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A great líder can change the world in a instant


All of us have experienced, at one time or another in our lives, situations in which
our responsibilities unexpectedly conflict with our deepest values. In the future, a
budget crisis will force us to lay off a hard-working and loyal employee. Our sister has
a piano recital the same afternoon that our most important client is scheduled to visit
our office. On these occasions, we are caught in a conflict between two right things.
And no matter what option we choose, we feel like we can't cope.

Leaders respond to these situations in different ways: some follow their instincts
impulsively; others talk about it with their friends or close family; Others think about
what a mentor would do in a similar situation. In all cases, regardless of the path
chosen, the accumulation of decisions made over many years forms the basis of an
individual's character. For this reason, I call them defining moments.

These defining moments can be seen in the history of humanity, the population plays a
fundamental role when choosing a representative in politics, and the majority chooses
between good and evil.
Hillary Clinton has been one of my ultimate inspirations on my trackway to
diplomacy. Her voice makes her so characteristic to persuade others. “Leadership is
the art of get other people do what you want it to be because he wants to do it.”
Eisenhower said in his speech to the presidency. I sympathize with this quote
moreover of having a long term argument but we can't fall down in the mistake of
generalizing the system of leaders. Different leadership styles adapt to the new
landscape and yesterday's model. Both Dwight and Hillary take diplomacy as a way to

In 2001 Clinton was a senator from New York when the city suffered the worst
terrorist attack in its history and played a key role in helping the emergency personnel
who worked in the response to the attacks. Her campaign values ​the aid at $20 billion.
Nonetheless, being part of one of the most turbulent elections in all American epochs.
Now. The path of Clinton was full of controversy. She lost against Barack Obama in
2008 after a bitter primary battle. That did not stop her. She did not retire from politics
and fought in 2016 with Donal Trump despite her loss, demonstrating remarkable
leadership skills.

Role models like Hillary, need to transform their personal values ​into intentional
actions. Whether it takes a couple of months or even years, great management requires
leaders to learn some difficult lessons on their own.

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