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posium – Enggineering the Future
Septemberr 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

Seismic Fragility
F Curves using
u Natural and Synthetiic Ground
d Motion
Pradip Sarkaar, Robin Daavis
National Insstitute of Tecchnology Rou
urkela, Odisha, India

D.C. Haran Pragalath

Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR
R Technical University,
U Ch
hennai, TN, India


Fragility currves are use eful tools fo
or the probaabilistic asseessment of tthe seismic performancce of
buildings. Nonlinear strructural analyses with u uncertaintiess in load and
d resistancee are requireed to
develop fragility curvess. A statisticcally sufficieent number of earthquake ground motion reccords
should ideally be obtain ned from past records of o the regionn of interest to have a satisfying fragility
curve. Howeever, the nu umber of avvailable earthquake reco ords in many seismicallyy active zonnes is
limited. In such
s a situaation, use off the syntheetic ground motions is an accepted d alternativee for
f anaalyses of bu uildings. Thiss paper com mpares the seismic fragility curvess obtained from
synthetic an nd natural ground motio on records. It is found that
t synthettic ground motions
m resuult in
conservative e fragility cu
urves with leesser disperrsion in driftt demand wwhen compared with naatural
recorded gro ound motion ns.
Keywords: synthetic
s gro
ound motion
n, uncertaintty, fragility curve;
c perforrmance leveel; dispersion

groundd motions. On n the other hand,

h many reecent
1 Introduction studiess (Rajeev and Tesfamariam m, 2012; Wu et
e al.,
Fragility curvves are used as an evaluaation tool in 2012; etc.)
e have developed fragility curves fo
or RC
t assessment of the seismic perfformance of buildingg frames usin
ng natural gro
ound motion data.
buildings. TheT assessmment of th his seismic An exteensive literatture review did
d not reveaal any
v requires seelection of earthquake paper that deals with the performancees of
g motioons (load) foor the region of interest. synthettic ground mo otion relativee to that of naatural
Fragility curvves develope ed using natural ground groundd motion. Hence, the focus of the preesent
motions of th he selected site are typicaally accepted paper is to underrstand the effect e of grround
as more realiistic. Howeveer, in the abseence of such motionn on seismic fragility curvve of RC building.
natural ground motions, many previious studies Two suites of ground motions arre selected fo or this
have used syynthetic grou und motions.. It is found purpose: (a) recorrded natural ground mo otions
t majorityy of investigattions in the past (Bhosale from In
ndian sites and (b) synthetic ground mo otions
et al., 2017; Ellingwood
E ett al., 2007; Raamamoorthy (adopteed from other sites and co onverted to match
et al., 2006) have used syynthetic grou und motions the dessign spectrumm of Indian Standard).
S Fraagility
f the deveelopment of fragility currves due to curves for typical RC moment re esisting frame are
unavailabilityy of the sufficient numbeer of natural developped as per th he SAC‐FEMA A method (Co ornell
39thIABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future
September 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

et al., 2002) using the above two suites of ground Table 1. Selected performance levels
Performance levels Median ISD (%)
2 Methodology
A fragility function represents the probability of Light repairable damage 1
exceedance of the seismic demand for a selected Near collapse 4
performance level under a specific ground motion
intensity measure. Ground motion intensity
measure is characterized here by the measure of
3 Ground Motion Records
peak ground acceleration (PGA). Fragility Curve India has experienced several major earthquakes
presents a cumulative probability distribution in last few decades. However, the number of
which indicates the probability that a building will available earthquake records in Indian region is
be damaged to a given damage state or a more very limited. Only 13 pairs of far field ground
severe one, as a function of intensity measure motion records of past earthquakes in Indian
(PGA). region are available in Center for Engineering
Maximum inter‐storey drift (ISD) in a building Strong Motion Database
subjected to a ground motion is considered as ( These ground
demand parameter in the present study. A series motion records (Table 2) are selected for the
of nonlinear time history analyses are carried out present study as natural earthquake suit. Pseudo‐
to obtain the probabilistic representation of acceleration response spectra of these natural
demand parameter. An analytical approximation ground motion records are shown in Fig. 1 along
of this representation is considered as per Cornell with the design spectrum of IS 1893 (2002) at 5%
et al. (2002) that says given the level of PGA, the damping ratio.
predicted median drift demand ( D̂ ) can be Thirteen pairs of far field natural ground motion
represented approximately by the form: records (Table 3) are collected from Haselton et al.
(2012) and converted them to match the design
D̂ = a (PGA )b (1) spectrum of IS 1893 (2002) using a wavelet‐based
computer program WavGen, developed by
where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the constant coefficients. Mukherjee and Gupta (2002). This program
This equation describes the probabilistic seismic decomposes a recorded accelerogram into a finite
demand model (PSDM) of the given building. The number of time histories with energy in non‐
drift demands (D) are assumed to be distributed overlapping frequency bands and scales these
log‐normally about the median, D̂ (Shome and time histories up/down iteratively such that the
Cornell, 1999) with a standard deviation, β D PGA assembled time‐history is compatible with a
specified design spectrum. These modified
(the dispersion of D considering the natural
spectrum consistent ground motion records
logarithm at a given PGA level). The three
represent the suite of synthetic ground motions in
parameters, a, b and β D PGA are obtained by the present study. Selection of these 13 pairs is
performing a number of nonlinear analyses and based on similarity of different conditions: (a)
then conducting a regression analysis of ln (D) on magnitude > 6.5 in Richter scale, (b) distance from
ln (PGA). The performance levels for RC moment source to site > 10 km, (c) peak ground
resisting frame in terms of ISD suggested by acceleration > 0.2g, (d) peak ground velocity > 15
ASCE/SEI 41‐06 (2007) is selected for plotting the cm/sec, (e) shear wave velocity in upper 30m of
fragility curves as shown in Table 1. soil > 180 m/s and (f) lowest useable frequency <
0.25 Hz. Fig. 2 shows the pseudo‐acceleration
response spectrums of all these converted ground
motions records at 5% damping ratio.

39thIABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future
September 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

Table 2. Selected Indian ground motions events

PGA (g) Epicentral
No Event Magnitude
Dir. 1 Dir. 2 distance (km)

1 Chamoli (1999) 4.6 0.10 0.11 24.6

2 Chamoli (1999) 6.6 0.16 0.22 123.7

3 Chamba (1995) 4.9 0.24 0.29 37.5

4 Burma Border (1995) 6.4 0.30 0.42 261.9

5 Burma Border (1987) 5.9 0.46 0.39 155

6 Burma Border (1990) 6.1 0.55 0.6 233.5

7 Bangladesh Border (1988) 5.8 0.64 0.78 117.5

8 Xizang Border (1996) 4.8 0.76 0.37 49.9

9 North East (1986) 4.5 0.88 0.87 50.9

10 Burma Border (1988) 7.2 0.96 0.9 206.5

11 Bhuj (2001) 7.0 1.03 0.9 239

12 Uttarkashi (1991) 7.0 1.15 1.16 39.3

13 Burma Border (1997) 5.6 1.48 0.93 65.4


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time period, s

Figure 1. Response spectra of selected natural ground motions at 5% damping ratio

39thIABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future
September 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

Table 3. Selected far‐field ground motion records obtained from Haselton et al. (2012)
PGA (g) Epicentral
No Event Magnitude
Dir. 1 Dir. 2 distance (km)

1 Northridge (1994) 6.7 0.42 0.52 13.3

2 Northridge (1994) 6.7 0.41 0.48 26.5

3 Duzce, Turkey (1999) 7.1 0.73 0.82 41.3

4 Hector Mine (1999) 7.1 0.27 0.34 26.5

5 Imperial Valley (1979) 6.5 0.24 0.35 33.7

6 Imperial Valley (1979) 6.5 0.36 0.38 29.4

7 Kobe, Japan (1995) 6.9 0.51 0.5 8.7

8 Kobe, Japan (1995) 6.9 0.24 0.21 46

9 Kocaeli, Turkey (1999) 7.5 0.31 0.36 98.2

10 Kocaeli, Turkey (1999) 7.5 0.22 0.15 53.7

11 Landers (1992) 7.3 0.24 0.15 86

12 Landers (1992) 7.3 0.28 0.42 82.1

13 Loma Prieta (1989) 6.9 0.53 0.44 9.8








0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time period , s

Figure 2. Response spectra of selected synthetic ground motions at 5% damping ratio

39thIABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future
September 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

random variables are obtained from published

4 Structural Modelling literature and presented in Table 4.
Selected building frame has four storeys with Table 4. Details of random variables
uniform storey height of 3.2 m and two bays with
a uniform bay width of 5 m. The storey masses are Variable COV
Mean Source
calculated considering the dead loads and Parameters (%)
appropriate portion of imposed load as per IS Concrete comp. 30.28 Ranganathan
1893 (2002). The building frame is designed as per 21
strength MPa (1999)
IS 456 (2000) and detailed as per IS 13920 (1993) Yield strength of 468.90 Ranganathan
for the seismic loading requirement of IS 1893 steel MPa (1999)
(2002) corresponding to the highest seismic zone Davenport
Global damping
of India. The characteristic strength of concrete 5% 40 and Carroll
and reinforcement steel are taken as 25 MPa and (1986)
415 MPa respectively. The design details of the OpenSEES tool developed by McKenna et al.
building frame are presented in Fig. 3. (2014) is used for nonlinear time history analysis
performed in this study. Details of the structural
2 bays @ 5 m
modelling approach and its validation are
available in Bhosale et al. (2017).
B3 C2
4 Storeys 5 Fragility Curves
B2 C2 Column
@ 3.2 m 350 A set of 26 random values is generated as per
B1 C2 Latin hypercube sampling technique using the
350 parameters given in Table 4. These values are
B1 C1 used randomly to create 26 different
computational models for the selected frame. The
(a) Selected frame (b) Column C1 26 selected ground motions in each of the two
300 5Y20 categories are scaled linearly from 0.1g to 1.0g,
350 and each of the 26 computational models is
8Y18 analyzed for an earthquake (randomly selected)
375 4Y20 with a particular PGA. A total of 26 nonlinear time
history analyses are performed for each of two
categories, and the maximum ISD for the frame is
(c) Column C2 (d) Beam B1 obtained.
4Y20 4Y20 The maximum ISDs and the corresponding PGAs
300 are plotted in a logarithmic graph as shown in Fig.
4 for both of the two ground motion categories.
375 3Y20 3Y20 Each point in the plot represents the PGA values
and the corresponding maximum ISD. A power law
relationship (refer Eq. 1) for the selected frame is
(e) Beam B2 (f) Beam B3 fitted using regression analysis, which represents
the PSDM.
Figure 3. Selected RC frame configurations and
The regression coefficients, ‘a’ and ‘b’, are found
section details (dimensions are in mm) out for both of the two categories and reported in
Table 5. The PSDM provides the most likely value
Uncertainties associated with concrete of maximum ISD of the frame in the event of an
compressive strength, yield strength of reinforcing earthquake of individual PGA (up to 1g). The
steel and global damping ratio are considered in vulnerability of the structure can be identified
the probabilistic seismic analysis. Details of these through the PSDM. Fig. 4 compares the PSDMs

39thIABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future
September 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

obtained from the two selected categories of for both these categories for selected
earthquakes. It can be observed from Fig. 4 that performance limit states and presented in Fig. 5.
the ISD given by PSDMs generated by synthetic The exceedance probabilities for selected frame
ground motions is consistently higher than that of using synthetic ground motions are found to be
natural ground motions for the entire PGA range. consistently higher than that of natural ground
motions for the entire range of PGA.
Natural 1

Probability of Exceedance
10 0.8



0.1 0.2 Natural

0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.1 1 PGA, g
PGA, g
(a) at light repairable damage
Figure 4. PSDMs obtained from two categories of
ground motion records
Probability of Exceedance

0.8 Natural
Another important observation can be noted here
that the dispersions in the drift demand (βd|PGA) Synthetic
considerably lower for synthetic ground motions 0.6
when compared with natural ground motions.
Uncertainty in the ground motion is lost to a great 0.4
extent during the conversion of synthetic
earthquake to a spectrum consistent one. Figs. 1‐2 0.2
clearly indicate that uncertainty is compromised in
the spectrum consistent synthetic ground motion.
The conservative results of synthetic ground
motions can be attributed to larger constant 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
PGA, g
acceleration plateau of synthetic ground motions
compared to natural ground motion records. (b) near collapse
Table 5. PSDMs and dispersions for two suites of Figure 5: Fragility curves for the selected frame
ground motion records
6 Conclusions
Ground Motion PSDM R2 βD|PGA
PSDMs and Fragility curves are developed for a
Natural 1.52(PGA) 1.326
0.61 0.80 typical code designed RC building frame using two
categories of ground motion records: natural
Synthetic 4.31 (PGA)1.249 0.82 0.38 ground motions and spectrum consistent
synthetic ground motions. Natural ground
To study the performance of selected frames
motions are selected from past earthquake
under the two selected categories of earthquake
records in Indian region, and synthetic ground
ground motion, the fragility curves are developed

39thIABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future
September 21‐23 2017, Vancouver, Canada

motions are generated matching design spectrum [8] IS 1893 Part I (2002) Indian standard criteria
of Indian Standard. Two important observations for earthquake resistant design of
are made from this study: (a) uncertainty structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
associated with earthquake load is found to be Delhi
lost to a great extent spectrum consistent
[9] IS 13920 (1993) Ductile detailing of
synthetic ground motions are developed and (b)
reinforced concrete structures subjected to
PSDM and fragility curve developed using
seismic forces ‐ code of practice, Bureau of
spectrum consistent synthetic ground motions is
Indian Standards, New Delhi
found to be conservative.
[10] McKenna, F, McGann, C, Arduino, P and
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