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Pranayama Sadhana

(From Japaji – Gurunanak)

The Path is called Kriya when one tries to turn oneself inward and
dissolve the mind, intellect and ego, following the "Breath." It is a
scientific path intended for all people that is based on a universal activity,
namely, "Breath."
All the troubles of the individual are from the mind's nature of
Sangkalpa [proposing] and Vikalpa [rejecting], in other words, from the
mind's desires [vasana]. This gives rise to mind's restlessness. Though mind
is always restless yet it has a Tranquil base, its substratum is Tranquility
To attain that substratum of Tranquility [Sthirattva] is the object of
all Sadhanas.
The seat of Tranquility is the heart. As warmth rises from the sea, the
life Force [Prana bayu] rises from the Prana and that is restless breath. At
the After-effect-poise of Kriya [Kruyar parabasthay] there is no restlessness
of breath, therefore, at that state there is no mind at all. When there is no
mind and the activities of Pran.a are no more, then there is no need of heart.
In the absence of heart, the mind and the prana merge in Oneness with
Brahma, the ultimate Self.
This state of After-effect-poise of Kriya is the state of Nirupam
[because no bliss can be compared with this eternal Bliss]. The restless
mind is the prime obstruction to attain this state of eternal Bliss. Therefore,
the restless mind must be made tranquil [sthira]. When the mind is made
tranquil by the Kriya practice, then one achieves the eternal state of Peace
[Santi] .
To attain this state of Peace one needs to renounce [tyaga] ; as Jong
as the restless mind is there, this renunciation is not possible. When there is
no restlessness, there is no mind, that state of without mind and prana is the
state of After-effect-poise of Kriya or the state of Brahma. That is not
possible without renunciation [Tyaga]. It is not possible to renounce
attachment or expectation of results of one's practice by the mere utterance
of the word. This renunciation of attachment is possible only through the
Nada [inner Sound].
By the practice of Kriya Pranayam, gradually when the breath
becomes tranquil then the Nada is revealed. When the Nada is revealed, it
is understood that the breath has become tranquil [Sthira]. Till the breath
becomes tranquil, mind does not become pure [Pavitra]. When the mind
does not become tranquil [Sthira] nothing happens; so, the first thing to do
is to make the mind tranquil. The breath becomes tranquil only by the
practice of Kriya through inhaling and exhaling [Prachhadran and Bidharan
of the breath]. When the breath becomes tranquil the mind is dissolved in
that tranquil air [Pavan]. That air [Vayu] is called Brahma.
Hang Sa is the means to attain Brahma. When the bayu becomes
tranquil, one realizes the immortal character of Brahma. The same
immortal Being is enveloped in the 'body as time [Kala or breath]; then
Kala is dissolved in Mahakal [Eternity].
The inner Sound, Omkar is the means to attain this state of
Tranquility. When the individual being [jiva] attains that state of
Tranquility, he becomes Lord [Siva].
When he becomes Siva, he has no sign [lingam]; therefore, he
becomes alinga person, that is, Niranjan. When he becomes Niranjan, then
he sees Brahma or the Self. Then there is no shelter [adhar]; he establishes
himself in Himself [apnate Apani sthita].
This state is mentioned in the scripture as Sohang Brahma [That I
am]. This understanding by oneself is called [Nijabodha rupam.]
At this state, achieving absolute or Self-Knowledge, one attains the
state of liberation [Mukti or Nirvan]. Om Om Om.

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