Desi Dictionary

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Aaidi Heel Aabal More, plenty (') Aad (1) A thick 'khood' drawn in a particular field at a distance of about 10 feet. This 'aad' is generally of a different crop e.g. an 'aad' of mustard is drawn in a field of wheat crop. (ii) cover-up (for hiding) Aadde/ Inghe / Here (Idhar ) Aadhal To cover-up something Aage ki/Nae / A buffalo/Cow which has done a successful meeting with bull. Aahlanna The Nest Aaho Yes Aaid The situation of ones being free from worries e.g. Aakhtta/ Aakh / A wild plant, whose branches give white liquid. The plant, considered to be a poisonous one, is also used in Ayurvedic medicines. Aakhyer The end, Extreme Aalla/Aalli / (i) A low level shelving unit (ii) Our's / Apni / Personal e.g. " " (iii) Same as Hindi word wala [' ' ' ' ] Aala-Rashi - Hotchpotch/ To do a job half-heartedly [ His style of work is just an unmannered one - - - ] Aalann The coarse flour mixed with boiling green vegetables

Aall (i) Child's mischief (also known as 'Kubhad' ) (ii) The practice by two wrestlers Aalla Wet Aallkas Laziness Aalthi-Paalthi/palothi -/ The pose of ones sitting on floor with folding legs. Aandhasisi Migraine Aandlaa /Aandhla / The spoon-type shape of both the palms to pick up some material like grains or powder etc. Aangali Fingers Aankkal The cow-bull ('Bizaar' ) Aankh Dookhni A viral/bacterial eye infection, no you cant fake this one easily! Aankh The alphabet/ word [This illiterate fellow does not a single alphabet : , ] Aankhlee Uneven, tiny heaps or ditches on a pathway, causing trouble for a vehicle Ant (i) Verb - to fill-up (Aantnaa ) Noun: The knot (ii) Obstacle There was obstruction in the job - - Aantnna To fill up with clay (Fill up the ditch" : "Khaddhe ney aant dyo" ) Arnna The dry piece of a cow's waste ('gober') picked up from grazing ground used as a fuel Aarta A kodak moment for the best looking female of the host family Aasang

State of health ('Tabeeyat' ) Aasann Portion of a pyjama or pant around the hips. Aasannpaati To pretend like being ill Atann The occasional pain in a particular limb of human body, especially after prolonged sitting in one posture. attall Obstruction in the path of a hall (also called Kaslett ) Avaa Smoke pipe, also the oven of a potter where he bakes his earthen pots. Aavaddi The distance of about 2 kilometres . Awti Raw sugar or 'gudd' mixed in hot, boiled water - a favourite drink for domestic cattle Aayal Loose skin hanging below the neck/throat of an ox or bull Ayl The raw onion, along with green leaves a delicacy Adda Stop place ('Bus-Adda' mean 'Bus stop') Addoosa Giving a temporary twist to the trousers, around waist. Agaau In advance (or advance payment of money) Aget/Ageta / Early/ sown in advance ' / ' Ahy - / Ahn-Rei - These words are used to address someone [like , - ] Akddi-Jakddi - Tongue-twisters etc. especially by children , , ,

Akkhar Alphabet/ word : same as 'Akshar' Albaad Mischief (also called 'kubhad') Algozza/Aldgoja Flute made of a bamboo pipe ('Bansuri etc.) Aal The tiny insects which attack standing crops or vegetable plants, such as mustard plants [ -] Allbheda Twist of a rope (like a snake's grip) Alljhedda/Ulljhedda / The quarrel/ misunderstanding Allsehdda The heap of waste material, stones etc. - lying unattended, with wild grass and plants etc. grown around it and having the possibility of poisonous creatures living inside it. Aloonna (i) The food without any salt (ii) A selfish fellow, with no human touch

Amritbaann A pot made of China clay - used for keeping pickles ('Achaar' ) Amrikka As in USA, description of even more exotic place Andaas/Addaans / Obstacle, Arrogance , , Andhod Strong wind Andy/Andi It falls in to the same category as 'Daaki' but a modernized one. In Rajasthani, the equivalent word is "Kudahaba" . Angaakraa Same as "Teekdaa" (a jumbo bread) Angaar A burning piece of wood/ coal etc. Anghai Mischief (also 'Albaad' and 'Kubhad' )

Angrej Has many meanings depending on where you are at the time of being addressed - may mean any white man or used sarcastically for an educated/pseude Jat Anndi An iron ring with one-inch wide circumference, about 1-foot diameter. This ring is driven by village kids with the help of a twisted fat wire. - Annfahee The situation when there is no other choice Annhavi Unreal/Unexpected '' Annmeeta Plentiful, in excess (also see Chhickmaa and Uubaram-soobraan ) Anpoota Literally means "the one who is not blessed with a son" but this word is used to curse a person in anger. Antaa The fat, coloured glass-ball used to hit other tiny balls a street game of rural children. The Antaa with no colours is called the Faadil-Antaa - Aplaatoon Loadful of sarcasm for a man "ghana applatoon mut bane?" Arddatta A loud sound ('Kisey cheez ka jor se tootna' ) Ardoo - The fellow without civic sense/ unmannered one. '' . Arlli The thick, long iron-rod put across the inside portion of a closed door for extra protection at night. Asal


Real, really (ii) The principal amount ().

Asal-ka/ Asal ki / Ones real son/daughter [Example: " - "] Asnaayi The relatives' village Astaa

Hard, Difficult , ["This is a hard and tidious job" - ] Aull-Saull - To do hanky-panky business (Hera-pheri -) Aulla


left side (ii) opposite direction/ contrary (iii) a piece of hailstorm ()

The left-hander fellow Ausan-na To mix the powder (flour etc.) with water Araadde-Bhuraadde - Ugly-looking people (said so sarcastically) Arrbandh The portion of mens dhoti tied around the waist. Atehtaa , A time consuming, tough job with little usefulness , Aurr The end ("Kinaara" )/ side Azaar Scratch/ The tiny hurt / '' [The child fell from upstairs but with Gods grace, he was not hurt at all - -, ]

Baa The disease of arthritis (Baav ). In Western UP, Baa also means grandfather. Baadd


Noun: The thorny fence (ii) Verb: to insert/ enter something e.g. " "

The cotton crop Baddnaa To enter Baadh More (in quantity) Baadhaa


The starting point [e.g. Start harvesting from that corner - , ] (ii) The deep cut on hard surface by water current or rope etc. [The stone at the wells boundary has got deep cuts due to continuous use of rope - ]

Baadhi A strip of cloth or leather ( ) Baadi Obesity/ fat Baddsar/ Baddassraa / The aged and learned person Baagar The heap of bundles of harvested crops kept ready for crushing at an open place. (also called Chhyori ) Baahee Two long arms (usually of bomboo - about 6 feet long) of a traditional cot (charpai) Baakhrri The stage of a buffalo when it starts giving less milk after some months Baallnaa To ignite the fire (e.g. Aag baall do ) Baall-maan - The tiny gap, hair-line [The thief escaped, though he was at a tiny distance -, - - ] Baankali A serving made after the geets. Its the boiled chana with salt and very tasty. Baan A system of protection which begins about a week prior to marriage when the boy/girl generally does not travel and undergoes special herbal bath etc. It is also called Baanyaan baithnaa . Baann Habit ["Tau is habitual of long walk" - ] Baanda/ Paangla / One who cannot walk straight (Tedhe paanv waala ) Baanh The well-ploughed field. Baangadd

The rough, fat stick or lathi generally used to beat animals (also called Ghainslla ) Baant Animal-feed Baann Threaded raw material for a hand-knit rope Baara


The earthen pot (Matka ) meant for storing desi ghee. (ii) Desi rhythmic sing-songs used by 'Baaria' to do his job with safety.

Person posted in the 'Dhanna' to catch 'dol' or 'Chiddas' . Baarnna Outside, outer area Baarouthi A cinderella moment for the bride Baasann A normal size earthen pot ('Matka')normally used to store drinking water Baat The standardized piece of metal for weighing used in a traditional scale Baattee A fat cotton thread which supplies oil to the flame of an oil lamp Baayl The top portion of a plant which contains seeds (also called sirta/sirtee / ) Bachhiya Cow's female offspring Bachhra Cow's male offspring Bachoore Small Children Badda-Boodha/Badda-Thera / - Senior citizen (Plural: badde-boodhe -) Baddbhaati One who participates in the marriage of his sister's grand-son or granddaughter

Bagad An open inner courtyard Bagar A special powder-like substance on the bud of a tree or plant - '' Bagaanna To throw Baggi/ Buggi / Bull cart Badhaann A long, thick rope generally used in a bullock-cart Bahaddka Young bull Bahmi A guy who is in a habit of remaining in doubt all the time. Bahwaddnaa To return / come back ( - ) Baindnna To utter meaningless words, like a mad fellow Bainju A Haryanvi musical instrument, commonly used at the time of singing a Raagni Bairann Enemy (female) Baiyyan The weaver-bird: a cute sparrow expert in making an excellent and unique nest. Bakaan A variety of Neem tree with round fruits ( with bitter taste and used in many Ayurvedic medicines). / Bakkal Skin of a tree (derived from Sanskrit word 'Valkal' ) Bakhora Steel/earthen Glass to drink milk etc. Bakvaad False/ loose talk

Baladh/ Bullhad / Bull Baldan-ki-su Swear by ox!!! Balgam Greasy substance accumulated in the throat, which causes cough Baliyaan Baniyaan (the under-garment worn on chest) Ball


(verb) the burning . [e.g. The fire is burning ] (ii) Likewise/ such as " " [ The way you are talking, is not good , ] (iii) Twists/ slanting/ curves (/ : - )

Banchaati Dried cotton plant stems Bandrraa The bridegroom Banni A mini forest outside a village, with thick vegetation Baraah-Baani - Fit/ healthy recovered from illness Baraani The land where irrigation is not possible. Baraf Means 'ice', but in villages, it is also a word for 'ice-cream' Barajna To interrupt, scold [My grandfather has asked me to shun away from this task - ] Baratna To use Barbanti The fruit of peepal tree Barga/ Barge / Like it or Similar to (i.e. I have seen many guys like you : ) Barjaa

Balcony (Chajja ) Barma The hand-pump for pumping water from down the earth/ well etc. Baroola A home-made earthen pitcher with wider mouth than 'Panndha', another form of water-pitcher Barouli Smaller version of 'Baroola' Basolla A sharp axe used by carpenters Batau Brinjal, egg-plant Bateu A generic term used for male guest and sometimes a synonym for 'Jamaai' ( - daughter's husband) Bathua Weed , used for human consumption also in 'Saag' and 'Raita' Batnna A special rural paste applied on the body of bride/ groom before marriage. It is a mixture of gram powder, haldi, mustard oil and a few more ingredients. / , Batti (i) Battiya A narrow path in the fields (spoken in Western UP) Beegu A small insect which finds shelter in thick hairy surface of a dogs body. Beejjakdda The sugarcane stems to be buried in a temporary grave (in earth) to protect its freshness. After a couple of weeks, it is dug out, cut in pieces and sown as sugarcane seed. Beejha The fellow with smallpox signs all over the face , ' ' Beejhal The state of uneasiness The flame of a lamp (ii) Electric light (iii) Extra/ surplus

Beejhann The state of grain or wood etc. infested with pests [This piece of wood is infested with insects/ termite : -] Beejondhi A cloth-bag in which the farmer keeps the seeds while ploughing his field. Beejoo A wild animal of the size of a domestic cat. It covers the distance by long jump and sometimes attack directly on humans face. Beejnna Hand fan Bel-laa The small version of metal dish. Bel-lee : The small bowl (Katori ) Beendi The bundle of hand-made rope Beerbaani A woman/ lady ('Lugai' ) Beer-Marad - Wife-Husband Beettaa/ Beesaa / / The wooden handle of a hand tool hammer, axe etc. Beeyaban A lonely or wild spot where human beings are not living. Behoo


A watcher-pitcher for washing dirty hands , , (ii) Impure, untouchable ,

Bela Bowl used to drink milk Beraa-Bichaar To find out the welfare of near and dear ones Besuuhraa A guy who does not know niceties or etiquettes Bhaandna scribbling / to make something ugly by such act (The children have spoilt the wall by colours Baalkaan ney rang tein bheet bhaand di )

Bhaath A community which used to keep record of deaths, births, marriages etc. Each Bhaath used to have several villages under his charge. Bhaatha Stone. Bhabhoolla The whirlwind of sand () Bhadargadh Bahadurgarh, a town between Rohtak and Delhi - the entry point for Haryana on National Highway No. 10. Bhaddak Feeling of itching in the body. Bhaddbhooja One who runs a "Bhaad" (a traditional oven for roasting the grain) Bhaankhaddi A button shaped, thorny fruit of a wild grass Bhakkadd A large flame (Put some kerosene on fuel and ignite it: "Bhakkadd pattyaa" ) Bhalloma The deceitful act or misunderstanding , (e.g. ) Bhaann/ Bebbe/ Bhawaj/ Jijji / // Sister ('Bahan') Bhandela The street dancer - Bhaingaa One whose eyeballs can revolve in different directions at the same time. Bhambheeri A fat, wild insect which makes a loud sound in nights darkness, normally found in rainy season. Bharota Bundle of jowar/bajra Bharoti Bundle carried on head usually greens for cattles or firewood. Bhartaar

Husband Bhatpedda The collision of two moving objects Bheechna To press Bheetarlaa Ones inner-self ('Antaraatmaa' - ) Bheidhyaa Wolf Bheilee Large, single piece of 'Gudd' weighing 5 'ser'(about 4.5 kg) Bheladda A wooden part in a bullock-cart, fitted below the drivers seat () Bhinon / Ones Jija's sister Bhiradd Wasp Bhith Hardened substance (When ghee becomes too hard during winter, it is called Ghee ka to Bhith baith gaya -) Bhobhaa The hollow portion inside the body from belly till mouth. The word is often used for bribery e.g. The fellow was bribed heavily : Bhobhalla A material which has no stiffness, like sand / - " " The human head (skull portion) Bhoda The tiny particle/ very low quantity [" " : You will not get even a pittance] Bhodall The thin sheet of polythene Bhohraa a dark store-room inside the house Bhoobhaliya

A nomad clad from Rajasthan (also known as Gaadde-Lohaar' ) Bhoogadda Roasted gram (chana ) , Bhoojaddi : A kind of fireball for merry-making in villages. At one end of a small rope, a few layers of thick cloth are wrappd, soaked in oil. A fire is lit and the rope is circled. ( ) ( ) , , , " " Bhoond Bugs Bhoonda/ Bhoondi / Ugly looking Bhoori A brownish buffalo ('Bhoora' means brown) Bhoraa tiny particles of eatables like 'gur' , bread etc. found at the bottom of the container of such stuff. Bhubhall Hot ash under the burning fire it is generally used for roasting the grain. Bhuranth A wild plant whose tiny, thorny seeds cling to the clothes of a passerby Bhurlli Small, hard pieces of harvested crop (especially 'chana' crop) - a waste Bhus Crushed straw of wheat plant, also known as 'Toorraa' Bichalna To be confused/ to have lost the way Bichaalla The central point Bichchha Distance between the two points Bichlaa The central or the middle one Bicholiya Middleman Bichoornna

To crush something between palms of both hands Bidh Method/ way out : / [Some way-out will have to be found - Biddaa A thorny bush same as Bojhraa Bidro The kachcha drain to let out the extra rain water Bigghan Problem / Quarrel (also called 'saanka' ) derived from snaskrit word 'Vighan' meaning problem or hurdle Biir Lady/Woman. Sometimes, wife is also called Biir Biira Brother. Bijaar An abandoned bull Bilaai (i) The cat (ii) A traditional iron instrument (set of so many curved, hooked and loose forks) used to remove watcher pitchers, buckets etc. from a deep well '' '' Bilanganni Wall to wall string to hang almost everything. Bilhaand The oldest method of measurement - stretch your palm to the maximum extent and the distance between the tip of thumb and the end of little-finger is called 'ek Bilhaand' Biloni/Bilowni / Earthen pot used to churn butter and make seet Bilutane Kittens Biraanna Belonging to others (Paraaya ) Biraanmatti / Kharaabmatti/ Rehrematti / / --

These words are uttered at the time of great distress/ despair. Birachnna Crying loudly (Also called 'Chinggarnna' ) Birdana To murmur in anger or to argue unnecessarily when someone is in disagreement. Birlaai Gap, crevices etc. Bisraanna To interrupt/ point out negative aspects Bitodda A triangular, open storage for dung-cakes ('Gossey' ) Bitli To wrap Bitti-Danka Same as 'gulli-danda' - in Hindi Bod-da A thin, weak fellow (Female : Bod-di ) Bohanni The beginning: the first item of sale at the start of a business day / Bohddiya Wife of ones son (Bahoo ) called Vohti towards Punjab Bohiya The desi mini-basket for storing the bread (Roti ) Bojhraa/Bhojra / Name of a thick thorny bush Bokki A heavy, hollow, 5-feet odd pipe used to drill a tubewell or a hand-pump into the earth Bolta It is used like this " " I don't have words to express myself Bookal Marnna The wrap of cloth or blanket etc. over human body, while sitting or walking Boomblla

Cover of baajra seed Boonga A dome shaped huge structure made of husk, to store husk (in Western UP, it is called 'Rattkhanna' ) Boora A khandsari product - white coloured semi-raw sugar : a favourite dish for villagers. 'Boora' is generally eaten by mixing some ghee in it Borla An ornament worn on forehead by women Borra/ Baudda / Someone who has lost his teeth Botru Baby male camel Bouriya/ Bohra / One who boasts about himself (Bour : Boast, loose talk) Buddhangadd The old man - called sarcastically Buddkaa To bite fruit etc. with teech. Also to bite another human being ("Uske chhohre ney mere laddke key buddka bhar liya" : his son bit by son with his teeth) Buddkala A round-shaped dung-cake - prepared as a part of fuel for burning Holi Buggi The cart pulled by a male buffalo ('Jhotta' ) Bugta The palm of a hand can be shaped like a spoon. Any material (grain/powder etc.) put in that hand is called a bugta [Pour a handful of gram-powder into buffalos diet - ] Buhaari Broom Bukhar The high fever Bukhaari An open store inside the house for keeping harvested grains. Buwara

The sowing or planting season Byont Capacity (in money/ property matters)

Chaa The feeling of enthusiasm Chaakh


The round wheel of a pottermused for making earthen pots (ii) The white-clay stick used by school-teachers to write on a black board (Chalk)

Chaakhdda A round piece of wood, with a hole in the centre. Chaakhdda is put on the earthen pot (Bilownee ) while churning the milk. Chaalla Strange (This is very strange : Chaalla paat gaya ) Chaam Leather C Chaamra Golden shade/ blonde or a fellow of such a colour Challonna/ Gachonna/ Ghasonna / / To stab some sharp instrument (Usne apne paddosi key jelli chalo di ) Chaaloo (i) To start something (ii) A clever fellow (in negative sense)

Chamassa/ Chaumassa / Rainy season/Monsoon Chambhochaalli A sharp, clever lady Chaanchak Suddenly ('Achanak' ) Chaanchrra The cover of jowar seed Chaasnna To make it real (e.g. Jaati hein ek rahpat chaas diya uskey - ) Chaasnni

The boiled sugar in a large frying pan (kadhai ) Chahali A tiny ditch where rain-water accumulates Chakoota "Four-cornered" - object etc. Chak/ Chakrauli / A small unit of agricultural land (spoken in Western UP) Chamoula Any funny talk for entertainment - joke, poem etc. (Plural: Chamoule ) Chamoutha A series of twists using strings or wires to tie two or more objects Chandaa/ Kataaraa / Chhadd / / The names of various types of peacock feathers Changhaddna To drink something at one go Chanhat/Chant / A very small wound on the skin. Channak The neck pain Chapddass Sticky material spread over on a surface/ body/ cloth Chapparna (Verb) To stick to something which is not his/her property ["This thing does not belong to him, he is unnecessarily claiming it to be his own" [ , - ]- Also see 'Riff hona' below Char The small, thorny portion of something but still attached to the main body for example if the skin of human fingers (near nail) gets split, it is called : . Charas/ Chiddas / A huge, flexible leather container which holds about 80-100 ltr water, usually pulled by bullocks or camel from out of a well - for minor irrigation Charkha Spinning wheel Charmakh


A tiny leather strip used in spinning wheel Charkha (ii) The tiny, painful wound in toes caused due to shoe-bite

Charwa The animal fodder. (Also see saani below) Chatak The smart boy/ girl Chaudhe The babys uneasiness for someone, especially his mother, whom he/she is missing at the moment. Chaugarda All around - at all four directions Chaukhtaa Face/ forehead Chaundha Sharp flash on the eyes (from a mirror or sunlight) Chautala The name of the village in Dabwali tehsil of Sirsa district, Haryana, where Shri Om Prakash Chautala, former Chief Minister of Haryana, was born on January 1, 1935. Now-a-days, the word Chautala is a nick-name for anybody with a defective leg () Chauth Dung of cattle Chauthadd The fatty/ Plump fellow Cheechadd A tiny parasite which clings to skin of domestic cattle and dogs Cheegsa/Cheeghwa / Hand-made mini lamp used on Deewali festival Cheekla Baby sparrow Cheektaa A sticky surface Chees The pain in a portion of body due to accident, breakage of a limb or a wound etc.

Cheetan A wall painting drawn in 'Geyroo' , a saffron clay Chheethna To crush Chehddoo The left-over material after purification of ghee through a boiling process '' Cheibhrra Offspring of a swine Chhabbaak Long jump - such as by a deer, rabbit or a frog Chhan The roof of a make-shift hut made up of dry sarkandas and other such material Chhanass The tiny material obtained after filtering something Chhaangna To trim tree-branches etc. Chhaj A square 'tokri' made of 'sarkanda' - used for cleaning of grains Chhaktaa An extra-clever fellow Chhath Roof Chhathi Celebrated on the 6th day after the birth of a boy Chheeda scattered/ Rare (Opposite word: 'Ghinnka') Chheedd Opposite of crowded Chheldde The tiny white substance derived after the milk is split due to a boiling process (because of sour content in it) Chhetnna

To beat somebody hard (He was beaten hard : "Woh tey bhoondi dhall chhet diya" ) Chibke The splashing of water - Chhickmaa In plenty (also see Annmeeta and Uubaram-soobraan / -) Chhipkali Lizard Chhol To remove leaves etc.from sugarcane to make it ready for crushing Chhuchhak Like a baby shower in the West Chhyava Shelter/ house Chhyonk To fry onions, tomato or zeera etc. in ghee/ cooking oil to be put in boiled dishes , '' Chhyori The heap of bundles of harvested crops kept ready for crushing at an open place (also called Baagar ). Chighnaan False show-off, pretending (also see Chilattar below) Chilaam/Chilam / An earthen pot used for heating the tobacco. Pieces of burning coal etc. are kept inside a chilam, which is then fixed to a Hukkah Chilameeya One who smokes free 'Chilam' - see details in 'Patth-Paarr" - Chilattar False show-off, pretending (Nakhare ) Chinnaai The process of construction of a brick-house Chinggarnna When a child starts weeping or crying in an angry mood, it is called "Yo baalak tey chinggar rahya sey, maanta-e na': , - Chirmaraat Itching/ pain with burning effect



The tiny fruit of a wild parasite plant - (ii) Small naughty girl with sharp features -

Chobha An iron nail ("keel" ) Chobhhallde Curiosity of highest order/ keenness/ disturbed state of mind Chho/Chhoh / Anger Chokha


OK/Yes/Alright. (ii) Plentiful


A tiny quantity of material () gripped between two fingers (like ) (ii) To press someones skin between the thumb and a finger [like ]

Chontry A bench near your doorstep, birthplace of grapevine Chooghda The earthen lamp (/ ) Choolkar Peels Choon The crushed powder (flour) of a grain of wheat, gram etc. Choonda A hair style of rural womenfolk - to tie the hair with strings on top of the head Choondhraa/ Michkoo / A guy who is habitual of blinking his eyes all the time Choonghna To chew Chooran A homeopathic concoction for all ailments Choorma A traditional delicacy dish made of crushed bread, ghee and sugar (also called Maleeda ) Choontanni

The act of manually plucking the top portions ('Sirti' ) of dry jowar or bajraa plants Chowa The deep spot into the earth where drinking water is found Chyotke/Chotkar / Chilka , peel Chaubaara A small room on the upper floor Chubhak Sensation of pain/ itching in a particular part of body (on injury etc.) Chugal A small, oval-shaped stone used to cover the hole of "Chilam" . The tobacco is then kept on the top of the chugal and then it is covered with another pebble called 'thegree' or 'cheegsa' Chuchkarna To accept the gift with gratitude Chughadd A specie of owl found in north India Chukchundher Bat Chulacknna To clear the small quanitty of liquid by hand - or to milk the cow or buffalo "Gawaddi ke dokke Chulack lyo" Chulha-Nyot Everyone in the family is invited Chund-di Same as 'Chunni' in Hindi Chundhee/Chooll / The 'kiwaadd' of a traditional house used to rest on a particular round, wooden/iron object attached to earth. That object is termed as 'Chundhee'or 'Chool'. Churnne The sense of itching inside the underwear this phenomenon generally occurs with children due to excess intake of sugar Chusakna

(Verb) To respond [ -, ] Chusaddu Addicted to something [The old man has become addicted to playing cards Chyamchaddi The nick-name for a slim-faced lady Chyannhi Funeral place Chyatar Clever (Chatur in Hindi) Chyondha Reflection of sunlight etc. through a mirror or standing water etc. - also see 'Pallka' below



A sharp Iron-instrument looking like a wide sickle, for cutting trees (ii) Tricks of a wrestler (iii) Readiness of a hunter (The cat was ready for the catch : Billi daa laga-key baithi thi ). (iv) In some areas, Daa is also the short form of Daada (grandfather).

Daabar A good cultivable area Daabh/ Kush/ Kaans / / An evergreen wild weed which has deep roots going down to water level Daada-Laahhi - Something coming from the times of ancestors, hereditary Daadas Your husband's father's mother Daadda Maarna To get something free of cost ( ) Daafadd A scar/ mild swelling result out of a sting (like mosquito-bite) Daahnaa The drain of fresh water in the fields (for irrigation) [also see Naali-Khali ]

Daig/ Daigchi / A narrow-mouthed Pateela used for boiling purposes. The small sized one is called a Daigchi Daimchi A roll of threads Daak Jump Daakot A typical beggar who collects mustard oil, generally on Saturdays only. The word is also used for a petty thief, dacoit. Daakall Branches of a young mustard plant used as a green vegetable a delicacy, the main raw material for Sarson ka Saag. Daaki A mast guy who does great things are very popular Daamann A very heavy, bulky and beautiful skirt worn by womenfolk in villages Daans Flying mosquitos and other biting insects especially in rainy season Daantan The tiny stem of a branch of a particular tree (keekar, neem etc.) traditionally used in northern India as a toothbrush (). Daatnna (i) Daantrey Mini, curved blades of sharp instruments like a saw ("Aaree') or sickle Daantree /Dandri / Small teeth (Child's) Daan-na The devil ('Daanav' ) Daat The support given to a ceiling in the middle of a house the ancient architecture, generally of v-shape or a half-circle. A daat is generally supported by two pillars, which are firmly attached to ground. Daatta To scold someone (ii) To keep or store something or to give shelter to someone.

Cap of a bottle etc. Daayeen Age of a person [He is of my age : ] Daayeen-davaall - Of similar age [Both of these boys are of similar age : ] Daballo The position of a bullock-cart when it is overloaded on its front Dabotta The top portion of desi skirt (Ghaaghri ) from where the thick rope ('Naaadda ) is passed through Dahhar A large mini lake, not too deep. Rabi crop can be grown in some parts of 'Dahhar' after the standing water recedes. Dahej Has replaced 'Doosar' , with a deeper meaning, adding more expensive and sophisticated household goods. Dahkaa Stunning feeling like hearing the news of death of some close relative. Dahun Fully/Completely [ We are absolute alright : ] Daladdar The shabby/dirty fellow - (also see 'Gohachee' below) Dalak Vibration ( ) Dall


(Verb) to crush [This heavy truck will crush anyone who comes in front of it : , ] (ii) The layer/ heap , [ A thick layer of ghee happens to be over the bread ]

Dalla A thick piece of clay in the field (Plural: Dalle )- also see 'Dheem' Dallhaa The branch of a tree (Female : Dallhi , same as 'daali' in Hindi) Dameedd A very loud noise (like a bomb-blast)

Damhooi Double headed snake Dandh Teeth Dandook A tiny stick or 'danda' Dangar Animal stock Dangh Step ('Kadam') Dangwaara The system of doing agricultural work in a partnership. Usually, two small land holders used to follow this both of them keeping one bullock each. (Sometimes, Dangwara also means herds of animals/ unnecessary burden) Daphli A small-sized drum : "apni-apni daphli, apna-apna raag" - , Daraanti sickle Darr Maarna To pretend for sleep Dass The string [ ] Dasmi Celebrated by Hawan & namkaran sanskar ( ) & rich food on the 10th day after the child's birth Daull Position/ Situation , [Today morning you were suffering from fever, how are you now? , ?] Daumra Sudden, brief heavy rain shower Deel A painful, excessive growth of skin over a small area in the form of nodule, even without any friction or pressure. The exact cause of this is not known but it is considered to be viral in origin, they may be single or multiple and have to

be removed surgically. , '' Deewa lamp Degchoon The raw iron Desoddi The country-wide [' ' ] Dhabbi A unique word which means "Fast friend" (normally used by children and youngesters) Dhaall


Slope - to let the water pass down. (ii) "in the shape of" (Woh bi apnne baap ki dhaall sey" - he also like his father) (iii) To close the gate etc. (Kiwaadd dhaall de shut the door)

Dhaana Landing platform on the water-well for 'Chiddas' . Dhaang The large heap of dry stuff in an open area (of crop, wood or other such material) Dhaankh An ugly-looking buffalo Dhaans


bad sneezing occurring after inhaling a substance such as dry tobacco or red chilly powder etc., (ii) A tiny particle "Usney tey dhaans bi nah milli"

Dhaansar The child Dhaayeen Destination [Used such as ? Is he going just to touch the place and come back? ] Dhadda


A Group (ii) One side of a tradition weighing-scale

The bad cold (jammed nose)

Dhamdhama The loose/weak structure Dhanasba/ Dhanakba / The fatal illness caused by a metal-piece, knife or a sharp/ rusted iron-piece. Dhandaa An aged or old bull, unfit for a job Dhanni The roasted barley-grains Dhahee / Two long sticks in the frontal portion of a bullock cart - used at the time of its parking. Dhaiyya A large single piece of 'Gudd' weighing 2.5 'ser' Dharaa A hut made specially for keeping livestock Dharann An inner part in the stomach, also called Naabhi (Uski dharann dig-gi theek-ey nah hota -, - ) though doctors deny existence of any such part of the body. Dharti-Dhakel - The bulldozer Dhhapp A big drum used at the time of large gatherings like Holi-burning or wrestling events. The small sized one is called 'daphli' Dhharri The term used for a weight of 5 'ser' (about 4.5 kg) Dhar-rata / Loud noise of moving vehicle/ machinery Dhasaddki A strong threat Dhathaa A 'mini ghoonghat" - to cover the face with a cloth, except eyes Dhatoora A 3-feet high wild plant commonly found in north India - a poisonous plant used in many Ayurvedic medicines Dhaunn

20 ser or half mann (One mann consisted of 40 ser i.e. about 37.5 kg) Dhedh /Dhaidh / A person belonging to a low caste (also see Gindhall/ Gittall / ) Dheed End-product of eye infection - a sticky, yellow substance Dheeh A huge block of clay [Some labourers were buried under the earth : ] Dheem A large block of hard clay Dheem-Sira - The fellow with a fat, odd and heavy skull Dheendhraa A thick flower-bud such as that of a cotton-plant Dheenga The iron-spoon ''/ '' Dheira Headlice, big one ,adult louse Dhegraa/Dheggar/Thekkar / / Broken piece(s) of an earthen pot Dheraa/ Dhere / Head-lice, the parasitic insects found on the heads of people. Dheth Courage (sahas ) spoken in Western Uttar Pradesh Dhibree The iron-cap in a machinery etc. Dhibsir [Do your job properly : ] Dhidhaann A long, wild plant, like Jute , Dhiday/ Deedey / Eyes Dhingtana Forcibly or forcefully Dhisall-na

To lower ones prestige by doing an adverse job [e.g. ?] Dhobre Old, used domestic utensils Dhodhaa The very old, ramshackle machinery, not fit for use any more Dhokh Bowing down in front of a deity Dholaan Plump baby girl Dholl - A strong palm-slap, generally applied on the back, with lots of sound Dhoocha Someone having physical defects in legs or lower back Dhooh/ Dhoolha / The heap/ piled-up material (Also see Kudh/ Koodha below Dhooma Smoke Dhoomanni To fire the half-dry material so that smoke is produced to get rid of mosquitos and other flying insects Dhoondh An old, ramshackle house Dhoondhllaa The smoke outlet of a traditional oven for boiling sugarcane juice Dhoonga Slight rhythmic movement of hips Dhorre Adjacent or near Dhot Used to put stress on the word dhoti Dhoti The traditional Indian dress(legwear for men). In the case of ladies, 'dhoti' means 'sari' in some parts of north India. Dhownnee

To carry the harvested crop to another place in a bullock cart or tractor Dhutari A tiny musical instrument, rarely sighted now a days Dhuttu The wider iron-pipe such as that of a railway-engine, which emits smoke Dhyadi Wages Diggar-jaana To move away (Chale jaana ) Digna (Verb) To get away a bit , Dikhoddi A half-inch long, red coloured poisonous worm normally found in rainy season in India , Dil Ka Daura Same as dil ki bimari Dilli-Suba A term commonly referred to Jat villages around Delhi Disotaa The exile -, (Rama had to undergo a 14-year exile : ) Dithaura The pride Dohree A bowl made of clay used while churning the milk. Dobh A very deep, marshy pond in a remote place where water is found even at the time of famine. This is one of the lupt words. Dobha The act of dropping the traditional pen (kalam ) into the inkpot (dawaat ) (e.g. yaar manney-bi ek dobha le-lene de na aapni dawaat tein ! , !) Dobhall The useless task Dohraan

Double Dooba-Dheri -


Heavy flood (ii) An adverse job done by someone leading to trouble in the family.

A nomad clad known for begging while dancing and using local musical instruments (also known as 'bhaand' clan) Doonda High flames from a large fire such as those from Holi fire Doongha Deep Doonn The collision of two objects (The truck collided with a car ). Normally this term is used when two domestic cattle fight with each other. Dossar The agricultural plot which is ploughed twice in order to increase the air exposure and fertility Doughadd Two water-pitchers put together generally used by ladies who carry water from the well to the household. Doulrra/ Doldaa / A medium sized, thick cloth of cotton used as a carpet as well as for carrying load ('Gathree' ) Doe/ Doyee/Dowoo/ Dheenga / / / Wooden spoon Dogga/Baint / Tau's alter ego, a wooden stick, curved at the top Dokkey A fountain to fresh milk from the udders of cow or buffalo for their kid (lawara) to make them feel that her kid is also having their milk. Dolla Divider between fields (Plural: Dolle ) Dole Sheet container 18 litre capacity used to get water from kuan. Doob Weed / grass

Doosar An ancient Jat tradition, a colorful and grand display of household goods, dresses, jewelry, appliances, furniture, and gadgets given to daughter immediately after her wedding. Dowati The thick, hand-made cotton cloth Dranti Agriculture tool for harvesting crop (Sickle) DTC Delhi Transport Corporation - a common name now known to everybody in the villages of National Capital Region. Dubhaat Repitition of a job, causing irritation Duddki The mini race Duhathda Weeping and beating of breasts by women at the time of death of a near and dear one. Dukaddiya A room, the ceiling of which contains a series of two series of kaddi (wooden beam) i.e. a 16-18 feet wide room (of a traditional house). Dukaania That is a desi shawl. Dulhandi The day next to 'Holli' festival - traditional festivities of colour and other acts of enjoyment. Dust Dysantry - opposite of 'kabaj' Dutedda The fellow who takes the side of both the parties

Eendhi Small ring made of cloth to carry pot on the head (The thick version : Eindhaa ) Eelam Knowledge / information in advance

Ekaddvassi The lonely place

Faafote Show-off , , Faanchi maarna To interrupt (-) Faanss/ Fansat / The 2-inches odd stems of any crop visible in the field after harvesting Faddfaddi The thick form of churned milk (seet ) with lot of white particles of ghee. Mothers used to offer it to boys early in the morning, a practice which is nonexistent now due to urbanization of villages. Fahdda/ Fahwdda / Wooden hand-tool for removing clay, dirt etc. Failna The talkative and arrogant fellow Fain One of the superior type of cloth used in the formation of Dhotis Fallaari To jump over a horses back for ride Falli The green cover of a raw seed on a plant, such as that of a chick-pea Fallsa The outer area of a village Falsi The instrument made up of a thick and strong bush ('Bojhra'). The Falsi is pulled by two bullocks and is used for extracting seeds from the crop. Fanki One dose of a medicinal powder prescribed for a patient Fapheddna To bite severely, like dogfight Farhadde The dry, harvested plant of jowar/ baajra / Farwat Expert in a particular job

Fofass A fat but physically weak fellow Fikraa One part of a song / Fitfit/Fatfatti / The nick-name of a scooter/ motor-cycle/ three-wheeler Fokka/ Fokki / An item in its totality, nothing added to it. For example: (i) Fokka paani would be translated as under Just plain water ? Nothing more? (ii) ? Would you offer the guest just plain tea, no more dishes? Foohadd The lady with no sense of hygiene and who performs all acts in a haphazard manner. Fosra One who does not apply his own mind and acts on others advice Foukri Gaadrri A special type of she-jackal which makes loud noise in the night Fusphusi The lose/ airy material without any stiffness Fyavri The irritated/ angry lady who can go to any extent to hit her target

Gaadadd Jackal Gaadh The filth in the bottom of water (well or a pone) Gaadda Another name for Muslims or Christians (anybody who is not cremated but is buried in earth after death (jo zameen mein gaadd diya jaaye Gaaggadd The long, boring tale Gaadh Suspension of water, sand and other waste material Gadhhall

Mud and water mixed due to presence of domestic cattle at one place Gadranna (verb) arguing / [Why are you counter-arguing with elders? ? ] Gaall


The street (ii) To call a name ('Gaali' in Hindi)

The villager Gaar/ Gaaraa / The mud/ soaked clay Gaade-Lohar See 'Bhoobhaliya' above Gaas Semi-fluid dishes like Khichaddi and Dalia Gaat Human body Gaawdi Cow Gabha Old, worn out clothes - Gabhroo / A young man, healthy boy just entered in adulthood (Female: Shivashann ). The word 'Gabhroo' perhaps means ghaav + bharoo + i.e. (obviously a young man) Gabsua Safety pin, a sharp instrument kept in geometry-box Gaddang Tell-tale/ boasts Gaddangte Cremation ground : this word is known in the villages in the vicinity of Delhi only Gadood The naturally swollen portion on a part of body Gaddoos Used to express irritation on someone who does not use mind at all Gahantaa

The art of use of bullocks for extracting corn from the dry crop. The bulls walk on the heap - no instrument or tool used. Gailadd Bastard ('') Gailadda/ Gailadde / In the back of it Gail/ Gailyaan / With/ attached (e.g. He will go with you : Wo teri gail chalya jaaga ) Gaintal/Gaatil / One who misbehaves without any reason Gaira A small bundle of crop etc. '' Gajbann A charming lady Gallaffu Cheeks Gallgha A little bit empty, about three-fourth full [This jug of milk is almost full - ] Galeif The thick, hand-made cotton-cover, made of dowati () which covers the cotton in a local quilt ( ) Galjot Working by two persons, shoulder to shoulder. Galla/ Galle /


The throat (2) Tonsils in the throat e.g. (3) One dose or one fistful of grain put manually in a hand-driven grain-crusher

Gallamaa Rope or 'rassi' put in the neck of bullock Gallami Strong ties or relationship Galhoora Cheek, especially of a sweet child (Plural: Galhoore ) Galoor

The tiny piece of sugarcane. Gandasa Machine to cut fodder Gandassi An axe-like hand-tool for cutting sugarcane and other thick crops like mustard plant, cotton-plant, jute etc. Gandaa-Gaandllee - A garland of peacock feathers - to decorate the domestic cattle on the occasion of Diwali Gande Sugarcane Ganderi/ Gandeeri / About 1-feet long piece of a sugarcane Gandheelaa Dirty/Untidy Gandsyaa A V-shape piece of wood used to carry the 'hall' (plough - to be pulled by bullocks) from the village to the fields Gantha The onion: A Jat veggie delicacy. , Ganthee A gold ornament worn in the neck by rural womenfolk Ganthoo Tonsils in the throat. In some areas, it is also called Galle Gapauddi A talkative fellow, and the one who boasts unnecessarily Garand/ Garall / A round-shaped earthen pot used to store 'Atta' from a 'Chakki' Gareidda The hinderance/ obstacle. The word is used in a sentence : Usney tey gareidda kaat diya : He has removed the obstacle in this job. Garad-Pharad - Used to illustrate the movement and sounds of clouds ( ) Garki The position when ground-water level is very high. '' : -

Gauddi An agricultural instrument : a square pot for removing the clay and making the surface even Gavhera/ Gurheddiyaa / A wild, poisonous lizard which lives in dry or semi-stoned land Gawaaria A nomad caste expert in needle & thread jobs, and repairing the domestic chakki. Gawhaand / Neighbouring villages (Gawhaandi : means one from my neighbouring village) Geendo/Khinnoo / Ball Geet Local songs Geetan Aali The group of ladies/girls who sing folk songs during social occasions and ceremonies (marriages etc.) Geglaa - Geidda Round (i.e. "Iss kaam ka pahla geidda" = The first round of this job) Ghaagree Same as 'Daaman' Ghaal


This is the act of raiding the opponents in game of Kabbadi (2) The supernatural acts by an exorcist or Shevda () or Tantariks to kill somebody



Low amount or quantity - Ghaata means loss (2) The entry point in a village pond.

To pour in / insert/ put Ghaddounchi An instrument looking like a mini table, used while repairing the bullock-cart.

Ghaddsanni This word is one of the lupt words. It means a copper-copper coin without any markings etc. it used to be in circulation till Mughal period. Ghainslla The rough, fat stick or lathi generally used to beat animals (also called Baangadd ) Ghaiti/ Ghaitvaa / Neck Ghanghella The wild migraine Ghann The heavy hammer kept by Lohar - being used to hit the hot iron Ghanna Abundant or 'Too much' Ghankhare Many of them (Bahut saare ) Ghap


Some job to complete instantly e.g. - (2) The sound of insertion of an object e.g.

Ghappaddchoth To mess-up things Ghaptaadde ghaalnaa To do hanky-panky business, dishonesty ( - ) Gharghulli A mini temporary cave made with wet clay by children Gharmaulli /


The whirlpool or the swirling motion of water when a hole is sighted in the midst of revolving water. " " (ii) The similar sense felt by humans (the dizziness) . Also see Ghirnni

Gharooddnna To tighten up [Make this bottle-cap tight - ] Ghasadd-Deni - Instantly, without giving second thought [His father instantly gave him money for school-fee - - ] Ghasiyari

A woman who plucks green grass from fields for feeding domestic animals Gharwassa Family life Ghatta/ Ghatto / Hole (suraakh ) : A large hole is called Moggha Gheeladdi A small earthen pot used to keep fresh ghee or butter Gher/ Gheyar / A semi-covered area with some boundary for keeping the livestock Gherna Encirclement or to get surrounded Ghess The miserable condition of somebody : the feeling thereof. Ghevar A sweet looking like white cotton made only during rainy season. The town of Sonepat is famous for this sweet. Ghich-mich Hotpotch/ congested Ghilouth A sweet, wild fruit (root of a wild grass- looks like a tiny potato) Ghin Hatred , Ghinnka Dense Ghirnni The sense of dizziness Gholliya Great worry/fear [e.g. Why are you worrying : ?] Ghoodchadhi A kodak moment for the groom / Ghoondroo The green buds coming out of newly-sown seeds Ghotta/ Pemmack/ Peecko / / Various forms of cloth embroidery by rural ladies Ghuggu

(1) Ghullayi

(i) A tiny insect which normally hides under the sand (2) A silent person, sometimes considered half-mind


The wrestling

A man of hidden abilities not known to others ('Gunni' or 'Gunnwaan') Ghup Completely closed with no trace of light - i.e. Ghuush/ Moosaa / An extraordinarily fat rat Ghyaar The feeling of attachment between a male and female [ As uttered by a lady: , ] Gich Rich food such as Gich Choorma . A strong person is also often called Gich Gillad Lotus fruit (small button type) Gilyan Un-tasty feeling / feeling like vomiting etc. (Glani in Hindi) Gindaurra The special white-coloured sweet-dish which looks like Gudd. Its round bricks are actually made of khaand. This dish is costlier than other khandsari products and is distributed on special occasions only. Gindhall/ Gittall / A low caste person (also see Dhedh/ Dhaidh / above) Gindholla The long, sticky, harmless worm found in clay and usually sighted during rainy season () Girari Gears on a wheel (of any machinery) Girddi The day before Diwali festival (Chhoti Diwali ) Girgaulli To make tiny balls of paper-piece etc. -

Girhaj The vulture (Also see 'Kargas' ) Girmit A hand-driven drill-machine which makes hole in the wood. Girrgam/Gaddcham / A wooden stand on which an earthen pot like 'Matka' is kept. Girrgam is generally prepared by a carpenter. Girrgoyi An open, large hut where 'gur' or similar products are prepared by the specialist called 'Pakaava' Gitta Ankle Gitvaadd A plot of land used by a household like an open storehouse : dry crop, firewood, 'Bitodda' , house-waste etc. Gizaayee A harmless worm with numerous legs, sighted in the rainy season. Many a times, two of these insects are seen walking like a double-decker bus. Gizzar Semen ( '' ) Gobar Cow dung Gober-Ganesh - A lazy and unintelligent fellow Gochari A peculiar word, meaning 'upto' or 'till' [Now this task seems to be postponed till about one year - - ] God Bharai - The pre marriage ceremony when persons from the side of would-be groom go to the brides house for completing certain formalities to confirm the relationship. Goda Knee Goda-Nivann -

The term used when male members visit the home of a deceased person to express sorrow. (In case of ladies, the word used is Muuh-Kaaynn -) Gofiya The special rope which is used for throwing earthen pieces or stones etc. for husking away birds which harm standing crops. Gohachee The shabby/dirty fellow - (also see Daladdar above). '' '-' Gohl The wild fruit of a special thorny bush called Bidda (not fit for eating) Gohari Pathway between fields (Also see Gonda below) Goiya-Moiya - To twist some object haphazardly like twisting of grass or a piece of cloth Gojh Pocket Golla The upper portion of sugarcane (long, green leaves) Golla-Laathi - The system of punishment - to tie the hands and legs with a stick and ropes. Gonda Pathway between fields , (Also see 'Gohari' above) Goodad Old, worn out clothes, turned into a mattress Gondhnni A wasp-like flying insect which makes a mud-nest inside rural homes Gooja The piece of cloth used to fill the gap/ hole etc. Goolar The fruit of banyan tree (badd ) Goomdi Mosquito bite turned septic Goomadda

A large sized 'goomaddi' Goond A solidified liquid of some trees - used for making sticky gum, and also used in a traditional diet (of the same name), given to a mother after child's birth Goondhanni A special type of shelter of clay (about the size of a tiny mango) made by a yellowish fly on a corner of the wall inside a village house. This fly is also called by the same name. Goothi Ghalana Ring ceremony following microscopic & 3-D view of the would-be bride Gora The outskirts of village ' ' Gosa Jumbo-size Dungcake (Plural: gosay ) Gozzi 'Seet' or lassi mixed with a small quantity of fresh milk (Gozzi is used to eat with 'khichree' of crushed baajra ) Guchki ; To dive in water (e.g. he dived/ drowned in water) Gud-dee The human neck backside portion Guddbhatta The rice cooked along with Gur a sweet delicacy Guddgamma The local name for Gurgaon town. Gurgaons original name is Gurugram i.e. the village of Guru Dronacharya (of Mahabharata ). Guddhamba A large wild fruit which grows in an arid zone at the time of monsoon this looks exactly like a watermelon but is very sour (totally unfit to eat) and is used to treat many diseases (like swallowing of feet) under the Ayurvedic system. Gudhaliyaan chalnaa Crawling of a child on knees ( ) Guhera Same as 'Gavhera' above Gulabo

The charming and attractive girl the word used for eve-teasing Gulafu Cheeks Gulmekk A long and thick iron-nail Gulgule A tasty sweet dish : fried in oil/ ghee Guljhat The uneven surface of a dress which is removed by ironing Gunguna Concentrated reet! Gunniyaa


A person of high qualities ('Gunnvaan') (ii) It is also the name of an 'L' shaped measuring instrument (scale) mostly used by carpenters and stone-cutters

Gurmunde Human fist for beating somebody Gusalkhana Bathroom/restroom Guss/ Gass Giddiness/ dizziness / sense of enmity Gut Maarnaa To hit hard with fist ( ) Guthali Hard shell of seed inside the fruit Gyabhann A pregnant woman (normally used for a pregnant buffalo or cow) '' Gyaall The stupid/ idiot

Haadyal A lean fellow, whose bones are visible (Little flesh over bones) Haaflla Movement of hands to grip an object ["The guy tried his best but got nothing" - ]

Haai Someone who is really clever (in negative sense) Haalli One who plough the field a kisan. Haalna Shaking a part of body continuously Haann Time Haandhnaa To roam around/ loitering (fizool ghoomna ) Haara A clay oven (uses gosay) , Haar Jana - Exhausted completely Haart(Heart) Ki Beemari O boy, this one needs attention! Haath Means 'hand' but here, the definition of the word is different. It is a most common method of measurement of length - the length equal to that of an average adult's arm : e.g. "10 Haath zameen ka tukdaa" 10 : A piece of land measuring 10 hands" Haathhall A buffalo which can be milked by a particular individual (" ") Haauu Any ugly looking insect etc. (To silence a weeping child, it is generally said : chupp ho-jya nahin to haauu aa jyaaga -, !) Haazyat The sense of morning call. Hadkhai A truant buffalo which is habitual of damaging the standing crops (" -, -, ") Hadwadda A place where dead animals are buried in earth Hail A heavy basket

Hailey/ Heli A big house ("Haveli" ) - In rural areas, it also means a place to keep domestic animals and store harvest Hal-lann The earthquake Halai The ploughed portion of a field one acre of land may consist of 12-15 Halai. Halak The throat Hallash/ Hallshya / The long wooden round shaft of a traditional plough (Hall ) Hallsotia A special, thick liquid-drink which used to be given to one who is ploughing the field, to give him extra energy. , Hallwa Light (low weight), Hamaamdasta A small but heavy and deep iron-potfor crushing grains, dry fruits, spices etc. Handaa An bulb or a 'lattu' of a kerosene lamp which gives bright light (Plural: Hande ) light Handhor The fellow who wanders without a purpose Hangha Strengh of a person Hansli The strong bones below the human neck Harat/ Rahat / Persian wheel (for watering the fields) Haraarat Not feeling well (due to body pain) Harduaar

Hardwar - the holy city in Uttaranchal - the ultimate health spa, and place for redumption of all sins. It is wrong to write it ''. Hardwar means 'Har ka dwaar' i.e. the gateway of Shivalik hills. Harjuri The slight fever which occurs as a routine Haryana The state of India where Jats constitute 30 per cent of total population. Haryana means 'Har ka desh' i.e. the land of Lord Shiva ('Har' ). It is wrong to write it as '' in Hindi, as is being done now-a-days. Hat-thaa (i) Hauddi A cemented mini-pond for storing water near a well or a tubewell etc. Harya A cow/ buffalo which roams around without any purpose. Sometimes, this word is also used for a lady who has the same nature. Haryana Roadways The state-owned public transport (bus service) which connects Haryana with Dilli Suba, Punjab, Rajashthan and Western UP ('Paar') Hasodd The witty fellow Hatthi The handle (ii) The slaughter house


Strong push by hand applied on the side of neck portion of the opponent (2) The handle of a machine, hand-driven wheel etc.

Hatya-Seti - Just to kill somebody without any purpose Heens A wild tree, sighted rarely now-a-days Heij The attachment (with a near and dear one) Heijlaa One who is special attachment [This boy has special attachment towards his mother : ] Heil The bucket full of household waste/ gober etc. Heil is kept on the head for carrying the stuff from one place to another.

Herro Same as English word Harrow : the sharp iron-wheel trolley attached to a tractor. This technique has replaced traditional Hall in many areas. Herva Strong feeling of attachment like a childs desire for mother. Hindolla The merry-go-round / A swing Hilanna To train the young bull to pull cart/ plough the field and other jobs. Hilki The shrill sound made by a child after prolonged weeping Hooka The smoking instrument where the smoke is filtered in water before being inhaled - the community cigar of senior citizens in villages. It is an Arabic word. Hukka came to our land after Muslim invasion but later, it gained popularity in rural life too. Hoonchna To drain-out the standing water [ Some rain-water is accumulated in courtyard, suck it with utensils and throw away - -, ] Hullanss A tobacco powder for inhaling, especially by old village ladies Hul-lee The hockey-type game played in rural areas Hukti The small sized (mini) Hukka - it is used by some old ladies also. Humbei Yes Hunkaara The sound of hoon or yes ( : " , ")

Indra Gandhi Loadful of sarcasm for a woman..."who do you think you are?" Ikhaadd-baadha - In totality [Cut the sugarcane field in totality : - ]

Ikkadiya A room, the ceiling of which contains a series of one kaddi (wooden beam) i.e. an 8-9 feet wide room (of a traditional house). Inghene This side It Here

Jaadaa Cold winters Jaall A wild, thick tree which does not have thorns. Its fruit is like a tiny berry, called 'peehl' Jaamann Boiled milk kept night-long to prepare 'Dahee' for the next day Jaann-Geidda - The last days of life (i.e. - ? it seems your days are numbered) Jaatak The child (also see Taabar) Jaaye-Roye/ Bhai-Roye/Anpoote -/ -/ These words are also Avikari ones and are used by ladies in anger or in quarrel. Should mean one who weeps on the death of his own son/brother. Janeit Bridegrooms party (Baraat ) Jangal-Johad - To answer the call of nature Jannu / / - : Like, such as as if [It seems as if there will be rainfall shortly : - - ] Janti A thorny tree found in arid zones it has tiny leaves which can be eaten by camels and goats. Jappa The period after delivery when the mother should have complete rest Jar-Jari -

The act of roaming around women and girls, with wrong intentions Jas Used for wrong-doings i.e. ? Who is responsible for this wicked job? JAT A handsome, brave, honest, hard working, stubborn, easily provoked, male of robust physique, found in Haryana, Delhi(outer), Rajasthan and Western Utter Pradesh(specially baghpat, meerut, mujaffarnagar, gaziabad, saharanpur & bulandshahar districts are JAT dominating),.JAT- Just, Active & Truthful ( Female: Jatni ) Jathar Stamina/ physical strength Jeengadda The boy Jeh The outer boundary of a village chaupal, wide on top ( ) Jeir see Zeir. Jelli Rake - Agricultural implement used to rake crop by throwing harvested and milled crop in the wind to separate grian from chaff Jersey Full sleeves sweater Jewda/ Jevddi/ Jeevda / / The rope made of sann to tie domesticated cattle Jhaab An earthen pitcher for storing seet Jhaag Beekharna To talk too much Jhaalra, Kanthi, Hasli / / The various items of jewellery, precious treasure of women Jhaanth The pubic hair Jhaarnna A big iron pot with holes - used to filter the corn-seeds Jhabru

The breed of a fat dog with lots of hair all over its body Jhakoi/Jhikoi / A good sambodhan in Haryanwi for the guy who is not going according to one's will Jhal


A water-canal junction : A spot where two-three watercanals mingle with each other or vice-versa (ii) Iron-welding

The flames [ ] Jhal-la A big basket ('Tokraa') for keeping animal feed etc. Jhal-la is made of mulberry (Shahtoot ) branches. Jhangadd The art of argument to convince the other party i.e. Jhaangann The chopped-off branches of a tree Jhaankhli Sight, look-out for [Wait a little, let me have a look there, I shall revert shortly - - , - ] Jhaankhraa A heavy, wide earthen pot Jhadd/ Roh / The continuous and torrential rain Jhamma Congestion Jhankhralla Dusk/ After sunset [I returned to village at dusk ] Jhatodd The Plump/ obese fellow Jhatol Mostly used for a loose cot - Jhaydo Pait ka darad gone badone with protruding tummy Jheel Means lake but in desi language, it means a low-lying area ( '' ) Jheekhnna


The sense of irritation (ii) Verb - to show unwillingness/ reluctance [Why are you showing your reluctance towards the job? - ?]- Also see 'Kanntaana' below

Jheenjh See 'Zheenz' in 'Z' section Jheid The very fat stomach of a glutton (fatty person) Jheira A big and deep well Jhikollna/ Ghicholna / To splash (clothes etc.) in water [Apply some soap to this dhoti and then splash it in water - - ] Jhirnnee-Dankaa A rural game, favourite of school-going kids. A small stick is kept on the ground and a group of children climb the tree. Then, one of them jumps down to pick up that stick Jhod/ Johadd / The village pond, swimming pool, and communal laundromat Jholl Slanting at one side (bullock cart etc.) due to overloading Jhoond A thick bush of a tall, wild grass called 'sarkanda' Jhoonga The fellow with curly hair and with forehead full of hair , - Jhoorkha To make a wound on someones skin by nails. (The cat scratched the boys skin through her paws : ) Jhotta The buffalo bull Jhotti Adult buffalo (female) Jimannwaar Invitation for food party during marriages Jit/Jadde -/- wherever ,

Joonn / Bandhej / Green plant of wheat etc. which is used as a tie for a bundle of harvested crop. Joom / Mid size head lice - pupa Jot A good pair : two friends or two ox (in a cart etc.) Jot-ta/ Jot-te / The portion below the human shoulders (towards backbone) Jotta One round of a particular task ("Just one more round and this job will finish" : - ! ) Joye Desi, hand-made noodles of wheat flour Jua Instrument which is put around the neck of oxes to harness them Juck Itching/ sense of severe body-pain [i.e. Have you anything wrong, cant you sit quiet? " - ?"] Jugaadd To fix something or arrange the things somehow. Jugaalli The act of chewing in empty mouth (after their diet) by domestic cattle an exercise of digesting the food. Juhaari Among several ceremonies part of a marriage, Juhaari is one in which women offer token-money to the groom rotating their hands around his head. This is done before he heads for brides place. , - '' Jukhaam When reet starts flowing freely Jumpher Ladies' Shirt Jungle Passage of stoolalso known as number 1 Jyahein-tein/ Jibbe-te -/ - : That is why

Kaabar A black sparrow farmers friend. It eats harmful insects found in the soil. Kaabla A thick screw Kaag (i) Kaakhi A special trick by a wrestler - the blockage of movements of opponent Kaal-lee Hate (Iss kaam tein kaal-lee mat maan dont hate doing this job) Kaalja Heart ("Kalejaa" ) Kaar Worth/utility Kaayn A short word, used with some additions such as - , - - etc. should mean whoom, whoose, where depending on the context. Kaamdda / Kaamchaa/ Kaamchee A flexible and fresh stick just torn from a tree - used for handling the livestock (also used to be kept by school teachers to punish truant students) Kaamil Good/ nice (yoh tey kaamil kaam ho gaya -) Kaanchlaa A weak, timid, cowardice fellow Kaandh The portion of a bulls neck where the yoke is kept Kaann Crow (ii) Upper portion of mouth (above toungue)


Defect (Iss laathi mey thoddi-si kaan rah gayi ) (ii) This word is also used in some desi sports like Jhirneedankaa the defeated boy has to perform the Kaann .

Kaan-na Border (Kinaara ) Kaan Mai Darad Too much wax build up..your ears need hot oil treatment Kaangre

A series of half-moon type designs created on the main gate of traditional pucca houses. '' Kaant A triangular piece of iron fitted in traditional plough (Hall ) Kaanto Female squirrel (Male: Kaantva ) Kaar - Profession -, Kaassi Spade - an agricultural implement - used for digging ground Kaat Four meanings : (1) A cut in the earth caused by the flow of water (2) Any piece of wood (3) Reasoning : "Iss baat ki koi kaat hai?" ?(4) Reaction : 'This medicine will react you' : 'Yah Dawaai terey kaat karegi' Kaatha Bank/shore of a river/pond (also see Kanthara ) Kaatkadd Uneasiness among domestic cattle, their uproar, fighting with each other (for such a behaviour among human beings, the word used is 'uddhmass' ) Kaatna Make thread on charkha Kabaj When one feels diffficulty in smooth discharge of stool ! Kachkachi The strong desire for a particular job Kachoulla A flat surfaced, round, metal tray for drinking milk etc. (a mini 'thalli') Kad When Kadd The back Kade/ kibe / Sometime Kaddi The thick wooden beam used for ceiling of houses

Kadd-Ka-Baans The backbone Kad Mai Darad Backache, you need to go for a dharan dabav to fix your spinal cord Kadhia An unnecessary quarrel (e.g. Tu sab ke saath kyoon kadhiya kar rahya sei? ?) Kadhwani Earthen pot used to boil milk on 'hara' milk is left to cook in it the whole day and turns pinkish and gets a peculiar taste Kainchi The cross-leg obstacle performed by a kabbadi- player - to pull down the opponent. Kainda The exact (amount, quantity) [The milkman delivers the exact quantity of milk ] Kaka Uncle (Father's younger brother) Kaki Aunt Kalaash Home made black eye color Kaleela A parasite, thick bug (which clings dogs and domestic cattle) Kaleva The breakfast of a kisan sent directly to him in the field, when he is ploughing. Kali


The main written part of a desi song or Raagni (ii) The art of copper-plating polishing a layer of another metal on utensils etc.

Kallar A barren land with very hard surface. 'Kallar dharti' was used by farmers for separating the grain from the harvested crop, using traditional methods Kallevaar The brunch time/ before noon (9-11 a.m.) Kalpuchhi

A bufalo whose entire tail is having black hair ( ) Kalsanda The blackish person Kamand An ornament worn in the waist by ladies Kamera The hard working fellow Kamoi A brand new medium size earthen pot Kamthaanna Shelter or the place of normal stay. Also see Thaudd-Thikannaa - below. Kanaat A cloth-tent Kanaghat A 15-day period (in October-November according to Indian calendar) - when it is time to remember our ancestors - customary, not a hard tradition Kanaster An iron pot (canister - also called 'peepa' ) Kanjar A rare nomad caste the word used for a fellow who habitually speaks in a loud tone. Kanjoos Makhi Choos Term for a miser fellow ('Maha kanjoos' ) Kangdi Pahalwan Very weak man (a sarcastical referrence) Kankhadd The fellow whose ears look like that of a rabbit Kanntaana (Verb) -same as Jheekhnna above Kanphedd The swelling on face, near one of the ears, an infectious disease Kanthara Bank of a river/pond Karam-Thok - : The unlucky fellow

Karanza The wooden tile (used in the ceiling of the house) Karddaai Bad days/ danger Kargas The vulture , (Also see 'Girhaj' ) Karonth Sleeping by sides Kasllet Obstruction or 'rukawat' in a field (caused by a stone, root of a tree etc.) which interrupts the flow of a 'hall' (Plough). This term is also used when there is an obstruction in the way of a bullock-cart (also called "Attall') Kasala The laborious job [Agricultural work is most laborious one - ] Kasola Small spade - an agricultural implement used for digging ground Kasonn Bad Omen Kasoota Excellent/ nice/ marvellous : "Yoh tey kasoota kaam kar diya" Kasauraa An earthen bowl Kassan Utensil(s) Katehla/ Katehlee / A wild, thorny plant seen in summer months. Its seeds look like mustardseeds Kati/ Katti / Definitely ( katai in Hindi/Urdu) Katiya Buffalo's female calf Katra Buffalo's male calf Kaatter

Small piece of cloth Kattal Something cut in pieces or the piece of a broken earthen pot - " - " Kaulli Bharnaa To grip someones chest or stomach with both hands (such as being done by two wrestlers) Kaulrra A piece of cloth (chaddar, chunni etc.) twisted several times like a rope. This hard 'kaulrra' is a pet weapon of ladies to beat menfolk near Holi festival Kaayee/ Kawaai / Weed (a green jelly grown in water) Kacha Handsome man Kachi Beautiful lady Kachari/Kachhar / Small fruit from a creeper that is sour in taste and use for making sour and spicy chutney Kanta/Kaanda / Thorne Kebhraa Perhaps Kehn/ Kinghaan-nei / : Side to which direction? Keedda-Kanta - The poisonous insect like snake, scorpion etc. Keel Nail, piece of iran or metal used to join things together Keela/ Beegha/ Marle / / The units of measurement of land, still in use Keeli A wooden stick through which the yoke is attached to the body of a plough (Hall ) Kesudda Same as Ghoodchadhi above

Khaacha/ Khaanchaa


Slippery mud ('Kichadd ), after rain etc. (ii) Frame


The wrestlers place Akhaadda in Hindi (ii) To make an issue or an useless quarrel (Also see Kadhia )


The empty space in a field where the seed could not grow because of some deficiency in soil, low moisture etc. (ii) Parts of human skin where some ugly spots have come up

Khadd The time of sunrise/ sunset [This cow lactates 5 Kg milk each time - 5 ] Khadd-doo Quarrel/ Uproar (Also see 'Saankaa' below) Khaddaam A wooden chappal worn by a monk (also called 'Khaddaoon' ) Khaddbathua A wild, useless vanaspati found in the crop area Khadtaall A small musical instrument with loose brass pieces, giving sweet sound when two of them are hit with each other Khaggad Unmarried ox Khagnna/ Khasnna / Useless debate/ to lock horns (Tu uss gail kyoon khaggann laag rahya sey? ?) Khandana (verb) To send somebody to another place Kaadhna To do embroidery Khaaj/Khasotni / Itching Khaamkha Unnecessarily - close to Urdu word 'Khaamkhwah' Khaand

White raw sugar - a khandsari product Khaapra Gap of land, especially in an agricultural plot. Khaar The dry leaves of chana (gram) plant (these are salty leaves and are considered a tasty diet for all domestic cattle, especially the camels) Khaar-ki - The first-time pregnant buffalo Khaat Cot or chaarpaai (Typically, woven jute) Khaata Ghol Process by which a favorite seasonal recipe (raabdi ) is made Khaati Name of a caste, expert in carpenter jobs and house building Khaatte-Peette Ghar Ka/Ki - / A polite description of a plump boy/man/woman Khadanja A floor made of bricks generally for the pet animals Khadhaa A ditch in the earth (in Hindi : 'gad-dha' ) Khahee A clay-boundary of a plot of land or a field Khaint Rivalry/enmity Khakhaat/ Khakhataa / Running fast Khakhaarnaa To produce a particular sound from throat Khaall The temporary open drainage (generally made of clay) in the field for irrigation purposes Khall A by-product of mustard extraction process, an animal-feed Khallkhota

Having bath by way of pouring water with the help of a jug : ( - ", ") Khalwa The supports used on buggi for takhtas Khan-na-khuddhi - A game played by rural children A small hole is dug in the ground for each player. The player shoots the ball with a stick, runs and has to come back quickly at his own ground-hole before being hit by another player. Khandwaa A style of head wrap or 'Pugree' - a symbol of honour Khann Storey of a house [e.g. ] Khannondhaa Mouth Khanjhar The uneven but very hard, sturdy clay-bricks (caused by overheat) -, Khapparbharnna The term generally used by ladies for a naughty person in the household Kharadd A heavy and thick cloth of cotton used as a carpet Kharadh The job relating to cutting of iron pieces and related activities Kharaans A small machine to crush the grains, looking by a desi 'Kohloo', powered by two bulls. ( ) , Kharsaan Summer season Khareez Currency coins/ change (not paper currency but coins only) Kharnna Race/ clan/ dynasty , Khasootanni Itching in the skin Khasra

Measles Khatar


For you (ii) To take care of -

The workshop of a village carpenter or 'Khaati' Khateba Mischief (also called Albaad ) Khatka The electric switch Khatooli A smaller version of khaat Khaunsdde Old worn out shoes Kheda Problem Khees The substance derived after boiling of milk of a buffalo/ cow, obtained just after giving birth to her calf. This milk is very rich and difficult to digest. Khees looks like paneer and is considered a heavy diet. Kheladde The dried pieces of cucumber. , '' Khellja Unnecessary things, meant to throwing away Khidhwaa Tiny, invisible insects in the clay in rainy season, responsible for skin itching among human beings and domestic animals Khijana To tease Khil To be defeated in wrestling (i.e. -) Khilkati To tease or make fun of someone Khindaka Turban of Tau (see 'Khandwaa' above) Khindhanna

To split/ scatter Khinno Ball / (Also see 'Geendo') Khobhdda A piece of wood/trees branch fixed somewhere temporarily (as a peg etc.) Khoddia The act of dancing/ rejoicing of ladies in the home-village of a bridegroom after the wedding-party (baraat) has left for brides place. This continues till the newly-weds come back along with wedding party. Khohl To make certain points clear at the time of a deal Khohlaan or Haryaah / A vagabond buffalo ( ) Khohee Dried sugarcane after extracting juice from it. Khohee is used as a fuel for boiling the sugarcane juice. Khood A unique word - The deep line made by an animal-driven 'hall' (plough) Khoond


Quarrel : e.g. They fought with each other : - (ii) A wooden log buried half in sand, like a pole.

a buffalo which has lost one of its horns ( ) Khoonsat A weak, feeble man : "Khoonsat buddha" Khoota A long piece of wood/iron attached to ground - for tieing domestic animals Khooti An in-built, multipurpose wooden hanger fixed in a wall, found in traditional Indian houses Khor The fixed, table-like earthen or cemented pot for feeding the domestic cattle. Also called Lhaas in some areas, like in Mohindergarh district. Khora The sandy material derived from a brick-klin

Khossan To mess-up the clothes or to crush straws etc. '' Khuddka Noise Khurehraa The iron-brush which is applied on the body of an ox or a horse Khoppar/Khoppad Same as "Andy" Khubhaat The hard work Khubhak To feel the pinch of some sharp object Khud Maarna To hit someone with a tip of stick. Khulliyaa A stick plucked from a tree in the shape of a modern hockey-stick : the pet tool for village children for playing desi-style hockey game called "hul-lee" Khur-Kheechana - The act of rendering help to a buffalo/cow at the time of delivering the calf in the same way as a midwife does for humans. Khurchann The half-burnt milk layer stuck-up inside the earthen pot called "Kadhaawnni" Khurhand The dried-up black layer over a healing wound Khyaas Care/ To look after , Kikrouli The fruit of 'keekar' tree (not fit for eating) Kinnachhna/ To be annoyed on petty matters [Why are you annoyed - if you can do this task easily, then do it, otherwise leave it - , , ] Kiralkant Chameleon Kiwaad / /

Door Kilki The shriek / yell, for example (Kilki maar Ke haasya - laughed with Shriek) Kiraadd The trader/ Bania Kisaari A tiny insect which moves by jumps Kochar To completely crush/squeeze something Kocko Dove Kod/ Koddek/kododd / / Words used to convey terms how big how much tall etc. / [e.g. How large is this village - : How old is the boy - ] Kod-daa To bow down (like when picking up something) Kodhaanne When/ At what time / Kohlaa The pumpkin fruit Koldda : Twisting a piece of cloth like a rope Kolhaddi A round-shaped, heavy piece of stone which is pulled by bullocks to break the hard soil Kolhu Device to take out juice from sugarcane and make gud. Kolla The pillar of a house Kol-lee A small wooden bracket with a slot in the centre. This piece of wood is fixed at the both ends of a rope at the time of churning the milk or tying the rope to a bucket. Kondhra a wild plant generally found in monsoon season - a green vegetable.

Konya/Koni / 'No' or 'Nahin' Kookrri Bundle of thread woven on a 'charkha' Koohlna (Verb) To cry because of body-pain or disease etc. [The old man is sick and is crying while lying in his cot : - ] Koolharri A small earthen pot used to keep dahi or 'seet' Koongar/ Kullang / A healthy young man Koonjadda/ Maalli-Koonjadda / - One who grows vegetables on a small scale Koonn


The corner (ii) who (koun )

The temporary store where tooda (animal fodder) is kept Kootru Baby Dog Korvaa Irrigating the wheat crop for the first time after sowing Kothar A special cell where sweets and eatables are stored during a community lunch or dinner such as on weddings etc. Kothi The boundary of a well Kothllee An external pocket or 'potlee' made of a thick cloth, used for keeping tobacco meant for a 'hukkah' Kottak Derived from Sanskrit word Koutuk . In villages, it means strange behaviour or action. Kounch The hollow portion on both sides of human belly Kouncha A flat spoon kept by confectioners

Koutri The female owl Kua/Kuan Well: a water reservior of community with bigger mouth accessible to many people at same time Kubeez


The seed which is hard to grow (ii) The bastard, not the real son of one's parents - /

Well - Water well with nerrow mouth, a water reservior of house serves few people with nerrow mouth Kubhad Mischief ('Albaad' ) Kuchelli The mischievous fellow (also see Kubhad above) Kudh/ Koodha / The heap/ piled-up material (Also see Dhooh/ Dhoolha / above) Kudta/Jamphar / Designer shirt of tai Kuhadi Axe - An agricultural implement used for chopping, can be used as contruction equipment or a weapon Kulachhanni A vagabond buffalo ( ... - - !) - also called 'Haryya' , sometimes also used for out-of-control women in a negative manner Kulhaan A very small earthen pot looking like a mini-pitcher normally used near Diwali festival Kullabatti The act of twisting the body by the child on a soft surface like bed or sand. Kullmulaana The sensation in hands to do some hard job : i.e. The teachers hands were striving for beating the truant students - Kundlee

A tiny iron ring used by a blacksmith. Kumbh Ka Mela The famous festival which comes after an interval of 12 years, to take a holy bath in the river Ganges ( ) Kunba Family Kunba-Dhaanni Annihilation or elimination of an entire family Kunda/Kundi / Door lock Kunnak Any particle which gets inside human eye Kurandh/ Kurhand / A wild herb which is useful for healing the broken bones etc. (its dry powder is mixed in hot milk) Kurddee An open store for household waste Kush Another instrument fitted in a traditional Hall the long, heavy iron rod sharp on one side. This sharp portion is responsible for splitting the soil. Kuzzi A tiny pot of clay Kyaar/ Kyaari / An agricultural plot

Laa A very thick, strong rope Laad The wrestlers special trick - lifting the opponent and throw him on the ground : ( ) Laar Line/ row / Laara Continuity [The flow of water stopped in the drain - -] Laa Liya -

To think of [e.g. Do you this job will be completed soon? - - -?] Labaddgutta The talkative fellow Labdheek The Siberian migratory bird (crane) sighted in India during winter Lachar-Pachar - Something that is loosely fastened and thus move haphazardly Ladd-dhoo The easy-going fellow Laggadd The buffalo which has just delivered her calf ( ) Lahach Defect in the leg, causing imbalance while walking Laaggu Ploughly deeply Laamann The bottom portion of a desi skirt ('Ghaaghri' ) Laamnni The art of harvesting the crop by hand, using sickles Laandi The buffalo which has lost its tail ( ) Laangadd The portion of mens dhoti which is visible from back-side Laann Scattered, harvested wheat crop, ready to be crushed by a sunny day Laat


Sugarcane molasses. This black, thick liquid is mixed in tobacco powder, meant to be used in 'Hukka' . (ii) Peak of a tall building

Lahandaa/ Langaar / A big group of domestic cattle Lahsua/ Lesua / A tree with broad leaves, becoming rare now Laakkadd A heavy/thick piece of wood Lakcheer

Straight line (on a paper or wall etc.) Lakhana To see/ watch Laksar The extra rope tied to a traditional swing (on a branch of tree etc.) : Lala The male child (used in Western UP and southern Haryana) / (Lali : The girl-child) Lannihaar A person or a group of persons from the village of husband who come to brides parents for the purpose of escorting her to her husbands village a practice to be carried out after the marriage. Lankaa A vagabond lady with a very bad image and ready to fight any time. The elders use this word only in anger. Lapsi A delicacy like 'Halva' Larajna Movement of branches of a tree by strong wind or due to access of weight tied to them [This lengthy branch of tree swings too much ] Lath A thick stick or 'laathi' - has also been a pet weapon of Jats during traditional warfare. Latholli The medium sized Lathi Latoor Hairs Latta-Odhnaa A social tradition when a widow accepts another person (normally her exhusband's brother) as her supporter. Latte Clothes Lattu Chasna Switch on the light bulb Laudhi

An oval-shaped stone used to crush spices or to make 'chutney' over a stone-slab. Lawara The young of buffalo or jhotta generally upto 4-5 months only Leda The Baniya caste Leechadd A miser/lazy fellow who does not finish a job in time Leekdde Strings, tiny parts of grass etc. Leendi-Thok - A cowardice fellow - called so in humor : "Darpok - leendi-thok" - Leepa-potti - Decoration and minor repairs of a mud house Leepna To apply the soil mixed with dung as a plaster on the walls of a mud-house or over its floor. Leetre Worn out footwear (also called 'Khonsadde' ) Leit/ Leitddi / : A small pond with shallow water where buffalos like to have a dip in water and mud. Levdda Peeled coating of a wall of mud house Levti The milk container in the body of a cow/ buffalo etc. above her nipples (Also see Ohaddi below) Lhaffann The ending portion of tree branches etc. '' Lhafoosdde/ Lhipoosdde / (1) Strings from a tree or anyother object, (2) Backbiting to instigate a fellow Lhaarsa Attachment to a person/ place Lhasi/Seet /

Home made skimmed milk Lheekh / Nit -larva of head lice Lihaaf The cloth-cover of a Quilt or 'Rajaai" Likkaddnaa To go out Lobban Fox (Male: Laubrra ) Lodhna The traditional method of separating the cotton-seed from the harvested crop - Loggadd Raw cotton Londaa A small hand-ball of wet clay Londhon As in England, description of an exotic place (i.e.'Yah jagah koun si Londhon sei!" ?) Loochra One who walks here and there in a loosely manner Lookha/ Lookhi / / , - , Lot


The currency note (ii) To lie down/swim in a pond e.g."Buffalos are swimming in the pond" :

Lowei/Lavei-Dhorei /- Near, Nearby , - [e.g. None will come near him: ] Loyee The tiny ball of wet wheat-flour, before preparing chappati Lugaddi The mini-blanket made of dowati ( ) Lugai Lady (commonly used in villages)

Maachnna Show-off or being mischievous, A child doing mischief and not listening to others. [for example, the mother scolds her son : ?] Maada/Maadi / Weak or little. Example-1: Some one might be weak physically or ecnonomically, Example-1: 'Maadda sa de de' it means 'give a little' Maadda-Motta/ Chuna-sa/ Kena-sa - / - / - A little bit (Thoda-bahut ) Maahl Well-built and strong, superman like Bheem ( : " - ") Maahn Inside Maanda A thin hand-made, tasty bread (Plural: Maande ) Maanjan Traditional broom (Buhaari ) Maat A large earthen pot Maata Chicken pox Madaari A person who entertains a crowd by showing his pet animals' skills (Reenchh, monkey, dog or even a goat) Mahkaar/ Mukhaar / A good smell, such as that of flowers Mahwat The rains during winter season, a boon for crops like wheat, mustard etc. Maka/Makha / A meaningless word used as a proverb, to put stress and address someone [ Listen, just come here - , - ] Makkar To pretend sickness [e.g. He is pretending and does not want to work : , ] Makkarhyai - A lady pretending to be sick to avoid work

Maleeda See Choorma above Mall But [But there is one thing - ...] Mallang A healthy young man, fond of wrestling MallGhech The rough and tough guy with no tensions and having no sense of doing things properly Malook Neat/ tidy/ beautiful (this word is used in Western UP) Manas Khaani - The man-eater devil (female) an imaginary character Mandassa A simple hat : wrappings of a long piece of cloth Mandeir A boundary wall not too high Mandyaa-Rahana Deeply engaged in a job Manggar back-side of human body backbone portion. Mangtaa/ Maanganiyaan / Beggar ("Bhikhari" ) Plural: Mangte Mail Khora Earthen made scrubber Maraudd The sense of pride Markhanni A buffalo which is habitual of attacking human beings Mariyan The lean and thin girl Masann The disease of malnutrition in children Maskaudda To twist/ squeeze the body to make space (such as on a bench etc.) Mastoo

A fat log of wood which is used for crushing sugar in a confectionary Matbal Same as matlab in Hindi Math The term used when some job is ruined. [The work was progressing but this guy ruined it - , - ] Math Maarna To ruin a job [The job was progressing well, but that guys interruption ruined it - , - ] Maujij A respectable and responsible elder person of a locality Mauklla Enough/Ample / Meeh Rain Meehaan Very thin -

A set of several tall plants of sugarcane tied together in the field ( ) Meij A thick wooden slab drawn by bulls or a tractor for leveling the soil in a field, after ploughing. Meir Help / favour, to take sides Mera-Matta/ Mera-Bataa - / - Same as Daakki Mhall / Beehive honey-bees nest Michkoo The fellow with tiny, short eyes Miindhaa A goat-bull Miner The man-made mini canal for irrigation Minnasna (verb) To measure ["Please measure it" - ]

Mizaan The state of mind/ nature Modda A wandering monk, Sadhu (Plural: Modde ) Mogra/ Mogri / The thick stick of wood normally used for washing clothes. Mokh/Mokha / A hole kept in the roof of a village house for sunlight etc. Moggha A large hole, usually round in shape, for example a hole in irrigation channel Mooll


Principal amount (ii) At all, [i.e. He will not at all allow it to happen : ]

A very thick and 4-feet odd piece of wood used for crushing the grain in an 'Oonkhal' (stone pot). Jats use the moosal for fighting also ! Mooth The portion of a 'hall' (plough) which the farmer grips with his hand Mori Same as 'Patnaal" Mosna (verb) To twist/tilt something [ This boys eats the bread after making a roll of it - - ] Motijhaara A childhood communicable disease Mottaan Same as khate-pitay ghar ki (- ) Moud The artificial, shining crown worn by the bridegroom during marriage ceremony. Mouklla Plentiful, excessive Mouladd An illiterate, semi-wise but healthy fellow Moulasara Your husband' mother's, brother

Mud-dha A hand-made stool - made of sarkanda sticks Mugdar A stone/wooden roller used for exercise Mujhya The joy of riding [The little boy is fond of Swings ride - ] Muh Dikhai - A belated fee for the 3-D view of the bride Muuh-Kaaynn - The tradition of ladies going to another village to express sorrow after the death of a near or dear one. The Bengali word Rudaali is perhaps most appropriate for this term. Munji Kanjoos (miser) Mustandaa A careless/ irresponsible young man Muudhaa A position to lie in a different pose - upside down - i.e. the belly touching the ground ("Woh muudhaa paddya sey" ) Muthapadda The front portion of a bullock-cart

Naaddehli A pencil-type wooden part of a traditional plough Naahu/nuunh / Nails ('Naakhoon' ) Naakasi Kind of local prade of the groom around the village with songs Naall (i) A small bamboo pipe used for passing the liquid medicine into the throat of a domestic cattle Naali-Khali - Drains in fields for irrigation [also see Daahnaa ] Naariya

Ox Naatna (Verb) (i) to deny (ii) The time when buffalo/cow does not lactate [The buffalo is not lactating these days - ] Naath A thick rope inserted in the noses of bullock to control its movements Naavaddnaa To fit into '' Nabiya Aalla Saal Means the year 1933 AD [i.e. Vikrami or Desi year 1990 - The Vikrami era is 57 years ahead of Christian era]. Northern India, especially Jatland areas, were heavily flooded due to torrential rains for 3 weeks (non-stop) and famine was caused by this deluge. [ 1990] Nacheet Free from all worries (Also see Nifraam ) Nakkar Mode - Not convincing/ false excuses Nakkchutti A hand-made forceps and a needle attached to it - useful for extracting a thorn from any part of human body Nakchheenknni / A wild herb which gives us sneezing if it is inhaled or put near the nose. Nakel A thin metal rod which is fitted into a camel's nose to harness him. Nakka The term used in irrigation of fields - the water outlet Nall


The throat : Why are you laughing with a wide mouth your throat is visible? ? (ii) The water pipe

The Hernia disease (e.g. The boy is suffering from hernia ) Nallai To dig the earth with the help of a hand-tool, between the standing crops , - Nambardaar

The commissioned agent in a village for the purpose of collecting land revenue. This agency is attached to a particular family and is transferred to the son after death. The Nambardaar has the responsibility to collect land revenue from villagers and deposits it in Governments treasury. In turn, he gets 5% commission (Pichountraa ) on the deposited amount. Nakta-Nakti - A person having small nose Nandau/Nandoi Your husband's sister's husband Nasti / Nose Nassadhi The unlucky one Nauhraa A large house, meant for domestic cattle and a sitting place for elderly persons. A nauhraa is generally not locked any time and has a large entrance gate. Nazar Jhaad - When a female member of your family treats your unspecified ailment! Neem-Jhaddai A tradition where the younger, unmarried sister of bride welcomes the bridegroom before the main marriage ceremony (at the time of Barouthi). A green branch of neem tree is used by the girl to touch the crown of the bridegroom. - Neg Relationship Neharnna The hand-made nail cutter Nei The front brass pipe of hukka which is picked up by right hand before inhaling the smoke Nem To swear in the name of some near or dear one [He swore in his sons name - ] Neol Mongoose Netham

Perhaps Nett-taa The rope used for spinning the Rayee in the morning (to separate fats or ghee from sour milk yoghurt. Nezza A thin stick of bamboo used for making a traditional ink-pen Nezzu Aur Daul A string and a bucket attached to pull bucket full of water from the well Nhass The hollow portion inside the nose Nhastty The small, cute nose Nhaspadda/ Naspeta / The fellow having a small nose Nichlaa/ Nichlaya /


The lower portion (ii) Steady/silent ,

Free from all worries (Also see Nacheet ) Nikharche They money which one gets as pure savings " " [His salary is like a pure saving ] Nikhddoo doodh Fresh, raw, pure milk Nimbouli The fruit of 'neem' tree (It is a tasty fruit when ripe) Nirbhaag The wicked fellow Nirnnabassi The state of fasting one who has not eaten anything since morning ( ) Nivaar The 2-inch odd strip made of strong cotton-threads used to knit a traditional bed called chaarpai Nivayaa Warm/ cozy Noon

Salt , Nooni


Tindi Ghee ( ) (ii) The salty surface of land caused by dropping of salts by high level of ground water. Also called Reh or rehi /

Nyaar Animal fodder Nyahanni a sharp instrument kept by a carpenter ( ) Nyaraa Separate (also termed when a family splits "Dono bhai nyare ho gaye" ) Nyam-Shyam - A free gift from the shopkeeper along with the bought material. Also known as 'Roonga' . Nyaanna To tie the buffalo/ cow tightly before milking Nyau The useless fellow Nyoon /- That side Nyolli The piece of cloth in which the currency or silver coins used to be wrapped and then tied to the waist for safety. Nyota/ Nayonda / / Invitation



This much/ So much ["You are grown-up now, cant you do even this much of job?" - -, ?] (ii) A nomad tribe of Muslims which generally makes its livelihood by petty thefts etc.

Obra A small room adjacent to the lobby ('saall' ) of a village house Odaa

Pretence Ohaddi The milk container in the body of a cow/ buffalo etc. above her nipples Ojnna (verb) To pour on a liquid [pour on the milk in the pot : ] Okh /Oohkh Traditional method of drinking water - using your hand, curving your palm and attaching it to your lips. Olay Hailstorm Olha / A 'chunni' covering the face of a village lady to show respect to elders (also called 'ghoonghat' ) Oojne The deep desire to eat a particular dish by a woman during her pregnancy Oong-dyo - To oil a bullock-cart's 'dhuri' or wooden 'bearing' so that both the wheels run smoothly and friction is reduced Oonkhall A heavy stone-pot used for crushing the grain Oontaddi A wooden part fitted on the frontal portion of a bullock-cart () Oopraa-talli - One above the other, in an unplanned manner [e.g. Baby dogs are sleeping closely, one-on-the-other : - ] Oot Naughty Opra/Bhoot / Most commonly referred to as ghost or evil spirit, but has many meanings also name of a famous talk show host (oprah winfrey), a theatre/musical performance nazar:when you cant use any of the above excuses but need to get away! Osaan Relief / Osraa

Turn/duty (It is now my turn : Eib mera osraa sey ) Orei-Dhorei - Nearby Ornnaa A pipe made of wild sticks - placed in the backside of a 'hall' (plough). The seeds pass through this pipe at the time of sowing. Otedda A mud-boundary wall Otnnna to bear the burden, to tolerate , Oudhaanne This time

Paachar/Fanchar / A tiny strip of wood inserted in a gap of furniture etc. by the carpenter Paadd lagaana To break a portion of wall to enter the house for stealing (e.g. Raat ko choron ne ghar mein paad laga di ) Paaddchha A covered spot where water-well (pulled out by Rahat ) is first stored for a little while. Paadhraa Straight Paadkala Staircase Paalaa The dry leaves of a thorny bush ('Jhaarr' ) - used for feeding the cattle Paall A large heap of mud taken out of a pond ('Johadd' ) Paalli The cowboy: one who on duty to graze domestic cattle in fields or meadows Panna A traditional block of a village normally a large village contains 4-6 Pannas. Paanh Mai Darad -- When you really dont want to do anything! Paansoo

The thick bone on both sides of waist. Paasang The odd weight put in either of the scales of a traditional weighing-machine, to keep its balance equal. (ii) A little bit Paant Twists of a rope on one side of a traditional cot ('charpai ) - meant to keep it tight and being used as a 'foot-rest' Paant The lengthy, fat piece of wood which is driven by bullock/ camel in a Rahat or Kolhoo Paraat The large size dish, normally made of brass, for mixing the wheat powder etc. or for keeping sweet dishes in a confectionary. Paar Another name for Trans-Yamuna land (Western Uttar Pradesh). 'Paar' means "Jamuna Paar". Paarva A person who lives across the Yamuna river ('Jo nadi paar kar ke yahan aaya hai" ) i.e. a person from UP region. Female: Paaro . (Attention: those on Up side, also call the Haryanavis and others as "Paarva" !) Paasnnaa (i) Verb to pour into/insert i.e. to insert the rope into the well : (ii) Noun: To run away out of fear : e.g. Immediately on sight of the lion, the herd of deer ran away : - (also see Paddgaddat ) Paat


The quantity of tobacco for one round of hooka-session (10-12 grams or so: : 'ek paat tamakhoo' (2) Green leaves : e.g. 'saagpaat' )

Paatdda The wooden stool (of low height) for sitting Paatdda-Fer - The change the position of bride and the groom in the middle of the main marriage ceremony Paatna

To burst/ blast Paava The leg of a traditional cot (Plural : Paave) Paavasnna Readiness for cow/buffalo for milking Pachhaada The Westerner - one who belongs to western part of a state/area Pachhande Fast movement of legs especially when someone is lying on bed etc. [The child is lying on the bed and moving the legs : - - ] Pachhela A component of a traditional plough Pachheet/ Pichhokadd / The backside/ backyard Pachhet/ Pachheta Late/ lately sown crops / : ' / ' Pachgandaa Means use of sugarcane (for chewing and tasting its juice) for the first time after its sowing - at the time of Dussehra festival Paddgaddat Sound of running of a herd of cattle (also see Paasnnaa ) Paddakhnna To bite with teeth. This term is generally used for a biting dog ( ) Pad-dhaan Backside of human body, around backbone. [This boy is fond of riding my backbone (like a horse ride) ] Paer The plot of land used by a farmer for various acts on a harvested crop Paidd (i) Paij To act against a person, just out of jealousy Footprints (ii) The platform around a well (iii) Scattered harvested crop, ready for crushing.

Paindaa Attachment/ closeness [normally used to get rid of or / ] Pait Mai Darad -- Diarrhea Pakaava An expert in making 'gudd' and other khandsari products, usually from western Uttar Pradesh Palaez The harvest of green vegetables such as gheeyaa, tauri, Tindaa , , etc. Pallka Reflection of sunlight (through mirror, water etc.)- also see 'Chyondha' above Palothann The small amount of wheat-powder for applying to Loyee () at the time of preparation of a chappati Palpatton Small grape size fruite Palta / A flat spoon used for making halwa etc. Panaanna (Verb) To sharpen a knife or blade etc. [This knife is blunt now, it will have to be sharpened : , ] Panjaara Seat of a 'driver' of bullock-cart Pannihaari The woman who fetches watcher from the well Palwa A small bowl with a long handle used to take hot milk out of 'kadhawni' Pahndha/Pandha / Earthen local made water pitcher Pahlauthi The first time [This is the first child of his mother ] Parass

(i)Village chaupal (ii) - ' ' Paseej To have soft corner Passo The shape of four fingers like a spoon and the quantty of something put there. Pansli Mai Darad -- A term used by villagers when they feel acute backache or chest pain and feel the need to see a doctor Paraall The dry rice-plant (after harvesting) Pataava A piece of leather or thick cloth, kept inside a shoe Patbeejnna Jugnu -A harmless fly, the body of which shines in night (glow-worm) Patehadda Flat surface ["He was drunk and fell down on the floor flatly - , ] Pateira A tall plant looking like baajra which grows in standing waters during rainy season Pathwadda The plot where the workshop of cattle-dung products is situated where it is being converted into various sized cakes, then dried in sun, finally be used as a fuel (Gobar paathne ki jagah ) Pathera The person who prepares clay-bricks at a brick-klin. Patiyaa A garland made of peackcock feathers and its white strings. This garland is used on the occasion of Diwali to decorate cows and other domestic cattle (The peacock rejects its long feathers during the rainy season) Patloon / Trousers Patmelli The sense of one becoming highly abusive or quarrelsome ( , : " ")

Patri A small coin-type gold/silver ornament hanging in a string worn by women in the neck Patth-Paarr - A gentleman habitual of free hooka or chilam (no contribution of tobacco from his side!) Patnaal / A short earthen pipe fixed at the roof, through which the rain-water passes off. Paulli Sitting room for men-folk, separated from the main household a favourite place for hukkah-party and gossips. Pawaadda The act of quarrelling for no purpose, leading to disrepute (generally used for ladies) Pazavaa The old-style brick-klin which becomes a small hillock . - Peedha A hand-knit, tiny stool - smaller version of the a desi 'Charpai' Peedhi ka Palang The super-fine desi heavy bed. Its strings are made of special, strong threads which last for decades. Peehl / The tiny, sweet fruit of a wild tree called 'Jaall' (), found in May-June. It is in round shape and is almost the size of a chana Peelia A disease and also a ceremony for the daughter's first born, called chhuchhak() Peengh / A traditional rope-swing (Jhoola ) Peepanni A mini algozza/ flute made out of a tiny hollow stem of wheat plant favourite of village kids. Peepanni has a short life. Peetalliya Heavy loss of money or property , [His household has suffered heavy financial loss - -] Peidkaalla

Staircases for climbing upstairs Peindha The water-pitcher (made of clay). Peindhi A shelf on the wall Peirnnaa Name of a nomad clan whose members make their livelihood by begging. Pesslist Specialist or doctor who performs the above Pichhwaadd/ Jha / Rain-drops coming through the open windows etc. due to winds Pichountraa The system of 5 per cent commission to be given to a Nambardaar by the Revenue Department of a state government. Nambardaar collects the land tax from the owners of agricultural land and deposits it in state treasury. This system was started by the British and still continues. Pichwa The wind blowing from west to east Pilazva Puppies Pirwa The wind blowing from east to west Phalli / A common domestic instrument for digging/removing clay, garbage etc., also called Kassi Phaphat The act of befooling others such as by religious priests etc. Phetnaa (verb) [Did he meet you? ? ] Phookni Metal pipe used for blowing air in chulha Phupsara Your husband's father's sister's husband Pil/ pil-loo / A small hole dug in the ground for playing with coloured glass-balls ("Kanchaagolli" )

Pilpottan A small berry-type wild fruit Pilurae / Puppies Piraas Community resthouse of village pittarfool Lotus Pla / A utensil used for serving milk Pohancha The hand-arm Pohanchee The string wrapped by a sister on her brothers wrist Ponda A thick sugarcane stick Pooni (i) Porva The one-third portion of a human hands finger Potdda The desi cotton-towel specially used as a drapper for new-born babies Pothia The fat/ strong quality of a fruit etc. such as Pothia Lahsun Poudd A small bundle of 'sanni' or jute - ready to extract strings or 'sann' from it Praysson '' The short, desi version of English word 'Operation' (surgical) Puddat / The layer (of a cloth etc.) Pudde Sweet dish made of oil, gudd and wheat powder Pul-laara The heap/ full to the bream [This cup of milk is full to the bream : ] Flowing liquid from nose (ii) Cotton-thread roll on 'charkha' is also called 'Poonni'.



Same as English word Pulley (ii) a mini, narrow bridge , ''

Last year Purarka Last to last year

Qair A wild thorny tree which has no leaves, but just green, stringed branches. Its green fruit is called Teent and ripe, red fruit, a Peechu Qasaar A pet eating-powder for villagers, to be consumed with ghee - Qasaar consists of coarse flour roasted in a pot, along with crushed 'gur' Qor (or Kour) A piece of jumbo dung-cake ('gossa' )

Raab A substance gained after boiling the sugarcane juice - ready for extracting sugar or 'khaand' from it Raabri The delicious and pet dish of villages of Jatland, prepared and cooked by a very simple method - we all know. Raachh


An unsophisticated fellow (ii) Handtools and other equipment ["The carpenter's handtools" - ]

The puss/ abscess contained in a wound Raagadd Same as Hindi word Raag but means the unnecessary, lengthy talk (e.g. Now the matter is over, why are you repeating those useless talks? , ? Raahnna (verb) The act of hitting the round wheel of a grain-crusher with a sharp instrument, for its effective functioning. This is done by a roaming specialist. ' '

Raakas Slightly derivated from the word 'Raakshash' - a devil Raal The saliva coming from mouth Raandhnna To boil something in a pot. Raend kaatnaa : To finish a task, also called Rog Kaatnaa Raamjee The term used by villagers for sky ('Akaash' ) Raan Human thigh Raan-na


One who has no job or is ignored by his inmates (2) Stray cattle are also called 'Raan-ne jaanwar ' (3) A hard nut or a piece of grain which does not lose its stiffness even after being boiled ('Raan-na daanna' )

Raappadd Hard layer of top soil over the field, after the seeds have been sown. This layer is caused by small amount of rain because the surface is dried after some time and this layer of hard surface blocks the seeds to come up. Raappi A mini knife used by a cobbler Raass (i) The long rope by which the kisan controls the bullocks while ploughing the field (ii) The act of removing the husk from the harvested grain in an open area. Raassa Quarrel/ difficulty (also called saankaa ) Rachondha A disease - when a person is unable to see after sunset Radda The palm-hit on the neck by a wrestler of pahalwan Raddak A small obstacle/ objection ["Some deficiency still remains in this task" - ]

Raddka A thick/rough broom Rahpat/Rahaptaa / A nice substitute for the word 'slap' or 'Thappadd' Rahddoo The small-sized bullock-cart Rai/Rayee Hand-woven Instrument (a wooden wheel) which is used for churning the milk ( ) Ralla Thick fluid left over after extracting sugar (Molasses) Rallnna (verb) to mix up/ to be lost / Rambhanna The sound of crying by a cow. Randa / Widower or a 'forced bachelor' Randheenn / Boiled diet such as 'Khichree' or 'Daliya' Rassa/Rassi / Home made rope Raulli Dishonesty or dirty tricks (like when playing cards etc.) "" Rayi The wooden, hand-driven wheel used for churning the milk Razbhaaya / A mini water-canal Reeknnaa The sound of crying by a buffalo. Reengat/ Reengta / The little boy (also see Jeengadda ) Reeni The powder of dried and crushed wheat plants or Toodda Reentlaa The fellow whose nose blows all the time (also called Sinnackla )

Reet Snort Rejja Cloth made from home spun thread Rehh/Rehhi / A salty surface of land where crops cannot be grown Rella/ Aandhee-Rella / - Swirling motion of wind (which goes upto sky) Relli Opposite of desi '' - ' ' Rencha A person whose eye-balls can twist in opposite directions

(verb) To be adamant on some issue ' ' [' "}- also see 'Chapparna' above Riffallnaa A talkative/ boastful fellow Riptann Slippery surface after rainfall etc. Rithaann The proper place or a place where one normally resides Rod The fat/bulky lips of a human being. - Rodoo - Rohtak The famous, historical town - lifeline of Haryana state Rolla / Loud noise from a crowd or heated argument Rolla-Rapdaa - A petty quarrel Romtadda The child who is habitual of weeping / the fellow who is has the habit of complaining / Ronjhee

The name of a tree in the family of 'Jaanti' or 'Keekar' . These varieties are found in arid zones. Ronjh/Rojh / A wild animal - looking like a hybrid race of a horse and a deer - commonly called "neelgaai" Rookka To call somebody (who is standing at a distance)in a loud voice Roonga A free gift at the time of shopping etc. In Western Uttar Pradesh, it is called "lubhaw" Roonjhna (verb) To earmark a spot/ object () , ' ' Roonkh The tree , Rot A heavy and thick Roti (hand-made bread) Ruppaiya/ Anna/ Adhanna/ Paisa/ Dhel-la/ Kaud-di / / / / / Old units of currency Ruundhi A round-horned buffalo

Saabball A digging instrument , Saacheehein Really Saadhoo (i) Saag Vegetable Saaggall A small container of thick cloth for keeping drinking water Saaii Crops grown in rainy season (Kharif crops) (ii) The husband of my wifes sister

The advance token payment (non-refundable) at the time of finalising a deal for purchase of a domestic animal Saajinde A group of musical instrument players Saall-Bhaall - To keep a watch/Taking care of Saambharnna (verb) to clean with a broom / Saang Rural drama played in an open area (derived from Sanskrit word swaang which means imitation). The person who takes part in this drama is called saangi such as the famous poet of yesteryears, Daada Lakhmi Chand . Saankall Door-knob Saal/Dalaan / Master bedroom facing bagadd Saalhadda A heap made of small bundles of harvested wheat crop, meant to be sent for crushing after losing its moisture in the hot sun (Also called 'Chhyor' in some parts of Jatland) Saamakh A wild grass liked by grazing cattle Saamannu Crops grown in winter season (Rabi crops) Saanjhi A clay-idol mounted on a wall for a period of ten days - it is submerged in a village pond on the day of Dussehra . This tradition still exists in many villages. Saangad/Seengadd / Pointed metal part of 'Jelli' Saangar / ) A 2-inch long green, wild fruit found in the months of September-October, after rainy season. ( - ) Saankaa Quarrel/ Uproar ('Museebat' )- also see "Khadd-doo " above

Saanni A delicious mixtures of fodder for domestic livestock - buffalos, cows etc. Saanthee, Pawaad and Kondhraa , , , These varieties of wild delicious plants are a tasty dish for villagers during the rainy season Saantta Leather ropes with thinkness app. 60mm and length app. 0.75 mts. Tied at the end of a stick to threaten a buffalo-bull ("Jhotta" ) or a cow-bull "Baladh" ) to run. 'Saantta' is also used for punishing human beings. Saapall/ Syappad/ Raapdaa / / An iron rod for digging earth etc. Saappaddnaa To come to an end : ("Ghee saappadd gya" ) Saasra The husbands home/ village Saathall Human thigh : portion of leg above knee Sagaai The 'Ring ceremony' or betrothal ceremony, before marriage. The groom's relatives go to bride's house for presentation of gifts/ pleasantaries. Sahbi A river which appears only in rainy season - from the Aravali hills near Rewari and finally terminating in Yamuna river. This river has no particular route sometimes this takes its route directly towards Delhi (via Najafgarh) and sometimes, towards Jhajjar-Rohtak-Panipat, submerging the villages which fall in its way. Now, it is a rare sight due to change of climate and developmental works which obstruct the natural flow of water. Saham Sure/ easily [e.g. This job will be done by sure : - - ] Sahami In front of Sakkar Also a khandsari product - brown-coloured raw sugar Sakkarpaaraa A sweet dish the piece of wheat-flour baked in sugar (chaasni ) Sakora

An earthen glass or cup - for drinking tea or water Salonna/ Salonne / The festival of Rakhsha Bandhan sign of love and respect between a brother and sister. Salothri The oversmart lady Samaai Patience Samdhee A pure Sanskrit word still used in rural areas (means "a person who has the same kind of thinking as mine" - 'Dhee' means mind or 'buddhi' ) 'Samdhee' is one whose daughter is married to my son or vice-versa. Female: Samdhin Samdhetta The son of 'Samdhee' Sandaasi The plier used to grip metals etc. Sandook An iron Box, mainly for storing precious items like jewellery and clothes Sann Threads derived from the sanni plant (see Sanni below). These raw threads are used for knitting a rope. Sanni The name of a crop sown in rainy season. Its plant is 6-7 feet long. The bundles of this plant are soaked in water for several days, after which the raw material sann is obtained for preparing ropes etc. Sapela A snake-charmer ('Sapera' in Hindi) Sapaddnna To east fast Sapadaana To finish something Sapallka Swallowing something quickly Sapra Something strange ,

Sarkanda A thick but hard stick (5-6 feet long) of a special grass which grows in wild. Sarkanda is used for making rural huts and, in earlier days, was also used for making special ink-pen ('Kalam' ) Sarnaalli A long grass which grows only in shallow, standing water Satpata The magic trick Sattarka Sleep for a short duration Saudd Quilt Saulla Right side or right hand Sedhnna Something/ somebody which is harmful Seem The border of a village (seema ) Seemmi The desi noodles the sticks of wheat flour which are first dry-baked on heat and then boiled in water a unique dish of northern Indian villages. Seekhdadd Novice/ Apprentice / Seella Cold ( Coldness ) Seelhaa Wet () Seengre The fruit on reddish after being ripe Seera A sugarcane product. This raw, reddish substance, along with molasses, is kept in houses and can be eaten with bread at any time during the year Seernni To distribute sweets etc. on religious occasions (" ")

Seet The sour white liquid left out after churning the milk and extracting fats from it - a tasty and favorite beverage for villagers. Also called 'Mattha' Sehh/ Sehee / A wild rat with long nails on its body (also termed 'zaihaya moosa' ) Sekka-Taaddi - Physiotherapy Ser/ Paaiyaa/ Chhataank/ Taulla/ Massa/ Ratti/ Chawall / / / / / / The units of weight Seva-2 - Ploughing not too deeply Sevaddaa The exorcist Sheroo Two small arms (usually of bamboo - about 3-feet long)of a traditional cot (charpai ) Shivashann The girl who has got adulthood, fit for marriage (Chhohri shivashann ho-gi, eib byah denni chahiye' , ). It seems, this is derived from the Sanskrit word Shivasana (Shivas pose). Shyaana Clever (but not popular) person Shyalamm About 9-inch long stick of yoke, located on both sides of the bullock's neck while it is pulling the cart Sidhoyi/ Sakalli / Dawn/ before sunrise [I went to the fields at dawn - ( ) ] Sikleegar


A hunter, nomad tribe of north India , (ii) One who lives at a shabby or congested place -

A stone-tile on which 'chutney' is prepared Sil-la The scattered pieces of grain found in a field after harvesting

Silganna The burning of fire Silonna The famous Indian festival of sisters love towards brothers Simaanna The total area of a village, including its agricultural land Sindharaa The custom of gifts (clothes and desi sweets) sent to newly-married daughters house by her parents, during the rainy season (near Teez festival) Singwanaa To take care of/ to keep things in an orderly manner ( Take care of household work : Ghar ke kaam ney singwaa lyo ) Sinnack The fluid which comes out of nose due to cold etc. (also called Reent ) Sinnackla The fellow with a flowing nose (also see Reentlaa above) Sippi/Seepee A tiny piece of iron used to clean the earthen pot ('handi' etc.)from inside (after boiling the milk etc. - "khurachne ke liye" ) Sir Mai Bhadak Genuine headache Sir Mai Darad Commonly used excuse Sirddee The dirty fellow Sirtee/ Sirtaa / Top portion of jowar or bajraa plant - which contains its seeds (also called 'Baayl' ) Sirhanna The upper side of a traditional cot (Charpai) - the side on which the pillow is kept Sirhonda / A leather garland kept on the forehead of ox/ bull for decoration Siskaarna

To husk away (a dog or cat or other animals/birds) [Let this dog flee away from this place - ] Sonha Famous hot water geyser spot near Gurgaon, to treat skin disorders Sodhi The act to tackle something nicely Soodha A very simple person Sooglaa Someone who does not keeps himself neat and clean Soondvaa The flexible pipe used at tube-wells etc. Soosaa The little rabbit ( ) Sohal A round iron-scale which hangs against a string, for the purpose of measuring the straightness of a wall under construction Soharna (verb) To suck/ swallow [The fellow finished half of the cigarette in a single breath - - ] Sotta A thick, 2-feet odd piece of hard wood (Plural: Sottey ) Sua Injection, also heavy duty sewing needle (for quilts etc.) Suhallee The round mini-roti made of hard wheat-flour, fried in ghee Sukhalli A sticky paste made out of dried lady-finger plants, used as a purifier for sugarcane juice ( ) Sulaakha The fellow with normal eyesight (opposite of blind) Sulljhedda To settle the matter, compromise, agreement. Sultaa

Right side opposite of Ultaa Sunnsunniyaan A rare and special race of white mouse ('Chhachhoonder' in Hindi). There is a saying : 'Saanp ke moonh mein Chhachhoonder' ) Sunpat / The actual name of the town which is now being spelt as Sonepat (). - "" "Sonepat" , "" Sussaat The sound produced by the feet of wild animals (deer etc.) when they are running fast Suthani Underwear/shorts Suthra-Suthari / Handsome - beautiful Suttar Desi pronunciation of English word 'sweater' (sleeveless sweater) Suuhr Nicety/ etiquette to handle something Syatek-mein In a short while Syor The stream of underground water which feeds a water-well

Taabar Child or children (this word is spoken towards Rajasthan part) Taagddi A black string worn around waist by women and children Taagga (Dhaga) Thread Taakha The guy whose eyeballs are looking whitish and revolving in two separate directions without coordination Taal-lee Small bells tied on the necks of pets like ox, dogs, cats etc. Taam-Jhaam -

Structure/ set-up Taamack A huge drum which was used in ancient times to alert the whole area (a couple of villages) at the time of invasion by foreigners - Every group of villages (Khaap ) used to have one 'taamack' placed over the roof of a Chaupal " ". Though such an instrument or practice is non-existent now, this 'lupt' word is still being used in another sense: e.g. ? : Why are you twisting your body?) Taan Help [Please help us a little bit : ] Taand A high level shelving unit in the lobby of a house Taang Leg Taant /


- The heap-like portion situated on the top portion of a bulls neck ( ) (ii) - The shaved head of a human being (iii) - An old instrument to purify raw cotton


Taawlla Hasty Tagaar

Heat (ii) Fever

Heap of clay soaked with water - for construction of houses Tagazza Haste ('Takazza' in Hindi and Urdu) Tagdrra Same as "Thadha" Tai An elderly, respectable lady (Male : Tau ) Taisara Your husband's father's elder brother Takoo The iron-rod in a spinning wheel ('Charkha' ) Takti

A wooden slate for school-children () Talaaki This word is used in quarrel and anger or verbal heated exchanges. It should mean You bastard. For example a lady says (in anger) to a truant boy : " ! !" Tandeera/ Tandaa-Teraa / - The small house-hold (when someone wants to leave bag and baggage, he says Ham to apnaa tandaa-Teeraa utha kar jaa rahe hain - - ) Tanhaall Horse-shoe (also for a bull) Tarddaa The sound of fall of liquid, especially of water (such as tubewell etc.) Tareidd Crevices ('Daraar' ) Tarhho The sharp, talkative lady, similar to 'Chyamchiddi () Tarlaa The lower portion Tattkaari The term used when bullocks are forced to run fast (the kisan twists their tails to make them run faster) Tat-taa Hot Tau Derived from Sanskrit word Taat . Tau simply does not mean uncle. It is perhaps the most respectable relationship in the Jat society. Tau should mean The elder brother of ones father or any aged/ elderly, respectable person of similar age. Female : Tai Taudd The result/ sum and substance Taudda Shortage Taul-laa A saffron-coloured earthen pot, looking like a huge plate Taur


When the hockey-stick hits the ball, it is called a Taur. (ii) To be pround of e.g. The fellow is a little proud now-a-days

Taura The pride Tebhllaa A piece of a wood/ string of grass etc. used as a pen for rough writing i.e. the tribal pen. Teeba A small hillock of clay or sand Teekali A buffalo with a white spot on her head Teekda Jumbo chana bread Teemlaa A burning stick or a piece of paper to ignite fire. A burning match-stick is also called a Teemlaa. Teent Raw fruit of a wild, tiny tree called 'Qair' - this fruit is also called 'Peechu' when ripe. Teep (i) Teetwaa The frontal portion of human neck, containing the life-tube Teez The famous festival of swings ('Jhoole' ) during the rainy season. 'Teez' is the name of a tiny, red-coloured and harmless insect in the clay and is sighted only during this season. Tekdda A mound of clay where water cannot rise due to its height Tetthann A buffalo which has lost one nipple out of four (3 ) Thaadhu loudly (i.e. He is weeping loudly: ) Thaali The rubber tube like that of bicycle tyre (ii) Filling the cement between the bricks of a house-wall (after the construction).

Large bowl used to cool and drink milk Thaann The spot allotted for a domestic animal (derived from the word 'sthaan' ) Thaansre Hard stems of crop used as fuel Thaath Enjoyment Thad-daa Strong and well-build person Thadda A fat, heavy block of iron (weighing 50 KG or more) kept by an ironsmith, permanently fixed at ground. This is generally used as a base to hit the metal pieces with a hammer. ( ) Thahee The big layer of something [The mother had placed a big bundle of handmade bread in the kitchen - ] Thalli The sandy surface like in Thar desert of India ( ) Thaal-lii Leisure, having no work Thappa The prints of a full-spread palm soaked in liquid or wet 'mehendi' . Thappa is put on a wall or on a cloth. Thathera An expert in repairing domestic utensils etc. Thaud The other hand or 'kinaara' of an object Thaudd-Thikannaa - The place where one generally resides Thaulla A group of households in a village with same ancestory/ the very large extended family - Thaulledaar The oldest member of a 'Thaulla'

Theehe / The series of ceremonies in a marriage, starting from Teeka. Thegga A hard push/ jerk, causing a fellow to fell down Thegllee A tiny piece of cloth sewn with a hand-needle on a torn part of dress. When a tiny ditch on a road is repaired by filling cement or charcoal in it, it is also called a 'thegllee'. Thegree/ Theekree / A round pebble or 'cheegsa' put on the top of tobacco-powder inside the 'chilam' Thehl Heavy, bulky Theith/ Dheth / The original style (like Theith desi jubaan ) Thepddi Dungcake (a bit thin) Thheka Huge container to store grains Thoodhroo The hard backside of fingers when in fisted mode Thoohe False/loose talk , [He is talking senseless ] Thossa Hand-thumb ( ' ' ) Tikari The tiny, shining spot [This well is very deep and only a tiny spot is sighted below - , ] Tikkadd Same as 'Rot' Tindi The fresh butter or raw ghee Tipoulla

A button-shaped substance of a tree's dried liquid ('goond' )hanging on its trunk or a branch Tirmarey / The oily substance etc. floating on the surface of water , - Tivaaya A three-legged stool (tepoy) which is generally used at the time of crushing the harvest in a traditional manner Thignna A fellow whose height is relatively short. Thoodi/Thaudi / Chin Thoonth A dry tree. An unwise person is also called a 'thoonth' Thyanna To be caught (e.g. 'The third was caught by police': Chor police key thyaagyaa -) Thyaari Bitter cold Thyavas Patience/ Recess Tooda Dried fodder for animals, specially made of wheat plants Tookani/ Toknnee / Shiny brass-pot designed specially to be used as a water pitcher Toom Heavy bangles of silver worn in both feet by village ladies Toombaddi The small earthen pot with holes all around used during Diwali festival (an earthen lamp of a small candle is lighted inside the Toombaddi) Toom-Thegree - The personal jewellery of a lady Toonda One who has lost the upper portion of his hand Tootree

The small, curved pipe attached to a water-pot (Lotta etc.) used at a 'Piao' (centre for free drinking water) Toppa The drop (boond ) Plural: Toppe Torvaa The wooden part of a hooka-pipe on which the 'Chilam' is kept Touk A small piece of roti (hand-made bread) Treppani The single word derived from the figure 53 : the lady having 53 interests Treellli /Thelli The trolley attached to a tractor Tubal Desi pronunciation for the word 'Tubewell' Tughe/ Tugge / The ball-type small, shiny stones used to play a game by girls Tukek For a short while (Thoddi-si der ) Tundaknna The handle of a tea-cup etc. Turhaa / The top portion of mens pugree or khandwaa it looks like a mini flag. Tuttaati The bankrupt fellow or one who does not maintain a good living standard (derived from the word Totta ) Tshaya Thirsty ('Tis' means thrust) Tyor Eyesight

Ubhaanna Bare footed ( ) Uchang Eagerness [Today, the Tau is eager to go to Hardwar - ]

Uddhmass A group of children playing freely without interruption, making loud noise and other mischiefs Ughaadda / : Naked / Ujhal Overflow of a fluid, such as that of a river during floods. Ukaas Recess/ Relief (same as 'Avkash' ) Ulallo The position of a bullock-cart when it is overloaded on its back-side Ullalwaa A 20-inch odd thick piece of wood on the back-side of a bullock cart - used as a 'jack' to balance the overloaded cart Ullanna/ Ulhaanna / Complaint that directly goes to your home Ullgaa Free/ not too busy. Ullapna To catch something in the air like a cricketers catch Ullhand The naughty job Unmann Cloudy weather Urah-ne/ Urey-ne / - This side Ussar-seenda The very naughty fellow Utpaati Mischievous (children) Uubaram-soobraan - Plentiful, in excess (also see Chhickmaa and Annmeeta ) Uudde/Unghe/Ut / / There (Udhar ) Uukddoo Sitting position when the entire body rests on feet alone

Uzzaggar Open/ known to all [Now this fact is known to all -]

Vaar/ Waari / Late

Waar-pher - A tradition when ladies of the village give some token money to the bridegroom : part of a marriage ceremony

Yanna The common man, not so wise Yaava The looks on the face when someone feels purplexed Yadi Friend

Zaabtaa The arrangement Zalatkhora The envious fellow Zawaraa Bullocks' diet supplied on-the-spot to feed them while they are engaged in ploughing the field. Zeir The jelly-type stuff pulled out from the womb of a buffalo or cow at the time of giving birth to its calf Zetta / A small heap of harvested crop of gram (chana ) plants. Zheenz The string-like fruit of 'Jaanti' tree, found in summer May-June. In its dry shape, it is 5-6 inch long and looks like a yellowish pencil. When it is in raw and green shape, it is called Seengre ( / ) and used as a green vegetable, normally boiled and mixed with Kadhi.

Zhockaa One who is on duty for putting the fuel in a traditional oven attached to a 'kohloo' of sugarcane

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