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This section consists of nine questions. Choose the correct answer and clearly indicate your
answer on your answer sheet.

1 (c) [4]
2 (b) [4]
3 (d) [4]
4 (d) [2]
5 (c) [2]
6 (b) [2]
7 (d) [4]
8 (a) [4]
9 (b) [4]


This section consists of six (6) questions. Answer ALL the questions.

Question 10 [10]

10.1 During collisions which two quantities are always conserved? (2)

10.1 momentum ✓ and total energy ✓

(have to state total energy, if not, 0 marks awarded do not give half mark for
stating energy only)

10.2 A home-made tennis ball cannon shoots tennis balls out the front end from a
stationary position. Without using any calculations or formulas, explain in which
direction the cannon will move in relation to the direction of the ball. (3)

10.2 Both objects are stationary before the explosion/collision thus both initial velocities
and momentums are zero. ✓

The total momentum after the explosion/collision must also be zero. ✓

To achieve this the velocities after the launch of the tennis ball must have different
signs, thus the cannon will move in the opposite direction to the ball. ✓

10.3 In Figure 2 below a ball with a mass of 3.7 kg moves to the right and strikes a
stationary pendulum. The mass of the pendulum is 2 kg. Determine the height, h,
the pendulum can reach if 15 % of the initial energy is lost during the swing.
v1 = 5.7 m/s (5)

Figure 2

10.3 = v = 3.7 m/s ✓✓

Initial kinetic energy = 0.5  5.7  3.72 = 39.0165 J ✓

Potential energy when reaching h = 39.0165 × = 33.164025 J ✓

h= = 0.5930937819 m = 0.593 m ✓
5.7  9.81

Question 11 [8]

Determine the magnitude and direction of force F in Figure 3 below, if the equilibrant force
has a magnitude of 297.4759087 in the direction 270o.

Figure 3


Horizontally: for indicating:  x = 0 ✓ (even if components are incorrect

400cos30 + 300 − F cos = 0 ✓ (can use any symbol for the angle)
400 cos 30 + 300
cos 

Vertically: for indicating:  y = 297.4759087 ✓ (even if components are incorrect)

F sin  + 400sin 30 = 297.4759087 ✓
 400cos30 + 300 
  ✓ sin  + 400sin 30 = 297.4759087 (for substituting F)
 cos  
400cos30 + 300 tan  +400sin 30 = 297.4759087 (for indicating that
 sin  
  = tan  )
 cos  
297.4759087-400sin 30
tan  = and then  = 8.575 ✓
300 + 400 cos 30

F = 653.718 N✓ @ 171.4o ✓

Question 12 [11]

The battle ship in Figure 4 fires two shells at the same time.

Figure 4

Given the following information:

Shell 1 towards boat B: initial velocity = 35 m/s at 38o to the horizontal

Shell 2 towards boat A: initial velocity = 27.72729 m/s at 51o to the horizontal


12.1 If the shells will hit boat A and B at the same time. Show all your workings. (6)

(35sin 38 )

12.1 max h for shell 1: s = ✓ (for correct vertical velocity component)

2  9.81
= 23.665792 m ✓

( 27.72729sin 51 )

max h for shell 2: s = ✓ (for correct vertical velocity component)

2  9.81
= 23.66579158 m ✓

because the two shells reach the same max height, they will take the same time to
reach maximum height ✓
thus take the same time to reach the two boats ✓


total time shell 1 = 2

(35sin 38 ) = 4.393 s ✓✓✓

total time shell 2 = 2

( 27.72729sin 51 ) = 4.393 s ✓✓✓

12.2 the distance between boat A and B (5)

35sin 38
12.2 time to reach max height for shell 1 = = 2.196549606 s ✓

total time for shell 1 = 2.196549606 x 2 = 4.393099212 s✓

distance of boat B from battle ship = 27.58037638 x 4.393099212

= 121.1633297 m ✓

distance of boat A from battle ship = 17.44934899 x 4.393099212

= 76.6567 m ✓

distance between boat A and boat B = 44.507 m ✓


range shell 1 = 35cos38  4.393 = 121.16 m ✓✓

range shell 2 = 37.72729cos51  4.393 = 76.655 m ✓✓

121.16 - 76.655 = 44.505 m ✓

Question 13 [8]

Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show some of the examples of inclined surfaces in real life can be found in

Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2

13.1 How will friction play a role in Figures 5.1 and 5.2? (1.5)

2✓ ✓
13.1 A smooth surface/less friction will result in faster movement downwards. /

Child will not get stuck on the slide. ✓

13.2 How will angle play a role in Figures 5.1 and 5.2? (1.5)

13.2 The bigger the angle between the inclined surface and the horizonal, 1/2 ✓
the faster/easier the downward movement. ✓
13.3 The vertical height of the half pipe for the skate boarder in Figure 5.2 is 4.2 m.
During movement, the 55 kg skate boarder reaches the top of the half pipe moving
at 2.2 m/s. Ignoring friction, what was his velocity at the bottom of the half pipe? (5)

13.3 Ek at the top of the half pipe = ×55×2.22 = 133.1 J ✓
Ep at the top of the half pipe = 55×9.81  4.2 = 2266.11 J ✓

total energy at the top of the half pipe = 2399.21 J ✓

velocity at the bottom of the half pipe: 2399.21 =  55×v2
thus v = 9.340 m/s ✓✓


using : v2 = u 2 + 2as
2.22 ✓ = u 2 + 2(-9.81) (4.2) ✓
u 2 = 87.244 ✓
u = 9.340 m/s ✓✓

Question 14 [8]

14.1 Give one word for: “Turning effect of a force.” (1)

14.1 moment OR torque✓

14.2 The lever in Figure 6 of length 17 m, is in a horizontal equilibrium. The centre of

gravity is in the middle of the lever. The lever has a mass of 9.81 kg. Determine the
angle B. (7)

50 N 1810 N
75 N

4.2 m

1m 4.5 m 6.5 m

Figure 6

14.2 CWmoment = ACWmoment

1810sin  0.8 ✓ = ( 9.81  9.81  3.5) ✓ + ( 75 11) ✓

1810sin  0.8 = 336.82635+825 = 1161.82635 ✓

sin = = 0.8023662638 ✓
1810  0.8

 = 53.4 o ✓

Angle B = 180 – 53.4 = 126.6 o ✓

Question 15 [15]

15.1 Define and describe latent heat of a substances. (4)

15.1 latent heat is the heat required to change the phase✓ of a substance without a
change in temperature ✓

Lv - latent heat of vaporisation used when phase change is between liquid and gas ✓

Lf - latent heat of fusion used when phase change is between liquid and solid ✓

15.2 The graph in Figure 7 compares the energy in a substance as the temperature
increases. This graph is for an unknown substance of mass 400 g with a boiling point
of 1200C. The heater used was rated at 120 W.

Figure 7

15.2.1 How much heat was added to the substance to bring the just melted mass to a boil? (1)

15.2.1 20 kJ ✓

15.2.2 Determine the latent heat of fusion. (2)

E 20000
15.2.2 E = mL f = = L f = 50 000 J/kg ✓✓
m 0.4

15.2.3 Determine the specific heat capacityliquid of the substance. (2)

E 20000
15.2.3 E = mct c= = = 833.333 J/kg oC ✓✓
mt 0.4  60

15.2.4 What is the melting point of the substance? (1)

15.2.4 60oC ✓

15.2.5 How long will it take to superheat the substance just after it melted? Give your
answer in minutes and seconds. (3)

E E 70000
15.2.5 power = thus time = = = 583.333 s ✓
time power 120

= 9 minutes ✓ and 43.33 seconds ✓

15.2.6 How much energy would be required to bring 2 kg of the melted substance to the

boil? (2)

15.2.6 E = mct =(2)(833.333)(60) = 99 999.96 J ✓✓

Question 16 [10]

All the answers to this question should be written/drawn on page 10. Remove page 10 from
the question paper and hand it in together with you answer booklet.

16.1 Below in Figure 8 is a graph for a swinging pendulum. Indicate the position of
F, Q and E for the pendulum on page 10. (3)




Q Figure 8 Q


F✓ E✓

(no marks for E and F if positions are swopped)

16.2 The pendulum in question 16.1 swings with a frequency of 0.2 Hz. Draw a
displacement-time graph for the pendulum that corresponds with the velocity-time
graph in 16.1. Use the grid on page 12. (5)


Displacement 0 m at: 0 s 1/2 ✓

2.5 s 1/2 ✓
5 s 1/2 ✓
7.5 s 1/2 ✓
10 s 1/2 ✓

Displacement max positive at: 1.25 s 1/2 ✓

6.25 s 1/2 ✓

Displacement max negative at: 3.75 s 1/ ✓

8.75 s 1/ ✓

Correct period calculated 1/2 ✓

16.3 Briefly explain what resonance is. 2)

16.3 The increase in amplitude ✓ when an oscillator is exposed to a force 1/2 ✓ whose
frequency is equal or very close to the natural frequency of the oscillator. 1/2 ✓

The End


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