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1. Which of the following statements is correct about the order of a reaction?

a) It is always a whole number.

b) It is determined experimentally.

c) It depends on the stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants.

d) It is always zero.

Answer: b) It is determined experimentally.

2. For a first-order reaction, the time required for half of the reactant to react is:

a) inversely proportional to the initial concentration

b) directly proportional to the initial concentration

c) independent of the initial concentration

d) proportional to the square of the initial concentration

Answer: c) independent of the initial concentration

3. The unit of the rate constant for a second-order reaction is:

a) s⁻¹ b) L mol⁻¹ s⁻¹ c) mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹ d) L² mol⁻² s⁻¹

Answer: b) L mol⁻¹ s⁻¹

4. The activation energy of a reaction is:

a) the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur

b) the energy change during the reaction

c) the energy required to form products

d) the energy required to form reactants

Answer: a) the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur

5. The rate of a reaction doubles when the concentration of a reactant is doubled.
The order of the reaction with respect to that reactant is:

a) zero

b) one

c) two

d) three

Answer: b) one

6. In the Arrhenius equation k=Ae−Ea/RT, the term Ea represents:

a) rate constant

b) frequency factor

c) activation energy

d) temperature

Answer: c) activation energy

7. For a zero-order reaction, the concentration of the reactant decreases:

a) linearly with time

b) exponentially with time

c) logarithmically with time

d) inversely with time

Answer: a) linearly with time

8. The rate constant for a reaction is found to be 2.5×10−3 mol−1 L s−1. What is the
order of the reaction?

a) Zero b) First c) Second d) Third

Answer: c) Second
9. If the temperature of a reaction is increased from 298 K to 308 K, the rate
constant becomes double. The activation energy of the reaction is approximately:

a) 50 kJ/mol b) 60 kJ/mol c) 70 kJ/mol d) 80 kJ/mol

Answer: b) 60 kJ/mol

10. For the reaction A + B → products, the rate law is given by rate=k[A][B] 2.
The overall order of the reaction is:

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

Answer: c) Three

11. The half-life of a first-order reaction is 20 minutes. The rate constant for the
reaction is:

a) 0.0347 min⁻¹ b) 0.693 min⁻¹ c) 0.0347 s⁻¹ d) 0.693 s⁻¹

Answer: a) 0.0347 min⁻¹

12. A catalyst increases the rate of a reaction by:

a) increasing the activation energy

b) decreasing the activation energy

c) changing the reaction mechanism

d) both b and c

Answer: d) both b and c

13. Which of the following factors does not affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

a) Concentration of reactants

b) Temperature

c) Particle size of reactants

d) Pressure of inert gas

Answer: d) Pressure of inert gas

14. In the reaction 2NO + Cl₂ → 2NOCl, the rate of formation of NOCl is 0.5
mol/L/s. The rate of consumption of Cl₂ is:

a) 0.25 mol/L/s b) 0.5 mol/L/s c) 1.0 mol/L/s d) 2.0 mol/L/s

Answer: b) 0.5 mol/L/s

15. The rate law for the reaction 2A + B → products is given by rate = k[A]²[B].
If the concentration of A is doubled and the concentration of B is halved, the rate
of reaction will:

a) remain the same b) double

c) quadruple d) increase by a factor of 8

Answer: b) double

16. The rate-determining step of a reaction is the:

a) fastest step b) slowest step

c) step with the highest concentration d) step with the lowest concentration

Answer: b) slowest step

17. The rate constant of a reaction is 2.5×10−4 s−1. The reaction is of:

a) zero order b) first order

c) second order d) third order

Answer: b) first order

18. The reaction A + B → C + D follows the rate law rate = k[A]²[B]. The
reaction is:

a) zero order in A b) first order in A

c) second order in A d) third order in A

Answer: c) second order in A

19. The units of the rate constant for a zero-order reaction are:

a) mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹ b) s⁻¹ c) L mol⁻¹ s⁻¹ d) mol² L⁻² s⁻¹

Answer: a) mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹

20. A reaction has a half-life of 10 minutes at a certain temperature. If the

reaction is second-order, the rate constant is:

a) 1.0 L/mol/min b) 0.1 L/mol/min

c) 0.01 L/mol/min d) 0.001 L/mol/min

Answer: b) 0.1 L/mol/min

21. For a reaction A + B → C, the rate of formation of C is given by rate =

k[A][B]. If the concentration of A is tripled, the rate of formation of C will:

a) remain the same b) double

c) triple d) increase by a factor of 9

Answer: c) triple

22. Which of the following statements is true about a catalyst?

a) It is consumed in the reaction.

b) It decreases the rate of reaction.

c) It changes the equilibrium position.

d) It provides an alternative pathway with lower activation energy.

Answer: d) It provides an alternative pathway with lower activation energy.

23. In a first-order reaction, the plot of ln[A] vs. time is:

a) a straight line with a positive slope b) a straight line with a negative slope

c) a curve d) a horizontal line

Answer: b) a straight line with a negative slope

24. For a reaction, the rate constant increases by a factor of 4 when the
temperature is increased from 300 K to 310 K. The activation energy of the
reaction is approximately:

a) 12.6 kJ/mol b) 25.2 kJ/mol c) 50.4 kJ/mol d) 100.8 kJ/mol

Answer: c) 50.4 kJ/mol

25. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is a first-order reaction. The half-

life of hydrogen peroxide is 16 minutes. How long will it take for the
concentration of hydrogen peroxide to reduce to one-eighth of its initial value?

a) 16 minutes b) 32 minutes c) 48 minutes d) 64 minutes

Answer: c) 48 minutes

26. In a reaction, the intermediate step has the highest:

a) concentration b) activation energy

c) frequency factor d) temperature

Answer: b) activation energy

27. The rate of a chemical reaction is not affected by:

a) Concentration of reactants

b) Surface area of reactants

c) Presence of a catalyst

d) Pressure of inert gas

Answer: d) Pressure of inert gas

28. The order of the reaction for which the rate constant has the same units as
the rate of reaction is:

a) zero b) first

c) second d) third

Answer: a) zero
29. For the reaction 2A → B, the rate law is rate = k[A]. The half-life of this
reaction is directly proportional to:

a) [A] b) [A]² c) 1/[A] d) independent of [A]

Answer: d) independent of [A]

30. The rate of a reaction increases by 5 times when the concentration of the
reactant is increased from 0.1 M to 0.5 M. The order of the reaction with respect
to this reactant is:

a) zero b) one c) two d) three

Answer: b) one

1. The rate of a chemical reaction is not influenced by:

o a) Concentration of reactants
o b) Temperature
o c) Catalyst
o d) Particle size of the reactants
2. The unit of rate constant for a first-order reaction is:
o a) L mol⁻¹ s⁻¹
o b) s⁻¹
o c) mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹
o d) mol² L⁻² s⁻¹
3. For the reaction A+2B→C, the rate law is given by r=k[A][B]2. The order of the
reaction is:
o a) 1
o b) 2
o c) 3
o d) 4
4. The half-life of a first-order reaction depends on:
o a) Initial concentration
o b) Temperature
o c) Catalyst
o d) Pressure
5. In a zero-order reaction, the rate of reaction:
o a) Is directly proportional to the concentration of reactants
o b) Is independent of the concentration of reactants
o c) Increases with an increase in temperature
o d) Decreases with a decrease in concentration of reactants
6. The Arrhenius equation is given by k=Ae−Ea/RT . Here, Ea represents:
o a) Rate constant
o b) Activation energy
o c) Frequency factor
o d) Universal gas constant
7. A reaction has a rate law, r=k[A]2[B]. If the concentration of A is doubled and B is
halved, the rate of reaction will:
o a) Increase by 2 times
o b) Increase by 4 times
o c) Decrease by 2 times
o d) Remain unchanged
8. For a second-order reaction, the half-life period is:
o a) Independent of the initial concentration
o b) Directly proportional to the initial concentration
o c) Inversely proportional to the initial concentration
o d) Proportional to the square of the initial concentration
9. The slowest step in a reaction mechanism is called:
o a) Rate-determining step
o b) Intermediate step
o c) Transition step
o d) Fast step
10. Which of the following is true for a catalyst in a chemical reaction?
o a) It alters the equilibrium constant of the reaction
o b) It increases the activation energy of the reaction
o c) It gets consumed in the reaction
o d) It provides an alternative pathway with lower activation energy
11. In the reaction 2A+B→C, the rate law is r=k[A]2. If the concentration of A is
tripled, the rate of the reaction will:
o a) Increase by 3 times
o b) Increase by 6 times
o c) Increase by 9 times
o d) Remain unchanged
12. The dimension of the rate constant for a zero-order reaction is:
o a) mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹
o b) s⁻¹
o c) L mol⁻¹ s⁻¹
o d) mol² L⁻² s⁻¹
13. The rate constant of a reaction at 27°C is 0.1 s⁻¹. When the temperature is increased
to 37°C, the rate constant becomes 0.2 s⁻¹. The activation energy of the reaction is
o a) 52.8 kJ/mol
o b) 58.3 kJ/mol
o c) 60.5 kJ/mol
o d) 66.2 kJ/mol
14. For the reaction A→B+C, the rate law is r=k[A]. If the initial concentration of A is
0.1 M, what will be the concentration of A after 2 half-lives?
o a) 0.05 M
o b) 0.025 M
o c) 0.0125 M
o d) 0.01 M
15. The decomposition of N₂O₅ is a first-order reaction. If the rate constant is
5.2×10−4s−1, what is the half-life of the reaction?
o a) 1332 s
o b) 1442 s
o c) 1542 s
o d) 1625 s
16. A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by:
o a) Increasing the kinetic energy of the reactants
o b) Decreasing the activation energy
o c) Increasing the concentration of reactants
o d) Increasing the temperature of the system
17. The rate law for the reaction A+B→C is found to be r=k[A]2[B]. Which one of the
following statements is true?
o a) The reaction is first-order in A
o b) The reaction is second-order in B
o c) The reaction is third-order overall
o d) The reaction is zero-order overall
18. For the reaction A+B→C, the rate law is r=k[A][B]. If the rate of the reaction
doubles when the concentration of B is doubled, the order of the reaction with
respect to A is:
o a) 0
o b) 1
o c) 2
o d) 3
19. The rate of a reaction quadruples when the concentration of one reactant is
doubled. The order of the reaction with respect to this reactant is:
o a) 1
o b) 2
o c) 3
o d) 4
20. For a reaction A→B+C, the rate of reaction doubles when the temperature is
increased from 300 K to 310 K. The activation energy of the reaction is
o a) 52 kJ/mol
o b) 62 kJ/mol
o c) 72 kJ/mol
o d) 82 kJ/mol
21. The overall order of a reaction with the rate law r=k[A][B]1/2 is:
o a) 0.5
o b) 1
o c) 1.5
o d) 2
22. If a reaction is zero-order in a reactant, then:
o a) The half-life is independent of the initial concentration
o b) The rate is independent of the concentration of that reactant
o c) The rate decreases linearly with time
o d) The rate increases with an increase in the concentration of that reactant
23. The rate constant for a second-order reaction is given by k=0.5Lmol−1s−1. What
will be the rate of reaction if the concentration of reactant is 0.1 M?
o a) 0.005 mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹
o b) 0.01 mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹
o c) 0.05 mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹
o d) 0.1 mol L⁻¹ s⁻¹
24. Which of the following statements is incorrect for a pseudo-first-order reaction?
o a) One of the reactants is present in large excess
o b) The rate of reaction appears to be independent of the concentration of one of
the reactants
o c) The order of reaction is equal to the sum of the powers of concentration terms
in the rate equation
o d) The rate constant has the same units as that of a first-order reaction
25. The decomposition of H₂O₂ follows first-order kinetics. What is the ratio of the rate
constants if the half-life at 20°C is 15 minutes and at 30°C is 5 minutes?
o a) 3
o b) 2
o c) 1.5
o d) 4
26. Which of the following can alter the rate of a chemical reaction?
o a) Temperature
o b) Pressure
o c) Catalyst
o d) All of the above
27. In a first-order reaction, the time required for 99.9% completion of the reaction is
o a) 2 half-lives
o b) 3 half-lives
o c) 10 half-lives
o d) 100 half-lives
28. For a first-order reaction, the plot of ln[A] vs. time is:
o a) A straight line with a positive slope
o b) A straight line with a negative slope
o c) A curve with a positive slope
o d) A curve with a negative slope
29. For a chemical reaction A+B→C, the rate law is r=k[A]2[B]. The dimensions of the
rate constant k are:
o a) L mol⁻¹ s⁻¹
o b) L² mol⁻² s⁻¹
o c) L mol⁻² s⁻¹
o d) L² mol⁻¹ s⁻¹
30. In a reaction mechanism, an intermediate is:
o a) A reactant in the overall reaction
o b) A product in the overall reaction
o c) A species that is formed and consumed during the reaction mechanism
o d) A catalyst that speeds up the reaction
Answer Key

1. d
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. d
11. c
12. a
13. a
14. b
15. b
16. b
17. c
18. b
19. b
20. b
21. c
22. b
23. a
24. c
25. a
26. d
27. c
28. b
29. b
30. c

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