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1. Define Cancer.

cancer is an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells.

2. Explain the difference between benign and malignant tumors.

the difference about them is that benign slowly grows surrounding prevent from spreading from
the original site and are noncancerous and malignant spreads tissues and through blood or
lymph to other parts of the body and its cancerous.

3. List four classifications of cancers and the tissues they affect.

1. Lymphomas are cancers of the immune system

2. Leukemias are cancers of the blood-forming organs
3. Carcinomas are cancers of the glands and body linings, including
the skin and the linings of the digestive tract and lungs
4. Sarcomas are cancers of connective tissue, including bones,
ligaments, and muscle

4. List four major risk factors for cancer that are associated with lifestyle behaviors.
1. using tobacco
2. sexually transmitted diseases
3. dietary factors
4. skin radiation

5. Why do you think skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States?

I think the most common cancer is skin cancer.

6. What is the most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of skin cancer?

The most important thing to reduce skin cancer is limit your time in the sun and wear sunscreen.
7. Name two factors that determine the survival rate for cancer.

Two factors are early detention and treatment of cancer

8. List seven warning signs of cancer.

1. skin cancer is a change in skin new growth mole, freckle.
2. breast cancer is unusual lump
3. prostate is frequent or painful urination.
4. lung are later symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath wheezing, coughing off blood,
and hoarness.
5.colon/rectum is later symptoms like blood in feces, frequent pains, aches, or cramps in
6.mouth is a sore or lump that doesn't heal
7.cervix is small, hard painless lump.

9. What are two important means of early cancer detection?

Two important means are screenings and being aware of your body.

10. List and describe five types of treatment used for cancer.
1. surgery- removes all or some of the cancerous of the body
2. radiation therapy - the radiation kills and shrinks the cancer.
3. chemotherapy- it uses chemicals to destroy cancer cells.
4. immunotherapy- it activates a persons immune system to see the specific cancers and
destroys them
5. hormone therapy- uses medicine that interfere with the production of hormones they
kill cancer or slows their growth.

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