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CIMA Research Executive Summary

Vol. 20 Issue 4

ESG Reporting as
a Driver of Value Creation
A Case Study of ABN AMRO

Key findings Contents
• Banks have an important role in society • Greenwashing can be prevented through 2 Introduction
and play a crucial role in the transition to a effective internal controls, external assurance,
sustainable economy. As providers of financial and regulation. Reporting in a transparent way, 4 Research objectives and methodology
capital, banks can encourage companies to on both positives and negatives, and having a
pursue more sustainable business models disclosure focused on authenticity, accuracy, 5 Main findings and the implications for practice
and direct funds towards investments that completeness, and relevance are key to ensure
generate a positive impact on society. reporting is the expression of an authentic effort. 12 Conclusions

• ESG reporting drives value creation and has a • Accounting and Finance professionals play 13 References & further reading
disciplining effect on ESG performance. Reporting a leading role in supporting companies’ ESG
can be a very valuable tool to accelerate integrated journey. Practitioners have the required mindset 14 Appendix
thinking and, therefore, create value; it gets everyone and expertise to measure and analyse financial and
on board and creates awareness of the impacts non-financial information, to zoom in to see the 15 Acknowledgements
and the value created on different capitals. details and zoom out to have the overall big picture,
and translate these into long-term value creation.
• Impact can be positive or negative, create or
deplete value for stakeholders. An important
goal of an organisation’s strategy is to improve on
This report is funded through CIMA’s research
the positive impacts and to reduce the negative
programme that is designed to promote and develop
impacts. This requires managers to have insight
the science of management accountancy as stipulated
into and to understand the various impacts.
in our Royal Charter. The programme encourages
• Companies should report their contribution to leading academic and practitioner researchers to
the UN SDGs. It is increasingly important to report explore issues and provide fresh topics of interest to
on the positive and negative impact on the SDGs, CIMA® members and CGMA® designation holders.
identify the most significantly affected SDGs
and the interconnection among the 17 SDGs.

2 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 1

Corporate sustainability represents a mainstream ABN AMRO core values (Source: Integrated Annual ABN AMRO has a rich reporting suite, including the Through the experience of ABN AMRO, based on
ambition and a priority for companies across sectors Report 2022, p.7) bank’s Integrated Annual Report, Impact Report, document analysis and interviews, this research sheds
and geographic areas. While all organisations exercise Pillar 3 Report, Non-financial data and Human Rights light on the role of ESG reporting as a driver of value
a significant influence on the society, from the way they Report, among others. Through its Integrated Annual creation, the contribution to the global goals, and the
treat their workforce to the way they interact with supply Report, ABN AMRO explains how it creates value for need to tackle greenwashing; ultimately, it highlights the
chain stakeholders, banks have a much bigger impact its stakeholders, not only as a provider of banking crucial role of accounting and finance professionals in
and play a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable and other financial services but also as a responsible supporting companies’ ESG journey. By disseminating
economy. As providers of financial capital, banks employer and an active contributor to the society as a the experience of a frontrunner organisation in the
can direct funds towards companies that generate a whole. As part of its commitment to sustainability, ABN field of sustainability and documenting how ESG
positive impact on society, and can encourage others AMRO is recognised as a frontrunner organisation in the contributes to value creation, this case underscores the
to change and pursue more sustainable business field of corporate reporting and integrated thinking. importance of a strong commitment to sustainability
models (BFI, 2021;2022; Malafronte & Pereira, 2023). and provides interesting insights for practitioners
ABN AMRO’s commitment to ESG is externally recognised
and organisations beyond the financial sector.
While the United Nations Sustainable Development and acknowledged. Among others, the Bloomberg ESG
Goals (SDGs) urge countries to take actions for scoring methodology positions ABN AMRO as a leading
achieving a better and more sustainable future organisation, or above median, compared to peers
for all, banks can contribute to a positive change across the overall ESG score and its individual pillars.
for the people and the planet by particularly Interestingly, the bank is also leading on Scope 1 and
focusing their attention on environmental, social, Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage
and governance (ESG) priorities and issues. of revenues, in line with its commitment to manage
climate risk in its own business and support clients’
Within this context, it is crucial to share best practices
transition to new, low-carbon business models.
in the field of ESG reporting that would inspire other
organisations. This research describes the experience and
commitment of ABN AMRO in the area of sustainability Care. We care for our clients and want to do what is
and ESG, and explores the channels through which best for them. By understanding our clients’ needs, we
the bank’s ESG proposition fosters value creation. can help advance their long-term interests. We also
care about our planet and people, which sits at heart ESG Scores of ABN AMRO (Source: Bloomberg, accessed Jun 2023)
of our ambitions for a more sustainable future.

ABN AMRO case study Courage. It takes courage to commit to positive change.
That is why we take a stand in the social debate, act on our Financial Materiality Scores | ESG SCORE Year 2022
ABN AMRO is one of the leading banks in the principles and will always speak up against wrongdoing.
Netherlands; with over 20,000 employees, it provides Courage also means engaging with clients, persuading them
to adopt more sustainable business practices, and being Score Trend Vs Peers Scope GHG/Revenue* Peer Rank
banking services to retail, private, and business
prepared to say ‘no’ if we believe it is in a client’s best interest.
clients. Its products include, among other things,
loans, mortgages, payment services, financial advice, Collaboration. It is only through collaboration that we can ESG Score 4.35 +1.49 Leading 1 0.27 Leading
savings and investment products, and services. achieve our ambitions. We set great store by working together
both across the organisation and with partners outside ABN
It has a clear purpose, ’Banking for better, for generations AMRO to address the serious social and environmental
to come’, and this represents the compass of all its challenges we face and keep the financial system secure. Environmental 4.72 +2.25 Leading 2 0.27 Leading
activities. The bank’s core values are care, courage,
and collaboration, expressing its sense of responsibility
towards all stakeholders and ambition to support its
clients. The bank’s strategy is built on three pillars: Social 2.69 +1.18 Above Median 3 -- --
customer experience, sustainability and future-proof bank.

1+2 0.53 Leading

Governance 7.31 +1.03 Leading

1+2+3 -- --

2 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 3

Research objectives and methodology Main findings and the implications
This research explores the channels through
which ESG reporting represents a driver of value
This case study summarises the journey of ABN AMRO
and was developed through the conversations held
for practice
creation, through the experience of ABN AMRO. with Alexander Carp, Corporate Strategist, Catalina
ABN AMRO strategic pillars, Integrated Annual Report
The case study research has four main
Hemmink, Sustainability Reporting Specialist, Cristina ESG reporting: a spotlight 2022, p.19
Cainareanu, Integrated Strategic Risk Specialist, and Tjeerd
research objectives:
Krumpelman, Global Head of Reporting, Regulations, on ABN AMRO
• exploring the role of ESG reporting and Stakeholder Management at ABN AMRO. ABN AMRO’s commitment to sustainability is the
as a driver of value creation; result of a longstanding journey. After publishing a
• describing the role of the banking sector standalone sustainability report for a few years, in
in contributing to the SDGs; 2015, the bank published its first integrated report;
later, in 2018, the bank redeveloped its purpose and
• identifying good practices to tackle greenwashing; strategic objectives, where sustainability became at
• examining the role of accounting and the very heart of the strategy. ABN AMRO’s strategy
finance professionals in the ESG arena. has three pillars: customer experience, sustainability,
and future-proof bank. Through its strategy, ABN AMRO
This study adopts a case study methodology and is becoming a personal bank in the digital age.
is based on document analysis and interviews. In
analysing the documents we examine the bank’s value The bank’s ESG journey is the result of both internal and
creation model, and commitment to sustainability external drivers. Besides the increasing attention towards
and SDGs through its official reporting tools. The sustainability from regulation, ABN AMRO has an intrinsic
document analysis is followed by in-depth interviews motivation to provide a comprehensive ESG reporting,
with senior management professionals directly involved and sustainability is part of the bank’s strategy. Internally,
in the ESG reporting journey of the bank. Interviews this was driven by new leadership, leading to a change
complement the document analysis and provide in the board structure and strategy; externally, there is
further insights on the role of ESG as a driver of value an increasing attention to sustainability through clients,
creation, directly through the experience of leading employees, NGOs, SDGs, and investors, among others.
professionals and their perception of the journey, the “At ABN AMRO, sustainability is part of our strategy
challenges, and the learnings to share with others. and is one of our strategic pillars. Besides the fact Customer experience. Our trusted relationships with clients
that the regulation is evolving towards enhanced enable us to support them at allimportant financial moments.
disclosure, we have an intrinsic motivation to provide a Sustainability. Sustainability has been a core element of
comprehensive ESG reporting, and our Impact Report our strategy since 2018 and is core to our purpose.
is an example. There are challenges, but somehow
Future-proof bank. We are building a future-proof bank
we are trying to align and anticipate.” (Cristina by simplifying and centralising- our operating model,
Cainareanu, Integrated Strategic Risk Specialist) delivering a better experience for our clients, while at the
“We strongly believe that the reason why you exist same time delivering on cost-saving programmes.
as a company is because you create value, you
add value for your clients, and also for your other
stakeholders. That is something that is important for
ABN AMRO” (Alexander Carp, Corporate Strategist)

4 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 5

ABN AMRO: ESG reporting as a driver of value creation

Value creating topics Impact reporting

ABN AMRO carries out a rigorous materiality assessment process results in the identification of the core value In 2023, ABN AMRO has published its fifth annual homeowners, but new house builds also increase
process that allows the identification of the key drivers creating topics for the bank; these are linked to the three Impact Report, which examines the impact of consumption of natural resources and impacts the
of long-term value that are aligned with its purpose. The strategic pillars and are key to creating long-term value. ABN AMRO’s business, strategy, and activities, on environment. Similarly, lending to companies promotes
regular assessment of the bank’s operating environment the bank’s four main stakeholder groups: clients, economic growth and employment, but also contributes
“We have a materiality assessment process that
helps to identify strategic differentiators, i.e. the value- employees, investors, and society. It also includes to climate change and biodiversity loss. Assessing
we perform every second year. This results into
creating topics, where the bank and its stakeholders an Integrated Profit & Loss (IP&L) statement. positive and negative impacts is crucial to maximise
what we call “material topics” or” value creating
believe its strategy can create most value for stakeholders. value creation for stakeholders, while minimising
topics” for the bank. We ask our stakeholders The bank’s activities have a significant impact on
Currently, this process has led to the identification of nine the negative effects of the bank’s activities.
how ABN AMRO can create value for them, and stakeholders, through lending and investment services,
strategic differentiators, each linked to a strategic pillar.
our management team is also involved in this as well as through employment, procurement,
The bank employs a materiality assessment process exercise. This means that everybody at their position and other business practices. This impact may be
based on a stakeholders’ survey to determine the value contribute to our long term value creation.” (Cristina positive or negative, it may create or deplete value
creating topics for the bank; the board is also involved Cainareanu, Integrated Strategic Risk Specialist) for stakeholders. For example, mortgages lead to
in this process and this is really becoming an integral positive impact by allowing borrowers to become
To strengthen and accelerate the absorption of the
part of its management steering. The process starts
value creating topics into the organisation, the bank
with compiling a long list of more than 100 topics that
has organised an integrated thinking community, a
should be of relevance to the bank; these are identified
place for discussing the material and value creating
based on ESG rating requirements, sector and country
topics. The community members are ambassadors
reporting trends, risk event registers, media analysis,
of those topics, thus responsible for embedding, ABN AMRO impact dashboard 2022, Impact Report 2022, p. 7
legislation, among others. From this long list, a short list
monitoring, and reporting. The community is a unique
is defined and submitted to the four stakeholder groups
opportunity to come together, discuss where the Clients Employees Investors Society
(clients, employees, investors, and society) and the
challenges are and how best to proceed. This all feeds
management board. By equally weighting the answers
into the next materiality assessment exercise.
from all stakeholder groups, and through continuous 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
dialogue with stakeholders and management, this Commercial Commercial Capital is the combination of manufactured,
financial and intellectual capital (as used in the
Intergrated Annual Report. Includes value of housing and
other banking and investment services, fees, commisions
and other income, payments to suppliers, employees and
investors, as well as value of data protection and other
bank systems and processes.

ABN AMRO value creating topics, Integrated Annual Human Includes employees’ and contractors’ time, skills and
Report 2022, p.20 productivity (gained through experience and employee
training), health & safety, and well-being effects
on employment.

Social Includes customer loyalty and impact on social issues

such as child labour, underpayment (payment below
a living wage) in our value chain and financial distress
experienced by clients unable to repay mortgages and
other loans.

Natural Includes use of scarce natural resources, as well as

contribution to climate change and pollution.

(EUR millions equivalent)

5,000-10,000 1,000-5,000 500-1,000 100-500 50-100 0-50 Positive Negative

Impact Impact

6 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 7

Value creation model Creating value for the bank and the society ABN AMRO: Mapping the contribution to the SDGs
ABN AMRO aims to create long-term value As a bank, ABN AMRO recognizes its important The SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, are 17 Interestingly, the bank acknowledges and reports its
for all stakeholders, mostly in two ways: role in society. It is committed to help businesses integrated targets for global development adopted by the positive and negative impacts on the SDGs, with the
to take responsible risk; to support and work along United Nations in 2015. They represent a universal call aim of enhancing the positive impact and minimising
• by maximising the positive impact of its business
together with business to identify the risks inherent for action to end global inequalities, protect the planet, the negative one. Specifically, the bank reports a
– supporting economic growth and job creation
in a specific opportunity, and eventually the risks and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and positive impact on SDG 8, and a negative impact on
for example, through loans to businesses or
in foregoing the opportunity. ABN AMRO is keen to prosperity. This call for action extends from public sector SDGs 12 and 13; the Impact Report expands on this
providing employees with career opportunities
help businesses across sectors to take the risks to private institutions, across industries and geographies. by showing the impact across all the 17 SDGs and
and a safe, inclusive work environment;
that they can manage, and, as such, having a value the interconnectedness among them (Appendix 2).
• by minimising the negative impact — a creating opportunity rather than value destruction. Companies have an impact on the SDGs and ABN
bank’s activities may cause harm, for example AMRO report its impact on all of them in its Impact “As a bank, we have a function in the economic
“Banks have an important role in society. We can Report. Specifically, the goals most affected by its growth through our business activities, through
through loans it may indirectly damage the
help in the transition to sustainability by steering our activities are SDG 8, Decent work and economic growth, our loans, thorough our investment opportunities.
environment; to minimise these risks, the bank
investments. ESG reporting helps creating value, and SDG 12, Responsible consumption and production, We think we have an impact on most of the
sets strict rules for lending and investment.
hopefully our ESG reporting is proving that we are doing SDG 13, Climate Action. Through the Annual Integrated SDGs, directly or indirectly, and we communicate
The bank value creation model uses six capitals, based on the right thing.” (Alexander Carp, Corporate Strategist) Review and Impact Report, the company describes this in our Impact Report” (Cristina Cainareanu,
the Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework: manufactured, how it is contributing towards achieving these goals. Integrated Strategic Risk Specialist)
Reporting can be a very valuable tool to accelerate
financial, intellectual, human, social, and natural. The value
integrated thinking within an organisation and therefore
creation model consists of four steps (see Appendix 1):
create value as an organisation. For ABN AMRO, reporting
• Inputs: these are the resources needed to has always helped to communicate, report on the
operate its business, ranging from the time, initiatives in place, show what the bank is doing and how it
skills, and know-how of the employees to the is creating value; reporting gets everyone within the bank ABN AMRO’s Impact Report 2022, p.11
equity provided by the bank’s shareholders. on board and promote awareness on the bank’s activities.
• Business activities: this is the bank’s ‘engine “Reporting can be a very valuable tool to accelerate 2022 2021
room’ — it shows how its activities transform integrated thinking within an organisation and therefore
inputs into value for stakeholders. create value as an organisation. Reporting for ABN Value Value Value Value
AMRO has always helped to show the initiatives, show created lost created lost
• Outputs: these are the immediate results
what we do and show the value that we can create.”
of the bank’s activities: the loans and
(Catalina Hemmink, Sustainability Reporting Specialist)
mortgages it provides to clients, or the salaries
and benefits it pays to employees. “I really believe that the reporting side has a disciplining Decent work and economic growth
effect on the performance side. If you have to report or
• Outcomes: these show the effects of the bank’s
if you’re committed to reporting on sustainability and
business on stakeholders — the fact, that its
value creation, then you also have to ask some very
products and services may help clients save and
tough internal questions: How are we really creating
invest, through home ownership, mortgages may
value? For whom? What are the material topics? The
provide a greater sense of personal security. Responsible consumption
ESG KPIs will force you to start measuring the progress
on ESG; a value creation model forces you to think and production
about the impacts and the value that you are creating
on these different capitals. As a result, the reporting
side has a big disciplining effect of the actual ESG
performance.” (Tjeerd Krumpelman, Global Head of
Reporting, Regulations, and Stakeholder Management) Climate action

(EUR millions equivalent)

5,000-10,000 1,000-5,000 500-1,000 100-500 50-100 0-50 Positive Negative

Impact Impact

8 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 9

Tackling greenwashing: learnings from ABN AMRO experience Benefits and challenges The role of accounting and finance
As a result of a continuously evolving reporting landscape, Hemmink, Sustainability Reporting Specialist) from ESG commitment profession in the ESG journey
the disclosure of high quality and reliable ESG data
In the experience of ABN AMRO, greenwashing Benefits: ESG commitment allows to create value for the The shift from shareholder returns to stakeholder
represents a crucial component of companies’ reporting
should be taken more seriously and lead to similar society while also creating opportunity for the company; it capitalism, and the strong link between
practices and there is a need to balance the interests of
implications as a fraud in the financial statements. makes them future proof, it lowers the risk profile, creates sustainability performance and financial
shareholders, employees, customers, and community.
Just as misleading financial statements lead to new business opportunities and helps attract talented performance, require practitioners to take a lead
However, there is growing debate in academic literature
specific actions by law, including restatement and employees. It is important that companies embrace the role in supporting companies’ ESG journey.
and by practitioners on whether sustainability reporting
press release, similarly providing misleading ESG journey to maximise the benefits from ESG factors.
efforts result into tangible benefits for the society and the • Accounting and finance professionals have the
information to stakeholders, whether intentional or
planet (Pucker, 2021) and the resulting duality between Challenges: there are also challenges in this journey, required expertise to put together and analyse
not, should lead to severe and clear consequences.
“green washing” vs “authentic effort” (Khan et al., 2021). including existing and upcoming regulation (which also financial and non-financial information, and translate
“Internally, setting up internal controls, setting up aim to tackle green washing), data availability and quality, these into how to create value for the future.
In the Management Control Statement section of
better governance about ESG data; externally, new as well as interpretation and relevant disclosures. The
the integrated report, ABN AMRO acknowledges • The finance team plays a crucial role in companies’
regulations and frameworks, and providing assurance challenges can be dealt if the company is willing to
that sustainability creates exposure to a wide range sustainability journey and improving the ESG reporting,
on non-financial information are important steps for embrace them and make it a key part of their purpose
of reputational, legal, and litigation risks, including specifically in measuring the performance and the
addressing greenwashing. And ultimately, misleading and strategy, and have the ability to adapt to changes.
claims about “greenwashing” (“i.e. false or misleading progress on the sustainability pillars and priorities.
the stakeholders or the readers of ESG information ABN AMRO being committed to ESG, is embracing these
statements about the sustainability profile of products
should be treated following similar approaches as for challenges in practical ways by ensuring the relevant data • It is crucial to understand the importance of
or services”, Integrated Annual Report 2022, p.156).
financial frauds” (Tjeerd Krumpelman, Global Head of is collected in line with our internal privacy requirements ‘long term value’ without losing sight of the short
From the experience of ABN AMRO, there are some
Reporting, Regulations, and Stakeholder Management) and data quality requirements. Subsequently, the data is term; and the ability to zoom in and zoom out, i.e.
important learnings on the steps to put in place to
correctly interpreted and employed, to assess the impact look in details what you are doing and zoom out
ensure ESG reporting reflects the authentic effort and It is worth noting that the evolution of the corporate
and provide relevant disclosures to stakeholders. Data to have the overall big picture and understand
commitment of a company towards sustainability. reporting landscape towards simplification and
quality is thoroughly assessed by experts by making use what it means for the business as a whole.
harmonisation of the regulations (ex. EU taxonomy,
To help prevent greenwashing, it is crucial to set up of internally developed tools and internal controls, policies
EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure, MiFID II ESG, • There is need to acknowledge, recognise, and promote
internal controls, set up better governance around and procedures, wired to the regulatory requirements.
EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) the role of accounting and finance professionals
ESG data; getting external assurance would also Key for an organisation is to develop internal guidelines
would aim to prevent greenwashing and help in the context of sustainability, keeping in mind the
play a role in providing reliable ESG information. New and polices that are aligned with regulatory requirements
companies to become more climate friendly. need for a specialisation and expertise in the area,
tigger and consistent regulations and frameworks and are able to mitigate ESG related challenges.
and the need to focus on non-financial information.
would be crucial. It is paramount to report in a
“There are many benefits, but it requires investment,
transparent way, on both positives and negatives, “For accounting and finance professionals, it
perseverance and knowledge building. There are
based on facts rather than opinions and to employ is important to acknowledge that non-financial
challenges related to ESG, but if you embrace it, if
the use of the impact report as a management tool aspects are crucial. We cannot quantify everything
you are going to make this a key part of your purpose
to drive change internally and increase the positive although we try to. Accounting and finance
and strategy and really embedded into your business,
impact. Doing a thorough review to what is being professional have an important role in collating
then I think you will also be much better positioned
disclosing is key; authenticity, accuracy, completeness, financial and non-financial information and translate
to seize the benefits to be ahead of the regulator, to
relevance, among others, are all considered at ABN them into value creation for the future” (Cristina
really help your clients in their journey on sustainability.”
AMRO – and is ensured through processes, policies, Cainareanu, Integrated Strategic Risk Specialist)
(Tjeerd Krumpelman, Global Head of Reporting,
checks and controls that the bank has internally.
Regulations, and Stakeholder Management) “ESG reporting offer Finance professionals a new
“Reporting can really be a tool for change internally. role, a more interesting role, a broader role in the
We try to use the impact report as a management bank” (Alexander Carp, Corporate Strategist)
tool to show our board and our colleagues that there’s
ESG entails risk, uncertainty, challenges as well as
room for improvement. We are trying to see how
opportunities for management accountants who play a
we can use the results of our impact measurement
crucial role in collecting relevant data to feed companies’
in order to increase our positive impact” (Catalina
reporting. Among others, it is worth mentioning that
companies are creating new positions for sustainability
professionals whose role is to identify, understand,
collect, analyse, manage, and report sustainability
related data and risks. In doing so, the rigor and
mindset of accountants represent a value added to help
incorporate sustainability data in the decision-making
process. Ultimately, this allows a smooth integration
of non-financial dimensions into corporate reporting.

10 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 11

Conclusions References Further reading
This research explores the channels through which ESG When reporting the contribution to the SDGs and Banking for Impact [BFI] (2022). Impact measurement Busco, C., Malafronte, I., Sammarco, F.,
reporting represents a driver of value creation, through measuring impact, it is crucial to do so in a reliable and in the financial sector. Measure what matters. Scognamiglio, E. (2023). The Impact of
the experience of ABN AMRO, an international financial transparent manner. This implies reporting on both June. Available at: Organizations: Measurement, Management and
institution that is an award winner and frontrunner in positives and negative impacts, on creating value as well Corporate Reporting. Edited by Routledge.
Banking for Impact [BFI] (2021). Scaling up
the field of sustainability and ESG. Based on document as depleting value for stakeholders. Ensuring transparency
impact measurement and management for Quattrone, P., Caglio, A., Russo, S. (2023). Calculating
analysis and interviews, the research shed lights on through reporting, and reporting on facts rather than
banks. Banking for Impact working group. June. Sustainability. Can accounting save the world? CIMA
four main topics: the role of ESG reporting as a driver opinion, appears to be crucial to prevent greenwashing.
Available at: Research Executive Summary, Vol.19, Issue 4.
of value creation; the role of the banking sector in
Greenwashing, i.e. false or misleading statements
contributing to the SDGs; the need for identifying Khan, H.Z., Bose, S., Mollik, A.T., & Harun, H. (2021).
about the sustainability profile of products or services,
good practices to tackle greenwashing; the role of “Green washing” or “authentic effort”? An empirical
is comparable to financial fraud. Companies can put in
accounting and finance professionals in the ESG arena. investigation of the quality of sustainability
place several measures and actions to ensure reporting
reporting by banks, Accounting, Auditing &
While all organisations play a crucial role in society and is the result of an authentic effort. This includes effective
Accountability Journal, 34(2), pp. 338-369.
can actively contribute to the SDGs through their activities, internal controls, external assurance, and compliance
banks have a much bigger impact. Indeed, through their to regulation. Doing a thorough review of what is Malafronte, I. & Pereira, J. (2023). ESG performance
lending and investment activity, they can encourage being disclosed is key to ensure authenticity, accuracy, and impact measurement in the banking industry. In
companies to pursue more sustainable business models completeness, and relevance of the reported information. Busco, C., Malafronte, I., Sammarco, F., Scognamiglio,
and direct funds towards investments that generate a E. (2023), The Impact of Organizations: Measurement,
These findings have important practical contributions for
positive impact on the society. As such, banks play a Management and Corporate Reporting, Routledge.
the accounting and finance profession and practitioners.
crucial role in the transition to a sustainable economy.
The rigor and mindset of accountants represent a value Pucker, K.P. (2021). Overselling Sustainability
ABN AMRO is a leading organisation in the field of add to help incorporate sustainability data in the decision- Reporting. Harvard Business Review, Sustainable
corporate reporting and integrated thinking. The bank making process, and allow a smooth integration of Business Practices, May-June 2021.
has a rich reporting suite. Through its Integrated Annual non-financial dimensions into corporate reporting. As
Report, ABN AMRO explains how it creates value for its such, accounting and finance professionals need to
stakeholders, not only as a provider of banking and other play a lead role in supporting companies’ ESG journey.
financial services but also as a responsible employer Further, it is important to acknowledge the role of non-
and an active contributor to the society as a whole. financial information in driving value creation and the
need for specialisation and expertise in this area.
Reporting on ESG favours an integrated thinking approach
inside an organisation; reporting has a disciplining effect
on ESG performance as it raises questions on How are we
really creating value? For whom? What are the material
topics? The value creation model helps companies to think
about the impacts and the value created on the different
capitals. As such, ESG reporting drives value creation
and has a disciplining effect on ESG performance.

12 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 13

Appendix Acknowledgements
Appendix 1: ABN AMRO’s value creation (screenshots from Integrated Annual Report 2022, p.26-27) The researchers would like to thank CIMA’s General
Charitable Trust for funding this project. The researchers
would also like to thank the interview participants from
ABN AMRO for their time and insights, which allowed this
research to be undertaken, including Alexander Carp,
Corporate Strategist, Catalina Hemmink, Sustainability
Reporting Specialist, Cristina Cainareanu, Central Risk
Management, Integrated Strategic Risk Specialist, and
Tjeerd Krumpelman, Global Head of Reporting, Regulations,
and Stakeholder Management.

Researchers’ names and contact details

Irma Malafronte Cristiano Busco
Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance Professor of Accounting, Reporting and Sustainability
Roehampton Business School University College London
University of Roehampton UCL School of Management
SW15 5SL, London, UK One Canada Square, London E14 5AB
Appendix 2: ABN AMRO’s contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals and
(screenshots from Impact Report 2022, p.29-30) John Pereira Luiss Business School
Associate Professor in Finance LUISS University
Kingston Business School Via Nomentana 216 – 00162, Rome, Italy
Kingston University
KT2 7LB, London, UK

14 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 15

Notes Notes

16 ESG Reporting as a Driver of Value Creation: A Case Study of ABN AMRO 17

April 2024
ISBN 978-1-85971-926-8

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