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[MUSIC] In this lecture we going to go over how

to set up your development environment. So what tools are you going to need for
this course? So number one is you're going to need to
sign up for an account on Number two is we're going to heavily
rely on the Google Chrome browser, so you definitely download and install that. And
the Google Chrome browser already
comes with what's called CDT, otherwise known as Chrome Developer Tools. And we're
going to be using them
pretty extensively as well. Okay.
You need a code editor. So the recommended code editor that I'll
be at least using will be Sublime Text 3. Now I'll show you in a minute how
to download it and install it. But Sublime Text 3 technically
still in beta release, but it's been in beta release for years and
it's in fact the developer of Sublime says that that is the recommended
one to download and use. So, it's not a problem to use
it even though it's beta. There are a couple of other code editors
that I would recommend looking at. One is Visual Studio Code,
that's a pretty new editor. Another one is Brackets, Brackets.IO. But Sublime is
extremely fast, and very well supported,
in terms of third party plugins and so on. So, definitely would recommend that.
We're going to also need Git and
we'll talk about Git a little bit more. And we're also going to need this
tool called Browser Sync and you'll see how we're going to use that. And in order
to install Browser Sync
we're going to need to install NodeJs. So we're going to split up
this lecture in two lectures. One, I'm going to show you a couple
kind of preliminary things and this is I'm just going to show
you on this machine right here. And then I'm going to split up part
two into one will be for Windows and one will be for Mac. Show you the
installations of Git and
Browser Sync and NodeJs. Okay, so, the first thing is,
I am going to go ahead and skip how to install Google Chrome browser. Really hoping
you know how to
install a browser by yourself. You'll just, either, Google for it or
maybe you're using it all ready. And there's nothing really to install
in terms Chrome Developer Tools, they already come together with
every Chrome browser download. So there's really nothing to do there. In terms of
signing up for GitHub. We're going to use GitHub extensively
throughout the course and all you have to sign up by giving username, your email,
create a password, and you're good to go. There's really nothing much to it. The
third thing you're going to need
is that at least I'll show you in part two of this lecture is Sublime Text. So go
ahead and in Sublime and
go ahead and search. Can't think and type at the same time,
Sublime Text 3. If you, I misspelled that,
that's excellent, okay, here we go. So Sublime Text 3,
hopefully you'll spell it properly. And you go ahead and click. Make sure you do
Sublime Text 3, not just Sublime Text, because you're
going to end up on Sublime Text 2 webpage. So if you click on Sublime Text 3,
you'll see that you have a bunch
of downloads here for Mac OS, for Windows or for
Windows 64 bit version, or for Linux. So you can basically pick whatever flavor
you'd like, you download it, double click it, or drag and drop, whatever, depending
on which operating system you're on. There's really nothing much for
me to show you there other than this is the page where you download the
installer, and you're really good to go. Okay, so I'm going to wrap
up part one of this lecture. And part two of this lecture, we're going
to split again, into one being Windows, another being Mac. And I'll show you how to
install Git,
and Browser Sync together, with NodeJs.

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