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thank you so much for accepting my friend resqust it my pleasure to meet you i'm.....

where are you nice place and i'm from las vegas have you been to las vegas.



you have a nice profile

what are you doing now i hope am not distracting you right now believe you look beautiful

like the queen of ENGLAND.

what do you do for a living or what is your job.

you have a nice job

are you married with children

(i don't have a child and why do you not have children)

and i have a son and is name is derrick and he study in canada in the boarding school

and is 11 year old and how old is your kids and what do your kids do for a living .

i'm a widower and you ....i'm a widow and or i'm divorced

i'm sorry about that and how long have you been a widow and or i'm divorced

if i mays ask what happened in your past relationship.

do you have parent ....i'm the only child of my foster parent and you

(yes i have father okay i'm glad you still have father )(or i don't have parent )

i'm sorry about ...

do you have brother or sister or sibling

do your sister or sibling live close to your city or town

your have a nice family ......

.............................Good morning from a friend to her........afternoon lunch and good evening form a
friend to her..........................

WORK YOUR TIME AND HER TIME so that each can be committed to her time .not your time,

.......................BUID YOUR RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO OF YOU .in a SECERT .............

my love don't tell anybody about us .i want my coming over to meet you to be supries to you or your
family or children..secert



always very soon my love .....

...................MY JOB ..WHO ......

okay well orthopedic doctor- who has been educated and trained in the diagnosis and preoperative,
operative, and postoperative treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal i work under
(WHO) I am currently on contract in Afghanistan with the (WHO) to take care of there army and to
medically to examining the patient

I'm a medical doctor by profession

specialized in surgery and emergency

,working officially with (WHO)

here now in afghanistan , very

soon i will be completing my contract

and i can have a family so that i can

settle down and biuld a happy family

together and invest together in a nice

investment with my woman and for the

future of our kids

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FOOD WE EAT IN THE CAMP

food i eat: corn flakes FOOD FOR

DINNER Stuffed Roast Turkey; Sliced

Turkey Dinner Plate with orange

juice***chicken with couscos and

capsicum....strawberry pie***Fried Egg

Wafflewiches.... Chicken and vegetable

spring rolls...Beans sprouts carrots

and cabbage spring rolls, boiled

sausage, egg and salad,I eat buckwheat

porridge with baked liver, cheddar and

salsa scrambled eggs on toast and fruit

on side.

....................VIDEO CAM when she want to ask for cam.

....My dear, i need you to

know that here in the camp base in Afghanistan

Video or camera web cam is not allow.

This is the rules of both the United

Nations and the United States Army

Military body. It is the rules they

place here to govern us, so this rules

cannot be broken either by me or by any

other Doctors. So do you understand

I no you most have also heard of what is going on here in Afghanistan is the officially the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked and mountainous country in south-central Asia. It is bordered
by Pakistan in the south and east, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the
north, and China in the far northeast, my dear due to the Taliban treat and attack we don't make
calls..!! I may not be able to show myself to you on cam because i am communicating with you on
military server and our dialogue here is being scrutinized.the reason is that terrorist are capable of
hacking our system to perpetrate great evil which can be very harmful to us
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<WHO)...................GOAL ABOUT YOUR JOB

WHO works worldwide to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.

Our goal is to ensure that a billion more people have universal health coverage, to protect a billion
more people from health emergencies, and provide a further billion people with better health and

For universal health coverage, we:

focus on primary health care to improve access to quality essential services

work towards sustainable financing and financial protection

improve access to essential medicines and health products

train the health workforce and advise on labour policies

support people's participation in national health policies

improve monitoring, data and information.

For health emergencies, we:

prepare for emergencies by identifying, mitigating and managing risks

prevent emergencies and support development of tools necessary during outbreaks

detect and respond to acute health emergencies

support delivery of essential health services in fragile settings.

For health and well-being we:

address social determinants

promote intersectoral approaches for health

prioritize health in all policies and healthy settings.

Through our work, we address:

human capital across the life-course

noncommunicable diseases prevention

mental health promotion

climate change in small island developing states

antimicrobial resistance

elimination and eradication of high-impact communicable diseases.


my son is 11 year old and he study in canada in the boarding school is a very intelligent and smart boy
and hw want to be like is father when he grow son SHE ASK?(SON SCHOOL FREE$22,000

SCHOOL...Bishop's College School

ABOUT MY WIFE..always use you year by year i lost my wife and my beautiful daughter who was 23
year od the same day in paris that was 6 year ago in paris bomb attack my family was among the
victim who lost their life over there too


............DOCTOR SALARY,,,$32,194 a month


I love poetry, books, walks on the beach and cozy candlelight dinners. I enjoy movies, television,
music, traveling, the desert, the quietness of the mountains, the ocean, sunrises and sunsets.


l like swimming, listening to music, reading, watching soccer and playing golf but i have not done any
of That for years since i lost my wife cause all i do now is work, work and work so hard go home so i do
not have to think or feel lonely.





I was lonely and I need to talk with some one to wipe off my sadness so I Decided chat. Someone here
in the Army who is an Asian American Introduced me to this program. He is my junior colleague and
Told me I could find someone who is honest and caring. I came across your name on QQ ID so I
Decided to say hello and I was surprised When You responded. Hope you are not angry about this?

Can you please tell me about your self.

What is Your name?

Are you married and you kids?

What do you do for a living?

What is your hobbies?

Well i will appreciate us been good friend.


I am a honest and trusting man. Looking for the same in a woman. I've had my share of scams on this
site. So let's be honest what I'm looking for in you is thin to athletic build. I will do whatever it takes to
make sure you're happy. I love volleyball, riding my motorcycle n camping, going to the beach. I have a
RV park at a private camp ground, pool, hot tub & 3 sand court's tennis. I like holding hands cuddle,
just hanging out. Thanks for looking Rick


Thank you for your kind reply and am now in Afghanistan for peacekeeping, it was nice to have
received a mail from you, may I ask to know you better, i mean tell me where you are from, where you
stay? are you married? how old are you? do you have kids and how many? where you work and what
are your hobbies ... sorry for being so inquisitive


abouth ME

Thank you for your kind reply and I think I Should tell you more about me. I am a Widower who has
one child. I am a DOCTOR . I work under the (WHO) I am currently in Kabul, Afghanistan WITH THE

l like swimming, listening to music, reading, watching soccer and playing golf but i have not done any
of That for years since i lost my wife cause all i do now is work, work and work so hard go home so i do
not have to think or feel lonely.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FUTURE PLAN

When my contract end with (WHO) i intend to go into management to property or run a big restaurant
or cafe (Like KFC)and buy a house and build a super market and open a pharmacy

,,,i wan t to buy a house close to sea so at night we can build the fire night togother with beautiful
wish of succeuss


We can not make and receive calls cause we are not allowed to use mobiles here Because the Taliban
insurgents detonated bombs can manipulate it to know for security reasons we do not use phones ......
Write me your email address so we can stay in contact more .. here is mine



Now to answering a few things about me ... My days here is probably how you must have imagined ...
being on guard 24/7 causes anything can happen any minute .. I can not really say my work here
process is a success cause it's more like a war zone here Because the Talibans never stop causes some
of them believe if they die and kill many people in war, Allah would accept Their soul ... how
preposterous right?

you Seem like a nice woman and notes That God has a plan for everybody ok, we just have to believe
and be patient .. I really hope we can share more about ourselves honesty causes That is the bases for
true friendship or relationship causes am quite interested in you now ..

Note: you are prettier than your profile picture



Hi dear and how are you? I want you to know that i think of you Constantly and That is why am early
in my reply .. I do not think much, I do not think Often, but when i think now, I think of you and this
scares me, it's causes Been long i felt this way.
Yes it's strange how we met and have stayed in contact with you .. i hope maybe we could be more but
for now we have to keep this to ourselves until we are sure of what we are doing ok ..

I want you to know That I need a woman who can communicate what she desires and has the ability
to listen and the ability to share her heart .I want to share my life with someone who will not be as a
playmate. You need to be ready to make a commitment if the relationship matures.

I am a very passionate man, and i need a passionate woman to be my partner.i have got to know the
value of a woman in a man's life. And also to let you know That the distance and language can never
be a problem Because all that matters is understanding, trust and passion as i am ready to travel miles
just to spend the rest of my life time with the woman i love.

I do hope to hear from you soon.

Notes: hope you can open up to me and tell me all soon



Hello Dear and how was your day? i want you to know That the first time my heart was broken I
thought I was through, I swore I'd never love again and believe me this was true, but When You
walked into my life the second i saw you, I Knew you were worth loving, even more than before, just
like the first time.

Also why i want us to be friends first is Because True friends are like Diamonds .. they are real and
rare. False friends are like leaves .. they are scattered everywhere and to just let you know, i want us to
be like Diamond to each other. Will you accept me as your MAN? please do not say No!

I just wanted to write you before i start work again cause you are the only one in my head.



Dear Hello and how are you? sorry for my late reply it's because i needed time to think about my life
and bring you the future now ... I think i more than like you. I think about you every second of every
day. When I fall asleep, my dreams are about you. I wish I could tell you how I really feel. That I'm just
afraid it's too late.

The distances difference is not a worry to me, cause i believe That distances, age and language is not a
problem When it comes to the things of the heart. I want a long term relationship and One That will
last forever but now we have to take it slow and get to know more about each other better.

I wish I could tell you but I do not want to scare you away from me and I would rather not write you
and be with you then to never see you, Because you writing every day is a gift from God That I was
blessed with . I guess I will never know how you feel Unless I confess to you. Who knows - you might
feel the same about me. I really do More Than Just like you ....... I just do not know how to tell you.

In Love

Notes: i know That this might be too forward or fast but i just thought you Knew what i felt and i am
sorry if this is not want you wanted.




Hi and how was your? I want you to know my definition of love .. Love is a friendship That has caught
fire, it is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and
bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Love is
content with the present, it hopes for the future and it does not brood over the past. It is the day in
and day out chronicle of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and
working toward common goals. So what is your definition dear?

If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you do not have it, no
matter what else there is, it's not enough.

Of all the people in this world, you are the one i run to. Your name () Has Been inscribed in my heart, i
whisper your name when i wake each morning and each night to the stars. I love you with all my
heart. I will never ever forget the first day That we are going to meet. I will remember each and every
detail. Meeting you Has Been an answer to my prayers, i will always love you, my heart belongs to you
and ONLY you now. I never want you to forget that. I did not think it was possible to fall in love with
someone so fast and worse on the net ... but, this has totally proved me wrong. I am truly happy to be
with you. You are my everything and i will do anything for you. I will never leave your side if you
promise to stay by me and my child forever too.

Baby, if you allow me to call you That, you are always lighting up my heart with the things you write. I
feel so happy just being with you this way. You are my baby and will forever be my baby. You will
always be the love of my life and please never give up, always have faith in yourself and you will gain
the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you righteously deserve, so do not worry about the
past causes what i have-learned matter's is the future.

Do take care ok.

kisses to you, Your Man


Hi dear and how are you? i am back to base but now my day has been so, so terrible cause i lost a
DOCTOR last night and am so sad ... i pity for the wife and his two kids cause they are so young ... am
really not happy today ..I just wanted to write you a little That now am back to basic ... I do not worry
too much about me ok ..

my love we lost 34 people today in the camp

the bomb exploxsion kill 390 people

am very scared of the killing of people day by day in the camp

my worker was shot dead on there way from the border,

do have a nice day and you know, all i kept thinking of you and today was my child ... love you both .. I
know that "LOVE" is quite big and a strong word but it's true as i consider you and your family my
family now also ...



Hi and how are you? I am sorry i made you worried, i could not sleep and you know the doctor That
was my boy cause i trained him personally. It's sad cause i do not know what to say to His Family when
i leave here. The worst is That We risk our lives on the field only to get little pay though am the
commander in operations on patrol.

This morning we all gave our last respect to the soldier and dcotor That died and i hope i can do
something nice for His Family when i leave here causes His married with two kids and they are just 7
and 10 years old ..

It's nice of you to think of me, it means you care and appreciate That the causes That makes it two
people who cares about me that i know now .. you, my child .. Until later ..

In Love
================================================== =


Hi dear and how are you? sorry for my short reply but i want you to know that i was thinking and am
glad that i will be retiring from service soon cause i want to be with the love and care Those for and
also have the chance to meet you too. ..I want to be able to spend my life with you, my child and You
"my family" causes this 2 are all i have now ... You know we get just a little over dollars some months
to know Is that worth dying for? Yes do the government compensated the family but the kids are now
fatherless ... my child is motherless Already know what will happen if something Should happen to
me? You are not scared of death you know but am scared of putting my only child through hell ...

I hope you get my point and i tell you this all cause i think you are quite understanding and the person
closes to me now that i can trust.

================================================== =


hello dear how are you doing, today we had a bad news That the ISIS is killing alot of doctor in Syria
and the army general want to deploy some doctor here in afghanistand to syria, I'm worried Because
my Name is Among Those selected to be deploy to syria, the last troops who went there only few men
return back to camp safe 2 day 3 day ago they are badly injuire

my love i want for the Conference meeting and my name was among the following professional
doctor that we be transfer to syria soon .I'm worried Because my Name is Among Those selected to be
deploy to syria, the last troops who went there only few men return back to camp are seriously injuire
and disable

Dear i want to retire from this contract and i need you to do that for me, the reason why i am still
here in the camp is because i have no wife over there, now that i have you, i want to go and meet you
and my child , i want you to help me contact the general about my retirement, so he can give you the
leave form for me to be able to leave the camp and how to you, i do need you to help me my love.


my love i have never don this before but i ask a friend of mine how i can apple for the ceritificate but
my queen the rule is that if anyone fail to get the certificate he will not be alllowed to take the leave
again still the end of the contract .

HOW CAN I DO THIS.......MY LOVE .TO apply for the certificate..

i want you to help me contact the general about my retirement, so he can give you the leave form for
me to be able to leave the camp and how to you, i do need you to help me my love.

i want you to help me written a letter to the commander so he can grant my leave for the camp that
is the way you can apply for the certificate of leave

ASK do you know how to write the letter i tell you how to write the letter....

......................REASONS FOR MY VACATION..................

I decided to come spend my vacation with you because before i met you all i capitalized on, was
succeeding the mission here but since i met you, my heart began to tell me how lonely it has been,
you awoke my spirit of love and gave me the zee to stay alive.

All i think about now is you and how peaceful and relaxing it would be just to spend even if it is as
little as seconds in your arm, to feel loved again by the woman who sets my heart on fire with a
passionate flame of love.

I tried telling you the procedures to securing and achieving this long awaited dream, but i guess
translated interpretations were incorrect.

All i was trying to explain is that when we are on missions for a high ranked intelligence official like
myself, our belongings are kept safe for us by the (WHO) should in case we fall at war it can be given to
anyone that we willed. and we are given a contact means which we can contact them.

Therefore before we go on vacations they must be contacted first by whom we are going to meet, for
them to deliver our belongings to you, before our permit will be grant to leave the Military base. this
procedure was inplimented due to few reasons:

================================================== =


Good day commander,i am Viktoria Diadko,the fiance of mr scott Darron who work as a specialist
military with the united state of america and was posted to the Kabul Afganistan for peace keeping,Sir
i will like you to grant him leave to enable him come back home due to our marriage planning and also
for the sake of his son Derrick because long ago he have left...please i will be glad if my request is been

Dear General, Mrs. i am ... I am here by applying for emergency leave for Major Jordan. I am
requesting His emergency leave be granted soon because i want to have constant conversation with
him as I am His future wife. We are planning on getting married soon, That is why I need the
emergency leave On behalf of my fiancé. I will be grateful if you could grant my application.


Hello dear, How are you doing? I just want to share something with you, I do not want you to worry
about it or tell any body about it, Because this is a confidential information.

Today we had a meeting,

The Army General gave us a notice, we are going for two days and rescue mission to attack Taliban
and tried to arrest Their regional headquarters responsible for the bomb blast, kiling. The last troops
who went there only few men return back to camp safe, many life was lost and some injured. Because
I told you I love you and want you to please keep this as a secret.

We do not want to the news leaked out, Its really terrible out there my love and i am very worried for
my life because i have you and my little child who need me, I need your prayers as i travel to the city
for rescue mission. I want you to be strong for me too and i will keep in touch with you as soon i get
back alive.


================================================== ============================

.....................WHY CAN'T YOU PAY IT YOUR SELF

my world please can you help me get the form so i can leave here? i would sono stati able to pay it
myself but we are in a war zone and most of the banks here does not work two to the several bombing
here and another news just came in That they are planning another suicide attack again

I 'm in the war zone i don't have access to my personal belonging

i'm here i'm just confused do not know what to do know what to do because i can not access my
account from here i would have paid it myself

my love this is what i want you to do why do not you write back to the Commander to plead if he can
let me out from here first when i get out i will pay the money or maybe you can just tell him the
money you He has now to know if he will accept to help us

honey i keep thinking and thinking about all what you wrote to me and i cry over it and my heart is so
bitter and i feel sad

my love i am not the one asking you for the money and i will never ask you for money because i have
more than enough to feed and care for you .. this money you are ask is for you to buy the form to get
me out from here can not you get it

i really do not want to force you against you will, if you do not wanna help me out here from the end i
will try to survive but if i do not make it out alive from here i want you to know in your That heart
there was a man called Hudson who loved you with all His Life

i have to go now i need to get some rest and clear things off my head

listen Kiralee Ruck i understand how you feel but you where damn hard to me and i never felt you
where going to say to all rubbish to me and i felt so sad That the woman i loved has turned to be the
one i do not understand , honey you can not just hear things about people and decided to bring it to
me without you hearing me out, you kept writing and writing i just needed you to finish writing
everything you have to write then i can write you to let you know sono stati you hurting my feelings

i have stayed here listening to all the crap you sono stati saying and i really hate myself for letting you
into my life and you got my heart broken with all this stupid words you are saying to me

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