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Integrating more efficient renewable energy

technologies into food systems in Central

Mozambique: implications to food and
nutrition security

zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

eingereicht an der Lebenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Custódio Efraim Matavel, M.Sc.

Präsidentin der Humboldt-Universität Dekan der Lebenswissenschaftlichen

zu Berlin Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu
Prof. Dr. Julia von Blumenthal Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Ulrichs

Gutachter/innen Tag der mündlichen Prüfung

1. PD Dr. Stefan Sieber 25. Mai 2023
2. Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Ulrichs
3. Prof. Dr. Sandro Luis Schlindwein
Integrating more efficient renewable energy technologies into
food systems in Central Mozambique: implications to food and
nutrition security
PhD thesis submitted by Custódio Efraim Matavel, M.Sc.

Table of contents
I |Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 4
II |Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 5
III |List of Tables ....................................................................................................................................... 6
IV |List of Figures...................................................................................................................................... 7
V |Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 8
VI |Zusammenfassung ......................................................................................................................... 11
VII |List of featured publications ...................................................................................................... 14
VIII |Additional Peer-reviewed Articles with Relevance to the PhD Topic........................ 15
1 | Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 16
1.1 State of food and nutrition security in Africa ................................................................... 16
1.2 The concept of food and nutrition security (FNS).......................................................... 18
1.2.1 Food and nutrition security measurement ................................................................... 20
1.2.2 Linkages between energy and FNS .................................................................................. 23
1.3 Food and nutrition security situation in Mozambique ................................................. 25
1.4 Problem definition, research objectives and hypotheses............................................ 27
2 |Synopsis of this work ........................................................................................................................ 29
3 |Research methodology ..................................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Study area ...................................................................................................................................... 31
3.2 Research design ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.3 Statistical analysis....................................................................................................................... 34
4 |Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Understanding the drivers of food security among agriculture-based
households in Gurué District, Central Mozambique ................................................................... 36
4.2 Experimental evaluation of a passive indirect solar dryer for agricultural
products in Central Mozambique....................................................................................................... 68
4.3 Toward energy saving and food safety in Central Mozambique: the role of
improved cook stoves and heat retention boxes ......................................................................... 91
4.4 Effect of passive solar drying on food security in rural Mozambique ..................116
4.5 Stronger adoption at lower costs: individual capacity building as a pivotal tool
for improved cookstoves adoption in Central Mozambique .................................................144
5 |Synthesis ..............................................................................................................................................169
6 |Study limitations and further research needs .......................................................................173
7 |Overall Conclusion............................................................................................................................176
8 |Policy Recommendations ..............................................................................................................178
9 |References ...........................................................................................................................................180
Statutory Declaration ................................................................................................................................190

I |Acknowledgements
Completing this thesis would not have been possible without the financial, scientific and
emotional support I received from several individuals and institutions. My journey as a
doctoral student has indeed had its ups and downs. I am deeply grateful to my parents,
Graciete and Efraim, my partner Dina, and my son Kevin who, even though I was far away,
were always present in my life, supporting me unconditionally.

I would like to thank Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Klaus Müller, PD Dr. Stefan Sieber and Prof. Harald
Kächele for always guiding and encouraging me to improve and become a better scholar
throughout the past years.

A special thanks to Dr. João Salavessa, Dr. Constance Rybak and Dr. Harry Hoffmann for
believing in me. You are the reason I became part of one of the best research teams I've
ever met. Furthermore, my gratitude goes explicitly to the Federal Ministry of Food and
Agriculture (BMEL) and Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) for funding my PhD
project. I must thank Karin Stahl, Annett Jahn and Anika Kulling, who always supported
me when administrative issues came up along the way.

Dr. Götz Uckert, Dr. Jonathan Steinke and Dr. Johannes Hafner, thank you for the early and
tireless support that helped me to find my way out of countless dead ends I have been to.

I also want to thank my co-authors, who helped me with their constructive contributions
during the articles' conceptualization, writing, and editing. My gratitude extends to the
anonymous reviewers who took the time to help me to improve my work. Many thanks to
Dr. Carsten Paul for accepting to be my mentor and for the guidance.

Many thanks to all my fellow PhD colleagues in the SusLand group for the friendship and
the time we spent together, sharing good and challenging times.

I would also like to thank Lúrio University, the local administrative offices of the case
study sites in Gurué district for the kind cooperation that made this research possible.
Thanks to Diofino, Baltazar and Ernesto for supporting the data collection as
enumerators. A special thanks also goes to the people in the villages who kindly
cooperated and provided the data that made this research possible.

II Abbreviations

CCT: Controlled Cooking Test

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAS: Food Availability Scores

FI: Food Insecurity

FNI: Food and Nutrition Insecurity

FNS: Food and Nutrition Security

FS: Food Security

HFIAS: Household Food Insecurity Access Scale

HRB: Heat Retention Box

HRS: Heat retention System

ICS: Improved Cookstove

IFPRI: International Food Policy Research Institute,

MAHFP: Months of Adequate Household Food Provisioning

OSD: Open-Sun Drying

PHLs: Post-Harvest Losses

PISD: Passive Indirect Solar Drying

PSD: Passive Solar Drying

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

SSA: Sub-Saharan Africa

TSF: Three-Stone Fire Stove

UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

WB: The World Bank

WDDS: Women Dietary Diversity Score

WFP: World Food Programme

WHO: World Health Organization


III List of Tables

Table 1.1: Food and nutrition security metrics. Adapted from Pangaribowo et al. (2013),
Jones et al. (2013) and Herforth and Ballard (2016) ..................................................................... 22
Table 4.1: Food Groups and Item used for HFCS calculations .................................................... 43
Table 4.2: Explanatory variables used in the regression analysis ............................................. 45
Table 4.3: Socioeconomic characteristics of the households in each village ........................ 48
Table 4.4: Percentage of households in each food security category ...................................... 50
Table 4.5: Estimation results of GOLM ................................................................................................. 51
Table 4.6: Marginal effects of explanatory variables for FS level .............................................. 52
Table 4.7: Fresh leaves loaded during successive drying days .................................................. 74
Table 4.8: Design features of the ICS ..................................................................................................... 97
Table 4.9: Food used in the CCT .............................................................................................................. 97
Table 4.10: Stove performance indicators .......................................................................................... 98
Table 4.11: Average values of fuel and time consumption for different types of food and
stoves (n=12). ..............................................................................................................................................101
Table 4.12: Average time (min) the food temperature took to reach 60 ̊C ..........................101
Table 4.13: Household food inventory. ..............................................................................................122
Table 4.14: Descriptive statistics of surveyed households (Continuous/count variables)
Table 4.15: Descriptive statistics of surveyed households (dummy variables) ................124
Table 4.16: Prevalence of food security .............................................................................................127
Table 4.17: Determinants of predicted likelihood of using solar dryer (probit model
output) ............................................................................................................................................................128
Table 4.18: Effect of using solar dryer on food security based on PSM ................................130
Table 4.19: Effect of using solar dryer on food security based on ESR .................................130
Table 4.20: Individual characteristics of the households (continuous variables) ............152
Table 4.21: Random effect probit estimates of ICS adoption ....................................................157
Table 4.22: Marginal effect of the training approach on the probability of ICS adoption
Table 4.23: Cost per adopter for ICS dissemination approaches .............................................158

IV List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Interlinkages between food system, socio-economic systems and Food and
Nutrition Security. Adapted from Mbow et al. (2019) ................................................................... 20
Figure 2.1: Research concept: proposed mechanisms to improve food and nutrition
security ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3.1: Study area location ................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 4.1: Location map for the study area ...................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.2: Percentage (%) of households for: gender; non-farm income; and good land
quality ............................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4.3: Percentage (%) of households producing specific crop in each village ........... 49
Figure 4.4: Schematic view of passive indirect solar dryer ........................................................ 73
Figure 4.5: Variation of the temperature and relative humidity at the ambient and inside
the drying chamber and solar radiation intensity for amaranth leaves ................................. 76
Figure 4.6: Average solar energy input per unit water removal and thermal efficiency for
amaranth leaves ............................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4.7: variation of the temperature and relative humidity at the ambient and inside
the drying chamber and solar radiation intensity for maize ....................................................... 77
Figure 4.8: Average solar energy input per unit water removal and thermal efficiency for
maize ................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 4.9: Respondents preference for amaranth leaves sensory attributes ..................... 79
Figure 4.10: Respondents preference for amaranth leaves sensory attributes ................... 80
Figure 4.11: Study area .............................................................................................................................. 96
Figure 4.12: A - improved biomass cook stoves; B - three-stone stoves................................. 96
Figure 4.13: Means of heat retention: A - leftover charcoal; B - heat retention box, C -
banana leaves ................................................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 4.14: Respondents preference for bean curry ..................................................................102
Figure 4.15: Respondent’s preference for maize flour porridge..............................................103
Figure 4.16: Conceptual framework for causality between solar dryer use and food
security ...........................................................................................................................................................121
Figure 4.17: Distribution of estimated propensity scores and region of common support
Figure 4.18: Study area location. (a): Africa, (b): Mozambique and (c) Study area. .........149
Figure 4.19: Individual characteristics of the households (categorical variables) ...........153
Figure 4.20: Adoption rates of ICS .......................................................................................................156

V Summary

Globally, the number of people experiencing food insecurity (FI) and undernourishment
is rising due to the unprecedented effects of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic,
population growth, the unaffordability of healthy diets, as well as poverty and inequality.
This situation is even worse in Africa, where the number of people facing hunger is more
than double the proportion of any other region in the world. Facing this challenge requires
empowering smallholder farmers – who supply up to 80% of the food – through
facilitating access to improved or more efficient technologies to increase productivity and
ensure adequate energy access. The potential effects of access to energy-efficient
technologies on food and nutrition security (FNS) are manifold. Energy technologies are
required throughout food systems to produce, process and preserve food. They are also
necessary for cooking meals; however, most smallholder farmers in rural areas still rely
on traditional uses of energy, such as open-sun drying and the three-stone fire stoves. As
a result, a substantial amount of harvested food is not adequately utilised and does not
meet the appropriate standards in terms of quality, volume and safety, which hinders
smallholder farmers’ ability to achieve FNS.

This dissertation explores the effects of optimally designed processing energy usage on
food quality and the respective impacts on FNS in rural Mozambique. It adds to the current
literature, as it provides 1) a holistic understanding of the nature of FNS and its underlying
drives. Furthermore, 2) it adds to the understanding of the technical performance of
optimally designed food processing and preparation technologies. 3) The dissertation
provides insights concerning users’ acceptability of the food processed and prepared
through these technologies. 4) The effects of the newly introduced food processing
technology on FNS are presented. Last – but not least – 5) it discusses the importance of
the dissemination approach for the success of clean cooking adoption. This PhD
dissertation is comprised of 8 chapters.

The first chapter presents an overview of the food and nutrition situation in Africa and
Mozambique. The concept of food and nutrition security and its linkages with energy are
also presented in this chapter. Furthermore, the problem definition, research objectives
and hypothesis are presented. The second chapter provides a synopsis of the dissertation,

and chapter 3 provides an overview of the research methodology. In chapter 4, the

research results are presented in five subchapters. In the first subchapter, household food
security (FS) is assessed using three standard indicators: Household Dietary Diversity
Score (HDDS), Household Food Consumption Score (HFCS), and Months of Adequate
Household Food Provisioning (MAHFP). The results provided evidence of the seasonal
nature of FS in rural Mozambique.

Moreover, the subchapter shows the importance of staple crops such as maize, cassava
and rice for the household FS in the study region. Given that these staple crops require
drying after harvesting, the second subchapter presents a passive indirect solar dryer
(PISD) that was designed and tested as an alternative to open sun drying (OSD). In
addition, a sensorial analysis was performed to evaluate the respective quality attributes
of dried amaranth and maize grains. Compared to OSD, the PISD reduces drying time,
increases thermal efficiency, and produces products with higher sensory quality.
Subchapter 3 presents the performance data of an improved cookstove (ICS) combined
with a heat retention box (HRB). The results show that ICS increases time and energy
efficiency, and the use of HRB has the potential to maintain adequate food storage
temperatures (above 60°C) compared to traditional technologies.

The fourth subchapter focusses on the determinants of farmers’ choice to apply solar
drying technologies and evaluates the effect of a passive solar dryer on food security. The
results provide evidence that solar drying – with associated training – significantly
increases the food security status of participants by increasing households’ food
availability, women’s dietary diversity, and months of adequate household food provision
while simultaneously decreasing the household food insecurity access scale.

The fifth subchapter analyses strategies to effectively disseminate improved and efficient
cooking technologies. It investigates the effect of a) individual video training, b) on-site
group training and c) the combination of both on the adoption of ICS. The results indicate
higher rates of adoption and lower monetary costs for individual training. Moreover,
individual training stimulated early and sustained adoption compared to group-based on-
site training. These findings provide strong evidence that the effectiveness of a training
approach might be context-dependent, and extension agencies should be aware of cost-
effectiveness and adjust extension approaches to achieve the highest impact per unit of
resource expenditure.

The results presented in the individual subchapters are subsequently synthesized

(chapter 5), and study limitations (chapter 6) are presented. The overall conclusion and
policy recommendations are presented in chapters 7 and 8, respectively. The general
conclusions of this thesis are that 1) the improved technologies presented in this study
are sustainable and cost-effective means to substitute, at least temporarily, the prevailing
traditional methods of food processing and food preparation; 2) energy provision through
the use of passive solar drying is an essential component in the fight against food and
nutrition insecurity and 3) governments and relevant stakeholders involved in energy
and food security programs are advised to consider the local context to identify the most
adequate training or information delivery technique.

VI Zusammenfassung

Weltweit steigt die Zahl der Menschen, die von Ernährungsunsicherheit und
Unterernährung betroffen sind aufgrund der beispiellosen und gekoppelten
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, der COVID-19-Pandemie, des
Bevölkerungswachstums, der Nicht-Finanzierbarkeit gesunder Ernährung sowie generell
von Armut und Ungleichheit. Zweifellos am gravierendsten ist die Situation auf dem
afrikanischen Kontinent, wo die Zahl der Hungernden mehr als doppelt so hoch ist wie in
jeder anderen Weltregion. Um diese Herausforderung zu bewältigen, müssen die
Kleinbauern - die bis zu 80 % der Nahrungsmittel liefern - gestärkt werden, auch indem
ihnen der Zugang zu verbesserten oder effizienteren Technologien erleichtert wird, mit
dem Ziel die Produktivität zu steigern aber auch um einen angemessenen Zugang zu
Energie zu gewährleisten. Die potenziellen Auswirkungen des Zugangs zu
energieeffizienten Technologien auf die Ernährungssicherheit sind vielfältig.
Technologien im Energiesektor werden in allen Ernährungssystemen benötigt, um
Lebensmittel zu produzieren, zu verarbeiten und zu konservieren. Sie sind aber auch für
die Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten notwendig, wobei die meisten Kleinbauern in ländlichen
Gebieten noch immer traditionelle Energieformen nutzen wie beispielweise das Trocken
von Ernteprodukten in der offenen Sonne oder die Zubereitung von Nahrung mit Hilfe
von sogenannten „Drei-Stein-Öfen“. Infolgedessen wird ein großer Teil der geernteten
Lebensmittel nicht optimal verwertet und erfüllt nicht die gewünschten Standards in
Bezug auf Qualität, Menge und Sicherheit, was wiederum die Ernährungssicherung von
Kleinbauern negativ beeinträchtigt.

In dieser Dissertation werden die Resultate eines optimal gestalteten Energieeinsatzes

bei der Lebensmittelverarbeitung auf die Lebensmittelqualität und die entsprechenden
Auswirkungen auf die Ernährungssicherheit im ländlichen Mosambik untersucht. Sie
ergänzt die aktuelle wissenschaftliche Literatur, da sie 1) ein ganzheitliches Verständnis
von Ernährungssicherung und der zugrundeliegenden Treiber vermittelt. Darüber hinaus
trägt sie 2) zum Verständnis der technischen Leistungsfähigkeit optimal konzipierter
Lebensmittelverarbeitungs- und -Lebensmittelzubereitungstechnologien bei. Diese
Dissertation liefert zudem 3) Erkenntnisse über die Verbraucherakzeptanz, der mit

diesen Technologien verarbeiteten und zubereiteten Lebensmittel. Weiterhin stellt sie 4)

die Auswirkungen von neu eingeführten Lebensmittelverarbeitungstechnologie auf die
Ernährungssicherheit dar. Schließlich wird 5) die Bedeutung des „Verbreitungsansatzes“
für den Erfolg der Einführung von „Clean Cooking“ Technologien diskutiert. Um all diesen
Aspekten gerecht zu werden besteht diese Dissertation aus acht Kapiteln.

Das erste Kapitel liefert einleitend einen Überblick über die Lebensmittel- und
Ernährungssituation in Afrika und speziell in Mosambik. Das Konzept der Lebensmittel-
und Ernährungssicherheit wie auch seine Verknüpfung zur Energiefrage werden
ebenfalls in diesem Kapitel vorgestellt. Außerdem zeigt es die Problemdefinition, die
Forschungsziele und die Hypothesen dieser Dissertation auf. Das zweite Kapitel gibt einen
vertieften Überblick über die Dissertation und Kapitel 3 erläutert die angewendeten
Forschungsmethoden. In Kapitel 4 werden die Forschungsergebnisse in fünf einzelnen
Unterkapiteln vorgestellt. Im ersten Unterkapitel wird die Ernährungssicherheit der
untersuchten Haushalte anhand von drei Standardindikatoren bewertet: „Household
Dietary Diversity Score“, „Household Food Consumption Score“ und „Months of Adequate
Household Food Provisioning“. Die Ergebnisse belegen den saisonalen Charakter der
Ernährungssicherheit im ländlichen Mosambik. Darüber hinaus unterstreicht dieses
Unterkapitel die Bedeutung von Grundnahrungsmitteln wie Mais, Maniok und Reis für die
Lebensmittelversorgung in der Untersuchungsregion. Da diese Grundnahrungsmittel
nach der Ernte getrocknet werden müssen, wurde im zweiten Unterkapitel ein passiver,
indirekter Solartrockner für landwirtschaftliche Produkte als Alternative zur offenen
Sonnentrocknung entwickelt und im Feld getestet. Darüber hinaus wurde eine
sensorische Analyse durchgeführt, um die entsprechenden Qualitätsmerkmale von
getrockneten Amaranth- und Maiskörnern zu bewerten. Im Vergleich zur offenen
Sonnentrocknung verkürzt der getestete Solartrockner die Trocknungszeit, erhöht die
thermische Effizienz und generierte Produkte mit höherer sensorischer Qualität. In
Unterkapitel 3 wird die Leistung eines verbesserten Kochofens in Kombination mit einer
Wärmespeicherbox vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der verbesserte Kochofen die
Zeit- und Energieeffizienz erhöht und die Verwendung einer Wärmespeicherbox das
Potenzial hat, im Vergleich zu traditionellen Technologien angemessene
Lagertemperaturen für Lebensmittel über längere Zeit aufrechtzuerhalten. Das vierte
Unterkapitel konzentriert sich auf die Entscheidungsdeterminanten der Landwirte für die
Nutzung von Solartrocknern und analysiert die Auswirkungen eines passiven

Solartrockners auf die Ernährungssicherheit. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Nutzung der
Solartrocknung inklusive einer dazugehörigen Schulung den
Ernährungssicherheitsstatus der Teilnehmer signifikant verbessert. Die Gründe hier sind,
dass die Verfügbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln im Haushalt generell, die Quantität und
Qualität der Ernährung vor allem bei Frauen wie auch die Anzahl der Monate, in denen
sich ein Haushalt mit Nahrungsmitteln versorgen kann erhöht wird. Das fünfte
Unterkapitel befasst sich mit Strategien zur effektiven Verbreitung von verbesserten und
effizienten Kochtechnologien. Es untersucht die Auswirkungen von individuellem
Videotraining, Gruppentrainings vor Ort und einer Kombination aus beiden Methoden auf
die Akzeptanz von effizienten Kochern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass individuelle
Schulungen zu höheren Akzeptanzraten und geringeren finanziellen Kosten führen.
Darüber hinaus förderte die Einzelschulung im Vergleich zur Gruppenschulung vor Ort
eine frühzeitige und dauerhafte Einführung. Diese Ergebnisse sind ein deutlicher Hinweis
darauf, dass die Wirksamkeit eines Schulungsansatzes kontextabhängig sein kann und
dass Beratungsstellen die Kosteneffizienz im Auge behalten und ihre Beratungsansätze
anpassen sollten, um eine hohe Akzeptanzrate zu erreichen.

Die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Unterkapitel werden im folgenden Kapitel 5 in einen

generellen Kontext gesetzt, wobei in Kapitel 6 dann die entsprechenden Limitationen des
Forschungsansatzes aufgezeigt werden. Die Zusammenfassung wie auch die abgeleiteten
politischen Handlungsempfehlungen werden in den Kapitel 7 und 8 dargestellt.

Die generellen Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation sind, dass erstens die in dieser Arbeit
dargestellten Technologien nachhaltig und kosteneffizient genug sind um, zumindest
temporär, die vorherrschenden traditionellen Methoden der Lebensmittelverarbeitung
und Lebensmittelzubereitung zu ersetzen. Zweitens ist der Zugang zu Energie durch
passive Solartrockner eine wichtige Komponente im Kampf gegen den Hunger und
generelle Ernährungsunsicherheit. Drittens sollten Regierungen und relevante Akteure in
den Kampf gegen Hunger und Energieunsicherheit die lokalen Kontexte in ihre Planungen
einbeziehen und die entsprechenden und angemessenen Bildungs- oder
Informationsansätze wählen.

VII List of featured publications

Paper 1:
Matavel, C., Hoffmann, H., Rybak, C. Steinke, J., Sieber, S., & Müller Klaus (2022).
Understanding the drivers of food security among agriculture-based households in Gurué
District, Central Mozambique. Agriculture & Food Security 11, 7.

Paper 2:

Matavel, C. E., Hoffmann, H., Rybak, C., Hafner, J. M., Salavessa, J., Eshetu, S. B., & Sieber, S.
(2021) Experimental evaluation of a passive indirect solar dryer for agricultural products
in Central Mozambique. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI:

Paper 3:

Matavel, C.E., Hafner, J. M., Hoffmann, H., Uckert, G., Massuque, J., Rybak, C., & Sieber, S.
(2022) Toward energy saving and food safety in Central Mozambique: the role of
improved cook stoves and heat retention boxes. Energy, Sustainability and Society 12, 26.

Paper 4:

Matavel. C. E., Kächele, H., Steinke, J., Rybak, C., Hoffmann, H., Salavessa, J., Sieber, S. &
Müller, Klaus. (2022) Effect of passive solar drying on food security in rural Mozambique.
Scientific Reports 12, 17154.

Paper 5:

Matavel, C. E., Kächele, H., Hafner, J. M., Rybak, C., Uckert, G., Hoffmann, H., Kipkulei, H.,
Massuque, J., Steinke, J., Sieber, S. (2023) How to increase cookstove adoption? Exploring
cost-effective dissemination techniques in Central Mozambique. Energy Research & Social
Science 100, Article 103082.

VIII Additional Peer-reviewed Articles with
Relevance to the PhD Topic
Matavel, C., Hoffmann, H., Rybak, C. et al. Passive solar dryers as sustainable alternatives
for drying agricultural produce in sub-Saharan Africa: advances and challenges. Discover
Sustainability 2, 40 (2021).

Berrang-Ford, L., Siders, A. R., Lesnikowski, A., Fischer, A. P., Callaghan, M. W., Haddaway,
N. R., Mach, K. J., Araos, M., Shah, M. A. R., Wannewitz, M., Doshi, D., Leiter, T., Matavel, C.
E., […] Abu, T. Z. (2021) A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation
to climate change. Nature Climate Change 11, 11, 989–1000.

Massuque, J., Matavel, C. E., Trugilho, P. F. (2021) Outlook for the biomass energy sector
in Mozambique: policies and their challenges. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 32, 4,

Massuque, J., Matavel, C. E., de Paula Protásio, T., Trugilho, P. F. (2021) Combustion
performance of charcoal: a comparative study on Miombo woodland native species and
Eucalyptus grandis. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.

Massuque, J., De Assis, M.R., Loureiro, B.A., Matavel, C. E. & Trugilho, P. F. (2021).
Influence of lignin on wood carbonization and charcoal properties of Miombo woodland
native species. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 79, 527–535.

1 Introduction

1.1 State of food and nutrition security in Africa

Recent estimates indicate a rising trend in the number of people experiencing FI and
undernourishment globally (UN, 2021a). Between 2019 and 2020, the prevalence of
undernourishment increased from 8.4% to around 9.9% (FAO et al., 2021) due to the
unprecedented effects of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, population growth,
unaffordability of healthy diets as well as poverty and inequality (Carducci et al., 2021,
Holleman et al., 2020, Herforth et al., 2020, Springmann, 2020, Tian et al., 2021). In Africa,
the number of people facing hunger is more than double the proportion of any other
region. According to FAO, around 60% of the African population was facing moderate or
severe FI in 2020. Projections also indicate that while Asia is expected to experience a
substantial reduction in hunger, Africa will face a significant increase, from more than 280
to 300 million people by 2030 (FAO et al., 2021), with small-scale farmers being the most
affected (Ng’endo et al., 2017). They supply up to 80% of the food (Ng’endo et al., 2017),
but the low productivity constrains them compared to large-scale producers. The average
annual income for small-scale farmers in African countries such as Malawi, Mozambique
and Niger is 300 US dollars, while in Albania, Guatemala, Iraq, and Serbia is more than
3000 US dollars (UN, 2021b). In addition, post-harvest losses (PHLs) still remain a
persistent problem (Affognon et al., 2015, Stathers et al., 2020).

A substantial amount of harvested food does not meet the appropriate standards in terms
of quality, volume and safety due to inadequate post-harvesting management, food
preservation capacities, processing technologies, storage infrastructure and market
facilities (Zorya et al., 2011) triggered also by insufficient energy access (Makungwa et al.,
2013, Sola et al., 2016). Therefore, eliminating FI is a complex challenge that is unlikely to
be achieved by solely increasing quantitative food production. On the contrary, it requires
a holistic solution that involves empowering smallholder farmers through access to
improved or new technologies to increase productivity and ensure effective food
processing and preservation to reduce losses. Latter can guarantee value-added products
for income-generation and self-employment (Tefera et al., 2011, Fasoyiro and Taiwo,
2012, Salami et al., 2010, Wambugu et al., 2018, Neme et al., 2021), especially for women,
Introduction 17

who are traditionally responsible for many postharvest activities (Stathers et al., 2020).
If adequately performed, food processing – including cooking – can help to destroy food-
borne microbes and toxins, improve the bioavailability of nutrients, extend shelf life
(thereby reducing PHLs), and improve sensory characteristics (Van Boekel et al., 2010,
Weaver et al., 2014, Augustin et al., 2016).

Despite the considerable efforts that have been put in place to increase agricultural
productivity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Adetutu and Ajayi, 2020), the current rates of
progress towards the sustainable development goal (SDG) 2 (end hunger by 2030) will
still need to increase three- to four-fold (Nicolai et al., 2016). Moreover, an increase in
agricultural productivity can indeed increase food supply but is also likel to increase the
pressure on the limited natural resources and thus create new or boost existing
environmental problems (Evans, 2003). Therefore, special attention is also given to
reducing PHLs, which is central to achieving SDG 12 (to ensure sustainable consumption
and production patterns) (FAO, 2019). Reducing PHL is viewed has a sustainable means
to improve food available and preserve limited natural resources (Zorya et al., 2011,
Hodges et al., 2011). However, smallholder farmers in SSA generally use traditional post-
harvest handling methods, resulting in substantial losses (Jennifer et al., 2019). Improved
post-harvest technologies have been promoted to overcome the challenges imposed by
traditional methods and increase food security (FS). However, the low adoption of these
technologies – partialy due to high initial costs – has also led to declining investments in
this area (Zorya et al., 2011). Additonal developments towards FNS have also taken place
in the cooking sector. Cooking processes are likely to influence the content of nutrients
and bioactive compounds in food naturally present in the raw materials (Lobefaro et al.,
2021). Thus, they directly affect the food utilization dimension of FNS. However, there has
been limited research focusing on the linkages between access to cooking energy and FNS.

Knowledge and awareness are essential to increase demand for FS-related technologies
(Muro and Burchi, 2007). However, despite various developments that have taken place
in terms of designing scalable technologies for rural areas, creating demand is still a
challenge. Therefore, Goodwin et al. (2015) suggest a deeper understanding of the
effectiveness of training approaches used to disseminate innovation since the evidence is
still mixed. While some literature suggests that group-based delivery approaches can be
most effective in transferring innovation (Darr and Pretzsch, 2008, Hoffmann et al., 2007),
others indicate that individual delivery approaches are superior, especially in situations
Introduction 18

where the innovation is relatively complex (Feder et al., 2010, Gerster-Bentaya and
Hoffmann, 2011). Rogers (2003) highlighted the complexity of technology adoption
processes by showing that different categories of adopters can be found within
communities. Thus, training strategies or rural extension programs can potentially
strengthen technology dissemination by targeting individuals with the power to influence
others’ decision to adopt (Van den Bulte and Joshi, 2007).

1.2 The concept of food and nutrition security (FNS)

The current concept of FNS results from a sequence of definitions and paradigms.
Hoddinott (1999) indicated the existence of approximately 200 definitions and 450
indicators of FS. Initially, the concept of FS was developed and referred to the adequacy
of the overall food supply at a regional, national, or even global scale (Weingärtner, 2009).
However, the adequacy of food supply does not necessarily result in adequate food intake
by certain groups of people or individuals; thus, the concept has also evolved to be applied
at the community, local, household or individual levels (Foster, 1992). A widely accepted
definition states that FS “is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have
physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their
dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” (FAO, 2000).
Traditionally, FS focuses on food availability, access and stability (CFS, 2012). Food
availability refers to the physical existence of food, which depends on food production and
food purchase in the markets (Fasoyiro and Taiwo, 2012). On the national level, it is a
combination of domestic food production and imports, food aid, and domestic food stocks,
as well as the underlying determinants of each of these factors (Weingärtner, 2009).
Access focusses on households’ ability to generate sufficient income, which, together with
own food production, is used to meet food needs. Thus, food access be achieved even if
the household is not self-sufficient in food production (Hoddinott, 1999). In the African
context, where most of the population facing food insecurity (FI) practice smallholder
farming, food processing and associated activities are essential factors in promoting food
access through increased income resulting from the commercialization of value-added
foods (Fasoyiro and Taiwo, 2012). However, the role of value-addition technologies in
attaining food security has not been adequately addressed in research so far (Alamu and
Mooya, 2017, Neme et al., 2021). Stability is the temporal dimension of FS and refers to
the ability of a population, household or individual to have access to adequate food at all
times (FAO, 2006).
Introduction 19

The acknowledgement of the importance of crucial nutrition concerns such as care and
feeding practices, public health and sanitation issues led to the combination of the term
“food security” with “nutrition security”, latter particularly focussing on individual and
household food consumption and how food is utilized (CFS, 2012, El Bilali et al., 2019).
Food utilization in turn refers to the human body's ability to ingest, digest, and metabolize
food. In addition to an adequate diet, it requires a healthy physical environment, adequate
sanitary facilities (to avoid diseases) and at least a basic understanding of proper health
care, food preparation and storage processes (Weingärtner, 2009). Food utilization can
also refer to instances where food is available but is not perceived as “good” food and thus
is not consumed (Wijesinha-Bettoni and Mouillé, 2019). Recently, the term “food and
nutrition security” emerged out of these debates and has since been widely used in
academia and many organizations such as the International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the
World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to
emphasize the importance of nutrition for achieving food security (El Bilali et al., 2019).
Actions to ensure that food systems provide all households with stable access to sufficient,
appropriate and safe food should be complemented with nutrition-oriented action to
ensure that households and individuals have the capacity and supportive health as well
as environmental conditions necessary to obtain adequate nutritional benefits from the
food (CFS, 2012). Following Weingärtner (2009), FNS is a condition under which
“adequate food (quantity, quality, safety, socio-cultural acceptability) is available and
accessible for and satisfactorily used and utilized by all individuals at all times to live a
healthy and active life”. In short, achieving FNS requires that food is available, accessible,
stable (i.e. constantly available and accessible) and appropriately utilized.

FNS is an outcome of food systems (Figure 1.1) and thus depends on investments in
agriculture and its associated sectors, such as production, storage, aggregation, post-
harvest handling, transport, processing, distribution, marketing, disposal and
consumption of food (FAO, 2000, FAO, 2021).
Introduction 20

Figure 1.1: Interlinkages between food system, socio-economic systems and Food and
Nutrition Security. Adapted from Mbow et al. (2019)

One of the critical steps in the fight against FI is an investment in research on how it is
distributed within a community and households (Gundersen and Ziliak, 2018). According
to Pangaribowo et al. (2013), food and nutrition policies or interventions require
information on the following:

a) The current absolute and relative status and evolution of FNS,

b) The causes of change in FNS,
c) The possible actions and possible impacts of those actions, and
d) The cost-effectiveness and actual implications of FNS intervention.

The appropriate metric for collecting the information above depends on the
conceptualization of the construct to be measured and the intended use of the data to be
collected (Jones et al., 2013).

1.2.1 Food and nutrition security measurement

The FNS concept incorporates economic, social, nutritional, and psychological
considerations (Cafiero et al., 2014), which has also resulted in the evolvement of
Introduction 21

respective food security metrics (Jones et al., 2013). Different organizations, at different
scales (at global, national, household and individual levels), have proposed and applied
multiple tools (or indicators) across various disciplines to identify and monitor those
most in need of food security interventions. However, these indicators are, as a result on
their multiple application foci, heterogeneous and are thus used for a broad variety of
purposes, often producing mixed results (Maxwell et al., 2014, Santeramo, 2015, Jones et
al., 2013). However, this multitude of indicators and instruments are necessary
(Pangaribowo et al., 2013) since a single measure cannot capture all FNS dimensions.
Furthermore, different instruments are applied by different bodies with different
capacities (e.g. supranational bodies vs. local NGOs) (Jones et al., 2013, Hendriks et al.,
2016). In fact, policy intervantions in the agricultural sector can affect several key FNS
outcomes thus multiple indicators have been used to understand the pathways through
which agriculture can improve nutrition outcomes (Herforth and Ballard, 2016). Table 1.1
summarizes the FNS indicators commonly used in agricultural projects.
Introduction 22

Table 1.1: Food and nutrition security metrics. Adapted from Pangaribowo et al. (2013), Jones et al. (2013) and Herforth and Ballard (2016)
Indicator Purpose Description Level of measurement
Stunting Used to assess childhood malnutrition Low height-for-age Individual
Wasting Used to assess the prevalence of childhood malnutrition Low weight-for-height Individual
Use of weight to determine whether a person is within the Low weight-for-age Individual
healthy weight range
Use of weight to determine whether a person is within the Excessive fat accumulation due to excess intake of dietary energy Individual
healthy weight range
Used to assess the wellbeing of the pregnant mother and, by Assessment of body fat based on height and weight Individual
Maternal BMI
inference of her baby
Vitamins and micronutrients To assess consumption or deficiency states of essential Nutritional status based on measurements of nutrient stores, Individual
status micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) functional forms, excreted forms, and/or metabolic functions
Household Dietary Diversity Score Used to assess household's economic access to a variety of Sum of equally weighted response data on the consumption of 12 Household
(HDDS) foods food groups; score obtained from 0 to 12
Establish the prevalence of food insecurity Sum of differently weighted response data on the consumption Household
Food Consumption Score
of different food groups consumed by a household during the seven
(household-level indicator)
days before the survey
Women's dietary diversity (usually Used to assess women's access to a variety of foods Sum of equally weighted response data on the consumption of 9 Individual
WDDS) food groups
Individual Dietary Diversity Score Used to assess children (6-23 months) access to a variety of Number of food groups consumed by the child the previous day Individual
(IDDS) – young child foods
Assess FS status within regions or households Sums responses to 9 questions related to four domains of food Household
Household Food Insecurity Access security, including 4-level frequency response questions; a score
Scale (HFIAS) from 0 to 27 is obtained and may be categorized into a 4-level
Assess hunger status within and across contexts Sums responses from three questions related to hunger and lack of Household
Household Hunger Scale (HHS) food, including 3-level frequency response questions; a score from 0
to 6 is obtained and may be categorized into a 3-level variable
Used to identify vulnerable households Locally adapted list of coping strategies and the frequency of their Household
Coping strategies
use; severity weightings are assigned to each strategy
Months of inadequate household Measure seasonal differences and/or changes in households' Sums total number of months in the past year the household did not Household
food provision abilities to address food vulnerability have enough food to meet the family's needs
To obtain frequency and, in some cases, portion size Number of meals per given time period Household, individual
Meal frequency information about food and beverage consumption over a
specified period of time, typically the past month or year.
Used to assess awareness and level of usage of nutrition Knowledge of the concepts and processes related to nutrition and Household
Nutrition knowledge or
information. health, including diet and health, diet and disease, dietary guidelines
and recommendations
Used to assess women’s capacity to cope with food Women’s access and control of income, their time and labor, Household, individual
Women's empowerment insecurity. agricultural land and agricultural
Introduction 23

Evidently, each indicator has strengths and limitations that must be acknowledged before
selection. For example, choosing a household level over an individual-level indicator will
result in less time needed and thus fewer resources necessary to collect data. However,
intra-household food allocation, an important measure to capture food utilization, can
only be accessed through individual-level indicators. Thus, for identifying the most
adequate indicators/instruments to measure FI, it is essential to know, among other
factors, explicitly:

a) The dimension of FNS that is intended to be captured (e.g. food availability, food
access, utilization of food, or stability);
b) The purpose of the data (e.g., early famine warning, targeting food aid, screening
at-risk households for intervention, monitoring changes in food security status
over time, monitoring program utilization, evaluating programs and policies, or
c) The periodicity to be evaluated (e.g., whether there will be repeated measures);
d) The scale of measurement (national, regional, household, individual);
e) The available resources for planning, data collection, analysis, and the intended
application of the findings.

1.2.2 Linkages between energy and FNS

The importance of energy as a development trajectory has been highlighted by SDG 7:
“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”.
Improvements in energy availability can make a big difference to human development
indicators (Brew-Hammond, 2012). Despite limited evidence, linkages between energy
access and FNS have been occasionally reported (Sola et al., 2016) and include mainly the
aspect of cooking (energy), processing and storing. Many food products require cooking
before consumption. Thus, food consumption can be negatively affected by a lack of fuel,
which prevents people from being able to cook food properly or disinfect water by boiling
(WFP, 2019), with negative implications on the dimension of food utilization. Cooking is
strongly linked to the ability of the human body to digest and absorb nutrients from the
available food (Boko et al., 2007, Hoffmann, 2016). Rural communities affected by cooking
energy scarcity may stop cooking protein-rich food, such as beans that need simmering,
in favor of fast-cooking low-protein meals (Scheid et al., 2018). In addition, energy use for
water purification might be suspended (Kees and Feldmann, 2011, Murphy, 2001). FAO
(2013) also reports that the quantity, quality and nutritional value of the food consumed
Introduction 24

are affected due to the lack of safe access to sufficient and appropriate cooking fuel. This
forces people to change their eating and cooking habits, move to less preferred and lower
quality food or reduce the number or undercooking meals. These measures have
detrimental impacts on nutrition (WFP, 2019). Moreover, energy is critical for food
preservation and storage (Lee and Okos, 2011), as the absence of affordable food
processing methods and technologies leads to food waste, loss of nutritive properties and
health problems (toxicity) (Bradford et al., 2020).

On the one hand, suboptimal processing techniques, including inefficient cooking

strategies (MacCarty et al., 2010, Adkins et al., 2010, Sutar et al., 2015), as well as not well-
adopted preservation strategies for high-quality foods such as vegetables, negatively
affect FNS (Mulokozi and Svanberg, 2003). On the other, these suboptimal strategies are
often without any alternatives, as energy scarcity prevents food processing strategies that
preserve food adequately and effectively. Restricted access to energy at each activity of
the food value chains (production, processing and preservation) limits the ability of
farmers and agri-enterprises to raise productivity, cut losses and cope with a changing
climate and other shocks (IRENA and FAO, 2021).

Access to energy opens up new economic opportunities in rural areas thus boosting
resilience and strengthening livelihoods. Energy can power food processing tasks that
increase the quality of the final product, increase storage time and ease handling (e.g.
refrigeration, drying, smoking, pasteurization, fermentation, canning and packaging) to
reduce post-harvest food loss, increasing availability of nutritious foods at the household
level and enabling farmers to determine the timing of crop sales, in turn improving
household income (WFP, 2019).

It is noteworthy that most poor households rely on traditional uses of forest biomass and
solar energy for cooking and food processing. The traditional uses of solar energy – mainly
for drying food – have significant limitations since it leads to high product losses due to
inadequate drying, fungal growth, and encroachment of insects, birds and rodents
(Purohit et al., 2006). This can lead to aflatoxin contamination and other food safety
challenges that lower food utilization and stability of the food supply (Mabiso et al.,
2014b). Biomass energy has detrimental effects, especially for women and children in
rural areas who walk several kilometres and hours to collect firewood for cooking
(Ugembe et al., 2022). Scheid et al. (2018) found that, due to fuel scarcity, a high
percentage of the households in their case study areas are forced to increase the
Introduction 25

frequency of collection and respective walking distances. In Mozambique, women and

girls spend hours cooking (MISAU and INE, 2018, Ugembe et al., 2022), reducing the time
for other subsistence activities or recreation substantially. According to IEA (2017),
households relying on forest-sourced biomass for cooking spend around 1.4 h/day
collecting firewood and several hours cooking and are exposed to indoor pollution.
Atanassov et al. (2012) found that conditions such as acute respiratory infections, chronic
obstructive lung disease, and lung cancer are common among long-time biomass users in
Mozambique. Clean cooking technologies can prevent cancer, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, respiratory infections, ischemic heart disease, and stroke (Gill-Wiehl
and Kammen, 2022).

Thus, the availability and access to affordable energy technologies for agricultural and
domestic uses is a crucial component of FNS. Measures to increase access and energy
efficiency in food systems are valuable for raising productivity, strengthening supply
chains, reducing food and income losses, and improving food security (IRENA and FAO,
2021), especially in poor rural communities. The use of efficient stoves has been
promoted due to associated positive implications for users, especially women, through
changes in cooking habits and time–labor allocation (Nielsen et al., 2015). Besides the
strongly reduced indoor air pollution (Desai et al., 2004, Fullerton et al., 2008, Naeher et
al., 2007) – which is responsible for 600,000 annual deaths in SSA (IHME, 2022) – women
and children can decrease their workload as especially wood quantities needed for
providing cooking energy decline substantially. This allows affected individuals to invest
more time in food and nutrition security activities, such as farming.

1.3 Food and nutrition security situation in Mozambique

Despite the significant achievement of halving the number of hungry people in 2015, FI
and malnutrition are significant problems in Mozambique (WFP Mozambique, 2022). The
country has reduced hunger from 56% in 2003 to 24% in 2015 (Macassa et al., 2018).
However, 80% of the population cannot afford an adequate diet, and 42.3% of children
under five are stunted, with peaks of 46% in rural areas. These levels fall within the WHO
threshold of ≥40% for “very high” stunting (WHO and UNICEF, 2021). Chronic FI is
estimated at 24% and malnutrition at 25% (WFP Mozambique, 2022), which is directly
associated with 19% of school failures and 25.6% of infant mortality (FAO et al., 2022).

There are regional differences regarding the prevalence of chronic malnutrition in

children under the age of 5. The provinces in the central and northern regions have
Introduction 26

chronic malnutrition rates above 40%, while in the south, the proportions are below 30%
(Castigo and Salvucci, 2017). Such high levels of malnutrition, especial in the northern and
central regions, are partially caused by insufficient micronutrient intake due to poor diets
(USAID, 2022). Moreover, low rates of production technologies’ use and the consequent
low productivity combined with high PHLs and low-quality products due to poor handling
and storage practices add to the major causes of food and nutrition insecurity (FNI). For
example, up to 24% of the total produced maize is lost in the central provinces of Manica
and Zambézia (Delgado et al., 2021).

Staple food production is and will continue to play a significant role in the Mozambican
economy and is a fundamental determinant of people’s diets (Ferrão et al., 2018). In fact,
cereals account for 72% of energy (kcal) in the diet (FAO et al., 2022). Therefore, high
losses of staple foods due to inadequate post-harvest handling significantly impact FNS.
Other factors, such as limited (economic) access to quality foods, lack of nutrition
knowledge, as well as factors such as the women’s heavy workload and duties that limit
child feeding and care, are also important causes of persistently high levels of
malnutrition (WFP Mozambique, 2022, Ferrão et al., 2018).

Sustainable energy provision for staple foods processing and preparation can help
overcome some of the aforementioned challenges. However, Mozambique is challenged
by a lack of access to electricity, particularly in rural areas, where only 6% have access
(Salite et al., 2020). The poor cannot always afford conventional forms of energy and, thus,
use traditional means for cooking and processing, which have been associated with
negative environmental, economic, social, cultural and health impacts. Access to
affordable and reliable energy services is critical to ensuring that individuals properly
utilize food and might stimulate de production of goods and services that may encourage
the sustainable production and preservation of the food needed to fight hunger (Ugembe
et al., 2022). Thus, it is essential to implement market-based, sustainable energy
approaches that strengthen food security by providing people with the means to process,
cook and boost resilience activities that support local food value chains (WFP, 2022).
Nevertheless, interventions seeking to promote efficient technologies and/or the
substitution of the traditional forms of energy with cleaner and improved sources in
Mozambique have had limited success or are at a very early stage (Nyambane et al., 2020,
Otte et al., 2018, Samuelsson and Deslandes, 2017, Bernardo et al., 2021, Pailman et al.,
Introduction 27

2018). Moreover, energy provision for post-harvest handling is still a widely neglected
area in FNS research (Cugala et al., 2012).

1.4 Problem definition, research objectives and hypotheses

The state of FI in Mozambique is alarming, and there is already an extensive amount of

academic literature trying to address the mechanisms by which food systems can
guarantee food and nutrition (de Brauw et al., 2019, Ferrão et al., 2018, Zhou and
Hendriks, 2017, Mabiso et al., 2014a, Charrua et al., 2021, Aabø and Kring, 2012).
Nevertheless, challenges regarding post-harvest losses are still persistent (Delgado et al.,
2021), and staple crops production is the primary source of diet, particularly for people
living in rural areas (Charrua et al., 2021). Moreover, despite the recognized importance
of reliable access to efficient energy technologies in transforming food systems, empirical
research has paid little attention to its role on FNS, especially for smallholder farmers in
rural areas, where access to conventional forms of energy is limited. Many studies focus
on the production side and overlook post-harvest activities and food preparation
practices (Leonardo et al., 2015, Nyyssölä et al., 2014, Mango et al., 2017). The attempts
that have been made so far in orde to assess the technical performance of energy
technology innovations (Bernardo et al., 2021, Samuelsson and Deslandes, 2017) have
paid little attention to social and cultural factors and other aspects related to consumer
needs and preferences (for example, the quality of the final product). While the
development of technologies is an essential step towards improving the food systems,
analysing aspects related to the demand side is also crucial. The demand for technology
is complex and thus requires a proper understanding of the role of different actors,
extension services, and institutional reforms (Sulaiman and Hall, 2002). This would
provide greater certainty on the way forward and avoid costly technology development
and distribution, which may lead to economic losses due to a lack of acceptance and
adoption. In line with this, diverse techniques using different training approaches have
been used to support and motivate users to adopt new energy technologies (Lindgren,
2020, Champion et al., 2017, Evans et al., 2018, Lewis et al., 2015, Namagembe et al., 2015,
Furszyfer Del Rio et al., 2020, Otte et al., 2018, Kitinoja and Barrett, 2015). However, the
role of the dissemination approaches in fostering the adoption of energy technologies by
smallholder farmers is still not well understood. A holistic and quantitative assessment
that integrates the demand and supply of technology innovation is missing. This work fills
this gap by addressing two separate but essential lines: 1) Food preservation techniques
Introduction 28

and technologies – especially solar drying (e.g. (Ayua et al., 2017)) – and 2) cooking energy
provision and retention for food preparation (e.g. (IEA, 2006)) in central Mozambique
(Zambézia province), a region with highest needs to improve FNS, were malnourishment
(e.g. stunting and anaemia) is above the average national level. This research will allow
stakeholders involved in food security programs (governments, policy makers, non-
governmental organizations, donor organizations, and smallholder farmers, among
others) to understand the potential of energy technologies for improving FNS and design
the best strategies and approaches to benefit from technological innovations.

This PhD work aims to investigate to which extent potentially (more) efficient energy
technologies might foster FNS in specific target groups. Therefore, the following research
objectives were defined and addressed within five subchapters:

a) To explore the role of staple foods production on FNS at household-level;

b) To test the performance of a passive solar drying technology;
c) To assess the performance of improved cooking and heat retention technologies
with regard to fuel and time saving and adequate food storage temperatures;
d) To analyze the effects of food processing technologies on FNS.
e) To understand the effect of the training approach on technology adoption;

The underlying hypotheses guiding the work are:

a) Staple foods production plays a significant role in improving household FNS

b) Solar drying technology increases drying efficiency and results in a high-quality
c) Energy-efficient technologies reduce cooking time and household energy
consumption compared to traditional uses of biomass energy;
d) The adoption of food processing technologies results in improvements in the
household FNS situation.
e) The training approach plays a significant role in stimulating the early adoption of
energy technologies;

2 Synopsis of this work

The present research started with an assessment of the food security situation and its
drivers to further understand the role of staple foods production on households’ ability to
guarantee FNS. A holistic approach was followed to identify the most critical points for
intervention. Previous research has shown the seasonal nature of household FNS in
Mozambique (Selvester et al., 2008). Some technological innovations that hold the
potential to induce change in the FNS situation through energy provision (a prerequisite
for a sustainable food system) were then proposed. The immediate impacts of energy
access on FS refer to the effects on food production (availability), income (economic
access to food) and food conservation (stability) and preparation (utilization) (Candelise
et al., 2021). Stimulating agriculture and food systems innovation fast-tracks sustainable
solutions (Augustin et al., 2021, Langendahl et al., 2016). Despite the efforts to increase
agricultural production (Chilundo et al., 2020), post-harvest losses (PHLs) in Mozambique
limit the poor population’s access to quality food, thereby exacerbating food insecurity
(FI) (Popat et al., 2020). Thus, this research focused on post-harvest handling,
preparation, storage and consumption of food. We excluded other food system subsectors,
namely, aggregation, transport, distribution, and marketing, since the research was
conducted in an area were more than 90% of all agricultural land is cultivated by small-
scale farmers who have 1.5–2.5 ha, mainly for subsistence purposes (Baumert et al.,
2019). Furthermore, the analysis was also extended to improve the understanding of the
extension delivery approach to increase the effectiveness of the behavior change
techniques in strengthening technology dissemination.

This cumulative dissertation addresses the research objectives in five individual research
papers. The following chapter (Chapter 3) describes a brief overview of the research
methodology. In chapter 4, the research results are presented, focusing on 1) the state of
the role of staple foods on the FNS situation in Guruè district; 2) the performance of solar
drying compared to the traditional open-sun drying; 3) the performance of an improved
cooking stove and a heat retention box compared to the traditional techniques for cooking
and food storage; 4) the effect of passive solar drying on FNS; 5) the dissemination
strategies for clean cooking technologies. Chapter 5 presents a synthesis of the results,
Synopsis of this work 30

and Chapter 6 acknowledges the study's limitations and future research needs. The
overall conclusion and specific policy recommendations are presented in chapters 7 and
8, respectively. The research concept showing the proposed mechanisms through which
FNS can be improved in the context of our areas of study is presented in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Research concept: proposed mechanisms to improve food and nutrition

3 Research methodology

3.1 Study area

The primary data used in this PhD dissertation was collected in Gurué district, which is
located in Zambézia Province, Central Mozambique (Figure 3.1). Gurué district was
selected since it generates a large surplus during harvest season, but the local farmers still
relay on traditional post-harvesting methods (Matavel et al., 2020, Alemu and Van
Schalkwyk, 2008, Norfolk and Hanlon, 2012). In this area, despite the high proportion of
the population practising agriculture and animal husbandry as the main occupations (INE,
2018), few households have regular cash income (Arimond et al., 2011), and there is a
high prevalence of food insecurity (UNICEF, 2018). The local diets mainly consist of maize
and cassava (Arimond et al., 2011). Agricultural activities occupy 147,760 ha, of which
93% is primarily used for small-scale farming, and the remaining 7% is used for large-
scale commercial production (Soares, 2017).

Figure 3.1: Study area location

Research methodology 32

3.2 Research design

The defined innovations (improved solar drying, efficient stoves and heat-retention box)
were implemented based on a participatory action research methodology (Mapfumo et
al., 2013). Different performance monitoring missions continuously and closely
monitored the action research methodology. A subsequent comparison of different
innovations - and their effects in contrast to the status quo in the control village – was
realized by a set of specific indicators, which allowed a comparative analysis of
achievements and triggered changes.

Before implementation, a baseline survey was conducted as the starting point to analyze
the status-quo in selected case study villages. The survey was administered to selected
agriculture-based households in the study area. The aim was to collect data that allows a
multifaceted characterization of individual households regarding demographics, income
activities, agricultural performance and FS situation. Latter was measured in the
harvesting and pre-harvesting seasons to account for within-year variations of FS.
Multiple indicators were selected to capture all four dimensions of FNS (availability,
accessibility, stability and utilization). These household characterizations were crucial to
design the research on the dissemination approaches and the impact of implemented
technologies. In total, the baseline survey covered 296 households. Subsequently,
meetings with the local villagers were held to jointly agree on the design and testing

The overall performance and efficiency of the implemented innovations were assessed as
compared to the locally existing techniques. The evidence presented in this dissertation
was generated through multiple interconnected activities described in detail in the
methods parts of the result chapter. This section gives a brief overview of these activities.
Improved technologies that could potentially improve FNS on local and regional levels
were identified and selected as research foci. These technologies were implemented and
compared with locally applied techniques throughout the research. The improved
technologies included: 1) improved solar drying (indirect sun exposition) – a wooden and
locally produced dryer that allows an indirect drying of food – which conserves heat and
UV radiation-sensitive nutrients as best as possible under given conditions; 2.) improved
and efficient mud stoves, a simple technology already implemented and tested in rural
Tanzania (Uckert et al., 2017), which decreases fuelwood consumption and additionally
frees time due to less cooking tasks; and 3) a heat retention box, insulated with layers of
Research methodology 33

PE foam and aluminium foil to improve storage conditions of cooked food and prevent the
multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. The local techniques are: 1) traditional
solar drying (direct sun exposition) – basically the only food preservation technique
currently applied – in which food is stored on the ground and left in the sun to dry, even
though the UV radiation destroys essential micronutrients (Mulokozi and Svanberg,
2003); 2) traditional cooking methods (three-stone fire); an ancient, inefficient technique
whereby cooking takes place above an open fire (Jetter et al., 2012), and 3) locally used
heat-retention techniques, comparable to the heat retention box, even though produced
from locally available materials (banana leaves and leftover firewood).

Six prototypes were constructed and tested simultaneously with the traditional open sun
drying. The tests included technical performance and consumer acceptability.
Controllable factors such as the drying time, solar radiation intensity, relative humidity
and temperature were recorded. During the technical performance assessments of the
implemented technologies, sensory analyses were performed by randomly selected
groups of adult people – both female and male – from different communities. The
participants individually evaluated the texture, aroma, and colour of dried food, following
standard guidelines (e.g. ASTM-International (2015)). People did not have prior
knowledge of the method used to dry the product so as not to influence their choices. The
evaluators specified their level of acceptance using a five points Likert scale (1 = very bad
(dislike very much) to 5 = very good (like very much)). After the tests, we used and
experimental approach to analyze the effects of solar drying on FNS. Hence, 21
communities were selected, and solar dryers were allocated. These solar dryers were
made available to any interested community member. The food security situation of the
households who benefited from solar dryers between August 2020 and January 2022 was
compared to those who did not use the solar dryer. The specific FNS indicators included
household food availability, women's dietary diversity, household food availability and
household food insecurity access scale.

Likewise, 12 non-portable mud-improved cookstoves and heat retention boxes were

constructed and tested against the traditional three-stone-fires and heat retention
systems, respectively. The cooking time and energy consumption were used to assess the
performance of the improved cookstove, and the heat retention ability was used to test
the heat retention box. A group of randomly selected individuals also tested cooked food's
taste, texture, aroma, and color.
Research methodology 34

Furthermore, this study follows another experimental procedure in which local farmers
were instructed on how to construct, maintain and use the ICS using different training
approaches. The aim was to analyze the effect of the dissemination approach on the
dissemination of improved cookstoves. The training also included information on the
advantages of using the ICS. The heads of selected households attended workshops in
groups of ten people for three days or received a 30 min visit for individual video-based
training. An experienced male trainer conducted training sections on construction and
previously trained local female residents hosted demonstrations on how to use and
maintain the ICS.

3.3 Statistical analysis

In the first subchapter of the results section, descriptive statistics were used to summarise
the food security status and the socio-economic characteristics of the study area. Three
indicators were used to assess FS status, namely, Household Dietary Diversity Score
(HDDS), Household Food Consumption Score (HFCS) and Months of Adequate Household
Food Provisioning (MAHFP). To identify the factors affecting these FS indicators, a
generalized ordered logit model with partial proportional odds was fitted in Stata with a
user-written program, gologit2 (Williams, 2006). In subchapter 4.2, the performance of a
PSD was assessed by calculating the thermal efficiency of the dryer and the solar energy
required for 1 kg of moisture removal. The overall thermal efficiency was then obtained
by calculating the average of all daily efficiencies (Singh et al., 2021).

We calculated the total fuelwood consumed and the total cooking time to assess the ICS
performance in subchapter 4.3. A Mann–Whitney U test was used to determine if there is
a significant difference in mean fuelwood consumption between the three-stone fire stove
and ICS. The length of time before food temperature falls below 60 °C was the
performance indicator used for HRS. We used a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
followed by the Tukey test for multiple comparisons to compare the different HRS
performances as we wanted to examine whether there was a difference between the mean
of all possible pairwise comparisons (Lee and Lee, 2018). In subchapter 4.4, Propensity
score matching (PSM) was performed to assess the impact of using a solar dryer on four
food security indicators: household food availability, women’s dietary diversity, months
of adequate household food provision and the household food insecurity access scale. An
endogenous switching regression (ESR) model was used to complement the propensity
score matching and check the robustness of the results. A random effects probit model
Research methodology 35

was applied to examine the relationships between the adoption of ICS and the training
approach in subchapter 4.5. Probit is a valuable model for analysing panel data in which
the dependent variables are a participants’ binary choice, and the independent variable is
randomly assigned by the experimenter (Bland and Cook, 2019).
Results 36

4 Results

4.1 Understanding the drivers of food security among agriculture-based

households in Gurué District, Central Mozambique

Agriculture & Food Security (2022), volume 11, Article number: 7.

Custodio Matavel1,2; Harry Hoffmann1; Constance Rybak1; Jonathan Steinke1,2; Stefan

Sieber1,2; Klaus Müller1,2

1Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg,

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

© The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this
licence, visit


Background: The prevalence of food insecurity in Mozambique is alarming, despite

progress made during the 2010s. Several studies apply different proxy indicators of food
security (FS) to assess the FS situation. However, these studies overlook the factors
affecting FS, using only a single data point that results in an incomplete picture of FS. Food
security is expected to fluctuate, being better and worse than what studies suggest. Using
a sample of 296 households to assess FS, key drivers conditioning households’ capacity to
achieve FS in Gurué District, Central Mozambique, are identified. Data were collected in
the pre-harvest period and during the harvest period to capture relevant interseasonal
variation of FS. Household FS is assessed using three standard indicators: Household
Results 37

Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS), Household Food Consumption Score (HFCS), and Months
of Adequate Household Food Provisioning (MAHFP).

Results: Each household was classified into a specific FS status depending on the
indicator applied. Generally, most households were classified as being severely or
moderately food insecure during the pre-harvest season, while during the harvest season,
medium and high levels of FS predominated. Nevertheless, varying outcomes were found
depending on the indicator used to assess FS. MAHFP and HDDS are more related to the
consumption of farm-sourced food, while HFCS responds more strongly to purchased
food. Gender and age of the household head, geographic location, size and quality of land,
staples production (especially cassava), livestock and crop diversity, as well as cash crops
had a statistically significant effect on FS indicators.

Conclusions: The study concludes that the decision whether farmers should rely on
staple foods production for increasing their FS status or specialize on cash crops
production to generate income and buy food depends on the indicator used to assess FS,
since each indicator captures a specific domain of food security. Thus, one central
recommendation derived from our results is that policy makers should promote a balance
between market-oriented agriculture and subsistence production to achieve FS.

Keywords: Food consumption, Cash crops, Crop diversity, Staple food, Adequate food

Background children under the age of 5 in Gurué

district, which is also located in Central
Nearly 19% of the population in Sub-
Mozambique, is estimated at
Saharan Africa (SSA) is undernourished
approximately 50% [5, 6]. Reasons for
[1]. In Mozambique, despite the progress
this include frequently occurring natural
made in reducing chronic food insecurity
disasters [7], climate change [8], and
(FI), it is estimated at 24% [2] and 42.3%
destructive crop pests that hindered
of children under the age of 5 are stunted
adequate agricultural production [9].
[3]. A study conducted by [4] finds that
The latter negatively affects livelihoods
42–67% of households in Central
in multiple ways, since approximately
Mozambique have experienced hunger
80% of the economically active
during the pre-harvest period. The
population work in the agricultural
prevalence of undernourishment for
Results 38

sector [10] and, therefore, may be at risk individual levels, plus, currently,
of FI. This situation is likely to worsen in consideration of the economic, social,
the context of the COVID-19 crisis [11], nutritional, and psychological factors
potentially triggering irreversible long- [22]. FAO [23] define FS as access to an
term consequences [12]. adequate supply of sufficient, safe, and
nutritious food that meet people’s
Studies on the impacts of FI on people’s
dietary needs and food preferences for
well-being indicate that it is associated
an active and healthy life. It involves
with reduced physical health [13],
three physical dimensions, namely,
maternal and child underweight [14],
availability, accessibility, and utilization,
poor mental health [15], stress [16], as
along with one temporal dimension,
well as high-risk sexual behavior (e.g. in
stability [24].
SSA) [17]. It is likely to also negatively
affect educational outcomes [18] and the A critical aspect for strategies to achieve
ability of mothers to adopt exclusive FS is the identification of food insecure
breastfeeding practices [19]. Therefore, households or individuals and the
achieving food security is necessary and characterization of the nature of their
urgent. It is prominently acknowledged insecurity through measurements. This
by the United Nations through provides the basis for monitoring the
Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 3 progress and impact of FS programs [25].
(end hunger; ensure good health and Thus, multiple indicators have been
well-being, respectively) [20]. proposed and applied as a way to identify
Nevertheless, persistent food crises in and monitor those most in need of food
the Global South has led many security interventions. However, these
stakeholders, including policy makers indicators are quite heterogeneous [26]
and academics, to redefine the concept of and a single measure cannot capture all
FS. This has also resulted in various its dimensions [27], thus producing
changes to the approaches used by mixed results [28]. In Mozambique, for
governments and aid organizations to example, several studies, conducted in
address FI [21]. different regions and applying different
proxy indicators of FS, have found
The debate over the FS concept has
different results. Proxies applied include
evolved from the adequacy of country-
households’ perception of FS [29], food
level food supplies to dietary energy
expenditures [30, 31], number of calories
adequacy at the household and
Results 39

obtained by each household [32], the that is intended to be measured and if the
frequency with which households have purpose is to take a more holistic view of
experienced different food access the food security situation, the use
challenges [33], and household food multiple indicators is preferable over a
insecurity access scale [34]. single indicator [35, 36].

Furthermore, the literature on FS Mawoko et al. [37] and Fitawek and

measurement categorize FS indicators Hendriks [38], use multiple FS indicators
into two groups, one group uses indirect to provide a holistic picture of FS status
approaches to measure adequacy of food at the household-level in different
consumption (e.g. dietary diversity and regions of Mozambique, including Gurué
food consumption scores), while the district, and examined the effects of
other directly measures behaviors and large-scale agricultural investments on
lived experiences of household food household FS. However, these studies
security (e.g. food insecurity experience only used data collected at one point of
scale) [22, 35]. Hence, the application time and overlooked other key drivers
and the comparison of different FS conditioning households’ capacity to
indicators as well as the use of mixed achieve FS; thus, giving an incomplete
methods are required to holistically picture of FS, which is expected to
analyze and describe FS [36]. Moreover, fluctuate to the better or worse than
some indicators capture only one FS what is shown in these studies. In our
dimension, while others combine two or study, we attempt to close this gap: (1)
more of these dimensions. Nevertheless, using data collected in the pre-harvest
there are indicators that are not clear period and during the harvest period to
about which FS dimension they measure capture relevant interseasonal variation
[35] and there is still lack of consensus on of FS; (2) combining three FS indicators
the effectiveness of most of indicators to capture household access to sufficient
used to monitor the progress of FS [22]. food quantity (energy), food quality
All indicators have strengths and (nutrient adequacy), and stability over a
weaknesses; thus, one must take into one year period; and (3) exploring the
account the trade-offs while selecting an underlying drivers of FS at household-
indicator. The selection of appropriate FS level in Gurué District, Central
indicators should always take into Mozambique.
account the dimension of food security
Results 40

Study area and 40°C, and a dry season with,

temperatures ranging from 17°C to 20°C.
The study was conducted in two villages
The average annual rainfall is about
situated in Gurué district: Lioma
1800 mm. The main activities practiced
(15°10′33.3"S 36°48′21.8"E) and
by the population are agriculture and
Mepuagiua (15°46′26.4"S 37°03′38.5"E)
animal husbandry (chickens, ducks, and
(Fig. 4.1). The district is located in the
pigs) [39]. The agricultural activities
north of Zambézia province, central
occupy a total area of 147,760 ha, of
Mozambique, bordering the Republic of
which 10,080 ha (7%) are used primarily
Malawi. The total area of Gurué is
for large-scale commercial production;
565,000 hectares and the population is
the remaining 137,680 ha (93%) is used
estimated at 431,000 inhabitants, which
for small-scale farming. The majority of
corresponds to 7.7% of total population
the small-scale cultivated area is under
in Zambézia province and a population
food crop cultivation, mostly maize,
density of 76 individuals per km2 [39].
cassava, and sorghum [40].
This area has two seasons: a rainy
season, with temperatures between 30°C

Figure 4.1: Location map for the study area

Results 41

1.962 ∗ 0.99 ∗ 0.1
𝑛𝑀 = = 152 (3)
Study and sample design 0.052

In this study, the purpose is to assess the Where 𝑛𝐿 = total sample size in Lioma and
prevalence and the factors associated 𝑛𝑀 = total sample size in Mepuagiua.
with FS during the period immediately Nevertheless, one and five additional
prior to the harvest and during the households were included in the samples
harvest season, thus, a two-wave panel in Lioma and Mepuagiua, respectively.
study design is used to collect both Thus, the survey covered 296 households
qualitative and quantitative data. Study (n=157 in Mepuagiua and n=139 in
participants were randomly selected Lioma).
from lists provided by the local
Data collection
administrative office and training
We use panel data that was collected in
records provided by local extension
two waves through a semi-structured
services. Before selecting the
household survey questionnaire. The
households, we combined the two lists
first wave took place in February and
and removed duplicates. The sample size
March 2020 and the second wave in May
was determined using the equation by
and June 2021. Priority was given to
household heads as responding
𝑍2 ∗ 𝑝 ∗ 𝑞 individuals. Nonetheless, the head of the
𝑛= (1)
household was not available in 58 (32 in
Where 𝑛 = sample size; 𝑍 = abscissa of the Mepiagiua and 26 in Lioma) and 47 (24
standard normal curve (Z = 1.96 for 95% in Mepiagiua and 23 in Lioma) of the
confidence); 𝑝 = proportion of selected households in the first and
agriculture-based households (0.9 for second waves, respectively. Thus, in
Lioma e 0.99 for Mepuagiua); 𝑑= error these households, we interviewed any
set at 0.05; and 𝑞 = 1 − 𝑝. The resulting available adult household member (> 18
sample sizes are demonstrated in year old). All respondents agreed to
Equations 2 and 3. participate in the survey and signed a
consent form, translated into the
1.962 ∗ 0.9 ∗ 0.1
𝑛𝐿 = = 138 (2) Portuguese language. Through the
survey, we collected data on household
socio-economic characteristics and
demographics, crop production and food
Results 42

consumption patterns focusing on vegetables, milk and milk products,

specific FS indicators (HDDS, HFCS and fruits, oil/fats, meat/poultry,
MAHFP). To access the full dataset, see sugar/honey, eggs and miscellaneous.
Additional file 2. Values for the food groups were either 1
(consumed) or 0 (not consumed). Thus,
Indicators of food security
HDDS is the total number of food groups
In this study, we select indicators that
consumed by household members.
capture household access to sufficient
Households were classified as having low
food quantity and quality, namely,
(HDDS ≤ 3), medium (HDDS = 4–6), or
Household Dietary Diversity Score
high dietary diversity (HDDS = 7–12).
(HDDS), Household Food Consumption
Household food consumption score
Score (HFCS) [35, 75]. The stability of FS
(HFCS): The HFCS is a widely applied
over a period of 1 year is assessed using
food security indicator that is calculated
Months of Adequate Household Food
using the frequency of consumption of
Provisioning (MAHFP) [73]. These
different food groups by a household
indicators are detailed in the following
during a 7 days period [79]. Household
members were asked the question: “How
Household dietary diversity score (HDDS):
many days in the past 7 days prior to the
The HDDS is a proxy measure of
survey did the household eat each of the
household nutrient adequacy [76]. It lists
food items presented in Table 4.1”.
the number of different food groups
Following this, the data were grouped
consumed over a given reference period
into three food consumption groups,
[77], thus capturing dietary quality
subsequently combined into a composite
within a household [76]. Households
score using standardized weights
were asked to report the foods (meals
(Table 4.1). We created the food
and snacks) that they ate or drank during
consumption groups using standard
the 7 days prior to the survey to capture
thresholds, classifying a household’s food
variability in intake. Subsequently, the
consumption as being poor (HFCS ≤ 21),
food items were grouped into 12 food
borderline (HFCS = 21.5–35), or
groups, as defined by Kennedy et al. [78],
acceptable (HFCS > 35) [79]. HFCS is
to calculate the HDDS for each
calculated by Eq. 4 (respective
household: Cereals, fish and seafood, root
abbreviations are displayed in the
and tubers, pulses/legumes/nuts,
subsequent Table 4.1).
Results 43

HFCS = (MS ∗ 2) + (P ∗ 3) + V + F + (MF ∗ 4) + (D ∗ 4) + (Fa ∗ .5) + (SH ∗ .5) (4)

Table 4.1: Food Groups and Item used for HFCS calculations
Food Group Food Items Weight
Main staples (MS) Maize, Sorghum, Cassava, Rice, Potato, Sweet
Potato, Bread, noodles, yam
Pulses (P) Beans, Cowpeas, Mung bean, Groundnuts,
Pigeon peas, soybean, Bambara Nuts
Vegetables (V) Green leafy veg, Tomato, okra 1
Fruit (F) Any fruit consumed during the seven day period 1
Meat/Fish (MF) Beef, poultry, pork and fish 4
Dairy (D) Milk, yogurt and other diary 4
Sugar/honey (SH) Sugar and sugar products, honey 0.5
Fats (Fa) Oils, fats and butter 0.5

Months of adequate household food The first step of data analysis was to
provisioning (MAHFP): The MAHFP is an determine the profile of farming
indicator that captures the consistency of activities and the socio-economic
food availability throughout a 12 months characteristics of the study area. We
period [73]. Respondents were asked to computed basic descriptive statistics to
identify in which of the last 12 months provide summary statistics of the data.
they had access to sufficient food to meet Frequency distributions and percentage
their household needs, jointly defined were used for categorical variables.
with villagers as the months they could Mean, minimum, maximum, and
have at least three meals a day. Values for standard deviation were used for
each month were either 1 (yes) or 0 (no). continuous variables. Due to the
Therefore MAHFP was the total number differences in sample sizes, Welch’s t test
of months all household members could was used to compare the means of the
have three or more meals a day. two study sites [80].
Households were classified as most food Generalized ordered logit model (GOLM)
insecure (MAHFP ≤ 5), moderately food
The food security indicators used is this
insecure (MAHFP = 6–9), or least food
study were categorized into three levels
insecure (MAHFP = 10–12).
(cf. Table 4.4), coded as 0 = lower,
Data analysis 1 = medium and 2 = higher level. Thus,
Descriptive statistics these indicators represent the level of FS
Results 44

in an ordinal scale with the level j = 0 be the same for all equations. The general
being the minimum value of the model is presented in Eq. 5.
indicators (low = 0 for HDDS; poor = 0 for
exp(𝛼𝑗 + 𝑋𝑖1 𝛽𝑗1 + 𝑋𝑖2 𝛽2 )
𝑃(𝑌𝑖 > 𝑗) = ,
FCS; most FI = 0 for MAHFCS). For such 1 + [exp(𝛼𝑗 + 𝑋𝑖1 𝛽𝑗1 + 𝑋𝑖2 𝛽2 )] (5)
ordinal dependent variables, ordered 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑚 − 1

logit model is generally suggested [81].

Where 𝑌𝑖 is the recorded FS category for
However, the ordered logit model must
household 𝑖. 𝑃(𝑌𝑖 > 𝑗) is the probability
meet the proportional odds assumption
of a household 𝑖 be in a given FS category.
(also known as parallel line assumption),
𝑗 is the number of categories or cut
such that the coefficients of explanatory
points. 𝛼𝑗 is the regression intercept of
variables on different levels of the
each category. 𝑚 is the number of
dependent variable are the same across
categories of the FS indicators (c.f Table
different cut points [82], but this is
4.4). 𝑋𝑖1 is the vector of explanatory
usually not the case [41]. In this study, we
variables that violate the constraint of
initially applied the ordered probability
parallel line assumption. 𝛽𝑗1 is a vector
models, however, the Brant test [83]
of regression coefficients that varies
suggested that the parallel line
across the category. 𝑋𝑖2 is the vector of
assumption was violated, which means
the rest of the explanatory variables with
that a subset of variables has a varying
a vector of regression coefficients 𝛽2.
coefficient. Thus, to identify the factors
that affect the different food security As we intended to have more

indicators, we applied the generalized parsimonious layout to easily pinpoint

ordered logit models with partial the variables violating the assumptions,

proportional odds model (PPOM) for we used a gamma parameterization (see

each FS indicator (MAHFP, HFCS, and Additional file 1 for detailed output

HDDS) using the program gologit2 in results), an equivalent form of partial

Stata [41]. This model is already applied proportional odds model proposed by

in studies assessing factors associated to Peterson et al. [86]. The model is

food security, e.g., Akbar et al. [84] and presented in Eq. 6.

Ayele et al. [85]. PPOM relaxes the

restriction of parallel line assumption, exp(𝛼𝑗 + 𝑋𝑖 𝛽 + 𝑇𝑖 𝛾𝑖 )
𝑃(𝑌𝑖 > 𝑗) = ,
1 + [exp(𝛼𝑗 + 𝑋𝑖 𝛽 + 𝑇𝑖 𝛾𝑖 )] (6)
allowing one or more coefficients to
𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑚 − 1
differ across equations while others can
Results 45

Where 𝑇𝑖 is the vector of explanatory parallel line assumption has one 𝛽

variables that violate the assumption of coefficient and 𝑚 − 1 𝛾 coefficients [41].
proportional odds. 𝛽 is the effect of Thus, if 𝛾𝑖 = 0 the model would reduce to
variables that have the same coefficients the ordered logit model [87]. The
for all possible pairs of FS categories, explanatory variables used in PPOM and
while 𝛾𝑖 is the differential effect of the the expected signs are summarized in
variables on each pair of FS categories Table 4.2. These variables were selected
and indicate the extent to which the due to their potential explanatory power
parallel regression assumption is for food security, based on prior
violated by the variable. Each identified publications.
explanatory variable violating the
Table 4.2: Explanatory variables used in the regression analysis
Variable Description
Age Age of household head in years +

Education Numbers of schooling years of household head +

Gender Gender of household head (1 = male, 0 = female) +

Household size Number of household members -

Extra income Off-farm/non-farm income (1 if yes, 0 if no) +

Livestock diversity Number of animal species raised by the household +

Location Household location (Lioma=1; Mepuagiua=0) +/-

Farm size Farm size in hectares +

Land quality Perception of having good land fertility (good =1; bad =0) +

Crop diversity Number of crop species produced by the household +

Maize Maize production (1 if yes, 0 if no) +

Sorghum Sorghum production (1 if yes, 0 if no) +

Rice Rice production (1 if yes, 0 if no) +

Cassava Cassava production (1 if yes, 0 if no) +

Cash cropsa Soybean and/or Tobacco production (1 if yes, 0 if no) +

Period of data collection (1 = harvest season, 0 = pre-harvest

Season +
aSoybean and tobacco are the major cash crops in the study area
Results 46

The age of the household head is a [61, 88]. Geographic location is a dummy
continuous variable that is used as a variable that is equal to 1 for a household
proxy for farming experience [88, 89]. located in Lioma and 0 for households in
Older farmers are assumed to be more Mepuagiua. Due to differences in some
experienced and resource endowed as socio-economic characteristics, we
compared to younger farmers [55]. Thus, expect differences in food security status
we expect in our study that FS increases between the two villages.
with age. Education of the household Households with off-farm and cash crop
head is expected to have a positive income can purchase more appropriate
impact on FS, as educated farmers are and nutritious foods, thus improving
better able to obtain information on food security [97]. As such, we expect
improved agricultural techniques and these households to be more likely to be
new economic opportunities, thereby food secure than those without non-farm
increasing their productivity [90, 91]. and cash crops income. These are dummy
Moreover, it is already demonstrated variables that equal 1 for households
that education positively affects FS
with non-farm and cash crops (soybean
[92,93,94]. The knowledge gap and and/or tobacco) income and 0 otherwise.
gender differences in access, control, and Livestock and crop diversity represent
use of assets is a major concern of gender the number of animal and crop species
studies in agriculture [95, 96]. Therefore, raised and produced by a household,
we expect differences between male and respectively. Livestock ownership
female-headed households with regards represents an additional source of
to food security status. This is a dummy subsistence, income, and nutritional
variable equaling 1 if the household head requirements [88]. Furthermore, several
is male and 0 if the household head is studies demonstrate the link between
female. The size of the household is the crop diversity and FS [54, 56, 57].
total number of people that depend and Therefore, we expect these variables to
live in a household. Although some have a positive relationship with FS.
literature suggests that lager households
Farm size is a continuous variable and
may reflect household labor available for
measured in hectares. In this study, we
agricultural activities [51], we expect
expect households with larger farm sizes
households with a larger number of
to have higher probability of being food
people to be less food secure, since larger
secure, since they can diversify
households have a higher burden to feed
Results 47

production and produce more quantities Results

[60, 61]. Moreover, we expect the Household characteristics
production of staple foods to be
The majority of households, 71% in
significantly related to FS. Staple foods
Mepuagiua and 80% in Lioma, are
represent the foundation for food
headed by men. Only 10% of the
security and an adequate diet [98]. They
households in Mepuagiua have a non-
are sources of marketable surpluses that
farm income source, while in Lioma, 23%
can improve income and the ability to
of the households practice activities
purchase foods other than those
other than agriculture (Fig. 4.2).
produced within the household [69].
According to the results presented in
Rice, sorghum, maize and cassava were
Table 4.3, the mean age of household
selected in this study, as they are the
heads in Mepuagiua (37 years) was
most produced and consumed staple
higher than that of Lioma (33 years)
crops in the study region. Each staple
(p < 0.05); nevertheless, in Lioma,
crop represented a dummy variable that
farmers are better educated (p < 0.001).
equals 1 if the crop was produced by the
The mean farm sizes are not statistically
household and 0 otherwise. Quality of
different and overall crop diversity is
land is a dummy and represent the
higher in Lioma (p < 0.001). Moreover,
perception of having good land fertility. It
there are no statistically significant
is equal to 1 if the household assumes to
differences with regard to mean
have good land quality and is expected to
household size between both study
be positively related to food security. The
areas. In Mepuaguia, there is more
definition of “good” is based on the
diverse staple foods production with
individual farmers’ assessment of their
dominance of sorghum and very little
own land. Season is an important factor
cash crop production (Fig. 4.3).
for food security in Mozambique [4],
thus, we expect an increase of food
security during the harvest season.
Results 48

100 Lioma Mepuagiua


Percentage of households (%)








% of female-headed households % of households with good land quality % of households with off-farm income

Figure 4.2: Percentage (%) of households for: gender; non-farm income; and good land

Table 4.3: Socioeconomic characteristics of the households in each village

Mepuagiua (n=157) Lioma (n = 139) t-test
Average Min Max Sd Average Min Max Sd tCritical p(T<=t)

Age of household head 36.9 18 83 14.72 33.2 18 65 10.4 1.969 0.013**

Size of the household 4.89 1 11 2.12 5.2 1 13 2.01 1.968 0.122

Farm size (ha) 1.32 0.2 5 0.85 1.39 0.2 5.5 1.01 1.969 0.565

Livestock diversity 2.73 0 4 0.56 3.06 0 6 1.14 1.971 0.671

Education of household
4.71 0 10 2.57 5.9 0 16 2.54 1.968 <0.001***

Crop diversity 3.27 1 9 1.31 3.87 1 9 1.68 1.969 <0.001***

Significant levels: ***1%, **5%, *10%.

Results 49

Mepuagiua Lioma


Cash crops







Mung bean




Green leafy veg



Sweet Potato

Bambara Nuts

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of households (%)

Figure 4.3: Percentage (%) of households producing specific crop in each village
Household food security status In Lioma, the majority (50%) present
high dietary diversity and only 5% fall
The household FS categories, classified
into low dietary diversity category. In
via different FS indicators, are shown in
Mepuagiua, households also increase
Table 4.4. The majority of households in
their dietary diversity during the harvest
Mepuagiua (52%) fall into the low
period, with 45% having medium diet
dietary diversity category when the
diversity and 37% having high diet
HDDS is applied in the pre-harvest
period, whereas in Lioma, the majority
(68%) has a medium dietary diversity.
Only 2% and 1% of the households fall
within high dietary diversity category in
Mepuagiua and Lioma, respectively, and,
thus, can be assumed as food secure in
pre-harvest period. However, during the
harvest period, many households move
into the high dietary diversity category.
Results 50

Table 4.4: Percentage of households in each food security category

Mepuagiua (n=157) Lioma (n=139)
FS indicators Categories
Pre-harvest Harvest Pre-harvest Harvest
High 2% 37% 1% 50%
HDDS Medium 46% 45% 68% 45%
Low 52% 18% 31% 5%
Acceptable 0% 1% 0% 2%
HFC Borderline 11% 54% 12% 57%
Poor 89% 45% 88% 41%
Least FI 3% 27% 8% 17%
MAHFP Moderately FI 32% 31% 21% 41%
Most FI 65% 42% 71% 42%

Moreover, results reveal similar trends odds (PPOM), fitted in Stata with a user-
between both study sites with regards to written program, gologit2 [41] (see
HFCS. The majority of the households Additional file 1 for detailed output
(88% in Lioma and 89% in Mepuagiua) results). According to the PPOM results
had a poor HFCS (HFCS ≤ 21) in the pre- presented in Table 4.5, the variable Age
harvest period. However, during the violates the parallel line assumption in
harvest period, the majority of the the model fitted for the dependent
households are categorized as variables HDDS and MAHFP, meaning
borderline. High food insecurity levels that their effect change across equations.
were also found with respect to MAHFP The size of household and season also
in the pre-harvest period. The majority of violates the parallel line assumption for
the households (65% in Mepuagiua and HDDS and MAHFP, respectively.
71% in Lioma) had less than 5 MAHFP, Therefore, age, size of household, and
while only 3% in Mepuagiua and 8% in season have gamma (𝛾) coefficients that
Lioma were least food insecure. In the are statistically significant (p-value <
harvest period, the level of food insecure 0.05). To obtain the coefficient for these
households decreased to 42% in both variables, 𝛾 coefficients must be added to
study sites. beta (𝛽) coefficients; for example, the
coefficient of season on the low and
Factors affecting household food
security medium dietary diversities versus high
We used generalized ordered logit dietary diversity is 4.451 (1.976 + 2.475).
models (GOLM) with partial proportional The two alphas (𝛼) represent the
Results 51

intercepts of each cut-off points of the for at least one of the FS indicators used
logit function. All variables, except size of in this study (cf. Table 4.5). The marginal
household, sorghum production, and off- effects of each explanatory variable for
farm income, were statistically FS indicators are presented in Table 4.6.
significant at the 5% of significance level

Table 4.5: Estimation results of GOLM


Season 1.976 (0.238)*** 1.291 (0.175)*** 3.433 (0.310)***
Gender -0.174 (0.210) -0.078 (0.204) -0.659 (0.286)**
Age -0.026 (0.009)*** -0.010 (0.008) -0.008 (0.010)
Geographic location 2.164 (0.433)*** 1.078 (0.429)** -0.015 (0.598)
Size of land -0.114 (0.102) 0.236 (0.099)** -0.134 (0.137)
Quality of land 0.788 (0.283)*** 1.090 (0.298)*** -0.235 (0.397)
Maize 0.391 (0.253) 0.315 (0.255) 0.907 (0.368)**
Sorghum 0.041 (0.278) -0.024 (0.276) 0.314 (0.385)
Cassava 1.076 (0.314)*** 0.689 (0.303)** 1.150 (0.431)***
Rice 0.726 (0.235)*** 0.551 (0.228)** 0.327 (0.305)
Size of household -0.077 (0.044)* -0.045 (0.046) -0.079 (0.060)
Off-farm income 0.089 (0.242) -0.070 (0.242) 0.603 (0.324)*
Livestock diversity 0.053 (0.016)*** 0.043 (0.014)*** -0.003 (0.018)
Education 0.066 (0.038)* 0.043 (0.037) 0.041 (0.052)
Cash crop 0.116 (0.254) 0.349 (0.259) 0.980 (0.350)***
Crop diversity 0.152 (0.085) * -0.204 (0.084) ** 0.854 (0.122)***
_cons_1 -1.470 (0.594)** -1.8827 (0.579)*** -6.590 (0.887)***
_cons_2 -7.429785 (0.829) *** -5.148 (0.689) *** -13.082 (1.210)***
Age 0.022 (0.011)** 0.020 (0.010)**
Size of household n.a 0.129 (0.048)***
Season 2.475 (0.572) *** n.a
n.a= not applicable; Standard Errors are presented in parenthesis; Significant levels: ***1%, **5%, *10
Results 52

Table 4.6: Marginal effects of explanatory variables for FS level

HFCS Categories HDDS Categories MAHFP Categories

Poor Borderline Acceptable Low Medium High Most FI Moderately FI Least FI
Season -0.570 0.568 0.002 (0.001) -0.323 -0.083 (0.044)* 0.406 -0.309 0.182 0.126
(0.038)*** (0.038)*** (0.035)*** (0.031)*** (0.039)*** (0.027)*** (0.020)***
Gender 0.126 -0.125 0.000 (0.000) 0.028 (0.033) -0.016 (0.018) -0.012 (0.015) 0.019 (0.051) -0.012 (0.031) -0.008 (0.020)
(0.059)** (0.059)**
Age 0.001 (0.002) -0.001 (0.002) 0.000 (0.000) 0.004 -0.004 -0.000 (0.000) 0.003 (0.002) -0.003 (0.002)* 0.001 (0.001)
(0.001)*** (0.001)***
Geographic 0.003 (0.105) -0.003 (0.105) 0.000 (0.000) -0.341 0.174 0.167 -0.261 0.154 0.107
Location (0.067)*** (0.049)*** (0.052)*** (0.099)*** (0.056)*** (0.046)**
Size of land 0.024 (0.024) -0.023 (0.024) 0.000 (0.000) 0.019 (0.017) -0.011 (0.010) -0.008 (0.007) -0.058 0.036 0.022
(0.024)** (0.015)** (0.010)**
Quality of 0.041 (0.068) -0.040 (0.067) 0.000 (0.000) -0.123 0.066 0.057 -0.265 0.150 0.037*** 0.116
land (0.042)*** (0.025)*** (0.026)** (0.069)*** (0.036)***
Maize -0.136 0.136 0.000 (0.000) -0.068 (0.047) 0.045 (0.034) 0.023 (0.015) -0.077 (0.061) 0.049 (0.040) 0.028 (0.021)
(0.047)*** (0.046)***
Sorghum -0.055 (0.068) 0.055 (0.067) 0.000 (0.000) -0.007 (0.045) 0.004 (0.027) 0.003 (0.018) 0.006 (0.068) -0.004 (0.042) -0.002 (0.026)
Cassava -0.207 0.207 0.001 (0.000) -0.170 0.094 0.077 -0.169 0.101 0.068
(0.079)*** (0.079)*** (0.049)*** (0.032)*** (0.029)*** (0.073)** (0.043)** (0.032)**
Rice -0.060 (0.057) 0.059 (0.057) 0.000 (0.000) -0.108 0.053 0.055 -0.136 0.079 0.058
(0.032)*** (0.019)*** (0.023)** (0.056)** (0.031)** (0.026)**
Size of 0.014 (0.011) -0.014 (0.011) 0.000 (0.000) 0.013 (0.007)* -0.008 (0.005) -0.005 (0.003) 0.011 (0.011) -0.019 0.008 (0.005)
household (0.009)**
Off-farm -0.117 (0.068)* 0.117 (0.068)* 0.000 (0.000) -0.014 (0.038) 0.008 (0.021) 0.006 (0.017) 0.017 (0.059) -0.011 (0.037) -0.007 (0.022)
Livestock 0.000 (0.003) 0.000 (0.003) 0.000 (0.000) -0.009 0.005 0.004 -0.011 0.007 0.004
diversity (0.003)*** (0.002)*** (0.001)*** (0.004)*** (0.002)*** (0.001)***
Education -0.007 (0.009) 0.007 (0.009) 0.000 (0.000) -0.011 (0.006)* 0.006 (0.004) 0.004 (0.003) -0.011 (0.009) 0.007 (0.006) 0.004 (0.004)
Cash crops -0.191 0.190 0.001 (0.000) -0.019 (0.040) 0.011 (0.023) 0.008 (0.018) -0.086 (0.064) 0.051 (0.037) 0.035 (0.028)
(0.074)** (0.073)**
Crop -0.150 0.149 0.000 (0.000) -0.025 (0.014)* 0.015 (0.009)* 0.010 (0.006)* 0.050 -0.031 -0.019
Diversity (0.022)*** (0.022)*** (0.021)** (0.013)** (0.008)**
Standard Errors are presented in parenthesis; Significant levels: ***1%, **5%, *10%
Results 53

Two variables are consistently which is also represented by the positive

associated with all three FS indicators (p marginal effect for the lower category
value < 0.05), namely, the season and the (0.126) and negative for the borderline
production of cassava. The three FS (−0.125). This suggests that female-
indicators used in this study are higher headed households are more likely to
during the harvest season and for have a medium (or borderline) food
households producing cassava, which consumption score compared to male-
can also be seen from the negative headed households. The age of the
marginal effects on the lower categories household head only affects HDDS, while
for all three indicators (cf. Table 4.6). the positive and negative signs of the
marginal effect for the low and medium
Geographic location, quality of land,
dietary diversity, respectively, indicate
livestock diversity, and rice production
that the older the head of the household,
are statistically associated with two of
the lower the dietary diversity. The
the FS indicators (p value < 0.05).
production of maize and cash crops only
Farmers located in Lioma are more likely
have an effect on HFCS.
to have a higher HDDS and MAHFP, as
shown by the negative marginal effects Discussion
for the lower categories and positive This study assesses the FS situation
marginal effects for the higher during the period immediately prior to
categories. The higher the quality of land, the harvest and during the harvest
the higher the HDDS and MAHFP. The period. It also deepens the analysis of the
production of rice also increases HDDS key drivers conditioning household
and MAHFP. Households with higher capacity to achieve food security in
livestock diversity are more likely to Gurué district. Three FS indicators
have higher HDDS and MAHFP. categorized into three levels were used
Nevertheless, crop diversity is to the capture multidimensionality and
statistically and positively related to the prevalence of more nuanced patterns
MAHFP and HFCS. of FS among the households, which are
Size of land is an important factor for neglected in those studies that sort the
ensuring adequate food provision households into only two categories, e.g.
throughout the year but does not have food secure and food insecure [42].
any influence on HDDS and HFCS. Gender Generally, we observe comparably low
is negatively associated with HFCS, dietary diversity and predominantly
Results 54

poor household food consumption HFCS may result in the highest food
during the pre-harvest period and a insecurity levels for household relying on
predominance of households with farm-sourced food items. Although, in
medium and high dietary diversity and general, female-headed households are
food consumption during the harvest often behind male-headed households
season. This is in line with our with regard to FS status [42, 45],
expectation, as our data were collected behavioral differences between women
between February and March, the period and men result in differences with
when food reserves are already scarce, respect to how financial resources are
and during the harvest period (May and spent in male and female-headed
June), when access to farm-sourced food households [46]. While female decision-
is high [43]. As stated by [4], in makers may choose to invest their
Mozambique household, food security is financial resources in food expenditures,
sensitive to seasonal variations. male decision-makers may spend their
Therefore, our results may represent financial resources on non-food items. In
both the lower and upper margins of FS line with this, studies also find that
in Gurué district. low-income women with children are
motivated to improve the nutritional
It is noteworthy that gender is only
quality of their families and are more
associated with HFCS. According to the
likely to consume a nutritious diet [47,
results presented in Table 4.6, female-
headed households have higher food
consumption scores. Due to the Surprisingly, livestock diversity is
weighting system applied by this FS statistically significant only for HDDS and
indicator, it responds more strongly to MAHFP. Since HFCS weighs food groups
animal products, which are generally differently, we expected households
purchase in the study area. HDDS engaged in animal husbandry to have
weights all food groups equally, whereas higher HFCS. However, this may imply
HFCS applies different weights to the that livestock is not used for own
different food groups [44]. Fish, which is consumption, but rather for commercial
mainly purchased in our study area, have and other purposes. Moreover, off-farm
the highest weight (4), whereas the farm- income did not have a statistically
sourced vegetables and main staple, have significant impact on all FS indicators
a low weight (cf. Table 4.1). Thus, using (Table 4.6), although it is often reported
Results 55

as one of the most important drivers of Although aged farmers are, in general,
FS [49]. Thus, the results of our study more experienced and resource
may be in line with [50], who suggested endowed as compared to younger
that in many regions, poor households farmers [55], they may also be more
tend to spend their income on non-food likely to work fewer hours per day during
items such as clothing, household the harvest season compared to younger
appliances, etc., and not necessarily on household heads, therefore, losing their
more nutritious foods. Notably, the ability to diversify the diet [53].
production of cash crops has a positive The geographic location of the household
influence on HFCS. This may suggest that is a statistically significant factor of food
cash crops are important sources of security. Households from Lioma are
income to purchase non-farm sourced more food secure according to MAHFP
foods, especially those with the highest and HDDS than those from Mepuagiua.
weights (cf. Table 4.1). According to [51], This is partially explained by the higher
households with cash crops income can crop diversity in Lioma than Mepuagiua,
purchase more appropriate and
likely contributing to greater dietary
nutritious foods, thus being more likely diversity. The results indicate that crop
to have improved food security. diversity is one of the main drivers of
Nevertheless, the fact that the production food security, according to MAHFP and
of cash crops has a positive influence on HFCS. In line with this, many existing
HFCS while off-farm income does not, studies demonstrate the link between
reinforces the importance of crop diversity and FS [56, 57]. Another
psychological and behavioral factors on possible explanation is that the
household income expenditure and food percentage of households that claim to
consumption patterns [52]. Perhaps the have “good land quality” is higher in
source of income plays a role in the Lioma (86%) than in Mepuagiua (74%),
decision whether to invest in food or not. even though the local definition of “good
The effect of age is statistically significant land quality” might differ. Studies
for HDDS, suggesting that older farmers demonstrate that this factor significantly
have lower dietary diversity than affects agricultural productivity [58, 59]
younger farmers. This negative and is positively associated with MAHFP
relationship between age and HDDS is and HDDS (cf. Table 4.5).
also found in other studies [53, 54].
Results 56

The size of land only drives MAHFP. crops play an important role in ensuring
According to [60] and [61], households at least one dimension of household food
with larger farm size can have a security, cassava is used as both a
comparably higher level of production subsistence crop (ensuring household
diversify and produce comparably high access to calories) and a market crop
quantities of food, therefore having a (allowing households to sell surplus and
higher probability of being food secure. re-invest into other food groups). In
However, in our study area, a large farm addition, cassava is a drought-tolerant
size does not necessarily result in a crop and has a low-cost vegetative
higher dietary diversity. Rather, it is an propagation. Thus, it might improve
essential mechanism to ensure that food households’ ability to absorb weather-
is quantitatively available in most induced failures in the production of
months of the year. other staple crops. Maize, however, is a
seasonal crop, prone to weather shocks
Our analysis further indicates that the
such as droughts and floods [65].
production of the staple food crops,
Moreover, the simple in-ground storage
except sorghum, is significantly related
and perennial nature of cassava offers a
to at least one of FS indicators. Sorghum
flexible harvesting calendar that enables
is usually less productive and less
farmers to adjust harvested quantities
marketable than other staples [62], thus
throughout the year [66]. Likewise, local
it does not have a significant impact on
rice is resistant to floods [67] and usually
FS. Rice, maize, and cassava are the most
goes through manual processing [68],
consumed crops in Mozambique [63].
thus it remains stored for a slightly
Cassava ranks first in terms of average
longer period, which increases its
daily caloric intake by households in
availability to the households over the
Mozambique (678 kilocalories per capita
year but is less likely to simultaneously
per day), followed by maize (478 kcal per
satisfy the households needs and
capita per day) and rice (166 kcal per
produce marketable surplus. Although
capita per day) [64]. According to our
the staple food crops are mostly grown
results, maize has a positive relationship
for household consumption [40], maize
only with HFCS, rice is associated to
and cassava are positively related to
MAHFP and HDDS, while cassava is
HFCS. This is because they are important
positively related to all three indicators.
sources of marketable surpluses that can
This might indicate that, although all food
improve income and the ability to re-
Results 57

invest into other food groups [69]. In fact, strategies, depending on the individual
more than 50% of households sell at least food security indicator applied or
a part of the maize they produce. In weighted most. Policies aiming to raise,
general, however, in our study region, for example, diet quality would promote
farmers consume approximately 60% more market-oriented agriculture with
and sell 40% of their agricultural the aim of improving HFCS, while an
products to cover non-food household increase of calories intake may be
expenses [62]. achieved when production for own
consumption is promoted. Hence, our
The percentage of food secure
findings support the idea of a fair balance
households differs depending on the
between the production of cash crops
individual indicator applied (Table 4.4).
and crops for own consumption [72].
This underlines that each indicator
MAHFP has a recall period of 12 months
reflects the eventual output of the
and, thus, it is a useful tool to capture
different FS dimensions (especially
food stability [73], as it shows
availability, access, and stability) [27].
households’ ability to address
Maxwell et al. [28] likewise find that
vulnerability over the year.
different food security measures can
produce divergent results. Although, Food utilization is an essential dimension
HFCS and HDDS share a common of FS that encompasses the nutritional
emphasis on dietary diversity as a proxy quality of food within households and the
for household food access and are both bioavailability of nutrients in those
correlated with total per capita food and foods. The traditional proxy measure of
non-food expenditures, they are not food utilization is the use anthropometric
interchangeable [44]. Unlike HDDS, the measurements, e.g. nutritional status, to
weights applied by HFCS do not reflect understand whether food is allocated
per capita calories intake but rather equally to all individual household
reflect the quality of the diet [70], since members [35]. Nevertheless, our study is
including animal source foods, fruits, conducted at household level, thus
vegetables, and dairy products in the unable to capture this dimension.
diets increases the intake of essential Therefore, it is essential for future
micronutrients [71]. This is an important research to combine the self-reported
aspect as programs to overcome FI may consumption patterns with some FS
follow different agricultural production outcomes, i.e., anthropometric measures,
Results 58

to understand whether food is allocated strongly to purchased food. As such,

equally to all individual household combining different food security
members. This generates more complete indicators is an important strategy to
information for policy makers and holistically assess the food security
development agencies. The short recall status of the local population. In our
period applied by HDDS and HFCS (7 analysis, we find that gender and age of
days) represents another limitation of the household head, geographic location,
this study, though these indicator are size and quality of land, staples
very useful and sensitive enough to show production (especially cassava),
dietary diversity at the household level livestock, crop diversity and cash crops
[27]. are important drivers of at least one of FS
indicator. Thus, one central
recommendation derived from our
In this study, we investigate the FS
results is that relevant stakeholders can
situation and its drivers at the household
improve FS by promoting a balance
level in Gurué District, Zambézia
between market-oriented agriculture
province, central Mozambique by
and subsistence production, as well as by
applying different indicators (HDDS,
supporting farmers whose land is of low
HFCS, MAHFP). In general, we find very
quality, e.g., by teaching composting
critical levels of food insecurity among
techniques to enhance agricultural
households during the pre-harvest
productivity. To reduce the seasonality of
season and relatively high levels of food
food security, policy-makers and
security during the harvest season.
relevant agencies must direct their
However, varying outcomes are found
efforts at increasing access to irrigation
depending on the indicator used to
technologies to offset the
assess FS. Thus, the decision whether
drought-related shocks that occur during
farmers should rely on staple foods
the dry season.
production for increasing their FS status,
or specialize in cash crop production to
generate income and buy food items Ethics approval and consent to
depends on the indicator used to assess participate: Informed consent was
FS. For instance, MAHFP and HDDS are obtained from all individual participants
more related to the consumption of farm- in the study.
sourced food, while HFCS responds more Consent for publication: Not applicable.
Results 59

Availability of data and material: All logistical support in conducting the

data generated and analyzed during this research in Gurué district, Central
study are included in Additional file 2. Mozambique. Further, we thank the
farmers who participated in the survey.
Competing interests: The authors
declare that they have no competing References
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Results 68

4.2 Experimental evaluation of a passive indirect solar dryer for agricultural

products in Central Mozambique

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2021). Volume 45, Issue 11.

Custodio E. Matavel1,2; Harry Hoffmann1; Constance Rybak1; Johannes M. Hafner1,2; João

Salavessa3; Shibire Bekele Eshetu1; Stefan Sieber1,2

1Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany

2Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences Thaer-Institute, Humboldt-Universität

zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

3Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidade Lúrio, Nampula, Mozambique

© 2021 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used
for commercial purposes.


Post-harvest losses are one of the major livelihood challenges for farmers in the Global
South. The use of drying technologies to preserve agricultural products has been
promoted as a particular solution to address this challenge. In this regard, we designed
and tested a passive indirect solar dryer for drying agricultural products as an alternative
to open sun drying (OSD) in Gurue district, Central Mozambique, using amaranth leaves
and maize. In addition, a sensorial analysis was conducted by randomly selecting a group
of 60 adults who evaluated the texture, aroma and color of dried amaranth and maize
grains. Compared to OSD, the passive indirect solar dryer reduced drying time and
increased the thermal efficiency. Evaluation of sensory quality attributes showed that
passive indirect solar drying outperforms OSD.
Results 69

Practical applications

This study evaluates the performance of a passive indirect solar dryer, a sustainable
alternative to conventional food preservation technologies (e.g., refrigeration) that are
not affordable to resource-constrained communities. The use of passive solar dryers, if
carried out correctly, creates the possibility for poor rural households to safely store and
increase shelf life of food. In addition, the acceptability of products dried in the passive
indirect solar dryer is evaluated. Thus, the study also provides insights on passive solar
dryer potential for preserving the quality of the final product.

Introduction faces major challenges due to climate

change. Moreover, reliance on traditional
Post-harvest losses (PHL) are significant
food processing and preservation
threats to food security in the global
techniques exacerbates their
South (Affognon et al., 2015; Hodges et
vulnerability to food insecurity (FI)
al., 2011), and their reduction is an
(Adeyeye, 2017). As reported by FAO, in
important factor in achieving the
2016, about 14% of food produced in SSA
sustainable development goals (SDG),
was lost from post-harvest to
particularly, SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and
distribution. In addition, SSA has the
SDG 12 (ensure sustainable consumption
highest caloric losses globally due to PHL
and production patterns) (FAO, 2019). In
and presents the highest levels of
addition, the African Union has
malnutrition (FAO, 2019; FAO et al.,
committed to halving PHL by 2025 under
2020), which is likely to worsen for
the Malabo Declaration (AUC, 2014).
several reasons, including the growing
These targets are particularly important
food needs of the increasing population
to smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan
(Gerland et al., 2014; Valin et al., 2014),
Africa (SSA) as they are among the
poor dietary habits (Afshin et al., 2019),
poorest populations in the world (WB,
potential impacts of Covid-19 (Saccone,
2016) and rely largely on food
2021), and challenging global economic
production for their livelihoods (Sheahan
conditions (FAO & ECA, 2018).
& Barrett, 2017). Indeed, more than 80%
Therefore, finding solutions to minimize
of rural households in many SSA
PHL is crucial to address FI in SSA.
countries depend to some extent on
agriculture (Davis et al., 2017), even A particular solution to this challenge is
though agricultural production in SSA the adoption and application of more
Results 70

efficient drying methods for the Ndukwu et al., 2018) results in

preservation of agricultural products. significant losses such as contamination
Drying—defined as the removal of from dust, rain, spoilage, insects and
moisture from food to prevent the other pests (Affognon et al., 2015;
growth of molds, yeasts, fungi, and Kaminski & Christiaensen, 2014; Kumar
bacteria—can be accomplished using et al., 2016; Udomkun et al., 2020).
various energy sources such as fossil Therefore, the advances in solar energy
fuels, electricity, natural gas, biomass, research and especially the
and solar energy (Lingayat, corresponding applications in
Chandramohan, Raju, et al., 2020; agriculture have led to the design and
Prakash & Kumar, 2017). However, development of a variety of solar dryers
energy sources such as fossil fuels, to overcome the limitations of OSD
electricity, and natural gas are in (Mustayen et al., 2014; Ssemwanga et al.,
generally comparatively expensive, and 2020).
their access is often unreliable for rural Solar dryers need to supply more heat to
households in developing countries.
the product than is available under
Therefore, given the abundant and freely ambient conditions to promote
available solar radiation in tropics and evaporation of moisture from inside the
sub-tropics (Mustapha et al., 2014; crop (Kalogirou, 2014). They are
Mustayen et al., 2014), the use of solar generally classified into direct, indirect
energy, one of the oldest methods of food or mixed mode, based on how heat is
preservation (Janjai & Bala, 2012), takes transferred to the food and passive or
a leading role in the sustainable drying of active, based on differences in the
agricultural products for smallholder circulation of air used for drying (Chavan
farmers in the Global South (Esper & et al., 2020; Fudholi et al., 2010; Mohana
Mühlbauer, 1998; Lamidi et al., 2019). et al., 2020; Visavale, 2012). In addition,
Smallholder farmers in SSA use solar solar dryers can also be classified as
energy to dry their produce after harvest hybrid solar dryers, if they are designed
as an attempt to ensure safe storage of with an additional heat sources—such as
food until the next harvest (Stathers et solar assisted auxiliary thermal storage
al., 2013). However, the use of traditional system, wood, gas or electricity—to
open solar drying (OSD) to dry enable a higher crop drying rate and
agricultural produce (Karekezi, 2002; consequently a higher product quality
Results 71

(Khaing Hnin et al., 2019; Reyes et al., They are completely dependent on solar
2014; Udomkun et al., 2020). energy, while in active solar dryers
(ASD), the circulation of heated air is
In direct solar dryers (DSD), food is
done externally with the help of electric
directly exposed to solar radiation that
fans or pumps, which increases the
penetrates through a transparent cover
drying rates (Lingayat, Chandramohan,
(Islam et al., 2018; Kumar et al., 2016).
Raju, et al., 2020). PSD play an important
This cover reduces heat losses, and
role in the drying sector because many
minimizes the product contamination by
rural areas in SSA have poor access to the
rain, dust and insects (Sandali et al.,
electricity grid (Duran et al., 2015) and
2019). However, sensory properties,
because of their low cost (Mustayen et al.,
such as color and certain vitamins, may
2014) compared to ASD. In fact, the
be affected by direct sunlight (Al-Juamily
requirements of ASD are not affordable
et al., 2007; Mustayen et al., 2014). The
to many rural households in developing
use of indirect type solar dryers (ISD)
countries due to the additional costs of
leads to improved product quality
the external energy source (Bala & Janjai,
compared to DSD (Mohana et al., 2020)
2012; Veremachi et al., 2015).
as they minimize color changes and loss
of specific vitamins (Tomar et al., 2017). Therefore, the performance of PSD needs
They consist of a separate solar air heater to be further improved and evaluated.
in which solar energy is collected. The Erick César et al. (2020) designed and
heated air circulates through trays in a evaluated a PSD with the option operate
drying chamber where the agricultural as an ISD or MSD for drying tomato slices
products are placed (El-Sebaii et al., and found an overall efficiency of 8.8%
2002). An intermediate solution are and 10.7% for the ISD and MSD,
mixed solar dryers (MSD), where the respectively. Mahapatra and Tripathy
product is heated by both transparent (2019) tested the thermal performance
drying chamber and also separate air of PSD under no load conditions and
heater (Shalaby et al., 2014). found efficiency of 31.4%, 27.6%, and
41.4% for DSD, ISD, and MSD,
In passive solar dryers (PSD), the heated
respectively. Musembi et al. (2016)
air is circulated through the food
designed and tested a passive indirect
products by buoyancy forces or as a
solar dryer (PISD) for drying fresh apples
result of pressure differences (Basunia &
and found an overall dryer efficiency of
Abe, 2001; Ekechukwu & Norton, 1999).
Results 72

17.9%. Several other studies have also appearance often tend to be less
shown high performance of PSD as negotiable than other values (Furst et al.,
compared to OSD (Arunsandeep et al., 1996). Thus, in this study we first
2018; Dasin et al., 2015; Ghaffari & constructed and tested a PISD for drying
Mehdipour, 2015; Irtwange & Adebayo, agricultural products as an alternative to
2009; Mohammed, Fatumah, et al., 2020; OSD in Guruè district, Central
Tedesco et al., 2018; Yadav et al., 2018). Mozambique—where there is a limited
access to costly modern food processing
Notably, solar dryers exhibit variations
technologies—and secondly analyzed
in their overall performance, attributed
the acceptability of food dried with PISD
to factors such as the solar dryer’s design
using consumers’ preference analysis.
(Nabnean et al., 2016), unstable ambient
temperature, relative humidity, hours of Material and methods
sunshine, available solar radiation, Description of the solar dryer
frequency and duration of rain, and wind
Since the constructed dryer is to be used
speed (Shahi et al., 2011). Therefore,
in a rural area with limited access to
research efforts aimed at adapting solar
fossil fuels, electricity and natural gas, a
dryers to specific site conditions are
passive solar dryer design suitable for
critical for more effective use of solar
this environment was chosen
drying systems. In addition, to avoid
(Figure 4.4). It was made of wood and
underutilization of a new technology, it is
consisted of a solar collector and a
crucial to consider the preferences of
separate drying chamber with five drying
potential users (Foster & Rosenzweig,
trays. The dimensions of the solar
2010), especially the sensory
collector are 0.3 × 0.75 × 1.90 m and the
characteristics of food (Leng et al., 2017).
volume of the drying chamber is 1 m3.
Attributes such as taste, texture, smell or
Results 73

Figure 4.4: Schematic view of passive indirect solar dryer

The solar collector was tilted (22°) so channels through which air flowed in the
that its surface is perpendicular to the same direction on both sides of the
solar radiation, which ensures that more absorber plate, thus, creating twice the
solar energy is collected and allows the surface area for heat transfer to the air
hot air to rise naturally into the drying (Forson et al., 2007). There were doors
chamber (Forson et al., 2007; Handoyo et on the drying chamber that allowed
al., 2013). The base of the collector was access to the crop. At the top of the drying
vented to allow the entry of air that needs chamber was an exit air vent to allow
to be heated for drying. The venting was natural air circulation throughout the
evenly distributed across the entire solar dryer.
width of the collector base to prevent Experimental procedure
individual areas in the collector from
Six solar dryers were constructed and
overheating. The top of the collector was
tested simultaneously with the OSD for
completely open to the bottom of the
drying amaranth leaves (Amaranthus
drying chamber. The absorber plate was
gangeticus) and maize (Zea mays) in
suspended between the top clear cover
August and September 2020,
and the base plate, providing two
Results 74

respectively. Maize was selected because et al. (2017), and cooled on an open stand
it is the main food crop grown in the for five minutes. Then, on the first day,
region (Chichongue et al., 2016) and about 7 kg were evenly divided and
amaranth was selected among other layered in the five drying trays. To avoid
most commonly consumed green leafy the voids in the trays caused by product
vegetables in collaboration with local shrinkage, we performed semi-
farmers. The experiments were continuous drying according to Singh et
conducted in Guruè district (latitude: al. (2021). Thus, a total of 21.2 kg of fresh
15°10′46.9″S; longitude: 36°48′32.6″E), leaves were loaded in each solar dryer
Central Mozambique, one of the study during the 7 days of the experiment. The
sites embedded in the “Vegi-Leg project” amount of fresh leaves loaded on
(Vegi-Leg, 2019). different days of the experiment is shown
in Table 4.7. Observations were made at
Drying of amaranth leaves
5:00 p.m. each day and the leaves that
Fresh amaranth leaves were obtained
were already dried were removed. As a
from the local market in Guruè, washed
control, a tray with an area of 1 m2 was
in clean water, blanched in water at 90℃
placed in the ground as practiced by the
for two minutes as described by Traoré
local residents for OSD.

Table 4.7: Fresh leaves loaded during successive drying days

Experiment Weight of fresh leaves Weight at 8:00 Weight at Weight of dried leaves
day loaded (g) a.m. (g) 17:00 (g) removed (g)
1st 7,000 7,000 5,600 0
2nd 50 5,460 3,696 0
3rd 900 4,925 3,004 137
4th 2,250 5,326 2,856 356
5th 4,200 5,934 3,256 317
6th 2,671 5,134 2,967 319
7th 4,200 5,324 3,467 297

were periodically mixed at two-hour

Drying of maize
intervals. No voids were observed in the
Freshly harvested maize grains were
trays during the maize experiment;
loaded and stored in the PISD until they
hence, the semi-continuous mode of
reach ≤14% of moisture according to
drying was not followed. Similar to
Bern et al. (2013). The loading per unit
amaranth leaves, OSD was carried out as
aperture area was 13.5 kg/m2. The grains
Results 75

a control and 13.5 kg of maize was placed radiation intensity (W/m2); 𝑚 is the
in a 1 m2 tray. mass of water evaporated (kg); 𝐿 is
Latent heat of water (kJ/kg K); 𝐴 area of
Data collection and analysis
solar collector (m2) and 𝑡 the time during
Ambient relative humidity and
drying day (s).
temperature, relative humidity and
Product acceptance
temperature inside the drying chamber
were recorded during the experiment One day after the end of the drying
using the EL-USB-2-LCD Temperature experiment, a sensorial analysis was
and Relative Humidity Data Logger. Solar performed. We randomly selected a
radiation on the aperture was measured group of 60 adult people (43% female
hourly using a solar power meter and 57% male) from six different
(Tenmar TM 207). An electronic balance communities who individually evaluated
(±0.1 g accuracy) was used to measure the texture, aroma, and color of dried
the weight of dried products in each tray amaranth and maize grains from both
at start and end of each day. The standard PISD and OSD following the ASTM
oven method (Aoac, 1990) was used to standard guide for two-sample
determine the moisture content (M) of acceptance and preference testing with
the amaranth leaves. An Agratronix MT- consumers (ASTM-International, 2015).
16 Grain Moisture Tester was used to People did not have prior knowledge of
determine the moisture content of maize. the method used to dry the product so as
not to influence their choices. The
Equations 1 and 2 were used to calculate
evaluators specified their level of
thermal efficiency of the dryer (η) and
acceptance using a five points Likert
the solar energy (S) required for 1 kg of
scale (1 = very bad to 5 = very good). Each
moisture removal, respectively. The
subject evaluated four samples in total,
overall thermal efficiency was obtain by
two from each dryer, with blinded codes.
calculating the average of all daily
The frequency distribution of the scale
efficiencies (Singh et al., 2021).
categories was calculated and the
𝑚𝐿 (1)
Ƞ= 𝑥100 Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used in
𝐼𝑎𝑣 𝐴𝑡
order to examine the differences
𝐼𝑎𝑣 (𝐴)𝑡 1 (2)
𝑆= 𝑥 between the acceptances of the products
𝑚 1000
dried using the PISD and the OSD.
Where: Ƞ is thermal efficiency of the
solar dryer (%); 𝐼𝑎𝑣 is daily average solar
Results 76

Results ambient air and inside the drying

chamber during drying ranged from 41%
Drying of amaranth leaves
to 61% and 27% to 37%, respectively.
The values of temperature and relative
The solar radiation varied from an
humidity variation for the ambient air,
average of 254 to 765 W/m2. At end of
temperature and relative humidity in the
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th drying days, an
drying chamber and intensity of solar
average of 137, 356, 317, 319, and 297 g
radiation over time were recorded and
of dried leaves were removed,
their mean values are shown in Figure
respectively (Table 4.7). Thus, an
4.5. The ambient temperature ranged
average of 1,430 g of dried amaranth
from 20 to 27℃, while the temperature in
leaves were obtained from each of the six
the drying chamber varied from 27 to
solar dryers in 7 drying days.
38℃. The relative humidity for the
70 900
Temperature (oC) and Relative Humidity (%)


Solar radiation(W/m2)

40 500

30 400


0 0
8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM 10:00:00 11:00:00 12:00:00 1:00:00 PM 2:00:00 PM 3:00:00 PM 4:00:00 PM 5:00:00 PM

Ambient RH Ambient T Inside RH Inside T SR

Figure 4.5: Variation of the temperature and relative humidity at the ambient and inside
the drying chamber and solar radiation intensity for amaranth leaves

The thermal efficiency from day 1 to 7 5th day. This is 58.7% more drying time
was 13%, 18%, 19%, 23%, 27%, 18%, compared to PISD. The average thermal
and 16% (Figure 4.6). Thus, the overall efficiency for OSD was 7%, and the total
thermal efficiency was 19%. Initial dried amaranth leaves obtained by the
moisture content of the fresh leaves was end of the drying experiment was 850 g.
83.4% and final moisture content after The average solar energy input per unit
drying was 10.5%. In OSD, the first dried water removal was 12.53 MJ/kg for PISD
leaves (126 g) were obtained only on the and 24.1 MJ/kg for OSD (Figure 4.6).
Results 77

20.00 30%
Solar energy input per unit water

Thermal efficiency (%)

14.00 20%
removal (MJ/kg)

10.00 15%
4.00 5%
0.00 0%
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7
Day# Day#

Figure 4.6: Average solar energy input per unit water removal and thermal efficiency for
amaranth leaves

Drying of maize ambient and indoor temperatures during

drying ranged from 16.8 to 26.8℃ and
The drying of maize took 5 consecutive
27.6 to 48.2℃, respectively. The ambient
days to reduce the grain moisture from
26% to 14%. The variations in ambient relative humidity ranged from 40.8% to
59.4% and the drying chamber relative
air temperature and relative humidity,
humidity ranged from 26.8% to 38%. The
drying chamber temperature and
average solar radiation during different
relative humidity, and solar radiation
drying days ranged from 225.0 to 724.6
were recorded, and their mean values
plotted as shown in Figure 4.7. The

70 800

Temperature (oC) and Relative Humidity (%)

Solar radiation(W/m2)






0 0
8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM 10:00:00 AM 11:00:00 AM 12:00:00 PM 1:00:00 PM 2:00:00 PM 3:00:00 PM 4:00:00 PM 5:00:00 PM

Ambient RH Ambient T Inside RH Inside T SR

Figure 4.7: variation of the temperature and relative humidity at the ambient and inside
the drying chamber and solar radiation intensity for maize
Figure 4.8 shows the daily average solar and the thermal efficiency of the PSID.
energy input per unit water removal (S) The values of S varied from 12.99 MJ/kg
Results 78

in the first day of drying to 28.65 MJ/kg days to reach the desired moisture
in the 5th day. Thermal performance at content of ≤14%. Therefore, compared to
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th days were OSD, PISD reduced drying time by 29%.
17%, 18%, 15%, 14% and 8%, The overall thermal efficiency of OSD was
respectively. Thus the average thermal 4.6%.
efficiency was 14%. For OSD, it took 7
35.00 20%
Solar energy input per unit

Thermal efficiency (%)

water removal (MJ/kg)

25.00 15%

10.00 5%
0.00 0%
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5
Day# Day#

Figure 4.8: Average solar energy input per unit water removal and thermal efficiency for
Product acceptance 40% of the people rated the amaranth
leaves dried in the PISD as very good and
We found that 40%, 27%, and 23% of the
30% as good. None of the evaluators
evaluators consider that the OSD had
found the dried amaranth from the OSD
poor texture, aroma and color,
very good and only 23% found it good.
respectively (Figure 4.9). None of the
The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was
evaluators considered the sensory
significant (pvalue < 0.01) for all sensory
attributes of amaranth dried in the PISD
attributes tested, indicating that most
to be bad or very bad. Most of them
people preferred the dried amaranth
(more than 68%) indicated that the
leaves from the PISD.
sensory properties were good or very
good. In terms of overall acceptability,
Results 79


Solar Dryer OpenSun Solar Dryer OpenSun

50% 50% 43%

40% 38% 40%
35% 37%
40% 32% 33% 40% 33%
30% 22% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0%
Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good


Solar Dryer OpenSun Solar Dryer OpenSun

45% 40% 47%

40% 45% 40%
35% 32% 40%
28%30% 28%
30% 35% 30%30% 30%
25% 30% 23%
18% 25%
10% 10%
5% 0% 0% 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0%
Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good

Figure 4.9: Respondents preference for amaranth leaves sensory attributes

With regards to dried maize, the depending on the sensory attribute. As in
evaluators also found the sensory the evaluation of amaranth, none of the
attributes of maize dried in PISD better evaluators found the sensory attributes
than that dried via OSD (p-value < .01). of maize dried in PISD bad or very bad,
The percentage distribution of the while 28%, 32%, and 33% of the
evaluators by score category is shown in evaluators found the texture, aroma, and
Figure 4.10. In general, the percentage of color of the maize dried in the OSD bad,
people who assign values 4 (good) and 5 respectively. Furthermore, none of the
(very good) for maize dried in PISD evaluators found the sensory attributes
varies between 65% and 75%, of maize dried in the OSD to be very good.
Results 80


Solar Dryer OpenSun Solar Dryer OpenSun

50% 43% 45% 40%

45% 38% 40%
40% 37% 32%
35% 30%30% 30%
35% 28% 28% 30%
30% 25%
15% 15%
10% 10%
5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0%
Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good


Solar Dryer OpenSun Solar Dryer OpenSun

47% 50% 45%

40% 33% 35%35% 40% 35%
32% 32%
30% 30% 23%
20% 20%

10% 10%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0%
Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good Very bad Bad Average Good Very Good

Figure 4.10: Respondents preference for maize sensory attributes

Discussion which most fungal species cannot grow

as they require relative humidity above
In this study, six solar dryers were
60% (Arundel et al., 1986). In OSD, the
constructed and tested simultaneously
observed relative humidity during the
and their performance was evaluated.
experiments was around 60%, making
They were tested for drying amaranth
the crop more susceptible to attack by
leaves and maize grains. In general, the
fungi. The comparatively lower relative
ambient and internal temperature of the
humidity in the drying chamber of PSD
drying chamber and the solar radiation
allows for greater removal of moisture
increased to a peak in the afternoon and
from the products being dried, as the
decreased in the evening (cf. Figures 2
reduction in humidity increases the
and 3). This is in agreement with the
diffusion of moisture from the product
results of Ayua et al. (2017) and
into the air, which accelerates the drying
Ssemwanga et al. (2020). Similar to
process (Aravindan et al., 2017). The
Nimrotham et al. (2017), the relative
drying temperatures in the drying
humidity decreased to its minimum
chamber ranged from 27.6 to 48.2℃.
value during the afternoons. The relative
These values are similar to those
humidity values observed inside PSD’s
observed in other studies on PISD (Jain &
drying chamber during the experiments
Tewari, 2015; Ssemwanga et al., 2020;
were below 40%, which is a range in
Results 81

Vijayan et al., 2016). However, a very are, according to Shahi et al. (2011) due
wide variation was observed. For to differences in the ambient
example, Jain and Tewari (2015) found temperature, relative humidity, hours of
values that varied between 40 and 45℃ sunshine, available solar radiation,
and A. Lingayat et al. (2017) observed frequency and duration of rain, and wind
drying air temperature that ranged speed.
between 44 and 55℃. Nevertheless, The sensory attributes are important
Ahmad Fudholi et al. (2014) found aspects when a food is presented for
Drying chamber air temperature ranging consumption. Therefore, it is important
from 28 to 55℃. This variation is due to for food processors to know the sensory
changes in the intensity of solar radiation characteristics of their products (Geel et
and can be even higher depending on the al., 2005). Therefore, we conducted a
position of the tray in the drying chamber consumer acceptance analysis to find out
(Lingayat, Chandramohan, & Raju, 2020). which drying method resulted in a
In addition, factors such as the design of product with comparatively better
the dryer and the season in which the
sensory properties (taste, aroma, color
analysis was carried out can also and overall acceptability). The results
influence the temperature variation in showed that both amaranth and maize
the drying chamber. from PISD were rated better than those
The average thermal efficiency of PISD from OSD. The advantages of PSD over
was higher than the efficiency of the OSD. OSD in terms of final products quality
Compared to the results of other studies, have been demonstrated in several
it was lower than that of Lingayat, studies (Hii et al., 2019; Irtwange &
Chandramohan and Raju (2020) Adebayo, 2009; Mohammed, Edna, et al.,
(21.57%) and Mahapatra and Tripathy 2020; Udomkun et al., 2020).
(2019) (27.55%) and higher than the Nevertheless, further studies are needed
efficiency found by Erick César et al. to explore factors such as demographic
(2020) (2.61%). According to Kumar et profile, health status, personality,
al. (2016), the average drying efficiency knowledge, exposure, perceived quality
of a PISD is 13%–25%. Thus, the results and mood as they may have an impact on
of this study are in an acceptable range consumers’ perception and evaluation of
for a PSD. The differences in the a particular product (Owureku-Asare et
efficiency reported in different studies al., 2017; Rozin & Tuorila, 1993).
Results 82

According to Steenkamp et al. (1994), products and its use is recommended

despite its sensitivity, the human sensory rather than OSD.
system cannot distinguish minor
Acknowledgments: The authors would
differences between products. However,
like to thank the Leibniz Centre for
in the case of the present study, our
Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
results are supported by the fact that the
in Müncheberg, Germany, for their
use of solar dryers as a substitute for OSD
logistical support in conducting the
increases drying air temperatures,
research in Gurué district, central
thermal energy and drying rate (Kumar
Mozambique and Federal Ministry of
et al., 2016; Orphanides et al., 2016),
Food and Agriculture (BMEL) for the
which consequently can improve the
financial support. Open access funding
organoleptic quality of the dried
enabled and organized by ProjektDEAL.
products (Mohammed, Edna, et al.,
2020). Funding information: The study is
financially supported by the Federal
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
The performance of a passive indirect based on the decision of the Parliament
solar dryer as compared to OSD was of the Federal Republic of Germany and
evaluated, using amaranth and maize. In managed by the Federal Office for
addition, the sensory quality attributes Agriculture and Food (BLE
were evaluated by a group of randomly
Conflict of interest: The authors have
selected individuals. The results showed
declared no conflicts of interest for this
that in the passive indirect solar dryer,
the average drying air temperature was
higher and the relative humidity lower, in Author contributions: Custodio Efraim

comparison to the OSD. The sensory Matavel: Conceptualization; Formal

quality attributes evaluation showed that analysis; Investigation; Methodology;

passive indirect solar dryer Writing-original draft; Writing-review &

outperformed OSD in terms of texture, editing. Harry Hoffmann:

aroma, color and overall consumer Conceptualization; Funding acquisition;

acceptability. Thus, based on the Project administration; Supervision;

outcome of this study, it is concluded that Writing-review & editing. Constance

the use of passive indirect solar dryer is a Rybak: Conceptualization; Funding

sustainable way of drying agricultural acquisition; Project administration;

Results 83

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Sieber: Conceptualization; Supervision; Arunsandeep, G., A. Lingayat, V. P.
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Results 91

4.3 Toward energy saving and food safety in Central Mozambique: the role of
improved cook stoves and heat retention boxes

Energy, Sustainability and Society (2022), volume 12, Article number: 26.

Custodio E. Matavela,b*, Johannes M. Hafnera,b, Harry Hoffmanna, Götz Uckerta, Jonas

Massuquec, Constance Rybaka, Stefan Siebera,b

aLeibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg,

bDepartment of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences Thaer-Institute, Humboldt-Universität

zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany

c Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, Universidade Lúrio, Department of Environment and Nature Conservation,

Unango Campus, Sanga District, Niassa Province, Mozambique.

© The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit


Background: Almost 80% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa relies on traditional

biomass for cooking, which is typically associated with negative environmental, health,
economic, and social impacts. Thus, many stakeholders, including development agencies
and national governments in the Global South are promoting the use of the improved
cookstove in order to save cooking time, save financial assets, maximize fuel efficiency,
and reduce indoor air pollution. However, little attention is paid to the heating practices
among households, which can determine food safety levels. Specifically, cooked food
should be kept at temperatures above the danger zone (from 5 to 57 °C) prior to its
consumption to prevent its contamination by bacteria and other unhealthy contaminants.
In general, many studies address food preparation and storage separately, despite being
Results 92

complementary. In this study, we attempt to understand whether, the use of improved

cookstove combined with heat retention box would result in improvements with regard
to fuel and time saving, and adequate food storage temperatures. Furthermore, we
examine the acceptability of food prepared with these two systems based on consumers’
preference analysis. Involving 122 participants, the study was conducted in Gurué district,
central Mozambique.

Results: The use of improved cookstove resulted in energy savings of 9% and 17% for
cooking maize porridge and beans curry, respectively. The overall time consumption for
cooking decreased by 14% (beans curry) and 24% (maize porridge). The use of heat
retention boxes shows a better heat retention ability as compared to the locally used heat
retention systems (leftovers, banana leaves).

Conclusions: The study concludes that improved cookstove is a sustainable mean for
saving cooking time and fuel. Heat retention box has a potential to maintain adequate food
storage temperatures. Both improved cookstove and heat retention box present a
superior performance compared to traditional technologies; thus, can easily be diffused
for not affecting the quality of food.

Keywords: Biomass energy, Foodborne illness, Time saving, Fuel saving, Gurué

Background collection are additional health concerns,

especially for females [12]. Women often
Almost 80% of the population in sub-
have to carry heavy loads, e.g., 14–36 kg
Saharan Africa (SSA)—roughly 780
[13], which results in musculoskeletal
million people—relies on traditional
pain [14]. As increasing time is spent on
biomass for cooking [1, 2], which is
fuelwood collection, there is less time for
typically associated with negative
other subsistence activities or recreation
environmental, health, economic, and
[15]. Moreover, the consumption of
social impacts [3,4,5,6,7,8]. The
fuelwood increases the pressure on
traditional uses of biomass, for example,
forest resources and the consequent
result in more than 600,000 deaths
forest degradation [16], which threatens
annually due to ambient air pollution in
the biodiversity conservation [17].
SSA [9, 10]. Beyond the indoor air
pollution, gender-biased time [11] and To reduce these negative effects, it is
physical burdens associated to fuelwood crucial to invest in more efficient and
Results 93

clean cooking technologies such as fuel- traditional stoves in developing

efficient cookstoves, since in countries remains far from reality [30].
Mozambique, for example, the current There are several test protocols to assess
average efficiency of fuelwood use in the performance of the ICS. Some are
three-stone-fires (TSF) is estimated to be laboratory-based, e.g., water boiling test
around 10% [18], while the efficient (WBT) [31], while others are field-based,
cookstoves can reach efficiency levels of e.g., kitchen performance test (KPT) [32].
between 20 and 30% [19, 20]. The controlled cooking test (CCT) was
In this context, many stakeholders, developed as a mix of these approaches
including development agencies and [33]. It allows for comparing traditional
national governments in the Global stoves with ICS regarding fuel
South, are promoting the use of the consumption and cooking time under
improved cookstove (ICS) in order to controlled conditions [34]. Moreover, it
reduce the adverse environmental, is recommended for testing stove
health, economic and social impacts performance when the aim is to
associated with the traditional solid understand how stoves perform with
biomass. These stoves can be local foods, fuels, and cooking practices
constructed of ceramic, mud, or metal [35].
[21]. In general, the disseminated stoves From a health perspective, while it is
were primarily designed to maximize important to reduce particle emissions
thermal and, thus, fuel efficiency [22] during the cooking process, thus
while reducing indoor air pollution [23, lowering indoor air pollution [36], on the
24], although the current designs do not other hand it essential enhance the
yet meet the World Health Organization digestibility, taste, texture, and shelf-life
air quality guidelines [25]. Moreover, of food [37]. Latter is particularly
other more advanced stove designs also ensured by access to potable water,
exist [26]. Associated advantages, such as adequate food handling and storage
(potentially) reducing deforestation and conditions, adequate sanitation and
forest degradation, saving cooking time, hygiene [38]. Thus, it is also critical to
and saving financial assets to purchase look beyond food preparation as, for
fuels are connected to the use of the ICS example, the heating practices and
[27,28,29]. Yet, the total replacement of storage of cooked food at ambient
temperature for extended periods can
Results 94

determine the level of food safety [39], a cools down [46]. A promising solution to
very serious but neglected health this challenge is the use of heat retention
problem. In this study, we refer to food systems (HRS), here defined as systems
safety as actions aimed at protecting that can temporary hold thermal energy
foods from biological and physical in the form of hot substances for later use
hazards that may occur during [47]. The advantages of these systems
preparation and consumption [40]. By include keeping food at temperatures
heating food, the multiplication of above 60 °C for several hours after the
pathogenic microorganisms and, cooking pot is taken off the heat source.
therefore, food-borne illnesses—which Furthermore, some of these systems can
have an economic loss from deaths of easily be manufactured and all that is
approximately 39 billion USD in SSA required is to place the pots inside [48].
[41]—can be reduced [42]. In fact, the Therefore, combining ICS with HRS can
health burdens caused by food-borne lead to very positive results in terms of
diseases in SSA are comparable to energy savings [49] and the prevention
malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis [41]. of foodborne illnesses [50]. However, the
According to Ricci et al. [43], food should use and suitability of HRS in rural areas
generally be maintained at temperatures is poorly documented.
below 5 °C or above 60 °C, to avoid the so Although several (meta-)studies analyze
called “temperature danger zone” (from the performance of different ICS designs
5 to 57 °C [44]) in which pathogenic [28, 51,52,53,54], there are very few
microorganisms grow quickly. To keep analyses on the lapse of time between the
cooked food at temperatures above this food being ready and its actual
danger zone, technology that can retain consumption, especially in rural areas of
thermal energy at least for some time is developing countries [49]. Only a limited
needed. The alternative of maintaining number of studies, including Tiffany et al.
temperatures below 5 °C through [55] and Kaushik [56], assess the
refrigeration is challenging in rural performance of HRS, especially those
Mozambique because access to designed for domestic use in rural areas
electricity remains low: only 5.7% of the of developing countries. There is still no
population has access to electricity in standardized test protocol for domestic
rural areas [45]. Furthermore, people in HRS. The commonly applied method to
rural areas may be very unlikely to warm evaluate the performance of an HRS is by
their food before consumption, after it
Results 95

monitoring temperature change inside Secondly, we examine the acceptability of

the HRS for a certain period [55, 57]. In food prepared with these systems based
addition, studies generally address food on consumers’ preference analysis. The
preparation and handling separately, results of this study present a more
despite being complementary. holistic view of the necessary
interventions to reduce cooking energy
It could be argued that positive health
consumption and increase food safety in
and environmental effects are enough for
poor and rural areas.
ICS and HRS implementation. However,
sensory and function factors are Methods
essential for acceptance and adoption of Study area
the respective technologies [58].
The study was conducted in six different
Familiar taste, texture, and appearance
communities (Mocha, Mulapane,
are the primary goals for the consumers
Nauouoro, Muranuco, Sewere and Muala
[59]. As found by Malakar et al. [60] and
Oripa) in Gurué district of central
Wang et al. [61], for example, people may
Mozambique, where the majority of
find food cooked with firewood in
population use TSF to prepare their
traditional stoves more tasty compared
meals (Fig. 4.11). The district borders of
to that cooked in improved cooking
the Republic of Malawi lay between the
stoves and fuels, since smoke may infuse
latitudes 15° 18′ 55.2ʺ S and 36° 54′ 45.6ʺ
food with distinctive flavor [59].
E. It occupies a total area of 5646 km2 and
Therefore, in this study, we focus on two
the population is estimated at 431,000
essential aspects. First, we attempt to
inhabitants, which corresponds to a
understand whether, given the local
population density of 76 individuals per
conditions and prevailing cooking
km2 [62, 63]. The main activities are
practices, the use of ICS combined with
subsistence agriculture and animal
HRS would result in improvements with
husbandry [63].
regard to fuel and time saving, and
adequate food storage temperatures.
Results 96

Figure 4.11: Study area

Performance of the ICS constructed—2 in each area—and were
located inside the kitchens of the local
Field testing is an important step toward
leaders’ houses. The stove design used in
acceptability of an ICS [32, 64]. We
this study was based on the ICS
conducted CCT between June and
implemented in Idifu village, Tanzania
December 2020, using both ICS and TSF
[65], as it is proven successful under field
in order to analyze how efficient ICS is
conditions. The design features of the ICS
compared to TSF (Fig. 4.12). A total of 12
are presented in Table 4.8.
non-portable mud-ICS was


Figure 4.12: A - improved biomass cook stoves; B - three-stone stoves

Results 97

Table 4.8: Design features of the ICS

Construction features Dimensions
Stove height 40 cm
Length of the stove body 107 cm
Width of the stove body 56 cm
Wood entry slot and combustion chamber 12 X 12 cm
Diameter of the smaller saucepan 16 cm
Diameter of the bigger saucepan 26 cm
Diameter of the chimney 12.5 cm

ugali or nsima in other regions of East

We follow Bailis et al. [66] testing
Africa (e.g., Kenya and Tanzania). To
protocols on CCT to compare the
ensure that the tests were uniform, not
performance of ICS to TSF in
only did we use locally available fuels and
standardized cooking tasks. The cooking
pots, but the quantity of ingredients were
task consisted of cooking two types of
also equivalent to those regularly used in
food regularly consumed in the
a household, jointly agreed upon with the
community, namely, bean curry and
villagers during an initial village meeting
xima, a type of maize flour porridge
(Table 4.9).
locally consumed; this is also known as

Table 4.9: Food used in the CCT

Dish Ingredients Ingredients Weight (g)
Bean curry Beans 500
Carrots 64
Onion 43
Tomato 205
Water 3000
Xima Corn flour 800
Water 2750

ensure that any water remaining in the

Prior to the tests, the cooks (mainly
stove evaporates, so that the ICS were
female) who prepared the food were
dry enough to be tested. This was done to
trained and allowed to use ICS several
avoid potential bias, given the fact that
times (within one month) in order to gain
the individuals who normally cook in the
experience on how to operate the ICS and
Results 98

households did not have any experience practiced by the study area residents. A
with ICS at the time of the experiment. To digital Wood Hygrometer model MD-2G
ensure that the CCT protocol was was used to measure wood moisture
precisely followed, the tests were content. It has two sensor pins at the top
supported by an assistant, who that were pushed into the wood to
interfered only to a minimum amount determine the percentage value of the
and only to safeguard testing protocols. water content. The average value of MC
The cooking tasks were identically was 12%. At the end of the cooking task,
performed for both ICS and TSF. For both the unburned wood and the leftovers
ICS and TSF, the beans were cooked first, were removed and weighed directly.
then the maize flour porridge. The end of After the CCT, measurements were used
the cooking tasks was defined as the to calculate performance indicators (cf.
points in time when the beans could be Hafner et al. [67]). We calculated the total
mashed easily between two fingers or fuelwood consumed (Δf) by the
with a fork and when the xima had a difference between the final fuelwood
consistency in which one could stick a (𝑓𝑓 ) and the initial fuelwood (𝑓𝑖 ). W was
knife and it could stay upright without
calculated by adding the type of
falling. Both definitions reflect daily
ingredient (Ci) used in grams. The total
reality in the study villages.
cooking time (Δt) is the difference
The fuelwood consisted of a mix of five between the final time (𝑡𝑓 ) and the initial
species commonly used in Gurué time (𝑡𝑖 ) of the cooking process. The
(Swartzia madagascariensis, respective formulas are presented in
Julbernardia globiflora, Parinari Table 4.10. A Mann–Whitney U test was
curatellifolia, Pterocarpus angolensis used to determine if there is significant
and Uapaca kirkiana). Before the CCT, difference in mean fuelwood
wood was sun dried for 7 days to lower consumption between TSF and ICS.
the moisture content (MC), as commonly

Table 4.10: Stove performance indicators

Indicators Formulas Equation no.
Total fuelwood consumed (g) 𝛥𝑓 = 𝑓𝑓 − 𝑓𝑖 (7)

Weight of ingredients (g) 𝑊 = ∑ 𝑐𝑖 (8)

Total cooking time (min) 𝛥𝑡 = 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡𝑖 (9)
Results 99

stove to use the leftovers (LO) from the

Performance of heat retention
cooking process. The newly implemented
system is a heat retention box (HRB),
Locally used HRS were tested against a
which can easily be manufactured at
newly implemented system, the heat
relatively low cost. It is insulated with
retention box (Fig. 4.13). There are two
layers of PE foam and aluminum foil
techniques used at the study site to retain
facing toward the hot cooking pot [48].
heat in the food. One technique is to cover
Each HRS was tested two times in each
the hot cooking pot with banana leaves
community and 20 to 21 households per
(BL) to keep food warm until serving
community were involved.
time, the other is keep the pot on the


Figure 4.13: Means of heat retention: A - leftover charcoal; B - heat retention box, C -
banana leaves
After the cooking sections, 300 g of beans multiple comparisons to compare the
and 500 g of xima were immediately different HRS performance as we wanted
transferred to each of the heat retention to examine whether there was a
systems. The initial food temperature difference between the mean of all
was measured, then for the next 6h, possible pairwise comparisons [68]. The
temperature changes were recorded data were normally distributed and
every 30 min [55, 57], using a presented equal variances according to
temperature data logger. The amount of Shapiro–Wilk and Bartlett’s tests
time the system can hold the food at (pvalue > 0.05).
above 60 °C was determined. Consumers’ preferences
The length of time before food Consumer acceptability tests were
temperature falls below 60 °C was the conducted [69, 70] using the method of
performance indicator used for HRS. We central location test [71]. We tested
used one-way analysis of variance acceptability of food from (1) only TSF,
(ANOVA) followed by Tukey test for
Results 100

(2) only ICS, (3) TSF and LO, (4) TSF and “the visual or tactile characteristics and
BL, (5) TSF and HRB, (6) ICS and LO, (7) appearance of the food”.
ICS and BL, and (8) ICS and HRB. A total To analyze the consumers’ preferences,
of 122 participants were randomly we computed frequency distribution
chosen for the tests. In two of the testing (percentages of responses) of the Likert
areas, we had 21 participants each and in scale categories (dislike very much,
the remaining 4 areas we had 20 dislike, neither like nor dislike, like, like
participants. very much). Given that we wanted to
Food items were kept in heat retention investigate people’s preference of the
systems until ready for serving, defined foods from different combinations of ICS
as the absolute time between the end of and HRS, Chi-square tests of
the cooking task and actual food independence were used to examine the
consumption, jointly defined with the extent to which the different types of ICS
villagers. The consumer preference tests and HRS influenced the respondents’
included representatives of selected perceived food attributes.
households (preferably the heads of Results
households) who did not have prior
Performance of the ICS
knowledge about which stove was used
to cook the food they were about to taste. The results in Table 4.11 are the average

The participants were asked to maintain values of fuel and time consumption for

some distance from each other and not to different types of food and stoves. These

communicate during the session. Every results indicate that, as compared to TSF,

participant tasted a portion of the cooked ICS consume less fuelwood and time

food and evaluated the acceptability of (pvalue < 0.05). TSF presented higher

food in terms of taste, texture, aroma, overall means for the calculated

color, and overall acceptability [72], variables, namely, total fuelwood

according to a 5-point Likert scale consumed and total cooking time (Δt).
(1 = dislike very much, 2 = dislike, ICS reduced time and fuelwood
3 = neither like nor dislike, 4 = like, consumption by 14% and 17% during
5 = like very much). Prior to tasting, all beans cooking, respectively. During
participants were explained the meaning maize flour porridge cooking process, the
of the food attributes, e.g., texture is the ICS saved 24% of time and 9% of
Results 101

Table 4.11: Average values of fuel and time consumption for different types of food and
stoves (n=12).

Type of food Type of stove Δt (min) Δf (g)

ICS 77.50 7094.72
Beans TSF 89.72 8512.50
12.22a 1417.78a
Diff (TSF-ICS)
(14%) (17%)
ICS 20.61 4978.28
Maize flour porridge TSF 27.17 5448.89
TSF-ICS 6.56a (24%) 470.61a (9%)
a Differences are significant at a level of significance of 0.05

Performance of heat retention decrease is slower in the HRB when

systems compared to LO. For both meals, HRB
took 160 to 175 min to reach 60 °C,
Tests were carried out to measure the
whereas LO took less than 140 min to
time that food within the HRS took to lose
reach the temperature danger zone.
heat until it reached 60 °C. Two locally
Although the absolute values indicate
used HRS, namely, the use of leftovers
that BL was in an intermediate position,
(LO) and banana leaves (BL) were tested
BL are not statistically different from
against heat retention box (HRB) (Fig. 5).
both LO and HRB.
Table 4.12 shows that the temperature

Table 4.12: Average time (min) the food temperature took to reach 60 ̊C
Bean curry (n=12) Maize flour porridge (n=12)
Mean time (min) Std.Dev. Mean time (min) Std.Dev.
HRB and ICS 170a 24.5 160a 24.5
HRB and TSF 175a 22.6 175a 12.2
BL and ICS 145ab 12.2 140ab 15.5
BL and TSF 150ab 19.0 145ab 12.2
LO and ICS 115b 12.2 105b 16.4
LO and TSF 135b 25.1 120b 12.3
Means followed by the same letter (a or b) within a column are not significantly different by the Tukey-test at a level of significance
of 0.05

Consumers’ preferences some respondents reported a neutral

position (23 to 44% depending on the
The results presented in Figs. 4.14 and
type of stove or HRS). The Chi-square test
4.15 show that most of the consumers
of independence does not indicate a
“like” or “like very much” the food from
relationship between the type of stove or
any of the stoves or HRS. None of the
HRS and the preference for food
respondents said that they did not like
(pvalue > 0.05).
the tested food attributes. However,
Results 102

Taste Colour
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%

Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much

60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%

Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much

Overall acceptability

Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much

Figure 4.14: Respondents preference for bean curry

Results 103

Taste Colour
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%

Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much

Aroma Texture
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%

Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much

Overall acceptability

Neither like nor dislike Like or like very much

Figure 4.15: Respondent’s preference for maize flour porridge

Discussion heat retention ability as compared to

locally used HRS.
We use CCT and heat retention tests to
estimate the performance of ICS and HRS. Like KPT, CCT also has the advantage of
The use of ICS resulted in time and fuel predicting stove performance during real
savings. The use of HRB showed a better use [33]. Nevertheless, the variability in
the results is high as compared to WBT
Results 104

due to real world differences in user burning [79]. Moreover, the cooks’
behavior and types of fuelwood, etc. [73]. experience may also be another factor for
CCT is a relevant method because it has a the low rate of fuel savings. Cooks use
lower level of variability when compared less fuel and cook more quickly over time
to KPT, while allowing a certain level of [34], but in this study the cooks only had
repeatability given that it is performed about a month to become familiar with
under controlled conditions. As such, the the ICS; perhaps a longer time period
results of the current study offer insights would have increased saving rates
on mud-ICS’s ability to reduce time and regarding time and fuel used.
fuel consumption as compared to TSF. The average savings in cooking time
The ICS model used is the present study were 6.6 min and 12.2 min (14% and
is of easy construction and replication in 24%) for beans and maze flour porridge,
the conditions of the study site due to not respectively. This might show that the
just its low costs, but also the easy performance is likely to be different
availability and handling of required depending both on the food item and on
construction materials. However, despite the quantity of food cooked [34]. In
being statistically significant, the rate of addition, ICS performance also depends
fuel savings found in this study is on the number of pots. For a single pot,
relatively low when compared to those TSF have higher efficiency over ICS while
found in other studies [34, 74, 75]. ICS is superior to TSF when cooking with
Negash et al. [75], for instance, report two pots simultaneously [80]. It is
fuel savings of 32% in a non- noteworthy that the stove used in this
transportable mud stove as compared to study was designed to prevent direct
the TSF, whereas we found fuel saving of exposure to smoke, which is likely to lead
9% and 17%. This may be due to the to an improvement in the indoor air
energetic properties of wood species quality of the kitchen area [81, 82].
used in the study area [76] and the site Food is not always consumed
conditions [77]. In fact, properties such immediately after cooking; thus, we
as water content and density can secondly evaluated HRS’s ability to keep
determine the amount of fuelwood food above temperature danger zone
needed for a cooking task [33, 78]. High- before consumption. The tests results
density solid fuels, for example, have indicate that the loss of temperature
more mass per volume available for inside the cooking pot is more
Results 105

pronounced in LO, possibly due to the small initial amount of LO might

lack of insulation of the pot against contribute to the rapid heat losses. LO
exposure to wind. Thus, it can be had the same efficiency as BL, but the
concluded that HRB results in less heat latter does not need fuelwood; hence, it
losses during the lapse of time between can be recommended as a replacement
the food being ready and its actual for LO given its potential to reduce
consumption because HRB is insulated fuelwood consumption. The use of BL as
with layers of PE foam and aluminum foil, insulation material is also not
which gives it a comparably better heat statistically different from HRB.
retention capacity [83]. As a result, HRB Nevertheless, BL, as an organic material,
may have the ability to inhibit the is easily degradable and must be
multiplication of microorganisms, which replaced frequently due to its poor
ultimately increases food safety. durability. HRB is made of a more
However, the results of this study were durable material (aluminum foil and
lower compared to those found by foam), making it more suitable for
Kaushik [56], who found average heat domestic use. In the context of our study
retention time of more than 300 min. area, people generally consume the
This was probably due to the type and maize flour porridge while it is still hot
amount of food. While Kaushik [56] [84]. When it becomes cold, it is usually
tested the HRS with 300 g of rice and 990 discarded since its typical consistency
ml of water, we used 800 g of corn flour changes with cooling and its heating
and 2750 ml of water. Moreover, in the becomes difficult. In general, as
study context, we were unable to observe suggested by Taulo et al. [46], many poor
and compare the microorganism growth people in rural areas may be very
between the different HRS, which would unlikely to warm their food before
allow us to obtain evidence of the consumption, after it cools down.
effectiveness of HRS in preventing the Therefore, the use of HRB may also help
multiplication of microorganisms. to reduce food waste.

It is important to note that LO depends This study also aims to test consumer
very much on the amount of fuelwood preferences to sensory food features.
that remains after the cooking process; Therefore, we also conducted food
therefore, it also depends on the type and preference tests to assess the
initial amount of fuel used for cooking. A acceptability of different combinations of
Results 106

cooking systems (TSF and ICS) and HRS avoid this issue by clearly explaining the
(LO, HRB, BL). Our results show that survey items as suggested by Kulas et al.
most of the consumers “like” or “like very [92]. Studies demonstrate the reliability
much” the sensory food features of 5-point Likert scale as compared to
regardless of the stoves or HRS. Thus, the other approaches [93,94,95].
use of the newly implemented In future studies, evidence on reduction
technologies, ICS and HRB, does not of time for fuelwood collection and the
negatively affect food acceptance given health benefit of the stove design with
that textural properties of food are an regard to indoor air pollution reduction
important factor for adults’ food should be provided. In addition, the
acceptance [85] and the willingness to relationship between HRB and microbial
try [86]. As pointed out by Leng et al. growth needs further examination.
[58], a crucial aspect in modifying
cooking technology is to consider the
sensory characteristics of food, as this is We use CCT and heat retention tests to

essential for adoption of the respective estimate the performance of ICS and HRS.

technology. Ignoring the preferences of Additionally, we conducted consumers’

the potential users will most likely lead preference analysis to evaluate the

to an underutilization of the technologies acceptability of food from these

[87]. A study investigating the links technologies. The use of ICS resulted in

between food preferences and food fuel saving of 9% and 20% for maize

choices shows that sensory and porridge and beans, respectively. The

functional factors have a much stronger overall time consumption for cooking

impact on the selection of food than decreased by 14% (beans) and 24%

health and price [88]. In fact, sensory (maize porridge). The HRB took 160 to

perceptions often tend to be less 175 min to reach temperature danger

negotiable than other values, with these zone” (from 5 to 60 °C) in which

perceptions including taste, texture, pathogenic microorganisms grow

odor, or appearance [89]. Nevertheless, quickly, whereas LO took less than 140

the use of 5-point Likert scale may min and BL took 140 to 150 min. Thus,

promote social desirability bias [90], as the use of HRB showed a better heat

respondents may use the midpoint to retention ability as compared to LO. In

avoid selecting socially undesirable addition, the introduction of ICS and HRB

options [91]. In this study, we tried to did not statistically and significantly
Results 107

affect food acceptance. Therefore, the Competing interests: The authors

study concludes that although the rates declare no competing interests.
of fuel savings found in this study is Funding: The project is financially
relatively low compared to other studies, supported by the Federal Ministry of
ICS is a sustainable mean for saving Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on
cooking time and fuel. HRB has a the decision of the Parliament of the
potential to maintain adequate food Federal Republic of Germany and
storage temperatures. Both ICS and HRB managed by the Federal Office for
present a superior performance and can Agriculture and Food (BLE).
easily be diffused for not affecting the
Authors' contributions: CEM
quality of food. These technologies can be
conceptualized and designed the work,
manufactured using locally available
collected the data, analysed and
materials and are suitable for energy-
interpreted the data and drafted the
poor communities. Further studies are
manuscript. JMH interpreted the data
needed to provide evidence on factors
and critically revised the manuscript. HH
like fuelwood collection time and indoor
conceptualized and designed the work
air pollution reduction. In addition, HRS
and critically revised the manuscript. GU
ability to reduce microbial growth need
interpreted the data and critically
further examination.
revised the manuscript. JM interpreted
Declarations the data and critically revised the
Ethics approval and consent to manuscript. CR conceptualized and
participate: The authors had permission designed the work and critically revised
from the local administrative authorities the manuscript. SS substantively revised
to conduct the study. Informed consent the manuscript. All authors read and
was obtained from all individual approved the final manuscript.
participants included in the study. Acknowledgments: The project is
Consent for publication: Not applicable financially supported by the Federal
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Availability of data and materials: The
based on the decision of the Parliament
datasets used and analyzed during the
of the Federal Republic of Germany and
current study are available from the
managed by the Federal Office for
corresponding author on reasonable
Agriculture and Food (BLE). Sincere
thanks to the Leibniz Centre for
Results 108

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Results 116

4.4 Effect of passive solar drying on food security in rural Mozambique

Scientific Reports (2022), volume 12, Article number: 17154.

Custodio Matavel1,2,3*; Harald Kächele1; Jonathan Steinke1,2,; Constance Rybak1; Harry

Hoffmann1; João Salavessa4; Stefan Sieber1,2; Klaus Müller 1,2

1Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg,

2Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

3Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, Universidade Lúrio (Unilúrio), Campus Universitários de Unango Km 62,
Niassa, Sanga District, Mozambique

4Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidade Lúrio (Unilúrio), Nampula, Mozambique

© The Author(s) 2022. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit http:// creativecommons. org/
licenses/ by/4. 0/.


Achieving food security in Mozambique is critical, since 80% of the population cannot
afford an adequate diet. While increasing agricultural production is a necessary effort to
address this challenge, inadequate post-harvest treatment leads to storage losses and
quality degradation, with repercussions for food security. The use of solar drying is
promoted as a solution to provide efficient and reliable access to food preservation that
improves the food security situation in rural communities. However, there is a lack of
clear evidence on how the use or access to solar drying affects food security. This study
identifies the determinants of farmers’ choice to use solar drying and evaluates the effect
of a passive solar dryer on food security using survey data from 634 households. We
allocated solar dryers to selected communities and all interested individuals belonging to
these communities were eligible to use it. Propensity score matching and endogenous
switching poisson regression are used to estimate the average effect. The use of solar
Results 117

drying with associated training significantly increases the food security status of
participants by increasing household food availability, women’s dietary diversity, and
months of adequate household food provision and by decreasing the household food
insecurity access scale.

Keywords: solar energy; propensity score matching; endogenous switching regression;

Mepuagiua; Lioma.

Introduction to suffice for achieving long term FS in

rural areas. Especially considering the
Achieving food security (FS) is a complex
need for ecological efficiency, reducing
development challenge in Mozambique1.
PHL seems a key feature of an integrated
According to World Food Programme,
FS strategy. Increasing rural residents’
80% of people in Mozambique cannot
access to locally viable postharvest
afford an adequate diet — defined as a
processing and preservation solutions
diet that is rich in diverse foods
may therefore be a sustainable strategy
necessary to meet the nutritional needs
to improve FS9.
of an individual2,3 — and 42.3% of
children under the age of 5 are stunted4. The introduction of appropriate
Despite efforts to increase agricultural technologies to provide efficient and
production5, high levels of post-harvest reliable access to food preservation is
losses (PHL) in Mozambique limit the particularly critical for rural populations,
poor population’s access to quality food, but current standard technologies
thereby exacerbating food insecurity6. require access to electricity or fossil
For example, PHL of maize result from fuels10. Solutions that require electricity
traditional storage practices, where are more efficient in theory, but they are
insects, rodents, and mold infection can not applicable in rural Mozambique,
destroy up to 60% of the harvest7. where 67% of the population lives11, but
only 6% of the population has access to
Increased productivity could potentially
electricity12. Appropriate technologies
mitigate PHL, but this remains
are those that match the needs of users
challenging for many farmers, who face
with the available resources, within a
labor constraints and limited access to
specific context13. Thus, in many remote
modern agricultural inputs8. While
locations, such as in rural Mozambique, it
agriculture in Mozambique has ample
is crucial to provide farmers access to
scope to increase its productivity, efforts
locally adapted agro-processing
to increase farm output are thus unlikely
Results 118

technologies9 as well as affordable and proven. Solar drying, for example, results
sustainable energy solutions for in a product with comparably better
agricultural and domestic uses14, in order quality21, takes less time to finalize the
to achieve the main dimensions of FS. drying process22, reduces the
dependence on weather conditions15,
Scalable and affordable solutions that do
prevents harm to the product from
not require electricity or fossil fuels for
external factors such as rain, wind, dust,
food processing are already available.
and insects23, and reduces contamination
The use of solar energy for drying
by toxins24, among other advantages. In
agricultural produce has been proposed
light of the broad evidence on the
as a cost-effective and environmentally
technical performance of PSD,
sustainable solution to increase shelf-life,
development organizations and
minimize food and specific nutrient
governments already promote PSD to
losses and health risks, as well as add
contribute to improvements in FS25.
value to agricultural products15,16,17. As
Empirical evidence on the impacts of
opposed to refrigeration, which requires
these initiatives on the target group’s FS
a continuous supply of energy, it is
status is scarce, however. Nagwekar et
attractive since after initial drying, no
al.26 demonstrate that the use of solar
further equipment or energy input is
drying can significantly increase dietary
required to maintain product quality18.
diversity during the lean season due to
Nevertheless, the widely practiced
extended preservation period of diverse
method of drying agricultural products in
food, but the study did not investigate
rural Mozambique is the open-sun drying
effects on other aspects of FS. To date, the
(OSD)19. This method has significant
general lack of evidence limits the
limitations since it can lead to high
capacity of policy-makers and
product losses due to inadequate drying,
development practitioners concerned
fungal growth, as well as the
with rural FS to make informed decisions
encroachment of insects, birds, and
on investments and interventions. To be
able to prioritize locally suitable FS
Several types of devices that use solar
solutions, decision-makers need
energy to dry food products, the so called
evidence on the heterogeneous impacts
passive solar dryers (PSD), have already
of alternative intervention options,
been developed and tested, with their
including PSD. To fill this gap, this study
superiority over the often-used OSD
takes an experimental approach to
Results 119

analyze the effects of PSD on four commonly used OSD method57. Thirdly,
indicators of FS, reflecting the four two of the three administrative posts in
dimensions of FS in rural Mozambique. Gurué district, Lioma and Mepuagiua, are
By providing an integrated analysis of FS also purposively selected due to their
effects across the four pillars, this study characteristics in terms of low
goes beyond existing impact studies of urbanization rates and high proportions
PSD. To inform future efforts toward of the population engaged in agricultural
effective introduction and scaling of PSD activities. According to data provided by
approaches by development the local authorities, Lioma is divided
organizations, this study also aims to into 29 communities and comprises
identify factors that influence rural 29,868 inhabitants, while Mepuagiua is
households’ decisions to use a PSD. With divided into 11 communities with 61,227
this, our analysis provides decision- inhabitants. In this region, about 90% of
makers the evidence needed for deciding the population practices small-scale
on whether to implement PSD agriculture as the main occupation28 and
interventions, and how to maximize few households have access to
adoption. electricity58. The average farm size is less
than 2 ha and, generally, food insecure
households predominate during the pre-
Study area
harvest period; during the harvest
This study was conducted in Gurué season there is a predominance of
district, which is located at around 15° households with medium and high food
South and 36° East, in Zambézia security28. Local diets usually consists of
Province, Central Mozambique between maize and cassava, both cooked as a
December 2021 and January 2022. First, paste and served with beans or dark
Zambézia Province was selected for this green leaves sauces and/or dried or fresh
study due to its high levels of chronic fish27.
malnutrition53 and its frequent food
Study design and sampling approach
shortages54; thus, the need for
interventions to improve the FS In this study, we allocate a solar dryer to
situation. Secondly, Gurué district was 50% of communities in each
selected because it generates a large administrative post (15 communities in
surplus during harvest season55,56, but Lioma and 6 in Mepuagiua). The
faces a high risk losing it due to the communities were randomly selected
Results 120

and solar dryers were built and allocated only conducted a survey after
to local leaders in August 2020. intervention, from December 2021 to
Allocation to communities (here defined January 2022. This period coincides with
as clusters) was made since allocation to the period when the highest levels of
individuals was not financially feasible59. food insecurity are observed57. A total of
The solar dryer used, hereby wooden and 367 households had used solar dryers
locally produced dryers that allow an since their construction between August
indirect drying of food, is already tested and September 2020, of which 308
and approved by local residents in the (84%) agreed to be part of the study: 155
study area. This solar dryer was intended households were from Mepuagiua and
to be used during harvest periods, so 153 were from Lioma. Similarly, 350 of
from implementation to the last data the households that did not use the solar
collection two harvest periods were dryer were randomly selected into the
observed. Therefore, individuals who control group (non-users), of which 326
had utilized the dryers in at least one of (93%) agreed to be part of the study.
the two harvest periods were considered Thus, the total number of observations is
as users. A detailed description of the 634. The survey captured household
solar dryer is presented in previous socio-economic characteristics,
work22. demographics, and four FS indicators to
capture the multidimensionality of FS. It
All interested individuals belonging to
was performed in accordance with the
the selected communities were eligible to
guidelines laid down in the ‘Declaration
use the solar dryer. Likewise, they could
of Helsinki’ and ethically reviewed by the
choose whether they wanted to use it, not
Mozambican National Committee of
use it, leave or refuse to participate in the
Bioethics in Health (IRB00002657, Ref
study at any time. As such, in each
370/CNBS/19). Informed consent was
community, assignment into the
obtained from all individuals who agreed
treatment group (users of the solar
to participate in the study.
dryer) was based on farmers’ self-
selection. Since farmers had no previous Conceptual framework
experience with the implemented solar
Figure 4.16 presents a conceptual
dryer design, as this was the first
background summarizing the
implementation, the choice to use was
hypothesized causal effects of using a
voluntary and gradual. Therefore, we
solar dryer on FS. A number of
Results 121

socioeconomic and demographic factors Food Availability Scores (FAS),

can influence farmer’s decision to use a Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
solar dryer. Likewise, individual (HFIAS), and Women Dietary Diversity
perceptions of the benefits of using a Score (WDDS). The use of a solar dryer
solar dryer and training can also can allow users to keep a higher share of
influence the choice to use it. their harvest at home instead of having to
Socioeconomic and demographic factors sell it in fear of losing it to pests and mold,
together with the use of the solar dryer thus contributing to stability across time.
can determine the physical availability of This temporal dimension of FS was
food, its physical access, economic captured via Months of Adequate
access, and intra-household food Household Food Provisioning (MAHFP).
allocation to individuals. These food Detailed description of each FS indicator
security dimensions were captured using is found in the following subsections.

Food Security

Availability Access Utilization Stability


Use of solar drying

Socioeconomic characteristics and demographics

Training Perceived benefits

Figure 4.16: Conceptual framework for causality between solar dryer use and food

Food availability scores (FAS) any food present in the house at time of
the survey60,61. A predefined list
To assess food availability, we used a
(Table 4.13), containing 46 foods items
Household Food Inventory (HFI), which
generally available and consumed in the
is based on participant self-reporting of
Results 122

study area, was used. This list was considered most likely to have the
generated following a baseline data answer or check the storage facilities or
collection in February 2020. any other place where they were likely to
Respondents were asked whether the have the food. The FAS ranged from 0 to
foods on the list were present in their 46 and was calculated as the total sum of
home or not and what was the source foods available at the households. The
(purchased, borrowed, own production household was classified according to
or donation/offered) of each respective their food availability as low (if FAS < 24)
item. In case of any doubt, the or high (if FAS ≥ 24), similar to Gichunge
respondents could consult someone they et al.62 and Koui et al.63.

Table 4.13: Household food inventory.

No. Food group Food items

1 Starchy staples Cassava, bread, corn flour, maize, noodles, rice,

white potatoes, sorghum
2 Dark green leafy vegetables, amaranth, cassava leaves, cabbage, lettuce,
pumpkin leaves, sweet potato leaves
3 Other vitamin A rich fruits and Carrots, sweet potatoes
4 Other fruits and vegetables, Garlic, tomato, onion, banana, eggplant, okra
5 Eggs Eggs
6 Organ meat liver, kidney, heart or other organ meats

7 Meat and fish Beef (cow), chicken, duck, pigeon, fish, goat,
sheep/lamb, pork
8 Legumes, nuts and seeds Beans, cowpeas, green grams, pigeon peas,
soybeans, groundnuts, coconuts, sunflower,
bambara nuts
9 Milk and milk products Milk, yogurt
all in the past four weeks and, if the
Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
answer was “yes”, they were
subsequently asked to answer whether
The access dimension of FS was assessed the condition happened rarely (once or
via Household Food Insecurity Access twice), sometimes (three to ten times), or
Scale (HFIAS). This is a nine-item food often (more than ten times) in the past
insecurity scale that uses a recall period four weeks. The detailed questionnaire is
of four weeks to answer both occurrence presented in Supplementary Table S1.
and frequency questions64. The
To ensure that the respondent
respondents were first asked whether
understood the meaning of interview
the condition in the question occurred at
Results 123

questions, key informants (extension dietary quality in a poor rural context

officers and community leaders) were and are linked to nutritional status66.
asked to review and adapt the phrases One female respondent aged 15 years or
and definitions to local context. To older was interviewed within selected
further refine the questions and gain households. When there was more than
insights into whether the questions were one eligible and available woman in the
actually being understood as intended, household, the respondent was
10 individuals who are not part of the randomly selected. The households that
study sample were asked to answer the were visited each day during the survey
questionnaire in order to allow the were also randomly selected to minimize
interviewers to explore the respondent’s day to day differences. We asked
own understanding of the question and questions about all foods they consumed
its meaning, according to the Key the previous day, inside and outside the
Informant Interview Guide64. HFIAS home. The food were grouped into 9
scores, ranging from 0 to 21, were groups (see Table 4.13) and,
calculated for each household by
consequently, respondents were
summing the codes for each assigned numbers ranging from 0 to 9
frequency-of-occurrence question. The
according to the number of food groups
household were categorized into Food they consumed. Women who consumed
Secure, Mildly Food Insecure, Moderately less than 4 food groups were classified
Food Insecure, and Severely Food into low dietary diversity, those who
Insecure, according to the Household consumed 4 to 5 food groups as medium
Food Insecurity Access Scale Indicator dietary diversity, and more than 6 as high
Guide64. dietary diversity67. Appropriate wording
Women dietary diversity score (WDDS) of the questions was agreed with local
leaders and extension officers, with the
Assessment of individual dietary intakes
food groups listing locally available foods
within households allows for a more
and locally recognized names for each.
accurate estimation of intra-household
food utilization65. Thus, in this study we Months of adequate household food
use individual dietary diversity scores provisioning (MAHFP)
for women to capture food utilization.
Months of adequate household food
These are good proxies for overall provisioning (MAHFP) was used to
capture the stability of food consumption
Results 124

over time. Respondents were asked to safety, can be expressed as a function the
identify in which of the last 12 months all observable vector of covariates (Z):
household members could have at least 𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖∗ = 𝛼𝑍𝑖 + 𝜇𝑖 , 𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 = 1[𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖∗ > 0] (1)
three meals a day. This allowed us to 𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 is a binary variable representing
assess food stability and classify use of the solar dryer by household 𝑖. 𝛼 is
households into most food insecure (if a vector of parameters to be estimated, 𝑍𝑖
MAHFP ≤ 5), moderately food insecure is a vector variables that are expected to
(6 ≤ MAHFP ≤ 9), or least food insecure influence the use of solar drying, and 𝜇𝑖 is
(10 ≤ MAHFP ≤ 12), as described in the error term assumed to be normally
previous work28. distributed (see Table 4.14 and Table
Determinants of households’ choice to 4.15). These variables are selected as
use the solar dryer they are shown in previous studies to
potentially influence adoption of
A farmer is expected to use the solar
agricultural technologies (e.g. Zhang et
dryer if the benefits or utility gain of
al.30, Launio et al.68, Karki et al.69, Pollard
using it outweighs that of not using it.
et al.70, Gitonga et al.71 and Hamza Conteh
This utility, in terms of improving food
et al.72).

Table 4.14: Descriptive statistics of surveyed households (Continuous/count variables)

Non-users (n=335) PSD Users (n=308)
Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Age of household
34.46 13.55 18 83 52.72 16.56 18 82
head (years)
% of agricultural
0.59 0.19 0 0.96 0.69 0.19 0.09 0.99
output sold
Size of household 6.01 2.42 1 13 6.94 2.60 1 15
Size of land (ha) 1.45 1.12 0.2 7 2.77 1.76 0.25 7

Table 4.15: Descriptive statistics of surveyed households (dummy variables)

Variable % of Non-users % of Users
Lioma residents 47% 50%
Female household heads 40% 65%
Received training from project 44% 59%
OSD users 44% 50%
Received information from neighbor or relatives 49% 64%
Received information from extension 50% 52%
Belong to an association/cooperative 19% 43%
Beans farmers 16% 49%
Maize farmers 74% 54%
Sorghum farmers 48% 50%
Rice farmers 29% 52%
Cassava farmers 45% 52%
Results 125

Estimation of effects of solar dryers on observable characteristics78. However,

FS one issue related to the use of PSM is that
unmeasured or unobserved
To determine the FS effects of PSD, we
characteristics are likely correlated with
were interested in identifying what level
both the treatment and outcome
of FS would the PSD users have in its
variables, which is likely to introduce
absence by comparing the FS situation
bias, thus understating or overstating the
between PSD users and non-users. Since
program’s effect79. Thus, to complement
the decision to use the solar dryer is
the propensity score matching and check
based on farmers’ own perceptions about
the robustness of the results, an
the effectiveness and benefits of this
endogenous switching regression (ESR)
decision, the random allocation of
model is also employed.
households to the users group was not
possible. In such case, self-selectivity Propensity score matching (PSM)
issues need to be addressed to minimize We first generated the propensity score
biases on the impact estimations73. using a probit model. Second, the average
Propensity score matching (PSM), along treatment effect on the treated (ATT),
with generalized propensity score and based on the predicted propensity
instrumental variable, are econometric scores, was estimated. PSM is suitable in
approaches that address selection bias in situation where the baseline data is not
cross-sectional data74. Generalized available80. To check the robustness of
propensity score is applied in the case of the results, we use three different
continuous treatment75. To implement a matching algorithms, namely nearest
valid instrumental variable analysis, it is neighbor matching, radius matching, and
necessary to find a reliable instrument, kernel-based matching. PSM is expressed
which is complicated and not always as:
possible76. Therefore, in this study, we
p(X i ) = Pr(𝑆𝐷𝑈 = 1|𝑋) = 𝐸(𝑆𝐷|𝑋) (2)
apply the PSM approach77 to assess the
Where SDU is a dummy variable
impact of using a solar dryer on FS. It is
indicating the use solar dryer. X
recommended in situations where self-
represents the factors that are expected
selection bias is an issue, since it
to influence the adoption of solar dryer
compares the difference between the
(see Tables 2 and 3). Two central
outcome variables of users and non-
conditions of the PSM is the assumption
users with similar inherent and
that observations with the same
Results 126

propensity score must have the same variables that can influence both
distribution of observable characteristics treatment and outcome variables. In this
independently of treatment status (Eq. 3) study, all the outcomes variables are the
and assignment to treatment is food security indicators resulting from
unconfounded (Eq. 4). the count of positive responses to the
questionnaire questions (see the
𝑆𝐷𝑈 ⊥ 𝑋| 𝑝(𝑋) (3)
Conseptual Framework). Thus, an
𝑌1 , 𝑌0 ⊥ 𝑆𝐷| 𝑋 (4)
Endogenous Switching Poisson
The user written program package
Regression (ESPR) approach was
PSMATCH2 in STATA81 was used to
adopted. The ATT was estimated using
estimate the propensity score.
the STATA command etpoisson, which
For impact evaluation, it is desirable to estimates the coefficient of an
estimate the average impact of solar endogenous binary treatment model
dryer adoption on PSD users, the so when the outcome is a count variable84,85.
called average effect of the treatment on The estimated model can be stated as
the treated (ATT)82, which can be follows:
estimated as follows:
𝐸(𝑌𝑗 |𝑋𝑖𝑗 , 𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑗 , ∈𝑗 ) = 𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑋𝑖𝑗 𝛽𝑖 + 𝛼𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑗 +∈𝑗 (6)
𝐴𝑇𝑇 = 𝐸{𝑌1𝑖 − 𝑌0𝑖 |𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 = 1} =
𝐸[𝐸{𝑌1𝑖 − 𝑌0𝑖 |𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 = 1, 𝑝(𝑋𝑖 )}] = Where 𝑌𝑗 denotes the food security
𝐸[𝐸{𝑌1𝑖 |𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 = 1, 𝑝(𝑋𝑖 )} − status, 𝑋𝑖𝑗 represents the vector of the
𝐸{𝑌0𝑖 |𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 = 0, 𝑝(𝑋𝑖 )}|𝑆𝐷𝑈𝑖 = 1] (5) independent variables, and ∈𝑗 is the error
Where 𝜏 is the ATT, with 𝑌1𝑖 and 𝑌0𝑖 being term.
the potential outcomes (FAS, HFIAS
score, MAHFP, and WDDS) in the two Food security status of PSD users and
counterfactual situations of using solar non-users
dryer and not using, respectively. The The household FS categories, classified
ATT was estimated for each outcome via Food Availability Scores (FAS),
variable separately. Women Dietary Diversity Score (WDDS),
Endogenous switching regression (ESR) Months of Adequate Household Food
model Provisioning (MAHFP), and Household
Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), are
The ESR model considers selectivity as
presented in Table 4.16. The majority of
an omitted variable problem83. Thus, it
solar dryer users (56%) has a high
was used to capture the differential
availability of food, whereas most non-
response taking into account unobserved
Results 127

users have low availability of food. Only respectively. The majority of non-users
5% of non-users fall into the high (70%) are severely food insecure. As for
availability category. As for MAHFP, the the WDDS, medium to high diversity is
majority of users are moderately food observed among women belonging to
insecure (58%), while in the most food households that used the solar dryer,
insecure category the majority are non- whereas the majority of women (71%) in
users. Nevertheless, we observed only a the group of non-users are classified into
small difference between the users and low dietary diversity. A Chi-square test
non-users in the percentage of least food provides evidence of statistically
insecure households. The classification significant differences between users
based on HFIAS revealed that 21% of and non-users in all FS indicators
users and 53% of users fall within food (P < 0.01).
secure and mildly food secure categories,

Table 4.16: Prevalence of food security

FS indicator Row Labels Non-users Users
High Availability 5% 56%
Low Availability 95% 44%
Least food insecure 6% 2%
MAHFP Moderately food insecure 29% 58%
Most food insecure 66% 40%
Food Secure 1% 21%
Mildly Food Insecure 8% 53%
HFIAS score
Moderately Food Insecure 21% 22%
Severely Food Insecure 70% 4%
High dietary diversity 7% 59%
WDDS Medium dietary diversity 22% 41%
Lowest dietary diversity 71% 0%

Determinants of households’ choice to The size of agricultural land and the

use the solar dryer percentage of agricultural sales are also
positively related to the use of PSD.
The results of probit regression present
Farmers who had training during project
the predicted likelihood of ever using
implementation or who had information
solar drying (Table 4.17). These results
from neighbors and those who belong to
indicate that households headed by
an association or cooperative are also
female or older farmers, with a larger
more likely to use the solar dryer.
family size, are more likely to use PSD.
Results 128

Production of staple foods also maize, beans, and rice increases the
influences adoption. The production of probability of adopting solar dryers.

Table 4.17: Determinants of predicted likelihood of using solar dryer (probit model
Variable Coef. Std. Err.
Geographic Location (Lioma=1) -0.23 0.16
Gender of household head (Male =1) -0.28** 0.15
Age of household head (years) 0.04*** 0.00
% of agricultural output sold 1.82*** 0.36
Size of household 0.08*** 0.03
Size of land (ha) 0.29*** 0.05
Received training from project (Yes =1) 0.28** 0.13
Use drying methods (Yes=1) 0.15 0.13
Received information from neighbor (Yes=1) 0.36*** 0.13
Received info from extension (Yes=1) -0.03 0.13
Belong to an association/cooperative (Yes=1) 0.39*** 0.14
Produce beans (Yes=1) 0.62*** 0.14
Produce maize (Yes=1) -0.43*** 0.14
Produce Sorghum (Yes=1) 0.03 0.14
Produce Rice (Yes=1) 0.29** 0.13
Produce Cassava (Yes=1) -0.05 0.14
_cons -4.27*** 0.42
Significant at 1%; ⁎⁎ Significant at 5%; ⁎ Significant at 10%. The actual P value are presented at Supplementary Data S1

The test of assumptions indicate that the

The effect of using PSD on FS
balancing property of the propensity
Matching of PSD users and non-users was
score is satisfied. The distribution of
undertaken within a region of common
propensity scores and the region of
support in order to ensure that treated
common support is presented in
and control households are comparable
Fig. 4.17. A substantial overlap of the
in their covariates that predict use of
propensity scores of both groups can be
solar dryer (see Supplementary Data S1).
Results 129

Figure 4.17: Distribution of estimated propensity scores and region of common support

The difference in FS status between the ATT in the nearest neighbor matching is
self-selected solar dryer users and non- 1.98, in the radius matching 2.74, and in
users is estimated using nearest the kernel-based matching 1.96. This
neighbor matching, radius matching, and results imply that the use of solar dryer
kernel-based matching. The Average improves household food availability and
Treatment Effect on Treated (ATT) women’s dietary diversity. Furthermore,
estimates are presented in Table 4.18. on average, the HFIAS score of treated
The use of solar dryer has a significant households is 6.15 points lower than the
positive effect on FAS and WDDS as well HFIAS score of matched control
as a significant negative effect on HFIAS. households in the nearest neighbor
The ATT for FAS is 9.57 in the nearest matching. In the radius and kernel-based
neighbor matching, 14.02 in the radius matching, the ATT is − 6.51 and − 6.54,
matching, and 9.38 in the kernel-based respectively. Nevertheless, according to
matching. Furthermore, positive and nearest neighbor and kernel matching,
statistically significant ATT is found for the use of the solar dryer was not
WDDS in all the matching methods. The sufficient to ensure that all household
Results 130

members had three or more meals a day matching, the use of the solar dryer has a
during the 12 months prior to the survey, positive and significant effect of 1.66.
as measured by MAHFP. In radius

Table 4.18: Effect of using solar dryer on food security based on PSM

Nearest neighbor matching Radius matching
FS indicator matching
ATT Std. Err. ATT Std. Err. ATT Std. Err.
FAS 9.57*** 1.15 14.02*** 0.23 9.38*** 0.71
MAHFP 0.43 0.53 1.66*** 0.14 0.53 0.44
HFIAS score -6.15*** 0.76 -6.51*** 0.20 -6.54*** 0.64
WDDS 1.98*** 0.276 2.74*** 0.07 1.96*** 0.19
Significant at 1%; ⁎⁎
Significant at 5%; Significant at 10%. The actual P value are presented at Supplementary Data S1

The use of PSM does not account for was no presence of selection bias arising
unobservable factors. Thus, we from unobserved factors. However, for
estimated ATT from the endogenous- FAS and WDDS, the Wald test is
switching regression (ESR), which significant at 5% and 1%, respectively,
accounts for both observed and indicating possible biases from
unobserved factors. Based on the Wald unobserved factors (see Supplementary
test, the null hypothesis of no correlation Data S2 for detailed output results). The
between the treatment errors and the ATTs estimated from ESR are presented
outcome errors could not be rejected for in Table 4.19
HFIAS and MAHFP, implying that there

Table 4.19: Effect of using solar dryer on food security based on ESR
FS indicator ATT Std. Err.
FAS 14.31*** 0.46
MAHFP 2.3*** 0.65

HFIAS score -5.47** 2.14

WDDS 2.61*** 0.12

Significant at 1%; ⁎⁎ Significant at 5%; ⁎ Significant at 10%. The actual P value are presented at Supplementary Data S2
differences in the ATT. In general,
The ATT for FAS, MAHFP, and WDDS are
however, the use of the solar dryer
positive and statistically significant at
positively affected the FS status, which
1%, whereas the ATT for HFIAS score is
can be seen from the negative ATT for
negative and statistically significant at
HFIAS score and the positive ATT for FAS,
5%. These results are similar to those
found in radius matching, despite small
Results 131

Discussion — may have been granted the right of

first access. Likewise, farm size might be
This study identifies the factors that
an indicator of the level of economic
influence rural households’ decisions to
resources owned by households34, thus,
use a passive solar dryer and investigates
farmers with larger farms may also be
the effect of using a passive solar dryer
more likely to adopt new technologies35.
on food security. It was conducted in a
Other studies also show a positive impact
drought-prone area27, where food
of farm size on agricultural technology
provision is dependent on rainfed
adoption36,37. Contrary to what is found
agriculture. This area has an improved FS
in previous studies38,39, female headed
during the harvest season28, thus, we
households are more likely to use the
focus our analysis on the period of
new technology than men. This is
greatest food shortage (immediately
consistent with the results in Table 4.15,
prior to the harvest).
in which 40% of non-users and 65% of
The results suggest that household
users were female. However, to capture
characteristics, such as age, gender, size
the actual gender effect, the dynamics of
of household, size of land, market
the decision-making process need
orientation, training, neighbor-to-
further examination by, for example,
neighbor communication, membership
accounting for the number male or
in an association, and the production of
female adults within the households39.
staple foods increase the likelihood of
Household size in terms of the number of
adopting solar drying. These findings are
household members, may be an indicator
consistent with previous research on the
of family labor availability40. In addition,
determinants of agricultural technology
some household members may be
engage in off-farm activities that provide
Older farmers are more experienced and, additional income34. As more resource-
therefore, may have greater awareness of endowed households have a better
the benefits of new technologies, as well ability to cope with production and price
as more resources to enable adoption33. risks, they are more willing to adopt new
Moreover, in the context of this study, technologies41.
one solar dryer per community may not
The importance of cooperatives in
have been enough for every interested
promoting adoption is already
farmer and the most powerful members
demonstrated30,31. Post-harvest
of the community — i.e. the older farmers
Results 132

technologies require more skills in technologies that allow them to reduce

operation and management, thus PHL and maintain the quality of their
demanding greater organizational products as long as possible. Therefore,
competence. Hence, members of a the probability of adopting the solar
cooperative can benefit from systematic dryer is higher for households producing
and frequent training as well as regular staple foods. Nonetheless, maize farmers
collaborative actions30. Farmers who sell were less likely to use the PSD than
their products are probably more others, probably because it is a very
interested in adopting post-harvest popular and important crop, with
technologies as these could help them to households already having significant
maintain the quality of their products experience with alternative post-harvest
and, consequently, their competitiveness management to reduce losses. Thus, they
in the market. Moreover, better storage may not have much interest in adopting a
quality also means that farmers do not new technology.
have to sell right immediately after The use of the solar dryer has, on one
harvest (when prices are low) but they
hand, the potential to alleviate seasonal
can keep their product and sell it at a food shortages and increase food shelf
later time, when prices are high. life, hence enhancing food availability
Neighbors can be the most influential and stability. On the other hand, it adds
source of information when choosing to value to agricultural products, thus
adopt an agricultural technology. Early increasing marketability and providing
technology adopters provide a better financial returns for farmers9,44.
community laboratory from which Household financial returns are an
neighbors can gain some experience42. important determinant of food access45.
Farmers without the required skills to Moreover, solar drying results in
operate a new technology may face some products with improved nutrient quality
difficulties to use it43. Thus, farmers who and hygiene46. PSM is employed to
got training on solar drying technology estimate the average treatment effect of
are more willing to adopt. using a solar dryer on FS. This technique
assumes that there is no selection bias
Staple foods are the biggest source of
arising from unobservable factors. The
food security in the region, thus
results suggest that using a solar dryer is
encouraging farmers who produce these
positively related to FS. Specifically,
foods to become interested in adopting
Results 133

there is strong evidence (significant at and decreasing HFIAS score as compared

the 1% level) of a positive FS effect, to non-users. This complies with results
measured by FAS, HFIAS, and WD. of Nagwekar et al.26, who find that the use
However, evidence is mixed for MAHFP. of solar drying increases WDDS by 36%.
The nearest neighbor and kernel-based Although the impact of solar drying on
matching did not show a statistically MAHFP is not significant in the nearest
significant effect of solar drying on neighbor and kernel-based matching, the
MAHFP, whereas in the radius matching, radius matching and ESR estimates
the effect was positive and significant. It suggest that solar drying can provide
is not uncommon for different matching some FS stability by guaranteeing that
techniques to result in estimates of food is available over a 12 months period.
different magnitudes. Except for MAHFP, It should be noted that the 12 months
the PSM results are internally coherent recall period also includes some months
and in line with our expectations. The before the intervention for those farmers
type of PSM technique substantially who decided to use the solar dryer
affects the magnitude of treatment effect several months after the allocation.
but none of the methods is a priori Moreover, only a small difference (4%) is
superior to the others47. Thus, this study observed between users and non-users
also uses ESR to complement PSM and with regards to the percentage of least
check the robustness of the estimates. food secure households (Table 4.16).
ESR accounts for both unobservable and This could explain the non-significance in
observable factors, providing ATTs that the nearest neighbor and kernel-based
are closer to radius matching. This might matching. Nevertheless, the use of PSD
imply that nearest neighbor and kernel- did not show a clear effects on the
based matching underestimate the stability dimension, although the HFIAS
average effect of solar drying on FS. In score also include some elements of
general, however, both methods also stability since it also analyses
show that the use of a solar dryer positive respondents' perceptions of household
affects FS. This might be because the food insecurity experiences over a 30-
study participants who chose to use the day period48.
solar dryer could protect themselves One of the limitations of the solar dryer
from the unavailability and implemented in the study area is that it
inaccessibility of food in the lean months requires several rounds of drying to dry
thereby increasing their FAS and WDDS
Results 134

large quantities of food. In addition, since the FS outcome, such as the

it requires initial investment cost, the anthropometric measurements, may also
dryer was shared among households, provide more evidence on the impact of
which may not have allowed them to dry using solar drying on FS.
enough product for the entire lean Conclusion
period. This may discourage new users
This study demonstrates the potential of
from joining and continuing the use of
passive solar dryers to contribute to
the solar dryer. In fact, two of the main
improved food security in rural
limitations of PSD are the small amount
Mozambique. Robust evidence for
they dry per drying process and the
positive effects on all four pillars of food
intermittent nature of solar radiation
security suggests that promoting passive
availability49. Hence, there is a need to
solar dryers, along with trainings on their
develop solar dryers with relatively high
use, can be a promising intervention
efficiency that dry relatively large
strategy for improving the wellbeing of
quantities of product in the shortest time
relatively food-insecure subsistence
possible in order to minimize seasonal
farmers. This finding underscores that
food insecurity, such as the natural
food security and nutrition outcomes can
convection solar tunnel dryer and the
be improved with simple, locally
passive glass-roof type greenhouse
available technology and without the
dryer50. Moreover, the additional use of
need to intensify local production or food
adequate storage and packaging
imports, which may have negative
materials can improve moisture removal
environmental side-effects. To benefit
and thermal efficiency and prevent
large numbers of rural households,
eventual food loss during storage51,52.
however, massive introduction of
Further monitoring of food quality after
passive solar dryers, possibly in larger
the drying process is necessary. Studies
scale, would be needed. Future research
on the longevity and life of the dryer are
could evaluate the costs of such an
also necessary, since this can impact the
intervention, as well as the longevity and
feasibility and sustainability of such a
resilience of the drying devices over
technologies. FS can also affect the
extended use periods, to assess its cost–
financial returns for the farmers9,44.
benefit ratio against alternative food
Thus, we also suggest that future
security interventions. With adequate
research examines the impact of solar
support from government authorities or
drying on household income. The use of
Results 135

humanitarian organizations, the manuscript. KM substantively revised

construction and diffusion of passive the manuscript. All authors read and
solar dryers could possibly become an approved the final manuscript.
income generation model for rural youth Data availability statement: All data
and landless population. generated or analyzed during this study
are included in this published article
Acknowledgements: The project is
(and its Supplementary Information
financially supported by the Federal
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
based on the decision of the Parliament Funding: Open Access funding enabled
of the Federal Republic of Germany and and organized by Projekt DEAL.
managed by the Federal Office for Competing interests: The authors
Agriculture and Food (BLE). Sincere
declare no competing interests.
thanks to the Leibniz Centre for
Supplementary Information: The
Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
online version contains supplementary
in Müncheberg, Germany, for their
material available at
logistical support in conducting the
research in Gurué district, central
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4.5 How to increase cookstove adoption? Exploring cost-effective dissemination

techniques in Central Mozambique

Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 100, Article 103082

Custodio Efraim Matavel1,2,3*; Harald Kächele1; Johannes M. Hafner2,4; Constance

Rybak1; Götz Uckert1; Harry Hoffmann1; Harison K. Kipkulei1; Jonas Massuque3;
Jonathan Steinke1,2; Stefan Sieber1,2

1Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg,

2Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

3Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, Lúrio University, Campus Universitários de Unango Km 62,


4World Agroforestry (ICRAF), ICRAF Country Programme, TARI Mikocheni, P.O. Box 6226 Dar es Salaam,
United Republic of Tanzania

© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article was published in Energy Research &
Social Science, Volume 100, Article 103082


The adoption and usage of improved cookstoves have been promoted in the Global South
to mitigate the adverse effects of relying on solid biomass for cooking. However, the
uptake and continued use of improved cookstoves remain low. Several behavioral
changing techniques have been used to increase the adoption of improved cooking stoves.
Still, the monetary costs involved in the dissemination process are generally neglected,
and few studies follow an experimental design to evaluate the impact of different stove
dissemination approaches. Thus, we conducted an experiment to explore the cost-
effectiveness of dissemination approaches and measure their effect on improved
cookstoves adoption in Central Mozambique. Forty communities were randomly assigned
to receive one of the following treatments: (1) individual video training, (2) on-site group
training or (3) a combination of both. In total, 620 households were randomly selected
Results 145

from the 40 communities to participate in the study and 510 were included in the final
analysis. The rates of adoption within each treatment were 53 % for individual video
training, 21 % for on-site group training and 47 % for the combination of both. The
monetary training costs were lower for individual video training, which stimulated the
early and sustained adoption of improved cook stoves. Our findings provide strong
evidence that the tool used for capacity building affects the adoption of improved
cookstoves. Extension agencies should be aware of cost-effectiveness and adjust
dissemination approaches to achieve the highest impact per unit of resource expenditure.

Keywords: traditional bioenergy; biomass energy; training; rural extension; cooking


Introduction to utilise solid biomass more efficiently

[9]. Empirical evidence suggests that ICS
The rural areas in Mozambique, like in
can substantially reduce fuel use [10] and
most other countries in the Global South,
time for cooking [9], decrease the time
primarily depend on biomass energy.
for gathering wood [2], and the exposure
Approximately 95 % of the population
to indoor air pollution and respiratory
relies on solid fuels for cooking [1]. This
diseases [4], [11]. However, despite the
has been associated with deforestation
profound knowledge of ICS's benefits, its
[2], low energy efficiency [3], adverse
adoption and sustained use remains far
health and climate impacts [4], [5], as
from expectations [9], even when
well as women's time poverty [6]. In line
financial incentives such as lowering the
with these challenges, the United Nations
price of stoves are adopted [12], [13]. In
Sustainable Development Goal 7 calls for
many rural areas, there is free access to
universal access to affordable, reliable,
solid fuel such as tree branches or
sustainable, and modern energy by 2030
manure; thus, people may prefer to
spend their income on other priorities
It is argued that as opposed to facilitating
[14]. Moreover, individuals who decide
a transition to conventional forms of
to adopt a stove may later discontinue
energy, such as electricity, coal and gas,
the adoption [15]. Hanna et al. [16] and
which are not accessible to rural
Pine et al. [17] further suggest that after
communities [8], the use of improved
adoption, the intensity of use of an ICS
cookstoves (ICS) can enable households
may vary or decline over time. This
Results 146

undermines the achievement and the need for more effective methods for
sustainability of cookstove benefits. promoting sustained ICS adoption. In this
Therefore, facilitating the initial adoption study, we follow Troncoso et al. [28] and
of an ICS is a necessary but insufficient define the adoption of ICS with regard to
condition to achieve sustained usage the frequency of use. As such, we
[18]. consider adopters, the households using
the ICS at least two times per week.
Achieving sustained use of ICS may
require more than just the distribution of Multiple limitations of existing capacity-
stoves. It may also be necessary to building approaches have been identified
provide technical information on the in the past, requiring highly context-
stove use and comparative advantages of sensitive solutions. In particular, the
ICS relative to other stoves [19]. Jürisoo effectiveness of ICS promotion efforts
et al. [19] suggest the use of behavior can be limited by inadequate training
change techniques to support and approaches, an insufficient focus on
motivate users to develop new cooking opinion leaders, and budget constraints,
habits. Such techniques can include favouring rather superficial training
easily comprehensible manuals, approaches [29], [30], [31]. Despite the
educational initiatives, cooking vast body of academic literature testing
demonstrations, community meetings, the effectiveness of training approaches,
tutorials, and marketing or the costs associated with dissemination
communication campaigns [20], [21], are rarely considered in the ICS
[22], [23], [24], [25], [26]. In dissemination research. Moreover, there
Mozambique, several governmental and is a shortage of experimental designs to
non-governmental agencies have evaluate the impact of ICS interventions
implemented stove intervention [26].
programs in many areas using Budget constraints and cost-
techniques such as marketing campaigns, effectiveness of stove intervention are
demonstrations and training of important variables for selecting the
community-based organisations [4], dissemination approach [32]. For
[27]. However, a study by Pailman et al. example, compared to individual face-to-
[9] found that 60 % of ICS adopters still face approaches, demonstrations to
used traditional three-stone or groups are more effective in reaching out
unimproved cookstoves. This highlights to larger populations at a lower cost.
Results 147

Research has shown that group-based minimize the costs required to hire
approaches can effectively trigger the highly qualified specialists and organize
purchase of ICS [19]. However, the training activities.
diversity of attendees can mean that not Thus, we conducted an experiment in
everyone perceives or understands the Gurue district, Central Mozambique, in
content equally. Lewis et al. [23] found which household members were trained
that individual and personalised to construct, use and maintain an ICS.
demonstrations are more effective in The aim was to stimulate the adoption of
disseminating clean cooking stoves. They ICS and explore the cost-effectiveness of
require high financial resources but tend an in-person demonstration for a group
to result in higher uptake outcomes [23]. and an individual video-based training.
Thus, given the typical budget limits on With this, we intend to contribute to
dissemination programs [33], locally informed decision-making and
appropriate and cost-effective investments by policymakers and
approaches are still required to achieve development stakeholders promoting
maximum impact per unit of resource
ICS in Mozambique.
We distinguish between the groups of
We argue that the dissemination tool is adopters since strategically targeting the
also essential to enhance the cost- users with the highest adoption potential
effectiveness of ICS dissemination can improve ICS dissemination [18].
programs. Word of mouth has been used Rogers [42] categorised adopters into
to trigger ICS adoption [26], [34], [35], five groups based on when they adopt a
but other studies have suggested and technology: innovators, early adopters,
used short documentaries and videos to early majority, late majority, and
promote ICS [32], [36], [37], [38]. The laggards. Van den Bulte and Joshi [43]
literature in the field of agricultural further distinguish between independent
extension has also shown that a video can adopters and imitators. Latter's decision
cost-effectively reach the widest – even to adopt is influenced by the former, and
geographically isolated – populations both categories can be found during the
[39], [40]. Unlike on-site demonstration, earlier or later stage of the adoption
the video does not require the facilitator process [43].
to have experience with the promoted
skills [40], [41]. This may, arguably,
Results 148

Programs aiming to disseminate new [47]. We tested and introduced an ICS

technologies must invest in between June and December 2020 in two
dissemination techniques that encourage localities, namely Lioma and Mepuagiua, in
early adoption from the highest number Gurué district (Fig. 4.18). The ICS design –
of independent adopters since non- based on an ICS implemented in Idifu
adopters can also play a significant role village, Tanzania [48] – can be constructed
in the adoption process by acting as using freely available materials. A detailed
opponents, thus, preventing others from description of its features can be found in

adopting [44]. In contrast, independent previous work [49]. The two areas were

early adopters are more likely to purposely selected, within Gurué district,

positively influence those within the based on similarities with regard to

social network [17], leading to the household socio-economic characteristics

highest diffusion outcomes. and lack of access to clean cooking fuels.

All communities belonging to the two
The present study adds to the emerging
selected localities (29 in Lioma and 11 in
literature that includes the cost-
Mepuagiua) were included in the study.
effectiveness of stove interventions (see
Therefore, 40 communities were randomly
Afridi et al. [32]). Specifically, we
assigned to receive either group-based
demonstrate that the economic
training, individual training or a
perspective should be considered when
combination of both. The description of
analyzing ICS adoption and related
these approaches is presented in the next
promotion programmes rather than
subsections. In Lioma, we randomly
merely assessing the effectiveness of the selected ten households in each community
training method. and, in Mepuagiua, 30 households
Methods participated in the training. Thus, we
selected 620 households (290 in Lioma and
Study design and sampling approach
330 in Mepuagiua). The difference in the
The study was based on a participatory
number of households selected in each
action research methodology [45] and
community was based on the population
followed an experimental approach since it
size of the localities and the average number
sought to analyse the causal relationship
of residents per community. Lioma has a
between variables [46]. This approach is
population of 29,868 inhabitants, and
also recommended when the aim is to
Mepuagiua has 61,227 inhabitants.
evaluate the impact of energy-related
Although this sample size was determined
behavior change programs and initiatives
Results 149

due to financial and logistical constraints, it Before the training sessions, meetings with
is within the minimum acceptable range for the local villagers were held to understand
a population size of <100,000 people within the status quo with regard to cooking energy
a precision level of +/− 5 % [46], [50]. needs and jointly agree on the stove design.

Figure 4.18: Study area location. (a): Africa, (b): Mozambique and (c) Study area.

dual households and 192 single

Since the training activities involved both
households. While in Mepuagiua, 149
the construction (mainly done by men)
and usage of the stove (mainly done by dual households were trained, and the
remaining 181 were single households.
women), for each sampled household,
From a total of 373 single households, 73
both male and female representatives
were represented by female residents.
were trained together whenever possible
Thus, a total of 320 women were trained
(dual households). Where that was not
from both single and dual households,
possible (mainly due to the unavailability
which represents 52 % of the
of one of the representatives), only a
female or male representative was
trained from the household (single
households). In Lioma, we trained 98
Results 150

Group training approach on construction, maintenance and use of

ICS. The use of video for this approach
Local farmers were instructed on how to
was due to the fact that a video is a time-
construct, maintain and use the ICS. The
effective tool compared to on-site
training also included information on the
demonstrations. For instance, it required
advantages of using the ICS. Two
nearly 4 h to construct the ICS used in the
hundred and ten heads of selected
present study. The video was shown to
households attended the workshop in
220 households individually using
groups of ten people for three days. Two
laptops and android tablets. Local
groups were trained per day, and the first
enumerators who have attained at least
day was dedicated to training on
the 12th grade and with a good
theoretical aspects of clean cooking,
comprehension of Portuguese and the
associated advantages and introduction
local language in the study villages were
to the ICS design. The second training
recruited and trained for at least two
section (second day) mainly focused on
days on how to deliver ICS information
demonstrations and explanations of
using the video. The enumerators were
constructing the ICS. The third day was
instructed to show the video in a quiet
dedicated to demonstrations on how to
place where they were unlikely to be
use and maintain the ICS. An experienced
disturbed during the duration of the
trainer conducted training sections, and
screening of the videos to maintain
all explanations were translated into the
optimal concentration. Preferably, the
local language. The training module also
videos were shown in the farmer's home,
involved presentations, group
but there were cases in which the video
discussions, and exercises. An
was shown on the farm. A pre-test was
experienced male trainer performed the
conducted before the video
demonstrations on construction, and
demonstration to ensure that the
previously trained local female residents
enumerators followed the instructions
hosted the demonstrations on how to use
shown during the training.
and maintain the ICS. Pamphlets were
provided to participants at the end of the In this video, an example of the ICS
training for future reference. during a cooking process with two pots is
shown. Subsequently, the trainer
Individual training approach
introduces himself and explains in
The individual training consisted of an
Portuguese the advantages of using an
approximately 10 min video illustration
Results 151

ICS, then introduces the materials Combined training approach

necessary to construct the ICS, such as The 190 participants selected to receive
clay or anthill soil, sand, sawdust, mud the combination of training approaches
bricks, banana stem, and water. The were first exposed to group training.
trainer demonstrates and explains how Subsequently, they received a visit to
the sawdust and clay (or anthill soil) are their homes, in which the video was
mixed in a volumetric ratio of 1:1 and the shown as described above.
addition of water to the mixture to make
Data collection
it mouldable for blending. Next, the
trainer explains how to prepare the After the training phase of the ICS, two

stove's ground. The location needs to be rounds of face-to-face interviews took

wet, and the blended mixture of sawdust place. The households were surveyed to

and clay (or anthill soil) is used to estimate the influence of the training

construct a 2 cm high base for the stove. approach, including other factors, on the

Next, the foundation bricks on the 2 cm adoption of ICS. To minimize social

high mixture are also laid down. desirability bias and validate the

However, if bricks are unavailable, the reported adoption rates, we explained

sawdust-clay mixture should be used. the confidentiality and anonymity

The video continues with procedures at the beginning of the

demonstrations on how to create the interview. Whenever possible,

pans' spaces and finish the stove observations of the cooking tasks and the

construction. After the stove stove condition were made [51].

construction, the trainer explained that Informed consent was obtained from all

the stove takes up to 4 weeks to get individual participants in the study. The

completely dry and should be protected first round was conducted during

from intrusion and unfavourable January 2021 (a month after the last

weather conditions. Subsequently, training activities), and the follow-up

instructions on how to use and maintain survey was conducted during January–

the stove daily were provided. The February 2022 (13–14 months after

participant also received pamphlets for receiving the training). In the first data

future reference. collection, 277 and 313 trained farmers

in Lioma and Mepuagiua agreed to
participate in the study. In the follow-up,
80 households (31 in Lioma and 49 in
Results 152

Mepuagiua) were unavailable for the technologies. Education levels influence

interviews. Thus, the study included 510 knowledge about ICSs and clean fuels
observations (246 households in Lioma [53]. Social interactions with adopters
and 264 in Mepuagiua), of which 40 % may stimulate adoption through
were single households with a male stronger peer spill-over [54]. Households
representative. It is important to note where women are the decision-makers
that most households that did not agree are expected to be more likely to adopt
to participate in the data collection phase ICS [55]. The household size can
(83 %) were those represented only by positively influence adoption since more
men during the training. cooking wood is expected to be
consumed in larger households.
In addition to the training approach,
Therefore, the fuel efficiency associated
other variables, including those related
with the use of ICS might stimulate
to the individual participating in the
adoption [17]. Previous experience may
study and the social system or network
influence the perception of the potential
surrounding the participants, were
adopters with regard to the benefits of
collected (Table 4.20 and Fig. 4.19).
using ICS. In addition, the geographical
These variables were based on
location was recorded to understand
previously published work on factors
whether the households residing in
influencing the adoption or rejection of
Lioma are more likely to adopt ICS than
ICS (e.g. Mamuye et al. [52] and Jagger
those in Mepuagiua since household
and Jumbe [25]). Age was already found
location is an important determinant of
relevant for technology adoption [49]
adoption [56].
since youth are more enthusiastic about
experimenting with new things and
Table 4.20: Individual characteristics of the households (continuous variables)

Variable Mean SD Min Max

Age (Years) 42.90 13.03 19 69
Years of education 5.07 2.85 0 16
Monthly income (MZN) 5075.93 3955.65 1000 43224
Size of the household 6.48 2.60 1 15
Results 153

50% 48%



Networks with ICS Association Female headed People who had Household located
adopters membership households previous in Lioma
experiences with

Figure 4.19: Individual characteristics of the households (categorical variables)

We obtained data on the costs associated implementation of training by the total
with stove construction material, number of participants. Furthermore, the
ingredients for the cooking relative cost per adopter was calculated
demonstrations, and the trainers' visit to by dividing the total cost by the number
the farmers, including salary, food and of participants who adopted the ICS.
transportation costs. The total costs for Data analysis
the group training included the trainer's
We cross-tabulated the number of
salary and expenses for food (coffee and
adopters by each adoption category to
lunch breaks), construction materials,
provide summaries of the adoption rate.
food ingredients (for cooking
Four categories of adopters were
demonstrations) and transportation. The
created: non-adopters, sustained
individual training had an additional cost
adopters, late adopters, and discontinued
for the video making; however, costs
adopters. Non-adopters were defined as
associated with the construction
households that did not have an ICS in
materials, ingredients and food for the
both rounds of data collection. Sustained
participants were eliminated. This data
adopters were defined as early adopters
was used to derive the cost per farmer for
who continued to use the ICS until the
a specific training approach, estimated
end of the follow-up survey period. Late
by dividing the total costs associated
adopters were households that did not
with the preparation and
Results 154

build the ICS immediately after the of ICS and the training approach while
training but used it during the follow-up controlling for geographic location,
period. Discontinued adopters were individual and social network
defined as early adopters (those who characteristics. Probit is a useful model
adopted immediately after the training) for analyzing panel data in which the
who were not using or did not have the dependent variable is a participant's
ICS during the follow-up period (12 to 13 binary choice, and the independent
months after the first data collection). It variable is randomly assigned by the
is noteworthy that ICS stove programs experimenter [58]. One of the
usually fail to completely replace the assumptions of this model is the
traditional three-stone fire stove due to a existence of an unobserved latent
variety of reasons, including the variable [59] that can be represented as:
additional effort necessary for ICS ∗
𝑌𝑖,𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽𝑋𝑖,𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖,𝑡 + 𝑢𝑖 (1)
maintenance, the mismatch between the

technical features and real-world Where 𝑌𝑖,𝑡 is the latent variable, 𝑋𝑖,𝑡 is

behavior of users and stove interference the vector of independent variables (see

in local cooking habits [16], [57]. Thus, in Table 4.20 and Figure 4.19), 𝛽 is the

this study, households were not required vector of coefficients, 𝜀𝑖,𝑡 and 𝑢𝑖 are the

to completely replace the three-stone fire idiosyncratic and individual-specific

stove to be considered ICS adopters. error terms, respectively. The observed

However, only the households who used binary dependent variable occurs when

the ICS at least 2 to 3 times a week to 𝑌𝑖,𝑡 exceeds a given threshold [59] and

prepare their meals were classified as can be expressed as:

adopters. These are classified as medium ∗
1 𝑖𝑓 𝑌𝑖,𝑡 ≥0
𝑌𝑖,𝑡 = { ∗ (2)
adopters according to the categories 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑌𝑖,𝑡 < 0
proposed by Troncoso et al. [28]. A chi-
Our interest is to estimate the probability
square test of independence was applied
that a randomly chosen individual from
to detect the relationship between the
the population adopts an ICS conditional
type of ICS adopters and the training
on training approach while controlling
for the effects of geographic location and
Furthermore, a random effects probit individual and social network
model was applied to examine further characteristics. Group training was used
the relationships between the adoption as the base (or reference) category. We
Results 155

compared the effect of receiving usage of ICS. The chi-square test of

individual training and the combination independence shows an association
with group training. We estimated the between the type of adopters and the
marginal effects of receiving a specific training approach (Pearson chi-square =
training approach on the probability of 71.0080, p-value < 0.01). The overall
adopting ICS. The random effect probit adoption rate during the follow-up
prediction of this probability is: survey was nearly 41 %. Generally, the
highest rate of early adoption

𝑃𝑟[𝑌𝑖,𝑡 = 1|𝑋𝑖,𝑡 ] = Φ (
) (3) (discontinued and sustained adoption)
was observed among those who received
individual training and the lowest among
Where Φ is the standard normal
group training. However, part of the
cumulative density function [57]. 𝑌𝑖,𝑡 is
household who adopted the ICS
the dependent variable that equals 1 if
immediately following the individual and
the household adopted the ICS and 0
group training discontinued the use
otherwise. Note that this variable is equal
within 12 to 13 months of adoption. The
to 0 and 1 for non-adopters and
level of discontinued adoption was
sustained adopters, respectively,
relatively lower among the combination
regardless of the data collection period.
group. About 30 % of the total sampled
However, for late adopters, it equals 0 in
households never adopted the ICS.
the first data collection and 1 in the
Notably, the proportion of late adopters
second. In contrast, for discontinued
is almost the same for all approaches,
adopters, it is equal to 1 in the first data
which was confirmed by the chi-square
collection and 0 in the second.
independence test, which did not show
significant differences (p-value > 0.05).
Adoption rates This fosters the hypothesis that the

Fig. 4.20 shows that the training method training approach and does not influence

has a strong influence on adoption as the adoption rates in the long run.

well as on whether farmers sustained the

Results 156


90% 19%
80% 39%

50% 29%


20% 40%
10% 17%

Individual training Group training Combination
Non-adopters (n = 153) Sustained adopters (n = 124) Late adopters (n = 84) Discontinued adopters (n = 149)

Figure 4.20: Adoption rates of ICS

Effect of the training method on 20 % compared to group training (Table
Adoption 4.22). The likelihood of adopting ICS
increases by nearly 14 % when the
The probit regression model (Table 4.21)
farmer receives the combination of
shows that after controlling for
individual and group training
geographic location and individual and
approaches. Household individual
social network characteristics, the
characteristics that play a role in the
farmers trained by the individual
adoption process are the household
approach are predicted to be more likely
head's age, the household's size and
to adopt the ICS than those who received
location, and whether the farmer belongs
group training (on-site demonstrations).
to a network with adopters. Age is
Compared to group training, combining
negatively related to adoption, whereas
both approaches also increases the
the household size, location and having
probability of adoption. The marginal
relatives, friends or neighbours who
effects suggest that individual training
have adopted the ICS increases the
increases the likelihood of adoption by
likelihood of being an adopter.
Results 157

Table 4.21: Random effect probit estimates of ICS adoption

Variables Coefficients Standard errors p-values
Training method
Individual 0.595053 0.110587 <0.001
Combination 0.413444 0.114955 <0.001
Household characteristics
Gender -0.14574 0.114264 0.202
Age -0.05521 0.007813 <0.001
Years of education -0.01582 0.014929 0.289
Previous experiences with ICS 0.250719 0.286366 0.381
Monthly income 4.15E-09 1.76E-05 1.000
Size of the household 0.052344 0.016938 0.002
Networks with adopters 0.67681 0.099549 <0.001
Association membership 0.061947 0.144268 0.668
Household location 1.012329 0.205212 <0.001
Constant (𝛼) 1.106116 0.405616 0.006
ln(𝜎𝑢2 ) -13.8511 19.10011
𝜎𝑢 0.000982 0.009382
rho (ρ) 9.65E-07 1.84E-05
Number of obs =1020 Number of groups = 510. Wald chi-square = 184.68, Prob > chi2 = 0.0000.

Table 4.22: Marginal effect of the training approach on the probability of ICS adoption

Training method Marginal effect Standard errors

Individual 0.202019*** 0.037128
Combination 0.139545*** 0.038436
***, **, * Significant at 1%, 5%, 10%, respectively

salary. The highest total costs were

Costs estimation
The cost per participant was estimated at observed in the combination of the two

1047.6 MZN for the group training (1 approaches. The cost per adopter also

USD = 63.8776 MZN), 625.0 MZN for indicated that individual group training

individual training and 1757.9 MZN for is the most cost-effective. In the group

the combination of both approaches training, each adopter (including both

(Table 4.23). The highest cost for all sustained and late adopters) costs

training approaches was the salary of the 5945.95 MZN (approximately 93 USD) on

trainers. Individual training had the average, while in the individual training

lowest cost, while the combination of approach, the cost per adopter is 1417.53

approaches had the highest cost for MZN (approximately 22 USD).

Results 158

Table 4.23: Cost per adopter for ICS dissemination approaches

Cost per Cost per
Training Unit cost Total cost Number of adopters
Cost items participan adopter
method (MZN) (MZN) participant (sustaine
t (MZN) (MZN)
d and late
Individual Video Making 25,000
137,500 220 625.0 97 1417.53
training Trainers’ Salary 112,500
Construction material 2,000
Food ingredients 3,000
Trainers’ Salary 195,000 220,000 210 1047.6 37 5945.95
Trainers’ transportation 5,000
Coffee and lunch breaks 15,000
Construction material 1500
Food ingredients 3,000
Trainers’ Salary 315,500 334,000 190 1757.9 74 4513.51
Trainer transportation 4,000
Coffee and lunch breaks 10,000

Discussion were identified in this study: non-

adopters, sustained adopters, late
This study shows that the approach used
adopters and discontinued adopters (Fig.
to deliver information can affect the
4.20). A higher rate of sustained adoption
adoption of clean cooking technology. We
was observed in individual video
used two face-to-face approaches to
training. This study is in line with Lewis
inform local farmers about the benefits of
et al. [23], who argue that individual and
adopting an ICS and instruct them how to
personalised approaches are more
construct, utilise and maintain it. In one
effective in disseminating clean cooking
approach, we trained the participants in
groups; in the other, the participants
were trained individually using a video. The group-based training took three
We also trained one group of participants days per group and was, therefore, more
by combining both approaches. As cost-intensive than the individual video
expected, individual video training training. Moreover, it required people to
resulted in higher adoption rates travel to the training site and could have
compared to in-person group training been regarded as an opportunity for
and a combination of the two entertainment and social gathering
approaches. rather than a training activity.
Nevertheless, this study supports the
Nevertheless, we observed that the
idea that the effectiveness of a training
adoption pattern varied over time, and
approach is context-dependent.
therefore, four categories of adopters
Results 159

The combination of training approaches As shown in Table 4.21, geographic

also resulted in high rates of adoption location affects the adoption rates.
when compared to group-based training. Cultural factors might also play a role
The additional use of one-on-one [21]. Individual methods are widely used
personalised visits might be responsible by public extension in Mozambique [61]
for this result. The literature suggests and may have been regarded as formal
that the use of multiple strategies leads and, therefore, more persuasive than the
to higher rates of adoption [20], [23]. In group method. Perhaps farmers feel
this study, however, we noted that the obliged to adopt the ICS by enumerator
households who participated in both visit in case of individual video training.
group-based and individual training had In the present study, the individual
a relatively low adoption rate compared training approach was time and cost-
to those who only participated in the effective since every visit took 25 to 30
individual training. This is probably min and did not require additional costs
because in the group training as well as with construction materials and food
in the combination of both approaches, provided to participants. The training
the households were mostly represented costs per participant and adopter were
by male decision-makers, who are lower when compared to the other
generally not responsible for cooking approaches. Thus, videos might be
activities. On-site demonstrations presented to a much larger number of
required both male and female farmers than on-site training. As shown
household representatives to move to in Table 4.21, the combination of video
the training sites, and since it was not and on-site positively promoted
mandatory to have both in the training adoption, compared to the single use of
activities, most households preferred to group training; however, it is the most
send only one of the representatives cost-intensive approach.
(mostly male). This prevented women Notably, these results must be
from participating in the trainings, interpreted and generalised with caution
leading to lower adoption rates. While in since this study uses different
the individual training in which there approaches (individual versus group)
was no need for moving to the training and different tools (video versus on-site).
site, we were mostly able to train both We argue that the training tool is also
female and male representatives essential in knowledge transfer. As Van
Results 160

Mele et al. [62] suggest, showing a video to influence those within the social
to farmers to transfer knowledge can network positively [18]. This can ensure
eliminate cultural barriers between the that the local communities accept the
trainer and the trainee. It combines new technology and prevent the negative
visual and verbal communication reputation hindering innovation
methods [63] and can more cost- diffusion [42]. Other factors such as
effectively reach the widest – even gender, education, monthly income,
geographically isolated – populations association membership and experiences
[39]. Several studies have also used with ICS are not significant predictors of
video-based approaches to increase adoption.
farmers' knowledge and awareness (e.g. The fact that connection to a network
[32], [36], [37], [38]). In addition, due to with adopters positively influences
its visual element, a video can easily be adoption and membership in an
understood by people without formal association does not, might seem
education, even if not in the local counterintuitive since social interactions
language [64]. Unlike on-site
across rural households stimulate
demonstration, the video also does not stronger peer spill-over [54]. However,
require the facilitator to have experience in our study, participants were only
with the promoted skills [40], [41]. asked if they belonged to any association
Our analyses further revealed that or cooperative, regardless of its purpose.
household characteristics are also crucial Therefore, we argue that the non-
for stove adoption. In particular, age, significance of this variable might be
household size, connection to a network because it did not necessarily mean
with adopters, and geographic location having contact with adopters or
affect the adoption. These characteristics discussing ICS. On the other hand, having
are particularly important for stove a network with adopters is more specific
promoters since they can use them to and indicates that the adopter had
target households with characteristics contact with someone who has already
likely to foster early adoption. By had ICS experience and may have been
strategically targeting households with influenced in some way. Nevertheless,
such characteristics, improved stove we could not distinguish between
programs would better allocate time and independent adopters and imitators,
resources since early adopters are likely which would allow us to understand
Results 161

further the former's influence on the households that agreed to

latter's behavior. Moreover, this study participate in this study, only men
did not capture the reasons for were trained. This is an important
discontinued usage that, among other issue to be considered since it might
variables, may also be due to influence by have played a role in the observed
other community members who have adoption rates. Thus, the
negative perceptions about the benefits generalization of this study's
of the stove. findings should be made with
caution, and future studies should be
We expected education to affect adoption
more specific on the target audience
significantly since education levels
to avoid introducing biases in the
influence the process of capturing
study results.
knowledge related to ICSs and clean fuels
2) Although we took some precautions,
[53]. However, the non-significance of
such as explaining the
education in this study might imply that
confidentiality and anonymity
rather than formal education, awareness
procedures at the beginning of the
creation is more important since the
interview and making observations
training method positively affected the
of the cooking tasks, the study may
adoption. The non-significant association
not be exempt from social
between gender and ICS adoption is also
desirability as we were unable to
counterintuitive since it was expected
validate the responses on adoption
that households where women are the
for the entire sample.
decision-makers, would be more likely to
3) Furthermore, in this study, we
adopt ICS [55]. Nevertheless, further
compare individual and group
understanding of the decision-making
training approaches using different
process is still necessary since gender
tools (video and on-site
differences in preferences within
demonstrations), which might make
households can also play a role [65].
these approaches not perfectly
Study limitations
comparable. Thus, we suggest that
The present study has three important future studies should compare
limitations, as described below: different approaches using the same

1) In our study area, the cooking tool. For example, they could study

activities are primarily done by the effect of using video to train a

women; however, in 40 % of the

Results 162

group of people versus training the Declaration of competing interest

participants individually. The authors declare the following
financial interests/personal
relationships which may be considered
This study reveals that the training
as potential competing interests:
approach plays a significant role in
Custodio Efraim Matavel reports
promoting clean cooking technologies.
financial support was provided by
As expected, the individual approach
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food
resulted in the highest adoption rates
and is cost- and time-effective compared
to the group training approach. The
training approach had no significant Sincere thanks to the Leibniz Centre for
effect on the adoption among late Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
adopters. The study concludes that the in Müncheberg, Germany, for their
capacity-building approach significantly logistical support in conducting the
influences the effectiveness of improved research in Gurué district, Central
cookstoves dissemination programs. For Mozambique. Furthermore, we thank the
better financial resource efficiency of farmers who participated in the survey.
stove promotion programs, the extension References
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5 Synthesis

Integrating technological innovations to provide energy for food processing and

preparation has positive impacts on FNS. Energy is needed in all subsectors of food
systems, from production to food consumption. The presented research was based on a
participatory action research approach and assessed the potential of renewable energy
technologies for improving food and nutrition security in Central Mozambique. The
analysis focused on energy provision for food processing, cooking and storage. This
section returns to the five research hypotheses to synthesize the empirical evidence
presented in the results chapter.

5.1 Hypothesis 1: staple foods production plays a significant role in household FNS

To test this hypothesis, the first subchapter of the results section presents the assessment
of the FS situation during the period immediately prior to the harvest and during the
harvest. The key drivers determining household capacity to achieve food security were
identified using the generalized ordered logit model with partial proportional odds model
(PPOM) for three FS indicators (MAHFP, HFCS, and HDDS). Multiple indicators were
applied to capture the multidimensionality of FNS. The results showed that FNS is
sensitive to seasonal variations since low dietary diversity and poor household food
consumption are predominant in the pre-harvest period. In contrast, during the harvest
season, there is a predominance of households with medium and high food consumption
and dietary diversity.

The production of the staple food crops (cassava, rice and maize) is significantly related
to at least one of the FS indicators. All the three crops are important sources of calories in
Mozambique. Cassava ranks first in terms of average daily caloric intake by households
(678 kilocalories per capita per day), followed by maize (478 kcal per capita per day) and
rice (166 kcal per capita per day) (FEWS NET, 2019). Maize has a positive relationship
with household food consumption score; rice is associated with months of adequate
household food provision and household dietary diversity, while cassava is positively
related to all three indicators. This implies that each crop impacts a specific dimension of
FNS. Thus, the study did not reject the hypothesis that staple foods play a significant role
Synthesis 170

in the household FNS situation. Nevertheless, other factors, such as gender, age of the
household head, geographic location, size and quality of land, livestock and crop diversity,
and cash crops, had a statistically significant effect on the different FNS indicators.

5.2 Hypothesis 2: solar drying technology increased the drying efficiency and
resulted in a high-quality product

In subchapter 4.2 of the results, the performance of passive solar dryers that were
constructed and tested against the traditional OSD for drying amaranth leaves and maize
grains is presented. As expected, the observed internal temperatures of the solar dryer
(between 27.6 and 48.2℃) were higher than the drying temperatures observed during
open-sun drying. The relative humidity was below 40%, a range most fungal species
cannot grow. In OSD, the crop was more susceptible to attack by fungi since the relative
humidity during the experiments was around 60%. The average thermal efficiency of the
solar dryer (19% for amaranth leaves and 14% for maize) was higher than the efficiency
of the OSD.

The study also applied consumer acceptance analysis to determine which drying method
resulted in a product with comparatively better sensory properties (taste, aroma, color
and overall acceptability). The results of a blind test, based on a 5-point Likert scale,
showed that both amaranth and maize from PISD were rated better than those from OSD.

5.3 Hypothesis 3: energy-efficient technologies reduce cooking time and household

energy consumption compared to traditional uses of biomass energy;

This hypothesis is tested in subchapter 4.3, in which the controlled cooking test (CCT) was
used to assess the efficiency of ICS compared to the traditional TSF. The CCT is a
recommended method for testing stove performance when the aim is to understand how
stoves perform with local foods, fuels, and cooking practices. It was developed as a mix of
two approaches: the laboratory-based water boiling test (WBT) and the field-based
kitchen performance test (KPT). The empirical results indicate that ICS results in energy
and time savings. The average savings in energy were 17% and 9%, whereas the cooking
time was reduced by 6.6 min and 12.2 min (14% and 24%) for cooking beans and maze
flour porridge, respectively.

Furthermore, the ability of HRB to keep food above the so-called temperature danger zone
before consumption (from 5 to 57 °C) was evaluated by monitoring temperature changes
inside the cooking pot. The test results showed that using a heat retention box (HRB) is
Synthesis 171

more advantageous than local methods of retaining heat inside the cooking pot. The loss
of temperature inside the cooking pot is more pronounced in the local techniques,
especially leftover firewood, possibly due to the lack of insulation of the pot against
exposure to wind. These findings have implications from the health perspective since they
show the potential of HRB in preventing foodborne illnesses (which, in turn, has
implications for food utilization). Moreover, reducing food waste is also a potential
advantage of HRB. Many poor people in rural areas may be very likely to discard their
maize flour porridge after it cools down due to its typical consistency changes with

5.4 Hypothesis 4: the adoption of food processing technologies results in

improvements in household FNS situation.

In subchapter 4.4, the impact of a passive indirect solar dyer (PISD) on food security was
assessed. The study used inferential statistical procedures (propensity score matching
and Endogenous-Switching Regression Modeling) to compare the food security status of
households that used the PISD and those that did not. Propensity score matching was
selected to allow a reasonable interpretation of the causal effect since comparing the
outcome variable is undertaken between households with similar characteristics (Dehejia
and Wahba, 2002). In contrast, Endogenous-Switching Regression was used to
complement the propensity score matching and check the robustness of the result. Latter
considers selectivity as an omitted variable problem (Heckman, 1979). Thus, it was used
to capture the differential response taking into account unobserved variables that can
influence both treatment and outcome variables.

The results suggest that using the solar dryer enhanced food availability and dietary
diversity, alleviated seasonal food shortages and reduced food insecurity-related events
within households. These findings imply that implementing passive solar drying in rural
areas with associated training can help rural farmers improve their food and nutrition
security, probably because the study participants who chose to use the solar dryer could
protect themselves from the unavailability and inaccessibility of food in the lean months.
Therefore, a central recommendation of this paper is that policy interventions should
equip farmers with better knowledge and understanding of solar drying, emphasizing its
use as a pathway to ensure some level of food security.
Synthesis 172

5.5 Hypothesis 5: the training approach plays a significant role in stimulating the
early adoption of energy technologies.

This hypothesis was tested in the fifth subchapter of the results section featured in this
work. Different approaches were used with different groups of randomly selected farmers
to deliver information and train them on how to construct, maintain and use an ICS. Two
face-to-face approaches, namely, group-based and individual video training, were used
independently and in combination. The group training took three days per group, and it
was, therefore, more intensive, while in the individual training approach, every visit took
25 to 30 min. The results showed that the adoption pattern varied over time, and
therefore, four categories of adopters were identified: non-adopters, sustained adopters,
late adopters and discontinued adopters.

Moreover, the number of farmers in each category varied depending on the training
approach. The highest rate of non-adopters and discontinued adopters was observed
among participants who received group training. In contrast, a higher rate of sustained
adoption was observed in the individual video training. The individual training presented
the lowest training costs per participant and adopter compared to the other approaches.

This study also identified essential household characteristics for stove adoption: age, size
of household, connection to a network with adopters and geographic location. These
characteristics are particularly important for stove promoters since they can use them to
target households with characteristics likely to foster early adoption. By strategically
targeting households with such characteristics, improved stove programs would better
allocate time and resources since early adopters are likely to positively influence those
within their social network (Pine et al., 2011). This can ensure that the local communities
accept the new technology and prevent a negative reputation that can hinder innovation
diffusion (Rogers, 2003).

6 Study limitations and further research
This work aimed to capture the effect of improved renewable energy technologies usage
on FNS. However, the results are based on selected indicators. There are hundreds of food
security indicators, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In subchapters 4.1 and
4.5, this research employed indicators such as the household dietary diversity (HDDS),
women's dietary diversity (WDDS), food consumption score (FCS), household food
insecurity access scale (HFIAS), household food availability (HFA) and months of
adequate household food provision (MAHFP). The HFA indicates household food
availability. FCS and HDDS emphasise dietary diversity as a proxy for household food
access (Jones et al., 2013). MAHFP has a recall period of 12 months; thus, it is a valuable
tool for capturing food stability (Bilinsky and Swindale, 2007). The third domain of food
security, food utilization, has traditionally been captured by anthropometric
measurements, such as height, weight, mid-upper arm circumference, etc. These
measurements were not performed in this study. Despite our aim of capturing all four
dimensions of FNS, anthropometric measurements were not performed due to limiting
circumstances imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, future research needs to
combine self-reported consumption patterns with some FNS outcomes, i.e.,
anthropometric measures, to understand whether food is allocated equally to all
individual household members. It is important to note that, despite this limitation,
assessment of individual dietary intakes within households (e.g. WDDS) may allow for an
accurate estimation of food utilization (Jones et al., 2013). Moreover, HFIAS is positively
associated with dietary adequacy (Becquey et al., 2010), dietary diversity (Faber et al.,
2009), and lower odds of being underweight and wasting among HIV-positive adults
(Kadiyala and Rawat, 2013).

Subchapters 4.2 and 4.3 use consumer preference analysis to assess user`s acceptability
of implemented technologies based on a 5-point Likert scale, which may promote social
desirability bias (Chyung et al., 2017) since respondents may use the midpoint to avoid
selecting socially undesirable options (Raaijmakers, 2000). Moreover, factors such as
Study limitations and further research needs 174

demographic profile, health status, personality, knowledge, exposure, perceived quality

and mood can impact consumers’ perception and evaluation of a particular product.
Despite its sensitivity, the human sensory system cannot distinguish minor differences
between products (Steenkamp et al., 1994). These considerations need to be taken into
account, and we caution against generalizations of the present results for other case

Subchapter 4.3 is based on a CCT to determine fuel and time consumption during cooking.
This is arguably the best tool to monitor fuel and time consumption in the field under
standardized cooking situations since other tests, such as the WBT, do not provide the
actual field performance and result in unreliable predictions of the real field performance
of ICS (Lombardi et al., 2017). KPT gives the performance of ICS under real operating
conditions (Kipruto, 2011), but the uncontrolled conditions make the test results not
replicable. The tests for this study were performed in specific centres prepared for this
purpose, thus, not in real-world cooking situations. This might affect the results since
actual cooking behaviors might differ due to external effects, such as different weather
situations, varying moisture content of fuels, type of wood-based fuels used, and the
behaviors of cooks while cooking. Another aspect that would potentially influence the
result is that the cook did not have prior experience before the CCT sessions. Nevertheless,
attempts were made in this study to avoid potential bias by using locally available fuels,
using three repetitions and by using trained local cooks (mainly female), who were
allowed to use ICS several times (within one month) to gain experience on how to operate
the ICS.

Another limitation of this study is the lack of assessment of ICS and HRB’s impact on the
prevention and control of foodborne diseases. This kind of disease generally occurs if food
is incorrectly handled or cooked. Thus, it would be essential to compare the prevalence of
food-borne diseases among ICS and HRB users and non-users or to assess to microbial
load in the food stored in the HRB and the other HRS.

In subchapter 4.5, we discuss the importance of the training approach on farmers’

decision to adopt clean cooking. Nevertheless, a potential limitation of this study is that
we compare individual and group training approaches using different tools (video and on-
site demonstrations). Hence, these results must be interpreted and generalised with
caution. Ideally, further research should try to disaggregate the combinations by
Study limitations and further research needs 175

comparing different approaches using the same tool, for example, studying the effect of
using video to train a group of people versus training people individually.

7 Overall Conclusion

In the course of this PhD work, several different aspects focusing on innovative renewable
energy technologies and their effects on FNS in Central Mozambique were addressed. In
addition, the impact of technology dissemination approaches was assessed. The outlined
research objectives were accomplished within the 5 subchapters of the results section.

A central conclusion is that energy efficient technologies such as the passive solar dryer,
improved cooking stove, and the heat retention box are central aspects of food and
nutrition security. The major reasons for this are the following:

a) Solar drying, if carried out correctly, allows poor rural households to store and
increase shelf life of food safely. It is a sustainable alternative to traditional food
preservation technologies (e.g., open-sun drying) that have several adverse effects
on food quality;
b) The improved cook stove is a sustainable means of saving cooking time and fuel.
Its use could prevent a household from applying strategies to cope with fuel
scarcity, such as reducing the number of meals or stopping cooking protein-rich
food that requires simmering. Furthermore, cooking is associated with the ability
of the human body to digest and absorb nutrients;
c) The heat retention box can potentially maintain adequate food storage
temperatures, thus, preventing foodborne diseases (that could hinder the
nutritional status of individuals).

An investigation of the FNS situation and its drivers showed very critical levels of food
insecurity among households during the pre-harvest season and relatively high levels of
food security during the harvest season. Nevertheless, mixed outcomes were found,
mainly due to different FNS indicators. This implies that each indicator captures different
dimensions of FNS. Thus, food security programs should choose carefully which indicator
to use since some indicators are more related to the consumption of farm-sourced food
(e.g. MAHFP). In contrast, others respond more strongly to purchased food (e.g. FCS). The
combination of different food security indicators allows a holistic assessment of the food
security status.
Overall Conclusion 177

Compared to OSD, the performance assessment of a PISD provided evidence that the use
of passive indirect solar drying results in higher drying efficiency. The sensory quality
attributes evaluation showed that passive indirect solar dryer outperformed OSD in terms
of texture, aroma, color and overall consumer acceptability.

Moreover, CCT and heat retention tests were performed to estimate the performance of
ICS and HRS. The results indicated that ICS results in substantial fuel and time saving
compared to OSD. Food in the HRB takes longer to reach the temperature danger zone
(from 5 to 60 °C), in which pathogenic microorganisms proliferate, compared to firewood
leftovers or banana leaves. In addition, consumer preference analysis showed that the
introduction of ICS and HRB did not affect food acceptance. Therefore, these technologies,
manufactured using locally available materials, are suitable for energy-poor communities.

The effect of solar drying on food security is analyzed. This study found that using passive
solar drying significantly improves the food security situation in households, which
implies that implementing passive solar drying in rural areas with associated training can
help rural farmers improve their own food security. Policy interventions should equip
farmers with better knowledge and understanding of solar drying, emphasizing its use as
a pathway to ensure some level of food security.

Finally, despite improved technologies' advantages, adoption is still beyond the desirable
level. Therefore, this study also showed that an individual training approach effectively
promotes clean cooking technologies. It resulted in the highest adoption rates and is more
cost- and time-effective than a group training approach. Nevertheless, it is still necessary
to consider that a training approach's effectiveness can be context-dependent.

The general conclusions of this thesis are, therefore, that (1) the improved technologies
presented in this study are sustainable and cost-effective means to substitute, at least
temporarily, the prevailing traditional methods of food processing and preparation; (2)
governments and relevant stakeholders involved in energy and/or food security
programs should consider the local context to choose the appropriate training or
information delivery technique and (3) energy provision through the use of passive solar
drying is an essential component in the fight against food and nutrition insecurity.

8 Policy Recommendations

The policy recommendations derived from this PhD thesis are summarized as follows:

1) The dissemination of passive solar drying technologies should be fostered

Solar drying technology presents great potential as an eco-friendly method to reduce

post-harvest losses and improve the FNS situation in Central Mozambique. Therefore,
governments should support using low-cost and simple solar drying technologies at
individual and community scales. The designs should be based on practical experience,
local climate, and economic conditions, and training of users on solar drying for each crop
should be provided. Attention should be given to the capacity in terms of the daily
quantity of dried food since the low output is one of the main limitations of passive solar
dryers designs (Belessiotis and Delyannis, 2011). Moreover, a better capacity to increase
drying temperature can make it possible to reduce the significant dependence on sunlight
availability due to the associated higher daily productivity and shorter exposure time
necessary (Matavel et al., 2021).

2) Energy transition initiatives should encourage the use of efficient stove


In Mozambique, replacing firewood and charcoal with other renewable energy sources is
still far from reality. Therefore, energy policies should focus on promoting improved
techniques that can reduce wood consumption, considering users’ preferences. Replacing
traditional stoves with cleaner and more efficient ones could be a driving force.
Nevertheless, this should be taken as an intermediate stage. Investments in developing
the cleanest, most affordable options should be the ultimate goal. Currently, many
available biomass ICS do not meet the World Health Organization’s standards (Gill-Wiehl
and Kammen, 2022).
Policy Recommendations 179

3) Capacity-building programs and extension services should be aware of the cost

and time effectiveness of the selected approach

Promotional efforts are crucial for increasing the adoption and use of ICS and PISD.
Nevertheless, for better financial resource efficiency of stove promotion programs, the
extension agencies should be aware of cost-effectiveness and adjust extension techniques
to achieve the highest impact per unit of resource expenditure. Since place-based factors
such as remoteness significantly affect the ability to supply and convince households to
buy and use ICS (Lewis et al., 2015) or PISD, disseminated technologies should be based
on local materials. This would also result in employment opportunities in the
communities. Capacity-building programs and extension services should also introduce
technologies based on the needs of smallholder farmers. This would provide greater
certainty about the potential benefits of introduced technologies and avoid costly
technology development and distribution, which may lead to economic losses for both
adopters (farmers) and promoters (governments, NGO).

4) FNS programs and policies should improve access to adequate diets

Although the technologies introduced in this study can potentially improve the food and
nutrition security situation, policies that promote awareness of the nutritional quality of
foods are still necessary. In the study area, the diet is very monotonous, usually made up
of maize and cassava, cooked as a paste and served with beans or dark green leaves sauces
and/or dried or fresh fish (Arimond et al., 2011). This can impair the intake of essential
micronutrients, causing so-called "hidden hunger" (Maberly et al., 1994), which has
substantial economic effects (Stein and Qaim, 2007).

5) Food security interventions should promote a balance between market-oriented

agriculture and subsistence production

The analysis in this research suggests that the different FNS dimensions can be achieved
by applying different strategies. For instance, an adequate diet can only be achieved if
households consume a combination of products from their own production and
purchased food, providing access to essential nutrients that are unavailable in farm-
sourced staple foods. Therefore, relevant stakeholders can improve FNS by promoting a
balance between market-oriented agriculture and subsistence production.

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