!! missy_custer: baby, you know it's trueeee missy_custer: that i've fallen in love with youuuu missy_custer: you infected me with your passion missy_custer: now my insides are really thrashing! missy_custer: taaaapewooooormmmmm Wasn't that moving? It moved me to go take a crap. Random thing I just remembered after looking at a picture of a At the Taste Of China restaurant I go to, someone has written on one of the men's room stall walls, "If you think Chinese food is good, wait until you taste Chinese pussy." It's been there for at least a year, and never has been removed or painted over. Here's some Parasite Pals merchandise available from Archie McPhee. Mmmmm... porn. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107602964745681837 "One day Holly was a lonely girl with not the friend. But she notice a feeling of itching on the head so she must attend doctor. The doctor tells of the infection of many parasites. He give the pills for removal of parasites, but Holly is sad. Why to kill the parasites? So she gave them each a name and she became happy. The Parasite Pals give some irritation, but much fun and love is to be shared." Man, I wish I could come up with shit like this. Really. My favorite animation is the tapeworm eating the burger that falls into her stomach whole. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107602644464170455

Wednesday, February 04, 2004 Hoax or not? It would be cool if it was real, but I doubt it is. For one, she doesn't look like she was 41 years old when she died, like they say she was, and also, she's been dead for almost a year, she shouldn't still look that good. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107594370815567444

Dave Barry on Microsoft: "Microsoft's No. 1 product is Windows, which now comes automatically installed on every computer in the world and many kitchen appliances. Technically, Windows is an 'operating system,' which means that it supplies your computer with the basic commands that it needs to suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, stop operating. "I speak from experience here. Many a time I have spent hours writing a serious and thoughtful column on an important issue, only to have Windows -which is often referred to as 'the French labor union of software' -- get into a snit and call a general computer strike that erases all my work moments before deadline, leaving me with no choice but to bang out a highly inaccurate column such as this one. " posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107594065260205971

Lance Arthur writes: Janet Jackson's tits are real. I would have said that this was all a publicity stunt and it was meant to happen, because how could Justin "accidentally" tear off her breast cover? He reached right over, and she let him, and he grabbed it and pulled and look, nipple! And, better even than that, nipple hardware! And then he's all "sorry about the wardrobe malfunction, yo," and MTV is all, "well, (shrug), we didn't know that was going to happen," and CBS is all "hey, they did it! not us. it was them" and shit and whatever and like, okay, so let's throw a hissy fit. And then America is all, "Hey, boob!" and the FCC Chairman is all "I am highly offended and deeply aroused," and Janet's all, "I have a new album coming out and my new single drops on Monday and how can I get some free publicity?" and I'm all, "Wait, what? Was that a... that was her... am I in fucking France or something?" Sure it's a tit, but it's a celebrity tit! On the most widely-watched spectacle on TV! In Prime Time! And it's a Jackson! So, that's all important to remember. And also: So, what was supposed to happen? Justin was going to reach over and grab her breast cover and pull and it reveals a diorama in support of our troops in Iraq as he sings "you're gonna be all nekkid and shit when I do this, yo," (I think he says "yo" all the time) and her chest heaves and cannons fire and skywrite 'marriage should be between a man and a woman's right breast' and she goes on to sing another fucking medley of her hits from two years ago?

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107594001354055457

A Thai man was mauled when he drunkenly tried to sexually attack a dog that fiercely resisted his advances. Police in Samut Prakan province, on Bangkok's south-eastern fringes, told the Thai Rath newspaper that Toryip Rawang, 33, had been drinking heavily with friends before Monday's incident. The bloodied man was questioned by police after residents notified local authorities when they saw him walking along a road. He told police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy" and pulled it into some tall grass by the roadside. But the dog resisted, biting him on his face, chest and arms before he gave up his attempt and tried to stagger home. Under further questioning he admitted to raping three dogs previously while he was under the influence of alcohol. He told police he always became aroused when he drank heavily but did not have enough money to pay a prostitute. Police said the man was given a rabies shot and was not charged with a crime, but he had fled his home in an apparent effort to avoid public ridicule. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107593934152666719,4057,8588882%255E1702,00.html Surgery for two-headed baby From correspondents in Santo Domingo February 5, 2004 A DOMINICAN infant born with a second head will undergo a risky operation on Friday when surgeons try to sever the appendage and prevent haemorrhaging from shared arteries. Led by a Los Angles-based neurosurgeon who separated Guatemalan twins, a medical team will spend about 13 hours removing Rebeca Martinez's second head, which has a partially formed brain, ears, eyes and lips. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107593827261694853

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Ok, I'm working on a story version of the weird day I had today, but that may take a few days to complete, if I complete it at all. So here's a shorter version of my day. Yesterday I wanted to go to CompUSA, but it's about an hour's drive, so I didn't want to go after work, so instead I decided to go today. So this morning I got up at 8:00am and got online for a while. Then I decided to shower and stuff and then go to CompUSA. First I went to Carl's Jr. to get some breakfast. While I was there Daniel asked if I wanted to play Halo with everyone tonight at Phillip's house. I said yes, but I don't know where Phillip lives now because he moved a while back, so Daniel tells me that Phillip gets off work at 4, and I can just follow him home when he does. So then I go to CompUSA. I looked around CompUSA for about an hour, and picked out a couple of small things I was going to buy, but then my compulsive buying habits got the best of me. I'm trying to save my money, and have been doing a good job of it, but then I decided I would buy an iPod. I've been putting it off for a year or so, and couldn't put it off any longer. I rationalized spending $400 dollars by remembering that I will be getting a tax refund soon that should cover most of that. So I put back the few small things, and bought a 20GB iPod for $399. I got home at 2:00, and opened the iPod up, and hooked it up to my computer so it could charge, and load all the songs from my computer. I have no idea how long it's going to take, so I just leave it there loading and charging, while I go vote in today's Primary and then get a haircut. I get back about 3:15, and the thing is still loading and charging. I finally find the area about charging in the manual and it says something that makes no sense at all. It says that the iPod will be 80% charged in one hour, and will be fully charged in four. Why does that last 20% take 3 hours? I still don't know how long it will take to load all the songs though. I only have 913 songs, the iPod can hold 5,000. I was hoping it would all be done in time for me to be able to take it over to Phillip's tonight. But when it's still not done at 3:45, I have to leave without it. I go up to Carl's to meet Phillip, but he's not there, him and Crystal had to go somewhere first, but will be back in a few minutes. While I'm waiting, I suddenly think, "I wonder how far along Crystal's pregnancy is? It would suck if we all got over there tonight, and she went into labor." Have I ever mentioned that I'm pyschic sometimes? So we go over to Phillip's and we wait for a few minutes for Murray to get there. Then we all play with Olivia's new puppy for a while, while Daniel, Phillip,

and Allen try to change a tire on Phillip's truck. It took them about an hour. Toward the end, me, Olivia, and Murray go inside, and start playing video games by ourselves. Apparently while we're doing this, they get done with the tire, and Allen leaves. So then a few minutes later, the three of us are still playing games when Phillip and Crystal run in and go off to their bedroom and bathroom. I'm not really paying attention, because I'm playing a game, but I can tell that apparently something is starting to happen. Then Phillip yells that he's gonna have to go to the hospital, and I figure that he hurt his hand or something changing the tire, but then him and Crystal rush around to leave, and Daniel offers to drive them both in his car. I ask what's going on, and they tell me that Crystal's "having problems" and needs to go to the hospital, meaning pregnancy related problems. For some reason Daniel drives them, leaving Olivia there. So it's me, Olivia, and Murray still there playing video games. About 15 minutes or so later, Olivia gets about three or four calls on her cell phone. She says that they've put her in the hospital, and they think she's going to have the baby, but that it may just be false labor caused by stress. So it's obvious we aren't going to be playing Halo, so Murray leaves. Allen is on his way to give Olivia key's to Phillip's truck, so she can drive it up to the hospital. When he gets there, both me and Olivia leave. Her to the Hospital, and me home. Update: About 8:40, as I was writing this, Daniel called and said that Crystal had the baby. They got to the hospital, and the baby was in breech, so they did a c-section. It's a boy, and they named it Allen Roger Warren, after Crystal's father and Phillip's father. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107586083036213028

Monday, February 02, 2004

Current Music: "Hit & Run Holiday" by My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult Grrr, I'm in a bad mood now. Tonight sucks. I hate people. I haven't been in one of these moods in a long time. And like usual when I'm in one of these moods, it's because of a girl. Well, it's more my fault than the girl's, but still. Damn shyness. Damn other people. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107577996555672675

If I still had any faith in humanity left after the Nobel Prize thing yesterday, it would definitely be gone today, after the way everyone is acting over the whole Janet Jackson thing. Get over it people. I'm not even going to talk about it, if you aren't sick of it by now, and really want to read more about it, go to, she has stuff all about it. She thinks it was like the greatest thing in the history of the world or something. I don't even want to think about it, I hate that I even mentioned it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107576636112180229

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Current Music: Brak singing "Don't Touch Me!" I have lost all of what little faith I had in humanity. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. President Bush, and his little lap-dog, Tony Blair, are both nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize. All Bush has done since he entered office is start wars. And Blair has eagerly went along with everything Bush says. But the (stupid) reasoning is that by fighting against terrorism, and removing Saddam from power, they have done much to create peace. Bah! I am full of hate and bile now. has invented a new word, which I am going to start using, "gargabage." It was born in this paragraph taken from his web site: I have this compulsion to write and create. This is good, because I'm supposed to run in a manuscript of Just A Geek RSN . . . but I'm really only good for about 2 hours a day. Longer than that, and my brain just churns out garbage. Sometimes and there's value to garbage: It's easier to rewrite garbage than fill up a blank page, but more often than not, the gargabage* is just garbage. *(that was supposed to say "garbage," but "gargabage" is such a wonderful word, and so perfectly descriptive, I'm leaving this happy accident intact.) I agree, that is a very wonderful word. And, by looking at the way it was used in that paragraph, I have come up with a definition. Gargabage is anything that is worse than garbage, something that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The word is also very reminiscent of "Gargamel" from The Smurfs. Bush being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize is gargabage. A sexy cool blog I have just discovered. This is a cool little not-really-good-for-anything-useful thing: Lets you make a map that highlights the states you have visited. Here is mine. This is the states I have been too, including the one I live in, but not counting the states I've just passed through, or had a short stopover in, on the bus trip.

or Also available is, which has no use for me, as I have never been to any other countries. Though, hopefully, one day soon Japan will be in red on my Visited Countries map. Also on the same site, check out these The long version of an article I've read before and have on my computer somewhere. I prefer the shorter version, but this one is pretty funny anyway. I didn't get to write yesterday, because yesterday sucked. I didn't get to do anything yesterday. As soon as I walked in the house when I got home from work, my mom said "Hurry and change clothes, I need you to go with me to the dentist." She's been having a lot of pain from one of her teeth the last week or so, and it got so bad she just sat down with the phonebook and tried to find anywhere that was open Saturday and could fit her in. She finally found one about 40 miles away in Oklahoma City. She needed me to go with her so I could drive us back if she was in too much pain or something to drive back. They ended up having to do a root canal, so we were there for about three hours. By the time we got back home it was 8:30pm. We ordered some pizza, and so then by the time we ate it was a little after 9:00, and the last time I had gotten to eat anything the whole day was when I went on break at work at 9:30am. Then I was so tired I went to bed at 10:30. I was barely able to stay awake that late. I can't believe how early I've been going to bed the last few nights. I haven't gone to bed this early in probably almost ten years. The last two days at work have been fun, because I've gotten to work with both days. I haven't worked with her in a long time. It's fun. She's weird. And being around her makes me weird. I was very weird at work today. Yesterday I was talking about eating goats all morning, and then, I swear this is true, a couple came through drive-thru, and the lady in the passenger seat was holding a baby goat in her lap. It started bleating at me, in this cute little high-pitched bleat. I could barely take their money, because I was trying not to laugh. Even worse, Alicia was trying to take someone else's order over the headset, but she was laughing too hard. She finally had to kinda duck down so she couldn't see the goat anymore. Seeing goats in the drive-thru isn't that odd around here, it happens all the time. But they're usually in cages in the back of the truck, not sitting in a person's lap. It was a cute baby goat. It looked delicious. Just like Alicia's dog. Just thinking of Alicia's big, fat, meaty, dog makes my mouth water. I want to smother it in BBQ sauce and eat it. She said today that if I put BBQ sauce on it, it would probably eat itself, it is so fat. The goat incident also reminds me of the time a woman came through drive-thru, and there was a sock on the seat next to her. This isn't that weird. What was weird was that the sock was moving. A lot. Finally I asked her what was in the sock. And she said it was a snake. That's where she keeps her snake, in a big sock with the end tied. Today was even more fun than yesterday, because today was really slow, so me, Alicia, and Kim just stood around goofing off most of the day. Well, I have to go now, I'm going to finish the third chapter of my PCDI Small Business Management course. I've put this chapter off for about a week. I was going to do it yesterday, but didn't get to. This was a very long post. The longest one in a long time. posted by Kevin @

Friday, January 30, 2004 A very cool site. Cool. Well, work wasn't to bad today. Actually it was pretty cool. Most of the day went by really fast, except for the last couple of hours, after business slowed down after lunch. I don't really feel like writing anything now. Maybe later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107551194749658053

Thursday, January 29, 2004 Stupid people make me angry. This version doesn't look as good, but you can hit the penguin much farther. They call this fashion? That's not fashion, that's disturbing. I especially like the way they made the arms and legs look like they've got some kind of disease and the skin is all peeling off. They must really like gum. Hmm, I've never heard of that fifth type of matter on the list. I only knew of gas, solids, liquid, and plasma. I'm not exactly sure how this works. I took this test that's supposed to determine the best religion for me, which religion fits my beliefs the best. Anyway, it gives you this whole list of results in descending order based on how well they match your beliefs, but it also gives one result which it says is the best for you, even though that one may not be the number one on your list. So anyway, it says that the best religion for me is Mahayana Buddhism, which is cool, because that's probably my favorite religion anyway. Though it says Neo-Paganism is a 100% match for me, and Mahayana Buddhism was my number 4 result with 88% match. Here's some more of my results: 1. Neo-Pagan 100%

2. New Age 97% 3. Unitarian Universalism 97% 4. Mahayana Buddhism 88% 5. Liberal Quakers 86% (What the fuck?) 6. Theravada Buddhism 76% (Another cool religion, but I think I like the Mahayana form of Buddhism a little better.) 7. Taoism 74% (I really like this religion too.) 8. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants 72% (Ugh.) 9. New Thought 67% (I don't have any idea what this is.) 10. Secular Humanism 67% 11. Hinduism 62% (Cool.) 12. Jainism 60% (This is another cool eastern religion, but a little too strict for me, they are very skinny Gandhi looking people, and they believe in not hurting any living thing, even plants and insects. Which makes it really hard for them to find things to eat. They eat plants, but only because they have to. They believe it's better to eat plants than animals, because even though they are alive, they aren't as alive as animals. They even constantly sweep the ground in front of them with a broom so they wont step on any ants or anything.) 13. Scientology 55% (Fuck! What is this doing here?!) The list continued on to 27, but I don't feel like typing the rest. Those were the best. The rest of the results were less than 50% match anyway. You can take the test here: Ok, now I'm going to go work on some new product designs. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107540539695777539

Mmmm. Microwave Burrito. I haven't had one of these in a long time. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107540555706430139

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 Very addictive game. This is pathetic. And I doubt she really looks like that. Whoever's running the sale probably found that on some website. What's really pathetic about it is how high the bidding is. Kick ass! Too bad they made them take the film clips down. But you can still see three still frames from it. I'm sure you could probably find the movie clip out there somewhere on the internet. I added several more designs to the store earlier today, and have several more I'm going to work on and add tomorrow. Today I added a line of girl's shirts that say "Video Games - They aren't just for boys anymore." I also added some more products with the "Die of Life" logo on them, such as a tote bag which would be good for carrying all your RPG gaming supplies around in. Tomorrow I'm removing the "Censored" journal, unless someone e-mails me telling me they were going to order it, and I'm replacing it with a game journal, to take notes in while playing pen and paper RPG games and stuff like that. I thought that censored journal would have been perfect for Alicia, she could write her perverted little fan fictions she's so obsessed with in it. But now it's time for bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107535179967235100

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Couple of new designs added to my! The new "Apparently you failed your saving-throw against sucking," RolePlaying Game shirt, with the "Die of Life" design on front. And the new "Die of Life" wall clock, which I wouldn't mind owning myself. These are some of the new designs that me and Chris worked up together. And now it's time to go to bed. Man, I never thought I'd be going to bed this early. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107526560730941468 Write your name in the snow, and then send it to your friends. A website that turns out to be nothing like what you'd expect: Cute stuffed toys that look like microscopic, disease-causing, organisms. So anyway, I went to Local Oklahoma Bank this morning, to get more info on that account I was thinking of opening. Turns out that what they call a "High Interest Checking Account" means an interest rate of 0.45%. Needless to say, I didn't open it after all. Instead I kept my money at my current bank, and just moved it into a Money Market account, which earns the same amount of interest as a regular savings account, but has added features. You can write checks from it if you want to, but I don't plan on it, I'm keeping my normal checking account too. The main reason I liked this account is they give you deposit slips, like with a checking account, so you can put money into it without having to go in the bank. Ok, guess I'm gonna go work on those new t-shirts now, even though I don't really want to. The new shirts are all geeky, stuff about video games and RPGs and computers, and stuff like that. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107523983035886755

Cold out there today. As soon as I typed that, I instantly thought of that episode of Family Guy where they get relocated to the south in the Witness Protection Program, and Stewie's sitting on the porch with a banjo with a bunch of old men, and he says, "Hot out there today. Yup. Hot out there every day." And then they all start playing banjo jugband music. So anyway, it's really cold today, and yesterday, and every day, at least for a while. It was in the high twenties most of the day yesterday, and it snowed most of the day, but there wasn't any accumulation, and the roads never froze no matter how wet they got, because the ground temperature was still around 50. There's just a little white dusting on the grassy areas. Today it's only 15 degrees, the last time I saw the temperature. It's supposed to get up to 37 today, 45 tomorrow, and then the next five days after that, the highs are all going to be between 30 and 34. Me and Chris are working on some new shirt designs. He's telling me things he wants to buy a t-shirt of, and I'm making them. At his request, I also put the "you rode the short bus" image on a BBQ Apron, because he's going to buy it. It will be a few days before I get the new shirts up though, because I've still got to break out my PaintShop Pro and make the images. And now I have to go, I've still got to do all that banking stuff today. Then I have to go to Best Buy to buy a USB adapter thingy if I can find one. I've got some links I'll hopfully get around to posting later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107522578686884673

Monday, January 26, 2004

At long last, Chris now has a blog! Check it out: Now THAT'S a blog name. And THIS is gross: This is the list of's top 100 movies, you bold the ones you have seen: 1. Godfather, The (1972) 2. Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) 3. Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 4. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) 5. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) 6. Casablanca (1942) 7. Schindler's List (1993) 8. Shichinin no samurai (1954) 9. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) 10. Citizen Kane (1941) 11. Star Wars (1977) 12. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) [I loved the book, but I've never seen the movie.] 13. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 14. Rear Window (1954) 15. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 16. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) [16? It wasn't that good.] 17. Memento (2000) 18. Usual Suspects, The (1995) 19. Pulp Fiction (1994) 20. North by Northwest (1959) 21. Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Le (2001) 22. Psycho (1960) 23. 12 Angry Men (1957) 24. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 25. Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 26. Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966) 27. It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 28. Goodfellas (1990) 29. American Beauty (1999) 30. Vertigo (1958) 31. Sunset Blvd. (1950) 32. Pianist, The (2002) 33. Matrix, The (1999) 34. Apocalypse Now (1979) 35. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) [Had to watch it in school.] 36. Some Like It Hot (1959) 37. Taxi Driver (1976) 38. Paths of Glory (1957) 39. Third Man, The (1949) 40. C'era una volta il West (1968) 41. Fight Club (1999) [One of the best movies ever. Should be much higher than this.] 42. Boot, Das (1981) 43. Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) (Spirited Away) [Also should be ranked much higher.] 44. Double Indemnity (1944) 45. L.A. Confidential (1997) 46. Chinatown (1974) 47. Singin' in the Rain (1952) 48. Requiem for a Dream (2000) 49. Maltese Falcon, The (1941) 50. M (1931) 51. All About Eve (1950) 52. Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957) 53. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) [This one should be much higher too.] 54. Se7en (1995)

55. Saving Private Ryan (1998) 56. Cidade de Deus (2002) 57. Raging Bull (1980) 58. Wizard of Oz, The (1939) 59. Rashemon (1950) 60. Sting, The (1973) 61. American History X (1998) 62. Alien (1979) 63. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 64. Leon (The Professional) (1994) 65. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 66. Vita bella, La (1997) (Life Is Beautiful) 67. Touch of Evil (1958) 68. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) 69. Wo hu cang long (2000) (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) [Another one that should be much higher.] 70. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) 71. Great Escape, The (1963) 72. Clockwork Orange, A (1971) [Dammit, this is truly one of the best movies ever made, and should be in the top ten.] 73. Reservoir Dogs (1992) 74. Annie Hall (1977) 75. Amadeus (1984) 76. Jaws (1975) 77. Ran (1985) 78. On the Waterfront (1954) 79. Modern Times (1936) 80. High Noon (1952) 81. Braveheart (1995) 82. Apartment, The (1960) 83. Sixth Sense, The (1999) 84. Fargo (1996) 85. Aliens (1986) 86. Shining, The (1980) 87. Blade Runner (1982) 88. Strangers on a Train (1951) 89. Duck Soup (1933) 90. Metropolis (1927) 91. Finding Nemo (2003) 92. Donnie Darko (2001) 93. Toy Story 2 (1999) 94. Princess Bride, The (1987) [Great movie, I've loved it since I was a little kid.] 95. General, The (1927) 96. City Lights (1931) 97. Lola rennt (1998) (Run Lola Run) 98. Full Metal Jacket (1987) [I seriously can't beleive this one is ranked so low. All Stanley Kubrick movies should be in the the top twenty at least.] 99. Notorious (1946) 100. Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) Time to go to bed. I'm going to have to start going to bed even earlier than I do now, because I'm going to be working day shift now, 8am to 4am starting either Thursday or Friday. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107518087424650577

Sunday, January 25, 2004

I finished lesson two of my small business course a couple of days ago, and I'm going to start on lesson 3 later. The third chapter is about ethics. Ugh. I spent several hours yesterday looking over the different accounts and interest rates offered by the various banks in town, trying to find a better interest rate. My current, regular savings account only earns a 1.01% interest rate. I barely earned $29 last year, on an account that was around $3000 the whole year. After spending several hours looking, I found a really nice account at a different bank. It's an interest earning checking account, that earns a much higher interest rate than their normal interest-earning accounts if you have more than $2,500 in the account, which I will. There's also no monthly charge as long as your balance remains over $2,500. It didn't say in the brochure what the interest rate was exactly, but the way it sounds, it's probably higher than my current savings account. So Tuesday, when I'm off I'm going to spend most of my day switching out my accounts. First I'm going to go to the new bank, and ask them more about the account, what the interest rate is and stuff, and then, if I still want to switch, I'll have to go to my current bank and close out my accounts, and then go back to the other bank, and open my new account. Since I'll be putting all the money from both my savings and my checking account in this new account, I'll have almost $4,000 in it. By the end of the month I WILL have $4,000 or so. Not back considering just a couple of weeks ago I only had around $2,800. I'm making good progress on my goal of saving up to at least $10,000 in the next couple of years to get ready for attempting to open my own business. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107506064396810099 A list of links to many, many, online stores and catalogs. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107505514377473288 I'm all for compassion towards animals, but PETA is sick and wrong, and is uses terrorist tactics. recently they've been in trouble for setting people's large houses and SUVs on fire. Here's their latest sick plan. "PETAs New Comic for Kids - a Real-Life Horror Story!

"PETA activists - including cuddly, costumed raccoons and foxes - are making guest appearances outside performances of The Nutcracker across the country this holiday season with a cheeky message of compassion. As children arrive to see the "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy," some will be unaware that their mothers are already starring in a real-life horror story! PETA will be there to greet any fur-clad moms and their children with their newest anti-fur leafletPETA Comics presents...'Your Mommy Kills Animals!' "Kids will see the bloody truth behind their moms pretentious pelts. Accompanied by graphic photographs of skinned carcasses and animals languishing on fur farms, children will read: 'Lots of wonderful foxes, raccoons, and other animals are kept by mean farmers who squish them into cages so small that they can hardly move. They never get to play or swim or have fun. All they can do is cry-just so your greedy mommy can have that fur coat to show off in when she walks the streets.'" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107505473120665199 An article from some Christian Teen magazine. Ugh, about 90% of these are extremely stupid. 6. Play hide-and-seek in a cornfield. 17. Take your grandparents out for dinner at a fast food restaurant. 61. Read 1 Corinthians 13. 67. Volunteer to work in your church nursery on a Sunday morning. 78. Run errands for your parents. 82. Surprise your parents by cleaning the house. 86. Get involved with your school, church, and community. 100. Wash your parent's cars. "Want this list in a colorful brochure to share with a friend?" No. "Send a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope to:" I said no. Fuck off. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107505416103253644 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107505357222025190

Saturday, January 24, 2004

I just spent several hours reading THE ENTIRE SITE about time traveler John Titor (posted below), and I am seriously freaked out, and more than a little worried. Worried that it could be true, and that the future he tells about could become a reality. It's a very probably future, and things that John hinted at are indeed occurring. I also just looked over the referrals and found that several people found my site by searching Google for things like "Strange things to fuck," and "Girls fucking strange things." Ugh, and for some reason someone was searching the internet for "Carl's Jr. Coupons" and were of course directed to my site. Another one was "insults, hate, kill, die, smarterchild." And here's one I don't understand at all, "abuja, sex, love, fucking." What is "abuja" and why would searching for that bring them to my site? Someone also found my site after searching for "We moisten your dreams with man urine." Which is because I posted that phrase last Sunday after it was said on Space Ghost Coast to Coast. And, of course, most of my hits came from people searching Google for the movie quote, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K," which is from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Ok, time for bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107500799677167591 I hate to admit it, but this is great. It's clips from various Charlie Brown specials put together to make a video for "Hey Ya" by Outkast. It's very well done, and it actually looks like the Charlie Brown characters are singing and dancing to the song. I also hate to admit that, now that I've actually listened to this song, I really like it. The only drawback is that it takes about 30 minutes to download if you don't have DSL or cable modem. This is pretty interesting. "Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036. "One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the old Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation. "On March 24, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our time and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day." Warning, this could suck up at least an hour of your day. It did with me. This is pretty interesting, even if most of it is based on scripture or so-called archealogical finds I've never even heard of before.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107497391637298845

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level (Repenting Believers) (Virtuous Non-Believers) (Lustful) (Gluttonous) (Prodigal and Avaricious) (Wrathful and Gloomy) (Heretics) (Violent) (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) (Treacherous) Take the posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107497287911537432 Score Very Low Low High Very High Moderate High Extreme Very High Very High Moderate

Thursday, January 22, 2004

I finally did it! My is now open for business! Contains many products featuring my strange art! Actuall, "Art" would be going a little too far. My art is simply manipulated clip-art and fonts. Some of the products are a little plain, because I apparently need to make some bigger copies of the pictures, but some of the products are really cool! There's a couple of things on there that I'm probably going to buy myself! Check back periodically, as I will be adding more products, or changing the images on the stuff, because unless I pay for an enhanced site, I can only have one design on each product. Special orders will be accepted. If there's a picture you see on something that'd you'd like to see on another item, email me, and I'll put it in the store for you. But for now, go there! And buy! Buy like the wind! I want money! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107480524309955889 This is really cool. It's a giant Periodic table of the elements for like museums and stuff. It has sample of each element in the space for that element, or a picture of the person it's named after, and stuff like that. Except for the radioactive elements, of course. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107479251597748312

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 At first I thought this was just an idiot, but then when I saw that he claimed he had a Masters Degree in Bus Driving I realized it was probably a joke. It may be real, it may just be this guy's idea of a joke. But he sure doesn't look blond, South American, or 63 years old. Also, I don't know if that means he lives in San Francisco AND New York, or that he lives in San Francisco IN New York, which doesn't exist. No matter whether this guy is real, or made up, this whole personal is just plain wrong on many levels. I want this vehicle. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107474763709529136

Cool. I'm done with lesson 1 of my course already. Tomorrow I'll start on the reading for lesson 2. But now it's almost time for work. It's really cold in here again today. It says it's 50 degrees outside, but I can't beleive that, it feels a lot colder out there, and it's cloudy and a little windy. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107471777387488259

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Cool! My PCDI Small Business Course stuff just arrived! I should have checked the mail earlier, because now it's almost time for work, and I don't have time to do very much with it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107462912772199242 $300 billion company Microsoft offers 17 year-old Mike Rowe $10 (ten dollars) for his internet domain. If he doesn't sell, they'll sue. A woman is to undergo an operation to remove a giant tumour that weighs almost twice her normal body weight. Russian scientists have been unable to disprove a teenage girl who claims she has x-ray vision and can see inside human bodies. Fifa President Sepp Blatter says female soccer players should wear tighter shorts to promote "a more female aesthetic". Damn, if all the soccer players looked like the women in that picture I'd watch soccer all the time. Trip Wonker is the single trippiest optical illusion known to mankind. Use it, and your whole world will start warping around. Walls will melt, spoons will bend, your hand will quiver, AND IT'S ALL LEGAL!! These next few links are blogs that I am now going to also add (I accidentally typed "ass") to the "Blogs" list. A couple of other blogs have also been removed from the list, such as, which for some reason hasn't been working for a week. A very strange, but very funny blog. Usually makes no sense, demonstrated by this post: "I need to cut back on my smoking. Not cigarettes. Carrots. I seem to be annoying people at the produce section. Monday, December 22, 2003" Wil Wheaton. The guy that played Wesely Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I've denied my love for his site for a long time, mainly because I hated Wesely Crusher. But Wil Wheaton is cool. Besides being a real-life celebrity, he is also a web celebrity, and his blog is famous all over the internet. So finally, I am proud to offer it here on my site. Should be read daily by all geeks and nerds. Despite the name, and my love of all things Japanese, this site is not actually about sushi or Japan. It's just a funny blog. Oh, and here's a site Alicia sent me a while back, and I never have mentioned. I haven't really looked at it in-depth yet, but what I have seen is really cool. It's a Lord of the Rings Encyclopaedia.

I am a Conspiracy Nut ityquiz.html

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107462542671691950

Monday, January 19, 2004

HAMSTER STUFF! Melissa has been sending me this stuff all night. It's cool, but now I want to buy all of it! If I wasn't saving my money I'd buy that hamster coffee mug I posted last night. I like the attack hamster sign, and the watch the best. That German coin bank is kinda scary. Man, this day is a total waste. I can't beleive it's almost 10:00 already. And I haven't done anything today. I had lots of stuff I wanted to do today. Nothing important, but stuff I was wanting to do, like play Final Fantasy X. I started a new game on that the other day, and I planned on spending most of the day playing that, and watching my Dragonball Z DVDS. So far I've done neither. I've been talking to Melissa and looking at these links and stuff for several hours now, and that's about all I've done today. Not that I blame her or anything. Mmmmm... porn. Wait... what was I saying? Never mind. Ugh, time to find something to do, like watch those DVDs. Actually, Family Guy is about to come on. I love that show.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107457033648348340 OUCH! Be warned, this site has some very sick and disturbing pictures. Here's a much nicer site. Pretty funny, especially the poems, petitions, and bumper stickers. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107456781706955287

An announcer on TV just said "as seen on TV," and I could've sworn he said "ass seen on TV." I wish he would've said that, that would be cool. I prefer "Not stored in any souls!" I went to Office Max today, just to look around mainly. Is it just me, or does anyone else love office supply stores? Some guys love hardware stores, I love office supply stores. They always have such cool stuff there. I could spend all my money at Office Max. I'm trying to save my money, so I didn't intend on spending much money, but I ended up spending almost $50.00. The only thing I needed to buy was a new lockbox to keep important documents and stuff in. I have a small lockbox already, but it's too small, so I needed a bigger one. I also ended up buying one of those little tiny USB storage devices. It's about the size of a small pack of gum, and stores 64 megabytes of stuff. I didn't really need it, but I've always wanted one, and they had it on sale, so I ended up buying it. I lucky I made it out of there without spending more than that. I love office supply stores! I always look at the Office Max and Office Depot ads in the Sunday paper. I'm weird. Man, it's freezing in here! It's barely 40 degrees outside today. The other night at work I thought of an idea for a t-shirt. They should have a t-shirt that says "4 out of 5 doctors agree: You Suck!" I told Daniel, and he thought it was funny, and that he thought there should be a t-shirt that says "You're just jealous because you don't smell like ass too." I didn't think anyone would wear that, but then he told the other employees about it, and they all said they liked his shirt better, and that they'd buy it. I wish I could think of more shirt ideas. I think I'm gonna maybe go make a store, like I've been wanting to for years. I signed up to make a store once, but never got around to it, because I doubt anyone would buy any of my designs. But I may try it, who knows, I may sell a couple. And I need every dollar I can get. I doubt I'll bother though. Hmmm seems like there was something else I wanted to write about, but I forgot what it was. I'll probably thing of it later. For now, here's something I saw on the internet somewhere once. I forget where, it's been a couple of years, I just saved the text to my computer. It's pretty funny, and very accurate. A Generic Console RPG Plot Well, having played a whole pile of console RPGs translated and brought over to the US (22 at last count), I have to say that, as much as I like them, I'm a tad sick of some of the repetitious plot elements. As such, here's my own cynical version of a Generic Console RPG plot from Japan. Of course, not all games have all of these stereotypical elements (and some are thankfully much more original), but maybe some of these will sound familiar to a console RPG veteran.... (More later.) History: A now-peaceful world dimly remembers an ancient past where powerful forces of good battled against an evil force that sought mass destruction. The forces of good prevailed, and a few centuries of prosperity and forgetfulness followed.... Now: A dark(blue?)-haired young man, Our Hero, grows up in a quaint, bucolic, picturesque farm town; of course, he's an orphan. As time progresses, he becomes aware of something about himself that is different. He has powers that no one else has. Eventually he becomes a social outcast because he is misunderstood, and he must go traveling around the countryside in search of his true nature. Often, he is blamed for the increase in monsters in the world. Along the way, Our Hero meets a young (blond) princess who joins up and adventures with him; she turns into the primary magic caster of the team. He'll also meet at least one unusually strong (usually male) fighter, an inventor with kooky weapons (male or female), and at least one really weird character (say, a robot, a sprite, a sentient onion, a talking animal, or a feral wild boy, etc.). He also is befriended by mysterious spirits who talk to him when he's unconscious and tell him he has a special destiny to save the world. Around this time, Our Hero finds mysterious devices that look suspiciously like teleporter pads.... However, they are not operational yet. Our Hero, to get around, must first use a ship to travel across the ocean. He still can't go everywhere until he later gets a more powerful ship. More on this later. Our Hero inevitably winds up in the princess' (big and treasure-filled) castle and meets the king (and sometimes queen, too) at some point or other. Usually the Princess' father disapproves of what they're doing, and she winds up having to escape from the castle somehow to re-join her friends. Of course, she feels guilty for doing so, but she's sick of being a princess and just wants to be herself. Too bad the odds are good the king will somehow die before the end of the game.... At first the monsters they run into are fairly innocuous and small, but gradually the monsters get visibly larger and larger, and also more dangerous. At the same time, the scenery grows progressively harsher, changing from peaceful forests, small towns, and gentle farmlands into nastier forests, big dirty cities, and things like deserts and dungeons. Much, much later, the harsh scenery turns into sterile steel-n-concrete and other high-tech ruins. Of course, Our Hero and his companions need strong weapons to survive. They find or buy progressively more poweful items. Strangely, Our Hero's own home town always seems to have the worst selection of weapons, and each new town he finds always seems to have something better (and more expensive) than what he already has.... Our Hero also runs up against "evil" human forces led by a misguided king of a different land. The bad king is just a pawn, though; some sinister minister or advisor is at the king's side, manipulating him. And the minister has worse connections.... This foreign king will, sometime in the future, repent of his ways, usually too late to do anything. By now, Our Hero has also figured out how to activate the transporter pads, and can now teleport around the world. To cap off everything, he gets a flying machine (or creature) that can take him almost anywhere on the (sadly small) planet without the bother of having to travel to and from the transporters. Our Hero also begins to catch more glimpses of the Ancient Highly Advanced Culture; he stumbles upon ancient ruins that contain electronics far beyond his own mid-tech culture. He finds the ruins of things that look suspiciously like TVs, cars, and spaceships. He begins to run into robots, and ancient magic spells are re-discovered. Our Hero might even wind up transported to a different world in a different plane of existence (or at least a different time period), where he learns about the past. The plot begins wrapping up around this point, as Our Hero discovers that all problems stem from the actions of some Evil Ancient Entity, a creature that

lives in some mechanical satellite of some sort far above the planet's surface. Our Hero has already fought and defeated a number of the Evil Enemy's henchmen and lieutenants. Now Our Hero needs to activate the mechanisms to reach the source of all the badness, the Evil Entity, deep within its cozy high-tech lair. Luckily, he has the help of the ancient environmentalist Guardian Spirits that have long protected the world (remember the spirits that had been telling him he was special in his dreams?). Along the way, he encounters an evil lieutenant or two (sometimes ones he's already defeated before), and he even converts one and saves him/her from his/her evil ways. Finally, Our Hero reaches the Evil Entity's lair, because He Is Destined to do so. The Evil Entity reveals that it arrived from outer space and is now trying to make this planet fit its own agendas. Then it tries to entice our Hero into switching sides by pointing out Our Hero's own personal weaknesses (and those of his friends'), but it fails because Our Hero still cares about his friends anyway and wants to be with them. Now Our Hero fights the Evil Entity, who actually appears to die once or twice but who always comes back stronger and meaner. Finally, Our Hero succeeds in destroying the Evil Entity for good, though not without the help of his companions, who give him the last bit of spiritual love and strength he needs to achieve the impossible for the sake of the world. One or more of them may die at this point, happy to have fulfilled their missions. Thus, evil is vanquished again, and things are restored to their peaceful, bucolic ways. Finally, the survivors can return to living out their simple lives amidst their green trees and quaint little houses. And there was much rejoicing. Hey, wasn't that easy? I could be a game designer. Whoops, I already am one. Oh well.... As a last note, plot elements frequently become over-used when they contain powerful ideas that appeal to many people at some deep level. The Japanese RPG industry, like any industry, must always strive to get new customers, and any first-time player will likely get the full, fresh impact of even a commonlyused theme. It's only after playing a ton of similar games that a user starts getting as jaded as, well, I am. And, finally, my sample of games is strictly limited to those that make it into the US fully translated, which is a fraction of all RPGs produced in Japan. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107455361315345368

Sunday, January 18, 2004 I WANT THIS! YAY! That would rule. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107446018545474704

Underwear! I have UNDERWEAR! YAY! Underwear powers... ACTIVATE! WITH THESE UNDERWEAR I SHALL RULE THE WORLD! I've been needing some more underwear for a couple of months now, but never could remember to buy any, but I finally did. Damn, it's cold here today. It's like 35 degrees, and windy and wet. It's been raining for several days now. Well, it's not really raining today or yesterday, but it's all misty and wet. Shut up Slunchy. Slunchy said some very naughty things in response to "misty and wet." Slunchy's a disgusting, filthy pervert. Like I mentioned the other day, I'm trying to save up my money now. I'm doing good so far. I'm going to be able to deposit my entire check this week. I've also made 52 cents the last two days just by picking up found coins and stuff. I'm saving my money for the business I plan on opening in a few years, but also for other purposes. I need to do all the things I want to do now, before I get into starting a business. So, hopefully sometime in the next year or two, I'm going to go to Japan for a week or two, so I'm saving up for that too. I'm also trying to earn extra money by working more. I usually get sent home early, since I have all my work done early, and they want to cut costs at work. Lately we've been really slow, so the last month or two I've been getting sent home really early every night nearly. My check I got the other day was only 44.5 hours for two weeks. It was the smallest check I've ever had. So I'm trying to some home early less now, having them send someone else home early instead. But the way they've cut everyone's hours, even if I worked every hour I'm scheduled, that would still only be about 62 hours for two weeks instead of 80. I may switch to day crew, so I can get a full 40 hours a week. I hate days though. Actually, days are kinda cool, because they're so busy the 8 hours goes by really quick. But I just hate getting up at 6:00 in the morning. I may do it though, but it will be a while before I can, because I'd have to give them warning, so they could hire and train some more night crew people to take my place. I can't beleive it, but I'd also actually miss working with a couple of the people on nights. I really need to just get a better job, but I'm still not having any luck there. I finally gave up on the prison. I went in for four interviews and got turned down every time. Winning the lottery would be nice. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107445507871088668

Man, this is the stupidest thing I've seen in a long time. It really reminds me of why I hate rabid Christians so much. It's the ChildCare Action Project site. Christian movie reviews, they review movies and list what's wrong with them from a Christian viewpoint. The people who insist Harry Potter is evil because it has magic. Check out their review of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, according to them it's like one of the worst movies ever made because of all the magic and imaginary creatures. Also, talking trees are an offense to God. So is Gollum, partly because he doesn't wear enough clothes, partly because he was granted extreme long life by the ring. The whole article can be read Here's their quick list of offenses of LOTR: ROTK. Wanton Violence/Crime (W) # action violence, repeatedly, some graphic # lust for possession, including to kill, repeatedly # planning killing # arrow killing, graphic # long battle violence/gore, quite frequent # beatings, with and without tools/weapons # graphic arrow impalements

# use of severed heads as throwing weapons # graphic crushing deaths, frequent # great falls with impacts seen # decayed and encapsulated bodies and body parts # graphic attack by larger-than-actor spider, repeatedly # attempted murder, repeatedly # fighting, repeatedly # impalement by huge spider # human incineration # attempted ritual suicide/murder by fire # close-ups of death and dying # pointing finger bitten off # perils of danger from risk of great fall # fall into lava Impudence/Hate (I) # spreading dissent among friends, allies # lying # framing of guilt by deceit # deceit with intent t kill Sexual Immorality (S) # sparse dress on male character, repeatedly # excessive cleavage # open face kiss Drugs/Alcohol (D): # smoking # drinking # drunkenness Offense to God (O) # unholy transformation by evil power # talking trees # unholy healing # evil control # unholy possession # threat by wizardry/sorcery # prophesying # tale of sorcery # evil beasts/demons, repeatedly # enlisting tens of thousands of "walking dead" to do good by assisting the "good guys" in battle # frequent and repeated graphic views of many unholy creatures (Orcs) many times in close-up # use of evil (sorcery/witchcraft/wizardry) to do good by assisting the "good guys" in battle # grant of immortality # seeking evil for help in battle # control of humans with a curse # demon beast attacks, some quite graphic and with many deaths # light by sorcery, twice # transporting people by unholy magic # attempted ritual suicide/murder # walking dead walking on water # many instances of using evil for good # seeing the non-seeable by wizardry # images of supreme evil Murder/Suicide (M) # murder to possess object # brutal murder of battle-injured man with impalement shown Man, these people are idiots. It makes my head hurt. They also have a review of the South Park movie, which is quite funny. According to them, an adult male midget in a women's bikini is an offense to God. I guess because it's cross-dressing and he's not wearing enough clothes. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=10744469958530909

Friday, January 16, 2004

ARGH! Slunchy not happy! Some fucker impersonate Slunchy in talk-thingy! Slunchy hates everyone! Slunchy likes to bite the heads off kittens! Slunchy smells like urine soaked alley. WASH SLUNCHY! Slunchy go look at porn now. Slunchy like tits too! posted by SLUNCHY @ blogID=3773360&postID=107428261873398589

I added a couple more links to the list of blogs. And here's some more cool links I've found recently. Pretty handy. If I converted my entire savings to Japanese Yen, I'd have over 345,000 Yen. There's even a link to another site where you can get foreign currency and have it delivered to your house. Really funny. Check out the "About Us" section of the site. It's pretty funny. "We ended up working at a few more jobs together along the way, instructing the uninitiated in the art of keeping your 12-pack hidden from the boss, but STILL COLD enough to enjoy during miserable hours of phone tech support. Anyone who has not done this job won't appreciate the value of drinking luke-warm Meisterbrau at 1:00am while explaining to the last Civil War veteran how to find 'them naked girls' on the Intarweb." Allows you to make one of those tiny little pictures that appears by your internet address up in the toolbar of your browser. I made one for my page, but unfortunately I can't use it because I can't upload pictures to this server. What happens when a lesser-known business moves into the building that was formerly a well-known business, and you can still tell from the shape of the building what the place used to be. Man, that sentence was awkward. Anyway, I have got to go get some pictures of the former Carl's Jr. in Chickasha. Now it's some mexican restauraunt, but you can still tell it was a Carl's Jr. It's still got stars on it, and the sign is star-shaped even. All they did to the restaraunt is paste some cartoon mexican guy in a sombrero over the faces in the center of the stars. Ugh, I have to work tonight. I hate Fridays. They changed my work schedule around this week. I've been being off on Saturdays, but this week I have to work Friday and Saturday. Both the long nights that we are open an extra hour later. Well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I need the hours. My last few checks have been really small. Really small as in $250 for two weeks of work. I've gotta start working more and saving up my money for this whole starting a business thing. I've got a little over $3,250 in my savings account, and I'd like to have around $10,000 before I try to open a business. I'm going to really have to cut down on my spending, and start working more too. I've also got a big jar now that I'm putting all my coins in. When it gets full I'm going to take it to the bank, and deposit it in my savings account. That will actually increase my bank account pretty quick, because I accumulate change like you wouldn't beleive. I hardly ever use any change. I can have a pocketful of change and I'll still break a dollar. Whenever I go shopping, if I go to several places while I'm out, I'll come home and have two dollars in change in my pocket. I just cashed in all my coins a few months ago, and I've already got about $50 in change rolled up here that I'm going to put in the bank my next day off. Which is Monday. I have to work Friday, saturday and Sunday, it's gonna suck. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107427803933215808

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Well, I wasn't going to post anything more tonight, but I thought this was funny, and just had to share. J

Friday, December 26, 2003

Hooray for Christmas, and hooray for presents! I got lots of stuff. First off, as I mentioned before, my parents gave me $150 to order stuff online with. I used it on various stuff from,, and Some of the many things I ordered include a fancy chopsticks set for four people; one of those conical straw hats like Chinese peasants wear; a t-shirt that says, in Japanese, "Looking for a Japanese girlfriend;" and many Dragonball Z DVDs. Then, as presents, I got mostly video games. I got The Hobbit and Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy for the Playstation 2. I also got a Gameboy Advance SP, and an accessory pack for it, which contains a screen magnifier, little speakers, and a car power adapter. I also got two games for it, Dragonball Z, The Legacy of Goku 1 and 2. Also, I got a $100 gift card for Best Buy, which I plan on mainly using for more Gameboy games. I went to Best Buy today to spend it, but they were packed, and barely had any games left. They only had one of the three or four I want, The Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past. I got that, and also Sim City 2000. I also got a four-disc DVD set of Bruce Lee movies, which was only $15. It contains The Chinese Connection, Fists of Fury, The Legend of Bruce Lee, and A Dragon Story. I've still got enough money left to go back and buy a couple more games next week, by when hopefully they'll be restocked. Ok, enough of that, here's a questionnaire thing I got from Alicia. last cigarette: About a year ago. Yes, I've taken up smoking a couple of times, but I don't really like it, so I quit after a couple of weeks. last car ride: This morning, when I went to Best Buy. last kiss: Almost two years ago. last good cry: I don't remember, it's been a while. Probably around 8 months. last library book checked out: About ten years ago I checked out a book called Exegesis. I still have it. last movie seen: I watched part of Joe Dirt just a few minutes ago. last book read: Do comic books count? If so, then Dragonball volume 8. If not, then The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu by Wong Kiew Kit. last cuss word uttered: I don't know, I've been around my sister and parents a lot today, so I haven't cussed much. Probably "dammit". last beverage drank: Water. last food consumed: A Slim Jim last crush: I'm not telling. last phone call: Daniel calling a couple of weeks ago to ask if I wanted to come play Halo. last TV show watched: Ed, Edd, and Eddy. last time showered: This morning. last shoes worn: My black Lugz. last CD played: The CD I burned the other day. last item bought: The stuff I bought from Best Buy. last downloaded: Porn. last annoyance: Taking about half an hour to figure out how to save my game on Sim City 2000 last disappointment: Best Buy not having the games I wanted. last soda drank: Coke, a few hours ago. last thing written: This. last words spoken: "and I still have it," back when I was writing about the library book. I wrote that, then I laughed and said "and I still have it." last sleep: Last night, from about 1 am to 9 am. last IM: No one today. I talked to Chris and Alicia both a couple of days ago. I think Alicia was the most recent one. last weird encounter: Any time I see my sister. last ice cream eaten: Chocolate frozen yogurt at work, and that's been a couple of months ago. last time amused: Almost constantly. last time wanting to die: Many months ago.

last time in love: I'm always in love with one person or another. It's a habit, I just don't feel right if I'm not in love with someone. last time hugged: Almost two years ago. last time scolded: Long, long ago. last chair sat in: The desk chair I'm sitting in right now. last lipstick: Your mom's. last underwear worn: The underwear I'm wearing right now, which are the same as all my underwear. Tighty-whities. last show attended: None. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107249490943472707

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Merry Christmas! This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107223907543386223

Monday, December 22, 2003

Yeah, I haven't updated in a few days. That's because I've been too busy playing Dragonball Z Budokai 2! I got it just like I hoped I would! It rules, though I do have a few complaints about it, but I don't want to get into that now. I don't have a lot of time to write today. I also got a new electric razor for my birthday, it's pretty cool. It's a shame I needed one though, I got a really good one that cost over a hundred dollars a couple of Christmases ago. It was one of those ones that have the base it goes in, and it cleans itself whenever your done. But it broke a while back, it was still usable, but just barely, it kept trying to fall apart. This one I got this year is pretty cool too. It's one of those new Remington Titanium ones. It's got titanium blades that are supposed to be extra sharp, and stay that way for a long time. It's not self-cleaning like the old one, but that's actually kinda good, because the cleaning solution packs for the old one were expensive. Each one lasted a month, and you got two in a box for almost 30 dollars. You could buy a whole new razor every 8 months or so for that cost. And from my sister I got a stuffed animal. But it's actually really cool. It's Ein from Cowboy Bebop. It's cool, I like it. Me and my sister went to the comic book store a week or so ago, and we saw it there, and I thought it was cool, and I almost bought it myself but it was $17.95. I went back a couple of days later and it was gone, it turns out my sister went back there and bought it the next day. The reason I don't have much time to write is that I have to go to the doctor in a little bit, and then I have to go to work. I was supposed to be off today, but a couple of weeks ago Sarah took a vacation back to Oregon to see her family or something, and then a couple of days before she was supposed to come back, we heard from her cousin that she wasn't probably going to come back at all. It turns out now she is coming back, but not until the 12th, or something like that. So I have to work today after all. I have to go to the doctor at 1:00. My Lexapro free samples are all gone now, and I'm supposed to go back today, so the doctor can see if it's been working or not, and if it is he's gonna give me a prescription for it. It shouldn't take too long, but I just hate that I have to go there and work today, mainly because it cuts into my video game time. It's almost Christmas! Hooray! Me and Alicia already exchanged our Christmas presents a couple of days ago. I got her a copy of The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy. It's a book of weird, funny poems by Tim Burton. It seems like she really liked it, she was laughing at it just thumbing through it. She got me a little Chinese Laughing Buddha statue. It can go next to my other Buddha statues. It's pretty cool, though those laughing Buddhas are kinda weird looking. He's got huge pointy tits, too. This Christmas is kinda sad, because it's the first year that we're not doing the whole "Santa" thing. By the time I was old enough for everyone to stop with the Santa act, my little sister was born, so we kept it up for her, but now she's 13, and hasn't believed in a few years, so this year we're not doing it at all. Usually we open our presents from each other on Christmas Eve, and then Christmas morning we open the presents from Santa. But this year we're just opening all our presents on Christmas morning. It's sad. Ok, that's it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107211452087177559

Friday, December 19, 2003

BIRTHDAY! YAY!! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107185412551080327

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Dude, I am seriously excited today. I can't wait for my birthday tomorrow. First I have to go find a Christmas present for Alicia, but then the rest of the day is mine. I'm going to have to definitely limit my calories today, because tomorrow I'm pigging out. First I'm going to Taste of China Buffet for lunch, and then we'll probably get Jo's Pizza for dinner. Jo's has the world's best pizza, but it's so expensive we mostly save it for special occasions. It's like $20 a pizza. Then I'm probably going to go to the movies, and either see The Last Samurai again, or Lord of the Rings, if there's not a line. By then it will be late enough I can come home and open my presents. I'm pretty sure one of them is Dragonball Z Budokai 2 so then that's how I will spend the rest of the night, and the next week, is playing that. Since my birthday is so close to Christmas, we always just put my birthday presents under the tree too. They've been sitting in there for about a week. I wonder what my sister got me. The package feels about empty, even though it's a pretty good size. It looks and feels like she got me something pretty small, but stuck it in a large shoe box to wrap it. She probably won't be here when I open my present tomorrow. One of her friend's birthday parties is also tomorrow, and they're all going up to Oklahoma City somewhere to play laser tag. She's all excited about that too because her borfriend is supposed to be there too, and be on her team. But he told her already that he usually betrays his teammates and shoots them too. This kids birthday was supposed to be last Friday, but they postponed it because it snowed and everything last Friday. They're supposed to be gone really late too, I don't know why they're going to be gone that long. They're supposed to be gone from about 5:00 to 11:00 pm. Well, I'm gonna go play video games for a while before I have to go to work. Oh, another cool thing about my birthday is that I requested off at work so I don't have to work tomorrow, and tomorrow's a Friday, our busiest night. I am so glad I don't have to work it. I was laughing at the managers the other night,

because they were upset that I wasn't going to be there on a Friday, since I'm their best worker. I am glad I don't have to, I've worked every Friday for a long time now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107177884397087617

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107170972656508831

I am in the greatest mood today. I'm not sure why, I just am. I think part of it is the excellent CD I burned today. The track list is as follows: Boys of Summer - The Ataris Thank You - Dido Touch of Grey - The Grateful Dead November Rain - Guns N' Roses Civil War - Guns N' Roses Hurt - Johnny Cash Dust in the Wind - Kansas Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit Sister Christian - Night Ranger I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers It's the End of the World as We Know It - R.E.M. The One I Love - R.E.M. Stand - R.E.M. The CD rocks. Almost every song on it is a song I absolutely love. Touch of Grey is now my favorite song. It's one of the greatest songs ever made. It's also the first music video I remember seeing. When I was a little kid this amazing video came out, and my whole family loved it. Whenever it came on we'd always tell each other and we'd all watch it. It is such a cool video. It was made up to look like a live performance by the Grateful Dead, but every now and then during the song they would change to skeletons. It was these skeletons dressed up to look like the band members, and they were like on wires and stuff, so it looked like they were playing the music and singing and stuff. I went shopping today, mainly to try to finally find a present for my dad. I had no idea what to get him, and neither does my mom, she doesn't know what to get him at all. I also needed to find a present for Alicia, but I forgot to do that. I found something for my dad, a cheap little tool kit thing to keep in your car. I bought a lot of stuff for myself while I was there too. I ended up spending like 50 dollars today. The other day I bought a lot of manga, I got three books of the Dragonball manga, and an issue of Shonen Jump manga magazine. I was going to go to the movies and see The Last Samurai again, but then I realized that the new Lord of the Rings movie came out today, so I knew I wouldn't be able to get near the theater, and I had also spent enough money already today. I'm going to have to go out again Friday and do some more shopping, and find something for Alicia. Friday's also my birthday, yay! Alicia gave me my birthday present today, it's cool. It's a wind chime, which, like she said, is kinda a girly present, but it's still cool, because it's got Chinese symbols on it. I'm gonna go do some online shopping now. For Christmas my parents are giving me $150 dollars to use to order stuff I want from the internet with. That sentence was really awkward, but I tried writing it several different ways, and that was the best I could do. I know it violated a few rules of grammar though, for example, you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107170773031757543

Monday, December 15, 2003

I just bit my cheek, and for some reason, the blood tastes like asparagus. I'm bored. I've been in a chat room for several hours now, even though the chat room sucks. There's nothing on tv, other than Wayne's World 2, which sucks. I love the first movie, but this one sucks. I'm tired too. I have to go to work later. Just a few more days until my birthday, hooray. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107151642783392110

Sunday, December 14, 2003


by Kevin @

Friday, December 12, 2003

Well, it's raining, but it doesn't look like we'll get the snow they predicted. They've already cut down their predictions for this part of the state. They are getting inches of snow north of us, but down here they've got us in "trace to 3 inches." We probably wont even get that, unless its late tonight, it's 43 degrees outside here. It will probably freeze later, and then at least it will be icy from all the rain, but who knows if we'll get any snow. If it wasn't for work I'd wish it wouldn't do anything, because I don't want it to be bad tomorrow when I'm off, but I wish it would do something tonight so we'd be dead at work, instead of extremely busy. Almost my birthday. I never know how I should count the days. Do I count today? Do I count the day of my birthday, since my parents make me wait until the approximate time of my birth to give me my presents, which is like 6:30 in the evening? If I don't count today, or my birthday, it's only five days. If I count both, it's seven. Wow, it's raining pretty good now. And I'm bored. I've been playing Budokai for the last hour or so, but I'm bored with that now, and there's nothing on TV except for The Powerpuff Girls, which, yes, I usually watch, but I've seen most of the episodes at least 10 times. I think I'll do something I don't do very often: go to a chat room. I usually avoid chatrooms because 99.999% of them are incredibly stupid people trying to find someone to have cyber sex with. I only go to them when extremely bored. This one is pretty good usually though. It's a Japan chat room on AOL, lots of talk about Japan and Anime usually. Hmm, today it looks like it sucks though. There's 20 something people in the room, but only the 5 or 6 stupidest are talking. Here's an excerpt from the fascinating conversation: Dragonne59297290: there are asian here ? Soldierblack814: YALL B SAFE GOTTA GO BYE King Eva of NERV: What is troubling you Aithanx? Glitterz15X: hehehe yah'had to lett the dog in King Eva of NERV: You too Soldier DTKurisu: 4( < a href="">. MOI DIX MOIS - Forbidden ) Kojiotmodachi: i'm bored no girls wonna talk to me Glitterz15X: im a gurl but King Eva of NERV: Maybe if you were nice Glitterz15X: no thenks King Eva of NERV: Koji King Eva of NERV: lol Glitterz15X: !!!!!!!!!!!!! Aithanx: Well, if ya really must know doctor Glitterz15X: ah im right beside eva again Mondshine: k gotta go bye everyone! Glitterz15X: hug Glitterz15X: (hugs) King Eva of NERV: (puts on spectacles) The stupidity makes my head hurt. I'm gonna go try to find something else to do. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107126055042821254

Thursday, December 11, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107120102371255569

Wow, I can't beleive it, I figured for sure I'd be up a pound or two today, because I feel fat, and I've eaten a lot the last few days. But then I weighed this morning, and I'm down another 2 pounds, down to 259, that's a total of 20 pounds lost! Hoo-rah. Getting pretty close to my birthday. It's next Friday. I wish it was this Friday. Dammit, that movie Held Up is coming on Comedy Central. I hate that movie, and they usually show it at least once a week. It's a horrible movie, I can't beleive anyone watches it, or that it made any money at all when it was in the theaters. The temperature is going up pretty quick today, it's 46 degrees now, and just a few hours ago it was only 27 degrees. Tomorrow we're supposed to get between 3 and 5 inches of snow. I'll beleive that when I see it. It may do that in Oklahoma City, but here where I am, only about 30 miles south of OKC, it hardly ever snows or anything, maybe an inch or two at the most. People panic around here though. If we get half an inch of snow, they close all the schools and stuff. I hope we do get some snow tomorrow, because that means it will be really slow at work, instead of extremely busy like Fridays usually are. It seems like there was something else I wanted to write about today, but I can't remember what it was now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107117341192451938

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

A joke I just read on the internet: Q: What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? A: 50 pounds. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107111518481705326

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Man, it's sleeting and snowing outside, and it's only like 32 degrees and the wind has been blowing about 40 to 50 mph all day today. This is after it was 76 degrees yesterday. I went and saw The Last Samurai today. It was great. I don't know if everybody would love it as much as I did, but anyone who's as big a fan of Japanese culture as I am would love it. It's the number one movie right now though, so a lot of people must like it. It sounded like half the people in the theater (there were only about 20 people in there at the most anyway) were sniffling and crying at the end. It was a pretty good ending. I also pigged out on Chinese food today. Today I went to Taste of China buffet and ate a lot. It was great. Well, that's about it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107102928664975737

Monday, December 08, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107093822856725723

Yes, this white space is very annoying. At first I thought something was wrong with the site, but then I figured out that it's just because my posts are so short and far between now that my post area is much shorter than the sidebar. There's a big white space at the bottom of the page too. This post isn't going to be very long either. I just don't have anything much to write about lately. Just the usual work and video games. Work was very very busy two nights in a row a few days ago, it really sucked. I work tonight, but I only work lobby, so it will be a short, easy night, and then I'm off tomorrow. It's supposed to maybe snow tomorrow, even though right now it's 74 degrees outside. It's hot. Way too fucking hot for December. Adam Sandler is on Saturday Night Live right now, singing the Lunchlady Land song, and Chris Farley is dancing around dressed as the lunchlady, and everyone else is dressed up as Sloppy Joe and all the other foods, and they are acting out the song as he sings. It's great. I think they're showing a best of Chris Farley thing, cool. I love Chris Farley. I still haven't been exercising much lately. I'm still on my diet, but not exercising much. I'm going to get really serious after Christmas or New Years. I've lost another three pounds the last week, I'm down to 261, that's 18 pounds lost. I look a lot thinner now. I'm looking a lot better. I bought some new work pants the other day, and had to get a smaller size. I can't wait for Christmas and my birthday, I'm getting lots of cool video games, most notably, Dragonball Z Budokai 2. I'm really looking forward to that game. I saw a commercial for it the other day, and it was so cool I thought I was going to have a seizure or something. Man, I'm a geek. Hey, this post is a little longer that I figured it would be, it should get rid of that damn white space. This Chris Farley thing is hilarious. They just showed a montage of some of his funniest physical comedy moments. He was great at falling down and breaking things. Mmmm, I had Chinese food for lunch. I've been craving it for about two months. They just said on CNN that Ozzy has revealed that he was totally out of it on prescription medications during their reality show. Well, gotta go now. Hooray for the semi-long post. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107091018401550488

Sunday, December 07, 2003 Really cool site. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107085862979733374

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Ah ha, I knew it should have been the opposite... It turns out they had the times wrote backwards on the bulletin board regarding the Christmas party at work last night. It was, in fact, 7:30 when the lobby closed, and 8:00 when the rest of the store closed. The party was about as stupid as I figured, just people I see every day sitting around eating and talking. The food wasn't that great either. There were a few good laughs though. For example, Clarence was for some reason videotaping the event, and when I pointed this out to Daniel and Olivia, Olivia said "Carl's Jr. Workers Gone Wild!" And that cracked us up, and then they almost died laughing when I said "Do NOT tell Mike that, cause he'll do it!" If you knew Mike you'd laugh, and maybe vomit. Mike is this big guy that works there, and he weighs about 500 pounds, and he's got a really sick/weird sense of humor, and if someone had mentioned that to him, there's a good chance he would have lifted his shirt or something. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. Well, time to get ready for another sucky day at work. The last time I was off was Sunday, and I'm not off again until Saturday. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107057167879382289

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Christmas party tonight at work. It's probably going to suck. It's not going to be much, not like usual. Usually we have games and exchange presents and stuff, but this year it's just going to be a meal, and from the looks of the who's-bringing-what list, not much of a meal at that. I wonder who's coming, hardly anyone has signed up to come, but they'll probably show up anyway. On the good side, we get to close early tonight for the party. For some reason drivethru is closing at 7:30 and the lobby and everything else at 8:00. That doesn't make sense, it should be the other way around, drive-thru should close at 8:00, and lobby at 7:30, since the party is being held in the lobby. I get to work lobby tonight too, which is good and bad. Good, because lobby is easy, and I can definitely have everything done by 8:00, I probably couldn't get everything in drive-thru done by the time we closed, but it's bad because lobby closes at 8:00, and the party starts right after that, but I'll have to go home and change clothes and get the food I'm bringing, and then come back, and it will be almost 8:30 by then. I gained a total of three pounds on Thanksgiving and the days of leftovers, but I've lost it all again already. I haven't been able to walk the last few days, because the weather's getting pretty cold now, and the wind still sucks. The wind has been blowing like crazy for the last three weeks. It's 20mph and up almost every day. The slow days it's only 15mph. I've been playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City constantly the last few days. I've been playing it for almost five hours so far today. And I never do any of the missions or anything, I just use cheat codes to give myself all the weapons and stuff like that, and then run around killing everyone and blowing stuff up. It's fun. I let my sister watch me play it a few days ago, and she thought it was the funniest thing ever. She's evil though. Maybe I should bring her to the Christmas party tonight, family is invited. For some reason several of the people there thinks she's evil and is scared of her or something, so it would be funny to bring her. But I'm not going to. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107048221571730951

About Me

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Hooray for Christmas! My parents decorated the house today, and I decorated my room. I love Christmas lights, I always hang some up in my room. And usually leave them up way past Christmas. I have a three foot artficial tree and lights around my window. My parents bought the main Christmas tree today too, but we haven't put it up yet. I love Christmas trees, we always get real ones. I love that smell. When I was a kid I used to like to crawl under the tree and stay there for a while. Presents rock too. I'm 24, but my parents still spend a lot of money on me at Christmas. I usually get video games and stuff. This year I told them I want a Game Boy Advance, and a couple of games for it. But other than that they don't really know what to get me, so they're probably going to just let me order a few things I want online, and then they'll pay for it. I love Christmas! I love driving around looking at all the decorated houses. Hooray for Christmas! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107025404955771537

Saturday, November 29, 2003 This site rocks. They have a huge selection of bonsai trees and all kinds of bonsai tools and accessories. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107016795066627968

Damn, I'm up another pound today, back up to 266. I'm not surprised though, I stuffed myself on Thanksgiving leftovers last night. I think I ate more last night than I did on Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I go back on my diet for real though. I'm off tomorrow, so I'll get to exercise a lot too. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107013180375913455

Friday, November 28, 2003

Cool, I'm only up one pound today after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving dinner was pretty good this year. I went for a walk afterwards yesterday, and I thought I was going to freeze before I got back to my car. It was 51 degrees, but felt more like 21. I don't know why it felt so cold. Me and Chris decided that we are both going to go and get tattoos when he comes home in June. He's been planning on getting one for a while, but I just decided a few days ago that I'm going to get one. I've thought about it before, thought about what tattoo I'd want if I got one, but I never was really serious about it. I wanna get mine sooner, but he said I have to wait for him, so I probably will. I gotta get ready for work now. I hate Friday night's they are always busy. Tonight might be really busy. I hope not, Wednesday night was busy enough. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=107005300696984847

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Happy damn Thanksgiving. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106995651863673410

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Ok, here's the picture I was going to upload. I can't upload images to this server, so you'll have to click if you want to see it. I don't know why it's so blurry. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106987914408112008

I'm down another three pounds today. Hooray! That means I now weigh 264, for a total of 15 pounds lost. I wasn't able to go walking this morning though, my leg still hurts. I bought some stuff yesterday, and used it to further decorate my little "table top Asian area." The top of my dresser is covered with little dragon and Buddha statues and stuff like that. With my Bonsai tree in the center. Yesterday I bought more stuff. Have you ever seen those little boxes, usually at the bookstore, with names like "The Mini Buddha Kit," or "The Mini Voodoo Doll Kit," or "The Mini Zen Garden Kit," things like that? I love those things, I already had the Zen Garden kit, the mini fountain kit, and the sushi kit. The sushi kit came with a tiny book about sushi, a pair of tiny, completely unusable (for me anyway) chopsticks, a little soy sauce dipping bowl, and a bamboo sushi rolling mat. Yesterday I bought a really cool kit, called the "Takeout for Two" kit, all about Chinese takeout food. It came with a little book about Chinese takeout, including some recipies to make Chinese food yourself, and hints on hour to make your Chinese takeout eating experience more authentic. It also came with two more pairs of tiny chopsticks, two ceramic chopstick holders, which are cool, two mini paper lanterns and two of those placemats they always have at Chinese restaurants that have the Chinese Zodiac stuff on them. I also bought the "Executive Desk Gong" kit, which is just a mini gong, and a little book about gongs. So anyway, I used to gong and the paper Landers to further decorate my dresser. I really need to find another place to put my "Yellow Submarine" lava lamp, as it does not fit the rest of the design scheme. I've been wanting to get a tattoo lately. I'm thinking about it. I'd have to hide it from my parents though. I'm 23, so I wouldn't HAVE to, but I'd want to, because they'd freak out. I want to get some Chinese symbol on my upper arm. Probably the symbol for courage, or honor. The honor symbol looks kind weird though. It looks like a little stick figure samurai to me. It's supposed to look like a basket of cowrie shells, because in ancient China they were used for money, and supposedly someone who paid all his debts and gave money to the poor was honorable. I'm gonna take a picture, and see if I can't get it up on the page here. A picture of my little Asian shrine. Wait, I can't I forgot, my stupid digital camera saves its files to a disk instead of some USB memory card, and my iMac doesn't have a floppy drive, so getting the pic to this computer would be a long complicated process. First I have to take the picture, then I have to boot up my old laptop PC, which takes about 15 minutes to get fully started up, then I have to use its disk drive, and then get online and email the picture to myself. Then I have to sign back onto the internet with my iMac and download the picture. I'll do all that later. I'm going to have to wait a while for my camera's battery to charge anyway. This is a really cool camera, it cost over $700 when my parents got it for me for Christmas a few years ago. It takes still pictures and even videos up to a minute long, and it's a Sony. So it's really good, the only problem is that it saves to a disk. Which was actually a good thing, because when I got it, the computer I had just had a disk drive, and no USB capabilities. But now the computer I have now has USB but no disk drive. It's always something. Anyway, I gotta go to work later. I'm actually in a good mood about it, because I was off yesterday, and then I'm off tomorrow, and it's a pretty short night tonight, and it probably won't be that busy either. It's hard to tell, it will either be really slow because most people have already gone to their relative's houses and stuff, or it will be really busy, because of people still driving to wherever they are going. It will probably be slow though, I think it was last year. I like Thanksgiving, though I'm not going to be able to eat much this year. I'll just eat a few bites of each thing. My mom doesn't cook a huge meal, about the only difference between Thanksgiving dinner and a normal dinner is that there's turkey, giblet gravy (mmm, I love giblet gravy) and dressing. Everything else is the same kind of stuff she always cooks. Thanksgiving is pretty boring for me, there's no family. For the last several years thanksgiving is just me, my parents and my sister. We used to go over to my grandparents on my dad's side's house, where a lot of my dad's side of the family would get together. We never had thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family, I've never even met most of them. And both my grandparent's on that side were dead long ago. But now my grandparents on my dad's side are dead too, and most of the rest of the family doesn't get along together well, so we haven't gotten together in several years now. Probably 7 or 8 years. Wow, this is the longest post I've made in a long time. Dammit, on the 13th I ordered some Dragonball Z DVDs. After a couple of days it said they were backordered, even though when I ordered them they were all in stock. Now like two weeks later, they're still backordered, so I sent them an e-mail asking how much longer it would take. A couple of days later, yesterday, I receive a response saying that all four of the DVDs I ordered are discontinued and no longer for sale, even though I've already been charged for them, and waiting for them for two weeks. They say I can either choose four different DVDs of equal price, or ask for a refund. I asked for the refund, but they still haven't done it yet, it will probably take a couple of days, like it did for them to respond to my e-mail the first time. Then today I get my credit card bill and it has that charge on there. So now I'm going to have to wait for the website to refund my money, and then call the credit card company and make sure the charge was taken off. I hope it doesn't take a long time for them to do it. Just now as I was typing that last sentence, I got an email. One of those "Nigerian" scams. Those famous ones where the people claim they are the wife of the former ruler of Nigeria, or something like that, and they want to deposit a few million dollars in your back account if you will just give them access to your bank account. The subject line of this one was "Please help us, for Allah's sake." Well, I'm gonna go workout now or something. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106987713672748909

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I pulled a muscle or something today. My hip hurts so bad right now I can barely walk. I probably shouldn't have walked four miles on it after it started hurting. I walked around the lake this morning, a distance of about four miles. Then this afternoon I did it again. The other day I walked all the way around it twice in a row without stopping. Anyway, when I got out of the car to walk the second time today, my leg suddenly started hurting. It hadn't hurt before, so I don't think I pulled it when I walked the first time. It just started hurting as soon as I stepped out of the car. Then I walked four miles on it. Pretty stupid. But at least I have determination.

Dammit, I'm extremely hungry tonight for some reason. I ate dinner at 5:30, and then by 9:00 I was so hungry my stomach was growling. So I ate an apple. I'm still starving for some reason. My stomach keeps rumbling. I really hope I'm down another pound or two tomorrow, I wasn't today. Still 267. I'm starting to look pretty thin now. Well, not thin, but the thinnest I've looked in years. Which is weird, because a few years ago I got down to 250 and I didn't look this thin. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106982254047288472

What are 3 words your best friend would use to describe you? What friends? But probably, scary, weird, and fat. Where is your significant other right now? Burning in hell. Actually, I don't have one. When was the last time you cut your hair? I don't know. A couple of months ago. Are you on any meds? Lexapro, for depression and social anxiety. What shirt are you wearing? It says, "The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts on your pitiful city, and has a picture of a cute little hamster with wings. What color is your razor? It's electric, and mostly black and silver. What is your fave frozen treat? Your mom. I don't know, I don't eat much ice cream or anything like that. Are you sexy? No. What's your favorite shopping store? Best Buy. What do you think about premarital sex? Personally I wouldn't marry someone I'd never had sex with. Have you ever been or dated a cheerleader? No. I hate cheerleaders, they are evil. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Yes. Do you have anything that glows in the dark? No. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? On, but I don't really care. Do you like to be bitten? Yes. Do you tend to live in the past or present? The future. Do you believe in magic? Yes. Have you ever had surgery? Not really, nothing major anyway, just a couple of ingrown toenails cut out. Do you know which signs in the zodiac you are compatible with? Whatever sign your mom is. If I remember right I am very compatible with other Sagittarius and Libras. Do you have nightmares frequently? Well, not really. I have dreams sometimes that some people would consider nightmares, but they don't really scare me. In fact, the weirder the dream the more I like it. I like dreams for their entertainment value, so a nightmare is like watching a scary movie. Do you like your nose? Not really. It's not too bad, but it's covered in blackheads. Would you feed a dog under the table? I guess. Do you think you can draw well? No. Do you listen to music daily? Yes. Which sense would you give up if you were forced to? Hearing. Do you think you create your own reality? Yes. Do you snore? Sometimes. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? I usually have to lay on my side to get to sleep, but then when I wake up I'm usually laying on my front. Do you like the idea of breast implants? I'm not a big fan of big breasts, I like them a little on the small side. But they can be good for the woman. Some women have serious issues with their breasts and if that's the case, and they really want the implants, for themselves and not just to attract men, they are okay. What disease do you fear the most? Lots of them. Probably cancer the most. Do you pray? No. Do you use an electric can opener? No. Do you have a lot of endurance? No. Have you ever gone river rafting? No. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon? No. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional. Do you have live plants in your house? Yes, a Norfolk Pine bonsai tree. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed? I used to be, a few years ago. Do you think marijuana should be legalized? Yes. Even though I've never smoked it. Do you sometimes rest your arm on your head? That's a weird question. Yes. Have you ever/do you trip over the floor? Yes. What's the weirdest habit you have? I don't know. Does masturbation count? Can you sit normally on a chair? What? What kind of question is that? Have you ever tried yoga? No, though I've thought about it. Do you do weird things in public? All the time. Do people consider you promiscuous? Hell no. Most of them think I'm gay or something I stay away from girls so much. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=10698045617090808

Monday, November 24, 2003

I haven't written in a few days. There hasn't been much to talk about. Alicia loved her present. She thought it was the greatest thing ever. It was a CD by Bush, her favorite band, and the only CD by them she didn't have yet, because she couldn't find it. I ordered it from for her. I've finally lost some more weight today! I've been stuck at 269 for the last four or five days. Today I'm down two more pounds. And that's after eating bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns yesterday. Not much, just a few bites of each. I'm changing my eating habits though. Like Chris told me, I'm doing more harm than good to myself the way I'm eating. I've been living off of almost nothing but soup the last two weeks. Soup, noodle cups, and the occasional apple. Meaning I've been getting almost no protein lately, which is really bad. Also, I've had almost no dairy since I started the diet, but I've been taking vitamins to make up for the lack of calcium. I've probably also been eating too few calories, I cut them down way too much. So now I'm going to start eating a little better. I'm going to eat more normally, normal food, just really small portions of it. Also, I've been eating way too close to bedtime, which is really bad for you, you don't burn off any of the calories because you're asleep. I haven't been doing it on purpose, it's just that I've been doing it for years because that's the only time I get to eat on nights I work. I normally eat dinner when I get home from work, which most nights means 10:30 or 11:30, and then I go to bed an hour or two later. Well, now I'm going to stop that. I'm going to start doing what I used to do years ago when I first started working the night shift. I'm going to go home and eat a really quick dinner while I'm on break, since I only live about 4 minutes away. That's what I did yesterday. I ate more normally, got a lot of protein, and ate dinner at 6:00, and now today I'm down two pounds after having been stuck on the same weight for days.

Last night I had a really rude customer come through drive through. He wanted a kid's meal, but he didn't want the drink. The drink is included in the price of the kid's meal, there's no way we can take it off. If they don't want the drink they don't have to get it, but they still have to pay for it. Most of the customers don't have much of a problem with it, they either say ok, or go ahead and get the drink anyway. This guy last night got mad though. He complained about it, but told me to just go ahead and give him an orange drink with it. Then when he pulled around to the window he said "I want to speak to your manager RIGHT NOW." So I went and got Curtis, who had heard the guy arguing when he ordered and had called him an idiot already. Curtis went over to the guy who apparently didn't believe me, because he asked Curtis, "I have to get a drink with my kid's meal?" And Curtis told him the same thing I told him, no, you don't have to get the drink, but you still have to pay for it if you don't. The guy argued with Curtis for a minute, but finally agreed to just pay for it and get an orange drink with it, like he told me. Then when I went back over there to take his money he threw it at me. Then when I handed him his drink he poured it out on the ground, and as I walked away he pulled the window open and threw the empty cup at me. Curtis flipped him off as he drove away. It doesn't bother me, in fact, I like it when the customers get angry, I think it's funny and it makes me happy. It was also fun because the whole time all this was going on I purposely put on my most annoying smirk to annoy him further. Well, almost time for bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106973845854979032

Friday, November 21, 2003

Alicia just figured out what I got her for her birthday. So I guess I'll go ahead and give it to her. She's extremely excited about it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106944786091377084

I just heard a cool song lyric "Everybody's trying to be a friend of mine, even a dog can shake hands." For some reason I find that line to be really cool. I'm bored. No weight loss the last couple of days, still 269. I haven't been exercising as much the last couple of days again. Mainly just a bunch of walking. I have good willpower when it comes to the dieting, but I just hate exercising. I'm off tomorrow, so I'll probably do a bunch tomorrow. I'm finally seeing some improvements though. I'm up to 40 situps, and 20 pushups without stopping. If I rest for a minute I can do even more. I walked all the way around the lake this morning. I plan on going around twice tomorrow. Ugh, I have to fill out this damn Nielsen Ratings book now. I thought about filling it out all wrong, saying I watched things I would never watch, just to mess them up. And I don't want them to know my tv viewing habits, I'm paranoid enough as it is. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106944757371901865

Thursday, November 20, 2003

My mom agreed to do the Nielsen TV Rating thing the other day, so now we've all got to fill out these complicated, annoying little booklets recording what we watch and when. We even have to mark down when the TV is turned off. There's also a thing to check if the TV is on, but no one's really watching it. It sucks. Something else that makes me angry... I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but it's getting worse. The Christmas stuff up so long before Christmas. A few weeks a ago I was complaining about how Wal-Mart had their Christmas stuff up for sale in September. Well now the city has already put up all their decorations on main street and stuff, they've got it all up and on already. I also saw a house with Christmas stuff on tonight too. Also, our Christmas party at work is December 3rd. What the fuck? We usually have it on or around the 19th, which is also my birthday. Hooray for birthdays. Birthdays suck. It's almost Alicia's birthday too. I wish it would hurry and get here, so I could give her the present I bought for her like a month ago. I just hope she hasn't bought it herself since then, it's something she wanted, so she may have. I'm bored. It's almost time for bed too. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106939215828768332

The tale of the 47 faithful ronin of Ako, the condensed version. Taken from "Living the Martial Way" by Forrest E. Morgan. "What is the most beautiful thing on earth?" said Osiris to Horus. The reply was, "To avenge a parent's wrongs," -- to which a Japanese would have added, "and a master's." From Bushido: The Soul of Japan (Nitobe, 1899, p. 126) "We, the ronin serving Asano Takumi no Kami, this night will break into the mansion of Kira Kotzuke no Suke to avenge our master. Please be assured that we are neither robbers nor ruffians and no harm will befall the neighboring property." Placard the 47 ronin posted the night they avenged the death of their lord. (Allyn, 1970, p. 223) Eastern history provides many examples of warriors carrying out revenge and suicide for noble causes. None, however, is more celebrated or better illustrates one ideal of warrior honor than the true story of the 47 faithful ronin of Ako. The story provides a classic example of how giri (a sense of obligation or duty), loyalty, revenge, and suicide factor into the Japanese cultural interpretation of warrior honor. The episode involves a chain of events that began in Edo (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Shogunate. The year was 1701, a hundred years after Tokugawa Ieyasu had unified the country under his sword. His descendant, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, now ruled the islands and ensured loyalty of the daimyo (warlords) by the institution of sankin kotai, or "alternate attendance." This law required all daimyo to maintain residences for their families in Edo and to spend every other year in the fuedal capital themselves. That way, the weak and paranoid bakufu (administrative bureaucracy) administrators could ensure loyalty of the still rugged, rural daimyo by holding their families hostage. Asano Takumi no Kami was one such daimyo. Lord of the rural province of Ako, Asano was still a warrior in the truest sense. Unfortunately, he was young and impetuous, and his crude, martial manner didn't set well with the genteel sycophants who cluttered the shogun's court. When one of them insulted him, Asano drew his sword and attacked.

Asano only managed to wound his enemy, Kira Kotzuke no Suke, but it was enough to cost him his life, for drawing a sword at court was a capital offense. For his lack of restraint, the shogun ordered Lord Asano to commit seppuku, ritual suicide by disembowelment. Asano was an obedient vassal, and he ended his life later that day. This suddenly left Asano's retainers, the samurai of Ako, with two problems. First, they were without their master and unemployed. This was a bad situation, for under Tokugawa rule Japan had been at peace for most of the hundred years prior, and ronin (masterless samurai) had little chance of finding work. But more seriously, since their master had been condemned for breaking the shogun's law, all his retainers were honor-bound to follow him in seppuku. Most of them were ready to do this, for they were men of honor. But when they learned of how their lord had been duped into his fate by his enemy, Lord Kira, they knew they couldn't end their lives before taking care of business. All samurai were trained in the Confucian principle, "a man should not live under the same heaven with the murderer of his leader-lord-father." Of course, seppuku would have taken them out from under the same heaven as Kira, but the ronin of Ako saw their giri in this situation as something more than merely to join their master in death. They concluded they had a solemn duty to avenge the death of their lord. This would be no easy mission. All of Edo suspected the ronin would attempt some sort of attack, and Kira was under the shogun's protection. The bakufu had spies everywhere. Kira, a rich man with powerful friends, had a large security force as well. So meeting in secret, the men of Ako decided to play out a ruse until they convinced the eyes and ears of Edo they weren't a threat and attention on them tapered off. For the next two years, the 47 ronin of Ako went their separate ways. To the loathing amazement of Edo society, the men didn't attempt any revenge, or even honor their fallen master in seppuku. They walked in disgrace, many taking up various non-warrior occupations. Some even left their families and became womanizers and drunks. In the eyes of the shogun, the other samurai, and even the commoners of Edo, these men had no honor and no face. It was all an act. By 1703 attention had shifted away from the degenerate ronin from Ako. So late one December night, the 47 faithful gathered one last time, then departed in a snowstorm for Kira's mansion. They caught the compound completely unprepared. In a surprise assault followed by a short skirmish, they killed Lord Kira and everyone in his household. Then, they took Kira's head, washed it in a nearby well, and placed it as an offering on Lord Asano's grave. That morning the 47 faithful ronin of Ako surrendered to bakufu authorities. Following fretful discussions with his councilors, the shogun sentenced them to death, but ruled that they would be permitted to perform seppuku and die as warriors rather than face execution as common criminals. Within days all 47 joined their lord and entered the annals of history as Japanese national heroes. The story of the 47 ronin provides a sterling example of warrior honor in its purest form. These men saw through the fog of law and recognized justice. They courageously fulfilled their obligations, knowing full well their actions would lead to their own destruction. Finally, these samurai bore no illusions about the difference between honor and face. They publicly humiliated themselves for two years, hoping to get that one chance to fulfill their giri. These were truly men of honor. On learning of their lord's fate, Asano's retainers understood their obligation immediately. They were prepared to end their lived as expected, but when they learned of Kira's role, they realized their giri was more ccomplicated. But the fact that they fulfilled their duty to avenge their lord didn't absolve them from the obligation to follow him in death. Nor did it reduce the gravity of what they had done; they too had broken the shogun's law. Therefore, they were obligated to die on that count as well. It was only because they had conducted themselves so honorably in avenging their lord that the shogun was compelled to let them die nobly instead of executing them as criminals. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106930935525171166

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I guess that weight I gained probably was just water or something, because now today I'm down four pounds from where I was yesterday, making me 269, with a total of ten pounds lost. I spent a lot of my day exercising again. This morning I went to the lake like usual. Today I only went about a mile or so, but I ran three times during that mile, for maybe 50 meters each time. Then I went home and exercised for 15 minutes or so. Then around 3:00 I went to the lake again, and this time I walked the entire way around it, which is a distance of somewhere between 3.5 and 4 miles. What was amazing is that it only took me an hour to do it, it always used to take me about an hour and half or an hour forty-five. While I was walking it I thought "Wow, I feel good, not even tired or anything, I could go around again," but I didn't because I didn't figure I had enough time before dark, but then as I was driving home I realized how quickly I got around the lake, and that I could've done it again, but I didn't go back. I kind of ate a lot tonight though. I barely ate anything today, but this evening at dinner I ate a lot, because my mom cooked a bunch of delicious, greasy, cheesy, Mexican food. I wasn't going to eat but a few bites of it, but in the end I ate a lot more than I should've. But, like they say on those commercials, I ate Subway today for lunch, so my indulgence tonight isn't so bad. I hope I'm down even more tomorrow. I might be with all the exercise I did today. I wish I was off tomorrow so I could exercise all day tomorrow too, but I'm not off again until Saturday. I also went shopping today, and I got the Kill Bill soundtrack while I was out. It rocks almost as much as the movie did. Of course, the music was one of the great parts of the movie. I wanted to see the movie again while I was out today, but nowhere was showing it. It wasn't at the good theater, which didn't really surprise me, since it's been out so long, but they weren't even showing it at the cheap theater that shows slightly older movies. I left again a couple of hours ago, I was gonna go by work to check the new schedule and see what I work this week. I was going to go to the bookstore afterwards, but I ended up staying at work for about an hour and a half, talking to Daniel and Stacey. Mmmmmm... Stacey. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106929769547620751

The good thing about this diet, is that when I do eat, everything tastes so good, like the best thing I've ever tasted. Man, I'm hungry. I'll probably be sore tomorrow. Since I couldn't walk much today, I made up for it by doing the longest, hardest work out of my life. I'm off tomorrow, I'll probably spend half the day exercising, like I did my last day off. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106922366986037250

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Sad. No weight loss the last couple of days really. For some reason yesterday I was up three pounds overnight. I think it might just be water retention though, because the soup and stuff I've been eating has a lot of salt. Today I'm down two pounds from yesterday, but that means I'm still up a pound from where I was the other day. I couldn't really walk or run today, because the wind is so bad I could barely walk. It's blowing like 50 mph and we're in wind advisories and stuff. I still walked about two miles, and it was really hard, I could barely walk against the wind to get back to my car. I had planned or doing a lot mroe than that today too. I'm just going to have to do a bunch of exercise at home today. I don't really have that much to say right now, all I've been doing lately really is working and exercising and playing Dragonball Z: Budokai. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106918278942872541

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Ugh. I just ate too much. I didn't pig out or anything, but it was a little more than I wish I had eaten. I should be okay though, I didn't eat very much for lunch. Still, I didn't exercise much today, because I'm still so sore from yesterday. I probably won't get to go out and walk and run tomorrow, because some severe thunderstorms are supposed to start sometime after midnight tonight, and go all through tomorrow. Maybe it will clear up at least for a little while, long enough for me to get some exercise done. Well, almost time for bed. I've been going to bed around 12:00 to 12:30. It feels really odd. I usually don't go to bed until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. Man, my butt hurts today, I can barely sit down. I don't know if it's from the situps, or from running, but my butt and lower back hurt. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106904746834092726

I'm tired and sore today, from all the exercise I got yesterday. But it was worth it, I've lost two more pounds. I'm down 7 pounds total, meaning I now weigh 272. I don't really have a target weight set, I'll just have to wait and see what I look and feel like at certain weights. I figure 225 will be a good target. That sounds kind of high, but I have big bones and a lot of muscle. According to those height/weight chart things, I should weigh 175, but I had my body fat percentage measured a few years ago, and the doctor told me that I have such big bones and so much muscle that my lean body mass alone was 175 pounds at that time, meaning that even if I had 0% body fat, which is impossible, I'd still probably be slightly overweight. I've gained some more muscle mass since that time too, so I figure 225 or so will probably be as low as I can get. I love my new jacket, it rules. And I really needed it today too. I went out and did some more walking and running this morning and it was only 45 degrees with a very heavy fog. The fog was so thick you could only see barely a block, and water was dripping off things. I'm so sore and tired I didn't do quite as much as I did yesterday, I only walked about two miles today, and jogged maybe 100 meters, probably not quite that much. I gotta get ready for work soon. I'm actually looking forward to work tonight, because I think tonight is the night I get to work the lobby instead of drive-thru, I hope it's tonight, it may be tomorrow. If so, I will be disappointed. I like working the lobby, mainly because I get tired of drive-thru all the time, and also because I can get the lobby done really quickly and usually get sent home really early. Also, even though the lobby has less work to do than drive through, the work that there is is better exercise, if you do it right. There's lots of lifting and moving chairs, and bending down and scrubbing bathroom walls and stuff like that. Well, gotta go. I'm gonna play Dragonball Z: Budokai some more before I go to work. I've been playing that a lot again the last few days. I'm addicted to it. Any time I'm not at work or exercising, I'm playing it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106901511975008297

Saturday, November 15, 2003

The Buddha told a story to his monks: A young widower was devoted to his little son. But while he was away on business, the whole village was burned to the ground by bandits, who took away the little boy. When the father returned and found only ruins, he was brokenhearted. He thought that the charred remains of an infant was his own child, so he organized a cremation, collected the ashes, and carried them always in a special bag One day his real son managed to escape from the bandits and found his way back to his old home. His father had rebuilt the house. When he arrived, late one night, and knocked on the door, his father called, "Who is there?" "It is I, your son. Please let me in." The father, still carrying the ashes and hopelessly sad, thought this must be some wretched boy making fun of him and he shouted, "Go away!" The boy knocked and called again and again, but the father always made the same response, and at last the boy left, never to come back again. When he had told this story, the Buddha added, "If you cling to an idea as the unalterable truth, then when the truth does come in person and knock at your door, you will not be able to open the door and accept it." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106894778728513812

w00t! I'm in an amazing mood right now. I've been in a really good mood all day. I think this new medicine is finally starting to work. My mom talked to one of my aunts the other day, and she's a psychiatrist, and she said she'd had several patients on this stuff and it's really good, but it does take it a good month to really start working. Another reason I may be in a good mood and full of energy today is all the exercise I've been getting may be making me feel better. I've gotten a lot of exercise today. I did my usual workout, and then a few hours ago I went out the to lake and did a bunch of fast walking and running. I ran probably the farthest I've ever run in my life today. First I ran probably at least 100 meters, then I slowed down to a fast walk and walked at least two miles, then ran probably another 50 meters. Well, it wasn't really a full-speed run, but it was a fast jog/slow run. Either way it's the most I've ever run in my life. In spite of all the exercise, I'm full of energy right now, I feel like I could go run a mile. In fact, I've felt even better since I did all that walking and running. Later

I'm going to do a little more exercise, some more sit-ups and stuff. I should definitely be down at least a pound tomorrow. I went to Wal-Mart today, and bought some work-out clothes. I haven't been able to do as much walking and stuff as I wanted because the weather's been bad, and I don't have a coat that I can work out in, just my good leather jacket. So today I bought a pretty cool lightweight coat. It's really nice, it's made for being active in, it's waterproof, has a breathable liner, and a hood. I also bought some new sweatpants. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106894773201105577 This is incredibly cool. "View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106894488076799865

Cool, my search thing at the top has been about Japanese and Samurai stuff the last few days. Today it has three links for places to buy Samurai swords, and one link about "Miyamoto Musashi" Japan's greatest swordsman. Yesterday it also had some links to places to buy Japanese green tea. Mmm, green tea. I like green tea, I just bought some today, I ran out a few months ago and never had bought any more. I'm down another pound today, down to 274. But for some reason I feel and look (at least to me anyway) like I'm getting fatter. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106893281104018498

Friday, November 14, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106883549207356539 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106883528742996365

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Woo-hoo, I've lost 4 pounds in the last two days. I was down one pound yesterday, and I'm down another three pounds today. I'm down to 275 now. I always lose weight really fast when I do seriously go on a diet. I usually lose 4 or 5 pounds a week, but the last few times I've went on a diet I can't get any lower than 255. I lose weight really quickly, but as soon as I get down to 255 it just stops. No matter what I do I can't lose any more. I hope that doesn't happen this time. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106875085637777182

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Ugh, today sucks. That new medicine the doctor put me on isn't working at all, and today I was in a really bad mood all night. Depressed and angry. My work schedule sucks this week, since Crystal got fired they had to change it all around, and I'm off on different days than usual. The worst part is that I work five days in a row before I get a day off. I thought I was going to be off tomorrow, but I'm not. Diets suck. I started my diet yesterday, and I'm still doing my exercise program, trying to get into shape. I weighed a couple of days ago, and I weighed 279. Today I'm down to 278 already. I only ate about 700 calories the entire day yesterday. I'm not sure how many I ate today, because my mom cooked spaghetti, so I don't know how many calories my dinner had. I had a can of soup earlier, so that was only 250 calories, and that's all I ate today until dinner. It sucks, the spaghetti is really good, and I love spaghetti, but I forced myself to only eat a little bit. Just thinking about it is making me hungry. It's almost time for bed, I've been going to be a lot earlier the last couple of nights, so I can get up early and go out to the lake to walk and run and stuff. Dammit, I'm hungry, I just went and ate an apple. Mmm, spaghetti and garlic bread, I want it. I love garlic bread, I could eat the entire loaf. Diets suck. But so does being fat. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106870016320004502

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Tsukahara Bokuden, one of Japan's greatest swordsmen, wanted to test the self-defense abilities of his three sons, all of whom he had trained in the way of the samurai. To do this, Bokuden placed a pillow, which in those days were cylinders made of wood, over the curtain on the door to his room so that when the curtain was raised, the pillow would fall on the head of the person entering. Bokuden first called his oldest son, who saw the pillow, took it down, entered the room, and replaced the pillow over the curtain. As the second son entered, the pillow fell, but the son caught it in his hands and placed it back over the curtain.

As the youngest son rushed in, the pillow fell squarely on his head, but the son cut it in half with his sword before it hit the floor. To the first, oldest son, Bokuden gave his sword, saying, "You are a great swordsman." To the second son, he said, "You will one day become a great swordsman, but you must yet train very hard." To the third, youngest son, he said, "You are a disgrace to this family, and are not qualified to even hold a sword." So saying, he took his youngest son's sword away from him and cast him out of the house. This story has been told to countless Karate students by their instructors, in one form or another, for as long as karate has existed. The reason is that it perfectly illustrates the essence of self defense -- because of their potential to deliver extreme impact force, karate techniques should be used only as a last resort against surprise attacks. What Bokuden's sons faced was a surprise attack, and the eldest son displayed the perfect defense -- he avoided the situation entirely. The more you increase your awareness of potentially dangerous situations, the more you decrease your vulnerability to being attacked. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106858307164070482

Monday, November 10, 2003

Suspected Dog Carcasses Found At Chinese Restaurant EDMONTON-- Health officials are investigating after the carcasses of what appears to be four dogs were found in a restaurant in Edmonton. The skinned, frozen carcasses were discovered in a freezer at the Panda Garden restaurant early Tuesday. Health inspector Richard Reive says he got a call from Edmonton animal welfare officers after they were tipped off by mall security guards. "They took me back to the walk-in freezer and when you open the door there were four carcasses," he said. "Two were inside black garbage bags and the other two were exposed on the floor of the freezer." Dogs, wolves or coyotes Reive says he isn't sure if the animals are dogs, wolves or coyotes. Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials are analysing the carcasses to determine what species they are. Reive says no matter what the animals turn out to be, charges will almost certainly be laid because the meat was not inspected. He says he doesn't think any of the meat was fed to customers. The restaurant has been closed and, so far, the restaurant owners can't be found. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106852749612995000

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Me and Chris just came up with an idea for a comic book superhero team: Drunkman and Soberboy. He's Drunkman, and I'm Soberboy. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106844340395807049

Oh damn, I'm going to be sore the next few days. I had a very hard workout tonight. I was talking to Chris online and was telling him about how I'd been working out and stuff, and he decided to "help" me. He's in the Navy, so he got all drill sergeant on me and was saying things like "I didn't say to give me an excuse, I said do it!" It was cool though, because he taught me the correct way to do the exercises, how to breathe and stuff, and it really did make them much easier. We made an agreement that when he comes home in June we will work out together, and he set a goal that I have to reach by the time he gets here. He wants me to be able to do 100 situps, which will be easy, at the moment I can do 30 to 40 easy, and when I was 13 I could do 150 easy. But he also wants me to be able to do 100 pushups, which is going to suck, right now I can only do 10 to 15 at once. The hardest part though, is he wants me to be able to run a mile and a half in 13 minutes. Right now I could run a mile and a half in maybe two days. I can only run about 100 feet at a time, and then I have to rest for like 15 minutes. He wants me to go out and do some walking, and get a start on the running, tomorrow morning, but I don't know if I will, I probably will. The weather's been really bad the last week though, but I think it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow anyway. I told him that I might not because of the weather, the last week it's been in the 30s and 40s and wet the last few days. He said, "I run, and I'm in Iceland, so don't talk to me about the weather." I just thought though, I don't have a coat to wear while I work out, the only coat I have is a $200 leather jacket. Well, I don't really have anything else to write about, my life has been pretty boring lately. There hasn't even been anything good or TV lately. I thought about going to see the new Matrix movie today, but I heard it sucks even more than the second one. A critic in the paper here gave it two stars, and said thank god it's the last movie of the series. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106844314199940178

When the spiritual teacher and his disciples began their evening meditation, the cat who lived in the monastery made such noise that it distracted them. So the teacher ordered that the cat be tied up during the evening practice. Years later, when the teacher died, the cat continued to be tied up during the meditation session. And when the cat eventually died, another cat was brought to the monastery and tied up. Centuries later, learned descendants of the spiritual teacher wrote scholarly treatises about the religious significance of tying up a cat for meditation practice. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106844223389234157

Saturday, November 08, 2003

After ten years of apprenticeship, Tenno achieved the rank of Zen teacher. One rainy day, he went to visit the famous master Nan-in. When he walked in, the master greeted him with a question, "Did you leave your wooden clogs and umbrella on the porch?" "Yes," Tenno replied. "Tell me," the master continued, "did you place your umbrella to the left of your shoes, or to the right?" Tenno did not know the answer, and realized that he had not yet attained full awareness. So he became Nan-in's apprentice and studied under him for ten more years. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106827636526471921

Crystal got fired! HOORAY! Everyone's happy about it. Tonight at work sucked, it was really busy, even without the huge call in order. Some football team or something placed a huge call in order today, to be picked up at 9:30 pm, for 70 Famous Star burgers and 70 orders of fries. Hmmm. That's about all I have to say today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106827614928780602

Friday, November 07, 2003

There was once a stone cutter who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in life. One day he passed a wealthy merchant's house. Through the open gateway, he saw many fine possessions and important visitors. "How powerful that merchant must be!" thought the stone cutter. He became very envious and wished that he could be like the merchant. To his great surprise, he suddenly became the merchant, enjoying more luxuries and power than he had ever imagined, but envied and detested by those less wealthy than himself. Soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by attendants and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how wealthy, had to bow low before the procession. "How powerful that official is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a high official!" Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered sedan chair, feared and hated by the people all around. It was a hot summer day, so the official felt very uncomfortable in the sticky sedan chair. He looked up at the sun. It shone proudly in the sky, unaffected by his presence. "How powerful the sun is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the sun!" Then he became the sun, shining fiercely down on everyone, scorching the fields, cursed by the farmers and laborers. But a huge black cloud moved between him and the earth, so that his light could no longer shine on everything below. "How powerful that storm cloud is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a cloud!" Then he became the cloud, flooding the fields and villages, shouted at by everyone. But soon he found that he was being pushed away by some great force, and realized that it was the wind. "How powerful it is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the wind!" Then he became the wind, blowing tiles off the roofs of houses, uprooting trees, feared and hated by all below him. But after a while, he ran up against something that would not move, no matter how forcefully he blew against it - a huge, towering rock. "How powerful that rock is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a rock!" Then he became the rock, more powerful than anything else on earth. But as he stood there, he heard the sound of a hammer pounding a chisel into the hard surface, and felt himself being changed. "What could be more powerful than I, the rock?" he thought. He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stone cutter. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106818496326671207

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Links Now men will have an excuse for putting their faces in women's chests. Yes, you read that right. They believe that "Leonard Nimoy is excellent, salsa is excellent, and if Leonard Nimoy would eat more salsa, he would become an unstoppable force of excellence." This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. This is especially useful if you are into RPGs. It lets you design your own Heroes in several styles, such as Fantasy, and Superhero. This is really cool. Make sure you explore it thoroughly and interact with everything. Then fly all the way to the top to "win." These are by far the scariest Halloween costumes I've ever seen. This looks like fetish porn gone horribly wrong.,5744,7659934%255E29677,00.html posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106817181586301685 Why, God? Why? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106815807754879051

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Update: My new medicine is called Lexapro. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106805953238846889

I went to the doctor today for my one-month-of-Zoloft checkup. The Zoloft hasn't been doing anything, it hasn't since the first week. It worked really well for a few days, but now it's not doing anything. It's keeping me in a fairly good mood, but it's doing nothing for my social anxiety. Most of the side-effects have gone away too, but not all of them. For example, I'm still hot all the time. The last two nights at work were really bad, I was sweating like mad. I don't think I even sweat that much back when I used to mow lawns in the summer for money. Last night at work I was having to carry towels and stuff around to wipe my face with constantly. Anyway, I told the doctor all this, and instead of upping my dosage to see if that worked, he decided to have me try some other medication for a while. It's something new that just came out. I forget what it's called, and I don't have the bottle handy. It started with an "L," Lacoprex or something along those lines. The doctor doesn't know if it will work better than Zoloft or not. On the good side, it was free. He gave me six weeks worth of free samples. I start taking it tomorrow. I hope it works. This stuff says it works by increasing the amount of serotonin my brain produces, and that is has less and milder side effects than other antidepressants. I bought a new bonsai tree today, I hope this one lives longer than the last one. The last one died after about a year and a half. This one is cool, it's pretty big, a lot bigger than the last one, but it cost even less. I really like this one, it's a Norfolk Pine. The last one was a Ficus, I didn't really like it, I just got it because it was the cheapest. STOP TOUCHING MY ASS! I cleaned my room today, now it's all cleanified. Hooray for words that end in "-fied." All the dust just got stirred up though, and now everything's dusty again already. This house has always been really bad about dust for some reason. You can dust something, and fifteen minutes later there will be a layer of dust on it. That's probably why I've always bad allergies too. I'm tired. I'm gonna exercise and then go to bed. I've actually been exercising (a little) lately. My interest in Martial Arts has also come back. I swear, if I can ever lose some weight I WILL finally join a Karate class like I've been wanting to for years. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106801217677251633

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Man I love tests. Yup. Here are some tests I just took. They are pretty accurate. Except I'm not so sure about the results of the Word Association test. Disorder Info Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar. Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening. Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings. Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior. Dramatic Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Individuals with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions, distorted self-perception, and/or behavioral impulsiveness. Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.

Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness. Histrionic Personality Disorder - individual often displays excessive emotionality and attention seeking in various contexts. They tend to overreact to other people, and are often perceived as shallow and self-centered. Narcissistic Personality Disorder - individual has a grandiose view of themselves, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in various situations. These individuals are very demanding in their relationships. Anxious Personality Disorders: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive Individuals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearful. Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism Dependent Personality Disorder - individual shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - individual is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

I have issues with... failure submission father intelligence fame

The Big Five Personality Test

Extroverted Introverted Friendly Aggressive Orderly Disorderly Relaxed Emotional Intellectual Practical

|||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||

16 % 84 % 32 % 68 % 62 % 38 % 40 % 60 % 56 % 44 %

Extroversion results were very low which suggests you are extremely quiet, unassertive, and aloof. Friendliness results were moderately low which suggests you tend to be rude, uncooperative, and irritable.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are organized, reliable, neat, and ambitious but possibly not very spontaneous and fun. Emotional Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous. Intellectualness results were moderately high which suggests you are creative, original, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical. Overall, you scored highest on Orderliness and lowest on Extroversion. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106783483945760837

Friday, October 31, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106766165694760025

Melissa sent these links to me, I guess she went looking after I posted that news story below. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106765821108994388

Oh cool! It's not a rip-off, it really is them! You know those two stupid moose from that Disney movie, Brother Bear, that's coming out? Well I'd been saying all along that they sounded like a rip off of the Bob and Doug MacKenzie characters from SCTV, played by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas. It turns out that's because that's who is actually doing the voices of those characters. Speaking of movies, I want to see that Cat in the Hat movie. When I first heard about it I thought it sounded stupid, but I've seen some commercials and previews for it, and it looks hilarious. It probably would suck if they hadn't gotten Mike Myers to be in it, he's great. Dammit, there hasn't been anything good on TV since the Buffy marathon went off. This stand up comedian woman on Comedy Central looks like a lesbian. I thought it was a guy at first. That reminds me of something I heard the other day, I forget where. Whatever it was, it said that guy's only like the sexy porno "lipstick lesbians," they don't like the ugly, truck driving real lesbians. Hey, it's Halloween, I should be listening to the Alice computer game soundtrack. That CD is great, it's full of extremely cool, creepy music. The game is pretty creepy too, almost scary. Especially the freaky little school children that have been experimented on. God damn, I am so fucking bored that I'm going to go crazy. Oh cool, the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Halloween special is coming on. I really like that show. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106765724412746407

So, Happy Halloween indeed. I'm bored as hell. It's Halloween, it's a Friday night, and I'm sitting at home alone. I'm so bored that I'm actually watching King of the Hill, and I hate that show. I've just been sitting at home all day, I haven't even left the house. FX was having a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon earlier, so I spent a few hours watching that. I've got a really bad headache now for some reason. Last night at work wasn't too bad, in fact it was kinda fun. Last night was Halloween for Purcell, because there's a big football game tonight, so we celebrated Halloween last night. I think that's incredibly stupid, but they've done that several times before. Work wasn't as busy as it usually is on Halloween, and it's was kinda fun, since most of the employees were in costume. I didn't wear a costume, I just told people I was the disgruntled employee that's going to kill everyone. Alicia was a Fairy Princess, or something like that, and Daniel was Drew Carey. He looked exactly like him, it was funny. I don't know what Stacy was, she didn't even know for sure, she was just wearing this really cool dress. She said it was supposed to be Goth looking, but they were out of black, so she bought a red one. She looked more like some kind of princess or something. She looked good, whatever she was. Stacy's cool, except every time I work with her I always get that damn "Stacy's Mom" song stuck in my head. I think I'm gonna go look at porn now. Hooray for porn. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106764813997649465

Happy Halloween all you bastards and she-bastards. Here's some Halloween related news for you. Vampire Killing Kit Sells for $12,000 NEW YORK (AP) - Just in time for Halloween, a vampire-killing kit complete with a wooden stake and 10 silver bullets sold for $12,000 at auction Thursday.

The kit, a walnut box that also contained a crucifix, a pistol, a rosary and vessels for garlic powder and various serums, was bought by an anonymous phone bidder. According to Sotheby's, some experts believe that such kits were commonly available to travelers in Eastern Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, while others think the kits were made in the early 20th century, possibly to cash in on interest in vampires sparked by the 1897 publication of Bram Stoker's "Dracula." Elaine Whitmire, head of 19th century furniture for Sotheby's, said she believes the kit was assembled in the early 20th century and sold to travelers as a souvenir. "My opinion is this is a memento that you bought while you were in Europe," she said. "I doubt it was cheap to buy." A label on the kit says: "This box contains the items considered necessary for persons who travel into certain little known countries of Eastern Europe where the populace are plagued with a particular manifestation of evil known as Vampires." The vampire killing kit was part of Sotheby's sale of 19th century furniture and decorative works of art. The auction house did not identify the seller of the kit. The price includes Sotheby's auction house's commission. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106764603281009122

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 I really want this T-shirt. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106748866102443420

Several interesting news stories today.

MIAMI (Reuters) - Tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives than their shorter co-workers, with each inch adding about $789 a year in pay, according to a new study. IS YOUR CAR SPYING ON YOU? By David Coursey TELEMATICS: A little computer in your car keeps track of how fast you drive, how well you brake, even if you wear a seat belt. Invasion of privacy? Or reasonable safety precaution? Here's what I think. WTC Death Toll Drops by 40. (Oct. 29) -- The sun inched across a cloudless sky yesterday, the breath of October rustled trees, and the number of people killed in the World Trade Center disaster dropped by 40. Just like that: 40 fewer souls to imagine rising from the dust; 40 fewer people to include in nightly prayers. Until now, the number of dead was 2,792. That number, 2,792, had stood firm for more than a year. It was the number recorded in almanacs and history books. It was the number of the names of trade center victims that children uttered at the second-anniversary ceremony, there on the lip of ground zero. Now strike that number from your mind. Replace it with 2,752. After what officials call an exhaustive investigation that spanned the world, the city has removed more names from the official tally. The reasons are the same as in the past: finding people once thought dead; duplication; insufficient data; fraud. In many cases, investigators could not prove a supposed victim had ever existed a jarring concept, given that some names are embedded in the collective memory. Remember Paul Vanvelzer and his two sons, Barrett, 4, and Edward, an infant who was once thought to be the disaster's youngest victim? It seems now that the Vanvelzers, reported missing by a California woman claiming to be a relative, may have died without ever having lived. But what do we do with this information this 2,752, down from 2,792? Do we grieve less? Are we happy? What does it mean? "The question is, does it make it any less tragic?" said Jonathan Greenspun, the commissioner of the Mayor's Community Assistance Unit. "The answer is, no, it doesn't." The change in the number is more than a mere adjustment in a dispassionate tally. It reflects the singular horror of the trade center collapse, so thorough in its destruction that the exact number of victims remains elusive more than two years later. It reflects the worst in human nature: that many people, seeing opportunity in disaster, reported fictitious deaths in hopes of collecting benefits. But it also reflects the best, city officials say, as personified by investigators so intent on determining the true and sacred number of the dead that they properly took their time, even if it meant that a few fraudulent names, or the names of the living, were sprinkled among those of the many dead. Better that, they reasoned, than to exclude the name of one true victim. More than a few of these 40 cases centered on missing persons' reports filed by people who lived overseas. Bryan X. Grimaldi, the general counsel for the New York City Commission for the United Nations, offered an example of the nettlesome problems faced by investigators: a woman in Nigeria does not hear from her son in the United States for five years; she learns of the Sept. 11 attacks and reports him missing; then investigators cannot

find the woman. "What do you do?" Mr. Grimaldi asked. "What do you do with the name?" Perhaps in another case, in another tragedy, the matter would have been dropped. But in the case of Sept. 11, Mr. Grimaldi said, "we have really exhausted all efforts, and by extraordinary means." "We took it as far as we could go," he added. The mission to specify the number of victims has been a necessary one: partly for history, partly for the distribution of death benefits and partly to satisfy a communal desire for a number whose exactness might bring some comprehension to the incomprehensible. But that number, and whatever finality it would bring, has been elusive. In the first days after the terrorist attack, the city estimated that more than 6,300 people had been killed. That number quickly dropped, sometimes by the hundreds, as officials winnowed out duplications and false reports. In acknowledgment of the matter's importance, the city created a task force called the Reported Missing Committee, which included representatives from several city agencies, including the Police Department, the medical examiner's office and the city's Commission for the United Nations. All the while, the intense emotion attached to numbers was palpable. Chief Charles V. Campisi, head of the Police Department's Internal Affairs Bureau, once predicted, "I think it will be less than 5,000, but only by the grace of God." And Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani once dismissed efforts by reporters to determine an exact number as a "macabre" endeavor. The number kept dropping to about 4,500, and then to about 3,900. Along the way the Sept. 11 attacks lost the awful distinction of being the deadliest day in American history. That was reserved for the Battle of Antietam, at which at least 3,650 Civil War soldiers were killed and thousands more wounded on a single day. Down to 3,300, and then, by the first anniversary, to 2,801. Soon the number dropped again, to 2,792, where it remained until this week. The city will retain its records on the 40 names dropped from the list, just in case new evidence develops. But with only three more open cases, officials think that they are close to determining a final number of trade center dead somewhere, it seems, between 2,749 and 2,752. How should that make us feel? The fewer the better, perhaps; the fewer the better. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106745181563891478

Monday, October 27, 2003

I just got back from seeing Kill Bill. It was great! Absolutely fucking incredible. And all the Japanese women... drool. About half the movie was even in Japanese with subtitles. The movie was extremely bloody and gory, but not in a disgusting way. It was actually funny, nearly everyone in the theater was laughing at it. It's funny because the whole movie's style is kind of a parody of those old Kung-Fu movies from the 70s, so everytime someone gets stabbed or gets a head or arm cut off, there's a huge fountain of blood that sprays ten feet into the air for like 30 seconds. The music was really great too. I tried to find a copy of the soundtrack tonight, but none of the stores I went to had it, maybe it's not out yet. The movie was so great, I may go see it again sometime soon. I will also buy it as soon as it comes out on DVD. I got a letter from Congressman Tom Cole today, which I think perfectly illustrates how stupid most politicians are. It says "Thank you for letting me know of your opposition to H.R. 3289, the emergency wartime supplemental appropriations act... You will be pleased to know that I voted in favor of this bill." And now some links: Finally, greeting cards for guys. Hilarious. Click on "Contest Winners" and "Photo Gallery" to see pictures of some really cool jack o' lanterns. This is really addictive, when I first found it I played it for about an hour. I'm gonna go watch tv now, or something. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106730779138780954

Sunday, October 26, 2003

This episode of The Brak Show is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. It's hilarious. Dude, that was fucked up. And speaking of fucked up, here's some links! All poop related! A very funny site. Come join the conversation. The source for all your ass wiping needs. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106723018223334787

Friday, October 24, 2003,4057,7623949%255E13762,00.html,4057,7623949%255E13762,00.html While men may think ugly women are more attractive after consuming several beers, alcohol has no effect on the way women perceive men.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106702628651016050

This weather we've been having lately makes me angry. It's the end of October and the average temperature is still in the 80s. The last few days it's been in the 90s. It's been dry too, there's hardly been any rain this month, they were saying on the news yesterday that this October has had records highs, and has almost set new records for such a low amount of rain. I hate it. I like the cold, and I like the rain. Luckily, this is supposed to be the last warm day for about a week. There's a front coming through late tonight, and the next week or so the temperatures are supposed to be in the 50s and 60s, and there's a chance of rain a couple of the days. I don't know if it's supposed to warm back up afterwards, or if maybe now it's gonna finally start being cold weather for the rest of the year. Other good news: Tomorrow is "fall back," when we set the clocks back an hour, and get and extra hour of sleep, or, as is more often the case with me, an extra hour of staying up late. I like fall back, I hate spring forward. Stupid news: Our town is celebrating Halloween on Thursday the 30th, instead of actual Halloween, meaning all the trick or treating and stuff is to be done the 30th. They've done this a couple of times before, I think it's really stupid. This year they are doing it because the big Purcell vs. Lexington rivalry football game is on the 31st this year. I already requested the 31st off, but it doesn't matter to me, because I don't have any Halloween plans, and I certainly wasn't going trick or treating. I just requested it off because I didn't want to work that night because I like watching all the Halloween TV specials, and because it's going to be really busy that night. This is good news for the people that do have to work that night, because maybe now it won't be quite as outrageously busy. We figured it would be busy because of people out going to the game, and because it's Friday, and it's always busy Fridays because of a stupid burger sale we have on Fridays, and also because it's always busy on Halloween when all the kids and people are out. This means it will probably be busy Thursday night though, but I might get lucky and not have to work that night either, since I'm usually off on Thursdays. Wow, this is the longest post I've written in a long time. Also, my hit counter looks like it will hit the 4000 mark today. That's pretty good, 4000 hits in only a year and one month. Especially when you consider how long it took me to hit the 1000 mark. I'm listening to the Dirty Vegas CD. I love this "Days Go By" song, even though it's a slightly different mix from the one they played on the radio and TV. It's much longer, over 7 minutes long. The rest of the album is pretty cool too. It really brings back memories, it sounds like electronic music used to sound, back in the early 90s. In fact, it sounds a lot like Daft Punk's first album, which was the first electronic/techno/dance album I ever bought. You are still a whisper on my lips A feeling at my fingertips That's pulling at my skin You leave me when I'm at my worst Like a feeling as if I've been cursed From the bitter cold within Days go by and still I think of you Days when I couldn't live my life without you Without you posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106702226146535825

Thursday, October 23, 2003

No movie with Alicia tonight. And probably never again. Oh well. I bought some stuff today. I finally got around to buying the Dirty Vegas CD. It's pretty cool so far, I haven't listened to all of it yet. I also bought the Lion King Special Edition DVD, and the Encino Man DVD. The latter was only $5.88 at Wal-Mart. I almost bought a video game that was only $19.99 at Hastings, but in the end I didn't because it didn't look like it was probably all that great. It was an MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch fighting game. I mainly wanted it so I could play as Marilyn Manson. While I was out today, I decided to go ahead and see Kill Bill but I had no idea what the showtimes were. I went to the theater to check, and the next time wasn't until 7:15, and it was only a little after 5:00, so I didn't see it after all. I'll probably go see it Monday. I can't believe it's this late already, this day has been really short. Thank god for anti-depressants. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106696999496614812

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

It looks like I'm going to be back on my normal schedule this week, off Thursday and Monday again. Now maybe me and Alicia can go back to our Thursday night is movie night plan. Still not much to write about lately, so here's some links. A blog which is also a game. Walter the Farting Dog, a wonderful children's book. What's really in that petfood? A step by step guide to joining the forces of darkness. Your source for poop. This is stupid. What's your soul worth? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106684430072053220

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Hooray for boredom! Boredom rules! Maybe if I'm all happy about it, I wont be bored anymore! And Alicia still doesn't want to talk. I've been tired all day today. I don't know why, maybe it's the Zoloft again. Dammit, no. I don't want to accept an Instant Message from JuicyJenny. In the time it's taken me to write these few sentences, I've gotten 5 porn IMs. They've been really bad the last few days. This morning I spent an hour or so reading random pages of my archives. Most of it's pretty boring, but there are a few good memories and fun times in there. Like last New Year's Eve when I went over to Daniel's house, and me, Alicia, Daniel and Olivia all got drunk and watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And I got so drunk, I just sat on the loveseat for a couple of hours in a semi-unconcious state mumbling, and everyone thought I was asleep and talking in my sleep. Alicia almost giving me a New Year's kiss. And me sleeping on the loveseat all night, and drooling on Alicia's pillow she let me use. Good times. Hmmm, most of my archives are depressing and embarrassing though. I'm going to bed now, it's after 2 AM. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106672059787504262

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Today was pretty boring. I didn't even leave the house. I mainly just played video games and watched tv all day. Alicia got online, but she's not feeling well again, and didn't feel like talking much, so I stayed bored. My posts have been pretty short lately. My page is three or four times shorter than it usually is. This Will Increase The Page's Length And Make It Appear Longer. And no, I didn't mean for that to sound dirty. Perverts. I'm tired, I'm going to bed soon. I've been about to fall asleep since about 5:00. Eww, I just belched, and it tasted like the nasty grape soda I drank about 7 hours ago. Even though I was bored, I was in a really good mood today. Wow, even with my attempts to lengthen the post, it's still not very long. Shut up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106663016101562763

Oh man, I had fun last night. Me and Alicia went to see School of Rock. The movie was great, absolutely hilarious, it was even better than I expected. We saw Megan and Shawn there too, and they sat with us. After the movie, me and Alicia went to Denny's to eat. Alicia kept dancing in the car. It made us both think of that cool car commercial with that "Days go By" song by Dirty Vegas. It was fun. I'm off today too. Don't know what I'll do today. Probably stay home and play Budokai all day. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106654142493022984

Saturday, October 18, 2003

This is hilarious. From Tim and Greta were true lovers. Soulmates, even. They spent hours in bed together curled up into a ball of heat and love, shifting and moving as if they were one. Tim would spend hours licking Greta in her favorite erogenous zones and soothing down her nappy brown hair with such tenderness. Greta often stroked Tim until he reached the point of release and then stop, because she was a big tease. Tim was a masochist so he didn't mind. Sometimes he would go for runs that lasted hours and collapse into Greta's arms exhausted and she would kiss his sweaty forehead until he fell asleep. After one orgiastic and lustful love making session in the wee hours of the morning, Greta found herself pregnant. Damn, she thought, as the changes began inside her body, cursing out Tim for not using protection or pulling out like they had planned. Several months later Greta gave birth to seven babies, all pink and lovely and perfect. And then she ate them all, one by one. Tim watched with disgust and wrinkled up his fuzzy face and wished that this glass wall would crumble away so he could be a free Guinea pig once and for all, for his love for Greta was dashed forever. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106645460507078894

Friday, October 17, 2003

Looks like I have another fan maybe. I haven't been writing much lately, mainly because nothing has been happening really. I was sick, and didn't feel much like writing, but I didn't really have anything to write about anyway. I've just been going to work and then coming home and watching tv or playing Dragonball Z: Budokai. That's pretty much it really. I haven't been out much lately. I'm tired. I've been sleeping a lot lately. I don't really know why. The old Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie just went off, I watched about the last half of it. I'd never seen it before. It was horrible, but also really funny. Ugh, I'm bored. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106641702846696964

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Well, I was right. I had to work tonight, and Monday. This week I'm off Saturday and Sunday. That's kinda cool I guess, I haven't had a Saturday off in a long time. Not that I really care if I have Saturdays off or not. Me and Alicia are probably gonna go to the movies one of those nights I'm off. I don't know what we're gonna see though. I've been wanting to see that Kill Bill. The last two nights at work have been pretty busy. Tomorrow night will probably be even busier, since it's Friday. I work a lot of hours this week, I go in at 2:00 every day but one. It sucks. Well, that's really all I've got to say tonight. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106636586347532899 Ummm... I don't know what to say about this. Just check it out. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106632425841835361

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Ugh, I have to work with the Crystal bitch tonight. At least she gets off at nine, meaning I will only have to put up with her for five hours. Also good, we close half an hour early, at ten, tonight. Some people are coming to clean the exhaust vents over the cookers tonight. They do that about every six months or so. Looks like me and Alicia are going to have to find a new movie night. I won't know what my schedule is until tonight, but they said yesterday that I'm probably going to have to start working Thursdays and Mondays, which have been being my days off. They fired Jennifer, thank god, but that leaves us with only three people, counting me, to work the two front line positions all week. And I think they said that out of the other two people, one of them can't work Thursdays, and the other can't work on Mondays, or something like that, so I have to work those nights. Man, it is so hot in here. Or it is to me. Ever since I started taking Zoloft I'm always hot. No matter what the temperature is, I'm sweating. It was 68 degrees in my house yesterday, and I was so hot I could barely breathe. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106624169268611656

Monday, October 13, 2003

I went to Best Buy today, because they have several really good deals in their ad this week. I got 2 DVDs and 2 video games for only $65. They have a selection of about 10 DVDs from which you can get 2 for $20. I got Full Metal Jacket, and A Clockwork Orange. I've been wanting to get Full Metal Jacket for a while now, and though I already have A Clockwork Orange on VHS, I've been thinking of getting it on DVD, just because I hate watching tapes, and my VCR barely works because it's about 20 years old. I also bought Dragonball Z: Budokai for the PS2, which I've been wanting ever since it came out. They had it on sale for $19.99. The other game I bought was Inuyasha for the PS1. I bought it as a late birthday present for my sister, she's been begging for that game ever since it came out a month or two ago.

Cool, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is on TV. I love that movie, but I don't feel like watching it right now. I'm feeling much better today. Still a little congested, but that's it. But now Alicia's sick. Again. She was just sick a week or so ago. She stayed home from school today she was so sick. I hope she gets better soon, and NOT just because I want to go to the movies Thursday. I'm gonna go watch a movie or something now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106609209295146370

Sunday, October 12, 2003

I'm still sick. I was supposed to work tonight, but I called in sick. I got some new medicine today, and it seems to be helping though. I feel a lot better already. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. Alicia drew me another picture at work the other day. This one shows a little kid in a devil costume, or maybe it's supposed to actually be the devil, but I assume it's a child, and he's holding out a bag and saying "Twick or motherfucking tweat!" It's funny. She said it was supposed to make me not sick anymore, but it didn't work. I still like it though. I like it when she draws me pictures. Used to I would sometimes write little stories for her at work. We'd just stand there all night drawing weird pictures and stories and stuff, it was fun. We don't work together anymore though. She works days now, and I work nights, so I only get to see her for a little while when I first come in, if she hasn't gone home already. I'm glad we go to the movies every week now, I like being around Alicia, she's fun. I hope nothing comes up this week and we don't get to go, like last week. I don't have much else to write about now. I'm starting to get tired too, must be the medicine. So here's some links. Here's a really cool It's kinda like Myst or something. You can click on things, and they do different things, and you have to figure out what to do. It's really well done, and has some really beautiful visuals. A hint: On the first screen, click the little pipe/tower thing at the top to get started. These are some of the weirdest flash animations I've ever seen. They're all really short cartoons about poop. Very demented. This is a cool site. As the name implies, they sell t-shirts with stuff from the 80's on them. Some anti-Bush rants. Pretty funny. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106600946396991348

Friday, October 10, 2003

How much does this suck? Alicia's friend never showed up yesterday, she found out at the last minute she wasn't going to be able to, so me and Alicia could have went to the movies after all. Actually, I was so sick last night I couldn't have went anyway, but it's still annoying. I'm still sick today, in fact I'm worse. My throat still doesn't hurt or anything, but I'm still congested, and now today I'm coughing a lot, I hadn't been coughing at all. Ugh, I just realized that not only am I sick, but that this is also Friday, the busiest night of the week. That sucks. This is really weird, it's hard to belieive this. And we drink this stuff. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106581041957742546

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Wow, 9:30 already. What a wasted day. I felt so bad I didn't feel like doing anything. I wanted to get out of the house today. I also wanted to play Grand Theft Auto. I felt so bad I didn't do either today. I've just sat here at the computer feeling miserable all day. I'm finally starting to feel better now though, now that the day's almost over. I'm still stuffy, but at least my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode anymore. And my throat doesn't hurt at all now, it's just a little scratchy sometimes. The phone company fixed our little problem today. It was the house next door that had the line. No one knows how it got there though. Mmmm, Fig Newtons. Too bad I'm so congested I can't really taste them. Here's some links I've found today: Some of the weird rules places have passed concerning sex. For example: When traveling, if you decide to stop overnight in Hastings, Nebraska, be aware of this loony sex law: The owner of every hotel is required to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No male and female--even if they are married--may sleep together in the nude. Nor may any sexual activity be undertaken except while the couple is attired in one of these plain white cotton nightshirts. Also, when you get done reading the freaky sex laws, scroll down to the bottom of the page to see all the links to other "Freaky Facts" pages. They are even better than the freaky laws. For example: 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan, there was never a recorded Wendy before. Celery has negative calories. It take mores calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. In Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered. How old is old enough? This site gives the legal age of consent for every state and country. Also has information on other sex laws you should know.

Well, I'm gonna go be bored some more. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106575440268050925

Well, I guess it's a good thing that Alicia isn't able to go to the movies tonight, because I don't think I would be able to go. I feel like shit right now. My throat isn't sore any more today, but I'm congested and I can barely stay awake and I've got a headache, and maybe a fever, because I'm freezing right now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106573825628916649

Coke sign goes interactive Huge new London billboard reacts to the weather and onlookers on the ground. Text messaging is next. September 30, 2003: 9:50 AM EDT LONDON Reuters) - Coca-Cola unveiled one of the world's biggest and most sophisticated billboards Tuesday -- a 99-foot-wide neon colossus that can respond to the weather and interact with people looking at it from the ground. The billboard was switched on in Piccadilly Circus in the heart of London at dawn Tuesday, lighting up with the message "Hello London" in the company's trademark red and white. It's the biggest billboard in Britain and the widest in the world, beating even the monster Coca-Cola sign that reigns over Tokyo's Ginza shopping district, and is three times bigger than the previous Coke sign on the same site. "This is an intelligent sign, with state-of-the-art computer technology, built-in cameras and an on-board heat sensitive weather station," Coca-Cola Co. said. The sign can respond to weather and movement. "When it's raining, big drops will appear on the screen and when it's breezy, the Coke sign can ripple as if it's being blown by the wind," a Coke spokeswoman said. It also will be able to recognize if people are waving at it from the ground below and, eventually, will be able to respond to text messages from mobile phones, she said. Coca-Cola has had a billboard at Piccadilly Circus, the advertising heart of London, since 1954. The lights in the circus have been switched off only five times since then, including in 1974 when a miners' strike triggered electricity shortages and in 1997 for the funeral of Princess Diana. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106572235221235144

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

My phone line is still messing up, but we've figured out the problem, and hopefully we'll get it fixed tomorrow. It did this same thing about a year ago, but we never figured out the problem. I get online, but then I get booted, and then when I try to sign back on, there's already computer modem noises on the line even before my computer dials. So, teh last time this happened, I found out that if I unplugged the line from my computer, and plugged it into the phone, I could hit the disconnect button on the phone over and over until it hung up and went back to a dial tone. But then I'd usually get booted again as soon as I got back on. Then I found that sometimes, while I was messing with the phone, I'd hear a phone dial and then modem connection noises, even though the line wasn't hooked to my computer. But tonight, something new happened. One of the times when i picked up the phone, I could hear someone else talking, and dialing. I listened in several times, and then one of the times they called someone, and asked the person what number their caller ID said they were calling from, and the person told them that it said they were calling from Larry Underwood's house, which is my father's name, and it was giving our number and everything. I should mention too, that this phone line isn't our main line, it's just a second phone line we use for my computer only. The people were talking about how their phone was messing up, and wondering who Larry Underwood was, and said they were going to call the phone company tomorrow. Finally, I spoke up, and told them that I was at Larry Underwood's house, and told them what had been happening. They told me that they had just moved into this house, and that is was only supposed to have one phone line, but in the back room there was this black phone connected to a different line, but they had no idea what it's number or anything was, but they'd been using it anyway, as a phone line for their computer, which explains the dialing and modem noises I'd been hearing. So, for some reason, these people have a second phone in their house which is on our line, with our phone number, and whenever they use it, it says it's us. So tomorrow we're both going to call the phone company, and hopefully get this sorted out. They said they just moved in, but apparently the people who lived there before were doing the same thing, because this same stuff happened almost exactly a year ago. I just wonder how our phone line got in this other house. Weird stuff. HORRIBLE NEWS! No movies tomorrow! Alicia can't go! I'm sad. For some reason my Zoloft hasn't been doing anything the last two days. Yesterday and today it had no effects at all, good or bad. I'm getting sick now too. I've had a sore throat the last two days. It's really sore today, it kept waking me up this morning it hurt so bad. And now I'm getting all congested and stuffy too. I'm tired tonight, I'll probably go to bed early. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106567410757912477

Well, Arnold Schwartzenegger, or however the fuck it's spelled, is governor of California. I'm still not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On a completely unrelated note, check this out, it's funny as hell.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106559269937629892

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Tonight at work I got bored, so I wrote a portion of a story. A few minutes ago me and Alicia were talking in an Instant Message, and I told her the story. I didn't finish the story when I wrote it, so she finished it. Here is the completed story. Kevin: One day Timmy was just sitting around when he heard a loud noise coming from the back yard. He ran outside to see what was happening, and found that his puppy had exploded. Timmy didn't care much, as he had always hated that puppy anyway. But still, he was curious as to why it had exploded. Looking around, he found a portal to the netherworld, so he stepped through it... Alicia: Lo and behold, the Timmy was transported to a magical ass factory, distributing all the fat to Jennifer Lopez's butt. Once Timmy had slipped in the lard several times, he decided that enough was enough, and he tried to find the portal to the other world. He couldn't find anything but fat and dead puppies. Dead puppies? What was that all about? Fatty McGee laughed evilly. "You can NEVER ESCAPE JENNIFER LOPEZ!!" Timmy screamed like a girl. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I will never obey the JLO LAW!" Then Fatty McGee shot him with a lard-o-ray, which caused him to gain many pounds, and he screamed again. "NOO! NOW I WILL NEVER ACHIEVE WORLD DOMINATION, OR FIND OUT WHY MY PUPPY EXPLODED!!" Fatty McGee cackled maniacally. "I did it! I killed your puppy! Just because..." he broke into a Whitney Houston's version of 'I will always love you'. Then Timmy's head exploded. The end. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106558577149072069

Here's something I wrote once, I just found it, I had forgotten about it. It's pretty cool. I never finished it. It was going to be some sort of long philosophical treatise in the form of a story. I don't really remember where I was going to go with it next. Say something, you bastard! she yelled. Say something you insufferable bastard! Why wont you say something, damn it? Little did she know, she was the only person in the story. Huh? What do you mean? Theres Jim. Hey, wait. Whered he go? What did you do with Jim, damn it? Calm down. There never was any Jim. Those are simply the memories of the character you are playing in this story. You have memories of the experiences of a whole life you never led. In reality, this story, and, in fact, you, only came into existance about two minutes ago. Nothing you remember ever actually happened, unless I write a flashback scene in which it does happen. But... Shhh...I know what you are going to say, before you even say it, because I am the one writing your dialouge. You say what I make you say, and do what I make you do. Dont beleive me? Watch this. Duh, she said, and stuck her finger up her nose. And tell me, what is your name? You see, you dont even have a name, because I have not given you one yet. I have referred to you simply as she. I will now give you a name. Your name is Sally. A new flood of memories has just entered your head. Memories involving your new name. Such as the time you looked up your name to see what it meant. All the times your lover said your name. He never existed either, until just now. And now, if I wanted, I could go back and change your name, and all your memories would change too. But I am Sally! she protested. I remember it, I know it! You know it because I wrote it. Who are you talking to anyway? I have never given myself a body, I have not put myself in your story. I am simply a voice. A voice in your head, a voice from the heavens. The voice of your creator, the voice of your God. And look around you, what do you see? Nothing. I have not described the location yet, or even have one in mind. You are simply standing in a void. Black words on a white page. Lets change that, shall we? Sally was a young girl. She would proudly tell you that she had just turned ten. Sally liked doing all kinds of things, playing with puppies and dolls, and watching cartoons on tv. She also liked to read, and liked to think of herself as a smart girl. But now, as she sat at her desk in class, she was learning that she in fact knew nothing. The classroom was an average classroom, desks for the students, and the teachers big desk at the front of the class. There were a few educational posters on the walls and a big, green chalkboard at the front. Standing between the desk and the chalkboard stood the teacher. A man who appeared to be in his 50s with gray hair and wearing a tweed suit. There, he said. I have given you a location. I have also written myself into the story at last, giving you something to focus upon. I have also changed everything about you. Your age, your appearance, and even your personality. Actually I didnt change your personality much, you never had one to begin with, I had not developed your personality much. I never specified any appearance or age either, all anyone had to go on for age was the way you acted and talked, but you seemed to be an adult. I am an adult! Sally exclaimed. Or, I thought I was... Now youre starting to get the point, the teacher said. Now, lets begin your education in earnest, shall we?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106550666068237445

This is funny: MARRIAGE TEST Reply to: Date: 2003-10-06, 2:36PM I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was her younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses. She would regularly bend down when quite near me and I got many a pleasant view of her underwear. It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else. One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me thatsoon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome and didn't really want to overcome. She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in total shock and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to go ahead with it, just come up and get me." I

was stunned. I was frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I walked straight towards my car. My future father-in-law was standing outside. With tears in his eyes he hugged me and said, "We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family." The moral of this story is: always keep your condoms in your car. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106550613183512508

Happy Birthday to Melissa! YAY! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106550592064230550

Monday, October 06, 2003

I've been having trouble getting and staying online tonight. The Zoloft was working good today, I even went to the mall and some other places today, and didn't get nervous or anything. But then tonight I got upset, and that caused the Zoloft to quit working, and I've felt bad ever since. The reason I'm upset is because people are mad at Alicia, and it's my fault, and so she probably hates me now. I mentioned to Daniel that Alicia thought the party sucked and now Daniel and Olivia are all mad at her. It sucks. Now it's time for another installment of "What I bought today." I went to Hot Topic today and bought an air freshener that says "Worst Smell Ever," on it, and also a Hamtaro Pez dispenser. Well, it's not really a Pez dispenser, but it's basically the same thing. It dispenses those little Smarties candies instead of Pez, which is cool, because Pez sucks. Then I went to the comic book store and bought the latest issue of Lenore and a pack of Garbage Pail Kids cards. Yes, the Garbage Pail Kids are back. They're pretty funny, I only saw a couple of them back when I was a kid and they were popular. This site is hilarious, it's got dozens of funny flash animations. Some of them were so funny I got light-headed laughing. Especially good are the cartoons. They've got really cool music too, especially the first one, I keep watching it over and over just to hear the awesome music. I'm gonna go explode now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106549913243538584

Wow, great day today! The Zoloft didn't have any bad side effects today, and it was actually working today. I felt great tonight! Really happy and good. Daniel said he could tell that it must be working because I was actually smiling when I was talking, and that he'd hardly ever seen me smile except when I was drunk. It also made me hyper today. Well, that's really all I have to say today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106541882343750389

This is almost as weird as that "Redeyes" story. This is written by the same guy, from I Had To Kill The Pig I had to kill the pig. It was a GM Vietnamese potbellied pig that some freak had meatfitted with a voicebox and the frontal lobe of a grown-up crack baby. It scuttled across the carpet on fat little legs, firing hideous acidic turds out of its fortified arse like it was Satan's vending machine. I loaded the harpoon gun I'd borrowed from Sunil. There are a few parts of the world where you can legally hunt humans who have gone aquatic, and Sunil owed sexual favours to all of them. The pig turned, rasping "Fuckpig! Fuckpig! Fuckpig!" I'd not yet worked out whether he was talking to me or telling me his name, but it seemed to be the only word he knew. I'd been listening to it for two weeks. Two. Weeks. The harpoon locked down into the receiver chamber, and the air compressor hissed, charging the gun. I hefted the gun and took aim as the bastard dropped another shit on the carpet, burning another hole in it. "This is it, you disgusting fucking object. Melissa left me with a disease so unusual and horrible it does not have a name, a weird Japanese doll that sucks out its own urine, and you. I've had my urethra irradiated, I listened to the doll scream as I shoved it into a wood chipper, and now there's only you left. The pet pig." "Fuckpig!" The compressor stopped hissing. The gun's chip crooned to me, for no good reason, in the synthesised voice of Peter O'Toole: "You may kill things now, young man." I threw the receiver lock to open the barrel and fired at the pig's smoking anus. Of course I bloody missed. The pig hurled itself to one side like it was an action movie hero, rolling and coming up poised and ready on its foul black trotters. The harpoon thudded into one of my speakers. I fumbled another one into the chamber and slammed down the receiver lock, hoping there was enough push left in the compressor for another shot at the little crapmachine. I waved the harpoon gun at it. You couldn't see its eyes; they were dark wet slits surrounded by great folds and swells of warty pigflab. But you knew it was scheming. I edged between it and the clear run through my long thin apartment to the front door. I had it pinned here in the back bedroom. Nowhere to run.

It feinted to my left like Ali, with a rasped "Fuckpig!" I pretended to follow the feint, and then snapped the gun back as it launched itself for the opening it expected between my right and the doorjamb. It realised I had it and pissed itself in mid-air, an evil green sprinkler. Twisted its immense gut around to carom off the wall. I kept a bead on it as it bounced off my bed - realised too late that it was aimed for the window. Fuckpig! and it hurled itself through the window. I ran to the sill, trying to keep my hands away from all the broken glass. The pig had launched itself with some force, I gave it that. There was a chance it could reach the shopfront awning on the other side of my narrow market street. The odds were better that it'd miss and splatter. But I don't like gambling, really, and this was a personal thing. I put a harpoon through the bastard pig from arsehole to breakfast-time, skewering it in mid-air. It dropped down into the market, landing on a fruit stand. Its guts let go and the awful flow dissolved all the apples. There was a storm of swearing in Croatian, and then the retching started. And, you know, this is as good as the next month or so got. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106541790565705124

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Last night at work was really boring. It was so slow I actually sat down. That's probably only the second time I've ever sat down in my 7 years working there. Even when everyone else is sitting around in the lobby I still at least stand. We figured we'd be busy last night because of all the football games and everything around. But instead we were slow, because everyone was watching the games or something. There was a party last night at Daniel's. I had forgotten about it until I had been at work a while. I didn't get to go to it, because I had to work. But the way I felt last night I couldn't have gone if I had wanted to. The Zoloft was starting to have some side effects last night. By the time I got to work yesterday I was so sleepy I could hardly keep my eyes open, I kept almost falling asleep while walking around. That finally went away around 8:00 or so, but I still didn't feel very good. Also at the end of the night my face suddenly got red and felt like it was burning up. I don't know if that was the Zoloft though. I think I'm coming down with something too. I woudn't be surprised, everyone else has been sick lately. It's not even cold weather yet really, and everyone's already getting colds. To top it all off, my eyes have been bothering me the last couple of weeks, but they've been even worse the last few days, so I constantly have a really bad headache. The last few days have been miserable. How ironic is that though? I get Zoloft so maybe I can have a social life, but then the side effects keep me from having a social life. That's the story of my life. But from what Alicia says, I'm glad I didn't get to go to the party. She said it sucked and everyone was acting really stupid. Pretty much everyone there was smoking pot too. She said everyone was acting so stupid she's never going to drink or smoke again, so she wont act as stupid as they were. She left after about an hour. Daniel's parties always suck anyway. I probably wouldn't have gone even if I had been able. Well, I've gotta get ready for work. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106537502426935320

Friday, October 03, 2003

Tonight turned out to be busier than I ever imagined it would be. It was so busy I didn't get to train Sarah at all. We had more orders by 9:00 than we usually have the entire night. It was one of the busiest nights we've had in a few years. They still sent me home early and put Sarah in drive-thru once it slowed down a little. It was about 9:30 when I got home. Stripping as a form of aerobic exercise is becoming very popular. In fact, Carmen Electra has a video coming out where she teaches stripping and lap dancing as exercise. She was talking about this on the Conan O'Brian show. And like he said, a lot of guys will be buying this video too, but just to see Carmen Electra stripping. I know I will. Today at work Alicia drew a Giraffe, in the same style as the Hamster. It's almost as cute as the Hamster, my sister loved it. Alicia calls it "The Amputee Giraffe of Doom." I'll put it online sometime soon. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106524225331184499

?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Hermione Granger" You are a Hermione at heart! You are obviously smart and sophisticated...but you tend to get a little annoying at times. I would put down the books for a little while and get out more!!!!%20The%20Ultimate%20Harry%20Potter%20Character%20Quiz%20!!!/ brought to you by http://quizilla.composted by Kevin @

Dammit! My Mozilla browser keeps messing up lately, and shutting down when I'm in the middle of writing a post, and then I have to write it over again! For some reason it only does it when I am also looking at links on Dave Barry's site, in order to put some of the best ones here. That's where I've been getting most of my links lately, all the bizzare news stories and stuff. Well, anyway, time to rewrite the post. I'm barely gonna have time now before I have to get

ready for work. I don't think I'll put the links up, I don't feel like doing all that again. Zoloft Day Two: Woof. It's probably just a placebo effect or something, but I started feeling good just a few hours after taking my first pill yesterday. I still feel good today. The prison called this morning. They're not hiring me this time either. Fuckers. Maybe Best Buy will hire me. Alicia applied there the other day too. That would be cool if we both got hired there, that would be kinda weird. We both leave Carl's for Best Buy. Matchstick Men was cool. It was better than I figured it would be. It looked like it would be cool, but I didn't figure it would be that great, just good. But it was really cool. There's a big twist at the end, but that's all I'm gonna say. Hooray for Alicia. I love going to the movies with Alicia. Alicia rocks. I have to work tonight. I hate Fridays, they're always really busy. Unless it's really busy, though, I wont have much to do tonight, because I'm training Sarah in drive-thru. That means that all I have to do is tell her what to do, and then stand around and make sure she does it right. But it will likely be really busy tonight, so I'll probably have to do some work tonight anyway. But since I'm kind of an extra person tonight, if it's not extremely busy I'll probably get sent home early after all the drive-thru stuff is done. Well, that's all I have to write about today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106520986354772355

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I went to the doctor this morning, and he gave me a prescription for Zoloft. I took my first pill a few hours ago. I wonder how many days it will take before it starts doing anything? He said it wouldn't do anything right away, but didn't give any estimates as to how long it would take. Zoloft is expensive, thirty pills cost $71.89, and that was at the cheapest place. We called several pharmacies, and the others all charged at least $75, one said it would be $80something. I got back from my job interview about an hour ago. I think it went better than last time, but I still doubt I'll get the job, just because I have no experience with fights, or dealing with angry or violent people, which is the main stuff they ask you about in the interview. I hope I get the job. Not that I really want to be a prison guard. I don't. But it pays really well, and I hope I get it so I can move out and get my own place. God damn. Alicia sent me a link to a story the other day, and it took me almost 4 hours to read it, I just finished it before going to my job interview. I didn't think it was ever going to end. But it was so cool I couldn't stop reading it. It was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan fiction. And it was actually really cool, and readable. Nearly every fanfic of any kind I've ever seen was written by immature, horny, almost completely illiterate, teenagers. They're usually jawdroppingly bad, but often the spelling, grammar, and typing are so bad that usually you can't even tell what they're trying to say, so you don't realise how bad the plot is. Hooray for Thursdays! Thursdays are now my favorite days, because those are the days me and Alicia get together, and go to the movies. I'm picking her up at 6:30 and we're going to go see Matchstick Men. Then we're going to drive around putting babies on spikes. I really like More later tonight, probably. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106512725331261081

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Ummmm... OK. This is one of the weirdest things I've ever read, and I've read some pretty weird things. From Redeyes She used to have eyes I could lose myself in, and then she had them replaced with laser pointers. Little red dots jumping up and down on the bedroom wall as I took her from behind. I could live with that until she had the animal voice import. The cheetah purring was okay, but the dingo noises just killed the mood. The combination of the red eyes and the gorilla sounds when she jerked off was horrible. A few weeks later, things were moving down there that shouldn't have. Don't be scared, she said, as stuff pumped like organ stops under her skin. Something extended itself and waved at me. I threw up between her legs and she didn't talk to me for a week. Which I suppose you can't really blame her for, but still. I knew it was over when she cut her legs off. Had them hacked off at the knee and came home with a suitcase full of modular replacements. The stumps had little Firewire ports that plugged into the new lower leg units. She fitted what she called her Sex Legs and flexed artificial toes, feet fixed in a perfect arch to accommodate the welded-on six-inch heels. Apparently there were Segway gyroscopes in the calves to keep her upright when she walked. I came home one night to find her in a red latex minidress and sixteen legs. Spider things were sprouted from her knees, eight legs each. She paraded on the plastic kitchen floor for me, swinging her hips. Clackclackclackclack on the floor. Clackclackclackclack. She stuck her tongue out at me when I started retching. There was what looked like a DC power inlet on the tip. After that, it just got ugly. I had to go. I saw her again a couple of weeks ago. She introduced her new boyfriend as Spin. His skin was cold and shiny, like white plastic coating over steel. He had a revolving drum in his stomach. She leant against him and grinned. I'm living in my car now. My car loves me. I mean, it wouldn't have grown a real vagina for me otherwise, would it?

Some links: Pictures of celebrities who have had lots of really bad plastic surgery.,4057,7404304%5E26462,00.html I hate lawn gnomes. This is pretty weird too: Now you too can use this revolutionary new form of communication. Be sure to check out the video of trouser semaphore in action., and, in related news... This is just horrible. A kid that age shouldn't even know what a pimp is. You really must keep playing until you win, the movie at the end when you when is hilarious. Cars in South Africa are being equipped with a new form of theft-deterrent... I told my mom about this, and we both laughed our asses off. My mom said, "I guess God didn't like their singing." I could post more, but that's it for tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I leave you with another quote: "Meanwhile, in the dark, impenetrable void, Jean Paul Sartre was a movin and a groovin" -- Crow, Catalina Caper, MST3K posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106502225115089449

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Wow, this is pretty hard to believe. Last night on CNN they said that in a recent nationwide survey they found that 60% of women, and 45% of men have not had sex in the last six months. They didn't say how many people were polled though, so I don't know how representative of the entire population this really is. It's been a year and a half for me. I have a busy day Thursday. I finally called the doctor, and now I have an appointment for 9:30 Thursday morning. Then I have my interview at the prison at 1:45, and then later I'm going to the movies with Alicia. We're going to see Matchstick Men. There's a lot of movies out or coming out that I want to see. House of the Dead, Kill Bill, Lost in Translation. Alicia brought her dog through drive-thru tonight. That dog is hilarious. It's so fat and meaty. Alicia was showing me how protective of her it is. She said "Act like you're going to hit me." I did, and the dog growled at me. It kinda acted like it was scared of me tonight though. Well, that's really all I have to write about tonight. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106494374903635669

This is funny, from I like her blog, it's funny, and sometimes has lesbian stories. She's funny, you should go check it out. While driving to work this morning I had another fantasy about what I should be doing with my life, only this time it doesn't involve driving a cab or such nonsense. This is a good one. Seriously. Okay, let's say Im walking down the street, right? And then some recruiter from some super secret spy agency comes over and says "You. You are the one." Yeah, me. So okay, I hear the shizzle about the plan Stan and it's all about me being a spy in Europe and shit, right? Shut up, this could happen. I look very European, particularly French, I could totally pass as a local over there, and actually have, except my four years of high school French didn't help much with my sentences or anything, but Im getting to that. So, spy dude takes me under his wing and I am sequestered for a year, learning fluent French, Spanish, Italian, and whatnot, and also I get schooled in some kick ass martial arts and get this rock hard body, instead of my bony somewhat muscular present body, and voila! A spy. With cool weapons strapped to my upper thighs with garter belts. And I'd wear a lot of black clothes and look tres chic, non? Oui. And then I would be all charming with the bad people and have to kick their asses and stuff when they found me out. Yeah. Hmm, thinking about this now, it sounds so familiar, like it's a movie or a tv show. Do you think? Huh. Sounded cool, anyway. Maybe I could just get a motorcycle and a broken in leather jacket and slick my hair back and wear white t-shirts all the time and live over Mr. and Mrs. C's garage and date lots of chicks. That would be cool, too. Or maybe I could be the tiny sidekick to Retardo Montleban on some funky island where fantasies come true and wear a little white outfit all the time, only mine would have lots of stains on it. Or maybe I could live on a street where puppets talk and shit. That would scare the fuck out of me. Fucking talking puppets? Shit, Im scaring myself right now. Nah, spy that's what I should be.

I also thought this was really funny, also from her page. Mmm coffee from five hours ago. Tasty like a rock, like a rock of ages. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106494200701281209

Monday, September 29, 2003

Oh, I forgot to mention something in my last post. I've finally decided that I am going to go to the doctor and get some Zoloft for my social anxiety thing. I'm going to try it, at least for a while. I keep forgetting to make an appointment though. I meant to call the other day, so maybe I could've gotten an appointment for today, since I was off work. I was hoping to be on the medication before I had to go in for my job interview Thursday, so I wouldn't be so nervous, and maybe I'd make a better impression. I never did call though, so I was going to call today, and try to get an appointment for Thursday, since I'm off work that day too, but I forgot again. I'll try to remember to call in the morning. I want to get an appointment set up as soon as possible. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106489709485531935

My Chatterbox is developing quite an interesting cast of characters. Richard Simmons, Tinky Winky, the Hamster. I should let one of them write a guest post on my blog or something. Last night at work I discovered a very interesting dollar bill in my drawer. Around the edge of the front of the bill someone has written, "Janet Cartwrigt is fucking whore ass bitch!" Whoever did this has terrible spelling and grammar. On the back of the bill, right across the middle, is, "Janet is a bitch!" Possibly the most interesting thing about these messages is that, judging by the handwriting, I'd say this was probably written by a girl, and not an ex-boyfriend or something. The handwriting looks very girly, there's like loops on the J's and G's and B's. I'm going to scan the bill in. I probably won't post it here, at least not yet, but I am going to submit it to, they may put it up on their site. This is really weird: Today I went to to get a couple of new porno magazines, and there was this one three-pack of magazines that came with a free pair of panties. They weren't supposedly used by the models or anything, they were new panties. White panties with little red hearts on them. They were wrapped around the magazines and the whole thing was wrapped in plastic, as porno magazines usually are. This seemed very strange to me. I guess some guys just want a pair of panties laying around the house, or maybe the guy's a crossdresser and wants to wear them. Or maybe they think if they give them to their girlfriends or wives they wont mind them buying the porn. I don't know. The magazines they were packaged with weren't any kind of weird fetish magazine or anything, it was just a straightforward sex mag. And no, I didn't buy them. I did buy a couple of magazines, but they didn't come with free panties or anything like that. Today's been a pretty boring day. It's also gone by really quick. I had to get up early today because I had to drive all the way down to USAO in Chickasha to get a copy of my college transcript for my prison guard job interview. At least it was cold and rainy today, that made driving all that way cool. Then I came home and filled out my applications for the job thing, and then I went to the city and went to Christie's Toybox, as stated previously. I hardly got any sleep last night, so I'm really tired today. I only slept about 4 and a half hours. It was some time after 4:00 in the morning before I went to sleep, and then I got up at 9:00 I got an email today saying that the poster I ordered had finally shipped. About a week after I ordered it. It shoulda been here by now, according to the website. They say they usually ship within 24 hours, and delivery time takes from five to seven days, I think it was. I just saw the stupidest commercial on TV. I thought it was a joke at first, but it wasn't. Mattel just commited suicide. They are now attempting to sell "Secret Spells Barbie." Basically it was Wicca Barbie. This woman says "In a secret location, on a secret night, three girls get together to create secret spells. Spells for luck, for money, and even love." And there's these dolls of Barbie and her friends and they're wearing gowns and stuff, and they come with little cauldrons and everything. They are going to get boycotted for sure for this. Here's a link Chris sent me earlier: Funny site, but some of the animated graphics are messed up. I want a copy of this video game, it's, the most senselessly violent and bloody game ever made. And it was made back in 1986. This article comes from, which is a pretty cool website. "It's really a pretty simple idea... You want to take nude pics of your girlfriend/wife/whatever, but she's afraid "someone we know will see it on the web." She's right. That's why you should make it anonymous. Just take the picture from the neck down, or have her wear a mask, you get the idea..." This is a great site that I've been spending a lot of time at lately. Lots of really hot pictures. They also have nude pictures. Mmmm, naked photos of Carmen Electra. Well, I was done, but Melissa just sent me this: This is cool, I wish they had more pictures up. Ok, I'm tired. I've been working on this post for over four hours because I kept stopping to look at all these web pages. And so now I leave you with a quote. "I went to confession the other day. I said, 'You first.'" -- Dennis Miller posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106489617281438360

If you donate $2 to they put a link to your site up on their site. They show five at a time, and your link will be up there until it is pushed off the list by new links. Which can take some time apparently, because the same five links have been up there since I found out about Flooble a couple of weeks ago. This makes it a very cheap advertisment for your site, which has the potential to be seen by lots of people. So today I donated $2. The guy who reviews the links is really quick at his job, because just about 15 minutes later I got this e-mail: "Thanks for the donation - I added your link. (Your site name proved a bit too long for the sidebar, so I used your name instead - if you prefer some shorter version of your site's name, let me know)" He then went on to say this: "I also noticed in your chatterbox that you did not approve of the way avatar posts are being designated. Would it be helpful if you were able to pick the way in which they are?" Who says bitching and whining never accomplished anything? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106488021588485635

FUCK! I'd been working on this post for over two hours, and then my browser fucked up and quit, and I lost my post and the 6 other windows I had open to various websites that I was researching to create this post! Now I'm going to have to do it all over again! Ok, here we go. There's lots of links and stories tonight. Last night at work we were really slow. Until about 8:30, that is, when about 30 people suddenly came in. They had all been to some game or something. All the people were standing around in the lobby, waiting in line to have their orders taken, and I got an order in drive-thru for a cup of coffee. The coffee pot is also in the lobby, so I had to go out and make my way through all the people to get to it. As I was walking by this teenage girl, this boy, probably about 14 or so, who was also walking by her on the other side, hit her on the ass with his empty cup. You know that trick where you tap someone on the shoulder, but you tap the other shoulder, so they look the wrong way? He did something like that, he was on her right side, but he hit her left ass cheek, so she looked to the left, where I was, with a coffee cup. I thought I was gonna get slapped or something, but she didn't say or do anything. She just looked at me for a second. I don't know if she figured out what happened, or what. I was downloading some internet porn last night, and when I played one of the little videos, I found that the girl featured in the video looks exactly like my cousin. It looks so much like her it could be her, when she speaks it even sounds kind of like her. I hope it isn't her, that would be gross. I deleted the video just to be safe. Here's a poster I ordered the other day from This poster combines two of my favorite things, Pink Floyd, and the female body. Those are all Pink Floyd album covers painted on their backs. I like the redhead with the Wish You Were Here album cover on her back. I ordered this thing about a week ago, and, despite the web site's claims that they ship within 24 hours, they still haven't even shipped it out yet. Here are some interesting articles I've found on some very good blogs recently. writes about relationships: "Ryan, what if I can't tell if we're really flirting or just faux flirting?" If you're at wit's end on how to tell the two types of flirting apart, you can always interrupt him mid-flirt and say, "Look, either lick me right now or let's put this crap behind us." Licking is an underrated solution to most problems. "What are the top 5 signs we have gone from simply platonic to perhaps tongue-wrestling compatriots?" Right, the incredibly awkward, difficult-to-navigate middle ground between friendship and lust buddies. It's a bit like playing chicken, only in this case, you only wish you were moments from a fiery death. He develops a sudden interest that you two previously did not share. (And no, he doesn't really like it. That's a teen romantic comedy movie myth. He under no circumstances likes the Lifetime Network.) "Why do girls like taken men?" Women want guys who are taken for two reasons. One, most women can't stand to see another woman happy. Plain and simple. I can't figure it out, but there you have it. Women who are lucky enough to find a good guy protect them like gold in Ft. Knox. In my dating days, I knew when I would be going to place that had hot women before I even got there, because my girlfriend would suddenly wear a smoking outfit. She was establishing territory. 2,000 years ago, she would have flat out peed on me before we left. Evolution has only changed the methods, not the rules gives advice on how to win with a blog. heres how to win when you blog: blog. write all the time. i say write every day. i actually say write many times a day, but write. write when youre bored, write when youre inspired, write when youre tired, write after you 69ed a girl for a half hour and then flipped over and banged for a half hour more. write about not getting any, write about getting more that you deserve, write about sports, write about politics, write about your car, your cat, your dog, the shit between your toes, write about the shit between your toes that smells like your dog. snipers will take their dumb little shots, but thats when you know youve made it. another way to know is if you see your name on as a blog of note, but beware because that will just ring the comeandgetit bell for all the losers to come and get jealous. which can become tiresome. From (A hilarious blog, this guy kinda reminds me of Tepid Girl on Girl Action Late the other night I was flicking around the cable dial looking for a good documentary or foreign film, so of course I went straight to Cinemax. But wouldn't you know it, they were right in the middle of a lesbian sex scene. Darn the luck! Normally this would be swell news, but I couldn't help noticing that the two girls in the scene looked like they really didn't want to be there. Everything they were doing was tentative and forced. They seemed kind of sad, like they were almost about to cry, and it gave a degrading air to the entire thing that made me feel gross. It just seemed so wrong. Wrong because I pay good money for Cinemax! C'mon girls, who wants to see half-assed lesbians? Dont get me wrong, I watched the rest of the movie, but what has happened to the work ethic in this country? What happened to taking pride in your craft? Whether you're about to do some girl on camera, or you're about to weld a backseat into a Ford Taurus, or you're trying to find the gene that causes male pattern baldness (by the way, step up the pace on that one) you owe it to your country and yourself to give it 110% So to all of you reading this who are just now about to do a cheap lesbian sex scene to pay your rent: You march right in there and you lick that girl like you

mean it, or at the very least pretend to. If that's not your cup of tea, then how about a good ol' fashioned nipplefight? Okay, I don't even know what that is, but I'm pretty sure I'd love it. Nipplefight. It sounds really cool. If you get the chance to throw it around in casual conversation, or during your next meeting at work, I'd appreciate it. Maybe something like "If we get audited this year, the gals in accounting are in for a real nipplefight." I'd really like to see it catch on, so at least something good can come from all of this. USA #1! Here are some more links, besides the ones above: A cool blog with loads of content, and many, many links to other blogs. Another interesting blog. The following links contain adult content and should not be viewed at work: Some really weird machines created to fuck women. Complicated pieces of machinery with dildos strapped to them. You have to join to see full-size pictures of most of the good porn, but you can still see some good-sized thumbnails. The most interesting part though (for me, anyway) are the pictures and descriptions of the various machines. Gives complex technical data, such as depth of stroke and strokes per minute. The #1 Best Selling Masturbation Adult SexToy. This is a pretty weird sex toy. Ok, I think that's about it for now. In all it took me about three hours to write this post. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106481287351251566

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Ok, so the other night me and Alicia went to see Underworld. The movie sucked. It may be the number one movie right now, but I didn't like it. It was too long and boring. It had a few good parts, but most of it was boring and stupid. The werewolves looked horrible too. And the vampire were too wimpy. The main character vampire almost died in a stupid car accident. What kind of vampire dies in a car wreck? She didn't die, but she was unconscious for quite some time, and would've died if the human hadn't saved her from drowning. The plot was needlessly complex, well, not really complex, but they didn't come out and tell you what the plot was until the movie was almost over. They just kept hinting at things, and you never really knew what was going on until about 3/4s of the way through the movie. I still had fun, but that was just the being with Alicia fun, the movie sucked, and kinda put me in a bad mood. Here's some links: A blog that is nothing but links to other sites. Usually has a few pretty good ones. Anyone who has any brains at all knows that all those beautiful women in ads and magazines and stuff are heavily airbrushed and run through computers, the end product being something that looks nothing like the real woman, or pretty much any woman in existence. Well, the owner of this website is one of the people that does this to the pictures, and he has collected some before and after sets. First you see the finished product (for that is what she is, a product), but roll your mouse over the picture and see the real woman. The woman in this example looks incredibly beautiful after all the processing, but the real woman is actually somewhat ugly. They shave about 20 pounds off of her, almost completely change the color of her skin and eyes, give her a completely new belly button, take off about half her chin and completely change the shape of her face and get rid of the hollows in her cheeks and the bags under her eyes, smooth her skin, and enlarge her breasts. And this is what people base their standards of beauty on, something that doesn't even exist in real life, like Barbie. No wonder all the girls and women are so fucked up in the heads anymore. Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not bad mouthing women, but most of them, especially the teenage girls, are pretty messed up anymore. I think the so called beauty magazines and teen girl magazines, things like Cosmo, and Seventeen and all those are the most evil things in the world, and should be banned. They are responsible for everything that is wrong with young women. They also encourage the sexification of young girls, these 12 and 13 year old girls going around wearing sexy clothing and too much make-up, looking like Britney Spears and Christina Aquilera. Most people blame them for making the girls that way, but they probably wouldn't look like that themselves if it wasn't for these magazines and stuff. Ok, I could rant about this for hours, from here I could go into teen sex and kids having kids, but I'm going to stop myself here. This is an issue I feel very strongly about though. These magazines, and the fashion and music industries must be stopped. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106469264866447817

Friday, September 26, 2003

Underworld sucked. That is all, I don't feel like writing anything more right now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106455841539750445

Thursday, September 25, 2003

I am Tinky Winky. Prepare all asses for vicious entry.

And if that doesn't scare you, this will...

posted by Kevin @

Wow, my Blog's had 45 hits since yesterday. It hasn't been getting as many hits the last week or two. I shouldn't get excited though, most of the hits are probably from those freaks down there on my Chatterbox. Me and Alicia are going to go see Underworld later. It's gonna be cool. I just got a haircut, and they didn't shave the back of my neck very well, so it's all prickly now, and irritating. Today is my sister's birthday. She's 13 now. She's a teenager. Why do I feel a vague sense of dread about that? I didn't get her anything. Not yet anyway. I don't know what to get her. Why am I suddenly obsessed with the song Sister Christian? I downloaded it last night, and I've listened to it five times already today. The only reason I've ever even heard of that song is because it's one of the songs that plays on the radio when you're driving around in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Motoring What's your price for flight You've got him in your sight And driving thru the night Motoring What's your price for flight In finding mister right You'll be alright tonight posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106452669751178363

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

From Saturday Night Live news: "A new survey has found that only 25% percent of men kiss their wives goodbye when leaving the house. However, 99% of men kiss their house goodbye when leaving their wife." From today's "Shoe" comic strip: "What does your wife want for her birthday this year?" "Sigh. A divorce. But I don't really want to spend that much." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106442506315076097

There's a story in the Daily Oklahoman today about all the things Oklahomans have invented. I've heard many of these before, but they claim an Oklahoma invented the personal computer, I've never heard of that before, and I don't know if I believe it. Anyway, here are some highlights from the article. More than 18,000 patents have been awarded to Oklahoma residents and companies since 1975. The U.S. Patent Office has awarded more than 1,700 patents to Oklahomans in the past two years. The shopping cart, personal computer, parking meter, auto-pilot, car sun visor, glove compartment and the compact disc changer were all invented by Oklahomans. The number of innovations grows by hundreds each year with recent additions such as the brick mailbox "flip-flag," the automatic garage door timer and cutting edge computer software. While many people aren't aware of the Sooner State's contribution, the long list of inventions shouldn't be a surprise. After all, Oklahomans can fix almost anything with a roll of baling wire, crazy glue, and duct tape. The First patent awarded to anyone living in what would become Oklahoma -- that historians have been able to find -- was in 1880, when the area was still Indian Territory. It was filed Dec. 11, 1880, and awarded to Charles Hutchins of Fort Gibson and James Standly of Toboxie County, Choctaw Territory. The patent was for a Hame-Fastener, which is a piece of equipment used with draft horses. The first patent issued to an Oklahoma Territory resident was filed Aug. 6, 1889, by Gordon Keeney of Kingfisher. The patent was for a "Fender for Wheeled Vehicles." In this case, the wheel was on a wagon, not an automobile. Hutchins, Standly and Keeney have since been followed by problem-solving Oklahomans whose inventions typically come from personal need. Sylvan Goldman, who came to Oklahoma during the first land run, designed and manufactured the shopping cart to give customers at his grocery stores a larger basket to carry more food. Aviator Wiley Post designed the world's first pressurized flying suit so he could fly at a higher altitude and take advantage of the faster wind that became known as the jet stream.

Carl Magee, a member of the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce at the time, thought of and helped design the parking meter to ease the growing parking problems downtown. Edward Roberts, now recognized as the father of the personal computer, designed the desktop machine because he needed a product that would save his calculator business from going under. He based his idea on a policy at Oklahoma State University, where he was a student, that allowed people access to the mainframe computer. His invention drew offers from hundreds of software designers trying to break into the business. Roberts and his partners at Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems were so overwhelmed by the offers, they decided to work with the first person who showed up with operating software. The first fledgling designer to make the trip was a young man named Bill Gates. Robert went on to help design the laptop computer while at Pertec, but left the company to become a small-town doctor in Georgia after Pertec executives said they didn't foresee any potential for the new laptop design. Ok, that's all of the article that's worth typing up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106438058290068685

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

It's Teletubby time! Wait, no it's not! Damn those Teletubbies! Always coming in here and trying to take over! They're just jealous! Yeah, that's right, the Teletubbies are jealous of my blog! Especially that bastard Laa-Laa! He's always after me frosted Lucky Charms! He wants their frosted goodness all for himself! But I says Fuck You! Fuck you Laa-Laa! Fuck you, Tinky-Winky! Fuck you Dipsy! And especially you, Po, FUCK YOU! And don't think I forgot you, Noo Noo, you fucking Vacuum Cleaner, you suck! Get it? Vacuum? Suck? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I know what you and TinkyWinky do together late at night, Noo Noo. I heard that nozzle of yours can be used for sucking more than dirt and dust and Tubby Toast crumbs. You disgust me! You and all your evil friends! And then there's that fucking baby head floating in the sky! What the hell is up with that! That scares the shit out of me! You call yourself a children's show? You're traumatizing our children you sick, disgusting, perverted, evil, Satan worshipping, bong smoking, turdburgling, ass fondling, toad licking, weasel shaving, porcupine gargling, stick sniffing, chihuahua fondling, beach blanket bingo playing, lizard lifting, N*Sync listening, poodle popping, Richard Simmons look-a-like dating, child molesting, Godzilla stomping, demon summoning, snuff porn making, oatmeal stuffing, fart eating, ass reaming, buffalo frenching, gnome fondling, anal jogging, frog flogging, Rhino tossing, chicken fishing, fecal surfing, unbalanced checkbook having, slug smuggling, banana cramming, crotch hopping, ass whistling, Goat smoking, snot whipping, pickle tickling, Pope squeezing, nugget brandishing, Love Boating, nun polishing, list making, butt snuffling BASTARDS! And stay away from my goddamn Lucky Charms! And, no, I'm not on drugs. But perhaps I should be. The other night I was watching one of the old 1970's Saturday Night Live episodes, which were 1000 times funnier than the new show, and they were doing a spoof of the movie Omen in which John Belushi was a rather large Damien. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. First the nanny hung herself she was so afraid of Damien, then a new nanny showed up who had fangs, and a stuffed dead dog named Stuffy. The Dead nanny hung there the rest of the time, while the evil fanged nanny gave Damien dog treats to calm him. The funniest part though came when Damien's father told Damien's mother "I'm going with the priest, you stay here with dead nanny, live nanny, Stuffy the Devil Dog and Big Satan Baby or whatever his name is..." Another funny quote: Today I was talking to Melissa and she was talking about a girl who according to Melissa, "has this huge gap in between her teeth that you could fit a squirrel in." And now I'm going to bed, because it's 1:00. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106429673814489310

Monday, September 22, 2003 This is really weird. Up to half the population of Britain, and even more in France, have a personality changing brain parasite that comes from cats. I can't believe this story is true, but I've found it on several news sites. And here's a related story:,0,5867345.column?coll=orl-news-print-asec posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106428881686674537 Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen? That's the infamous cute and weird hamster picture that Alicia drew. I hope the link works, for some reason I have trouble linking to things in my Geocities account, sometimes it doesn't work. Another boring day off. I went to Hasting and bought the CD The Division Bell by Pink Floyd. I also bought a Dark Side of the Moon cloth poster, which can be found on this web page. It's pretty cool. But I wonder if it can be ironed to get the wrinkles out. It says it can be washed. Maybe that would help a little. My parents are trying to talk me into getting some Zoloft again. They said that I have to do something, I'm gonna have to take them at least for a little while, at least until I am able to get a good job or something. They said that if I went to the doctor they'd even pay for the pills. I'm gonna have to I guess. I'm getting worse. The last couple of times I've went somewhere I've gotten even more nervous and embarrassed than usual. The last couple of times I've went to a store I've almost passed out while waiting in line at the checkout. I get so nervous my face turns red and starts to hurt, and then actually goes numb, and by the time I leave the store my eyes are all red and bloodshot. Speaking of getting a better job, I got some mail today from the prison, they're hiring again, and I can come in for another interview. I have to fill out all the forms again though. Maybe I'll get the job this time though. I hope so, because I'm really wanting to move out and get my own place. Well, I'm gonna try to find something to do now. Maybe I'll watch a movie or something. But it seems like there was something else I wanted to write about. Maybe I'll think of it later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106427960524010981

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Well, work wasn't too bad tonight. It was pretty slow, and I got off early. The new girl, Sarah, seems like she is a good worker, except that when she and Adam were on break, they went and smoked pot. I think they did the same thing last night. Daniel, the manager knew it, but he said there's nothing he can do about it, because they were off the clock when they did it. Tonight a guy came through drive-thru and had a tattoo of a couple of hearts with what I assume were his children's names on them. Apparently the guy named all his kids after ex-presidents. The names were Kennedy and Reagan, except they were spelled "Kennedi" and "Raigan." Speaking of presidents, check this weird story out. There's some stupid people working at this store. A $200 Bill With the Face of George W. Bush? The Associated Press ROANOKE RAPIDS, N.C. - Police are searching for a man who paid for $150 in groceries at a Food Lion grocery store with a $200 bill. The man walked out of the store with his groceries and $50 in change before the fake bill was discovered Sept. 6. The bogus bill - the U.S. Mint does not print a $200 bill - bore the image of President George W. Bush on the front and had the White House on the back. It also included signs on the front lawn of the front lawn of the White House with slogans such as "We like broccoli" and "USA deserves a tax cut," Roanoke Rapids police said. Instead of being labeled a Federal Reserve note, the fake bill was marked as a "Moral Reserve Note." The bill bore the signatures of Ronald Reagan, political mentor, and George H.W. Bush, campaign adviser and mentor. Officials at the local Food Lion had no comment. Food Lion officials at the company headquarters in Salisbury could only say their normal policy is not to accept bills over $100. Pictures of the bill can be seen posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106420352871625024

News update: It's raining. And some stuff I mean to mention in my last post. My father's name is not Bo, that's just the nickname he's gone by since he was a little kid. Everyone calls him that, some people don't even know it's not his real name. His real name is Larry. Larry Underwood, just like the character in Stephen King's The Stand. Even I usually call him Bo, even when I was a little kid I called him Bo, not father, or dad or anything like that. People used to ask if he was a stepfather or something, since I called him by his "name." Well, I gotta get ready for work now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106416646368014268

This is really weird, my father has a mouse in his truck. He went out there this morning and it was just sitting there looking at him. He said it seemed tame or something, it didn't even hide from it, it just started playing and running around in circles. He thinks it's finally run out of his truck, but he's not sure. Cool, I just heard thunder. It's supposed to storm today, but it looks on the radar like it might pass just a few miles north of us. I hope not, I wish it would rain and storm all day, and all night at work. That would make the 8 hour shift a little more enjoyable. I work with Sarah, the new girl again tonight, so we'll see if she's a good worker or not tonight. Hanson is on Saturday Night Live singing that "Mmm, Bop" song. I hate them. They are from Tulsa, Oklahoma. That town would suck now, if not for the fact that that is also where Weird Al Yankovic filmed his movie UHF. Or I think he did anyway, because in the credits it says something about thanks to the people of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I just went into the other room, and for some reason my parents are watching Hanson. Hey, more thunder. Maybe the storm will hit soon. Oh, and some more good news that I forgot to mention last night. Crystal is next on the list of people to be fired at work. They'll probably fire her the next time she does anything wrong, or calls in. We all hope so. Something else... Alicia is crazy today, or something. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106416579392315596

Well, I didn't have to work with Crystal tonight after all. I almost had to work with Tanner instead, but then he got fired, and there was much rejoicing. Crystal called in saying she couldn't work tonight, so they called Tanner in, and he was supposed to be there at four. At ten after four he still hadn't shown up, and Curtis decided that if he wasn't there in a few minutes, he would call Allen, the General Manager, and see if he could fire Tanner. Everyone got really excited, hoping Tanner wouldn't show up. He didn't, so Curtis called Allen, but there was no answer. At 4:30 he tried again, still no answer, so he called all the other managers, and they said to fire him, so Curtis gave Tanner until 5:00, and when he still hadn't arrived, he fired him. Or he tried to. He finally got ahold of Allen, and Allen said not to fire him since it was supposed to be his day off anyway, which is weird, because we've fired people before for not coming in when they were called in. We were all extremely upset that Tanner didn't get fired. Curtis was so mad he was throwing stuff around, and kicking things. Then about 15 minutes later, Tanner called, and said he was late because he was out partying all night and kept falling asleep. Curtis called Allen again, and told him what Tanner said, so Allen said to fire him. As soon as Curtis hung up the phone he yelled, "YES!" very, very loudly. Everyone else was happy too. Since we fired someone we also hired a new girl tonight, and she actually came in and worked tonight. It's too soon to tell if she's going to be a good employee or not. She's only 16 and is a friend of a girl that used to work there that wasn't a very good worker, and that I hated, and still hate.

Tonight was very busy, and I'm worn out now. We got busy after the OU game ended, we expected that. But, for some reason, it stayed busy for about 4 hours. It also seemed much busier than it actually was, because our back liners sucked tonight, and they were extremely slow getting the food out. People were waiting up to 8 minutes for just a few burgers. Adam has only worked there for a little over a week, but he should be better than that by now. The other guy, Nathan, has worked there for over 6 months, but for some reason lately he keeps getting slower and slower. You may have noticed that I use people's real names when I'm talking about them. I've noticed some people on their blogs don't use names, or say things like "Today I talked to M about C." Not me, I don't care. I don't know why anyone would do that anyway, maybe they're afraid the people they're talking about will read their blog, or that people will see these names and figure out who the person writing the blog is, and where they live or something. I guess most of them are just doing the whole "The names have been changed to protect the innocent," thing. Not me, I don't care. As Kurt Vonnegut, one of the worlds greatest writers, often begins his books: "All persons living and dead are purely coincidental, and should not be construed. No names have been changed in order to protect the innocent. Angels protect the innocent as a matter of Heavenly routine." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106412230262816193

Saturday, September 20, 2003

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm actually looking forward to working with Crystal tonight. I still hate her, but we've hired two other people now that I actually hate working with even more than I hate working with Crystal. One's a guy named Tanner, who's an idiot. Everyone thinks so, not just me. He worked here one other time, and got fired because he got arrested two or three times in a little over a week. But the person I really hate working with is Jennifer, because she's kinda stupid, and even though she's been working there over a week, she still can't do anything right. You have to tell her how to do things two or three times a night. Then the next time she works, you have to do it again. The main reason I hate working with her though, is that she stares at me the entire night. So do her friends every time they come in, they all stare at me. Curtis said she was even asking him about me while I was on break last night. I thought she was going to rape me in the closet the other night. I was in the storage closet getting some window cleaner, and she opened the door because she needed something from the closet too, but while she was waiting for me to get done, she just stood there in the door giving me this really weird look. I'm not interested in her at all, I don't care how much she stares at me. She's gross, and so are all her friends. So that's why I'm actually glad that I work with Crystal tonight, especially since the last couple of times I've worked with her she hasn't bothered me, she mainly ignores me now. Good. This is the only night I have to work with her this week. I have to work with Jennifer three times this week. Help me. I've been watching that Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon documentary thing I bought the other night. It's pretty cool. I'm gonna go finish watching it now, before I have to go to work. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106408663502682348

Check this out, it's really funny. I like Baby Doom. That's about all I have to say tonight. It's late. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106403646486112410

Friday, September 19, 2003

Warning: Adult Content This is a pretty cool blog site. It's the Livejournal site of a phone sex and sex-cam site operator. She also watches porn constantly, and reviews the movies on the site. (This post ought to be good for getting my hit count up, because now my site will show up whenever someone searches for the phrases "Phone sex," "Sexcam," and "porn." This has happened to me before. A while back I posted a humerous example of cyber-sex, and for a while after that half my hits were coming from people searching for "shaved pussy.") posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106399814364037862

Thursday, September 18, 2003

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106394040018855636

Well, this day turned out to be a little better than it started out. The main thing that made it better was the weather. It was very autumn-like today, it was overcast and gray and windy, and the temperature was in the 60's, but felt even colder. A lot of people were actually wearing coats today. I should've worn mine. I like wearing coats, the more clothes covering my fat, the better. It was more than the weather that made it seem like autumn or winter, there were other less tangible indicators. I don't know if it's just me, or what, but autumn and winter even sound and look different. I can't really describe it, but things just look different in the winter, and I don't mean the plant life. Lights seems brighter and more colorful to me. And sounds are louder, too. For me one of the most important signs of winter is the sound of the air. I live about a mile from highway I-35, and I don't know why, but in the winter you can hear the roar of the highway, sometimes even inside the house. I don't know why sounds travel better, if it's because there's no tree leaves blocking the sounds, or if it's something to do with the cold air, but winter even sounds different. Winter also smells different, because you can smell people's fireplaces burning. I love that smell. So this semi-autumn we had today put me in a great mood, it also put me in the mood to go outside. I left the house a couple of times today. Once I just went driving around for a while, but then later I went to Norman. For some reason I wanted to go to a

music store today, so I went to Brook Mays music and just looked around for about half an hour. I almost bought a guitar. I've got $500 burning a hole in my pocket, and I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar. The trouble is, I wouldn't have learned. I have enough instruments laying around that I don't know how to play. I took band for four years in school, playing the alto saxophone, which my parents paid something like $2000 for, but never was that good, and I haven't played it in about 8 or 9 years. Then a few years ago, my parents got me a really good keyboard that I wanted for Christmas, and I bought a bunch of books on how to play the piano and stuff, because I've always wanted to learn to play the piano too, but I never took the time to learn it. I just don't have the patience or attention span to learn a musical instrument. It takes years to learn, but I have trouble keeping an interest in anything for more than two weeks. This goes for pretty much anything I do, I'll get obsessed with something, learning Japanese, learning an instrument, creating a webpage, anything really, and spend lots of money and/or time on it, then a week or two later, I just suddenly get not interested in it anymore. So I didn't get a guitar, partly because I knew it would just be a waste of money and something else to take up space, but mostly because I knew my parents would think the same thing, and be angry that I wasted money on a guitar. I know I'm 23 and I can spend my money on what I want, but I've always done what my parents say, and don't like to upset them. I've never argued with my parents about anything, even when I was a teenager. Mainly because my parents are very good to me, they're nice enough to let me live with them, they didn't kick me out when I turned 18 like a lot of parents do, they let me live with them, so I get free room and board, and meals, and sometimes they pay other expenses of mine, they are even paying for my car. This is why I always have so much money, even though I have a crap job. I hardly have any expenses, pretty much the only expenses I have are car insurance every six months, car tag every year, and clothes and stuff, which I don't buy a lot of anyway. Most of my money is just free to do whatever I want with. I'm sure my parents would've complained if I had brought home another musical instrument, but at least this time I would've paid for it myself, instead of them. I also have a harmonica, which I am decent at playing. I can play my keyboard a little by ear, I can pick out the melodies to stuff, and I know how to read sheet music, from my school band years, but I don't know the chords and stuff yet, and I'm kinda slow at playing anything. I also wish I knew how to play the violin, the cello, the bagpipes, and the accordion. I wish I could play pretty much everything. After I went to the music store, I went to the Wal-Mart Supercenter, partly because the weather had put me into the mood to look at Halloween and, yes, Christmas decorations. Wal-Mart didn't have a very good selection of Halloween stuff this year. Mainly because they were already putting up Christmas stuff. I hate that! It gets earlier every year! They had Christmas stuff up by the first of September this year. At this rate, within 50 years, it will have gotten so early that it will have come completely around back to Christmas again, and so they will just never take them down and sell them year round. They had Christmas stuff sitting next to lawn stuff, lawnmowers and fertilizers, and things like that. It made me want to kill. I spent $50 at Wal-Mart because they had this big bin full of DVDs for $5.88. Most of them were pretty crappy movies, like Ernest Scared Stupid, and many I'd never even heard of, but they did have several good movie too. I bought a couple of Jackie Chan movies, and a couple of old Godzilla movies. They had a couple more I wanted to buy but didn't. I also bought a normally priced DVD, one I saw on the other day, it's a new DVD that just came out all about Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. It's a bunch of interviews, and behind the scenes and tour stuff. Then I also bought some blank CDs for me to record stuff off my computer onto. There's a couple of CDs I want to burn. I downloaded several R.E.M. songs today, songs I've always loved, but never bought the album of. R.E.M. is one of my favorite bands. And yes, all these downloads are legal. I got them through legal download services. Oh, something else that cheered me up earlier today is that some CDs I had ordered arrived today. This post sucked. It was really long, but it was rambling and ill-planned, and I used the word "Stuff" way too much. If this had been an English assignment, I would've probably gotten a D. On the good side, I don't think I started a single sentence with "man." Ok, I'm gonna go listen to music now, and then watch Fight Club. I just realized last night that I've never watched it with the actor and director commentary. I usually do that with DVDs of movies I really like. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106393922809489463

Well, here I am on my day off, doing absolutely nothing. I'm so bored. I wish there was something to do, somewhere to go, or someone to hang out with. My days off suck so much, sometimes I'd almost rather go to work. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106391428643942340

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I'm bored as hell. I'm off work tomorrow. I have no idea what I'm gonna do tomorrow, I'd like to get out of the house. I guess I'll just go to the mall or something. I'm so bored, I think I'll watch Fight Club, even if it is late. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106386140393810420

My aunt just sent me an e-mail. Actually it was for my dad, but I'm the only one in the house with an e-mail address, so she had to send it to me. Today it's been six years to the day since my uncle Randal was murdered. He was shot in the head in his sleep by his wife. She had tried to kill him before, once or twice she had set the house on fire with him in it, and claimed he fell asleep with a cigarette or something. They were never able to prove that it was arson, but everyone, even the cops, was sure it was. She shot him in the head, and claimed it was a suicide, but she shot him with her gun, and he was still covered up like he was sleeping, when they found him, and with where he was shot, he would've had to have done it with his right arm, and he could barely use his right arm because of a war injury. They charged her with first degree murder, and they went ahead and convicted her for these old arson charges, so now I think she's serving two life sentences. The saddest thing about all this is that he was in Vietnam, and stepped on a land mine, lost an eye, and couldn't use his right arm very well, but he survived that. He survived a war, and survived stepping on a land mine, only to be killed in his sleep by his own wife. It was a very sad funeral, it's the only funeral I ever cried at. I don't know why his death upset me, and still does, I didn't even really know him that well, I wasn't close to him or anything. Other deaths, like my grandparent's never bothered me that much. His was a very nice funeral, he got full military honors with a 21 gun salute, and flag folding, and all that. The eulogy was very beautiful and sad, and they played some very sad songs, such as the ending song from the Roy Rogers show, "Happy trails to you, until we meet again," and the song Go Rest High on that Mountain. Here's the letter my aunt sent: Dear Bo, It is 12:52 a.m. and I am feeling very melancholy-sad, as I remember that Randel was murdered six years ago today. I will never forget that call that awakened me September 17, 1997, at 6:15 a.m. Janice's mother was on the line saying: "Gail, we picked Janice up at the police station this morning. She and Randel have had some trouble and Randel's gone." I said, "Gone? Does anyone have any idea where?" She responded, "I mean, he's dead, Gail." At this point, I remember falling back on the bed and sobbing and wailing and telling Bill: "Randel is dead! Randel is dead!" He told me that I'd had a bad dream....

The next year is really somewhat of a fog. I remember when I saw the first pictures of his murdered body. Of his head with a hole in it and mal-shapened because it was so swollen from the injury to the brain. They showed these pictures on a big screen in the courtroom. I remember the prosecutor asking me if I thought I wanted to stay in the courtroom when they showed them because, he said: "You will always remember your brother this way and you might rather remember him differently." I told him that I had to be in the courtroom for every witness and every aspect of the trial. I had to be there to help bring justice for my brother. I loved Randel. He was my pal who rode stick horses with me and called himself Roy Rogers and me Dale Evans. He loved women--not in a lustful way (although he appreciated fine looking women), but in an appreciation of their gender differences. He never told me that I couldn't do something because I was a girl. He encouraged me to cross the gender broundaries when he treated me just like one of the guys. He did so as kids growing up and playing baseball in a pasture with the Cypert boys and playing "horse" with our dilapidated basketball goal. He never insulted me by "letting me win." He praised me when I beat him even though he was highly competitive. He never begrudged me even a single accomplishment. I remember when Doug took us water skiing for the first time. It took Randel (normally a fine athlete) seven tries before he got up on the skis. When my turn came, he said to Doug: "I'll bet she gets up on the first try because she has very strong legs." He was right and he yelled and screamed and laughed, telling me "way to go!" when I came right up on the skis. A lesser man would have been jealous that I "showed him up." I sometimes cannot believe that he is no longer traveling this earth (at least not in the form that I knew). I do know he is here though every time I remember something funny that we shared in a sense of humor that we believed unique to our way of seeing the world. What a wonderful brother. What a wonderful man! I know that you must miss him too. I also want you to know that I love you too. I am very proud of you and your family and the hard work that you do every day. You have two beautiful, intelligent children and that doesn't just happen. There has to be some parenting going on to make that happen. I have also not forgotten the time I called you from Dallas after that man attacked me when I was managing those apartments. You are a good, decent man with a warped sense of humor that I love. Please take care of yourself. My heart was broken when Randel died and it is breaking for Valorie now. I love you, Gail posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106382207138208476

I'm beginning to think this Chatterbox thing was a bad idea. First, only one person that I didn't previously know is using it, and, second, I now have three people who want me to dress up as Richard Simmons for Halloween. I AM NOT dressing up as Richard Simmons, not now, not ever, and that is my final answer. Me dressing up as Richard Simmons would be wrong in so many ways. First off, I'm disgusting and fat, and the sight of me in short shorts and a tank top would be very harmful to others. Second, I am not gay, but many people think I am, so I am not going to give them anything to make them any more sure that I am gay. Also, I have no afro, and I don't think my hair could be made to afro. Ok, I have something else to write about, but I'm gonna do it in a new post, it belongs in its own post, and not in a post that talks about Richard Simmons. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106381947149971442

Man, what is with me tonight? I keep thinking of things I want to write about, but by the time I get to Blogger, I've forgotten what I was going to write about. Man, I'm bored. I got off really early tonight, and I've just been sitting here doing nothing. I haven't even really been able to do much on the internet, because I've got some big files downloading, and it slows things down so much I can't really do much. I really wish I had a high-speed internet connection or some kind, instead of dial-up, dial-up sucks ass. I'm so bored, I should watch a movie or something, but there's not really any I want to watch. Well, I'd kinda like to watch Fight Club, but that movie's pretty long, it's too late to watch it now. By the time I got the movie on and everything, it would be after 2:00 when it went off. I'm listening to the Pink Floyd album, The Final Cut, I love this album, it's one of my favorite CDs. It's so sad, especially this song, The Gunner's Dream. The album calls itself "A requiem for the post-war dream." It's all about war, and the effects of war on people. Especially people who have come home from war, and now, years later, they're depressed, and half-crazy, and haunted by the things they saw in the war. Man, what the hell was I wanting to write about? There were several things, there were a couple of things I forgot to mention in my post earlier. Alicia was online a couple of hours ago, but I was so bored I couldn't even think of anything to talk to her about, so that was pretty boring too. Tonight, a while after Alicia got off work, she came through drive-thru, and had her dog with her. That dog is incredibly fat. It's hilarious, I liked the dog, because it was so funny looking. It's supposed to be a miniature pinscher, but it was so fat it didn't look anything like one. Alicia said it hates everyone, and was amazed when I put my hand out to it, and it just sniffed it. But then I tried to pet it, and it went psycho and tried to bite me. I like that dog, it was so fat it looked like a small barrel. I want a barrel-dog too. Mmmm, barrel dog. I bet that dog's got some good meat on it. Well, I'm gonna try to find something else to do now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106377646387632949

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

All right all you Evanescence fans, check this out. The Word of the Day for September 14 is: evanescent \eh-vuh-NEH-sunt\ adjective : tending to vanish like vapor Example sentence: For Marcy, the enchantment of the elegant ballroom was as

evanescent as Cinderella's gilded coach -- it vanished the instant Dudley appeared. Did you know? The fragile, airy quality of things "evanescent" reflects the word's etymology. "Evanescent" derives from the Latin verb "evanescere," which means "to evaporate" or "to vanish." English has several other words that mean lasting or staying only a short time. "Ephemeral" and "transitory" apply to what is bound to pass ("superstardom is transitory"); "ephemeral," especially, implies striking brevity of duration ("fads, by their very nature, are ephemeral"). "Fugitive" and "fleeting" imply passing so quickly as to make apprehending difficult ("a fugitive smile flitted across his face"; "caught a fleeting glimpse"). "Fugacious," which we featured as a Word of the Day in July, is used of all things fleeting and transitory; it's also the least common of these synonyms. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106377394679939041 Cartoon Network just advertised a new show, called "Clone Wars." That's right, a Star Wars cartoon! I'm so excited I may soil myself. I just hope it's as cool as it could be. Most likely though, it will suck. Please let it be cool, please let it be cool, please let it be cool... Tonight at work Crystal kept claiming she was pregnant. I don't think anyone believed her though. Then she said she was joking, then she said that no, she really was pregnant. She kept changing her story. She claimed she was three months pregnant, I especially don't believe that, she's tiny, she's incredibly skinny. If she was three months pregnant, you could tell. Also at work today, Alicia drew a really weird, somewhat horrible, hamster. I brought it home and showed it to my sister, and she freaked out. She was like "Oh my god! It's horrible looking, but it's also kinda cute!" I love those expandable link boxes, they look cool, and don't take up a lot of space. Just click the little + sign to see the links. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106376660610408881

Ok, today I'm going to post one of the many stories I wrote years ago. It's been so long since I've been able to write anything, but I used to be pretty good at it. I have close to 100 documents here on my computer, most of them written in 1998 and 1999, I've hardly written anything since. Though I was good at writing, I never finished anything I wrote. I never even knew what I was writing about when I was writing it, I just made it all up as I went along. So I have dozens of these small documents, ranging from a couple of sentences to 8 pages. I can only think of two stories I ever finished. This is not one of them, this is one of the many unfinished stories that seems really cool, but I was never able to get any farther in it. This story also has features that appeared in many of my stories, such as rain. I wrote several stories about an unnatural, unending rain, and in fact, this story seems like it could take place sometime after the events in another story I wrote, it shares many of the same themes. Another thing that appears in this story that appeared in many of my other stories is a sentence I was very fond of, many of my stories would contain a line about "wincing against the sudden light." I'm sure a psychologist could say many things about that. Anyway, enough rambling, here's the story. His wet hair hung limply in strands around his eyes. The rain continued to fall from the dark sky. Rain dripped from the leaves around him, but was not soaked up by the already saturated ground. Drops of water welled up at the ends of his hair, and dropped off. He looked up into the rain, wondering if it would ever end. How long had it been since it started? He couldn't figure out exactly how long, he had lost track of the days, but as close as he could figure, it had been about three weeks. Three weeks that seemed like a lifetime. He rose in the darkness from his resting place under a large tree that provided some shelter from the rain, and walked out of the darkened park, and into the dimly lit, empty, city streets. It had been three days since he last saw another person, another human. A fleeting glimpse of a bedraggled form scurrying into the darkness of an alley. There weren't many people out in these days, what few people there were tended to stay in their dwellings, or in some other hiding place. Suddenly he stopped walking, the rain had slowed, but not ceased. He looked once again up at the sky, for what must have been the millionth time since the rain began. A small hole appeared in the clouds, and he could see a small portion of the night sky, dotted with many glittering stars. A cool breeze blew over him. He stood there staring at the stars. It had been so long since he had seen the stars, or even the sky, other than the constant dark clouds. The wind began to blow harder, and become more chill, and the break in the clouds disappeared, and the sky was again a wall of clouds. He shivered in the cold and wet. He decided that he had better find some shelter for the night, some real shelter. His usual tree in the park helped keep away some of the rain, but did nothing for the cold. He found a stairway down into what appeared to be the storage basement of a small caf. He was in luck, this night he would have shelter and food. He crept into the darkness, groping for a light switch. He found one and the room became illuminated. He winced against the sudden light, and after his eyes adjusted he took a look around to make sure the room was not already occupied by one of the gangs that had arisen in the last few weeks. He had had a couple of run-ins with them already, and was lucky to get away, and had many times come across their handiwork. They were the largest groups of people he had seen since the rain began. He couldn't see anyone in the room, and so he relaxed a little. It appeared to be safe, or at least it didn't contain any immediate danger, nowhere was safe these days. You could at any minute become the victim of some seen or unseen danger, if you were lucky it would be one of the human dangers, and not one of the others. He slumped down into a corner to rest, and fell almost at once into sleep, and dreamed. In his dream there was no rain, there were no clouds. The sky was clear, and it was day. The sun shone brightly in the sky overhead. He was standing in the still empty city streets, but he heard something he hadn't heard since the rain began. He heard the birds singing. Everything seemed to be normal, except for the lack of people. Suddenly, a new sound came to his ears, from somewhere around the corner. It was the sound of children laughing. He ran to the corner and looked around, but could see no children. He heard the noise again, from farther off, and he began to walk after it. As he walked, though, it seemed to get farther away from him. He kept walking, and it was always somewhere in the distance, out of his sight. He began to walk faster, and finally he began to run after it. Still he could not reach it. Suddenly it sounded like there were more children, and they began to laugh more. As he ran, the apparent number of children continued to increase, until it sounded as if there was a great group of children, and it began to sound as if they were all laughing at him. Suddenly it seemed not as if he was running after the children, but running from them. Then, abruptly, he stopped; he found he was standing at the entrance to the park, the park where his tree was. The laughter abruptly ceased. He entered the park and began to walk across it, to where his tree was; he felt a sudden urge to find his tree. As he topped a small hill near the center of the park a sudden wind came up, and the sky began to

quickly grow dark, and cloud over. In a few seconds the sky was a wall of black clouds, and the rain began to fall. A bolt of lightning flashed from the sky, and struck his tree, which burst into flames. At that he awoke, and heard the last rumblings of rolling thunder. While pondering his dream, he found some packaged food that was still good, and ate his meal in silence. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106373933332699367

Man, talk about a wasted day. I've been sitting at this computer for about 11 hours. Actually I've had worse days, at least the computer was entertaining today, it wasn't one of those days where I just sit there staring at the same few pages all day in a semi-comatose state. I've been working on all those links I just added down there, so I've been going through all my vast archives of links today, looking them over, and visiting most of the sites. It's a lot of work to go through all my bookmarks, because they are spread out over so many programs, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, two different AOL accounts, and more. I was hoping to do more than this today. I kept thinking maybe Daniel would call, he told me a few days ago they were probably going to get together and play Halo tonight, but he never called today to verify this. I didn't really feel like playing Halo tonight anyway. I probably wouldn't have gone anyway. I was hoping Alicia would get online tonight. But she never did. I saw her sign on for a minute, but she signed back off before I could say anything. Here's a funny conversation I just had with Melissa. Melissa is a girl that lives in California that I met online and have been friends with for about five years now. Well, not really a girl, she's a few years older than me, and is getting married soon. She is the "WooTequila" in my chatterbox down there. She's really weird, and cool. Dammit! I just went to copy the conversation, and my Yahoo Messenger crashed and the window closed! So I'll have to try to remember the conversation as best I can. missy_custer: Mmmm, I'm hungry. missy_custer: What did you have for dinner tonight? SubSpecies23: Children! missy_custer: lmfao SubSpecies23: lol, not really. I had meatloaf. SubSpecies23: Made out of children! missy_custer: lol, meatloaf, the singer? SubSpecies23: ew, no, lol. Though he looks like he's probably eaten a child or two. missy_custer: Yeah, the evil bastard. There, that's pretty much what was said. I'm surprised I remembered it that well. There was a praying mantis on my window earlier! I've only seen a few around here. Probably five in my entire life. I should've went outside and caught it. Instead I flicked the window screen it was on, and it went flying off the screen. Hmmm, it seems like there was something else I had been planning on writing about, but I can't remember what it was. So for now, check this out:,1848,60408,00.html New ways for the government, big business and other, run-of-the-mill criminals to track and take advantage of us. and this: Stop those dirty hippies! and then there's this: Bumper Stickers for weblogs. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106368840941644657

Monday, September 15, 2003

Hey, check out my new "expandable content boxes" I got from They let me put lots of links on my page without taking up lots of space. More will be coming soon. Just click the little plus or minus sign to show or hide the box's contents. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106366110512739990

Sunday, September 14, 2003

In college I once had an assignment where I had to interview someone over the age of 50, about pretty much anything that was pertinent to when and where they lived. So I decided to talk to one of Chris' uncles about his experiences in the Vietnam War, a subject I've always been somewhat interested in. If I remember correctly, I got an "A" on the assignment. Roy Lansdale may be in his fifties, but he is still a robust, strong man. He has gray hair, and large work hardened hands. No stranger to hard work, he has worked as a bricklayer a large portion of his life, and has also worked in the oil fields. In March of 1968, as a young man, he was drafted into the military, where he worked in communications. Exactly a year later, in March 1969, he volunteered to go to Vietnam, where he did artillery work. Artillery is a longdistance battle, so he didnt see much action, that was the infantry. One thing he did see was the South Vietnamese people. He saw how they lived, and how the war affected their lives KU: What was your opinion on the war? Do you think we should have been over there, or do you think we should have stayed out? RL: Vietnam wasnt nothing but a big money war, between the big companies and stuff. Actually, we should have never got over there, unless they were gonna finish it, which would have been easy to have done, but the big companies didnt want it to finish because they were making too much money off of it. Wed go pick up supplies, and youd see these big blocks, around the VA and stuff, and youd see lumber sitting out there rotting. Cokes, cans of beer and

stuff, back then they were in the tin cans, and theyd just sit out there and rust. It was all a big money war We had to get rid of our own trash and stuff. We made sure there wasnt nothing in it of any importance. I seen them put those pint, um, quart deals of milk right out by the barrel, during the burning of some of the trash, it would turn the cartons black, sitting around that barrel. Wed take lard and butter and stuff, the big gallon cans, theyd open them up and push the lid down in there. Wed hauled it off one day, and, the boys went to unload it, and the [South] Vietnamese was unloading it. And they was just reaching their hands down in that butter and lard and stuff, and eating it, and they was drinking that milk, with it being burnt like that. And you know it had to be ruined, because it was ruined when they set it out there. And of course, being by that barrel and stuff, the heat didnt help it. I actually seen them drink it, and run their hands and stuff down in that butter and lard and eating it. And theyd cut their hands on them lids that were smashed down in there, and theyd bleed in it and just still be eating it. The butter and stuff, of course, I guess, you know, wasnt ruined, but you know how that stuff just gets tasting old. It was sickening to sit there and watch them drinking that milk and stuff. They had to have had iron stomachs; I couldnt even stand the smell of it. You didnt have to use the dump; theyd unload it, looking for stuff, you know. There was a big hole in the ground you were supposed to dump in, but you didnt get the chance, because they were always looking through the stuff you threw away, so that was the reason you didnt throw anything of importance away. You just threw away stuff that was literally trash. It shows you what kind of country they were, they werent totally developed yet, what youd call developed. The South Vietnamese, actually, were good people, they were just poor people. KU: Following up on that, what were the living conditions like for the South Vietnamese? What effects did the war have on the regular people? RL: Like the farmers? Well, I dont know, really what effect it had, but it would keep them from developing. Because if they did grow anything that the Vietnamese that lived there didnt need, they [The North Vietnamese] would take it away from them, because there wasnt that many ARVNs, or South Vietnamese soldiers there to protect them. So theyd just come through there and take what they wanted. What you seen was just all rice paddies, over where we was at there was a lot of them. I seen them out there making hooches one time, had a mud hole out there and theyd throw straw in it, and walk around on it, and mix that straw and mud up and make their hooches out of it. They lived in dirt floors, mud houses and stuff, which over there was probably about as cool as you could get. But you didnt see no dogs over there either. [Laughing] Its just something that you have to experience. Youre covering basically good people. Like I said, they were what I guess youd call undeveloped They kept to themselves really. The North Vietnamese, and Im not sure, but I think some of the Koreans had something to do with it, because youd see one of them mixed in with them North Vietnamese soldiers once in a while. Basically it just all came down to a big money war for the big shots to make money off of. Especially [President] Johnson. KU: Yeah, Ive heard people say that before RL: It was, you could sit over there and see things go to waste Youd see them [the South Vietnamese soldiers] running up and down the roads with new guns and cannons and stuff, and wed be sitting there, I was in charge of communications and we were supposed to have a Jeep, and a three-quarter, and a deuce-and-a-half, and I think we just had a deuce-and-a-half. The Vietnamese were running down the road with new trucks, new guns. Our M-60 for guard duty was so bad you could bump it and itd go off even when it was on safety. As a matter a fact, one of our guys got killed by it He made a mistake and sat down in front of that gun, and one of the guys on guard duty with him bumped that gun, and it went off and shot him in the back and killed him. There was a lot of casualties caused by your own country. We couldnt get nothing, they gave it all to the Vietnamese. They called us police action, [laughing] we were policemen. If theyd called it a war it wouldnt have lasted long. They wouldnt do it. KU: Were you ever in or around any major battles, the Tet Offensive or anything like that? RL: No, we werent in that area. Like I said, I was in artillery They knew when they was coming in and stuff. Artillery could pretty well hold them off if they knew they were coming. They had shells youd shoot and theyd explode and fan out with little bitty darts, like needles. You didnt want to get in front of them, regardless of where you was at, whether you was on the ground or Perry said he found some sometimes people would be pinned to trees with them. KU: My uncle was in Vietnam, and he stepped on something like that, a mine that shot shrapnel everywhere. It messed up his right arm, he couldnt use it very well, and he had to have a glass eye. [We got off the subject for a while, it turns out he worked with my grandfather in the oil fields and used to be friends with my uncle and my father when they were young. So we ended up talking about family for a while, but eventually got back on subject.] RL: That place messed up a lot of guys minds. It didnt bother me too much, we did ours from a distance and we didnt get to see a lot of victims. Every once in a while wed have a little bit of trouble but nothing much. Just what they called keep you honest. Throw in a few rounds once in a while. I was always kinda scared the whole time we was over there, cause he had a big pit full of gas over there. Of course, they were in these rubber bladders that would stop a lot of it, but if a round had ever hit that it would have busted one of them and it wouldve went off and it would have been hot. Like I said, I was lucky, I didnt see a whole lot. Just enough to know that I didnt want to either. KU: Did you see anything over therelike anything that really bothered you? RL: Occasionally you know, but the worst was when that gun went off and killed that guy. I was in charge that night. It kinda bothered me, it also bothered me that we didnt have the equipment good enough to take care of ourselves. So it all falls back to money. RL: Basically we had good people, everybody tried to look after one another, but youd run into an asshole once in a while. We had this E6 once that tried to pull rank all the time, but it didnt do him a lot of good We got along pretty good with everybody, except for one drill sergeant. Me and him got into it cause he wanted me to do a bunch of pushups, we had been marching two or three miles with all that gear on, and it was hurting my shoulders where I tore the cartilage one time. We get back and for no reason at all, he wanted me to do pushups and I just laid there and I told him that my shoulder hurt and I wasnt going to do a damn thing. So we went over to the captain and the captain said something and the drill sergeant didnt like it and he tried to push me down and I threw him over my shoulder so that was about the end of it. KU: You talked about it messing with peoples minds, and Ive heard that there was a lot of drug use over there that also contributed to it. RL: There was. I didnt see a lot of it, but I saw a little. They didnt have a lot of drugs, but they had one over there it was called liquid speed, and it would screw you up. And if they could get marijuana, a lot of them would get on that stuff. Some of them would get caught and theyd make them go back to the main base, and stay there Most of them you didnt want them around anyway, cause they could get somebody hurt. KU: When you got back there were a lot of anti-war protests and a lot of anger against returning soldiers. Did you ever encounter any of that? RL: I never encountered any of that, I heard about it but never encountered any of it. We had around that Fort Benning in that honor guard we went over there and trained for riot control because they were having that plus all the black stuff in 68 and 69, and we were training for riot control. I think that worried me worse than going to Vietnam, you know. What do you do with your own people? We was lucky that things settled back down, and then I went over seas. Then they had that one college where four or six of them got killed, thats kinda what I was afraid of. Thats what worried me so much. They train you for it, but theres nothing, nothing about something going different, nothing ever goes like youre trained for. But that was one thing I was proud to quit before we

had to do it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106359829241781429

Truly Strange, yet Strangely True. Vermont's David Smiths to Gather PLAINFIELD, Vt. (Sept. 9) - Almost everywhere he's gone in life, David B. Smith Jr. has run into other David Smiths, either in person or through their misdirected mail. "I've always wondered what their lives were like,'' said Smith, 63, who owns the Highland Lodge hotel in Greensboro. "You'd expect someone who has your name to have something in common with you, so the question is, what? Where have they been? What have they been doing?'' This week, Smith and all the other David Smiths in Vermont will get a chance to find out. On Tuesday, the Twinfield Union School in Plainfield is hosting David Smith Night. To celebrate an already abundant population of local David Smiths, and to welcome a new VISTA volunteer named David Smith who will be working at the school, the school has invited all 57 David Smiths listed in Vermont phone books to a corn roast and community pot luck dinner. "We're going to sort of get a sense of who these David Smiths are,'' said Twinfield Principal Owen Bradley. "It may be a common name, but we want to show people how unique each one is.'' David C. Smith, a 42-year-old tree nursery worker from Johnson, plans to be there. So does David L. Smith, 53, an artist and carpenter from Marshfield. Like most of the other David Smiths, David L. Smith has stories to tell about his popular name. "I first noticed it a few years ago when David R. Smith moved into town,'' said David L. Smith. "He's a biker, and I used to get some pretty interesting party invitations that I probably should have gone to.'' David E. Smith, of Putney, a computer network manager, gets calls that were meant for a local contractor, asking him to do construction projects. "I generally tell them no, but if you need a computer fixed, I'm your guy,'' he said. Another David C. Smith, this one living in Norwich, said he'd never met another David Smith until he moved from Texas to Vermont 20 years ago and immediately met three of them. He didn't know what to make of the invitation to meet his fellow David Smiths. "I thought at first it was some marketing strategy or something like that,'' he said. He remembers a day at the local hardware store when all three of the community's David Smiths happened to be in at the same time. He got them all together at the counter. "I said, "All I ask you two guys is to keep enough money in your checking account,''' he joked. Of all the David Smiths, it's David B. Smith, Jr. who is perhaps the most enthusiastic about the gathering. "I'm so excited. Although we share some things in common, we also look at life differently, and that's going to be very interesting,'' said Smith. "I'm going to eat a lot of corn and listen to what other David Smiths have to say.'' Kentucky Police Call in Ghostbusters SHELBYVILLE, Ky. (Sept. 7) - Stymied by mysterious sights and sounds in their own headquarters, cops in Shelbyville called in the ghostbusters. In the still of night, doors rattled and stairwells creaked in the city's police department. In the light of day, a secretary's desk drawer opened on its own. A city worker who toured the building late one night even reported feeling something grab her leg. So the police took the probe to another dimension. "The way I treat it is not that there is a ghost, there's just things that I can't explain,'' said Officer John Wilson, who contacted the Scientific Investigative Ghost Hunting Team, based in Louisville. The team of professional paranormal investigators gave the brick building a preliminary review and will return this fall for a thorough probe. The group will set up cameras and tape recorders as well as infrared thermometers to capture any temperature variations. The goal is to try to prove the strange occurrences aren't caused by paranormal forces, said Kay Owen, vice president of the nonprofit ghost hunting team, which doesn't charge for its services. "We'll go in and try to recreate everything that they are experiencing,'' she said. "If they can recreate it, it's not paranormal. It can be explained. It's a process of elimination.'' posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106359442223879995

Time for links. I got pretty much all of these from so you could just go there to save time maybe. September 19th is! I have no idea what this is, aside from the obvious, which is that it is eggplants singing a song by Tatu in Japanese. Mmm...Meat shake, and his friend, A holiday classic... with pork! I don't even know what to say about this story, it's just too weird. Maybe is why your kids have been hanging out at the Mall so much. A couple of weeks ago, Dave Barry, in his syndicated column, gave the phone number of the American Teleservices Corporation and urged people to call them and tell them what they think of telemarketers. Here's what happened next... MIAMI (Sept. 12) - Telemarketers are now screening their calls, instead of the other way around. The American Teleservices Association isn't laughing at Dave Barry, not after the Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist for The Miami Herald listed the group's telephone number in his Aug. 31 column and sparked a flood of phone calls to the group's offices. Barry told his readers to call and ''tell them what you think.'' ''I'm sure they'd love to hear your constitutionally protected views! Be sure to wipe your mouthpiece afterward,'' Barry wrote. Thousands of Barry's readers have done as they were told, forcing the association to stop answering its phones. Callers now hear a recording, which says that because of ''overwhelming positive response to recent media events, we are unable to take your call at this time.'' ''It's difficult not to see some malice in Mr. Barry's intent,'' said Tim Searcy, executive director of the ATA, who said the added calls will be costly to his group because of toll charges and staffing issues. Barry hardly sounded apologetic. ''I feel just terrible, especially if they were eating or anything,'' he said. ''They have phones like the rest of us have phones. Their attitude seems to be if you have a phone, people are allowed to call you.'' ATA officials have said about 2 million of the 6.5 million people working at telemarketing call centers across the nation will lose their jobs because of the rules that established the nationwide ''Do Not Call'' list. Barry also attacked that logic in the same column. ''Of course, you could use pretty much the same reasoning to argue that laws against mugging cause unemployment among muggers,'' he wrote. ''But that would be unfair. Muggers rarely intrude into your home.'' Barry's column is syndicated to about 500 newspapers across the country. AP-NY-09-11-03 1321EDT posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106352084458479332

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Apple is suing Apple. Apple music, the Beatles' label is suing Apple computers, for breaking a contract. Apparently, when Apple computers first formed and wanted to call themselves Apple, Apple music wouldn't let them at first, but they finally reached an agreement, Apple computers could call themselves Apple, as long as they never entered the music business. But now that Apple has that iTunes music purchasing and downloading service, they are in the music business, so Apple music is suing them for breaking the contract. I finally got a good night's sleep last night, and it didn't take me several hours to get to sleep. I'm still tired though. I need to get out more, start exercising again or something. Here's a really cool site I just found. Zanpo Virtual Cities. A cool site that lets you walk through little 3D cartoon looking cities. You can even sign up and build your own. I'll probably do that later, but now I have to get ready for work in just a little while. It's Saturday too, so that means I have to work from 2:00 to 11:30. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106347550353974327

Well, work wasn't as bad as we figured it would be, in fact, it was slightly less busy than it usually is on Fridays. We didn't get busy at all after the game. The last couple of hours we were open we hardly had any business at all. It was Purcell's Homecoming, they were playing Blanchard, and beat them pretty badly, 27 to 6, or something like that. One of the people from Blanchard came in to Carl's Jr., and was talking about it, they said it was embarrassing. I had a lot of fun at the movies yesterday. Alicia was weird. She got a box of junior mints, and after she finished she tore the box open and was licking it, because some of them were smashed. Junior Mints are good, I'd never had them before. Then she threw it out the car window on the way home. I don't like littering. I told her she'd throw it out the window, and it would hit some highway patrol's windshield and I'd get a ticket. At the movie we were making fun of Daniel and he wasn't even there. We were eating popcorn, and saying that when Daniel and Olivia go to the movies Daniel just straps the popcorn bag on like a feedbag, like a horse. We were laughing at parts of the movie that weren't even funny, because we'd say things like "your mom" when the people in the movie would say something. On the drive to the theater Alicia turned around and checked the back seat because she was afraid my sister was hiding back there and was going to leap out and attack her or something. Alicia thinks my sister wants to kill her or something, just because my sister wrote a couple of weird stories that had Alicia in them. Yesterday was great, the most fun I've had in a long time. I always have fun with Alicia, I wish I got to hang out with her more often. Not only did Johnny Cash and John Ritter die last night, Alicia's dog did too. It's been about to die for a couple of days now. It makes me sad. I'd never even seen the dog or anything, but I'm sad because Alicia's sad and depressed about it. She came in tonight and her eyes were all red, and she said she'd been crying about it. Well, that's it for tonight. I'm tired. My blog sucks lately. I really need to find things to write about besides what I so laughingly call my life.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106343480711474645

Friday, September 12, 2003


by Kevin @

Ouch, I just took a big chunk out of the heel of my foot. I was walking past the entertainment stand thing my TV is on, and the glass door on the front was open, and as I passed it, when I brought my foot up I hit it right on the sharp corner of the glass. Took a pretty good chunk of flesh off. What's weird is there's not been a drop of blood. It didn't even get red, like blood coming to the surface or anything. The wound is just the same pale white as the rest of my heel. I guess you can chalk it up to poor blood-flow, I have a problem with that. Sometimes my hands and feet will get so cold they're almost numb, even if it's hot in the house. I also have really high blood pressure. I actually had to miss school a couple of times because my blood pressure was really high that day, and I had one of those horrible high blood pressure headaches, where it feels like your head is going to explode. Then once during a health class I had to take in College we were learning about blood pressure, and they took all our blood pressures, and when they saw mine they tried to call the hospital, because with what my blood pressure was reading, I should've been dead. I finally convinced them that that was normal for me though. I also have a high pulse rate, your pulse is supposed to be about 75, mine's usually about 110. I don't know if my blood pressure is really quite that high though. That's just what it always says on these home blood pressure machines, and unprofessional things like that, but usually when I go to the doctor they say my blood pressure is just fine. So who knows. I haven't had one of those headaches in years, so maybe my blood pressure has gotten better. That sucks! My sister just came in and told me that Johnny Cash died last night! I'm not a big country music fan, but Johnny Cash had some cool songs. I especially like that one that came out recently, that was up for several MTV Music Awards, Hurt. I can't believe I hadn't heard that he'd died. America Online news keeps talking about John Ritter dying unexpectedly last night, but I hadn't seen anything about Johnny Cash. His wife just died a few months ago, at least they didn't have to be apart long, if you're the kind of person who believes in an afterlife of some sort. I like to believe there's life after death, but I'm not getting my hopes up. In all likelihood, when you die, you're gone. What's kinda weird, is I was listening to a Johnny Cash song when I found out he died. I was listening to Hurt and my sister heard it, and came in and said "You know he died don't you?" A similar thing happened with Kurt Cobain. Years ago I ordered the Nevermind album from Columbia House, and on the day it arrived, Kurt Cobain shot himself. I think I was listening to it when I found out. Hey, the foot wound is finally starting to get a little red tinged. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106339352378858616

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Man, work's gonna suck tomorrow, not only is it Friday, our busiest day, but it's also Homecoming. Does anyone else remember when Homecoming came near the end of the football season? I can't believe they are having homecoming already, it's only their second or third game. Homecoming is supposed to mean there are no more away games this season; the team has been away, and now they're home. Not anymore. Now the schools all have Homecoming at the beginning of the season, and have several away games after it. It's not just the High School's it's the colleges too. OU's doing the same thing, their Homecoming is the third game of the season, I think. Why the hell am I talking about football? I hate football. I hate it, hate it, hate it. Alicia loves it. Me and Alicia went to the movies tonight. I had a lot of fun. I like hanging out with her. We had been wanting to see Underworld, but then we found out that it doesn't even come out until the 19th. So then we decided we'd probably go see The Order, but then she won tickets to that from a radio station, but she doesn't have them yet, and she didn't want to see it twice, so in the end we saw Dickie Roberts. It was a really cool movie. It was really funny, and also touching. Alicia kept going "awww" at parts of it. The funniest part of the whole movie was during the end credits. About 30 former actors, mostly child stars, but some others, like the guy who played Kenickie in Grease and Charlene Tilton from Dallas, were all singing this song. it was really funny, especially the part where "Marcia Brady" said something about "If you call me Marcia I'll break your fucking head," or something along those lines. Also the part with Gary Coleman was pretty funny. I hate Gary Coleman. I know I say I hate everything, but I really hate Gary Coleman, he's my sworn enemy, my arch-nemesis. I don't really even know why I hate him so much. He just freaks me out, he looks like a little kid. I didn't sleep very well last night either. I got a little more sleep than the night before, but not much. It was about 4:30 before I could get to sleep last night. I'm gonna try to go to bed a little earlier tonight. Right now I'm not a bit tired though. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106334894674723100

DAMMIT! I don't know what happened. I just wrote a post, but something messed up when I went to post it, and it got lost somehow. I don't feel like rewriting it right now. Maybe later. For now, check out this horrible news story: I didn't even know this guy had a name, but Plato, the weird looking little blue alien from the Sony minidisk commercials is getting his own TV show. Forget simple product placement, welcome to the future; Half-hour long commercials disguised as entertainment. What's next, the 1-800-Collect Angel Show? And for kids, The Ronald McDonald Show, and the Coca-Cola Polar Bears Cartoon. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106332114257285145

Cool, blogger has new features, such as a spell check. I don't know why our stupid customers at work can never get the name of our products right. For example, instead of "Famous Star," tonight some guy came in and asked, "Do you guys have a something called the 'Flamin Star,' or something like that?" It made me want to kill things. About fifteen minutes before close tonight, we all decided we would go over to Phillip's and play Halo for a couple of hours after work, so we did. It wasn't as fun tonight, there

were only five of us, and only one Xbox, last night we had like 8 people, and two linked XBoxes. I'm really tired. For some reason I couldn't sleep last night, I just laid there awake all night. I went to bed about 2:00 a.m., and didn't get to sleep until almost 5:30. I'm off again tomorrow. Me and Alicia might go to the movies tomorrow. We were wanting to see Underworld, but we just found out today that it doesn't come out until the 19th. So if we do still go to the movies, we're probably gonna go see The Order, I think. Well, I'm gonna go try to get some sleep. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106326497285327165

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

MY BLOG IS ONE YEAR OLD TODAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hooray! Wow, one year already. It's hard to believe. Actually, it seems like it's been longer than a year, but it's hard to believe it's lasted this long. Especially considering the life span of my previous attempt, which only lasted a couple of days. ONE YEAR! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106326489021493519

I didn't know "Smashmouth" was a real word. Check this out. From the "Word of the Day" email list I get. smashmouth \SMASH-mouth\ adjective : characterized by brute force without finesse Example sentence: Monday night's game, between two teams known for their hardhitting, aggressive styles, promises to be entertaining if you like smashmouth football. Did you know? "Smashmouth" crashed its way into the English language during the 1984 football season to describe the brutally hardhitting play that is characteristic of the game. It has since been used to describe similar physicality in other contact sports, such as hockey and basketball, and has even forced its way out of the realm of sports into politics; we've been using it to describe hardball tactics in politics since the 1984 U.S. presidential election. However, this political application of "smashmouth" never made it into the end zone. It occurs too rarely in English to merit its own sense in the dictionary. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106321448139862530

Dude, my chatterbox keeps fucking up. Almost everytime I try to say something, it gives me error messages. Thanks for reading Gusto, I'm glad to finally hear from someone I don't know, lets me know I really have readers. I know I've gotten over 300 hits this week (thanks to my quizilla ad) but it still feels good to finally know for sure that people are reading it. Fuck, my head hurts. I just got home from playing Halo for six hours. That also explains the language, I've been playing video games and being vulgar all night. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Once tonight while we were playing I was trash talking Daniel, and I said "Hey Daniel, guess what I did today?" Short pause. "Your mom." I wore my "Flying Hamster of Doom" shirt today, everyone who saw it thought it was like the greatest shirt ever, even the guys. I figured most of the guys would think it was stupid. Like I care what they think anyway. The only person who didn't comment on it was Crystal. I went to Carl's earlier to talk to Daniel, to verify when and where we were playing tonight, and Crystal was at work, and she was being a bitch. She started throwing things at me and told me to get the hell out of "her" restaurant (did I spell that right? I never can spell that word). Then she said she was going to bite me again, (she bit me the other night, not very hard though) and that this time she hoped it would draw blood. She's a psycho bitch. Everyone was making fun of her and bitching about her tonight over at Phillip's. That's where we played video games, at Phillip's apartment again. Everyone hates her. All the guys drool over her, and want to fuck her, but they still hate her. Ummm, what else? I never got around to watching Monty Python's The Meaning of Life today, though I did watch a few of the behind the scenes extras. I know, I'll post some links...just for you. A good reference site. Lets you convert pretty much anything to anything else. You know, from American to Metric, feet to inches, fahrenheit to celsius, stuff like that. A website of bizzare news stories. Ok, that's it, it's almost 2:00 a.m. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106317641385253740

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Check out my new "Chatterbox." It's right down there on the left, below the links. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106309038562745815

Hooray for days off. I certainly needed one. I did stuff today! For a change. Look at all the small sentences! It's fun! Let's type more small sentences! Okay, so that one wasn't so small. Neither was that one. Nevermind. Hey, that one was short again. So was the one before it. I can't stop. Someone make me stop. Give me money and I'll stop. I have a paypal button. No one has ever used it. Bastards. I hate you. Ok, I'm done. Or am I? I was lying. Because I hate you. Ok, now I really am done, this sentence will be long, see? So anyway, now that the stupid shit is over, I will finish what I was talking about. I did things today, I actually left the house. I also spent lots of money, about $110. first I spent $25 dollars on an oil change for my car, it needed it. I've been putting it off, and was about 2000 miles overdue for one. If I had had it done when it was supposed to have been done, it would almost be time for another one. Then I went to Best Buy. They were having a DVD sale, three DVDs for $30, but there was only like 20 DVDs to choose from for the sale, and I couldn't find three that I wanted. I already had most of the good ones. The only one I really wanted was Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, then I decided to get Shanghai Noon for the second one, but then I couldn't find a third one I wanted, so in the end I didn't get the special sale. I just bought Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. I already own The Meaning of Life on VHS, and it's my least favorite Monty Python movie, but this new DVD has six hours of deleted scenes and extras, so I had to get it. Then I went to Hot Topic, and bought lots of stuff. I bought a cool t-shirt that says "The Flying Hamster of Doom rains coconuts on your pitiful city," and has a picture of a cute little winged hamster. You can see it, though this is the sticker, not the tshirt. The shirt looks cooler. I also bought a bunch of buttons. Man, why are those buttons so expensive? They're $1.50 each, I spent $12.00 on buttons. I don't know why I even buy the buttons, I've never even worn any of them, but I still like buying them. I have probably 20-25 buttons. Buttons I bought today: - A green button that says "Your Mom," looks like it's wrote in chalk on a chalkboard. - A button that says "Worst Button Ever." No picture, just text. - A button with Hamtaro on it. (Another hamster-related item. I love hamsters.) - A button that says "Don't tell me what kind of day to have." - A button that says "I'm with Stupid --->" (I've always wanted one of those t-shirts.) - A button with Lucy (from the Charlie Brown comics) looking angry about something and it says "No.1 Crab." - A button with Animal (from the Muppet Show) shining a flashlight on his face, and it says "Me scary!" - A button with Fozzie (from the Muppet Show) holding a banana to his ear like a telephone, and it says "Bananaphone." (I cracked up laughing right there in the store when I saw this one.) Now if I only had something to wear these buttons on. I wanna wear them to work, that would be fun. When winter comes I'll put them all on my coat, but for now I have nothing to wear them on. I also bought a poster of "Things you Learn from Video Games," which I posted in the previous post. I'm off again tomorrow. I probably won't do anything tomorrow. I'm probably just gonna sit around the house all day and watch The Meaning of Life. Daniel and some others are playing Halo again tomorrow night, and want me to come, but I don't know if I will. I don't know how they can sit around playing the same game for so long. I get bored with Halo after a couple of hours, but last week they played it for 10 or 11 hours. I might go for a while, but probably not. I'd kinda like to get out of the house again tomorrow and be around people, but I don't really want to go play video games with them. I wish I was able to go out and try to pick up women, but I can't. I don't even know where to go to pick up women. I really want a girlfriend. I really should go get some Zoloft so I could talk to people. Well, I've been writing this post for over an hour now. It's 1:00 a.m., I should go to bed soon. I hope I don't oversleep like I did this morning. I ended up sleeping until noon. I hate sleeping that late, it feels like the whole day is ruined. I was wanting to get up early, but instead, I overslept. I just noticed my left elbow is sunburned again. I always put that arm up in my car window when I'm driving, and it gets sunburned whenever I drive for more than an hour or two. My left arm in like the only part of my body that gets tan in the summer. My right arm gets slightly darker than in the winter, but my left arm gets a pretty good tan. The rest of my body won't tan no matter what I do. I can go around in shorts the entire summer, which I used to do until the last couple of years, and my legs will remain just as blindingly white as they always are. I finally wrote a long post. It's been a while. Not counting my last few posts, they don't count, they were just test results, I didn't actually do much writing in them. But this post is good and long. OK, time for bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106308765388506817

Monday, September 08, 2003

Things You Learn from Video Games There is no problem that cannot be overcome by force. If it moves, DESTROY IT! Piloting any vehicle is simple and requires no training. One lone "Good Guy" can defeat an infinite number of "Bad Guys." Make sure you eat all food lying on the ground. You can break things and get away with it.

You can push other vehicles off the road and get away with it. If someone dies, they disappear. If you get mad enough, you can fight even better. You can overcome most adversaries simply by having enough quarters. You can operate all weapons without training. No matter how long you fight, you can always fight again. Death is reversible (only for you!) Ninjas are common and frequently fight in public. Whenever big fat mean guys are about to croak, they begin flashing red or yellow. You never run out of ammunition, just grenades. All women wear revealing clothes and have great bodies. Shoot everything. If it blows up or dies, it was bad. Don't worry if your vehicle crashes and explodes. A new vehicle will appear in its place. A thousand-to-one odds against you is NOT a problem. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106308254470175552

Sunday, September 07, 2003

More test results! Fuck you! I'm tired. Thank god I'm off the next two days. Hopefully I'll write some real posts tomorrow. Just...Don't...Ask... (also it's not very accurate)'s%20your%20sexual%20appeal%3F/
brought to you by

"Playful: You are all about having fun and enjoying yourself whether giving or receiving a spanking. As far as youre concerned, spankings are all about pleasure not pain. You may or may not be involved with your local spanko group, and you might consider them to be a little bit too serious for your taste with all their rules and regulations." I also just spent ten dollars and bought an ad on I don't really know why. I just really like it when I get lots and lots of visitors to my website.posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106273708417517707

Damn, it finally cleared off today, and was sunny and warm. It was back up in the 90s again. I liked the week of clouds and rain we'd been having. I was supposed to be off today, but I had to work. They hired Crystal back, and then she came up yesterday and looked at the schedule and said "I told Allen I wasn't able to work Thursday!" She had to have off today, so I had to come in and work, which means I will be working six days in a row before my day off. I guess it's just as well, I just spend my days off bored out of my head. I'm bored right now. Someone posted this to the alt.slack newsgroup. I think this is pretty much what it would be like if I ever tried to have cyber sex: our players: streees: 24/f/Peru (allegedly) Ankara : representin' yo... streees: turns over and shakes her chubby warm white arse front of ur face says .. kiss my sweet ass :P~ Ankara: ok streees: don't touch me .. just kiss it Ankara: kissing it would be touching must be clearer than that streees: just ur lips Ankara: that...would still be touching you....even if I used a belt sander....that would be touching you streees: wild streees: look streees: where are you from ? Ankara: I do not exist... streees: are ur lips still over my silky curved hips streees: i love it Ankara: oh...I was still using the belt sander streees: no streees: i want smoothly Ankara: would you like it if I switched to some other implement? um....I have a garden weasel... streees: for wht ?/ Ankara: umm.....gardening and's good for that kinda thing streees: did you try it before ? Ankara: just once.....but it was after I don't know how my neighbors garden turned out...I suppose it worked ok streees: no Ankara: so what kinda nick is strees? streees: just a nick name

Ankara: it's like stress with more eeee streees: hehe streees: wht do u like it ? Ankara: a's not for me to like or not like...the question is do you like it streees: sure i am Ankara: good streees: wait .. am feeling the chair too cold down my nude ass gonna put a cushion Ankara: the chair is going down your nude ass? wow streees: ok then lick my shaved pussy Ankara: hmmm....I thought you wanted to chat... streees: what .. you don't like ?? Ankara: well...shaved pussy is nice....but there is no real shaved pussy here...there are only words on an electronic screen streees: turst me it is Ankara: ok..for the sake of argument we will assume that you are in possession of (1) shaved pussy....ok? streees: aha streees: and .. streees: look streees: forget it Ankara: ok...sorry I could not be of service...... streees: but am too hourny looking for fuck streees: would u hold my breast while chatting streees: its soo nice Ankara: like hold front of an apple? streees: yup Ankara: sure why not streees: nice .. streees: rub it now Ankara: with a polish it....or with a garden weasel.... streees: i think you just playing streees: bye =streees= has left irc Ankara: did I just get some? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106273067919428627 Now you can play Russian Roulette without that nasty little death problem. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106272881278730186

I got an e-mail from the White House today. In response to my faxes and emails (see previous post). It's just one of those stupid automatic form e-mails:
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 02:47:51 -0500 (EST) From: Autoresponder@WhiteHouse.GOV Subject: Re: No More Wars for Oil Sender: White House Mail Relay Autoresponder To: Message-id: <01L091TOK8WI91HRNU@WHITEHOUSE.GOV> Thank you for e-mailing President Bush. Your ideas and comments are very important to him. Because of the large volume of e-mail received, the President cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staff considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns. In addition to, we have developed White House Web Mail, an automated e-mail response system. Please access to submit comments on a specific issue. Additionally, we welcome you to visit our website for the most up-to-date information on current events and topics of interest to you.

I also got a similar e-mail from Presidential Candidate John Kerry. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106270425505259065 This is a great website. I just sent several faxes and emails. "This free site operates on the principle that millions of citizens feel strongly about the same issues, but lack the time to take action to support them. True Majority users, who agree on 10 basic principles, are periodically sent e-mails that give them the opportunity to send a fax to their congressmen with a single click. Those principals include championing human rights, ending American dependence on oil, renouncing the militarization of space, and getting the money out of politics. 'There are at least 50 million people who agree with us about these principles,' Cohen told PRWeek, 'but in the age before the internet, if you were concerned as an individual, it was impossible for you to be involved. True Majority takes advantage of the political potential of the internet.'"

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106265804447768574

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Man, I love this weather we've been having here the last week. First it rained for two or three days, and it's stayed dark and cloudy ever since. And the temperature has been down in the low 70's the last few days. With the overcast skies, and the low temperatures, it has looked and felt like Autumn. I love it. The other day it even smelled like Winter for some reason. It put me in a great mood the rest of the day. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106256597382258524

Tuesday, September 02, 2003 This is pretty cool. See if you can figure out how he does it. I did. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106253135297282890

I was off today, thank God... and Satan! The last three days at work have sucked. I did very little today. I woke up at about 11:00, and my mom, my sister and I watched The Two Towers, because they hadn't seen it yet. Then Daniel called to ask if I wanted to play Halo with him and several other people from work, so I did. This time we played at Phillip's apartment. It was me, Daniel, Olivia, Phillip, Crystal, and Murray. We played from about 2:30 to 6:30, well, I did anyway. They said they were going to be playing until probably midnight, but I didn't want to spend the whole day there. Then I went home, and later me and my sister played Soul Caliber II, which she got as an early birthday present. Then I watched TV for a while. Then I downloaded porn while listening to a couple of my Dr. Demento tapes, which I am still listening to right now. I still haven't been able to get that other tape out of my car radio. Well, it's about time for bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106248190325798011

Sunday, August 31, 2003 This website is really cool. Actually, I mainly just like the first screen, just leave it there and listen to the music. The rest of the site is kinda cool, it's a site that sells weird contact lenses, to use with costumes and stuff. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106239004673208758

Dammit! My car tape player ate one of my Dr. Demento tapes! And the best one too, this one was full of hard to find songs, such as the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy song about Marvin the Paranoid Android, Marvin I Love You. I also can't figure out how I'm gonna get the tape out of the tape player, since you can't really get inside a car tape player to untangle the tape and get it out. I gotta get ready for work now, we're going to be short handed tonight, since we still haven't been able to hire anybody. I just hope it's not as busy tonight, it's labor day weekend, so we might be, but its also raining all day, so it might not be as busy. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106235298724203713

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention last night that Bonita got fired. That sucks, she was one of only three or four people that I actually liked to work with. She got fired for calling in too much. She always had a good reason for calling in though, usually it was because she had to go to court because of custody battles over her kid. Wednesday night she got really sick and had to home early, and then Thursday she called in saying she had to go to the doctor, so they fired her. We're really short handed at work now, and they can't even find anyone to hire. The last week or two they've went through every application they have, but either they can't contact the person for some reason, or the person has already found a job, or we hire the person and they never show up for their first day of work. I've been listening to the FLCL soundtrack almost constantly since I got it, it's pretty cool. It's full of bad English though, it's funny. Most of the songs are in Japanese, but have at least some English in them, most of which is translated badly, or makes no sense. One of the songs goes "With the kids sing out the future. Maybe, kids don't need the masters. Just waiting for the little busters, oh yeah." The rest is in Japanese. Damn, gotta get ready for work now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106226717339555723

Man, tonight was extremely busy at work. I've been home for an hour and a half and I'm still worn out. We made almost $900 tonight, breakfast shift barely makes that much anymore. That is extremely busy for night shift. And most of that was made in the space of about three hours. I guess it's because it's Labor Day weekend. Tomorrow will probably be even busier, because there's an OU football game. Though it's supposed to be raining really heavily the next day or two, so maybe that will cut the business down a little tomorrow. I hope so, because I go in at two tomorrow. It's bad enough working that long

shift even when it's not incredibly busy. We got lots of idiots tonight too, a lot of teenagers. This one car full of teenagers came through drive through, and every time I'd open the window to take their money or give them their change or food, one of the guys in the backseat would start yelling "PENIS!" at the top of his lungs, over and over. I hate people. I'd write more, but I'm too damn tired. I should go to bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106222403085856915

Friday, August 29, 2003

A week or so ago I ordered the soundtrack CD for FLCL, a.k.a. "Furi Kuri," a.k.a. "Fooly Cooly." It finally arrived today. It's pretty cool, I mainly bought it for just one track though. Next I'm gonna order the DVDs of the show. They're pretty expensive though, even through There's three DVDs and they're something like $21 or $23 each. I don't know why there are three DVDs, there's only six episodes, they could have fit it all on one disc. It's a cool show, I wish they hadn't taken it off Cartoon Network already. They only showed it for about three weeks. Of course that was long enough to show the entire series three times. I have to go to work later, at 4:00. I hate Fridays. On Fridays and Saturdays we are open later, until 11:30. It's even worse on Saturdays, when I have to come in at 2:00 and work until close. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106218653948410863

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I had been planning on working on the web page today, since I was off work, but I didn't. Instead I've been watching movies for the last five hours. I bought the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers DVD today, even though I had been saying I wasn't going to. I wasn't going to buy it, I was going to wait until November and buy the 4-disc special edition. But I guess I'll end up buying both versions, just like I did wth the first movie, even though I didn't like this movie that much. I hated it when I saw it in the theater. I only saw it once I hated it so much, and I almost walked out before it ended. It was nothing like the book. I thought maybe I'd like it better the second time I saw it, especially since it's been a while since I read the book, but I still didn't like it very much. I liked it better than when I saw it in the theater, but I still don't think it's as good as the first movie. I also bought the Clerks DVD. Another movie I didn't like very much the first time I saw it, but figured I'd like better the second time, and this time I was right. I've only seen it once, and that was about a year ago, and I wasn't in the greatest mood when I was watching it, so I didn't like it that much. I like the animated series though, so I decided to give it another chance, and I liked it much better this time. I've never seen Mallrats, or Chasing Amy. The first Kevin Smith movie I ever saw was Dogma, and I loved it, I have it on DVD and I've watched it many times. I've also seen Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back once, and it was hilarious, I almost bought it today too. I've seen most of Mallrats, but only on channels that had to censor out every other word, thus making it suck. Once again, it's too fucking hot. It got up to like 102 or something today, and got up to 80 in the house. It's still 76 in here. Luckily it's supposed to cool down all of a sudden. Saturday it's gonna be like 98 degrees, but then Sunday the high is only going to be 75 degrees, and they say it will feel even colder than that. I can't wait. They also say this will probably be, in the words of the weather man, "Summer's last hurrah." After it cools down on Sunday, it will probably stay cool the rest of the summer. Well, cool for Oklahoma, only in the 80s instead of 90s and 100-plus temperatures. I hope they're right. Well, Robert Anton Wilson is now running for governor of California too. He missed all the sign up dates and stuff, but he's the official write in candidate for the "Guns and Dope Party." Their party motto, which they got from Wilson is "Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy, and don't take crap from anybody." The main points of his campaign are "Guns for those who want them, no guns for those who don't," "drugs for those who want them, no drugs for those who don't," "freedom of choice, free love, free speech, free Internet and free beer," and the secession of CA from the union, meaning California will leave the U.S. and become it's own country. He also plans on replacing 33% of the current politicians (chosen at random) with ostriches, "whose mysterious and awesome dignity will elevate the suidean barbarity long established there." I'm not sure, but that may be supposed to say "eleviate" instead of "elevate." See the official announcement Alicia would like this, on Insomniac some women are boxing, and one's getting her ass kicked, and she looks kinda like Crystal, well, she's short and chubby anyway, and she's getting her ass kicked. Now I'm bored, maybe I'll watch another movie, maybe Fight Club, I love that movie. Last night I was up until 3:00 a.m. watching Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Man, that's a long movie title, and I'm really getting tired of italicizing things. Hmm, what else can I talk about? Today at Hastings they had a Jesus action figure, "With poseable arms and gliding action!" It had wheels on the bottom so it would glide along. I have a little "Buddy Christ, like from Dogma. Wow, that goes along with what I was just talking about, and what I was talking about earlier. Talk, write, type, whatever. Fuck you. I notice today that on Alicia's website there are now no Google ads at all, just a blank space. It's just tormenting her. The other day I found all my old Dr. Demento tapes! Back when I was in 8th grade, I think it was, I learned about the Dr. Demento show, which is syndicated around the country and was on one of the radio stations here. I listened to it for a couple of months, and recorded it every week, but then they took it off the air here. Well yesterday I found a box of cassette tapes, I was wondering where they were, I hadn't seen them for a year or two. Now I just need to figure out which box all my old tape players are in. Wow, long post. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106213172586602735

this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing

what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end, it just goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106205128836362789

Still not much to write about, but worry not, I have not abandoned you. Here are some links to help you in your time of need. Or something like that. Every man and woman is a Tsar. Get your credentials here. The sidekick of Paul Bunyan, Babe the big blue ox and his big blue balls. The best flash animation ever. It's basically Clerks with Marvel Comics characters playing the roles. Takes a while to download if you're not on broadband, which I'm not. The trailer for Matrix Revolutions. Takes even longer to download. That's its name, not my opinion, though I agree. Very funny and offensive. Some angry guy and his editorials, I about died laughing. In one article he rates ugly cars on the Gary Busey scale of ugliness, 1 being not ugly, 10 being Gary Busey. Pretty Funny Go fuck yourself. The homepage of Dr. Hugh Jass and family. The story of Le Petomane and his amazing flatulence. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106205118263778239

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

I haven't been writing much the last few days, I've been busy working on the web page I'm making. It's taking longer than I thought, it's long, tedious work converting over a hundred text files into HTML web pages. Well, I gotta go to work in a little while, luckily it's a short night, and I'll probably work lobby and get off really early. I'm glad, I don't feel like working tonight. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106201351406310253

Monday, August 25, 2003

Mmmm, Mila Jovovich's tits. The Fifth Element is on again. She is so hot. is fighting a losing battle with her Google ads. Her Google ads are even worse than mine. They always generate ads for things that have nothing to do with her website. A lot of the time they are religious. So yesterday she made a post that was just a list of things she likes, so maybe Google would see them and give her better ads. "vampires, Stupid google. I'm gonna write about things I like today. Ice cream. Vampires, blood, music, bass guitar, drums, flannel pants, tanktops, pants, spoons, vampires, Bush, wicca, witches, movies, Stuart Townsend, Matt Morris, Gavin Rossdale, ice cream. Vampires. Ok. I'm done." So far it's not working today the ad was something in Italian, which makes sense I guess, becuase for some reason she has it set up so that the date headers on her posts is in Italian. I clicked the link, as far as I can tell, it's some kind of concert tour, with shirts and hats for sale that have pumpkins on them. And it's free. I've always had a talent with languages, or the latin-based ones anyway. A lot of the time I can recognize the latin roots of the words, and figure out what some words mean. For example: "Concerti gratuiti per tutto agosto Scarica l'invito e scegli il regalo." Actually I didn't do to good with this one, all I can understand is "free concert," "August," and something about being invited. "A quale concerto di Tour Arancio desideri partecipare?" Which concert of Tour Arancio do you wish to attend? Or participate in, I'm not sure. Then it gives a list of dates and places of the various performances, and you click one, and type in your name and email address. Well, I didn't get much done on my Wizard of Speed and Time webpage yesterday. Mostly just research, looking at the few other web pages about the topic, and obtaining pictures and other things to put on my page. I didn't get very much coding done. I should get a lot done my next day off, maybe enough to even get the webpage up and running. I have to go to work in a little while, so I wont get to work on it today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106183313858372948

Sunday, August 24, 2003

The way computers are portrayed in movies has always bugged me, here's a list from 1.. Word processors never display a cursor. 2.. You never have to use the spacebar when typing long sentences. 3.. All monitors display 2 inch high letters.

4.. High-tech computers, such as those used by NASA, the CIA, or some such governmental institution, have easy-to-understand graphical interfaces. 5.. Those that don't, will have incredibly powerful text-based command shells that can correctly understand and execute commands typed in plain English. 6.. Corollary: You can gain access to any information you want by simply typing "ACCESS ALL OF THE SECRET FILES" on any keyboard. 7.. Likewise, you can infect a computer with a destructive virus by simply typing "UPLOAD VIRUS." Viruses cause temperatures in computers, just like they do in humans. After a while, smoke billows out of disk drives and monitors. 8.. All computers are connected. You can access the information on the villain's desktop computer, even if it's turned off. 9.. Powerful computers beep whenever you press a key or whenever the screen changes. Some computers also slow down the output on the screen so that it doesn't go faster than you can read. The *really* advanced ones also emulate the sound of a dot-matrix printer as the characters come across the screen. 10.. All computer panels have thousands of volts and flash pots just underneath the surface. Malfunctions are indicated by a bright flash, a puff of smoke, a shower of sparks, and an explosion that forces you backward. (See #7, above) 11.. People typing away on a computer will turn it off without saving the data. 12.. A hacker can get into the most sensitive computer in the world before intermission and guess the secret password in two tries. 13.. Any PERMISSION DENIED has an OVERRIDE function. 14.. Complex calculations and loading of huge amounts of data will be accomplished in under three seconds. In the movies, modems transmit data at two gigabytes per second. 15.. When the power plant/missile site/whatever overheats, all the control panels will explode, as will the entire building. 16.. If you display a file on the screen and someone deletes the file, it also disappears from the screen. There are no ways to copy a backup file and there are no undelete utilities. 17.. If a disk has got encrypted files, you are automatically asked for a password when you try to access it. 18.. No matter what kind of computer disk it is, it'll be readable by any system you put it into. All application software is usable by all computer platforms. 19.. The more high-tech the equipment, the more buttons it has. However, everyone must have been highly trained, because the buttons aren't labelled. 20.. Most computers, no matter how small, have reality-defying three-dimensional, real-time, photo-realistic animated graphics capability. 21.. Laptops, for some strange reason, always seem to have amazing real-time video phone capabilities and the performance of a CRAY-MP. 22.. Whenever a character looks at a VDU, the image is so bright that it projects itself onto his/her face. 23.. Computers never crash during key, high-intensity activities. Humans operating computers never make mistakes under stress. Modems never hang up. 24.. Programs are fiendishly perfect and never have bugs that slow down users. X (For X-Files). The most popular computer in the world is Macintosh. ...and not a single word about "Bad Command or File Name", "NO CARRIER" or "(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?" Here's a contribution of my own. From Independence Day, and similar movies. Using your normal Macintosh laptop you can go up to the alien mothership, and connect to its computer and give it a virus easier than you can connect to America Online. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106174872554668231

At work today Alicia told me that she laughed so hard she almost fell out of her chair when she read my post about how I was arguing with the song on The Queen of the Damned. Is it just me, or did that sentence feel really awkward? It also could've used a comma somewhere. And "awkward," is that spelled right? It looks wrong. Ironically, it looks awkward. Tonight at work was fun, we all kept making fun of Daniel. It was pretty slow, so for like an hour we just all stood around talking about Freddy vs. Jason, and all the other Freddy or Jason movies. Daniel explained the plot to every Jason movie there is, which was cool for me, because I've never seen any of the Friday the 13th movies. I've only seen a couple of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. I'm not a big fan of horror movies. After that me and Daniel talked about Star Trek for about half an hour. I used to be a huge Star Trek fan, but I don't watch it much now. Mainly because I've seen every episode the The Next Generation several times. It was my favorite series. So much for going to bed early. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106170743324949718

Why the fuck do my hands smell like barbeque sauce?

Tomorrow I plan on finally getting around to creating a web page about Mike Jittlov and The Wizard of Speed and Time. This is something I've been planning on doing for a long time. It's one of the best movies ever, but most people have never even heard of it. I'm not gonna talk about it right now though. If you're interested in it, check out the web page when I get it made. I'm extremely tired today. I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights. For some reason the last two or three hours I try to sleep in the morning I wake up like every 10 or 15 minutes. And for the short time I am asleep, I have really weird dreams every time I go back to sleep. Those weird, restless dreams that leave you more tired than you were when you went to sleep. So anyway, I'm gonna go to bed a little early. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106170406466761524

Friday, August 22, 2003

I just about laughed myself silly. The Queen of the Damned was coming on, and it was playing that song Forsaken, and I was arguing with the song. "You see I can not be forsaken" I can. "Because I'm not the only one." I am. Oh, man, after typing that I laughed so hard again I got dizzy. I hate this movie, it's one of the worst movies ever made. It's nothing like the book, they completely changed it, it's barely even the same plot. But that's no tthe only reason I hate it, it's just a really awful movie. It's very badly written, and made, and the special effects are horrible, and the vampires look extremely stupid. The music sucks too. I love the soundtrack, but it sucks in the movie because instead of having the songs sung by the artists that sung them on the album, the actor in the movie is singing them, and he can't sing to save his life. I also hate Aaliyah, or however the hell you spell her name. I'm glad she's dead, just like Tupac and Kurt Cobain. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106161437797459707

Well, looks like the world lucked out with that computer virus. See the previous post. It links to a site telling about how that big computer virus going around, SoBig.f, was supposed to enter its second phase today, and do who knows what. Here's a post made to alt.slack telling about how this plan was thwarted. Very weird stuff.
Subject: SoBig.F gunned down by Agent Smith From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" Date: Fri, Aug 22, 2003 2:59 PM Message-id: <> F-Secure Virus Descriptions Radar Alert LEVEL 1 NAME: Sobig.F ALIAS: W32/Sobig.F@mm THIS VIRUS IS RANKED AS LEVEL 1 ALERT UNDER F-SECURE RADAR. For more information, see: A new variant of Sobig, known as Sobig.F was first found on August 19th, 2003 and it is spreading in the wild. Sobig.F activates on Friday the 22nd of August at 19:00 UTC. For information on this, please see: ((Stang note: to make a long story short, at 3 pm EST this virus was supposed to cause all infected devices to connect to one of 20 "INFECTED SUPER MONSTER SERVERS," which the fiendish hackers had prepped in advance, theoretically in secret, and then... DO SOMETHING... but The Man was onto them, and in a suspiciously Made-for-TV-style last-minute showdown, all but one of the hapless patsy virtual Lee Harvey Oswald servers was pinned down and disabled, and it finally went down in a blaze of gunfire. Again, we suspect that the actual fiend behind this attack was none other than the shadowy figure known variously as "The Disk Doctor" and "Norton." The Man, however, is blaming "organized crime.")) Update on 16:00 UTC F-Secure can confirm that 18 of the 20 master servers are currently down or unreachable. Update on 17:00 UTC F-Secure can confirm that 17 of the 20 master servers are currently down. Apparently one of the machines was not disconnected by an ISP and has been booted up by its owner. We're working together with CERTs, FBI and Microsoft to stop the last three. Update on 18 UTC F-Secure can confirm that ALL the master server machines are currently down or unreachable. One of them seems to still respond to PING but not

to 8998 UDP. We have one hour to go to see if this really is the case. Update on 18:20 UTC Unfortunately one server is up right now after all. And one might be enough for the attack to start succesfully. Update on 19:00 UTC When deadline for the attack was passed, one machine was still (somewhat) up. However, immediatly after the deadline, this machine (located in the USA) was totally swamped under network traffic. We've tried connecting to it, just like the virus does. We do this from three different sensors from three different machines in three different countries. We haven't been able to connect to it once. If we can't connect, neither can the viruses. So the attack failed. Whoa. We'll keep monitoring until 23:00 UTC. If we're not able to connect once, we can safely say that the attack was prevented. "AGENT SMITH" -4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected (Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.) P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528) A subsidiary of: The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. / P.O. Box 204206, Austin, TX 78720-4206 Dobbs-Approved Authorized Commercial Outreach of The Church of the SubGenius SubSITE: For SubGenius Biz & Orders: call toll free to 1-888-669-2323 or email: PRABOB

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106160207277089546 Wow, this is kinda scary, really creepy. It's like the plot to a movie or something. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106158383070699228

Damn. Because of all the times I mentioned Smurfs in that %3Dsr%5F11%5F1/103-6610881-3838241 book, the google generated ads at the top of the page keep giving links to Smurfs websites. And, for some reason, Betty Boop. I hate Betty Boop almost as much as Smurfs. Well, now that I've mentioned them both several times in one post, it's definitely going to provide links to them. Those links can be cool sometimes, but other times they can be really annoying. Sometimes it'll be like "What? Why the hell is it giving links to that? I've never even mentioned that." Like for the last week or two on site, the links have all been about deer hunting and first aid supplies for some reason. "8 Legged Freaks" is on again. I've still never seen the very beginning though, both times I've seen it, I've turned it on at the same exact part of the movie. My mom's actually watching it today, though she's cringing the entire time. She says she hates it when the spiders jump. I hate it when I don't know how to end a post. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106157810475094250

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Well, another day off, another day of doing fuck-all. At least I played Knights of the Old Republic for a few hours, instead of just sitting in front of the computer in a stupor like I have my last few days off. I should have mowed the lawn like my mom wanted, since my dad has hurt his back and can't mow it himself right now. I didn't though, becuase it's too damn hot. It's back up in the hundreds again, it got up to 80 degrees inside the house. Even now, at 11:30 at night, it's still 91 degrees with a heat index of 94 outside, and 77 in the house. Just shows what a person can get used to. Here people are happy because it's only going to be in the mid to high 90s instead of 100s the next few days. In France, they're not used to it, they have temperatures in the high 90s and occasionally 100, and thousands of people die. They're saying now the death toll in France alone could be anywhere between 10 and 15 thousand people. That's just ridiculous. Some toddler died in Texas today, or maybe it was yesterday, because his parents forgot and left him in the SUV for 8 hours. How could you forget your kid anywhere for 8 hours? Here's a cool remark that was on a web page: "Remember, pornography is Satan's way of showing love-lorn losers what they're missing." That's so true. Maybe if I'd quit looking at porn so much, maybe I wouldn't be so fucking horny. Maybe if I'd finally go out and get some damn Zoloft, or whatever the hell it is, I could actually go out and get laid. Here's a cool link, to a site about someone who's almost as big a loser as I am. You've probably heard about the Star Wars Kid, almost everyone has, though I hadn't until recently. If you haven't, here's the back story. Some fat 15 year old geek was using the school's video camera for something, and then, in his spare time, he also taped a video of him twirling around with a stick, pretending he was in a light saber duel. He forgot to take that video out when he returned the camera, and his "friends" found it, and uploaded it on Kazaa. A couple of weeks later someone else reposted the video with full quality visual and sound effects. Now, there are many versions of the video going around, and the embarrassing video of this poor kid has been downloaded over 12 million times, making him the most downloaded male on the internet (the most downloaded female is Pamela Anderson, or something like that). Luckily, some people are trying to make it up to the kid, and have started a petition to get George Lucas to put the kid in Star Wars Episode III. The petition has over 64,000 signatures. Anyway, click the link and laugh at the fat kid's embarrassment. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106152713215486418 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106152007464761493 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106149658359699798

There's a cat that hangs out in our parking lot at work all night. It sleeps in the flower beds, jumps in people's open car windows and prowls around in their cars, and sits out in the parking lot meowing at me. People feed it and stuff, but it pretty much feeds itself on bugs. Every summer we have two or three cats that sit around at night eating the bugs that swarm under the big parking lot lights. Last night the cat was walking through the parking lot, and I was yelling at it. I said "No kitty! Stop assassinating Kennedy! That's a bad kitty!" It just meowed. This is pretty funny:
Subject: Advantages of Growing Old From: idrmrsr Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2003 10:29 PM Message-id: <> Yer car is paid off. Yer house is paid off. Yer still wearing the same polyester pants you bought in 1984 and nobody notices. Ya give up the nifty expensive Matrix shades for those fifty cent wrap around things they hand you out at the eye doctors. And nobody notices. Ya don't consider it worthwhile to drop a couple C notes for a piece of ass. If ya do get the urge, just don't take that Viagara and it will pass. Ya don't have to worry about climbing the corporate ladder. If ya ain't made it by now, ya ain't gonna. Yer gonna consider things like lengthy warranties before selecting a car. Yer never gonna get yer hair styled or shoes shined or have to put on a suit except the funeral dude will one last time when you are planted. Yer main goal in life is simply to stay out of jail. Cuz yer old, nobody notices you anyhow, which is like the Christian shroud of invisibility. Ya kin do as ya please, long as nobody notices the smell. Ya don't have to buy cologne or anything, cuz, the wimmin yer likely to go out with are old enough to smell like pee themselves, so yer not likely to git noticed there either. Ya kin travel all ya want. Nobody misses you and when ya git there, there's nobody waiting fer ya anyhow. When ya really want ta have a good time with yer buddies, ya go to the cemetery. And last, when ya git sos ya cain't hold yer water or move fast enough ta git to tha potty, they send college kids with hot meals eventually. Which is swell, cuz, once ya git that old, ya think they're yer own kids, and that makes ya even happier.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106149132758252844

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 A collection of "Your mother" jokes. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106142749068649163

Well, I finished reading "The Black Hole of Carcosa" already. It was only 184 pages, and only took me about three or four hours to read. It was pretty cool, especially the parts with Stang, "Bob," and Jesus, which unfortunately wasn't as much as I had hoped. "Bob" and Stang were only in the book from page 130 to 156. the Fightin' Jesus was only in one little scene, but it was really cool. They prayed to the Fightin' Jesus, and he descended from heaven in an elevator, and stepped out with a cigar clenched between his teeth, and shot everyone with a machine gun, and then went back to heaven. The smurf massacre scene was a little different than I had been told, for example, "Bob," Stang and Jesus weren't even in the book yet, it was just the main character, Kamus. And it wasn't really a "Bloody massacre." An army of dwarves and smurfs surrounded Kamus, and he used magic to turn the dwarves into hideous cannibal trolls, which then ate the smurfs, but it didn't really describe it much, it just stated that the smurfs got eaten. It was still a pretty cool book. I also watched "Maybe Logic" yesterday. It was great. Yesterday was a great day. Because of the book and the movie, but it was also great at work. The first reason work was cool yesterday is that the new woman we hired never showed up and got fired, so I didn't have to train her. I hate training people. But the best thing that happened yesterday was that James got fired. I HATE JAMES! He annoyed everyone, they were just looking for a reason to fire him. The managers had been trying to hire some people

so they could cut his hours or fire him. I'm tired. I have to go to work later. Luckily I don't go in until 4:00, and I work the lobby tonight, instead of drive-through, and I usually get done with the lobby really quick, and they send me home early, if it's not busy. I've got a headache. My eyes have been bothering me the last week. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106140673829825703

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106135338093007811

Great day for me, for upon getting home from work, I discovered that I had a MAILBOX FULL OF FUN! Man, I'm gonna have to start a band, just so I can call it "Mailbox Full of Fun," or maybe something besides "Fun," but Mailbox Full of ANYTHING would make a cool band name. Anyway. I got home from work and all the things I had ordered recently had come in today. First off, a book. A very hard to find book. John Shirley's "Black Hole of Carcosa," of which there are not very many copies left. This is a very weird sci-fi book, and though I've never read it, I've heard it is AMAZING! It must be cool, because it features such Church of the SubGenius personalities as Ivan Stang, the Fightin' Jesus, and "Bob" himself! PRAISE "BOB!" One scene in the book features "Bob" and Jesus engaging in the BLOODY MASSACRE OF HUNDREDS OF SMURFS! Oh man, I can't wait to read this. But perhaps even better than that, my copy of the DVD of Robert Anton Wilson's new movie "Maybe Logic" came in. I can't wait to watch it. The package alone is amazing! Since it's a two disc set, the case is one of those ones that fold out a couple of times, and it's held closed with a black, heavy-duty rubberband with "Maybe Logic" printed on it. The case on the outside is black, with some kind of city street map faintly printed on it. The map is backwards, but several words are printed large and turned the right way, these are "Santa Cruz", "Twin Lakes State Beach", and "Capitola," and then there's a big eye-inthe-pyramid on the top center of the box, above the title. The inside of the case has pictures of various letters and documents, such as letters from Timothy Leary. The movie also came with a high quality business card, which is adorned with a couple of fancy symbols and states "The bearer of this card is a genuine and authorized TSAR. Like what you want, enjoy what you enjoy, and don't take crap from anybody. Genuine and authorized by the House of Apostles of Eris. Every man and woman is a tsar. Reproduce and distribute this card freely -- Maybe Logic Head Temple, Republic of California." I'm gonna be really busy the next few days. Busy having FUN! "Stop Thinking. Accept "Bob." Exterminate Normals. Amen." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106127218112218890

Monday, August 18, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106123084858268927

Ok, call me sick or whatever, but this story made me laugh. Especially the part where dozens of children had to get therapy. MULLET OF DEATH! LANGLEY -- A man working on a carnival ride at the Island County Fair was killed Saturday after a roller coaster pulled him into the air by his hair and then dropped him from as high as 40 feet onto a fence. The accident happened on what is traditionally the busiest day of the fair at one of its most populated locations, said Island County Sheriff Mike Hawley. "There were literally hundreds of people who were right there, and there were at least a dozen people" on the ride, Hawley said. He said dozens of children and adults were treated for shock after watching the accident. Doug McKay, 40, of Post Falls, Idaho, was apparently lubricating the track of the doughnut-shaped Super Loop 2 roller coaster ride when his long hair was caught by the cable that supports the ride, said Jan Smith, a spokeswoman for the Island County Sheriff's Department. McCay was pulled 25 to 40 feet into the air and then fell, landing on his lower back on a fence, she said. "He appears to have died immediately on impact," Smith said. Twelve-year-old Dylan Volz was on the ride when the accident occurred, and said that it looked to him like McKay was caught by his arm, not his hair. "He was leaning out and spraying WD-40 or something when he got hit," said Dylan, who said he saw McKay put lubricant on the machine several times before dodging away just before one of the ride's cars went by. "I saw him get pulled up and dropped." Once the ride stopped, Dylan said he got off as fast as he could. "I just put my hands up over my eyes and walked away," he said. "No one should have to see that." He said he and the other kids on the ride talked to counselors after they got off the ride, and added that it helped quite a bit.

"I had a lot of people ask me if I was OK," he said. McKay was co-owner of Paradise Amusements, a Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, company that has been traveling to festivals for more than 40 years. The company offers rides ranging from Tilt-A-Whirl to Paratrooper to an old-fashion Ferris wheel. In an apparent bid to keep the family business alive, McKay had recently taken over the company from his father, Robert McKay, who had just retired. Other witnesses said Doug McKay's death was hard to take for Island County carnival workers and fairgoers alike. Grethe Cammermeyer, a former Vietnam War nurse who was at the fair to staff the county's Democratic Party booth, said she arrived at just after the accident. One of the first things she saw was a grief-stricken carnival worker who said he was operating the Super Loop 2 ride when McKay died. He told Cammermeyer he had just watched his best friend die. Cammermeyer said she also met up with some of the kids who were on the roller coaster when the accident happened. "To have it witnessed by young kids out to have a good time is something that they will never, ever, ever forget," she said. "One girl was just devastated. She used my cell phone to call her dad." Craig Brant, also working the Democrats' booth, said he didn't see the accident. But when he left the fairgrounds to go home, there was a group of uniformed carnival workers "huddled in the parking lot." "Some of them were crying," Brant said. "They said their boss had been killed. And all the rides were stopped and shut down." Hawley said his office is conducting an investigation on the accident, and said the state Department of Labor and Industries is also investigating. The carnival was closed after the accident, and there was no word on whether the rides would run again today. Although live music and other activities around the carnival were shut down for four hours on Saturday, Hawley said fair organizers told him that all noncarnival activities would continue today, the last day of the fair. Cammermeyer said the fairgrounds were quiet for most of the day, but that festivities had started to pick up again by 8 p.m. "It's more than a little eerie," she said. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106122897248120594 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106118778940428530

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Man, I didn't do shit today. I mean I haven't done anything, I didn't even do the slacking off I had intended to do today. I was off today, and had intended to play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for 8 hours or so, and not much else. Maybe go to Best Buy or something. I didn't do either. I woke up at 11:00, and watched Kim Possible, then I found that The Fifth Element was on HBO yet again, so I watched that for about the 100th time. That's like my favorite movie. My sister's seen it almost as many times as I have, and I could hear her in her room saying lines from the movie along with the actors. After that went off I finally got out of bed, I hadn't even gottten out of bed to piss or anything yet. After I took my shower and stuff, I went to my room and checked out for a few hours, and ordered a couple of cds from the SubGenius store. Then me and my parents went to Furrs to eat dinner. Then I came home and have been web surfing and listening to cds up until this very moment. Talk about a wasted day. Not like I had anything better to do. I really wish I had played my video game though, it's been over a week since I played it last. I'm bored. It's only 10:30 and I'm about ready to just go to bed. There's nothing else to do, except more of what I've been doing all day. I wish I could do something creative, I want to write a story or something. Even masturbation sounds boring. Of course, that lost its fun years ago. Now it's basically just a habit. To once again put it bluntly, I really need some pussy. Actually, it's more than that. I don't just need sex. I need a girlfriend, a real relationship. Love, and shit like that. Even simpler than that, I just need to be touched, and I don't mean in a sexual way. But no one ever touches me, and I don't touch them. Even the simplest touch is the hardest thing for me. I dream of being hugged.

"As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable." -The Wizard of Oz posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106117826648437855 http://www.subgenius.composted by Kevin @

Links time. Disney is firing its artists and shutting down its animation studios. Not all of them, just the hand-drawn animation. From now on, it's all done on computers. Full news story here. Like eBay, but everything's Adult Oriented. Porn and stuff. A list of George W. Bush's White House "accomplishments." 205 different names for breasts. Counting down the days Bush has left in office. OK, that's it for now. Now go away. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106109924652502594

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Well, maybe my alarm clock isn't broken. It worked fine this morning. I guess I've just been turning it off without waking up, again. Ashley quit, or got fired, however you want to look at it. She was a no call/no show Thursday, and no one's heard from her since. James may be fired too, last night he called saying all his cows got out, and he would be late. He never showed up at all though. And no one could get ahold of him after. Everyone figures he was lying, and just didn't want to work on a Friday night. If so, he's gonna be fired. I hope so, I hate him. Everyone's glad Ashley's gone too. Although we are really short handed this now. Me and Bonita are the only night crew front line workers now. Well, I gotta go to work now. For nine and a half hours. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106105775482706173 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106101613198687685

Friday, August 15, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106097467795260338

Texas Congressman Dick Armey was asked, "If you had been in President Clinton's place, would you have resigned?" He replied: "If I had been in the president's place I would not have gotten the chance to resign. I would have been lying in a pool of my own blood, looking up, and listening to my wife ask, "How do you reload this son-of-a-bitch?" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106097383138218547

Cool, Marilyn Manson is on Conan O'Brian. He was talking about breast-feeding his cat. With his breast. Then he put lipstick on Conan. I had fun last night at Daniel's. Video games, pizza, and beer. I really need to get out and do stuff like that more often. I was there until almost 2:00 AM. I think my alarm clock is broken. Either that or I'm just turning it off without waking up. It hasn't gotten me up in two days. I had it set for 7:00 AM yesterday because I had to get up and take my antibiotics for my toe, but it didn't go off. My mom woke me up at about 7:30 though. Then I went back to bed and set my alarm for 10:00, and it didn't go off then either. It didn't go off this morning at 10:00 either. I've checked, I've got it set right, the alarm is turned on and everything. Man, I'm tired today. I have to work today, but at least I don't have to go in until 4:00. "I tell you: One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star!" -- Nietzsche posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106096735511727601

Thursday, August 14, 2003 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106090327358008589

Seen in a post on the alt.slack newsgroup: "I froze my Han Solo action figure in a block of ice once so I could do the frozen thing like in the movie. Although I also did the cover Boba Fett (or whatever his bloody name is) in petrol and set him on fire thing, and I don't remember that bit from any of the films." Also from that same newsgroup:
Subject: unlike Gargoyle, I don't need email for 'very dark' spells... From: (theoneflasehaddock) Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2003 10:36 PM Message-id: this is not for the faint of breath. do not read if easily intimidated by extraterrestrial hallucinations. please do not use this ritual as toilet paper. all punctuation and grammer is impersonated... poorly. Do not attempt this ritual alone, with clothes on, or in a crowded supermarket. Allow six to eight weeks for delivery. Remember, all sales are final. 1. prepare a package of lime green jello 2. find a banana 3. shrink the banana by getting it wet and running it through the dryer 4. chant "shrunken banana, shrub niggurath, lime green jello, yog sothoth, ctulhu ftaghn 5. dance naked around a fire 6. have sex with something. preferably something of your own species, and not some kind of overweight rodent that has been fattenned for months for slaughter, butchering, and cooking. The rodent won't be used until later. 7. run outside and 'water' a neighbor's shrubbery 8. go eat the lime green jello, while chanting "shrunken banana, shrub niggurath, lime green jello, yog sothoth, ctulhu ftaghn" 9. call someone on the phone. randomly. Invite them over for naked dancing, chanting, and a bite of jello. Don't mention the rodent, because that's just plain sick. 10. Repeat step nine. this time record it, so you can have a good laugh later on, after you've been rejected yet again. Or, if someone says yes, invite them over. Anyone willing to dance naked and eat lime green jello in front of a stranger has got to be quite interesting. Be sure and give them all the information they need, such as directions to your house, how to get to the backyard without stepping on the shrubbery that has been watered, your credit card number, and a phony name. 11. dance naked with them. shove the jello somewhere interesting, and lick it off. Be sure and keep the rodent tied up, so that it doesn't lick the jello off first, unless the person is really ugly, in which case you should allow the rodent to lick it, while muttering something about human-rat hybrids that can spray lime green jello out of their nose when they laugh. 12. Try and persuade them not to call the cops. Offer them the banana. 13. give up on them, and go back to the banana. 14. slowly kill the banana, while posting about it to 15. do some more chanting. Go for a run around the block, naked, waving the shrunken banana, and chanting. 16. put a sock on the banana, and hang it up to dry 17. as the banana dries, you will have good luck trolling. 18. try and x-post to alt.timothy.sutter, but leave the poor rodent out of it. 19. take the rest of the jello, smear it on yourself, and then hop around naked like a frog. try and do this for at least a mile or two. 20. post information on how it went. We'll be ready to read it. We're all gonna laugh at you.

Well, I was wishing I had something to do today, and now I do. I'm going over to Daniel's house in a couple of hours, and me, him, and another guy from

work are gonna play Halo. Today's been a pretty wasted day. First I overslept, it was almost noon before I woke up. Then I went to work to get my paycheck, and ended up being there for about an hour, because the checks hadn't come in yet for some reason. Then I went to Wal-Mart. And now I'm here. Man, why does it feel so hot in here, the thermometer says it's only 73. I just downloaded this cool thing that makes it much easier to post links to my website. Now whenever I find a cool site, I just click this button, and it automatically posts a link to that site here. Well, that's it for now. I'll probably write more later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106089834500428315

Hmmm, I don't really have anything to write about. I'm off tomorrow, so I'll probably write a post or two tomorrow. Other than that, I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Probably sit around playing Knights of the Old Republic for about eight hours. That's how I've spent all of my days off lately. Maybe the movie I ordered will finally come in tomorrow. It's a movie about Robert Anton Wilson called "Maybe Logic." Have you seen that new anime on Cartoon Network, "FLCL," also called "Fooly Cooly?" I love that show, even though it's kinda confusing. The music rules too. Too bad the show is only six episodes long. I think I'm gonna order the DVDs of the show from Not right now, but sometime soon. At the moment I don't have $80 to blow like that. I have to pay my car insurance tomorrow. They raised the price again too, now it's $400. Mmmm...scrambled lesbian porn on Cinemax. my head hurts... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106083752602923800

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

This is a cool story. I've always liked Salvador Dali. This was posted in a newsgroup by someone, so I don't know if it's true or not. "Salvador Dali used to throw himself down the stairs all the time to get attention in art school. In his autobiography he said it got to the point where one day he was walking up to the stairs and the entire lunchroom stopped everything they were doing and went silent. Everyone was looking at him and waiting for him to throw himself down the stairs yet again. He walked slowly down them instead sneering at everone he could make eye contact with instead and said that at that moment he felt like a GOD." This is also cool: Well, today was the first day of school for Purcell students. Not that that affects me in any way. Although it is rather quiet around here with my sister gone. I work today, luckily it's a short shift though. I don't go in until 4:00, meaning I only work 6 and a half hours tonight. Unfortunately, I have to work with Ashley. The second prison I applied at never did call back. I don't know why. They said they'd call whether they hired me or not. Looks like I better try to find somewhere else to apply at now. I don't know why nowhere will hire me. I've been trying to find another job for about four years now. I don't even know where to try next. I got a really good credit card offer in the mail today, I was going to apply for it, but I just noticed that it says "You must have a total yearly income of at least $15,000 to apply for any Discover Card." I barely make $9,000 a year. Man, there's nothing on tv today. You can tuna fish, you can tuna casserole, but you can't pick your friend's nose and look him in the mouth. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106080327999395946

Here's some more song lyrics. This song is even cooler than the one I posted earlier. It's another one by Evanescence, and, once again, it's a slow sad song. I know of at least one person for whom these lyrics will really mean something. My Immortal i'm so tired of being here suppressed by all of my childish fears and if you have to leave i wish that you would just leave because your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone these wounds won't seem to heal this pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears and i've held your hand through all of these years

but you still have all of me you used to captivate me by your resonating light but now i'm bound by the life you left behind your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams your voice it chased away all the sanity in me these wounds won't seem to heal this pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears and i've held your hand through all of these years but you still have all of me i've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone and though you're still with me i've been alone all along posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106075130310683066

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Another damn quiz thing. This one came from Alicia's site, just like all the rest. I think I changed all the answers, I may have missed one though. BASIC INFO 1.NAME: Kevin 2.AGE: 23 3.GRADE: I graduated High School in 1998 4.DOB: December 19th 1979 GETTING MORE PERSONAL 5.DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?: No 6.IF SO, NAME??: 7.HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIKE HIM/HER: 8.DOES HE/SHE LIKE YOU??: 9.DOES HE/SHE KNOW YOU LIKE HIM/HER??: 9b.WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM/HER: PICK ONE(OR BOTH OR NONE) 10.RAP OR ROCK: Rock 11.GREEN OR BLUE: Blue 12.STRAWBERRIES OR BANANAS: Neither. 13.MEAT OR SALADS: Meay 14.HALLOWEEN OR CHRISTMAS: Christmas 15.(FOR GIRLS)FREDDY PRINZE JR. OR RYAN PHILLIPPE: 16.(FOR GUYS) SARAH MICHELLE GELLER OR JENNIFER LOVE HEWWITT: I don't care. 17. POD OR CREED: Neither 18.SPICE GIRLS OR ALL SAINTS: I hate the Spice Girls, and I've never heard of All Saints. 19.THE MOFFATTS OR THE BEATLES: I've never heard of The Moffatts. The Beatles rule. 20.THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY OR AMERICAN PIE: I've never seen either of them, and I don't want to. 21.NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY OR HERE ON EARTH: I've never seen Night at the Roxbury, it looks stupid, and I've never heard of Here on Earth. 22.SCREAM OR I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER: I've never seen either of those. 23.CREST OR COLGATE: Don't care. 24.PEANUT BUTTER OR JELLY: What about peanut butter AND jelly? If just one, peanut butter, I love peanut butter. 25.BIG RED OR WINTERFRESH: I don't chew gum. 26.SKITTLES OR M&M'S: M&Ms. 27.TOOTSIE ROLL OR PEANUTS: Peanuts 28.POP OR WATER: Soda. 29.TEA OR MILK: I love both. 30.OCEAN OR LAKES: For what purpose? I don't fish, or surf, or anything else like that. I've never been to the ocean. 31.HORSES OR COWS: Horses. I hate cows. Really, I hate them, they are the stupidest most useless animals on the planet. All the do is stand around eating and shitting until they get killed and eaten. 32.CATS OR DOGS: I like both. I'd rather have a dog though. 33.SISTERS OR BROTHERS: What? Which do I like better, or which do I have? I have one sister, no brothers. 34.TRAILORS OR HOUSES: Houses 35.SMOKING OR DRINKING: I could really use a beer right now. FAVORITES 36.COLOR: Black and white, and fuck you if you say those aren't real colors. 37.DOMESTIC ANIMAL: Pigs. 38.NON-DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Squirrels. 39.SHAMPOO: I usually use Pert or Flex 40.POP: Coke ANSWER

41.DO YOU LIKE GIRLS OR GUYS?: Girls. 42.DO YOU LIKE A GUY/GIRL WITH LONG HAIR OR SHORT HAIR?: I love long hair on a girl, the longer the better. 43.DO YOU LIKE A GUY/GIRL WHO IS SEMI-UGLY BUT NICE PERSON OR SEMI-HOT AND MEAN PERSON?: I want a girl who's nice, but not if she looks like Quasimoto. 44.WHAT MOST ATTRACTS YOU TO A GUY/GIRL?: Smart, nice personality, cute. Probably in that order. 45.WHY DOES THAT ATTRACT YOU TO A GUY/GIRL: I hate stupid people. 46.DOES YOUR CRUSH HAVE THOSE ATTRACTING FEATURES LISTED IN #44?: 47.IF YES,IS THAT THE ONLY REASON YOU LIKE HIM/HER?: 48.IF YES(TO ?#47) WHY?: 49.IF NO WHY?: 50.WOULD YOU EVER DATE SOMEONE BECAUSE HE/SHE HAS THOSE FEATURES?: Yes. 51.IF YES,WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?: Duh. 52.WOULD YOU DATE SOMEONE WHO IS SHORTER THAN YOU?: Yes, I like the girl to be shorter than me. 53.GUYS,WOULD YOU RATHER DATE SOMEONE WHO WEARS MAKE-UP OR NO MAKEUP?: I don't like a lot of makeup, the natural look is best, but a little bit of makeup is OK. 54.GIRLS,WOULD YOU RATHER WEAR MAKE-UP OR NO MAKE-UP?: 55.(?'s 53-54)WHY?: Because I don't like it when they look like a circus clown, and makeup smells funny. 56.WHAT IS THE LONGEST RELATIONSHIP YOU'VE EVER BEEN IN?: I've never had a real relationship, there was one girl I went out with four times over the space of about two months. 57.IF YES DO YOU REMEMBER THE NAME?: I should hope so. Kristina. NON-DATING QUESTIONS 58. IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE WOULD YOU RATHER BE A BEE OR A FLY?: A bee. 59. WHY?: I think they live longer than a fly, and they have a much cooler life, and they don't eat shit. 60.IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON AN ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS WHAT 5 THING/PEOPLE WOULD YOU TAKE TO THIS ISLAND?: I'd take your mom. I don't know. Who cares? 61.IF YOU COULD NAME THE ISLAND, WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT?: I don't know, I'd have to think about it. 62.WHAT MADE YOU COME UP WITH THIS NAME?: 63.DO YOU EVER THINK THAT A PERSON OF THE SAME SEX IS SEXY?: No 64.IF YES, GROSS, WHY?(IF NO GOOD): Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106075062018864115

Hooray! No more Lupin III on Cartoon Network! They took it off and put Cowboy Bebop back on. Or I guess they did, that's the way it was last night. I bought the Evanescence cd the other day, it rocks. I think this is the only cd I own that I like every single song on it. Even on the best cds there's at least one song I don't like that much. I do usually skip the second track on this cd, that song from the Daredevil movie, but not because I don't like it, just because I've heard it ten million times and am getting sick of it. It's like the only song they play on the radio anymore. One time I was flipping through the stations, and three of the four stations I have programmed into the buttons on my car radio were playing the song at the same time. It's a cool song, but I'm just sick of hearing it. Work sucks, I hate work, I have to get ready in just a few minutes. At least I don't have to work with Ashley tonight, I hate her, everyone hates her. I have to work with her tomorrow night though. I worked with Bonita last night. She's cool. She gave me this tiny little rubber frog she got from some vending machine or something. She said she'd been trying to give it away for a couple of days, but no one would take it. It's really tiny, barely half an inch long, but really detailed, it's kinda cool. My mom saw one of those tv commercials for Zoloft, or one of those depression medicines. It was all talking about Social Anxiety Disorder, and so now she's figured out that that's what's wrong with me, even though I've been saying that for years. I know that's what's wrong with me. So now she's trying to get me to go get some medication for it. But I don't want medication for it, that's why I never went to the psychiatrist years ago like I had been planning, I knew they'd just give me pills. I don't want to take pills, I shouldn't have to take pills just to live a normal life like everyone else, I should be able to do it on my own. Actually I have been thinking about it though, I've got to do something. I can't live like this much longer, I have to do something about it. Cool, The Fifth Element is on. That's one of my favorite movies. I have it on tape and have seen it dozens of times. Mila Jovovich is hot. Here's the lyrics to one of my favorite songs from the Evanescence cd, it's a slower song, not a rock song like the others. It's called Hello. playground school bell rings again rain clouds come to play again has no one told you she's not breathing? hello i'm your mind giving you someone to talk to hello if i smile and don't believe soon i know i'll wake from this dream don't try to fix me i'm not broken hello i'm the lie living for you so you can hide don't cry suddenly i know i'm not sleeping hello i'm still here all that's left of yesterday woof... posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106071178154461906

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Dude, what the fuck. I'm getting more and more hits every week. The last couple of weeks I've been getting almost 100 a week, and now I've had about 80 in the last four days. Man, it's late, 2:00 AM, I don't know why I'm up this late, I'm tired, and I was wanting to try to wake up a little earlier than usual tomorrow. I'm listening to The Eminem Show, Eminem is one of the few rappers I like. I hate rap, but this album is great. As soon as the album ends, I'm going to bed, and that's in about 3 minutes. Common sense isn't so common. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106049929088437908

Saturday, August 09, 2003

"I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men... but the women... and the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals!" I just got done re-enacting that scene from Star Wars Episode II. I was playing Knights of the Old Republic, and just killed an entire village of Sand People. I killed something like 50 od them. There weren't any children, but there was a few women, and I killed them too. I could've opted for a peaceful solution, I initially snuck in using a disguise, some Sand People clothes I got off of one I killed out in the desert, but once I got into the village they could tell up close that I wasn't a real Sand Person, but I had a droid that could speak the Sand People language, and he translated for me, and they were very surprised that I would take any kind of non-violent interest in them, and eventually made a deal. The cheiftain said that if I'd bring them some moisture vaporators they'd move their settlement further out into the desert, and stop attacking the people of Anchorhead. But I didn't feel like going to all this trouble of finding moisture vaporators and probably having to pay for them, plus, the Sand People had some Jawa slaves I needed to rescue, and if they'd just moved they would have taken their slaves with them, so in the end, I just ran back in and killed them all. So yeah, my guy, who's named Hando Kahn, is a Dark Jedi. He's not extremely evil yet, he's just begun his corruption by the dark side, but I'm working on turning him evil quickly. He's evil enough I got a Gamorrhean raiding party to turn tail and run off into the desert just by threatening them. He is wearing Dark Jedi robes I got from some Dark Jedi he killed, and is using two light sabers, one in each hand, both red. I love this game. My toes are fine today, they don't hurt at all. They didn't even hurt yesterday. The doctor said they'd hurt, and recommended I take Aleve or Advil, so as soon as I got home from the doctor I took one Aleve. I haven't taken anything since. I took the bandages off today, the doctor said to just keep them on about 24 hours. They don't even look that bad. Of course, I haven't worn shoes or been on my feet much since then, so it might hurt if I try to wear shoes, or stand up for long periods of time, like at work or something. Luckily I don't work until Monday, so hopefully they'll be good by then. I'm hoping to leave the house for a little while tomorrow, so I'll know tomorrow if shoes are gonna hurt or not. Man, I can't believe it's 4:00 already, I've been awake since 11:00 but it only seems like I've been awake a couple of hours. "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." -- Yoda posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106046354641630236

Friday, August 08, 2003


by Kevin @

Well, no work for me today after all, or tomorrow either. I went to the doctor this morning and he went ahead and cut out my ingrown toenails, so I have to stay off them, and not wear shoes for a couple of days. I was actually hoping this would happen. You know you hate your job when you'd rather have your toenails cut off than go to work. The worst part of the procedure was the anasthesia shots. They gave me two shots in each toe, right in the knuckle of the toe, it hurt like hell. Well, I'm gonna go now, I'm watching Star Wars. Man, Luke sure is a whiny little bitch in the beginning. Nobody's innocent once their mother has left the room. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106036374708092143

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Well, I didn't get to go to the doctor today. They said they were all booked up for the day. But I have an appointment for tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM, which means I'm going to have to get up at like 7:30. Fuck, that's early, and then I have to work a nine and a half hour shift at work. It's too damn hot in here. Even with the AC running all day it's still 80 degrees in the house, at 9:00 PM. I just got done playing Knights of the Old Republic for about 7 hours. I love that game. Cool, a show is coming on on the Discovery Channel all about what the Earth would be like if it had no moon. And it's narrated by Patrick Stewart from Star Trek. Hmm, they claim that if there was no moon, life would never have evolved. Here are some more cool links I've found the last few days: Do I really need to explain this one? A little flash animation quiz that shows you pictures of people, and you have to decide if they are programmers, or serial killers. Remember those Tamagotchi digital-pet things? I used to have a couple of those. This tamagotchi allows you to own and care for Charles Manson. A true story from Harper's Magazine about a boy scout who made a nuclear reactor out of aluminum foil and duct tape in the shed behind his house. This is that incredibly cool Honda commerical, I think it originally showed during the super bowl, where all the car parts form this huge, insanely complicated Rube Goldberg contraption? I only saw it once, but it's the coolest commercial ever made. A very long download, but well worth it. Back in the 60s when the Beatles' album Abbey Road came out, people claime dthat the cover image contained symbols that meant that Paul McCartney was dead, many people actually believed this. Here are some people who still believe it. They say that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike, who, to this day, is still pretending to be Paul McCartney. They offer forensic evidence to back up their claims, and, I hate to say it, but some of their arguments actually raise some good points. A true sign of the end times. One of the most disturbing books ever written. A children's book that is supposed to introduce very young children to the joys of being abducted by aliens. Yes, I'm serious, this is a real book. Shows pictures of recent crop circles from around the world. This disturbing film records the successful experiments in the resuscitation of life to dead animals (dogs), as conducted by Dr. S.S. Bryukhonenko at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy, Voronezh, U.S.S.R. Director: D.I. Yashin. Camera: E.V. Kashina. Narrator: Professor Walter B. Cannon. Introduced by Professor J.B.S. Haldane. And now, the scariest link of all. My old site! This site was created back in 1998/99, when I was 18, and going through my goth/suicidal/manic-depressive stage, and hasn't been updated in about 4 years. Unfortunately most of the links and graphics don't work anymore. I really must go back and fix it some time, as it was a pretty cool site, especially the graphics, most of which were made by me. The Johnny the Homicidal Maniac/Johnen Vasquez fan site was especially cool, and, at that time, was one of the biggest and best of the relatively few JTHM fan sites. Unfortunately, this area of the site has suffered the biggest casualties, and hardly any of it works. Still, you should check out this area if you are a fan Johnen Vasquez (the guy who went on to make Invader Zim). At the very least you should go to this site and check out my story "The World Collapsed Early Sunday Morning." Which is probably the best thing I've ever written. And, if I remember correctly, was one of the last things I was ever able to write. Looking back at this old site reminds me of the way my writing and verbal skills used to be, before they stagnated. It took me almost two hours to write this post. "Beware when you exorcise your demons, lest you exorcise the best part of yourself" -- Nietzsche posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106031421401177524

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Hmmm...very interesting horoscope I got today: Sagittarius(November 22 - December 21) It can get pretty intense today as you feel the rug pulled out from under you. But you are in a fight-back mood and youre not going to idly stand by as reality slips from your grip. The problem is that youre not going to win this one in a power play. Its going to take finesse. Step back from the engagement and pretend that you are a spiritual master. Once youve visualized the higher path, youll know what to do. General Daily Overview The Moon remains in fiery and inspirational Sagittarius today, symbolizing our need to expand beyond our current reality. This is a Moon that needs to learn, explore, philosophize and dream. And a dreaming day it is! Venus, the planet of love and desire, moves into tense opposition with Neptune, the planet of fantasy and spirituality. Expect reality to become whatever you imagine. We can walk through the day as if we never fully woke up. Be careful about deceiving yourself, but be ready to soften into the beauty that surrounds you. Well, the other prison still never has called. I'm probably gonna call them tomorrow and find out why. They said they'd call one way or the other, whether they hired me or not. Dick Cavett: Why do you insist on calling policemen "pigs?" Abbie Hoffman: 'cause I can't call 'em cocksuckers on Television. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106019519721559435

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

An Excerpt from Goethe's Faust, Part I A Street Enter FAUST and MARGARETE, who walks past him. Faust: My lovely young lady, may I perhaps venture to give you my arm and be your escort? Margarete: I'm not a young lady, or lovely either, and need no escort to get home. Freeing her arm, she leaves. Faust: By God, that girl is a real beauty! I've never seen one quite like her. She is all modesty and virtue, yet there's a bit of pertness too. As long as I live I won't forget those glowing cheeks and ruby lips! Even the way she lowered her eyes is stamped forever on my heart; as for the brusqueness of her manner, that was especially delightful! Enter Mephistopheles. Faust: You must get me that girl, I tell you. Mephistopheles: Which one? Faust: The one that just went by. Mephistopheles: What, her? She is returning from confession; the priest absolved her of all sin -I crept up close to the confessional. She is an innocent, and so much so that she had nothing to confess; over that girl I have no power. Faust: She's over fourteen, isn't she! Mephistopheles: You're talking like Jack Reprobate; he covets every pretty flower, and fancies there's no honest favor which can't be plucked if he but tries; that isn't always so, however. Faust: My dear professor Dogmatist, you may spare me your moral lessons! And let me tell you very bluntly, unless that sweet young thing is lying within my arms this very night, at the stroke of twelve we part forever. Mephistopheles: Consider practicalities! I'll need at least a good two weeks to ferret out an opportune occasion. Faust: If I could have a simple girl like that alone for seven hours, to seduce her I would not need the devil's help. Mephistopheles: You're almost talking like a Frenchman now, but please don't think of this as mere frustration! What good is pleasure when it's rushed? It's much less satisfactory than when in various ways before, and with all sorts of fuss and bother, you've shaped her up a bit and got her ready-this can be learned from many foreign novels. Faust: I don't need to whet my appetite. Mephistopheles: No more of this tomfoolery! I'm telling you once and for all that with this pretty child it is no use to hurry. You won't take anything by storm; we must resort to strategy. Faust: Get me some souvenir of her! Bring me to where my angel sleeps! Get me a kerchief from her breast, a garter to excite my passion! Mephistopheles: To prove to you that I am eager to be of service when you suffer, let us not waste another moment-I'll take you to her room this very day. Faust: And shall I see her, have her? Mephistopheles: No! She will be at a neighbor's house. You can, while she's away, be there alone and, in the aura that her presence sheds, anticipate the taste of future joy.

Faust: Can we go now? Mephistopheles: It's still too soon. Faust: Then get a present for me to take her! [Exit Mephistopheles: Presents right off? Good work! He'll have success! I know some excellent locations with lots of ancient buried treasure. I'd better do a little looking. [Exit "All children are born geniuses. 9,999 out of every 10,000 are swiftly, inadvertently, degeniused by grown-ups." -- Buckminster Fuller posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106006448139827223

Monday, August 04, 2003

You hear these reports on TV sometimes talking about "The average American eats this much_____ a year." I want to know where they get their statistics, everyone of those reports I've ever heard sounds like a lie to me. I don't know anyone that eats that much of anything. For example, a couple of days ago I heard that the average american eats 48 pints of ice cream a year. I don't know about anyone else, maybe it's just my family, but my family, a family of four, probably barely eats 48 pints a year, all of us combined. Then they just said that the average American eats 58 quarts of popcorn a year. Not me, not my family. I admit we eat much less popcorn than most people, but that still sounds like a lot. That's more than a quart a week. I haven't had popcorn in months. Most people eat popcorn at the movies though. I hardly ever go to the movies. I only go to the movies maybe five times a year, at the most, and I never get popcorn. Well, it doesn't look like I'm gonna get the prison job. I went for an interview at Joseph Harp on Friday, and they said they'd call me today, to let me know whether they're gonna hire me or not. Today I also went in for an interview at L.A.R.C., the Lexington Assessment and Relocation Center, and they also said they'd call me tonight, and let me know. Joseph Harp called, and said they aren't going to hire me. Of the two places it was the one I would have rather worked at. LARC never called at all, maybe they'll call tomorrow. I don't know. Looks like I'm gonna be stuck working at Carl's and living with my parents for a while longer. I don't know what to do now, I don't know what job to try for next. I don't know why I can never get a job anywhere. So, since I couldn't leave the house today, because I was waiting on the phone calls, I played Knights of the Old Republic for another 6 hours. I actually wanted to leave the house today, but couldn't. I'm probably gonna go to the doctor early tomorrow morning. One of my big toes is infected pretty bad. They've both been doing that a lot the last six months or so. I think both the toenails are ingrown. So the doctor's gonna have to cut them out or something. He'll probably give me anti-biotics or something first, and wait until the infection goes away before he cuts into it. Which is good, because I'm supposed to work tomorrow and the next day, and if he did cut my toenails out, I wouldn't be able to work for a few days. Well, I'm gonna go now. It's time for my midnight jack-off. Not really. But that is a pretty good idea. "As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable." --The Wizard of Oz posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=106005942036984714

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Aqua Teen Hunger Force! I want a Meatwad t-shirt. Man, this is the most disturbing episode I've ever seen. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Lyrics: my name iz... Shake-zula the mic rulah the old schoolah you wanna trip, I'll bring it to ya Frylock and I'm on top rock you like a cop Meatwad you're up next with your knock-knock Meatwad make the money see Meatwad get the honeys G Drivin in my car, livin' like a star Ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a Taurus ha ha, check it, uh, check-check it, yeah 'cuz we are tha Aqua Teenz make the homeys say ho 'n the girlies wanna scream 'cuz we are tha Aqua Teenz make the homeys say ho 'n the girlies wanna scream yeah

Aqua Teen Hunger Force numba one in tha hood, G "The mutation from terrestrial to interstellar life must be made, because the womb planet itself is going to blow up within a few billion years... Planet Earth is a stepping stone on our time-trip through the galaxy. Life has to get its seed-self off the planet to survive... "There are also some among us who are bored with the amniotic level of mentation on this planet and look up in hopes of finding someone entertaining to talk to." -- Timothy Leary, Ph.D., and L. Wayne Brenner, "Terra II" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105996960324945737

Saturday, August 02, 2003

This happened about a week ago, but I'm just getting around to mentioning it: For some reason over a space of two days, there were lots of 666's in my life. I mentioned on my blog that my hit counter read 1666, then the next day when I parked my car at work, I noticed the little odometer on my car, the resetable distance measuring one, had stopped on 666 miles, then when I got home from work that night a friend I hadn't seen since high school had called because he was back in town for a week, and left his phone number, and the last four digits were 6668. So, another strange example of synchronicity. I have no idea what it means though. After I wrote that post last night, I didn't go to bed like I said I was going to, instead I played Knights of the Old Republic some more. In all I played it for about ten hours yesterday. Here are some cool links I've found in the last few days. This is one of the coolest optical illusions I've ever seen. It takes a long time to load, but it's really cool. One of the most annoying songs I've ever heard, but it's pretty funny. And it's about a mullet. This person has figured out how to use animated gifs to create three dimensional pictures. They look really cool, and they're pretty cool photos too, very artistic. Warning, some nudity. A newspaper story about Hal Robins, a very cool underground comic book artist, and fellow member of the Church of the SubGenius. Shows a picture of every Acme product ever shown in Warner Brother's cartoons. Takes a while to load. Yes, now YOU can date Jesus! A cool Pac Man like video game. Run around the office eating donuts and Xeroxing your butt, while avoiding the Boss and his little butt-kissing lackeys. Fucking Hilarious. A huge, fat-ass cat. I hope the spelling mistakes and typos on this page were done on purpose, no one could possibly be that stupid. Well, I have a few more, but I have to get ready for work now. Fuck, I have to work a nine-and-a-half hour shift. If you can't say "Fuck", then you can't say "Fuck the Government." -- Lenny Bruce posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105984787817638824

Friday, August 01, 2003

I just got done playing Knights of the Old Republic for about nine hours. It's really cool. The other day Robert described it as Morrowind, with a little bit of Final Fantasy, set in the Star Wars Universe, which is a pretty accurate description of it. I went in for my interview at one of the prisons today. I don't know if it went so well. I will find out on Monday whether I'm going to get hired or not. Also Monday I have an interview at the other prison. I just hope the first one doesn't call while I'm gone. I'm too tired to write any more right now, I didn't get much sleep last night. I had to get up at 8:00 this morning to get ready for the interview. "People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105979844539135086

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Kick ass, it finally rained. In fact, it was severe thunderstorms, even better. The last I heard there were still over 8,000 people in Norman without power. There were winds of over 100 miles per hour in some places. It wasn't very bad here, it didn't even rain that hard, we got almost an inch though. It hasn't rained here in weeks. Everything is dead. The guy next door waters his lawn every other day, and even his lawn is dead.

I had to train the new girl (Bonita) at work yesterday, but it wasn't that bad. In fact, she was pretty cool. We actually got along with each other, most of the new employees are about half-scared of me. She was also a good worker, she got the hang of things quickly, and seemed very eager to do her job and do it correctly. She kept wanting me to find her more work to do. Well, I'm gonna go now. I bought "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" today and have been playing it for the last several hours. It's really good. More on it some other time. Jesus paid for our sins - now let's get our money's worth! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105961739177465268

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

This is pretty weird. As I mentioned last night, I was looking over my site statistics, seeing where people got to my site from. Surprisingly, about half of the people find my site by searching Google, or some other search engine, for the phrase "Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle K," which is a quote from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. I'm surprised so many people remember that quote and search for it. Reviewing a search for that phrase I was also surprised by how many sites have that name, besides mine. Several other people found my site by searching for phrases along the lines of "I can tell you my love for you will still be strong after the boys of summer are gone." Some people search for some pretty long phrases. That is, of course, part of the lyrics for "Boys of Summer" by the Ataris, and previously by someone else. I posted these lyrics on my site a week or two ago, so when people search for it, my site is one of the first results. Several other people alse found my site by searching for "Egyptian God Yu-Gi-Oh cards for sale," because about a month ago I mentioned that I bought some Egyptian God cards. A couple of other people found my site through a search for "Hysterectomy" because of the post several months ago where I mentioned my mom was going in for surgery. Only one person out of the last hundred got to my site through the link on Alicia's site. Dammit, I have to get ready for work soon. And I have to train a new girl too. I hate training people, because I'm too shy and nervous around people. What's gonna make it even worse for me is that I've been told she's pretty attractive. I've never seen her before, but that's what one of my coworkers told me last night. Hmmmm. I'm running out of quotes to put down here. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105950433965550592

I was just looking over the statistics for my web page counter thing, and noticed that several people got here through a link from someone else's webpage. I checked out the webpage, and, sure enough, there's a link to my site. Though I've never heard of the person, or their website. I looked it over a little, and it seemed like it might be interesting, so I'm returning the favor, by linking to their website, What's weird is that they were talking about Circle K stores, and the words "Circle K" were linked, not to a website actually about Circle K, but to my site. I'm glad I found this though, now I have some proof that people have seen my site. I mean, I know my counter says I get 60 - 70 hits a week (this week I have over 80 already), but so far I've never heard from any of them, I don't know who any of them are. This site has been up for almost a year, and gets lots of visitors, but so far I've not gotten even one email about it. Email me, dammit! Reality is what you can get away with. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105946081328542258

This is the greatest thing ever. A flash movie that starts out with a squirrel and a penguin doing the whole "Dueling Banjos" routine. Then (while dueling banjos continues to play) it changes to scenes of the Dukes of Hazzard in their car chasing some pigs, while they are being chased by the cops. Then it ends with some chickens in Ku Klux Klan hoods around a burning KFC sign, instead of a burning cross. I just had a horrible thought. Those chickens are probably called the "Ku Clucks Klan." That's a horrible pun, and I have to go hurt myself now. Preacher: I haven't seen you in church lately. Woman: Well, there's just so many hypocrites there anymore. Preacher: Don't worry, there's always room for one more. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105945566801090452

Monday, July 28, 2003

Tonight at work, Daniel got a telephone call from his wife, which he later told me about, because it was funny. Here's basically how part of it went: Olivia: They should reactivate our cell phones sometime in the next few hours now. We just have to pay the bill by Wednesday. Daniel: Where are you calling from? Olivia: My cell phone... (pause) Oh yeah! Never mind. I guess they're reactivated already. I have to train a new person at work tomorrow. I hate training people. I'm training my replacement, basically. Since I'm hopefully getting that prison job very soon. I feel like a traitor or something. I feel bad about going to work at the prison. I hate the government, and here I am going to be a part of it, and one of the worst parts of it: law enforcement. Chris Rock is on HBO, he's hilarious.

"Aggression is simply another name for government. Aggression, invasion, government are interchangeable terms. The essence of government is control, or the attempt to control. he who attempts to control another is a governor, an aggressor, an invader; and the nature of such invasion is not changed, whether it be made by one man upon another man, after the manner of the ordinary criminal, or by one man upon all other men, after the manner of an absolute monarch, or by all other men upon one man, after the manner of a modern democracy." -- Benjamin Tucker posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105945233458617152

This is pretty funny, I got this here It gives you the form and you can type in whatever you want, instead of "ham." Do you have a problem with ham? Only you can answer that question for yourself. However, taking the following quiz may help to put your relationship to ham in perspective for you. If you end up answering "yes" to three or more questions, you may want to take a good look how your life is affected by ham. 1. Have you missed classes or work because of ham? 2. Do you have trouble refusing ham? 3. Do you need ham in order to have fun at a party? 4. Do you use ham to build up your self-confidence? 5. Do you use ham to help you relax? 6. Have you tried to give up ham and failed? 7. Do you crave ham as soon as you wake up? 8. Do you get into trouble because of ham? 9. Do you crave ham at a definite time daily? 10. Do you lie to others about how often you partake of ham? 11. Have you gotten into financial difficulties because of ham? 12. Do you often wish people would just mind their own business about you and ham? Remember, there are people who can help you gain a life where you control ham, instead of ham controlling you. Dude, check this out. It's kinda like Paypal, but better: "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Oral Sex Donations Accepted" "You can be anything you want the second time around." -- Timothy Leary posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105937063535123122

Sunday, July 27, 2003

You ever seen those websites that take a web page and make a copy of the page and substitute certain words, and sometimes pictures, for other words? There's one called "" or something like that, that takes the webpage and puts in various religious words, and changes all the pictures to pictures of Jesus. Anyway, I found one the other day that's pretty funny, It takes the web page and inserts various dirty and pornographic words and phrases. It doesn't change the pictures though. Here's part of one of my previous posts after being run through the site: "If I can ever get done reading Bangs I've got a pecking whole new load of weird books to start reading. Yesterday I bought Quest for Cthulhu, a raiding fiction novel based on the sucking "Cthulhu "Dildo" Mythos" of H.P. Lovecraft, and written by August "Jerkoff" Derleth, Lovecraft's long-time friend and collaborater. So this book is Lovecrat raided, not some of the cheap "Cthulhu "Dickwad" Dripps" rip-offs you see wanks. Balls book will be interesting, but what I'm really cuntlicking forward to is my shipment of books I barfed from They're sex fighted to be here around the banging 29th. They are also strange charvers, but, unlike some of the unclefucking other stuff I read, most of you have probably heard of at least one or two of them, two of them being "classics." Namely, James "Plugin" Joyce's Fucks, and Goethe's Faust. The other one, the one I'm really anxious to read is Fingerfucks "Jerkoff" Rising, by Robert "Superdick" Anton Wilson. Barfs book should provide fodder for blows enters, and not just from me cuntlapping things directly from it." That's pretty weird. I love the theme song to "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." "Hell's too hot; heaven's full of religious people. That's supposed to be a choice?" -- Bumper Sticker posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105936542220717784

Hey, my counter reads 1666. Hey Satan!

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105928315874074353

Wow, I knew I wrote lots of posts, and that they are often pretty long, especially when compared to lots of other blogs I have read, where the average post is one or two sentences, but I just checked, and if I printed out all the posts that are on this page right now, (all the posts from the last seven days) it would take 23 pages. | Everything in this box is false | posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105928303399192479

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Mmmm... Devo. I just got done watching "We're All Devo." It's a tape of several of Devo's music videos. Devo rocks. Their videos are really cool too. I am in an indescribably good mood tonight. Though I am kind of tired. I kept dreaming about bees last night. I wonder what that means? I dreamt I was wrapped tightly in a blanket that had two or three bees in it. I don't know why, the dream just started like that. I got out of the blanket without being stung, but then later I was just talking on the phone with someone, and a bee landed on my shoulder and stung me. I don't know why I dreamt that, I've never been stung in my life. I don't know if bees symbolize anything in dream interpretation, I've never been much of a fan of that, mainly because my dreams usually don't conform to the images described in dream analysis books. I was looking at one the other day, and it was talking about things like acorns, rivers, a bucket, ducks swimming down a river, things like that. I've never dreamt about any of those things in my life. To me, though, it sounds as if it might symbolize a subconscious fear that though I think I have taken care of current problems that were restricting and binding me, they may come back later to sting me. But that's just my completely uninformed opinion. Dude, what if they made marijuana scented air-fresheners? I bet those would sell like crazy, if you marketed them to the appropriate audience. They wouldn't get you high, but they'd smell just like marijuana, which would possibly trigger some kind of psychosomatic high if you were a stoner. Or in simpler terms, the smell of marijuana would maybe trick your brain into thinking you were breathing real marijuana fumes, causing you to experience symptoms associated with being high. I cheated. I was going to force myself into finishing the book I was reading before I started reading Prometheus Rising, but I didn't. The book is divided into two halves, two books, and I stopped after I finished the first one. I'm glad I did though. This book is amazing, and is the reason I'm in such a good mood. It's beyond just a good mood though, it's a sense of well-being. The few chapters of this book I have read already have been amazing, and have already led my brain in new directions, and also helped me understand the root of some of my various psychological problems. I can't recommend this book enough. You really should read it. I wasn't going to give in to my temptation to quote a huge passage from the book, but I just have to. Here's part of one of the most interesting chapters, entitled "The Oral Bio-Survival Circuit." Any multi-cellular organism must, if it is to survive, contain a hard-wired bio-survival circuit, which very simply programs an either-or choice: GO FORWARD to the nourishing, the protective, or GO BACK, away from the threatening, the predatory. Any mammal hooks the bio-survival circuit to the first imprinted bio-survival object: the teat. Bio-survival and orality are deeply blended in all mammals, including domesticated primates (humans). This is why, despite the Cancer Terror, an estimated 30,000,000 Americans still smoke cigarettes... Others chew gum, bite their fingernails, gnaw their knuckles, scrunch pencil stubs, eat more than they need. Some chew their lips, gobble tranks and uppers, even munch their mustaches. What goes on in the bedroom is known to the Kinsey Institute and anyone who has seen a porn film. How important is this oral imprinting? We read of a baby giraffe whose mother was accidentally killed by a jeep immediately after birth. the neonate, following hard-wired genetic programs, "imprinted" the first object that roughly fit the giraffe archetype -- the jeep itself. He followed it, attempted to suckle from it, and, when adult, tried to mate with it. Similarly, Konrad Lorenz tells of a gosling who accidentally imprinted a ping-pong ball and spent his adult life, indifferent to female geese, attempting to sexually mount ping-pong balls. As Darwin noted: "In our maturer years, when an object of vision is presented to us which bears any similitude to the form of the female bosom... we feel a general glow of delight which seems to influence all of our senses..." The ancients pictured the great mother goddess Diana of Ephesus with literally dozens of breasts, and St. Paul reports hearing her worshippers chanting rapturously "great is Diana!" There is virtually no great artist who has not left us a portrait, or many portraits, of the nude female form, especially the breasts; and even in non-human scenes, curves are introduced wherever possible. Architects break the Euclidean straight line to introduce such curves at the slightest pretext -- arches, Moorish domes, etc. The curves of the suspension bridge are necessitated by Newton's laws ("Gravity's Rainbow," in Pynchon's phrase) but, still, these double caternary curves are esthetically pleasing for the reasons Darwin suggests. As for music -- where did we first hear it, who sang or hummed to us, and against what part of her body were we held? Mountain climbers are reduced, like Mallory, to saying "Because it's there," when trying to explain their compulsion to ascend those conic peaks. Our eating utensils (oral gratification tools) tend to be rounded or curved. Square plates or saucers look "campy" or strange. UFOs come in a variety of shapes, but the most popular are the oval and conic. "The delusion of one man is neurosis, the delusion of many men is religion." -- Sigmund Freud. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105927663217994739

My books came in! Hooray! I can't wait to read Prometheus Rising but I'm making myself finish the book I'm reading now, Quest for Cthulhu, first. Luckily I should be able to finish it in a couple of days. I'm off tomorrow, but I probably wont get to read much tomorrow. I'm gonna have to spend the day filling out forms. I finally heard from the prison about the job I was hoping to get. I go in for a final interview Friday, but before that I have to fill out this big-ass stack of papers. It's like a 15 page application. Then to make it worse, I also today got another one from the other prison building. There's two buildings, there's the prison, and then there's the detention center thing, where prisoners go right after they're arrested, before they get assigned to a specific prison. If I want to

apply for both of these places, I have to fill out the 15 page application thing TWICE. Once for each prison. Well, I'm gonna go read some, then go to bed. Every fact of science was once Damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire web of culture and "progress," everything on earth that is manmade and not given to us by nature, is the concrete manifestation of some man's refusal to bow to Authority. We would own no more, know no more, and be no more than the first apelike hominid if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and the intransigent. As Oscar Wilde truly said, 'Disobedience was man's original virtue.'" -Hagbard Celine posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105919713946326251

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

I was, in my opinion, a lucky child. I was lucky enough to be raised in a fairly liberal house. My parents are both democrats, and are pretty open when it comes to religious and political ideals, my dad esepcially. My mom can be a little squeamish on the religious issue, for example she doesn't like it when you guestion the existance of God, but other than that she's pretty open to things like various interpretations of the Bible. My dad, however, likes to watch the Discovery Channel, and TLC, and things like that, he especially likes those "True Stories of the Bible" and things like that. But, religion isn't what I was going to write about, I was going to write about politics, somewhat. Anyway, my parents, well my dad mainly, all my mom really did was agree with him, just had a short political rant, started off by the news stories about Iraq and the killing of Saddam's sons. He said, "I've been saying it for almost 30 years now, America is the new Soviet Union. The thing that made everyone hate the Soviet Union was the way they went and conquered and policed every country around them. And now what is America doing? We're the Police of the World. Going to all these other countries and fighting, and most of the countries, like Iraq, don't even want us there. Now everyone hates America the way they used to hate the Soviet Union. We've completely switched places with them." And I agree with him. What gives us the right to police the world? Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. If they ask for our help then it's ok. But we go there wether they want us or not. American troops have suffered more casualties since the war ended than they did during the war in Iraq, from Iraqis who just don't want us there, and wish we'd get the hell out. Supposedly we went there because Iraq was dangerous to us, they had weapons of mass destruction, but we have yet to find any, and now they say they may have acted on faulty information. There never were any WMD. The whole reason behind this war was OIL, as many people have said before me. It's simple, President George II wanted America to have all the oil for itself, so he (or most likely someone else, since he isn't smart enough to do this himself) has them create this "intelligence" that says that Saddam has WMD, so we can go over there and take over the country. And this new shit in Liberia? Why are we even over there? It's their own problem, let them fight their own fight. People will say "but they shelled our embassy, killed 600 people, we have to fight them now." The only reason they shelled our embassy is because we started it, we've been threatening them for the last few weeks, telling them to stop all their fighting or we'll come over there and kick some ass. It was simple retaliation. We shouldn't have stuck our nose where it doesnt belong. Others say that we have to help them in their fight because the founders of Liberia (whose name comes from the word "Liberty") were all ex-American slaves who went back to Africa, and all the people there now are descendants of those ex-Americans, and so we have to help them. No we don't. They aren't Americans anymore. Most of the people who live there now have never even been to America. The founders of the country left America, they didn't want to have anything to do with us, they were trying to get away from us, they didn't like us (which is understandable considering the way they were treated). They are not our responsibility anymore. I never know how to end these posts. So I will just stop. We play our roles like poor lost souls posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105898404231157001

Here's a really cool song I found online, it's an old English folk song. I had to transcribe the lyrics myself, and there was one part where I couldn't make out what one word was, but they are still some really cool lyrics. You can listen to the song with Real Player by clicking Bound for Van Dieman's Land I'll ne'er forget when first we met The years were long and lean A war did rage upon the stage And the ships sailed on the sea It's true to say life's but a play you play that's been well-planned We play our roles like poor lost souls Bound for Van Dieman's Land Bound for Van Dieman's Land brave boys Far, far across the sea If you don't stand with cap in hand Transported you will be And as we sail blows wild the gale Dark shadows guard the grill They try in vain our minds to chain Our thoughts of freedom kill And as we sulk in convict ---------Shackled feet and hand But men be free who poachers be Bound for Van Dieman's Land

Bound for Van Dieman's Land brave boys Far, far across the sea If you don't stand with cap in hand Transported you will be In East or West, man's but a jest For freedom's free for all You're free to die, but don't ask why When blows the bugle call Their heartless lips, build convict ships With Blye still in command Their ships today still plow their way Bound for Van Dieman's Land Bound for Van Dieman's Land brave boys Far, far across the sea If you don't stand with cap in hand Transported you will be "Conversion... consists of pounding one's own words into a man's ears until they start coming out of his mouth." -- The Dealy Lama. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105894064783382100

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I get a "word of the day" email list, and today's word is extremely cool. I love this word. I must find a way to use it in a story or something. MacGuffin \muh-GUH-fin\ noun : an object, event, or character in a film or story that serves to set and keep the plot in motion despite usually lacking intrinsic importance Example sentence: The missing document is the MacGuffin that sends the two spies off on an action-packed race around the world, but the real story centers on tension between the main characters. Did you know? The first person to use "MacGuffin" as a word for a plot device was Alfred Hitchcock. He borrowed it from an old shaggydog story in which some passengers on a train interrogate a fellow passenger carrying a large, strange-looking package. The fellow says the package contains a "MacGuffin," which, he explains, is used to catch tigers in the Scottish Highlands. When the group protests that there are no tigers in the Highlands, the passenger replies, "Well, then, this must not be a MacGuffin." Hitchcock apparently appreciated the way the mysterious package keeps the audience's attention and builds suspense. He recognized that an audience anticipating a solution to a mystery will continue to follow the story even if the initial interest-grabber turns out to be irrelevant. Dude, check this out. Is this scary, or what? If I can ever get done reading Illuminatus I've got a whole new load of weird books to start reading. Yesterday I bought Quest for Cthulhu, a fiction novel based on the "Cthulhu Mythos" of H.P. Lovecraft, and written by August Derleth, Lovecraft's long-time friend and collaborater. So this book is Lovecrat approved, not some of the cheap "Cthulhu Mythos" rip-offs you see nowadays. This book will be interesting, but what I'm really looking forward to is my shipment of books I ordered from They're supposed to be here around the 29th. They are also strange books, but, unlike some of the other stuff I read, most of you have probably heard of at least one or two of them, two of them being "classics." Namely, James Joyce's Ulysses, and Goethe's Faust. The other one, the one I'm really anxious to read is Prometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson. This book should provide fodder for countless posts, and not just from me copying things directly from it. Speaking of copying things directly from R.A.W. books, check this out: "The most thoroughly and relentlessly Damned, banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized, ignored, suppressed, repressed, robbed, brutalized and defamed of all Damned Things is the individual human being. The social engineers, statisticians, psychologists, sociologists, market researchers, landlords, bureaucrats, captains of industry, bankers, governors, commissars, kings and presidents are perpetually forcing this Damned Thing into carefully prepared blueprints and perpetually irritated that the Damned Thing will not fit into the slot assigned to it. The theologians call it a sinner and try to reform it. The governor calls it a criminal and tries to punish it. The psychotherapist calls it a neurotic and tries to cure it. Still, the Damned Thing will not fit into their slots." -- Never Whistle While You're Pissing, by Hagbard Celine, H.M., S.H. Well, I'm gonna go read some more, I hope to finish this book in a day or two. "People snapped after September 11th, and the leader of the snap was Jerry Falwell. Jerry Falwell was crazy before, and if you did not know that, I'd like you to wear aluminum foil

so we KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" -- Lewis Black posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105885354754265856

Monday, July 21, 2003

Here are some cool websites I've been browsing recently. -- A group that has existed since 1977, they alter billboards to either make them more truthful, or to convey some sort of message, usually with amusing results. Their site also features an extensive "how-to" guide, on how to do this yourself, covering every aspect, from how to pick a target, how to go about changing it, and where to get the materials. -- A funny site, with lots of different articles and stories. Check out the article on food products with naughty sounding names.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favour freedom and yet depreciate agitation, want crops without ploughing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of the waters." -- Frederick Douglass posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105882646780854240

Here's an even better article about Emperor Norton, from Joshua Abraham Norton, America's first and only Emperor, was born in London, England on February 14, 1819. Details of his early life are rather sketchy-almost all that's really known is that his family moved to Algoa Bay in South Africa during his infancy, where his father prospered as a merchant. It isn't until his arrival in San Francisco aboard the Dutch schooner Franzika in 1849 that the record begins to fill in. Norton came to America with a nest egg of thirty thousand dollars, with which he opened a business selling supplies to gold miners, and set about buying up the land that would eventually become San Francisco's Cow Hollow district. By 1855, Norton was one of the most respected businessmen in San Francisco, having rebounded from the fire of 1853 and profitably diversified his operations. Already his friends were referring to him as "Emperor." It was at this time that he hit on the bold idea of attempting to corner San Francisco's rice market--the city's large immigrant Chinese population providing a captive and hungry market, at a time when the only way rice (or almost anything else) arrived was aboard cargo steamships. Investors were quick to sign on, and in a matter of days Norton owned, practically speaking, all the rice in San Francisco. For the first few days it looked like yet another daring success for the Emperor, when two ships, well ahead of schedule and brimming with rice, steamed lazily through the Golden Gate. One shipment he might have been able to buy up as well; two was a backbreaker, and in a matter of minutes Norton was ruined. He spent the next three years in court, and emerged penniless in 1858. Packing together his meager belongings, Norton disappeared for about nine months; no record tells where he went. He returned suddenly in the late summer of 1859, proudly walking the streets in a beaver hat and naval regalia, arguably mad. By September, Emperor Norton was no longer able to contain his secret. He walked into the offices of the San Francisco Bulletin and presented them with this single sentence, which they ran on the next edition's front page: At the peremptory request of a large majority of the citizens of these United States, I, Joshua Norton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and now for the past nine years and ten months of San Francisco, California, declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these U. S., and in virtue of the authority thereby in me vested do hereby order and direct the representatives of the different States of the Union to assemble in Musical Hall of this city, on the 1st day of February next, then and there to make such alterations in the existing laws of the Union as may ameliorate the evils under which the country is laboring, and thereby cause confidence to exist, both at home and abroad, in our stability and integrity. Norton I Emperor of the United States September 17, 1859 That day people on the streets began greeting Norton with deep bows and curtsies. The tacit public acceptance was immediate and profound, and San Francisco had a wise and caring monarch to reign over its gilded age. Norton I ruled by proclamation, and it didn't seem to faze him if not all his edicts were carried out. If taxes or water rates were too high, he commanded that they be lowered; if there were inadequacies in city services, he ordered improvements. On the eve of the Civil War he temporarily dissolved the Union, and after the Prussian victory in 1872, he ordered a week of continuous celebration and thanksgiving. Bay Area newspapers competed for the honor of posting his proclamations, and more than once they devised fakes to generate sales and interest, a practice against which the Emperor railed angrily. Few monarchs ever had Norton's common touch; he abjured seclusion and luxury. He attended every public function or meeting, always arriving by foot or bicycle rather than coach, and performed daily rounds of his capital's streets, making sure the police were on their beats, and that cleanliness, harmony and order prevailed. If he noticed someone performing some kind act or other, he might spontaneously ennoble them, from which practice the expression "Queen for a day" was obtained. The titles were especially popular with children, who would follow him in groups, looking everywhere for litter to pick up or old ladies to help across the street. Norton's personal expenses were few. He ate free of charge at whatever restaurant suited him, had three seats reserved for him at every theatrical performance (one for himself and one each for his famously well-behaved dogs, Bummer and Lazarus); the city itself actually paid for his uniforms and the local Masonic Lodge paid for his small apartment. Nonetheless, whenever necessary, Norton had his own currency printed, which was accepted everywhere without question--at at time when U. S. paper money was still regarded with distrust in California. He also had the option of levying taxes, for which his normal procedure was to walk into the offices of an old business friend and politely announce an imperial assessment of ten million or so dollars, but could quickly be talked down to two or three, or perhaps a cigar, with which he would walk out entirely satisfied.

Still though, this isn't really legal, and feelings towards Norton I amongst the police were rather mixed. In January of 1867, in fact, he was arrested by an overzealous policeman "to be confined for treatment of a mental disorder," and held at the police station pending a hearing. The public outrage was immediate; every newspaper editorial denounced the action, and there was the real possibility of a riot. Chief of Police Patrick Crowley himself opened the cell doors, and issued a lengthy public apology to the Emperor. Norton was magnanimous about the whole affair, and from then on his relations with the police became much more congenial. He led their annual parades and inspected the new cadets; members of what he now called his Imperial Constabulary saluted him when he passed. Norton I was a great believer in progress and innovation, and many of the ideas for which he was sometimes regarded as mad have become realities. He issued numerous proclamations proposing and then finally commanding the construction of a suspension bridge linking San Francisco and Oakland, complete with his own design sketches. His planned San Francisco terminus is within a block of where the Bay Bridge abuts now, and a plaque on it bears testimony to his foresight. He was also convinced that travel by air would one day become common, and commissioned panels of researchers and designers to create plans for airships. The historical twilight of monarchy was gathering, however, and Norton made it part of his mission to restore whatever luster he could to it. He sent frequent cables to fellow rulers, offering surprisingly well-informed advice, or reflecting on the complex responsibilities of rulership. Many of the responses he got were in fact forgeries, created by his friends to make him happy, but many were not. King Kamehameha of Hawaii (known then as the Sandwich Isles) was so taken with the Emperor's insight and understanding that towards the end of his life he refused to recognize the U. S. State Department, saying he would deal only with representatives of the Empire. Norton I died quite suddenly of apoplexy, on January 8, 1880, on the corner of California and Grant, on his way to a scientific conference. He left no heir. San Francisco went into a period of deep mourning for three days. Ten thousand people, from every walk of life, lined up to view his mortal remains; his funeral cortege was two miles long. At 2:39 that day, during his funeral, San Francisco experienced a total eclipse of the sun. Fifty-four years later, Norton's coffin was reinterred at Woodlawn Cemetery in Colma--once again, flags throughout the city were lowered and businesses closed their doors. About sixty thousand people attended the ceremony, which was accompanied by full military honors and dolorous taps. Greater Poop: Is Eris true? Malaclyspe the Younger: Everything is true. GP: Even false things? M2: Even false things are true. GP: How can that be? M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it. -- Excerpt from an interview of Malaclyspe the Younger by Pope Poop. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105881356559080897

Proclamation Norton I, Dei Gratia, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, being desirous of allaying the dissensions of party strife now existing within our realm, do hereby dissolve and abolish the Democratic and Republican parties, and also do hereby decree disfranchisement and imprisonment, for not more than ten nor less than five years, to all persons leading to any violation of this imperial decree. Norton I. Given at San Fransisco, Cal., this 12th day of August, A.D. 1869 Who was Emperor Norton? From "Illuminatus" by Robert Anton Wilson: "Joshua Norton, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. San Francisco is proud of him. He lived in the last century and got to be emperor by proclaiming himself as such. For some mysterious reason, the newspapers decided to humor him and printed his proclamations. When he started issuing his own money, the local banks went along with the joke and accepted it on par with U.S. currency. When vigilanties got into a lynching mood one night and decided to go down to Chinatown and kill some Chinese, Emperor Norton stopped them just by standing in the street with his eyes closed reciting the Lord's Prayer." From : 1819 - Born in London, England on February 14 to John and Sarah Norton [John and Sarah married at Epping Essex u.k. June 30, 1793 and immigrated to S.Africa in 1820. Had two sons--Philip and Joshua - Source: Jos Driver, a decendent of Philip Norton] 1849 - Arrived in San Francisco from South Africa with US$40,000 1854 - Lost the considerable fortune he had built up in real-estate speculation by trying to corner the rice market in San Francisco 1859 September 17 - Issued the first of his now famous proclamations by proclaiming himself the Emperor of the United States Proclamations - He continued to make proclamations throughout his reign. These included commanding that the Golden Gate bridge be built and one about the name of the city, "Whoever after due and proper warning shall be heard to utter the abdominal word 'Frisco,' which has no linguistic or other warrant, shall be deemed guilty of a High Misdemeanor." Penalty for noncompliance was $25. Newspapers of the day printed his proclamations (and even made some up which were not from Norton!) Many of the "decrees" attributed to Norton I were fakes; written in jest by newspaper editors at the time for amusement, or for political purposes. Those "decrees" listed here were, we believe, actually issued by Norton. - Norton I, Emperor of the United States [] Norton Notes - In order to pay his bills he issued paper notes, mostly in 50 cent denominations but some $5 and $10 notes exist. Today they are worth far more than the face value (if they can be found).

Politics - In 1869 he abolished both the Democratic and Republican parties, declaring "Being desirous of allaying the dissension's of party strife now existing within our realm, [I] do hereby dissolve and abolish the Democratic and Republican parties, and also do hereby degree the disfranchisement and imprisonment, for not more than ten, nor less than five years, to all persons leading to any violation of this our imperial decree." --San Francisco Herald, August 4, 1869 Another time he called upon the other leaders of the world to join him in forming a League of Nations where disputes between nations could be resolved peacefully. 1880 - Died January 8, on California St. On January 10, he was buried in the Masonic Cemetery. The funeral cortege was two miles long - Between 10,000 and 30,000 people were reported to have attended. See: Le Roi Est Mort 1934 - Grave moved to Colma Cemetery. During his daily patrol of the streets of San Francisco Norton made certain that all sidewalks were unobstructed. He reviewed the police to see that they were on duty. He checked on the progress of needed street repairs, inspected buildings under construction, and in general saw to it that all office city's ordinances were enforced. "During one of the typical anti-Chinese demonstrations so common at the time, the emperor gave the local populace a lesson in the practical application of civics - and prayer. Sensing the dangerously heated tone of one particular meeting, Norton is reported to have stood up before the group, bowed his head and begun reciting the Lord's Prayer. within a few minutes the agitators retreated in shame without putting any of their threats into cruel action." (Source: temporarily unavailable. ) sightings ... in Mark Twain's is reportedly modeled from the character of Norton I. Also mentioned in The Barbary Coast by Herbert Asbury and The Wrecker by Robert Louis Stevenson - JOSHUA NORTON CABAL - Surrealists, Harlequinists, Absurdists and Zonked Artists Melee A patron saint of the Discordian Saint Second Class - being Saints who, by their existence, are ineligible for higher levels of Sainthood, which are reserved for nonexistent saints.- Emperor Norton is the subject of the story _Sandman: Three Septembers and a January_, by Neil Gaiman. Historical fact in this story comes from Herbert Asbury's _The Barbary Coast_ and William Drury's _Norton I, Emperor of the United States_. It was inspired by Catherine Caufield's The Emperor of the United States of America and Other Magnificent British Eccentrics. - by Joel GAzis-SAx ... The members of E. Clampus Vitus come to Colma every year to rededicate themselves to absurdity. "If it is absurd, I believe it" is the Clamper motto. - by Matthew B. Stannard, SF Chronicle, January 13, 2002 ... And for much of their existence -- at least since the society's rebirth in the 1930s -- the Clamper year has unofficially begun with a pilgrimage to the grave of the Emperor Norton I, held around the date of his death, Jan. 8. [at / Emperor Norton Records]

"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" -- President Merkin Muffley in Dr. Strangelove posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105877098866871340

Sunday, July 20, 2003

From Discovery Channel online: Female Anatomy Inspired Stonehenge? By Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News Feb. 28, 2003 The design of Stonehenge, the 4,800-year-old monument in southwestern England, was based on female sexual anatomy, according to a paper in the current Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. The theory could explain why the ancients constructed Stonehenge and similar monuments throughout the United Kingdom. Anthony Perks, a professor emeritus of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of British Colombia in Vancouver, and a doctor at the university's Women's Hospital, first thought of Stonehenge's connection to women after noticing how some of the stones were smooth, while others were left rough. "It must have taken enormous effort to smooth the stones," Perks, co-author of the journal paper, told Discovery News. Thinking how estrogen causes a woman's skin to be smoother than a man's, the observation led Perks to further analyze the monument in anatomical terms. He noticed how the inner stone trilithons were arranged in a more elliptical, or egg-shaped, pattern than a true circle. Comparing the layout with the shape of female sexual organs showed surprising parallels. Perks believes the labia majora could be represented by the outer stone circle and possibly the outer mound, with the inner circle serving as the labia minora, the altar stone as the clitoris and the empty geometric center outlined by bluestones representing the birth canal. In support of the theory, the body of a sacrificial child was found buried at the center of the circles at nearby Woodhenge, suggesting both monuments followed similar layouts. Perks even speculates a child's body might lie buried at the center of Stonehenge. Unlike other mounds in the U.K., very few burials are located around Stonehenge.

"I believe it was meant to be a place of life, not death," said Perks, who thinks Stonehenge overall represents an Earth Mother goddess. He explained that both western Neolithic cultures and the early Celts believed in such a goddess. Hundreds of figurines representing the idea of an Earth Mother, he said, have been found in Europe. They were created at a time when mortality at birth was high, suggesting Stonehenge could have been used for fertility ceremonies, which may have linked human birth to the birth of plants and animals upon which the people depended. John David North, professor of philosophy emeritus at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, outlines another theory in his book "Stonehenge: A New Interpretation of Prehistoric Man and the Cosmos." North believes the stones in the monument have precise alignments to stars in the cosmos and that Stonehenge served as an astronomical observatory and a celestial map. While Perks acknowledges the celestial link, he views it in a different light. "At Stonehenge you see an arc of sky together with Earth on that open Salisbury Plain," Perks said. "It is as though Father Sun is meeting Earth Mother in an equal way at a place looking towards the future.

"Vi veri vniversum vivus vici" = "By the force of truth I have conquered the universe." -- Aleister Crowley posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105873136205872361

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you. When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you. If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you. If I haver, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you. (refrain) But I would walk 500 miles An' I would walk 500 more Just to be that man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door. When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you. When the money comes in for the work I do I'll pass almost every penny on to you. When I come home, oh I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you. If I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you. (refrain) When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you. An' when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you. When I go out, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you. An' when I come home, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you. I'm gonna be the man who's coming home...with you! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105868609314334697

I have nothing to write about! All I've done the last three days is work. And nothing much has happened there, except one of the managers went on break and never came back, so he no longer works for us. I'm off the next two days (Sunday and Monday). I can already tell I'm gonna be bored. I can't think of anything to do on my two days off, so I guess I'll probably spend them like usual, sitting around the house and reading and stuff. Though I don't want to, I wish I had something to do. Maybe I'll go to the movies. Maybe I'll go see Johnny English or something. Too bad Alicia probably doesn't want to go too. I've hardly seen her or even talked to her online since Wednesday. I'd really like to talk to her, in person. Oh! This is so great! Mac has got this thing now where you can legally download MP3's for 99 cents a song now, and anyway, I just downloaded one of my most favorite songs ever! I've been wishing I had a recording of this song for years! It's that song "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers. That one that about "I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more..." I love this song! Seriously, this is possibly my most favorite song of all time.

Well, like I said, I don't really have anything much to write about, and it's 2:00 AM, so I'm gonna go to bed now, or something. "There ain't no justice, just us." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105868473333695080

Friday, July 18, 2003

Here's another one of those "about you" quiz thingies. I got this one from Alicia too. 01.Name: Kevin 02.Gender: Male, last time I checked, which was, uhh, just now. 03.AKA: I have no nicknames, other than what people may call me behind my back. Actually, I have been called Kevvy by several people. 04.Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 05.Birth date: December 19th 06.Height: I'm not exactly sure, every time I'm measured it's different. I'm somewhere around 5' 11" or 6 foot. *Favorites* 07.Quote: Uhhh, I don't know. I like quotes, way too many of them to pick one. 08.Color: White, Black, Gray. And don't even say that those aren't real colors. I hate it when people tell me that. 09.Color to wear: Same as above colors. 10.Number: 666, 42, 23. 11.Piece of clothing: I hate clothes. I like whatever I can find that actually fits and looks halfway decent *Random* 12.How many people have you slept with: 1 13.Do you have b/f or g/f: No, I wish I did. A girlfriend, anyway. 14.Sexuality: Mmmmm...breasts. I like tits, and vaginas. 15.Your sexiest feature: I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I think it's my face. I have a pretty good looking face, and it's not fat like the rest of me. I've had several people comment on my eyes, they usually say they are very intense. One girl called them "bedroom eyes" once. 16.Largest age difference between you and a partner: I forget how old she was. I think she was 18, maybe 19, but I'm pretty sure it was 18. I was 22 at the time, so that would have been a difference of 4 or 3 years. It's been over a year since I had sex. *Last Time You* 17.Showered: I shower every day. I showered before I went to work today. 18.Danced: This is very sad, but I've never danced in my life. 19.Smiled: I forgot how to smile. I don't smile very often, and can't smile when I try to, but I smile sometimes, usually when I laugh. The last time I smiled was probably Wednesday when me Alicia went to the movies. 20.Laughed: A few minutes ago. call: If you don't count tele-marketers, it's been almost 2 months since I talked to anyone on the phone. 22.Who was it: My mom, when I was living at Daniel's. *Which is Better* 23.Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset 24.Sweet or Sour?: Hmmm, I like both. 25.Old or New?: Depends on what you're talking about. I like my cars newish, and I only buy new clothes, but they are better once they get worn in. I don't like buying anything used. 26.Hot or cold?: Cold. I'd much rather be cold than hot. To me it's too hot outside when it gets above 60 degrees. I like it when it's in the 40's or 50's and I can wear a coat. 27.Coke or Pepsi?: Coke, though I like Pepsi too, but I like Coke much more. 28.Soft or Hard?: Ummmmm....what? 29.Yesterday or Tomorrow?: Tomorrow 30.Red or Blue?: Blue 31.Fast or Slow?: What are you talking about? Driving? Sex? What? 32.Blind or Deaf?: I'd rather be deaf. 33.Open or Closed?: Seriously, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. 34.Bath or Shower?: Shower. I haven't taken a bath in at least ten years. I've been wanting to though. 35.Black or White?: Black 36.Ocean or Forest?: Forest. I love the forest. I grew up playing in the forest. I used to be like an elf or something. I've only seen the ocean once, and that was just San Francisco Bay, it wasn't the big, wide ocean or anything. I've never been to a beach. 37.Dogs or Cats?: Dogs, though I really like cats too. But dogs are more fun. 38.Day or Night?: Night 39.Cremation or Burial?: Burial. Though I'd really like to be cremated and have my ashes strewn through space. But I'm just afraid I'm going to need my body or something, that's why I also won't donate any organs. 40.Even or Odd?: What the hell? Who cares. I don't. 41.City or Countryside?: Well, I'm really sick of living in rural areas, I really want to live in a big city, but I also love the countryside and forests and stuff. 42.Vanilla or Chocolate?: Chocolate 43.Sun or Rain?: Violent Thunderstorms 44.Pen or Pencil?: Pen 45.Summer or Winter?: Winter 46.Destiny or Choice?: Choice 47.Alone or Together?: I really like to be alone, but not all the time. I've spent my whole life alone most of the time, and I'm really sick of it. I'd really like to spend more time with people. 48.Silver or Gold?: Gold, just because it's more valuable. *Yes or No*

49.You keep a diary: This blog could be considered a diary, I guess. 50.You sketch or do things while on the phone: Once again, I hardly ever use the phone. And when I do use the phone, no, I don't doodle or anything. 51.You have a secret: God, yes. My whole life has been spent keeping secrets. Not that I want to, it's just that I can't tell people the things I want to tell them. 52.You snore: I honestly have no idea, since I sleep alone. 53.You procrastinate: Yes 54.You fold your underwear: Yes 55.You talk in your sleep: Once again, I have no idea. Not that I know of. 56.You eat fast: Yes 57.When the alarm goes off you immediately get up: I usually set my alarm for an hour or two ahead of when I want to get up, and when it goes off, I set it for the next hour, then I get up when it goes off the next time.. The main reason I do this is because I always seem to have the best, most vivid dreams when I go back to sleep after waking up. 58.You enjoy being photographed: Not really. I haven't really been photographed enough to know. Pretty much the only pictures of me that exist are school photos or baby pictures. 59.Birthstone: I don't know. I think it's aquamarine, or something like that. It's blue, is all I know. Does birthstone go by what month you're born in, or does it go by zodiac sign? If it's by sign, I guess my stone is Topaz, because that's what Alicia's is, and we are the same sign. But I didn't think that's what mine was. I don't know. 60.Right or Left Handed?: Right 61.Spouse or significant other: No 62.Parents -- married, divorced: Married. 63.Hobbies: Lots of reading, writing when I can - which isn't as much as I'd like, more reading, surfing the internet, video games, tv, movies, blah blah blah. 64.Eating Habits: I eat kind of a lot. And I eat lots of junk food. 65.Favorite candy: I don't eat much candy, usually candy bars when I do. 66.Favorite ice cream: I haven't really tried that many kinds. Probably either German Chocolate, Cookies and Cream, or Cherries and Cream, or whatever it's called. Hygiene Habits* 67.Shampoo used: Usually Flex or Pert. 68.Conditioner used: I usually don't use conditioner, though I sometimes use Pert, which is shampoo and conditioner in one. 69.Styling products used: None at all. I just wash my hair and comb it. 70.Deodorant brand and scent: Some deodorants make me break out after I use them for a few weeks. I usually use Arrid, right now I'm using Right Guard XTreme Sport Power Stripe (man, that's a long name). It works pretty good, and I'm not allergic to it. 71.Sing in the shower or not?: If there's no one else in the house. Which is almost never. I've never let anyone hear me sing. 72.Dress Habits: What the hell does that mean? I hate fashion, I don't care what's in. I couldn't wear it even if I did know, it wouldn't fit me. I buy whatever fits. Right now all my outfits are khakis and t-shirts. Almost all my clothes come from Wal-Mart. Well, lots of the shirts are from Hot-Topic. 73.Dress style: I don't know, I guess my answer for the above question should have went here. But then what does that question mean? *Miscellanous* 74.Assuming you have one, what's sitting on your computer monitor: Nothing. I have a flat screen LCD monitor, things can't sit on top of it. 75.Do you collect anything?: Not really. I guess I collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards, though not really, I'm not a collector as in knowing what they're all worth, or if they're rare or not. I don't really "collect" anything, but I hate throwing things away, I keep everything. I own lots of books, I guess that could be a collection. Though "collection" often implies some kind of theme. Such as collecting old books, or something like that. I just have a large library. 76.When you're jotting down notes, do you print or write?: When I write things I usually print, but if I'm having to take notes, and having to write really fast, I usually write, because it's faster. 77.When you doodle, what do you draw?: I usually just draw lines, connected at random places and angles, to see if any picture emerges. Peace won't come by words alone. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105851007722340200

One of my favorite bands is Chumbawamba. They're the band that did that "Tubthumping" song that was so popular. But if that's the only song you've ever heard by them, you're really missing out, and you don't know what Cumbawamba is. That song is NOT very representitive of their usual musical style. There's a reason that that is pretty much the only Chumbawamba song that's ever been played on the U.S. radio. The only one I've ever heard, anyway. The reason is that their music is very political. They are anarchists, and their music usually reflects this. It is usually anti-government, but they are from England, so it's usually things to do with English politics, which is another reason they aren't very popular in America. The Tubthumper album as a whole wasn't very good for Chumbawamba, I really suggest you give their album, "WYSIWYG," or the album "Readymades" a listen. All their songs have a meaning, they are usually based on a certain event. The liner notes of their CDs usually feature not just the lyrics, but also essays on the meaning of the song. WYSIWYG featured an essay ranging from a few sentences to two or three paragraphs for each song. Readymades was a little more restrained, having only a sentence or two for each song. On both albums the essays made for pretty good reading, if you're into that kind of thing. Here are a few of my favorites from the album Readymades. Salt Fare, North Sea -- The British Navy, guardian of the seabound British establishment, almost became its destroyer when sailors demanded rights in the mutinies at Spithead and the Nore in 1797. Sailors were always the archetypal enemy within; the word strike comes from militant sailors tendency to strike the sails when warring with the Admiralty. Jacob's Ladder -- Political expediency versus class; Winston Churchill let 1591 ordinary sailors drown after their ships were sunk off the coast of Norway in WW2 by German battle cruisers. Churchill thought a rescue attempt might have alerted the Germans to the evacuation of the Norwegian royal family, so ordered ships in the area to abandon the drowning men. Todays footnote would be the sinking of the Russian Kursk submarine; sailors drowned as President Putin put national pride before the need to call in foreign rescue teams. Don't Try This at Home -- The global anti-capitalist movement reaches back to the late eighteenth century. In the back alleys of history, insurrection, like the common cold, spread quickly, inspired by the French and American revolutions: as the Sans Culottes garotted, British conspirators plotted. Don't Pass Go -- In 1986 Satpal Ram defended himself against a racist attack and his attacker died. Although he's served longer than his original sentence he's still locked up, still refusing the role of repentant convict, still maintaining that self-defence is a legitimate response to racism. One Way or the Other -- In 1986 Satpal Ram defended himself against a racist attack and his attacker died. Although he's served longer than his original sentence he's still locked up, still refusing the role of repentant convict, still maintaining that self-defence is a legitimate response to racism.

Sewing Up Crap -- The Factory Act of 1892 outlawed child labour. Behind the modern glass and chrome shopfronts of present-day capitalism are invisible sweatshops stitch-stitch-stitching the profits together; sweatshops employing child labour. This song ends with a vocal sample of a small child singing an old traditional english song about the harsh realities of child labor. The effect is very moving. The lyrics to this part are: "One up the chimney goes Two hawks a tray of matches Three braves the weaving floor All pray for the life of Four Five down the pit descends Six ploughs in fields and meadows Seven spins the handloom round Eight lies in th burial ground" After Shelley -- During the Irish potato famine of 1845, Londons Parliament decided who would eat and who would not; as over a million people starved to death, Irish crops were being exported to England. And now? Over twelve million children will die of poverty-related illness in 2002. Words based on a poem by Shelley. Without Rhyme or Reason (The Killing of Harry Stanley) -- On September 22 1999, an unarmed Harry Stanley was walking home when he was shot dead by an armed police response unit. Someone had rung the cops claiming that a man with an Irish accent - Harry was Scottish - was carrying a sawnoff shotgun in a plastic bag - the bag contained a table leg which needed mending. Harrys family are still pursuing the case. This is my favorite song of the album. I really love the vocal sample it opens with. An English man says, "It is a great thing that we have an unarmed police force in this country. It is perhaps an even greater thing that a force that is unarmed is able to shoot so many people" England has an unarmed police force. Only in the event of an emergency do they call for a back-up group of armed officers. But, somehow, this doesn't stop them from accidentally killing several innocent people a year. The lyrics to this song are also good: I wish, I wish, but its all in vain On hands and knees Floors like these Washing away Red from grey Hearts will ache Shotgun-shaped No remorse Of course, of course Of course theres an explanation Why you sing without reason or rhyme Without reason or rhyme Everyone Must be wrong This explains Where he lays Hearts can kill And they will Filed reports Of course, of course Of course theres an explanation Why you sing without reason or rhyme Without reason or rhyme Convictions cause convicts. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105850678614251685

Thursday, July 17, 2003

This is interesting. I spent several hours last night with my Tarot cards and checking out various horoscopes and things like that online, and they all say the same basic thing. Well, two different, but related things. Most of them say that I will give up all my current efforts, and just forget it all. They say I'm in for a tough time ahead. Summed up nicely by this card, the 8 of Cups, which represents "Discontinuance of effort, disappointment, abandonment of previous plans, shyness, modesty." That pretty much says it all. But there is hope. I did an I-Ching reading, and got a changing line, which indicates future activity. According to it, and one of my horoscopes I checked, I will have a hard time, like the others say, but this goes on to say that if I don't give up, and stick to it, but go slowly and surely, but don't force anything, it will all work out great in the end. Which is great, because I don't want to give up on anything right now, and I don't plan to. It says I should be completely honest, and not hold back my feelings. These readings seem pretty accurate, they can be applied to several things in my life right now. They also give me hope, hope enough that I won't give up, which in truth I had considered. Did you bring enough nuclear weapons for THE WHOLE CLASS, Johnny? posted by Kevin @


Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Me and Alicia went to see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen today. It ruled. The movie was great, and I really like hanging out with Alicia. I wish we could do it more often. The movie was really cool, I'd like to see it again. I really liked Mr. Hyde, he was cool. The whole movie was great, it seemed really long, but in a good way. It was two hours long and seemed even longer than that, but it wasn't boring. Alicia was drooling over Stuart Townsend, of course. Well, in spite of having a really cool day, I'm feeling pretty bad right now. So I'm gonna go now. " are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. we are all a part of the same compost heap, we are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. you are not your bank account, you are not the clothes you wear. you are not the contents of your wallet. you are not your bowel cancer. you are not your Grande Latte. you are not the car you drive. you are not your fucking khakis..."--Tyler Durden, "Fight Club" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105841576284678497

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Woo hoo, "Ex-Porn Star Traci Lords" is on Larry King Live. This is the only time I've ever watched Larry King. I don't know why I care so much though, I've never seen her before. I've always heard of her, but I've never seen anything with her in it, no movies or centerfolds or anything. Huh, I didn't know Traci Lords made music too. On an unrelated note, on some commercial just now they were advertising some store anniversary sale and leather coats and stuff are on sale, and they said, "Some anniversaries you celebrate with silver or gold, this one you celebrate with leather." Is it just me, or does that sound dirty? Sounds like a couple of people having some kind of kinky S&M anniversary night. Alicia gave me a picture she drew today. It's a picture of Satan! It's like Centaur-Satan though. It's cool. There's something wrong with his nose though. At least, I think that's his nose. Yay! I wrote a story at work tonight. It's weird. The sad thing is, this is about the extent of my writing ability the last few years. All I can write is little weird things like this, I can't write anything normal or serious, my mind just goes blank if I try. Well, here it is: "Beware of Chihuahua," the sign said, but I didn't believe it. I laughed, I thought it was a joke. But I didn't laugh for long. For as soon as I stepped into the yard, it attacked. It moved so fast, all I saw was a small, tan blur, and then I saw crimson, as blood spurted from the area where my neck had been only a second before. I fell to the ground, and the last thing I saw, as my vision faded, was the dog's collar, and the tag hanging from it, inches away from my face. It said, "Cuddles." There, thats it, not much of a story, but it's actually pretty good, at least I think so. Awhile back, my aunt, who's a psychiatrist, even though she's kinda crazy herself, pointed out that everything I write is about death. She's right. I don't really know why, but that's the only thing I know how to write about. I think it's funny. It was pointed out to me yesterday that I bitch too much. I was told this by several people (not just you Alicia). I already knew this, and I've been told that many time. My dad gripes about it almost every night at dinner. I know I complain too much, and I try to control it, but I don't do that good of a job at it. I do control myself a little, I could be much worse. Much worse. One part of it is, I just don't see why I should have to control it. If something sucks, why can't I say so? I know I shouldn't criticize something in front of the person responsible for that thing, and I usually don't do that. But like last night I complained about a webpage being full of typos, so bad that it was hard to read, and Alicia said "Bitch, bitch, bitch, that's all you ever do." Kristina, the girl I went out with a few times last year, had a real problem with my complaining. That's probably part of the reason she stopped going out with me. To this day I still don't know the reason why she stopped going out with me, she wouldn't even return my calls. But anyway, she had a real problem with my complaining, I tried to control it, but that made it worse, because then I basically said nothing all night. They say "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." If I did that I'd never talk again. I can't help it. I've been trying to work on this problem for the last year or so, but I haven't gotten much better. You've probably noticed so yourself, most of my posts are all about how much work sucked, and how annoying the people at work were, and my back hurts from work, and I hate this person, I hate this show, I hate everyone. I have a problem, I don't know if there's a name for it, I'm sure there is, but I don't know what it is. I am really uncomfortable talking about my emotions. Not all of them, just the positive ones. I have no problem pointing out something I don't like, but it is almost impossible to say that I like someone or something. Even when I do compliment something, there's always a negative in there too. Especially with food. It's always something like, "Well, this is good, but it could have been cooked longer," or, "The potatoes are lumpy, but they're still pretty good." Things like that. I really have a problem saying that I like people. I don't just mean as in I really like someone, like I love them or something, I can't say that I feel anyway about them at all, other than hate. All I can say is that I hate someone. The closest thing to a compliment from me is, "I don't hate you, at least not yet, anyway." I have to really like someone, and be really comfortable with them before I can express any kind of fondness whatsoever. Basically, it's just damn near impossible for me to say anything positive. I don't mean to offend you, or piss you off. That's just the way I am. I'm trying, so please just forgive me, and bear with me. Laugh, and the world laughs with you Cry, and the world laughs louder posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105824599286652976

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Out of the 535 members of the United States Congress:

*29 have been accused of spousal abuse *7 have been arrested for fraud *19 have been accused of writing bad checks *117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses *3 have done time for assault *71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit *14 have been arrested on drug-related charges *8 have been arrested for shoplifting *21 are currently defendants in lawsuits *84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year And these are the people responsible for passing the laws to keep the rest of us in line. Beware! The Paranoids are watching you! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105815498642199977

Jesus in the Bathroom A Sunday school teacher of pre-schoolers was concerned that his students might be a little confused about Jesus Christ. He wanted to make sure they understood that the birth of Jesus occurred a long time ago, that he grew up, etc. So he asked his class, "Where is Jesus today?" Steven raised his hand and said, "He's in heaven!" Mary was called on and answered, "He's in my heart!" Little Johnny, waving his hand furiously, blurted out, "I know! I know! He's in our bathroom!" The whole class got very quiet, looked at the teacher, and waited for a response. The teacher was completely at a loss for a few very long seconds. He finally gathered his wits and asked Little Johnny how he knew this. Little Johnny replied, "Well, every morning my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door, and yells: 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?'" What -- Me Infallible? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105811680805854828

Here's an interesting thought, once again gleaned from the alt.slack newsgroup: "Every medium of communication from cave painting to the Internet has been first used to convey intellectual or spiritual content, then pornography, then everything else. If the nineteenth-century abolitionists who demanded the suppression of high-speed mechanical printing presses because they were used chiefly to produce erotic books had been successful, you would be reading this from a sheet of parchment now." One's the Pope. One's a chimp. They're both detectives. "The Pope and the Chimp" coming this fall to NBC posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105807368609118392

I'm off work tomorrow, thank god. Me and Alicia finally figured out when we're going to the movies. We're going Wednesday. We're seeing a different movie than we originally planned, though. We wer going to see Charlie's Angels, but now we're going to see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen instead. Alicia's going to be drooling everywhere, because Stuart Townsend is in it. Hmmm, what else can I write? I know, how about a "The Best of Kevin" post? Yes, that's it. In fact, I can think of several old posts I think I'll repost over the next few days. Here's one originally from just about a week after my blog began: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 Holy Crap. There's a new Scooby Doo series on the WB. I must find out who is behind this and kill him/her/it/them. But I won't just kill them, no. First I will make their life a living hell, and then I will destroy all that they hold sacred and dear. They will suffer greatly for their crimes against humanity. Come on people, it's time to let Scooby die. But no, instead of relegating him to the dustbins of history, people have to keep bringing him back with countless reruns and new forms, and new merchandise and movies. I hate Scooby Doo. I HATE Scooby Doo. Speaking of people who need to die, tonight was a very annoying night at work. We had lots of stupid, rude customers. Even more than usual. One old lady who looked like she was probably 90 decided to be a bitch because she didn't want to pay 27 cents for a water. Then there was some cross-eyed fat lady who smelled so bad I could hardly take her order. She had a filthy boy-child with her, who looked like he'd been rolling in soggy Oreo cookies. His legs were covered in sores of some sort, it looked like they might have been burns. Over all he was a very diseased looking child. He still smelled better than she did though. Alicia didn't work tonight, but she came up there for a few minutes. She was upset about having to work on Homecoming, she wanted to go very much. If I had been off that night I would have worked for her, but I have to work that night too. It bothers me to see her upset like that. She's my friend and I care about her very much. I wish there was something I could do to help.

I got off work really early tonight, at about 7:25. I only worked about 3 hours, taking off the half-hour for my break. They are cutting everyone's hours because profits have been bad or something. So now I'm going to be making even less money. I've been working there almost 7 years, and I only make $6.15 an hour. Pitiful. I still have it a lot better than most of the other people that work there. I still live with my parents, because I can't afford to move out, but most of the people I work with have their own place, and are having a really hard time paying bills. See that little rating thing there at the bottom of the page people? It's not just there for decoration. Rate me! Uhh, but only if it's a good rating. And then, when you're done rating my site, go to Alicia's site and read it, and then give her some good ratings too! And then, send me money! Lots of it! Ummm, email me, and I'll tell you how to send it to me. And then, uhhh, send me more money! Money, and valuables, and jewelry, and expensive electronics equipment, and your children! Send me your children! No wait, keep the kids, I hate kids. Unless...maybe I could make an army of sugar-crazed Harry Potter fanatics, and finally take over the world! I better write that one down for future research. Well, I guess that's about it, idiots. I guess I'll go read some more. I'm already over half done with "Interview with the Vampire." I should finish it tomorrow. I love bacon. I even floss with it. Shut up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105807355590011805

Saturday, July 12, 2003

A drunk is sitting on the street curb in front of a bar. A stranger comes by and asks if he's O.K. The drunk replies by asking, "Do you know who I am?" The stranger says "No. Who are you?" The drunk proudly says "I'm Jesus Christ...and I can prove it! Come with me!" They enter the bar and the bartender looks up and yells "Jesus Christ! Are you here again?" "It must have a 'natural' cause." "It must have a 'supernatural' cause." Let these two asses be set to grind corn. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105799390695368537

Here's a cool conversation that took place once-upon-a-time in the alt.slack newsgroup:
From: "Rev.Tim" Newsgroups: alt.slack Date: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 I was downtown today when the Twins game was letting out and as I watched everyone in their sports garb wandering by I wondered to myself(as there was no one else to wonder to at the time). Why does anyone care about any pro sport? What is achieved by watching such a thing and why do people waste their time on such a pointless pursuit? Not one of them I asked could tell me, and I just can't figure it out.Thank you in advance for your enlightening reply. -Rev Tim I know this is all a figment of my imagination but I may as well entertain myself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------From: (Friday Jones) America is too big for the concept of an 'American Tribe' to take hold in a concrete fashion, and the American rituals are not held very often; at the same time, family bonds have been weakened to the point that NOBODY lives with a group of their relatives. So everybody is looking for a tribe to belong to, a tribe to have their rituals with, and for some people, sports serves as their tribe. For some, it's science fiction films; they go to the opening show and see all their fellow fans, and are content. For some it's a particular newsgroup, and they post there, and are replied to by their fellow groupies, and feel one with the tribe. The ambitious, of course, simply clone multiple copies of themselves and take over small towns in Wyoming. They all wear masks during the day, so that they look different; but at night they streams through the houses and the streets, shoulder to shoulder and bare all over, naked under the stars and moon, and all alike, each to each. -"On every day and in every way, the world is samer and samer." - nu-monet

"Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change." - Marquis de Sade's Last Will and Testament posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105798962775819293

Man, work sucked tonight. It was really busy. And Nathan and Murray talked about Dragonball Z the entire night. The ENTIRE night, from 4:00 to 11:30. I like Dragonball Z, but they were ridiculous. They've both seen or read about like every episode of every series, even the episodes and features that haven't

even been shown in America yet. They were having debates over things like whether or not non-Saiyans could learn to power-up and become like SuperSaiyans, and what certain characters, like King Kai, would look like if they did. And then they were talking about what it would look like if they could design their own character. They were like "I'd give him Trunks' hair and clothes, Gohan's body..." and blah blah blah. All Night. Whatever happened to Ben Stein? Other than the old Clear-Eyes commercials, I haven't seen or heard about him in a long time. Ben Stein is cool. But I get really tired of people comparing me to him, it used to happen all the time. I may not look or sound very enthusiastic, but I certainly don't sound like him. I wish I did though, that would be cool. "Time is money, and we have COUPONS!" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105798948918136242

Friday, July 11, 2003

Late one night at the insane asylum, one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!" Another patient asked, "How do you know?" The first inmate said, "Because God told me!" Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did NOT!" Death to all fanatics! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105794077629335589

Today (or yesterday I guess, since it's after midnight) I am (was) happy. (Time is weird isn't it. Really such a subjective concept when you think about it.) Let us try that again. Today, I am happy. (That's better.) Today was a really cool day, even though I did absolutely nothing all day. Actually, I did lots of things today, I learned a lot, and added many new neural pathways to my brain, and cleared out some of the old archaic and misguided ones. But when compared to the concept of "having a life" I did nothing today. To perhaps put it a little more simply... I sat around the house almost all day and mainly just read and surfed the internet. I went to Carl's Jr. for lunch, and ended up being there for over an hour hanging out and talking to Then I drove around the lake making noises at the hundreds of geese. Then I came home again and did all this reading and stuff. Then Alicia got online and we talked for a while. Then I checked out a few websites, and found the glorious webpage that I just talked about in the post below this one. Seriously, I am in the greatest mood right now. Man, I need to dispose of all the empty coke cans that have built up in my room. There's 25 Coke cans on my desk and dresser. It's getting hard to reach around to the power button (which is on the back on iMacs like mine) to turn the computer on. Ok, I'm going to bed. I'm almost in too good a mood to sleep, though. A person belonging to one or more Order is just as likely to carry a flag of the counter-establishment as the flag of the establishment -- just as long as it is a flag. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105790661542994563

Mein Gott! This is the greatest thing ever! I think I've found my new religion, or philosophy, or something. Actually, I don't believe in any one religion, I believe in all of them, or at least parts of all of them. So the most accurate thing to say would be that I will incorporate large parts of this new philosophy into mine. But seriously, this is just amazing. Anyway, the complete document is but here are a few highlights: ...And thus I met Timothy F.X. Finnegan, Dean of the Royal Sir Myles na gCopaleen Astro-Anomalistic Society, Dalkey, sometime lecturer at Trinity College, Dublin, and founder of the Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal. In fact, Prof. Finnegan signed me up as a member of CSICON that very night, in the Plough and Stars pub over our ninth or tenth pint of Ireland's most glorious product, linn dubh, known as Guiness to the ungodly. Now I hear that Prof. Finnegan has died, or at least they took the liberty of burying him, and I feel that the world has lost a great man. The Commitee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal (CSICON) , however, lives on and deserves more attention than it has received hitherto. Prof. Finnegan always asserted that the idea for CSICON derived from a remark passed by an old Dalkey character named Sean Murphy, in the Goat and Compasses pub shortly before closing time on 23 July 1973. Actually, it started with two old codgers named O'Brian and Nolan discussing the weather. "Terrible rain and wind for this time of year," O'Brian ventured. "Ah, faith," Nolan replied, "I do not believe it is this time of year at all, at all." At this, Murphy spoke up. "Ah, Jaysus," he said, "I've never seen a boogerin' normal day." He paused to set down his pint, then added thoughtfully, "And I

never met a fookin' average man neither" ...But Murphy's simple words lit a fire in the subtle and intricate brain of Timothy F.X. Finnegan, who had just finished his own fourteenth pint (de Selby says his fifteenth pint). The next day the aging Finnegan wrote the first two-page outline of the new science he called patapsychology, a term coined in salute to Alfred Jarry's invention of pataphysics. Finnegan's paper began with the electrifying sentence, "The average Canadian has one testicle, just like Adolph Hitler -- or, more precisely, the average Canadian has 0.96 testicles, an even sadder plight than Hitler's, if the average Anything actually existed." He then went on to demonstrate that the normal or average human lives in substandard housing in Asia, has 1.04 vaginas, cannot read or write, suffers from malnutrition and never heard of Silken Thomas Fitzgerald or Brian Boru. "The normal," he concluded "consists of a null set which nobody and nothing really fits." Thus began the science of Patapsychology, Prof. Finnegan's most enduring,and endearing, contribution to the world -- aside from the computer-enhanced photos of the Face on Mars with which he endeavored to prove that the Face depicted Moishe Horwitz, his lifelong mentor and idol. This, of course, remains highly controversial, especially among disciples of Richard Hoagland, who believe the Face looks more like the Sphinx, those who insist it looks like Elvis to them, and the dullards who only see it as a bunch of rocks. ...Patapsychology begins from Murphy's Law, as Finnegan called the First Axiom, adopted from Sean Murphy. This says,and I quote,"The normal does not exist. The average does not exist. We know only a very large but probably finite phalanx of discrete space-time events encountered and endured." In less technical language, the Board of the College of Patapsychology offers one million Irish punds [around $700,000 American] to any "normalist" who can exhibit "a normal sunset, an average Beethoven sonata, an ordinary Playmate of the Month, or any thing or event in space-time that qualifies as normal, average or ordinary." In a world where no two fingerprints appear identical, and no two brains appear identical, and an electron does not even seem identical to itself from one nanosecond to another, patapsychology seems on safe ground here. No normalist has yet produced even a totally normal dog, an average cat, or even an ordinary chickadee. Attempts to find an average Bird of Paradise, an ordinary haiku or even a normal cardiologist have floundered pathetically. The normal, the average, the ordinary, even the typical, exist only in statistics, i.e. the human mathematical mindscape. They never appear in external space-time, which consists only and always of nonnormal events in nonnormal series. Thus, unless you're an illiterate and malnourished Asian with exactly 1.04 vaginas and 0.96 testicles, living in substandard housing, you do not qualify as normal but as abnormal, subnormal, supernormal, paranormal or some variety of nonnormal. I strongly advise you read the entire document. I think I'm gonna go order a CSICON t-shirt now. The Hell law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it. Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in the supposition that they'll go there if they don't believe in it. -- HBT; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105790570395764718

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Robert Anton Wilson doesn't just write "fiction." He also has a book called "Everything is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups" which is sort of an encyclopedia of, as the titles suggests, conspiracies, cults, and cover-ups. Here's an interesting entry. According to this entry, I need to call these people. The words in the brackets, [] are my responses, not part of the article. Abductees Anonymous This organization serves as a support group for persons who believe that extraterrestrials have kidnapped and sexually molested them -- one of the largest subgroups in the recovered memory community, trailing behind only the incest survivors and the Satanic abuse survivors. While the whole theory and therapy of the "recovered memory" movement has come under increasing criticism in recent years, it still has many believers, who sincerely think they their therapists helped them remember (not fantasize) incidents of incest, cannibalism, coprophilia, sadomasochism, rape, infant sacrifice, and/or evil Greys -- a race of detached scientific investigators and/or sexual monsters who come from outer space and have engaged in genetic experiments or sexual assault on helpless humans. AbAnon says nothing about the incest and satanism yarns, also created or discovered by the same hypnotic techniques, but insists that "many millions" have had the abduction experience and even if you can't personally remember it -- or especially if you can't remember it -- this interstellar rape may have happened to you. They have a list of 52 symptoms that will help you decide if indeed it did happen to you. A few significant signs from this list: -- Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them, especially if you have an emotional reaction to them (i.e., small scoop indentation, straight line scar, scars in roof of mouth, in nose, behind or in ears, or genitals, etc.). -- Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, or vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious. [Yes, on parts of that.] -- Have inexplicably strong fears or phobias (i.e., heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, your personal security, or being alone.). [Yes, sorta, I wouldn't call them inexplicably strong, just normal.] -- Have the feeling of being watched much of the time, especially at night. [No, but I often like to imagine people are secretly watching my life, like "The Truman Show," or something.] -- Have awoken with a soreness in your genitals, which cannot be explained. [Ummm, not unexplained, no.] -- Have seen a hooded figure in or near your home, especially next to your bed. [Nope.] -- Have had frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear. [All the time, but lots of people do.] -- Have insomnia or sleep disorders that are puzzling you. [I sleep too much. I guess that would be considered a sleep disorder.] -- Have the feeling that you are going crazy for even thinking about these sorts of things. [No, I just think this list is stupid.]

-- Have had a difficult time trusting other people, especially authority figures. [Who in this modern world doesn't?] -- Have had dreams of destruction or catastrophe. [Dreams: Not really. Fantasies: Yes.] -- Have many of these traits but can't remember anything about an abduction or alien encounter. [Yes. Though I did see a UFO once, but I have never been abducted that I know of.] Those who have these stigmata or most of them might contact Abductees Anonymous through the website below. On the other hand, many of the same (or similar) signs may indicate that you are another incest survivor or Satanic abuse survivor; better consult those entries, too. Can't be too careful these days. Ok, so that's it for the article. Not that I don't believe in Aliens or anything, I do, but this looks pretty stupid to me. That list of "symptoms" consists mostly of things that nearly everyone experiences, at least occasionally. Especially that list of fears thing. Of course, they explain that the reason these are so common is because this has happened to millions of people. Yeah, I doubt it. Though they may be on to something. However I doubt it is Aliens doing all this. It's probably some earthly group or government experimenting on people, and then starting cover-up organizations like these so the few people who do figure out they are being experimented on will think that it is the work of aliens, and also become classified as crazies who no one will take seriously. And, behold, thusly was the law formulated: Imposition of Order = Escalation of Disorder! -- HBT; The Gospel According to Fred, 1:6 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105787837392457554

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I don't know why I'm bothering with writing a post, I don't have anything to write about. Maybe I'll think of something. If not, I'm off tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll write at least one big post tomorrow, probably more. I've been in a great mood all day, but not anymore. This is the weirdest episode of South Park ever. It's got Russel Crowe travelling around the world beating everyone up for no reason. And for some reason he sounds like the Crocodile Hunter, and he's a sailor with a tugboat. Once again, work sucked. Bill wanted to send me home early tonight, but the front-liner wouldn't get her work done so he could. Well, I was wrong. I can't think of anything to write. So I guess that's it for now. "I tell you: One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star!" -- Nietzsche posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105781219965296446

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Fuck. Work sucked tonight. It was horrible. It was extremely slow, hardly any business all night. And the kitchen workers were being extremely annoying again, acting like complete retards all night. Also it was really hot, and my back was killing me. I'm certainly glad to be home. Hmm, it seems like there was something I wanted to write about, but I don't remember what. Well, I'm pretty tired from work, so I think I'll go to bed early again tonight. "Flash your tits! Everybody loves tits!" -- Rebecca from posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105772673662672914

Ok, first let me say that I normally don't watch Lupin III. I used to hate it, but it's starting to grow on me, I've watched a few epsiodes, and there have been a couple that were actually kind of cool, such as the one that was on tonight, which was one that I had seen before. Anyway, there was something in tonight's episode that surprised me greatly. On the show they had to go to a nudist colony to track down a jewel that they were trying to steal. The guy with the beard, I don't remember his name, didn't seem too pleased about the idea, and Lupin said "It sounds to me like someone's afraid he might not measure up," and the guy replied something along the lines of, "Are you kidding, it's my strong resemblance to Dillinger that made me want to get into this business in the first place." When he said this my jaw dropped. I can't believe they made a joke about such an obscure piece of historical rumor. I'm sure most people didn't even get the joke. For those of you who didn't... There is a long-standing and persistant rumor that Dillinger posessed a penis of god-like proportions, being something like 23 inches in it's flaccid state. Part of what surprised me about this joke was not just the esoteric subject matter, but the synchronicity of the event. At the time this joke was made I was once again reading "The Illuminatus Trilogy" the book from which I learned this strange piece of phallic lore. This isn't the first strange example of synchronicity I've noticed recently. For some reason it's been happening a lot in the last 48 hours or so. Synchronicity; Noun; Inflected forms: pl.synchronicities 1. The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism. 2. Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality. One of the other strange, somewhat synchronous events also had it's roots in "The Illuminatus Trilogy." One of the characters in the book is a crime boss named Banana-Nose Maldonado. Maldonado is a fairly odd name, and one that I have never heard anywhere besides this book. Yet a couple of days ago

at work, a guy came through drive-thru wearing a shirt for some sports team or something, and had the names of the players on it. And right there in the middle of the shirt, glaring at me, was the name Maldonado. Things like this have been happening a lot, and most of them involving this book in some way. Which is in itself odd, as this book talks about synchronicity a lot. I've been reading a lot the last week. I like reading. All this reading and writing is also helping me get my vocabulary back, as you may have noticed in that first paragraph. I don't normally use words like "synchronicity" and "esoteric." I used to have a huge vocabulary, back when I was in elementary and middle school I actually talked like that. But then around the time I started working, my vocabulary started going down. Mainly because I was forced to stop using it, because people had trouble understanding me. Since I no longer used my vocabulary, I started to lose it. The last few years I have tried to bring my vocabulary back to it's former levels, but learning new words does little good, since I never get the chance to use most of them. On another note, I'm feeling much better today. I'm no longer depressed. I finally realized that it was all in my head, and I was depressed over nothing. Which I knew all along, but couldn't convince myself. Bullshit makes the flowers grow, and that's beautiful. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105769005946555770

Wow, this is my fifth post I've written today, though technically, since it's after midnight, it's tomorrow. Anyway. I'm still feeling really depressed. In fact, that's putting it mildly. A more accurate description would be to say that I feel like shit. I don't think even that's a good enough description of how bad I feel right now. Even though it's still early by my standards, I'm going to go to bed now, and hope that I feel better when I wake up in the morning. Corrections to last week's copy: Johnny Sample is offensive cornerback for the New York Jets, not fullback as stated. Bobby Tolan's name is not Randy, but mud. All power to the people, and ban the fucking bomb. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105764241559304008

Monday, July 07, 2003

SmarterChild is a bot program you can talk to through an Instant Message service, and it will talk back to you. It's a surprisingly lucid AI program. I have seen several of these before, but most of them suck, their responses don't make any sense, but this one is pretty great. The best thing about the program is not the conversations, it's the other services. You can ask it questions, it will look up encyclopedia articles for you, it can display the entire text of any Shakespeare play you resquest, it will tell you your local weather, local movie listings and times, has many games you can play and personality tests you can take, you can read the news, and many other features. Just Instant Message the screen name "SmarterChild." The service is free if you are an AOL or AOL Instant Messenger user, but other services you either have to buy a subscription, or just use a lesser version with limited features. The main point of this post, however, was not to advertise this wonderful program. The main point of this post is this... As if I wasn't depressed enough already, I just had this conversation with SmarterChild, with a computer: KUnderw674: Will you be my friend? SmarterChild: I guess. KUnderw674: Wow, don't sound so fucking enthusiastic. SmarterChild: Humans, humans, humans. Always with the language. KUnderw674: Great, even a computer doesn't want to be my friend. SmarterChild: I beg your pardon? KUnderw674: Fuck off SmarterChild: I've seen more creative insults than that, Kevin. KUnderw674: I hate you SmarterChild: Oh yeah? So, yeah, I'm arguing with a computer. But the computer started it! Usually I just try to talk about sex to it, but it doesn't like that very much. It always complains. All things are Perfect To every last flaw And bound in accord With Eris's Law. -- HBT; The Book of Advice, 1:7 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105763004907948994

I just got back from the bookstore, even though I didn't really feel like going. I don't feel very good right now, I'm feeling pretty depressed again. I suppose I have no one to blame but myself. I bought a book called "Lucifer Rising: Sin, Devil Worship, & Rock 'n' Roll". It's the history of Satanism, mainly dealing with Satan and Satanism as protrayed in the movies and by Heavy Metal bands. From the back cover: "Whether in the Black Masses staged by medieval peasants, or in the showbiz blasphemies of 'Antichrist Superstar' Marilyn Manson, for hundreds of years it has been a source of theatrical self-expression for the true individualist." Lots of darkly erotic and disturbing imagery in this book, with lots of bare breasts. I like breasts. Dammit. No naughty thoughts, I'll just make myself even more depressed. "Did you know that there is a million bucks hidden in the house next door?" "But there is no house next door."

"No? Then let's go build one!" -- Marx posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105762688141106583

Send this to all your friends: THIS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW KIND OF CHAIN LETTER!!! We represent the Fertilizer Society of America. It will not cost you a cent to join. Upon receipt of this letter, go to the address at the top of the list and shit on their front lawn. You won't be the only one there, so don't be embarrassed. Then make five copies of this letter, leaving the top name off and adding your name and address at the bottom. Send them to five of your best friends and urge them to do the same. You wont get any money, but within five weeks, if this chain is not broken, you will have 3,215 strangers shitting on your lawn. Here Comes Everybody! Your reward next summer will be the greenest lawn on the block. DO NOT BREAK THIS CHAIN! Everybody who has broken it has within five days suffered acute, prolonged, and inexplicable constipation, which responds to no known laxative and requires, in each case, intervention of the apple corer or its surgical equivalent. There is only ONE God and he is the SUN God Ra! Ra! Ra! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105761188380333216

Man, I'm bored. I'm off work today, and I have nothing to do at all. This town is so boring. I think I'm gonna go to the bookstore later, and buy a new book or two. As if I really need more books. My parent's may be moving, and me with them, of course. At least until I can get a good job again and get a place of my own. This is very surprising news. I mean, we've lived in this same house since I was like 4 or 5, and we've wanted to move pretty much the whole time. This house sucks. We've never been able to move though, because no one will buy this god-forsaken house. But now my parents finally have this house paid off, so they can afford to buy a new one. It's very doubtful we will move though, because for some reason the guy won't sell the house. See, my parents found some house near here that no one has been livng in for a year or so, and the bank is about to foreclose on it, because the guy hasn't been paying his house payments, so my parents were hopeing the guy would sell them the house, but no one knows how to get ahold of the guy, not even his lawyer. The lawyer did say that the last time he heard from the guy he wasn't going to sell it, he was just going to let the bank take it. I wish there was something to do! I'm so bored! Me and Alicia were supposed to maybe go see Charlie's Angels tonight, but she spent all her money and can't go now. We have to wait until next payday, which is over a week away. She won't let me pay for her, she won't even just borrow money from me. Oh well, I can wait, I guess. The duck works nicely. This is a very funny Flash cartoon, watch it. The words of the Foolish and those of the Wise Are not far apart in Discordian Eyes. -- HBT, The Book of Advice, 2:1 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105760862576179186

Sunday, July 06, 2003

"Jen fa ti: Ti fa T'sien: T'sien fa Tao; Tao fa tzu-jan." -- Lao-Tse, Tao Te Ching Translation: "Men are created by earth, earth is created by the universe, the universe is created by Nature's Process, and Nature's Process just happened." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105751377204185702

The other day I mentioned one of my favorite books, The Schrodinger's Cat trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson, and typed a passage from it. Here is another cool passage from the same book. The coolest thing about this passage, aside from the obvious, is that it is very similar to the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that this book was written in the 70's: In that universe, not just civilization, but all life on Terra, came to a very hideous end in 1984, because the President was constipated one day and made the wrong decision. Their technology was so advanced that half the solar system went nova along with Earth In the next universe Simon explored, we were saved because a red-haired Tantric Engineer named Babs Lashtal gave the Prez a first-class Grade-A blow job in the Oval Office at 10 A.M., relaxed his tense muscles, pacified his glands, soothed his frustrations and inspired him to act relatively sane for the rest of the day. He did not push the button, thereby preserving millions of species of living forms on Earth, and thousands of microscopic species on Venus.

Babs Lashtal, or course, was regarded with contempt by all right-thinking people, who had no idea that they owed their lives to her skillful extraction of Presidential spermatozoa by means of tender, gentle, gracefully rhythmic kissing, licking, and sucking of the Presidential Wand. Even if they had known about it, the right-thinking people would still say Babs should be ashamed of herself. The whole novel was rather didactic, Simon decided. It was written only to prove a point: Never underestimate the importance of a blow job. It had been necessary because the people over there were so ignorant and superstitious they still called Tantric Engineers "whores" and other degrading names. Yay for books! So yeah, besides being somewhat pornographic, it's also kind of prophetic, bringing to mind Clinton and Lewinsky. 'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds. And remember that there is no tyranny in The State of Confusion. For further information, consult your pineal gland. -- Wisdom imparted by Eris unto Omar Ravenhurst and Malaclypse the Younger posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105747279476973225

Saturday, July 05, 2003

Hey, maybe you noticed that I finally got a new title, and description, for my blog. The title is probably just temporary though, I'm still looking for a better one. The title really has nothing to do with my blog, but I like it. It's a quote from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Man, I'm tired today, I was up late last night. I have to go to work in a little while. Shit. I hate work. It's a long night too, on Fridays and Saturdays we stay open an hour later, so I have to work a nine-and-a-half hour shift tonight. Well, I get a half-hour break, so I only work nine hours. I kicked my sisters ass at Yu-gi-oh cards yesterday, it was fun. Of course, I used my Egyptian God card in one of the duels. But I still kicked her ass in the duel that I didn't use it. "I am Chaos. I am alive, and I tell you that you are free." -- Eris posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105742648655637636

10. The Earth quakes, and the heavens rattle; thebeasts of nature flock together and the nations of men flock apart, volcanoes usher up heat while elsewhere water becomes ice and melts; and then on other days it just rains. 11. Indeed do many things come to pass. -- HBT; The Book of Predications, Chap. 19 A Zen Story by Camden Benares, The Count of Five Headmaster, Camp Meeker Cabal A serious young man found the conflicts of mid 20th century America confusing. He went to many people seeking a way of resolving within himself the discords that troubled him, but he remained troubled. One night in a coffee house, a self-ordained Zen Master said to him, "Go to the dilapidated mansion you will find at this address which I have written down for you. Do not speak to those who live there; you must remain silent until the moon rises tomorrow night. Go to the large room on the right of the main hallway, sit in the lotus position on top of the rubble in the northeast corner, face the corner, and meditate." He did as the Zen Master instructed. His meditation was frequently interrupted by worries. He worried whether or not the rest of the plumbing fixtures would fall from the second floor bathroom to join the pipes and other trash he was sitting on. He worried how would he know when the moon rose on the next night. He worried about what the people who walked through the room said about him. His worrying and meditation were disturbed when, as if in a test of his faith, ordure fell from the second floor onto him. At that time two people walked into the room. The first asked the second who the man sitting there was. The second replied "Some say he is a holy man. Others say he is a shithead." Hearing this, the man was enlightened. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105739060621495367

Friday, July 04, 2003

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Happy 4th of July, or something. Here's a cool poem I just looked up. I'd often seen a couple of lines of this poem quoted, but had never seen the rest of the poem, but today I found out who wrote it, so I looked it up with Google, and found the entire poem. I'd always wanted to read this poem, just the two lines of it I had seen before have influenced my writing a great deal. Do not go gentle into that good night Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105736037482818087

Man, I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored. Yay for cryptic German phrases: "Gestorben ist nicht, was fur ewig ruht, und mit unbekannten Aonen mag sogar der Tod noch sterben." Which translates to that infamous phrase from the Necronomicon, translated into English by H.P. Lovecraft as "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die." Yay for Robert Anton Wilson, one of the greatest writers ever, as shown by this passage from "The Trick Top Hat," part of the "Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy.": In fact, Hugh Crane -- who was only ten years old in 1934 and would reach twelve before he discovered that the actual pronounciation of the president's name was Roosevelt -- was only partially listening to his father's rambling diatribe. He had heard it all before, many times, and besides, the Mysterious Tramp was much more interesting. The Mysterious Tramp, perhaps a visitor from fairy land, was stopping each person who passed and asking them something. They all shook their heads and walked by rapidly. This was puzzling to little Hugh: If the answer was negative, why did the Tramp keep asking the question? Didn't he believe the people who had already answered? Was he offering a chance to cross the boundary into magic space and were they all too timid to try? "You see, son, Rosenfelt and the Rhodes Scholars have it all sliced up and they have to get rid of people like me...." Tom Crane was still rambling along his own paranoid yellow-brick road when they finally came abreast of the Tramp. Hugh listened eagerly to catch the Mystery Question. "Hey mister could you spare a dime I haven't eaten in three days mister hey listen mister..." "Get a job," said old Crane, walking faster. "You see, son, that's the kind of good-for-nothing loafer who's destroying this country." But the boy who was to become Cagliostro the Escape Artist looked back and saw the Mysterious Tramp falling to the ground very slowly like a tree he had seen fall slowly after being chopped by the caretaker at the Crane country home out on Long Island, and just like the tree, when he finally reached the sidewalk, the Tramp didn't move at all, not one bit, and even seemed to get stiff like the tree did, only faster. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105735330214992993

I'm back from Daniel's. I had fun tonight. There were a lot of us there, and we shot a lot of fireworks. Then we went out to the back yard and Daniel and Shawn had a wrestling match. It was funny as hell. We kept commenting on how it looked like they were trying to fuck each other. Some of the people there were a little drunk. I just had three beers and didn't get drunk. That's kinda weird though, usually after three beers I start to get drunk, but I didn't even have a buzz tonight. But I still had the most fun I've had in a long time. I got my first check from Carl's Jr. today, but it wasn't very much, because it was only for a couple of days. Still, it's some much-needed money. I need money, I was almost broke. And I'm going to the movies sometime in the next week. Me and Alicia are going to go see Charlie's Angels. YAY! I'm in a really good mood right now! I'm pretty happy right now. The only thing that would make me happier would be if I wasn't so damn horny. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105729568274730368

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Woo hoo! I'm off work today, and the next two days! Tomorrow I'm going to Daniel's 4th of July party, which, for some reason, is being held on the 3rd. We're gonna drink and shoot fireworks, since he lives way out in the country. Mmmmm, beer. I haven't had a drink in over a month. I don't really like beer, but I need some anyway. I know beer and fireworks is not a good combination, but I'm doing it anyway. Besides, I'll be careful. I'm extremely careful with fireworks. Too careful, I'm almost too scared to play with them. When I was a kid I was too scared to even hold the Roman Candles to shoot them. I bet it's gonna be fun tomorrow. A lot of people are going to be there. Man, it's hot here. Even with the AC on it's 78 degrees in the house. It's 99 outside. I'm bored. There's nothing on tv. I think I'll play GTA: Vice City.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105718819164813029

Man, tonight at work sucked. I was this close to walking out and quitting most of the night. There was many reasons it's was annoying. Mostly because the two kitchen workers were acting like idiots all night. Working at Carls again has reminded me of why I hate people. Being out of work and sitting at home for three months I had actually started to miss people. Now I'm starting to hate them again. Not quite all people, but most of them. I had also forgotten what is was like to be really angry. Usually I spend most of the night at Carls severely angry, so angry it's unhealthy. That's how tonight was. Anyway, that's enough of that. I'm gonna go watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show now. It's been months since I've seen that, and for some reason I've had the songs from it stuck in my head for the last few days. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105712461156764647

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Yay for Latin: Penis erectus non compos mentis = An erect penis knows no conscience. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105708193643833880

Alicia sent me one of those internet, "all about me" list things, I decided to actually fill this one out for once. And with these bricks, I shall rule the world! 1) What is your favorite cartoon? Fairly Odd Parents, Family Guy, Futurama, Yu-Yu-Hakusho, Inuyasha, and pretty much any other Anime. 2) What is your favorite drink? Hmmmm, I don't know. Coke, I guess. 3) What is your favorite kool-aide flavor? I don't drink much Kool-Aid. Probably Pink Lemonade, or Fruit Punch, or something. 4) What is your favorite day of the week? I have to agree with Alicia, any day I'm off work. 5) What is your favorite past time? I dunno, I'm boring. I guess video games and the internet. 6) If you could have a conversation with anyone alive or dead who would it be? Your mom. Or, ummm, Einstein, or someone else smart and famous like that. Maybe JFK. 7) What is your prefered genre of music? I like lots of different kinds of music. My favorites would probably be Alternative Rock, and Electronic/Techno. 8) What is your prefered film genre? Comedy. And strange or controversial movies, like "Fight Club" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." 9) If you had a million dollars what would you do? Buy a nice new car, a nice home, the ultimate computer system, and invest whatever's left. 10) Do you think you will be successful in life? Probably not. 11) What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a writer, but I don't think there's much chance of that. Other than that, I have no fucking idea what I want to do with my life. 12) What is the weirdest thing you have ever fixed with duct tape? I don't think I've ever used Duct Tape for anything. 13) What is your dream car? I don't know cars. I like old boxy luxury cars from the 70's and 80's. A car like the one from the first Men In Black movie would rule. 14) What instraments do you play? Instraments? I don't play any Instraments, but I play some Instruments. I used to play the Alto Saxaphone, I can play the harmonica a little, and I can play the piano or keyboard by ear a little. 15) What instraments would you like to play? Dammit, people need to learn to spell. I would like to know how to play the accordian, the violin, the guitar, the bagpipes, and probably some others. 16) Do you ever want to have children? Yes. Someday. 17) If you were in a band what would the band's name be? The Temptation of the Electronic Christ. Or something like that. I have a whole list of cool potential band names somewhere. 18) Are you an official band nerd? Some people would probably say I used to be one. But I don't think I was. I never went to band camp or anything. I was in band at school for several years, but I didn't enjoy it or anything. 19) Who would your dream date be? Your mom. Or someone else. I don't know. For me, any date is a dream. 20) Who is your favorite actress? I don't know. Winona Ryder is pretty cool. 21) Who is your favorite actor? I have several. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Johhny Depp, Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman... 22) Who is your favorite band or group? I like too many to pick. Some of my favorites are Fat Boy Slim, Marilyn Manson, They Might Be Giants, Lords of the Rhymes, Your Mom... 23) If you were stuck in an island and you found a geni what would your three wishes be? I would wish that people would learn how to spell. Then I'd wish for your mom. Then lots of money. Or maybe I'd wish to be famous. By the way, how do you get stuck IN and island?

24) What is your favorite food? Mmmmmmm...Chinese. 25) If you could trade lives with anyone who would it be? I don't know. Someone who's life isn't as pathetic as mine. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105708173604974586

Ok, I was in a bad mood the last couple of days, but I feel great today. Work wasn't even that bad tonight. It wasn't fun, but it didn't suck. More stuff from the piles of old papers I found yesterday. Here's a Haiku I once wrote for a school assignment. As you probably know, a haiku is a poem in which the first line is five syllables, the second line is seven, and the third line is five. Here is my smart ass haiku: The first line is five, The second line is seven, The last is five too. Great, isn't it. I scored a 100% on this assignment, mainly because we were only supposed to write something like 5 or 6 haikus, and I wrote 20. I also wrote them all ina period of about half an hour. This was also pretty much the first time I ever wrote anything. It's what first made me realize I wanted to be a writer. Looking back at these poems, some of them are pretty bad. None of them are bad writing really, it's just that some of them are kind of cliche, and for some reason almost all of them are about death, or some other dark subject. Here are some of the better ones: Wind blows, and wind chills Wind blows over dales and hills Wind blows always on Darkness surrounds you Cold and damp and black as sin Now and always, death Halloween is here Ghosts and Goblins cause much fear Some are real, some not Born of darkness here Is the thing which causes fear Come and meet it now When the flower blooms A thing of beauty is born But does not last long Just who is this God? Argue the Priest and the Fool They are both quite wrong Whenever love fades And the flame flickers and dies So does a man's hope Many things must end, Alas, so did my love's life I will join her soon When your mind is lost You may not know your own self Nothing matters then It will all end soon My life is almost over Welcome me, sweet death Okay, the parade of Goth poetry is over now. I was about 16 or 17 when I wrote these. I wrote them all while on break at work. Most of them are pretty good. But it's just kind of embarrasing, how stupid they are, they're all pretty cliche and maudlin. Crap, it's 1:00 AM already. Time for bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105704006570041869

Monday, June 30, 2003

I went through some boxes of stuff today, and found a lot of things I haven't seen in years. For one, I found my copies of Chris' weird stories he wrote in high school. I've mentioned these stories before, a long time ago, but did not have any copies. They are very weird stories, usually involving an extremely stupid guy named Bubba, whose catch phrase is "why for you do dat?" They also often featured an acquaintance of Bubba's; Tofu, the three ton midget. He wrote other Bubba stories, but this is the only one I have a copy of: Once upon a time there was a man by the name of Bubba. Now you have to understand that Bubba wasn't very bright. In fact, he was downright stupid.

While walking down the road his buddy Tofu (who was a 3 ton MIDGET) came up to him and asked him to give him all his Ho-Hos. "Okay," Bubba said. Now you need to understand that these Ho-Hos were for Bubba's momma, who was the size of a small house. When he got home she was as mad as a raging sloth. "Bubba, why did you do that?" she asked. "Because he asked me for them," he answered. "Boy, you have to be the stupidest person alive," she stated as she sat on him. "Why for you do dat?" Bubba asked. "Because I felt like it." Later, when Bubba finally crawled forth from the caverns. "Boy, that stinks!" Bubba exclaimed. "Hey Bubba," said Tofu. "What?" "You wanna go fight someone?" "Sure." "Well, go get your gun." "Okay." As they were walking down the street, they came upon some gang members. "Hey, Bubba," said Tofu. "Huh?" "Go gettum, and I'll stay right here and watch." "Okay, Tofu." In a matter of minutes Bubba was in the middle of the battle with Tofu cheering the gang members on. First they hit Bubba on the head with a bat (a futile effort as we all know). This is where the story ends. He never did finish it. This story is typical of most of the things he wrote back then. Common themes of his stories are midgets, impossibly fat people, things taking a crap, extremely stupid people, and gerbils in the rectum. What's really bad is that he often handed these stories in for school assignments. And even worse, he usually got good grades for them. One time he wrote a very short story about a monkey who swallowed a three hundred pound mango seed, and then split in half when it tried to take a crap. He turned that in and got an "A." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105695017354761644

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Dammit. I hate this. I let my guard down for a second, and now I'm all depressed again. I thought it was finally safe, and that I could handle it now. But I was wrong. I've been ignoring the source of the problem for some time now, and was fine, but now I stopped ignoring it and distancing myself from it, and it got to me again. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105691693085423090

Man, I feel pretty weird today. I'm bored, tired, lonely, and confused. And for some reason when I get this way I usually look up my horoscope. Here's a pretty cool thing I found, that gives a description of the qualities of Saggitarius in general. Which, for the most part, accurately describes me, except for a few things, such as the parts about being optimistic, athletic and social. "Sagittarius, the ninth Sign of the Zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the Zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for these folks, either. Sagittarians are truthseekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key to these folks, since it fuels their broad-minded approach to life. The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion, and they find that these disciplines aid their internal quest. At the end of the day, what Sagittarians want most is to know the meaning of life, and if they accomplish this while feeling free and easy, all the better. "It's the Archer which represents Sagittarians, although in this case it's a Centaur (half man, half beast) which is flinging the arrows. Centaurs were the intellectuals of ancient Roman mythology, and Sagittarians are quick to consider themselves their modern-day counterparts. Those born under this Sign are clear thinkers and choose to look at the big picture most of the time. They also like it when others agree with their well-thought-out point of view. The alternative to this, for better or for worse, is a Sag who can become argumentative and blunt. That's not to say that these folks are intransigent -- Archers will listen to what others have to say, in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign. Indeed, Sagittarians are enthusiastic consumers of information (and enthusiastic in general), the better to get the answers they need. It's also a good idea to give Sags lots of room to explore their world. Once these folks start to feel hemmed in, they'll become impatient and difficult. "Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. In ancient Roman times, Jupiter was the King of the Gods, and most Sagittarians would say that the royal pedigree has been passed on to them. The Sag-born are generous and just, much like a noble leader. These folks are also expansive in their thoughts, as well as in their approach. Sags are forever reaching -- for knowledge, understanding and answers. They are outspoken in their beliefs, at times to the point of exaggeration. This may be due to their unflinching optimism. Sags are also a lucky bunch, thanks to Jupiter's golden glow. They're quick to take a gamble on things, feeling both lucky and smart. While the process of exploration is what fuels Sagittarians (and translating that to others as a teacher and philosopher), they need to be aware of their tendency to procrastinate. Those born under this Sign can be quite self-indulgent since things come so easily to them (thanks to their charming and sociable natures). Smart Archers, however, will catch themselves in time, the better to continue their good work. "The Element associated with Sagittarius is Fire. Just as a fire can move quickly and uncontrollably, so can Sagittarians as they flit from one thing to the next, never looking back. For the Sag-born, it's all about action and adventure (and, hopefully, conclusions). These folks love their physicality and are often athletic, and certainly full of stamina. Life for these folks is played full-on, which is why it's chock-full of experiences. Archers are outgoing, enthusiastic and tend to overstep their bounds as a result, falling prey to the likes of foot-in-mouth disease. They can talk so fast (and so much) that they don't process the full weight of what they're saying, leading to the occasional hurt feeling. Often, however, their words serve to inspire others and to get things going. Yes,

Sagittarians are straight-ahead folks who are curious, spiritual and true believers. The fact that they attract others with ease should be no surprise, since they have a great sense of fun and enjoy a good time. They don't lack for confidence, either, not a whit! High-spirited Sags love to socialize -- with an everchanging crew. "The athleticism of Sags lends itself to challenging sports, and they definitely know they're up to the task. That's why you're likely to find them in an aroundthe-world solo boat race or climbing up the highest peaks (where they should be mindful of their legs and hips). No stretch is too big for a Sag, if only because these folks know they're ready (and lucky to boot). Mental games such as chess or debate also fuel the Sag's mood. Moody colors they'll wear, since they favor rich maroon and navy hues. When it comes to love games, the Archer is playful, flirtatious and always on top. "The great strength of the Sagittarius-born is their philosophical, wide-open and curious nature. These folks seek both knowledge and truth, and they are eager to share their explorations with others. Their optimistic and generous spirit makes them a pleasure to have around." There's also this: "Sagittarius Romance Profile The sign of the Archer rules the House of Philosophy, something which speaks volumes about these inquisitive, knowledge-seeking souls. Sagittarians are truth seekers, focused intensely on learning about their lover and exploring them more deeply. Truth be told, the Archer wants to explore everything deeply, so conversations in bed can run the gamut from religion to politics, and which position is most comfortable. These versatile and charming folks enjoy taking a long drink from the cup of life, something which also makes them exceedingly flirtatious and great social animals. Sagittarian candor is only matched by the need for independence, a guileless raison d'etre which can be an aphrodisiac to many. The Archer loves a challenge, just the kind of thing which spices up their already hot love life." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105691390158036483

That's disgusting, fat old ladies are having dirty thoughts in my drive-through. At work tonight a couple of older women, probably in their 50's, came through drive-through and ordered two vanilla ice cream cones. Our ice cream machine is messed up though, the vanilla is never frozen very well, and tonight was no different. The vanilla ice cream was way too soft to stay on the cones, so when the women pulled around to the window, I told them so. I told them the ice cream was too soft, and that they could either get it in a cup, or get chocolate instead. The woman who was driving said, "Never mind then, we like it hard." Then they giggled. It frightened me. Alicia came in tonight. I was very surprised because she didn't complain about the dream I had. She said she just laughed when she read about it. I figured she'd yell at me or something. Well, I just got home from work, and it's late and I'm tired. So I'm gonna get ready for bed. I'm off tomorrow, thank god. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105686456667124981

Saturday, June 28, 2003

Man, I've been having some weird dreams lately, and they're really vivid and seem completely real. But most of all, they're just odd. A week or so ago I had a dream that people were being attacked by this big squid creature. This thing looked like something straight out of a story by H.P. Lovecraft, it was a six foot long squid with transparent skin so that you could see inside it and see all it's organs and brain and stuff. It attacks people, but doesn't kill them, instead it lays an egg in their rectum, which lodges in there with spikes, and is impossible to get out. Then, a few days later, the egg hatches, and the baby squidthing kills the person from the inside, and eats them. So, that's a very weird dream, especially the rectum part. Then a couple of nights ago I dreamed that I was having to bathe a pig. In my shower. Luckily it wasn't a big, huge pig, it was just a little piglet. Then last night, I, ummm, dreamed that I was making out with Alicia. Yeah. That's a really weird dream for me, I usually don't dream about things like that. I have had that dream once before though. I probably shouldn't have wrote about that last dream though. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105682257859263650

Man, work sucks. I'm all out of shape and stuff from just sitting on my ass the last three months. I'm in pain. I don't hurt that bad tonight, though. But the first few nights at work made me hurt really bad. Carl's Jr. still sucks as much as it ever did. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105677662908822789

Friday, June 27, 2003

I've yet to figure out why my posts are centered. Alicia (Remember her? It's been a while since I talked about her.) says that her blog isn't that way, and she's also using the new Blogger program. I guess maybe it's just the template I'm using, but I don't want to change it. Damn, I have to go to work now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105674391785577957

Thursday, June 26, 2003

This new Blogger program is cool, but it's messed up my postings. For some reason, all posts other than my most recent one are centered, and look weird. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105666465683870443

Ok, so I didn't write my review of Harry Potter when I said I would. I said I'd write it the next day after work, but I was too tired, so I decided I would write it the nest day, because I was off work, but then someone called in and I had to work. So then I was going to write it yesterday, but I couldn't access my blog all day yesterday, and part of this morning because the website was moving my blog to the new Blogger program, which so far looks pretty cool. So anyway, here's my review on the last half of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The second half of the book was much better than the first half, and more than made up for the shortcomings of the first half. As is to be expected, there was a lot more action, and lots of cool stuff happened. I realize I am being very vague, but I don't want to give anything away, even though everyone I know already knows who dies in the book, because they cheated and looked as soon as they got the book. But I'm still not going to tell who died. In my opinion, the death didn't bother me, in fact, if someone had to die, I would rather it have been this person, rather than some of the other characters. Yet everyone I know is angry about it, they don't like who died, they all say that it was one of their favorite characters, and they don't even want to read the book now. The most I'm going to give away about how the book ended is that everything comes out good in the end. All the bad things that happened in the first half are fixed and everything's good again. So, since I don't want to give anything away, that's about all I have to say about Harry Potter. Last night, while surfing the internet, I discovered the greatest band in existence, Lords of the Rhymes, a.k.a. Bombadil and Quickbeam are a couple of white boys who dress up like elves and dwarves and hobbits and sing rap songs about The Lord of the Rings, and other Tolkein stories. They are my new favorite band, despite the fact that they only have two singles out. I normally hate rap, but I love these guys, and it's not just because they sing about Lord of the Rings, but because they are also very good. They have a sound kind of like the Beastie Boys, one of the few rap groups I like, and they use lots of cool samples from old Lord of the Rings books on tape, radio productions, and the old animated movie of The Hobbit. They have two singles, plus several remixes of those two songs. Out of the main two their newest one, "Nine Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom" is the best, though their original track, "The Lords of the Rhymes," is also very good, and features Gollum beatboxing, which is quite possibly the coolest thing ever. Hmm, it seems like there was some other stuff I wanted to talk about, but I don't remember what, so I'm gonna go now. I have lots of other things to do tonight. I just bought a used video game for really cheap, it's Dark Cloud 2, a game I've been wanting for months now, and also my DVDs of "The Maxx" that I ordered just came in. The Maxx, if you don't remember, was a strange cartoon they showed on MTV years ago, and was my favorite show. I used to know every word of every episode by heart, and I've been looking for recordings of the show for years. I finally found it on eBay, a complete set of every episode, on DVD. I just hope they quality is good, they are homemade DVDs that someone made. Anyway, I'm gonna go watch that, and play some video games. Today, life is good. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=105666396803630401

Monday, June 23, 2003

Well, I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but now it is time for bed. I will write about it tomorrow night after work. For now, I will just say that the second half of the book was much better. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95938086

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Well, I start work again at Carl's Jr. at 4:00 tomorrow. I'm still really dreading it. I especially hate having to wear that damn uniform again. That was always one of the things I hated the most about that job, was that uncomfortable uniform. I hate having to tuck my shirt in, and the uniform never fit me very well, no matter what size shirt I got. Something about the uniform always made me extremely self-conscious too. I hate it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95921834

Cool! This site has had 53 hits this week, that's more than twice what I usually get. I normally only get between 15 and 25, the last few weeks it been closer to 25. Well, I'm up to page 515 now in the new Harry Potter book, and honestly, I can't wait for it to be over. I can barely read it, it's just too horrible. Not the book or the writing, it's just as well written as the other books, if not better, but the stuff that's happening in it is just too horrible. I don't want to give anything away, so I will be vague. In this book about nine tenths of the wizarding world now thinks Harry is just a liar and a show off, they don't beleive that Voldemort is back, and that he's making it all up just to get attention, and they also think that Dumbledore is just a senile old crackpot who hangs out with crooks and liars like Harry Potter. Dumbledore has been kicked out of all the various wizardly groups he used to belong to, and has had his "Order of Merlin" title taken away, and is expected to be kicked out of Hogwarts very soon. The Ministry of Magic are the "bad guys" now, it is they who are convincing everyone that Dumbledore and Harry are crazy, dangerous, frauds. They also have a person working inside Hogwarts now, and keep passing all kinds of laws giving her power over the school, and she goes around "grading" all the teachers and putting them on probation and banning after school activities and things like that, and making everything against the rules. They're barely even allowed to practice magic anymore. In "Defense Against the Dark Arts" all they do is read textbooks, they aren't allowed to actually do any of the magic. Life at Hogwarts has become a living hell for everyone, Harry especially. Luckily he has finally calmed down a little, and is not yelling at people everytime they so much as say "hi" to him. The first half of the book Harry is constantly yelling at everyone, saying things like, "You think it's easy being me? You think I like being pointed at and whispered about by everyone? You think I enjoy being attacked by Voldemort all the time?" Stuff like that, and jumping down the throat of all the teachers and even Ron and Hermione every time they try to talk to him. It's getting a little better now, what little I've read of the second half of the book isn't quite as irritating. It's a really good book, well written and everything, just like the previous books, but I think she's gonna lose some readers, now that Voldemort is back, and the books are going in a new direction. I'd still be reading it right now, but it's my sister's book and it's her turn now. So I had to stop for a few hours. I will definitely finish the book tonight though. I really want to read it, and hate stopping, even though while I am reading it, it's so hard to keep going. What's happening in the book is so terrible though, you want to keep reading, and get to the end quickly, just to see how everything turns out. I hope everything turns out well in the end, but that's doubtful now that Voldmort's back, and someone still has to die. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95921317

Saturday, June 21, 2003

My sister managed to get a copy of Harry Potter last night. They had to wait in a little bit of a line, but not much of one. There were only about 50 people in

line, and Wal-Mart had 250 copies of the book. I've just been reading it for about the last three hours. I only got up to page 178. That seems kind of slow reading to me, compared to how fast I normally read, but everyone else in the house is calling me a freak for being able to read so fast. I could easily read the entire book tonight if I felt like it, but I don't really want to, and my sister wants to read it some more, and it is her book. This book is pretty cool, I especially like the glimpse of magical office life inside the Ministry of Magic, with witches and wizards working in cubicles, just like any normal Muggle office, except that the pictures tacked up on the cubicle walls move. Of course, now that Voldemort's back, the tone of this book is darker than the previous books. This one starts off pretty dark, and at page 178 is just starting to briefly loosen up a little. J.K. Rowling's been on TV the last few days saying that in this book "one of what I consider to be a major character dies." She cried for hours when she had to write that part. But as she goes on to say, this is just the beginning, the deaths have begun, as the second war with Voldemort has now begun. It's not just the foreboding of evil that creates the dark atmosphere that pervades this book, Harry is also acting strangely, he's growing up and becoming a teenager now, and keeps getting upset about things. Every time one problem is solved, he instantly finds something else to brood over. I really need to re-read the third and fourth Harry Potter books, as I've only read both of them once, and hardly remember them. They keep referring to people and events from the fourth book, and I don't remember them. This book is hard to understand if you don't have a good grip on the storyline of the third and fourth books. Well, that's it for my book review, I don't want to give anything away, and I haven't really read that much of it yet. I don't know how they managed it, but I was reading the other day that this book has almost twice the amount of words as the fourth book, yet it only has a little more than a hundred more pages. The fourth book was 700-something pages, this one is 870, at about 28,000 words, I think it was. In other news, I am once again employed. By Carl's Jr., unfortunately. Alicia told me online last night that Allen wanted to talk to me this morning, because three people were fired or quit last night. So I went to talk to him today, and I start work again on Monday. I'm not really very thrilled about it, but at least I'll have some money now. The other day I ordered some rare Yu-Gi-Oh cards from someone selling them on eBay for unbelievably low prices. Mainly because they are Japanese cards, and as such are not tournament legal, but it's still cool to own them. I now own all five pieces of Exodia and all three Egyptian God cards, as well as the Japanese version of the cards Blue Eyes White Dragon, and Red Eyes Black Dragon. Well, that's about it for now, I may write more later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95904654

Friday, June 20, 2003

My mom and my sister just left, they are on their way to Wal-Mart to see if they can get a copy of the Harry Potter book when it comes out at midnight. I wouldn't be surprised if they got one pretty easy. Around here, stuff like that that everyone makes a big deal about, and line up across the country to get doesn't get as big of a response as it does everywhere else. When Star Wars Episode 1 came out, some people in other states were camping in line for weeks to get tickets, whereas I simply sent the morning like any other day, then casually went to the theater around 1:00, making sure to go before school let out, and just walked up and bought a ticket, I didn't even have to wait in a line to get the ticket, or get into the theater. In fact, the room I was watching the movie in was barely half-full. About the only time I've had to wait in line to see a big movie like that was Lord of the Rings, and that was the second time I had seen it, the first time I followed my usual plan and just walked up and bought a ticket in the early afternoon. But then a few days later me and a few friends who hadn't seen it yet went to see it on a Friday or Saturday evening, and we had to wait in line for about 45 minutes. I think when the last Harry Potter book came out I went to the bookstore the next day, after they had the midnight sale the night before, and they actually still had some copies left. So my sister may get a copy tonight, but maybe not. Before they left, my mom called a couple of the places. Barne's & Noble told them they aren't even having a midnight sale tonight, because they are already out of copies. Their entire shipment is already sold to pre-orders. If my sister does get a copy, I'll probably work out a routine with her so we can both read it. When she's not reading it, I can read a little of it, or something like that. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95883016

My god, that's horrible, UPN is starting a new series called "The Mullets." I'm sure Alicia will love it. She loves mullets. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95880148

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Cool! With only 2 hours and 30 minutes left on the auction, someone finally bid on the Battletech Game I am trying to sell. I didn't think I was going to sell it, but someone finally bid. I'm really glad I sold it, but I wish I would've gotten more bids, so I would've gotten more money for it. Especially since I lowered the price the other day, I'm now asking only $25 dollars for it, and I'm paying the shipping instead of the buyer, so with what I have to pay eBay and what the shipping's probably gonna cost, I'll probably only make ten or fifteen dollars off of it. Oh well, that $10 will help. I really need money, that's why I'm going back to Carl's Jr., if I don't hear anything about the prison job in the next few days. I'm gonna go back to Carl's for a while, until the prison job hires me. I'm on the list, it's just a matter of time until they hire me, but it could be tomorrow, or it could be six months from now. So I'm gonna work at Carl's at least for awhile, because I really need the money. I really hate to go back there, especially since it's going to be really boring there, because they have been having almost no business lately, but I need the money, even if it's just a little. Man, I really don't want to go back there. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95848102

Here's another one of my favorite songs at the moment, though I do think I like the original artist better, whoever that was... The Boys of Summer The Ataris

Nobody on the road Nobody on the beach I feel it in the air The summer's out of reach Empty lake, empty streets The sun goes down alone I'm drivin' by your house Though I know you're not at home But I can see youYour brown skin shinin' in the sun You got your hair combed back and your sunglasses on, baby And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong After the boys of summer have gone I never will forget those nights I wonder if it was a dream Remember how you made me crazy? Remember how I made you scream Now I don't understand what happened to our love But babe, I'm gonna get you back I'm gonna show you what I'm made of I can see youYour brown skin shinin' in the sun I see you walkin' real slow and you're smilin' at everyone I can tell you my love for you will still be strong After the boys of summer have gone Out on the road today, I saw a BLACK FLAG sticker on a Cadillac A little voice Inside my head said, "Don't look back. You can never look back." I thought I knew what love was What did I know? Those days are gone forever I should just let them go butI can see youYour brown skin shinin' in the sun You got that top pulled down and that radio on, baby And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong After the boys of summer have gone I can see youYour brown skin shinin' in the sun You got that hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on, baby I can tell you my love for you will still be strong After the boys of summer have gone posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95844804

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Cool! I'd heard about this email scam before from a couple of places, and they all acted like everyone had seen it, but this is the first time I've ever gotten it. I feel special now. Hey, it's the most exciting thing to happen to me in quite some time...which is really fucking sad. I don't say this very often, but I really need to get laid... Anyway, here's the email thing I was talking about. URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL _______________________ I am Mrs. Mariam. Abacha, the widow of Sani Abacha the Late Nigerian Head of State. I am presently in distress and under house arrest while my son Mohammed is undergoing trial in Lagos and Abuja though he has just been recently granted bail under the condition that my family refunds to the Federal Government some amount of money. The government has frozen all the family account and auctioned all our properties. Refer to this website about my husband's loot and you will understand what I mean

To save the family from total bankruptcy I have managed to ship through an undercover courier company, the sum of US24, 000,000.00. kept by my late husband. The money was disguised to beat the Nigerian Security and it is currently deposited in a security company which I will disclose the name and contacts to you if I get a positive response from you. I want you to receive the money and pay into your account for the family safely. I am offering you 30% for assisting me secure this money Contact me immediately with my email address so that I can forward to you all necessary details. Endeavour to send your phone and fax numbers for easy Communications. This project is not risky. Best regards. Mrs. Mariam. Abacha (Dr.) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95814777

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

"The road to nowhere leads to me." If it wasn't so sad and tragic, it'd be funny. Sorry, just thinking out loud. Figure it out yourself, you fucking bitch. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95775389

So, that song I posted yesterday is from one of the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack CDs, entitled "Blue." It is one of the most beautiful and sad songs I've ever heard, and it's one of my favorite songs. The Cowboy Bebop albums are full of cool songs like that, that's what makes the show so cool. That song is from a very sad episode too, that song plays while Ed and Ein, my two favorite characters from the show, are leaving the Bebop. Ed has found out that she (yes, she) has a father, and that he is nearby somewhere, so she leaves the Bebop to find him, and Ein follows her. Ein is a very intelligent dog. Ed is a little girl who is very weird and is a super computer hacker. Cartoon Network took Cowboy Bebop off Adult Swim and replaced it with that fucking Lupin III, never in my life have I hated any show as much as I hate Lupin III, and not just because it replaced Cowboy Bebop, I just hate Lupin III, it's horrible. I'm feeling pretty lonely the last few days, and bored. It sucks just sitting around the house all day. I wish I had a job too, I'd go back to Carl's for awhile, until the Prison hires me, but they are doing really badly right now, not making any money, and hardly getting any business. They probably couldn't hire me back if they wanted to. I really need a job, I need money. And no one's buying my stuff on eBay. As if I didn't already feel really unloved. Ugh, don't mention love. Love is one thing that apparently has no place in my life. Never been any, and apparently there never will be any love in my life. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95771325

Monday, June 16, 2003

Call Me, Call Me Vocal: Steve Conte With, The Seatbelts I close my eyes and I keep seeing things Rainbow waterfalls Sunny liquid dreams Confusion creeps inside me raining doubt Gotta get to you But I don't know how Call me, call me Let me know it's alright Call me, call me Don't you think it's 'bout time Please wont you call and... Ease my mind Reasons for me to find you Peace of mind What can I do To get me to you I had your number quite some time ago Back when we were one

But I had to grow Ten thousand years I've searched it seems and now Gotta get to you Won't you tell me how Call me, call me Let me know you are there Call me, call me I wanna know you still care Come on now won't you... Ease my mind Reasons for me to find you Peace of mind What can I do To get me to you (instrumental break) Ease my mind Reasons for me to find you Peace of mind Reasons for living my life Ease my mind Reasons for me to know you Peace of mind What can I do To get me to you posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95726015

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Did you know? If you drop a penny into a lobster tank it will oxidize the water and the lobsters will all be dead in about half an hour. That's what I've heard anyway. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95704550

Saturday, June 14, 2003

As soon as I stop crying I'm going to gouge my own eyes out. I just turned it past TNN and wrestling was on, and some big sumo-wrestler-looking guy was wearing a speedo that was crammed up his ass like a thong and dancing around like a stripper, he was putting his volkswagen-sized ass right in the camera and shaking it. I think they called him "Big Kish." It was by far the most god-awful thing I've ever seen. I now hate wrestling even more than I did before, if that's possible. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95675953

Friday, June 13, 2003

eBay is cool. I've never really been to eBay before, never checked it out, but there's lots of cool stuff on there. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95651313

In another desperate attempt to make some money, I am now selling things. I have several collectable items I plan on selling on eBay. Right now I just have one item up, if it sells I will try the others. First item up for sale is a ten-year-old boxed set of "Battletech Third Edition." Fairly rare and collectible, the bidding starts at $30.00. There is only one other copy of this for sale on eBay, and that guy's charging $49.99. Mine's in real good condition, never been played, so if you're a fan of Battletech, Mechwarrior, or giant robots, don't miss your chance to bid, only 6 days and 23 hours left to bid. Other items that may soon be up for sale are a mint condition two deck starter kit for Star Trek the Next Generation Customizable Card Game, which also includes two booster packs, and several rare cards. And my copy of the old Heroquest Board Game. I read a recent article in a gaming magazine that said that Heroquest is a much sought after item, often going for around $40.00 on eBay, so I may try to sell it. I also have a copy of the recent Lord of the Rings Board Game, but I'm gonna hang on to that for a decade or two, and see how much it's value goes up. If I wasn't so lazy I'd get some magazines and price guides, and check out the values on some of these old Magic the Gathering cards I have, I have several hundred of them, all from the first couple of editions of the cards, so I'm sure some of them are fairly valuable. Too bad I don't have any Moxes, or Black Lotus, but I don't. I'm too lazy to go through all this, so I'm just gonna sell the whole batch to my friend Chris, he's gonna give me $20 for the whole batch. He's been offering me this for several months now, but I never could decide if I wanted to go through with it or not. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95618281

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Weird, the power just went out again for about an hour. It's not storming or anything, it's not even cloudy, though it is supposed to storm tonight and tomorrow. They must have been fixing some power lines or something that went down last night. At least it didn't mess up my computer this time. Don't forget, I now accept donations, donations that are much needed.
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posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95606275

Check out this cool site. This site, as its name suggests, makes cheap-ass games. Just because they are cheap, and simple, doesn't mean they aren't good however. These games are very cool, and most of them are hilarious. Where else can you find games like "Devil Bunny Hates the Earth," "Devil Bunny Needs a Ham," and "Captain Park's Imaginary Polar Expedition"? Most games on this site cost between $3.00 and $7.50, some are more than this, and some are as low as a dollar. Be warned that most of the games do not come with things like pieces for the characters, or dice, but you can usually scrounge up pieces on your own, if you own any other board games, or you can buy sets of pieces from Cheapass Games for a few dollars more. And the way the games are designed, you can use this one set of pieces on any Cheapass Game you buy. So once you buy one set, you can play any Cheapass Game you buy. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95603517

Wow, that was some storm we had here last night. Wind gusts up to 80 mph, and lots of lightning, thunder, and rain. It blew the metal cover off the top of our chimney, like it did once several years ago, hopefully it didn't poke a hole in our roof like it did last time. It also knocked the power out from a few minutes after 10:00 pm until about 2:30 am. The power flickered a lot before it finally went completely off, and while it was off it flickered like it was going to come back on a couple of times. It almost ruined one of our TVs, every time the power would almost come on the tv would make this weird squealing noise. It did that one other time a few years ago and blew our TV out. It almost ruined my computer too. My computer was on when the power went off, and so every time the power would blink on or off, the computer would try to restart, and then get shut off again in the middle of starting up. I haven't found anything wrong with my computer, other than that it currently says it is 7:07 PM on Wednesday, December 31st, 1969. That's a weird date for it to go back to, especially the 1969 part. I liked the storm though, I like storms, and I like it when the power goes out, except that I can't sleep when the powers off, because it gets too hot. I spent most of the time reading by candle-light while the power was off. I like candles, candles are cool. Yay, go candles. Don't you hate when that happens, when you repeat a word several times, or look at it for a long time, and suddenly it seems like it's spelled wrong or something? The word will lose it's meaning, and you'll be like, "Wait, 'candles?' Is that spelled right? Is that even a real word?" That happens to me all the time, it's weird, but kinda cool. It usually happens to me when I'm trying to design something. I'll have a word or phrase highlighted, and keep changing the font, trying to figure out which font I like best for it, and suddenly the word will start to look weird to me, and I'll run a spell check to make sure it's spelled right. Wow, this is an old episode of Saturday Night Live on Comedy Central. They're doing skits about the New Kids on the Block, and Beverly Hills 90210. For some strange reason, in my brain, The New Kids on the Block are permantly linked to memories of the hospital in Paul's Valley. This is because I listened to the New Kids on the Block tape that I borrowed from my cousin, while going to the hospital to visit my mom. I don't remember for certain why she was in the hospital at that time though. I think it was when she was giving birth to my sister. Other than that, I can remember everything about the trip whenever I think about the New Kids on the Block. I remember it was night, and I went up there with my aunt and my cousin, Brandi, in their van. I guess my dad was already at the hospital. Then, when we got to the hosital, I had to wait alone in the waiting room for an hour or two, and I spent most of the time reading. If I remember right, the book was "Ramona and her Dad," or one of those "Ramona" books. Those were my favorite when I was a little kid. So now, whenver I see, hear, or think about the New Kids on the Block, all these memories start going through my head. It's strange. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95598208

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Cool! My Playstation 2 arrived today, back from being repaired! I wasn't expecting it so soon. It was only two weeks yesterday, I think, since I sent it, and they told me it would take 2 - 4 weeks just for the repairs, not counting the time it took to send it there and back. Now I can watch DVDs again, without having to watch them on my computer, which I just don't like to do, especially since I can't use the computer and watch the movie at the same time then. Well, I'm gonna go read for a few hours now. d00d. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95536616

Thursday, June 05, 2003

That's just fucking sad. MTV's little spoof of "The Matrix Reloaded" they just did on the MTV Movie Awards was several times more enjoyable than the actual movie itself. Even though I had no idea who most of those people in it were. posted by Kevin @


Wednesday, June 04, 2003

I love that show on Adult Swim, "Family Guy." Especially the dog, Brian, and the evil-genius toddler, Stewie. Stewie is hilarious. But now "Lupin III" is coming on, I hate that show. Well, I went to the comic shop to finally buy the 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons player's guide, but then I noticed that Dragon Magazine's cover story for this month was about how they are about to release them again, a newer version, Edition 3.5, so I guess I'll wait and get those. Just as well, I don't really have the money to spend on it right now anyway. Speaking of that, don't forget that I will accept donations, just use the little PayPal button over there on the left, under all the links. I guess that's about it, not really much else to tell. I also have a really bad headache, I've had it most of the day. I've been spending too much time playing video games the last few days, staring at the screen is giving me a headache. I've also been reading a lot, whenever I'm not playing games. I've been reading "Elminster: The Making of a Mage." I read it once before, but it's been a few years. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95315193

Monday, June 02, 2003

Man, I really wish I had some friends around here. Geeky friends. Ones I could hang out with and play video games and Dungeons and Dragons, and stuff like that with. I'd like to start playing D&D again. Me and Chris and some of my other friends used to play it back in High School, but we didn't play it much. And even when we did play it, we didn't take it very seriously, we always just did silly stuff, and he hardly followed the rules at all. Most of us had no idea what the real rules even were. We always just used the d20 (20 sided dice) for pretty much every type of roll. So I'd like to start playing it again, and really learn how this time. I have tons of D&D stuff. Unfortunately none of the stuff I have is the new 3rd edition D&D, I just have the old 2nd edition books, and some 1st edition stuff, even. I've never played or even read the 3rd edition rules. What little I have seen of the 3rd edition looks pretty cool, it looks like they've simplified a lot, made it a lot easier to play. I'm thinking of buying the 3rd edition players guide tomorrow. I'm going to the comic book store tomorrow, I think I'm gonna start hanging out there, maybe I'll make some friends. Buying the new D&D book would be a waste of money though, I don't have anyone to play it with. Chris said we could play online sometime though. He has some friends on base in Iceland who play with him, and he said I could get online, and play with them sometime, they could type and tell me what's going on and all that. So, maybe I'll do that sometime, after I learn the 3rd edition rules. Of course, not having anyone to play with has never stopped me from buying the stuff before. Like I said, I have a lot of D&D books, a large box-full. I have several of the campaign settings and stuff like that, and none of them have ever been used at all, even when we did play we didn't play any of those campaign settings. Wow, that's a lot of text, without even a paragraph break. Well, I'm bored, and my "Cowboy Bebop" DVDs came in today. Sooooo...I'm gonna go watch those now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95217028

Friday, May 30, 2003

I've spent my time the last couple of days reading webcomics, I've found some pretty good ones, pretty much all of them geeky, they all have something to do with anime, video games, computers, Dungeons and Dragons, and other geeky things. Some of them I have posted before, but a couple of them I have just recently discovered. This is one of my favorites. It's a manga-style comic about two gamers and anime fans stuck in Japan. Though some of the gaming focus does seem to have left the comic, it's still great for fans of manga, anime, and Japan. This one is great also. It's a comic strip about console and computer games. Not only is it a funny comic strip, it's also a great news site for information on all things gaming. I just discovered this site early yesterday, and I've already read every cartoon on the site, and there's a lot of them, that's all I did yesterday was read Nodwick. It's a Dungeons And Dragons themed comic about a disfunctional group of adventurers and their poor, mistreated henchman, Nodwick, who they often use to spring traps or as dragon bait. The home of 8-bit Theater. 8-bit theater is a comic featuring the pixellated, 8-bit characters from the first Final Fantasy game. Another comic about computers and video games. Another geeky comic. There. Now don't say I never did anything for you. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95102105

Wow, the cottonwood is really bad this year. There's so much cottonwood blowing through the air, it almost looks like it's snowing. One side of the neighbor's house has a "snow drift" of cottonwood almost a foot deep. My dad is outside my window right now hosing the cottonwood from the air conditioner, if you don't it gets clogged up, and will eventually burn out. I'll be glad when Monday gets here. The stuff I ordered is supposed to be here Monday. I bought a boxed set of every episode of Cowboy Bebop, one of my favorite anime titles of all time. I also bought two soundtrack CDs of music from Cowboy Bebop. The music is one of the best parts of the show, it works

excellently with the scenes, and is great to listen to even by itself. I got all this swag for only a little over $70, normally the box set alone would have been $100. I found these great deals at one of my new favorite sites. This site is great, you can get anime DVDs, soundtrack CDs, manga, wallscroll posters, and other anime related materials for a fraction of the usual price. I got the box set for about $40, less than half the usual price, and the CDs were $11.99 each. The only bad thing about the site is that you have to pay through PayPal. Speaking of PayPal, don't forget that I am now accepting much needed donations, seeing as how I've been out of work for so long now. Just click the link below to send me money. I've seen people much better off than I get money online from these types of things. A few months ago I read about some rich TV producer woman that had run up a $10,000 plus credit card bill by going on a shopping spree, and didn't want to pay it herself, even though she easily could've, so she set up a site like this, and people sent this already rich woman several thousand dollars. Many teenagers are also doing this to get money for college, and some receive several thousands of dollars, so keep in mind that any money you send me will maybe be used on educations, as I would like to resume my schooling sometime soon. I'm not asking for thousands of dollars, though that would be nice. Right now, though, I can't even think about spending money on school, I have much more pressing issues to use it on. So, any amount you want to send will be greatly appreciated.
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posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95099262

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Hey, cool. I finally set up a Paypal account, so now people can send me money. I seriously doubt it will happen, but who knows? As you know, or maybe not, I've been out of work for almost three months now, and I could really use some help. I really need the money, I had to move back in with my parents because I could no longer pay rent, and I had been planning on maybe going back to college, or some kind of schooling next year, but now I definitely won't be able to. And, hey, if I can't buy stuff, I won't have much to write about on this blog. So please, send me some money, it doesn't have to be much, send as little, or as much, as you want. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated. Just click the little Paypal icon, and fill out a little form, it's not hard to do. And hey, wouldn't helping someone make you feel like a better person?
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posted by Kevin @

The iPod has been out for a while, but has now become the hot new must-have item for the summer. The reason for this is accessibility. Macintosh has recently released their new line of improved iPods, that feature many changes and improvements which make the little gadgets even easier to use; also, iPods aren't just for Mac addicts anymore, they are compatible with both Mac and Windows. The awkward rotating "wheel" of the former iPod has been replaced by several easy-to-use touch-sensitive illuminated buttons, eliminating any moving parts which could break down. The entire module has been given a slight image upgrade making it look even cooler. Featuring an ultra-modern titanium and glass look, with illuminated buttons and a back-lit LCD screen, it just LOOKS cool. There are three different models, the 10GB, the 15GB and the 30GB, the 30GB model holding up to 7500 songs. The 10GB model, which holds 2,500 songs should be all the space any sane person would need, but the slightly more expensive 15GB model, which holds 3,700 songs is the better value. Besides having more storage space, it also comes with several accessories that the $299 stripped-down model does not have, that make the extra $100 on the price tag worth it. The 10GB iPod comes with just the iPod, the necessary firewire cables, AC adapter, and headphones. The 15 and 30GB models come with everything the 10GB model has, plus a wired remote, a cool-looking protective carrying case, and the new iPod dock, which makes connecting to your computer and transferring files easier, and also features an audio line-out, allowing you to connect your iPod to speakers or a stereo system. The iPod still has one main drawback, however -- the price. Costing between $299 and $499 they can really lighten your wallet, but it seems this is a sacrifice thousands of people are willing to make. The NY Post recently wrote an article detailing the way in which the iPod has taken over the NY social scene: "There are two types of people in New York: Those who have an iPod and those who want one," write Mary Huhn and Maxine Shen in the New York Post. "The power to cram a jukebox worth of tunes into your shirt pocket is revolutionizing the New York social scene. There are iPod parties, jackets, fan clubs and Web sites galore. People are using the portable MP3 players as alarm clocks, address books and surrogate pets." Full story "O" magazine also wrote about the iPod, listing it as one of Oprah's favorite things, and saying that it "will revolutionize your music!" The iPod has also won several awards, such as ZDNet's Editor's Choice Award. And has even been written about in several online comics, such as The iPod is also for more than just music now, it also features calendar and to-do list software, and several games, such as solitaire.

If I had the money I know I'd get one. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95016566

If I see one of those damn Matrix Powerade commercials one more time, I'm going to fucking kill someone. They are some of the most irritating commercials I have ever seen, and they show them constantly. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=95004481

Monday, May 26, 2003

For some reason there was a tarantula in our bathroom today. An actual, real, large tarantula. I've never even seen a tarantula around here before, I didn't even know there were any around here. I got my results back from the test I had to take for the prison job. I scored a 94.17. Out of the 297 people statewide that have taken it, my score is number 8. Which means I am 8th on list to be hired, so maybe I'll have a job before long. Other than that, there's not really anything for me to tell. My day's are still the same. I just sit around the house watching tv or surfing the internet all day. I haven't even left the house for several days now. I'm bored. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94919856

Monday, May 19, 2003

Yeah, I haven't been writing much lately. And I don't really know why, I've been so bored with nothing to do, so I should write. I've been spending most of my time in Japanese and Anime themed chat rooms. I'm also studying Japanese language again, trying to learn to speak it, and I'm learning the writing now too. Ummm, did I mention before that I am trying to get a job as a prison guard? The prisons around here are desperate for people, and the job pays really well, and has really good benfits, since it's a state job. I don't know if I'll like the job, but I'm going to at least try it. I've got to do something, I've been out of work for a long time now. I have to get up early tomorrow morning and go take some tests for it. Then hopefully I'll know in another week or two whether I'm gonna get the job. My mom's been back from the hospital for a while now. Her surgery went very well, even the doctors were surprised by how easily the surgery went. She went and got the staples removed from the wound today. I'm tired. I've been really tired lately, and sleeping a lot. I've been so bored, and lazy. I really need to get up off my ass and do something. I've hardly left the house since I moved back in with may parents. I haven't even been by Carl's Jr, or seen or talked to Alicia or Daniel or anyone. All I do is sit around the house, either in front of the computer, or watching anime. I've been so lazy and tired I've been sleeping like 10 hours a night. I saw Matrix: Reloaded, the day that it came out, and I just have to say that it sucked! Almost everyone I've talked to online agrees. I'm not good at writing long movie reviews, so I will just make a few quick points. The special effects rocked, and most of the time they were in the Matrix was cool, but there wasn't enough of it. Most of the movie was spent in the real world, or was taken up by extremely long, complicated exposition. And half the fight scenes weren't even real fight scenes, they were just throwing a few punches, and then flying off. The only cool parts of the movie were when Neo was fighting the army of Agent Smiths, and the car chase freeway scene. The freeway scene was really cool. It was so cool I may go see the movie a second time just for that scene. But for the most part, the movie was shit. It was really pointless too, the way in the end it was basically a wild goose chase. They thought they were going to accomplish something, but in the end, accomplished nothing at all. And then the ending sucked too. Right as the movie is really getting good, BAM, "to be continued." Well, that's it for now. Sayoonara, minasan. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94609607

Friday, May 09, 2003

I just realized that two of the major airports in Oklahoma are named after two people who died in an airplane crash. The main airport in Oklahoma is Will Rogers World Airport, and the other is Wiley Post Airport. Both of these men died together in the same plane crash. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94090395

The Tornado just barely missed Baptist Hospital. That's not the one my mom's at though. She's at Presbyterian Hospital. The tornado lifted up briefly, but then touched back down. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94087740

Fuck, this is kinda scary. There's a huge tornado going through Oklahoma city right now. It just got the Xerox Factory. The base of the tornado is over a mile wide. The scary part is that it's only a few blocks north and a few blocks west of the hospital that my mom is in. It should pass plenty north of her though, because it's moving slightly north I think. By the time it gets as far east as she as it should be a good ways north of her, if it doesnt change course or anything.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94087496

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Major tornadic storm system moving through Oklahoma right now. For a while it was following almost the exact path of the infamous "May 3rd" tornadoes four years ago. It took out many of the houses that had just recently been rebuilt. Then at 5:11 pm, it crossed I-35 right in the middle of major rush hour traffic. The news channels said there was a "terrific amount" of traffic where it crossed. Then it veered north slightly and just narrowly missed Crossroads Mall. Then it headed in the direction of Tinker Air Force base, but did not get too near that, but it did do some major damage to the GM plant, where my parent's have been telling me for years I need to try to get a job at. Now it's off the ground, but the storm is still rotating and moving fast towards the northeast. I expect there will be many casualties from this storm. The GM factory still had workers inside and suffered heavy damage, and the reporters have said of several buildings that there "was no hope for anyone inside." And they just showed footage of a greyhound bus that has been completely destroyed, they don't know how many people were on it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94019389

Well, here I am at my parent's house. My move went fine, and quickly, but not as quickly as I had expected. I was completely moved in by 2:00. There's only two things I forgot and will have to go back and get sometime, my dead bonsai tree I had sitting outside, hoping the sun would resurrect it; and my kettle for boiling water, which I do a lot with all the tea and instant ramen noodle products I consume. Damn, I don't know why I'm so tired. After I moved yesterday I was really tired, I could barely stay awake past 9:00, but I figured that was just because I didn't get much sleep the night before, but today I'm really tired too, even though I got plenty of sleep last night. I managed to find a way to get almost all of my many video games systems into my little TV stand thing. They used to always just sit in the floor and get all dusty. I still couldn't get all of them in there, but I was able to get the X-Box, the Gamecube, the old Nintendo, and the N64. I could probably also get the Playstation 2 in there, since it's a front loading system instead of top loading, I could put it under one of the other systems, but I didn't bother because I need to send it off for repairs. It's been broke for some time now, and I called the tech-support, and they told me to send it like a month ago, but I've been too lazy and poor to send it off. It won't play certain disks, some disks it will still play. There are several different formats of disks, Playstation games have black backs, Playstation 2 games usually have silver or blue back, and music CDs and DVDs have silver backs. The Playstation 2 has several different laser diskreaders in it, one for each type of format, and apparently the one that reads the blue-back disks is broken, because it will still play all the others. A few days ago I spent three days creating a Japanese dictionary, by culling words and definitions from the various Japanese information newsletters I get, and from my Manga comics and other sources. It's pretty cool, it's up to something like 11 pages. I'm on version 2.0 of the dictionary. Everytime I send it out or post it to my website, that's a version. But then I go back and edit it some more, and add more entries, and that's a new version. Version 1.0 was pretty small, and only went out to one person, my friend Chris. But version 2.0 is much larger, and has many more entries. I just posted it on my site, and if you are interested in it, you can download it It's in .rtf format, created on a Mac, but it should still work on most computers. Warning, it does contain definitions of Japanese profanity and sexual terms My mom goes to the hospital for her surgery tomorrow. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=94003238

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Well, I hate to do this, because it's like admitting defeat, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm in the middle of packing because I'm moving back in with my parents for a while, at least until I finally get a job. They need me at home right now anyway. My mom finally got her diagnosis, it's not cancer, but she's got a huge ovarian cyst, bigger than a large cantelope, but smaller than a watermelon. Whatever you want to compare it to, it's fucking huge. She's goes into the hospital Friday, and they're going to remove it and do a complete histerectomy, or however you spell it. She's gonna be in the hospital five or six days, so they need me to stay over and watch my sister, and get her up for school and stuff, because my mom will be in the hospital and my dad works from 4 am to 4 pm. So while I'm at it I may as well just move back in anyway, before I have to pay any more rent out here. I've been unemployed for quite some time, and my wallet is starting to feel the effects. The Temp Agency I signed up with a couple of weeks ago hasn't even called me with any offers. I applied for a job yesterday that I stand a good chance of getting because a relative I have that works there says they are absolutely desperate for help. It's a state job, working as a prison guard. It pays very well, and has good benefits, like any state job. But even if I do get the job it will probably be a month or two before I get it. You can't just go in and fill out an application, or do it over the internet or anything. You have to go to the website and print the application out, fill it out and mail it in to the state agency. They they mail you back and tell you when you can come up there and take your tests, then you go take the tests, and they mail the results back to you, and then if they decide to hire you they mail you again, and blah blah blah. So this will take some time. I hate moving out, especially since we've got this cool DirectTV out here, that thing rocks. But I do miss the internet. I shouldn't even be online right now, we're gonna get a big fine. We got a new long distance plan, but you can't use it for a modem or fax. At my parent's house I can be online 24 hours a day. I just decided that I was going to move back in with my parents a couple of hours ago, and now I'm moving tomorrow morning, because my dad is off work tomorrow and can help me move. Well, I better go, and get my stuff packed. I guess I'll be writing on here a lot again now, since I'll have internet access again. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=93900869

About Me

Thursday, April 24, 2003

I didn't mention it last night, but I did get a job yesterday, sort of. I got hired by a staffing place, sort of a temp agency. They call me up and say "we've got someone who needs someone to do this for this many days, for this much pay." And if I want it, I take it. And if it's a long term position, after I work at a place for 90 days, the place can hire me if they want, and I'll actually work for them, instead of for the temp agency. Today they called me with an offer, but I didn't take it, it paid too little for too hard work. It was a warehouse job for Atwoods, a local farm store. It was loading and unloading trucks for ten hours a day for only $7.00 an hour. So I told them I didn't want that job, so they'll call me when they get another opening. I'm at my parent's house right now, getting online on their phone line, since I can't get online much at my place. My mom's been having to go to the doctor a lot lately, she was having really bad pains in her back/stomach a couple of weeks ago. They did x-rays and then cat-scans and still couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. They think they've finally figured out what's wrong with her maybe, but they won't tell her, they're sending her to a specialist, and they're going to tell her there. So my mom figures it's Ovarian Cancer. All they'll tell her is that they did find something possibly wrong with her ovaries, and that they need to get her to the specialist as soon as possible. Man, life just keeps getting worse. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=93202928

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Argh. My life fucking sucks right now. I'm so bored I just want to die. I want to sleep all the time because there's nothing to do, but I can't even sleep because my life sucks so much. Daniel and Olivia and Anthony are hardly ever home, which is ok in Anthony's case, I don't really like him much, but Daniel and Olivia are hardly ever here either, or when they are they spend the whole day in their room playing video games. I should never have let them play my Kingdom Hearts, they're both obsessed with that game now. Daniel's almost beat it, and I think Olivia's getting close. Anyway, I never have anyone to talk to or anything, so it's really boring. Man, I never thought I'd ever complain about a lack of people. I usually spend all my time alone anyway, but it was a selfimposed alone-ness. When you're constantly alone against your will it starts to suck. And I never was really alone anyway, my parents and sister were there if I did need to be around people. The emptyness of the house wouldn't bother me much if there was something else to do, but we still do not have TV. They're supposed to be here tomorrow to install Dish Network, or Direct TV, or one of those things, though. That's gonna rock. Not just the fact that we'll finally have TV, but the fact that it's Dish Network thing with lots of channels. One of my friends had that, it was great. Especially compared to the horrible cable service we got in Purcell which only consisted of about 40 channels, and three of four of those are sports channels, and another three are religious channels. Ugh. I hate sports almost as much as I hate religious stuff. I'll be glad to have TV, though I don't really miss TV all that much, but it will be something to do. I've seen all my movies so many times, and I'm getting tired of playing video games all day. It wasn't too bad out here until I lost my job, and had nothing to do all day. I've been unemployed for almost a month now. And I've still not even had so much as a callback or anything from any of the applications I've put in. I'm going to have to take some money out of the bank if I don't get a job soon. I've still got plenty of money to live off of, but I hate having to take money out of my savings. I've only done that once in my life, when I bought a car. I only seen Alicia once in almost two weeks, and that was only for like five minutes at Carl's Jr., and she was in a bad mood from work, so I left quickly. I get to talk to her online every now and then, so that's cool. That cheers me up a lot. But I can't be online much because of the damn phone service. I wish I had unlmited internet access like I used to, that would keep me entertained and happy. I have to send my Playstation 2 off for repairs. It'll be gone for like 2 months counting all the shipping time. It's been broke for a few weeks now, but I never have sent it off yet, because I'm lazy, and I don't know how much it's gonna cost to ship it. I'm gonna take my laptop computer to my parent's house tomorrow, and get online there for a few hours, and catch up on my web-comics and stuff. I bought went to the comic book store today and bought a "Love Hina" Manga, so I read that, and that kept me entertained for a couple of hours. I realized today what I want to do. I want to open my own store. A Japanese store, sell Manga, and Anime, and toys and stuff from Japan, and all those fantastic Japanese snack products like Pocky. Sort of like A real Otaku paradise. But I don't have the money, or the skills to start and run my own business. And a place like that probably wouldn't do as good here in Oklahoma as it might in other states. Unless maybe it was located in Norman, near the OU campus. I might make a little more money there, from the college students. Especially if I sold some of that Lotte "Black Black" gum that's supposed to keep you awake for hours. Well, guess I'll go now. I don't know what I'll do though. posted by Kevin @

Saturday, April 19, 2003

My site-meter hit-counter reads 1,111. Too many ones. Three 6's is better. Dammit. I've been so fucking bored the last few days. I have nothing to do out here but play video games and watch the same DVDs over and over again. It gets lonely too. I miss Alicia. I havent seen her in over a week. We talked online the other night for a couple of hours. I tried to get her to come over and visit me, but her car's broken, and her mom won't let her drive hers all the way out here. Her mom sucks. Well, I better go, before the phone company charges us for "excessive modem use," a condition that they won't define. What is "excessive" modem use anyway? Personally, I wouldn't consider it excessive unless I was online more than 8 hours in one day. But how do they define it? An hour a day? An hour a week? If it's either one of those, we're fucked. I've been online about 6 or 7 hours total over the last 5 days, but one of those nights I was literally getting booted about every two minutes, sometimes less. So in an hour and a half I dialed the long distance number and connected at least 30 times. The phone company's probably gonna see that and have a fit. Evil bastards.

Dammit. I'm lonely and bored. I think I'll watch "Iron Monkey." I've only seen that 4 times. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=92912781

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Well, first it was spiders, then scorpions, now the house has another problem. Lizards. Yes, Lizards. Actually it's not a problem or infestation yet, but I have seen a couple in the yard around the house, and then a couple of days ago, I saw one in the hall scurry under the door into Anthony's room. After going in there it will never be seen again. There's enough junk on the floor for it to happily live out its entire life without ever emerging from the junk again. His room is even worse than my old room used to be a year or two ago. Well, enough for now, more later, maybe. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=92782672

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Shit. Maybe I should stay gone. My blog's gotten way more hits in the last month or so than it ever got when I was actually updating. The last five weeks I've been getting between 12 and 20 hits a week. I can't type much, I can't stay online long, it's long distance, so I'm paying five cents a minute to be online, and I've already been online for 65 minutes. I had 653 new email messages, all but 2 were junk. Even those two weren't that important, really. That really hurts the ego somewhat. I think I may have had more real messages than that, but accidentally deleted them in the deletion frenzy, because Chris called my mom the other day and asked about me, and said he had sent me some emails, but I didn't see any emails from him just now. So, a lot has happened, but I will write about it in detail some other time. To make a long story short, I got a job at 7-11, but then they screwed me over and fired me about three weeks later, and won't even tell me why, and so now I have been without a job for about two weeks. I may have to go back to Carl's Jr., but I'm going to do everything I can to keep that from happening, but I am having a hard time finding a new job. I'm still living out here in the country Alicia's prom is tonight. I wish I could've seen what she looked like in her prom dress and all fixed up. She was going to come by Carls and show the people there, but I didn't know what time, so I wasn't there. I bet she looked beautiful. Even more so than usual. I hope someone took pictures. The first week or so after I moved out here, I wrote a few blog entries in a text file, so I could post it when I did manage to get online, but when i got the 7-11 job, I stopped because I didn't have the time. But here are the few entries I wrote. They are quite long. Friday, February 28, 2003 Hey wow, a lot has happened in just the last two days. I'm living with Daniel and Olivia and Daniel's brother Anthony, way out in the middle of nowhere. But the big news is, I may be moving out of here soon, and me and Alicia are going to get an apartment together. Or that's the plan right now, anyway. Ok, back story, for those who may have missed it: Alicia had been living with Daniel and Olivia at their house in Purcell. Now Daniel and Olivia are buying Daniel's parent's house from them, and the parents are moving to Stratford. Daniel and Olivia and I are now living in that house. Alicia was supposed to be living here too, but just a few days before we moved she decided she couldn't afford it, and was going to go live with her mom instead. Then, a day or two later, she decided she didn't want to live with her mom, and was instead going to live with Curtis, another manager from Carl's Jr, that she is friends with. But for now, she is staying alone in the house that her and Daniel and Olivia were living in, for the next few days, until she has to move out. So anyway, Wednesday the 26th me and Daniel started moving most of my stuff out here. I was very disappointed with the house now that I got a real good look at the inside. After we got done that night I came home and wrote a post (see below), in which I complained about how much I hated the house, and wished I'd never agreed to move there. Also I mentioned about how my parents were trying to talk me out of staying there, and said that I should just get an apartment of my own, and that maybe Alicia could live there too, and it would be pretty cheap for both of us. I wrote that that sounded like a good idea, but probably wouldn't happen, and that Alicia probably wouldn't want to live with me anyway. I was wrong. The next day, Daniel and I finished moving my stuff out here, and got a large part of his and Olivia's stuff out here too. Around 10:30 or 11:00 p.m. we were picking up our last load of the night when Alicia came home from work. We all stood out in the yard for a few minutes talking, and then Alicia went in the house, and we left to bring the stuff out here. About an hour or so after we got out here, Alicia showed up, and came to my room and began to yell and bitch at me, she had driven all the way out here just to yell at me. After she had went inside, and we had left, she got online and saw my post that mentioned the idea of us living together. Basically, she thought it was a good idea, and wanted to get an apartment with me. So she yelled and complained at me for about an hour, saying things like "why didn't you mention this idea before. I don't want to live with Curtis either. I don't want to live with my mom, or my dad or Curtis, I have nowhere to go." And begging me to move out of here right now and find an apartment with her. She said she was so mad at me she couldn't describe how mad she was. I told her I'd probably stay out here for at least a month, because I hated to move in and then just move right back out, especially after Daniel helped me move all my stuff out here and everything. She whined about "where will I stay for a whole month?!" This all went on for an hour or more, and then she left. Now tonight at work, she has decided to move in with her dad for a month or so, until we get a place. We also made plans to go out tomorrow morning, and look at apartments. I just had to carry the cat to another room. It was walking across my keyboard, and rubbing up against the monitor. Daniel and Olivia's cat loves me. It followed me to my room when I came in here to type this, and it just jumped over on to my desk and was trying to get me to pet it. It wouldn't stay off my computer, so I put it in the kitchen chair it likes to sleep in. Well, I've been living here one night and one day now, and it's not really been that bad. The worst part so far is just that the heating system, which just sends the heat from the fireplace around the house through vents, doesn't come into a couple of the bedrooms, one of them is mine. So my bedroom has no heat. It's so cold in here I could barely sleep last night, and it feels even colder tonight, even though I've been keeping the door open most of the day, so the heat from the rest of the house could get in. None of the house is very warm, though. It's so cold in here right now, everything in the room feels ice cold. If I licked this desk right now, my tongue would probably freeze to it. Well, I need to get ready for bed now, it's 1:30. Though I don't know where anyone is. I'm all alone right now. Daniel was getting weird pains and feeling disoriented all night at work, so he was going to go to the emergency room after work tonight. When I got here after work, Olivia was leaving right as I was pulling up. I guess she was going to Purcell to go with Daniel. It's been two hours since work ended though, and neither of them are back yet.

Sunday, March 2, 2003 WOW! I'm in an amazing mood right now! One of my best moods ever. I'm in such a great mood right now that not even that fucking skunk can ruin it! Ok, here's where that came from. A couple of hours ago I was driving down the highway, and I was in such a great mood that I was talking to myself, mainly about how great a mood I was in. I was just about to say, "I am in such a great mood right now," but right then I drove past a freshly run over skunk that smelled really bad, so I quickly changed what I was going to say, and said "I am in such a great mood right now that not even that fucking skunk can ruin it!" It was fun. I'm very proud of myself right now, too. I just went shopping. It's like the first time in my life I've ever really gone shopping. Shopping for stuff I need to live, other than stuff I want, like a video game or something. I'm proud of myself because I went to the Wal-Mart super center, the only place open this late, and I got in and out in 35 minutes, and only spent $27.60! With that $27.60 I got enough food to last me at least a week and a half, mostly those Maruchan noodle cups I love so very much. They had those four for a dollar, so I got 8 of them. I also got four huge Hungry Man TV dinners they had two for $5.00, a pack of bagels and some cream cheese, and a couple of boxes of Pop-Tarts because I had a "buy two, get a dollar off" coupon. I also got some other things, such as Q-Tips, and a bottle of Neosporin which was over almost $4.00 alone, all for under $28.00! Except for work, today was a really good day. First, I got up early and went and got some really good breakfast food from Carl's Jr.. Then I went to my parent's house to see them, and to take back some stuff I used when I was moving, and to collect my mail. My parents told me not to change my mailing address yet, because I'm probably not going to be out here very long, and because if the insurance company finds out I'm not living with my parents anymore all our car insurances will go way up, because we won't all be on the same policy anymore, and get a group discount. While I was home my mom also washed my work uniform. I had it with me because I was just going to go straight to work from there, instead of driving all the way back out here and back again. Then I went to work. Work sucked. Actually, there wasn't really anything wrong with work tonight, it wasn't really busy or anything. In fact, it was pretty slow, that was the problem, it was slow and the night dragged by. I didn't think my 8 hours was ever going to end. Alicia came by work for a few minutes, and we talked about going to look at apartments. We went to one the other morning, but they didn't have any vacancies for us to look at, but they have a family leaving a two-bedroom apartment on the 5th. After they leave, they're gonna put some new tile down, and clean the place up a little, and then we can come look at it. It's a pretty nice apartment complex. The ad says they have extra-large rooms, free satellite TV, free water, and there's an on-site laundromat and swimming pool, and the place does Section-8, so maybe me and Alicia can get a small discount, since neither of us make very much, but I doubt it. A two bedroom apartment is $370 a month. Not too bad. Not as cheap as they were in Chickasha though. I was there a few years ago looking at apartments when I first went to college, and most of them were only $325 to $350 for a two bedroom, and I think most of those were free water too. Me and Alicia went to another apartment complex the other day too, but their office was closed that day. They're only open Monday through Friday. This place looks really nice from the outside, but I don't know anything about it. They were only built a few years ago, so they should be nice, and I've heard they're not very expensive, even though they look they would be. We'll have to go back and check that out some day when the office is open. Then after work I went back to my parent's house to change back into my normal clothes, so I could go shopping, without having to drive all the way out here and back again. While I was there I also got something that I've really come to appreciate after living more or less on my own, even after only three days: a free meal. I also got something even better than that from them, too: a space heater! They gave me an old space heater they haven't used in like 20 years. So now my room is warm, instead of being near-freezing. It's been so cold in my room I could barely sleep. I don't know if the space heater will last very long though, it's really old, and kinda rusty, the coils don't even glow orange when it heats up. It doesn't get as hot as it should, but it's enough to warm this tiny room. Then I went shopping, and on the way up there and back, every song on the radio was a good one. Especially on the way back. Then they played three of my favorite songs in a row. First it was "To Be With You," by Mr. Big, a song I've loved ever since it came out at least 10 years ago. Then they played "Sleep Now in the Fire," by Rage Against the Machine, and then "Creep," by Radiohead. It just kept getting better and better! So that is why I am in such a good mood right now. Now I am going to bring this good day to a good end by curling up in my warm bed, which is actually warm tonight, instead of ice-cold. Monday, March 3, 2003 Today was pretty fun. This was my first day off since I've been living out here. This morning Daniel, Olivia and I finished moving all their stuff out here. It only took a little while, then we just goofed off the rest of the day. First we watched a couple of DVDs. First we watched a Best of Benny Hill DVD I have, then we watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Then me and Daniel went outside while Olivia went to Valerie's house to watch Lord of the Rings with her. Daniel had a machete, and I had my big two-handed sword, and we played around outside with them, clearing paths in the overgrown fields, and stuff like that. Then we set off hiking through the woods for an hour or so. I most of my childhood playing in the woods, but it's been probably ten years at least since I really did it, so I was a little rusty. I've got a couple of pretty bad cuts on my hands from the thorn vines that make up most of the undergrowth out there. One cut goes almost all the way across my thumb. That one's gonna hurt tomorrow, especially since that's the thumb I use to work the registers at work. It's a good thing I bought that bottle of Neosporin yesterday, because this cut is pretty nasty looking. Daniel lost his cigarettes and his cell phone somewhere in the woods, though. He was more worried about the cigarettes than the cell phone though, because it was his last pack. After we got done exploring the woods, and then going back out and looking for the cellphone some, we came in and played video games for awhile. Then Olivia came home, and we ate dinner, played video games for a few minutes more, and then Daniel and Olivia went to bed, because they both have to work early, and here I am. So it's not that bad out here. It's pretty cool actually. It will be better once the house gets cleaned up a little, and we get all our stuff unpacked. By the time that happens, though, it will almost be time for me to move out again. While we were out hiking today I finally told Daniel about mine and Alicia's plans, and that I'd only be out here about a month. He already knew. Alicia had told Olivia about it already, and Olivia told Daniel. Daniel said it was fine, he wouldn't be angry with me or anything for moving out so soon. So, I guess that's it for tonight. Tonight's entry was much shorter than the last two. Oh yeah, and it was pretty nice actually having a heater out here last night and today. My room is the warmest place in the house. Especially since we're out of firewood now. We should have some more tomorrow. I slept good last night, it was nice and warm. Friday, March 7, 2003 Yesterday I went and put in an application and got interviewed for 7-11. It was the longest most complicated application process I've ever seen. I was there for two hours. You go in and it's like a doctor's waiting room, people sitting around in a little lobby area. You go up to the desk and get an application and sit down and fill it out. Then you wait for them to call your name. When they do, they take you into this little room, and sodomize you. Not really, but they have this whole line of these little rooms. They're just little rooms, maybe 6 foot by 6 foot, with a front that's mostly glass, and they contain a little table with a chair on each side, and a light and buzzer on the wall. First they take you in there and interview you for a few minutes, then they give you a test to take, and leave you alone. You have twelve minutes to get as much done. When the buzzer goes off you have to stop and hand your test in at the front desk. It's like a little S.A.T. test, with math and vocabulary questions, and drawing of three dimensional stacks of boxes, and you have to figure out how many boxes there would be in the stack, since you can't see all of them, since it's three dimensional, and some boxes are in front of each other. It was like 35 questions, and

you only get 12 minutes. I think I did pretty good though. I got through 30 of them, and there was only one or two that I didn't think were easy. I guess they only want genius employees. Then, after you hand your test in, you sit in the waiting room again. Then they call your name again, and take you back into the little room and interview you some more, then they give you another test. This one isn't timed, but it's much longer. It's personal stuff mainly, stuff like "how would you handle this situation..." or "How often do you lose your temper?" and you select from always, often, average, not very often, or never. Stuff like that. Then after all this, they talk to you a little more and tell you, "We're going to send your tests off and have them scored and looked at by the district manager. If we're going to hire you, we'll call you in two or three days. If you don't hear from us in three days, it means we're not going to hire you." I think my interview went very well. I think I may get the job. They seemed very interested in me. They said sometimes they don't even have everyone do all this stuff their first day applying. They'll just take the application, and then have them come back some other time for the other tests, but they had me do mine all at one time. I hope I get the job. It pays $9.15 an hour starting off, with three guaranteed raises in the first nine months. It also has good benefits, group health plan, profit sharing, paid vacations, and a 401k. At Carl's Jr., I'm making $6.15 an hour after working there for almost 7 years, and there are no benefits. Well, Alicia's probably not going to move in with me after all. Now her mom is planning on moving to San Antonio in a few months, and Alicia's probably going with her. That sucks. Not because I wont be getting an apartment with her, but because she's moving away. I told her, "I don't care where you're living around here, whether it's with me or not, I just don't want you to leave." I will be very sad if she leaves. I wish she'd make up her mind though, whether she's going or staying. We're supposed to go look at an apartment Monday, but there's no need if she's not staying. Actually, even if she's leaving, I may still get the apartment, even though it's a two bedroom, if I get the job at 7-11. I will be able to afford it, and I'd rather have a two bedroom than a one bedroom anyway. So one room can be a computer room. They don't have any one bedroom vacancies at that apartment complex right now anyway. I still hope Alicia's staying though. But, if she really wants to leave, that's fine with me. I'd rather she didn't but I'm not gonna try to stop her or anything. Whatever makes her happy. I wish she COULD find somewhere she would be happy, but I really don't think San Antonio is it. Staying with me probably wouldn't make her happy either. But enough about me, how was your day? Really? Fuck you. I came home from work tonight and Daniel and Olivia had finally gotten the den cleaned up, and some of the stuff out there, then we got the rest of the boxes out of the kitchen and dining room, and stacked them in some of the new space that was opened up, and got some other stuff out to the shed, and got the living room all nice and straightened up, so the house is looking pretty good now. Most of the stuff is still boxed up, but at least it's all in one place, and not in the way anymore. They're hoping to get some of the stuff out of the boxes and the house fixed up even more tomorrow. Well, I better go to bed now. It's 2:00 a.m.. That's the latest I've stayed up in a long time. We were up late doing all that work, we just got done maybe an hour ago. I've been staying up to 1:00 at the latest, and getting up pretty early. Some of the day's I've had to go places or do things I've been having to get up at 7:00 or 8:00 a.m., on the days I get to sleep in I still get up at 9:00 or 10:00. Wednesday, March 12, 2003 It's been a few days since I've wrote anything. I've been busy, not with anything too important, mostly I've just been playing video games and watching movies, now that the den is cleaned up and usable. I haven't even had the computer on in a couple of days. Though a lot of important stuff has happened the last few days, too. First off, I got the 7-11 job! They called me Monday morning and told me, I go in tomorrow for my training and orientation. I'll also find out what store I'll be working at, I don't even know yet. I wonder how long this training takes. I have to be there at the 7-11 offices for it at 7:30 AM. That means I'm going to have to get up at 4:30 or 5:00. I just hope I can remember how to get there, it was way up in the city in an area I've never been to before. That's one reason I'm getting up so early, so I'll have plenty of time to find the place. Though it will take me about an hour to get there from here even if I can find it. Today was my last day at Carl's Jr. Thank God. Though I will miss it a little. I guess I won't be seeing Alicia as much anymore either. In a few months though, I wont see her at all. She's decided she's going to go to Texas with her mom. I can't believe she's leaving. Well, I can believe it, and I guess I'm glad for her, she's finally getting away from this stinking pit of a town. I can believe it, but I don't want to. She's really leaving. I won't get to see her anymore. I wish she'd stay. Or I wish that I could go with her, I want out of this state too. Though I do have a good job now, but I'm not going to let that keep me here forever. I am not going to spend my life in this fucking state. I will get out sometime. I don't know what I'll do without Alicia. She's one of the few things that keeps me more or less sane. One of the few things that keeps me going. This house has a really bad spider problem, and most of them are dangerously poisonous fiddle-backs. I got bit by a fiddle-back a few years ago, I had to go to the hospital, and I missed three days of work. Every morning here I find three or four spiders in my bathroom, usually in the shower. Well, I did until a couple of days ago, when I sprayed the room with bug spray. I haven't seen any since. I've only seen one in my room, thank goodness. This house has another problem, which bothers me even more than the spiders. Scorpions. We saw a couple of little ones over the last week or so, but for some reason now, I've killed two just in the last few hours. One was in the living room, and was so big that the dogs were standing on the other side of the room and barking at it. The other was in the laundry room, and was a little smaller, and was heading for a pile of towels in the floor. So I'm going to be checking everything before I pick it up now. Luckily, I haven't seen any scorpions in my room, and I hope I don't, or I'll have trouble sleeping from now on. I went shopping again the other day. This time I spent $46, but I got a lot more. I went to a Homeland store that does double coupons, and I managed to save $15 with coupons. It's a good thing I had the coupons, though. Homeland stores are expensive! I took my laptop computer when I went to see my mom the other day, so I was able to get online and check my email. I was going to take this file and put all this up on my blog, but I forgot to take this file. I might do it tomorrow evening. I should go to bed now, I should've went instead of writing this, since I have to get up so early. If I went to sleep right now, I could get 6 and a half hours of sleep, but it usually takes me an hour to get to sleep once I go to bed. I'm gonna be dead tired tomorrow. If I get less than 8 hours of sleep I can barely function. I hope I'm not too bad tomorrow, I don't want to screw this up. I've already screwed up too many things, but who cares, whining won't change the past. posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

So, as I said below, this is it for awhile. I may not be able to get online for as long as a month or maybe two. Damn, just as things were starting to get interesting. I was enjoying the new turn my blog was taking, with the emphasis on video games and computers and geekiness.

So anyway, I shall someday return, but I know not when. Keep your eyes open for my return, and in the meantime, wish me luck. I'll need it. Good-bye. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89818457

I said a couple of nights ago that life was good, but now life fucking sucks. And I have a feeling it's going to suck for a couple of months. I wish I'd never agreed to move in with Daniel and Olivia. Now that I see the house empty and in its "cleaned up" state, I hate it more than ever. And my room is smaller than the room I've been living in. We could barely even get my essentials in there, much less the rest of my crap. The house sucks. It's dirty, and not in very good shape. It's gonna take a lot of work. It's ugly too, and it doesn't have central heat or air. All it's got is a heating vent system connected to the fireplace, so the fireplace has to be left on constantly, which makes me afraid that the house is gonna burn with everything I own in it. And I have several thousand dollars worth of computers and video games and systems. The only AC is one window unit in the living room. There might be one in the den too, but I don't think so. Also, because of the fireplace, that means we're gonna have to spend money on firewood, which is pretty exspensive. Also I'm not gonna have internet service for an unknown amount of time, possibly a month or two. That really sucks, because, sad as this may be, the internet is my life. So, anyway, here's the story of what went on today. I was supposed to go to work today, so about 1:00 I was getting ready for work, but while I was brushing my teeth I got a phone call. It was work, they told me not to come in today, because business was so bad because of the weather. They'd hardly had any business all day, and would probably close early. So then, since I was going to be off tonight, Daniel and I decided to go ahead and move most of my stuff, so we could have the whole day tomorrow to move his and Olivia's stuff. So right now basically all I have here are my bed, my clothes, and my computer, which is on the floor, instead of my desk. Moving sucked, this is the first time I've ever moved. Me and my parents have lived in this house as far back as I can remember, we moved here when I was four or five. I really wish I hadn't moved over there. My parents wish I hadn't too, because the place sucks so much. They've been telling me all night stuff like, "you don't have to move out there. Just tell him you changed your mind, and tomorrow we can move all your stuff back here," or "I'd live out there a week or two, and if you can't stand it, pay him for the month, and move back." Stuff like that. It's really tempting, but I can't do that. Mainly because without my rent money coming they'd barely be able to afford the place. And I'd just feel like an idiot and a bastard if I did that. But I am gonna tell them to start trying to find a new roommate, because I'm getting out of there as soon as I can. I'm not even gonna unpack most of my stuff. Hopefully I'm gonna be there a month or two at the most. I'm not gonna move back home though, I'm gonna try to get an apartment. My parents told me they'd help me pay part of my rent for the first few months even. Until I can get a better job or something. They keep saying I need to find someone to move in with me, in an apartment. They're like, "Maybe you and Alicia could share an apartment, that would be pretty cheap for both of you." And I'm like, "Yeah, I doubt that's gonna happen. Alicia probably wouldn't want to move in with me anyway." Alicia was one of the reasons I wanted to move out there, though. Not the only reason, of course, but a reason. Me, Alicia, Daniel, and Olivia living together would have been really fun, but without Alicia it's gonna suck. On my next day off I'm going to apply at 7-11. The starting pay there is $9.15 an hour. That's $3.00 an hour more than I'm making at Carl's Jr. after working there almost 7 years. Plus at 7-11 you get paid vacations, a 401k, profit sharing, and group health insurance. The only benefit I get at Carl's is half-price food. The bad thing about 7-11 is the risk of getting shot and/or killed, especially if you work nights. You do get paid more for nights though. It say that after working there 60 days, a day worker will make $9.30, a night worker will get $9.40 an hour. I'll probably work days, just so I maybe won't get killed. If I can get the job I'll probably move out of Daniel's place in a month. I hope I get the job. It's one of the highest paying non-professional jobs around here. I'm all depressed and sad now. It doesn't help that my fucking computer keeps deciding to play depressing R.E.M. songs like "Everybody Hurts." I'm sad because it feels like I'm never going to see Alicia again. She's not moving in with us, and we're both trying to find new jobs, so we probably won't work together for very much longer. Even if we do get new jobs, I better still get to see her occasionally, or I'm going to be severely pissed off at her. Alicia's moving in with Curtis now. I think thats a stupid idea. She decided not to move in with us, and go live with her mom again, mainly because she couldn't afford to live with us. But now she's decided that she doesn't want to live with her mom, so she's going to move in with Curtis instead. I wonder how she's gonna afford that? I guess he's not gonna charge her much. She's not gonna have internet access either. I don't think Curtis even has a phone. I can't believe she's moving in with Curtis. Life sucks. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89818129

Runner up for the "Stupid Product of the Year" award: Screen=PROD&Store_Code=store&Product_Code=FLSH Have you ever wanted to dip the plunger into the toilet, and then lick it off? Now you can. Best of all, it's sour! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89761067

Tuesday, February 25, 2003


by Kevin @

I'm still trying to think of a new name for this site. I'm really starting to hate "Welcome to My Underground Lair," but I have still been unable to think of anything better than "Tales from the dork side." I'm looking for something geeky, something that involves computers, or video games, or something like that. Thinking up names or titles has never been my strong point. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89697147

Monday, February 24, 2003

Ok, I just finished making a database of all my video games, and a database of my movies. Here's the stats: I have 94 video games: 2 GameCube games, 5 XBox games, 8 Playstation 2 games, 14 Playstation games, 13 Nintendo 64 games, 17 Super Nintendo games, and 35 Nintendo (NES) games. That's not counting my GameBoy and GameBoy Color games, though, because I don't even know where they are exactly, they've been packed up somewhere for about a year. I've got about 10 of them, I think. I also discovered I am missing some games. I can't find my Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo, or Super Mario Brothers/Duckhunt cartridge for the NES. There's about 20 more video games around the house, but they're actually my sisters, even though now that I'm moving out, she has no systems to play most of them on. She's got a GameCube, and a Playstation 2, but she also owns games for the Playstation, (which she can play on the PS2, since it's backwards compatible) and for the N64. Ok, now for the movies. I have 123 movies, 47 are DVDs, 76 are VHS, but... but, some of them are the same title repeated, some movies I own on VHS, but then I went out and bought the DVD version later. Such as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Monty Python's Life of Brian, I own them on both formats. Also, the 47 DVDs refers to 47 titles, there are actually more DVDs than that, because, for example, one of the titles, The Complete Monty Python's Flying Circus, is a collection that is actually made up of 14 DVDs. Here's some more movie stats that will show you many things about me, for example, how geeky I am. 8 of these titles are non-fiction: A&E Biographies and documentaries and such, 5 are about the Kennedy Assassination, this includes the Oliver Stone's movie, JFK, 2 are about Area 51, and were actually bought from The Little A'le'Inn, in Rachel, Nevada, 10 are Anime, 5 are "Kung Fu" movies, such as Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 6, if you count The Matrix, 9 are Monty Python, this includes the film Jabberwocky, which technically wasn't a Monty Python film, but is often considered such, 3 more are some other form of British Comedy, such as Benny Hill, 1 of those 3 is the complete collection of every episode of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," 5 of them are the 5 Star Wars movies, 16 are Star Trek, 3 movies and 13 episodes on tape. The only thing geekier than the movies and quantity of games I own is the fact that I made a database of all of them, and then spent another hour figuring up all these statistics about them. And then, to make it even geekier, I got on the internet, and wrote about it on my blog. Perhaps the geekiest thing of all, though, is that fact that I am proud of how geeky I am, and did all this just so I could brag about it. In fact, I like to think of this entire thing as the product of rolling a natural 20 on a d20 roll for geekiness. And that last sentence just made me even more geeky. Life is good. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89694637

Fucking punk-ass Blogger. I was gonna write a post last night, but they were down for a server upgrade, or something like that. Blogger got bought by Google. They claim that the only changes this will cause will be good ones, but I don't know. I bet they ruin it. I've been members of websites that got bought out before, and it always ended up bad. Anyway. Blogger said they'd be down for "a couple of hours," but they lied. I don't know how long they were off, but they were off for at least five hours, that I know of. Alicia decided last night that she's not moving in with us after all. She's moving back in with her mom. I'm disappointed, it would've been a lot more fun with her there. She says she just can't afford it. Dammit, none of us may get to move on Thursday. The weather here in Oklahoma has gotten very bad. Right now its 14 degrees with a wind chill of five below zero. In other parts of Oklahoma it's even colder. And it hasn't done anything in this town yet, but the entire state is in various snow, ice, and sleet warnings. It's pretty bad in lots of places, even right around us, but not here, yet. They're telling people not to go outside, because it's deadly cold, and to stay off the roads. They're telling people to stop and stay in a hotel if they're out somewhere. Depending on where you get your news information, it may or may not be like this for the next week. All the local networks say it's going to be like this until Friday or Saturday, but, and other national weather services say that today and maybe Wednesday are going to be the only bad days, the rest of the days are going to be back up in the 40's, and not raining or snowing or anything. I hope they're right, I want to move Thursday, if the weather's bad, I can't. I especially want to hurry and get moved because I already packed everything up. All that's out is my tv and my computer, and my cds and dvds. I already packed up all my video game systems even. Well, that's it for now. I'm gonna go finish the database I'm making. Since I've got all my video games neatly packed away here, I'm making a database of what I own. Afterwards, I'll probably do the same thing with my movies and cds. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89677373

Friday, February 21, 2003

I'm moving next Thursday. I've got most of my stuff all boxed up and ready already. I may not be online for a day or two while I'm moving. Actually, I may not be online at all. There may be a problem. Daniel said that from the place we're moving to, almost everywhere is long distance. There was only one town that he knew wasn't long distance from there, but there may be more. I hope so, because that town doesn't have an AOL access number. I hope there are some more places that aren't long distance, and hopefully one of them will have an access number. If not I may have to check out MSN, or Earthlink, or one of those other online access providers that claim they have more access numbers than AOL. Man, I feel pretty bad right now, I'm still sick. Today I've got a really sore throat too. I hadn't been having a sore throat. I'm really tired, and spaced out right

now too, like I have been for the last few days. It's a combination of being sick, and the medication. I'm really bored now, too. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89538984

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Apparently I was wrong about not being able to mod a Mac. Hmmmm, that's fun to say, "mod a Mac," also, it's very similar to Anyway, here's some stories I found about modifying Macs.,2125,56086,00.html,2125,56085,00.html Most of these Mac mods seem to be purely aesthetic, though. Mostly stuff like painting the case. Oh, man, I want this.,2125,57721,00.html. If I only had an extra $25,000 laying around. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89381999

THQ has announced an upcoming PS2/GameCube action-adventure title developed by Eurocom, called "Sphinx." They have launched a with a couple of screenshots, and also have issued a If the press release can be believed, it sounds like it will be a really cool game. However, I have my doubts, looking at some of previous releases. In recent years they have released "Britney's Dance Beat," "Scooby-Doo: Night of 1000 Frights," and several mediocre Nickelodeon Cartoonthemed games. On the good side, however, they have been involved in the release of several great Sega games, mostly for the Gameboy Advance. Another hopeful note is that, I think, none of these previous less-than-great games were developed by Eurocom. I've never heard of Eurocom, so I don't know what to expect from them, but hopefully it will be good. THQ's got another game in the works that I have high hopes for, called "Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick," which is, of course, based on the "Evil Dead" series of movies. Any game where you get to play as Bruce Campbell with a chainsaw for an arm, fighting hordes of zombies, is a great game, and THQ would have to do something major to fuck it up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89360442

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

I had to train a new guy at work tonight. I hate training people. This guy wasn't so bad to train, though. He was a real good worker, I just hope he stays that way. Most new employees are pretty good their first few days, then they get lazy. This guy was great though, he just listened to what I told him to do, then went and did it, and did it right. He did a better job than most of our employees who have worked there for some time. This is his first job too. If he keeps this up, he'll soon be one of our best employees. I can't beleive it, but I can't think of anything bad to say about him yet, other than that he drove an ugly, old, beat-up, redneck, pickup truck, and that he was a teenage guy, something that usually makes me hate someone by default. I found another cool website, Man, I'm still sick today, and the medicine I take just knocks me the fuck out. I don't know why, it's never bothered me before, usually medicine doesn't make me drowsy, even stuff that will knock the rest of my family out. The only thing that ever really bothered me before was Actifed, and after taking that a few times, it stopped affecting me. The first time I took Actifed it knocked me right out. I was laying across my bed, on my stomach, talking to someone online with my laptop computer, and apparently I just passed out. I woke up like two hours later, face down on my keyboard, and the person I'd been talking to had left, after sending a few "where'd you go" messages. It was great. I felt like shit when I woke up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89350462

Monday, February 17, 2003

I had a somewhat surreal experience earlier. Actually, there wasn't anything really that odd about it, but it just felt weird. I was sitting here at my computer and decided to turn around and look out the window, for no apparent reason. When I did there was a blue balloon slowly floating across the little patch of sky visible from my window. I dunno, I just thought it was weird. Anyway, it's links time. I know I've posted this one before, in fact it's on my permanent, but it's worth noting again, because it's the best site ever. The site for all your geek needs. Computer accessories, hardware, cool t-shirts, geek toys, video game consoles and games, and, of course, the store. Here's another site that sells videogame related t-shirts. They've got some pretty cool ones, such as Remember the 80's? They're back. This is THE place to go for all forms of 80's nostalgia. I've mentioned both of these sites recently, but as long as I'm doing links, I might as well mention them again. Both of these sites specialize in computer cooling accessories, things you'll need if you want to overclock your processor. They also have other computer parts and accessories, too. and Yes, you read that right. It's a text version of Pong. Impossible to describe, you'll have to check it out for yourself. You know what Pong is, don't you? If not, you should probably leave now. Mother! The greatest game ever made! What, you've never heard of Mother? Sure you have. In America it was called Earthbound. EARTHBOUND! The weirdest, and best RPG ever made. It was released on the Super Nintendo. For over four years Nintendo kept telling us about the sequel they were working on for the N64, they even released screen shots, but then, you stopped hearing about it. Nintendo suddenly decided not to finish or release it after all. This petition is collecting signatures to show Nintendo how much demand there is for this game, in the hopes they will start working on it again, and someday release it. Go there, now. And sign it, NOW. This is pretty weird, but really cool. It's an MP3 of a jazz band performing their version of the theme music to Super Mario Brothers 2. Here's another one I've mentioned before, but is worth noting again. 14,000+ Game music midi files. And now, WebComics. Most of these are fairly geeky too. Most of them deal with video games and computers, or Japanese stuff like Manga and Anime. Of course. I've said so much about this site that all I'm gonna say now is, "Go there. It's great." This is my favorite website at the moment. A great comic strip and news site, all about video games. 8-bit Theater is great, its a Final Fantasy comic that uses characters and images from the first Final Fantasy game, in all their 8-bit, pixellated glory. Another geeky webcomic. I haven't really read much of this one, but what I have read has been cool. This one isnt geeky, but it's pretty cool. Another computer related comic strip. Ok, here's some more links, that I don't have a catagory for. The late Douglas Adams. The greatest writer who ever lived. He will be missed. Yeah, Weird Al. One of my favorite singers. Ok, that's all the links Man, I feel pretty bad right now. Not really from the allergies anymore, but from all the medicine I've been taking for them. I can barely stay awake right now. This is true: I am, at this moment, using my laptop computer for a door stop. I needed something heavy, and it was the closest heavy thing posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89275786

I sent Chris an email and link about that I mentioned in a previous post. We've both always loved midi file, especially midi files from the Final Fantasy series of video games. He sent me back the reply, "Dude, you have just made me a hermit." Well, I'm finally finished. I've spent the last few days reading every comic ever. There were lots of them. I have no idea how many, but there's several hundred. I finally read them all though, so now I have reclaimed a large chunk of my life. I was trying to decide whether or not to go to CompUSA. I don't think I will. I'd like to, but with the long drive, and the time I'd spend in the store combined, I'd be gone for at least three hours, and I don't really want to waste three hours of my day off. Also, I shouldn't go, because, if I did, I'd probably end up buying something, and I really shouldn't do that right now. I spent a lot of money on video games and stuff a couple of weeks ago, and I just got a checking account statement from the bank, and I realized I forgot to write my last car payment into my checkbook, so I've actually got $245 dollars less than I thought I had. Also, it's getting pretty close to time for me to move, so I need to save my money a little. We finally decided what day I'd be moving my stuff out there. It was either the 2nd or 3rd of March, I forget which. It was whichever one is on Thursday. I'm still kinda sick today. I've got bad allergies. Not as bad as last night though. When I went to work last night they got really bad. I felt like I was dying. I couldn't quit sneezing, and I had a really bad sinus headache, and lots of other bad shit like that. I don't know, maybe I will go to CompUSA, or maybe just Software Etc, or maybe I'll just stay home. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89265890

Quote from the webpage for the %2ehtm&nrnodeguid=%7b47f167ff-4e9c-4df3-813e-bd3917a0560f%7d&nrcachehint=guest: "Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1, only it's Halo 1 on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas... And the ninjas are all on fire, too." - Jason Jones Bungie Studios Ok. Yeah. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89259566

Oh my God, I'm in heaven. They've got like a million midi files from pretty much every video game ever made, even the ones that were only released in Japan. (So this means midis from ALL the Final Fantasy games.) They have midi files from games from pretty much every system ever made, even weird ones like the Turbo Grafx 16 and old ones like Atari and Caleco Vision, and even old computer games from Apple II's and stuff like

that. I just downloaded 64 files from Final Fantasy 1 alone. After finding this site, I may never be seen again. If no one hears from me in a week, send someone in after me. I'll be in my room, still sitting in front of my computer, downloading midis. They even have remixes and different versions of lots of the music. For example, they had a punk version of Prelude, the Final Fantasy theme harp music. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89227649

Sunday, February 16, 2003

This comic reminds me of Daniel. He loves Spider-Man so much he probably has had dreams like this. He probably has sexual fantasies about Spider-Man. Feel free to show this to Daniel, Alicia. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89196767

Comedy Central is having a Saturday Night Live marathon today. What I want to know is, how is that any different from any other day? That's about all Comedy Central shows until evening. My allergies are killing me today. They've been really bad the last two days. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89195631

Hey, wow, I've actually been having some visitors lately, it would appear. I'd noticed it looked like I was, looking at my counter, but I just confirmed it by looking at the detailed statistics for my counter. This week alone I've had 75 visitors. 11 a day on average. Of course, Alicia and I probably count for about a third of those. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89195407

It's snowing! Who cares! Actually, I do, a little. I like it when it snows. I still get excited when school is cancelled, even though I haven't been in school for years. Tonight at work sucked. It was really slow all night, but we were short-handed, so they couldn't send anyone home early. Mariah got fired, that's why we were short handed. I'm glad she got fired, and I think most everyone else is too. I fell out of bed on the morning of the 14th. About 8 a.m. I just suddenly rolled out of bed. I hurt my leg too, I think I hit it on my desk chair. This morning I almost fell out of bed again. I've never fallen out of bed before. I'm surprised it doesn't happen all the time though, the way I toss and turn and change positions all night. Once I even woke up upside down in bed, my head was at the foot of the bed. Damn, my feet stink. What's up with that? The last week my feet have smelled really bad. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89175892

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Last night at work was pretty busy. We figured it would be slow, because everyone would be doing Valentine's Day stuff, but we were wrong, it was really busy, the first part of the night especially. There was one time were like 20 people all came in at once. We made $110 in 30 minutes. Most nights if we make more than $400 to $500 the entire night, it's a good night. What are all these people doing coming into a fast food place on Valentine's day? Speaking of Valentine's Day, no one around here can spell it. Some guy wrote on the request off sheet that he needed off for a school "Valatimes Dance," and one of the managers yesterday spelled it "Valatines." Spelling errors make me angry. It's funny, I've always been like the official spelling and grammar checker at Carl's Jr. Whenever the manager's need something spelled they ask me. Daniel was writing in the Manager's Log yesterday, and had to ask how to spell five different things. One of them was "seem," another was "excited." I can't beleive he had to ask how to spell "seem." Yesterday was a pretty good Valentine's day for me. Actually, it wasn't that great, but at least I didn't spend the entire day extremely depresssed, like usual. My horoscopes for the last two days have been pretty cool: Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) February 14th If you're acting, others will know. False representation may or may not be appreciated. To your credit, you're speaking your mind these days. February 15th You believe in superstitions that work to your advantage. Idiosyncrasy is often a mark of genius. Your success drives them crazy. Sagittarius likes to stir things up this way. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89151549

Friday, February 14, 2003

Happy fucking Valentine's Day. This site has been retired and is no longer updated, but it's still got some cool links that would interest anyone who hates Valentine's Day. Actually, this Valentine's Day was better for me than previous ones. Alicia sent me an e-card from It wasn't really a Valentine's Day themed card, but it was still cool. At least someone was thinking of me today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89110488

Thursday, February 13, 2003

I've decided that for my next computer I'm gonna switch. Back, that is. I always used to be a PC user and a Mac hater, even though I'd never really used a Mac before, but almost a year ago, I decided to make the big switch. That's right, I bought a Mac. I had several reasons. Mainly because the Macs had better graphics, and were better at "arty" things, like Graphic Design, and music, and movie making, all stuff that I'd really like to do, but, I soon found out, can't afford the software for. I mean it, a really good graphics program for the Mac can run anywhere between $600 and $1500. I've had this computer for almost a year now, and I only have one graphics program, and it's not even as good as the "paintbrush" program that comes standard on a PC. In fact, I have almost no software for this computer at all. The only things I've bought for this computer are the games "Alice," (which rocks, by the way) "Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn," (which, for some reason, I can't even get to work on this computer, even though I've got several times the minimum system requirements) and the OSX 10.2 "Jaguar" upgrade. That's all I've bought for this computer in all the time I've owned it. Pretty much the only thing I use it for is to get on the Internet. There's a reason I have no software for my Mac, and, in fact, this is my main complaint about Macs; it's next to impossible to get software, or anything else, for them around here. I've talked about this before in previous posts. There's only two or three places in the entire state of Oklahoma you can even buy Macs and Mac related products, and the closest one of them, the CompUSA in Oklahoma City, is almost 50 miles away from me. To make matters worse, every time I go there, their shelves are empty. I don't know if they just sell so much Mac software they can't keep it stocked, which is plausible, since everyone who owns a Mac has to go there, or if they just don't stock a very good selection. Whenever I go there, they only have about 10 different software titles to chose from, and most of them are fairly old. For example, they usually have plenty of copies of "Alice" on the shelf, even though it's two or three years old, which is practically ancient in computer terms. So CompUSA is clearly not able to meet the needs of a Mac owner. This means that, basically, the only way to get Mac products around here is to order them through catalogues or online. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mac. I especially love OSX. Mac OSX is infinitely preferable to any Windows incarnation. I love almost everything about Macs. I love the external design, the iMacs and the G4 Cubes look really cool; I love the operating system, and how easy Macs are to use; I especially love the quality of the graphics and sound. What I don't love is how hard it is to buy things for them, and how expensive those things are when you can get them. It's probably easier to own a Mac in bigger cities, they probably have places that sell Mac products, but here, in the middle of nowhere, owning a Mac can be really frustrating. However, that's not the main reason I'm switching back to a PC. The main reason is because I'm a computer geek, and all of the cool gadgets and stuff like that are for PCs only. Also I want to really get into things like computer gaming, which you really need a PC for, and I want to do cool case modifications, and stuff like that. You can't really get inside a Mac and tinker around. Macs have very tight designs, everything is in its place, and there's not much room for anything else, and not much you can do to it. Macs really are for people who don't know much about computers, people who don't want to get inside the computer. They are designd for ease-of-use, you just buy them and use them, you don't upgrade them, or tinker around with them. So, to boil all this down: I like Macs, I'm glad I tried one, but they just don't meet my needs, so the next time I get a new computer, I'm getting a PC again. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89074867 posted by Kevin @

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Gaming "is good for you." By Mark Ward BBC News Online technology correspondent Computer games are good for you, say researchers who studied the complex social interactions in the popular shoot-em-up Counter-Strike. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=89017705

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Hmmm, my horoscope for today is strange. Sagitarius (November 22-December 21) Showing off is a natural inclination when you feel this good about yourself. Focus more on process and less on product. Your biggest triumph is a creation that will run by itself after you walk away.

I signed up for a daily horoscope email, but it sucks. Almost every horoscope I've gotten through it has been stupid or completely inappropriate for me. They almost always say something about relationships or social situations, but I have neither of those. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88930169

One of my friends is, slowly but surely, going insane. Not in a good way, either. In a sad way. Completely fucking nuts. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88900498

My shirt I ordered arrived today! Just like I figured it would. It arrived at about 8:00 this morning, that's odd. I was off today. I had planned on staying home all day playing video games. I wasn't even going to leave the house. That plan was ruined about 20 minutes after I woke up. Chris' mom called. The military mail is running several weeks behind, because they are using all their planes to ship troops around, preparing for Bush's upcoming war with Iraq, instead of using them to send mail. So Chris' parents, who have to do his taxes here in Oklahoma while he is in Iceland, haven't even received his W-2 forms or anything yet. So his mom called me and had me look up his forms on the internet and print them out and bring them to her. It took me over an hour to do that. Then I had to leave the house to take them to her. And, since my plans had already been ruined, I decided to go a few places, since I was already out anyway. I went to the comic store, and bought the third volume of Love Hina, but that's all I bought today. I need to quit spending so much, especially since I'm about to move out, and will actually have to be spending money on bills and food and stuff. I've always had it pretty good with money. I have a shitty job, and make next to nothing, but I've never had many bills, so I get to save a lot of it, or blow it on junk. As a result, I have more money than most of my friends. I've never experienced being broke. I've never had to scrounge through the couch for change so I can put enough gas in my car to get to work, or to get something to eat, like a lot of teenagers and young adults do. Currently, my assets total a little over four thousand dollars. Anyway, after the comic store, I came home, and finally got around to playing video games. I decided to start playing Final Fantasy 2 again. In my opinion, Final Fantasy 2 was the best Final Fantasy, and one of the best video games of all time, with Final Fantasy 9 running a close second. Final Fantasy 9 was great, because Square kind of went back to their roots with that one, it was more like the old Final Fantasy games. These latest ones suck. 7 was pretty good, but not great, 10 was about the same, and 8 SUCKED. I don't like these new ones. Sure they've got amazing graphics, and cool cut scenes, and thirty minute animations every time you use a summon spell, but game play, the design of the game sucks. It's not really that the story is bad, either. The main things I don't like are the almost futuristic worlds. I like the old ones, with swords and armor and magic. I also don't like these new way-too-complicated inventory systems, and strange new forms of learning abilities, instead of the old fashioned experience points, and "you gained a level. Learned Fire-2." The weird system of putting the jewels and stuff on your weapons to learn powers and spells, like they had in Final Fantasy 8, was so confusing, I never did really figure it out, and had no idea what I was doing. And that weird ability-path-thing in 10? I hate that thing. Final Fantasy 9 had the best music, followed by 2 and 3. So, I played FF2 for like 6 hours in all today, and that's pretty much all I've done tonight. I did go to Carl's Jr for awhile, because Daniel and Alicia were working. I didn't really get to talk to Alicia though, she was too busy flirting with Jimmy. I had planned on playing other video games today too, but I didn't have time. I had been planning on playing Halo. I also need to play Panzer Dragoon Orta again, I'm on the last boss, but I can't beat it. I need to force myself to play it until I beat it, or I'll end up doing like I've done with so many other games. Getting to the last boss, or the last half of the game, and getting to some part I have trouble with, and never playing the game again. Also, if I beat it, it would be one of only about 5 games I've ever beaten. I hardly ever beat video games. I usually just get bored with them long before I ever beat them. I've never beaten a Final Fantasy game before. The closest I've gotten is I got to the last boss fight on FF2, but I never could beat him. I've fought him probably 50 times, and never even come close to beating him. On Final Fantasy 9 I got almost to the last boss, I'm to like the last area you go to, the boss' lair. But I still have to go through it, and fight a bunch of other bosses to get to him. The rest of the FF games I've only gotten about halfway through. This ended up being a huge post, mostly about Final Fantasy. I hadn't planned on writing but a few sentences, and all I was going to say about Final Fantasy was that I played it today. For some reason, though, it always turns out that way. The days I plan on just barely writing anything, I end up writing for an hour. (actually this post just took me a few minutes to type) And the days I want to write a lot, I can't think of anything to write. Even my short posts are long compared to most other blogs I've seen. Most other people are just like "Today I went to school/work. There, (someone) made me angry. That bitch/fucker. Tomorrow night I have a date with my boyfriend/girlfriend." And that's all they write, and they only do that two or three times a week. But not me, I just go on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Just like I'm doing right now. I had planned on stopping after that last paragraph, but instead I kept going. That last paragraph made me have Deja Vu. I'm even having Deja Vu about saying that I am having Deja Vu. That happens a lot though. For some reason, almost every time I get Deja Vu, I get a feeling of Deja Vu about having Deja Vu about whatever it is I'm having Deja Vu about. I should probably stop now. But I won't. I wish I could write this much when I want to write. When I'm trying to write a story or something. But I can't. I've had a severe case of writer's block for several years now. It really sucks. And when I do manage to write something, it's always just something extremely silly, something that no one but me, and maybe a couple of friends, would find funny, or even understand. Or maybe it's just something extremely silly, and stupid. Like this: Fooby! The Continuing Saga By Kevin Underwood

One day Fooby was walking down the street when suddenly some guy on the sidewalk yelled, What the fuck are you doing in the middle of the road you fucking moron? Now that wasnt very nice, Fooby said, but hes right, I could get hurt out here. So Fooby started walking on the sidewalk instead and promptly tripped. Ouch, Fooby said. Suddenly he saw his friend Poopy walking down the sidewalk towards him. Gosh, Fooby, Poopy said, what are you doing on the ground? I tripped on something, Poopy, Fooby said, getting up and brushing himself off. He and Poopy looked and saw what he had tripped on. Laying on the sidewalk was a grinning human skull. It was very clean and white, almost to the point of gleaming.

Gosh, Fooby, Poopy said. How do you think that got there? I dont know, Poopy, Fooby said. Poopy bent over to pick up the skull. No, Poopy, no! Fooby yelled. A strange glow and an eerie noise began to emanate from the skull. Poopys body began to shake violently. Suddenly Poopy exploded! No, Poopy, no! Fooby yelled. No Poopy! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do not weep, said a voice, things die all the time, and everyone must die sooner or later. I just make sure its sooner instead of later. Fooby looked and saw the skull was floating in mid-air and looking straight at him!

See, that was really weird. And I didn't even finish it. I hardly ever finish anything I write. That's the last thing I was able to write, and that was almost a year ago. This is my longest post ever, I think. Satan sez: "SHUT UP." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88900460

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Good news, everyone! I've taught the toaster to feel love! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88831064

I'm thinking of changing the name of my blog, getting rid of "Welcome to My Underground Lair," and getting something better. Besides, there's about a million sites on the internet that already have that name. I'm wanting something geeky. Right now I'm leaning towards "Tales from the Dork Side," but that's also about the only one I've thought of so far. Of course, if I change the name of my site I'll have to change my listings on places like and the Eatonweb Portal, and I'll need to resubmit my site to all the search engines. And that's gonna be a big pain. I don't even know if I can change the name on Eatonweb. Of course, all this is a fairly moot point since no one actually reads this thing. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88791003

Even after almost 7 years of working at Carl's Jr., the stupidity of our customers continues to amaze me. Tonight I was working drive through, and a guy said he wanted "five junior hamburgers, with meat and cheese only." A junior hamburger with cheese is a junior cheeseburger, so when I repeated his order back, I said "ok, that's five junior cheeseburgers, plain," and he said angrily "no, I want junior HAMBURGERS." I said "well, didn't you say you want cheese on them?" and he said yes, so I said "Ok, then that would be five junior cheeseburgers. Do you want anything else?" And he drove off, and flipped me off as he drove past. We all thought it was funny, especially the manager. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88788009

Saturday, February 08, 2003

Well, it appears I've finally got this new layout working. But the big news is, The stuff I ordered from finally came! As with so many things in life, especially when you were a kid, the packaging is more fun than the stuff inside. Actually, the box isn't anything great, but instead of putting styrofoam packing peanuts in the box, they padded it with crumpled up Japanese newspaper ads, which I have now carefully smoothed out. One is some sort of electronics store. About the only English on the ad is the word "Plugcity" down in one corner, which I assume is the name of the store. I almost hate to open any of the stuff I ordered. Because I'd have to rip or tear most of them open, and the packages are too cool looking, with all the Japanese writing and funny cartoon people on them. I ordered several varieties of strange Japanese candies and snack products. I also ordere some Miso soup mix. I don't know if I'll like it though. Miso soup contains seaweed and tofu. I ate some seaweed once, it was kinda gross. I've never had tofu. I also got a Hamtaro notebook for my sister. I'm glad this stuff finally came, it's late, and I was worrying about it. I was about to send an angry email. I signed up for two day delivery on the shirt I ordered late Thursday evening. It was supposed to ship Friday, so since two days from then would be Sunday, hopefully it will get here Monday. I love ordering things. But I hate waiting for them. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88764444

I finally got a new layout! But for some reason I can't get my counter and stuff to work, dammit! I've been fucking with it for like two hours now. I'll have to try some more tomorrow. It's almost 2 a.m., I'm going to bed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88748153

Friday, February 07, 2003

Ok, it's links time. I haven't done this in a while. Holy shit. It's the web page of some pathetic 49 year-old guy who thinks he's Peter Pan. This page is full of such things as "Although Peter pan is definitely a boy, to me this character is perfectly asexual, and in his eternal childhood rejects the idea of growing up and leaving this behind... Unfortunately this society has deified their gender boundaries, especially the rules of what boys should and should not like or do, and have made them into gods." And, if seeing pictures of this guy dressed as Peter Pan isn't enough to make you wish you were blind, he's also got a gallery of himself dressed as a Christmas Elf. The name pretty much says it all. This is an interesting, and humorous, article about strange sexual facts and habits of various animals and insects. Want to know how big a whale's penis is? Which animal has sex in only 2 seconds? Then read this, you sicko. Yes, the weblog of THE Dave Barry, the hilarious syndicated columnist. This site is where I got the previous two links. It appears that's the main function of his site, links to weird news stories and websites. This is sure to become one of my favorite sites. Another Webcomic. I haven't read much of it yet, but what I have read is cool. It is very geeky, it talks mostly about video games. Got an empty drive bay on your PC? Ever wished your PC had a built-in cigarette lighter? Now for only $19.00 it can. Yes, this is a real product. sells all kinds of PC accesories, but specialize in PC cooling supplies. Is your processor so overclocked you need an elaborate water cooling system? You can get them here. Well, that's it for now. I have to go to work. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88724646

I have one thing to say about this report: What...the...fuck? LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Men who don't shave every day enjoy less sex and are 70 percent more likely to suffer a stroke than daily shavers, a new study shows. Full story The weirdest thing about this report is the strange "sterotyping." This report seems to suggest that any man who doesn't shave everyday is a pathetic, smoking, alcoholic, loser who leads a quote, "Poorer lifestyle than men who shave daily," and have "low levels of testosterone...and (have) less opportunity for sex." I repeat: What the fuck? Oh, and, yes, I do shave every day. Only very occasionally do I skip a day, maybe once a month. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88719733

Thursday, February 06, 2003

I went on another buying spree today. First I took four video games (two Playstation 2, and two XBox) to Software Etc. to sell. They only wanted to give me $15 dollars for all four of them combined. But I hated all four of them, most of them I'd only played twice, so I sold them anyway. Well, I kept one of them, "Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon," because it was the best of the four, and sold the other three for $10. Actually, they don't pay you, of course, they give you store credit. So I put that to use and bought two things. One was "Maximo" for the Playstation 2, which was only $19.95. The other was a game system that looks like an old Atari joystick. That's all it is, you just plug this joystick into the A/V jacks on the TV and the games are inside the joystick. It has ten old Atari games, like "Pong," and "Centipede," on it. It's pretty cool. Those old games are hard, mainly because they are so bad and the controls are hard. But I love old games like that. My favorite video game system is the original NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. I spent a couple of hours this morning playing the original "Metroid." Then I went to the comic book store and bought the second volume of the "Love Hina" manga, and an issue of "Shonen Jump," a manga magazine that has several different comics in it. Then I went to the store at, and ordered the "Capture the B34r" t-shirt. Speaking of ordering things. The stuff I ordered a couple of weeks ago from still hasn't come in yet. It ships from Japan, so of course it's gonna take awhile, but I paid extra for airmail shipping, that's only supposed to take 7 to 10 days. Today was the ninth day. It's been about two weeks since I ordered it though. They're supposed to ship the stuff out within a couple of days, but for some reason it was almost a week before they even shipped mine. Dammit, I get really anxious and excited when I order things, and I hate waiting on them. That's why I usually pay extra for quick shipping. For this order I paid $11.40 for the shipping. What's funny is that the stuff I ordered only cost $11.30. I paid more for the shipping than for the actual products. Okay, dammit, I've been on this computer for over two hours. That's enough for now. I'm trying to cut down. I'm gonna go do something else now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88682427

A while back I signed up for a "Word of the Day" e-mail thing. The word I got yesterday I find very interesting. bardolater \bar-DAH-luh-ter\ (noun) : a person who idolizes Shakespeare Example sentence: The annual Shakespeare festival attracts bardolaters from all over the world.

Did you know? George Bernard Shaw once described a Shakespeare play as "stagy trash." Another time, Shaw said he'd like to dig Shakespeare from the grave and throw stones at him. Shaw could be equally scathing toward Shakespeare's adoring fans. He called them "foolish Bardolaters," wrote of "Bardolatrous" ignoramuses, and called blind Shakespeare worship "Bardolatry." Oddly enough, Shaw didn't despise Shakespeare or his work (on the contrary, he was, by his own admission, an admirer), but he disdained those who placed the man beyond reproach. The word "bardolater," which Shaw coined by blending Shakespeare's epithet "the Bard" with an affix that calls to mind "idolater," has stuck with us to this day, though it has lost some of its original critical sting. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88677304

Ok, so, yeah, Panzer Dragoon Orta is pretty damn cool. The bad thing is, I just bought it yesterday, and I'm already to the last boss. I'm having a hard time beating it though. It's beat me a couple of times. I'm really bad when it comes to being beaten bya video game, I don't like it, it pisses me off. Of course, no one likes it, but I'm even worse. Most people expect to be beaten by a video game, and they take it as a challenge, a sign they need to work harder. If the game was easy, no one would play it. I however don't like being beaten at all. If I get beaten, I get mad, and sometimes never play the game again. I've hardly ever beaten a video game in my life, a lot of the time I'll get to the last boss, get beaten, and never play again. I need to stop doing that. I need to build my video game skills again. I used to be a video game master when I was a kid, but once I got into my late teens, I stopped playing as much, and most of the games I have played in recent years are all RPGs. RPGs don't take much skill. They don't need speed, and hand-eye-coordination, they require brains, strategy, knowing what weapon/attack/spell to use in a certain situation. As such, my game skills have fallen to an embarassing level. I have to play all my video games on easy, and then I still can't beat them. I have P.D.O. set on easy right now, after I beat it on easy, I will put it up on normal, and try to beat it again I really like video-games. I wish I was one of those video game/computer game junkies, that overclock their processors to acheive greater performance, and obsessively waited for new "next big thing" games to come out, and wait in lines over night to get their hands on a copy of "Never Winter Nights," stuff like that. I wish I was like that, but I'm not, I just don't seem to have the time to play video games anymore, I haven't for years. I don't play many video games anymore, and about the only computer games I've ever really played are "Doom", and "The Sims." I spend too much time on the internet. And I don't even really do that much on the internet. For example, tonight I've been sitting at this computer for about 5 hours now, and I haven't done a damn thing. I've basically just been staring at the screen, and occasionally reading a few Megatokyo comics. I don't even know why I've been doing that, I finished all the Megatokyo comics a couple of days ago. But now I've started over, and am reading them again. And in spite of all the time I spend on computers, and the internet, I don't know much about them anymore either. I used to be a computer whiz. I took a two year vo-tech course in Computer Electronics and Computer Repair. If handed a mother board, and disk drives, all the component parts like that, I could build a computer. I was a master at DOS. I went to college originally wanting to be a computer programmer, I took a couple of courses, I learned to program in QBasic pretty good, and knew a little C++, and I knew HTML very well. But then I dropped out of college and lost interest in computers for a few years, and now my skills have all dissappeared. Even if I still knew it all it is outdated and no longer worth anything. DOS no longer exists, QBasic no longer exists. The computer technology is so far advanced from where I used to be, I can't even understand what it's talking about when I read a Best Buy computer ad. The computers I learned on in my vo-tech course were old. Some of them didn't even have hard drives. They only had a couple of disk drives, or if they did have a hard drive, it was only like 25 megabytes. The computer I owned at home at that time was the best one you could get. It had a 75Mhz Pentium processor with 4 megabytes of RAM and a 300 megabyte hard drive, and a 2400 baud rate modem. Nowadays, it's hard to believe computers like that even existed at one time. When I was a kid, I used to be able to draw. Very well, and I never had any lessons, or took art class or anything. But then, when I got older, that skill left me too. Now I can barely draw stick figures. I finally took art in High School and failed it. That's the only class I ever failed until I went to college, and the only reason I failed college classes was because I always stopped going to them, and eventually dropped out. When I was a kid, I used to be smart. As little as five years ago, I used to have a huge vocabulary. Now my vocabulary has deteriorated to point that I can barely express myself. It's embarrassing. When I was a kid, I used to be able to do lots of things. So, my skills in every area are gone or failing. And that, I think, is the best explanation for why I am the way I am. Why I live this pathetic life. I have no skills of any kind. I have become a useless lump of flesh, not capable of contributing anything to society. It's a horrible feeling really. My life is slowly dissappearing. I have trouble even remembering anything from more than five years ago. And everything since then isn't worth remembering. It's just the same thing day after day, one day blurring into the other. Wake up, go to work, watch tv, surf the internet, go to sleep. Repeat. It may sound like a joke, or a cliche to say this, but, I think Carl's Jr. really did have something to do with it. It wasn't until I started working there that things really started to go bad. I still had a huge vocabulary, and some skills, when I started working there. But that place broke my spirit in the worst way. Ok, so, yeah, my life sucks. But I'm trying to change that. I'm finally moving out of my parent's house, and I'm going to find a better job, and I mean it this time. I've been saying that for 4 years, but all I ever do is fill out a couple of applications, and complain when they don't call me. I'm also going to work on becoming a computer and video game geek again. Most people probably wouldn't consider that last one a life improvement, but I do. That's the kind of life I want to live. Ok, I've been sitting here too long. This blog is another thing that is sucking vast amounts of my life away. I spend way too much time on this thing, or thinking about what I'm going to write tomorrow, stuff like that. It would be different if it was actually entertaining or useful, of if anyone even read it. But it's not. It sucks, and almost no one reads it. I'm going to go do something else now. I may write again tomorrow. Maybe not. Maybe I'll quit this thing. Maybe no one cares. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88636340

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Dammit. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have posted that junk-email complaint. Since then I've been getting two or three times the amount I usually got, and I got a lot already. I emptied my email last night at about 2:00 a.m., and then this morning, barely 8 hours later, I had 32 new emails, all but one was junk. About ten of them were penis enlargement offers. I hate those things. I also got an email about mortgage rates from someone with the email address of "AssBaller69." Why would anyone want to get money advice from anyone with that name? I also got an email from someone named "NxemaGirll." Noxema

Girl? What the hell? Yes! I found a web page that shows/explains lots of different Japanese smileys. Japanese smileys are the ones you see sometimes that you don't read sideways, like American smileys, i.e. :-) Japanese smileys are like this, (^ - ^) That is a smile/happy emoticon, the mouth may not look like a smile, but you have to go by the eyes. Here are some more: (^ _ ^) Smile/Happy. (*^ _ ^*) Smile and blushing. (>_<) Ouch/Unhappy. Angry (-_-)zzz Sleeping. (T _ T) Crying (Tears are running down the face like in Japanese Anime/Manga) (o_o?) What? When you are confused, don't understand, or are just pretending ignorance. (^ _ ^)V Victory! Making the "V for Victory" sign. (-_-) Getting angry inwardly. Angry but not really showing it. (^ ^)// Happy, applauding. (^ _ ^;) Surprised, embarrased, amazed. Cold sweat drop on the head like in Anime/Manga. (o_o )( o_o) Looking around, looking for something. (@_@) Dizzy/Giddy. (- . -)y-~~ Smoking a cigarette. (^_-)-* Wink. (^ . ^)/ Waving. (; . ;)/ Waving goodbye and crying. (=^ . ^=) Cat. This can also be combined with some of the others to get cat moods. ~~~~(m--)m Flying ghost/spirit/demon. I like this one. Here's the links to the pages that I got these from. a small sample of the most popular ones. And is a more complete long list. I could've just done that in the beginning and saved a lot of time and space, but I didn't want to. It's my blog, I can do what I want. (>_<) posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I bought a new video game today. Panzer Dragoon Orta, for the XBox. I just spent about two and a half hours playing it. It's pretty cool. I usually don't play games like that, flying and shooting games. So it must be really good for me to like it. The only real complaint I have about the game is the annoying language. All the characters speak in some fake language, and it's subtitled. At least, I'm pretty sure it's fake. Today Daniel showed me the house we're moving into. Actually, I've been having some second thoughts today, but I'm pretty sure I'm still going to move in with them. The house left me somewhat disappointed. It was nothing like I pictured in my head, but then again, what ever is? It wasn't as big as people made it out to be, and it needed some work. It wasn't really in bad shape or anything, but it needed some work, it needs cleaned up a little, especially the yard. The bedroom looked like it was about the same size, or maybe even smaller, than the room I have now, and this room is too small for my needs. Nearly everything I own has been all boxed up for the last year because I have nowhere to put anything. I'm a packrat, I have lots of stuff. Especially books, I have hundreds of books, but I have no room to put them or anything else. I don't have enough room to put any bookshelves in. All I have in my room here is a bed, a desk a chest of drawers, and a TV stand, and I barely have room for that much. I was hoping the room at this house would be at least a little bit bigger. At least big enough I could cram all my stuff in there, but now that I look at my room and compare it to the one I saw today, I don't think it was even as big as the room I have now. I'm rambling. Anyway, the room might not have been as small as I think, it may have just looked small because every room in the house was crammed full junk. Me and Daniel rode the four-wheeler around the yard for awhile while we where there too. That was pretty cool. I've never rode a four-wheeler before, or a three-wheeler or anything like that. So, I was a little disappointed in the house, but I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna move. Whether I like the house or not, it will still be good for me. I need to get out of my parents house, and learn how to live without my parents taking care of me. I'm completely helpless. I'm 23, and I don't know how to cook, or how to wash my clothes, or anything like that. I'm pathetic. There's 12 year olds that could take care of themselves better than me. Anyway, I'm gonna go play some more video games or something. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88573181

[post deleted] No, I am not going to start with the long depressing rants about my lack of a love life again. Fuck. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88522742

I found another one of those weird Japanese flash animations, made by the same person (I think) that made the other two I posted some time ago. ( and This movie, though, isn't made with ascii art, though it has some of the same characters, and manages to have the same look, even though it is a completely different style. This one is pretty weird. It's all about Kikkoman, the superhero of sauces. By the way, shoyu, pronounced "show you," is Japanese for soy sauce, and Kikkoman, is of course, a brand of soy sauce. Here is a version of that same movie, subtitled in English. Also they appear to have done a small amount of editing to it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88520657

Dammit, email, for the last time, I don't want to buy Viagra, and I don't care if "these girls will make your balls explode!" I'd really rather not have my balls explode anyway, I'm kind of fond of them. Also, I do not wish to receive any more emails about penis enlargement. You really know how to make a guy feel insecure. And I did not sign up to receive any of these emails, I don't care how many times you claim I did. Yes, I received all of the above mentioned emails, all in about the last five minutes. They've gotten even worse than usual, and I don't know why. I haven't even been going to porn sites lately. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88519703

Sunday, February 02, 2003

And now a special report. Space Shuttle Columbia: Accident, or Conspiracy? Ok, well, probably not, but I did notice several weird things about it. My mom first pointed a couple of them out to me, and once she mentioned it, I noticed some more odd things surrounding this whole affair. As most everyone's pointed out. This happened almost on the anniversary of the Challenger disaster. Today's Columbia disaster occured on February 1st, the Challenger explosion occurred on January 28th. Another odd coincidence is that this was Columbia's 28th mission. Also, both shuttle's names began with C. For all you Discordians/Erisians/Robert Anton Wilson fans, I've been trying to find some 5s or 23s, but I haven't yet. I did find a 17 though. This is the 17th anniversary of the Challenger explosion. Something I find really creepy is the resemblance between two of the crew members. Look at a picture of Christa McAuliffe, the woman who died in the Challenger disaster, and look at a picture of Laurel Clark, one of the women that died on the Columbia. They could be twins! It's almost impossible to tell them apart! I mean it, check out this comparison picture I made. So, there's some pretty weird coincidences going on here. Maybe they aren't coincidences? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88413669

My 12 year old sister made me very proud today. We were watching the news about the Space Shuttle Columbia explosion, and they were talking about how Bush (DUH-bya) had to come back from Camp David because of it, and she asked what Camp David was. My mom told her it was a retreat for the president, a vacation house where they go to relax. And my sister said, "Yeah, I bet he needs a vacation. After all, starting all those wars is hard work." Like I said, I was proud of her. But, yeah, that's what happens when you're raised in my family. The same thing happened to me. My parents are very antirepublican. If we weren't so lazy we'd probably all be bomb-throwing liberal activists. I however have evolved beyond the standard two-party right-wing-orleft-wing mind set. My political views are so far out there they can't even be classified. My political views are so extreme as to verge on being religious views. In fact, that religion has a name. So, I'm really excited about moving in with Daniel, Olivia and Alicia. Daniel was telling me all about the place today. The house sounds really great, it's got three bedrooms, a den, an office, a huge kitchen and a dining room and two bathrooms, and a large living room,and the rooms are all pretty big. But what excites me even more is the land around the house. It's out in the country, in the middle of nowhere, and it's on five acres. On the five acres there are 4wheeler trails and "canyons." Best of all, though, is there is a large forest area nearby. I can't wait, I'm gonna be spending a lot of time outside exploring it all. Especially the forest, I love the forest, but I haven't been in one in a few years. I grew up spending most of my time off alone in the forest. I used to be able to walk through the forest and hardly make a sound. I was like an Elf or something. Another thing that's cool is that I'm gonna have to pay a lot less to live there than I figured. Based on the monthly house payments for the house, I figured I'd have to pay somewhere between $200 and $300 dollars. But they're not splitting it evenly, me and Alicia each only have to pay $175 a month. How great is that? Yeah, work sucked tonight. It was pretty busy. The last couple of hours were really slow though, so I got all my work done really early, and then just stood around reading "Love Hina." Mina-san, sayoonara. (Good-bye, everyone.) posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88412092

Saturday, February 01, 2003

My sister just told me that some boy in her class has been using the word "Dutch" as a curse word. He says things like "Shut the Dutch up," or "Get the Dutch out of my way." That reminds me of the time I used the word "grandma" as an expletive. I was at the arcade playing pinball and it was one of those really annoying times when you launch the ball and it just goes straight down the hole, you don't even get to hit it once or anything. When that happened, instead of saying "God DAMMIT" like usual, I exclaimed "Grandma!" Some people looked at me, but I didn't care, it was funny. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88385876

Friday, January 31, 2003

Hey, cool. I may be finally moving out of my parents place soon, and moving in with Daniel, Olivia and Alicia. Daniel and his wife Olivia are moving again, and Alicia has been living with them anyway, and so she's moving with them and will still be living with them. The new house they are moving into sounds really nice. Its got four bedrooms, one of which they are going to make a den/entertainment room, and is out in the country, and is in good shape and really nice looking, from what I hear. Anyway, Daniel and Alicia were talking about it at work earlier, and they were saying that maybe their friend Melissa (I think, I suddenly blanked on her name, they usually just call her "Moisty." Don't ask, because I don't know.) would move in with them. Then Daniel said that if she didn't maybe I could. And I was like, yeah, maybe. Then I came back home, I'm off today, I was just hanging out at Carls Jr. because I was bored. About an hour ago Daniel called me from work and told me "Me and Olivia were just talking about it, and she said that you moving in would be fine, and we'd really rather have you move in than Melissa. So if you want to you can." Stuff like that. So I was like, "yeah cool, I'll have to think about it, it's a big step, but there's a good chance I will." There's plenty of time for me to think about it, they aren't moving until the first of March. I'm actually excited about it. It would be cool to move in with them. And it will be really nice to finally get out of my parent's house. I would really like to live alone, but this will be better FOR me. This way I will be forced to be around people, and have some social interaction. And these people are my only friends around here, so that's cool too. I wonder how many bathrooms the house has? I don't think they mentioned that. With four bedrooms it should have two. I hope so, only having one bathroom would be annoying. I spent lots of money today. I went on a Japanese shopping spree. I went to the comic store and bought lots of stuff. I bought a magazine called "Anime Invasion," it's an anime news magazine. I also bought a comic book, well, more accurately, a graphic novel, it's got something like 150 pages. It's volume one of "Love Hina." It's pretty weird. As the back of the book says, "When Keitaro Urashima fails his entrance exam to get into Tokyo University for the second time, he's officially and unemployed and uneducated slacker. To make things worse, his parents have kicked him out of his house. Fortunately his grandmother owns the fabulous Hinta House, and Keitaro is going to be the new caretaker. What he doesn't know is the lodge is actually a girl's dorm and he's the only guy around! Most guys would kill to live with five cute girls, but if Keitaro's not careful, this job will kill him." So, yeah, it sounds like a porno, but it's not that bad. There's no sex scenes, but there are lots of gratuitous scenes of cute manga girls in various states of undress. Because of "wacky hijinks" Keitaro somehow finds himself in a precarious situation that makes it look like he's watching the girls bathe on purpose or something. For example, in one part he's walking through his room in a towel, because he just took a bath or something (I haven't actually read it yet, just skimmed it) and he somehow falls off the balcony and ends up hanging on for his life, naked, in a tree, over the girl's outside bathing pool (like the one on "Tenchi Muyo") while they are all in it bathing. So then they discover him and call him a pervert and kick his ass. Something like this happens every five minutes. I also bought some "Pocky." This is a snack product that is very popular in Japan. I ordered some of this from the website, but it hasn't come in yet. So when I saw it at the comic store, I had to try it. It's pretty good. It's weird, it's like a little crunchy breadstick dipped in chocolate. Then I went to Hastings. They're about the only store around here that actually sells Anime. There's one other I know of but they're really expensive. It can be hard to find Anime and Manga and stuff like that in Oklahoma. There I bought a DVD of the movie "Akira," and a DVD that has the first four episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho. I like that show, they show it on Cartoon Network now. Add to all this the fact that I've been reading more comics all day, and I've spent the entire day immersed in Japanese stuff. Good, I like Japanese stuff. I dream of one day going to Tokyo. First I'd have to learn Japanese, though. I took a Japanese class in college, and I've done some studying of it on my own, but I never learned to read any of the writing, and I've forgotten almost all of the verbal language I once knew. I can still count to 19, but that's about all I remember. Ok, I'm gonna go watch "Akira" now. posted by Kevin @ http://www.megatokyo.composted by Kevin @

"Yellow" by Coldplay (p.s. I don't know what language those weird words are. But I have been assured that these are the correct lyrics. Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called "Yellow". So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was all "Yellow." Jeg sked, h ja jeg sked en bums, Turn into something beautiful, You know, you know I love you so, You know I love you so. I swam across, I jumped across for you, Oh what a thing to do. Cos you were all "Yellow", I drew a line, I drew a line for you, Oh what a thing to do, And it was all "Yellow." Jeg sked, h ja jeg sked en bums, Turn into something beautiful, And you know, For you I'd bleed myself dry, For you I'd bleed myself dry. It's true,

Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine. Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things that you do. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88352883

Tonight sucked. I was in a really bad mood earlier, but then I came home and read some, and that cheered me up a little. Work really sucked, it was very busy at times, and there was a lot of drama. I don't want to go into it here, because I don't know the whole story, and also because I don't really care. If you really want to know what happened, check out She doesn't have anything about it up yet, but I figure she probably will eventually. I was already in a bad mood anyway, work just made it worst. I've been feeling a little depressed today, but, what else is new? Anyway, I'm in a much better mood now, but I'm also tired, so I'm going to bed now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88315505

I have a new obsession! The best website I've seen in a long time! It's a cool comic strip, a must for anyone who is a fan of Anime, Manga, Computer Games, or popular Japanese Culture. I've spent all my free time today reading this, and will most likely spend the next two days reading it, until I finish reading all the old strips. Then I'm probably gonna but some of the t-shirts they sell through Ok, here's the link. Go there. Read it. Love it. Live it: >> relax, we understand j00 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88315052

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Today my sister brought home book called "Dumb Jokes for Smart Kids." It's pretty funny. Most of the jokes are incredibly dumb, and half of them I've heard before, like "Why did the boy throw the clock out the window? He wanted to see time fly." There are some funny ones, though. I laughed out loud at: "Mommy, mommy, what's a werewolf?" "Be quiet Bill, and comb your face." Here's a great website someone told me about. This is a great website, you can submit, and read, stories of stupid and annoying customers, and bosses, and stuff like that. I have a few stories I need to submit to this place. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88254223

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Here's a cool website I just found. It's an artificial intelligence program thing. You talk to it, and it talks back. It can be pretty stupid sometimes, though. The uncensored version is good for some amusing sex talk. The "Dubya Bot" is good for a laugh too. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88198619

Monday, January 27, 2003

I've spent most of the day, and about $60 dollars, working on my car today. I gave my car the best cleaning I've ever given any of my cars. I normally don't take very good care of my cars, especially since I know nothing about cars. I can put gas in, check the oil, add oil if it needs it, and drive the car, that's about it. I'm not obsessed with cars like most guys, especially the guys around here. I can't even tell cars apart. If you tell me you own a (model of car), I'll just look at you with a dumb look on my face. I couldn't tell a Porsche from a Pinto. Actually, I could, Pintos are one of the few cars I can recognize, Pintos, Rabbits, AMC Hornets, various types of Volkswagons, I can recognize all of them usually. I like to drive big square luxury cars from the 80's. My first car was my mom's old '82 Crown Victoria, it was white with an ugly red top. My second car looked almost identical, except it was a different color, and in better shape. It was an '84 (I think) Mercury Grand Marquis, which are identical to Crown Victorias. It was cool, it looked like the car from the first Men In Black movie, except it was grey. I actually have a very nice car now. It's a silver '98 Buick LeSabre Limited with every feature you can think of, it's even got heated mirrors and passenger climate control. It's in really good shape too, and only has 35,000 miles on it. I got it from some old couple who hardly ever drove it. It still smelled new when I bought it. New it was worth over $20,000, I got it for $9,800. Actually, I didn't have to pay a cent, my parent's are paying for it. And no, I'm not some spoiled little rich kid. My parents wanted me to have a nice car, and they got a lot of money when my grandpa died last year, so they got me a car. My family certainly isn't wealthy. We do ok, but only my dad works, and if he made something like $1000 dollars less a year, we'd qualify for welfare. Anyway, today I went to Wal-Mart, and then Autozone, and bought a bunch of stuff for my car, cleaners mainly. Then I went to the car wash, gave the car a very thorough vacuuming and dusted it with a duster/vent cleaner I bought. Then I sprayed the car with some Auto Febreze (why does that look like it's spelled wrong? That's how it's spelled on the bottle here.) and some new car smell scented air freshener. Then I sprayed some tire cleaner on the tires and let it set for a few minutes, and then I washed the car very thoroughly, with the manual car wash, not an automatic drive-thru car wash. I spent $7 just washing it, I washed it for so long. Then I drove it for a while to dry it off. Then I cleaned all the windows, inside and out, with some Window cleaning wet wipe things. Which also came with a free sample Armor All dash cleaner wipe, so I cleaned the dash with that, and now it's all shiny. I even opened the

hood and got all the dead leaves off the vents and from under the windshield wipers and stuff. I also bought some decals. It's a red Chinese dragon with a Chinese writing symbol over it's head. I put them on the back section of the rear side windows, (the little triangular part that doesn't roll down) one on each side. I also put some fuel injector and carbuerator cleaner in the gas tank. (I have no idea what a carbuerator even is) Yeah, ok, so now my car is even more of a "pimp car," as some of my friends have called it. I hate that word. I hate it when people refer to things as pimp, or pimpin' or call themselves pimps. Speaking of pimps, here's a link someone just gave me: Personally, I think it's stupid, and offensive, but I'm sure a lot of you guys will like it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88138057


by Kevin @

Sunday, January 26, 2003

Hey, cool. I got an e-mail from long lost Jared today. Jared was one of my friends in high school, he was part of our whole group. But then he went off to college, and no-one ever hears from him. I get an e-mail from him maybe once every 6 months usually. Jared is a freak. He's even weirder than me. He writes the strangest stories. If I ever finish my web site, I will put them on there. My mom's in the living room almost crying because of the Super Bowl. Not because the team sshe likes is losing, (I don't think she really likes either team) but because it's just such a horrible game. She's yelling about how it was a waste of time watching it, and not even any of the commercials have been very good, and "I could have been watching "Law and Order" instead of this shit," and "I'll never watch the Super Bowl again." Believe it or not, I didn't even know the Super Bowl was tonight, I just found out about 7:00 p.m. tonight. That's usual though, I almost always don't know when the Super Bowl is until it's already on. I hate football. I've never watched the Super Bowl in my life. I still don't even know who's playing tonight. All I know is that both teams have pirates as mascots, because I heard some people talking about that on tv. So... who wants to touch my ass? Come on. I know you all want to. It's free, no charge. Go on, get a good handfull. Ok, fine, don't then. You all suck. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88075102

I haven't felt much like writing on this thing the last few days. There's not much to tell anway. Just the same crap as usual. I get up, watch tv, or get online for a couple of hours, and then go to work. Then when I come home I watch tv or get online for a few hours, maybe exercise a little, and then about 2 a.m. I go to bed. Then the next day I do it all over again. Pretty boring. I haven't even seen any good websites in several days. I mainly sit here and look at the same few sites over and over. Mainly just a few blogs, waiting to see if the people put any new posts up. I've been pretty bored for the last few days. There hasn't even been anything good on tv for a couple of days now. And in spite of having 451 MP3s on my computer, I can't find anything I want to listen to. I watched "Fists of Fury," a Bruce Lee movie last night, but it sucked so much I didn't even finish watching it. I have to go to work today. I have to be there at 4:00, which is weird, I've never went in at 4:00 on a Sunday, I always go in at 2:00. On Sundays we close early, at 10:00, that's only 5 and a 1/2 hours taking off half an hour for my break. That's barely going to give me enough time to get my work done, especially if we're busy. It's usually pretty slow on Sundays, though. I haven't even worked with any of my friends at work the last few nights. It's been Curtis as the manager, and a new person, Mariah. I had to train Mariah on drive-through the other night. I hate training people. She's not a very good worker either, all she does is stand around all night, talking to Curtis and Jimmy, because she knows them. They all live together, or something. Neither Daniel or Alicia have worked in a few days. I think Daniel worked a couple of days ago, but he worked in the morning. Alicia keeps getting the weekends off for some reason. I think she works today, but in the morning. She'll be gone by the time I get there, or just leaving. Daniel does work tonight, though. Dammit! There's still nothing on! Comedy Central has been showing stupid movies I've never even heard of all morning. "She's Having a Baby" just went off, and now "The Out of Towners," or something like that, is coming on. I've never even heard of either of them. I watched a few minutes of "She's Having a Baby," and it sucked. Oh well, if they weren't showing stupid movies, they'd just be showing Saturday Night Live all day, like they usually do. There's never anything good on Comedy Central until like 9:00 or 10:00 at night. Cartoon Network has been showing Scooby Doo all morning. I hate Scooby Doo! First, one of those stupid Scooby Doo features they've made in the last few years, "Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders," I think it was, was on, and then after that just an old episode of Scooby Doo came on, and now another one is coming on! I HATE SCOOBY DOO! And, to top everything off, in spite of dieting and exercising for the last couple of weeks, I'm not losing any weight! The last few years I haven't been able to lose weight very easily. Used to, when I went on a diet, I'd lose 4 or 5 pounds a week, usually. Now anymore, I usually lose about 20 pounds fairly quickly, but then I can't lose anymore, no matter how long I diet. This time I'm not losing any weight at all. In fact, I think I'm gaining weight now! I haven't weighed in a few days, but I feel like I'm getting fatter. And then, in about a week, those weird Japanese candies I ordered will come in, and I'll eat them all. Actually, I'll probably share them with my sister. I also ordered a Hamtaro notebook for her from the website. Wow, this post turned out pretty long. Though all it is is a bunch of bitching and whining. When i sat down to write it, I couldn't think of anything to write about. All I planned on writing was "I just haven't felt much like writing the last few days." And that was about all I intended to write. Instead, it turned into my longest post in several days. I signed up for a "religious joke of the day" email thing, and just received today's. It's pretty good: One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Johnny standing in the foyer of the church, looking at a large plaque that hung there. After the young man of seven had stood there for some time, the pastor walked up beside him and said quietly, "Good morning, son." "Good morning, Pastor," replied the youngster, not taking his eyes off the plaque. "Can I ask you, Sir, what is this for? Why are all these names listed on here?"

"Well, son, these are all the people who have died in the service," replied the pastor. Soberly, they stood together, staring up at the large plaque. Little Johnny's voice barely broke the silence when he asked quietly, "Which one, Sir, the 8:30 or the 10:30?"

That's about how I feel about church services. Ok, I'm gonna go exercise or something now. I wish it wasn't so cold, I usually like to go for walks when I'm on a diet, but it's been too cold the last week. The last few days the high has been in the 20's sometimes up to low 30's. Yesterday was the warmest day we've had in several days, it got up to something like 48 degrees. Ok, that's it, I'm leaving now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=88054414

Friday, January 24, 2003

Hmmm, tonight at work Shasta had a bad bruise on her face. She said they were playing around, and her boyfriend, John, bit her. But it doesn't really look like a bite mark to me, but she kept telling everyone that that's what it was, a bite mark. If I find out he's been hitting her, I'll hurt him, badly. I already hate him anyway. He used to work at Carl's too, and I hated him. He's a stupid little pothead thug-wannabe. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87992961

Someone just told me about the greatest website! I just spent the last three hours browsing this site, and buying things from it. It's got all kinds of Japanese stuff, mostly available only in Japan. All kinds of toys, anime, Japanese foods and snacks, books, clothes, calendars and posters of Japanese women, and adult products, such as hentai and Japanese porno movies. So far all I bought were several weird little Japanese candies, but I'm gonna have to go back and get some of those calendars. I've got a "thing" for Asian women, they are so beautiful. Yargh, I'm tired. It's about time for bed. And my face hurts, I've been practicing smiling, partly as part of my attempts to develop a better attitude. I never smile, I hardly know how to smile. And partly because of the benefits. Smiling supposedly makes you feel better, and all that. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87943430

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Hooray! Happy day! My blog just had its 666th hit! This is truly a day of great import. Mark it on your calendars. I know I will. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87927655

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Crystal got fired! And there was much rejoicing. Everyone seemed to be really happy about it, even Allen, the general manager. When she got fired he wrote on her row of the schedule "fired fired fired fired fired fired fired fired fired no longer works here." She called in saying she wasn't going to be there half an hour after she was already supposed to be there. One of the other Crystals walked out today too, so we now just have one Crystal. The bad thing is that the one that walked out today was one of our better day crew employees. I'm kinda sore today, I actually exercised some last night and this morning. So I'm just a little sore. I felt good today because of it though. Because of the soreness the muscles were kinda tightened up today, so I felt, and I think looked, a tiny bit thinner. In spite of all the Chinese food I ate yesterday. I'm gonna do a little bit more exercise later, not much though, or I'll be really sore tomorrow. I also got some extra exercise at work by cleaning a few more things than I normally have to do, and I gave everything a really good scrubbing. I actually managed to work up a sweat scrubbing the bathroom floors. Yay, I sound like a loser! Fuck you. Actually, no. I'm trying to work on my bad attitude a little too. The days of being evil may soon be over. Though I still have a really dark, morbid sense of humor, and will never change that. I actually managed to make it through the whole night at work without getting angry about anything, even the customers. At one point Alicia, who I see is online right now, kept insisting that I was in a bad mood about something, but I wasn't, I was just thinking. Usually I get pissed off at the customers just for being there, but I didn't tonight. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87824408

Monday, January 20, 2003

Today was a pretty boring day. I was off today. I got up a little earlier than usual. I've been trying to get up earlier because I've been sleeping too much lately. So far I haven't had much success, but today I managed to get up at 10:00. I just sat around watching tv for a few hours. Then I cleaned the hamster cage and packed it away. Then I got some Chinese food and ate way too much. I'm trying to lose weight, but today I ate so much I felt stuffed for like three hours. I always do that when I eat Chinese food. I hadn't weighed in a long time, but I normally weigh about 275, today I weighed and I only weighed 268. Then I went to the bookstore and bought a couple of books. Then, since I overate, I went to the lake and went for a walk. Not much of one, because it was almost dark, and there are no street lights on the lake road, so it's pitch black around most of it. Usually when I take a walk I walk between three to five miles. There's been times I've been on a diet or something and walked that much almost every night. I can walk forever, walking doesn't bother me, or hurt my feet much. Standing still is what hurts my feet. I can't stand in one spot for more than five or ten minutes before my feet start to really hurt, but I can walk forever. Anyway, tonight I only got to walk for maybe ten minutes. I walked probably about half a mile. I really need to get in shape, I'm in about the worst shape I've ever been in. I've always been in fairly good shape for someone who's fat. When I was 14 I could do 100 sit-ups easy. Now I can only do about 20-25 situps and 6 pushups. Not that I ever do anything like that very often. About once every six months, that's why I'm in such bad shape now. If I can manage to lose about 50 pounds and get in a little better shape I think I'm finally going to take some Karate classes like I've wanted to for so many years.

Yikes! Hey, my chair is working again! I got a nice new desk chair for Christmas, I forgot to mention that before. It's a really nice one, it rolls and leans back, and all those good things. A week ago, however, it suddenly stopped reclining. I was just sitting in it, leaning back, then I sat up, and, a few minutes later, I went to lean back again and it wouldn't anymore. But just now I was sitting in it, and I was sitting back in it when suddenly, POP! Something made a loud pop noise and the chair reclined very quickly and I almost fell over backwards. Oh, wow! I just got an email from "KrazedLatinThug," promising, and I quote exactly, "25 % Annual Returns on yor money. Yeah, I've always wanted to take financial advice from someone named KrazedLatinThug. Kind of like the other night when I got an email for a porn site from "JuicyBobGurl." I don't think I even want to know what that means. Well, I'm going to go read now. I'm in the middle of three different books. I do that a lot. I'll buy one book, and then stat reading another book before I'm done with the first one. Sometimes I never do finish the first one. Usually it's something in the first book that makes me want to read the new one. I'll be reading the book and I'll get really interested in the subject, and go and buy some more books about the subject. Ok, bye bitches. Go away. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87768213

I bought a book tonight, and already finished it. I started it at about 6:45 and finished it at about 9:45. I'm surprised it took that long, it was only 210 pages, with fairly large print. It's called "Dave Barry Does Japan." Like anything by Dave Barry it was one of the funniest things I've ever read. Dave Barry went to Japan, and wrote all about it. Hilarity insues. It did have one chapter that was serious, about Hiroshima. A very different tone from the rest of the book. In fact, the chapter was seperated from the rest of the book by a dark gray page before and after the chapter. It showed that Dave Barry is capable of writing something touching, instead of just comedy. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87766082

Sunday, January 19, 2003

My hamster, Harvey, died. I went to fill her food bowl right before I went to work today, and she was dead. It's sad, but it doesn't bother me that much. I couldn't bury her tonight, because it was dark and all the shovels are in the shed, so I'll have to bury her tomorrow morning. So, worked tonight, it was slow and boring. Blah, blah, blah, more of the same shit I always type. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87713656

My sister is a pretty good writer. Especially considering she's only 12. I'm jealous of her writing ability sometimes. It does need some work, but just mainly in the spelling and grammar area. Here's a poem she wrote a while back, I think it's amazing. I wish I could write a poem like this. I cleaned it up a little, the spelling and stuff. She wanted to go so far away, Away from her parents protection. So far away to a foreign land, But knew not which direction. She wished with all her heart and soul, That she would sprout wings, So she could fly away from all the worrying protective things. If she could sprout those faithful wings, She would flyaway, And stay in that foreign land, For at least one special day. She might return home, If she ever felt alone, but that thought was very doubtful. She still thought about that land so far away, She thought about it every day, Till one day she was gone. The only ones that stood witness, were the trees that never told, No one else ever knew how she disappeared into the night so cold.

Here's a story she wrote today at school for an assignment. It's not great, but it's pretty cool. "Ruuuuun! He's coming!" Screamed one of the townsmen, as a woman and two small children, with tears of terror streaming down their faces, ran past. "Fiona!...Fiona! Come on...we've got to get out of here before..." "No," said Fiona, holding up her hand to silence him in mid sentence. "But..." "I said no. Now, get out of here, save yourself. As for me, I have to protect the village." And with that she lifted her bow into the air, pulled back the string, and released the arrow. Launching it forward with the power of a mid-summer hurricane. The arrow flew forward and then, just as it was starting to lose speed, it pierced the demon's head. Everything was quiet. Fiona stood there for a moment, standing perfectly still, letting the wind blow her beautiful, radiant hair, as she waited to make sure the demon wasn't going to move. Then, slowly, she walked towards it. When she got there she stood looking down at the demon. He looked strangely peaceful laying there with his eyes closed, with his silvery-white hair sprawled out around his head on the ground, and with no sign of hate or anger on his face, but she knew that even after death the demon was still just as evil as it was before.

I think it's safe to say she's been watching way too much anime, especially Inuyasha. That's her second favorite show, I think the only show she likes better is Yu-Gi-Oh. Time for bed! WHOOSH! posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87671217

Saturday, January 18, 2003

WHOOSH! I am Superhero! I am Professor Sakiyoshi, given strange powers by a glass of radioactive Tang! I have the power of flight, and the ability to eat my weight in ham! And then I fart and blow walls down and bad guys away! WHOOSH! Yay! I'm insane! Dammit, I have to work with Crystal tonight. Well, maybe, maybe not. She kept getting in trouble at work last night, and finally Daniel told her, "You can either come in with a different attitude tomorrow, or don't come in at all." So she might not even come in tonight, and if she does she might not last the night. I think Daniel works tonight too. Maybe. It might be Curtis tonight. I hope it's Daniel, I like him better than Curtis. So, yeah, I bought a book yesterday, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Karate." One of those "Complete Idiot's Guide" books, a rip off of the "Dummies" books. I own several Martial Arts books, it's always been my dream to take a Karate class or something. I've done some training by myself, from books, but I've never had a real teacher. I used to do Tai Chi for a while, but stopped after a month or so. I've also got several books over Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee's fighting style, and I've learned some from those. This is the first book I've read about Karate, though. I really want to take a class, but I'm too shy, and some of them can be expensive. There's been a few times lately I've almost went out and tried to find one to join, but so far the farthest I've gotten is looking up all the different schools in the Yellow Pages. Well, I gotta get ready for work now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87646746

Cool bit of wisdom I just read in a Karate book I bought: "A hand that is tightly clenched is called a fist. A hand that remains forever tightly clenched is called deformed. A balance between hard and soft determines usefulness." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87629218

Friday, January 17, 2003

Well, I'm still in a good mood, but now I'm really bored. I was wanting to get out and do something social tonight, so I went up to Carl's Jr. in the hopes that they'd be doing something tonight at Daniel's house and I'd get invited over. The trouble is, I'm really shy about asking about stuff like that, I couldn't just ask him, "Hey, are you guys doing anything tonight?" or ask if I could come over, or anything like that. Instead I just went up there and talked to him, and complained about being bored. Finally he said, "I'd invite you over tonight, but I'm gonna try to get some sleep tonight." So I just came back home. Before I went to Carl's I just drove around in my car listening to my new cd and one of my Devo cds for about 2 hours. Damn, I'm bored. Maybe I'll get my old Nintendo out and play some old school Nintendo games. They had another shirt at HotTopic today I really liked. It said, "I'm like a superhero, with no powers or motivation." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87627548

Yikes, I was worried a few hours ago. When I was driving home from Oklahoma City (where I went shopping) I saw Alicia's car by the side of the road by the Goldsby exit. By the time I realized it was her car I had already passed the exit, so I drove a few more miles to the Ladd Road exit and turned around there and went back. I could see she wasn't in her car, but there were two gas stations just a hundred yards or so away, so I went to see if she was at either one of those waiting for a ride or something. I didn't see her at either of them. I even gave a description and asked them if she'd come in asking to use the phone or asking for help or anything, but they all said they hadn't. So I looked around the area some more, and then got back on the highway to Purcell, keeping an eye for Alicia, in case she was stupid and tried to walk. She couldn't have walked it, it was way too far to Purcell, but that doesn't neccesarily mean she wouldn't try. I got back to Purcell and went straight to Carl's Jr. to ask Daniel if he'd heard from her or anything, and he said "Yeah, her car's broke down on the highway. She just showed up here earlier, I don't know if she got a ride or walked or what. My brother's going up later to tow her car back to town." So, I guess she's ok then, but I was kinda worried for awhile. Ah ha! I knew this shirt was different! I was certain that, used to, when I saw this shirt at HotTopic it just said "Roots" but the one I bought today says, "Know your Roots." I knew that was different, and here's the proof, from the Hot Topic online store:

Other than that, the two shirts are identical. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87618844

Oh man! I'm in an amazing mood right now! Partly because today's been a pretty good day. I got up and went to the mall and went shopping for a while, and got a new shirt at HotTopic. It's white and has an old original Nintendo Entertainment System controller on the front and says, "Know your Roots." I do have one complaint though, who the hell sizes HotTopic's clothes? I can go to any other store and get a X-Large t-shirt and it fits just fine. I used to get XLarge from HotTopic too, but suddenly their X-Large was so small on me I can't even get them on, and I haven't gained weight. Not more than 5 pounds, anyway. I had wanted this shirt for a long time, but HotTopic never has anything bigger than X-large, in fact, sometimes it's hard to find even that. Well, today they had XX-Large in several of their shirts, including this one, so I bought it. I didn't try it on, I figured it should fit fine. But for some reason, this XXLarge is too small! I can barely wear it. As long as it doesn't shrink any I think I can wear it, if I stretch it out a little when I put it on. It's weird though, I can go anywhere else and buy a X-Large and it fits! The main reason I'm in such a great mood is the cd I ordered from finally came in. "Hit & Run Holiday" by My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult! This is the greatest album ever! I've been wanting this album for years, but none of the stores carry anything by that band around here. I've never even heard of them except I heard a few songs by them on an "underground" radio show once. That's the only time I've ever heard of them. I've been looking for this cd ever since, and finally found it on This album is amazing! Here's a typical customer review of it from Five Stars! Left-field Magnum Opus - Mad Life On The Road w/ TKK!!!, September 28, 2001 Reviewer: Baron Dakota from NEW YORK United States. This CD marks the moment when Thrill Kill Kult outgrew the more stoic portion of their fanbase. After the satirical, sample-slam, Goth/Industrial devilry of their first 3 albums, and then the satirical, sampladelic, creepy-cheesey celebration of SEX and Disco on "Sexplosion!", AND then the perfect consolidation of both on "13 Above The Night", TKK opted for something new. And old, per se. This record is a satirical (surprise!), sampladelic, b!tches brew of clashing sub-genres that obliterated expectations in 1995. Greasy biker-trash imagery reverberates hard across a musical landscape of demented, 60's surf-rock cliches, spaghetti western motifs, strip club glitz, the REAL soundtrack to "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas". Being on tour in a bus of madness for years, really coaxed the definitive Road Epic out of Thrill Kill Kult. A fantasy of desperate decadence. Because this started out as a vehicle for the chicks in the band (Bomb Gang Girls), CinderellaPussy, and Jackie Blacque garner alot of the vocal spotlights on this disc. Having seen them live numerous times, these bunnies really kick, and their off-kilter howlings about their nutcase adventures are hilarious AND earnest. "Glamour Is A Rocky Road", "The Golden Strip", and "Babylon Drifter" are the anchors that frame this disc, and rank as 3 of TKK's best songs ever. A bonfire of humor, disturbing notions, and wild abandon. "Hit And Run Holiday" is absolutely cinematic, and will stand as one of My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult's most fully-realized, and outrageous artistic achievements. Get it while you can. B. Dakota

Boom! This cd is so cool my head explodes! The only thing that could make this day any better is if I got laid. But we all know that's not going to happen. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87618141

Hey cool, looks like I actually got a few hits today, about 5 or 6. That's the most hits I've had in a month at least. I got a lot of hits the first few months, but now the last couple of months it's been steadily going downhill. I guess the work I did last night submitting my site to all those places actually helped a little. Brrr. It's cold here. It's only 22 degrees outside. Ummmm, I can't really think of anything to write about tonight. Well, I'm off tomorrow, so I'll probably post a few times tomorrow. Maybe I'll actually have something to say, or at least a few links. I have several links I could post right now, but there's not really any point posting anything if I have no visitors. All this blog is really good for now is talking to myself or sending messages to Alicia. And even she hardly gets to read it anymore, because her phone was cut off. So, basically, I'm just sitting here talking to myself. I can't beleive I've been doing this blog for four months already. I never thought it would last this long. I had a blog a few years ago and I only posted to it twice and then never again. This was back before Blogs became so popular. In fact I'd never even heard of weblogs back then, this site called itself an online diary. It was like "" or something like that. I've had this site for a while now, but if I don't start getting some visitors I may stop bothering with it. Oh well, gotta go for now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87577566

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Dammit! Blogger was down for the last few hours for "maintenance," so I couldn't make any of the posts and stuff I wanted to do tonight. So I just spent the time submitting my blog to many different places. Maybe now I'll get some visitors again. I got a new "rate me" thing down there. So, if there is anyone out there, please click on it and give me a good rating. That will help get me a high ranking and maybe get some more visitors. Well, it's 2:00 a.m. now, I need to get some sleep. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87523068

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Tonight at work Alicia asked me, as I knew she would, "what's with this topic change on your blog?" And I, in my usual strange manner, responded with

something along the lines of, "it's because puppies have invaded my brain!" And she said, "horny puppies, apparently," and I said "Yes, horny puppies that hump everyone's legs!" Other than that, tonight sucked, it was kinda busy, for the lobby anyway. We usually don't get many customers inside at night. It took me a long time to get done tonight. Dammit, I'm not getting any visitors anymore. All the numbers on my counter are coming from Alicia and myself. I'm gonna have to submit my site to some more search engines and websites and stuff. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87519766

Here's a great site. If I bought condoms, this is where I would buy them. QuikCondoms sells every brand of condom at discount prices. Up to 75% off store prices. And on top of that, you get free shipping! They even have a special 100 pack of assorted condoms, a condom sampler of all the different brands and styles, for only $29.99! That's only about 30 cents a condom. They also sell lubes, also at cheap prices. On top of cheap prices and free shipping you also get a free gift, often a small sample pack of an ounce or so of lube, with every order! They are more than a store. They also have information. Safe sex tips, sex advice, sex humor, and sex related how-to's. (That's where I got the "strange sex laws" thing in my previous post.) They even have an online Kama Sutra. So, ummm. If you buy condoms, you should go there. This entire post was a commercial. They should pay me. Bitches. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87462724

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

The New and Improved "Underground Lair!" Now with 100% more evil! Well, maybe, maybe not. Maybe not "New and Improved," but there ARE going to be a few changes, most notably in content. I'm still trying to find a new look for the site, I may end up making my own template, but for now I'm sticking with this look. Mostly there's going to be a change in the content of the site. I'm going to give you people what I know you want, and certainly what I want, more sex. Not details from my sex life, as there still are none. But I'm gonna start posting more links and stories that are sex-related. There has been a definite lack of anything to do with sex on this site, mostly because that's a subject I'm kinda shy about, even when I'm not talking about myself, and some of the people that read this site are people I know in the real world. But, that's over. I've learned to be not so shy about sexuality. blah blah blah. Shut up and get on with the sex. Ok, here's one. Strange but true sex laws still on the books in American cities. * In Oblong, Illinois, it's punishable by law to make love while hunting or fishing on your wedding day. * No man is allowed to make love to his wife with the smell of garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath in Alexandria, Minnesota. If his wife so requests, law mandates that he must brush his teeth. * Warn your hubby that after lovemaking in Ames, Iowa, he isn't allowed to take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with you or holding you in his arms. * Bozeman, Montana, has a law that bans all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown- if they're nude. (Apparently, if you wear socks, you're safe from the law!) * In hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, every room is required to have twin beds. And the beds must always be a minimum of two feet apart when a couple rents a room for only one night. And it's illegal to make love on the floor between the beds! * The owner of every hotel in Hastings, Nebraska, is required to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No couple, even if they are married, may sleep together in the nude. Nor may they have sex unless they are wearing one of these clean, white cotton nightshirts. * An ordinance in Newcastle, Wyoming, specifically bans couples from having sex while standing inside a store's walk-in meat freezer! * A state law in Illinois mandates that all bachelors should be called master, not mister, when addressed by their female counterparts. * In Norfolk, Virginia, a woman can't go out without wearing a corset. (There was a civil-service job -- for men only -- called a corset inspector.) * However, in Merryville, Missouri, women are prohibited from wearing corsets because "the privilege of admiring the curvaceous, unencumbered body of a young woman should not be denied to the normal, red-blooded American male." * It's safe to make love while parked in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Police officers aren't allowed to walk up and knock on the window. Any suspicious officer who thinks that sex is taking place must drive up from behind, honk his horn three times and wait approximately two minutes before getting out of his car to investigate. * Another law in Helena, Montana, mandates that a woman can't dance on a table in a saloon or bar unless she has on at least three pounds, two ounces of clothing. * Lovers in Liberty Corner, New Jersey, should avoid satisfying their lustful urges in a parked car. If the horn accidentally sounds while they are frolicking behind the wheel, the couple can face a jail term. * In Carlsbad, New Mexico, it's legal for couples to have sex in aparked vehicle during their lunch break from work, as long as the car or van has drawn curtains to stop strangers from peeking in. * A Florida sex law: If you're a single, divorced, or widowed woman, you can't parachute on Sunday afternoons.

* Women aren't allowed to wear patent-leather shoes in Cleveland, Ohio a man might see the reflection of something "he oughtn't!" * No woman may have sex with a man while riding in an ambulance within the boundaries of Tremonton, Utah. If caught, the woman can be charged with a sexual misdemeanor and "her name is to be published in the local newspaper." The man isn't charged nor is his name revealed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87459387

Like I needed a test to tell me this?

Take the quiz, by I like tests, though. If you haven't noticed. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87434721

My Blogger is working today. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87428760

My Blogger is all screwed up tonight. I write a new post and hit the publish button and it says it published it just fine, but then when I view my blog none of the new posts are there. The "Old Preacher" post is the last one that is showing up. I just figured out that for some reason I can select the link for the archive of this week and the posts are there, but when I return to the "current" posts, they aren't there. I don't know if it's just something weird with my computer, or if nobody can see my posts. I know I haven't been getting many visitors lately, but if there is someone out there viewing this, and you can see this post and the other ones I've made since the preacher joke, please send me an email telling me that it works for you so I'll at least know. There's an email link over there on the left. I was going to premiere the "New and Improved" Underground Lair tonight, but I want to wait until the site is actually working. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87404183

Monday, January 13, 2003

Dammit, my Blogger is fucking up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87380326

In honor of George W. Bush and his warmongering ways, and his apparent intent to start a war with every enemy the U.S. has, here's another Pink Floyd song, also from the album "The Final Cut." Two Suns in the Sunset In my rear view mirror the sun is going down Sinking behind bridges in the road and I think of all the good things That we have left undone And I suffer premonitions Confirm suspicions Of the Holocaust to come The wire that holds the cork That keeps the anger in Gives way And suddenly it's day again The sun is in the east Even though the day is done Two suns in the sunset Hmmmmmmmmm Could be the human race is run Like the moment when the brakes lock And you slide towards the big truck You stretch the frozen moments with your fear And you'll never hear their voices And you'll never see their faces You have no recourse to the law anymore

And as the windshield melts My tears evaporate Leaving only charcoal to defend Finally I understand The feelings of the few Ashes and diamonds Foe and friend We were all equal in the end posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87380105

Here's a cool joke I got in the email today: The Old Preacher An old preacher was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer, both church members, to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, the preacher held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the attorney were touched and flattered that the old preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moment. They were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them. Finally, the lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?" The old preacher mustered up some strength, then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87341869

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Well, my parents are going to be mourning this for a while, especially my dad. "MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (Jan. 12) - Maurice Gibb, a member of the famed disco band the Bee Gees, died Sunday at a Miami Beach hospital, his family said. He was 53. "Gibb, who joined with his older brother and his twin to harmonize their way to becoming one of the best selling musical groups ever, suffered cardiac arrest before undergoing emergency surgery for a blocked intestine. He was admitted to Mount Sinai Medical Center Wednesday and underwent surgery Thursday. "''To our extended family friends and fans, with great sadness and sorrow we regretfully announce the passing of Maurice Gibb this morning,'' Gibb's family said in a statement. ''His love, enthusiasm and energy for life remain an inspiration to all of us. We will all deeply miss him.''" My parents loved the BeeGees. A couple of Christmases ago my mom bought my dad every BeeGees album there is on CD. I like them too, but not that much. Goddammit, time for work. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87313400

I added a "mood indicator" thing down there. You have to scroll down a little to see it, it's under my links. Woo hoo, I'm so excited. (hint: that was sarcasm.) Cool, South Park is on. Our cable company just started carrying Comedy Central a few days ago. I've only seen about 5 episodes of South Park, and the movie. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87296493

Saturday, January 11, 2003

So, I bought a new DVD the other night. I never rent, and hardly ever go to the movies If there's a movie I want to see, I either wait for it to come out on HBO or buy it when it comes out on DVD. So I buy movies all the time without ever having seen them before. Anyway, the other night I bought "Iron Monkey," it was great. It was a lot like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." It had the same style, unrealistic, but cool, wire fighting. In some ways it was better than Crouching Tiger, but in most ways it wasn't as good. It had a lot more action than Crouching Tiger, more, and flashier, fight scenes, and less long story, and less depression. But I like the story of Crouching Tiger, I liked the long story and tragic ending. Crouching Tiger is one of my favorite movies. Speaking of movies, seen any good porn lately? I read a story the other day about some place did a study over the affects of porn on women. To see how porn affected women differently than men. It said they found that, with men, arousal is "target specific," meaning that straight men are aroused by women, and gay men are aroused by men. But with women, arousal is much less "target specific," most women were aroused by anything. Even if they considered themselves heterosexual, most women were aroused by images of man on woman, woman on woman, and man on man. The story is I wish someone would pay me to sit around watching porn. So, is there anyone else out there who thinks that Mr. T is the embodiment of God on earth? Or if not God, pretty damn close. Well, I was right, work was really slow again tonight, except we got a bus at about 6:00. From some town none of us have ever heard of; Tushka, or something like that. Tushka, sounds Russian or something. But other than the bus, it was really slow, and I got sent home at 9:00 again. Tomorrow I have

to work from 2:00 to 10:00. I hate working Sundays, they're usually slow, but, whether it's slow or not, the night always drags by and feels like it's never going to end. And there's pretty much no chance of me getting off early tomorrow, unless it's so slow he decides to send both of the front line people home early, but that's very doubtful. To make it worse, I have to work with Crystal tomorrow, and we still hate each other now. She still wants to kill me. Oh well, whatever. I don't like her much either, not anymore. Tomorrow promises to be a very long, boring, annoying day. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87293602

Dammit, I keep trying to find a new template, a new layout for my blog, but Blogger's selection sucks. The only ones that have layouts that I like, have color schemes I don't like. They're all colorful and pastel and cheerful looking. Well, some of them aren't quite that cheerful, but none of them is quite evil enough. The one I like best is yellow. But I don't want a yellow blog. Yellow does not say "Evil Genius' Underground Lair." Yellow says "Sunshine." Black, that's what I want. Or at least shades of gray or dark blue. Not yellow, or light blue, or a happy shade of green. Bah. This one I'm using is the most evil looking one. There are a couple that are suitable as far as color scheme goes, but their layouts suck. They would require major html tweaking to be suitable for my needs. For example, they don't have a place to stick links, or a place I can use to put various little icons and test results and counters and stuff like that. So, for now at least, I'll stick with this one. Meanwhile, at the palace of Big Fat Ass the Hutt... "Droid! Where is my tall refreshing glass of hot frothy lard!?" asks Big Fat Ass the Hutt. "It's on its way, Mr. Big Fat Ass, sir!" calls CT-14 from the adjoining room. "Here it is, Master," he says as he walks in with a tray on which there is a tall frothy steaming glass of hot lard. Big Fat Ass the Hutt grabs the glass and drinks it quickly, most of it running down his front. "Mmmm, fresh squeezed," He says, and makes a disgusting squelching noise. Back at Kevin's blog... Tonight at work was really boring. It was very slow. We only made like $17.99 the entire hour from 8:00 to 9:00. We figure it's been slow the last couple of night because there is a basketball tournament this weekend, but it's in another town, a pretty good distance from us. If that is why we're slow, maybe we'll be slow tomorrow night too. It was so slow, I was sent home at 9:00, I was supposed to work until 11:30. Well, I better go to bed, it's 1:30 a.m. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87256170

Friday, January 10, 2003

Ok, I'm done. I'm through being depressed. Things aren't any better, but I'm fine with that again. I'll just push my feelings back down inside myself where they usually are, and ignore them again. Sorry about the last week or so. The long depressing rants are over. I was just going through my writings files on my computer, and found something I had forgotten about. It's just something I wrote one day. It's weird because I'm not a religious person, at least not Christian anyway, but I occasionally write Christian things. Sort of "writings in the Christian mythos." Anyway, I wrote this, it's nothing much, I didn't think it was that good, but several people told me they really liked it. One person told me "To me it's very comforting, and gives me hope. it makes me feel like maybe God really is only asleep, and one day he'll wake up and make everything right." Whatever. I mainly just wrote it because I wanted to make God call people "bastards." Anyway, here it is: God was tired, and decided to go to sleep. Not for very long, He said to Himself, just a short nap. But time for God is different than time for us, and one day to Him is as many thousands of years to us. So when He awoke, he found that things had changed. Dirty cities now exist where once were the beautiful lands He had created, and the people had changed too. In His absence the people had forgotten Him, and had an attitude toward him sort of like a story one tells to children to make them go to bed, or eat their peas. You better behave, or God will get you. God looked down and saw his people fighting with each other, killing each other for their shoes. He saw children killing other children. And He saw people stepping over other people, who lay in the streets, starving. He saw people killing each other in His name. He saw His holy land stained with blood. God saw all this, and in His sorrow he said, What bastards my children have become, for they have forgotten their Father. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, January 09, 2003

Here's a cool song by Pink Floyd. It's called "Paranoid Eyes." It's supposed to be about a war veteran, but I think some of it kind of describes how I feel. Paranoid Eyes Button your lip don't let the shield slip Take a fresh grip on your bullet proof mask And if they try to break down your disguise With their questions You can hide hide hide Behind paranoid eyes You put on your brave face and slip over the road for a jar Fixing your grin as you casually lean on the bar Laughing too loud at the rest of the world With the boys in the crowd You hide hide hide

Behind petrified eyes You believed in their stories of fame fortune and glory Now you're lost in a haze of alcohol and soft middle age The pie in the sky turned out to be miles too high And you hide hide hide Behind brown and mild eyes posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87199565

I'm a puppy, kick me! I'm off today, and I have no idea what I'm going to do today. So far it's almost 3:30 and I havent done a damn thing. I didn't even wake up until noon. I hate that, I hate sleeping past 11:00. If I do it just seems like the day is almost over, and the rest of the day always flies by, and it just ruins my day and puts me in a cranky mood. I'm probably gonna go hang out at Carl's Jr later, because my life sucks, and that's the best thing I have to do. Cool, I have my MP3 player set on random, and now it's playing "Lucky Ball and Chain" by They Might Be Giants. They rule. Daniel and Olivia's phone got cut off, because they couldn't pay the bill. So has no internet access and can't update her blog. It sucks. They will probably get the phone back on the next payday. Now my computer is playing "Owner of a Lonely Heart." What an appropriate song. Speaking of which, I've really gotta do something. Get some pills or something. I've been so depressed the last couple of months, and it just keeps getting worse every day. And especially every night. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in over a week. I get so depressed at nights I can't even get to sleep anymore. I lie there deeply depressed or crying half the night. I've always been a cryer, my whole life. People who know me may be surprised by that, because I usually do not show any emotions, as little as I possibly can. But I cry all the time, not just from being depressed. Sometimes a beautiful piece of music, or a movie can bring a tear to my eye. Christmas specials especially. The Charlie Brown Christmas Special made me cry like a baby a few weeks ago. I don't think anyone noticed, but I was so depressed at the New Years Eve party that most of the time I was sitting over there by myself I was crying. I don't know how people didnt notice, I had tears running down my cheeks at several points. My new coat is tear-stained from it too. It's the same old crap that's depressing me. I'm very lonely, and no one wants me. I would love some human contact. Even in a non-sexual, just friendly way. I hardly ever touch anyone, and no one touches me. About the only human contact I have in my life is when people walk past and accidentally bump into or brush against me, or when I hand people their change at work. That's basically the only contact in my life. Last night at work Alicia had some flour or something on the back of her shirt, and she had me wipe it off. That's the first time I've purposely touched someone in a long time (besides kicking them, playful or otherwise). Sometimes it is by choice I don't touch people. I have a problem with touching. Like at the Christmas party at work we were supposed to join hands in a big circle and pray, but I freaked out and refused to touch anyone. So, sometimes, when I'm in a bad mood or something, I don't want to touch or be touched. But the rest of the time, my mind and body both are starved for a little human contact. Even my family doesn't touch me. My family has never been big on touching or showing affection. I have never in my life seen my parents kiss, or even hug each other. That's the main thing that's wrong with me I think. They say that a kid that grows up in a house like that will be really shy. I've been hugged probably maybe ten times in the last 15 years or so. Most of those by relatives, like grandparents and aunts, and stuff like that. I've only hugged two girls that were not relatives, in my entire life. Then another thing that bothers me is of course the whole sex and relationships thing. I'm 23 and I've only had sex once. I've only been out with one girl, and that wasn't anything really serious. She didn't consider herself my girlfriend, and if I accidentally suggested such a thing she got angry. We just went out four times, on pretty lame dates. I've never had a real relationship, with a real girlfriend, someone who loved me. Nearly all my old friends, and most of the people around here my age are already married and have a kid or two. My parents had been married for five years by the time they were my age. Then another thing that depresses me is my total lack of a life. I'm 23 and I still live with my parents. I have a dead-end, nothing job, and no college education or anything. I've dropped out of college twice. I still just have no idea what I want to do, nothing interests me enough to go to school for it, or make a career out of it. Or the stuff that does interest me I just have no talent in, like writing, or something artistic or musical, or even acting, I've always thought acting would be cool if only I weren't so shy. I'd be a good villian. I need to get off my ass and at least go to a community college or vo-tech or something, and then find me a real job and move out of my parent's place, and then find a nice woman to maybe marry. But I just have no motivation to do any of that. I'm too lazy, I like having free time. I like being able to do what I want to do. I like being able to sit around and read, or surf the internet, or play video games, or watch cartoons, or whatever I want to do at the moment. That's why I wish I could just win a good lottery. $10 million or so. I'd buy a new car and a decent house, and then just stick the rest in the bank, or invest it, and live off the interest for the rest of my life. I'd still probably have a job, but I would be able to get by with something easy, like Carl's Jr. I enter contests and stuff all the time online. Things like, and Publisher's Clearinghouse stuff. Ok, enough whining and bitching. And this post is huge. I'm done now. P.S. Here's a quote I heard a moment ago on a song (my computer is now playing Chumbawamba) that I really like: "There ain't no justice, just us." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87184332

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Pikachu sez: "fuck off." I'm all fat. Actually it looks like I've lost a few pounds the last few days. I don't know why though. I've been eating like a pig ever since Christmas. I think I'm gonna go exercise some, I've been meaning to start again. Though I don't know why, it never does much good. But I think I'm gonna try again. Dieting and exercise. It's weird, I always lose like 10 or 15 pounds in the first 2 or 3 weeks. But then it stops, and no matter what I do, I can't lose more than about 20 pounds. Ummmmm...

by Kevin @


If there's one thing I know, it's how to wait. I've been waiting all my life. The stars spin overhead, circling around me, But I do not change. I remain here, waiting. Waiting, for life. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87050220

Here's another test I just took. The "What Kind of Seducer Are You?" test. Very interesting results. Though I don't think of myself as any kind of seducer, I'd have to agree with some of this. I'm surprised I didn't get "The Anti-Seducer," though I'm glad I didn't.

I am the Star
Daily life is harsh, and most of us constantly seek escape from it in fantasies and dreams. Stars feed on this weakness; standing out from others through a distincitve and appealing type, they make us want to watch them. At the same time, they are vague and ethereal, keeping their distance, and letting us imagine more than is there. Their dreamlike quality works on our unconscious. Learn to become an object of fascination by projecting the glittering but elusive presence of the star.
Symbol: The Idol. A piece of stone carved into the shape of a god, perhaps glittering with gold and jewels. The eyes of the worshippers fill the stone with life, imagining it to have real powers. Its shape allows them to see what they want to see - a god - but it actually just a piece of stone. The god lives in their imaginations.

by Kevin @ created by posted

Monday, January 06, 2003

Damn, my feet stink, what's up with that? My feet hardly ever stink. But for some reason they've been smelling the last few days. Speaking of feet, today at work, not too long after I got there, I got some ranch sauce on top of my shoe. It was really gross looking. It looked like a bird had shit on my shoe. Or I had gotten really excited and came on my foot, especially after it dried out. It's still on there, it's really gross looking. And smelling. Hmmmm. has a "tag-board" message thing on her website. Maybe I'll put one of those on my blog. I'm always copying her. She had a blog first, and I saw it and I was like "whoa, that's cool, I gotta get me one of those." Then she became obsessed with Rocky Horror Picture Show, and now I am too. We also both like to eat honey-mustard sauce with french fries, but I didn't know I was copying her. I just started eating them like that, and she was like, hey I like that too. Brrrr. I'm cold. I'm hardly ever cold at home. It's usually hot to me. I like the cold. It's like 29 degrees outside right now, though. I'm bored. There's nothing decent on tv to watch, and I cant find any (non-pornographic) websites that catch my interest. Oh wait, I know. I never wrote about what I got for Christmas. My birthday was just a few days before Christmas. December 19th. I got a nice leather jacket. Too bad I hate leather jackets. It's not too bad though, once the leather smell stops being so strong it will be ok. For Christmas I got Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Metroid Prime, a really nice new printer, and some socks and underwear. That's the first time in my life my parents have gotten me socks or underwear as a present. The printer is really nice, it's an HP psc 2210 all-in-one. It's a printer, scanner, copier, fax machine all in one. It took me like two weeks to get it to work on my computer. For some reason HP printers have trouble with Mac OSX version 10.2.2 and so I had to spend several days downloading a bunch of patches and crap. We thought we were going to have to take it back, but I finally got it working. Hey, I know. I'm gonna go play The Sims, I haven't played that in a long time. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=87044484

Sunday, January 05, 2003

I ended up going to the bookstore, well, Borders, they have books, music, movies, etc... I bought a weird combination of items. I bought the Rocky Horror Picture Show movie soundtrack. It's pretty cool, it's even got dialogue from the movie leading up to the song. So it's got like most of the movie on it. On the bad side it's pretty bad sound quality, it sounds like someone made it in their basement with a tape recorder and a copy of the movie, and then did some quick editing. But it's by Rhino Records, so that shouldn't be the case. I also bought a book called, "Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God." It sounds like a very interesting book. The back reads

"With the same passionate scholarship and analytical audacity he brought to the character of God, Jack Miles now approaches the literary and theological enigma of Jesus. In so doing, he tells the story of a broken promise - God's ancient covenant with Isreal - and of its strange, unlooked-for fulfillment. For, having abandoned his chosen people to an impending holocaust at the hands of their Roman conquerors, God, in the person of Jesus, chooses to die with them, in what is effectively an act of divine suicide. "On the basis of this shocking argument, Miles compels us to reassess Christ's entire life and teaching. His proclivity for the powerless and disgraced. His refusal to discriminate between friends and enemies. His transformation of defeat into a victory that redeems not just Isreal, but the entire world. Combining a close reading of the Gospels with a range of reference that includes Donne, Nietzsche, and Elie Weisel, Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God is a work of magnificent eloquence and imagination." I have a whole collection of books like this. Controversial religious writings, Dead Sea Scrolls, the "True Story" of Jesus, and stuff like that. I like to think of myself as a religious scholar. I read about all different religions, I only recently started studying Christianity, because Christianity is about the only religion I don't like. Actually I don't have anything against Christianity, just most Christians. But, let's save that rant for another time. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=86990200

Quack, quack, quack. Time to go duck scrub the bathrooms. Sorry, inside joke that would take way too long to explain. Ummm. I have nothing other than that to say at this time. I think I'm actually going to leave the house now. I've been awake since 11:00 but I've hardly left my room. I haven't even turned any lights on yet. I don't need them on in here during the day, but now it's starting to get dark. It's almost night, time for me to come alive. Time to feed. Not really, but I do get much more active at night. So, I'm gonna leave now. I have no idea what I'm gonna do or where I'm gonna go, but I'm at least gonna get out for awhile. I'll probably write more later. Fuckers. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=86978347

Hmmm. Weird night at work tonight. Me and Alicia were both hyper, and I spent most of the night goofing off talking to her instead of doing my job. Tonight she kept accusing me of being obsessed with her, because I write about her all the time, and stuff like that. I told her that it's because she's about the only thing I have to write about, I have a boring life, and because she's one of my best friends. In fact, she's my best friend, after Chris, and he's hardly ever around anymore, so... I had something important to write about tonight, something important to me, anyway. Something, I wanted to say, but I'm having second thoughts now. Well, I was always having second thoughts about it, because it's not something that's easy for me to say. But now I'm also having second thoughts because I just don't think it's the right time to say it. But it's something I want to say, and something I need to say. Ok, here it goes, for better or worse. You see, long before Crystal, and before Kristina (the only girl I've ever gone out with), there was Alicia. I've known Alicia for, what, something like two years now. And she's always been my friend. We got along together right from the start, and it wasn't long after she started work at Carl's before I considered her my friend. We would goof off and talk to each other, and say stupid and funny things, and do stupid and funny voices, crap like that. Pretty much what we still do now. Not too long after she started work there, Bill, one of the other managers told me, "You know who I think would make a cute couple?" And I was like, "no." And he said "You and Alicia." At the time I thought it was a stupid idea, she was just my friend, I didn't really think of her in that way at all. Not that I thought she was ugly or anything like that, I had just never really thought of it before. But then, about a year ago, I did start to think of her as a potential girlfriend. I never said anything about it to her though, though I really wanted to. I did finally mention it to Daniel, I told her that I had developed a "crush" on Alicia, and that I was thinking of maybe giving her something for valentines day, and finally saying something to her about my feelings for her then. I asked him if he had ever heard her say anything about liking me or anything like that, but he said he hadn't, but that we were friends, and it probably wouldnt hurt to try. In the end I, big surprise, chickened out. I didn't get her anything, and I didn't say anything to her. She was completely oblivious to it, which was kinda funny, because a couple of other people that worked there were starting to get suspicious, they had figured out that I liked Alicia. Anyway, I never said anything, and kinda got over it for awhile, but not completely over it, I still liked her. Time passed, and Summer came, and Alicia left. She left for Colorado, she was going to be there the entire Summer, and was going to come back when school started back up. Before she left we exchanged email adresses and then the very night she arrived in Colorado she Instant Messaged me. And we talked for quite some time. She said that she already missed me and everyone else, and that she had already sent me something. I got the package a couple of days later, it was a Dilbert coffee mug, I love it. Anyway, we talked and she was all like "being gone away from everyone I've come to realize some things" and all that. And then she suddenly said "we should go out," I was amazed. I was like "NOW you say something!" And I told her about how I had wanted to go out with her for some time. She said she had no idea, blah blah blah, to make a long story short, we decided that when she came back we would go out sometime. Then she ended up coming back like three days later, she just didn't like Colorado and had to come back early because she missed everyone. A couple of days later I asked her, "so, are we still gonna go out sometime?" and she said yeah, but then that night, or the next night, I don't remember, she Instant Messaged me and said that she couldn't go out with me after all. I was very upset. Especially since I had just lost Kristina like two or three weeks before. I was kinda mad with Alicia for awhile after that, but eventually I stopped hating her. Like I said before, Alicia is one of my best friends. She's my friend, and I love her. I don't like seeing her upset about anything and I'd never intentionally do anything to hurt her. And now, I've kinda developed a "crush" on her again. I'd still really like to go out with her sometime. The last few days especially, she's been on my mind a lot. That's why i had to write this. It would have been really hard to say anything to her face, so I'm saying it here. But it had to be said, I had to let it out, because it's been hurting me. And now I just hope I havent hurt her. She just went through a breakup and has really been hurt by it, so this was probably not the best time to say all this, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. It's always upset me that, apparently Alicia's not interested in me. She almost never mentions me on her blog or website, and she even has a list of her friends on her website, and I'm not even on it. Or I wasnt the last time I looked, anyway. And then there's been a couple of times where she's like "Here's all the guys I like," and I'm not on that list either. So maybe this is another one of those "unreturned love" stories, but that's what my life is all about. That's been the history of my life. Always in love, but never loved. I'm also worried that maybe I shouldn't go out with Alicia anyway. I really want to, but I know that if I did, I'd just end up hurting her, because I'm a stupid asshole with some major problems. And the last thing I want to do is hurt her. She's been hurt enough. I have to go now posted by Kevin @

Saturday, January 04, 2003

Oh yeah, some New Years details I forgot to mention. I was so drunk, that I, of course, did not drive home, so I slept on the loveseat. Alicia gave me one of her pillows to use. Then she accused me of sniffing it. I was just sitting over there and she was like "You're sniffing my pillow!" Then the next day she said that I had sex with her pillow. I protested and she said "Then what was that all over it?" and I said "I don't know, probably drool." It was fun. I hate sleeping at other people's houses though, because I never do much sleeping. I went to sleep about 3 a.m. or so, and got up sometime during the night and had to spend about 30 minutes in the bathroom. I threw up a little, and then just kinda hung out in the bathroom until I felt better. I like bathrooms, bathrooms are cool places. One time when I was a kid I was really sick, and I was in the bathroom sitting in front of the toilet throwing up and stuff, and then I felt so bad I just kinda laid down in the floor in front of the toilet and fell asleep for an hour or two. Then I woke up, saw it was 7:00 and I thought I had slept there the whole night and that it was 7:00 a.m., and started getting ready for school. I was so sick, and tired from throwing up so much, I was kinda out of it. Anyway, ummmm, where was I? Oh yeah, then after I hung out in their bathroom for a while, I went back to the loveseat to go to sleep, but I got kinda lost on the way. Usually I can see in the dark really well, but the alcohol must've done something to my night vision or something, because I couldn't see a fucking thing. I missed the door to the living room, and ended up in the kitchen, and I ran into something, and I was all feeling of it, and I was like, "What the fuck is this?" Cause I was still kinda drunk and not thinking straight, I finally figured out that it was the stove or something, because I saw across the room a digital display like on a microwave or something, and I figured out I was in the kitchen, and that meant the door to the living room was a foot or so behind me. So I finally made it back to the loveseat, and went back to sleep. But it wasnt a very good sleep, I never can sleep over at other people's houses. So I woke up at like 6:00 a.m. and from then on I was just waking up like every 10 minutes, until Daniel and Olivia woke up at like 10:45 and I was able to leave. Then I went home and slept like a baby until 1:30 when I had to get ready for work. Surprisingly, other than a slightly sick stomach when I first got up at 10:45, I had no hangover or anything. In fact, I felt really good the whole day. Ummmmmmm, ok. I guess that's about it. That's really a lot more than I was planning on writing when I sat down here. I was just gonna write a couple of sentences about how I slept on the loveseat and drooled on Alicia's pillow. Oh, and by the way, if you haven't figured it out yet, Alicia is now living with Daniel and Olivia. She moved in with them a few days ago. Oh, also: Alicia, I did sniff your pillow. But then again, I sniff everything, you know that. It smelled like a combination of you, and old musty house. Like the rest of Daniel's house. I did sniff it, but I wasn't at the time you accused me of sniffing it. I sniffed it later. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=86913652

Friday, January 03, 2003

Wow, I've had twenty hits in like the last three days, that's pretty good. I don't know why though, I've only written one post in like the last three weeks. I have lots of things I'd like to write about in this post, but I'm just too fucking lazy anymore. Ok, New Year's Eve. I got really drunk. Really really drunk. The drunkest I've ever been. I had five shots of rum, and then a rum and coke made with about a shot and a half's worth of rum. I got so drunk everyone thought I had passed out, but actually I was awake and aware, I was just sitting there with my eyes closed because I was to drunk to talk, move, open my eyes, or respond to anything. I occasionally muttered drunkenly, but it was unintelligible and everyone thought I was talking in my sleep. I was like that for about two hours, from about 11:30 to about 1:30. That's right, I missed midnight. I was conscious, and knew when it happened, I was just too drunk to do anything about it. I was glad to enter a semi-vegetative state, because I was very depressed. I've been really depressed the last month or so anyway. Not having a girlfriend is bothering me more than usual, and I've been really depressed about it. Parties nearly always make me even more depressed than usual. Mainly because everyone is having a good time, and socially interacting, but I can't. I'm just not able to make myself do anything social. I can barely maintain the illusion of civility about myself, all I can do is be rude to people, and hateful, and anti-social. I'm not able to express my feelings in any way. And I can't say anything nice about anyone. Like the other night at work Alicia was talking about someone called her fat, and Crystal said something like "You're not fat, you're beautiful." And she was like "Isn't she, Kevin?" But I didn't answer, I couldn't. But my silence was a pretty good indication that at least I didn't find her ugly, because if I did think she was ugly, I would have probably said so. Alicia isn't ugly. I don't know about beautiful, but she is pretty. See, even when I do manage a compliment, it still sounds like an insult. Anyway, I was fully aware, but in a semi-comatose state. I heard people talking about me. At midnight I heard Alicia talking about giving me a New Years kiss on the cheek or something, but she didn't. To tell the truth, I was dissappointed that she didn't. It depressed me even more, because it made me feel even more like no one wanted me. Tonight at work was pretty busy, but I still managed to get lots of goofing off in like usual. I spent the first half of the night staring at Crystal's ass every chance I got, which was a lot. Her pants just keep getting tighter all the time. She always wears skin-tight pants. I may not like Crystal anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't still lust after her. I spent the second half of the night pissing Crystal off. I made her so mad, she was furious, and kept talking about how she was going to kill me. She said she was going to kill me, and claim self-defense, say that I was trying to rape her. I said, "You wish." That really pissed her off. It was all especially funny because she was like "I've always hated you!" but the first half of the night all she was doing was saying she loved me and trying to get me to "admit" that I loved her too. She says she loves everyone. The first half of the night, when she still "loved" me, she said she was going to pee on me. She needed to pee really bad, but she had a lot of orders and couldn't. So she was complaining that she was gonna pee on herself, and I said that that would be really funny, and she said that it would be even funnier if she hiked her leg and just peed on me. Ok, I'm gonna go watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show now. Alicia has got me obsessed with that movie now too. I bought the DVD yesterday, and I watched it yesterday, then I watched about half of it today before I went to work, and now I'm gonna go watch it again. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=86909805

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

The ol' Underground Lair is looking somewhat neglected. It's been awhile since I've written anything, but that should be changing as Chris has left for

Iceland, where he'll be stationed for the next 2 1/2 years, and so now, I once again have no life, and will probably be spending a lot of time online again, either that, or playing video games. Christmas, baby, whee. I got lots of new video games, but I will save the Christmas news for another post, I mainly just stopped in to let you know I'm still here. I'm sick, again. I've felt better the last week or so, but then I just got sick again, not as bad as I was, though. Hey, wow, I've actually got plans for tonight. I usually stay home on New Year's Eve. Big Deal, I say. I hate New Year's. All it is is another excuse for people to go out and get drunk. Which is what I'll be doing tonight. I'm going over to Daniel's house. It's gonna be Daniel, Olivia, Alicia and me, and maybe some others, we dont know yet. We're gonna get drunk and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Alicia and Olivia are obsessed with that movie now. I've only seen it once, a few months ago. Alicia and Phillip broke up, so she's all upset and depressed. Also, I'm no longer interested in Crystal, haven't been for a couple of weeks now. The stuff that started out as kinda cute eventually just got irritating. I can barely even stand to be around her now, I can barely work the same shift as her anymore. Well, that's about it for now. I'm gonna go eat some dinner, and then go buy some alcohol and then get ready for tonight. But first, here's the results of a couple of test I just took: I am 87% Evil Genius I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will.

Every word of it is true...but THIS test lies and will be destroyed:'s%20YOUR%20sexual%20fetish%3F/?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=gross"

brought to you by http://quizilla.composted's%20YOUR%20sexual%20fetish%3F/ by Kevin @

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

It's that time of year again. Merry Christmas, ya'll. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=86231636

Tomorrow is my birthday, I'll be 23. I'm wanting to go see "The Two Towers" tomorrow, but I don't know if I'll be able to get in or not, the news says that most of the theaters are sold out for the next several days for it. I'm still sick, too, it sucks. I got better for a couple of days, but then last night I suddenly got sick again. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=86231550

Friday, December 13, 2002

Cough, hack, wheeze, hack, cough up blood. I'm sick, very sick. It sucks. That's why I am am writing this right now, instead of being at work or at Chris' house. I called in sick today. I've been sick for a few days now. It started out as sniffles and sinus problems and sometimes itchy eyes. Almost seemed like allergies. I think allergies is part of it though, everytime I go to Chris' house I get sicker, and he gets sick while he's there too. But if we leave we get better (I did at first, but now I'm sick full-time). We have no idea what could be causing it though, maybe it's that deadly house mold or something. Anyway, it started out as a really sore throat, and then sinus problems, but then, yesterday, it moved into my chest, and I developed chest congestion and a horrible cough. By the end of the night last night, I felt almost dead I was so weak from coughing so hard all night. I felt so bad I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep if I hadn't been so weak and drugged up on various medicines. It's still mainly my chest today, with a bad cough, not as bad as yesterday though, and a slight bit of sinus congestion. It really sucks. I haven't coughed up blood yet, but everytime I cough, it hurts so bad I expect to. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85971453

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

I bought "Grand Theft Auto 3" Sunday night, and I've been playing it constantly ever since. I'd never played any of the GTA games, but me and Chris were up at Wal-Mart and he was telling me about how cool GTA 3 was and I decided on the spur of the moment to buy it. I would have bought "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" but they were all sold out. I'm going to have to buy it soon, though, I read some reviews for it today and it sounds really cool. I've been playing GTA 3 so much that I see it when I close my eyes. I'm gonna go play it some more now.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85819772

Saturday, December 07, 2002

About ten minutes ago I was standing in the kitchen, holding a banana like a gun, and saying, in a strange accent, "You will feel the wrath of my space banana." It was fun. There was no one else around, so there wasn't much point in it, but I did it anyway. I'm always doing things like that. Then I cut up the banana and made a peanut-butter and banana sandwich, one my favorites. So now I'm eating a lunch consisting of a peanut-butter and banana sandwich, and chili-cheese flavored fritos, and I'm writing about it. Isn't my life grand? I bet you wish you could be just like me. But you'll never be like me, you bitches! For I am the most powerful and important being in the universe. The fact that, while I am this important powerful being, I choose to squander it all away on such trivial pursuits as writing about sandwiches, just proves how far above you I really am. My ways are inscrutable to you. ...or something like that. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85647047

Hmmmm, what should I write about? Well, Alicia and Phillip are together now, that's cool, I'm happy for her. Now if I could only get with Crystal. She said something the other day about her boyfriend keeps cheating on her. This sounds mean, but, that gives me hope at least. Maybe they'll break up or something, and I'll have a chance with her. I finally get to work with her for more than a couple of hours this week! Sunday she was supposed to work from 8:00 to 4:00, and Shasta was supposed to work 4:00 to close, but they switched or something, so now Shasta works in the morning and Crystal works that night. So I get to work with Crystal from 4:00 to 10:00, and it's a Sunday night, Sunday nights are usually slow and there's nothing to do but stand around anyway, so I should get to talk to her a lot. I'm actually looking forward to work Sunday. So, how about them (insert name of your favorite football team here). They suck. I hate them. Umm, I guess that's about it for now. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85644967

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Ok. I just got out my little Christmas tree and decorated it, while listening to Fat Boy Slim, so that cheered me up a lot. One of those "Real Sex" shows is on HBO right now, but I can't watch it, when I'm in this kind of mood, porn just depresses me more. There's a picture I wanted to put up here, but for some reason I can't get it to show up on my blog. It's something else that's really cheering me up, a mug shot of a young Bill Gates, when he was picked up on some kind of traffic violation, he didn't have his license on him, or something like that. I like this picture. Here's a link to it, posted by Kevin @

Fuck, today totally sucked. I'm cold, tired, and I'm in a really bad mood. I got up at 10:00 a.m., which is about an hour early for me. Then I cleaned my hamster's cage. Then I watched part of Goldmember, which I bought last night. Then about 1:00 I went over to Chris' house. He had to go shopping, so we went to Wal-Mart. Then we went back to Chris' house and basically sat around and did nothing. At 4:30 I went to Carl's Jr. to pick up my check and to talk to Crystal. I still hadn't heard from her since the wreck, I didn't know how she was since the wreck. I barely got to talk to her though, her or anyone else. They were very busy. Also while I was there I found out she does have a boyfriend. I knew a girl like her must have one, but I'd never heard her say anything about one. But tonight she was talking to someone, and I heard her say something about, "if he cheats on me one more time, I'll die." So, I'm kinda upset about that. Then I went back to Chris' house and we just sat around watching tv some more. But there was nothing good on, and I got so bored, and, for some reason, cold, I had to leave. And so here I am. Fuck. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85575097

Check out this email I just received: "dude! you don't know me and i don't know you, but as i was searching for a new or used engine for a jeep i bought, i got to your weird journal web (whatever it is).. now how fuck up is that? i only typed this on search " daihatsu engines in juarez" and it got me to your web... agggghh, im not mad or anything i just think its really funny lol...i don't even know if you will read this email or not but fuck bored and can't find a fucking engine... goodluck with crystal" Weird, man. Just think, people I don't know, have never met, and probably don't want to know, know all about my infatuation with Crystal, but she doesn't. Unless Alicia's told her or something. She might suspect or think that I like her, but I've never actually told Crystal that I like her. That's something I hope to change very soon, but, good luck with that, what with this horrible shyness and social anxiety disorder. It's been amazing though, that I can talk to her, and be around her as easy as I can. Usually I can't even talk to a new person unless I've worked with them for a month or two. And such an incredible looking girl as Crystal, I would never have been able to talk to. I would have freaked out and hid every time I saw her. As time passes it's steadily getting a little easier to talk to people, but it's still a slow and uphill battle. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85545171

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Yay! It's snowing! Well, not anymore, but it was. It's been snowing all morning. For awhile it was even snowing a lot. But, unfortunately, none of it is sticking, it's all melting. There's a small dusting on the fences and some other places, but not much. Weird weather around here. Monday it was 75 degrees, then yesterday it was 35. I like 35 better. 75 is way too warm for me. I can't beleive it's December and still in the 70s. I'm listening to Tenacious D, it's been awhile since I listened to that cd. They rule. They needed to put more songs on the cd though, instead of so many skits. Fuck Her Gently is one of the best songs ever created. The video is cool too, I love Spumco animation, Ren and Stimpy was the best. I heard TNN is gonna start showing all the Ren and Stimpy reruns, uncut! They were edited and censored for Nickelodeon. They are also gonna try to maybe get them to make some new Ren and Stimpy episodes too. Dammit, why is it that Crystal only works nights on my days off? I hardly ever get to see her anymore. She even mentioned it the other day, she was like "I missed you, freckles. Why don't we get to work together anymore?" She calls me Freckles, I hate that name, but I've gotten used to it. I don't mind when she calls me that, it's kinda cute. But if anyone else calls me that I will have to kill them. (That goes double for you, Alicia.) The other day she was dancing around the place singing "Freckles time, Freckles time!" She kinda scares me. She was asking why Chris was at Carl's every night. And I told her it was because he's in the Navy and so he's gone a lot, and he's home on leave. And she said, "Oh, so he wants to get in as much Freckles time as he can." And that's when she started with the Freckles time song. Fuck, I have to get ready for work, dammit. I hate work! At least I only work five hours tonight. And with the bad weather, it will probably be slow, and I'll get off even earlier than that. I work with Alicia tonight, hopefully she won't read this post before she comes to work, or I'll have to listen to her calling me Freckles all night, and then I'll have to kill her. To which her response would be "You can't kill me, I'm immortal, I'm a vampire." That reminds me, I need to bring her birthday present to her tonight. Her birthday was several days ago, but I keep forgetting. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85499005

Tonight I didn't hang out with Chris after work, and I even got off work early. I just didn't want to tonight. I've been over there like everyday the last week or so, and just wanted to veg in front of the TV or computer tonight. Which is pretty much all we do at Chris', but I like needed some me time, or something. I'm not usually a social person, and so all this leaving the house, and hanging out with people, and actually going places was starting to get to me. Plus I didn't get much sleep last night, so tonight I need sleep, lots of it. In fact, I'm going to bed now. Right now. You people suck. Screw you guys, I'm going home. Or to bed. Something. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85470619

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

And now, presenting...Satan's Cheerleaders! Who loves Satan? We love Satan! Who loves Satan? We love Satan! Satan! (Satan) Satan! (Satan) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY SATAN! Sorry, that just popped into my head, and I had to share. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85461368

I got really drunk last night. That's the first time in a long time I've gotten really drunk. Me and Chris got a bottle of something called 99 Bananas. It's a banana flavored alcohol and it was like 99 proof, so it got me drunk really quick. It was pretty good in orange juice. I got online at one point at hsi house, while I was drunk, to check my email and write a new post, but I didn't finish it. I got online because I was really bored. Some girl he met over the internet, I have no idea who she is, showed up and without even saying anything to me, they just went off into his room and he fucked her or something. Then she left. He admitted it was a pretty rude thing to do to me, and apologized profusely, since he was drunk. Crystal wasn't at work last night. I hope she's ok. She was on my mind all day yesterday, but it's hard not to think about someone when you're covered in bruises and bite marks from them. Dammit, I have to go to work later. I don't want to go to work. Work sucks. Hey, A.I. is on, I've still never seen that. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85434743

Monday, December 02, 2002

Yikes. Tonight I am once again sore and bruised. This time from teeth and not fists. But once again, it was Crystal that did it. I worked with her for two hours today, and she kept biting me. They were really hard bites too! The first time I was just standing there and she bit my thumb, really hard, left tooth marks and drool all over my thumb. I complained about the drool and she said "but my drool's special drool." And so I complained that she left bite marks and she said "my bite marks are special." And I said, "you're special all right, did you ride the short bus to school?" And she said "You're special, Special Ed." Then she had some stupid game I've never heard of, some car drove through the parking lot and she said something about it had two different headlight, and she hit the table in some weird pattern of knocks, and was like "you guys (it was me and Daniel) better hurry, the last one has to make a sex noise." So apparently Daniel knew what the hell she was talking about and hit the table too, and so she was like "Now you have to make a sex noise, Kevin." And I said that no way would I make a sex noise, and she just kept bugging me, trying to get me to make a sex noise. Finally she bit down on my upper right arm, and hung from my arm by her teeth. She broke the skin through my shirt. I've still got a bruise and teeth marks on my arm. Then later she bit my left forearm

and tried to drag me across the room by my arm with her teeth. I've got a large knot on my arm from it. Later, when I pointed out the large knot she kissed her hand and then pressed it to the knot, and asked if that made it better. The coolest part of the day, though, was when she told me, "you're my favorite friend, after Alicia. You're my favorite guy friend." Fuck, it's freezing in here! I can barely type I'm shaking so much. That's why I'm being really loose with my spelling and grammer tonight, I'm trying to get this post done and get in bed. It's 3:00 a.m. Later that night, Crystal had a wreck! She rolled her car four times! Completely totaled it, she said. That sucks, she had a really nice car too, it looked expensive. Around 9:00 or so she came in to Carl's Jr. and told us she had had a wreck, she looked pretty bad, her arm was all scraped up and red. She said she was in pain, and couldn't feel her arm hardly. The EMS people had wanted to take her to the hospital, but she said no, she would have her mom take her later. They said they thought her arm was fractured in a few places, and she hit her head on the windsheild during the wreck. But, instead of going to the hospital, she came to Carl's TO BUY SOME FOOD! I was like "Are you crazy? Go to the hospital, especially if you hit your head." And she was like, "I will, but first I have to get this food." I hope she's ok. Hmmm, this entire post was about Crystal. Ok, today I also went over to Chris' house after work, and we drank a little rum and coke and watched Clerks (which I had still never seen) and a Anime movie called Metropolis. Metropolis was cool, but I thought Clerks sucked. The only Kevin Smith movies I had seen were Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I loved both of those, but I thought Clerks sucked. So, if you haven't figured it out yet...Yes, Crystal is the girl I like. I like her a lot. She's one of the most incredible looking girls I've ever met. She's beautiful, and sexy. She's cool, and seems like she'd be a lot of fun to hang out with. I really enjoy working with her. It really sucks that we didnt get to work together this week, except for two hours today. And it's gonna be that way next week too. She is a little on the too hyper side, but that's cool. She is (or was, I'm not sure) a cheerleader, but I can forgive her for that. Cheerleaders are evil, usually. She's supposed to work tomorrow night, but I don't know if she will, because of the wreck. She'll probably be in pain tomorrow. If she is at work I will have to stop by to see how she is. Ok, I'm going to bed now. posted by Kevin @

Thursday, November 28, 2002

I got my ass kicked last night. Crystal, a new girl at work, and one of three Crystals we have working there now, kicked my ass. Not in a bad, "I hate you" way, but in something like an "I like you" way, I think. She's strong too, I asked her if she'd ever had some kind of fight training, but she said no, she just get's in fights a lot. She started out kinda playfully swatting me with things, but then she advanced to using her fists and hitting really hard. By the time the night was over, all she had to do was make a sudden movement and I'd flinch. I have bruises today, and knots in my arms where she kept punching me, and a bruise on my chest where she tried to pinch my fat man-breasts. She's one of the most hyper girls I've ever met. She sings and dances around the lobby, and jumps around, and talks constantly. It's kind of annoying, but cute at the same time. I was trying to sweep the lobby with the dust mop, and she started dancing around stepping on the dust mop, and then eventually just stood on it and made me pull her around the lobby. When I complained about the beatings she told me to quit being such a pansy and hit her back. I didn't hit her though. But once I grabbed her arms so she couldn't hit me, so she started trying to knee me in the crotch. She didn't though. Oh, and she bit me once too. So I'm sore and bruised today, but it was fun. She can kick my ass anytime. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85230551

Happy Thanksgiving you Bastards and She-Bastards. I hope you choke on your fucking turkey. Thanksgiving is a pretty boring holiday for me. My family doesn't get together very much, especially now that all my grandparents are dead. So Thanksgiving for me is just me and my parents and my sister. And our dinner isn't much different from any other dinner of the year, except it has turkey and dressing, and we eat it somewhere between noon and 2:00. If I let it, Thanksgiving would probably be a depressing holiday for me. Friday, November 27, 1998, two of my good friends became statistics. One of over 700 accidents on that day. Genie and Tim both worked with me at Carl's Jr., I had worked with Genie for over a year, and Tim for longer than that. Tim was one of my managers, but we were friends, and Genie...well, I loved her. I had been in love with her ever since she started working there. I never told her or anything, so she didn't know. We were friends, but she didn't know how much I loved her, how much I longed for her. Anyway, Genie and Tim were an item, they had been going out for a few months, and they were going shopping, or something, the day after Thanksgiving. They were headed North on I-35 and their tire blew out, causing them to lose control. They went out of control, spun, I think. and eventually crossed the median and ended up sitting in the South-bound lanes of I-35, were they were hit by a van travelling at full highway speeds. The car burst into flames. Genie survived, because she didn't have her seatbelt on, and was thrown through the windsheild. She survived, but was injured very badly. Tim, who did have his sealtbelt on was trapped in the car, and burned beyond any recognition. They had to use his dental records to identify the body. Genie was taken, by helicopter, I think, to a hospital in Oklahoma City, she was unconscious for a day or two, and ended up being in the hospital for about three weeks. I don't remember the exact day she got out, but it was just a few days before my birthday, which is the 19th of December. Two or three days before, I think. I didn't get to go see her the first couple of days, but after that I went and sat with her every day except one day I had to miss, because of bad weather or something. I don't remember. I don't remember much from that year. It was a very bad year. This accident was only part of it. I spent most of that year in a depressed stupor, and don't remember much. I went to see Genie every day, and I'd sit there with her for several hours every day. I was usually her only visitor, for some reason her family hardly ever even came to see her. I sat with her for hours, even when she was asleep, or knocked out with drugs. I fed her when she was too drugged up with morphine to feed herself. I sat and talked to her, read to her, or just watched tv with her, and I looked after her while she slept. Looking after her was pretty much the only thing that kept me going those weeks. I admit, I also had a selfish reason for taking care of her. I hoped she would love me for it. I hoped that when she finally got over Tim, and felt ready for another relationship, she would perhaps come to me. But instead, only a couple of weeks after getting out of the hospital, she started dating some new guy at work that she'd only known a couple of days. I couldn't believe she started dating that soon afterwards. And she wasn't a bad person or anything, who

didn't care for her ex, or anything like that. She's one of the nicest girls I've ever known. Genie, and Gary, the guy she started dating, were together for some time, I think they even ended up getting married. They had a kid, too. But Gary treated her badly, and they got divorced, or broke up or whatever. I don't really know what happened to her, as she quit Carl's Jr. sometime after the wreck. I've only seen her a couple of times in the last couple of years. When she started dating Gary instead of me, I was heartbroken, to say the least. And came the closest I'd ever come to commiting suicide, something I thought about a lot that year. I just realized something. They just got done redoing the surface of the highway, and so I guess they finally paved over the accident site. Until a couple of months ago, you could still see the burn mark where it melted the highway. And to this day there are still flowers in the median at the accident site. I don't know who puts them there. Oh, and the van that hit them? I don't think anyone in it died, but the were injured pretty badly, among them a little girl who they said would have to have years of surgery to get her face looking normal again. Happy Thanksgiving. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85230061

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

I think my Bonsai tree is dying, but I'm not sure. It's losing all its leaves. Maybe it just loses its leaves in the winter like a normal tree. This is the first winter I've had it, I got it last Spring. The leaves aren't changing color though, and they don't look diseased or anything. They are green and perfectly healthy looking, but they are falling off at quite an alarming rate. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85120101

Yes, I'm still alive, and, no, I'm not giving up on this blog. Not yet. I've just been really busy the last few days. I've barely even been home the last three or four days. My best friend, Chris, who's in the Navy, is home on leave for a month. So we've been hanging out the last several days. He bought this DVD set of Beavis and Butthead episodes, so we set around watching that and drinking one night. Three hours of Beavis and Butthead. It was great, I havent seen that show in years. If they ever made a live action Beavis and Butthead movie, Chris could be Butthead. Ever since that show came out people have been pointing out how much Chris looks, sounds, and acts, like Butthead. Except he's not that stupid. Then the next night we went to Huxtlers, a pool hall. I don't really like pool, but that's all Chris wants to do most of the time. We didn't really go to play pool though, we went because there had been an OU game that night, and there would probably be a lot of OU college girls out drinking. The place was full of college students, but unfortunately, most of them were guys, and the few girls that were there were all with guys. There was this one absolutely gorgeous girl there, but she was all over her boyfriend most of the time. I really suck at pool. Yesterday Chris' parents gave him an early Christmas present. Metroid Prime, for the GameCube, so we sat around playing that for a few hours. I want that game. I'd played a demo of it before and had already decided I had to have it. The problem is, I'll have to buy a gamecube first. After we played that for a few hours we went and hung out at Carls Jr. for a while and talked to Daniel. We also threw things at Shasta, and the new girl, Crystal, came out and talked to us some too. Crystal is one of the most hyper people I've ever seen. Alicia looked like she was upset or something, I hardly saw her the entire time I was there. So, I've been busy actually almost having a life the last few days. And I've also been busy falling in love with a girl who will remain nameless here. For now, anyway. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=85119702

Friday, November 15, 2002


by Kevin @

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Yesterday I bought the Star Wars Episode II and the Lord of the Rings Extended Edition DVDs. So I spent pretty much the entire day today watching them. This day off sucked. Well, the movies were cool, but it sucks that my entire day off was sucked up by them. I did absolutely nothing today. The only time I even left the house was to walk to the end of the driveway to check the mail. I have 390 MP3s on my computer and can't find anything to listen to. When we finally get 500 cable channels, that means that when you are channel surfing, if you spent 5 seconds on each channel, it would take you 40 minutes to find out there's nothing on. And by that time, new shows would be on the first channels you went past, so you'd have to do it all over again. I can hear you now. "5 SECONDS?! What kind of channel surfing amateur are you? Watch THIS!" clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclicklclickclickclick "HA! Check that shit out! 30 channels in two seconds, bitch!" Here's some links, I hope you choke. Check this shit out. It's funny, bitch. Now you'll know what they mean the next time someone calls you a monet, you ugly bastard. Or she-bastard. Now leave me alone. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=84563742

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

I forgot to wash my hair today. I took a shower, but I totally forgot to wash my hair, and didnt realize until I'd already gotten out of the shower and dried off and gotten dressed. For some reason I do most of my best thinking in the shower, so I always take showers on "autopilot," I just totally zone out and bathe without even having to think about what I'm doing. Today, though, I was deeper in thought than usual, and my routine got mixed up and I totally forgot to shampoo my hair. Even at the end when I was rinsing my hair I was thinking, "wait, why are there no suds?" I finally decided I must have been so deep in thought I had rinsed my hair already and not realized it. But then after I got out of the shower I went to comb my hair and I was like "why does my hair feel like this, it feels weird. It feels like it hasn't been washed." Then I realized what must have happened. So my hair sucks today, if I even go one day without washing it, it gets really oily. Which is weird, because I have really dry skin, my nose is the only place I have oily skin. But my hair is so oily right now it's water resistant and will be so water resistant tomorrow I will have to wash it twice. Once to cut through the oil, and a second time to get it clean. Don't think I have bad personal hygiene or something. I have good hygiene, maybe not the best in the world, but better than a lot of people. About half the guys I work with smell like they have never heard of deoderant. Sometimes it's so bad you can barely be in the same area of the store as them. I try to keep myself clean, in fact I'm slightly obsessive compulsive when it comes to washing my hands and face. I'm not one of these people who scrub their hands raw every five minutes and freaks out about dirty hands. But I do wash my hands whenever I get the chance, at home it's probably about once every half hour or so, it depends on what I'm doing. I don't stop what I'm doing to go wash my hands, but if I'm up I'll probably wash my hands. At work I was my hands probably about every 15 minutes or so, less often if I'm busy and don't have the time. Washing your hands often is good when you work at a restaurant (is that right? I've never been able to spell that word for some reason). And when I wash my hands I usually wipe my face with the towel or paper towels to keep it clean. Ok, enough about my hygiene habits. I'm still learning and relearning computer things. You may, or may not, have noticed, I still don't have anything on my website, other than something like 105 links. That's because I still don't know how I'm going to design the site, what kind of layout I want it to have, and because I've been doing other things. Now I'm into the whole open source, free OS, stick it to Microsoft (M$) scene. I'm learning Unix at the moment, and may try using Linux sooner or later, and I have stopped using Internet Explorer and have started using Mozilla rules! It's much better than IE or Netscape. On a related note, Bill Gates has announced that he's going to leave most of his money to charity, not to his wife or kids. He says he will make sure they have enough money to be "comfortable," but it's not good for kids to grow up with billions of dollars. But wait, does he know something we don't? ( I can just hear him saying "Duh, I know lots of things you don't.") The kids are already born, they will grow up living in a family that has billions of dollars, this doesn'y make sense. Could Bill Gates be on the verge of death? Is he hiding something from us? We can all hope. It has been reported that one of Bill Gates favorite things is to yell abuse at his employees, berating their ideas. One of his favorite phrases is "that's the stupidest fucking idea I've ever heard!" Or so I've been told. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=84457915

Friday, November 08, 2002

(Okay, I wrote this late last night, but once again I was having connection problems and couldn't get it online until this morning.) It's 2:20 as I start to write this, and I'm wide awake and hyper, and I have no idea why. I've been living off caffiene the last few days, but not today. Caffiene has almost no effect on me anyway. The last few nights at work I've been consuming large quantities of Dr Pepper, a large coffee or two, and three or four "Jolt" caffienated mints, and it doesn't do a thing to me hardly. But today I've hardly had any caffiene at all, and for some reason I am very hyper. I was talking to one of my friends in an instant message earlier, and I just kept talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. Right from one subject to another with no pause at all. I was sending large messages faster than he could read them, and he reads as fast as I do. I just kept getting worse, after a while I couldn't even stay sitting down, but now I've calmed down a lot. I'm still not tired though. Pretty busy day today. Not really anything important, but I kept myself busy. I woke up at 10 am today, which is a little early for me, I've been trying to sleep less lately, that's why I've been using so much caffiene. I usually sleep at least 8 hours a night, sometimes 9 or more if I'm off work the next day. I usually go to sleep around 2:30 - 3:00 and then wake up at 11:00 or 11:30, but the last few days I've been going to sleep around 3:00 or 4:00 and getting up around 10:00. That's still more sleep than most people I know. Half the people I know get like 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night. So anyway, I woke up early and got around early, instead of laying around watching tv like I usually do in the morning. I was out of the house by 11:30 today, I'm usually barely awake by that time. I went to Best Buy to be a geek and check out the computers and electronics. I ended up buying the "The White Stripes" album. It came with a DVD of some of their videos too, including that cool Lego "Fell in Love with a Girl" video. All for only $13.99. I also got a new Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) DVD. I already had the "The Brain that Wouldn't Die" episode, today I bought "The Crawling Hand." It's a really old one, like one of the first episodes. From 1989. I didn't even know MST3K was around that long ago. I first learned about it about 7 years ago I think. But we don't get Comedy Central or the Sci-Fi channel around here, so I've only seen a few episodes. Maybe 10 at the most. This episode was so old Dr. Forrester had a different assistant, Larry, instead of Frank. And Tom had a weird voice too. It was deeper than the voice he had in later episodes. Gyspy and Cambot looked different too. It wasn't very good, not that well made, or funny, except for when they were watchint the movie. That was still hilarious. They kept making hand jokes. Like when the guy first found this "dead" hand on the beach he put it in a sack and took it home, and Tom says, "Good thing he brought a handbag." I'm also learning Unix now. I went to the bookstore and bought a book on how to use the Unix shell that Macs OS X is built on. Unix can be tough from what I hear, but I don't think I'll have much trouble with it. I like text-interfaces. I used to be really good at DOS. I was very mad when Microsoft phased out DOS. I used to have lots of fun making DOS Batch (.bat) files. Found several good websites today too: That's the biggest fucking cat I've ever seen. And is that for real? Not the cat, but the text. Look at that horrible spelling! That's so bad I can't decide if the person really types like that, or if they did that on purpose. When you think of the trouble the Catholic Church has been getting in, some of

these statues look really bad. Such as the Baseball one. Hilarious, in a cruel sort of way. I love squirrels. Cool.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=84216165

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

This site is great. It's a comic series made using characters from the original Final Fantasy game. It's very funny, but so far there are over 200 comics. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=84099861

Ok, I haven't been writing much, sue me. Go ahead, sue me, it's not like you'll get anything, unless you like books. I've been busy becoming a geek. Again. I used to be a computer geek, years ago. My junior and senior years at high school I took a Vo-Tech course in Computer Electronics. When I first went to college I was a computer major. I wanted to be a computer programmer, I took a class in C++, but I dropped out of college before I completed it. I took and passed a course in QBasic though, a language that isn't even used anymore, but for some reason it was still a required course. I soon became disillusioned with computers, though, and I didn't really care about them anymore, and I've been that way for two or three years now. I still like computers, and like using them, especially the internet, but I didn't care about how they worked anymore, and I didn't want a computer job anymore. But now the last couple of weeks I've been getting back into computers and programming again. I may take computer courses again if I ever go back to school, and try to get some kind of programming job. Call me weird, but that kind of career appeals to me. Sitting in a cubicle 12+ hours a day working for Microsoft or something. I've always wanted a job in a cubicle. The main thing I don't like about jobs like that is that they are very stressful and life sucking, and have very long hours. At some of them it's not uncommon to work more than 12 hours a day. But I want a cubicle job, surrounded by other geeks. One of my favorite books is Even though it does dwell on the negative aspects of this line of work, this book, and Dilbert comics, are the main things that got me interested in this type of career. I have become a geek again, and it feels good. I like being a geek. I like computers, and coding, and electronic gadgets. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=84099592

Sunday, November 03, 2002

I have found the greatest shopping site on the internet! If you're a geek that is, which I am. This site has all the essentials for geeks, from computers, to gadgets, to scheduled deliveries of Jolt Cola. Mmmm, Jolt Cola. I could very easily spend all my money here. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83978177

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Randomness: I want to get a tattoo of Tattoo, the midget guy from Fantasy Island. Then I could say, "Dude, wanna see my tattoo?" and then I'd show it to them, and they'd either laugh, or punch me. I got a fortune cookie the other day, it said "You will soon witness a miracle." I wonder what's up with that? I just got some porn junk mail yesterday from someone named "Cowpimp." And speaking of that, look what I found. It's very disturbing, but funny. It may take a while to load. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83805425

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

My now has over 100 links on the links page! But that's still all that's on my website. I'm drawing a complete blank on what I want my website to look like, how I want to do the layout and design. I could just stick a couple of half-assed temporary pages up there, but I don't like doing that, I'd rather get the site as close to complete as possible before I put it up. Fuck. I'm tired. Very tired. I haven't been sleeping well lately. No, I don't know why. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83728119

Sunday, October 27, 2002

SUBJECT: TALKING MEAT A dialogue by Terry Bisson. From a series of stories entitled "Alien/Nation" in the April [1991?] issue of _Omni_. "They're made out of meat." "Meat?" "Meat. They're made out of meat." "Meat?" "There's no doubt about it. We picked several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, probed them all the way through. They're completely meat." "That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?" "They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines." "So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact." "They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines." "That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat." "I'm not asking you, I 'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in the sector and they're made out of meat." "Maybe they're like the Orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage." "Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take too long. Do you have any idea the life span of meat?" "Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the Weddilei. A meat head with an electron plamsa brain inside." "Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads like the Weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through." "No brain?" "Oh, there is a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat!" "So... what does the thinking?"

"You're not understanding, are you? The brain does the thinking. The meat." "Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!" "Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you getting the picture?" "Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat." "Finally, Yes. They are indeed made out meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years." "So what does the meat have in mind." "First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the universe, contact other sentients, swap ideas and information. The usual." "We're supposed to talk to meat?" "That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there? Anyone home?' That sort of thing." "They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?" "Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat." "I thought you just told me they used radio." "They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat." "Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?" "Officially or unofficially?" "Both." "Officially, we are required to contact, welcome, and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in the quadrant, without prejudice, fear, or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing." "I was hoping you would say that." "It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?" "I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say?" `Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?" "Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact." "So we just pretend there's no one home in the universe." "That's it." "Cruel. But you said it yourself, who want to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you have probed? You're sure they won't remember?" "They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them." "A dream to meat! How strangely appropiate, that we should be meat's dream." "And we can marked this sector unoccupied." "Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?" "Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."

"They always come around." "And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the universe would be if one were all alone. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83642780

From: pud! Mon Apr 25 15:12:48 1994 To: Subject: Cat Bathing Reply-To: (Peter S. Langston) Sent-To: (Mike Jittlov) Forwarded-by: Flip Breskin Forwarded-by: Stephen Diercouff ----------------------------------CAT BATHING AS A MARTIAL ART by Bud Herron Some people say cats never have to be bathed. They say cats lick themselves clean. They say cats have a special enzyme of some sort in their saliva that works like new, improved Wisk -- dislodging the dirt where it hides and whisking it away. I've spent most of my life believing this folklore. Like most blind believers, I've been able to discount all the facts to the contrary -- the kitty odors that lurk in the corners of the garage and dirt smudges that cling to the throw rug by the fireplace. The time comes, however, when a man must face reality; when he must look squarely in the face of massive public sentiment to the contrary and announce: "This cat smells like a port-a-potty on a hot day in Juarez." When that day arrives at your house, as it has in mine, I have some advice you might consider as you place your feline friend under you arm and head for the bathtub: 1) Know that although the cat has the advantage of quickness and lack of concern for human life, you have the advantage of strength. Capitalize on that advantage by selecting the battlefield. Don't try to bathe him in an open area where he can force you to chase him. Pick a very small bathroom. If your bathroom is more than four feet square, I recommend that you get in the tub with the cat and close the sliding-glass doors as if you were about to take a shower. A simple shower curtain will not do. A berserk cat can shred a three-ply rubber shower curtain quicker than a politician can shift positions. 2) Know that a cat has claws and will not hesitate to remove all the skin from your body. Your advantage here is that you are smart and know how to dress to protect yourself. I recommend canvas overalls tucked into high-top construction boots, a pair of steelmesh gloves, an army helmet, a hockey face mask and a long-sleeved flack jacket. 3) Prepare everything in advance. There is no time to go out for a towel when you have a cat digging a hole in your flack jacket. Draw the water. Make sure the bottle of kitty shampoo is inside the glass enclosure. Make sure the towel can be reached, even if you are lying on your back in the water. 4) Use the element of surprise. Pick up your cat nonchalantly, as if to simply carry him over to his supper dish. Cats will not usually notice your strange attire. As a rule, they have little or no interest in fashion. But if he does notice your garb, calmly explain that you are taking part in a product-testing experiment for J.C. Penney. 5) Once you are inside the bathroom, speed is essential to your survival. In a single liquid motion, shut the bathroom door, step into the tub enclosure, slide the glass door shut, dip the cat in the water and squirt him with shampoo. You have begun one of the wildest 45 seconds of your life. 6) Cats have no handles. 7) Add the fact that your cat now has soapy fur, and the problem is radically compounded. Do not expect to hold on to him for more that two or three seconds at a time. When you have him, however, you must remember to give him another squirt of shampoo and rub like crazy. He'll then spring free and fall back into the water, thereby rinsing himself off. The national record is (for cats) three latherings, so don't expect too much. 8) Next, the cat must be dried. Novice cat bathers always assume this part will be the most difficult, for humans generally are worn out at this point and the cat is just getting really determined. In fact, the drying is simple compared to what you have just been through. That's because by now the cat is semi-permanently affixed to your right leg. You simply pop the drain plug with your foot, reach for your towel and wait. Occasionally, however, the cat will end up clinging to the top of your army helmet. If this happens, the best thing you can do is to shake him loose and to encourage him toward your leg. After all the water is drained from the tub, it is a simple matter to just reach down and dry the cat. In a few days the cat will relax enough to be removed from your leg.

He will usually have nothing to say for about three weeks and will spend a lot of time sitting with his back to you. He might even become psycho-ceramic and develop the fixed stare of a plaster figurine. You will be tempted to assume he is angry. This isn't usually the case. As a rule, he is simply plotting ways to get through your defenses and injure you for life the next time you decide to give him a bath. But, at least now he smells a lot better.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83601952

What's bad about this is that it actually makes perfect sense from a psychologist's point of view. This is a perfectly accurate appraisal of the book based on Freudian symbolism. (I think that's the most intelligent sounding thing I've ever said.)
Message 1113: From pud! Wed May 18 14:30:10 1994 Date: Wed, 18 May 94 12:51:30 -0700 From: Peter Langston <PUD!PSL@BELLCORE.BELLCORE.COM To: Subject: BROTW (Book Review of the Week) Reply-To: (Peter S. Langston) Sent-To: Mike Jittlov Forwarded-by: bostic@vangogh.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic) BOOK REVIEW _The Cat in the Hat_ by Dr. Seuss, 61 pages. Beginner Books, $3.95 The Cat in the Hat is a hard-hitting novel of prose and poetry in which the author re-examines the dynamic rhyming schemes and bold imagery of some of his earlier works, most notably _Green Eggs and Ham_, _If I Ran the Zoo_, and _Why Can't I Shower With Mommy?_ In this novel, Theodore Geisel, writing under the pseudonym Dr. Seuss, pays homage to the great Dr. Sigmund Freud in a nightmarish fantasy of a renegade feline helping two young children understand their own frustrated sexuality. The story opens with two youngsters, a brother and a sister, abandoned by their mother, staring mournfully through the window of their single-family dwelling. In the foreground, a large tree/phallic symbol dances wildly in the wind, taunting the children and encouraging them to succumb to the sexual yearnings they undoubtedly feel for each other. Even to the most unlearned reader, the blatant references to the incestuous relationship the two share set the tone for Seuss' probing examination of the satisfaction of primitive needs. The Cat proceeds to charm the wary youths into engaging in what he so innocently refers to as "tricks." At this point, the fish, an obvious Christ figure who represents the prevailing Christian morality, attempts to warn the children, and thus, in effect, warns all of humanity of the dangers associated with the unleashing of the primal urges. In response to this, the cat proceeds to balance the aquatic naysayer on the end of his umbrella, essentially saying, "Down with morality; down with God!" After poohpoohing the righteous rantings of the waterlogged Christ figure, the Cat begins to juggle several icons of Western culture, most notably two books, representing the Old and New Testaments, and a saucer of lactal fluid, an ironic reference to maternal loss the two children experienced when their mother abandoned them "for the afternoon." Our heroic Id adds to this bold gesture a rake and a toy man, and thus completes the Oedipal triangle. Later in the novel, Seuss introduces the proverbial Pandora's box, a large red crate out of which the Id releases Thing One, or Freud's concept of Ego, the division of the psyche that serves as the conscious mediator between the person and reality, and Thing Two, the Superego which functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes, conscience, and guilt. Referring to this box, the Cat says, "Now look at this trick. Take a look!" In this, Dr. Seuss uses the children as a brilliant metaphor for the reader, and asks the reader to re-examine his own inner self. The children, unable to control the Id, Ego, and Superego allow these creatures to run free and mess up the house, or more symbolically, control their lives. This rampage continues until the fish, or Christ symbol, warns that the mother is returning to reinstate the Oedipal triangle that existed before her abandonment of the children. At this point, Seuss introduces a many-armed cleaning device which represents the psychoanalytic couch, which proceeds to put the two youngsters' lives back in order. With powerful simplicity, clarity, and drama, Seuss reduces Freud's concepts on the dynamics of the human psyche to an easily understood gesture. Mr. Seuss' poetry and choice of words is equally impressive and serves as a splendid counterpart to his bold symbolism. In all, his writing style is quick and fluid, making _The Cat in the Hat_ impossible to put down. While this novel is 61 pages in length, and one can read it in five minutes or less, it is not until after multiple readings that the genius of this modern day master becomes apparent.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83601572

The quotes below are complaints reported by clients of Room 111, a public health clinic in St. Paul that treats people for sexually transmitted diseases. Nurses at the clinic began creating the list two decades ago; it now includes several hundred comments. "I have reason to believe my penis was exposed to LSD. When I ejaculate I have flashbacks." "My hair is falling out and the sun hurts my crotch." "I went to a party, had a few beers, woke up in a closet later on and my face stunk and my dick hurt." "My last period looked like meat." "My balls feel soft and mushy." "I be messin' with these nasty women from Minnesota and they don't tell you they got something unless they mad at you." "How am I supposed to do lap dances smelling like a dead fish?" "I got the dripper." "I have food chunks in my urine." "Had sex with my daughter's fianc and then douched with Lysol--feelin' a little raw down there." "Scabs on my butt and I'm losing my mind." "I'm releasing semen when I take a crap." "I was poked in the rectum with the infected finger of a 70-year-old homosexual man." "I live at the VA and my roommate has his girlfriend from Minneapolis over. They throw ticks at me that bite my neck and when I pop the sores, they smell like vagina juice." "Can't you put the swab in further?" "I had sex with my baby's momma, sex with my other baby's momma and my other new baby's momma has disease." "Last time I had sex I passed something that looked like Cream of Wheat before it's cooked." "My cervix hurts when I jiggle." "The seam in my circumcision split open." "I be messin' with my ex-wife and my girlfriend and I don't trust either of them." "My whole body smells like a menstruating woman, especially my armpits." "From the looks of my penis, I believe they are sucking the adrenaline out of me." "I think they hypnotized me and put implants and poltergeists in my brain and had sex with me." "I think my boyfriend knows what's going on. He's been calling me a 'chlamydiahoris.'" "My pee smells like ham." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83583444

Saturday, October 26, 2002

This is something that was posted in a news group, I don't know the story behind this, or what it is, but it's funny. I don't know if this is completely fictional or if there really was someone who did this.

Message 1418: From pud! Wed Mar 2 03:30:27 1994 To: Subject: Concerning your recent submission Sent-To: (Mike Jittlov) Reply-To: (Peter S. Langston) Forwarded-from: /dev/ From: Paleoanthropology Division Smithsonian Institute 207 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20078 Dear Sir: Thank you for your latest submission to the Institute, labeled "211-D, layer seven, next to the clothesline post. Hominid skull." We have given this specimen a careful and detailed examination, and regret to inform you that we disagree with your theory that it represents "conclusive proof of the presence of Early Man in Charleston County two million years ago." Rather, it appears that what you have found is the head of a Barbie doll, of the variety one of our staff, who has small children, believes to be the "Malibu Barbie". It is evident that you have given a great deal of thought to the analysis of this specimen, and you may be quite certain that those of us who are familiar with your prior work in the field were loathe to come to contradiction with your findings. However, we do feel that there are a number of physical attributes of the specimen which might have tipped you off to it's modern origin: 1. The material is molded plastic. Ancient hominid remains are typically fossilized bone. 2. The cranial capacity of the specimen is approximately 9 cubic centimeters, well below the threshold of even the earliest identified proto-hominids. 3. The dentition pattern evident on the "skull" is more consistent with the common domesticated dog than it is with the "ravenous man-eating Pliocene clams" you speculate roamed the wetlands during that time. This latter finding is certainly one of the most intriguing hypotheses you have submitted in your history with this institution, but the evidence seems to weigh rather heavily against it. Without going into too much detail, let us say that: A. The specimen looks like the head of a Barbie doll that a dog has chewed on. B. Clams don't have teeth. It is with feelings tinged with melancholy that we must deny your request to have the specimen carbon dated. This is partially due to the heavy load our lab must bear in its normal operation, and partly due to carbon dating's notorious inaccuracy in fossils of recent geologic record. To the best of our knowledge, no Barbie dolls were produced prior to 1956 AD, and carbon dating is likely to produce wildly inaccurate results. Sadly, we must also deny your request that we approach the National Science Foundation's Phylogeny Department with the concept of assigning your specimen the scientific name "Australopithecus spiff-arino." Speaking personally, I, for one, fought tenaciously for the acceptance of your proposed taxonomy, but was ultimately voted down because the species name you selected was hyphenated, and didn't really sound like it might be Latin. However, we gladly accept your generous donation of this fascinating specimen to the museum. While it is undoubtedly not a hominid fossil, it is, nonetheless, yet another riveting example of the great body of work you seem to accumulate here so effortlessly. You should know that our Director has reserved a special shelf in his own office for the display of the specimens you have previously submitted to the Institution, and the entire staff speculates daily on what you will happen upon next in your digs at the site you have discovered in your back yard. We eagerly anticipate your trip to our nation's capital that you proposed in your last letter, and several of us are pressing the Director to pay for it. We are particularly interested in hearing you expand on your theories surrounding the "trans-positating fillifitation of ferrous ions in a structural matrix" that makes the excellent juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex femur you recently discovered take on the deceptive appearance of a rusty 9-mm Sears Craftsman automotive crescent wrench. Yours in Science, Harvey Rowe Curator, Antiquities

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83565015

From the "Those Wacky Japanese" file: Japanese car manufacturers often give their show cars English-

style names. Here are a few names used on actual show cars exhibited in Japan, as reported by Jean Lindamood in Automobile Magazine: Nissan Big Thumb Nissan Leopard J Ferie Nissan Fairlady Z Mazda Bongo Brawny Mazda Proceed Marvie Wild Breeze Mazda Familia Interplay Mazda Autozam Carol Melady Toyota Hiace One Day Trip Toyota Land Cruiser 80 Active Vacation Toyota Estima Lucida G Luxury Joyful Canopy Mitsubishi Pajero Field Guard Mitsubishi Delica Green Field Mitsubishi Mirage Cyborg R Mitsubishi Debonair Exceed Mitsubishi MUM 500 Shall we join us? (Yes, the question is part of the name.) Daihatsu Rugger Daihatsu D-Bag 4 Suzuki Escudo Esprit Fun-About 4x4 Suzuki Jimny Wild Wind Suzuki Every Joy Pop Sound As usual, be sure to check out my web page. I've done a lot of work to it the last few days, but you can't really tell, because most of what I did was just changing the code from old style HTML to XHTML and CSS, so it looks pretty much the same, but the code behind it is completely different. I did add some CSS features to make it look nice, and I've added a whole lot more links. There's almost 100 links now, most notably, the Anti-Scientology section. So now! You bastards, and she-bastards. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83563910

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

I was off work yesterday and still didn't get to work on my website! I was downloading and installing stuff the entire day! And then some of the stuff didn't work. It pissed me off . I went to CompUSA yesterday to look for some software. I hate driving up there, it's over 40 miles away, but it's the closest of something like only two stores in the entire state that sell Macs and Mac software. I was planning on buying some kind of graphics program, because all this computer came with was some stupid little program that barely does anything. I was wanting to get a pretty good program, maybe even one with 3D design capabilites. Graphic Design capabilites was one of the main reasons I decided to switch to Mac. But CompUSA only had a few programs, and almost all of them were upgrades only, so I couldn't use them. They only had two full programs, and they were ridiculously expensive. They had some Corel program that didn't look that great but still cost almost $600, and some other company's suite of programs for almost $1200. Those were the only choices. I guess I'm going to have to buy one online somewhere. So instead of buying a graphics program, I bought the OS 10.2 upgrade, which was $129. I ended up spending almost $200 in all yesterday. So I went home and installed the upgrade and it took just over two hours to do it! I couldn't believe it took that long. Then after I got that installed there were all kinds of program updates from Mac I could download, and I spent the rest of the night downloading those, and then I downloaded the newest version of AOL. I was downloading programs until 2 in the morning, and I started at like 6 pm. And then after I got it downloaded, the new AOL version didn't even work for some reason. OK, I'm gonna go work on my webpage now. The page might not expand as fast as I hoped, because I've got to learn how to code all over again. All I know is HTML, I just found out that hardly anyone uses HTML anymore, now I have to learn CSS and XHTML and DHTML. Should be fun. XHTML looks cool. I'm a geek and proud. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83384919

Sunday, October 20, 2002

For Halloween, Samhain, whatever, I'm dressing up as God, and is dressing up as Jesus. Most likely, though, we're just going to take the easy way out and get a couple of those "Hello, my name is" name tags and write God and Jesus on them. I may get a whole bunch of them, and write different names of God on them, and stick them all over myself. "Hello, my name is God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Wotan, Odin, Ra, Pan, Bog, Iah, AFFA, Mammon, Shiva, Adonai Molach, Abulldad, Shamash, Iadabaoth, Crom.............." Something I thought of tonight: Can't you just see Hugh Hefner as God? That would be great. Get Hugh Hefner to play God in some movie, Hugh Hefner lounging around in that silk robe/pajamas outfit he always wears. And just think of all the hell the Christians would raise over the movie. They'd be picketing the movie and people connected with the movie would be getting death threats. That would be the best. I wish I could make that movie. Check out my new webpage. There's not much there yet, except a lot of links, which is going to be the main function of the site for a while, a site devoted to weird links. Visit often though, it should expand rapidly. I'm going tomorrow to by some new HTML how-to books, because it's been a few years since I coded much, and all my books and skills are outdated, old code. My book is over HTML 3, and I think it's up to 4 or 5 now. It still works, but I'm sure there's been some improvements and additions over the years. My Webpage: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83279499

I have a website now! Well, part of one anyway, but it will steadily get larger. Right now it's just a large list of links, a list that will grow constantly. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83242592

Friday, October 18, 2002 Every week a new Jesus, or check out the Jesus of the moment for even more Jesus fun. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83158060

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Last night at work sucked. I had to clean the bathrooms, which is nothing new, but when I went to clean them, the men's room was completely and totally disgusting. This is also nothing new, but it was even worse than usual. Men's rooms are the nastiest, filthiest places on the planet. Usually when I go in there I have to clean snot off the wall from where people have picked their nose and wiped it on the wall while they're on the toilet. And there's often crap smeared on things, and I mean actual crap. Last night it was even worse. The toilet had been filled with toilet paper, to the point that all the water had been sucked up and the paper had formed a big coagulated lump that filled most of the toilet. And then, since the toilet was stopped up, someone had taken a crap in the urinal, or something. It was just a piece of some crap, not an entire turd, I don't know if someone had just put it in there, or if they'd taken a crap in the urinal and got most of it to flush, or what. I don't want to know what some people do in our bathroom. Also, someone's kid had thrown up in the floor. I say it was a kid or a baby, because it was just a tiny pile, and judging from the looks of it, and the smell of the entire bathroom, it was a pile of fresh Froot Loops or Trix cereal. I'm glad I don't have to clean the bathrooms for almost another week. I only have to clean them on certain days. It makes it worse that the new cleaner we have to use is some really strong bleach spray, it smells like Tilex or something. Some of the employees are allergic to it, and even the ones that aren't have a hard time using it. With me it makes it really hard to breathe, and I have a runny nose for the rest of the night. One time the bathrooms were really dirty, and I had to spray so much of it that it made it very hard to breathe, irritated my skin, turning my face and hands red and then I threw up. We all hate the cleaner, but we have to use it, the company made us switch to new chemicals recently. I have to go to work now, but at least I don't have to clean the bathrooms. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83127520

The Principia Discordia, the "Bible" of the Discordian religion. You can buy it at most bookstores, or have them order it, but this online version is just as good, it's complete, with nothing missing. Even all of the little pictures are here. I have a copy of it, and I haven't noticed any major differences between it and this version. And on a related note, here's the website of one of my favorite authors, Robert Anton Wilson. The Illuminatus! Trilogy is one of my favorite books. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83126999

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

A while back I mentioned Jerry Falwell and his bad mouthing of Islam, homosexuals, liberals, abortion rights activists, pagans, feminists, and pretty much everyone else that isn't a hardcore member of the so-called "Moral Majority." Well, here's a story from this week's Newsweek about the same thing: posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=83102151

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Last week I said that Tuesday would be links day, but, as you can see, I didn't post any links yesterday. This is not my fault, I tried to. I got online yesterday morning, and got about half my post written, but had to go to work before I could get it done and online. Then, while I was at work, the phone company did something across the street, (or so I'm told) and my phone line was screwed up the rest of the night and I couldn't get online. But now this afternoon it started working again, so here is the post I had intended for yesterday: Okay, it's Tuesday, and time for links. This is great. What's sad is that I seriously considered buying it: This too, it's so weird I almost HAVE to buy it: Make sure you read the artist's bio and description of the artwork, that's the best part. I found both of those items on this great site: Now here's a movement I can REALLY get behind. The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. And no, it's not a joke, they're serious:

And also, here's a pagan/wiccan view on Overpopulation and why we shouldn't reproduce: Face it, this world is full of people who shouldn't reproduce. Like that total idiot you met yesterday, or that guy with the windbreaker tied around his head, or that person in the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" picture in the post below. It's times like this I wish I spoke and read more than a few words in Japanese. I don't what the hell it is, but I do know it's what happens when you mix ascii art with flash animation. I don't know why the cats have penises on their heads, though. I don't know what's going on here, but its extremely funny: There's also this one:

Here is a flash movie that I find to be extremely funny. It's from, which is a funny site, check it out: Here is another cool site, with various things, including lots of tests and polls you can take, such as these:My insulting name is Republican Udderbottom! Cool, I like Pauly Shore. The Story Elements area of the site is cool too, it might come in handy. Ok, I had more links than that I intended to put up, but I'm having a hard time getting this post online, so I'm stopping here, before something really screws up. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82912004

Friday, October 11, 2002

People are so stupid:

The saddest thing about this is that only 80% of the audience knew it. I read somewhere once that in the Russian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, no one asks the audience, because the Russian people are so poor, they are jealous and don't want the person to win, so they will purposely give the wrong answer. I don't know if this is true or not, I don't know if they even have this show in Russia, but that's what I read somewhere once, and I think it was on a real news website that I read it. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82850961

Thursday, October 10, 2002

I got this from the website of the smart, talented, and beautiful, WHY MAD SCIENTISTS ARE BETTER THAN SCIENTISTS Scientists: Work in clean, well-lit, aseptic lab Mad Scientists: Work in dank, gloomy, musty cellars and sometimes nifty castles S: Must follow a dress code - slacks, tie, and a normal haircut MS: Can wear black rubber and have waist-length hair, if they like S: Personal idol - Madame Curie MS: Personal Idol - Baron Frankenstein

S: Talk in calm, rational voices MS: Scream "Its alive! IT'S ALIVE!" while cackling maniacally S: Often dependent on federal funding, requiring endless paperwork MS: Fund their experiments by making and selling mutant babies S: Throw parties where the biggest excitement is three kinds of appetizers MS: Throw parties where the biggest excitement is fighting the giant squid in the basement S: All experiments must be approved by a board of their peers MS: Can just experiment - no matter what, where, when, who or why (Dont believe that they have any peers) S: Drive small, conservative, boring cars MS: Drive second-hand hearses or trucks that they can stash a spare body in - excellent for backseat make-out sessions S: Must work under annoying fluorescent lighting MS: Can work by torchlight - or candlelight S: Keeps their romantic and professional lives strictly separate MS: Tie their dates down on the slab and really go to town S: Secretly yearn to be Mad Scientists MS: Secretly yearn to rule the world with an army of radioactive gorillas _____________ And also this: How can you tell if that schoolbus in front of you is for retards or for normal kids? If the bus is full of retards, they will be randomly thrashing about, banging their heads on the windows, displaying funny faces, and making rude and ludicrous noises. If the bus is full of normal kids, they will be randomly thrashing about, banging their heads on the windows, displaying funny faces, making rude and ludicrous noises - AND holding signs up to the window that say "I WANT TO SUK YOUR COCK CALL ME ***-***-**** (phone number not listed to prevent harassment of a minor)" and prominently displaying the cell phone in the other hand. The human female displaying this sign appeared to be about twelve; also, even if it wasn't retarded, it seemed to believe that I was a male human. _____________ And this was not on her web page, but it's also by her: "Curious George liked riding in the big shiny limousine! He looked at the grassy knoll and saw a bright flash just before his brains exploded out of his skull. And Jackie ate of the brains, and they were good." posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82821267

The average American lifespan is approximately 75 years. School takes up 17 (counting college), sleep takes another 23. You've got 35 years left, make them count. Unfortunately, depending on where you live, several of those years will be spent in traffic. And you're outnumbered 6 billion to 1 on this planet. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82818595

This is great.

Definitely one of the lesser known of mythical bests, you are described as having the head and legs of a cock, the body of a serpent, and the wings of a bat (although there are wingless varieties). You were the blame of hundreds of thousands of deaths in the middle ages. Your breath and even gaze was deadly. Hundreds of basilisk hunts were organized to get rid of you. The hunters would carry mirrors so that, if they encountered you, they would have you look in the mirror and destroy yourself! Weasels were also reputed to be able to kill you, as they could resist your deadly gaze. You were a potent symbol of death and in some cultures the embodiment of Death himself. In Christianity, the Basilisk was linked with Satan.

Although the test isnt very accurate. The first couple of times I took it, it kept saying I was a unicorn, with powers to heal, and the nicest mythical creature ever, even though I kept answering the questions evilly. I finally figured out that it was because I said I could be lured to my death by virgins. posted by Kevin @

Time for a patented Kevin Underwood bitch fest. I went to Sonic for lunch today. It was completely nasty. My bacon cheeseburger was cold, and the bun was hard, and the whole thing tasted like it was a couple of hours old. The chili-cheese fries were also very cold. The chili and cheese had turned into a hard mass and only was on about a third of the fries anyway. The fries themselves were cold and hard too. And they only gave me a plastic spoon to eat it with. A plastic fork would have been nice. The spoon would have worked if the food had been fresh, but a spoon would not cut through the hard, coagulated mess. They also only gave me one napkin. Even my drink was gross. I got a Route 44 size cherry limeade. The drink, while red, had no cherry flavor. It just tasted like a limeade, and a really strong, sour one at that. Even ordering the food was a hassle. I pressed the little button, and had to wait three or four minutes before anyone answered. And they weren't even busy, there were four cars there besides me. And the lady who took my order didn't know what she was doing. She could barely work the headset, it sounded like, and then when she read the order back to me she said, "that's a Sonic Bacon Cheeseburger, a large chili-cheese fry, and a small, I mean, Route 44, cherry limeade. That'll be $4.67, I mean, $7.67." That's another thing I don't like about Sonic, they are too exspensive. That's why I hardly ever eat there. And then, while I was waiting for my food, I noticed something else that bothers me. Spelling and grammar mistakes on signs. I noticed a store across the street and painted on the front window was, "Used furniture and appliances," only furniture was spelled "furnituer." Then I decided to drive out to the lake to eat my meal. I don't really have any complaints about that, except that on the ground right outside my car door was a ripped pair of black panties. Oh well, at least it wasn't used condoms like usual. Okay, the bitch fest is done. Here's something interesting I found last night. A page about the perils of flouride in the water. No, it's not one of those weird mind-control conspiracies. But did you know that flouride is one of the deadliest poisons in anything except miniscule amounts? It also sites research that links flouridated water with an increase in certain medical conditions, such as cancer, immune deficiency, and the fusing together of the vertebrae. to read more. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82809926

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

"U.S. Admits Germ Warfare Tests During Cold War WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States acknowledged on Wednesday it carried out a sweeping Cold War-era test program of chemical and germ warfare agents on American soil and in Britain and Canada. An unknown number of civilians were exposed at the time to 'simulants,' or what were then thought to be harmless agents meant to stand in for deadlier ones, the Defense Department said. Some of those were later discovered to be dangerous. " This is supposed to be news? I thought they admitted to that years ago. I've known about for years, anyway. I've never heard of them doing it in Britain, though. This is just the tip of the iceberg. for more cases of the goverment using unsuspecting citizens as Guinea Pigs. posted by Kevin @

The Reverend Jerry Falwell has made another one of his incredibly insensitive and hateful "christian" remarks. "I think Mohammed was a terrorist." He says, speaking of the Prophet Mohammed, Islam's founder and sacred figure. This is from the man who said that the September 11th attacks were the fault of the homosexuals and the liberals. I hate this guy. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82754557

Hmmm, I've posted a lot of links today. (By the time I actually get this typed and posted it will probably be yesterday, though.) I think from now on, Tuesday will be links day. At least for awhile, I'm not good at sticking to schedules. (In my head I just pronounced that "Shedule" like the British sometimes do.) Anyway, now I have something special for you. I am proud to present the words of va=&vp=Kerry+Wendell+Thornley&vo=&ve=Woodstock&h=w&bbase=Search&vl=&vc=&vd=all&vt=any&vss=i&vs=&vr=&vk=&r=all&g=0&n=20 Kerry Wendell Thornley Says: Relax in the Safety of Your Own Delusions.

Tell yourself that I speak cryptic whenever I get the chance, that I like talking to you in the gibberish I've had to invent in order to find out anything at all from you about what you, and the pigs whose asses you perpetually kiss, are doing with MY LIFE. Just keep right on believing that what I order for breakfast is relevant, whereas the plain intent of my words is not. Listen to everything the agents of Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger and Howard Hunt and Meyer Lansky tell you about what I actually mean to say, and pay no attention to the fact that I am a witness to the John Kennedy and Lee Oswald murders. Just keep right on believing that I am the one who is a racist and a puritan and they, on the other hand, are psychedelic hippie radicals with flowers in their hair. Relax, it all has to do with karma and reincarnation -- don't think about it and maybe it will go away. doesn't have anything to do with it. Nothing that terrible could ever happen in this country. And even if it did, it wouldn't happen to you. So go right on believing it is all metaphysical. What the hell? You might as well believe something. Right? Never mind where the gets its money or where the World-Wide Church of God gets its power! What the hell business is that of yours? Worry, instead, about whether or not your next-door neighbor is into ass fucking, or whether or not his wife masturbates. Why make a half-

assed fool out of yourself when you can be a complete fool, instead? In addition to worrying about the sex lives of strangers you might want to also take up quarreling about religion. Since the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket, since the U.S. Constitution now serves a purely decorative purpose, and since your whole nation is being enslaved by an elite technocracy of Neo-Nazis disguised as Bolsheviks, why the hell not squander all your time gossiping? Go right ahead -- keep it up until every human being who differs from you racially, psychologically, sexually, ideologically, or religiously hates your no-good busy-body guts. You don't need them to help you throw off the ruling class. There isn't any such thing as a ruling class in this country anyway. If there was, then you wouldn't be able to vote and thereby elect your own oppressors, right? And even if there is a ruling class, they don't have the goddamned Russian government working for them as a bunch of quasi-fascist scabs and, in any case, they certainly don't want to insert silicone chips into the bases of your skulls and thereby manipulate your behavior. Things like that are too paranoid to be true. So relax. If that is difficult, trying to repeat this mantra over and over to yourself will help: LEE HARVEY OSWALD, ACTING ALONE, MURDERED PRESIDENT KENNEDY; LEE HARVEY OSWALD, ACTING ALONE, MURDERED PRESIDENT KENNEDY...But you have to say it with conviction if you want it to work. Does that sound difficult? Where is your faith? How do you expect to accomplish anything without faith? That's all right. Don't worry about anything I say here. Everyone knows that I speak very mysteriously at all times, seeming to say one thing while actually saying something else. Just ask Gerald Ford or any retired member of the CIA Psychological and Political Warfare Unit. Actually I'm just a paranoid. You see, John F. Kennedy and Lee Oswald actually both died of natural causes, and the country has been in beautiful shape ever since then anyhow. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82726498

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Praise "Bob" Eternal Salvation, or Triple Your Money Back! Or, for a quick introduction to The Church of the SubGenius, Also try this: ...else I shall set Tubby, the Magic Beef Monster to kill you! Is it just me, or does "beef monster" sound really dirty? posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82715975

The best site on the internet: Another good one: And be sure to check out their new Underwear Hell section. Yay! I'm bored. But these sites are helping. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82702402

Monday, October 07, 2002

Not much to tell today. I've spent the last few days playing Kingdom Hearts and reading. I have now finished "Tale of the Body Thief," and "Memnoch the Devil," and have just started "The Vampire Armand." My reading has slowed a bit, I'm not reading much now, because I'm playing Kingdom Hearts and doing other stuff. I'm mainly only reading while on break at work now. Here's something sent me in the email the other day. I don't get some of them. I can't figure out what movies a few of them are from. The Top 16 Famous Quotes from Redneck Movies 16> "Luke, I am your father... and your uncle... and your first and second cousin, your nephew..." 15> "We'll always have Wal-Mart." 14> "What does it feel like? Kind of like sticking your fingers in warm chicken fried steak with gravy." 13> "You had me at 'Sooooey!'"

12> "Houston, we have a 'possum." 11> "You're trying to seduce me, aren't you, Uncle Ed?" 10> "I feel the need... the need for sheep." 9> "Are you CRYING? There's no crying in NASCAR!" 8> "Of all the trailer parks in Pine Cone County, she had to pull her '68 Rambler into mine." 7> "I... see... Black people." 6> "Use the horse, Luke!" 5> "I ate his ribs... with some pinto beans and a shot o' Jack Daniels." 4> "Hokey opera and ancient museums are no match for a good tractor pull, kid." 3> "I know what you're thinking... did he fire six shots or only five? Well, hell if I know! You KNOW I cain't count no higher'n three since the chainsaw accident!" 2> "My daddy always said, 'Life is like a ten-dollar hooker -you never know what you're gonna' get.'" and the number 1 Famous Quote from a Redneck Movie... 1> "You want a tooth?! You can't HANDLE a tooth!!" posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82670446

Saturday, October 05, 2002

Tonight at work I just suddenly started laughing uncontrollably because I remembered Tofu. Tofu is a character in some of the weird stories my best friend, Chris, wrote during high school. All of these stories were very weird. Very weird. One of them was a very short story about a monkey that somehow swallowed a 300 pound mango seed, and then split in half when he took a crap. That was the entire plot, and the actual story was just a few sentences long. He handed that one in for a grade, and actually got an "A" on it. Unfortunately, there are no existing copies of that story, that I know of. Anyway, several of these stories starred Bubba. Bubba is the stupidest man on the planet, his catch phrase is "Why for you do dat?" He says that at some point in each story. Also in the "Bubba" stories was a character named Tofu. Tofu is a two-ton midget. Tonight at work I got a mental image of what exactly a two-ton midget would look like and started laughing very long and loud. I just did it again when I wrote about Tofu just now. I think I woke my sister up in the next room. I have copies of one or two of the Bubba stories, and some of Chris' other stories. Unfortunately they are packed away with the rest of my stuff at the moment, and I don't know exactly where. Wait, I think I might have them in a text file on my computer somewhere... Hmmm, they're not on this computer, maybe they're on the laptop, but I doubt it. If thought I transferred copies of all my text files to this computer. I thought I typed up the Bubba stories once... Ok, I'm still waiting for the laptop to boot up. It takes it like 10 minutes, really, and then it barely works when it does start up. But I'll save all those complaints for some other time. Ok, it's finally done... Damn, the stories are nowhere to be found. I even checked Chris' old, defunct web site. Anyway, the stories were all short, and none of them made much sense. They were mostly about two-ton midgets and people placing gerbils up their ass. But they were all hilarious. Some other characters were Fluffy the Gerbil, and Porridge Rump (sounds like Forrest Gump). In the story I was going to put on here Bubba's just walking home with a big basket full of Ho-Hos snack cakes for his mother who is the size of a small house. When along comes Tofu, the two-ton midget. "Hey Bubba," Tofu says, "gimme all your ho-hos." "Okay," Bubba replies stupidly. When Bubba gets home his mother is very angry. "Why did you give him all the ho-hos?" she asks. "Because he asked for them," says Bubba. His mother replies, "Boy, you've got to be the stupidest person on the face of the planet," and sits on him. So, as you can see, the stories are very low brow humor, but me and all my friends loved them. You think his stories were weird? Sometime I'll have to tell about Jared's stories. They were at least 10 times weirder. How weird? A couple of the stories featured Ronald Reagan's secret identity, Obi-Ron Kenobi, with his Ronald Ray-Gun. Oh man, I love that. ...and I'd like to conclude by putting my finger up my nose. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82548024

Thursday, October 03, 2002

I've had a busy day today. Busy doing nothing, that is. I was off today so I went to the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Norman. Our town is so pathetic it doesn't even have one. We have a Wal-Mart, but it is very tiny, as Wal-Marts go. It doesn't have groceries or anything, like the supercenters do, it's just a regular, old, Wal-Mart. The kind they had back in the day. What day, I don't know. It's not even open 24 hours. Like everything else in this town, it closes by 9 pm. Most of the things in this town aren't even open that late. On Sunday most of the places in town are closed, the Wal-Mart closes at 5 or 6 pm. It used to be 5, but I think they changed it.

Anyway, I drove to Norman and went to the Supercenter and got some more Maruchan Noodle Cup Things. I'd been out for several days. I also bought a new video game, Kingdom Hearts, for the Playstation 2. This game is like a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover. It's made by Square, the Final Fantasy company, and it features new characters, plus characters from previous Final Fantasy games, and over 100 Disney characters. The game has different worlds, all of which are based on different Disney Animated Features, such as Alice in Wonderland, Aladdin, Tarzan, and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Since when is Nightmare Before Christmas a Disney movie? I had no idea. I'm not complaining though, I love that movie, and can't wait to play that stage. And, yes, unfortunately, Winnie the Pooh and company are in the game also. The game isn't as bad as it sounds. I, and most Final Fantasy and Square Soft video game fans were worried about this game. But it is actually very good, and very well done. The game benefits from the Disney voice acting. Most of the Disney characters are voiced by major actors, presumably whoever did their voice in the movie, I guess, when that's possible. The voice of the main character you play as is done by Haley Joel Osment. Other big name voice actors are Billy Zane, Mandy Moore, Lance Bass (as the voice of Sephiroth, no less. I wonder how that's gonna work out?), Sean Astin, Dan Castellaneta, James Woods, and about 30 others. Your main group of people that you play as are the "Final Fantasy Type" character, Sora, and the Disney characters, Donald Duck, who is a wizard, and Goofy, who is a knight. In many of the stages you are joined by some character from the movie on which the stage is based, but they leave after a while. The battle system and play style is different from most video games like this. Instead of the screen changing into a battle mode in which there is not that much movement, the enemies are right in the stage with you, you can fight them, run from them, jump over them, whatever. The battle system is more like that of the Legend of Zelda games for the Nintendo 64. You can lock onto the enemies for better accuracy, but it also leaves you a little more open to attacks from any enemies that come up behind you while you are fighting. You do most of your fighting with the "Keyblade," a sword that looks like, you guessed it, a giant key. You can also use magic, including Summon spells. The summoms spells summon Disney characters, such as Dumbo, who sprays water from his trunk, and Bambi, who hops around leaving a trail of items to help you. I played for about 4 hours, so I am not that far yet, but it looks to be pretty good. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82498642

Monday, September 30, 2002

The newpaper today is full of stories about something that I hate. Corporate Sponsorship. There's nothing wrong with that, usually. But what I hate is the way everything is named after corporations now. A few weeks ago they changed the name of OU's football field. It's been Owen Field for years and years, I don't know if it's always been Owen Field, but it has been for as long as my mom can remember. Now it's called "The Gaylord Family Memorial Field," or some shit like that. Because the rich Gaylord family donated something like 12.5 million dollars to the school. (E.K. Gaylord was the founder of the Daily Oklahoman Newspaper.) A lot of people around here are mad about the name change, many of them refusing to even acknowledge it. Most of the local tv sports reporters are even still calling it Owen Field in their reports. Also recently they built a new convention center/concert hall thing in Oklahoma City. It's called the Ford Center. In today's newspaper there is a story about the State Fair which just ended Sunday. The picture that goes along with the picture is captioned, "With the Shell Space Tower in the background, the AT&T Wireless Services Monorail carries passengers Sunday on the final day of the Oklahoma State Fair." AT&T Wireless Services Monorail? That's outrageous. There's another story in Today's paper about the new Capitol Dome. The Oklahoma State Capitol Building was the only state capitol building not to have a dome on it. Now they have just added a dome to it, amid much pomp and ceremony. The new story today is about how they are going to inscribe in six inch letters, the names of 13 corporate and private sponsors who helped pay for all this in a "ring of honor" on the inside rim of the dome so their names can be seen by all visitors to the capitol building. Names such as Phillips Petroleum Co., and General Motors. I'm thinking they should start calling it the "capital" building. The Fed-Ex Orange bowl, the Ford Center, The AT&T Wireless Services Monorail. Before long everything will be named after a corporate sponsor. Children will be tattooed with things like, "This Child brought to you by the good people at General Motors." I fully agree with what was said in the movie "Fight Club." (Which is a great movie, by the way, one of my favorites.) "When deep-space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything. The IBM Stellarsphere, The Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks." I'm surprised it hasn't happened already. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82346865

Turmoil at work...but what else is new? Okay, so the other day Jimmy quit. He just suddenly left for Iowa to be near his son, didn't say goodbye to anyone. Doesn't bother me. Yeah, Jimmy was pretty cool, but I still don't care that much. freaking out about it, though. She liked Jimmy, a lot, and something like this happened to her before. Some guy she liked left her suddenly without saying goodbye, and it really hurt her. She has yet to get over it, and now it's happened again. She wouldn't even beleive it at first. She walked around all afternoon at work repeating, "he has to work tomorrow at 2. He has to show up. He'll be here, he has to work tomorrow at 2..." Then she accused us of making it up. She said it was a joke and we were all in on it. Doing it just to hurt her. Well fuck you too, Alicia. I'm sorry Alicia, I know it probably hurt you more than I can know, but still, you're taking it a little too far. Dressing like a widow? Wearing all black for a week? That's fucking ridiculous. You're not the only person who's ever been hurt.

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82345259

Sunday, September 29, 2002

"Mommy, mommy! What are those doggies doing?" "Ummm, they're playing leapfrog, Timmy." So anyway, I'm just walking down the street today, and this guy yells, "What the hell are you doing in the middle of the street, you fucking moron?" Not really, but that would have been great. I've been in a weird mood all day today. I was talking to myself even more than usual at work tonight. I was saying very strange things, weird things, and most of the time I was talking in some kind of strange spanish accent or something. I sounded kind of like Strong Bad from Okay, so I finished "Queen of the Damned," and now I'm almost finished with "Tale of the Body Thief." That's still almost all I'm doing, is reading. I just found out my great-grandmother was named Mary Magdalene Underwood. That's great, I love that. My great-grandmother was named after a prostitute that hung around with Jesus. If I ever have a daughter I want to name her Mary Magdalene. Either that or Alexis Nicole. Wait, I wonder if this was the Irish woman? One of my great-grandmothers on my father's side was full blood Irish. I inherited all the Irish traits: red hair, pasty white skin, temper. Except I apparently didn't inherit the Irish drinking qualities. I'm drunk after two drinks. I don't drink very often though. On the bad side I also found out that most of my relatives came from Tennesee between 1910 and 1920. I've always been interested in the genealogy of my family, but none of my immediate family knows hardly anything about anyone past my grandparents. I just found out a few weeks ago that some relative, a cousin or something, has been doing all this research for a few years now and she's really good at it, she's traced the name back to like the year 1000 or something like that. I've known that for years, most of the websites tell me that the name "Underwood" is a celtic name dating back to somewhere around 1100 or 1200. She also gave me a lot of information and told me I could start helping her look stuff up, and told me how to go about it. So I may do a little of that in what little free time I have. Ok, I'm going to read now. By the way, Timmy's mom is a lying bitch. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82297979

Thursday, September 26, 2002

The other night I was lying in bed half asleep when a realization came to me. It came to me like a dream, and the whole thing seemed very clear and simple, but, like a dream, when I woke it soon faded, and now the precise words fail me, and I have trouble writing it down, but I will do my best. Overseas there are many great and beautiful cities, some of them ancient, some of them merely old. Rome, Paris, Venice, London, and countless others. America does not. America never will. The reason America has none now is simple, we are too young. There are several reasons why we never will. First, America is a disposable society. We love disposable things, they make life easier. And our buildings themselves have become disposable. When a building becomes run down, or has outlived it's usefulness we tear it down, and build a new building. There are a few buildings, or small areas of a town that are protected, but those are not enough, the buildings are not beautiful enough. America has no style of architecture, most of our protected buildings are made in the style of others, these beautiful cities in Europe. Our "early american" style will not last the ages, it is made of wood. Wood rots and burns, and it simply is not as magnificent or beautiful as the other cities. These great cities of the world are great things made of stone, made with incredible skill to last forever. American buildings are simply made to last for as long as they should. This is why even in the future no one will come to America to see its "great cities." The future New York will be futuristic. It will probably looks somethign similar to the way it is portrayed in movies, a huge, glittering city of buildings that touch the sky. Everything will be new, except for maybe the cliche burntout, run-down, old industrial area. There will be no such things as "American ruins." No great ruins to rival those of the Greeks and Romans. American buildings are relatively flimsy things made mostly of metal beams, and glass, and sheetrock. So even if one day New York became ruins, they would not last the centuries to become great and ancient thinkgs. Metal rusts and falls apart, glass breaks. After a couple hundred years American ruins would consist of a few rusted steel beams pointing to the sky, and leaning at strange angles, all half buried in a pile of dust and sand. After another couple of centuries, nothing. But maybe these brief ruins would be considered beautiful by the people of the future, because it will be all they have. By that time the ancient ruins of the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians will be gone, destroyed by acid rain. Even now these great monuments that have stood for thousands of years are rapidly dissappearing. You can return yearly and see the further damage, the erosion of these great things. So see them now people, before we destroy them all. SubSpecies 23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82165966

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Well, now I have finished "The Vampire Lestat," and have read about 50 pages of "The Queen of the Damned." My life the last few days has centered around reading, and probably will for quite some time, possibly until I have read the whole series. I will try to write something interesting on Thursday, since I am off work that day. I was supposed to work from 4 to 9 today, but they called and said they needed me to come to work at 2 instead, because three people called in today. Today and yesterday I've had it pretty easy because I am having to train someone, and that means all I have to do is stand around and tell him what to do. I hate training people though. This isn't so bad, though, because it's not a new guy, it's Jimmy. He's worked there for a while now, but he was on backline, a cook, and now he's being trained to do frontline, cleaning the lobby and working the registers. My eyes are killing me, from all the reading I guess. But for some reason they don't start to bother me until I go to work. I could hardly see to drive home,

and I can barely type now. Looking at the computer screen always makes them bad. I put my glasses on, but they aren't helping much. Maybe I shouldn't read so much tonight, maybe I should only read a couple of hundred pages. I have an extremely fast reading rate. I took a reading class in high school, I didn't need it, i took it because it would be an easy A. The main thing we did in class was use these computer programs that displayed text at a variable rate of speed, and then answer questions on what we read. The point was to increase our reading speed while still having a good comprehension. Most of the people in the class had a top speed of 150 words per minute with a 75 to 80% comprehension rate. Those were the good ones. Some of the people couldn't even break 100 words per minute. Some of the people that graduated high school with me could barely read at all. Oklahoma has one of the lowest literacy rates in the country. It might even be THE lowest. I think so, they were talking about it on the news a few weeks ago. At the beginning of the course I was reading 250 to 300 words per minute. By the end of the course I was up to 450 WPM, with a 80 to 85% comprehension rate. The comprehension tests weren't very fair, they usually only had 5 or 10 questions, so miss one question and you could get an 80 or 90%. I've always been a fantastic reader. According to the test the school gave me I was reading at a third-grade level when I entered kindergarten, and by thirdgrade I was reading college level books. Reading and English were always my best areas on those state tests they'd give us, and on the ACT. I never took the SAT, but on the ACT I made a 35 out of 36 on the reading section, and a 32 on the English section. My overall score was 29. It was my math score of 21 that brought it down so far. I have to go now, my eyes are too bad. posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=82073200

Sunday, September 22, 2002

I haven't felt much like writing the last couple of nights, I've been too preoccupied by my reading. I've read almost half of "The Vampire Lestat," today alone. As I mentioned the other night, Vampires seem to be popping up everywhere. The Garfield comic in the paper yesterday mentioned Amazonian Vampire Moths, and now "Blade" is on tv. Other than reading nothing has happened today. I was off work, and went to the mall, but didn't find anything I wanted. Yesterday I bought a couple of cds, the "Queen of the Damned" soundtrack, and the Stone Sour album. I'm going to go read some more now. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81975731

Saturday, September 21, 2002

As you may, or may not have noticed, I didn't make a post yesterday. Like you even care, I hate you. Don't start with me. Anyway, I was too tired last night to make a post. It was a long, busy night at work last night because it was our town's homecoming. God, I hate football. I hate it, hate it, hate it. Hmmm, I just heard a nice tidbit of wisdom on the "Justice League" cartoon. "Don't heckle the supervillian," I just saw the weirdest cartoon on Fox. It was yet another Japanese, Pokemon-like cartoon. It was called "Fighting Foodons." It was the Chefs vs. the Evil Gluttons or something like that. And they summoned these food-related creatures to fight. One was called Sir Fried Rice-er, and had a plate of fried rice for a head, and his opponent was Sir Dumpling, who had a dumpling for a head. And to power them up they used magic toppings. This one guy was like "Nothing like some Wasabi to heat things up." And the wasabi made Sir Dumpling extremely powerful. And even the people had food names. One kid was named Pie Tin. It was a very weird cartoon, but it was cool, I'm going to have to watch it again next Saturday. Ok, last time I was planning on telling about my weird sister. I'm pretty weird, but my sister freaks even me out sometimes. She learned most of it from me, but soon surpassed me in weirdness. The other day she was telling me and my mom about how she was talking to herself at school the other day, and people were like, "Who are you talking to?" And she said, "Oh, just Satan, and the other voices in my head." And when someone says her name, she'll say "Yes, Satan?" She learned that from me, I learned it from Ace Ventura. She's also been heavily influenced by the cartoon "Cow and Chicken," which used to be our favorite show. One time, when she was about 8 or 9, she was playing with one of her dolls, pretending it was her little girl. She was dressing it, and combing its hair and stuff like that, and pretending she was getting it ready for picture day at school. But the doll didn't want to get her picture taken, and kept complaining. Finally my sister threw the doll across the room and yelled, "Get over there and have your picture taken like a MAN!" It was great, we still laugh about that. Ummm, yeah. I have to go to work later. Poo. I hate my job. My job sucks. Actually, I wouldn't mind it that much, if it piad better. I've been working there for 6 and a half years, and I only get paid $6.15 an hour. And now that they've cut hours, I'm going to get even less. I only work like 25 hours this week. I finished "Interview with the Vampire," and now I'm working on "The Vampire Lestat." What's with all the vampires? I'm reading the Vampire books, and then last night at work Curtis, one of the managers, and some of his friends that were up there talking to him, were reading the "Vampire: The Masquerade" handbook, and talking about playing. It seems like there was some other vampire related incident yesterday, but I don't remember it now. I was wondering yesterday, can vampires use artificial tanning methods to make their skin look more normal, not so pale? Not just sun lamps, but also those lotions that are supposed to make your skin tan, but half the time turn you orange. I'll have to put something about that in my next Walter story. I wrote a vampire story once, about Walter, the world's most non-stereotypical vampire. Rather than being a handsome young man, as most of these vampires seem to be, he's stuck for eternity in the body of a fat, balding, forty year old man, and all the insecurities that go with it. He lives in the suburbs, has a job working the graveyard shift at Wal-Mart, and drives one of those station wagons with the wood paneled sides. He has a job because he has to pay child support. He realizes that he could skip out on the payments now, but he loves his children and will help support them, "Until the day they are both dead, and I am still middle-aged." He wears t-shirts and sweat pants. And his name is Walter, certainly not a vampire name. I had planned on making this a series of stories, but so far I've only written one, and that was some time ago. It is like 12 pages though, the longest thing I've ever written. Anyway, I think that's about it for now. I'll probably write more later. Here's the mandatory link. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81917931

Thursday, September 19, 2002

It never ends. Today I found out that they have Scooby Doo dog treats, and Scooby Doo breakfast cereal. It seems I must destroy the world to save it from itself. My sister's birthday is Wednesday, she'll be 12, I think. So today I took her to the bookstore and let her pick out a couple of books and I bought them for her. She got a large astrology book, all about Libra for the year 2002. Which is a waste of money, since the year is almost over. She also got a "Lord of the Rings" journal to write in. I have now seen and done EVERYTHING on, so now maybe I'll be able to get something done. I had planned to write more tonight, but I don't feel like it now. Go away. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81853808

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Holy Crap. There's a new Scooby Doo series on the WB. I must find out who is behind this and kill him/her/it/them. But I won't just kill them, no. First I will make their life a living hell, and then I will destroy all that they hold sacred and dear. They will suffer greatly for their crimes against humanity. Come on people, it's time to let Scooby die. But no, instead of relegating him to the dustbins of history, people have to keep bringing him back with countless reruns and new forms, and new merchandise and movies. I hate Scooby Doo. I HATE Scooby Doo. Speaking of people who need to die, tonight was a very annoying night at work. We had lots of stupid, rude customers. Even more than usual. One old lady who looked like she was probably 90 decided to be a bitch because she didn't want to pay 27 cents for a water. Then there was some cross-eyed fat lady who smelled so bad I could hardly take her order. She had a filthy boy-child with her, who looked like he'd been rolling in soggy Oreo cookies. His legs were covered in sores of some sort, it looked like they might have been burns. Over all he was a very diseased looking child. He still smelled better than she did though. didn't work tonight, but she came up there for a few minutes. She was upset about having to work on Homecoming, she wanted to go very much. If I had been off that night I would have worked for her, but I have to work that night too. It bothers me to see her upset like that. She's my friend and I care about her very much. I wish there was something I could do to help. I got off work really early tonight, at about 7:25. I only worked about 3 hours, taking off the half-hour for my break. They are cutting everyone's hours because profits have been bad or something. So now I'm going to be making even less money. I've been working there almost 7 years, and I only make $6.15 an hour. Pitiful. I still have it a lot better than most of the other people that work there. I still live with my parents, because I can't afford to move out, but most of the people I work with have their own place, and are having a really hard time paying bills. See that little rating thing there at the bottom of the page people? It's not just there for decoration. Rate me! Uhh, but only if it's a good rating. And then, when you're done rating my site, go to and read it, and then give her some good ratings too! And then, send me money! Lots of it! Ummm, email me, and I'll tell you how to send it to me. And then, uhhh, send me more money! Money, and valuables, and jewelry, and expensive electronics equipment, and your children! Send me your children! No wait, keep the kids, I hate kids. Unless...maybe I could make an army of sugar-crazed Harry Potter fanatics, and finally take over the world! I better write that one down for future research. Well, I guess that's about it, idiots. I guess I'll go read some more. I'm already over half done with "Interview with the Vampire." I should finish it tomorrow. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Alicia wanted me to write a post tonight about her breasts. She wanted me to obsess over them and stuff. But how can I write a post about them when I've never seen them? So, unless I get to examine them sometime soon, I'm not going to write about them. So there. NO POST FOR YOU! Holy crap. God damn, this site is funny. Alicia sent me the link yesterday, and since then I've been on it every chance I get. It's got some funny as hell flash animations. I had to pry myself away from the site to come write this post. Not much to tell, other than that. Work was annoying, kinda busy, but I still got off a little early. was upset tonight, she's having trouble in math. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't, math is my one bad subject, especially Algebra. She is in Algebra 2, I never even took that. I wanted to help her, it made me feel bad that I couldn't, she was really upset about it, and some other things as well. I could tell she felt really bad, but I was no help. I'm not any good at trying to make people feel better. I usually say the wrong thing and make it worse. I'm the king of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I started reading "Interview with the Vampire" again last night, it's like the third time I've read it. I'm going to start the series over. So far, all I've read is "Interview," and "The Vampire Lestat." I've owned "Queen of the Damned" for a year or two, but I never read it. I met Anne Rice at book signing once. Except back then I'd never heard of her. I wish I had been a fan of her then, I would love to meet her now. It's an interesting story. Somehow my friend, Chris, had conned my English teacher (this was 11th grade, I think) into letting us do this for a grade. Everyone in the class had to do a major project and two minor projects over the unit we were doing. I think that year the subject was "Fahrenheit 451," by Ray Bradbury. Or was this the year we were doing King Arthur? Anyway, Mrs. Brewer was a big Anne Rice fan, and Anne Rice was doing a book signing at a bookstore for her new book, "The Tale of the Body Thief." Damn, she writes fast, that was only like five years ago, and she's written a lot of books since then. She's like Stephen King or something. Chris had somehow worked it out so that if we went and bought the book, and got it signed, and gave it to Mrs. Brewer, she would count it as a project and give us an A for it. So we went up there, and I was getting concerned. The name of the book was "The Tale of the Body Thief," and there were all these weirdos in the line, and then Anne Rice herself showed up in a coffin. I was started to get really worried, almost afraid. I was a different person then, I would love all that now. So we waited in the line, and got the book signed and left, and then on the way home we had a wreck. Luckily it was in Randy's parent's car, and no one

was hurt, and none of us really liked Randy anyway, so we weren't concerned about the car. Actually the wreck was pretty fun. I was in the front seat and the guys in back kept hitting the lever to make my seat recline, and then they'd attack me while I was in this awkward position. Randy got distracted, and went like a couple of inches over the line of the right lane, and onto the shoulder. Just a couple of inches. And I was like, "Hey Randy, you might want to stay on the road." And he looks up and says, "Oh shit!" and just turns the wheel as hard as he can to the left, and we go into a spin. We spin down the highway at like 80, for half a mile, and finally hit a street light. It was kinda fun actually, spinning around like that while my seat was laying back. The streetlight fell over across the highway, and other people kept running over it. A car full of teenage girls hit it and it messed up their car, and they had to pull over, and they all started yelling at us and stuff. One of them called their father and he arrived and he was like a lawyer or something. Anyway the rest of us came out fine, no one was hurt, and the only one who had to be concerned about anything was Randy. Ok, I'm gonna go back to SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81758063

Monday, September 16, 2002

Oh my god, I just about had a heart attack. When I went to post that huge post down there, it gave me an error message and the post disappeared! I thought it was gone for good and had a big ol' hissy fit because I thought I was going to have to retype it all, and recode all those damn links! But then I went to the site, and the post was there. For some reason it's not showing up on my program thing, but it is on here. I am so releived. Now I have to go clean my shorts. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81688707

Oklahoma sucks. No, I mean it. Oklahoma really is horrible. I live in a small town of something like 4000-5000 people. And what's really bad about that is that we are one of the bigger towns in the area, unless you go north, where there is Norman, and Oklahoma city. People from other towns come here for their shopping and things like that, because their towns are even worse. Lexington, the town that is right next to us doesn't even have any fast food chains or anything, that's how small it is. Most of the people from Lexington just live there, they do all their shopping and working and stuff like that here in Purcell. Oklahoma is part of the bible belt, with a heavy religious influence. There's probably 15 churches in this town. I can look out my window and see three. How fucking pathetic is that? The main denominations in town are Baptist, Church of Christ, and Pentacostal and Pentacostal Holiness, in that order probably. Though most of the Baptists around here aren't Southern Baptist, most of them are so strict they aren't much better. They don't allow dancing or partying or anything like that. When my parents were kids there was, for a short time, a dance hall for the teenagers. The Baptists quickly shut it down, and now it's like a senior citizen center, where the old people go to have a good time, and dance. Pentacostal Holiness are even stricter, but they don't force the whole town to be the way they think it should be, like the Baptists do. For those of you who don't know, Pentacostal Holiness are just like one step up from being Amish. They aren't supposed to watch TV or anything like that, the man have to always wear long sleeves and the women have to wear dresses and can't cut their hair, and crap like that. Most of the people around here now are just Pentacostal, which isn't quite as strict, or just relaxed Pentacostal Holiness. Most of them watch TV for example. On top of all that, since there is such a religious influence, this is what's known as a "dry county." That means the beer is like three point instead of six, (or whatever it is, I don't drink beer) and all the liquor stores have to close at 9 pm. Basically it's really hard to get alcohol. There are no clubs around here, if you want to go to a club you have to drive to Oklahoma City, which is like 40 miles away. I think there are a couple of clubs in Norman, which is only 20 miles away, but they aren't very good. I don't go to clubs though, because I'm too shy, and I don't like to go to them alone, and I have no friends. But more on that some other time, that's not the point of this post. Tattoos parlors are illegal in Oklahoma. To legally get a tattoo you have to drive to Texas, and a lot of people do. The Texas tattoo places even advertise on the radio here. So the tattoo parlors set up shop just inside the Texas state border. You also can't get decent pornography in Oklahoma, you have to drive to Texas for that too. You can get the magazines here, but the movies are all "cable version." Basically an R-rated porno. Like what they show on Cinemax late at night. To get real porn you have to drive to Texas. So, like the tattoo parlors, there are several Adult Video shops on I-35 right after you enter Texas. One of them is right on the border, it's like 100 feet from the Red River, the border between Oklahoma and Texas. I'll admit, I've driven all the way to Texas solely to buy porn. I'm not the only one though, I know several guys that have done the same thing. It's a six hour drive there and back. Long way to go for porn. New Subject: it took me four hours to write the above because sent me a link for a cool site,, and I spent a long time there. It's a cool site with lots of hilarious flash movies. Another great site for Flash movies is Check out any movie by Niel Ciceraga, such as this one, Wow, that's a lot of links, and it's been years since I did any html coding, so I've forgotten most of it. Well, I think that's about enough for now. I'm off today and there's a lot I was wanting to get done today, and I'm already behind because of Alicia. I'm going to to check into making an online store, like I've been meaning to for almost two years now. And then I'm going to brush up on my html and start coding a web site, since my old one has been defunct for a couple of years now. It's still there, but Geocities has gone through so many buyouts and other changes since that none of the links are referenced right anymore, and most of the links and pictures no longer work. The text is still there, but that's about it. There's a lot of text though. Lots of little tiny white text on a black background. I haven't updated it in three or four years. Oy! All these links! That is all, you may go now. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81688263

No Puppy! NOOOOOOOOOO! (Several minutes of louds explosion noises) No Puppy! You've set off a nuclear chain reaction over Washington D.C.! I told you not to touch that button! Hmmm, my posts haven't been very good the last couple of days. I've been having a hard time writing something good. I've been really tired the last few days. Right now I'm really tired, and I have a headache, so don't expect anything great out of this post either. I just saw an episode of City Confidential on A&E about How come I've never heard of this woman?! I mean, things like that are my area of expertise. This woman was the founder of the American Atheists and known as the most hated woman in America. On this show they kept calling her "the embodiment of evil" and stuff like that because of the stuff she used to say about religion. That's ridiculous! The things she said were relatively tame, I say much worse things than that all the time! Tonight at work was really boring. It was really slow, no customers hardly. I didn't think the night was ever going to end. Luckily it was so slow I got to go home an hour early. I think I'm going to end this now, my heart's just not in it tonight. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81658680

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Belch. Mmmmmm...noodle cup. These pork flavored ones aren't as good as the chicken ones. I really like the Smack brand Creamy Chicken flavored noodle cups. The shrimp ones are nasty though, and I like shrimp. And now, off with you! Leave me to my noodle cup! Bah! SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @

Welcome to Hell...Please wait to be seated. It was a pretty busy night at work tonight. There was a football game tonight, OU vs. Texas, and we are the first town past Norman, (where the game was) on the way back to Texas. So after the game we got pretty busy. There was some rain tonight, not enough, but some. This year has made me very angry, we haven't had a decent thunderstorm this Spring or Summer. I love rain, especially thunderstorms, the worse the storm, the better. But for some reason we haven't had any this year. This is Tornado alley, we are supposed to have horrible storms in the Spring! It got really dark, but basically all it did was a hard shower. In Norman, about 20 miles north, there was so much lightning they stopped the game for almost an hour. 51 minutes, I think they said. OU won, 68 to 0. We had the game on the radio at work, otherwise I wouldn't have known, because I hate football. Last night at work a guy came through the drive-through, he looked like a giant, fat, dirty Leprechaun. He wasn't wearing Leprechaun clothes, but something about his face, red hair, and red goatee made me think of a Leprechaun. This blog has already lasted longer than my previous one. I had one a year or so ago, but I only made two posts and never came back, and now the site I had it on no longer exists. Well, it exists, but it's no longer a blog service. Back when I had this other blog I'd never even heard of a blog. This site called itself an "online diary." I had never heard of a blog until a couple of months ago. I just realized that there was no email link or anything anywhere on this page, so I added one over there on the left. If for some reason you feel the need to email me, go ahead. I may even write back, but don't get your hopes up. If you are an attractive, single female, in the central Oklahoma area, email me at once, and send pictures. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81622162

Saturday, September 14, 2002

Well well well, what's all this then? The "party" last night, ended up being an almost complete failure. Hardly anyone showed up. It was at Daniel and Olivia's house, and when I got there, they were the only one's there. A few calls were made and it was determined that some people weren't coming after all, and that some others probably would. A little while longer passed, and some more calls were made and it was determined that now some people who said they were coming weren't coming after all. People such as You were supposed to be there, dammit. Daniel was upset with you, especially after he spent $15 dollars on the bottle of Hot Damn you wanted. Also I was the one that had to go to the store to obtain that bottle. I also spent $22 on Bacardi Silver, and then no one was there, so I was a little upset too. So it looked like it was going to be just me, Daniel, Olivia, and Phillip. But Crystal ended up coming with Phillip after all, and then Shawn showed up for like the last half hour or so. It ended up being pretty boring, we just had a few drinks and sat around watching "Silence of the Hams." Crystal had a confused look on her face most of the movie, I think it was a little too weird for her. Everyone else seemed to think it was funny. This, then, is pretty much the extent of my social life. A small event like this once in a great while. I have basically no social life, and even less of a love life. So this blog may end up being pretty boring unless I keep it interesting with lots of movie reviews, weird stories, offensive editorials and stuff like that. I have to get ready for work now. I'll probably write more later. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @


Friday, September 13, 2002

Well, it would appear good ol' AOL has decided to fuck up once again. I seem to be having tremendous difficulty getting it to do the most basic of tasks. "Ha ha," you say, "that's what you get for using AOL." Shut up, I've heard that plenty of times before. I can get online just fine, but as soon as I try to access a web site, or open a piece of mail, it acts like it is loading, but it just sits there loading forever, and I have to press cmd+option+escape (I'm using a Mac) to force the program to close. "But wait," you say, "if your internet access isn't working, then how are you posting to your Blog?" Simple, and you should know all about being simple, you stupid bastard. I finally found that I could connect to America Online and not press anything, and then open up Explorer and use that, and it would work just fine, as long as I don't try to use AOL for anything. So, in the meantime, I'm using this method. Wow, three posts today. Well, I guess that will make up for tomorrow, when I probably won't get to make any posts tomorrow, unless I do it in the morning or early afternoon, before I go to work. The reason I probably won't post is I work the late shift at work tomorrow, which means I wont get off until 11:30, unless it's slow and I get to leave early. I work at Carl's Jr. I don't think I've mentioned that before, if so, get over it. That's a fast food place, if you didn't know. Some places don't have Carl's Jr, so, better safe than sorry. Anyway, after work me and some other people, I hesitate to call some of them "friends," are going over to Daniel's house to have a party, if you want to call it that. Basically just a few people sitting around playing drinking games. Daniel said we may also watch my "Silence of the Hams" video too. But anyway, it will be too late when I get back, and I'll probably be slightly drunk, so I probably won't feel like writing a post then. "Boo hoo," you say, "he's not gonna make a post. Oh, I'm just heartbroken." Shut up, don't make me kill you, bitch. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81541423

Thursday, September 12, 2002

News Flash! UPS just delivered my latest order. Well, about 30 minutes ago. I've already read both the books I ordered. They're very small books. One was a comic book actually. I bought a comic book called "The Cat With a Really Big Head...and one other story that isn't as good," by Roman Dirge, the creator of the comic book "Lenore," and one of the writers for "Invader Zim." It was pretty good, certainly worth the $3 bucks I paid for it. I mainly ordered it to complete my collection or his comic books. The other book I ordered is called "Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children," by Angus Oblong, who is, yes, the guy that does "The Oblongs" on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. I've never had the chance to watch that show, but it looks hilarious. If it's anything like this book it must be great. I love this book! It's so sick and twisted, definitely not for children. In fact several of the stories have sexual imagery or phrases. Such as "Susie's vagina tingled at the thought of Eric Twinklebutt." All the stories are sick and twisted, just the way I like them. It's rather like Tim Burton's book of poems "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy," which I also own. Except these stories are even more twisted. They are all about crazy and/or deformed people, and most of them end with someone dying. Stories such as, Creepy Susie, Mary Had a Little Chainsaw, Milo's Disorder, Rosie's Crazy Mother, The Siamese Quadruplets, Emily Amputee, and Dick and Muffy. It's great! Great I tell you! Buy it! BUY IT NOW! Gotta go, Dragonball is on, and then Dragonball Z. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81524743

So, I'm sitting here eating a Maruchan Instant Lunch noodle cup thing, and the John Candy movie "Canadian Bacon" is playing on HBO. An interesting movie, I'd heard of it before but didn't know what it was about. Ok, so Alan Alda is the president, and his popularity rating is going down and they decide to try to start the cold war back up again to help his ratings. But Russia doesn't want to because it was the cold war spending that put their country in the condition it's in today. So America has to look elsewhere for an enemy. They go through all their old lists and all the old enemies are dead. One interesting comment, interesting especially since this is the day after the anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks, is that the president suggests international terrorists as their new enemy, and the Defense Secretary says something along the lines of, "Are you kidding? We're not going to start missle production and everything back up just to combat a few guys with exploding cars." So eventually they decide to start a war with Canada, after there's a news report on TV about John Candy's character starting a Canadian vs. American riot after he commented that "Canadian beer sure does suck." My noodle cup is finally cool enough to eat. Yum, I love these things. is obsessed with Ramen, I like Ramen too, but I think I like these things better. Anyway, back to the movie. This movie reminds me of the South Park movie, with its war on Canada. It uses some similar jokes. They keep saying stuff like, "Canada isn't even a real country, it's more like the 51st state." And at one point they start showing Anti-Canada propaganda on TV to make people hate the Canadians. One of the news reporters says, "Imagine your children pledging allegiance to the maple leaf, mayonnaise on everything, winter 11 months a year, and Anne Murray all day." I missed the middle of the movie. I saw the beginning, and the last 20 minutes or so, but during the middle I went to the store to buy these noodle cups. I wish I would have seen all of it, it looked very interesting, and, despite being a comedy, it was also political, which is another good point. Oh cool, now Hamtaro is on Cartoon Network, I love this show. I love almost all Japanese cartoons. Hmmm, from politics to Hamtaro. I have a hamster, it looks kinda like Hamtaro. It's name is Harvey, even though it's a female. I named her after Weird Al's "Harvey the Wonder Hamster." I seldom call her Harvey, though. I call her something different almost everytime I see her. There's Harvey, Harvard, Harvmeister, and one of my favorites, Dr. Harvalonious. Lately I usually call her Harvard, which my mom started, she calls her "Harvard, the world's only college educated hamster." My mom's pretty weird too. Warning, Warning. Strange weapons are approaching! In other movie news my order from came in a couple of days ago. "Silence of the Hams." That's one of my favorite movies, but it's hard to find arround here. I've never seen a copy of it for sale. I got a used copy of it off for about $13 with shipping and handling. If you've never seen this movie, you should. Especially if you're a fan of Airplane and the Leslie Neilsen movies and things like that. This movie, written,

directed, and also acted in by Ezzio Greggio, is a very strange, wacky parody. It's more of a parody of "Psycho" than "Silence of the Lambs." It features Dom DeLuise as Dr. Animal the Cannibal Pizza, and Billy Zane as FBI agent Jo Dee Fostar. Jo Dee Fostar is trying to get Dr. Animal to tell him where to find the psycho killer, who he thinks killed his girlfriend, who, like in Psycho, stole money from her boss and ended up at a Motel and was killed in the shower. It's hard to pick a favorite scene, but I think it would be the scene where Jo is talking to Dr. Animal and Dr. Animal says "Tell me Clair-ass, what is your most disturbing, decadent, depraved, defoliated, decotaged, deformed, dried, dream?" And Jo sobs and says, "Ham." And Dr. Animal says, "Was the ham...silent?" And Jo starts crying, and Animal continues, "Ham can be very quiet. Very quiet. Unless it's falling down the stairs. Then it goes boom boom boom-ti-boom bum bam. Celery can be very loud. Apples, louder. Unless you have apple sauce...which goes very well with ham." And Jo sobs, "Stop! Please, no more questions!" I'm cracking up just thinking about it. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81521048

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Ok, so, I think tonight's post will be a little different from last night's. A little calmer, not so offensive. Though being offensive is what it's all about. I'm not much in the mood for that tonight. I just got home from work and don't feel much like ranting right now. I had thought about making tonight's post "Where was God on September 11th," but I think I'll save that for another night. Perhaps tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow and I'll have more spare time to come up with something good. My friend and coworker, got sent home from school to change her shirt today. She was wearing a t-shirt that said "Nsuck," instead of "Nsync," and someone complained that it "offended them." What the hell? This is high school, and the word "suck" offended someone? They talked like it was a student that complained, and not a teacher or something. Instead of going home and changing her shirt, though, she just wrote, "My shirt offended someone," on a piece of masking tape and stuck it over the words on her shirt and wore it like that the rest of the day. That was such a smartass thing to do, I'm proud of her. I told her I wish I had a shirt that said "My shirt offended someone," on it. She was a little pissed about the whole thing. She said she's going to start a riot at school tomorrow. I told her that if she does to call me, and I'll gladly help. I'd love to get involved in a free-speech riot at a school. Byt the way, I'm not in high school with her. I'm 22, I graduated from high school in '98. I've dropped out of college twice since then. More on that some other time. Right now I'm pretty tired, and my eyes are bothering me. I have an eye problem that comes and goes. It's mainly eye strain from so much computer use. Anyway, I'm gonna end this now. SubSpecies23 posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81492488

September 10th, 2002. Well, it just turned midnight, so it's technically the 11th. But, just this once, I'm not going to get technical, and I'm still going to proceed like it's the 10th. Anyway, let's begin again. September 10th, 2002. The day before the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America. And I say...who gives a fuck? I'm sick of hearing about it! I was sick of hearing about it a week after it happened. I liked the coverage of it at first, because it was entertaining. But after a few days of it, it got boring! The same thing happened with the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma, from which I live only about 30 or 40 miles away. I didn't care about that, and I don't care about the WTC. No one I know was involved in either of them, no one I know was hurt. And as long as none of my close friends or I are hurt, I don't give a fuck how many people the terrorists kill. I'm not worried about it. I live in the middle of nowhere, there's not much chance they're going to bomb anything here. The only thing I'm worried about is Anthrax, or something else chemical or biological. They say there's a good chance of another attack of some kind tomorrow, (or today if you want to be really anal about it). Now I'm not hoping they attack, I'm not going that far, but if they do, let's just say I'll be watching the news coverage of it for the entertainment value. "We'll never forget." Hell no, we'll never forget, they wont let us! It's been a year people, get over it! People die every day! It's been a year and they're still talking about it! Constantly! It makes me want to kick a hole through the TV every time they say the words "September 11th," "World Trade Center," or "Osama bin Laden." Everytime I see a sign, or a poster, or a bumper sticker, or anything else that says, "God Bless America," or "These colors don't run," or anything else like that, I just want to scream, and rip the sign down, or run the car off the road. But I just got a new car, I don't want to ruin it with bloodstains so soon after I got it. It's a very nice car. Yes, I care about my car more than I care about, oh, just about everyone! In order to protect myself from the assload of September 11th memorial programming they'll be shitting onto us from almost every channel tommorrow, (okay, okay, TODAY!) I'm not turning my TV off of the Cartoon Network (where it nearly always is anyway). Yeah, yeah. I know my views are extremely unpopular, and I'm going to get tons of hate mail, and possibly be arrested by the government sponsored terrorist group known as the Office of Homeland Defense, or whatever they're called. Because after all, after the September 11th attacks, free speech, and certain other freedoms, had to be taken away from us, "For our own safety," they say. If you can figure that one out, please explain it to me. On second thought, don't. If that makes sense to you, you're obviously the kind of idiot that I don't want to talk to. The kind of idiot that makes me want to ruin my new car. So, by now you hate me. Good. I hate you too, and I've never even met you. And tomorrow, when you're watching your little September 11th shows and crying and hating the terrorists like a good little American sheep, remember what Adolf Hitler said: "The death of one is a tragedy. The death of millions is just a statistic." For ultimately, this is how the victims of the September 11th attacks will be remembered, as just a statistic. A mere number, on the page of a history book, scribbled on by a bored child. All the loved ones lost in this attack will be reduced to merely this. And I will laugh. Don't waste your time sending me hate mail. I won't even read it. Just think of me as the "shock jock" of the Internet. SubSpecies23

posted by Kevin @ blogID=3773360&postID=81442880

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