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Sentido de: Não quero

closing the window? causar problema mas posso

MODAL VERBS fechar a janela?

MODAL VERBS: can, could, may, might, would, will, must, shall, should, ought to,
Necessity – must, have to, have got to
PHRASAL MODALS: The meaning similar to modals. Ex: able to (can), be going to (will),
have to (must), supposed to.

All applicants must take an entrance

MUST Stronger than the others.
Requests (permission)
SUJEITO – I Informal and formal, more
All applicants have to take an entrance
HAVE TO common in speaking
More polite and formal, is exam
MAY May I use the phone? used only with I and WE in
case of permission. HAVE GOT
I have got to go now Informal.
Same meaning of May, but
COULD Could I close the door?
less formal.

Less polite than May/Could,

CAN Can I close the window? informal – is used with
friends and close people.
HAVE TO Tomorrow we don´t have to go to class Is not necessary.
MUST You must not tell anyone my secret Prohibition
WOULD Would you pass the salt, please? A diferença entre would e
will é mínima. Would = Do
you want to do this?. Will =
Past form (must, have to, have got to) = had to
WILL Will you pass the salt, please? Do you want to do this and
is it possible for you?

CAN Can you pass the salt, please?

Informal, used for friends Advisability = Should, Ought to, had better
and close people.
SHOULD You should study harder Advice

OUGHT TO You ought to study harder Formal advice

Polite Requests = Would you mind Is stronger than should (é

WOULD YOU MIND If I closed the window? Diferença mínima. Sentido HAD BETTER You had better take care of it
melhor você…)
de Posso fechar? Você se

Past form = should have. Ex: I had a test this morning. I didn´t do well on that text
because I didn´t study for it last night. I should have studied last night.
Degrees of certainty – Past
100% sure He was sick

95% sure He must have been sick

Obligation – be supposed to
The game is supposed to begin at 10:00 a.m.
50% sure or He may have been sick
less He might have been sick
He could have been sick
Making suggestions = Could vs Should
Make suggestions or
COULD We could go on a picnic
Degrees of certainty – Past - Negative
You should talk to your teacher about Giving definite advice,
SHOULD 100% sure He wasn´t sick
your difficulties. stronger than could

99% sure He couldn´t have been sick

He can´t have been sick
95% sure
Degrees of certainty – Present He must not have been be sick
100% sure He is sick 50% sure or
He may not have been sick
95% sure He must be sick He might not have been sick

He may be sick
50% sure
He might be sick
He could be sick Degrees of certainty – Future
100% sure He will do his homework

Degrees of certainty – Present - Negative 90% sure He should do his homework

He ought to do his homework
100% sure He isn´t sick
50% sure or He may do his homework
less He might do his homework
99% sure He couldn´t be sick He could do his homework
He can´t be sick
95% sure
He must not be sick
50% sure or Progressive Form
He may not be sick Let´s just knock on the door lightly. Tom may be / must be sleeping.
He might not be sick

Ability – Can / Could

CAN Mary can play the piano Acquired skill, physical

ability, possibility.

COULD Mary could play the piano Past form of can.

Would = repeated action in the past

When I was a child, my father used

WOULD / Same meaning = repeated
to/would read me a story at night before
USED TO action

It can´t be used “would”

USED TO They used to have a ford because is not a repeated

Expressing Preference – Would rather

I´d rather study history than biology

Modal and phrasal Modals

Will + be able to (ser Janet will be able to help you

capaz de) tomorrow

Tom isn´t going to be able to help you

Going to + be able to

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