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So Dr Soconfuseme we meet aga|n!


ne||o aga|n Dr Soconfuseme re Lxam II79S3
1ruly lL would be persplcaclous of me ln relaLlon Lo Lhese maLLers should l noL have Lo wrlLe you
unforLunaLely however Lhls ls noL Lhe case now l appreclaLe LhaL lL ls lmporLanL for us as sLudenLs Lo
recognlze Lhe lmporLance of demonsLraLlng a worklng knowledge of Lhe maLerlal vs merely a roLe
memorlzaLlon of lL (8uL MlLhras' help us) Pow lL ls posslble Lo acLually demonsLraLe Lhls ln a mulLlple
cholce formaL ls beyond me now ln cases where Lhere are quesLlons' abouL Lhe quesLlons' one
wonders Lo whom' one should be dlrecLlng one's commenLs and querles abouL Lhe quesLlons
Lhemselves? Speclflcally as lL regards Lhe conLenL and/or accuracy of Lhe exam lnLerrogaLorles
Lhemselves ln relaLlon Lo Lhe LexL
l conLlnue
Lxam CuesLlon 921 robaLloners who fall behlnd ln resLlLuLlon are senL Lo make paymenLs on Lhelr debL
aL a probaLlon cenLer
Lxam answer Lrue
My answer false
lrom page 2341 of Lhe LexL robaLlon cenLers where perslsLenL probaLlon vlolaLors reslde for shorL
perlods" vs resLlLuLlon cenLers where Lhose who fall behlnd ln resLlLuLlon are senL Lo make paymenLs
on Lhelr debL"
lL seems obvlous from Lhe LexL LhaL probaLloners are senL Lo resLlLuLlon cenLers and noL Lo probaLlon
cenLers Lo make paymenLs on Lhelr debLs 1hls ls how l read lL Lhe flrsL Llme and how l made noLe of lL
whlle sLudylng Lhe chapLer and lL ls how l recalled lL durlng Lhe exam l am havlng dlfflculLy seelng how
Lhls could be lnLerrupLed else wlse oLher Lhan [usL lgnorlng Lhe LexL or perhaps fllpplng a coln

Lxam CuesLlon
ApproxlmaLely 47 of lnmaLes are housed ln medlum securlLy prlsons
Lxam answer Lrue
My answer false
from page 2371 of Lhe LexL 1here are 438 medlumsecurlLy prlsons ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes (holdlng 43
percenL of sLaLe lnmaLes) 2900 lbld Appendlx 1ables 312 and 1113
1he exam quesLlon doesn'L speclfy wheLher Lhese prlsoners are federal sLaLe or boLh 1hls sald Lhe only
way l found Lo obLaln Lhe 47 flgure from Lhe quesLlon ls Lo sLarL from Lhls value (47) and Lhen Lo flnd
92 of lL lL belng Lhe 92 flgure found ln Lhe LexL on page 2364 as follows nearly 92 of whlch are
So Dr Soconfuseme we meet aga|n!


operaLed by Lhe sLaLes and Lhe remalnder by Lhe federal governmenL and prlvaLe companles" Whlch
Lhen produces Lhe flgure 4324 Lhe value clLed by Lhe LexL page 2371 (above) as Lhe percenL of sLaLe
lnmaLes" So whlle Lhe flgure 47 may be Lechnlcally correcL posL some massaglng of varlous values
glven ln Lhe LexL (lLs relaLlve lmporLance would seem a blL LangenLlally derlved and enlgmaLlc ln lLs role
here le as Lhe basls for an exam quesLlon/answer) 8y Lhls l mean lL seems less a measure of one's
worklng knowledge/undersLandlng of Lhe conLenL and more of a klnd of cerebral ldlosyncraLlc exerclse
of an lmpllclL/lnferenLlal vs expllclL/deducLlve worklng of Lhe maLerlal (whlch MlLhras' proLecL us) may
ln facL be Lhe lnLenL here? (Cr lL may be [usL plaln guesslng hence Lhe word approxlmaLe") SLlll l would
be curlous as Lo Lhe numbers of Lhose answerlng correcLly vs lncorrecLly and how Lhose ln elLher group
formed Lhelr cholce(s) as l seem more dlsposed Lo chose lncorrecLly ln Lhese cases due Lo acLually havlng
based my answers on Lhe acLual maLerlal from Lhe LexL
l menLlon Lhls quesLlon because upon revlew of Lhe chapLer l have been unable Lo flnd a dlrecL
reference Lo Lhe value 47 (l won'L even geL lnLo Lhe relaLlve meanlng of approxlmaLe" leL's [usL say lL
could have many degrees of meanlng when lefL undeflned) and would llke Lo know wheLher or noL l'm
slmply belng obLuse or posslbly Loo concreLe a propos my selecLlon of an answer for Lhese
approxlmaLlon" Lype quesLlons (1hls noL belng Lhe flrsL Llme l've encounLered Lhls acLual LexLual
conLenL" vs lmaglnary LexLual conLenL" nowln slLuaLlon) now l musL admlL LhaL whllsL Lalklng Lhe
exam l had a feellng" LhaL Lrue" was looked for answer whlch lL Lurns ouL was Lhe case 8egreLLably
Lhough for me l would noL allow Lhls Llngllng sensaLlon Lo dlcLaLe my response chooslng lnsLead Lo rely
on Lhe age old Lrled and Lrue Lechnlque of uslng Lhe acLual words ln Lhe LexL as Lhe source for my
lL frankly dld noL occur Lo me whlle readlng Lhe maLerlal and Laklng my noLes Lo do Lhls maLh operaLlon
prlor Lo Lhe exam (See above) And Lhls could well be my own defecL or lL could be LhaL Lhe exam
maLerlal lsn'L qulLe ready for prlme Llme yeL And so lL ls LhaL l raLher Lhan Lhe above slmply
consldered Lhe speclflcs of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer and lLs relaLlonshlp(s) Lo Lhe greaLer body of Lhe
lnformaLlon as a whole uLLlng Lo memory as besL l could whaL l LhoughL were Lhe mosL sallenL facLs
and flgures plalnly conLalned ln Lhe LexL lLself (whlch are more Lhan a few) and noL l musL admlL Lhe
many lmplled or derlved mlnuLla obLalnable Lhereln Whlch as opposed Lo whaL l am deflnlng as a
sound lf somewhaL more fundamenLal worklng knowledge of Lhe maLerlal's subsLance Lhe mlnuLla
whlch whlle Lhey are derlvaLlves ln Lhelr composlLlon can or could arguably be of some posslble value
none Lhe less seem more anclllary Lhan lndlspensable ln naLure re Lhe framework here le LhaL of baslc
mulLlple cholce exam quesLlons So lf ln facL l am way off ln my Lhlnklng (very posslble) l would llke Lo
So Dr Soconfuseme we meet aga|n!


be aware of Lhls ln hopes of avoldlng lf l can Lhese same klnds of dlvlnlng" errors ln Lhe fuLure as l flnd
Lhem very frusLraLlng
WlLh LhaL ln mlnd raLher Lhan personally heurlsLlcally grouplng for some lnslghL or soluLlon on my own
whlch may or may noL be producLlve l was hoplng for a/any suggesLlon(s) oLher Lhan uslng a Weegle
board as a gulde lor LruLh be Lold l oughLn'L Lhlnk LhaL one's Llngllng's or besL guesses" ls a very
sound sLraLegy here nor for LhaL maLLer do l see an exhausLlve parslmony of Lhe aggregaLe LexL as
pracLlcable le such as Lhe derlvaLlon of 47 from Lhe LexLually glven values of 92 and 43 percenL
elLher on Lhe fly durlng an exam or generally as a rule when sLudylng Lhe asslgned maLerlals on Lhe
chance LhaL Lhe aforemenLloned or lLs llk may or may noL be sLaLed or asked ln some orLhogonal manner
unless LhaL ls Lhe expecLaLlon ln whlch case l am probably doomed lalllng an alLernaLlve soluLlon l
can only fall back on Lhls klnd of dreary monologue as an appeal or [usL grln and bear lL" whlch much
Lo my conLlnulng angulsh ls noL really as Lhe faLes would have lL my sLrong sulL
l say all of Lhls because Lhere have been more Lhan a few as ln qulLe a few exam quesLlons wlLh slmllar
characLerlsLlcs le seemlngly berefL of LexLual causallLy So l lmaglne LhaL whaL l'm also saylng ls LhaL ln
Lhese cases Lhe lnformaLlon used as Lhe premlse for Lhese exam quesLlons' ln quesLlon look or seem Lo
be elLher erroneously assoclaLed wlLh Lhe presenLed glven cholces or Lhey lncorporaLe a klnd of hlL or
mlss amblgulLy or looseness whlch would appear Lo defy a solld accounLlng for or connecLlon Lo Lhe
lnformaLlon conLalned ln Lhe LexL as opposed Lo plalnly and clearly ensulng from lL

Lxam CuesLlon 999
MosL prlsons for adulLs are locaLed ln rural areas because of Lhe Cuaker ldea LhaL lnmaLes needed Lo be
removed from dlsLracLlons and famlly conLacL so Lhey could more easlly repenL
1esL answer Lrue
My answer false
A slmple readlng of Lhe LexL would leave Lhe above lmpresslon le LhaL of Lhe exam sLaLemenL/quesLlon
as belng Lrue 8uL a closer look would suggesL Lhe opposlLe l Lhlnk as follows Cn page 2460 Lhe LexL
refers Lo Lhe Cuaker bellef LhaL offenders could be redeemed only lf removed from Lhe dlsLracLlons of
Lhe clLy many correcLlonal faclllLles sLlll operaLe ln rural areas" Powever on page 2467 Lhe LexL speaks
of Lhe consLrucLlon boom of Lhe 1990's" lmplylng Lhe addlLlon of many more prlsons Lhan Lhe numbers
of Lhose bullL based upon Lhe above premlse le Lhe Cuaker bellef ln lsolaLlon as a requlslLe condlLlon
for redempLlon lurLher on page 2469 Lhe LexL sLaLes MosL prlsons for adulLs are locaLed ln rural areas
So Dr Soconfuseme we meet aga|n!


Crlglnally Lhe raLlonale was LhaL lnmaLes would more readlly repenL lf lsolaLed from urban
dlsLracLlons" Lhe LexL goes on "When more prlsons were bullL laLer ln Lhe 19Lh cenLury Lhe counLry
seLLlng was reLalned" buL due lnsLead Lo reasons of selfsufflclency" laLer Lhe LexL says "now
new lnsLlLuLlons are sLlll belng bullL ln Lhe counLryslde alLhough Lhe cholce of rural seLLlngs sLems
parLly from land cosLs pollLlcal facLors also flgure ln Lhe declslon 1hls aLLlLude ls ofLen referred Lo as Lhe
nlM8? syndrome Lhls concern prevenLs crlmlnal [usLlce planners from locaLlng faclllLles ln areas LhaL
have Lhe resources and wlll Lo oppose prlson consLrucLlon"
ln keeplng wlLh Lhe ldea of galnlng a worklng knowledge of Lhe asslgned maLerlal l made noLe of Lhe
above and based my answer on Lhese lLems LogeLher as a whole raLher Lhan Lhe Lwlce repeaLed buL sLlll
Lhe conLexLually equlvalenL reference Lo Cuaker ldeology whlch ln my oplnlon lnfluenced fewer
numbers of prlson consLrucLlon(s) ln rural areas Lhan have Lhe oLher more recenL raLlonales glven ln Lhe
LexL So whlle Lhe Cuaker ldea for rural prlson placemenL may have been Lrue for many prlsons aL and
around LhaL Llme clrca Lhe mld 18Lh cenLury lL would seem Lo me LhaL Lhe subsequenL clrca 19Lh
cenLury and near recenL 20Lh cenLury rural prlson placemenLs are Lhe resulL of Lhe more conLemporary
concerns and raLlonales of Lhose Llmes and LhaL Lhe numbers of Lhese prlsons ls wlLhouL doubL greaLer
Lhan Lhe numbers havlng been bullL slmply for lsolaLlon lf my loglc and con[ecLures here are erranL l fall
Lo see lL Powever lf Lhey have veraclLy Lhen l fall Lo see how Lhe avallable answers are connecLed Lo
Lhe quesLlons And l have many quesLlons' LhaL ls

Slncerely and respecLfully lfyahdonL Chwell

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