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semester 2 workbook 2024

The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Prof Carisma Nel
and Prof Elma Marais of the Faculty of Education at the North-West University
and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the
Department of Higher Education and Training.
1. Word of Welcome

Dear Student Teacher

Welcome to the TPED 276/277/278 module. This is your work-integrated learning

module (i.e., the teaching practicum). To complete TPED 276/277/278 successfully, it
is compulsory to be placed at a school and to complete and submit a portfolio of
evidence. The practicum experiences enable you, as a student teacher, to expand
and demonstrate the knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to support the
learning of all learners. The practicum presents a practical, real-world teaching
experience in which you can apply effective teaching practices. This experience is
carried out under the close supervision of a team of Teaching Practice specialists. At
the university, you will work under the supervision of the University Teaching Practice
(TP) mentor from the Faculty of Education at the North-West University. At the
school, you will work under the supervision of the Trained School Mentor and/or the
School Mentor Teacher.

During the course of the year, you will be required to complete TWO school-based
teaching practicum sessions:

First teaching practicum session: 22 April 2024 – 17 May 2024

Second teaching practicum session: 09 July 2024 – 02 August 2024

Kind regards

Work-integrated Learning Team


FAQ link
Consult the following Frequently Asked Questions page before you send an email to
ask for assistance:

Further contact information will be available on your TPED eFundi page.


Communication platforms
• eFundi

This is our PRIMARY means of communication. Please ensure that you visit your
eFundi site at least ONCE a day! This site contains all the important Teaching
Practice information, including:

- The WIL manual

- All announcements
- Teaching practice assignment
- Resources

• Email

The TPRAC team can communicate with you by sending a personal email,
especially with regards to placements or marks.

Should you wish to send an email with an inquiry, please ensure that you always

- Full name
- Student number
- Campus
- Contact or distance
- Phase
- Year group
- Module code
- If your inquiry is related to registration matters, include proof of registration.

Explain your problem in as much detail as possible so that you can be assisted
quickly and effectively.


Lesson Design and Preparation

• Observe your mentor teacher’s method of planning.
• Schedule a discussion session with your mentor teacher and talk to her about
how she does planning, what resources she uses, factors she takes into
consideration when planning, and how she uses learner assessments (e.g.,
worksheets, informal assessments, quizzes, etc.) to inform her planning for future
planning and instruction.
• Do weekly planning (i.e., one week) for:
• All subjects if placed in the Foundation Phase


• Weekly planning for a Grade R programme (Foundation Phase)


• Two subjects (Intermediate and Senior and FET Phase)

• This planning can be on your own (must be checked by your MT) or co-planned
with your MT.
• Use your lesson wheel/ generic NWU lesson plan and complete the following
sections of your lesson design for TWO subjects (two-day programmes if you are
placed in a Grade R classroom within the Foundation Phase):
• Context (Type of school, location, resources, etc.)
• Learners (Who are they? What are their strengths, needs, interests, etc.)
• Aims/Objectives (Use CAPS to identify theme and topic, Formulate the
purpose of the lesson, Identify the Content; Language skills to be taken into
• SMART task
• Assessment (Criteria for SMART task, Cognitive level, Purpose, tool,
method, instrument)
• Learning Activities
• Teaching Activities
• Two lesson plans total
• Write a critical reflection (2 pages) on what you have learnt about lesson design
and planning up to this point, considering that you have been participating in
teaching practice for two semesters already. Discuss specifically the progress from
terms 1 and 2 to terms 3 and 4.

What to include in your Portfolio of Evidence

• A copy of your weekly planning for the phase in which you are registered.
• Copy of your planning for your TWO lessons, only focussing on:
• Context (Type of school, location, resources, etc.)
• Learners (Who are they? What are their strengths, needs, interests, etc.)
• Aims/Objectives (Use CAPS to identify theme and topic, Formulate the
purpose of the lesson, Identify the Content; Language skills to be taken
into account)
• SMART task / NWU generic lesson plan structure
• Assessment
• Learning activities
• Teaching activities
• Submit your critical reflection on lesson design and teaching practice experience.

Activity design

Do the following:

• You should now be planning engaging activities to tie to your weekly

planning and co-teaching lessons planned for ESA 1.
• You should develop 2 tasks with its relevant activities (formal
assessment), under the guidance of your mentor teacher.
• When planning, consider how your assignment could contribute to the
teaching programme of your mentor teacher.
• Ask your mentor teacher to evaluate your work, especially if it is to be
considered to be used in the classroom.
• Include a detailed plan for your assignments and evidence of design.

What to include in your Portfolio of Evidence

• A copy of your activity and the detailed plan of the assessment – for each
of the two assessments. Include a memo or rubric for your assignments.
• Your critical analysis on your perceived competence with regard to
Instruction and Assessment.

Do the following:
• Co-teach with your mentor teacher OR on your own (the mentor teacher will
inform you) for three consecutive lessons (i.e., for the subject that you are
placed for. See CAPS/ATP for sequence of lessons). Your mentor teacher will
probably not allow you to teach three full days on your own. Please note that
the idea is that you get experience to teach a particular subject on
consecutive days, for example, if you did a maths lesson on Monday, you
should follow up with the maths on Tuesday and if possible, on Wednesday
(or whichever day the next lesson may follow) so that you can learn to adapt,
adjust and revise as necessary based on how the learners were responding,
engaging and comprehending what was being taught.
• Write a critical reflection on your co-teaching OR your teaching alone, and
how you experienced it; what worked well, what didn’t, etc. Include the
reflection on your mentor teacher’s feedback of your lesson. The mentor
teacher assessment is included for one of the lessons you present – see
mentor teacher report made available as separate document on eFundi.

What to include in your Portfolio of Evidence

• The three lesson plans for the lessons that were presented.
• A critical reflection on your teaching experience and what you learnt from
teaching for consecutive days. Include reflection on your mentor teacher’s

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