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Exandria Pantheon conversion for Pathfinder 2e

As far as I can tell, the only classes where choosing a deity matters is mostly for clerics, and some
feats for champions like skill training, favored weapons. This is all completely unofficial and
unaffiliated with either Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, or Darrington Press.

Used information from the “Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn”, “Core Rulebook”, “Gamemastery
Guide,” and “Lost Omens: Gods and Magic”. Information should be identical to the 2023 Remastered
versions, the Player Core and the GM Core, unless I’m mistaken.
Cleric Devotee Benefits
Divine Font. Heal (good), Harm (evil), both (neutral)
Divine Skill. Gain a trained proficiency that synergizes well with their areas of concern
Favored Weapon. Gain a trained proficiency in a simple or martial weapon. Rarely advanced
Domains. Four domains. More if needed
Cleric Spells: Always a 1st-rank spell, two others, all from non-divine spell lists. More if needed.

The Prime Deities

Avandra, the Changebringer

[Mostly taken from Desna]
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Acrobatics
Favored Weapon. Starknife
Domains. Freedom, luck, travel, wealth
Cleric Spells. 1st: sleep, 4th: fly, 5th: dreaming potential

Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

[taken from Apsu]
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Diplomacy
Favored Weapon. Jaws or staff
Domains. Creation, protection, travel, wyrmkin
Cleric Spells. 1st: magic fang, 4th: creation, 6th: dragon form (metallic dragons only)

Corellon, the Archeart

[taken from Findeladlara, an Elven god not part of the Core 20]
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Crafting
Favored Weapon. Staff
Domains. Cities, creation, family, stars
Cleric Spells. 1st: temporary tool, 3rd: shape stone, 7th: magnificent mansion

Erathis, the Lawbearer

[taken from Abadar. Swapped wealth domain for duty]
Divine Font. heal or harm
Divine Skill. Society
Favored Weapon. Axe
Domains. Cities, duty, earth, travel
Cleric Spells. 1st: illusory object, 4th: creation, 7th: magnificent mansion

Ioun, the Knowing Mentor

[taken from Nethys]
Divine Font. heal or harm
Divine Skill. Arcana
Favored Weapon. staff
Domains. Fate, knowledge, magic, truth
Cleric Spells. 1st: magic missile, 2nd: magic mouth, 3rd: levitate, 4th: blink, 5th: prying eye, 6th:
wall of force, 7th: warp mind, 8th: maze,9th: disjunction

Kord, the Stormlord

[taken from Gorum]
Divine Font. heal or harm
Divine Skill. Athletics
Favored Weapon. Greatsword
Domains. Confidence, destruction, might, zeal
Cleric Spells. 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm
Melora, the Wildmother
[taken from Gozreh]
Divine Font. heal or harm
Divine Skill. Nature
Favored Weapon. Staff
Domains. Air, earth, nature, water
Cleric Spells. 1st: gust of wind, 3rd: lightning bolt, 5th: control water

Moradin, the All-Hammer

[taken from Torag]
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Crafting
Favored Weapon. Warhammer
Domains. Creation, earth, family, protection
Cleric Spells. 1st: mindlink, 3rd: earthbind, 4th: creation

Pelor, the Dawnfather

[mostly taken from Iomedae]
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Diplomacy
Favored Weapon. Mace
Domains. Healing, might, nature, sun
Cleric Spells. 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: fire shield
Sarenrae, the Dawnflower
[originally from Pathfinder]
Divine Font. heal
Divine Skill. Medicine
Favored Weapon. Scimitar
Domains. Fire, healing, sun, truth
Cleric Spells. 1st: burning hands, 3rd: fireball, 4th: wall of fire

The Raven Queen

[taken from Pharasma]
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Medicine
Favored Weapon. Dagger
Domains. Darkness, death, fate knowledge
Cleric Spells. 1st: mind link, 3rd: ghostly weapon, 4th: phantasmal killer

Sehanine, the Moonweaver

Divine Font. Heal
Divine Skill. Deception
Favored Weapon. Shortbow
Domains. Air, moon, passion, trickery
Cleric Spells. 1st: charm, 3rd: enthrall, 6th: mislead
The Betrayer Gods

Asmodeus, the Prince of Darkness

[same deity]
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Deception
Favored Weapon. mace
Domains. Confidence, fire, trickery, tyranny
Cleric Spells. 1st: charm, 4th: suggestion, 6th: mislead

Bane, the Strife Emperor

[spells taken from Gorum]
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Athletics
Favored Weapon. Greatsword
Domains. Ambition, might, tyranny, zeal
Cleric Spells. 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm

Gruumsh, the Ruiner

[spells taken from Gorum]
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Athletics
Favored Weapon. Greataxe
Domains. Destruction, might, pain, zeal
Cleric Spells. 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm
Lolth, the Spider Queen
[spells taken from Norgorber]
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Deception
Favored Weapon. Crossbow
Domains. Darkness, Secrecy, Swarm (spiders), Trickery
Cleric Spells. 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: invisibility, 4th: phantasmal killer

Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion

[taken from Groetus, swapped war flail for spiked chain]
Darkness, destruction
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Intimidation
Favored Weapon. Spiked chain
Domains. Darkness, destruction, nightmares, void,
Cleric Spells. 1st: phantom pain; 2nd: crushing despair; 9th: disjunction

Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant

[taken from Dahak]
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Athletics
Favored Weapon. Jaws or whip
Domains. Destruction, fire, wyrmkin, zeal
Cleric Spells. 1st: magic fang, 3rd: fireball, 6th: dragon form (chromatic dragons only)
Torog, the Crawling King
[taken from Zon-Kuthon, swapped spiked chain for war flail]
Enslavement, torture
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Intimidation
Favored Weapon. War flail
Domains. Ambition, darkness, destruction, pain
Cleric Spells. 1st: phantom pain, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: shadow walk

Vecna, the Whispered One

[spells from Urgathoa]
Necromancy, secrets
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Arcana
Favored Weapon. Dagger
Domains. Knowledge, Magic, Secrecy, Undeath
Cleric Spells. 1st: goblin pox, 2nd: false life, 7th: mask of terror

Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent

[taken from Norgorber, swapped wealth for naga]
Assassins, poisons, snakes
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Skill. Stealth
Favored Weapon. Shortsword
Domains. Death, naga secrecy, trickery
Cleric Spells. 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: invisibility, 4th: phantasmal killer

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