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g Kalia Wishes
Best positive
generationchild's We thifelong Through
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homework.program a With students textbooks Parents, As
invite need discovery, love we
impact leaning passion into fo r th is for
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journey for exploringcommunication exams,
the partner in diverse schoo, the
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creative, Vista, upcoming
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and subjects, believe and Vistas-
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compassionate the in child developing
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Our journey a kyowledge brings to
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Subject Based Work
1.0rganiser-make a family medical binder (Roll No. family stay on top of healthcare
Medical Binders are a useful tool to help you and your
a medical binder allows you to keep everything you need to make an
needs. Preparing
following logs:
informed healthcare decision, Create one for your family with
and parents who do regular
a) Note for 1month BP and heart rate of your qrand parents
walk, yoga, gym and exercises and compile them in a log. could do
b) You learnt CPR technique in school. Its your duty to teach as many people you
inyour society park your family etc. Click photos too.
Prepare a CPR log of your training sessions and paste picturestoo.
2.Walk in innovator's shoes (Roll No. 16-30)
Design a mine-craftgame to give asolution to keep your city clean promoting SWACHH
BHARAT ABHIYAN. Find the sources arepfparticular area that need attention and then
create the game.
3. Architect to your own maker space (Roll No. 30 Onwards)
Design abuilding which is resistant to flood -Draw Idea by Exploring historical
architectural designs of Taj Mahal and other heritage buildings
1.Explore the Indian paradise(Roll No. 1-7): Lakshdweep is a paradise for
tourists with picturesque view of different landforms. prepare a brochure to
promote tourism for this beautiful island Mention the do's and don'ts for visiting
this Place.
2. Making a Toran (Roll No. 8-14): According to our ancient culture and Vastu
the entrance of the home is considered to be very auspicious, make beautiful
toran todecorate the main gate of your home. click pictures while making it with
ecofriendly materials
3. Make aBoard or Card Game (Roll No. 15-21). Make a board game about the main
historical events of the mediaeval from 700 to 790.
4.Helping our precious People (Roll No. 22-28): Lot of elderlies are living alone in your
neighbourhood, visit them and spend quality time with them for at least aweek.Help them
in daily chores. Learn something from them or teach something such as using the new
electronic gadgets, click pictures, make a scroll of beautiful memories captured. (of
atleast seven to ten pictures.)
5. Prepare a Heritage Calendar (Roll No. 29-35) and suggest at least three
ways by which those places can be conserved.
6. Preserving the Precious(Roll No. 36 Onwards): Make an album showing the
old Haveli and palaces in India , before and after being converted and
conserved. Take at least 3to 4 such structures.
Highlight the following points
year of construction.
Who constructed it?
year of preservation.
interesting facts.
Activity - 1 Logo for Peace (Roll No. 1-7)
"Peace carnnot be kept by force: it can only be achieved by understanding."
UNSDGGoal 16 aligns with the broader human rights framework by promoting societies
that respect and uphold individual rights, as well as the right to privacy, freedom of
social and
expression,and access to information. Peace is a fundamental precondition for
economic development.
Hence design a 3D logo for "World Peace" as Together, let us take action
now to build a more inclusive, sustainable, and peaceful world for all.
Write abrief of your interpretation of the design.
Activity - 2Promote Swadeshi through Mathematics (Roll No. 8-14)
"Swadeshi is the only doctrine consistent with the law of humanity and love".
Topromote it:
Prepare tray (1) from Resin material / set of 6 coasters/ set of 4 table
mats, You may use 3D illusions to decorate it.
Design it using the concept of symmetry. Refer to the pictures below:

Activity - 3 Gender EQuality - Need of Time(Roll No. 15-21)

Gender equality is the goal that will help abolish poverty that will create more equal
economies,fairer societies and happier men, women and children."
UNSDG Goal 5 is promoting to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls -
Women and girls,everywhere, must have equal rights and opportunity, and be able to live
free of violence and discrimination.
* Search (5) professions where there is gender bias and create a podcast and fact
Give data to support your research.
Hyojene(Roll No. 22-28)
Activity - 4 Good
Health and
gold and silver. Rest when you're weary.
wealth and not pieces
"It is health that is real your mind, your spirit."
Refresh and renew yourself, your millet dish with the
a healthy
4 Unroll the Scroll depicting
a) Acatchy name
b) List of ingredients
c) Recipe (step by step)
d) Picture
Escape from Barter Island (Roll No. 29-35)
Activity - 5 Game -
development in early childhood and beyond. Play lets
Games are essential for healthy they don't. It allows them to experimernt
know, and also what
children practise what they problems, work out the best strategies, and
solutions to
through trial and error, find
build new confidence and skills."
Financial Literacy online qame comparing Barter System with Money Use.
* Designa howbartering works and why people
design an online game to learn
Inthis, child will
chose to use money systems instead. and
many children are already familiar with what money looks like and with how
that they also understand how money itself
when their families use money, it is important Coins and
has very little value on its Own.
Works. The money we use, coins and currency,
accept them in return for other items
bills only have value because communities agree to
of value.
Activity - 6 Recycled Art Showdown(Roll No. 36
satisfied their originaluse. Using
"Recycle art provides a new purpose for objects that have landfill. In
reduces the amount qoing to
these objects in artwork conserves resources and
addition, recycle art promotes an important message."
Mandala Art/ Warli Art.
Buy 6 Earthen Khullar used or unused and design it using
Refer to the pictur,

3 It should have warmth and aesthetic appeal

Activity -1 CULTURE IMMERSION BROCHURE (Roll No, 1-8)_- Explore the
adding at least 4 of the
of the state you belong to and make a threefold brochure,
subtopics suggested for you-- festivals, customs, typical food, language,
dressing style, etc.
Activity - 2PEACE FOR ALL(Comic Strip) (Roll No, 9-16)
World Peace isone project that we have to achieve together
Create acolourful comic strip of 10 frames promoting the UNSDG goalno 16.
Make TWO bookmarks on the theme Global Peace ( in the size 2'X 8)
Activity - 3 MEDICINAL PLANT ALBUM (Roll No. 17-24)- Plant at least 10 medicinal
plants example tulsi, neem, aloe vera etc. Click pictures with your plants and write their
various benefits in the Medicinal Plant Album(factfile), Decorate it for exhibition
Activity - 4 HEALTHY RECIPE BOOK(Roll No. 25-32) - Make a Healthy Recipe Book
with at least 5recipes in it. Use relevant pictures, names of the recipe, Ingredients
required, the nutritional value of the recipe. Choose any 5 recipes of -Millets /sprouts
Isalads/ festive dishes /refreshing drinks etc.
Activity -5 MINIATURE FINANCIAL BANK(Roll No. 33 onwards) Make a mini
model of a functional bank with its different counters with labels. (Use eco friendly
materials only for exhibition display). Study the types of e- wallets in India, mention
their pros &cons.
Community Disaster Plan: (Tobe presented for exhibition in an A3 sheet, using bold
font , decorated and laminated)-Create a Disaster Awareness plan for your community(
the area where you stay ),Include - do's &don't's rules, emergency contact numbers,
evacuation routes and meeting points.Make it pictorial for attractive display
Also write a play script of any two stories to be enacted later for Subject enrichment
I Activity - 1 (34-GhH0ea 1-10)EGT HT RT GArAT

Activity - 2(3-g6HÍc 11-20)

Activity - 3(34-GhHIGa 21-30)

Activity -4 (3-G6H0 31 3ia H)

Activity - 5rft fery)

Activity -6 (Hft afey).


Cultural awareness: Korean Greetings (Pages 26,27,38,39)
1. Write about the the Greetings Method of Koreans.
2. What is (Jeol), |BH (Sebae) Greetings.
3. Write the steps of Man's deep bow.
4. Write the steps of Women's deep bow.

1. Health and hygiene (Roll No. 1-7)
Collect information about clean life style of French people what techniques and
strategy they follow to maintain their country and which creative ways can be adopted
to make our country a better clean country.Draft an informative newspaper.
2. Skill development
Print the following things to depict the painting style of France.
Mug(Roll No. 8-14)
Plate (Roll No. 15-23)
T-shirt(Roll No. 24-32)
Coasters (Roll No. 32-38)
Scarfs/stole(Roll No. 39-45)
your review.
Watch a french movie/ story and write
reference.You can choose of your own which is age appropriaTe.
Here are the links for
" https:/lyoutu,be/UuwMBhwgExI?si=Yl63f7x2ukJz1QNh
https://youtu, be/omObbdB3XNw?sizdvp46 uSnUgvkjiI
A4 size sheet by followingthe points given below:
Write Your Review inEnglish on movie and your name.
. Title:Start with the title of the movie is about.
Introduction: Write a few sentences about what the
summarize the plot without giving away any spoilers. about them.
" Summary: Briefly
characters and what you liked or didn't like
Characters: Describe the main it.
favorite scene and why you liked
Favorite Scene: Talk about your you like it? Why or why not?
opinion of the movie. Did
Opinion: Share your overall 5 stars.
Rating:Give the movie arating out of you learned and what they mean.
French words
New Words: List any new
GERMAN for highlighting a number of Sustainable
G20 Presidency
United Nations lauded India's zero hunger, good health and well-being.
Development Goals (SDGs), namely no
education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation.
Germanon any of the above.
Design informative posters in
ART &CRAFT their
Mother's Day Craft SWABT express their love for
1. Jewellery Making -
for them.
mothers by making exquisite jewellery practical structure through own
e- waste and create
2. Create astructure using
original ideas.
Social Justice for AllStop Child Labour (World Day Against
3. Create a Poster on
Child Labour) - in file
father by designinga mug.
4. Show your affection for your
all the domains of Artificial intelligence and explain them on A3 Size Sheet.
1. Write
Use pictures also.
Create a game using Minecraft Education Edition which can be the solution for
real world problems.

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