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Agric Science SS1 Third Term Exam

1. Which of the following factors is not a limitation to farm mechanization in West Africa?
(a) poverty among farmers (b) large production of farmers (c) illiteracy of farmers (d)
land tenure system
2. The main source of power for subsistence agriculture is (a) animal (b) machine (c)
human (d) electricity
3. Problems associated with the use of animal power include the following except (a)
susceptibility of animals to disease (b) insufficient supply of fuel (c) high cost of
maintaining animals (d) insufficient supply of feed.
4. The practice whereby a farmer keeps only grazing animals is known as (a) mixed farming
(b) lay farming (c)pastoral farming (d) taungya farming
5. Limitation of farm mechanization in West Africa do not include (a) Land fragmentation
(b) high capital investment (c) availability of spare parts (d) high level technical know
6. Mating in poultry is known as a service (a)serving (b) treading (c) topping (d) breeding
7. The average gestation period in sheep is (a) 30 days (b) 50 days (c) 150 days (d) 270 days
8. Which of the following statements is a disadvantage of human power? it (a)controls other
sources of farm power (b) brings about least damage (c) is easily available and
9. The use of animal traction is limited in the forest zones of West Africa because of the (a)
topography of the forest land (b) presence of tsetse flies (c) high amount of rainfall (d)
culture of the people.
10. Financial assistance from the government to the farmer is usually in the following forms
except (a) loan (b) credit (c) tax (d) subsidy.
11. The assistance given to a farmer by the government in form of reduction in price is (a)
input (b) credit (c) loan (d) subsidy.
12. The following are sources of agricultural credit except (a) agricultural bank (b)
cooperative society (c) commercial (d) mortgage bank.
13. . Short term credit can be used to purchase the following except (a) improved seed (b)
fertilizer (c)herbicides (d) tractor.
14. Investment with long life span in agricultural economics are otherwise known as (a)
labour (b) capital (c) profit (d) savings deposit.
15. What is the primary factor of production associated with natural resources? (a) Labor (b)
Capital (a) Management (d) Land
16. Which factor of production encompasses human effort and skills?
17. .Physical capital includes which of the following? (a)Money(b)Land(c)Machinery (d)
18. Which factor of production relates to the financial resources used in production? (a)
Labor (b)Capital(c) Management (d) Land
19. What is one of the long-term planning responsibilities of a farm manager? (a) Daily task
assignment (b) Strategic planning (c)Crop harvesting (d) Short-term budgeting
20. What is the purpose of keeping accurate financial records on a farm? (a) Preventing
equipment breakdowns (b) Monitoring employee satisfaction (c)Ensuring compliance
with regulations (d) Improving crop quality
21. What does a farm manager do to mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions? (a)
Conduct market research (b) Purchase Q insurance (c) Implement sustainable practices
(d) Rotate crops
22. Which function involves overseeing the maintenance of farm equipment? (a) Inventory
Management (b) Quality Control (c)Financial Management (d) Supervising
23. Which aspect of financial management involves monitoring expenses closely? (a)
Income Management (b) Risk Management (c) Cost Control (d) Sustainability
24. What is the main purpose of crop rotation on a farm?(a) Increasing labor costs (b) Soil
fertility maintenance (c) Reducing equipment use (d) Marketing strategy
25. What is one of the primary responsibilities of a farm manager? (a) Marketing (b )
Cooking (c)Accounting (d)Teaching
26. The following except one are Female reproductive hormones A. oestrogen B.
progesterone C Testosterone D. Oxytocin
27. Fertilization in poultry birds Takes place in the A. Infundibulum B. Isthmus C. magnum
D. uterus
28. The following except one are Viviparous animals A. Pig B. Cattle C. Turkey D. Goat
29. The hormone responsible for the Contraction of the uterine wall During parturition is
known as A.Oxytocin B. Progesterone C. Luteinizing hormone D. relaxin
30. The gestation period in days of a Cow is A. 283 B. 114C. 42 D. 823
31. Problem of subsistence agriculture include the following except (a) high cost of spare
parts (b)crude tools are used (c) small farmland (c) illiteracy of the farmers (d) family
labour supply is unreliable
32. The land tenure system in West Africa communities and states include (a) communal
land tenure (b) land tenure by inheritance (c) leasehold system (d) none of the above
33. The Land Use Act (Decree) was promulgated by the Federal Military Government of
Nigeria on (a) April 1990 (b) March 29, 1978 (c) March 29, 1920 (c) none of the above
34. Agronomy is the study of (a) animal (b) livestock (c) crop (d) man
35. Entomology is the study of (a) insect (b) virus (c) insect pests of crops (d) none of the
36. Agriculture is derived from two Latin words “ager” and cultura meaning (a) animal and
plant (b) field and cultivation (c) construction and regulations (d) all of the above
37. The following factors of production are variable EXCEPT (a) labour (b) capital (c)
entrepreneur (d) land
38. Draught animals are characterized by the following EXCEPT (a) must be doctile (b)
must be strong (c) must be healthy (d) NONE OF THE ABOVE
39. Jute plant is also known as (a) Musa app (b) Amaranthus app (c) Cochorus oliterus
(d)Oriza sativa
40. Which of these can undergo scarification (a) yam tuber (b) cassave stem (c)jute seed (d)
banana sucker
PART B (Attempt ALL)
1a. What is agricultural finance?
b. What is agricultural credit?
c. State three type of farm credit.
d. Outline 5 significance of agricultural credit.
2 a. List five sources of farm power
b. Mention two advantages of each
c. What is farm mechanization?
d. Enumerate five advantages of farm mechanization
3a.Give an account of Jute plant production
b. Explain the roles of a farm manager

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