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Third Term Examination
Class: JSS 1 Duration: 2hours Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES
INSTRUCTION: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
Sound travels through the air at about 340 metres per second. Light travels at about three
kilometres per second. During a thunderstorm, a flash of lightning is seen almost as soon as it
occurs. Sound of the thunder is heard a little later because sound waves travel more slowly than
light. To find out if a thunderstorm is near, you need only count the seconds between the flash
and the thunder. If you haven’t a watch with a seconds hand, you can count the seconds slowly
like this: ’One-two-three ONE, one-two-three TWO, one-two-three THREE’ and so on. Then, if
you divide the number of seconds by five, you will find the distance of the storm in kilometres.
1. Which is right – a, b, c or d? (a) Light travels through the air at about 340 metres per
second (b) Light travels through the air at three kilometres per second (c) Light travels at
the same speed as sound (d) light travels at a speed which no one knows
2. During a thunderstorm, the flash of lightning is seen ________ (a) at exactly the same
time as it occurs (b) quite a long time after it has occurred (c) at almost the same time as it
occurs (d) after you have heard the thunder
3. Sound travels through the air _______ (a) faster than light (b) slower than light (c) at the
same speed as light (d) at a speed which no one knows
4. To find out if a thunderstorm is near, what is the first thing to do? (a) count the number of
flashes of light (b) count the seconds between seeing the flash and hearing the thunder (c)
find out the speed of light (d) find out the speed of sound
5. To find out if a thunderstorm is near, what is the second thing we must do? (a) divide the
number of seconds between the flash and the thunder by five (b) count slowly, ‘one-two-
three ONE, one-two-three TWO, one-two-three THREE’ for five seconds (c) get a watch
with a seconds hand (d) count the number of seconds between the flash and the thunder
The bus pulled into the bus station of a small town. I was terribly thirsty. I jumped out and
rushed to the vendor.
‘7Up, please, quickly!’
‘Sorry, only Coke and Pepsi.’
I heard another vendor call ‘7Up.’ I pushed roughly past two other customers. The man told
me he had just sold his last bottle of 7Up.
Foolishly, I was determined to get 7Up and unluckily I saw another vendor on the other side
of the car park. I ran over to him, bought a bottle and took two wonderful, mouthfuls of cool
liquid, before walking slowly back to the bus.
But where was it? It has gone! I had lost my luggage and my place in the bus – but not my
6. Why did the writer jump out? (a) He was tired of sitting (b) He was thirsty (c) He wanted
to see the town (d) He wanted to enjoy fresh air
7. What was the first vendor selling? (a) He was selling 7Up (b) He was selling either Coke
or Pepsi (c) He was selling both Coke and Pepsi (d) He was selling bottles
8. Why didn’t the writer buy a bottle of 7Up from the second vendor? (a) The second vendor
was selling Pepsi (b) Other customers pushed past him (c) The vendor had just sold his
last bottle of 7Up (d) The second vendor was not selling 7Up
9. What do you think the cool liquid was? (a) I think it was 7Up (b) I think it was water (c) I
think it was Coca-cola (d) I think it was a bottle
10. Why do you think the writer had not lost his money? He had not lost his money because
______ (a) it was in the bank (b) he had not got any (c) it was in his pocket (d) it was
given to the vendor
Find the best word to complete each sentence:
11. I am ______ my crops with a pesticide (a) ploughing (b) spraying (c) irrigating (d)
12. One of my sheep is sick, I have sent for _____ (a) the vet (b) a silo (c) a pesticide (d)
13. The farmer said his harvesting was disappointing because his land was not _____ (a)
fertile (b) marshy (c) barren (d) arid
14. In order to prepare a piece of land for planting, you first of all _____ the land (a) fertilise
(b) weed (c) cultivate (d) irrigate
15. In order to combat the menace of insects on his farm, the man had to apply a large
quantity of ______ (a) insecticide (b) pesticide (c) herbicide (d) fungicide
Complete each of the following questions with the most appropriate of the options
lettered A-D
16. The plural form of the word “shelf” is ____ (a) shelfs (b) shelfes (c) shelves (d) shelve
17. Pick out the word that is correctly spelt. (a) Mathmatic (b) Mahematic (c) Mathematiks (d)
18. The graduating students _____ presented with gift (a) are been (b) have being (c) was (d)
19. Uloma is the ____ of the two girls (a) more smarter (b) smart (c) smarter (d) smarter
20. He was not pleased _____ his son’s performance in the last examination (a) about (b) at
(c) with (d) at
21. Kofi ran out of tge room and ____ under the staircase (a) hid (b) hidden (c) is hiding (d)
22. I told the boys that my school is neater than ________ (a) ours (b) theirs (c) their (d)
23. The boarders have decided to help _________ (a) theirselves (b) each other (c) one
another (d) themselves
24. In ______ car did you put your cell phone, yours or his? (a) what (b) whose (c) whose (d)
25. Please, stop doing ______ because they are injurious to your academic success. (a) this (b)
these (c) that (d) those
26. /Ɵ/ and /ð/ are referred to as _______. (a) Labiodentals (b) Alveolar (c) Dental (d) Velar
27. There are about ____ voiced consonants and 9 voiceless consonants. (a) 16 (b) 26 (c) 15
(d) 25
28. Sounds produced with the back of the tongue touching the lower side of the velum are
called _____ consonants. (a) Alveolar (b) velar (c) post alveolar (d) palatal
29. /f, v, Ɵ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, h/ are referred to as _____ consonants. (a) Approximants (b) Nasals
(c) Affricates (d) Fricatives
30. The _____ do not vibrate during the production of voiceless sounds. (a) Vocalization (b)
vocal chord (c) vocal cod (d) vocal cord
INSTRUCTION: From the word lettered A to D choose the word that contains the sound
represented by the given phonetic symbol. An example is given below.
/ə/ (a) laugh (b) cough (c) lava (d) stay
C is the correct answer
31. /i:/ (a) set (b) America (c) spy (d) speak
32. /a:/ (a) park (b) hear (c) bread (d) tea
33. /ʤ/ (a) dead (b) jug (c) measure (d) church
34. /∫/ (a) mass (b) miss (c) shy (d) much
35. /j/ (a) James (b) John (c) yes (d) boy
36. /r/ (a) better (b) harder (c) broom (d) tired
37. /f/ (a) physics (b) vow (c) brave (d) bats
38. /ŋ/ (a) noise (b) clean (c) stay (d) sing
39. /e/ (a) nice (b) bat (c) made (d) keg
40. /ɔ:/ (a) stop (b) hot (c) door (d) spot
41. Literature as a subject is _____ (a) creation of real events (b) creation of unreal events (c)
reflection of human experience (d) a completion of someone else’s story
42. The sequential arrangements of events as they happen in a literary work is _____ (a)
setting (b) image (c) plot (d) episode
43. Literature that is passed on to people through spoken word is called _______ (a)
metaphorical literature (b) oral literature (c) written literature (d) satirical literature
44. One of this is a form of oral literature (a) folktale (b) satire (c) interlude (d) comedy
45. The genres of literature are _______ (a) satire, comedy, drama (b) drama, comedy, poetry
(c) comedy, tragedy, tragi-comedy (d) poetry, drama, prose
46. ______ literature is also known as narrative literature (a) drama (b) poetry (c) prose (d)
47. Stories that are not based on true life experience are called _____ (a) non-fiction (b) prose
(c) fiction (d) prose
48. The dress worn by actors and actresses is called ______ (a) costume (b) materials (c)
imagery (d) dirge
49. A long speech made by a single character on a stage is called ______ (a) dialogue (b)
monologue (c) epilogue (d) prologue
50. The dress worn by actors and actresses is called ______ (a) materials (b) costume (c)
imagery (d) dirge
1. Write a composition on the topic: My Mother
2. Change the following to the correct forms of the words in the brackets:
i. Dayo is the (clever) boy in the class
ii. Mope is certainly (tall) than Alice
iii. He is the (unlucky) fellow i know
iv. Your book cost (little) than mine
v. That flower is (pretty) than this
3. Write 2 words each for the following sounds:
i. /ʤ/
ii. /∫/
iii. /ӕ/
iv. /i:/
v. /e/
4. Complete the following table:
Third Term Examination
Class: JSS 2 Duration: 2hours Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES
INSTRUCTION: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
It was the occasion of the annual prize-giving ceremony in our school. Taiwo wanted to appear
unique and different from the other students. So, he wore baggy pants to school. As soon as he
appeared, his classmates began to hail him – ‘Tai – Tai – Tai – Tai in trousers’. He himself was
beaming with smiles. Everybody laughed and their ribs were nearly cracking. As he moved
closer to the venue of the ceremony – Obedience Hall – The shouts of ‘Tai – Tai – Tai’ became
louder. His baggy pants were flapping round his legs. One of his classmates, Donkaro, ‘Karo’ for
short, approached him and began to flip one leg of the baggy trousers which was enough for two
people to enter into.
At this point, the fun became sour as Taiwo felt enraged and punched Donkaro in the face. Blood
began to gush out of his mouth and soon the beautifully-embroidered dress became blood-
soaked. Many of his classmates took to their heels but a few stayed to take care of Donkaro.
Incidentally as the Principal was accompanying one of the guests to his office, he noticed the
unusual gathering. He took an excuse from his guest and found out what had happened. He
immediately ordered Donkaro to be taken to the hospital for proper treatment.
The ceremony started as planned and all the activities on the programme were carried out. Prizes
were given to students who excelled in academics, morals and appearance. Unknown to him,
Taiwo was slated to receive the two best prizes for his outstanding academic performance and
for being the best-behaved student throughout the session. When it got to his turn, the Principal
made the following announcement: ‘The two best prizes are for the best all-round student.
Unfortunately, an incident occurred this morning and because of this incident the winner of the
prizes, Taiwo Peace, who exhibited some form of violence during the incident will no longer
receive them.’ Taiwo was shocked as soon as he heard this and he broke down in tears.
1. For what occasion did Taiwo wear baggy pants? (a) annual inter-house sport (b) annual
children’s day (c) annual prize-giving day (d) annual prize-given day
2. Where did the occasion take place? (a) Disobedience Hall (b) Obedience (c) Obedient
Hall (d) Disobedient Hall
3. How often was the occasion usually celebrated? (a) daily (b) weekly (c) monthly (d)
4. Why did Taiwo wear baggy pants? (a) Taiwo wore baggy pants to oppress his classmates
(b) Taiwo wore baggy pants to show off (c) Taiwo wore baggy pants to appear unique
and different (d) Taiwo wore baggy pants to steal
5. What size was Taiwo’s baggy pant? (a) small size (b) medium size (c) large size (d)
extra-large size
6. What did Donkaro do to Taiwo’s baggy pant? (a) Donkaro flipped one leg of the baggy
pants (b) Donkaro tore one leg of the baggy pant (c) Donkaro waved one leg of the baggy
pants (d) Donkaro wore one leg of the baggy pants
7. What was the reaction of Taiwo to Donkaro? (a) Taiwo was happy (b) Taiwo was sad (c)
Taiwo felt embarrassed (d) Taiwo felt enraged and punched Donkaro
8. How did the Principal get to know of the incident? (a) The students told the principal (b)
Donkaro went to report to the principal (c) The principal was accompanying one of his
guests to his office (d) The principal’s guest saw Taiwo punch Donkaro
9. What action did the principal take immediately? (a) The principal ordered Taiwo to be
arrested (b) The principal punished Taiwo (c) The principal patted Taiwo for a job well
done (d) The principal ordered Donkaro to be taken to the hospital
10. Who was to receive the two best prizes and why could he not receive them?
INSTRUCTION: From the options A-D, choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentence.
11. We conversed till ten o’clock (a) spoke (b) talked (c) played (d) gist
12. He hid the book under the carpet. (a) behind (b) beside (c) between (d) beneath
13. The company is giving a rebate to the first one hundred customers. (a) discount (b)
reward (c) gain (d) profit
14. The new Yam Festival is an annual event. (a) monthly (b) biennial (c) yearly (d) quarterly
15. It takes a great amount of stamina to wrestle. (a) courage (b) determination (c) energy (d)
16. His attitude in the law court infuriated the judge. (a) angered (b) grieved (c) grieved (d)
17. Tunde was at the peak of his career. (a) bottom (b) finest (c) middle (d) top
18. He was envious when he saw his friend’s new watch. (a) jealous (b) greedy (c) pleased
(d) doubtful
19. He was an eminent Judge. (a) regular (b) notorious (c) distinguish (d) corrupt
20. The thief sprang over the wall as the guard chased him. (a) hopped (b) leapt (c) flew (d)
INSTRUCTION: From the options A-D, choose the word that is nearly opposite in meaning to
the underlined word in the sentence.
21. The students listened to interesting stories. (a) Captivating (b) horrible (c) boring (d)
22. Mr. Dare is arrogant even to the junior staffs. (a) Pompous (b) proud (c) modest (d)
23. The new school structure is situated at its temporary site. (a) New (b) permanent (c) old
(d) provisional.
24. My father purchased a new car. (a) sold (b) bought (c) won (d) got.
25. Bees are noted for breeding in enormous number. (a) very much (b) very small (c) very
many (d) very large.
26. Sade is diligent but her cousin is ______ (a) conceited (b) elegant (c) modest (d) slothful
27. The number of deceitful people outweighed that of _____ (a) dubious (b) honest (c)
malicious (d) warlike
28. The man seldom smiles but his wife is ____ cheerful (a) always (b) hardly (c) rarely (d)
29. Lead is heavy but cotton is ______ (a) beautiful (b) light (c) useful (d) white
30. Neither compliments nor _____ meant anything to him (a) blows (b) flattery (c) gifts (d)
From the word lettered A to D choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given
phonetic symbol. An example is given below.
/ai/ (a) pen (b) park (c) ice (d) keg
C is the answer
31. /i: / (a) bread (b) great (c) seat (d) sweat
32. /u/ (a) book (b) blood (c) cool (d) too
33. /ɔ/ (a) court (b) cot (c) fought (d) port
34. /ai/ (a) bait (b) bow (c) buy (d) plait
35. /Ɵ/ (a) those (b) thank (c) mother (d) father
36. /ei/ (a) mete (b) bake (c) teach (d) high
37. /ʤ/ (a) gear (b) judge (c) wag (d) gnash
38. /t∫/ (a) shoe (b) machine (c) joy (d) chain
39. /ӕ/ (a) cat (b) shirt (c) cat (d) park
40. /ŋ/ (a) sang (b) catch (c) pat (d) ran
41. A book written giving account of the writer’s life is ______ (a) Biography (b) Plagiarism
(c) Comedy (d) Biography
42. The actors and actresses in a play are called _____ (a) Heroes (b) Cast (c) Foil (d)
43. The central idea in a play or poem is called a _____ (a) setting (b) plot (c) summary (d)
44. The trees are waving their hands. This statement contains ____ (a) metaphor (b)
personification (c) simile (d) alliteration
45. The person who writes a poem is called a ______ (a) playwright (b) poet (c) writer (d)
46. Stories that are not based on true life experience are called _____ (a) non-fiction (b)
prose (c) fiction (d) prose
47. The place and time an action in a work of art takes place is called ____ (a) plot (b) setting
(c) characterization (d) subject matter
48. As line and stanzas are to poetry _____ and ______ are to drama (a) paragraph/chapter
(b) scene/episode (c) cast/characters (d) acts/scenes
49. _____ is a combination of fact and fiction (a) fraction (b) faction (c) friction (d) fiction
50. A literary work intended to teach morals about human’s social behaviour is ______ (a)
didactic (b) novel (c) fables (d) drama
1. Write a composition on the topic: My English Teacher
2. Use suitable prefixes to change these words to their opposite:
i. Gratitude
ii. Popularity
iii. Experience
iv. Agreement
v. Accuracy
vi. Advantage
vii. Comfort
viii. Loyalty
ix. Belief
x. Consciousness
3. Re-arrange the letters of the word in bold types to form another word which will fill
the gap:
i. The male animals always eat a bigger _____ than the female
ii. Robbers live an _____ life
iii. A great ______ of lead is used in making printing types
iv. In the room is a china bowl suspended by a brass _____
v. Great fears were expressed that the bus _____ would be increased
vi. The paint left a nasty _____ on John’s satin
vii. Bayo loves to _______ crossword puzzles
viii. The orange is not ______ keeping. So, I have to throw it away
ix. The caravan ______ at an oasis in the desert
x. The old hut in the garden is in ______ of breaking down
4. Write the following transcribed words as lettered-words:
i. /daut/
ii. /frʌnt/
iii. /ditɜ:mineiʃn/
iv. /Igzӕmimeiʃn/
v. /intədipendənt/
vi. /mӕөәmӕtiks/
vii. /peitriәtizәm/
viii. /rekәmendeiʃn/
ix. /sikjuәrәti/
x. /tɜ:mәgәnt/
Mock Examination
Class: JSS 3 Duration: 2½ hours Subject: ENGLISH
INSTRUCTION: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
‘Andrew wants to check out’ was the popular saying in the 90’s. This statement was borne out of
the frustration the citizens had because of the economic hardship the common man experienced
at that time and even up until now. Some of the hardships were non-running tap water, the
inconsistent electricity supply, unemployment, inflation, high cost of living, devaluation of naira
among others. These problems are still with us.
But, is leaving Nigeria the solution? What the migrating people encountered have proved that it
is not. Firstly, not everybody’s visa will be approved. The majority of those that left Nigeria
illegally overseas met with untimely death.
Some of the methods they adopted were hiding among the goods in the ship, cargo in the
aeroplane or the hidden section of the part of the means of transport. Those who did these were
called stow away. The limb of one stow away on an aeroplane dropped onto the ground when the
plane was airborne.
Some people took the dangerous alternative of going by the Mediterranean route. Some of the
obstacles on their way included being robbed, being imprisoned or even being enslaved. Some
got drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.
The few that got there through trafficking were hounded about because they had no residential
permit. Some were therefore used as sex workers or sex slaves while the rest were returned to
Nigeria by the same flight. So leaving Nigeria is not the solution. We must remain in Nigeria and
salvage it together.
1. From the passage, the popular saying in the 90’s is ____ (a) Arise ‘O’ Compatriot (b)
‘Andrew wants to check out’(c) Nigeria we hail thee(d) Unity in diversity
2. The economic hardship in Nigeria led to ______ of the citizens (a) frustration (b)
pleasure(c) contentment(d) triumph
3. Those who hide inside the means of transport to travel illegally are called ______
(a) immigrants(b) Guests (c) Stow away (d) ECOMOG
4. Another word for ‘be returned to Nigeria by the same flight’ is_____ (a) Settled(b)
Planted (c) Repatriated (d) Uprooted
5. According to the writer, the solution is ______ (a) Facing the problem squarely (b) We
must remain in Nigeria and salvage Nigeria together (c) Everybody must go their
separate ways (d) Everybody must promote unity in diversity
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it.
Paragraph 1: The coconut palm is a very precious tree. Hardly is there any part of it that
is not useful to man. No wonder it has been called a tree of plenty.
Paragraph 2: In some parts of the world, because the shell is quite hard and durable, it is
used as kitchen utensils. The shell serves as cups, spoons and ladles. The larger shells are
used for soup bowls and scoops.
Paragraph 3: Another part of it is the wood. This is quite hard and tough. It is therefore
used as building materials. They provide rafters, supports, pilings and posts used in the
building process.
Paragraph 4: The palm fronds are also very useful. The leaves, having been hand-
plaited by women, are used as roofing materials. Indeed, houses whose roofs are made of
palm fronds are very cool and comfortable in the dry season. The thatched roof protects
such houses from the sun and it enables cool breeze to blow into the houses.
Paragraph 5: It will surprise you that the husks which may appear to be of no use are
quite useful. These husks are removed from the coconut fruits. These are used in making
beautiful golden fibre. The fibre is then used in making floor mats, rugs, carpets, brushes
and brooms.
Paragraph 6: The coconut fruit contains nutritious beverage which has a pleasant taste.
This is got by punching a hole in the top of the nut. What is got is cool and delicious
water that can serve as a drink. The drink can be more delicious than even wine. The
coconut palm is therefore a tree to be highly cherished.
6. From paragraph 2, we learn that the coconut palm shell can be used generally as _____
(a) cups (b) kitchen utensils (c) soup bowls (d) spoons
7. The main idea in paragraph 3 is that the coconut tree wood is used as _____ (a) building
materials (b) pillars (c) rafters (d) supports and pilling
8. According to paragraph 4, the main idea is that the palm fronds _____ (a)are hand-
plaited by women (b) protect houses from the sun (c) provide comfortable and cool
houses (d) provide materials for roofing
9. The main idea in paragraph 5 is that coconut husks (a) are not useful (b) are used in
making golden fibre (c) are useful to people’s surprise (d) provide rugs, carpets and
10. In paragraph 6, the main idea is that the coconut fruit (a) can be punched to get a hole in
the top of the nut (b) contains water that can serve as a drink (c) is quite useful to man (d)
provides a pleasant taste
INSTRUCTION: From the options A-D, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentence.
11. The students listened to interesting stories. (a) Captivating (b) horrible (c) boring (d)
12. Mr. Dare is arrogant even to the junior staffs. (a) Pompous (b) proud (c) modest (d)
13. The new school structure is situated at its temporary site. (a) New (b) permanent (c) old
(d) provisional.
14. My father purchased a new car. (a) sold (b) bought (c) won (d) got.
15. Bees are noted for breeding in enormous number. (a) very much (b) very small (c) very
many (d) very large.
16. Sade is diligent but her cousin is ______ (a) conceited (b) elegant (c) modest (d) slothful
17. The number of deceitful people outweighed that of _____ (a) dubious (b) honest (c)
malicious (d) warlike
18. The man seldom smiles but his wife is ____ cheerful (a) always (b) hardly (c) rarely (d)
19. Lead is heavy but cotton is ______ (a) beautiful (b) light (c) useful (d) white
20. Neither compliments nor _____ meant anything to him (a) blows (b) flattery (c) gifts (d)
INSTRUCTION: From the options A-D, choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentence.
21. We conversed till ten o’clock (a) spoke (b) talked (c) played (d) gist
22. He hid the book under the carpet. (a) behind (b) beside (c) between (d) beneath
23. The company is giving a rebate to the first one hundred customers. (a) discount (b)
(c) gain (d) profit
24. The new Yam Festival is an annual event. (a) monthly (b) biennial (c) yearly (d) quarterly
25. It takes a great amount of stamina to wrestle. (a) courage (b) determination (c) energy (d)
26. His attitude in the law court infuriated the judge. (a) angered (b) grieved (c) grieved (d)
27. Tunde was at the peak of his career. (a) bottom (b) finest (c) middle (d) top
28. He was envious when he saw his friend’s new watch. (a) jealous (b) greedy (c) pleased
(d) doubtful
29. He was an eminent Judge. (a) regular (b) notorious (c) distinguish (d) corrupt
30. The thief sprang over the wall as the guard chased him. (a) hopped (b) leapt (c) flew (d)
Choose from the options lettered A to D the one that contains the phonetic symbol given
31. /i: / (a) bread (b) great (c) seat (d) sweat
32. /u/ (a) book (b) blood (c) cool (d) too
33. /ɔ/ (a) court (b) cot (c) fought (d) port
34. /ai/ (a) bait (b) bow (c) buy (d) plait
35. /Ɵ/ (a) those (b) thank (c) mother (d) father
36. /ei/ (a) mete (b) bake (c) teach (d) high
37. /ʤ/ (a) gear (b) judge (c) wag (d) gnash
38. /t∫/ (a) shoe (b) machine (c) joy (d) chain
39. /ӕ/ (a) cat (b) shirt (c) cat (d) park
40. /ŋ/ (a) sang (b) catch (c) pat (d) ran
INSTRUCTION: Fill in the gap with the most suitable option
41. A book written giving account of the writer’s life is ______ (a) Biography (b) Plagiarism
(c) Comedy (d) Biography
42. The actors and actresses in a play are called _____ (a) Heroes (b) Cast (c) Foil (d)
43. The central idea in a play or poem is called a _____ (a) setting (b) plot (c) summary (d)
44. The trees are waving their hands. This statement contains ____ (a) metaphor (b)
personification (c) simile (d) alliteration
45. The person who writes a poem is called a ______ (a) playwright (b) poet (c) writer (d)
46. A form of story that is not based on fact is known as _____ (a) fiction (b) myth (c) novel
(d) play
47. ‘The boy is a goat.’ The figure of speech used here is ____ (a) hyperbole (b) metaphor (c)
simile (d) irony
48. A character who makes people to laugh in order to entertain them is called a/an ____ (a)
clown (b) hero (c) antagonist (d) protagonist
49. A speech made at the end of a play is called _____ (a) monologue (b) epilogue (c)
catalogue (d) prologue
50. A drama that has element of sadness and happiness is _____ (a) tragedy (b) comedy (c)
tragicomedy (d) satire
INSTRUCTION: Complete with the most suitable words from the brackets:
51.The horseman _______ along the main ______ (road, rode)
52. when you go to _________ you’ll ______ many strange things (sea, see)
53. Mum bought me a ____ and a _____ of socks (pair, pear)
54. His face turned _____ when the _____ of water dropped on him
55. The _____ wore an armour that ______ (knight, night)
56. Ali ____ is going _____ Lagos for ____ months (to, two, too)
57. The taxi _____ is _______ (fair, fare)
58. He lost the ____ at the ______ (key, quay)
59. His eyes turned _____ when the wind _____ (blew, blue)
60. The ____ teacher ____ the doctor’s clinic (knew, new)
SECTION B: Answer only ONE question from this section.
1. Essay Writing
i. Write a letter to your sister who has just arrived in another state to live with an
uncle, advising her to be well behaved while there.
ii. Write a story that ends with the saying; It pays to be obedient.
iii. Describe your favourite teacher in 350 words.
2. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct punctuation marks or with capital or
small letters :
i. what are those traders children doing I asked my friend
ii. the men wore boots caps gloves and masks were they armed with rifles
machine-guns hand-grenades or machetes
iii. the bank was full of people I saw women cashing cheques traders depositing
their profits anxious customers waiting to see the manager and some
foreigners with travellers cheques
3. Write the following in the reported form
i. he said, “Tunde is hungry”
ii. the master said, “The moon moves round the earth”
iii. olu said, “I shall return to school tomorrow.”
iv. “Good luck to you”, said the teacher to Ade
v. John said, “where are you going, Tunde”
Write the following in Direct Speech
i. The teacher told the student to stand up
ii. The Chairman said James said that Olu comes there everyday
iii. The teacher ordered Ade to get out of that room
iv. Olu exclaimed that the boy was a clever rogue
PROSE: The Way Out
1. The author of ‘The Way Out’ is _______
2. What does NYSC mean?
3. Why did Ibrahim find it hard to release Ismaila to his niece?
4. What was prohibited in the school Ismaila was taken to?
5. On which day did the school always observe their sports activities?
Drama: Not All That Glitters
1. The author of the book ‘ Not All That Glitters’ is ______
2. The fifteen year old boy with great football skill is ______
3. Ajadi’s elder sisters are _____ and _____
4. Was Ajadi’s mother’s premonition of danger right after all?
5. What is the name of the hospital Ajadi was admitted to?
POETRY: Swift and Slow
1. The author of the book ‘Swift and Slow’ is _____
2. What is the relationship between the classroom and the teacher?
3. ‘Cloudy atmosphere coloured the sky’ is an example of what figure of speech?
4. Education banishes ______
5. How many times do ‘The teacher is a commander’ appear in the poem?

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