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How to get rid of your roommate?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Taehyung |
V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim
Mingyu (SEVENTEEN), Momo
Additional Tags: Roommates, Collage, Sharing, Dancer Park Jimin (BTS), Park Jimin is
Bad at Feelings (BTS), Jeon Jungkook is a Tease, Jeon Jungkook is a
Brat, jungkook cooks tasty food, jimin loves to eat, jimin is bad at
cooking, Teasing, Sex, Dorms, Virgin Park Jimin (BTS), Bottom Park
Jimin (BTS), Top Jeon Jungkook, First Time, No Angst, Smut, Fluff and
Smut, Happy Ending
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-05-24 Words: 30,851 Chapters: 1/1
How to get rid of your roommate?
by Poppyvalo


Jimin didn't like his roommates.

Any of them.

It was as easy as that.

He was a simple man with simple needs and none of his ex roommates couldn't fulfill his
needs which would bring him to a situation where he would have to, at some point, get rid of

Not like he would kill them, god forbid, just that he would usually ask them politely to move
out or he would call the police (if that was necessary, which it was once) or he would simply
find something better for himself and then go without a single warning or a heads up.

His plans would usually always work, until one day he met his new roommate, someone who
he couldn't get rid of no matter how hard he tried, cause it was easy to get rid of someone
from your dorm, but not from your mind.



Just wanted to say thank you for everyone who keeps reading my stories and sending me

encouraging messages and leaving lovely comments cause those mean the world to me.

I've been so busy with work so I haven't had time to write a lot, nor to read, but I'm trying my
Hope you'll like this short story I've written even though it's a total cliche and has a common
plot, but I really wanted to write these two badly.

Enjoy in a lot of teasing, smut and fun without angst.
Hope your day will be better after reading this story.

See the end of the work for more notes

Jimin didn't like his roommates.

Any of them.

It was as easy as that.

Jimin was a simple man with simple needs and none of his ex roommates couldn't fulfill his
needs which would bring him to a situation where he would have to, at some point, get rid of

Not like he would kill them, god forbid, just that he would usually ask them politely to move
out or he would call the police (if that was necessary, which it was once) or he would simply
find something better for himself and then go without a single warning or a heads up.

It's not like he wasn't used to sharing his living space with someone else... He came to Seoul
when he was fifteen, pursuing his dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer in the
National Theater of Korea and to become that he knew he would need much more than love
for dancing and good grades from Busan's school of Art. He needed private training, he
needed tough dance lessons, he needed proper education and Seoul was the only place where
he could get all of the above. The only problem was that all of those classes cost a small
fortune which Jimin didn't have, coming from a normal working family of four, from Busan,
but still, he decided that he'll do his best in finding a cheap place to live and a part time job to
cover his expenses.

And that's how his struggle with sharing living space began...
*** * * * * *

"Hey hyung, what about this one... " New Clean luxury cozy remodeling with full furnitured,
Mangwon station 2 mins by foot, Famous traditional Mangwon Street Market, Utilities for
gas, electricity, water are separate" sounds really good." Jimin scrolled while looking at
pretty apartments that weren't too far from his Uni, but all he got was a deep sight from his
best friend.

"You know the rent is gonna be at least 1.500 000 won, why do you even bother with looking
at those apartments?" Min Yoongi might be a bit too into harsh truth, but that's exactly why
Jimin loved him so much.

"Aish... Maybe it's some kind of trap or a miracle and maybe the price is... around 700 000
won... maybe..." Jimin looked outside the window of Yoongi's living room, imagining about
having a lovely apartment to call his own. Something that shouts calmness, clean space,
bright lightening and no one around to bother him...

"I don't think so, besides, you know all of those by heart now, I bet you even contacted the
owner already and are just living in fantasy."

Yes, Min Yoongi knew Jimin really well.

"It's 1.600 000 won. You were close..."

"Hah! I'm getting better at this. Now come on. Let's find you some nice dorm that's not too
expensive and not too far from your Uni and The Korean National Ballet."

Jimin sighed.

"Ugh... fine..."

After an hour of 'nope, too many people sharing my bathroom' and 'hell no, I can't have ten
other human beings cooking with me all the time' Yoongi finally got something.

"AHA!" he yelled excitedly.

Jimin just rolled his eyes, thinking how yet again, this was another failed mission.

"Come see this... Read carefully." Yoongi zoomed onto letters on his phone.

* Housing types available at SSN's student housing:

Among five different types of student housing, there was one particularly underlined with
red NOTE on it.

* Single unit with private bathroom and shared kitchen

"Hyuuuuung, I don't want to share my kitchen with twenty other people. I need my space and
a little bit of privacy. You know I need my freedom cause otherwise I would get cranky."
Jimin whined, but Yoongi looked at him dead panned.

"Jimin, you don't have the money to rent a single unit with a shared bathroom and kitchen let
alone the luxury you dream of, your private ballet lessons are only getting more expensive so
now focus and see what's written under the underline note for god's sake.

"The floor three's been renovated until the end of august so there would be only two rooms
available on this floor. Listen closely..."

Room includes:

One single bed

Smaller room size

Basic amenities such as a desk, chair, and wardrobe

En suite bathroom with shower, sink, and toilet

The kitchen includes:

Storage area, meal preparation area, washing area and cooking area
Additional features such as a TV, fridge, sitting area and coffee maker

"Still... I'd have to share all of that..." Jimin said lazily.

And then Yoongi got up and took Jimin's cheeks in between his palms.

"Yes Jimin, you'll have to share, but with one person only."

Jimin blinked...


"You obviously haven't listened to me carefully, as usually (Yoongi rolled his eyes), it says
here, the floor where these unit rooms are, is being renovated and there's only two rooms
available on the whole floor. And I hate to break it to you, but one is already taken."

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's phone to look at the pictures of said rooms and his heart did a little
jump cause the kitchen was spacious with amazing lighting, spacious sitting area and the
rooms were pretty decent so without thinking too much about it, he sent a message and hoped
for the best.
*** * * * few weeks later * * * * ***

While walking outside his new, cute room into the hallway and then straight into his fabulous
kitchen where Jimin had spent most of his days cooking some meals for himself, even
studying since beginning of new Uni year (his third), he couldn't not to feel lucky, content,
satisfied with the way the new Uni year has started for him.

Ever since he moved from Busan to Seoul, he didn't exactly have luck with the dorms he had
stayed, roommates he had met, but this time around, luck was on his side.

Ever since his best friend saw this amazing opportunity, Jimin loved the idea of having his
own room with bathroom and only having to share the kitchen with someone else. One
person. Only one person. He could do this!

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Not that he was the most socially engaged guy in the world, but still, Jimin found himself to
be a decent human being with strong character and personality that could easily get along
with anyone who is at least somewhat similar to him.

It wasn't his fault that his previous roommates were all lunatics, narcissistic assholes, party
animals, weirdos or homophobes.

It was definitely not Jimin's fault that they all had to leave sooner than later cause they just
weren't the right fit to Jimin's life.
And now, as Jimin was peacefully walking towards his spacious kitchen, he felt the joy like
he always does, knowing that this time around he lives alone, that no one was going to bother
him while he's trying to cook some home made meal, knowing that later, after having his
breakfast, he would probably study a bit in the kitchen sitting area too cause it's so bright and
peaceful and after that he would leave for Uni, feeling happy and full, just ready to enjoy
another day.

Only that today Jimin was obviously out of luck, cause the moment he entered the spacious
kitchen, he could hear noises and usually there were never any noises inside...

He was living alone for the past month for god's sake.


While slowly walking towards the kitchen cabinets, his heart racing inside his chest, Jimin
saw a shirtless man cooking while humming some song.

Instantly Jimin screamed as if he had seen a lion instead of a human being, so the man turned
around while frowing, dropping a wooden spoon on the floor.

"I have pepper spray and, and a knife!!!" Jimin yelled while pointing at the knife that was
standing closer to the man than himself.

The shirtless man squinted his eyes and pinched his nose before speaking.

"Wow, your voice... god..."

Since now wasn't the time to argue or to get offended by anything the guy was saying, Jimin
tried to hide behind the dining table and then he took out his phone, trying to scare the man

"I'm calling the police!"

The man waved his hands dismissively, the same frown still imprinted on his face.

"I fucking live here." Finally the black haired said so Jimin put the phone down.

If he had enough time, Jimin would look thoroughly at the pretty tattoos adorning the man's
body, but he was kind of busy with freaking out.

"What?" Jimin felt really confused.

"Yeah, I guess you're my new roommate. Hi, I'm Jungkook." And then the man came outside
the little cooking area that was divided with a kitchen island, and finally Jimin could see his
new roommate in all his glory.

He was naked.

He had nothing on.

Not even underwear.


Butt naked.

Jimin didn't really want to look down, but it was inevitable.

Not even the dark ink that was covering the man's right arm all the way up to his broad
shoulders, couldn't help Jimin with focusing onto something else...

"I'm usually at my girlfriend's place and only sometimes I come here when it's pretty late and
I always leave early in the morning since my cooking classes start at eight..."

Jimin really tried to listen, he tried to focus on the words that were coming out of the man's
mouth, but it was pretty hard since something else was on display.

"Um... could you please put some clothes on." He finally mastered to say so the man
chuckled while extending his hand and grabbing a kitchen towel and putting it on top of his
intimate parts.

"Ewww... gross. I use that when I cook." Jimin remembered all the times he had used the said
towel and cleaned some kitchen surfaces with it.

Jungkook, the naked man chuckled.

"Well, don't anymore..."

Even though Jimin's insides were boiling, he kept telling himself to calm down and to be a
bigger man.

He was nowhere near as big as Jungkook, but whatever...

"Ok... So, obviously there was some miscommunication here and none of us really knew we
were roommates." Jimin trailed the obvious while trying to keep his eyes on an eye level with
the man in front of him. It was hard, but he managed to.

"I honestly thought I was living alone..." Again for good measure Jimin explained, but then
something funny happened.

Jungkook chuckled.

It wasn't just a chuckle, it was like a mix of chuckle and a scoff.

It was more like a scoff.

Like a scoff of unbelievability.

"Excuse me?" Jimin put both of his eyebrows high up while crossing his arms on top of his
"Khm... it's nothing, just... um... I was just curious, who do you think made all the food that
you kept eating from our refrigerator?"

Our refrigerator... he got the nerve...

"What food?" Jimin asked while trying to remember the food that his roommate was talking

He knew exactly what the other was talking about, but he needed time to figure out what to

"Pfff please, don't act all stupid now when I've been feeding you for a little over a month.
Remember? Tabokki, kimchi, ramyen, bulgogi, hotteok, you even ate the whole mandu once
and didn't bother to leave any for me."

"That's cause they're my favorite..." Jimin whispered, remembering exactly how many meals
he had eaten by his roommate, but the truth is he had no idea that someone else was making

"I thought some nice food fairy was leaving those in my fridge since, you know, I had no idea
I even had a roommate." Jimin said all proudly, not even second guessing how insane he was

"A food fairy? What are you? Five?"

Jimin rolled his eyes dramatically.

He was a bit dramatic from time to time...

Maybe often.

Perhaps always...

"Ok, fine, fine... I have eaten some of your precious food."

Jungkook nodded while pursing his lips, the kitchen towel still hiding his intimate parts

"So I noticed..."

"But I cook too, you know." And Jimin got defensive again.

"Your cooking skills are shit." Jungkook was obviously too honest guy. Or he was just
craving death.

Jimin's face became deep red cause of how furious he was.

"So you wanna say how you've eaten some of my food too?" Jimin was fast to realize the
facts. "Then I guess we're even." He smirked, loving the feeling of victory on his tongue.
"No. We're not even. Not even close. I thought you're trying to poison me with your food, and
my food is delicious."


"Excuse me? My food is... not... that bad." Jimin really tried to sound convincing, but he,
himself, wasn't really sure about those facts.

"But it is." Jungkook's face looked smug and so annoying that Jimin kept imagining hitting it
in the middle of his nose.

" Listen. I put a lot of effort into the presentation, so sometimes I don't bother with the way
everything tastes..." For some odd reason Jimin kept defending himself, not liking the way
his roommate kept describing his cooking.

"Oh, if by that you mean the stack of spring onions thrown on top of the food..." And again,
the smirk with a little mockingly low smile was on Jungkook's face and Jimin had had

"Oh just give me a break!"

While turning on his heel, Jimin walked straight to the hallway and inside his room, not
wanting to spend another second with the idiot of his roommate who seemed to be an
obnoxious asshole.

Then he did the first thing that came to his mind.

He called Min Yoongi, his bestie.

"Hello Jerry." His friend answered with a cheerful voice.

"I fucking hate my roommate. I need to get rid of him." There, now it's out of his system and
everything was better.

"Jimin, aren't you living alone? Are you ok?" Yoongi had his concerns.

"Nope. Well, I thought I was, but I wasn't. Turns out I've been living with some dickhead for
a whole month now and I had no idea about it."

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"Jimin, are you sure he's real?"

Of course Min Yoongi would make fun of him and tease the shit out of him.

"He's real. His name is Jungkook. I even saw his dick." Jimin let out all the details.

"Ok, now you're being delusional, should I come over to your place?" Yoongi was seriously
doubting this whole thing.
"No. I saw him and we talked a few minutes ago. He's in my kitchen as we speak." Jimin
pointed at the kitchen direction even though Yoongi couldn't see him.

"You mean your shared kitchen?"

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever... I can't go in there if someone's gonna bother me. I like my space, my
freedom and my peace."

"Sorry to break it to you, but the kitchen is for sharing, for both of you to be there, use it,
make food..."

Jimin knew that what Yoongi was saying was right, but still, he was stubborn.

"He even called my food bad and my cooking skills shitty."

Yoongi burst out in laughter.

"He didn't lie."

Jimin snickered.

"How dare you? You're supposed to be my best friend and you're taking this idiot's side."

There was an audible, long inhale on the other side.

"No. I just can't go through this again Jiminie. You promised you're gonna try harder this
time." Yoongi scolded him.

"But I did try my best. See... I've been living with this person for month now and now it's
time for him to go."

Jimin lied on the bed like a sea star, looking at the ceiling.

"Jimin, we've been through this hundred times..."

Yoongi was such a pain in the ass.

"You're overreacting..." Jimin was not that bad.

"Oh really? Am I?" And Jimin knew what's gonna happen next.

" Junho? You got rid of him cause he was snoring too loud and you weren't even in the same
room with him."

Jimin buried his face inside the pillow, trying to muffle his comments about what his best
friend was saying.

"And what about Mingi? He was too into video games..."

Couldn't stand him anymore.

"What was poor Beomgyu's problem? Was it the habit of always calling his mom and telling
her everything?"

He was so damn annoying with all the details and shit...

"And my absolute favorite, Kai. He liked dogs too much so you needed him gone cause you
were so sure that your sneezing allergies were from dog's hair. You're not even alergic to
fucking dogs Jimin!"

Jimin took a deep sigh.

"Still, non one of them was harmed while being sent to live somewhere else." He made
himself comfortable in his bed while leaning his upper body on the big, fluffy pillow. "I'm
sure they were all happier and sane after leaving me alone."

"That one's for sure..." Finally something Yoongi agreed on.

And then there was silence.

Jimin knew exactly what his best friend was about to ask next.

"So, since we established that the roommate that you told me about is in fact real, did you
really see his dick?" Yoongi was never the one to sugarcoat things.

Jimin closed his eyes while hitting his forehead.

"Yes. He was naked. Totally naked in my kitchen. How rude is he?"

Yoongi laughed loudly.

"First of all, your shared kitchen, and second of all, how did you feel?"

Jimin's cheeks started heating up.

"I... I don't know..." He really didn't wanna talk about this.

"Oh come on!!! It's your first dick ever..." Yoongi whined.

"It's not the first... man's intimate part that I've seen..." Jimin felt embarrassment on another

"Porn doesn't count Jimin."

"But why?" Jimin thought seeing dozens of pornstar's dicks counts as seeing one in person.

"What do you mean why? Cause it's not in front of you? If you wanted to touch it you
wouldn't be able to do so, and in this case, with your roommate..."
Jimin felt his cheeks getting insanely hot. He needed to put the palm of his hand on his
cheeks cause he was burning up.

"Oh... well... that kind of makes sense..." Finally he admitted something. Could be cause he
was so out of focus and unable to think.

"So?" Yoongi was persistent.

"So what?" Jimin was good at being in denial.

"How was it?" Obviously as any cat, Yoongi was a curious one...

"I... I don't know." Jimin pushed his body more up, making his already stiff posture
somewhat bearable. "I didn't have time to process it cause I went straight to my room and
then I called you... so... yeah..."

Yoongi inhaled loudly.

"So you postpone your feelings like usual for later?" He knew Jimin by heart.

"Um.. I guess, yeah... I gotta go now... um... bye hyung, talk to you soon." Jimin really
wanted to finish this whole conversation cause he needed some time for himself.

"You better call me or text me when you sort your thoughts..." Yoongi really needed to know
everything. There was no tabu theme for him. Everything was normal and open for
discussion and as much as Jimin loved that about him, sometimes he hated that exact thing,
cause he was not like that. Not at all.

"Sure. I will. Bye." Even he could hear the lie in his voice.

And then there was Jimin, alone with his thoughts and some new revelations.

Ok, no need to freak out...

I just saw my first penis in life...

I mean a real penis...

Well those actors in porno's also have real penises...

Penis is a fun word... Penis... enis, nis, sis, penis...

Focus Jimin...

Yoongi said that porn penises don't count.

Why doesn't it count?

I saw many of those...

Probably more than fifty, but less than a hundred...

Maybe around a hundred...

I haven't been counting.

Still, this one was in front of me.

I could almost see the tip of it and the veins...

I actually did see one vein but shortly.

It was pretty big for a soft penis...

Maybe it wasn't soft.

Maybe he had a morning boner.

Why do I even care?

I obviously don't.

It was a nice looking penis.

I think.

Everything was looking nice and I liked the shaved hair around it.

Not that that matters, but it seems that I prefer it to be shaved.

Wow, I never thought about this deeply.

Maybe that's cause it was so close to me...

Like if I were to reach my hand, I could almost grab it.

No... no... no...

I didn't want to grab it...

Just... I could, but I didn't want to.

It was just there...

My first ever penis...

To see...

Ok I should stop thinking about this now.

It's just a body part anyways.

So Jimin tried to focus on anything else other than thinking about certain dick, or dicks in
general, but his mind had a plan on its own.

*** * * * *

While walking towards his Ballet class Jimin's eyes kept darting downwards while passing
any man in Campus and he did it involuntarily.

Why am I looking there...


I'll stop when the class begins.

Only that the situation got even worse since today's lesson was really hard and all the guys
had some tight thighs on and the outline of their private parts were showing.

Fucking hell!

Never in a million years would Jimin think that this would happen to him. That he would pay
more attention to what his male colleagues have inside their pants rather than paying
attention to new dance routines.

After the class was over, he went to the changing room like always, and as usual everyone
started changing their clothes cause it was a well known fact that Ballet classes were the most
intense ones.

But this time, Jimin had other things on his mind and he couldn't stop sneaking glances.

This is just ridiculous!

After scolding himself mentally, he stormed out of the changing room and went straight to his
dorm. He thought about what Yoongi had told him before about trying his best not to ruin this
new Uni year for him, and fighting with his new roommate is definitely not on his list, so
he'll try to make things up.

He'll try for the sake of his sanity to apologize for stealing Jungkook's food and he'll maybe
ask if they could have some "Divided time arrangement" in their shared kitchen so that they
don't have to spend too much time together.

With his mind set on his decision, Jimin walked inside his room and then straight into the
kitchen that was their shared space, and then he walked towards his roommates room, which
he had never visited before, and started knocking firmly.

Knock, knock, knock...


Knock, knock, knock...

Again, nothing.

Loud knock, louder knock, the loudest knock...


Of course he's not home.

He's never home.



I'll just see him later I guess.

With tension in his whole body, Jimin went to his room, spent and tired and so so confused.

Tomorrow is another day so he'll try his best to not think about stupid things such as dicks,
shaved balls, veins, cock heads, hardness, softness... He was never someone who's too into
that so nothing's changed...

At least that's what he'll tell himself as many times as needed till he believes it.

*** * * * *

Life was good again.

Jimin did try to talk to Jungkook after that first meeting, but his roommate was nowhere to be

Have I scared him off with my attitude?

Well that would be too easy...

While drinking some latte at the nearest coffee shop, Jimin was talking to Yoongi, trying to
make plans for the two of them to grab dinner together later.

The weather was beautiful, cold, but sunny, bright and perfect for studying outside, in a
coffee shop.

"So I'll see you tomorrow at seven." he finished the phone call and finally stood up, making
his way towards his dorm.

His precious beloved dorm whom he loved so much.

Everything about his dorm was perfect. The size, colors, no noise, Jimin's stuff folded neatly,
and of course the big kitchen that was empty every day, only waiting for Jimin to use it... that
was until Jimin entered the hallway and couldn't not to notice the loud sounds coming from
the outside, near the kitchen... The sound was coming from his roommate's room.

What the...

He's alive.

And he's here...

He still lives here?

It was over a month since Jimin had met his roommate and he had magically disappeared for
another month, so now, while listening to obnoxiously loud sounds of what seemed to be
some kind of love song on repeat, Jimin had no idea what to do.

Maybe I should just mind my own business and leave...

He'll probably be gone by tomorrow...

Only that he didn't.

Twenty hours later, Jimin found himself in the same situation as yesterday, standing in the
middle of his kitchen, listening to the same song over and over again, playing on repeat like
someone was under the spell and Jimin needed the spell to be broken.

I can't live like this...

I need my kitchen to be free from loud noise...

Why is he playing the same song over and over again?

Is he even inside his room?

Maybe he left and forgot to turn off the TV or something...

I better check...

Without thinking any further, Jimin knocked loudly on Jungkook's door, thinking how
probably his roommate wouldn't even be there, but two seconds after, the door flew open and
a very much naked Jungkook was standing in front of him.

Butt naked.

The same amount of skin flashed in front of Jimin's eyes and he couldn't stop blinking, then
looking around, sneaking glances where he didn't want to look but couldn't force himself not
to... so he did the best thing he could do.
He put his right hand over his forehead and eyes, trying to build a wall between his sight and
nakedness in front of him.

"Hi roommate." Jungkook seemed unbothered.

Jimin tried to look through his fingers, but every time he would peek, he would see skin, and
that made him uncomfortable.

"Are you a nudist or something?"

There was silence so he peeked again, trying to see Jungkook's facial expression, and all he
could see was confusion.

"No. I'm alone in my room. That's not the definition of a nudist... Besides, I was just trying to
jerk off, but..."

And Jimin yelled.

Nothing in particular.

Just a "Aaaaaagghhhhh" or something like "Laaaalaaaaaa" anything basically that could stop
him from hearing the rest of his roommate's sentence.

"Woah chill... You're so loud..." Jungkook covered his ears, squinting his eyes, looking like
he's in pain from just hearing Jimin's high pitched tone.

"Too much information. Please..." He tried to put his hands in front of himself, trying to
block the view of Jungkook's dick hanging in front of his eyes, but it was difficult.

"Well since you asked... I was only trying to explain..." and the more Jungkook was talking,
his hands were moving around so his other parts started moving around too, and Jimin
couldn't focus.

"Can you please cover your c-c..." He really tried his best, but sounded like choking.

"I mean your d-d-di-khm..." but it was hard for Jimin who was usually very polite to say the
curse word.

"Your private parts." he ended up saying angrily.

Jungkook scoffed.

"Dude, it's just a cock, you have one too." He crossed his arms on top of his very much
chiseled abs which Jimin noticed the moment he saw him, looking cockily and so full of

"As a matter of fact I do, but I'm not shoving it in your face!" and Jimin's patience had run
low... his craziness started peeking out.

But then a funny thing happened.

Jungkook smirked.

There was this tiny little smirk dancing on his lip and Jimin had no idea what's going on in
his head.

"Would you want it to?" he said as cockily as ever and Jimin needed a few seconds to
understand what he's referring to.

His cheeks started burning, deep red was flushing from his neck up his forehead and he
couldn't control it.

"You're g-gross." Jimin stuttered cause what!? Is this lunatic insane? Why would he say that?

And then Jungkook's face morphed into something like... regret...

"I'm sorry... I really am. God, look at how red you are. Are you okay?" Jungkook walked
quickly inside his room and came out seconds after, a pillow covering his private parts.

"I made you uncomfortable and I'm sorry... it's just that I'm in a weird stage right now... and
um... I kind of don't know what to do... see... I broke up with my girlfriend so I thought
maybe if I flirt or try to hook up with some random person that I would feel better... but I
can't even jerk off... I can't even look at you like I normally would." Jimin just looked at his
roommate rumbling, perplexed cause what the hell... "I mean, you're pretty cute and all, but I
wouldn't be able to touch you, I'm just too broken right now... a true limp-dick... I need time I
guess, and a lot of sad love songs to get this out of me, you know... and maybe once I'm done,
maybe I'll pursue flirting after all." and then he winked and Jimin almost threw up.

What did just happen?

He stayed for another second there, stupidly blinking while processing the said words, and
then he just nodded. He nodded at whatever he was supposed to agree on, he nodded cause
no words were getting out of his mouth, he nodded cause what the hell was he supposed to
say after what he had just heard.

I'm sorry for your loss, but could you keep it down a little?

That wasn't an option now and he knew it, so Jimin just gave his roommate a little forced
smile and after turning around to leave, he started arranging a plan on how to get rid of
Jungkook for good.

Of course he knew exactly who to call in situations like this.

"I seriously need to get rid of my roommate!" The first thing he said to Min Yoongi, his best
friend and partner in crime.

"Jimin, we talked about this already..."

"No. No. No. No. No... This is different now. He called me ugly and unattractive."

"Jimin, did he use those exact words?" Yoongi could smell bullshit even through the phone.

"Not these exact words, but he told me he couldn't get it up for me and he meant his penis."


Then a cough.



"Did he use those exact words?"

Jimin rolled his eyes so hard he saw white.

"No, but he meant it. Isn't that the same."

Yoongi exhaled loudly.

"What did he say?"

"Something like... he broke up with his girlfriend and he tried to flirt with me, but then he
said he's too broken for that and that he wouldn't be able to touch me until he's over the
break-up or something like that... so... the same thing basically."


Then Yoongi yelled.

Just a bird-like loud noise that made Jimin shut his eyes hardly while moving the phone away
from his face.


"That's not even close to what you had said previously. The guy is mourning. Something
terrible must have happened to him and now you want him out. Are you insane? Instead of
making him chocolate chip cookies you're here complaining about someone trying to flirt
with you while being at the worst possible period of their life? Are you really that insensitive
Park Jimin?"

Jimin was too stunned to speak.

"Well, when you say it like that..."

Was he really that insensitive? Could be... Or maybe Yoongi is just messing with his head.

"Go outside and buy those ingredients for chocolate chip cookies Jimin. The guy's in pain
and you're unfortunately his roommate."
Jimin huffed loudly.

"Did I mention that he was naked again? So I saw his penis twice already."

"Well good for you. And this is how you treat the poor man that has shown you more than
any man has in your entire life." Jimin shook his head. Why did he even bring that up?
"Cookies Jimin. With chocolate. Dark chocolate. Go. Now."

After hanging up, Jimin took his wallet and went for a walk, rethinking his life decisions
once again.

Stupid Min Yoongi.

I hate Min Yoongi.

Those were the last thoughts he remembered before entering the grocery shop, trying to find
everything he needed for those damn cookies.

*** * * *

While mixing the batter as softly as he could, there was a fight happening inside Jimin's head
that he couldn't stop.

Why am I doing this shit?

The rational part of his brain was confused while Jimin's small, chubby hands were trying to
chop the dark chocolate as tiny as it gets.

It's cause of Min Yoongi...

Why am I friends with him?

I did nothing wrong...

After spraying some oil onto the tray, Jimin started scooping the cookie mixture and then
putting it nicely with just enough space between them.

What am I even gonna say? I made these cause... Why?

It's cause you're heart broken?

Boo freaking hoo, you're still good looking and will probably find someone new soon.

Did I just think about my roommate as good looking?

Well... he has a nice body.

What's a nice body anyways?

Some abs and strong arms?



After putting the tray into the oven, Jimin washed all the dishes he had used and then he went
to grab a quick shower before the cookies were done.

Unfortunately, his showers usually turn into private concerts so after a few minutes too late,
Jimin realized he had cookies in his oven, ready to be eaten twenty minutes ago.

Shit!!! The cookies!

While putting his clothes hurriedly, not bothering to dry his fluffy, still wet hair, Jimin ran
into the kitchen, trying to see if the cookies were still edible.

The closer he was to the kitchen, an inevitable smell of something burnt filled Jimin's nose.

Shit!!! Shit!!!

After opening the door, Jimin could see some smoke lingering around the room and his
roommate right there, taking the cookies out of the oven.

"Sorry to break it to you but your cookies are destroyed, burnt, demolished... literally."
Jungkook took one cookie and tapped it on the kitchen cabinet, just to show how burnt and
hard the cookie was.

Jimin's face was getting warmer and warmer.

"Do you ever wear clothes?" Instead of cookies Jimin wanted to address something that was
annoying the shit out of him.

His roommate was once again naked, well not fully this time, but the only fabric on him were
his boxer briefs.

"Wow, again with the nudity shit. How about thank you for not letting our kitchen go to
flames since you obviously forgot about the disaster you call food." and the look Jungkook
gave to the cookies that were indeed burnt as hell was pity mixed with sarcasm and Jimin
hated him more with every second that had passed.

Just when he thought he couldn't hate him more, Jungkook spoke again.

"Why are you even making anything when you always eat what I'm making?"

And Jimin had had enough of this shithead.

"You know what, I really tried. I tried my best but you're just impossible and there's literally
nothing nice about you..." Jimin wanted to make things clear, but Jungkook laughed loudly at
his little speech.

"Excuse me... You tried to be nice? When exactly?" His roommate turned to ear while
leaning his body onto the kitchen counter and the sight of his buffed chest made Jimin's mind
only slightly cloudy... He couldn't think about that now...

Postpone inappropriate thoughts of hot buff chest for later...

"I made cookies! That's effort." Jimin yelled.

Again, Jungkook took one of those unfortunate cookies and twirled it around for Jimin to
acknowledge the disaster that the cookie most certainly was.

"This is your effort? The attempt to poison me again?!"

Jimin pursed his lips, trying so hard not to curse even though he never does, but he was really

After closing his eyes and letting a deep sigh out, he opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook
dead in the eyes.

"I don't think this is going to work out... You and me living together, sharing the kitchen...
We're too different and I think it's time for you to move out." Jimin's voice was as calm as it
could be, his posture fixed, shoulders straight, head only slightly pushed up, showing how
serious he was about this.

Jungkook cocked both of his eyebrows high up, looking at Jimin confused and could be a
little amused also... There was definitely a little smirk dancing on his lips...

"How about you move out? If you're uncomfortable just leave, I, as a matter of fact, like it

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows so hard the wrinkles left a permanent mark there.


Jungkook looked pretty unbothered again, taking some pots out of the kitchen cabinets,
preparing them near the stove.

"This place is close to my Uni, the gym where I work out is also pretty close, my two best
friends live here only on the east side of the dormitory, my room is spacious and has nice
natural lighting so... I'm not leaving."

Jimin was about to have a stroke.

"You're not even being here! This is the third time in three months that I've seen you here."
Jungkook started mixing some batter that looked a lot like pancake mix. Jimin really didn't
wanna guess what he was making, but his mouth started salivating on their own.

Is it hotteok?

Not my favorite!

Focus Jimin!

Jungkook took some walnuts and started smashing them roughly with a meat pounder, the
veins on his hands popped out nicely, his biceps looking big and firm...

"Well," Jungkook smirked after looking at Jimin while smiling devilishly "that's about to
change roommy."

Jimin felt his left eye twitching... He's having a seizure... a stroke... heart attack...
something... cause this isn't happening.

"We'll see about that..." he managed to say weakly before turning to leave, wanting nothing
more than to be in his room now...

"Hey Jimin..."

Before exiting the kitchen, Jungkook called his name once more.

While trying not to show how annoyed he was, Jimin turned around while crossing his arms
on top of his chest.


"Could you please leave at least two hotteok's cause I'll have some friends over tomorrow and
usually you eat them all."

Jimin could swear there was a fucking smile beneath the cold and serious facade so of course
he'll play dumb and unbothered.

"Don't know what you're talking about."

Jungkook burst out in laughter.

Is there anything that could make this moron angry?????

"Sure you do, Jimin. Don't act dumb, doesn't suit you."


"Seriously... I only know about my food fairy so... good luck with your food or whatever." At
this point Jimin knew he was talking shit, but even this is better than the truth which was that
he ate every single thing that Jungkook had made since the day they moved in here.

The food was always there. What could he do?

Look at the perfectly prepared food in tiny little containers that screamed EAT ME!

As if...

"So I'm a fairy now. That's a cute nickname." Jungkook teased so Jimin just blinked...

"You're an idiot I'd say. Bye now." so he storms out of the kitchen, not looking back cause he
was sure he would see a fucking smirk or an even more annoying chuckle, or a dumb smile
on Jungkook's handsome face and he was not having any of it. He had a mission now and he
needed to make some plans.

Serious plans on how to get rid of his roommate once and for all.

*** * * *

The moment Jimin saw Min Yoongi approaching their usual coffee shop ten minutes late, he
felt anger rising inside him.

Not cause Yoongi was late.

He was always late, but this time he was late and Jimin had something important to tell him.

"Hey Minnie, you look cute." Yoongi came closer and after giving his best friend a pat on his
head he sat down and observed Jimin's unmoving and serious face.

"So... did Jungkook like your cookies?" seemed like Yoongi knew exactly what was going on
before asking.

"The cookies were burnt." Jimin said in a dead-pan manner.

"Did you do it on purpose Jimin?" Yoongi came closer, staring into Jimin's eyes like he's
trying to see his soul.

"What? Do you even know me?" Jimin got offended.

"I'm asking cause I know you." Yoongi had a point.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose, but I am gonna poison him on purpose next time I make
something to eat. I'm not even kidding."

Yoongi straightened his posture, looking at Jimin in disbelief.

"Jimin." he said his name while cocking his head to the side, trying to make a statement
without even saying a thing.

"Seriously, I am. I'm gonna do something..."

Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose, not liking the fact that he needs to know more.

"I'm gonna regret this but, I need to know why... What's wrong now?"

The moment Jimin was waiting for.

"First of all, he's rude, second of all he's an obnoxious idiot who's making me uncomfortable.
He was fine when he wasn't around too much, but now when he's single again he threatened
that he'll be around, by that meaning in my kitchen, all the time. I was polite enough to ask
him to move out cause we're obviously not good as roommates, he had the decency to say no,
and I quote his words 'if you're uncomfortable then you should move out'. How dare he? I'm
seriously this close to poisoning him or suffocating in his sleep. There's nothing stopping me
at this point."

Yoongi just looked at him dead seriously, obviously too stund to speak.

"You mean other than jail?" he found the right words to break the silence.

"Yeah... maybe that little thing... but hear me out..." Jimin moved closely to his friend's face
and continued... "no one has to know."

Yoongi pushed his chair back, jumping a little at his friends nonsense.

"Now you're just scaring me."

"Forget we talked then." Jimin cocked his eyebrows, finally making his friend laugh, both of
them knowing damn well that Jimin couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to.

"Tell me about your new dance choreo, your roommate will probably disappear for another
month so there's no need to sweat over him, but you know who's the guy we could sweat
over. Hoseok, your hot, young dance teacher. How's he doing and when will you invite him
for a cup of coffee? Seriously Min, if you don't do it I will, someone has to do something
about that man." it was a well known fact that Yoongi had a hots for Jimin's hip hop teacher,
and even Jimin thought of him as attractive and desirable, but the lack of his romantic skills
always made it impossible for him to react to his desires.

"He's seriously the best. Everything he does is always better than the last thing he did so you
can imagine my high expectations for everything he will do in the future and I know he'll
deliver. I wish I could ask him out or just to have coffee with us but I'm too shy and
inexperienced and I'm afraid I might ruin our friendship."

Yoongi nodded, agreeing with the said.

"Yeah, that would really suck cause then I wouldn't stand a chance with such a hottie."

Jimin hit him over his chest.

"Shut up and tell me about your plans for the weekend." and so Jimin's favorite part of the
day started, listening to his best friend rumbling about producing music and weird dreams he
had for the past days and life was good again...
*** * * *

Weeks have passed and Jimin's life has become much harder.

Harder in every possible way.

Jungkook was luckily out of his 'sad phase' and even though Jimin had had enough of the
same love songs playing for hours he was definitely not prepared for the next phase.

"Remember when I told you things can't go worse from what they were a few days ago?"
Jimin asked Min Yoongi on the phone.

"Yeah... what happened?" Yoongi said with a deep sleepy voice cause it was four in the
morning for god's sake.

"Turns out I was wrong. Things can go much worse and I don't know if I can unhear thing
that I've just heard." Jimin laid his tired, sleepy body on his bed, trying to find some peace
and sanity but the moans and words kept repeating itself on their own.

"What did you hear? Is everything ok? Do you need me to come over?" Yoongi was maybe
sleepy, but Jimin and his needs were always his priority.

"No, no, no... please don't... you might interrupt the thing that's happening I think in the
kitchen or maybe it's in my roommates room now since they'd become a lot quieter..."

And there was an "Ooooooo" after a short pause cause Yoongi finally understood what was
going on.

Jungkook was having sex and Jimin had heard it pretty clearly.

"So your roommate is in his 'whore phase' now. Better prepare yourself for lots of moaning
and dirty talk then cause usually guys like to enjoy themselves while fucking their rebounds
brains out."

Jimin covered his face with the palm of his small hand, not wanting to hear more about this
topic. It was bad enough that he had to witness a loud Yes, oh yes baby, give it to me
hard and mmmm you're so big you'll need to stretch me first if you're gonna fuck my ass.

How rude...

"Are you there? Minnie?"

And suddenly Jimin remembered that he was still talking to Yoongi.

"Yes, sorry... I'm just sleepy... Sorry huyng for waking you up... I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay Min. Sleep well."

After turning on his stomach, Jimin tried to make himself comfortable, but there was one
thing that bothered him.

Even though he didn't even want to address the situation inside his underwear, it was pretty
obvious that his boxer briefs were too tight and that he could clearly feel his dick poking a
hole through the mattress he was lying on.

But why???

He moved around a little, trying to neglect his hardening cock as best as he could.

It was almost painful, but he would rather chop his own dick off than to react to such an
absurd thing as getting hard to nothing... well almost nothing...

*** * * *

Luckily for Jimin, Jungkook's 'whoring phase' wasn't that long, and at one point it became
pretty normal for Jimin to get up late in the night to grab some water and he knew that once
he would go into the kitchen, he would hear obscene moans, sexy talk, screams, grunts, skin
slapping sounds, and instead running away like he used to before, he would just calmly walk
to their shared fridge and take out whatever it was that Jungkook was cooking that day and he
would enjoy a tasty meal without bothering if Jungkook would enter the kitchen and see him
stealing his precious food. He knew his roommy was busy with fucking and that was his cue
to eat in peace. Well to eat in sex sounds, but that was weirdly fine.

So in time when Jungkook would be done with fucking, Jimin would also be finished with
his late dinner and then he would be ready to go to bed, full and happy and mostly always

After the whole 'whoring phase', Jungkook entered some kind of 'social butterfly phase' that
was mostly considered inviting some of his friends over and spending time with them mostly
in the sitting kitchen area (Jimin's favorite place to study, dance and relax).

Jimin hated it.

It was the worst phase by far cause his precious kitchen was almost always taken and Jimin
had no interest in making new friends or sharing the same space with his roommate.

"Can I come to your place again? I'm hungry." Jimin whined on the phone while already
picking what to wear. He knew Yoongi would never say no to his precious little baby, even
though he lived with four other guys, his band mates with whom he mostly produced music
these days.
"You're hungry again?" Yoongi snickered in disbelief. "He's again not treating you right.
Didn't you have lunch today?"

Jimin thought about his lunch that day and he couldn't remember if he had any.

"He's again in the kitchen with his friends... I can't eat..."

Yoongi let out a sigh.

"How dare he not let you steal his food? Is he insane? Does he have any morals? He knows
you always eat his food and now that he's in the kitchen all the time with his friends he
knows you're not able to eat well. He really is a jerk."

Jimin nodded while patting his crawling stomach.

"Exactly. I haven't eaten his hotteok or kimchi in weeks. WEEKS! I don't know how long I
can take this to be honest."

"Just come to my place. I'll make you some ramen and I have soju." Yoongi, on another hand,
knew exactly how to make Jimin happy.

"I'll be right there." Jimin said excitedly, happy that he had such a good friend like Min
Yoongi... And that he'll finally eat again.

*** * * *

Oh my god...

Is it possible???

It's so quiet...

Are they all gone...

Jimin couldn't believe his ears.

While entering the hallway of his dorm he didn't hear any voices coming from any of the
rooms. The kitchen was quiet, Jungkook's room also... It was so weird not to come and hear
loud music or sex noise or hysterical laughter...

Peace and quiet.

Just how it used to be before...

Without even bothering to leave his backpack or to enter his room first, Jimin pushed the
door knob of his usually favorite room and entered the kitchen.
The heavy smell of some herbs, alcohol and sweat almost knocked him out of his feet so after
coughing loudly, he finally entered deeper inside the room and got mortified by the fact that
he wasn't alone as he thought.


There were at least six people laying all over the kitchen, one even on the kitchen floor right
next to the oven where he had prepared his precious food...

Jimin wanted to sneak out and just leave, but his loud cough obviously was loud enough for
the people in the kitchen to slowly open their eyes and stare at him like he was some mythical
creature or Superman.


Finally someone, a dirty blond guy with a handsome face, sat up from the floor where he was
sleeping and waved at Jimin cutely.

"Um... hi..." Jimin said shyly, not feeling too excited to be anywhere near these people, and
then he heard a familiar voice.

"Wow bro, you're so pretty."

Jimin jerked his head to his right, where the kitchen table was and saw Jungkook sitting up
on one of the chairs, looking pretty drunk and probably high too, his hair looking messy
while sticking out in all kinds of different directions.

"Excuse me?" Jimin wasn't sure if he was hearing right.

"So fucking pretty." Jungkook scratched his eyes as if to see Jimin better, clearer.

"Are you insane? This is ridiculous." Jimin crossed his arms while observing his roommate
who was clearly out of his mind and had no idea who Jimin was.

"I'd say so. It's ridiculous how pretty you are." Jungkook giggled while giving Jimin one of
his best bunny smiles, so after huffing loudly, Jimin turned around, ready to leave this insane

"Can I get your number at least!!!" he heard his roommate screaming after him and without
even bothering to go back inside and answer, Jimin yelled just as loudly "We freaking live
together you moron!"

Jungkook hadn't said a thing after that, but Jimin would have died to turn around and see his
confused face, but that wouldn't be cool to do so he just went to his room, not knowing what
to do with this new information.

He thinks I'm pretty?


And so the struggle to avoid his roommate began cause Jimin didn't know what to do.

Should he address the whole compliment or ignore it?

Was Jungkook for real or was he just acting like a jerk?

Maybe he was just playing around.... or trying to mock Jimin...

He had no idea what was going on, but he knew that he didn't want to deal with this at this
exact moment cause he had a lot on his mind. He had a dance theory exam in two weeks and
a new choreography to make and he had no space to try new things. Usually the kitchen was
his safe place and after moving all the chairs and tables to the side, Jimin would enjoy the
freedom that was provided by the spacious kitchen floor, but these days all he got was his
tiny little room where he couldn't even do splits or proper stretching.

"I'm gonna go to the dance studio again so I'll probably stay late since I haven't finished the
chorus of the song I'm preparing for my practical exam. Are you gonna make music at your
place or at the studio, maybe we could meet for coffee after..." Jimin talked to Yoongi on his
way to the dance studio where he usually had his private practice hoping there would be at
least one free room for him to try and finish the new choreo.

"I'm at Namjoon's studio. He had some new ideas so we'll probably be working late. If you
wanna, you can come and be with us. We'll order some chicken if you want..." Yoongi knew
exactly why Jimin was asking.

"I don't know... You know I'm not a good company these days..." Jimin said with a weak

"Park Jimin, you're always my favorite company. Ok? Are you hungry? Were you able to eat
something this morning?" Yoongi asked since he knew about the whole 'Jungkook won't let
me steal his food' situation.

"Nah... I heard him in the kitchen and I just couldn't force myself to go inside... I just went to
Uni and took some ramen when I had a break. I'm ok really." Jimin lied. He didn't eat
anything since he was kind of short on money this month, and he still couldn't see Jungkook
cause of the whole 'pretty' comment which he forgot to mention to Yoongi. Or he just didn't
wanna make a big deal out of it.

Cause it's not a big deal.

Why would it be a big deal if someone thinks he's pretty.

That's normal and not something to rethink about over and over again.


*** * * *

While moving his sore body on autopilot, Jimin could feel his muscles twitching, his stomach
making a pathetic growl so loud it would wake a dead person awake.

He finished the choreography, but still, he wasn't 100% satisfied with it.

Tonight there was no chance in hell he would dance more cause he felt like his legs might
seriously give up under the weight of his tired and spent body so while entering his room, the
only thing he was craving for was food and his bed.

Food was nowhere to be found so the bed seemed like the best option.

He took the quickest shower of his life and put an oversized shirt on, not bothering to find
some matching bottoms and fell face down into his bed.

While having too many thoughts, he also couldn't focus on any cause his body was still
seeking food or at least something to drink.

Maybe if I fall asleep it'll go away...

Sometimes when he was too tired, Jimin would sleep it off and in the morning he would feel
better and less stressed so he tried to go with that option.

Only that it didn't work.

Every now and then his stomach would make the same noises as before so after looking at his
phone, it was 2 in the morning, Jimin thought how maybe there wasn't anyone in the kitchen
since there was no noise or signs of someone using the kitchen.

Maybe just to check real quickly...

Just to grab some water...

Or a snack...


While dragging his body out of his bed, and walking outside barefoot, Jimin tried to make as
little noise as he could.

He put his ear on the kitchen door and indeed, no sounds were on the inside.

Please god let the kitchen be empty... I promise I won't eat everything I find in the fridge...
like I do sometimes... well mostly...

Jimin made a sincere promise and with a shaky hand he opened the door.

There was no one inside the big, empty, familiar space except the heavenly smell of
something freshly cooked.

He must have been here today...

I know the fresh smell of... is this kimchi?... maybe samgyeopsal? I need to see...

Jimin walked on his tippy toes and slowly came closer to the big fridge they shared in the

When he opened the door, he almost passed out cause the sight in front of him was to die for.

Lots of little food containers that Jungkook usually uses to store his food filled with all kinds
of food.

Oh god... is anyone even eating here?

What a shame...

Well... since I'm here...

So Jimin's eating ritual started.

He opened four little containers to observe what he had inside and to his surprise there were
all of his favorite foods.

Bulgogi, jjigae, samgyeopsal and kimchi...

After observing everything, he took one plate and chopsticks and started filling the plate with
everything he had found. Like always, he would take just enough food from the containers so
that Jungkook wouldn't notice, but sometimes the food was so tasty that he would keep
adding more to his plate until the containers were nothing but the sauce on the bottom of it.

He felt guilty, he really did, but that didn't stop him from eating the said food again, day after

This is heaven...

I'm seeing god right now...

How is his food so delicious?

Maybe I'm just too hungry.

Maybe even my food would taste good now.

Probably not as this...

He even started dancing a little after his stomach finally got filled with his favorite meals, but
at the end of it, he knew it wasn't over...

Jimin knew there was something else...

It always is...

With squinted eyes and hopeful heart, Jimin opened the other side of the fridge where
Jungkook would mostly store sweet food that he had made and to Jimin's absolute pleasure,
there were tons of containers with stored food again.


He screamed internally while looking at the packaging cause on top of everything there was a
date on with a little sticker that said what's inside.

Chapssaltteok, songpyeon,hodo-gwaja, hotteok and bingsu...

Bingsu? That's new...

He never made shaved ice before.

Maybe if I mix my favorite hotteok and put some bingsu on top...

So he did. He made himself a perfect sweet plate that no one could absolutely resist and
started devouring the perfect taste while humming satisfyingly.

He danced while taking bite after bite, just a small little ass moving and tip toes jumping to
show how excited he was for eating such delicious food after weeks of not eating properly.

I might gain some weight after this meal...

Do I care?

No I don't...

I'm so happy...


Clap along if you feel like the roof... and then there was a sound.

A well known sound of the door knob opening and Jimin froze.

He froze with the biggest bite of hotteok mixed with shaved vanilla ice inside his mouth and
there was no way for him to swallow such a big bite of something so cold.


Did I just curse?

I didn't out loud...

With horror on his face, Jimin watched as Jungkook walked inside the kitchen and after
noticing Jimin, he stopped for a second before continuing walking right to the fridge.

Jimin just stood there with his puffed cheeks, not even bothered by the fact that his roommate
was once again naked. Well not totally, but he didn't have a shirt on. He was wearing gray
sweatpants and that's it.

That was totally normal now and not important at all.

Maybe I can pretend that I'm eating something I made...

Jimin tried to come up with some solution, but then his eyes darted to the kitchen counter
where Jungkook's food containers with hotteok and bingsu were still open.

Oh no...

"Is it good?" Jungkook asked pretty calmly, crossing his arms on top of his chest and looking
at Jimin with his big cheeks looking like a confused squirrel.

"Don know uat you taukin bou..." Jimin tried to answer, but the ice cream was still melting
inside his full mouth.

Jungkook laughed.

"Please, you can't even talk." Jungkook moved over to the fridge, not even sparing a glance at
the containers on the counter, and then he took out some of the salty food containers and
started putting stickers on them.

"I see you tried these too." he said with a teasing tone.

Jimin swallowed finally.

"I haven't. Why do you even think it was me?"

Jungkook scoffed.

He had every right to, but Jimin wouldn't admit a thing. Not after starving for weeks.

"Just leave some for the rest of us. Ok?" Jungkook turned around after writing something on
the containers, probably date cause there was always some kind of date on it, but Jimin had
other thoughts on his mind.

"Maybe one of your one night stands ate the food. I haven't been eating anything for days."
he said, almost sounding hurt cause he really hasn't been eating for days.

Jungkook came a step closer to observe Jimin better.

The fire in Jimin's cheeks was burning...

"My partners don't stay that long and you know it. You never saw any of them so it's not
them." Jungkook said with a serious face and Jimin remembered his 'whore phase' clearly
cause he indeed didn't see any of his partners, but he did hear plenty.

He had heard a lot!

"How would you know? You pass out right after and have no idea where your special friends
are. Talking about some stamina." Jimin really had no idea where all of this came from, but
could be from being way too hungry for way too long or the fact that he wanted the whole
conversation to go to some other topic...

"Excuse me?" Jungkook really sounded stunned. His nicely formed arm muscles twitched
when he put both of his hands on his hips, looking a bit offended.

Jimin had no idea what to say next. He was seriously confused and a bit frightened by the
posture his roommate had. He was big, bigger than usually cause his instinct for such a
statement was to hold himself a bit taller, to expand those wide shoulders, to show Jimin
who's the true man's man here.

Jimin on the other hand just swallowed visibly, his hands playing with the hem of his
oversized shirt.

Jungkook came a step closer, now being only a few inches apart and then he eyed Jimin
slowly from head to toes.

The look in his eyes was dangerous, teasing, daring... and only then Jimin remembered that
he has only a shirt on him... The stare made him squirm in his place, red covering his cheeks.

"And you know about that how?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side, like he's trying to see
right through Jimin.

"About what?" Playing dumb was the best defense.

"My stamina, Jimin... How long I'm being with my partners... When they leave and if I pass
out right after... have you seen any of that? How can you know? Hm?" The frown on
Jungkook's face only made him that much hotter.

Jimin never felt like this before.

Sure he had met people who he thought were good looking.

He was smart enough to know that Jungkook was also good looking.

He was inexperienced but not blind.

But there was something about Jungkook's stare, about the tone of his voice, about the way
he would hollow his cheeks when he was frustrated or poke his cheek on the inside with his
tongue, or bite his bottom lip when he was amused... Jimin simply noticed those small details
cause he couldn't keep his eyes off of his roommate and he had no idea why.
There was something pooling in the pit of Jimin's stomach and he couldn't pin-point what
was happening. All he knew was that he felt kind of dizzy.

"Haven't seen any of it, thank god, but as I said, I have heard plenty so I could take some
guesses..." Jimin's voice was quiet cause the more Jungkook was drilling a hole into his head
with the dangerous look he was giving him, the more self conscious Jimin felt.

"Bet you would love to know more... Huh? Need proper proof Jimin?" and then Jimin saw
Jungkook's hand going up and close to his face and all he could do was stare.

He stared and didn't move.

He stopped even breathing...

Holding his breath in like that would prolong the moment... his dizziness...

It's like he saw Jungkook' fingers in slow motion coming closer to his face so while following
his roommate's fingers he finally felt a finger tip sliding over the corner of his lip.

Jimin's lips parted slightly at the soft touch.

"You got a little something here." Jungkook wiped what looked like a tiny amount of ice
cream off of Jimin's face and once again Jimin needed time to reconsider what just happened.

He still hadn't processed the questions Jungkook had asked him and now he has his finger on
his lips?

His mind was blank. His heart was racing. His mind was blown away.

And then Jungkook looked at his index finger which he used to wipe Jimin's lips and brought
it to his own lips.

Jimin's eyes followed his every move like he was enchanted and the moment Jungkook put
his finger inside his mouth and slowly suckled on it, Jimin let a shaky breath that he held for
so long cause what the hell was happening.

"Tasty." Jungkook commented before taking a spoon and the little container with ice cream
and Jimin still couldn't move. He felt paralyzed, unable to talk, walk, breathe...

"Now let's see how's the ice cream." Jungkook grabbed a full spoon of the creamy vanilla and
put it inside his mouth.

The spoon that he took was a big one and the amount of ice cream that Jungkook ate made
Jimin jealous cause he, himself, hadn't eaten enough.

"You're eating so well..." without even thinking too much about it, Jimin spoke after
unfreezing his brain and mouth so Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the ice cream container,
taking one more spoon and giving it to Jimin.
"Take more. It's really good." He said while grabbing another full spoon and putting it inside
his mouth and after observing the spoon inside his hand, Jimin thought about how good the
ice cream taste and without thinking too much he grabbed a really big spoon of the said ice
cream, wanting to taste the fullness of the exquisite taste on his tongue once again.

"Want more?" Jungkook asked while looking at Jimin with his puffed cheeks.

"No... 'M good..." Jimin could barely speak since there was so much ice cream inside his

"You sure can fit there a lot." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin's pursed lips, observing
him while melting that ice cream and eating it slowly.

"I can. Mhm. I really love to feel the fullness of the taste all over my mouth." Jimin said
without thinking too much about his words, not trying to imply anything by the said words,
but the way Jungkook bit down onto his bottom lip made Jimin unstable again.

"Bet you don't ever make a mess... Right Jimin?" Jungkook asked with a low tone and Jimin
had no idea what was going on, but he was sure happy that he wore such a wide shirt that
couldn't show how bothered he was by all of this.

"I don't. I'm a good boy." and honestly Jimin was. A true good boy. The best ever to exist.

Only that Jungkook didn't find his answer cute or innocent, cause the way his chest started
heaving up and down, indicating a faster heart rate, made Jimin a blushing mess.

Not like Jimin didn't know what double meaning meant, but somehow he ended up in this
insane situation casually, without wanting to and there was no going back.

"I need to sleep. I'm dizzy." He said instinctively, looking at Jungkook who was undressing
him with his eyes, scanning the trembling mess that Jimin's legs had become.

"Dizzy?" of course he would tease...

"I mean sleepy... I don't know why I said that... I.. Yeah... Tired... So..." Jimin put down the
spoon and without trying to clean some of the mess that was in the kitchen he started walking
to the door, but when he realized that his shirt didn't quite cover his whole ass he stopped in
his tracks and turned back around, facing Jungkook who was pretty shamelessly staring.

"Sorry I... I'm not dressed properly... so... I'll just walk like a crab..." and Jimin did. He started
walking to the side, looking silly, but that didn't stop Jungkook from staring, smiling cutely at
the sight.

"I don't mind. You can lose the shirt too. I'm totally fine with it." Jungkook hadn't blinked the
whole time while eyeing Jimin up and down, licking that spoon with ice cream with that
perfect pink tongue...

Jimin's mind was racing again.

"You and your nudist things... I'll wear my clothes, thank you. You should try it too." Jimin
finally said a normal full sentence to what he was really proud of.

"Yeah but then you wouldn't stare at me like you usually do."

And for a little second Jimin stopped and looked at Jungkook confused.

Do I stare at him?

I do know all of his tattoos and where he has muscles and veins and... oh god I am staring!

"S-Sorry..." he said it like a whisper.

"Don't be. I love it."

He loves the way I look at him?

This is so embarassin-

"Good night Jiminshi. I'll make fried rice for breakfast, I noticed you like that the most cause
you don't even leave crumbs."


"I... have to go... um... yeah... bye..." since he was by the door finally, Jimin stormed to his
room, feeling far too much, but also calmness and content cause his belly was finally full and
happy about it.

While laying on his bed Jimin's head was not spinning like usual. Thoughts collected
themselves naturally and before falling to sleep there were only a few things he thought

I'll call Yoongi in the morning.

See him for lunch.

Practices new dance routine with Momo after fourth class.

And have some fried rice for breakfast...

And just like that, life was good again.

*** * * *

"I ate last night." Jimin said cockily while sitting proudly at a dormitory coffee shop with
"Wow. That's amazing." Yoongi was seriously impressed, knowing for how long Jimin hadn't
been able to eat properly.

"He even saw me eating his food." Jimin added smugly, sipping on his coffee slowly.

"Did he say something? Why is this so interesting to me?" Yoongi came closer to Jimin,
prepared to hear all the dirty details about Jimin and his 'food stealing' activities.

"Nope. He was kind of ok with it..." Jimin shrugged, but the way Yoongi squinted his eyes at
him made him think that his best friend was onto something.

" have you finally admitted that you eat his food regularly and that you love it?"

Jimin scoffed.

"God no. I handled things the right way. Don't you worry." he gave a little finger shooting
guns towards Yoongi's direction, but Yoongi didn't quite understand what Jimin meant by his

"You mean..." he needed Jimin to be a bit more specific.

"Well not telling the truth of course." Jimin smiled sarcastically like it was offensive to even
explain this any further.

"Oh... so that's the right way of solving things. Not telling the truth. Sure." Yoongi agreed just
as sarcastically.

"Of course." Jimin sipped a bit more of his coffee, preparing himself mentally for what he
was about to ask his best friend, knowing that he would make a pretty big deal out of it.

"So how's Uni? Have you finished the new choreography you've been working on? I have
some new songs for you to listen so maybe you could pick some new ones for your exams..."
Yoongi was already moving to another topic, but Jimin was kind of stuck.

"How do you know you're attracted to someone?" After a shock that was written on Yoongi's
face, Jimin decided to add "... I'm asking for a friend...".

Of course he couldn't fool anyone.

"Please, you have no friends other than me." Yoongi said it as a matter of fact so Jimin rolled
his eyes annoyingly.

"Fine... Can you please answer the question." Jimin needed to know for a fact cause some
things that he was feeling for the past few months were bothering him to his core.

"This is about your roommate, isn't it?" Yoongi decided to go deeper into this.

"Why would it be about him? I see good looking people every day. I could be interested in
someone else... Could be some new, hot friend from Uni... or one of my dance teachers... You
know how good looking Hoseokshi is... Could be anyone basically." Why was Jimin trying to
convince both of them that this isn't about Jungkook so badly?

"Well maybe cause in the past few months all I was hearing about was 'my roommate's
walking around our kitchen naked'... or 'I heard my roommate fuck someone last night...
seemed like they had a good time'... or '...what's considered a big penis since my roommate's
soft penis seemed pretty big'..."

And Jimin's about to die.

He covered his face with the palms of his small hands, hoping the Earth would open and
swallow him whole.

Am I really talking about Jungkook that much...

"Not to mention the food... Where do I even start with the 'omg how tasty his food is'..." now
Yoongi just wouldn't stop with the torture.

"That's cause it's delicious and could you just stop... I'm sorry I even asked." Jimin could feel
his cheeks burning with shame cause he usually never asks things like that. He was pretty
unbothered with the whole dating thing cause his one and only goal in life was to be the
perfect ballet dancer at Korean National Theater so other things were never important to him.

"Jiminah, I'm actually happy for you. Don't look at this as a bad thing. I was pretty sure you
were asexual at one point so knowing that you have feelings and desires makes me really
proud and kind of excited for you."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not having feelings for Jungkook. I just... I just want to know how you know what you're
feeling... I can't even explain it properly." Jimin huffed in frustration and then felt Yoongi's
hand on top of his shoulder, tapping it gently.

"Hey... It's totally fine. You don't have to know everything immediately. It's totally fine to
explore things one step at the time. For example at the beginning of my sexual awakening I
tried everything, and I mean everything so that's the only advice I can give you. Try things
out and then see what you like. Your roommate actually might be perfect for that when you
think about it..." Jimin's eyes widened.

"What are you even talking about? He's not good for anything other than pissing me off."

Yoongi shook his head in disagreement.

"You two live together. You don't like him as a person, but you do think he's attractive, so
therefore you could have good chemistry together in the sexual department. If you know
what I mean..." When Yoongi kept cocking his eyebrows at confused and disgusted Jimin, he
made the most 'ew' face he could master.

"I'm not gonna do that for sure so... maybe we could go out after my exams and then I could
find someone I find attractive enough to maybe just try to talk to them... I don't know..." He
really felt like a lost cause.

"We could do that. I always wanted to bring you with me to my favorite bars, but you were
always too prude for that."

Jimin frowned.

"I'm not prude. I just didn't want to go somewhere where the people are smoking and you
can't hear people's thoughts cause of how loud the music is, or where you can't even sit

"Pruuuuuude." Yoongi interrupted him so Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest

"Well that's about to change now." he snickered and even if he wanted to, Yoongi couldn't
hide his excitement.

*** * * *

The bar was a mistake.

The music was too loud, people were too drunk, guys were too sweaty... Even if there were
some Kdrama actors or idols, Jimin couldn't care less cause his emotions were a big fat zero
and he knew there was no one who could make him feel the feelings he was craving for.

"How about a concert?" Yoongi had another idea.

"I don't know..." Jimin had his doubts.

"Let's just try..." Yoongi was persistent.

The concert was even a bigger mistake.

Yoongi got drunk so Jimin had to literally take him home by carrying him on his back and
once again there was no one even slightly interesting nor attractive to him.

"That blond guy was pretty cute..." Yoongi slurred while being carried on Jimin's back.

"I have no idea who you're talking about." He honestly had no idea.

"Oh come on! The guy that was looking at you the whole night..."

Jimin tried to remember but he couldn't.

"Sorry... Haven't even noticed him."

"Maybe if we go to this new club..." Yoongi just didn't want to admit defeat.
"No. No clubs, no bars, no concerts... I'm kind of over the whole 'trying things out phase'.
There's no point. I'm fine with the way my life is. I don't need some distraction now."

Yoongi fake cried.

"It's all my fault. I haven't tried my hardest to find a good place for you where you could
meet a hot guy... I'm a disappointment of a friend..." Jimin almost wanted to smack him.

"There's hot guys everywhere hyung. I just haven't found any of them attractive or interesting
enough... It's me, I'm the problem, not you."

"You're probably right." and with that Jimin's attempt to find someone attractive and sexually
appealing was over.

At least that's what he thought.

*** * * *

While taking off his Uni clothes and throwing them god knows where, Jimin got excited
cause he knew what was about to happen.

His favorite time of day...

His favorite day of week...

The only time he knew he was alone for sure and able to dance freely.

It was Sunday and Jungkook was never at their shared dorm on Sunday's and Jimin knew that
cause there was never food smell, noise, basically anything that would even give a hint of a
living person in their shared home.

After finishing with his usual stretching exercises, Jimin put some knee pads on both of his
knees cause he knew he would get bruises if he decides to do some difficult dance steps and
this night he felt like overdoing himself.

He just had one of those days where he would feel so inspired that he would dance for hours
until his muscles gave up on him and he felt nothing but pain and muscle twitch.

Today was that day.

Ever since he woke up he couldn't stop listening to new music that Yoongi had sent him and
one song in particular got him all worked up and ready to dance, to explore, to make
something new, something that would flow, something that he could call his own
While pushing the tables as far as he could to the wall of his kitchen, Jimin looked at the
space in front of him and he felt like he needed even more space than usual.

Maybe if I move the chairs too...

So he moved everything he could cause tonight was the night where he would make a choreo
for his dance exam and he already knew that there would be some aerials, big jumps, high
kicks and for all of that he needed his space.


Only when he was totally satisfied with the space around him, he took his bluetooth volume
device and put the song he loved the most on reply.

He took off the sweater that was covering his body, leaving him only in one of his dancers
shorts that barely covered his ass. He was thick and all that bubble muscle didn't come from
laying around and doing nothing. He had a slim figure, but his muscles were defined and
splayed perfectly on his petite body.

And then the magic happened.

Jimin's feet moved on their own, creating a perfect movement that goes in sync with slow
music he was dancing to. He was like a black swan, lost in his thoughts, lost in the moment
and only after two hours of repeatedly dancing the same choreo he made a small pause to get
some water and just a bite from that delicious shaved ice cream Jungkook had made for the
third time in a week.

Maybe if I do the bridge a bit more fiercely and then slow down after the second chorus...

Jimin's thoughts were always 100% focused on what he was doing and this time around was
no different.

I'll try that now.

So he danced and danced and tried new combinations, tried various different things that could
fit the song perfectly well and when he danced the whole choreography and felt like that was
it, he started jumping up and down, and then shaking his ass in victory cause he knew he got
it. He did something good and nothing could stop him from feeling the highs of success he
just created himself.

The joy and happiness lasted until he turned around and saw a body frame leaned on the
kitchen door, staring at him without blinking so Jimin screamed as loudly as he could.

"It's me! It's me... I'm sorry for scaring you... I just walked inside and... and you were dancing
so I didn't want to interrupt and..." Jungkook walked further inside, carrying something in his
hand, looking flushed and sorry.

"God, you really scared me. I though you were gone cause usually you're never here on
Sunday's and..." Jimin paused cause he noticed Jungkook's eyes roaming all over his body
and Jimin knew that he was basically wearing only a teeny tiny shorts.
Oh God...

Jimin moved behind a kitchen island, but that didn't help with covering his body completely.

"I'm sorry..." he tried to apologize, but Jungkook just moved closer, putting what looked like
a plastic box on the kitchen island, his eyes never leaving Jimin's frame.

"Is this why you need our kitchen only for yourself sometimes?" Jungkook interrupted while
looking at the space cleared from tables and chairs so Jimin nodded.

"Yeah... I really need to have some space when I dance otherwise I would break something or
hurt myself cause some dance moves require space..."

"I noticed." Jungkook nodded in agreement so Jimin frowned.

"For how long have you been here Jungkook?" he asked while fearing his roommate might
have seen things he wasn't supposed to.

Jungkook's cheeks flushed bright pink and he was a sight.

Sharp jaw and dangerous look in his eyes, but a hint of pink tint on his cheeks... So

"Well, I actually brought some ice cream cause I need to make some new recipe for shaved
ice cream, but... I might just get another one." Jungkook looked down at the plastic box that
had what it looked like, orange juice inside.

"That's the ice cream? It's melted. It's literally juice..." Jimin frowned while observing the
juice and then Jungkook chuckled.

"Yeah... well, it was ice cream when I bought it, but I guess I was holding it for too long so it
melted." and again, those rosy cheeks appeared that made Jimin's breath a bit more uneven.

"So the ice cream melted cause you haven't brought it to the fridge cause you were standing
here... for how long?" just to make sure what Jungkook had seen he asked, but the smirk on
his roommates face said more than his words could.

"Long enough to see something out of this world."

And now Jimin was the one blushing.

"Oh... " he mumbled while scratching his neck nervously, noticing the sweat dripping down
his collar bones, sliding over his chest and abs...

"You should've just said that you needed the kitchen and I would never bother you."
Jungkook walked next to Jimin and opened the fridge, putting the melted ice cream inside.

The skin on Jimin's body formed goosebumps cause of the cold air that was flowing all over
his wet back, so he shivered involuntarily.
"What was I supposed to say? Can you not use our shared kitchen cause I need to dance? You
would've kicked my ass and made fun of me."

Jungkook laughed out loud, a loving sound that made Jimin smile shyly.

"Well when you say it like that... but now I totally understand. Honestly, you can use our
kitchen whenever you want, but I have to cook sometimes." Jungkook winked so Jimin felt
his stomach tightening up cause the wink was kind of... cute?

"Oh please cook." he blurted out so Jungkook giggled and wow...

He giggles...

"I mean... you have to eat... so... cook... of course." Jimin tried to save himself.

"Of course... I mean, everyone has to eat... " Jungkook teased while squinting his eyes,
knowing damn well Jimin understood what he wanted to say.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go and take a shower cause I'm dirty... I mean sweaty... I..." Jimin felt like
an idiot. Those were perfectly normal words.



Totally fine.

"And you seem a bit cold..." Jungkook pointed at Jimin's upper body so while glancing down,
like he's trying to figure out what his roommate was talking about, Jimin noticed something

His nipples were pointy and dark.


He covered his chest with his hands embarrassingly fast. Feeling the same weird sensation
going through his body, down to his stomach, and then he felt it in his underwear.

He was definitely hot and bothered by the comment.

Well maybe not hot, more like cold and bothered.

"Don't look at my... you know... that's not nice..." Jimin started walking towards the door,
fearing something he doesn't want to happen, will, even if he doesn't want it to.

"But it's fine when you look at mine... Jimin, you're not being fair." Jungkook leaned onto the
kitchen aisle, like he's trying to take one last glance at Jimin looking like this, eyeing him up
and down, making Jimin's life that much harder.
"I wasn't looking at yours..." Jimin lied. He looked at everything that was in front of him
every time he got the chance to.

"Who are you lying to? Me or yourself?" Jungkook yelled cause Jimin was already behind
the door, fighting for his dear life.

Me... I'm definitely trying to lie to myself...

Jimin ran towards his room, hating the way he felt amazing and so proud of himself minutes
ago and now he was just a sack of horny bones with sore muscles and one pretty awake

What should I do... What is this?

Jimin looked at his awakening member, pointing upwards towards his stomach, sheer glance
of precum covering the tip of his red cock head.

Well... the only logical thing would be to release some tension cause I must be feeling like this
cause of all the hard training I had done... must be that... yeah...

Jimin was amazing at lying to himself, only that this time even though he fought for his
thoughts to go somewhere else while he was reaching the high of his orgasm, all he could
think about was pink, rosy cheeks on a handsome face that his roommate had minutes ago.

There was something so erotic about Jungkook and he feared it might get in the way of his

*** * * *

Few things were clear to Jimin.

He was doing well in Uni.

He was working hard to save money so he could plan a trip to Busan to visit his family.

And he was getting pretty okay with the fact that he was still living with his roommate.

It was amazing really to share his living space with someone else and not get all crazy about

As a matter of fact he started liking some rituals they had developed such as Jungkook
dividing his food into separate containers and on one of them were "JIMIN'S" written with
capital letters, or how he would always leave fresh, hot coffee in their new coffee machine
that Jungkook had brought to their kitchen, and Jimin's morning would look like a dream
where he would eat well and had his coffee first thing in the morning and the rest of the day
would go amazingly well since he would be so happy and satisfied with his morning that
almost nothing could kill his good vibes.

Life was good...

"... so you're not trying to poison or kill your roommate?" Yoongi said in the middle of the
movie that Jimin and him decided to watch it on Saturday night.

"Um... no, not really... I actually think that I'm past that whole 'I have to live alone' thing
since um... well... with Jungkook living with me, I have good food and coffee all the time,
so... yeah..."

Yoongi pinched Jimin's side.

"You fucking like him." he said it as if it was a fact, and Jimin frowned deeply.

"What? When did I ever say that?" He really didn't.

"As if you have to tell me anything... I can see your cheeks getting red when you talk about
him and he's the first person ever that you don't hate living with. That's huge. I mean that's an
amazing effort for you." It was a well known fact that Yoongi knew Jimin better than anyone

"That doesn't mean you like someone... Just cause you like someone's food and coffee and
the fact that they respect your privacy and are being considerate and doing all of that while
looking handsome and cute at the same time doesn't mean you like someone hyung. It
doesn't. It can mean some other thing, right? Could it not?" Jimin was pretty much asking for
advice cause he had no idea what the hell was going on.

"God you're deep in this aren't you?" Yoongi opened another bottle of soju for Jimin to drink.

"I... I'm not. I mean... What?" Jimin decided to drink his drink in one go.

"Are you planning on doing something about it?" Yoongi just kept asking questions like he
doesn't need any affirmation about this whole thing.

"Do something like what? What am I supposed to do? What do you do if you like someone's
coffee and food and the way they make you feel around them?" Jimin knew some soju would
help him open up easily. Yoongi knew it too.

"How exactly do you feel around him?"

Jimin gnawed on his lower lip, not sure how to explain the explosion of emotions he usually
felt whenever his roommate was close to him.

"Like I never felt before."

It was the fact.

Jimin felt so many things in his life, but Jungkook's closeness evoked something he wasn't
capable of controlling.

"Which is..." Yoongi handed Jimin another drink, knowing he needed a bit more support to
open himself up.

"I don't know how to explain it... but... It's like he's too close to me, but somehow also too far
away... It doesn't make any sense but... I want him to be closer to me, to feel him next to me,
but I can't stand his closeness...makes me dizzy and afraid and... weird..."

Yoongi nodded slowly while observing his best friend.

"Yep... you definitely have the hots for him and I think you should go for it."

Jimin hid his face with the palms of his tiny hands.

"No... I can't... He's too much and I... you know..."

Yoongi smacked Jimin's hands with a huff.

"You what? Never had a boyfriend? Sex?" Jimin pouted, but then shyly nodded. "Well, I hate
to break it to you, but that only happened cause you never wanted any of those things. It's not
like you were cockblocked or you didn't have luck in that department, it's more like you
didn't acknowledge that whole department even existed cause no one was ever the right
match for you. You're picky bro, but someone got to you and I couldn't be happier about it."

Jimin smiled timidly...

He smiled cause Yoongi was right. He never had problems with love life or was rejected or
heart broken, he was just uninterested and smart enough not to do something stupid only
cause society is telling him to do it.

"The coffee he's making smells like heaven..." Jimin said nostalgically even though he had
two cups that same morning.

"God you're such a freak." Jimin laughed out loud, almost falling to the ground.

"You know people are usually more into hot abs, sexy lips, veiny, strong arms, nice ass, big
dicks, or average ones if you bottom, or..." and Jimin spilled the sip of soju he had in his
mouth cause no, he doesn't want to talk about this...

"I have to go now." While getting up, Yoongi tugged his bff back down and after ruffling his
hair affectionately he pressed play so they could watch the movie again, not wanting for
Jimin to leave so early.

"I'll stop with the comments cause I know you're princess prudeness, but let's finish the
movie before you go."

Before, Jimin would argue about the 'princess prudeness' thing, but tonight, he didn't have a
single bone in him to protest anything.
"Promise?" he whispered so Yoongi pinched his cheek.


*** * * *

While coming back to his dorm a lot of different things danced around in Jimin's brain and all
of them included Jungkook.

'Are you gonna do something about it?'

Yoongi's words kept echoing inside his head, so he kept thinking.

Something like what...

Knock on his door and tell him that I feel weird around him?

That would be a disaster...

Maybe tell him I like when we talk and the way he looks at me...

But he always looks at me like he wants to eat me alive.

I like it though...

But I can't tell him that, it's too much. ..

Maybe if I just knock on his door and ask him to have a cup of coffee cause tomorrow is
Sunday and he won't be in the dorm...

So Jimin walked, instead of his room, he walked towards Jungkook's room.

While thinking about the words that he should calmly say, and getting closer and closer to his
roommates room, there was a well known sound, the one that Jimin hadn't heard in months,
not since Jungkook's 'whoring phase' so Jimin stopped right next to Jungkook's door, trying to
figure if he's hearing right.

"Fuck yeah baby, oh yes... that's right... I missed your cock so much..."

And Jimin had no doubts about the rhythmic slaps he had heard seconds ago... He knew
exactly what was going on behind closed doors and even though he had no right to feel the
way he was feeling cause Jungkook and him weren't a thing, they weren't anything actually,
but it was the moments like this that Jimin feared the most in his life.

It was the feelings that he couldn't control. The emotions that were deeper than his ability to
postpone his reaction and thinking to some other time when it was convenient for him.
This was utterly devastating and the more that he felt tears fogging his vision, he felt anger
cause this was not something he wanted to experience ever in his life.

It's fine.

This is perfectly fine.

He was thinking one thing, but his tears were telling another story.

He is nothing to you.

He can go and or whoever he wants cause he doesn't owe me a thing...

His heart was aching, but damn it he would at least try to put some sense into his head.

He's just a crazy, annoying person that makes good food and coffee and that's it...

You can't expect more from him.

I can't...

But why did I want to so badly...

And Jimin broke into silent sobs while curling his body onto the safety of his own bed,
praying this feeling will go away with dehydration he's probably gonna feel in the morning
since he drank a lot of alcohol and had cried more than ever in his life.

*** * * *

In the morning, dehydration was there as expected, but so were the unpleasant feelings.

Sadness, loneliness, heartache, grief, laziness, helplessness...

Without even thinking of going into the kitchen cause seeing Jungkook's coffee machine and
their shared fridge was too much to bear, Jimin walked straight to his Uni, deciding on having
a cup of Uni's cafeteria shitty coffee and some noodles for lunch.

What's safe, it's safe...

He couldn't bear the idea of seeing anything that resembles him of Jungkook and
unfortunately he didn't even need to see anything cause his roommate was somehow always
on his mind.

"I loved these last few classes we had with Taenshi. He's such a good teacher." Jimin could
hear his dancer friend Momo talking, but he was kind of always late with the response.
" yeah... I agree..." Jimin said weakly so Momo nudged his side lightly, trying to get
his attention.

"What's up with you? You're usually so happy after our hip-hop classes. Is everything ok?"

Jimin took a deep breath.

Not like Momo was his bff, more like a girl he shared dance classes with and drank coffee
from time to time, but he still thought about how to answer her question.

"I'm ok... just... thinking about moving to another dorm, that's all..." it wasn't a lie. Ever since
Jimin had opened his eyes in the morning, one thing kept repeating inside his head.

Move. Go away. Find peace somewhere else...

He was not ready to confront his feelings, desires or actions that speak louder than words, but
he had ways of handling things and he hoped moving away would help.

"But you love your dorm. You always talk about how amazing and spacious your kitchen is,
and how one day I have to come and practise with you... What happened?" Momo seemed
honestly concerned.

"Well... all of that was true, but I kind of like being on my own and not sharing any of my
living space so..." It was again the truth, only that there was so much more to this...

"Oh... so you have a roommate? You've never mentioned your roommate so I thought you
lived alone." Jimin's cheeks started getting hotter at the mention of a roommate.

"Nope... unfortunately not alone... I live with one guy... Jungkook... yeah..."

And then there was silence.

Jimin looked around nervously cause he didn't know what to say, what to add to that... was
there something else important to mention?

"Okaaaaaaaay who is he and why are you blushing?"

Oh god!

"He's my roommate... I have nothing more to say... and I don't know why I'm blushing... I am
feeling a bit hot to be honest." Jimin shook the hem of his shirt, moving it from side to side,
trying to add some fresh air over his burning body, but nothing helped.

"Yeah you are. Jiminie, this is the first time I'm seeing you like this." Momo said excitedly
like this was something big.

This wasn't bit. This wasn't anything... She was being ridiculous.

"Like what?" unfortunately he asked.

"All worked up and interested in someone. Honestly, so many guys flirted with you and you
never gave them any response so I was kind of thinking how maybe you're straight, but then I
tried to flirt with you a bit and you didn't respond to it at all, so I was like... maybe he's just
aromantic or something."

Jimin frowned cause what?

"Maybe your flirting skills suck." He couldn't resist teasing a little bit and he was kind of

Mostly at himself, but still...

"How dare you..." Momo faked shock and disbelief so Jimin finally laugh out loud, shaking
his head.

"Seriously, when did anyone flirt with me in the first place? Am I blind or I have no idea
what flirting is?" Now this was something Jimin was seriously curious to know.

"I think it's both when it comes to you." She just needed to bite back.

But then Momo continued with facts: "... Soojinshi, he sat next to you and asked you if the
seat was taken and you said that you prefer to sit alone. Jiminah, Soojinshi is hot and he
wanted to be close to you, but no. You didn't want that simple thing to happen. Then there's
Wonho. He keeps praising everything you do. It's humiliating. Wow Jiminah your splits are
getting better and better every day. Sweetie, your splits are amazing and the same always."

Jimin frowned while pouting.

"And that's flirting? Giving someone compliments, wanting to be next to them? But that's
what friends do also." Jimin was confused. Had he mistaken friendly behavior with flirting all
this time?

"Yes but there's this look in someone's eyes when you're talking to someone you like, when
you're about to do something with your crush... the blushing in the cheeks, the confusion on
your face, the nervousness... just like you're acting now."

"I don't have a crush on my roommate." Jimin said in a heartbeat.

"I never said you have. You just did." Momo smiled wickedly.

"If you're like this when only talking about him I can imagine how much in love he is with
you..." Jimin took a deep breath.

"Nope. He has a girlfriend. Or he had one and then they broke up, but it seems like they got
back together so... he doesn't like me like that."

And Momo's facial expression changed into something more soft, like a regret that she even
mentioned anything... like she was sorry for bugging him about this too much.
"Oh... well... It's his loss cause you're pretty and talented and such a cutie." Momo pinched
his cheek affectionately so Jimin snickered.

"You're not trying to flirt with me again aren't you?" He asked so they both burst out in
laughter, knowing damn well they were just friends and that that won't change.

*** * * *

Knock, knock, knock!!!

Jimin snapped his head up, and looked at the door of his room.

What? Who is this?

For a second he thought how maybe he had dreamed that someone was at his door, but then
the knocking repeated again.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?" he asked while slowly opening the door, still feeling a bit sleepy and tired since
he was practising the whole day and doing some new stretching exercises after classes.

"It's me. Please hurry, I need your help."

Jimin didn't even get the chance to invite Jungkook inside cause the moment he started
opening the door, his roommate entered inside and closed the door behind him while leaning
his back on it.

"What's going on? Are you ok?" Jimin asked curiously while scratching his eyes, now feeling
totally awake and kind of alarmed too.

"Yeah yeah... I'm fine, everything's fine it's just... um... I need your help with something."
Jungkook looked nervous which only made Jimin even more anxious.

"With what? What's going on?"

Jungkook took a deep breath and came a step closer. Instinctively Jimin moved a step back,
almost hitting his bed.

"You're not gonna like this, but I have no other choice."

Jimin almost screamed cause what is he talking about????????

"Just talk!"

After blinking a few times cause Jimin indeed did yell, Jungkook swallowed heavily and
"A group of my friends are now in our kitchen. One of them has a birthday, Mingyu, and
they've been kind of bugging me for a while now cause they think I'm still suffering since my
last break-up, which I'm not, but still, they kind of brought not one, not two, but three
different girls for me to get to know better and cause I'm not interested in that I said that I'm
already dating someone." Jungkook said and nibbled onto his lower lip, waiting for Jimin to
say something.

"Congratulations? I guess..." Jimin didn't get it.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"There's no girlfriend, boyfriend, no one... I lied." Jungkook cleared things out.

Jimin blinked stupidly.

"Oh..." He still didn't get where Jungkook was going with this.

"So... I thought... you know..." Jungkook really struggled with explaining things.

"I don't know... Could you be a bit more specific?" Not that Jimin was dumb or something,
but seriously Jungkook could work on his explanations.

"I thought that I could introduce you as my current date since you're here and I already said
that I'm dating my roommate. I had no choice. I swear they wouldn't let me live!"

Jimin's eyes widened.


It was as firm as Jungkook's biceps.

Rock solid.

"I knew it." Jungkook pushed his hair with both of his hands in frustration.

"Why in the world would you ever help me." He continued so Jimin frowned.

"That's ridiculous. I can't pretend to be your boyfriend. That's... just ridiculous." He walked
towards his bed and sat down cause his legs were a bit wobbly at the moment.

"Excuse me but why is it ridiculous? It's actually pretty expected and convenient." Jungkook
leaned his body onto Jimin's working desk and crossed his arms.

Jimin didn't wanna think about how good Jungkook looked there...

Postpone unholy thoughts, postpone for later, postpone for never...

"Pretty expected? Convenient? How?" Jimin frowned while needing a bit more explanation.

"Well, we live together, we spend time together, we've gotten to know each other and you're
The last thing killed Jimin just a tiny bit on the inside.

His cheeks burned red.

Then why are you with someone else...

The voices rang inside Jimin's head, slapping sounds, moans, so he shook his head, trying not
to think about what he had heard weeks ago...

Trying not to go there cause his heart was still not over it...

"That's... ok.. maybe it does make sense, but still..." It was just silly for Jimin to do such a

"I'll cook for you for the next whole month, and I mean fried rice for breakfast, kimchi for
lunch, hotteok whenever you want it, mandu at least once in a week, you'll get the best
service ever and you'll get at least few pounds but they'll go straight to your ass since I
noticed that's where the food mostly goes in your case." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows
teasingly and Jimin needed a second to process all of this.

"Where does your food go? Cause it's not to your brain, that's for sure." Jimin just needed to
answer back to such an awful thing cause did Jungkook say that he has a fat ass?

"Wow... now you're just being mean." Jungkook pouted and that didn't affect Jimin at all.

Like, at all...

Not even a little bit.

Well maybe just a little bit.

Jungkook looked like a lost puppy...

It affected him a lot.

"Six months." Jimin started a bargain.

He had no choice, those big doe eyes were just too much, and what's the worst that can
happen? Not much... Right?

"Wow you're just insufferable. That's like half a year!" Jungkook protested.

"Maybe I was wrong about the food not getting to your brain." Jimin smiled cutely then
continued..."Seems like you know what six months means. Wow."

Jungkook looked at him dead-panned.

"Two months." he said his deal.

"Four." Jimin wanted more.


And just like that, Jimin agreed on helping his roommate without even knowing what he had
to do in the first place.

"Ok, now let's go. It's already weird that we stayed here for so long." Jungkook took Jimin's
hand in his and started walking towards the door.

"Wait, wait, wait..." Jimin looked down into their entwined fingers, feeling like electricity
had burned him everywhere where their skin was connected.

"What?" Jungkook looked pretty normal.

"I don't know any of them... What am I supposed to say or do? What if they ask me about
you? How did we meet? How long are we together? What's your favorite color? Some TMI?
I know nothing..." Jimin was seriously worried.

"Hey, stop worrying. They won't ask you anything. They're really nice. We're just celebrating
my friend's birthday and everyone's already drunk so have no worries. All you have to do is
stay next to me for at least an hour and then you can say how you're tired and you want to go
to bed and that's it. I'll stay a bit more and you'll get your private chef for the next four

Jungkook made it look so easy.

Jimin nodded, feeling a bit calmer.

They walked through the hall and then right before entering the kitchen Jungkook turned
around and looked at Jimin.

"What?" Their proximity was almost non existing so Jimin had problems with functioning.

"Nothing, just..." and then Jungkook ruffled Jimin's hair a bit, making it messy and falling all
over the place.

"What are you doing?" If confusion had a face it would be Jimin's at that exact moment.

"Let's say we had a quicky so that's why we're late for the cake." Jungkook winked, but
before they could enter the kitchen where the 'happy birthday' song was audible, Jimin
punched him into stomach and made his hair as neat as he could.

"You're not gonna say that. I'm not like that. So... no... ok?" he squirmed around, not wanting
to look into Jungkook's eyes cause he was too damn close.

So Jungkook made him.

With both hands, he went through Jimin's hair smoothly, like fixing his hair and then he
cupped his cheeks gently and pushed his head up only slightly so they eyes could meet.
"You're a good boy, right?" Jungkook asked while smirking and Jimin blinked stupidly cause
it was not supposed to be hot.

Nor attractive...

He was getting bothered for nothing.

This is a mistake...

"Let's go. Just trust me, ok?" Jungkook took Jimin's hand again and moved inside the kitchen
slowly, his hold on Jimin tight and protective.

"You said there's couple of your friends..." Jimin's head moved all over their shared kitchen
cause there were at least thirty people dancing around, drinking, eating some food that was
splayed on the kitchen island, looking good and delicious.

"I said that my friend is celebrating birthday and that there are a few of my friends, but there's
also Mingyu's friends that I don't know... and they brought some friends with them so... a
whole ass party." Jungkook smiled so Jimin wanted to punch him right into those cute bunny

"This wasn't a ...."

"Well, well, well... who do we have here?" Before Jimin could argue more, a voice was very
clear next to him, and then he felt a hand around his shoulder and a breath of alcohol
lingering around him.

"Hey Mingyu, this is Jimin. The guy I was telling you about." Jungkook pushed the hand off
of Jimin and moved him closer to his body, hugging him from behind while pointing at the
birthday boy.

"That's our birthday boy, Mingyu."

The man looked absolutely wasted. His eyes were tiny, glossy, his lips red and stretched into
a permanent smile. He was wearing a birthday hat and a silly bow tie on top of his white

"Hi." Jimin waved like he was eight.

"Yah Jungkookah! You said he was pretty, but you didn't say he was this pretty!" The man
pinched Jimin's cheek so his eyes widened in disbelief. It's not like he had anything against
showing affection, but he didn't like for a total strangers to touch him that freely. Only his
Yoongi hyung was allowed to do so.

"Can you stop? You're drunk and you're acting weird." Jungkook pushed his hand and hugged
Jimin even tighter.

It felt nice to be protected and hugged in such an affectionate way.

Those arms were big and strong and once again Jimin struggled to focus on anything other
than how good would it feel to have those arms on top of his naked skin...

"Sorry bro! I'm gonna grab something to eat. Do you want something Jiminshi? Say anything
and I'll get it for you." Mingyu smiled while looking totally hammered so Jimin shook his

"No. I'm good. I'll take the cake later."

Jimin felt so proud of himself for not getting the communicational diarrhea cause words were
fluidly coming out of his mouth and he was still held tightly by his roommate who was the
visitor of his wildest dreams in the past few weeks.

The moment Mingyu was gone Jungkook let go of Jimin and turned him to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry for his stupid behavior. I swear he's a nice guy but when he drinks he gets so
annoying. Are you ok?" Jungkook was holding Jimin's hands softly now, caressing his fingers
with his thumbs, looking at him with those dreamy eyes.

"I'm ok. I know how people get when they drink. I get crazy when I drink. My friend Yoongi
always says that I become another person cause I tend to loosen up a little and..." and
Jungkook tugged Jimin towards the fridge, moving the people that were on his way to the
side, and after opening the fridge he showed the inside to Jimin.

"Pick whatever you like." Jungkook said proudly while showing the fridge that was filled
with all kinds of alcoholic beverages so Jimin slapped his roommate's arm.

"Ouch! What?" Jungkook whined.

"You know what." The teasing smile on Jungkook's face said it all.

"I just want to see the 'loosen up and crazy' version of you. Is that so bad? I'll drink with you
too." he grabbed two bottles of beer and extended one for Jimin to take.

After glancing into the bottle and then into the fridge, Jimin took the beer bottle, put it back
in the fridge and took one bottle of soju for himself.

"Oh soju guy." Jungkook seemed surprised.

"Yeah. I like beer too, but since I have to be here for another fifty minutes I'm gonna need
something stronger than beer to survive."

"Ha ha. This isn't the survival game. I told you it's gonna be fine." Jungkook cheered while
pushing his bottle in front of Jimin's so after clicking the bottles together they both drank big
sips of their drink and decided to move to the sitting area where a group of guys were playing
some games on Playstation and another group was just chatting next to them.

"Yeah... I guess..." again, just as Jimin was thinking how he can be done with this and earn
himself a personal chef for the next four months without doing anything other than pretend
he's someone's boyfriend, he heard a familiar voice.

While pushing his head to the side, Jimin looked in disbelief cause he knew that voice damn


"Shit, you know Hoseok hyung?" Jungkook whisper-yelled cause the game was too loud, but
before Jimin could answer, Jungkook figured things out on his own. "Fuck, he's dance teacher
here, shit, you're a dance student..."

"Hi Hosekshi. How are you?" Jimin figured that he has to answer something and that his
inner turmoil will have to wait.

It didn't help that Jungkook's hand was around his shoulder, hanging there like a scarf

"I thought I saw you with Jungkookie when you were entering, but I wasn't sure. I'm fine,
thank you for asking. Are you ok? You worked really hard today? Are your muscles sore?"
Hoseok was always polite, but it was really weird seeing him here, out of all places, in his
kitchen, sitting casually while drinking beer.

He was Jimin's favorite dance teacher and someone he admires so it was almost as if he had
seen some celebrity sitting at the same table as him.

"I'm... fine..." Jimin laughed after the irony was palpable in his voice, cause he could still feel
the tremor in his muscles, his back hurting and thighs burning from all the stretching.

"Have you overworked yourself again?" To Jimin's surprise, there were two hands on top of
his shoulders, squeezing him firmly, but not painfully, and he closed his eyes cause the hands
were like made for this. Jungkook's grip was strong, but also very careful so while enjoying
his massage, Jimin forgot to answer.

"Are you sleeping?" Jungkook whispered, but the whisper was airy and he could feel the heat
all over his sensitive neck, so after biting his lip tightly, trying not to think about other things
those hands were capable of doing, Jimin snapped out of it and nodded.

"I did. I had really hard training today and I stretched afterwards..." he explained so Jungkook
nodded, continuing with the circular motion over Jimin's back and then coming to his collar


This wasn't part of the plan...

"So how long have you two been together?"

One sentence that was enough to wake Jimin up from his daydream.
"A bit over a month... Right Jiminah?" Jungkook said calmly, not stopping the movement of
his hands.

"Mhm... like a month and a half... something like that..." Jimin nodded, looking at the people
around the table, some looking at them curiously, some weirdly, some trying not to look, but
still sneaking glances.

"Who's the one doing the math now. Month and a half?" Jungkook whispered so Jimin turned
his head to the side, trying to give his roommate one of his sassy looks, but that was a
mistake cause Jungkook was right there. Literally a millimeter away.

A breath away.

"Shut up. I'm nervous." Jimin whispered so Jungkook frowned.

"Why are you nervous? Hoseok hyung is really cool and he's friends with a lot of his
students." Jungkook glanced at Hoseok who was smiling with others, and he was indeed
really popular among everyone in Uni.

"It's just... My friend always says how Hoseokshi is so hot and good looking..." Jimin didn't
even finish the sentence, Jungkook moved a bit to the front to look his face better.

"Do you like him?" There was a bit of worry on his face.

"No." Jimin frowned while glancing around.

"I said my friend thinks he's hot. I mean, it would be a lie to say that Hoseokshi is not good
looking and his dance moves are unbelievable, but I don't like him like... you know... like
him, like him." Jimin tried to explain the best way he can.

"Ok. I don't want to ruin something for you if there's something going on... It wouldn't be
fair..." Jungkook said in a sad tone, so Jimin pinched his arm.

"Sorry to break it to you, but the damage is already done. You're so clingy I think everyone
here thinks we're dating. Maybe I don't even need to stay for that long..." Before he could
complain more, Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's body and nuzzled his head in the
crook of his neck.

Jimin almost died.

Cause he couldn't breathe.


Jungkook was strong and his grip on Jimin was tight.

"You have no idea what clingy means. I'm gonna spoil you and hold you every minute from
now on." Jungkook's lips were so close to Jimin's neck, he was about to pop a boner in a
kitchen filled with people.
"Get me another soju. I'm thirsty." He needed to think fast, so after pointing at his, indeed
empty bottle, Jungkook got up, but only after he smacked a loud kiss onto Jimin's cheek.

Oh god, I'm in big trouble.

The spot where Jimin had felt Jungkook's lips was burning...

What is wrong with me...

It's just a stupid, silly, cheek kiss...

His lips were so soft.

Is he a good kisser?

What am I thinking about?!

"So you and Jungkookie..." Jimin's thoughts got interrupted by Hoseok who had moved a bit
closer to him, probably thinking now is a good opportunity for a casual chat about his
boyfriend that wasn't his boyfriend. Jimin got nervous in a heartbeat.

"Yeah... He's just..." Jimin looked at the direction where Jungkook had gone and saw him
picking up some food onto a plate, looking carefully through the options on the table. "
Really good at cooking." That's the thing that popped up in his head.

Hoseok laughed.

"He really is. I guess the way to your heart is through your stomach. Am I right?" he fist
bumped Jimin with a wink so Jimin nodded, cause that was kind of true.

"And the two of you are both from Busan so you have a lot in common." Hoseok kept adding
things that Jimin had no idea about, and only then it occurred to him how little he really does
know about Jungkook.

He's also from Busan...

"Yeah... we have a lot in common... sure..." Jimin played with the empty bottle, trying to
figure what to say next.

"He went to see his family a few weeks ago, and you didn't come to my class that same week
after he had left, so you can tell me now, did you go with him? It's totally fine if you did."
Hoseok asked, so Jimin squinted his eyes, cause the only Hoseok's class he didn't go to was
the day after he had heard those obnoxious noises coming from Jungkook's room.

"I haven't... I was... a little sick that's all." He wanted to ask when did Jungkook go, and when
did he come back, cause he clearly remembers that night that he had his heart broken and
now Hoseok is telling him that Jungkook was in Busan back then?

Then who was in Jungkook's room...

"Hoseok hyung, are you flirting with my Jimine again?" Jungkook came to the rescue with
two bottles of soju in one hand and a plate filled with food in another.

"No way. He's all yours. I actually like one of his friends that I've met a few times, but I'm
kind of shy to ask for a number." Hoseok cleared the waters so Jimin looked at him confused.

"Which friend?" he asked, but the moment he did, Yoongi's judgemental words came to his
mind 'You only have one friend.'

It was true.

One and only, and so worth it.

"The moody, shy, cute looking one. Black, longish, curly hair. Looks like a cat. Adorable, but
fierce." Hoseok gave the perfect explanation so Jimin laughed out loud.

"My Yoongi hyung." he said happily.

"Is that the friend that actually thinks Hoseok hyung is hot?" Jungkook asked so Jimin hit
him over his chest.

He just loved to slam his little hand over any body part that was in front of him.

"Why would you say that? It's a secret." Jimin scolded his roommate so he pouted cutely.

"Stop that." Jimin tried to be strong, trying not to get affected by that little pout.

Jungkook only pouted more, now adding eyelashes batting into the game.

"He drives me crazy." Jimin admitted his defeat the moment Jungkook wrapped his arms
around his middle affectionately.

It felt so nice... warm... special...

"Do I now?" and once again, Jungkook was so close, too close, but not quite enough.

Jimin felt that same feeling like before.

The feeling of wanting more even if he got something he never had before.

He was never this affectionate and passionate about anyone else.

"You really do." Jimin whispered more to himself cause Jungkook was caressing his back
slowly, trailing every surface with his soft fingertips, evoking goosebumps all over Jimin's

What were they doing?

"I'm just gonna need a number..." Suddenly there was a phone in front of Jimin's face, so he
fulfilled Hoseok's wish to have Yoongi's number and gave it to him happily.
"Be persistent, he might say no at the beginning cause that's how he is. But I swear, he's
worth it." Jimin knew his friend by heart.

Hoseok nodded at that and left with a warm smile.

And then they were alone again...

Not really alone, but the people around them were all busy with doing their own thing.

"Are you hungry? I brought everything you like. Want some samgyupsal?" Jungkook took the
plate and put it closer to them and then took a piece of pork belly and brought it next to
Jimin's mouth.

He opened his mouth and took the bite gladly, humming in satisfaction.

"So good!" Jimin chewed the food deliciously while closing his eyes, enjoying the moment
he was in, not thinking about anything else...

"You like it?" Like Jungkook needed affirmation... It was all written on Jimin's face.

"I want more." Jimin licked his lips clean and looked at the plate, feeling excited that there
was a lot of food served.

"Sure. I love it when you eat well." Jungkook kept feeding Jimin, giving him bite after bite,
looking at him cutely.

Why does he like it when I eat well...

There were so many things that Jimin couldn't understand and it made him nervous just
thinking about how good it felt to be Jungkook's fake boyfriend.

He kept asking himself if all of it was fake cause he wasn't faking shit here.

He was enjoying the night and loving the close proximity between them.

"This is exactly why I don't have abs anymore." Jimin complained while stuffing his mouth
with some kimchi.

Jungkook looked at him from head to toe.

"You look amazing. Wouldn't change a thing." he said confidently and Jimin wanted to hide
under the table.

"Thank you... " He said weekly and continued to eat, but soon enough he was craving
something sweet.

" Jungkookah, I need something sweet now." Jimin whined while looking at the kitchen,
trying to see if there's anything left from Mingyu's birthday cake.
"You have me." Jungkook smiled proudly at his teasing so Jimin smacked him again of

"Let's see if there's some cake left." Jungkook got up and before Jimin could even stand on
his own feet, he saw a hand in front of him, waiting to be held.

Are we honestly gonna hold hands the whole night?

He took Jungkook's hand without thinking twice cause what was the point of not doing it?
They were supposed to be in a relationship so that was normal... right thing to do...

They came into the kitchen area where all the food was and finally noticed a little bit of cake
still being next to the fridge in a cupboard box.

"There's some left, come here." Jungkook said excitedly while tugging Jimin's small hand.

He took two plates and put one piece into every plate.

"Here, a spoon for you, and one for me..." Jimin gladly took the spoon and after observing
the cake he tried the first bite.

He took a small one, carefully trying to feel the taste.



Whipped cream...

Butter cream...

"How is it?" Jungkook asked while looking at Jimin, still not eating his slightly smaller piece.

"Um... it's good, rich with flavours, but... a bit too heavy for me. I'm not such a chocolate
lover. I like more fruity and vanilla flavored sweets." Jimin explained after eating another
piece, trying to adjust to the new flavors.

"Maybe you don't like it cause I didn't make it." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at him,
finally trying the first bite.

"As if I would know... " Jimin rolled his eyes even though he knew Jungkook was right. He
would recognize Jungkook's sweets in a heartbeat. He knows exactly the flavors his
roommates love to use.

"Of course you would know. I've been feeding you for months now. You love my food."
Jungkook said as a matter of fact, looking proud and confident.

"And you'll continue with it for the next four months." Jimin just wanted to make sure
Jungkook knows the deal well.
He nodded in acceptance, eating the little piece of chocolate that was left on his plate.

Even though Jimin didn't quite hate the taste, he couldn't eat the whole piece so after glancing
at Jungooks empty plate and his own that had almost half of the cake on it, Jimin extended
his plate to Jungkook without a word so his roommate stared down at it.

"I'm full... If you want some... Cause you ate the whole thing..." Jimin needed to practice
saying sentences that make more sense than this one.

Instead of looking at the plate, Jungkook moved closer and stared at Jimin's lips.

He wanted to scream cause why was Jungkook coming even closer while looking at his lips...

"You have something here... I think it's a little bit of chocolate." Jungkook's hand moved up,
but before Jungkook could wipe the corner of Jimin's mouth, Jimin slapped his hand away
and frowned.

"You're lying. I don't have anything anywhere..." Jimin tried to wipe his lips, but then he saw
a big spoon in front of him.

"There, left corner." Jungkook explained while holding the spoon in front of Jimin's lips, and
he wanted to die out of embarrassment.

There really was a little dark brown dot in the corner of his lips.

"Oh... " Jimin looked at his hands which he hadn't washed since they came here and decided
to try to move the chocolate crumbs with his tongue.

He licked the edge of his lips and then turned to face Jungkook.

"Did I get it?" he asked curiously so Jungkook came right in front of him, looking at his lips
once again without blinking.

"There's a tiny bit more left." Jungkook tucked Jimin's hair behind his ears, not wanting for it
to fall onto the plate.

"Can I clean it?" Jungkook asked while glancing around and then locking eyes with a very
bothered Jimin...

"Clean it? H-How? What do you mean?" Jimin was already gone...

"Well, I can't with my hands cause they're not clean..." to emphasize what he had said,
Jungkook pushed both of his hands up, showing his palms to Jimin's cutely.

"B-but..." Jimin had millions of reasons why this was a bad idea.

The worst.

But also, he really really needed Jungkook's closeness even if it's just for tonight.
Maybe if he has fun with his roommate , he would finally get this whole hornyness and crazy
hormones out of his system.

So Jimin just let it happen.

He let Jungkook get impossibly close, he let Jungkook to caress him over his cheek with the
tip of his nose, he let Jungkook to gently, like a whisper, press his lips to the corner of his

Jimin didn't move.

At all.

He wasn't breathing either.

He felt warm, soft lips only slightly touching the corner of his lips, and just as he was sure
the danger was over, the tension he was feeling the whole night multiplied cause then he felt
Jungkook's wet, silky smooth tongue, licking a little strip right over the place where the
chocolate was.

Oh no... no, no, no....

After gasping for his life, Jimin moved slightly away, redness covering his cheeks, and then,
instinctively, he touched the same spot Jungkook had licked seconds ago.

"It's gone now." Jungkook whispered while staring at Jimin's red lips, bitten and sucked on
cause of the nervousness he was feeling tho whole night.

"A-Are you sure?" Jimin asked cause could it be that maybe there's a tiny tiny little bit left?

Jungkook cocked his head to the side, observing Jimin curiously, like he was trying to read
his mind, so Jimin squirmed in anticipation.

"I'm just asking cause, you know, it's not nice to be dirty." Jimin's eyes widened. "I mean, not
clean... it's not nice to not be clean..."

"Let me check once more." Jungkook moved closer again, his hand going up and cupping the
side of Jimin's flushed face, coming an inch away from his lips and Jimin wanted to kiss him
so badly, like never before.

While leaning closer and licking his lips, Jimin almost whined at the sound of someone's
voice calling Jungkook who abruptly moved away.


"Kookah you're here!"

There was a handsome man, looking only slightly drunk, smile big and boxy, never leaving
his face.
"Tae Tae hyung." Jungkook hugged the cheery man and then moved closer towards Jimin, to
introduce them to each other.

"Tae, this is Jimin, my roommate, Jimin, this is Tae Tae, my best friend."

The man hugged Jimin tightly, leaving him a bit breathless, not being used to such warm
people, but he smiled back after squirming nervously.

"So this is Jiminshi. It's so nice to finally meet you. I was hoping to meet you sooner, but you
were never here when we were hanging out in your kitchen, I guess you work a lot which is
admirable." Tae kept talking and Jimin got even more confused cause why did Jungkook's
friends know about him?

Well Yoongi knew about Jungkook too, but he never thought that Jungkook would talk about
him cause there was not much to say...

"Yeah I do... I have classes, I give instructions to younger students when I have free time and
I practise at least four days a week so yeah..." Jimin tried to explain the reason why he was
never with Jungkook when his friends were around, not wanting to say how he actually was
hiding in his room mostly cause he isn't some kind of social butterfly and he always thought
of Jungkook as annoying and too much to handle. It was weird that he had to pretend to be
his boyfriend and he kind of liked it...

"Tae's thinking about coming to our dorm once the floor is renovated. He really likes our
kitchen and the rooms." Jungkook said happily while pinching Tae's cheeks.

Jimin smiled at their cuteness.

"I don't know how the other rooms are, but mine is really nice and has a lot of natural
lightning. The kitchen is amazing, and there's always food in our fridge." Jimin winked
proudly while describing their floor so Jungkook pushed him to the side slightly.

"Yah! Don't start with the food fairy. If there's food in our fridge it's cause I'm always
cooking." Jungkook crossed his arms while frowning, but a small smile was dancing around
his lips so Jimin laughed out loud. That soju was starting to hit him in the head.

"Don't know what you're talking about... Tae Tae, we most definitely have a food fairy
here..." Jimin joked so Jungkook started tickling him, evoking the loudest laughter Jimin had
in a while.

"You're right Jiminshi. Last time I was here, when Jungkook was in Busan, I ate a whole box
of kimchi fried rice and some hotteok and there's no way this little one made all of that."
Taehyung continued with the teasing, but all Jimin's mind could register was that Taehyung
was here when Jungkook was in Busan.

That was the night I heard those noises from Jungkook's room... Could it be...

"When were you here exactly?" Jimin needed to know.

"I needed to visit my parents three weeks ago, but I could only stay there for three days cause
of Uni and Tae needed a place to study since his roommates are pretty loud so I gave him my
keys..." Jungkook explained and it all made perfect sense.

Jimin's heart warmed up cause Jungkook wasn't the one having sex that night...

"So Tae Tae, were you able to study here?" Jimin asked while cocking his eyebrows at
blushing Tae who just bit down onto his lip, trying hard not to burst into laughter.

"What?" Jungkook looked at them both, not understanding the whole thing.

"Nothing... It's a secret cause you would kill me." Tae said so Jungkook frowned while
looking at Jimin and then at Tae expectedly.

"What happened?" Jungkook looked at Jimin who was holding his cheeks, trying not to burst
in laughter once again.

"I'm not saying anything..." He said, but Tae rolled his eyes, figuring there's only one way to
explain himself.

"Since I was studying so hard I decided to invite Soojin noona one night to celebrate..."

Jungkook shook his head.

"You did not have sex in my room and even worse, on my bed!" Jungkook added two plus

Jimin finally started laughing hysterically.

Now it was funny for him.

Back then, it wasn't....

"Would it make it better if I say that we did it on the floor?" Tae was in a defensive mood,
lifting his hands up, ready to take some punches from his best friend.

"It sounded like someone was performing an exorcism in your room. I got scared at one
point." Jimin needed to add oil to the fire.

Jungkook put both of his hands on his hips, trying to decide what to do with that information.

"That's cause my dick's huge." Tae wanted to clear things out.

Jungkook smacked his arm, cause TMI???

"So I've heard." Jimin nodded while confirming Tae's explanation so Jungkook turned to face
him, frown permanent on his face.

"Why were you even listening to that in front of my room?"

And shit... Jimin didn't know what to say...

"I'm gonna grab some cake so see you later..." Tae saw an opportunity to leave which was a
smart idea.

"I... I wasn't listening... just... I wanted to ask you something, so I came to your room and
when I wanted to knock, I heard those things... I mean voices and slaps and you know... sex
things..." Jimin's cheeks were fire red.

Sex things???

Jungkook came even closer, cornering Jimin onto the kitchen cabinet, tongue pushing on the
inside of his cheek, indicating he was annoyed.

Annoyed Jungkook was also hot Jungkook in Jimin's honest opinion, so it was hard to think
fast and answer questions while also fighting the urge to jump on one specific bone on
Jungkook's hot body.

"What was the thing you wanted to ask me?" Jungkook wanted to know, but Jimin had no
idea what any word meant and what his purpose in life was and maybe he even forgot his
name cause Jungkook was so close and a bit angry and too damn attractive.

"... what thing?" he really wasn't acting to be dumb, he just forgot words and everything else

"You said that you came to my room cause you wanted to ask me something, and then you've
heard Tae, what was the thing you wanted to ask me?"

Jimin needed to think and he needed some answer fast, but the words just wouldn't come out
of his mouth.

"I... can't remember..." It wasn't a lie.

"Mhm.... so when you came to my room and had heard those sex things as you call them, did
you think that I was having sex with someone?" Jungkook needed to clear things out.

"Yes." Jimin nodded shyly.

"You didn't knock or didn't ask me about it later?" Jungkook took Jimin's chin between his
fingers, obviously wanting to know more, and Jimin had a hard time maintaining the eye

"I... just left... and I didn't want to think about it after..." Jimin said honestly so Jungkook

"Are you happy now that you know that I wasn't the one in my room that night?"

Jimin gulped hard, knowing the answer since the moment he figured things out, but could he
say it out loud?

He needed to be honest, and needed for Jungkook to understand that maybe he wasn't so
immune to his teasing, good looks, annoyingly charming personality, nudity, delicious food,
dazzling smile, bunny teeth, big doe eyes...



The smirk on Jungkook's face was more than enough for Jimin to know that his roommate
knew exactly why Jimin was happy with this revelation.

While trying to hide his nervousness, Jimin looked to the floor, not knowing what to say or
what to do with everything he was feeling at the moment.

And then it hit him, arguing is the best defense.

"Why are we even bothering me about this? We're on a mission here, we shouldn't be talking
about things that are not important, right? We're here to show your friends that you are taken
and for them to stop bothering you with their annoying matches that you don't even like.
Right?" Jimin pointed out the obvious so Jungkook squinted his eyes at him.

"You think we're not convincing enough? Wouldn't want for some of them to bother me
again... Have something in mind, Jiminshi?" Jungkook glanced around the room filled with
people dancing, talking, laughing, playing games, just enjoying themselves.

Jimin glanced around too, noticing the same.

"Um... maybe we could... d-dance... I like to dance." Out of all things that was the only one
he would have thought of.

"Sure. I like to dance. Come here."

And once again, Jimin's hand was in Jungkook's while he was leading them towards the free
space that Jungkook's friends had made in the middle of the kitchen, where Mingyu, the
birthday boy and a couple of the girls were dancing around.

The music was slow and not too loud, but loud enough for Jimin to feel the rhythm, and
move accordingly.

If for one second he thought that Jungkook wouldn't be able to follow his movements, boy
was he wrong...

The moment they stepped onto the wide space, Jungkook tugged Jimin by his waist and
pushed his front tightly against his, moving slowly, seductively, just tiny little movements
with his hips that drove Jimin insane.

Their hands found their way instinctively, Jimin's traveled all over Jungkook's back, then
resting on top of his shoulders, and Jungkook's made firm movement down Jimin's spine,
landing low, slightly under his hip bone.
Jimin wanted him to go further down... to be touched where no one had ever touched him
before.... He was craving everything and he knew that those feelings would get him in

Still, he couldn't stop moving his hips against Jungkook's, seeking just a little bit of friction
that drove him insane, the adrenaline was washing all over him, the heat controlling his mind.

"You think this is enough? Is there something else we could do?" Jungkook was a breath
away from Jimin, talking into his neck, caressing his sides gently, making him shiver over
and over again.

Jimin glanced around the room, not being able to see anything cause of the daze he was in,
but he knew he needed more.

"There's something we can do just to be sure no one would bother you..." he whispered into
Jungkook's ear while playing with the hair on his nape nervously, tugging at it softly...

"Yeah? What?" Jungkook moved his head so that he could look Jimin in the eyes, but the
moment he did, his eyes dropped onto Jimin's lips, indicating he knew exactly what Jimin
had on his mind.

"Maybe we could ki...." Jimin didn't even finish his thought before feeling the softest press of
lips that lingered there enough for him to want to feel more.

When Jungkook moved away only slightly, Jimin chased after him and captured his lips
firmer, using his hand to push Jungkook back down, not wanting to let go.

Seemed that Jungkook got the message cause next thing Jimin felt was his roommate's hands
tightly around his back, holding him close while deepening the kiss with his tongue.

Jimin took everything that Jungkook was giving him, adjusting to the increasing hotness of
their kisses, touches, nibbling and teasing.

Jungkook's lips were insatiable, but Jimin was no better. With every new kiss, there was more
desire pooling inside him, so at one harder bite on top of his bottom lip, Jimin moaned into
Jungkook's mouth, gasping for air cause all of it felt too much, but still too little.

When Jungkook pushed his hips closer to his own, Jimin could feel the tent in his roommates
underwear, the boner was there, and the fact that his kisses and a bit of dancing had made
someone as hot as Jungkook so horny and hard, made Jimin's head spin.

"Get a room you two!" the birthday boy, Mingyu shouted right next to them, so they finally
let go of each other, still standing close, looking at each other's fucked out expression,
panting hard, sporting boners each of them obviously.

"Should we?" Jimin bit down onto his lip, not even knowing what he's saying, but wanting to
be close to Jungkook again, and the way his eyes widened at Jimin's suggestion, made Jimin
question everything that was happening.
"I want to... I mean... seeing us leave together would definitely seal the deal... it would be as
if we were gone cause we wanted to continue where we've left off... so..." Seemed like
Jungkook didn't know if Jimin really wanted this to happen, or he just suggested for them to
leave cause they've done a hell of a job showing to others that they were indeed together.

This time around, it was Jimin who extended his hand in front of Jungkook's, asking him to
hold it while leading the way out of the kitchen and into his room.

The moment they entered inside, it was like they knew what they wanted to do, but there was
a second of hesitation in both of their action so after taking one, good look into each other's
eyes, Jimin moved forward and so did Jungkook, capturing Jimin's lips like there's no

Their hands found their way easily right where they were minutes before, caressing, holding,
scratching, wanting to feel impossibly more, more than ever before.

After several minutes of making out, Jimin was the one to push Jungkook further onto the
bed, making him fall down, hitting the pillow while looking like a dream that Jimin couldn't
even imagine having in front of him.

Since Jimin's bed wasn't that big for both of them to lay one next to another, he figured
straddling Jungkook's hips was the best option for both of them to feel good.

And for Jimin's crotch to get some friction.

"Jimin..." Jungkook took both of Jimin's hands in his and sat upright while leaning his back
onto the wall behind him, moving Jimin with him while still sitting on his lap.

"I want this..." Jimin whispered cause he knew what Jungkook was about to ask.

"... are you sure? This has nothing to do with that whole 'fake boyfriend' thing. This is
something else... Are you sure you want this? You don't have to do this cause of me..." and
Jimin chuckled.

Jungkook was seriously so silly.

"Cause of you? I want this cause of me. I never felt this way. I'm sure I want it... I know it for
a while now..." Jimin said with certainty so Jungkook tugged his hands down, making Jimin
fall onto his chest, and then he kissed him loudly, the smacking sound echoing in the room.

"Someone's eager I see... I just don't want you regretting something..."

Jimin bit down onto Jungkook's lip harshly, earning an ouch from his roommate.

"I only regret not taping your blabbermouth."

Jungkook kissed his lips again.

"Kinky Minie."
Jimin shook his head.

Him kinky? What?

"No. I'm not like that... I mean I don't know what I like actually..."

Once again Jungkook took Jimin's hands and after entwining their fingers together he kissed
every knuckle on his tinny hands.

"I'm serious. How do you know you want this then? "

Seemed like Jungkook wanted to make sure that Jimin would not regret his decision.

"I just know. I've never felt like this before. I can't explain, but I want it. I want more... More
of everything, you, your kisses... I want to feel that feeling when you're close to me, but
you're never close enough... I can't explain, but I need you even closer... I need you fully..."

Jungkook shivered underneath Jimin's pleading eyes and then kissed him softly.

"When you say you never felt like this before... what do you mean, never, as in... never

Jimin's cheeks blushed hot pink cause this was an inevitable conversation for him to have one
day... He knew it. It's not like he was ashamed of being virgin or something, but he just didn't
want to explain himself too much.

"I did have some feelings... but mostly it's cause of porn... never cause of a real person... I
have never liked someone like that before and I've never wanted someone like this... so..."

Jungkook got up a bit, and looked into Jimin's eyes, his own eyes filled with stars and

"Then I must be special." he teased, but the tone of his voice was soft. Like he knew that
Jimin didn't want to go deeper into all of this even though there was nothing wrong with
Jimin choosing not to be sexually active before.

"You are to me." Jimin said quietly, like a whisper, cause at the end of the day, Jungkook was
the first guy who he felt a strong chemistry with. He couldn't deny that even if he wanted to,
his always too tight pants were a clear indicator of how hot and bothered Jungkook had
always made him feel.

"Come here." Jungkook laid him down onto the bed, and after draping himself on top of him
like a blanket, he started kissing every surface on Jimin's face, his cheeks, his nose, his
forehead, kiss after kiss, his jaw, his neck, collarbones...

All Jimin could do was close his eyes and enjoy. Enjoy the wet, gentle press of Jungkook's
lips where no one had ever kissed him before.

It felt divine...

"You're really pretty, you know that?" Jungkook whispered in between kisses, which only
made Jimin want him that much more.

It wasn't just cause Jungkook was obviously hot and attractive, cause he had that 'bad boy
with a cool vibe' thing going on, cause he was smart and loved to tease, but there was
something about the way he made Jimin feel about himself always, since day one. He always
made some comments about Jimin's appearance that were filled with admiration, lust and
after hearing such things, Jimin couldn't stay immune to his roommates charm.

"Thank you... I like the way you look too." Jimin felt the need to compliment his roommate
back, cause that's the least he could do for someone who made him feel the way he never felt

"You do?" Jungkook pushed his head up and looked straight into Jimin's eyes.

"I would never guess." he smirked proudly so Jimin pinched his arm.

"Don't be so full of yourself just cause you're handsome and have pretty eyes and lips and
everything else, and that mole under your lip looks so cute I want to kiss it all the time, you
still have those bunny teeth that are making you look... adorable actually, so..." Jimin had no
idea where he wanted to go with this.

"Wow... I think no one ever tried to insult me by giving me so many compliments. You really
are one of a kind. And thank you. I appreciate your kind words."

Jimin pouted like a little kid.

"I still don't like you, like you. I just want to do this cause I feel horny and I want to respect
my body's desires cause I never felt like this before and I don't want to wait for another
opportunity since I have you now." Jimin really wanted to make things clear more cause of
himself cause he didn't know what tomorrow could bring. Does Jungkook really want this
too? Is he doing this out of pity? Is he thinking how he owes Jimin for helping him with his
friends and now wants to give something back? He had no idea what was in it for him...

"You do have me. I want you too, just so you know. More than you can imagine." Jungkook's
words made Jimin's heart flutter. "I wanted you for months... Probably since the moment I
saw you, but I needed time to figure it out..."




"Then take me. Please..." Jimin squirmed under Jungkook's dark gaze. Feeling the pressure
inside his lower belly like never before.
"Come here." Jungkook grabbed Jimin's shirt and pushed it up, over his head, then threw it
away on the floor.

"Now your pants." He unzipped Jimin's pants and then in one go, he pushed both Jimin's
underwear and his pants down with ease.

Jimin's body was flushing red, not knowing he would be this exposed in front of someone

"God you're gorgeous... Look at you." Jungkook leaned down, kissing Jimin's chest, his ribs,
stomach, getting lower down, evoking a sharp inhale from Jimin's mouth while kissing his
hip bone, not touching his private parts, only enjoying the view.

"You're already hard Jiminie..." Jungkook looked at the way Jimin was trying to hide, move
to the side as if that would help him cover up...

"I... it's cause of the kissing... and dancing... and... you... I guess..." Jungkook caressed his
hips slowly, digging underneath slightly and touching Jimin's ass cheeks, not touching him
where he needed the most.

"Can you take off your clothes?" Jimin really needed not to be the only one naked here. It
was embarrassing and he really wanted to freely stare at Jungkook's naked body.

"For you, anything." With a few skilfull moves, Jungkook's shirt, jeans and underwear were
all on the floor, revealing that handsome, Greek god like body of his.

"For the love of god..." Jimin's hands needed to touch.

He pushed himself up and sat so that he could be face to face to Jungkook, observing and
remembering every muscle, vein, mole, just every detail on his perfect body.

His hands traveled over Jungkook's big, masculine chest, then came down to his abs that
were so permanent Jimin was sure he would have a dream about those later, and then his
hands moved down, touching the dip next to Jungkook's hips, the sexy V that was pointing
down, towards the love muscle Jimin wanted to touch so badly.

His hands moved, lust overpowering all of his senses, and it seemed like Jungkook was
having a hard time functioning too.

His breath was speeding up, his hands gripping the sheets next to him, his eyes were
following movements of Jimin's soft hands, tongue licking his lips in anticipation.

Just before doing what he was craving for, Jimin looked at Jungkook who nodded while
biting down on his lip, looking more eager than Jimin himself.

And then with slow, careful and gentle touch, Jimin wrapped his fingers around Jungkook's
shaft and then slowly moved them up towards his head, circling the tip and smearing the
precum around it.
Jungkook lolled his head up, lips parting in satisfaction, and the sight itself made Jimin
unbearably hard, his own precum leaking all over the mattress.

"Wow, why are we leaking so much?" Jimin grabbed his dick with his left hand and then
started stroking them both at the same time, moaning at the slow touch.

"It's cause... it feels so good..." Jungkook was barely speaking, his breath shallow, chest
moving, looking sexy as hell.

Jimin let go of his own cock so that he could focus on Jungkook's.

"It feels so nice to touch it.... It's so smooth and silky, but so hard at the same time." Jimin
talked while pumping his hand up and down all over Jungkook's length, not realizing how
hard it was for his roommate to control himself.

He moved even closer, looking at Jungkook's dick so deeply, and then, while still stroking it,
he started massaging his balls too, trying to see how it feels to have everything under his

On instinct his hand started stroking faster, tighter, making a small loop where Jungkook's
cock was pushing through, and then he heard a low grunt coming from Jungkook's mouth.

"You need to stop that." He was sweating, breathing heavily, biting down on his lip harshly.

"But... why? It's so fun and I like it." Jimin said honestly with disappointment written all over
his face.

"Cause I might come." Jungkook decided to be straight forward since his dick really looked
like it was about to explode.

"Oh..." Jimin slowed his strokes, only slowly caressing Jungkook's cock, and looking at his
face expression. "From this only?" He was really curious whether this was enough to drive
his roommate over the edge.

"It's not just cause of that... It's cause it's you..." Jungkok tried to explain, even though he was
still looking way too aroused.

"What about me?" Jimin honestly didn't get it.

"Come on." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You're hot."

Jimin blushed.

"I'm not hot." he tried to hide from Jungkook's lustful gaze, but there was nowhere to hide.

"You most certainly are.... and... I don't want to come too soon cause you said my stamina is
weak." Jungkook said with a frown, looking mad and annoyed.

Jimin's favorite look on him.

"When? I don't remember..." He tried not to burst out in laughter cause he knew exactly when
he had said that.

"You know damn well when. Don't act stupid with me. I'm seeing right through you."

Jimin giggled.

"I was just trying to make you mad." He admitted finally, seeing no point in lying any further.

"You little minx." Jungkook pinched Jimin's blushing cheek, and caressed his cheek right

"But looking at how much you're leaking only from me touching you, maybe I was right."
Jimin was really up for some teasing and Jungkook could see it clearly.

"That's enough then. Stop touching me." Jungkook moved Jimin's hand off of him, acting to
be offended.

"Noooooo, I'll be good... I promise..." Jimin smiled cutely so Jungkook moved even closer,
kissing Jimin's cute pout, making their bodies impossibly close, every part touching each
other, spreading warmth and electricity.

"Let's kiss more... I really like your lips." Jungkook whispered while already capturing
Jimin's full lips, kissing him slowly but eagerly.

Jimin had no complaints about that.

They kissed while laying down on bed, tangling their legs while pushing their hips together,
enjoying the friction while making out.

It was weird for Jimin to want to kiss someone so badly. He was breathing hard, moaning into
Jungkook's lips, getting lost in the moment.

Jungkook's hands were restless. He kept caressing Jimin's body, evoking goosebumps all over
his skin, leaving a trail of warmth behind him...

After sucking the life out of each other's mouth, Jungkook pushed himself up to look at
Jimin's face.

He was panting hard. His hair making halo over the pillow, a true wet dream.

"Your lips Jimin..." Jungkook touched Jimin's bottom lip which made him open his mouth
slightly, feeling fire burning under every touch Jungkook has left on him.

"What about it?" Jimin could see the look in his roommate's eyes.

The look of something dangerous and horny engulfing his mind.

"They'd look so good wrapped around my cock... They're so pretty... so full and red..."
Jimin's stomach tightened, hotness rushing through him.

"I wouldn't do that..." Jimin said, but licked his lips right after glancing down onto
Jungkook's hard, leaking cock.

"You licked your lips." Jungkook noticed.

"And..." Jimin had no idea why that was so important.

"You're thinking about it." Jungkook looked him deeply in the eyes like he was trying to see
if he was seeing right...

"Am not..." Jimin's response was weak.

"Oh god, I got even harder. Fuck..." All of this had an effect on Jungkook and it was obvious.

"Is it possible to get even bigger than that?" Jimin pointed down to where Jungkook's cock
was pointing upwards, looking big and wet, his mushroom cock head looking so tempting to
play with.

"Only if it's inside you. Then it could reach the full thickness and length." Jungkook said with
a smirk, loving the gulp that Jimin couldn't control.

"Inside me..." He repeated, biting down on his lip again.

"Do you think you'd be more into that, or maybe you would..."

"I'd like to bottom. Yes." Jimin didn't need to think about this twice. He knew what his
preferences were ever since he noticed he was gay which was a long time ago.

"Oh... How would you know... I mean you haven't..." Jungkook tried to ask carefully, not
wanting to say something that would make Jimin uncomfortable or embarrassed.

"I have a dildo."

It was true.

Jimin got it for his birthday right after discovering he was gay cause Yoongi wanted for him
to find out what he was into, and even though Jimin had no desire on using it at the
beginning, later on turns out the gift was exactly what he needed.

"Oh... and you use it?" Jungkook gnawed on his bottom lip nervously, looking at Jimin with
renewed desire and lust.

"Sometimes..." Jimin always felt shy to talk about this, but he guessed it was only fair to talk
about it now.

"So you know how to stretch yourself and use it properly?" Jungkook pumped his cock
spontaneously a few times while looking at Jimin who was nervously biting down on his lip,
his hands playing nervously with the sheets beneath him.
"Um... I don't know if I'm using it properly, but... um... I like to put it on the floor in the
bathtub, cause it's the one with the suction cup base that you can stick onto the bathroom wall
or floor, um... yeah... and then I lube myself nicely, then finger myself first and
know..." Jimin kept explaining while looking at his fingers nervously, missing the eager
expression on Jungkook's face.

"And then..." Jungkook pushed his face up, trying to make eye contact, but Jimin was too

He bit down onto his lip, not able to talk further.

"Um... Then I use it..." Jimin gulped heavily, feeling lost under Jungkook's gaze.


"I... I can't say it." Jimin's lashes were batting fast, indicating how uneasy Jungkook was
making him.

His dick was painfully hard now.

"Are you riding it Jimin?" Seemed like Jungkook had no problem with explaining things

Jimin nodded.

"Bouncing on it?"

Jimin's cheeks were so hot he feared he might get a fever. Was that even possible?

"When I'm stretched enough..." Jungkook took a loud inhale "But mostly... I like to grind on
it... like it when it's deep inside me and then I move my hips until I find the right spot... where
it feels good. Sometimes I can't find it and it makes me frustrated, but when I do, it feels so
good." Jimin never talked about this with no one. It was weird to share his sexual experience
even though it was only things he did to himself, but still... Jungkook looked interested and
so invested in all of this that it felt right.

"Can I try to find that spot for you? Would you like that?" Jungkook looked so eager and
hungry, like someone who was starving and suddenly had his favorite sweets in front of him.

Jimin nodded.

He really wanted for someone else to try to make him feel good... He wanted to see if he was
capable of feeling good, satisfied, sexually aroused, and the time was now.

He knew it...

It was now or never.

"Lube?" Jungkook looked around the room, so Jimin got up and took the bottle of cherry lube
from the nightstand next to his bed.
"Lay down pretty. I'm gonna open you slowly, ok?" Jungkook took some of the lube and
started warming it between his palms which Jimin appreciated a lot. The nickname 'pretty'
was ringing loud inside his ears.

"Spread your legs for me." Jungkook talked with a soft, but low voice and Jimin couldn't not

While laying on the bed, he spread his legs wide and then took the pillow to push it under his
ass, trying to make himself as comfortable as he could.

"That's right, come a little bit closer, lay down and relax, ok?" Jungkook came down and
started kissing Jimin's stomach, his hips, thighs, leaving a wet trail wherever his lips had
touched Jimin's sensitive skin, and then while slowly circling his rim, he started pushing the
first digit inside.

Jimin's breath got stuck in his throat, unable to breathe properly, feeling too much all of a
sudden, so while only being one knuckle inside him, Jungkook started stroking Jimin's cock
with his other hand.

The effect was immediate.

Jimin moaned while relaxing his body, adjusting to the new sensation of being touched where
no one had ever touched him before.

"That's right baby, relax for me... " Jungkook kissed his hips, his thighs, while looking at
Jimin's already fucked out expression, pushing the first finger even further, not stopping with
the strokes over Jimin's hardening cock.


Only few minutes of pushing in and out, Jungkook added a second finger right next to the
first one and the gasp that left Jimin's lips was unreal.

"Is it too much? I'll slow down. You're taking my fingers so good. Such a good boy Jiminah."

Jimin couldn't form words so the high pitched moan that had left his mouth was an indicator
that Jungkook was doing things right, so while speeding the pace on Jimin's leaking dick,
Jungkook started scissoring Jimin open, preparing him for the third finger.

Few minutes later, Jimin's hips became impatient, so while Jungkook was thrusting both of
his fingers fully now, Jimin started bucking his hips down onto the said fingers, trying to
push them deeper inside.

And then Jungkook added the third finger.

"Ah... Jungkookah... too much..." Jimin clenched around three digits, face consumed in frown
and pain, so Jungkook stopped pushing inside and instead started licking Jimin's cock from
its base up to his cock head.

The response of Jimin's body was ridiculous.

His body jerked up, his chest heaving violently, eyes opening wide cause what the hell was
that feeling he felt all over his cock? So wet and so warm and so so good...

"What... oh.... god...." He couldn't talk properly cause seeing Jungkook down, playing with
his cock, taking it inside his mouth and swirling his tongue on top of it was too much.

Jungkook bobbed his head a few times, not wanting to overwhelm Jimin who already looked
fucked out, and then he continued with stretching him with his three fingers.

Jimin didn't flinch. Already feeling accommodated to the fullness, pain and discomfort long

"Liked that?" Jungkook asked teasingly while nibbling Jimin's hips, being so close to his
cock, but not giving it too much attention now.

Jimin nodded eagerly.

"So good... Warm... and wet..." Suddenly Jimin's hand was in Jungkook's hair, guiding him
back onto his cock.

Not in a million years would he think that he would enjoy all of this so much, nor that he
would initiate some things either.

But damn, how could he even imagine someone taking care of him this good.

"Want more?" Jungkook really loved to tease, but Jimin didn't mind. Not when he was
looking so good down there. So sexy with all of those muscles and tattoos... looking greedy
for Jimin's cock and so hot while licking all over it giddily.

"You taste good Jiminah." he praised what he was tasting, which only made Jimin even more
desperate, horny, unable to react properly, unable to speak more.

Jungkook's fingers started going deeper inside Jimin, now fully stretching him open, the
squelching sound of lube echoing in the room in sync with Jimin's moans and breath.

He couldn't decide what he liked more. The feeling of Jungkook's long fingers fucking him
deeply or the wet sensation all over his cock.

It felt like heaven.

Why was he waiting for so long to try this???

He was out of his mind...

And then, in the middle of having his cock sucked while fingering him deeply, Jimin felt it.

The spot.

Jungkook started hitting the special spot deep within him while curling his fingers upwards
inside Jimin and he didn't know what to do.
"Ah...yes... yes.. there... it's there... oh yes..." Jimin started yelling all the encouraging words
he could master, wanting to feel the same orgasmic feeling from the inside.

"Oh Jimin... I can feel it. It's here isn't it?" Jungkook pushed his fingers as deep as he could
and started massaging his prostate, earning a helpless cry out of Jimin's mouth.

He was drooling while closing his eyes shut and didn't even care.

It felt too good.

"Yes... Right there... That's the spot... Can you... ah... just a little bit more up... just a little
deeper." Jimin tried to push his hips more onto Jungkook's fingers, but he couldn't reach
deeper than they already were inside him.

"Sorry baby... This is as far as I can go with my fingers."

Jimin pushed his upper body abruptly up, looking down at his ass, sucking three of
Jungkook's fingers completely.

"Wow... you're really deep inside." Jimin said in awe, moving his hips down, grinding his ass
onto Jungkook's fingers.

"Fuck Jimin... How can you be so hot? What are you doing?"

Jungkook just curled his fingers and spread his hand down, making it easier for Jimin to use.

"Need to feel more... I need to come Jungkookah... I'm close, I can feel it. Make me come,
please." Jimin was begging now cause it was too much, feeling all of those new sensations at
the same time felt like too much, but also too little. He needed more. He wanted more.

"Do you want me to suck you off while fucking you with my fingers? Want to come like
that? Hm? I'll do whatever you want. Want to make you feel good."

And that was all Jimin needed to hear.

"Want you inside me."

Jungkook stopped with slow finger fucking to look at Jimin seriously.

"But... I am... I'm inside you... with my fingers." Jungkook needed a bit more details on what
Jimin had in mind.

He shook his head while blushing dark pink.

"Not with your fingers..." he spoke so timidly, that Jungkook barely heard him, but he did.

"Jimin... are you sure? We don't have to do that. This is also fine. I could make you come like
this, I promise... You don't have to do everything..."
Jimin knew he wanted it. He wanted all... He was done with the whole waiting and this felt
like the perfect timing.

"But I want it. Want you. I'm sure."

Jungkook seemed more nervous than Jimin while observing the man next to him.

"Fuck... ok... I want it too, so badly. I just didn't want to say it cause I didn't want you to think
that I'm forcing something, but fuck I want it too. I want you so so much Jiminah..." The
eagerness in Jungkook's voice, his moves, his tone was everything. Made Jimin's heart swell
with pride, with lust, with something he never felt before but couldn't pin-point now.

"Do you have condoms?" Jungkook looked at the night stand from where Jimin took the lube,
so Jimin nodded.

"I do. I've never used them though..."

Jungkook grabbed the unopened box and unwrapped it while using his teeth, looking greedy
and excited at the same time.

"Don't worry. I got it." After slicking himself with lube, Jungkook put on a condom with
ease, and then he poured more lube onto his hard cock.

"How do you want it?" Jungkook looked at Jimin who was laying on the bed, his hole slick
and ready to be fucked, a sight to die for.

"Um... I don't know... " Jimin had no idea which pose was the best for him since he hadn't
tried any, so he figured that Jungkook should be the one to take the lead here.

"How about we do it like this, me on top of you cause that way I can kiss you and I really
want to kiss you, and then you can choose what to do next. Ok?" Jungkook came between
Jimin's legs, still not entering inside him, seeking closeness and kisses which Jimin was eager
to give.

"Sounds amazing." was all Jimin could say before being passionately kissed by the man he
could never imagine he'll do sexual things with.

No way in hell would Jimin guess that this would be the way he would lose his virginity, and
he felt even happier than he could imagine.

Jungkook's kisses helped him relax fully, so while waiting impatiently, Jimin started rubbing
his hole over Jungkook's hard cock, earning a hiss from his roommates lips.

"I'm ready." Jimin whispered while entwining their fingers together, feeling sexual
connection and emotional closeness like never before.

"Okay." Jungkook whispered while blindly reaching down and aligning his cock with Jimin's

"I'll start now. Please tell me if it hurts, ok?"

He's so perfect...

"I will."

And then the stretching begins.

Jimin took a deep breath, not feeling pain at all, just the unusual feeling he was used to while
playing with his dildo.

"Can I push more?" Jungkook was hovering on top of him, looking at Jimin's face
profoundly, eyeing him from above, not wanting to make any bad move.

Jimin nodded while biting down on his lip.

So Jungkook pushed more.

"Ah... yes... " Jimin closed his eyes, finally feeling the push over his prostate now that
Jungkook was deeper inside.

"Just a little bit more pretty."


And so Jungkook bottomed out.

He waited for Jimin to be accommodated to fullness, but Jimin didn't need a lot of time.

In fact he became eager soon.

"Fuck me."

Jungkook pushed his head up so fast Jimin feared he might break his neck.

"Did you just curse?" Jungkook couldn't hide the excitement and shock while hearing Jimin's
first curse word.

"I didn't. I'm just asking you to fuck me, you know, like an actual action to happen..." Jimin
repeated himself clearly and the moment he did, Jungkook's cock twitched inside him.

"Shit... stop talking. I might come just from hearing you talk like that." Jungkook put his
hand on top of Jimin's mouth, which was a mistake cause Jimin was too horny so he started
licking his fingers instinctively.

After a deep inhale, Jungkook pushed his hips back, sliding his cock almost totally out of
Jimin and then he pushed it back with force, making Jimin moan in pleasure.

"More, please, more..." he was breathlessly chanting.

So Jungkook gave him more.

He started fucking him like he meant it and Jimin couldn't believe all the feelings he was
experiencing at the same time.

Jungkook's lips were on his neck, sucking there eagerly while fucking him hard and fast,
finding the rhythm that was to Jimin's liking. With every push Jimin's lips formed a new 'ah'
sound, high pitched and needy and so so pretty.

"How do you feel baby?" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear who was in some kind of
trance, unable to keep himself together, unable to talk and think and do anything other than
receive pleasure.

"...ah... so good... Jungkookah... more." he was in some kind of delirium, overwhelmed by all
of this, and so happy that he's finally experiencing all of this.

Jungkook kissed him hungrily, licking into his mouth, seeking closeness and affection, so
Jimin gave himself completely, loving every thrust he was given, every kiss they shared,
every touch all over his needy body.

"Fuck me harder Kookah, please."

Jungkook let a low growl.

"For fucks sake Jiminah... You're a dream baby. So good for me."

Jimin's face blushed red. Why was it so satisfying to hear a praise?

While fucking him even harder, Jimin felt the familiar feeling of orgasm approaching from
the pit of his stomach.

Jimin really wanted to come, but he wanted to try something else before finishing.

"Jungkookah, can I ride you?" He wanted to feel the difference while being fucked with toy
and having Jungkoo's cock deep inside him.

And who was Jungkook to deny him any wish?

While still being inside him, Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hips and switched them into a new
position so that now he was lying on the bed and Jimin was on top of him.

"There you go baby. Ride me the way you like it."

Jimin's eager hands were giddy to squeeze onto Jungkook's firm chest, loving the hard
muscle under his palms, and enjoying the sight of the hottest man he had ever seen falling
apart under him.

He knew his hips were powerful and magical.

He wasn't the best dancer for nothing.

So while finding a steady rhythm that made Jungkook's cock go deep inside, Jimin started
bouncing up and down, reaching that spot inside him with every new bounce he made.

"Oh god... oh yes... it's there..." Jimin chanted while riding him, enjoying every thrust, loving
the sensation of something warm inside him, something that was twitching, responding to his
effort and not just standing there like his toys do.

This was different, this was special...

He loved it.


While being lost in his own pleasure, Jimin finally looked at the sweaty and hot Jungkook
underneath him.

"I won't last long... I can't..."

The pride overflowed Jimin's whole body and before he could say something, Jungkook
pushed his hips up and started thrusting his hips upwards real fast, pushing Jimin's spot even

"Oh... oh... what... oh fuck..." Jimin was out of control now.

The orgasmic feeling was building too fast, and before he could even touch himself, Jimin's
cock started spurting strips of white all over Jungkook's chest and abs. He came suddenly,
unannounced while crying out, feeling like being on cloud nine.

"I'm coming too... Fuck you're so pretty baby..." Just one look at Jimin's pretty fucked out
face made Jungkook spill inside the condom, holding Jimin's hips so hard he feared it will
bruise after, but he was too gone with chasing his own pleasure to notice.

A moment after, Jimin was laying on top of Jungkook, breathing fast, eyes closed, body dirty
from sweat and cum that was resting in between them.

He couldn't care less about any of that at the moment.

"Are you okay?" he heard Jungkook's soft voice and felt his roommate's fingers playing with
his hair.

"Mhm." All Jimin could do was hum.

Jungkook kissed the top of his head and smiled cutely.

"Feeling tired?" Jungkook started caressing his back, bringing him even closer onto his chest.

"Yes. It was... overwhelming." Jimin found the strength to push his head up and to look at
Jungkook's equally tired face.
"Overwhelmingly good or?" Seemed like Jungkook needed some validation, needed more
info about feelings that Jimin was feeling after his first time.

Jimin smiled at him cutely before kissing Jungkook's lips softly.

It felt natural and pleasant.

"Good of course. I loved it. I think I might enjoy sexual activities more after this." Jimin said
while blushing, being honest and open about his wishes.

Jungkook's face turned into frown, eyes losing focus, glancing down, like he was being
tempted to say something, but was restraining himself.

"What?" Jimin wasn't the best at reading facial expressions, but some were too obvious not to

Jungkook looked at him while blinking nervously.

"Um... when you say you want to explore this more... um... What do you mean? Like... you
want to try this with someone else or... with me again?"

Jimin looked at his roommate's face and for the first time he saw fear and could it be

"Cause it's totally fine if you want to try this with someone else, just... could you not? I
mean... I would love to be the one you do this with... and I mean only me... so..." He couldn't
stop blubbering so Jimin made him shut up while kissing him loudly.

"I actually only want to do this with you. I still haven't found anyone I felt attracted to except
you... so if you're willing to do this with me again..." Now Jimin was the nervous one with
blushing cheeks.

Jungkook cupped his cute cheeks and looked at him lovingly.

"I would love to." He kissed Jimin once again, but this kiss was soft and filled with promises
that Jimin couldn't wait to explore.

"For now, let's grab a shower and something to drink, we'll dehydrate if we don't have some
water." Jungkook got up and extended his hand towards Jimin, so they walked to the
bathroom together, kissing and caressing while cleaning each other's body slowly, sharing
tender touches that felt like promises for later, and Jimin loved all of it.

After they put some clean sweats and shirts on, they finally headed to the kitchen to get some
water, forgetting all about the party that was still ongoing.

They entered the kitchen while holding hands, not cause of other people were still inside, but
cause it felt right.

It felt like a natural thing to do.

"Wow, you won't even hide what you just did you pervs..." Taehyung's teasing tone made
them a blushing mess so while looking at Jungkook who still had wet hair and hickeys all
over his neck, Jimin feared he wasn't looking any better.

Walking sex.

"We need some water..." Jungkook decided not to go into details.

"I bet you do lovebirds." Tae was cocking his eyebrows ridiculously, which made Jimin burst
out in laughter.

"Let's go." Jungkook moved into the kitchen and after taking two bottles of water, he gave
one to Jimin and then took some ice cream that he had made and offered it to Jimin with a

"It's your favorite." He said while looking at the box.

"My favorite?" Jimin had no idea how Jungkook even knew what his favorite flavor was.

"Yeah... Lemons. I noticed that's the one you eat the fastest. Other ones might last for a week,
but this one, I'm glad if there's some left after one or two days."

Jimin covered his face with his small palms, hiding a blush with a smile, knowing damn well
Jungkook was right.

"Sorry for always eating your food... I love it so much..." Jimin leaned closer and kissed
Jungkook's lips softly, taking the spoon and the ice cream gladly.

"I'm happy you do. And just so you know... I would've said yes to six months cooking for
you..." Jungkook smiled so cutely that Jimin wanted to devour him more than his favorite ice

"Good. I would've said yes to one month to be honest." Jimin licked the spoon, enjoying the
citrusy flavor way too much.

"I love this ice cream! Love it so so so so so much!" Jimin almost fainted from the electricity
his taste buds were receiving. His brain was having a freezing shock, but he could still feel
the heaven on his tongue.

"Hope one day you'll feel the same way about me." Jungkook pinched his cheek cutely before
grabbing another spoon and digging into the plastic container with ice cream.

Jimin needed a second to understand what his roommate had just said, but even with a brain
freeze, he felt his cheeks burning impossibly hot, his stomach tightening inside, butterflies
making a hurricane while dancing fiercely, his heart racing faster, indicating that maybe, he
already does.
End Notes

Hope you liked it.

Have a great day dear readers.

Sending you lots of kisses and hugs. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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