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Cell Phone Essay

In this cell phone essay you have to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
the way in which cell phones and the internet dominate the ways in which people
relate to each other socially.

This is the question:

These days, cell (mobile) phones and the internet are very important to the
ways in which people relate to one another socially.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Analysing the Question

This is a type of question that has appeared in the IELTS test a few times:

 The impacts of technology on the way we communicate with each other

With IELTS essay questions, you always need to note carefully exactly what you are
being asked to write about.

In this case it is about cell / mobile phones and the internet. So you must write
about both. Sometimes an essay may just ask you about one or the other.

This is also important in this cell phone essay:

 'The way in which people communicate with each other socially'

You are not being asked about work situations but social situations. So you
should not talk about how these types of technology have impacted on organisations
or workers.

You are also being asked if there are more advantages or disadvantages. So you
must clearly state your opinion on this and also write about both in your cell phone
essay (as the suggestion is that there are both).
Cell Phone Essay
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

These days, cell (mobile) phones and the internet are very important to the
ways in which people relate to one another socially.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Cell Phone Essay Model Answer

It is rare these days to find someone who does not communicate and interact with
others through a cell phone or the internet as they are widespread throughout
society. I believe that the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks.

One main negative consequence of this development is that people may have
become disconnected in relation to conversing with each other face-to-face. People
now tend to use their cell phones or the internet to communicate, but rather than
actually speaking, they send a message. Some of the most popular applications are
WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Line, all of which encourage messaging. The
result of this is that people may lack the benefits of engaging with others in
conversation and the closeness this brings.

Despite this, there are several important advantages as well. Firstly, the internet and
cell phones mean that people can stay connected however far away they are from
each other. For instance, these days, many people live in different countries or go
travelling in different countries. Cell phones and the internet mean that parents can
easily keep in touch with their children who are on holiday and people who immigrate
to live abroad can easily communicate with their loved ones when needed. In
addition to this, the internet means that people also interact with strangers and
increase their knowledge of other cultures because through such things as
Facebook, people connect to all sorts of people around the world, becoming friends
and also discussing and exchanging knowledge.

In conclusion, although a disadvantage of the internet and cell phones is the lack of
face-to-face conversation, they have improved the way we can stay in contact with
loved ones and exchange ideas with new people. Overall then, this is a positive
development for society.

(297 Words)

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