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LP 100 | Final Exam

1. The following are tasks that you must accomplish:
 Final Exam : Teaching Demonstration
 Final Project : Lesson Plan

2. Each group of demonstrators has 25 minutes to deliver the final exam. Be proactive and heighten your common sense. Anticipate potential hindrances
and try your best to troubleshoot them ahead of time.
 Assign roles (to all members) as you see fit.

3. Deadlines:
 Date of LP Submission to the Facilitator : before the start of the teaching demo
 Date of Teaching Demo : posted in the Announcement section of our BBL

4. PRINT the rubrics and submit them to the facilitator before the start of the teaching demo. NO printed rubric, NO demo.

LP 100 | Final Exam


50 pts. 45-49 pts. 40-44 pts. 37-39 pts. 36 pts. and below
Clarity of Objectives The objectives are clearly The objectives are mostly The objectives are The objectives are unclear Objectives are absent or
stated, measurable, and clear and measurable but somewhat clear but lack and not measurable. entirely unclear.
aligned with learning could be more specific. specificity or alignment with
standards. standards.
Alignment with Content The lesson plan The lesson plan mostly Alignment with content There is limited alignment The lesson plan does not
Standards demonstrates a thorough aligns with content standards is evident, but with content standards, and align with any content
understanding of content standards, but some areas some activities may not fully many activities do not relate standards.
standards and aligns could be strengthened. address standards. to standards.
activities with them
Engagement and The lesson plan includes Differentiation and There are attempts to Little evidence of The lesson plan does not
Differentiation diverse activities that cater to engagement strategies are differentiate and engage differentiation or engagement address differentiation or
various learning styles and evident, but some areas students, but strategies are strategies; activities may be engagement.
abilities, fostering high levels could be further developed. limited or not fully repetitive or not engaging.
of engagement. implemented.
Assessment and Feedback Clear assessment methods Assessment methods are Assessment methods are Assessment methods are No assessment methods or
are included, aligned with mostly clear and aligned with present, but alignment with unclear or inappropriate, and feedback mechanisms are
objectives, and provide objectives, but feedback objectives is unclear, and there is little provision for included in the lesson plan.
opportunities for meaningful mechanisms could be feedback mechanisms are feedback.
feedback. enhanced. limited.
Organization and Clarity of The lesson plan is well- The lesson plan is mostly Organization is evident, but The lesson plan lacks clear The lesson plan is
Instruction organized, with clear organized, but some areas instructions may be unclear, organization, with disorganized, making it
instructions, sequencing, and could be clearer or better and transitions between instructions that are difficult to follow or
transitions between activities. structured. activities are somewhat confusing or poorly implement.
disjointed. sequenced.

LP 100 | Final Exam
Names (abecedarian):

Course & Code: ________________ Date & Time: ____________________


100 pts. 90-99 pts. 80-89 pts. 71-79 pts. 70 pts. and below
Content Knowledge Demonstrates comprehensive Demonstrates a strong Demonstrates an adequate Demonstrates a basic Demonstrates a limited
understanding of the subject matter understanding of the subject matter understanding of the subject understanding of the subject understanding of the subject
with clear and accurate explanations, with mostly clear and accurate matter, with explanations that are matter, with explanations that matter, with explanations that are
integrating relevant examples and explanations, incorporating some generally clear and accurate, but are occasionally unclear or often unclear or inaccurate,
applications. relevant examples and applications. may lack depth or coherence at inaccurate and lack depth or lacking depth and coherence.
times. coherence.
Classroom Creates a positive and inclusive Establishes a supportive classroom Manages the classroom Demonstrates some difficulty in Struggles to manage the
Management classroom environment, effectively environment, managing time, adequately, with occasional managing the classroom, with classroom effectively, with
managing time, resources, and resources, and student interactions lapses in time management, frequent lapses in time significant issues in time
student interactions to maximize well to promote engagement and resource utilization, or student management, resource management, resource utilization,
engagement and participation. participation. engagement. utilization, or student and student engagement.
Pedagogical Utilizes a variety of effective Utilizes mostly effective pedagogical Utilizes basic pedagogical Utilizes ineffective pedagogical Relies on ineffective pedagogical
Techniques pedagogical techniques to engage techniques to engage students and techniques to deliver instruction, techniques, with little techniques, with no differentiation
students, differentiate instruction, and promote understanding, with some with limited differentiation or differentiation or adjustment or adjustment based on student
promote deep understanding, adjustments made based on student adjustment based on student based on student responses. responses.
adjusting strategies as needed based responses. responses.
on student responses.
Clarity of Communicates ideas clearly and Communicates ideas clearly most of Communicates ideas adequately, Communicates ideas Communicates ideas poorly, with
Communication effectively, using appropriate the time, using mostly appropriate with occasional lapses in clarity, inconsistently, with frequent little clarity, inappropriate
language, tone, and visuals to language, tone, and visuals to language, tone, or visuals that lapses in clarity, language, tone, language, tone, or visuals that
enhance understanding and facilitate understanding and may hinder understanding or or visuals that hinder impede understanding and
engagement. engagement. engagement. understanding or engagement. engagement.
Overall Impression Demonstrates exceptional teaching Demonstrates strong teaching skills, Demonstrates adequate teaching Demonstrates limited teaching Demonstrates poor teaching
skills, engaging students effectively engaging students and creating a skills, engaging students to some skills, struggling to engage skills, failing to engage students
and creating a positive learning supportive learning environment extent and facilitating learning, but students and facilitate learning or facilitate learning effectively,
environment conducive to deep conducive to understanding and with room for improvement in effectively, with significant room with no evidence of a supportive
understanding and growth. growth. creating a supportive for improvement. learning environment.
Professionalism Demonstrates exemplary Demonstrates strong Demonstrates acceptable Demonstrates inconsistent Demonstrates poor
professionalism. Punctual, professionalism. Punctual, well- professionalism. Generally professionalism. Occasionally professionalism. Frequently late,
impeccably dressed, exceptionally dressed, well-prepared, and punctual, appropriately dressed, late, somewhat inappropriately inappropriately dressed,
well-prepared, and consistently maintains a respectful and engaging adequately prepared, and dressed, insufficiently prepared, unprepared, and lacking a
maintains a highly respectful and demeanor. Communicates clearly maintains a respectful demeanor. and sometimes lacking a respectful demeanor.
engaging demeanor. Communicates and effectively. Handles unexpected Communicates clearly most of the respectful demeanor. Communication is often unclear
clearly and effectively and handles situations competently. time. Handles unexpected Communication is often unclear. and ineffective. Unable to handle
unexpected situations with ease and situations with minimal difficulty. Struggles to handle unexpected unexpected situations.
confidence. situations.

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