Module 3_ Types of Controls (1)

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A process, effected by an entity’s board of
directors, management, and other personnel,
designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives in the
following categories:
● Reliability of financial reporting
● Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
○ Nirereview din ng auditor kung ginagawa
nang maayos
● Compliance with applicable laws and
- Hindi nagdedesign and nag-iimplement ang
auditor. For reasonable assurance lang sila. ● Set of standards, processes, and structures
Nagrereview lang siya if reliable that provide the basis for carrying out internal
- Hindi nagbibigay ng 100% assurance control across the organization
- Pag implement and ensure → management ● The Board and Management establish the
function yun “Tone at the Top” regarding internal control
● The auditor should evaluate whether the
LIMITATIONS OF INTERNAL CONTROLS Management, with the oversight function has
created and maintained a culture of honesty
● Only provides reasonable assurance on and ethical behavior
achieving the business objectives ○ Management philosophy - pag may
● Subject to human judgment in nagkakamali ba pinaparusahan nila
decision-making ■ Pinakamahalagang component
● Subject to circumvention such as collusion ● Satisfactory control environment may reduce
and override of controls the risk of fraud but not an absolute deterrent
○ Collusion - sabwatan of fraud
○ Walang silbi yung control if nagsabwatan ○ Fraud triangle
sila ■ Opportunity
● Controls may be assessed individually or in ■ Pressure
combination with others ■ Rationalization
○ Di naman lahat ng controls kaya nating ● Operating under weak control environment
i-implement sa isang organization does not necessarily equates to the existence
○ Ex. Di kayang i-implement SOD kasi of fraud
kulang sa tao → compensating controls ○ Pag weak control environment,
● Some controls encompass different business nagkakaroon ka ng opportunity to commit
objectives fraud
● Not all controls are relevant to the audit ● The control environment in itself, does not
○ Yung relevant lang dapat sa audit yung mitigate a material misstatement
titignan mo
● Obtaining understanding of controls is not
sufficient to test their operating effectiveness,
unless there is some automation that provides
for consistent application controls ● Communication and enforcement of integrity
○ Dapat pag-aralan mo yung buong and ethical values
process, may policies and procedures ● Commitment to competence
lahat ng business process nila ● Participation by those charged with
○ Maganda pagkakadesign ng SOD governance
○ Lahat ng naiidentify mo na risk may ● Management’s philosophy and operating style
corresponding control ● Organizational structure
○ Maganda nga yung design pero di ● Assignment of authority and responsibility
effective, kaya kailangan muna i-test ● Human resource policies and practices

Module 3: Types of Controls

● May include using information from

communications from external parties
● Dynamic and iterative process for identifying ● IS auditor should understand the sources of
and assessing risks to the achievement of the information used in monitoring and the
business objectives management’s basis to consider it sufficient
○ Business objective ng organization - profit and reliable
○ Yung risk ay baka hindi magbayad ng ○ Dapat tignan kung gaano kareliable ang
utang yung debtor. information na ginagamit ng management
● Allows an entity to consider how potential ○ Pag mali yung data na ginamit, of course
events might affect the achievement of mali rin ang basis ng desisyon ng
objectives. management
● Management assesses events from two
perspectives: likelihood and impact
○ Likelihood - chance na mangyari, the
probability of the risk from happening ● Objective of one or more operational area(s)
■ Usually presented in percentage or role(s) to be achieved in order to contribute
○ Impact - effect sa organization, more on to the fulfillment of strategic goal(s) of the
monetary amount company
● Internal controls ● Explicitly related to the strategy of the
● Statements of the desired result or purpose to
be achieved by implementing control
● Process by which an enterprise strives to activities (procedures)
achieve its business objectives ● Applies to all controls (manual, automated,
● Policies and procedures are established and combination)
implemented to help ensure the risk responses ● Control measure is an activity contributing to
are effectively carried out the fulfillment of a control objective
● By using professional judgment, the IS
auditor should obtain understanding control
activities relevant to the audit
● Select those that are applicable
● Decide on those what will be implemented
● Choose how to implement (frequency, span,
● Management obtains and uses relevant and automation, etc.)
quality information from both internal and
external sources to support the functioning of INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTROL
other components of internal controls OBJECTIVES
● Internal (between management and those in
● Statements of the desired result or purpose to
charge of governance) and external
be achieved by implementing controls around
(regulatory authorities)
information systems processes
○ Nagbabago naman yung business
● Comprised of policies, procedures, practices
and organizational structures
○ Pag may changes dapat mag-adapt
● Designed to provide reasonable assurance
○ Important na macommunicate yung
that business objectives will be achieved and
undesired events will be prevented, or
detected and corrected
MONITORING ACTIVITIES ○ Reassurance lang prinoprovide ng
● To assess the effectiveness of internal controls internal control
over time
○ Yung mga controls hindi naman siya SPECIFIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTROL
stagnant, possible na magbago talaga OBJECTIVES
siya ● Safeguarding assets: information on
● Achieved through ongoing evaluations and automated systems being up to date and
separate evaluations or combination of the secure from improper access

Module 3: Types of Controls

● Ensuring system development life cycle ● Reduces likelihood of risk

(SDLC) processes are established, in place ● Ex. CCTV - can be preventive or detective
and operating effectively to provide ● Preventive control examples: password, security
reasonable assurance that business, financial guards, fence, background check pag may
and/or industrial software systems and nag-aapply
applications are developed in a repeatable
and reliable manner to assure business DETECTIVE CONTROLS
objectives are met
● Detect the occurrence of undesirable events
● Ensuring integrity of general OS
● Reduces the likelihood of risk
environments, including network
● Ex. audit trail, audit logs, alarm system,
management and operations
● Ensuring integrity of sensitive and critical
application system environments, including
accounting/financial and management
information (information objectives) and ● Encourage desired behaviors and outcomes
customer data ● Reduces likelihood and impact
● Ensuring appropriate identification and ● Ex. policies and procedures, authorized
authentication of users of IS resources (end personnel only, manuals, guidelines
users as well as infrastructure support)
● Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of CORRECTIVE CONTROLS
operations (operational objectives) ● To stop or limit the possibility of an
● Complying with users’ requirements, undesirable event.
organizational policies and procedures, and ● Reduces impact of risk
applicable laws and regulations (compliance ● Ex. fire extinguisher, sprinkler system
● Ensuring availability of IT services by
developing efficient business continuity plans
and disaster recovery plans that include ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
backup and recovery processes ● Consistent application ● Heavy reliance on
● Enhancing protection of data and systems by of processes defective systems
developing an incident response plan ○ Tuloy-tuloy yung ● Unauthorized access
● Ensuring integrity and reliability of systems by gagawin niya to information assets
implementing effective change management ● Enhance timeliness, ● Failure to effect the
procedures availability and necessary changes
● Ensuring that outsourced IS processes and accuracy of ● Data loss and
information non-availability of
services have clearly defined service level
● Minimize data
agreements and contract terms and circumvention of ○ Kung wala kang
conditions to ensure the organization’s assets controls business continuity
are properly protected and meet business ● Enhances the plan, heavily reliant
goals and objectives segregation of duties ka sa business
controls, pag
● An activity that, if key controls do not fully na yung business
operate effectively, may help to reduce the mo
related risk.
● Can back up or duplicate multiple controls MANUAL CONTROLS
and may operate across multiple processes
and risks.
● A compensating control will not, by itself, ● Large/unusual/non-re ● High volume and
reduce risk to an acceptable level curring transactions recurring transactions
○ Consider cost ○ Operational risk -
benefit analysis possible mapagod
PREVENTIVE CONTROLS ● Errors which are yung tao at
● To stop or limit the possibility of an difficult to define and magkamali rin
undesirable event anticipate (real)

Module 3: Types of Controls

● Outside scope of ● Adequately designed ● Organizational security policies and

existing IT controls automated controls procedures to ensure proper usage of assets
● Monitoring the can effectively ● Overall policies for the design and use of
effectiveness of address the control adequate documents and records
automated controls objectives (manual/automated) to help ensure proper
○ Di naman ibig
recording of transactions – transaction audit
sabihin na
controls pure ● Procedures and practices to ensure
computer na siya, adequate safeguards over access to and use
mayroon pa ring of assets and facilities
human interaction ● Physical and logical security policies for all
○ Audit logs - facilities, data centers and IT resources
nirereview pa rin

● Controls that are effected by policies,
processes, and structure
○ Reviews
○ Policies
○ Structure
○ Inspections
○ Reconciliations
○ Inventory - Dapat yung general control nakaalign siya sa
○ User IDs and passwords gusto mangyari ng IS specific control
○ Limits of authority
● Strategy and direction of the IT function
● Controls that rely on the behavior and ● General organization and management of the
attitude of individuals IT function
○ Openness ● Access to IT resources, including data and
○ Shared values programs
○ Commitment to competence ● Systems development methodologies and
○ High expectations change control
○ Clarity ● Operations procedures
● Mas mahirap i-evaluate, medyo mahirap ● Systems programming and technical support
siyang tignan functions
● Quality assurance (QA) procedures
GENERAL CONTROLS ● Physical access controls
● Internal accounting controls that are ● Networks and communication technology
primarily directed at accounting (e.g., local area networks, wide area networks,
operations—controls that concern the wireless)
safeguarding of assets and reliability of ● Database administration
financial records ● Protection and detective mechanisms against
● Operational controls that concern internal and external attacks
day-to-day operations, functions and
activities, and ensure that the operation is
meeting the business objectives
○ Dapat pirmado yung reports, gumagawa
ng reconciliations, inventory, etc.
● Administrative controls that concern
operational efficiency in a functional area
and adherence to management policies

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