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Notes from Ashoke Chatterji's First Kriya initiation.

(These notes were taken around 1990: many persons were
initiated together)

Rules to follow:

Practice Kriya every day twice (in morning and in

evening); read Bhagavad Gita everyday ; believe other
women as your mother except your wife. Never tell Kriya
to anybody.

[I] Talabya Kriya

Talabya Kriya is preparatory to achieve Kechari Mudra.
50 times stretching fraenum making the click sound; 50
times stretching tongue downward (towards chin); 15
times stretching tongue upward (towards nose)

[II] Mental Pranayama:

Tongue should be rolled back as much as possible (baby
Kechari) or Kechari proper. Chant OM at each Chakra
with no restriction of time for up and down. 12 rounds in
beginning. Concentrate deeply on each Chakra when
applying OM into each Chakra. This may need your full
attention to do it right. Breath normally.

[III] Kriya Pranayama:

Tongue should be rolled back as much as possible (baby
Kechari) or Kechari proper. Ideal time: 22 sec up
(Muladhara; Swadhisthana; Manipur; Anahata; Vishuddhi
and Ajna); 3 sec stay at Ajna; 22 sec down; 3 sec stay at
Muladhar. One Kriya breath should take a
minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.
Mentally chant ONE OM each Chakra on the way up and
ONE OM each Chakra on the way down. The flow of
current happens always on the back side, both going up
and also going down. It is not possible to involve the front
part of Chakras. Breathing should be abdominal breathing.
While inhaling and exhaling, Ujjayi is done: breathing
should be done with throat. 12 times in beginning, can go
up to 144 times.

[IV] Navi Kriya:

Tongue should be rolled back as much as possible (baby
Kechari) or Kechari proper. The breathing is normal
during all the practice. Forget it.

the Mantra OM is repeated in each Chakra, starting from
Muladhara to Bindu (on the back of the body, along the
spine) and then in Kutastha. You can chant either vocally
or mentally. Then, with chin pressed against chest chant
Om1, Om2, Om3 .....100 times
alternatively between Kutastha and Nabhi (navel). Then
tilt your head back - as far as you are comfortably can and
repeat 25 OM into Manipura.

it is exactly the same as Pratistha but in the reverse
direction. Starting OM into Kutastha then proceeding to
Bindu and down to Muladhara Chakra. One OM per
Chakra. From Bindu to Muladhara OM is chanted into the
back of the spine. This is one Navi Kriya. Four Navi
Kriyas are recommended.

[V] Yoni Mudra

After sun sets, this Kriya is to be done. In day time or in
morning it is prohibited.

Pratistha ....
Close ears with thumb, eyes with first finger, nose with
second finger and mouth with third and fourth finger.
Have a long Kriya inhalation, then hold your breath and
press all this points firmly with fingers including eyes....
and mentally chant om at Kutastha 12 times. Then exhale
(release second finger.) Now breathe normally with a calm
breath. You may proceed 15 - 30 minutes or longer. It is
recommended that you maintain as much as possible the
finger Mudra. In other words the finger's position should
not be changed.
This helps to see the Light. When meditation is finished
you remove all fingers from points and go down with
normal breathing Visarjan...

[VI] Maha Mudra:

Tongue ... Kechari... as we have seen. Sit on the left leg
and straight right leg. Inhale with Kriya Pranayama. Hold
your breath and bend towards the right foot. Grasp with
both hands the thumb of the right leg which is stretched on
the pavement. Now exhale and
keep breath out. Mentally chant Om at Kutastha 12 times.
Return to initial position (releasing hand from thumb)
while inhaling. Make a long Kriya exhalation. Then
breathe normally. Repeat the same action by reversing the
role of the legs. Repeat with both legs

The ideal position in this Mudra is paschimotnasan but it
is very difficult. Do as per your comfort.
Variation: While stretching forward, you can repeat 12
Mantra OM not in Kutastha but into
Muladhara Chakra.

Variation: While grasping your foot or feet you can

intensify the experience by holding your
breath inside and not outside as we have explained.

[VII] Talabya Kriya set is repeated again here.

During an initiation one student was a bit tired. One of
Ashoke's long time disciple helped that student by
counseling him Kriya Pranayama in loops. (From
Muladhar go to Swadhistan and back. From Muladhar go
to Manipur and back. From Muladhar go to
Anahat and back.... And so on ... The loops grow in size.
Then do the same in reverse order. All the persons there
heard the explanation. This meant that this process was
good for every student when tired to have normal
--- Further information about Ashoke Chatterji's First
Kriya initiation. (This is something different that a person
learned in a one to one First Kriya revision.)
Point [III] Kriya Pranayama does not contain the Om
Tongue is in Kechari position.
Ideal time: 22 sec up (Muladhara; Swadhisthana; Manipur;
Anahata; Vishuddhi and Bindu); 3 sec stay at Bindu; 22
sec down....; 3 sec stay at Muladhar. Breathing is
[1] The movement of the abdomen is gradually brought to
extreme. During inhalation the abdomen comes really out.
During exhalation it goes really inside.
[2] You can feel that during inhalation your can inhale
Prana through Vishuddha Chakra. During exhalation you
can guide the vibration of Prana enliven each Chakra and
pervade your body. The breath becomes more subtle and
slows down. After years of Kriya Pranayama with
constant awareness of this movement of Prana, the
physical breath during Pranayama completely stops and
the cells of the body are supplied directly by Prana.
[3] After 50 breaths, if you want to practice more Kriyas,
place the totality of your awareness at the top of your
head. While you remain stable there, only a minimal part
of your awareness comes up and down in the spine. The
position of the eyes is like in Lahiri's photo. The eyes are
semi closed – an external observer can see only
the white part of your eyes (sclera.)
[4] Going ahead in this way whit total relaxation is the
best practice. The sound of the flute comes spontaneous.
[5] By effortless intensification of sheee sheee sound
(Krishna's flute) Kundalini awakening happens and Omkar
is heard.
[6] In order to qualify for Second Kriya, 200 Kriya
Pranayama should be practiced daily during main
meditation session.

Further information about Ashoke Chatterji's Higher


Second Kriya by Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee --is the art of

real Thokar. He explains that the Thokar where your head
simply rotates and there is a blow directed upon the heart
is a simplification taken by Lahiri's original teaching. This
simplification originates from the attempt of some Lahiri's
disciples of creating a strong effect upon the heart without
much preparation. He gives Second initiation in three
steps: Amantrak, Samantrak and Thokar (see my book
chapter 9, Thribhangamurari Macro movement.) These
steps are improperly called: Second, Third and Fourth
Kriya. This generates confusion because the
Thribhangamurari Macro movement should be called
Second Kriya – Hridoy Granti Ved.
Third Kriya by Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee--- is the art of
Thribhangamurari Micro Movement. He gives Third
initiation in two steps: Amantrak and Samantrak (see my
book chapter 9, Thribhangamurari Micro movement.)
These steps are improperly called: Fifth and Sixth Kriya.
This generates confusion because the Thribhangamurari
Micro movement should be called Second Kriya –
Muladhara Granti Ved. He explains that Micro movement
stops the
frequency of each Chakra one by one. During this practice
your own self mixes fully in stability with brahma.
Fourth Kriya by Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee--- is the art of
penetrating the star of Kutastha through Thribhangamurari
Micro Movement (repeat the sillables there until you
really see the Tribhangamurari form in the space betwee
your eyes.) This experience is spontaneous and universal.
It does not come throught visualization.

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