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1B Unit test

Vocabulary 4 Your mom has a new job with a big bank in the
city. Use the prompts to write predictions with
1 Complete the sentences.
going to.
1 A ______________ can make a house.
1 she / make / a lot of money.
2 A ______________ helps people with their
legal problems.
2 I / get / expensive birthday presents.
3 A ______________ creates websites.
4 A ______________ rescues people from fires.
3 my sister and I / not see / her in the afternoons.
5 A ______________ often keeps chickens, cows,
or sheep.
4 her office / be / very modern.
6 A ______________ writes for a newspaper.
___ / 6
5 Mom / feel / tired when she gets home.
Grammar ______________________________________
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of ___ / 5

be going to and the verbs in the box. 5 Rewrite the sentences with who, which, or that.
1 I have a friend. He writes for the school
be not chat get study not watch
1 I ____________________ some information ______________________________________
about careers. ______________________________________
2 Matt ____________________ a hairstylist when 2 An accountant keeps financial records. The
he’s older. records can be complicated.
3 Anna and Tom ____________________ ______________________________________
Geography together this year.
4 Aimee and I ____________________ in class.
3 Amir is a chef. He owns a large restaurant.
5 Sarah ____________________ a movie with
her friends tonight.
___ / 5 ______________________________________

3 Complete the questions with going to. Then 4 The library is a beautiful building. Many tourists
write affirmative () or negative () short like to visit it.
answers. ______________________________________
1 ____________________ (the mechanic / repair) ______________________________________
our car? ()
5 Ben wrote a song. He played it for Sara.
2 ____________________ (you / come) home
early tonight? ()
______________ ___ / 5

3 ____________________ (Liam and Noah / see)

the movie? ()
4 ____________________ (Gary / study) French
at college? ()
___ / 4

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

1B Unit test

6 Choose the correct alternatives. Trending topics

1 Do you want to be / being famous when you’re 8 Write a paragraph about another young person
older? in your family. Include information about …
2 Maria hates to make / making big decisions.  the activities he / she enjoys doing.
3 It’s important to remember / remembering  information about his / her skills.
Dad’s birthday.  the subject he / she is going to study in the
4 I always offer to go / going to the store for future.
Mom.  the job you think he / she is going to do.
5 We don’t mind to walk / walking to the movie _________________________________________
theater. _________________________________________
___ / 5 _________________________________________

Let’s talk about … _________________________________________

7 Complete the dialogue.
A Do you have any luggage to 1 c_________ in _________________________________________
today, madam? _________________________________________
B Yes, I have one 2 s_________. _________________________________________
A Thank you. Put it here, 3 p_________. And how _________________________________________
many 4 c_________-on bags do you have? ___ / 10
B J_________ this one, and my laptop.
TOTAL ___ / 50
A Did you 6 p_________ your 7 b_________
B Yes, I 8 d_________.
A OK, you’re boarding at 9 g_________ number
12. It 10 o_________ in 30 minutes.
B Thank you. Bye.
___ / 10

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

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