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Unit 9 A school problem.

A: Hi, I’m Juan’s teacher. Nice to meet you.

B: I’m Juan’s mom. Nice to meet you, too. So, how’s Juan doing?
A: Juan’s a good student. I enjoy having him in class.
B: That’s good to hear. Does he participate in class activities?
A: Yes, he’s quite active in group discussions and activities.
B: That’s great! How about his English skills?
A: His English skills are developing, but he could use some more
B: I see. Is there anything specific he needs to work on?
A: He struggles a bit with grammar and vocabulary, so some
extra practice would be helpful.
B: Okay, I will make sure to help him with that at home. Thank
you for letting me know.
B: How much time should he spend studying English each day?
A: About 20-30 minutes of practice each day would be beneficial.
B: Alright!
A: Nice! thanks teacher.
B: Are there any specific resources or activities you recommend
for English practice?
A: Yes, there are some helpful apps and online exercises he can
use. I can provide you with a list.
B: That would be wonderful, thank you!
A: No problem, I'm here to support Juan's learning journey.
Unit 10 I don’t know what to buy!

SA: Hi, I'm trying to decide between these two brands of

cereal and I need your opinion.
SB: Sure, I can help. What are the options?
SA: Well, here is a brand that is cheaper, but there is
another that claims to be healthier.
SB: Let me see. Can you tell me what you look for in a
SA: I usually buy something with whole grains and low
SB: Okay, I recommend the healthier option. It may be a
little more expensive, but it will probably be better for
SA: How much more expensive is it than the other?
SB: It costs a little more than $1 more, but it has health
SA: Very good, then I think I will follow your suggestion.
Thanks for your help!
SB: No problem.
Unit 11 A 911 call!

Operator: 911, How can I help you?

Keila: Hello? I need help! My friend had an accident.
Operator: What is your name?
Keila: Keila Morante
Operator: Stay calm., can you give me your address?
Keila: 9 october av
Operator: What is city and state?
Keila: Guayaquil, Guayas
Operqtor: Can you tell me a reference of the place?
Operador where wound
Keila: He has a wound on his leg
Operador: Is your friend conscious? what is name your friend?
Keila: his Name is Jhon Mendez.Yes, but he is bliring. I'm escared,
What do you remomended?
Operador: If you have a wound, keep it pressed so that it does
not bleed.
Keila: I'm doing. but it doesn't stop bliring.
Operador:: Help is on the way. Keep pressure on the wound. Is
there anything else you can do?
Keila: No, I will wait for the ambulance. Oh, I see the ambulance
Operator: Okay. Keep calm.
Operator: No problem.

Unit 12 I need your help!

SA: Hello, I need your help! Please!!!!!!!

SB: Of course, What's up?
SA: I have a medical appointment during my shift tomorrow, and
I was hoping you could cover for me.
SB: Oh, I don't know. I already have a lot on my plate tomorrow.
SA: Please, I really need to go to this appointment. It's important.
If I don't go, I'll have to wait weeks for another appointment.
SB: I understand, but I have some deadlines to meet tomorrow.
Can't you reschedule your appointment?
SA: I wish I could, but it's really urgent. The doctor said it's
important to check on some test results.
SB: Well, I guess I could rearrange some things. But you owe me
SA: Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I promise I'll make
it up to you.
SB: Alright, I'll cover for you this time. But remember, next time
it's your turn to cover for me!
SA: Thanks again

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