Agric. Science-SS2 3RD TERM

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Science Exams SS2 THIRD TERM

1. The removal of excess water from the sub-soil is known as: (a) irrigation (b) drainage(c)
evaporation (d) dehydration (e) hydration
2. The best source of farm power for agricultural production is (a) human power (b)animal
power (c) mechanical power (d) solar power (e) electrical power
3. The greatest disadvantage of using a bulldozer in land clearing is that it (a) removes the
fertile top soil along with the vegetation (b) makes the soil loose its texture (c) allows the
fast growth of weeds after clearing (d) increases the incidence of pests (e) all of the above
4. Which of the following equipment is not used in farm surveying? (a) Gunters chain (b)
measuring tape (c) ranging pole (d) pick axe
5. Farm surveying is important because it determines (a) soil fertility (b) size of farm land
(c) Yield of crops (d) types of implements to use (e) water level of the soil
6. If a crop is planted at a spacing of 100cmx50cm, calculate the plant population required
for a hectare of farm land. (a) 200 (b) 5, 000 (c) 20, 000 (d) 15, 200
7. A disadvantage of vegetatively propagated crops is that they (a) do not mature on time
(b) are less resistant (c) do not withstand harsh conditions (d) lodges very readily (e) B
and D
8. Which of these is a secondary tillage implement? (a) Chisel plough (b) Disc plough (c)
9. The following are examples of field machine EXPECT: (a) bulldozer (b) combined
harvester (c) milking machine (d) planter (e)sprayer
10. The removal of excess water from the soil surface is referred to as (a) drainage (b)
Evapotranspiration (c) hydration (d) irrigation (e) transpiration
11. The plough is used on the farm for (a)stumping and removing weeds (b) scraping and
throwing up the soil (c) scraping and lumping soil particles together (d) harvesting forage
(e) digging up and turning over the soil
12. Which of the following farm tools can best be used to harvest groundnuts? (a) Cutlass (b)
Go-to-hell (c) How (d) Pick axe (d) Spade
13. The survey equipment used in determining the horizontal angles between a references
medium and a desirable point is the (a) cross staff (b) gunter's chain (c) measuring tape
(d) Ranging pole (e) theodolite
14. Farm structures help the farmer to achieve the following aims EXCEPT (a) improving
farm management (b)increasing farm production (c) increasing the work of farm
attendants (d) Maximizing farm profit (e) reducing wastage of farm produce
15. Which of the following is NOT a permanent crop? (a) Cocoa (b) Kolanut (c) Mango (d)
oil palm (e) Pineapple
16. The machines used for removing seeds from the husk is called (a)shellers (b) mowers (c)
tractor (d) bulldozer
17. The machines which are used for hatching eggs is (a) incubator (b) mower (c) milking
machine (d) candle
18. Which of these is not a tractor coupled implement? (a) plough (b) harrow (c) ridger (d)
19. A soil with PH6 is (a) neutral (b) strongly acidic (c) slightly acidic (d) alkaline
20. Which of the following is not a liming material (a) limestone (b) quicklime (c) slake lime
(d) urea
21. The most useful farm machinery among this is (a) tractor (b) bulldozer (c) tree puller (d)
22. The part of tractor which is used for PTO lifting implement is (a) shaft(b) hydraulic
system (c) top shaft (d) combustion engine
23. Example of variable input in poultry production is (a) Land (b) Feed (c) Fertilizer or
manure (c) Incubator
24. Which of these is a micronutrient (a) Calcium (b) Manganese (c) Nitrogen (d) Sulphur
25. The higher the price, the........the quantity demanded (a). higher (b). lower (c). up (d).
26. Increase in population will lead to.....Demands. (a) high (b). low (c).medium (d). long
27. The real cost of an item is the...... (a) cost of forgone alternative (b). amount spent to
acquire the item (c). cost of substitute item (d) money cost of the item
28. Short run in production refers to (a) a period in which there is at least one fixed factor of
production (b) a period in which there is at least one variable factor of production (c) a
period in which there is no fixed factor of production (d) a period in which there is
variable factor of production
29. The type of ration that contains all the Essential nutrients needed by the animals In the
right proportion is called Ration (a) maintenance (b) balanced (c)Production (d) dietry
30. The following are climate factors Except (a) soil types (b) humidity (c) temperature (d)
31. Which of the following is not an Edaphic factor (a) soil PH (b) soil Fertility (c) soil water
(d) Topography
32. The following are types of Erosion except (a) splash (b) rill (c) sheet (d) mulch
33. The washing away of soil Nutrients down beyond the reach Of the root is_ (a) erosion (b)
Leaching (c) mulching (d) staking
34. High humidity is responsible for (a) dryness (b) water Logging (c) rainfall (d) erosion
35. Plant and animal remains Allowed to decay in the heap is Referred to as. A. Farmyard
Manure compost C. Green Manure D. inorganic manure
36. Which of the following is a Primary product of forest trees? A. Pulp B. Timber C. paper
D. Cardboard.
37. In profit and loss account, opening (a) credit valuation is put on the side (b) debit side (d)
and side (d) all sides
38. Ability of farm to meet its financial commitment as the falls due is (a) solvency (b)
liquidity (c) depreciation (d) appreciation
39. The amount at which an asset is sold off when the cost maintaining it is high is called (a)
useful life (b) lifespan (c) salvage value (d) asset
40. Day to day activities on the farm are recorded in (a) register (b) diary (c) payroll (b)
PART B (Attempt 2)
1a Explain the law of diminishing returns. (b) Discuss how each of the
following factors affects the supply of agricultural produce: (i) price (ii) technology
(iii)weather government (iv) subsidy (v)government policy
(c) Name three basic economic principles and explain them in detail
2 (a) Assuming the spacing of a vegetable crop per stand is 30cm x
30 cm, calculate the plant population expected in a portion of land measuring 60cm x
(b)Describe briefly four survey equipment or tools including their various uses.
3.(a) Write short notes on each of the following: (I)incubators, (ii) sprayers,
(iii)shellers. (iv) tractors,
(b)State one function of each of the following: (i) tractor (ii) dryer (iii) bulldozer (iv)
harvester (v)ridger (vi) plough.
(c) Describe briefly five regular maintenance practices for a tractor.

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