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Repaso quiz 4 b2

Reduce time clauses, As soon as, Once, Whenever (cuando sea), every time, until, the las time I
drank, while, after
Ever since i was a kid, I’ve had trouble getting up early, Frequently I am not a morning person
i'm not very approachable right after I wake up, until i've had my coffee
As soon as I get up in the morning, I take a cup of tea
I usually perk up (animarse) with a cup of coffe when I feel sleepy
Sometimes I chill out after a rough day for watering my plants
Sometimes I nod off in the afternoon classes, as soon as I feel like that I take a sip of water
I always carry a bottle of water with me in afternoon classes just in case I begin to nod off
when I eat a lot shortly before going to bed i toss and turn
Unless I get a good night’s sleep, I can easily fall asleep in the afternoon
I only wake up early if I am going to travel in the morning
But usually I sleep like a log, even if there is a lot of noise in the house
be sound asleep (estar profundamente dormido), feel drowsy (sntirse somnoliento), take a power
nap (tomar una siesta), be wide awake (estar bien despierto), have a sleepless night (tener una
noche de insomnio)
I have a sleepless night only if I’ve been having some troubles during the day

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