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HenvQ m. Sage
Cornell University Library
BS2088 .A2 1839
New Testament n the common version / wi

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Cornell University

The original of this book is in

the Cornell University Library.

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WTio is substituted for which, when it refers to persons.

Will is substituted for shall in many passages. Shall, in the

second and third persons, expresses a promise, a command,

or a threatening, and with emphasis, a determination. This
is always true in declaratory phrases. " If any man will

do his will, he shall know concerning the doctrine." Shall

here expresses a promise. But when Christ says, " The

brother shall deliver up the brother to death"
—" Ye shall

be hated by all men" —He means only to foretell _ihsse

events : shtdl, therefore, is improper, and I have substituted

will. This use of shall, contrary to the present and gen-

uine English idiom, was noticed by Bishop Lowth.

To, for unto, is used in all cases. Unto is not an original and
legitimate word in our language ; it is never used, except

in the Bible, and it ought not to be in the books.

Matt. 1. 19. Unpurposed, for he was minded to put her away.

Matt. ii. 4. Assembled all the chief priests, for gathered

12. Warned hy God, for of God.

12. Had departed, for was departed ; this lat-

ter phrase is not good English.

Matt. iii. 6. Baptized 5y him, for of him.
16. Immediately, for stfaitway.

Matt. iv. 2. Hungry, for an hungered.

6. Uphold, for Sear «Aee up.
21. 5oai, for .jAip. There were no ^sAips on the
Lake Gennesaret.
24. Demons, for devils. The use of (Ze«& for
demons in the common version, is a great
error. There is but one devil mentioned
in the original Scriptures.

Matt. V. 1. He ascended a mountain, for he went up into a

mountain. A person cannot go into a
21. Ye have heard it was said to them of old
time, for by them, which is a wrong
translation, v. 27.

32. Lewdness, for fornication.

Matt. vi. 25. Be not anxious, for take no thought, and in other
Matt. vi. 30. Artayeth, for clothe.. To clothe grass is doing
violence to language ; but array imphes
adorning, as well as. clothing, and. this
word corresponds with that in v. 3Q.

Matt. ix. 12. Healed, iozmade whole.

Matt.xxii. 9. Luke, xiv. 12. Invite, for hid.

Matt, xxiii. 24. Strain out a gnat, for strain at. The latter is

a false translation, or a misprint. .

Matt. xxiv. 19. Nurse infants, for give suck. Mark, xiii. 17.

Matt. XXV. 28. Luke, xxii. 20. New Covenant, for New Tes-
tament. All commentators agree in this.
1 Cor. xi. 25.
Mark, i. 7. Luke, iii. 16. John, i..27. Leose, for utdoose.
The latter is always improper.
Luke, ii. 44. Kinstnen, for hinsfolhs.

Luke, XV. 23, 29.' Joyful, for merry.

Luke, xvii. 9. Suppose, for trow.

John, xi. 39. His body is offensive, for he stinketh.

Acts, V. 26. For they feared the people, lest they should be
stoned, for lest they should have been
stoned. This last form of the verb is a
common error. The worifeared express-
es the time, and then the act of stoning
was future a,ni expected; but the words
should have been, refer back to a time past.
See Acts, xxii. 30.

Acts, vii. 45. Joshua, for Jesus, and Heb. iv. 8.

Acts, xii. 4. Passover, for Easter; the latter is a mistake.

The feast kept in the days of the apos-

tles was the Jewish passover:

Acts, xxi. 15. Furniture, for carriage, and in all other places.
Carriage in the Bible signifies baggage
but it has lost that signification in pre-

sent usage.

Rom. vii. 16. Assent, for consent.

Rom. viii. 21. That, for because. This is a material correc-

tion. No point should be placed after


1 Cor. iv. 4. I know nothing against myself, for by myself,

which is an error in the translation.
1 Cor. vii. 40. But according to my judgment, she is happier,

if she so remain, instead of " But she is

happier if she so remain, .after my judg-
2 COr. i, 12. Gal. i. 13. Department, or manner of life, for

conveTsation. Conversation in the Bible

never signifies, discourse.

1 Tim. i. 15. Acceptance, iot acceptation. Chap. ir. 2.

1 Tim. iii. 13. Procure ^ for purchase.

1 Tim. vi. 3. Assenteth, for conseriteth.

Rev. iii. 16. Vomit, far spew.

Rev. iv. 6, 7, &e. Living beings, for beasts. It is said that a

president of one of our Colleges, once
remarked to his pupils, " There are no
beasts in heaven."

Holy Spirit, for Holy Ghost ; the latter is now generally ap-
plied to an apparition.

Many people, for much people.







Matthew 28 1 Timothy 6
Mark 16 2 Timothy 4
Luke 24 Titus . r 3
Jolin 21 Philemon 1
The Acts 28 Hebrews 13
The Epistle to the Romans . 16 James . , 5

1 Corinthians 16 1 Peter . 5
^ Corinthians 13 2 Peter . 3
Gralatians 6 1 John . 5
Ephesians 6 2 John 1

Philippians 4 3 John . 1
Colossians 4 Jude . . 1
1 'I'hessalonians 5 Revelation 22
2 Thessalonians 3

Entered, according to the Act of Congress, m the year 1833,


' LL. D.,

ii) the Clerk's Office of the District of Connecticut.

1, The Gospel by MATTHEW.
CHAPTER I. generations; and £rom the carrying
I The «nealqg7 of Christ from Abraham to away into Babylon to Christ are four-
Joseph ;8 He was conceived by the Holy
teen generations.
Spirit, and bom of the Virgin Mary, when
she was espoused to Joseph. 19 The angel 18 IT Nowthe birth of Jesus Christ
was in this manner When his mother
satisfleth the misdeeming thoughts of Jo- :

seph, and interpieteth the names of Christ

Mary was espoused to Joseph, before
THE book of the generation of Je- they came together, she was found
sus Christ, the son of David, the with child by the Holy Spirit.
son of Abraham. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being
2 Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac a just man, and not willing to make

begat Jacob ; and Jacob begat Judah her a pubUc example, purposed to put
ana his brethren her away privately.
3 And Judah begat Phares and Za- 20 But while he thought on these
ra of Thamar ; and Phares begat Es- things, the angel of the Lord appeared
rom ; and Esrom begat Aram to him in a dream, saying, Joseph,
4 And Aram begat Aminadab ; and thou son of David, fear not to take to
Aminadab begat 'Naasson ; and Naas- thee Mary thy wife : for that which is
son begat Salmon conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit.
6 And Salmon begat Booz of Ra- 21 And she shall bring forth a son,
chab ; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth and thou shalt call his name JESUS
and Obed begat Jesse for he shall save his people from their
6 And Jesse begat David the king sins.
and David the king begat Solomon of 22 Now all this was done, that it
ner thai had been me wife of Uriah might be fulfilled which was spoken
7 And Solomon begat ItobAani; from the Lord by the prophet, saying,
and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with
begat Asa child, and shall bring forth a son, and
8 And Asa begat Josaphat ; and Jo- they shall call his name Emmanuel,
saphat begat Joram; and Joram begat which being interpreted is, God with
Ozias us.
9 AJid Ozias begat Joatham; and 24 Then Joseph, being raised from
Joatham begat Acnaz ; and Achaz be- sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had
gat Ezekias bidden him, and took to him his wife
10 And Ezekias begat Manasses; 25 And knew her not till she had
and Manasses begat Amon; and brought forth her first-bom son : and
Amon begat Josias he cSled his name JESUS.
11 Ancf Josias begat Jechonias and, CHAPTER II.
his breflireii, about the time they were
I The maglans from the east are directed to
carried away to Babylon Christ by a star. 11 They worship him, and
12 And after they were brought to oflfer their presents. 14 Joseph lleeth into
Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; Egypt with Jesus and his mother. 16 Herod
Blayeth the children. SO Himself dieth. 23
and Salathiel begat Zorobabel Christ Is brought back again into Galilee to
13 And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and Nazareth.
Abiud begat EUakim; and Eliakim
begat Azor;
NOW, after Jesus was bom in Beth-
lehem of Judea in the days of Her-
14 And Azor begat Sadoc and Sa- ; od the king, behold, there came wise
doc begat Achim and Achim begat
; men from the east to Jerasalem,
Blind; 2 Saying, Where is he that is born
15 And Eliud begat Eleazar; and king of the Jews'? for we have seen
Eleazar begat Matthan ; and Ittatthan his star in the east, and have come to
begat Jacob worship him.
16 And Jacob begat Joseph the hus- 3 When Herod the king had heard
band of Mary, of whom was bom Je- these tltings,he was trotibled, and all
sus, who is called Christ. Jerusalem with him.
17 So all the generations from Abra- 4 And when he had assembled all
ham David are fourteen genera-
to the chief priests and scribes of the
tions and from David until the car-
people, he inquired of them where
rying away into Babylon are foiurteen Christ should be born.
CrueUy of Herod. MATTHEW. John the Baptist.
5 And they said to him, In Bethle- 18 In Rama was there a voice heard,
hem of Judea foi; thus it is written by
: lamentatiorx, and weeping, and great
the prophet, mourning, Rachel weeping for her
6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land children, and would not he comforted,
of Judah, art not the least among the because they are not.
princes of Judah: for out of thee shall 19 IT But when Herod was dead,
come a Governor, that shall rule my behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth
people Israel. m a dream to Joseph in Egyp^
7 Then Herod, when he had pri- 20 Saying, Arise, ana take the
vately called the wise men, inquired of young child and his mother, and go
them diligenlly what time the star ap- into the land of Israel for they are :

dead who sought the young child's

8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, life.
and said. Go, and search diligently for 21 And he arose, and took the young
the young child ; and when ye have child and his mother, and came into
found him, bring me word again, that the land of Israel.
I may come and worship him also. 22 But when he heard that Arohe-
9 When they had heard the king, laus reigned in Judea in the roorn of
they departed ; and lo, the star, which his father Herod, he was afraid to
they saw in the east, went before go thither: notwithstanding, being
them, till it came and stood over where warned by God iii a dream, he turned
the young child was. aside into the parts of Galilee :
10 When they saw the star, they 23 And he came and dwelt in a city
rejoiced with exceeding great joy. called Nazareth that it might be ful-

U IT And when they had come into' filled which was spoken by the pro-
the house, they saw the young child phets. He shall be called a Nazarene.
with Mary his mother, and fell down
aiid worshiped him and when they
1 .John pxeacheth His office, life, and bap*

had opened their treasures, they pre- tism. 7 He

reprehendeth the Pharisees,

sented to him gifts gold, and frank-

13 and bapttzeth Christ in Jordan.

incense, and myrrh. those days came John the Bap-

12 And being warned by God in-
IN tist, preaching 'in the wilderness of
dream that they should not return to Judea,'
Herod, they departed into their own 2 And saying. Repent ye : for the
country another way. kingdom of heaven is at haiid.
13 And when they had departed, 3 For this is he that vras spoken of
behold, the angel of the Lord appear- by the prpphet Isaiah,, saying, The
eth to Joseph in a dream, saying, voice of one crying in the wil£mess.
Arise, and take the young child and his Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make
mother, and flee into Egypt, and be his paths straight.
thou there until I bring thee word for : 4 And the same John had his rai-
Herod will seek the young child to de- ment of camel's hair, and a leathern
stroy him. girdle about his loins ; and his food
14 When he arose, he took the was locusts and wild honey.
young child and his mother by night, 5 "Then went out to him Jerusalem,
and cfeparted into Egypt and all Judea, and all the region about
15 And was there until the death Jordan,
of Herod: that it might be fulfilled 6 And were baptized by him in Jor-
which was spoken from the Lord by dan, confessing their sins.
the prophet, saying. Out of Egypt 7 If But when he saw many of the
have 1 called my son. Pharisees and Sadducees come to hi?
16 V Then Hetod, when ho saw baptism, he said to them, O generation
that he was mocked by the wise men, of vipers, who hath warned you to flee
was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, from the wrath to come ?
and slew all the children that were in 8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet
Bethlehem, and in all its bordersj from for repentance
two years old and under, according to 9 And think not to say within your-
the time which he had dihgently in- selves. We
have Abrahain for our
quired of the wise men. father: for I say to you, that God
17 Then was fulfilled that which is able of these stones to raise iip chil-
was Spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, dren to Abraham.
saying, 10 And now also the ax is laid to
Oiriet tempted. CHAPTER IV. ApostUa called.
the root of the trees: therefore every 7 Jesus said him, It is written
tree which bringeth not forth good againj Thou shall not tempt the hoti
fhiit is hewn down, and cast into the thy God.
fire. 8 Again, the devil taketh him up
11 I indeed baptizeyou with water upon an exceeding high mountain, and
to repentance: but he that coraeth showeth him all the kingdoms of the
aflBr me is mightier than I, whose worid, and the glory of them,
shoes I am not worthy to bear: 9 And saith to him, All these thingB
he will baptize you with the Holy will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down
Spirit, and with fire and worship me.
12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he 10 Then saith Jesus to him. Begone,
will thoroughly elean^fe his floor, and Satan: for it is written. Thou shall
gather his wheat into the granary worship the Lord thy God, and him
But he will bum the chaff with un- only shalt thou serve.
quenchable fire. 11 Then the devil leaveth himj and
13 IT Then cometh Jesus from Gal- behold, angels came and ministered to
ilee to Jordan to John, to be baptized him.
by him; 12 IT Now when Jesus had heard
14 But John forbad him, saying, I that John was cast into prison, he de-
have need to be baptized by thee, and parted into Galilee.
comest thou to mel 13 And leaving Nazareth, he came
15 And Jesus answering said to him. and dwelt in Capernaum, which is
Suffer it to be so now : for thus it be- upon the sea coast, in the borders of
cometh us to fidfill all righteousness. Zabulon and Nephthalim;
Then he suffered him. 14 That it might be fulfilled which
16 And Jesus, when he was bap- was spoken by Isaiah the prophet,
tized,went up immediately out of the saying,
water : andlo, the heavens were open- 15 The lahd of Zabulon, and the
ed to him, and he saw the Spirit of land of Nephthalim, by the way of
God descending like a dove, and light- the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the
ing upon him Gentiles
17 And lo, a voice from heaven, say- 16 The people who sat indarkheasj
ing. This is my beloved Son, in whom saw great light ; and to them who sat
I am well pleased. in the region and shades of death, light
CHAPTER IV. hath arisen.
1 Christ fastetli, and Is tempted. 11 The an- 17 IT From that tune Jesus began to
gels minister to him. 13 He dwelteth in ' preach, and to say, Repent: for the
Capernaum, 17 be^inneth to-prea£h, 18 call- kingdom of heaven is at hand.
etta Peter and Andrew, 21 James and John,
S3 and bealeth all the diseased. IS IT And Jesus, walking by the sea
THEN was Jesus led by the
into the wilderness, to be tempted
spirit of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon
called Peter, and Andrew his brother,
by the devil. casting a net into the sea : for they
2 And when he had fasted forty days were fishers.
and forty nights, he was afterward 19 And he saith to them. Follow
hungry. me, and 1 make you fishers of men.
3 And when the tempter came to 20 And they immediately left their
Hun, he said, If thou art the son of (Jod, nets, and followed him.
command that these stones be made 21 And going on from thence, he
bread. saw other two brethren, James the son
4 But he answered and said. It is of Zebedee, and John his brother, in
written, Man shall not live by bread a boat with Zebedee their father,
alone, but by every word that pro- mending their nets: and he called
ceedeth out of the mouth of God. them.
5 Then the devil taketh him up in- 22 And they immediately left the
to the holy city, and setteth him on a boat, and their father, and followed
pinnacle of the temple, him.
6 And saith to him, If thou art the 23 IT And Jesus went about all Gali-
Son of God, cast thyself down, for it lee, teaching in their synagogues, and

is written, He will give his angels preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
charge concerning thee and in thitir: and healuig all manner of sickness,
hands they will uphold thee, lest at any and all manner of disease among the
tune thou dash thy foot against a stone. people.
1* 6
MATTHEW. on the mount.
24 And his fame spread throughout i 15 Neither do men light a candle^
all Syria: and they brought to him and put it under a close vessel, but on
all sick people that were taken with- a candlestick: and it giveth light to
diverse diseases and torments, and all that are in the house.
those who were possessed with de- 16 Let your light, so shine before
mons, and those who were lunatic, men, that they may see your good
and those that had the palsy; and works, and glorify your Father who
he healed them. is in heaven.
25 And there followed him great 17 IT Think not that I am come to
multitudes of people from Galilee, and destroy the law, or the prophets : I am
from Decapolis, and/rom Jerusalem, not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
and from Judea, and from beyond 18 For verilV I say to you. Till
Jordan. heaven and earth ^all pass away,
CHAPTER V. one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
X Christ beglnneth his sermon on the mount pass from the law, till all be fulfil-
3 declaring who are blessed, \i who are the led.
salt of the earth, 14 the light of the world,
19 Whoever therefore shall break
the city on ahiU is the candle 17 that he
: :

came to ftilfill the law. 21 What it is to one of these least commandments,

kill, 27 to commit adultery, 33 to swear and shall teach men so, he shall be
38 exhorteth to suffer wrong, 44 to love
even our enemies, 48 and tn labor after called the least in the kingdom of
perfectness. heaven but whoever shall do, and

A ND seeing the multitudes, he as- teach them, the same shall be called
./JL cendeda mountain : and when he great in the kingdom of heaven.
was seated, his discipli 3 came to him. 20 For I say to you. That except
2 And he opened his mouth, and your righteousness shaU exceed the
taught them, saying, righteousness of the scribes and Phar-
3 Blessed ore the poor in spirit for isees, ye shall in no case enter into the
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn for H Ye have heard that it was said
they shall be comforted. to them of old time. Thou shalt not
6 Blessed are the meek : for they kill and whoever shall lull, shall be

shall inherit the land. in danger of the judgment

6 Blessed ore they who hunger and 22 But I say to you. That whoever
thirst for righteousness for they shall
: is angry with his brother vrithovt a
be filled. cause, shall be in danger of the judg-
7 Blessed arc. themercifiil : for they ment : and whoever shall say to his
shall obtain mercy. brother, Raca, shall be in danger of
8 Blessed are the piu-e heart for m : the council: but whoever shall say.
they shall see God. Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell-
9 Blessed ore the peace-makers fire.
for they shall be called the children of . 23 Therefore if thou shall bring thy
God. gift tothe altar, and there remember
10 Blessed art they who are perse- that thy brother hath aught against
cuted for righteousness' sake for : thee J
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 24 Leave there thy gift before the
il Blessed are ye when men shall altar, and go ; first be reconciled to
revile you, and persecute j/oa, and thy brother, and then come and ofTer
shall say all manner of evil against thy gift.
you falsely, for my sake. 25 Agree -with thy adversary
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad quickly, while thou art in the way
for great is your reward in heaven with ; Km
lest at any time the adver-
for so they persecuted the prophets sary deUver thee to the Judge, and the
who were before you. judge deliver thee to the officer, and
13 IT Ye are the salt of the earth thou be cast into prison.
but if the salt hath lost its savor, with 26 Verily, I say to thee, thou shalt
what shall it be salted ? it is thence- by no means come out thence, till thou
forth good for nothing, but to be~cast hast paid the uttermost farthing.
onit, and to be trodden under foot by 27 IT Ye have heard that it was said
men. to them of old time. Thou shalt not
14 Ye are the light of the world.- commit adultery
A city that is set on a hill cannot te 28 But I say to you. That whoever
lud. loojseth on a woman to lust after her,
Tktstrmon CHAPTER VI. on the mount.
hath committed adtiltery with her al- 45 That ye may be the children of
ready in his heart. your Father who is in heaven for he :

29 And if thy right eye ahall cause maketh the sun torise on the evil and
thee to sin, pluck it out, and cast it on the good, and sendeth rain on the
bom thee : for it is profitable for thee just and on the unjust.
that one of thy members should 46 For if ye love them who love
perish, and not that thy whole body you, what reward have yel do not
should be cast into hell. even the pubhcans the same ?
30 And if thy right hand shall cause 47 And if ye salute your brethren
thee to sin, cut it off, and cast it from only, what do ye more than others 7
thee : for it is profitable for thee that do not even the pubhcans so'?
one of thy members should perish, and 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as
not that thy whole body should be your Fattier who is in heaven is per-
cast into hell. fect.
31 It hath been said. Whoever shall CHAPTER VI.
put away his wife, let him give her a 1 Chriitcontlnuethhlssennouon themount,
speaking of alms, 5 prayer, 14 fOTgivlns
writing of divorcement our brethren, 16 fiistin^, 18 where our
32 But I say to you. That whoever treasure is tobe laid up, S4 of scTvln^ God
shall put away his wife, saving for the anrl mammon : 25 c:eliorteth not to be anx-
ious for worldly things ; 33 but to seek
cause of lewdness, causeth her to Gni'-s klnedom.
commit adultery : and whoever shall
marry her that is divorced, commit-
TAKE heed that ye do not your
alma before men, to be seen by
teth adultery. them: otherwise ye have no reward
33 11 Agam, ye have heard that it from your Father who is in heaven.
hath been said to them of old time. 2 Tlierefore, when thou doest thy
Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but alms, do not sound a trumpet before
shalt perform to the Lord thy o^ths thee, as the hypocrites do, in the syn-
34 But I say to you. Swear not at agogues, and in the streets, that they
all: neither by heaven i for it is God's may have glory from men. Verily, I
throne say to you, they have their reward.
35 Nor by the earth ; for it is his 3 But when thou doest alms, let
footstool : neither by Jerusalem ; for not thy left hand know what thy right
it is the city of the ^eat King, hand doeth
36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy 4 That thy alms may be in secret
head, because thou canst not make and thy Father who seeth in secret,
one hair white or black. himself will reward thee openly.
37 But let your communication be. 5 II And when thou prayest, thou
Yea, yea, Nay, nay for whatever is
: shalt not be as the hypocrites are : for
more than these cometh firom evil. they love to pray standing in the syn-
38 IT Ye have heard that it hath been agogues, and in the corners of the
said. An eye for an eye, and a tooth streets, that they may be seen by men.
for a tooth. Verily, I say to you, they have their
39 But I say to you. That ye resist reward.
not evil but whoever shall stnke thee
: 6 But thou, when thou prayesi, en-
on thy right cheek, turn to him the ter into thy closet, and when thou
other also. hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
40 And if any man will sue thee at who is in secret, and thy Father who
the law, and- take away thy coat, let seeth in secret, will reward thee openly.
him have thy cloke also. 7 But when ye pray, use not vam
41 And whoever shall constrain repetitions, as the heathen do: for
thee to go one mile, go with him two. they think that they shall be heard for
42 Give to him that asketh thee, their much speaking.
and from him that would borrow of 8 Therefore be ye not like them : for
thee, turn noi thou away. your Father knoweth what things ye
43 IT Ye have heard that it hath need before ye ask him.
been said. Thou shalt love thy neigh- 9 After this manner therefore pray
bor, and hate thy enemy ye Our Father who art in heaven,

44 But I say to you, Love your ene- Hallowed be thy name.

mies, bless them that curse you, do 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will
good to them that hate you, and pray be done on earth as it is in heaven.
for them who despitefiilly use you, 11 Give us this day our daily
and persecute you i bread.
TSe sermon MATTHEW. on the mount.
12 And formve us our debta, as we ment? Consider the lilies of the field
forgive our debtors. how they grow? they toil not, neither
13 And lead us not into temptation, do they smn
but deliver us from evil. For thine is 29 And
yet I say to you, that even
the kingdom, and the power, and the Solomon m
all his glory was not ar-
glory, for ever. Amen. rayed like one of these.
14 For, if ye forgive men their tres- 30 Wherefore, if God doth so array
passes, your heavenly Father will al- the grass of the field, which to-day is,
so formve you and to-morrow is cast into the oven,
15 But if ye forgive not men their will he not much more clothe you, O
trespasses, neither will your Father ye of little faith?
forgive your trespasses. 31 Therefore be not anxious, saying.
16 IT Moreover, when ye fast, be What shall we eat? or what shall We
not as the hypocrites, of a sad coun- drink? or, with what shall we he
tenance for they disfigure their faces,
: clothed?
that they may appear to men to fast. 32 (For after all these things do the
Verily, I say unto you, they have their Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Fa-
reward. ther knoweth that ye have need of all
17 But thou, when thou fastest, these things.
anoint thy head, and wash thy face 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of
18 That thou mayest not appear to God, and his righteousness, and aS
men to fast, but to thy Father, who these things shall be added to you.
is in secret: and thy Father, who 34 Therefore be not anxious for the
seeth in secret, will reward thee open- morrow : for the morrow will be soli-
ly- citous for the things of itself. SufiS-
19 IT Lay not up for yourselves cient to the day is its own evil.
treasures upon earth, where moth and
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
1 Christ endeth his seimon on the mount, re-
break through and steal proveth rash judgment, 6 forbMdeth to case
2ft But lay up for yourselves treas- holy things todogs, Texhorteth to prayer, IS
to enter into the strait gate, 15 to L'e-.vare of
ures in heaven, where neither moth false prophets, 31 not to he hearers only, but
nor rust doth corrupt, and where Lloers of the won], 24 like houses built on
thieves do not break through nor a rock, and not un the sand.

steal. JUDGE not, that ye be not judged.

21 For where your treasure is, there 2 For with what judgment ye
vnll your heart be also. judge, ye shall be judged : and the
22 The hght of the body is the eye measure which ye give, shall be meas-
iftherefore thy eye be single, thy ured to you again.
whole body will be full of hgnt. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote
23 But if thy eye be evil, thy whole that is in thy brother's eye, but con-
body will be full of darkness. If siderest not the beam that is in thy
therefore the light that is in thee is own eye?
darkness, how great is that darkness 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy
24 IT No man can serve two mas- brother. Let me pull the mote out of
ters : for either he vrill hate the one, thine eye; and behold, a beam is in
and love the other ; or else he will hold in thy own eye?
to the one, and despise the other. Ye 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast the
cannot serve God and mammon. beam out of tny own eye ; and then
25 Therefore I say to you, Be not shalt thon see clearly to cast the mote
anxious for your life, what ye shall out of thy brother's eye.
eat, or what ye shall drink ; nor yet 6 IT Give not that which is holy to
for your body, what ye shall put on. dogs, neither cast ye yom pearls before
Is not the life more than food, and the swine, lest they trample them under
body than raiment? their feet, and turn again and rend
26 Behold the fowls of the air : for you.
they sow not, neither do they reap, 7 IT Ask. and it shall be given you
nor gather into bams ; yet your heav- seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and
enly Father feedeth them. Are ye the door shall be opened to you '.

not much better than they? 8 For every one that asketh, re-
27 Which of you by anxious care ceiveth ; and he that seeketh, findeth
can add one cubit to his stature? and to him that knocketh, the door
28 And why are ye anxious for rai- shall be opened.
Christ endtth his CHAPTER VIII. temion on the mount.
9 Or what man is there of you, who, not, shallbe likened to a foolish man,
if his son shall ask bread, will give who built his house upon the sand
.him a stone 1 27 And the rain descended, and the
10 0!°tf "he shall ask a fish, will he floods came, and the winds blew, and
give him a serpent 1 beat upon that house ; and it fell, and
U If ye then being evil know how great was the fall of it.
to give good gifts to your children, 28 And it came to pass when Jesus
how much more shall your Father had ended these saymgs, the people
who is in heaven give good things to were astonished at his doctrine.
them that ask him? 29 For he taught them as one hav-
12 Therefore all things whatever ing authority, and hot as the scribes.
ye would that men should do to yon,
do ye even so to them : for this is the
2 Christ cleansetb the leper, s healeth the
law and the prophets. centurlon^s servant, 14 Peter's mother-in-
13 IT Enter ye in at the strait gate law, 16 and many other diseased: 19 show*
for wide is the gate, and broad is the eth how he is to be followed 23 stllleth the

tempest on the sea, 28 driveth the demons

way, that leadeth to destruction, and out of two men possessed, 32 and suffereth
many there are who go in by it. them to go into the swine.
14 Because strait is the gate, and
narrow is the way, which leadeth to
he had come down from
the great multitudes
life, and few there are that find it. followed him.
15 Beware of false prophets, who
IT 2 And behold, there came a leper
come to you in sheep's clothing, but and worshiped him, saying, Lord, if
inwardly they are ravening wolves. thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
16 Ye shall know them by their 3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and
fruits : Do men gather grapes from touched him, saying, I will; be thou
thorns, or figs firom thistles clean. And immeimtely his leprosy
17 Even so every good tree bring- was cleansed.
eth forth good fruit ; but a corrupt tree 4 And Jesus saith to him. See thou
bringeth forth evil fruit. tell no man ; butgo, show thyself to
18 A
good tree cannot bring forth the priest, and ofier the gift that Mo-
evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree ses commanded, for a testimony to
bring forth good fruit. them.
19 Every tree that bringeth not 6 IT And when Jesus had entered
forth good fruit is hewn down, and into Capernaum, there came to him a
cast into the fire. centurion, beseeching him^
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall 6 And saying, Lord, servant my
know them. lieth at home sick with the palsy,
21 IT Not every one that saith to grievously tormented.
me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the . 7 And Jesus saith to him, I will
kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth come and heal him.
the will of my Father who is in heav- 8 The centurion answered and said,
en. Lord, I am not worthy that thou
22 Many will say to me shoiUdst come under my roof; but
in that
day. Lord, Lord, have we speak the word only, and my servant
not proph-
esied m
thy name'! and in thy
will be healed.
name have cast out demons'! and 9 For I am a man under authority,
in thy name done many wonderful having soldiers under me : and I say
works'! to this man, Gro, and hegoeth ; and tig
23 And then will I profess to them, another. Come, and he cometh ; and
I never knew you : depart from me, to my servant. Do this, and he doeth
ye that work iniquity. it.

24 H Therefore whoever heareth 10 When Jesus heard it, he mar-

these sayings of mine, and doeth veled, and said to them that followed.
them, I willliken him to a wrise man, Verily I say to you, I have not found
who built his house upon a rock so great faith, no, not in Israel.
25 And the rain descended, and the 11 And I say to you, that many
floods came, and the winds Mew, and shall comefi'om the east and the west,
beat upon that house ; and it fell not and shall sit down with Abraham,
for it was founded upon a rock^ and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom
26 And every one that heareth of heaven.
these sayings of mine, and doeth thero 12 But the children of the kmgdom
Christ sWeth the tempest, MATTHEW. and casieth out devils.

shall be cast out into utter darkness come hither to torment us before the
there shall be weeping and gnashing time 1
of teeth. 30 And there was a good way on
13 And Jesus said to the centurion, from them a herd of many swine,
Depart; and as thou hast believed, feeding.
so be it done to thee. And his servant 31 So the demons besought hmi,
was healed in the same hour. saying. If thou expellest us, suffer us
14 IT And when Jesus had come to go away into the herd of swine.
into Peter's house, he saw his wife's 32 And he said to them. Go. And
mother laid, and sick with a fever. when they had come out, they went
15 And he tcJuched her hand, and into the herd of swine : and behold,
the fever left her: and she arose, and the whole herd of swine ran violently
ministered to them. down a steep place into the sea, and
16 H When tlie evening was come, perished in tne waters.
they brought to him many that were 33 And they that kept them; fled,
possessed with demons and he cast
: and went into the city, and told every
out the spirits with his word, and thing; and what had befallen to the
healed all that were sick possessed with demons.
17 That it might be fiilfaied which 34 And behold, the whole city came
was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, out to meet Jesus : and when they
saymg. He himself took our infirmi- saw him, they besought him that he
ties, and bore our sicknesses. would depart out of their borders.
18 Now when Jesus saw great
multitudes about him, he gave com-
mandment to depart to the other side. 2 Christ curingone sick with palsy, 9 calleth
Matthew, eatethwith publicans and sin-
19 And a certain scribe came, and ners, 11 defendeth his disciples for not last-
said to him. Master, I will follow thee ing, 20 cureth the bloody issue, 23 ralseth
IVom death Jairus's daughter, 27 giveth
whithersoever thou goest. sight to two blind men, 32 healeth a dumb
20 And Jesus saith to him. The man possessed with a demon, 36 and hath
foxes have holes, and the birds of the compassion on the multitude.
air have nests but the Son of man

hath not where to lay his head.

AND he entered
and came
into boat, and
into his
21 And another of his disciples said own city.
to him. Lord, suffer me first to go and 2 And behold, they brought to him
bury my father. a man sick with the palsy, lying on a
22 But Jesus said to him; Follow
• bed : and Jesus, seeing their faith, said
me and let
; bury their dead.
the dead to the sick of the palsy, Son, be of
23 V And when he had entered' into good cheer; thy sins are formven thee.
a boat, his disciples followed him. 3 And behold, certain of nie scribes
24 And behold, there arose a great said within themselves. This man,
tempest in the sea, insomuch that the blasphemeth.
boat was covered vrith the waves but : 4 And Jesus, knowing their
he was asleep. thoughts, said. Why think ve evil in
25 And his disciples came to him, your tiearts 1
and awoke him, saying, Lord, save 5 For which is easier, to say, Thy
us: we perish. sins are forgiven thee; or to say,
26 And he saith to them. Why are Arise, and walk?
ve fearful, ye of little faith ? Then 6 But that ye may know that the
ne arose, and rebuked the winds and Son of man hath power on earth to
the sea; and there was a great calm. forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick
27 But the men marveled, saying. with the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed,
What manner of man is this, that even and go to thy house.
the winds and the sea obey him 7 And he arose, and departed to his
28 IT And when he had come to the house.
other side, into the country of the Ger- 8 But when the multitude saw it,
gesenes, there met him two possessed they marveled, and glorified God, who
with demons, coming out of tne tombs, had given such power to men.
exceeding fierce, so that no man might 9 IT And as Jesus was passing from
pass by tnat way. thence, he saw a man named Mat-
29 And behold, they cried out, say- thew, sitting at the receipt of custom
ing. What have we to do with thee, and he saith to him, Follow me. And
Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou he arose, and followed him.
Oirist raiseOifrom CHAPTER X. death Jairus's daugltttr.
10 IT And it came to pass, as Jesus the maid is not deadj but sleepeth.
eat at table in the House, behold, 4nd they derided him.
many publicans and sinners came and 25 But when the people were' put
sat down with him and his disciples. forth, he went in, and took her l^' the
11 And when the Pharisees saw if, hand, and the maid arose.
they said to his disciples. Why eateth 26 And thefame of this went abroad
your master with publicans and sin- into all that land.
ners? 27 IT And when Jesus departed
12 But when Jesus heard Oiat, he thence, two blind men followed him,
said to them. They that are in health crying, and saying, Thau son of Da-
need not a physician, but they that vid, have mercy on us.
are sick. 2S And when he had come into the
_ 13 But go ye and. learn what that housej the blind men came to him
meaneth, I will have mercy, and not and Jesus saith to them, Believe ye
sacrifice; for; I am not come to call that I am able to do this? They said
the righteous, but sinners to repent- to luinf Yes, Lord.
ance. 29 Then he touched their eyes, say-
MTTThen canie to him the disci- ing. According to your faith, so be it
ples of John, saying. Why
do we and to you.
the! Pharisees fast, often, but thy dis- 30 And their eyes were opened; and
ciples fast not? Jpsus strictly charged them, saying,
15 And Jesus said to them. Can the See that no man know it.
children of the bride-chamber mourn, 31 But they, when they had depart-
^. long, as the bridegroom is with ed, spread abroad his fame in all that
them 7 but the days will come, when country.
the bridegroom shall be taken from ^ 32 IT As they went out, behold, they
them, and then they will fast. brought to him a dumb man possess-
IRNo man.putteth a piece of new ed with a demon.
cloth to an old garment: for that 33 And when the denron was cast
which is put in to fill it up, takelh out, the dumb spoke : and the njulti-
from the garment, and the rent is tudes marveled, saying. It was never
made worse. so seen in Israel.
17 Neither do men put new wine 34 But the Pharisees «aid, He cast-
into old battles else the bottles break,
: eth out demons, through the prince of
and the wine runneth out, and the the demons.
bottles perish : but they put new wine 35 And Jesus went about all the cit-
into new bottles, and both are pre- iesand villages, teacMngin their syna-
served. gogues, and preaching the gospel of the
18 i[ While he was speaking these kingdom, and healing every sickness,
things to them, behold, there came a ami every disease among the people.
certain ruler and worshiped him, 36 IT But when he saw the multi-
saying. My
daughter is even now tudes, he was moved with compassion
dead : but come and lay thy hand up-
on them, because they fainted, and
on her, and she will live. were scattered abroad, as sheep hav-
19 And Jesus, aroscj and followed ing no shepherd.
bim, and «o did his disciples. 37 Then saith he to his disciples,
20 IT (And behold, a woman who The harvest truly is plentiful, but the
was diseased with an issue of blood laborers art few.
twelve yeaia, came behind AtTn, B.nd 38 Pray yetherefore the Lord of the
touched the nem df 'his garment. harvest, that he will send forth labor-
21 For she said within herself, If I ers into his harvest.
may but touch his garment, I shall be CHAPTER X.
whole. 1 <31irlstsendeth out his twelve apostles, en.
22 But Jesus turned himself about, abling them with power to do mlvacles, 5
giveth them. their charge, teacheth them,
and when he saw her, he said, Daugh- 16 fortlfieth them agaihst persecutions, 40
ter, he ofgood comfort J thy faith hath and promiseth a blessing to those that re*
made th^ whole. And the woman celve them.

was made^ whole from that hour.)

23 And when Jesus came into the
AND when he had
called to
he gave them
him his

ruler's hous& and saw the minstrels power agaiiut unclean spirits, to cast
and the people making a noisej them out, and to heal all manner of
24 Hesaid to them, Give place: for sickness, and all manner of disease.
Christ gendelh out MATTHEW. his nedvc apostles.

2 Now the names of the twelve 20 For it is not ye that speak, but
apostles are these ; The &st, Simon, the Spirit of your Father which speak-
who is called Peter, and Andrew his eth in you.
brother; James the son of Zebedee, 21 And the brother will deliver up
and John his brother tM brother to death, and the father the
3 Phihp, and Bartholemew ; Thom- child: and the children will rise up
as, and Matthew the publican ; James against tteir parents, and cause them
the son of Alpheus, and Lebbeus, to be put to death.
whose surname was Thaddeus 22 And ye will be hated by all men
4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas for my name's sake : but he that en-
Iscariot, who also betrayed him. dureth to the end shall be saved.
5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, 23 But when they persecute you in
and commanded them, saying, Go not this city, flee ye into another : for ver-
into the way of the Gentiles, and enter ily I say to you. Ye will not have
ye not into any city of the Samaritans. gone over the cities of Israel till the
6 But go rather to the lost sheep of Son of man shall have come.
the house of Israel. 24 The disciple is not above his
7 And as ye go, proclaim, saying. teacher, nor the servant above his
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. lord.
8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, 25 It is enough for the disciple that
raisethe dead, cast out demons: freely he should be as his teacher, and the
ye have received, freely give. servant as his Lord : if they nave cdl-
9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, ed the master of the house Beelzebub,
nor brass in your purses how much more will they call them
10 Nor bag for your journey, nei- of his household 1
ther two coats, neither shoes, nor a 26 Fear them not therefore: for
staff: for the workman is worthy of there is nothing covered, that shall
his food. not be revealed; and hid, that shall
11 And into whatever city or towii not be known.
ye shall enter, inquire who in it is 27 What I tell you in darkness,
worthy, and there abide till ye go that speak ye in light ; and what ye
thence. hear in the ear, that publish ye upon
12 And when ye come into a house, the house-tops.
salute it. 28 And fear not them who kill the
13 And if the house be worthy, let body, but are not able to kill the soul
your peace come upon it but if it be but rather fear him who is able to de-

not worthy, let your peace return to stroy both soul and body in hell.
you. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a
14 And whoever shall not receive farthing ! and not one of them shall
you, nor hear your words, when ye fall on the ground without your
depart from that house, or city, shake Father:
off the dust of your feet. 30 But the very hairs of your head
15 Verily, X say to you. It shall be are all numbered.
more tolerable for the land of Sodom 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of
and Cfomorrah, in the day of judg- more value than many sparrows.
ment, than for that city. 32 Whoever therefore shall confess
16 IT Behold, I send you forth as me before menj him will I also confess
sheep in the midst of wolves : be ye before my Father who is in heaven.
therefore wary as serpents, and harm- 33 But whoever shall deny me be-
less as doves. fore men, him will I also deny before
17 But beware of men: for they my Father who is ui heaven.
will deliver you to the councils, and- 34 Think not that I am come to
they will scourge you in their syna- send peace on earth : I came not to
gogues. send peace, but a sword.
18 And ye will be brought before 35 For I am come to set a man at
governors and kings for my sake, for variance against his father, and the
a testimony agamst them and the daughter against her mother, and the
Gentiles. daughter-in-law against her mother-
19 But when they deliver you up, m-law.
be not anxious how or what ye shall 36 And a man's foes iBill be they
speak, for it shall be given to you in of his own household.
that same hour what ye shall speak. 37 He that loveth father or mother
CknsVs testimony CHAPTER XI. comieming John.
more than me, is not wortby.of me man clothed in soil raiment? Behold,
and he that loveth son or daughter they that wear soft clothing are in
more &an me, is not worthy of kings' houses.
me. 9 But what went ye out to see 1 A
38 And he that taketh not his cross, p^phef! yes, I say to you, and more
and followeth me, is not worthy of than a prophet.
me. 10 For this is he concerning whom
39 He that findeth his life shall itis written. Behold, I send my mes-
lose it : and he that loseth his life for senger before thy face, who shall pre-
my sake, shall find it. pare thy way before thee.
40 IT He that receiveth you, receiv- U
Verily, I say to you, among, them
cth me, and he that receiveth me, re- that are born of women, there hath
ceiveth him that sent me. not risen a greater than John the Bap-
41 He that receiveth a prophet in tist: notwithstanding, he th£^t is least

the name of a prophet, shall receive a in the kingdom of heaven, is greater

prophet's reward , and he that receiv- than he.
eth a righteous man in the name of a 12 And from the days of John the
righteous man, shall receive a righte- Baptist, until now, the kingdom of
ous man's reward.' heaven sufTereth violence, and the
42 And whoever shall give to drink violent take it by force.
to one of these little ones, a cup of 13 For.all the prophets and the law
cold water only, in the name of a dis- prophesied until John.
ciple, verily, I say to you, he shall in 14 And if ye will receive it, this is
no wise lofie his reward. Elijah who was to come.
15 He that hath ears to hear, let
CHAPTER XI. him hear.
3 John sendetb lils disciples to Christ. 7 16 IT But to what shall I Uken this
Christ's testimony concerning Jolm. IS generation 7 It is like to children sit-
The opinion of the people, both concerning
John, and Christ, so Christ ppbraideth the ting in the markets, and calling to
unthankiyjlnesB and impenitence of Choni- their fellows,
zin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum 25 and
praising his Father's wisdom in revealing
17 And saying, We
have piped to
the gospel to the simple, 28 he calleth to you, and ye have not danced ; have We
him all such as feel the burden of their mourned to you, and ye have- not la-
AND came pass when Jesus
it to
had made an end of commanding
18 For John came neither eating

nor drinking, and they say. He hath

his twelve disciples, he departed a demon.
thence to teach and to preach in their 19 The Son of man came eating
citira. and drinking, and they say, Behold, a
2 Now
when John had heard in the man gluttonous, and a wine-bibber,
prison the works of Christ, he sent a friend of publicans and sinners. But
two of his disciples, wisdom is justified by her children.
3 And said to him, Art thou he that 20 IT Then he began to upbraid the
should come, or do we look for an- cities in which most of his mighty
other'? works had been done, because they
4 Jesus ans>yered and said to them. repented not.
Go and show John again those things 21 Woe to thee, Chorazin ; woe to
which ye hear and see thee, Bethsaida for if the mighty

5 The blind receive their sight, and works which have been done in you
the lame walk, the lepers are cleans- had been done in Tyre and Sidon,
ed, and the deaf hear, the dead are they would have repented long ago in
raised, and the poor have the gospel sackcloth and ashes.
preached to them. 22 But I saiy to you. It shall be
6 And blessed is he to whom I shall more tolerable for Tyre arid Sidon at
not be the cause of his falling into the day of judgment, than for you.
23 And thoi^ Capernaum, wnich art
7 IT And as they depitrted, Jesus exalted to heaven, shalt be brought
began to say to tne mu]t|tiides con-r down to hell for if the mighty Works :

ceming John, What went ye out into which; have been done in thee, had
the wilderness to see'? a reed shaken been done in Sodom, it woidd have
with the wind! Kemainediuntil this day.
8 But what went ye out to seel A 24 But I say to you, that it shall be
Qirist reproveth the MATTHEW. blindnetaofthe Pharisees.
more tolerable for the land of Sodom, 9 And when hb had departed thence,
in the day of judgment, than for thee. he went into their syhagogue.
25 IT At that time Jesus answered 10 IT And behold, there v^as a man
and said, I thank thee, Father, Lord who had his hand withered. And they
of heaven and earth, because tlK>u asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal
hast hid these things from the wise on the sabbath ? that they might ac-
and prudent, and hast revealed them cuse him.
%o babes. 11 Arid he said to them, What man
26 Even so. Father, for so it seemed shall there be among you, that shall
good in thy sight. have one sheep, and if it shall fall
27 All things are delivered to me by into a pit on the sabbath, will he not
ray Father; and no manknoweth the lay hold on it, and lift it out 1
Son, but the Father ; neither knoweih 12 How
much then is a man better
any man the Father, save the Son, than a sheep 1 wherefore it is lawful
and he to whomsoever the Son will to do well on the sabbath days.
reveal him. 13 Then saith he to the man,
28 IT Come to me, all ye that labor, Stretch out thy hand. And he stretch-
and are heavy laden, and I will give ed it out; and it was restored to a
you rest. sound state like the other.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and 14 IT Then the Pharisees went out,
learn from me for I am meek and
: and held a council against him, how
lowly in heart ; and ye shall find rest they might destroy him.
to your souls. 15 But when Jesus knew it, he
30 For my yoke is easy, and my vrithdrew himself froin thence: and
burden is light. great multitudes followed him, and he
CHAPTER XII. ealed them all.
I ChilEt Teprovetb tlie blindness of the Phar- 16 And charged them that tliey
isees conceraing the breach of the sabbath, should not make him known
3 by scripture, 10 by reason, 13 anJ by a
17 That it might be fulfilled which
miracle. 22 He healeth the man possessed
that was blind and dumb. 31 Blasphemy was spoken by Isaiah the prophet,
against the Holy Spirit shall never be for- saying,
given. 36 Account shall be eiven of idle my
words. 38 He rebuketh the unl^ithful, who
18 Behold, servant, whom I
seek for a sign, 49 and sboweth who Is his have chosen ; my beloved, in whom
brother, sister, and mother. my joul is well pleased : I will put my

AT that time Jesus went on the

sabbath through the corn, and his
spirit upon him, and he
judgment to the Gentiles.
shall show

disciples' were hungry, and began to 19 He shall not contend,, nor cry
jluck the ears of corn, and to eat. neither shall any man hear his voice
2 But when the Pharisees saw it, in the, streets.
they said to him. Behold, thy disciples 20 ' A bruised reed shall he not break,
do: that which it is not lawful to do on and smoking flax shall he not quench,
the sabbath. till he shall send forth judgment to

3 But he said to them. Have ye not victory. /

read what David did when he was 21 And in his name shall the Gen-
hungry, and they that were writh him j tiles trust.
4 How he entered into the house of 22 IT Then was brought to him one
God, and ate the show-bread, which possessed with a demon, blind and ,

it was not lawful for him to eat, nei- dumb and he healed him, so that the

ther for them who were with him, but bUnd and dumb both spake and saw.
only for the priests 1 23 And all the people were amazed,
5 Or have ye not read in the law, and said. Is not this the son of Da-
that on the sabbath the priests in the vid 1
temple profane the sabbath, and are 24 But when the Pharisees heard
blameless? it, they said; This man doth. i}dt cast
6 But I say to you, that in this out demons, but by Beelzebub tlie
place is one greater than the temple. prince..of the demons.
7 But if ye had known what Oiie 25 And Jesiis knew their thoughts)
{n^neth, I will have mercy, and not and said to thetn. Every kingdom dir
sacrifice, ye would not have condemn- vided against brought to des-
itself, is
ed the ginldess. olation ; and every city or bouse divir
6 For the Son of man is Lord even ded against itself, shall not stand.
of the sabbath. 26 And if Satan casteth out Satan,
Of blasphemy. CHAPTER XIII. Parable qfthe sower.
he isdivided against himself; how 41 The men of Nineveh shall rise
then shall his kingdom stand t in judgment with this generation, and
27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out shall condemn it : because they re-
demons, by whom do yotir children pented at the preaching of Jonah ; and
expel them? therefore they shall be behold, a greater than Jonah is here.
your judges. 42 The queen of the south shall rise
28 But if I cast out demons by the up judgment with this genera-
in the
Spirit of God, then the kingdom of tion, and shall condemn it: for she
God is come to you. came from the uttermost parts of the
29 Or else, how can one enter into earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon j
a strong man's house, and seize his and behold, a greater than Solomon «>'
goods, except he shall first bind the here.
strong man 1 and then he will plunder 43 When the unclean spirit is gone
his house. out of a man, he walketh tnrough dry
30 He that is not with me, is agomst places, seeking rest, and he findeth
me and he that gathereth not with
; none.
ma, scattereth abroad. 44 Then he saith, I will return into
31 IT Wherefore I say to you. All my house from whence 1 came out '

manner of sin and blasphemy shall be and when he is come, he findeth it

forgiven to men :but the blasphemy empty, swept, and garnished'.
against the Holy Spirit shall not be 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with
forgiven to men. him'self feeven other spirits more wibk-
32 And whoever speaketh a word ed than himself, and they enter in anS
against the Son of man, it shall be dwell there and the last state of that

forgiven him : but whoever speaketh man is worse than the first. Even so
against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be shall it be also to this wicked genera-
forgiven him, neither in this world, tion.
neither in the loorld to come. 46 IT While he was yet speakmg t»
33 Either make the tree good, and the people, behold, his mother anahis
its fruit good ; or else make the tree brethren stood without, desiring to
cojTupt, and its fruit corrupt: for the speak with him.
tree is known by its fruit. 47 *rhen one said to him. Behold,
34 O generation of vipers, how can thy mother and thy brethren stand
ye, being evil, speak good things'} for without, desiring to speak ^^ith thee.
out of the abundance of the heart, the 48 But he answered and said to him
mouth speaketh. that told liim. Who is my mothert
35 A good man, out of the good and who are thy brethren 1
treasure of the heart, biingeth forth 49 And he stretched forth hia hand
good things and an evil man, out of
: towards hia disciples, and said, Be-
the evil treasure, bringeth forth evil hold my mother and my brethreh .'

things. 50 For whoever shall do the Will
36 But I say to you. That for every of my Father who is in heaven, the
idle word that men shall apeak, they same is my brother, and sister, aiid
shall give account in the day of judg- mother.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be
The parable of the sower and the se^ : ig
Justified, and by thy words thou shalt the exiiosltlon or It. 94 The parable of the
be condenined. tares, 3l of the mustard-seed, 33 of tt)e
38 IT Then certain of the acrjbes leaven, 44 of thehldilcn treasure, 45 of the
pearl, 47 of thedlaw-net cast into the sea:
and of the Pharisees answered, saying, 53 and how Christ is contemned b/ his own
Master, we would see a sign from '

39 But he answered and said to
THE same day Jesus went out of
the house, and by the sea sat
them. An evil and adulterous genera- side.
tion seeketh for a sign, ana there 2 And
great multitudes were gath-
shall no sig|^ be given to it, but the ered to him, so that he went into a
sign of the flrophet Jonah. boat, and sat down; and the whole
40 For a£ Jonah was three days multitude stood on the shore.
and three rfghts in the whale's belly 3 And he spoke many things to
so will thef Son of man be three days them in parables, saying. Behold, a
and threefliights in the heart of the sower went forth to sow j
earth. 4 And when he sowed, some seeds
Jntention of parables. MATTHEW. Parable of the taret.
fellby the way side, and the fowls in his heart. is he who received
came and devoured them : seed by the way side.
6 Some fell upon stony places, 20 But he that received the seed in-
where they had not much earth and : to stony places, the same is he that
forthwith they sprung up, because heareth the word, and immediately
they had no deepness of earth with joy receiveth it
6 And when the sun had risen, they 21 Yet he hath not root in himself,
were scorched ; and because they had but endureth for a while: for when
pot root, they withered. tribulation or persecution ariseth be-
7 And some fell among thorns; cause of the word, forthwith he is
and the thorns sprung up, and choked offended.
them: 22 He
also that received the seed
8 But others fell into good ground, among the thorns is he that heareth
and brought forth fruit, some a hun- the word ; and the care of this world,
dred-fold, some sixty-fold, some thir- and the deceitSulness of riches choke
ty-fold. the word, and he hecometh unfruitful.
9 Who hath ears to hear, let him 23 But he that receiveth seed into
hear. the good ground is he that heareth the
10 And the disciples came, and said word, and understandeth it; who also
to him. Why speakest thou to them in heareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some
parables "i a hundred fold, some sixty, some
11 He answered and said to them. thirty.
Because it isgiven to you to know 24 IT Another parable he proposed
the mysteries of the lungdom of to them, saying. The kingdom ofheav-
Jieaven, but to them it is not.given. en is likened to a man who sowed
12 For whoever hath, to him shall good seed in his field
be given, and he shall have more 25 But while men slept, his enemy
Abundance: but whoever hath not, came and sowed tares among the
from him shall be taken away even whealt, and departed.
that which he hath. 26 But when the blade; had sprung
13 Therefore I speak to them in up, and brought forth fruit, then ap-
parables : because they seeing see peared the tares also. .

not J and hearing they hear not, nei- ,27 So the servants of the house-
ther do they understand. holder came and said to him, Sir, didst
14 And in them is fulfilled the thou not sow good seed in thy field 7
prophecy of Isaiah, which saith. By from whence then hath it tares 1
hearing ye will hear, and will not un- 28 He said to them. An enemy hath
derstand i and seeing ye will see, and done this. The servants said to him,
and will not perceive Wilt thou then that we go and gather
,- 15 For this people's heart is be- them?
come gross, and thdr ears are dull of 29 But he said. No ; lest while ya
hearing, and their eyes they have gather the tares, ye root up also tne
closed i lest at any time they should wheat with them.
isee with thdr eyes, and hear with 30 Let both grow together until the
^leir ears, and should understand with harvest and in the time of harvest I

their heart, and should be converted, willsay to the reapers. Gather ye first
and should heal them.
I the tares,and bind them in bundles to
16 But blessed are your eyes, for burn them : but gather the wheat into
they see; and your ears, for they my ham.
hear. IT Another parable he proposed
17 For verily I say to you. That to them, saying. The kingdom of
many prophets and righteous men heaven is like a grain of mustard-seed,
have desired to see the things which which a man took, and sowed in his
ye see, and have not seen them ; and field
to hear the things which ye hear, and 32 Which indeed is the least of all
have not heard them, seeds : but when it is grown, it is the
18 IT Hear ye therefore the parable greatest among herbs, and becometh
of the sowei;. a tree, so that the birds of the air come
19 When any one heareth the word and lodge on its branches.
of the kingdom, and understandeth it 33 IT Another parable he spoke to
not, then cbmeth the wicked mie, and themj The kingdom of heaven is like
catcheth away that which was sown leaven, which a woman took, and bid
Christ is contemntd CHAPTER XIV. by his own countrymm.
in three measures of meal, till the and sever the wicked from among the
-whole was leavened. just,
34 All these things Jesus spoke to 50 And shall cast them into the fur-
the multitude in parables and with- ; nace of fire there shall be wailing and

out a parable he spoke not to them : gnashing of teeth.

35 That it might be fulfilled which Bl Jesus saith to them, Have ye
was spoken by the projihet, saving, I understood all these things? They
will open ray mouth m
parables; I say to him. Yea, Lord.
will utter things which have been kept 52 Then said he to them. Therefore
secret from the foundation of the every scribe who is instructed to the
world. kingdom of heaven, is like a man Siat
36 Then Jesus sent the multitude is a householder,who bringeth forth
away, and went into the house and : out of his treasure things new and
his disciples came to him, saying. De- old.
clare to us the parable of the tares of 53 And it came to pass, that when
the field. Jesus had finished these parables, he
37 He answered and said to them, departed thence.
He that soweth the good seed is the And when he had come into his
Son of man own country, he taught them in their
38 The field is the world j the good synagogue, so that they were aston-
seed are the children of the kingdom ished^ and said. Whence hath this
but the tares are the children of the man this wisdom, and these mighty
wicked one; works?
39 The enemy that sowed them is 55 Is not this the carpenter's son?
the devil ; the harvest is the end of isnot his mother called Mary 1 and
the world; and the reapers are the his brethren, James, and Joses, and
angels. Simon, and Judas t
40 As therefore the tares are gather- 56 And his sisters, are they not all
ed and burned in the fire so shall it be; with us ^ Whence then hath uiis man
in the end of this world. all these things 1
41 The Son of man shall send forth 57 And they were offended in him.
his aneels, and they shall gather out But Jesus said to them, A prophet is
of his kingdom all things that offend, not without honor, save in his own
and them who do iniquity country, and in his own house.
42 And shall cast them into a fur- 58 And he did not many mighty
nace of fire there shall be wailing
: works there, because of their unbe-
and gnasUng of teeth. . lief.
43 Then shall the righteous shine
as the sun in the kingdom of their
Herod's npinlon of Christ. 3 Wiy. John
Father. Who hath ears to hear, let I
the Bitptlst was beheudcd. is Jesus de-
him hear. Sarteth Into a desert : 16 where he feedeth
44 Again, the kingdom of heaven
IT ve thousand men with five loaves and
two fishes, sa He walketh on the sea lo
is like treasure hid in a field ; which, his disciples M
and landing at Gennesa-

when a man hath found, he hideth, ret, healetb the sick by Uie touch of the

and for joy thereof goeth and selleth hem of his (^rmeiit.
all that he hath, and buyeth that
AT that time Herod the Tetrarch
heard of the fame of Jesus,
45 IT Again, the kingdoin of heaven 2 And said to liis servants. This is
is like a merchant seelung goodly John the Baptist ; he hath risen from
pearls the dead ; and therefore mighty works
46 Who, when he had found one do show forth themselves in him.
pearl of great price, went and sold all 3 IT For Herod had laid hold on
that he had, and bought it. John, and bound him, and put him in
47 IT Again, the kingdom of heaven risen for the sake of Herodias, his
is like a net, that was cast into the rother Philip's wife.
sea, and gathered of every kind 4 For John had said to him, It is
48 Which, when it was fiill, they not lawful for thee to have her.
drew to the shore, and sat dovni, and 5 And when he would have put
gathered the good into vessels, but him to death, he feared the multitude,
cast away the bad. beca use they counted him as a prophet.
49 So shall it be at the end of the 6 But when Herod's birth-day
world the : angels shall come forth, was kept, the daughter of Herodiaa
2* 17
Pine thousand fed. MATTHEW. GocFs coTAmandments.
danced before them, and pleased 24 But the boat was now in the
Herod. midst of the sea,, tossed v^ith waves
7 Upon which he promised with an for the wind was contrary.
oath to give her whatever she would 25 And in the fourth watch of the
ask. night Jesus went to them, walking
8 And she, being before instructed on the s^a.
by her mother, said, Give me here the 26 And when the disciples, saw him
head of John the Baptist in a dish. walking on the sea, they were trou-
9 And the Itingwas sorry: never- bled, saying, It is a spirit j and they
theless for the sake of the oath, and cried out for fear. .

of them who sat with him at table, he 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to
commanded it to be given her. them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is
10 And he sent, and beheaded John I be not afraid.

in the prison. 28 And Peter answered him and

11 And his head was brought in a said. Lord, if it is thou, bid me come
dish, and given to the damsel and : to thee on the water.
she brought it to her mother. 29 And he said. Come. And when
12 And his disciples came, and took Peter had come down out of the boat,
up the body, and buried it, and went he walked on the water, to go to Je-
and told Jesus. sus.
13 If When
Jesus heard of it, he 30 But' when he saw the wind bois-
departed thence in a boat, into a soli- terous, he was afraid; and begmning
tary place apart and when the peo-
: to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save
ple had heard efit, they followed him me.
on foot out of the cities. 31 And immediately Jesus stretch-
14 And. Jesus went forth, and saw ed forth his hand, and caught Yam,
a great multitude, and was moved and said to him, thou of Utile faith.
with compassion toward them, and Why didst thou doubt t
he healed their sick. 32 And when they had come into
15 IT And when it was evening, his the boat, the wind ceased.
disciples came to him, saying, This is 33 Then they that were in the boat
a lonely place, and the time is now came and worshiped him, saying, In
past send the multitdde away, that
; truth thoii art the son of God.
they may go into the villages, and buy 34 IT And when they had gone over,
themselves victuals. they came into the land of Gennesa-
16 But Jesus said to them, They ret. ',

need not depart ; give ye them to eat. 35 And when the men of that place
17 And they say to him. We have had knowledge of him, they sent out
here but five'loayes, and two fishes. into all the surrounding country, and
18 He said. Bring iheih hither to me. brought to him all that were diseased';
19 And he commanded the miilti- 36 And besought him that they
tude to sit down on the grass, and might only touch the hem of his gar-
took the five loaves, and the two fishes, ment and as many as touched were

and looking up to heaven, he blessed, restored to health.

and broke, and gave the loaves to his CHAPTER XV.
disciples, and the disciples to the mul- 3 Christ reproveth the scribes and Pharisees
titude. for transgressing God's commandments
through their own traditions 11 teacheth
20 And they all ate, and were satis-

how that which goeth into the mouth, doth

isfied : and they took up of the frag- not defile a man 21 He healeth the daugh-

ments that remained twelve baskets ter of the woman of Canaan, 30 and other
great multitudes 32 and with seven loaves,

fuU. and a few little fishes, feedeth four thou-

21 And they had eaten were
that sand men, besides women dnd children.
about five
men and children.
thousand men, besides wo- THEN came to Jesus scribes
Pharisees, who were of
22 ir And immediately Jesus con- saying,
strained his disciples to get into a boat, 2 Why
do thy disciples transgress
and to go before him to the other side, the tradition of the elders 1 for they
'while he sent the multitudes away. wash not their hands when they eat
23 And when he had sent the mul- bread.
titudes away, he ascended a mountain 3 But he answered and said to them,
apart to pray : and when the evening Why do ye also transgress the com-
was come, he was there alone. mandment of God by your tradition?
What dtfiidh a man. CHAPTER XV. Four thomand/ed.
4 For God commanded, saying, me, O Lord, Oum, son of David ; iaf
Honor thy father and mother: and, He daughter is grievously afiSicted with i
that curseth father or mother, let him demon.
die the death. 23 But he answered her not a word.
5 But ye say, Whoever shall say to And his disciples came and besought
his father or his mother, /< is a gift, by him, saying. Send her away; for she
whatever thaumightest be profited by crieth after us.
me; 24 But he answered and said, I am
6 And honor not his father or his not sent but to the lost sheep of the
mother, he shall be free. Thus have house of Israel.
ye made the commandment of Grod 25 Then c&me she and worshiped
ti no effect by your tradition. him, saying, Lord, help me.
7 Ye hypociites, well did Isaiah 26 But he answered and said, It is
prophesy of you, saying, not meet to take the children's bread,
8 This people draw nigh tome with and to cast it to dogs.
their mouth, and honor me with their 27 And she said, Truth, Lord yet :

lips but their heart is faS froin me.

j the dogs eat of the crums which fall
9 But in vain they do worship me, from iheir master's table.
teaching for doctrines the command- 28 Then Jesus answered and said to
ments of men. her, O woman, great is thy faith be :

10 IT And he called the multitude, it to thee even as thou wilt. And her
and said to them. Hear, and under- daughter was healed from that very
stand : hour.
U Not that which goeth mto the 29 And Jesus departed from thence,
mouth defileth a man but that which
; and came nigh to the sea of GaUlee
Cometh out of the mouth, this defileth and ascended a mountain, and sat
a man. down there.
12 Then came his disciples, and 30 And great multitudes came to
said to him, Knowest thou that the him, having with them those that were
Pharisees were offended after they lame, blindj dumb, maimed, and many
heard this saying % others, and cast them dovra at Jesus'
13 But he answered and said. Every feet ; and he healed them
plant, which my
heavenly Father hath 31 So that the multitude wondered,
not planted, shall be extirpated. when they saw the dumb to speak,
14 Let them alone they are blind
: the maimed to be whole, the lame to
leaders of the blind. And if the blind walk, and the blind to see : and they
leadeth the blind, both will fall into glorified the God of Israel.
the ditch. 32 IT Then Jesus called his disci-
15 Then answered Peter and said ples to him, and said, I have compas-
to him, Declare to us this parable. sion on the multitude, because they
16 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet continue with me now three days, and
without understanding 1 have nothing to eat and I will not

17 Do ye not yet understand, that send them away fasting, lest they
whatever entereth in at the mouth faint in the way.
goeth into the belly, and is cast out 33 And his disciples say to him,
mto the draught 1 Whence should we have so much
18 But those things which proceed bread in the wilderness, as to satisfy
out of the mouth come forth from the so great a multitude 1
heart; and'they defile the man. B And Jesus saith to them. How
19 For out of the heart proceed evil many loaves have ye 1 And they said;
thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornica- Seven, and a few httle fishes.
tions, thefts, false witness, blasphe- 35 And he commanded the multitude
mies : to sit on the ground.
20 These are the things which de- 36 And he took the seven loaves
file a man but to eat with unwashed
: and the fishes, and gave thanks, iand
hands defileth not a man. broke them, and gave to his disciples,
21 IT Then Jesus went thence, and and the disciples to the multitude.
departed into the territories of Tyre 37 And
they all ate and were satis-
and Sidon. fied:and they took up of the fifag-
22 And behold, a woman of Canaan ments that were left seven baskets
came out of the same territories, and full.
cried to him, saying. Have mercy on 38 And they that had eaten wera
Sign qf Jonah, MATTHEW. Chriatreproveth Peter.
four thousand men, besides women his disciples, saying. Who do men say
and children. that I the Son of man am 1
39 And he sent away the multitude, 14 And they said. Some say that
and took a boat, and came into the thou art John the Baptist : some Eli-
borders of Magdala. jah ; and others, Jeremiali, or one of
CHAPTER XVI. the prophets.
1 The Pharisees require a slgii. 6 Jesus 15 He saith to them. But who say
wameLh bis disciples of the leaven of the say ye that I am 7
Pharisees and S.iililucees. 13 The people's
opinion of Christ, 16 and Peter's confession 16 And Simon Peter answered and
01 them. 21 Jesus foresboweth his deatli, said. Thou art the Christ, the Son of
23 reproving Peter for dissuading him from the living God.
it: 24 and aUmonishetli those that will fol-
low him, to bear the cross. 17 And Jesus answered and said

THE Pharisees also and the Saddu-

cees came, and, tempting, desired
to him. Blessed art thou, Simon-Bar-
jona for flesh and blood hath not re-

him that he would show them a sign vealed it to thee, but my Father who is
from heaven. in heaven.
2 He answered and said to them. 18 And I say also to the^ that thou
When it is evening, ye say, It will be art Peter, and upon this rock I will
fair ^yeather : for the sliy is red. build my church : and the gates of
3 And in the morning. It will be hell shsll not prevaQ against it.
foul weather to-day: for the sky is 19 And I will give to thee the keys
red and lowering. O
ye hypocrites, ye of the kingdom of heaven : and what-
can discern the face of the sky j but ever thou shall bind on earth, shall be
can ye not discern the signs of the bound in heaven j and whatever thou
times'? shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in
4 A wicked and adulterous genera- heaven.
tion seeketh for a sign; and there 20 Then he charged. his disciples
shall no sign be given to it, but the that they should tell no man that he
sign of the prophet Jonah. And he was Jesus the Christ.
left them, and departed. 21 ^ From that time forth Jesus
5 And when his disciples had come beganto show to his disciples, that he
to the other side, they had forgotten to must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many
take bread. things from the elders and chief priests,
6 IT Then Jesus said to them. Take and scribes, and be killed, and be
heed and beware of the leaven of the raised again the third day.
Pharisees and of the Sadducees. 22 Then Peter took him, and began
7 And they reasoned among them- to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from
selves, saying. It is because we have thee, LoHD this shall not be to thee.

taken no bread. 23 But he turned, and said to Peter,

8 Which, when Jesus perceived, he Get thee behind me, Satan ; thou art
said to them, O ye of little faith, why an offense to me for thou savorest not

reason ye among yourselves, because the things that are of God, but those
ye have brought no bread '2 that are of men.
9 Do ye not yet understand, neither 24 IT Then said Jesus to his disci-
remember the five loaves of the five f)les, If any man will come after me,
thousand, and how many baskets ye et him deny himself, and take up his
took up 7 cross, and follow me.
10 Neither the seven loaves of the 25 For whoever will save his life,
four thousand, and how many bask- shall lose it: and whoever will lose
ets ye took up '! his hfe for my
sake, shall find it.
11 How is it ye do not understand 26 For what is a man profited, if
that I spoke not to you concerning he shall gain the whole world, and
bread, that ye should beware of the lose his own soul 7 or what shall a
leaven of the Pharisees and of the man give in exchange for his soul 1
Sadducees? 27 For the Son of man will come
12 Then they understood that he in the glory of his Father, with his
did not caution them against the angels; and then he will reward every
leaven of bread, but against the doc- man according to his works.
trine of the Pharisees and of the Sad- 28 Verily I say to you. There are
ducees. some standing here, who shall not
13 IT When Jesus came into the taste death, till they shall see the Son
borders of Cesarea Phillippi, he asked of man coming in his kingdom.
Transfiguration ()f Christ. CHAPTER XVIII. He healeth the lunatici
CHAPTER XVII. 16 And brought him to thy disci-
I The transaguraUon of Christ! 14 He heal- ples, and they could not cure mm.
eth the lunatic, 2a foreteUeth his own dpath,
S4 and payetta tribute.
17 Then Jesus answered and said,
faithless and perverse generation,
AND after six days, Jesus taketh
Peter, James, and John his broth-
how long shall 1 be with you t how
long shall I suffer you 7 bring him
er,and bringeth them upon a high hither to me.
mountain apart.
18 And Jesus rebuked the demon,
2 And he was transfigured before and he departed out of him : and the
them: and his face shone as the child was cured from that very hour.
sun, and his raiment was white as the
19 Then came the disciples to Jesus
apart, and said. Why could not we
3 And behold, there appeared to
cast him out t
them Moses and Elijah talking with
20 And Jesus said to them. Because
of your unbelief: for verily 1 say to
4 Then answered Peter, and said
you. If ye have faith 48 a grain of
to Jesus, Lord, it ia good for us to be
mustard-seed, ye shall say to this
here : if thou wilt, let us make here
mountain. Remove hence to yonder
three tabernacles : one for thet and
place, and it shall remove ; and noth-
one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
5 While h^ was yet speakmg, be-
mg shall be impossible to you.
21 However, this kind goeth not
hold, a bright cloud overshaoowed
out, but by prayer and fasting.
them : and behold, a voice out of the 22 If And while they abode in Gal-
cloud, which"Said, This is my beloved
ilee, Jesus said to them. The Son of
Son, in whontil am well pleased : hear
man will be betrayed into the hands of
ye htm. .'
6 And when the disciples heard it,
23 And they will kill him, and the
they fell on their face, and were in third day he will be raised again:
great fear.
And they were exceedingly grieved.
7 And Jesus came and touched And when
24 IT they nad come to
them, and said. Arise, and be not Capernaum, they that received tribute-
money, came to Peter, and said, Dotb'
8 And when they had lifted up their
not your Master pay tribute 1
eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus 25 He saith. Yes. And when he
only. had come into the house, Jesus antici-
9 And as they were descending the pated him, saying. What thinkest thou,
mountain, Jesus charged them, say- Simon? from whom do the kings of
ing. Tell the vision to no man, until the earth take custom or tribute 1
the Son of man be raised again from fi;om their own children, or from
the dead. strangers 1
10 And his disciples asked him, 26 Peter saith to him. From stran-
saying. Why then say the scribes, ger^. Jesus saith to him. Then are
that Eujah must first come t the children free.
11 And Jesus answered and said to 27 Notwithstanding, lest we should
them, Elijah truly will first come, and offend them, go thou to the sea, and
restore all things cast a hook, and take the fish that
12 But I say to you, that Elijah is first Cometh up ; and when thou hast
come already, and tney knew him not, opened his mouth, thou shalt find a
but have done to him whatever they money take that, and give to
piece of :

pleased : likewise will also the Son of them for me and thee.
man suffer by them.
13 Then the disciples understood CHAPTER XVIH.
that he moke to them concerning 1 Christ warneth his disciples to be humble
John the Baptist. and harmless, T'to avoid offenses, and not
to despise the little ones : 15 teacheth how
14 1\ And when they had come to we are to deal with our brethren when they
the multitude, there came to him a offend us, SI and how oft to forgive them
certain man Kneeling down to him, 93 which he setteth forth by a paralile of the
king that took account of his servants, 32
and saying, and punished him who showed no mercy to
15 Lord, have mercy on son my his fellow.
for he is lunatic, and grievously dis-
trssaed ; for often he ralleth into the
AT the same time came the disci-
ples to Jesus, saying. is the Who
firs, and often into tlie water. greatest in the kingdom of heaven 1.
Christ teachtth MATTHEW. hia discipla.
2 And Jesus called a little child to 17 And if he shall neglect to hear
hjm, and set him in the midst of them, them, to the church, but if he
tell it
3 And said, Verily I say to y6u. shall neglect to hear the church, let
Except ye be converted, and become him be to thee as a heathen and a
as little children, ye shall not enter publican.
into the kingdom of heaven. 18 Verily I say to you, Whatever
4 Whoever therefore shall humble ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound
himself as this little child, the same m
heaven and whatever ye shall loose

is greatest in the kingdom of heaven, on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.

5 And whoever snail receive one 19 Again I say to you. That if two
such little child in my name, receiveth of you shall agree on earth, concern-
me. ing any thipg that they shall ask, it
6 But whoever shall cause one of will be done for them by my Father
these little ones who believe in me, to who is in heaven.
Bin, it were better for him that a mill- 20 For where two or three are as-
stone were hanged about his neck, and sembled in my name, there am I in
that he were drowned in the depth of the midst of thein.
the sea. 21 ir Then Peter came to him, and
7 IT Woe to the world because of said. Lord, how often shall my broth-
qfienses! forit must needs be that of- er sin against me, and I forgive him 1
fense^ come; but woe to that man by till seven times 1 *

whom the ofiense cometfa 22 Jesus saith to hiiq, I say not to

8 Wherefore, if thy hand or thy foot thee, Until seven timeSii out, Until
causeth thee to sin. Cut them off, and seventy times seven, k i

cast them from thee ; it is better for 23 IT Therefore is tB|»kingdom of

thee, to enter into, life halt or maimed, heaven likened to a certain king wh»
rather thsh having two hands or two would take account of his servants,
feet, to be cast into everlasting fire. 24 And when he had begun to
9 And if thy eye causeth thee to sin, reckon, one was brought to him who
pluck it out, and cast it from thee it owed him ten thousand talents.

is better for thee to enter into life with 25 But as he had not. ability to pay,
one eye, rather than having two eyes, his lord commanded him to be sold,
to be cast into hell-fire. and his wife and children, and all that
10 Take heed that ye despise not he had, and payment to be made.
one of these little ones for I siy to
: 26 The servant therefore fell down,
you, that in heaven their angels db al- and worshiped him, saying. Lord,
ways behold the face of my {"ather have patience with me, and 1 will pay
who is in heaven. thee ail.
For the Son of man
11 is come to Then the lord of that servant
save that which was lost. was moved with compassion, and
12 How think ye 1 if a man hath a loosed him, and forgave him the debt.
hundred sheep, and one of them is 28 But the same servant went out,
gone aairay, doth he not leave the and found one of his fellow-servants,
ninety and nine, and go to the moun- who owed him a hundred pence and :

tains, and seek that wluch is gone he laid hands on him, and took Aim
astray 1 by the throat, saying. Pay me what
13 And if he findeth it, verily I say thou owest.
to you, herejoiceth more over that 29 And his fellow- servant fell down
eheep, than over the ninety and nine at his feet, and besought him, saying.
which went not astray. Have patience with me, and I will pay
14 Even so not the will of your
it is thee all.
Father who in heaven, that one of
is 30 And he would not but went and :

these little ones shoulH perish. cast him into prison, till he should pay
15 IT Moreover, if thy brother shall the debt.
trespass against thee, go and tell him 31 Sowhen his fellow-servants saw
his fault between thee and him alone what was done, they were very sorry,
ifhe shall hear thee, thou hast gained and came and told to their lord all that
thy brother. was dpne.
16 But if he will not hear thee, then 32 Then his lord, havingcalled him,
take with thee one or two more, that in said to hun, thou wicked servant, I
the mouth of two or three witnesses forgave thee all that debt, because thou
every word may be established. desiredst me
Concerning marriage. CHAPTER XIX. Christ reeeiveth children,
33 Shouldst thou not also have had yrere soborn from their mother's
compassion on thy fellow-servant, womb : and there are some eunuchs,
even as I had pity on thee ? who were made eunuchs by men and :

34 And his lord was wroth, and de- there are eunuchs, who have made
livered him to the tormentors, till he themselves eunuchs for the kingdom
should pay all that was due to him. of heaven's sake. He that is able to
, 35 So likewise shall my heavenly receive it, let him receive it.
Father do to you, if ye from your 13 IT Then were brought to him lit-
hearts forgive not every one his broth- tle children, that he should put his
er their trespasses. hands on them, and pray: and the
CHAPTER XIX. disciples rebuked them.
3 Christ bealeth the sick; 3 answeieth the
14 But Jesus said. Suffer little chil-
Pharisees concerning divorcement: 10 dren, and forbid them not to come to
showeth when marriage Is necessary : IS re- me: for of such is the kingdom of
celveth little children; 16 instructeth the
young man how to obtain eternal life, 31 and heaven.
how to be perfect 33 telleth his disciples
: 15 And he laid Ifis hands on them,
how hard it Is for a rich man to enter Into and departed thence.
the kingdom of God : and promiseth re-
ward to those tiiat forsake any thing to fol- 16 1 And behold, one came and
low him. said to him. Good Master, whatgobd
it came to pass,
had finished these sayings,
that when Je- thing shall I do that I may have eter-
nal life?
he departed fium Galilee, and came 17 And he said to him. Why calleS|t
into the l^p^ers of Judea, beyond thoumegood? tAere tsnonegoodbut
Jordan one, that is, God: but if thou wilt en-
2 And gr< multitudes followed ter into life, keep the commandments.
him, and he led them there, 18 He saith to him, Which 1 Jesus
3 IT The : irisees also came to said, Thou shall do no. murder, Thou
him, temp him, and saying to shall not commit adultery, Thoushalt
him, Is it law&l for a man to put away not steal. Thou shalt not bear false
his wife for every cause? witness.
4 And he answered and said to them, 19 Honor thy father and thy moth-
Have yenoti read, that he who made er: and,. Thou shalt love thy neighbor
them, at the beginning made them as thyself.
male and female, 20 The young man saith to him, All
5 And he said. For this cause Shall these things have I kept from my
a. man leave father and mother, and youth: what lack I yet 1
shall cleave to his wife : and they two 21 Jesus said to him. If thou wilt be
shall be one flesh 1 perfect, go,, sell what thou hast, and
6 Wherefore they are no more two, give to the poor, and thou shalt have
but one flesh. Therefore what God treasure in heaven and come, follow

hath joined together, let not man put me.

asunder. 22 But wheii the young man heard
7 They say to him. Why did Moses that saying, he went away sorrowfij
then command to give a vrriting of di- for he had great possessions.
vorcement, and to put her away 1 23 V Then
said Jesus to his disci'
8 He saith to them, Moses, because say to you, that a rich
pies, Verily I
of the hardness of your hearts, suffer- man shall with difficulty enter into
ed you to put away your wives but the kingdom of heaven.

from the beginning it was not so. 24 And again I say to you. It is easi-
9 And I say to you, Whoever shall er for a camel to go through the eye of
put away his wife, except for lewdness, a needle, than for a rich man to enter
and shall marry another, committeth into the kingdom of God.
adultery: and whoever inarrieth her 25 When nis disciples heard it, they
who is put away, committeth adul- were exoeedincly amazed, saying,
tery. Who then can be s4ved1
10 IT His disciples say to him, If 26 But Jesus beheld tftem, and said
the case of a man is so with his wife, to them. With men this is impossible,
it is not good to marry. but with God all things are possible.
11 But he said to them, All men 27 Then answered Peter, and said
canoot receive this saying, save them to him, Behold, we have forsaken all,
to whom it is given. ilhd followed thfee? what shall we
12 For there arc some eunuchs, who have therefore!'
Oiristforetdleth his MATTHEW. death and resurrection.
28 And Jesus said to them, Verily I them equal to us, who have borne the
Bay to you, that ye who have follow- burden and heat of the day.
ed me in the regeneration, when the 13 But he answered one of them,
Son of man shall sit on the throne of and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong
his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve didst thou not agree vrith me for a
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of penny?
Israel. 14 Talce Hiat which is thine, and
29 And
every one that hath forsa- depart ; I will give to this last, even as
ken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or to thee.
father, or mother, or wife, or children, 15 Is it not lawfiil for me to do what
or lands for my name's sake, shall re- I will with my
own 7 is thy eye evil
ceive a hundred-fold, and shall in- because I am good?
herit everlasting life. 16 So the last shall be first, and the
30 But many that are first shall be for many are called, but few
first last :

last, and the last shall be first. chosen.

CHAPTER XX. 17 IT And Jesus going up to Jerusa-
lem, took the twelve disciples apart in
1 Christ, by the similitude of tlie laborers in
the vineyard, showeth that God is debtor to the way, and said to them,
ho man; 17 foretelletli his death; 20 by an- 18 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem
swering the mother of Zebedee's children,
teacheth his disciples to be lowly 30 and
and the Son of man will be betrayed
glveth two blind men tlieir sight to the chief priests, and to the scribesj

FOR the kingdom of heaven is like

to a man that is a householder,
and they will condemn'him to death,
19 And will deliver him'tb the Gen-
who went out early in the morning to tiles to mock, and to scourge, and to

hire laborers into his vineyard. crucify him: and thej (tjhird day he
2 And when he had agreed with the will rise algain.
laborers for a penny a day, he sent 20 IT Then came to him themother
them into his vineyard; of Zebedee's children, vfith her sons,
3 And he went out about the third worshiping him, and desiring a certain
hour, and saw others standing idle in thing of him.
the market-place, 21 And he said to her. What wilt
4 And he said to them. Go ye also thou She saith to him. Grant that

into the vineyard; and whatever is these my two sons may sit, the one
right, I will give you. And they de- on thy right hand, and the other on
parted. the left in thy kingdom.
6 Again he went out about the sixth 22 But Jesus answered and said. Ye
and ninth hour, and did likewise. know not what ye ask. Are ye able
6 And about the eleventh hour he to drink of the cup that I shall drink
went out, and found others standing of; and to be baptized with the bap-

idle, and saith to them, Why stand ye tism that I am baptized with? They
here all the day idlel say to him, We are able.
7 They say to him, Because no man 23 And he saith to them, Ye shall
hath hired us. He saith to them, Cro drink indeed of my cup, and be bap-
ye also into the vineyard and what- tized with the baptism that I am bap-

ever is right, timt shall ye receive. tized with but to sit on my right

8 So when evening was come, the hand, and on my left, is not mine to
lord of the vineyard saith to his stew- give, but it shall be given to them for
ard. Call the laborers, and give them whom it is prepared by my Father.
their hire, beginning from the last to 24 And when the ten heard it, they
the first. were moved with indignation against
9 And when they came that were the two brethren.

hired about the eleventh hour, they 25 But Jesus called them to him,
received every man a penny. and said. Ye know that the princes of
10 But. when the first came, thoy the Gentiles exercise dominion over
supposed that they should receive them, and they that are great exer-
jnore ; and. they likewise received eve- cise authority upon them.
ry man a penny. ^
26 But it. shall not be so among

11 And when they had received it, you : but whoever will be grefit among
they murmured against the master of you, let him be your minister ; '

th^ house^ 27 And whoever will be chieif among


12 Saying, These last have wrought you, let him be your servant:
but one hour, and thou hast made .28 Even: as the Son of man came
Christ ridiih into CHAPTER XXI. Jerusalem upon an as3.
not to be ministered to, but to minis- 3osannatothesanof David: blessed
ter, to give his life a ransom for is he that cometh in the name of the
many. ,

Lord Hosanna in die highest.


29 And as they departed from Jeri- 10 And when he had come into Je-
cho, a great multitude followed him. rusalem, all the city was moved, say-
30 IT And behold, two blind men ing, Who is this t
sitting by the way-side, when they U
And the multitude said. This is
heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Gal-
saying. Have mercy on us, O Lord, ilee.
Own son of David. 12 IT And Jesus went into the tem-
31 And the multitude rebuked them, ple of God, and cast out all them t^at
that they should hold their peace but : sold and bought in the temple, and
they cried the more, saying, Have overthrew the tables of the money-
mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of Da- changers, and the seats of them that
vid. sold doves.
32 And Jesus stood still, and called 13 And said to them. It is written.
them, »ad said, What will ye that I My house shall be called the house 01
shall do to you 7 prayer, but ye have made it a den of
33 They .say to him. Lord, that our thieves.
ey^ may be opened. • 14 And the blind and the lame came
34 So Jesus had compassion on to him in the temple ; and he healed
ihem^ and touched their eyes: amd them.
immediately their eyes received sight, 15 And when the chief priests and
and they fc^owed him. scribes saw the wonderful things that,

CHAPTER XXI. he did, and the children crying the m

temple, and saying, Hosanna to ihe
1 Christ rldeth luto Jerusalem upon an ass,
12 drlvetb the buyers and sellers nut of the son of David ; they were greatly dis»
temple, 17 curseth the fig-tree, 23 putteth to
Silence the priests and elders, 28 and re* 16 And said to him, Hearest thou
buketh them by the similitude of the two
sons, 33 and the husbandmen who slew what these say 1 And Jesus sai^ to
suph as were sent to them. them. Yes have ye never read. Out

AND when they drew nigh

rusalem, and nad come
to Je-
of the mouth of babes and sucklings
thou hast perfected praise f
phage, to the mount of Ohves, then • 17:11 And he left ihem, and went
Jesns sent' two disciples, out of the city into Bethany, and he
2 Saying to them. Go into the vil- ItUged there-
lage over against you, and immedi- is Now in the morning as he wte
ately ye shall find an ass tied, and a returning into the city, he was bira-
colt with her, loose them, and bring gry.
them to me. 19 And when he saw a fig-tree in
3 And if any mansay aught
shall the way, he came to it, and found
to you, ye shdl say, The Lord hath nothing on it, but leaves only, and>8Bia
need of them ; and immediately he to it. Let no fruit grow on thee hence^
will send them. forth for ever. And immediately th«
4 All this was done, that it mightbe fig-tree withered.
liilfiUed which was spoken by the 20. And when the discrales sawtf,
prophet, saying, they: marveled^ saying, 'How soon is the daughter of Sion, Be- the fig-tree withered
hold,: thy King Cometh to thee, meek, 21 Jesus answered and said tothem^
and silting upon an ass, anda colt the Verily I say to you. If lye have faithj
foal of an ass. and doubt not, ye shall not only de
6 And the disciples went, and did as this which is <done to the fig-tree, but
Jesus commanded them, also. If yeishall say tothis mountainj
7 And broi^tithe ass and the oolt, Be thou removed, and be thou cast
andcpnt on them .their clothes, and into the sea; it shall be done.
they set him thereon. .22 And all'tbings whatever yeshdl
S: Aind a very great multitude spread ask in prayer, believiDg, ye shall re-
their garments m
the way ; others cut ceive, f
down branches from the trees, and 23 :V Arid when he had come into
strewed themi in the way. the temple, the chief priests «nd tha
9 And theondtitudes that went bej. eldersoi thepeoi^le Cametohim asbe
fore, and that followed, cried, >8aying, was teaching, and said, By What au-
Parable of MATTHEW. the husbandmen.
thority doest thou these things ; and This is the heir us kill him,
; come^ let
vaho gave thee this authority 1 and us seize on his inheritance.
24 And Jesus answered and said to 39 And
they caught him. and cast
them, I also will ask you one thing, him out of the vineyard, and slew him.
which if ye tell me, I also will tell you 40 When therefore the Lord of the
by what authority I do these things. vineyard oometh, what will he do to
25 The baptism of John, whence those husbandmen ?
was from heaven, or from men'!
it'.' 41 They say to him, He will miser-
And they reasoned with themselves, ably destroy those wicked men, and
saying, if we shall say. From heaven will let out his ymeyard to other hus-
he will say to us. Why then did ye not bandmen, who will render him the
believe him 7 fruits in their seasons.
26 But if we shall say. From men 42 Jesus saith to them. Did ye never
we fear the people : for all hold John read in the scriptures, The stone which
as a prophet. the builders rejected, the same is be-
27 And they answered Jesus, and come the head of the corner this is ;

said,We cannot tell. And he said to the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous
them, Neither do I tell you hy what in our eyes 7
authority I do these things. 43 Therefore I say to you, The
28 IT But what think ye'! A certain kingdom of God shall be taken from
man had two sons and he came to ; you, and given to a nation bringmg
the first, and'said. Son, go, work to- forth the fruits of it.
day in my vineyard. ,
44 And whoever shall fall on this-
, 29 He answered and said, I will stone, shall be broken but on whom^ :

npt but afterward he repented,

; and soever it shall fall, it will grind him to
went. powder.
30 And he came to the second, and 46 And when the chief priests and
said likewise. And he answered and Pharisees had heard his parables, they
said, I go, sir: and went not. perceived that he spoke of them.
31 Which of the
will oftwo did the 46 But when they sought to lay
his father'! They say to him. The hands on him, they feared the multi-
first.Jesus saith to them. Verily I tude, because they took him, for. a
aay to you, that the pubUcans and the prophet.

harlots go into the kingdom of Grod CHAPTER XXn.

before you. 1 The parable of the marriage of the king's
.son.9 The calling of the Gentiles. 12 The
32 For John came to you in the
Sunishment of him that wanted the wed-
Way of righteousness, and ye believed ing-garment. 15 Tribute ought to' be paid
him not: but the publicans and the to Cesar. 23 Christ confuteth the Saddu-
cees concerning the resurrection, 34 an-
harlots believed him : and ye, when swereth the lawyer, which Is Ihe first and
jsehad ssen it, repented not afterward, great commandment, 41 and poseth tha
that ye might believe him. Pharisees about the Messiah.
33 H Hear another parable ; There ND JesiiS answered, and spoke
was a certain householder, who plant- to them again by parables, and
ed a vineyard, and hedgea it around, said,
and digged a wine-press in it, and built 2The kingdom of heaven is like to
a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, a certain king, who made a marriage
-and went into a remote country for his son,
34 And when the time of the fruit 3 And sent his servants to call them
drew near, he sent his servants to the that were invited to the wedding : and
husbandmen, that they might receive they would not come.
the fruits of it 4 Again, he sent other servants,
35 And the husbandmen took his saying, Tell them who are invited,
servants, and beat one, and killed an- Behold, I have prepared dinner s my
other, and Btohed another. my ozen and my fallings an killed,
36 Again be sent other servants and all things are ready : come to the
mote than the first ^ and they did to marriage. ...
them in like manner. 6 But they madei light of it, and
37 But last of all he sent to them went, one to his farm, another to his
his son, saying, They will reverence merchandise. '

my son. 6 And the remnant took his ser-

3S- But when the husbandmen saw vants, and treated tAem spitefiilly, and
the SOD, ^hey said among themselves. slew, them.
77ie Sadducees confuted CHAPTER XXII. concerning the resurrection.
7 But when
the king heard of it, he 25 Now there were with us seven
was wroth : and sent his armies, and brothers : and the first, when he had
destroyed those murderers, and burned married a wife, deceased ; and having
up their city. no issue, left his wife to his brother.
8 Then he saith to his servants. 26 Likewise the second also, and the
The wedding is ready, but they who third, to the seventh.
were invited were not worthy. 27 And last of all the woman died
9 Gro ye therefore into the high- also.
ways, and as many as ye shall imd, 28 Therefore in the resurrection,
invite to the marriage. whose wife shall she be of the seven 1
10 So those servants went out into for they all had her.
the highways, and collected all as 29 Jesus answered and said to them,
many as they found, both bad and Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures,
good : and the wedding was furnished nor the power of God.
with guests. 30 For in the resurrection they
11 IT And when the king came in to neither marry, nor are given in mar-
see tile guests, he saw there a man riage, but are as the angels of God in
who had not a wedding-garment heaven.
12 And he saith to him, Friend, 31 But as concerning the resurrec-
how earnest thou in hither, not hav- tion of the dead, have ye not read that
ing a wedding-garment 1 And he was which was spoken to you by God,
speechless. saying,
13 Then said the king to the ser- 32 I am the God of Abraham, and
vants, Bmd him hand and foot, and the Gtod of Isaac, and the God of Ja-
take him away, and cast him into ut- cob 1 God is not the God of the dead,
ter darkness : there shall be weeping but of the Uving.
and gnashing of teeth. 33 And when the multitude heard
14 For many are called, but few this, they were astonished at his doc-
4re chosen. trine.
16 y Then went the Pharisees, and 34 IT But when the Pharisees had
ttok counsel how they might entan- heard that he had put the Sadducees
gle him in his talk. to silence, they were assembled about
16 And they sent out to him their him.
disciples, with the Herodians, saying, 35 Then one of them who was a
Master, we know that thou art true, lawyer, asked him a question, tempt-
and teachest the way of God in truth, ing him, and saying,
neither carest thou for any man : for 36 Master, which is the great com-
thou regardest not the person of men. mandment in the law ?
17 Teil us therefore. What thinkest 37 Jesus said to him. Thou shalt
thou? Is it lawfiil to give tribute to love the Lord thy God with all thy
Cesar, or not ? heart, and with all thy soul, and with
18 But Jesus perceived their wick- all thy mind.
edness, and said. Why
tempt ye me, 33 This is the first and great com-
ye hypocrites'? mandment.
19 Show me the tribute-money. 39 And the second is like it, Thou
And they brought to him a penny. shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
20 And he saith to them, Whose is 40 On thesd two commandments
this image,and superscription ? hang all the law and the prophets.
21 to him, Cesar's; Then
They say 41 V While the Pharisees were as-
saithhe to them, Renderi therefore to sembled, Jesu^ asked them,
Cesar, the things which are Cesar's 42 Saying, What think ye of Christ?
and to Grod, the things that are God's. whose son ig he 1 They say to him,
22 When they had heard these wards, TTie son of David.
they marveled, and left him and de- 43 He saith to them. How
parted. doth David in spirit call him Lord,
23 IT The same day came to him sayinft
the Saddacees, who say that there is 44 The LoBD said to my Lord, Sit
no resurrection,, and asked him, thou on my right hand, till I make thy
24 Sarins, Master, Moses said, If a enemies thy footstool 1
man shall me, having no childrenj his 45 If David then calleth him Lord,
brother shall marry his wife, and raise how is he his son 1 .'

up seed to his brother. 46 And no man was able to answer

Beware of ambition. MATTHEW. TTie eight woes.
him a word, neither durst any man, 16 Woe to yon, ye blind guides, who
from that day forth, ask him any more say. Whoever shall swear by the tem^
questions. pie, it is nothing; but whoever shall
swear by the gold of the tempi , he is
CHAP. XXill. a debtor.
1 Christ admonisheth the people to follow
the good doctrine, not the evil examples, of 17 Ye fools, and blind for which is :

thb scribes and Pharisees 5 His disciples

: greater, the gold, or the temple that
must heware of their ambition. 13 He de- sanctifieth the gold 7
nounceth eight woes against their hypocri-
sy and blindness 34 and prophesieth of the
18 And whoever shall swear by ihe
deatructiOQ of Jerusalem. altar,it is nothing; but whoever
THEN and to his
Jesus spoke to the multi-
sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he
is guilty.
• 2 Saying, The scribes and the Phar- 19 Ye fools, and blind: for which
isees sit in Moses's seat. is greater, the gift, or the altar that
3 All therefore, whatever they bid sanctifieth the gift ?
you observe, that observe and do : but 20 Whoever therefore shall swear
do not' ye according to their works by the altar, sweareth by it, and. by
for they say, and do not. all thmgs upon it.
4 Forthey bind heavy burdeiis, and 21 And whoever shall swear by the
grievous to be borne, and lay them on temple, sweareth by it, and by him
men's shoulders; hut they themsehes that dwelleth in it. . .

will not move them with one of their 22 And he that shall swear by heav-
fingers. en, sweareth by the throne of Gild,
'5 But all their works they do to be and by him that sitteth upon it.
seen by inen : they make broad their 23 Woe to youj scribes and Phari-
phylacteries, and enlarge the borders sees, hypocrites for ye pay tithe of

of their garments, mint, and anise, and cummin, and

6 And love the uppermost rooms at have omitted the weightier matters of
feasts, and the chief seats in the syna- the law, judgment, mercy, and faith
gogues, these ye ought to have done, and not
7 And greetings in the markets, and to leave the others undone.
to be called by men, Rabbi, Rabbi. 24 Ye blind guides, who strain oM
8 But be not ye called Rabbi for : a gnat, and swallow a camel.
one is your Jlaster, even Christ ; and 25 Woe to you, scribes and Phari-
all ye are brethren. sees, hypocrites;! for ye make clean
9 And call no man your father upon the outside of the cup and of the plat-
the earth for one is your Father ivho
: ter, but within they are full of extor-
is in heaven. tion and excess.
10 Neither be ye called masters: 26 TTioublind Pharisee, cleanse first
for one is your nlaster, even Christ. that which is within the cup and plat-
But he that is greatest among ter, that the outside of them may ba
yon, shall be your servant. clean also.
12 And whoever shall exalt himself, 27 Woe to you, scribes and Phari-
shall be abased; and he that shall sees, hypocrites for ye are like whi-

humble himself, shall be exalted. tened sepulchers, which indeed appear

13 If But woe to you, scribes and beautifiiLoutward, but are within full
Pharisees ! hypocrites ! for ye shut up of dead men's bones, and of all un-
the kingdom of heaven against men : cleanness.
for ye neither go in yourselves, neither 28 Thus ye also outwardly appear
suffer ye them that are entering, to go righteous to men, but within ye are

!n. full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

14 Woe
to you, scribes and Phari- 29 Woe to you, scribes and Phari-
sees, hypocrites ! for ye devour wid- sees, hypocrites because ye build the

ows' houses, and for a pretense make tombs of the prophets, and garnish
long prayer i therefore ye shall receive the sepulchers of the righteous,
the greater damnation. 30 And say. If we had been in the
15 Woe to you, scribes and Phari- days of our fathers, we would not
sees, hypocrites ! for ye compass sea have been partakers with them in the
and land to make one proselyte, and blood of the prophets.
wheii he is made, ye make him two- 31 Wherefore ye are witnesses to

fold more the child of hell than your- yourselves, that ye are the children of
selves. them who killed the prophets.
Dtstnictim qfthe temple. CHAPTER XXIV. TkejudgmeM.
32 Pill ye up then the measure of troubled: for all these things musl
your fathers. come to pass, but the end is not yet,
33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vi- 7 For nation will rise against na-
pers, how can ye escape the damnti- tion, and kingdom against kingdom
tion of hell 7 and there will be famines, and pesti-
34 IT Wherefore, behold, I send to lences, and earthquakes in divers
you prophets, and wise men, and places.
scribes ; and some of them ye will kill 8 All these are the beginnmg of
and crucify, and some of them ye will sorrows.
scourge in your synagogues, and per- 9 Then Will they deliver you up to
secute them, from city to city : be afflicted, and will kill you and ye :

35 That upon you may come all the will be hated by all nations for my
righteous blood shed upon .the earth, name's sake.
from the blood of righteous Abel, to 10 And then will many be offend-
the blood of Zachanas son of Bara- ed, and will betray one another, and
chias, whom ye slew between the will hate one another,
temple and the altar. 11 And many false prophets will
3b Verily I say to you, all these rise, and will deceive many.
things shall come upon this genera- 12 And because iniquity will abound,
tion. the love of many will become cold.
37 O
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou 13 But he that shall endure to the
that killest the prophets, and stonest end, the same shall be saved.
them who are sent to thee, how often 14 And this gospel of the kingdom
would I have gathered thy children, shall be preached m
all the world, for
even as a hen gathereth' her cliickens a testimony to all nations ; and then
under her wings, and ye would not! shall the end come.
38 Behold, your house is left to you 15 When therefore ye shall see the
desolate. abomination Of desolation spoken of
39 For I say to you. Ye shall not by Daniel th6 prophet, stand in the
see me henceforth, till ye shall say. holy place, (whoever readeth, let him
Blessed ia he that cometh in the name understand,) '

of the Lord. 16 Then let them who are in Judea

flee to the mountains
17 Let him who is on the house-top
1 Christ foretelleth the destruction of tlie
temple: sWliatand how great calamities not come down to take any thing out
wiUbe before it 39 The signs of his comins
of his house
tojuilgment: 36 And because that day and
18 Neithet let him who is in the
hour is unknown, 42 we ought to watch,
nice good servants, expecting every moment field return back to take his clothes.
our master's coming. 19 And woe to them that are with
AND Jesus went
from templethe
and departed
a^d his disci-
child, and to theih that nurse infanta
in those days!.
ples came to him to show him the 20 But pray ye that your flight may
buildings of the temple. not be in the winter, neither on the
2 And Jesus said to them, See ye sabbath
not all these things'? verily I say to 21 For then shall be great tribula-
you. There shall not be left here One tion, such as hath not been since the
stone upon another, that shall not be beginning of the world to this tune,
thrown down. no, nor ever shall be.
3 IT And as he sat upon the mount 22 And except those days should
of Olives, the disciples came to him be shortened, there would no flesh be
privately, saying, Tell us, when will saved: but for the elect's sake those
these things be'? and whatieiii be the days shall be shortened.
sign of thy coming, and of the end of 23 Then if any man shall say to
the world? you, Lo, here is Christ, or there , be-
4 And Jesus answered and said to lieve it not. .
them, Take heed that no man deceive 24 For false Christs will arise, and
you. false prophets, and will show great
5 For many will come in rtiyname,- sign^ and wonders; so that, if it were
saying, I am Christ j and will deceive possible, they would deceive the very
6 And ye will hear of wars, and ru- 25 Behold, I have told you before.
mors of wars: see that ye be not 26 Wherefore, if they shall say to
3* 29
Signs of Chrisfs CHAPTER XXV. coming to judgment.
you, Behold, he is in the desert ; go thiefwould come, he would watch,
not forth behold, he i» in the secret
: and would not suffer his house to be
chambers believe it not.
j broken up>
27 For as the lightning cometh out 44 Therefore be ye also ready for :

of the east, and shineth even to the in such an hour as ye thuik not, the
west ; so shall also the coming qf the Son of man cometh.
Son of man be. 45 Who then is a faithfiil and wise
28 For wherever the carcass is, servant, whom his lord hath made
there will the eagles be collected. ruler over his household, to give them
29 IT Immediately after the tribula- food in due season ?
tion of those days, shall the sun be 46 Blessed is that servant, whom
darkened, and the moon shall not give his lord, when he cometh, shall find
her light, and the stars shall fall from so doing.
heaven, and the powers of the heavens 47 Verily I say to you, that he will
shall be shaken make him ruler over all his goods.
30 And then shall appear the sign 48 Butifthatevilservant.snallsayin
of the Son of man in neaven and : his heart,My lord delayeth his coming j
then shall all the tribes of the earth 49 And shall begin to beat his fel-
mourn, and they shall see the Son of low-servants, and to eat and drink
man coming in the clouds of heaven with the drunken j

with power and gi-eat glory. 50 The lord of that servant will
31 And he will sendnis angels with come in a day when he looketh not
a great sound of a trumpet, and they for him, and in an hour that he is not
wUl gather his elect from the four aware of,
winds, and fiom one end of heaven to 51 And
will cut him asunder, and
the other. appoint him
his portion with the hyp-
32 Now learn a parable of a fig- ocrites there snail be weeping and

tree ; When its branch is yet tender, gnashing of teeth.

and putteth forth leaves, ye know that
summer is nigh CHAPTER XXV.
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall
1 T*ie parable of the ten virgins, and of
the talents. 31 Also the description of the
see all these things, know that it is last judgment.
near, even at the doors.
34 Veiily I say to you. This genera-
THEN shall the kingdom of heaven
be likened to ten vurgins, who took
tion shall not pass, till all these things their lamps, and went forth to meet
shall be fulfiUed. the bridegroom.
35 Heaven and earth shall pass 2 And five of them were vrise, and
away, but my words shall not pass five were foolish.
away. 3 They that were foolish took their
36 IT But of that day and hour lamps, and took no oil with them :

knoweth no man, no, not the angels of 4 But the wise took oil their m
heaven, but my Father only. vessels with their lamps.
37 But as the days of Noah were, so 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they
coming of the Son of man
will also the all slumbered and slept.
be. 6 And at midnight there was a cry
38 For as in the daysihat were be- made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh;
fore the flood, they were eating and go ye out to meet him.
drinking, marrying and giving in 7 Then all those virgins arose, and
marriage, until the day that Noah trimmed their lamps.
entered into the ark, 8 And
the foohsh said to the wise.
39 And knew not until the flood Give us of your oil for our lamps are

came, and took them all away : so also gone out.

will be the coming ofthe Son of man. 9 But the wise answered, saymg.
40 Then will two be in the field ; the Not so; lest there be not enough for
one shall be taken, and the other left, us and you but go ye rather to them

41 Two women will be grinding at that sell, and buy for yourselves.
the mill ; the one shall be taken, and 10 And while they were going to
the other left. buy, the bridegroom came; and they
42 IT Watch therefore ; for ye know that were ready, went in with him to
not what hour your Lord cometh. the marriage, and the door was shut.
43 Butknowthis, that if the master 11 Afterward came also the other
ofthe house knew in what watch the virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
Parable iff the tj,Unts. MATTHEW. TTie last judgment.
12 But he answered and said, Verily 28 Take therefore the talent from
1 say to you, I know you not. him, and give it to him who hath ten
13 Watoli tlietefpre, for ye know talents.
neither the day nor the hour in which 29 For to every one that hath shall
the Son of man cometh. be given, and he shall have abun-
14 IT For ike kingdom of heaven is dance but from him that hath not shall

as a man traveling into a far country, be taken away even thatwhich he hath.
who called his own servants, and de- 30 And cast ye the unprofitable ser-
livered to them his goods. vant into utter darkness there shall :

15 And to one he gave five talents, be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

to another two, and to another one 31 IT When the Son of man shall
to every man according to his several come in his glory, and all the holy
ability ; andforthwith took his journey. angels with him, then will he sit upon
16 Then he that had received the the throne of his glory
went and traded with the
five talents, 32 And before him shall be gather-
same, and gained other five talents. ed all nations: and he will separate
17 And
luiewise he that had receiv- them one from another, as a shepherd
ed he also gamed other two.
Xvio, divideth his sheep from the goats
IS But he that had received one, 33 And he will set the sheep on his
went and digged in the earth, and hid right hand, but the goats on the left.
bis lord's money. 34 Then will the lung say to them
19 After a long time the lord of on his right hand. Come, ye blessed of
those servants cometh, and reckoneth my Father, inherit the kingdom pre-
with them. pared for you from the foundation of
20 And he that had received five the world
talents, came and brought other five 35 For I was hungry, and ye gave
talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst me food I was thirsty, and ye gave

to me five tuents: behold, I hav^ me drink I was a stranger, and ye


gained besides them five talents more. took me in

21 His lord said to him, Well done 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I
thov. good and faithful servant ; thou was sick, and ye visited me : I was in
hast been faithful over a few things, I prison, and ye came to ihe.
will make thee ruler over many things 37 Then will, the righteous answer
enter thou into the joy of thy lord. him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee
22 He also that had received two hungry, and fed thee? or thirsty, and
talents came, and said, Lord, thou gave thee drink 1
deliveredst to me two talents : behold, 38" When saw we thee a stranger,

I have gained two other talents be- and took thee in 7 or nak^, and
sides them. clothed thee?
23 His lord said to him, Well done, 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in
good and faithful servant ; thou hast prison, and came to thee I
been faithful over a few things, I will 40 And the king will answer and
make thee ruler over many things: say to them, Verily I say to you, In-
enter thou into the joy of thy lord. asmuch as ye have done it to one ot
24 Then he who had received the the least of these my brethren, ye
one talent came, and said. Lord, I have done it to me.
knew thee that thou art a heird man, 41 Then virill he say also to them on
reaping where thou hast not sown, the left hand. Depart from me, ye
and gathering where thou hast not cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared
strewed for the devil and his angels
26 And 1 was afiraid, and went and 42 Fori was hungry, and ye gave
hid thy talent in the earth : lo, then-e me no food I was thirsty, and ye

thou hast what is thine. gave me no drink

26 His lord answered andsaid to 43 I wasa stranger, and ye took me
hun, TTum wicked and slothful servant, not in naked, and ye clothed me

thou knewest that I reap where I have not sick, and in prison, and ye visit-

not sown, and gather where I have ed me not.

not strewed 44 Then will they also answer him,
27 Thou oughtest.therefore to have saying. Lord, when saw we thee hun-
put my money to the exchangers, and gry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked,
then at my coming I should nave re- or sick, or in prison, and did not niin-
ceived my own with interest. ister to thee I
Judas sdleth Christ. MATTHEW. T%e LoriTs Supper.
45 Then he answer them, say-
will 16 And from that time he sought
ing, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as opportunity to betray him.
ye did it not to one of the least of 17 IT Now the first day of the/ecwf
these, ye did it not to me. of unleavened bread, the disciples
46 And these shall go away into came to Jesus, saying to him. Where
everlasting punishment but the righ- : wilt thou that we prepare for thee to
teous into life eternal. eat the passover?
18 And he said. Go into the city to
CHAPTER XXVI. such a man, and say to him. The
The rulers conspire against Christ. 7 The
Master saith. My time is at hand ; I
woman anuintethhis head. 14 Judas selleth
him. 17 Christ eateth the passover: 28 in- toU keep the passover at thy house
stituteth his hoiy supper 36 prayeth in the

garden 47 and being betrayed with a Iciss,

with my disfeiples.
57 is carried to Caiaphas, 69 and denied by 19 And the disciples did as Jesus
Peter. had appointed them ; and they made
came to pass, when JeSus

finished all these sayings, he

read^ the passover.
20 Now when the evening was
said to his disciples, come, he sat down with the twelve.
2 Ye know that after two days is 2! And as they were eating, he said,
the passover, and the Son of man is Verily I say to you, that one of you
betrayed to be crucified. vnll betray me.
3 Then assembled the chief priests 22 AnA they were exceeding sor-
and the scribes, and the elders of the rowful, and began every one of them
people, in the palace of the high priest, to say to hun. Lord, is it I "!

who was called Caiaphas, 23 And he answered and said. He

4 And consulted that they might that dippeth his hand with me in the
take Jesus by subtilty, and kill him. dish, the same will betray me.
5 But they said. Not on the feast- 24 The Son of man goeth, as it is
rfoj/, lest there be an uproar among written concerning him but woe to;

the.people. that man by whom the Son of man is

6 IT Now when Jesus was in Beth- betrayed it had been good for that

any, in the house of Simon the leper, man, if he had not been bom.
7 There came to him a woinan 25 Then Judas, who betrayed him,
having an alabaster-ljox of very pre- answered and said, Master, is it 1 1 He
cious ointment, and poured it on his said to him. Thou hast said.
head as he sat at table. 26 IT And as they were eating, Je-
8 But when his disciples saw it, sus took bread, and blessed it, and
they had indignation, saying. To What broke it, and gave it to the disciples,
purpose is this waste? . and said, Take, eat ; this is my body.
9 For this ointment might have 27 And he took the cup, and gave
been sold for much, and' given to the thanks, and gave itAo them, saying,
poor. Drink ye all of it;
10 When Jesus understood it, he 28 For this is my blood of the new
said to them. Why
trouble ye the wo- covenant, which is shed for many for
man 1 for she hath wrought a good the remission of sin.
work upon me. 29 But I say to you, I will not drink
11 For ye have the poor always .henceforth of this fruit of the vine,
with you but me ye have not alwavs.
until that day when I drink it new
12 For in that she hath poured this vrith you in my Father's kingdom.
ointment on my body, she d.d it for 30 And when they had sung a
my burial. hymn, they went out to the moimt of
13 Verily I say to you. Wherever Olives.
this gospel shall be preached in the 31 Then saith Jesus to them. All ye
whole world, then shall also this, will be offended because of me this
which this woman hath done, be told night for it is written, I will smite the

for a memorial of her. shepherd, and the sheep of the flock

14 IT Then one of the twelve, called shall be scattered abroad.
Judas Iscariot, went to the chief 32 But after I am risen again, J will
priests, go before you into Galilee.
15 And said; What will ye give me, 33 Peter answ^ed and said to him,
and I wiU deliver him to you 7 And Though be offended because
all shall
they covenanted with him for thirty of thee, yet will I never be offended.
pieces of silver. 34 Jesus said to him, Verily I say
Christ is betrayed, CHAPTER XXVI. and carried to Caiapliar.
to thee, that night, before the
this were with Jesua,, stretched out his
cock shall crow, thou wilt deny me hand, and drewhia sword, and strucl^
thrice. a servant of the high priest, and smote
35 Peter said to him, Though I off his ear.
should die with thee, yet will 1 not 52 Then said JesuB to Ivim, Put up
deny thee. Likewise also said all the again thy sword into its place : for all
disciples. they that take the sword, shall perish
36 IT Then cometh Jesus with them by, the sword.
to a place called tiethsemane^ and 6? Tl^inkest thou that I cannot now
saith to the disciples,. Sit ye here, pray to my Father, and he will pres-
while I go yonder and pray. ently give me more than twelve le-
S7 And he took with him Peter, and gions of angels'!
thp two sons of Zebedee, and began 54 But how then shall the scriptures
to be sorrowful and very heavy. be fulfilled, that thus it must bel
_ 38 Then saith he to them, Mv soul 55 in that same hour said Jesus to
is exceeding sorrowful, even to death the; multitudes, Are ye come out as
tarry ye here, and watch with me. agamst a thief with swords and staffs
39 And he went a Uttle further, and to take me? I sat daily with you
iell oh his face, eind prayed, saying, teaching in the temple, and ye laid no
O my Father, if it is possible, let this hold on me.
cup pass from me nevertheless, not
: 56 But all this was done, that thp
as I will, but as thou vrilt. scriptures of the prophets might bo
40 And he cometh to the disciples, fulfilled. Then all the disciples for-
and findeth them asleep, and saith to sook him, and fled.
Peter, What, could ye not watch with 57 IT And they that had laid hold
me one hour? on Jesus, led him away to Caiaphas
41 Watch and pray, that ye enter the high priest, where the scribes and
not into temptation the spirit indeed
: the elders were assembled.
is wiUing, but the flesh is weak. • 58 But Peter followed him at a dls-
42 He went away again the second tance^ to the high priest's palace, and
tune, and prayed, saying, O my Father, went in, and sat with the servants tp
if this cup may
not pass away from see the end.
iae, except Idnnk it, thy will be done. 59 Nowthe chief prieststind elders,
43 And he came and found them and all the council, sought false testi-
asleep again: for their eyes were mony against Jesus, to put him to
heavy. death
44 And he left them, and went away 60 But found none: and, though
again, and prayed the third time, say- many false witnesses came, yet found
ing the same words, they none. ^At the last came two
45 Then he cometh to his disciples, false, witnesses,
and saith to them, Sleep on now, and 61 And said. This man said, I am
take your rest behold, the hour is at
: able to destroy the temple of God, and
hand, and the Son of man is betrayed to build it in three days.
into the hands of sinners. 62 And the high priest arose, and
46 Rise, let us be going behold, he : said to him, Answerest thou nothing,
is at hand that dothlietray me. ;
what is it which these testify against
47 IT And while he was yet speak- thee?
ing, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, 63 But Jesus held his peace. And
and with liim a j^eat multitude with the high priest answered and said to
swords and stans, from the chief him, I adjure thee by the living God,
priests and elders of the people. that thou tell us whether thou art the
48 Now he that betrayed nim, gave Christ the Son of God.
them a sign, saying. Whomsoever I 64 Jesus saith to him, Thou ,hast
shall kiss, that same he hold him
is ; said nevertheless I say to you, Here-

fast. ^ter shall ye see the Son of man sit-

49 And forthwith became to Jesus, tmg on the right hand of power, and
and said,Hail Master; and kissed him. coming in the clouds of heaven.
50 And Jesus said to him, Friend, 65 Then the high priest rent his
Why art thou com©! Then they came, clothes, saying. He hath spoken blas-
and laid hands on Jesus, and took phemy; what further need have we
bim. of witnesses? behold, now ye have
51 And behold, one of them, who heard his blasphemy.
Jadas hangeth himself. MATTHEW. Pilate admonished.
66 What think ye ? They answer- bought with them the potter's field, to
ed and said, He is gjiilty of death. bury strangers in.
67 Then they spit in his face, and 8 Wherefore that field hath been
bufieted him; and others smote him called. The field of blood, to this day.
with the palms of their hands. 9 Then was fulfilled that which was
68 Saying, Prophesy to us, thoij spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, say-
Christ, Who is he that smote thee ? ing. And they took the thirty pieces of
69 IT Now Peter sat without in the silver, the price of him that was val-
palace and a damsel came to him,
: ued, whom
they of the children of Is-
saying. Thou also wast with Jesus rael did value i
of Galilee. 10 And gave them for the potter's
70 But he denied before them all, field, as the Lord appointed me.
saying, I know not what thou sayest. U And Jesus stood before the gov-
71 And when he had gone out into ernor: and the governor asked him,
the porch, another maid saw him, and saying. Art thou the King of the Jews?
said to them that were there. This And JesUs said to him, Thou sayest.
man was also with Jesus of Nazareth. 12 And when he was accused by
72 And again he denied with an the chief priests and elders, he answer-
oath, I do not know the man. ed nothing.
73 And after a while came to him 13 Then saith Pilate to him, Hear-
they that stood by, arid said to Peter, est thou not how many things they
Surely thou also art one of them for ; testify against thee 1
thy speech betrayefh thee. 14 And he answered him to not a
74 Then began he to curse and to word J
so that the governor marveled
swear, saying, I know not the man. greatly.
And immediately the cock crowed. 15 Now
at that feast, the governor
75 And Peter remembered the word was wont to release to the people a
of Jesus, who said to him. Before the prisoner, whom
they would.
cock shall crow, thou wilt deny me rs And they had then a notabla
thrice. And he went out, and wept prisoner, called Barabbas.
bitterly. 17 Therefore when they were as-
CHAPTER XXVn. sembled, Pilate said to them, Whom
will ye that I release to you? Barab.
J Christ is delivered bound to Pilate. 3 Ju-
das hangetli himself. 19 Pilate admonished bas, or Jesus, who is called Christ 1
by his wife, -24 washeth his hands, S6 and 18 (For he knew that for envy they
looseth Barabbas. 29 Christ is crowned
with thorns, 35 is crucified, 40 i^viled, 60
had delivered him.)
dieth, and is tiuried: 66 his sepulcher is 19 ir When he was sitting on the
sealed and watched. judgment-seat, his wife sent to him,
WHEN all
the morning was come,
the chief priests and elders
saying. Have thou nothing to do with
that just man : for I have suffered
of the people took counsel against Je- many things this day in a dream, be-
sus to put him to death. cause of him.
2 And when they had bound him, 20 But the chief priests and elders
they led him awEiy, and delivered him persuaded the multitude that they
to Pontius Pilate the governor. should ask Barabbas, and destroy Je-
3 IT Then Judas, who had betrayed sus.
him, when he saw that he was con- 21 The governor answered and said
demned, repented and brought again to them. Which of the two will ye
the thirty pieces of silver to the chief that I release to you? They said Ba-
priests and elders, rabbas.
4 Saying, I have anned in that I 22 Pilate saith to them. What shall
have betrayed innocent blood. And I do then with Jesus, who is called
they, said.What is that to us 1 see thou Christ? TAey all say to him, Let him
to mat. '

be cincified.
B And he bast down the pieces of 23. Andthe governor said. Why,
silver in the temple, and departed, and what hath he done? But they
went and hanged himself. crisd out the more, saying, Let him
6 And the chief priests took the sil- be crucified.
ver pieces, and said. It is not lawfiil tb 24 IT When Pilate saw that he could
put them into the treasury, because it not prevail at all, but that rather a tu-
IE the price of blood. mult was made, he took water, and
7 And they took counsel; and washed his hands before the multitudo,
Tke crucifixion and CHAPTER XXVII. burial of CliriO.
saying, I am
innocent of the blood of cannot save. King of Israel,
If he is
this just person see ye to it.
: . let him now come down from the
25 Then answered all the people, cross, and we will believe him.
and said. His blood be on us, and on 43 He trusted in God let him de- ;

our children. Uver him now if he will have him : for

Then he released Barabbas to
26 he said, I am the Son of God.
them and when he had scourged Je-
: 44 The thieves also who were cru-
sus, he delivered Aim''to be crucified. cified with him, cast the same in his
27 Then the soldiers of the govern- teeth.
or took Jesus into the common hall, 45 Now fiom the sixth hour there
and gathered to him the whole band was darkness over all the land to the
qfsoidiera, ninth hour.
28 And they
stripped him, and put 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus
on him a scarlet robe. cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli,
29 IT And when they had platted a Eli, lama sabachthani'i that is to say.
crown of thorns, they put it upon bis My God, my God, why hast thou for-
head, and a reed in his right hand: saken me?
and they bowed the knee before him, 47 Some of them that stood there,
and mocked him, saying. Hail, King when they heard that, said. This man
of the Jews 1 calleth for Elijah.
30 And they spit upon him, and 48 And immediately one of them
took the reed, and struck him on the ran and took a spunge, and filled it
head. with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and
31 And after that they had mocked gave him to drink.
him, they took the robe off from him, 49 The rest said. Forbear, let us see
and put (lis own raiment on him, and whether Elijah will come to save him.
ledhim away to crucify /i/im. 50 % Jesus, when he had cried again
32 And as they came out, they found with a loud voice, expired.
a man of Cyrene, Simon by name 51 And behold, the vail of the tem-
him they constrained to bear his ple was rent in two, .from the top to
cross. ( the bottom and the earth shook, and

33 And when they had come to a the rocks rent

place called Golgotha, that is to say, a 52 And the graves were opened,
place of a skull, and many bodies of saints who slept,
34 They gave him vinegar to drink, arose.
mingled with gall and when he had : 53 And came out of the graves after
lasted of it, he would not drink. his and went into the
35 And ttiey crucified him, and part- holy city, and appeared to many.
ed his garments, casting lots that it : 54 Now when the centurion, and
might be fulfilled which was spoken they that were with him, watching
by the prophet, They parted my gar- Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those
ments among them, and upon my thmgs that were done, they feared
vesture they cast lots. Truly this was the
greatly, saying,
36 And sitting down, they watched Son of God. '

him there 55 And many women were there

37 And set over his head his accu- (beholding at a distance) who follow-
sation written, THIS IS JESUS ed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to
38 Then were two thieves crucified 56 Among whom was Mary Mag-
with him one on the right hand, and
: dalene, and Mary the mother of Jaitaes
another on the left. and Joses, and the mother of Zebe-
39 V And they that passed by, re- dee's children^
viled him, wagging their heads, 57 When
the evening was come,
40 And aayingi Thou that destroy- therecame a rich man of Arimathea,
est the temple, and.buildest U in three named Joseph, who also himself was
days, save thyself. If thou art the a disciple of Jesus.
Son of God, come down from the 58 He went to Pilate, and begged
cross. the body of Jesus. Then Pilate com-
41 Likewise also the chief priests manded the body to be delivered.
mocking hiTn, with the scribes and 59 And when Joseph had taken the
elders, said, body, he wrapped it in a clean linen
42 He saved others; himself he cloth,
Chrises resurrection and MATTHEW. ajrpearancetohwdiscipla.
60 And laid it in hig own new tomb, he said. Come, see the place where
which he had hewn out in the rock the Lord lay.
and he rolled a great stone to the door 7 And go quickly, and tell his disci-
of the sepuloher, and departed. ples that he is risen from the dead,
61 And theVe was Mary Magdalene, and behold, he goeth before you into
and the othter Mary, sitting over Gfahlee ; there shall ye see him lo, I

against the sepiilcher. have told you.

62 IT Now the next day that follow- 8 And tney departed quickly from
ed the day of the preparation, the the sepulcherj with fear aiid great joy
chief priests and Pharisees came to- and rdn to bring word to his disciples.
gether to Pilate, 9 ir And as mey were going to tell
63 Saying, Sir, we remember that his disciples, behold, Jesus met them,
that deceiver siaid, while he was yet saying. All hail. And they came and
alive, After three days I will rise again. held him by the feet, and worshiped
64 Command tnerefore that the him.
sepulchdr' be made secure until the 10 Then said Jesus to them,. Be not
third day, lest his disciples come by afraid go tell my brethren, that they

night, and steal him away, and say to go into Galilee, and there shall they
the people. He
is risen from the dead see me.
so the last error will be wor^e than 11 IT Now when they were going,
the first. behold, some of the watch came into
65 Pilate said to them, Ye have a th^ city, and showed to the chief
watch go, make it as secure as ye
: priests all the things that had been
call. done.
6i6 Sdtheywent, and having sealed 12 And when they were assembled
the stone, made the sepulcher secure with the elders, and had taketi coun-
with a watch. sel, they gave a large sum of money
to the soldiers,
CHAPTER XXVIII. 13 Saying, Say ycj His disciples
I Christ's resurredtion is declared by an an- caine by night, and stole him amty
gel to the women : 9 He himself appeareth while we slept.
to them. 11 The cliief priests give the sol-
diers money to say that 'he was stolen out 14 And if this shall come to the
of his sepulcher. 16 Christ appeareth to governor's ears, we will persuade him,
his disciples, 19 and sendeth them to' bap- and secure you.
tize, and teach all nations.
15 So they tdokthe money, and did
the end of the sabbath, as be-
INgan to dawn toward the first
as they were instructed and this say-

ing is commonly reported among the

of the week,' came Mary iVIagdalene, Jews until this day.
and the other Mary to see the sepul- 16 IT Then the eleven disciples went
cher. away into Galilee, to a mountain
2 And behold, there was a great where Jesus had appointed them.
earthquake: for the angel of the Lord 17 And when they saw him, they
descended from heaven, and came and worshiped him but some doubted.

rolled back the stone frdm the door, 18 And Jesus came, and spoke to
and sat upon it. them, saying. All power is given to
3 His countenance was like light- me in heaven and upon earth.
ning, and his raiment white as snow. 19 IT Go ye therefore and teach all
4 And for fear of him the keepers nations, baptizing them' in the name
trembled and became as dead mm. of the Father, and of the Son, and of
B And the angel answered and said the Holy Spirit.
to the women, Fear ye not: for I 20 Teaching thfera to observe all
know that ye seek Jesus, who was things whatever I have commanded
crucified. you and lo, I am with you always,

6 He is not here : for he is risen, as eom to the end of the world. Amen.
1 The Gospel by MARK.
as he was wajllung by the
I The office of Johu tbe Baptist. 9 Jesus Is sea of Galilee, he saw Simoii, and An-
baptized, 13 tempted : U He preacbeth, IS drew his brother, casting a net into
callcth Peter, Andrew, James, aod John :
the sea : for they were fishers.
S3 healeth one that had a demon, B9 Peter's
mother-in-law, 3-2 many diseased persons 17 And Jesus said to them, Come
41 and cleanseth the leper. ye after me, and make you to
I will

THE beginning of the gospel of

Jesus Christ the Son of God j
become men.
fishers of
18 And immediately they forsook
2 As it is Written in the prophets, their nets, and followed him.
Behold, I send my messenger before 19 And when he had gone a little
thy face, who shall prepare thy way further thence, he saw James the son
before thee of Zebede^ and John his brother, who
3 The voice of one crying in the wil- also were in the boat mending their
derness, Prepare ye the way of the nets.
Lord, make his paths straight. 20 And immediately he called them :

4 John was bapttizing in the wilder- and they left their father Zebedeein
ness, and preaching the baptisin of the boat with the hired servants, and
xepentance, for the remission of sins. went after him.
6 And there went out to him all the 21 And they went into Capernaum
land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and immediately on the sabbath he
and were all baptized by him the m entered into the synagogue and taught.
river Jordan, confessing their sins. 22 And they were astonished at his
6 And John was clothed with cam- doctrme for he taught them as one

el's hair« and with a girdle of a skin that had authority, and not as the
about his loins; and he ate locusts and scribes.
wild honey 23 And there was in their syna-
7 Andpreached, saying. There Com- gogue a man with an unclean spnit
eth after me one mightier than I, the and he cried out,
Jatohet of whose shoes I am not wor- 24 Saying, Let u« alone; what
thy to stoop down and unloose. have we to do with thee, thou Jesufg
8 I indeed have baptized yo|i with of Nazareth'?, art thou come to de-
water : but he will baptize you with stroy us '! I know thee who thou art,
the Holy Sphit. the Holy One of God. ,

9 And it came to pass in those days, 25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying.
that Jesus came from Nazareth to Hold thy peace, and come out of liin;.
Galilee, and was baptized by John in 26 And when the unclean spirit had
Jordan. torn him) and cried with a loud voice,
10 .And immediately coming up out he came out of him.
of the water, he eaw the heavens 27 And tb^ were all amazed, so
opened, and the Spirit like a dove de- that tliey questioned among thenv-
scending upon him. selves, sayingy What thing is tbiR,'?
11 And there came a voice from what new doctrine i» thisl for wiqi
heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved authority he commandeth even ttue
Son, in whom I am well pleased. unclean sjiirits, and they obey him. .

12 And immediately the spirit driv- 28 And immediately his fame spread
eth him into the wilderness. abroad throughout all the region
13' And he was there in the wilder- around Galilee.. , ,

ness forty days tempted by Satan.: ,. 29 And fbtthWifh,' when they had
and was with the wild beasts, and the come out of the synagogue, they en-
angels ministered to him. tered into the house of Simon ajid
14 Now after John was put in pris- Andrew, with James and John.
on, Jesua came into Galilee, preaching 30 But the mother of Simon's Twife
the gospel of die kingdom of God, lay sick with a fever; and forthwith
16 And saying. The time is fulfilled, they tell him other. .<

and the kingdom of God is at hand 31 And he came and took her. by
repent ye, .and believe the gospel. the hand, and lifted her up ; and ioi,-
4 37
7^8 hper cleansed. CHAPTER II. Matthew called.

mediately the fever left her, and she 2 And forthvrith many were assem-
ministered to them. bled, so that there was no room to
32 And at evening, when the sun receive them, no not so much as about
had setj they brought to him all that the door : and ho preached the word
vreie diseased, and them that were to them.
possessed with demons. 3 And they come to him, bringing
33 And all the city was gathered at one sick with the palsy, who was
the door. borne by four.
34 And he healed many that were 4 And when they could not coiiao
sick with divers diseases, and cast out nigh to him by reason of the crowd,
many demons ; and suffered not the they uncovered the roof where he
demons to speak, because they knew was and when they had broken it

him. up, they let down the bed on which

35 And in the morning, rising a the sick vnth the palsy lay.
great while before day, he went out 6 When Jesus saw their faith, he
and departed into a solitary place, and said to the sick with the palsy. Son,
there prayed. thy sins are forgiven thee.
36 And Simon, and they that were 6 But there were certain of the
with him, followed after him. scribes sitting there, and reasoning in
37 And when they had found him, their hearts,
they said to him, All men seek for thee. 7 Why doth this man thus speak
38 And he said to them. Let us go blasphemies'? who^ can forgive sina
into the next towns, that I may preach but God only 1
there also for, for this purpose have
: 8 And immediately, when Jesus
I come. perceived in his spirit that they so
39 And he preached in their syna- reasoned within themselves, he said
gogues throughout all Galilee, and to them. Why reason ye these thing*
cast out demons. in your hearts 1
40 And there came a leper to him, 9 Which is easier, to say to the sick
beseeching him, and kneeUng down with the palsy, T%y sins are forgiven
to him, and saying to him, If thou theej or to say. Arise, and take up
vrilt, thou canst mflie me clean. thy bed, and walk?
41 And Jesus, moved with com- 10 But that ye may know that the
passion, put forth his hand, and touch- Son of man hath power on earth to
ed him, and saith to him, I vnll ; be forgive sins, he saith to the sick with
thou clean. the palsy,
42 And as soon as he had spoken, 111 say to thee, Arise, and take up
immediately the leprosy departed from thy bed, and go into thy house.
him, and he was cleansed. 12 And immediately he arose, took
43 And he strictly charged him, and up the bed, and went forth before
forthwith sent him away ; them all ; so that they were all
44 And saith to him. See thou say amazed, and glorified God, saying,
nothing to any man ; but goj' show We never saw it on this fashion.
thyself to the priest, and offer for thy 13 And he went forth again by the
cleansing those things whifch Moses sea-side ; and all the multitude resort-
commanded, for a testimony to them. ed to him, and he taught them.
45 But he went out, and began to 14 And as he passed by, he saw
much, and to blaze abroad
p\iblish'it Levi the son of Alpheus, sitting at the
the matter, so that Jesus could no receipt of custom, and said to him,
more openly enter into the city, but Follow me. And he arose, and fol-
was without in soUtary places and : lowed him.
they came to him from every quarter. 15 And it came to pass, that as Je-
sus sat at table in his house, many
, ,
publicans and sinners sat also togeto-
3 CVtrlBt1i6aleth one sick with the palsy, 14
calleth Matthew from the receipt of cus- er with Jesus and his disciples; for
t^m, T5 eateth with publicans Eind sinnecs, there were many, and they followed
IS excusetli t^is disciples for not fasting,
, S3 and for pladl^g
the ears of com on the him.
sabbath. '

16 And when the scribes and Phar-
AND again he entered
some days; and
isees saw him eating with publicans
and sinners, they said to his disciples.
was understood that he was in the How is it that he eateth and drinketn
bouse. with publicans and sinners.
Christ ckooseth MARK. tivelvi discipla,
17 When Jesus heard it, he saith 2 And they watched him; to see
to them, They that are in health; have whether he would heal him on the
no need of a physician, but they that sabbath that they might accuse him.

are sick; I came not to call the righ- 3 And he saith to the man who had
teous, but sinners, to repentance. the withered hand, Stand forth.
18 And the disciples of John, and 4 And he saith to them. Is it lawful
of the Pharisees, used to fast and to do good on the sabbath, or to do

they come, and say to him, Why do evil? to save life, or to kill'! but they
the disciples of John, and of thePhar- held their peace.
isees fast, but thy disciples fast not ? B And when he had looked around
19 And Jesus said to them, Can the on them with an^er, being grieved for
children of the bride-chamber fast, the hardness of their hearts, he 'saith
while the bridegroom is with them 1 to the man. Stretch forth thy htindi
As long as they have the bridegroom And he stretched it out and his hand :

with them, they cannot fast. was restored whole as the other.
20 But the days will come, when 6 And the Pharisees went forth,
the bridegroom snail be taken from and immediately took counsel with
them, and then they will fast in those the Herodians e^ainst him, how they
days. might destroy him.
21 No man also seweth a piece of 7 But Jesus withdrew himself with
new cloth on an old garment else his disciples to the sea : and a great

the new piece that filled it up, taketh multitude fi-om Galilee followed nim,
away from the old, and the rent is and from Judea.
made worse. 8 And from Jerusalem, and from
22 And no man putteth new wine Idumea, and from beyond Jordan j
into old bottles, else the new wine and they about Tyre and Sidon, a
doth burst the bottles, and the wine great multitude, when they had heard
is spilled, and the bottles will be mar- what great things he did, came to him.
red : but new wine must be put into '9 And he spoke to his disciples, that

new bottles. a small boat should wait on him, be-

23 Andit came to pass, that he went cause of the multitude, lest they should
through the corn-fields on the sab- throng him.
bath ; and his disciples began, as they 10 For he had healed many; so
went, to pluck the ears of corn. that they pressed upon him to touch
24 And the Pharisees said to him. him, as many as had diseases.
Behold, why do they on the sabbath 11 And unclean spirits, when they
that which is not lawful 1 saw him, fell down before him, and
25 And he said to them. Have ye cried, saying. Thou art the Son of
never read what David did, when he God.
had need, and was hungry, he and 12 And he strictly charged them,
they that were with him 1 that they should not make him known.
26 How he went into the house of 13 And he goeth up upon a moun-
God, in the days of Abiathar the high tain, and calleth to him whom he
priest, and ate the show-bread, which would and they came to him.

It is not lawfij to eat, but for the 14 And he ordained twelvci. that
priests, and gave also to them who they should be with him, and that he
were with him 7 might send them forth to preach,
27 And he said to them. The sab- 15 And to have power to heal sick-
bath was made for man, and not man nesses, and to cast out demons. ^

for the sabbath 16 And Simon he surnamed Peter.

28 Therefore the Son of man is 17 And James the son of Zebedeeu
Lord also of the sabbath. and John the brother of James, (and.
CHAPTER III. he surnamed them Boanerges, which
is, Sons of thunder,)
1 Christ healetb the withered hand, 10 and
many other infirmities: ii rcbuketh the 18 And Andtew, and Philip, and
unclean spirits: is chooseth his twelve Bartholomew, and Matthew, and
apostles 23 proveth the hlasphemy of

casting out demons by Beelzebut) 31 and

Thomas and James the son of Alphe-
Bhoivejfa who are his brother, sister, and us, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Oa-
mother. naanite,
AND he
agogue; and
entered again into the syn-
a man was there
19 And Judas Iscariot, who
trayed him: and they went into o
also be-

who bad a withered hand. , house. '

Parable of the sower MARK. and the meaning qf it.
20 And the multitude cometh to- 2 And he taught them many things
gether again, so that they could not by parables, and said to them in his
so much as eat bread. doctrine,
21 And when his friends heard of 3 Hearken ; Behold, a sower went
it, they went out to lay hold on him out to sow
for they said, He is beside himself. 4 And came to pass as he so-*ed,

22 ir And the scribes who came some fell by the way-side, and the
down from Jerusalem, said, He hath fowls of the air came and devoured it.
Beelzebub, and by the prince of the 5 And some fell on stony ground,
demons he castetn out demons, where it had not much earth; and
23 And he calleth them to him, and immediately it sprang up, because it

said to them in parables, How can had no 'depth of earth.

Satan cast out Satan t 6 But when the sun had risen, it
24 And if a kingdom bo divided was scorched and because it had no

against itself that kingdom cannot root, it withered away.

stand. 7 And some fell among thorns, and
25 And
a house be divided against
if the thorns grew up, and choked it,
house cannot stand.
Itself, rthat and it yielded no fruit.
26 And if Satan rise up against 8 And other fell on good ground,
hhnself, and be divided, he cannot and yielded fruit that sprang up, and
stand, but hath an end. increased, and brought forth, some
27 No man can enter into a strong thhty, and some sixty, and some a
man's house, and seize his goods, ex- hundred.
cept he will first bind the strong man; 9 And he said to them, He that hath
and then he will plunder his house. ears to Irear, let him hear.
28 Verily I say to you, AH sins shall 10 And when he was alone, they
be forgiven to the sons of men, and that were about him, with the twelve,
any blasphemies with which they asked of him the parable.
shall blaspheme 11 And he said to them. To you it
29 But he that shall blasplieme is given to know the mystery of the
against the Holy Spirit never hath kingdom of God but to them that

forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal are without, all these things are done
damnation in parables :

30 Because they said, He hath an 12 That seeing they may see, and
unclean spirit. not perceive; and hearing tliey may
31 IT There came then his brethren hear, and not understand; lest at any
and his mother, and standing without, time they should be Converted, and
they sent to him, calling him. their sins should be forgiven them.
32 And the_ multitude sat about him, 13 And he said to them, Know ye
and they said to him, Behold, thy not this parable 1 and how then will
mother, and thy brethren without seek ye know all parables 1
for thee. 14 The sower soweth the word.
33 And he answered them, saying, 15 And these are they by the way-
Who is my mother, or ray brethren 1 side, *here the word is sown; but
34 And he looked around on them when they have heard, Satan cometh
who sat about him, and said, Behold, immediately, and taketh away the
my mother and my brethren word that was sown in their hearts.
^ 35 For whoever shall
do the will of 16 And these are they likewise who
God, the same is my brother, and my are sown on stony ground; who,
sister, and mother. when they have heard the word, im-
CHAPTER IV. mediately receive it with gladness
1 The parable of the sower, 14 and the mean- 17 And have no root in themselveB,
ing of it 21 We must communicate the and so endure but for a time after- :

Jight of our knowledge to others. 26 The

parable of the seed growing secretly, 3i) and ward, when affliction or persecution
of the mustard-seed. 35 Christ stllleth the ariseth for the word's sake, immedi-
tempest on the sea. ately they relapse.
he began
sea-side :
again to teach
and there was
by 18 And these
sown among thorns such as hear
are they
who are
gathered to him a great multitude, so word,
that he entered into a boat, and sat on 19 And the cares of this world, and
the sea ; and the whole multitude was the deceitfulness of riches, and the
by the sea, on the land. lusts of other' thingfs entering in, choke
Parable of the miwtard-seed. CHAPTER V. Christ sKUelh the tempest.
the word, and it becometh unfruit- the multitude, they took him even as
M. he was in the boat. And there were
20 And these are they who are sown also with him other small boats.
on good ground; such as hear the 37 And there arose a sreat storm of
word, and receive it and bring forth wind, and the waves beat into the
some thirty-fold, some sixty, and
fruit, boat, so that it was now full.
some a hundred. 38 And he was in the hinder part of
21 V And he said to them, Is a can- the boat, asleep on a pillow and they :

dle brought to be put under a close awake him, and say to him; Master,
vessel, or under a bed's and not to be carest thou not that we perish f
set on a candlestick'? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the
22 For there is nothing hid, which wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be
shall not be manifested ; neither hath still and the wiad ceased, and there

any thing been kept secret, but that it was a great calm.
should come abroad. 40 And he said to them. are Why
23 If any man hath ears to hear, ye so fearfiil 1 how is it that ye have
let him hear. no faith 7
24 And he said to them. Take heed 41 And they feared exceedingly, and
what ye hear: With the measure said one to another. What manner of
which ye give, it shall be measured to man is this, that even the wind and
you and to you that hear shall more
: the sea obey him 1
be given. '

For he that hath, to him shall

be given and he that hath not, from
1 Christ delivering the possessed of the le-
plon of demons, 13 they enter into the
him shall be taken even that which swine 25 He healeth the woman of the

he hath. bloody issue, 35 and ralseth from death

26 V And he said. So is the kingdom Jairus's daughter.

of God, as if a man should cast seed

into the ground
AND they came over to the other
side of the sea, into the country
27 And should sleep, and rise night of the Gadarenes.
and day, and the seed should spring 2 And when he had come out of
and grow up, he knoweth not how. the boat, immediately there met him
28 For the earth bringeth forth out of the tombs a man with an un-
fruit of itself ; first the blade, then the clean spirit,
ear, after that the full corn m the ear. 3 Who had his dwelling among the
29 But when the fruit is brought tombs ; and no man could bindliim,
forth, immediately he putteth in the no, not with chains
sickle, because the harvest is come. 4 For he had been often bound with
30 IT And he said;, To what shall fetters and chains, and the chains had
we Uken the kingdom of Gtod ? or with been plucked asunder by him, and the
what comparison shall we compare fetters broken in pieces: neither could
it? any man tame him.
31 It is like a grain of mustard- 5 And
always, night and day, he
seed, which, when it is sown in the was on the mountains, and among the
earth, is less than all the seeds that tombs, crying, and cutting himself
are in the earth. vnth stones.
32 But when it is sown, it groweth 6 But when he saw Jesus afar o^
up, and becometh greater than all he ran and worshiped him,
herbs, and shooteth out great branch- 7And cried with a loud voice, and
es; so that the fowls of the air may said. What have I to do with thee, Je-
lodge under its shade. sus, thou Sou of the Most High God'!
33 And with many such parables I adjure theeby God, that mou tor-
he spoke the word to them, as they ment me not.
were able to hear it. 8 (For he said to him. Come out of
34 But without a parable he spoke the man, thou unclean spirit.)
not to them: and when they were 9 And he asked him. What is thy
alone, he expounded all things to his name 1 And he answered, saying. My
disciples. name is legion for we are many.

35 And the same day, when the 10 And he besought him much that
evening was come, he saith to them, he would not send them away out of
Let us pass over to the other side. the country.
36 And when they had sent away U Now there was there nigh to the
4* 41
Bloody issue healed. MARK. Jairus's daughter raised.
mountains a great herd of swine feed- 27 When
she had heard of Jesus,
ing. came in the crowd behind, and touch-
Vi And all the demons besought ed his garment.
him, saying, Send us into the swme, 28 For she said. If I mav touch but
that we may enter into them. his clothes^ I shall be whole.
13 And forthwith Jesus gave them 29 And immediately the fountain of
leave. And the unclean spirits went her blood was dried up ; and she felt
out, and entered into the swine and : in her body that she was heeded of
the herd ran violently down a steep that infirmity.
place into the sea (they were about 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing
two thousand) and were choked in the in himself that virtue had gone out of
sea. him, turned him about in the throng,
14 Andthey that fed the swine fled, and said. Who
touched clothes'?my
and told it m
the city, and in the 31 And
his disciples said to him,
country. And they went out to see Thou seest the multitude thronging
what it was that was done. thee, and sayest thou. touchedWho
15 And they come to Jesus, and see mel
him that was possessed with the de- 32 And he looked around, to see
mon, and had the legion, sitting, and her that had done this thing.
clothed, and in his right mind: and 33 But the woman fearing and
they were afraid. trembhng, knowing what was done
16 And they that saw it told them in her, came and fell down before him,
how it befell him that was possessed and told him all the truth.
with the demon, and also concerning 34 And he
said to her. Daughter,
the swine. thy faithhath made thee whole;,go
17 And they began to pray him to in peace, and be healed of thy infirm-
depart out of their borders. ity-
18 And when he had come into the 35 While he was yet speaking,
boat, he that had been possessed with there came from the nuer of the syn-
the demon prayed him that he might agogue's house certainv/ho said. Thy
be with him. daughter is dead why troublest thou

19 Yet Jesus suffered him not, but the Master any further f
faith to him, Go home to thy friends, 36 As soon as Jesus heard the word'
and tell them how great things the that was spoken, he saith to the ruler
Lord hath done for thee, and hath had of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only
compassion on thee. believe,
20 And he departed, and began to 37 AJnd he suffered no man to fol-
Sublish in Decapolis how great things low him, save Peter, and James, and
esus had done for him. And all men John the brother of James.
wondered. 38 And he cometh to the house of
21 Andwhen Jesus had passed over the ruler of the synagogjue, and seeth
again in a boat to the other side, much the tumult, and them that wept and
people gathered to him and he was
: wailed greatly.
nigh to the sea. 39 And when he had come in, he
22 And behold, there coraeth one of saith to them, Why make ye this tu-
the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by mult, and weep 1 the damsel is not
name ; and when he saw him, 'he fell dead, but sleepeth.
at his feet, 40 And they derided him but when :

23 And besought him earnestly, he had put them all out, he taketh the
saying. My little daughter lieth at the father and the mother of the damsel,
pomt of death : i pray thee, come and and them that were vrith him, and
lay thy hands on her, that she may entereth in where the damsel was ly-
be hefued ; and she will live. ing.
24 And Jesus went with him ; and 41 And he took the damsel by the
many people followed him, and throng- hand,, and said to her, Tahtha cumi
ed him. which is, being interpreted. Damsel (I
25 And a certain woman who had say to thee) arise.
an issue of blood twelve years, 42 And forthwith the damsel arose,
26 And had suffered many things and walked ; for she was of the age
&om many physicians, and had spent of twelve years. And they were as-
all that she had, and was not reliev- tonished with a great astonishment
ed,, but rather grew worse. 43 And he charged them strictly
Disciples tent forOt. CHAPTER VI, John Baptist beheadtd,
that no man should know it; and 14 And Iting Herod heard of him
commanded that something should (for his name was spread abroad:)
be given her to eat. and he said. That John the Baptist
CHAPTER VI. had risen from the dead, and therefore
I Christ Is contemned by his countrymen. mighty works do show forth them-
7 He glveth the twelve power over unclean selves in him.
spirits. 14 Divers opinions of Christ. 27
John Baptist is beheailedi 29 and buried. 30 IB Others said. That it is Elijah.
The apostles return trwci preaching. 34 And others said. That it is a prophet,
The miracle of five loaves and two nshes. or as one of the prophets.
48 Christ walketh on the sea ; 53 and heal-
elh all that touch blni. 16 But when Herod heard him,
AND he went
out from thence, and
into his own country, and
he said.
he hath
whom I beheaded :
It is John,
from the dead.
his disciples follow him. 17 For Herod himself had sent forth
2 And when the sabbath was come, and laid hold upon John, and bound
ho began to teach in the synagogue him in prison for the sake of Herodi-
and many hearing him were aston- as, his brother Philip's wife: for he
ished, saying, From whence hath this had married her.
Titan these tmnga 7 and what wisdom 18 For John had said to Herod, It
is this wliich is given to him, that is not lawful for thee to have thy

even such mighty works are wrought brother's wife.

by his hands 1 19 Therefore Herodias had a quar-
3 Is not this the carpenter, the son rel against him, and would have killed
of Mary, the brother of James, and him but she could not ;

Joses, and of Juda, and Simon 7 and 20 For Herod feared John, know-
are not his sisters here with us 7 And ing that he was a just and holy man,
they were offended at him. and observed him and when he :

4 But Jesus said to them, A prophet heard him, he did many things, and
is not without honor, but in his own heard him gladly.
country, and among his own kindred, 21 And when a convenient day had
and in his own house. come, that Herod on his birth-day
5 And he could there do no mighty made a supper to his lords, high cap-
work, save that he laid his hands upon tains, and chief men of Galilee
a few sick persons, and healed thmi. 22 And when the daughter of the
6 And he marveled because of their said Herodias came in, and danced,
unbelief. And he went around the and pleased Herod, and them that sat
villages teaching. , with him, the king said to the damsel,'
7 It And he, calleth to him the Ask of me whatever thou wilt, and I
twelve, and began to send them forth will give it thee.
by two and two; and gave them 23 And he swore to her. Whatever

power over unclean spirits thou shalt ask of me, I will give it
8 And commanded them that they thee, to the half of my kingdom.
should take nothing for ^«r journey, 24 And she went forth, and said to
save a staff only no bag, no bread, her mother. What shall I ask 7 and

no money in tiieCr jjurse she said. The head of John the Bap-
9 But be shod with sandals and tist. ;

not put on two coats. 25 And she came in forthwith with

10 And he said to them. In what- haste to the king, and asked, sa]ring,
ever place ye enter into a house, there I will that thou ahouldst give me, im-
abide till ye depart from that place. mediately, in a dish, the head of John
11 And whoever shall not receive the Baptist.
you, nor hear you, when ye depart 26 And the king was exceeding
thence shake off the dust under your sorry yet for his oath's sak& and for

feet, for a testimony against them. their sakes who sat with him, he
Verily I say to you, It shall be more would not reject her.
tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in 27 And immediately the king sent
the day of judgment, than for that an executionerj and comman^d hia
city. head to be brought : and he went and
12 And they went out and preached beheaded hhn in the prison,
that men should repent. 28 And brought his head in a dish,
13 And they cast out many de- and gave it to the damsel and the :

mons, and anointed with oil many damsel gave it to her mother.
that were sick, and healed them. 29 And when his disciples heard qf
Five fhousandfed. MARK. Christ icalkelh on the sea
it, they came and took up his corpse, 46 And when he had dismissed
and laid it in a tomb. them, he departed to a mountain' to
30 And the apostles assembled pray.
themselves to Jesus, and told him all 47 And when evening was come,
things, both what they had done, and the boat was in the midst of the sea,
what tney had taught. and he alone on the land.^
31 And he said to them. Come ye 48 And he saw them toiling in row-
yourselves apart into a solitary place, ing; for the wind was contrary to
and rest awhile: for there were many them and about thg fourth watch of

coming and going, arid they had no the night he cometh to them, walk-
leisure so much as to eat. ing upon the sea, and would have
32 And they departed into a solitary passed by them.
place in a boat privately. 49 But when they saw him walk-
33 And the people saw them de- ing upon the sea, they supposed it
parting, and many Knew him, and ran had been a spirit,' and cried oiit.
on foot thither out of all cities, and 50 (For tney all saw him, and
out-went them, and came together to were troubled.) And immediately he
him. talked with them, and saith to them,
34 And Jesus, when he came out, Be of good cheer It is I ; be not

saw many and was moved

with compassion toward them, be- 51 And he went up to them into
cause they were as sheep not having the boat ; and the wind ceased and :

a shepherd and he began to teach

: they were greatly amazed in them-
them many things. selves beyond measure, and wondered.
35 And when the day was now far 62 For they considered not themir-
spent, his disciples came to him, and acle of the loaves ; for their heart waa
said. This is a lonely place, and now hardened.
the time is far passed 53 And when they had past over,
36 Send them away, that they may they came into the land of Gennesa-
go into the country around, and into ret, and drew to the shore.
the villages, ana buy themselves 54 And when they had come out of
bread for they have nothing to eat.
: the boat forthwith they knew him,
37 He answered and said to them. 55 And ran through that whole re-
Give ye them to eat. And they say gion around, and began to carry about
to him. Shall we go and buy two m beds those that were sick, where
'hundred pennyworth of bread, and they heard he was.
give them to eat ? 56 And whithersoever he entered,
38 He saith to them. many How into villages, or cities, or country, they
loaves have yel go and see. And laid the sick in the streets, and be-
when, they knew, they say. Five, and sought him that they might touch, if
two fishes. it were but the border of Eis garment
39 And he commanded them to and as many as touched him, were
make all sit down by companies upon healed.
the green grass.
40 And they sat down in ranks,vby
1 The Pharisees find fault at the disciples,
hundreds, and by fifties. for eating with unwashed hands. 8 They
41 And when he had taken the five break the commandment of God by the tra-
loaves, and the two fishes, he looked ditions of men. 14 Food defileth not the
man 24 He healeth the Syrophenician wo-
up to heaven, and blessed, and broke man's daughter of an unclean spirit, 31 and
the loaves, and gave them to his dis- one that was deaf and stammered in his
ciples to set before themj and the speech.
two fishes he
42 And they
all ate,
among them all.
and were sat-
THEN came together to him
Pharisees, and certain of
isfied. scribes, who came from Jerusalem.
43 And they took up twelve baskets 2 And when they saw some of his
fullof the fragments, and of the fishes. disciples eating bread with defiled
44 And they that ate of the loaves, (that is to say with unwashed) hands,
were about five thousand men. they found fault,
45 And immediately he constrained 3 For the Pharisees, and all the
his disciples to get into the boat, and Jews, except they wash their hands
to go to the other side before to Beth- often eat not, holdmgthe tradition of
saida, while he sent away the people. the elders.
TTie Pharisees reproved. CHAPTER VXI. CanmniWs daughter liealed.
4 And when they come from the heart, but into the belly, and goeth
market, except they wash, they eat out into the draught, purging all kinds
not. And manv other things there of food.
are, which they have received to hold, 20 And he said, That which cometh
as the washing of cups, and pots, and out of the man, that defileth the man.
of brazen vessels, and tables. 21 For from withiii, out of the heart
5 Then the Pharisees and scribes of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulte-
asked him, Why walk not thy disci- ries, fornications, murders,
ples according to the tradition of the 22 Thefts, covetousness, wicked-
elders, but eat bread with unwashed
, ness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil
hands 'J eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness;
6 He answered and said to them. 23 All these evil things come from
Well hath Isaiah prophesied concern- within, and defile the man.
ing you hypocrites, as it is written. 24 IT And from thence he arose, and
This people honoreth me with their went into the borders of Tyre and
lips, but their heart is far &om me. Sidon, and entered into a house, and
7 But, in vain do they worship me, would have no man to know it : but
teaching Jur doctrines tne command- be could not be hid.
ments of men. 25 For a certain woman, whose
8 For laying aside the command- voung daughter had an unclean spirit,
ment of God, ye hold the tradition of neard of him, and came and fell at his
men, as the washing of pots and cups feet:
And many other such like things ye 26 (The woman was a Greek, a
do. Syrophenician by natioa) and she
9 And he said to them. Full well ye besought him that he would cast forth
commandment of God, that the demon out of her daughter.
reject the
ye may keep your own tradition, 27 But Jesus said to her, Let the
19 For Moses said, Honor thy fa- children first be satisfied for it is not :

ther and thy mother ; and, Whpeyer meet to take the children's bread, and
curseth father or mother, let him die to cast it to the dogs.
the death 28 And she answered and said to
11 But ye say, If a man shall say him, Yes, Lord : yet the dogs under
to his father or mother. It is Corban, the table eat of the children's crums.
that is to say, a gift, by whatever thou 29 And he said to her. For this say-
mightest be profited oy me; he shall ing, depart ; the demon is gone out of
befree. thy daughter.
12 And ye suifer him no more to do 30 And when she had come to her
aught for his father or his mother house, she found the demon had gone
13 Making the word of God of no out, and her daughter laid upon the
effectthrough your traditions, which bed.
ye have delivered: and many such 31 IT And again, departing from the
hke things ye do. borders of 'Tyre and Sidon, he came
14 IT And when he had called all to the sea of Galilee, through the midst
the people to him, he said to them. of the borders of Decapolis.
Hearken to me every one qf you, and 32 And they bring to him one that
understand. was dea^ and had ah impediment in
15 There is nothing from without a his speech ; and the^ beseech him to
man, that entering mto him, can de- put his hand upon him.
file him but the things which come
: 33 And he took him aside from the
out of him, those are they that defile multitude, and put his fingers into his
the man. ears, and he spit, and touched his.
16 If any man bath ears to hear, let tongue.
him hear. 34 And looking up to heaven, ha
17 Aiul when he had entered into sighed, and saith to him, Effatha, that
the house from the people, his disci- is, Be opened.
ples asked him concerning the parable. 35 And immediately his ears were
18 And he saith to them. Are ye so Opened, and the string of his tongue
void of understanding also ? Do ye was loosed, and he spoke plain.
not perceive, that whatever thing from 36 And ne charged them that they
without entereth into the maQ, it can- should tell no man but the more he

not defile him. charged them; so much the more a

19 Because it entereth not into his gr^at deal they published i(;
Four thousandfid. MARK. Blind man receiveth sight.
37 Arid were beyond measure as- ten to take bread, neither had they in
tonished, saying, He hath done all the boat with them more than one
things well ; he maketh both the desif loaf.
to hear, and the dumb to speak. 15 And he charged them saying,
CHAPTER VHI; Take heed, beware of the leaven of the
1 Christ feedeth the people' mltaculcmsly: lo Pharisees, and 9^ the leaven of Herod.
refuseth to give a sign to the Pharisees 14:
16 A'hd they reasoned among them-
admonisheth liis disciples to beware of the
leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven selves, saying. It is because we have
of Herod: 22 giveth a hlind man his sight: no bread.
acknowledgeth that he is the Christ, who
17 And when Jesus knew it, he
should suffer and rise again: 34 andex-
hortcth to patience in persecution for the saith to them. Why reason ye, be-
profession of the gospel. cause ye have no bread'? perceive ye
those days the multitude being not yet, neither understand ? have ye
INvery great, and having nothing to your heart yet hardened 1
eat, Jesus Called his disciples, and 18 Having eyes, see ye not I and
saith to them, having ears, hear ye not 1 and do ye
2 I have compassion on the multi- not remember 1
tude, because they have now been 19 When I divided thfe five loaves
with me three days, and have nothing among five thousand, how many bas-
to eat kets of fragriients took ye up 1
3 And if I send them away fasting They say to him. Twelve.
to their own houses, they will faint 20 And when the seven among four
by the w4y for some of them came
: thousand, how many baskets full of
from a distance. fragments took ye up 'i And they said,
4 And his disciples answered him, Seven.
From whence can a man satisfy these 21 And he said to them. How is it
men with brekd here in the wilder- that ye do not imderstand'?
ness? 22 IT And he coraeth to Bethsai'da
5 And he asked them. How ma- and they bring a blind man to him,
ny loaves have ye'! And they said,' and besought- him to touch him.
Seven. 23 And ne took the blind man by
6 And he commanded the people to the hand, and led him out of the town
sit down on the ground and he took and when he had spit on his eyes, and

the seven loaves, arid gaVe thanks, put his hands upon him, he asked him
and broke, and gave to his disciples to if he saw aught.
set before them ; and they set tiieiiiv 24 And helookeid up, and said, I see
before the people. men as trees walking.
7 And they had a few small fishes 25 After that, he put his hands again
and he blessed, and commanded to upon his eyes, and made him look up:
set them also before them,. and he was restored, and saw every
8 So they ate, and were satisfied man clearly.
and they took up of the fragments 26 And he sent him away to his
that were left, seven basket's. house, saymg. Neither go into the
9 And they that had eaten were town, nor teu it to any in the town.
about four thousand and he dismiss-: 2'? IT And Jesus went out, and his

ed them. disciples, into the towns of Cesarea

10 IT And forthwith he entered into Philippi; and by the way he asked his
a boat with his disciples, and came disciples, saying to them. Who do men
into the parts of Dalmanutha. say that I am 7
11 And the Pharisees carae forth, 28 And they answered, John the
and began to question with him, seek- Baptist: but some say, Elijah; and
ing from him a sign from heaven, others, One of the prophets,
tempting him. 29 And he saith to thera, But who
12 And he sighed deeply in his spirit, say ye that I am 7 and Peter answer-
and saith. Why doth tnis generation eth and saith to him. Thou art the
seek for a sign 7 Verily I say to you. Christ.
There shall no sign be given to this 30 And he charged them that they
generation. should tell no man of him.
13 And he left them, and entering 31' And he began to teach them,
into the boat agam, departed to the that the Sonof riian must sufterman^
other side. things, and be rejected by the elders,
14 II Now Ou disciples had forgot- and the chief priests, arid scribes, and
TransflpirationofOirist. CHAPTER IX. Dumb spirit cast out.
be killed, and after three days rise 7 And there was a cloud that over-
again. shadowed them: and a voice came
32 And he spoke that saying open- ouli of the cloud, saying, This is my
ly. And Peter took him, and began to beloved Son: hear him.
febuke him. 8 And suddenly, when they had
33 But when he had turned about, looked around, they saw no man any
and looked on his disciples^ he rebuked more, save Jesus only with them-
Peter, saying. Get thee behmd me, Sa- selves.
tan : for thou savorest not the things 9 And as they came down from the
that are of God, but the things that mountain, he charged them that they
are of men. should tell no man what things they
34 IT And when he had called the had seen, till the Son of man were
people to him with his disciples also, risen from the dead.
he said to them, Whoever will come 10 And they kept that saying with
after me, let him deny himself, and themselves, questioning one with an-
take up his cross, and follow me. other what the rising from the dead
35 For whoever will save his life, should mean.
shall lose it ; but whoever shall lose 11 ir And they| asked him, saying,
his life for my sake and the gospel's, Why say the scribes that EUjah must
the same shall save it. first come 7
36 For what shall it profit a man, 12 And he answered and told them,
if he shall gain the whole world, and Elijah verily cometh first, and restor-
lose his own soul eth all things ; and how it is written
37 Or what will a man give in ex- concerning the Son of man, that he
change for his soul 1 must suffer many things, and be set
38 Whoever therefore shall be at naught.
ashamed of me, and of my words, in 13 But I say to vou, that Elijah is
this adulterous and sinful generation; indeed come, and they have done to
of him also will the Son of inan be him whatever they pleased, as it is
ashamed, when he cometh in the written concerning hira.
glory of his Father with the holy 14 V And when ne came to his dis-
angels. ciples, he saw a great multitude about
CHAPTER IX. them, and the scribes questionmg
1 Jesus is ttansfigured. ii He instructeth
with them.
hlE disciples concerning the coming of Ell-
15 And immediately all the people,
jah ; 14 casteth forth a dumb and deaf spirit
when they beheld him,, were greatly
SO foretelieth his death and resurrection
33 exhorteth his disciples to humUlty 38
amazed, and running to him, saluted

bidding them not to prohibit such^as are not

against them, nor to give offense to any of (

the faithful. 16 And he asked the scribes, What

AND he said to them. Verily I say question ye with them 1

to you, that there are some of 17 And one of the multitude an-
them that stand here who shall not swered and said, Master, I have
taste death, till they have seen the brought to thee my son, who hath a
king^m of God come with power. dumb spirit
2 IT And after six days, Jesus taketh 18 And wherever he taketh him, he
vnthhim Peter, and James, and John, teareth hint ; and he foameth and
and leadeth them up upon a high gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth
moimtain apart by themselves; and away ; and I spoke to thy disciples
he was ^nsfigured before them. that they should cast him out, and
3 And his raiment became shining, they could not.
exceeding white as snow ; so as no 19 He answered him, and saith, O
fiiller on earth can whiten them. faithless sensation, how long shall I
4 And there appeared to them Eli- .be with you, bow long Shall I suffer
jah, with Moses : and they were talk- you 1 bring him to me.
ing with Jesus. 20 And they brought hun to him
5 And Peter answered and said to !and when he saw him, immediately ,

Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be the spirit tore him ; and he fell on the
here: and let us make three taberna- ground, and'Wallowedj foaming.
cles ; one for thee, and one for Moses, 21 And he asked his father. How
and one for EUjah. long is it since this came to him 1 and
6 For he knew not what to say he said. From a child.
for they were greatly terrified. 22 And often it hath cast him into;
Christ for etelleth his MARK. death and resurrection,
the fire^ and into the waters to de- not us ; and we forbad himj because
stroy him but if thou canst do any
: he followeth not us.
thing, have compassion on us, and 39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not
help us. for there is no man who shall do a
33 Jesus said to him, If thou canst my name, that can lightly
miracle in
beUeve, all things are passible to him speak evil of me.
that believeth. 40 For he that is not against us, is
24 And immediately the father of on our part.
the child cried out, and said with tears, 41 For whoever shall give you n
Lord, I believe j help thou my unbe- cup of water to drink in my name,
lief. because ye belong to Christ, verily I
25 When Jesus saw that the people say to you, he snail not lose his re-
came running together, he renuked ward.
the foul Kiirit, saying to hiii), Thmi 42 And whoever shall cause one of
dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, these little ones that believe in me,
come out of him, and enter no more to fall into sin, it is better for him that

mto him. a millstone were hanged about hia

26 And the spirit cried, and rent neck, and he were cast mto the sea.
him severely, and came out of him 43 And if thy hand causeth thee to
and he was as one dead; so that ma- fall into sin, cut it off: it is better for
ny said. He is dead. thee to enter life maimed, than having
27 But Jesus took him by the hand, two hands to go into hell, into the fire
and lifted him up ; and he arose. that never shall be quenched
28 And when he had come into the 44 Where their worm dieth not, and
house, his disciples asked him private- the fire is not quenched.
ly. Why could not we cast him out 7 45 And if thy foot causeth thee to
29 And he said to them, This kind fall into sin, cut it off it is better for :

can come forth by nothing, but by thee to enter halt into life, than hav-
prayer and fasting. ing two feet to be caSt into hell, into
30 IT And they departed thence, and the fire that never shall be quenched
passed through (Salilee t and he would 46 Where their worm dieuinot, and
not that any man should know it. the fire is not quenched.
31 For he taught his disciples, and 47 And if thy eye causeth thee to
said to them. The Son of man is deliv- fall into sin, pluck it out : it is better
ered into the hands of men, and tliey for thee to enter into the kingdom of
will kill him J and after that he is God with one eye, than havmg two
killed, he will rise the third day. eyes, to be east into hell-fire.
32 But they understood not that 48 Where then worm dieth not, and
saying, and were afraid to ask him. the fire is not quenched.
33 IT And he came to Capernaum : 49 For every one shall be salted
and being in the house, lie asked with fire, and every sacrifice shall be
them. What was it that ye disputed salted with salt.
among yourselves by the way'? 50 Salt is good: butif the salt hath
34 But they held their peace for lost its saltness with what will ye

by the way they had disputed among season it ? Have salt in yourselves,
themselves, who should be the great- and have peace one with another.
35 And he sat down, and called the
2 Christ dlsputeth with the Pharisees touch-
twelve, and eailh to them, If any man ing divorcement :13 hlesseth the childreli
desireth to be first, Oie same shall be that ate broug-ht to him : 17 Bhoweth a rich
mai^ how he ipay ii}hQrit iife everlasting
last of all, and servant of all. .

23 telleth his disciples of the danger of


36 And he took a and set

child, riches 29 promiseth'rewards to them that

him in the midst of them and when

: forsake any thing for the gospel: -32 fore,
telicth his death and resurrection 35 b}d-
he had taken him iii his arms, he said deth the two ambitious suitors to think

to fherti, lather of suffering with him : 46 and «-

37 whoever shall receive one of storeth to Barlimeus liis sight.

such children in
me: and whoever
my name, receiveth
shall receive me,
AND he arose from
the borders of Judea,
not me, but him that sent me.
Ireceiveth by the further side of Jordan : and
38 IT And John answered
him, say- the people resort to him again ; luid,
we saw one casting out
ing. Master, as he was accustomed, he taught
d^onsin thy name, and he foUdweth them again.
Christ blessith children. CHAPTER X Danger ^richa.
2 V And the Pharisees came to him, 21 Then Jesus beholding him loved
and asked him, Is it lawful for a man him, and said to him. One thing thou
10 putaway his wife? tempting him. lackest: go, sell whatever thou hast,
3 And he answered and said to and give to the poor, and thou shall
them, What did Moses command you 1 have treasure in heaven; and come,
4 And they said, Moses suffered to take up the cross, and follow me.
write a bill of divorcement, and to put 22 And he was sad at that saying,
her away. and went away grieved : for he had
5 And Jesus answered and said to great possessions.
them, For the hardness of your heart, 23 ir And Jesus looked around, and
he wrote you this precept. saith to his disciples, hardly How
6 But from the beginning of the cre- shall they that have riches enter into
ation, Gk)d made them male and fe- the kingdom of God
male. 24 And the disciples were astonish-
7 For this cause shall a man leave ed at his words. But Jesus answer-
his father and mother, and cleave to eth again, and saith to them, Children,
his wife how hard is it for them that trust in
8 And they two shall be one flesh riches to enter into the kingdom of
so then they are no move two, but God!
one flesh. 25 It is easier for a camel to go
9 What therefore God hath joined through the eye of ft needle, than for
together, let not man separate. a rich man to enter mto the kingdom
16 And in the house his disciples of God.
asked him again of the same matter. 26 And they were astonished be-
11 And he saith to them. Whoever yond measure, saying among them-
shall put away his wife, and marry selves, Who
then can be saved 1
another, committeth adultery against 27 And
Jesus looking upon them,
her. saith, With men
it is impossible, but
12 And if a woman shall put away not with God : for with God all thing*
her husband, and be married to an- are possible.
other, shecommitteth adultery. 28 IT Then Peter began to say to
13 IT And
they brought young chil- him, Lo, we have left all, and have
<!Ten to him, that he should touch followed thee.
them ; and his disciples rebuked those 29 Jesus answered and said. Verily
that brought iltem. I say to you. There is no man that
14 But when Jesus saw it, he was hath left house, or brethren, or sisters,
much displeased, and said to them, or father, or mother, or wife, or chil-
Suffer the little children to come to dren, or lands, for my sake, and the
me, and forbid them not for of such : gaspers,
is the kingdom of God. 30 But he shall receive a hundred-
15 Verily I say to you. Whoever fold now in this time, houses, and
shall not receive the kingdom of God, brethren, and sisters, and mothers,
as a little child, he shall not enter it. and children, and lands, with persecu-
16 And he took them up in his tions and in the world to come, eter-

arms, put his hands upon them, and nal life.

blessed them. 31 But many that are first shall be

17 IT And when he had gone forth last; andthejast first.
into the way, there came one running, 32 And they were in theway, go-

and kneeled to him, and asked him, ing up to Jerusalem ; and Jesus went
Good Master, what shall I do that I before them: and they were amazed;
may inherit eternal lifel and as they followed, they were afraid.
18 And Jesus said to him, Why And he took again the twelve, and
callest thou me good 7 there is none began to tell them what things should
good, but one, t)uit is God. happen to him,
19 Thou knowest the command- 33 Saying, Behold, we go up to
ments. Do not commit adultery, Do Jerusalem ; and the Son of man will
not kill. Do not steal. Do not bear be delivered to the chief priests, arid
felse witness, Defraud not,Honor thy to the scribes; and they will condemn
father and mother. him to death, and will deliver him to
20 And he answered and said to the Gentiles
him. Master, all these have I observed 34 And they will mock him, and
from my youth. will scourge him, and will spit upon
Giritt rideth wiOi MARK. triumph into Jerusalem.
him, and will kill him : and the third 50 And he, casting away his gar-
day he will rise again. ment, rose, and came to Jesus.
35 And James and John the sons
IT 51 And Jesus answered and said to
of Zebedee come to him, saying. Mas- him, What wilt thou that I should do
ter, we would that thou shouldest do to thee 7 The bhnd man said to him,
for us whatever we shall desire. Lord, that I may receive my sight.
36 And he said to them. What 52 And Jesus said to him. Go, thy
wouldye that I should do for you 7 faith hath made thee whole. And im-
37 Tney said to him. Grant to us mediately he received his sight, and
that we may sit, one on thy right followed Jesus in the way.
hand, and the other on thy left hand,
in thy glory. CHAPTER XI.
38 But Jesus said to them. Ye know 1 Christ rideth with triumph into Jerusalem
12 curseth tlie fruitless fig-tree 15 clean-
not what ye ask: can ye drink of the seth the temple

20 exhorteth his disciples


cup that I drink of 7 and be baptized to stedfastness of faith, and to forgive their
with the baptism that I am baptized enemies 27 and defendeth the lawiulness

of his actions, ijy the testimony of John,

with! who was a man sent by God.
39 And they said to him, We can.
And Jesus said to them, Ye shall in-
deed drink of the cup that I drink of :
AND when they came nigh
rusalem, Bethphage andBetha-
to Je-

and with the baptism that I am bap- ny, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth
tized with shall ye be baptized ; forth two of his disciples,
40 But to sit on my right hand and 2 And saith to them, Go into the
on my left band, is not mine to give village over against you : and as soon
but it shall be given to them for whom as ye have entered into it, ye shall find
it is prepared. a colt tied, on which never man sat;
41 And when the ten heard it, they loose him, and bring him.
began to be much displeased with 3 And if any man shall say to you.
James and John. Why do ye this 7 say ye that the Lord
42 But Jesus called them, and saith hath need of him ; and immediately
to them, Ye knowthat they who are he will send him hither. '

accounted to rule over the Gentiles, 4 And they went, and found the
exercise lordship over them ; and their colt tied by the door vnthout, in a
great ones exercise authority upon place where two ways met j and they
uiem- loose him.
43 But so shall not be among
it 5 And certain of them that stood
you : but whoever will be great among there, said to them, What do ye, loos-
you, shall be your minister ingthe.colt7 i

44 And whoever of you will be the 6 And they said to them even as
chief, shall be servant of all. Jesus had commanded; and they let
45 For even the Son of man came them go.
not to be ramistered to, but to minis- 7 And they brought the colt to Je-
ter, to give his life a ransom for sus, and cast their garments on him
many. and he sat upon him.
46 IT And they came to Jericho and : 8 And many spread their garments
as he went out of Jericho with his in the way and others cut down

disciples, and a great number of peo- branches of trees, and strewed them
ple, blind Bartimeus, the son of Time- in the way.
us, sat by the highway- side begging. 9 And they that went before, and
47 And when lie heard that it was they that followed,cried, saying, Ho-
Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry sanna : Blessed is he that cometh in
out, and say, Jesus, thou son of Da- the name of the Lord.
have mercy on me.
vid,, 10 Blessed be the kingdom of oi^r
48 And many charged him that he Father David, that cometh in the
should hold his peace: but he cried name of the Lord : Hosanna in the
the more a great deal. Thou son of highest.
David, have mercy on me. UAnd Jesus entered into Jerusa-
49 And Jesus stood still, and com- lem, and into the temple : and when
manded him to be called : and they he had looked round upon all things,
call the bhnd man, saying to him. ; it bemg now evening, he went out to

Be of good comfort, rise ; he calleth Bethany, with the twelve.

thee. 12 IT And on the morrow, when they
Christ exhortcth his disdples CHAPTER XII. to etedfaatness of faith.
had come from Bethany, he was hun- temple, there come to him the chief
gry. priests, and the scribes, and the elders,
13And seems a fig-tree afar off, 28 And say to him. By what au-
having leaves, he camc^ if haply he thority doest thou these things'? and
might find any thing on it and when: who gave thee this authority to do
he came to it, he found nothing but these things 7
leaves for the time of figs had not
: 29 Ar)d Jesus answered and said to
yet come. them, I will also ask of you one ques-
14 And Jesus answered and said to and answer me, and I will tell
it, Let no man eat fruit of thee hereaf- you by what authority I do these
ter for ever. And his disciples heard things.
it. 30 The baptism of John, was tf from
15 IT And
they come to Jerusalem heaven, or from men 1 answer mp.
and Jesus went into the temple, and 31 And they reasoned with them-
began to cast out them that sold and selves, saying. If we shall say. From
bought in the temple, and overthrew heaven he will say. Why then did ye

the tables of the money-changers, and not believe him 1

the seats of them that sold doves 32 But if we shall say. From men
- 16 And would not suffer that any
they feared the people: for all men.
man should carry any vessel through counted John that he was a prophet
the temple. indeed.
17 And he taught, saying to them. 33 And th^y answered and sEud to
Is it not written, My
house shall be Jesus, We
cannot tell. And Jesus an-
called by all nations the bouse of swering saith to them. Neither do I
prayer i out ye have made it a den of tell you by what authority I da these
thieves. ^
18 And the scribesand chief priests

heard and Bought how they might

X In a parable of the vineyard let out to im-
destroy him: for they feared him, be- thankful husbandmen, Christ foretelteth
the leprobatlon of the Jews, and the calUni;
cause all the people were astonished
of the Gentiles. 13 He avoideth the snare
at his doctrine. of the Pharisees and Herodians about pay-
19 And when evening had come, he ing tribute to Cesar: 18 proveththe error of
the Sadducees, who denied the resurrection,
went out of the city- S8 resolveth the scribe, who questioned
20 IT And in the morning, as they respecting the ilrst commandment: 35 re-
passed by, they saw the fig-tree dried futeth the opinion that the scribes held-of
Christ 38 bidding the people to bevare of
up from the roots. their ambition and hypocrisy ; 41 and com-
21 And Peter calling to remem- mendeth the poor widow for her two mites
brance, saith to him. Master, behold, above all.

the fig-tree which thou cursedst is

AND he began
to speak to them by
certain man planted
22 And Jesus answering, saith to a vineyard, and set a hedg; about it,
them, Have feilh in God. and digged a place for the wine- vat,
23 For verily I say to you, that and buUt a tower, and let it out to
whoever shall say to this mountain. husbandmen, and went into a remote
Be thou removed, and be thou cast country.
into the sea; and shall not doubt in 2 And at the season he sent to the
his heart, but shall believe that the husbandmen a
servant, that he might
things which he saith shall come to receive from the husbandmen of the
pass ; heshall have whatever he saitluf fruit of the vineyard.
24 Therefore I say to you, What- 3 And they caught him,, and beat
ever things ye desire, when ye pray, him, and sent him, away empty.
beheve that ye receive Sum, and ye 4 And again, he sent to them another
shall have them. servant and at him they cast stones,

25 And when ye stand praying, for- and wounded him in the head, and
fflve, if ye have aught against any sem him away shamefully handled.
mat your Father also who is in heav- 5 And again he sent another; and
en may forgive you your trespasses. him they killed, and many others;
26 But if ye do not forgive, neither beating some, and killing some.
will your Father who is in heaven 6 Having yet therefore one son, his
forgive yoiur trespasses. well-beloved, he sent him also last to
27 IT And they come again to Jeni- them, saying, They will reverence my
Baista: and as he was waking in the son.
On paying tribute. MARK. The first commandment.
7 But those husbatidmen said among she be of them 7 for the seven had her
themselves, This is the heir ; come, for a wife.
let us kill him, and the inheritance yvill 24 And Jesus answering, said to
be ours. them. Do ye not therefore err, because
8 And they took him, and killed ye know not the soiptures, neither
him, and cast him out of the vineyard. the. power of God 7 r
9 What therefore will the Lord of 26 For when they shall rise from
the vineyard do? he will come and the dead, they neither marry,' nor are
destroy the husbandmen, and will given in marriage ; but are as the an-
give the vineyard to others. gels who are inheaven.
10 And have ye not read this scrip- 26 And concerning the dead that
ture; The stone which the builders they rise; have ye not read in the
rejected is* become the head of the book of Moses, how in the bush God
corner spoke to him, saying, I am the Gfod of
11 This was the Lord's doing, and Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and
it is marvellous in our eyes 7 the God of Jacob?
12 And they sought to lay hold on 27 He is not the God of the dead,
him, but feared the people; for they but the God of the living r ye therefore
knew that he had spoken the parable do greatly err.
against them and they left him, and
: SB TI And one of the scribes came,
departed. and having heard them reasoning to-
13 IT And they sent to him certain gether, ano^perceiying that he had an-
of the Pharisees, and of theHerodi- swered them well, asked him, Which
ans, to catch hinj in his words. is the first commandment of all 7
14 And when they had come, they 29 And Jesus answered him, The
say to him. Master, we know that first of all the commandments is.
thou art true, and carest for no man Hear, Israel ; The Lord our God is.
for thou regardest not the person of one Lord.
men, but teachest the way of Gtod in 30 And thou shalt love the Lordthw
trutii Is it lawful to give tribute to
: God with all thy heart, and with all
Cesar, or not 7 thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
15 Shall we give, or shall we not with all thy strength this is the first

give 1 But he, knowing their hypocri- commandment. V

sy, said to them. Why tempt ye me 7 31 And the second is lilce, namely
bring me a penny, that I may see it. this. Thou shalt love thy neighbor asi
16" And they brought it ; and he thyself there is no oth^;^ommand-

saith to them. Whose is this image ment greater than these.^

and superscription 1 And they said 32 And the scribes said to him,
to him, Cesar's. Well, Master, thou hast said the truth
17 And Jesus answeringi said to for there is one God ; and there is no
them, Render to Cesar the things that other but he.
are Cesar's, and to God the things 33 And to love him with all the
that are God's. And they wondered heart, and with all the understanding,
at him. and with all the soul, and with all the:
18 IT Then come to him the Saddu- strength,, and to love his neighbor as
cees, who say there is no resurrection himself, is more than all whole burnt-
and they asked him, sayingj offerings and sacrifices^
19 Master, Moses wrote to us. If a 34 And when Jesus saw that he an-
man's brother shall die, and leave his swered discreetly, he said to him,
wife, and leave no children, that his Thou art not far from the kingdom of
brother should take his wife, and raise God. And no manafter that durst
seed to his brother. aslsjiim any question.
20 Now there were seven brothers 35 ir And Jesus answered and said,
and the first took a wife, and dying while he taught in the temple. How
left no seed. say the scribes that Christ is the son
21 And the second took her, and, of David 7
died, neither left he any seed: and 36 For David himself said by the
the third Hkewise. IJply Spirit, The Loud said to my
22 And the seven had her, and left no Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I
seed last of all the woman died also. niake thy enemies thy footstool.

23 In the resurrection therefore, 37 David therefore himself cajjeth

when they shall rise, whose wife shall him Lord, and whence is he then hia
GiTist Jbretelleth the CHAPTER XIII. destruction of the temple.'
son? and the common people heard 8 For nation will .rise against na-
him gladly. tion, and kingdom against Kingdom
38 V And he said to them in his and there will be earthquakes in di-
doctrine, Beware of the scribes, who vers places, and there wul be fattiinea^
love to go in long clothing, and loee and troubles: thesa are the begin-
aalutations in the market-places, nings of sorrows.
39 And the chief seats in the syna- 9 IT But take heed to yourselves :
gogues, and the uppermost rooms at for they will deliver you up to coun-
feasts: cils; and in the synagogues ye will
40 Who
devour widows' houses, be beaten- and ye will be brought
and for a pretense make long prayers before rulers and kings for my sake,
these shall receive greater damnation. fbr a testimony against them.
41 V And Jesus sat over against 10 And the gospel must first be pub-
the treasury, and beheld how the peo- lished among all nations.
ple cast money into the treasury and : 11 But when they shall lead yoU,
many that were rich cast in much. and deliver you up, be not anxious be-
42 And there came a certain poor forehand what ye shall speak, neither
widow, and she threw in two mites, do ye premeditate : but whatever shall
which make a farthing. be given you m that hour, that spealt
43 And he called his disciples, and ye : for it is not ye that speak, but
saitiito them, Verily I say to you, the Holy Spirit.
that this poor widow hath cast in 12 Now the brother will betray the
more, than all they who have cast in- brother to death, and the father the
to the treasury. son : and children will rise up against
44 For all thev cast in of their their parents, and will cause them to
abundance but she of her want cast
: be put to death.
in all that she had, even all her living. 13 And ye will be hated by all men
CHAPTER XIII. for my name's sake : but he that shall
1 Christ foretelleth the destruction of the endure to the end, the same shall be
temple : 9 the persecutions for the gospel saved.
10 that the gospel must be prea£hed to all
14 IT But when ye shall see the
nations : 14 that great calamities will hap-
abomination of desolation, spoken of
pen to the Jews : 24 and the manner of his
coming to judgment : 33 the hour of whichby Daniel the prophet, standing where
being Knownnone, every man is to
it ought not, (let him that reaoeth un-
watch and pra7i that we may not be found
unprovided, when he Cometh to each one derstand) then let them that are in
particularly by death. Judea See to the mountains
AND as he was going out of the 15 And let him that is on the house-
temple, one of lis disciples saith top not go down into the house, nei-
to him, Blaster, see what manner of ther enter it, to take any thing out of
stones, and what buildings are here! his house
2 And Jesus answering said to him, 16 And let him that is in the field
Seest thou these great buildings 7 not turn back again to take up his gar-
there shall not be left one stone upon ment.
another, that shall not be thrown 17 But woe to them that are with
down. child, and to them that nurse infants
3 And as he sat upon the mount of in those days.
Olives, over against the temple, Peter, 18 And pray ye that your flight be
and James, and John, and Andrew, not in the winter.
asked him privately, 19 For in those days shall be afilic-
4 Tell us, when will these things tion^ such as hath not been from the
be 1 and what rtill be the sign when beginning of the creation which God
all these things shall be ftilfiUed 1 created to this time, neither shall be.
5 And Jesus answering them, be- 20 And except the Lord had short-
gan to say, Take heed lest any man ened those days, no flesh would be
decave you: saved : but for the elect's sake, whom
6 For many wQl come in my name, he hath chosen, he hath shortened the
saying, lam Ckriat; and will deceive days.
many. 21 And then, if anv man shall say
7 And when ye shall hear of wars, to yoTi, Lo, here is Cnrist j or lo, he is
and rumors of wars, be ye not troub- there; belief Arm not.
led for such things must needs be
: 22 For felse Christs, and false
but the end villi not it yet. prophets will rise, and will show signs
5* S3
Prayej^enjained. MARK, Conspiracy against Christ,
and wonders, to seduce, if it were AFTER
two days was the feast of
possible, even the elect, the passover, and of unleavened
23 But take ye heed behold, I have bread: and the chief priests, and the

foretold you all things. scribes, sought how they might take
24 V But in those days, after that him by craft, and put hiva, to death.

tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, 2 But they said, Not on the feast-
and the moon shall not give her Ught, day, lest there should be an uproar of
25 And the stars of heaven shall the people.
fa!!, and the powers that are in heaven, 3 IT And being in Bethany, in the
shall be shaften. house of Simon the leper, as he sat at
26 And then they shall, see the Son table, there came a woman having an
of man coming in the clouds with alabaster box of ointment of spike-
great power and glory. nard, very precious ; and she broke
27 And then he will send his angels, the box, and poured it on. his head.
and will assemble his elect from the 4 And there were some that had in-
four winds, from the uttermost part of dignation within themselves, and said,
the earth to the uttermost part of Why
was this waste of the ointment
heaven, . made 1
28 Now
learii' a parable of the fig- 5 For it might have been sold for
tree When its branch, is j^t tender, more than three hundred pence, and

and putteth forth leaves, ye Know th^t have been given to the poor. And
summer is near they murmured against her.
29 So ye in like manner, when ye 6 And Jesus said, List her alone;
shall see these things come to pass, why trouble ye her'! she hath wrought
know that it is nigh, even at the doors. a good work on me.
30 Verily I say to you, that this 7 For ye have the poor with you al-
generation shall not pass, till all these ways, and whenever ye will ye may
^ngs shall be done. do them good : but me ye have not
31 Heaven and earth shall pass always.
away but : my
words shall not pass 8 She hath done what she could
away. sheis come beforehand to anoint my
But of that day and that hour
32 IT body to the jburying.
knoweth no man, no not the angels 9 Verily I say to you. Wherever this
whiclt are in heaven, neither the Son,' gospel shall be preached throughout
Ijutthe Father. the whole world, this also that she
33 Talte ye heed, watch and pray: hath done shall be spoken of, for a
for ye Imow not when the time is. memorial of her.
34 For the son of man is as a man 10 IT And Judas Iscariot, one of the
taking a long journey, who left his twelve, went to the chief priests, to
house, and gave authority to his ser- betray him to them.
vants, and to every man his work; H And when they heard it, they
and commanded the porter to watch. were glad, and promised to give him
35.Watch ye therefore for ye know : money. And he sought how ne might
not when the master of the house conveniently betray him.
coraeth, at evening, or at midnight, or 12 IT And the first day of unleaven-
at the cock-crowing, or in the morn- ed bread, when they killed the passo-
ing: ver, his disciples said to him, Where
36 Lest coming sudd^rily, he should wilt ;.hou that we go and prepare, that
find you sleepmg. thou mayest eat the passover 7
37 And what I say to you, I say to 13 And he sendeih two of his dis-
all, Watch. ciples, and saith to them. Go ye into

CHAPTER XIV. the city, and there shall meet you a

1 A conspiracy against Christ. 3 Precious man bearing a pitcher of water: fol-
ointmentis poured on liis.head by aworaan. low him.
10 Judas selletli his IVIaster formoney. 12 14 And wherever he shall go in,
Christ himself foretelleth how he shall be
betrayed by one his disciples 22 after the:
say ye to the master of the house.
passover prepared, and eaten, instituteth The Master saith. Where is the guest-
his supper: 26 declareth beforehand the chamber, where I may eat the passo-
flightof all hisdisciples, and Peter's denial.
43 Judas betrayeth him with a kiss. 4fi He ver with my disciples ?
Is apprehended in the garden, 55 falsely 15 And he will show you a large
accused, and impiously condenmed by the
by upper room furnished and prepared
Je\yB'' council, 65 shamefully abused
then>,«6 and thrice denied by Peter. there make ready for us.
ne Ut^t supper. CHAPTER XIV. Judtu betrayelh Christ.
16 And hia disciples went, »nd came •
34 And saith to them.
, My
soul is
into the city, and tuund as he had said exceeding sorrowful to death: tarry
to them and they naje ready the
: ye here, and watch.
passover. 35 And he went forward a little,
17 And in the evening he cosieth and fell on the ground, and prayed
with the twelve. that, If it were possible, the hour
18 And as they sat, and were eat- might pass from him.
ing, Jesus said, Verily I say to you. 36 And he said, Abba, Father, all
One of you who ea!teth with me, will things ore possible to theej takeaway
betray me. this cup from me nevertheless, not

19 And they began to be sorrowful, what I will, but what thou wUt.
and to say to him one by one, /s it 17 37 And he cometh, and findeth them
and another said, Is it 11 sleeping, and saith to Peter, Simon,
20 And he answered and said to sleepest thbu 1 couldst not thou watcb
them. It is one of the twelve that dip- one hour?
peth with me in the dish. 38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye en-
21 The Son of man indeed goeth, ter into temptation. The spirit truly
as it is written concerning him but : isready, but the flesh is weak.
woe to that man by whom the Son of 39 And again he went away, and
man is betrayed good were it for that
! prayed, and spoke the same words.
raan if he had never been born. 40 AJid when he returned, he found
22 IT And as they were eating, Je- them asleep again (for their eyes were
sus took bread, and blessed, and broke heavy:) neither knew they what to
it, and gave to them, and said. Take, answer him.
eat this is my body.
: 41 And be cometh the thnd time,
23 And he took tne cup, and when and saith to them. Sleep on now, and
he had given thanks, he gave it to tal(e your rest it is enough, the hour

them : and they all drank of it. is come ; behold, the Son of man is
24 And he said to them, Tliis is my betrayed mto the hands of sinners.
blood of the new covenant, which is 42 Rise, let us go ; lo, he that be-
shed for many. trayeth me is at hand.
25 Verily 1 say to you, I will drink 43 ^ And immediately while he was
no more pf the fruit of the vine, until yet speaking, cometh Judas, one of
that day that I drink it new the m the twelve, and with him a great mul-
kingdom of Go£. .
titude with swords and staffs, from
26 IT And when they had sung a the chief priests, and the scribes, and
hymn, they went out to the mount of the elders.
Olives. 44 And he that betrayed him, had
27 And Jesus saith to them, All ye given them a token, saying. Whom-
will be offended because of me this soever I shall kiss, that same is he;
night for it is written, I will smite
: take him, and lead him away safely.
the shepherd, and the sheep shall be 45 And as soon as he was come, he
scattered. goeth immediately to him, and saith,
28 But after that I am risen, I will Master, master ; and kissed him.
go before you into Galilee. 46 IT And they Imd their hands on
29 But Peter said to him. Although him, and took him,
all shall be offended, yet will not I. 47 And one of them that stood by
30 And Jesus saith to him. Verily drew a sword, and smote a servant of
I say tothee, that this day, «ren in the high priest, and cut off his ear.
this night, before the cock shall crow 48 And Jesus answered and said to
twice, thou wilt deny me
thrice. them. Have ye come out, as against
31 But he spoke the more vehe- a. thief, with swords and vnOi staffs to
mently. If I should die with thee, I take me ?, .

will not deny thee in any wise. Like- 49 I was daily with you in the tem-
wise also said they all. ple, teaching, and ye took me not: but
32 And they came to a place which the scriptures must be fiilfilled.
was named Gethseraane: and he saith 50 And they aU forsook him, and
to his disciples. Sit ye here, while I fled.
shall pray. 51 And there followed him a certain
33 And he taketh with him Peter, young man, having a linen cloth cast
and James, and John, and began to be about his naked body ; and the Jjonng
greatly amazed, and to be very heavy men laid hold on him. ^ ' .

peter denieth Christ. MARK. Be is brought before Pilate.
52 And he the linen cloth, and
left 70 And he denied it again. And a
fled from them naked. Uttle after, they that stood by said
53 IT And they led Jesus away to again to Peter, Surely thou art one of
the high priest : and with him were tnem : for thou art a Galilean, and thy
assembled all the chief prieSts, and the speech agreeth thereto.
elders and the scribes. 71 But he began to curse and to
54 And Peter followed him at a dis- swear, saying, I Know not this man
tance, even into the palace of the high of whom ye speak.
priest and he sat with the servants,
: 72 And the second time the cock
and warmed himself at the fire. crowed. And Peter called to mind
55 And the chief priests, and all the the word that Jesus said to him. Be-
council sought for testimony against fore the cock shall crow twice, thou
Jesus to put him to death ; .and found wilt deny me thrice. And when he
none. thought thereon, he 'wept.
66 For many bore false testimony
against him, but their testimony
1 Jesus brousht bound and accused before
agreed not together. Pilate. 15 upon the clamor of tHe common
57 And there arose certain, and bore people, the murderer Barabbas is loosed
and Jesus dellverod to be crucified. 17 He
false testimony against him, saying,
is crowned with thorns, 19 spit on and
58 We heard him say, I will destroy mocked 21 fainteth in bearing his cross-:

this teriiple that is made with hands, 27 hangeth betweeni two thieves;: 29 suflfer-
eth the triumphing reproaches of the Jews
and within three days I vwll build an- 39 but confessed by the centurion to be the
other made without hands. Son of God 43 and is honorably buried by

59 But neither so did their testimo- Joseph.

ny agree together.
60 And the high priest stood up in
AND forthvrith in the morning the
chief priests hdd a consultation
the midst, and asked Jesus, sajing, with the elders and scribes, and the
Answerest thou nothing'! what is it whole council, and botmd Jesus, and
which these testify against thee 7 carried him away, and deUvered him
61 But he held his peace, and an- to Pilate.
swered nothing. Again the high priest 2 And Pilate asked him. Art thoa
asked him, and said to him. Art thou the King of the Jews ? And he an-
the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? swering, said to him, Thou sayest it.
62 And Jesus said, I am : and ye 3 And the chief priests accused him
shall see the Son of man sitting on of many things: but he answered
the right hand of power, and coming nothing.
in the clouds of heaven. 4 And Pilate asked him again, say-
63 Then the high priest rent his ing, Answerest thou nothing? behold
clothes, and saith, What need we any how many things they testify against
further witnesses'? thee.
64 Ye have
heard the blasphemy i 5 But Jesus yet answered nothing
what think ye? And they all con- so that Pilate marveled.
demned him to be guilty of death. 6 Now at that feast he released to
65 And some began to spit on him, them one prisoner, whom they de-
and to cover his face, and to buffet sired.
him, and to say to him. Prophesy: 7 And there was one named Barab-
and the servants struck him with the bas, who lay bound with them that
palms of their hands. had made insurrection with hina, who
66 IT And as Peter was below in the had commuted murder in the insur-
palace, there cometh one of the maids rection.
of the high priest 8 And the multitude crying aloud,
67 And when she saw Peter warm- began to desire him to do as he had
ing himself, she looked upon him, and ever done to them.
said, And thou also wast with Jesus 9 But Pilate answered them, say-
of Nazareth. ing. Will ye that I release to you the
68 But he denied, saying, I know King of the Jews ?
not, neither dp I understand what thou 10 (For he knew that the chief
sayest. And he went out into the priests had delivered him for envy.)
porch and the cock crowed.
! 11 But the chief priests moved the
69 And a maid saw him again, and people that he should rather release
began to say to them that stood by, Barabbas to them.
Th^ is one of them. 12 And Pilate answered, and said
Christ is crucified. CHAPTER XV. He is buried by Joseph.
again to them, What will ye then that the scribes, He saved others, himself
I shall do to him whom he cannot save.
ye call the
King of the Jews'} 32 Let Christ the king of Israel de-
13 And they cried out again, Cruci- scend now from the cross, that we
fy him. may see and believe. And they that
14 Then Pilate said to them, Why, were crucified with him, reviled him.
what evil hath he done ? And they 33 And when the sixth hour was
cried out the more exceedingly, Cru- come, there was darkness over the
cify him. whole land, until the ninth hour. v
15 M And so Pilate, willing to con- 34 And at the ninth hour Jesus
tent the people, released Barabbas to cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi,
them, and having scourged Jesus, de- Eloi, lama, sabacthani'? which is, be-
livereii him to be crucified. ing interpreted. My God, my God,
16 And the soldiers led him away why hast thou forsaken mel
into the hall, called Pretorinm; and 35 And some of thein that stood by,
they call together the whole band when they heard it, said, Behold, he
17 And they clothed him with pur- calleth Eujah.
pla and platted a crown of thorns, 36 And one ran and filled a spunge
and put it about his head, full of vinegar, and put ii on a reed,
18 And began to salute him, Hail, and gave nim to drink, saying. Let
King of the Jews alone ; let us see whether Elijah will
19 And they struck him on the head come to take him down.
with a reed, and spit upon him, and 37 And Jesus cried with a loud
bowing Oieir knees, worshiped him. voice, and
20 .^d when they had mocked him, 38 the vail of the temple was
they took off the purple from him, rent in two, from the top to the bot-
and put his own clothes on him, and tom.
led hun out to crucify him. 39 IT And when the centuruin who
21 And they constrain one Simon, stood over against him, saw that he
a Cyrenian, who was passing by, so cried out, and expired, he said,
commg from the country, the father Truly this man was the Son of God.
of Alexander and Rufiis, to bear his 40 There were also women looking
cross. on at a distance, among whom was
22 And they bring him to the place Mary Magdalene, and Mary the moth-
Golgotha, which is. Doing interpreted, er of James the younger, and of Jo-
The place of a skull. ses, and Salome
23 And they gave him to drink, 41 Who also, when he was in Gal-
wine mingled with myrrh : but he re- ilee,followed him, and ministered to
ceived it not. him ; and many other women wha
24 And when they had crucified came with hun to Jerusalem.
him, they parted his garments, cast- 42 IT And now, when the evening
ing lots upon them, what every man was come, (because it was the prepa-
should take. ration, that is, the day before the sab-
25 And it was the third hour, and bath)
they crucified him. 43 Joseph of Arimathea, an honor-
26 And the superscription of his able counselor, who also waited for
accusation was written over, THE the kingdom of God, came, and went
KING OP THE JEWS. in boldly to Pilato, and craved the
27 And with him they crucify two body of Jesus.
thieves, the one on his right hand, and 44 And Pilate wondered if he was
the other on his left. already dead : and calling the centu-
28 And the scripture was fulfilled, rion, he asked him whether he had
which saith. And he was numbered been any while dead.
with the transgressors. 45 And when he knew it from the
29 And they that passed by, railed centurion, he gave the body to Joseph.
on him, wagging then: heads, and say- 46 And he bought fine linen, and
ing, Ah, thiTO that destroyegt the tem- took him down, and wrapped him in
ple, and buildest it in three days, him in a sepulcher
the linen, and laid
30 Save thyself and come down which was hewn out of a rock, and
from the cross. rolled a stone to the door of the sep-
31 Likewise also the chief priests lUclier.
mocking, said among themselves with 47 And Mary Magdalene and Mary
Christ appeareth to Mary LUKE. Magdalene and to his disciples.
the mother of Joaes, beheld where he peared first to Mary Magdalene, out
was laid. of whom he had cast seven demons.
CHAPTER XVI. 10 And she went and told them '

1 An angel declareth the resurrection of that had been with him, aa they
Christ to three wumen, 9 Chilst himself mourned and wept.
appeareth to Mary Magdalene 12 to two
gnmg into the country 14 theft to the apos- :
1 And they, when they had heard

tles, 15 whom he sendeth forth to preach that he was alive, and had been seen
the gospel : 19 and ascendeth into heaven. by her, believed not.

AND when sabbath was

Mary Magdalene, and Mary
the past,
12 IF After that, he appeared in an-
other form to two of them, as they
mother of James, and Salome, had were walking and going into the coun-
bought sweet spices, that they might try.
come and anoint him. 13 And they went and told it to the
2 And very early in the morning, residue: neither believed they them.
the first day of the week, they came 14 IT Afterward he appeared to the
to the sepufcher at the rising of the eleven, as they sat at table, and up-
sun: braided them with their imbelief, and
3 And among themselves. hardness of heart, because they be-
they said
Who shall roll away for us the stone lieved not them who had seen him af-
from the door of the sepulcher 1 ter he was risen.
4 (And when they looked, they 15 And he said to them, Go ye into
saw thai the stone was rolled away) all the world, and preach the gospel
for it was very great. to every creature.
5 And
entering into the sepulcher, 16 He
that believeth and is bapti-
they saw a young man sitting on the zed, shall be saved ; but he that be-
right side, clothed in a long white gar- lieveth not shall be damned.
ment ; and they were frightened. 17 And these signs shall follow
6 And he saith to them. Be not them that believe : In my
name shall
frightened ye seek Jesus of Naza-
: they cast out demons; they shall
reth, who was crucified he is risen : is;
he is not here behold the place where
: 18 They
shall take up serpents;
they laid him and they drink any deadly thing, it
7 But go, tell his disciples and Pe- shall not hurt them ; they shall lay
ter, that he goeth before you into Gal- hands on the sick, and they shall re-
ilee there shall ye see him, as he said
: cover.
to you. 19 IT So then after the Lord had
8 And
they went out quickly, and spoken to them, he was received up
fled from the sepulcher j for they into heaven, and sat on the right hand
trembled, and were amazed neither : of God.
said they any thing to any man ; for 20 And they went forth, and preach-
they were afraid. ed every where, the Lord working
9 IT Now when Jesus was risen with thtm, and confirming the word
early, the first day of the week, he ap- with signs following. Amen.

1 The Gospel by LUKE.

CHAPTER L 2 Even as they delivered them to
J The preface of Luke to his whole gospel.
us, who from the beginning were eye-
5 The conception of John the Baptist, 26 and witnesses, and ministers of the word;
of Christ. b9 The prophecy of Elisaheth, 3 It seemed good to me also, hav-
and of Mary, concerning Christ. 57 The ing had perfect understanding of all
nativity and circumcision of John. 67 The
prophecy of Jg^acharlas both of Christ, 76 things from the very first, to write to
and of John. thee in order, most excellent Theoph-
FORASMUCH as many have ta- ilus,
ken in hand to set forth in order 4 That thou mayest know the cer-
a declaration of those things which tainty of those things in which thou
are most surely believed among us, hast been instructed,
CeneepUon of John the CHAPTER I. BapHst and of Chriat.
5 fTMIERE was days of that these things shall be performed,
in the
X Herod the king of Judea, a because thou believest not my words
certain priest named Zacharias, of the which shall be fulfilled in their season.
course of Abia and his wife was of
: 21 And the people waited for Zach-
the daughters of Aaron, and her name arias, and marveled that he tarried
UTfis Elisabeth. so long in the temple.
6And they were both righteous be- 22 And when he came out, he could
God, walking in all the command-
fore hot speak to them: and they per-
ments and ordinances of the Lord ceived; that he had seen a vision in the
blameless. temple; for he beckoned to them,
7 And they had no child, because and remained speechless.
Elisabeth was barren, and they both 23 And it came to pass, that as soon
were far advanced in years. as the days of his ministration were
8 And it came to pass, that, while accomplished, he departed to his own
he executed the priests' office before house.
God in the orderof his course, 24 And after those days his wife
9 According to the custom of the Elisabeth conceived, and secluded her-
priests' office, his lot was to burn in- self five months, saying,
cense when he went into the temple 25 Thus hath the Lord dealt with
of the Lord. me in the days in which he looked on
10 And the whole multitude of the me, to take away my reproach among
people were praying without, at the men.
time of incense. 26 And in the sixth month, the an-
11 And there appeared to him an gel Gabriel was sent from God to a
arigel of the Lord, standing on the city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
light side of the altar of incense. 27 To a virgin espoused to a man
12 And when Zacharias saw him, whose name was Joseph, of the house
he was troubled, and fear fell upon of David; and the virgin's name tea*
him. Mary.
13 But the angel said to him. Fear 28 And the angel came to her, and
not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is said. Hail, tliou that art highly favor-
heard ; and thy wife Elisabeth shall ed, the Lord is with thee : blessed ort
bear thee a son, and thou shalt call thou among women.
his name John. 29 And when she saw him, she
14 And thou shalt have jo^ and was troubled at his saying, and cast
ejadness, and many shall rejoice at in her mind what manner of saluta-
his birth. tion this should be.
15 For he shall be great in the sight 30 And the angel said to her. Fear
of the Lord, and shall drink neither not, Mary: for thou hast found favor
wine nor strong drink ; and he shall with God.
be filled with the Holy Spirit, even 31 And behold, thou shalt conceive
from his mother's womb. in thy womb, and bring forth a son,
16 And many of the children of Is- and shalt call his name JESUS.
rael shall he turn to the Lord their 32 He
will be great, and will be
God. called the Son of the Highest ; and
17 And he shall go before him in the Lord God will rive to him the
the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn throne of his father David.
the hearts of the &thers to the chil- 33 And he wiU reign over the house
dren, and the disobedient to the wis- of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom
dom of the just; to make ready a peo- there will be no end.
ple prepared for the Lord. 34 Then said Mary to the angel,
18 Arid Zacharias said to the angel. How shall this be, seeing I know not
By what shall I know this % for I am a man 1
an old man, and my wife far advanced 35 Aiid the angel answered andsaid
in years. to her. The Holy Spirit will come up-
19 And the angel answering, said on thee, and the power of the Highest
to him, I am
Gabriel, who stand in will overshadow thee : therefore also
the presence of God j and am sent to that holy thing which shall be born
speak to thee, and to show thee these of thee shall be called the Son of
glad tidings. God.
20 And behold, thou shalt be dumb, 36 And behold, thy cousin Elisabeth,
and not able to speak, until the day she hath also conceived a son inlier
Profhecy of Elisabeth. LUKE. Prophecy of Zacharias.
old age ; and this is the sixth month 57 Now Elisabeth's full time came
with her who was called barren : that she should be deUvered and she ;

37 For with God nothing will be brought forth a son.

impossible. 68 And her neighbors and her cous-
38 And Mary said, Behold the hand- ins heard that the Lord had shovm
maid of the Lord, be it to me accord- great mercy upon her and they re- ;

ing to thy word. And the angel de- joiced with her.
parted from her. 69 And it came to pass, that on the
39 And Mary arose in those days, eighth day they came to circumcise
and went into the hill-country with the child ; and they called him Zach-
haste, into a city of Judah, arias, after the name of his father.
40 And entered into the house of 60 And his mother answered and
Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. said. Not so ; but he shall be called
41 And it came to pass, that when John.
Elisabeth heard the salutation of Ma- 61 And they said to her. There is
ry, the babe leaped in her womb and none of thy kindred that is called by

Elisabeth was filled with the Holy this name.

Spirit. 62 And they made signs to his fa^
42 And she spoke with a loud voice, ther, how he would have him called.
and said, Blessed art thou among wo- 63 Andhe asked for a writing-table,
men, and blessed is the firuit of thy and wrote, saying, His name is John.
womb. And they all wondered.
43 And whence is this to me, that 64 And his mouth was opened im-
the mother of my Lord should come mediately, and his tongue loosed, and
to mef he spoke, and praised God.
44 For lo, as soon as the voice of 65 And fear came on all that dwelt
thy salutation sounded in my ears, around them ; and all these sayings
the babe leaped in my womb for Joy. were noised abroad throughout all the
45 And blessed is she that beheved hill-country of Judea.
that there will be a performance of 66 And all they that had heard
those things which were told her from them, laid them up in their hearts, say-
the Lord. ing. What manner of child will this
46 And Mary said, soul dothMy be ! And the hand of the Lord was
magnify the Lord, with him.
47 And my spuit hath rejoiced in 67 And his father Zacharias was
God my Savior. filled with the Holy Spirit, and proph-
48 For he hath regarded the low esied, saying,
estate of his handmaiden for behold,
: 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Is-
from henceforth all generations will raelJ for he hath visited and redeemed

call me blessed. his people.

49 For he that is mighty hath dorie 69 And hath raised up a honi of
to me great things, and holy is his salvation for us, in the nouse of his
name. servant David
50 And his mercy is on them that 70 As he spoke by the mouth of his
fear him, from generation to genera- holy prophets, who have been since
tion. the world began
51 He hath shown strength with 71 That we should be saved fi-om
his arm ; he hath scattered the proud our enemies, and from the hand of all
in the imagination of their hearts. that hate us
62 He hath put down the mighty 72 To perform the mercy promised
from their seats, and exalted them of to our fathers, and to remember his
low degree. holy covenant
53 He hath filled the hungry with 73 The oath which he swore to our
good things, and the rich he hath sent father Abraham,
away empty. 74 That he would grant to us, that
54 He
hath sustained his servant we being delivered oul of the hand of
Israel, in remembrance of his mercy our enemies, might serve him without
65 As he spoke to our fathers, to fear,
Abraham, and to his seed for ever. 75 In holiness and righteousness
56 And Mary abode with
her about before him, all the days of onr life.
three months, and returned to her 76 And thou, child, shall be called
own bouse. the prophet of the Highest, for thou
TTie nativity qf Christ. CHAPTER II. Christ is circumcised.
shall go before the face of the Lord to Ye shall find the babe wrapped in
prepare his ways swaddling-clothes, lying in a man-
77 To give knowMge of salvation ger.
to his people, by the remission of their 13 And suddenly there was with
sins, the angel a multitude of the heavenly
78 Through the tender mercy of our host praising God, and saying,
God by which the day-spring from
; 14 Glory to God in the highest, and
on high hath visited ua, on earth peace; good will toward men.
79 To give Lght to them that sit in 15 And it came to pass, when the
darkness and in the shades of death, angels had departed from them into
to guide our feet into the way of peace. heaven, the shepherds said one to an-
S) And the child grew, and became other, Let us now go even to Bethle-
strong in spirit, and was in the deserts hem, and see this thing which is come
till the day of his showing to Israel. to pass, which the Lord hath made
CHAPTER II. known to lis.
1 Augustus taxeth all the Roman empire. 6 16 And they came with haste, and
The nativity of Christ 8 One angel rela- found Mary and Joseph, and the babe
teth it to the shepherds; 13 Many sUig
praises to God for iL 21 Christ is circum-
lying in a manger.
cised. 22 Mary purified- 28 Simeon atid 17 And when they had seen it, they
Anna prophesy of Christ 40 who increas-
made known abroad the saying Which
eth in wisdom, 46 quesLloneth in the tem-
ple with the doctors, 51 and is obedient to
was told them concerning this child.
his parents. 18 And all they that heard it, won-
AND it came lo pass
that there went out a decree from
in those days, dered at those things which were told
thera by the shepherds.
Cesar Augustus, that all the world 19 But Mary kept all these things,
should be taxed. and pondered them in her heart.
2 (And this taxing was first made 20 Aiidthe shepherds retiirned, glo-
when Cyrenius was governor of Sy- rifying and praising God for all the
things that they had heard and seen,

3 And all went to be taxed, every as it Svas told to them.
one into his own city. 21 And when eight days were ac-
4 Arid Joseph also went up from coirtpli^hed for the cirbumcising of the
Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, name was called JESUS,
child, his
into Judea, to the city of David, which ^'ho was
named by the angel be- so
is cajled' Bethlehem; (because he was fore he was conceived in the womb.
of the house and lineage of David.) 22 And when the days of her puri-
B To be taxed with Mary his es- fication accordiiig to the law of Mo-
poused being great with child.
wife, seS were accomplished, they brought
6 And
so it was, that while they him to JerUSadeiii, to present him to
were there, the days were accpmplish- the Lord;
ed that she should be delivered. 23 (.is it is written in the law of the
7 And she brought forth her first- Lorfl, Every male that is the first-bom
born son, and wrapped hini in swad- of his mother shall be called holy to
dling-clothes,, and laid him in a the Lord) '

manger ; because there was no room 24 And to ofifera sacrifice according

for them in the inn. to that which is said in the law of the
8 And there were in the same coun- Ldrd, a pair of turtle-doves, or two
try shepherds abiding in the fieldj young pigeons.
keeping a watch over their flocks by 25 And behold, there was a man i^
ni^t. Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon;
9 And lo, the angel of the Lord and the same man was just and de-
came upon them, and the glory of the voutj waiting for the consolation of
Lord shone around them ; and they Israel : and tliB Holy Spirit was upon
were in great fear. hira.
10 And the angel said to them. 26 And it was revealed to him by
Fear not: for behold, I bring yon good the Holy Spirit, that he should' not
tidings of great joy which shall be to see death, before he had seen the
all people; Lord's Christ:
11 That to you is bom this day, in '27 And he came by the sphit into
the city of David, a Savior, who is the temple ; and when the parents
Christ the Lord. brought in the child Jesus, to do fo^
12 And this«AaK ieasign to you; him' after the custom' of the law,
Simam prophisieih. LUKE. Preaching of John.
^ Then he took him upjn his arms, ple sitting in the midst of the doctors,
auo blessed God, and said, both hearing them, and asking them
29 Lord, now lettest thou thy ser- questions.
vant depart in peace, according to thy 47 And all that heard him were as-
word: tonished at his understanding and
30 For my eyes have seen thy saj- answers.
vation, ,
48 And when they saw him, they
31, Which thou hast prepared
be- were amazed : and his mother said to
fore the face of all people; him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt
32 A
light to enlighten the Gentiles, with US? behold, thy father and I
and the glory of thy people Israel. have sought thee sorrowuag.
33 And Joseph and his mother 49 And he said to them. How is it
marveled at those things which were that ye sought me f knew ye not that
spoken concerning him. I must be about my Father's busi-
34 And Simeon blessed them, and ness'?
said to Mai;y bis mother, Beliold, this 50 And they understood not the
child is set ibr the fall and rising again saying which he spoke to them.
of many in Israel; and for a sign 51 And he went down with them,
which shall be spoken against and came to Nazareth, and was sub-
35 (And a sword shall
. pierce ject to them but his mother kept all

through thy own soul also) that the

these sayings in her heart.
thoughts of many hearts may be re- 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom
vealed. and stature, and in favor with God
36 And there was one Anna, a and man.
prophetess, the daughter of Phapuel, CHAPTER HI.
of thetribeof Asber she wasof a great : 1 The preaching and baptism of John. 15 His
testimony of Christ. 20 Herod Imprison-
age,and had lived with a. husband eth John. St Christ baptized, recelveth
seven years from her virginity testimony fVom heaven, as The age and
37 And she was a widow of ahout genealogy of Christ ftom Joseph upward.
eighty four years, who departed not
from the temple, but served God with
NOW in the fifteenth year of the
reign of Tiberius Cesar, Pontiu?
fastings and prayers night and day. Pilate being governor of Judea, and
38. And she coming in that instant,
Herod being tetrarch of Gahlee, and
gave thanks likewise to the Lord, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea
spoke of him, to all them that looked and of the region of Trachonitis, and
for redemption in Jerusalem. Lysanius the tetrarch of Abilene,
39 And when they had performed 2 Annas and Caiaphas being the
all things according to the law of the high priests, the word of God came to
Lord, they returnei into Galilee, to John the son of' Zacharias in the wil-
their own city Nazareth. derness.
40 And the child grew, and became 3 And he came into all the country
strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: about Jordan, preaching the baptism
and the graced of God was upon him. of repentance, for the remission ol
41 Now his parents went to Jeru- sins
salem every year at the feast of the 4 As it is written in the book of th(
passover. words of Isaiah the prophet, saying,
42 And yfhen he was twelve years The voice of one crying m the wilder-
old, they went up to Jerusalem ac- ness. Prepare ye the way of the Lord,
Rpilding to the customof the feast. mak^ his paths' straight.

4?. And jvhen they ha4 fulfilled the 5 Every valley shall be filled, and
days, as tn^y returned, the child Je- every mountain and hill shall bf
sus tarried behind, in Jerusalem and ; brought low ; and the crooked shal'
Joseph and his mother knew not of it. be, made straight, and the rough wayc
44 But they, supposing him to be shall be made smooth
in the cpmpany, went a day's jour- 6 And all flesh shall see the salva-
ney; and they sought him among tion of God. ,

SiaT relatiqiis and acquaintaiice. 7 Then said he to the multitude

45 And when they found, him not, that came forth to be baptized hy him,
they retiimedjito Jprusalem), seeking '
0; generation of vipers, \yho hath
him. ,, . warned yqji to flee from the wrath to
46 And it came to pass, that after come?
three days they found him m the tem- 8 Bring forth therefore fruits wor--
»fcftn impriaoned. CHAPTER III. Genealogy of Christ.
thy of repentance, and begin not to was supposed) the son of Joseph, who
say within yourselves, We have Abra- was the son of Heli,
ham for OUT father for I say to you,
: 24 Who was the son of Matthot,
that God able of these stones to
is who was the son of Levi, who was tlie
raise up children to Abraham. son of Melchi, who was the son of
9 And now also the ax is laid to the Janna, who was the son of Joseph,
root of the trees every tree therefore
: 25 Who was the son of Mattathias,
which bringeth not forth good fiuit, is who was the son of Amos, who was
hewn down, and cast into the fire. the son of Naum, who was the son of
10 And the people asked him, say- Esli, who was the son of Nagge,
ing. What shall we do then 1 26 Who was the son of Maatn, who
11 He answereth and saith to them, was the son of Mattathias, who was
He that hath two coats, let him im- the son of Semei, who was the son of
part to him that hath none ; and he Joseph, who was the son of Juda,
that hath provisions, let him do like- 27 Who was the son of Joanna,
wise. who was the son of Rhesa, who was
12 Then came also publicans to be the son of Zorobabel, who was the
baptized, and said to him, Master, son of Salathiel, who was the son of
what shall we do 1 Neri,
13 And he said to them. Exact no 28 Who was the son of Melchi, who
more than that which is appointed was the son of Addi, who was tht son
you. of Cosara, who was the son of Elmo-
14 And the soldiers likewise asked dam, who was the son of Er,
him, saying, And what shall we do? 29 Who was tlie son of Jose, who
And. he said to them. Do violence to wastte son of Eliezer, who was the
no man, neither accuse any falsely, son of Jorim, who was the son of
and be content with your wages. Matthat, who was the son of Levi,
15 And as the people were in ex- 30 Who, was the son of Simeon,
pectation, and all men mused in their who was the son of Juda, who was
hearts concerning John, whether he the son Of Joseph, who was the son of
was the Christ, or not Jonan, who was the son of Eliakiin,
16 John answered, saying to them 31 Who was the son of Melea, who
all, I indeed baptize you with water; was the son of Menan, who was the
but one mightier than I cometh, the son of Mattatha, who was the son of

latchet of whose shoes I am not Nathan, who was the son of David,
worthy to unloose: he will baptize 32 Who was the son of Jesse, who
you with the Holy Spirit, and with was U)e son of,Obed, who was the son
fire: of Booz, who was tlu son of Salmon,
17 Whose fan is ill his haiid, and who was the son of Naasson,
he will thoroughly cleanse his floor, 33 Who was the son of Aminadab,
and will gather the wheat into his who was (he son of Aram, who was
granary nut the chaff he will bum
; the son of Esrom, who was the son of
with fire unquenchable. Phares, who was the son of Juda,
18 And many other things in his 34 Who was the son of Jacob, who
exhortation he preached to the people. was the son of Isaac, who was the son
19 But Herod the tetrarch, being of Abraham, who was the son of Tha-
reproved by him on account of Hero- ra, who was the son of Nachor,
dias, his brother Phihp's wife, and for 35 Who was the son of Saruch, who
all the evils which Herod had done, was the son of Ragau, who was the
20 Added yet this above all, that he son of Phalec, who was the son of He-
shut up John in prison. ber, who was the son of Sala,
21 Now when all the people were 36 Who was the son of Cainan, who
baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus was the son of Arphaxad, who was
also being baptized, and praying, the the son of Sem, who was the son of
heaven was opened, Noah, who was the son of Lamech,
22 And the Holy Spirit descended 37 Who was the son of Mathusala,
in a bodily shape hke a dove upon who was (he son of Enoch, who was
him, and a voice came from heaven, the son of Jared, who was the son of
which said, Thou art my beloved' Maleleel, who was the son of Cainan,
Son; in thee I am well pleased. 38 Who was the son of Enos, who
23 And Jesus himself began to be was the son of Seth, who was the son
about thirty years of age^ being (as of Adam, who was Ote son of God.
Christ tempted. LUKE. He 'preacheth.

CHAPTER IV. as his custom was, he went into the

1 The temptation and fasting of Christ. 13 synagogue on the sabbath, and stood
He overcometh the devil 14 beginneth to
up to read.
preach, le The people of Nazareth admire
his -gracious words. 33Hecureth one pos^ 17 And there was delivered to him
sessed of a demon, 38 Peter's mother-in- the book of the prophet Isaiah. And
law, 40 and divers otlier sick persons. 41
The demons acknowledge Christ, and are when he had opened the book^ he
reproved for it; 43 He preacheth through found the place where it was written,
the cities.
18 The spirit of the Lord is upon
AND Jesus being
returned from
fullthe Holy
Jordan, and
me, because he hath anointed me to
preach the gospel to the poor ; he hath
was led by the Spirit into the wilder- sent me to heal the broken-hearted) to
ness, preach deliverance to the captives, and
2 Being forty days tempted by the recovering of sight to the blihd, to set
devil. And, in those days ne ate no- at liberty them that are bruised,
thing J and when they were ended, he 19 To preach the acceptable year of
was afterward hungry. the Lord.
i And the devil said to him, If thpil 20 And he closed the book, and he
l\rt the Son of God, comniaiid this fave it again to the minister, and sat
stone that it be made bread. own. And the eyes of all them that
, 4 And Jesus answered him, saying. were in the synagogue were fastened
It is written, That man shall not live on him.
by bread alone, but by every word of 21 And he began to say to them.
God. This day is tliis scripture fulfilled in
. 5 And the devil faking him up upon your ears.
a,' high mountain, showed to nira all 22 And all bore him testimony, and
the kingdoms of the world in a mo- wondered at the gracious words which
ment of time. proceeded out of his mouth. And
6 And the devil said to him, AH this
-, they said. Is not this Josephs son 1
PQWer will I give thee, and the glory 23 And he said to them. Ye will
pf them: for that, is delivered to me, surely say to me this proverb. Physi-
and to whomsoever I will, I give it. cian, heal thyself : whatever we have
7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, heard done in Capernaum, do also

oU be thine.
shall here in thy country.
8 And Jesus- answered and said to 24 And he said. Verily I say to you,
him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for No prophet is accepted in his own
it is written, Thou shalt worship the country.
Lord thy God, and him only shalt 25 But I tell you in truth; many
thou serve. widows were in Israel in the days of
9 And he brqught him to Jerusalem, Elijah, when the heaven was shut
and set him on a pinnacle, of the tem- three years and six months, when
ple, and said to him, If thou art the great famine was throughout all :the
^on of God, cast thyself down from land
hence. 26 But to none of them was Elijah
10 For it is written. He will give his sent, save to Sarepta, a city of Sidon,
angels charge over thee, to keep thee to a woman that was a widow.
11 And in thdr. hands they will 27 And many lepers were in Israel
bear thee up, lest at any time thou in the time of EUsha the prophet ; and
diish thy foot against a stone.' none of them was cleansed, saving
12 And Jesus answering, said to Naaman the Syriaii.
him. It is said, Thou shalt not tempt 28 And all they in: the synagogue^
the Lord thy God. when they heard these thingSj were
13 And when the devil had ended
. filled vvith wrath,
ail the temptation, he departed from 29 And rose up, and thrust him out
him (or a season; of the city, and led hira to the brow of
14 IT And Jesus returned in the the hill on which their city was built,:
power of the spirit into Galilee and : that they might cast him down head-
there went out a fame of him through long.
all the surrounding region. 30 Buthepassingthroughthemidst
rl5 And he taught in their syna- of them, went away,
gogues, being glorified by all. , , 31 And came down to Capernaum,.
16 % And he came to Nazareth, a city o£ GaUlee, and taught them on
where he had been brought up :; and, the sabbath-days.
Demon cost out CHAPTER V. Leper cleansed.
32 And they were astonished' at his with sinners as teing the physician of
souls 34 foretelleththe fiistlngs and afflic-
doctraie : for his word was with pow- ;

tions of the apostles Bfter his ascension

er. 36 and lllieneth telnt-hearteiiand weak dis-
33 IT And in the synagogue there ciples to worn garments and old bottles.

was a man who had a spirit of an un-

clean demon ; and he cried out with a
AND it came to pass, that as the

people pressed upon him to hear

loud voice, the word of God, he stood by the lake
34 Saying, Let us alone ; what have of Gennesaret,
we to do with thee, Jeans of Naza- 2 And saw two boats standing by
reth ? Art thou come to destroy us 3 the lake but the fishermen had gone

I know thee who thou art, the Holy out of them, and were washing their
One of God. nets.
35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, 3 And he entered into one of the
Hold thy peace, and come out of him. boats, which was" Simon's, and pray-
And whenathe demon had thrown him ed him that he would thrust out a lit-
in the midst, he came out of him, and tle from the land. And he sat down,
hurt him not. and taught the people out of the boat.
36 And they were all amazed, and 4 Now when he had left speaking,
Epoke among themselves, saying. he said to Simon, Launch out into ihe
What a word is this for with author- deep, and let down your nets for a

ity and power he commandeth the draught.

unclean spirits, and they come out. 5 And Simon answering, said to
37 And the fame of him went out him. Master, we have toiled all the
into every place of the surrounding night, and have taken nothing ; nev-
country. ermeless, at thy word I will let dpwn
38 IT And he arose out of the syn- the net.
agogue, and entered into Simon's 6 And when they had done this,
house. And the mother of Simon's they inclosed a great multitude of fish-
wife was taken with a violent fever j es and their net broke.

and they besought him for her. 7 And they beckoned to thnr part-
39 And he stood over her, and re- ners, who were in the other boa:t, that
buked the fever ; and it left her : and they should come and help them. And
immediately she arose and ministered they came, and filled both the boats,
to them. so that they began to sink,
40 IT Now
when the sun was set- 8 When Simon Peter saw a, he fell
ting, all they that had any sick with down at Jesus' knees, saying. Depart
divers diseases, brought them to him i from me) for I am a sinfiiT man, O
and he laid his hands on every one of Lord.
them, and healed them. 9 For he was astonished, and all
41 And demons also came out of that were with him, at the draught of
many, crying out, and saying. Thou the fishes which they had taken
art Christ the Son of God. And he 10 And so were also James and
rebuking them, suffered them not to John the sons of Zebedee, who were
speak: for they knew that he was partners with Simon. And Jesus said
Christ. to Simon, Pear not fi-om henceforth

42 And when it was day, he depart- thoii shalt catch men.

ed, and went into a solitary place 11 And when they had brought
and the people sought him, aiid came their boats to land, tney forsook tdl,
to him, and stayed him, that he should and followed him,
not depart from them. 12 If And it came to pass, when he
43 And he said to them, I must was in a certaih city, behold, a man
preach the kingdom of God to other full of leprosy who seeine Jesus, fell

cities also, for therefore am I sent. on ^isface, and besdught Eim, saying,
44 And he preached in the syn;^- Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst' ma©
gogues of Galilee. me clean.
13 And be put forth ftts hand, and
CHAPTER V. touched him, saying, I will Be thou

i Christ teacheth the people out of Peter's clean. And immediately the leprosy
boat 4 In a mliaculous taklne of fishes,

showeth how he win make him ajid his departed from, him.
partners fishers of men 12 cleanseth the
14 And he charged him to tell no
leper 16 piayeth In the wilderness 18
27 man

healeth one affected with t)ie palsy

but go, arid show thyself to the

calleth Matthew the publican 29 eaUith

; priest; ana Offer for thy cleansing, aO'
6* 65
Levi, called. LUKE. Pharisees reprated.
cording as Moses commanded for a 30 But their scribes and Pharisees
testimony to them. inurraured against his idisciples, sayh
15 But so much the more a fame of ing. Why do ye eat and drink with
him went abroad : and great multi- publicans and sinners 1
tudes came together to hear.and to be 31 And Jesus answering, said to
healed by him of their iiiflrmities. them, They that are well, need not a
16 IT And he withdre\y himself into physician but they that are sick.
; ,

tha'wilderness, and praye/i. 32 I came not to call the righteous,

17 And it came to pass on a certain but sinners to repentance.
day, as he was teaching, that there 33 IT And they said to him. Why
were Pharisees and doctors of the law do the disciples of John fast often, and
sitting by, who had come out of every make prayers, and likewise the disci-
town of Galilee, and Jude£i„and Jeru- ples of the Pharisees; but thine eat
salem and the power qf thp Lord
: and drink? ,

was present to heal them. 34 And he

, said to thejp. Can ye
18 IT And behold, men brought in a inake the children of the bride-cham-
bed a man who wa\s tali^en with the ber fast, while the bridegroom is with
palsy and they soii^ht means to bring
: theni?
him in, and to lay him, before him. , 35 But the days will come, when
19 And when they could not find the bridegroom will be taken from
by' what way they inight bring him them, and then they will fast in those
jn, because of the multitude, they went days.
upon the house-top, and let him down 36 If And he spoke also a parable to
through the: tiling with /its couch, into them No man putteth a piece of a

tlie midst before Jpsus. new garment upon an old if others :'

20 And when he saw theu' faith, he wise, then both the new maketh a
said to him, Man, thy sins arg forgiv- rent, and the piece that was taken out
en thee. .
. of the new, agreeth not with the old.
21 And the scribes and the Phari- 37 And no man putteth new wine
sees began to reason, saying. Who is into old bottles ; else the new wine
tlii?,who speaketh blasphemies'? Whp. will burst the bottles, and be spilled,
can forgive sins but Gfod alone 1: and the bottles will perish.
22 But when Jesus perceived their 38 But new wine must be put into
thoughts, he answering, said to them, new bottles, and both are preserved.
What reason ye in your hearts.? 39 No man also having drank old
23 Which is easier, to say. Thy sins wine, immediately desireth new ; for
ai;eforgiven thee ; or to say, Kise and he saith. The old is better.
,24 But that ye may knpw that the
1 Christ Teproveth the blindness of the Phar-
Son, 01 '"^'^ ''^'h power upon eajrth to isees abnut the observation of tlie sabbath,
forgive sins, he said, to thg sick with by scripture, reasqn, apd miracle 13 choos- '

the palsy, I say to theft. Arise, and eth twelve apostles 17 healeth the fliseas-

ed 20 preacheth to his disciples before the


take up thy coucji.; and go into thy


people of blessings and curses S7 how we ;

house. ,

mustlovti our enemies 46 and join the obe-

dience of good worlvs to the hearing of the

25 And immediately he arose before word, lest in the evil day of temptation we
them, and took up that on which he fall like a house built upon the earth with-
lay, and departed to his own house, out any foundation.
gloiifying God.
26 And they were all amazed, and
AND came
it to pass on the second
after the first, that he
they glorified God, and were filled went through corn-fields; and his
with feafi saying. We, have, seen disciples plucked the ears of corn, and
strange things to-day. ate, rubbmg them
in their hands.
27 IF And after these things he went 2 And certain of the Pharisees said
forth, and saw a publican named Levi, to them. Why do ye that which it is
sitting at the receit of custom: and not lawfiil to do on the sabbath-days?
he said to him, JRoUow me. 3 And Jesus answering them, said.
28 And he left all,, arose,, and fol- Have ye not read so much as this,
lowed him. what David did, when himself was
29 And Levi madehiraagreat feast hunmy, and they who were with him
in his own house; and there was a 4 How he went into the house of
grr^t company of pubhcans, and of God, and took and ate the show-bread,
otiiers that sa,t down with them. and gave also to them that were with
Ckrist Uadidh to CHAPTER VI. lofBe our enemies>
hi|n, which it is not lawfol to eat but poor; for yours ja the kingdom of
for the priests alone 'I God.
6 And he said to them, That the . 21 Blessed are ye that hunger now
Sob of man is Lord also of the sab- for ye shall be filled, blessed are ye
bath. that weep nov» for ye shall laugh.

6 And it came to pass also on an- 22 Blessed are ye when men shall
other sabbath, tliat he entered into h(iteyou, and when they shall sepa-
the synagogue, and taught : and there rate you from their company, and
was a man whose right hand was shall reproach you, and oast out your
withered name
as evil, on account of the Son
7 And the scribes and Pharisees of man.
watched him, to see whether he would 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap
heal on the sabbath that they might
; for jpy for behold, your reward is

find an accusation against him. great in heaven.: for in the like man-
8 But he knew their thoughts, and ner did their fathers to the prophets.
said to the man who had the withered 24 But woe to you that are rich
hand, Rise, and stand forth in the for ye have received your consolation.
midst. And he arose, and stood forth. 25 Woe to you that are full for ye !

9 Then said Jesus to them, I will shall hunger. Woe to you that laugh
ask you one riiihg Is it lawful on
; now for ye shall mourn and weep.

the sabbath days to do good, or to do 26 Woe to you, when all men shall
evin to save life, or to destroy it? speak well of you! for so did their
10 And looking around upon them fathers to the false prophets.
all, he said to the man. Stretch fprth 27 IT But I say to you who hear,
thy hand. And he did so and his : Love your enemies, do good to them
band was restored whole as the other. who, hate ypu,
11 And they were filled with mad- 28 Bless them that curse you, and
ness; and communed one with an- pray for them who despitefuUy use
odier what they might do to Jesus. you.
12 And it came to pass in those 29 And to him that smiteth thee on
days, that he went out to a raquntajn the one cheek, ofTer also the other
to pray, and continued all night in and him that taketh away thy cloke,
prayer to God. forbid not to take thy coat also.
13 IT And when it was day, he oall- 30 Give to every man that asketh
ed to him his disciples and of them : of thee ; and of him that taketh away
he chose twelve, wnom also he named thy gopds, ask them npt again.
Apostles i
31 And as ye would that men should
14 Simon (whom he also named do to you, do ye also to them like-
Peter) and Andrew his trother, James wise.
and John, and Philip and Bartholo- 32 For ye Ipve them who love
mew, you, what thanks have ye? for sin-
15 Matthew and Thomas, James ners also love those that love them.
the son of Alpheiis, and Simon called 33 And if ye dp gpod to them who
Zelotes, do good to you, what thanks have ye 7
16 And Judas the brother of James, for sinners also do even the same.
and Judas Iscariot, who also was the 34 And if ye lend to them from
traitor. whom ye hope to receive, what thanks
17 IT And he came down with them, have ye 1 for sinners also lend to sin-
and stood in the plain and the com-
; ners, to receive as much in return.
pany of his disciples, and a great mul- 35 But love ye yoiir enemies, and
titude of people out o^ all Judea and do good, and lend, hoping for nothmg
Jerusalem, and frpm the sea-coast of agam ; and your reward shall be grea^
Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear and ye shall be the children of the
him, and to be healed of their dis- Highest for he is kind to theunthank-

eases; fiil and to the evil.

18 And they that were afflicted with 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as ypur
unclean spirits : and they were healed. Father also is mercifiil.
19 Aiid the whole multitude sought and ye shall not be
37 Judge., not,
to touch him ; for there went virtue judged : condemn not, and ye shall
out of him, and healed them all. not be condemned: forgive, and ye
20 IT And he lifted up his eyes on shall be fprgiven
his disciples, and said, Blessed are ye 38 Give, and it shall be given to
7Vee known by Us fruits. LUKE, Centurion's servant hedkd.
you; good measure, pressed down, ftoni death the widow's son at Nain 19 an- i

Bwereth John's messengers with thedeela-

and shaken together, and running ration of his mliacles ; 24 testiiieth to the
over, shall men give into your bosom. {leoplc what opinion he held of John ; 30
For with the same measure that ye nveiffheth against the Jews, who With
neither the manners of John nor of Jesus
give to others, it shall be measured to could be won ; 3fi and showeth by occasion
you again. of Mary Magdalene, how he is a itiend to
sinners, not to maintain them in sins, but
39 Ind he spoke a parable to them i
to forgive them their sins upon their faith
Can the blind lead the blind? mil and repentance.
they not both fall into the ditch'?
^]^ sayings OW
when he had ended all his

40 The disciple is not above his in the audience of the

master but every one that is perfect, people, he entered into Capernaum.

shall be as his master. 2 And a certain centurion's servant,

41 And why beholdest thou the who was dear to hiin, was sick, and
mote that is in thy brother's eye, but ready to die.
percei^est not the beam that is in thy 3 And when he heard of Jesus, he
own eye ? sent to him the elders of the Jews,
42 Either how canst thou say to thy beseeching him that he would come
br6ther. Brother, let me pull out the and heal his servant.
mote that is in thy eye, whfefl'thou 4 And when they came to Jesus,
thyself beholdest not the beam that is they besought him earnestly, saying,
in thy own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast That he was worthy for whom he
out first the beam out of thy own eye, should do this
and then shalt thou see clearly to pull 5 For he loveth our nation, and he
out the mote that is in thy brother's hath built us a synagogiie. ,

eye. 6 Then Jesus went with theni. And

43 For a good tree bringeth not when he was now not far from the
forth torrupt fruit; neither doth a cor- house, the centurion sent friends to
rupt tree bring forth good fruit. him, saying to him. Lord, trouble not
44 For every tree is known by its thyself for I am not worthy that

own fruit: for from thorns men do thou shpuldst enter under niy roof;
not gather figs, nor from a bramble 7 Wherefore neither thought I my-
bush do they gather grapes. self worthy to come to thee ; but say
45 A good man out of the good in a word, and my servant shall as
treasure o( his heart, bringeth forth healed.
that which is good ; and an evil man 8 For I also am a man set undts'
out of the evil treasure of his heart, authority, having under me S(>ldier3,
bringeth forth that *hich is evil: fori and I say to one. Go, and he goeth
from the abundance of the heart his and to anoth^, Come, and he Com-
mouth speaketh. eth; and io my servant. Do this,
46 IT And why call ye me Lord, and he doeth it.

Lord, and do not the thmgs which I 9 When Jesus heard these things,
say! he marvelled ai him, and turned him-
47 Whoever cometh to me, and self about and said to the people that
heareth my sayings, and doeth them, followed him, I say to you, I have not
I will show you to whom he is like. found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
48 He is like a liian who built a 10 And they that were sent, return-
house, and digged deep, and laid the ing to the house, found the servant
foundation on a rock and when the
: well that had been sick.
flood arose, the stream beat vehement- 11 IT And it came to pass the day
ly upon that house, and could not after, that he went into a city called
shake it for it was founded upon a
: Nain and many of his disciples virent

rock. with him, and many people.

49 But he that heareth, and doeth 12 Now when he came nigh to the
not, is like a man that, without a gate of the city, behold, there was a
foundation, built a house on the earth, dead man earned out, the only son of
against which the stream beat vehe- his mother, and she was a widow
mently, and immediately it fell, and and many people of the city were with
the rum of that house was great. her.
13 And when the Lord saw her, he
CHAPTER Vn. had compassion on her, and said td
1 Christ findeth a greater faith in the centu- her. Weep not.
rion a Gentile, than in any of the Jews 10

healeth his servant being ahsenti iiraiseth 14 And he came and touched the
Widovfs son raised. CHAPTER VII. Testifieth of John.
bier i And they that bote him stood 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers
still. And he said, Young man, I say rejected the counsel of God against
to thee, Arise. themselves, being not baptized by
15 And he that was dead sat up, him.
and be^an to ispeak, and he' delivered 31 IT And the Lord said, To what
him to nis mother. then shall I liken the men of this gen-
16 And there came a
fear on all eration 7 and to what are they like 1
and they glorified God, saying, That 32 They are like children sitting in
a great prophet h&th risen among us the markJetJ-pkce, and calUng one to
and. That Gt)d hath visited his people. another, anJ saying. We
have piped
17 And
rumor of him went forth
this to you, and ye have not danced ; we
throughout all Judea, and throughout have mourned to you, and ye have not
all the neighboring region. wepfc
IS And the disciples of John in- 33 For John the Baptist came nei^
formed him of all these things. ther eating bread, nor drinking >vine
19 IT And John callmg two of his and ye say, He hath a demon.
disciples sent them to Jesus, saying. 34 The Son of man is come eating
Art thou he that should come 7 or and drinking and ye say, Behold, a

look we for another 7 gluttonous' man, and a i*in6-bibber, a

20 Whien the men had come to him, friend of piublicans and sinners.
they said, John the Baptist hath sent 35 But wisdom is justified by all her
us to thee, saying, Art thou he that children.
should come 7 orTook we for another7 36 IT And <jne of the Pharisees de-
21 And in that same hour he cured sired him that he wonld eat with him.
many of their infirmities, and diseases, And he went into the Pharisee's house,
and of evil spirits; and to many that and sat down at table.
were bhnd he gave sight. 37 And behold, a woman in the city,
22 Then Jesus anstvering, said to who was a sinner, when she knew
them. Go and tell John what things that Jesus sat at table in the Phari-
ye have seen and heard; that the see's house, brought an alabaater-boz
blind see, the lame walk, lepers are of ointment,
cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are 38 And stood at his feet behind him
raised, to the poor the gospel is weeping, and began to wash his feet
preened. with tears, and wiped them, with the
23 And bleseed is he, to whom I hairs of her head, and kieeed his feet,
shall not be a stumbling block. and anointed them with the ointment.
24 IT And when the messengers of 39 Now when the Pharisee who had
John had departed, h6 began to speak invited hiBi, saw it, he spoke vpithin
to the people concerning John, What himself, saying, This man, if he were
went ye out into the wilderness to a prophet, Would have known who,
see 7 A
reed shaken wth the wind 7 and what' manner of woman this is,
25 But what went ye out to seel that toiieheth him; for she is a sinner.
A man clothed in soft raiment 7 be- 40 And Jesus answering, said to
hold, they who are gorgeously appar- him, Simon, I have somewhat to say
eled, and live delicately, are kings' m to thee. And he saith. Master, speak;
courts. 41 There was a certain creditor,
26 But what went ye out to see 7 A who had two debtors ; the one owed
prophet 7 Yes, 1 say to you, and much five hundred pence, and the other
more than a prophet. fifty.
21 This is Aej concerning whom it 42 And when they had nothing to
is written, Behold, I send my messen-

pay, he frankly forgavethem botha

ger before thy face, who shall prepare which of them will
Tell me, therefore,
thy way before thee. love him most '!

28 For I say to you, Among those 43 Simon answered and said, I sup-
that are born of women, there is not pose that he, to whom he fotgave
a greater prophet than John the Bap- most. And he said to him. Thou
tist: but he that is least in the king- hast rightly judged.
dom of God, is greater than he. 44 And be turned to the woman,
29 And all the people that heard and said to Simon, Seest thou this
Mm, and the publicans, justified Godj woman 7 I entered into thy house,
being baptized with the baptism of thou gavest me no water for my feet i
John. but she hath washed my feet withi
The parable of the LUKE. sower expounded.
tears, and wiped them with the hairs , And his disciples askfed'hira, say-
of her head. ing. What doth this parable mean'?
45 Thou gavest me no liiss : but 10 And he said. To you it is given
this woman,
sinoe the time I came in, to know, the mysteries of the kingdom
hath not ceased to kiss feet. my of God: but to others in parables;
46 My
head with oil thou didst not thit seeing they may not see, and
anoint but this woman hath stnoint-
: hearing they may not understand.
ed my with ointment.
feet -11, Nowthe parable is this: The
47 Wherefore I say to thee, Her seed is the word of God. ,

sins, which are many, are forgiven 12 Those by the way side, are they
for she loved much but to whom lit- : that hear ; then cometh the devil, and
tle is forgiven, the same loveth httle. taketh away the word out of their
48 And he said to her, Thy sins are hearts, lest they should believe and
forgiven. be saved.
. 49 And they that sat at table with 13 They on the rook are they, who,
him, began to say within themselves. when they hear, receive the word with
Who is this that.forgiveth sins also 7 joy j and these have no root, who for
50 And he said to the woman, Thy a while believe, and in time of tempt-
faith hath saved thee ; go in peace. ation fall away.
14 And that which fell among
thorns are they, who, when they have
1 Women minister to Christ of their sub-
stance. 4 Christ after he had preached from heard, go forth, and are choked with
place to place, attended with his apostles, cares and riches and pleasures oi this
propoundeth the parable of the sower, 16 Ufe, and brmg no fruit to perfection.
and of the candle 21 declareth who are

his mother, and brethren 23 rebuketh tlie ;

15 But that on the good ground are
winds 26 casteththe legion of demons out
; they, who in an honest and good
of the man into the herd of swine 37 is re- ;
heart, having heard the word, keep it,
jected by the' Gadarenes'; 43 healeth the
-ivoman of her bloody issue 49 and raisetfa ;
and bring forth fruit with patience.
,from death Jairus^s .daughter. 16 IT No man, when he hath hght-

AND it came to
that he went throughout every
pass afterward, ed a candle, covereth it with a vessel,
or putteth it under a bed ; but setteth
city and .tillage, preaching arM show- it on a candlestick, that they who
ing, theglad tidings of the kingdom enter it may see the ^ght.
of God: and the twelve were with 17 For nothing is secret, that shall
him, not be made manifest; neither any
2 And certain women,, who had been thinghid, that shall not be known,
healed of evil spirits and infirmities, and come abroad.
Mary called Magdalene, out of whom 18 Take heed therefore how ye
went seven demons. hear : for whoever hath, to him shall
3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza be given ; and whoever hath not, from
Herod's steward, and Susanna, and him shall be taken even that which
many others, who ministered to him he seemefh to have.
of their substance. 19 IT Then came to him his mothelr
4 IT And when many people were and his brethren, and coidd not come
collected, and had come to hnn out of near to him for the crowd,-
every city,, he spoke by a parable 20 And it was told to him by cer-
5 A sower went out to sow his tain, who said, Thy mother and thy
seed : and as he sowed, some fell by brethren stand without, desiring to
the way side; and it was trodden see thee.
down, and the fowls of the air de- 21 And he answered and said to
voured it. them, My mother and my brethren
6 And some fell upon a rock ; and are these who hear the word of God,
as soon as it was sprung up, it, with- and do it.

ered, because it lacked moisture^. 22 Now it came to pass on a cer-


7 And some fell among thorns ; tain day, that he went into a teat
and the thorns sprang up with it, and with his disciples: and he said to
choked it. them, Let us go over to the other siile
•8, And other fell on good ground, of the lake. lAnd they lanched forth.
and sprang up, and bore fruit a hun- 23 But as they sailed, he fell asleep:
dred-fold. And when he had said and there came down a storm o£
these things, he cried. He that hath wind on thelalte; and they were filled
cars 10 hear, let him hear. with water, and were in jeopardy.
Legion cast out. CHAPTER VIII. Jairus'a daughter raised.
24 And they came to him, and 37 II Then the whole multitude of
awoke him, saying. Master, master, the surrounding country of the Gada-
we perish. Then lie arose, and rebu- renes, besought him to depart from
ked the wind, and the raging of the them for they were taken with great

waier: and they ceased, and there fear. And he went into the boat, and
was a cajm. returned.
25 And he said to diem, Where is 38 Now the man out of whom the
your faith? And they being aftaid, demons had departed, besought him
wondered, saying one to another, that he might be with him. But Je-
What manner of man is this ! for he sus sent him away, saying,
commandeth even the winds and wa- 39 Return to thy own nouse, and
ter, and they obey him. show how great things God hath done
26 IT And they arrived at the coun- to thee. And he went away and pub-
try of the Gadarenes, which is over lished throughout the whole city, how
against Galilee. great things Jesus had done to him.
27 And when he went forth to land, 40 And It came to pass, that, when
there met him out of the city a certain Jesus had returned, the people gladly
man, who had demons a long time, received him for they were all wait-

and wore no clothes, neither tibode in ing for him.

any house, but in the tombs. 41 IT And behold, there came a man
28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out, named Jairus, and he was a ruler of
and fell down before him, and with a
the synagogue : and he fell down at
loud voice said, What have I to do
the feet of Jesus, and besought him
with thee, Jesus, tium Son of Gkid that he would come into his house
most highl I beseech thee torment 42 For he had one daughter only,
me not about twelve years of age, and she
29 (For he had commanded the un- lay dying. (But as he was going, the
clean spirit to come out of the man. people thronged him.
For often it had caught him, and he 43 IT And a woman having an issue
was kept bound with chains, and in of blood twelve years, who had spent
fetters : and he broke the bands, and all her living upon physicians, neither
was driven by the demon mto the could he healed by any,
wilderness.) 44 Came behind him, and touched
30 And Jesus asked him, saying. the border of his garment and imme- :

What is thy name? And he said. Le- diately her issue of blood stanched.
gion because many demons had en-
: 45 And Jesus said. Who touched
tered into him. me 1 When all denied, Peter, and they
31 And they besought him, that he that were with him, said, Master, the
would not command them to go out multitude throng thee, and press thee,
into the deep. and sayest thou. Who touched mel
32 And there was there a herd of 46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath
many swine feeding on the mountain touched me For I perceive that vir-

and they besought nim that he would tue hath gone out of me.
suifer them to enter into them. And 47 And when the woman saw that
he suffered them. she was not hid, she came trembling,
33 Then the demons went out of and falling down before -him, she de-
the man, and entered into the swine clared to nun before all the people for
and the herd ran violently down a what cause she had touched him, and
steep place into the lake^ and were how she was healed unmediately.
choKed. 48 And he said to her. Daughter, be
34 When they that fed (hem saw of good comfort: thy faith bath made
what was done, they fled, and went and thee whole ; go in peace.)
toldit in the city and in the country. 49 IT While he was yet speaking,
35 Then they went out to see what there cometh one from the house of
was done; and came to Jesus, and the ruler of the synagogue, saying to
found the man out of whom the de- him. Thy daughter is dead : trouble
mons had departed, sitting at the feet not the master.
of Jesus, clothed, and in his right 50 IT But when Jesus heard it, he
mind and they were afraid.
: answered him, saying. Fear not : be-
36 They also who saw it, told them lieve only, and she shall be healed.
by what means he that was possessed 61 And when he came into the
by the demons was healed. house, he suffered no man to go in, .'

Apostles sent forth. LUKE. Five thousand fed.
Bave Peter, and James, and John, and had done. And he took them, and
the father and the mother of the went aside privately into a solitary
maiden. place, belonging to a city called Beth-
52 And all wept and bewailed her saida.
but he said. Weep not : she is not 11 And the people, when they knew
dead, but sleepeth. it,followed him and he received them,

53 And they derided him, knowing and spoke to them of the kingdom of
that she was dead. God, and healed them that had need
54 And he put them all out, and of healing. >

took her by the hand, and called, 12 And when the day began to de-
saying. Maid, arise. cUne, then came the twelve, and said
55 And her spirit came again, and to him. Send the multitude away,
she arose immediately and he com-
; that they may go into the towns and
manded to give her food. country around, and lodge, and get
56 And her parents were astonish- victuals for we are here in a lonely

ed but he charged them they should

: place.
tell no man what was done. 13 But he said to them. Give ye
them to eat. And they said. We have
CHAPTER IX. no more than five loaves and two
1 Christ senUeth his apostles to work mira- fishes except we should go and buy
cles, and to preach. 7 Herod desireth to
see Christ. 13 Christ Teedeth five thou-
provisions for all this people.
sand 18 Inqulreth what opinion the world
: 14 For they were about five thou-
had of him foretelleth his death 23 pro-
: :
sand men.' And he said to his disci-
poseth to all the pattern of his patience. S8
The transfiguration 37 he hecUeth.the lu-
ples. Make them sit down by fifties in
naUc: 43 again forewarneth his disciples a company.
of his death 46 commendeth humility 61
And they did
: :

blddeth them to show mildness towanls all,

15 so, and made them
without desire of revenge. 57 Divere all sit down.
would follow Wimt but upon conditions. 16 Then he took the five loaves,
THEN he called his twelve
ples together, and gave
and the two fishes, and looking up to
heaven, he blessed them, and broke,
power and authority over all demons, and gave to the disciples to set before
and to cure diseases. the multitude.' ^

2 And he sent them to preach the 17 And they ate, and were all sat-
kingdofli of Cfod, and to heal the isfied:and there was taken up of
siokw '
fragments that remained to them,
3 And he said to them, Take no- twelve baskets.
thing for your journey, neither stafTs, 18 IT And it came to pass, as he was
nor bag, neither bread, neither mon- in retirement praying, his discipleB
ey neither have two coats apiece.
were with him and he asked them,

4 And into whatever house ye en- saying, Who say the people that I
ter, there abide, and thence depart. am?
5 And whoever will not receive you, 19 They answering, said, John the
when ye go out of that city, shake off Baptist; but some say, Elijah; and
the very dust from your feet for a tes- otliers say, that one of the ancient
timony against them. prophets is risen again.
6 And they departed, and went 20 He said to them. But who say ye
through the towns; preaching the that I am 1 Peter answering, said. The
gospel, and healing every where. Christ of God.
7 11 Now Herod the tetrarch heard 21 And he strictly charged them,
of all that was done by him : and he and commanded them to tell no man
was perplexed, because it was said by that thing,
some, that John had risen from the 22' Saying, The Son of man must
dead suffer, manythings, and be rejected
8 And by some, that Elijah had ap- by the and chief priests, and
peared; and by others, that one of scribes, and be put to death, and be
the ancient prophets had risen'again. raised -the third day. i

9 And Herod said, John have I be- 23 U

And he said to them all. If any
headed ; but who is this of whom I man will come after me, let him deny
hear such thihga t And he desired to himself, and take up his cross daily,
eee him. and follow me.
10 IF And the apostles, when they 24, For whoever will save his life^
bad returned, told him all thatihey shall lose it: but whoever will lose
Tfte transfiguration. CHAPTER IX. Lunatic healed.
his life for my sake, the same shall him that he foamelth, and bruising him,
saV6 it. hatdly departeth frtln him.
25 For what is a man profited, if he 40 And I besousht thy disciples to
shall gain the whole world, and lose cast him out, and uiey could not.
himself, or be cast away ? 4 And Jesus answering, said,
26 For whoever shall he ashamed faithless and perverse generation, how
of me, and of my
words, of him will long, shEiU I be with you, and suffer'
the Son of man be ashamed, when he you'! Bring thy son hither.
shall come in his own glory, and in 42 And as, he was yet coming, the
that of his Father, and of the holy demon threw him down, and tore Aim.
angels. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit,
27 But I tell you in truth, there are and healed the child, arid delivered
some standing here who shall not liim again to his father.
taste death till they see the kingdom 43 f And they were all amazed at
of God. the mightypower of God. But while
28 IT And it came to pass, about they were all wondering at all thing;s
eight days after these sayings, he took Which Jesus did, he said to his disci-
and James, and went
Peter, and John, ples,
up upon a mountain to pray. 44 Let these sayings sink down in-
29 And as he prayed, the fashion of to your ears for the Son of man will :

his countenance was altered, and his he delivered into the hands of men.
raiment was white and ghstering. 45 But they understood not this
30 And behold, there talked With saying, and it was hid from them,
him two men, who were Moses abd that they perceived it not: and they
Elijah. feared to ask him concerning (hat say-
31 Who appeared in glory, and ing.
spoke of his decease which he should 46 IT Then there arose a reasonma
accomplish at Jerusalem. among them, which of them should
32 ]^t Peter and they that were be the greatest.
with him were heaVy with sleep : and 47 And Jesus perceiving the thought
when they were awake, they saw his of their heart, took a child, and set him'
glory, and the two men that stood by him,
with him. 48 And said to them, Whoever shall
33 And it came
to pass, as they de- receive this child in my
name, reoeiv-
Sarted &om
him, Peter said to Jesus, eth me; and whoever shall receive me,
[aster, it is good for us to be here : receiveth him that sent me: for he
and let us make three tabernacles that is least among you all, the same
one for thee, and one for Moses, and shall be great.
oile for Elijah : not knowing what he 49 t And John answered and s^id,
said. Master, we saw one casting out de-
34 While he was thus speaking, mons in thy name; and we forbad
there came a cloud and overshadow^ him, because he foUoweth not with
them and they feared as they enter- us.

ed into the cloud. 50 And Jesus said to him, Forbid

35 And there came a voicie out of him not for he is not against us,
: tW
the cloud, saying. This is my beloved is for us.
Son: hear him. 51 1 And it came to pass, when the
36 And when the voice was past, time was come that he should be re-
Jesus was found alone. And they ceived up, he steadfastly set his face to
ke^t it close, and told no man in those go to Jerusalem.
days any of those things which they 52 And sent messengers before his
had seen. face : and 'they went and entered into
37 ^ And it came to pass, that on a village of tl^e Samaritans, to make
the next dav, when they had come ready for him.
down from tne hill, many people met 53 And thfiydid not receive him,'
him. because his face was as though lie
38 And behold, a man of the cdm- w(rald go to Jerusalem.
pany cried out, saying, Mastfsr, J be- 54 And when his disciples James
seech thee look upon my son : for he and John saw Siis, they said. Lord,
ismy only child. wilt thou that we command fire to
39 And lo, a spirit teketh hun, and come doAvn from heaven, and con-
he suddenly crieth out and it teareth ; sume them, even as EKiah did t
7 73
Christ, tendeth out LUKE. stvaity discipla.
But he turned, and rebuked them,
,SS 8 And
into whatever city ye enter,
and said. Ye know not what manner and they receive you, eat such thinga
of spirit ye are of. as are set before you.
5o For the Son of rnan is not come 9 And heal the sick that are there-
to destroy men's lives, but to save iuj and say to thern. The Idiigdom of
them. And they went to another vil- God is come nigh to you.
lage. Ifl But into whatevfir city ye enter,

57 IT And it came to pass, that as and they receive you hot, go out into
they were going in the way, a certain the streets pf the same, and say,
man said to him, Lord, I will follow 11 Even the very dust of your city
thee whithersoever thou goest. which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off
58 And Jesus said to him. Foxes against you notwithstanding, be ye

have holes, and birds of the air have sure of this, that the kmgdom of God
nests J but the Son of man hath not is Gome nigh to you.
where to lay his head. 12 But I say to you, that it shall be
59 And he said to another. Follow more tolerable in that day for Sodom
me. But he said. Lord, suffer me first than for that city.
togo and bury my father. 13 Woe to thee, Chorazin ! woe to
60 Jesus said to him. Let the dead thee, Eethsaida! for if the mighty
bury their dead: but go thou and works which have been done in you,
preach the Idngdom of God. had been done in Tyre and Sidon,
61 And another also said. Lord, I
they had a great while ago repented
will follow thee but let me first go
; sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
and bid them farewell who are at my 14 But it shall be more tolerable for
house. ,
Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than
62 And Jesus said to him. No man for you..
having put his hand to the plow, and 15 And thou, Capernaum, which art
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust
God. down to hell.
CHAPTER X. 16 He that heareth you, heareth
1 Christ sendeth out at once seventy disciples me and be that despiseth you, des-

to work miracles, and to preach iTadmon- : piseth me and he that despiseth the,

Jsheth them to be humble and wherein to despiseth him

that sent me.
rejoice : 91 thauketh his Father for his
-grajce 23 ma^lfieth the happy state of his
17 IT And
the seventy returned with
church 25 teacbeth the lawyer how to ob-
: joy, saying. Lord, even the demons
tain eternal life, and to take every one for are subject to us through thy name.
his neighbor that needeth his mercy: 41
,repiehen^eth Martha, and conunendeth Ma- 18 And he said to them, I beheld
ry, her sister. Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
AFTER these things, the Lord ap-
other seventy also, and
19 Behold, I give to you power to
tread on serpents and scorpions, and
Sent them two and two before his face over all the power of the enemy and :

and place, whither he

into every i^ty, nothing ^hall by any means hurt you.
himself would come. 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice
2 Therefpre said.he to them. The not, that the spirits are subject to you
harvest truly is great, but the laborers but rather rejoice, because your names
are few: pray ye therefore the Lord are written in heaven.
of the harvest, that ,he would send .
21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in
forth laborers into his harvest. spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Fa-
3 ,Go behold, I send you forth as
, : ther, Lord of heaven and earth, that
lambs among wolves. thou hast hid these things .from the
4 Carry neither purse, nor sack, nor wise and. prudent, and hast revealed
shoes and salute no man by the
; them to babes even so. Father j for

way. so it seemed good in thy sight.

5 And into whatever house ye en- 22 All things are delivered to me
ter, first say, Peace 6e to this house. by my Father : and no man knoiveth
6 And if the son of peace be there, who the Son is, but the Father; and
your peace shall rest upon it : if not, who the Father is, but the Son, and
it shall turn to you again. ,
he to whom the Son w>ill reveal Aim.
7 And
in the same house, remain, 23 IT And he
turned himself to hia
eating and di;inking such things as disciples, and said privately. Blessed
they give : for the laborer is worthy of are the eyes which see the things that
hisniie. Gonotfromhouse tohouse. ye see.
The good Samanian. CHAPTKR XI. The Lor^a prayer.
24 For I tell you, that many proph- ry, who
also sat at Jesus' feet, and
ets and kings have desired to se<e the heard his word. '

things which ye see, and have not 40 But Martha was cumbered about
seen tkem; and to hear the things much serving, and came to him, and
which ye hear, and have not heard said. Lord, dost thou nbt care that
theTji. my sister hath left me to serve alone?
25 IT And behold, a certain lawyer bid her therefore that she help me.
stood up, and tempted hitn, saying, 41 And Jesus answereji and said
Master, what shall I do to inherit eter- to her, Martha, Martha, thoii art anx-
nal lifef ious,and troubled about many things
26 He said to him. What is written 42 But one thing is needfill; ^d
in the lawl how readest thou? Mary hath chosen that good part,
27 And he answering said. Thou which shall not be taken away from
shalt love the Lord thy God with all her.
thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with ail thy strength, and with aH thy
1 Christ teacheth to pray, ii assuring that
mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. God so will give us good things. 14 He,
'28 And he said to him. Thou hast casting out a dumb demon, rebuketh the
answered right: this do, and thou blasphemous Pharisees 28 and showeth ;

who are blessed 29 ureaoheth to the peo-


shalt live. ple 37 and reprehendeth the outward show


29 But he, willing to justify himself, of holiness in the Pharisees, scribes, and
said to Jesus, And who is neigh-my
30 And Jesus' answering said, A
AND came
was praying
to pass, that as he

in a certain place;,
certain man went down from Jerusa- when he ceased, one of his disciples
lem to Jericho, and fell among rob- said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, aa
bers, who stripped him of his raiment, John also taught his disciples.
and wounded him, and departed, leav- 2 And he said to thein, ye When
ing him half dead. pray, say, Our Father who att in
f 31 And by chance there came down heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy
a certain pnest that way ; and when kingdom come. Thy will be done, aa
he saw him, he passed by on the other in heaven, so on earth.
" 3 Give us day by day our daily
32 likewise a Levite, when he
And bread.
was at the place, came and looked on 4 And forgive us our sins ; for we
him, (nd passed by on the other side. also forgive every one that is indebted
33 But a certain Samaritan, as he to us. And lead us not into tempta-
came where he was and
journeyed, : tion ! but deliver us from evil.
when he saw him, he had compassion 5 And he said to them, which of
on Mm, you shall have a friend, and shall go
34 And went to him, and bound to him at midiiight, and say to bini|
up his wounds, pouring in oil and Friend, lend me three loaves
wine, and set him on his own beast, 6 For a friend of mine in his jour-
and brought him to an inii, and took ney is come to me, and I have no-
care of him. thing to set before him ?
35 And on the morrow, when he 7 And he from within shall answer
depiaiei, he took out two pence, and and say, Trouble me not the door is :

gave them to the host, and said to him, now shut, and my children are with
Take care of him and whatever thou
: me in bed ; I cannot rise and give thee.
spendest more, when I come again,! 8 I say to yon. Though he will not
will repay thee. rise and give himj becaiise he is his
36 Which now of these three, think- friend, yet because of his importunity
est thou, was neighbor to him that he will rise and give him as many as
fell among the robbers 1 heneedeth. '

37 AncT he said. He that showed 9 Andsay to 'you. Ask, and it

mercy on him. Then said Jesus to shall be givbn you seek, and; ye shall

him. Go, and do thou likewise. find ; knock, and the door shall be
, 38 ^r Now it came to pass, as they opened to you. ,

were going, he entered into a certain 10 For everyone that asketh, re-
village: and a certain woman, named ceiveth and he that seeketh, fihdeth

SlarQlg:, received him into her house'. and to him that knocketh,' the door
39 And she had a sister called/Ma- shall be' opened.
Dumb demon cast out. LUKE. The Pharisees rebuked.
U If a son sh^U ask of any|]read voice, and said to him, Blessed is the
of y6u that is a father, will he give womb that bore thee, and the paps
him a stone's or \i he, shall ask a fisli,
which nourished thee.
will he for a fish give him a serpeut.1 28 But he said. Yes, rather blessed
12 Or if he shaU ask an egg, will he are they that hear the word of God,
offer Jhim a scorpion'! and keep it.
13 If ye then, being evil, know how; 2? IT And when the people were as-
to give good giila to your children: sembled in crowds, he began to say.
how muSh more will your heavenly This is an evil generation they seek :

Father give the Holy Spirit to them a sign; and there shall no sign be
that ask him'! given to it, but the sign of Jonah the
14 IT And he was casting out a de-; prophet.
mon, and it was dumb. And it came 30 For as Jonah was a sign to the
to pass when the demon was gone Ninevites, so also shall the Son of
out, the dumb spoke and the people
; man be to this generation.
wondered. 31 The queen of the south shall rise
15 But some of them said. He east- up in the judgment with the men of
eth out demons through Beeliebub, this generation, and condemn them
the chief of the demons. for she came from the utmost parts of
16 Andothers tempting Aim, sought the earth, to hear the wisdom of Sol-
from him a sign from heaven. omon ; and behold, a greater than
17 But he, Knowing their thoughts, Solomon is here.
said to them. Every kingdom divided 32 The men of Nineveh shall rise up
against itself desolation in the judgment with this generation,
and a house ^itiit^c^ci against a house and shall condemn it : for they re-
,falleth. pented at the preaching of Jonah; and
18 If Satan also is divided against behold, a greater than Jonah is here.
himself, how shall hi? kingdom stand 1 33 No
man when he hath lighted a
because ye say that I cast putdemons candle, putteth it in a secret place,
through Beelzebub; ,
neither under a close vessel, but on a
19 And if I by Beolzehub, cast out candlestick, that they who come in
demons, by whom do your sons cast may see the light.
them out'? iherefore shajl they be 34 The light of the'body is the eye
your judges. therefore when thy eye is single, thy
20 But if I with the finger of God whole body also is full of light ; but
cast but demons, no doubt the king- when thy eye is evil, thy body also is
don\ of God is come upon you. full of darkness.
21 When a strong man armed keep- 35 Take heed therefore, that the

eth his palace, his goods are in peace light which is in thee be not darkness.
22 But when a stronger than he 36 If thy whole body therefore 6e
shall come upon him; and overcome full of light, having no part dark, the
him, he taketh from him all his armqr whole shall he full of light as when ;

in which he trusted, and divjdeth his the bright shining of a candle doth
spoils. give thee light.
23 He that is not with me is against 37 IT And as he was speaking, a
me: and he that gathereth not with certain Pharisee besought him to dine
me scattereth. .
, with him : and he went in, and sat
24 When, the unclean spirit is gone down to eat.
out of a map, he walketh through dry 38 And when the Pharisee saw it,
places, seeking rest and finding none,
: he marveled that he had not first
he saith, I will return to my house washed before dinner.
whence I came out. 39 And the Lord said to hiiri^ Now
25 And when he co^ieth, l)e findeth do ye Pharisees make clean the out-
it swept and garnished. side of the cup and the platter ; but
26 "Then he goeth and taketh to him your inwarf part is fiill of ravening
seven other spirits more wicked than and vnckedness.
himself; and.they enter in, and dwell 40 Ye fools,] did not he that made
there and the last state of that man
; , thqt wrhich is without, make that
is worse than the first. which is within also'?
27 IT And it came to pass, as he 41 But rather give alms of such
was speaking these things, a certain things as ye have; and behold, all
woman of the company lifted up her things are clean to you.
CKrisi preadieth to CHAPTER XII. avoid hypocrispk
42 But woe to you, Pharisees ! for look for persecution. 64 Thepeuple must
tithe mint, and and all manner take this time of grace ; S3 (lecause it Is a
ye rue,
fearful Ihing to die without reconciliation.
of herbs, and pass over judgment and
the love of God : these ought ye to the mean time, when there was
have done, and not to leave the oth-
INgathered an innumerable multitude
ers undone. of people so that they trod one upon
43 Woe to you, Pharisees ! for ye another, he beCTti to say to his disci-
love the uppermost seats in the syna- ples first of allj^eware ye of the leav-
gogues, and greetings in the markets. en of the Pharisees, which is hypoc-
44 Woe to you, scribes and Phari- risy.
sees, hypocrites ! for ye are as graves 2 For there is nothing covered, that
which appear not, and the men that shall not be revealed ; neither hid, that
walk over them are not tivmteqfthem, shall not be known.
45 IT Then answered one of the 3 Therefore, whatever ye have spo-
lawyers, and said to him. Master, ken in darkness, shall be heard in the
thus saying, thou reproachest us also. light ; and that which ye have spoken
46 And he said. Woe to you also, in the ear in closets, shall be proclaim^
we lawyers, for ye load men with bur- ed upon the house-tops.
dens CTievous to be borne, and ye 4 And I say to you, my friends. Be
yourselves touch not the burdens with not afraid of them that kill the body,
one of your fingers. and Bft^r that have no more that
47 Woe to you! for ye build the they can do.
sepulcbers of the prophets, and your 5 But I will forewarn you whom
fathers killed them. ye shall fear Fear him, who after he

48 Truly ye bear testimony, that ye hath killed, hath power to cast into
allow the deeds of your fatners : for hell i Verily I say to you. Fear him.
they indeed killed them, and ye build 6 Are not five sparrows sold for two
then sepulchers. farthings, and not one of them is for-
49 Therefore also said the wisdom gotten before Godf
of God, I will send them prophets and 7 But even the very hairs of your
apostles, and some of them they will head are all numbered. Fear not
slay and persecute therefore ; ye are of more value than
50 That the blood of all the proph- many sparrows.
ets, which hath been shed from the 8 Also I say to you, Whoever shall
foundation of the world, may be re- confess me before men, him will the
quired of this generation Son of man also confess before the
51 From the blood of Abel to the angels of God.
blood of Zacharias, who perished be- 9 But he that denieth mc before
tween the altar and the temple veri- : men, shall be denied before the angels
ly I say to yon, It shall be required of of God.
this generation. 10 And whoever shall speak a word
52 Woe to you, lawyers! for ye against the Son of man, it shall be
have taken away the key of knowl- forgiven him but to him that blas-

edge: ye have not entered in your- phemeth against the Holy Spirit,
seRres, and them that were entering It shall not be forgiven.

in ye hindered. 11 And when they bring you to the

53 And as he said these things to synagogues, and before magistrates,
them, the scribes and the Pharisees and powers, be not solicitous how or
began to vu-ge him vehemently, and what thing ye shall answer, or what
to solicit him to speak of many tmngs ye shall sayi
54 Laying wait for him, and seekmg 12 For the Holy Spirit will teach
to catch something from his mouth, you in the same hour what ye ought
that they might accuse him. to say.
13 IT And one of the company said
to him. Master, speak to my
1 Christ preacbeth to Itis disciples to avoid
hypocrisy and fearfulness In publishing his that he divide the inheritance with
doctrine 13 wameth the people to beware
; me.
of covetousness, hy the pai^le of the rich 14 And he said to him, Man, who
man who set up greater barns. S3 Wo
must not be ovcr-careflil of earthly things made me a judge, or a divider over
31 but seek the kingdom of God, 33 give you?
aims : 36 be ready at a knock to open to our 15 And he said to them. Take heed,
Lord whenever he cometh. 41 Christ's
jninlsters are to see to their charge, M
and and beware of covetousness i for a
7* 77
Chriit preacheth to LUKE. beieare of cmetmtanem.
man's life consisteth not in the abun- 32 Fear not, little flock; for it is
dance of the things which he posses- your Father's good pleasure to give
setb. you the kingdom.
16 And he spoke a parable to them, 33 Sell what ye have, and mvo
saying, The ground of a certain rich alms provide yourselves bags which

man Drought forth plentifully become not old, atreasurein the heav-
17 And he thougnt within himself, ens that faileth not, where no thief
saying, What shall I do, because I approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.
have no room where to deposite my 34 For where your treasure is, there
fruits'! will your heart be also.
18 And he said, This will I do I : 35 Let your loins be girt, and yaur
will pull down my bams, and build lights burnmg
greater; and there will I deposit all .36 And ye yourselves like men that
my fruits and my goods. wait for their lord, when be, shall re-
19 And I will say to my soul. Soul, turn from the wedding ; that, when
thou hast abundance of goods laid up he Cometh and knocketh, they may
for many years ; take thy ease, eat, open to him immediately.
drink, and be merry. 37 Blessed are those servants,
20 But God said to him, TTiou fool, whom the lord when he cometh shall
this night thy soul shall be required of find watching : verily I say to you,
thee : then whose shall those things that he will gird himself, and make
be which thou hast provided? them to sit down to eat, and will come
21 So is he that layeth up treasure forth and serve them.
for himself, and is not rich toward 33 And if he shall come in the sec-
'God. ond watch, or come in the third
22 f And he SEud to his disciples. watch, and find them so, blessed are
Therefore I say to you, Be not anxious those servants.
for your life, what ye shall eat ; nei- 39 And this know, that if the mas-
ther for the body, what ye shall put ter of the house knew at what hour
on. the thief would come, he would watch,
23 The Bfe is more than food, and and not suffer his house to be broken
the body is mare than raiment. through.
24 Consider the ravens for they : 40 Be ye therefore ready also : for
neither sow nor reap which neither
: the Son of man cometh at an hour
have store-house, nor barn and God ; when ye think not.
feedelh them : How
much more are 41 IT Then Peter said to him. Lord,
ye better than the fowls? speakest thou this parable to us, or
25 And which of you by solicitude even to all 1
can add to his stature one cubit 7 42 And the Lord said, Who then is
26 If ye then are not able to do that that faithful and wise steward, whom
thing -which is least, why ate ye anx- his lord shall make ruler over his
ious for the rest? household, to give thpm their portion
27 Consider the lilies how they of provisions in due season ?
grow They toil
: not, they spin not 43 Blessed is that servant, whom
and yet I say to you, that Solomon his lord when he cometh shall find so
in all his glory was not arrayed like doing.
one of these. 44 In truth I say to you, that he
28 If then God doth so array the will make him ruler over all that he
grass, which is today in the field, hath.
and to-morrow is cast into the oven 45 But if that servant shall say in
how much more will he clothe you, his heart. My
Lord delayeth his com-
ye of little faith ? ing ; and shall b^gin to tjeat the men-
29 And seek ye not what ye shall servants, and maidens, and to eat and
eat^ or what ye shall drink, neither be dnnk, and to be drunken 1
ye of doubtful mind. 46 The lord of that servant will
30 For all these things do the na- come in a day when he looketh not
tions of the world se^ after and : for him, and at an hour when he is
your Father knoweth that ye have not aware, and will cut him asunder,
need of these thingSj and will appoint him his portion with
31 TT But rather seek ye the ;king- the unbehevers.
dom of God, and all these things shall 47 And that servant who knew his
be added to yon. lord's will, and prepared not himself
DUnaiantJbr the gwfd. CHAPTER XIII. Tlitfndtlesajig-trte^
neither did according to his wiU, shall Galileans, whose blood Pilate had
be beaten with many stripes. mingled with their sacrifices.
48 But he that knew hoty and com- 2 And Jesus answering, said to
mitted things worthy of stripe:^ shall them, Suppose ye that these Galileans
be beaten with few stripes. For to were sinners above all the Galileans,
whamsoever much is given, of him because they suffered such things'!
will much be required and to whom : 3 I tell you. No ; but except ye re-
men have committed much, from him pent, ye shall all Ukewise perish.
they will ask the mote. 4 Or those eighteen, upon whom
49 IT I am come to send fire on the the tower in Suoam fell, and killed
«arth, and what will I, if it is already them, think ye that they were sinners
kindled'! above all men that dwelt in Jerusa-
50 But I have a baptism to be bap- lem?
tized with ; and how am I straitened 5 I tell you, No ; but, except ye re-
till it shall be accomplished pent, ye shall all iDiewise perish.
51 Suppose ye that I am come to 6 ir He spoke also this parable : A
give peace on earth 7 I tell you, No certain man had a fig-tree planted in
but rather division his vineyard; and he came and sought
52 For from henceforth there will fruit on it, and found none.
be five in one house divided, three 7 Then said he to the dresser of his
against two, and two against three. vineyard, Behold, these three years I
53 The father will be dividedagainst come seeking fruit on this fig-tree, and
the son, and the son against the fa- find none cut it down
: why cum-

ther; the mother against the daugh- bereth it the ground %

ter, and the daughter against the 8 And he answering, said to him,
mother; ^e mother-in-law against Lord, let it alone this year also, till I
her daughter-in-law, and the daugh- shall dig about it, and dung it:
ter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 9 And if it shall bear fiiiit, wM:
64 II And ne said also to the people. and if not, then after that thou ehalt
When ye see a cloud rising in the west, cut it down.
immediately ye say, There cometh a 10 And he was teaching in one of
shower ; , and so it is. the synagogues on the sabbath.
B5 And when ye perceive the south U IT Ana behqld, there was a wo-
wind blow;ing, ye say, There will be man who had a spirit of infirmity
heat ; and it cometh to pass. eighteen years, and was bowed to-
56 Ye hypocrites, ye can discern gether, and could in no wise raise her-
the face of the sky, and of the earth self.
but how is it, tha't ye do not discern 12 And when Jesus saw her, he
this time'! called her to him, and said to her, Wo-
57 And why even of yourselves man, thou art loosed from thy infir-
judge ye not wnat is right '? mity.
58 IT When thougoest with thy ad- 13 And he laid ftw hands on her: and
versary to the magistrate, as thou, art immediately she was made straight,
in the way, give diligence that thou and glorified God.
mayest be deUvered from him ; lest he 14 And the ruler of the synagogue
draw thee before the judge, and the answered with indignation, because
judge deUver thee to the ofScer, and Jesus had heded on the sabbath, and
the officer cast thee into prison. said to the people. There are six days
59. 1 tell thee, thou shall not depart in which men ought to work : in them
thence, till thou hast paid the very ^erefore cone and be healed, and not
last mite. on the sabbath.
15 The Lord then answered him,
CHAPTER XIII. and said. Thou hypocrite, doth not
1 Christ preacheth repentance upon the pun- each one of you on the sabbath loose
ishment of the Galileans, and others. The
fruitless flg-tree may not stand. 11 He his ox or his ass from the stall, and
healeth the crooked woman : 18 showeth lead him away to watering'!
the powerfiil working of the word in the
16 And ought not this woman, be-
hearts of his chosen, by the parable of the
grain of mustard-seed, and of leaven : S4 ing a daughter of Abraham, whom
exhOTteth to enter in at the strait gate : 31 Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen
and reproveth Herod and Jerusalem. years, to be loosed from this bond on
rHERE werethat
T^ present that at sea- the sabbath 1
son some him of the told 17 And when he had said these
Tht strait gate. LUKE. Hamility commended.
things, adversaries
all were
his lowing cannot be that a propfc-
: for it
ashamed and all the people rejoiced
: et should perish out of Jerusalem.
for all the glorious things that were 34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that
done by him. killest the prophets, and stonest them
, 18 IT Then said he, To what is the that are sent to thee; how often
kingdom of God like 1 and to what would 1 have gathered thy children,
shall I resemble it*? as a hen gathereth her brood under A«r
19 It is Uke a grain of mustard-seed, wings, and ye would not!
which a man took, and cast into his 35 Behold, your house is left to yon
garden, and it grew; and became a desolate. And verily I say to you, ye
great tree and the fowls of the air
; shall not see me, until the time shall
lodged on the branches of it. come when ye shall say, Blessed is he
20 And again he said. To what that Cometh in the name of the Lord.
shall I liken the kingdom of Grod7
21 It is like leaven, which a woman
2 Christ healcth the dropsy on the sabbath :
took and hid in three measures of 7 teachest humility : 12 to feaat the poor :
meal, till the whole was leavened. 17 under the parable of the great supper,
showeth how worlclly-mlnded men, vfiio
22 And he went through the cities contemn the word of God, shall be shut out
and villages, teaching, and journeying of heaven. 25 Those who will be his dis-
toward Jerusalem. ciples, to bear their cross, must make their
accounts beforehand, lest with shame they
23 Then said one to him. Lord, are revolt from him afterward, 34 and become
there few that are saved 1 And he said altogetlter unprofitable, like salt that hath
to them, lost its savor.

24 Strive to enter in at the strait

gate for many, I say to you, will seek
AND it came to pass, as he went

into the house of one of the chief

to enter in, and shall not be able. Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath,
25 When once the master of the that they watched him.
House hath risen, and hath shut the 2 And behold, there was a certain
door, and ye begin to stand without, man before him who had the dropsy.
and to knock at the door, saying, 3 And Jesus answering, spoke to
Lord, Lord, open to us ; and he will the lawyers and Pharisees, saying. Is
answer and say to you, I know you itlawful to heal on the sabbath 7
not whence ye are 4 And they held their peace. And
26 Then ye will begin to say. We he took him and healed him, and let
have eaten and drank thy presence, m him go
and thou hast taught in our streets. 5 And answered them, saying.
27 But he -vvill say, I tell you, I Which an ass or an
of you shall have
know you not whence ye are depart : ox and will not fortli-
fallen into a pit,
from me, all ye workers of iniquity. with pull him out on the sabbath 7
28 There shall be weeping and 6 And they could not answer him
g;nashing of teeth when ye shall see again to these things.
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacobj and 7 IT Arid he put forth a parable to
all the prophets in the kingdom of those who were invited, when he
God, and you yourselves excluded. marked how they chose the chief
29 And they will come from the rooms ! saying to them,
east, and/rom the west, and from the 8 When thou art invited by any
*orth, and from the south, and will man to a wedding, sit not down in
sit down in the kingdom of God. the highest room, lest a more hon-
30 And behold, there are last, who orable man than thou be invited by
shall be first ; and there are. first who him;
shall be last. 9 And he that invited thee and him,
31 If The same day there came cer- shall come and say to thee, Give this
tain of the Pharisees, saying to him. man place and thou begin with shame

Go out, and depart hence j for Herod to take thS lowest room.
will kill theci 10 But when thou art invited, go
32 And he said to them. Go ye and and sit down iij the lowest room that ;

tell that fox, Behold, I cast out de- when he that invited thee cometh, he
mons, and I do cures to-day and to- may say to thee. Friend, go up high-
morrow, and the third day I shall be er then shall thou have honor in the

perfected. presence of them that sit at table with

33 Nevertheless, I must walk to- thee.
day and to-morrow, and the day lol- 11 For whoever exalteth himself
Parable of the supper. CHAPTER XV. The lost sheep-
shall be abased, and he that humbleth 27 And whoever doth not bear his
himself shall be exalted. >
cross^ and come after me, cannot be
12 IT Then said he also to bim that my disciple.
invited him, When thou makest a din- 28 For which of you intending to
ner or a supper, call not thy friends, huild a tower, sitteth not down first,
nor thy brethren, neither thy kins- and oounteth the Cost, whether he
men, nor thy rich neighbors lest they hath sufficient to finish it ?

also invite thee again, and a recom- 29 Lest perhaps after he hath laid
pense be made thee. the foundation, and is not able to fin-
13 But when thou makest a feast, ish it, all that behold it-begin to mock
call the poor, the maimed, the lame, turn,
the blind 30 Saying, This man began to build,
14 And thou shalt be blessed for and was not able to finish.

they cannot recompense thee: for 31 Or what king going to make

thou shalt be recompensed at the res- war against another kmg, sitteth not
urrection of the just. down first^ and consulteth whether he
15 V And when one of them that is able with ten thousand to meet him
sat at table with hhn hea^d these that cometh against him with twenty
things, he said to him, Blessed is he thousand 1
that shall eat bread in the kingdom of 32 Or else, while the other is yet a
God. great way oi$ he sendeth an embassy,
16 Then said he to him, Acertain and desireth conditions of peace.
man made a great supper, and invited 33 So likewise, whoever he is of
many: you that forsaketh not all that he
17 And sent his servant at supper- hath, he cannot be my disciple.
lime, to say to them that were invited. 34 1 Salt is good: but if the salt
Come, for all things are now ready- hath lost its savor, with what shall it
IB And they all with one consent be seasoned 7
began to make excuse. The first said 35 It is neither fit for the land, nor
to him, I have bought a piece of yet for the dunghill, but men cast it
ground, and I must nraids go and see out. He that hath ears to hear, let
It: I pray thee have me excused. him hear.
19 And another said, I have bought CHAPTER XV.
five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove 1 Tfae parable of the lost sheep s Of the piece

them : I pray thee have me excused. uf silver 11 Of the prodigal son.


20 And another said, I have married

a wife : and therefore I cannot come.
THEN drew near to him all the
publicans and sinners to bear
21 So that servant came, and him.
diowed his lord these thitigs. Then 2 And the Pharisees and scribes
the master of the house being angry, murmured, saying. This man receiveth
said to his servant. Go out quickly in- sinners, and eateth with them.
to the streets and lanes of the city, 3, IT And he spoke this parable to
and bring in hither the poor, and the them, saying,
maimed, and the halt, and the blind. 4 What man of you having a him-
22 And the servant said. Lord, it is dred sheep, if he loseth one of them,
done as thou hast commanded, and doth not leave the ninety and nine
yet there is room. in the wilderness, and go after that
23 And the lord said to the servant. which is lost, until he findeth itl
Go out into the highways and hedges, 5 And when he hath found it, he
and compel them to come in, that my layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
house may be filled. 6 And when he cometh home, he
24 For I say to you, that none of calleth together his friends and neigh-
those men who were invited, shall bors, saying to them. Rejoice with
taste my supper. me ; for I have found my sheep which
25 V And there went great multii. was lost.
tudea with him : and he turned, and 7 I say to you, that likewise joy
said to (hem, shall be in heaven overone sinner that
26 If any man cometh to me, and repenteth, more than over ninety and
hateth not me father, and mother, and niiie just persons, who need no re-
wife, and children, and brethren, and pentance.
sisters, yes, and his own life also, he 8 IT Either what woman having ten

cannot be my disciple. pieces of silver, if she loseth one piece,

The parable of LUKE. the prodigal sotu

, doth not light a candle, and sweep the 25 Now his elder son was in the
house, and seek diligerttly till she field and as he came and drew nigh

findethiJ? to the house, he heard music and dan-

9 And when she hath found it, she cing:
calleth her friends and her neighbors 26 And he called one of the ser-
together, sayin", Rejoice -with me ; for vants, and asked what these things
I have found the pieCe which I had meant.
lost. 27 And he said to him. Thy brother
10 Likewise, I say to you, There is is come; and thy father hath killed
joy in the presence of the angels of the fetted calf, because he hath receiv-
God over one sinner that repenteth. ed him in health.
11 If And he said, A
certain man 28 And he was anjgry, and would
Had two sons not go in therefore his father came

12 And the younger of them said to but, and entreated him.

his father, ITather, give me the portion 29 And he answering, said to his
of goods that falleth to me. And he father, Lo, these many years do I
divided to them his living. serve thee, neither have I at any time
13 And not many days after, the transgressed thy commandment; and
younger son gathered all together, yet thou never gavest me a kid, that
and took his journey into a far coun- I mifeht be joyfiu with my friends
try, and there wasted his substance 30 But as soon as this thy son had
with riotous living. come, who hath devoured thy living
14 And when he bad spent all, there with harlots, thou hast killed for him
arose a severe famine m that land; the fatted calf.
and he began to be in want. 31 And he said lo him, Soh, thou
15 And ne went and joined hiniself art ever with me : and all that I have
to a citizen of that country ; and he is thine.
sent him into his fields to feed swine. 32 It was meet that we should re-
J6 And he would fain have filled his joice, and be glad': for this thy broth-
belly with the husks that the swine er was dead, and is alive again j and
did eat; and no man gave to him. was lost, and is found'.
17 And when he came to himself,
he said. How many hired servants of CHAPTER XVI.
1 The parable of theui^uststewaifd. 14 Christ
my father have bread enough and to reproveth the hypocrisy of tlie covetous
spare, and I am perishing with hun- Pharisees. 19 The rich glutton, and Laza-
ger ! rus the beggar.
18 I will arise and go to iriy father,
and will say to him, Father, I have
AND he said also to his disciples.
There wsls a certain rich man who
'sinned against heaven, and before had a steward ; and the same was
thfee, accused to him that he had wasted
19 ;And am no more worthy to be his goods.
'called thy son ; make me as one of 2 And he called him, and said to
thy. hired servants. him. How
is it that I hear this of thee?
20. And he arose, and came to his give an account of thy stewardship;
father. But when he was yet a great for thou mayest be Holoilgei: steviiard.
way bff, his father saw him, and had 3 Then the stewaM said within
compassion, and ran, and fell on his himself, What shall I do 1 for lord my
neck, and kissed him. taketh from me the stewardship : I
21 And the son said to himj Father, cannot dig ; I am ashamed to beg.
I have sinned against heaven, and in 4 I am resolved what to do, that
thy sisht, and am no more worthy to when I am removed from the stew^
be called thy son. ardship, they may receive me into
22 But the father said to his ser- their houses.
vants. Bring forth the best rpbe, and 5 So he called every one of his
put it on him, and put a ring on his lord's debtors, and said to the first,
hand, and shoes on Ids feet

rtiuch owest thou to my
23 And hrine hither the fatted calf, 6 And he said, A
hundred measures
and kill it; aiid let us eat, and be joy- of oil.' And he said to him. Take thy
fid: bill, and sit down quickly, and vrrite

24 For this my son was dead, and fifty.

is alive again; he was lost, -and is 7 Then said he to another. And how
found. And they began to be merry. much owest thou? And he said, A
77ie unjust stemard. CHAPTER XVII. Rich man and Laxaruf.
hundred measures of wheat. And he 22 And it caineto pass, that the
said to him, Take thy bill, and write beggar died, and was carried by angels
eighty. into Abraham's bosom. Thenchman
8 And the lord commended the un- also died, and was buried
just steward, because he had done 23: And in hell he lifted up his eyes,
wisely: for the chQdren of this world being in torments, and seeth Abraham
are in their ^neration wiser than the afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
children of light. 24 And he cried, and said, Father
9 And I say to you, Make to your- Abraham, have mercy on me, E^nd send
selves friends of the mammon
of un- Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of
righteousness ; that when ye fail, they his finger in water, and cool my
may receive you into everlasting hab- tongue: for I am tormented in this
itations. flame.
10 He
that is faithful in that which 25 But Abraham said, Son, remem-
also in much ; and
is least, is feithfiil ber that thou in thy life-time receiv-
he that unjust in the least, is un-
is edst thy good things, and likewise
just also in much. Lazarus evil things but now he is

U If therefore ye have not been comforted, and thou art tormented.

faithful in the unrighteous mammon, 26 And besides all this, between us
who will commit to your trust the and you there is a great gulf fixed so :

tniertcAM? that they who would pass from hence

12 And if ye have not been faithful to you, cannot ; neither can they pass
in that which is another man's, who to ua, that would came from thence.
will give you that which is your own 9 27 Then he said, I pray thee there-
13 ir No
servant can serve two fore, father, that thou wouldst send
masters : for either he will hate the him to my father's house
one, and love the other ; or else he 28 For I have five brethren ; that
will hold to the one, and despise the he may testify to them, lest they also
other. Ye cannot serve God and come into this place of torment.
mammon. 29 Abraham saith to him. They have
14 And the Pharisees also, who Moses and the prophets; let them
were covetous, heard all these things, hear them.
and they derided him. 30 And he said. No, father Abra-
15 And he said to them. Ye are ham but if one shall go to them from

they who justify yourselves before the dead, they will repent.
men ; God knoweth your hearts
but 31 And he said to him, If they hear
for which is highly esteemed
diat not Moses and the prophets, neither
among men, is abommation in the will they be persuaded, though one
sight of God. shall rise from the dead.
16 The law and the prophets te«-«

until John since that time the king-

dom of God is preached, and every 1 Christ teachet^ to avoid occasions of of-
fense. 3 One to for&ive another. 6 The
inan presseth into it.
power of faith. 7 How we are bound to
17 And it is easier for heaven and God, and not he to us. 11 He healeth ten
lepers. 22 Of the kingdnmof Goil, andthe
earth to pass away, than one tittle of
coming of the Son of man.
the law to fail.
18 Whoever putteth away his wife, THEN he said to his disciples, It is
impossible but that causes of sin
and marrietb another, committeth
adultery; and' whoever marrieth her willcome but woe
: to him by whom
that is put away from her husband, they come
committeth adultery. 2 It were better for him that a mill*
19 1 There was a certain rich man, stone were hanged about his neck,
who was clothed in purple and fine aud he cast into ihe sea, than that he
linen, and fared sumptuously every should cause one of these little ones
day to fall into sin.
And there was a certain beggEir
20 3 V Take heed to yourselves : if

named Lazarus, who was laidat nis thy brother, shall trespass against
gate, full of sores, thee, rebuke him ; and if he shall re-
21 And ^siring to be fed with the pent^ fbreive him. :

crums which fell.froih the rich man's 4 Andlf he shall trespass against
table : moreover, the dogs came and thee seven times in.a day, and seven
licked his sores. times in a day shall turn again to
Tfie power offaWu LUKE. Coming offht Son ofvuau
thee, saying, I repent j thou shalt for- or lo there for behold, the kingdom

give him. of God is within yon.

5 And the apostles said to the Lord, 22 And he said to his disciples, the
Increase our faith. days will come, when ye will desire
6 And the Lord said. If ye had faith to see one of the days of the Son of
as a grain of mustard-seed, ye might of man, and ye shall not see it.
say to this sycamine-tree. Be thou 23 And they will say to you, See
plucked up by the root, and be thou here j or, see there : go not after ttem,
planted in the ssa and it would obey
; nor follow them.
you. 24 For as the lightning that light-
7 But which of you having a ser- eneth from the one port under heaven,
vant plowing, or feeding cattle, will shineth to the other fart under heav-
sayto him 'immediately, when he is en ; so shall also the Son of man be
come from the field. Go and sit down in his day.
to eat 1 25 But first he must suffer many
8 And will not rather say to him. things, and be rejected by this genera-
Make ready wherewith I may sup, tion.
and gird thyself, and serve me, till I 26 And as it was in the days of
have eaten and drank and afterward ; Noah, so shall it be also in the days
thou shalt eat and drink 1 of the Son of man.
9 Doth he thank that servant, be- 27 They ate, they drank, they mar-
cause he did the things that were ried wives, they were given in mar-
commanded himl I suppose not. day that Noah entered
riage, until the
10 So likewise ye, when ye shall and the flood came, and
into the ark ;
have done all the things wnich are destroyed them all.
commanded you, say, We are unprof- 28 Likewise also as it was in the
itable servants: we have done that days 'of Lot they ate, they drankj

which it was our duty to do. they bought, they sold', they planted)
11 If And it came to pass, as he they built;
went to Jerusalem, that he passed 29 But the same day that Lot went
through the midst of Samana and out of Sodom, it rained fire and brim-
Galilee. stone from heaven, and destroyed
12 And as he entered into a certain them all
village, there met him ten men that 30 Even thus shall it be in the day
were lepers, who stood at a distance. when the Son of man is revealed.
13 And they lifted up tlieir voices, 31 In that day, he who shall be up-
and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on the house-top, and his furnitiu'e m
on us. the house, let him not come down to
14 And when he saw Oum, he said take it away and he that is in the

to them. Go, show yourselves to the field, let him liliewisenot return back.
priests. And it came to pass, that as 32 Remember Lot's wife.
tliey were going, they were cleansed. 33 Whoever shall seek to save his
15 And one of them, when he saw life, shall lose it ; and whoever shall
that he was healed, turned back, and lose his life, shall preserve it.
with a loud voice glorified God, 34 I tell you, in that night there
16 And fell down on his face at his will be two men in one bed ; the one
feeti giving him thanks and he was : will be taken, and the other will be
a Samaritan. left.
17 And Jesns answering said. Were 35 Two vmrnm will be grinding to-
there not ten cleansedl but where are gether ; the one will be taken, and the
thfe nine 1 other left.
18 There are not found returning 36 Two men will be in the field
to gjve glory to God, save this stran- the one will beitalcen, and the other
ger. left.
19 And he said to him. Arise, de- 37 And they answered and said to
part : thy faith hath made the whole. him, Where, Lord 1 And he said to
20 IT And when he was asked by them, Wherever the body is, thither
the Pharisees, when the kingdom of will the eagles be collected.
God should come, he answered them
The kingdom of God cometh XVIII.
and said,
not- with observation.
3 Of the importunate widow. 9 Of the Phar-
isee aiirt the publican. 15 Children brought
21" Neither will they say, Lo here to Christ: 13 A ruler that would follow
Phariset and publiian. CHAPTER XVIII. Danger of riches)
. Christ, but Is 'hindered by his riches. S8 as a little child, shall in no wise enter
The lewaid of them that leave all for his into it
sake. 81 He foreshoweth his death 36 and
Testozeth to a blind man his sight 18 And a certain ruler asked him,
AND he spoke a parablet to them to
this end, that men ought always
saying. Good Master, what shall I do
to mherit eternal life 7,
to pray, and not to faint 19 And Jesus said to him. cal- Why
2 Saying, There was in a city a lest thou me good 1 nonets good, save
judge, who feared not God, neither re- one, that is God.
garded man. 20 Thou knowest ;the command-
3 And there was a widow in that mentSj Do not commit' adultery. Do
city ; and she came to him, saying, not kill. Do not steal, Do not bear
Avenge me of my adversary. false, witness, Honor thy father> and
i And he would not for a while thy mother. .

but afterward he said within himself. 21 And he said. All these have I
Though I fear not God, nor regard kept from my
man; i
22 Now
when Jesus heard these
5 Yet because this widow troublpth things, he said to him. Yet lackest
me, I will avenge her, lest by her con- thou one thing sell all that thou hast, :

tinual coming she weary me. and diatribute to the poor, and thou
6 And the Lord said, Hear what shalt have treasure in heaven and
, :

the unjust judge saith. come, follow me.

7 And will not God avenge his own 23 And when he heard this, he >^aB
elect, who cry day and night to him, v«ry sorrowful for he was very rich. :

though he beareth long with themi 24 And wiien Jesus saw that he
8 I tell you that ne will avenge was very sorrowfiil, he said. How
them speedily. Nevertbeless, when hardly will they that have riches en-
the Son of man cometh, will he find ter into the kingdom of God
faith on the earth 1 25 For it is easier for a camel to go
9 And he spoke this parable to cer- through a needle's ey^ than for a rich
tain who trusted in themselves that man to enter into the kingdoin of Gtod.
they, were righteous, ,and despised 26 And they that heard it, said,
others Who then can; be saved 1 \
10, Two men went up into the tem- 27 And he said. The things which
ple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and are impassible.,wUh men, are possible
the other a pubUcan. with God. , , /

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed ?8 Then, Peter said, Lo, we have
thus with himself, God,, I thank thee, left aU, and followed, thee.
that I am not as other men are, ex- 29 And he s^id tP them. Verily I-
tortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even say to you, there is no nlan that hath
as this publican. lefthouse, or parents, or brethrien, or
12 I fast twice in the, week, I give wife, or children for the sake of the
tithes of all that I possess. kingdom of God, ,,>

13 And the publican, standing afar ,

30,yvh6 shall, not receive maqifpld
oflfj would not lift up so much as his. more in this present time, and- in the
eyes to heaven, but smote uppn his world to come life everlasting.
breast, saying, God be merciful to me 31 ir Then he took the twelve, and
a sinner. said to them. Behold, we' go up to Je-,
14 I tell you, this man
went down rusalem, and all things that are.wnt-
to his house justified raifuf than thq ;ten by the prophets concerning the
other : for every one that exaltelh, Son of i^an shall be accomplished.
himself shall be abased ; and he that ^2 For he will be deUvered to the
huii^bleth himself shall be exalted. Cien tiles, and will be inocked, and;
15, And they bi;ought to him also
infants, that ne woidd touch them
spitefully treated, and spitted on ;
33 And they will scourge; himt aiid
but when his disciples saw it, they put him to dje^th : a,nd tl^ third day
rebuked them. he will rise agam. '
, .
. ,

16 But Jesus called them to him,. Aiid they imderstood none of

and said, StfiTe^ little children, to c^me these things and, (his saying was hid

to me, and forbid them not; ibr of! from them, neither knew they t^ie
such is the kingd,a^'of God. things which were spoken.
17 Verily I say to you, Whoever 35 IT And itcamie to pass, that as
shall not receive the kingdom of' God h^ h^d come nigh to Jericho, a certain.
8 85
Of Zascheus a publican. LUKE. TVie ten pieces of money.
blindman sat by the way side beg- 10 For the Son of man is come to
ging! seek and to save that which was lost.
36 And hearing the multitude pas- U And as they heard these things,
sing by, he asked what it meant. he added and spoke a parable, because
37 And they told him, that Jesus of he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because
Nazaretn was passing by. they thought that the kingdom of God
38 And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou would immediately appear.
son of David, have mercy on me. 12 He said therefore, A certain no-
39 And they who went before rebu- bleman went into a far country to te-
ked him, that he should hold bis peace oeive for himself a kingdom, and' to

but he cned so much the more, Thau return.

son of David, have mercy on me. 13 And he called his ten servants,
40 And Jesus stood and command- and delivered them ten pounds, and
ed him to be brought to him and said to them, Occupy till I come.

when he had come neari he asked him, 14 But his citizens hated him, and
41 Saying, What wilt thou that I sent a message after him, saying. We
shall do to theel And he said. Lord, will not have this man to reign over
that I may receive my sight. us.
42 And Jesus said to him, Receive 15 And it came to pass, that when
thy sight thy faith hath saved thee.
: he had returned, having received the
43 And immediately he received his kingdom, then he commanded these
sight, and followed him, glorifying iServants to be called to him, to whom
God : and all the people, wnen they he had given the money, that he
saw t^ gave praise to God. '
might know how much every man
CHAPTER XIX. had gained by trading-
6^ Zaccheus a.publican. 13 Theten pieces 16 Then came the first, saying,
of money. '28 Christ rMeth into Jerusalem Lord, thy pound hath gained ten
with triumph n Weeneth over It: 45 Dri-
veth the buyers and sellers out of the tem-

ple :47 Teacheth daily in it. The rulers

17 And he said to him. Well, thou
\vould have destroyed him, but for fear of good servant : because thou hast been
. .the people; ^ithful in a very little, have thou au-
AND Jestis entered and passed
through Jericho.
thority over ten cities.
18 And the second came, saying,
2 And behold, Siere was a man na- Lord, thy pound hath gained five
med Zaccheus, who was the chief pounds.
aiKong the publicans, and he was rich. 19 And h^ said likewise to him, Be
3 And he sought to see Jesus who thoti also dvfer five cities.
he was and could not for thfe crowd,
; 20 Andanother came, saying, Lord,
because he was little of stature. behold, here is thy poiind, which I
4 And he fan before, and climbed have kept laid up in a napkm
Up upon a sycamore-tree to see him 21 For I feared the^ because thou
for he was to pass that i»ai/. art an austere man: thou takest up
6 And when Jesus came to the what thou layedst not down, and rSap-
place, he lodked up, and saw him, est what thou didst not sow.
and said to him, Zaccheus, milk^! haste, 22 And he taith to him, Out of thy
and come down for to-day I must
: own mouth Will I judge (hee, thou
abide at thy house. wicked servant. Thou knevrest ^ne
6 And he made haste, 'and came to be an austere man, takihg up what
dowii, and received him joyfully. I laid not down, and reaping what I
7 And When they saw tf, they all did not sow
murmured, saying. That he w^s gone 23 Why then gavest thou not my
to be guest with a man that is a sin- money into the bank, that at my com-
ner. ing I might have required my own
8 And Zaccheus stood, and said to with interest 7
the Lord ; Behold, Lord, the half of 24 And he said to them that ^tood
my goods I give to the poof; and if by. Take from him the pound, arid
I naVe taken any thing from aiiy man give if to him that hath ten pounds.
by false accusation, X restore him 25 (And they said to him, Lord, he
foUr-foM. hath ten pounds.)
9 And Jesus said to him. This day 26 For I say to you. That to every
is'Stflvtrtion come to this house, foras- one who hath shall be given; and
Diiich aS he al^o is a son of Abraham. from him that hath not; even wh»*
(SurUes triumphal entry CHAPTER XX. inU) Jtruaakm.
be hath shall be taken away from trench about thee, and encompasij
him. thee, and keep thee in on every side,
27 But those my enemies, '«cho 44 And shall lay thee even vrith the
would not that I snould reign over ground, and thy cUdftn within thee:
them,' bring hither, and slay Stem be- and they shall not leave in thee one
fore me. stone upon another: bec&use thoU
28 IT And when he had thus spo- knewest not the time of thy visitation.
ken, he went before^ ascending tow- 46 And he went into the temple)
ard Jerusalein. and began to cast out them that sold
29 And it came to pass, when he in it, and them that bought,
had come nigh to Bethphage and 46 Saying to them, It is written.
Bethany, at the mount called the My house is the house of prayer, but
mount of Olives, he sent two of his ye have made it a deU of thieves.
disciples, 47 And he taught daily in the tem^
30 Saying, Go ye into the village pie. But the chief priests, and the
over against you; in which at your Bcribes, and the chief of the people
entering ye will find a colt tied, on sought to destroy him^
which yet never man sat loose him,
: 48 And could not find what they
And bnng him hitlur. might do : for all the people were very
31 And ifEuiy man shall ask you. attentive to hear him.
Why do ye loose him 7 thus shall ye
say to him, Because the Lord hath 1 Christ avoucheth his authority by a ques-
need of him. tion of John's baptism. 9 The parable of
32 And they that were sent, went the vineyan). wot glylng tribuie to Ce-
sar. 27 He convinceth the Sadducecs that
and found even as he had said to denied the resurrection. 41 How Christ is
them. the son of David : 45 Ho wameth his dis-
33 And as they were loosing the ciples to beware of the scribes.
colt, the owners of
Why loose ye the colt 1
it said to uiem. AND came it on one of
pass, that
those days, as he was teaching
34 And they said, The Lord hath the people in the temple, and preach-
need of him. ing the gospel, the chief priests and
36. And they brought him to Jesus the sdibes came upon Aim, with the
and they cast their garments upon elders,
the colt, and they set Jesus upon 2 And spoke to him, saying. Tell us.
him. By what authority doest thou these
36 And as he went, they spread things 7 or who is he that gave thee
their clothes in the way. this authority 1
37 And when he had come nigh, 3 And he answered and said to
even now at the descent of the mount them, I will also «sk you one.thing
of Olives, the whole multitude of the and answer me
disciples began to rejoice and praise 4 The baptism of John, was itfi-om
God with a loud voice, for all the heaven, or from men 9 i

mighty works that they had seen. 5 And they neaeoned with them-
38 Saying, Blessed 6c the King that selves, saying, U we shall' say, From
Cometh in the name of the Lord; heaven he will say, Why {hen did

Peace in heaven, and glory in the ye not believe him ?

highest. 6 But if we say. From men; all the
39 And some of the Pharisees from people will stoiie us for they are per-

among the multitude said to him, suaded that John was a prophet.
Master, rebuke thy disciples. T And they answered, that they
40 AJid he answered and said to could not tell whence it was.
them, I tell you, that if these should 8 And Jesus said to them, Neither
hold their peace, the stones would im- do I tell you by what authority I do
mediiktely cry out. these things.
41 IT And when he had come near, 9 ThenTie began to speak to the
he beheld the city, ai^d wept over it, people this parable; A certain roan
42 Saying, If thou hAOst kno:wn, planted a vineyard, and let it to hus-
even thou, at least in this thy day, the bandmen, and went in a distant coun-
things vhichhtlmig to thy peace but ! try for a long time.
now they are hid. from ^y «yes. 10 And at die season he sent a ser-
43 For the days shall come upon vant to the husbandmenii that they
thee^ that thy enenue» ahall cast a should give him of the fruit of the
Of giving, tribute to Cesar. LUKE. TTteSadducees ernmncect:
yineyard: but the husbandmen beat are Cesar's, and to God the thing*
him, and sent him away empty. which are God's.
11 And again he .Bent anotner ser-
26 And they cbiild not take hold of
vant: and they beat hira also, and his words before the people : and they
treated him shameMliy, and sent him marveled at his answer, and held
sway empty. their peace.
12 And again he sent the third and : 27 H Then came t(y ftim certain of
they wounded him also, and cast him, the Sadducees (who deny that there
out. is any resurrection) and they asked
13 Then said the lord of the vine- him,
yard, What shall I do? I will send 28 Saying, Master, Moses wrote to
my beloye^ son : it may be when they us, If any mto's brother shoiild die,
see him theiy will teYerence him. having a wife, and he should die with-
14 Butiwhen the husbandmen saw out cEildren, that his brother should
him, they reasoned among themselves, take his wife, 'and raise up sefed to hia
Bfiying, This is the heir; come, let us brother. ,

itill him, that the inheritance may be 29 'I'here were therefore seven
ours. brothers : and the first took a wife,
,15 So.theycast him out of the vine- and died without children.
yard, and killed kim. What therefore 30 And the second took her for a
will the lord of the vineyard do to
, wife, and he died childless.
them 1 .
. 31 And the third teok her ; and in
, i6 He will come and destroy these like manner the seven also And they :

husbandrrien, and will give' the vine- leftno ohildj-toi'ahd'died.

yard to others. And' when they heaid 32 Last of all the woman died also.
iif they said. May that never be. 33 Therefore in the resurrection,
17 And he beheld them, and said, whose wife of them is she? for seven
What is this then that is written, The had her for a wife; '

stone which the builders rejected, the 34And Jesus answering, said to
same is become the head of the cor- them. The children of this world mar-
ner? ry, and are givep in marriage
18 Whoever shall fall upon that 35 But they Who shall be account-
stone, shall be broken : but on whom- ed worthy to obtain that world, and
soever 'it shall fall, it will grind him the resurrection from the dead, nei-
to powder. ' i
ther marry, nor are given in mafriage.
J 19 If And the chief priests and the 36 Neither can they die any more
scribes the same hour sought to lay ' for they are equal to the angels and ;

hands on him ; and they feared the are the children of God, bemg the '

people: for they perceived that he children of the resurreclioni

had spoken this parable against 37 Now that the dead are raised,
them. even Moses showed at the bush, when
20 And they watched him, and sent he calleth the Lord the Grod of Abra-
forth spies, who should feigh them- ham, and the God of Isaac, and the
selves just' men, that they might take God of Jacob.
hold of his words, that so they might 38 For he is not a' God- of the dead,
deliver him to the power and authori- but of the living ; for all live to him.
ty of the- governor. 39 IT Then certain of the scribes
21 And 'theyi asked him, saying,
• answering, said. Master, thou hast
Master, we know that thou sayest well said.
and teachest rightly, neither atoeptest 40 And after that, they durst not
thou the person of any, but 'teachest ask him any question at all,
the way of Gad truly ''''.. : 41 And he said t6 themi How say
22 Isi it lawful fbr'us togive tribute they that Christ is David's son?
to Cesar, or not 7 .'
42 And David himself saith ip the
23 Bui he perceiveth their crafti- book of Psalms, The Lord said to my
ness, and said to themj Why tempt Lord, Sit thoU on my right hand,
ye mel '" '

43 Till 1 make thy enemiep thy


24Show me a penny. Whose im- footstool.


age and superscription hath it 7 They

44- David therefore calleth hira
answered and said, Cesar's. • Lord, how is he then his son f
2B And he said to them, 'Render 45 'IT Then in the audience of all
therefore to Cesar the things which the -peopiei be said to his disciples, '
Christ forettlleth the CHAPTER XXI. destrucHm of the temple.
46 Beware of the gcribes, who de- not to meditate before what ye shall
sire to walk in long robes, and love answer.
freetings in the markets, and the 15 For I will give you a mouth and
ighest seats in the synagogues, and wisdom, which all your adversaries
the diief rooms at feasts shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.
47 Who devour widows' houses, 16 And ye will be betrayed both by
and for a show make long prayers parents, and brethren, and kinsmen,
the same shall receive greater damna- and friends ; and some of you will they
tion. cause to be put. to death.
CHAPTER XXI. 17 And ye will be hated by all men
i Chlist commemietli the poor willow. 8 He for my name's sake.
foretelletta the destruction of the temple, 18 But there shall not a hair of your
and of the city of Jerusalem 25 The signs

also which shall he before the last day. 34 head perish.

He exhorteth them to be walchhil. 19 In your patience possess ye your
he looked up, and saw rich
casting their gifts into ihe
20 And when ye shall see Jerusa-
treasury. lem compassed with armies, then
2 And he saw also a certain poor know that its desolation
is nigh,
widow, casting in thither two mites. 21 Then let them who are in Judea
3 And he said, In truth I say to flee to the mountains ; and let them
^oo, that this poor widow hath cast who are in the midst of it depart '^oTn
m more than they all. it ; and let not them that are in the
4 For all these have of their abun- countries enter into it.
dance cast in to the offerings of God 22 For these are the days of ven-
but she of her penury hath cast in all geance, that all things which are writ-
the living that she had. ten may be fulfilled.
5 IT Ajid as some spoke of the tem- 23 But woe to them that are with
ple, that it was adorned with goodly child, and to them that nurse infants
stones, and gifts, he said, in those days for there shall be great

6 As Jar these things which ye be- distress in the land, and wrath upon
hold, the days will come, in which this people.
there shall not be left one stone upon 24 And they shall fell by the edge
another, that will notbe thrown down. of the sword, and shall be led away
7 And they asked him, savmg, Mas- captive into all nations and Jerusa- :

ter, but when will these inings be'? lem shall be trodden down by the
and what sign wiM there be when Gentiles, until the times of the Gen-
these things sliall come to pass? tiles shall be fulfilled.
8 And he said. Take heed that ye 25 V And there shall be signs in
be not deceived: for many will come the sun, and in the moon, and the m
in my name, saying, I am Christ; stars ; and upon the earth distress of
and the time draweth near : therefore nations, with perplexity; the sea and
go ye not after them. the waves roaring;
9 But when ye shall hear of wars, 26 Men's hearts failing them ibr
and commotions, be not terrified : for fear, and for apprehension of those
these things must first come to pass : things which are coming on the earth:
but the end is not immediately. for the powers of heaven shall be sha-
10 Then said he to them. Nation ken.
will rise against nation, and kingdom 27 And then shall they see the Son
against kingdom of man coming in adoud, with power
11 And great earthquakes will hem and great glory.
divers places, and famines, and pesti- 28 And when these things begin tQ
lences: and fearful sights, and great come to pass,, then look up, and lift
eigne will there be from heaven. up your heads : for your redemptioit
12 But before all these they vpill lay draweth nigh.
their hands on you, and persecute you, 29 And bespoke to them a parable;
delivering you, up to the synagogues, Behold the fig-tree, and all the trees
and into prisons, being brought be- 30 When they now shoot forth, ye
fore kings and rulers for my name's see and know of your ownseWes that
sake. summer is now. nigh at hand.
13 And it shall turn to you for a 31 So likewise ye, when ye sea
testimony. these thmgs come to pass, know that
14 Settle it therefore in your hearts, the kingdom of God is nigh at hand^
Jtw$ conspire against Christ. . LUKE. Holy supper instituted.

32 Verily I say to you, This gene- 10 AtKi he said to them, Behold,

Tation shaU not pass away, till all be when ye have, entered into the city,
folfiUed. . there shall a man meet you, bearing a
33 Heaven and: earth shall pass Eitcher of water ; follow him intO'the
away but my word shall not pass ouse where he entereth.

away. 11 And ye shall say to the master

34 IT And take heed to yourselves, of the hofuse, The Master saith to thee-,
lest at any time your hearts be over- Where is the guest-chamber, where i
charged with surfeiting and drunken- may eat the passover with my disci-
ness, and caies of this life, and ao that ples'?
day come upon you unawares. 12 And he will show you a large


35. For as a snare shall it come on upper room furnished: there make
all them that dwell on the face of the ready.
whole earth. 13 And they went and found as he
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray had said to them : and they made
always, that ye may be accounted ready the passover.
worthy to escape all these things that 14 And when the hour was come,
shall come to pass, and to stand be- be sat down, and the twelve apostles
fore the Son of man. with him.
37 And in the day-tiffle he was 15 And he said to them, I have ear-
teaching in the temple j and at night nestly desired to eat this passover
he went out, and abode in the mount \with you before I suffer.
that is called the mmmt of Olives. 16 For I say to you, I will not any
38 And all the people came early more eat of it until it shall be fulfilled
in the morning to him in the temple, in the kingdom of God.
to hear him. 17 And he took the cup, and gave
CHAPTER XXII. thanks, and said, Take this, and di-
1 The Jews conspire agaiftsl Christ. 3 Satan videii among yourselves.
. .prepareth Judas to betliO' him. 7 The apos- 18 For I say to you, I will not drink
tles sent to prepare the passover. 19 Christ
instituteth his holy supper; 21 covertly
of the fruit of the vine, until the kiiig-
foretelleth of the traitor 24 cautioneth the
i dom of God shall come,
rest of his apostles against ambition 19 IT And he took bread, and gave
assureth Peter his faith should not Ciil,
and yet he should deny him thrice 39 He thanks, and broke it, and gave to

prayeth In the jnount, and sweateth hlood them, saying. This is my body which
so He liealeth
,47 -IS betrayed with a kiss :

Malchus' ear. 64 He is thrice denied by

isgiven for you : this dj> remem- m
Peter, 63 Shamefully abused, 66 AtiA con- brance of me.
fesseth himself to be the Son of God. 20 Liliewise also the cup after sup-
the feast of unleavened bread per, saying, This cup is the new cove-
nigh, which is called the nant in my blood, which is shed for
Passover. you.
2 And the chief priests and scribes 21 "IT But bshold, the hand of him
sought how they might kill him for : that betrayeth me is with me on.the
they feared the people. table.
3 IT Then Satan entered into Judas And truly the Son of man goeth
sUrnamed Iscariot, being of the num- as was determined but woe to that
it :

ber of the twelve. man by whom he is betrayed

4 IT And he went, and communed 23 And they began to inquire among
with the chief priests and captains, themselves, which of them it was that
how he might betray him to them. should do this thing.
5 And they were glad, and cove- 24 IT And there was also a .strife
nanted to give liira money. among them, which of them should
6 And he promised, and sought op- be accounted the greatest.
portunity to betray him to tnem m 25 And he said to them, The kings
the absence of the multitude. of the Gentiles exercise lordship over
7 IT Then came the day of unleav- them ; and they that exercise authority
ened bread, when the passover must upon them, are called benefactors.
be killed. 26 But ye shall not 6e so :but he
8 And he' sent Peter and John, say- that is greatest among you, let him be
ing, Go and prepare for us the' piss- as the younger; and he that is chie^
over, that we may eat. as he that doth serve.
9 And they said to him, Where wilt 27 For which is greater, he that
thou that we prepared sitteth at fable, or he that serveth'J is
Christ prayeth in the mount. CHAPTER XXII. Is betrayed by Juda»,
not he that sitteth at table t but I am and had Come to his disciples, he
Bmoria you as he that serveth. found them sleeping for sorrow
28 Ye are they who have continued 46 And said to them. Why
with me in my temptations. ye 7 rise and pray, lest ye enter into
29 And I appoint to you a kingdom, temptation.
as my Father nath appointed to me 47 IT And while he was yet speaking,
30 That ye may eat and drinlc at behold a multitude, and he that was
my table in my kingdom, and sit on called Judas, one of the twelve, went
thrones, judging tlie twelve tribes of before them, and drew near to Jesus
Israel. to kiss him.
31 IT And the Lord said, Simon, 48 But Jesus said to him, Judas,
Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to betrayest thou the Son of man wiUi a
have you, that he may sift yoit as kissi
wheat 49 When they who were about him,
32 But I have prayed for thee, that saw what would follow, they said to
thy faith fail not and when thou art
; him. Lord, shall we smite with the
converted, strengthen thy brethren. sword 7
33 And he said to him. Lord, I am 50 IT And one of them smote the
ready to go with thee both into pris- servant of the high priest, and cut off
on, and to death. his right ear.
34 And he said, I tell thee, Peter, 51 And Jesus answered and said.
the cook will not crow this day, be- Suffer ye thus far. And he touched
fore thou wilt thrice deny that thou his ear, and healed him.
knowest me. 52 Then Jesus said to the chief
35 And he said to them, When I priests,and captains of the temple,
sent you without purse, and sack, and and the elders who had come to hm,
shoes, lacked ye any thing'! And they Are ye come out as against a thief,
said, Nothmg. with swords and staffs'?
36 Then said he to them. But now 53 When I was daily with you in
he that hath a purse, let him take it, the temple, ye stretched forth no
and likewise his sack: and he that hands against me but this is your

hath no sword, let him sell his gar- hour, and the power of darkness.
ment, and buy one. 54 Then they took him, end led
37 For I say to you, that this which him, and brought him into the high
is written must yet be accomplished priest' s house. And Peter followed at
in me. And he was reckoned among a distance.
the transgressors for the things con-
: 55 And when they had kindled a
cerning me have an end. fire in the midst of the hall, and were
38 And they said. Lord, behold, here set down together, Peter sat down
are two swords. Aiidhe said to them. among them.
It is enough, 56 But a certain maid beheld him
39 And he came
IT out, and went, as he sat by the fire, and earnestly
as he was wont, to the mount of looked upon him, and said. This man
Olives ; and his disciples also follow- was also with him.
ed him. 57 And he denied him. Saying, Wo-
40 And when he was at the place, man, I know him not.
he said to them^ Pray, that ye enter 68 And
after a little while another
not into temptation. .
saw him, and said. Thou art also of
41 And he was vnlhdrawn from them. And Peter said, Man, I am not.
them about a stone's cast, and kneel- 59 And about the space of one hour
ed down, and prayed, after, another confidently affirmed,
42 Saying, Father, if thou art wil- sa^ngj In truth this Tnan also was
ling, remove this cup from me : nev- with him ; for he is a Galilean.
ertheless not my will, but thine be 60 And Peter said, Man, I know
done. know not what thou sayest. And
43 And there appeared to him an immediately, while he was yet speidL-
angel from heaven, strengthening him, ing, the cock crowed.
44 And being in an agony, he pray- 61 AndtheLord turned, and looked
ed more earnestly : and his sweat was upon Peter. And Peter remembered
as it were great drops of blood falling the word of the Lord, how he had said
to the groimd. to him. Before the cock shall crow,
46 And when he arose from prayer, thou wilt deny me thrice.
Jesus is seni to Herod. LUKE. Barabhas released.
62 And Peter went out, and wept 8 T And when Herod saw Jesus, he
bitterly. was exceeding glad : for he had been
63 ^ And
the men that held Jesus, for a long time, desirous to see him,
mocked him, and smote him. because he had heard many things
64 And when they had blindfolded concerning him ; and he hoped to see
him, they struck him on the face, and some mhacle done by hun.
asked him, saying. Prophecy, who is 9 Then he questioned with him in
it that smote thee 1 many words ; but he answered him
65 And m^ny other things blasphe- nothmg.
mously they spoke against him. 10 And the chief priests and scribes
66 ^ And as soon as it was day, the stood and vehemently accused him.
elders of the people, and the chief, 11 And Herod with his troops set
priests, and the scribes came together, him at naught, and mocked him, and
and led him into their council, arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and
67 Saying,Art thou the Christ? tell sent him again to Pilate.
us. And he said to them. If I tell you, 12 IT And the same day Pilate and
ye will not believe. Herod were made friends together;
68 And if X also ask you, ye will for before they were at enmity be-
not answer me, nor let me go. tween themselves.
69 Hereafter will the Son of man 13 IT And Pilate, when he had cal-
sit on the right hand of the power of led together the chief priests, and the
God. rulers, and the people,
70 Then said they all,, Art thou then 14 Said to them. Ye have brought
the Son of God? And he said to them, this man to me, as one that perverteth
Ye say that I am. the people : and behold, I, having ex-
71 And they said. What lieed have amined him before you, have foimd
we of any fiirther testimony 7 for we DO fault in this man, concerning those
ourselves have heard from his own things of which ye accuse him;
mouth. 15 No, nor yet Herod : for I sent
CHAPTER XXIII. you to him ; and lo, nothing worthy
1 Jesus is a£cus^d. before FUate, and sent to of death is done by him
Herod: 8 Herod mocketh him. 12 Herod 16 I will therefore chastise him, and
Rnd Pilate are made friends. 18 Barabhas
is desired by the people, and is loosed by
release him.
Pilate, and -lesus is given to be crucilied ; 17 (For of necessity he must release
27 He telletli the women that lament him one to theni at the feast.)
the destruction of Jerusalem 34 Prayeth

for his enemies 39 Two malefactors are

18 And they cried out all at once,
crucified witJi him 46 Hisdeatli: 50 His
: saying, Away with this man, and re-
burial. lease to us Barabbas
AND theand
whole multitude of them
arose,him led to Pilate.
19 ^Who, for a certain sedition
made in the city, and for murder, was
2 And they began to accuse him, cast into prison.)
saying. We
found this map. perverting 20 Pilate therefore, vrilling to re-
the nation, and forbidding to give lease Jesus, spoke again to them.
tribute to Cesar, saying, that he him- 21 But they crie(f saying. Crucify,
self is Christ a king. crucify him.

3 And Pilate asked him, saying. 22 And he said to them the third
Art thou the King of the Jews? And time. Why, what evil hath he done ?
he answered him and said, Thou say- I have found no cause of death in him
^t it. I will therefore chastise him, and let
4 Then said Pilate to the chief him go.
priests, to the people, I Snd no
and 23 And they were urgent with loud
&ult man.
in this voices, requiring that he might be cru-
5 And they were the more fierce, cified ; and the voices of them, and of
saying. He stirreth up the people, the chief priests prevailed.
teaching throughout all Judea, begin- 24 And Pilate gave sentence that it
ning from Galilee to this placp. , as they required.
6 When Pilate heard of Galilee, he 25 And he released to them him
asked whether the man was a Galilean. that for sedition and murder had been
7 And as soon as he knew that he cast .into prison, whom they had de-
belonged to Herod's jurisdiction, he sired ; but he delivered Jesus to their
sent huH to Herod, who himself was win.
also at Jerusalem at that time. 2S And as they led him away, they
Christ crucified. CHAPTER XXIV, Hie burial,
laid holdupon one Simon a Cyrenian, 43 And Jesus said to him. Verily I
coming out of the country, and on say to thee. This day shall thou be
him they laid the cross, that he might vidth me in paradise.
bear it after Jesus. 44 And it was about
the sixth hour,
27 IT And there followed him k and there was a darkness over all the
great company of people, and of wo- land until the ninth hour.
men, who also bewailed and lament- 45 And the sun was darkened, and
ed him. the vail of the temple was rent in the
28 But Jesus turning to them, said. midst, 1

Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for 46- IT And when Jesus had' cried
me, but weep for yourselves, and for with a loud voice, he said. Father, in-
your children. to thyhands I ieommend my spiriti
29 For behold, the days are com- and having said thus, he expired^
ing, in which they shall say. Blessed 47 Now when the centurion saw
are the barren, and the wombs that^ what was done, he glorified God,
never bore, and the breasts which saying. Certainly this was a righte-
never noiirished infants. ous man. <

30 Then shall they begin to say to 48 And all the people that came to-
the mountains, Fall on us ; and to the gether to that sight, beholding the
hills. Cover us. things which were done, smote their
31 For if they do these things in a breasts, and returned.
freen tree, what will be done ih the 49 And all his acquaintance, and
ry? the women that followed him from
32 And two others; who were male- Galilee, stood afar off beholding these
factors, were led with him to be put to
deathw 50 And behold, there was a man
33 And when they had oome to the named Joseph, a counsellor : and he
place which is called Calvary, there was a good man, and a just
they crucified him, and the malefac- 51 (Thesame had not consented to
tors ; one on the right hand, and the the counsel and deed of them) he was
other on the left. of Arimathea, a city of the Jews;
34 IT Then said Jesus, Father, for- who also himself waited for thekiiig-
give them for they know not what
: dotti of God.
fliey do. And they parted his rai- 52 This man went to Pilate, and
ment, and cast lots. begged the body of Jesus.
35 And the people stood beholding. 53 And he took it down, and wrap-
And the rulers also with them derided ped it in Unen, and laid it in a sepuH
him, saying. He saved others ; let cher that was hewn in stone, in which
him save hmiself, if he is Christ the man was never before laid.
chosen of God. 54 And that day was the prepara-
36 And the soldiers also mocked tion, and the sabbath drew on.
him, coming to him, and offering him 55 And the women also, who came
vinegar, with him from Galilee, followed after,
37 And saying, If thou art the Kmg and beheld the sepulcher, and how his
of the Jews, save thyself. body was laid.
38 superscription also was
And a 56 And
they returned, and prepared
written over him, in letters of Greek, spices and ointments ; and rested on
and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS the sabbath, according to the com-

39 of the malefactors, who

were banged, railed on him, saying; 1 Christ's resurrection istfleciared by two
angels to Uio women that como to the sep*
If ftou art Christ, save thyself and us. liloher. « These report It, to others. 13
40 But the other answering, rebu- Christ himself appeareth to the two disci-
ked him, saying. Dost not thou fear Eles that went to Eminaus. 36 Afterward
e appeareth to the apostles, ana repioveth
God, seeing thou art in the same con- their unbelief: «
glvcth them a charge ;
demnation 1 49 promisetii the Holy Spirit; SI and so
. 41 indeed justly ; for we
And we asoendeth Into heaven.
receive the due reward of our deeds
but this man hath done nothing amiss.
NOW upon
week, very
the first day of the
early in the morning,
42 And he said to Jesus, Lord, re- they came i'to the sepulcher, bringing
member me when thott comest into the spices Which they had prepared,
thy kingdom. and certain others with them.
Chrisfs resurrection LUKE. and appearance.
2 And they found the stone tolled a prophet mighty in deed and word
awiy from the sepulcher. before God, and all the people
3 And they entered inj: and found 20 And how the chief priests and
not the body of the Lord Jesus. > our rulers delivered him to be con-
4 And it came to pass, as they were demned to death, and crucified him.
much perplexed at this, behold, two 21 But we trusted that it had been
men stood by them in shining gar- he who would have redeemed Israel r
ments. .
, and besides all this, to-day is the, third
5 And as they were afraid, and day since these things^' were done.
bowed down iAeir faces to the earth, 22 Yes, and certam women alsa of
they said to them, Why seek ye the our company made us astonished^
living among the dead? who were early at the sepulcher;
6 He is not here, hut is risen. Ke^ 23 And when they found not his
member how hespolieto you when body, they came, saying, that they
he was yet in Galilee, had also seen a vision of angels, who
7 Saying,, The Son of man must , said that he was alive;
be deUvered into the hands of rsinful 24 And certain of them who were
men, and be crucified, iand the third with us, went to the sepulcher, and
day rise again. ^ :: found it even, so as the women had
8 And tney remembered his words, said but him they saw not.

9 And returned from the sepulcher,: 25 Then he said to them, fools,

and told all these things to the eleven, and slow of heart to believe all that
and to all the rest. , the prophets have spoken
10 It, was Mary Magdalene, and 26 Ought not Christ to sufier these
Joanna, and Mary the mother of things, .and. to enter into his glory *?
James, and other woinin that were 27 And beginning at Moses, and all
with themt who told ihese things to the prophets, he expounded to them
the apostles. in all the scriptures the things con-
11 And their words seemed to them cerning himself.
as idle tales, and they believed them 28 And they drew nigh to the vil-
not. lage whither they were going and he :

12 Then Peter arose, and ran to, the made as though he would go tother.
sepulcher, and stooping down, he be- 29 But they constrained him, say-
held the linen clothes laid by them-- ing, Abide v/itin us: for it is. toward
selves, and departed, wondering in evening, and the day is far spent. And
himself at that which had come to he went in to tarry with them.
pass. 30 And it came to pass, as he sat at
J, 13 IT, And behold, two of them went table with them, he took bread, and
that same day to a vill^ige called Em- blessed it, and broke, and gave to
maus, which was from Jerusalem them.
aiou* sixty furlongs. 31 And their eyes were opened, and
14 And they tallied together of all they knew him and he vanished out

these things which had happened. of their sight.

15 And It came to pass, that, while 32 And, they said one to another,
they communed together, and.teason- Did not our heart hum within us
ed, Jesus himself drew near, an?l went while he talked with us by the way,
with them, and while he opened to us the scrip-
16 But their eyes were held, that tures 1
they should not know him. 33 And they rose the same hour,
17 And he said to them. What man- and returned to Jerusalem, and found
ner of communications are these that the eleven assembled, and them that
ye have one to another, as yfe walk, were with them,
and are sad'? 34 Saying, The Lord is risen in-
18 And one of them, whose name deed,and hath appeared to Simon.
was Cleopas, answering, said to him. 35 And they
told what things were
Art thou only a stranger in Jerusa- done in the way, and how he was
lem, and hast not known the thmgs known to them m breaking of Ijread.
which have come to pass there m 36 U And as they were thus speak-
these days 1 uig, Jesus himself stood in the midst
il9 And he said to them. What of them^ and saith to them. Peace be
things 1- And; they saidto him. Con- to you. I

cerning Jesus of Nazareth, Who was 37 But they were terrified and af-
Oirist talketh CHAPTER I. wUh his disciplti,
frighted, and supposed that they had standing, that they might understand
seen a spirit. the scriptures,
38 And he said to them, are Why 46 And said to them. Thus it is
ye tiaubled? and why do thoughts written,and thus it behooved Christ
arise in your hearts'! to sufler,and to rise from the dead
39 Behold my hands and my feet, the thud day
that it is I myself: handle me, and 47 And that repentance and remis-
see ; for a spint hath not ilesh and sion of sins should be preached in his
boUes, as ye see me have. name among all nations, beginning at
40,. And when he had thus spoken, Jerusalem.
heshowed them his hands and his feet 48 And ye are witnesses of these
41 And while Ahey yet beUeved not things.
for joy,and wondered, he said to 49 IT And
behold, I Send the prom-
them. Have ye here any thing for ise of my Father upon
you but tarry :

food? ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye

42 And they gave him a piece of a are endued with power from on high.
broiled fish, anaa honey-comb. 50 IT And he led them out as far as
43 And he took if, and ate before to Bethany and he Ufted up hishands,

them. and blessed them.

44 And he said to them. These are 61 And it came to pass, while he
the words which I spoke tu you, while was blessing them, he was parted
I was yet with you, that all things from them, and Carried up into heaven.
must be fiilfilled, which were written 63 And they worshiped him, and
in the la w of Moses, and in the proph- returned to Jerusalem with great joy
ets, and in the psalms, concemmg 63 And were continually in ttie
me. temple, praising and blessmg God.
45 Then he opened their under- Amen.

1 The Gospel by JOHN.

CHAPTER I. 10 He was in the world, and the
1 The chanicter and office of Jesus Cbrifit IS world was made by him, and the
Tbe testimony of John. 39 The calling of world knew him not.
Andrew, Peter, &C. 11 He came to his own, and hia

IN the beginning was the Word, and own received him not.
the Worn was with God, and the 12 But as many as received him, to
Word was God. them he gave power to Jiecome the
2 The same was in the begiiming sons of God, even to them that believe
with God. on his name
3 All things were made by him; 13 Who were bom, not of blood,
and without nim was not any thing nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the
made that was made. will of man, but of Giod,
4 In him was life; and the life was 14 And the Word was made flesh,
thelight of men. and dwelt among us, (and we beheld
5 .^d the light shineth in dark- his glory, the glory as of the only be-
ness ; and the darkness comprdiend^ gotten of the iFather, AiU of grace
eth it not. and truth.
6 H There was a man sent from 15 V John testified concerning him,
God, whose name leag John. and saying, This was ne of
7 The same came for a witness, to whom I emoke, He that cometh after
bear testimony of the Light, that all me, is preferred before me ; for he was
nun through him might believe. before me.
6 He was not that Light, but was . 16 And of Ms fulness have we all
tent to bear testimony of that Light. received, and grace for grace.
9 Tliat was the true Light, which 17 For the law was given by Mo-
tighteth every man that cometh into ses, but grace and truth came "by Je-
the world. sus Christ.
John's testitnony JOHN. concemiitg Chritt.
18 No man hath seen God at any 35 Again the next day after, John
time ; the only begotten Son, who is stood, and two of his disciples
in the bosom of the Father, he hath 36 And looking upon Jesus as he
declared him, walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of
19 IT And this is the testimony of God!
John, when the Jews sent priests and 37 And
the two disciples heard him
Levites from Jerusalem, to ask him, speak, and they followed Jesus.
Who art thou'? 38 turned, and saw
Then Jesus
20 And he confessed, and denied them following, and saith to them,
not ; but confessed, I am not tlie What seek yel They said to him,
Christ. Rabbi (which is to say, being in-
21 And they asked him, What then? terpreted. Master) where dwellest
Art than Elijah 1 and he saith, I am thou"?
not. Art thou that prophet ? And he 39 He saith to them. Come and
answered, No. They came and saw where he
22 Then said they to him. Who art dwelt, and abode with him that day
thou? that we may give an answer for it was about the tenth hour.
to them that sent us. What sayest 40 One of the two who heard John
thou of thyself! speak, and followed bun, was Andrew,
23 He said, I am the voice of one Simon Peter's brother.
crying in the wilderness, Make straight 41 He first findeth his own brother
the way of the Lordj as said the Simon, and saith to him. We have
prophet Isaiah. found the Messiah ; which is, being
24 And they who were sent were of interpreted, the Christ.
the Pharisees. 42 And he brought him to Jesust
25 And they asked him, and said to And when Jesus beheld him, he said.
him. Why baptizest tliou then, if thou Thou art Simon the son of Jona
art not that Christ, nor Elijah, neither thou shalt be called Cephas ; which is,
that prophet ? by interpretation, a stone.
26 John answered them, saying, I 43 TT The day following Jesus
baptize with water but there stand-
: would go forth into Galilee, and find-
eth one among you, whom ye know eth Philip, and saith to him, Follow
not; J
27 He it is, who coming after me, 44 Now
Philip was of Bethsaida,
is preferred before me, whose shoes' the city of Andrew and Peter.
latchet I am
not worthy to loose. 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and
28 These things were done in Beth- saith to hun. We
have found him de-
abara beyond Jordan, where John scribed by Moses in the law, and by
was baptizing. '
the prophets, Jesus of Nazareth, the
29 IT The next day John seeth Je- son of Joseph;
sus coming to him, and saith. Behold 46 And Nathanael said to him. Can
the Lamb of God, who taketh away there any good thine come out of
the sin of the world. . Nazareth ? Philip saith to him. Come
30 This is he of whom I said. After and see.
me cometh a man who is. preferred 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to
before me j for he was before me. him, and saith of him, Behold an Is-
31 And I knew him not : but that raelite indeed, in whom is no guile
he should be made manifest to Israel, 48 Nathanael saith to him. Whence
therefore am
I come baptizing with knowest thou me 1 Jesus answered
water. and said to hinl. Before Philip called
32 And John bore testimony, say- thee, when thou wast under the fig-
ing, I saw the Spirit descending from tree, I saw thee.
heaven like a dove, and it abode upon 49 Nathanael answered and said to
him. him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God
33 And' I knew him not: but he thou art the.King of Israel.
that sent nae to baptize with iWater, f
60 Jesus answered and said to him,
the same said to me. Upon whom Because I said to thee, I saw thee un-
thou shalt see ^the Spirit descending der the fig-tree, dost thou believe'!
and remaining: on him, the same is he thou Shalt see greater things than
who baptizeth with the Holy Spirit. these. , ,

34 And I saw and bore testimony, 51 And he saith to him. Verily, ver-
that this is the Son of God. ily, I say to you, Hereafter ye shall
Christ turrulh CHAPTER III. water into wini:

see heaven open, aiid the angels of 1 oxen and poured out the changers'

God ascending and descending upon money, and overthrew the tables
the Son of man. And said to them that sold doves.
Take these things hence make not :

CHAPTER II. my Father's house a house of mer-

Christ tumeth water into wine, is depart-
etli into Capernaum, and to Jerusalem, 14 17 And his disciples remembered
wliere he cleareth tlie temple of buyers and that it was written. The zeal of thy
sellers is He foretelleth his death and res-

urrection S3 Many believed because of his

house hath eaten me up.
miracles, but he would not trust himself 18 IT Then answered the Jews, and
with them. said to him. What sign showest thou

AND the third day there was a mar-

riage in Cana of Galilee; and the
to us, seeing that thou doest these
things %
mother of Jesus was there. 19 Jesus answered and said to them.
2 And both Jesus was called, and Destroy this temple, and in three dayS
his disciples, to the marriage. I will raise it up.
3 they wanted wine, the
And when 20 Then said the Jews, Forty and
mother of Jesus saith to him. They six years was this temple in building,
have no wine. and wilt thou rear it up in three daysT
4 Jesus saith to her, Woman, what 21 But he spoke of the temple of
have I to do with thee'! my hour is his body.
not yet come. 22 When therefore he had risen
5 His mother saith to the servants, from the dead, his disciples remem-
Whatever he saith to you, do it. bered that he had said this to them :
6 And there were set there six wa- and they believed the scripture, and
ter-pots of stone, after the manner of the word which Jes^s had spoken.
the purifying of the Jews, containing 23' Now when he was in Jerusalem

two or three &kins apiece. at the passover, in the feast day, many
7 Jesus saith to them, Fill the wa- believed in his name, when they saw
ter-pots with water. And they filled the miracles which he performed.
them to the brim. 24 But Jesus did not commit him-
8 And he saith to them. Draw out self to t^^m, because he knew all
now, and bear to the governor of the men.
feast. And they bore it. 25 And needed not that any should
9 When the ruler of the feast had testify concerning man : for ne knew
tasted the water that was made wine, what was in man.
and knew not whence it was.; (but CHAPTER III.
the servants who drew the water 1 Christ teafiheth Nicodemus the necessity of
knew) the governor of the feast called regeneration : M
Of faith In his death. \6
Xiie great love of God toward the world. 18
the bridegroom, Condeinuatlon fpj unbeliet 23 The bap-
10 And saith to him. Every man at tism, testiniony, and doctrine of John con-
the beginniiig presenteth good wine cerning Christ.
and when men have well drank, then THERE was a man of the Phari-
that which is worse: but thou hast sees named Nicodemus, a ruler of
kept the good wine until now. the Jews :

11 This beginning of miracles Jesus 2 The same came to Jesus by i?ight,

petformed in Gana of Galilee, and and said to him, Rabbi, we know mat
manifested his glory; and his disci thou art a teacher come from God
plea believed on him. for no man can do these miracles that
12 IT After this he went down to thou doest, except God be with him.
Capernaum, he, and his mdther, and 3 Jesus answered and said to him,
his brethren, and his disciples; and Verily, verily, I say to thee. Except a
they continued. there not many days. man be bom again, he cannot see the
13 IT And the Jews' passover was kingdom of God.
at hand, and Jesus went up to Jeru- 4 Nicodemus saith .to him^ How
salem, can a man be born when he ifl old ?
14 jlnd found in the temple those- can he enter the second time into his
that sold oxen, and sheep, and doves, mother's womb, ahd be born ?
and the changers of money, sitting 6 Jesus answered. Verily, verily, I
15 Anil when he had made a scourge say to thee. Except a man be born of
of smell cords, he drove them all out water, and qf the Spirit, he cairnot
of the temple, and the sheep, and the enter into the kingdom of God.
9 97
Regeneration needful. JOHN. John's doctrine of Christ.
6 That which is born of the flesh, was much water there and they :

is flesh ; and that which is born of came, and were baptized.

the Spirit, is spirit. 24 For John was not yet cast into
7 Marvel not that I said to thee, Ye prison.
must be bom again. 25 IT Then there arose a question
8 The wind bloweth where it will, between some of John's disciples and
and thou hearest the sound of it, but the Jews, about purifying.
canst not tell whence it cometh, and 26 And they came to John, and
whither it goeth : so is every one that said to him. Rabbi, he that was with
is born of the Spirit. thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou
9 Nicodemus answered and said to didst bear testimony, behold, the same
him. How can these things be 7 baptizeth, and all men come to him.
10 Jesus answered and said to him. 27 John answered and said, A man
Art thou a teacher of Israel, and can receive nothing, except it be given
knowest not these things 1 him Irom heaven.
U Verily, verily, I say to thee. We 28 Ye yourselves bear me testimo-
speak what we know, and testify ny, that I said 1 am not the Christ,
what we have seen j and ye receive but that I am sent before him.
not our testimony. 29 He that hath the bride, is the
12 If I have told you earthly things, bridegroom: but the fiiend of the
and ye believe not, how will ye believe bridegroom, who standeth and hear-
if I tell you heavenly things? eth him, rejoiceth greatly, because of
13 And no man bath ascended to the bridegroom's voice: this my joy
heaven, but he that came down from therefore is fulfilled.
heaven, even the Son of man who is 30 He must increase, but I must de-
in heaven. crease.
14 IT And as Moses lifted up the 31 He that cometh from above is
serpent in the wilderness, even so above all : he that is of the earth is
must the Son of man be lifted up earthly, and speaketh of the earth he :

15That whoever believeth in him that cometh from heaven is above

should not perish,, but have eternal all.
life. 32 And what he hath seen and
16 IT For God so loved the world, heard, that he testifieth ; and no man
that he gave his only-begotten Son, receiveth his testimony.
that whoever believeth in him, should 33 He that hath received his testi-
not perish, but have everlasting life. mony, hath set to his seal that God
17 For God sent not his Son into is true.
the world to condemn the world, but 34 For he whom God hath sent,
that the world through him may be speaketh the words of God: for to
saved. him, God giveth not the Spirit by
18 IT He that believeth on him, is measure.
not condemned : but he that believeth 35 The Father loveth the Son, and
not, is condemned already, because hath given all things into his hand.
he hath not behoved in the name of 36 He that believeth on the Son,
the only-begotten Son of God. hath everlasting life: and he that be-
19 And this is the condemnation, lieveth not the Son, shall not see life
that light is come into the world, and but the wrath of God abideth on him.
men have loved darkness rather than CHAPTER IV
light, because their deeds were evil.
1 Christ talketh with a woman of Samaria,
20 For every one that doeth evil and revealeth himself to her. 37 His dis-
hateth the light, neither cometh to the ciples marvel, at He dedareth to them his
zeal for God's glory. ij9 Many Samaritans
light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
believe on him. 43 He departeth into Gali'
21 But he that doeth truth, cometh •
lee, and healeth the ruler's son that lay
to the light, that his deeds may be sick at Capernaum.
made manifest, that they are wrought
in God!
WHEN therefore the Lord knew
that the Pharisees had heard
22 IT After these things came Jesus that Jesus made and baptized more
and his disciples into the land of Ju- disciples than John,
dea ; and there he tarried with them, 2 (Though Jesus himself baptized
and baptized. not, but his disciples,)
23 IT And John also was baptizing 3 He left Judea, and departed again
in Enon, near to Salim, because there into Galilee.
Christ talktth with At CHAPTER IV. woman of Samana.
4 And he must needa go through lieve me, the hour cometh, when ye
Samaria. shall neither in this mountain, nor yet
5 Then he cometh to a city of Sa- at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
maria, which is called Sychar, near 22 Ye worship ye know npt what
to the parcel of ground, that Jacob we know what we worship, for salva-
gave to his aon Joseph. tion is from the Jews.
6 Now Jacob's well was there. Je- 23 But the hour cometh, and now
sus therefore being wearied with his is, when the true worshipers shall
journey, sat thus on the well : and it worship the Father in spirit and m
was about the sixth hour. truth for the Father seeketh such to

7 There coraeth a woman of Sama- worship him.

ria to draw water Jesus saith to her.
: 24 God is a Spirit and they that

Give me to drink. worship him, must worship him in

8 (For his disciples had gone to the spirit and in truth.
buy provisions.)
city to 26 The woman saith to him, I know
9 Then saith the woman of Sama- that Messiah cometh, who is called
ria to How is it that thou, being
him, Christ ; when he is coine, he will tell
a Jew, askest drink of me, who am a us all things.
woman of Samaria'! for the Jews 26 Jesus saith to her, I that speak
have no dealings with the Samaritans. to thee am he.
10 Jesus answered and said to her, 27 IT And upon this came his disci-
If thou knewest the gift of God, and ples, and marveled that he talked with
who it is that saith to thee. Give me the woman yet no man said. What

to drink; thou wouldst have asked seekest thou 7 or. Why

talkest thoii
him, and he would have given thee with her 1
living water. 28 The woman then left her water-
11 The woman saith to him, Sir, pot, and went into the city, and saith
thou hast nothing to draw with, and to the men,
the wdl is deep: from whence then 29 Come, see a man who hath told
hast thou that living water t me all things that ever I did is not :

12 Art thou greater than our father this the Christ ?

Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank Then they went out of the city,
of it mmsel^ and his children, and his and came to him.
cattle 1 31 IT In the mean while his disci-
13 Jesus answered and said to her. ples prayed him, saying. Master, eat.
Whoever drinketh of this water, shall 32 But he said to them, I have food
thirst again: to eat that ye know not of.
14 But whoever drinketh of the wa- 33 Therefore said the disciples one
him, shall never
ter that I shall give to another. Hath any man brought
thirst;but the water that I shall give him aught to eat?
him, shall be in him a well of water 34 Jesus saith to them, food is My
springng up into everlaating life. to do the will of him th^t sent me,
15 The vfoman saith to him, Sir, and to finish his work.
pve me this water, that I may not 35 Say not ye. There are yet four
come hither to draw.
thirst, neither months, and then coraeth harvest?
16 Jesus saith to her, Go, call thy behold, I say to you, Lift tip your eyes,
husband, and come hither. and look on the fields for they are;

17 The woman answered and said, white already to harvest.

I have no hu^and. Jesus said to her, 36 And he that reap6th receiveth
Thou hast well said, I have no hus- wages, and gathereth fruit to life eter-
band : nal : that both he that soweth, and he
IB Forthouhasthad five husbands, that reapeth, may rejoice together.
and he whom thou now hast, is not 37 And herein is that saying true.
thy husband in that thou hast spo-
: One soweth, and another reapeth.
ken truth. 38 I sent you to reap that on which
19 The woman saith to him, Sir, I ye bestowed no labor : other men la-
perceive that thoii art a prophet. bored, and ye have entered into their
20 Our fathers worshiped in this labors.
mountain and ye say, that in Jerusa-
; 39 IT And many of the Samaritans
lem is the place where men ought to of that city believed on him for the
worship. saying of the woman, who testified)
21 Jesus saith to her, Woman, be- He told me all that ever I did.
Nobleman's son healed. JOHN. Impotent Tnan healed.
40 So when the Samaritans had AFTCR there was a feast of
come to him, they besought him that the Jews and Jesus went up to

he would tarry with them: and h? Jerusalem.

abode there two days. 2 Now there is at Jerusaleinby the
41 And many more believed, be- aheep-market a pool, which is called
cause of his own word in the Hebrew tongue, Bethesda, hav-
42 And said to the woman, Now ing five porches. ,

we believe, not because of thy saying 3 In these lay a great multitude of

for we have heard him ourselves, and impotent persons, of blind, halt, with-
know that this is indeed the Christ, ered, waiting for the moving of the
the Savior of the world. water.
43 IT Now after two dnys he de- 4 For an angel went down at, a
parted thence, and we^nt into Galilee. certain season into the pool, and ,agi-
44 For Jesus himself testified that tate4 the water: whoever then first
a prophet hath no honor in his own after the stirring of the water stepped
country. ^ in, was cured of whatever disease he
45 Then when he had come into had,
Galilee, the Galileans received him, 5 And a certain man was there,
having seen all ^he things that he did who had an infirmity thirty and eight
at Jerusalem at the feast for they al- ; years.
so went to the feast. 6 When Jesus saw him lying, and
46 So Jesus came again into Cana knew that he had been now a long
of Gstlilee, where he made the water time in that case, he .saith to hiiili
wine. And there was a certain noble- Wilt thou be healed 7
man, whose son was sick at Caper- 7 The impotentman answered him,
naum. Sir, I have no man, when the water
47 When
he heard that Jesus had is agitated, toput me into the pool
come Judea into Gahlee, he
frbtii but while I am coming, another step-
went to him, and besought him that peth down before me.
he Would come down, and heal his 8 Jesus saith to him, Rise, take up
son for he was at the point of death.
: thy Jbed, and walk.
43 Then said Jesus to him. Except 9 And irnniediately the man was
ye see signs and wonders, ye will not healed, ^nd took up his bed, and
beUeve. walked arid on the same day was

49 The nobleman saith to hun, Sir, the sabbath.

come down ere my child dieth. ID IT The Jews therefore said to
50 Jesus saith to him. Go ; thy son him thatwas cured. It is the sabbath
liveth. And man
believed the
the it is not lawful for thee to carry thy
word that Jesus had spoken to him, bed.
and he departed. 11 He answered them, He that
51 And as he was now going dovjn, healed me, the same said to me. Take
his servants met him, and told Mm, up thy bed, and walk.
Thy son liveth.
sayiiig. 12 Then they asked him, Whatman
52 Then he inquired of them the is that who said to thee. Take up thy

hour when he began to amend and : bed, and walk 1

they said to him, Yesterday at the 13And he that was healed knew
seventh hour the fever left him. . not who it was for Jesus had con-

53 So the father knew that it was veyed himself away, a multitude being
at the same hour in which; Jesus said in that place.
to him. Thy son hveth : and he him- 14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in i

self believed, and his whole house. the temple, and said to him, Behold,
54 This is again the second miracje thou art cured sin np more, ;lest a :

that Jesus performed, when he had worse thing come to thee. ,

come from Judea into Galilee. 15 The man departed, and totd the
Jews that it was Jesus who had hc^-
ed him.
16 And therefore the Jews perseou^
1 Jesus, on the sabbath, cureth hlih that' was
ted Jesus, and sought to slay him, be-
diseased eight and thirty years. 10 The
Jews therefore cavil, and persecute him for cause he had done these things on the
It. 17 He answereth for himself, and re- sabbath.
proveth them, showing by the testimony of
his Father, 32 of John, 36 of his worlis. 39
17 IT ButJesus answered them. My
aiid of the scriptures, , who he is. Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
Cfcmf s mission prmed CHAPTER VI. by John's testimony
18 Therefore the Jew3 sought the 33 Ye sent to John, and he testified
more to kill him, because he not only to the truth.
had broken the sabbath, but said alsoj 34 But I receive not testimdny from
that God was his Father, making man : but these things I say, that yo
himself equal with God. may be saved.
19 Then answered Jesus, and said 35 He was a burnmg and a shining
to them. Verily, verily, I say to you. light : and ye were wSing for a sea-
The Son can do nothing by himself, son to rejoice in his light.
but what he seeth the Father do for 36 IT But I have greater testimony

whatever things he doeth, these also than that' of Jbhn: for the works
doeth the Son likewise. which the Father hath given me to
20 For the Father loveth the Son, finish, the same works that I do, bear
and showeth him all things that him- testiniony concerning me, that the
self doeth; and he vrill show him Father hath sent me.
greater works than these, that ye may 37 And the Father himself who
marvel. hath sent me, hath borne testimony
21 For as the Father raiseth the concerning me. Ye have neither
dead, and reviveth them ; even so the heard his voice at any time, nor seen
Son reviveth whom he will. his shape.
22 For the Father judgeth no man 38 And ye have not his word abi-
but hath committed all judgment to ding in you for whom he hath sent,

the Son: him ye believe not.

23 That all menshould honor the 39 Search the scriptures ; for in
Son, even as they honor the Father. them ye think ye have eternal life
. He that honoreth not the Son, hon- and these are they which testify of
oreth not the Father who hath sent me.
fum. 40 And ye will not come to me, that
24 Verfly, verily, I say to you, He ye may have life.
that heareth my word, and believeth 41 I receive not honor from men.
on him that sent me, hath everlasting 42 But I know you, that ye have
life, and shall not come into condem- not the love of God in you.
nation; but hath passed from death 43 I am come in my Father's name,
tohfe. and ye receive me not; if another
25 Verily, verily, I say to you, The shall come in his own name, him ye
hour is coming, and now is, when the will receive.
dead shall hear the voice of the Son 40 How can ye believe, who receive
of God: and they that hear shall honor one firom another, and seek not
live. the honor that cometh from God only 1
26 For as the Father hath life in 45 Do not think that I will accuse
bimsdf, so hath he given to the Son you to the Father there is one that

to have life in himself; accuseth you, even Moses, in whom

27 And hath given him authority to ye trust.
execute judgment also, because he is 46 For had ye believed Moses, ye
the Son of man. would have beheved me for he wrote

28 Marvel not at this : for the hour concerninjg me.

is comme, in which all that are in the 47 But if ye believe not his writings,
graves snail hear his voice, how shall ye believe my words t
29 And shall come forth ; they that
have done good to the resurrection of CHAPTER VI.
life ; and they that have done evil, to I Christ feedethflve thousand men with five

the resurrection of damnation. loaves and two fishes. 15 Upon which the
people would have made him king. 16 But
30 1 can of my own self do noth- withdrawing himself, he walketh on the
ing : as I hear, I judge and my judg-
: sea to his disciples 26 reproveth the pea-

after him, and all the fleshlv

ment is just ; because I seek not my Ele flocking
earers of his word t 32 dec]an!th himself
own will, but the will of the Father to be the bread of life to believers. 66 Many
who hath sent me. disciples depart (Tom him. 68 Feter con-
fesneth him. 70 Judas is a devlL i

31 If I testify concerning myself, ,

my testimony is not true. AFTER these things Jesus went

32 IT Tliere is another that testifieth over the sea of Galilee, which is
concerning me, and I know that the the sea of Tiberias.
testimony which he beareth eoncem- 2 And a great multitude followed

ing me is true. him, because they saw bis miracles

9* 101
Five Sumsaridfed, '

JOHN, Clirist walketh on the sea.

which he performed on them that were they see Jesus walking on the sea,

diseased. 1
aiid drawing nigh to the boat: and
1,3 And Jesus went upon a mountain, they were aftaid.
and there he sat with his disciples. ?0 But he saith to them, It is I ; be
4 And the pasaover, a feast of the not afraid.
Jews, was nigh. 21 Then they willingly received him
5 IT When Jesus then lifted up his into the boat and immediately the

eyes, and saw a great company come boat was at the land whither. they
to him, he saith to PMhp, Whence
, were going.
shall we buy bread that these may 22 IT The day following, when the
eaf? people who stood on the other side of
6 (And this he said to prove him
the sea saw that there was no other
for he himself knew what he would boa,t there, save that one into whioh
do.) his disciples had entered, and that Je-
, 7 Philip answered him. Two hun- sus werit not with his disciples into

dred penny-worth of bread is not suf- the boat, but that his disciples had
ficient for them, that every one of them gone, away alone J
may take a little 23 (Yet there came other boats
One of his disciples, Andrew, Si- from Tiberias nigh to the place where
mon Peter's brother, saith to him, they ate bread, after the Lord had
9 There is a lad here, who hath five given thanks :)
barley-loaves, and two small fishes 24 When the people therefore saw
but what are they among so many 1 that Jesus was not there, neither his

10 And Jesus said, Makd the men disciples, they also took boats, and
sit down. (Now there was much came to Capernaum, seeking for Jesus.
trass in the place-O So the men sat 25 And when they had found h'm
own in number abput five thousand. on the other side of the sea, they said
11 And Jesus took the loaves jand to him. Rabbi, when earnest thou
when he, had given thanks, he distrib- hither? :

uted to the disciples, an?l the disciples 26. Jesus answered them arid ^aid,
to them that were set down and hke- Verily, verily, I say to you. Ye seek

wise of the fishes, as much as they me, not because ye saw the miracles,
would. but because ye ate of the loaves, and
12 When they were, satisfied, he were, satisfied.
said to his disciples. Gather the frag- 27 Labor not for the food which
ments that remain, that nothing may perisheth, but for that food, which en-
be lost. dureth to everlasting life, which the
13 Therefore they gathered iher/i, Son of man will give to you for hirn :

and filled twelve baskets with the hath: God the Famer sealed..

fragments of the five barley-loaves, 28 Then said they to him, What

.which remained oyer and above to shall we do, that we may worl; the
them that had eaten. works, of God 7
14 Then those men, when they had
, 29 Jesus answered and said to
seen the miraclethat Jesus perform- them. This is the work of God, that
ed, said. This is truly tha,t prophet that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
should come into the world. 30 They said therefore to, him.

15 IT When Jesus therefore perceiv- What sign showest thou then, that
ed that they would come and take we may see, and beUeve thee'! What
him by force, to make him a king, he dost thou work"!
departed again to a mountain himself 31 Our fathers ate manna in the
( ,

alone. desert as it is written, He gave them


16 And when evening had now bread from heaven to eat.

come, his disciples went down to the 32 Then Jesus said to them,, Verily,
verily, I say to you, Moses gave you
17 And entered into a boat, and not that bread from heaven ; but my
went over the sea toward Capernaum. Father giveth you the true bread from
And it was now dark, and Jesus had heaven.
not come to them. 33 For the bread of God is he who
18 And the sea arose by reason of Cometh down from heayenj and giv-
a great wind that blew. eth hfe to the world.
19 So when they had rowed about 34 Then said they to him, Lord,
five and twenty or thirty fiirlongs, evermore give us this bread.
Girisl lilt bread qf life CHAPTER VI. to all bdicverSt

35 And Jesua 98ud to them, I am the 63 Then Jesus said to them. Verily,
bread of life : he that cometh to me, verily, I say to you, Except ye eat the
shall neveti hunger ; and he that be- flesh of the Son of man, and drink his
lieveth on me, shall never thirst. blood, ye have no life in you.
36 But I said to yott, That ye also 64 Whoever eateth my flesh, and
have seen ms, and believe not. drinketh my blood, hath eternal life
37 All that the Father giveth me, and I will raise him up at the last
shaU come to me ; and him that com- day.
eth to me, I will in no wise reject. 65 For my flesh is food indeed, and
38 For I came down from heaven, my blood is drink indeed.
not to do my own will, but the will 56 He that eateth my flesh, and
of him that sent me. drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me,
39 And this is the Father's will and I in him.
who hath sent me, that of all which 67 As the living Father hath sent
he hath given me^ I should lose noth- me, and I live by the Father so he :

ing, but Biould raise it up again at the that eateth me, even he shall live by me.
last day. 58 This is that bread which came
40 And this is the will of him that down from heaven not as your fa-

sent me, that everyone who seeth the thers ate manna, and are dead he :

Son, and believeth on him, may have that eateth of this bread shall live for
everlasting life : and I will raise him ever.
up at the Tast day. 59 These things he said in the syn-
41 The Jews then murmured at agogue, as he taufiht in Capernaum.
him, because he said, I am the bread 60 Many therefore of his disciples,
which came down from heaven. when they had heard ito, said. This
42 And they said. Is not this Jesus is a hard saying ; who can hear iti
the son of Joseph, whose father and 61 When Jesus knew in himself
mother we know'! how is it then that that his disciples murmured at it, he
he saith, I came down from heaven ? said to them, Doth this oflend you 1
43 Jesus therefore answered and 62 What if ye shall see the Son of
said to them, Murmur not among man ascend up where he was before 7
yourselves. 63 It is the spirit that revivetb ; the
44 No man can come to me, except flesh proflteth nothing: the words
the Father who hath sent me draw that I speak to you, uiey are spirit,
him : and I will raise him up at the and they are life.
last day. 64 But there are some of you that
45 It is written in the prophets, And believe not. For Jesus knew from
they shall be all taught from God. the beginning who they were that be-
Every man therefore that hath heard, lieved not, and who he was that would
and hath learned from the Father, betray him.
cometh to me. 65 And he said. Therefore I said to
46 Not that any man hath seen ithe you, that no man can come to me,
Father, save he who is from God, he except it were given to him by my
bath seen the Father. Father.
47 Verily, verily, I say to you, He 66 ir Prom that time many of his
that believeth on me hath everlasting disciples went back, and walked no
life. more with him.
48 I am that bread of life. , 67 Then said Jesus to the twelve,
49 Your fathers ate manna in the Will ye also go away 1
wilderness, and are dead. 68 Then Simon Peter answered
50 This is the bread which cometh him, Lord, to whom shall we got
down from heaven, that a man may thou hast the words of eternal life.
eat of it, and not die. 69 And we believe, and are sure
51 I am the living bread which that thou art that Christ, the Son of
came down from heaven : if any man the living God.
shall eat of this bread, he shall live 70 Jesus answered them. Have not
for ever : and the bread that I will I chosen you twelve, and- one of you
give is my
fiesh, wliich I will give for is a devil 1
the life of the world. 71 He spoke of Judas Iscariot the
The Jews therefore contended
52 son of Simon; for it was he that
among themselves, saying. Haw can was to betray him, being one of the
this man give us Ma flesh lo eat 1 twelve.
Christ teacheth JOHN. in the templi.
CHAPTER VII. seeketh his own glory t but he that
1 Jesus reproveth the ambitlun and bnldness seeketh his glory that sent him, the
' of his kinsmen : 10 goetb up from Galilee same is true, and no unrighteousness
to the feast of tabernacles 14 teacheth In

4o Divers opinions of him is in him. '

the temple.
among the people. 45 The Pharisees are 19 Did not Moses give you the law,
angry that their officers took him not, and and ytt none of you keepeth the law?
chide with Nicodemus for taking his part.
Why go ye about tokidl mel
AFTER these things Jesus walked 20 The people answered and said,
Thou hast a demon i who goeth about
in Gralilee for he would not walk

in Judea,, because the Jews sought to to kill thee?

kill him. 21 Jesus answered and said to them,
2 Now the Jews' feast of taberna- I have done one work, and ye all
cles was at hand. marvel.
3 His brethren therefore said to 22 Moses therefore gave to you cir-
him, Depart hence, aiid go into Judea, cumcision, (not because it is from Mo-
that thy disciples also may see the ses, but from the fathers) and ye on
works that thou doest. the sabbath circumcise a man.
4 For there wno man that doeth 23 If a man on the sabbath receiv-
any thing in seciret, and be himself eth circumcision, that the law of Mo-
seeketh to be known openly. If thou ses should not be teoken ; are ye an-
doest these things, snow thyself to gry at me, because I have restored a
the world. man to soimd health on the sabbath?
5 (For neither did his brethren be- 24 Judge not according to the ap-
lieve in him.) pearance, but judge righteous judg-
6 Then Jesus said to them. My ment.
time is not yet come : but your time 25 Then said some of them of Jeru-
is always ready. salem, Is not this be whom they seek
7 The world cannot hate you ; but to kill ?
me it hatetn, because I testify con- 26 But lo, he speaketh boldly, and
cerning it, that its works are' evil. they say nothing to him. Do the ru-
8 Go ye up to this feast I go not : lers know indeed that this is the very
yet to this feast, for my time is not Christ ?
yet fiiU come. 27 But we know this man, whenca
9 Whenhe had said these words to he is : whereas when Christ eometb,
them, he abode still in Galilee. no man knoweth wheiiee he is.
10 IT But when his brethren had 28 Then cried Jesus in the temple,
gone up, then he went also to the as he taught, saying, Ye both know
feast, not openly, but as it were in me, and ye know whence I am and :

secret. I am not come of myself, but he that

11 Then the Jews sought him at sent me is true, whohi ye know not.
the feast, and said, Where is he 7 29 But I know him for I am from j

12 And there was much murmuring him, and he hath sent me.
among the people concerning him: 30 Tlien they sought to take him
for some said, He is a good man but no man laid hands on him, be-
others said. No ; but he deceiveth the cause his hour was not yet come.
people. 31 And many of the people believed
13 Yet, no man spoke openly of on him, and said. When Christ Com-
him, for fear of the Jews. eth, will he do more miracles than
14 IT Now about the midst of the these which this man hath done ?
feast, Jesus went up into the temple, 32 IT The Pharisees heard that the
and taught. people murmured such things con-
15 And the Jews marveled, saying, cerning him and the Pharisees and ;

How knoweth this man letters, hav- the chief priests sent officers to take
ing never learned 1 him.
16 Jesus answered them, and said. 33 Then said Jesus to them, Yet a
My doctrine is not mine, but his that little while am I with you, and then I
sent me. go to him that sent me.
17 If any man will do his will, he 34 Ye will seek me, and will not
shall know concerning the doctrine, find me : and where I am, thither ye
whether it is from God, or whether I cannot come.
speak from myself. 35 Then said the Jews among them-
18 He that speaketh from himself, selves, Whither will he go, that we
Christ jusiifieth CHAPTER VIII. hie doctHnt,
shall not find him t will he go to the ham ;59 and conveyeth himself (Tom their
dispersed among the GentUes, and
teach, the Gentiles 1 JESUS went to the mount of Olives
36 What manner qf saying, is this 2 And early in the morning he
that he said, Ye will seek me, and will came again mto the temple, and all
not find me: and where 1 am, thither the people came to him and he sat ;

ye cannot come 1 down and taught them.

37 In the last day, that great day 3 And the scribes and Pharisees
of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, brought to him a woman taken in
saying, Ifany man thirsteth, let him adultery and : when they had set her
come to me, and drink. in the midflt,
38 He that believeth on me, as the 4 They say to him. Master,, this
scripture hath said, out of his belly woman was
taken in adultery, in the
shall flow rivers of Bving water. very act.
39 (But this he spoke of the Spirit, 5 Now Moses in the law command-
which they thatbeheve onhira should ed us, that such should be stoned ; but
receive, for the Holy was not
Spirit what sayest thou'!
yet ^ven, because Jesus was not yet , 6 'rhis they said, tempting him,
glorified,) that they might have to accuse him.
40H Many of the people therefore, But Jesus stooped down, and with hia
when they heard this saying, said. In finger wrote on the ground.
truth tills is the Prophet. f So when they continued asking
41 Others said. This is the Christ. hun, he raised himself, and said to
But some said. Will Christ come out them, He that is without sin among
of Gahleel you, let him first cast a stone at her.
42 Hath not the scripture said, that 3 And again he stooped down, and
Christ Cometh ftom the seed of Da- wrote on the ground.
vid, and out of the town of Bethle- 9 And they who heard it, being
hem, where David waal convicted by tlieir own conscience,
43 So there was a division among went out one by one, beginnmg at tho
the people because of him. eldest, even to the last: and Jesus
44 And some of them would have was left alone, and the woman stand-
taken him ; but no man laid hands on ing in the midst.
bim. 10 When Jesus had raised himself,
45 IT Then came the officers to, the and saw none but the woman, he said
chief priests and Pharisees ; and they to her. Woman, where are those thy
said to them, Why have ye not brOiight accusers'! hath no man condemned
him'! thee?
46 The officers answered. Never 11 She Siud, No man. Lord. And
man spoke like this man. Jesus said to her. Neither do I con-
47 Then the Pharisees answered demn the^ go, and sin no more. :

them. Are ye also. deceived'! 12 IT Then Jesus spoke again to

48 Have any of the rulers, or of them, saying, I am the light of the
the Pharisees beUeved on him 1 world he that foUoweth me shall not

49 But this people who know not walk in darkness, but shall have the
the law are cursed. light of life.
60 Nicodemus saith to them, (he 13 The Pharisees therefore said to
that came to Jesus by night, bemg him. Thou testifiest concerning thy-
one of them) self; thy testimony is not true.
51 Doth ourlawjudge any man be- 14 Jesus answered and said to them,
fore it heareth him, and khoweth Though I testify concerning myself,
whathedoeth? yet my testimony is true for I know :

52 They answered and said to him. whence 1 came, and whither I go;
Art thou also from Galilee 1 Search, but ye cannot tell whence! come, and
and look: for out of Galilee ariseth whither I jgo.
no prophet. 15 Ye judge after the flesh, I judge
53 And every man went to his own no man.
house. 16 And yet if I judge, my judgment
CHAPTER VIII. is true for I am not alone, but I and

I Christ dellvereth the womaa tdken in the Father that sent me.
adulteiy Is He preacheth himself the light
17 It is also written in your law,
of the world, anil jusUfleUi his doctrine 33

answereUi the Jews that hoasted of Abra- that the testimony of two men is true.
Christ reproveth the Jews JOHN. who boast of Abraham.
18 I am one that testifieth concern- verily, T say to you. Whoever commit-
ing myself; and the Father that sent teth sin, is the servant of sin.
35 And the servant abideth not in

me, testifieth concerning me.

19 Then said they to nim, Where is the house for ever, but the Son abideth
thy Father ? Jesus answered, Ye nei- for ever.
ther know me, nor my Father if ye : 36 If the Son therefore shall make
had known me, ye would have known you free, ye shall be free indeei
ray Father also. 37 I know that ye are Abraham's
20 These words Jesiis spoke in the offspring; but ye seek to kill me, be-
treasury, as he taught in the temple: cause myword hath no place in you.
and no man laid hands on him, for 38 I speak that which I have seen

his hour was not yet come. with myFather: and ye do that
21 Then said Jesus again to them, which ye have seen with your father.
I am going away, and ye wDl seek 39 They answered and said to him,
me, and wUl die in your sms whither : Abraham is our father. Jesus saith to
I go, ye cannot come. them. If ye were Abraham's children,
22 Then said the Jews, Will he kill ye would do the works of Abraham.
himself! because he saith. Whither I 40 But now ye seek to kill me, a
go, ye cannot come. man that hath told you the truth,
23 And he said to them. Ye are which I have heard from God : this
from beneath ; I am from above yfe : did not Abraham.
are of this woirld; I ain not of this 41 Ye do the deeds of your father.
world. Then said they to him, We are not
24 I said therefore to you, that ye born of fornication ; we have one Fa-
will die inyour sins for if ye believe
: ther, even God.
not that I am he, ye will die in your ,42 Jesus said to them, If God were
sins. your Father, ye would love me : for I
25 Then said they to him, Who art proceeded forth and came from God
thou 1 And Jesus saith to them, Even neither came I of myself, but he sent
the samethat I said to you from the me.
Ijemnning. 43 Why do ye not understand my
26 I have many things to say, and speech 1 even because ye cannot hear
to judge of you but he that sent me,
: my word.
is true: and I Speak to the world 44 Ye are of your father the devil,
those things which I have heard from and the lasts of your father ye. will
him. do he was a murderer from the be-

27 They understood not that he ginning, and abode not in the truth,
spoke tp them concerning the Fa- because there is no truth in him.
ther. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh
28 Then said Jesus to them, when of his own ; for he is a Har, and the
ye have lifted up the Son of man, father of it.
then shall ye know that I am he, and 45 And because I tell you the truth,
that I do nothing of myself; but as ye believe me not,
my Father hath taught me, I speak 46 yvbich qf you convicteth me of
these things. sin? And if I speak the truth, why do
29 And he that sent me is with me ye not believe me 7
the Father hath not left me alone for ; 47 He that is of God,heareth God's
I do always those things that please words: ye therefore hear them not,
him. because ye are not of God.
30 As he spoke these words, many 48 Then answered the Jews, and
believed on bim. said to him. Say we not well that
31 Then said J^sus to those Jews thou art a Samaritan, and hast a de-
who believed on him, If ye continue mon 1
in my word, ye are my disciples in- 49 Jesus answered, I have not a de-
deed; mon ; but I honor my Pathert an.d ye
32 And ye shall know the truth, dishonor me.
and the truth shall make you free. 50 And I seek not my own glory
33 H They answered him, We are there, is one that seeketh and jnageth.
Abraham's offspring, and were never 51 Verily, verily, I say to you, If a
in bondage to any man : how sayest man shall keep my saying, he shall
thou, Ye shall be made free 1 never see death.
34 Jesus answered them, VerDy, 62 Then said the Jews to him,
TJw blind man's CHAPTER IX. examination and tesiimoni/.
Now we know that thou hast a de- 8 IT The
neighbors therefore, and
mon. Abraham is dead, and the they who before had seen him that he
prophets ; and thou sayest, If a man was blind, said. Is not this he that sat
shall keep my
saying, he shall never and begged 1
taste death. 9 Some said, This is he: others
53 Art thou greater than our fether said, He is like him : but he said, I
Abraham, who is dead 7 and the proph- am he.
dead whom makest thou thy-
ets are : 10 Therefore they said to him, How
self! were thy eyes opened'!
64 Jesus answered, If I honor my- 11 He answered and said, A man
self, my honor is nothing it ia my : that is called Jesus, made clay, and
Father that honoreth me, of whom ye anointed my eyes, and said to me.
say, that he is your Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash
55 Yet ye have not known him j and I went and washed, and I received
but I know him and if I should say,
: sight.
I know him not, I should be a liar 12 said they to hun, Where
like you but I know him, and keep
: is he 1 He know not.
said, I
his saying. 13 IT They brought to the Phari-
56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to sees him that before was bhnd.
see my day : and he saw it, and was 14 And it was the sabbath when
glad. Jesus made the clay, and opened his
57 Then said the Jews to him. eyes.
Thou art not yet fifty years old, and 15 Then again the Pharisees also
hast thou seen Abraham? asked him how he had received his
58 Jesus said to them, Verily, yeri- sight. He said to them, He put clay
ly, I say to you. Before Abraham was, upon my
eyes, and I washed, and do
I am. see.
59 Then they took up stones to some of the Phar-
16 Therefore said
cast at him: but Jesus hid himself isees, This man is
not from God, be-
and went out of the temple, going cause he keepeth not the sabhath.
through the midst of them, and so Others said, How can a man that is a
passed by. sinner do such mhacles ^ And there
CHAPTER IX. was a division among them.
17 They say to the Dlmd man again,
1 The man that was bom blii^d restored to
sight ; 13 He
brought to the Pharisees
Is What sayest thou of him, that he hath
16 They are offended at it, and 34 excom- opened thy eyes 7 He He
said, is a
municate him : 35 but he Is received by Je-
sus, and confesseth him. 39 Who they are
whom Christ euligheneth. 18 But the Jews did not believe
AND as Jesus passed
man who was bUnd
by, he saw a
from Ms
cnncernmg him that he had been
blind, and received his sight, until
birth. they called the parents of him that
2 And his disciples asked him, say- had received his sight.
ing. Master, who sinned, this man, or 19 And
they asked them, saying, la
his parents, thathe was bom blind 1 this who ye say was bom
your son,
3 Jesus answered. Neither hath blind 7 then doth he now see 1
this man sinned, nor his parents : but 20 His parents answered them and
that the works of God should be made said. We know that this is our son,
manifest in him. and that he was born blmd
4 I must work the works of him 21 But by what means be now
that sent me, while it ia day the ; seeth, we know not; or
hath who
night Cometh when no man can opened his eyes, we know not : he is
work. of age ask him he will speak for
; :

5 As long as I am in the world, I himself.

am the light of the world. 22 These imrds
his parents spoke^.
6 When he had thus spoken,' he because they feared the Jews : for tho
spit on the ground, and made clay of Jews had agreed already, that if any
the spittle and he anointed the eyes man confessed that he was Christ, he
of the blind man with the clay, should be put out of the synagogue.
7 And said to him, 6o, wash in the 23 Therefore said his parents. He is
pool of Siloam, (which is by interpre- ofase; ask him.
tation. Sent.) He went therefore, 24 Then again they called the man
and washed, and came se^ng. that was blind, and said to him, Give
Christ is ihtdoor JOHN. anfl Oie good Shepherd.
God the praise ; we know that this God : 30 Escapeth tlie Jews, 40 and goeth
again beyond Jordan, where many believe
man is a sinner
26 He answered and said, Whether
he is a sinner, I know not : one thing VERILY, verily, I say to you, He
1 know, that whereas I was blind, that entereth not by thedoorinto
now I see. the sheepfold, but climbeth up some
26 Then they said to him again, other way, the same is a thief and a
What did he to thee? how opened robber.
he thy eyes t 2 But he that entereth by ihe door,
27 He answered them, I have told is the shepherd of the sheep.

you already, and ye did not hear: 3 To bun the porter openeth j and
Why would ye hear it again ? will ye the sheep hear his voice : and he caU-
also be his disciples 1 eth his own sheep by name, and lead-
28 Then they reviled him, and said. eth them out.
Thou art his disciple j but we are the 4 And when he putteth forth his
disciples of Moses. own sheep, he goeth before them, and
29 We
know that God spoke to the sheep follow him for they know

Moses as for this man, we know

his voice.
not whence he is. 6 And a stranger will they not fol-
30 The man answered and said to low, but will flee from him for they :

them. Why, herein is a marvelous know not the voice of strangers.

thing, that ye know not from whence 6 This parable spoke Jesus to them:
he is, and yethte hath opened eyes. my but they understood not what things
31 Now
we kiiow that God heareth they were which he spoke to them.
not sinners : but if any man is a wor- 7 Then said Jesus to them again.
shiper of God, and doeth his will, him Verily, verily, I say to you, I am the
he heareth. door of the sheep.
32 Since the world began hath it 8 All that ever came before me are
not been heard that any man opened thieves and robbers: but the sheep
the eyes of one that was born blind. did not hear tbem.^
33 If this man were not from God, 9 I am the door by me if any man

he could do nothing. shall enter he shall be saved, and

34 They answered and said to him, shall go in and out, and find pasture.
Thou wast altogether born in sins, 10 The. thief cometh not, but to
and dost thou teach us 7 and they steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I
cast him out. am come that they may have life, and
35 Jesus heard that they had cast that they may have it more abun-
him out and when he had found him,
he said to him, Dost thou beUeve on 11 I am the good shepherd: the
the Son of God? good shepherd giveth his life for the
36 He answered and said. Who is
he, Lord, that I may
believe on him 1 12 But he that is a hireling, and not
37 And Jesus said to him, thou hast the shepherd, whose own the sheep
both seen him, and it is he that talk- are not, seeth the wolf coming, and
eth with thee. leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, and the
38 And he said. Lord, I believe. wolf catcheth them, and scattereth
And he worshiped him. the sheep.
39 IT And Jesus said. For judgment 13 The hirelin" fleeth, because he
I am come into this world, that they is a hireling, and oareth not for die
who see not, may see ; and that they
who see, may be made blind. 14 I am the good shepherd, and
40 And some of the Pharisees who know my sheeji, and am Known by
were with him heard these words, and mine.
said to him. Are we blind also ? 15 As the Father knoweth me, even
41 Jesus said to them. If ye were so I know the Father: and I lay
blind, ye would have no sin but now :
down my life for the sheep.
ye say. We
see j therefore your sin re- 16 And other sheep 1 have which
maineth. are not of this fold : them also I must
bring, and they shall hear voice my
and, there shall be one fold, and one
1 Christ iS' the dour, and the good shepherd
19 Divers oi)inlbn& 6f him
25 He proveth

hr his works, that he is Christ the Son of 17 Therefore doth my Father love
Gtrisfs mission proved. CHAPTER XI. Death qfLazarue.
me, because'!' lay down my life, that world, Thou blasphemest; because i
I may talie it again. said, I am the Son of Gtod?
18 No man taketh it from me, but 37 If I do not the works of my Fa-
I lay it down of myself. I have pow- ther, believe me not.
er to lay it down, and I have power to 38 But if I do, though ye believe
take it again. This commandment not me, believe the works: that ye
have I received from my Father. may know and believe that the Fa-
19 It There was a division therefore ther is in me, and I in him.
again among the Jews for these say- 39 Therefore they sought again ta
ings. take hind; but be escaped from their
20 And many of them said. He
hath a demon, and is insane; why 40 And went again beyond Jordan«
hear ye him? into the place where John at first
21 Others said. These are not the baptized ; and there he abode.
words of him that hath a demon. 41 And inany resorted to him, and
Can a demon open the eyes of the said, John performed no miracle;, but
blind? . all things that John spoke of this man
22 IT And it was at Jerusalem the were true.
feast of the dedication, and it was 42 And many believed on him thgre.
23And Jesus walked in the temple
1; Christ ralscth Lazarus who had been fouf
in Solomon's porch. days buried, AS Many Jews believe. 47,
24 Then came the Jews aroimd The chief priests and Pharisees convene a
council agalnst'Chrlst 49 Calaphas proph-
him, and said to him, How long dost esieth. 54 Jesns hidetb himself. 65 Atthe
thou make us to doubt? If ihou art passover they inquire alter, him, and lay
the Christ, tell us plainly. wui: for him:
25 Jesus answered them, I told you,
and ye believed not: the works that
NOW a certain man was sick,
namefl, Lazarus, of Bethany, the
I do m
my Father's name, they testi- town of Mai-y and her sister Martha.
fy concerning me. 2 (It was that Mary who anointed
26 But ye believe not, because ye the Lord with ointment, and wiped,
are not of my sheep, as I said to you. his feet with her hair, whose brotner
27 sheep hear my voice, and I
My Lazarus was sick.)
know them, and they follow me 3 Therefore his sisters sent to hin^,
2S And I give to them eternal life saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou
and they shall never perish, neither lovesfis sick.
shall any pluck them out of my 4 When Jesus heard that, he saic],
hand. Thi^ sickness is not to death, but for
29 My Father, who gave them to the glory of God, that the Son of God
me, is better than all ; and none is able may be glorified by it.
to pluck them out of my Father's 5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and
haml. her sister, and Lazarus.
3d I and my Father are one.
6 When therefore he hadhe^rd that
31 Then the Jews took up stones he was he abode two days
sick, still
again to stone him. in the same place where he was.
32 Jesus answered them. Many 7 I'hen after that he saith to hia diB-„
good works have I shown you from ciples,Let us get into Ju4ea again-
my Father for which of those wor^s
; 8 His disciples say to him. Master,
do ye stone me ? the Jews of late spught, to stone thee
33 The Jews answered him, saying. and, goest .thqii t^iitber again ?
For a good work we stone thee not 9 Jesus aris^red^ Are there iu)t<
but for blasphemy, and because that twelve hours m
the day? If any man
thou, being a man, makest thyself walketh in the day, he stumbletn not,
God. because he seeth (he light of this
34 J^sus answered thein, Is it not world.
written in your law, 1 said, Te are 10 But if a man walketh in the
gods? night, he stumbleth, because there ia
35 If he caUed them gods, to whom no light in him.
the word of GWd came, and the scrip,- 11 These tilings he said and aftee, :

tufe cannot be broken; ;

that he sEuthto them. Our friend Laz~,'
36' Say ye pf him, whom the Father arus sleepeth ; but I go that I may
hath sanctified^ and' senf into the awake him out of sleep,
10 109
Jjazarus raised JOHN. from death by Christy
12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if saying. She goeth to the grave tp

he sle«peth he will do well. weep there.

13 Now Jesus spoke of his death

32 Then when Mary had, come

but they thought that he, had spoken where Jesus was, and saw him. she.
of taking vest in sleep. felldown at his feet, saying to him,
14 Then said Jesus to them plainly, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my
Lazarus is dead. brother had not died.
15 And I am glad for your sakes 33 When Jesus therefore saw her
that I was not there, to the intent ye weeping, and the Jevvs also weeping
may believe j nevertheless, let us go who came with her, he groaned in the
to him. and was troubled
16 Then said Thomas, who is called 34 And said, Where have ye laid
Didymue, to his fellow-disciples, Let him ? They say to him, Lord, come
us also go, that we may die with him. and see.
17 Then when Jesus came, he J5 Jesus wept.
fbund that he had lain in the grave 36 Then said the Jews, Behold
four days already. how he loved him
18 (Now Bethany was nigh to Je- 37 And some of them said. Could
rusalem, about fifteen furlongs dis- not this man, who opened the eyes of
tant.) the blind, have caused that even this
19 And many of the Jews came to man should not have died ?
Martha and Mary, to comfort them 38 Jesus therefore again groaning in
concerning their brother. himself, comeih to the grave. It was
20 Then Martha, as soon as she a cave, and a stone lay upon it.
heard that Jesus was coming, went 39 JesiiSi'said, Take ye away the
and met him but Mary sat in the
: stone. Martha, the sister of him tjiat
house. was dead, saith to him. Lord, by this
21 Then said Martha to Jesus, Lord, time his body is offensive for he hatfi :

if thoii hadst been here, my brother been dead four days.

had not died. 40 Jesus saith to her, Said I not to
22 But I know that even now, what- thee, that if thou wouldest believe,
ever thou wilt ask of God, God will thou shouldest see thei glory of God 'I
give it thee. 41 Then they took away the stone
23 Jesus saith to her, Thy brother from, the place where the dead was
shall rise ag^. laid. And Jesus lifted iip his eyes,
24 Martha saith to him, I know and said. Father, t thank thee that
that he will rise again in the resurrec- thou hast heard rhe
tion at the last da^. 42 And I knew that thou hearest
25 Jesus said to' her, I am the res- me always : but because of the people
urrection, and the life he that be-
: who stand by, I said it, that they may ,

lieveth in me, though he were dead, believe that thou hast sent me.
yet shall he live 43 And when he had thus spoken,
26 And whoever liveth, and be- he cried with a loud Voice, Lazarus,
lieveth in me, shall never die. Be- come forth.
lievest thou tms % 44 And he that was dead came
27 She saith to him. Yes, Lord, I forth,bound hand and foot withgrave-
believe that thou art the Christ, the clothes and his face was bound about

Son of God, who was to come into with a napkin. Jesus saith to them,
the worldt Loose him, and let him go.
28 And when she had so said, she 45 Then many of, the Jews, who
went and called Mary her sister se- catne to Mary, and had seen ihe
cretly, saying, The Mister is come, things which Jesus did, believed on
and calletn for thee. him.
^ As soon as she heard that, she 46 But some of them went to the

arose quickly, and came to him. Pharisees, and told them what things
30 Now Jesus had not yetoomein- Jcsiis had done.
to the town, but was in that place 47 IT Then the chief priests and the
where Martha met him. Pharisees convened a council, and ,

31 The Jews then who were with said, What do wfe 1 for this man per- .

her in the house, and comforted her, formeth many miracles.

when they saw Mary that shfe rose 48 If we let him thus alone, men
hastily, and went out, followed her, will believe on hiih : and the Romans
Mary anointeth CHAPTER XII. arUt'iftd.
will come, and take away both our Judas Iscariot, Simon's who was
place and nation. to betray him,
49 And one of them, named Caia- 5 Whywas not this oirltrnent sold
phas, being the high priest that same for three hnndred pence, and given to
year, said to them, Ye know nothing the poor?
at all, 6 This he said, not that he cared
60 Nor consider that it is expedient for the poor j but because he was a
for us, that one man should die for thief, and had the bag, and bore what
the people, and that the whole nation was put in it.

perish not. 7 'Then said Jesus, Let her alone:

51 And this he spoke not of him- against the day of my burial hath she
self: but being high priest that year, kept this.
he prophesiea that Jesus should die 8 For the poor ye have always with
for that nation you ; but me ye have not always.
B2 And not for that nation only, 9 Many people of the Jews there-
but that also he should assemble m fore knew that he was there : and
one the children of Grod that were they came, not for Jesus' sake only,
scattered abroad. but that they might see Lazarus also,
53 Then from that day forth they whom he had raised from the dead.
took counsel together to put him to 10 1i But the chief priests consulted
death. that they might put Lazarus also to
54 Jesus therefore walked no more death
openly among the Jews; but went UBecause that by reason of hinl
thence to a country near to the wil- many of the Jews went away, and
derness, into a city ealled Ephraim, believed on Jesus.
and there eontinued with his disciples. 12 IT On the next day, many peo-
55 IT And the Jews' passover was ple that had come to the feast, when
nigh at hand and many went firom
: they heard that Jesus was coming to
the country to Jerusalem before the Jerusalem,
passover, to purify themselves. 13 Took branches of palm-trees,
56 Then they sought for Jesus^ «nd and went forth to meet him, and cried,
spoke among themselves, as they Hosanna; Blessed is the King of Is-
stood in the temple, What think ye, rael that Cometh in the name of the
that he will not come to the feast 1 Lord.
57 Now
both the chief priests and 14 And Jesus, when he had fotmd
the Pharisees had giveit a command- a young ass, sat thereon; as it is
ment, that, if any man knew where written,
-he was, he should show it, that they 18 Pear tiot, daughter of Sion : be-
might take him. hold, thy King cometh, sittuig on an
CHAPTER XII. ass's colt.
1 Jesus excuseth Mary anointing liis feet. 16 These things his disciples under-
9 Ttie people flock to see Lazarus. 10 The stood not at the first but when Je-:

chief priests consult to kin him. 13 Christ suS was glorified, then they remem-
rideth into Jerusalem. SO Greeks desire to
see Jesus : 23 He foretelleth his death. 37 bered that these things were written
The Jews are generally blinded 43 yet;
concerning }i\m, and that they had
many chief irulers believe, but do not con-
fess him ! 44 therefore Jesus calleth ear-
done these things to him.
nestly-for confession of faith. 17 The people therefore that were
with him when he called Lazarus out
THEN Jesus, six days before the
passover, came to Betha.ny, where of his grave, and raised him from the
Lazarus was who had been dead, dead, bore testimony.
whom he raised from the dead. 18 For this cause the people also
2 There they made hira a supper i
met him, for that they heard that he
and Martha served but Lazarus was
: had done this miracle.
one of them that sat at the table with •
The Pharisees therefore said
them. among themselves. Perceive ye how
3 Then Mary took a pound of oint- ye prevail nothing'! behold, the world
ment of spikenard, very costlyj and IS gone after him.
anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped 20 IT And therewere certain Greeks,
his feet with her hair ajid the bouse
: among them, that came to worship at
was filled with the odor of the oint- the feast.
ment. 21 Thesamecame'therefore to Phil-
4 Then saith one of his disciples, ip, who was of Bethsaida of Galilee,
Christ forettlltth his death. JOHN. i Heurgtth confessicn offaitli.

and desired him, saying, Sir,we would prophet might be, fulfilled, which he

see Jesus. spoke. Lord, who hath believed our

22 Philip Cometh and telleth An- report 1 and to whom hath the arm of
drew : and again, Andrew and Philip the Lord been revealed ?
tell Jesus. 39 Therefore they could not be-
23 IT And Jesus answered them, lieve, because that Isuah said again,
saying. The hour is come, that the 40 He hath blinded their eyes; and
Son of man should be, glorified.' hardened their heart j that they should
24 Verily, verily, I say to you. Ex- not see with their eyes, nor under-
cept a corn of wheat fall into the stand with their heart, and be con-
ground and die, it abideth alone but : verted, and I should heal them. ;

if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 41 These things said Isaiah, when
25 !fle that loveth his life shall lose he saw his glory, and spoke Of him.
it ; and he that hateth his life in this 42 TT Nevertheless,among the chief
world, shall keep it to life eternal. rulers alsomany believed on him ; but
26 If any man serve me, let him fol- because of the Pharisees they did not
low me ; and where I am, there shall confess him, lest they should be put
also my servant be if any man serve
: out of the synagogue
me, him will my Father honor. 43 For tney loved the praise of
27 Now is my soul troubled ; and men more than the praise of God.
what shall I say 7 Father, save me 44 IT Jesus cried, and said. He that
from this hour : but for this cause I beUeveth on me, believeth not on me,
came to this hoUr. but on him that sent me
28 Father, glorify thy name. Then 45 And he that seeth me, seeth him
came there a voice from heaven, say- that sent me
ing', I have both glorified 46
it, and will I am come a
Ught into the world,
glorify it again. whoever believeth on me should
, 29 Thepeople therefore that stood not abide in darltness.
by, and heard it, said that it thunder- 47 And if any man shall hear iny
ed. Qthers said, An angel spoke to words, and not believe, I judge him
him. not; for I came not to judge the
30 Jesus answered and said. This world, but to save the world.
voice came not because of me, but for 48 He that rejecteth me, and re-
your sakes. ceiveth not my words, hath one that
31 Now is the judgment of this judseth him: the word that I have
:World now shall the prince of this spoken, the same shall judge him in

world be cast out. the last day.

32 And I, if I shall be lifted up 49 For Ihave not spoken from my-
jfrom the earth, will draw all men to self but the Father who sent me, j

me. he gave me a commandment, what I

33 (This he said, signifying what should say, and what I should speak.
death he should die.) 50 And I know that his command-
34 The people apswered him. We ment is life everlasting whatever I : .

Jiave heard out of the law that Christ speak therefore, even as the Father

pbideth forever and how sayest thou, said to me, so I speak.


The Son of man rnust be lifted up 7 CHAPTER XIII.

Who is the Son of man? 1 Jesus washeth his disciples' l^et 14 ex- :

35 Then Jesus said to them, Yet a horteth them to humility aiid charity IS : ,

little while is the light with you. Walk

He foretelleth and discloseth to John by a
token, that Judas would hetray him 31 :

while ye have the Ught, lest darkness commandeth them to love one another; 36
come Upon you: for he that walketh and forewarneth Peter of his denial.
in darkness knoweth not whither he
before the feast of the passo-
ver, when Jesus knew that his
36 While ye have light, believe in hour was come that he should depart
the light, that ye may be the children out of this world to the Father, having
of Ught. These things spoke Jesus, loved his own who were in the world,
and departed, and concealed himself he loved, them to the end.
front them. 2 And supper being ended (the devil
37 If But though he, had done so having now put into the heart of Ju-
many miracles before them, yet they das Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray
believed not on him him;)
38 That the saying of Isaiah the 3 Jesus knowing that the Father
The disdplai'feet washed. CHAPTER XIII. Christ foretellelh Peter's denial.
had given all things into his hands, and say to you,
said. Verily, verily, I
and that he had come from God, and that one of you will betray me.
was goin^ to (xod 22 Then the disciples looked one on
4 He nseth from supper, and laid another, doubting of whom he spoke.
aside his garments and^^took a towel,
; 23 Now there was leaning on Je-
and girdM himself. sus' bosom, one of his disciples, whom
5 After that, he poured water into a Jesus loved.
basin, and began to wash the disciples' 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned
feet, and to wipe them with the towel to him, to ask who it should be of
with which he was girded. whom he spoke.
6 Then he cometh to Simon Peter 25 He then lying on Jesus' breast,
and Peter saith to him. Lord, dost saith to him. Lord, who is it 7
thou wash my feet 7 26 Jesus answered. He it is to
7 Jesus answered and said to him. whom I shall give a sop, when I have
What I do thou linoweet not now; dipped it. And when he had dipped
but thou shalt knovi hereafter. the sop, he ^ve it to Judas Iscanot,
8 Peter saith to him, Thou shalt the son of Simon.
never wash my feet. Jesus answered 27 And after the sop Satan entered
him. If I wash thee not, thou hast no into him. Then said Jesus to him.
part with me. What thou doest, do quickly.
9 Simon Peter saith to him, Lord, 28 Now no man at tlie table knew
not my feet only, but also my hands for what intent he spoke this to him.
and my head. 29 For some of them thought, be-
10 Jesus saith to him. He that is cause Judas had the bag, that Jesus
washed needeth not save to wash
kis had said to hun, Bu)| those things that
feet, but is wholly clean : and ye are we have need of against the feast ; or,
clean, but not all. that he should give something to the
11 For he knew who would betray poor.
him ; therefore said he. Ye are not all 30 He then having received the sop,
clean. went immediately out: and it was
12 So after he had washed their night.
feet, and had taken his garments, and 31 IT Therefore when he had gone
was set down again, he said to them. out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of
Know ye what I have done to you 1 man glorified, and God is glorified in
13 Ye call me Master, and Lord him.
and ye say well; formal am. 32 If God is glorified in him, God
14 If I then, your Lord and Master, will also glorify nim in himself, and
have washed your feet ; ye also ought will immediately glorify him.
to wash one another's feet. 33 Little children, yet a Ultle while
15 For I have given you an exam- I am with you. Ye
will seek me:
ple, that ye should do as I have done and, as I said to the Jews, Whither I
to you. go, ye cannot come so now I say to

16 Verily, veiily, I say to you. The you.

eervanf is not greater than his lord 34 A new commandment I give to
neither he that is sent greater than he you. That ye love one another; as I
that sent him. have loved you, that ye also love one
17 If ye know these things, happy another.
are ye if ye do them. 35 By this shall all mm
know that
18 IT I speak not of you all; I ye are my disciples, if ye have love
know whom I have chosen but that : one to another.
the scripture may be fulfilled, He that 36 IT Simon' Peter said to him,
eateth bread with me, hath lifted up Lord, whither goest thou? Jesus an-
his heel against me. swered him, whither I go, thou canst
19 Now I tell you before it cometh, not follow me now ; but thou shalt
that when it hath come to pass, ye follow me afterward.
may believe that I am he. 37 Peter said to him. Lord, why
20 Verily, verily, I say to you. He cannot I follow thee nowl I will lay
that receiveth whomsoever I send, re- down my life for thy sake.
ceiveth me j and he that receiveth me, 38 Jesus answered him. Wilt thou
receiveth him that sent me. lay down thy life for my sake 1 Verily,
21 When Jesus had thus said, he verily, I say to thee. The cock will not
was troubled in spirit, and testified, crow, till thou hast denied me thrice.
10* 113
Christ caniforteth his disciples JOHN. With the hope of heaven.
CHAPTER Xiy. seeth not, neither knoweth him:
1 Christ. .comforteth his disciples with the but ye knpw him! for he dwelleth
hope of Heaveil : G professeth himself the and will be in you.
way* the truth, and the life
; and one with with you,
the Father: 13 assureth their prayers in 18 1 will not leave you coinfortless
hlB name to be eifectual ; 15 reguesteth love I will come to you.
and obedience: 16 proral^eth the Holy
fipiril the Comforter : 27 and leaveth his
iS Yet a little while, and the world
£ace with them. seeth me no more ; but ye see rae
ET not your heart be troubledye : because I live, ye shall live also.
believe in Go4 believe also in me. 20 At that day ye shall know that
2 In my Father's house are many I am in my Fathpr, and ye in me, and
mansions: if it were not so, I would I in you.
have told you. I go to prepare a place 21 He that hath my command-
for you. ments, and keepeth them, he it is that
3 And if I go and prepare a place loveth me: and he that loveth me,
come again and receive
for you, I will shall be loved by my Father, and I
you to myself that vmeTe I am, there
will love him, ana will manifest my-
ye may be also. self to him.
4 And whither I go ye know, and 22 Judas, not Iscariot, saith to him,
the way ye know. Lord, how is it that thou wilt mani-
5 Thomas saith to him, Lord, we fest thyself to us, and not to the worW?
know not whither thou goest; and 23 Jesus answered and said to him,
how can we know the way 1 If a man loveth me, he will keep my
6 Jesus saith to him, I am the way, words and my Father will love him,

and the truth, and the life no man : and We will come to him, and make
Cometh to the Father, but by me. our abode with him.
7 If ye had known me, ye would 24 He that loveth me not, keepeth
have known my Father alsoj and not my sayings and the word which

from henceforth ye know him, and ye hear is not mine, but that of the
have seen him. Father who sent me.
8 Philip saith to him. Lord, show 25 These things have I spoken to
us the Father, and it sufficeth us. you, being yet present with you.
9 Jesus saith to him. Have I been 26 But the Comforter, ioho is the
so long time with yoa and yet hast Holy Spirit, whom the Father will
thou not known me, Philip he that
'i send in my name,
he will teach you
hath seen me, hath seen the Father j and bring all things to your
all things,
and how sayest thou then, Show us remembrance, whatever I nave said '

the Father 7 to you.

10 Believest thou not that I am in 27 Peace I leave -with you, my
the Father, and the Father in me"! peace I give to you not as the world

the words that I speak to you, I speak giveth, give I to you. Let not your
not from myself; but the Father that heart be troubled, neither let it be
dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. afraid.
11 Believe me that I am in the Fa- 28 Ye have heard that I said to you,
ther, and the Father in me or else : I go avpay, and come again to you.
believe me for the very work's sake. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, be-
12 Veiily, verily, I say to you, he cause I said, I go to the Father for ;

that beheveth on me, the woras that my Father is greater than I.

I do shall he do also; and greater 29 And now I have told you before
works than these shall he do ; because it cometh to pass, that ^hen it hath
1 go to my Father. come to pass, ye may believe.
13 And whatever ye shall ask in 30 Hereafter I will not talk much
my name, that will I do, that the Fa- with you for the prince of this world

ther may be glorified in the Son. cometh, and hath nothing in me.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my 31 But that the world may know
name, I will do it. that I love the Father; and as the
15 IT If ye love me, keep my com- Father gave me commandment, even
mandments. so I do. Arise, let us go lienee.
16 And I will pray the Father, and CHAPTER XV.
he will give you another Comforter, 1 The consolation and mutual love between
that he may abide with you for ever j Christ and his members, under the parable
17 Even the Spirit of truth whom ;
of the vine. 18 A
comfort in the hatred and
persecution of the world. 26 Tlie office of
the World cannot receive, because it the Holy Spirit, and oi^ the apostlea.
ChrUe a lavtlo his church. CHAPTER XVI..'. The Spirit prtmiatd.
AM the trae and my Father
vine, world would lore its own : but because
I 19 the husbandman. ye are not of the world, but I hav6
2 £yery branch in me that beareth chosen you out of the world) there-
not fruit, he taketh away and every ; fore the world hateth you.
brandi that beareth fruit, he cleanetn 20 Remember the word that I said
it, that it may bring forth more fruit. to you, The servant is not greater than
3 Now ye are clean through the his lord. If they have persecuted me,
word which I have spoken to you. they will also persecute you : if they
4 Abide in me, and 1 in you. As have kept my saymg, they will keep
the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, yours also.
except it abide in the vine no more : 2t But all these things will they do
can ye, except ye abide in me. to you for my name's sake, because
5 I am the vme, ye are the branch- they know not him that sent me.
es : He that abidetn in me, and I in 22 If I had not 6ome and spoken to
him, the same bringeth forth much them, they had not had sin : but now
&uit : for without me ye can do noth- they have no cloke for their sin.
ing. 23 He that hateth me, hateth my
6; If a man abideth not in roe, he is Father also.
cast forth as a branch,. and is wither- 24 If I had not done among them
ed and men gather them, and cast
: the works which ho other man hath
them into the fire, and they are burned. done, they had not had sin but now

7 If ye abide in me, and my words have they both seen, and hated both
abide in you, ye may ask what ye me and my Father.
will, and it shall be done to you. 25 But this cometh to pass, that the
8 In this is my Father glorified, word might be fulfilled that is written
that ye bear much fruit ; so shall ye in their law, They hated me without
be my disciples. a cause.
9 As the Father hath loved me, so 26 But when the Comforteris come,
have I loved you continue ye in my
: whom I will send to you from the
love. Father, even the Spirit of truth, who
10 If ye keepmy commandments, proceedeth from the Father, he will
ye shall abide m my love even as I ; testify concerning me.
have kept my Father's command- 27 And ye also shall bear testimo-
ments, and abide in his love. ny, because ye have been with me
11 These things have I spoken to from the beginning.
you, that ray joy may remain in you, CHAPTER XVI.
and that your joy may be full. 1 Christ comforteth his disciples agninst
12 This is my qommandment, that tiibulatton by the promise of the Holy
Spirit, and by his resurrection and ascen-
ye love one another, as I have loved sfon; 23 assureth their prayers made in
you. his name to be acceptable to his Father. 33
13 Greater love hath no man than Peace in Christ; and in the world affliction.
this, that a man lay down his life for THESE things have I spoken to
his fi-iends. you, that ye should not be of-
14 Ye are my
friends, if ye do fended.
whatever I command you. 2 They shall put you out of the
15 Henceforth I call you not ser- synagoeues: yes, the time cometh,
vants; for the servant knoweth not that whoever killeth you, will think
what his lorddoeth ; but I have called that he doeth God service.
youfiiends; for all things that I have 3 And these things will they do to
heard from my Father, I have made you, because they have not known
known to you. the Father, nor me.
16 Ye have not chosen me, but I 4 But these things have I told yon,
have chosen you, and ordained you, that when the time shall come, ye may
that ye should go and brine forth fruit, remember that I told you of them.
and tliat your fruit should remain And these things I said not to you at
that whatever ye shall ask of the Fa- the beginning, because I was witn you.
ther in my name, he may give it you. 6 But now I go to him that sent
17 These things I command you, me, and none of you asketh me.
that ye love one another. Whither goeet tttouf
18 If the world hateth you, ye know 6 But because I have said these
that it hated me before it hated you. things to you, sorrow hath filled your
19 If ye were of the world, the heart.
The disisipUs encouraged. JOHN. ApiistUs prayed for.
7 N&Wtheless, I tell you the truth your heart shall rejoice, and your joy
It is expedient for you that I depart no man taketh from you.
for if r go not a*ay, the Gomforter 23 And in that day ye will ask me
will not come to you j but if I depart, nothing Verilyj verily, I say to yoii,

I will send him to you. Whatever ye shall ask the Father in

8 And when he is come, he will re- my name, he will give it you.
prove the world of sin, and of righ- 24 Hitherto ye have afted nothing
teousness, and of judraient in my name ask, and ye shall re-

9 Of sin, because they believe not ceive, that your joy may be full.
onmej 25 These things have I spoken to
10 Of righteousness, because I go you in proverbs : but the time cometh
to my Father, and ye see me no when I shall no more speak to you in
more proverbs, but I shall show you plamly
11 Of judgment, because the prince concer^ing the Father.
of this world is judged. 26 At that day ye will ask in my
12 I have yet many things to say name and I say not to you, that I

to you, but ye cannot bear them will pray the Father for you
now. 27 For the Father himself loVeth
when he, the Spirit of truth
13 But, you, because ye have loved me, and
is come, he will guide you into all the have believed that I came from God.
truth for he wilfnot speak from him-
: 28 1 came forth from the Father,
self; but whatever he shall hear, that and am come into the world': again, 1
will he speak and he will show you
: leave the world, and go to the Father.
things to come. 29 His disciples said to hita, Lo,
14 He will glorify me : for he will now speakest thou plainly, and speak-
receive of mine, , and will show it to est no proverb.
you. 30 Now are we sure that thou
15 All things that the Father hath knowest things, and needest not
are mine : therefore I said, that he will that any man should ask thee by :

take of mine, and show it to you. this we believe that thou earnest from
16 A
little while, and ye will not God.
see me ! and again, a little while, and 31 Jesus answered them. Do ye
ye will see hie, because I go tO' the now believe'?
Father. •
32 Behold, the hour cometh, and is
17 Then said some of his disciples even now come, that ye will be scat-
among themselves. What is this that tered every man to his own, and will
he saith to us, A little while, and ye i
leave me alone: and yet 1 am hot
will not see me and
again, a little
: alone, because the Father is with me.
while, and ye will see me: and, Be- 33 These ^things I have spoken to
cause I go to the Father'? you, that in me ye may have peace. In
18 They said therefore. What is the world ye will have tnbulation,
this that he sailh, little while 7, A We but be of good cheer I have over- :

cannot tell what he saith. come the world.

19 Now
Jesus knew that they were CHAPTER XVII.
desirous to asli him, and said to them.
1 Christ prayeth to Viis Fatber togldrifyhini
Do ye inqiiire among yourselves of e topreserve his apostles, 11 in unity, 17
that which I said, little while, and A and truth 20 to glorify them, and ail other

believers witli him in heaven.

ye will not see me and again, a little :

while, and ye will see me'? THESE words spoke Jesus, and
20 Verily, verily, I say to you, that up his eyes to heaven, and
ye will weep and lament, hut the hour is come; glorify
said. Father, the
world will rejoice : and ye will be sor- thy Son, that thy Son also may glo-
rowful, but your sorrow shall be turn- rify thee
ed into joy. 2 As thou hast given him power
21 A woman when she is in travail over all flesh, that he should give eter-
hath sorrow, because her hour is i
nal life to as many as thou hast given
come : but as soon as she is delivered him. '

of the child, she remembereth no more 3 And this is life eternal, that they
the angiish, for joy that a man is born may know thee the only true God,
into the world. and Jesus Christ whom thou hast
22 And ye now therefore have sor- sent.
row : but 1 will see you again, and 4 I. have glorified thee on the earth:
QirUt betrat/ed CHAPTER XVIII. by Judas.
I have finished the work which thou thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee,
gavest me to do. that they also may be one us that m :

5 And now, Father, glorify thou the world may beueve that thou hast
me with thy ownsel^ with the glory sent me.
which I bad with thee before the 22 And the glory which thou gavest
world was. to me, I have given to them ; that they
6 I have manifested thy name to may be one, even as we are one.
the men whom thou gavest to me out 23 1 in them, and thou in me, that
of the world : thine they were, and they may be made perfect in one;
thou gavest them to me; and they and. that the world may know that
have kept thy word. thou hast sent me, and hast loved
7 Now they have known that all them as thou hast loved me.
things whatever thou hast given me 24 Father, I will that they also
are from thee. whom thou hast given to me, may be
8 For I have given to them the with me where I am ; that they may
words which thou gavest me; and behold my
glory which thou hast giv-
they have received tkem, and have en to me for thou lovedst me before

known surely that I came from thee, the foundation of the world.
and they have believed that thou didst 25 O righteous Father, the world
send me. hath not known thee but I have :

9 I pray for them : I pray not for the known thee, and these have known
world, but for them whom thou hast that thou hast sent me.
given to me ; for they are thine. 26 And I have declared to them thy
10 And all mine are thine, and thine name, and will declare it: that the
are mine; and I am glorified in them. love with which thou hast loved me,
11 And now I am no more in the may be in them, and I in them.
world, but these are inthe world, and
I come to thee. Holy Father, keep
through thy own name those whom 1 Judas betiayeth Jesus. 6 The officers foil
to the ground. 10 Peter smlteth off Mal-
thou hast given to me, that, they may chus' ear. 13 Jesus Is taken and led to An-
be one, as we are. nas and Caiaphas. 15 Peter's denial. 19
Jesus examined before Caiaphas. 38 His
12 While I was with them in the arraignment before Pilate. 86 His king-
world, I kept them in thy name: dom. 40 The Jews a«k Barabbas to be re-
those that thou gavest to me I have
kept, and none of them is lost but the
son of perdition ; that the scripture
WHEN Jesus had spoken these
words, he went forth with his
might be fulfilled. over the brook Kedron,
13 And now I come to thee, and where was a garden, into which he
these things I speak in the world, that entered, and his disciples.
they may have my joy fulfilled in 2 And Judas also, who betrayed
themselves. him, knew the place for Jesus oiten

14 I have given to them thy word resorted thither with his disciples.
and the world hath hated them, be- 3 Judas then, having received a
cause they are not of the world, even band of mm, and officers from the
as I am not of the world. chief priests and Pharisees, cometh
15 I pray not that thou shouldst thither with lanterns, and torches,
take them out of the world, but that and weapons.
tbou shouldst keep them from the evil. . 4 Jesus therefore, knowing all
16 They are not of the world, even things that were comine upon him,
as I am not of the world. went forth, and said to them. Whom
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: seek ye7
thy word is truth. B They answered him, Jesus of
18 As thou hast sent me into the Nazareth. Jesus saith to them, I am
world, even so have I also sent them he. And Judas also, who betrayed
into the world. Jiim, stood with them.
19 And for their sakes | sanctify 6 As soon then as he had said to
myself, that they also may be sancti- them, I am h^ they went backward,
fied through the truth. and fell to the ground.
29 Nether pray I for these alone 7 Thenheaskedthemagain,Whom
but Sot them also who shall believe seek ye? And they said, Jesus of
on me through their word. Nazareth.
21 That they all may be one; as 8 Jesus answered, I have told yoa
Jtsus examined JOHN. before Caiaphta.
that lam he ; If therefore ye seek me, spoken evil, bear testimony of the
let these go away evil ; but if well, why amitest thou
9 That the saying might be fulfilled mel
which he spoke, Of them whom thou 24 (Now Annas had sent him bound
gavest to me, I have lost none. to Caiaphas the high priest.)
10 Then Simon Peter, having a And Simon Peter stood and
sword, drew it, and smote the servant warmed himself. They said thei-efore
of the high priest, and cut ofl" his right to him. Art not thou also one of his
ear. The servant's name was Mal- disciples'? He denied it, and said, I
chus. am not.
11 Then said Jesus to Peter, Put up 26 One of the servants of the high
thy sword into the sheath the cup : priest (being the kinsiiian of him
which my Father hath given me, shall whose ear Petei: cut oflf) saith, Did
1 not drink it? not I see thee in the garden with him 7
12 Then the band, and the captaiii, 27 Peter then denied again, and im-
and ofScers of the Jews took Jesus, mediately the cock crowed.
and bound him, 28 IT Then they led Jesus from Ca-
13 And led him away to Annas iaphas to the hall of judgment : and it
first, (for he was father-in-law to Ca- was early ; and they themselves went
iaphas, who was the high priest that not into llie judgment-hall, lest they
same year.) should be defiled ; but that they might
14 NowCaiaphas was he who gave eat the passover.
counsel to the Jews, that it was expe- 29 Pilate then went out to them,
dient that one man should die for the and said. What accusation bring ye
people. against this man 7
16 IT And Simon Peter followed Je- 30 They answered and said to him.
sus, and so did anotherdisciple. That If he were not a malefactor, we would
disciple was kpown to the high priest, liot have deUvered him up to thee.
and went in with Jesus into the palace 31 Then said Pilate to them, Take
of the high priest. ye him, and judge him accordm^ to
16 But Peter stood at the door with- your law. Tne Jews therefore said to
out. Then went out that other disci- him. It is not lawful for us tq put any
ple who was known to the high priest, man to death
and spoke to her that kept the door, 32 That the saying of Jesus might
fulfilled, which he spoke, signifying

and brought in Peter. be

17 Then saith the damsel that kept what death he should die.
the door to Peter, Art not thou a:lso 33 Then Pilate entered into the

onebf this man' ii disciples? He saith, judgment-hall again, and called Jesus,
I am not. and said to him, Art thou the King of
18 And' the Servants and officers theJ6ws7
stood there, -Who had made a fire of 34 Jesus answered him, Sayest thou
coals; (for it was cold) and they this thing from thyself,' or did others
warmed themselves and Peter stood
: tell it thee concerning me 7
with them, and warmed himself. 35 Pilate answered. I a Jpw? Am
19 IT The high priest then asked Thy own nation, and the chief priests,
Jesus concerning nis disciples, and have delivered thee to me What hast :

concerning his doctrine. thou done 7

20 Jesus answered him, I Bpoke , 36 Jesus answered. My kingdom
openly to the world; I ever taught in is not of this world if my kingdom:

the synagogue and in the temple, were of this world, then would my
whither the Jews always resort; and servants fight, that I should not be
in secret have I said nothing. delivered to the Jews but now is : my
21 Why dost thou ask me 7 ask kingdom not from hence.
them who heard me, what I have said 37 Pilate therefore said to him. Art
to them,: behold, they krlow what I thou a King then 7 ^esus answered,
have said. Thou sayest that I am a King. To
22 And when he had thus spoken, this end was I born, and for this cauge
one of the officers who stood by, came I into the world, that I should
struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, testify to the truth. Every one that
saying, Answerest thou the high is of the truth, heareth my voice.
pnest so 1 38 Pilate saith to hiffli What is
23 Jesus answered him. If I have truth 7 And when he had said this, he
C3irUt is scourged CHAPTER XIX. and crucified-
went out again to the Jews, aiid saith 13 ir When Pilate therefore heard
to thenv I "»<1 ill Urn no fault. that saying, he brought Jesus forth,
39 But ye have a custom that I and sat down on the judgment-seat,
should release to you one at the pass- in a place that is called the Pavement,
over will ye therefore that I release
; but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.
to you the King of the Jews 7 14 And it was the preparation of
40 Then they all cried again, say- the passover, and about the sixth
ing, Not this man, but Barabbas. hour and he saith to the Jews, Be-

Now Barabbas was a robber. hold your King!

CHAPTER XIX. 15 But they cried out. Away with
1 Christ Is scourged, crowned with thorns, him, away with him, crucify him.
and beaten. 4 PUate is desirous to release Pilate saith to them. Shall i crucify
him, but bein? overcome with the outrage or
the Jews, heuelivereth him to be crucified.
your King'} The chief priests an-,
S3 They cast lots fur his garments. 26 He swered. We have no king but Cesar.
conu^iendeth his mother to John. 28 He 16 TTien therefore he delivered him
dieth. His side is pierced. 38 He is bu-
rled hy Joseph and Nicodemus. to them to be crucified. And they
THEN PUate therefore took Jesus,
and scoiu'ged him.
took Jesus, and led him away.
17 And he bearing his cross went
2 And the soldiers platted a crown forth into a place called the place of a
of thorns, and put i< on his head, and skull, which is called in the Hebrew,
they put on him a purple robe, Golgotha
3 And said. Hail, King of the Jews 18 Where they crucified him, and

and they smote him with their hands. two others with him, on each side
4 Pilate therefore went forth again, one, and Jesus in the midst.
and saith to them. Behold, I bring 19 IT And Pilate wrote a title, and
him forth to you, that ye may know put it on the cross. And the writing
that I find no feult in Kim. was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE
5 Then Jesus came forth, wearing KING OP THE JEWS.
the crown of thorns, and the purple 20 Many of the Jews then read
robe. And Pilate saith to them, Be- this title : for the place where Jesus
hold the man was crucified was nigh to the city
6 When therefore the chief priests and it was written in fiebrew, Greek,

and officers saw him, they cried out, and Latin,

saying, Crucify hiw., crucify kim. 21 Then said the chief priests of the
Filale" saith to them, Take ye him, Jews to Pilate, Write not. The King
and crucify him : for I find no fault of the Jews ; but that he said, I am
in him. King of the Jews.
7 The Jews answered him. We 22 Pilate answered, What I have
hav^ a law, and by our law he ought written, I have written.
to die, because he made himself the 23 1 Then the soldiers, when they
Son of God. had crucified Jesiis, took his garments,
8 IT When Pilate therefore heard and made four parts, to every soldier
that saying, he was the more afraid a part ; and also his coat now the :

9 And went again into the judg- coat was without seam, woven fl-om
ment-hall, and saith to Jesus, Whence, the top throughout.
art thou ? But Jesus gave mm
no an- 24 They said therefore among them-
swer. selves, Let us not rend it, but cast
10 Then saith Pilate to him, Speak- lots forit whose it shall be that the

est thou not to me? knowest thou scripture might be fiilfilled, which
not, that I have power to cruciiy thee^ saith,They parted my raiment among
and have power to release thee t them, and for my vesture they cast
11 Jesus answered, Thou couldst lots. These things therefore the sol-
have no power against me ; except it diers did.
were given thee firom above: there- ! 25- IT Now there stood bythe cross
fore he that delivered me to thee hath of Jesus, his mother, arid bis mother's
the greater sin. sister, Mary the wift of CleophaE^
12 And from thenceforth Pilate and Mary Magdalehe.
sought to release him but the Jews
: 26 When Jesus therefore saw his
cried out, saying. If thou let this man mother, and the disciple standing by,
go, thou art not Cesar's friend. Who- whom he loved, he saith to his moth-
ever maketh himself a king, speaketh er. Woman, behold thy son

against Cesar. 27 Theasaith he to the disciple, Be-

ChrUfe burial JOHN. and resurrtctiim.
hold thy mother And from that hour
! because of the Jews' preparation-ddy,
that disciple took her' to his own for the sepulcher was nigh at hand.
28 ^ After this, Jesus knowing that 1 Mary cometh to the sepulcher 3 so do Pe-

all things were now accomplished, ter and John, ignorant of the resurrection.
11 Jesus appeareth to Maiy Magdalene, 19
that the scripture might be fiilfilled,
and to his disciples. 24 The incredulity
saith, I thirst. and confession of Thomas. 30 The scrip-
29 Nbw there was set a vessel full ture is sufficient to salvation.
of vinegar and they filled a spunge

with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop,

THE day of the week cometh
Mary Magdalene when early, it
and put it to hia mouth. was yet dark, to the sepulcher, and
30 When Jesus therefore had re- seeth the stone taken away from the
ceived the vinegar, he said. It is fin- sepulcher.
ished : and he bowed his head, and 2 Then she runneth, and cometh to
expired. Simon Peter, and to the other disci-
31 The Jews therefore, because it ple whom Jesus loved, and saith to
was the preparation, that the bodies them. They have taken away the
should not remain upon the cross on Lord out of the sepulcher, and we
the sabbath, (for that sabbath was a know not where they have laid him.
great day,) besought Pilate that their 3 Peter therefore went forth, and
legs might be broken, and that they that other disciple, and came to the
might be taken away. sepulcher.
32 Then came the soldiers, and 4 So they ran both together: and
broke the legs of the first, and of the the other disoiple outran Peter, and
other" who was crucified with hihi. came fifst to the sepulcher.
33 But when they came to Jesus, 5 And he stooping down, saw the
and saw that he was dead already, linen cloths lying; yet he went not in.
they broke not hia legs 6 Then cometh Simon Peter fol-
34 But one of the soldiers with a lowing him, and went into the sepul-
spear pierced his side, and forthwith cher, and seeth the linen cloths lying;
came out blood and water. 7 And the napkin that was about
35 And he that sawi2, testified, and his head, not lying with the linen
his testimony is true : and he know- cloths, but wrapped together in a
eth that he speaketh truth, that ye place by itself. '

may^ believe. 8 Then went in also that other dis-

36 For these things Were done, that ciple who came first to the sepulcher,
the scripture should be fulfilled, A , and he saw, and believed.
boneof him shall not be broken. 9 For as yet they knew not the
, 37, And again anbthw scripture scripture, that he must rise again from
sMth, They shall look da him whom the' dead.
they pierced. 10 Then the disciples went away'
3S If And after this, Joseph of Ari- again to their own home.
mathea (being a disciple of Jesus, but U IT But Mary stood without at
secretly for fear of the Jews) besought the sepulcher weeping: and as she
Pilate that he might take away the wept she stooped down to look into
body of JesuB and Pilate gave him
: the sepulcher,
leave. He came therefore and took 12 And seeth two angels in white,
the body of Jesus. sitting, the one at the head, and the
39 And there came also Nicodemus other at the feet, where the body of
(wKo at the first came to Jfisiis by Jesus had lain.
night) and brtfught a mixture of myrrh 13 And they say to her. Woman,
and aloes, about a hundred pound why weepest thou? she saith to them,
wtieht. Because they have taken away my
40 Then they took the body of Je- Lord, and I know not where they
alis, atid wdimd it in linen cloths, with hatre laid him.
the spices, as the manner of the Jews 14 And when she had thus said,
is tobury. she turned herself about, and saw Je-
41 Now
in the place where he was sus standing, and knew not that it
cmcified, there was a garden ; ahd in was Jesus.
the garden a new sepuTcher, iii' which 15 Jesus saith to her. Woman, why
was never man yet laid. weepest thoul whom seekest thou?
42 "Tliere they laid Jesus therefore. '
She, supposing him to be the gardener,
T/iOmas's incredulity. CHAPTER XXI. Christ appearetk agairi.
saith to bim, Sir, if thou hast borne 30 IT And many other signs truly
him bence, tell me where thou hast did Jesus in the presence of his disci-
laid him, and I will take him away. ples, which are not written in this
M Jesus saith to her, Mary. She book.
turaed herself, and saith to him, Rab- 31 But these are written, that ye
boni, which is to say. Master. may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
W Jesus saith to her. Touch me the Son of God, and that believing ye
not : for I have not yet ascended to may have life through his name.
my Father but go to
: my
and say to them, I ascend to my 1 Christ appenring again to his disciplGS.wai!
Father and your Father, and to my known by them by the great' draagjit 'Of
God and your God. fishes, la He dlneth with them 16 earn-

estly commandeth Peter to ifeed his lambs

IS Mary Magdalene came and told and sheep 18 forelelleth him of his death ;
the disciples that she had seen the 22 rebulceth his curiosity concerning John.
Lord, and that he had spoken these 23 The conclusion.
things to her. AFTER these things Jesus showed
19 II Then the same day at even- himself again to the disciples at
ing, being the first day of the week, the sea of Tiberias and in this man-

when the doors were shut where the ner did he show himself.
disciples were assembled for fear of 2 There were together Simon Pe-
the Jews, Jesus canie and stood in ter, and Thomas called Didymus, and
the midst, and saith to therti, Peace Nathanafel of Cana in Galilee, and the
be to you. sons of Zebedee, and two others of
20 And when he had so said, he his disciples.
showed to them Ms hands and his 3 Simon Peter saith to them, I go
side. Then were the disciples glad a fishing. They say to him. We also
when they saw the Lord. go with thee. They went forth, and
21 Then said Jesus io theni again. entered into a boat immediately ; arid
Peace be to you as my Father hath
: that night they cailght notliihg.
sent me, even so I send you. 4 But when the morning' had now
22 And when he had said this, he come, Jesus stood on the shore: but
breathed on them, and Saiih to them. the disciples knew not that it was Je-
Receive ye the Holy Spirit. sus.
23 Whose soever silis ye remit, they 6 Then Jesus saith to them. Chil-
are remitted to them and whose so-
; dren, have ye any victuals'! They
ever sins ye retain, they are retained. answered him. No.
24 IT But Thomas, one of the 6 And he said to them. Cast the
twelve, called Didymus, was not with net on the right side of the boat, and
them when Jesiis came. ye sha^I find. They cast therefore,
25 The otherdisciples therefore said and now they were not able to draw
to him. We have seen the Lord. But itfor the multitude of fishes.
he said to them. Except T shall see in 7 Therefore that disciple Je- whom
his hands the print of. the iiails, and sus loved Bzith, to Peter, It is the
put my finger into the print of the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard
nails, and thrust my
hand into his that it was the Lord, he girt on his
side, I will not believe. fisher's coat, (for he was naked) and
26 IT And after eight days again his cast himself into the sea.
disciples were within, and Thomas 8 And the other disciples came in a
with them : thert came Jesus, the littleboat (for they were not far from
doors beiiig shut, and stood in the land, but as it were two hundred cu-
midst, and said. Peace tie to you. bits) dragging the net with fishes.
27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach 9 As soon then as they had come
hither thy finger, and behold my to land, they saw a fire of coals there,
hands; and reach hither Ihy hand, and fish lard upon them, and l>i;eAd.
and thrus^t U into my side; and be not 10 Jesus sai^h'lo them, Bring of the
faithless, but believing. fish which ye have now caughtl
28 And Thomas answered and said 1! Simon Peter went up, and drew
to hinr, My Lord and my God. the net to land full of great fishes, a
29 Jesus saith to him, Thomas, be- hundred and fifty and three and not- :

caffser thoti liast seen me,' thou Mst Withstanding th^re were so many, yet
believed blessed are. they that have
: the ndt was riot broken.
not seen, and yet have believed. 12 Jesus saith'to them, Come and
Chrisfs charge ACTS. to Peter.
dine. And none of the disciples durst and another shall gird thee, and car-
ask him, Who art thou? knowing ry thee whither thou wouldst not.
that it was the Lord. 19 This he spoke, signifying by
13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh what death he should glorify God.
bread, and giveth them, and fish lilie- And when he had spoken this, he
wise. saith to him. Follow me.
14 This is now the third time that 20 Then Peter turning about, aeeth
Jesus showed himself to his disciples, the disciple whom Jesua loved, fol-
after he had risen from the dead. lowing; (who also leanedon his breast
15 H So when they had dined, Je- at supper, and said, Lord, who is he
sus sailh to Simon Peter, Simon son that betrayeth thee 7)
of Jonas, loveat thou me more than 21 Peter seeing him, saith to Jesus,
these 7 He saith to him. Yea, Lord Lord, and what shall this man do 7
thou knowest that I love thee. He 22 Jesus saith to him, If I will that
saith to him, Feed he shall tarry till I come, what is that
16 He saith to him again the second to thee 7 Follow thou me.
time, Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou 23 Then this saying went abroad
me ? He saith to him, Yes, Lord among the brethren, that that disciple
thou knowest that I love thee. He should not die yet Jesus said not to

saith to him. Feed my sheep. him. He ahall not die; but, if I will
17 He saith to him
the third time, that he ahall tarry till I come, what is
Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou me 7 that to thee 7
Peter was grieved, because he said to 24 This is the disciple who testifi-
him the third time, Lovest thou me 7 eth of these things, and wrote these
And he said to him, Lord, thou know- things : and we know that his testi-
est all things; thou knowest that I mony is true.
love thee. Jesus, saith to him. Feed 25 And there are also many other
my sheep. things which Jesus did, which, if they
18 Verily, verily, say to thee.I should be written every one, I supr
When thou wast young, thou didst pose that even the world itself could
gird thyself, and walk whither thou not contain the books that would be
wouldst : but when thou shalt be old, written. Amen.
thou shalt stretch forth thy hands,

1 ACTS of the Apostles.

by them forty
lible proofs, beihjg .seen
days, and speaking of the, things per-
i Christ preparing his apostles to see his as-
cension, commandetb them to expect in Je- taining, to thekingdom of God
rusalem the Holy Spirit, promiseth after 4 And being assen^bled with them,
Itew days to send it by virtue of which
commanded them that they should
they should be witnesses to him, even to
the uttermost parts of the earth. 9 After not depart from Jerusalem, but wait
his ascension they are warned by two an- for the promise of the Father, which,
pels to depart, 'and to set their minds upon saith he, y^ have heard from me.
his second coming. 12 They accordingly
retumj and giving themselves to prayer, 5 For John truly baptized with wa-
choose >latthia5 apostle In the place of Ju- ter J hut ye shall be baptized with tile
Holy Spirit riot many days hence.
THE former
d Theophilus, of
treatise have I made,
all that Jesus
6 When they therefore were come
together, they asked of him, saying.
began both to do and teach, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore
2 Until the day in which he was again the kingdom to Israel 7
taken up, after that he through the 7 And he said to them, It is not for
Holy Spirit had given commandments you to know the times or the seasons,
to the apostles whom he had chosen which tde Father hath put in his own
3 To whom also he showed Umself power.
alive after his passion, by many infal- 8 But ye shall receive power after
Matthias chosen an apostle. CHAPTER II. TTie apostles inspired.
the HolvSpirit is come upon you Lord Jesus went in and out among
and ye shall be witnesses to me, ooth us.
in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in 22 Beginning from the baptism of
Samaria, and to the uttermost part of John, to that same day that he was
the earth. taken up froin us, must one be ordain-
9 And when he had spoken these ed to be a witness with us of his res-
things, while they beheld, he was ta- urrection.
ken up and a cloud received him out
; 23 And they appointed two, Jos^h
of their sight. called Barsabas, who was surnamed
10 And while they looked steadfast- Justus, and Matthias.
ly toward heaven as he went up, be-, 24 And they prayed, and said,
hold, two men stood by them in white Thou, Lord, who knowest the hearts
apparel; of all men, show which of these two
11 Who also said, Ye men of Gali- thou hast chosen, ^

lee, why stand ye gazing up to heav- 25 That he may take part of this
en'! this same Jesus who is taken ministry and apostleship, from which
from you into heaven, will so come Judas by transgression fell, that he
in Uke manner as ye have seen him go might go to his own place.
into heaven. 26 And they gave forth their lots
12 Then they returned to Jerusa- and the lot fell upon Matthias; and
lem, from the mount called Olivet, he was numbered with the eleven
which is from Jerusalem a sabbath apostles.
day's journey.
13 And when they had come in, CHAPTER IL
they went into an upper room, where 1 Ttie apostles fllleil with tht: Hnljr gplrll,
and speaking divers languages, are admired
abode both Peter, and James, and by some, and derided by others : Whom
John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thom- Peter disproving, and showing, that the
apostles spoke by the power of the Holy
as, Bartholomew,and Matthew, James
Spirit, that Jesus bad risen from the dead,
the son of Alpheus, and Simon Zelo- ascended Into heaven, had poured down
tes, and Judas the brother of James. the same Holy Spirit, and was the Messiah,
14 'These all continued vnth one a man known to theni to be approved by
God by his miracles, wonders, and slgns^
accord in prayer and suppUcation, and not cnicllied without his determinate
with the women, and Mary the moth- counsel and foreknowledge: 37 He bap:
tlzeth a great number that were converted.
er of Jesus, and with his brethren. i, who afterward devoutly and charitably
16 ^ And in those days Peter stood converse together: the apostles working
up in the midst of the disciples, and many miracles, and God dally Increasing hli
said (the number of the names to-
gether was
about a hundred and AND
when the day of Pentecost
comei they were
fully all
16 Men, brethren, This scripture with one accord in one place.
must needs have been fulfilled, which 2 And suddenly there came asound
the Holy Spirit by the month pf Da- from heaven, as of a rushing mighty
vid spoke before concerning Judas, wind, and it filled all the house where
who was guide to them that took Je- they were sitting.
sus. 3 And there appeared to them, clo-
17 For he was numbered with us, ven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon
and had obtained part of this ministry. each of them.
IS Now this man (purchased a field 4 And they were all filled with the
with the reward of iniquity; and fall- Holy Spirit, and began to speak in
ing headlong, he burst asunder in the other languages, as the Spirit gave
midst, and ail his bowels gushed out. them utterance.
19 And it was known to all the 5 And there were dwelling at Jeru-
dwellers at Jerusalem ; so that that salem Jews, devout men, from every
field is called in their proper tongue, nation under heaven.
Aceldama, that is to say, The field of 6 No w when this was noised abroad)
blood. the multitude came together, and were
20 For it is written in the book of confounded, because every man heard
Psalms, Let his habitation bedesolate^ them speak in his own language.
and let no man dwell in it: and, His 7 And they were all amazed, and
bishopric let another take. m&rveled, saying one to another. Be-
21 Wherefore, of these men who hold, are not ml these who speak)
accompanied us, all (he time that the Galileans 1
7Tiree,thousa7td ACTS. amverted andbaptized
8 And how do we hear everj^man 24 Whom God hath raised up, hav
In our own language, wherein we ing loosed the pains of death because :

Were born 1 itwas not possible that he should be

9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elam- held by it.
ites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, 25 For David speaketh comcerning
and in Judea, and Cappadocia, in him, I saw the Lord always before
Pontus, and Asia, my face, for he is on my right hand,
10 Phrygia, and ' Pamphylia, in that I should not be moved
Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about 26 Therefore did my heart rejoice,
Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and my tongue was glad; moreover
and Proselytes. also, my flesh shall rest in hope
11 CreteS and Arabians we hear 27 Becatise thou wilt not leave my
hem speak in
out languages the won- soul in the grave, neither wilt thoi»
Jlerful works of God. suffer thy Holy One tO' see corrup-
12 And they were all amazed, and tion:
were in doubt, saying one to another, 28 Thou hast made known to me
What meaneth this'! the ways of life ; thou wilt make me
13 Others mocking, These
full of joy with thy countenance.
men are full of new wine. 29 Men, brethren, let me freely-
14 IT But Peter standing up with' speak to you concerning the patriarch
the eleven, lifted up his voice, and David, tha't be is both dead and buri-
said to them. Ye men of Judea, and ed, and his sepulcher is with us to
all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this this day.
known to you, and hearken to ray 30 Therefore 'being a prophet, and
words knowing that God had sworn to him
15 For these are not drunken, as with an oath, that from the fruit of
ye suppose, seeing it is but the third his loins, according to the flesh, he
hour of the day. would raise up Christ to sit on his
16 But this IS that which was spo- throne;
ken by the prophet Joel, 31 He seeing this before, spoke of
17 And it shall come to pass in the the resurrection of Christ, that his
last days, saith God, I will pour out soul was not left in hell, neither did
of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your his flesh see corruption.
sons and your daughters shall proph- 32 This Jesus hath God raised up,
esy, and your young men shall see of which we all are witnesses.
visions, and your old men shall dream 33 Therefore being by the right
dreams hand of God exalted, and having re-
18 And on my servants, and on my ceived from the Faither the promise of
hand-maidens, I will, in those days, the Holy Spirit, he hath shed forth
pour out of my Spirit and they shall this, which ye now see and hear.

prophesy 34 For David did not ascend into

19 And I will show wonders in the heavens, but he saith himself. The
heaven above, and signs on the earth LoBD said to my Lord, Sit thou on
beneath blood, and fire, and vapor of
; my
right hand,
snaoke. 35 Until I make thy foes thy foot-

20 The sun shall be turned into stool.
darkness, and the moon into blood, 36 Therefore let all the house of Is-
before that great and notable day of rael know assuredly, that God hath
the Lord come. made that same Jesus whom ye have
21 And it shall come to pass, that crucified, both Lord and Christ.
whoever shall call on the name of the 37 IT Now when they heard thisf
Lord, shall be saved. they were pricked in Iheir heart, and
22 Ye men of Israel, hear these said to Peter and to the rest of the
words J Jesus of Nazareth, a man ap- apostles. Men, brethren, what shall
proved by God among you by mira- we do"
cles and wonders and signs, which 38 Then Peter said to them, Repent,
God did by him in the midst of you, and be baptized every one of you in
as ye yourselves also know the name of Jesus Christ, for the re-
23 Him, being delivered by the de- mission of sins, and ye shall receive
terminate counsel and foreicnowledge the gift of the Holy Spirit.
of God, ye have taken, and by wicked 39 For the promise is to you, and
hands have crucified and slam to your children, and to all that are
Liamt man healed. CHAPTER III. Peter's exhortation.
afar even as many aa the Lord our give thee
off, : in the name
of Jesus Christ
God shall call. of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
40 And with many other words did 7 And he took him by the right
he testify and exhort, saying. Save hand, and lifted him up and imme- :

yourselves from this perverse genera- diately his feet and ankle bones re-
tion. ceived strength.
41 f Then they that gladly received 8 And he leaping up stood, and
his word, were baptized : and the same walked, and entered with them intq
day there were added to than about the temple, walking, and leaping, and
three thousand souls. praising God.
42 And they continued steadfastly 9 And all the people saw him walk',
in the apostles' doctrine and felloiy- ing and praising God
ahip, and in breaking of bread, and in 10 And they knew that it was h9
prayers. who sat for alms at the Beautiful gate
43 And fear came upon every soul: of the temple and they were filled

and many wonders and signs were with wonder and amazement at that
done by the apostles. which had happened to him.
44 And all that believed were to- 11 And as the lame man who was
gether, and had all things common healed held Peter and John, all the
45 And sold their possessions and people ran together to them in the
goods, and parted them to all men, as porch that is called Solomon's, great-
every man had need. ly wondering.
46 And they, continuing daily with 12 IT Ana when Peter saw it, he
one accord in the temple, and break- answered to the people. Ye men of
ing bread from house to house, ate Israel, why marvel ye at this'? or
their food with gladness and single- why look ye so earnestly on us, as
ness of heart, though by our own power or holiness
47 Praising God, and having favor we had made this man to walk?
with all the people. And the Lord 13 The God of Abraham, and of
added to the church daily such as Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our
should be saved. fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus
whom ye delivered up, and denied him
t Peter prea^belh to the people that came to in the presence of Pilate, when he was
see a lame man restored to his feet, 12 and determined to let him go.
professeth the cure not to have been
14 But ye denied the Holy One, and
wrought by his or John's own power, or
holiness, but by God, and his Son Jesus, the Just, and desired a murderer to be
and through faith In his name 13 and rep-
granted to you,
rehending them for crucifying Jesus : 17
bec^se they did it through ignotance, and 15 And Killed the Prince of life,
that uiereby were fulfilled God's determin- whom God hath raised from the dead
ate counsel, and the scriptures, 19 he ex- of which we are witnesses.
borteth them by repentance and IMth to
seek remission of their sins, and salvation 16 And his name, through faith in
In the same Jesus. his name, hath made this man strong,
NOW Peter and John went up to-
gether into the temple, at the
whom ye see and know yes, the
faith which is

by him, hath given him

hour of prayer, being the ninth this perfect soundness in the presence
hour. of you all.
2 And a certain man lame from his 17 And now, brethren, I know that
mother's womb was carried, whom through ignorance ye did it, as did
they laid daily at the gate of the tem- also your rulers.
ple which is called Beautiful, to ask 13 But those things which God be-
alms of them that entered into the fore had shown by the mouth of all
temple. his prophets, that Chrisi should su^r,
3 Who, seeing Peter and John about he hath so fiilfilled.
to go into the temple, asked an 19 IT Repent ye therefore, and be
alms. converted, that your sins may be blot-
4 And Peter fastening his eyes upon ted out, when the times of re&eshing
him with John, said, Look on us. shall come from the presence of the
5 And he gave heed to them, ex- Lord,
pecting to receive something from 20 And he will send Jesus Christ,
them. who before was preached to you :

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold 21 Whom the heaven must receive,
have X none; but such as I have I until the times of restitution of all
n* 125
T^e Tultrs offmdtd ACTS. with Peter's sermon.
things^ which God hath spoken by er, or by what name have ye done
the mouth of all his holy prophets, this 7
since the world began. 8 Then Peter, filled wilh the Holy
22 For Moses truly said to the fa- Spirit, said to them. Ye rulers of tha
thers, A
Prophet will the Lord your people, and elders of Israel,
God raise up to you, of your brethren, 9 If we this day are examined con-
like me ; hun shall ye hear in all cerning the good deed done to the im-
things, whatever he shall say to potent man, by what means he is
you. made sound
23 And it shall come to pass, that 10 Be it known to you all, and to
every soul who will not hear that allthe people of Israel, that by the
Prophet, shall be destroyed from name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
amoilg the people. whom ye crucified, whom God raised
24 And all the prophets also from from the dead, eeen by him doth this
Samuel, and those that follow, as man stand here before you sound.
many as have spoken, have likewise U
This is the stone which was set
foretold these days. at naught by you builders, which is
25 Ye are the children of the proph- become the head of the corner.
ets, and of the covenant which God 12 Neither there salvation in any
made with our fathers, saying to other for there is no other name un-

Abraham, And in thy seed shall all der heaven given among men, by
the kindreds of the earth be blessed. which we must be saved.
26 To you first, God haying raised 13 IF Now when they saw the bold-
pp his Son Jesus, sent him to bless ness of Peter and John, and perceived
you, in turning away everyone of you that they were unlearned and igno-
from his iniquities. rant men, they marveled and they ;

took knowledge of them, that they

had been with Jesus.
1 The rulers of the Jews offended with Pe-
ter's sermon, i (though thousands of the 14 And beholding the man who
people were converted that heard the word) was healed standing with them, they
imprison him and John. 5 Upon examina-
tion, Peter boldly avouching the lame man could say nothing against it. ,.

to be healed by the name of Jesus, and that 15 But when they had commanded
by the same Jesus only we must be eter- them to withdraw from the coimcil,
nally saved, 13 they command him and John
to preach no more in that name, adding also they conferred among themselves,
threatening. 23 Upon which the church 16 Saying, What shall we do to
resort to prayer 31 And God, bv moving
these men 7 for that indeed a notable
the place where they were assembled, tes-
tiHeth that he heard their prayer, coniirm- miracle hath been done by them is
ing the church with the gift of the Holy manifest to all them that dwell in Je-
Spirit, and with mutual love and charity.
rusalem, and we cannot deny it.
AND as they were speaking
people, the priests,
to the
the cap-
17 But that it may spread no fin:-
ther among the people, let us strictly
tain of the temple, and the Sadducees threaten them, that they speak hence-
came upon them, forth to no man in this name.
2 Being grieved that they taught 18 And they called them, and com-
the people, and preached through Je- manded them not to speak at all, nor
sus the resurrection from the dead. teach in the name of Jesus.
3 And they laid hands on them, 19 But Peter and John answered
knd put them in custody to the next and said to them. Whether it is right
day for it was now evening.
: in the sight of God to hearken to you
4 But many of them who heard the rather than to God, judge ye.
word, believed and the number of
; 20 For we cannot but speak the
the men was about five thousand. things which we have seen and heard.
5 IT And it came to pass on the 21 So when they had further threat-

morrow, that their rulers, and elders, ened them, they let them go, finding
and scribes, nothing how they might punish them,
6 And Annas the high priest, and because of the people: for all men, glo-
Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, rified God for that which was done.
and as many as were of the kindred 22 For the man was above forty
of the high priest, were assembled at years old on whom this miracle of
Jerusalem. healing was performed.
7 And when they had set them in 23 TF And being dismissed, they
the midst, they asked, By what pow- went to their own company, and re-
Vhity of the Church. CH APTKR V. Ananias and Sapphira's death.
ported nil that the chief priests and el- CHAPTER V.
ders had said to them. I After Ananias and Sapphlra his wife, for
their hypocrisy, at Peter's rebuke, had
24 And when they heard that, they fallen down dead, 12 and lUe rest uf the
lifted up their voice to God with one apostles had wrought many miracles 14 ;

accord, and said, Lord, (hou art God, to Ihe Increase of the Iklth 17 The apos-

tles are again Imprisoned, 19 but deliver*

who hast made heaven, and earth, ed by an angel, bidding them to preach
and the sea, and all that is in them openly to all ai When, after their teach-

25 Who, by the mouth of thy ser- ing accordingly In the temple, 29 and be-
fore the council, 33 they are in danger to
yant David hast said, Why did the be killed through the advice uf Gamaliel,

heathen rage, and the people imagine a great counselor among the Jews, they are
vain things 1 kept alive, 40 and are beaten for which ;

they gloriiy God, and cease no day txom

26 The kings of the earth stood up, preaching,
and the rulers were assembled against
the Lord, and against his Christ.
BUT a certain
man named Ana-
with Sapphira his wife, sold
27 For in truth against thy holy a possession.
child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, 2 And kept back part of the price,
both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with (his wife also being privy to it) and
the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, Drought a certain part, and laid it at
were assembled, the apostles' feet.
28 To do whatever thy hand and 3 But Peter said, Ananias, Why
thy counsel determined before to be hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to
done. the Holy Spirit, and to keep back;iar<
29 And now, Lord, behold their of the price of the land 1
threatenings and grant to thy ser-
: 4 While it remained, was it not thy
vants, that with all boldness they may own 1 and after it was sold, was it
speak thy word, not in thy own power 1 why hast thou
30 By stretching forth thy hand to conceived this thing in thy heart 1 '

heal ; and that signs and wonders thou hast not lied to men, but to God.
may be done by the name of thy holy 5 And Ananias hearing these words,
child Jesus. fell down, and exphredT And great
31 IT And when they had prayed, fear came on all them that heard these
the place was shaken where they things.
were assembled; and they were all 6 And 'the young men arose, wound
filled with the Holy Spirit, and they him up, and carried him out, and
spokie the word of God with boldness. buried him.
32 And the multitude of them that 7 And it was about the space of
believed were of one heart, and of one three hours hours after, when his
soul : neither said any of than that wife, not knowing what was done,
aught of the things wnicn he posses- came in.
sed was his own; but they had all And Peter answered to her, Tell
things common. me whether ye sold the land for so
33 And with great power the apos- much 7 And she said. Yes, for so
tles gave testimony of the resurrection much.
of the Lord Jesus : and great grace 9 Then Peter said to her. is it How
was upon them all. that ye have agreed together to tempt
34 Neither was there any among the Spirit of the Lord? behold the
them that was in want for as many : feet of them who have buried thy hus-
as were possessors of lands or houses band are at the door, and shall carry
sold them, and brought the prices of thee out.
the things that were sold, 10 Tlien she fell down immediately
35 And laid them down at the at his feet, and expired. And the
apostles' feet: and distribtition was young men came in, and found her
made to every man according as he dead, and carryins her forth, buried
had need. her by her husband.
36 And Joses, who by the apostles 11 And great fear came upon all the
was sumamed Barnabas, (which is, church, and upon as many as heard
being interpreted. The son of consola- these things.
tion,) a Levite, and of the country of 12 IT And by the hands of the apos-
Cyprus, tles were many signs and wonders
37 Having land, sold «, and brought wroughtamong the people; (and they
the money, and laid it at the apostles' were all with one accord in Solomon's
feet. porch.
Apostles imprisoned. ACTS. Gamaliel's counsel-
13 And of the rest durst no man mand you, that ye should not teach
join himself to them but the people: in this namel and behold, ye have
ntagnified them. filled Jerusalem with your doctrine,
14 And believers were the more and intend to bring this man's blood
added to' the Lord, multitudes both of upon us.
men and women.) 29 IT Then Peter and the other apos-
16 So that they brought forth the tlesanswered and said, We ought to
sick into the streets, and laid them on obey God rather than men.
beds and couches, that at the least 30 The God of our fathers raised
the shadow of Peter passing by might up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged
overshadow some of them. on a tree
16 There came also a multitude out 31 Him hath God exalted with his
of the cities around to Jerusalem, right hand to&ea Prince and a Savior,
bringing sick persons, and them who to give repentance to Israel, and for-
were afflicted with unclean spirits giveness of sins.
and they were healed every one. 32 And we are his witnesses of
17 IT Thenthe high priest rose up, these things ; and sa is also the Holy
and all them that were with himj Spirit, whom God hath given to them
(which is the sect of the Sadducees) that obey him.
and were filled with indignation, 33 TT When they heard that, they
18 And laid their hands on the were cut to the heart, and took coun-
apostles, and put them in the common sel to slay them.
prison. 34 Then stood up one in the coun-
19 But the angel of the Lord by cil, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a
night opened the priaon-doors, and doctor of the law, had in reputation
brought them forth, and said, among all the people, and command-
20 Go, stand and speak in the tem- ed to put the apostles forth a little
ple to the people all the words of this time.
life. 35 And said to them, Ye men of Is-
21 And when they heard that, they rael, take heed to yourselves what ye
entered into the temple early in the intend to do concerning these men :

morning, and taught. But the Ijigh 36 For before these days rose Theu-
priest came, and they that Were with das, boasting himself to be somebody;
him, and called the council together, to whom a number of men, about four
and all the senate of the children of hundred, joined themselves who was :

Israel, and sent to the prison to have slain; and all, as many as obeyed
them brought. him, were scattered, ana brought to
22 But when the officers came, and naught.
found them not in the prison, they 37 After this man rose Judas of
returned, and told, Galilee, in the days of the taxing, and
23 Saying, The prison truly we drew away many people after him
found shut with all safety, and the he also perished; and all, even as
keepers standing without before the many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
doors: but when we had opened, we 3S And now I say to you. Refrain
found no man v^thin. from these men, and let them alone
24 Now when the high priest, and for if this counsel or this work is from
the captain of the temple, and the men, it will come
to naught
chief priests heard these things, they 39 But from God, ye cannot
if it is
doubted of them to what this would overthrow it lest haply ye be found

grow. even to fight against God.

25 Then came one and told them, 40 And to him they assented and :

saying. Behold, the men whom ye put when they had called the apostles,
in prison are standing in the temple, and beaten them., they commanded
and teaching the people. that they should not speak in the
26 Then went the captain with the name of Jesus, and let them go.
officers, and brought them without 41 IT And they departed from thp
violence for they feared the, people,
: presence of the council, rejoicing that
lest they should be stoned. they were counted worthy to suffer
27 And when they had brought shame for his name.
them, thev set them before the coun- 42 And daily in the temple, and in
cil : and the high priest asked them, every house, they ceased not to teach
23 Saying, Did we not strictly com- and preach Jesus Christ.
Seiien. deacons chosen. CHAPTER VII. St^hen accused.
CHAPTER VI. 13 And set up false witnesses, who
1 The apostles desirous to have the poor re- said. This man ceaseth not to speak
garded for their tiQdily sustenance, as also blasphemous words against this noly
»ref\il themselves to dispense the woid of
God, the tooi of the snul, a appoint the of- place, and the law
fice of deaconship to seven chosen men 5 : 14 For we have heard him say,
of whom Stephen, a man tall of l^lth, and that this Jesus of Nazareth will de-
of the Holy Spirit, is one IS who is taken

by those whom he confounded in disputing, stroy this place, and will change the
13 and falsely accused of blasphemy against customs which Moses deliveredto us.
the law and temple.
16 And all that sat in the council,
AND those
ber of
in days, when the num- looking steadfastly on him, saw his
the disciples was multi- face as it had been the face of an
plied^ there arose a murmuring of the angel.
Grecians against the Hebrews, be- VII. CHAPTER
cause their widows were neglected in
1 Stephen permitted to answer to the .accusa-
the daily ministration. tion of blasphemy, 2 slioweth that Abraliam
2 Then the twelve called the mul- worshiped God rightly, and how God chose
the fathers, so before Moses was born, and
titude of the disciples, and said. It is
before the tabernacle and temple were
not reason that we should leave the built 37 that Moses himself testified con-

word of God, and serve tables. cerning Christ: 44 and that all outward
ceremonies were ordained according to the
3 Wherefore, brethren, look ye out heavenly pattern to last but for a time 61 :

among you seven men of honest re- reprehending their rebellion, and murdeT.
port, full of the Holy Spirit and wis- ing of Christ, the Just One, whom the
prophets foretold should come into the
dom, whom we may appoint over this world 54 upon which they stone him to

business. death He commendeth his soul to Jesus,


4 But we will gjve ourselves con- and humbly prayeth for them.
tinually to prayer, and to the ministry THEN
said the high priest, Are
these things so 1
of the word.
5 V And the saying pleased the 2 And he saQ, Men, brethren, and
whole multitude: and they chose fathers, hearken ; The God of glory
Stephen, a man full of faith and of appeared to our father Abraham when
the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Pro- he was in Mesopotamia, before he
chorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and dwelt in Charran,
Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of 3 And said to him, Depart from thy
Antioch coimtry, and from thy Kindred, and
6 Whom they set before the apos- come into the land which I shall show
tles : and when they had prayed, they thee.
laid their hands on them. 4 Then he came from the land of
7 And the word of' God increased the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran.
and the number of the disciples mul- And from thence, when his father
tiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a was dead, he removed into this land
great company of the priests were in which ye now dwell.
obedient to the faith. , S And he gave him no inheritance
8 And Stephen, full of faith and m
it, no not so much as to set his foot

power, performed great wonders and on : yet he promised that he would

miracles among the people. give It to him for a possession, and to
9 IT Then there arose certain of the his offspring after him, when as yet he
synagogue, which is called the synor- had no child.
gogue of the Libertines, and Cyreni- 6 And God spoke on this wise.
ans, and Alexandrians, and of them That his offspring should sojourn in
of Cilicia, and of Asia, disputing with a foreign land ; and that they should
Stephen. bring them into bondage, and treat
10 And they were not able to resist tliMn ill four hundred years.
the wisdom and the spirit by which 7 And the nation to whom they
he spoke. shall be in bondage will I judge, said
11 Then they suborned men, who rGod : and after that they shaU come
said, We have heard him speak blas- forth, and serve me in this place.
phemous word against Moses, and 8 And he gave them the covenant
against God. of circumcision. And so Abraham,
12 And they up the people,
stirred begat Isaac, and circumcised him the
and the elders, and the scribes, and eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob,
came upon him, and oaug;ht him, and and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs
brought him to the council, 9 And the patriarchs, moved with
Stephen citetk ACTS. IsraeVs history _
envy, sold Joseph into Egypt but : are brethren r why do ye wrong one
God was with him, to another's
10 And delivered him from all his 27 But he that did his neighbor
afflictions, and gave him favor and wrong, thrust him away, saying. Who
•wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king made thee aruler anda judge overus7
of Egypt ; and he made him governor 28 Wilt thou kill me, as thou didst
over Egypt, and all his house. the Egyptian yesterday?
11 Now there came a dearth over 29 Then Moses fled at this saying,
all the 'land of Egypt and Canaan, and was a stranger in the land of Ma-
and great affliction and our fathers
; dian, where he begat two sons.
founano sustenance.
30 And when forty years had ex-
12 But when Jacob heard that pired, there appeared to him in the
there was corn in Egypt, he sent out wilderness of mount Sina, an angel
our fathers first. of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush.
13 And at the second time Joseph 31 When Moses saw it, he won-
was made known to his brethren: dered at the sight) and as he drew
and Joseph's kindred was made near to behold it, the voice of the
known to Pharaoh. Lord came to him,
14 Then Joseph sent, and called 32 Saijing, I am the God of thy
his father Jacob to him, and all his fathers, the God of Abraham, and the
kindred, seventy five souls. God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
IB So Jacob went down into Egypt, Then Moses trembled, and durst not
and died, he, and our fathers, behold.
16 And were carried over intp Sy- 33 Then said the Lord to him. Put
chem, and laid in the sepulcher that off thy shoes from thy feet : for the
Abraham bought for a sum of jnoney place where thou standest is holy
of the sons of Emmor the father of ground.
Sychem. 34 I have seen, I have seen the af-
17 But when the time of the prom- fliction of my people who are in
ise drew nigh, which Gtod' had sworn Egypt, and I have heard their groan-
to Abraham, the people grew and ing, and am come down to deliver
multiplied in Egypt, them. And now come, I will send
18 Till'another king arose, who thee into Egypt.
knew not Joseph. 35 This Moses, whom they refused,
19 The same dealt subtilly with our saying. Who made thee a ruler and a
kindred, and ill-treated our lathers, so judge ? the same did God send to be a
that they cast out their young chil- ruler and a deliverer by the hand of
dren, to the end they might not live. the angel who appearedto him in the
20 In which time Moses was born, bush.
and was exceedmg fair, and nourished 36 He brought them out, after he
in his father's house three months had showed wonders and signs in the
21 And when he was cast out, Pha» land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and
laoh's daughter took him up, and in the wilderness forty years.
nourished him for her own son. 37 IT This is that Moses, who said
22 And Moses was learned in all to the children of Israel, prophet A
the wisdom of the Egyptians, and will the Lord your God raise up to
was mighty in words and in deeds. you of your brethren, like me; him
23 Andwhenhewasfiill forty years will ye hear.
old,it came into his heart to visit his 38 This is he, that was in the church
brethren the children of Israel. in the wilderness with the angel who
24 And seeing one of them suffer spoke to him on the mount Sma, and
wrong, he defended him-, and avenged vnth our fathers: who received the
him that was oppressed, and smote living oracles to give us
the Egyptian 39 Whom our fathers would not
25 For he supposed his brethren to obey, but thrust him, from them, and
understand that God by his hand in their hearts turned back again into
would deliver them ; but they under- Egypt,
stood not. 40 Saying to Aaron, Make us gods
26 Andthe next day he showed togo before us : for as for this Moses,
himself to them as they were contend- who brought us out of the land of
ing, and would have constrained them Egypt, we know not what is become
to be at peace again, saying, Sirs, ye ofmm.
'ITie council reprmtd. CHAPTER Vlir. St^}ienstonedt
41 And they made a calf in those 57 Then they cried out with a loud
days, and offered sacrifice to the idol, voice, and stopped their ears, and ran
and rejoiced in the works of their own upon him with one accord,
hands. 58 And cast Aim out of the city, and
42 Then Grod turned, and gave stoned him: and the witnesses laid
them up to worship the host of heav- down their clothes at a young man's
en : as It is written in the book of the feet, whose name was Saul.
prophets, O ye house of Israel, have 59 And they stoned Stephen, call-
ye offered to me slain beasts and sac- ing upon God, and saying. Lord Je-
rifices during forty years in the wil- sus, receive my spirit.
derness? 60 And he kneeled down and cried
43 Yes, ye took up the tabernacle with a loud voice. Lord, lay not this
of Moloch, and the star of your god sin to their charge. And when he had
Remphan, figures which ye made to said this, he fell asleep.
worship them and I will carry you

away beyond Babylon. CHAPTER Vni.

44 Our fathers had the tabernacle 1 By ncoision of the persecution in Jerusa-
lem, the church befng planted In Samaria,
of testimony in the wilderness, as he 5 by Philip the deacon, who preached, did
had appointed, speaking to Moses, miracles, and baptized many, among the
rest Simon the sorcerer, a great seducer of
that he should make it according to
the people 14 Peter and John come to con-

the fashion that he had seen. fiim and enlarge the church ; where, by
45 Which also our fathers, that prayer and imposition of hands, giving the
came after, brought in with Joshua Hnly when Simon would have
Spirit, 18
bought the like power of them, 2o Peter
into the possession of the Gientiles, sharply reproving his hypocrisy, and cov-
whom God drove out before the face etousness, and exhorting him to repent'
ance, together with John, preaching the
of our &thers, to the days of David word of the Lonl, return to Jerusalem, as
46 Who found favor before God, But the angei sendeth Philip to teach, and
and desired to find a tabernacle for baptize the Ethiopian eunuch.
the God of Jacob.
47 But Solomon built him a house.
AND Saul was consenting to -his
death. And at that time there
48 Yet, the Most High dwelleth not was a great persecution against the
in temples made with Eands, as saith church which was at Jerusalem and ;

the prophet, they were all dispersed throughout the

49 Heaven is my throne, and earth regions of Judea and Samana, except
u my footstool : What house will ye the apostles.
build for mel saith the Lord : or what 2 And devout men carried Stephen
is the place of my resf! to hie burial, and made great lamen-
50 Hath not my band made all tation over him.
these things 1 3 As for Saul, he made havoc of
61 ir Ye stiff-necked, and uncir- the church, entering into every house,
cumcised in heart and ears, ye do al- and hauling men and women com-
ways resist the Holy Spirit : as your mitted thtm to prison.
fathers did, so do ye. 4 Therefore they that were dispers-
52 Which of the prophets have not ed went every where preaching the
your fathers persecuted? and they word.
have slain them who showed before 5 Then Phil^) went down to the
of the coming of the Just One; of city of Samaria, and preached Christ
whom ye have been now the betray- to themi
ers and murderers 6 And the people with one accord
53 Who have received the law by gave heed io those things which Philip
the disposition of angels, and have spoke, hearing and seeing the mira-
not kept it. cles which he performed.
54 V When they heard these things, 7 For unclean spirits, crying with
they were cut to the heart, and they loud voice, came out of many that
gnashed on. him with thdr teeth. were possessed ; and many taken
65 But he, being full of the Holy with palsies, and that were lame,
Spirit, looked up steadfastly int/i heav- were healed.
en, and saw the glory of God, and Je- 8 And there was great joy in that
sus standing on the right hand of God, city.
56 And said, Behol^ I see the heav- 9 But there was a certain man call-
ens opened, and the Son of man ed Simon, who before in the same
standing on the right hand of God. city used aoieery, and bewitched the
Simon the sorcerer. ACTS. Philip and the eunuch.

people of Samaria, giving out that to Philip, saying, Arise, and go to-
himself was some great one ward the south, to the way that go-
10 To whom they all gave heed, eth down from Jerusalem to Gaza,
f om the least to the greatest, saying, which is desert.
This man is the great power of God. 27 And he arose, and went: and
11 And to him they had regard, be- behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch
cause that for a long time he had be- of great authority under Candace
witched them with sorceries. queen of the Ethiopians, who had the
12 But when they believed Philip, charge of all her treasure, and had
preaching the things concerning the come to Jerusalem to worshii),
kingdom of God, and the name of Je- 28 Was returning; and sitting ia
sus Christ, they were baptized both his chariot, read Isaiah the prophet.
men and women. 29 Then the Spirit said to PMlip,
13 Then Simon himself believed Go near and jom thyself to this
also and when he was baptized, he
: chariot.
continued with Philip, and wondered, 30 And Philip ran thither to Aim,
beholding the miracles and signs anjd heard him reading the prophet
which were done. and said,
Isaiah, Understandest thou
14 Now when the apostles who what thou readest?
were at Jerusalem heard that Sama- 31 And he said. How can I, except
ria had received the wdrd of God, they some man should guide met And he
sent to them Peter and John he would come up,
desired Philip that
15 Who, when they had come and sit with him.
down, prayed for them that they 32 The place of the scripture which
might receive the Holy Spirit he read was this, He was led as a
16 (For as yet he had fallen upon sheep to the slaughter and like a;

none of them only they were bap-

: lamb dumb he
brfore his shearer, so
tized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) opened not his mouth :
17 Then they laid Oieir hands on 33 In his humiliation his judgment
them, and they received the Holy was taken away : and who shall de-
Spirit. clare his generation? for his life is
18 And when Simon saw that taken from the earth.
through laying on of the apostles' 34 And
the eunuch answered Phil-
hands the Holy Spirit was given, he ip, and 'Said, I pray thee, of whom
offered them money, speaketh the prophet thist of himself,
19 Saying, Give me also this power, or of some other man 7
that on whomsoever I lay hands, he 35 Then Philip opened his mouthv
may receive the Holy Spirit. and began at the same scripture, and
20 But Peter said to him. Thy preached to him Jesus.
money perish with thee, because thou 36 And as they went on their way,
hast thought that the gift of God may they came to a certain water : and
be purchased with money; the eunuch said. See, ftej-e is water
21 Thou hast neither part nor lot what doth hinder me to be baptized 7
in this matter for thy heart is not
: 37 And Philip said, If thon believest
right in the sight of God. with all thy heart, thou mayest. And
22 Repent therefore of this thy he answered and said, I believe that
wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
the thought of thy heart may be for- 38 And he commanded the chariot
given thee. to stand still and they
: both went
23 For I perceive that thou art in down into the water, both Philip and
the gall of bitterness, and in the bond the eunuch j and he baptized him.
of iniquity. 39 And when they had come up
24 Then answered Simon, and said, out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord
Pray y« to the Lord for me, that none caught away Philip, that the eunuch
of these things which ye have spoken saw him no more : and he went on
come upon me. his way r^picing.
25 And they, when they had testi- 40 But Philip was found at Azotus
fied and pteached the word of the and passing' through, he preached in
Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and all the cities, till he came to Cesarea.
preached the gospel in many Villages CHAPTER IX.
of the Samaritans. 1 Saul going towaid Oamaficus, 4 is strubic
26 And the angel of the Lord spoke down to the earth, 10 is called to the aposi-
SauVs conversion. CHAPTER IX. He •preachetK Christ.

tleshlp, 18 and is haptlz&d by Ananias : so for he a chosen vessel to

is to bear m^
He pteacheth Christ boldly.
lay wait to km him;
23 The J^ws
29 so do the Grecians;
my name before the Gentiles, and
but he escapeth both. 31 The church havinj?
kings, and the children of Israel.
rest, Peter healeth Eneas of the palsy, 36 16 For I will show him how great
and restoreth Tabitha to life. things he must suffer for my name's
AND yet breathing
enings and slaughter
out threat-
against the
17 And Ananias went, and entered
disciples of the Lord, went to the high into the house and putting his hands

prilsst, on him, said. Brother Saul, the Lord,'

2 And desired from him letters to (ei'en' Jesus that appeared to thee in
Damascus to the synagogues, that if the way as thou earnest) hath sent
he should find any of this way, wheth- me, that thou mayest receive thy
er they were men or women, he might sight, and be filled with the Holy
bring them bound to Jerusalem. Spirit.
3 And as he journeyed, he came 18 And immediately there fell from
near Damascus and suddenly there
: his eyes, as it had been scales : and
shined around him a light from heav- he received sight forthwith, and arose,
en: and was baptized.
4 And he fell to the earth, and heard 19 And when he had received food,
a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, he was strengthened. Then was Saul'
why persecutest thou me 7 certain days with the disciples who
5 And he said, W ho art thou. Lord 1 were at Damascus.
And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom 20 And immediately he preached
thou persecutest. It is hard for thee Christ in the synagogues, that he is
to kick against the goads. the Son of God.
6 And he trembling and astonished 21 But all that heard him were
said. Lord, what wilt thou have me to amazed, and said. Is not this he that
dol And the Lord said to him. Arise, destroyed them who called on this
and go into the city, and it shall be name in Jerusalem, and came hither
told thee what thou must do. for that intent, that he might* bring
7 And the men who journeyed with them bound to the chief priests 1
him stood speechless, hearing a voice, 22 But Saul increased the more in
but seeing no man. stitength, and confounded the Jews
8 And Saul arose from the earth who dwelt at Damascus, proving that
and when his eyes were opened, he this is very Christ, '

saw no man but they led him by

: 23 IT And after many dayd were
the hand, and brought him into Da- fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill
mascus. him. ,

9 And he was three days without 24 But their laying in wait, was
sight, and neither ate nor draiik. known to Saul. Aiid they watched
10 V And there was a certain disci- the gates day and night to kilt him.
ple at Damascus, named Ananias 25 Then the disciples took him by
and to him said the Lord in a vision, night, and let him down by the wall
Ananias. And he said. Behold, I am in a basket. '

here, Lord. 26 V And when Saul had come to

tl And
the Lord saui to him, Arise, Jerusalem, he essaved to join himself
and go into the street which is called to the disciples out they were all

Straight, and inquire in the house of afraid of him, and believed hot that he
Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus was a disciple.
for behold, he prayeth, : 27 But Barnabas took him, and
12 And hatb' seen in a vision a man brdught him to the apostles, and de-
named Ananias, coming in, and put- iclaM to them how he had seen the
ting his hand on him, that he might Xord in the way, and that he had
receive his sight. spbken to him, and how he Had preach-
13 Then Ananias answered. Lord,, ed boldly at Damascus in the name o(
I have heard by many of this man, Jesus.
how much evil he hath done to thy 28 And he. was with them coming
saints tit Jerusalem : in' and going out at Jerusalem^

14 And here tie hath authority from 29 And he spoke boldly in th^hatne
the chief priests, to biiid all that call of the Lord Jesus, arid^ispiited against
(Ml thy name. the Grecians : but they went about to'
IS Bat the Lord said to him, Go, slay him.
12 133
TaKffiA raised. ACTS. Peter's vision.

30 Which when t e brethren knew, by a vision, 20 is taught not to despise

the Gentiles. As he preacheth Christ to
they brought him down to Cesarea, Cornelius and his company, 44 the Holy
and sent him forth to Tarsus. Spirit falleth on them, 48 and they are bap-
31 Then had the churches rest
throughout all Judea, and Galilee, and THERE was a certain man in Ce-
Samaria, and were edified and walk- :
sarea, called Cornelius, a centu-
ing in the fear of the Lord, and in the rion of the band called the Italian
Comfort of the Holy Spirit, were mul- band,
tiplied. 2 A devout man, and one that fear-
32 IT And it came to pass, as Peter ed God with all his house, who gave
passed tht'oughout all quarters, he much alms to the people, and prayed
came down also to the saints who, to God always.
dwelt at Lydda. 3 He saw in a vision evidently,"
33 And there he found a certain about the ninth hour of the day, an
man named Eneas, who had kept his angel of God coming in to him, and
bed eight years, and was sick with the saying to liim, CornSius.
palsy. 4 And when he looked on him, he
34 And Peter said to him, Eneas, was afraid, and said. What is it. Lord?
Jesus Christ healeth thee arise, and :
And he said to him. Thy prayers and
make thy bed. And he arose imme- thy alms are come up for a memorial
diately. before God.
35 And all that dwelt at Lydda and 5 And now send men to Joppa, and
Saron saw him,and turned to the Lord. call for one Simon, whose surname is
36 IT Now there was at Joppa a Peter
certain disciple named Tabilha, who 6 He lodgeth with one Simon a
by interpretation is called Dorcas tanner, whose bouse is by the sea-
this woman was full of good works side : he will tell thee what thouought-
and alms-deeds which she did. est to do.
37 And it came to pass in those 7 And when the angel who spoke
days, that she was sick, and ,died: to Cornelius had departed, he called
whom, when they had washed, they two of his household servants, and a
laid inan upper chamber. devout soldier of them that waited on
And as Lydda was nigh to Jop-
38 him continually j

pa, and the disciples had heard that 8 And when he had declared all
Peter was there, mey sent to him two these things to them, he sent them to
men, desiring hitn that he would not Joppa.
delay to come to them. 9 IT On the morrow, as they were
39 Then Peter arose, and went going on their journey, and drew nigh
with them, When he had come, they to the city, Peter went up upon the
brought him into the upper cham- house-top to pray, about the sixth
ber: aiid all the widows stood by hour:
him weeping, and showing the coats 10 And he became very hungry,
and garments which Dorcas made, and would have eaten but while they

while she was with them. made ready, he fell into a trance,
40 But Peter put them all forth, and 11 And saw heaven opened, and a
kneeled down, and prayed ; and turn- certain vessel descending to hiin, as it
ing to the body, said, Tabitha, arise. had been a great sheet knit at the four
And she opened her eyes and when :
corners, and let down to the earth
she saw Peter, she sat up. 12 In which were all manner of
41 And he gave her his hand, and four-footed beasts of the earth, and
lifted her up ; and when he had called wild beasts, and creeping animals,
the samts and widows, presented her and fowls qf the air.
alive. 13 And there came a voice to him,
42 And it was known throughout Rise, Peter kill, and eat.

all Joppa : and many believed in the 14 But Peter said. Not so, Lord
Lord. for I have never eaten any thingthat
43 And it came to pass, thathe tar- is common or unclean.
ried many days in Joppa with one Si- 15 And the yoiee sjmke to him again
mon a tanner. the second time. What God hath
cleansed, that call not thou common.
CHAPTER X. 16 This was done thrice: and the
1 Cornelius, a devout man, 5 being command-
ed by an angel, sendeth for Peter.: 11 who vessel was received again into heaven.
Pettir preachetk CHAPTER X. to Cornelius.

17 Now while Peter doubted in 32 Send therefore to Joppa, and call

idmself what this vision which he had hither Simon, whose surname is Pe-
seen should mean, behold, the men ter i he lodgeth in the house of one
who were sent from Cornelius had Simon a tanner, by the sea-aide:

made inquiry for Simon's house, and who, when he cometh, will speak to
were standing before the gate, thee.
18 And called, and asEed whether 33 Immediately the^refore I sent to
Simon, who was surnamed Peter, thee; and thou hast well done that
lodged there. thou hast come. Now therefore we
19 IT While Peter thought on the are all here present before God, to
Vision, the Spirit said to him. Behold, hear all things that are commanded
three men seek thee. thee from God.
20 Arise therefore, and go down, 34 IT Then Peter opened his mouth,
and go with them, doubting nothing; and said. In truth I perceive that God
for I nave sent them. is no respecter of persons
21 Then Peter went down to the 35 But in every nation he that fear-
men who were sent to him from Cor- eth him, and worketh righteousness,
nelius; and said, Behold, I am he is accepted with him.
whom ye seek what is the cause for
: 36 The word which God sent to the
which ye have come? children of Israel, preaching peace by
22 And they said, Cornelius the Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all :)

centurion, a just man, and one that 37 That word, 7 say, ye know,
fetireth God, and of good report among which was published throughout all
all the nation of the Jews, was warn- Judea, and began from Galilee, after
ed from God by a holy angel to send the baptism which John preached
for thee into his house, and to hear 38 That God anointed Jesus of
words from thee. Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and
23 Then he called them in, and with power who went about doing

lodged them. And on the morrow good, and healing all that were op-
Peter went with them, and certain pressed iby the devil j for God was
brethren from Joppa accompanied with him.
him. 39 And we are witnesses of all
24 And on the morrow they entered things which he did, both in the land
into Cesarea. And Cornelius waited of the Jews, and in Jerusalem ; whom
for them, and had called together his they slew and hanged on a tree.
kinsmen and near friends. 40 Him God raised the third day,
25 T And as Peter was coming in, and showed him openly
Cornelius met him, and fell down at 41 Not to all the people, but to wit-
bis feet, and worshiped him. nesses chosen before by God, even to
26 But Peter took him up, saying. us, who ate and drank with him after
Stand up : I myself also am a man. he rose from the dead.
27 And as he talked with him, he 42 And he commanded us to preach
went in, and found many that had to the people, and to testify that it is
come together. he who was ordained by God to iethe
28 And he said to theili. Ye know the Judge of the living and the dead.
that it is an unlawful thing for a man 43 To him give all the prophets tes-
that is a Jew to keep company, or timony, that through his name who-
come to one of another nation ; but ever believeth in him shall receive re-
God hath shown me that I should mission of sins.
not call any man common or unclean. 44 IT While Peter was yet speaking
29 Therefore I came to you without these words, the Holy Spirit fell on
fainsaying, as soon as I was sent for ali them who heard the word.
ask tnerefore for what intent ye have 45 And they of the circumcision
sent for me 7 who believed, were astonished, as
30 And Cornelius said. Four days many as came with Peter, because
ago I was fasting until this hour ; and that on the Gentiles also was poured
at the ninth hour I prayed in my out the gift of the Holy Spirit.
house,' and behold, a man stood be- 46 For they heard them speak in
fore me in bright olothing, languages and magnify God. Then
31 And said, Cornelius, thy prayer answered Peter,
is heard, and thy alms are had in re- 47 Can any man forbid water, that
(uembrance in the sight of .God. these should not be baptized, who
Peter^s defense ACTS. on being accused.
have received the Holy Spirit as well 14 Who shall tell thee words, by
as we ? which thou and all thy house shall be
48 And be commanded them to be saved,
baptized in the name of the Lord. 15 And as I began to speak, the
Then they requested hira to tarry cer- Holy Spirit fell on them, as on us at
tain days. the beginning.
16 Then I remembered the word of

the Lord, how he said, John indeed

1 Peter being accused forgoing in to tlie Gen-
baptized with water but ye shall be
tiles, 5 malvetli his defense, 18 which is
> accepted. 19 The gospel being spread into baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Phenlce, and Cyprus, and Antioch, Barna- 17 Forasmuch then as God gave
bas is sent to confirm them. 26 The disci-
ples there are Urst called Christians. 27
them the like gift as he did to us, who
They send relief to the brethren in Judea in believed on the Lord Jesus Christ,
time of famine. what was I that I could withstand
the apostles and brethren that
in Judea, heard that the
18 When they heard these things,
Gentiles also had received the word of they held their peace, and glorified
God. God, saying, Then hath God also to
2 And when Peter had come to Je- the Gentiles granted repentance to
rusalem, they that were of the circum- life.
cision contended with him, 19 II Now they who were dispersed
3 Saying, Thou wentest in to men upon the persecutionthat arose about
uncircumcised, and didst eat wiih Stephen traveled as far as Phenice,
them. and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching
4 But Peter rehearsed the matter the word to none but to the Jews
from the beginning, and expounded it only.
by order to them, saying, 20 And some of them were men of
5 I was in the city of Joppa pray- Cyprus and Cyrene, who when they
ing and in a trance I saw a vision,
: had come to Antioch, spoke to the
A certain vessel, descend, as it had Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus.
been a great sheet, let down from 21 And the hand of the Lord was
heaven by four corners ; and it came with them and a great number be-

even to me lieved, and turned to the Lord.

6 Upon which when
had fastened
I 22 IT Then tidings of these things
my eyes, I considered, and saw four- came to the ears of the church which
footed beasts of the earth, and wild was in Jerusalem and they sent:

beasts, and creeping animals, and forth Barnabas, that he should go as

fbwls of the air. far as Antioch.
7 And I heard a voice saying to me, 23 Who, when he came, and had
Arise, Peter ; slay and eat. seen the grace of God, was glad, and
8 But I said. Not so. Lord for : exhorted them all that with purpose
nothing common or unclean bath at of heart they would cleave to the
any time entered into my mouth. Lord.
9 But the voice answered me again 24 For he was a good man, and
ftom heaven. What God hath cleans- fall of the Holy Spirit, and of faith
ed, that call not thou common. and many people were added to the
10 And this was done three times ; Lord.
and all were drawn up again into 25 Then Barnabas departed to Tar-
heaven. sus, to seek Saul
11 And behold, immediately there 26 And when he had found him, he
were three men already come to ,the brought him to Antioch. And it came
house where I was, sent from Cesarea to pass, that a whole year they as-
to me. sembled themselves with the churchi
12 And the Spirit bade me go with and taught many people. And the
them, nothing doubting. Moreover, disciples were first called Christians
these six brethren accompanied me, in Antioch.
and we entered into the man's house 27 And in these days came proph-
13 And he showed us how he had ets from Jerusalem to Antioch.
seen an angel in his house, who stood And there stood up one of them
and said to him, Send men to Joppa, named Agabus, and signified by the
and call for Simon, whose surname is Spirit that there would be great dearth
Peter; throughout all the wond; which
Peter imprwmed. CHAPTER XII. Berocea punishment.
came to paas in the days of Claudius certainty, that the Lord hath sent his
Cesar. angel, and hath delivered me out of
29 Then the disciples, every man the hand of Herod, and from all the
according to his ability, determined to expectation of the people of the Jews.
Bend relief to the brethen who dwelt 12 And when he had considered the
in Judea. things, he came to the house of Mary
30 Which also they did, and sent it the mother of John whose surname
to the elders by the hands of Barna- was Mark ; where many were assem-
bas and S^ul. bled, praying.

CHAPTER XII. 13 And as Peter knocked at the

door of the gate, a damsel came to
I King Heiod persecuteth tho Chlistlans,
miletb James, and Imprisaneth Peter, hearken, named Rhoda.
\rhoinan angel deliveretli upon thenrayers 14 And when she knew Peter's
of the church. SO In his pride, taking to voice, she opened not the gate for glad-
himself the honor due to God, he is scruclc
by an angel, and dieth miserably. 24 After ness, but ran in, and told that Peter
his death Uie word of God prospereth. stood before the gate.
about that time, Herod the
stretched forth his hands to
15 And they said to her, Thou art
insane. But she constantly affirmed
afflict certain of the church. that it was even so. Then they said,
2 And he killed James the brother It is his angel.
of John with the sword. 16 But Peter continued knocking.
3 And because he saw it pleased And when they had opened the door,
the Jews, he proceeded further to take and saw him, they were astonished.
Peter also. Then were the days of 17 But he beckoning to them with
unleavened bread. the hand to hold their peace, declared
4 And when he had apprehended to them how the Lord had brought
hun, he put him in prison, and deliv- him out of the prison. And he said.
ered him to four quaternions of soldiers Go, show these things to James, and
to keep him ; intending after the paaa- to the brethren. And he departed,
over to bring him forth to the people. and went into another place.
5 Peter therefore was kept in pris- 18 Now as soon as it was day, there
on but prayer was made without
: was no small stir among the soldiers,
ceasing by the church to God for him, what was become of Petesr.
6 And when Herod would have 19 And when Herod had sought fat
brought him forth, the same night Pe- him, and found him not, iie examined
ter was sleeping between two soldiers, the keepers, ^nd commanded that they
bound with two chains; and the should be put to death. And he went
keepers before the door kept the prison. down from Judea to Cesarea, and there
7 And behold, the angel of the Lord abode.
came upon him, and a ught shined in IT And Herod was highly dis-
the prison ; and he smote Peter on the pleased with them of Tyre and Sidon.
side, and raised him up, saying, Arise But they came with one accord to
quickly. And his chams fell off from him, and having made Blastus the
his hands. king's chamberlain their friend, desi-
8 And the angel said to him, Gird red peace, because their country was
thyself^ and bind on thy sandals; And nourished by the king's country,
80 he did. And he saith to him. Cast 21 And upon a set day, Herod ar-
thy garment about thee, and follow rayed in royal apparel, sat upon bis
me. throne, and made an oration to them.
9 And he went out, and followed 22 And the people gave a shout,
him, and knew not that it wa9 true saying. It is the voice of a god, and
which was done by the angel ; but not of a man,
thought he saw a vision. 23 And immediately the angel of
10 When they were past the first the Lord smote him, because he gave
and the second ward, they came to not God the glory and he was eatea

the iron gate that leadeth to the city by worms, and med.
which opened to them of its own ac- 24 IT But the word of God grew and
cord and they went out, and passed
; multiplied.
on through one street j and forthwith 25 And Barnabas and Saul return-
the angeldeparted from him, ed from Jerusalem, when they had
11 And when Peter had come to and took wifb
flilfilled thisir ijiijiistry,
himself, be said, Now I know with (hem John, wbpse surnani^ w«s Marfei
12* 137
Eflymae struck blind, ACTS, Paul preacheth at Antiock,
CHAPTER XIII. departing from them, returned to Je-
1 Paul and Barnabas are chosen to go to the rusalem.
Gentiles, 7 Of Sergius Paulus, and Ely-
mas the sorcerer. 14 Paul preacheth at
14 IT But when they departed from
Antlocb, that Jesus is Christ. 42 The Gen- Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisid-
tiles believe 45 but the Jews gainsay, and
ia, and went into the synagogue on

blaspheme 46 upon which they turn to the


Gentiles. 48 As many as were ordained to the sabbath, and sat down.
.life, believed. 15 And after the reading of the law
there were in the church that
at Antioch certain prophets
and the prophets, the rulers of the
synagogue sent to them, saying. Men,
and teachers ; as Barnabas, and Si- brethren, if ye have any word of ex-
meon was
called Niger, and Lu-
that hortation for the people, speak.
cius of Cyrene,and Manaen, who had 16 Then Paul stood up, and beck-
been brought up with Herod the te- oning with his hand, said. Men of Is-
trarch, and Saul. rael, and ye that fear God, give audi-
2 As they ministered to the Lord, ence.
and fasted, the Holy Spiiit said, Sep- 17 The God of this people Israel
arate for me Barnabas and Saul, for chose our fathers, and exalted the
the work to which I have called them. people when they dwelt as strangers
. 3 And when they had fasted and in the land of Egypt, and with a Egh
prayed, and laid their hands on them, arm he brought them out of it.
they sent them away, 18 And about the time of forty years
4 IT So they being sent forth by he suffered theu' manners in the vri-
the Holy Spirit, departed to Seleucia derness.
and from thence they sailed to Cyprus. 19 And when he had destroyed
5 And when they were at Salamis, seven nations in the land of Canaan,
they preached the word of God in he divided their land to them ty lot.
the synagogues of the Jews. And 20 And after that he gave to them
they had also John for their minister. judges, about the space of four hun-
6 And when they had gone through drea and fifty years, until Samuel the
the isle to Paphos, they foimd a cer- prophet.
tain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, 21 And afterward they desired a
whose name was Barjesus king: and God gave to them Saul
7 Who was with the deputy of the the son of Kish, a man of the tribe
country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent of Benjamin, by the space of forty
man who"^ called for Barnabas and

Saul, and desired to hear the word of 22 And when he had removed him,
God. he raised up to them David to be their
8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so king to whom also he gave testimo-

IS his name by interpretation) with- ny, and said, I have found David the
stood them, seeking to turn away the son. of Jesse, a man after my own
deputy from the faith. heart, who shall fulfill all my will.
9 Then Saul (who also is called 23 Of this man's offspring hath
Paul) filled with the Holy Spirit, set God, according to his promise, raised
his eyed on him, up to Israel a Savior, Jesus
10 And said, O full of all subtilty, 24 John having first preached, be-
and all mischief, thou child of the fore his coming, the baptism of repent-
devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, ance to all the people of Israel.
wilt thou not cease to pervert the 25 And as John fulfilled his coiu-se,
right ways of the Lord? he said, Whom think ye that I am 7
11 And now behold, the hand of I am not he. But behold, there Com-
the Lord is upon thee, and thou shall eth one after me, whose shoes of his
be blind, not seeing the sun for a sea- feet I am not worthy to loose.
son. And immediately there fell on 26 Men, brethren, children of the
him a mist and a darkness and he stock of Abraham, and whoever

went about seekmg some to lead him among you feareth God, to you is
by the hand, the word of this salvation sent.
12 Then the deputy, when he saw 27 For they that dwell at Jerusalem,
what was done, believed, being as- and their rulers, because they knew
tonished at the doctrine of the Lord. him not, nor yet the words of the
13 Now when Paul and his com- prophets which are read every sabbath,
pany loosed from Paphos, they came they have fulfilled them in condem-
to Ferga in Pamphylia. And John ning him.
Paul preadietk CHAPTER XIV. at Antiodi.
28 And tfiojigh they found no cause almost the whole city together to hear
of death tn him, yet they desired Pi- the word of God.
late that he should be put to death. 45 Butwhenthe Jews saw the mul-
29 And when they had fiilfiUed all titudes, they were filled with envy,
that was written concerning him, they and spoke against those things which
took km down from the tree, and were uttered by Paul, contradicting
laid him in a aepulcher. and blaspheming.
30 But God raised him from the 46 Then Paul and Barnabas became
dead; bold, and said, It was necessary that
31 And he was seen manv days by the word of God should first be spo-
them who came up with him from ken to you but seeing ye reject it, :

Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his wit- and judge yourselves unworthy of ev-
nesses to the people. erlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gen-
32 And we declare to you the glad tiles.
tidings, that the promise which was 47 For so hath the Lord command-
made to the iathers, ed us, saying, I have set thee to be
33 God hath fulfilled the same to us a light of the GentileSj that thou
their children, in that he hath raised shouldst be for salvation to the ends
up Jesus again ; as it is also written of the earth.
in the second psalm. Thou art my 48 And when the Gentiles heard
Son, this day have I begot ten thee. this,they were glad, and glorified the
34 And as concerning that he raised word of the Lord and as many as

him from the dead, now no mure to were ordained to eternal life, believed.
return to corruption, he said on this 49 And the word of the Lord was
wise, I will give you the sure mercies pubUshed throughout all the region.
of David. 50 But the Jews stirred up the de-
35 Wherefore he saith also in an- vout and honorable women, and the
other psabn, Thou wilt not suffer thy chief men of the city, and raised per-
Hohr One to see corruption. secution against Paul and Barnabas,
36 For David, after he had served and expelled them from their borders:
his own generation by the will of God, 51 But they shook off the dust of
fell asleep, and was laid to his fathers, their feet against them, and came to
and saw corruption Iconium.
37 But he whom God raised again, 52 And the disciples were filled
saw no corruption. with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
38 IT Be it Known to you therefore,
men, brethren, that through this man CHAPTER XIV.
1 Paul and Barnabas are persecuted ftom
is preached to you the forgiveness of
Iconium. 8 At Lystra Paul healetb a crip-
sins; ple upon which they are reputed as gods.

39 And by him all that believe are 19 Paul Ifi stoned. 21 They pass through
divers churches, confirming the disciples in
justified firom all things, from which faithand patience ; 26 Returning to Antl-
ye could not be justified by the law of och, they report what God had done with
Moses. them.
40 Beware therefore, lest that
upon you which is
spoken in the
AND it came to pass in Iconium,
that they went both together into
prophets the synagogue of the Jews, and so
41 Behold, ye despisers, and won- spoke, that a great multitude both of
der,and perish : for I work a work in the Jews, and also of the Greeks, be-
your days, a work which ye will in no hoved.
wise behave, though a man declare it 2 But the imbelieving Jews stirred
10 you. up the Gentiles, and made their minds
42 And when the Jews had gone evil-affected against the brethren.
out of the synagogue, the Gentiles be- 3 A long time therefore they abode
sought that these words mieht be speaking Doldly in the Lord, who
preached to them the next sabbath. gave testimony to the word of his
43 Now when the congregation grace, and granted signs and wonders
was broken up, many of the Jews and to be donely their hands.
religious proselytes followed Paul and 4 But the multitude of the city was
Barnabas ; who speaking to them, divided : aiid part held with the Jews,
persuaded them to continue in the and part with the apostles.
grace of God. 6 And when there was an assault
44 1 And the next sabbath came made both of the Gentiles, and also
Paul stoned. ACTS. Dissension respecting
of the Jews, with their rulers, to many, they returned again to Lystra,
use them despitefuUy, and to stone and to Iconium, and to Antioch,
them, , 22 Confirnimg the souls of the dis-
6 Being apprised of it, they fled to ciples,exhorting them to continue in
Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, the faithj and that we must through
and to the region in that vicinity. much tribulation enter into the king-
7 And there they preached the gos- dom of God.
pel. 23 And when they had ordained for
8 V And there sat a certain mail at them elders in every church, and had
Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a prayed with fasting, they commended
cnpple from hia mother's womb, wJio them to the Lord, on whom they be-
had never walked. Ueved.
9 The same heard Paul speak: who 24 And after they had passed
steadfastly, beholding him, and per- throughout Pisidia, they came to Pam-
ceiving that he had faith to be healed, phylia.,
10 Said with a loud voice. Stand 25 And when they had preached
upright on thy feet. And he leaped the word in Perga, they went down
and walked. into Attalia
11 And when the people saw what 26 And
thence sailed to Antioch,
Paul had done, they lifted up their from whence they had been com-
voices, saying in the speech of Lyca- mended to the grace of God, for the
onia, The gods have come down to us work which they fulfilled.
in the likeness of men. 27 And when they had come, and
12 And they called Barnabas, Jupi- had assembled the church, they re-
ter, and Paul, Mercurius, because ne hearsed all that God had done with
was the chief speaker. them, and that he had opened the
13 Then the priest of Jupiter, who door of fa;ith to the Gentiles.
was before their city, brought oxen 28 And there they abode a long
and garlands to the gates, and would time with the disciples.
have done sacrifice with the people. CHAPTER XV.
14 Which, when the apostles Bar- 1 Great dissension ariseth respecting circum*
nabas and Paul heard^ they rent cision 6 The apostles consult about it, 22

their clothes, and ran in among the

and send their determination by letters to
the churches. 36 Paul and Barnabas think-
people, crying out, ing to visit the brethren together, fall Into
15 And saying, Sirs, why do ye strife, and separate.
these things 1
like passions
also are men of
with you, and preach to
certain men who came down
Judea, taught the brethren,
you, that ye should turn from these and said, Except ye be circumcised
vanities to the Uving God, who made after the manner of Moses, ye cannot
heaven and earth, and the sea, and all be saved.
things that are in them. ' 2 When therefore Paul and Barna-
16 Who in times past suffered all bas had no small dissension and dis-
nations to walk in their own ways. putation with them, they determined
17 Nevertheless he left not himself that Paul and Barnabas, ai)d certain
without witness, in that he did good, others of them, should go to Jerusa-
and gave us rain from heaven, and lem to the apostles and elders about
fruitful seasons, tilling our hearts with this questioii.
food and gladness. 3 And being brought on their way
18 And with these sayings they by the church, they passed through
scarce restrained the people from do- Phenioe, and Samaria, declaring the
ing sacrifice to them. conversion of the Gentiles and they;

19 If And there came thither ceriam caused great joy to all the brethren.
Jews from Antioch, and Iconium, 4 And when they had come to Je-
who persuaded the people, and having rusalem, they were received by the
stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, church, and by the apostles and el-
supposing him to be dead. ders, and they declared all things that
20 But as thedisciples stood around God had done with them.
him, he rose, and came into the city 5 But there rose certain of the sect
and the next day he departed with of the Pharisees, who believed, saying,
Barnabas to Derbe. Thait it was needful to circumcise
21 And when they had preached them, and to command them to keep
the gospel to that city, and had taught the law of Moses.
circumanon. CHAPTER XV. Apostolic council.
6 ^ And the apostles and elders elders,with the whole phurch, to send
came together to consider of this mat- chosen men of their own company to
ter. Antiooh, with Paul and Barnabas;
7 And when there had been much namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas,
disputing, Peter rose and said to them, and Suas, chief men among the breth-
Men, brethren, ye know that a good ren :

while ago, God made choice among 23 And they wrote letters by them
us, that the Gentiles, by mouthmy after this manner; The apostles, and
should hear the word of the gospel, elders, and brethren, send greeting to
and believe. the brethren who are of the Gentiles
8: And God, who knoweth the in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia.
hearts, bore them testimony, giving 24 Forasmuch as we have heard,
to thena the Holy Spirit, even as he that certain who went out from us,
did to us have troubled you with words, sub-
9 And put no difference between us verting your souls, saying, Ye must
and them, purifying their hearts by be circumcised, and keep the law ; tg
faith. whom we gave no such command-
10 Now therefore why tempt ye ment :

God, to put a yoke upon the neek. of 25 It seemed good to us, being as-
the disciples, which neither our fathers sembled with one accord, to send
nor we were able to bear 1 chosen men to yon, with our beloved
11 But we believe, that through the Barnabas and Paul
grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we 26 Men that have hazarded their
shall be saved even as they. lives for the name of our Lord Jesus
12 IT Then all the multitude kept Christ.
silence, and save audience to Barna- 27 We have sent therefore Judas
bas and Pau^ declaring what miracles and Silas, who will also tell you the
and wanders God had wrought by same things by mouth,
them among the Gentiles. 28 For It seemed good to the Holy
13 IT And after they held their Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no
peace, James answered, saying. Men, greater burden than these necessary
brethren, hearken to me. things
14 Simeon bath declared how God 29 That ye abstain from things of-
at the first visited the Gientiles to take fered to idols, and from blood, and
from among them a people for his from things strangled, and from lewd-
name. ness from whiui if ye keep your-

15 And
to this agree the words of selves,ye will do well. Fare ye well.
the prophets ; as it is written, 3Q So when they were dismissed,
16 After this I will return, and will they came to Antioch: and when
build again the tabernacle of David they had convened the multitude, they
which IS fallen down ; and I will build delivered the epistle.
agam the ruins of it ; and I vriU set it 31 Whidi, when they had read,
up: they rejoiced for the consolation.
17 That the residue of men may 32 And Judas and Silas, being
seek after the Lord, and all the Gen- prophets also themselves, exhorted
tQes, upon whom my name ia called, the brethren with many words, and
saith the Lord, who doeth all these confirmed them.
things. 33 And after they had tarried &ere
18 Known to God are all his works a time, they were dismissed in peace
from the beginning of the world. from the brethren to the apostles.
19 Wherefore my sentence is, that 34 Notwithstanding, it pleased Si-
we trouble not them, who from among las U) abide there still.
the Geiitiles are turned to God 35 Paul also and Barnabas contin-
20 But that we write to them that ued in Antioch, teaching and preach-
they abstain from pollutions of idols, ing the word of the Lord, with many
and from lewdness, and from things others also.
6t'iaiigled, and/rom blood. 36 ir And some days after, Paul
21 For Moses of old time hath in said to Barnabas, Let us go again and
every cit^ them that preach him, be- visit our brethren, in every city where
ing read m the synagogues every sab- we have preached the word of the
iiath. Lord, and see how they do.
22 Then it pleased the apostles and 37 And Barnabas determined to
THinothy drmmcised. ACTS. l/ydia eonverttd.
take with them John, whose surname ion,immediately we endeavored to go
was Mark. into Macedonia, assuredly gathering,
38 But Paul thought not good to that the Lord had called us to preach
take him with them, who departed the gospel to them.
from them from Painphylia, and went 11 Therefore looang from Troas,
not with them to the work. we came with a straight course to
39 And the contention was so sharp Samothracia, and the next' day to
between them, that they departed, Neapolis r
separating one from the other: and 12 And from theniie to Philippi,
so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed to which is the chief city of that part of
Cyprus. Macedonia, and a colony t and we
40 And Paul chose Silas, and de- were in that city abiding certain days.
parted, being commended by the 13 And oir the sabbath we went
brethren to the grace of God. out of the city by a river side, where
41 And he went through Syria and prayer was wont to be made? and we
CiUcia, confirming the churches. sat down, and spoke to the women
CHAPTER XVI. who resorted thither.
14 If And a certain womait named
1 Paul having circumcised Tiraotliy, 7 an J
being called by tlie Spirit from pne country Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city
to another, u converteth Lydia, is casteth of Thyatu'a, who worshiped God,
out a spirit of divination 19 For which
heard us: whose heart the Lord open-
cause he and Silas are whipped and impris-
oned. 26 The prison doors are opened. 3J ed, that she attended to the things
The jailer Is converted, 37 anrt they are de- which were spoken by Paul.
livered. , ,

15 And when she was baptized^

THEN and
he came to Derbe and Lys-
behold, a certain
and her household, she besought tur,.
tra : disci- saying. If ye have judged me to be
ple was there, named Timothy, the faithful to the Lord,, come into my
son of a certain woman who was a house, and abide there : And she con-
Jewess, and believed, but bis father strained us.
vias a Greek. 16 V And it came to pass as we
2 Who was well reported of by the went to prayer, a certain damsel pos-
brethren that were at Lystia amd Ico- sessed with a i^irit of divination, met
nium. us, who brought her masters much
3 Him would Paul have to go forth gain by soothsaying
with him ; and took and circumcised 17 The same followed Paul and us,
him, because of the Jews who were in and cried, saying, These men are the
those quarters for they »U knew that
: servants of tne most high God, who
bis father was a Greek. show to us the way of salvation.
4 And as they went thiougb the IB And this she did many days.
cities, they delivered to them tbe de- But Paul being grieved, turned and
crees to keep that were ordained by said to the sphit, I command thee in
the apostles and elders who were at the name Jesus Christ to come out of
Jerusalem. her. And he came out the same hour.
6 And so were the churches estab- 19 IT And when her masters saw
lished in the faith, and increased in that the hope of their gsuns was gone,
number daily. they caught Paul and Silas, and drew
6 Now when they bad gone them into the market-place to the
throughout Phrygia, anid the region rulers,
of Galatia, and were forbidden by the 20 And brought them to the magis-
Holy Spirit to preach the word in trates, saying, These men, being Jews,
Asia; do exeeedingty trouble our city,
7 After they had come to Mysia, 21 And teach customs which are
they essayed to go into Bithynia but : not lawful for as to receive, neither to
but the Spirit suffered them not. observe, being Romans.
8 And they, passing by Mysia, 22 And the multitude rose together
came down to Troas. against themf and the magistrates
9 And a vision appearedto Paul in rent off their clothes, and' commanded
the night There stood a man of
: to beat them,
Macedonia, and prayed him, saying. 23 And when they had" had' many
Come over into Macedonia, and help stripes upon them, they eestthem intoi
us. prison, charging the jailer to keep
10 And after he bad seen the vis- them safely.
Paul and Silas CHAPTER XVIL imprisonid and persecuted,
24 Who, having reoMv^d such a and when they had seen the brethren,
charge, thrust them into the inner they comforted them, and departed.
prisaDj and made their feet fast in the CHAPTER XVII.
stocks 1 Paul lireachethat Thessalonica 4 where

25 midnight Paul and

M And at some belteve, and others persecute him 10 :

Silas prayed, and sang praises to He Is sent tn Berea, and preacheth there
13 Being persecuted at Thessalonica, 15 he
God and the prisoners heard them.
cnmeth to Athens, and df sputeth'and preach-
26 And suddenly there was a great eth the living God to them unknown, 34 by
earthquake, so that the foundations of which many are converted to Christ.
the prison were shaken and imme- : NOWwhen they had passed through
diatdy all the doors were opened, and Amphipolis, and Apollonia, they
every one's bands were loosed. came to Tnessalonica, where was a
27 And the keeper of the prison synagogue of the Jews.
awaking out of his sleep, and seeing 2 And Paul, as his manner was,
the prison doors open, he drew out went in to them, and on three sab-
his sword, and would have killed him- baths reasoned with them out of the
self, supposing that the prisoners had scriptures,
fled. 3 Opening and alledging, that it

28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, was should suflfer,

needflil that Christ
saying, Do thyself no harm : for we and again from the dead; and
are all here, that this Jesus, whom I preach to you,
29 Then he called for a light, and is Christ.
sprang and came trembhng, and
in, 4 And some of them believed, and
fell down before Paul and Silas consorted with Paul and Silas and :

30 And brought them out; and said. of the devout Greeks a great multi-
Sirs, what must I do to be saved 1 tude, and of the chief women not a
31 And they said. Believe on the few.
Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be 5 IT But the Jews who believed not,
saved, and thy house. moved with envy, took to them cer-
32 And they spoke to him the word tain vile fellows of the baser sort, and
of the Lord, and to all that were in gathered a company, and set all the
his house. city in an uproar, and assaulted the
33 And he took them the same bouse of Jason, and sought to bring
hour of the night, and washed their them out to the people.
stripes ; and was baptized, he and all 6 And when they found them not,
his,without delay. they drew Jason and certain brethren
34 And when ne had brought them to the rulers of the city, crying. These
into his house, he set food before that have turned the world upside
them, and rqoioed, believing in God down, have come hither also
with all his house. 7 Whom Jason hath received and :

35 And when it was day, the ma- these all do contrary to the decrees of
E'strates sent the sergeants, saying, Cesar, saying, that there is another
et those men so. king, one Jesus.
36 And the keeper of the prison 8 And they troubled the people, and
told this saying to Paul, The magis- the rulers of the city, when they heard
trates have sent to let jrou go: now these things,
therefore depart, and go in peace. 9 And when they had taken securi-
37 But Paul said to them, They ty of Jason and of the other, they let
have beaten us openly uncondemned, them go.
being Romans, and have cast ua into 10 IT And the brethren immediately
prison; and now do they thrust us sent away Paul and Silas by night to
out privately 1 no verily; outlet them Berea who coming thither, went into

come themselves and bring us out. the synagogue of the Jews.

38 And the sergeants told these 11 These were more noble than
words to the magistrates: and they those in Thessalonica, in that they
feared when they heard that they received the word with all readiness of
were Romans. mind, and searched the scriptures
39 And they came and besought daily, whether those things were so.
them, and brought them out, and de- 12 Therefore many of them believ-
sired them to depart out of the city. ed; also of honorable women who
40 And they went out of the prison, were Greeks, and of men not a few.
and entered mto the house ^Lydia 13 But when the Jews of Thessa-
Paul prmdhelh at ACTS, Berea and Athens.
lonita hail knowledge that the word 27 That they should seek the Lord,
of Qod was preached by Paul at Be- if haply they might feel after him, and
rea, they came thither also, and stir- find him, though he is not far from
red up the people. every one of us
14 And then immediately the breth- 28 For in him we live, and move,
ren sent away Paul, to go as it were and have our being ; as certain also of
to the sea; but Silas and Timothy your own poets have said, for we are
abode there still. also his offspring.
15 And they that conducted Paul 29 Being then the ofispring of God,
brought him to Athens and receiving we ought not to think that the God-

a commandment to Silas and Timo- head is like to gold, or silver, or stone

thy to come to him with all speed, grayen by art and man's device.
they departed. 30 And the times of this ignorance
16 ir Now, while Paul waited for God winked at; but now command-
them at Athens, his spirit was stirred eth all men every where to repent
in him, when he saw the city wholly 31 Because he hath appointed a
given to idolatry. day, in which he will judge the world
17 Therefore he disputed in the in righteousness, by tkat man whom
synagogue with the Jews, and with he hath ordained : of which he hath
the devout persons, and in the market given assurarice to all men, in that he
daily with them that met with him. hath raised him from the dead.
18 Then certain philosophers of the 32 IT And when they heard of the
Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encoun- resurrection of the dead, some mock-
tered him. And some said. What will ed and others said. We will hear thee

this babbler sayl some others. He again concerning this matter.

seemeth to be a setter-forth of strange 33 So Paul departed from among
fods; because he preached to them them.
esus, and the resurrection. S4 But certain men adhered to him,
19 And they took him, and brought and believed among whom was Dy-

him to Areopagus, saying, May we onysius the Areopagite, and a woman

know what this new doctrine is, of named Damaris, and others with
wjiich thou speakest ? them.
20 Fbf thoubringest certain strange
things to our ears ; we would know CHAPTER XVIII.
therefore what these things mean. 3 Pali] laborethwith hishandSi'andpreacheth
at Corinth to the Gentiles 9 The Lord eji*

.21 (For all the Athenians and courageth him in a vision 12 He is accu-

strangers who were there, spent their sed before Gallic the deputy, but is dismiss-
time m nothing else, but either to tell, ed: 18 Afterward passing from city ta
city, he strengtheneth the disciples, at
or to hear some new thing.) ApolloSjbeing moreperfectly instructed by
22 IT Then Paul stood in the midst Aquiia, and Prisciila, SS preacheth Christ
of Mars-hill, and saidj Ye men of Ath- with great ef&cacy.
ens, I perceive that iti all things ye AFTER these things, Paul departed
are too superstitious. from Athens, and came to Cor-
23 For as I passed by, and beheld inth ;
your devotions, I found an altar with 2 And found a certain Jew named
this inscription, TOTHE UN- Aquiia, born in Pontus, lately come
KNOWN GOD.; Whom therefore ye from Italy, with his wife Prisciila
ignorantly worship, him declare I to (because that Claudius had command-
you. ed all Jews to depart from Rome) and
24 God that made the world, &hd he came to them.
all things thetein, seeing that he is 3 And because he was of the same
Lord of heaven arid earth, dwelleth occiipation, he abode with them, and
not in temples itiade with hands wrought (for by their occupation they
25 Neither is worshiped with men's were tent-makers)
hands, as though he needed anything, 4 And he reasoned in the syna-
fleeing he givetn to all life, and breath, gogue every sabbath, and persuaded
and all things the Jews and the Greeks.
26 And hath made of one blood all 5 And when Silas and Timothy
nations of men to dwejl on dl the had come from Macedonia, Paul was
fteeofthe earth, and hath determined pressed in spirit, and testified to the
the tinies before appointed, and the }eyvs,that Jesus was Christ.
bounds of their Habitatibn 6 And when they opposed them-
Paul priacheSi at Corinth. CHAPTER XIX. TTu Holy Spirit given.
selves,and blasphemed, he shook his I must by all means keep this feast
raiment, and said to them, Your blood that comelh in Jerusalem but I wilt :

be upon your own heads I am clean : return to you, if God will. And he
from henceforth I will go to the Gen- sailed from Ephesus.
tiles. 22 And when he had landed at
7 IT And he departed thence, and Cesarea, and gone up and saluted the
entered into the house of a certain church, he went down to Antioch.
man named Justus, one that worship- 23 And after he had spent some
ed Ciod, whose house joined close to time there, he departed and went ovef
the synago^e. all the country of Galatia and Phry-
8 And Cnspus the chief ruler of the gia in order, strengthening all.the dis-
synagogue believed on the Lord with ciples.
all his house and many of the Co-
: 24 V And a certain Jew named
rinthians hearing, believed, and were ApoUos, born at Alexandria, an elo-
baptized. quent man, and mighty in the scrip-
9 Then the Lord spoke to Paul in tures, came to Ephesus.
the night by a vision. Be not afraid, 25 This man was instructed in the
but speak, and hold not thy peace way of the Lord and being fervent

10 For I am with thee, and no man in the spirit, he spoke and taught dil-
shall lay hands on thee, to hurt thee : igently the things of the Lord, know-
for I have many people in this city. ing only the baptism of John.
11 And he continued there a year 26 And he began to speak baldly in
and six months, teaching the word of the synagogue Whom, when Aquila

God among them. and Priscilla had heard, they took him
12 IT And when Grallio was the dep- to them, and expounded to him the
uty of Achaia, the Jews made insur- way of God more perfectly.
rection with one accord against Paul, 27 And when he was disposed to
and brought him to the judgment- pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote,
seat, exhorting the disciples to receive
13 Saying, This man persuadeth him who, when he had come, helped

men to worship God contrary to the them much who had believed through
law. grace.
And when Paul was now about
14 28 For he mightily convinced tbie
to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, and that publicly, showing by
Jews, If it were a matter of wrong, or the scriptures, that Jesus was Christ.
heinous crime, ye Jews, reason
would that I should bear with you
8 The Holy Spirit is given by Paul's hands.
15 But if it is a question of words 9 The Jews blaspheme his doctrine, which
and names, and of your law, look ye Is confirnaed by miracles. 13 The Jewish
to it : for I will be no judge of such exorcists, 16 are beaten by an evU spirit.
ISConjuringbooksaTebumL 24 Demetri-
m.atters. '
us, for love of gain, rajseth an uproar
16 And he drove them from the against Paul, 35 which is appeased by the
17 Then all the Greeks took Sos-
thenes, the chief ruler of the syna-
AND came
Appllos was
to pass, that while
at Corinth, Paul hay-
gogue, and beat him before the judg- ing passed through the upper region,
ment-seat. And Gallio cared for none came to Ephesus ; and findmg certain
of those things. disciples,
18 IT And Paul after this tarried 2 He said to them^ Have ye receiv-
there yet a good wjiile, and took his ed the Holy Spirit since ye believedl
leave of thebrethren, and sailedthence And they said to him. We have not so
into Syria, and with him Priscijlaand ii)uch as beard whether there is any
Aquila ; having shorn his head in Holy Spirit.
Cenchrea for he had a vow.
3 And he said to them, Into what
19 And he came to Ephcsns, and then were ye baptized 1 And they
left them there but he himself enter-
: said, Into John's baptism.
ed into the synagogue, and reasoned 4 Then said Paul, John verily bap-
with the Jews. tized with the baptism of repenjance,
20 When they desired him to tarry saying to the people, that they shoidd
longer time with them, he consented believe on him who should come after
not; him, that is, on Cjhrist Jesjis,,
21 But bade them farewell, saying, 6 When they heard (hie, they were
13 145
"Vie Jeuiish exorcists. ACTS. Uproar against Paul.
baptized into the name of the Lord 21 After those things were ended,
Jesus. Paul purposed in the spirit, when ho
6 And when Paul had laid ftw hands had passed through JMacedonia, and
upon them, the Holy Spirit came on Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying,
them ; and they spoke m languages, After T have been there, I must also
and prophesied. see Rome.
7 And all the men were about 22 So he sent into Macedonia two
twelve. of them that ministered to him, Tim-
8 And he went into the synagogue, othy and Erastus ;but he himself
and spoke boldly for the space ot three stayed in Asia for a season.
monthj, disputing and persuading the 23 And the same time there aroso
things concerning the kingdom of no small stir about that way.
God. 24 For a certain man named Deme-
9 But when divers were hardened, trius, a silver-smith, who made silver
and believed not, but spoke evil of shrines for Diana, brought no small
that way before the multitude, he de- gain to the artificers
parted from them, and separated the 25' Whom he called together with
oisciples, disputing daily in the the workmen of like occupation, and
of one Tyrannus. ye know that by this craft
said, Sirs,
10 And this continued for the space we have our wealth
of two years; so that all they who 26 Moreover, ye see and hear, that
dwelt in Asia heard the word of the not alone at Ephesus, but almost
Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. throughout all Asia, this Paul hath per-
il And God wrought special mira- suaded and turned away many peo-
cles by the hands of Paul ple, saying, that they are no gods
12 So that from his body were which are made with hands.
brought to the sick, handkerchiefs, or 27 So that not only this our craft
aprons, and the diseases departed from is in danger to be set at naught; but
tnem, and the evil spirits went out of also that the temple of the great god-
them. dess Diana should be despised, and
13 IT Then certain of the vagabond her magnificence should be destroyed,
Jews, exorcists, took upon them to whom all Asia, and the world wor-
call over them who had evil spirits, shipeth.
the name of the Lord Jesus, saying. 28 And when they heard these say-
We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul ings, they were full of wrath, and
preacheih. cned out, saying. Great wDiana of
14 And there were seven sons of the Ephesians.
one Sceva a Jew, and chief of the 29 And the whole city was filled
priests, who did so. with confusion; and having caught
15 And the evil spirit answered and Gains and Aristarchus, men of Mace-
aid, Jesus I know, and Paul I know donia, Paill's companions in travel,
but who are ye 7 they rushed with one accord into the
16 And the man in whom the evil theater.
spirit was, leaped on tbem, and over- 30 And when Paul would have en-
came them, and prevailed against tered in to the people, the disciples
them, so that they tied out of that suffered him not.
house naked and wounded. 31 And certain of the chief of Asia,
17 And this was known to all the who were his friends, sent to him, de-
Jews and Greeks also dwelling at siring him that he would not adven-
Ephesus: and fear fell on them all, ture himself into the theater.
, and the name of the Lord Jesus was 32 Some therefore cried one thins,
magnified. and some another for the assembly

18 And many that believed came, was confused, and the neater part
and confessed, and showed their deeds. knew not why they had come to-
19 Many also of them who used gether.
curious arts, brought their books to- 33 And they drew Alexander out of
gether, and burned them before all the multitude, the Jews putting him
mm; and they counted the price of forward. And Alexander beckoned
them, and found it&lly thousand piects with the hand, and would have made
of silver. his defense to the people.
20 So mightily grew the word of 34 But when they knew that he
God, and prevailed. was a Jew, all with one voice about
PavX goeth to Macedonia. . CHAPTER XX. He raiseth Eutyckus to life.
the space of two hours cried out, 7 And upon the first day of the
Great is Diana of the Ephesians. week, when the disciples came to-
35 And whenthe town-clerk had gether to break bread, Paul preached
appeased the people, he said. Ye men to them (ready to depart on the mor-
of Ephesus, what man is there that row) and continued nis speech until
knoweth not that the city of the midnight.
Ephesians is a worshiper of the great 8 And there were many lights in
goddess Diana, and of the image the upper chamber, where they were
which fell down from Jupiter I assembled.
36 Seeing then that these things 9 And there sat in a window a cer-
cannot be contradicted, ye ought to tain young man named Eutychus,
be quiet, and to do nothing rashly. having fallen into a deep sleep : and
37 For ye have brought hither these as Paul was long preaching, he sunk
men, who are neither robbers of down with sleep, and fell from the
churches, nor yet blasphemers of your third loft, and was taken up dead.
goddess. 10 And Paul went down, and fell
38 Wherefore, if Demetrius and the on him, and embracing him, said.
artificers who are with him, have a Trouble not yourselves ; for his life is
matter a^inst any man, the law is in him.
open, ana there are deputies: let U
When he had come up again,
them unplead one another. and had broken bread, and eaten,

39 But if ye inquire any thing con- and discoursed a long while, even till
cerning other matters, it shall De de- break of day, so he departed.
termined in a lawful assembly. 12 And they brought the yoimg
40 For we are in danger to be called man alive, and were not a little com-
in question for this day s uproar, there forted.
being no cause by which we may give 13 II And we went before to a ship,
an account of this concourse. and sailed to Assos, there intending
41 And when he had thus spoken, to take in Paul : for so he had ap-
he dismissed the assembly. pointed, intendiiig himself to go on
I Paul goeth to Macedonia, 7 He celebratetti 14 And when he met with us at
the Lord's supper, and preacheth. 9 Euty- Assos, we took him in, and came to
chus being killed bya fall, 10 is raised to
lite. 17 At Miletus Paul calleth the elders
together, telleth them what shall befall 15 And we sailed thence, and came
him, 28 committeth God's flock to them, the next day over against Chios and ;
29 wameth tliem of false teachers, 3S com-
mendeth them to God, 36 prayeth with them, the next day we arrived at Samos,
and departeth. and tarried at Trogyllium ; and the
after the
called to
uproar had ceased,
the disciples,
next day we came
For Paul had determined to sail
to Miletus.

and embraced them, and departed to by Ephesus, because he would not

go into Macedonia. spend the time in Asia for he hasted, :

2 And when he had gone over those if it were possible for him, to be at Je-
parts, and had given them much ex- rusalem the day of Pentecost.
hortation, he came into Greece, 17 IT And from Miletus he sent to
3 And there abode three months. Ephesus, and called the elders of the
And when the Jews laid wait for him, church.
as he was about to sail into Syria, he 18 And when they had come to
purposed to return through Mace- him, he said to them, Ye know, from
donia. the first day that I came into Asia,
4 And there accompanied him into after what manner I have been with
Asia Sopater of Berea; and of the you at all seasons,
Thessaloirians, Aristarchus and Se- 19 Serving the Lord with all humil-
cimdus; and Gains of Derbe, and ity of mind, and with many tears and
Timothy; and of Asia, Tychicus, and temptations, which befell me by the
Trophimus. lying in wait of the Jews
5 These going before, tarried for us 20 And how I kept back nothing
at Troas. that was profitable to yau, but have
6 And we sailed away from Philip- shown you, and have taught you pub-
pi, after the days of unleavened bread, licly, and from house to house,
and came to them to Troas in five 21 Testifying both to the Jews,
days ; where we abode seven days. and also to the Greeks, repentance

PauVs speech, at Miletus. ACTS. Paul departs for Jerusalem.
toward God, and faith toward our jhould see his face no more. And
Lord Jesus Christ. they accompanied him to the ship.
22 And now behold, I go bound in
the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing
I Paul win not by any means be dissuaded
the things that shall befall me there from going to Jerusalem. 9 PbiKp's daugVi-
23 Save that the Holy Spirit testi- ters, prophetesses. 17 Paul cometh to Je-
rusalem: 27 where he is apprehended, and
fieth in every city, saying, that bonds
In great danger ; 31 but by tbe chief captain
and afflictions abide me. Is rescued, and permitted to speak to the
24 But none of these things move people.

me, neither count I my
myself, so that I may finish
life dear to
AND came it that
were separated from them,
to pass,
after we
with joy, and the ministry which I had lanched, we came with a straight
have received from the Lord Jesus, to course to Coos, -and the day following
testify the gospel of the grace of God. to Rhodes, and from thence to Patara
25 And now behold, I know that 2 And finding a ship saihng over to
ye all, among whom I have gone Phenicia, we went aboard, and set
preaching the kingdom of God, Will forth.
see my face no more. 3 Now when we had discovered
26 Wherefore I call you to witness Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and
this day, that I am pure from the sailed into Syria, and landed at "ryre i
blood of all men. for there the ship was to unlade her
27 For I have not shunned to de- burden.
clare to you all the counsel of God. 4 And finding disciples, we tarried
28 IT Take heed therefore to your- there seven days : who said to Paul
selves, and to all the flock over which through the Spirit, that he should not
the Holy Spirit hath made you over- go up to Jerusalem.
seers, to feed the church of God, 5 And when we had accompjished
which he hath purchased with his own those days, we departed, and proceed-
blood. ed on our way ; and they all conduct-
29 For I know this, that after my ed us with wives and children, till we
departure grievous wolves will enter were out of the city and we kneeled,•

in among you, not sparing the flock. d6wn on the shore, and prayed.
30 Also from your own selves will 6 And when we had taken our leave
men arise, speaking perverse things, one of another, we took ship; and
to draw away disciples after them. they returned home again.
31 Therefore watch, and remember, 7 And when we had finished our
that by the space of three years I course from Tyre, we came to Ptole-
ceased not to warn every one night mais, and sahited the brethren, and
and day with tears. abode with them one day.
32 And now, brethren, I commend 8 And the next day we that were
you to God, and to the word of his of Paul's company departed, and
grace, which is able to build you up, came to Cesarea ; and we entered in-
and you an inheritance among
to give to the house of Philip the evangelist,
all them who are sanctified. who was oTie of the seven ; and abode
33 I have coveted no man's silver, with him.
or gold, or apparel. 9 And the same man had fotir
34 And ye yourselves know, that daughters, virgins, who prophesied.
these hands have ministered to my 10 And as we tarried there many
necessities, and to them that were days, there came down from Judea a
with me. certain prophet, named Agabus.
35 I have shown you all thmgs, 11 And when he had come tous, he
that so laboring ye ought to support took Paul's girdle, and bound his own
the weak, and to remember the words hands and feetj and said. Thus saith
of the Lord Jesus, that he said, It is the Holy Spirit, So Jews at
will the
more blessed to give than to receive. Jerusalem bind the man owneth
36 IT And when he had thus spo- this girdle, and will dehver him into
ken, he kneeled down, and prayed the hands of the Gentiles.
with them all. 12 And when we heard these thitigs,
37 And they all wept bitterly, and both we, and they of that place. Be-
on Paul's neck, and kissed him,
fell sought him not to go up to Jerusalem.
38 Sorrowing most of all for the 13 Then Paul answered. What
words which Tie spoke, that they mean ve to weep, and to break my
Paul apprehended CHAPTER XXI. at.Jenisalem,
heart Ifor I am ready not to be bound 27 And when the seven days were
only, but also to die at Jerusalem for almost ended, the Jews who were
the name of the Lord Jesus. from Asia, when they saw him' in the
14 Aud when he would not be per- temple, stirre^ up all the people, and
suaded, we ceased, saying, The will laid iiands on him,
of the Lord be done. 28 Crying out, Blen of Israel, help.
IB And after those days we lookup This is the man that teaoheth all mm
our furniture, and went up to Jerusa- every where against the people, and
lem. the law, and this place and further,

16 There went with us also certain hath brought Greeks also into the
of the disciples of Oesarea, and temple; and hath polluted this holy
brought with them one Mnason of place.
Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom 29 (For they had seen before with
we should lodge. him in the city, Trophimus, an Ephe-
17 And when we had come to Jeru- sian, whom tney supposed that Paul
salem, the brethren received us gladly. had brought into the temple.)
18 And the day following Paul 30 Ana all the city was moved, and
went in with us to James : and all the people ran together: and they took
the elders were present. Paul and drew hun out of the temple.
19 And when he had saluted them, And forthwith the doors were shut.
he declared particularly what things 31 And as they went about to kill
God had wrought among the Gen- him, tidings came to the chief captain
tiles by his ministry. of the band, that aU Jerusalem was in
20 And when they heard it, they an uproar.
glorified the Lord, and said to him. 32 Who immediately tooK soldiers
Thou seest, brother, how many thou- and centurions, and ran down to
sands of Jews there are who believe them. And when they saw the chief
and they are all zealous of the law captain and the soldiers, they left
21 And they are informed concern- beating Paul.
ing thee, that thou teachest all the 33 Then the chief captain came
Jews who are among the Gentiles to near and took him, and commanded
forsake Moses, saymg. That they him to be bound with two chains:
ought not to circumcise their children, and inquired who he was, and what
neither to walk after the customs. he had done.
22 What is it therefore *? the multi- 34 And some cried one thing, some
tude must needs come toge^ther for another, among the multitude and
: :

they will hear that thou art come. when he could not know the certamty
23 Do therefore this that we say to for the tumult, he commanded huh to
thee we have four men who have a be carried into the castle.

vow on them 35 And when he came upon the

24 Take them, and purify thyself stabs, so it was that he was borne by
with them, and be at charges with the soldiers, for the violence of the
them, that they may shave thdr heads: people.
and all may know that those things 36 For the multitude of the people
of which they were informed concern- followed, crying. Away with him.
ing thee, are nothing; but that thou 37 And as Paul was to be led into
thyself also walk'est orderly, and keep- the castle, he said to the chief captain.
est the law. May I speak to thee? Who said,
25 As concerning the Gentiles who Canst thou speak Greek'?
believe, we have written and conclu- 38 Art not thou that Egyptian, who
ded that they observe no such thing, before these days madest an uproar,
save only that they keep themselves and leddest out into the wilderness
from things offered to idols, and from four thousand men that were mur-
blood, and from strangled, and from derers 1.

lewdness. 39 But Paul said, I am a man who

26 Then Paul took the men, and am a Jew of Tarsus, a city of Cilioia,
the next day purifying himself with a citizen of no mean city and I be-:

them, entered into the temple, to sig- seech thee suffer me to speak to the
nify the accomplishment of the days people.
of purification, until an offering 40 And when he had given him li-
should be offered for every one of cense, Paul stood on the stairs, and
them. beckoned with the hand to the neoplei
13* 149
Pavl declaretk how he was ACTS. eonveHed to the faith-

And when there was made entire si- And the same hour I looked up upon
lence, he spoke to them'm the Hebrew him. '

language, saying, 14 And he said. The God of our fa-

CHAPTER XXII. thers hath chosen thee, that thou
Paul declareth at large, how he was con-
shouldsi know his will, and see that
verted to the faith, 17 and called to his apos- Just One, and shouldst hear the voice
tleshlpr22 At the veiy mentioning of the of his mouth.
Gentiles, the people exclaim on him 24 He
-IS For thou shalt be his witness to

should have been scourged 25 but claiming


the privilege of a Roman, he escapeth. all men of what thou hast seen and

MEN, brethren, and fathers, hear

ye my defense which I make
16 And now why tarriest thou?
now to you. arise,and be baptized, atid wash away
2 (And when they heard that he thy sins, calling on the name of the
spoke to them in the Hebrew lan- Lord.
guage, they kept the more silence: 17 And it came to pass, that when
andTie saith,) I had come again to Jerusaleni, even
3 I am venly a man who am a Jew, while I prayed in the temple, I was
born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet in a trance
brought up in this city at the feet of 18 And saw him saying to me.
Gamaliel, and taught according to the Make haste, and depart quickly from
perfect manner of the law of the fa- Jerusalem for they will not receive ;

thers, being zealous toward God, as thy testimony concerning me.

ye all are this day. 19 And I said. Lord, they know that
4 And I persecuted this way even I imprisoned, and beat in every syna-
to death, binding and delivering into gogue them that believed on thee
prisons both men and women. 20 And when the blood of thy mar-
5 As also the high priest doth bear tyr Stephen was shed, I also was
me testimony, and all the estate of the standing by, and consenting to his
elders ; from whom also I received death, and kept the raiment of them
letters to the brethren, and went to that slew him.
Damascus, to bring them who were 21 And he said to me. Depart : for
there bound to Jerusalem, to be pun- I will send thee far hence to the Gen-
ished. > tiles.

6 And
it came to pass, that as I 22 And they gave him audience to
was passing on my journey, and had this word, and them, lifted up their
come nigh to Damascus about noon, voices, and said. Away with such a
suddenly there shone from heaven a man from the earth for it is not fit

great light around me. that he should live.

7 And I fell to the ground, and 23 And as they cried out, and cast
heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, off their clothes, and threw dust into
why persecutest thou me'! the air,
8 And 1 answered. Who art thou, 24 The chief captain commanded
Lord 7 And he said to me, I am Jesus him to be brought into the castle, and
of.Nazareth, whom thou persecutest. bade that he should be examined by
9 And they that were with me saw scourging; that he might know for
indeed the light, and were afraid ; but what cause they cried so against him.
they heard not the voice of him that 25 And as they bound him with
spoke to me. thongs, Paul said to the centurion that
10 And I said, What shall I do, stood by. Is it lawful for you to
Lord ? And the Lord said to me. Arise, scourge a man that is a Roman, and
and go into Damascus, and there it uncondemned ')

shall he told thee concerning all things 26 When the centurion heard that,
which are appomted for thee to do. he went and told the chief captain,
11 And when I could not see for saying. Take heed what thou doeat
the glory of that light, being led by the for this man is a Roman.
hand of them that were with me, I 27 Then the chief captain came,
came into Damascus. and said to him. Tell me, art thou a
12 And one Ananias, a devout man Roman 7 He said. Yes.
according to the law, having a good 28 And the chief captain answered.
report of all the Jews who dwelt there, With a great sum I obtained this free-
13 Came to me, and stood, and said dom. And Paul said. But I was free
to me, Brother Saul, receive thy sight, j born.
A conspiracy CHAPTER XXIII. agaiTiet Paul.
29 Then forthwith they departed down, and to take him by force from
fi'orahim who were about to examine among them, and to bring him mto
him and the chief captain also was
; the castle.
airaid, after he knew that he was a 11 And the night following the
Roman, and because he had bound Lsrd stood by him, and said. Be of
him. good cheer, Paul for as thou hast

30 On the morrow, because he testified concerning me in Jerusalem,

would know the certainty why he BO must thou bear testimony also at
waS' accused by the Jews, he loosed Rome.
him from kU bands, and commanded 12 And when it was day, certain of
the chief priests and all their council the Jews banded together, and bound
to appear, and brought Paul down, themselves under a curse, saying, that
and set him before them. they would neither eat nor drink till
CHAPTER XXni. they had killed Paul.
1 As Paul pleadeth his cause, 2 Ananias 13 And they were more than forty
commanded them to smite liim 7 Dissen-:
who had made this conspiracy.
sion among tiis accusers 11 God encour-
agetli liim.

14 Tlie Jews laying wait for

14 And they came to the chief
Paul, 20 is declared to the chief captain : S7 Ericstsand elders, and said. We have
He sendeth him to Pellx the governor. ound ourselves under a great curse,
AND Paul, earnestly beholding the
council, Men, brethren, I
that we will eat nothing until we have
slain Paul.
have hved in jgood conscience be-
all 15 Now therefore ye with the coun-
fore God until this day. cil signify to the chief captain, that
2 And the high priest Ananias com- he bring him down to you to-morrow,
manded them that stood by him, to as though ye would inquire something
strike him on the mouth. more perfectly concerning him and :

3 Then said Paul to him, God will we, before be shall come near, are
smite thee, thou whited wall for sit- : ready to kill him.
test thou to judge me according to the 16 And when the son of Paul's sis-
law, and commandest me to be smit- ter heard of their lying m
wait, he
ten contrary to the law t went and entered into the castle, and
4 And they that stood by, said, Re- told Paul.
vilest thou God's high priest 'i 17 Then Paul called one of the cen-
5 Then said Paul, I knew not, turions to him, and said. Bring this
brethren, that he is the high priest young man to the chief captain : for
for it is written, Thou shalt not speak ne hath a certain thing to tell him.
evil of the ruler of thy people. 18 So he took him, and brought him
6 But when Paul perceived that the to the chief captain, and said, Paul
one part were Sadducees, and the the prisoner called me to Idm, and
other Pharisees, he cried out in the prayed me to bring this young man
council. Men, brethren, I am a Phari- to tnee, who hath something to say
see, the son of a Pharisee concern-
: to thee.
ing the hope and resurrection of the 19 Then the chief captain took him
dead I am called in question. by the hand, and went with him aside
7 And when he had so said, there privately, and asked him, What is
arose a dissension between the Phari- that thou hast to tell me
sees and the Sadducees and the mul-
: 20 And he said. The Jews have
titude was divided. agreed to desire thee, that thou wouldst
8 For the Sadducees say that there bring down Paul to-morrow iiito the
is no resurrection, neither angel, nor council, as though they would inquire
spirit: but the Pharisees confess somewhat concerning hun more per-
both. fectly.
9 And there arose a great cry and : But do not thou yield to them:
the scribes that were of the Pharisees' them who Ue in wait
for there are of
part arose, and contended, saying, Wc for him more than forty men, who
find no evil in this man but if a spirit
: have bound themselves with an oath,
or an angel hath spoken to him, let us that they will neither eat nor drink
not fight against God. tillthey have killed him: and now
10 And when there arose a great they are ready, looking for a promise
dissension, the chief captain, fearing from thee.
lest Paul would be pulled in pieces by So the chief captain then let the
tiiem, commanded the soldiers to go young man depart, and charged him,
Paul sent to Felix. ACTS. ifis defense.

See thou tell no man that thou hast Tertullus, who informed the governor
shown these things to me. against Paul.
23 And he called to him two centu- 2 And when he was called fotth,
rions, saying, Make ready two hun- Tertullus began to accuse him, say-
dred soldiers to go to Cesarea, and ing, Seeing that by thee we enjoy
seventy horsemetij and spearsmen great quietness, and that very worthy
two hundred, at the third hour of the deeds are done to this nation by thy
night : providence,
24 And provide/or ttem beasts, that 3 Weaccept it always, and in all
they may set Paul on, and bring him places, most noble Felix, with all
safe to Felix the governor. thankfulness.
25 And he wrote a letter after this 4 Notwithstanding, that I may not
. manner be further tedious to thee, I pray thee,
26 Claudius Lysias, to the most ex- that thou wouldst of thy clemency
cellent governor Felix, sendeth greet- hear us a few words.
ing. 5 For we have found this a pesti-
27 This man was taken by the lent man, and a mover of sedition
Jews, and would have been killed by among all the Jews throughout the
them: then I came with a body of world, and a ring-leader of the sect
soldiers, and rescued him,, having un- of the Nazarenes
derstood that he was a Roman. 6 Who also hath gone about to pro-
28 And when I would have known fane the temple whom we took, and :

the cause for which they accused him, would have judged according to our
I brought him forth into their council law.
29 Whom I perceived to be accused 7 But the chief captain Lysias came
of questions of their law, but to have and with great violence took him out
notning laid to his charge worthy of of our hands,
death, or of bonds. 8 Commanding his accusers to
30 And when it was told to me that come to thee by examining whom, :

the Jews laid wait for the man, I sent thou thyself mayest take knowledge
forthwith to thee, and gave command- of all these things of which we accuse
ment to his accusers also, to say be- him.
fore thee what they had against him. 9 And the Jews also assented, say-
Farewell. ing, that these things were so.
Then the soldiers, as it was
31 10 Then Paul, after the governor
commanded them, took Paul, and had beckoned to him to speak, an-
brought him by night to Antipatris. swered. Forasmuch as I know that
32 On the morrow they left the thou hast been for many years a judge
horsemen to go vrith him, and re- to this nation, I do the more cheer-
turned to the castle fiiUy answer for myself
33 Who, when they came to Cesa- U That thou mayest understand,
rea, and
delivered the epistle to the that there are yet but twelve days
governor, presented Paul also before since I went up to Jerusalem to wor-
Rim. ship.
34 And when the governor had 12 And they neither found me in
read the letter, he asked of what prov- the temple disputing with any man,
ince he was. And when he under- neither exciting the people to sedition,
stood that he was of Cilicia, neither in the synagogues, nor in the
35 I will hear thee, said he, when city
thy accusers also have come. And 13 Neither can they prove the
he commanded him to be kept in things of which they now accuse me.
Herod's judgment-hall. 14 But this I confess to thee, that
after the way which they call heresy,
CHAPTER XXIV. so I worship the God of my fathers,
1 Paul being accused by TertuUus the orator, believing all things which are written
loanswereth for his life and doctrine 24 :
in the law and in the prophets
He preacheth Christ to the governor and
his wife. 26 The governor hopeth for a 15 And have hope toward God,
bribe, but in vain 27 At last, going out of
: which they themselves also allow,
his office, be leaveth Paul in prison.
that there will be a resurrection of the
days, Ananias the
after five
priest descended with the
dead, both of the just and unjust.
16 And in this I exercise myself, to
elders, and mfA a certain orator nomed have always a conscience void of
Paul aceiaid before Feaiua. CHAPTER XXV. He appeaieth to Cesar.
oiTense toward God, and toward that he would send for him to Jerusa-
men. lem, laying in wait in the way to kill
17 Now after many years. I came to him.
bring alms to my nation, and offerings. 4 But Festus answered, that Paul
18 Upon which certain Jews from should be kept at Cesarea, and that he
Asia found me purified in the temple, himself would depart shortly thither.
neither with multitude, nor with tu- 5 Let them therefore, said he, who
mult. among you are able, go down with
19 Who ought to have been here me, and accuse this man, if there is
before thee, and object if they had any wickedness in him.
aught against me. 6 And when he had tarried among
20 Or else let these same here say, them more than ten days, he went
if they have found any evil-doing m down to Cesarea and the next day

me, while I stood before the council, sitting on the judgment-seat, com-
21 Except it is for this one voice, manded Paul to be Drought.
that I cried, standing .among them, 7 And when he had come, the Jews
Concerning the resurrection of the who came down from Jerusalem stood
dead I am called in question by yoa around, and laid many and giievoua
this day. complaints against Paul, which they
22 And when Felix heard these could not prove j
things, having more perfect knowl- 8 While he answered for himself.
edge of that way, he deferred them, Neither against the law of the Jews,
and said. When Lysias the chief cap- neither against the temple, nor yet
tain shall come down, I will know against Cesar have I committed any
the uttermost of your matter. offense.
23 And he commanded a centurion 9 But Festus, willing to do the Jews
to keep Paul, and to let him have lib- a pleasure, answered Paul, and said.
erty, and that he should forbid none Wilt thou go to Jerusalem, and there
of his acciuaintance to minister, or be judged concerning these things be-
come to him. fore me 1
24 And after certain days, when 10 Then said Paul, I stand at Ce-
Felix came with his wife Drusilla, sar's tribunal, where I ought to be
who was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, judged : to the Jews have I done no
and heard him concerning the faith wrong, as thou very well knowest.
in Christ. 11 For if I am an offender, or have
25 And as he reasoned of righteous- committed any thing worthy of death,
ness, temperance, and judgment to I refuse not to die: but if there is
come, Felix trembled, and answered. none of these things of which these
Depart for this time ; when I have a accuse me, no man may deliver me to
convenient season, I will call for thee. them. I appeal to Cesar.
26 He hoped also that money would 12 Then Festus, when he had con-
have been ^ven him by Paul, that he ferred with the council, answered,
might loose him: wherefore he sent Hast thou appealed to Cesar '! to Ce-
for him the oftener, and communed sar thou shall go.
with him. 13 And after certain days, king
27 But after two years Porcius Fes- Agrippa and Bernice came to Cesa-
tus came as successor to Felix and : rea, to saluteFestus.
Felix willing to show the Jews a 14 And when they had been there
pleasure, left Paul bound. many days, Festus declared Paul's
CHAPTER XXV. cause to the king, saying. There is a
s The Jews accuse Paul before FestuB ; 8 certain man left in bonds by Felix
He answereth for hlmEelf, It. and appeai- 15 About whom, when I was at.
eth to Cesar ; 14 Afterwaid Festus open- Jerusalem, the chief priests and the
eth his matter to king Agrlppa, 23 and he
Is brought forth : S5 Festus cleareth him of elders of the Jews informed Tne, de-
having done any thing worthy of death. siring to have judgment against him.
"IVT OWwhen Festus had come into 16 To whom I answered, It is not
ii the province, after three days he the manner of the Romans to deliver
ascended from Cesarea to Jerusalem. any man to die, before he who is ac-
2 Then the high priest and the chief cused hath the accusers face to face,
of the Jews informed him against and hath license to answer for himself
Paul, and besought him, concerning the crime laid against him.
3 And desired favor against him, 17 Therefore, when they had come
Pectus declareth Paul's cause. ACTS. Pau! pleadeth before Agrippa.
without any delay on the mor-
hither, 2 I think myself happy, king Agrip-
row I sat on the judgment-seat, and pa^ because I shall answer for myself
commanded the man to be brought this day before thee, concerning all
forth; the things of which I am
accused by
18 Against whom, when the accu- the Jews :
sers stood up, they brought no accu- 3 Especially, because 1 know thee
sation of such things as I supposed to be expert in all customs and ques-
19 But had certain questions against tions which are among the Jews :
him of their own superstition, and of wherefore I beseech thee to hear me
one Jesus who was dead, whom Paul patiently.
affirmed to be alive. 4 My manner of life from my youth,
20 And because 1 doubted of such which was at the first among my own
manner of questions, 1 asked him nation at Jerusalem, know all the
whether he would go to Jerusalem, Jews,
and there be judged concerning these 5 Who knew me from the begin-
matters. ning, (if they would testify) that after
21 But when Paul had appealed to the strictest sect of our religion, X
be reserved to the hearing of Augustus, lived a Pharisee.
I commanded him to be kept till I 6 And now I stand, and am judged
might send him to Cesar. for the hope of the promise made by
22 Then Agrippa said to Festus, I God to our fathers :
would also hear the man myself. To- 7 To which promise our twelve
morrow, said he, thoushalt hear him. tribes, assiduously servmg God day
23 And on the morrow, when Agrip- and night, hope to come. For which
pa had come, and Bemice, with great hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accu-
pomp, and had entered into the place s6d by the Jews.
of hearing, with the chief captains and 8 VVhy should it be thought athmg
principal men of the city, at the com- incredible with you, that God should
mand of Festus Paul was bronght raise the dead's
forth. 9 1 verily thought with myself, that
24 And Festus said, King Agrippa, I ought to do many things contrary
and all men who are here present with to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
us, ye see this man about whom all 10 Which thing I also did in Jeru-
the multitude of the Jews have dealt salem : and many of the saints did I
with me, both at Jerusalem, and also shut up in prison, having received au-
here, crying that he ought not to live thority from the chief priests; and
any longer. when they were put to death, I gave
25 But when I found that he had my voice against them.
committed nothing worthy of death, 11 And I punished them often in
and that he himself hath appealed to every synagogue, and compelled them
Augustus, I have determined to send to blaspheme ; and being exceedingly
him. enraged against them, I persecuted
26 Of whom I have no certain them even to foreign cities.
thing to write to my lord. Where- 12 Upon which as I went to Da-
fore Ihave brought him forth before mascus, with authority and commis-
you, and specially before thee, O king sion from the chief priests,
Agrippa, that after examination had, 13 At mid-day, O king, I saw iif
1 may have somewhat to write. the way a light from heaven, surpass-
27 For it seemeih to me unreason- ing the brightness of the sun, shmins
able to send a prisoner, and not also around me, and them who journeyed
to signify the crimes laid against him. with me.
CHAPTER XXVI. 14 And when we had all fallen to the-
2 Paul in the presence of Agrippa decjareth earth, I heard a voice speaking to me,
his life from his childhooil, 13 and how mi- and saying in the Hebrew language,
raculously he was converted, and called to
his aposMeship. 24 Festus chargeth him to Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
be insane, to which he answereth modest- It is hard for thee to kick against the
ly. wAgrippa is almost persuaded to be a goads.
Christian. 31 The whole company pro-
nounce him innocent. 15 And I said. Who art thou, Lord?
THEN Agrippa said to Paul, Thou
art permitted to speak for thyself.
And he said, I am Jesus whom thou
Then Paul stretched forth the hand, 16 But rise,and stand upon, thy
and answered for himself: feet: for I have appeared to thee for
PauFs defense. CHAPTER XXVII. He is sent to Rome,
this purpose, to make
thee a minister 31 And when they had gone aside,
and a witness both of the things which they talked between themselves, say-
thou hast seen, and of the things in ing, Tliis man doeth nothing worthy
which I will appear to thee j of death, or of bonds.
17 Delivering thee from the people, 32 Then said Agrippa to Festus,
and/rom the Gentiles, to whom now This man might have been set at lib-
I send thee, erty, if he had not appealed to Cesar.
18 To open their eyes, and to turn
ttem from darkness to light, and/rom CHAPTER, XXVII.
the power of Satan to God, that they 1 Paul shipping toward Rome, 10 foFetelleUi
the danger of the voyage, ll but is not be-
may receive forgiveness of sins, and lieved. 14 They are tossed to and fro with
inheritance among thern who are tempest, 41 and suffer shipwreck ; 22, 34,
sanctified by faith that is in me. 44, yet all came safe to land.

19 Upon O
king Agrippa, I
was not disobedient to the heavenly
AND when
we should
it was determined
sail into Italy, they

vision. delivered Paul and certain other pris-

20 But showed first to them of oners to one named Julius, a centuri-
Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and on of Augustus' band.
throughout all the region of Judea, 2 And entering into a ship of Ad-
and then to the Gentiles, that they ramyttium, we lanched, meaning to
should repent and turn to God, and sail by the coasts of Asia, one Aris-
do works meet for repentance- tarchus, a Macedonian of Thessaloni-
Si For these causes the Jews caught ca, being with us.
me in the temple, and went about to 3 And the next day we touched at
kill me. Sidon. And Julius courteously treat-
22 Having therefore obtained help ed Paul, and gave Mm
liberty to go to
from God, I continue to this day, tes- his friends to refresh himself.
tifying both to small and great, say- 4 And when we had lanched fixim
ing no other things than those which thence, we Sailed under Cyprus, be-
tlie prophets and Moses did say should cause the winds were contrary.
come: 5 And when we had sailed over the
23 That Christ should suffer, and sea of Cilicia and Paniphylia, we came
that he should be the first that should to Mira, a city of Lycia.
rise from the dead, and should show 6 And there the centurion found a
light to the people and to the Gen- ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy ;
tiles. and he put us therein.
24 And as he was thus speaking for 7 And when we had sailed slowly
himsel£ Festus said with a loud voice, many days, and scarce had come over
Paul, thou art beside thyself; much against Cnidus, the wind not suffer-
learning doth make thee msane. ing us, we sailed under Crete, over
25 But he said, I am not insane, against Salmone
most noble Festus; but speak forth 8 And hardly passing it, came to a
the words of truth and soberness. place which is called. The Fair Ha-
26 For the king knoweth of these vens ; nigh to which was the city of
things, before whom also I speak free- Lasea.
ly. For I am persuaded that none of 9 Now when much time was spent,
these things are hidden from him ; for and when sailing was now dangerous,
this thing was not done in a corner. because the fast was now already past,
27 King Agrippa, believesi thou the Paul admonished tkem.
prophets T 1 know that thou believest. 10 And said to them. Sirs, I per-
28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, Al- ceive that this voyage will be with
most thou persuadest me to be a hurt and much damage, not only of
Christian. the lading and ship, hut also of our
29 And Paul said, I would to God, lives.
that not only thou, but also all that 11 Nevertheless, the centurion be-
hear me this day, were both almost, lieved the master and the owner of the
and altogether such as I am, except shipmore than the things which were
these bonds. spoken by Paul.
30 And when he had thus spoken, 12 And because the haven was not
the king rose, and the governor, commodious to winter in, the greater
and Bernice, and they that sat with part advised to depart thence also, if
them: by any means they might attain to
Pouts dangerous voyage. ACTS. Be suffers shipwreck.
and there to winter; which is upon
Phenice, rocks, they cast four anchors-
a haven of Crete, and lieth toward out of the stern, and wished for the
the Bouth-west and norlh-west. day.
13 And when the south wind blew 30 And as the shipmen were about
softly, supposing that they had ob- to flee out of the ship, when they had
tained their purpose, loosing thence, let down the boat into the sea, under
they sailed close by Crete. color as though they would cast an-
14 But not long after there arose chors out of tlie foreship,
against it a tempestuous wind, called 31 Paul said to the centurion, and
Euroclydon. to the soldiers, Except these abide in
15 And when the ship was caught, the ship, ye cannot be saved.
and could nor bear up into the wind, 32 Then the soldiers cut off the
we let her drive. ropes of the boat, and let her fall off.
16 And running under a certain isle 33 And while the day was coming
which is called Clauda, we had much on, Paul besought ^em all to take
work to come by the boat food, saying. This day is the four-
17 Which when they had taken up, teenth day that ye have tarried, and
they used helps, undergirding the continued fasting, having taken noth-
phip and fearing lest they should fall
; ing.
mto the quicksands, struck sail, and 34 Wherefore I pray you to take
so were driven. some food for this is for your health
; :

18 And we being exceedingly tossed for there shall not a hair fall from the
with the tempest, the next day they head of any of you.
lightened the ship 35 And when he had thus spoken,
19 And the third day we cast out he took bread, and gave thanks to
with our own hands the tackling of God in presence of them all; and
the ship. when he had broken it, he began to eat.
20 And when neither sun nor stars 36 Then they were all of good
in many days appeared, and no small cheer, and they also took food.
tempest lay on us, all hope that we 37 And we were in all in the ship
should be saved was then taken away. two hundred and seventy six souls.
21 But long abstinence, Paul
after 38 Afid when they had eaten
stood forth in the midst of them, and enough, they lightened the ship, and
said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened cast the wheat into the sea.
to me, and not have loosed from 39 And when it was day, they knew
Crete, and to have gained this harm not the land but they discovered a :

and loss. certain creek with a shore, into which

22 And now I exhort you to be of they purposed, if jt were possible, to
good cheer for there shall be no loss thrust in the ship.

of life among you, but of the ship. 40 And when they had taken up the
23 For there stood by me this night anchors, they committed themselves
the angel of God, whose I am, and to the sea, and loosed the rudder
whom I serve, bands, and hoisted the mainsail to
24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou the wind, and made toward the shore.
must be brought before Cesar and lo, 41 And falling into a place where

God hath given thee all them that sail two seas met, they ran the ship
with thee. aground;' and the forepart stuck fast,
25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer and remained immovable, but the
for I believe God, that it will be even hinder part was broken with the vio-
as it was told to me. lence of the waves.
26 But we must be cast upon a cer- 42 And the soldiers' counsel was to
tain isle. kUl the prisoners, lest any of them
27 When the fourteenth night was should swim out, and escape.
come, as we were driven up and down 43 But the centurion, willing to
in Adria, about midnight the shipmen save Paul, kept thpiii from their pur-
suspected that they drew near to some pose, and commanded that they who
country : could swim; should cast themselves
28 And sounded, and found it twen- first into the sea, and get to land
ty fathoms and When they had gone
: 44 And' the rest, some on boards,
a little further, they sounded again, and some on broken pieces of- the
and found i* fifteenfathoms. ship: And so it came to pass; that
29 Then fearing lest we should fall they all escaped safe to land.
Paul at Miltla. CHAPTER XXVIII. He preachUh at Romt)
CHAPTER XXVIII. Vvere desired to tarry with them seven
1 Paul after Ills shipwreck
kindly enter*
Is day^ : and so we went toward Rome.
tained by the barbarians 5 The viper on IB And from' thence when the

Ills band hurteth b^

not: 8 He nealeth
brethren heard of us, they came to
many diseases in the isle 11 They depart

toward Rome : 17 Hedeclareth to the Jews meet us as far as Appii- forum, and the
the cause of his coming £4 After his

Breaching some were itersuadedtand some

Three taverns whom when Paul

slleved not: 30 Yet he preached there two saw,he thanked God,and took courage.
years. 16 And when we camfe to Roirie,
AND when they had
they knew
escaped, then
that the isle was call-
the centurion delivered the prisoners
to the captain of the guard : but Paul
ed Melita. was sufiered to dwellT)y himself, with
2 And the barbarous people showed a soldier that kept him.
us no little kindness : for they kindled 17 And it came to pass, that after
a fire, and received us every one, be- three days, Paul called together the
cause of the present rain, and because chief of the Jews. And when they
of the cold. were assembled, he said to them, Men,
3 And when Paul had gathered a ,
brethren, tht^ghj l[haye committed
bundle of sticks, and laid them on the nothing against the people, or ciistoms
fire, there came a viper out of the heat, of our fathers, yet I was delivered
and fastened on his hand. prisoner from Jeruaaleni into the
4 And when the barbarians saw the hands of the Romans. :

animal hang on his hand, they said 18 Who when they had examined
among themselves, No doubt this man me, would have let me go, because
is a murderer, whom, though he hath there was no cause of death in me.
escaped the sea, yet vengeance suiier- 19 But when the Jews spoke against
eth not to live. it, I was constrained to appeal to Ce-

5 And he shook off the animal into sar not that I had aught to accuse

the fire, and felt no hanii. my nation of. '

6 Yet they looked when he would 20 For this cause therefore have I
have swelled, or fallen down dead called for you, to see you, and to spealc
suddenly but after they had looked
: with you, : because that for the hope
a great while, and saw no harm come of Israel I am bound with this chain:
to him, they changed their minds, and 21 And they said to hiin, We have
said that he was a god. neither received letters fiiom Judea
7 In the same quarters were pos- concerning thee, neither have any of
sessions of the chief man of the isle, the brethren that came shown or spo-
whose name was Publius ; who re- ken any harm of thee.
ceived us, and lodged us three days 22 But we desire to hear from thee,
courteously. what thou thinkest for as concern-:

8 And it came to pass that the fa- ing this sect, we know that every
ther of Publius lay sick with a fever, where spoken agunst.
it is

and a bloody-flux: to whom Paul en- 23 And wnen they had appointed
tered in, and prayed, and laid his him a day, there came many to him
hands on him, and healed him. into his lodging; to whom he ex-
9 So when this was done, others pounded and testified the kingdom of
also who had diseases in trie isle, God, persuading them concerning Je-
fcame, and were healed sus, both out of the law of Moses, and
' 10 Who also honored us with many Out of the prophets, from morning till
honors ; and when we departed, they evening.
laded us with such things as were 24 And some believed the things
necessary. which were spoken, and some believ-
11 And after three months we de- ed not.
parted in a ship of Alexandria, which 25 And when they agreed not
had wititered in the isle, whose sign among themselves, they departed, af-
was Castor and Pollux. ter Paul had spoken one word, Well
12 And landing at Syracuse, we spoke the Holy Spirit by Isaiah the
tarried tkere three days. prophet to our fathers,
13 And from thence we made a cir- 26 Saying, Go to this people, and
cuit, and came to Rhe^um and after : say, Hearing ye Will hear, aiid will
one day the south wind blew, and we not understand; and seeing ye will
came the next day to Puteoli see, and not perceive.
14 Where we found brethren, and 27 For the heart of this people is
14 157
GocHt anger ROMANS. against sin.
become gross, and their ears are dull 29 And' when he had said these
of hearing, and their eyes have they words, the Jews departed, and had
closed J lest they should see with great reasoning among themselves.
Uieir eyes, and hearwith their ears, 30 And Paafdwelt two whole years
and understand with thdr heart, and in his own hired house, and received
should be converted, and I should etll that came in to hitn,

heal them. 31 Preaching the kjngdom of God,

28 Be it known therefore to you, and teaching those things which con-
that the salvation of God is sent to cern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all
the Gentiles, and they will hear it. confidence, no man forbidding him.

1 The Epistle of Paul to the ROMANS.

CHAPTER I. ed together with you, by the mutual
I Paul conunenLleth his calling to the Ro- faith both of you and me.
mans, 9 and his desire to come tOy them : 13 Now I would not have yoii igno-
16 what his gospel Is, and the righteous-
rant, brethren, that I have often pur-
ness which It showeth. 18 God is ansry
with all manner of sin. 21 What were the posed to come to you (but have been
^ns of the Gentiles. hitherto hindered) that I might have
PAUL, a servant of Jesus Christ, some fruit among you also, even as
called to be an apostle, separated among other Gentiles.
to the gospel of God, 14 1 am debtor both to the Greeks,
2 ([Which he had promised before and to the barbarians, both to the
by his prophets in the noly scriptures,) wise, and to the unwise.
3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ 16 So, as much as in me is, I am
our Lord, who was born of the seed ready to preach the gospel to you
of David according to the flesh. that are at Rome also.
4 And declared to be the Son of 16 For I am not ashamed of the
God, with power, according to the gospel of Christ : for it is the power
spirit of holiness, by his resurrection of God to salvation to every one that
from the dead believeth j to the Jew first, and also
5 By whom we have received grace to the Greek.
and apostleship for obedience to the 17 For in this is the righteousness
faith among all nations for his name of God revealed from faith to faith
^ Among whom are ye also the as it is written. The just shall live by
called of Jesus Christ faith.
,7 To all that are in Rome, beloved 18 For ihe wrath of Gtod is revealed
of God, called to be saints Grace to: from heaven against all ungodliness,
you, and peace from God our Father, and unrighteousness of men, who
and the Lord Jesus Christ. hold the truth in unrighteousness.
8 First, I thank my God through 19 Because that which may be
Jesus Christ for you all, that your known of God, is manifest in them
fciith is spoken of throughout the for God hath shown it to them.
whole world. 20 For the invisible things of him
9 For God is my witness, whom I from the creation of the world are
serve with my spirit in the gospel of clearly seen, being understood by the
his Son, that without ceasing I make things that are made, even his eternal
mention of you always in my prayers, power and Godhead ; so that they are
10 Making request (if by any means without excuse
now at length I may have
a prosper- 21 Because that when they knew
ous journey by the will of God) to God, they glorified him not as Gtod,
come to you. neither were thankful, but became
11 For I long to see you, that I vain in their imaginations, and their
may impart to you some spiritual gift, foolish heart was darkened.
to the end ye may be established 22 Professing themselves to be wise,
12 That IS, that I may be comfort- they became fools
Wilful sin inexcusable. CHAPTER 11. Who are Justified,
23 And changed the glory of the in- that judgest them who do such things,
corruptible Grod into an image made and doest the same, that thou shalt
like to corruptible man, and to birds, escape the judgment of God I
and four-footed beasts, and creeping 4 Or despisest thou th« riches Of
animals. his goodness, and forbearance, and
24 Wherefore God also gave them long-suffering; not knowing that the
up to uncleanness, through the lusts goodness of God leadeth thee to re-
of their own hearts, to dishonor their pentance 1
own bodies between themselves 6 But after thy hardness and im-
25 Who changed the truth of God penitent heart, treasurest up to thy-
into a lie, and worshiped and served self wrath against the day of wrath,
the creature more than the Creator, and revelation of the righteous judg-
who is blessed for ever. Amen. ment of God
26 For this cause God gave theih 6 Who will render to every irian
up to vile affections. For even their according to his deeds
women did change the natural use 7 To them who by patient contin-
into that which is against nature uance in welUdoing, seek for glory,
27 And likewise also the men, leav- and honor, and immortality ; eternal
ing the natural use of the women, life:
burned one toward an-
in then: lust 8 But to them that are contentious,
other men with men working that
; and do not obey the truth, but obey
which is unseemly, and receivmg in unrighteousness ; indignation and
themselves that recompense of their wrath
error which was meet. 9 Tribulation and anguish upon
23 And even as they did not like to every soul of man that doeth evil, of
retain God in their knowledge, God the Jew first, and also of the Gentile
gave them over to a reprobate mind, 10 But glory, honor, and peace, to
to do those things which are not con- every man that worketh good, to the
venient ; Jew first, and also to the Gentile;
29 Being filled with all unrigh- 11 For there is no respect of persons
teousness fornication, wickedness, with Grod.
covetousness, maliciousness;: full of 12 For as many as havfi' sinned
envy, murder, debate, deceit, malig- without law, shall also perish without
nity ; whisperers, law : and as many as have sinned in
30 Backbiters, haters of God, de- the law, shall be judged by the law,
spiteful, proud, boasters, inventers of 13 (For not the hearers of the law
evil thiags, disobedient to parents, are just before God, but the doers of
31 Without understanding, cove- the law shall be justified.
nant-breakers, without natural affec- 14 For when the Gentiles, who have
tion, implacable, unmerciful: not the law, do by nature the things
32 Who, knowing the judgment of contained in the law, these having not
God, that they who commit such the law, are a law to themselves.
things are wortny of death ; not only 15 Who show the work of the law
do the same, but have pleasure in written in their hearts, their con-
them that do them. science also bearing testimony, ^nd
their thoughts the mean while accu-
sing, or els6 excusing one another)
1 They that sin, thouf^ they condemn It In
others, cannot excuse themselves, S and 16 In the day when diod shall judge
much less esc<)j}e the judgment of God, d the secrets of men by Jesus Christ,
whether they are Jews or Gentiles. 14
The Gentiles cannot escape, ITnoryetthe according to my gospel.
J«wfi, 85 whom their circumcision will not 17 Behold, thou art called a Jew,
profit, irthey keep not the law.
and restest in the law, and makest thy
THEREFORE thou art inexcusa- boast of God,
ble, man, whoever thou art, 18 And knowest his will, and ap-
that judges! : for wherein thou judgest provest the things that are more
another, thou condemnest thyself; for excellent, being instructed out of the
thou that judgest, doest the same law,
tbiiigs. 19 And art confident that thou thy-
2 Butwearesurethatthejudgnient self art a guide of the blind, a light of
of God is according to truth, against them who are in darkness,
them who commit such things. '20 An instructor of the foolish, a
3 And thinkest thou this, O man, teacher of babes, who hast the form
NontjustiJUA ROMANS. by the law.
of knowledge, and of the truth in the 6 By no means : for theii how
law; ij, . shall God judge the world!
21 Thou thferefore who teachest
an- 7 For if the truth of God hjrth more
other, teachest thou not thyself? thou abounded through liiy lie to his glo-
that preachest a man should not steal, ry; why yet am I also judged as a
dost thou steal 7 sinner!
22 Thovi that sayest a man should '
8 And not rather (as we are slan-
not commit adultery, dost thou com-: derously reported, and as some affirm
mit adultery'? thou that abhorrest that we say) Let us do evil, that good
idols, dost thou commit sacrilege! may come ! whose damnation is just.
23 Thou that makest thy boast of 9 What then ! are we better than
the law, through breaking the law they? No, in no wise: for we have
dishonorest thou God 1 before proved both Jews and GentileSj
24 For the name of God is blas- that they are allimder sinj
phemed among the Gentiles, through 10 As it is written, There is none
you, as it is wntten. righteous, no, not one
25 For circumcision verily profit- 11 There is none that understand-
eth, if thou keepest> the law; but if eth, there is none that seeketh God.
thou art a breaker of the law, thy cir- 12 They are all gone out of the
cumcision is made uncircumcision. way, they are togetner become un-
26 Therefore, if the uncircumcision profitable: there is none that doeth
keepeth the righteousness of the law, good, no, not one.
shall not his uncircumcision be count- 13 Their throat is an open sepul-
ed for circumcision? cher; with their tongues they have
2T And shall not uncircumcision used deceit ; the poison of asps is un-
which is by nature, if it fulfiUeih the der their Ups
law, judge thee, who by the letter and 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing
circumcision dost transgress the law ? and bitterness.
28 For he is not a Jew, who is one 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood.
outwardly ; neither t« that circumcis- 16 Destruction and misery are in
ion, which is outward in the flesh : theirways
29 But he is a Jew who is one in- . And the way of peace have they
wardly; and circumcision is that of not known.
the heart, in the spirit, and not in the IS There is no fear of God before
letter ; whose praise is not from men, their eyes.
but from God. 19 Now we know
that whatever
things thelaw saith, it saith to them

who are under the law: that every
1 The Jews' prerogative 3 which they have
mouth may be stopped, and all the
not lost. 9 Yet the law convicteth them
also of sin so Therefore no flesh is justl-
world may become gijilty before God.

fied by the law, 28 but all, without differ- '
20 Therefore by the deeds of the
ence, by faith only 31 and yet the law is
law, no fiesh shall be justified in his
not abolished.
sight : for by the law is the knowl-
advantage then hath
profit is there of
etige of sin.
21 But now the righteousness of
cu-cumcision 1 God without the law is manifested,
2 Much every way chiefly, because
: being testified by the law and the
that to them were committed the ora- prophets
cles of Gpd. 22 Even the righteousness of God,
3 For what if some did not believe 1 which is by faith of Jesus Cbiist to all,
will their unbelief make the faith of and upon all them that believe i for
God without effect! there is no difference :

By no means: verily let Godbe

4 23 F^or il\ have sinned, and come
true, but every man a liar; as it is short of the glory of God ;
written, That thou mayst be just^ed 24 Being justified freely by his
in thy, sayings, and mayest overcome grace, through the redemption that is
when thou art judged. m Jesus Christ
./i But if our unrighteousness oom- 25 Whom
God hath set forth to be
meitdeth the righteousness of God, a propitiation, through faith in his
what shall we say? Js God unright- blood, to declare his righteousness for
eous who taketh vengeance! (I speak the remission of sins that are past,
a3 a man.)' throfugh the forbearance of God
Jatlijkation by faith. CHAPTER IV. ;l&raAam't faith.
26 To declare, / soy, at this time uncircumcised ! that he might be the
his righteousness: that he may be father of all them that believe, though
just, and the justifier of him who be- they are not circumcised, that righ-
lieveth in Jesus. teousness might be imputed to them
27 Where is boasting then?, It is also
excluded. By what lawf of works 1 12 And the father of circumcision
No ;but by me law of faith. to them who are not of the circumcis-
2fi Therefore we conclude, that a ion only, but who also walk in the
man is justified by faith without this steps of that faith of our father AbA-
deeds of the law. bam which he had being yet imcir-
29 h
he the Gtod of the Jews only 1 cumcised.
is he not also of the Gentiles'! Yes, 13 For the promise that ho should
of the Gentiles also be the heir of the world was not to
30 Seeing it is one God who will Abraham, or to his seed, through the
justify the circumcision by faith, and law, but through the righteousness of
uncircumcision through faith. faith.
31 Do we then make void the law 14 For if they who are of the law
through faith "i By no means : but we are heirs, faith is made void, and the
eatabCsh the law. promise made of no effect.
15 Because the law worketh wrath
1 Abraham's faith was imputed to him for for where no law is, th&re is no trans-
righteousness, to before be was clrcumci- gression.
aed. 13 Bv faith only he and his seed re- 16 Therefore it is offaith, that it
ceived the promise. 16 Abraham is the Ci-
ther of all that believe. 84 Our faith also might he by grace j to the end the
will be imputed to us for righteousness. promise mignt oe sure to all the seed,
Abraham our
shall then say that
father, as pertain-
not to that only which is of the law,
but to that also which is of the faith
ing to theflesh, hath found 1 of Abraham, who is the father of us
2 For if Abraham were justified by all;
works, he hath whereqf to glory, but 17 (As it is written, I have made
pot before God. thee a father of many nations (before
3 For what saith the scripture'! him whom he believed, even God, who
Abraham believed God, and it was reviveth the dead, and calleth those
counted to him for righteousness. things which are not, as though they
4 Now to him that worketh, is the were.
reward not reckoned of grace, but of 18 Who against hope believed with
debt. hope, that he should become the fa-
6 But to him that worketh not, but ther of many nations; according to
believeth on him that justifieth the that which was spoken, So shall thy
ungodly, his faith is counted for righ- seed be.
teousness. 19 And being not weak in faith, he
6 Even as David also describeth considered not his own body now
the blessedness of the man to whom dead, when he vras about a hundred
God imputeth righteousness without years old, nMther yet the deadness of
works, Sarah's womb.
7 Saying, Blessed are they whose 20 He staggered not at the promise
iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins of God through unbelief; but was
are coyered. strong in faith, giving glory to God
8 Blessed is the man to whom the 21 And being fully persuaded, that
Lord will not impute sin. what he bad promised, he was able
9 ComeiA. this blessedness then up- also to perform.
on the circumcision only, or upon the 22 And therefbre it was imputed to
uncircumcision also 1 For we say that him for righteousness.
faith was reckoned to Abraham for 23 Now it was not written for his
righteousness. sal^e alone, that it was imputed to
10 How then was it reckoned'! him;
when he was in circumcision, or in 24 But for us also, to whom it will
uncircumcision 1 Not in circumcision, be imputed, if we believe on him that
but in uncircumcision. raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,
11 And he received the sign of cir- 25 Who was delivered for oiir offen-
cumcision, a seal of the righteousness ses, and raised again for our justifica-
of the faith, which he had yet being tion.
14* 161
Ji(aniciliaiiim by Christ, ROMANS., ^Ncumesa of lift.

CHAPTER V. 16 And not as it was by one that

1 Being juGtified by faltb, we have peace with sinned, so is the gift. For the judg-
'God,*2iiniijoy inourhctoe j 8 thatslncewe
were reconciled by his blood, when we ment was by one tq condemnation,
were enemies, 10 weshall much more be but the ftee gift « oif many offenses to
saved being reconciled. 12 As sin and death justification.

came by Adam, 17 so much more righteous-

ness and life by Jesus Christ. 2ir Where 17 For if by one man's offense dpath
Bin abounded, grace superabounded. reigned -by one ; much mpre they who
THEREFORE being justieed by receive abunda^nce of grace, anfl of the
faith, we have
peace vvith Grod, jft of righteousness, shall reign in
through our Lord Je.sus Christ t Te by one, Jesus Christ.
2 By whom also we have access .18 Therefore, as by the offense of .

by faith into this grace in which we one, judgweni came upon all men to
^tand, and rejoice in hope of the glory condemnation, even so by the righ-
of God.; teousness, of one the free gift came
3 And not only so, but we glory in upon all men to justification of life.

tribulations also ; knowing that trib- 19 For as by one man's

ulation worketh patience ence many were made sinners, so by
4 And patience, experience ; and ex- the ipbedience of one shall many be
perience, hope made righteous.
And hope maketh not ashamed,
. 5 20 Moreover, the law entered, that
because the love of God is shed abroad the offense might abound. But where
in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit which sin abounded, grace did much more
is given to us. , i
6 For whe» we were yet without 21 That as sin hath reigned to death,
strength, in .due time Christ died for even so might grace reign through
the ungodly. righteousness to eternal life, by Jesus
\ 7 For scarcely for a righteous man Christ our Lord.
will one die: yet perhaps for a good CHAPTER VL
man some would even dare to die. I We may .not live in sin, 2 for we are dead
8 But God co^mendeth his love to it, as appeareth- by our baptism, l^
Let not sin reign any more, 13 because We
toward us, in that while we were yet have yielded ourselves to the service of
sinners, Christ died for us. righteousness, '23 tind for that death is the
9 Much more then, being now jus- wages of sin.
by his blood, we shaU be saved
from wrath through him.
continue in
we say then 1
that grace
10 For if when we wefe eijetnies, may abound?
we were reconciled to pod by the 2 By no means how shall we, that ;

death of his Son ; much

more, being are dead to sin, live any longer there-
.reconciled, we shall be saved by his in?
life. 3 Know
ye not, thai so many of us
11 And not only w, but we also joy as were baptized into Jesus Christ,
in God, through our Lord Jesus were baptized into his death 7
Christ, by whom
we liave now receiv- 4 Therefore we are buried with him
ed the reconciliation. by baptism into death that as Christ :

12 Wherefore as by one man sin was raised from the dead by the glory
entered into the world, and death by of the Father, even so we also should
an: and so death passed upon all walk in newness of life.
men, for that all have sinned. 5 For if we have been planted to-
13 For until the law, sin was in the gether in the likeness of his death, we
world : but sin is not imputed when shall be also in the likeness of his re-
there is no law. surrection :
14 Nevertheless, death reigned from 6 Knowiiig thi^, that our old man
Adam to Moses, even over them ^at is crucified with him, that the body of
had no^ sinned ^ter the similitude of sin may be destroyed, that henceforth
Adam's transgression, who is the fig- we should not serve sin.
ure of him that was to come. 7 For he that is dead is freed from
15 But not as the ofiense, so also is sin.
the free gift. For if through the of- 8 Now if we are dead with Christ,
fense of one many are dead, much we believe that we shall also live with
more the grace of God, and the gift him:
by grace, which is by one man, Jesus 9 Knowing that Christ, being rais-
Christ, haih abounded to many. ed- from th« dead, dieth no more'
TTu waget tf lin. CHAPTER VII. ZiOtc U not tin.
'death hath no mote dominibo over law) that the law hath dominion over
him. a man as long as he liveth 1
10 For in that he died, he died to 2 For the woman who hatha hus-
sin once : but in that he liveth, he Itv- band, is bound by the law to htr hus-
ethtO'God. '
band so long as he liveth but if the ;,

11 Likewise reckon ye also your- husband is dead, she is loosed from

selves to be dead indeed to sin, but the law of Aer husband.
alive to God through Jesus Christ our 3 So then, if while her husband liv-
Lord; eth, she is married to another man,
12 Let not sin therefore reign in she will be called an adulteress : but
your mortal bodn that ye should obey if her husband is dead, she is free from
It in the lusts of it; that law ; so that she is no adulteress,
13 Neither yield ye your members though she is married to another man.
<u instruments of unrighteousness to 4 Wherefore my brethren, ye also
sin but yield yourselves to God, as
: are become dead, to the law oy the
those that are alive from the dead, body of Christ ; that ye sbotud be
and your members as instruments of married to another, esen to him who
righteousness to God is raised from the dead, that we should
14 For sin shall not have dominion bring,forth fruit to Grod.
over you: for ye are not under the 6 For when we were in the flesh,
law, but under grace. the liiotions of sins, which were by
15 What then? shall we sin, be- the law, did work in our members to
cause we are not under the law, but bring forth fruit to death :

under grace 1 By no means. 6 But now we are delivered from

16 £now ye not, that to whom ye the law, that being dead by which we
yield yourselves servants in obedience, were held ; that we should serve in
his servants ye are whom ye obey ; newness of spirit, and not in the old-
whether of sin to death, or of obedi- ness of the letter.
ence to righteousness 1 7 What shall we say thenf Is the
17 But God be thanked, that ye law sin 1 By no means. No, I had
were the servants of sin ; but ye have not known sin; but by the law for I :

obeyed from the heart that form of had not known lust, except the law
doctrine which was delivered you. had said, Tho^ $halt not covet.
18 Being then made free from sin, 8 But sin, taking occasion by the
ye became the servants of righteous- commandment, wrought in me all
ness. manner of concupiscence. For with-
19 I speak after the tnanner of out the law sin was dead.
men, because of the infirmity of your 9 For I was alive without the law
Sesh: for as ye have yielded your once but when the commandment

members servants to uncleanness and came, sin revived, and I died.

to iniquity, to (work) iniquity ; even 10 And the cbmmandment which
so now yield your members servants was ordained to life, I found to be to
to righteousness, to (wori) holiness. death.
aO For when ye were the servants 11 For sin, taking occasion by the
of sin, ye were free from righteousness. commandment,deceivedme,and by it
21 What fruit had ye then in those slew me.
thmgs of which ye are now ashamed'! 12 Wherefore the lawi* holy, and
for the end of those things is death. the commandment holy, and just,
22 But now being made free from and good.
em, and having become servants to 13 Was then that which is good
God, ye have your fruit to holiness, made death to met By no means.
and the end everlasting life. But sin, that it might appear sin,
23 For the wages of sin is death working death in me by that which
but the gift of God is eternal life, is good; that sin by the command-
through Jesus Christ our Lord. ment might become exceeding sinfiil.
CHAPTER VII. 14 For we know that the law is
1 No law hath power over a man longer than spiritual but I am carnal, sold under

be liveth. 4 But we are dead to the law. ^n.

r Tet is not the law sin, 10 but holy, just,
and good, 16 as I acknowledge, who am 15 For that which I do, I allow
grieved because I cannot keep It. not for what I would, that I do not

ye not, brethren, (Uff I
to theni' tb0 know the
but what I hate, that I do.
16 If then I do that which I would
Works qf the ROMANS. JUsh aTid Spirit.

not, I assent to the law that it is death ; but to be spiritually minded is

good. life and peace :
17 Now then it is no more I that 7 Because the earnal mind is enmi-
do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. ty against God : for it is not subject
18 Fori know that in me (that is, to the law of God, neither indeed can
m my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing be.
for to will is present with me; but 8 So then they that are in the flesh
Iww to perform that which is good, I cannot please God.
find not. 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in
19 For the good that I would, I do the Spirit, if the Sjnrit of God dwell-
not ; but the evil which 1 would not, eth in you. Now
if any man hath
that I do. not the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.
20 Now
if I do that which I would 10 And if Christ is in you, the body
not, it is no more I that do it, but sin is dead, because of sin ; but the Spirit
that dwelleth in me. is life because of righteousness.
21 I find then a law, that when I 11 But if the Spirit of him that
would do good, evil is present with raised Jesus from the dead dwelleth in
me. you, he that raised Christ from the
22 For I delight in the law of God, dead will also revive your mortal
after the inward man bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in
23 But I see another law in my you.
members warring against the law of 12 Therefore, brethreix, we are debt-
iny mind, and bringing me into cap- ors, not to the flesh, to live according
tivity to the law of sin which is in my to the flesh.
members. 13 For if ye live according to the
24 O wretched man that I am who flesh, ye shall die but if ye through

! :

shall deliver me from the body of this the Spirit mortify the deeds of the
death I body, ye shall live.
25 I thank God, through Jesus 14 For as many as are led by the
Christ our Lord. So then, with the Spirit of God, they are the sons of
mind I myself serve the law of God ; God.
but with the flesh the law of sin. 15 For ye have not received the
spirit of bondage again to fearj but ye
CHAPTER VIII. have received the Spirit of adoption,
1 Tliey that are In Christ,and live according
to the Spirit, are free from coniiemTiatiOn. by which we cry, Abba, Father.
5, 13 What harm cometh of the flesh, 6, 14 16 The Spirit itself testifieth with
and what good or the Spirit, 17 and what of
being God's children 19 Whose glorious
our spirit, that we are the children of
deliverance all things long for. 29 It was God :

beforehand decreed from God. 38 What can 17 And if children, then heirs ; heirs
sever us from his love?
of God, and joint-heirs with Christ
rjpHERE is thereforenow no con- if we suffer with him, that we may be
derhnation to them who are in glorified together.
Christ Jesus, who walk not according 18 For I reckon, that the sufferings
to the flesh, but according to tlie of this present time an not worthy to
Spirit. be compared with the glory which
2 For the law of the Spirit of life, in shall be revealed in us.
Christ Jesus, hath made me free from 19 For the earnest expectation of
,thelaw of sin and death, the creature waiteth for the manifest-
3 For what the law could not do, ation of the sons of God.
in that it was weak through the flesh, 20 For the creature was made sub-
God, sending his own Son in the like- ject to vanity, not willingly, but by
ness of sinful flesh, and for sin con- reason of him who hath subjected the
demned him in the flesh same in hope,
4 That the righteousness of the law 21 That the creature itself also
may be fulfilled, in us who walk not shall be deUvered from the bondage of
according to the flesh, but according corruption, into the glorious liberty of
to the Spirit. the children of God.
5 For they that are according to 22 For we know that the whole
the flesh, do mind the things of the creation groaneth, and travaileth in
.flesh: but they, that are according to pain together until now
the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 23 And not only they, but ourselves
6 For to be carnally minded is also, who have the first-fruits of the
Ground of Christian hope. CHAPTER IX. Paul't sorrow for the Jewa.
Spirit,even \ye ourselves groan with' palities, nor powers, nor things pres-
in ourselves, waiting for the adop- ent,nor things to come,
tion, to wit, the redemption of our 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any
body. other creature, will be able to separate
24 For we are saved by hope: But us Irom the love of God which is in
hope that is seen, is not hope: for Christ Jesus our Lord.
what a man seeth, why doth he yet
hope for f
26 But if we hope for what we see 1 Paul is Bony for ihe Jews. 7 All the off-
spring of Abraham were not the chlldien
not, then widi patience we wait for it. of the promise. 18 God hath mercy on whom
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth he will. 21 The potter may do with the
clay what he pleaseth. S6 The calling of
our infirmities : for we know not what the Gentiles, and rejection of the Jews wore
we should pray for as we ought but : foretold. 32 The cause why so few Jews
the Spirit itseu maketh intercession embraced the righteousness of faith.
for us with groanings which cannot SAY the truth in Christ, I lie not,
be uttered. I
my conscience also bearing me
27 And he that searcheth the hearts testimony in the Holy Spirit,
knoweth what is the mind of the Spir- 2 That I have great heaviness and
it, because he maketh intercession for continual sorrow in my heart.
the samts, according to the iriU of 3 For I could wish that myself
God. were accursed from Christ, for my
28 And we know that all things brethren, my kinsmen according to
work together for good, to them that the fiesh
love God, to them who are the called 4 Who are IsraeUtes; to whom per-
according to his purpose. tain the adoption, and the glory, and
29 For whom he did foreknow, he the covenants, and the giving of the
also did predestinate to be conformed law, and the service of God, and the
to the image of his Son, that he might promises
be the first-bom among many breth- 6 Whose are the fathers, and from
ren. whom according to the flesh, Christ
30 Moreover, whom he did predes- came, who is over all, God blessed for
tinate, them he also called and whom
: ever. Amen,
he called, them he also justified: and V 6 Not as though the word of God
whom he justified, them he also glo- hath taken no enect. For they art
rified. not all Israel, who are descendants
31 What shall we then say to these from Israel?
things 1 If God u
for us, who can be 7 Neither because they are the seed
against us 1 of Abraham, are thei/ all children
32 He that spared not his own Son, but. In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
but delivered him up for us all, how 8 That is, They who are the chil.,
shall he not with him also fieely give dren of the flesh, these are not the
iu all things'! children of God ; but the children of
33 Who will lay any thing to the the promise are counted for the seed.
charge of God's elect 7 His God that 9 For this is the word of promise.
justifieth At this time will I come, and Sarah
34 Who u he that condemneth'! Jt shall have a son.
is Christ that died, or rather that is 10 And not only this; but when
risen again, who is even at the right Rebecca also had conceived by one,
hand of God, who also mal{£th inter- even by our father Isaac,
cession for us. 11 (For the children bang nol yet
35 Who shall separate us from the bom, neither having done any good
love of Christ? shall tribulation, or or evil, that the purpose of Godj ac-
distress, or persecution, or faming or cordmg to election might stand, not
nakedness, or peril, or sword? of works, but of him that calleth)
36 As it is written. For thy sake we 12 It was said to her. The elder
are kilbd all the day long; we are ac- shqll serve the younger.
counted as sheep for the slaughter. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I
37 But in all these things we are loved, but Esau have 1 hated.
more than conquerors, through him 14 What shall we say then? U
that loved us. there unrighteousness with God ? By
3S For I am persuaded, that neither no means.
death, nor life, nor angels, nor princi- 15 For he saith to Moses, I will
Calling of the Gentiles. ROMANS, Who are saved,
have mercy on whom I will have mer- teousness, even the righteousness
cy, and I will have compassion on which is by faith
whom I will have compassion. 31 But Israel, who followed after
16 So then, it is not of him that the law of righteousness, hath not at-
wiileth, nor of him that runneth, but tained to the law of righteousness.
of God that showeth mercy. 32 Why? Because they sought it
17 For the scripture saith to Phara- not by faith, but as it were by the
oh, Even for this same purpose have works of the law. For they stumbled
I raised thee up, that I might show at that stumbling-stone
my power in thee, and that my name 33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in
might be declared throughout all the Sion a stumbling-stone, and rock of
earth. . offense and whoever believeth on

18 Therefore he hath mercy on him shall not be ashamed.

whom he will have mercy, and whom CHAPTER X.
he will he hardeneth. 4 The scripture showeth the difference be-
19 Thou wilt say then to me, Why tween the righteou£inesB of the law, and
doth he yet find fault 7 for who hath this of faith 11 and that all, both Jew and

GentUe, that believe, shall not be confound-

resisted his wilH
ed ; 18 and that the Gentiles shall receive
20 No, but, man, who art thou tlie word, and believe. 19 Israel was not
that repliest against God 7 shall the ignorant of these things.
thing formed say to him that'formed BRETHREN, my heart's desire
it, Why hast thou made me thus 1 and prayer to God for Israel is,
21 Hath not the potter power over that they may be saved.
the clay of the same lump to make 2 For I bear them testimony that
one vessel to honor, and another to they have a zeal of God, but not ac-
dishonor? cording to knowledge.
22 Wiat if Godj willing to show 3 For they, being ignorant of God's
his wrath, and to make nis power righteousness, and seeking to estab-
known, endured with much long-suf- lish their own righteousness, have hot
fering the vessels of wrath fitted to submitted themselves to the righteous-
destruction ness of God,
23 And that he might make known 4 For Christ is the end of the law
the riches of his glory on the vessels for righteousness to every one that
of mercy, which he had beforeprepa- believeth.
red for glory, 5 For Moses describeth the righte-
24 Even us whom he hath called, ousness which is by the law. That
not of the Jews only, but also of the the man who doeth these things shall
Gentiles. live by them.
25 As he saith also in Hosea, I will 6 But the righteousness which is
call them My people, who were not by faith speaketn on this wise, Say
my people; and ner Beloved, who not in thy heart. Who shall ascend
was not beloved. into heaven 1 (that is, to bring Christ
26 And it shall come to pass, that down.)
in the place where it was said to them, 7 Or, Who shall descend into the
ye are not my
people; there shall deep 1 (that is, to bring Christ again
they be called. The children of the fVom the dead.)
living God. ,8 But what saith it 1 The word is
27 Isaiah also crieth concerning Is- nigh thee, en>en in thy mouth, and in
rael, Though the number of the chil- thy heart that is, the word of fkith,

dren of Israel be as the sand of the which we preach

sea, a remnant shall be saved 9 That if thou shalt confess with
28 For he will finish the work, and thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
cut it short in righteousness because : believe in thy heart that God hath
a short work will the Lord make up- raised him from the dead, thou shalt
on the earth. •

he saved.
29 And as Isaiah said before. Ex- 10 For with the heart man believ-
cept the Lord of Sabbaoth had left us eth to righteousness; and w^th the
a seed, we had been as Sodom, and mouth confession is made to salvation.
been made like Gomorrah. 11 For the acriptiure saith, whoever
30 What shall we say then? That believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
the Gentiles who followed not after 12 For there is no difference be-
righteousness, have attained to righ- tween the Jew and the Greek for the :

Odd hath not CHAPTER
XI. cast off" all Israel,
same Lord over all, is more of works otherwise grace is
rich to all that :

call upon him, no more grace. But if of works, then

13 For whoever shall ia.\\ upon the is it no more grace otherwise work

name of the Lord shall be saved. is no more work.

14 How then shall they call on him 7 What thenl Israel hath not ob-
in whom they have not believed 1 and tained that which he seeketh for but ;

how shall they believe in him of the election hath obtained it, and the
whom they have not heard 7 and how rest were blinded.
shall they near without a preacher 1 8 (Accordmg as it is written, God
15 Ana how shall they preach, ex- hath given them the spnit of slumber,
cept they be sent? as it is written, eyes that they should not see, and
How beautifiil are the feet of them ears that .they should not hear ;) to
that preach the gospel of peace, and this day.
brin^ glad tidings of good things 1 9 And David saith. Let their table
16 But they have not all obeyed the be made a snare, and a trap, and a
gospel. For Isaiah saith, Lord, who stumbling-block, and a recompense to
hath believed our report t them
17 So then, faith cometh by hearing, 10 Let then- eyes be darkened, that
and hearing by the word of God. they may not see, and bow down their
18 But I say, Have they not heard 1 back always.
Yes verily, their sound went into all 11 I say then, Have they stumbled
the earth, and theii words to the ends that they should fain By no means:
of the world. but rather through their fell salvation
But I say. Did not Israel know 7
19 is come to the Gentiles, to provoke
First,Moses saith, I will provoke you them to jealousy.
to jealousy by them, tkut are no peo- 12 Now if the fall of them be the
ple, and by a foolish nation I will an- riches of the world, and the dimmish-
ger you. ing of them the riches of the Gentiles
20 But Isaiah is very bold, and saith, how much more their fullness 1
I was found by them that sought me 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, in-
not; I was made manifest to them asmuch as I am the apostle of the
that asked not for me. Gentiles, I magnify my office
21 But to Israel he saith, All day 14 If by any means I may incite to
long I have stretched forth my hands emulation them wfto are my flesh, and
to a disobedient and gainsaying peo- may save some of them.
ple. 15 For if the rejection of them be
CHAPTER XI. the reconciling of the world, what
I God hath not cast off all Israel. 7 Sdme shall the receiving of them be, but life
were elected, though the rest were harden- from the dead's
ed. IG There is hope of their conversion. 16 For if the first fruit is holy, the
18 The Gentiles may not insult them 26

for there is a promise of their salvaUon. 33 lump is alsoMu: and if the toot is
God's judgments are unsearchable. holy, so are the branches.
SAY then. Hath God cast away 17 And if some of the branches be
I his people 1 By no means. Fori broken oi^ and thou, being a wild
also am an Israelite, of the seed of olive tree, art ingrafted among the^,
Abraham, qfihe tribe of Benjamin. and with them partakest of the root
2 Grod hath not cast away his peo- and fatness of the olive-tree j
ple which he foreknew. Know ye not 18 Boast not against the branches.
what the scripture saith of Elijah'? But if thou boastest, thou bearest not
how he maketh intercession to God the root, but the root thee.
against Israel, saying, 19 Thou wilt say then, The branch-
3 Lord, they have killed thy proph- es were broken off, that I might be
ets, and digged down thy altars ; and ingrafted.
I amleft alone, and they seek my
life. 20 Well J because of unbelief they
4 But what saith the answer of were broken oif, and thou standest by
God to hun7 I have reserved to my- faith. Be not high-minded, but fear
self seven thousand men, who have 21 For if God spared not the natur-
not bowed the knee to Baal. al branches, take heed lest he also
5 Even so then at this presen t time spare not thee.
also there is a remnant according to 22 Behold therefore the goodness
(he election of grace. and severity of God : on them who
6 And if by grace then it U
no fell, severity ; but toward thee, good-
God! s judgments ROMANS. are imsearAdhle,
ness, if thou shall continue in his holy, acceptable to God, vhichis your
goodness : otherwise thou also shalt reasonable service.
Be cut off. 2 And be not conformed to this
23 And they also, they abide not
if world but be ye transformed by the

still in unbelief, shall be ingrafted renewing of your mind, that ye inay

for God isable to ingraft them again. prove what is that good and accepta-
24 For if thou wast cut out of the ble, and perfect will of God.
olive-tree which is wild by nature, and 3 For through the grace given to
wast ingrafted contrary to nature into me, I say, to every man that is among
a good olive-tree; how much more vou, not to think of hiihself more
shall these, which are the natural nighly than he ought to think ; but to
irancAes, .be grafted into their own think soberly, according as God hath
olive-tree 1 dealt to every man the measure of
25 For I would not, brethren, that faith.
ye should be ignorant of this myste- 4 For as we have many members
ry, (lest ye should be wise in your in one body, and all members have
own conceits) that blindness in part not the same office
hath happened to Israel, until the full- 5 So we, being many, are one body
ness of the Gentiles shall be come in. in Christ, and every one members
26 And so all Israel shall be saved one of another.
as it is written, There shall come out 6 Havihg then gifts differing ac-
of Sion the Deliverer, and he shall cording to the grace that is given to
turn away ungodliness from Jacob us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy
27 For this is my covenant to them, according to the proportion of faith
when I shall take away their sins. 7 Or ministry, let us wait on our
28 As concerning tne gospel, they ministering or he that teacheth, on

art enemies for your sakes: but as teaching

concerning the election, they are be- 8 Or ne that exhorteth, on exhor-
loved for the fathers' sakes. tation: Hfe that giveth, Zef him do it
29 For the gifts and calling of God with simplicity ; ne that ruleth, with
art without repentance. diligence; be that showeth mercy,
30 For as ye in times past have not with cheerfulness.
believed God, yet have now obtained 9 Z/ti love be without dissimulation.
mercy through their unbelief; Abhor that which is evil; cleave to
31 Even so have these also now that which is good.
not beUeved, that through your mercy 10 Be kindly affectioned one to
they also may obtain mercy. another with brotherly love ; in hon-
32 For God hath concluded them or preferring one another j
all in unbeUef, that he might have 11 Not slothful in business : fervent
mercy upon all. in spirit ; serving the Lord
33 O the depth of the riches both of 12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in
the wisdom and knowledge of God tribulation; continuing earnest in
how unsearchable art his judgments, prayer
and his ways past finding out 13 Distributing to the necessity of
34 For who hath known the mind saints ; given to nospitality.
of the Lord'? or who hath been his 14 Bless them who persecute you
counselor ? bless, and curse not.
33 Or who hath first given to him, 15 Rejoice with them that rejoice,
and it shall be recompensed to him and weep with them that weep.
again 7 16 .Be of the same mind one toward
36 For from him, and by him, and another. Mind not high things, but
to him are all things to whom bt : condescend to'men of low estate. Be
glory for ever. Amen. not wise in your own conceits.
CHAPTER XII. 17 Recompense to no man evil for
1 God's mercies must move us to please God. evil. Provide things honest in the
3 No man must think too well of himself, 6 sight of all men.
but attend every one on that calling, where-
18 Kit is possible, as much as lieth
, in he is placed. 9 Love and many other
duties are required of us. 18 Revenge is in you, live peaceably with all men.
specially forbidden. 19 Deariy beloved, avengenot your-
BESEECH you therefore, breth- selves, but rather give place to wrath
I ren, by the mercies of God, that ye for it is written. Vengeance is mine; I
present your bodies a living sacrifice. will repay, saith the Lord.
Obedience to magistrates. CHAPTER XIV. Days tend meats indiferent.
20 Thraefofe thy enemy hunger-
if isat hand^' let us therefore cast off
eth, frad him; if he thirsteth, give the wottis of darkness, and let us put
him-drinlc^ for in so doing thoQ ^nalt on the armor of light.
heap coals of fire on his head. 13 Let us walk honestly, as in the
21 Be not ovfereome fcy evil, but day ; not in rioting and drunkenness,
overcome evil with good. not in chambering and wantonness,
not in strife and envying.
CHAPTER XEH. But put ye on the Lord Jesus
I SUbjectiCFH,and many other duties we owe Christ, and make not provision for the
to the magistrates. 8 Love Is the fulfilling
of the law. 11 Gluttony, and drunkenness, lusts of flesh.
and the works of darkness, are out of sea-
son' 4n the time of the gospel. CHAPTER XIV.
LET every soul be subject
higher powers. For there is no
to the 3 Men may not contemn nor condemn one
the other for things indifferent 13 but take

heed that they give no offense In them ; IS

power OBt from God the powers that : For that the apostle proveth unlawful by
are, are ordained by God, many reasons.
2 Whoever therefore resisteth the
power, resisteth the ordinance of God
HIM that is weak in the faith re-
ceive ye, but not to doubtful dis-
and they that resist shall receive to putations.
themselves damnation. 2 For onebelieveththat hemayeat
3 For rulers are not a terror to all things : another, who is weak, eat-
good works, bat to the evil. Wilt thou eth herbs.
then not be afraid of the power ; do 3 Let not him that eateth, despise
riiat which is good, and thou shalt him that eateth not ; and let not him
have praise from the same who eateth not, judge him that eat-
4 For he is the minister of God to eth : for God bath received him.
to thee for good. But if ihou doest 4 Who
art thou that judgest anoth-
that which is evil, be afraid ; for he er man's servant? to his own master
beareth not the sword in vain for he : he standeth or falleth: and he shall
is the minister of God, an avenger to be upheld : for God is able to make
execute wrath upon him that doeth him stand,
evil. 5 One man esteemeth one day

5 Wherefbfe ye must needs be sub- abpve another; another esteemeth

ject, not only for wrath, but also for every day alike. Let every man be
conscience sake. fully persuaded in his own mind.
6 For, for this cause ye pay tribute 6 Hethatregardeththeday, regard-
also : for they are God's ministers, eth it to the Lord and he that re- :

attending continually upon this very gardeth not the day, to the Lord he
thing. doth not regard it. He that eateth,
7 Render therefore to all their dues eateth to the Lord, for he gjveth God
tribute to whom tribute is due ; cus- thanks ; and he that eateth not, to
tom to whom custom fear to whom ; the Lord he eateth not, and giveth
fear ; honor to whom honor. God thanks.
8 Owe no man any thin^, but to 7 For none of us liveth to himself,
love one another he that loveth
: for and no man dieth to himself
another hath the law.
fulfilled 8 For whether we live, we live to
9 For this. Thou shalt not commit the Lord and whether we die, we die

adultery, Thou shalt not kill. Thou to the Lord whether we live there-

shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear fore, or die, we are the Lord's.
false witness, Thou shalt not covet 9 For to this end Christ both died,
and if there is any other command- aiid rose, and midit
revived, that he.
ment, it is briefly comprehended in be Lord both of the dead and the ay-
this saying,namely, Thou shalt love iug.
thy neighbor as thyself. 10 But why dost thou judge thy
10 Love worketh' no ill to one's brother"? or why dost thou set At
neighbor therefore love is the fulfil-
: naught thy brother? for we shall all
ling of the law. stand before the judgment-seat of
11 And this, knowing the time, that Christ.
now it is high time to awake out of 11 For it is written, As I live, saith
sleep : for now is our salvation nearer the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
than when we believed. and every tongue shall confess to
12 The nighl is far spent, the ddy God.
15 169
strong must bear leith the weak. ROMANS. Acceptance of the GenlUes.
12 So then every one of us shall formerly, were written for our learn-
ing, that we through patience and

give account of himself to God.

13 Let us not therefore judge one comfort of the spnptures might have
another any more but judge this hope.

rather, that no man put a stumbling- 5 Now the God of patience and
block, or an occasion to fall in his consolation grant you to be like-mind-
brother's way. ed one toward another according to
14 I know, and am persuaded by Christ Jesus
the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing 6 That ye may with one mind and
unclean by itself: but to him that es' one mouth glorify God, even the Fa-
teemeth any thing to be unclean, to ther of our Lord Jesus Christ.
him it is unclean. 7 Wherefore receive ye one another,
15 But if thy brother is grieved with as Christ also received us to the glory
thy food, now walkesf thou not char- of God.
itably. Destroy not him with thy 8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was
food, for whom
Christ died. a minister, of the circumcision for the
16 Let not then your good be evil truth of God, to comfirm the promises
spoken of: m.ade to the fathers
17 For the kingdom of God is not 9 And that the Gentiles might glo-
food and driilk, out righteousness, rify God for his mercy as it is writ-

and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. ten, For this cause I will confess to
18 For he that in these things ser- thee among the Gentiles, and sing to
veth Christ, is acceptable to God, and thy name.
approved by men, 10 And again he saith, Rejoice, ye
19 Let us therefore follow
after the Gentiles, with his people-
things which make for peace, and 11 And again, Praise the Lord, all
things with which one may edify an- ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye
other. people.
20 For the sake of food, destroy 12 And again Isaiah saith, There
not the work of God. All things in- shall be a root of Jesse, and he that
deed are pure ; but it is evil for that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles
man who eateth with offense. in him shall the Gentiles trust.
21 It is good neither to eat flesh, 13 Now the God of hope fill you
nor to drink wine, nor any thing by ' with all joy and peace in believing,
which thy brother stumbleth, or is that ye may abound in hope, through
offended, or is make weak. the power of the Holy Spirit.
22 Hast thou faith? have it to thy- 14 And I myself also am persuaded
self before God. Happy is he that concerning you, my brethren, that ye
condemneth not himself in that thing also are full of goodness, filled with
which he .alloweth. all knowledge, able also to admonish
23 And he that doubteth is damned one another.
if he eateth, because he eateth not 15 Nevertheless, brethren, I have
from feiith : for whatever is not from written the more boldly to you in
faith is sin. some sftrt. as patting you in mind, be-
cause of the grace that is given to me
CHAPTER XV. from God.
1 The strong must bear with the weak. 2 16 That I should be the minister of
We may not please ourselves, 3 for Christ Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, minister-
did not so: 7 but receive one the other, as
Christ did us all, 8 both Jews, sand Gen- ing the gospel of God, that the offer-
tiles. 15 Paul excuseth Ills writing, 28 and ing up of the Gentiles might be accept-
promiseth to see them, 30 and requesteth
able, being sanctified by the Holy
their iirayers.

WE then that are strong ought to

bear the infirmities of the weak,
17 I have therefore cause for glory-
ing through Jesus Christ, in those
and not to please ourselves. things which pertain to God.
2 Let every one of us please his 18 For I will not dare to speak of
neighbor for his good to edification. any of those things which Christ hath
3 For even Christ pleased not him- not wrought by me, to make the Gen-
self; but, as it is written, The reproach- tiles obedient by word and deed,
es of them that reproached thee fell 19 Through mighty signs and won-
on me. ders,by the power of the Spirit of
4 For whatever things were written God; so that firom Jerusalem, and
Paulrequesteth their prayers. CHAPTER XVI. PauVs salutatioru,
around to I have iiilly
Illyricuna, 2 That ye rec^ve her in the Lord,
preached the gospel of Christ. as it becometh saints, and that ye as-
20 And so nave I strived to preach sisther in whatever business she hath
the gospel, not where Christ was need of you for she hath been a suc-

named, lest I should biiild upon an- corer of many, and of myself also.
other man's foundation 3 Greet Priscilla anil Aquila my
21 But as it is written, They shall helpers in Christ Jesus :

see to whom he was not spoken of i Whohave for my life laid down
and they that have not heard shall their necks to whom not only I
own :

imderstand. give thanks, but also all the churches

22 For which cause also I have of the Gentiles.
been much hindered from coming to 5 Likewise greet the church that is
yon. in their house. Salute my well-be-
23 But now having no more place loved Epenetus, who is the first-fruits
in these parts, and having a great de- of Achaia to Christ.
sire these many years lo come to you 6 Greet Mary, who bestowed much
24 Whenever I take my journey in- labor on us.
to Spain, I will come to you : for I 7 Salute Andronicus and Jilnia my
trust to see you in my
journey, and to kinsmen, and ray fellow-prisoners,
be brought on my way thitnerward who are of note among the apostles,
by you^ if first I be somewhat
shall who also vfere in Christ before me.
filled with yoto company. S Greet Araplias my beloved in the
25 But now I go to Jerusalem to Lord.
minister to the saints. 9 Salute Urbane, our helper in
26 For it hath pleased them of Ma- Christ, and Stachys my beloved.
cedonia and Achaia to make a certain 10 Salute Apelles approved in
contribution for the poor of the saints Christ. Salute them who areofAris-
who are at Jerusalem. tobulus' household.
27 It hath pleased them verily ; and 11 Salute Herodion my kinsmali.
their debtors they are. For if the Greet them that are of the household
Gentiles have been made partakers of of Narcissus, who are in the Lord.
their spiritual things, their duty is also 12 Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa,
to minister to them in carnal things. who labor in the Lord. Salute the
28 When therefore I have perform- beloved Persis, who labored much in
ed this, and have sealed to them this the Lord.
fiuit, I will go by you into Spain. 13 Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord,
23 And I am sure that when I come and his mother and mine.
Ut you, I shall come in the fullness of 14 Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon,
the blessing of the gospel of Christ. Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the
30 Now I beseech you, brethren, brethren who are with them.
for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and 15 Salute Philologus, and Julia,
for the love of the Spirit, that ye Nereus, and hia sister, and Olympas,
strive together with me in your pray- antl all the saints who are with them.
ers to God for me 16 Salute one another with a holy
31 That I may be delivered from kiss. The churches of Christ salute
them in Judea who do not believe you.
and that ray service which / have for 17 Now I beseech yon, brethren,
Jerusalem, may be acceptable to the mark them who cause divisions lUid
saints offenses, contrary to the doctrine
32 That I may come to you with which ye have learned; and avoid
joy by the will of God, and may with them.
you be refreshed. 18 For they that are such serve not
33 Now the God of peace be with our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own
you all. Amen. belly; and by good words and fair
CHAPTER XVI. speeches deceive the hearts of the sim-
3 Paul witleth the brethren tu greet many ple.
17 and advlseth them to take heed of th03& 19 For your obedience is come
who cause dissension aiul offenses ; 21 and
after sundry salutations endeth with praise abroad to all men. I am glad there-
and thaiiKs to God. fore on your behalf: -but yet I would
COMMEND to you Phebe our sis- have you wise to that which is good,>
I ter, who is a servant of the church and simple concerning evil..
which is at Cenchrea 20 And the God of peace will soon
Paul concludeih with I. CORINTHIANS'. praise to God.
bruiseSatan under your feet. The 25 Now to him that able to es-
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be tablish yon according to my
with you. Amen. and the preaching of Jesus Christ, ac-
21 Timothy my work-fellow, and cording to the revelation of the mys-
Lucius, and Jascm,' and Sosipater my tery, which hath been kept secret
Xinsmeii, salute yeu. since the world began,
22 I TertiiiS, who wrote this epiatle, 26 But now is made manifest, and
salute you in the Lord. by the scriptures of the prophets, ac-
23 Gaius my host, and of «he whole cording to the commandment of the
church, saluteth you. Erastus the everlasting God, made known to all
chamberlain of the city sahrteth you, nations for the obedience of faith
and Quartus a brother. 27 To God the only wise, be glory
24 The grace of our Lord Jesus through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen-.
Christ he with you all. Amen. Written from Corinth by Phebe.

1 The First Epistle of PAUL to the

CHAPTER I. by the name of our Lord Jesus Chrfsti
1 After his salutation and ttiaiiksgiving, 10 that ye all speak the same thing, and
he exhorteth them to unit.v, 12 and repronr- that there be no divisions among
eth their dissensions. 18 God destrnyeth yen; but that ye be perfectly joined
the wisdom of the wise 2L by the foolishr
ness of preaciung and, S6-' calleth not the together in the same mind, and in the

wise, mighty, and noble, but 27, Hi the fool- same judgment.
ish, wealc, and men of no account 11 For it hath been declared to me

PAUL, called to be an apostle of Je- concerning you, my brethren, by them

sus Christ through the will of who are of the house of Chloe, that
God, and Sosthenes oar brother, there are contentions among you.
2 To the chorch of God which is at 12 Now this I say, that every one
Corinth, to them that are sanctified in of you saith, I am of Paul and 1 of ;

Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with ApoUos ; and I of Cephas and I of ;

all that in every place call upon the Christ.

name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both 13 Is Christ divided? was Paul cru-
theirs and ours. you? or were ye baptized in
cified for
3 Grace be to you, and peace from the name of Paul ? .

God our Father, and from the Lord 14 I thank God that I baptized
Jesus Christ. none of 'you, but Crispus and Gains;
4 I thank my God always on your 15 Lest any should say that I had
behalf, for the grace of God which is baptized in my own name:
given you by Jesus Christ 16 And I baptized' also the house-
5 That in every thing ye are enrich- hold of Stephanas; besides, I know
ed by him, in all utterance, and in all not whether I baptized any other.
knowledge 17 For Christ natb not sent me to
6 Even as the testimony of Christ baptize, but to preach the gospel not :

was confirmed in you with wisdom of words, lest the cross

7 So that ye come behind in no of Christ should be made of no effect.
gift; waiting for the coming of our IS For the preaching of the cross is
Lord Jesus Christ to them that perish, foolishness ; but
8 Who will also confirm you to the to us who aire saved, it is the power of
end, that ye may be blameless in the God.
day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 19 For it is written, I will destroy
a- God by whom ye were
is faithful, the wisdom of the wise, and will bring
called to the fellowship of his Son to nothing the understanding of the
Jesus Christ our Lord. prudent.
10 Now I beseech you, brethren, 20 Where is the wise 7 "where is the
PaaVa manner CHAPTER III. qf preaohing.
scribe twhere is the dispute! of this in the wisdom of men, bBt in the pow-
world i hath not God m^d^ Awlish er of God.
the wisdom of this world? 6 However, we speak wisdom
21 For whenio the wisdom,of Grod among them ,that are perfect yet not

the world by wisdom knew npt God, the wisdom of this world, nor of the
it pleased God by the foolisnness of princes of this world, that come to
pre^qhing to save them that believe. naught
22 For the Jews require a sign, and 7 But we speak the wisdom of God
the Greeks seek wisdom in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom
S3 But we preach Christ crucified, which God ordained before the world
to the Jews a stumbling-block, and to to our glory
the Greeks foolishness 8 winch none of the princes of this
24 But to theai who are called, both world knew for had they known it,

Jews and Greeks, Christ the power they would not have crucified the
of God, and the wisdom of God. Lord of glory.
25 Because the foolishness of God 9 But as It is written. Eye hath not
is wiser than men ; and the weakness seen, nor ear heard, neither have en-
of God is stronger than men. tered into the heart of man, the things
26 For ye see your calling, breth- which God hath prepared for them
ren, that not many wise men after that love him.
thd flesh, not many mighty, not many 10 But God hath revealed them to
noble are called: us by his Spirit ; for the Spirit search-
27 But God hath chosen the foolish eth all things, even the deep things of
things of the world to confound the God.
-wise ; and God hath chosen the weak 11 For what man knoweth the
things of the world to confound the things of a man, save the spirit of
things which are migfity j man which is in him 1 even so the
28 And base things of the world, things of God knoweth no man, but
and things which are despised, hath the Spirit of God.
God. chosen, and things which are 12 Now we have received, not the
not, to bring to naught things that spirit of the world, but the spirit which
are is from God; that we may know the
29 That no flegh shopld glory in things that are freely given to, us by
his presence. God:
30 But of him are ye in Christ Je- 13 Which things also we speak, not
sus, who from God is made to us wis- in the words which man's wisdom
dom, and righteousness, and sanctifi- teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit
cation, and redemption teacheth ; comparmg spiritual thmgs
Si That, according as it is written. with spiritual.
He that glorieth, let him glory in the 14 But the natural man i«ceiveth
Lord. not the things of the Spirit of God :
CHAPTER II. for they are foolishness to him nei- :

1 Paul dedaieth that hia preaching, though It ther can he know them, because they
bringeth not excellence of speech, or of 4 are spiritually discerned.
human wisdom yet conslsteth in the 4, 5
15 But he that is spiritual judgeth
power of God and so f^r excelleth 6 the

wisdom of this woEld, and 9 human sense, all things, yet he himself is judged by
as that L4 the natural man cannot under-
no man.
stand it
16 For who hath known the mind
AND I,brethren, when I came to
of the Lord, that he may instruct him 7
you, came not with excellence of But we have the mind of Christ.
speech, or of wisdom.declaring to you
the testimony of God. CHAPTER III.
2 For I determined not to know 2 Milk is proper for children. 3 Strife aqd
division are arguments of a fleshly mind. 7
any thing amo^g you, save Jesus He that planteth and be that watereth, are
Christ, and him ci^cified. othlng. 9 The ministers are God's leuofn-

3 And I was with you in weaknesp,

workmen, ii Christ the only foundation.
IS Men the temples of God, 17 which must
and in fear, and in much trembling. hekeptholy. 19 The wisdom of this world
4 And my speech and my preach- <s fooUshness with God.

ing was not with enticing words ofi

man's wisdom, but in denionstration
I, brethren, could not speak
to you as to spiritual, but as to
<jf the Spirit, and of power carnal, eoen as to babes in Christ.
5 That your faith should not stand 2 I Wie fed ygu with milk,and not
15* 173
Sufferings, <fe. I. CORINTHIANS. of the apostles.
with meat for hitherto ye were not
: foolishness with God. For it is writ-
able to bear it, neither yet now are ye ten, He taketh the wise in their own

able. craftiness.
3 For ye
are yet carnal for where- : 20 And again. The Lord knoweth
as there is among you envying, and the thoughts ofthe wise, that they are
strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, vain.
and walk as men 7 21 Therefore let no man glory in
4 For while one saith, I am of Paul men : for all things are yours
and another, I am of ApoUos j are ye 22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or
not carnal'! Cephas, or the world, or life, or death,
5 Who
then is Paul, and who is or things present, or things to come
Apollos, but ministers by whom ye all are yours
believed, even as the Lord gave to ev- 23 And ye are Christ's; and Christ
ery man ? is God's.
6 I have planted, Apollos watered CHAPTER IV.
but God hatn given the increase.
1 In what account the ministers ought to be
7 So then, neither is he that plant- had. 7 Wehave hothing which we have
eth any thing, neither he that water- not received. 9 The apostles, spectacles to
the world, angels, and men ; 13 the filth
eth but God that giveth the increase.
and off-scourinff of the world 15 yet our
8 Now he that planteth and he that

fathers in Christ, 18 whom we ought to

watereth are one and every man:
shall receive .his own reward; accord-
ing to his own labor.
LET a man so account of as of
the ministers of Christ, and stew-

9 For we are laborers together with ards of the mysteries of God.

God ye are God's husbandry, ye are
: 2 Moreover, it is required in stew-
God's building. ards, that a man be found faithful.
10 According to the grace of God 3 But with me it is a very small
which is given to me, as a wise mas- thing that I should be judged by you,
ter-builder, I have laid the foundation, or by man's judgment: yes; I judge
and another buildeth upon it. But let not my own self.
every man take heed how he buildeth 4 For I know nothing againslt my-
upon it. self; yet, am I not hereby justified:
11 For other foundation can no but he that judgeth me is the Lord.
man lay than that which is laid, 5 Therefore judge nothing before the
which is Jesus Christ. time, uiitil the Lord shall come, who
12 Now if any man buildeth upon will both bring to light the hidden
this foundation, gold, silver, precious things of darkness, and will make
stone's, wood, hay, stubble manifest the- counsels of the hearts
13 Every man s work will be made and then shall every man have praise
manifest for the day will declare it,
: from God.
because will be revealed by fire;
it 6 And these things, brethren, I
and thefirewill try every man's work, have in a figure transferred to myself,
of what sort it is. and to Apollos, for your sakes; that
14 If anyman'sworkabideth which ye may learn m
us not to think of
he hath built upon it, he shall receive men above that which is written, that
a reward. no one of you on account of one,
15 If any man's work shall be may be puffed up against another.
burned, he will suffer loss but he : 7 For who maketh thee to differ
himself shall be saved yet so as by ; Jroni another? and what hast thou
fire. that thou didst- not receive? now if
16 Pnow ye not that ye are the thou didst receive it, why dost thou
temple of God, and that the Spirit of glory, as if thou hadst not received it ?
God dwelleth in you ? 8 Nowye are fiill, now ye are rich,
17 Ifany man defileth the temple ye have reigned as kings without us :

of God, him will God destroy for theand I wish ye did reign, that we also

temple of God is holy, which temple might reign with you.

ye are. 9 For I think that God hath set forth
18 Let no man deceive himself. If us the apostles last, as it were ap-
any man among you seemeth to be pointed to death for we are made a :

wise in this world, let him become a spectacle to the world, and to angels,
fool, that he may he wise. and to men.
19 For the wisdom of this world is 10 We
are fools for Christ's sake,
Theincesiiumsptnon. CHAPTER VI. Against going to law,
but ye are wise in Christ j we are 5 To deliver such one to Satan for
weaKi but ye are strong j ye are hon- the destruction of the flesh, that the
orable, but we are despised. spirit may be saved in the day of the
UEven to this present hour we Lord Jesus.
both hunger, and thirst, and are na- 6 Your boasting is not good. Know
ked, and are buffeted, and have no ye not, that a litfle leaven leaveneth
certain dwelling-place the whole lump 1
12 And labor, working with our 7 Cleanse out therefore the old
ovm hands. Being reviled, we bless j leaven, that ye may be a new lump,
being persecuted, we sufier it as ye are unleavened. For even Christ
13 Being defamed, we ehtreat we : our passover is sacrificed for us
are ttiade as the filth of the world, the 8 Therefore let us keep the feast,
ofi'scouring of all things to this day. not with old leaven, neitner with the
14 1 wnce not these things to shame leaven of malice and wickedness ; but
you, but as my beloved sons I warn with the unleavened bread of sincerity
you. and truth.
15 For though ye have ten thousand 9 I have written to you in this
Instructors in Christ, yet have ye not epistle, not to associate with persons
many fathers for in Christ Jesus I
: guilty of lewdness
have begotten you through the gospel. 10 Yet not altogether with lewd
16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye persons of this world, or with the
followers of me. covetous, or extortioners, or with idol-
17 For this cause have I sent to aters for then ye must needs go out

you Timothy, who is my beloved son, of the world.

and faithful m
the Lord, who will 11 But now I have written to you
bring you into rertlembrance of my not to keep company, if any man that
ways which are in Christ, as I teacn is called a brother is a lewd person, or
every where in every church. covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or
18 Now some are puffed up, as a drunkard, or an extortioner : with
though I would not come to you. such person no not to eat.
19 But I will come to you shortly, 12 For what have I to do to judge
if the Lord will, and will know, not them also that are without? do ye
the speech of them who are puffed up, not judge them that are within 1
but the power. 13 But them that are without Crod
20 For the kingdom of God is not judgeth. Therefore put away from
in word, but in power. among yourselves that wicked per-
21 What will ye^ shall I come to son.
you with a rod, or in love, and in the CHAPTER VI.
spirit of meekness 7
I The Corinthians must not trouble their
brethren, In going to law with them : espe-
CHAPTER V. cially under infidels. 9 The unrighteous
I The Incestuous person 6 is cause rather of will not Inherit the kingdom of God. IS
shame to them, than of rejoicing. 7 The old Our bodies are the members of Christ, 19
leaven is to be purged out. 10 Hainous of- and temples of th« Holy Spirit : 16, 17 They
fenders are to be shunned and avoided. must not therefore be demed.
commonly tiiat there
ITis lewdness among
you, and such
DARE any of you, having a matter
against another, go to law before
lewdness as is not so much as named the unjust, and not before the saints t
among the Gentiles, that one should 2 Do ye not know that the saints
have his father's wife. will judge the world 1 and if the world
2 And ye are puffed up, and have shall be judged by you, are ye unwor-
not rather mourned, that he who hath thy to judge the smallest matters?
done this deed might be taken away 3 Know ye not that we shall judge
from among y;ou. angels 7 how much more, things that
3 For I verily, as absent in body, pertain to this life f
nut present in spirit, have judged al- 4 If then ye have judgments of
ready as though I were present, con- things pertaining to this life, set them
cerning him that hath so done this to judge who are least esteemed in the
deed,. church.
4 In the name of our Lord Jesus 5 I speak to your shame. Is it so,
Christ, when ye areassembled, and that there is not a wise man among
my apait, with the power of our Lord you 1 no, not one that will be able to
Jesus Christ, judge between his brethren 7
Of going to Ims. I. CORINTHIANS. The use of marriage.
6 But brother goelh to law with with his vocation, 25 Virginity why to be
embraced. 35 And for what respects we
brother, and that before unbelievers. may eithermany, or abstain from many*
7 Now
therefore tjiere is utterly a Ing.
fault among you, because ye go to law
one with another. Why do ye not
NOW concerning
which ye wrote to
me :
It is good

gather take wrong? why do ye not for a man touch a woman.

no.t to
rather stiffei^ yawrsdves to be defraud- 2 Nevertheless, to moid lewdness,
ed'! let every man have his own wife, and
8 But ye do wrojig, and defraud, let every woman have her own hus-
and that yawr brethren. band.
9 Know
ye not that the unrighteous 3 Let the husband render to the
shall not inherit the kingdom of God 1 wife due benevolence and likewise

Be not deceived ; neither fornicators, also the wife to the husband.

nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor ef.- 4 The wife hath not powerof her
feminate, nor abusers of themselves own body, but the husband: and
with mankind, likewise also the husband hath not
10 Nor nor covetous, nor
thieves, power of his own body, but the wife.
drunkards, nor nor extortion-
revilers, 5 Defraud ye not one the other, ex-
ers, shall inherit kingdom of God.
the cept with consent for a time, that ye
And such were some of you; may give yourselves to fasting and
but ye are washed, but ye are sancti- prayer; and come together again,
fied, but ye are justified in the name that Satan may not tempt you for
of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit your incontinence.
of our God. 6 But I speak this by permission,
J2iAU things are lawful, to me, but and not as a cenjmandinent.
all things are not expedient all things : ,
7 For I would that all men were as
are lawful for me, but I will not be I myself. But every man hath his
brought under the power of any. proper gift from God, one after this
13 Meats for the belly, and the belly
manner, and another after that.
for meats but God will destroy both
: 8 I say therefore to the unmarried
it and them. Now the body is not and widows. It is good for therii if
for lewdness, hut for the Lord j and they remain even as I.
the Lord for tbe body. 9 But if they cannot contain, let
14 And God hath both raised up them marry for it is better to marry

the Lord, and v?ill also raise up us by than. to burn.

his own power. 10 And to the married I comipand,
15 Know
ye not, that your bodies yet not I, but, the Lord, Lei not the
are the members of Christ? shall I wife depart from her husband
then take the members of Christ, and 11 But if she shall depart, let her
make them the members Of a harlot 1 remain unmarried, or be reconciled to
By no means. her husband and let not the husband

16 What know ye not

'! that he who put away his wife.
isjoined to a harlot is one body? for 12 But to the rest I speak, not the
two, saith he, shall be one fiesh. Lord, if any brother hath a wife that
17 But he that is joined to the Lord beUeveth not^ and she is pleased to
is one spirit. dvyell with him, let him not put her
18 Flee lewdness. Every sin that away.
a man doeth, is without the body; 13 And the woman who hath a
but he that committeth lewdness, sin- husband that believeth not, and if he
neth against his own body. is pleased to dwell with her, let her
19 What, know ye not that your not leave him.
body the temple of the Holy Spirit
is . 14 For the unbelieving husband is
vihich is in you, which ye have from sanctified by the wife, and the unbe-
God, and ye are not your own? lieving wife is sanctified by the hus-
20 For ye are bought .with a price band : else were your chilclren un-
therefore glorify God in your body, clean ; but now are they holy.
and in your spirit, which are God's. 15 But if the unbelieving departeth,
let him depart. A
brother or a sister
CHAPTER Vn. is not under bondage in such cases;
2 He treateth of marriage, 4 showing it to be but God hath called us to peace.
a temeijy against lewdness; lo and ttiat the
marriage tie ought not lightly tn be dissol- 16 For how knowest thou, wife, O
ved. IS, SO Every man .must be content whether thou shalt save thy husband?
* •
Of marriage, if-c. CHAPTER VIII. Of meats aff'ered to idols.
orhow knowcBt thou, man, wheth- ious for the things that are of the
er thou shalt save thy wife 7 , world, how he may please his wife.
17 But as God hath distributed to 34 There is a dinerence also be-
every man, as the Lord hath called tween a wife and a virgin. The un-
every one, so let him walk. And so married woman is anxious for the
I ordain in all churches. things of the Lord, that she may be
18 Is any man called bebig circum- holy, both in body and in spirit : but
cised 1 let nim not become uncircum- she that ia married, is anxious for the
cised. Is any called in uncircum- things of the world, how she may
cision'! let him not become circum- please her husband.
cised. 3B And
this I speak for your own
19 Circumcision is nothing* and un- profit not that I may cast a snare

circumcision is nothing, but the keep- upon yoii, but for that which is come-
ing of the commandments of God. ly, and that ye may attend upon the
20 Let every man continue in the Lord without distraction.
same calUng in which he was called. 36 But if any man thinketh that he
21 Art thou called being a servant? behaveih himself uncomely toward
care not for it ; but if thou mayest be his virgin, if she hath passed the flow-
made free, use it rather. er of her age, and need so requireth,
22 For he that is called in the Lord, let him do what he will, he sinnetn
being a servant, is the Lord's fre*- not let them marry.

man : likewise also he that is called, 37 Nevertheless, he that standeth

being free, is Christ's servant. steadfast in his heart, having no ne-
23 Ye are bought with a price ; be cessity, but hath power over his own
not ye the servants of men. will, and hath so decreed in his heart
24 Brethren, let. every man in the that he will keep his virgin^ doeth well.
state in which he is culled, continue 38 So then he that giveth her in
in it with God. marriage doeth well ; but he that giv-
25 Now concerning virgins, I have eth her not in marriage doeth better.
no commandment of the Lord yet I : 39 The wife is bound by the law as
give my judgment as one that hath long as her husband Uveth; but if
obtained mercy from the Lord to be her husband is dead, she is at Uberty
faithful. to be married to whom she will;
26 I suppose therefore that this is only in the Lord;
good for the present distress, 1 eay, 40 But according to my judgment,
uiat it ia good for a man so to be. she is happier if she so remain ; and
27 Art thou bound to a wife 7 seek I think also that I have the Spirit of
not to be loosed. Art thou loosed God-.
bom a wife 1 seek not a wife. CHAPTER VUL
28 But if thou marry, thou hast not 1 To abstain from meats ofl^red to idols, 8,

sinned and if a virgin marry, she

We must not abuse our Christian liberty,
to the ojfense of our brethren; 11 but must
hath not sinned. Nevertheless, such bridle our knowledge with charity.
will have trouble in the flesh; but I
spare you. .
NOW as concerning things offered
to idols, we know that we all
29 But this I say, brethren. The have knowledge. Knowledge pufieth
time is short It remaineth, that both
. up, but charity edifieth.
they that have wives, be as though 2 And if any man thinketh that he
they had none knoweth any thing, he knoweth noth-
30 And they that weep, as though ing yet as hk ought to know.
they wept not j and they that rejoice, 3 But if any man loveth Gh)d, the
as though they rejoiced not; and they same ia, known by him.
that buy, as though they possessed 4 Therefore as concerning the eat-
not; ing of those things that are offered in
31 And they that use this world, as sacrifice to idols, we know that an
not abusing i2. For the fashion of idol is nothing in the world, and that
this world passeth away. there is no other God but one.
32 But I would have you without 5 For though there are that are
anpous care. He that is unmarried, called gods, whether in heaven or up-
is anxious for the things that belong on earth, (as there are gods many,
to the Lord, how he may please the and lords many)
Lord; 6 Vet to us there is but one God,
33 But he that is married, is anx- the Father, from whom arc all things,
jmnisters ought to I. CORINTHIANS. live by the gospel.
Bnd we him; and one Lord Jesus
in 9 For it is written in the law of
Christ, by whom are all things, and Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the
we by himi mouth of the ox that treadeth out the
7 But there is not in every man that corn. Doth God take care for oxen ?
knowledge for some with conscience
: 10 Or saith he this altogether for
of the idol to this hour eat it as a thing our sakes? for our sakes, no doubt,
offered to an idol; and their bon- this is written that he that ploweth

science, being weak, is defiled^ should plow in hope ; and that he that
8 But food commendeth ns not to thresheth in hope should be partaker
God : for neither if we eat, are we the of his hope,
better ; neither if we eat not, are we UIf we have sown to you spiritual
the worse. things, is it a great thing if we shall
9 But take heed lest by any means reap your carnal things ?
this liberty of yours should beconrie 12 If others are partaker^ of this
a stumbUng-block to them that are power over you, are not we rather ?
weak. Nevertheless we have not used this
10 For if any man shall see thee, power ; but suffer all things, lest we
who hast knowledge, sit eating in the should hinder the gospel of Christ.
idol's temple, will not the conscience 13 Do ye not know that they who
of him who is weak be emboldened minister about holy things Uve from
to eat those things which are offered the things of the temple, and they
to idols who wait i)t the altar are partakers
11 And through thy knowledge with the altar?
shall the weak brother perish, for 14 E>ven so hath the Lord ordained
whom Christ died 1 that they who preach the gospel
12 But when ye thus sin against the should live by the gospel.
brethren, and wound their weak con- 15 But I have used none of these
science, ye sin against Christ, things : neither have I written these
13 Wherefore, if food maketh my things, that it should be so done to
brother to fall mto sin, I will eat no me : for it were better for me to die,
flesh-while the world standeth, lest I than that any man should make my
makemy brother to fall into sin, glorying Void.
CHAPTER IX. 16 For though
I preach the gospel,
I have nothing to boast of: &r ne-
1 He sl^oweth his liberty, 7 and that the min-
ister ought to live hy the gospel ;. yet that cessity is laid upon me
; and woe is to

himself hath of his own accord abstained, me, preach not the gospel
18 to t}e either changeable to them, 22 or of-
fensive to any in matters indifferent 34 17 For if I do this thing vi'ilUngly,
Our life is nice a race. I have a reward : but if against tny

AM I not an apostle?
free 1 have I not seen
am I not
will, a dispensation of the gospel is
committed to me. <

Christ our I,ord 1 are ye not my work What is my reward then ? Veri-
in the Lord 1 when I preach the gospel, I
ly that,
2 If I am not an apostle to others, may make the gospel of Christ with-
yet doubtless I "am to you for ye are : out charge, that I may not abuse my
the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. power in the gospel.
3 My
answer to them that examine 19 For though I am free from all
me is this, men, yet I have made myself servant
4 Have we not power to eat and to to all, that I might gam the more.

drink 1 20' And to the Jews I became as a

B Have we
not power to lead about Jew, that I might gain the Jews ; to
a sister, a wife, as well as other apos- them that are under the law, as under
tles, and as the.brethren of the Lord, the law, that I might gain them that
and Cephas '!
are under the law
6 Or I only and Barnabas, have we 21 To thelii that are without law,
not power to forbear working ? as 'without la'w, (being not without
7 Who goeth a warfare at any time law to God, but under the law to
at his own charges'! who planteth' a Christ,) that I might gain them that
vineyard, and eateth not of its fruit "? are without law.
or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not 22 To the weak I became as weak,
of the milk of the flock 1 that I might gain the weak: I have
8 Do I say these things as a man? become all things to all men, that I
or saith not the law the same also? might by all means save some.
TV Jeai saeriments. CHAPTER X. Regard for tnir breihrm.
23 And this I do for the gaspel'a 13 There hath no temptation taken
sake, that I may be partaker of it with you but such as is common to !nan :
you. but Giod is faithful, who will not suf-
24 Know ye not, that they, who fer you to be tempted atiove what ye
run in a race, all run, but one receiveth are ablej but will with the temptation
the prize ? So run, that ye may obtain. also make a way to escape, tnat ye
25 And every man that atnveth for may be able to bear it.
t{ie mastery is temperate in all things. 14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved,
Now they do it to obtain a corrupti- flee from idolatry.
ble crown ; but we an incorruptible. 15 I speak as to wise men ; judge
26 I therefore so run, not as uncer- ye what I say.
tainly: so I fight, not as one that 16 The cup of blessing which we
beateth the air bless, is it not the communion of the
27 But I keep under my body, and blood of Christ 1 The bread which
bring if into suojection: lest by any we break, is it not the communion of
means when I have preached to oth- the body of Christ 1
ers, I myself should be a cast-away. 17 For we being many are one

bread, and one body for we are all


CHAPTER X. partakers of that one bread.

1 The sactaments of the Jews, 6 are types 18 Behold Israel after the flesh : are
of ours, 7 and their punishments, II exam- not they who eat of the sacrifices,
ples for us. 14. We
must flee fromidolatiy.
partakers of the altar 1
81 We must not make the Lonl's table the
table of demons ; S4 and in things Indiffer- 19 What then do I say 1 that the
ent we must have regaid for oul brethren. idol is any thing, or that which is of-
MOREOVEEl, brethren, I would fered in sacrifice to idols is any thing?
not that ye should be ignorant,, 20 But Isay, that the things which
that all our fathers were under the the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to
cloud, and all passed through the sea demons, and not to God and I would:

2 And were all baptized to Moses not that ye should have fellowship
in the cloud and in the sea with demons.
3 And all ate .the same spiritual 21 Ve cannot drink the cup of the
food; Lord, and the cup of demons: ye can-
I And all drank the same spiritual not be partakers of the Lord's table,
diink : (for they drank of that spirit- and of the table of demons.
ual Rock that followed them : and 22 Do we provoke the Lord to jeal-
that Rock was Christ.) ousy? are we stronger than he?
5 But with many of them God was 23 All things are tawfiil for me,.but
not well pleased : for they were over- all things are not expedient all things :

thrown in the wilderness. are lawful for me, but all things edify
6 Now these things were our ex- not.
amples, to the intent we should not 24 Let no man seek his own, but
lust after evil things, as they also every man another's iccal^.
lusted. 26 Whatever is sold in the provision
7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were market, that eat, asking no question
some of them : as it is written, The for conscience' sake
people sat down to eat and drink, and 26 For the earth ia the Lord's, and
rose up to play. its fullness.
8 Neither let us commit lewdness, 27 If any of them that believe not
as some of them committed, and fell invites you to a, feast, and ye are dis-
in one day three and twenty thousand. posed *o go ; whatever is set before
9 Neither let us tempt Christ, as you, eat, asking no question on ac-
some of them also tempted, and were count of conscience.
destroyed by serpents. 28 But if any man shall say to you,
10 Neither murmur ye, as some of This is offered in sacrifice to idols, eat
them also murmured, and were de- not for his sake that showed it, and
stroyed by the destroyer. for conscience' sake for the earth ia

II Now all these things happened the Lord's, and its fullness
to them for examples and they are : . 29 Conscience, I say, not thy. own,
written for our admonition, upon but of the other ; for why is my liber-
whom the ends of the world are come. ty judged by another man's Qon-
12 Wherefore let him that thinketh science?
he standetli, take heed lest he fall. 30 For if I by grace am a partaker,.
Of covering the I. CORINTHIA^S. head in prayer^
whjr I evil spoken of for that for
airi 14 Doth liot even nature itself teach
which I give thanks'! you, that if a man hath long hair, it is
31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink, a shame to him 1
or whatever ye do, do all to the glory 15 But if a woman hath long hair,
of God. it is a glory to her: for her hair is
32 Give no offense, neither to the given her for a covering.
Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the 16 But if any man seemeth to be
church of God contentious, we have no such custom,
33 Bven as I please all men in all neither the churches of God.
things, not seeking my
own profit, 17 Now in this that I declare to
but the profit of many, that they may you, I praise you not, that ye come
be saved. together not for the better, but for the
CHAPTER XI. worse.
1 Herei>rovethtliem, because in hol)[ assem- 18 For first of all, when ye come
blies, 4 their men prayed with their heads together in the church, I hear that
covered, and fi women with their heads un-
covered 17 and because generally their
there are divisions among you ; and I

meetings were not for the netter, but for .partly believe it.
the worse ; as 31 namely, in profaning with 19 For there must be also heresies
their own feasts the Lord's supper. 23 Last-
ly, he calleth them to the first institution of
amon^ you, that they vvho are ap-
It proved may he made manifest among
BE ye am also
followers of me, even as I
of Christ.
20 When therefore ye come togeth-
2 Now I praise you, brethren, that er in one place, this is not to eat the
ye remember me m all things, and Lord's supper.
keep the ordinances, as I delivered 21 For in eating every one taketh
Oum to you. before another his own supper: and
3 But I would have you know, that one is hungry, and another is drunken.
the head of every man is Christ { and 22 What? have ye not houses to
the head of the woman is the man eat and to drink in ? or despise ye the
and the head of'Christ is God. church of God, and shame them that
4 Every man praying or prophesy- have not 1 What shall I say to you 1
ing, having his head covered, dishon- shall I praise you in this? I praise
oureth his head. you not.
5 But every woman that prayeth or 23 For I have received from the
prophesieth with her head uncovered, Lord, that which also I delivered to
dishonoreth her head for that is even
: you, that the Lord Jesus, the same
all one as if she were shaved. night in which he was betrayed, took
6 For if the woman is not covered, bread
let her also be shorn but if it is a
: 24 And when he had given thanks,
shame for a woman to be shorQ or he broke it, and said. Take, eat this :

shaved, let her be covered. is my body, which is broken for you:

7 For a man()indeed ought not to this do in remembrance of me.

cover his head, forasmuch as he is 25 After the same manner also he
the image and glory of God ; but the took the aip, when he had supped,
woman is the glory of the man. saying. This cup is the new covenant
8 For the man is not frOm the wo- in my blood : this do ye, as often as
man, but the woman from the man. ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
9 Neither was the man created for 26 For as often as ye eat this bread,
the woman, but the woman for the and drink this cup, ye do show the
man. Lord's' death till he shall come.
10 For ought the woman
this cause 27 Wherefore, whoever shall eat
to have power on her head, because this bread, and drink this cup of the
of the angels. Lord iinworthily, shall be guilty of
11 Nevertheless, neither is the man the body and blood of the Lord.
without the woman, neither the wo- 28 But let a man examine himself,
man without the man in the Lord. and so let him eat of that bread, and
12 For as the woman is from the drink of that cup.
man, even so is the man also by the 29 For he that eateth and drinketh
woman but all things from God.
; unworthily, eateth and drinketh con-
13 Judge in yourselves Is it come- : demnation to himself not discerning
ly that a woman should pray to God the Lord's body.
uncovered t 30 For' this cause many are weak
Dieersities qf CHAPTER XII, spiritual giflt-
and sickly among you, and many Gentiles,whether bond or free; and
have been all made to drink into one
31 For if we would judge ourselves, Spirit.
we should not be judged. 14 For the body is not one mem-
32 But when we are judged, we are ber, but many. ,,

chastened by the Lord, that we should 15 If the foot shall say. Because I
not be condemned with the world. am not the hand, I am not of the body;
33 Wherefore, my brethren, when is it thei-efore not of the body 1
ye come together to eat, tarry one for 16 And if the ear shall say. Because
another. I am not the eye, I am not of the
34 And if any man hungereth, let body ; is it therefore not of the body 1
him eat at home; that ye come not 17 If the whole body were an eye,
together to condemnation. And the where were the hearing 7 If the whole
rest will I set in order when I come. were hearing, where were the smelling 1
18 But now hath God set the mem-
bers every one of >them in the body,
1 Spiritual gifts 4 are diverse, 7 yet all to
as it hath pleased him.
protit ; 8 and to that end are diversely be-
stowed 12 that l;y the like proportion, as
; 19 And if they were all one mem-
the members of a natural body tend all to l^er, where were the body ?
the 16 mutual decency, iz service and ss
succor of the same body 27 so we should
20 But now are they many mem-
do one for another, to make up the mysti- bers, yet but one body.
cal l)ody of Christ. 21 And the eye cannot say to the
NOW concerning spiritual
brethren, I would not have you
gifts, hand, I have no need of thee: nor
again the head to the feet, I have no
ignorant. need of you.
2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, 22 No, much more those members
carried away to these dumb idols, of the body, which seem to be more
even as ye were led. feeble, are necessary
3 Wherefore I give you to under- 23 And those Tncmbers of the body,
stand, that no man speaking by the which we think to be less honorable,
Spirit of God, calleth Jesus accursed upon these we bestow more abundant
and that no man can say that Jesus honor and our uncomely parts have

is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit. more abundant comeliness.

4 Now there are diversities of gifts, 24 For our comely parts have no
but the same Spirit. need but God hath tempered the

5 And there are differences of ad- body together, having given mora
ministrations, but th(i same Lord. abundant honor to that part which
6 And there are diversities of oper- lacked ;
ations, but it is the same God who 25 That there should he no schism
worketh all in all. in the body;. but that the members
7 But the manifestation of the Spir- should have the same care one for
it isgiven to every man for profit. another.
8 For to one is given by the Spirit 26 And thus if one member suffers
the word of wisdom ; to another, the all the members suffer with it ; or, if
word of knowledge by the same Spirit; one member is honored, all the mem-
9 To another, faith by the same bers rejoice with it.
Spirit to another, the gifts of healing
; 27 Now ye are the body of Christ,
by the same Spirit; and members in particular.
10 To another, the working of mir- 28 And God hath set some in the
acles to another, prophecy ; to an-
; church, first apostles, secondly proph-
other, discerning of spirits ; to anoth- ets, thirdly teachers, next miracles,
er, diters kinds of languages ; to an- then gifts of healings, helps, govern-
other, the interpretation of languages : ments, diversities of languages.
U But all these worketh that one 29 Are all apostles? are all proph-
and the same Spirit, dividing to every ets 1 are all teachers 1 are all workers
man severally as he will. of miracles T
12 For as the body is one, and hath 30 Have all the gifts of healing?
many members, and all the members do all speak in languages 1 do all m-
of that one bod_y, being many, are one terpret 1

body so also is Christ.

: 31 But covet earnestly the best
13 For by one spirit are we all bap- gifts. And yet I show to you a more
tized into one body, whether Jews or excellent way,
is 181
Ofpriaching in I. CORINTHIANS. unknown tongues.
CHAPTER XIII. 2 For he that speaketh in an un-
I All gifts, :, 3 how excellent Eoever, are known language, speaketh not to men,
nothing worth without charity. 4 The but to God: for no man understand-
praises of it, .and IS preference before hone
and faith.
eth him ; yet in the spirit he speaketh
THOUGH I speak with the tongues
3 But he that prophesieth, speaketh
of men and
of angels, and nave
to men to edification, and exhortation,
not charity, I am become as sounding
brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
and comfort.
4 He that speaketh in an unknown
2 And though I' have the gift of
language edifieth himself; but he that
prophecy, and understand all iriyste-
prophesieth edifieth the church.
ries,and all knowledge; and though
5 I would that ye all spoke in lan-
I have all faith, so that I could remove
guages, but rather that ye prophesied
mountains, and have not charity, I
for greater is he that prophesieth than
am nothing he that speaketh in languages, except
3 And though I bestow all m}r goods
he interpret, that the church may re-
to feed thepoor, and though I give my
ceive eiiifying.
body to be burned, and have not
6 Now, brethren, if I come to you
charity,it profiteth me nothing.
speaking in languages, what shall I
4 Charity suffereth long, and is
profit you, except I shall speak to you
kind; chanty envielh not; charity
either by revelation, or by knowledge,
vaunteth not itself is not puffed up,
or by prophesying, or by doctrine?
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly,
7 And even thfngs without life giv-
seeketh not its own, is not easily pro-
ing sound, whether pipe or harp, ex-
voktd, thinketh no evil
cept they give a distinction in the
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but re-
sounds, now shall it be known what
joiceth in the truth
is piped or harped '!
7 Beareth all things, believeth all
8 For if the trumpet shall give an
things, hopeth all things, endureth all
uncertain sound, who will prepare
himself for battle 1
8 Charity never faileth : but wheth-
9 So likewise ye, except ye utter by
er there are prophecies, they shall
the tongue words easy to be under-
fail ; whethei' there are languages,
stood, how shall it be known what is
they shall cease ; whether tliere is
spokeii 1 for ye will speak into the
knowledge, it shall vanish away.
9 For we know in part, and we
10 There are, it may be, so many
prophecy in part.
kinds of voices in the world, and none
10 But when that which is perfect
of them is without signification.
is come, then that which is in part
11 Therefore, if I know not the
shall be done away.
meaning of the voice, I shall be to
11 When I was a child, I spoke as
him that speaketh a barbarian, and he
a child, I understood as a child, I
that speaketh will be a barbarian to
thought as a child : but when I be-
came a man, I put away childish
12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are
zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye
12 For now we see through a glass
darkly; but then face to face: now I
may excel to the edifying of the
know in part ; but then shall I know 13 Wherefore, let him that speaketh
even as also I am known.
in an unknown language, pray that he
13 And now abideth faith, hope,
charity, these three ; but the greatest
may interpret.
14 For if I pray in an unknown lan-
of these is charity.
guage, my spirit prayefh, but my un-
CHAPTER XIV. derstanding is unfruitful.
I Prophecy is commended, and prefer-
2, 3, 4
15 What is it then'? I will pray
red before speaking with tongues, 6 by a
comparison drawn from musical instru- with the spirit, and I will pray with
ments. 12 Both must be referred to edifi- the understanding also I will sing

cation, 22 as to their true and proper end.

26 The true use of each is taught, 29 and
with the spirit, and I will sing with
. the abuse taxed. 34 Women are forbidden the understanding al^o.
to speak in the church. 16 Else, when thou shalt bless with
FOLLOW after charity, and desire the spirit, how shall he that occupi-
spiritual gifts, but rather that ye eth tne room of the unlearned say
may prophesy. Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing
TSe certainly qf CHAPTER XV. Chrisfa rtsurrection.
he understandeth not what thou gay- confusion, but of peace, as in all
est T churches of the saints.
17 For thou verily giveat thanks 34 Let your women keep silence in
well, but the other is not ediiied. the churches ; for it is not permitted
18 I thank my God, I speak in lan- to them to speak but tkey are com- :

guages more than ye all manded to be under obedience, as also

19 Yet in the church I would rather saith the law.
speak five words with my understand- 35 And if they will learn any things
ing, that by my voice I may teach oth- let them ask their husbands at home;
ers also, than ten thousand words in for it is a shame for women to speak
an unknovm language. in the church.
20 Brethren, be not children in un- 36 What"! came the word of God
derstanding : yet in malice be ye chil- out from you lor came it to you only 1
dren, but in understanding be men. 37 If any man thinketh himself to
21 In the law it is written, With be a prophet, or spiritual, let him ac-
men of other tongues and other lips knowledge that the things that I write
will I speak to this people ; and yet to you are the commandments of the
for all tnat viUl they not hear me, Lord.
aaith the Lord. 38 But if any man is ignorant, \t\.
22 Wherefore languages are for a him be ignorant.
sign, not to them that believe, but to 39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to
them that believe not : but prophesy- prophesy, and forbid not to speak in
ing serveth not for them that believe languages.
not, but for them who believe. 40 Let all things be done decently,
23 If therefore the whole chuich is and in order.
assembled in one place, and all speak CHAPTER XV.
in languages, and there come in tkoee 3 By Christ's resurrection, 12 be pioveth the
that are unlearned, or unbelievers, necessity of our resurrection against aJl
will they not say that ye are insane 7 such as deny the resurrection of the body.
SI The fruit, 35 and manner of It, 51 and
24 But if all prophesy, and there of the changing of them that shall be found
come in one that believeth not, or one alive at the last day.
unlearned, he is convinced by all, he MOREOVER, brethren, I declare
is judged by all to you the gospel which I preach-
25 And thus are the secrets of his ed to you, which also ye have re-
heart made manifest; and so falling ceived, and in which ye stand
down on kis &ce, he will worship 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye
God, and report that God is in you in keep in memory what I preached to
ttuth. you, unless ye have believed in vain.
26 How is it then, brethren? when 3 For I delivered to you first of all^
ye are assembled, every one of you that which I also received, that Christ
nath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a died for our sins, according to the
language, hath a revelation, hath an scriptures ;
interpretation. Let all things be done 4 And that he was buried, and that
to edification. he rose again the third day according
27 If any man speaketh in an un- to the scriptures
known language, let it beby two, or 5 And that he was seen by Cephas,
at the most by three, and tliat by then by the twelve
course ; and let one interpret. 6 After that he was seen by above
28 But if there is no interpreter, let five hundred brethren at once; of
him keep silence in the church ; and whom the greater part remain to this
let him apeak to himself, and
God. to present, but some have fallen asleep.
29 Let the prophets speak two or 7 After that he was seen by James
three, and let tne others judge. then by all the apostles.
30 If any thing is revealed to an- 8 And last of all he was seen by me
other that sitteth by, let the first hold also, as by one born out of due time.
his peace. 9 Fori am the least of the apostles,
31 For ye may all prophesy one by who am not worthy to be called an
one, that all may learn, and all may apostle, because I persecuted the
be comforted. church of God.
32 And the spirits of the prophets 10 But the grace of God I am
are subject to the prophets. what I am and
;his grace which teas
33 For God is not Oie author of bestowed upon me, was not in vain
Chrisfs remrrection. I. CORINTHIANS. TVtelasfdaf.
but I labored more abundantly than 30 And why stand we in jeopardy
they all yet not I, but the grace of every hour?

Crod which was with me. 31 I protest by your rejoicing which

11 Therefore whether it was I or I have m Christ Jesus our Lord, I die
Ihey, so we preach, and so ye believed. daily.
12 Now if Christ is preached that 32 If after the manner of men I
he rose from the dead, how say some have fought with beasts at Ephesus,
among you that there is no resurrec- what advantage is it to me, if the dead
tion of the dead 7 rise not'! let us eat and drink; for to-
13 But if there is no resurrection of mon'ow we die.
the dead, then is Christ not raised. 33 Be not deceived: Evil commu-
14 And if Christ is not raised, then nications corrupt good manners.
fsour preaching vain, and yourfailh 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin
a also vain. not; for some have not the knowl-
15 And indeed we are found false edge of God. I speak this to your
witnesses of God ; because we have shame.
testified Concerning God that he raised 35 But some man will say, How
lip Christ :whom he raised not, if in are'the dead raised? and with what
truth the dead rise not. body do they come?
16 For if the dead rise not, then is 36 7%eu fool, that which thou sow-
not Christ raised est is not vivified except it die:
17 And if Christ is not raised, your 37 And that which thou sowest,
faith is vain ye are yet in your sins. thou sowest not that body which will

18 Then they also who have fallen be, but bare grain it may be of wheat,

asleep in Christ have perished. or of some other grain

19 If in this life only we have hope 38 But God giveth it a body as it
in Christ, we are of all men most mis- hath pleased him, and to every seed
erable. its own body.
20 But now is Christ raised from 39 All flesh is not the same flesh j
the dead, and become the first-fruits but there is one kind of flesh of men,
of them that slept. another flesh of beasts, another of '

21 For since by man came death, fishes, and another of fowls.

by man came also the resurrection of 40 There are also celestial bodies,
the dead. and bodies terrestrial: but the glory
22 For as in Adam all die, even so of the celestial is one, and the glory
in Christ shall all be made alive, of the terrestrial is another.
23 But every man in his own order 41 37je)'e is one glory of the sun,
Christ the first-fruits; afterward they and another glory of the moon,
(hat are Christ's at his coming. and another glory of the stars for ;

24 Then comelh the end, when he one star diflereth from another star in
Ehall have delivered up the kingdom glory.
to God, even the Father; when he 42 So also is the resurrection of the
shall have put down all rule, and all dead. It is sown in corruption, it is
authority, and power. raised in incorraption
25 For he must reign, till he haih 43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised
put all enemies under his feet. in glory : it is sown in weakness, it is
26 The last enemy thai shall be raised m power:
destroyed is death. 44 It is sown a natural body, it is
27 For he hath put all things under raised a spiritual body. There is a
his feet. But when he saith, all things natural body, and there is a spiritual
are put under him, it is manifest that body.
he is lexcepted who did put all things 45 And so it is written, The first
under him. man Adam was made a liviiig soul,
28 And when all things shall be the last Adam was made a vivifying
subdued to him, then shall the Son also spirit.
himself be subject to him that put all 46 However, that was not first
things under him, that God may be all which is spiritual, but that which is
inalL natural; and afterward .that which is
29 Else what will they do, who are spiritual.
baptized for the dead, if the dead lise 47 The first man is from the earth,
not at alii why are they then bap- earthy the second man is the Lord

tized for the dead 1 from heaven.

Admonitions CHAPTER XVI. and salutations.
48 As is the earthy, such are they 6 And it may be
that I shall abide,
also that are earthy; and as is the and even winter with you, that ye
heavenly, such are they also that are may bring me on my Joutney whith-
heavenly. ersoever I go.
49 And as we have borne the image ? For I will not see you now by
of the earthy, we shall also bear the the way j but I trust to tarry a while
image of the heavenly. with you, if the Lord permit.
So Now this I say, brethren, that 8 But I shall tarry at Ephesus un-
flesh and blood tiannot inherit the til Pentecost.

kingdom of God ; neither doth cor- 9 For a great door and effectual is
ruption inherit ineorruption. opened to me, and tkere are many ad-
51 Behold, I show you a mystery versaries.
We shall not all sleep, but we shall all 10 Now if Timothy come, see that
be changed, he may be with you without fear for :

52 In a moment, in the twinkling he worketh the work of the Lord, as

of an eye, at the last trumpet ; for the I also do.
trumpet shall sound, and the dead 11 Let no man therefore despise
shall be raised incorruptible, and we him but conduct him forth in peace,

shell be changed. that he may come to me for 1 looK :

53 For this corruptible must put on for him with the brethren,
ineorruption, and this mortal must put 12 As concerning our brother Apol-
on immortality. greatly desired him to come to
los, I
54 So when this corruptible shall you with the brethren but his will :

have put on ineorruption, and this was not at all to come at this time
mortal shall have put on immortality, but he will come when he shall have
then shall be brought to pass the say- convenieyt time.
ing that is written. Death is swallow- 13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith,
ed up in victory. acquit yourselves like men, be strong.
55 O death, where is thy sting 7 O 14 Let all your things be done
grave, where is thy victory 1 with charity.
56 The sting of death is sin; and 15 I beseech you, brethreti, (ye
the strength of sin is the law. know the house of Stephanas; that it
57 Bat thanks be to God, who giv- is the first fruits of Aehiia, and thiU
eth us the victory, through our Lord they have addicted themselves to the
Jesus Christ. ministry of the saints,)
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, 16 That ye submit yourselves to
be ye steadfast, immovable, always such, and to every one that helpeth
abounding in the work of the Lordj with us, and laboreth.
forasmuch as ye know that your la- 17 I am elfldof the Coming of Ste-
bor is not in vain in the Lord. phanas, aba Fortunatus, and Achai-
CHAPTER XVI. cus for that which was lacking on

I He exhortgth tbem lo relieve the wants of your part, they have supplied.
the brethren at Jerusalem to commencleth

13 and after friendly ndmoni-

18 For they have refreshed my
spirit and yours : therefore acknowl-

tlons, 16 clo:$eth his epistle with divers

salutations. edge ye them that are such.
NOW concerninghave
the saints, as I
the collection for
given order to
19 The churches of Asia salute you.
Aquila and Priscilla salute you much
the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. in the Lord, with the church that is
2 Upon the first day of the week, in their house.
let every one of you lay by him in 20 All the brethren greet you.
store, as God hath prospered him, Greet ye one another with a holy kiss.
that there be no collections when I 21 The salutation of me Paul with
come. my own hand.
3 And when I come, whomsoever 22 If any man loveth not the Lord
ye shaU approve by your letters, Jesus Chnst, let him be Anathema^
them will I send to bring your liber- Maran-atha.
ality to Jerusalem. 23 The grace of our Lord JeSus
4 And be proper that I should
if it Christ be with you.
go also, they shall go with me. 24 My
love be with you till in Christ
5 Now
I will come to you, when I Jesus. Amen,
shall pass through Macedonia for I :

am to pass through Macedonia. Written from Ephesus.

16* 185
The Second Epistle of PAUL to the

CHAPTER I. persons, thanks may be given by
3 The apostle encourageththem against trou- many on our behalf.
bles, by tbe comforts and deliverances 12For our rejoicing is this, the tes-
which God had given him, as in all his af- timony of our conscience, that in sim-
flictions, 8 so particuiariy in his late dan-
ger in Asia IS and calling both his own
plicity and godly sincerity, not with
conscience and theirs to witness of his fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of
sincere mannerof preaching the immuta- God. we have had our manner of life
ble truth of the gospel, 15 he excusetii his
not coming to them, as proceeding not in tne world, and more abundantly
from lightness, but Sxom hfs lenity toward toward you.
13 For we write no other things to
PAUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ you, than what ye read or acknowl-
by the will of God, and Timothy edge ; and I trust ye will acknowl-
our brother, to the church of God edge even to the end
which is at Corinth, with all the saints 14 As also ye have acknowledged
who are in all Achaia us in part, that we are your rejoicing,
2 Grace be to you and peace from even as ye also are ours in the day of
God our Father, and from the Lord the Lord Jesus.
Jesus Christ. 15 Andin this confidence Ipurposed
3 Blessed be God, even tl^e Father to come to you before, that ye might
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father have a second benefit
of mercies, and the God of all conso- 16 And to pass by you into Mace-
lation. donia, and to come again from Ma-
4 Who
comforteth us in all our trib- cedonia to you, and hy you to be
ulation, that we may be able to com- brought on my way towards Judea.
fort them who are in any trouble by 17 When I therefore was thus mind-
the consolation with which we our- ed, did I use levity? or the things
selves are comforted by God. that I purpose, do I purpose accord-
5 For as the sufferings of Christ ing to the flesh, that with me there
abound in us, so our consolation also should be yea, yea, and nay, nay "!
aboundeth by Christ. 18 But as God is true, our word to-
6 And whether we are afflicted, it ward you was not yea and nay.
is for your consolation and salvation, 19 For the Son of God, Jesus
which is effectual in the enduring of Christ, who was preached among you
the same sufferings which we also by us, even by me, and Silvanus, and
suffer or whether we are comforted,
: Timothy, was not yea and nay, but
it is for your consolation and salvation. in him was yea.
. 7 And our hope of you is steadfast,
20 For all the promises of God in
knowing, that as ye are partakers of him are yea, and in him Amen, to the
the sunerings, so shull ye be also of glory of God by us.
the consolation. 21 Now he who establisheth us
8 For we would not, brethren, have with you in Christ, and hath anoint-
you ignorant of our trouble which ed us, is God i
came to us in Asia, that we were 22 Who hath also sealed us, and
pressed out of measure,above strength, given the earnest of the spirit in our
80 that we despaired even of life hearts.
9 But we had the sentence of death 23 Moreover, I call God for a wit-
in ourselves, that we should not trust ness upon my soul, that to spare you
in ourselves, but in God who raiseth I have not as yet come to Corinth.
the dead 24 Not for that we have dominion
10 Who delivered us from so great over your faith, but are helpers of your
a death, and doth deUver: in wnom joy for by faiih ye stand.

we trust that he will yet deliver us CHAPTER

11 Ye also helping together by
prayer for us, that for the gift bestow-
1 Having shown the reason why he came not
to them, 6 he requireth them to forgive and
ed upon us by the means of many to comfort that excommunicated person, 10
FauVs siuxeM in prtaching^ CHAPTER in. Xmw and gospel compared.
even as he himself alsu, upon his true re- savor of life to life. And who is suffi-
pentance, had forgiven hint : IS declaring cient for these things 1
alsu whyhe departed from Troas to Mace-
17 For we ate not as many, who
donia, 14 and the happ^ success which God
gave to his preaching m
ail places. corrupt the word of God but as from

would notI
this with myself,
come again to
sincerity, but as from God, in the
sight of God we speak in Christ.
you in heaviness.
2 For if I make you sorry, who is CHAPTER in.
he then that maketh me glad, but the 1 Lest their false teachers should charge him
with vain-gloiy, he showeth the tarn and
same who is made sorry by mel graces of tlie Corinthians to be sufficient
3 And I wrote this same to you, coimnendaUon of his ministry. 6 Entering
lest, coming I should have sorrow a comparison between the ministers of the
law, and of the gospel, i2heprnveth,tl)at
from them by whom I ought to re- his ministry Is so tat the more excellent, as
joice having confidence in you all,
; the gospel of life and liberty Is mure glori-
that my joy IS tkejoy of you all. ous than the law of condemnation.
4 For out of much affliction and
anguish of heart I wrote to you with
DO we begin again to commend
ourselves? or need we, as some
many tears not that ye should be
; others, epistles of commendation to
grieved, but that ye might know the you, or letters of commendation from
love which I have more abundantly you.
to you. 2 Ye are our epistle written in our
6 But if any hath caused grief, he hearts, known and read by all men
hath not grieved me, but in part: 3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly
that I may not overcharge you all. declared to be the epistle of Christ
6 Sufficient to such a man i* this ministered by us, written not with ink,
punishment, which was itijlicted by but with the Spu:it of the living God;
many. not on tables of stone, but on fleshly
7 So that on the other hand, ye tables of the heart.
ought rather to forgive him, and com- 4 And such trust we have through
perhaps such one should
fort him, lest Christ toward God.
be swallowed up with excessive sor- 5 Not that we are sufficient by our-
row. selves to think aay thing as froin our-
8 Wierefore I beseech you that ye selves; but our sufficiency is from
would confirm your love toward him. God;
9 For to this end also I wrote, that 6 Who also hath made us able min-
I might know the proof of you, wheth- isters of the new testament ; not of
er ye are obedient in all things. the but of the spirit for the let-
letter, ;

10 To whom ye forgive any thing, ter killeth,but the spuit giveth life.
I foTgint also : for if I forgave any 7 But if the ministration of death,
tmng, to whom
I forgave it, for your written and engraven on stones, was
sakes / forgavt it, m
the person of glorious, so that the children of Israel
Christ; could not steadfastly behold the face
11 Lest Satan should get an ad- of Moses for the glory of his counte-
vantage of us for we are not ignorant
: nance ; which glory was to be done
of his devices. away;
12 Furthermore, when I came to S How shall not the ministration
Troas to preach the Gospel of Christ, of the spirit be rather glorious 1
and a door was opened to me by the 9 For if 'the ministration of con-
Lord, demnation 1008 glory, much more
13 I had no rest in my spirit, be- doth the ministration of righteousness
cause I found not Titus my brother exceed in glory.
but taking my leave of them, I went 10 For even that which was made
from thence into Macedonia. glorioushad no glory in this respect,
14 Now
thanks be to God, who al- by reason of the glory that excelleth.
ways causeth us to triumph in Christ, 11 Forif that whicn was done away
and maketh manifest the savor of his was glorious, much more that wliich
knowledge by us in every place. remaineth is glorious.
15 For we are to God a sweet sa- 12 Seeing then that we have such
vor of Christ, in them that are saved,hope, we use great plainness of
and in them that perish speech
16 To the one we are the savor of 13 And not as Moses, who put a
death to death ; and to the other the vail over his face, that the children of
PauVs hope of II. CORINTHIANS. immortal glory.
Israel could not steadfastly look to the 10 Always bearing aboutin the
4nd of that which is abolished : body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that
14 But their minds were Winded the life also of Jesus may be made
for until this day the same vail re- manifest in our body.
maineth untaken away in the reading 11 For we who Uve are always de-
of the old testament ; which vail is livered to death for Jesus' sake, that
done away in Christ. the life also of Jesus may be made
15 But even to this day, when Mo- manifest in our mortal flesh.
ses is refid, the vail is upon their heart, 12 So then death worketh in us, but
16 Nevertheless, when it shall turn life in you.
to the Lord^ the rail shall be taken 13 We having the same spirit of
away. faith, according as it is written, I be-
17 Now
the Lord is that Spirit: and therefore have I spoken;
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, we also believe, and therefore speak
there is liberty. 14 Knowing that he who raised the
18 But we all, with open face be- Lord Jesus, will raise us also by Je-
holding as in a glass the glory of the sus, and will present us with you.
Lord, are changed into the same im- 15 Porall things ore for your sakes,
age from glory to glory, even as by that the abundant grace may, through
the Spirit of the Lord; the thanksgiving of many, redound to
the glory of God.
CHAPTER IV. 16 For which cause we faint not
1 He declareth how he hath used all sincerity
but though our outward man is wast-
and faithful diligence in preaching the gos- ed, yet the' inward man is renewed
pel ; 7 and how the troubles and persecu- day by day.
tions which he daily endured for the same
redound to the praise of God's power, 12 to 17 For our light affliction, which is
the benefit of the church, 16 and to the apos- but for a moment, worketh out for us
tle's own eternal glory. a far more exceeding and eternal
THEREFORE, seeing we have this weight of glory
ministry, as we have received 18 While we look not at the things
mercy, we faint not which are seen, but at the things
2 But have renounced the hidden which are not seen for the things ;

things of dishonesty ; not walking in which are seen are temporal but the ;

craftiness, nor handling the word of things which are not seen are eternal.
God deceitfully; but, by manifesta-
tion of the truth, commending our-
1 That in hi assured hope of immortal glory,
selves to every man's conscience in 9 and in expectation ofit, and of the geneta]
the sight of Grod. judgment, he laboreth to keep a good con-
3 But if our gospel is hid, it is hid science ; 13 nut that he may herein boast of
himself, 14 but as one that having received
to them that are lost life from Christ, endeavoreth to live as a
i In whom
the God of this world new creature to Christ only, 13 and by his
hath blinded the minds of them who ministry of reconciliation, to leconplle
others also in Christ to God.
believe not, lest the light of the glori-
ous gospel of Christ, who is the image
of God, should shine to them.
FOR we know that our earthly
house of tabernacle were
5 For we preach not ourselves, but solved,we have a building of God, a
Christ Jesus the Lord a(jd ourselves
; house not made with haniis, eternal in
your servants for Jesus' sake. the heavens.
6 For God, who commanded the 2 For in this we groan, earnestly
light to shine out of darkness, hath desiring to be clothed with our house
shined into our hearts, io give the light which IS from heaven
of the knowledge of the glory of God 3 If so be that being clothed we
in the face of Jesus Christ. shall not be found naked.
7 But we have this treasure in 4 For we that are in this tabernacle
earthen vessels, that the excellence of do groan, being burdened: not be-
the power may be of God, and not cause we would be unclothed, but
from us. clothed, that mortality might be swal-
8 We are troubled on every side, bwed up in life.

yet not distressed we are perplexed,

j 5 Now he that hath wrought us for
but not in despair this same thing is God, who also hath
9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; given to us the earnest of the Spirit.
cast down, but not destroyed; 6 Therefore we are always confi-
Pavi txhorttth CHAPTER VI. to purity of life.
dent, knowing while we are at
home in the body, we are absent from That he hath approved himself a folthftil mio-
the Lord Ister of Christ, both by his exhottatlona, a
we walk by and by Integrity of life, 4 and by patient
7 (For faith, not by enduring all kinds of atHlctlon and disgra-
sight :) ces flir the gospel. 10 Of which he speak-
8 We are confident, 1 say, and wil- eth the more buUlly among them, because
his heart Is open to them, 13 and he e^pect-
ling rather to be absentfrom the body, eth the like alfection flmm them again 14 ;

and to be present with the Lord. exhorting to flee the society and pollution
9 Wherefore we labor, that, wheth- of idolaters, a? being themselves temples
of the living God.
er present or absent, we may be ac-
cepted by him.
10 For we must all appear before
WE then, as co-workers veilh him,
beseech you also that ye re-
the judgment-seat of Christ ; that ev- ceive not the grace of God in vain.
ery one may receive the things done 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee
in his body, according to wnat he in a time accepted, and in the day of
hath done, whether good or bad. salvation have I succored thee: be-
U Knowing therefore the terror of hold, now is the accepted time ; be-
the Lord, we persuade men ; but we hold, now is the day of salvation.)
are made manifest to God; and I 3 Giving no ofiehse in any thing,
trust also are made manifest in your that the ministry be not blamed
consciences. 4 But in all things approving our-
12 For we commend not ourselves selves as the ministers of God, in
again to you, but give you occasion to much patience, in afilictions, in ne-
glory on our behau, that ye may have cessities, in distresses,
somewhat to answer them who glory 5 In stripes, in imprisonments, in
in appearance, and not in heart. tumults, in labors, in watchings, in
13 For whether we are beside our- fastings
selves, it is to God or whether we
: 6 By pureness, by knowledge, by
are sober, it is for your cause. long-suflering, by kindness, by the
14 For the love of Christ constrain- Holy Spirit, by love unfeigned,
eth us; because we thus judge, that if 7 By the word of truth, by the pow-
one died for all, then were all dead er of God, by the armor of righteous-
15 And Ikat he died for all, that ness on the right hand ana on the
they who Uve should not henceforth left,
live to themselves, but to him who 8 By honor and dishonor, by evil
died for them, and rose again. report and good report as deceivers,

16 Wherefore henceforth we know and yet true

no man according to the flesh though : 9 As unknown, andyetwellknown;
indeed we have known Christ accord- as dying, and behold, we live; as
ing to the flesh, yet now henceforth chastened, and not killed
we know him, no more. 10 As sorrowful, yet always re-
17 Therefore, if any man is in joicing; as poor, yet making many
Christ, he is a new creature : old things rich ; as having nothing, and yet pos-
have passed away ; behold, all things sessing all things.
have become new. 11 ye Corinthians^ our mouth is
IS And all things are <rom God, open to you, our heart is enlarged.
who hath reconcilea us to himself by 12 Ye are not straitened in us, but
Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ye are straitened in your own bowels.
ministry of reconciliation 13 Now
for a recompense in the
19 To wit, that God was in Christ, same (I speak as to my chiMren,) be
reconciling the world to himself not ye also enlarged.
imputing their trespasses to them; 14 Be ye not unequally yoked to-
and hath committed to us the word gether with unbelievers: for what
of reconciliation. fellowship hath righteousness with
20 Now then we are embassadors unrighteousness 1 and what commun-
for Christ, as though God did beseech ion hath light with darkness 1
you, by us ; we pray you in Christ's 16 And what concord hath Christ
stead, be ye reconciled to God. with Belial 7 or what part hath he
21 Foir he hath made him to be sin that believeth with an infidel ?
for us, who knew no sin ; that we 16 And what agreement hath the
might be made the righteousness of temple of God with idolsf for ye are
Graain him. the temple of the living God; as God
Effect of godly sorrmc. U. CORINTHIANS. ExkortaUon to liberalUy.

hath dwell in them, and

said, I will ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what
walk in them. ; and I will be their God, carefulness it wrought in you, yea,
and they shall be my people. what clearing of yourselves, yea, what
17 Wherefore CO me out from among indignation, yea, what fenr, yea, what
them, and be ye separate, saith the vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea,
Lord, and touch not the unclean f/nng'; what avenging! In all things ye have
and I will receive you approved yourselves to be clear in this
18 And J be a Father to you,
will matter.
and ye shall be my sons and daugh- 12 Wherefore, though I wrote to
ters, saith the Lord Almighty. you, 1 did it not for his cause that
CHAPTER VII. had done the wrong, not for his cause
that sufiered wrong, but that our care
1 He proceedeth in exhorting them to purity
of 2 and to bear him like affection as
life, for you in the sight of God might ap-
he doth to them. 3 He declareth what com- pear to you.
fort he took in his afflictions, by the report
which Titus gave of their godly sorrow 13 Therefore we were comforted in
which his former epistle had wrought in your comfort : and exceedingly the
them, 13 and of their loving kindness and more we rgoiced for the joy of Titus,
obedience toward Titus, answerable to his
former bVastings of them. because his spirit was refreshed by
HAVING therefore these promises, all.
For if I have boasted any thing
dearly beloved, let us cleanse
oursdyes from all filthiness of the to him concerning you, I am not
flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in
ashamed but as we spoke all things

to you in truth, even so our boasting,

the fear of God.
2 Receive us we have wronged no
which 1 made before Titus, is found a
man, we have comipted no man, we
15 And his tender affection is more
have defrauded no man.
abundant toward you, whilst he re-
3 I speak not this to condemn you,
membereth the obedience of you all,
for I have said before, that ye are in
our hearts to die and live with you.
how with fear and trembling ye re-
ceived him.
4 Great is my boldness of speech
toward you, great is my glorying con- 16 I rejoice therefore that I have
confidence in you in all things.
cerning you I am filled with comfort,

I am exceeding joyful in all our tribu- CHAPTER VIII.

1 He stirreth them up to a liberal contribu-
5 For, when we had come into tion for the poor saints at Jerusalem, by
Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but the example of the Macedonians, 7 by com-
mendation of their former forwardness, 9
we were troubled on every side j with- by the example of Christ, 14 and by the
out were fightings, within were fears. spiritual prnnt that shall redound to them-
6 Nevertheless God, that comfort- selves by it, 16 commending to them the
integrity and willingness of Titus, and
eth those that are cast down, com- those other'brethren, who upon his request,
forted us by the coming of Titus exhortation, and commendation, had pur-
7 And not by his coming only, but posely come to them for this business.
by the consolation with which he "Fl/rOREOVER, brethren, we make
was comforted in you, when he told iVJ. known to you the grace of God
us your earnest desire, your mourning, bestowed on the churches of Mace-
your fervent mind toward me ; so that donia;
I rejoiced the more. 2 1'hat in a great trial of afiSiction,
8 For though I made you sorry the abundance of their joy, and their
with a letter, I do not repent, though deep poverty, abounded to the riches
I did repent for I perceive that the
: of their Uberalify.
same epistle hath made you sorry, 3 For to thdr power, I bear testi-
though it was but for a season. mony, and even beyond thdr power,
9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were they were willing of themselves j
made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to 4 Praying us with much entreaty,
nipentance ; for ye were made sorry that we would receive the gift, and
after a godly manner, that ye might take upon us the fellowship of the
receive damage by us in nothing. ministering to the saints.
10 For godly sorrow workelh peni- 5 And iAts they did, not as we
tence to salvation not to be repented hoped, biit first gave their own selves
of: but the sorrow of the world work- to the Lord, and to us by the will of
eth death. God:
11 For behold this very thing, that 6 So that we desired Titus, that as
Paul exhortetk to CHAPTER IX. liberality to the saints.
he had begun, so he would also finiah to ie diligent inmany things, but now
in you ihe same grace also. much more diligent, upon the great
7 Therefore, as ye abound in every confidence which Ihave in you.;
thing, in faith and utterance, and 23 If any inquire concerning Titus,
knowledge, and in all diligence, and he is my partner and fellow-helper
in your love to us, see that ye abound concerning you: or our brethren be
in this grace also. inquired qf, tliey are the messengers
8 I speak not by commandment, of the churches, aTid the glory of
but by occasion of the forwardness of Christ.
others, and to prove the sincerity of 24 Wherefore show ye to them, and
your love. before the churches, the proof of your
9 For ye know the grace of our love, and of our boasting on your be-
Lord Jesus Christ, that though he half.
was rich, yet for your eakes he be- CHAPTER IX.
came poor, that ye through his pov- I He offcreth the reason why, though he
erty might be rich. knew their forwardness, yet he sent Tltua
and his brethren beforehand 6 And he pro-

10 And in this I give advice : my ceedeth in stirring them up to a bountifol

for this is expedient for you, who iilins, as bcln^tlie suwingof see4,10 whlclt
win return a great increase to them, 12 and
have begun before, not only to do, but occasion a great sacrifice of thanlcsgivinga
also to be forward a year ago. to God.
11 Now therefore finish the doing
of it I that &a there teas a readiness
FOR the
as concerning the ministering
to superfluous for
saints, it is
to will, so there may be a performance me to write to you
also out of that which ye nave. 2 For I know the forwardness of
12 For if there is first a willing your mind, for which
I boast of you

mind, it is accepted according to to them of Macedonia, that Achala

what a man hath, and not according was ready a year ago and your zeal

to what he hath not. hath incited very many.

13 For I mean not that other men 3 Yet have I sent the brethren, lest
should be eased, and you burdened our boasting of you should be in vain
14 But by an equahty, that now at In this behalf; that, as I said, ye may
this time your abundance may be a be ready
supply for their want, that their abun- 4 Lest haply if they of Macedonia
dance also may be o tnipply for your come with me, and find you unprepa-
want : that there may be equality : red, we (that we say not, ye) shoiUd
15 As it is written, He that had be .ashamed in this same confident
gathered much had nothing over boasting.
and he that had gathered little had no 6 Therefore I thought it necessary
want. to exhort the brethren, that they
16 But thanks be to God, who put would go before to you, and make up
the same earnest care into the heart before hand your bounty, of which ye
of Titus for you. had notice before, that the same might
17 For indeed he accepted the ex- be ready, as a matter qf bounty, and
hortation ; but being more forward, not o/'covetousness.
of his own accord he went to you. 6 But this / say, He who soweth
18 And we have sent with him the sparingly, shall reap also sparingly
brother, whose praise is in the gospel and he who soweth bountifully, shall
throughout all the churches reap also bountifully.
19 And not that only, but who was 7 Every man according as he pur-
also chosen by the churches to travel poseth in his heart, so let him give;
with us with this grace, w^ich is ad- not grudgingly, or by constraint : for
ministered by us to the gloiry of the God loveth a cheerfiu giver.
same Lord, and declaration of your 8 And God is able to make all grace
ready mind abound toward you ; that ye always
20 Avoiding this, that no man having all sufficieiiicy in all things,
should blame us in this abundance may abound to every good work
which administered by us
is 9 (As it is written. He hath dispers-
21 Providing for honest things, not ed i he hath given to the poor his :

only in the si^t of the Lord, but also righteousness remaineth for ever.
in the sight of men. 10 Now may he that ministereth
22 And we have sent with them our seed to the sower, both minister bread
brother, whom we have often proved for your food, and multiply your seed
PauVe spiritual might. II. CORINTHIANS. Paul commmdeth hinuelf.
sown, and increase the fruits of your I should
and not for your destruction,
righteousness;) not be ashamed
11 Being enriched in every thing 9 That I may not seem as If I would
to all bountifulness, which causeth terrifyyou by letters.
through us thanksgiving to God. 10For his letters (say they) are
12 For the administration of this weighty and powerful but his bodily

service not only eupplieth the want of presence is weak, and his speech con-
the saints, but is abundant also by temptible.
many thanksgivings to God; 11 Let such one think this, that
13 While by the experiment of this such as we are in word by letters
ministration they glorify God for your when we are absent, such win we be
professed subjection to the gospel of also in deed when we are present.
Christ, and for your liberal distribution 12 For we dare not make ourselves
to them, and to all men of the number, or compare ourselves
14 And by their prayer for you, who with some that commend themselves:
long after you, for the exceeding grace but they measuring themselves by
of God in you. themselves, and comparing them-
15 Thanks be to God for his un- selves among themselves, are not wise.
speakable gift. 13 But we will not boast of things
CHAPTER without our measure, but according
1 Against the ftilse apostles, who illsestecm- to the rneasure of the rule which God
ed Che weakness of his person and bodily hath distributed to us, a measure to
presence, he setteth out the spiritual might reach even to you.
and authority with which he is armed
against all adversary powers, 7 assuring 14 For we stretch not ourselves be-
tiicm tiiat at his coming he will be found as yond our measure, as though we
mighty in word, as he is now in writing reached not to you ; for we are come
being absent ts and also taxing them for

reaching out themselves beyond their com- as far as to you also in preadiing the
pass, and vauntimg themselves in other gospel of Christ
men's labors.
15 Not boasting of things without
Paul myself beseech you,
meekness and gentleness
our measure, that is. of other men's
labors; but having nope, when your
of Christ, in presence am base
who faith is increased, that we shall he en-
amons you, but being absent am bold larged by you, according to our rule
toward you abundantly,
2 But I beseech yim, that I may not 16 To preach the gospel in the re-
be bold when I am present with that gions beyond you, and not to boast
confidence, with which I think to be m another man's hue of things made
bold against some, who think of us as ready to our hand.
if we walked according to the flesh. 17 But he that glorieth, let him glo-
3 For though we walk in the flesh, ry in the Lord.
we do not war according to the flesh 18 For not he that commendeth
4 (For the weapons of our warfare himself is approved, but whom the
ore not carnal, but mighty through Lord commendeth.
God to the pulling down of strong
holds ;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and
I From his jealousy over the Corinthians,
who seemed to make more account of the
every high thing that exalteth itself false apostles than of him, he entereth into
against the knowledge of God, and a forced commendation of himself, 5 of his
equality with the chief apostles, 7 oif his
bringing into captivity every thought preaching the gospel to them fVeely, and
to the obedience of Christ; without any charge to tliem 13 showing

6 And having in a readiness to that he was not inferior to those deceitful

workers in, any legal prerogative 23 and
avenge all disobedience, when your ;

in the service of Christ, and in all kind of

obedience is fulfilled. Bufferings for his ministry, far superior.
7 Do ye look on things after the "I EARNESTLY wish ye could bear
outward appearancel If any man J- with me a little in my folly : and
trusteth to himself that he is Christ's, indeed bear with me.
let him of himself think this again, 2 For I am jealous over you with
that, as he is Christ's, even so art we godly jealously for I have espoused

Christ's. you to one husband, that I may pre-

For though I should boast some-
8 sent you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
what more of our authority, which the 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as
Lord hath given us for edification, the serpent beguiled Eve through liis
Paul excuseOi CHAPTER XH. his boasting.
your minds should be cor-
subtilty, so 20 For ye suffer, if a man bringelh
rupted from the simplicity that is in you into bondage, if a man devoureth
Christ. you, if a man taketh from you, if a
4 For if he that cometh preacheth man exalteth himself, if a man smi-
another Jesus, whom we have not teth you on the face.
preached, or if ye receive another 21 I speak as concerning reproach,
spirit, which ye have not received, or we had been weak. But
as though
unother gospd, which ye have not in whatever respect any is bold, (1
iiccepted, ye might well bear with speak foolishly) I am bold also.
him. 22 Are they Hebrews? so am I.
5 For I suppose I was not a whit Are they Israelites? so am 1. Are
behind the very greatest apostles. they the offspring of Abraham ? so
6 But though 1 am. rude in speech, am I.
yet not in knowledge ; but we have 23 Are they ministers of Christ ? (I
&een thoroughly made manifest among speak as a fool) I am more ; in labors
you in all things. more abundant, in stripes above meas-
7 Have I committed an offense in ure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths
abasing myself that ye might be ex- often.
alted, because I have preached to you 24 From the Jews five times I re-
the gospel of Grod without reward 1 ceived forty stripes save one.
8 1 robb'ed other churches, taking 25 Thrice was I beaten with rod%
wages of them, to do you service. once I was stoned, thrice I suffered
9 And when I was present with shipwreck, a night and a day I have
you, and in want, I was chargeable been in the deep
to no man.' for that which was lack- 26 In journeyings often, in perils
ing to me the brethren who came from of waters, in perils of robbers, in per-
Macedonia supplied : and m
all thinga ils by my own countrymen, in perils
I have kept myself from being bur- by the heathen, in perils in the city,
densome to you, and so will 1 keep in perils in the wilderness, in perils
in the sea, in perils among false
10 As is in me,
the truth of Christ brethren
no man shall stop me of this boasting 27 In weariness and painfiilness,
in the regions of Achaia. in watchings often, in hunger and
11 Why 7 because I love you not? thirst, in fastings often, in cold and
God knoweth. nakedness.
12 But what I do, that I will do, 28 Besides those things that are
that I may cut off' occasion from them without, that which cometh upon me
who desire occasion ; that in what daily, the careof all the churches.
they glory, they may be found even 29 Who is weak, and I am not
as we. weak ? who is made to fall into sin,
13 For such are false apostles, de- and I burn not?
cehful workers, transforming them- 30 If I must needs glory, I will glo-
selves into the apostles of Christ. ry of the things which concern my
14 And no wonder for Satan him-
; infirmities.
self is transformed into an angel of 31 The God and Father of our Lord
light. Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever-
15 Therefore if m
no great thing if more, knoweth that I lie not.
his -ministers also are transformed as 32 In Damascus the governor un-
the ministers of righteousness ; whose der Aretas the king kept the city of
end shall be according to their works. the Damascenes with a garrison, de-
16 I say again, Let no man think sirous to apprehend me
me a fool it otherwise, yet as a fool
; 33 And through a window in a
receive me, that I may boast myself basket I was let down by the wall,
a little. and escaped his hands.
17 That which I speak, I speak it CHAPTER XII.
not according to the Lord, but as it 1 For cnmmendiiig his apontleshtp, though
were foolishly, in this confidence of he might glnryofhiswondcrruL revelations,
9 yet he rather chooseth to glory of His infir-
boasting. mities, 11 blaming them I'orforcin?' Iiim to
18 Seeing that many glory after this vain boasting. 14 He promiseth to

the flesh, I will glory also. come to them again hut yet altogether in

the aifection or aiHiher, ao although he

19 For ye suffer fools gladly, see- feareth he shall to his grief find many, of-
ing ye yourselves are wise. fenders, and public disorders there.
17 193
Paul O&eatelnetli II. CORINTHIANS. obstinate sitmen.

ITto 19 not expedient for me doubtless ought not to lay up for the parents,
glory. I will come to visions but the parents for the children.
And revelations of the Lord. * 16 And I will very glady spend and
2 I knew a man in Christ above be spent for you; though the more
fourteen years agOj (whether in the abundantly I love you, the less I am
body, I cannot tell ; or whether out of loved.
the body, I cannot tell God know- : 16 But be it so, I did not burden
eth ;) such one caught up to the third you: nevertheless, being crafty, I
heaven. caught you with guile..
3 And I knew such a man, (wheth- Did I make a gain of youbyany
er in the body, or out of the body, I of them whom I sent to yon'!
cannot tell: God knoweth;) 18 I desired Titus, and with I Mm
4 That he was caught up into para- sent a brother. Did Titus make a
dise, and heard unspeakable words, gain of you 1 walked we not in the
which it is not lawful for a man to same spirit? walked we not in the
utter. same steps 7
5 Of such one will I glory : yet of 19 Again, think ye that we excuse
myself I will not glory, but in in- my ourselves to you? we speak before
firmiiies. God in Chnst but we do all things,

6 For though I would desire to glo- dearly beloved, for your edification.
ry, I shall not be a fool for I will say j 20 For I fear, lest, when I come, I
the truth but now I forbear, lest any
; shall not find you such as I would,
man should think of me above that and that I shall be found by you such
which he seeth me to be, or what he as ye would not lest there be debates,

heareth from me. envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings,

7 And lest I should be exalted above whisperings, swellings, tumults
measure through the abundance of 21 And lest, when I come again,
the revelations, there was given to me my God may humble me among you,
a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of and I shall bewail many who have
Sai!an to buffet me, lest I should be sinned already, and have not repented
exalted above measure. of theuncleanness, and lewdness; and
8 For this thing I besought the lasciviousness, which they have com-
Lord thrice, that it might depart from mitted.
9 And he said to me. My grace is 1 He Ihreateneth severity, and the pbwdr of
sufficient for thee: for* my strength, his apostleship against obstinate sinners ;
5 anil advising them to a trial of their faith,
is rhade perfect in weakness. Most 7 and to reformation of their sins before his
gladly therefore will I rather glory coming, II he cbncludeth his' epistle with a
'in my infirmities, that the power of general exhortation and a prayer.
Christ may rest upon me. THIS is the third time I am coming
10 Therefore I take pleasure in iii- to you : By the mouth of two or
'fii-mities, in reproaches; in necessi- three witnesses shall every word be
in persecutions, in distresses for
titfe, established.
Christ's sake: for when I am weak, 2 I told you before, and foretell you,
then am I strong. as if I were present, the second time;
li 1 am become a fool in glorying; and being absent now I write tothem
ye have constrained me : for I ougTit who heretofore have sinned, and to
to have been commended by you for : all others, that, if I come again, I will
in hothiiig am I behind the very great- not spare;
est atiostles, thoiigh I am nothing. 3 Since ye seek a proof of Christ
12 Truly the signs of an apostle Bpeakino; in me, who toward you is
were wrought among you in all pa- not weak, but is mighty in you.
tience, in signs, and wonders, and 4 For though he was crucified
mighty deeds. through weakness, yet he liveth by
13 For what is that in which ye the power of God. For we also are
were inferior to other churches, except weak in him, but we shall live with
that I myself was not burdensome to him by the power of God toward you.
youl forgive me this wrong. 5 Examine yourselves, whether ye
14 Behold, the third time I am ready are in the faith prove your own

to come to you; and I will not be selves. Know ye not your own selves,
burdensome you for I seek not
to : that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye
yours, but you. For the children are reprobates ?
Paul reproveth CHAPTER I. the Galatiara.

6 But I trust that ye will know that the power which the Lord hath given
we arc not reprobates. me to edification, and not to deslruc-i
7 Now I pray to God that ye do tion.
no evil; not that we should appear 11 Finally, brethren, farewell. Be
approved, but that ye should do that perfect, be of good comfort, be of one
which is honest, though wc should mind, live in peace ; and the God of
be as reprobates. love and peace will be with you.
8 For we can do nothing against 12 Greet one another with a holy
the truth, but for the truth. kiss.
9 For we are glad, when we are 13 All the saints salute you.
weak, and ye are strong and this al-
: 14 The grace of the Lord Jesus
so we wish, even your perfection. Christ,and the love of God, and the
10 Therefore I write these things communion of the Holy Spirit, be
being absent, lest being present I with you all. Amen.
should use sharpness, according to Written from Philippi.

1 The Epistle of PAUL to the GALATIANS.

if Iyet pleased men, I should not he
wnndereth that they have so soon left the servant of Christ.
6 Paul
him anil the gospel 8 and accurseth those
; 11 But I certify you, brethren, that
that preach any other gospel than he did. the gospel which was preached by
11 He learned the gospel not (Voin men, hut
from God 13 and showeth what he was
me isnot according to man.
before his calling, 17 and what he did pres- 12 For I neither received it from
ently after it.
man, neither was I taught it, but by
PAUL, an apostle, (not from men, the revelation of Jesus Christ.
neither by man, but by Jesus 13 For ye have heard of my man-
Christ, and God the Father, who ner of life in time past in the Jews' re-
raised him from the dead ;) ligion, that beyond measure I persecu-
2 And all the brethren who are ted the church of God, and wasted it
with me, to the churches of Galatia 14 And profited in the Jews' reli-
3 Grace be to you and peace from gion above many my equals in my
God the Father, and ,/rom our Lord own nation, being more exceedingly
Jesus Christ, zealous of the traditions of my far
4 Who gave himself for our sins, there.
that he might deliver us from this pre- 15 But when it pleased God, who
sent evil world, according to the will separated me from my mother's
of God and our Father womb, and called me by his grace,
5 To whom be glory for ever and 16 'To reveal his Son in me, that I
ever. Amen. might preach himaraong the heathen
6 I marvel that ye are so ?oon re- immediately I conferred not with (lesb
moved from him that called you into and blood:
the graceof Christ, to another gospel 17. Neither did I go to Jerusalem to
7 Which is not another; but there ihem who were apostles before me
are some that trouble you, and would but I went into Arabia, and returned
pervert the gospel of Christ. again to Damascus.
8 But though we, or an angel from 18 Then after three years I went to
heaven, should preach any other gos- Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode
pel to you than that which we have with him fifteen days.
preached to you, let him be accursed. 19 But I saw no other of the apos-
9 As we said before, so I say now tles, save James the Lord's brother.
again, If any man preadieth any oth- 20 Now the things which I write to
er gospel to you tnan that ye have you, behold, before God, llienot.
received, let him be accursed. 21 Afterward I came into the re-
1.0 For do I now persuade men, or gions of Syria and Cilicia;
God 7 or do I seek to please men 7 for 22 And 'was unknown by fiice to
Why Paul gaeth to Jerusalem. GALATIANS. Ofjustification ly faith.
the churches of Judea which were in Antioch, I withstood him to the face,
Christ: because he was to be blamed.
23 But they had heard only, that 12 For before that certain came
he who persecuted us in times past, from James, he used to eat with the
now preacheth the faith which once Gentiles: but when they had come,
he destroyed. he withdrew, and separated himself,
24 And they glorified God in me. fearing them who were of the circum-
CHAPTER 11. 13 And the other Jews dissembled
1 He showeth when he went up again to Je- likewise with him ; so that Barnabas
rusalem, anfi for what purpose 3 and that
also was carried away with their dis-

Titus was not circumcised U and that he


resisted Peter, and told him the reason, |4 simulation.

Why he and wtliers,helng Jews, do believe 14 But when I saw that they walk-
in Christ to be justified Ijy faith, and not by
works 20 and th^t they live not in sin,
ed not 'uprightly according to the
whoare sojustliied: truth of the gospel, I said to Peter be-
fourteen years
.Jerusalem with
after I went
fore ttemall. If thou, being a Jew, liv-
est afier the manner of Gentiles, and
bas, and took Titus with me also. not as do the Jews, why compellest
2 And I went by revelation, and thou the Gentiles to live as do the
communicated to them that gospel Jews ?
which I preach aniong the Gentiles, 15 We te/io are Jews by nature, and
but privately to thein who Were of not sinners of the Gentiles,
reputation, lest by any means I should 16 Knowing that a man is not jus-
run, or had run in vain. tified by the works of the law, but by
3 But neither Titus, who was with the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have
me, being a Greek, was compelled to believed in Jesus Christ, that we may
be circumcised : be justified by the faith of Christ, and
4 And that because of false brethren not by the works of the law for by :

unawares brought in, who came in the works of the law shall no flesh
privately to spy out our liberty which be justified.
we have in Christ Jesus, that they 17 But if, while we seek to be justi-
might bring us into bondage fied by Christ, we ourselves also are
5 To whom we gave place by sub- found sinners, is therefore Christ the
jection, no, not for an hour that the ; minister of sin 1 By no means.
trath of the gospel might continue 18 For if I build again the things
with you. which I destroyed, I make myself a
6 But of these, who seemed to be transgressor.
somewhat, (whatever they were, it 19 For I through the law am dead
maketh no matter tome: God accept- to the law, that I may live to God.
eth no man's person ;) for they who 20 I am crucified with Christ nev- :

seemed to be somewhat, in conference ertheless, I live ; yet not I, but Christ

added nothing to me liyelh in me and the life which I

7 But on the contrary, wheti they now live in the flesh, I live by the
saw that the gospel of the uncircum- faith of the Son of God, who loved
cision was committed to me, as ^e me, and gave himself for me.
fospel of the circumcision was to 21 1 do not frustrate the grace of
eter God for if righteousness is attaina-

8 (For he that wrought efTectually ble by the law, then Christ hath died
m Peter to the apostleship of the cir- in vain.
cumcision, the same was mighty in CHAPTER in,
me toward the Gentiles :) 1 He aslteth what moved them to lo-tve the
9 And when James, Cephas, and faith,and hang upon the law. 6 They that
believe are justified, 9 and blessed With
John, who seemedto be pillars, per-
Abraham. 10 And this he showeth by ma-
ceived the grace that was given to ny reasons. '

me, they gave to me and Barnabas FOOLISH Galatians, who hath

the right hands of fellowship ; that we bewitched you, that ye should
should go to the heathen, and they to not obey the truth, before whose eyes
the circumcision. Jesus Cnrist hath been evideiitly set
10 Only they wimld that we should forth, crucified amoiig youl
remember the poor the same which; 2 Thisonly would I learn from you,
I also was forward to do. Received ye the Spirit by the works
11 But when Peter had come to of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Paul rtpraveth CHAPTER IV. the Galalians.
3 Are ye so foolish 1 having be^un law 1 was added because of trans-
in the Spirit, are ye now made perlect gressions, till the seed should come to
by the flesh 1 whom the promise was made and it j

4 Have ye suifered so many things leosordamed by angels in the hand of

in vain 7 if ii «
yet in vain. a mediator,
5 He therefore that rainistereth to iO Now a mediator is not a media-
you the Spirit, and worketh miracles tor of one j but God is one.
among you, dotth he this by the worliLs 21 /s thelaw then against theprom-
of thelaw, or by the hearing of faith 1 ises of God By no means for if
'I :

6 Even as Abraham beheved God, there had been a law given which
and it was accounted to him for right- could give life, verily righteousness
eousness. would have been by the law.
7 Know ye therefore, that they 22 But the scripture hath concluded
who are of faith, the same are the all under sin, that the promise by
children of Abraham. faith of Jesus Christ might be given to
8 And the scrip Rire foreseeing that them that beUeve,
Grod would justify the heathen through 23 But before faith came, we were
faith, preached before the gospel to kept under the law, shut up to the
Abraham, saying. In thee shall all faith which should afterward be re-
nations be blessed. vealed.
9 So then they who are of faith are 24 Wherefore the law was our
blessed with believing Abraham. schoolmaster to hriag us to Christ,
10 For as many as are of the works that we might be justified by faith.
of the law, are under the curse for it ; 25 But after faith is come, we are
is written, Accursed is every one that no longer under a school-master.
eontinueth not in all things which 26 For ye are all children of God
are written in the book of the law to by faith in Christ Jesus.
do them. 27 For as many of you as have
11 But that no man is justified by been baptized into Christ, have put on
the law in the sight of God, is evi- Christ.
dent : for. The just shall live by faith. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek,
12 And the law is not of faith: but. there is neither bond nor tree, there is
The man that doeth them shall hve neither male nor female ; for ye are
by them. all one in Christ Jesus.
13 Christ hath redeemed us from 29 And if ye are Christ's, then are
the curse of the law, being made a ye Abraham's seed, and heirs accord-
curse for us for it is written. Accur-
: ing to the promise.
sed is every one that hangeth on a
14 That the blessing of Abraham 1 We were under the law
Christ came, as

might come on the Gentiles through the heir is under his guatdian tilt he is of
age. 5 But Christ freed us iVom the law 7
Jesus Christ that we might receive

therefore we are servants to It no longer.
the promise of the Spirit through faith. 14 He remembereth their good will to him,
15 Brethren, I speak after the man- and his to them S2 and showeth that wa

are the sons of Abraham b/ the itee-

ner of men j Though it is but a man's wojnai).
covenant, yet if it is confirmed, no
man annulleth or addeth to it.
16 Now to Abraham and his seed
NOWhe as is a
as long
I say, that the heir,
child, diifereth
were the promises made. He saith from a servant, though be is lord of
not. And to seeds, as of many ; but as all;
of one. And to thy seed, which is 2 But is under tutors and governors
Christ. until the time appointed by the father.
17 And this I say, tliai the covenant 3 Even so we, when we were chil-
that was confirmed before by God; in dren, were in bondage under the ele-
Christ, the law, which was four hun- ments of the world.
dred and thirty years after, cannot an- 4 But when the fullness of the time
nul, that it should make the promise was come, God sent forth his Son,
of no effect. bom of a woman, born under the law,
18 For if the inheritance is by the 5 To redeem them that ware under
law, it is no more by promise but ;
the law, that we might receive the
God gave U to Abraham by promise. adoption of sons.
i9 What purpose then serveth the 6 And because ye are sons, God
17* 197
Of Agar and Sarah. GALATIANS. Qf gospel liberty^
hath Bent forth the Spirit of his Son which now is and is in bondage with
into your hearts, crying, Abba, Fa- lier children.
ther. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is
7 Wherefore thou art no more a free, which is the mother of us all.
servant, but a son ; and if a son, tiien 27 For it is written, Rejoice, thau,
an heir of God through Christ. barren, that bearest not; break forth
8 However then, when ye knew and cry, thou that travailest not for :

not God, ye did service to them which the desolate hath many more children
by nature are no gods. than she who hath a husband.
9 But now, after ye have known 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was,
God, or rather are known by God, are the children of promise.
how turn ye again to the weak and 29 But as then ne that was born
beggarly elements, to which ye desire according to the flesh, persecuted hira
agam to be in bondage 1 that was bom according to the Spirit,
10 Ye observe days, and months, even so it is now.
and times, and years. 30 Nevertheless, what saith the
Ill am afraid of you, lest I have scripture? Cast out the bond-woman
bestowed upon you labor in vain. and her son for the son of the bond-

12 Brethren, I beseech you, be as I woman shall not be heir with the son
am ; for I am as ye are : ye have not of the free- woman.
injured me at all. 31 So then, brethren, we are not
. 13 Ye know that in infirmity of the children of the bond-woman, but of
flesh I preached the gospel to you at the free.
the first.
14 And my temptation which was CHAPTER V.
in my flesh ye despised not, nor re- 1 He moveth them to stand in their liberty, 3
and not to observe circumcision 13 but
jected ; but received me as an angel of

rather love, which is the sum of the law :

God, even as Christ Jesus. 19 He reckoneth wp the works of the flesh,
15 What then was the blessedness 22 and the fruits of the Spirit: SS and ex-
horteth to walk in the Spirit.
ye spoke of; for I bear you testimo-
ny, that, if it had been possible, ye STAND fast therefore in the liber-
would nave plucked out your own which Christ hath made
ty with
eyes, and have given them to me. us free, and be not entangled again
16 Am I therefore become your en- with the yoke of bondage.
emy because I tell you the truth 7 2 Behold, I Paul say to you, that if
17 They zealously afiect you, but ye be circumcised, Christ will profit
not well J for, they would exclude you nothing.
you, that ye may affect them. 3 For I testify again to every man
18 But it is good to be zealously that is circumcised, that he is a debtor
affected always in a good thing, and to do thS whole law.
not only when I am present with you. 4 Christ is become of no effect to
19 My Httle children, of whom
I you, whoever of you are justified by
travail in birth again, until Christ be the law ; ye have fallen from grace.
formed in you, 5 For we through the Spirit wait
20 I desire to be present with yOu for the hope of righteousness by faith.
now, and to change my voice ; for I 6 For in Jesus Christ neither cir-
stand in doubt of you. cumcision availeth any thing, nor un-
21 Tell me, ye that desire to be un- circumcision ; but faith which work-
der the law, do ye not hear the law 7 eth by love. ••

22 For it is written, that Abraham 7 Ye did run well, who hindered

had two sons; the one by a bond- you that ye should not obey the truths
maid, the other by a free-woman. 8 This persuasion cometh not from
23 But he who was of the bond- him that calleth you.
woman, was born according to the 9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole
flesh ; but he of the free-woman was lump.
by promise. 10 I have confidence in you through
24 Which things are an allegory; the Lord, that ye will be no otherwise
for these are the two covenants the ; minded: but he that troubleth you
one from the mount Sinai, which gen- shall bear his judgment, whoever he
dereth to bondage, which is Agar. may be.
25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in 11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach
Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem circumcision, why do I yet suiter per-
Paul txhoTteth to CHAPTER VI. deal mildly with offenders.
secution 7 then hath the ofTense of the ual, restore such one in the spirit of
cross ceased. meekness; con8i^ei;ing thyself, lest
12 I would they were even cut off (hon also be tempted.
who trouble you. 2 Bear ye one another's burdens,
13 For, brethren, ye have been call- and so fulfill the law of Christ.
ed to liberty! only use not'liberty for 3 For if a man thinketh himself to
an occasion to the flesh, but by love be something, when he is nothing, he
serve one another, deceiveth himself.
14 For all the law is fulfilled in 4 But let every man prove his own
ione word, eoen in this, Thou Shalt work, and then shall he nave rejoicing
love thy neighbor as thyself. in himself alone,and not in another.
15 But if ye bite and devour one 6 For every man shall bear his own
another, lake heed that ye be notcon- burden.
sumeti one by another. 6 Let him that is taught in the
16 This I say then, Walk in the word communicate to him that teach-
Spirit, and ye Will not fulfill the lust eth in all good things.
of the flesh. 7 Be not deceived; God is not
17 For the flesh lusteth against the mocked for whatever a man soweth,

Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh that shall he also reap.
and these are contrary the one to the 8 For he that soweth to his flesh
other so that ye do not the things
; shall from the flesh reap corruption
that ye would. but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall
18 But if ye are led by the Spirit, from the Spirit reap life everlasting.
ye are not under the law. 9 And let us not be weary in well-
19 Now the works of the flesh are doing ; for in due season we snail reap,
nianifest,whichare(Aese,Adultery, for- if we fiint not.
nication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 10 As we have
therefore opportuni-
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, va- us do good to all men, especially
ty, let
riance, emulations, wrath, strife,' sedi- to them who are of the household of
tions, heresies, faith.
21 Envyings, murders, drunken- 11 Ye see how large a letter I have
ness, revelings, and such Uke: of written to you with my own hand.
which I tell you before, aa I have also 12 As many as desire to make a
told ymi in tune past, that they who fair show in the flesh, they constrain
do such things shall not inherit the you to Be circumcised ; only lest they
kingdom of God. should suffer persecution for the cross
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, of Christ.
joy, peace, long^Suii^ring, gentleness, 13 For neither Ihey themselves who
goodness, faith, are circumcised keep the law; but
23 Meekness, temperance against : desire to have you ckci^mcised, that
such there is no law. they may glory in your flesh.
24 And they that are Christ's have 14 But may it never be that I should
crucified the flesh, with the affections glory, save in the cross of our Lord
and lusts. Jesus Christ, by which the virDrld is
23 If we live in the Spirit, let us al- crucified to me, and I to the wOrld.
so walk in the Spirit. 15 For in Christ Jesus neither ctt-
26 Let us not be desirous of vain- cumcision availeth any thing, nor un-
glory, provoking one another, envying circumcision, but a new creature.
one another. 16 And as many as walk according
be on them, and
to this rule, peace
mercy, and upon the Israel of God.
1 He movetli them to ileal mililly with a
17 Prom henceforth let no man
brother that hath slipped, 2 and to bear one
another's burdens ; 6 to be liberal to their trouble me : for I hear in body my
teachers, 8 and not weaiy of well-doing 12 :
the marks of the Lord Jesus.
He Bhoweth what they intend that preach 18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord
circumcision : 14 He glorieth in nothing,
save in the cross of Christ Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
BRETHREN, if a man be overta- Amen.
ken in a fault, ye who are spirit- Written flrom Rome.
•f The Epistle of PAUL to the EPHESIANS,
14 Which the earnest of our in-
heritance until the redemption of the
After Che salutation, 3 and thanksgiving for

the Epheslans, 4 he treateth of our election

purchased possession, to the praise of
6 and adoption hy grace, 11 which is the his glory.
true and proper fountain of man's salva- 15 Wherefore I also, having heard of
tion : 13 and because this mystery cannot
easily be understoml, 16 tie prayeth that
your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love
they may come 18 to the fuU knowledge, to all the saints,
and 30 possession of it In Christ. 16 Cease not to give thanks for you,
PAUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ making mention of you in my
the will of God, to the saints ers;
who are at Ephesus, and to the be- 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus
lievers in Christ Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give
2 Grace be to you, and peace from to you the spirit of wisdom and reve-
God our Father, and from the Lord lation in the knowledge of him:
Jesus Christ. 18 The eyes of your understanding
3 Blessed be the God and Father of being enlightened ; that ye may know
our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath what is the hope of his calling, and
blessed us with all spiritual blessings what the riches of the glory of his in-
in heavenly ptees in Christ heritance in the saints,
4 According as he hath chosen us 19 And what is the exceeding great-
in him, before the foundation of the ness of his power toward us who be-
world, that we should be holy and lieve, according to the working of hia
without blame before him in love mighty power,
5 Having predestinated us to the 20 Which he wrought in Christ,
adoption of children to himself by when he raised him from the dead,
Jesus Christ, according to the good and set him at his own right hand in
pleasure of his will, the heavenly places,
6 To the praise of the glory of his 21 Far above all principahty, and
grace, in which he hath made us ac- power, and might, and dominion, and
cepted in the beloved every name that is named, not onljr
7 In whom we have redemption in this world, but also in that which is
through his blood, the forgiveness of to come;
sins, according to the riches of his 22 And put all thinesM^der his feet,
grace and gave him to be the head over all
8 In which he hath abounded to- things to the church,
ward us in all wisdom and prudence 23 Which is his body, the fullness
9 Having made known to us the of him that filleth all in all.
mystery of his will, according to his
good pleasure which he hath purposed
1 By comparing what we were by 3 nature,
in himself: with what we are 5 by grace, 10 he declareth,
10 That in the dispensation of the that we are made for good works and 13 ;

being brought near by Christ, should not

fullness of times he rhight collect in live as 1 Gentiles, and 12 foreigners in time

one all things in Christ, both which past, but as 19 citizens with the saints, and
are in heaven, and which are on earth the family of Cod.
even in him
11 In whom
also we have obtained
AND you hath he
dead trespasses and
revived, who were
an inheritance, being predestinated 2 In which in time past ye walked
according to the purpose of him who according to the course of this world,
Worketh all things after the counsel of according to the prince of the power
his own will of the air, the spirit that now worketh
12 That we should be to the praise in the children of disobedience
of his glory, who first trusted in 3 Among whom also we all had our
Christ. manner of life in times past in the
13 In whom ye also trusted, after lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the deshes
ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of the flesh andof themind ; and were
of your salvation : in whom also after by nature the children of wrath, even
ye believed, ye were sealed with that as others.
noly Spirit of promise, 4 But God, who is rich in mercy,
Hitual law abolishsd. CHAPTER III. TTic hidden mystery.
for his great love with which he lov- 22 In whom ye also are built to-
ed us, g:ether, for a habitation of God through
5 Even when we were dead in sins, the Spirit.
hath made us alive together with CHAPTER III.
Christ, (bv grace ye are saved i)
5 The hidden mystery, 6 that the Gentiles
6 And nath raised ua up together, should be saved, was made known to 'Paul
and made us sit together in heavenly by revelatinit 8 and to him was that j^race

given, that 9 he should preach it. 13 He de-

places, in Christ Jesus
7 That in the ages to come he
siieth them not to Mm for his
14 and prayeth 19 that they may perceive

might show the exceeding riches of the great love of Christ toward them.
his grace in his kindness toward us,
through Christ Jesus.
FOR cause, I Paul, the prisoner
of Jesus Chnst for you Gentiles,
8 Forby grace are ye saved, through 2 If ye have heard of the dispensa-
faith and that not of yourselves it
; : tion of the grace of God which is giv-
is thegBtof God: en me on your account.
9 Not by works, lest any man 3 That by revelation he made
should boast. known to me the mystery, as I wrote
10 For we are his workmanship, before in few words j
created in Christ Jesus to sood works, 4 By which when ye read, ye may
which God hath before ordained that understand my knowledge in the
we should walk in theih. mystery of Christ,
H Wherefore remember, that ye 5 Which in other ages was not
being in time past Grentiles in the made known to the sons of men, as it
flesh, who are called Uncircumcision is now revealed to his holy apostles
by that which is called the Circum- and prophets by the Spirit
cision in the Sesh made by hands 6 That the Gentiles should be joint-
12 That at that time ye were with- heirs, and of the same body, and par-
out Christ, being aliens from the com- takers of his promise in Christ by the
monwealth of Israel, and strangers Gospel
from the covenants of promise, hav- 7 Of which I was made a minister,
ing no hope, and without God m the according to the gift of the grace of
world: God given to me by the effectual
13 But now, in Christ Jesus, ye, working of his power.
who formerly were far off, are made 8 To me, who am less than the
nigh by the blood of Christ. least of all saints, is this grace given,
14 For he is our peace, who hath that I should preach among the
made both one, and hath broken down Gentiles the unsearchable riches of
the middle wall of partition betweenus; Christ!
Having abolished in his flesh the
15 9 And to make all men see what is
enmity, even the law of command- the fellowship of the mystery, which
ments contained in ordinances to : from the beginning of the world hath
make in himself of two one new man, been hid in God, who created all
so making peace things by Jesus Christ
16 And that he might reconcile 10 To the intent that now to the
both to God
one Dody by the principalities and powers in heavenly
cross, having by it slain the enmity jiUkcs might be known by the church
17 And came and preached peace the manilold wisdom of God,
to you who were afar off, and to them 11 According to the eternal purpose
that were nigh. which he purposed in Christ Jesus our
18 For through him we both have Lord
an access by one Spirit to the Father, 12 In whom we have boldness and
19 Now therefore ye are no more access with confidence by the faith o£
strangers and foreigners, but fellow- him,
citizens with the saints, and of the 13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint
household of God not at my tribulations for you, which
20 And are built upon the founda- is your glory.
tion of the apostles and prophets, Je- 14 For this cause I bow my knees
sus Christ himself beiog the chief cor- to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
OBT-stone ; 15 From whom the whole family
21 In whom all the building fitly in heaven and earth is named,
framed together, groweth to a holy 16 That he would grant you ac-
temple in the Lord cording to the riches of his glory to
Exhortations to unity. EPHESIANS. Different gifts of Christ.
be strengthened with might by his measure of the stature of the fullness
Spirit in the inner man; of Christ
That Christ may dwell in your
17 14 That we henceforth be no more
hearts by faith that ye, being rooted
; children, tossed to and fro, and carried
and grounded in, love, about with every wind of doctrine, by
18 May be able to comprehend with the sleight of men, and cunning craft-
all saints what is the breadth, and iness, by which they lie in wait to de-
length, and depth, and highth. ceive :

19 And to linow the love of Christ, 15 But speaking the truth in love,
which surpasseth knowledge, that ye may grow up into him in allthings,
may be filled with all the fullness of who the head, even Christ
God. 16 From whom the whole body
20 Now to him that is able to do fitly joined together and compacted by
exceeding abundantly above all that that which every joint supplieth, ac-
we ask or think, according to the cording to the effectual working in
power that worketh in us. the measure of every part, maketh in-
21 To him be glory in the church crease of the body to the edifying of
by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, itself in love,
world without end. Amen. 17 This I say therefore, and testify
CHAPTER IV. in the Loan, that ye henceforth walk
1 He exliorteth to unity ; 7 ami declareth that not as other Gentiles walk, in the
Goii therefore giveth divers u
gifts to men, vanity of their inind,
that his church may be .13 edilied. IS He
calleth Ihem from the impurity of the Gen-
18 Having the understanding dark-
tiles, 21 to put on the new man, 25 to cast ened, being alienated from the life of
off lying, and 29 corrupt communication, God through the ignorance that is in
THEREFORE, the prisoner of the them, because of the blindness of their
I LiOBD, beseech you that ye walk heart
worthy of the vocation by which ye 19 Who being past feeling have
are called, given themselves over to lascivious-
2 With all lowliness and meekness, ness, to work all uncleanness with
with long-suffering, forbearing one greediness.
another in love 20 But ye have not so learned
3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of Christ
the Spirit in the Dond of peace. 21 If indeed ye have heard him, and
4 ITiereisonebody, andone Spirit, have been taught by him, as the truth
even as ye are called in one hope of Jesus
is in
your calling 22 That ye put off concerning the
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, former manner of Ufe the old man,
6 One God and Father of all, who which is corrupt according to the de-
is above all, and through all, and in ceitful lusts
you all. 23 And be renewed in the Spirit of
7 But to every one of us is given your mind
grace according to the measure of the 24 And
that ye put on the new man,
gilt of Christ. which after God is created in right-
8 Wherefore he sailh. When he as- eousness and true holiness.
cended on high, he led captivity cap- 25 Wherefore putting away lying,
tive, and gave giifts to men. speak every man truth with hisneigh-
9 Now that tie ascendjd, what is it bor for we are members one of an-

but that he also descended first into other.

thp lower parts of the earth ? 26 Be ye angry, and sin not let :

10 He that descended is the same not the sun go down upon your wrath
also that ascended far above all heav- 27 Neither give place to the devil.
ens, that he might fill all things. 28 Let him that stole steal no more
11 And he gave some apostfes and ; but rather let him labor, working with
some prophets and some evangel-
; his hands the thing which is good,
ists; and some pastors and teachers; that he may have to give to him that
12 For the perfecting of the saints, needeth.
for the work of the ministry, for the 29 Let no corrupt communication
edifying of the body of Christ proceed out of your mouth, but that
13 Till we all come in the unity of which is good to the use of edifying,
the' faith, and of the knowledge of the that it may minister grace to the
Son of God, to a perfect man, to the hearers.
Exhartaiiolis to CHAPTER VI. lovt and chanty.
30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of 15 See then that ye walk circum-
God, whereby ye are sealed to the spectly, not as fools, but as wise,
day of redemption. 16 Redeeming the time, because the
^l Let all bitterness, and wrath, days are evil.
and anger, and clamor, and evil- 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but
speaking, be put away from you, with understanding What the will of the
all malice Lord is.

32 And be ye kind one to another, 18 And be not drunk with wine, in

tender-hearted, forgiving one another, which is excess but be filled with the

even as Giod for Christ's sake hath Spirit i

forgiven you. 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms,

CHAPTER V. and hymns, and spiritual songs, sing-
s After general exhortaUnns to lovo, 3 to jiee ing and making melody in your heart
fornication,! andalluncleanness, 7 not to to the Lord,
couverse with the wicked, IS to walk wari-
ly, and'to be 18 tilled with the apirlt, 22 he
20 Giving thanks always for all
things to God and the Father, in the
descendeth to the particular duties, hnw
wives ought to obey their husbands, 35 and
name of our Lord Jesus Christ
husbands ought to love their wives, 32
21 Submitting yourselves one to
even as Christ doth his Church.
another in the fear of God.
BE ye therefore followers of God,
as dear children 22 Wives, submit yourselves to
2 And walk in love, as Christ also your own husbands, as to the Lord.
hath loved us, and hath given himself 23 For the husband is the head of
for us an offering and a sacrifice to the wife, even as Christ is the head of
God for a sweet-smelling savor. the church and he is the Savior of

3 But lewdness and all unclean- the body.

ness, or covetousness, let it not be 24 Therefore as the church is sub-
once named among you, as becometh ject to Christ. 80 let wives be to their
saints own husbanas in every thing.
4 Neither fjthiness, nor foolish 25 Husbands, love your wives, even
talking, nor jesting, which are not con- as Christ also loved the cbiu'ch, and
venient but rather giving of thanks.
gave himself for it
5 For this ye know, that no lewd, 26 That he might sanctify and
nor unclean person, nor covetous man, cleanse it with the washing of water
who is an idolater, hath any inherit- hy the word,
ance in the kingdom of Christ and of 27 That he might present it to him-
God. self a glorious church, not having
6 Let no man deceive you with vain spot or wrinkle, or any such thing
words: for because of these things but that it should be holy and without
Cometh the wrath of God upon the blemish.
children of disobedience. 28 So ought men to love their
7 Be ye not therefore partakers with wives, as their own bodies. He that .

fh^m. loveth his wife, loveth himself.

8 For ye were sometime darkness, 29 For no man ever yet hated his
but now are ye light in the Lord: own flesh but nourisheth and cher- i

walk as children of light isheth it, even as the Lord the church
9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in 30 For we are members of his body,
all goodness, and righteousness, and of his flesh, and of his bones.
truth j) 31 For this cause shall a man leave
10 Proving what is acceptable to his father and mother, and shall be
the Lord. joined to his wife, and they two shall
U And have no fellowship with be one flesh.
the unfruilful works of darkness, but 32 This is a great mystery but I :

rather reprove fkem. speak concerning Christ and the

12 For it is a shame even to speak church.
of those things which are done by 33 Nevertheless, let every one of
them in secret. you in particular so love his wife even
13 But all things that are reproved, as himself: and the wife see that she
are made manifest by the light: for reverence her husband.
whatever doth make manifest is light. CHAPTER VI.
14 Wherefore he saith. Awake, thou 1 The duty of children toward their parents,
that sleepeth, and arise from the dead, sof servants towaid their masters. loOur
life is a warfare, IS not.only against fleEfh
and Christ will give thee light.
and blood, but also spiritual enemies. 13
Pauts prayer to God PHILIPPIANS. for the Pkiltppians,
The complete armor of a Christian, 13 and armor of God, t^lat ye may be able to
how It ought to be used. SI Tychlcus Is
comrtienOed. withstand in the evil day, and having
done all, to stand.
CHILDREN, obey your parent? in 14 Stand therefore, having your
the Lord : for this is right. loins girt about with truth, and hav-
2 Honor thy father and mother ing on the breast-plate of righteous-
(which is the first commandment with
15 And your feet shod with the
3 That it may be well with thee,
preparation of the gospel of peace
and thou mayest live long on the earth.
16 Above all, taking the shield of
4 And y^, fathers, provoke not your faith, with which ye will be able to
children ttf wrath but brine then) up:
textinguish all the fiery darts of the
in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord. 17 And take the helmet of salva-
5 Servants, Ije obedient to them tion, and the sword of the Spirit,
that ar^ your, masters according to the
which is the word of God
flesh, with fear and trembling, sin- m 19 Praying always with all prayer
gleness of your heart, as to Christ and supplication in the Spirit, and
6 Not with eye-service, as men watching for this purpose with all
pleasers; but as the servants of perseverance and supplication for
: all
Christ, doing the willof God from the
heart 19 for me, that utterance may
7 With good will doing service, as

to the Lord, and not to men

be given to me, that I may open my
mouth boldly, to make known the
8 Knowing that whatever good mystery of the gospel,
thing any man doeth, the spme will
20 For which I am an embassador
he receive from the Lord, whether he in bonds : that therein I may speak
be bond or free. boldly, as I ought to speak.
9 And, ye masters, do the same 21 But that ye also may know my
things to them, forbearing threaten- afiairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a be-
ing knowing that your Master also
loved brother and faithful minister in
is in heaven neither is there respect
the Lord, will make known to you all
of persons with him.; things
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong

22 Whom
I have sent to you for
in the Lord, and in the power of his the same purpose, that ye may know
might. our afiairs, and that he may comfort
11 Put on the whole armor of God, your hearts.
that ye may be able to stand against 23 Peace be to the brethren, and
the wiles of the devil. love with faith from God the Father
12 For we wrestle not against fiesh and the Lord Jesus Christ.
and blood, but against principalities, , 24 Grace be with all them that love
against powers, against the rulers of our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.
the darkness of iTiis world, against Amen.
spiritual high places,
13 Wherefore take to you the whole Written from Rome.

«1[ The Epistle of PAUL to the PHILIPPIANS.

CHAPTER I. in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi,
9 He testilieth his thanlifuiness to Gotti and with the bishops and deacons
his love toward them, for the fruits of their 2 Grace be to you, and peace, from
faith, and fellowship in his sufferings. 9
daily praying to him for their increase in
God our Father and fi'om the Lord
grace la He showeth what Kood the faith
: Jesus Christ.
of Chnst had received by bis troubles at 3 I thank my God upon every re-
Rome, 21 and how ready he is to glorify
Christ, either by, his life or death: 27 ex- membrance of you,
horting thera tO' iinity, 28 and to fortitude 4 Always in every prayer of mine
in persecution. for you all making request with joy,
PAUL and Timothy, the servants 5 For your fellowship in the gospel
of Jesus Christ, to all the saints from the first day until now
Exhortations to CHAPTER II. unity and hurhilily.
6 Beine confident of this very thing, 23 For I am in a strait betwixt two,
that he who hath began a good work having a desire to depart, and to be
in you, will perform it until the day with Christ ; which is far better
of Jesus Christ 24 Nevertheless, to abide in the
7 Even as it is meet for me to think flesh is more needful for you.
this of you all, because I have you in 23 And having this confidence, I
my heart; inasmuch as both in my know that I shall abide and continue
bonds, and in the defense and confir- with you all for your furtherance and
mation of the gospel, ye all are parta- joy of faith
kers of my grace. 26 That your rejoicing for me may
8 For God is my witness, how be more abundant in Jesus Christ by
greatly I longafter you all in the bow- my coming to you again.
els of Jesus Christ. 27 Only let your manner of life be
9 An 1 this I pray, that your love as it becometh the gospel of Christ
may abmrd yet more and more in that whether I come and see you, or
knowledge and in all judgment else be absent, I may hear of your
10 That ye may approve things afiairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit,
that are excellent; that ye may be with one mind striving together for
sincere and without offense till the the faith of the gospel
day of Christ 28 And in nothing terrified by your
11 Being filled with the fruits of adversaries which is to them an ev-

righteousness, which are by Jesus ident token of perdition, but to you of

Christ, to the glory and praise of God. salvation, and that from God.
12 But I would ye should under- 29 For to you it is given in the be-
stand, brethren, that the things which half of Christ, not only to believe on
happened to me have fallen out father him, but also to suffer tor his sake;
to the furtherance of the gospel 30 Having the same conflict which
13 So that my bonds in Christ are ye saw in me, and now hear to bt in
manifest in a^l the palace, and in all me.
other places CHAPTER
14 And many of the brethren in the 1 He fix>ioTteth them to unity, and toall hum-
Lord, becoming confident by my bleness of mind, by the example of Christ's
bonds, are much more bold to speak bumUity and exaltation 18 to a careful:

proceeding In the way of salralion, that

the word without fear. thoy tee as lights to the wicked world, 16
15 Some indeed preach Christ even and comforts to him their apostle, who Is
now ready to be offered up to God. 19 He
from envy and strife ; and some also hopeth to send Timothy to them, whom he
from good will. greatly commenileth, 25 as Epaphroditus
also, whem he presently sendeth to them.
16 The one preach Christ from con-
not sincerely, supposing is therefore any consolation
add affliction to my
Christ, any comfort of love, if
17 But the other from love, know- any fellowship of the Spirit, if any
ing that I am set for the defense of bowels and mercies,
the gospel. 2 Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-
18 What then'? notwithstanding, minded, having the same love, being
every way, whether in pretense or m of one accord, of one mind.
truth, Christ is preached ; and I there- 3 Let nothing be done through
in do rejoice, yes, and will rejoice. strife or vain glory; but in lowliness
19 For I know
that this will turn of mind let each esteem other better
to my salvation through your prayer, than themselves.
and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus 4 Look not every man on his own
Christ, things, but every man also on the
20 According to my
earnest expect- things of others.
ation and hope, that in nothing I 5 Let this mind be in you, which
shall be ashamed, but that with all was also in Christ Jesus :

boldness, as always, so now ilso, 6 Who, being in the form of God.

Christ will be magnified in my body, thought it not robbery to be equal
whether by life, or by death. with God
21 For to me to live is Christ, and 7 But made himself of no reputa-
to die is gain. tion, and took upon him the form of
22 But if I live in the flesh, this is a servant, and was made in the like-
the fruit of my
labor yet what I shall
: ness of men
choose I know not. 8 And being found in fashion as a
18 205
Paul commendeth Timothy. PHILIPPIANS. To avoid false teachers.
man, he humbled himself, and became death but God oad mercy on him

obedient to death, even the death of and not on him only, but on me also,
the cross. lest I should have sorrow upon sor-
9 Wherefore God also hath highly row.
exalted him, and given him a name 28 I sent him therefore the more
which is above every name : speedily, thai, when ye see him again,
10 That at the name of Jesus every ye may rejoice, and that I may be the
knee should bow, of things in heaven, less sorrowful.
and things on earth, and things under 29 Receive him therefore in the Lord
the earth with all gladness and hold such in

11 And that every tongue should reputation

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to 30 Because for the work of Christ
the glory of God the Father. he was nigh to death, not regarding
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye his life, to supply the want of your
have always obeyed, not as in my service toward ine.
presence only, but now much more Chapter hi.
m my absence, work out your own 1 He warneth them to beware of the false
salvation with fear and trembling. teachers of the circumcision, 4 showing that
himself hath greater cause than they to
13 For it is God who worketh in trust in the righteousness of the law : 7
you both to will and to do of his good which notwithstanding he cuunteth as dung
pleasure. and loss, to gain Christ and his rigiiteous-
ness, 12 therein aclcnowledging his own
14 Do all things without murmur- imperfection. 15 He exhorteth tliem to be
ings and disputings : thus minded, 17 and to imitate him, 18 and
to decline the ways of carnal Christians.
15 Thai ye may be blameless and
harmless, the sons of God, without FINALLY, my brethren, rejoice in
rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and the Lord. To write the same
perverse nation, among whom ye things to you, to me indeed is not
shine as lights in the world grievous, but for you it is safe.
16 Holding forth the word of life 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil-
that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, workers, beware of the concision.
that I have not run in vain, neither la- 3 For we are the circumcision, who
bored in vain. worship God in the spirit, and rejoice
17 And if I am even offered upon in Christ Jesus, and have no confi-
the sacrifice and service of your faith, dence in the Aesii.
I joy, and rejoice with you all. 4 Though I might also have confi-
18 For the same cause also do ye dence in the flesh. If any other man
joy, and rejoice with me. thinketh that he hath reason to trust
19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus to in the flesh, I more
send Timothy shortly to you, that I ,
5 Circumcised the eighth day, of
also may be of good comfort, when I the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Ben-
know your state. jamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews ; with
20 For I have no man Uke-minded, respect to the law, a Pharisee
•who will naturally care for your state. 6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the
21 For all seek their own, not the church ; with respect to the righteous-
things of Jesus Christ. ness which is by, blameless.
22 But ye know the proof of him, 7 But what things were gain to
that as a son with the father, he hath me, those I counted Toss for Christ.
served with me in the gospel. 8 Yes doubtless, and I count all
23 Him therefore I hope to send things to be loss for the excellence of
^presently, so soon as I shall see how the knowledge of Christ Jesus my
It 'will go with me. Lord : for whom I have suffered the
24 But I trust in the Lord that I loss of all things, and do count them
also myself shall come shortly. to be dung, that I inay win Christ,
25 Yet I supposed it necessary to 9 And De found in him, not having
send to you Epaphroditus, my broth- my own righteousness, which is from
er, and companion in labor, and fel- the law, but that which is through
low-soldier, but your messenger, and the faith of Christ, the righteousness
he that ministered to wants. my which is from God by faith
26 For he longed after you
and all, 10 That I may know him, and the
wis full of heaviness, because ye had power of his resurrection, and the fel-
heard that he was sick. lowship of his suSerings, being mado
27' For indeed he was sick nigh to conformable to bis death;
Particular admoniiiona. CHAPTER IV. General exhortations,
11 If by any means I may attain 4 Rejoice in the Lord always and
to the resurrection of the dead. again I say. Rejoice.
12 Not as though I had already at- 6 Let your moderation be known
tained, either were already perfect: to all men. The Lord is at hand.
but I pursue, if that I may apprehend 6 Be anxious for nothing; but in
that for which also I am
apprehended every thing by prayer and suppHca-
by Christ Jesus. lion with thanksgiving let your re-
13 Brethren, 1 count not myself to quests be made known to Giod.
have apprehended but this one thing
: 7 And the peace of God, which
1 do, tbrgetuns those things which passeth all understanding, will keep
are behind, and reaching forward to your hearts and minds through Christ
those things which are before, Jesus.
14 I press toward the mark for the 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things
prize of the high calUng of God in are true, whatever things are honest,
Christ Jesus. whatever things are just, whatever
15 Let us therefore, as many as are things are pure, whatever things are
perfect, be thus minded and if in any
: lovely, whatever things are of good
thing ye are otherwise minded, God report; if there is any virtue, and if
will reveal even this to you. tliere is any praise, think on these
16 Nevertheless, to what we have things.
already attained, let us walk by the 9 Those things, which ye have both
same rule, let us mind the same thing. learned, and received, and heard, and
17 Brethren, be followers together seen in me, do and the God of peace

of me, and mark them who walk so will be with you.

as ye have us for an example. 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord great-
18 (For many walk, of whom I ly, that now at the last your care of
have told you often, and now tell you me hath flourished again ; wherein ye
even weeping, tiiat they are the ene- were also careful, but ye lacked oppor-
mies of the cross of Christ tunity.
19 Whoseend is destruction, whose 11 Not that I speak in respect of
God is their belly, and whosn glory is want : for I have learned, in whatever
in their shame, who mind earthly state I am, with that to be content.
things.) 12 I know both how to be abased,
20 For our conversation is in heav- and I know how to abound: every
en ; from whence also we look for the where and in all things, I am
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ ed both to be full and to be hungry,
21 Who will change our vile body, both to abound and to suffer need.
that it may be fashioned like to his 13 I can do all things through Christ
glorious body, according to the work- who strengtheneth me.
ing by which he is able even to sub- 14 Notwithstanding ye have done
due all things to himself. well, that ye did communicate with
my affliction.
CHAPTER IV. 15 Now, ye Philipplana, know also,
1 Prom particular admonitions, 4 he pntceed- that in the beginning of the gospel,
eth to general extiortations, IP showing when I departed from Macedonia, no
now he r^oiced at their liberality toward
church communicated with me as
him lyln^ in prison, not so much for the
supply of his own wants, as for the grace concerning giving and receiving, but
of God in them 19 and so concludeth with
ye only.
player and salutation.
16 For even in Thessalonica ye sent
THEREFORE, my brethren dearly once and again to my necessity.
beloved and longed for, my joy 17 Not because I desire a gift but :

and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, I desire fruit that may abound to your
my dearly beloved. account.
2 I beseech Euodias, and beseech IS But I have all, and abound I :

Syntyche, that they be of the same am having received from Epaph-

mmd in the Lord. rodilus the things which were sent
3 And I entreat thee also, true yoke- from you, an odor of a sweet stnell, a
fellow, help those women who labor- sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to.
ed with me in the gospel, with Clem- God.
ent also, and with other ray fellow- 19 But my God will supply all your
laborers, whose names arc in the need according to his riches in glory
book of life. by Christ Jesus.
Mediatorial office COLOSSIANS. of Christ
20 Now to God and our Father be 22 All the saints salute you, chiefly
glory for ever and ever. Amen. they that are of Cesar's household.
21 Salute every saint in ChriBt Je- 23 The grace of our Lord Jesus
sus. The brethren v/ho are vcith me Christ be with you all. Amen.
greet you. Written from Rome.

1 The Epistle of PAUL to the COLOSSIANS.

kers of the inheritance of the saints in
1 After salutation, Paul thanKeth God for
their faith, 7 confirmeth the aootrine of 13 Who hath delivered us from the
Epaphras, 9 prayeth further for their in- power of darkness, and hath transla-
crease in grace ; 14 descriljeth the true ted -us into the kingdom of his beloved
Christ ; 21 encourageth them to receive
Jesus Chrisl; and commendeth his own Son
ministry. 14 In whom we have redemption
PAUL, an apostle of JesusTimothy
Christ through his blood, eoen the forgiveness
by the will of God, and of sins
mtr brother, 15 Who is the image of the invisible
2 To the saints and faithful breth- God, the first-born of every creature
ren in Christ who are at Colosse: 16 For by him were all things
Grace be to you, and peace, from created, that are in heaven, and that
God our Father and the Lord Jesus are upon earth, visible and invisible,
Christ. whether thrones, or dominions, or
3 We give thanks to God and the principalities, or powers: all things
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray- were created by him, and for him
ing always for you, 17 And he is before all things, and
4 Since we heard of your faith in by him all things consist.
Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye 18 And he is the head of the body,
have to all the saints, the church who is the beginning, the

5 For the hope which is laid up for first-born from the dead ; that in all
you in heaven, of which ye have heard things he may have the pre-eminence.
before in the word of the trutii of the 19 For it pleased the Father that in
gospel; •
. him should all fullness dwell
6 Which IS come to you, as ti is in 20 And having made peace through
all the world ; andbringeth forth fruit, the blood of his cross, by him to re-
as it doth also in you, since the day ye concile all things to himself; by him,
heard of it, and knew the grace of 1 say, whether ihey are things on
God in truth earth, or things in heaven.
7 As ye also learned from Epaphras 21 And you, that were formerly
our dear fellow-servant, who is for alienated and enemies in your mind
you a faithful minister of Christ ; by wicked works, yet now hath he
8 Who also declared to us your reconciled,
love in the Spirit. 22 In the body of his flesh through
9 For this cause we also, since the death, to present you holy and un-
day we heard it, do not cease to pray blamable and unreprovable in his
for you, and to desire that ye may be sight
filled with the knowledge of his will 23 If ye continue in the faith ground-
in all wisdom and spiritual under- ed and settled, and are not moved
standing; away from the hope of the gospel,
10 That ye may walk worthy of which ye have heard, and which hath
the Lord to all pleasing, being fruitful been preached to every creature which
in every good work, and increasing in is under heaven ; of which I Paul am
the knowledge of God made a minister
Strengthened with all might,
11 24 Who now rejoice in my suffer-
according to his glorious power, to ings for you, and fill up that which is
all patience and long-sufTering with behind of the afflictions of Christ in
joyfulness my flesh for his body's sake, which
12 Giving thanks to the Father, is the church
who hath made us meet to be parta- 25 Of which I am made a minister,
Paul exhortethJo CHAPTER HI. he constant in Christ,
according to the dispensation of God U In whom also ye are circumcised
which is given to me for you, to fulfill with the circumcision made without
the word of God hands, in putting off the body of the
26 Even the mystery which hath sins of the. flesh by the circumcision
beea hid from ages, and from genera- of Christ:
tions, but now is made manifest to 12 Buried with him in baptism, in
his saints which also ye are raised with hvmi
27 To whom God would make through the failh of the operation of
known what is the riches of the glory God, who hath raised him from the
of this mystery among the Gentiles; dead.
which is Christ in you, the hope of 13 And you, being dead in your sins
glory and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
28 Whom we preach, warning ev- hath he made alive together with him,
ery man, and teaching every man in having forgiven you all trespasses;
alt wisdom; that we may present 14 Blotting out the hand-writing of
every man perfect in Christ Jesus. ordinances that was against us, which
29 For which I also labor, striving was contrary to us, and took it out of
according to his working, which work- the way, nailing it to his cross
eth in me mightily. 15 And having despoiled principali-
ties and powers, he made a show of
them openly, triumphing over them
1 He stilt exhorteth tliem to he constant in
in it.
Christ, 8 to beware of (Jhilosophy, and vain
traditions, 18 worshiping of angels, 20 and 16 Let no man therefore judge you
legal ceremonies, which are ended in Christ. in food, or in drink, or in respect of a

FOR would that ye knew what

great conflict have you, and
1 for
holy-day, or of the new-moon, or of
the sabbaths
for them Laodieea, and for as
at 17 Which are a shadow of things
many as have not seen my face in to come but the body is of Christ.

the flesh 18 Let no man beguile you of your

2 That their hearts may be com- reward in a voluntary humility aud
forted, being knit together in love, and worshiping of angels, inti'uding into
to all riches of the full assurance of those thinifs which he hath not.iseen,
understanding, to the acknowledg- vainly pulfed up by his fleshly mind,
ment of the mystery of God, and of '
19 And not holding the bead, from
the Father, and of Christ which all the body by joints and bands
3 In whom are hid all the treasures having nourishment ministered, and
of wisdom and knowledge. knit together, increaseth with the in-
4 And this I say, lest any man crease of God.
should deceive you with enticing 20 Wherefore, if ye are dead with
words. Christ from the rudiments of the
5 For though I am absent in the world, why, as though living in the
flesh, yet I am with you in the spirit, world, are ye subject to ordinances,
joying and beholding your order, and 21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;
the steadfastness of your faith in 22 Which all are to perish with the
Christ. using;) according to the command-
6 As ye have therefore received ments and doctrines of men?
Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in 23 Which things have indeed a
him show of wisdom in will-worship, and
7 Rooted and built up in him, and humility, and neglecting of the body ;i
established in the faith, as ye have not in any honor to the satisfying of
been taught, abounding in it with the flesh. $
thanksgiving. CHAPTER III.
3 Beware lest any man make a 1 He showeth where we should seeK Christ
5 He exhorteth to mortiflcatlnn, 10 to put off
prey of you through philosophy and
the old man, and to put on Christ 12 ex-

vain deceit, after the tradition of men, horting to charity, humility, and other sev-
after the rudiments of the world, and eral duties.
not after Christ. ye then be raised with Christ,
9 For in him dwelleth all the fiill-
IPseek those things which are above,
ness of iKe Godhead bodily. where Christ sitteth on the right hand
10 And ye are complete in him, of God.
who is the head of all principality and 2 8et your affection on things abovej
power % not on thi&gS on the earth,
18* 209
Exhortations to COLOSSIANS. tundry duties.
3 For ye are dead, and your life is dren to anger, lest they be discour-
hid with Christ in God. aged.
4 When Christ, who t« our life, shall 22 Servants, obey in all things your
appear, then will ye also appear with masters according to the flesh ; not
him in glory. with eye-service, as men-pleasers
5 Mortify therefore your members but in singleness of heart, fearing
which are upon the earth; lewd- God:
ness, uncleanness, inordinate affection, 23 And whatever ye do, do it heart-
evil concupiscence, and covetousness ily, as to the Lord, and not to men ;

which is idolatry : 24 Knowing that from the Lord ye

6 For which things the wrath of will receive the reward of the inherit-
God Cometh on the children of diso- ance for ye serve the Lord Christ.

bedience : 25 But he that doeth wrong, will

7 In which ye also walked former- receive for the wrong which he hath
ly, when ye lived with them. done: and there is no respect of per-
8 But now ye also put oft' all these sons.
anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, CHAPTER IV.
filthy communication out of your 1 He exhorteth them to be fervent In praj'er,
mouth. 5 to walk wisely toward them that are not
yet come to the true knowledge of Christ,
9 Lie not one to another, seeing ye 10 He saluteth them, and wisheth them all
have put off, the old man with his prosperity.
deeds MASTERS, give to your servants
10 And have put on the new man, that which is just and equal;
which is renewed in knowledge after knowing that ye also have a Master
the image of him that created him : in heaven.
11 Where there is neither Greek nor 2 Continue in prayer, and watch in
Jew, circumcision nor uncircuracision, the same with thanksgiving ;
Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free 3 At the same time praying also
but Christ is all, and in all. for us, that God would open to us a
12 Put on therefore, as the elect of door of utterance, to speak the mys-
God, holy and beloved, bowels of mer- tery of Christ, for which I am also in
cies, kindness, humbleness of mind, bonds
meekness, long-suffering 4 That I may make it miinifest, as
13 Forbearing one another, and for- I ought to speak.
giving one another, if any man hath a 5 Walk in wisdom toward them
quarrel against any even as Christ
: that are without, redeeming the time.
forgave you, so also do ye. 6 Let your speech be always with
14 And above all these things put grace, seasoned with salt, that ye
on charity, which is the bond of per- may know how ye ought to answer
fectness. every man.
15 And let the peace of God nUe in 7 All my
state shall Tychicus de-
your hearts, to which also ye are call- clare to you, who is a beloved brother,
ed in one body ; and be ye thankful. and a faithful minister and fellow-ser-
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in vant in the Lord
you richly in all wisdom j teaching 8 WhomI have sent to you for the
and admonishing one another in same purpose, that he may know
psalms, and hymns, and spiritual your state, and comfort your hearts
songs, singing with grace in your 9 With Onesimus, a faithful and
hearts to the Lord. beloved brother, who is one of you.
17 And whatever ye do in word or They will make known to you all
deed, do all in the name of the Lord things which are done here,
Jesus, giving thanks to God and the 10 Aristarchus, my fellow-prisoner,
Patheroy him. saluteth you; and Marcus, sister's
18 Wives, submit yourselves to son to Barnabas, (concerning whom
your own husbands, as it is fit in the ye received commandments: if he
Lord. should come to you, receive him ;)
19 Husbands, love your wives, and 11 And Jesus, who is called Justus,
be not bitter against them. who are of the circumcision. These
20 Children, obey your parents in only are my fellow-workers to the
all things : for this is well-pleasing to kingdom of God, who have been a
the. Lord. comfort to me.
21 Fathers, provoke not your chil- 12 Epaphras, who is one of you, a
Salutations CHAPTER II. and greetings.
servant of Christ, saluteth you, al- And when this epistle is read
ways laboring fervently for you in among you, cause that U be read also
prayers, that ye may stand perfect in the ctiurch of the
Laodiceans ; and
and complete in all the will of God. that ye likewise read the epistle from
13 For I bear him testimony, that Laodicea.
he hath a great zeal for you, and 17 And say to Archippus, take heed
them that are in Laodicea, and them to the mimstry which thou hast
in Hierapolis. received in the Lord, that thou ful-
14 Luke, the beloved physician, and fill it.
Demas, greet you. 18 The salutation by the hand of.
15 Salute the brethren who are in me Paul. Remember my bonds,
Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the Grace be with you. Amen.
church which is in his house. Written from Rome.

1 The First Epistle of PAUL to the

9 For they themselves show of us
CHAPTER I. what manner of entrance we had to
1 TlieThessalonians aie given to understanij you, and how ye turned to God from
both bow mindlUl of (hem St. Paul was at
idols, to serve the living and true God
all limes in Uianksgiving, and prayer 5 ;

and also iiow well be was persuaded of the 10 And to wait for his Son from
truth and sincerity of their faith anil con- heaven, whom he raised from the
version to God.
dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from
PAUL, and Silvanus, and Timothy, the wrath to come.
to the church of the Thessaloni- CHAPTER II.
ans tckick is in God the Father, and in 1 in what manner the gospel was broi^ht
the Lord Jesus Christ : Grace be to and preached to the Thessalonlans, and In
you, and peace, from God our Father wliat sort also they received it. 18 rea- A
son is rendered, both why tiaint Paul was
and the Lord Jesus Christ. so long absent flrom them, and also why he
2 We give thanks to God always was so desirous to see them.
for you an, making mention of you in FOR yourselves, brethren, know our
entrance you, that
to was not it
our prayers
3 Remembering without ceasing in vain:
your work of faith, and labor of love, 2 But even after we had suffered
and patience of hope in our Lord Je- before,and were shamefully treated,
sus Christ, in the sight of God and as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold
our Father; in our God to speak to you the gospel
4 Knowing, brethren beloved by of God with much contention.
God, your election. 3 For our exhortation wa« not
5 For our gospel came not to you from deceit, nor from impurity^ nor in
in word only, but also in power, and guile;
in the Holy Spirit, and in much as- 4 But as we were allowed by God
surance ! as ye Know what manner of to be put in trust with the gospel, even
men we were among you for your 80 we speak; not as pleasing men, but
sake. God, who trieth our hearts.
6 And ye became followers of us, 5 For neither at any time used we
and of the Lord, having received the flattering words, as ye know, nor a
word in much affliction, with joy of cloke of covetousness ; God is wit-
the Holy Spirit ness:
7 So that ye were examples to all 6 Nor from men sought we glory,
that believe, in Macedonia and Achaia. neither from you, nor yet from others,
8 For from you sounded out the when we might have been burden-
word of the Lord not only in Macedo- some, as the apostles of Christ.
nia and Achaia, but also in every place 7 But we were gentle among you,
your faith toward God is spread even as a nurse cherisheth her chil-
abroad; so that we need not to speak dren:
any thing. 8 So being affectionately desirous
Exhortations to I. THESSALONIANS, sundry duties,
of you, we were willing to impart to 2 And sent Timothy, our brother,
you, not the gospel of God only, but and minister of God, and our fellow-
also our own souls, because ye were laborer in the gospel of Christ, to es-
dear to us. tablish you, and to comfort you con-
9 For ye remember, brethren, our cerning your faith
labor and toil for laboring night and
: 3 That no ijjan should be moved
day, because we would not be charge- by these afflictions for yourselves

able to any of you, we preached to you know that we are appointed to it.
the gospel of God. 4 For verily, vyhen we were with
. 10 Ye are witnesses, and God also, you, we told you before that we should
howholily, and justly, and unblama- suffer tribulation even as it came to

bly we behaved ourselves among you pass, and ye knfiw.

that believe; 5 For this cause, when I could no
U As ye know how we exhorted, longer foirbear, I sent to know your
and comforted, and charged every one faith, lest by some means the tempter
of you, as a father doth his children, may have tempted you, and our labor
)2 That ye would walk worthy of be in vain.
God, who hath called you into his 6 But now when Timothy came
kingdom and glory. from you to us, and brought ug good
U For this cause we thank tidings of your faith and charity, and
God without ceasing, because, when that ye have good remembrance of us
ye received the word of God which ye always, desiring greatly to see us, as
heard from us, ye received it not as we also to see you :

word of men, but (as it is in truth)

the 7 Therefore, brethren, by your faith
word of God, which efttjctually
the we were comforted over you in all our
worketh also in you that believe.- affliction and distress
14 For ye, brethren, became follow- 8 For now we live, if ye stand fast
ers of the churches of God which in in the Lord.
Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also : 9 For what thanks can we render
have suffered like things from your to God again for you, for all the joy
own countrymen, even as they have with which we rejoice for your sakes
from the Jews before our God
15 Who both
killed the Lord Jesus, 10 Night and day praying exceed-
and their own
prophets, and have per- ingly that we may see your face, and
secuted us; and they please not God, may perfect that which is lacking in
and are contrary to all men your faith 7
16 Forbidding us to speak to the 11 Now God himself and our Fa-
Gentiles that they may be saved, to ther, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct
fill up their sins always for the wrath
: our way to you.
is come upon them to xhe uttermost. 12 And the Lord make you to in-
17 But we, brethren, being taken crease and abound in loye one toward
from you for a short time in presence, another, and toward all men, even as
not in heart, endeavored the morg we do toward you:
abundantly to see your face with great 13 To the end he may establish
'desire. your hearts unblamable in holiness
18 Wherefore we would have come before God, even our Father, at the
to you, even I Paul,once and again ;
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with
but Satan hindered us. all his saints.
19 For what is our hope, or joy, or
crown of rejoicing 1 Are not even ye CHAPTER IV.
in the presence of our Lord Jesus 1 He exhorteth them ,to go forward in all

Christ at his coming t manner of. godliness, 6 to live hollly and

Justly! 9 to love one another, II and quietly
20 For ye are our glory and joy. to follow their own ibusiness ; 13 and la«tof
all, to sorrow moderately for the dead ; 15
CHAPTER III. and to this last exhortation is annexed a
1 Saipt Paul testifleth Km great love to the brief description of the resuErection, and
Thessalonians partly by sending Timotliy
; second coining of Christ to judgment.
to tiiem to strengtlien anil comfort them.;
partly by rejoicing in their well-doing

10 ;
FURTHERMORE then we beseech
and parUy by praying for them, and desiring you, brethren, and exhort you by
a safb journey" to them. the Lord Jesus, that as ye have re-
WHEREFORE, when we could ceived from us how ye ought to walk

no longer fojbear, we thought and to please God, so ye would abound

it good to be left at Athens alone more and more.
ExhortaiUma to CHAPTER V. mmdry dulia.
2 For ye know what command- CHAPTER V.
ments we gave you by the Lord Je- 1 He proceerleth in the former dcsorlptlon of
sus. Christ's coming to judgment, Isi and giveti)
3 For this is the will of God, mm divers jjreceiJts, :3 and so concludeth tlie
your sanctification, that ye should
abstain from lewdness.
4 That every one of you should
BUT of the times and the seasons,
brethren, ye have no need that I
know how to possess his vessel in write to you.
sanctification and honor 2 For yourselves know perfectly
5 Not in the lust of concupiscence, that the day of the Lord so cometn
even as the Gentiles who kiiow not as a thief in the night.
God: 3 For when they shall say. Peace
6 That no Tnan go beyond and de- and safety then sudden destruction

fraud his brother m

any matter be- : Cometh upon them, as travail upon a
cause the Lord is the avenger of all woman with child; and they shall
such, as we also have forewarned you not escape.
and testified. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in dark-
7 For God hath not called us to ness, that that day should overtake
uncleanness, but to holiness. you as a thief.
8 He therefore that despiseth, de- 5 Ye are all children of light, and
spiseth not man, but God, who hath children of the day we are not of the

also given to us his holy Spirit. night, nor of darkness.

9 But concerning brotherly love ye 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do
need not that I write to you : for ye others ; but let us watch ana be so-
yourselves are taught by God to love ber.
one another. 7 For they that sleep, sleep in the
10 And indeed ye do it toward all night ; and they that are drunken, are
the brethren who are in all Macedo- drunken in the night.
nia: but we beseech you, brethren, 8 But let us, who are of the day, be
that ye increase more and more sober, putting on the breast-plate of
11 And that ye study to be quiet, faith and love ; and for a helmet, the
and to do yoiir own business, and to hope of salvation.
work with your own hands, as we 9 For God hath not appointed us to
commanded you wrath, but to obtain salvation by our
12 That ye may walk honestly to- Lord Jesus Christ,
ward them that are without, and that 10 Who died for us, that, whether
ye may have need of nothing. we wake or sleep, we should live to-
13 But I would not have you to be gether with him.
ignorant, brethren, concernmg them 11 Wherefora comfort yourselves
who are asleep, that ye sorrow not, together, and edify one another, even
even as others who have no hope. as also ye do.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died 12 And we beseech you, brethren,
and rose again, even so them also to know them who labor among you,
who sleep in Jesus will God bring and are over you in the Lord, and ad-
with him. monish you
15 For this we
say to you by the 13 And to esteem them very highly
word of the Lord, that we who aro in love for theirwork's sake. And
alive and remain to the coming of the be at peace among yourselves.
Lord shall not precede them who are 14 Now we exhort you, brethren,
asleep. warn them that are disorderly, com-
16 For the Lord himself will de- fort the feeble-minded, support the
scend firom heaven with a shout, with weak, be patient toward all men.
the voice of an arch-angel, and with 15 See that none render evil for
the trumpet of God : and the dead in evil to any man ; but ever follow that
Christ shall rise first which is good, both among yourselves,
17 Then we who are alive and re- and to all men.
main shall be caught up together with 16 Rejoice evermore,
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord 17 Pray without ceasing.
in the air : and so shall we ever be 18 In every thing give thanks : for
with the Lord. this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
18 Wherefore, comfort one another concerning you.
with these worda. 19 Quencn not the spirit.
Pauts comfort II THESSALONIANS. against persecutions.
20 Despise not prophesyings. 24 Faithful is he that calleth you,
21 Prove all things ; hold fast that who also will do it.
which is good. 25 Brethren, pray for us.
22 Abstain from all appearance of 26 Greet all the brethren with aho-
evil. ly kiss.
23 And the very God of peace sanc- 27 I charge you by the Lord that
tifyyou vfhollyj and 1 pray God this epistle be read to all the holy
your whole spirit and soul and body brethren.
may be preserved blameless to the 28 The grace of our Lord Jesus
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ be with you. Amen.
Written from Athens.

1" The Second PAUL

Epistle of to the
CHAPTER I. fied in his saints, and to be admired
1 Saint Paul cerlitietli tliem of the goorl opin- by all them that beUeve (because our
ion whicii he had of their faith, love, and testimony among you was believed)
patience; -11 and useth divers reaspns for
comforting them in persecution, of which in that day.
the chieT is taken from the righteous judg- 11 Wherefore also we pray always
ment of God. for you, that our God would count
PAUL, and Silvanus, and Timothy, you worthy of this calling, and fulfill
to the church of the Thessaloni- all the good pleasure of his goodness,
ans in God our Father and
the Lord and the work of faith with power
Jesus Christ 12 That the name of our Lord Je-
2 Grace to you, and peace, from sus Christ may be glorified in you,
God our Father and the Lord Jesus and ye in him, according to the grace
Christ. of our God, and of the Lord Jesua
3 We are bound to thank God al- Christ.
ways for you, brethren, as it is meet, CHAPTER IL
because your faith groweth exceed- 1 He willeth them to continue steadfast in
ingly, and the charity of every one of the truth received 3 showeth that there

shall be a departure from the faitli, 8 and

you all toward each other aboundeth; a discovery of anti-christ, bethre the day of
4 So that we ourselves glory in the Lord come 15 and repeateth bis former

you in the churches of God, for your exhortation, and jirayeth for them.
patience and faith in all your perse-
cutions and tribulations that ye en-
beseech you, brethren, by
the coming of our Lord Jesus
dure : Christ, and by our gathering to him.
5 Which is a manifest token of the 2 That ye be npt soon shaken in
righteous judgment of God, that ye mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit,
may be counted worthy ot the king- nor by word, nor by letter as from ns,
dom of God, for which ye also suffer as that the day of Christ is at hand.
6 Seeing it is a righteous thing 3 Let no man deceive you by any
with God to recompense tribulation to means for that day will not came,

them that trouble you except there come a faUing away first,
7 And to you who are troubled, rest and that man of sin be revealed, the
with us, when the Lord Jesus shall son of perdition
be revealed from heaven with his 4 Who opposejh and exalteth him-
mighty angels, self above all that is called God, or
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance that is worshiped ; so that he as God
on them that know not GoA, and that sitteth in the temple of God, showing
obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus himself that he is God.
Christ 5 EBtnember ye not, that when I
9 Who shall be punished with ever- was yet with you, I told you these
lasting destruction from the presence things? .

of the Lord, and from the glory of his 6 And now ye know what wtth«
power holdeth that he might be revealed in
10 When he shall come to be glori- his time.
Exhortation to CHAPTER in. steadfastness, <f-c.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth 3 But the Lord is faithful, who will
already work only he who now re-
; establish you, and keep you froin evil.
straineih will restrain, until he be ta- 4 And we have confidence in the
ken out of the way. Lord concerning you, that ye both do
8 And then shall that Wicked be and will do the things whicn we com-
revealed, whom the Lord will con- mand you.
sume with the spirit of his mouth, and 5 And the Lord direct your hearts
will destroy with the brightness of his into the love of God, and into the pa-
coming tient waiting for Christ.
9 Even him, whose coming is after 6 Now we command you, brethren,
the working of Satan, with all power, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and signs, and lying wonders, that ye withdraw yourselves from
14 And with "" deceivableness of every brother that walketh disorderly,
unrighteousness in them that perish and not after the tradition which he
because they received not the love of received from us.
the truth that they might be saved. 7 For yourselves know how ye
U And for this cause God will send ought to follow us for we behaved

them strong delusion, that they should not ourselves disorderly among you;
believe a lie 8 Neither did we eat any man's
12 That they all may be damned bread for naught; but wrought with
who believed not the truth, but had labor and toil night and day, that w
pleasure in unrighteousness. might not be chargeable to any of
13 But we are bound to give thanks you
always to God for you, brethren, be- 9 Not because we have not power,
loved by the Lord, because God hath but to make ourselves a pattern to you
from the beginning chosen you to sal- to follow us.
vation, through sanctification of the 10 For even when we were with
Spirit, and belief of the truth : you, this we commanded you, that if
14 To which he called you by our any would not work, neither should
gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of he eat.
our Lord Jesus Christ. 11 For we hear that there are sotpe
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, who walk among you disorderly,
and hold the traditions which ye have working not at aU, but are busyr
been taught, whether by word, or our bodies.
epistle. 12 Now
them that are such we
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ him- command and exhort by our Lord Je-
self and God, even our Father, who sus Christ, that with quietness they
hath loved us, and hath given us ever- work, and eat their own bread.
lasting consolation and good hope 13 But ye, brethren, be not weary
through grace, in well-doing.
17 Comfort your hearts, and estab- 14 And if any man obeyeth notour
lish you in every good word and word by this epistle, note that man,
work. and have no company with him, that
CHAPTER IIL he may be ashamed.
He craveth their prayers for himself, 3 tes- 15 Yet count him not as an enemy,
tifieth whdt confluence he hath In'them, 5 but admonish him as a brother.
maketh request to God in their behalf, 6 16 Now the Lord of peace himself
<nveth them divers precepts, especially to
shun idleness and HI company ; and last of give you peace always by all means.
all, coucludeth with prayer and salutation. The Lord be with you all.
FINALLY, brethren, pray for usi 17< The salutation of Paul with my
that the word of the Lord may own hand, which is the token in every
havefree course, and be glorified, even epistle so I write.

as it is with you 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus

2 And that we may be delivered Christ be with you all. Amen.
from unreasonable and wicked men
fcr allmen have not fiaith. Written from Athens.
t The First Epistle of PAUL to TIMOTHY.
CHAPTER I. 14 And the grace of our Lord was
1 Timothy is put in nilnil of the charge exceeding abundant with faith and
which was given to iiim by Paul, at his go- love which is in Christ Jesus.
ing to Macedonia. 5 Of the right use anil
end of tiieiaw. II Of Saint Paul's Killing 15 This is a faithful saying, and
tobe an apostle : 20 and of Hvmeueus and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ
Alexander. Jesus came into the world to save
PAUL, an apostle of Jesua Christ sinners of whom I am chief.

by the commandment of God our 16 However, for this cause I ob-

Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ, who tained mercy, that in me first Jesus
is our nope Christ might show forth all long-suf-
2 To Timothy, my own son in the fering, for a pattern to them who
faith : Grace, mercy, and peace, from should hereafter believe on him to life
God our Father and Jesus Christ our everlasting. ,

Lord. 17 Now
to the King eternal, im-
3 As I besought thee to abide still mortal, invisible, God tne only wise,
at Ephesus, when I went into Mace- he honor and glory for ever and ever.
donia, that thou mightest charge Amen.
some that they teach no other doc- 18 This charge I commit to thee,
trine, son Timothy, according to the proph-
4 Neither give heed to fables and ecieswhich went before on thee, that
endless genealogies, which minister thou by them mayest war a good
questions, rather than godly edifying warfare j
which so do,
is in faith ;
19 Holding faith and a good con-
5 Now
the end of the command- science; which some having put
ment is charity out of a pure heart, away, concerning faith have made
and ofdi good conscience, and o/" faith shipwreck :
unfeigned 20 Of whom is Hymeneus and Al-
6 Prom which some having swerv- exander; whom I have dehvered to
ed, have turned aside to vain jangling; Satan, that they may learn not to
7 Desiring to be teachers of the blaspheme.
law understanding neither what they

say, nor concerning what they affirm. CHAPTER 11.

8 Butwe know, that the law is I That it is meet to pray and give thanks for
good, if a man useth it lawfully all men, and the reason why, 9 How wo-
9 Knowing this, that the law is not men should be attired. 12 They are not
permitted to teach. 15 Notwithstanding
made for a righteous man, but for the the testimonies of God's wrath, they shall
lawless and disobedient, for the un- be saved in child-birth, if they continue in
godly and for sinners, for unholy and
profane, for murderers of fathers, and EXHORT therefore, that first of
murderers of mothers, for man-slay- I all supplications, prayers, interces-
ers, sions, and giving of thanks be made
10 For lewd persons, for them that for all men
defile themselves with mankind, for 2 For kings, and /or all that are in
men-stealers, for liars, for perjured authority ; that we may lead a quiet
persons, and if there is any other and peaceable life in all godliness and
thing that is contrary to sound doc- honesty.
trine, 3 For this is good and acceptable
11 According to the glorious gos- in the sight of God our Savior
pel of the blessed God, which was 4 Who will have all men to be sa-
committed to my trust. ved, and to come to the knowledge of
12 And I thank Christ Jesus our the truth.
Lord, who hath enabled me, for that 5 For there it one God, and one
he counted me faithftil, putting me mediator between God and man, the
into the ministry man Christ Jesus
13 Who was before a blasphemer, 6 Who gave himself a ransom for
and a persecutor, and injurious but I : all, to be testified in due time.
obtained mercy, because I did it igno- 7 For which I am ordained a
rantly in unbelief: preacher and an apostle, (I speak the
Qualificaiions of bishops. CHAPTER IV. Apostaiy forttold:
trilth in Christ, I lie ndt) a teacher of ed; then let them' use the office of a
the Gentiles in faith and verity. deacon, being j^ound blameless.
8 I will therefore that men pray ev- 11 Even So miist their wives bt

ery where, lifting up holy hands, with- grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful
out wrath and doubting. m all things.
9 In like manner also, that women 12 Let the deacons be the husbands
adorn themselves in decent apparel, of one wife, ruling their children, ^d
with modesty and sobriety not with ',
their own houses well.
broidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or
' 13 For they that have used the
costly array, office of a deacon well, procure to
10 But (which becometh women themselves a good degree, and ^eat
pWfessing godliness) with good works. boldness in the faith, which is in
11 Let the woman learn in silence Christ Jesus.
with all subjection. 14 These things I write to thee,
12 But I sufTer not a woman to hoping to come to thee shortly
teach, nor to usurp authority over the 15 But if I tarry long, that thou
man, but to be in silence. mayest knOw how thou dugbtest to'
13 for Adam was first formed, then behave thyself in the house of God,
Eve. which is the church of the living God/
14 And Adam was not deceived, the pillar and ground of the truth.
but the woman being deceived was in 16 And without controversy, great
the transgression. is the mystery of godliness God^was ;

15 Notwithstanding, she will be manifest in the flesh, justified in the

saved in child-bearing, if they con- Spirit, seen by angels, preached* to
tiniie in faith, and charity, and' holi- the Gen'tileSj believdd bn in the world,
ness, with sobriety. received up into gloty.
I He foietelleth that In the latter times there
1 How bishops, and deacons, and their wives shall be a departuie from the faith. 6 And
should be qualified : H
and to what end to the end ttiat Timothy might not fall iu
Saint Paul wrote to Timothy of these things. doing his duty, he fUrnlsheth him with djl-
15 Of the church, and the blessed truth vers precepts.
tlierein taught and professed.

A man de-
THIS f^ a true saying, Ifbishop,
NOW the Spirit speaketh expiessi
ly, that in the latter times some
sireth the office of
' he a' will depart from the feith giving heed,
desireth a good work. tb .Sediicihg spirits and doctrines of
2 A
bishop then must be blameless, demons;
the husband of one wife, vigilant, so- 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy, hav-
ber, of good behavior, given to hospi- ing their
conscience seared witn a hot
tality, apt to teach; iron '
' '

3 Not given to wine, no Striker, not 3 Forbidding to marry, and com-

greedy of filthy lucre, but patient ; not mandinp! to abstain from meats,
a brawler, not covetous which God hath created to be recbiv-
4 One that ruleth well his own ed with thanksgiving by them who
house, having his children in subjec- believe and know the truth.
tion with all gravity 4 For every creature of God is
5 (For if a man knoweth not how good, and nothing to be refused, if re-
to rule his own house, how shall he ceived with thanksgiving :

take care of the church of God 7) 5 For it is sanctified by the word

6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up of God, and prayer.
with pride he &\\ into the condemna- 6 If thou shall put the brethren in
tion of the devil. remembrance of these things, thou
7 Moreover, he must have a good !wilt beagOod minister of Jesus Christ,
report of them who are without lest nourished by the words of faith and

he fall into reproach and the snare of of good doctrine, to which thou hast
the devil. , lattained.
8 Likewise miist the deacons be 7 But refuse prtifane and old wives'
grave, not double-tongued, not given fables, and exercise thyself rafher to
to miich wine, not greedy of filthy godliness.
lucre, 8 For bodily exercise profitcth lit-
9 Holding the mystery of the faith tle but godliness is profitable to all.

in apure cotiscience. things, having promise of the life that'

10 And let these also first be prov- now is, and of that which is to cothe.'
19 217
Of widows I. TIMOTHY. Of elders.
9 This is a faithful saying, and wor- lieved the afflicted, if she hath diligent-
thy of all acceptance. ly followed every good work.
10 For therefore we both labor and 11 But the younger widows refuse
suffer reproach, because we trust in for when they have begun to grow
the living God who is the Savior of wanton against Christ, tbey will
alt men, especit^Uy of those that be- marry;
lieve. 12 Having damnation, because they
11 These things command and have cast off their first faith.
teach. 13 And at the same time they learn
12 Let no man despise thy youth ; to be idle, wandering about from bouse
but be thou an example of the believ- to house, and not only ;dle, but tat-
ers, in word, in deportment, in char- tlers also, and busy-bodies, speaking
ity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. things which they ought not,
13 Till I come, give attendance to 14 I will therefore that the younger
reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. women marvy, bear children, guide the
14 Neglect not the gift that is in house, give no occasion to the adver-
thee, which was given thee by proph- sary to speak reproachfully.
ecy, with the laying on of the hands 15 For some are already turned
of the presbytery. aside after Satan.
15 Meditate upon these things; 16 If any man or woman that be-
give thyself wholly to them; that thy lievethhath widows, let them relieve
profiting may appear to all. them, and let not the church be
16 Take heed to thyself and to thy charged that it may relieve tliem

doctrine continue in them

; for in : that are widows indeed.
doing this thou wilt both save thyself, 17 Let the elders that rule well, be
and them that hear thee. counted worthy of double honor, es-
CHAPTER V, pecially they who labor in the word
I Hules to be observed in reproving. 3 Of and doctrine.
widows. 17 Of elders. 23 A precept for 18 For the scripture saith. Thou
Timothy's liealth. 21 Some men's sins go shall not muzzle the ox that treadeth
before to judgment, and some men's do fol-
low. out the corn. And the laborer is wor-
REBUKE not an aged man, but ,
thy of his reward.
19 Against an elder receive not an
entreatas a father ; and the
younger men as brethren accusation, but before two or three
2 The elder women as mothers ; the witnesses.
younger as sisters, with all purity. 20 Them that sin rebuke before all,
3 Honor widows that are widows that others also may fear.
indeed. 21 I chaijge thee before God and the
4 But if any widow hath children Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect an-
or nephews, let them learn first to gels, that thou observe these things

show piety at home, and to requite without preferring one before another,
their parents for that is good and
doing nothing by partiality.

acceptable before God. 22 Impose hands hastily on no

6 Now she that is a widow indeed, man, neither be partaker of other
and desolate, trusteth in God, and men 3 sins keep thyself pure.

continue^h in supplications and pray- 23 Drink no longer water, but use a


ers night and day. little wine for thy stomach's sake,

6 But she that livethjn pleasure, is and thy frequent infirmities.

dead while she Uveth. 24 Some men' s sins are open before-
7 And these things give in charge, hand, going before to judgment : and
that they may be blameless. some men they' follow after.
8 But if any provideth not for his 25 Likewise also the good works or
own, and especially for those of his some are manifest beforehand and ;

own hoQ^e, he hath denied the faith, they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
and is worse than an infidel.
9 Let not a widow be taken into CHAPTER VI.
the number under sixty years old, 1 Of the duty of servants. 3 Not to have fel-
having been the wife of one man. lowship with new-fangled teachers. 6 God-
liness IS great gain 10 and love of money

10 Well reported of for good works the root of all evil. 11 What Timothy is to
if she hath broughi. up children, if she shun, and what to
i 17 and of which
to admonish 50 To keep the puri-
the rich.
hath lodged strangers, if she hath ty of true doctrine, and to avoid prafano
washed the saints' teet,if she hath re- jangllngs. '„,„ '

Danger of riches. CHAPTER I. 7%e rich admonished.
LET as many servants
der the yoke count
as are un-
their own
righteousness, godhness, faith, love,
patience, meekness.
masters worthy of all honor, that the 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay
name of God and his doctrine may Hold on eternal life, to which thou art
not be blasphemed. also called, and hast professed a good
2 And they that have believing profession before many witnessps.
masters, let them not despise them, 13 I give thee charge in the sight of
because they are brethren ; but rather God, who maketh ahve all things, and
do them service, because they are faith- before Christ Jesus, who before Pon-
ful and beloved, partakers of the ben- tius Pilate testified a good confession
efit. These things teach and exhort. 14 That thou keep this command-
3 If any man teacheth otherwise, ment without spot, unrebukable, until
and assenteth not to wholesome the appearing of our Lord Jesus
words, euen the words of our Lord Christ
Jesus Christ, and the doctrine which 15 Which
in his times he will show,
is according to godliness, who is the blessed and only Potentate,
4 He is proud, knowing nothing, the King of kings, and Lord of lords
but doting about questions and strifes 16 Who only hath immortality,
of words, from which cometh envy, dwelling in the light which no man
strife, railings, evil can approach whom no man hath

5 Perverse dispulings of men of seen, nor can see : to whom be honor

corrupt minds, and destitute of the and power everlasting. Amen.
truth, supposing gain to be godliness 17 Charge them that are rich in
fi:om such withdraw thyself. this world, that they be not high-
6 But godliness with contentment minded, nor trust in uncertain riches,
isgreat gain. but in the living God, who giveth us
7 For we brought nothing into this richly all things to enjoy
world, and it is certain we can carry 18 That they do good, that they be
nothing out. rich in good works, ready to distrib-
8 And having food and raiment, ute, wilhng to communicate
with these let us be content. 19 Laying up in store for them-
9 But they that will be rich, fall into selves a good foundation against the
temptation, and a snare, and into time to come, that they may lay hold
many foolish and hurtful lusts, which on eternal life.
drown men in destruction and perdi- 20 O
Timothy, keep that which is
tion. committed to thy trust, avoiding pro-:
10For the love of money is the root fane and vain
babblings, and opposi-
of all evil: which while some have tions of science falsely so called
coveted, they have erred from the 21 Which some professing, have
faith, and pierced themselves through erred concerning the faith. Grace be
with many sorrows. with thee. Amen.
11 But thou, O man
of God, flee
fi:om these things; and follow after Written from Laodicea.

1 The Second Epistle of PAUL to TIMOTHY.

2 To Timothy, my dearly beloved
son Grace, mercy, and peace, from
1 Paul's love to Timothy, and the unfekneii
faith which was in Timothy himself, his
God the Father and Christ Jesus our
mother and grandmother ; 6 He is exhorted Lord.
to stirupthegittof GodwhichWHSlnhim, 8 3 I thank God, whom I serve from
to be steadfast and patient in persecution,
13 and to persist in the form and truth of my forefathers with pure conscience,
that doctrine which he had learned from that without ceasing, I have remem-
him. 16 Phygelius and Hermogenes, and brance of thee in my prayers night
such like are noted, anrl Onesiphorus is
highly commended, and day;
PAUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ 4 Greatly desiring to see thee, be-
by the will of God, according to ing mindful of thy tears, that I may
the promise of life which is in Christ be filled with joy
Jesua, a When I call to remembrance the
PauVs love to Timothy. II. TIMOTHY. Of Hymenals andphiUtus^.
unfeigned faith that whichis in tliee, vant of the Lord, In dividing the wortf
snunning profane and vain bab-
aright, arid
dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, blings, 17 Of HymeneusaniiPbnetus. 19
and thy mother Eunice; and I am The foundation of the Lord I.h sure. 22 He
persuaded that in thee also. taught what to shun, and what to followj
and in what sort the servant of the L'oni '

6 for which cause' I put thee in re- ought to behave himself. i.. '^
membrance, that thou stir up the gift
of God, which is in thee hy tne impo-
in the grace that
therefore, my son,
is in
Christ Je-
sition of my
hands. sus,
7 For God hath not given us the 2 And the things that thou hast
spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, heard from me among many witnes-
and of a sound mind. '

ses, the same commit thou to faithful

8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of men, who shall be able to teach oth-
the testimony of our Lord, nor of me ers also.
his prisoner: but be thou partaker of 3 Thou therefore endure hardness,
the afflictions of the gospel according as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,
to the power of God ; 4 No man that warreth entangleth
9 Who hath saved us; and called «s himself with the affairs of this life
with a holy calling, not according to that he may please him who hath cho-
our Works, but according to his, own sen him to be a soldier.
purpose and grace, which was given 5 And if a man also striveth for
to us in Christ Jesus before the world masteries, yet is he not crowned, ex-
began; i:i
cept he striveth lawfully.
10 But is nbw made manifest by the • 6 The husbandmen that laboreth
appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ; must be first partaker of the fruits.
who hath abolished death, and hath 7 Consider what I say; and the
brought life and immorlaUty to light Lord give thee understanding in all
through the gospel things,
11 To which I am appointed a 8 Remember that Jesus Christ' of
preacher, and an apostle, and a teach- the seed of David was raised from the
er of the Gentiles. dead according to rny gospel
12 For which cause I also suffer 9 In which I sufier trouble, as an
these things : nevertheless I am not evil-doer, eoen to bonds; but the word
ashamed ; for I know I have whom of God is not bound,
believed, and am persuaded that he is 10 Therefore I endure all things for
able to keep that which I have com- the sake of the elect, that they may
mitted to him agamst that day. also obtain the salvation which is in
13 Hold fast the form of sound Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
words, which thou hast heard from 11 7* is a faithful saying For : if we
me, in faith and love which is in are dead with him, we shall also hve
Christ Jesus. with him
14 That good thing which was :

12 If we suffer, we shall also reign

committed to thee keep by the Holy with him : if we deny him, he also
Spirit which dwelleth in us. will deny us
15 This thou knowest, that all they 13 If we believe not, yet he abideth
who are in Asia are turned away from faithful he cannot deny himself.

me ; of whom are Phygellus and Her- Of these things put them, in re-
mogenes. membrance, charging them before the
16 The Lord give mercy to the Lord that thdy contend not about
house of Onesiphorus; for he often words to no profit, but to the subvert-
refreshed me, and was npt ashamed ing of the hearers.
of my chain 15 Study to'show thyself approv-
17 But, when he was in Rome, he ed to God, a workman that needeth
sought me out very diligently, and not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
fouiid me. the word of truth.
IS The Lord grant to him that he 16But shun profane and vain bab-
may findmercy from the Lord in that blings fur they will increase to more

day : and in how many things he ungodliness,

ministered to ihe at Epnesus, thou 17 And their word will eat as doth
knowest very well a canker ; of whom is Hymeneus and
Philetus ; , ,
, ,

18 Who conceraing the truth have

X He Is exhorted again to constancy and per-
seveiance, and to the duty of a fUthiul ser- erred, saying that the resurrection is
Paufs diarge CHAPTER IV. to THmotlii/',

past already"; khi overthrow the faith resist the truth : men of corrupt minds,
of some. reprobate concerning the faitn.
19 Nevertheless the fouTvdation of 9 But they shall proceed no fur-
God standeth firm, having this seal, ther for their folly will be manifest

The Lord knoweth them that are his. to all men, as theirs also was.
And, Let every one that nameth the 10 But thou hast fully known my
name of Christ depart from iniquity. doctritle, manner of life, purpose, faith,
20 But in a great house there are long-suffering, charity, patience,
not only vessels of gold and of silver, 11 Persecutions, afflictions which
but also of wood and of earth and ; came to me at Antioch, at Iconium,
some to honor, and some to dishonor. at Lystra; what persecutions I en-
21 If a man therefore will cleanse dured: but out of tliem all the Lord
himself from these, he will be a ves- delivered me.
sel to honor, sanctified and meet for 12 And all indeed that will live
the master's use, and prepared to godly m
Christ Jesus will suffer per-
every good work. secution.
22 Flee also youthful lusts: but 13 But evil men and seducers will
follow righteousness, faith, charity, become worse and worse, deceiving,
peace, with them that call on the and being deceived.
Lord out of a pure heart. 14 But continue thou in the things
23 But foolish and unlearned ques- which thou hast learned and hast been
tions avoid, knowing that they gen- assured of, knowing from whom thou
der contentions. hast learned them;
24 And the servant of the Lord 15 And that from a child thou hast
must not contend; but be gentle to known the sacred scriptures, which
all men, apt to teach, patient, are able to make thee wise to salvation
25 In meekness instructing those through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
that oppose themselves ; if God per- 16 All scripture is given by inspira-
haps will give them repentance to the tion of God, and is profitable for doc-
acknowledging of the truth trine, forreproof, for correction, for
26 And tliai they may recover instruction in righteousness
themselves out of the snare of the 17 That the man of God may be
devil, who are taken captive by him perfect, thoroughly furnished to all
at his will. good works.
1 He exhorteth him to do bis duty with ali
1 He advertiseth bim of the tinaes to cume, 6 care and diligence ; 6 certlfleth bim of the
(leEcribeth the enemies of the truth, 10 pro- neame-ss of his death ; 9 wlllech him to
pounrteth to him his own example, 16 and come speedily to bim, and 11 to bring Marlt
commendeth the holy ecriptures. with him, and certain other things which
he wrote for 14 warneth him to beware of
THIS know also, that in the last
days perilous times will come.

Alexander the smith 16 informeth him


what had befklien him at his first answer-

2 For men
will be lovers of their ing 19 and soon after he concludeth.

own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, CHARGE tkee therefore before

blasphemers, disobedient to parents, I God, and the Lord Jesus Christ,
unthankful, unholy, who will judge the living andthe dead
3 Without natural affection, truce- at his appearing and his kingdom
breakers, false accusers, incontinent, 2 Preach the word j be instant in
fierce, despisers of those that are good, season, out of season j reprove, re-
4 Traitors, heady, high-niindedi lov- buke, exhort with all long-siiffering
ers of pleasures more than lovers of and doctrine.
God; 3 For the time will come, when
Having a form of godliness, but
5 tbey will not endure sound doctrirte j
denying its power: tiom such turn but after their own lusts will'|th6y
away. multiply to theimselves teachers,' hav-
6 For of this sort are they who ing itching ears
creep itito houses, and lead captive 4 And they will turn away their
silly women laden with sins, led ears from' the truth, and Will be turn-
away with divers lusts ed aside to fables.
7 Ever learning, and never able to 5 But watch thou in all things, en-
come to the knowledge of the truth. dure afflictions, do the work of an
8 Now
as Jannes and Jambres evangelist, make full proof of th'j^ niin-
withitood Moses, so do these also
QUaMfications TITUS. of a bisfiop.

6 For I am now ready to be oiFer- 16 Of whom be thou aware also

ed, and the time of my departure is at for he hath greatly withstood our
band. words.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have 16 At my first answer no man
finished my
qourse, I have kept the stood with me, but all men forsook
faith: me 1 pray God that it may not be

8 Henceforth there is laid up for laid to tiieir charge.

me a crown of righteousness, whicli 17 Notwithstanding, the Lord stood
the Lord, the righteous Judge, will with me, and strengthened me that ;

give me at that day : and not to me by me the preaching might be fully

only, but to all them also that love known, and that all llie Gentiles
his appearing. might hear: and I was delivered out
9 Do thy oiligence to come shortly of the mouth of the lion.
to me: 18 And the Lord will deUver me
10 For Demas hath forsaken me, from every evil work, and will pre-
having loved this present world, and serve me to his heavenly kingdom ; to
hath departed to Thessalonica ;, Cres- whom be glory for ever and ever.
cens to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. Amen.
11 Luke only is with me. Take 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila, and
Mark, and bring him with thee for : the household of Onesiphorus.
he me for the ministry.
is profitable to 20 Erastus abode ai Corinth: but
12 And Tychicus have I sent to Trophimus I have left at Miletum sick.
Ephesus. 21 Do thy diligence to come before
13 The cloke that 1 left at Tr9as winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and
with Carpus, when thou comest, bring Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and
mth ihee, and the books, but espe-
. all the brethren.
cially the parchments. 22 The Lord Jesus Christ be with
14 Alexander the copper-smith did thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen,
me much evil the Lord reward him

according to his works Written from Rome.

1 The Epistle of PAUL to TITUS.

CHAPTER I. 6 If any is blameless, the husband
1, 5 For what end Titus was left in Crete. 6 of one vrife, having faithful children,
How they are to be chosen ministers
not accused of riot, or disorderly.
ought to qualified. 11 The mouths of
evil teachers to be stopped : 12 and what 7 For a bishop must be blameless,
manner of men they are. as the steward of God ; not self-willed,
PAUL, a servant of God, and an not soon angry, hot given to wine, no
apostle of Jesus Christ, accord- striker, not given to filthy lucre j

ing to the faith of God's elect, and the 8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover
apknowledging of the truth which is of good men, prudent, just, holy, tem-
according to godliness perate J

2 In hope of eternal life, which God, 9 Holding fast the faithful word as
who cannot lie, promised before the he hath been taught, that he may be
world began able by sound doctrine both to exhort
3 But hath due times manifested
in and to convince the gainsayers.
his preaching, which is
word through 10 For there are many disorderly
committed to me
according to the and vain talkers and deceivers, spe-
commandment of God our Savior cially they of the circumcision
4 To Titus, my own son aftei- the 11 Whose mouths must be stopped,
common faith Grace, mercy, avd : who subvert whole houses, teaching
peace, from God the Father, and the things which they ought not, for the
liOid Jesus Christ our Savior. sake of sordid gain.
5 For this cause I left thee in Crete, 1 Ohe of themselves, even a proph-
that thou shouldst set in. order the et of their own, said, The Cretians
things that are wanting, and ordain are always liars, evil beasts, slow bel-
eWers in every city, as T had appoint- lies.
ed thee: 13 This testimony is true: where-
Direciions la Vitas. CHAPTER III. What he should leach.

forerebulce them sharply, that they 14 Who gave himself for us, that he
may be sound in the faith might redeem us from all iniquity, and
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fa- purify to himself a peculiar people,
bles, and commandments of men that zealous of good works.
turn from the truth. 15 These things speak, and exhort,
15 To the pure all things are pure : and rebuke with all authority. Let
but to them that are defiled and unhe- no man despise thee.
lieving i$ nothing pure ; but even their
mind and conscience is defiled. CHAPTER III.
16 They profess that they knovf- 1 Titus is yet fiirther directed by Paul, both
God; but in woriLS they deny him,, concerning the things he should teach, and
not teach 10 He directs also to reject ob-

being abominable, and disobedient, stinate heretics 12 which done he appolnt-


and to every good work reprobate. eth him both time and place, in which he
should come to him and so concludeUi.

CHAPTER II. PUT them in mind be subject to


1 Directions given to Titus both for his doc- principalities and powers, to obey
trine and life. 9 Of theduty of servants, magistrates, to be ready to every good
and in general of all Christians, wore,
BUT speak thou the things which
become sound doctrine
2 To speak evil of no man, to be no
brawlers, but gentle, showing all
2 That the aged men be sober, meekness to all men.
grave, temperate, sound in faith, in 3 For we ourselves also were some-
charity, in patience j times foolish, disobedient, deceived,
3 The aged women likewise, that serving divers lusts and pleasures, liv-
they be in behavior as becoraeth holi- ing in malice and envy, hatefiil, and
ness, not false accusers, not given to hating one another.
much wine, teachers of good things 4 But when the kindness and love
4 That they may teacn the young of God our Savior toward man ap-
women to be sober, to love their hus-
bands, to love their children, 5 Not by works of righteousness
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at which we have done, but according to
home, good, obedient to their own his mercy he saved us, by the wash-
husbands, that the word of God be ing of regeneration, and renewing of
not blasphemed. the Holy Spirit
6 Young men likewise exhort to be 6 Which ne shed on us abundantly,
sober-minded. through Jesus Christ our Savior
7 In all things showing thyself a 7 TTiat being justified by his grace,
pattern of good works in doctrine
: we should be made heirs according to
showing incorruptness, gravity, sin- the hope of eternal life.
cerity, S 7%is is a faithful saying, and
8 Sound speech that cannot be con- these things I will that thou aiSrm
demned that he that is of the con-
; constantly, that they who have be-
trary part may be ashamed, having lieved in God may be careful to mam-
no evil thing to say concerning you. tain good works. These things are
9 Exhort servants to be obedient to good and profitable to men.
their own masters, and to please them 9 But avoid foolish questions, and
well in all things; not answering genealogies, and contentions, and
again; strivings about the law; for tliey are
10 Not purloining, but showing all unprofitable and vain.
good fidelity; that they may adorn 10 A man that is a heretic, after the
the doctrine of God our Savior in all first and second admonition, reject ;.

things. UKnowing that he who is such,

11 For the grace of God that bring- is subverted, and sinneth, being con-
eth salvation hath appeared to all demned by himself.
men, 12 When I shall send Artemus to
12 Teaching us, that denying un- thee, or Tychicus, be diligent ta come
fodlinees, and worldly lusts, we should to me to NicopoBs : for I htive deter-
ve soberly, righteously, and piously, mined there to winter.
in this present world 13 Bring Zenas the lawyer and
13 Looking for that blessed hope, Apollos on their journey diligently,
and the glorious appearing of the great that nothing may be wanting to
God, and our Savior Jesus Christ; them.
Intircessf-on of Paul to PHILEMON. Philemon for Onenmiu.
14 And let ours also learn to main- Greet them that love us in the faitb.
tain good works for necessary uses, Grace be with you all. Amen.
that mey may not be un&uitful. Written from Nicopolis or from
15 All that are with me salute thee. Colosse.

1 The Epistle of PAUL to PHILEMON.

4 He rejoiceth to hear of the faith and love of 13 Whom I would have retained
Philemon 9 whom he Jeslveth to forgive
with me, that in thy stead he might
his servant Onesimus, and lovingly to re-
ceive him again. minister to me in tne bonds of the
a prisoner of Jesus Christ, gospel
PAUL, 14 But without thy mind would
and Timothy crur brother, to Phil- I
emon, our dearly beloved, and fellow- do nothing that thy benefit should

laborer, not be as it were of necessity, but wil-

2 And to crux beloved Apphia, and lingly.
Arohippus our fellow-soldier, and to 15 For perhaps he therefore depart-
the church in thy house ed for a season, that thou shouldst
3 Grace to you, and peace, from God receive him for ever j
our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 16 Not now as a servant, but above
4 I thank my God, making men- a servant, a brother beloved, special-
tion of thee always in my prayers, ly to me, but how much more to thee,
5 Hearing of thy love and faith, both in the flesh, and in the Lord?
which thou hast toward the Lord 17 If thou accountest me therefore
Jesus, and toward all sai'nts; a partner, receive him as myself.
6 That the communication of thy 18 If he hath wronged thee, or
faith may become effectual by the oweth thee aught, put that on my ac-
acknowledging of every good thing count ;

which is in you in Christ Jesus. 19 I Paul have written it with my

7 For we have great joy and con- own hand, I will repay it ; although I
solation in thy love, because the bow- do not say to thee that thou owest to
els of the saints are refreshed by thee, me even thy own self besides.
brother. 20 Yes, brother, let me have joy of
8 Wherefore, though I might be thee in the Lord refresh my bowels

very bold in Christ to enjoin thee that in the Lord.

which is convenient. 21 Having confidence in thy obedi-
9 Yet for love's sake I rather be- ence I wrote to thee, knowing that
seech thee, being such one as Paul the thou wilt also do more than I say.
aged, and now also a prisoner of Je- 22 But at the same time prepare me
sus Christ. also a lodging for I trust that through

10 I beseech thee formy son Onesi- your prayers I shall be given to you.
mus, whom I have begotten in my 23 There salute thee Epaphras, my
bonds fellow-prisoner in Christ Jesus;
11 Who in time past was to thee 24 Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lu-
unprofitable, but now profitable to cas, my fellow-laborers.
thee and to me 25 The grace of our Lord Jesus
12 Whom 1 have sent again : thou Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
therefore receive him, that is, iriy own
bowels Written from Rome.

1 The Epistle of PAUL to the HEBREWS.

CHAPTER I. GOD, who at sundry times
and in
divers manners spoke in time past
1 Christ In these last times coming to us from
thfi Father, 4 is preferred above the angels,
to the fathers by the prophets,
both in person and office. 2 Hath in these last days spoken to
Christ far above angels. CHAPTER 11. Obedience to angels.
u; by his Son, whom he hath ap- sion and disobedience received 'a just
pointed heir of all thingSf by whom recornpense of reward
also he made the worlds 3 How shall we escape, if we neg-
3 Who being the brightness of his lect so great salvation j Which at the
glory, and the express ima^e of his first began to be spoken by the Lord,
person, and upholding all things by and was oonBrmed to us by them that
the word of his power,, when he had heard hiTn;
by himself made puriiScation of our 4 God also bearing them testimony,
sms, sat down on the right band of both with signs and wonders, and
the Majesty on high with divers miracles, and gifts of the
4 Bemg made so much better than Holy Spirit, according to his own will*!
the angels, as he- hath by inheritance 6 For to the angels he hath not put
obtained a more excellent name than in subjection the world to come, con-
they. cerning which we speak.
5 For to which of the angels said 6 But one in a certain place testifii
he at any time, Thou art my Son, this ed, saying, What is man, that thou
day have I begotten thee? And again, art mindful of him? or the son of
I will be to him a Father, and he shall man, that thou visitest him *!

be to me a Son 7 7 Thou madest him a little lower

6 And again, when he bringeth in than the angels ; thou crownedst him
the first-begotten into the world, he with glory and honor, and didst set
saith, And let all the angels of God him over the works of thy hands
worship him. 8 Thou hast put all things in sub-
7 of the angels he saith. Who
And jection under his feet. For in that he
maketh his angels spirits, and his put all in siibjection under him, he left
ministers a Same of fire. nothing Omt is not made subject to
8 But to the Son, Ae saith, Thy him. But now we see not yet aU
throne, O God, is for ever and ever things siibjecled to him.
a scepter of righteousness is the scep- 9 But we see Jesus, who was made
ter of thy kingdom. a little lower than the angels for the
.9 Thou bast loved righteousness, suffering of death, crowned with glory
and hated iniquity; therefore God, and honor ; that he by the grace of
even thy God, hath anointed^thee with God should taste death for every man.
the oil of gladness above thy fellows. 10 For it became him, for whom
10 And, ThoiL Lord, in the begin- are all things, and by whom are all
ning hast laid the foundation of the things, in bringing many sons to glo-
earth : and the heavens are the works ry, to make the Captain of their safva-
of thy bands. tion perfect through Sufferings.
11 They shall perish ; but thou re- 11 For both he that sanctifieth, and
mainest : and they all shall become they who are sanctified, are all of one
old as doth a garment for which cause he is not ashamed to
12 And as a vesture wilt thou fold call them brethren,
them up, and they shall be changed 12 Saying, I will declare thy name
but thou art the same, and thy years to my brethren, in the midst of the
shall not fail. church will I sing praise to thee.
13 But to which of the angels said 13 And again, I will put my
he at any time, Sit on my right handj in him. And again. Behold, I, and the
until I make thy enemies thy foot- children which God hath given me.
stool ? 14 Since then the children are par-
14 Are they not all ministering spir- takers of flesh and blood, he also him-
its, sent forth to minister for them self likewise took part of the same
who shall inherit salvation 1 that through death he might destroy
CHAPTER II. him that had the power of death, that
is, the devil (
1 We ought to he obedient to Christ Jesus, 5
and that because he vouchsafed to take our 15 And deliver them, who, through
nature upon him. 14 as it was necessajy fear of death, were all their life-time
^^HEREFORE we ought to give subject to bondage.
J- the more earnest heed to the 16 For verily he took not on him
things which we have heard, lest at thenature of &ase\Bt but betook on
any time we should let them slip. him the seed of Abraham.
2 For if the word spoken by angels 17 Wherefore in all things it be-
was steadfast^ and every transgres- hooved hiin to be made like his breth-
Ckrist worthier HEBREWS, than Moses.
ren that he might be a merciful and
; did provoke ; that came
yet, not all
faithful High Priest in things pertain- out of Egypt by Moses.
ing tg God, to make reconciliation 17 But with whom was he grieved
for the aina of the people.. forty years'! was it not with them
18 For in that he himself hath suf- that had sinned, whose carcasses fell
fered,being tempted, he is able to in the wilderness ?
succor them that are tempted. 18 And to whom did he swear that
CHAPTER they should not enter into his rest,
but to them that believed not 7
1 Christ Is more worthy than Moses 7there-
19 So we see that they could not

fore if we believe not in him, we shall be

more worthy of punishment, than hanJ- enter in because of unbelief.
hearted Israel.

WHEREFORE, holy brethren, CHAPTER IV.

partakers of the heavenly callr 1 The rest of Christians is obtained by faith.
12 The newer of God's woni. 14 By our
ing, consider the Aposlle and High
High Priest Jesus tlie Son of God, subject
Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus to infirmities, but not to sin, le we must
2 Who was faithful to him that ap- and may go boldly to the throne of grace.
pointed him, as also Moses wasfaith- r ET us therefore fear, lest a prom-
Jul in all his house. -l-i ise being left us of entering into
For this man was counted wor-
3 his rest, any of you should seem to
thy of more glory than Moses, inas- come short of it.
much as he who hath built the bouse, 2 For to us was the gospel preach-
hath more honor than the house. ed, as well as to them but the word :

4 'For every house is built by some which they beard did not profit them,
man ; but he that built all things is not being mixed with faith in them
God. that heard it.
,5 And Moses verily teas faithful in 3 For we who have believed do en-
all his house, as a servant, for a testi- ter into rest, as he said, As I have
mony of those things which were af- sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter
terward to be spoken. into my
rest although the works

6 But Christ as a son over bis own were finished from the foundation of
house whose house are we, if we
: the world.
hold, fast the confidence, and the re- 4 For he spoke in a certain place of
joicing of the hope firm to the end. the seventh day on this wise. And
7 VKherefore (as the Holy Spirit God rested the seventh day from all
saith. To-day if ye will hear his voice,; his works.
8 Harden not your hearts, as in the 5 And in this place again, if they
provocation, in the day of temptation shall enter into my rest.
in the wilderness 6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that
9 Where your fathers tempted me, some must enter into it, and they to
proved me, and saw my works forty whom it was first preached entered
years. not because of unbelief
10 Wherefore I was grieved with 7 (Again, he hmiteth a certain day,
that generation, and said. They do saying in David, To-day, after so long
always err in their heart and they a time! as it is said, To-day, if ye

have not known my ways. will hear his voice, harden not your
11, So I swore in my wrath. They hearts. •

shall not enter into my rest.) 8 For if Joshua had given them
12 Take heed, brethren, lest there rest, then he would not afterward
be ill any of you an evil heart of un- have spoken of another day.
belie^in departing from the living God. 9 There remaineth therefore a rest
13, But exhort one another, daily, to the people of God.
while it is called To-day ; lest any of 10 For he that hath entered into
you be hardened through the deceit- his rest, he also hath ceased from his
fulness of sin. own works, as God did from his.)
14 For we are made partakers of 11 Let us labor therefore to enter
Christ, if we hold the beginning of our into that rest, lest any man fall after
confidence steadfast to tlie end the same example of unbelief.
15 While it is said, To-day if ye 12 For the word of God is living,
will hear his voice, harden not your and powerful, and sharper than any
hearts, as in the provocation. two-edged sword, piercing even to the
16 For some, when they had heard, dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
ne priesOuiod CHAPTER VI. qf Christ.
and of the joints and marrow, and is to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing
a discernerof the thoughts andintents ye are dull of hearing.
of the heart. 12 For when
for the time ye ought
13 Neither is there any creature to be teachers,
ye have need of one to
that is not manifest in his sight but : teach you again which are the first
all things are naked and opened to the principles of the oracles of God ; and
eyes of him with whom we have to are become such as have need of milk,
do. and not of strong food.
14 Seeing then that we have a great 13 For every one that useth milk,
High Priest, that hath passed into the ia unskilful in the word of righteous-
heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us ness : for he is a babe.
hold fast our profession. 14 But strong food belongeth to
15 For we nave not a high priest them that are of full age, cvm those
who cannot be touched with the feel- who by reason of use have their
ing of our infirmities ; but who was in senses exercised to discern both good
all points tempted as we are, yet with- and evil,
out sin.
16 Let us therefore come boldly to

1 He exhorteth, not to Ml back from the&lth,

the throne of grace, that we may ob- II but to be steadfast, 12 diligent and pa-
tain mercy, and find grace to help in tient to wait upon God, 13 because God Is
time of need. most sure In his promise.

THEREFORE leaving the princi-
ples of the doctrine of Christ, let
1 The authority and honor of our Savior's
priesthood. It Negligence In the knowledge us go on to perfection ; not laying
of it Is reproved. again the foundation of repentance
FOR every high priest taken from
among men, ordained for men is
from dead works, and of faith toward
in thin^ •pertaining' to God, that he 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and
may offer both gifts and sacrifices for of the laying on of hands, and of the
sins: resurrection of the dead, and of eter-
2 Who can have compassion on the nal judgment.
ignorant, and on them that are out of 3 And this will we do, if God per-
the wayfor that he himself also is
; mit.
compassed with infirmity. 4 For it is impossible for those who
3 And by reason of this he ought, have been once enlightened, and have
as for the people, so also for himself tasted the heavenly gift, and have
to offer for sins. been made partakers of the Holy
4 And no man
taketh this honor to Spirit.
himself, but he that is called by God, 6 And have tasted the good word
as vias Aaron of God, and the powers of the world
5 So also Christ ^[lorified not him- to come,
self to be made a high priest ; but he 6 If they shall fall away, to renew
that said to him, Tnou art Son, my them again to repentance ; seeing they
to-day have I begotten thee. crucify to themselves the Son of God
6 As he saith also in another place, afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Thou art a priest for ever after the 7 For the earth which drinketh in
order of Melchisedec. the rain that cometh often upon it,
7 Who in the days of his flesh, and bringeth forth herbs fit for them
when he had offered up prayers and by whom it is dressed, receiveth bless-
supplications with strong crying and ing from God
tears to him that was able to save 8 But that which beareth thorns
him from death, and was heard, in and briers is rejected, and is nigh to
that he feared cursing whose end is to be burned.

Though he was a Son, yet be

8 9 But, beloved, we are persuaded
learned obedience by the things which better things of you, and things that
he suffered ; accompany salvation, though we.thtis
9 And being made perfect, he be-
came the author of eternal salvation 10 For God is not unrighteous to
to all them that obey him forget your work And labor of love,
10 Called bV God a high priest after which ye have shown toward his
the order of Melchisedec. name, in that ye have ministered to
11 Of whom we have many things the saints, and do minister.
Of Melchizedec HEBREWS. and Christy
11 And we
desire every one of you ren, though: they come from the loins
to show the same dilige^ce to the full of Abraham
assurance of hope to the end : , 6 But he whose descent is not
il2 That ye be not slothful, but fol-
( counted from them, received tithes
lowers of them who through faith and from Abraham, and blessed him. that
patience inherit the promises. had the promises.
13 For when God made promise to 7 And without all contradiction the
Abraham, because he could swear by less is blessed by the better. . ,

no greater, he swore by himself, 8 And here men that die receive

14 Saying, Surely Dlessing I will tithes but there he recHveth them, of

bless thee, and multiplying, I will whom it is testified that he liveth.

multiply thee: 9 And as I may say, Ijevi also, who
15 And so, after he had patiently receiveth tithes, paid tithes in Abra-
endured, he obtained the promise. ham.
16 For men verily swear by the 10 For he was yet in the loins of
greater : and an oath for confirmation his father, when Melchizedec met him.
is to ttiem an end of all contradiction. 11 If therefore perfection were by
17 Wherein God, willing more abun- the Leviiical priesthood (for under at
dantly to show to the heirs of promise the people received the law) what fur-
the immutability of his counsel, con- ther need was there that another priest
firmed it by an oath should rise after the orderof Melehiss-
That by two immutable things,
18 edec, and noj be called after the order
in which it was impossible for God to of Aaron 1
lie, we might, have a strong consola- 12 For the priesthood being chan-
tion, who have fled for refuge to lay ged, there is made of necessity a
hold upon the hope set before us change also of the law.
19 Which hope we have as an an- 13 For he of whom these things are
chor of the soul, both sure and stead- spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of
fast, and which entereth into that which no man gave attendance at the
within the vail altar.
20 Whither the forerunner hath for 14 For it is evident that our Bord
us entered, even Jesus, made a high sprang from Judah ; of which tribe Mo-
priest for ever after the order of Mel- ses spoke nothing concerning priest-
chizedec. hood.
15 And it is yet far more evident
CHAPTER VII. for that after the similitude of Mel-
1 Christ Jesus is a priest after the order of chizedec there ariseth another priest,
Melchizedec, u and so far more excellent 16 Who is made, not after the law
than the priests of Aaron's order.
of a carnal commandment, but after
Melchizedec, king of Sa-
priest of the most high God,
the power of an endless hfe.
17 For he tesfifieth. Thou art a
who met Abraham returning from the priest for ever after the order of Mel--
slaughter of the. kings, and blessed chizedec.
him; 18 For there is verily an annulling
2 To whom also Abraham gave a of the preceding commandment on
tenth part of all; first being by inter- account of its weakness and unprof-
pretation King of righteousness, and itableness.
after that also King of Salem, which 19 .For the law made nothing per-
is. King of peace fect, but the, introduction of a oetter
3 Without father, without mother, hope did ; by which we draw nigh to
without descent, having neither be- God.
ginning of days, nor end of life but ; 20 And inasmuch as not withont an
made Tike to the Son of God ; abideth oath he was made priest
a priest continually. 21 (For those priests were made
4 Now con|sider how great this man withc^t an oath but this with an

icas, to whom even the patriarch oath, by him that said to him. The
Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. Lord swore, and will not repent. Thou
5 And verily they that are of the art, a priest for ever after the order of
sons [of Levi, who, receive theoifloeof Melchizedec ;)
the priesthood, have a commandment 22 By so much was Jesus made;
to take tithns from the people accord- surety of a better testament.
ing to the law, that is, from their breth- 23 And they truly were many
lyie etemiSy qf CHAPTER IX. Chrises priesthood.
priests,because they were not suffer- with the house of Israel and with the
ed to continue by reason of death house of Judah
24 But this man, because he con- 9 Not according to the covenant
tinueth ever, hath an unchangeable that I made with their fathers, in the
priesthood. day when I took them by the hand
25 Wherefore he is able also to save to lead them out of the land of Egypt;
them to the uttermost that come to because they continued not in my cov-
God by him, seeing he ever liveth to enant, and I regarded them not, saith
make mterceseion for them. the Lord.
26 For such a high priest became 10 For this is the covenant that I
US, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, will make with the house of Israel
separate from sinners, and made high- after those days, saith the Lord ; I will
er than the heavens put my laws into then: mind, and
27 Who needeth not daily, as those write them in their hearts : and I will
high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first be to them a God, and they shall be
for his own sins, and then for the peo- to me a people :
ple's : for this he did once, when he 11 And they shall not teach every
offered up himself. man his neighbour, and every man
28 For the law maketh high men his brother, saying. Know
the Lord :
priests who have but the
infirmity; for all shall know me, from the least
word of the oath, which was after the to the greatest.
law, maketh the Son, who is conse- 12 For I will be merciful to their
crated for evermore. unrighteousness, and theu' sins and
their iniquities will I remember no
1 By the eternal prieBthood of Christ, the 13 In that he saith. Anew covenant,
Levltical priesthomj of Aaron is abolished
7 And the temporal covenant with the fa-
he hath made the first old. Now that
thers, by the eternal covenant of the gos- which decayeth and groweth old is
pel. ready to vanish away.
of the things which we have
this is the sura We have :
such a high priest, who is set on the
1 The
description of the rites and bloody sao-
the law, II l^r inferior to the dig-
of th(
right hand of thS throne of the Majes- nity and
nd perfection
pe] of the blood and sacn-
fice of Christ
ty in the heavens
2 A minister of the sanctuary, and
of the true tabernacle, which the Lord
THEN verily the covcTiant had
also ordinances of divine
pitched, and not man. and a worldly sanctuary.
3 For every high priest is ordained 2 For there was a tabernacle made
to offer gifts and sacrifices wherefore : the first, in which was the candle-
Uisof necessity that this man should stick, and the table, and the show-
have somewhat also to offer. bread ; which is called the sanctuary.
4 For if he were on earth, he would 3 And after the second vail, the
not be a priest, seeing there are priests tabernacle which is called the Holiest
that offer gifts according to the law of all;
5 Who serve to the example and 4 Which had the golden censer, and
shadow of heavenly things, as Moses the ark of the covenant overlaid around
was admonished by God when he was with gold, in which was the golden
about to make the tabernacle for. See : pot that had manna, and Aarorrs rod
(saith he) that thou make all things that budded, and the tables of the cov-
according to the pattern shown to thee enant ;

in the mount. 5 And over it the cherubim of glor^

6 But now hath he obtained a more shadowing the mercy-seat ; of wnicn
excellent mmistry, by how much also we cannot now speak particularly.
he is the mediator of a better cove- 6 Now when these things were thus
nant, which was established upon bet- ordained, the priests went always into
ter promises. the first tabernacle, accompUshing the
7 For that first cMmant had been
if service q;f God:
faultless, then would no place have 7 But into the Secondweni the high
been Sought for the second. priest alone once every year, not with*
8 For finding fault, he saith to them,' out blood, which he offered for him-
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, self, and for the errors of the people
when I will make a new covenant 8 The Holy Spirit this signifyinjgj
20 229
Saeriflces of Ike law HEBREWS. inferior to Christ s.
that the way into the holiest of all should be purified with these ; but the
was not yet made manifest, while the heavenly things themselves with bet-
first tabernacle was yet standing ter sacrifices than these.
9 Which teas a figure for the time 24 For Christ hath not entered into
then present, in which were offered the holy places made with hands,
both gifts and sacrifices, that could which are the figures of the true ; but
not make him that did the service per- into heaven itself, now to appear in
fect, as pertaining to the conscience the presence of God for us
10 Which stood only in meats and 25 Nor yet that he should offer
drinks, and divers washings, and car- himself often, as the high priest en-
nal ordinances, imposed on them until tereth into the holy place every year
the lime of reformation. with blood of others
11 But Christ being come a high 26 For then must he often have
priest of good things to come, by a suffered since the foundation of the
greater and more perfect tabernacle, world: but now once in the end of
not made with hands, that is to say, the world hath he appeared to put
not of this building away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
12 Neither by -the blood of goats 27 And as it is appointed to men
and calves, but by his own bloods he once to die, but after this the judg-
entered once into the holy place, hav- ment:
ing obtainedeternalredemption/orMs. 28 So Christ was once offered to
13 For if the blood of bulls and of bear the sins of many and to them;

goats, and theashesof a heifer sprink- that look for him he will appear the
ling the unclean, sanctify to the puri- second time without sin to salvation.
fying of the flesh
14 How much more shall the blood CHAPTER X.
of Christ, who through the eternal 1 The weakness of the law-sacrifices. 10 The
Spirit offered himself without spot to
sacrifice of Christ's body once offered, H
for ever hath taken away sins. 19 An ex-
God, cleanse your conscience from hortation to hold fast the faith, with pa-
dead works to serve the living God 1 tience and thanksgiving.
15 And for this cause he is the me-
diator of the new testament, that by
FOR the law having a shadow of
good things to come, and not the
means of death, for the redemption of very image of the things, can never
the transgressions that were under the with those sacrifices which they offer-
first testament, they who are called ed year by year continually make the
may receive the promise of eternal in- comers to them, perfect.
heritance. 2 For then would they not have
16 For where a testament is, there ceased to be offered 7 because that the
must also of necessity be the death of worshipers once cleansed, would have
the testator. had no more conscience of sins.
17 For a testament is of force after 3 But in those sacrifices there is a
men are dead otherwise it is of no
: remembrance again made of sins every
strength at all while the testator liveth. year.
18 Hence even the first testament 4 For it is not pos^ble that the
was not dedicated without blood. blood of bulls and of goats should
19 For when Moses had spoken ev- take away sins.
ery precept to all the people according 5 Wherefore, when he cometh into
to the law, he took the blood of calves the world, he saith. Sacrifice and of-
and of goats, with water, and scarlet fering thou wouldst not, but a body
wool, and hyssop, and sprinked both hast thou prepared me
the book and all the people, 6 In burnt-offerings and sacrifices
20 Saying, This is the blood of the for sin thou hast had no pleasure.
testament which God hath enjoined 7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the
to you. volume of the book it is written con-
21 Moreover, he sprmkled likewise cerning me,) to do thy will, God.
with blood both the tabernacle, and 8 Above, when he said, Sacrifice
all the vessels of the ministry. and offering and burnt-oflerings and
22 And almost all things are by the offering for sin thou wouldst not, nei-
law cleansed with blood; and without ther hadst pleasure in them ; which
shedding of blood is no remission. are offered by the law
23 It was therefore necessary that 9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do
the patterns of things in the heavens thy will, God. He taketh away
Of Christ's CHAPTER XI. perfect saerifice.
the first, that he may establish the 29 Of how much more severe pun-
second. ishment, suppose ye, shall he be
10 By which will we are sanctified thought worthy, who hath trodden
through the offering of the body of under foot the Son of God, and hath
Jesus Christ once Jbr all. counted the blood of the covenant, by
11 And every priest standeth daily which he was sanctified, an unholy
ministering and ofTering often the thin^, and hath done despite to the
same sacrifices, which can never take Spirit of grace 7
away sins 30 For we know him that hath said.
12 But this man, after he had offer- Vengeance bdongeth to me, I will re-
ed one sacrifice for sins, for ever sat compense, saith the Lord. And again,
down on the right hand of God The Lord will judge his people.
13 Prom henceforth waiting till his 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into
enemies are made his footstool. the hands of the living God.
14 For by one offering he hath per- 32 But call to remembrance the
fected for ever them that are sanctified. former days, in which, after ye were
15 Of this the Holy Spirit also is a illuminated, ye endured a great fight
witness to us: for after that he had of afilictions
said before, 33 Partly, while ye were made a
16 This is the covenant that I will gazing-stock both by reproaches and
make with them after those days, afilictions ; and partly, while ye be-
saith the Lord, I will put my
laws m- came companions of them that were
to their hearts, and in their minds will so used.
I write them 34 For ye had compassion of me
17 And their sins and iniquities will in my bonds, and took joyfully the
I remember no more. seizing of your goods, knowing in
18 Now where remission of these yourselves that ye have heaven am
is, there is no more offering for sin. better and an enduring substance.
19 Having therefore, brethren, bold- 35 Cast not away therefore your
ness to enter into the hohest by the confidence, which hath great recom-
blood of Jesus, pense of reward.
20 By a new and living way. which 36 For ye have need of patience,
he hath consecrated for us, through that, after ye have done the will of
the vail, that is to say, his fiesh ; God, ye may receive the promise.
21 And having a high priest over 37 For yet a little while, and he
the house of God that is coming will come, and will
22 Let us draw near with a true not tarry.
heart in full assurance of faith, having 38 Now the just shall live by faith r
our hearts sprinkled from an evil con- but if any man shall draw back, my
science, and our bodies washed with soul shall have no pleasure in him.
pure water. 39 But we are not of them who
23 Let us hold fast the profession of draw back to perdition ; but of them
aia- hope without wavering ; for he is that believe to the saving of the soul.
faithful that promised
24 And let us consider one another CHAPTER XI.
to excite to love and tagood works 1 What faith Is.'WUhout felth we cannot
25 Not forsaking the assembling of please God. 7 The worthy ftulta of It ia
the fathers of old time.
ourselves, as the manner of some is;
but exhorting one another ; and so
much the more, as ye see the day ap-
NOW faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of
proaching. things not seen.
26 For if we sin willfully after wo 2 For by it the elders obtained a
have received the knowledge of the good report.
truth, there remaineth no more sacri- 3 Through faith we understand that
fice for sins, the worlds were framed by the word
27 But a certain fearful apprehen- of God, so that things which are
sion of judgment and fiery indigna- seen were made of things which did
tion,which shall devour the adversa- not appear.
rie«. 4 By faith Abel offered to God a
28 He that despised Moses' law, more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by
died without mercy under two or which he obtained testimony that he
three witnesses was righteous, God testifying of his
Fruits offaith HEBREWS. 171 the patriardis.

gifts: and by it he being dead yet 17 By faith Abraham, when he was

tried, offered up Isaac: and he that
6 By faith Enoch was translated, had received the promises offered up
that he should not see death ; and was his only-begotten son,
not found, because God had trans- 18 Of whomit was said, that in
lated him for before his translation,
: Isaac shall thy seed be called :
he had this testimony, that he pleased 19 Accounting that God was able
God. to raise him even from the dead ; from
6 But without faith it is impossible whence also he received him in a fig-
to. please Aim; for he that cometh to ure.
God must believe that be is, and that 20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and
he is a rewarder of them that diligent- Esau concerning things to come.
ly seek him. 21 By faith Jacob, when he was
7 By faith Noah, being warned by dying, blessed both the sons of Jo-
God of things not seen as yet, moved seph ; and worshiped, leaning upon
with fear, prepared an ark to the the top of his staff.
saving of his house; by which he 22 By faith Joseph, when he died,
condemned the world, and became made mention of the departing of the
heir of the righteousness which ia by children of Israel ; and gave com-
faith. mandment concerning his bones.
8 By faith Abraham, when he was 23 By faith Moses when he was
called to remove into a place which he born, was hid three months by his
should afterward receive for an inher- parents, because they saw he was a
itance, obeyed; and he went out not proper child; and they were not afraid
knowing whither he was going. of the king's commandment.
9 By faith he sojourned in the land 24 By faith Moses, when he had
of promise, as in a foreign country, come to years, refused to be called the
dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and son of Pharaoh's daughter;
Jacob, the heirs with him of the same 25 Choosing rather to suffer afflic-
promise tion with the people of God, than to
10 For he looked for a city which enjoy the pleasures of sin for a sea-
hath foundations, whose builder and son;
maker is God. 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ
11 Thrpiigh faith also Sarah her^ greater riches than the treasures of
self received strength to conceive Egypt : for he had respect to the rec-
and was delivered of a child ompense of the reward.
when was past age, because she
she 27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not
judged him faithful who had prom- fearing the wrath of the king : for he
ised. endured, as seeing him who is invis-
12 Therefore there sprang even from ible.
one, and him as good as dead, so ma- 28 Through faith he kept the pass-
ny as the stars of the sky in multi- over, and the sprinkling of blood, lest
tude, and as the sand which is by the he that destroyed the first-born should
sea-shore mnumorable. touch them,
13 These all died in faith, not hav- 29 By faith they passed through
ing received the promises, but having the Red sea as by dry land : which
seen them afar off, and were persuaded the Egyptians essaying to do were
of them, and embraced them, and con- drowned.
fessed that they were strangers and 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell
pilgriins on the earth. down after they had been encompass-
14 For they that say such things ed seven days.
declare plainly that they seek a coun- 31 By faith the harlot Rahab per-
try, ished not with them that behoved not,
15 And truly, if they had been roind- as she had received the spies with
camtry from whence they
fjilof that peace.
came, they might have had opportu- 32 And what shall I say more 7 for
nity to return. the time would fail me to tell of Gid-
16 But now they desire a better eon, and of Barak, and of Samson,
couviry, that is, a heavenly where-: and of Jephthah, of David also, and
fore God is not ashamed to be called Samuel, and of the prophets
theirGod; for he hath prepared for 33 Who through faith subdued
them a city. kingdoms, wrought righteousness, ob-
Exhortation to CHAPTER XII. Jaith, and patience:
tained promises, stopped the mouths what son is he whom the &ther chas-
of lions, teneth not 1
34 Quenched the violence of fire, 8 But if ye are without chastise-
escaped the edge of the sword, out of ment, of which all are partakers, then
weakness were made strona became are ye bastards and not sons.
valiant in fight, turned to night the 9 Furthermore, we have had fathers
armies of the aliens. of our flesh who corrected us, and we
35 Women received their dead raised gave them reverence: shall we not
to again: and others were tor-
life much rather be in subjection to the
tured, not accepting deliverance ; that Father of spirits, and Uve'?
they might obtain a better resuiTec- 10 For they verily for a few days
tion: chastened us alter their own pleasure
36 And others had trial of cruel but he for our profit, that we might be
mockings and scourgings, and, more- partakers of his holiness.
over of bonds and imprisonment : UNow no chastening for the pres-
37 They were stoned, they were ent seemeth to be joyous, but grievous
sawn asunder, were tempted, were nevertheless, afterward it yi^deth the
slain with the sword : they wandered peaceable fruit of righteousness to
about in sheep-skins, and goat-skins them who are exercised by it.
being destitute, afflicted, tormented 12 Wherefore lift up the hands
38 (Of whom the world was not which hang down, and the feeble
worthy:) they wandered in deserts, knees
and in mountains, and in dens and 13 And make straight paths for
caves of the earth. your that which is lame be
feet, lest
39 And these all, having obtained a turned out of the way but let it rath-

good report through faith, received not er be healed.

the promise 14 Follow peace with all men, and
40 God having provided some bet- hoUnes^ without which no man shall
ter thinf! for us, that they without us see the Lord
should not be made perfect. 15 Looking diligently, lest any man
fail of the grace of God lest any root

of bitterness springing up, trouble you,

1 An exbnrtation to constant faitli, patience,
and godliness. S2 A commendatiun of the and by it many be defiled
new testament above the old. 16 Lest there be any fornicator, or
WHEREFORE, seeing we also profane person, as Esau, who for one
are encompassed with so great morsel of food sold his birthright.
a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside 17 For ye know that afterward,
every weight, and the sin which doth when he would have inherited the
so easily beset us, and let us run with blessing, he was rejected for he found :

patience the race that is set before us, no place of repentance, though he
2 Looking to Jesus the author and sought it carefully with tears.
finisher of our faith ; who for the joy 18 For ye are not come to the
that was set before him endured the mount that might be touched, and that
cross, despising the shame, and is set burned with fire, nor to blackness, and
down at the right hand of the throne to darkness, and tempest,
of God. 19 And the sound of a trumpet, and
3 For consider him that endured the voice of words ; which voice they
such contradiction of sinners against that heard, entreated that the word
himself, lest ye be wearied andfamt should not be spoken to them any
in your minds. more
4 Ye have not yet resisted to blood, 20 {For they could.not endure that
striving against sin. which was commanded. And if ao
5 And ye have forgotten the exhor- much as a beast touch the mountain,
tation which speaketh to you as to it shall be stoned, or thrust through
children^ My
son, despise not thou the with a dart:
chastening of the Lord, nor faint 21 And so terrible was the Msht,
when thou art rebuked by him that Moses said, I exceedingly teat
6 For whom the Lord loveth he and tremble ;)
chasteneth, and scourgeth every son 22 But ye are come to mount Sion,!
whom he receiveth. and of the Uving God,' the
to the city
7 If ye endure chastening, God heavenly Jemsalem, and to <an innu>
dealeth with you as with sons: for merable company of.aiig6ls,
20* Mi
Sundry precepts. HEBREWS. Wisdom to be sought of God.
23 To the general assembly and 9 Be not carried about with divers
church of the first-born, who are writ- and strange doctrines for it is a good

ten in heaven, and to God the Judge thing that the heart be estabhshed
of all, and to the spirits of just men with grace; not with meats, which
made perfect, have not profited them that have been
24 And
to Jesus the mediator of the occupied in them.
new covenant, and to the blood of 10 We have an altar, of which they
sprinkling, that speaketh better things have no right to eat who serve the
than that of Abel. tabernacle.
25 See that ye refuse not him that 11 For the bodies of those beasts,
speaketh. For if they escaped not whose blood is brought into the sanc-
who refused him that spoke on earth, tuary by the high priest for sin, are
much more ehall not we escape, if we burned without the camp.
turn away from him that speaketh 12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he
from heaven might sanctify the people with his
26 Whose voice then shook the own blood, suffered without the gate.
earth: but now he hath promised, 13 Let us go forth therefore to him
saying, Yet once more I shake not williout the camp, bearing his re-
the earth only, but also heaven. proach.
27 And Yet once more,
this ward, 14 For here we have no continuing
signifieth the removing of those things city, butwe seek one to come.
th«t are shaken, as of things that are 15 By him therefore let us offer the
made, that those things which cannot sacrifice of praise to God continually,
be shaken may remam. that is, the fntit of our lips, giving
28 Wherefore we receiving a king- thanks to his name.
dom which cannot be moved, let us 16 But to do good, and to commu-
have grace, bv which we may serve nicate, forget not for with such sac-

God acceptably, with reverence and rifices God well pleased.

godly fear. 17 Obey them that have the rule
29 For our God is a consuming fire. over you, and submit yourselves for :

CHAPTER XIII. they watch for your souls, as they

1 Divers aJmonitions, aa to charlt3', 4 tohon- that must give account, that they may
estHfe, 5 tft avoid covetuusness, 7toregard do it with joy, and not with grief: for
God's preacliers, 9 to take iieed of stranse that is unprofitable for you.
doctrines, to to confess Christ, 16 to give
alms, 17 to obey frovernors, 18 to pray for 18 Pray for us for we trust we

the apostles, so The conclusion. have a good conscience, in all things

brotherly love continue.
not forgetful to entertain
willing to live honestly.
19 But I beseech you the rather to
strangers : for by this some have en- do this, that I may be restored to you
tertained angels unawares. the sooner.
3 Remember them that are in bonds, 20 Now the God of peace, that
as bound with them ; and them who brought again from the dead our Lord
suffer adversity, as being yourselves Jesus, that great Shepherd of the
also in the body. sheep, through the blood of the ever-
4 Marriage is honorable in all, and lasting covenant.
the bed undefiled: but lewd persons 21 Make you perfect in every good
and adulterers God will judge. work to do his will, working in you
5 Let your manner of life be with- that which is, well-pleasing in his
out covetousnesa; a7U)I &e content with sight, through Jesus Christ ; to whom
such things as ye have for he hath : be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
said, I will never leave thee, nor for- 22 And I beseech you, brethren, suf-
sake thee. fer the word of exhortation for I have :

6 So that we may boldly say. The written a letter to you in few words.
Lord is my helper, and I will not fear 23 Know ye, that tmr brother Tim-
what man shall do to me. othy is set at liberty; with whom, if
7 Remember them who have the he come shortly, I wiU see you.
rule over you, who have spoken to you 24 Salute all them that have the
the word of God whose faith follow, ruleover you, and all the saints. They

considering the end of their manner of Italy salute you.

of life. 25 Grace be with you all. Amen.
8 Jeaus Christ the same yesterday,
and to-day, and for ever. Written from Italy.
T[ The general Epistle of JAMES.
CHAPTER I. 17 Every good gift and every per-
1 We arc to rejoice under the cross. 5 To fect gift is from above, and cometh
ask wisdom of God, 13 and in our trials; not
to Impute our weakness, or sins to him,
down from the Father of lights, with
19 But rather to hearken to the word, to whom is no variableness, neither
meditate on it, and practice its precepts: shadow of turning,
26 otherwise men may seem, but never be
truly religious. 18 Of his own will he hath begotten
JAMES, a servant of God and of the us with the word of truth, that we
Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve should be a kind of first-fruits of his
tribes which are scattered abroad, creatures.
greeting. 19 Wherefore, my beloved breth-
2 My
brethren, count it all joy when ren, let every man be swift to hear,
ye fall into divers temptations. slow to speak, slow to wrath ;

3 Knowing that the trymg of your 20 For the wrath of man worketh
faith worketn patience. not the righteousness of God.
4 But let patience have her perfect 21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness
work, that ye may be perfect and en- and superfluity of naughtiness, and
tire, deficient in nothing. receive with meekness the ingrafted
5 If any of you lacketh wisdom, word, which is able to save your souls.
let him ask of God, who giveth to all 22 But be ye doers of the word, and
men liberally, and upbraideth not and ; not hearers only, deceiving your own
it shall be given to aim. selves.
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing 23 For if any is a hearer of the
wavering. For he that wavereth is word, and not a doer, he is like a man
like a wave of the sea driven with the beholding his natural face in a glass
wind and tossed. 24 For he beholdeth himself, and
7 For let not that man think that goeth away, and immediately forget-
he shall receive any thing from the teth what manner of man he was.
Lord. 25 But he who looketh into the per-
8 A man unsettled in his opinions fect law of liberty, and continueth in
is unstable in all his ways. it, he being not a forgetful hearer, but

9 Let the brother of low degree re- a doer of the work, this man shall be
joice in that he is exalted blessed in his deed.
10 But the rich, in that he is made 26 If any man among you seemeth
low: because as the flower of the to be religious, and brwleth not his
grass he shall pass away. tongue, but deceiveth his own heart,
11 For the sim hath no sooner risen this man's religion is vain.
with a burning heat, but it withereth 27 Pure religion and nndefiled be-
the grass, ana its flower falleth, and fore God and the Father is this. To
the grace of the fashion of it perish- visit the fatherless and widows in
eth so also shall the rich man fade
: their aflliction, and to keep himself
away in his ways. unspotted from the world.
12 Blessed is the man that endureth CHAPTER II.
temptation for when he is tried, he
1 It is not agreeable to Christian profession
shall receive the crown of life, which to regard the rich, and to despise the poor
the Lord hath promised to them that brethren : IS rather we are to be loving and
and nottoboastof faith, where
mercif\ili 14
love him. no deeds are 17 which is but a dead faith,

13 Let no man say when he is demons, 21 not of Abraham,

19 the faith of
tempted, I am tempted by God for :
15 and Rahab.

Gott cannot be tempted with evil, nei-

ther tempteth he any man
MY brethren, have not the faith of
our Lord .lesus Christ, t?ie Lord
14 But every man is tempted, when of glory, with respect of persons.
he is drawn away by his own lust, 2 For if there come into your as-
and enticed. sembly a man with a gold ring, in
15 Then when lust hath conceived, goodly apparel, and there come in al-
it bringeth forth sin : and sin, when so a poor man in vile raiment
it is finished, bringeth forth death. 3 And ye have respect to him that
16 Do not err, my beloved breth- weareth the gay clothing, and say to
ren. him, Sit thuu here in a good place
Of faith JAMES. without works.
and say to the poor, Stand thou there, with his works, and by works was
or sit here under my footstool faithmade perfect?
4 Are ye not then partial in your- And the scripture was fulfilled,
selves, and are become judges of evil which saith, Abraham believed God,
thoughts 1 and it was imputed to him for righte-
5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, ousness and he was called the Friend

Hath not God chosen the poor of of God.

this world rich in faith, and heirs of 24 Ye see then that by works a
the kingdom which he hath promised man is justified, and not by faith only.
to them that love him 1 25 Likewise also was not Rahab
6 But ye have despised the poor. the harlot justified by works, when
Do not rich men oppress you, and she had received the messengers, and
draw you before the judgment-seats? had sent them out another way ?
7 Do they not blaspheme that wor- 26 For as the body without the
thy name by the which ye are called 1 spirit is dead, so faith without works
8 If ye fulfill the royal law accord- is dead also.
ing to the scripture, Thou shalt love
thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well
1 We are nnt rashly or arrogantly to reprove
9 But if ye have respect to persons, others ; 5 but rather to bridle the tongue, a
ye commit sin, and are .convicted by member, but a powerful instrument
of much good and great harm. 13 They
the law as transgressors. who are truly wise, are mild and peaceable,
1 For whoever shall keep the whole without envying and strife.

law, and yet offend in one point, he is

guilty of all.
MY brethren, be not many teach-
knowing that we shall re-
11 For he that said, Do not commit ceive the greater condemnation.
adultery; said also. Do not kill. Now 2 For in many things we all offend.
if thou committest no adultery, yet if If any man offendeth not in word, the
thou killest, thou art become a trans- same is a perfect man, able also to
gressor of the law. bridle the whole body.
12 So speak ye, and so do, as they 3 Behold, we put bits in the mouths
that shall be judged by the law of lib- of horses, that they may obey us and ;

erty,. we turn about their whole body.

13For he shall have judgment 4 Behold also the ships, which
without mercy that hath shown no though they are so great, and are
mercy and mercy rejoiceth against
; driven by fierce winds, yet they are
judgment. turned about with a very small helm,
14 doth it profit, my breth-
What whithersover the governor willeth. ,

ren, though a man sayeth he hath 5 Even so the tongue is a little

faith, andnath not works 7 can faith member, and boasteth great things.
save him 1 Behold, how great a matter a little
15 If a brother or sister is naked, firekindleth
and destitute of daily food, 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world
16 Atid one of you sayeth to them. of iniquity so is the tongue among

Depart in peace, be you warmed and our members, that it defileth the whole
filled; notwithstanding ye give them body, and setteth on fire the course
not those things which are needful to of nature ; and it is set on fire from
the body what doth it profit 1
; hell.
17 Even so faith, if it hath not For every kind of beasts, and of
works,, is dead, being alone. birds, and of serpents, and of animals
18 Also a man may say. Thou hast in the sea, is tamed, and hath been
faith, and I have works: show me tamed by mankind
thy faith without thy works, and I 8 But the tongue can no man tame
willshow thee my faitn by my works. it is an unruly evil, full of deadly
19 Thou believest
that there is one poison,
God i thou doest well
the demons: 9 With this we bless God, even the
also believe, and tremble. Father ; and with this we curse men,
20 But wilt thou know, vain who are made after the similitude of
man, that faith Without works is dead? God, ,

21 Was not Abraham our father 10 Out of the same mouth pro-
by works, when he had offer-
justified ceedeth blessing and cursing. My
ed Isaac his son upon the altar ? brethiren, these thiiigs ought not so
22 Seest thou how faith wrought to be.
Of governing CHAPTER V. the tongue.
Doth a fountain send forth at
11 hands, ye sinners, and purify your
the same place sweet water and bit- hearts, ye double-minded.
ter? 9 Be afSicted, and mourn, and weep:
12 Can the fig-tree, my brethren, let your laughter be turned to mourn-
bear olive-berries? or a vine, figs? so ing, and your joy to heaviness.
no fountain can j^eld both salt water 10 Humble yourselves in the sight
and fresh. of the Lord, and he will lift you up.
13 Who is a wise man and endued U Speak not evil one of another,
knowledge among you ? let him
vtrilh brethren. He that speaketh evil of
show by a good deportment his works his brother, and judgeth his brother,
with meekness of wisdom. speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth
14 But if ye have bitter envying and the law but if thou judgest the law,

strife in your hearts, glory not, and thou art not a dotr of the law, but a
lienot against the truth. judge.
15 This wisdom descendeth not 12 There is one law-giver, who is
from above, but is earthly, sensual, able to save, and to destroy who art :

demoniacal. thou that judgest another?

16 For where envying and strife 13 Come now, ye that say, To-day
is, there is confusion and every evil or to-morrow we will go into such ^
work. city, and continue there a year, ^nd
17 But the wisdom that is from buy, and sell, and get gain
above is first pure, then peaceable, 14 Whereas ye know not whattoiH
gentle, and easy to be entreated, full be on the morrow For what is your

of mercy and good fruits, without par- life? It is even a vapor, that appear-
tiality, and without hypocrisy. eth for a little time, and then vanish-
18 And the fruit of righteousness is eth away.
sown in peace by them that make 15 Instead of that ye ought to say,
peace. If the Lord will, we shall five, and do
CHAPTER IV. this, or that.

We are to strive againatcovetousness, 4in- 16 But now ye rejoice in your boast-

teoiperance, 5 pride, 11 detraction and rash ings : all such rejoicing is evil.
judgment of otiiers 13 and not to be confi-
17 Therefore to him that knoweth
dent In the ^ood success of worldly busi-
ness ; but mindful ever of the uncertainty to do good, and doeth it not, to him it
of this life, to commit ourselves and all our is sin.
affairs to God's providence.
ings among
whence come wars and fight-
you ? come they not
1 WiciCed rich men are to fear God's ven-
geance. 7 We ought to be patient in afflic-
hence, eeen from your lusts that war tions, after the example of the prophets,
members and Job 12 to forbear swearing 13 to pray
in your
: ;
in adversity, to sing in prosperity 16 to ;

2 Ye lust and have not ye kill, :acknowledge mutually our several faults,
and desiie to have, and cannot obtain: to pray one for another 19 and to recall a

straying brother to the truth.

ye fight and war, yet ye have not, be-
cause ye ask not. COME
now, ye rich men, weep and
3 Ye ask, and receive not, because howl for your miseries that shall
ye aak amiss, that ye may consume it come upon you.
upon your lusts. 2 Your riches are corrupted, and
4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, your garments are mothrcaten.
know ye not that the friendship of 3 Your gold and silver is cankered
the world is enmity with God t who- and the rust of them shall be a testi-
ever therefore will be a friend of the mony against you, and shall eat your
world is the enemy of God. flesh as it were fire. Ye have amass-
5 Do ye think that the scripture ed treasure for the last days.
saith in vain. The spirit that dwelleth 4 Behold, the hire of the laborers
in us lusteth to envy ? who have reaped your fields, which is
6 But ho giveth more grace. Where- by you kept back by fraud, crieth:
fore he saith, God resisteth the proud, and the cries of them who have reap-
but giveth grace to the humble. ed have entered into the ears of the
7 Submit yourselves therefore to Lord of Sabaoth.
God. Resist the devil, and he will 6 Yehave lived in pleasure on the
flee from you. earth, and been wanton; ye have
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will nourished your hearts, as in a day of
draw nigh to you. Cleanse your slaughter.
To be patient 1. PETER. in afflictions.

6 Ye have condemned and killed him pray. Is any cheerful 1 let him
the just J and he doth not resist you. sing psalms.
7 Be patient, therefore, brethren, to 14 Is any sick among you? let
the coming of the Lord. Behold, the him call for the elders of the church
husbandman waiteth for the precious and let them pray over him, anoint-
fruit of the earth, and hath long pa- ing him with oil in the name of the
tience for it, until he receiveth the Lord
early and the latter rain. 15 And the prayer of faith will save
8 Be ye also patient ; establish your the sick, and tne Lord will raise him
hearts; for the coming of the Lord up ; and if he hath committed sins,

draweth nigh. they will be forgiven him.

9 Grudge not one against another, 16 Confess your faults one to an-
brethren. Test ye be condemned be- : other, and pray one for another, that
hold, the judge standeth before the ye may be healed. The eflectual fer-
door. vent prayer of the righteous man
10 Talte, niy brethren, the prophets, availeth miich.
who have spolsen in the name of the 17 Elijah was a man subject to like
Lord, for an example of suffering af- passions as we are, and he prayed
fliction, and of patience. earnestly that it might not rain and :

11 Behold, we count them happy it rained not on the earth by the space
who endure. Ye have heard of the of three years and six months.
patience of Job, and have seen the end 18 And he prayed again, and the
of the Lord ; that the Lord is very pit- heaven gave rain, and the earth
iful, and of tender mercy. brought forth its fruit.
12 But above all things, breth-my 19 Brethren, if any one of you
ren, swear not, neither by heaven, should err from the truth, and one
neither by the earth, neither by any should convert him
other oath but let your yea, be yea
; 20 Let him know, that he who con-
and your nay, nay lest ye fall into
; verteth a sinner from the error of his
condemnation. way will save a soul from death, and
13 Is any among you afflicted 1 let will hide a multitude of sins.

l The First Epistle general of PETER.

CHAPTER I. 5 Who are kept by the power ot
1 He blesseth GoU for his manifold spiritual God, through faith to salvation ready
graces, 10 showing that the salvation in to be revealed in the last time.
Christ is no news, nut a tiling prophesierl
of old 13 and exhorteth them accordingly
6 In which ye greatly rejoice, though
to a godly course of life, forasmuch as they now for a season (if need be) ye are
are now born anew by the word of God. in heaviness through manifold tempt-
PETER, an apostle of Jesus Christ, ations :
to the strangers scattered through- 7 That the trial of your faith, being
out Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, much more precious than of gold that
and Bithynia. perisheth, though tried with fire, might
2 Elect according to the foreknowl- be found to praise, and honor, and glo-
edge of God the Father, through sanc- ry, at the appearing of Jesus Christ
tification of the Spirit, to obedience 8 Whomhaving not seen, ye love
and spririkling of the blood of Jesus in whom, though now ye see him not,
Christ Grace to you, and peace, be
: yet believing, ye rejoice with joy un-
multiplied. speakable, and full of glory :

3 Blessed be the God and Father of 9 Receiving the end of your faith,
our Lord Jesus Christ, who according eeen the salvation of j/oar souls.
to his abundant mercy hath begotten 10 Concerning which salvation the
us again to a living hope by the res- prophets have inquired and searched
urrection of Jesus Christ from the diligently, who prophesied of the grace
dead, that shoiild came to you
4 To an
inheritance incorruptible, 1Searching what, or what man-
and undefiled, and that fadeth not ner of time the Spirit of Christ which
away, reserved in heaven for you. was in them did sitnify, when it testi-
To avoid CHAPTER II. uveharitableness^
fied beforehand the sufferings of Christ, seecheth them also to abstain from fleshly
lusts, 13 to be obedient to magistrates la:
and the glory that should follow. and teacheth servants how to obey their
12 To whom it was
revealed, that masters, 20 patiently suffering for well-
not to themselves, but to us they min- doing, after the example of Christ.
istered the things which are now re-
ported to you by them that have
WHEREFORE, laying aside all
malice, and all guile, and hy-
preached the gospel to you, with the pocrisies, and envies, and all evil-
Holy Spirit sent down from heaven;
which things the angels desire to look 2 As new-born babes, desire the
into. pure milk of the word, that ye may
13 Wherefore gird up the loins of grow thereby
your mind, be sober, and hope to the 3 If indeed ye have tasted that the
end for the grace that is to be brought Lord is gracious.
to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ 4 To whom coming as to a living
14 As
obedient children, not fash- stone, disallowed indeed by men, but
ioning yourselves according to the chosen by God, and precious,
former lusts in your ignorance 5 Ye also, as living stones, are built
15 But as he who hath called you is. up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,
holy, so be ye holy in all manner of to offer up spiritual sacrifices, accepta-
deportment. ble to God by Jesus Christ.
16 Because it is written. Be ye holy 6 Wherefore also it is contained in
for I am holy. the scripture. Behold, I lay in Sion a
17 And if ye call on the Father, who chief corner-stone, elect, precious and:

without respect of persons judgelh ac- he that believeth on him shall not be
cording to every man s work, pass the confounded.
time of your sojourning here in fear 7 To you therefore who believe A«
18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye is precious : but to them who are dis-
were not redeemed with corruptible obedient, the stone which the builders
things, as silver and gold, from your disallowed, the same is made the head
vain course of life received by tradi- of tlie comer.
tion from your fathers 8 And a stone of stumbling, and a
19 But with the precious blood of rock of offense, even to them who
Christ, as of a lamb without blemish stumble at the word, being disobedi-
and without spot ent: to which also they were ap-
20 Who verily was fore-ordained pointed.
before the foundation of the world, but 9 But ye are a chosen generation,
waa manifested in these last times for a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a
you, peculiar people that ye should show

21 Who by him do believe in God, forth the praises of him who hath call-
that raised him from the dead, and en you out of darkness into his mar-
gave him glory ; that your faith and velous light
hope might be in God. 10 Who time past wer$ not a
22 Seeing ye have purified your people, now the people of
but are
souls in obeymg the truth through the God: who had not obtained mercy,
Spirit to unfeigned love of the breth- but now have obtained mercy.
ren, gee that ye love one another with 11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as
a pure heart fervently : strangers and pilgrims, abstain from
23 Being born again, not of corrup- fleshly lusts, which war against the
tible seed, out of incorruptible, by the soul
word of God, which liveth and abi- 12 Havinff your manner of life hon-
deth for ever. est among the Gentiles that, where-

24 For all flesh in as grass, and all as they speak against you as evil-
the glory of man as the flower of doers, they may by your good works,
grass. The grass withcreth, and its which they shall behold, glorify God
flower falleth away in the day of visitation.
25 But the word of the Lord endu- 12 Submit yourselves to every or-
reth for ever. And this is the word dinance of man for the Lord's sake
which by the gospel is preached to whether to the king, as supreme
you. 14 Or to governors, as to them that
CHAPTER II. are sent by him for the punishment of
1 Hedehorteth them from the breach of char* and for the praise of them
ity 4 showing that Christ is the founda-

tion on which they are built. II He be- that do well.

Relative duties. I. PETER. To suffer patienth/.
15 For
so is the will of God, that 6 Even Abraham,
as Sarah obeyed
with well-doing, ye may put to ailcnce calling him whose daughters ye
lord :

the ignorance of foolish men are, and are not

as long as ye do well,
16 As free, and not using your lib- afraid with any amazement
erty for a cloke of maheiousness, but 7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell
as the servants of God. with them, according to knowledge,
17 Honor all men. Love the broth- giving honor to the wife, as to the
erhood. Fear God. Honor the king. weaker vessel, and as being heirs to-
18 Servants, be subject to your gether of the grace of life ; that your
masters with all fear; not only to the prayers be not hindered.
good and gentle, but also to the fro- 8 Finally, 6e ye all of one mind, hav-
ward. ing compassion one of another love as ;

19 For this is thank-worthy, if a brethren ; be pitiful, be courteous

man for conscience toward God en- 9 Not rendering evil for evil, 6r
dureth grief, suffering wrongfully. railing for railing: out on the contra-
20 For what glory is it, if, when ye ry, blessings knowing that ye are
are buffeted for your faults, ye bear it called to this, that ye should innerit a
patiently t but if, when ye do well, blessing.
and suffer for it, ye bear it patiently, 10 For he that will love life, and see
this is acceptable with God. good days, let him restrain his tongue
21 For even to this were ye called from evil, and his lips that they speak
because Christ also suffered for us, no guile
leaving us an example, that ye should 11 Let him shun evil, and do good
follow his steps: lethim seek peace, and pursue it.
22 Who committed no sin, neither 12 For the eyes of the Lord are
was guile found in his mouth over the righteous, and his ears are
23 Who, when he was reviled, re- open to their prayers but the face of:

viled not again when he suffered, he

; the Lord is against them that do evil.
threatened not but committed him-
; 13 And who is he that will harm
self to him that judgeth righteously you, if ye are followers of that which
24 Who himself bore our sins in his IS good7
own body on the tree, that we, being 14 But if ye suffer for righteous-
dead to sins, should live to righteous- ness' sake, happy are ye: and be hot
ness by whose stripes ye were healed.
; afraid of their terror, neither be troub-
25 For ye were as sheep going led;
astray ; but are now returned to the 15 But sanctify the Lord God in
Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. your hearts : and be ready always to
give an answer to every man that
I He teacTietb the duty of wives and hus- asketh you a reason of the hope that
bands to each other 8 exhorting all men to
: is in you, with meekness and fear.
unity and love 14 and to suffer persecu-
tion. 19 He

declareth also the benefits of

16 Having a good conscience; that,
Christ toward the old world. whereas they speak evil of you, as of
LIKEWISE, ye wives, be in sub- they may be ashamed that
jection to your own husbands falsely accuseyour good deportment
that, if any obey not the word, they in Christ.
also may without the word be won by 17 For it is better, if the will of
the deportment of the wives j God is so, that ye suffer for well-doing,
2 While they behold your chaste than for evil-doing.
manner of life coupled with fear. 18 For Christ also bath once suffer-
3 Whose adorning let it not be that ed for sins, the just for the unjust, that
outward adoniiTig- of plaiting the hair, l^e might bring ua to God, being put
and of wearing gold, or of putting on to dea'thih the flesh, but made alive
by the Spirit
4 Bat let it be the hidden man of 19 By which also he went and
the heart, in that which is not corrup- preached to the spirits in prison
tible, even the ornammiof a meek and 20 Who forflierly were disobedient,
quiet spirit, which is in the sight of when once the long-sufiering of Ctod
God of great price. waited in the days of Noah, while the
5 For after this manner in fbtmer ark was preparing, in which few, that
times the holy women also, who trust- is, eight souw, were saved by water.
ed in' God, adorned themselves, being 21 The like figurfe to which, erto
in subjection to their own husbands baptism, doth also now save us, (not
Comfort in persecutions. CHAPTER V. Buty of elders.
the putting away of the filth of the kers of Christ's sufferings j that, when
fiesh, but the answer of a good con- his glory shall be revealed, ye may be
science toward God,) by the resurrec- glad also wiih exceeding joy.
tion of JeBUs Christ 14 If ye are reproached for thehame
22 Who is gone into heaven, and is of Christ, happy are ye ; for the spirit
on the right hand of God angels, and
; of glory and of God restelh upon you.
authorities, and powers being made On their part he is evil spoken of, but
subject to him. on your part he is glorified.
15 But let none of you suffer as a
CHAPTER IV. murderer, or as a thief, or as an evil-
1 lie cxhorteth tbem to cease from sin by the
example of Christ, and tiie consiiierdUon of doer, eras abusy-body in other men's
the general end that now approacherli : 12 matters.
and comforteth tbem against persecution.
16 Yet if any man suffereth as a
FORASMUCH then as Christ hath Christian, let him not be ashamed;
suffered for us in the flesh, arm but let him:glorify God on this behalf.
yourselves likewise with the same 17 For the time is come that judg-
mind for he that hath suffered in the
ment must begin at the house of God
&ci[\ hath ceased from sin arid if it first be^nneth at us, what
2 That he no longer should live the will be the end ot them iha' obey not
rest of Ais time in the flesh to the lusts the gospel of God 7
of men, but to the will of God, 18 And if the righteous is scarcely
3 For the time past of onr life may saved, where will the ungodly and
suffice us to have wrought the will of the sinner appear?
the Gentiles, when we walked in las- 19 Wherefore, let them that suffer
ciyiousness, lusts, excess of wine, rev- according to the will of God, commit
elings, banquetings, and abominable the keeping of their souls to him in
idolatries well-doing, as to a faithful Creator.
4 In which they think it strange
that ye run not with them to the same
excess of riot, speaking evil oiymi 1 He exliorteth the eiders to feed their flocics
5 the younger to otjey : 8 and all, to be so-
5 Who shall give account to him ber, walchftii, and constant in the faith j 9
that is ready to judge the living and to resist the cruel adversary the devil.

the dead. T"HE elders who are among you

6 For, for this cause was the gospel I exhort, who am also an elder,
preaclied also to them that are dead, and a witness of the sufferings of
that they might be judged according Christ, and also a partaker of the
to men in the flesh, but live according glory that shall be revealed :

to God in the spirit. 2 Feed the flock of God which is

7 But the end of all things is at among you, taking the oversight cfit,
hand be ye therefore sober, and
: not by constraint, but willingly not j

watch to prayer. for filthy lucre, but from a ready ^niiid;

8 And above all things have fervent 3 Neither as being lords over God't
charity among yourselves : for charity heritage, but being examples to the
will cover a multitude of sins. flock.
9 Use hospitality one to another 4 And when the chief Shepherd
without grudging. shall appear, ye shall receive a crown
10 As every man hath received the of glory that fadeth not away.
gift, ecen so minister the same one to B Likewise, ye younger, submit
another, as good stewards of the man- yourselves to the elder. Yes, all of
ifold grace of God. you be subject one to another, and be
11 If any man speaketh let him clothed with humility ! for God r«-
speak as the oracles of God ; if any sisteth the proud, and giveth grace to
man ministereth let him do it as of the the humble.
abiUty which God givelh : that God 6 Humble yourselves therefore un-
in all things may be glorified through der the mighty hand of God, that he
Jesus Christ ; to whotn be praise and may exalt you in due time
dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 7 Casting all your care upon him
12 Beloved, think it not strange for he caretTi for you.
concerning the fiery trial which is to 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because
try you, as though some strange thing your adversary the devil, as a roaring
happened to you lion, walketh about, seelung whom he

13 But rejoice, seeing ye are parta- may devour

21 241
Exhortation to II. PETER. several duties.
9 Whom resist steadfast in the laith, 12 By
Silvanus, a faithful brother
knowing tliat the same afBictions are to yiiu, as 1 suppose, I have written
accomplished in your brethren that briefly, exhorting, and testifying that
are in the world. this is the true grace of God in which
10 But the God of all grace, who ye stand.
hath called us to his eternal glory by 13 The church, that is at Babylon,
Christ Jesus, after ye have suHeied a elected together with you, saluleth
while, make you perfect, establish, you and so doth Mark my son.

strengthen, settle yuu. 14 Greet ye one another with a

11 To him be glory and dominion kiss of charity. Peace be with you all
for ever and ever. Amen. that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.

1 The Second Epistle general of PETER.

CHAPTER I. hath forgotten that he was purified
from his old sins.
1 Confirming ttiem in iiope of the increase of
Goil's graiies, 5 lie extioi-ted ihem by faith 10 Wherefore the rather, brethren,
anil^ooiJ woi-lss, toinalce their catling sure: give diligence to make your calling
12 ot which he is<;fjl to remind them,
and election sure for if ye do these
that his death is at hand: 16 and
wariieLh them to be constant in the faith of things, ye shall never fall:
Christ, who is the true Son of Goil, by the 11 For so an entrance shall be
eye-witness of the atjostles beholding bis
ni:^esty, and by the testimony of the Father
ministei;ed to you abundantly into the
and the prophets. everlasting kingdom of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.

S IMG'S Peter, a servant and an

apostle of Jesus Christ, to them
that have obtained hke precious faith
12 Wherefore 1 will not be negligent
to put you always in remembrance of
these things, though ye know them,
with us through the righteousness of and are established in the present
our God and Savior Jesus Christ truth.
2 Grace and peace be tnultiplied to 13 Indeed, I think it meet, as long
you through the knowledge of Goil, as 1 am in this tabernacle, to stir you
and of Jesus our Lord, up by putting you in remembrance
3 .4.ccording as his divine power 14 Knowing that shortly I must
liath given to us all things that per- put off this my tabernacle, even as
tain to life and godliness, through the our Lord Jesus Christ hath shown me.
knowledge of hiin that bath called us 15 Moreover, I will endeavor that
to glory and virtue :
ye may be able, after my decease, to
4 Whereby arf given to us exceed- have these things always in remem-
ing great and precious proinises; that brance'
by these ye might be partakers of the 16For we have not followed cun-
divine nature, having escaped the cor- when we made-
ningly devised fables,
ruption that is in the world through known to you the power and coming
lust. of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were
5 And besides this, giving all dili- eye-witnesses of his majesty.
gence, add to your faith virtue and ; 17 For he received from God the
to virtue knowledge j Father honor and glory, when there
6 And to knowledge temperance; came such a voice to him from the
and to temperance patience; and to excellent glory, This is my beloved
patience godliness Son, in wlioin ;1 am well pleased.
7 And to' godliness brotherly kind- IS And this voice which came from
ness; and to brotherly kindness char- heaven we heard, when we were with
him on the holy mount.
8 For if these things be in you, and 19 We have also a more sure word
abound, they m-ike you that ye shall of prophecy ; to which ye do well
neither be barren nor unfruitful in that ye take heed, as to a light that
the knowledge of our Lord Jesus shineth in a dark place, until the day
Christ. da>vn, and the day-star arise in your
9 But he that l^ckeih these things hearts
is blind, and cannot see afar oS, and 20 Knowing this first, that no
O/faUing CHAPTER III. Jrom grace,
propliticy of tho scriptuie is of any 12 But these, as natural brute heasts,
private interpretatiun. made to be taken and destroyed,
21 Fur propliecy came not in old speak evil of the things that they un-
timti by ifie will uf man : but holy tlerstaud not; and shall utterly p6r~
ni€n uf God spoke o^ Oiey toere muved ish in their own corruption :
by tile Holy Spirit. 13 And shall receive the reward of
CHAPTER II. unrighleuusness, as they that count it
I He them of false teachers, show,
foretetleth pleasure to riotm theday-iiine. Spots
iiig Uie impiety and ituiilribment both of they are and blemishes, sporting them-
them and llielr followers ; 7 (Tom which the
goilly will be dellveieU, as Lot wus out nf selves with their uwn deceiviiigs while
Soiiom 10 :uid more fully describeth the
; they feast with you
uumners of those prolhne and blasphemous 14 Having eyes full of adulteryi and
seducers, by which they may be the better
kitowu and avoided. that cannot cease from sin beguding ;

unstable souls they have a lieart ex-

BUT there were prophets also
among the people, even as there
false :

ercised with covetous practices; cur-

will be false teachers among you, sed chddren
who damnable
will privately bring in 15 Who have forsaken the right
Lord that
heresies, even denying the way, and gone astray, fullowing the
bought them, and brmg upon them- way of Bulaain the son of Busor, who
selves swift destruction. loved the wages of unrighteousness;
2 And many will follow their perni- 16 But was rebuked for his iniquity:
cious ways; by reason of whom the the dumb ass speaking with niaii a
way of truth will be evil spoken of. voice, forbad the madness of the
3 And through covetousness they prophet.
will with feigned words make mer- 17 These are wells without water,
chandise of you: whose judgment clouds that are carried with a tem-
now Ufa long time lingereth not, and pest ; to whom the mist of darkness
their damnation slumbereth not. IS reserved for ever.

4 For if God spared not the angels 18 For when they speak greatswet-
that sinned, but cast them duvyn to ling words of vanity, thev allure
hell, and delivered them into chains of through the lusts of the flesh, through
darkness, to be reserved to judgment; much wantonness, those that had
6 And spared not the old world, quite escaped from them who hve in
but saved Noah the eighth person, a error.
preacher of righteousness, bringing 19 While they promise them liber-
the Hood upon the world of the un- ty, they themselves are the servants
godly J of corruption lor by whom a man is

6 And turning the cities of Sodom overcome, by the same is he brought

and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned into bondage.
them with an overthrow, making them 20 Fur if after they have escaped
an example to those that afterward the pollutions of the worjd through
should live ungodly lives. the knowledge of the Lord and 8a-
7 And delivered just Lot, grieved viur Jesus Christ, they are again en-
with the habitual lewdness of the tangled in them, and overcuine, the
wicked latter end is worse with them than
8 (For that righteous man dwelling the beginning.
among them, in seeing and hearing, 21 For it had been better for them
grieved his righteous soul from day to not to have known the way of righ-
day with their unlawful deeds ;) teousness, than, after they have knowa
9 The Lord knoweth how to de- it,to turn from the holy command-
liver the godly out of temptations, and ment delivered to them.
to reserve the unjust to the day of 22 But it hath happened to them
judgment to be punished according to the true proverb. The (log
10 But chieSy tliem that walk after is turned to his own vomit again;
the flesh in the lust uf uncleanness, and. The sow that was washed, to her
and despise government. Presumptu- wallowing in the mire.
ous are they, self-willed ; they are not
al'raid to speak evil of dignities.

1 He assurethihem of the certainty of Christ's

11Whereas angels, who are great- coming toju'lgment, against those scornere
er in power and might, bring not rail- whodisputeagainstit; 8 warning thegodly
for the lung patience of God, to hasten their
uig accusation against them before the repentance. 10 He deacribeth also the man-
Lord. ner how the world will be destroyed i 11
Certainly of I. JOHN. Christ's coming.
exhorting them, from the expectation of it,
to all holiness of life
come as a thief in the night; in which
13 and again, to think

the patience of God to tend to their salva- the heavens will pass away with a
tion, as Paul wrote to them in his epistles. great noise, and the elements will melt
THIS second epistle, beloved, I with fervent beat, the earth also and
now write to you j in hoth which the works that are therein will be
1 stir up your pure minds by way of burned up.
remembrance 11 Suing then that all these things
2 That ye may be mindful of the will be dissolved, what manner of
words which were spoken before by persons ought ye to be in all holy
the holy prophets, and of the com- deportment and godliness,
mandment of us the apostles of the 12 Looking for and hasting to the
Lord and Savior : coming of the day of God, in whiirh
3 'Knowing' this first, that there the heavens being on fire will be dis-
will 'come in the last days scoffers, solved, and the elements will melt
walking after their own lusts, with fervent heat 7
4 And saying, Where
the prom- is 13 Nevertheless we, according to
ise of his coming? for
since the fa- his promise, look for new heavens and
thers fell asleep, all things continue as a new earth, in which dwelleth righ-
they were from the beginning of the teousness.
creation. 14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that
6 For this they willingly are igno- ye look for such things, be dnigent
rant of, that by the word of God the that ye may be found by Mm
in peace,
heavens were of old, and the earth without spot, and blameless.
standing out of the water and in the 15 And account that the long-suf-
water fering of our Lord is salvation ; even
6 By which the world that then as our beloved brother Paul also, ac-
was, being overflowed with water, cording to the wisdom given to him,
perished hath written to you
7 But the heavens and the earth, 16 As also in all his epistles, speak-
which are now, by the same word are ing in them of these things j in whiclj
kept in store, reserved to fire against are some things hard to be under-
the day of judgment and perdition of stood, which they that are unlearned
ungodly men. and unstable wrest, as they do also
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of the other scriptures, to their own de-
this one thing, that one day is with struction.
the Lord as a thousand years, and a 17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing yo
thousand years as one day. know these things before, beware lest
9 The Lord is not slack concerning ye also, being led away with the error
his promise, as some men count slack- of the wicked, fall from your own
ness but is long-suffering toward us,
; steadfastness.
not willing that any should perish, 18 But grow in grace, and in the
but that all should come to repent- knowledge of our Lord and Savior
ance. Jesus Christ. To him be glory both
ID But the day of the Lord will now and for ever. Amen.

1 The First Epistle general of JOHN.

life was manifested, and
2 (For the
CHAPTER L we have seen it, and testify, and show
1 He descrlheth the person of Christ, In whom
we have eternal life by a communion with to you that eternal life which was
Gnd : 5 to which we must join holiness of with the Father, and was manifested
ihe truth of our communion
life, to testify
ami profession of faith, as also to assure us to us ;)
of the forgiveness of our sins by Christ's 3 That which we have seen and
heard we declare to you, that ye also
THAT which was from the begin-
ning, which we have
may have fellowship with us : and
heard, which truly our fellowship is with the Fa-
we have seen with our eyes, which we ther, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
have looked upon, and our hands 4 And these things we write to you,
have handled, of the word of life j that your joy may be full.
Chriit our advocate, CHAPTER II. Of antichnil.'
6 This then is the message which 10 Hethat loveth his brother abi-
we have heard from him, and declare deth in the light, and there is no occa-
to yua, that God is light, and in him sion of stnmbhng in him.
is no darkness at all. U But he that hatelh his brother is
6 If we say that we have fellowship in darkness, and walketh in darkness,
with him, and walk in darkness, we and knoweth not whither he go^th,
lie, and do not the truth because darkness hath blinded his
7 But if we walk in the light, as he eyes.
is in the light, we have fellowshi() one 12 I write to you, little children, be-
with anoilier, and the blood of Jesus cause your sins are forgiven you for
Christ his Soucleanseth ua frain all sin. his name's sake.
8 If we say that we have no sin, 13 I write to you, fathers, because
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is ye have known him that is from the
not ill us. beginning. 1 write to you, young
9 If we confess our sins,he is faith- men, because ye have overcome the
ful and just to forgive us our sins, and wicked one. 1 write to you, little
to cleanse us from all uniighteous- children, because ye have known the
ness. Father.
10 If we say that we have not sin- 14 I have written to you, fathers,
ned, we make him a liar, and his because ye have known him that is
word is not in us. from the beginning. I have writtea
to you, young men, because ye arc
strong, and the word of God abideth
1 He them agiiast the sins of in-
firtnlly. RIshtly to know Goil is to keep
3 in yo"u, and ye have overcome the
bis cnmmandmenls, 9 to love our breihren, wicked one.
15 and not Ifl love tite world. I8 We must
15 Love not the world, neither the
beware of seducers so from whose deceits

the goilly are safely preserved by perseve- things that are in the world. If any
ran:e in faith, and holiness of life. man loveth the world, the love of inii
MY little children, these things I
write to you, that ye sin not.
Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the
And any man sinneth, we have an
if liist of the flesh, and the lust of the
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ eyes, and the pride of life, is not from
the righteous: the Father, but is from the world.
2 .liid he is the propitiation for our 17 And the world passeth away,
sins: and not for ours only, but also and the lust of it: but he that doeth
for the sins of the whole world. the will of God abideth for ever.
3 And by this we do know that we 18 Litllechildren, it islhelasttime:
know him, if we keep his command- and as ye have heard that antichrist
ments. Cometh, even now are there many an-
4 He that saith, I know him, and tichrists by which we know that it

keepeth not his commandments, is a is the last time.

liar, and the truth is not in him. 19 They went out from us, but
5 But whoever keepeth his word, in they were not of us j for if they had
him verily is the love of God perfect- been of us, they would no doubt have
ed by this we know that we are in
: coniinued with us: bat they went out,
him. that they might be made manifest
6 He that saith he abideth in him, that they were not, all of us.
ought himself also so to walk, even as 20 But ye huve an unction from the
he walked. Holy One, and ye know all things.
7 Brethren, I write no new com- 21 I have not written to you be-
mandment to you, but an old com- cause ye know not the truth, bnt be-
mandment which ye had from the cause ye know it, and that no lie is of
beginning: The old commandment is the truth.
the worawhich ye have heard firom 22 Who is a liar but he that denieth
the beginning. that Jesus is the Christ 1 He is anti-
8 Again, a new commandment I christ, that denieth the Father and the
write to you, which thing is true in Son.
him and in you because thedarkness
: 23 Whoever denieth the Son, the
is past, and the true light now shineth. same hath not the Father : 'f6«<J fce
9 He that saith he is in the light, that acknotcledgeth Ike 'Son hath' Uu
and haieth his brother, is in darkness Father also.
even until now. 24 Let that therefore abide in you,
21* 245
God!a love to us. I. JOHN, Of brotherly love.
which ye have heard from the begin- him and he cannot
: sin, because he
ning. If that which ye have heard is born of God.
from the beginning shall remain in 10 In this the children of God are
you, ye also shall continue in the Son, manifest, and the children of the dev-
and in the Father. il: whoever doeth not righteousness
25 And this is the promise that he is not of God, neither he that loveth
hath promised us, even eternal life. not his brother.
26 These things have I written to U
For this is the message that ye
you concerning cheni that seduce you. have heard from the beginnmg that
27 But the anointing which ye nave we should love one another.
received from him abideth in you, and 12 Nut as Cain, who was of that
ye need not that any man should wicked one, and slew his brother.
teach you : but as the same anointing And why did he slay him? Because
teacheth you concerning all things, his own works were evil, and his
and is truth, and is no he, and even brother's righteous.
as it hath taught you, ye shall abide 13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the
in him. world hate you.
28 And now, little children, abide 14 We
know that we have passed
in him ; when be shall appear,
that from death to life, because we love
we may have confidence, and not be the brethren. He that loveth not his
ashamed before him at his coming. brother, abideth in death.
29 If ye know that he is righteous 15 Whoever hateth his brother, is a
ye know that every one that doeth murderer: and ye know that no mur-
righteousness is born of him. derer hath eternal life abiding in him.
CHAPTER III. 16 By this we perceive the love of
1 He declareth the singular love of God to- God, because he laid down his life
ward us, In making us his sons 3 who
for us and we ought to lay down our

therefore ou^ht obediently to keep his com-

mandments, 11 a-s also to love one another lives for the brethren.
as brethren. 17 But he who hath this world's
BEHOLD, what manner of love good, and seeth his brother have
the Father hath bestowed upon need, and shutteth up his bowels of
us, that we should be called the sons compassion from him, how dwelletn
of God : therefore the world knoweth the love of God in him 7
us not, because it knew him not. 18 My
little children, let us not love
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of in word, neither in tongue, but in deed
God, and it doth not yet appear what and in truth.
we shall be : but we know that, when 19 And by this we know that we
he shall appear, we shall be like him are of the truth, and shall assure our
for we shall see him as he is. hearts before him.
3 And every man that hath this 20 For if our heart condemneth us,
hope in him purifieth himself, even God is greater than our heart, and
as he is pure. knoweth all things,
4 Whoever committeth sin trans- 21 Beloved, if our heart doth not
igresseth also the law for sin is the
. condemn us, then have we confidence
transgression of the law. toward God.
5 And ye know that he was mani- 22 And whatever we ask, we re-
fested to take away our sins ; and in ceive from him, because we keep his
bitn is no sin. commandments, and do those things
6 Whoever abideth in him sinneth that are pleasing in his sight.
not : whoever sinneth hath not seen 23 And this is his commandment
him, neither known him. that we should believe on the name
7. Little .children, let no man de- of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one
ceive you: he that doeth righteous- another, as he gave us commandment.
ness is righteous, even as he is right- 24 And he that keepeth his com-
eous. mandments, dwelleth in him, and he
8 He that committeth sin is of the in him. And by this we know that
devil ; for the devil sinneth from the he abideth in us, by the Spirit which
begimiing. Fof this purpose the Son he hath given us.
of Ood was manifested, that he might CHAPTER IV.
destroy the works of the devil. 1 He wameth them not to believe all teachen
9 Whoever is born of God doth not who boast of the Spirit, but to try them by
the rules of evangelical faith 7 and ijyltia*

commit sin ; for his seed remaineth in ay reasons exhorteth to brotherly love.
7%e wUnesaa CHAPTER V. qf OUT faith.
BELOVED, believe not every spir- that we may have boldness in the
it, but try the spirits whetlier they day of judgment : because as he is, so
are of God : because many false proph- are we in this world.
ets have gone out into the world. 18 There is no fear in love ; hut
2 By this ye know the Spirit of perfect love casteth out fear : because
God : Every spirit that confesseth that fear hath torment. He that feareth,
Jesus Christ hath come in the flesh, isnot made perfect in love.
Is from Gud : 19 We love him, because he first
3 And every spirit that confesseth loved us.
not that Jesus Christ is come in the 20 If a man sayeth, I love God, and
flesh, is not from God. And this is hateth his brother, he is a liar. For
that spirit of aulichrisi, of which ye he that loveth not his brother, whom
have heard that it should come ; and he hath seen, how can he love God,
even now already it is in the world. whom he hath not seen?
4 Ye are of God, little children, and 21 And this commandment have
have overcome thein: because greater we from him, 'hat he who loveth
is lie that is in you, than he that is in God, love his brother also.
the world.
5 They are of the world : therefore CHAPTER V.
they ^peak from the world, and the 1 He that loveth GoU, loveth hfs children, and
keeperh his coinmundments 3 which to the
world beareth them. ;

faithful are light, and not grievous. 9 Jesus

6 We are of Gud. He that know- is the Son of Gud, able to save us, 14 and to
«th God, beareth us; he that is not of hear our pmyers, which we make for our-
selves, and for others.
God, beareth not us. By this we
know the spirit of truth, and the spirit WHOEVER believeth that Jesus
of error. is the Christ, is born of God
7 Beloved, let us love one another and every one that loveth him that
for love is from God ; and every one begat, loveth him also that is begotten
that loveth is bom of God, and know- by him.
eth God. 2 By this we know that we love
8 He that loveth not, knoweth not the children of God, when we love
God ; for God is love. God, and keep his commandments,
9 In this was manifested the love 3 For this is the love of God, that
of God toward because that God
us, we keep his commandments; and his
sent his only begotten Son into the commandments are not grievous.
world, that we might live through 4 For whatever is born of God,
him. overcometh the world and this is the :

10 In this is love, not that we loved victory that overcometh the world,
God, but that he loved us, and sent even our faith.
his Hoa to be the propitiation for our 5 Who is he that overcometh the
sins. world, but he that believeth that Je-
11 Beloved, if (xod so loved us, we sus is the Son of Godl
ought also to love another. 6 This is he that came by water
12 No man hath seen God at any and blood, eeen Jesus Christ ; not by
time. If we love one another, God waier only, hut hy water and blood.
dweileth in us, and his love is perfect- And it is the Spirit that beareth testi-
ed in us. mony, because the Spirit is truth.
13 By this we know that wc dwell 7 For there are three that bear tes-
in him, and he in us, because he hath timony in heaven, the Father, the
given us of his Spirit. Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these
14 And we have seen and do testify, three are one.
that the Father sent the Son to be the 8 And there are three that bear tes-
Savior of the world. timony on earth, the spirit, and the
15 Whoever shall confess that Jesus water, and the blood : and these three
is tb^ Sun of God, God dweileth in agree in one.
him, and he in God. 9 If we
receive the testimony of
16 And we have known and believ- men, the testimony of Giod is greater:

ed the love that God hath to us. God for this is the testimony of God which
is love: and he that dweileth in he hath testified of his Son;
love, dweileth in God, and God in 10 He that believeth on the Son of
him. God hath the witness in himself: he
17 In this is our love made perfect, that believeth not God, hath made
Exhortation to II. JOHx\. Christian lott.

him a because he hath not believ-

liar, er sin a tehicKis not to death, he shall
ed the testimony that God gave of his ask, and he will give him life for them,
Son. that sin not to death. There is a sin
11 And this is the testimony, that to death : I do hot say that he shall
God hath given to us eternal life : and pray for it.

this life is in his Son. 17 All unrighteousness is sin: and

12 He that hath the Son, hath life j there is a sin not to death.
imd he that hath not the Son of God, 16 Weknow that whoever is born
hath not life. of God, sinneth not; but he that is
13 These things have I written to begotten of God, keepeth himself, and
you that believe on the name of the that wicked one touchetli him not.
Son of God i that ye may know that 19 And we know that we are of
ye have eternal life, and that ye may God, and the whole world lieth in
believe on the name of the Son of God. wickedness.
14 And this is the confidence that 20 And we know that the Son of
we have in him, that if we ask any God hath come, and hath given us an
thing according to his will, he heareth understanding, that we may know
us him that is true, and we are in him
15 And if we know
that he heareth that is true, even in his Son Jesus
us, whatever we ask, we know that Christ. This is the true God, and
we have the petitions that we desired eternal life.
from him. 21 Little children, keep yourselves
16 If any man shall see his broth- from idols. Amen.

1 The Second Epistle of JOHN.

I He exborteth a certain honorable matron, heard from the beginning, ye should
with her Cliildren, to persevere in Christian
lovfl and heiief, 8 lest they lose the rewani
walk in it.
of their former profession 10 and to have ; 7 For many deceivers have entered
nothing to do with those seducers that bring into the world, who confess not that
not the true doctrine of Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.
H'^HE elder to iheelect lady, and her This is a deceiver, and an antichrist.
X children, whom I love in the 8 Look to yourselves, that we lose
truth ; and not I only, but also all not those things which we have
they that have knosvn the truth; wrought, but that we receive a full re-
2 For the sake of the truth which ward. .

dwelleth in us, and will be with us 9 Whoever transgresseth, and abi-

for ever. delh notin thedoctrineof Christ, hath
3 Grace be with you, mercy, and
. not God. He that abideth in the doc-
peace from God the Father, and from trine of Christ, he hath both the Fa-
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the ther and the Son.
Father, iti truth aud love. 10 If any one cometh to you, and
4 I rejoiced greatly, that I found of bringeth not this doctrine, receive him
thy children walking in truth, as we not mto your house, neither wish him
have received a commandment from happiness
the Father. 11 For he that wisheth him happi-
5 And now I beseech thee, lady, ness, is partaker of his evil deeds.
not as though new com- I wrote a 12 Having many things to write to
mandinent to thee, but that which we you, I would nol write with paper and
had from, the beginning, that we love ink but 1 trust to come to you, and

one another. speak face to face, that our joy may

6 Aiid this is love, that we walk be full.
according to his commandments. This 13 The children of thy elect sister
isthe commandment, that as ye have greet thee. Amen.
1 The Third Epistle of JOHN.
He commendeth Galus tv>r lils piety 5 and such, that we may be fellow-helpen
hospitality 7 tn true preachers 9 complain-
to the truth.
ing of the unkind dealing of ambitlouE Dlo-
trephes on the contrary side, ii whose evil 9 1 wrote church but Dio-
to the :

eXHiTiple is not to he followed is and glv-

: trephes, who loveth to have the pre-
eth special testimony to the good report of
eminence among them, receivctn us
THE elder
Gaius, whom
the well-beloved
I love in truth.
10 Wherefore, if I come, I will re-
member his deeds which he doeth,
2 Beloved, 1 wish above all things prating against us with malicious
that thou mayest prosper and be in words : and not content with that,
health, even as thy soul prospereth. neither doth he himself receive the
3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren, and foibiddeth them that
brethren came and testified of the would, and casieth th,em out of the
truth that is in thee, even as thou church.
walkest in the truth. 11 Beloved, follow not that which
4 I have no greater joy than to is evil, but that which is good. He
hear that my children walk in truth. that doeth good is of God : but he
5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully that doeth evil hath not seen God.
whatever thou doest to the brethren, 12 Demetrius hath good report by
and to strangers all men, and by the truth itself: and
6 Who have borne testimony of we also bear testimony ; and ye know
Ihy charity before the church : whom that our testimony is true.
if thou shalt bring forward on their 13 1 had many things to write, but
journey after a godly sort, thou wilt I will not with ink and pen write to
do well: thee
7 Because for his name's sake they 14 But I trust I shall shortly see
went forth, taking nothing from the thee, and we shall speak face to f^ce.
Gentiles. Peace be to thee. Out friends salute
8 We therefore ought to receive thee. Greet the friends by name.

1 The general Epistle of JUDE.

Be exhoiteth them to be constant in the pro- dained to this condemnation, ungodly
fession of the f^th. 4 False teachers have
crept In to seduce Qiem ; for whose damna-
men, turning the grace of our God into
ble doctrine and manners, horrihle punish- lasciviousness, and denying the only
ment is prepared: 30 whereas the podly by Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
the assistance of tlie Holy Spirit, and
prayers to God, may persevere and prow in 5 I will therefore, put you in re-
grace, and keep themselves, and recover membrance, though ye once knew
others out oftiie snares of those deceivers.
this, that the Lord, having saved the

JUDR, the servant of Jesus Christ, people out of the land of Egypt, after-
and brother of Jnmes, to them ward destroyed them that believed not.
Ihat are sanctified by God the Father, 6 And the angels who kept not
and preserved in Jesus Christ, and their first state, out left their own
called habitation, he hath reserved in ever-
2 Mercy to you, and peace, and lasting chains under darkness to the
love, be muldplied. judgment of the great day.
3 Beloved, when I gave all dili- 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,
gence to write to you concerning the and the cities about them in like man-
common salvation, it was needful for ner, giving theniselves over to impu-
me to write to you, and exhort yau rity, and going after strange flesh, are
that ye sbotjid earnestly contend for set forth tut an example, sufTering the
the faith, which was once delivered to vengeance of eternal fire.
the saints. 8 Likewise also these JUlhy dream-
4 For certain men have crept in un- ers defile the flesh, despise dominion,
awares, who were before of old or- and speak evil of dignities.
Constancy of the faith. REVELATION. Coming of Christ.
9 Yet Michael the archangel, when 16 These are murmurers, complain-
contending with the devil he disputed ers, walking after their own lusts;
about the bodj; of IVToses, durst not and their mouth sptaketh great
bring against him a railing accusation, swelling words, having men's per-
but said, The Lord rebuke thee. sons in admiration because of advan-
10 But these speak evil of those tage.
things which they know not: but 17 But, beloved, remember ye the
what they know naturally, as bruie words which were
spoken before
beasts, in those things they corrupt by the apostles of our Lord Jesus
themselves. Christ
14 Woe to them for they have
! 18 liiat they told you there would
gone in the way of Cain, and run be mockers in the last time, who
greedily after the error of Balaam for would walk after their own ungodly
reward, and perished in the gainsay- lusts,
ing, of Core. 19 These are they who separate
12 These are spots in your feasts of themselves, sensual, haviiig not the
charity, when they feast with you, Spirit.
feeding themselves without fear '20 But ye, beloved, buildingsp your-
clouds Mey a« without water, carried selves on yuur most holy faith, pray-
about by vvinds; withered autumnal ing by the Holy Spirit,
trees, v>;ithout fruit, twice dead, pluck- 21 Keep yourselves in the love of
ed out by the roots; God, looking for the mercy of our
13 Raging waves of the see, foam- Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.
ing out tntir own shame; wandering 22 And of some have compassion,
stars, to whom is reserved the black- making a difference:
ness of daikness for ever. 23 And others save with fear, pull-
14 And Enoch also, the seventh ing <A«m out of the fire; hating even
from Adam, prophesied of these, say- the garment spotted by ihe flesh.
ing. Behold, the Lord cometh with 24 Now to hiin that is able to keep
ten thousands of his saints, you from falling, and to present you
15 To execute judgment upon all, faultless before the presbnce of his
and to convict all that are ungodly glory with exceeding joy,
among them of all their ungodly 25 To God the only wise, our Sa-
deeds which they have impiously vior, be glory and majesty, dominion
committed, and of all their hard and power, both now and ever.
speeches which ungodly sinners have Amen.
spoken against him.


CHAPTER L which are written therein : for the
time is at hnnd.
John seven
1 0HN
4 WTitetli his revelation to the
churches of Asia slgniHed by the seven 4 the seven churches
golden ~cani]ieslicks. 7 The coming of Jwhich are in Asia: Grace 6«
. Christ. 14 His glorious power and ma- to you, and peace, from him who is,
ana who was, and who is to come;
THE Revelation of Jesus
which God gave him, to
to show
and from the seven Spirits who are
before his throne
to his servants things which must 5 And from Jesus Christ, who is
shortly come to pass; and he sent the faithful witness, and the first-be-
and signified it by his angel to his ser- gotten of the dead, and the prince of
vant John: the kings of the earth. O'o him that
2 Who
bore testimony of the word loved us, and washed us from our sins
of God, and of the testimony of in his own blood,
Jesus Christ, and of all things that he 6 And hath made us kings and
saw. priests to God and his Father; to him
3 Blessed is he that readeth, and be glory and dominion for ever and
they that hear the words of this ever. Amen.
prophecy, and keep those things 7 Behold, he cometh with clouds
Vision CHAPTER II. qf Christ.
and every eye shall see him, and they dlesticks which thou sawest are the
aiao who pierced him : and all kin- seven churches.
dreds of the earth shall wail because CHAPTER II.
of him. F/ven so, Amen. What Is comtnnnilecl to be written to the an-
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the be- gels (that Is, the ministers) of the churches
of 1 Gphesus, D 3,-nyma, la Pergami)s, la
ginning and the ending, saith the Thyatira: anil whit Is cominendjd, or
Lord, who is, and who was, and who found wanting in them.
is to come, the Almighty. 'I'^O the angel of tiie church of Eph^
9 I John, who also am your broth- X esus write These things saith he

er, and companion in tribulation, and that hold^rh the peven stars in his
in the kingdom and patience of Jesus right hand, who walkoth in the midst
Christ, was in the isle that is called of the seven golden candlesticks;
Patmos, for the word of God, and for 2 I know thy works, and thy labor,
the testimony of Jesus Christ. and thy patience, and that ihou canst
iO I was in the Spirit on the Lord's not bear them who are evil; and thou
Hay, and heard behind me a great h.131 tried ihem who say they are
voice, as of a trumpet, apostles, and are not ; and hast found
11 Saying, I am Alpha and Ome- them liars
ga, the first and the last: and. What 3 And
hast borne, and hast pa-
thou seest, write in a book, and send tience, and for my name's sake bast
it to the seven churches which are in labored, and hast nut fainted.
Asia; to Rphesus, and to Smyrna, 4 Nevertheless, I have sameahat
and to Pergamos, and Thyatira,
to against thee, because thou hast left
and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, thy first love.
and to Laodicea. 5 Remember therefore from whence
12 And I turned to see the voice thou hast fallen, and repent, and do
that spoke with me. And having turn- the first works; or else I will come
ed, I saw seven golden candlesticks to thee quickly, and remove thy can-
13 And in the midst of the seven dlestick out of its place, except thou
candlesticks one like the Son of man, repent.
clothed with a garment down to the 6 But this thon hast, that thou ha-
foot, and girt about the paps with a testthedeedsof the Nicolaitans, which
golden girdle. I also hate.
14 His head and his hairs were 7 He that hath an ear. let him hear
while like wool, as white as snow; what the Spirit saith to the churches;
and his eyes were as a flame of fire To him that overcometh will I give to
15 And his feet like fine brass, as if eat of the tree of life, which Is in the
they burned in a furnace; and his midst of the paradise of God.
voice as the sound of many waters. 8 And to the angel of the church in
16 And he had in his right hand Smyrna, write; These things saith
seven stars and out of his mouth
: the first and the last, who was dead,
went a sharp two-edged sword and : and is alive
his countenance was as the sun shi- 9 I know thy works and tribula-
neth in his strength. tion, and poverty, (but thon art rich)
17 And when I saw him, I fell at and I know the blasphemy of them
his feet as dead. And he laid his who say they are Jews, and are not,
right hand upon me, saying to me. but are the synagogue of Satan.
Fear not; 1 am the first and the 10 Fear none of those things which
last: thon shall suffer. Behold, the devil
18 / am he that liveth, and was will cast some of you into prison, that
dead; and behold, I am alive for ever- ye may be tried; and ye shall have
more, Amen; and have the keys of tribulation ten days. Be thou faith-
hell and of death. ful to d«ath, and I will give thee a
19 Write the things which thou crown of life.
hast seen, and the things which are, 11 He that hath an ear, let him
and the things which shall be here- hear what the Spirit saith to the
after; churches ; He that overcometh, shall
20 The mystery
of the seven stars not be hurt by the second death.
which thou sawest in my right hand, 13 And to the angel of the church
and the seven golden candlesticks. in Pergamos write; These things
The seven stars are the angels of the saith he who hath the sharp sword
seven churches : and the seven can- with two edges;
To the seven REVELATION. churches of Asia.
13 I know thy works, and where speak I will put upon you no other

thou dwellest, even where Satan's burden :

seat is: and thou boldest fast my 25 But th^t which ye hare already
name, and hast not denied my faith, hold fast till I come.
even in those days wherein Antipas 26 And he that overcometh, and
was my faitliful martyr, who was keepeth my works to the end, to him
slain among you, where Satan dwell- will I givepower over the nations:
eth. 1 27 (And he shall rule them with a
14 But I have a few things against rod of iron as the vessels of a potter

thee, because thou hast tliere them shall they be broken lo sliivers :) even
that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who as I received of my Father.
taught Halak to cast a stumbling- 28 And I will give him the morn-
block before the children of Israel, to ing-star.
eat things sacrificed to idols, aiid to 29 He that hath an ear, let him
commit lewdness. hear what the Spirit saith to the
15 So hast thou also them that churches.
hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans,
which thing I hate. CHAPTER III.

16 Repent or else I will come to

1 The of the church of Sardfs is re-
proveii, 3 exhoneU
to repent, and threaten-
thee quickly, and will fight against ed if he does not repent. 8 The angel of
them with the sword of my mouih. the church of Philadelphia, ID is anuroved
17 He that hath an ear, let him for his diligence and p:ttience. 15 The an-
gel of Laodicea is rebuked, for being nei-
hear what the Spirit saith to the ttier hut nor cold, 19 and admonished tube
churches; To him that overcometh more zealous. 2i) Christ slandeth at the
door, and knoclceth.
will I give to eat of the hidden manna,
and will give him a white stonei, and
on the stone a new name written,
AND to the angel of the
Sai'dis write j
church in
These things saith
which no man knoweth, he excepted, he that hath the seven Spirits of God,
that receiveth it. and the seven stars ; I know t'ly
18 And to the angel of the church works, that thou hast a name, that
in Thyatira write; These things saith thou livest, and art dead.
the Son of God, who hath his eyes 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the
like a fl^me of fire, and his feet are things which remain, that are ready
like fine brass to die: for I have not found thy works
19 I know thy works, and charity, perfect before God.
and service, and faith, and thy pa- 3 Remember therefore how thou
tience, and thy works ; and the last hast received and heard, and hold fast,
to be more than the first and repent. If therefore thou shalt
20 Notwithstanding, I have a few not watch, I will come on thee as a
things against thee, because thou suf- thief, and thou shalt not know what
ferest that woman Jezebel, who call- hour I will come upon thee.
eth herself a prophetess, to teach and 4 Thou hast a few names even in
to seduce riiy servants to commit Sardis which have not defiled their
lewdness, and to eat things sacrificed garrnenis; and they shall walk with
to idols. me in while for they are worthy.

21 And I gave her time to repent 5 He that overcometh, the same

of her lewdness, and she repented shall be clothed in white raiment;
not. and I will not blot out his name out
22 Behold, I will cast her into her of the book of life, but I will confess
bed, and them that commit adultery his name before my Father, and be-
with her into great tribulation, except fore his angels.
they repent of their deeds. 6 He that hath an ear, let him hear
23 And I will kill her children with what the Spirit saith to the churches.
death; and all the churches shall 7 And to the angel of the church in
know that I aih he who searcheth the Philadelphia
write ' These things
reins and hearts : and I will give to saith he that is holy, he that is true,
every one of you according to your he that hath the key of David, he
works. that openeth, and no man shutteth;
24 But to you I say, and to the rest and shutteth, and no man openeth:
in Thyatira, As many as have not 8 I know thy works: behold, I
this doctrine, and who have not have set before thee an open dour, and
known the depths of Satan, as they no man can shut it : far thou hast a
Ckritfa invitation CHAPTER IV. andpromiae.
little and hast kept my word,
strength, even as I also overcame, and am seat-
and hast not denied my name. ed with my Father on his throne.
9 Behold,,! will make them of the 22 He that hath an ear, let him
synagogue of Satan, who say they hear what the Spirit saith to the
are Jews, and are not, but do fie; be- churches,
hold, I will make them to come and
worship before thy feet, and to know CHAPTER IV.
that I have loved thee. •2 John seeth the throne of God In heaven. 4
10 Because thou hast kept the word The four and twenty elders. 6 The four
living beings ftiil of eyes before and behind.
of my patience, 1 also will keep thee 10 Tm elders lay down their crowns, and
from the hour of temptation, which worship him tiiat sat on the throne.
shall come upon all the world, to try AFTER this I looked, and behold,
them that dwell upon the earth. a door was opened in heaven:
11 Behold, I come
quickly hold : and the first voice which I heard, was
that fast which thou hast, that no as it were of a trumpet talking with
man take thy crown. me which said, Come up hither, and

12 Him that overcometh, will I I will show thee things which must
make a pillar in the temple of my be hereafter.
God, and he shall go out no more 2 And immediately I was in the
and I will write upon him the name spirit: and behold, a throne was set
of my God, and the name of the city in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
of my God, vAidi is new Jerusalem, 3 And be that sat was in appear-
which Cometh down out of heaven ance like a jasper and a sardinestune:
from my God and I will write upon
: and there was a rain-bow around the
him my new name. throne in sight like an emerald.
13 He that hath an ear, let him 4 And around the throne were four
hear what the Spirit saith to the and twenty seals; and upon the seats
churches. I saw four and twenty elders sitting,
14 And to the angel of the church clothed in white raiment; and ihey
of theLaodiceans write; These things had on their heads crowns of gold.
saith the Amen, ihe faithful and true 5 And out of the throne proceeded
witness, the beginning of the creation lighttiings and thunderings and voi-
of God; ces. And tkere were seven lamps of
15 I know thy works, that thou art fire burning before the throne, which
neither cold nor hot: I would thou are the seven Spirits of God.
wen cold or hot. 6 And before the throne there waa
16 So then, because thou art luke- a sea of glass like crystal And in the :

warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will midst of the throne, and around the
vomit thee out of my mouth ihrone, were four living beings full of
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, eyes before and behinoT '

and increased with goods, and have 7 And the first living being was like
need of nothing ; and knnwest not a lion, and the second living being
that thou art wretched, and miser- like a calf, and the third hving being
able, and poor, and blind, and na- had a face as a man, and the fourth
ked: living being was like a flying eagle.
18 I counsel thee to buy of gold me 8 And the four living beings had
tried in the fire, that thou raayest be each of them six wings about him;
rich; and white raiment, that thou and they were full of eyes within ^nd :

mayest be clothed, and2/ui< the shame they rest not day and night,- saying,
of thy nakedness may not appear; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
and anoint thy eyes with eye-salve, who was, and is, and is, to come.
that thou mayest see. 9 And when
those living beings
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and give glory, and honor, and thanks to
chasten be zealous therefore, and re-
: him than sat on the throne, who Uv-
pent. eth for ever and ever,
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and 10 The four and twenty elders fall
knock: If any man shall hear my down before him that sat on 'the
voice, and open the door, I will come throne, and worship him. that liveth
in to him, and will sup with him, and for ever and ever, and cast their
be with me. crowns before the throne, saying,
21 To him that overcometh will I 1 Thou art worthy, Lobd, to re-
grant to sit with me on my throne, ceive glory, and honor, and power?
22 253
Opening of the REVELATION, tteen staU.
for thou hast created alb things, and 12 Saying with a loud voice. Wor-
for thy pleasure they are and were thy is the Lamb that was slain to re-
ereatbd. ceive power, and riches, and wisdom,
and strength, and honor, and glory,
CHAPTER V. and blessing.
1 The book sealed with seven seals: 9 which 13 And every creature which is in
only Che Lamb was
slain id worthy (o
open : 12 Therefore Ihe elders praise him, heaven, and on the earth, and under
9 and confess that he ledeemed ihem with the earth, and such as are in the sea,
his blood. and all that are in them, I heard say-
saw in the right hand of

that sat on the tlirone a book

ing, Blessing, and honor, and glory,
and power, be to him thatsitteih upon
written within and on the backside, the tlirone, and to the Lamb for ever
sealed with seven seals. and ever.
2 And I saw a strong angel pro- And the four living beings said,
claiming with a loud voice, is Who Amen. And the four and twenly el-
worthy to open the book, and to loose ders fell down and worshiped him that
its seals 1 liveth for ever and ever.
3 And no man in heaven, nor in
earth, neither under the earth, was
I The opening of the seals in order, and what
able to open the book, neither tu look followed containing a prophecy
; to Ihe end
upon it. of the world.
4 And
man was found
I wept much, because no
worthy to open, and
AND saw when the Lamb opened
one of
the seals, as
1 heard,
to read the book, neither to look upon itwere the noise of thunder, one of
it. the four living beings saying. Come
B And one of the elders saith to me, and see.
Weep not behold, the Lion
: of the 2 And I saw, and behold, a white
tribe of J udah, the Ropt of David, hath horse and he that sat on him had a

prevailed to open the book, and to bow ; and a crown was given to him
loose its seven seals. and he went forth conquering, and to
6 And I beheld, and lo, in the midst conquer.
of the throne, and of the four living 3 And when he had opened the
beings, and in the midst of the elders second seal, I heard Ihe second living
stood a Lamb as it had been slain, hav- being say. Come and see.
ing seven horns, and seven eyes, which 4 And there went out another horse
ore the seven Spirits of God sent forth thnt was red and power was given lo

into all the earth. him that sat upon him to take peace
7 And he came and took the book from the earth, and that they should
out of the right hand of him that eat kill one another and there was given

opon the throne. to him a great sword.

8 And when he had taken the book, 5 And when he had opened the
the four living beings, and four and third seal, I heard the third hving be-
twenly elders fell down before the ing say, Come and see. And 1 belield,
Lamb, having every one of them and lo, a black horse; and he that
harps, and golden vials full of odors, sat on him had a pair of balances in
which are the prayers of saints. his hand.
9 And they sung a new song, say- 6 And I heard a voice in the midst
ing, Thou art worthy to take the of the four living beings say, A mtas-
book, and to open the seals of it: for ure of wheat for a penny, and three
thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us measures of barley for a penny ; and
to God by thy blood out of every kin- see thou hurt not tne oil and the wine.
dred, and language, and people, and 7 And when he had opened the
nation fourth seal, I heard the voice of the
10 And. hast made us to our God fourth livine being say. Come and see.
kings and priests and we shall reign
: 8 And I Tooked, and behold, a pale
on the earth; horse and his name that sat on him

11 And I beheld, and I heard the was Death, and hell followed with
voice of many angels around the him. And power was given to them
throne, and the living beings, and the over Ihe fourth part of the earth, to
elders: and the number of inem was kill with sword, and with hunger, and
ten thousand times ten thousand, and with death, and with the beasts of the
thousands of thousands earth.
The number CHAPTER VII. qfthe sealed.
9 Aad when he bad opened the fifth it was given to hurt the earth and the
seal, I saw under Che altar the souls sea,
of them that were slain for the word 3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, nei-
of God, and for the testimony which ther the sea, nor the trees, till we have
they held sealed the servants of our God in their
10 And they cried with aloud voice, foreheads.
saying. How long, O Lord, holy and 4 And I heard the number of them
true, dust thou not judge and avenge who were sealed: and there were
our blood on them that dwell on the sealed a hundred and forty-four thou-
earth 1 sand of all the tribes of the children
1 And white robes were given to of Israel.
every one of them ; and it was said to 5 Of the tribe of Judah were sealed
them, that they should rest yet for a twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reu-
season, until their fellow-servants
little ben were sealed twelve thousand. Of
also and their brethren, that should the tribe of Gad were sealed twelvti
be killed as they were, should be ful- thousand.
filled. 6 Of the tribe of Asher were seal-
12 And I beheld when he had open- ed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of
ed the sixth seal, and lo, there was a Naphlalim were sealed twelve thou-
great earthquake; and the sim became sand. Of the tribe of Manasses were
black as sackcloth of hair, and the sealed twelve thousand.
moon became as blood: 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were seal-
13 And the stars of heaven fiell to ed twelve thousand. Of the iribe of
the earth, even as a fig-tree castelh its Levi were sealed twelve thousand.
untimely figs, when it is shaken by a Of the tribe of Isachar were sealed
mighty wind. ^ twelve thousand.
14 And the heaven departed as a 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were seal-
scroll when it is rolled together; and ed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of
every mountain and isle were moved Joseph were sealed twelve chousandw
out of their places. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed
15 And the kings of the earth, and twelve thousand.
the great men, and the rich men, and 9 After this 1 beheld, and lo, a great
the chief captains, and the mighty multitude, which no man could nui»-
men, and e\ery bond-man^ and every ber, of all nations, and kindreds, and
free'man, hid themselves the dens, m people, and languages, stood before
and in the rocks of the mountains; the throne, and before the Lamb^
16 And said to the mountains and clothed with white robes, and palms
locks, Fall on us, and hide us from in their hands
the lace of him that sitteth on the 10 And cried with a loud voice, say-
throne, and from the wrath of the ing, Salvation to our God who sitteth
Lamb upon the throne, and to the Lamb.
17For the great day of his wrath 11 And the angels stood around
is come and who will be able to
; the throne, and about the elders and
stand 7 the four living beings, and felt before
the throne on their faces, and wor-
shiped God,
3 An angel sealeth the servants of God in
12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and
their fureheads. 4 The number of them
that were sealed ; of the tribes of Israel a glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiv-
certain number, 9 of all other nations an In- ing, and honor, and power, and might,
nuuiemble multitude, who stand before the
throne, clad In white robes, and palms in be to our God for ever and ever.
their hands : 14 Their robes were washed Amen.
in the bloud of the Lamb.
13 And one of the elders answered,
AND saw four
after these things I
angels standing on the four cor-
saying to me. Who are these that are
arrayed in white robes'? and whence
ners of the earth, holding the four came they?
winds of the earth, that the wind 14 And I said to him, Sir, thoii
should not blow on the earth, nor on knowest. And he said to me. These
the sea, nor on any tree. are they who came oat of great trib-
2 And I saw another angel ascend- ulation, and have washed their robes,
ing from the east, having the seal of and made them white in the blood of
the Uving God : and he cried with a the Lamb.
loud voice to the four angels, to whom 15 Therefore they are before the
Angdt viilh trumpets. REVELATION. Trumpets sounded.
throne of Grod, and serve him day and en, burning as it were a lamp, and it

nisht in his temple: and he'that slt- upon the third part of the rivers,
teth on the throne will dwell among and upon the fountains of waters;
them. 11 And the name of the star is call-
16 They shall hunger no more, ed Wormwood and : the third part of
neither thirst any more ; neither shall the watersbecame wormwood; and
the sun light on them, nor any heat. many men died by the waters, because
17 For the Lamb who is in the they were made bitter.
midst of the throne will feed them, 12 And the fourth angel sounded,
and will lead them to living fountains and the third part of the sun was
of waters and God will
: wijpe away smitten, and the third part of the
all tears from their eyes. moon, and the third part of the stars
so that the thnd part of them was
CHAPTER VIII. darkened, and the day shone not for
I At the opening of the seventh seal, s seven a third part of it, and the night like-
angels have seven trumpets given them.
6 Four of them sound their trumpets, and
greatpldgues follow. 3 Anntherangel put- 13 And I beheld, and heard an an-
telh incense to tlm pruyers of the saints on gel flying llirough the midst of heav-
the golden altar.
en, saying with a loud voice, Woe^
AND when he had opened
enth was seal, there
the sev-
silence in
woe, woe, to the inhabitrrs of the
earth, by reason of the other voices
heaven ahout the space of half an of the trumpet of the three angels,
hour. which are yet to sound I

2 And I saw the seven angels who CHAPTER IX.

stood before God ; and to them were the sounding of the AfXh angel, a star
I At
given seven trumpets. fulleth from heaven, to whom is given the
3 And another angel came and key of the bouomless pit :2 He opcneth the

pit, and there come forth locusts like scor-

IBtood at the altar, having a golden pions. 12 the first woe past. 13 The sixth
censer and there was given to him
; trumpet soundeth, 14 Four angels are let
much incense, that he should offer it loose, that were bound.
with the prayers of all saints upon
the golden altar which was before the
AND Ihe fifth angel sounded, and I
saw a star the
throne. earth and to him was given- the key

: 4 And the smoke of the incense, of the bottomless pit.

whidi came with the prayers of the 2 And he opt^ned the bottomless
saints, ascended before God out of the pit ; and there arose a smoke out of
angel's hand. the pit, as the smoke of a great fur-
5 And the angel took the censer, nace; and the sun and the air were
and filled it with fire of the altar, and darkened by reason of the smoke of
cast it upon the earth and there were : the pit.
voices, and thunderings, and light- 3 And there came out of the smoke
nings, and an earthquake. locusts upon the earth and to them :

6 And the seven angels who had was given power, as the scorpions of
the seven trumpets prepared them- the earth have power.
selves to sound. 4 And it was commanded them that
7 The first anp;el sounded, and they should not hurt the grass of the
there followed haii and fire mingled earth, neither any green thing, nei-
with blood, and they were cast upon ther any tree; but only those men
the earth : and the third part of trees who have not the seal of God in their
was burnt up, and all green grass was foreheads.
burnt up. 5 And to them it was given that
8 And the second angel sounded, they should not kill them, but that
and as it were a great mountain burn- they should be tormented five months
ing with fire cast into the sea; and and their torment was as the torment
the third part of the sea became of a scorpion, when he striketh a
tdood man.
9 And the thnd part of the crea-
.. 6 And in those days shall men
tmes which were in the sea, and had seek death, and Shall not find It ; and
life,died and the third part of the
; shall desire to die, and death shall flee
ships were destroyed. from thein^
10 And the third angel sounded, 7 And the shapes of the lociista
and there fell a great star from heav- were hke to horses prepared for bat-
Ffmr angels CHAPTER X. loosed, if-e.

tie;and on their heads were as it murders, nqr of their sorceries, nor of

were crowns like gold, and their faces their lewdness, nor of their thefts.
were as the faces of men.
8 And they had hair as the hair of CHAPTER X.
women, and their teeth were as the A mighty strong angel appeareth with a
book open In his hand. 6 Ho sweareth by
teeth of lions. him that llveth for ever, that there shall be
9 And
they had breast-plates, as it no more time. 9 Joha Is commaiicled to tabe
and eat the book.
were breast-plates of iron ; and the
sound of their wings was as the sound
of chariots of many horses running
AND saw another mighty angel
come down from heaven, cloth-
to battle. ed wilh & cloud
and a rainbow wa«

10 And they had tails like scor- upon and his face was as it
his head,
pions, and there were slings in their were the sun, and his feet as pillars of
tails : and their power was to hurt fire:
men five months. 2 And he had in his hand a little
11 And they had a king over them, book open and he set his right foot

who the angel of the bottomless

is upon the sea, and his left fooc on the
pit, whose name
in the Hebrew lan- earth,
guage is Abaddon, but in the Greek 3 And cried with a loud voice, as
language he hath his name Apollyon. when a lion roareth : and when he had
12 One woe is past; and behold, cried, seven thunders uttered their
there come two woes more hereafter. voices.
13 And the sixth angel sounded, 4 And when the seven thunders had
and 1 heard a voice from the four uttered their voices, 1 was about to
horns of the golden altar which is be- write : and I heard a voice from heav-
fore God, en saying to me, Seal up those things
14 Saying to the sixth angel who which the seven thunders uttered, and
had the trumpet. Loose the lour an- write them not.
geU who are bound in the great river 5 And the angel which I saw stand
Euphrates. upon the sea and upon the earth lifted
15 And the four angels were loosed, up his hand to heaven,
who were prepared for an hour, and a 6 And swore by him that liveth for
day, and a month, and a year, to slay ever and ever, who created heaven,
the third part of men. and the things that are in it, and the
16 And the number of the army of earth, and the things that are in it,
the horsemen was two hundred thou- and the sea, and the things which are
sand thousand and I heard the num-
: in it, that there should be time no
ber of them. longer
17 And thus I saw the horses in 7 But in the days of the voice of the
the vision, and them that saton them, seventh angel, when he shell begin to
haying breast-plates of fire, and of sound, the mystery of God should be
jacinth,and brimstone and the heads : finished, as he hath declared to his
of the horses were as the heads of li- servants the prophets.
ons : and out of their mouths issued 8 And the voice which I heard
fire,and smoke, and brimstone. from heaven spoke to me again, and
18 By these three was the third said, Go, and
take the little book
part of men killed, by the fire, and by which is open in the hand of the an-
the smoke, and by the brimstone, gel which standeth upon the sea and
which issued out of their mouth. upon the earth.
19 For their power is in their mouth, 9 And I went to the angel, and said
and in their tails : for their tails were to him. Give me the little book. And
and had heads, and
like to serpents, he said to me, Take it, and eat it, and
with them they do hurt. it shall make thy belly bitter, but it

20 And the rest of the men who shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
were not killed by these plagues yet 10 And I took the little book out of
repented not of. the works of their the angel's hand, and ate it ; and it
bands, that they should not worship was in my mouth sweet as honey:
demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and as soon as I had eaten it my bel-
and brass, and stone, and of wood ly was bitter.
which neither can see, nor hear, nor 11 he said to me. Thou must
walk: prophesy again before many peoples,
21 Neither repented they of their and nations, and laneiiages, and kinga.
The two vntncsses prophesy. REVELATION. The great red dragon.
CHAPTER XI. up hither. And they ascended to
a Thetwowinesses prophesy. 6 They have heaven in a cloud ; and their enemies
power to shut heaven, that it rain not. 7 beheld them.
The beast shaii light against them, and kill 13 And the same hour was there a
them. 8 They lie unburietl: U and after
three days and a half rise again. 14 The great earthquake, and the tenth part
aecODd woe is past 15 The seventh trump- of the city fell, and in the earthquake
et soundeth.
were killed of men seven thousand
AND there was given me a reed
like a rod and the angel stood,
and the remnant were
gave glory to the God of heaven.
atl'rlghled, and

saying, Rise, and measure the temple 14 The second woe is past ; and
of God, and the altar, and them that behold, Ihe third woe coineih quickly.
worship in it. 15 And the seventh angel sounded;
2 But the court which is without and there were great voices in heav-
the temple, leave out, and measure it en, saying. The kingdoms of this
not; for it is given to the Gentiles: world are become the kingdoms of our
and the holy city shall they tread un- Lord, and of his Christ ; and he will
der foot forty and two months. reign for ever and ever.
3 And I will give power to my two 16 And the four and twenty elders,
witnesses, and they shall prophesy a who sat bbfore God on their seats,
thousand two hundred and sixty days, fell upon their faces, and worshiped
clothed in sackcloth. God,
4 These are the two olive-trees, and 17 Saying, We give thee ihanks, O
the two candlesticks standing before Lord God Almighty, who art, and
the God of the earth. wast, and art to come; because thou
5 And if any man will hurt them, hast taken to thee thy great power,
fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and hast reigned.
»nd devoureth their enemies: and if 18 And the nations were angry, and
any man will hurt them, he must in thy wrath is come, and the lime of
this manlier be killed. the dead, that they should be judged,
6 These have power to shut heav- and that thou shouldrst give reward
en, that it rain not in the days of their to thy servants the prophets, and to
prophecy and have power over wa-
: the saints, and them tnat fear thy
ters to turn them to blood, and to name, small and great; and «hould-
smite the earth with all plagues, as est destroy them who destroy the
often as they will. earih.
7 And when they shall have finish- 19 And the temple of God was
ed their testimony, the beast that as- opened and there was seen
in heaven,
cendethout of the bottomless pit shall in his temple the ark of his testa-
make war against them, and shall ment : and there were lightnings, and
overcome them, and kill them. voices, and thunderings, and an earth-
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in quake, and great hail.
the street of the great city, which
spiritually is called Sodom and Rgypt,
where also our Lord was crucified. 1 A woman clothed with the sun travaileth.
4 The great red dragon standeth before
9 And they of the people, and kin- her, ready to devour her child. 6 When
dreds, and languages, and nations, she was delivered she lleeth into the wil-
derness. 7 Michael and his angels light
shall see their dead bodies three days with the dragon, and prevail. |3 The drag-
and a half, and shall not suffer their on being cast down to the earth, persecu-
dead bodies to be put in graves. teth the woman.
10 And they that dwell upon the
earth shall rejoice over them, and
there appeared a great won-
in heaven ; a woman clothed
make merry, and shall send gifts one with the sun, and the moon under her
to another j because these two proph- feet, and upon her head a crown of
ets tormented them that dwelt on the twelve stars
earth. 2 And she being with child, cried,
11 And after three days and a half travailing in birth, and pained to be
the Spirit of life from God entered delivered.
iiito them, and they stood upon their 3 And there appeared another won-
feet; and peat fear fell upon them der in heaven ; and behold, a great
vrho saw tnem. red dragon, having seven heads and
12 And they heard a great voice ten horns, and seven crowns upon hia
from heaven, saying to them, Come heads.
TTie dragon overcome. CHAPTER XIII. The beast icithsevm heads.
4 And drew the third part and swallowed up the flood which the
his tail
of the aiars of heaven, and cast them dragon cast out of his mouth.
to the earth: and the dragon stood^ iil And the dragon was wroth with
before the w^nian who was ready to the woman, and went to make war
be delivered, to devuur her child as with the remnant of her seed, who
soon as it was born. keep the commandments of God, and
6 And she brought forth a male have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
child, who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron : and her child CHAPTER XIII.
I A benft rlseth out of the sea with seven
was caught up to God, and to his heads'aad ten boms, to whom the tlr<t?on
throne. glvethjils power. 11 Aiiotherbeastcoracth
6 And the woman fled into the wil- up out SI Uie earth ; 14 causetli an Imagi: lo
be made of the former tieast, 15 and that
derness, where she hath a place pre- men should worship It, 16 and receive hia
pared by God, that they should feed mark.
her there a thousand two hundred
and sixty days.
AND stood upon the sand of the
and saw a beast rise out of
7 And there was war in heaven the sea, having seven heads and ten
Michael and his angels fought against horns, and upon his horns ten crowns,
the dragon; and tne dragon fought and upon his heads the name of blas-
and his angels, phemy.
8 And prevailed not ; neither was 2 Aiid the beast which I saw was like
their place found any more in heaven. a leopard, and his feet were as the feet
9 And the great dragon was cast of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth
ont, that old serpent, called the Devil, of a lion and the dragon gave him

and Satan, wliich deceiveth the whole his power, and his seat, and great au-
world: he was cast out upon the thority.
earth, and his angels were cast out And I saw one of his heads as
with him. itwere wounded to death ; and his
10 And I heard a loud voice saying deadlywound was healed : and all the
in heaven. Now is come salvation, world wondered after the beast.
and strength, and the kingdom of our 4 And they worshiped the dragon
God, and the power of his Christ for : which gave power to the beast and :

the accuser of our brethren is cast they worshiped the beast, saying.
down, who accused them before our Who is like the beast? who is able to
God day and night. make war with him 1
1 And they overcame him by the 5 And there was given to him a
blood of the Lamb, and by the word mouth speakitvg great things antl blas-
of their testimony; and they loved phemies ana power was given to

not their lives even to death. him to continue forty and two months.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, 6 And he opened his mouth in blas-
and ye thai dwell in them. Woe to phemy against God, to blaspheme his
the inhabiters of the earth, and of the name, and his tabernacle, and them
sea! for the devil is come down to that dwell in heaven.
you, having great wrath, because he 7 And it was given
him to make to
knoweth that he hath but a short war with the saints, and to overcome
time. them and power was given him over

13 And when the dragon saw that all kindreds, and languages, and na-
he was cast to the earth, he persecu- tions.
ted the woman who brought forth the 8 And all that dwell upon the earth
ma\e-clilld. shall worship him, whose names are
14 And to the woman were given not written in the book of life of the
two wings of a great eagle, that she Lamb slain from the foundation of
might fly into the wilderness, into her the world.
place, where she is nourished for a 9 If any man hath an ear, let him
time, and times, and half a time, from hear.
the face of the serpent. 10 He that leadeth into captivity
15 And the serpent cast out of his shall go into captivity : he that Killeth
mouth water as a flood after the wo- with the sword must be killed with
man, that he might cause her to be the sword. Here is the patience and
carried away by the flood. the faith of the saints.
16 And the earth helped the wo- 11 And I beheld another beast cc^m-
man, and the earth opened her mouth, ing up out of the earth, and he had
The dreadful beast. REVELATION. Tkefall of Babylon.
two horns like a Iamb, and he spoke defiled with women ; for they are vir-
as a dragon. gins. These are they who follow the
12 And he exerciseth all the po«^ ^amb whithersoever he goeth. These
of the first beast before him, and caus- were redeemed from among men,
oth (he earth and them who dwell in being the first-fruits to God and to the
it to worship the first beast, whose Lamb.
deadly wound was healed. . 5 And in their mouth was found no
13 And he doeth great wonders, so guile: for they are without fault be-
that he maketh fire come down from tore the throne of God. •

heaven on the earth in the 'sight of 6 And I saw another angel fly in
men, the midst of heaven, having the ever-
14 And deceiveth them that dwell lasting gospel to preach to them that
on the earth by the means of those dwell on the earth, and to every na-
miracles which he had power to do in tion, and kindred, and language, and
the sight of the beasl saying to them ; people,
that dwell on the earth, that they 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear
should make an image to the beast, God, and give glory to him for the ;

which had the wound by a sword, and hour of his judgment is come: and
lived. worship him thai made heaven, and
15 And he had power to give life to earth, and the sea, and the fountains
the image of the biiast, that the image of waters.
of the beast should both speak and 8 And there followed another an-
cause that as many as would not gel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen,
worship the image of the beast should that great city, because she made all
be killed. nations drink of the wine of the wrath
16 And he causeth all, both small of her lewdness.
and great, rich and poor, free and bond, 9 And the third angel followed
to receive a mark in their right hand, them, saying with a loud voice. If any
or in their foreheads man worshipeth the beast and his
17 And that no man
might buy or image, and receiveth his mark in his
sell, save hirn that had the mark, or forehead, or in his hand,
the name of the beast, or the number 10 The same shall drink of the
of his name. wine of the wrath of God, which is
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that poured out without mixture into the
hath understanding count the number cup of his indignation; and he shall
of the beast : for il is the number of a be tormented with fire and brimstone
man; and his number is six hundred in the presence of the holy angels, and
and sixty six. in the presence of the Lamb
11 And the smoke of their torment
CHAPTER XIV. ascendeth up for ever and ever: and
1 The Lamb standing on mount Sion with his they have no rest day nor night, who
company 6 an angel preacheth the gospel.
worship the beast and his image,
8 The fall of Babylon. 16 The havve.'it of
the world, and putting in of the sickle. 20 and whoever receiveth the mark of
The vintage and wine-press of the wrath of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints
AND I looked, and lo, a lamb stood
on the mount Sion, and with him
here are they that keep the command-
ments of God, and the faith of Jesua.
a hundred and forty four thousand, 13 And I heard a voice from heav-
having his Father's name written in en, saying to me. Write, Blessed are
their foreheads. the dead who die in the Lord from
2 And I heard a voice from heaven, henceforth Verily, saith the Spirit,

as the voice of many waters, and as that they may rest from their labors;
the voice of a great thunder and I : and their works follow them.
heard the voice of harpers harping 14 And I looked, and behold, a
with their harps white cloud, and upon the cloud one
3 And they sung as it were a new sat like the Son of man, having on
song before the throne, and before the his head a golden crown, and in his
four living beings, and the elders: and hand a sharp sickle.
no man could learn that song but the 15 And another angel came out of
hundred and forty four thousand, who the temple, crying with a loud voice
were redeemed from the earth. to him that sat on the cloud. Thrust
4 These are they who were not in thy sickle, and reap : for the time
Seven last plagues. CHAPTER XVI, Vials fall of wrtUh.
is come for thee to reap; for the har- vials full of the wrath of God, who
vest of the earth is ripe. liveth lor ever and ever.
16 And he that sat on the cloudi mAnd the temple was filled with
thrust in his sickle on the earth ; and sin&ke from the glory of God, and
the earth was reaped. from his power; and no man was
17 And another aneel came out of able to enter into the temple, till the
the temple which is in heaven, he also seven plagues of the seven angels
having a sharp sickle. were fulfilled.
18 And another angel came out
from the allsr, who had power over CHAPTER XVI.
fire ; and cried with a loud cry to him 2 The {anfeels pour out their vials full of
wratB s-fthe plagues that follow. 15 Christ
that had the sharp sickle, saying, ci.ri:eih as a thief. Blessed are they that
Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gath- watch.
er the clusters of the vine of the
earth ; for her grapes are fully ripe.
AKD I heard a great voice out of
ihe temple, saying to the seven
19 And the angel t|uust in his angels. Go, and pour out the vials of
sickle into the earth, and gathered the the wrath of God upon the earth.
vine of the earth, and cast it into the 2 And Ihe first went, and poured
great wine-press of the wrath of God. out his vial upon the earth ; and there
20 And the wine-press was trodden fell a noisome and grievous sore upon
without the city, and blood came out the men who had the mark of the
of the wine- press, even to the horses' beast, and upon them who worshiped
bridles, by the space of a thousand his image.
and! six hundred furlungs. 3 And the second angel poured out
his vial upon the sea ; and it became
CHAPTER XV. as the blood of a dead man : and ev-
1 The seven angels with the seven last
plagues. 3 The song of them that over- ery living soul died in the sea.
come the beast 7 The seven vials full of 4 And the third angel poured out
the wtath uf God. his vial upon the rivers ana fountains
AMD I saw another sign in heaven,
great and marvelous, seven an-
of waters ; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the wa-
gels having the seven last plagues; ters say. Thou art righteous, O Lord,
for in them is filled up the wrath of who an, and wast, and wilt be, be-
God. cause thou hast judged thus.
2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass ' 6 For they have shed the blood of
mingled with fire : and them that had saints and prophets, and thou hast
gained the victory over the beast, and given them olood to drink ; for they
over his image, and over his mark, are worthy.
and over the number of his name, 7 And I heard another from the al-
stand on the sea of glass, having the tar say, Even so. Lord God Almighty,
harps of God. true and righteous are thy judgments.
3 And they sing the song of Moses 8 And the fourth angel poured out
the servant of God, and the song of his vial upon the sun ; and power waa
the Lamb, saying, Great and marvel- given to him to scorch men with fire.
ous are thy works, Lord God Al- 9 And men were scorched with
mighty; just and true are thy ways, great heat, and blasphemed the name
thou King of saints. of God, who hath power over these
4 Who shall not fear thee, Lord, plagues': and they repented not to
and glorify thy name? for thmt only give him glory.
art holy : for all nations shall come 10 And the fifth angel poured out
and worship before thee; for thy his vial upon the seat of the beast
judgments are made manifest. and his kingdom was full of darkness;
5 And after that 1 looked, and be- and they gnawed their tonguesforpain,
hold, the temple of the tabernacle of 11 And blaspheined the God of
the testimony in heaven was opened : heaven, because Of' their pains and
6 And the seven angels came out their sores, and repented nut of their
of the temple, having the seven deeds.
filagues, clothed in pure and white 12 And the sixth angel poured out
inen, and having their breasts girded his vial upon the great river Euphra-
with golden girdles. tes; and the water of it was dried up,
7 And one of the four living beings that the way of the kings of the east
gave to the seven angels seven golden might be prepared.
Mystery of Babylon. REVELATION, Mystery interpreted,
13 And I saw three unclean spirits 3 So he carried me a-way in the
like frogs come out of the mouth ofi spirit into the wilderness and I saw :

the dragon, and out of the moutb^llf ,

woman sit upon a scarlet-colored
the beast,' and out of the mouth o^ne n><east, full of names of blasphemy,
false prophet. having seven heads and ten horns.
14 For they are the spirits of de- 4 And the woman was arrayed in
mons, working miracles, which go purple and scarlet-color, and decked
forth to the kings of the earth, and of with gold and precious stones and
the whole, world, to gather them to pearls,, having a golden cup in her
the battle of that great day^of God hand full of abommations and filthi-
Almighty. -jP ness of her lewdness
15 Behold, I come as a thiat bless- 5 And upon her forehead ua« a
ed is he that watcheth, and keepeth name wrilien, MYSTERY,
his garments, lest he walk naked, and LON THEGRKAT, THE MOTH-
they see his shame. ER OP
16 And he gathered them into a NATIONSyjP THE EARTH.
place, called in the Hebrew tongue £ And I law the woman drunken
Armageddon. with the blood of the saints, and with
17 And the seventh angel poured the blood*f the martyrs of Jesus:
out his vial into the air; and there and when I saw her, I wondered with
came a great voice out of the temple great admiration.
of heaven, from the throne, saying, It 7 And the angel said to me, Why
is done. didst thou wander 1 I will tell thee
18 And there were voices, and thun- the mystery of the woman, and of
ders, and lightnings; and there was a the beast that carrieth her, which hath
great earthquake, such as hath not the seven heads and ten horns.

been since men were upon the earth, 8 The beast that thou sawest, wasi
so mighty an earthquake, and so and is not; and shall ascend out of
great. the bottomless pit, and go into perdi-

19 And the great city was divided tioi>: and they that dwell on the earth
into three parts, and the cities of the shall wonder, whose names were not

nations fell and great Babylon came written in the book of life from the

in remembrance before God, to give to foundation of the world, when they

her the cup of the wine of the fiercer behold the beast that was, and is not,
ness of his wrath. and yet is.
20 And every isle fled away, and 9 And here is the mind which hath
the mountains were, not. found. wisdom. The seven heads are seven
21 And there fell upon men a great mountains, on which the woman sit-
hail out of heaven, every stone about teth.
the weight of a talent: and men blas- 10 And there are seven kings; live
phemed God because of the plague of are fallen, and one is, and the other is
the bail ; for the plague of it was ex- not yet come; and when be cometh,
ceeding great. he must continue ii short lime.
11 And the beast that was, and is
CHAPTER XVII. not, even he is the eighth, and is of the
3. 4 a woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, seven, and goelh into perdition.
with a golden cup in her hand, sitleth upon 12 And the ten horns which thoif
the beast, 5 which is great Babylon the
mother of all abominations. 9 The interpre- sawest are ten kings; who have re-
tation of the seven heails, 12 and the ten ceived no kingdom as yet; but receive
horns. .14 The victory of the Lanib. 16 The power as kings one hour with the
punishment of the harlot.
AND came one of
angels who had seven
13 These have one mind, and shall
give their power and strength to the
and talked with me, saying to me, beast.
Come hither; I will show to thee the 14 These wjU make war with the
judgment of the great harlot that sit- Lamb, and the Lainb Will overcome
teth upon many waters them fur he is Lord of lords, and

2 With whom the kings of the King of kings; and they that are
earth have committed lewd deeds, and with him are called, and chosen, and
the inhabitants of the earth have been faithful.
made drunk with the wineof her lewd- 15 And he saith, to me. The waters
ness. which thou sawest, where the harlot
Lamentation of CHAPTER XVIII. Babylon s fall.
sitleth, are peoples, and multitudes,
9, deliciously
delit with her, shall bewail her,
and nations, and languages. and lament fur her, when they shall
16 And iheUen horns which thoi the smoke of her burning,
sawest upon the beast, these sha iMMK ,

Standing afar off for the fear of

hate the harlot, and shall make her her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that
desolate and naked, and shall eat her great city Babylon, that mighty cityi
flesh, and burn her with fire. for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For God hath put in their hearts U And the merchants of the earth
to fulfill his will, and to agree, and shall weep and mourn over her; for
give their kingdom to the beast, until no man buyeth their merchandise any
the words of God sh^ be fulfilled. more*if
18 And the woman whom thou 12 TTO merchandise of gold, and
sawest is that great city, which reign- silver, and precious stones, and of
eth over the kings of tire earth. pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and
CHAPTER XVIH. silk,and scarlet, and all thyine wood,
S Bahyloii is fullcn. 4 The people of God and all vessels of ivory, and all vessels
communtlet) to depart out or her. 9 The of most precious wood, and of brass,
kings of the earth. It with tl]& merchants
and mariners, lament over Her. ao The and iron, and marble,
saints r^uice for the judgments of God upon 13 And cinnamon, and odors, and
her. ointments, and frankincense, and wine,
AND after these things I saw an~
other angel come down from
and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and
beasts, and sheep, and horses, and
heaven, having great power and llie; chariots, and slaves, and souls of
earth was lightened with his glory. men.
2 And he cried mightily with
' '
14 And the fruits that thy soul lust-
strong voice. saying, Babylon the ed after have departed from thee, and
greatls fallen, is fallen, and is become all things which were dainty and
the habitation of demons, and the hold goodly have departed from ihee, and
of every foul spirit, antl a cage of every thou shalt find them no more at all.
unclean and hateful bird. 15 The merchants of these things
3 For all nations have drank of the who were made rich by her, shall
wine of the wrath of her lewdness, stand afar off; for the fear of her tor-
and the kings of the earth have com- ment, weeping and wailing.
mitted lewd deeds with her, and the 16 And saying, Alas, alas^ that
merchants of the earth have become great city, that was clothed in fine
rich through the abundance of her Unen, and purple, and scarlet, and
delicacies. decked with gold, and precious stones,
4 And I heard another voice from and pearls!
heaven, saying. Come out of her, my 17 For in one hour so great riches
people, that ye be not partakers of is come to naught. And every ship-
ner sins, and that ye receive not of master, and all the company in ships,
her plagues. and sailors, and as many as trade hy
5 For her sins have reached to sea, stood afar off,
heaven, and God hath remembered 18 And cried when they saw the
her iniquities. smoke of her burning, saying. What
6 Reward her even as she rewarded city is like this great city
Ton, and double to her double accord- 19 And they cast dust on their
ing to her works: in the cup which heads, and cried, weeping and wail-
she hath filled, fill to her double. ing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city,
7 How much she hath glorified her- in which were made rich all that hacl
self and lived deliciously, so much ships in the sea by reason of her opu-
torment and sorrow give her for she : lence! for in one hour is she made
saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and desolate.
am no widow, and shall see no sor- 20 Rejoice over her thou heaven,
row. and ye holy apostles and prophets;

8 Therefore shall her plagues come for God hath avenged you on her.
in one day, death, and mourning, and 21 And a mighty angel took up a
famine; and she shall be utterly burn- stone like a great millstone, and cast
ed with fire: fur strong is the Lord itinto the sea, saying. Thus with vio-
God who judgeth her. lence shall that great citv Babylon be
9 And the kings of the earth, who thrown down, and shall be no more
have commited lewdness and lived found.
Marriage of REVELATION. . the Lamb,
22 And the voice of harpers, and him. And he said to me, See thoudo
musiciana, and of pipers, and trumpet- it not; I am thy fellow-servant, and
ers, shall be no more heard in th if thy brethren that have the testi-

and no artificer, of whatever craft nony of Jesus worship God : for the

be, ahall be found any more in thee; testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
and the sound of a millstone shall be prophecy.
no more heard in thee 1 And I saw heaven opened, and
23 And the light of a candle shall beliold, a white horse; and he thatsat
shine no more in thee and the voice
; upon him was called Faithful and
of the bridegroom and of the bride True, and in righteousness he doth
shall be heard no more in t^e : for judge and mak^var.
thy merchants were the great men of 12 His eyes i^ere as a flame of fire,
the earth; for by thy sorceries were and on his head were many crowns;
all nations deceived. and he had a name written, that no
24 And in her was found the blood man knew, but he himself.
of prophets, and of saints, and of all 13 And he was clothed with a ves-
that were slain upon the earth. ture dipped in blood and his name is

CHAPTER XIX. called. The Word of God.

I God is pralseiiin heaven for judging the 14 And the armies which were in
great harlot, and avengini: the biood of his heaven followed him upon white hor-
saints. 7 The marriage of Ihe Lainl). 10
The angel will not be worshiiied. 17 The ses, clothed in fine linen, white and
fowls called to the great slaughter. clean,
AND after these things I
great voice of many
heard a
people in
16 And out of his mouth gocth a
sharp sword, thai with it he should
heaven, sayino;, Alleluia: Salvation, smite the nations : and he shall rule
and glory, ana honor, and power, to them with a rod of iron: and he
the Lord our God treadeth the wine-press of the fierce-
2 For true and righteous an his ness and wratli of Almighty God.
judgments: for he hath judged the 16 And he hath on his vtsiure and
great harlot, who corrupted the earth on his thigh a name written, KING
with her lewdness, and hath avenged OF KINGS, AND LORD OF
the blood of his servants at her hand. LORDS.
3 And again they said. Alleluia. 17 And I saw an
angel standing in
And her smoke rose up for ever and the sun ; and he cried with a loud
ever. voice, saying to all the fowls that fly
4 And the four and twenty elders in the midst of heaven. Come, and as-
and the four living beings fell down semble yourselves to the supper of
and worshiped God who eat on the the great God
throne, saying. Amen ; Alleluia. 18 That ye may eat the flesh of
6 And a voice came out of the kings, and the flesh of captains, and
throne, saying. Praise our God, all ye the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh
his servants, and ye that fear him, of horses, and of them that sit on
both small and great. them, and the flesh of all men, both
6 And I heard as it were the voice free and bond, both small and great,
of a great multitude, and as the voice 19 And I saw the beast, and the
of many waters, and as the voice of kings of the earth, and their armies,
mighty thunderings, saying. Alleluia: assembled to make war against him
for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. that sat on the horse, and against his
7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and army.
give honor to him for the marriage
: 20 And the beast was taken, and
of the Lamb is come, and his wife with him the false prophet that
hath made herself ready. wrought miracles before him, with
8 And to her was granted that she which he deceived them that had re
should be arrayed in fine linen, clean ceived the mark of the beast, and them
and white: for the fine linen is the that worshiped his image. These
righteousness of saints. both were cast alive into a lake of
'9 And he sailh to me. Write, Bless- fire burning with brimstone.
ed are they who are called to the mar- 21 And the remnant were slain
riage supper of the Lamb. And he with the sword of him that sat upon
saith to me, These are the true sayings the horse, which sword proceedeth
of God. out of h)^ mouth and all the fowls

10 And I fell at his feet to worship were filled with their flesh.
Satan loosed. CHAPTER XXI. Tliegmirdl judgment.
CHAPTER XX: away i
and therewas found no place
2 Satan bound for a thousand years. 6 The for them.
first resurrection6 They blessed that have, |'9 12
I saw the dead, small and
part therein. 7 Satan lot loose again. 8
Gog and Magog. 10 The devil cast Into tho treat, stand before Godj' and the
lake of fire and brimstone. 12 The last ooks were opened ; and another book
and general i^surrectloa. was opened, which is the book of life:
saw an angel come down
heaven, having the key of
and the dead were judged out of ilie
things which were written in the
the bottonilesB pit and a great chain books, according to then works.
in his hand. 13 And the sea gave up the dead
2 And he laid holi»i«n the dragon, which were in it ; and death and hell
that old serpent, which is the Devil, delivered up the dead which were in
and Satan, and bound him a thousand them and they were judged every

years. man according to their works.

3 And cast him into the bottomless 14 And death and hell were cast
pit, and shut him up, and set a seal into the lake of fire. This is the sec-
upon him, that he should deceive the ond death.
nations no more, till the thousand 15 And whoever was not foimd
years should be fulfilled; and after written in the book of life was cast
that he must be loosed a little sea- into the lake of fire.
4 And I saw thrones, and thejr sat CHAPTER XXI.
upon them, and judgment was given I A new heaven and a new earth. 10 The
heavenly Jerusaletn, with a ftill descrip-
to them and 1 saw the souls of them
tion of it 23 8he needeth no sun, the glory

that were beheaded for the testimony of God is her light :'S4 The kings of the
of Jesus, and for the word of (Jod, earth bring their riches to her.
and who had not worshiped the beast,
neither his imag& neither had received
AND I saw a new heaven, and a
new earth: for the first heaven
his mark upon their foreheads, or in and the first earth had passed away
their hands ; and they lived and reign- and there was no more sea.
ed with Christ a thousand years. 2 And
I John saw the holy city,
S But the rest of the dead lived not new Jerusalem, coming down from
again until the thousand years were God out of heaven, prepared as a bride
finished. This is the first resurrec- adorned for her husband.
tion. 3 And I heard a great voice out of
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath heaven, saying, Behold, the taber-
part hx the first resurrection on such
: nacle of God is with men, and he
the second death hath no power, but wiU dwell with them, and they shall
they shall be priests of God and of be his people, and God himself will
Christ, and shall reign with him a be with them, and be their God.
thousand years. 4 And God will wipe away all tears
7 And when the thousand years from their eyes; and there shall be no
have exphed, Satan shall be loosed more death, neither sorrow, nor cry-
firom his prison, ing, neither shall there he any more
8 And shall go out to deceive the pain: for the former things have
nations which are in the four quarters passed away.
of the earth, Gog and Magog, to 5 And he that sat upon the throne
gather them to battle : the number of said, Behold, I make all things new.
whom is as the sand of the sea. And he said to me, Write for these :

9 And they went up on the breadth words are true and faithful.,
of the earth, and encompassed the 6 And he said to me, It is done. I
camp of the saints, and the beloved am Alpha and Omega, the beginning
city : and fire came down from God and the end. I will give to him that
out of heaven, and devoured them. is thirsty of the fountain of the water
10 And the devil that deceived them of life freely.
was cast into the lake of fire and brim- 7 He that oveircometh shall inherit
stone, where the beast and the false all things;, and I will be his God, and
prophet are, and shall be tormented he shall be my son.
day and night for ever and ever. , 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving,;
11 And I saw a great white throne, and the, abominable, and murderers,
and him that sat on it, front whose and lewd men, and sorcerers, andt
face the earth and the heaven fled idolaters, and all liars, shall have their
23 265
Acw Jtnualem detcribed. REVELATION. Christ t coming.
part in the lake which burneth with the Lord God'Almightyand-tneLamb
fire and brimstone : which is the eec- are the temple of it.
ond death. 23 And the city had no need of the
9 And there came to me one of the' sun, neither of the moon, to shine in
aeven angels, who had the seven vials it : for the glory of God enlightened
full of the seven last plagues, and it, and the Lamb is the light of it.

talked with me, saying, Come hither, 24 And the nations of them who
I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's are saved shall walk in the light of it
wife. and the kings of the earth bring their
10 And he carried me away in the glory and honor into it,
a great and high mountain,
spirit to 25 And the ^tes of it shall not be
and showed me that great city, the shut by day : for there shall be no
holy Jerusalem, descending out of night there.
heaven from God, 26 And they shall bring the glory
11 Having the glory of God: and and honor of the nations into it.
her light was like to a stone most pre- 27 And there shall in no wise enter
cious, even like a jasper-stone, clear into it any thing that defileth, neither
as crystal whatever worketh abomination, or
12 And had a wall great and high, maketh a lie ; but they who are writ-
and had twelve gates, and at the gates ten m the Lamb's book of life.
twelve angels, and names written on CHAPTER XXIL
them, which are the names of the 1 The river of the water of life, i The tree
twelve tribes of the children of Israel. of life. 6 The light of the city of God is
himself. 9 The angel will not be worship-
13 On the east three gates ; on the ed. 18 Nothing may be added to the word
north three gates ; on the south three of God, nor taicen from it.
gates ; and on the west three gates.
14 And the wall of the city had
water of
he showed me a pure river of
life, clear as crystal, pro-
twelve foundations, and on them the ceeding out of the throne of God and
names of the twelve apostles of the of the Lamb.
Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it,
15 And he that talked with me, had and on each side of the river, was then
a golden reed to measure the city,' and the tree of life, which bore twelve
its gates, and its wall. kinds of fruits, and yielded her firuit
16 And the city lieth foursquare, every month and the leaves of the

and the length is as large as the tree were for the heaUng of the na-
breadth: and he measured the city tions.
with the reed, twelve thousand fur- 3 And there shall be no more curse
longs. The length and the breadth but the throne of God and of the
ana the bight of it are equal. Lamb shall be in it; and his servants
17 And ne measured the wall of it shall serve him
a hundred and forty four cubits, ac- 4 And they shall see his face; and
cording to the measure of a man, that his name shall be in their foreheads.
IB) of the angel. 5 And there shall be no night there;
18 And the building of the wall of and they need no candle, neither light
it was of jasper : and the city was of the sun for the Lord God giveth

pure gold, like clear glass. them light and they shall reign for

19 And the foundations of the wall ever and ever.

of the city were garnished with all 6 And he said to me. These sayings
manner of precious stones. The first are faithful and true. And the Lord
foundation was jasper; the second, God of the holy prophets sent his an-
sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; gel to show to his servants the things
the fourth, an emerald which must shortly be done.
20 The fifth, sardonyx the sixth,
; 7 Behold, I come quickly blessed :

sardiusi the seventh, chrysolite; the is he that keepeth the sayings of the
eighth, beryl ; the ninth, a topaz ; the prophecy of this book.
tenth, a chrysoprase ; the eleventh, a 8 And[ I John saw these things,
jacinth ; the twelfth, an amethyst. and heard Oieni. And when I had
21 Andthe twelve gatesweretwelve heard and seen, I fell down to worship
pearls; every several gate was of one before the feet of the angel who show-
peart ; and the street of the city was ed me these things.
pure gold, as it were transparent glass. 9 Then saith he to' me. See thou do
22 And I saw no temple in it : for it not for I am thy fellow-servant,

Nothing to be added CHAPTER XXII. or diminithed.
and of thy brethren the prophets, and 16 I Jesus have sent my angels to
of them who keep the sayings of this testify to you these things m the
book worship God.
: churches. I am the root and the off-
10 And he saith to me, Seal not the spring of David, and the bright and
sayings of the prophecy of this book mornmg-star.
for the time is at' band. 17 lAnd the Spirit and thebrideisnT)
tl Hethat is unjust, let him be un- Come. And let Kim that heareth,
just still : and he who is filthy, let him Come. And let him that is thirsty,
oe filthy still : and he that is righteous, come And whoever will, let him take

let him be righteous still : ai^d he that the water of life freely.
is him be holy stillt
holy, let 18 'F6r I testify to every man that
12 And behold, I come quickly; heareth the words of the prophecy of
and my reward is with me, to give to this book, if any man snail add to
every man according as his work shall these things, God will add to him the
be. plagues that are written in this book
13 I am
Alpha and Omega, the be- 19 And if any man shall take away
ginning and tne end, the first and the from the words of the book of this
last. prophecy, God will take away hds
14Blessed are they that do his part out of the book of life, and out of
commandments, that they may have the holy city, and from the things
right to the tree of hfe, and may enter which are written in this book.
in through the gates into the city. 20 He who testifieth these things
15 For without are dogs, and sor- saith, Surely I come quickly : Amen.
cerers, and lewd men, and murderers, Even so, come, Lord Jesus,
and idolaters, and whoever loveth and 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus
maketh a lie. Christ be with you all. Amen.




"Dr. Webster's edition of the which the language of the

Bible, in
translation is purified from obsolete, nngramraatical,and exceptionable words
and phrases, is approved and used by many clergymen and other gentlemen,
very competent to judge of its merits. ,

Jeremiah Day, President of Yale College

Benjamin Silliman, "i

Jamfes L. Kingsley, [

Chauncey A. Goodrich, > Professors."

Denison Olmsted, 1

Theodore D. Woolsey, j

"We use Dr. Webster's edition of the Bible in our famihes, and can
cheerfully recommend it to others."

Rev. Nathaniel W. Taylor, Prof, of Theology.

Rev. Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the First Church, New Haven.
Rev. Thomas A. Merrill, Pastor of the Church in MiMleburxj, Yt.
Rev. William C. Fowler, Prof, of Rhetoric, Amherst College, Mass.
" The subscribers have, for some months past, used Dr. Webster's
edition of the Bible in our families, and we can sincerely say that we are
well pleased with his emendations of the language. This work is not a new
translation, but the common version, with improvements of the language,
without an alteration of the sense, except in three or four passages, in
which mistakes had been introduced by oversight or misprinting. The
Editor has, by a change of words, illustrated many passages which, in the
common copies, are obscure or unintelligible to ordinary readers, and altered
some words and passages, which cannot be uttered before an audience
without giving offense, especially to females which words and phrases

subject the scriptures to the scoffs of infidels. The more we read this
amended copy, the better we like it and we cheerfully commend it to the

use of others believing that an examination of the work will remove ob-

jections to the amendments, and be the means of promoting religion, by

extending the use of the Bible in schools."
Rev. Edwin E. Griswold, of the Methodist connection.
Rev. Judson A. Root, Principal of a Female Institute.
Charles Bostwick, Deacon of United Society, New Haven.
Rev. Smith Dayton, of the Methodist connection.
Henry White, Esq., Deacon of the First Church, New Haven.
Everard Benjamin, Deacon of the Free Church, New Haven.

New HiVEN, January, 1839.

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