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Shedding light on flower development

Phytochrome B regulates gynoecium formation in association with the
transcription factor SPATULA

Julia Foreman, James White, Ian Graham, Karen Halliday & Eve-Marie Josse

To cite this article: Julia Foreman, James White, Ian Graham, Karen Halliday & Eve-Marie Josse
(2011) Shedding light on flower development, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 6:4, 471-476, DOI:

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Published online: 01 Apr 2011.

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short communication
Plant Signaling & Behavior 6:4, 471-476; April 2011; ©2011 Landes Bioscience

Shedding light on flower development

Phytochrome B regulates gynoecium formation
in association with the transcription factor SPATULA
Julia Foreman,1 James N. White,1 Ian A. Graham,2 Karen J. Halliday1 and Eve-Marie Josse1,*
Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences; School of Biological Sciences; University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 2Centre for Novel Agricultural Products;

Department of Biology; University of York; York, UK

Key words: flower development, gynoecium, SPATULA, phytochrome, auxin

Abbreviations: bHLH, basic helix-loop-helix; PIF, phytochrome interacting factor; NPA, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid; GA,
gibberellic acid; wt, wild-type

Accurate development of the gynoecium, the female reproductive organ, is necessary to achieve efficient fertilization. In
Arabidopsis, the correct patterning of the apical-basal axis of the gynoecium requires the establishment of a morphogenic
gradient of auxin. This allows the production of specialized tissues, whose roles consist of attracting pollen, allowing
pollen tube growth and protecting the ovules within the ovaries. Mutations in the bHLH transcription factor SPATULA
(SPT) are known to impair the development of the apical tissues of the gynoecium. Here, we show that the spt phenotype
is rescued by the removal of phytochrome B, and discuss how light signaling may control flower development.

Introduction Mutations in the SPATULA (SPT ) gene impair the develop-

ment of the apical tissues of the gynoecium, as the carpels fail to
In Arabidopsis, the gynoecium, the female reproductive organ, is fuse properly, disrupting the formation of the transmitting tract,
a highly specialized organ resulting from the congenital fusion of the style and the stigma.5-7 This results in a reduced frequency of
two carpels, forming a hollow cylinder. A fully developed gynoe- fertilization and low seed production.8 Several lines of evidence
cium consists of a short basal gynophore on which sits the large have linked SPT and the establishment of the morphogenic auxin
ovary, within which the ovules develop. The ovary is divided into gradient throughout the basal-apical axis of the gynoecium:
two compartments by a septum, and is extended apically by a indeed, spt apical phenotype can be rescued by the application
short style and a stigma. The stigmatic tissue is designed to trap of N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), a polar auxin transport
the pollen and during fertilization, the pollen tubes germinate on inhibitor, suggesting that SPT activity may result in disrupting
the stigma and grow through the transmitting tract that devel- auxin transport. Furthermore, the auxin-response factor ETTIN
ops within the style and the septum, before swerving laterally to (ETT) is crucial for both the setup and the interpretation of the
eventually reach the mature ovules.1 auxin gradient, and has been shown to mainly act by restrict-
Several regulatory mechanisms are involved in the forma- ing SPT expression.2 In addition to its role in gynoecium pat-
tion of the gynoecium and its apical-basal specification. The terning, SPT has also been shown to be involved in defining the
current dogma implies the formation of a morphogenic gra- fate of the apical meristem during the very early stages of flower
dient of auxin, where an auxin maximum on the apical side development.6
of the gynoecium is needed to promote the formation of the SPT is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, belong-
style and stigma. Progressively diminishing levels of auxin ing to the Phytochrome Interacting Factors/PIF-Like (PIF/PIL)
towards the basal side of the gynoecium specify the ovaries family, where almost all members have been shown to regulate
area and eventually the gynophore at the basal side, where different aspects of light development.7,9 Phytochromes are red/
auxin concentration reaches a minimum.2,3 A large number of far-red light photoreceptors which, upon red light activation,
transcription factors have been described to take part in gynoe- change into an active conformation and rapidly migrate into the
cium patterning via the mediation of auxin-related processes, nucleus, where they bind members of the PIF family, leading to
including ETTIN (ETT), STYLISH (STY), SPATULA the de-repression of PIFs-controlled transcription. While PIF1,
(SPT), HECATE (HEC) and SEUSS (SEU) (reviewed in refs. PIF3, PIF4, PIF5, PIF6 and PIF7 bind to the phytochromes
1, 3 and 4). directly,10-14 PIL factors lack the ability to bind phytochromes

*Correspondence to: Eve-Marie Josse; Email:

Submitted: 12/13/10; Accepted: 12/13/10
DOI: 10.4161/psb.6.4.14496 Plant Signaling & Behavior 471

Figure 1. Effect of hormone treatment on gynoecium development. Light microscopy images of the apical extremity of Col (A–D) and spt-11 (E–H) gy-
noecia dissected from stage 12 flowers. The early buds were treated as indicated and the flowers were left to develop for 7 days. Bar = 200 μm (inset:
whole gynoecium, bar = 500 μm).

directly.11 They however can form heterodimers with true PIFs, us to investigate whether phyB could influence SPT-dependent
and modulate their function.15,16 SPT belongs to this later PIL gynoecium development.
SPT has been shown, together with PIF1, to control seed Results
germination in response to both cold and light treatment.17,18
One mechanism through which SPT and PIF1 act is by regu- In spt monogenic mutants, the gynoecium develops abnormally,
lating gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthetic genes in the develop- with unfused carpels at the upper-most side and reduced stig-
ing seed.14,17-19 GA is a phytohormone triggering cell expansion, matic papillae. However, when polar auxin transport is inhibited
and is required for seed germination, as well as growth at many by NPA treatment, the spt gynoecium presents a morphology
stages throughout the plant life. Of particular interest, GA is similar to an untreated wt gynoecium 2,6 (Fig. 1). We have previ-
necessary for the development of the fruit post-fertilization. In ously shown that SPT regulates GA biosynthesis in the seed,17
this instance, it was recently shown that auxin promotes GA and it has been demonstrated that, post-fertilization, an auxin
metabolism in fertilized ovules, and that constitutive GA signal- signal is able to trigger GA production in the developing fruit.20
ing is sufficient to trigger parthenocarpy, independently of the We therefore set out to determine whether the spt gynoecium phe-
fertilization event.20 notype could be affected or rescued by GA treatment. Figure 1
SPT is also involved in seedling development: while spt shows that GA treatment of a wt gynoecium does not affect its
mutants present large cotyledons, an overexpression of SPT formation (Fig. 1C), but is unable to rescue spt-11 gynoecium
leads to the development of a long hypocotyl and very small development (Fig. 1G). However, GA treatment does not pre-
cotyledons when grown in red light, resembling a phytochrome vent spt-11 phenotypic rescue by NPA treatment (Fig. 1H). This
B (phyB)-null mutant.17 Additionally, SPT also controls leaf size suggests that, when controlling gynoecium development, SPT is
in a similar manner, especially under colder conditions.21,22 not targeting GA biosynthesis.
The possibility of a role for SPT in phytochrome signaling, Since SPT belongs to the same clade as the light regulated PIF
as well as its dramatic action in gynoecium development, led proteins, we next decided to test whether SPT function during
gynoecium formation was phytochrome-dependent. Null phyB

472 Plant Signaling & Behavior Volume 6 Issue 4

Figure 2. phyB mutation complements the spt gynoecium, silique and seed phenotypes. (A) Light microscopy images of the apical extremity of
Ler, spt-2, phyB-1, spt-2phyB-1, Col, spt-11, phyB-9 and spt-11phyB-9 gynoecia dissected from stage 11 flowers. Bar = 100 μm. (inset: whole gynoecium,
bar = 200 μm). (B) Length of dry siliques produced by the same plants grown in long days at 22°C (n = 20). (C) Seed area measured from seeds har-
vested from the siliques measured in (B). Error bars represent standard error (n = 200).

mutant fruits develop normally, both pre- and post-fertilization promotes carpel development early during flower formation,6 and
(Fig. 2A–C), the final silique’s size being only slightly longer on the other hand SPT is required for normal tract formation and
in a phyB-1 mutant (Ler ecotype), but not in a phyB-9 mutant apical fusion during gynoecium development.5-7 We therefore set
(Col ecotype) (Fig. 2B). Both the Ler spt-2 and the Col null allele out to observe the phyB-dependence of the spt gynoecium pheno-
spt-11 present the previously described gynoecium development type through a number of developmental stages (Fig. 3). While
defect6,21 (Fig. 2A). However, in a phyB null background, this phe- both Col gynoecium and phyB-9 gynoecium apices are fused
notype is fully rescued (Fig. 2A). Additionally, the phyB mutation throughout development, spt-11 gynoecium presents a lack of car-
rescues the spt short silique phenotype (Fig. 2B) as well as spt larger pel fusion at the apical pole as early as we could observe (stage 8).
seed size (Fig. 2C). This clearly demonstrates that, for gynoecium Interestingly, the spt-11 phyB-9 double mutant is very similar to
and fruit development, the function of SPT is phyB-dependent. a spt-11 mutant at these early developmental stages. Fusion of
SPT function has been shown to be involved at different the carpels and rescue of the spt phenotype only occurred by
stages of the gynoecium development: indeed, on one hand, SPT stage 11 of gynoecium development. This suggests that the phyB Plant Signaling & Behavior 473

mutation is only able to rescue SPT function at a later devel- branching.25 At the molecular level, phytochromes were shown
opmental stage, when the basal-apical axis of the gynoecium is to influence both the expression and the localization of a hand-
being defined. ful of auxin transporter involved in polar auxin transport.37-40
This means that the absence of phyB in a spt background could
Discussion impair auxin transport through the gynoecium in a NPA-
mimicking way, resulting in the establishment of the auxin
Phytochrome’s paramount role in controlling numerous aspects gradient needed for the correct specification of the gynoecium
of the plant life, from germination and early development to apex, and a rescue of the spt phenotype.
plant architecture and flowering, have been studied at length in Eventually, both light and auxin pathways share common
the past years.23-25 However, this is the first report of a role for targets and are highly integrated, especially during the shade
phyB in flower development. avoidance response, where neighboring vegetation produce a
A large body of evidence has shown that, under the regulation far-red light rich environment, which depletes the active phyB
of the transcription factor STYLISH (STY), auxin forms a mor- pool (reviewed in refs. 30 and 41). There, phyB depletion leads
phogenetic gradient within the gynoecium, which is believed to to the accumulation of PIF family members, resulting in the
be interpreted by ETT, SPT and HECATE (HEC), leading to induction of the expression of a number of transcription factors.
the formation of a series of different structures along the apical- These include the SPT homologs LONG HYPOCOTYL IN
basal axis of the gynoecium, in an auxin concentration-depen- FAR-RED (HFR1), PIL1 and PIL2,42-44 as well as the more dis-
dent manner.2,26-29 Meanwhile, numerous recent studies have tant relatives PHYTOCHROME RAPIDLY REGULATED1
investigated the relationship between phyB and phytohormones, (PAR1) and PAR2.45,46 Interestingly, both HFR1 and PAR1/2
with a large focus on auxin pathways. Indeed, phytochrome sig- have been shown to suppress the transcription of a number of
naling has been shown to influence auxin pathways at different auxin signaling targets including members of the SAUR and
levels: auxin production, auxin distribution and sensitivity to the Aux/IAA family, suggesting that shade conditions lead to
auxin signals (reviewed in ref. 30). a de-repression of auxin signaling.43,45,46 Moreover, PIF4 was
Phytochromes have recently been shown to directly control also shown to regulate auxin-mediated signaling pathways in
auxin production. Active phyB reduces auxin production via the response to high temperature.47 Additionally, members of the
concurrent activation of (SUPERROOT 2) SUR2, a suppres- PIF/PIL family are known to regulate each other’s expression44
sor of auxin biosynthesis and the inhibition of TRYPTOPHAN and have highly redundant functions.12,48 Taken together, these
AMINOTRANSFERASE OF ARABIDOPSIS 1 (TAA1), results offer the possibility that SPT could regulate auxin sig-
an enhancer of auxin biosynthesis.30-33 Conversely, it has been naling by targeting shade-induced genes like HFR1 and PIL1.
shown that reduced levels of phyB, triggered by shade condi- In this case, SPT function could therefore be supplemented in
tions, set off the opposite response, with an elevation of IAA a phyB-null mutant by the action of members of the PIF family
production.30,33 Strikingly, mutations in TAA1, together with its like PIF4 and PIF5 that are stabilized.
homolog TRYPTOPHAN AMINOTRANSFERASE RELATED In this context, it is also interesting to notice that SPT is
2 (TAR2) lead to the production of a gynoecium presenting an able to heterodimerize with a wide range of bHLH transcrip-
apicalized phenotype, with reduced or nonexistent valve area tion factors, showing interaction in yeast-2-hybrid experiments
and an over-abundance of stigmatic tissue,34 showing that the with HEC1/2/3, 28 as well as with PIF1 and PIF4 (Bou-Torrent
integrity of the TAA1-dependent branch of auxin biosynthesis is and Martinez-Garcia, personal communication). This there-
essential for a correct patterning of the gynoecium. Interestingly, fore offers the possibility that in the gynoecium, SPT and PIF4
the expression pattern of both TAA1 and TAR2 in the gynoe- could dimerize, leading to an increase in PIF4 stability, and an
cium coincides with SPT expression, suggesting a causal link induction of shade related genes.
between SPT and auxin production, with SPT either directly Alternatively, as the spt phenotype could result from a
responding to or being involved in auxin production.35 Here, we decrease in auxin sensitivity, 2 the de-repression of auxin signal-
show that in a phyB-null mutant, the spt gynoecium phenotype ing when phyB levels are depleted could increase the general
is rescued. This suggest that, in a spt mutant, where the auxin sensitivity for auxin, rescuing the gynoecium development in
gradient fails to either be set-up or interpreted, reducing phyB a spt mutant.
levels could result in a modification of auxin production, par- In conclusion, we show here that the spt phenotype is rescued
ticipating to local changes in auxin concentration throughout equally by NPA addition and by a phyB mutation: this is correl-
the gynoecium, and resulting in a rescue of the spt phenotype. ative evidence that phyB could be acting on auxin production,
Additionally, polar auxin transport and light signaling have distribution or sensitivity within the gynoecium to promote the
been functionally linked in numerous studies, mainly looking at establishment of the basal-apical axis of the developing flower.
seedling development, shoot-root communication and the con- This work demonstrates a role for phyB in the control of flower
trol of branching. Indeed, phytochrome mutants have reduced development, and shows a cooperative function for the PIF3-
sensitivity to NPA-induced hypocotyl growth inhibition, sug- homologue SPT and phyB in this developmental process. Future
gesting that polar auxin transport requires functional phyto- work, however, will be necessary to identify the exact point(s)
chrome action.36 Similarly, phytochrome mutants show reduced of interaction between phyB and SPT signaling leading to the
shoot-root auxin transport,37 as well as reduced auxin-dependent establishment of the auxin gradient within the gynoecium.

474 Plant Signaling & Behavior Volume 6 Issue 4

Figure 3. phyB mutation does not complement the spt early phenotype. Time series of gynoecium development: Col, spt-11, phyB-9 and spt-11phyB-9
flowers from stage 8 to 16 were dissected and their gynoecium was observed by light microscopy. Bar = 100 μm.

Materials and Methods row in the indicated solution of hormone (NPA or GA 3) or water
(mock) prepared in 0.01% silwet L-77 (Lehle seeds, VIS-02).
Lines and growth conditions. Both Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Flowers were then observed 7 days later.
Columbia-0 (Col) accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana were used. Light microscopy and size measurements. Unstained plant
The spt-2 and phyB-1 mutants (Ler alleles) as well as the spt- material was dissected and viewed with a Leica MZ 16 F micro-
11 and phyB-9 mutants (Col alleles) were described previously scope. Silique length (n = 20) and seed area (n = 200) were mea-
in references 6, 21 and 49. spt-2 phyB-1 and spt-11 phyB-9 were sured using the ImageJ software (
obtained by cross-pollination of their respective parents and Gynoecium development stages were defined as published in
were selected via PCR and sequencing methods. references 1 and 50.
Plants were grown in a (2:1) soil-sand mixture under long
days conditions (16:8) at 22°C under 100 μmol.m-2.s-1 of white Acknowledgments
light. This work was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological
Hormone treatments. All siliques, flowers and large buds Sciences Research Council (B.B.S.R.C.) grants BBE0003631 to
were removed, and the inflorescences were dipped 2 days in a K.J.H. and BBE0005411 to I.A.G. Plant Signaling & Behavior 475

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