José Clothes and Music

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Read the text about José and answer the questions.


(1) José is 15 years old and likes rap music as do most of his friends. They never listen to
anything else. It often has been said that fashions in music and clothes go together. For José
and his friends, this is certainly true. To start with, your hair has to be right. No long hair or
dyeing it pink or green any more: natural colours are in. You can have your hair long at the
(5) front so that it falls in your eyes, but you can’t have it long at the back or the sides. I asked
José to describe the clothes he is wearing now.

‘Well, I’m wearing red jeans and a T-shirt. The T-shirt has the name of a famous sports
manufacturer on the front in yellow and red letters and I’m wearing trainers made by that
company. They’re very “in” at the moment – trainers which are just white or black are “out”;
(10) we wear them big and with lots of colour these days. I think these trainers and trousers
are very smart together. Also, I’m wearing a grey jacket with a zip up the front – I saw it last
week and liked it so I bought it. The collar is red. I bought a green one too, but I haven’t worn
that yet because I still haven’t been able to buy any jeans of the same colour. I’m casually
dressed at the moment. If I go to a disco with my friends, I like to wear smarter clothes. For
(15) example, I have a pair of smart blue jeans which go well with a pair of black leather
boots. I still really like the boots even though they are not so “in” as last year. When I put my
jeans and boots on I always like to put on a big shirt with short sleeves, open at the front with
a coloured T-shirt underneath.’

What about José’s parents? What do they think?

‘They don’t really like my hair because they preferred it when it was spiky. I’ve recently
changed the style. They don’t say anything about jeans and trainers, except how much they
cost! And anyway, they wear jeans, trainers and casual clothes all the time at weekends
because they have to wear smart clothes during the week. And my music? They laugh at it
sometimes. But it doesn’t matter – I laugh at theirs!

1) How does he like his hair at the front?

2) how does he like his hair at the back?

3) What type of shoes does he usually wear?

4) When did he buy his grey jacket?

5) When does he wear smart clothes?

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1) José and his friends listen to lots of different types of music.

2) José and his friends don’t like dyed hair.

3) Coloured trainers are in at the moment.

4) José bought some green jeans last week.

5) José’s parents prefer his hair spiky.

What does these words refer to?

1) it (line 4)

2) They (line 9)

3) it (line 11)

4) that (line 12)

5) they (line 23)

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