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The Clever Jackal Story

👉 who wanted to break the fair share principle of ecosystem

Proverbs of the Day


English👉(if you want it all, you will miss it all)

BAKUBAKU was a clever jackal who lived in a dense forest. One day he was wandering to find some
food and found a dead elephant.

The jackal's teeth were not strong enough to cut through the thick and tough skin of the elephant, so
he started thinking of how he can get the elephant torn into pieces and at the same time obtain the
entire share of it without giving it to anyone.

He sees a lion approaching and decides to act upon his plan. The jackal requests the lion to eat the
elephant, which he says he was guarding for him. The proud lion says he does not eat animals killed
by anyone else except him and walks away. The jackal is happy that he would still get the entire
elephant to eat.

After that, a tiger arrives, and the jackal now fears that he might lose his meal. He cooks up a story
to tell the tiger that a hunter killed the elephant with a poisoned arrow and that if you eat the
animal you would die. The tiger gets scared and runs away.

Next came two vultures to whom the jackal told another story that he had hunted and sold the
elephant to two hunters. If the vultures ate the elephant, the hunters would kill them. The vultures
flew away after hearing this.
Finally, a leopard comes, and the jackal now weaves a brilliant story that would help him get the
tough part of the elephant's skin broken down and also allow him to devour the whole animal. The
Jackal tells the leopard that he seemed hungry and is welcome to have a bite of the dead elephant
which was killed by a lion. The jackal also promises that if he sees the lion coming, he will warn the
leopard so that the leopard can run away and escape the wrath of the lion. The leopard started
cutting the elephant's tough hide, and as soon as he was done, the jackal shouted that the lion was
approaching. This made the leopard run away without taking a bite of the elephant. The jackal then
was happily he would eat the dead elephant for many days.

As soon as he was to start eating the cackle of hyena comes ..laughing ..laughing and laughing ,again
and again

The cackle of hyena couldn't stop laughing to see the dead elephant and just one jackal behind. It
was too late for the jackal to create a story ,the roud laughing of cackle of hyena made jackal run.

The hyena enjoyed the meals and invited the marabou stork to share fair


#sisi kwa sisi

#each other

By kaka

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