Cancer Notes

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Regulating the Cell Cycle/Cancer/Stem Cells

Controlling the Cell Cycle:

 How is the cell cycle regulated?
 ________________________________________________________________________
Regulating Cell Growth
 The ____________________________________________________________________.
 For example, when an injury such as a broken bone occurs, cells are stimulated to divide
rapidly and start the healing process. The rate of cell division slows when the healing
process nears completion.
Discovery of Cyclins:
 Cyclins are a _____________________________________________________________
Regulatory Proteins:
 Internal regulators are proteins that ______________________________________.
They allow the cell cycle to proceed only once certain processes have happened inside
the cell.
 External regulators are proteins that ________________________________________.
They direct cells to speed up or slow down the cell cycle.
 Growth factors are external regulators that ___________________________________.
They are important during embryonic development and wound healing.
 Apoptosis ___________________________________________________________.
 Plays a role in development by shaping the structure of tissues and organs in
plants and animals.
 For example, the foot of a mouse is shaped the way it is partly because the toes
undergo apoptosis during tissue development.
Cancer: Uncontrolled Cell Growth
 How do cancer cells differ from other cells?
 _______________________________________________________________________.
As a result, ______________________________________________________________.
 Cancer is a disorder in which body cells lose the ability to control cell growth.
 Cancer cells divide uncontrollably to form a mass of cells called a tumor.
 A ___________________________________________________________________.
 It does not spread to surrounding healthy tissue.
 A ___________________________________________________________________.
 It __________________________________________________________ and
can spread to other parts of the body.
 The spread of cancer cells is called metastasis.
 Cancer cells absorb nutrients needed by other cells, block nerve connections,
and prevent organs from functioning.

What Causes Cancer?
 Cancers are _____________________________________________________________.
 Some sources of gene defects are smoking tobacco, radiation exposure, defective genes,
and viral infection.
 A damaged or _____________________________________________ is common in
cancer cells. It causes cells to lose the information needed to respond to growth signals.
Treatments for Cancer:
 Some localized tumors can be removed by surgery.
 Many tumors can be treated with targeted radiation.
 Chemotherapy is the use of ________________________________________________.
Cell Differentiation:
 The human body contains hundreds of different cell types, and every one of them
develops from the single cell that starts the process. How do the cells get to be so
different from each other?
 How do cells become specialized for different functions?
 _________________________________________________________________
 All organisms start life as just one cell.
 Most multicellular organisms pass through an early stage of development called
an embryo, which gradually develops into an adult organism.
 During development, an organism’s cells become more differentiated and
 For example, a plant has specialized cells in its roots, stems, and leaves.
Defining Differentiation:
 The ______________________________________________________ is known as
 During development, cells differentiate into many different types and become
specialized to perform certain tasks.
 Differentiated cells carry out the jobs that multicellular organisms need to stay alive.
 ______________________________________________________________________
From Simple to Complex:
 ______________________: are the smallest chemical units
 ______________________: are a group of atoms working together
 ______________________: are a group of molecules working together
 ______________________: are a group of organelles working together
 ______________________: are a group of similar cells working together
 ______________________: are a group of different tissues working together
 ______________________: are a group of organs working together
 ______________________: is an individual


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