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Department of Computer Science &

Information Technology

University of Sargodha

Final Project Guide Book

Version 1.0
Revision History
This section describes the revision history of this document.

Date Version Description of Change Author

September 25, 1.0 First Draft of Final Project Deliverable Guideline Project Coordination
2012 Office

Distribution List
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Recipient Role / Designation Office Contact Details

Dr. MA Pasha Chairman Chairman, Department of

Computer Science &
Information Technology
3.1. Introduction......................................................................................................................3
3.2 Existing System..................................................................................................................4
3.3. Scope of the System..........................................................................................................4
3.4. Identifying External Entities:...........................................................................................4
3.5. High Level Usecase Diagram:.........................................................................................4
3.6. Analysis Level Usecase Diagram:....................................................................................5
3.7 Usecase Description..........................................................................................................6

Chapter 3: Second Deliverable For Object Oriented Approach

3.1. Introduction
285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide . 39 million people are blind
and 246 have low vision, about 90% of world’s visually impaired live in low-income settings
where 82% living with blindness are aged 50 and above.
Being blind generally refers to a complete lack of functional vision. However , blindness
involves varying levels of vision ability , sometimes under varying conditions. Vision is the
result of light rays hitting the back of the eye, or retina, and then the optic nerve transmitting
electrical signals to the brain. Blindness occurs when an inadequate amount of light hits the
retina , or the information has not being delivered to the brain correctly.
Many tools already exist for such purposes like smart stick , smart glasses etc. But our goal is to
remove barriers that a blind person never want to carry a stick or black glasses. I personally
interviewed few blind persons that they have a complex that they don’t want to carry a stick or
black glasses, so we are creating or generating a device which we call SBB this device is made to
help blind people to sense any barrier or any person in his/her way . Create solutions and expand
possibilities to help users achieve their full potential as normal person. So we are going to make
a gadget for blind persons so they don’t require any stick or glasses. It allows users to sense any
obstacles around him/her through vibrations, indications by using SBB shown in figure

3.2 Existing System

Most electronic aids that provide services for visually-impaired people depend on the data
collected from the surrounding environment transmitted to the user either via tactile, audio
format or both. Different opinions on which one is a better feedback type are discussed, and this
is still an open topic. However, regardless of the services that are provided by any particular
system, there are some basic features required in that system to offer a fair performance. These
features can be the key to measuring the efficiency and reliability of any electronic device that
provides navigation and orientation services for visually-impaired people.

Therefore, we present a device which we call Smart Blind Belt (SBB). This device is made to
help blind people to sense any barrier or any person in his/her way so that these people can go
out freely.

3.3. Scope of the System

The following is the Scope of project:
It allows users to sense any obstacles around him/her through vibrations, indications by using
It also helps a blind person to sense anything or a person around him.
Our device provides a wide angle through multi sensor system

3.4. Identifying External Entities:

1. User
2.Arduino Board

3.5. High Level Usecase Diagram:

A use case scenario is a visual description, typically written in structured English or point form,
of a potential business situation that a system may or may not be able to handle.
A use case defines a goal-oriented set of interactions between external actors and the system
under consideration.
A use case is initiated by a user with a particular goal in mind, and completes successfully when
that goal is satisfied. It describes the sequence of interactions between actors and the system
necessary to deliver the service that satisfies the goal. It also includes possible variants of this
sequence, e.g., alternative sequences that may also satisfy the goal, as well as sequences that may
lead to failure to complete the service because of exceptional behavior, error handling, etc. The
system is treated as a “black box”, and the interactions with system, including system responses,
are as perceived from outside the system.
Thus, use cases capture who (actor) does what (interaction) with the system, for what purpose
(goal), without dealing with system internals. A complete set of use cases specifies all the
different ways to use the system, and therefore defines all behavior required of the system,
bounding the scope of the system.
Generally, use case steps are written in an easy-to-understand structured narrative using the
vocabulary of the domain. This is engaging for users who can easily follow and validate the use
cases, and the accessibility encourages users to be actively involved in defining the requirements.


3.6. Analysis Level Usecase Diagram:

Analysis level usecase diagram is actually the explanation of high level usecas diagram. In this
diagram high level usecases are expanded in a way that exhibit how high level usecases will
reach to their functionality. Two types of relationships are used in this diagram. Which are:
 Include

 Motor
 UltraSonic Sensor
3.7 Usecase Description

Purpose: To test the belt
Pre-condition: User should wear the belt and turn it on
Post-condition: Belt started and all the motors start working correctly.

Overview: To provide the facility through project

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