Class VII Compiled Worksheet of HHW

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ह िंदी
पूरक पुस्तक 'महाराणा प्रताप 'पर आधाररत अभ्यास पत्र-

प्रश्न.1मेवाड़ का संक्षिप्त पररचय दीक्षिए ?

प्रश्न.2 रािा संग्राम क्षसंह िी के कैसे गुण थे?

प्रश्न.3 राणा सांगा के क्षकतने बेटे थे उनके नाम क्षिखिए ।

प्रश्न .4पन्नाधाय ने क्षकस प्रकार उदय क्षसंह की रिा करी क्षक उनका नाम इक्षतहास के पन्ननं पर दिज हन गया ?

प्रश्न 5 महाराणा प्रताप का िन्म कब हुआ और उन्हें मेवाड़ क्षकस क्षवशेषण से बुिाया िाता है ?

प्रश्न 6 रािा मल्लदे व ने हुमायूं कन आश्रय क्नं नहीं क्षदया?

प्रश्न7. ियपुर नरे श क्षबहारी िाि ने रािपूत कुि कन कैसे किंक िगाया?

प्रश्न 8 राणा उदय क्षसंह ने अकबर से युद्ध की िीत का श्रेय अपनी पत्नी कन क्नं क्षदया?

प्रश्न 9. महाराणा उदय क्षसंह ने मरते समय रािपूत वंश परं परा के क्षवरुद्ध कौन सा कायज क्षकया?

प्रश्न 10 . अहेररया उत्सव क्ा उद्दे श्य था?

प्रश्न.11 रं ग में भंग कैसे पड़ गया था ?

प्रश्न12. महाराणा प्रताप ने कौन सी भीष्म प्रक्षतज्ञा करी?

प्रश्न.13 मेवाड़ कन उिाड़ कर कर रािक्षषज प्रताप क्षसंह ने क्षकसे अपनी रािधानी बनाया?

प्रश्न.14 अकबर की कपट नीक्षत क्ा थी?

प्रश्न 15 अकबर नौरनि का मेिा क्नं िगवाता था?

Q1 Evaluate the following by using suitable properties :-

37 × (-58) + (-58) × (-27)

-45 × 103

4 × 87 × (-25)

(-68) × (-19) + 68

Q2 At a target shooting stall in a fair, for every chance a person got he was paid ₹15 if he hit
the target, and would have to pay ₹5 to this stall keeper for every shot he missed. How much
money did Manish make if he shot a total of 25 times and missed 5 times?

Q3 In a game, Sonia and John played 5 rounds. Sonia’s and John’s scores are:-

Round Sonia John

First 3 -1

Second -2 4

Third 4 -3

Fourth -3 5

Fifth 7 -6

Who won the game and by how many points?

Q4 Write a pair of integers whose :-

Difference is 5

Sum is (-7)

Product is 0

Q5 A certain freezing process required room temperature to be lowered from 50⁰C at the rate of
6⁰C every hour. What will be the room temperature 12 hours after the process begins?

Q6 Solve the following :-

-5 × 3 + {2 + (15 ÷ 5 - 3)}

12 - [4 - {15 ÷ (3 + 4 × 3)}]

Q7 A vegetable merchant gets a profit of ₹100 by selling a bag of onions and suffers a loss of
₹30 by selling a bag of potatoes.

If he sells 30 bags of onions and 50 bags of potatoes on a particular day, find his total profit or

Find the number of bags of onions he should sell to make no profit or no loss, if he sells 40
bags of potatoes.
Q8 Arrange ⅝, 5/13 and 13/5 in ascending order.

Q9 In school one-third of the students go by bus, one-quarter of them walk to the school and
the remaining use their own conveyance. If the total number of students in the school are 2400.
Find the number of students:-

Going by bus

Walking to the school

Using own conveyance.

Q10 Simplify the following :-

3⅕ × 62/9 × 2¼

10½ ÷ 4⅔

Q11 How many 2⅔ hour periods are there in 16 hours?

Q12 Find the value of

4.7 × 13.26 + 4.7 × 9.43 + 4.7 × 77.31

Q13 Ostriches are the heaviest birds on Earth. On an average, they weigh 156500 grams. How
many kilograms does the average ostrich weigh?

Q14 If 367 × 19 = 6973, then find the value of 1.9 × 36.7.

Q15 What will be the reciprocal of the product of the reciprocals of 6/7 and 14/18 ?

Q1. Ayush poured hot water in a black can and a shiny can. After an hour, he measured the
temperature in both cans with a thermometer. Write the observation and conclusion of this

Q2. The figure below shows three modes of heat transfer. Identify X,Y,Z in the figure given
Q3. Explain land breeze.

Q4. Why can't we use laboratory thermometers to measure body temperature?

Q5. In the activity shown below, which nail will fall first and why?

S. Sc.

I Define the following

1. Patron
2. Universal adult franchise
3. Environment

II Answer the following question in short.

Q1. What does the term pan-regional empire mean?

Q2.Mention the most common form of inequality in India? How the government tries to bring
equality among all?

Q3. Why humans modify their environment? explain with suitable example?

III Answer the following question in three points:

Q4. Describe different sources of history during medieval period?

Q5. Explain the benefits of the Mid-day meal program.

Q6. What is lithosphere? Why it is important?

Answer the following questions :

(Story book – An Alien Hand )

1. In what ways is an ant’s life peaceful?

2. What jobs are new ants trained for?

3. Did Kari enjoy his morning bath on the river? Give a reason for your answer.

4. Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?

5. A camel can do without water for days together. What is the reason given in the text?

6. Describe a desert in your own way

.7. What was Soapy’s first plan? Why did it not work?

8. Suppose no cop came at the end. What would Soapy’s life be like through the winter?

9. Which uncle of Golu had red eyes?

10. What did the crocodile do to show that it was a real crocodile?

11. Why is Mr. Purcell compared to an owl?

12. Describe the stranger who came to the pet shop. What did he want?

13. Why did Chandni hate the rope round her neck?

14. Why did the wise old bird say, “Chandni is the winner”?

15 What did the bear eat? There were two things he was not allowed to do. What were they?

16. In what ways did the bear become the lady’s pet animals?

17. Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him?

18. What was Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook? Did it come true?

19. Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”. What was the damage?

20. On which planet do Tilloo and his parents live?

किा - सप्तमी
प्रश्न 1 मञ्िूषात: पदाक्षन क्षचत्वा क्षिंगानुसारं क्षिित -
( रत्नाक्षन , वसुन्धरा , सत्येन , सुिी , अन्नं , वक्षि: , रक्षविः , पृथ्वी , संगक्षतम्)
पूखल्लंग स्त्रीक्षिङ्ग नपुंसकक्षिङ्ग
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प्रश्न 2 एकपदे न उत्तरत -
क) कूमजस्य क्षकम् नाम आसीत् ?
ि) सरस्तीरे के आगच्छन्?
ग) कुमजिः केन मागेण अन्यत्र गन्तुम् इच्छक्षत ?
घ) िम्बमानं कूमं दृष्ट्वा के अधावन्

प्रश्न 3 अधनक्षिितेभ्य : धातुरूपेभ्य : क्षभन्नं पदं क्षचत्वा क्षिित -

1) अयच्छाव , अपठाव , अनमाव , अनमत । -----------
2) अस्मर: , पठक्षत , चिक्षत , धावक्षत । -----------
3 ) अिादाम , अक्रीडाव, अरिाव , अभवाव । -------

प्रश्न 4 अधनक्षिखितानां वाक्ानां संस्कृतभाषायां अनुवादं कुरुत -

1) राम ने गीत गाया ।
2) तुमने घर बनाया ।
3) तुम दनननं बस से आए ।
4) मैंने पुस्तक पढी ।

La Compréhension

1. Conjuguez les verbes suivants:

Je _____________ (regarder) la télé.

Vous ______________ une chanson française.(chanter)

Rahul_____________ un crayon.(avoir)

Je _____________intelligent.(être)

Parul ____________ la télé.(regarder)

2. Complétez avec les pronoms sujets :

___________ sommes Américaines.

_____________ s’appelle Pauline

____________êtes indien.

______________ aiment des glaces..

3. Complétez avec l’article défini :

_______ garçon est petit.

_________ table est noire.

Ce sont _________ élèves.

C’est ____________ étudiante française.

Nous avons ___________ livres indiens.

4. Complétez avec les adjectifs possessifs :

………ami est souriant.

Nous mangeons ……………… fruits.

Tu parles à ……….. copains.

Les amis de Caroline vont à ………… salle de classe.

5. Complétez avec les parties du corps.

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