2013 - Fundamental Gas Turbine Heat

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Fundamental Gas Turbine Heat

Gas turbines are used for aircraft propulsion and land-based power generation or
industrial applications. Thermal efficiency and power output of gas turbines increase
Je-Chin Han with increasing turbine rotor inlet temperatures (RIT). Current advanced gas turbine
Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory,
engines operate at turbine RIT (1700  C) far higher than the melting point of the blade
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
material (1000  C); therefore, turbine blades are cooled by compressor discharge air
Texas A&M University,
(700  C). To design an efficient cooling system, it is a great need to increase the under-
College Station, TX 77843-3123
standing of gas turbine heat transfer behaviors within complex 3D high-turbulence
e-mail: jc-han@tamu.edu
unsteady engine-flow environments. Moreover, recent research focuses on aircraft gas
turbines operating at even higher RIT with limited cooling air and land-based gas tur-
bines burn coal-gasified fuels with a higher heat load. It is important to understand and
solve gas turbine heat transfer problems under new harsh working environments. The
advanced cooling technology and durable thermal barrier coatings play critical roles for
the development of advanced gas turbines with near zero emissions for safe and long-life
operation. This paper reviews fundamental gas turbine heat transfer research topics and
documents important relevant papers for future research. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4023826]

Introduction turbine blade geometry under engine operating conditions. Gas

turbine blades are cooled both internally and externally as shown
High Temperature Gas Turbines. Developments in turbine in Fig. 2 [2]. Internal cooling is achieved by passing the coolant
cooling technology play a critical role in increasing the thermal through several rib-turbulated serpentine passages inside of the
efficiency and power output of advanced gas turbines. To double blade. Both jet impingement and pin-fin cooling are also used as a
the engine power in aircraft gas turbines, the rotor inlet tempera- method of internal cooling. External cooling is also called film
ture should increase from today’s 1700  C to 2000  C (3100  F to cooling. Internal coolant air is ejected out through discrete holes
3600  F) using the similar amount of cooling air (3–5% of com- to provide a coolant film to protect the outside surface of the blade
pressor discharge air). For land-based power generation gas from hot combustion gases. The engine cooling system must be
turbines, including power generation (300–400 MW combined designed to ensure that the maximum blade surface temperatures
cycles), marine propulsion, and industrial applications such as and temperature gradients during operation are compatible with
pumping and cogeneration (less than 30 MW), the rotor inlet tem- the allowable blade thermal stress for the life of the design. Too
perature will increase, but at a rate determined by NOx con- little coolant flow results in hotter blade temperatures and reduced
straints; with the emphasis on NOx reduction, efficient use of component life. Similarly, too much coolant flow results in
cooling air becomes more important in order to achieve cycle effi- reduced engine performance. The turbine cooling system must be
ciency gains. Therefore, high-temperature material development designed to minimize the use of compressor discharge air for
such as thermal barrier coating (TBC) and highly sophisticated cooling purposes to achieve maximum benefits of the high turbine
advanced cooling are two important issues that need to be inlet gas temperature.
addressed to ensure high-performance, high-power gas turbines
for both aircraft and land-based applications.
Advanced Hydrogen Gas Turbines. In addition to conven-
Gas Turbine Heat Transfer. Figure 1 shows a typical heat tional natural gas, syngas or hydrogen (produced from coal gasifi-
flux distribution on the surfaces of a turbine vane and blade and cation) are viable alternative fuels. These coal gasified fuels
the associated internal and external cooling schemes [1]. As the produce a high percentage of water vapor (steam) and increase
turbine inlet temperature increases, the heat transferred to the tur- heavy heat load to the turbine components. These coal-based fuels
bine blade also increases. The level and variation in the tempera- may introduce impurities into the mainstream gas which can cause
ture within the blade material, which cause thermal stresses and corrosion and erosion on the surface of the airfoils, or the impur-
blade failures, must be limited to achieve reasonable durability ities may be deposited on the components. All of these scenarios
goals. Note that the blade life may be reduced by half if the blade increase the surface roughness of the components, increase heat
metal temperature prediction is off by only 30  C (50  F). There- transfer, increase aerodynamic losses, increase clogging of film
fore, it is critical to accurately predict the local heat transfer coef- cooling holes, decrease film-cooling effectiveness, and decrease
ficient as well as the local blade temperature in order to prevent the performance of the turbine. Recent research suggests that the
local hot spots and increase turbine blade life. Meanwhile, there is advanced cooling technology and durable thermal barrier coatings
a critical need to cool the blades for safe and long-life operation. still play critical roles for the development of future coal-based
gas turbines with near zero emissions (for example, integrated
gasification combined cycles (IGCC), thermal efficiency greater
Gas Turbines Cooling System. The turbine blades are cooled 60%).
with extracted air from the compressor of the gas turbine engine.
Since this extraction incurs a penalty on the thermal efficiency
and power output of the gas turbine engine, it is important to fully Important Literature Survey. Research activities in turbine
understand and optimize the cooling technology for a given heat transfer and cooling began in the early 1970s; since then,
many research papers, state-of-the-art review articles, and book
Manuscript received October 15, 2012; final manuscript received February 9, chapters have been published. Several publications are available
2013; published online May 17, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Srinath V. Ekkad. that address state-of-the-art reviews of turbine blade cooling and

Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications JUNE 2013, Vol. 5 / 021007-1
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Fig. 1 Cross-sectional view and heat flux distribution of a cooled vane and blade [1]

heat transfer. These include publications by “Film Cooling” by review papers) edited by Shih [13], Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine
Goldstein [3], “Turbine Cooling” by Suo [4], “Cooling Techni- Systems (included 10 keynote papers) edited by Simon and Gold-
ques for Gas Turbine Airfoils” by Metzger [5], “Some Considera- stein [14]. Meanwhile, many review papers related to gas turbine
tions in the Thermal Design of Turbine Airfoil Cooling Systems” heat transfer and cooling problems are available: “Convection
by Elovic and Koffel [6], and “Turbine Cooling and Heat Trans- Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics in Axial Flow Turbines” by
fer” by Lakshminarayana [7]. Several review articles related to Dunn [15], “Gas Turbine Heat Transfer: 10 Remaining Hot Gas
gas turbine heat-transfer problems by Graham [8] and Simoneau Path Challenges” by Bunker [16], “Gas Turbine Film Cooling” by
and Simon [9] are also available. Bogard and Thole [17], “Turbine Blade Cooling Studies” at Texas
A&M 1980–2004 by Han [18], “Turbine Cooling System Design-
Several Books Have Been Published Since 2000: Gas Turbine Past, Present and Future” by Downs and Landis [19], and
Heat Transfer and Cooling Technology by Han et al. [10], Heat “Aerothermal Challenges in Syngas Hydrogen-Fired and Oxyfuel
Transfer in Gas Turbines edited by Sunden and Faghri [11], Turbines” by Chyu et al. [20].
Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Systems edited by Goldstein [12], The ASME Turbo Expo (IGTI International Gas Turbine Insti-
Special Section: Turbine Science and Technology (included 10 tute) has made conference CDs available to every year’s attendees

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Fig. 2 Gas turbine blade cooling schematic: (a) film cooling, (b) internal cooling [2]

since 2000. These conference CDs contain all gas turbine heat to leak from the pressure side through a tip gap to the suction side.
transfer papers presented in each year’s IGTI conference. The This often causes damage on the blade tip near the pressure side
numbers of heat transfer related conference papers have increased trailing-edge region. It is important to understand the complex 3D
from about 100 in the year 2000 to about 200 in the year 2010. flow physics and associated heat-transfer distributions on the rotor
Approximately 25–30% of each year’s conference heat transfer blade, particularly near the tip region, under typical engine flow
papers have been subsequently published in the ASME Journal of conditions. It is important to note that rotation causes the peak gas
Turbomachinery. These tremendous amounts of conference and temperature to shift from the blade pitch line toward the tip
journal papers are the main research sources of gas turbine heat region. It is also important to correctly predict the RIT profile as
transfer and cooling technology for interested readers. well as the associated unsteady velocity profile and turbulence
levels. Many papers were reviewed and cited in Chapter 2 of Han
et al. [10].
Gas Turbine Heat Transfer
Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Heat Transfer. Current tur- Heat Transfer Through Turbine Stator Vanes. For typical
bine designs are characterized by an inability to accurately predict NGV designs, heat-transfer coefficients on the pressure surface
heat-transfer coefficient distributions under turbomachinery flow decrease rapidly from the leading edge to about 20% surface dis-
conditions. This results in a nonoptimized design using inordinate tance and then gradually increase toward the trailing edge. The
amounts of cooling air, which ultimately causes significant penal- heat-transfer distribution on the pressure surface is not affected by
ties to the cycle in terms of thrust and specific fuel consumption. changing the exit Mach number (Mach ¼ 0.75–1.05). On the suc-
Hot-gas path components include turbine stator vanes and turbine tion surface, heat-transfer coefficient distributions show laminar
rotor blades. Turbine first-stage vanes (so called nozzle guide boundary layer separation, transition, and turbulent reattachment
vane, NGV) are exposed to high-temperature, high turbulence hot at about 25% surface distance. The location of the laminar bound-
gases from the exit of the combustor as sketched in Fig. 1 [1]. It is ary layer transition seems to move upstream with decreasing exit
important to determine the heat load distributions on the first- Mach number, and downstream of that location, heat-transfer
stage vanes under engine flow conditions for a typical gas turbine coefficients are higher with decreasing exit Mach numbers. In
engine. An accurate estimate of the heat-transfer distributions can regions where the boundary layer remained attached (before tran-
help in designing an efficient cooling system and prevent local sition), there is no apparent effect of the exit Mach number. More-
hot-spot overheating. Gas to airfoil heat transfer can be affected over, the transition location on the suction surface moves closer to
by airfoil shape (surface curvature and pressure gradient), bound- the leading edge with an increase in exit Reynolds number
ary layer transitional behavior, free-stream turbulence, airfoil sur- (Re ¼ 1–1.5  106). Overall, heat-transfer coefficients over the
face roughness, film coolant injection location, flow separation entire airfoil surface showed significant increases with an increase
and reattachment, and shock/boundary layer interaction, exit in exit Reynolds number reported by Nealy et al. [21].
Mach number and Reynolds number.
After accelerating from the first-stage vanes, hot gases move Turbulence and Roughness Effects. Combustor generated tur-
into the first stage rotor blades to produce turbine power as bulence (high turbulence intensity up to 20% and large scale) con-
sketched in Fig. 1 [1]. At the inlet of the first-stage rotor blade, tributes to significant heat transfer enhancement. Turbulence can
both the temperature and turbulence levels are lower compared to strongly affect laminar heat transfer to the stagnation region, pres-
the inlet of the first-stage vane. However, the inlet velocity could sure surface, transition, and turbulent boundary layer heat transfer
be two to three times higher. Besides, the blade receives unsteady by Ames [22]. Another severe heat-transfer enhancement factor
wake flows from the upstream vane trailing edge (turbulent inten- for NGV heat transfer is the surface roughness effect. Combustion
sity up to 20%). More importantly, blade rotation causes hot gases deposits may make the vane surface rough after several hours of

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operation, and this roughness could be detrimental to the life of the validate and improve confidence in design data and predictive
vane due to increased heat-transfer levels that are much higher techniques under development.
than design conditions, as well as decreased aerodynamic Blair et al. [28,29] conducted experiments on a large-scale am-
performance cited by Abuaf et al. [23]. The already enhanced bient temperature, turbine-stage model. The turbine-stage model
heat-transfer coefficients on the pressure surface due to high free- consisted of a stator, a rotor, and an additional stator behind the
stream turbulence (Tu ¼ 10%) are unaffected by the surface rough- rotor (11=2 stage). They also studied the effects of inlet turbulence,
ness. However, the effect on suction surface is significant. A stator-rotor axial spacing, and relative circumferential spacing of
combination of surface roughness with high free-stream turbulence the first and second stators on turbine airfoil heat transfer. This
causes the boundary layer to undergo transition more rapidly than test facility was designed for conducting detailed experimental
for the high free-stream turbulence case only by Hoffs et al. [24]. investigations for flow around turbine blading. Guenette et al. [30]
presented local heat-transfer measurements for a fully scaled tran-
sonic turbine blade. The measurements were performed in the
Heat Transfer Through Turbine Rotor Blades. Figure 3(a)
MIT blow down turbine tunnel. The facility has been designed to
depicts a complex flow phenomenon in a turbine rotor hot gas
simulate the flow Reynolds number, Mach number, Prandtl num-
passage including secondary flows, horseshoe vortex, end wall
ber, corrected speed and weight flow, and gas-to-metal tempera-
passage vortex, film cooling, tip flows, wakes, and rotation flows
ture ratios associated with turbine fluid mechanics and heat
[25]. The heat-transfer distributions for not film-cooled blades are
transfer. They used thin-film heat flux gauges to measure the
higher than those for film-cooled blades at the same engine flow
upstream NGV trailing edge unsteady wake effect on the down-
conditions. These heat-transfer distributions could differ for var-
stream rotor blade surface time-dependent heat-transfer coeffi-
ied engine flow conditions; therefore, it is critical for a designer to
cients. They found that, on the suction surface, the blade-passing
be able to accurately predict these distributions for film-cooled or
effect is stronger at the leading edge and attenuates toward the
no film-cooled blades in order to design an efficient cooling
trailing edge. The steep variations of the heat transfer enhance-
scheme. Most of the primary results on real rotor/stator heat trans-
ment on the suction surface indicate strong wake propagation to-
fer have been provided by Calspan Advanced Technology Center
ward the suction surface near the leading edge and then moving
by Dunn et al. [26,27]. They used a full-stage rotating turbine of
toward the pressure surface near the trailing edge.
the Garrett TFE 731-2 engine with an aspect ratio of around 1.5,
as well as a full-stage rotating turbine of an Air Force/Garrett Effect of Upstream Unsteady Wake. The upstream vane-
low-aspect-ratio turbine with an aspect ratio of approximately 1.0. generated unsteady wake impinging on the downstream rotor is
They reported heat flux measurements on the NGV airfoil and end simulated using a stationary blade cascade and an upstream wake
wall, the rotor blade, blade tip, and shroud of the turbine. A generator. Wake-simulation experiments typically used a rotating
shock-tunnel facility was intended to provide well-defined flow spoked-wheel wake generator by Dullenkopf et al. [31] upstream
conditions and duplicate sufficient number of parameters to of the stationary blade cascade to simulate the relative motion of
vane trailing edges. The relative motion of the rods on the wake
generator creates unsteady wakes that impinge on the downstream
blade cascade. Guenette et al. [30] confirmed the validity of using
rotating-bar simulation. In general, unsteady wake promotes early
boundary layer transition and increases heat load to suction sur-
face as well as pressure surface of the turbine blade. Mayle [32]
developed an intermittency model to predict laminar-turbulent
boundary layer transition due to turbulence spots production rate
from various experiments. The intermittency model was able to
predict the turbine blade suction-surface heat transfer enhance-
ment due to unsteady wake flow conditions.

Heat Transfer Through Turbine Blade Tip. Turbine blade

tip and near-tip regions are typically difficult to cool, and are sub-
jected to potential damage due to high thermal loads (blade tip
heat transfer coefficients are same order as leading edge stagna-
tion region). Unshrouded blades have a gap existing between the
blade tip and the shroud surface, which is known as tip gap. The
leakage flow accelerates due to a pressure difference between
both the pressure and suction sides of the blade, causing thin
boundary layers, high heat transfer rates, and low turbine effi-
ciency. It has been recognized that the blade tip geometry and
subsequent tip leakage flows have a significant effect on the aero-
dynamic efficiency of turbines. A common technique to reduce
the tip leakage flow is to use a recessed tip, which is known as a
squealer tip as shown in Fig. 4 [33]. A squealer tip allows a
smaller tip clearance, without the risk of a catastrophic failure, in
case the tip rubs against the shroud during turbine operation. The
tip recess also acts as a labyrinth seal to increase flow resistance
and reduce the tip leakage flow. Thus, it is important to under-
stand both the flow and heat transfer behavior on the squealer tip
of a gas turbine blade. Reliable experimental data are also impor-
tant to develop and validate computational codes to predict flow
and heat transfer distributions on turbine blades. Several papers
presented heat transfer results under engine representative main-
stream flow conditions by Ameri et al. [34], Bunker et al. [35],
Fig. 3 (a) Typical film cooled airfoil [25] and (b) end wall vorti- Azad et al. [36] and Dunn and Haldeman [37]. Results show vari-
ces [39] ous regions of high and low heat transfer coefficient on the tip

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(2) electron beam physical vapor deposition with column struc-
ture/dense/high thermal conductivity by Nelson et al. [45]. The
performance of TBC coatings, the zirconia-based ceramics,
depends on the aforementioned coating techniques and the coating
thickness (5–50 mil). The United States government laboratories,
gas turbine manufacturers, and university researchers have con-
ducted research to identify better coating materials, better coating
techniques, controllable coating thicknesses, good bonding coats,
and hot corrosion tests for TBC life prediction. It is important to
determine the effects of TBC roughness and the potential TBC
spallation on turbine aerodynamic and heat-transfer performance.
Ekkad and Han [46,47] studied the effect of simulated TBC spal-
lation shape, size, and depth on heat transfer enhancement over a
flat surface as well as on a cylindrical leading-edge model. They
found that the spallation can enhance the local heat transfer coeffi-
cients up to two times as compared to that with the smooth

Deposition and Roughness Effects. Recent experimental

work in measuring the formation of deposits has been done under
the UTSR program by Bons et al. [48]. In a series of experiments
in an accelerated test facility, Wammack et al. [49] investigated
the physical characteristics and evolution of surface deposition on
bare polished metal, polished TBC with bond coat (initial average
Fig. 4 Typical gas turbine blade squealer tip cooling configu- roughness was less than 0.6 micrometers) and unpolished oxida-
ration [33] tion resistant bond coat (initial average roughness around 16
micrometers). Based on these results, they inferred that the initial
surface preparation has a significant effect on deposit growth, that
surface; heat transfer coefficient increases with tip clearance and
thermal cycling combined with particle deposition caused exten-
turbulence intensity. Azad et al. [36] compared squealer tip and
plane tip geometry and concluded that the overall heat transfer sive TBC spallation while thermal cycling alone caused none, and
finally that the deposit penetration into the TBC is a significant
coefficients were lower for squealer tip case. Kwak et al. [38]
investigated the heat transfer on several different squealer geome- contributor to spallation. Subsequently, Bons et al. [48] made con-
vective heat transfer measurements using scaled models of the de-
tries. They found that a suction side squealer tip gave the lowest
posited roughness and found that the Stanton number was
heat transfer coefficient among all cases studied.
augmented by between 15 and 30% over a smooth surface. They
concluded that deposition increased by a factor of two as the mass
Heat Transfer Through Turbine End-Wall. Several studies mean diameter of the particle was increased from 3–16 micro-
have shown how a horseshoe vortex develops at the leading edge meters. Second, particle deposition decreased with decreasing gas
of the turbine vanes and blades, as shown in Fig. 3(b) [39]. Elimi- temperature and with increased backside cooling. They found a
nating the formation of the horseshoe vortex at the leading edge threshold gas temperature for deposition to occur at 960  C.
of the turbine blade will positively impact the performance of the
engine. Adding a fillet at the junction of the airfoil and platform
has been shown to eliminate the vortex formed at the leading edge Gas Turbine Film Cooling
of the blade by Sauer et al. [40]. Not only does the elimination of
Fundamentals of Film Cooling. In turbine blade film cooling,
the horseshoe vortex decrease aerodynamic losses, but it also has
as sketched in Fig. 2, relatively cool air is injected from the inside
a positive impact on the end wall heat transfer and film cooling.
of the blade to the outside surface, which forms a protective layer
Shih and Lin [41] predicted fillets not only reduce aerodynamic
between the blade surface and hot mainstream. Film cooling
losses, but the surface heat transfer is reduced by more than 10%
depends primarily on the coolant-to-hot-mainstream pressure ratio
on the airfoil surface and more than 30% on the vane end wall. A
(pc/pt), temperature ratio (Tc/Tg), and the film-cooling-hole loca-
second method to mitigate the secondary flow along the end wall
tion, configuration, and distribution on a film-cooled airfoil.
is to implement end wall contouring. Kopper et al. [42] deter-
The coolant-to mainstream pressure ratio can be related to the
mined the secondary losses are reduced by up to 17% through a
coolant-to-mainstream mass flux ratio (blowing ratio), while the
passage with a contoured end wall (compared to a flat end wall).
coolant-to-mainstream temperature ratio can be related to the cool-
Saha and Acharya [43] applied nonaxisymmetric profiling to the
ant-to-mainstream density ratio. In a typical gas turbine airfoil, the
end wall of rotor blade cascade. Schobeiri and Lu [44] recently
pc/pt ratios vary from 1.02 to 1.10, while the corresponding blowing
reported the efficiency of a three-stage rotating turbine can be
ratios vary approximately from 0.5 to 2.0. Whereas the Tc/Tg val-
greatly improved by applying a physic-based diffuser-flow con-
ues vary from 0.5 to 0.85, the corresponding density ratios vary
cept for optimizing nonaxisymmetric end wall contouring.
approximately from 2.0 to 1.5. In general, the higher the pressure
ratio, the better the film-cooling protection (i.e., reduced heat
Thermal Barrier Coating and Spallation Effects. For transfer to the airfoil) at a given temperature ratio, while the lower
safer operation, the turbine blades in current engines use nickel- the temperature ratio, the better the film-cooling protection at a
based super alloys at metal temperatures well below 1000  C given pressure ratio. However, a too high pressure ratio (i.e.,
(2000  F). For higher RIT, the advanced casting techniques, blowing too much) may reduce the film-cooling protection
such as directionally solidified and single crystal blades with TBC because of jet penetration into the mainstream (jet liftoff from the
coating, are used for advanced gas turbines. TBC coating serves surface). Data from numerous studies available in open literature
as insulation for the turbine airfoils and allows a 100–150  C suggest a blowing ratio near unity is optimum, with severe penal-
(200  F–300  F) higher RIT, thereby enhancing turbine effi- ties at either side. As mentioned earlier, turbine-cooling system
ciency. There are two types of coating techniques: (1) air plasma designers need to know where the heat is transferred from the
spray with plate structure/porosity/low thermal conductivity and hot mainstream to the airfoil (Fig. 1) in order to design better

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film-cooling patterns for airfoils. These film-hole patterns (i.e., cooling effectiveness using film cooling holes supplemented with
film-hole location, distribution, angle, and shape) affect film- special anti-vortex holes to increase the effectiveness.
cooling performance. The best film cooling design is to reduce the
heat load to the airfoils using a minimum amount of cooling air Turbine Vane Film Cooling. It is well known that nozzle
from compressors. Many papers were reviewed and cited in Chap- guide vanes, being just downstream of the combustor exit, experi-
ter 3 of Han et al. [10]. ence the hottest gas path temperatures. The vanes also experience
high free-stream turbulence caused by combustor mixing flows.
Flat Plate Film Cooling. It is common in literature to use a Depending on the requirements, vanes are cooled internally and
flat plate to perform fundamental studies on various parametric some coolant is ejected out as film cooling. A typical film cooled
effects on film cooling such as the study done by Goldstein [3]. vane is shown in Fig. 1. Nirmalan and Hylton [63] studied the
Moreover, results on flat plates have been used to calibrate and effects of parameters such as Mach number, Reynolds number,
standardize various experimental techniques to measure film cool- coolant-to-gas temperature ratio, and coolant-to-gas pressure ratio
ing effectiveness and heat transfer coefficients. While the best on the C3X vane film cooling. The leading edge has a showerhead
film cooling coverage can be obtained by injecting the fluid paral- array of five equally spaced rows with the central row located at
lel to the mainstream, manufacturing constraints dictate that holes the aerodynamic stagnation point. Two rows each on the pressure
be angled. Using film cooling holes perpendicular (90 deg) to the and suction surfaces are located downstream. With increasing
mainstream, results in very low film cooling effectiveness. The blowing strength, the effect on the pressure surface increases far-
use of holes inclined at 35 deg typically gives a balance between ther downstream and the suction surface shows higher effective-
film cooling performance and manufacturing ease. ness due to favorable curvature. Ames [64] studied film cooling
on a similar C3X vane. Turbulence (Tu ¼ 1–12%) was found to
Effect of Coolant-Mainstream Blowing Ratio and Density have a dramatic influence on pressure surface film cooling effec-
Ratio. Blowing ratio (M) is defined as the ratio of the coolant tiveness, particularly at the lower blowing ratios. Turbulence was
mass flux to that of the mainstream. In general, regardless of hole- found to substantially reduce film cooling effectiveness levels pro-
shape and angle, film cooling effectiveness is found to increase duced by showerhead film cooling. Drost and Bolcs [65] found
with blowing ratio at low blowing ratios (less than 0.5). However, that mainstream turbulence (Tu ¼ 5.5–10%) had only a weak
beyond a critical blowing ratio, film cooling effectiveness is found influence on suction surface film cooling. Higher film effective-
to decline. This decline can be attributed to the phenomenon of ness was noted on the pressure surface at high turbulence due to
film-cooling lift-off from boundary layers, wherein the high mo- increased lateral spreading of the coolant. Ethridge et al. [66]
mentum film-cooling jet fails to attach with the plate surface and studied the effect of coolant-to-mainstream density ratio on a vane
penetrates into the mainstream reported by Goldstein et al. [50] with high curvature. Dittmar et al. [67] studied different film cool-
and Pedersen et al. [51]. The coolant to mainstream density ratio ing hole configurations on the suction (convex) surface and con-
(DR) in modern gas-turbine engines is typically around 2.0 due to cluded that shaped holes provide better coverage at higher
the coolant temperature being significantly lower than hot main- blowing ratios by resisting jet penetration into the mainstream.
stream. Scaled down laboratory tests (to simulate engine DR con-
ditions) usually involve chilling the coolant to very low
temperatures by Sinha et al. [52] or using a foreign gas with a Turbine Blade Film Cooling. A typical film cooled blade is
higher density by Goldstein et al. [50], Pedersen et al. [51], and shown in Fig. 1. Most experimental results for turbine blades are
Ekkad et al. [53]. In general, increasing DR at a given M results in obtained on simulated cascades under simulated engine condi-
a higher effectiveness, especially at higher blowing ratios, since tions. Ito et al. [68] studied the effect of surface curvature and
the momentum of a high density coolant is lower at a given M, found that film cooling effectiveness is relatively subdued on the
there is a lower tendency to lift-off. concave (pressure) side in comparison with the convex (suction)
side, with the flat plate effectiveness values lying in between.
Effect of Hole Exit Shape and Geometry. Injecting the film Lift-off occurs at a lower blowing ratio on the concave side. How-
coolant at an angle to the mainstream (a compound angle), results ever, the curvature of the concave surface results in a reattach-
in higher film cooling effectiveness due to greater lateral diffusion ment of the lifted-off coolant on the pressure side, resulting in
of the coolant. Compound angled configurations are also found to higher downstream effectiveness.
resist to lift-off more than simple angled configurations by Ekkad
et al. [53]. Using shaped film cooling holes (with a fan shaped Effect of Unsteady Wake and Secondary Flow. A rotating
diffuser on the blade surface) results in a lower tendency to lift spoke-wheel wake generator installed upstream of a typical high
off due to the reduction in momentum due to the increase cross- pressure film cooled model turbine blade has been to simulate the
sectional area for the coolant by Goldstein et al. [50], Schmidt effect of an upstream wake by Mehandale et al. [69]. A reduction
et al. [54], and Gritsch et al. [55]. The converging slot-hole (or in film cooling effectiveness due to the unsteady wake was
console) provides the same level of cooling effectiveness as that observed across the board. The effect of coolant to mainstream
of the slot or the fan shaped-hole by Sargison et al. [56]. Embed- density ratio and an unsteady stator wake was studied by Ralla-
ding film cooling holes in slots by Bunker [57], trenches by Waye bandi et al. [70] using the pressure sensitive paint method. Foreign
and Bogard [58], and craters by Lu et al. [59] (to simulate thermal gases with variable density (Nitrogen for DR ¼ 1.0, CO2 for
barrier coating sprays) has been found to increase film cooling DR ¼ 1.5 and a mixture of Ar þ SF6 for DR ¼ 2.5) were used to
effectiveness in the proximity of the hole. simulate realistic engine density ratios. Results show a longer
coolant trace on the suction side compared with the pressure side.
Effect of Multiple Rows. Multiple rows of film cooling holes Due to the concave geometry of the pressure side, at higher blow-
are conventionally used in turbine blade designs. Ligrani et al. ing ratios, a reattachment of the lifted off jet is observed. An
[60] studied typical distributions with both simple and compound increase in effectiveness at higher density ratios for a given blow-
angles. At lower blowing ratios (less than 0.5), the effects of the ing ratio is observed as well as deterioration in film cooling effec-
numbers of rows is fairly insignificant. However, on increasing tiveness due to the average effect of the unsteady wake. Gao et al.
the blowing ratio, the double jet row showed a higher effective- [71] used the pressure sensitive paint method to characterize full
ness. More recently, Kusterer et al. [61] studied two rows of film coverage film cooling on the blade surface equipped with axial
cooling holes with opposite orientation and internal supply geo- laid-back fan-shaped holes (expansion and diffusion angles of
metries. These holes resulted in higher film cooling effectiveness 10 deg) and another with compound angled laid-back fan-shaped
by canceling out the counter-rotating ‘kidney’ vortices (which holes. The compound angled holes, in general, resulted in a higher
are induced by the interaction of the inclined jet with the film cooling effectiveness than the axial holes. The effects of tip
mainstream). Dhungel et al. [62] presented measurements of film leakage vortices and horseshoe vortices on the film coolant

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flow-path can be seen. These vortices result in an expansion of the A blowing ratio of 1.0 seems optimal for the holes on the near-tip
film coolant on the pressure side, and a contraction of the coolant region of the pressure side, indicating that liftoff occurs at higher
trace on the suction side. blowing ratios.

Leading-Edge Film Cooling. A large semicylinder is conven- Trailing-Edge Film Cooling. A comprehensive survey of film
tionally used as a good approximation to the stagnation region on cooling investigations prior to 1971 was done by Goldstein [3]
a turbine vane. Initial studies into film cooling effectiveness near and included data for slots as well as discrete holes. Emphasis was
the leading edge were performed by Luckey et al. [72]. Ekkad on two-dimensional slots. Taslim et al. [83] found that the lip-to-
et al. [73] presented the effect of coolant density and free-stream slot height ratio has a strong impact on film cooling effectiveness.
turbulence on a cylindrical leading edge model using a transient Martini et al. [84] measured the film cooling effectiveness and
liquid crystal technique to obtain the detailed film effectiveness heat transfer on the trailing edge cutback of gas turbine airfoils
distributions. They showed that the film cooling effectiveness val- with different internal cooling structures using the IR thermogra-
ues for air as the coolant are highest at a low blowing ratio of 0.4 phy method, showing the strong impact of internal design on the
and decrease with an increase in blowing ratio up to 1.2. In the film cooling performance downstream of the ejection slot. The
meantime, for CO2 as the coolant, the highest film cooling effec- fast decay in film cooling effectiveness was attributed to vortex
tiveness is obtained at a blowing ratio greater than 0.8. Gao and shedding from the pressure side lip. Recently, Cakan and Taslim
Han [74] reported showerhead film cooling effectiveness measure- [85] measured the mass/heat transfer coefficients on the trailing
ments using pressure sensitive paint method for a cylindrical lead- edge slot floor, slot sidewalls and lands using naphthalene subli-
ing edge model. Leading edges with up to seven rows of radial mation method. They found that averaged mass-transfer on the
and compound angled shaped and cylindrical holes were studied land sidewalls are higher than that on the slot floor surface. Choi
for blowing ratios studied range from 0.5 to 2.0 with DR ¼ 1.0, et al. [86] measured film cooling effectiveness values for different
Tu ¼ 7%. Results showed that radial angles performed better than internal cooling configurations on a cut-back trailing edge using
compound angles; shaped holes performed better than cylindrical the transient liquid crystal method.
holes for the range studied.
Effect of Thermal Barrier Coating Spallation. Thermal bar-
End-Wall Film Cooling. Due to the large difference in pres- rier coatings (TBC) are often used to protect turbine component
sure between the pressure and suction side of the blade, secondary metal surfaces from high temperature gases. The spallation can
vortices are formed in the hub end wall region by Langston [39] occur at random; that there is no defined shape or size of the spall
as shown in Fig. 3(b). These vortices increase heat transfer, neces- makes it difficult to analyze the actual spallation phenomena
sitating provisions for aggressive film-cooling of the end wall. To occurring on a real turbine blade. Thus, it needs to be modeled
achieve this end, film coolant is typically ejected from the with predefined shape, size, and location to understand its effect
combustor-vane gap and the stator-rotor gap to cool the NGV end on local heat transfer coefficients and film cooling effectiveness.
wall and rotor blade platform, respectively. Besides this, engine Ekkad and Han [87] studied the detailed heat transfer coefficient
designs also incorporate discrete film cooling holes along the end and film cooling effectiveness distributions on a cylindrical
wall and platform. Friedrichs et al. [75] used an innovative leading-edge model with simulated TBC spallation using a tran-
ammonia-diazo mass transfer analogy to measure film cooling sient liquid crystal technique. The two rows of film cooling holes
effectiveness on the end wall due to discrete holes. The effective- located at þ 15 deg and 15 deg from stagnation. The simulated
ness corresponding to the film coolant discharged through the spallation cavities were rectangular in shape and had rounded
combustor-stator gap has been studied by Oke et al. [76] and edges and are similar to the spallation that typically occur on the
Zhang and Jaiswal [77]. The additional momentum introduced in turbine blade. In general, presence of spallation enhances heat
the near wall region by the slot coolant tends to reduce the transfer coefficients and causes variation in film cooling effective-
strength of the secondary flows. More recently, the improvement ness distributions.
in film cooling due to the usage of shaped holes in the end wall
has been studied by Colban et al. [78] and Gao et al. [79]. Results Effect of Deposition and Blockage on Hole Exits. Bunker
show that shaped holes offer significantly better coverage than cy- [57] presented an experimental study to determine the effects of
lindrical holes. The effect of hub secondary flows (horseshoe vor- typical turbine airfoil protective coatings on film cooling effec-
tices, etc.) on film cooling is evident from the film cooling tiveness due to the partial blockage of film-hole exits by the TBC
effectiveness contours. The effect of coolant density ratio on film coatings. The measurements indicated significant degradation to
cooling effectiveness was studied by Narzary et al. [80], with the film performance can result from coatings which are deposited in
conclusion that higher density coolants are more resilient to lift- the hole-exit regions, or inside the holes themselves, during the
off and result in higher film cooling effectiveness. spray application process. Results also show that shaped film
holes are generally very tolerant of coatings and do not show the
Blade-Tip Film Cooling. Film cooling on the blade tip has a degradation shown for cylindrical holes. Sundaram and Thole
dual purpose-to protect the tip by forming an insulating film, and [88] used a large-scale turbine vane cascade to study endwall film
to reduce hot-gas tip leakage from pressure side to the suction cooling. They showed that partially blocked holes had the greatest
side, reducing heat transfer coefficients on the tip. A review of the detrimental effect on degrading film-cooling effectiveness down-
work done on tip-gap film cooling by Metzger’s group is available stream of a film-cooling row. Somawardhana and Bogard [89]
in Kim et al. [81]. More recently, Kwak and Han [82] used liquid indicated that as much as 50% degradation occurred with
crystal imaging technique to measure detailed film cooling effec- upstream obstructions, but downstream obstructions actually
tiveness contours on the squealer tip with tip hole cooling. In gen- enhanced film cooling effectiveness. The transverse trench config-
eral, the literature agrees that a higher blowing ratio and a smaller uration performed significantly better than the traditional cylindri-
tip clearance result in better film cooling performance. Mhetras cal holes, both with and without obstructions and almost
et al. [33] used a model rotor blade with a cut-back squealer tip to eliminated the effects of both surface roughness and obstructions.
allow the film coolant accumulated on the tip to discharge, in the Ai et al. [90] performed particulate deposition experiments in a
process cooling the trailing edge region of the tip, as shown in turbine accelerated deposition facility to examine the effects of fly
Fig. 4 [33]. Results (using the pressure sensitive paint method) ash particle size and trench configuration on deposits near film
show that for the tip film cooling holes, the effectiveness increases cooling holes. Deposits that accumulated on the downstream side
with blowing ratio. The cutback allows the coolant to flow of the trench between cooling holes eventually changed the geom-
over the trailing edge region, resulting in higher effectiveness. etry of the trench and clogging cooling holes.

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Film Cooling Under Rotating Conditions. Due to the diffi-
culty of acquiring data on a rotating blade, literature studying the
effect of rotation is very scarce. Dring et al. [91] reported film
cooling effectiveness in a rotating configuration in a low speed
tunnel. Takeishi et al. [92] also studied film cooling effectiveness
on a stator-rotor stage, simulating a heavy duty gas turbine.
Measured effectiveness values on the suction side for the rotating
turbine blade seemed to match the data from the stationary cas-
cade whereas the rotating effectiveness on the pressure side
seemed to be significantly lower than the nonrotating case. Effects
of rotation are attributed to the deflection of the film cooling jet
due to centrifugal forces. Abhari and Epstein [93] reported film
cooling heat transfer coefficients by the superposition method on
the short-duration MIT blowdown turbine facility using heat flux
gauges. Time resolved heat transfer coefficient data was obtained-
and the benefit of using film cooling on the blade surface is
More recently, using the PSP method, film cooling effective-
ness values under rotating conditions were measured on the lead-
ing edge by Ahn et al. [94], and on the rotor platform by
Suryanarayanan et al. [95], using a three stage multipurpose
research turbine at the Turbomachinery Performance and Flow
Research Laboratory at Texas A&M University. Ahn et al. [94] Fig. 5 Typical turbine blade internal cooling channel with
used two rows of showerhead holes, one on the suction side and rotation-induced vortices [96]
the other on the pressure side. Results (using pressure sensitive
paint method) showed that the film cooling effectiveness was sen- (AR ¼ 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1) with a fully developed flow inlet
sitive to the location of the stagnation line. When running at condition. The results showed that the overall levels of heat trans-
design condition, the stagnation line was such that coolant would fer enhancement (Nu/Nuo) for all the ribbed channels were com-
be uniformly dispersed onto the suction and pressure sides. The parable. However, significant differences arose in the pressure
effect of rotation on the film cooling effectiveness on the end wall losses incurred in each of the channels. The 1:4 channel incurred
was studied by Suryanarayanan et al. [95] due to coolant dis- the lowest pressure penalty; therefore, the thermal performance
charged rotor-stator purge slot and discrete holes under rotating (TP) of the 1:4 channel was superior to the 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1
conditions. Results indicated that a blowing ratio of around 1.0 channels. It is worth noting that the thermal performance takes
was optimal. Film cooling coverage was also found to be optimal into account the pressure penalty (f/fo) and the heat transfer
when running at design condition. Also evident are the effects of enhancement, and for a constant pumping power, TP ¼ (Nu/Nuo)/
the passage vortex, as can be seen by the angle of the film coolant (f/fo)1/3. Many papers reviewed and cited in chapters 4 and 5 of
traces. Han et al. [10].

Gas Turbine Internal Cooling

Mid-Chord Rib Turbulated Cooling. In advanced gas turbine
Fundamentals of Internal Cooling. The gas turbine blades blades, rib turbulators are often cast on two opposite walls of in-
are convectively cooled with compressor bled air passing through ternal coolant passages to augment heat transfer as seen in Fig.
the complex shaped internal cooling channels. These channels are 2(b) [2]. Rib turbulators are also widely known as “trip strips” as
specifically designed to fit the blade profile and have irregular they simply trip the boundary layer in the internal cooling chan-
cross sections (Figs. 1 and 2). Since the design of these channels nel. The heat transfer augmentation in rectangular coolant pas-
varies from blade to blade, and increased complexities of the flow sages with rib turbulators primarily depends upon the rib
field are introduced by irregular cross sectional shapes, research- turbulators’ geometry, such as rib size, shape, distribution, flow-
ers have mostly used square and rectangular channels as models attack-angle, and the flow Reynolds number. There have been
in the study of heat transfer. The square and rectangular channels many basic studies by Han et al. [97–99] to understand the heat
are categorized by aspect ratio, as seen in Fig. 5 [96]. In this transfer augmentation versus the pressure drop penalty by the flow
review paper, the channel aspect ratio (AR) is defined as the ratio separation caused by rib-turbulators. The Reynolds numbers based
of the channel width (W) to the channel height (H) or AR ¼ W/H. on coolant channel hydraulic diameter vary from 10,000 to
Furthermore, the channel height is the distance from the suction 80,000. However, the Reynolds numbers can be up to 500,000 for
surface to pressure surface as seen in Fig. 5. The channel width is the coolant passages in large power generation turbine blades. In
the dimension of the surface on which the rib turbulators are cast. general, repeated ribs, used for coolant passages, are nearly square
Another point of clarification is in regard to the distinction in cross section with a typical relative rib height of 5–10% of the
between “leading edge,” “leading surface,” “trailing edge,” and coolant channel hydraulic diameter (e/D), a rib spacing-to-height
“trailing surface.” Commonly, the phrase leading surface has been ratio (p/e) varying from 5 to 15, and a rib flow-attack-angle
used interchangeably with suction side/surface. Likewise, trailing around 30 deg to 60 deg.
surface is interchangeable with the pressure side/surface. In general, smaller rib height is more efficient for higher Reyn-
The internal cooling channels near the blade leading edge have olds number flows, and the heat transfer enhancement decreases
been modeled as narrow rectangular channels with AR ¼ 1:4 and but pressure drop penalty increases with the Reynolds number.
1:2. The cross section of the cooling channels changes along the For example, the heat transfer can be enhanced about three times
cord length of the blade due to the blade profile. In the middle of with five times the pressure drop penalty in a square channel with
the blade, the channels are square in shape. Towards the trailing typical rib geometry (e/D ¼ 0.06, p/e ¼ 10, and 45 deg rib flow-
edge, the channels have wider aspect ratios of AR ¼ 2:1 and 4:1. attack-angle) at a Reynolds number around 30,000. Han and
An experimental study on the effects of the buoyancy parameter Zhang [100] showed that the V-shaped ribs provide better heat
in various aspect ratio channels was performed by Fu et al. [96]. transfer performance than the typical angled rib geometry for a
The study considered five different aspect ratio channels given pressure drop penalty. Smaller gas turbine blades have

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larger blockage ribs with e/D ¼ 0.1  0.2 at closer spacing with passage. This is because the heat transfer enhancement in the
p/e ¼ 3  5 reported by Taslim and Lengkong [101]. ribbed passages is already up to 3.5 times higher than in
the smooth passages; therefore, the rotational effect is still impor-
Heat Transfer Correlation. More recently, Rallabandi et al. tant but with a reduced percentage. Results also show that, like a
[102] performed systematic experiments to measure heat transfer nonrotating channel, the 45 deg ribs perform better than 90 deg
and pressure losses in a stationary square channel with 45 deg ribs and subsequently better than the smooth channel.
round/sharp edged ribs at a wide range of Reynolds numbers rang-
ing from 30,000 to very high flows of Re ¼ 400,000. These high Wall Heating Condition Effect. Since the temperature differ-
Reynolds are typical of land based turbines. The correlations of ence between the coolant and the channel walls varies along the
Han and Park [99] were modified to fit into the new extended coolant passages, so does the rotation buoyancy. Therefore, it is
parameter range. This work has extended the eþ (a nondimen- expected that the channel wall heating conditions would affect
sional roughness Reynolds number) range of previous work from rotor coolant passage heat transfer. Han et al. [108] studied the
eþ ¼ 1,000 (Re ¼ 70,000, e/D ¼ 0.078) to eþ ¼ 18,000 uneven wall temperature effect on rotating two-pass square chan-
(Re ¼ 400,000, e/D ¼ 0.18). With round edged ribs, the friction nels with smooth walls. They concluded that in the first pass, the
was lower, resulting in a smaller pressure drop. The heat transfer local uneven wall temperature interacts with the Coriolis force-
coefficients for the round ribs, on the other hand, were similar to driven secondary flow and enhances the heat transfer coefficients
sharp edged ribs. in both leading and trailing surfaces as compared with the uniform
wall temperature case. Zhang et al. [109] studied the influence of
Rotational Effect on Internal Passage Flow and Heat wall heating condition on the local heat transfer coefficient in
Transfer. Rotation induces Coriolis and centrifugal forces which rotating two-pass square channels with 90 deg ribs and 60 deg ribs
produce cross-stream secondary flow in the rotating coolant on the leading and trailing walls, respectively. They concluded
passages; therefore, heat transfer coefficients in rotor coolant pas- that the uneven wall temperature significantly enhances heat trans-
sages are very much different from those in nonrotating frames. fer coefficients on the first-pass leading and second-pass trailing
One important finding from recent studies is that rotation can surfaces as compared with the uniform wall temperature
greatly enhance heat transfer on one side of the cooling channel condition.
and reduce heat transfer on the opposite side of the cooling chan-
nel due to rotating-induced secondary flow, depending on the ra- Channel Orientation Effect. Since the turbine blade is
dial outflow or inflow of the cooling passages (Fig. 5). Without curved, the rotor blade cooling passage can have different channel
considering rotational effect, the coolant passage would be orientations with respect to the rotating plane. Johnson et al. [110]
overcooled on one side while overheated on the opposite side. studied the effects of rotation on the heat transfer for smooth and
Recent studies focus on the combined effects of rotation, channel 45 deg ribbed serpentine channels with channel orientations of
shape, orientation, and aspect ratio on rotor coolant passage heat 0 deg and 45 deg to the axis of rotation. They found that the
transfer with various high performance rib turbulators. Results effects of Coriolis and buoyancy forces on heat transfer in the
show that the channel shape, orientation, and aspect ratio signifi- rotating channel are decreased with the channel at 45 deg com-
cantly change local heat transfer coefficient distributions in rotor pared to the results at 0 deg. This implies that the difference in
coolant passages with rib turbulators. heat transfer coefficient between leading and trailing surfaces due
to rotation will be reduced when the channel has an angle to the
Fluid Flow in Rotating Coolant Passages. Heat transfer is a axis of rotation. Dutta and Han [111] used high performance bro-
side effect of the flow field. Flow in a rotating channel is signifi- ken V-shaped ribs in rotating two-pass square channels to study
cantly different from flow in a nonrotating channel. The secondary the effect of channel orientation on heat transfer. The channel ori-
flow in rotation redistributes velocity and also alters the random entation with respect to the rotation axis influences the secondary
velocity fluctuation patterns in turbulent flows. Cheah et al. [103] flow vortices induced by rotation, as shown in Fig. 5. They con-
used the LDA to measure velocity and turbulence quantity in a cluded that the broken V-shaped ribs are better than the 60 deg
rotating two-pass channel. Bons and Kerrebrock [104] measured angled ribs; the parallel 45 deg angled ribs are better than the
the internal flow in a rotating straight smooth-wall channel with crossed 45 deg angled ribs. In general, the difference between
particle image velocimetry (PIV) for both heated and nonheated leading and trailing wall heat transfer coefficients is reduced for
cases. Liou et al. [105] measured pressure and flow characteristics the channel with a 45 deg angle to the axis of rotation.
in a rotating two-pass square duct with 90-deg ribs by using the
LAD. Rotation shifts the bulk flow toward the trailing side, and Rotation Number and Buoyancy Parameter. It is worth-
the turbulence profile shows a different distribution in rotation. while, then, to develop nondimensional parameters that may be
The above-mentioned flow measurements help to understand the used to correlate rotating effects to heat transfer. The rotation
flow physics and serve to explain the heat transfer results obtained number (Ro) has been widely accepted to establish the strength of
in two-pass rotating channels with smooth and ribbed walls. rotation by considering the relative strength of the Coriolis force
compared to the bulk inertial force. As such, the rotation number
Square Cross-Section Serpentine Channel. Heat transfer in is defined as Ro ¼ XDh/V. The buoyancy parameter (Bo) is useful
rotating multipass coolant passages with square cross section and to include the effects of density variation (centrifugal effects) and
smooth walls was reported by Wagner et al. [106]. Results show is defined as the ratio of the Grashoff number to the square of the
that the heat transfer coefficient can enhance 2–3 times on the Reynolds number; both of which are based on the channel hydrau-
trailing surface and reduce up to 50% on the leading surface for lic diameter. Thus Bo ¼ (Dq/q)(Ro2)(R/Dh). Typical rotation
the first-pass radial outward flow passage; however, the reverse is numbers for aircraft engines are near 0.25 with Reynolds numbers
true for the second-pass radial inward flow passage due to the in the range of 30,000. One method to achieve conditions similar
flow direction change. Results also show that the heat transfer dif- to a real gas turbine engine in the laboratory is to use air at high
ference between leading and trailing surfaces is greater in the pressures. As the pressure of the air increases, so will the density.
first-pass than that in the second-pass due to the centrifugal buoy- For a fixed Reynolds number, dynamic viscosity, and hydraulic
ancy opposite to the flow direction. Heat transfer in rotating multi- diameter, an increase in density will proportionately decrease the
pass coolant passages with square cross section with 45 deg rib bulk velocity. A lower bulk velocity will in turn increase the rota-
turbulated walls was reported by Johnson et al. [107]. Results tion number since the rotation number is the ratio of the Coriolis
show that rotation and buoyancy in general have less effect on the force to bulk inertial force. Increasing the range of the rotation
rib turbulated coolant passage than on the smooth-wall coolant number and buoyancy parameter is very important since gas

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turbine engineers can utilize these parameters in their analysis of of the gas turbine blade incorporates a showerhead film cooling
heat transfer under rotating conditions. design, Taslim and Khanicheh [120] showed that the heat transfer
can be significantly increased by including the film cooling holes
Rectangular Cross-Section Two-Pass Channel. Zhou and on the target plate.
Acharya [112] studied a 4:1 aspect ratio channel with a rotation
number of 0.6 at a Reynolds number of 10,000. Huh et al. [113] Rotational Effect on Impingement Cooling. All of the stud-
increased the range of the rotation number by a factor of 4 for the ies previously mentioned considered jet impingement heat transfer
AR ¼ 2:1 channel. Huh et al. [114] studied heat transfer in a 1:4 under stationary conditions. Of course, however, the turbine blade
aspect ratio channel (Fig. 5). Results show that heat transfer on is rotating. Overall, the effectiveness of the jet is reduced under
the trailing surface with radially outward flow does indeed rotating conditions due to deflection from the target surface.
increase under rotating conditions due to the flow phenomena pre- Epstein et al. [121] studied the effect of rotation on impingement
viously described. Rotation reduces the heat transfer on the lead- cooling in the leading edge of a blade. They reported that the rota-
ing surface by a very significant 50%. However, due to buoyancy tion decreases the impingement heat transfer, but the effective
effects, the leading surface heat transfer trends reverse after a crit- heat transfer is better than a smooth rotating channel. Mattern and
ical rotation number is reached. With radially inward flow, the Hennecke [122] reported the effect of rotation on the leading edge
heat transfer in the smooth channel shows the expected behavior impingement cooling by using the naphthalene sublimation tech-
on the leading wall. Surprisingly, however, due to the aspect ratio nique. They found that the rotation decreases the impingement
of the channel, the heat transfer on the trailing wall also increases. heat transfer for all staggered angles. Glezer et al. [123] studied
In square channels this is not the case. the effect of rotation on swirling impingement cooling in the lead-
ing edge of a blade. They found that screw-shaped swirl cooling
Blade Tip Internal Cooling. A gas turbine blade experiences can significantly improve the heat-transfer coefficient over a
high heat loads on the tip portion due to high velocity fluid leak- smooth channel and the improvement is not significantly depend-
age between the rotating blade and casing. Until recently, most of ent on the temperature ratio and rotational forces. Parsons et al.
the studies that have considered heat transfer in multipass internal [124] studied the effect of rotation on impingement cooling in the
serpentine channels provided minimal information on heat trans- mid-chord region of the blade. A central chamber serves as the
fer on the inside of the blade tip. Even fewer studies are available pressure chamber, and jets are released in either direction to
that consider the effect of rotation on blade tip cap heat transfer. impinge on two heated surfaces. The jet impinging directions
The effects of rotation on tip cap internal heat transfer in rectangu- have different orientations with respect to the direction of rotation.
lar channels with AR ¼ 2:1 was presented in the study by Huh They reported that the rotation decreases the impingement heat
et al. [113] and Huh et al. [114], which provided heat transfer transfer on both leading and trailing surfaces with more effect on
results on the tip cap of the 1:4 aspect ratio channel. Results reveal the trailing side (up to 20% heat transfer reduction).
that rotation helps to increase cooling of the blade tip internal sur-
face. Rotation doubles the heat transfer coefficients on the tip cap Trailing-Edge Pin Fins Cooling. Pin-fins are mostly used in
surface in both passages. the narrow trailing edge of a turbine blade where impingement
and ribbed channels cannot be accommodated due to manufactur-
Developing Flow Entrance Effect. Some gas turbine blade ing constraint (Figs. 1 and 2). Pin-fins commonly used in turbine
designs provide a developing flow entrance. It is well accepted blade cooling have pin height-to-diameter ratio between 12 and 4.
that due to the thin boundary layer, heat transfer with developing Heat transfer in turbine pin-fin cooling arrays combines the cylinder
flow is markedly different from fully developed flows. Wright heat transfer and end wall heat transfer. Due to the turbulence
et al. [115] performed experiments in channels with three different enhancement caused by pins (wakes and horseshoe vortex), heat
entrance geometries. They concluded that the entrance condition transfer from end-walls is higher than smooth wall cases; however,
will enhance the heat transfer. They also pointed out that the casting pins will cover a considerable end wall area, and that area
effect of the entrance weakens as the rotation number increases. needs to be compensated for by the increased pin surface area for
The influence of the entrance geometry also is stronger in the cooling. In addition to flow disturbances, pins conduct thermal
smooth channel when compared to the ribbed channel. Huh et al. energy away from the end wall surface. Long pins can increase the
[113] studied a sudden expansion from a circular tube to the rec- effective heat transfer area and perform better than short pins. There
tangular cross section of the channel. Notable is the lack of degra- have been many investigations that studied the effects of pin array
dation in heat transfer, until large Bo values, on the leading (inline or staggered), pin size (length-to-diameter ratio ¼ 0.5 to 4),
surface for the developing flow cases. Heat transfer is clearly pin distribution (streamwise-and spanwise-to-diameter ratio ¼ 2 to
dominated by the entrance. 4), pin shape (with and without a fillet at the base of the cylindrical
pin; oblong, cube, and diamond shaped pins as well as the stepped di-
ameter cylindrical pins), partial length pins, flow convergence and
Leading-Edge Impingement Cooling. Jet impingement cool- turning, and with trailing edge coolant extraction on the heat transfer
ing is most suitable for the leading edge of the blade where the coefficient and friction factor distributions in pin-fin cooling channels
thermal load is highest and a thicker cross section of this portion (for example, Metzger et al. [125], Chyu et al. [126], etc.)
of the blade can suitably accommodate impingement cooling
(Figs. 1 and 2). There are many studies focused on the effects of
jet-hole size and distribution, jet-to-target surface distance, spent- Rotational Effect on Pin Fins Cooling. Wright et al. [127]
air cross flow, cooling channel cross section, and the target studied the effect of rotation on heat transfer in narrow rectangular
surface shape on the heat transfer coefficient distribution (for channels (AR ¼ 4:1 and 8:1) with typical pin-fin array used in tur-
example, Chupp et al. [116], Metzger et al. [117], etc.). Recent bine blade trailing edge design and oriented at 150 deg with
studies have considered the combined effects of target surface respect to the plane of rotation. Results show that turbulent heat
roughening coupled with jet impingement for further heat transfer transfer in a stationary pin-fin channel can be enhanced up to 3.8
enhancement. Taslim et al. [118] investigated heat transfer on a times that of a smooth channel; rotation enhances the heat trans-
curved target surface to more realistically simulate the leading ferred from the pin-fin channels up to 1.5 times that of the station-
edge of the blade. Three different roughening techniques were ary pin-fin channels. Most importantly, for narrow rectangular
studied: conical bumps, tapered radial ribs, and sand paper type pin-fin channels oriented at 135 deg with respect to the plane of
roughness. Kanokjaruvijit and Martinez-Botas [119] showed that rotation, heat transfer enhancement on both the leading and trail-
by impinging on the dimple, higher energetic vortices were gener- ing surfaces increases with rotation. This provides positive infor-
ated and thus heat transfer was increased. Since the leading edge mation for the cooling designers.

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Rotational Effect on Wedge-Shaped Cooling Channel. The details that are difficult to obtain by experiments. Moreover, the
trailing edge cooling passage has been represented with wide as- increase in computation power in desktop computers has made it
pect rectangular channels. However, the cross sectional shape is economical to optimize the design parameters based on numerical
best represented with a wedge or trapezoid. To enhance heat trans- analyses. Most common models are based on a two-equation tur-
fer in this region of the blade, the leading and trailing surfaces are bulence model; namely, the k–e model, low Reynolds number k–e
roughened with ribs or pin-fins. Further protection is provided model, the two-layer k–e model, and the low Reynolds number
with coolant ejection from the narrow portion of the channel k–x model. The Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) and
(Fig. 5), and the additional effects of Coriolis induced secondary large–eddy simulations (LES) are the most commonly used simu-
flows and centrifugal driven buoyancy alter the heat transfer char- lation methods for turbine blade internal flow and heat transfer
acteristics. Chang et al. [128] studied heat transfer in rib rough- predictions. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is to solve every
ened trapezoidal duct with bleed holes. Liu et al. [129] considered flow in detail. The extremely small grid spacing and time incre-
heat transfer in a trailing edge cooling passage with smooth walls ments makes this type of simulations extremely expensive in
with trailing edge slot ejection. The channel was placed at an angle terms of time and computational resources. Jang et al. [134]
of 135 deg respective of the direction of rotation. Most notably, for employed Reynolds stress turbulence model to predict the flow
all three surfaces, the Nusselt number ratios increase as the rotation and heat transfer in turbine blade cooling passage with rib turbula-
number increases. The heat transfer enhancement with slot ejection tors. They concluded the second moment solutions display large
is much higher than the cases without slot ejection. Rallabandi anisotropy in turbulent stress and heat flux distributions. With
et al. [130] studied the effect of full length conducting, partial rotation, the Coriolis and buoyancy forces result in strong noniso-
length conducting and nonconducting pins in a wedge-shaped chan- tropic turbulence flows. Viswanathan and Tafti [135] present the
nel with trailing edge bleeding. The rotational effects were altered large eddy simulations (LES) of flow and heat transfer in rotating
in different regions by the presence of the pins. square duct with 45 deg rib turbulators. The unsteady temperature
field in periodic domain is computed directly. The authors observe
that the large scale vortices play a major role in the mixing of the
Rotational Effect on Dimples Cooling. Dimples are recently core fluid and the near-wall heated fluid, the vortex shedding
being considered for turbine blade trailing edge cooling designs. behind the ribs are responsible for the large spike in the energy
Dimples provide reasonable heat transfer enhancement with a rel- spectrum, and the time variation of the flow rate is attributed to
atively low pressure loss penalty as compared with the ribs and the variation dominated by the vortex shedding frequency.
pin-fins. The dimple cooling can be a good choice if the pressure
loss is the main concern in the cooling design. Due to the disturb-
ance enhancement caused by dimples, heat transfer from dimpled CFD for Turbine Film Cooling. It is difficult to model turbine
surface is higher than the smooth wall conditions. This is because blade with film cooling due to the complicated flow phenomena
dimples induce flow separation and reattachment with pairs of coupling with heat transfer process. Turbulence is resolved by dif-
vortices. In addition to flow disturbances, dimples increase heat ferent CFD methods, including RANS, URANS, LES, DNS, etc.
transfer area. In general, higher heat transfer enhancement occurs Although most of the models have good agreements with experi-
on the flow reattached regions either at the dimple cavity down- mental results, the accuracy still needs to be further improved.
stream or on the dimple downstream flat surface. The heat transfer Generally, unsteady models perform better than steady models. In
enhancement is typically around 2–2.5 times that of the smooth this section, numerical simulations of film cooling from a few
wall value with 2–4 times pressure loss penalty and is fairly inde- selected papers are mentioned. Voigt et al. [136] performed
pendent of Reynolds number and channel height or aspect ratio. detailed comparison and validation of RANS, URANS, and SAS
There have been a number of studies that evaluated the effects of Simulations on flat plate film cooling. Five different turbulence
dimple size, dimple depth (depth-to-print diameter ratio ¼ 0.1 to models are used to simulate the flat plate film-cooling process.
0.3), distribution, shape (cylindrical, hemispheric, and teardrop), The models include three steady and two unsteady methods. The
and channel height on the heat transfer coefficient and friction fac- steady RANS methods are the Shear stress transport (SST) model
tor distributions in dimple cooling channels (for example, Mah- of Menter, the Reynolds stress model of Speziale, Sarkar, and
mood et al. [131], etc.). However, the majority of investigations Gatski and a k–e explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model. The
involving dimple cooling have been limited to stationary channels unsteady models are a URANS formulation of the SST model and
that are applicable for stator blade trailing edge cooling designs; a scale-adaptive simulation (SAS). The solver used in this study is
only a few studies focus on rotor blade dimple cooling. Zhou and the commercial code ANSYS CFX 11.0. The results are compared to
Acharya [132] studied heat/mass transfer in a rotating square available experimental data. These data include velocity and tur-
channel with typical dimple array. They found that rotation enhan- bulence intensity fields in several planes. Results show that the
ces heat transfer on the trailing dimple surface and reduces heat steady RANS approach has difficulties with predicting the flow
transfer on the leading dimple surface in a similar manner as the field due to the highly three-dimensional unsteadiness. The
rotational effect on the trailing and leading surfaces of the square URANS and SAS simulations on the other hand show good agree-
channel with ribs. Griffith et al. [133] studied heat transfer in ments with the experimental data. The deviation from the experi-
rotating rectangular channels (AR ¼ 4:1) with typical dimple mental data in velocity values in the steady cases is about 20%
array. The results show that rotation enhances heat transfer on whereas the error in the unsteady cases is below 10%. Leedom
both trailing and leading surfaces of the narrow dimpled channel and Acharya [137] presented Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of
in a similar trend as the rotational effect on the trailing and lead- film cooling flow fields from cylindrical, laterally diffused, and
ing surfaces of the narrow rectangular channel with pins; how- console shaped holes. The results show that the console’s per-
ever, the heat transfer enhancement of the pinned channel exceeds formance is superior to the laterally diffused and cylindrical holes
that of the dimpled channel. Additionally, the dimpled channel in terms of jet penetration into the cross-flow. The turbulence gen-
oriented at 135 deg with respect to the plane of rotation provides erated in the near field of film cooling jets was found to be highly
greater overall heat transfer enhancement than the orthogonal anisotropic. Sreedharan and Tafti [138] performed a numerical
dimpled channel. study to investigate deposition and erosion of Syngas ash in the
leading edge region of a turbine vane. Large Eddy Simulation
Numerical Modeling (LES) is used to model the flow field of the coolant jet-
mainstream interaction and syngas ash particles are modeled using
CFD for Turbine Internal Cooling. In recent years, many a Lagrangian framework. Overall, for particles of size 5 lm, there
researchers have made computational studies on internal cooling is a combined increase in deposition and erosive particles from
channels of the rotating blade. Numerical predictions provide the 16% to 24% as the blowing ratio increases from 0.5 to 2.0. The

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7 lm particles, on the other hand, decrease from 35% to about to 0.25, and buoyancy parameter up to 0.5. These parameters are
30% as the blowing ratio increases from 0.5 to 2. applicable for aircraft gas turbines. More studies are needed for
the blade-shaped coolant passages (realistic cooling passage ge-
CFD for Conjugate Heat Transfer and Film Cooling. Turbine ometry, shape, and orientation) with high performance turbulators
internal cooling and film cooling are the major cooling techniques and with or without film cooling holes, for rotating impingement
that applied to turbine blades. In both types of cooling, heat is cooling with or without film coolant extraction, as well as rotating
removed by means of both convection and conduction. Moreover, pin-fin cooling with or without trailing edge ejection in order to
convection and conduction are effected from each other. Conju- guide the efficient rotor blade internal cooling designs. In addi-
gate heat transfer is basically termed as the interaction between tion, for land-based power generation turbines, more studies are
the convection heat transfer from the surrounding fluid and the needed for rotor coolant passage heat transfer under higher cool-
conduction heat transfer through the solid body. The conduction ant flow (Reynolds number up to 500,000), thermal (buoyancy
heat transfer is affected from the convection heat transfer of the number up to 5), and rotation (rotation number up to 0.5) condi-
surrounding fluid. Thus, they should be solved simultaneously. tions. Highly accurate and highly detailed local heat transfer coef-
This coupling of solid to fluid is usually done by using the same ficient and pressure drop data under these extreme cooling design
wall temperature for the adjacent fluid block and solid block. conditions would be needed to prevent the blade from failure due
The conjugate CFD methods provide good predictions for heat to local hot spots. In addition, study of higher heat transfer
transfer analysis in turbine blades. Eliminating the heat transfer enhancement versus lower pressure drop penalty should continue
coefficient calculation by utilizing the relationship between solid to identify the best heat transfer augmentation technique including
and fluid interface, conjugate methods can provide direct solu- compound and new cooling techniques. Development of accurate
tions. There is much commercially available software (i.e., ANSYS and efficient CFD prediction tools should continue to provide val-
FLUENT, ANSYS CFX, STAR CCM, etc.). However, the accuracy of
uable information for designing effective cooled rotor blades for
conjugate methods must be compared with experimental data the new generation of gas turbines. With advancements being
and still remains to be improved. For example, Shih et al. [139] made on alternative fuel sources for turbines (i.e., hydrogen), a
performed an extensive study on the effects of Biot number on step change in the capability of blades to handle higher heating
temperature and heat-flux distributions in a TBC-coated flat plate loads is a must. Compound and new cooling concepts need to be
cooled by rib-enhanced internal cooling. He and Oldfield [140] developed and explored, such as double wall cooling for new tur-
conducted a study on modeling effect of hot streak on TBC- bine blades and vanes [141,142], heat pipe and microchannel
coated turbine vane heat transfer by unsteady conjugate heat applications for blade tip, leading, and trailing edge cooling. Fun-
transfer. damental studies need to consider the effects of rotation on these
new cooling concepts. Development of this technology will ensure
that the blade design is not the limiting factor for increased effi-
Concluding Remarks ciency and the move to other fuel sources.
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