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Kitsune (Base)

Kitsune are fox spirits that hail from the astral plane. They are born in the form
of an ordinary fox, but with vastly superior intelligence. With two tails they can
change their appearance at will to either be anthropomorphic, or almost perfectly
humanoid, though with fox ears, eyes, and tails


Age: Kistune are born as normal foxes but are not considered Kitsune until they
recieve their true tail shedding their form as the ordinary fox. Kitsune's can live
up to be 1000 years but few if not none have ever reached this state of being due
to unfortunate events that seem to follow these creatures around after the 900 year

Size: Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Your
size is Medium.

Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Celestial Resistances. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Celestial Birthright: All kitsune born come from some lineage unknown to them and
others. Only the gifts they manifest show them this power. Some will choose to
inherent it while others will discard it but one thing will stay the same, Kitsune
powers vary from each walk of life and the way they decide to live their life will
change this accordingly

(Optional) Tail Progression: Level = Number of Tails

1st 1
3rd 2
5th 3
7th 4
9th 5
11th 6
13th 7
15th 8
17th 9

A note on Tails
One unique thing that can destroy a Kitsune’s soul is severing all of its tails.
Their tails can only be severed by Legendary-tier weapons and artifacts. Each
severed tail will induce a -1 penalty to d20 rolls per tail lost. Tails will
naturally regenerate over the course of 1d4+1 days.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and are able to communicate with
animals through purely intent through gestures along with motions.

Kitsune (The Heavenly Path)

Kitsune born this way seem to be more attuned to the planes above allowing them use
feats more known to the Celestials than that of the average Kitsune. This could be
considered by others as winning the "Genetic Lottery" but this does not come
without it's faults. Kitsune who have this legacy seem to be more built for
fighting creatures than normal and have a innate want to do what they believe is
correct allowing them to take the step forward they would wish to take. Their
morals unshakeable and mind infallible but that does not mean what they believe in
is always correct. Where one could believe that giving a starving man bread in the
middle of the road to be just another would see the right thing as to kill the old
man to end his suffering state. By doing so they have gained for unique
capabilities for fighting. This Path is the most distant from others and lean
toward the spiritual side.

Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armor, shield, and shortsword

One's Justice: The Heavenly Path of Kitsune have a ranged cantrip that can be
casted with Wisdom, intelligence, or charisma and have advantage on charm/fear
rolls along with a reaction to reroll the dice if they were to fail.

Radiant Beam

Casting Time:1 action

Range:120 feet
You fire a beam of pure radiant light at your opponent. This deals 1d10 radiant
damage. This increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, and 4d10 at 17th

Celestial Birthright (Heaven's stance): An all powerful state of pushing your body
to use all the power the Kitsune's tails to their maximum potiential. As a bonus
action letting your celestial power run rampant gain the following benefits:

-Gain Half your proficency level rounded down again to all rolls that use it
-As a bonus action you can use a hit die to roll
-Radiant Beam now adds an addition 2d10 or 1d10 undecided

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