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REPRODUCTION IN VERTEBRATES..................................................................................................................................... 3
HUMAN REPRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 7
RESPONDING TO ENVIRONMENT IN HUMANS ............................................................................................................... 19
RESPONDING TO THE ENVIRONMENT (PLANTS)............................................................................................................. 29
ENDOCRINE AND HOMEOSTASIS .................................................................................................................................... 35



1.1 The diagram below shows a certain species of fish mating.



1.1.1. Identify the type of fertilisation demonstrated above.

1.1.2. State any ONE visible way in which the chances of fertilisation in these fish is
increased. (1)
1.1.3. Name the reproductive strategy used by these fish that involves the
production of eggs. (1)
1.1.4. Give TWO reasons why there is no need for the eggs of these fish to be covered by
a hard or leathery shell.

1.1.5. List TWO challenges that external fertilisation poses and how organisms with
external fertilisation overcome this challenge.

2.1. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

1.2.1 Identify the membrane numbered 1 and 2. (2)

1.2.2 Describe any TWO functions of the fluid found in part 1.

1.2.3 Explain why the allantois and yolk sac are non-functional in a human foetus.

1.2.4 Which organ will replace the function of membrane 3 in the adult organism.
1.2.5 Briefly explain how the amniotic egg allowed life to evolve onto land.


1.3 Study the diagrams below showing different forms of development.


1.3.1. Write down the letters ( A,B,C,D)of the organisms which display
a) Altricial development (2)
b) Precocial development (2)
1.3.2. Explain why the yolk content of hatchling A would be more than that one of hatchling D.

1.3.3. Ovoviviparous animals can display either precocial or altricial development.
Explain how these development approaches differ in respect to
a) how well young are developed at birth

b) the degree of parental care offered


1.3.4. Tabulate TWO differences between precocial and altricial development. (5) (NB!!
1 Mark for drawing the table) [17]

1.4. The diagram shows a seahorse. A seahorse is a fish. During reproduction, the female seahorse
transfers her unfertilised eggs to the male’s pouch. The male seahorse fertilises the eggs while they
are inside his pouch.

1.4.1. State ONE way in which reproduction in seahorse increases the chances of:
(a) Fertilisation
(b) Survival of young seahorse
1.4.2 State whether fertilisation in seahorse is external or internal.

1.4.3 Give reason for your answer in QUESTION 1.4.2

1.4.4 Name TWO extra-embryonic membranes.



Question 2
Paper 1: 41 marks

Introduction Revision of the schematic outline of the human life cycle to show the
role of meiosis, mitosis and fertilisation
Structure of the Structure of the male reproductive system, using a diagram
reproductive Functions of the testis, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle,
system prostate gland, Cowper's gland, penis and the urethra

Structure of the Structure of the female reproductive system, using a diagram

reproductive Functions of the ovary, Fallopian tubes, uterus lined by endometrium,
system cervix, vagina with its external opening and the vulva

Structure of the ovary, using a diagram, showing the primary follicles,

the Graafian follicle and the corpus luteum
Puberty Main changes that occur in male characteristics during puberty under
the influence of testosterone

Main changes that occur in female characteristics during puberty

under the influence of oestrogen
Gametogenesis Formation of gametes (gametogenesis) by meiosis
• Male gametes formed by spermatogenesis
• Female gametes formed by oogenesis

• Under the influence of testosterone
• diploid cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes
undergo meiosis to form haploid sperm cells
Structure of a sperm, using a diagram

Functions of the parts of a sperm cell (acrosome, head with haploid

nucleus, middle portion/neck with mitochondria and a tail)

• Diploid cells in the ovary undergo mitosis to form numerous
• At the onset of puberty
• and under the influence of FSH,
• one cell inside a follicle enlarges and undergoes meiosis.
• Of the four cells that are produced, only one survives to form a
mature, haploid ovum.
• This occurs in a monthly cycle.
Structure of an ovum, using a diagram

Functions of different parts of an ovum (jelly layer, haploid nucleus,

Menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle includes the uterine and ovarian cycles

Events in the ovarian cycle:

• Development of the Graafian follicle
• Ovulation
• Formation of the corpus luteum

Events in the uterine cycle:

• Changes that take place in the thickness of the endometrium
• Menstruation

Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle (ovarian and uterine cycles)

with reference to the action of FSH, oestrogen, LH and progesterone
Negative feedback mechanism involving FSH and progesterone in
controlling the production of ova
Fertilisation and Definition of copulation and fertilisation
development of
zygote to Process of fertilisation

Development of zygote embryo (morula and blastula/blastocyst)

Implantation, Definition of implantation
gestation and the
role of the The role of oestrogen and progesterone in maintaining pregnancy
Structure of the developing foetus in the uterus, using a diagram
Functions of the following parts:
• Chorion and chorionic villi
• Amnion, amniotic cavity and amniotic fluid
• Umbilical cord (including umbilical artery and umbilical vein)


2.1.1 Identify part:

a) C (1)
b) F (1)
c) H (1)
2.1.2 Give the LETTER and NAME of the part that:
(a) Stores sperm temporarily (2)
(b) Transports both semen and urine (2)
(c) Produces testosterone (2)
2.1.3 Give the LETTERS of TWO parts that contribute to the formation of semen.
2.2. The diagram below show the structure of a normal and an abnormal sperm

2.2.1 Identify part A. __________________________________ (1)
2.2.2 Describe the role of structure B during fertilisation.
2.2.3 Explain the role of the organelles found in large numbers in part C.
2.2.4 Explain TWO reasons why sperm 1 is structurally better suited for fertilisation than sperm 2.

2.3. The diagram below represents the human male reproductive system.

2.3.1 Identify structure A. (1)

2.3.2 State ONE function of part D in reproduction.
2.3.3. Give TWO reasons why structure B is NOT considered to be an endocrine gland.

2.3.4. Name the type of gametogenesis that occurs in part C. (1)
2.3.5. Explain how the secretions of structures A and B improve the chances of fertilisation.


10 | P a g e


2.4.1 Identify part A. (1)

2.4.2 State ONE function of part B.
2.4.3 During a vasectomy, part A is cut and tied as shown in the diagram. Semen will still be
released during copulation. Explain the composition of the semen after a vasectomy.

2.4.4 In some rare cases, males are born with part C located inside the body because it failed to
descend into the scrotum. Explain how this condition may affect male fertility.

2.4.5 Describe the process of spermatogenesis.


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2.5.1 Identify part A. (1)

2.5.2 Name the organelle found in large numbers in part C. (1)
2.5.3 Give the NUMBER (1, 2, 3 or 4) only of the diagram that represents the following:
(a) Morula (1)
(b) Structure that will implant in the uterus (1)
(c) Blastula/Blastocyst (1)
2.5.4 Give the LETTER and NAME of the part that will enter the ovum during fertilisation.
2.5.5 Name the type of cell division that occurred to produce the structure in diagram 3.
2.5.6 Describe the development of the placenta and umbilical cord from the time of implantation.


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2.6.1 Identify part D. (1)

2.6.2 State ONE function of part A.
2.6.3 Describe the process of oogenesis as it occurs in part B.

2.6.4 State ONE way in which structure C is suited for its function during pregnancy.

2.6.5 A person undergoes a surgical operation to remove part B on both sides. Explain why this
person will not menstruate.


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2.7.1 Identify part B. (1)

2.7.2 Name the process that takes place in part A that leads to zygote formation.
_______________________________________________________________ (1)
2.7.3 Describe the process named in QUESTION 2.7.2.
________________________________________________________________________ (1)
2.7.4 Describe the development of the zygote until implantation occurs.
2.7.5 Explain TWO ways in which part D is structurally suited for gestation.
2.7.6 Describe how the secretion of the prostate gland provides protection for the sperm from the
conditions in part C.

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2.8.1 Identify part D.__________________________________________________________ (1)

2.8.2 State TWO functions of the fluid in part C.
2.8.3 Describe the development of the zygote until implantation occurs.
2.8.4 State TWO ways in which part A functions in protecting the developing foetus.
2.8.5 Identify blood vessel B.
2.8.6 Describe how the nutrition of a human foetus differs from that of oviparous organisms.

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2.9.1. State TWO functions of hormone B.

___ (2)
2.9.2. Explain why a female who is struggling to get pregnant:
(a) May be given pills containing hormone A as a treatment
(b) Will have her levels of hormone B constantly monitored
_________ (3)
2.9.3 Explain how the levels of hormone A on days 0 to 5 will differ in a pregnant female.

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2.10.1. On which day does ovulation take place? _______________________________________

2.10.2. Between which days does menstruation take place?______________________________
2.10.3. State any ONE function of Luteinising hormone?
_ (1)
2.10.4. Describe the changes in the level of LH shown in the graph.
2.10.5. Describe the relationship between the level of oestrogen and the endometrium and the
endometrium from day 7 to 14.
2.10.6. Explain why it is necessary for the level of progesterone in the blood to increase after
2.10.7. Did fertilisation take the place in the 28-day cycle illustrated in the graph?
_ (1)

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2.10.8. Explain your answer to QUESTION 2.10.7.


2.11.1 Identify:
(a) Structure C ________________________________________________________________
(b) The stage of embryo development at E____________________________________________
(c) The structure that develops from a combination of parts F and H_______________________
2.11.2 Name the process that takes place:
(a) At B ______________________________________________________________ (1)
(b) When G attaches to part F ______________________________________________________
2.11.3 Give the chromosome number of:
(a) The cells at D

18 | P a g e
(b) Cell A
_______________________________________________________________________ (1)


Paper 1: 54 marks

Introduction The nervous system (involving nerves) and endocrine system (involving
hormones) are two components that help humans respond to the
Human The need for a nervous system in humans:
nervous • Reaction to stimuli (stimuli can be external and internal)
system • Coordination of the various activities of the body

Central ❑ The brain and spinal cord are

nervous protected by meninges
❑ Location and functions of the
following parts:
• Brain
• Cerebrum
• Cerebellum Corpus callosum
• Medulla oblongata
• Spinal cord
Peripheral Location and functions of the peripheral nervous system (cranial and
nervous spinal nerves)
Autonomic Location and functions of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic
nervous and parasympathetic sections)
Structure and Nerves send and carry signals to and from all parts of the
functioning of body and are made up of neurons
a nerve (sensory or motor)

Functions of sensory and motor neurons

Structure and functions of parts of sensory and motor

neurons, using diagrams: nucleus, cell body, cytoplasm,
myelin sheath, axon and dendrites

19 | P a g e
The simple ❑ Definition of a reflex action and a reflex arc
reflex arc
❑ Structure of a reflex arc and functions of each part, using a
diagram: receptor, sensory neuron, dorsal root of spinal nerve,
spinal cord, interneuron, motor neuron, ventral root of spinal nerve,
❑ Functioning of a simple reflex action, using an example
❑ Significance of a reflex action Significance of synapses

Disorders of Causes and symptoms of the following disorders of the nervous system:
the • Alzheimer's disease
CNS • Multiple sclerosis

Receptors ❑ Functions of receptors, neurons and effectors in responding to the

❑ The body responds to a variety of different stimuli, such as light,
sound, touch, temperature, pressure, pain and chemicals (taste and
smell). (No structure and names necessary except for names of the
receptors in the eye and ear.)

Human eye ❑ Structure and functions of the parts of the human eye, using a

❑ Binocular vision and its importance

❑ The changes that occur in the human eye for each of the
following, using diagrams:
• Accommodation
• Pupillary mechanism

❑ The nature and treatment of the following visual defects, using

• Short-sightedness
• Long-sightedness
• Astigmatism
• Cataracts

20 | P a g e
Human ear ❑ Structure of the human ear and the functions of the different
parts, using a diagram

Functioning of the human ear in:

• Hearing (include the role of the organ of Corti,
without details of its structure)
• Balance (include the role of maculae and cristae,
without details of their structure)

❑ Cause and treatment of the following hearing defects:

• Middle ear infection (the use of grommets) •
Deafness (the use of hearing aids and cochlear


3.1 The diagrams below show different neurons.

3.1. Give ONLY the NUMBERS (1, 2, 3 or 4) of TWO neurons that:

3.1.1. Transport impulses from the receptor to the central nervous system (2)
3.1.2. Will have a faster transmission of impulses (2)
3.1.3. Are damaged if a person can feel the stimulus but is unable to react (2)

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3.2. The diagram below represents a type of neuron found in the human body.



3.2.1. Identify the type of neuron shown in the above diagram (1)
3.2.2. Using the LETTERS A, B, and C only, give the correct sequence for the transmission of an
impulse along neuron 1. (2)
3.2.3. Explain how the speed of transmission of impulses would differ for neuron 1 and neuron 2

3.2.4. Explain why a person will feel the stimulus but will not be able to respond if only this type of
neuron is damaged


3.3. The diagram below represents a human brain.

3.3. Give the LETTER and NAME of the part of the brain responsible for:
(a) Memorising a cellular phone number (2)

22 | P a g e
(b) Coordinating all voluntary movements (2)
(c) Secreting hormones (2)
(d) Connecting the hemispheres of part B (2)
(e) The reflex action that occurs when stepping barefooted on a sharp object

3.4. The diagram below represents two possible pathways, A and B, which a nerve impulse may
follow in the human body.

3.4.1. Which pathway, A or B, represents a reflex arc? (1)

3.4.2. Give a visible reason in the diagram for your answer in QUESTION 3.4.1.

3.4.3. Describe the importance of a reflex action in the human body.


3.4.4. Identify the part of nervous system represented by 1. (1)

3.4.5. Explain ONE way in which the myelin sheath is important in the functioning of neurons.


3.4.6. Describe how the person would be affected if the axon if neuron 2 was cut.

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3.4.7. Describe pathway B.


3.5. Study the following diagram and respond to the questions that follow.

3.5.1. Define a reflex action.

3.5.2. Label the following:
(a) The functional connection at D. (1)
(b) Neuron B. (1)
3.5.3. State the significance of the functional connection at D.

3.5.4. Write in the correct order, the LETTERS ONLY of the neurons involved from the time the
stimulus is received until a response takes place.
3.5.5. Explain the consequences for a reflex action if neuron C is damaged.


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3.5.6. Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of neuron A. (5)

3.6. The diagrams below show the condition of the eyes for different light
intensities when viewing the same object.

3.6.1. Give the LETTER and NAME of the part that:

a) Contains muscles (2)
b) Is made up of tough white fibrous tissue (2)
3.6.2. Which diagram (1, 2 or 3) represents the eye of a person:
a) In a very bright area Where the rods are stimulated the most (1)
b) In a very bright area Where the rods are stimulated the most (1)
3.6.3. Which muscles are:
a) Contracted in diagram 2 Relaxed in diagram 3 (1)
b) Contracted in diagram 2 Relaxed in diagram 3 (1)
3.7. The lens of the human eye changes shape to ensure that a clear image is formed.

25 | P a g e
The diagram below shows the lens of two people, a 70 year-old, and a 17 year-old. Each
person is looking at a book that is placed 50cm away. The 17-year old can see the writing
clearly while the 70-year-old sees a blurred image.

Lens of a 17-year-old Lens of a 70-year-old

3.7.1. Name the process that occurs when a lens changes its shape for a clear image to be
formed. (1)
3.7.2. Describe the changes that occurs in the eye lens of the 17-year-old when looking at
the book.

3.7.3. Name ONE part of the eye, besides the lens, that is involved in the refraction of light.

3.7.4. Explain why the 70-year-old sees a blurred image.

3.7.5. Name the visual defect caused when the lens becomes cloudy.

3.8. The diagram below shows the structures in the human eye.

26 | P a g e
3.8.1. Identify the visual defect that is represented by diagram:
(a) A (1)
(b) B (1)
3.8.2. Give the LETTER only of the diagram that represents the eye:
(a) In bright light (1)
(b) When looking at an object less than six metres away
(c) That can be corrected with a concave lens
3.8.3. Explain the process that is responsible for the eye mentioned in Question 3.8.3 (b)


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3.10. The diagram below represents a part of the human ear.

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3.10.1. Identify part:
(a) A (1)
(b) B (1)
3.10.2. Give the LETTER and NAME of the part that:
(a) Creates pressure wavs in the inner ear
(b) Absorbs excess pressure waves in the inner ear to prevent the information of an echo

3.10.3. Name the:
(a) Part of the brain that interprets impulses from part F
(b) Receptors found at C (1)
3.10.4. In a soccer match the goalkeeper dived to save a goal from being scored by the opposing

Describe the role of the semi – circular canals in maintaining as the goalkeeper dived.



4.1 Lerato, a learner in Grade 12, is investigating how shoots respond to light. She used the
following method.

• Two shoots, labelled shoot A and shoot B were used.
• Both shoots were from the same plant species.
• The tip of shoot A was covered with a tin foil cap.
• The sides of shoot B were covered with a tin foil sleeve.
• Both shoots were exposed to unilateral light using two lamps.
• The lamps were placed at the same distance from the shoots.
29 | P a g e
• The apparatus was left for 2 weeks.
• After 2 weeks, she observed what happened to shoot A and shoot B.

The results of Lerato’s investigation are shown in the diagram below.

shoot A shoot B
tin foil cap

tin foil

setup result after 2 weeks setup result after 2 weeks

4.1.1 Identify the

a) independent variable (1)

b) dependent variable (1)

c) State three planning steps that Lerato considered in this investigation.


4.1.2. How did Lerato ensure validity in this investigation?

4.1.3. Explain the results observed on shoot B.

30 | P a g e
4.1.4. State three ways in which the reliability of the investigation can be improved.



4.2 The pot plant in the diagram below was placed onto its side in a dark cupboard. After 2 weeks,
the stem had started to grow upwards.

4.2.1. Give the term used to describe this phenomenon. (1)

4.2.2. Define the phenomenon identified in question 1.

4.2.3. Discuss the role of auxins in the phenomenon mentioned in question 1 in respect of the
roots of the plant.


4.3. An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of two hormones (A and B) on the
accumulation of starch in cells of tobacco plants. The investigation was setup as follows:
• 30 tobacco plants of the same species, size and age were used.

31 | P a g e
• They were divided into 3 groups, each treated in a different way as follows :
o Group 1: 10 plants were treated with hormone A
o Group 2: 10 plants were treated with hormone B
o Group 3: 10 plants were given no hormone treatment
• All the plants were then left under the same conditions. The starch content in the cells
was measured after every 6 hours for each group.

4.3.1. Explain the purpose of group 3 in the investigation.

4.3.2. Using the results, indicate the function of:
a) Plant Hormone A
b) Plant Hormone B

4.4. The table below shows the concentration of abscisic acid and gibberellins in germinating seeds
over ten days.

32 | P a g e
4.4.1. Draw a line graph to show the changes in concentration of abscisic acid over the period of
the investigation. (6)

4.4.2. State what happened to the concentration of each of the following hormones over the period
of the investigation:
a) abscisic acid
b) gibberellins
4.4.3 Explain the growth response of a plant when the stem is exposed to light coming from one
side only.

33 | P a g e

4.5 An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of auxins on the growth of coleoptiles.

The procedure was as follows:

• The tip of one coleoptile (young shoot) was removed and placed on ta block of agar jelly, as
shown in diagram A
• After two hours the agar jelly was placed on the curt surface of the original coleoptile, as
shown in diagram B.
• The coleoptile was covered with a black box and allowed to grow for two days, as shown in
diagram C.

4.5.1. Explain why the tip of the coleoptile was placed on the agar jelly for two hours at the start of
the investigation.


4.5.2. Describe what occurred in diagram C to cause the coleoptile to bend even though no light
was present.

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4.5.3. Describe the control for this investigation.




Endocrine ❑ Difference between an endocrine and an exocrine gland
system ❑ Definition of a hormone
❑ Location of each of the following glands, using a diagram, the hormones
they secrete and function(s) of each hormone:
• Hypothalamus (ADH)
• Pituitary/Hypophysis (GH, TSH, FSH, LH, prolactin)
• Thyroid glands (thyroxin)
• Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas (insulin, glucagon)
• Adrenal glands (adrenalin, aldosterone)
• Ovary (oestrogen, progesterone)
• Testis (testosterone)

Introduction Homeostasis as the process of maintaining a constant, internal

– environment within narrow limits, despite changes that take place
Homeostasi internally and externally.
s The conditions within cells depend on the conditions within the internal
environment (the tissue fluid)
Factors such as carbon dioxide, glucose, salt, water concentration,
temperature and pH must be kept constant in the internal environment
(tissue fluid)

Homeostasis: Negative feedback mechanism controlling each of the following in the

Negative body:
Feedback • Thyroxin levels
Mechanism • Blood glucose levels
• Blood carbon dioxide levels
• Water balance (Osmoregulation)
Disorders caused by an imbalance in levels of:
• Thyroxin – Goitre
• Blood glucose – Diabetes mellitus

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5.1. The diagram below represents the interaction between two important endocrine glands. The
gland labelled A is found at the base of the brain, while the gland labelled C is present towards the
front of the neck.

5.1.1. Give a label for gland A (1)

5.1.2. Name hormone B. (1)

5.1.3. State TWO functions of hormone D.


5.1.4. Describe the negative feedback mechanism that operates when the level of hormone D is
higher than normal in the blood.


5.1.5. Describe the negative feedback mechanism that operates when the level of hormone D is
lower than normal in the blood.

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5.2. Describe how the human body maintain the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood when it
rises above normal limits.


5.3. Describe the role of different glands of the endocrine system in providing the body with extra
energy during the dangerous situation.


37 | P a g e
5.4. Thee graph and diagrams below indicate the effect of strenuous exercise, followed by a cold
shower, on the body temperature of an athlete.

5.4.1 Which part of the brain responds to the changes in the temperature
that occur at A and B, as seen on the graph?

5.4.2 For how long did the person engage in strenuous exercise?

5.4.3 Which diagram (I or II) would represent the condition of the skin after 15 minutes?

5.4.4 Explain your answer to QUESTION 5.4.3.


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5.5. The photograph shown below was taken while a person was walking along the road and then
unexpectedly chased by a hippopotamus.

Study the photograph and answer the questions below.

5.5.1. Name the hormone released by the person in dealing with the dangerous situation he
experienced. (1)

5.5.2. State where in the body the hormone mentioned in QUESTION 5.5.1 is produced and how it
reaches various parts of the body.

5.5.3. Which part of the autonomic nervous system increases the heartbeat in this dangerous

5.5.4. Describe the role of the liver during dangerous situations.


5.6. Humans has a way to monitor changes in the internal environment.

5.6.1. Define homeostasis.


5.6.2. A group of grade 12 learners went to hike in the mountains on an extremely hot day without
enough water.

Describe how the body would maintain a constant water content in the body.

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