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What is social science research?

Discuss the Importance of social science


Introduction: At present the field of discussion of social sciences is increasing tremendously.

The main subject of social science is man and his behavior. Different social sciences conduct
discussions and research on these issues from their own point of view. The causes and
solutions of various problems arising in the society are found through social science research.
Definition of Research:
According to Green, "Research is definable as the use of stand ardize procedure in the search
for Knowledge."
According to Redman and Morey, "Research is the systematized effort to gain new
According to Earl R. Baffic, "As a method of Inquiry, a way of Learning and knowing things
about the world around us."
Definition of Social Science Research:
According to Willson and Bhandarkar, "Social research is nothing more than the application
of scientific procedures of manipulation (purposeful control) of observation of analysis and of
synthesis at a higher level of generality to the social human phenomena with a view to test
modify, enlarge the systematic knowledge about facts and social life, generally."
According to P. V. Young, "Social research is a scientific undertaking which by means of
logical and systematized techniques, aims to discover new facts or verify and test old facts,
analyze their sequences, interrelationships theoretical frame of reference, develop new
scientific tools, concepts and theories which would facilitate reliable and valued study of
human behaviour."
Importance of Social Science Research:
Social research is an essential vehicle for social development and progress. Social research
has been directly and indirectly contributing to the development of modernization of
civilization. It serves as a prerequisite for social planning. The use of scientific techniques in
social research in all spheres of public life has established developed countries in a more
modern status. Therefore, the need for social science research is undeniable.The importance
that social science research wields today is immeasurable and enlarging. As social, political,
business and economic problems abound, the significance of social science research gets
enhanced as it provides workable solutions. We know the objectives of social science
research are elaborate. From these emanate the significance of research. The following points
bring out the significance of research in social sciences.
1.Source of Knowledge: Social Science research is an important source of knowledge. It
opens new ways of knowledge and wisdom. When something unknown brings to a
researcher, there is a sort of inner pleasure and happiness. It gives knowledge to the
researcher about the unknown facts. It paves out the way of ignorance and gives new
direction in a social life.

2. Research in Informative: It provides updated, proved, authentic and very useful

information to the end users. Researchers and common people can take advantages from
research. It is not only informative. Its findings are scientific based therefore the results and
information are reliable.
3. Social Cohesion and Unity: Social unity in a problematic area b/w two groups or castes is
only possible due to social research. Social research manifests the causes of these events and
gives a remedial solution to it. So, social researcher is the main factor for bringing social
coherence and unity in society.
4. Social Planning: If someone wants to develop and bring social growth and development in
a society, social planning will be developed which is the outcome of social research. In this
situation achieve the growth of society on right line is highly necessary. Social growth can
possible only when problems are solved.
5. Solution of Social Problems: Social research also helps in the solution of social problems it
is the research through which we can find the causative factors of an existing social problem
and guide us about his solution.
6. Structural Changes: Social research is responsible for bringing structural changes in a
social life. We bring social and cultural change in a social situation which is the outcome of
social research.
7. Social Welfare: Social evils can be removed from society due to research. The process of
social welfare is possible due to the procedure of social research through which social evils
can be removed.
7. Social Welfare: Social evils can be removed from society due to research. The process of
social welfare is possible due to the procedure of social research through which social evils
can be removed.
8. Social Prediction: Social research helps in making laws and the relation between social
laws and their factors. It helps to know the existence of causative factors and their magnitude
and this facilitates prediction of results.
9. Social Control: For smooth running of society social control is necessary. For this purpose
we apply social research to a society for bringing social order and control,
10. Social Growth: The growth and development in a society is possible for the improvement
of living standard and it is the main function of social research.
11. New Techniques: Social Research introduces new techniques and improves the old ones.
It also modifies the existing tools of research. It gives us the methods of knowing new ways
for using our research procedure.
12. Problem Solving: Problems solving is the thrust of most researches. Social problems are
felt directly by people and that research by offering solutions to such problems ameliorates
the conditions of people at large. Hence the significance of social Science research.
13. Identifying Societal Behavior: Social research thrusts on societal behavior which is
studied, analyzed and steps needed to modify the same to achieve certain broad goals.
All our social problems could be attributed to certain societal behavior. So, by modifying the
same in the right lines, social good is achieved.
14. Development of Methodology: Development of methodology to deal with social issues is
one of the contributions of social science research. Executive stress, worker ethics, leadership
style, child labour women illiteracy, drug addiction, labour absenteeism, etc. are social issues
related to organizations, labour units, and, such other social groups. To deal with these issues
appropriate methodology is needed. Social research provides the same.
15. Societal Development: Social science research contributes to societal development. The
research develops scientific temper. Creativity and innovation are developed Basic and
applied new knowledge is developed. All this adds to up- gradation of society. Knowledge is
power. And that power is powered by research.
16. Formulation of New Theories: Formulation of new theories and re- evaluation of already
accepted theories are attempted by social science research. There are several theories on
leadership, motivation, human attitude and behavior and so on. All these theories help
designing suitable packages for societal behavioural upliftment.
17. Social Tool: Social science research is a tool for social planning, prediction and control.
Any constructive action need to be planned, outcome predicted and deviation of actual from
the desirable predicted outcome need to be controlled. Social research aids in designing
appropriate models of social planning, prediction and control.
18. People's Welfare: Social science research contributes to social welfare. Social research is
generally normative emphasizing what is good for the society. By stating, what is and what is
not good for the economy, for the industry, for the consumers, for the students, for the stock-
market and the like, social research helps to contribute to social welfare.
19. Taking New Idea: Social science research catches the dynamics of social institutions and
phenomena. Social institutions and phenomena are never static. These keep changing. To
gauge the change research is needed and such research helps in dynamically responding to
social institutions and phenomena.
20. Diplomatic System: Proper diplomatic system helps to protect the interests of a country
and a nation. So research has to be done for a proper diplomatic system. Researchers of
international relations can play a significant role in the diplomatic, economic, cultural and
political development and protection of the country's interests..
21. Introducing Accountability: All modern states are now inspired by the ideal of
accountable government. Accountable government and administration play the necessary role
for the welfare state. And developed countries do a lot of research to introduce this
accountable system of government.
22. Political Development: Research helps a lot in political development. It is possible for a
country or a nation to reach the level of another country through political development. So
research is needed for political development.
23. Elimination of Social Inequality: In order for a nation to prosper, it is necessary to
develop the whole nation, not just certain individuals in the society. In order to eliminate
inequality in the society and bring equality, we have to proceed in a systematic manner. This
requires research.
24. Establishment of Public Society: A strong public society is very important for the
effective functioning of the democratic system. Research is needed on how to build these
public societies, what they will do, how they will do it, and so on.
25. Social Change: Society is constantly changing. Research is needed for the needs of a
changing society, social system, epoch-making methods, etc.
26. Integrating Democracy: Democracy is considered to be the most influential and accepted
ideology in the modern world. But democracy in third world countries is fragile. Due to
terrorism, sectarianism, subjugation of foreign powers and financial crisis, they have not been
able to improve the democratic system. So social science research is needed to overcome the
existing crisis by consolidating democracy.
27. In the Case of a Fair Party System: A fair party system is the manifestation of political
democracy. If the naughty party system exists, social and political peace, solidarity, discipline
are maintained and social and political development takes place. And there is no research
alternative for a fair team system.
28. Introduction of Scientific Techniques: Society and state are a combination of different
elements. These elements have been going on since time immemorial to run the society and
the state smoothly. In order to make the society more dynamic, it is necessary to introduce
modern information and scientific techniques instead of the conventional ideas and
techniques. Research helps in the application of this technique.
29. Assists in the Formulation of State Plans and Policies: Plans formulate policies and
policies for the management of the state. Research helps in formulating these plans and
policies. Reliable information about social problems. status, liability, resources, and
limitations, etc, is obtained from research.
30. Protecting People from Prejudice and Ignorance: It is possible to remove prejudice and
ignorance from the society through social research. Superstition and ignorance are at the root
of human violence in the world. Social science research is needed to solve this problem in the
welfare state.
33. Development of Search Methods: Another purpose of social research is to develop search
methods. Social scientists use different research methods on different social phenomena. This
led to the development of research methods.
34. In Public Administration: Social science research plays a role in decentralization,
restructuring, use of power in development activities and local autonomy in social
35. In Economics: The economic condition of different countries and peoples of different
countries is different. Social science research discusses the economic positive and negative
aspects of people in those areas. With research on how to build a better economic system.
36. In Statistics: Social science now exists in every sphere of society. Social science research
is needed to determine the population density of a region or country, to determine per capita
income and to determine production.
37. In Medicine: There is a huge difference in health and awareness between rural and urban
people. The people of the city are more aware of health and nutrition. But the disease
resistance is low. But the villagers have higher immunity. So everyone needs social science
research to know about health awareness and related issues.
38. Political Science Discussion: Social Science discusses political movement, student
movement, peasant and labour movement. He also researched the causes and remedies of the
39. In Earthly Life: Social science conducts social research to reveal the various problems of
social life and to find ways to solve them. In this worldly life is beautiful and happy.
40. Construction of Infrastructure: Social science studies every issue created in the society.
Modern industrial factories and other physical infrastructures have been studied beforehand
to see how they can be built without harming the environment and people.
41. In the Discussion of Anthropology: Social research is needed in anthropology as well as
social science. Because it collects information in a social ethnographic way on social
behaviours, customs, customs, institutions, blood relations, violence against women, etc.
42. Removal of Prejudice: As a result of social prejudice, hatred is seen among people, race,
nation and country. The causes and solutions of these animosities are sought through social
science research.
Conclusion: From the above discussion, it can be said that social research is important for
overall social development. Although this idea spread in the nineteenth century, it is an
ancient idea. With the advancement and progress of the present civilization, the need for
social research is also increasing day by day.

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