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Section: BSCE2 – EC9 Date Presented:

Members: Group no. 1
Name. Role/part/contribution
1. Baldove, Eurish. Reporter
2. Billones, AJ. Reporter/Researcher
3. Bocil, Marc. Reporter
4. Capospos, Krystle Anne. Reporter

Trivia/Fun fact related to the topic/civil engineering:

Did you know that the study of ecology and ecosystems is essential for understanding
biogeochemical cycles, which are crucial for maintaining environmental balance and
Explore the interconnected roles of ecology, ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycles in
natural systems.
Lesson Proper:
Ecology is a branch of biology that studies the relationships between organisms
and their environment. It focuses on how organisms interact with each other and with their
physical surroundings. This includes examining the distribution and abundance of
organisms, the flow of energy and materials between living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic)
components of ecosystems, and how organisms respond to environmental factors like
climate, soil, water availability, and topography.
Ecosystem refers to a natural functional unit comprising living organisms (biotic
factors) and their non-living physical environment (abiotic factors) that interact to form a
stable, self-supporting system. In simpler terms, an ecosystem is a community of organisms
that live and interact with each other in a specific environment. This interaction involves
both biological components (such as plants, animals, and microorganisms) and physical
components (such as sunlight, soil, water, and minerals).
 Ecology studies the relations of organisms to each other and their environment, while
an ecosystem is a functional unit comprising living organisms and their non-living
environment that interact to form a stable system.
 Ecosystems consist of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components, with
interactions driven by nutrient cycling and energy flow.
Examples for ecology: Ecologists might research topics such as predator-prey dynamics,
species competition, energy flow through food webs, the impact of human activities on
biodiversity, and responses to environmental changes.
Examples for ecosystem: Examples of ecosystems include a forest, a pond, a grassland, a coral
reef, or even a desert.
Energy flow in an ecosystem refers to the movement of energy through
different organisms, starting with the capture of solar energy by primary producers through
photosynthesis. This energy is then transferred through feeding relationships from producers
to consumers and eventually to decomposers, with energy being lost at each trophic level. The
flow of energy is unidirectional and essential for sustaining life and nutrient cycling within
 Food Chain: A food chain is a linear sequence that shows the transfer of energy
and nutrients from one organism to another in an ecosystem. It typically starts
with primary producers (plants) that convert solar energy into organic matter,
which is then consumed by herbivores, and continues through successive levels of
consumers (carnivores, omnivores) that eat each other.
 Food Web: A food web is a more complex network of interconnected food chains
that depicts the feeding relationships within an ecosystem. It illustrates how
multiple food chains overlap and intertwine, showing the various paths through
which energy and nutrients flow among organisms. Unlike a food chain, which is
linear, a food web captures the complexity of nature by showing multiple feeding
interactions and connections among different species.


An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation that shows the relative
amounts of energy, biomass, or number of organisms at each trophic level in an ecosystem. It
helps visualize the structure and function of ecosystems, illustrating how energy and nutrients
flow through different levels of a food chain or food web.
There are three main types of ecological pyramids:
 Pyramid of Energy: This type of pyramid shows the flow of energy through each trophic
level in an ecosystem. It illustrates the decrease in available energy as you move from
producers (bottom of the pyramid) to successive trophic levels of consumers (higher
 Pyramid of Biomass: The pyramid of biomass represents the total amount of living
organic matter (biomass) at each trophic level in an ecosystem. It typically narrows as
you move up the food chain, indicating that less biomass is available at higher trophic
 Pyramid of Numbers: This pyramid shows the number of individuals at each trophic level
in an ecosystem. It can be upright (with more producers at the base and fewer top
predators at the top), inverted (few producers supporting many consumers), or even
partially upright depending on the ecosystem structure.



 Carbon Cycle: Involves the cycling of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the atmosphere,
plants, animals, soil, and oceans through processes like photosynthesis, respiration, and
 Nitrogen Cycle: Deals with the transformation and circulation of nitrogen (N) between
organic matter, soil, water, and the atmosphere. Processes include nitrogen fixation,
nitrification, denitrification, and ammonification.
 Phosphorus Cycle: Focuses on the movement of phosphorus (P) through rocks, soil,
water, and organisms. It primarily cycles between soil and plants, and is essential for
DNA, RNA, and energy transfer in cells.
 Water Cycle: Also known as the hydrological cycle, it involves the continuous
movement of water between the atmosphere, land, and oceans through processes such
as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and runoff.
 Sulfur Cycle: Involves the global circulation of sulfur (S) through the atmosphere, soil,
water bodies, and living organisms. Processes include weathering of rocks, volcanic
emissions, and microbial transformations.
 Oxygen Cycle: Not typically considered a separate cycle but essential for life through
processes like photosynthesis and respiration, where oxygen (O2) is exchanged
between organisms and the atmosphere.
Ecological succession is the gradual process through which the structure and
species composition of an ecosystem change over time in response to environmental
conditions or disturbances.
 Ecology is the branch of biology that studies the relationships between organisms and
their environment.
 Ecosystem is a community of living organisms (biotic) interacting with the non-living
components (abiotic) of their environment.
 Energy flow cannot occur in reverse direction.

 Food Chain: A linear sequence that shows the transfer of energy and nutrients from
one organism to another in an ecosystem.
 Food Web: A complex network of interconnected food chains within an ecosystem.


o Pyramid of Numbers
o Pyramid of Biomass
o Pyramid of Energy

o Carbon Cycle
o Nitrogen Cycle
o Phosphorus Cycle
o Water Cycle
o Sulfur Cycle
o Oxygen Cycle
 Ecological succession refers to the process by which a disturbed or barren area
gradually develops into a stable ecosystem over time.
Forest Ecosystem:
I. Biotic Components
1. Producer Organisms
o Trees (e.g., Tectona grandis, Acer, Picea)
o Climbers, epiphytes, shrubs, ground vegetation
2. Consumers
o a) Primary Consumers: Herbivores like ants, beetles, elephants, deer
o b) Secondary Consumers: Carnivores like birds, lizards, snakes, foxes
o c) Tertiary Consumers: Top carnivores like lions, tigers
3. Decomposers: Bacteria (Bacillus, Clostridium), Fungi (Aspergillus, Ganoderma),
Actinomycetes (Streptomyces)
II. Abiotic Components
 Inorganic and organic compounds in soil and atmosphere
 Dead organic debris

Grassland Ecosystem: I. Biotic Components

1. Producer Organisms
o Grasses (e.g., Brachiaria, Cynodon, Digitaria)
o Some herbs and shrubs
2. Consumers
o a) Primary Consumers: Herbivores like cows, buffaloes, sheep, deer, rabbits
o b) Secondary Consumers: Carnivores like frogs, snakes, birds, foxes
o c) Tertiary Consumers: Predators like hawks
3. Decomposers: Bacteria, Fungi, Actinomycetes
II. Abiotic Components
 Basic inorganic and organic compounds in soil and atmosphere

Desert Ecosystem: I. Biotic Components

1. Producer Organisms
o Shrubs, bushes, succulents (e.g., cacti)
o Xerophytic plants
2. Consumer Organisms
o Insects, reptiles, nocturnal rodents, camels
3. Decomposers: Bacteria, fungi (few due to low organic matter)
II. Abiotic Components
 High temperature, low rainfall, poor organic matter in soil

Aquatic Ecosystem: I. Biotic Components

1. Freshwater Ecosystem
o a) Producer Organisms: Phytoplankton, macrophytes (e.g., Hydrilla, Utricularia)
o b) Consumer Organisms: Zooplankton, benthos, fishes
o c) Decomposers: Bacteria, fungi
2. Marine Ecosystem
o a) Producer Organisms: Phytoplankton, seaweeds, mangroves
o b) Consumer Organisms: Herbivores, carnivorous fishes
o c) Decomposers: Bacteria, fungi
II. Abiotic Components
 Inorganic and organic substances in water and soil

Review Questions:
1. Define ecology and explain its significance in understanding natural systems.
How does ecology differ from environmental science?
2. Describe the components of an ecosystem and their roles. Provide examples to
illustrate biotic and abiotic interactions?
3. Explain the concept of energy flow in ecosystems. How does energy enter and
exit an ecosystem, and what are the consequences of energy loss at each
trophic level?
4. Compare and contrast a food chain and a food web. How does a food web
illustrate the complexity of energy flow in ecosystems?
5. Discuss the types of ecological pyramids and their significance in ecosystem
dynamics. Provide examples where each type is applicable.
6. Explain the role of biogeochemical cycles in ecosystem sustainability. Choose
two cycles and describe their processes and significance.
7. Define ecological succession and describe its stages. How does primary
succession differ from secondary succession?
8. Examine the human impact on biodiversity within ecosystems. Provide examples
of anthropogenic activities affecting biodiversity positively and negatively.
9. Discuss the concept of niche in ecology and its importance in species
coexistence. How does niche differentiation facilitate biodiversity?
10. Explain the significance of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem resilience. How
does biodiversity loss impact ecosystem services and human well-being?

Verse of the day:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all
your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6

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