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Why should YOU segregate waste?

What happends when you dont What happends when you

segrigate waste? segrigate waste?

1. Conserves Resources:
1. "Lost Recycling Opportunities"
Recycling materials like paper,
Mixed waste lands in landfills
glass, and plastic conserves
meaning more soil pollution and
natural resources such as trees,
lost chance of recycling precious
oil, and minerals. For example,
recycling one ton of paper can
2. "Carbon Footprint Grows"
save 17 trees and over 7,000
Landfills produce methane, a
gallons of water.
potent greenhouse gas,
2. "Save Resources, Save the Earth":
contributing to climate change
Recycling one aluminum can
and a larger carbon footprint.
saves enough energy to power a
3. "Precious Resources Wasted"
TV for three hours. Embrace
Without segregation, reusable
waste segregation to conserve
resources end up buried in
resources and reduce your
landfills, squandering precious
carbon footprint.
materials that could be

The Choice is Yours

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